@phdthesis{FetivaMora2023, author = {Fetiva Mora, Maria Camila}, title = {Changes in chromatin accessibility by oncogenic YAP and its relevance for regulation of cell cycle gene expression and cell migration}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30291}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-302910}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Various types of cancer involve aberrant cell cycle regulation. Among the pathways responsible for tumor growth, the YAP oncogene, a key downstream effector of the Hippo pathway, is responsible for oncogenic processes including cell proliferation, and metastasis by controlling the expression of cell cycle genes. In turn, the MMB multiprotein complex (which is formed when B-MYB binds to the MuvB core) is a master regulator of mitotic gene expression, which has also been associated with cancer. Previously, our laboratory identified a novel crosstalk between the MMB-complex and YAP. By binding to enhancers of MMB target genes and promoting B-MYB binding to promoters, YAP and MMB co-regulate a set of mitotic and cytokinetic target genes which promote cell proliferation. This doctoral thesis addresses the mechanisms of YAP and MMB mediated transcription, and it characterizes the role of YAP regulated enhancers in transcription of cell cycle genes. The results reported in this thesis indicate that expression of constitutively active, oncogenic YAP5SA leads to widespread changes in chromatin accessibility in untransformed human MCF10A cells. ATAC-seq identified that newly accessible and active regions include YAP-bound enhancers, while the MMB-bound promoters were found to be already accessible and remain open during YAP induction. By means of CRISPR-interference (CRISPRi) and chromatin immuniprecipitation (ChIP), we identified a role of YAP-bound enhancers in recruitment of CDK7 to MMB-regulated promoters and in RNA Pol II driven transcriptional initiation and elongation of G2/M genes. Moreover, by interfering with the YAP-B-MYB protein interaction, we can show that binding of YAP to B-MYB is also critical for the initiation of transcription at MMB-regulated genes. Unexpectedly, overexpression of YAP5SA also leads to less accessible chromatin regions or chromatin closing. Motif analysis revealed that the newly closed regions contain binding motifs for the p53 family of transcription factors. Interestingly, chromatin closing by YAP is linked to the reduced expression and loss of chromatin-binding of the p53 family member Np63. Furthermore, I demonstrate that downregulation of Np63 following expression of YAP is a key step in driving cellular migration. Together, the findings of this thesis provide insights into the role of YAP in the chromatin changes that contribute to the oncogenic activities of YAP. The overexpression of YAP5SA not only leads to the opening of chromatin at YAP-bound enhancers which together with the MMB complex stimulate the expression of G2/M genes, but also promotes the closing of chromatin at ∆Np63 -bound regions in order to lead to cell migration.}, subject = {Chromatin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fasemore2023, author = {Fasemore, Akinyemi Mandela}, title = {Genomic and internet based analysis of \(Coxiella\) \(burnetii\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29663}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-296639}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Coxiella burnetii, a Gram negative obligate intracellular bacterium, is the causative agent of Q fever. It has a world wide distribution and has been documented to be capable of causing infections in several domestic animals, livestock species, and human beings. Outbreaks of Q fever are still being observed in livestock across animal farms in Europe, and primary transmission to humans still oc- curs especially in animal handlers. Public health authorities in some countries like Germany are required by law to report human acute cases denoting the significance of the challenge posed by C. burnetii to public health. In this thesis, I have developed a platform alongside methods to address the challenges of genomic analyses of C. burnetii for typing purposes. Identification of C. burnetii isolates is an important task in the laboratory as well as in the clinics and genotyping is a reliable method to identify and characterize known and novel isolates. Therefore, I designed and implemented several methods to facilitate the genotyping analyses of C. burnetii genomes in silico via a web platform. As genotyping is a data intensive process, I also included additional features such as visualization methods and databases for interpretation and storage of obtained results. I also developed a method to profile the resistome of C. burnetii isolates using a machine learning approach. Data about antibiotic resistance in C. burnetii are scarce majorly due to its lifestyle and the difficulty of cultivation in laboratory media. Alternative methods that rely on homology identification of resistance genes are also inefficient in C. burnetii, hence, I opted for a novel approach that has been shown to be promising in other bacteria species. The applied method relied on an artificial neural network as well as amino acid composition of position specific scoring matrix profile for feature extraction. The resulting model achieved an accuracy of ≈ 0.96 on test data and the overall performance was significantly higher in comparison to existing models. Finally, I analyzed two new C. burnetii isolates obtained from an outbreak in Germany, I compared the genome to the RSA 493 reference isolate and found extensive deletions across the genome landscape. This work has provided a new digital infrastructure to analyze and character- ize C. burnetii genomes that was not in existence before and it has also made a significant contribution to the existing information about antibiotic resistance genes in C. burnetii.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rutschmann2023, author = {Rutschmann, Benjamin}, title = {Occurrence and population density of wild-living honey bees in Europe and the impact of different habitat types on their foraging and overwintering success}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28673}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-286732}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The original habitat of native European honey bees (\(Apis\) \(mellifera\)) is forest, but currently there is a lack of data about the occurrence of wild honey bee populations in Europe. Prior to being kept by humans in hives, honey bees nested as wild species in hollow trees in temperate forests. However, in the 20th century, intensification of silviculture and agriculture with accompanying losses of nesting sites and depletion of food resources caused population declines in Europe. When the varroa mite (Varroa destructor), an invasive ectoparasite from Asia, was introduced in the late 1970s, wild honey bees were thought to be eradicated in Europe. Nevertheless, sporadic, mostly anecdotal, reports from ornithologists or forest ecologists indicated that honey bee colonies still occupy European forest areas. In my thesis I hypothesize that near-natural deciduous forests may provide sufficient large networks of nesting sites representing refugia for wild-living honey bees. Using two special search techniques, i.e. the tracking of flight routes of honey bee foragers (the "beelining" method) and the inspection of known cavity trees, I collected for the first time data on the occurrence and density of wild-living honey bees in forest areas in Germany (CHAPTER 3). I found wild-living honey bee colonies in the Hainich national park at low densities in two succeeding years. In another forest region, I checked known habitat trees containing black woodpecker cavities for occupation by wild-living honey bee colonies. It turned out that honey bees regularly use these cavities and occur in similar densities in both studied forest regions, independent of the applied detection method. Extrapolating these densities to all German forest areas, I estimate several thousand wild-living colonies in Germany that potentially interact in different ways with the forest environment. I conclude that honey bees regularly colonize forest areas in Germany and that networks of mapped woodpecker cavities offer unique possibilities to study the ecology of wild-living honey bees over several years. While their population status is ambiguous and the density of colonies low, the fact that honey bees can still be found in forests poses questions about food supply in forest environments. Consequently, I investigated the suitability of woodlands as a honey bee foraging habitat (CHAPTER 4). As their native habitat, forests are assumed to provide important pollen and nectar sources for honey bee colonies. However, resource supply might be spatially and temporally restricted and landscape-scale studies in European forest regions are lacking. Therefore, I set up twelve honey bee colonies in observation hives at locations with varying degree of forest cover. Capitalizing on the unique communication behaviour, the waggle dance, I examined the foraging distances and habitat preferences of honey bees over almost an entire foraging season. Moreover, by connecting this decoded dance information with colony weight recordings, I could draw conclusions about the contribution of the different habitat types to honey yield. Foraging distances generally increased with the amount of forest in the surrounding landscape. Yet, forest cover did not have an effect on colony weight. Compared to expectations based on the proportions of different habitats in the surroundings, colonies foraged more frequently in cropland and grasslands than in deciduous and coniferous forests, especially in late summer when pollen foraging in the forest is most difficult. In contrast, colonies used forests for nectar/honeydew foraging in early summer during times of colony weight gain emphasizing forests as a temporarily significant source of carbohydrates. Importantly, my study shows that the ecological and economic value of managed forest as habitat for honey bees and other wild pollinators can be significantly increased by the continuous provision of floral resources, especially for pollen foraging. The density of these wild-living honey bee colonies and their survival is driven by several factors that vary locally, making it crucial to compare results in different regions. Therefore, I investigated a wild-living honey bee population in Galicia in north-western Spain, where colonies were observed to reside in hollow electric poles (CHAPTER 5). The observed colony density only in these poles was almost twice as high as in German forest areas, suggesting generally more suitable resource conditions for the bees in Galicia. Based on morphometric analyses of their wing venation patterns, I assigned the colonies to the native evolutionary lineage (M-lineage) where the particularly threatened subspecies \(Apis\) \(mellifera\) \(iberiensis\) also belongs to. Averaged over two consecutive years, almost half of the colonies survived winter (23 out of 52). Interestingly, semi-natural areas both increased abundance and subsequent colony survival. Colonies surrounded by more semi-natural habitat (and therefore less intensive cropland) had an elevated overwintering probability, indicating that colonies need a certain amount of semi-natural habitat in the landscape to survive. Due to their ease of access these power poles in Galicia are, ideally suited to assess the population demography of wild-living Galician honey bee colonies through a long-term monitoring. In a nutshell, my thesis indicates that honey bees in Europe always existed in the wild. I performed the first survey of wild-living bee density yet done in Germany and Spain. My thesis identifies the landscape as a major factor that compromises winter survival and reports the first data on overwintering rates of wild-living honey bees in Europe. Besides, I established methods to efficiently detect wild-living honey bees in different habitat. While colonies can be found all over Europe, their survival and viability depend on unpolluted, flower rich habitats. The protection of near-natural habitat and of nesting sites is of paramount importance for the conservation of wild-living honey bees in Europe.  }, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Franzke2023, author = {Franzke, Myriam}, title = {Keep on track : The use of visual cues for orientation in monarch butterflies}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28470}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-284709}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) performs one of the most astonishing behaviors in the animal kingdom: every fall millions of these butterflies leave their breeding grounds in North Amerika and migrate more than 4.000 km southwards until they reach their overwintering habitat in Central Mexico. To maintain their migratory direction over this enormous distance, the butterflies use a time-compensated sun compass. Beside this, skylight polarization, the Earth's magnetic field and specific mountain ranges seem to guide the butterflies as well the south. In contrast to this fascinating orientation ability, the behavior of the butterflies in their non-migratory state received less attention. Although they do not travel long distances, they still need to orient themselves to find food, mating partners or get away from competitors. The aim of the present doctoral thesis was to investigate use of visual cues for orientation in migrating as well as non-migrating monarch butterflies. For this, field experiments investigating the migration of the butterflies in Texas (USA) were combined with experiments testing the orientation performance of non-migratory butterflies in Germany. In the first project, I recorded the heading directions of tethered butterflies during their annual fall migration. In an outdoor flight simulator, the butterflies maintained a southwards direction as long as they had a view of the sun's position. Relocating the position of the sun by 180° using a mirror, revealed that the sun is the animals' main orientation reference. Furthermore, I demonstrated that when the sun is blocked and a green light stimulus (simulated sun) is introduced, the animals interpreted this stimulus as the 'real' sun. However, this cue was not sufficient to set the migratory direction when simulated as the only visual cue in indoor experiments. When I presented the butterflies a linear polarization pattern additionally to the simulated sun, the animals headed in the correct southerly direction showing that multiple skylight cues are required to guide the butterflies during their migration. In the second project, I, furthermore, demonstrated that non-migrating butterflies are able to maintain a constant direction with respect to a simulated sun. Interestingly, they ignored the spectral component of the stimulus and relied on the intensity instead. When a panoramic skyline was presented as the only orientation reference, the butterflies maintained their direction only for short time windows probably trying to stabilize their flight based on optic-flow information. Next, I investigated whether the butterflies combine celestial with local cues by simulating a sun stimulus together with a panoramic skyline. Under this conditions, the animals' directedness was increased demonstrating that they combine multiple visual cues for spatial orientation. Following up on the observation that a sun stimulus resulted in a different behavior than the panoramic skyline, I investigated in my third project which orientation strategies the butterflies use by presenting different simulated cues to them. While a bright stripe on a dark background elicited a strong attraction of the butterflies steering in the direction of the stimulus, the inverted version of the stimulus was used for flight stabilization. In contrast to this, the butterflies maintained arbitrary directions with a high directedness with respect to a simulated sun. In an ambiguous scenery with two identical stimuli (two bright stripes, two dark stripes, or two sun stimuli) set 180° apart, a constant flight course was only achieved when two sun stimuli were displayed suggesting an involvement of the animals' internal compass. In contrast, the butterflies used two dark stripes for flight stabilization and were alternatingly attracted by two bright stripes. This shows that monarch butterflies use stimulus-dependent orientation strategies and gives the first evidence for different neuronal pathways controlling the output behavior.}, subject = {Monarchfalter}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reinhard2023, author = {Reinhard, Sebastian}, title = {Improving Super-Resolution Microscopy Data Reconstruction and Evaluation by Developing Advanced Processing Algorithms and Artifcial Neuronal Networks}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31695}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-316959}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The fusion of methods from several disciplines is a crucial component of scientific development. Artificial Neural Networks, based on the principle of biological neuronal networks, demonstrate how nature provides the best templates for technological advancement. These innovations can then be employed to solve the remaining mysteries of biology, including, in particular, processes that take place on microscopic scales and can only be studied with sophisticated techniques. For instance, direct Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy combines tools from chemistry, physics, and computer science to visualize biological processes at the molecular level. One of the key components is the computer-aided reconstruction of super-resolved images. Improving the corresponding algorithms increases the quality of the generated data, providing further insights into our biology. It is important, however, to ensure that the heavily processed images are still a reflection of reality and do not originate in random artefacts. Expansion microscopy is expanding the sample by embedding it in a swellable hydrogel. The method can be combined with other super-resolution techniques to gain additional resolution. We tested this approach on microtubules, a well-known filamentous reference structure, to evaluate the performance of different protocols and labelling techniques. We developed LineProfiler an objective tool for data collection. Instead of collecting perpendicular profiles in small areas, the software gathers line profiles from filamentous structures of the entire image. This improves data quantity, quality and prevents a biased choice of the evaluated regions. On the basis of the collected data, we deployed theoretical models of the expected intensity distribution across the filaments. This led to the conclusion that post-expansion labelling significantly reduces the labelling error and thus, improves the data quality. The software was further used to determine the expansion factor and arrangement of synaptonemal complex data. Automated Simple Elastix uses state-of-the-art image alignment to compare pre- and post-expansion images. It corrects linear distortions occurring under isotropic expansion, calculates a structural expansion factor and highlights structural mismatches in a distortion map. We used the software to evaluate expanded fungi and NK cells. We found that the expansion factor differs for the two structures and is lower than the overall expansion of the hydrogel. Assessing the fluorescence lifetime of emitters used for direct Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy can reveal additional information about the molecular environment or distinguish dyes emitting with a similar wavelength. The corresponding measurements require a confocal scanning of the sample in combination with the fluorescent switching of the underlying emitters. This leads to non-linear, interrupted Point Spread Functions. The software ReCSAI targets this problem by combining the classical algorithm of compressed sensing with modern methods of artificial intelligence. We evaluated several different approaches to combine these components and found, that unrolling compressed sensing into the network architecture yields the best performance in terms of reconstruction speed and accuracy. In addition to a deep insight into the functioning and learning of artificial intelligence in combination with classical algorithms, we were able to reconstruct the described non-linearities with significantly improved resolution, in comparison to other state-of-the-art architectures.}, subject = {Mikroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kuehl2022, author = {K{\"u}hl, Julia}, title = {FAAP100, der FA/BRCA-Signalweg f{\"u}r genomische Stabilit{\"a}t und das DNA-Reparatur-Netzwerk}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17166}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-171669}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Die Fanconi-An{\"a}mie (FA) ist eine seltene, heterogene Erbkrankheit. Sie weist ein sehr variables klinisches Erscheinungsbild auf, das sich aus angeborenen Fehlbildungen, h{\"a}matologischen Funktionsst{\"o}rungen, einem erh{\"o}hten Risiko f{\"u}r Tumorentwicklung und endokrinen Pathologien zusammensetzt. Die Erkrankung z{\"a}hlt zu den genomischen Instabilit{\"a}tssyndromen, welche durch eine fehlerhafte DNA-Schadensreparatur gekennzeichnet sind. Bei der FA zeigt sich dies vor allem in einer charakteristischen Hypersensitivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber DNA-quervernetzenden Substanzen (z. B. Mitomycin C, Cisplatin). Der zellul{\"a}re FA-Ph{\"a}notyp zeichnet sich durch eine erh{\"o}hte Chromosomenbr{\"u}chigkeit und einen Zellzyklusarrest in der G2-Phase aus. Diese Charakteristika sind bereits spontan vorhanden und werden durch Induktion mit DNA-quervernetzenden Substanzen verst{\"a}rkt. Der Gendefekt ist dabei in einem der 22 bekannten FA-Gene (FANCA, -B, -C, -D1, -D2, -E, -F, -G, -I, -J, -L, -M, -N, -O, -P, -Q, -R, -S, -T, -U, -V, -W) oder in noch unbekannten FA-Genen zu finden. Die FA-Gendefekte werden mit Ausnahme von FANCR (dominant-negative de novo Mutationen) und FANCB (X-chromosomal) autosomal rezessiv vererbt. Die FA-Genprodukte bilden zusammen mit weiteren Proteinen den FA/BRCA-Signalweg. Das Schl{\"u}sselereignis dieses Signalwegs stellt die Monoubiquitinierung von FANCD2 und FANCI (ID2-Komplex) dar. Ausgehend davon l{\"a}sst sich zwischen upstream- und downstream-gelegenen FA-Proteinen unterscheiden. Letztere sind direkt an der DNA-Schadensreparatur beteiligt. Zu den upstream-gelegenen Proteinen z{\"a}hlt der FA-Kernkomplex, der sich aus bekannten FA-Proteinen und aus FA-assoziierten-Proteinen (FAAPs) zusammensetzt und f{\"u}r die Monoubiquitinierung des ID2-Komplexes verantwortlich ist. F{\"u}r FAAPs wurden bisher keine pathogenen humanen Mutationen beschrieben. Zu diesen Proteinen geh{\"o}rt auch FAAP100, das mit FANCB und FANCL innerhalb des FA-Kernkomplexes den Subkomplex LBP100 bildet. Durch die vorliegende Arbeit wurde eine n{\"a}here Charakterisierung dieses Proteins erreicht. In einer Amnion-Zelllinie konnte eine homozygote Missense-Mutation identifiziert werden. Der Fetus zeigte einen typischen FA-Ph{\"a}notyp und auch seine Zellen wiesen charakteristische FA-Merkmale auf. Der zellul{\"a}re Ph{\"a}notyp ließ sich durch FAAP100WT komplementieren, sodass die Pathogenit{\"a}t der Mutation bewiesen war. Unterst{\"u}tzend dazu wurden mithilfe des CRISPR/Cas9-Systems weitere FAAP100-defiziente Zelllinien generiert. Diese zeigten ebenfalls einen typischen FA-Ph{\"a}notyp, welcher sich durch FAAP100WT komplementieren ließ. Die in vitro-Modelle dienten als Grundlage daf{\"u}r, die Funktion des FA-Kernkomplexes im Allgemeinen und die des Subkomplexes LBP100 im Besonderen besser zu verstehen. Dabei kann nur durch intaktes FAAP100 das LBP100-Modul gebildet und dieses an die DNA-Schadensstelle transportiert werden. Dort leistet FAAP100 einen essentiellen Beitrag f{\"u}r den FANCD2-Monoubiquitinierungsprozess und somit f{\"u}r die Aktivierung der FA-abh{\"a}ngigen DNA-Schadensreparatur. Um die Funktion von FAAP100 auch in vivo zu untersuchen, wurde ein Faap100-/--Mausmodell generiert, das einen mit anderen FA-Mausmodellen vergleichbaren, relativ schweren FA-Ph{\"a}notyp aufwies. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse l{\"a}sst sich FAAP100 als neues FA-Gen klassifizieren. Zudem wurde die Rolle des Subkomplexes LBP100 innerhalb des FA-Kernkomplexes weiter aufgekl{\"a}rt. Beides tr{\"a}gt zu einem besseren Verst{\"a}ndnis des FA/BRCA-Signalweges bei. Ein weiterer Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Charakterisierung von FAAP100138, einer bisher nicht validierten Isoform von FAAP100. Durch dieses Protein konnte der zellul{\"a}re FA-Ph{\"a}notyp von FAAP100-defizienten Zelllinien nicht komplementiert werden, jedoch wurden Hinweise auf einen dominant-negativen Effekt von FAAP100138 auf den FA/BRCA-Signalweg gefunden. Dies k{\"o}nnte zu der Erkl{\"a}rung beitragen, warum und wie der Signalweg, beispielsweise in bestimmtem Gewebearten, herunterreguliert wird. Zudem w{\"a}re eine Verwendung in der Krebstherapie denkbar.}, subject = {Fanconi-An{\"a}mie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kortmann2022, author = {Kortmann, Mareike}, title = {Biodiversity and recreation - Optimizing tourism and forest management in forests affected by bark beetles}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24031}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-240317}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Forests are multi-functional system, which have to fulfil different objectives at the same time. The main functions include the production of wood, storage of carbon, the promotion of biological diversity and the provision of recreational space. Yet, global forests are affected by large and intense natural disturbances, like bark beetle infestations. While natural disturbances threaten wood production and are perceived as 'catastrophe' diminishing recreational value, biodiversity can benefit from the disturbance-induced changes in forest structures. This trade-off poses a dilemma to managers of bark beetle affected stands, particularly in protected areas designated to both nature conservation and recreation. Forest landscapes need a sustainable management concept aligning these different objectives. In order to support this goal with scientific knowledge, the aim of this work is to analyse ecological and social effects along a gradient of different disturbance severities. In this context, I studied the effects of a disturbance severity gradient on the diversity of different taxonomic groups including vascular plants, mosses, lichens, fungi, arthropods and birds in five national parks in Central Europe. To analyse the recreational value of the landscape I conducted visitor surveys in the same study areas in which the biodiversity surveys were performed. To analyse possible psychological or demographic effects on preferences for certain disturbance intensities, an additional online survey was carried out.}, subject = {Borkenk{\"a}fer}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kuhlemann2022, author = {Kuhlemann, Alexander}, title = {Bioorthogonal labeling of neuronal proteins using super-resolution fluorescence microscopy}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24373}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-243731}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The synaptic cleft is of central importance for synaptic transmission, neuronal plasticity and memory and thus well studied in neurobiology. To target proteins of interest with high specificity and strong signal to noise conventional immunohistochemistry relies on the use of fluorescently labeled antibodies. However, investigations on synaptic receptors remain challenging due to the defined size of the synaptic cleft of ~20 nm between opposing pre- and postsynaptic membranes. At this limited space, antibodies bear unwanted side effects such as crosslinking, accessibility issues and a considerable linkage error between fluorophore and target of ~10 nm. With recent single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) methods enabling localization precisions of a few nanometers, the demand for labeling approaches with minimal linkage error and reliable recognition of the target molecules rises. Within the scope of this work, different labeling techniques for super-resolution fluorescence microscopy were utilized allowing site-specific labeling of a single amino acid in synaptic proteins like kainate receptors (KARs), transmembrane α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor regulatory proteins (TARPs), γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptors (GABA-ARs) and neuroligin 2 (NL2). The method exploits the incorporation of unnatural amino acids (uAAs) in the protein of interest using genetic code expansion (GCE) via amber suppression technology and subsequent labeling with tetrazine functionalized fluorophores. Implementing this technique, hard-to-target proteins such as KARs, TARPs and GABA-ARs could be labeled successfully, which could only be imaged insufficiently with conventional labeling approaches. Furthermore, functional studies involving electrophysiological characterization, as well as FRAP and FRET experiments validated that incorporation of uAAs maintains the native character of the targeted proteins. Next, the method was transferred into primary hippocampal neurons and in combination with super-resolution microscopy it was possible to resolve the nanoscale organization of γ2 and γ8 TARPs. Cluster analysis of dSTORM localization data verified synaptic accumulation of γ2, while γ8 was homogenously distributed along the neuron. Additionally, GCE and bioorthogonal labeling allowed visualization of clickable GABA-A receptors located at postsynaptic compartments in dissociated hippocampal neurons. Moreover, saturation experiments and FRET imaging of clickable multimeric receptors revealed successful binding of multiple tetrazine functionalized fluorophores to uAA-modified dimeric GABA-AR α2 subunits in close proximity (~5 nm). Further utilization of tetrazine-dyes via super-resolution microscopy methods such as dSTORM and click-ExM will provide insights to subunit arrangement in receptors in the future. This work investigated the nanoscale organization of synaptic proteins with minimal linkage error enabling new insights into receptor assembly, trafficking and recycling, as well as protein-protein interactions at synapses. Ultimately, bioorthogonal labeling can help to understand pathologies such as the limbic encephalitis associated with GABA-AR autoantibodies and is already in application for cancer therapies.}, subject = {microscopy}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Boetzl2022, author = {B{\"o}tzl, Fabian Alexander}, title = {The influence of crop management and adjacent agri-environmental scheme type on natural pest control in differently structured landscapes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24140}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-241400}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Summary Chapters I \& II: General Introduction \& General Methods Agriculture is confronted with a rampant loss of biodiversity potentially eroding ecosystem service potentials and adding up to other stressors like climate change or the consequences of land-use change and intensive management. To counter this 'biodiversity crisis', agri-environment schemes (AES) have been introduced as part of ecological intensification efforts. These AES combine special management regimes with the establishment of tailored habitats to create refuges for biodiversity in agricultural landscapes and thus ensure biodiversity mediated ecosystem services such as pest control. However, little is known about how well different AES habitats fulfil this purpose and whether they benefit ecosystem services in adjacent crop fields. Here I investigated how effective different AES habitats are for restoring biodiversity in different agricultural landscapes (Chapter V) and whether they benefit natural pest control in adjacent oilseed rape (Chapter VI) and winter cereal fields (Chapter VII). I recorded biodiversity and pest control potentials using a variety of different methods (Chapters II, V, VI \& VII). Moreover, I validated the methodology I used to assess predator assemblages and predation rates (Chapters III \& IV). Chapter III: How to record ground dwelling predators? Testing methodology is critical as it ensures scientific standards and trustworthy results. Pitfall traps are widely used to record ground dwelling predators, but little is known about how different trap types affect catches. I compared different types of pitfall traps that had been used in previous studies in respect to resulting carabid beetle assemblages. While barrier traps collected more species and deliver more complete species inventories, conventional simple pitfall traps provide reliable results with comparatively little handling effort. Placing several simple pitfall traps in the field can compensate the difference while still saving handling effort.   Chapter IV: How to record predation rates? A plethora of methods has been proposed and used for recording predation rates, but these have rarely been validated before use. I assessed whether a novel approach to record predation, the use of sentinel prey cards with glued on aphids, delivers realistic results. I compared different sampling efforts and showed that obtained predation rates were similar and could be linked to predator (carabid beetle) densities and body-sizes (a proxy often used for food intake rates). Thus, the method delivers reliable and meaningful predation rates. Chapter V: Do AES habitats benefit multi-taxa biodiversity? The main goal of AES is the conservation of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. I investigated how effectively AES habitats with different temporal continuity fulfil this goal in differently structured landscapes. The different AES habitats investigated had variable effects on local biodiversity. Temporal continuity of AES habitats was the most important predictor with older, more temporally continuous habitats harbouring higher overall biodiversity and different species assemblages in most taxonomic groups than younger AES habitats. Results however varied among taxonomic groups and natural enemies were equally supported by younger habitats. Semi-natural habitats in the surrounding landscape and AES habitat size were of minor importance for local biodiversity and had limited effects. This stresses that newly established AES habitats alone cannot restore farmland biodiversity. Both AES habitats as well as more continuous semi-natural habitats synergistically increase overall biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. Chapter VI: The effects of AES habitats on predators in adjacent oilseed rape fields Apart from biodiversity conservation, ensuring ecosystem service delivery in agricultural landscapes is a crucial goal of AES. I therefore investigated the effects of adjacent AES habitats on ground dwelling predator assemblages in oilseed rape fields. I found clear distance decay effects from the field edges into the field centres on both richness and densities of ground dwelling predators. Direct effects of adjacent AES habitats on assemblages in oilseed rape fields however were limited and only visible in functional traits of carabid beetle assemblages. Adjacent AES habitats doubled the proportion of predatory carabid beetles indicating a beneficial role for pest control. My results show that pest control potentials are largest close to the field edges and beneficial effects are comparably short ranged. Chapter VII: The effects of AES habitats on pest control in adjacent cereal fields Whether distance functions and potential effects of AES habitats are universal across crops is unknown. Therefore, I assessed distance functions of predators, pests, predation rates and yields after crop rotation in winter cereals using the same study design as in the previous year. Resulting distance functions were not uniform and differed from those found in oilseed rape in the previous year, indicating that the interactions between certain adjacent habitats vary with habitat and crop types. Distance functions of cereal-leaf beetles (important cereal pests) and parasitoid wasps were moreover modulated by semi-natural habitat proportion in the surrounding landscapes. Field edges buffered assemblage changes in carabid beetle assemblages over crop rotation confirming their important function as refuges for natural enemies. My results emphasize the beneficial role of field edges for pest control potentials. These findings back the calls for smaller field sizes and more diverse, more heterogeneously structured agricultural landscapes. Chapter VIII: General Discussion Countering biodiversity loss and ensuring ecosystem service provision in agricultural landscapes is intricate and requires strategic planning and restructuring of these landscapes. I showed that agricultural landscapes could benefit maximally from (i) a mixture of AES habitats and semi-natural habitats to support high levels of overall biodiversity and from (ii) smaller continuously managed agricultural areas (i.e. smaller field sizes or the insertion of AES elements within large fields) to maximize natural pest control potentials in crop fields. I propose a mosaic of younger AES habitats and semi-natural habitats to support ecosystem service providers and increase edge density for ecosystem service spillover into adjacent crops. The optimal extent and density of this network as well as the location in which AES and semi-natural habitats interact most beneficially with adjacent crops need further investigation. My results provide a further step towards more sustainable agricultural landscapes that simultaneously allow biodiversity to persist and maintain agricultural production under the framework of ecological intensification.}, subject = {{\"O}kologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vellmer2022, author = {Vellmer, Tim}, title = {New insights into the histone variant H2A.Z incorporation pathway in \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25796}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-257960}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The histone variant H2A.Z is a key player in transcription regulation in eukaryotes. Histone acetylations by the NuA4/TIP60 complex are required to enable proper incorporation of the histone variant and to promote the recruitment of other complexes and proteins required for transcription initiation. The second key player in H2A.Z-mediated transcription is the chromatin remodelling complex SWR1, which replaces the canonical histone H2A with its variant. By the time this project started little was known about H2A.Z in the unicellular parasite Trypanosoma brucei. Like in other eukaryotes H2A.Z was exclusively found in the transcription start sites of the polycistronic transcription units where it keeps the chromatin in an open conformation to enable RNA-polymerase II-mediated transcription. Previous studies showed the variant colocalizing with an acetylation of lysine on histone H4 and a methylation of lysine 4 on histone H3. Data indicated that HAT2 is linked to H2A.Z since it is required for acetylation of lyinse 10 on histone H4. A SWR1-like complex and a complex homologous to the NuA4/TIP60 could not be identified yet. This study aimed at identifying a SWR1-like remodelling complex in T. brucei and at identifying a protein complex orthologous to NuA4/TIP60 as well as at answering the question whether HAT2 is part of this complex or not. To this end, I performed multiple mass spectrometry-coupled co-Immunoprecipitation assays with potential subunits of a SWR1 complex, HAT2 and a putative homolog of a NuA4/TIP60 subunit. In the course of these experiments, I was able to identify the TbSWR1 complex. Subsequent cell fractionation and chromatin immunoprecipitation-coupled sequencing analysis experiments confirmed, that this complex is responsible for the incorporation of the histone variant H2A.Z in T. brucei. In addition to this chromatin remodelling complex, I was also able to identify two histone acetyltransferase complexes assembled around HAT1 and HAT2. In the course of my study data were published by the research group of Nicolai Siegel that identified the histone acetyltransferase HAT2 as being responsible for histone H4 acetylation, in preparation to promote H2A.Z incorporation. The data also indicated that HAT1 is responsible for acetylation of H2A.Z. According to the literature, this acetylation is required for proper transcription initiation. Experimental data generated in this study indicated, that H2A.Z and therefore TbSWR1 is involved in the DNA double strand break response of T. brucei. The identification of the specific complex composition of all three complexes provided some hints about how they could interact with each other in the course of transcription regulation and the DNA double strand break response. A proximity labelling approach performed with one of the subunits of the TbSWR1 complex identified multiple transcription factors, PTM writers and proteins potentially involved in chromatin maintenance. Overall, this work will provide some interesting insights about the composition of the complexes involved in H2A.Z incorporation in T. brucei. Furthermore, it is providing valuable information to set up experiments that could shed some light on RNA-polymerase II-mediated transcription and chromatin remodelling in T. brucei in particular and Kinetoplastids in general.}, subject = {Chromatinremodelling}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lasway2022, author = {Lasway, Julius Vincent}, title = {Impact of human land use on bee diversity and plant-pollinator interactions in Tanzania savannah ecosystems}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25772}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-257726}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {One of the pronounced global challenges facing ecologists is how to feed the current growing human population while sustaining biodiversity and ecosystem services. To shed light on this, I investigated the impact of human land use on bee diversity and plant-pollinator interactions in Tanzania Savannah ecosystems. The thesis comprises the following chapters: Chapter I: General Introduction This chapter provides the background information including the study objectives and hypotheses. It highlights the ecological importance of bees and the main threats facing bee pollinators with a focus on two land-use practices namely livestock grazing and agriculture. It also highlights the diversity and global distribution of bees. It further introduces the tropical savannah ecosystem, its climate, and vegetation characteristics and explains spectacular megafauna species of the system that form centers of wildlife tourism and inadequacy knowledge on pollinators diversity of the system. Finally, this chapter describes the study methodology including, the description of the study area, study design, and data collection. Chapter II: Positive effects of low livestock grazing intensity on East African bee assemblages mediated by increases in floral resources The impact of livestock grazing intensity on bee assemblage has been subjected to research over decades. Moreover, most of these studies have been conducted in temperate Europe and America leaving the huge tropical savannah of East Africa less studied. Using sweep netting and pan traps, a total of 183 species (from 2,691 individuals) representing 55 genera and five families were collected from 24 study sites representing three levels of livestock grazing intensity in savannah ecosystem of northern Tanzania. Results have shown that moderate livestock grazing slightly increased bee species richness. However, high livestock grazing intensity led to a strong decline. Besides, results revealed a unimodal distribution pattern of bee species richness and mean annual temperature. It was also found that the effect of livestock grazing and environmental temperature on bee species richness was mediated by a positive effect of moderate grazing on floral resource richness. The study, therefore, reveals that bee communities of the African savannah zone may benefit from low levels of livestock grazing as this favors the growth of flowering plant species. A high level of livestock grazing intensity will cause significant species losses, an effect that may increase with climatic warming. Chapter III: Agricultural intensification with seasonal fallow land promotes high bee diversity in Afrotropical drylands This study investigated the impact of local agriculture intensification on bee diversity in the Afro tropical drylands of northern Tanzania. Using sweep netting and pan traps, a total of 219 species (from 3,428 individuals) representing 58 genera and six families were collected from 24 study sites (distributed from 702 to 1708 m. asl) representing three levels of agriculture intensity spanning an extensive gradient of mean annual temperature. Results showed that bee species richness increased with agricultural intensity and with increasing temperature. However, the effects of agriculture intensity and temperature on bee species richness were mediated by the positive effects of agriculture and temperature on floral resource richness used by bee pollinators. Moreover, results showed that variation of bee body sizes increases with agricultural intensification, "that effect", however, diminished in environments with higher temperatures. This study reveals that bee assemblages in Afrotropical drylands benefit from agriculture intensification in the way it is currently practiced. Further intensification, including year-round irrigated crop monocultures and extensive use of agrochemicals, is likely to exert a negative impact on bee diversity and pollination services, as reported in temperate regions. Moreover, several bee species were restricted to natural savannah habitats. Therefore, to conserve bee communities in Afro tropical drylands and guarantee pollination services, a mixture of savannah and agriculture, with long periods of fallow land should be maintained. Chapter IV: Impact of land use intensification and local features on plants and pollinators in Sub-Saharan smallholder farms For the first time in the region, this study explores the impact of land-use intensification on plants and pollinators in Sub-Saharan smallholder farms. The study complemented field surveys of bees with a modern DNA metabarcoding approach to characterize the foraged plants and thus built networks describing plant-pollinator interactions at the individual insect level. This information was coupled with quantitative traits of landscape composition and floral availability surrounding each farm. The study found that pollinator richness decreased with increasing impervious and agricultural cover in the landscape, whereas the flower density at each farm correlated with pollinator richness. The intensification of agricultural land use and urbanization correlated with a higher foraging niche overlap among pollinators due to the convergence of individuals' flower-visiting strategies. Furthermore, within farms, the higher availability of floral resources drove lower niche overlap among individuals, greater abundance of flower visitors shaped higher generalization at the networks level (H2I), possibly due to increased competition. These mechanistic understandings leading to individuals' foraging niche overlap and generalism at the network level, could imply stability of interactions and the pollination ecosystem service. The integrative survey proved that plant-pollinator systems are largely affected by land use intensification and by local factors in smallholder farms of Sub-Saharan Africa. Thus, policies promoting nature-based solutions, among which the introduction of more pollinator-friendly practices by smallholder farmers, could be effective in mitigating the intensification of both urban and rural landscapes in this region, as well as in similar Sub-Saharan contexts. Chapter V: A synopsis of the Bee occurrence data of northern Tanzania This study represents a synopsis of the bee occurrence data of northern Tanzania obtained from a survey in the Kilimanjaro, Arusha, and Manyara regions. Bees were sampled using two standardized methods, sweep netting and colored pan traps. The study summed up 953 species occurrences of 45 species belonging to 20 genera and four families (Halictidae, Apidae, Megachilidae, and andrenidae) A. This study serves as the baseline information in understanding the diversity and distribution of bees in the northern parts of the country. Understanding the richness and distribution of bees is a critical step in devising robust conservation and monitoring strategies for their populations since limited taxonomic information of the existing and unidentified bee species makes their conservation haphazard. Chapter VI: General discussion In general, findings obtained in these studies suggest that livestock grazing and agriculture intensification affects bee assemblages and floral resources used by bee pollinators. Results have shown that moderate livestock grazing intensity may be important in preserving bee diversity. However, high level of livestock grazing intensity may result in a strong decline in bee species richness and abundance. Moreover, findings indicate that agriculture intensification with seasonal fallow lands supports high floral resource richness promoting high bee diversity in Afrotropical drylands. Nonetheless, natural savannahs were found to contain unique bee species. Therefore, agriculture intensification with seasonal fallow should go in hand with conserving remnant savannah in the landscapes to increase bee diversity and ensure pollination services. Likewise, findings suggest that increasing urbanization and agriculture cover at the landscape level reduce plant and pollinator biodiversity with negative impacts on their complex interactions with plants. Conversely, local scale availability of floral resources has shown the positive effects in buffering pollinators decline and mitigating all detrimental effects induced by land-use intensification. Moreover, findings suggest that the impact of human land use (livestock grazing and agriculture) do not act in isolation but synergistically interacts with climatic factors such as mean annual temperature, MAT. The impact of MAT on bee species richness in grazing gradient showed to be more detrimental than in agriculture habitats. This could probably be explained by the remaining vegetation cover following anthropogenic disturbance. Meaning that the remaining vegetation cover in the agricultural gradient probably absorbs the solar radiations hence reducing detrimental effect of mean annual temperature on bee species richness. This one is not the case in grazing gradient since the impact of livestock grazing is severe, leaving the bare land with no vegetation cover. Finally, our findings conclude that understanding the interplay of multiple anthropogenic activities and their interaction with MAT as a consequence of ongoing climate change is necessary for mitigating their potential consequences on bee assemblages and the provision of ecosystem services. Morever, future increases in livestock grazing and agriculture intensification (including year-round crop irrigated monocultures and excessive use of agrochemicals) may lead to undesirable consequences such as species loss and impair provision of pollination services.}, subject = {Human land use}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Niehoerster2022, author = {Nieh{\"o}rster, Thomas}, title = {Spektral aufgel{\"o}ste Fluoreszenzlebensdauer-Mikroskopie mit vielen Farben}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29657}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-296573}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Die Fluoreszenzmikroskopie ist eine vielseitig einsetzbare Untersuchungsmethode f{\"u}r biologische Proben, bei der Biomolek{\"u}le selektiv mit Fluoreszenzfarbstoffen markiert werden, um sie dann mit sehr gutem Kontrast abzubilden. Dies ist auch mit mehreren verschiedenartigen Zielmolek{\"u}len gleichzeitig m{\"o}glich, wobei {\"u}blicherweise verschiedene Farbstoffe eingesetzt werden, die {\"u}ber ihre Spektren unterschieden werden k{\"o}nnen. Um die Anzahl gleichzeitig verwendbarer F{\"a}rbungen zu maximieren, wird in dieser Arbeit zus{\"a}tzlich zur spektralen Information auch das zeitliche Abklingverhalten der Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe mittels spektral aufgel{\"o}ster Fluoreszenzlebensdauer-Mikroskopie (spectrally resolved fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, sFLIM) vermessen. Dazu wird die Probe in einem Konfokalmikroskop von drei abwechselnd gepulsten Lasern mit Wellenl{\"a}ngen von 485 nm, 532nm und 640nm angeregt. Die Detektion des Fluoreszenzlichtes erfolgt mit einer hohen spektralen Aufl{\"o}sung von 32 Kan{\"a}len und gleichzeitig mit sehr hoher zeitlicher Aufl{\"o}sung von einigen Picosekunden. Damit wird zu jedem detektierten Fluoreszenzphoton der Anregungslaser, der spektrale Kanal und die Ankunftszeit registriert. Diese detaillierte multidimensionale Information wird von einem Pattern-Matching-Algorithmus ausgewertet, der das Fluoreszenzsignal mit zuvor erstellten Referenzpattern der einzelnen Farbstoffe vergleicht. Der Algorithmus bestimmt so f{\"u}r jedes Pixel die Beitr{\"a}ge der einzelnen Farbstoffe. Mit dieser Technik konnten pro Anregungslaser f{\"u}nf verschiedene F{\"a}rbungen gleichzeitig dargestellt werden, also theoretisch insgesamt 15 F{\"a}rbungen. In der Praxis konnten mit allen drei Lasern zusammen insgesamt neun F{\"a}rbungen abgebildet werden, wobei die Anzahl der Farben vor allem durch die anspruchsvolle Probenvorbereitung limitiert war. In anderen Versuchen konnte die sehr hohe Sensitivit{\"a}t des sFLIM-Systems genutzt werden, um verschiedene Zielmolek{\"u}le voneinander zu unterscheiden, obwohl sie alle mit demselben Farbstoff markiert waren. Dies war m{\"o}glich, weil sich die Fluoreszenzeigenschaften eines Farbstoffmolek{\"u}ls geringf{\"u}gig in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von seiner Umgebung {\"a}ndern. Weiterhin konnte die sFLIM-Technik mit der hochaufl{\"o}senden STED-Mikroskopie (STED: stimulated emission depletion) kombiniert werden, um so hochaufgel{\"o}ste zweifarbige Bilder zu erzeugen, wobei nur ein einziger gemeinsamer STED-Laser ben{\"o}tigt wurde. Die gleichzeitige Erfassung von mehreren photophysikalischen Messgr{\"o}ßen sowie deren Auswertung durch den Pattern-Matching-Algorithmus erm{\"o}glichten somit die Entwicklung von neuen Methoden der Fluoreszenzmikroskopie f{\"u}r Mehrfachf{\"a}rbungen.}, subject = {Fluoreszenzmikroskopie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Vogel2022, author = {Vogel, Cassandra Ezra}, title = {The effects of land-use and agroecological practices on biodiversity and ecosystem services in tropical smallholder farms}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29066}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-290661}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Biodiversity is in rapid decline worldwide. These declines are more pronounced in areas that are currently biodiversity rich, but economically poor - essentially describing many tropical regions in the Global South where landscapes are dominated by smallholder agriculture. Agriculture is an important driver of biodiversity decline, through habitat destruction and unsustainable practices. Ironically, agriculture itself is dependent on a range of ecosystem services, such as pollination and pest control, provided by biodiversity. Biodiversity on fields and the delivery of ecosystem services to crops is often closely tied to the composition of the surrounding landscape - complex landscapes with a higher proportion of (semi-)natural habitats tend to support a high abundances and biodiversity of pollinators and natural enemies that are beneficial to crop production. However, past landscape scale studies have focused primarily on industrialized agricultural landscapes in the Global North, and context dependent differences between regions and agricultural systems are understudied. Smallholder agriculture supports 2 billion people worldwide and contributes to over half the world's food supply. Yet smallholders, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, are underrepresented in research investigating the consequences of landscape change and agricultural practices. Where research in smallholder agriculture is conducted, the focus is often on commodity crops, such as cacao, and less on crops that are directly consumed by smallholder households, though the loss of services to these crops could potentially impact the most vulnerable farmers the hardest. Agroecology - a holistic and nature-based approach to agriculture, provides an alternative to unsustainable input-intensive agriculture. Agroecology has been found to benefit smallholders through improved agronomical and food-security outcomes. Co-benefits of agroecological practices with biodiversity and ecosystem services are assumed, but not often empirically tested. In addition, the local and landscape effects on biodiversity and ecosystem services are more commonly studied in isolation, but their potentially interactive effects are so far little explored. Our study region in northern Malawi exemplifies many challenges experienced by smallholder farmers throughout sub-Saharan Africa and more generally in the Global South. Malawi is located in a global biodiversity hotspot, but biodiversity is threatened by rapid habitat loss and a push for input-intensive agriculture by government and other stakeholders. In contrast, agroecology has been effectively promoted and implemented in the study region. We investigated how land-use differences and the agroecological practices affects biodiversity and ecosystem services of multiple taxa in a maize-bean intercropping system (Chapter 2), and pollination of pumpkin (Chapter 3) and pigeon pea (Chapter 4). Additionally, the effects of local and landscape scale shrub- to farmland habitat conversion was investigated on butterfly communities, as well as the potential for agroecology to mitigate these effects (Chapter 5).}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wagner2022, author = {Wagner, Martin}, title = {Zyto- und Gentoxizit{\"a}t von Zinkoxid-Nanopartikeln in humanen mesenchymalen Stammzellen nach repetitiver Exposition und im Langzeitversuch}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27572}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-275726}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Zinkoxid-Nanopartikel (ZnO-NP) finden in vielen Produkten des t{\"a}glichen Verbrauchs Verwendung. Daten {\"u}ber die toxikologischen Eigenschaften von ZnO-NP werden kontrovers diskutiert. Die menschliche Haut ist in Bezug auf die ZnO-NP Exposition das wichtigste Kontakt-Organ. Intakte Haut stellt eine suffiziente Barriere gegen{\"u}ber NP dar. Bei defekter Haut ist ein Kontakt zu den proliferierenden Stammzellen m{\"o}glich, sodass diese als wichtiges toxikologische Ziel f{\"u}r NP darstellen. Das Ziel dieser Dissertation war die Bewertung der genotoxischen und zytotoxischen Effekte an humanen mesenchymalen Stammzellen (hMSC) durch niedrig dosierte ZnO-NP nach 24 st{\"u}ndiger Exposition, repetitiven Expositionen und im Langzeitversuch bis zu 6 Wochen. Zytotoxische Wirkungen von ZnO-NP wurden mit 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazoliumbromid-Test (MTT) gemessen. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurde die Genotoxizit{\"a}t durch den Comet-Assay bewertet. Zur Langzeitbeobachtung bis zu 6 Wochen wurde die Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie (TEM) verwendet. Zytotoxizit{\"a}t nach 24-st{\"u}ndiger ZnO-NP-Exposition war ab einer Konzentration von 50 µg/ml nachweisbar. Genotoxizit{\"a}t konnten bereits bei Konzentrationen von 1 und 10 µg/ml ZnO-NP beschrieben werden. Wiederholte Exposition verst{\"a}rkte die Zyto-, aber nicht die Genotoxizit{\"a}t. Eine intrazellul{\"a}re NP-Akkumulation mit Penetration der Zellorganelle wurde bei einer Exposition bis zu 6 Wochen beobachtet. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf zytotoxische und genotoxisches Effekte von ZnO-NP hin. Bereits geringe Dosen von ZnO-NP k{\"o}nnen bei wiederholter Exposition toxische Wirkungen hervorrufen sowie eine langfristige Zellakkumulation. Diese Daten sollten bei der Verwendung von ZnO-NP an gesch{\"a}digter Haut ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden.}, subject = {nanoparticle}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Fricke2022, author = {Fricke, Ute}, title = {Herbivory, predation and pest control in the context of climate and land use}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28732}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-287328}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Chapter 1 - General introduction Anthropogenic land-use and climate change are the major drivers of the global biodiversity loss. Yet, biodiversity is essential for human well-being, as we depend on the availability of potable water, sufficient food and further benefits obtained from nature. Each species makes a somewhat unique contribution to these ecosystem services. Furthermore, species tolerate environmental stressors, such as climate change, differently. Thus, biodiversity is both the "engine" and the "insurance" for human well-being in a changing climate. Here, I investigate the effects of temperature and land use on herbivory (Chapter 2), predation (Chapter 3) and pest control (Chapter 4), and at the same time identify features of habitats (e.g. plant richness, proximity to different habitat types) and landscapes (e.g. landscape diversity, proportion of oilseed rape area) as potential management targets in an adaptation strategy to climate change. Finally, I discuss the similarities and differences between factors influencing herbivory, predation and pest control, while placing the observations in the context of climate change as a multifaceted phenomenon, and highlighting starting points for sustainable insect pest management (Chapter 5). Chapter 2 - Plant richness, land use and temperature differently shape invertebrate leaf-chewing herbivory on major plant functional groups Invertebrate herbivores are temperature-sensitive. Rising temperatures increase their metabolic rates and thus their demand for carbon-rich relative to protein-rich resources, which can lead to changes in the diets of generalist herbivores. Here, we quantified leaf-area loss to chewing invertebrates among three plant functional groups (legumes, non-leguminous forbs and grasses), which largely differ in C:N (carbon:nitrogen) ratio. This reseach was conducted along spatial temperature and land-use gradients in open herbaceous vegetation adjacent to different habitat types (forest, grassland, arable field, settlement). Herbivory largely differed among plant functional groups and was higher on legumes than forbs and grasses, except in open areas in forests. There, herbivory was similar among plant functional groups and on legumes lower than in grasslands. Also the presence of many plant families lowered herbivory on legumes. This suggests that open areas in forests and diverse vegetation provide certain protection against leaf damage to some plant families (e.g. legumes). This could be used as part of a conservation strategy for protected species. Overall, the effects of the dominant habitat type in the vicinity and diverse vegetation outweighed those of temperature and large-scale land use (e.g. grassland proportion, landscape diversity) on herbivory of legumes, forbs and grasses at the present time. Chapter 3 - Landscape diversity and local temperature, but not climate, affect arthropod predation among habitat types Herbivorous insects underlie top-down regulation by arthropod predators. Thereby, predation rates depend on predator community composition and behaviour, which is shaped by temperature, plant richness and land use. How the interaction of these factors affects the regulatory performance of predators was unknown. Therefore, we assessed arthropod predation rates on artificial caterpillars along temperature, and land-use gradients. On plots with low local mean temperature (≤ 7°C) often not a single caterpillar was attacked, which may be due to the temperature-dependent inactivity of arthropods. However, multi-annual mean temperature, plant richness and the dominant habitat type in the vicinity did not substantially affect arthropod predation rates. Highest arthropod predation rates were observed in diverse landscapes (2-km scale) independently of the locally dominanting habitat type. As landscape diversity, but not multi-annual mean temperature, affected arthropod predation rates, the diversification of landscapes may also support top-down regulation of herbivores independent of moderate increases of multi-annual mean temperature in the near future. Chapter 4 - Pest control and yield of winter oilseed rape depend on spatiotemporal crop-cover dynamics and flowering onset: implications for global warming Winter oilseed rape is an important oilseed crop in Europe, yet its seed yield is diminished through pests such as the pollen beetle and stem weevils. Damage from pollen beetles depends on pest abundances, but also on the timing of infestation relative to crop development as the bud stage is particularly vulnerable. The development of both oilseed rape and pollen beetles is temperature-dependent, while temperature effects on pest abundances are yet unknown, which brings opportunities and dangers to oilseed rape cropping under increased temperatures. We obtained measures of winter oilseed rape (flowering time, seed yield) and two of its major pests (pollen beetle, stem weevils) for the first time along both land-use and temperature gradients. Infestation with stem weevils was not influenced by any temperature or land-use aspect considered, and natural pest regulation of pollen beetles in terms of parasitism rates of pollen beetle larvae was low (< 30\%), except on three out of 29 plots. Nonetheless, we could identify conditions favouring low pollen beetle abundances per plant and high seed yields. Low pollen beetle densities were favoured by a constant oilseed rape area relative to the preceding year (5-km scale), whereas a strong reduction in area (> 40\%) caused high pest densities (concentration effect). This occurred more frequently in warmer regions, due to drought around sowing, which contributed to increased pollen beetle numbers in those regions. Yet, in warmer regions, oilseed rape flowered early, which possibly led to partial escape from pollen beetle infestation in the most vulnerable bud stage. This is also suggested by higher seed yields of early flowering oilseed rape fields, but not per se at higher temperatures. Thus, early flowering (e.g. cultivar selection) and the interannual coordination of oilseed rape area offer opportunities for environmental-friendly pollen beetle management. Chapter 5 - General discussion Anthropogenic land-use and climate change are major threats to biodiversity, and consequently to ecosystem functions, although I could show that ecosystem functions such as herbivory and predation barely responded to temperature along a spatial gradient at present time. Yet, it is important to keep several points in mind: (i) The high rate of climate warming likely reduces the time that species will have to adapt to temperature in the future; (ii) Beyond mean temperatures, many aspects of climate will change; (iii) The compensation of biodiversity loss through functional redundancy in arthropod communities may be depleted at some point; (iv) Measures of ecosystem functions are limited by methodological filters, so that changes may be captured incompletely. Although much uncertainty of the effects of climate and land-use change on ecosystem functions remains, actions to halt biodiversity loss and to interfere with natural processes in an environmentally friendly way, e.g. reduction of herbivory on crops, are urgently needed. With this thesis, I contribute options to the environment-friendly regulation of herbivory, which are at least to some extent climate resilient, and at the same time make a contribution to halt biodiversity loss. Yet, more research and a transformation process is needed to make human action more sustainable. In terms of crop protection, this means that the most common method of treating pests with fast-acting pesticides is not necessarily the most sustainable. To realize sustainable strategies, collective efforts will be needed targeted at crop damage prevention through reducing pest populations and densities in the medium to long term. The sooner we transform human action from environmentally damaging to biodiversity promoting, the higher is our insurance asset that secures human well-being under a changing climate.}, subject = {{\"O}kologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Anwar2022, author = {Anwar, Ammarah}, title = {Natural variation of gene regulatory networks in \(Arabidopsis\) \(thaliana\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29154}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-291549}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Understanding the causal relationship between genotype and phenotype is a major objective in biology. The main interest is in understanding trait architecture and identifying loci contributing to the respective traits. Genome-wide association mapping (GWAS) is one tool to elucidate these relationships and has been successfully used in many different species. However, most studies concentrate on marginal marker effects and ignore epistatic and gene-environment interactions. These interactions are problematic to account for, but are likely to make major contributions to many phenotypes that are not regulated by independent genetic effects, but by more sophisticated gene-regulatory networks. Further complication arises from the fact that these networks vary in different natural accessions. However, understanding the differences of gene regulatory networks and gene-gene interactions is crucial to conceive trait architecture and predict phenotypes. The basic subject of this study - using data from the Arabidopsis 1001 Genomes Project - is the analysis of pre-mature stop codons. These have been incurred in nearly one-third of the ~ 30k genes. A gene-gene interaction network of the co-occurrence of stop codons has been built and the over and under representation of different pairs has been statistically analyzed. To further classify the significant over and under- represented gene-gene interactions in terms of molecular function of the encoded proteins, gene ontology terms (GO-SLIM) have been applied. Furthermore, co- expression analysis specifies gene clusters that co-occur over different genetic and phenotypic backgrounds. To link these patterns to evolutionary constrains, spatial location of the respective alleles have been analyzed as well. The latter shows clear patterns for certain gene pairs that indicate differential selection.}, subject = {Arabidopsis thaliana}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sagwe2022, author = {Sagwe, Rose Nyakemiso}, title = {Pollinator diversity, pollination deficits, and pollination efficiency in avocado (\(Persea\) \(americana\)) production across different landscapes in Murang'a county, Kenya}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-26920}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-269202}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) is a major horticultural crop that relies on insect mediated pollination. In avocado production, a knowledge gap exists as to the importance of insect pollination, especially in East African smallholder farms. Although it is evident that pollination improves the yield of avocado fruits, it is still unclear if pollination has benefits on fruit quality and the nutritional profile, particularly oils. Prior studies have shown that honey bees increase avocado's fruit set and yield. However, an avocado flower is being visited by various insect species. Therefore, determining pollination efficiency will allow a comparison of the relative importance of the different insect species to optimize crop pollination for increased fruit set and crop yield and pollinator conservation. This study was conducted in a leading smallholder avocado production region in Kenya, first I assessed the dependence of avocado fruit set on insect pollination and whether current smallholder production systems suffer from a deficit in pollination services. Furthermore, I assessed if supplementation with colonies of the Western honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) to farms mitigated potential pollination deficits. The results revealed a very high reliance of avocado on insect pollinators, with a significantly lower fruit set observed for self- and wind-pollinated (17.4\%) or self-pollinated flowers (6.4\%) in comparison with insect-pollinated flowers (89.5\%). I found a significant pollination deficit across farms, with hand-pollinated flowers on average producing 20.7\% more fruits than non-treated open flowers prior to fruit abortion. This pollination deficit could be compensated by the supplementation of farms with A. mellifera colonies. These findings suggest that pollination is limiting fruit set in avocado and that A. mellifera supplementation on farms is a potential option to increase fruit yield. Secondly, I investigated the contribution of insect pollination to fruit and seed weight, oil, protein, carbohydrate, and phytochemicals contents (flavonoids and phenolics), and whether supplementation with pollinators (honey bee) could improve these fruit parameters was assessed. This was through pollinator-manipulative pollination treatments: hand, open, pollinator exclusion experiments. The results showed that avocado fruit weight was significantly higher in open and hand-pollinated than pollinator exclusion treatments, indicating that flower visitors/pollinators contribute to avocado yields and enhance marketability. Furthermore, insect pollination resulted in heavier seeds and higher oil contents, indicating that insect pollination is beneficial for the fruit's high seed yield and quantity of oil. Honey bee supplementation also enhanced the avocado fruit weight by 18\% more than in control farms and slightly increased the avocado oil content (3.6\%). Contrarily, insect pollination did not influence other assayed fruit quality parameters (protein, carbohydrates, and phytochemicals). These results indicate that insect pollinators are essential for optimizing avocado yields, nutritional quality (oils), and thus marketability, underscoring the value of beehive supplementation to achieve high-quality avocado fruits and improved food security. Thirdly, pollinator efficiency based on pollen deposition after single visits by different pollinator species in avocado flowers was tested, and their frequency was recorded. The estimated pollination efficiency was highest in honey bees (Apis mellifera), followed by the hoverfly species (Phytomia incisa). These two species had the highest pollen deposition and more pollen grains on their bodies. In addition, honey bees were the most frequent avocado flower visitors, followed by flies. The findings from this study highlight the higher pollination efficiency of honey bees and Phytomia incisa. Hence, management practices supporting these species will promote increased avocado fruit yield. Additionally, these results imply that managed honey bees can be maintained to improve avocado pollination, particularly in areas lacking sufficient wild pollinators.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gebert2022, author = {Gebert, Friederike}, title = {Mammals and dung beetles along elevational and land use gradients on Mount Kilimanjaro: diversity, traits and ecosystem services}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19195}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-191950}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Despite belonging to the best described patterns in ecology, the mechanisms driving biodiversity along broad-scale climatic gradients, like the latitudinal gradient in diversity, remain poorly understood. Because of their high biodiversity, restricted spatial ranges, the continuous change in abiotic factors with altitude and their worldwide occurrence, mountains constitute ideal study systems to elucidate the predictors of global biodiversity patterns. However, mountain ecosystems are increasingly threatened by human land use and climate change. Since the consequences of such alterations on mountainous biodiversity and related ecosystem services are hardly known, research along elevational gradients is also of utmost importance from a conservation point of view. In addition to classical biodiversity research focusing on taxonomy, the significance of studying functional traits and their prominence in biodiversity ecosystem functioning (BEF) relationships is increasingly acknowledged. In this dissertation, I explore the patterns and drivers of mammal and dung beetle diversity along elevational and land use gradients on Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Furthermore, I investigate the predictors of dung decomposition by dung beetles under different extinction scenarios. Mammals are not only charismatic, they also fulfil important roles in ecosystems. They provide important ecosystem services such as seed dispersal and nutrient cycling by turning over high amounts of biomass. In chapter II, I show that mammal diversity and community biomass both exhibited a unimodal distribution with elevation on Mt.Kilimanjaro and were mainly impacted by primary productivity, a measure of the total food abundance, and the protection status of study plots. Due to their large size and endothermy, mammals, in contrast to most arthopods, are theoretically predicted to be limited by food availability. My results are in concordance with this prediction. The significantly higher diversity and biomass in the Kilimanjaro National Park and in other conservation areas underscore the important role of habitat protection is vital for the conservation of large mammal biodiversity on tropical mountains. Dung beetles are dependent on mammals since they rely upon mammalian dung as a food and nesting resource. Dung beetles are also important ecosystem service providers: they play an important role in nutrient cycling, bioturbation, secondary seed dispersal and parasite suppression. In chapter III, I show that dung beetle diversity declined with elevation while dung beetle abundance followed a hump-shaped pattern along the elevational gradient. In contrast to mammals, dung beetle diversity was primarily predicted by temperature. Despite my attempt to accurately quantifiy mammalian dung resources by calculating mammalian defecation rates, I did not find an influence of dung resource availability on dung beetle richness. Instead, higher temperature translated into higher dung beetle diversity. Apart from being important ecosystem service providers, dung beetles are also model organisms for BEF studies since they rely on a resource which can be quantified easily. In chapter IV, I explore dung decomposition by dung beetles along the elevational gradient by means of an exclosure experiment in the presence of the whole dung beetle community, in the absence of large dung beetles and without any dung beetles. I show that dung decomposition was the highest when the dung could be decomposed by the whole dung beetle community, while dung decomposition was significantly reduced in the sole presence of small dung beetles and the lowest in the absence of dung beetles. Furthermore, I demonstrate that the drivers of dung decomposition were depend on the intactness of the dung beetle community. While body size was the most important driver in the presence of the whole dung beetle community, species richness gained in importance when large dung beetles were excluded. In the most perturbed state of the system with no dung beetles present, temperature was the sole driver of dung decomposition. In conclusion, abiotic drivers become more important predictors of ecosystem services the more the study system is disturbed. In this dissertation, I exemplify that the drivers of diversity along broad-scale climatic gradients on Mt. Kilimanjaro depend on the thermoregulatory strategy of organisms. While mammal diversity was mainly impacted by food/energy resources, dung beetle diversity was mainly limited by temperature. I also demonstrate the importance of protected areas for the preservation of large mammal biodiversity. Furthermore, I show that large dung beetles were disproportionately important for dung decomposition as dung decomposition significantly decreased when large dung beetles were excluded. As regards land use, I did not detect an overall effect on dung beetle and mammal diversity nor on dung beetle-mediated dung decomposition. However, for the most specialised mammal trophic guilds and dung beetle functional groups, negative land use effects were already visible. Even though the current moderate levels of land use on Mt. Kilimanjaro can sustain high levels of biodiversity, the pressure of the human population on Mt. Kilimanjaro is increasing and further land use intensification poses a great threat to biodiversity. In synergy wih land use, climate change is jeopardizing current patterns and levels of biodiversity with the potential to displace communities, which may have unpredictable consequences for ecosystem service provisioning in the future.}, subject = {Kilimandscharo}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sisario2022, author = {Sisario, Dmitri Jonas}, title = {Bildbasierte Analyse von S{\"a}ugetierzellen unter dem Einfluss von osmotischem Stress, {\"u}berkritischen elektrischen Feldern und ionisierender Strahlung}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24677}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-246772}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Im ersten Teil dieser Doktorarbeit wurde die kurz nach Elektroporation eintretende h{\"a}molytische Zellbewegung von humanen Erythrozyten erstmals quantitativ untersucht, um den zu Grunde liegenden Mechanismus aufzukl{\"a}ren. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass die Bewegung aus dem Ausstoß von unter Druck stehendem Zytosol resultierte. Durch weitere Experimente wurde die Beteiligung des Nicht-Muskel-Myosins NMIIA am Aufbau des zytosolischen {\"U}berdrucks nachgewiesen. Ausgehend von diesen Ergebnissen wurde ein molekular-mechanischer bisher unbekannter NMII-basierter Mechanismus der rapiden Ghostbildung beschrieben. Diese Erkenntnis k{\"o}nnte biomedizinische Relevanz besitzen, da der Abbau von Erythrozyten in der Milz die Transformation zu Hb-armen Ghosts voraussetzt. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit befasste sich mit dem Hirntumor Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), dessen Rezidiv haupts{\"a}chlich auf Strahlenresistenz und Zellinvasion zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren ist. Deshalb wurde mittels hochaufl{\"o}sender Fluoreszenzmikroskopie (dSTORM) die Nanostruktur des DSB-Markers Histon γH2AX und des DNA-Reparaturfaktors DNA-PKcs in bestrahlten GBM-Zellen analysiert. Anhand von dSTORM-Rekonstruktionen wurde erstmals gezeigt, dass die beiden Proteine kaum Kolokalisation im Nanometerbereich aufweisen. Zunehmend wird die anomale Expression von Membrantransportern aus der SLC-Familie mit der Migration von Krebszellen in Verbindung gebracht. Der finale Abschnitt befasste sich daher mit der subzellul{\"a}ren Lokalisierung der Transporterproteine SLC5A1 und SLC5A3 in GBM-Zellen, um ihre Beteiligung an der Zellmigration nachzuweisen. Dabei wurde erstmals gezeigt, dass der Leitsaum der untersuchten GBM-Zellen deutliches SLC5A1- und SLC5A3-Signal aufwies. Basierend auf diesen Befunden wurden den Transportern unterschiedliche Aufgaben bei der zellmigrativen lokalen Volumenregulation zugeschrieben. Somit erg{\"a}nzen SLC5A1 und SLC5A3 das migrationsassoziierte Krebszell-Transportom.}, subject = {Erythrozyt}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Krones2022, author = {Krones, David}, title = {The Role of Acid Sphingomyelinase in \(Staphylococcus\) \(aureus\) Infection of Endothelial Cells}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29049}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-290492}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Staphylococcus aureus is a human bacterial pathogen responsible for a variety of diseases including bacterial pneumonia and sepsis. Recent studies provided an explanation, how S. aureus and its exotoxins contribute to the degradation of endothelial junction proteins and damage lung tissue [4]. Previous findings were indicating an involvement of acid sphingomyelinase (ASM) activity in cell barrier degradation [5]. In the presented study the impact of singular virulence factors, such as staphylococcal α-toxin, on in vitro cell barrier integrity as well as their ability to elicit an activation of ASM were investigated. Experiments with bacterial supernatants performed on human endothelial cells demonstrated a rapid dissociation after treatment, whereas murine endothelial cells were rather resistant against cell barrier degradation. Furthermore, amongst all tested staphylococcal toxins it was found that only α-toxin had a significant impact on endothelial junction proteins and ASM activity. Ablation of this single toxin was sufficient to protect endothelial cells from cell barrier degradation and activation of ASM was absent. In this process it was verified, that α-toxin induces a recruitment of intracellular ASM, which is accompanied by rapid and oscillating changes in cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration and an increased exposure of Lysosomal associated membrane protein 1 (LAMP1) on the cell surface. Recruitment of lysosomal ASM is associated, among other aspects, to plasma membrane repair and was previously described to be involved with distinct pathogens as well as other pore forming toxins (PFT). However, with these findings a novel feature for α-toxin has been revealed, indicating that the staphylococcal PFT is able to elicit a similar process to previously described plasma membrane repair mechanisms. Increased exposure and intake of surface membrane markers questioned the involvement of ASM activity in S. aureus internalization by non-professional phagocytes such as endothelial cells. By modifying ASM expression pattern as well as application of inhibitors it was possible to reduce the intracellular bacterial count. Thus, a direct connection between ASM activity and S. aureus infection mechanisms was observed, therefore this study exemplifies how S. aureus is able to exploit the host cell sphingolipid metabolism as well as benefit of it for invasion into non-professional phagocytic cells}, subject = {Staphylococcus aureus}, language = {en} }