@phdthesis{Tyagi2012, author = {Tyagi, Anu}, title = {Role of SWI/SNF in regulating pre-mRNA processing in Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72253}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {ATP dependent chromatin remodeling complexes are multifactorial complexes that utilize the energy of ATP to rearrange the chromatin structure. The changes in chromatin structure lead to either increased or decreased DNA accessibility. SWI/SNF is one of such complex. The SWI/SNF complex is involved in both transcription activation and transcription repression. The ATPase subunit of SWI/SNF is called SWI2/SNF2 in yeast and Brahma, Brm, in Drosophila melanogaster. In mammals there are two paralogs of the ATPase subunit, Brm and Brg1. Recent studies have shown that the human Brm is involved in the regulation of alternative splicing. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of Brm in pre-mRNA processing. The model systems used were Chironomus tentans, well suited for in situ studies and D. melanogaster, known for its full genome information. Immunofluorescent staining of the polytene chromosome indicated that Brm protein of C. tentans, ctBrm, is associated with several gene loci including the Balbiani ring (BR) puffs. Mapping the distribution of ctBrm along the BR genes by both immuno-electron microscopy and chromatin immunoprecipitation showed that ctBrm is widely distributed along the BR genes. The results also show that a fraction of ctBrm is associated with the nascent BR pre-mRNP. Biochemical fractionation experiments confirmed the association of Brm with the RNP fractions, not only in C. tentans but also in D. melanogaster and in HeLa cells. Microarray hybridization experiments performed on S2 cells depleted of either dBrm or other SWI/SNF subunits show that Brm affects alternative splicing and 3´ end formation. These results indicated that BRM affects pre-mRNA processing as a component of SWI/SNF complexes. 1}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kapustjansky2011, author = {Kapustjansky, Alexander}, title = {In vivo imaging and optogenetic approach to study the formation of olfactory memory and locomotor behaviour in Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69535}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Understanding of complex interactions and events in a nervous system, leading from the molecular level up to certain behavioural patterns calls for interdisciplinary interactions of various research areas. The goal of the presented work is to achieve such an interdisciplinary approach to study and manipulate animal behaviour and its underlying mechanisms. Optical in vivo imaging is a new constantly evolving method, allowing one to study not only the local but also wide reaching activity in the nervous system. Due to ease of its genetic accessibility Drosophila melanogaster represents an extraordinary experimental organism to utilize not only imaging but also various optogenetic techniques to study the neuronal underpinnings of behaviour. In this study four genetically encoded sensors were used to investigate the temporal dynamics of cAMP concentration changes in the horizontal lobes of the mushroom body, a brain area important for learning and memory, in response to various physiological and pharmacological stimuli. Several transgenic lines with various genomic insertion sites for the sensor constructs Epac1, Epac2, Epac2K390E and HCN2 were screened for the best signal quality, one line was selected for further experiments. The in vivo functionality of the sensor was assessed via pharmacological application of 8-bromo-cAMP as well as Forskolin, a substance stimulating cAMP producing adenylyl cyclases. This was followed by recording of the cAMP dynamics in response to the application of dopamine and octopamine, as well as to the presentation of electric shock, odorants or a simulated olfactory signal, induced by acetylcholine application to the observed brain area. In addition the interaction between the shock and the simulated olfactory signal by simultaneous presentation of both stimuli was studied. Preliminary results are supporting a coincidence detection mechanism at the level of the adenylyl cyclase as postulated by the present model for classical olfactory conditioning. In a second series of experiments an effort was made to selecticvely activate a subset of neurons via the optogenetic tool Channelrhodopsin (ChR2). This was achieved by recording the behaviour of the fly in a walking ball paradigm. A new method was developed to analyse the walking behaviour of the animal whose brain was made optically accessible via a dissection technique, as used for imaging, thus allowing one to target selected brain areas. Using the Gal4-UAS system the protocerebral bridge, a substructure of the central complex, was highlighted by expressing the ChR2 tagged by fluorescent protein EYFP. First behavioural recordings of such specially prepared animals were made. Lastly a new experimental paradigm for single animal conditioning was developed (Shock Box). Its design is based on the established Heat Box paradigm, however in addition to spatial and operant conditioning available in the Heat Box, the design of the new paradigm allows one to set up experiments to study classical and semioperant olfactory conditioning, as well as semioperant place learning and operant no idleness experiments. First experiments involving place learning were successfully performed in the new apparatus.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Halder2011, author = {Halder, Partho}, title = {Identification and characterization of synaptic proteins of Drosophila melanogaster using monoclonal antibodies of the Wuerzburg Hybridoma Library}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-67325}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {For a large fraction of the proteins expressed in the human brain only the primary structure is known from the genome project. Proteins conserved in evolution can be studied in genetic models such as Drosophila. In this doctoral thesis monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) from the Wuerzburg Hybridoma library are produced and characterized with the aim to identify the target antigen. The mAb ab52 was found to be an IgM which recognized a cytosolic protein of Mr ~110 kDa on Western blots. The antigen was resolved by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) as a single distinct spot. Mass spectrometric analysis of this spot revealed EPS-15 (epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate clone 15) to be a strong candidate. Another mAb from the library, aa2, was already found to recognize EPS-15, and comparison of the signal of both mAbs on Western blots of 1D and 2D electrophoretic separations revealed similar patterns, hence indicating that both antigens could represent the same protein. Finally absence of the wild-type signal in homozygous Eps15 mutants in a Western blot with ab52 confirmed the ab52 antigen to be EPS-15. Thus both the mAbs aa2 and ab52 recognize the Drosophila homologue of EPS-15. The mAb aa2, being an IgG, is more suitable for applications like immunoprecipitation (IP). It has already been submitted to the Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank (DSHB) to be easily available for the entire research community. The mAb na21 was also found to be an IgM. It recognizes a membrane associated antigen of Mr ~10 kDa on Western blots. Due to the membrane associated nature of the protein, it was not possible to resolve it by 2DE and due to the IgM nature of the mAb it was not possible to enrich the antigen by IP. Preliminary attempts to biochemically purify the endogenously expressed protein from the tissue, gave promising results but could not be completed due to lack of time. Thus biochemical purification of the protein seems possible in order to facilitate its identification by mass spectrometry. Several other mAbs were studied for their staining pattern on cryosections and whole mounts of Drosophila brains. However, many of these mAbs stained very few structures in the brain, which indicated that only a very limited amount of protein would be available as starting material. Because these antibodies did not produce signals on Western blots, which made it impossible to enrich the antigens by electrophoretic methods, we did not attempt their purification. However, the specific localization of these proteins makes them highly interesting and calls for their further characterization, as they may play a highly specialized role in the development and/or function of the neural circuits they are present in. The purification and identification of such low expression proteins would need novel methods of enrichment of the stained structures.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Saumweber2011, author = {Saumweber, Timo}, title = {Mechanism of Learning and Plasticity in Larval Drosophila}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-66354}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {According to a changing environment it is crucial for animals to make experience and learn about it. Sensing, integrating and learning to associate different kinds of modalities enables animals to expect future events and to adjust behavior in the way, expected as the most profitable. Complex processes as memory formation and storage make it necessary to investigate learning and memory on different levels. In this context Drosophila melanogaster represents a powerful model organism. As the adult brain of the fly is still quite complex, I chose the third instar larva as model - the more simple the system, the easier to isolate single, fundamental principles of learning. In this thesis I addressed several kinds of questions on different mechanism of olfactory associative and synaptic plasiticity in Drosophila larvae. I focused on short-term memory throughout my thesis. First, investigating larval learning on behavioral level, I developed a one-odor paradigm for olfactory associative conditioning. This enables to estimate the learnability of single odors, reduces the complexity of the task and simplify analyses of "learning mutants". It further allows to balance learnability of odors for generalization-type experiments to describe the olfactory "coding space". Furthermore I could show that innate attractiveness and learnability can be dissociated and found finally that paired presentation of a given odor with reward increase performance, whereas unpaired presentations of these two stimuli decrease performance, indicating that larva are able to learn about the presence as well as about the absence of a reward. Second, on behavioral level, together with Thomas Niewalda and colleagues we focussed on salt processing in the context of choice, feeding and learning. Salt is required in several physiological processes, but can neither be synthesized nor stored. Various salt concentrations shift the valence from attraction to repulsion in reflexive behaviour. Interestingly, the reinforcing effect of salt in learning is shifted by more than one order of magnitude toward higher concentrations. Thus, the input pathways for gustatory behavior appear to be more sensitive than the ones supporting gustatory reinforcement, which is may be due to the dissociation of the reflexive and the reinforcing signalling pathways of salt. Third, in cooperation with Michael Schleyer we performed a series of behavioral gustatory, olfactory preference tests and larval learning experiments. Based on the available neuroanatomical and behavioral data we propose a model regarding chemosensory processing, odor-tastant memory trace formation and the 'decision' like process. It incorporates putative sites of interaction between olfactory and gustatory pathways during the establishment as well as behavioral expression of odor-tastant memory. We claim that innate olfactory behavior is responsive in nature and suggest that associative conditioned behavior is not a simple substitution like process, but driven more likely by the expectation of its outcome. Fourth, together with Birgit Michels and colleagues we investigated the cellular site and molecular mode of Synapsin, an evolutionarily conserved, presynaptic vesicular phosphoprotein and its action in larval learning. We confirmed a previously described learning impairment upon loss of Synapsin. We localized this Synapsin dependent memory trace in the mushroom bodies, a third-order "cortical" brain region, and could further show on molecular level, that Synapsin is as a downstream element of the AC-cAMP-PKA signalling cascade. This study provides a comprehensive chain of explanation from the molecular level to an associative behavioral change. Fifth, in the main part of my thesis I focused on molecular level on another synaptic protein, the Synapse associated protein of 47kDa (Sap47) and its role in larval behavior. As a member of a phylogenetically conserved gene family of hitherto unknown function. It is localized throughout the whole neuropil of larval brains and associated with presynaptic vesicles. Upon loss of Sap47 larvae exhibit normal sensory detection of the to-be-associated stimuli as well as normal motor performance and basic synaptic transmission. Interestingly, short-term plasticity is distorted and odorant-tastant associative learning ability is reduced. This defect in associative function could be rescued by restoring Sap47 expression. Therefore, this report is the first to suggest a function for Sap47 and specifically argues that Sap47 is required for synaptic as well as for behavioral plasticity in Drosophila larva. This prompts the question whether its homologs are required for synaptic and behavioral plasticity also in other species. Further in the last part of my thesis I contributed to the study of Ayse Yarali. Her central topic was the role of the White protein in punishment and relief learning in adult flies. Whereas stimuli that precede shock during training are subsequently avoided as predictors for punishment, stimuli that follow shock during training are later on approached, as they predict relief. Concerning the loss of White we report that pain-relief learning as well as punishment learning is changed. My contribution was a comparison between wild type and the white1118 mutant larvae in odor-reward learning. It turned out that a loss of White has no effect on larval odorant-tastant learning. This study, regarding painrelief learning provides the very first hints concerning the genetic determinants of this form of learning.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Niewalda2010, author = {Niewalda, Thomas}, title = {Neurogenetic analyses of pain-relief learning in the fruit fly}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-65035}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {All animals learn in order to cope with challenges imposed on them by their environment. This is true also for both larval and adult fruit flies as exemplified in pavlovian conditioning. The focus of this Thesis is on various aspects of the fruit flies learning ability. My main project deals with two types of learning which we call punishment-learning and pain-relief learning. Punishment learning happens when fruit flies are exposed to an odour which is followed by electric shock. After such training, flies have learned that that odour signals pain and consequently will avoid it in the future. If the sequence of the two stimuli is reversed such that odour follows shock, flies learn the odour as a signal for relief and will later on approach it. I first report a series of experiments investigating qualitative and parametric features of relief-learning; I find that (i) relief learning does result from true associative conditioning, (ii) it requires a relatively high number of training trials, (iii) context-shock training is ineffective for subsequent shock-odour learning. A further question is whether punishment-learning and pain-relief learning share genetic determinants. In terms of genetics, I test a synapsin mutant strain, which lacks all Synapsin protein, in punishment and relief-learning. Punishment learning is significantly reduced, and relief-learning is abolished. Pan-neuronal RNAi-mediated knock-down of Synapsin results in mutant-like phenotypes, confirming the attribution of the phenotype to lack of Synapsin. Also, a rescue of Synapsin in the mushroom body of syn97 mutants restores both punishment- and relief-learning fully, suggesting the sufficiency of Synapsin in the mushroom body for both these kinds of learning. I also elucidate the relationship between perception and physiology in adult fruit flies. I use odour-shock conditioning experiments to identify degrees of similarity between odours; I find that those similarity measures are consistent across generalization and discrimination tasks of diverse difficulty. Then, as collaborator of T. V{\"o}ller and A. Fiala, I investigate how such behavioural similarity/dissimilarity is reflected at the physiological level. I combine the behaviour data with calcium imaging data obtained by measuring the activity patterns of those odours in either the sensory neurons or the projection neurons at the antennal lobe. Our interpretation of the results is that the odours perceptual similarity is organized by antennal lobe interneurons. In another project I investigate the effect of gustatory stimuli on reflexive behaviour as well as their role as reinforcer in larval learning. Drosophila larvae greatly alter their behaviour in presence of sodium chloride. Increasing salt concentration modulates choice behaviour from weakly appetitive to strongly aversive. A similar concentration-behaviour function is also found for feeding: larval feeding is slightly enhanced in presence of low salt concentrations, and strongly decreased in the presence of high salt concentrations. Regarding learning, relatively weak salt concentrations function as appetitive reinforcer, whereas high salt concentrations function as aversive reinforcer. Interestingly, the behaviour-concentration curves are shifted towards higher concentrations from reflexive behaviour (choice behaviour, feeding) as compared to associative learning. This dissociation may reflect a different sensitivity in the respective sensory-motor circuitry.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Aso2010, author = {Aso, Yoshinori}, title = {Dissecting the neuronal circuit for olfactory learning in Drosophila}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-55483}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {This thesis consists of three major chapters, each of which has been separately published or under the process for publication. The first chapter is about anatomical characterization of the mushroom body of adult Drosophila melanogaster. The mushroom body is the center for olfactory learning and many other functions in the insect brains. The functions of the mushroom body have been studied by utilizing the GAL4/UAS gene expression system. The present study characterized the expression patterns of the commonly used GAL4 drivers for the mushroom body intrinsic neurons, Kenyon cells. Thereby, we revealed the numerical composition of the different types of Kenyon cells and found one subtype of the Kenyon cells that have not been described. The second and third chapters together demonstrate that the multiple types of dopaminergic neurons mediate the aversive reinforcement signals to the mushroom body. They induce the parallel memory traces that constitute the different temporal domains of the aversive odor memory. In prior to these chapters, "General introduction and discussion" section reviews and discuss about the current understanding of neuronal circuit for olfactory learning in Drosophila.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jauch2010, author = {Jauch, Mandy}, title = {Die Serin/Arginin Proteinkinase 79D (SRPK79D) von Drosophila melanogaster und ihre Rolle bei der Bildung Aktiver Zonen von Synapsen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-53974}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Synapsen als Stellen der Kommunikation zwischen Neuronen besitzen spezialisierte Bereiche - Aktive Zonen (AZs) genannt -, die aus einem hoch komplexen Netzwerk von Proteinen aufgebaut sind und die Maschinerie f{\"u}r den Prozess der Neurotransmitter-Aussch{\"u}ttung und das Vesikel-Recycling beinhalten. In Drosophila ist das Protein Bruchpilot (BRP) ein wichtiger Baustein f{\"u}r die T-f{\"o}rmigen B{\"a}nder („T-Bars") der pr{\"a}synaptischen Aktiven Zonen. BRP ist notwendig f{\"u}r eine intakte Struktur der Aktiven Zone und eine normale Exocytose von Neurotransmitter-Vesikeln. Auf der Suche nach Mutationen, welche die Verteilung von Bruchpilot im Gewebe beeintr{\"a}chtigen, wurde eine P-Element-Insertion im Gen CG11489 an der Position 79D identifiziert, welches eine Kinase kodiert, die einen hohen Grad an Homologie zur Familie der SR Proteinkinasen (SRPKs) von S{\"a}ugern aufweist. Die Mitglieder dieser Familie zeichnen sich durch eine evolution{\"a}r hoch konservierte zweigeteilte Kinasedom{\"a}ne aus, die durch eine nicht konservierte Spacer-Sequenz unterbrochen ist. SRPKs phosphorylieren SR-Proteine, die zu einer evolution{\"a}r hoch konservierten Familie Serin/Arginin-reicher Spleißfaktoren geh{\"o}ren und konstitutive sowie alternative Spleißprozesse steuern und damit auf post-transkriptioneller Ebene die Genexpression regulieren. Mutation des Srpk79D-Gens durch die P-Element-Insertion (Srpk79DP1) oder eine Deletion im Gen (Srpk79DVN Nullmutante) f{\"u}hrt zu auff{\"a}lligen BRP-Akkumulationen in larvalen und adulten Nerven. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass diese BRP-Akkumulationen auf Ultrastruktur-Ebene ausgedehnten axonalen Agglomeraten elektronendichter B{\"a}nder entsprechen und von klaren Vesikeln umgeben sind. Charakterisierung durch Immuno-Elektronenmikroskopie ergab, dass diese Strukturen BRP-immunoreaktiv sind. Um die Bildung BRP-enthaltender Agglomerate in Axonen zu verhindern und damit eine intakte Gehirnfunktion zu gew{\"a}hrleisten, scheint die SRPK79D nur auf niedrigem Niveau exprimiert zu werden, da die endogene Kinase mit verschiedenen Antik{\"o}rpern nicht nachweisbar war. Wie in anderen Arbeiten gezeigt werden konnte, ist die Expression der PB-, PC- oder PF-Isoform der vier m{\"o}glichen SRPK79D-Varianten, die durch alternativen Transkriptionsstart in Exon eins beziehungsweise drei und alternatives Spleißen von Exon sieben zustande kommen, zur Rettung des Ph{\"a}notyps der BRP-Akkumulation im Srpk79DVN Nullmutanten-Hintergrund ausreichend. Zur Charakterisierung der Rescue-Eigenschaften der SRPK79D-PE-Isoform wurde mit der Klonierung der cDNA in einen UAS-Vektor begonnen. Offenbar beruht die Bildung der axonalen BRP-Agglomerate nicht auf einer {\"U}berexpression von BRP in den betroffenen Neuronen, denn auch bei reduzierter Expression des BRP-Proteins im Srpk79DVN Nullmutanten-Hintergrund entstehen die BRP-Agglomerate. In K{\"o}pfen der Srpk79DVN Nullmutante ist die Gesamtmenge an Bruchpilot-Protein im Vergleich zum Wildtyp nicht deutlich ver{\"a}ndert. Auch die auf Protein-Ebene untersuchte Expression der verschiedenen Isoformen der pr{\"a}synaptischen Proteine Synapsin, Sap47 und CSP weicht in der Srpk79DVN Nullmutante nicht wesentlich von der Wildtyp-Situation ab, sodass sich keine Hinweise auf ver{\"a}ndertes Spleißen der entsprechenden pr{\"a}-mRNAs ergeben. Jedes der sieben bekannten SR-Proteine von Drosophila ist ein potentielles Zielprotein der SRPK79D. Knock-down-Experimente f{\"u}r die drei hier untersuchten SR-Proteine SC35, X16/9G8 und B52/SRp55 im gesamten Nervensystem durch RNA-Interferenz zeigten allerdings keinen Effekt auf die Verteilung von BRP im Gewebe. Hinsichtlich der Flugf{\"a}higkeit der Tiere hat die Srpk79DVN Nullmutation keinen additiven Effekt zum Knock-down des BRP-Proteins, denn die Doppelmutanten zeigten bei der Bestimmung des Anteils an flugunf{\"a}higen Tieren vergleichbare Werte wie die Einzelmutanten, die entweder die Nullmutation im Srpk79D-Gen trugen, oder BRP reduziert exprimierten. Vermutlich sind Bruchpilot und die SR Proteinkinase 79D somit Teil desselben Signalwegs. Durch Doppelf{\"a}rbungen mit Antik{\"o}rpern gegen BRP und CAPA-Peptide wurde abschließend entdeckt, dass Bruchpilot auch im Median- und Transvers-Nervensystem (MeN/TVN) von Drosophila zu finden ist, welche die Neuroh{\"a}mal-Organe beherbergen. Aufgabe dieser Organe ist die Speicherung und Aussch{\"u}ttung von Neuropeptid-Hormonen. Daher ist zu vermuten, dass das BRP-Protein neben Funktionen bei der Neurotransmitter-Exocytose m{\"o}glicherweise eine Rolle bei der Aussch{\"u}ttung von Neuropeptiden spielt. Anders als in den Axonen der larvalen Segmental- und Intersegmentalnerven der Srpk79DVN Nullmutante, die charakteristische BRP-Agglomerate aufweisen, hat die Mutation des Srpk79D-Gens in den Axonen der Va-Neurone, die das MeN/TVN-System bilden, keinen sichtbaren Effekt auf die Verteilung von Brp, denn das Muster bei F{\"a}rbung gegen BRP weist keine deutlichen Ver{\"a}nderungen zum Wildtyp auf.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schubert2010, author = {Schubert, Alice}, title = {Immunhistochemische und funktionelle Charakterisierung der Serin/Arginin-Proteinkinase SRPK79D mit Identifizierung von Interaktionspartnern in Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-53841}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Auf der Suche nach Mutanten mit einer vom Wildtyp abweichenden Verteilung des Aktive Zone-Proteins Bruchpilot wurde die Serin/Arginin-Proteinkinase SRPK79D identifiziert. Hier zeigte sich, dass die Mutation im Srpk79D-Gen zu einer Agglomeration von Bruchpilot in den larvalen segmentalen und intersegmentalen Nerven f{\"u}hrt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte die SRPK79D genauer charakterisiert werden. Nach Pr{\"a}adsorptionen und Affinit{\"a}tsreinigungen von in einer fr{\"u}heren Arbeit erzeugten Antiseren, gelang es die Lokalisation der {\"u}berexprimierten SRPK79D-GFP-Isoformen zu bestimmen. Dabei zeigte sich, dass keines der Antiseren die endogene Kinase im Western Blot oder immunhistocheimisch detektieren konnte. Dies legt den Schluss nahe, dass die Expression der SRPK79D in einer geringen Konzentration erfolgt. Es war jedoch m{\"o}glich die endogene SRPK79D-PC-Isoform mittels einer Immunpr{\"a}zipitation soweit anzureichern, dass sie im Western Blot nachweisbar war. F{\"u}r die SRPK79D-PB-Isoform gelang dies allerdings nicht. Anhand von larvalen Nerv-Muskel-Pr{\"a}paraten konnte gezeigt werden, dass die panneural {\"u}berexprimierte SRPK79D-PC-GFP-Isoform an die Aktiven Zone transportiert wird und dort mit Bruchpilot, sowie den Interaktionspartnern von Bruchpilot Liprin-α und Rab3 kolokalisiert. Außerdem liegt sie diffus im Zytoplasma von neuronalen Zellk{\"o}rpern vor. In adulten Gehirnen lokalisiert die transgen {\"u}berexprimierte SRPK79D-PC-GFP im Fanshaped body, Ringkomplex und in neuronalen Zellk{\"o}rpern. Die panneural {\"u}berexprimierte SRPK79D-PB-GFP-Isoform liegt im larvalen und adulten Gehirn lokal im Zytoplasma der Perikaryen akkumuliert vor und wird nicht an die Aktive Zone transportiert. Das PB-Antiserum erkennt im adulten Gehirn neuronale Zellk{\"o}rper und das Neuropil in der Calyxregion der Pilzk{\"o}rper. Immunhistochemische F{\"a}rbungen von larvalen Nerv-Muskel-Pr{\"a}paraten mit verschiedenen Antik{\"o}rpern gegen neuronale Proteine belegen, dass die Agglomerate in der Srpk79D-Mutante f{\"u}r Bruchpilot spezifisch sind. Es konnten bisher keine weiteren Komponenten der Agglomerate detektiert werden. Auch ein genereller axonaler Defekt konnte durch F{\"a}rbungen gegen CSP, Synaptotagmin und Experimenten mit dem Mitochondrienfarbstoff MitoTracker® FM Green ausgeschlossen werden. Die quantitative Auswertung der Pr{\"a}parate zeigte, dass die Morphologie der synaptischen Boutons und die Zahl der Aktiven Zonen durch die Mutation im Srpk79D-Gen nicht beeinflusst werden. Um gesicherte Kenntnis dar{\"u}ber zu erlangen, ob die Mutation im Srpk79D-Gen die beobachteten Ph{\"a}notypen verursacht, wurden Rettungsexperimente durchgef{\"u}hrt. Es konnte sowohl f{\"u}r das hypomorphe Srpk79DP1-Allel, als auch f{\"u}r die Nullmutante Srpk79DVN eine nahezu vollst{\"a}ndige Rettung des Agglomerat-Ph{\"a}notyps mit der panneural exprimierten SRPK79D-PF- oder der SRPK79D-PB-Isoform erreicht werden. Aus diesen Ergebnissen folgt, dass beide Isoformen der SRPK79D in der Lage sind den Bruchpilot-Agglomerat-Ph{\"a}notyp zu retten, die Rettung der Verhaltensdefizite jedoch alle Isoformgruppen ben{\"o}tigen. Um zu untersuchen, ob der Agglomerations-Ph{\"a}notyp der Srpk79D-Mutanten auf einer {\"U}berexpression des Bruchpilotgens oder auf Fehlspleißen seiner pr{\"a}-mRNA beruht, wurden Immunpr{\"a}zipitationen, semiquantitative RT-PCRs und Real Time-PCRs durchgef{\"u}hrt. Ausgehend von den Ergebnissen kann eine m{\"o}gliche {\"U}berexpression bzw. Spleißdefekte von Bruchpilot weitgehend ausgeschlossen werden. Die simultane {\"U}berexpression von SRPK79D und Bruchpilot konnte den Ph{\"a}notyp der Bruchpilot-{\"U}berexpression nicht retten. Anhand der stimulated emission depletion-Mikroskopie konnte gezeigt werden, dass die gebildeten Agglomerate das charakteristische Donut-f{\"o}rmige Muster der T-bars zeigen und wahrscheinlich als fusionierte Ketten von T-bars in den larvalen Nerven vorliegen. Beim in vivo Imaging Versuch konnte demonstriert werden, dass das verk{\"u}rzte Bruchpilot-D3-Strawberry in die Bruchpilot-Agglomerate der Srpk79D-Nullmutante eingebaut wird und dass gr{\"o}ßere Agglomerate unbewegt im Nerv verharren. Der anterograde und retrograde Transport kleinerer Agglomerate konnte verzeichnet werden. Bei CytoTrap-Yeast-two-hybrid-Experimenten konnten f{\"u}r die SRPK79D-PB Isoform vier potentielle Interaktionspartner identifiziert werden: das Hitzeschockprotein Hsp70Bbb, die mitochondriale NADH-Dehydrogenase mt:ND5, das large ribosomal RNA Gen in Mitochondrien und das am Spleißen beteiligte Protein 1.3CC/Caper. Die Sequenzierung zeigte, dass nur das letzte Exon von Caper im pMyr-Vektor vorliegt. Der f{\"u}r die PC-Isoform durchgef{\"u}hrte CytoTrap-Versuch ergab nur Temperatur-Revertanten. SR-Proteinkinasen phosphorylieren die RS-Dom{\"a}ne von SR-Proteinen und sind dadurch an der Regulation des konstitutiven und alternativen Spleißens beteiligt. Somit stellen die acht identifizierten SR-Proteine in Drosophila potentielle Interaktionspartner der SRPK79D dar. Die durch RNAi-vermittelte Reduktion von sieben SR-Proteinen f{\"u}hrte zu keiner Agglomeration von Bruchpilot. Jedoch f{\"u}hrte die RNAi-vermittelte Reduktion des SR-Proteins Spleißfaktor 2 (SF2) zu kleineren Bruchpilot-Agglomeraten in den axonalen Nerven. SF2 ist selbst kein Bestandteil der Agglomerate der Srpk79D-Nullmutante. Die {\"U}berexpression von SF2 f{\"u}hrt wahrscheinlich zu einem axonalen Transportdefekt, wie die F{\"a}rbung gegen das Cysteine string protein zeigte. Weiterhin f{\"u}hrt die {\"U}berexpression zu einer Akkumulation von SF2 in larvalen Axonen und im adulten Gehirn der Fliegen. SF2 ist nicht nur in Zellkernen s{\"a}mtlicher Zellen nachweisbar, sondern es konnte auch ein spezifisches Signal im subsynaptischen Retikulum der Postsynapse detektiert werden, wie die F{\"a}rbungen gegen Disc large best{\"a}tigten.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schmid2010, author = {Schmid, Benjamin}, title = {Computational tools for the segmentation and registration of confocal brain images of Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51490}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Neuroanatomical data in fly brain research are mostly available as spatial gene expression patterns of genetically distinct fly strains. The Drosophila standard brain, which was developed in the past to provide a reference coordinate system, can be used to integrate these data. Working with the standard brain requires advanced image processing methods, including visualisation, segmentation and registration. The previously published VIB Protocol addressed the problem of image registration. Unfortunately, its usage was severely limited by the necessity of manually labelling a predefined set of neuropils in the brain images at hand. In this work I present novel tools to facilitate the work with the Drosophila standard brain. These tools are integrated in a well-known open-source image processing framework which can potentially serve as a common platform for image analysis in the neuroanatomical research community: ImageJ. In particular, a hardware-accelerated 3D visualisation framework was developed for ImageJ which extends its limited 3D visualisation capabilities. It is used for the development of a novel semi-automatic segmentation method, which implements automatic surface growing based on user-provided seed points. Template surfaces, incorporated with a modified variant of an active surface model, complement the segmentation. An automatic nonrigid warping algorithm is applied, based on point correspondences established through the extracted surfaces. Finally, I show how the individual steps can be fully automated, and demonstrate its application for the successful registration of fly brain images. The new tools are freely available as ImageJ plugins. I compare the results obtained by the introduced methods with the output of the VIB Protocol and conclude that our methods reduce the required effort five to ten fold. Furthermore, reproducibility and accuracy are enhanced using the proposed tools.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nuwal2010, author = {Nuwal, Tulip}, title = {Characterization of Synapsin, Tubulin-Binding Chaperone E-like, And Their Putative Interactions With Synapse Associated Protein Of 47 kDa In Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51683}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {In this thesis we have used Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism to investigate proteins and their putative interacting partners that are directly or indirectly involved in the release of neurotransmitters at the synapse. We have used molecular techniques to investigate conserved synaptic proteins, synapsin and synapse associated protein of 47 kD (SAP47), and a putative interaction partner of SAP47, tubulin binding chaperone E-like (TBCEL). SAP47 and synapsins are highly conserved synaptic vesicle associated proteins in Drosophila melanogaster. To further investigate the role and function of Sap47 and Syn genes, we had earlier generated the null mutants by P-element mutagenesis (Funk et al., 2004; Godenschwege et al., 2004). Western blots and ELISA of brain homogenates from Sap47156 null mutants showed the presence of up-regulated phospho-synapsin in comparison to wild-type (CS) and the presence of up-regulated phospho-synapsin was partially abolished when a pan-neuronal rescue of SAP47 was performed by the Gal4- UAS technique. Thus, the results suggest a qualitative and quantitative modulation of synapsin by SAP47. At the transcript level, we did not observe any difference in content of Syn transcript in Sap47156 and wild-type CS flies. The question of a direct molecular interaction between SAP47 and synapsin was investigated by co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) experiments and we did not find any stable interactions under the several IP conditions we tested. The possibility of Sap47 as a modifier of Syn at the genetic level was investigated by generating and testing homozygous double null mutants of Sap47 and Syn. The Syn97, Sap47156 double mutants are viable but have a reduced life span and decreased locomotion when compared to CS. In 2D-PAGE analysis of synapsins we identified trains of spots corresponding to synapsins, suggesting that synapsin has several isoforms and each one of them is posttranslationally modified. In an analysis by Blue native-SDS-PAGE (BN-SDS-2D- PAGE) and Western blot we observed synapsin and SAP47 signals to be present at 700-900 kDa and 200-250 kDa, respectively, suggesting that they are part of large but different complexes. We also report the possibility of Drosophila synapsin forming homo- and heteromultimers, which has also been reported for synapsins of vertebrates. In parallel to the above experiments, phosphorylation of synapsins in Drosophila was studied by IP techniques followed by 1D-SDS gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry (in collaboration with S. Heo and G. Lubec). We identified and verified 5 unique phosphorylation sites in Drosophila synapsin from our MS analysis. Apart from phosphorylation modifications we identified several other PTMs which have not been verified. The significance of these phosphorylations and other identified PTMs needs to be investigated further and their implications for synapsin function and Drosophila behavior has to be elucidated by further experiments. In a collaborative project with S. Kneitz and N. Nuwal, we investigated the effects of Sap156 and Syn97 mutations by performing a whole Drosophila transcriptome microarray analysis of the individual null mutants and the double mutants (V2 and V3). We obtained several candidates which were significantly altered in the mutants. These genes need to be investigated further to elucidate their interactions with Sap47 and Syn. In another project, we investigated the role and function of Drosophila tubulin- binding chaperone E-like (Tbcel, CG12214). The TBCEL protein has high homology to vertebrate TBCE-like (or E-like) which has high sequence similarity to tubulin-binding chaperone E (TBCE) (hence the name TBCE-Like). We generated an anti-TBCEL polyclonal antiserum (in collaboration with G. Krohne). According to flybase, the Tbcel gene has only one exon and codes for two different transcripts by alternative transcription start sites. The longer transcript RB is present only in males whereas the shorter transcript RA is present only in females. In order to study the gene function we performed P- element jump-out mutagenesis to generate deletion mutants. We used the NP4786 (NP) stock which has a P(GawB) insertion in the 5' UTR of the Tbcel gene. NP4786 flies are homozygous lethal due to a second-site lethality as the flies are viable over a deficiency (Df) chromosome (a deletion of genomic region spanning the Tbcel gene and other upstream and downstream genes). We performed the P-element mutagenesis twice. In the first trial we obtained only revertants and the second experiment is still in progress. In the second attempt, jump-out was performed over the deficiency chromosome to prevent homologous chromosome mediated double stranded DNA repair. During the second mutagenesis an insertion stock G18151 became available. These flies had a P-element insertion in the open reading frame (ORF) of the Tbcel gene but was homozygous viable. Western blots of fresh tissue homogenates of NP/Df and G18151 flies probed with anti-TBCEL antiserum showed no TBCEL signal, suggesting that these flies are Tbcel null mutants. We used these flies for further immunohistochemical analyses and found that TBCEL is specifically expressed in the cytoplasm of cyst cells of the testes and is associated with the tubulin of spermatid tails in wild-type CS, whereas in NP/Df and G18151 flies the TBCEL staining in the cyst cells was absent and there was a disruption of actin investment cones. We also found enrichment of TBCEL staining around the actin investment cone. These results are also supported by the observation that the enhancer trap expression of the NP4786 line is localised to the cyst cells, similar to TBCEL expression. Also, male fertility of NP/Df and G18151 flies was tested and they were found to be sterile with few escapers. Thus, these results suggest that TBCEL is involved in Drosophila spermatogenesis with a possible role in the spermatid elongation and individualisation process.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} }