@article{EndesfelderMalkuschFlottmannetal.2011, author = {Endesfelder, Ulrike and Malkusch, Sebastian and Flottmann, Benjamin and Mondry, Justine and Liguzinski, Piotr and Verveer, Peter J. and Heilemann, Mike}, title = {Chemically Induced Photoswitching of Fluorescent Probes - A General Concept for Super-Resolution Microscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-74896}, year = {2011}, abstract = {We review fluorescent probes that can be photoswitched or photoactivated and are suited for single-molecule localization based super-resolution microscopy. We exploit the underlying photochemical mechanisms that allow photoswitching of many synthetic organic fluorophores in the presence of reducing agents, and study the impact of these on the photoswitching properties of various photoactivatable or photoconvertible fluorescent proteins. We have identified mEos2 as a fluorescent protein that exhibits reversible photoswitching under various imaging buffer conditions and present strategies to characterize reversible photoswitching. Finally, we discuss opportunities to combine fluorescent proteins with organic fluorophores for dual-color photoswitching microscopy.}, subject = {Super-Resolution Microscopy}, language = {en} } @article{EndesfelderMalkuschFlottmannetal.2011, author = {Endesfelder, Ulrike and Malkusch, Sebastian and Flottmann, Benjamin and Mondry, Justine and Liguzinski, Piotr and Verveer, Peter J. and Heilemann, Mike}, title = {Chemically Induced Photoswitching of Fluorescent Probes - A General Concept for Super-Resolution Microscopy}, series = {Molecules}, volume = {16}, journal = {Molecules}, number = {4}, doi = {10.3390/molecules16043106}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-134080}, pages = {3106-3118}, year = {2011}, abstract = {We review fluorescent probes that can be photoswitched or photoactivated and are suited for single-molecule localization based super-resolution microscopy. We exploit the underlying photochemical mechanisms that allow photoswitching of many synthetic organic fluorophores in the presence of reducing agents, and study the impact of these on the photoswitching properties of various photoactivatable or photoconvertible fluorescent proteins. We have identified mEos2 as a fluorescent protein that exhibits reversible photoswitching under various imaging buffer conditions and present strategies to characterize reversible photoswitching. Finally, we discuss opportunities to combine fluorescent proteins with organic fluorophores for dual-color photoswitching microscopy.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Batzilla2011, author = {Batzilla, Julia}, title = {Complete genome sequence of Yersinia enterocolitica subspecies palearctica serotype O:3: Identification of novel virulence-associated genes and evolutionary aspects}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69668}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Yersinia enterocolitica subsp. palearctica Serobiotyp O:3/4 ist verantwortlich f{\"u}r 80-90 \% aller Yersiniosen beim Menschen in Deutschland und Europa. Y. enterocolitica Infektionen zeigen vielf{\"a}ltige Krankheitsbilder wie Gastroenteritis, Lymphadenitis und verschiedene Sp{\"a}tkomplikationen wie reaktive Arthritis. Das wichtigste Tierreservoir stellt das Hausschwein dar. Rohes Schweinefleisch in Metzgereien in Deutschland und anderen Regionen in Nord-Ost Europa ist h{\"a}ufig mit Yersinien kontaminiert (Bayern: 25 \%). Da sich Serobiotyp O:3/4-St{\"a}mme geografisch und phylogenetisch deutlich von dem bisher sequenzierten Serobiotyp O:8/1B Stamm 8081 unterscheiden, wurde eine komplette Genomsequenzierung des europ{\"a}ischen Serobiotyp O:3/4 DSMZ Referenzstammes Y11 (aus Patientenstuhl isoliert) durchgef{\"u}hrt. Um einen genaueren Einblick in die Y. enterocolitica subsp. palearctica Gruppe zu erhalten, wurden zus{\"a}tzlich zwei weitere Serobiotyp O:3/4 Isolate (Stamm Y8265, Patientenisolat, und Stamm Y5307, mit reaktiver Arthritis assoziiertes Patientenisolat), sowie ein eng verwandtes Y. enterocolitica subsp. palearctica Serobiotyp O:5,27/3 Isolat, Stamm Y527P, und zwei Biotyp 1A Isolate (ein Isolat nosokomialer Herkunft (Serogruppe O:5) und ein Umwelt-Isolat (O:36)) unvollst{\"a}ndig sequenziert. Die nicht mausvirulenten St{\"a}mme wurden mit dem mausvirulenten Y. enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica Serobiotyp O:8/1B Stamm 8081 verglichen, um genetische Besonderheiten von Stamm Y11 und der Y. enterocolitica subsp. palearctica Gruppe zu identifizieren. Besonderer Fokus lag hierbei auf dem pathogenen Potential von Stamm Y11, um neue potentielle Virulenz Faktoren und Fitnessfaktoren zu identifizieren, darunter vor allem solche, die eine Rolle bei der Wirtsspezifit{\"a}t von Serobiotyp O:3/4 spielen k{\"o}nnten. Y. enterocolitica subsp. palearctica Serobiotyp O:3/4 St{\"a}mmen fehlen einige der Charakteristika der mausvirulenten Gruppe Y. enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica, beispielsweise die Yersiniabactin kodierendeā€š High-Pathogenicity Island (HPI), das Yts1 Typ 2 Sekretionssystem und das Ysa Typ 3 Sekretionssystem. Die Serobiotyp O:3/4-St{\"a}mme haben ein anderes Repertoir von Virulenz Faktoren erworben, darunter Gene bzw. genomische Inseln f{\"u}r das Ysp Typ 3 Sekretionssystem, Rtx-{\"a}hnliches putatives Toxin, Insektizid-Toxine und ein funktionelles PTS System f{\"u}r die Aufnahme von N-acetyl-galactosamin, dem aga-Operon. Nach dem Transfer des aga-Operons in Y. enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica O:8/1B konnte Wachstum auf N-acetyl-galactosamin festgestellt werden. Neben diesen Genen k{\"o}nnen m{\"o}glicherweise auch zwei Prophagen (PhiYep-2 und PhiYep-3) und eine asn tRNA assoziierte genomische Insel (GIYep-01) zur Pathoadaptation von Y. enterocolitica subsp. palearctica Serobiotyp O:3/4 beitragen. Der PhiYep-3 Prophage und die GIYep-01 Insel weisen Rekombinationsaktivit{\"a}t auf, und PhiYep-3 wurde nicht in allen untersuchten Serobiotyp O:3/4 St{\"a}mmen gefunden. Y. enterocolitica subsp. palearctica Serobiotyp O:5,27/3 Stamm Y527P ist genetisch eng verwandt zu allen Serobiotyp O:3/4 Isolaten, wohingegen die Biotyp 1A Isolate ein mehr Mosaik-artiges Genom aufweisen und potentielle Virulenzgene sowohl mit Serobiotyp O:8/1B als auch O:3/4 gemeinsam haben, was einen gemeinsamen Vorfahren impliziert. Neben dem pYV Virulenz-Plasmid fehlen den Biotyp 1A Isolaten klassische Virulenzmarker wie das Ail Adhesin, das YstA Enterotoxin und das Virulenz-assoziierte Protein C (VapC). Interessanterweise gibt es keine betr{\"a}chtlichen Unterschiede zwischen den bekannten Virulenzfaktoren des nosokomialen Isolats und dem Umweltisolat der Biotyp 1A-Gruppe, abgesehen von einem verk{\"u}rzten Rtx Toxin-{\"a}hnlichem Genkluster und {\"U}berresten eines P2-{\"a}hnlichen Phagen im Krankenhausisolat der Serogruppe O:5.}, subject = {Genanalyse}, language = {en} } @article{PillaiHeidemannKumaretal.2011, author = {Pillai, Deepu R. and Heidemann, Robin M. and Kumar, Praveen and Shanbhag, Nagesh and Lanz, Titus and Dittmar, Michael S. and Sandner, Beatrice and Beier, Christoph P. and Weidner, Norbert and Greenlee, Mark W. and Schuierer, Gerhard and Bogdahn, Ulrich and Schlachetzki, Felix}, title = {Comprehensive Small Animal Imaging Strategies on a Clinical 3 T Dedicated Head MR-Scanner; Adapted Methods and Sequence Protocols in CNS Pathologies}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {6}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {2}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0016091}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-134193}, pages = {e16091}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Background: Small animal models of human diseases are an indispensable aspect of pre-clinical research. Being dynamic, most pathologies demand extensive longitudinal monitoring to understand disease mechanisms, drug efficacy and side effects. These considerations often demand the concomitant development of monitoring systems with sufficient temporal and spatial resolution. Methodology and Results: This study attempts to configure and optimize a clinical 3 Tesla magnetic resonance scanner to facilitate imaging of small animal central nervous system pathologies. The hardware of the scanner was complemented by a custom-built, 4-channel phased array coil system. Extensive modification of standard sequence protocols was carried out based on tissue relaxometric calculations. Proton density differences between the gray and white matter of the rodent spinal cord along with transverse relaxation due to magnetic susceptibility differences at the cortex and striatum of both rats and mice demonstrated statistically significant differences. The employed parallel imaging reconstruction algorithms had distinct properties dependent on the sequence type and in the presence of the contrast agent. The attempt to morphologically phenotype a normal healthy rat brain in multiple planes delineated a number of anatomical regions, and all the clinically relevant sequels following acute cerebral ischemia could be adequately characterized. Changes in blood-brain-barrier permeability following ischemia-reperfusion were also apparent at a later time. Typical characteristics of intracerebral haemorrhage at acute and chronic stages were also visualized up to one month. Two models of rodent spinal cord injury were adequately characterized and closely mimicked the results of histological studies. In the employed rodent animal handling system a mouse model of glioblastoma was also studied with unequivocal results. Conclusions: The implemented customizations including extensive sequence protocol modifications resulted in images of high diagnostic quality. These results prove that lack of dedicated animal scanners shouldn't discourage conventional small animal imaging studies.}, language = {en} } @article{CeteciXuCetecietal.2011, author = {Ceteci, Fatih and Xu, Jiajia and Ceteci, Semra and Zanucco, Emanuele and Thakur, Chitra and Rapp, Ulf R.}, title = {Conditional Expression of Oncogenic C-RAF in Mouse Pulmonary Epithelial Cells Reveals Differential Tumorigenesis and Induction of Autophagy Leading to Tumor Regression}, series = {Neoplasia}, volume = {13}, journal = {Neoplasia}, number = {11}, doi = {10.1593/neo.11652}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-134347}, pages = {1005-1018}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Here we describe a novel conditional mouse lung tumor model for investigation of the pathogenesis of human lung cancer. On the basis of the frequent involvement of the Ras-RAF-MEK-ERK signaling pathway in human non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC), we have explored the target cell availability, reversibility, and cell type specificity of transformation by oncogenic C-RAF. Targeting expression to alveolar type II cells or to Clara cells, the two likely precursors of human NSCLC, revealed differential tumorigenicity between these cells. Whereas expression of oncogenic C-RAF in alveolar type II cells readily induced multifocal macroscopic lung tumors independent of the developmental state, few tumors with type II pneumocytes features and incomplete penetrance were found when targeted to Clara cells. Induced tumors did not progress and were strictly dependent on the initiating oncogene. Deinduction of mice resulted in tumor regression due to autophagy rather than apoptosis. Induction of autophagic cell death in regressing lung tumors suggests the use of autophagy enhancers as a treatment choice for patients with NSCLC.}, language = {en} } @article{VogelLoeschbergerSaueretal.2011, author = {Vogel, Benjamin and L{\"o}schberger, Anna and Sauer, Markus and Hock, Robert}, title = {Cross-linking of DNA through HMGA1 suggests a DNA scaffold}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-68865}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Binding of proteins to DNA is usually considered 1D with one protein bound to one DNA molecule. In principle, proteins with multiple DNA binding domains could also bind to and thereby cross-link different DNA molecules. We have investigated this possibility using high-mobility group A1 (HMGA1) proteins, which are architectural elements of chromatin and are involved in the regulation of multiple DNA-dependent processes. Using direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM), we could show that overexpression of HMGA1a-eGFP in Cos-7 cells leads to chromatin aggregation. To investigate if HMGA1a is directly responsible for this chromatin compaction we developed a DNA cross-linking assay. We were able to show for the first time that HMGA1a can cross-link DNA directly. Detailed analysis using point mutated proteins revealed a novel DNA cross-linking domain. Electron microscopy indicates that HMGA1 proteins are able to create DNA loops and supercoils in linearized DNA confirming the cross-linking ability of HMGA1a. This capacity has profound implications for the spatial organization of DNA in the cell nucleus and suggests cross-linking activities for additional nuclear proteins.}, subject = {DNA}, language = {en} } @article{WagnerFischerThomaetal.2011, author = {Wagner, Toni U. and Fischer, Andreas and Thoma, Eva C. and Schartl, Manfred}, title = {CrossQuery : A Web Tool for Easy Associative Querying of Transcriptome Data}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-76088}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Enormous amounts of data are being generated by modern methods such as transcriptome or exome sequencing and microarray profiling. Primary analyses such as quality control, normalization, statistics and mapping are highly complex and need to be performed by specialists. Thereafter, results are handed back to biomedical researchers, who are then confronted with complicated data lists. For rather simple tasks like data filtering, sorting and cross-association there is a need for new tools which can be used by non-specialists. Here, we describe CrossQuery, a web tool that enables straight forward, simple syntax queries to be executed on transcriptome sequencing and microarray datasets. We provide deepsequencing data sets of stem cell lines derived from the model fish Medaka and microarray data of human endothelial cells. In the example datasets provided, mRNA expression levels, gene, transcript and sample identification numbers, GO-terms and gene descriptions can be freely correlated, filtered and sorted. Queries can be saved for later reuse and results can be exported to standard formats that allow copy-and-paste to all widespread data visualization tools such as Microsoft Excel. CrossQuery enables researchers to quickly and freely work with transcriptome and microarray data sets requiring only minimal computer skills. Furthermore, CrossQuery allows growing association of multiple datasets as long as at least one common point of correlated information, such as transcript identification numbers or GO-terms, is shared between samples. For advanced users, the object-oriented plug-in and event-driven code design of both server-side and client-side scripts allow easy addition of new features, data sources and data types.}, subject = {CrossQuery}, language = {en} } @article{WagnerFischerThomaetal.2011, author = {Wagner, Toni U. and Fischer, Andreas and Thoma, Eva C. and Schartl, Manfred}, title = {CrossQuery: A Web Tool for Easy Associative Querying of Transcriptome Data}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {6}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0028990}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-134787}, pages = {e28990}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Enormous amounts of data are being generated by modern methods such as transcriptome or exome sequencing and microarray profiling. Primary analyses such as quality control, normalization, statistics and mapping are highly complex and need to be performed by specialists. Thereafter, results are handed back to biomedical researchers, who are then confronted with complicated data lists. For rather simple tasks like data filtering, sorting and cross-association there is a need for new tools which can be used by non-specialists. Here, we describe CrossQuery, a web tool that enables straight forward, simple syntax queries to be executed on transcriptome sequencing and microarray datasets. We provide deep-sequencing data sets of stem cell lines derived from the model fish Medaka and microarray data of human endothelial cells. In the example datasets provided, mRNA expression levels, gene, transcript and sample identification numbers, GO-terms and gene descriptions can be freely correlated, filtered and sorted. Queries can be saved for later reuse and results can be exported to standard formats that allow copy-and-paste to all widespread data visualization tools such as Microsoft Excel. CrossQuery enables researchers to quickly and freely work with transcriptome and microarray data sets requiring only minimal computer skills. Furthermore, CrossQuery allows growing association of multiple datasets as long as at least one common point of correlated information, such as transcript identification numbers or GO-terms, is shared between samples. For advanced users, the object-oriented plug-in and event-driven code design of both server-side and client-side scripts allow easy addition of new features, data sources and data types.}, language = {en} } @article{KraussGallenbergerSteffanDewenter2011, author = {Krauss, Jochen and Gallenberger, Iris and Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf}, title = {Decreased Functional Diversity and Biological Pest Control in Conventional Compared to Organic Crop Fields}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69005}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Organic farming is one of the most successful agri-environmental schemes, as humans benefit from high quality food, farmers from higher prices for their products and it often successfully protects biodiversity. However there is little knowledge if organic farming also increases ecosystem services like pest control. We assessed 30 triticale fields (15 organic vs. 15 conventional) and recorded vascular plants, pollinators, aphids and their predators. Further, five conventional fields which were treated with insecticides were compared with 10 non-treated conventional fields. Organic fields had five times higher plant species richness and about twenty times higher pollinator species richness compared to conventional fields. Abundance of pollinators was even more than one-hundred times higher on organic fields. In contrast, the abundance of cereal aphids was five times lower in organic fields, while predator abundances were three times higher and predator-prey ratios twenty times higher in organic fields, indicating a significantly higher potential for biological pest control in organic fields. Insecticide treatment in conventional fields had only a short-term effect on aphid densities while later in the season aphid abundances were even higher and predator abundances lower in treated compared to untreated conventional fields. Our data indicate that insecticide treatment kept aphid predators at low abundances throughout the season, thereby significantly reducing top-down control of aphid populations. Plant and pollinator species richness as well as predator abundances and predator-prey ratios were higher at field edges compared to field centres, highlighting the importance of field edges for ecosystem services. In conclusion organic farming increases biodiversity, including important functional groups like plants, pollinators and predators which enhance natural pest control. Preventative insecticide application in conventional fields has only short-term effects on aphid densities but long-term negative effects on biological pest control. Therefore conventional farmers should restrict insecticide applications to situations where thresholds for pest densities are reached.}, subject = {Landwirtschaft}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hauber2011, author = {Hauber, Melanie Erika}, title = {Description and Improvement of the 'Whedo'-Aquaculture-System in Malanville (North of Benin)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-57711}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {This work delves into the recently developed 'Whedo'-aquaculture-system in the rural community of Malanville (North Benin)and aims on providing a closer insight on this - for the area--recent system including the ecological but also the sociological and economical aspects in order to develop this extensive traditional fishery to a more productive semi-intensive aquaculture system. With the retreat of the flood 'Whedos' usually become infested with numerous hydato-and tenagophytes, while the presence and density of the free-floating macrophytes were positively related to the nutrient content of the 'Whedo'. Extensive plant infestation also affects water quality through the decomposition of organic material and its accumulation in thick mud layers on the pond bottom as well as through the nocturnal oxygen consumption. Unfavourable water quality, especially low dissolved oxygen as well as high conductivity and nitrite levels, was identified to be the main factor determining which fish species were able to survive the harsh conditions prevailing in the 'Whedos' during the dry season. With the deteriorating water quality with advancing dry season, fish diversity decreased significantly leaving only species that are highly adapted to such unfavourable conditions. The most abundant species were Clarias gariepinus, Heterotis niloticus, Oreochromis niloticus L., Hemichromis c.f. letourneauxi, Polypterus senegalus and Epiplatys spilargyreius. Besides, the investigations also concentrated on the fish diversity of the rivers Niger and Sota with the results that for three species distribution gaps could be closed and for further three species their already known distribution could be expanded. But otherwise it could also be detected that some economically important species that were abundant in the past. In regard to the 'Whedo'-management, the investigations showed that the owners lack most of the knowledge on appropriate management strategies, e.g. the feeding and stocking regime. The exploitation period depends on the extent of the previous annual flood and the location of the 'Whedo' within the floodplain, but the main season is from February to April. The biomass harvested on a hectare basis separated for each of the 'Whedos' averaged 17 tons/ha in 2008 and 8.6 tons/ha in 2009. However, 72 percent of the total biomass of Clarias only had an average weight of 40 grams. Therefore, two separated feeding trials were conducted and in total 6 supplementary feeds were tested on Clarias gariepinus. Groundnut cake, fish trash, rice bran, blood meal and azolla meal were used in different combination and rations to formulate the experimental diets. Diet containing 19 percent blood meal resulted in the best economical benefits showing that the use of high quality feed ingredients such as groundnut cake is not recommendable because local fish prices are too low to compensate the additional feeding costs. Instead of high quality feed farmers should focus on ingredients that are free of charge and easy to process. The supplementation based on 19 percent blood meal resulted in the doubling of the net profit compared to the income based on feeding only rice bran, thus provided higher additional income, enhancing the livelihood of the fish farmers. Concluding, the 'Whedo'-aquaculture system is still in its infancy but nevertheless is an attractive system for the rural population because of existing knowledge of post-flood wetland fisheries as well as the low investment needed for its installation. Additionally, the local fish supply will increase and hence not only contribute to a better provision of protein-rich food and reduced pressure on the wild fish stocks but might also prevent fish prices to increase in a way that the poor won't be able anymore to afford their most important source of animal protein. But fish farmers need more knowledge on appropriate management strategies and thus should be provided with technical support to guarantee a successful development and not to discourage the owners as a consequence of avoidable failures. Furthermore, the use of supplementary feed offers a cheap and effective means to increase the biomass production and thus enhance the extensive fishery to a semi-intensive aquaculture system.}, subject = {Aquakultur}, language = {en} }