@phdthesis{Halboth2018, author = {Halboth, Florian}, title = {Building behavior and nest climate control in leaf-cutting ants: How environmental cues affect the building responses of workers of \(Atta\) \(vollenweideri\)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161701}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The present work investigates the influence of environmental stimuli on the building behavior of workers of the leaf-cutting ant Atta vollenweideri. It focuses on cues related to the airflow-driven ventilation of their giant underground nests, i.e., air movements and their direction, carbon dioxide concentrations and humidity levels of the nest air. First, it is shown that workers are able to use airflow and its direction as learned orientation cue by performing learning experiments with individual foragers using a classical conditioning paradigm. This ability is expected to allow workers to also navigate inside the nest tunnels using the prevailing airflow directions for orientation, for example during tasks related to nest construction and climate control. Furthermore, the influence of carbon dioxide on the digging behavior of workers is investigated. While elevated CO2 levels hardly affect the digging rate of the ants, workers prefer to excavate at locations with lower concentrations and avoid higher CO2 levels when given a choice. Under natural conditions, shifting their digging activity to soil layers containing lower carbon dioxide levels might help colonies to excavate new or to broaden existing nest openings, if the CO2 concentration in the underground rises. It is also shown that workers preferably transport excavated soil along tunnels containing high CO2 concentrations, when carbon dioxide levels in the underground are elevated as well. In addition, workers prefer to carry soil pellets along outflow tunnels instead of inflow tunnels, at least for high humidity levels of the air. The material transported along tunnels providing outflow of CO2-rich air might be used by workers for the construction of ventilation turrets on top of the nest mound, which is expected to promote the wind-induced ventilation and the removal of carbon dioxide from the underground. The climatic conditions inside the nest tunnels also influence the structural features of the turrets constructed by workers on top the nest. While airflow and humidity have no effect on turret structure, outflow of CO2-rich air from the nest causes workers to construct turrets with additional openings and increased aperture, potentially enhancing the airflow-driven gas exchanges within the nest. Finally, the effect of airflow and ventilation turrets on the gas exchanges in Atta vollenweideri nests is tested experimentally on a physical model of a small nest consisting of a single chamber and two nest tunnels. The carbon dioxide clearance rate from the underground was measured depending on both the presence of airflow in the nest and the structural features of the built turrets. Carbon dioxide is removed faster from the physical nest model when air moves through the nest, confirming the contribution of wind-induced flow inside the nest tunnels to the ventilation of Atta vollenweideri nests. In addition, turrets placed on top of one of the tunnel openings of the nest further enhance the CO2 clearance rate and the effect is positively correlated with turret aperture. Taken together, climatic variables like airflow, carbon dioxide and humidity levels strongly affect the building responses of Atta vollenweideri leaf-cutting ants. Workers use these environmental stimuli as orientation cue in the nest during tasks related to excavation, soil transport and turret construction. Although the effects of these building responses on the microclimatic conditions inside the nest remain elusive so far, the described behaviors are expected to allow ant colonies to restore and maintain a proper nest climate in the underground.}, subject = {Verhalten}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Koenig2018, author = {K{\"o}nig, Julia Maria}, title = {Fungal grass endophytes and their dependence on land-use intensity}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-163890}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Plant-associated fungi can affect the plants' interaction with herbivores and other microorganisms. For example, many common forage grasses are infected with Epichlo{\"e} endophytes. The endophytes systemically colonize the aerial parts of the plants. They produce bioprotective alkaloids that can negatively affect insects and livestock feeding on the grasses, and interact with other fungal species which living from the plants' nutrients. Environmental conditions strongly influence Epichlo{\"e} endophytes. Endophyte-mediated effects on herbivores are more pronounced under increased temperatures and the endophytes may benefit from land use in managed grasslands. Under the framework of the large-scale German project "Biodiversity Exploratories", I investigated whether infection rates and alkaloid concentrations of Epichlo{\"e} festucae var. lolii in Lolium perenne (Chapter I) and Epichlo{\"e} endophytes (E. uncinata, E. siegelii) in Festuca pratensis (Chapter II) depend on land use and season. Further I analysed, whether foliar fungal assemblages of L. perenne are affected by the presence of Epichlo{\"e} endophytes (Chapter IV).}, subject = {Endophytische Pilze}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Boeck2018, author = {B{\"o}ck, Julia}, title = {Differenzielle Methylierungsanalysen mittels verschiedener Next-Generation Sequencing-basierter Techniken: Die Bedeutung von differenziell methylierten Regionen in der menschlichen Hirnevolution und bei der Krebsentstehung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-164220}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Die Evolution der Primaten zeigt eine Verbindung zwischen der zunehmenden Komplexit{\"a}t des sozialen Verhaltens und der Vergr{\"o}ßerung des humanen Gehirns, insbesondere des pr{\"a}frontalen Cortex. Deshalb stellt der pr{\"a}frontale Cortex bez{\"u}glich der Evolution des Menschen eine der interessantesten Strukturen im humanen Gehirn dar. Es wird angenommen, dass nicht allein die Gr{\"o}ße, sondern auch die Funktion, vor allem das Zusammenspiel von Neuronen und nicht-neuronalen Zellen, wie z.B. Gliazellen, zur Differenzierung des menschlichen Gehirns von dem rezenter Primaten gef{\"u}hrt hat. Daraus l{\"a}sst sich schließen, dass die Gehirnfunktionen {\"u}ber eine ausgeglichene und gut aufeinander abgestimmte transkriptionelle Landschaft kontrolliert werden, die durch ein zugrundeliegendes genetisches und epigentisches R{\"u}ckgrat organisiert ist. In dieser Studie wurden das Methylierungsprofil neuronaler und nicht-neuronaler Zellen des pr{\"a}frontalen Cortex (Brodmann-Areal 10) von drei Menschen und drei Schimpansen miteinander verglichen. Die intra- und interspezifischen differenziell methylierten Regionen (DMRs) waren in bestimmten genomischen Regionen angereichert. Intraspezifische Methylierungsunterschiede zwischen neuronalen und nicht-neuronalen Zellen konnten dreimal h{\"a}ufiger beobachtet werden als interspezifische Unterschiede in den einzelnen Zelltypen. Rund 90\% der humanen intraspezifischen DMRs wiesen eine Hypomethylierung in den neuronalen Zellen im Vergleich zu den nicht-neuronalen Zellen auf. In den intraspezifischen DMRs (Mensch und Schimpanse) waren Gene angereichert, die mit verschiedenen neuropsychiatrischen Erkrankungen assoziiert sind. Der Vergleich zwischen Menschen und Schimpanse in den neuronalen und nicht-neuronalen Zelltypen zeigte eine Anreicherung von Genen mit human-spezifischer Histonsignatur. In den nicht-neuronalen Zellen konnten mehr interspezifische DMRs (n=666) detektiert werden als in den neuronalen Zellen (n=96). Ungef{\"a}hr 95\% der nicht-neuronalen interspezifischen DMRs waren im Menschen, im Vergleich zum Schimpansen, hypermethyliert. Daraus ergibt sich der Eindruck, dass mehrere hundert der nicht-neuronalen Gene w{\"a}hrend der humanen Gehirnevolution einer Methylierungswelle unterlagen. Dies f{\"u}hrt zu der Annahme, dass der Einfluss dieser Ver{\"a}nderungen in den nicht-neuronalen Zellen auf die Verg{\"o}ßerung des menschlichen Gehirns bisher stark untersch{\"a}tzt wurde. Die bekannteste genetische Ursache f{\"u}r erblichen Brust- und Eierstockkrebs sind Mutationen in den Tumorsuppressorgenen (TSG) BRCA1 und BRCA2. Dennoch k{\"o}nnen nur rund 20-25\% der famili{\"a}ren Brustkrebserkrankungen {\"u}ber Keimbahnmutationen in BRCA1/BRCA2 erkl{\"a}rt werden, besonders bei Frauen, deren Erkrankung vor dem vierzigsten Lebensjahr auftritt. Epigenetische Ver{\"a}nderungen, die zu einer aberranten Genexpression f{\"u}hren, spielen ebenfalls eine wichtige Rolle bei der Karzinogenese und der Entwicklung einer Brustkrebserkrankung. Es ist bekannt, dass TSG nicht nur durch den Verlust der Heterozygotie (engl. loss of heterozygosity, LOH) oder homozygote Deletionen, sondern auch durch transkriptionelle Stilllegung via DNA-Methylierung inaktiviert werden k{\"o}nnen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft, welchen Einfluss aberrante Methylierungsmuster im Promotorbereich von TSG auf die Brustkrebskarzinogenese und die Expression der Gene haben. F{\"u}r die Quantifizierung der Epimutationen wurden die Promotorbereiche von acht TSG (BRCA1, BRCA2, RAD51C, ATM, PTEN, TP53, MLH1, RB1) und des estrogene receptor (ESR1) Gens, welches eine Rolle in der Tumorprogression spielt, mittels Deep Bisulfite Amplicon Sequencing (DBAS) analysiert. Es wurden Blutproben von zwei unabh{\"a}ngigen BRCA1/BRCA2-mutationsnegativen Brustkrebs (BC)-Patientenkohorten, sowie von zwei unabh{\"a}ngigen alters-gematchten, gesunden Kontrollkohorten untersucht. BC-Kohorte 1 beinhaltet early-onset (EO) BC-Patientinnen. Kohorte 2 enth{\"a}lt BC-Patientinnen mit einem Risiko von >95\% eine heterozygote Mutation in BRCA1/BRCA2 (high-risk, HR) zu tragen. Allele mit >50\% methylierten CpGs werden als funktionell relevante Epimutationen erachtet, da bekannt ist, dass TSG {\"u}ber eine Methylierung im Promotorbereich transkriptionell stillgelegt werden. Im Vergleich zu ESR1 ({\O} Methylierung, 3\%), welches die Methylierungslevel eines durchschnittlichen Promotors wiederspiegelt, zeigten die TSG sehr geringe durchschnittliche Methylierungswerte von weniger als 1\%. Zudem waren die durchschnittlichen Epimutationsraten (EMR; <0,0001-0,1\%) der TSG sehr gering. Mit der Ausnahme von BRCA1, welches eine erh{\"o}hte EMR in der BC-Kohorte verglichen zu den Kontrollen (0,31\% gegen 0,06\%) zeigte, gab es keine signifikanten Gruppenunterschiede zwischen BC-Patientinnen und Kontrollen. Eine von 36 HR BC-Patientinnen zeigte im Vergleich zu den restlichen Proben eine stark erh{\"o}hte EMR von 14,7\% in BRCA1. Rund ein Drittel (15/44) der EO BC-Patientinnen wiesen eine erh{\"o}hte Rate an Einzel-CpG Fehlern in mehreren TSG auf. Die nachfolgenden Expressionsanalysen ergaben eine erniedrigte Expression vieler TSG je analysierter Patientin. Diese Ergebnisse f{\"u}hren zu der Annahme, dass epigenetische Ver{\"a}nderungen in normalen K{\"o}rperzellen als ein m{\"o}glicher Indikator f{\"u}r einen gest{\"o}rten Mechanismus, der f{\"u}r die Aufrechterhaltung des unmethylierten Status und der daraus resultierenden normalen Genexpression zust{\"a}ndig ist, angesehen werden k{\"o}nnen. Dies kann mit einem erh{\"o}hten BC-Risiko assoziiert werden.}, subject = {Epigenetik}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kropf2018, author = {Kropf, Jan}, title = {The Dual Olfactory Pathway in the Honeybee Brain: Sensory Supply and Electrophysiological Properties}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-108369}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The olfactory sense is of utmost importance for honeybees, Apis mellifera. Honeybees use olfaction for communication within the hive, for the identification of nest mates and non-nest mates, the localization of food sources, and in case of drones (males), for the detection of the queen and mating. Honeybees, therefore, can serve as excellent model systems for an integrative analysis of an elaborated olfactory system. To efficiently filter odorants out of the air with their antennae, honeybees possess a multitude of sensilla that contain the olfactory sensory neurons (OSN). Three types of olfactory sensilla are known from honeybee worker antennae: Sensilla trichoidea, Sensilla basiconica and Sensilla placodea. In the sensilla, odorant receptors that are located in the dendritic arborizations of the OSNs transduce the odorant information into electrical information. Approximately 60.000 OSN axons project in two parallel bundles along the antenna into the brain. Before they enter the primary olfactory brain center, the antennal lobe (AL), they diverge into four distinct tracts (T1-T4). OSNs relay onto ~3.000-4.000 local interneurons (LN) and ~900 projection neurons (PN), the output neurons of the AL. The axons of the OSNs together with neurites from LNs and PNs form spheroidal neuropil units, the so-called glomeruli. OSN axons from the four AL input tracts (T1-T4) project into four glomerular clusters. LNs interconnect the AL glomeruli, whereas PNs relay the information to the next brain centers, the mushroom body (MB) - associated with sensory integration, learning and memory - and the lateral horn (LH). In honeybees, PNs project to the MBs and the LH via two separate tracts, the medial and the lateral antennal-lobe tract (m/lALT) which run in parallel in opposing directions. The mALT runs first to the MB and then to the LH, the lALT runs first to the LH and then to the MB. This dual olfactory pathway represents a feature unique to Hymenoptera. Interestingly, both tracts were shown to process information about similar sets of odorants by extracting different features. Individual mALT PNs are more odor specific than lALT PNs. On the other hand, lALT PNs have higher spontaneous and higher odor response action potential (AP) frequencies than mALT PNs. In the MBs, PNs form synapses with ~184.000 Kenyon cells (KC), which are the MB intrinsic neurons. KCs, in contrast to PNs, show almost no spontaneous activity and employ a spatially and temporally sparse code for odor coding. In manuscript I of my thesis, I investigated whether the differences in specificity of odor responses between m- and lALT are due to differences in the synaptic input. Therefore, I investigated the axonal projection patterns of OSNs housed in S. basiconica in honeybee workers and compared them with S. trichoidea and S. placodea using selective anterograde labeling with fluorescent tracers and confocal- microscopy analyses of axonal projections in AL glomeruli. Axons of S. basiconica-associated OSNs preferentially projected into the T3 input-tract cluster in the AL, whereas the two other types of sensilla did not show a preference for a specific glomerular cluster. T3- associated glomeruli had previously been shown to be innervated by mALT PNs. Interestingly, S. basiconica as well as a number of T3 glomeruli lack in drones. Therefore I set out to determine whether this was associated with the reduction of glomeruli innervated by mALT PNs. Retrograde tracing of mALT PNs in drones and counting of innervated glomeruli showed that the number of mALT-associated glomeruli was strongly reduced in drones compared to workers. The preferential projections of S. basiconica-associated OSNs into T3 glomeruli in female workers together with the reduction of mALT-associated glomeruli in drones support the presence of a female-specific olfactory subsystem that is partly innervated by OSNs from S. basiconica and is associated with mALT projection neurons. As mALT PNs were shown to be more odor specific, I suppose that already the OSNs in this subsystem are more odor specific than lALT associated OSNs. I conclude that this female-specific subsystem allows the worker honeybees to respond adequately to the enormous variety of odorants they experience during their lifetime. In manuscript II, I investigated the ion channel composition of mALT and lALT PNs and KCs in situ. This approach represents the first study dealing with the honeybee PN and KC ion channel composition under standard conditions in an intact brain preparation. With these recordings I set out to investigate the potential impact of intrinsic neuronal properties on the differences between m- and lALT PNs and on the sparse odor coding properties of KCs. In PNs, I identified a set of Na+ currents and diverse K+ currents depending on voltage and Na+ or Ca2+ that support relatively high spontaneous and odor response AP frequencies. This set of currents did not significantly differ between mALT and lALT PNs, but targets for potential modulation of currents leading to differences in AP frequencies were found between both types of PNs. In contrast to PNs, KCs have very prominent K+ currents, which are likely to contribute to the sparse response fashion observed in KCs. Furthermore, Ca2+ dependent K+ currents were found, which may be of importance for coincidence detection, learning and memory formation. Finally, I conclude that the differences in odor specificity between m- and lALT PNs are due to their synaptic input from different sets of OSNs and potential processing by LNs. The differences in spontaneous activity between the two tracts may be caused by different neuronal modulation or, in addition, also by interaction with LNs. The temporally sparse representation of odors in KCs is very likely based on the intrinsic KC properties, whereas general excitability and spatial sparseness are likely to be regulated through GABAergic feedback neurons.}, subject = {Voltage-Clamp-Methode}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jung2018, author = {Jung, Jamin}, title = {Precise timing of the trypanosome cell division cycle}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-114932}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {African trypanosomes are the causative agents of fatal diseases in humans and livestock. Trypanosomes show a complex lifecycle and shuttle between the transmitting vector, the tsetse (Glossina spec.), and the mammalian host. As a result of this the parasite undergoes tremendous changes in morphology and metabolism to adapt to the different living environments. The two best-studied lifecycle stages are the procyclic forms (PCF) that live in the tsetse fly and the proliferative bloodstream form (BSF) that resides in the mammalian blood. The most conspicuous weapon that trypanosomes use to evade the host immune attack is a dense layer of a single protein type, the variant surface glycoprotein (VSG), which shields the entire cell surface. Immune evasion required high rates of surface membrane turnover and surface coat recycling. Trypanosomes show highly polarised cell architecture with all major eukaryotic organelles (endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, endosomal apparatus, lysosome, mitochondrion and peroxisome-like glycosomes) generally present in single copy. Furthermore, trypanosomes possess a single flagellum, which is important not only for cellular motility but also for cell division. How the duplication of all these cellular components is coordinated in order to progresss through the cell division cycle is poorly understood. We used trypanosomes as a model organism due to the relative simplicity and the polarised nature of their cell architecture and determined the duplication of all their compartments. This was only possible due to a new synchronisation approach developed during this project. In the first part of the thesis a precise temporal map of the cell division cycle of the BSF T. brucei cell division cycle was generated. By the use of well-described morphological markers (K/N status, new flagellum outgrowth and DNA synthesis) the position of individual cells was determined with high temporal resolution; this allowed us for the first time to synchronise a cell population in silico without affecting the naturally asynchronous growth. In the second part of the thesis we used this tool to follow duplication events of the Major organelles during progression through the cell division cycle. We precisely determined the time points of organelle duplication and found that it is ordered in trypanosomes. Furthermore we found that BSF T. brucei cells do not grow continuously, cell size start to increase rapidly, during a short period of time, late in the cell division cycle. We speculate that the initiation of cell volume increase is temporally separated from the formation of all secretory organelles in order to ensure maintenance of the protective coat, which must remain intact at all times in order for BSF trypanosomes to be able to evade the host immune response.}, subject = {Zellteilung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bargul2018, author = {Bargul, Joel Ltilitan}, title = {Characterization of motility and erythrocyte adherence as virulence factors in African trypanosomes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-115053}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Pathogens causing African animal trypanosomiasis (AAT), the major livestock disease in sub-Saharan Africa, belong to the salivarian group of the African trypanosomes, which are transmitted by the bite of the tsetse fly (Glossina spec.). T. vivax, T. congolense and T. brucei brucei are major pathogens of cattle in particular, causing nagana, with dramatic socio-economic consequences for the affected regions. The parasites additionally have a huge reservoir of other livestock and wild animal hosts. T. brucei, the species which also includes the subspecies pathogenic to humans causing sleeping sickness, has been extensively studied as the cultivatable model trypanosome. But less is known about the other salivarian species, which are not routinely held in culture, if at all possible. A hallmark of trypanosomal lifestyle is the protozoan flagellates incessant motility, which enables them to populate an enormous range of habitats in very diverse hosts. We were now able to characterize, for the first time with high spatiotemporal resolution microscopy, the swimming behaviour and mechanism of the most relevant salivarian species isolated directly from blood. We show the influence of viscosity on the motility of bloodstream form (BSF) cells and simulate their movement between erythrocytes, giving a clear picture of how all analyzed species move under varying environmental conditions. We show that although the basic mechanism of flagellar motility applies to all analyzed species, there are clear morphological differences that produce different reactions to the physical environment. We could define specific conditions for highly increased swimming persistence and speed for compared to the behaviour in standard culture. These results have important implications for the parasites survival strategies in the host, e.g. regarding the capacity for antibody clearance. Although we show all species to effectively remove antibodies from the cell surface, T. congolense differed markedly in its motility behaviour, which gives rise to interesting questions about this species behaviour in the bloodstream. Most of the T. congolense parasites (and to a lesser extent T. vivax) adhere to sheep erythrocytes. Further in vitro studies showed that T. congolense and T. vivax adhered to rabbit, goat, pig and cattle erythrocytes- but binding behaviour was absent in murine blood. Notably, both T. brucei and T. evansi lacked adherence to all studied host erythrocytes. Generally, attachment to blood cells caused reduction of swimming velocities. Judging from its cell architecture, as well as the motility studies in higher media viscosity and in micropillar arrays, T. congolense is not adapted to swim at high speeds in the mammalian bloodstream. Low swimming speeds could allow these purely intravascular parasites to remain bound to the host erythrocytes.}, subject = {Motili{\"a}t}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Herweg2018, author = {Herweg, Jo-Ana}, title = {Die Simkania-Vakuole: Die Rolle von ER, retro-/anterograden Protein- und Lipidtransport}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-136844}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Simkania negevensis (Sn) is a Chlamydia-like obligate intracellular bacterium which replicates within a membrane bound vacuole, termed SCV (Simkania-containing vacuole). The SCV is a unique compartment closely associated with ER-membranes, consequently ER-stress is blocked by the bacteria. SCV morphology is similar among epithelial cells (HeLa229, A549, HEp-2) and macrophages (THP1). The SCV represents the first intracellular interface between the host and pathogen which serves as a replication niche. Identifying human and bacterial factors associated with ER-SCV-membranes should contribute towards the understanding of SCV composition and formation as well as interactions with ER or transports. Comparative studies of the SCV should indicate similarities to the chlamydial inclusion since some host cell factors are already known for Chlamydia. In this thesis, a purification protocol has been established that is applicable to HeLa229 and THP1 ER-SCV-membranes and has been further utilized for proteome and lipidome analyses. 302 bacterial and 1178 human proteins composing ER-SCV-membranes and 885 bacterial proteins composing purified Sn have been identified by using label-free mass spectrometry measurements. Among the human factors of non or Sn infected ER-(SCV-) membranes we found 51 enriched or depleted proteins in addition to 57 transport associated ones that indicated infection induced differences among intracellular protein transport. Contrary regulation of retrograde and anterograde transported proteins could be confirmed by using RNA interference and inhibitor tests, whereby Clathrin-associated and COPI vesicles seem to play a central role. Application of Retro-inhibitors, which interfered with retrograde transport processes between endosome to Golgi or early to late endosomes, as well as Bafilomycin A1 (retrograde, late endosomes and lysosomes) and Brefeldin A (anterograde, ER and Golgi) exerted a strong influence on SCV formation, morphology and intracellular lipid transport. By using label-free mass spectrometry measurements and thin layer chromatography we could determine differences in lipid levels within Sn infected cells, ER-SCV-membranes and purified Sn in comparison to uninfected cells. In addition to lipid enrichment or depletion in whole-cell extracts and ER-SCV-membranes, we identified two infection-specific lipids, cholesterol-ß-Dglucoside and PE 30:0. Further, high-throughput RNA interference tests indicated a dependence of Sn infections on endosome to Golgi and Clathrin-associated vesicle transports. Taken together, we were able to identify initial potential SCV-associated proteins and lipids that were connected to bacterial infection. Furthermore, SCV formation and Sn infectiousness depends on retrograde transport processes and therefore also on acquisition of nutrients, such as lipids.}, subject = {Simkania}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schuecker2018, author = {Sch{\"u}cker, Katharina}, title = {The molecular architecture of the meiotic chromosome axis as revealed by super-resolution microscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-144199}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {During meiosis proteins of the chromosome axis are important for monitoring chromatin structure and condensation, for pairing and segregation of chromosomes, as well as for accurate recombination. They include HORMA-domain proteins, proteins of the DNA repair system, synaptonemal complex (SC) proteins, condensins and cohesins. To understand more about their function in shaping the meiotic chromosome it is crucial to establish a defined model of their molecular architecture. Up to now their molecular organization was analysed using conventional methods, like confocal scanning microscopy (CLSM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Unfortunately, these techniques are limited either by their resolution power or their localization accuracy. In conclusion, a lot of data on the molecular organization of chromosome axis proteins stays elusive. For this thesis the molecular structure of the murine synaptonemal complex (SC) and the localization of its proteins as well as of three cohesins was analysed with isotropic resolution, providing new insights into their architecture and topography on a nanoscale level. This was done using immunofluorescence labelling in combination with super-resolution microscopy, line profiles and average position determination. The results show that the murine SC has a width of 221.6 nm ± 6.1 nm including a central region (CR) of 148.2 nm ± 2.6 nm. In the CR a multi-layered organization of the central element (CE) proteins was verified by measuring their strand diameters and strand distances and additionally by imaging potential anchoring sites of SYCP1 (synaptonemal complex protein 1) to the lateral elements (LEs). We were able to show that the two LEs proteins SYCP2 and SYCP3 do co-localize alongside their axis and that there is no significant preferential localization towards the inner LE axis of SYCP2. The presented results also predict an orderly organization of murine cohesin complexes (CCs) alongside the chromosome axis in germ cells and support the hypothesis that cohesins in the CR of the SC function independent of CCs. In the end new information on the molecular organization of two main components of the murine chromosome axis were retrieved with nanometer precision and previously unknown details of their molecular architecture and topography were unravelled.}, subject = {Meiose}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{SchenkneeWolf2018, author = {Schenk [n{\´e}e Wolf], Mariela}, title = {Timing of wild bee emergence: mechanisms and fitness consequences}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161565}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Solitary bees in seasonal environments have to align their life-cycles with favorable environmental conditions and resources. Therefore, a proper timing of their seasonal activity is highly fitness relevant. Most species in temperate environments use temperature as a trigger for the timing of their seasonal activity. Hence, global warming can disrupt mutualistic interactions between solitary bees and plants if increasing temperatures differently change the timing of interaction partners. The objective of this dissertation was to investigate the mechanisms of timing in spring-emerging solitary bees as well as the resulting fitness consequences if temporal mismatches with their host plants should occur. In my experiments, I focused on spring-emerging solitary bees of the genus Osmia and thereby mainly on O. cornuta and O. bicornis (in one study which is presented in Chapter IV, I additionally investigated a third species: O. brevicornis). Chapter II presents a study in which I investigated different triggers solitary bees are using to time their emergence in spring. In a climate chamber experiment I investigated the relationship between overwintering temperature, body size, body weight and emergence date. In addition, I developed a simple mechanistic model that allowed me to unite my different observations in a consistent framework. In combination with the empirical data, the model strongly suggests that solitary bees follow a strategic approach and emerge at a date that is most profitable for their individual fitness expectations. I have shown that this date is on the one hand temperature dependent as warmer overwintering temperatures increase the weight loss of bees during hibernation, which then advances their optimal emergence date to an earlier time point (due to an earlier benefit from the emergence event). On the other hand I have also shown that the optimal emergence date depends on the individual body size (or body weight) as bees adjust their emergence date accordingly. My data show that it is not enough to solely investigate temperature effects on the timing of bee emergence, but that we should also consider individual body conditions of solitary bees to understand the timing of bee emergence. In Chapter III, I present a study in which I investigated how exactly temperature determines the emergence date of solitary bees. Therefore, I tested several variants degree-day models to relate temperature time series to emergence data. The basic functioning of such degree-day models is that bees are said to finally emerge when a critical amount of degree-days is accumulated. I showed that bees accumulate degree-days only above a critical temperature value (~4°C in O. cornuta and ~7°C in O. bicornis) and only after the exceedance of a critical calendar date (~10th of March in O. cornuta and ~28th of March in O. bicornis). Such a critical calendar date, before which degree-days are not accumulated irrespective of the actual temperature, is in general less commonly used and, so far, it has only been included twice in a phenology model predicting bee emergence. Furthermore, I used this model to retrospectively predict the emergence dates of bees by applying the model to long-term temperature data which have been recorded by the regional climate station in W{\"u}rzburg. By doing so, the model estimated that over the last 63 years, bees emerged approximately 4 days earlier. In Chapter IV, I present a study in which I investigated how temporal mismatches in bee-plant interactions affect the fitness of solitary bees. Therefore, I performed an experiment with large flight cages serving as mesocosms. Inside these mesocosms, I manipulated the supply of blossoms to synchronize or desynchronize bee-plant interactions. In sum, I showed that even short temporal mismatches of three and six days in bee-plant interactions (with solitary bee emergence before flower occurrence) can cause severe fitness losses in solitary bees. Nonetheless, I detected different strategies by solitary bees to counteract impacts on their fitness after temporal mismatches. However, since these strategies may result in secondary fitness costs by a changed sex ratio or increased parasitism, I concluded that compensation strategies do not fully mitigate fitness losses of bees after short temporal mismatches with their food plants. In the event of further climate warming, fitness losses after temporal mismatches may not only exacerbate bee declines but may also reduce pollination services for later-flowering species and affect populations of animal-pollinated plants. In conclusion, I showed that spring-emerging solitary bees are susceptible to climate change as in response to warmer temperatures bees advance their phenology and show a decreased fitness state. As spring-emerging solitary bees not only consider overwintering temperature but also their individual body condition for adjusting emergence dates, this may explain differing responses to climate warming within and among bee populations which may also have consequences for bee-plant interactions and the persistence of bee populations under further climate warming. If in response to climate warming plants do not shift their phenologies according to the bees, bees may experience temporal mismatches with their host plants. As bees failed to show a single compensation strategy that was entirely successful in mitigating fitness consequences after temporal mismatches with their food plants, the resulting fitness consequences for spring-emerging solitary bees would be severe. Furthermore, I showed that spring-emerging solitary bees use a critical calendar date before which they generally do not commence the summation of degree-days irrespective of the actual temperature. I therefore suggest that further studies should also include the parameter of a critical calendar date into degree-day model predictions to increase the accuracy of model predictions for emergence dates in solitary bees. Although our retrospective prediction about the advance in bee emergence corresponds to the results of several studies on phenological trends of different plant species, we suggest that more research has to be done to assess the impacts of climate warming on the synchronization in bee-plant interactions more accurately.}, subject = {wild bees}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mildner2018, author = {Mildner, Stephanie}, title = {Temporal organization in \(Camponotus\) \(ants\): endogenous clocks and zeitgebers responsible for synchronization of task-related circadian rhythms in foragers and nurses}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-149382}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The rotation of the earth around its axis causes recurring and predictable changes in the environment. To anticipate those changes and adapt their physiology and behavior accordingly, most organisms possess an endogenous clock. The presence of such a clock has been demonstrated for several ant species including Camponotus ants, but its involvement in the scheduling of daily activities within and outside the ant nest is fairly unknown. Timing of individual behaviors and synchronization among individuals is needed to generate a coordinated collective response and to maintain colony function. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the presence of a circadian clock in different worker castes, and to determine the daily timing of their behavioral tasks within the colonies of two nectar-collecting Camponotus species. In chapter I, I describe the general temporal organization of work throughout the worker life in the species Camponotus rufipes. Continuous tracking of behavioral activity of individually- marked workers for up to 11 weeks in subcolonies revealed an age-dependent division of labor between interior and exterior workers. After eclosion, the fairly immobile young ants were frequently nurtured by older nurses, yet they started nursing the brood themselves within the first 48 hours of their life. Only 60\% of workers switched to foraging at an age range of one to two weeks, likely because of the reduced needs within the small scale of the subcolonies. Not only the transition rates varied between subcolonies, but also the time courses of the task sequences between workers did, emphasizing the timed allocation of workers to different tasks in response to colony needs. Most of the observed foragers were present outside the nest only during the night, indicating a distinct timing of this behavioral activity on a daily level as well. As food availability, humidity and temperature levels were kept constant throughout the day, the preference for nocturnal activity seems to be endogenous and characteristic for C. rufipes. The subsequent monitoring of locomotor activity of workers taken from the subcolonies revealed the presence of a functional endogenous clock already in one-day old ants. As some nurses displayed activity rhythms in phase with the foraging rhythm, a synchronization of these in-nest workers by social interactions with exterior workers can be hypothesized. Do both castes use their endogenous clock to schedule their daily activities within the colony? In chapter II, I analyzed behavioral activity of C. rufipes foragers and nurses within the social context continuously for 24 hours. As time-restricted access to food sources may be one factor affecting daily activities of ants under natural conditions, I confronted subcolonies with either daily pulses of food availability or ad libitum feeding. Under nighttime and ad libitum feeding, behavioral activity of foragers outside the nest was predominantly nocturnal, confirming the results from the simple counting of exterior workers done in chapter I. Foragers switched to diurnality during daytime feeding, demonstrating the flexible and adaptive timing of a daily behavior. Because they synchronized their activity with the short times of food availability, these workers showed high levels of inactivity. Nurses, in contrast, were active all around the clock independent of the feeding regime, spending their active time largely with feeding and licking the brood. After the feeding pulses, however, a short bout of activity was observed in nurses. During this time period, both castes increasingly interacted via trophallaxis within the nest. With this form of social zeitgeber, exterior workers were able to entrain in-nest workers, a phenomenon observed already in chapter I. Under the subsequent monitoring of locomotor activity under LD conditions the rhythmic workers of both castes were uniformly nocturnal independent of the feeding regime. This endogenous activity pattern displayed by both worker castes in isolation was modified in the social context in adaption to task demands. Chapter III focuses on the potential factors causing the observed plasticity of daily rhythms in the social context in the ant C. rufipes. As presence of brood and conspecifics are likely indicators of the social context, I tested the effect of these factors on the endogenous rhythms of otherwise isolated individuals. Even in foragers, the contact to brood triggered an arrhythmic activity pattern resembling the arrhythmic behavioral activity pattern seen in nurses within the social context. As indicated in chapter I and II, social interaction could be one crucial factor for the synchronization of in nest activities. When separate groups were entrained to phase-shifted light-dark-cycles and monitored afterwards under constant conditions in pairwise contact through a mesh partitioning, both individuals shifted parts of their activity towards the activity period of the conspecific. Both social cues modulated the endogenous rhythms of workers and contribute to the context dependent plasticity in ant colonies. Although most nursing activities are executed arrhythmically throughout the day (chapter II), previous studies reported rhythmic translocation events of the brood in Camponotus nurses. As this behavior favors brood development, the timing of the translocations within the dark nest seems to be crucial. In chapter IV, I tracked translocation activity of all nurses within subcolonies of C. mus. Under the confirmed synchronized conditions of a LD-cycle, the daily pattern of brood relocation was based on the rhythmic, alternating activity of subpopulations with preferred translocation direction either to the warm or to the cold part of the temperature gradient at certain times of the day. Although the social interaction after pulse feeding had noticeable effects on the in-nest activity in C. rufipes (chapter I and II), it was not sufficient to synchronize the brood translocation rhythm of C. mus under constant darkness (e.g. when other zeitgebers were absent). The free-running translocation activity in some nurses demonstrated nevertheless the involvement of an endogenous clock in this behavior, which could be entrained under natural conditions by other potential non-photic zeitgebers like temperature and humidity cycles. Daily cycling of temperature and humidity could not only be relevant for in-nest activities, but also for the foraging activity outside the nest. Chapter V focuses on the monitoring of field foraging rhythms in the sympatric species C. mus and C. rufipes in relation to abiotic factors. Although both species had comparable critical thermal limits in the laboratory, foragers in C. mus were strictly diurnal and therefore foraged under higher temperatures than the predominant nocturnal foragers in C. rufipes. Marking experiments in C. rufipes colonies with higher levels of diurnal activity revealed the presence of temporally specialized forager subpopulations. These results suggest the presence of temporal niches not only between the two Camponotus species, but as well between workers within colonies of the same species. In conclusion, the temporal organization in colonies of Camponotus ants involves not only the scheduling of tasks performed throughout the worker life, but also the precise timing of daily activities. The necessary endogenous clock is already functioning in all workers after eclosion. Whereas the light-dark cycle and food availability seem to be the prominent zeitgebers for foragers, nurses may rely more on non-photic zeitgeber like social interaction, temperature and humidity cycles.}, subject = {circadian clocks}, language = {en} }