@phdthesis{Schneider2011, author = {Schneider, Christof}, title = {Detecting the influence of different potential stress factors on the behavior of the honeybee Apis mellifera using Radiofrequency Identification (RFID)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-71344}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {This study was conducted to determine the influence of different stress factors on the honeybee Apis mellifera. The investigation was motivated by previous experiments that suggested the existence of an unspecific defense mechanism causing a generalized change of flight behavior after the onset of different diseases. This mechanism is thought to impede the ability of flight bees to return to their respective colonies thereby removing the disease from the colony over time. During the last years, the existence of such a "suicidal behavior" was supported by further studies. Thus, an unnoticed, potentially highly effective defense mechanism of social insects was revealed whose spectrum of activity and physiological basics require further investigation. Suggesting that the reaction by the bees is unspecific to different diseases as well as to other potential stress factors, this study was designed to investigate the influence of pathogens, insecticides, and different brood rearing temperatures on different parameters like lifespan, foraging activity, and foraging trip duration of worker bees.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Donat2011, author = {Donat, Ulrike}, title = {Detektion und Therapie von Metastasen des humanen Prostatakarzinoms durch das onkolytische Vaccinia-Virus GLV-1h68}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-56421}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Zurzeit sterben j{\"a}hrlich ca. 11.000 M{\"a}nner in Deutschland am Prostatakarzinom. Damit stellt dies die zweith{\"a}ufigste Krebstodesursache von M{\"a}nnern dar. Da das Prostatakarzinom h{\"a}ufig asymptomatisch verl{\"a}uft, wird die Erkrankung oftmals erst so sp{\"a}t erkannt, dass zum Zeitpunkt der Diagnose bereits eine Metastasierung stattgefunden hat. Durch metastasierende Prostatakarzinomzellen werden Lymphknoten, Knochen und Lungen befallen. Es sind zwei unterschiedliche Verbreitungsarten von metastasierenden Tumorzellen beschrieben. Zum einen kann eine Migration {\"u}ber Lymphgef{\"a}ße erfolgen, ein Prozess der als lymphatische Metastasierung bezeichnet wird. Zum anderen k{\"o}nnen Tumorzellen {\"u}ber das Blutsystem im K{\"o}rper zirkulieren: die h{\"a}matogene Metastasierung. In dieser Arbeit wurde die lymphatische Metastasierung der humanen Prostatakarzinomzellline PC-3 im Detail analysiert und Teilaspekte der h{\"a}matogenen Verteilung untersucht. Ausgangspunkt der Untersuchungen bildete die Vergr{\"o}ßerung lumbaler und renaler Lymphknoten in PC-3-Tumor-tragenden M{\"a}usen 60 Tage nach der Implantation von PC-3-Zellen. Es wurde daraufhin der zeitliche Verlauf der Vergr{\"o}ßerung untersucht und festgestellt, dass sowohl das Volumen als auch die Anzahl vergr{\"o}ßerter Lymphknoten von Woche zu Woche nach Implantation der PC-3-Tumore zunehmen. Anschließend wurden alle vergr{\"o}ßerten Lymphknoten bez{\"u}glich des Vorhandenseins von metastasierenden humanen PC-3-Zellen in den M{\"a}usen untersucht. Dies geschah mit Hilfe einer RT-PCR unter Verwendung von Primern f{\"u}r humanes β-Aktin. Sechs Wochen nach Implantation konnten in 90 \% der vergr{\"o}ßerten Lymphknoten PC-3-Zellen nachgewiesen werden. Weiterhin wurde durch lentivirale Transduktion das Gen f{\"u}r das rot fluoreszierende Protein (RFP) in die PC-3-Zellen inseriert, wodurch eine Visualisierung dieser Zellen in der Maus erm{\"o}glicht wurde. Es konnten metastasierende PC-3-RFP-Zellen in lumbalen und renalen Lymphknoten PC-3-RFP-Tumor-tragender M{\"a}use nachgewiesen werden. Ebenso konnte mittels RFP gezeigt werden, dass die Lymphknotenmetastasierung in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von der Lokalisation des PC-3-RFP-Tumors erfolgt. Es kam zur Metastasierung jener Lymphknoten, in deren Einzugsgebiet sich der PC-3-Tumor befand. Es wurde eine PC-3-RFP-Zellmigration zwischen lumbalen und renalen Lymphknotenmetastasen nachgewiesen und bei immunhistologischen Untersuchungen stellte sich heraus, dass PC-3-RFP-Zellen tats{\"a}chlich in lymphatischen Bahnen zwischen lumbalen und renalen Lymphknotenmetastasen migrieren. Außerdem wurde gezeigt, dass es von Woche zu Woche nach Implantation von PC-3-Zellen zu einer Zunahme der Anzahl von Lymphgef{\"a}ßen in PC-3-Tumoren kommt. Die Zunahme der Lymphgef{\"a}ßdichte korrelierte hierbei positiv mit der Bildung von Lymphknotenmetastasen. Es konnten weiterhin neben Lymphknotenmetastasen h{\"a}matogene Mikrometastasen in den Lungen PC-3-RFP-Tumor-tragender M{\"a}use beobachtet werden. Da die Haupttodesursache von Prostatakarzinompatienten in der Bildung von Metastasen liegt, ist es von herausragender Bedeutung eine effektive Therapie gegen lymphatische und h{\"a}matogene Metastasen zu entwickeln. Aus diesem Grund erlangt die onkolytische Virustherapie große Bedeutung. Deshalb wurde als zweiter Aspekt in dieser Arbeit der Einfluss des onkolytischen Vaccinia-Virus GLV-1h68 auf den Prozess der PC-3-Zellmetastasierung untersucht. Dabei konnte zun{\"a}chst gezeigt werden, dass GLV-1h68 in der Lage ist, erfolgreich sowohl migrierende PC-3-Zellen als auch metastasierende PC-3-Zellen in Lymphknoten zu kolonisieren. In der Folge wurde deshalb ein m{\"o}glicher Metastasen-inhibierender Effekt von GLV-1h68 untersucht. Hierbei stellte sich heraus, dass GLV-1h68 drei Wochen nach intraven{\"o}ser Injektion eine signifikante Reduktion der Anzahl der f{\"u}r PC-3-Zellen positiven Lymphknoten bewirkt. Des Weiteren konnte ein inhibierender Effekt von GLV-1h68 auf die im Blut zirkulierenden PC-3-Zellen und auf h{\"a}matogene Metastasen in den Lungen beobachtet werden. Durch intraven{\"o}se Injektion von GLV-1h68 in PC-3-RFP-Tumor-tragenden M{\"a}usen konnte gezeigt werden, dass es zu einer pr{\"a}ferentiellen Virus-Kolonisierung der Lymphknotenmetastasen im Vergleich zu den Tumoren kommt. Auch nach intraperitonealer und intratumoraler Injektion von GLV-1h68 konnte eine pr{\"a}ferentielle Virus-Kolonisierung der Lymphknotenmetastasen gezeigt werden. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurden die Lymph- und Blutgef{\"a}ße von PC-3-Tumoren und Lymphknotenmetastasen analysiert. Hierbei wurde gezeigt, dass es sieben Tage nach intraven{\"o}ser Injektion von GLV-1h68 zu einer signifikanten Abnahme von beiden Gef{\"a}ßarten kam. Es wurde in dieser Arbeit somit gezeigt, dass GLV-1h68 in der Lage ist, sowohl lymphatische als auch h{\"a}matogene Metastasen der Prostatakarzinomzelllinie PC-3 erfolgreich zu eliminieren. Folglich d{\"u}rften onkolytische Vaccinia-Viren ein vielversprechendes Therapeutikum f{\"u}r die Behandlung des fortgeschrittenen Prostatakarzinoms darstellen.}, subject = {Prostatakrebs}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Goeb2011, author = {G{\"o}b, Eva}, title = {Die Kernh{\"u}lle in Keimzellen: Strukturelle Besonderheiten, dynamische Prozesse und die Umgestaltung des Zellkerns w{\"a}hrend der Spermatogenese der Maus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-56839}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Die Kernh{\"u}lle umgibt als geschlossenes Membransystem einen jeden Zellkern und ist damit ein gemeinsames Merkmal aller eukaryotischen Zellen. Sie besteht aus einer inneren und einer {\"a}ußeren Kernmembran sowie der nukleoplasmatischen Kernlamina, die aufgrund zahlreicher assoziierter Proteine in enger Wechselbeziehung mit der inneren Kernmembran steht. Neben der rein r{\"a}umlichen Trennung nukle{\"a}rer und zytoplasmatischer Strukturen hat die Kernh{\"u}lle bedeutenden regulatorischen Einfluss auf die gesamte Zelle. So ist sie unter anderem an der Steuerung der genomischen Aktivit{\"a}t, an der nukleo- und zytoplasmatischen Signal{\"u}bertragung und in hohem Maße an der Positionierung und Formerhaltung des Zellkerns beteiligt. Es mehren sich die Hinweise, dass die Kernh{\"u}lle auch w{\"a}hrend der Gametogenese, der Differenzierung befruchtungsf{\"a}higer Keimzellen, eine zentrale Rolle einnimmt und folglich auch mit bislang ungekl{\"a}rten Ursachen humaner Infertilit{\"a}t in Kontext stehen k{\"o}nnte. Um die Bedeutung der Kernh{\"u}lle f{\"u}r die Keimbahn der S{\"a}uger generell besser verstehen zu k{\"o}nnen, wurden in dieser Arbeit ausgew{\"a}hlte Bestandteile der Keimzellkernh{\"u}lle untersucht. Dadurch sollte der Kenntnisstand erweitert werden, in welcher Weise die Kernh{\"u}lle dynamische, morphologische und vor allem f{\"u}r die Keimbahn essentielle Prozesse beeinflusst; insbesondere w{\"a}hrend der meiotischen und der postmeiotischen Differenzierungsphase bei m{\"a}nnlichen M{\"a}usen. Im Mittelpunkt stand dabei einerseits Lamin C2, ein meiosespezifisches A-Typ Lamin, dessen Verlust zu einer schwer gesch{\"a}digten Meiose und infolgedessen zu vollst{\"a}ndiger m{\"a}nnlicher Infertilit{\"a}t f{\"u}hrt. Es zeigte sich, dass Lamin C2-defiziente m{\"a}nnliche M{\"a}use schwerwiegende Defekte bei der Paarung und Synapsis der homologen Chromosomen in der meiotischen Prophase I aufweisen und aufgrund apoptotischer Spermatocyten keine reifen Spermien bilden k{\"o}nnen. Es wird angenommen, dass die Assoziation homologer Chromosomen bzw. die Abstoßung nicht-homologer durch gerichtete Telomerbewegungen entlang der Kernh{\"u}llenperipherie vorangetrieben bzw. verhindert wird. Da Lamin C2 seinerseits diese Wanderung der Telomere durch eine Flexibilisierung der Spermatocytenkernh{\"u}lle vereinfachen soll, ist es durchaus vorstellbar, dass sein Verlust verlangsamte Telomerbewegungen, eine gest{\"o}rte Homologenfindung und folglich Fehlpaarungen zur Folge hat. Ein weiteres zentrales Thema war die Erforschung potentieller LINC-Komplexe w{\"a}hrend der Differenzierungs- und morphologischen Umgestaltungsphase postmeiotischer Keimzellen. LINC-Komplexe sind kernh{\"u}llendurchspannende Proteingebilde aus SUN-Proteinen in der inneren und Nesprinen in der {\"a}ußeren Kernmembran, die nukle{\"a}re Strukturen an das Zytoskelett binden. Da sie aufgrund dieser strukturellen Eigenschaft die Kernmorphologie beeinflussen k{\"o}nnen, erscheinen sie als {\"a}ußerst geeignet, an der Formierung des Spermienkopfes beteiligt zu sein. Die detaillierte Untersuchung spermiogeneserelevanter LINC-Komplex-Bestandteile ergab, dass w{\"a}hrend der Spermiogenese tats{\"a}chlich zwei neue, strukturell einzigartige LINC-Komplexe gebildet werden, die dar{\"u}ber hinaus auf den entgegengesetzten Seiten differenzierender Spermatiden polarisieren. Da sie den Kern dort an jeweils spezielle Zytoskelettelemente binden k{\"o}nnten, wurde in dieser Arbeit das Modell der LINC-Komplex vermittelten Umformung des Spermienkopfes aufgestellt. Insgesamt tr{\"a}gt diese Arbeit durch die funktionelle Analyse von Lamin C2 und die Identifizierung neuer LINC-Komplexe dazu bei, die Wichtigkeit der Kernh{\"u}lle f{\"u}r die Spermatogenese zu vertiefen und auszuweiten.}, subject = {Spermatogenese}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schuelein2011, author = {Sch{\"u}lein, Christina}, title = {Die Regulation von Fbw7 durch PI3K-abh{\"a}ngige Phosphorylierung und Charakterisierung eines konditionalen Usp28-Knockout-Mausmodells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-70963}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Das Proto-Onkoprotein Myc ist an der Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung einer Vielzahl humaner Tumore entscheidend beteiligt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde Serin 227 in Fbw7 als Ziel f{\"u}r eine PI3K-abh{\"a}ngige Phosphorylierung identifiziert. Diese Phosphorylierung f{\"u}hrt zur Stabilisierung von Fbw7 und steigert die F{\"a}higkeit von Fbw7, Substratproteine zu ubiquitinieren und abzubauen. Um die Bedeutung von Usp28 in der Myc-induzierten Tumorentstehung und in der normalen Gewebehom{\"o}ostase zu untersuchen, wurde ein konditionales Knockout-Mausmodell f{\"u}r Usp28 charakterisiert. M{\"a}use mit einer Keimbahndeletion von Usp28 sind lebensf{\"a}hig, fertil und ph{\"a}notypisch unauff{\"a}llig. Weder in Organen der Usp28-negativen Tiere, noch in entsprechenden murinen embryonalen Fibroblasten kann eine Destabilisierung von Myc festgestellt werden. Allerdings zeigen Fibroblasten mit heterozygotem Usp28-Verlust einen Proliferationsdefekt und in Eμ-Myc-Lymphomen dieses Genotyps werden tendenziell niedrigere Myc-Proteinmengen gefunden. Das tumorfreie {\"U}berleben ist bei den Eμ-Myc; Usp28 +/- Tieren verl{\"a}ngert.}, subject = {Myc}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Pillai2011, author = {Pillai, Deepu}, title = {Differential effects of Pigment epithelium derived factor and epidermal growth factor on Ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats - a magnetic resonance imaging study at 3 tesla}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-57341}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Stroke, after myocardial infarction and cancer is the third most common cause of death worldwide and 1/6th of all human beings will suffer at least one stroke in their lives. Furthermore, it is the leading cause for adult disability with approximately one third of patients who survive for the next 6 months are dependent on others. Because of its huge socioeconomic burden absorbing 6\% of all health care budgets and with the fact that life expectancy increases globally, one can assume that stroke is already, and will continue to be, the most challenging disease. Ischemic stroke accounts for approximately 80\% of all strokes and results from a thrombotic or embolic occlusion of a major cerebral artery (most often the middle cerebral artery, MCA) or its branches Following acute ischemic stroke, the most worrisome outcome is the rapidly increasing intra-cranial pressure due to the formation of space-occupying vasogenic oedema which can have lethal consequences. Permeability changes at the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) usually accompanies the oedematous development and their time course can provide invaluable insight into the nature of the insult, activation of compensatory mechanisms followed by long term repair. Rodent models of focal cerebral ischemia have been developed and optimized to mimic human stroke conditions and serve as indispensable tools in the field of stroke research. The presented work constituting of three separate but complete works by themselves are sequential, where, the first part was dedicated to the establishment of non-invasive small animal imaging strategies on a 3 tesla clinical magnetic resonance scanner. This facilitated the longitudinal monitoring of pathological outcomes following stroke where identical animals can serve as its own control. Tissue relaxometric estimations were carried out initially to derive the transverse (T2), longitudinal (T1) and the transverse relaxation time due to magnetic susceptibility effects (T2*) at the cortical and striatal regions of the rodent brain. Statistically significant differences in T2*-values could be found between the cortex and striatal regions of the rodent brain. The derived tissue relaxation values were considered to modify the existing imaging protocols to facilitate the study of the rodent model of ischemic stroke. The modified sequence protocols adequately characterized all the clinically relevant sequels following acute ischemic stroke, like, the altered perfusion and diffusion characteristics. Subsequent to this, serial magnetic resonance imaging was performed to investigate the temporal and spatial relationship between the biphasic nature of BBB opening and, in parallel, the oedema formation after I/R injury in rats. T2-relaxometry for oedema assessment was performed at 1 h after ischemia, immediately following reperfusion, and at 4, 24 and 48 hours post reperfusion. Post-contrast T1-weighted imaging was performed at the last three time points to assess BBB integrity. The biphasic course of BBB opening with significant reduction in BBB permeability at 24 hours after reperfusion was associated with a progressive expansion of leaky BBB volume, accompanied by a peak ipsilateral oedema formation. At 48 hours, the reduction in T2-value indicated oedema resorption accompanied by a second phase of BBB opening. In addition, at 4 hours after reperfusion, oedema formation could also be detected at the contralateral striatum which persisted to varying degrees throughout the study, indicative of widespread effects of I/R injury. The observations of this study may indicate a dynamic temporal shift in the mechanisms responsible for biphasic BBB permeability changes, with non-linear relations to oedema formation. Two growth factor peptides namely pigment epithelium derived factor (PEDF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) with widely different trophic properties were considered for their beneficial effects, if any, in the established rodent model of I/R injury and studied up to one week employing magnetic resonance imaging. Both the selected, trophic factors demonstrated significant neuroprotection as demonstrated by a reduction in infarct volume, even though PEDF was found to be the most potent one. PEDF also demonstrated significant attenuation of oedema formation in comparison to both the control and EGF groups, even though EGF could also demonstrate oedema suppression. In the present work, we noticed that interventions with macromolecule protein/peptides by itself could mediate remote oedema at distant sites even though the significance of such an observation is not clear at present. Susceptibility (T2*) weighted tissue relaxometric estimations were considered at the infarct region to detect any metabolic changes arising out of any neuroprotection and/or cellular proliferation / neurogenesis. PEDF group demonstrated a striking reduction of the T2*-values, which is indicative of an increased metabolic activity. Moreover, all the groups (Control, EGF and PEDF) demonstrated significantly elevated T2*-values at the contralateral striatum, which is indicative of widespread metabolic suppression usually associated with a variety of traumatic brain conditions. Moreover, as expected from the properties of PEDF, it demonstrated an extended BBB permeability suppression throughout the duration of the study. This study underlines the merits of considering non-invasive imaging strategies without which it was not possible to study the required parameters in a longitudinal fashion. All the observations are adequately supported by reasonably well defined mechanisms and needs to be further verified and confirmed by an immunohistochemical study. These results also need to be complemented by a functional study to evaluate the behavioural outcome of animals following these treatments. These studies are progressing at our laboratory and the results will be duly published afterwards.}, subject = {Schlaganfall}, language = {en} } @article{VandenHoveJakobSchrautetal.2011, author = {Van den Hove, Daniel and Jakob, Sissi Brigitte and Schraut, Karla-Gerlinde and Kenis, Gunter and Schmitt, Angelika Gertrud and Kneitz, Susanne and Scholz, Claus-J{\"u}rgen and Wiescholleck, Valentina and Ortega, Gabriela and Prickaerts, Jos and Steinbusch, Harry and Lesch, Klaus-Peter}, title = {Differential Effects of Prenatal Stress in 5-Htt Deficient Mice: Towards Molecular Mechanisms of Gene x Environment Interactions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-75795}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Prenatal stress (PS) has been shown to influence the development of the fetal brain and to increase the risk for the development of psychiatric disorders in later life. Furthermore, the variation of human serotonin transporter (5-HTT, SLC6A4) gene was suggested to exert a modulating effect on the association between early life stress and the risk for depression. In the present study, we used a 5-Htt6PS paradigm to investigate whether the effects of PS are dependent on the 5-Htt genotype. For this purpose, the effects of PS on cognition, anxiety- and depression-related behavior were examined using a maternal restraint stress paradigm of PS in C57BL6 wild-type (WT) and heterozygous 5-Htt deficient (5-Htt +/2) mice. Additionally, in female offspring, a genome-wide hippocampal gene expression profiling was performed using the Affymetrix GeneChipH Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array. 5-Htt +/2 offspring showed enhanced memory performance and signs of reduced anxiety as compared to WT offspring. In contrast, exposure of 5-Htt +/2 mice to PS was associated with increased depressive-like behavior, an effect that tended to be more pronounced in female offspring. Further, 5-Htt genotype, PS and their interaction differentially affected the expression of numerous genes and related pathways within the female hippocampus. Specifically, MAPK and neurotrophin signaling were regulated by both the 5-Htt +/2 genotype and PS exposure, whereas cytokine and Wnt signaling were affected in a 5-Htt genotype6PS manner, indicating a gene6environment interaction at the molecular level. In conclusion, our data suggest that although the 5-Htt +/2 genotype shows clear adaptive capacity, 5-Htt +/2 mice -particularly females- at the same time appear to be more vulnerable to developmental stress exposure when compared to WT offspring. Moreover, hippocampal gene expression profiles suggest that distinct molecular mechanisms mediate the behavioral effects of the 5-Htt genotype, PS exposure, and their interaction.}, subject = {Medizin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Thoma2011, author = {Thoma, Eva Christina}, title = {Directed differentiation of pluripotent stem cells induced by single genes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-54706}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Pluripotency describes the ability of stem cells to form every cell type of the body.. Pluripotent stem cells are e.g. embryonic stem cells (ESCs), but also the so called induced pluripotent stem cells (IPS cells), that are generated by reprogramming differentiated somatic cells into a pluripotent state. Furthermore, it has been shown that spermatogonia (SG) derived from adult testes of mouse or human are pluripotent. Because of their ability to differentiate into every somatic cell type, pluripotent stem cells have a unique status in research and regenerative medicine. For the latter, they offer a valuable opportunity to replace destroyed tissues or organs. For basic research, stem cells represent a useful system to study differentiation or developmental processes that are difficult to access in the physiological situation e.g. during embryogenesis. Both applications, however, require methods that allow efficient and directed differentiation of stem cells into defined specialized cell types. This study first aims to investigate the differentiation potential of SG derived from the teleost fish medaka (Oryzias latipes). My results demonstrate that medaka SG are able to form different somatic cell types, namely adipocytes, melanocytes, osteoblasts, and neurons. This indicates that medake SG have retained a broad differentiation potential suggesting that pluripotency is not restricted to mouse and human SG but might be conserved among vertebrates. Next, I wanted to establish a differentiation method that is solely based on ectopic expression of genes known to be essential for the formation of certain somatic cell types - so called master regulators (MRs). My findings show that ectopic expression of the melanocyte-specific transcription factor mitf-m that has previously been shown to induce differentiation of medaka ESCs into pigment cells resulted in the formation of the same cell type in medaka SG. This approach could be used to generate other somatic cell types. Thus, ectopic expression of the MRs cbfa1 and mash1 in MF-SG was sufficient to induce differentiation into osteoblasts and neurons, respectively. Interestingly, these differentiation processes included the activation of genes that are expressed earlier during embryogenesis than the differentiation-inducing MR. Furthermore, my findings show that the approach of MR-induced differentiation can be transferred to mammalian stem cell systems. Ectopic expression of the neural transcription factor ngn2 was sufficient to induce efficient and rapid differentiation of neurons in mouse ESCs. This differentiation process also included the induction of genes that in vivo are activated at earlier stages that ngn2. By generating a transgenic cell line allowing induction of ectopic ngn2 expression, it was possible to obtain a relatively pure culture of functional neurons. Ngn2-induced differentiation did not require any additional signals and occurred even under pluripotency promoting conditions. Moreover, ectopic expression of ngn2 did also induce the formation of cells with neuronal morphology in IPS cells indicating that MR-induced differentiation is operative in different stem cell types. Furthermore, protein transduction of Ngn2 into mouse ESCs also resulted in a neuronal differentiation process up to the appearance of neural precursor cells. Last, my results show that MR-induced differentiation can also be used to generate other cell types than neurons from mouse ESCs. Myoblasts and macrophage-like cells were generated by ectopic expression of the MRs myoD and cebpa, respectively. Using transgenic cell lines enabling induction of MR expression it was possible to obtain mixed cultures with two different differentiation processes occurring in parallel. Altogether this study shows that ectopic expression of single genes is sufficient to induce directed differentiation of stem cells into defined cell types. The feasibility of this approach was demonstrated for different MRs and consequently different somatic cell types. Furthermore, MR induced differentiation was operative in different stem cell types from fish and mouse. Thus, one can conclude that certain genes are able to define cell fates in in vitro stem cell systems and that this cell fate defining potential appears to be a conserved feature in vertebrates. These findings therefore provide new insights in the role of MRs in cell commitment and differentiation processes. Furthermore, this study presents a new method to induce directed differentiation of stem cells that offers several advantages regarding efficiency, rapidness, and reproducibility. MR-induced differentiation therefore represents a promising tool for both stem cell research and regenerative medicine.}, subject = {Stammzelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Duechs2011, author = {D{\"u}chs, Matthias}, title = {Effects of Toll-like receptor agonists on the pathogenesis of atopic asthma in mice}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-66369}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {In the last decades, both the incidence and the severity of asthma have steadily increased. Furthermore, available therapies only treat the symptoms but do not cure the disease. Immune modulation induced by TLR agonists may be a promising novel approach to effectively treat asthma as it targets the underlying immunopathology directly rather than one mediator alone. The aim of this thesis was to investigate if the immunostimulatory properties of Toll-like receptor (TLR) agonists can be utilized to develop novel therapeutic intervention strategies for the treatment of asthma using murine models of allergic inflammation. For this purpose five different TLR agonists were tested in preclinical mouse models of acute and chronic asthma, both in preventive and therapeutic settings. Firstly, TLR-2, 3, 4, 7/8 and 9 agonists were delivered intratracheally at different doses before pulmonary allergen exposure in the asthma model of acute inflammation. TLR9 agonist CpG-containing oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG) > TLR7 agonist Resiquimod (R848) > TLR3 agonists poly(I:C) strongly reduced allergen induced airway eosinophilia and IL-4 levels in a dose-dependent manner. All TLR agonists increased neutrophil numbers, TLR4 agonist lipopolysaccharide (LPS) > TLR2 agonist lipoteichonic acid (LTA) > poly(I:C) > CpG > R848 and, with the exception of R848, the amount of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the airways. Suppressive effects were not dependent upon IFN-γ and IL-10 or associated with increased numbers of regulatory T cells in the airways. All TLR agonists, except LTA, similarly reduced airway eosinophilia and IL-4 levels when applied therapeutically after allergen challenge. These results show that the TLR agonists have different suppressive effects on TH2 responses in the airways which further depend on the dose and the experimental setup in which they were tested. Interestingly, all agonists induced airway neutrophilia, albeit to different degrees, raising the question if TLR ligands are safe for human use when applied directly into the lung. Different TLR agonists are also being developed for human use as adjuvants combined with allergen in specific immunotherapy. Recent clinical data suggest that this may be achieved by induction of allergen-specific TH1 responses. For this reason, the ability of different TLR agonists to induce allergen-specific TH1 and suppress allergen-specific TH2 responses in a preclinical setting was investigated in this thesis. Different doses of the TLR agonists were applied together with allergen, then mice were exposed to allergen aerosol. CpG > LPS >LTA dose-dependently strongly suppressed the development of airway eosinophilia with poly(I:C) and R848 having no effect. The decrease in eosinophilic numbers was associated withincreased neutrophils present in the airways. IL-4 and IL-5 levels in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were also decreased when poly(I:C), LPS, and CpG were used. All TLR agonists increased allergen-specific IgG2a, and with the exception of poly(I:C), reduced allergen-specific IgE levels in the serum. Cutaneous anaphylaxis to allergen was completely prevented when LPS or CpG were given as adjuvant. The strongest TH1 responses were induced by CpG and poly(I:C), characterized by the presence of IFN-γ in the bronchoalveolar lavage and the highest allergen-specific IgG2a levels in the serum. This data supports approaches to use TLR9 or TLR4 agonists for human therapy as adjuvant in combination with allergen in novel specific immunotherapy formulations. In the last part of the thesis, it was investigated if TLR activation can also affect the pathology of severe chronic asthma. Therapeutic administration of R848 or CpG reduced features of inflammation and remodeling. Both agonists showed superior effects to dexamethasone, with CpG being more efficient than R848. This result again supports a TLR9-based therapy as a viable option for the treatment of severe chronic asthma which may present a potential alternative for anti-inflammatory therapy with steroids. Taken together, the results of this thesis support the use of TLR agonists to treat asthma. The most favorable efficacy/safety ratio is to be expected from TLR-based therapies combining TLR4 or TLR9 agonists with allergen in specific immunotherapy. In regard to TLR agonist monotherapy, R848 and CpG showed the most promising profiles, CpG particularly in a model of severe chronic asthma. However, since all TLR agonists used in this study also showed pro-inflammatory potential, the safety aspect of such an approach needs to be taken into account.}, subject = {Toll-like Rezeptor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wang2011, author = {Wang, Huiqiang}, title = {Enhanced Replication of Vaccinia Virus GLV-1h68 in Cancer Stem-like Cells of Human Breast Cancer Cell Preparations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-64750}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {There is more and more evidence for the cancer stem cell hypothesis which believes that cancers are driven by a cellular subcomponent that has stem cell properties which is self-renewal, tumorigenicity and multilineage differentiation capacity. Cancer stem cells have been connected to the initiation of tumors and are even found to be responsible for relapses after apparently curative therapies have been undertaken. This hypothesis changes our conceptual approach of oncogenesis and shall have implications in breast cancer prevention, detection and treatment, especially in metastatic breast cancer for which no curative treatment exists. Given the specific stem cell features, novel therapeutic pathways can be targeted. Since the value of vaccinia virus as a vaccination virus against smallpox was discovered by E. Jenner at 18th century, it plays an important role in human medicine and molecular biology. After smallpox was successfully eradicated, vaccinia virus is mainly used as a viral vector in molecular biology and increasingly in cancer therapy. The outstanding capability to specifically target and destroy cancer cells makes it a perfect agent for oncolytic virotherapy. Furthermore, the virus can easily be modified by inserting genes which encode therapeutic or diagnostic proteins to be expressed when a tumor is infected. The emphasis in this study was the establishment of methods for the enrichment of human breast cancer stem-like cells from cancer cell lines and characterization of those cancer stem-like cells in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, by using the Genelux Corporation vaccinia virus strain GLV-1h68, the isolated cancer stem-like cells can be targeted not only in vitro but also in vivo more efficiently. Side-population (SP) cells within cancers and cell lines are rare cell populations known to be enriched cancer stem-like cells. In this study, we used Hoechst 33342 staining and flow cytometry to identify SP cells from the human breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and GI-101A as models for cancer stem-like cells. Considering the cytotoxicity of Hoechst dye and the restriction of instrument, we did not carry out further studies by this method. Utilizing in vitro and in vivo experimental systems, we showed that human breast cancer cell line GI-101A with aldehyde dehydrogenase activity (ALDH) have stemlike properties. Higher ALDH activity identifies the tumorigenic cell fraction which is capable of self-renewal and of generating tumors that could recapitulate the heterogeneity of the parental tumor. Furthermore, the cells with higher ALDH activity display significant resistance to chemotherapy and ionizing radiation, which proves their stem-like properties again. The cells which have higher ALDH activity also are more invasive compared to cells which have lower ALDH activity, which connects the cancer stem-like cells with cancer metastases. By analyzing the popular human breast cancer stem cells surface markers CD44, CD49f and CD24, it was discovered that the cells with higher ALDH activity have stronger CD44 and CD49f expression than in those cells with lower ALDH activity, which further confirms their stem-like properties. Finally, the cells with higher ALDH activity and lower ALDH activity were infected in vitro and used in virotherapy in a mouse xenograft model was performed. The results indicated that the vaccinia virus GLV-1h68 can replicate in cells with higher ALDH activity more efficiently than cells with lower ALDH activity. GLV-1h68 also can selectively target and eradicate the xenograft tumors which were derived from cells with higher ALDH activity. The epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a key developmental program that is often activated during cancer invasion and metastases. EMT was induced in immortalized human mammary epithelial cells (HMLEs) and in GI-101A cells, which results in the acquisition of mesenchymal traits and in the expression of stem cell markers. Furthermore, the EMT-induced GI-101A cells showed resistance to chemotherapy and invasion capacity. CD44+/CD24- cells were enriched during the EMT induction. Following flow cytometry sorting by using CD44, CD24 and ESA surface marker, the sorted cells were tested in a mouse model regarding tumorigenicity. Unexpectedly, we found that CD44+/CD24+/ESA+ cells could initiate tumors more efficiently rather than CD44+/CD24-/ESA+ and other fractions in EMTinduced GI-101A cells. We also infected the CD44+/CD24+/ESA+ and CD44+/CD24- /ESA+ cells in vitro and performed virotherapy in a mouse xenograft model. The results indicated that the vaccinia virus GLV-1h68 is able to replicate in CD44+/CD24+/ESA+ cells more efficiently than in CD44+/CD24-/ESA+ cells. GLV-1h68 was also capable to selectively target and eradicate the xenograft tumors which derived from CD44+/CD24+/ESA+ cells. Moreover, CD44- cells have much lower tumorigenicity in the mouse model and CD44- cells derived-tumors are not responsive to vaccinia virotherapy. In summary, we have successfully established an in vitro and in vivo system for the identification, characterization and isolation of cancer stem-like cells from the human breast cancer cell line GI-101A by using the ALDEFLUOR assay. The vaccinia virus GLV-1h68 was able to efficiently target and eradicate the higher ALDH activity cells and tumors derived from those cells. Although contrary to the current assumption, CD44+/CD24+/ESA+ cells in the EMT-induced GI-101A cell line showed stem-like properties and GLV-1h68 was able to efficiently target and eradicate the CD44+/CD24+/ESA+ cells and tumors which derived from those cells. Finally, improved understanding of cancer stem cells may have tremendous relevance for how cancer should be treated. It is menacing that cancer stem cells are resistant to almost all anti-tumor approaches which have already been established for the treatment of metastatic diseases such as ionizing radiation, hormonal therapy, chemotherapy, and small molecular inhibitors. Therefore, it is promising that our results suggest that these cancer stem cells may be susceptible to treatment with oncolytic vaccinia virus.}, subject = {Vaccinia Virus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{ElHajj2011, author = {El Hajj, Nady}, title = {Epimutations in Germ-Cell and Embryo Development: Possible Consequences for Assisted Reproduction}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-65995}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) emerged in the late 1970's as a therapy for human infertility. Up till now more than 3 million babies have been conceived through ART, demonstrating the safety and efficiency of the technique. Published reports showed an increase in the rate of imprinting disorders (Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome, Angelman Syndrome, etc.) in babies born after ART. What are the effects imposed through ART and should researchers reassess its safety and implications on the future offspring? Throughout this thesis, I analyzed the methylation patterns of germ cells and embryos to determine whether in vitro maturation and in vitro fertilization have a negative impact on the epigenetic patterns. Furthermore, DNA methylation was compared between sperm of infertile and presumably fertile controls in order to understand whether epigenetic disturbances lead to infertility at the first place. The occurrence of methylation aberrations in germ cells of infertile patients could be transmitted to new-borns and then cause epigenetic disorders. In order to elucidate the imprinting status within single cells, I developed a new technique based on limiting dilution where bisulfite treated DNA is distributed across several wells before amplification. This allowed methylation measurement at the single allele level as well parent of origin detection. In a total of 141 sperm samples from couples undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) including 106 with male factor or combined infertility and 28 with female infertility, I detected a significant correlation between lower quality of semen parameters (sperm count, percentage of abnormal sperm, and percentage of motile sperm) and the rate of imprinting errors. ALU repeats displayed a higher methylation in sperm DNA of patients leading to a pregnancy and live birth, compared to patients in which pregnancy was not achieved or a spontaneous abortion occurred. A discriminant analysis based on ALU methylation allowed correct classification of >70\% of cases. Preliminary data from illumina methylation arrays where more than 27,000 CpGs were analyzed determined that only a single CpG site from the open reading frame C14orf93 was significantly different between the infertile and presumably fertile control group. However, further improvements on data normalization might permit detection of other differentially methylated regions. Comparison of embryos after natural conception, in vitro fertilized embryos from superovulated oocytes, and embryos achieved through fertilization of in vitro cultured oocytes revealed no dramatic effect on the imprinting patterns of Igf2r, H19, and Snrpn. Oocyte cryotop vitrification did not result in a dramatic increase of imprinting mutations in oocytes even though the rate of sporadic methylation errors in single Snrpn CpGs were higher within the in-vitrified group. Collectively, the results I will present within this thesis suggest an increase in the rate of imprinting errors within the germ cells of infertile patients, in addition to a decrease in genome wide methylation of ALU repetitive elements. I did not observe a detrimental effect on the methylation patterns of oocytes and the resulting embryos using in vitro maturation of oocytes and/or standard IVF with in vivo grown superovulated oocytes.}, subject = {Reproduktionsmedizin}, language = {en} }