@phdthesis{Kibler2002, author = {Kibler, Eike Mathias U.}, title = {Casein-Kinase-2-Beta und neuronale Entwicklungsprozesse}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-4202}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Die Pilzk{\"o}rper von Drosophila melanogaster stellen eine f{\"u}r die Lebensf{\"a}higkeit dieses Organismus entbehrliche Gehirnstruktur dar. Die Entwicklungsprozesse, die der Bildung dieser zentralnerv{\"o}sen Struktur zugrunde liegen, sind gut erforscht. Die neuronalen Stammzellen, die f{\"u}r die Bildung dieser Gehirnstruktur verantwortlich sind, sind identifiziert und experimentell gut zug{\"a}nglich. Daher bietet sich die Drosophila-Pilzk{\"o}rperentwicklung als neurogenetisches Modellsystem an, grundlegende Mechanismen der Gehirnentwicklung durch die Untersuchung von Pilzk{\"o}rperstrukturmutanten zu erforschen. In dieser Arbeit wurde mushroom bodies undersized P1 (mbuP1) als eine durch Transposon- Insertion in den Casein-Kinase-2ß-Genlokus verursachte, hypomorphe Mutation identifiziert, die zu einer starken Verringerung der Anzahl der die Pilzk{\"o}rper bildenden intrinsischen Neurone f{\"u}hrt. Eine Reversion des mbuP1-Pilzk{\"o}rperph{\"a}notyps konnte unter anderem durch die Expression von Casein-Kinase-2ß-(CK2ß)-Transgenen im mbuP1-Hintergrund erzielt werden. Durch Rekombination wurde ein fertiler mbuP1-Stamm etabliert, der nun die Untersuchung der zellul{\"a}ren mbuP1-Defekte erm{\"o}glicht. Eine partielle, letale Deletion der CK2ß-Transkriptionseinheit wurde erzeugt. Die Letalit{\"a}t dieser Deletion konnte sowohl durch ein genomisches CK2ß-Transgen als auch durch die ubiquit{\"a}re Expression einer CK2ß-cDNA gerettet, und hierdurch die essentielle Funktion der CK2ß-Transkriptionseinheit in Drosophila belegt werden. Durch die ubiquit{\"a}re Expression von in vitro-mutagenisierten CK2ß-cDNAs im CK2ß-Letalhintergrund wurde gezeigt, daß die Phosphorylierung der regulatorischen CK2ß-Untereinheit durch die katalytisch aktive CK2\&\#945;-Untereinheit kein lebensnotwendiger Prozess ist. Gleichartige Experimente wurden zur Untersuchung der funktionellen Bedeutung eines CK2ß-Zinkfingermotivs und eines CK2ß-Destruction-Box-Motivs durchgef{\"u}hrt. Diese legen nahe, daß das Zinkfingermotiv im Gegensatz zum Destruction-Box-Motiv f{\"u}r die in vivo-Funktion der CK2ß-Untereinheit essentiell ist. Expression der in vitro-mutagenisierten CK2ß-cDNAs im mbuP1-Hintergrund werden die funktionelle Bedeutung der ausgetauschten Aminos{\"a}uren f{\"u}r die Pilzk{\"o}rperentwicklung zeigen. Eine letale genetische Interaktion von mbuP1 mit einer Mutation des Drosophila-MAP-Kinase-Gens rolled (rlSem) und eine lebensf{\"a}hige Interaktion von mbuP1 mit einer Mutation des Drosophila-S6-Kinase-p90rsk-Gens ignorant (ignP1), bei der Fl{\"u}gel- und Augenent-wicklungsdefekte zu beobachten sind, wurden gefunden. Es wurde zudem gezeigt, daß rlSem als Suppressor des Pilzk{\"o}rperph{\"a}notyps eines schw{\"a}cheren mbu-Allels wirkt. Hierdurch konnte eine Beteiligung der Casein-Kinase-2 an MAP-Kinase-Signal{\"u}bertragungswegen wahrscheinlich gemacht werden.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Knapek2010, author = {Knapek, Stephan}, title = {Synapsin and Bruchpilot, two synaptic proteins underlying specific phases of olfactory aversive memory in Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-49726}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Memory is dynamic: shortly after acquisition it is susceptible to amnesic treatments, gets gradually consolidated, and becomes resistant to retrograde amnesia (McGaugh, 2000). Associative olfactory memory of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster also shows these features. After a single associative training where an odor is paired with electric shock (Quinn et al., 1974; Tully and Quinn, 1985), flies form an aversive odor memory that lasts for several hours, consisting of qualitatively different components. These components can be dissociated by mutations, their underlying neuronal circuitry and susceptibility to amnesic treatments (Dubnau and Tully, 1998; Isabel et al., 2004; Keene and Waddell, 2007; Masek and Heisenberg, 2008; Xia and Tully, 2007). A component that is susceptible to an amnesic treatment, i.e. anesthesia-sensitive memory (ASM), dominates early memory, but decays rapidly (Margulies et al., 2005; Quinn and Dudai, 1976). A consolidated anesthesia-resistant memory component (ARM) is built gradually within the following hours and lasts significantly longer (Margulies et al., 2005; Quinn and Dudai, 1976). I showed here that the establishment of ARM requires less intensity of shock reinforcement than ASM. ARM and ASM rely on different molecular and/or neuronal processes: ARM is selectively impaired in the radish mutant, whereas for example the amnesiac and rutabaga genes are specifically required for ASM (Dudai et al., 1988; Folkers et al., 1993; Isabel et al., 2004; Quinn and Dudai, 1976; Schwaerzel et al., 2007; Tully et al., 1994). The latter comprise the cAMP signaling pathway in the fly, with the PKA being its supposed major target (Levin et al., 1992). Here I showed that a synapsin null-mutant encoding the evolutionary conserved phosphoprotein Synapsin is selectively impaired in the labile ASM. Further experiments suggested Synapsin as a potential downstream effector of the cAMP/PKA cascade. Similar to my results, Synapsin plays a role for different learning tasks in vertebrates (Gitler et al., 2004; Silva et al., 1996). Also in Aplysia, PKA-dependent phosphorylation of Synapsin has been proposed to be involved in regulation of neurotransmitter release and short-term plasticity (Angers et al., 2002; Fiumara et al., 2004). Synapsin is associated with a reserve pool of vesicles at the presynapse and is required to maintain vesicle release specifically under sustained high frequency nerve stimulation (Akbergenova and Bykhovskaia, 2007; Li et al., 1995; Pieribone et al., 1995; Sun et al., 2006). In contrast, the requirement of Bruchpilot, which is homologous to the mammalian active zone proteins ELKS/CAST (Wagh et al., 2006), is most pronounced in immediate vesicle release (Kittel et al., 2006). Under repeated stimulation of a bruchpilot mutant motor neuron, immediate vesicle release is severely impaired whereas the following steady-state release is still possible (Kittel et al., 2006). In line with that, knockdown of the Bruchpilot protein causes impairment in clustering of Ca2+ channels to the active zones and a lack of electron-dense projections at presynaptic terminals (T-bars). Thus, less synaptic vesicles of the readily-releasable pool are accumulated to the release sites and their release probability is severely impaired (Kittel et al., 2006; Wagh et al., 2006). First, I showed that Bruchpilot is required for aversive olfactory memory and localized the requirement of Bruchpilot to the Kenyon cells of the mushroom body, the second-order olfactory interneurons in Drosophila. Furthermore, I demonstrated that Bruchpilot selectively functions for the consolidated anesthesia-resistant memory. Since Synapsin is specifically required for the labile anesthesia sensitive memory, different synaptic proteins can dissociate consolidated and labile components of olfactory memory and two different modes of neurotransmission (high- vs. low frequency dependent) might differentiate ASM and ARM.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kroiss2008, author = {Kroiß, Matthias}, title = {Reinigung und funktionelle Charakterisierung des SMN-Komplexes von Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-28840}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Die Zusammenlageurng spleißosomaler UsnRNPs erfolgt beim Menschen und anderen Vertebraten durch den makromolekularen SMN-Komplex. Dieser besteht aus insgesamt neun Proteinen, genannt SMN und Gemin2-8. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Evolution dieser molekularen Maschine untersucht. Dazu wurden die Genome mehrerer Modellorganismen bioinformatisch nach Orthologen von SMN und seinen Komplexpartnern durchsucht. Es zeigte sich, dass SMN und Gemin2 die Kernkomponenten des Komplexes darstellen. Von diesen ausgehend kamen weitere Komponenten im Laufe der Evolution hinzu und zwar blockweise, wie es ihrer physischen Assoziation im humanen Komplex entspricht. Um diese Befunde einer biochemischen {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung zu unterziehen, wurde ein neues Affinit{\"a}tsepitop, das TagIt-Epitop, entwickelt. Nach stabiler Transfektion von Drosophila Schneider2-Zellen konnte das Fusionsprotein effizient exprimiert und der Drosophila-SMN-Komplex nativ aufgereinigt werden. Die massenspektrometrische Untersuchung des Komplexes zeigte, dass SMN und Gemin2 seine einzigen st{\"o}chiometrischen Komponenten sind. Dies ist in eindrucksvoller {\"U}bereinstimmung mit den bioinformatischen Daten. Der aufgereinigte Komplex lagert in vitro Sm-Proteine mit der entsprechenden UsnRNA zum UsnRNP-core-Komplex zusammen. Diese Ergebnisse ließen sich nach rekombinanter Rekonstitution des SMN/Gemin2-Dimers rekapitulieren. Dabei zeigte sich, dass der SMN-Komplex die unkoordinierte Bindung der Sm-Proteine an „falsche" RNAs verhindert. Folglich gen{\"u}gen SMN und Gemin2 zur Zusammenlagerung des Sm-core-Komplexes, w{\"a}hrend die {\"u}brigen Gemine weitere Funktionen im Kontext der UsnRNP-Biogenese spielen k{\"o}nnten. Aus evolutionsbiologischer Sichtweise ist der SMN-Komplex aus Drosophila ein eindr{\"u}ckliches Beispiel, wie die Vereinfachung eines biochemischen Prozesses zur Kompaktierung des Genoms beitragen kann.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Koenig2016, author = {K{\"o}nig, Sebastian}, title = {Spatially selective visual attention in Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-134452}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Finding the right behavior at the right time is one of the major tasks of brains. In a natural scenery there is often an abundance of stimuli present and the brain has to separate the relevant from the irrelevant ones. Selective visual attention (SVA) is a property of higher visual systems that achieves this separation, as it allows to '[…] focus on one source of sensory input to the exclusion of others' (Luck and Mangun, 1996). There are probably several forms of SVA depending upon the criteria used for the separation, such as salience, color, location in space, novelty, or motion. Many studies have investigated SVA in humans and non-human primates. However, complex functions like attention were initially not expected to be already implemented in the brains of simple organisms like Drosophila. After a first demonstration of selective attention in the fly (Wolf and Heisenberg, 1980), it took some time until other studies included attentional mechanisms in their argumentation to explain certain behaviors of Drosophila. However, their definition and characterization of attention differed and often was ambiguous. Here, one particular form, spatially selective visual attention in the fly Drosophila is investigated. It has been shown earlier that the fly spontaneously may restrict its behavioral responses in stationary flight to the visual stimuli on one side of the visual field. On the basis of experiments of Sareen et al., (2011) it has been conjectured that the fly has a focus of attention (FoA) and that the fly responds to the visual stimuli within this area of the visual field. Whether the FoA is the adequate concept for this spatial property of SVA in the fly needs to be further discussed and is a subject also of the present study. At this stage, the concept will be used in the description of the new results expanding the characterization of SVA. This study continued the investigation of SVA during tethered flight with variable but controlled visual input and an automated primary data evaluation. This standardized paradigm allowed for analysis of wild-type behavior as well as for a comparison of several mutant and pharmacologically manipulated strains to the wild-type. Some properties of human SVA like the occurrence of externally as well as internally caused shifts of attention were found in Drosophila and it could be shown, that SVA in the fly can be externally guided and has an attention span. Additionally, a neurotransmitter and proteins, which play a significant role in SVA were discovered. Based on this, the genetic tools available for Drosophila provided the means to a first examination of cells and circuits involved in SVA. Finally, the free walk behavior of flies that had been shown to have compromised SVA was characterized. The results suggested that the observed phenotypes of SVA were not behavior specific. Covert shifts of the FoA were investigated. The FoA can be externally guided by visual cues to one or the other side of the visual field and even after the cue has disappeared it remains there for <4s. An intriguing finding of this study is the fact, that the quality of the cue determines whether it is attractive or repellent. For example a cue can be changed from being repellent (negative) to being attractive (positive) by changing its oscillation amplitude from 4° to 2°. Testing the effectiveness of cues in the upper and lower visual field separately, revealed that the perception of a cue by the fly is not exclusively based on a sum of its specifications. Because positive cueing did not have an after-effect in each of the two half-fields alone, but did so if the cue was shown in both, the fly seems to evaluate the cue for each combination of parameters specifically. Whether this evaluation of the cue changed on a trial-to-trial basis or if the cue in some cases failed to shift the FoA can at this point not be determined. Looking at the responses of the fly to the displacement of a black vertical stripe showed that they can be categorized as no responses, syn-directional responses (following the direction of motion of the stripe) and anti-directional responses (in the opposite direction of the motion of the stripe). The yaw-torque patterns of the latter bared similarities with spontaneous body saccades and they most likely represented escape attempts of the fly. Syn-directional responses, however, were genuine object responses, distinguishable by a longer latency until they were elicited and a larger amplitude. These properties as well as the distribution of response polarities were not influenced by the presence or absence of a cue. When two stripes were displaced simultaneously in opposite directions the rate of no responses increased in comparison to the displacement of a single stripe. If one of the stripes was cued, both, the responses towards and away from the side of cue resembled the syn-directional responses. Significant progress was made with the elucidation of the neuronal underpinnings of SVA. Ablation of the mushroom bodies (MB) demonstrated their requirement for SVA. Furthermore, it was shown that dopamine signaling has to be balanced between too much and too little. Either inhibiting the synthesis of dopamine or its re-uptake at the synapse via the dDAT impaired the flies' susceptibility to cueing. Using the Gal4/UAS system, cell specific expression or knockdown of the dDAT was used to scrutinize the role of MB sub-compartments in SVA. The αβ-lobes turned out to be necessary and sufficient to maintain SVA. The Gal4-line c708a labels only a subset of Kenyon cells (KC) within the αβ-lobes, αβposterior. These cells stand out, because of (A) the mesh-like arrangement of their fibers within the lobes and (B) the fact that unlike the other KCs they bypass the calyx and thereby the main source of olfactory input to the MBs, forming connections only in the posterior accessory calyx (Tanaka et al., 2008). This structure receives no or only marginal olfactory input, suggesting for it a role in tasks other than olfaction. This study shows their requirement in a visual task by demonstrating that they are necessary to uphold SVA. Restoring dDAT function in these approximately only 90 cells was probably insufficient to lower the dopamine concentration at the relevant synapses and hence a rescue failed. Alternatively, the processes mediating SVA at the αβ-lobes might require an interplay between all of their KCs. In conclusion, the results provide an initial point for future research to fully understand the localization of and circuitry required for SVA in the brain. In the experiments described so far, attention has been externally guided. However, flies are also able to internally shift their FoA without any cues from the outside world. In a set of 60 consecutive simultaneous displacements of two stripes, they were more likely to produce a response with the same polarity as the preceding one than a random polarity selection predicted. This suggested a dwelling of the FoA on one side of the visual field. Assuming that each response was influenced by the previous one in a way that the probability to repeat the response polarity was increased by a certain factor (dwelling factor, df), a random selection of response type including a df was computed. Implementation of the df removed the difference between observed probability of polarity repetition and the one suggested by random selection. When the interval between displacements was iteratively increased to 5s, no significant df could be detected anymore for pauses longer than 4s. In conclusion, Drosophila has an attention span of approximately 4s. Flies with a mutation in the radish gene expressed no after-effect of cueing and had a shortened attention span of about 1s. The dDAT inhibitor methylphenidate is able to rescue the first, but does not affect the latter phenotype. Probably, radish is differently involved in the two mechanisms. This study showed, that endogenous (covert) shifts of spatially selective visual attention in the fly Drosophila can be internally and externally guided. The variables determining the quality of a cue turned out to be multifaceted and a more systematic approach is needed for a better understanding of what property or feature of the cue changes the way it is evaluated by the fly. A first step has been made to demonstrate that SVA is a fundamental process and compromising it can influence the characteristics of other behaviors like walking. The existence of an attention span, the dependence of SVA on dopamine as well as the susceptibility to pharmacological manipulations, which in humans are used to treat respective diseases, point towards striking similarities between SVA in humans and Drosophila.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Leibold2003, author = {Leibold, Christian}, title = {Das Cystein String Protein von Drosophila melanogaster - Invivo-Funktionsanalyse verschiedener Proteindom{\"a}nen am Modellsystem der larvalen neuromuskul{\"a}ren Synapse}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-7481}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Cystein String Proteine (CSPs) wurden als synaptische Vesikelproteine entdeckt. In Drosophila werden sie in den funktionellen Synapsen und sekretorischen Organellen aller Entwicklungsstufen exprimiert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass CSPs an der regulierten Neurotransmitteraussch{\"u}ttung beteiligt sind und mehrere, von Insekten bis zum Menschen konservierte Dom{\"a}nen besitzen: eine N-terminale Phosphorylierungsstelle der Protein Kinase A (PKA), eine J-Dom{\"a}ne mit 50\%iger Homologie zum bakteriellen Chaperone-Protein DnaJ, eine Linker-Dom{\"a}ne, einen Cystein String aus elf aufeinander folgenden Cysteinen, die durch zwei Cystein-Paare flankiert werden und einen variableren C-Terminus. Es wurden Interaktionen mit den Proteinen HSC70, SGT, Syntaxin, Synaptobrevin/VAMP, verschiedenen Untereinheiten von G-Proteinen, Synaptotagmin, sowie spannungsabh{\"a}ngigen Ca2+-Kan{\"a}len beschrieben. csp-Nullmutanten CspU1 von Drosophila melanogaster zeigen einen temperatursensitiven Ph{\"a}notyp, in dem adulte Fliegen von CspU1 reversibel bei 37°C innerhalb von drei Minuten paralysieren. An der neuromuskul{\"a}ren Synapse dritter Larven von CspU1 kann bei nicht-permissiver Temperatur von 32°C eine reversible Blockade der synaptischen Transmission beobachtet werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollten mit Hilfe des larvalen Nerv-Muskel-Pr{\"a}parats dritter Larven elektrophysiologische Untersuchungen an verschiedenen csp-Mutanten durchgef{\"u}hrt werden. Hierdurch sollte die Bedeutung der einzelnen Dom{\"a}nen f{\"u}r die Funktion von csp weiter aufgekl{\"a}rt werden. Am larvalen Nerv-Muskel-Pr{\"a}parat von Drosophila ist eine Arbeit auf Einzel-Zell-Niveau m{\"o}glich. Die Segmentierung, die wiederkehrende Anordnung von Muskeln und innervierenden Motoneuronen, sowie das Vorkommen vieler auch im Gehirn von Drosophila lokalisierter synaptischer Proteine machen die larvale neuromuskul{\"a}re Synapse f{\"u}r die vorliegenden Fragestellungen. Wie in vielen anderen Arbeiten, wurden elektrophysiologische Messungen an dem Longitudinalmuskel 6 durchgef{\"u}hrt. Alle Messungen evozierter Muskelpotentiale (EJP) wurden, wenn nicht anders erw{\"a}hnt, mit 0,2Hz Stimulusfrequenz durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Reiz-Intensit{\"a}t wurde an jedes Pr{\"a}parat individuell angepasst und betrug das 2 ½ -fache des Initial-Schwellenwertes, bei dem ein vollst{\"a}ndiges EJP ausgel{\"o}st wurde. Zun{\"a}chst konnte der in der Literatur beschriebene larvale Block der synaptischen Transmitteraussch{\"u}ttung bei erh{\"o}hter Temperatur nicht reproduziert, jedoch durch R{\"u}ckkreuzungen der Nullmutante CspU1 gegen den Wildtyp w1118 wiederhergestellt werden. Das „Rescue"-Konstrukt scDNA1, welches die Grundlage f{\"u}r alle weiteren mutierten Formen von csp darstellt, rettete den larvalen temperatursensitiven Ph{\"a}notyp im csp-Nullmutantenhintergrund von CspU1 vollst{\"a}ndig. Larvale Mutanten der Linie SSP, bei denen der Cystein String durch einen Serin String ausgetauscht worden war (Serine-string protein), zeigten in {\"U}bereinstimmung mit den adulten Fliegen den bekannten temperatursensitiven Ph{\"a}notyp. Larvale Mutanten der Linie CLP (Cysteine-less protein) zeigten im Gegensatz zu adulten Tieren dieser Linie keinen temperatursensitiven Ph{\"a}notyp, sondern ein wildtypisches Verhalten. F{\"u}r die Mutante L\&\#8710;8, die im Nullmutantenhintergrund von CspU1 roc ein in der Linker-Dom{\"a}ne um acht Aminos{\"a}uren verk{\"u}rztes CSP-Protein exprimiert, wurden verschiedene elektrophysiologische Ph{\"a}notypen beobachtet: Larven der X-chromosomalen Linie zeigten den bekannten temperaturabh{\"a}ngigen Block der synaptischen Transmission. Larven der Insertionslinie f{\"u}r das 3. Chromosom zeigten keine Temperatursensitivit{\"a}t, sondern wildtypisches Verhalten. In immunhistochemischen Untersuchungen konnte f{\"u}r die X-chromosomale Linie eine deutlich schw{\"a}chere Expression des L\&\#8710;8-Proteins beobachtet werden. Larven der Linie C\&\#8710;27, die ein im C-terminalen Bereich von CSP um 27 Aminos{\"a}uren verk{\"u}rztes CSP-Protein exprimieren, im Nullmutantenhintergrund CspU1 roc konnten anhand des Ph{\"a}notyps in zwei Gruppen unterteilt werden. Unabh{\"a}ngig vom Insertionsort zeigte eine Gruppe den bekannten larvalen temperatursensitiven Ph{\"a}notyp. Die zweite Gruppe zeigte auch bei erh{\"o}hter Temperatur wildtypisches Verhalten. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde versucht, eine neue Deletionsmutante f{\"u}r csp durch Remobilisierung einer P-Insertion (P\#1617, flybase, Bloomington) im ersten Exon zu erzeugen, da in der Nullmutante CspU1 m{\"o}glicherweise auch benachbarte Gene betroffen sind. Nach {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung der erzeugten Mutanten durch Western und Southern Blot, immunhistochemische Experimente und elektrophysiologische Untersuchungen am Nerv-Muskel-Pr{\"a}parat 3. Larven konnte keine Deletionsmutante mit temperaturabh{\"a}ngigem Ph{\"a}notyp isoliert werden, die ausschließlich csp betraf.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ljaschenko2013, author = {Ljaschenko, Dmitrij}, title = {Hebbian plasticity at neuromuscular synapses of Drosophila}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-90465}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Synaptic plasticity determines the development of functional neural circuits. It is widely accepted as the mechanism behind learning and memory. Among different forms of synaptic plasticity, Hebbian plasticity describes an activity-induced change in synaptic strength, caused by correlated pre- and postsynaptic activity. Additionally, Hebbian plasticity is characterised by input specificity, which means it takes place only at synapses, which participate in activity. Because of its correlative nature, Hebbian plasticity suggests itself as a mechanism behind associative learning. Although it is commonly assumed that synaptic plasticity is closely linked to synaptic activity during development, the mechanistic understanding of this coupling is far from complete. In the present study channelrhodopsin-2 was used to evoke activity in vivo, at the glutamatergic Drosophila neuromuscular junction. Remarkably, correlated pre- and postsynaptic stimulation led to increased incorporation of GluR-IIA-type glutamate receptors into postsynaptic receptor fields, thus boosting postsynaptic sensitivity. This phenomenon is input-specific. Conversely, GluR-IIA was rapidly removed from synapses at which neurotransmitter release failed to evoke substantial postsynaptic depolarisation. This mechanism might be responsible to tame uncontrolled receptor field growth. Combining these results with developmental GluR-IIA dynamics leads to a comprehensive physiological concept, where Hebbian plasticity guides growth of postsynaptic receptor fields and sparse transmitter release stabilises receptor fields by preventing overgrowth. Additionally, a novel mechanism of retrograde signaling was discovered, where direct postsynaptic channelrhodopsin-2 based stimulation, without involvement of presynaptic neurotransmitter release, leads to presynaptic depression. This phenomenon is reminiscent of a known retrograde homeostatic mechanism, of inverted polarity, where neurotransmitter release is upregulated, upon reduction of postsynaptic sensitivity.}, subject = {Synapse}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{LuiblneeHermann2014, author = {Luibl [n{\´e}e Hermann], Christiane}, title = {The role of the neuropeptides NPF, sNPF, ITP and PDF in the circadian clock of Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-93796}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Organisms have evolved endogenous clocks which allow them to organize their behavior, metabolism and physiology according to the periodically changing environmental conditions on earth. Biological rhythms that are synchronized to daily changes in environment are governed by the so-called circadian clock. Since decades, chronobiologists have been investigating circadian clocks in various model organisms including the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster, which was used in the present thesis. Anatomically, the circadian clock of the fruitfly consists of about 150 neurons in the lateral and dorsal protocerebrum, which are characterized by their position, morphology and neurochemistry. Some of these neurons had been previously shown to contain either one or several neuropeptides, which are thought to be the main signaling molecules used by the clock. The best investigated of these neuropeptides is the Pigment Dispersing Factor (PDF), which had been shown to constitute a synchronizing signal between clock neurons as well as an output factor of the clock. In collaboration with various coworkers, I investigated the roles of three other clock expressed neuropeptides for the generation of behavioral rhythms and the partly published, partly unpublished data are presented in this thesis. Thereby, I focused on the Neuropeptide F (NPF), short Neuropeptide F (sNPF) and the Ion Transport Peptide (ITP). We show that part of the neuropeptide composition within the clock network seems to be conserved among different Drosophila species. However, the PDF expression pattern in certain neurons varied in species deriving from lower latitudes compared to higher latitudes. Together with findings on the behavioral level provided by other people, these data suggest that different species may have altered certain properties of their clocks - like the neuropeptide expression in certain neurons - in order to adapt their behavior to different habitats. We then investigated locomotor rhythms in Drosophila melanogaster flies, in which neuropeptide circuits were genetically manipulated either by cell ablation or RNA interference (RNAi). We found that none of the investigated neuropeptides seems to be of equal importance for circadian locomotor rhythms as PDF. PDF had been previously shown to be necessary for rhythm maintenance in constant darkness (DD) as well as for the generation of morning (M) activity and for the right phasing of the evening (E) activity in entrained conditions. We now demonstrate that NPF and ITP seem to promote E activity in entrained conditions, but are clearly not the only factors doing so. In addition, ITP seems to reduce nighttime activity. Further, ITP and possibly also sNPF constitute weak period shortening components in DD, thereby opposing the effect of PDF. However, neither NPF or ITP, nor sNPF seem to be necessary in the clock neurons for maintaining rhythmicity in DD. It had been previously suggested that PDF is released rhythmically from the dorsal projection terminals. Now we discovered a rhythm in ITP immunostaining in the dorsal projection terminals of the ITP+ clock neurons in LD, suggesting a rhythm in peptide release also in the case of ITP. Rhythmic release of both ITP and PDF seems to be important to maintain rhythmic behavior in DD, since constantly high levels of PDF and ITP in the dorsal protocerebrum lead to behavioral arrhythmicity. Applying live-imaging techniques we further demonstrate that sNPF acts in an inhibitory way on few clock neurons, including some that are also activated by PDF, suggesting that it acts as signaling molecule within the clock network and has opposing effects to PDF. NPF did only evoke very little inhibitory responses in very few clock neurons, suggesting that it might rather be used as a clock output factor. We were not able to apply the same live-imaging approach for the investigation of the clock neuron responsiveness to ITP, but overexpression of ITP with various driver lines showed that the peptide most likely acts mainly in clock output pathways rather than inter-clock neuron communication. Taking together, I conclude that all investigated peptides contribute to the control of locomotor rhythms in the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster. However, this control is in most aspects dominated by the actions of PDF and rather only fine-tuned or complemented by the other peptides. I assume that there is a high complexity in spatial and temporal action of the different neuropeptides in order to ensure correct signal processing within the clock network as well as clock output.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Masek2005, author = {Masek, Pavel}, title = {Odor intensity learning in Drosophila}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-15546}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {It has been known for a long time that Drosophila can learn to discriminate not only between different odorants but also between different concentrations of the same odor. Olfactory associative learning has been described as a pairing between odorant and electric shock and since then, most of the experiments conducted in this respect have largely neglected the dual properties of odors: quality and intensity. For odorant-coupled short-term memory, a biochemical model has been proposed that mainly relies on the known cAMP signaling pathway. Mushroom bodies (MB) have been shown to be necessary and sufficient for this type of memory, and the MB-model of odor learning and short-term memory was established. Yet, theoretically, based on the MB-model, flies should not be able to learn concentrations if trained to the lower of the two concentrations in the test. In this thesis, I investigate the role of concentration-dependent learning, establishment of a concentration-dependent memory and their correlation to the standard two-odor learning as described by the MB-model. In order to highlight the difference between learning of quality and learning of intensity of the same odor I have tried to characterize the nature of the stimulus that is actually learned by the flies, leading to the conclusion that during the training flies learn all possible cues that are presented at the time. The type of the following test seems to govern the usage of the information available. This revealed a distinction between what flies learned and what is actually measured. Furthermore, I have shown that learning of concentration is associative and that it is symmetrical between high and low concentrations. I have also shown how the subjective quality perception of an odor changes with changing intensity, suggesting that one odor can have more than one scent. There is no proof that flies perceive a range of concentrations of one odorant as one (odor) quality. Flies display a certain level of concentration invariance that is limited and related to the particular concentration. Learning of concentration is relevant only to a limited range of concentrations within the boundaries of concentration invariance. Moreover, under certain conditions, two chemically distinct odorants could smell sufficiently similarly such, that they can be generalized between each other like if they would be of the same quality. Therefore, the abilities of the fly to identify the difference in quality or in intensity of the stimuli need to be distinguished. The way how the stimulus is analyzed and processed speaks in favor of a concept postulating the existence of two separated memories. To follow this concept, I have proposed a new form of memory called odor intensity memory (OIM), characterized it and compared it to other olfactory memories. OIM is independent of some members of the known cAMP signaling pathway and very likely forms the rutabaga-independent component of the standard two-odor memory. The rutabaga-dependent odor memory requires qualitatively different olfactory stimuli. OIM is revealed within the limits of concentration invariance where the memory test gives only sub-optimal performance for the concentration differences but discrimination of odor quality is not possible at all. Based on the available experimental tools, OIM seems to require the mushroom bodies the same as odor-quality memory but its properties are different. Flies can memorize the quality of several odorants at a given time but a newly formed memory of one odor interferes with the OIM stored before. In addition, the OIM lasts only 1 to 3 hours - much shorter than the odor-quality memory.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Melzer2013, author = {Melzer, Juliane}, title = {Die Funktion der p21-aktivierten Kinase Mbt in Neuroblasten w{\"a}hrend der Entwicklung des zentralen Nervensystems von Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85619}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {p21-aktivierte Kinasen regulieren zahlreiche zellul{\"a}re Prozesse, die w{\"a}hrend der Entwicklung, aber auch beispielsweise bei der Krebsentstehung, von zentraler Bedeutung sind. Mbt, das einzige Typ II PAK-Protein von Drosophila melanogaster, spielt eine Rolle bei der Gehirnentwicklung. Eine Nullmutation von mbt, mbtP1, bildet kleinere Gehirne mit stark verkleinerten Pilzk{\"o}rpern aus. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Funktion von Mbt in Neuroblasten untersucht. Mbt wurde als Teil des apikalen Proteinkomplexes in Neuroblasten des Zentralhirns nachgewiesen. Die apikale Lokalisation von Mbt ist Zellzyklus-abh{\"a}ngig und wird {\"u}ber Bindung an Cdc42 reguliert. Sie ist essentiell f{\"u}r die Funktion von Mbt in Neuroblasten. Trotz apikaler Mbt-Lokalisation in Neuroblasten zeigte die mbt Nullmutante keine Defekte des basalen Mechanismus der asymmetrischen Zellteilung. Mud zeigte geringf{\"u}gige Lokalisationsver{\"a}nderungen, die auf einen m{\"o}glichen Einfluss von Mbt hinweisen. Obwohl PAKs zentrale Regulatoren des Zytoskeletts sind, zeigte die mbtP1 Mutante keine offensichtlichen Ver{\"a}nderungen des Aktin- und Tubulin-Zytoskeletts. Armadillo, ein Aktin-assoziiertes Mbt-Substrat, zeigte ebenfalls keine Lokalisationsver{\"a}nderung in Neuroblasten. Mbt steuert jedoch die apikale Anreicherung von Cno, einem weiteren Aktin-assoziierten Protein, in Neuroblasten. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus beeinflusst Mbt die Zellgr{\"o}ße von Neuroblasten, sowie deren Proliferationspotenzial und {\"U}berleben. mbtP1 Neuroblasten sind kleiner als wildtypische Neuroblasten, haben ein geringeres Proliferationsverm{\"o}gen und eine geringere {\"U}berlebenswahrscheinlichkeit. Der Zelltod von Neuroblasten ist jedoch ein sekund{\"a}rer Effekt. Daher kann eine Blockierung von Apoptose den adulten Pilzk{\"o}rperph{\"a}notyp nicht retten. Signalwege, die Zellgr{\"o}ße und Proliferation regulieren, wurden auf eine Beteiligung von Mbt hin analysiert. mbtP1 induzierte leichte Effekte im Insulin-Signalweg und die Delokalisation eines nukleol{\"a}ren Proteins. Eine genetische Interaktion von mbtP1 mit Mutationen in Genen des klassischen MAPK-Signalweges identifzierte mbt als Positivregulator dieses Signalweges im Auge. Ein {\"a}hnlicher, schw{\"a}cherer Effekt wurde auch bzgl. der Proliferation und Gr{\"o}ße von Neuroblasten beobachtet. Eine 2D-Gelanalyse von Larvengehirnen identifizierte Bic und Hsp83 als m{\"o}gliche von Mbt regulierte Proteine. Diese Arbeit charakterisiert eine bisher unbekannte Funktion der p21-aktivierten Kinase Mbt in neuronalen Stammzellen und liefert damit Ansatzpunkte f{\"u}r eine detaillierte Aufkl{\"a}rung der Funktionsmechanismen von Typ II PAKs bei der Regulation von Zellproliferation und {\"U}berleben}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Mentzel2008, author = {Mentzel, Benjamin Tobias}, title = {Biochemische und ph{\"a}notypische Untersuchungen zur Funktion der p21-aktivierten Kinase DPAK3 in Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-30290}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist das Drosophila melanogaster Protein DPAK3, ein Vertreter der hochkonservierten Familie der p21-aktivierten Kinasen (PAK). DPAK3 und seine Homologen aus anderen Insektenarten und C. elegans k{\"o}nnen aufgrund eines Vergleichs der Proteinsequenz und struktureller Merkmale in eine eigenen Untergruppe 1* innerhalb der Gruppe 1 der PAK-Proteine eingeordnet werden. Das Genom von Drosophila kodiert noch f{\"u}r zwei weitere PAK-Proteine, das zur Gruppe 1 geh{\"o}rende DPAK1 und das Gruppe 2 PAK-Protein Mbt. Wie die klassischen Gruppe 1 PAK-Proteine bildet DPAK3 im inaktiven Zustand Dimere. DPAK3 interagiert mit den GTP-gebundenen Formen der RhoGTPasen Rac1, Rac2 und Cdc42. Durch die Bindung dieser Proteine geht DPAK3 aus dem dimeren in den monomeren Zustand {\"u}ber und seine Kinaseaktivit{\"a}t wird durch diese Bindung gesteigert. DPAK3 ist f{\"u}r die Ausbildung der korrekten Morphologie kultivierter Drosophila Zellen erforderlich und beeinflußt die Regulation des Aktinzytoskeletts. Weiterhin konnte CK2beta, die regulatorische Untereinheit der Casein Kinase 2, als neuer Regulator von p21-aktivierten Kinasen identifiziert werden. Das Genom von Drosophila besitzt drei Transkriptionseinheiten, die f{\"u}r CK2beta', CK2betatestes und f{\"u}nf verschiedene Isoformen von CK2beta kodieren. Eine vergleichende Analyse zeigt, daß alle CK2beta-Proteine mit DPAK1, DPAK3 und in geringerem Maß auch mit Mbt interagieren und in der Lage sind, die Aktivit{\"a}t der PAK-Proteine in vitro zu hemmen. Die Bindung von CK2beta an DPAK3 wird, wie bei allen anderen Serin- / Threoninkinasen, die bisher als Interaktionspartner von CK2beta identifiziert wurden, {\"u}ber die Kinasedom{\"a}ne von DPAK3 vermittelt. Die Bildung des aus zwei katalytischen CK2a und zwei CK2beta Untereinheiten bestehenden CK2-Holoenzyms h{\"a}ngt von der F{\"a}higkeit von CK2beta ab, Dimere zu bilden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Bildung eines b-b Dimers f{\"u}r die Interaktion mit und Regulation von DPAK3 nicht erforderlich ist. In vivo wurden die bisher bekannten Dpak3 Allele untersucht, wobei kein gesichertes Nullallel identifiziert werden konnte. Durch enzymatisch katalysierte Rekombination wurde eine neue Deletion hergestellt, die das komplette Leseraster von Dpak3 entfernt. Mit Hilfe von genetischen Mosaiken wurde die Rolle von DPAK3 in der Augenentwicklung untersucht. Durch den Verlust der Genfunktion von Dpak3 wird die Ausbildung der korrekten Struktur der Komplexaugen nur leicht beeintr{\"a}chtigt. Bei der Analyse einer Dpak1 Mutante wurde dasselbe Ergebnis erzielt. Gleichzeitiger Verlust der Genfunktion von Dpak1 und Dpak3 hingegen f{\"u}hrt zu massiven strukturellen Defekten. DPAK1 und DPAK3 erf{\"u}llen somit zumindest teilweise redundante Funktionen in der Augenentwicklung. Es wird Gegenstand zuk{\"u}nftiger Studien sein m{\"u}ssen, die gemeinsamen und getrennten Funktionen dieser PAK-Proteine in Drosophila aufzukl{\"a}ren.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Michels2008, author = {Michels, Birgit}, title = {Towards localizing the Synapsin-dependent olfactory memory trace in the brain of larval Drosophila}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-36338}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Animals need to adapt and modify their behaviour according to a changing environment. In particular, the ability to learn about rewarding or punishing events is crucial for survival. One key process that underlies such learning are modifications of the synaptic connection between nerve cells. This Thesis is concerned with the genetic determinants of such plasticity, and with the site of these modifications along the sensory-to-motor loops in Drosophila olfactory learning. I contributed to the development and detailed parametric description of an olfactory associative learning paradigm in larval fruit flies (Chapter I.1.). The robustness of this learning assay, together with a set of transgenic Drosophila strains established during this Thesis, enabled me to study the role for Synapsin, a presynaptic phosphoprotein likely involved in synaptic plasticity, in this form of learning (Chapter I.2.), and to investigate the cellular site of the corresponding Synapsin-dependent memory trace (Chapter I.3.). These data provide the first comprehensive account to-date of the neurogenetic bases of learning in larval Drosophila. The role for Synapsin was also analyzed with regard to pain-relief learning in adult fruit flies (Chapter II.1.); that is, if an odour precedes an electric shock during training, flies subsequently avoid that odour ('punishment learning'), whereas presentation of the odour upon the cessation of shock subsequently leads to approach towards the odour ('relief larning'). Such pain-relief learning was also the central topic of a study concerning the white gene (Chapter II.2.), which as we report does affect pain-relief as well as punishment learning in adult flies, but leaves larval odour-food learning unaffected. These studies regarding pain-relief learning provide the very first hints, in any experimental system, concerning the genetic determinants of this form of learning.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mronz2004, author = {Mronz, Markus}, title = {Die visuell motivierte Objektwahl laufender Taufliegen (Drosophila melanogaster) - Verhaltensphysiologie, Modellbildung und Implementierung in einem Roboter}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-11748}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden offene Fragen zur Objektwahl, zur Objektbeibehaltung und zur Aufgabe von Zielobjekten bei laufenden Taufliegen (Drosophila melanogaster) untersucht. Die Erkenntnisse zur Objektwahl wurden als kybernetisches Modell formuliert, auf einem eigens daf{\"u}r konstruierten, autonom navigierenden Roboter mit Kameraauge implementiert und dessen Verhalten bei verschiedenen Landmarkenkonstellationen quantitativ mit dem Orientierungsverhalten laufender Fliegen verglichen. Es war bekannt, dass Drosophila in einer Wahlsituation zwischen unterschiedlich weit entfernten Objekten eine ausgepr{\"a}gte Pr{\"a}ferenz f{\"u}r nahe Objekte zeigt, wobei die Entfernung {\"u}ber das Ausmaß der retinalen Bildverschiebung auf dem Auge (Parallaxe) erfasst wird. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde analysiert, ob die Parallaxe streng aus der Eigenbewegung der Fliege resultieren muss oder ob Eigenbewegung der Objekte N{\"a}he vort{\"a}uschen und deren Attraktivit{\"a}t erh{\"o}hen kann. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die Pr{\"a}ferenz f{\"u}r ein Objekt bei Drosophila umso gr{\"o}ßer wird, je mehr Bewegung dessen Abbild auf der Retina erzeugt; die relative Verschiebung des Objektabbildes muss dabei nicht mit der Eigenbewegung der Fliege gekoppelt sein. {\"U}berraschenderweise verschwand die Pr{\"a}ferenz f{\"u}r nahe Objekte, wenn eine zusammenstehende Gruppe aus einer nahen und mehreren fernen Objekten pr{\"a}sentiert wurden, solange sie zusammen einen Sehwinkel von weniger als etwa 90° einnahmen. Diese Beobachtung ist konform mit einer Vorstellung, wonach Bewegung {\"u}ber gr{\"o}ßere Augenbereiche integriert und nicht einzelnen Objekten zugeordnet wird. Obwohl Drosophila bei gleichem Pr{\"a}sentationsort auf der Retina die gr{\"o}ßere parallaktische Bewegung bevorzugte, wurden bei gleicher Entfernung dennoch frontalere gegen{\"u}ber lateraleren Objekten bevorzugt. Es wird postuliert, dass der frontale und der caudale Sehbereich eine Verst{\"a}rkung erfahren, die die physikalisch bedingt geringere Parallaxe {\"u}berkompensiert. Laufende Fliegen reagieren verz{\"o}gert auf die Pr{\"a}sentation eines Objekts; dies wird im Sinne einer zeitlichen Bewegungsintegration interpretiert. Die darauf folgende Richtungs{\"a}nderung h{\"a}ngt vom Pr{\"a}sentationswinkel des Objektes ab. Erscheint das Objekt frontolateral, findet eine Hinwendung statt, erscheint es caudolateral, kommt es bevorzugt zur Abwendung. Eine weitere wichtige kognitive Leistung der Fliege ist das Aufgeben eines zuvor ausgew{\"a}hlten Ziels, wenn sich dieses Ziel w{\"a}hrend des Anlaufs als unerreichbar herausstellt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass Fliegen mit stark reduzierten Pilzk{\"o}rpern erheblich mehr Zeit ben{\"o}tigen als wildtypische Fliegen, um vom gew{\"a}hlten Zielobjekt abzulassen. Dieser dem Perseveranzverhalten bei Parkinson-kranken Menschen {\"a}hnliche Ph{\"a}notyp wurde unabh{\"a}ngig von der Methode der Ausschaltung der Pilzk{\"o}rper gefunden. Die Dauer der Perseveranz nahm mit zunehmender Attraktivit{\"a}t des Zielobjekts, d. h. mit abnehmender Distanz, zu. Es wird vorgeschlagen, dass die Pilzk{\"o}rper f{\"u}r die Evaluierung von eingehender sensorischer Information oder f{\"u}r Entscheidungsfindungen im Allgemeinen ben{\"o}tig werden. Basierend auf diesen Ergebnissen wurde ein Minimalmodell f{\"u}r die visuelle Orientierung nach Landmarken entwickelt. Das Modell beinhaltet eine zeitliche Integration des optischen Flusses in einem frontolateralen und einem caudolateralen Kompartiment pro Auge. Je nachdem, in welchem Kompartiment eine festgesetzte Schwelle zuerst erreicht wird, kommt es entweder zu einer Hin- (frontolateral) oder zu einer Abwendungsreaktion (caudolateral). Eine Gewichtungsfunktion kompensiert die geringe parallaktische Verschiebung in diesen Sehregionen. Das Modell wurde in einem mobilen Roboter mit Kameraauge implementiert und mit dem visuellen Orientierungsverhalten der Fliege quantitativ verglichen. Der Roboter war in der Lage, viele Aspekte der Landmarkenwahl von laufenden Fliegen erfolgreich zu reproduzieren und fliegen{\"a}hnliches, autonomes Orientierungsverhalten unter verschiedenen Landmarkenkonfigurationen zu zeigen.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Niewalda2010, author = {Niewalda, Thomas}, title = {Neurogenetic analyses of pain-relief learning in the fruit fly}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-65035}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {All animals learn in order to cope with challenges imposed on them by their environment. This is true also for both larval and adult fruit flies as exemplified in pavlovian conditioning. The focus of this Thesis is on various aspects of the fruit flies learning ability. My main project deals with two types of learning which we call punishment-learning and pain-relief learning. Punishment learning happens when fruit flies are exposed to an odour which is followed by electric shock. After such training, flies have learned that that odour signals pain and consequently will avoid it in the future. If the sequence of the two stimuli is reversed such that odour follows shock, flies learn the odour as a signal for relief and will later on approach it. I first report a series of experiments investigating qualitative and parametric features of relief-learning; I find that (i) relief learning does result from true associative conditioning, (ii) it requires a relatively high number of training trials, (iii) context-shock training is ineffective for subsequent shock-odour learning. A further question is whether punishment-learning and pain-relief learning share genetic determinants. In terms of genetics, I test a synapsin mutant strain, which lacks all Synapsin protein, in punishment and relief-learning. Punishment learning is significantly reduced, and relief-learning is abolished. Pan-neuronal RNAi-mediated knock-down of Synapsin results in mutant-like phenotypes, confirming the attribution of the phenotype to lack of Synapsin. Also, a rescue of Synapsin in the mushroom body of syn97 mutants restores both punishment- and relief-learning fully, suggesting the sufficiency of Synapsin in the mushroom body for both these kinds of learning. I also elucidate the relationship between perception and physiology in adult fruit flies. I use odour-shock conditioning experiments to identify degrees of similarity between odours; I find that those similarity measures are consistent across generalization and discrimination tasks of diverse difficulty. Then, as collaborator of T. V{\"o}ller and A. Fiala, I investigate how such behavioural similarity/dissimilarity is reflected at the physiological level. I combine the behaviour data with calcium imaging data obtained by measuring the activity patterns of those odours in either the sensory neurons or the projection neurons at the antennal lobe. Our interpretation of the results is that the odours perceptual similarity is organized by antennal lobe interneurons. In another project I investigate the effect of gustatory stimuli on reflexive behaviour as well as their role as reinforcer in larval learning. Drosophila larvae greatly alter their behaviour in presence of sodium chloride. Increasing salt concentration modulates choice behaviour from weakly appetitive to strongly aversive. A similar concentration-behaviour function is also found for feeding: larval feeding is slightly enhanced in presence of low salt concentrations, and strongly decreased in the presence of high salt concentrations. Regarding learning, relatively weak salt concentrations function as appetitive reinforcer, whereas high salt concentrations function as aversive reinforcer. Interestingly, the behaviour-concentration curves are shifted towards higher concentrations from reflexive behaviour (choice behaviour, feeding) as compared to associative learning. This dissociation may reflect a different sensitivity in the respective sensory-motor circuitry.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nuwal2010, author = {Nuwal, Nidhi}, title = {Optogenetic investigation of nervous system functions using walking behavior and genome wide transcript analysis of Synapsin and Sap47 mutants of Drosophila}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51694}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {PART I Animals need to constantly evaluate their external environment in order to survive. In some cases the internal state of the animal changes to cope with it's surrounding. In our study we wanted to investigate the role of amines in modulating internal states of Drosophila. We have designed a behavioral paradigm where the flies are fixed in space but can walk on a small styrofoam ball suspended by a gentle stream of air. The walking activity of flies was used as behavioral readout. PART I Animals need to constantly evaluate their external environment in order to survive. In some cases the internal state of the animal changes to cope with it's surrounding. In our study we wanted to investigate the role of amines in modulating internal states of Drosophila. We have designed a behavioral paradigm where the flies are fixed in space but can walk on a small styrofoam ball suspended by a gentle stream of air. The walking activity of flies was used as behavioral readout. An operant training paradigm was established by coupling one of the walking directions to incidence of heat punishment. We observed that animals quickly realized the contingency of punishment with walking direction and avoided walking in the punished direction in the presence of punishment, but did not continue walking in the unpunished direction in the absence of the punishment. This would indicate that the flies do not form a memory for the punished direction or rapidly erase it under new conditions. On having established the paradigm with heat punishment we have attempted to activate selected subsets of neuronal populations of Drosophila while they were walking on the ball. The selective activation of neurons was achieved by expressing the light-activated ion channel channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) using the Gal4-UAS system and coupling the unidirectional walking of the animals on the ball with the incidence of blue light required to activate the channels and depolarize the neurons. The feasibility of this approach was tested by light-activating sugar sensitive gustatory receptor neurons expressing ChR2, we found that when the light was actuated the flies preferred to turn in one direction the optically "rewarded" direction. Next we similarly activated different subsets of aminergic neurons. We observed that in our setup animals avoided to turn in the direction which was coupled to activation of dopaminergic neurons indicating that release of dopamine is disliked by the animals. This is in accordance with associative learning experiments where dopamine is believed to underlie the formation of an association between a neutral conditioned stimulus with the aversive unconditioned stimulus. However, when we activated tyraminergic/octopaminergic neurons we did not observe any directional preference. The activation of dopaminergic and tyraminergic/octopaminergic neurons led to arousal of the animals indicating that we were indeed successful in activating those neurons. Also, the activation of serotonergic neurons did not have any effect on directional preference of the animals. With this newly established paradigm it will be interesting to find out if in insects like in mammals a reward mediating system exists and to test subsets of aminergic or peptidergic neurons that could possibly be involved in a reward signaling system which has not been detected in our study. Also, it would be interesting to localize neuropile regions that would be involved in mediating choice behavior in our paradigm. PART II In collaboration with S. Kneitz (IZKF Wuerzburg) and T. Nuwal we performed genome-wide expression analysis of two pre-synaptic mutants - Synapsin (Syn97) and Synapse associated protein of 47 kDa (Sap47156). The rationale behind these experiments was to identify genes that were up- or down-regulated due to these mutations. The microarray experiments provided us with several candidate genes some of which we have verified by qPCR. From our qPCR analysis we can conclude that out of the verified genes only Cirl transcripts seem to be reproducibly down regulated in Synapsin mutants. The Cirl gene codes for a calcium independent receptor for latrotoxin. Further qPCR experiments need to be performed to verify other candidate genes. The molecular interactions between CIRL and SYN or their genes should now be investigated in detail.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nuwal2010, author = {Nuwal, Tulip}, title = {Characterization of Synapsin, Tubulin-Binding Chaperone E-like, And Their Putative Interactions With Synapse Associated Protein Of 47 kDa In Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51683}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {In this thesis we have used Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism to investigate proteins and their putative interacting partners that are directly or indirectly involved in the release of neurotransmitters at the synapse. We have used molecular techniques to investigate conserved synaptic proteins, synapsin and synapse associated protein of 47 kD (SAP47), and a putative interaction partner of SAP47, tubulin binding chaperone E-like (TBCEL). SAP47 and synapsins are highly conserved synaptic vesicle associated proteins in Drosophila melanogaster. To further investigate the role and function of Sap47 and Syn genes, we had earlier generated the null mutants by P-element mutagenesis (Funk et al., 2004; Godenschwege et al., 2004). Western blots and ELISA of brain homogenates from Sap47156 null mutants showed the presence of up-regulated phospho-synapsin in comparison to wild-type (CS) and the presence of up-regulated phospho-synapsin was partially abolished when a pan-neuronal rescue of SAP47 was performed by the Gal4- UAS technique. Thus, the results suggest a qualitative and quantitative modulation of synapsin by SAP47. At the transcript level, we did not observe any difference in content of Syn transcript in Sap47156 and wild-type CS flies. The question of a direct molecular interaction between SAP47 and synapsin was investigated by co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) experiments and we did not find any stable interactions under the several IP conditions we tested. The possibility of Sap47 as a modifier of Syn at the genetic level was investigated by generating and testing homozygous double null mutants of Sap47 and Syn. The Syn97, Sap47156 double mutants are viable but have a reduced life span and decreased locomotion when compared to CS. In 2D-PAGE analysis of synapsins we identified trains of spots corresponding to synapsins, suggesting that synapsin has several isoforms and each one of them is posttranslationally modified. In an analysis by Blue native-SDS-PAGE (BN-SDS-2D- PAGE) and Western blot we observed synapsin and SAP47 signals to be present at 700-900 kDa and 200-250 kDa, respectively, suggesting that they are part of large but different complexes. We also report the possibility of Drosophila synapsin forming homo- and heteromultimers, which has also been reported for synapsins of vertebrates. In parallel to the above experiments, phosphorylation of synapsins in Drosophila was studied by IP techniques followed by 1D-SDS gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry (in collaboration with S. Heo and G. Lubec). We identified and verified 5 unique phosphorylation sites in Drosophila synapsin from our MS analysis. Apart from phosphorylation modifications we identified several other PTMs which have not been verified. The significance of these phosphorylations and other identified PTMs needs to be investigated further and their implications for synapsin function and Drosophila behavior has to be elucidated by further experiments. In a collaborative project with S. Kneitz and N. Nuwal, we investigated the effects of Sap156 and Syn97 mutations by performing a whole Drosophila transcriptome microarray analysis of the individual null mutants and the double mutants (V2 and V3). We obtained several candidates which were significantly altered in the mutants. These genes need to be investigated further to elucidate their interactions with Sap47 and Syn. In another project, we investigated the role and function of Drosophila tubulin- binding chaperone E-like (Tbcel, CG12214). The TBCEL protein has high homology to vertebrate TBCE-like (or E-like) which has high sequence similarity to tubulin-binding chaperone E (TBCE) (hence the name TBCE-Like). We generated an anti-TBCEL polyclonal antiserum (in collaboration with G. Krohne). According to flybase, the Tbcel gene has only one exon and codes for two different transcripts by alternative transcription start sites. The longer transcript RB is present only in males whereas the shorter transcript RA is present only in females. In order to study the gene function we performed P- element jump-out mutagenesis to generate deletion mutants. We used the NP4786 (NP) stock which has a P(GawB) insertion in the 5' UTR of the Tbcel gene. NP4786 flies are homozygous lethal due to a second-site lethality as the flies are viable over a deficiency (Df) chromosome (a deletion of genomic region spanning the Tbcel gene and other upstream and downstream genes). We performed the P-element mutagenesis twice. In the first trial we obtained only revertants and the second experiment is still in progress. In the second attempt, jump-out was performed over the deficiency chromosome to prevent homologous chromosome mediated double stranded DNA repair. During the second mutagenesis an insertion stock G18151 became available. These flies had a P-element insertion in the open reading frame (ORF) of the Tbcel gene but was homozygous viable. Western blots of fresh tissue homogenates of NP/Df and G18151 flies probed with anti-TBCEL antiserum showed no TBCEL signal, suggesting that these flies are Tbcel null mutants. We used these flies for further immunohistochemical analyses and found that TBCEL is specifically expressed in the cytoplasm of cyst cells of the testes and is associated with the tubulin of spermatid tails in wild-type CS, whereas in NP/Df and G18151 flies the TBCEL staining in the cyst cells was absent and there was a disruption of actin investment cones. We also found enrichment of TBCEL staining around the actin investment cone. These results are also supported by the observation that the enhancer trap expression of the NP4786 line is localised to the cyst cells, similar to TBCEL expression. Also, male fertility of NP/Df and G18151 flies was tested and they were found to be sterile with few escapers. Thus, these results suggest that TBCEL is involved in Drosophila spermatogenesis with a possible role in the spermatid elongation and individualisation process.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pick2004, author = {Pick, Simon}, title = {Kinematik und visuelle Steuerung des Kletterverhaltens und der Beinplatzierung der Fliege Drosophila melanogaster und {\"U}bertragung auf die Robotik}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-12737}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden visuelle Einfl{\"u}sse auf die Beinplatzierung beim Laufen und auf das Kletterverhalten der Fliege Drosophila melanogaster analysiert. W{\"a}hrend sich die Beinplatzierung als vorwiegend taktil gesteuert herausstellte, ist das Klettern sowohl bez{\"u}glich der Entscheidung zur Durchf{\"u}hrung (Motivationssteuerung) als auch bez{\"u}glich der Ausf{\"u}hrung selbst unter pr{\"a}ziser visueller Kontrolle. F{\"u}r die Untersuchungen wurde ein L{\"u}cken-{\"U}berwindungsparadigma entwickelt und die Kinematik des Kletterns {\"u}ber verschieden breite L{\"u}cken mit einer eigens entwickelten 3D-Hochgeschwindigkeits-Videoanlage erstmals quantitativ beschrieben. Drei wesentliche Verhaltensanpassungen sorgen daf{\"u}r, dass die Fliegen die maximal m{\"o}gliche Spannbreite ihrer Beine voll ausn{\"u}tzen und L{\"u}cken von bis zu 170\% der eigenen K{\"o}rperl{\"a}nge {\"u}berqueren k{\"o}nnen. Das Kletterverhalten wird abh{\"a}ngig von der L{\"u}ckenbreite initiiert und sinnlose Versuche an un{\"u}berwindbar breiten L{\"u}cken vermieden. Die visuelle L{\"u}ckenbreitenmessung wurde analysiert; sie beruht auf der Auswertung von Bewegungsparallaxe beim Anlauf. Einige Erkenntnisse aus der Laufforschung an Fliegen wurden auf einem im Rahmen dieser Arbeit modifizierten hexapoden Laufroboter umgesetzt und die Verbesserungen quantifiziert.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Porps2008, author = {Porps, Patrick}, title = {Erh{\"o}hte Lebenserwartung und Resistenz gegen{\"u}ber oxidativem Stress in Maus-Prion-Protein (PrP)-exprimierenden Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-36171}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {{\"U}bertragbare spongiforme Enzephalopathien (TSE) wie Scrapie beim Schaf, die bovine spongiforme Enzephalopathie (BSE) beim Rind oder die Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Krankheit (CJD) beim Menschen sind fortschreitende neurodegenerative Erkrankungen, die nach langer Inkubationszeit zum Tod f{\"u}hren. Die protein only-Hypothese besagt, dass das infekti{\"o}se Agens „Prion" teilweise oder vollst{\"a}ndig aus dem zellul{\"a}ren Prion-Protein (PrPC) besteht und nach Infektion des Organismus die Konversion von PrPC in die pathogene Isoform (PrPSc) verursacht. Die der Krankheit zugrunde liegenden neuropathologischen Mechanismen und die physiologische Funktion von PrPC sind bisher unbekannt. Es wurden jedoch eine neuroprotektive Funktion oder eine m{\"o}gliche Rolle im Zusammenhang mit der oxidativen Stress Hom{\"o}ostase postuliert. In dieser Arbeit wurden transgene Drosophila melanogaster-Linien als Modell zur Untersuchung der Funktion von PrPC etabliert. Unter Verwendung des Expressionssystems UAS/GAL4 exprimierten die Fliegen entweder wildtypisches PrP (wt-PrP) oder eine trunkierte, krankheits-assoziierte Mutante PrP\&\#916;32-134 (tr-PrP), der die potentielle neuroprotektive Octarepeat-Dom{\"a}ne entfernt wurde. Wt-PrP transgene Fliegen zeigten nach Vergleich mit Kontrolllinien eine signifikante, um 20\% erh{\"o}hte allgemeine Lebenserwartung. Obwohl die Expression von tr-PrP in Drosophila zu keinen nachweisbaren neuropathologischen Ver{\"a}nderungen f{\"u}hrte, wurde die Lebensspanne um 8\% reduziert. Ko-Expression von wt-PrP und tr-PrP konnte diesen Effekt nicht komplementieren, was eine chronische Toxizit{\"a}t der trunkierten Form nahelegt, die in diesem Zusammenhang der Neuroprotektion {\"u}bergeordnet ist. Da Lebenserwartung und Stressresistenz eng miteinander korrelieren, wurden die Fliegen den reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies Wasserstoffperoxid, Sauerstoff und Paraquat ausgesetzt, um auf drei unabh{\"a}ngigen Wegen oxidativen Stress zu induzieren. In der Tat vermittelt wt-PrP eine signifikante Stressresistenz, wohingegen tr-PrP-exprimierende Tiere eine normale Anf{\"a}lligkeit offenbarten, die jedoch teilweise durch Ko-Expression beider PrP-Formen komplementiert werden konnte. Hier erscheint die protektive Funktion von wt-PrP der Toxizit{\"a}t der Deletionsmutante {\"u}bergeordnet zu sein. Diese Daten belegen eine wichtige Funktion des Prion-Proteins bez{\"u}glich der Abwehr von oxidativem Stress. Essentiell ist dabei die Kupfer-bindende Octarepeat-Dom{\"a}ne, durch die m{\"o}glicherweise Fenton-{\"a}hnliche Reaktionen, die bei der Sauerstoff-Radikalsynthese eine wichtige Rolle spielen, inhibiert werden k{\"o}nnten. Konsistent damit ist die Beobachtung des Verlusts der erworbenen Stressresistenz nach Expression der Octarepeat-losen Mutante tr-PrP und die signifikante Reduktion der Lebenserwartung {\"u}ber einen bislang unaufgekl{\"a}rten Mechanismus. Das Drosophila PrP-Modell bietet die M{\"o}glichkeit, die physiologische Funktion von PrP detailliert zu untersuchen. Außerdem ist die Identifizierung unbekannter PrP-Interaktionspartner erm{\"o}glicht, um Signaltransduktionswege des PrP und die zugrunde liegenden neurodegenerativen Mechanismen aufzukl{\"a}ren.}, subject = {Prion}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Porsch2002, author = {Porsch, Matthias}, title = {OMB and ORG-1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-3614}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Members of the T-box gene family encode transcription factors that play key roles during embryonic development and organogenesis of invertebrates and vertebrates. The defining feature of T-box proteins is an about 200 aa large, conserved DNA binding motif, the T domain. Their importance for proper development is highlighted by the dramatic phenotypes of T-box mutant animals. My thesis was mainly focused on two Drosophila T-box genes, optomotor-blind (omb) and optomotor-blind related 1 (org-1), and included (i) a genetic analysis of org-1 and (ii) the identification of molecular determinants within OMB and ORG-1 that confer functional specificity. (i) Genetic analysis of org-1 initially based on a behavioral Drosophila mutant, C31. C31 is a X-linked, recessive mutant and was mapped to 7E-F, the cytological region of org-1. This pleiotropic mutant is manifested in walking defects, structural aberrations in the central brain, and "held-out" wings. Molecular analysis revealed that C31 contains an insertion of a 5' truncated I retrotransposon within the 3' untranslated transcript of org-1, suggesting that C31 might represent the first org-1 mutant. Based on this hypothesis, we screened 44.500 F1 female offspring of EMS mutagenized males and C31 females for the "held-out" phenotype, but failed to isolate any C31 or org-1 mutant, although this mutagenesis was functional per se. Since we could not exclude the possibility that our failure is due to an idiosyncracy of C31, we intended not to rely on C31 in further genetic experiments and followed a reverse genetic strategy . All P element lines cytologically mapping to 7E-7F were characterized for their precise insertion sites. 13 of the 19 analyzed lines had P element insertions within a hot-spot 37 kb downstream of org-1. No P element insertions within org-1 could be identified, but several P element insertions were determined on either side of org-1. The org-1 nearest insertions were used for local-hop experiments, in which we associated 6 new genes with P insertions, but failed to target org-1. The closest P elements are still 10 kb away from org-1. Subsequently, we employed org-1 flanking P elements to induce precise deletions in 7E-F spanning org-1. Two org-1 flanking P elements were brought together on a recombinant chromosome. Remobilization of P elements in cis configuration frequently results in deletions with the P element insertion sites as deficiency endpoints. In a first attempt, we expected to identify deficiencies by screening for C31 alleles. 8 new C31 alleles could be isolated. The new C31 chromosomes, however, did not carry the desired deletion. Molecular analysis indicated that C31 is not caused by aberrations in org-1, but by mutations in a distal locus. We repeated the P element remobilization and screened for the absence of P element markers. 4 lethal chromosomes could be isolated with a deletion of the org-1 locus. (ii) The consequences of ectopic org-1 were analyzed using UAS-org-1 transgenic flies and a number of different Gal4 driver lines. Misexpression of org-1 during imaginal development interfered with the normal development of many organs and resulted in flies with a plethora of phenotypes. These include a homeotic transformation of distal antenna (flagellum) into distal leg structures, a strong size reduction of the legs along their proximo-distal axis, and stunted wings. Like ectopic org-1, ectopic omb leads to dramatic changes of normal developmental pathways in Drosophila as well. dpp-Gal4/ UAS-omb flies are late pupal lethal and show an ectopic pair of wings and largely reduced eyes. GMR-Gal4 driven ectopic omb expression in the developing eye causes a degeneration of the photoreceptor cells, while GMR-Gal4/ UAS-org-1 flies have intact eyes. Hence, ectopic org-1 and omb induce profound phenotypes that are qualitatively different for these homologous genes. To begin to address the question where within OMB and ORG-1 the specificity determinants reside, we conceptionally subdivided both proteins into three domains and tested the relevance ofthese domains for functional specificity in vivo. The single domains were cloned and used as modules to assemble all possible omb-org-1 chimeric trans- genes. A method was developed to determine the relative expression strength of different UAS-transgenes, allowing to compare the various transgenic constructs for qualitative differences only, excluding different transgene quantities. Analysis of chimeric omb-org-1 transgenes with the GMR-Gal4 driver revealed that all three OMB domains contribute to functional specificity.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Putz2002, author = {Putz, Gabriele}, title = {Characterization of memories and ignorant (S6KII) mutants in operant conditioning in the heat-box}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-4195}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Learning and memory processes of operant conditioning in the heat-box were analysed. Age, sex, and larval desity were not critical parameters influencing memory, while low or high activity levels of flies were negatively correlated with their performance. In a search for conditioning parameters leading to high retention scores, intermittent training was shown to give better results than continuous training. As the memory test is the immediate continuation of the conditioning phase just omitting reinforcement, we obtain a memory which consists of two components: a spatial preference for one side of the chamber and a stay-where-you-are effect in which the side preference is contaminated by the persistence of heat avoidance. Intermittent training strengthens the latter. In the next part, memory retention was investigated. Flies were trained in one chamber and tested in a second one after a brief reminder training. With this direct transfer, memory scores reflect an associative learning process in the first chamber. To investigate memory retention after extended time periods, indirect transfer experiments were performed. The fly was transferred to a different environment between training and test phases. With this procedure an after-effect of the training was still observed two hours later. Surprisingly, exposure to the chamber without conditioning also lead to a memory effect in the indirect transfer experiment. This exposure effect revealed a dispositional change that facilitates operant learning during the reminder training. The various memory effects are independent of the mushroom bodies. The transfer experiments and yoked controls proved that the heat-box records an associative memory. Even two hours after the operant conditioning procedure, the fly remembers that its position in the chamber controls temperature. The cAMP signaling cascade is involved in heat-box learning. Thus, amnesiac, rutabaga, and dunce mutants have an impaired learning / memory. Searching for, yet unknown, genes and signaling cascades involved in operant conditioning, a Drosophila melanogaster mutant screen with 1221 viable X-chromosome P-element lines was performed. 29 lines with consistently reduced heat avoidance/ learning or memory scores were isolated. Among those, three lines have the p[lacW] located in the amnesiac ORF, confirming that with the chosen candidate criteria the heat-box is a useful tool to screen for learning and /or memory mutants. The mutant line ignP1 (8522), which is defective in the gene encoding p90 ribosomal S6 kinase (S6KII), was investigated. The P-insertion of line ignP1 is the first Drosophila mutation in the ignorant (S6KII) gene. It has the transposon inserted in the first exon. Mutant males are characterized by low training performance, while females perform well in the standard experiment. Several deletion mutants of the ignorant gene have been generated. In precise jumpouts the phenotype was reverted. Imprecise jumpouts with a partial loss of the coding region were defective in operant conditioning. Surprisingly, null mutants showed wild-type behavior. This might indicate an indirect effect of the mutated ignorant gene on learning processes. In classical odor avoidance conditioning, ignorant null mutants showed a defect in the 3-min, 30-min, and 3-hr memory, while the precise jumpout of the transposon resulted in a reversion of the behavioral phenotype. Deviating results from operant and classical conditioning indicate different roles for S6KII in the two types of learning.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reisch2003, author = {Reisch, Natasa}, title = {Das Cysteine-String-Protein in Drosophila melanogaster: Molekulare und funktionelle Analyse verschiedener CSP-Mutanten; Ein Modell zur r{\"a}umlich und zeitlich kontrollierten CSP-Expression}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-6291}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Die Exozytose von Neurotransmittern und Peptiden w{\"a}hrend der Verarbeitung und Weiterleitung von Reizen im Nervensystem wird durch eine komplexe Maschinerie von Proteinen reguliert. Das konservierte Cysteine String Protein (CSP), das gebunden an synaptische und andere sekretorische Vesikel vorliegt, konnte in den vergangenen Jahren als Teil in diesen Prozess eingeordnet werden. Die Frage nach der genauen Funktion von CSP w{\"a}hrend der Exozytose ist allerdings weiterhin offen. CSP-Nullmutanten in Drosophila melanogaster zeigen temperatursensitive Paralyse und eine extrem verk{\"u}rzte Lebenserwartung, gepaart mit verminderter Fertilit{\"a}t. In larvalen Nerv-Muskel Pr{\"a}paraten kommt es bei Temperaturen {\"u}ber 29°C zu einem reversiblen Block der elektrophysiologisch messbaren synaptischen Transmission. Die Prim{\"a}rstruktur des Cysteine String Proteins kann in folgende konservierte Sequenzabschnitte unterteilt werden: eine N-terminale Protein Kinase A Phosphorylierungsstelle, eine Region mit Homologie zu einer charakteristischen Dom{\"a}ne von DnaJ-Proteinen (DnaJ-Dom{\"a}ne), einen als Linkerregion bezeichneten Abschnitt, eine cysteinreiche Sequenz, die bei Drosophila aus dem namensgebenden Strang von 11 aufeinanderfolgenden Cysteinen flankiert von 2 Cysteinpaaren besteht, und einen schw{\"a}cher konservierten C-Terminus, in dem sich auch einzelne Spleißvarianten unterscheiden. Versuche mit Vertebraten konnten zeigen, dass CSP in einem trimeren Komplex aus Hsc70/CSP/SGT vorkommt und bei der Exozytose wahrscheinlich als molekulares Co-Chaperon wirkt. Der Cysteinstrang liegt mehrfach palmityliert vor und ist f{\"u}r die Zielfindung des Proteins zur Vesikelmembran essentiell. In vorangegangenen Arbeiten wurde begonnen, bei Drosophila durch gezielte Mutagenese und Keimbahntransformation die Rolle des Cysteinstrangs, der Linkerregion und des C-Terminus f{\"u}r die Funktion des CSP zu analysieren. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden in transgenen Fliegen die Eigenschaften von Isoformen mit vier unterschiedlich mutierten Varianten des Cysteinstrangs (CSLP, SCSP, CLP, SSP) und je Deletionen in der Linkerregion (L\&\#916;8) und im C-terminalen Bereich (C\&\#916;27) charakterisiert. Die subzellul{\"a}re Verteilung und ver{\"a}nderte Membranbindungseigenschaften dieser Proteine wurden mithilfe von Membranfraktionierung und Glycerindichtegradienten von Homogenaten der transgenen Mutanten aufgezeigt. Die Isoformen CLP und SSP sind aufgrund der fehlenden Palmitylierung nicht an die Membran der synaptischen Vesikel gebunden, w{\"a}hrend die Isoform CSLP sowohl in der Vesikelmembranfraktion als auch als l{\"o}sliches Protein nachgewiesen werden kann. Die flankierenden Cysteinpaare und die verbliebenen Cysteine in den Isoformen CSLP und SCSP erf{\"u}llen offenbar noch teilweise die Aufgabe des Cysteinstrangs bei der Zielfindung der Proteine. Eine Depalmitylierung mit Hydroxylamin l{\"o}st das verk{\"u}rzte SCSP Protein ebensowenig aus der Membran wie das intakte CSP. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchungen stehen im Einklang mit immunhistochemischen Befunden. Die Deletion bzw. Substitution der zentralen 11 Cysteine in den Isoformen CSLP, CLP und SSP {\"a}ußert sich in den transgenen Fliegen in einer gleichm{\"a}ßigeren Verteilung der Proteine, die nicht mehr wie im Wildtyp auf das synaptische Neuropil beschr{\"a}nkt ist. Keine der Isoformen mit ver{\"a}ndertem Cysteinstrang ist in der Lage die Funktion des wildtypischen CSP zu {\"u}bernehmen, da die adulten transgenen Fliegen den temperatursensitiven Ph{\"a}notyp und eine kurze Lebensdauer {\"a}hnlich den Csp-Nullmutanten zeigen. Die Proteinisoformen L\&\#916;8 und C\&\#916;27 dagegen lassen in den biochemischen Analysen keine Abweichung vom Wildtyp erkennen und weisen auch eine wildtypische Verteilung in Kryostat-Gehirnschnitten auf. Die Deletion in der Linkerregion in der Isoform L\&\#916;8 scheint die Funktion des CSPs allerdings einzuschr{\"a}nken, da die entsprechenden transgenen Fliegen bereits bei 38°C, wildtypische Tiere dagegen erst bei 40°C paralysieren. Die in der Literatur beschriebene Interaktion zwischen Drosophila CSP und Syntaxin konnte f{\"u}r die transgen exprimierte gr{\"o}ßte CSP Isoform CSP1 in Immunpr{\"a}zipitationsexperimenten mit Drosophila-Kopfhomogenat best{\"a}tigt werden. Die Frage nach einer Interaktion zwischen Syntaxin und den anderen untersuchten mutierten CSP-Isoformen bleibt dagegen offen. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Versuch, mithilfe des UAS/Gal4- und des Flippase/FRT -Systems die CSP-Expression r{\"a}umlich und zeitlich zu kontrollieren. Dazu wurde aufgrund von Datenbankangaben eine minimale FRT-Sequenz aus Oligonukleotiden mit entsprechenden Linkern konstruiert. Das gesamte Csp-Gen beziehungsweise die Csp cDNA1 einschließlich der regulatorischen Sequenzen wurde zwischen zwei gleichgerichteten FRT-Sequenzen pW8 eingebracht. Die Keimbahntransformation f{\"u}hrte zu mehreren transgenen Fliegenlinien. Nach aufwendigen Kreuzungen mit Gal4-, UAS-Flippase- und Csp-Null-Linien entstanden Fliegen im CSP-Nullhintergrund, welche eine durch die verwendete Gal4-Linie definierte Expression von Flippase zeigten und das FRT-Konstrukt trugen. Diese Fliegen sollten in Flippase positiven Bereichen keine CSP-Expression mehr zeigen. Verhaltensanalysen an solchen Tieren bei normaler und erh{\"o}hter Temperatur k{\"o}nnten dann Aufschluss {\"u}ber die Funktion der Zellen ohne CSP-Expression geben. Leider konnten die erwarteten Ver{\"a}nderungen in der CSP-Expression nicht beobachtet werden, obwohl alle Konstrukte sich nach einer {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung als intakt erwiesen haben. Die Ursache f{\"u}r die fehlende Rekombination zwischen den FRT-Sequenzen ist m{\"o}glicherweise in einer zu geringen L{\"a}nge dieser Zielsequenz der Flippase zu suchen. Im dritten Abschnitt der Arbeit wird der Csp-Genlokus und seine benachbarten Gene vorgestellt, und die m{\"o}glichen Auswirkungen der Deletionen in den zur Verf{\"u}gung stehenden Mutanten CspU1, CspU1w und CspK16 diskutiert. Aufgrund der Daten aus dem Drosophila Genomprojekt lag die Spekulation nahe, dass der Ph{\"a}notyp der Deletionsmutanten auch durch eine ver{\"a}nderte Expression der benachbarten Gene stromab- und stromaufw{\"a}rts des Csp Gens beeinflusst werden k{\"o}nnte. Die Auswertung eines Northern Blots von PolyA+-RNA adulter Fliegen, sowie einfache Verhaltenstests an vorliegenden und neu generierten CSP-Nullmutanten konnten diesen Verdacht allerdings nicht best{\"a}tigen.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} }