@phdthesis{Schubert2021, author = {Schubert, Jonathan}, title = {Bildgebende Zweifarben-Einzelmolek{\"u}l-PET-Fluoreszenzspektroskopie am molekularen Chaperon Hsp90}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24493}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-244938}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Im Forschungsfeld der Proteindynamik h{\"a}ufen sich in den letzten Jahren Untersuchungen an einzelnen Molek{\"u}len. Damit k{\"o}nnen molekulare Ereignisse, die in konventioneller Spektroskopie durch stochastische Prozesse unentdeckt bleiben, durch direkte Beobachtung identifiziert und analysiert werden, was zu tieferem mechanistischem Verst{\"a}ndnis des untersuchten Systems beitragen kann. Die Implikation des molekularen Chaperons Hsp90 in die korrekte Faltung und Aktivierung einer Vielzahl davon abh{\"a}ngiger Klientenproteine machen es zu einem zentralen Knotenpunkt der zellul{\"a}ren Proteinhom{\"o}ostase, allerdings ist der Mechanismus seiner breiten Klientenerkennung und -prozessierung bisher nur l{\"u}ckenhaft untersucht. Mit der Erkenntnis, dass Hsp90 ATP abh{\"a}ngig große, ratenlimitierende Umstrukturierungen erf{\"a}hrt, wurden Reportersysteme entwickelt, die auf dem F{\"o}rster-Resonanzenergietransfer mit einer r{\"a}umlichen Aufl{\"o}sung von ca. 2-10 nm basieren. Diese dokumentieren einen Klammerschluss des Chaperons und prognostizieren einen intermediatbbasierten Konformations-Zyklus. Details {\"u}ber den Mechanismus der Umstrukturierungen wurden mit der Entwicklung von Reportersystemen ermittelt, die auf dem photoinduzierten Elektronentransfer zwischen der Aminos{\"a}ure Tryptophan und einem organischen Farbstoff basieren. Die Technik beruht auf kontaktinduzierter Fluoreszenzl{\"o}schung und damit verbundenen digitalen Intensit{\"a}ts{\"u}berg{\"a}ngen, dabei erm{\"o}glicht die r{\"a}umliche Sensitivit{\"a}t von < 1 nm die Beobachtung von lokalen Umstrukturierungen. In Hsp90 wurden damit mittels konventioneller Spektroskopie drei kritische lokale Umlagerungen untersucht und daraus ein Modell mit heterogenen apo-Konformationen sowie ein kooperativer Konformationszyklus abgeleitet, der dem intermediatbasierten Modell gegen{\"u}bersteht. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation wurde anhand des Hsp90-Chaperons eine Methode entwickelt, die eine bildgebende PET Fluoreszenzspektroskopie von mehreren Umstrukturierungen gleichzeitig an einzelnen Molek{\"u}len erlaubt. Ein umfangreiches Farbstoffscreening f{\"u}hrte zur Identifizierung eines Farbstoffpaars, das die PET-basierte simultane Aufzeichnung zweier Konformations-Koordinaten erm{\"o}glicht. {\"U}ber verschiedene Modifikationen des Chaperons konnten einzelmolek{\"u}ltaugliche Oberfl{\"a}chen hergestellt werden, auf denen zweifach markierte Hsp90-Proteine immobilisiert sind. Fluoreszenzintensit{\"a}tszeitspuren einzelner Chaperone und entsprechende Kontrollkonstrukte best{\"a}tigen qualitativ den Erfolg der Methode, f{\"u}r die quantitative Analyse wurde eine Routine in der Programmiersprache Python entwickelt, mit welcher kinetische Informationen ermittelt werden konnten. Diese legen eine enge wechselseitige Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der drei lokalen Elemente nahe, wobei der Großteil der Konformations{\"u}berg{\"a}nge zweier simultan aufgezeichneter Umstrukturierungen Synchronit{\"a}t innerhalb von zwei Sekunden zeigt. Im Vergleich zur Hydrolyse von einem ATP in mehreren Minuten deutet das auf eine enge Kopplung hin. Weiter konnte eine Beschleunigung der Dynamiken durch aromatische Modifikation des N-Terminus von Hsp90 beobachtet werden, zudem erlaubt der Einzelmolek{\"u}lansatz die Verwendung des nativen Nukleotids ATP, wodurch auch die lokalen {\"O}ffnungsdynamiken zug{\"a}nglich werden. Die zur Bestimmung der Zeitkonstanten durchgef{\"u}hrte Analyse unterst{\"u}tzt die Ansicht heterogener apo-Zust{\"a}nde und einer einheitlich geschlossenen Konformation. Die bildgebende Zweifarben-Einzelmolek{\"u}l-PET-Spektroskopie konnte insgesamt zu einem Komplement der Einzelmolek{\"u}l-FRET-Spektroskopie entwickelt werden, um damit lokale Konformationsdynamiken zu untersuchen. Der bildgebende Ansatz erlaubt eine einfache Implementierung in einen experimentellen Einzelmolek{\"u}l-FRET Aufbau bei gleichzeitiger Erweiterung der beobachteten Koordinaten und wird so zu einem breit anwendbaren Werkzeug multidimensionaler Dynamikuntersuchungen einzelner Proteine.}, subject = {Fluoreszenzspektroskopie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bertho2016, author = {Bertho, Sylvain}, title = {Biochemical and molecular characterization of an original master sex determining gene in Salmonids}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-139130}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Sexual development is a fundamental and versatile process that shapes animal morphology, physiology and behavior. The underlying developmental process is composed of the sex determination and the sex differentiation. Sex determination mechanisms are extremely labile among taxa. The initial triggers of the sex determination process are often genetics called sex determining genes. These genes are expressed in the bipotential gonad and tilt the balance to a developmental program allowing the differentiation of either a testis or an ovary. Fish represent a large and fascinating vertebrate group to study both sex determination and sex differentiation mechanisms. To date, among the known sex determining genes, three gene families namely sox, dmrt and TGF-β factors govern this developmental program. As exception to this rule, sdY "sexually dimorphic on the Y" does not belong to one of these families as it comes from the duplication / evolution of an ancestor gene related to immunity, i.e., the interferon related factor 9, irf9. sdY is the master sex determining gene in salmonids, a group of fishes that include species such as rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon. The present study was aimed to firstly characterize the features of SdY protein. Results indicate that SdY is predominantly localized in the cytoplasm tested in various fish and mammalian cell lines and confirmed by different methods. Predictive in silico analysis revealed that SdY is composed of a β-sandwich core surrounded by three α-helices as well specific characteristics conferring a putative protein-protein interaction site. Secondly, the study was aimed to understand how SdY could trigger testicular differentiation. SdY is a truncated divergent version of Irf9 that has a conserved protein-protein domain but lost the DNA interaction domain of its ancestor gene. It was then hypothesized that SdY could initiate testicular differentiation by protein-protein interactions. To evaluate this we first conducted a yeast-two-hybrid screen that revealed a high proportion of transcription factors including fox proteins. Using various biochemical and cellular methods we confirm an interaction between SdY and Foxl2, a major transcription factor involved in ovarian differentiation and identity maintenance. Interestingly, the interaction of SdY with Foxl2 leads to nuclear translocation of SdY from the cytoplasm. Furthermore, this SdY translocation mechanism was found to be specific to fish Foxl2 and to a lesser extend Foxl3 and not other Fox proteins or mammalian FoxL2. In addition, we found that this interaction allows the stabilization of SdY and prevents its degradation. Finally, to better decipher SdY action we used as a model a mutated version of SdY that was identified in XY females of Chinook salmon natural population. Results show that this mutation induces a local conformation defect obviously leading to a misfolded protein and a quick degradation. Moreover, the mutated version compromised the interaction with Foxl2 defining a minimal threshold to induce testicular differentiation. Altogether results from my thesis propose that SdY would trigger testicular differentiation in salmonids by preventing Foxl2 to promote ovarian differentiation. Further research should be now carried out on how this interaction of SdY and Foxl2 acts in-vivo.}, subject = {Lachsartige }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fackler2014, author = {Fackler, Marc}, title = {Biochemical characterization of GAS2L3, a target gene of the DREAM complex}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-103394}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {GAS2L3 was identified recently as a target gene of the DREAM complex (Reichert et al., 2010; Wolter et al., 2012). It was shown that GAS2L3 is expressed in a cell cycle specific manner and that depletion of the protein leads to defects in cytokinesis and genomic instability (Wolter et al., 2012). Major aim of this thesis was, to further characterize the biochemical properties and physiological function of GAS2L3. By in vitro co-sedimentation and bundling assays, GAS2L3 was identified as a cytoskeleton associated protein which bundles, binds and crosslinks F-actin and MTs. GST pulldown assays and co-immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that GAS2L3 interacts in vitro and in vivo with the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC), a very important regulator of mitosis and cytokinesis, and that the interaction is mediated by the GAR domain of GAS2L3 and the C-terminal part of Borealin and the N-terminal part of Survivin. Kinase assays showed that GAS2L3 is not a substrate of the CPC but is strongly phosphorylated by CDK1 in vitro. Depletion of GAS2L3 by shRNA influenced protein stability and activity of the CPC. However pharmacological studies showed that the decreased CPC activity is not responsible for the observed cytokinesis defects upon GAS2L3 depletion. Immunofluorescence experiments revealed that GAS2L3 is localized to the constriction zone by the CPC in a GAR dependent manner and that the GAR domain is important for proper protein function. New interacting proteins of GAS2L3 were identified by stable isotope labelling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) in combination with tandem affinity purification and subsequent mass spectrometrical analysis. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments further confirmed the obtained mass spectrometrical data. To address the physiological function of GAS2L3 in vivo, a conditional and a non-conditional knockout mouse strain was established. The non-conditional mouse strain showed a highly increased mortality rate before weaning age probably due to heart failure. The physiological function of GAS2L3 in vivo as well as the exact reason for the observed heart phenotype is not known at the moment.}, subject = {Zellzyklus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gruendl2021, author = {Gr{\"u}ndl, Marco}, title = {Biochemical characterization of the MMB-Hippo crosstalk and its physiological relevance for heart development}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21332}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-213328}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The Myb-MuvB (MMB) complex plays an essential role in the time-dependent transcriptional activation of mitotic genes. Recently, our laboratory identified a novel crosstalk between the MMB-complex and YAP, the transcriptional coactivator of the Hippo pathway, to coregulate a subset of mitotic genes (Pattschull et al., 2019). Several genetic studies have shown that the Hippo-YAP pathway is essential to drive cardiomyocyte proliferation during cardiac development (von Gise et al., 2012; Heallen et al., 2011; Xin et al., 2011). However, the exact mechanisms of how YAP activates proliferation of cardiomyocytes is not known. This doctoral thesis addresses the physiological role of the MMB-Hippo crosstalk within the heart and characterizes the YAP-B-MYB interaction with the overall aim to identify a potent inhibitor of YAP. The results reported in this thesis indicate that complete loss of the MMB scaffold protein LIN9 in heart progenitor cells results in thinning of ventricular walls, reduced cardiomyocyte proliferation and early embryonic lethality. Moreover, genetic experiments using mice deficient in SAV1, a core component of the Hippo pathway, and LIN9-deficient mice revealed that the correct function of the MMB complex is critical for proliferation of cardiomyocytes due to Hippo-deficiency. Whole genome transcriptome profiling as well as genome wide binding studies identified a subset of Hippo-regulated cell cycle genes as direct targets of MMB. By proximity ligation assay (PLA), YAP and B-MYB were discovered to interact in embryonal cardiomyocytes. Biochemical approaches, such as co-immunoprecipitation assays, GST-pulldown assays, and µSPOT-based peptide arrays were employed to characterize the YAP-B-MYB interaction. Here, a PY motif within the N-terminus of B-MYB was found to directly interact with the YAP WW-domains. Consequently, the YAP WW-domains were important for the ability of YAP to drive proliferation in cardiomyocytes and to activate MMB target genes in differentiated C2C12 cells. The biochemical information obtained from the interaction studies was utilized to develop a novel competitive inhibitor of YAP called MY-COMP (Myb-YAP competition). In MY-COMP, the protein fragment of B-MYB containing the YAP binding domain is fused to a nuclear localization signal. Co-immunoprecipitation studies as well as PLA revealed that the YAP-B-MYB interaction is robustly blocked by expression of MY-COMP. Adenoviral overexpression of MY-COMP in embryonal cardiomyocytes suppressed entry into mitosis and blocked the pro-proliferative function of YAP. Strikingly, characterization of the cellular phenotype showed that ectopic expression of MY-COMP led to growth defects, nuclear abnormalities and polyploidization in HeLa cells. Taken together, the results of this thesis reveal the mechanism of the crosstalk between the Hippo signaling pathway and the MMB complex in the heart and form the basis for interference with the oncogenic activity of the Hippo coactivator YAP.}, subject = {Zellzyklus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fischer2002, author = {Fischer, Andreas}, title = {Biochemische Charakterisierung der basischen Helix-Loop-Helix-Transkriptionsfaktoren Hey1 und Hey2 sowie Untersuchung ihrer Rolle w{\"a}hrend der Herz- und Gef{\"a}ßentwicklung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-6086}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Die Entwicklung eines vielzelligen Organismus aus einer befruchteten Eizelle ist nur durch komplexe zellul{\"a}re Regulationsmechanismen m{\"o}glich. Dabei spielt der Notch-Signaltransduktionsweg eine zentrale Rolle w{\"a}hrend der Determination von Zellschicksalen und der Zelldifferenzierung. Die prim{\"a}ren Zielgene der Notch-Signalkaskaskade bei Vertebraten sind die Hes- sowie die k{\"u}rzlich identifizierten Hey-Gene. Die Hey-(hairy and E(spl) related with YRPW motif)-Gene kodieren drei hairy/E(spl)/Hes-verwandte basische Helix-Loop-Helix-Transkriptionsfaktoren, die durch eine Orange-Dom{\"a}ne und einen charakteristischen Carboxyterminus gekennzeichnet sind. W{\"a}hrend der Embryonalentwicklung werden die Hey-Gene dynamisch in zahlreichen Geweben exprimiert. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, neue Hey-Interaktionsproteine aus embryonalen Genbanken zu isolieren, die Bindung an weitere bHLH-Transkriptionsfaktoren zu {\"u}berpr{\"u}fen und ihre DNA-Bindung zu analysieren. Um die physiologische Hey2-Funktion zu ergr{\"u}nden, wurden Hey2-Knockoutm{\"a}use untersucht. In einem ersten Versuch wurde eine neue Screeningmethode erprobt, bei der Proteinexpressionsfilter mit markierten Hey1-Peptiden nach interagierenden Proteinen durchsucht wurden. Hierbei sind 53 Proteine isoliert worden, jedoch konnte nach eingehenderen Untersuchungen kein relevanter Bindungsspartner beschrieben werden. F{\"u}r weitere Analysen unter mehr physiologischen Bedingungen wurde das Yeast Two-Hybrid Verfahren f{\"u}r Hey1 und Hey2 etabliert. Das Screening von murinen embryonalen cDNA-Genbanken mit verschiedenen Hey1-Fragmenten f{\"u}hrte zur Isolation von mehreren hundert Klonen. Die interessantesten Kandidaten wurden weiteren biochemischen Tests unterzogen, wobei jedoch keine neuen Interaktionspartner verifiziert werden konnten. Mit gezielten direkten Yeast Two-Hybrid und GST-Pulldown Assays f{\"u}r vermutete Kandidaten konnte jedoch die Interaktion von Hey1 bzw. Hey2 mit den bHLH-Proteinen E2-2, E2-5, MyoD und c-hairy1 nachgewiesen werden. Außerdem wurde festgestellt, dass Hey1 und Hey2 Homodimere und Hey1/Hey2-Heterodimere bilden. Die st{\"a}rkste Interaktion wurde mit dem in der Somitogenese rhythmisch exprimierten c-hairy1-Protein beobachtet. Da Hey2 und c-hairy1 im pr{\"a}somitischen Mesoderm und in den Somiten coexprimiert werden und starke Heterodimere ausbilden, erscheint es wahrscheinlich, dass beide Proteine gemeinsam die Transkription nachgeschalteter Gene steuern. Diese Interaktionsstudien zeigten außerdem erstmals, dass die Orange-Dom{\"a}ne entscheidend an der Bildung der Dimere beteiligt ist, da durch sie die Dimerisierung in vivo deutlich verst{\"a}rkt wurde. Schließlich konnte gezeigt werden, dass Hey1 und Hey2, im Gegensatz zu den {\"u}brigen hairy-Proteinen, nicht mit dem Corepressor Groucho/TLE1 interagieren. Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assays ergaben, dass die Hey1- und Hey2-Proteine an eine E(spl)-spezifische E-Box DNA-Sequenz (CACGTG) binden. Auch die interagierenden bHLH-Proteine c-hairy1, E2-2 und E2-5 binden als Homodimere an diese DNA-Sequenz. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die Hey2-Genfunktion an Hey2-Knockoutm{\"a}usen untersucht. Etwa 80 \% der homozygoten M{\"a}use starben wenige Tage nach der Geburt. Sie zeigten eine massive Hypertrophie der Herzventrikel, die wahrscheinlich die Todesursache darstellt. Die lacZ-Expression der untersuchten Organe entsprach der Hey2-Expression im Wildtyp. Es fiel dabei auf, dass es postnatal zu einer Herunterregulation der Hey2-Transkription kommt. Mit Elektrokardiogrammen wurden keine Reizleitungsst{\"o}rungen bei neugeborenen Hey2-Knockoutm{\"a}usen festgestellt. Interessanterweise konnte mit Arteriographien ausgeschlossen werden, dass die Ventrikelhypertophie Folge einer Aortenstenose wie bei der gridlock (zf-Hey2)-Mutante im Zebrafisch ist. Vielmehr f{\"u}hrt eine homozygote Hey2-Deletion zu einer Kardiomyopathie in Kombination mit verschiedenene Herzfehlern. Untersuchungen der Hey1- und HeyL-Expression in Hey2-Knockoutembryonen mittels RNA in situ Hybridisierungen zeigten keine Ver{\"a}nderungen im Vergleich mit dem Wildtyp. Daraus kann gefolgert werden, dass Hey1 und HeyL zumindest dort, wo sie nicht mit Hey2 coexprimiert sind, die Hey2-Funktionen nicht kompensieren k{\"o}nnen. Weitere Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber die Funktionen der Hey-Gene werden sicherlich die Studien an den Doppelknockoutm{\"a}usen ergeben. Die bisherigen Ergebnisse zeigen eindeutig, dass die Hey-Gene essentiell f{\"u}r die murine Herzentwicklung sind. Weitere Untersuchungen m{\"u}ssen nun zeigen, welche Rolle diese Gene bei der Entstehung von kongenitalen Herzfehlern des Menschen spielen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Mentzel2008, author = {Mentzel, Benjamin Tobias}, title = {Biochemische und ph{\"a}notypische Untersuchungen zur Funktion der p21-aktivierten Kinase DPAK3 in Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-30290}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist das Drosophila melanogaster Protein DPAK3, ein Vertreter der hochkonservierten Familie der p21-aktivierten Kinasen (PAK). DPAK3 und seine Homologen aus anderen Insektenarten und C. elegans k{\"o}nnen aufgrund eines Vergleichs der Proteinsequenz und struktureller Merkmale in eine eigenen Untergruppe 1* innerhalb der Gruppe 1 der PAK-Proteine eingeordnet werden. Das Genom von Drosophila kodiert noch f{\"u}r zwei weitere PAK-Proteine, das zur Gruppe 1 geh{\"o}rende DPAK1 und das Gruppe 2 PAK-Protein Mbt. Wie die klassischen Gruppe 1 PAK-Proteine bildet DPAK3 im inaktiven Zustand Dimere. DPAK3 interagiert mit den GTP-gebundenen Formen der RhoGTPasen Rac1, Rac2 und Cdc42. Durch die Bindung dieser Proteine geht DPAK3 aus dem dimeren in den monomeren Zustand {\"u}ber und seine Kinaseaktivit{\"a}t wird durch diese Bindung gesteigert. DPAK3 ist f{\"u}r die Ausbildung der korrekten Morphologie kultivierter Drosophila Zellen erforderlich und beeinflußt die Regulation des Aktinzytoskeletts. Weiterhin konnte CK2beta, die regulatorische Untereinheit der Casein Kinase 2, als neuer Regulator von p21-aktivierten Kinasen identifiziert werden. Das Genom von Drosophila besitzt drei Transkriptionseinheiten, die f{\"u}r CK2beta', CK2betatestes und f{\"u}nf verschiedene Isoformen von CK2beta kodieren. Eine vergleichende Analyse zeigt, daß alle CK2beta-Proteine mit DPAK1, DPAK3 und in geringerem Maß auch mit Mbt interagieren und in der Lage sind, die Aktivit{\"a}t der PAK-Proteine in vitro zu hemmen. Die Bindung von CK2beta an DPAK3 wird, wie bei allen anderen Serin- / Threoninkinasen, die bisher als Interaktionspartner von CK2beta identifiziert wurden, {\"u}ber die Kinasedom{\"a}ne von DPAK3 vermittelt. Die Bildung des aus zwei katalytischen CK2a und zwei CK2beta Untereinheiten bestehenden CK2-Holoenzyms h{\"a}ngt von der F{\"a}higkeit von CK2beta ab, Dimere zu bilden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Bildung eines b-b Dimers f{\"u}r die Interaktion mit und Regulation von DPAK3 nicht erforderlich ist. In vivo wurden die bisher bekannten Dpak3 Allele untersucht, wobei kein gesichertes Nullallel identifiziert werden konnte. Durch enzymatisch katalysierte Rekombination wurde eine neue Deletion hergestellt, die das komplette Leseraster von Dpak3 entfernt. Mit Hilfe von genetischen Mosaiken wurde die Rolle von DPAK3 in der Augenentwicklung untersucht. Durch den Verlust der Genfunktion von Dpak3 wird die Ausbildung der korrekten Struktur der Komplexaugen nur leicht beeintr{\"a}chtigt. Bei der Analyse einer Dpak1 Mutante wurde dasselbe Ergebnis erzielt. Gleichzeitiger Verlust der Genfunktion von Dpak1 und Dpak3 hingegen f{\"u}hrt zu massiven strukturellen Defekten. DPAK1 und DPAK3 erf{\"u}llen somit zumindest teilweise redundante Funktionen in der Augenentwicklung. Es wird Gegenstand zuk{\"u}nftiger Studien sein m{\"u}ssen, die gemeinsamen und getrennten Funktionen dieser PAK-Proteine in Drosophila aufzukl{\"a}ren.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Klaeckta2009, author = {Kl{\"a}ckta, Christian}, title = {Biochemische und -physikalische Charakterisierung von rekombinanten Porinen aus den beiden pathogenen Bakterien Nocardia farcinica und Vibrio cholerae sowie von nativen Porinen aus drei Streptomyces Arten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-38910}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Dissertation beschreibt detaillierte biochemische und biophysikalische Untersuchungen von rekombinanten Porinen aus den beiden pathogenen Bakterien Nocardia farcinica und Vibrio cholerae sowie von nativen Porinen aus drei Streptomyces Arten. F{\"u}r die beiden pathogenen Vertreter sind bereits impermebable Zellwandstrukturen beschrieben worden (Daffe et al., 1993; Rodriguez-Torres et al., 1993). F{\"u}r Streptomyces Arten ist keine vergeichbare, definierte {\"a}ußere Zellwandbarriere bekannt. Im Fall von S. griseus konnten dennoch undefinierte, kovalente Lipidverkn{\"u}pfungen mit der Peptidoglykanschicht nachgewiesen werden (Kim et al., 2001). Daher besteht die Notwendigkeit des Transports von N{\"a}hrstoffen und anderer Molek{\"u}le auch bei Streptomyces Arten durch porenformende Proteine, so genannte Porine. Unter Porinen versteht man wassergef{\"u}llte Kan{\"a}le, die in zwei Klassen unterteilt werden k{\"o}nnen: allgemeine Diffusionsporen und substratspezifische Porine. Allgemeine Diffusionsporen filtern entsprechend der molekularen Masse der gel{\"o}sten Substrate und weisen ein lineares Verh{\"a}ltnis zwischen Translokationsrate und Substratkonzentrationsgradient auf. Dagegen kann der Transport bestimmter Substanzen durch spezifische Porine mit einer Substrat-Bindestelle im Kanal durch die Michaelis-Menten-{\"a}hnliche Kinetik beschrieben werden. Diese Kan{\"a}le erm{\"o}glichen den schnellen Influx bestimmter Klassen von Substraten.}, subject = {Porine}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kortmann2022, author = {Kortmann, Mareike}, title = {Biodiversity and recreation - Optimizing tourism and forest management in forests affected by bark beetles}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24031}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-240317}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Forests are multi-functional system, which have to fulfil different objectives at the same time. The main functions include the production of wood, storage of carbon, the promotion of biological diversity and the provision of recreational space. Yet, global forests are affected by large and intense natural disturbances, like bark beetle infestations. While natural disturbances threaten wood production and are perceived as 'catastrophe' diminishing recreational value, biodiversity can benefit from the disturbance-induced changes in forest structures. This trade-off poses a dilemma to managers of bark beetle affected stands, particularly in protected areas designated to both nature conservation and recreation. Forest landscapes need a sustainable management concept aligning these different objectives. In order to support this goal with scientific knowledge, the aim of this work is to analyse ecological and social effects along a gradient of different disturbance severities. In this context, I studied the effects of a disturbance severity gradient on the diversity of different taxonomic groups including vascular plants, mosses, lichens, fungi, arthropods and birds in five national parks in Central Europe. To analyse the recreational value of the landscape I conducted visitor surveys in the same study areas in which the biodiversity surveys were performed. To analyse possible psychological or demographic effects on preferences for certain disturbance intensities, an additional online survey was carried out.}, subject = {Borkenk{\"a}fer}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{FadlElMola2003, author = {Fadl El Mola, Faisal Mohamed}, title = {Bioinformatic and molecular approaches for the analysis of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) transcriptome}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-6877}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {There is substantial interest in the identification of genes underlying susceptibility to complex human diseases because of the potential utility of such genes in disease prediction and therapy. The complex age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a prevalent cause of legal blindness in industrialized countries and predominantly affects the elderly population over 75 years of age. Although vision loss in AMD results from photoreceptor cell death in the central retina, the initial pathogenesis likely involves processes in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) (Liang and Godley, 2003). The goal of the current study was to identify and characterize genes specifically or abundantly expressed in the RPE in order to determine more comprehensively the transcriptome of the RPE. In addition, our aim was to assess the role of these genes in AMD pathogenesis. Towards this end, a bovine cDNA library enriched for RPE transcripts was constructed in-house using a PCR-based suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) technique (Diatchenko et al., 1996, 1999), which normalizes for sequence abundance and achieves high enrichment for differentially expressed genes. CAP3 (Huang and Madan, 1999) was used to assemble the high quality sequences of all the 2379 ESTs into clusters or singletons. 1.2\% of the 2379 RPE-ESTs contains vector sequences and was excluded from further analysis. 5\% of the RPE-ESTs showed homology to multipe chromosomes and were not included in further assembly process. The rest of the ESTs (2245) were assembled into 175 contigs and 509 singletons, which revealed approximately 684 unique genes in the dataset. Out of the 684, 343 bovine RPE transcripts did not align to their human orthologues. A large fraction of clones were shown to include a considerable 3´untranslated regions of the gene that are not conserved between bovine and human. It is the coding regions that can be conserved between bovine and human and not the 3' UTR (Sharma et al., 2002). Therefore, more sequencing from the cDNA library with reclustering of those 343 ESTs together with continuous blasting might reveal their human orthologoues. To handle the large volume of data that the RPE cDNA library project has generated a highly efficient and user-friendly RDBMS was designed. Using RDBMS data storage can be managed efficiently and flexibly. The RDBMS allows displaying the results in query-based form and report format with additional annotations, links and search functions. Out of the 341 known and predicted genes identified in this study, 2 were further analyzed. The RPE or/and retina specificity of these two clones were further confirmed by RT-PCR analysis in adult human tissues. Construction of a single nucleotide polymphism (SNP) map was initiated as a first step in future case/control association studies. SNP genotyping was carried out for one of these two clones (RPE01-D2, now known as RDH12). 12 SNPs were identified from direct sequencing of the 23.4-kb region, of which 5 are of high frequency. In a next step, comparison of allele frequencies between AMD patients and healthy controls is required. Completion of the expression analysis for other predicted genes identified during this study is in progress using real time RT-PCR and will provide additional candidate genes for further analyses. This study is expected to contribute to our understanding of the genetic basis of RPE function and to clarify the role of the RPE-expressed genes in the predisposition to AMD. It may also help reveal the mechanisms and pathways that are involved in the development of AMD or other retinal dystrophies.}, subject = {Senile Makuladegeneration}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Blenk2007, author = {Blenk, Steffen}, title = {Bioinformatical analysis of B-cell lymphomas}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-27421}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Background: The frequency of the most observed cancer, Non Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL), is further rising. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common of the NHLs. There are two subgroups of DLBCL with different gene expression patterns: ABC ("Activated B-like DLBCL") and GCB ("Germinal Center B-like DLBCL"). Without therapy the patients often die within a few months, the ABC type exhibits the more aggressive behaviour. A further B-cell lymphoma is the Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL). It is rare and shows very poor prognosis. There is no cure yet. Methods: In this project these B-cell lymphomas were examined with methods from bioinformatics, to find new characteristics or undiscovered events on the molecular level. This would improve understanding and therapy of lymphomas. For this purpose we used survival, gene expression and comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) data. In some clinical studies, you get large data sets, from which one can reveal yet unknown trends. Results (MCL): The published proliferation signature correlates directly with survival. Exploratory analyses of gene expression and CGH data of MCL samples (n=71) revealed a valid grouping according to the median of the proliferation signature values. The second axis of correspondence analysis distinguishes between good and bad prognosis. Statistical testing (moderate t-test, Wilcoxon rank-sum test) showed differences in the cell cycle and delivered a network of kinases, which are responsible for the difference between good and bad prognosis. A set of seven genes (CENPE, CDC20, HPRT1, CDC2, BIRC5, ASPM, IGF2BP3) predicted, similarly well, survival patterns as proliferation signature with 20 genes. Furthermore, some bands could be associated with prognosis in the explorative analysis (chromosome 9: 9p24, 9p23, 9p22, 9p21, 9q33 and 9q34). Results (DLBCL): New normalization of gene expression data of DLBCL patients revealed better separation of risk groups by the 2002 published signature based predictor. We could achieve, similarly well, a separation with six genes. Exploratory analysis of gene expression data could confirm the subgroups ABC and GCB. We recognized a clear difference in early and late cell cycle stages of cell cycle genes, which can separate ABC and GCB. Classical lymphoma and best separating genes form a network, which can classify and explain the ABC and GCB groups. Together with gene sets which identify ABC and GCB we get a network, which can classify and explain the ABC and GCB groups (ASB13, BCL2, BCL6, BCL7A, CCND2, COL3A1, CTGF, FN1, FOXP1, IGHM, IRF4, LMO2, LRMP, MAPK10, MME, MYBL1, NEIL1 and SH3BP5; Altogether these findings are useful for diagnosis, prognosis and therapy (cytostatic drugs).}, subject = {Bioinformatik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zeeshan2012, author = {Zeeshan, Ahmed}, title = {Bioinformatics Software for Metabolic and Health Care Data Management}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-73926}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Computer Science approaches (software, database, management systems) are powerful tools to boost research. Here they are applied to metabolic modelling in infections as well as health care management. Starting from a comparative analysis this thesis shows own steps and examples towards improvement in metabolic modelling software and health data management. In section 2, new experimental data on metabolites and enzymes induce high interest in metabolic modelling including metabolic flux calculations. Data analysis of metabolites, calculation of metabolic fluxes, pathways and their condition-specific strengths is now possible by an advantageous combination of specific software. How can available software for metabolic modelling be improved from a computational point of view? A number of available and well established software solutions are first discussed individually. This includes information on software origin, capabilities, development and used methodology. Performance information is obtained for the compared software using provided example data sets. A feature based comparison shows limitations and advantages of the compared software for specific tasks in metabolic modeling. Often found limitations include third party software dependence, no comprehensive database management and no standard format for data input and output. Graphical visualization can be improved for complex data visualization and at the web based graphical interface. Other areas for development are platform independency, product line architecture, data standardization, open source movement and new methodologies. The comparison shows clearly space for further software application development including steps towards an optimal user friendly graphical user interface, platform independence, database management system and third party independence especially in the case of desktop applications. The found limitations are not limited to the software compared and are of course also actively tackled in some of the most recent developments. Other improvements should aim at generality and standard data input formats, improved visualization of not only the input data set but also analyzed results. We hope, with the implementation of these suggestions, metabolic software applications will become more professional, cheap, reliable and attractive for the user. Nevertheless, keeping these inherent limitations in mind, we are confident that the tools compared can be recommended for metabolic modeling for instance to model metabolic fluxes in bacteria or metabolic data analysis and studies in infection biology. ...}, subject = {Stoffwechsel}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bertram2005, author = {Bertram, Helge}, title = {Bioinformatische Identifikation von Dom{\"a}nenunterschieden bei Parasit und Wirt am Beispiel der Malaria}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-17188}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Diese Arbeit untersucht zellul{\"a}re Netzwerke mit dem Ziel, die so gewonnenen Einsichten medizinisch beziehungsweise biotechnologisch zu nutzen. Hierzu m{\"u}ssen zun{\"a}chst Proteindom{\"a}nen und wichtige regulatorische RNA Elemente erkannt werden. Dies geschieht f{\"u}r regulatorische Elemente in Nukleins{\"a}uren am Beispiel von Iron Responsive Elements (IREs) in Staphylococcus aureus, wobei sich solche Elemente in viel versprechender N{\"a}he zu exprimierten Sequenzen finden lassen (T. Dandekar, F. Du, H. Bertram (2001) Nonlinear Analysis 47(1): 225-34). Noch bedeutsamer als Ziele zur Medikamentenentwicklung gegen Parasiten sind Dom{\"a}nenunterschiede in Struktur und Sequenz bei Proteinen (T. Dandekar, F. Du, H. Bertram (2001) Nonlinear Analysis 47(1): 225-34). Ihre Identifikation wird am Beispiel eines potentiellen Transportproteins in Plasmodium falciparum exemplarisch dargestellt. Anschließend wird das Zusammenwirken von regulatorischen Elementen und Dom{\"a}nen in Netzwerken betrachtet (einschließlich experimenteller Daten). Dies kann einerseits zu allgemeineren Schlussfolgerungen {\"u}ber das Netzwerkverhalten f{\"u}hren, andererseits f{\"u}r konkrete Anwendungen genutzt werden. Als Beispiel w{\"a}hlten wir hier Redoxnetzwerke und die Bek{\"a}mpfung von Plasmodien als Verursacher der Malaria. Da das gesamte Redoxnetzwerk einer lebenden Zelle mit Methoden der pH Wert Messung nur unzureichend zu erfassen ist, werden als alternative Messmethode f{\"u}r dieses Netzwerk Mikrokristalle der Glutathionreduktase als Indikatorsystem nach digitaler Verst{\"a}rkung experimentell genutzt (H. Bertram, M. A. Keese, C. Boulin, R. H. Schirmer, R. Pepperkok, T. Dandekar (2002) Chemical Nanotechnology Talks III - Nano for Life Sciences). Um komplexe Redoxnetzwerke auch bioinformatisch zu modulieren, werden Verfahren der metabolischen Fluxanalyse vorgestellt und verbessert, um insbesondere ihrer Verzahnung besser gerecht zu werden und solche Netzwerke mit m{\"o}glichst wenig elementaren Flussmoden zutreffend beschreiben zu k{\"o}nnen. Die Reduktion der Anzahl von Elementarmoden bei sehr großen metabolischen Netzwerken einer Zelle gelingt hier mit Hilfe unterschiedlicher Methoden und f{\"u}hrt zu einer vereinfachten Darstellungsm{\"o}glichkeit komplexer Stoffwechselwege von Metaboliten. Dabei dient bei jeder dieser Methoden die biochemisch sinnvolle Definition von externen Metaboliten als Grundlage (T. Dandekar, F. Moldenhauer, S. Bulik, H. Bertram, S. Schuster (2003) Biosystems 70(3): 255-70). Allgemeiner werden Verfahren der Proteindom{\"a}nenklassifikation sowie neue Strategien gegen mikrobielle Erreger betrachtet. In Bezug auf automatisierte Einteilung von Proteinen in Dom{\"a}nen wird ein neues System von Taylor (2002b) mit bekannten Systemen verglichen, die in unterschiedlichem Umfang menschlichen Eingriffs bed{\"u}rfen (H. Bertram, T. Dandekar (2002) Chemtracts 15: 735-9). Außerdem wurde neben einer Arbeit {\"u}ber die verschiedenen Methoden aus den Daten eines Genoms Informationen {\"u}ber das metabolische Netzwerk der Zelle zu erlangen (H. Bertram, T. Dandekar (2004) it 46(1): 5-11) auch eine {\"U}bersicht {\"u}ber die Schwerpunkte der Bioinformatik in W{\"u}rzburg zusammengestellt (H. Bertram, S. Balthasar, T. Dandekar (2003) Bioforum 1-2: 26-7). Schließlich wird beschrieben, wie die Pathogenomik und Virulenz von Bakterien der bioinformatischen Analyse zug{\"a}nglich gemacht werden k{\"o}nnen (H. Bertram, S. Balthasar, T. Dandekar (2003) Bioforum Eur. 3: 157-9). Im letzten Teil wird die metabolische Fluxanalyse zur Identifikation neuer Strategien zur Bek{\"a}mpfung von Plasmodien dargestellt: Beim Vergleich der Stoffwechselwege mit Glutathion und Thioredoxin in Plasmodium falciparum, Anopheles und Mensch geht es darum, gezielte St{\"o}rungen im Stoffwechsel des Malariaerregers auszul{\"o}sen und dabei den Wirt zu schonen. Es ergeben sich einige interessante Ansatzpunkte, deren medizinische Nutzung experimentell angestrebt werden kann.}, subject = {Plasmodium falciparum}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Pischimarov2016, author = {Pischimarov, Jordan Ivanov}, title = {Bioinformatische Methoden zur Identifizierung und Klassifizierung somatischer Mutationen in h{\"a}matologischen Erkrankungen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-147773}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die Sequenzierungstechnologien entwickeln sich stetig weiter, dies erm{\"o}glicht eine zuvor nicht erreichte Ausbeute an experimentellen Daten und auch an Neuentwicklungen von zuvor nicht realisierbaren Experimenten. Zugleich werden spezifische Datenbanken, Algorithmen und Softwareprogramme entwickelt, um die neu entstandenen Daten zu analysieren. W{\"a}hrend der Untersuchung bioinformatischer Methoden f{\"u}r die Identifizierung und Klassifizierung somatischer Mutationen in h{\"a}matologischen Erkrankungen, zeigte sich eine hohe Vielfalt an alternativen Softwaretools die f{\"u}r die jeweiligen Analyseschritte genutzt werden k{\"o}nnen. Derzeit existiert noch kein Standard zur effizienten Analyse von Mutationen aus Next-Generation-Sequencing (NGS)-Daten. Die unterschiedlichen Methoden und Pipelines generieren Kandidaten, die zum gr{\"o}ßten Anteil in allen Ans{\"a}tzen identifiziert werden k{\"o}nnen, jedoch werden Software spezifische Kandidaten nicht einheitlich detektiert. Um eine einheitliche und effiziente Analyse von NGS-Daten durchzuf{\"u}hren war im Rahmen dieser Arbeit die Entwicklung einer benutzerfreundlichen und einheitlichen Pipeline vorgesehen. Hierf{\"u}r wurden zun{\"a}chst die essentiellen Analysen wie die Identifizierung der Basen, die Alignierung und die Identifizierung der Mutationen untersucht. Des Weiteren wurden unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung von Effizienz und Performance diverse verf{\"u}gbare Softwaretools getestet, ausgewertet und sowohl m{\"o}gliche Verbesserungen als auch Erleichterungen der bisherigen Analysen vorgestellt und diskutiert. Durch Mitwirken in Konsortien wie der klinischen Forschergruppe 216 (KFO 216) und International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) oder auch bei Haus-internen Projekten wurden Datens{\"a}tze zu den Entit{\"a}ten Multiples Myelom (MM), Burkitt Lymphom (BL) und Follikul{\"a}res Lymphom (FL) erstellt und analysiert. Die Selektion geeigneter Softwaretools und die Generierung der Pipeline basieren auf komparativen Analysen dieser Daten, sowie auf geteilte Ergebnisse und Erfahrungen in der Literatur und auch in Foren. Durch die gezielte Entwicklung von Skripten konnten biologische und klinische Fragestellungen bearbeitet werden. Hierzu z{\"a}hlten eine einheitliche Annotation der Gennamen, sowie die Erstellung von Genmutations-Heatmaps mit nicht Variant-Calling-File (VCF)-Syntax konformen Dateien. Des Weiteren konnten nicht abgedeckte Regionen des Genoms in den NGS-Daten identifiziert und analysiert werden. Neue Projekte zur detaillierten Untersuchung der Verteilung von wiederkehrender Mutationen und Funktionsassays zu einzelnen Mutationskandidaten konnten basierend auf den Ergebnissen initiiert werden. Durch eigens erstellte Python-Skripte konnte somit die Funktionalit{\"a}t der Pipeline erweitert werden und zu wichtigen Erkenntnissen bei der biologischen Interpretation der Sequenzierungsdaten f{\"u}hren, wie beispielsweise zu der Detektion von drei neuen molekularen Subgruppen im MM. Die Erweiterungen, der in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Pipeline verbesserte somit die Effizienz der Analyse und die Vergleichbarkeit unserer Daten. Des Weiteren konnte durch die Erstellung eines eigenen Skripts die Analyse von unbeachteten Regionen in den NGS-Daten erfolgen.}, subject = {Pipeline-Rechner}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Rotzer2001, author = {Rotzer, Diana}, title = {Biologische Charakterisierung der Rezeptoren f{\"u}r Transforming Growth Faktor-ß}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-1180907}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Transforming growth factor-ß (TGF-ß) reguliert eine Vielzahl zellul{\"a}rer Funktionen, wie Proliferation, Differenzierung und Apoptose. {\"U}ber membrangebundene Serin/Threonin-Kinase-Rezeptoren werden TGF-ß Signale durch Phosphorylierung an Smad-Proteine, die intrazellul{\"a}ren Signaltransduktoren, weitergeleitet, die im Kern die Transkription spezifischer Gene modulieren. Obwohl die drei TGF-ß Isoformen, TGF-ß1, -ß2 und -ß3, {\"a}ußerst homologe Proteine sind, unterscheiden sich die Ph{\"a}notypen ihrer Genknockouts stark. Variabilit{\"a}t und Spezifit{\"a}t k{\"o}nnen auf vielerlei Arten und Ebenen der TGF-ß Signal{\"u}bertragung erreicht werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine alternativ gespleißte Variante des TGF-ß Typ II Rezeptors (TßRII), TßRII-B, charakterisiert. Dieser Rezeptor ist, im Gegensatz zum bisher bekannten TßRII, in der Lage alle drei TGF-ß Isoformen hochaffin zu binden und in Abwesenheit eines unterst{\"u}tzenden Typ III Rezeptors (TßRIII) Signale {\"u}ber den Smad-Pathway weiterzuleiten. TßRII-B ist außerdem f{\"a}hig ligandenabh{\"a}ngig mit den verschiedenen TGF-ß Rezeptortypen zu Oligomerisieren. Erste Hinweise auf Besonderheiten der TGF-ß2 Bindung an TßRII-B wurden mittels verschiedener zellbiologischer Ans{\"a}tzen gewonnen. Aus Untersuchungen zur gewebespezifischen Expression des Rezeptors geht hervor, daß TßRII-B, im Vergleich zu TßRII, ein distinktes Expressionsmuster aufweist und v.a. in TGF-ß2-beeinflußten Geweben nachgewiesen werden kann. In diesen Erkenntnissen spiegelt sich die Bedeutung dieses Rezeptors f{\"u}r eine TGF-ß Isoform-spezifische Signal{\"u}bertragung wider. Der zweite Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Rolle von TGF-ß und seinen Rezeptoren bei der Entstehung von Tumoren. B-Zellen einiger Patienten mit chronischer lymphatischer Leuk{\"a}mie (B-CLL), der h{\"a}ufigsten Form adulter Leuk{\"a}mie in westlichen L{\"a}ndern, zeigen Resistenz gegen{\"u}ber TGF-ß-vermittelter Wachstumsinhibierung und ein ver{\"a}ndertes Expressionsmuster der TGF-ß Rezeptoren an ihrer Zelloberfl{\"a}che. In dieser Arbeit wird die Identifizierung und Charakterisierung zweier Mutationen innerhalb der putativen Signalpeptidsequenz des TGF-ß Typ I Rezeptors (TßRI) in B-Zellen TGF-ß resistenter CLL-Patienten beschrieben. Hierbei handelt es sich um einen Aminos{\"a}ure-Austausch (L12Q) und eine ‚in-frame' Alanin-Deletion (A8) innerhalb einer aus 9 Alaninen bestehenden Sequenz. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß diese Mutationen zwar keinen Einfluß auf Oberfl{\"a}chenexpression und Komplexbildungseigenschaften des TßRI haben, jedoch TGF-ß stimulierte Reportergeninduktion verringern, was eine kausale Beziehung bei der Entwicklung TGF-ß resistenter B-CLL-Zellen vermuten l{\"a}ßt. Ein Auftreten von Mutationen innerhalb der 9-Alanin-Sequenz des TßRI korreliert mit TGF-ß Insensitivit{\"a}t von B-CLL Zellen. Obwohl noch weitere Studien ben{\"o}tigt werden, um den pr{\"a}zisen molekularen Mechanismus zu verstehen, der zu TGF-ß Resistenz in B-CLL Zellen f{\"u}hrt, kann spekuliert werden, daß TßRI Mutationen das Voranschreiten von B-CLL und evtl. anderen Tumorarten unterst{\"u}tzen. Gezieltes Screenen nach TßRI Signalpeptidsequenz Mutationen k{\"o}nnte demnach als prognostischer Indikator f{\"u}r Tumorprogression eingesetzt werden.}, subject = {Transforming growth factor beta}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Loeschberger2014, author = {L{\"o}schberger, Anna}, title = {Biologische Referenzstrukturen und Protokolloptimierung in der hochaufl{\"o}senden Fluoreszenzmikroskopie mit dSTORM}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-102630}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Die Lokalisationsmikroskopie ist eine neue, vielversprechende Methode der hochaufl{\"o}senden Fluoreszenzmikroskopie. Sie erm{\"o}glicht detaillierte Einblicke in die Organisation und den strukturellen Aufbau von Zellen. Da die Vorbereitung der Proben und das Aufnehmen der Bilder im Vergleich zu herk{\"o}mmlichen Methoden h{\"o}here Anforderungen stellt, mussten ihr Potential und ihre Zuverl{\"a}ssigkeit erst noch {\"u}berzeugend gezeigt werden. Bis vor kurzem wurde das Aufl{\"o}sungsverm{\"o}gen vor allem an Mikrotubuli gezeigt, deren filament{\"o}se Struktur allerdings schon in konfokalen Bildern zu erkennen ist. Deswegen wurde in dieser Dissertation der Kernporenkomplex (NPC), dessen Struktur in der konventionellen Fluoreszenzmikroskopie nicht aufl{\"o}sbar ist, als Modellstruktur f{\"u}r die hochaufl{\"o}sende Fluoreszenzmikroskopie eingef{\"u}hrt. Dazu wurden Kernporenkomplexe aus Kernh{\"u}llen von Xenopus laevis Oocyten mit dSTORM (direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy), einer Methode der Lokalisationsmikroskopie, hochaufgel{\"o}st. Damit konnte nun erstmals die Achtfachsymmetrie dieses Proteinkomplexes lichtmikroskopisch dargestellt werden. Desweiteren konnte der Zentralkanal mit einem Durchmesser von ca. 40 nm aufgel{\"o}st werden. Die Daten eigneten sich außerdem f{\"u}r eine automatisierte Bildanalyse nach dem sogenannten "particle averaging" - einer aus der Elektronenmikroskopie bekannten Methode, um eine Durchschnittsstruktur zu ermitteln. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurden Zweifach-F{\"a}rbungen von NPCs benutzt, um verschiedene Ans{\"a}tze f{\"u}r Zweifarben-Aufnahmen mit dSTORM zu testen. Neben dem mittlerweile standardm{\"a}ßig benutzten, sequentiellen Ansatz mit zwei spektral getrennten Farbstoffen, wurde auch ein simultaner Ansatz mit zwei spektral {\"u}berlappenden Farbstoffen erfolgreich angewandt. Auch f{\"u}r 3D-Messungen mit den Ans{\"a}tzen Biplane und Astigmatismus eignete sich die Markierung der Kernh{\"u}lle. Hier wurden jedoch A6-Zellen benutzt und die Kr{\"u}mmung des Zellkerns {\"u}ber die gef{\"a}rbten Kernporen dargestellt. dSTORM-Messungen k{\"o}nnen nicht nur an fixierten, sondern auch in lebenden Zellen durchgef{\"u}hrt werden. Hierzu eignen sich vor allem sehr immobile Proteine, wie H2B oder Lamin C. Anhand von SNAP-Tag- und Halo-Tag-Konstrukten konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich kommerziell erh{\"a}ltliche, organische Farbstoffe auch in endogener zellul{\"a}rer Umgebung schalten lassen, wodurch Lebendzell-Aufnahmen mit dSTORM m{\"o}glich sind. Ein weiterer Teil dieser Arbeit befasst sich mit korrelativen Aufnahmen aus dSTORM und Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (SEM). Hierzu wurden Xenopus laevis Kernh{\"u}llen zuerst mit dSTORM hochaufgel{\"o}st und danach f{\"u}r die EM pr{\"a}pariert. Anschließend wurden zugeh{\"o}rige Bereiche am Rasterelektronenmikroskop aufgenommen. Mit den erhaltenen korrelativen Bildern konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich dSTORM und SEM bei geeigneten Proben durchaus kombinieren lassen. Proteine k{\"o}nnen somit spezifisch markiert und im Rahmen ihrer strukturellen Umgebung mit nahezu molekularer Aufl{\"o}sung dargestellt werden. Da hochwertige Aufnahmen eine ausgereifte Probenpr{\"a}paration voraussetzen, darf deren Etablierung nicht zu kurz kommen. Unter dieser Pr{\"a}misse wurde ein optimiertes Markierungsprotokoll mit dem Namen ClickOx entwickelt. Mit ClickOx bleibt bei der kupferkatalysierten Azid-Alkin-Cycloaddition die Feinstruktur von Aktinfilamenten, sowie die Fluoreszenz fluoreszierender Proteine, deutlich sichtbar erhalten. W{\"a}hrend bei den klassischen Click-Protokollen auf Grund der Entstehung von reaktiven Sauerstoff-Spezies (ROS) feine zellul{\"a}re Strukturen, wie Aktinfilamente, angegriffen oder zerst{\"o}rt werden, sch{\"u}tzt das neue Protokoll mit enzymatischem Sauerstoffentzug Proteine und somit Strukturen vor Reaktionen mit ROS. Das unterstreicht, wie wichtig es ist auch sogenannte "etablierte" Protokolle weiterzuentwickeln, denn bestimmte Nebeneffekte in Pr{\"a}parationen werden unter Umst{\"a}nden erstmals in der Hochaufl{\"o}sung sichtbar. Ein weiterer Aspekt war die Untersuchung des Einflusses von D1 auf die Chromatinorganisation. Mit verschiedenen mikroskopischen Methoden konnten Hinweise auf eine m{\"o}gliche DNA-Cross-Linking-F{\"a}higkeit dieses Proteins gesammelt werden. Hier wurde die Einzelmolek{\"u}linformation der dSTORM-Filme genutzt, um unterschiedliche Grade von DNA- bzw. Chromatin-Akkumulation zu vergleichen. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass wildtypisches D1 DNA vernetzen kann. Dies erfolgt {\"u}ber die sogenannten AT-Haken-Motive. Sobald diese alle durch Mutation funktionsunf{\"a}hig gemacht werden - wie bei der verwendeten R10xG-Mutante - l{\"a}sst sich keine Akkumulation der DNA mehr beobachten. Neben der Chromatinaggregation durch D1-Expression konnte in FRAP-Experimenten gezeigt werden, dass nur die "echten" AT-Haken eine hohe Affinit{\"a}t zum Chromatin aufweisen, die sogenannten "potentiellen" hingegen nicht.}, subject = {Fluoreszenzmikroskopie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bruening2006, author = {Br{\"u}ning, Tanja}, title = {Biomechanik des Wachslaufens bei Crematogaster (Decacrema)-Partnerameisen von Macaranga-B{\"a}umen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-21772}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Durch die vorliegende Arbeit konnte die große Bedeutung biomechanischer Faktoren f{\"u}r die {\"O}kologie und Evolution von Insekten-Pflanzen-Interaktionen, am Beispiel des Ameisenpflanzen-Mutualismus' Crematogaster (Decacrema)-Macaranga aufgezeigt werden. Viele Macaranga-Ameisenpflanzen besitzen Sproßachsen mit einem {\"U}berzug epikutikul{\"a}rer Wachskristalle. Nur die Ameisenpartner wachsbereifter Pflanzen k{\"o}nnen sich problemlos auf den Oberfl{\"a}chen ihrer Wirtspflanzen fortbewegen. Durch die rutschigen, wachsbereiften Sproßachsen werden generalistische Ameisenarten ferngehalten und damit die wachslaufenden Ameisenpartner vor Fraßfeinden und Konkurrenz gesch{\"u}tzt. Die Wachsbarrieren f{\"o}rdern zudem die Wirtsspezifit{\"a}t innerhalb dieser Ameisen-Pflanzen-Symbiose und funktionieren so als {\"o}kologischer Isolationsmechanismus. Die mechanische Barrierefunktion der Wachsbereifung birgt eine Vielzahl {\"o}kologischer Konsequenzen f{\"u}r beide Mutualismuspartner. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die proximaten Einzelmechanismen dieser {\"o}kologisch wichtigen Barriere aufzukl{\"a}ren, d. h. die Ursache der Rutschigkeit wachsbereifter Macaranga-Oberfl{\"a}chen und den Mechanismus der Wachslauff{\"a}higkeit der spezialangepaßten Crematogaster (Decacrema)-Ameisen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnten mehrere Mechanismen der Rutschigkeit wachsbereifter Macaranga-Sproßoberfl{\"a}chen f{\"u}r Insekten aufgezeigt werden. Durch die Fortbewegung von Insekten auf epikutikul{\"a}ren Wachskristallen werden Kristalle aus ihrem Verbund herausgebrochen und kontaminieren die Insektentarsen. Auf der Oberfl{\"a}che der Haftorgane (Arolien) werden die Wachskristalle durch die Haftfl{\"u}ssigkeit partiell angel{\"o}st. Hierdurch entsteht ein amorpher Schmierfilm, der wahrscheinlich zu einer Verschlechterung der Haftleistung f{\"u}hrt. In dieser Arbeit wurde gezeigt, daß unabh{\"a}ngig vom Abbrechen der Kristalle und der Kontamination der Tarsen auch die Mikrorauhigkeit der Macaranga-Oberfl{\"a}chen zu einer Rutschigkeit der Sproßachse f{\"u}hren kann. Sie besitzt einen entscheidenden Einfluß auf die Haft- und Lokomotionsf{\"a}higkeit von Insekten. Die Rauhigkeit von Oberfl{\"a}chen f{\"u}hrt zu einer Reduzierung der effektiven Kontaktfl{\"a}che des Aroliums und verringert dadurch die Haftkr{\"a}fte von Insekten. Die genannten Mechanismen der Rutschigkeit schließen sich nicht gegenseitig aus, sondern k{\"o}nnen einen synergistischen, bzw. additiven Effekt haben. Bei der Untersuchung der Wachslauff{\"a}higkeit der spezialisierten Macaranga-Partnerameisen zeigte sich, daß der unterschiedliche Lauferfolg verschiedener Crematogaster (Decacrema)-Morphospezies nicht auf einer gr{\"o}ßeren Haftung beruht, sondern vor allem auf einer g{\"u}nstigeren Laufkinematik der Wachsl{\"a}ufer. Durch morphometrische Untersuchungen an acht Crematogaster (Decacrema)-Arten konnte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, daß Wachsl{\"a}ufer l{\"a}ngere Beine haben als Nichtwachsl{\"a}ufer. Diese l{\"a}ngeren Beine k{\"o}nnen zu einem mechanischen Vorteil beim Klettern auf senkrechten Oberfl{\"a}chen f{\"u}hren, da sie zum einen ein weiteres Herumgreifen um den Ast erm{\"o}glichen und zum anderen aufgrund des l{\"a}ngeren Hebelarms die auf die Vorderbeine wirkenden Zugkr{\"a}fte reduzieren. Amputationsexperimente zeigten eindeutig, daß die pr{\"a}tarsalen Krallen entscheidend f{\"u}r das Laufen auf wachsbereiften Macaranga-Oberfl{\"a}chen sind, die pr{\"a}tarsalen Haftorgane (Arolien) hingegen nicht. Es ist zu vermuten, daß die Krallen durch das Eintauchen der Krallenspitzen in die Wachskristallschicht Halt finden, wodurch sie theoretisch auf senkrechten Oberfl{\"a}chen jeden Durchmessers Halt finden k{\"o}nnen. Obwohl quantitative Unterschiede in der Krallenmorphologie (H{\"o}he, L{\"a}nge und Kr{\"u}mmungsdurchmesser) zwischen Crematogaster (Decacrema)-Wachsl{\"a}ufern und -Nichtwachsl{\"a}ufern nachgewiesen werden konnten, bleibt unklar, ob diese {\"u}berhaupt eine Rolle f{\"u}r die unterschiedliche Wachslauff{\"a}higkeit spielen oder ob eher das Bewegungsmuster w{\"a}hrend des Einsatzes der Krallen entscheidend ist. Auch bei Crematogaster (Decacrema)-Wachsl{\"a}ufern kommt es zu einem Abbrechen von Wachskristallen und einer Kontamination der Tarsen. Crematogaster (Decacrema)-Wachsl{\"a}ufer zeigen im Vergleich zu -Nichtwachsl{\"a}ufern ein bisher nicht in der Literatur beschriebenes, Putzverhalten der Vorderbeine. Dieses Putzverhalten ist zeitsparend und effektiv in die Lokomotion der Tiere eingebunden und schließt selektiv nur die Reinigung der laufoberfl{\"a}chenkontaktierenden Tarsussegmente ein. Die hier beschriebenen Unterschiede in Morphologie, Kinematik und Verhalten zwischen Crematogaster (Decacrema)-Wachsl{\"a}ufern und -Nichtwachsl{\"a}ufern bringen funktionelle Vorteile der Wachsl{\"a}ufer auf den von ihnen besiedelten, wachsbereiften Macaranga-Pflanzenoberfl{\"a}chen mit sich. Die epikutikul{\"a}re Wachsbereifung kann als biomechanischer Schl{\"u}sselmechanismus angesehen werden, der im Rahmen der Evolution zu diesen vielschichtigen Ver{\"a}nderungen gef{\"u}hrt hat. Die vorliegende Arbeit konnte zugrundeliegende biomechanische Faktoren, die auf beiden Seiten des Mutualismus' eine Rolle spielen, aufkl{\"a}ren.}, subject = {Crematogaster}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bohn2007, author = {Bohn, Holger Florian}, title = {Biomechanik von Insekten-Pflanzen-Interaktionen bei Nepenthes-Kannenpflanzen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-26101}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Interaktionen zwischen Insekten und Pflanzen k{\"o}nnen auf chemischen oder mechanischen Faktoren beruhen. Mechanische Faktoren spielen eine besonders wichtige Rolle bei den Fallen karnivorer Pflanzen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Rolle mechanischer Faktoren in der Interaktion zwischen der Kannenpflanze Nepenthes bicalcarata und der Ameise Camponotus schmitzi aufzukl{\"a}ren, bei der Ameisen Gegenanpassungen zu spezialisierten pflanzlichen Fangstrukturen entwickelt haben. Im Rahmen meiner Arbeit habe ich mich mit den Fragen besch{\"a}ftigt, 1) welche Kannenstrukturen und welche Mechanismen f{\"u}r den Fang von Arthropoden wichtig sind und 2) welche speziellen Anpassungen C. schmitzi-Ameisen f{\"u}r das Leben auf ihrer karnivoren Wirtspflanze besitzen. Bisher wurde angenommen, dass Nepenthes-Kannen Tiere mit Hilfe von rutschigen Wachskristallschichten fangen. Ich konnte zeigen, dass ein weiterer, bisher unbekannter Fangmechanismus existiert, welcher auf speziellen Oberfl{\"a}cheneigenschaften des Kannenrandes (Peristom) und "Insekten-Aquaplaning" basiert. Das Peristom besitzt eine regelm{\"a}ßige Mikrostruktur, welche daf{\"u}r sorgt, dass die Oberfl{\"a}che vollst{\"a}ndig mit Wasser benetzbar ist, so dass sie bei feuchter Witterung von homogenen Fl{\"u}ssigkeitsfilmen {\"u}berzogen ist. Auf dem trockenen Peristom k{\"o}nnen Ameisen ohne Schwierigkeiten laufen und Nektar von den am inneren Peristomrand gelegenen Nektarien ernten. Wird die Oberfl{\"a}che aber beispielsweise durch Regen nass, rutschen die meisten Tiere ab und st{\"u}rzen in die Kanne. Messungen der Reibungskr{\"a}fte von Weberameisen (Oecophylla smaragdina) auf dem Peristom von N. bicalcarata zeigten, dass Fl{\"u}ssigkeitsfilme auf der Oberfl{\"a}che die Anhaftung der Haftorgane (Arolien) verhindern, und dass die Mikrostruktur des Peristoms auch den Einsatz der Krallen unterbindet. Versuche an Nepenthes alata zeigten dar{\"u}ber hinaus, dass dieser Fangmechanismus des Peristoms auch f{\"u}r Nepenthes-Arten mit wachsbereifter Kanneninnenwand essentiell, und die Wachsschicht eher f{\"u}r die Retention gefangener Tiere wichtig ist. Zur Analyse der {\"o}kologischen Auswirkungen des "Aquaplaning"-Fangmechanismus habe ich die Peristomfeuchte von Nepenthes rafflesiana var. typica-Kannen zeitgleich mit meteorologischen Daten im Feld kontinuierlich aufgezeichnet und mit Experimenten zur Beurteilung der Fangeffizienz der Kannen kombiniert. Die Ergebnisse dieser Versuche zeigen, dass die Kannen abh{\"a}ngig vom Befeuchtungsgrad des Peristoms zeitweise sehr effiziente Fallen mit Fangraten von 80\% sein k{\"o}nnen, w{\"a}hrend sie zu anderen Zeiten vollkommen ineffizient sind. Die Variation der Peristomfeuchte wird durch Regen, Kondensation und von den Peristomnektarien sezerniertem Nektar verursacht. Es ist zu vermuten, dass die nur zeitweise und unvorhersehbare Aktivierung der Nepenthes-Kannenfallen durch N{\"a}sse der Evolution von Vermeidungsstrategien bei Beutetieren entgegenwirkt. Im Rahmen der Untersuchungen, welche mechanischen Anpassungen C. schmitzi-Ameisen f{\"u}r das Leben auf N. bicalcarata besitzen habe ich mich auf die Fragen konzentriert, wie es den Ameisen gelingt den Peristom-Fangmechanismus zu umgehen und welche Anpassungen sie besitzen um in der Kannenfl{\"u}ssigkeit tauchend und schwimmend nach Nahrung zu suchen. Im Gegensatz zu generalistischen Arten st{\"u}rzen C. schmitzi-Ameisen auf dem nassen Peristom nicht ab. Durch selektive Manipulation der tarsalen Haftstrukturen konnte ich demonstrieren, dass die Arolien f{\"u}r die Peristomlauff{\"a}higkeit der C. schmitzi-Ameisen eine wesentliche Rolle spielen. F{\"u}r das Furagieren in der Kannenfl{\"u}ssigkeit verf{\"u}gen C. schmitzi-Ameisen {\"u}ber ein sich wiederholendes, stereotypes Verhaltensmuster, welches aus einer Unterwasserlauf- und einer Oberfl{\"a}chenschwimmphase besteht. Meine Untersuchungen dieses Verhaltensmusters zeigten, dass die Ameisen am Ende der Unterwasserlaufphase mit Hilfe ihres stets vorhandenen Auftriebs zur Fl{\"u}ssigkeitsoberfl{\"a}che aufsteigen. Dabei taucht ein Teil ihres Hinterleibs aus der Kannenfl{\"u}ssigkeit auf, was den Ameisen die Sauerstoffaufnahme aus der Luft erm{\"o}glicht. Nach dem Auftauchen schwimmen C. schmitzi-Ameisen mittels schneller Beinbewegungen an der Oberfl{\"a}che der Kannenfl{\"u}ssigkeit. Dabei {\"a}hnelt die Bewegungskoordination ihrer Beine dem bei Ameisen f{\"u}r die Fortbewegung an Land typischen Dreifußgang. Ein Vergleich der Kinematik von schwimmenden und laufenden C. schmitzi-Ameisen hat gezeigt, dass schwimmende Ameisen ihre Beine in der Schlagphase mit einer h{\"o}heren Winkelgeschwindigkeit als in der R{\"u}ckholphase bewegen, w{\"a}hrend dies bei den laufenden Tieren genau umgekehrt ist. Ferner strecken schwimmende Ameisen ihre Beine w{\"a}hrend der Schlagphase weiter aus als in der R{\"u}ckholphase, wohingegen laufende Ameisen in beiden Bewegungsphasen vergleichbare Beinradien aufweisen. Dies l{\"a}sst den Schluss zu, dass die Schwimmkinematik der C. schmitzi-Ameisen eine abgewandelte Form ihrer Laufkinematik darstellt, welche f{\"u}r die Erzeugung von Vortrieb im Wasser optimiert wurde.}, subject = {Biomechanik}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kuhlemann2022, author = {Kuhlemann, Alexander}, title = {Bioorthogonal labeling of neuronal proteins using super-resolution fluorescence microscopy}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24373}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-243731}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The synaptic cleft is of central importance for synaptic transmission, neuronal plasticity and memory and thus well studied in neurobiology. To target proteins of interest with high specificity and strong signal to noise conventional immunohistochemistry relies on the use of fluorescently labeled antibodies. However, investigations on synaptic receptors remain challenging due to the defined size of the synaptic cleft of ~20 nm between opposing pre- and postsynaptic membranes. At this limited space, antibodies bear unwanted side effects such as crosslinking, accessibility issues and a considerable linkage error between fluorophore and target of ~10 nm. With recent single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) methods enabling localization precisions of a few nanometers, the demand for labeling approaches with minimal linkage error and reliable recognition of the target molecules rises. Within the scope of this work, different labeling techniques for super-resolution fluorescence microscopy were utilized allowing site-specific labeling of a single amino acid in synaptic proteins like kainate receptors (KARs), transmembrane α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor regulatory proteins (TARPs), γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptors (GABA-ARs) and neuroligin 2 (NL2). The method exploits the incorporation of unnatural amino acids (uAAs) in the protein of interest using genetic code expansion (GCE) via amber suppression technology and subsequent labeling with tetrazine functionalized fluorophores. Implementing this technique, hard-to-target proteins such as KARs, TARPs and GABA-ARs could be labeled successfully, which could only be imaged insufficiently with conventional labeling approaches. Furthermore, functional studies involving electrophysiological characterization, as well as FRAP and FRET experiments validated that incorporation of uAAs maintains the native character of the targeted proteins. Next, the method was transferred into primary hippocampal neurons and in combination with super-resolution microscopy it was possible to resolve the nanoscale organization of γ2 and γ8 TARPs. Cluster analysis of dSTORM localization data verified synaptic accumulation of γ2, while γ8 was homogenously distributed along the neuron. Additionally, GCE and bioorthogonal labeling allowed visualization of clickable GABA-A receptors located at postsynaptic compartments in dissociated hippocampal neurons. Moreover, saturation experiments and FRET imaging of clickable multimeric receptors revealed successful binding of multiple tetrazine functionalized fluorophores to uAA-modified dimeric GABA-AR α2 subunits in close proximity (~5 nm). Further utilization of tetrazine-dyes via super-resolution microscopy methods such as dSTORM and click-ExM will provide insights to subunit arrangement in receptors in the future. This work investigated the nanoscale organization of synaptic proteins with minimal linkage error enabling new insights into receptor assembly, trafficking and recycling, as well as protein-protein interactions at synapses. Ultimately, bioorthogonal labeling can help to understand pathologies such as the limbic encephalitis associated with GABA-AR autoantibodies and is already in application for cancer therapies.}, subject = {microscopy}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Beliu2020, author = {Beliu, Gerti}, title = {Bioorthogonale Tetrazin-Farbstoffe f{\"u}r die Lebendzell-Markierung und hochaufgel{\"o}ste Fluoreszenzmikroskopie}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18962}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-189628}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Der genetische Code beschreibt die Ver- und Entschl{\"u}sselung der Erb-information f{\"u}r das universelle Prinzip der Proteinbiosynthese aus einzelnen Aminos{\"a}uren. Durch Erweiterung des genetischen Codes lassen sich unna-t{\"u}rliche Aminos{\"a}uren (uAA) mit einzigartigen biophysikalischen Eigenschaf-ten ortsspezifisch in Proteine einf{\"u}hren und erm{\"o}glichen die spezifische Ma-nipulation von Proteinen. Die Click-Reaktion zwischen der unnat{\"u}rlichen Aminos{\"a}ure TCO*-Lysin und Tetrazin besitzt eine außergew{\"o}hnliche Reaktionskinetik (≥800 M-1s-1) und erm{\"o}glicht eine spezifische und bioorthogonale Markierung von Bio- ¬molek{\"u}len unter physiologischen Bedingungen. Im Fokus dieser Arbeit stand zun{\"a}chst die Markierung von Membran- ¬rezeptoren durch Click-Chemie in lebenden Zellen sowie die Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung 22 bekannter und neuartiger Tetrazin-Farbstoff- Konjugate. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurde die Anwendbarkeit von bioorthogonalen Click-Reaktionen f{\"u}r die hochaufl{\"o}sende Fluoreszenzmikroskopie untersucht. Durch Erweiterung des genetischen Codes in Proteine aus der Klasse der ionotropen Glutamatrezeptoren (iGluR), TNF-Rezeptoren oder Mikrotubu-li-assoziierten Proteinen (MAP) wurde ortspezifisch die unnat{\"u}rliche Amino-s{\"a}ure TCO*-Lysin eingef{\"u}hrt und dadurch die Fluoreszenzmarkierung durch Tetrazin-Farbstoffe erm{\"o}glicht. Die direkte chemische Kopplung von TCO an Liganden wie Phalloidin und Docetaxel, welche spezifisch das Aktin-Zytoskelett bzw. Mikrotubuli-Filamente binden k{\"o}nnen, erm{\"o}glichte zudem die Click-F{\"a}rbungen von fixierten und lebenden Zellen ohne genetische Ver-{\"a}nderungen der Zielproteine. Des Weiteren wurden die spektroskopischen Eigenschaften von 22 Tetrazin-Farbstoffen, verteilt {\"u}ber den gesamten sichtbaren Wellenl{\"a}ngenbereich, untersucht. Ein charakteristisches Kennzeichen der Click-Reaktion mit Tet-razin-Farbstoffen ist dabei ihre Fluorogenit{\"a}t. Das Tetrazin fungiert nicht nur als reaktive Gruppe w{\"a}hrend der Click-Reaktion mit Alkenen, sondern f{\"u}hrt in vielen Tetrazin-Farbstoff-Konjugaten zur Fluoreszenzl{\"o}schung. W{\"a}hrend bei gr{\"u}n-absorbierenden Farbstoffe vor allem FRET-basierte L{\"o}schprozesse dominieren, konnte photoinduzierter Elektronentransfer (PET) vom angeregten Farbstoff zum Tetrazin als Hauptl{\"o}schmechanismus bei rot-absorbierenden Oxazin- und Rhodamin-Derivaten identifiziert werden. Die effiziente und spezifische Markierung aller untersuchten Tetrazin- Farbstoffe erm{\"o}glichte die Visualisierung von Aktin-Filamenten, Mikrotubuli und Membranrezeptoren sowohl durch konventionelle Fluoreszenzmikrosko-pie als auch durch hochaufl{\"o}sende Verfahren, wie z.B. dSTORM, auf Ein-zelmolek{\"u}lebene. Die unterschiedliche Zellpermeabilit{\"a}t von Tetrazin-Farbstoffen kann dabei vorteilhaft f{\"u}r die spezifische intra- und extrazellul{\"a}re Markierung von Proteinen in fixierten und lebenden Zellen genutzt werden.}, subject = {Hochaufgel{\"o}ste Fluoreszenzmikroskopie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schmidt2007, author = {Schmidt, Doris}, title = {Blimp-1deltaexon7 : Eine nat{\"u}rlich vorkommende Blimp-1 Deletionsmutante mit autoregulativen Eigenschaften}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-24750}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Blimp-1 (B lymphocyte induced maturation protein-1) kontrolliert die Regulation der terminalen B-Zelldifferenzierung. So ist die ektopische Expression von Blimp-1 ausreichend, damit naive B-Zellen zu antik{\"o}rpersezernierenden Zellen differenzieren k{\"o}nnen. Dabei wirkt Blimp-1 als transkriptioneller Repressor, der zusammen mit Kofaktoren die Chromatinstruktur in der Promotorregion der Zielgene modifiziert und so deren Expression steuert. Neben der urspr{\"u}nglich beschriebnen Blimp-1 mRNA existiert eine weitere mRNA, welcher das Exon 7 fehlt (Blimp-1?exon7). In diesem Exon sind die ersten zwei von insgesamt f{\"u}nf Zinkfingern kodiert, welche nachweislich essentiell f{\"u}r die sequenzspezifische DNA-Interaktion von Blimp-1 sind. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Blimp-1?exon7 Deletionsmutante vorwiegend in ruhenden CD19+ B-Zellen der Maus und in unstimulierten humanen B-Zellen exprimiert wird. Obwohl die Blimp-1 sequenzspezifische DNA-Bindung des Proteins (Blimp-1?Ex7) nicht mehr gegeben ist, lokalisiert es teilweise in den Kern, interagiert ebenfalls mit Korepressoren wie Histondeacetylase-2, und assoziiert mit heterochromatischen Bereichen der DNA. Die ektopische Expression von Blimp-1?Ex7 in einer murinen B-Zell-Lymphomlinie, f{\"u}hrt zu Zellzyklusarrest und Apoptose, ohne jedoch die Differenzierung zur Plasmazelle zu erm{\"o}glichen. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus ist in Gegenwart von Blimp-1?Ex7 die LPS-induzierte B-Zelldifferenzierung blockiert. Die Unterdr{\"u}ckung der Differenzierung korreliert mit einer verminderten Blimp-1 Expression. Zusammenfassend legen die Ergebnisse den Schluss nahe, dass Blimp-1?Ex7 in naiven B-Zellen exprimiert wird und eine vorzeitige Differenzierung verhindert, indem es autoregulativ die Promotoraktivit{\"a}t herabsetzt und damit Blimp-1 kontrolliert.}, subject = {B-Zelle}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kotzsch2008, author = {Kotzsch, Alexander}, title = {BMP Ligand-Rezeptor-Komplexe: Molekulare Erkennung am Beispiel der Spezifischen Interaktion zwischen GDF-5 und BMPR-IB}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-31040}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Knochenwachstumsfaktoren (Bone Morphogenetic Proteins, BMPs) sind ubiquit{\"a}re, sekretierte Proteine mit vielf{\"a}ltigen biologischen Funktionen. Die Vielfalt an zellul{\"a}ren Prozessen, die durch BMPs reguliert werden, von der Knochenentwicklung und Organhom{\"o}ostase bis hin zur Neurogenese, erstaunt - und wirft angesichts von teils redundanten, teils spezifischen Funktionen der BMPs Fragen zu den Mechanismen ihrer Signal{\"u}bermittlung auf. Die Signaltransduktion von BMPs erfolgt wie bei den strukturell verwandten TGF-\&\#946;s und Activinen durch die ligandeninduzierte Oligomerisierung von transmembranen Serin/Threonin-Kinaserezeptoren, von denen zwei Typen - Typ I und Typ II - existieren. Einer Vielzahl von mehr als 18 BMP-Liganden stehen nach derzeitigem Erkenntnisstand nur vier Typ I und drei Typ II Rezeptorsubtypen f{\"u}r die Bildung von heteromeren Rezeptorkomplexen zur Verf{\"u}gung. Ein BMP-Ligand kann hochspezifisch nur einen bestimmten Rezeptorsubtyp oder in einer promisken Art und Weise mehrere Rezeptorsubtypen binden. Trotz dieser Bindungspromiskuit{\"a}t {\"u}ben BMPs ihre biologische Funktion {\"u}berwiegend hochspezifisch aus, d.h. abh{\"a}ngig vom Liganden werden spezifische zellul{\"a}re Prozesse reguliert. Somit stellt sich die Frage, wie die Bildung von heteromeren Ligand-Rezeptor-Komplexen und die Aktivierung definierter intrazellul{\"a}rer Signalkaskaden zusammenh{\"a}ngen und wie letztlich ein bestimmtes BMP-Signal durch einen „Flaschenhals", repr{\"a}sentiert durch die begrenzte Anzahl an Rezeptorsubtypen, in das Zellinnere {\"u}bermittelt wird. Die Interaktionen zwischen BMP-2 / GDF-5 und den Typ I Rezeptoren BMPR-IA / BMPR-IB sind ein Paradebeispiel f{\"u}r Bindungspromiskuit{\"a}t und -spezifit{\"a}t. W{\"a}hrend BMP-2 beide Rezeptoren BMPR-IA und BMPR-IB mit gleicher Bindungsaffinit{\"a}t bindet („promiske Interaktion"), zeigt GDF-5 eine 15-20fach h{\"o}here Bindungsaffinit{\"a}t zu BMPR-IB („spezifische" Interaktion). Dieser Unterschied ist scheinbar gering, aber physiologisch {\"u}beraus relevant. Um Einblick in die Mechanismen der molekularen Erkennung zwischen den Bindungspartnern zu gewinnen, wurden bin{\"a}re und tern{\"a}re Komplexe aus den Liganden BMP-2 oder GDF-5, den extrazellul{\"a}ren Dom{\"a}nen der Typ I Rezeptoren BMPR-IA oder BMPR-IB sowie der extrazellul{\"a}ren Dom{\"a}ne des Typ II Rezeptors ActR-IIB untersucht. Die hier vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die strukturelle und funktionelle Analyse dieser Ligand-Rezeptor-Komplexe. Um den Einfluss struktureller Flexibilit{\"a}t auf die BMP Typ I Rezeptor Erkennung n{\"a}her zu analysieren, wurde zudem die Struktur von BMPRIA in freiem Zustand mittels NMR-Spektroskopie aufgekl{\"a}rt. Aus Mutagenesedaten und der Kristallstruktur des GDF-5•BMPR-IB-Komplexes lassen sich im Vergleich zu bekannten Kristallstrukturen Merkmale ableiten, mit denen die Ligand-Rezeptor-Bindung und -Erkennung charakterisiert werden kann: (1) Die Hauptbindungsdeterminanten in Komplexen von BMPR-IA und BMPR-IB mit ihren Liganden sind unterschiedlich. W{\"a}hrend in Komplexen mit BMPR-IB ein hydrophobes Motiv die Bindungsaffinit{\"a}t bestimmt, tr{\"a}gt in Komplexen mit BMPR-IA eine polare Interaktion signifikant zur Bindungsenergie bei. Ein Vergleich der Strukturen von freien und gebundenen Liganden und Typ I Rezeptoren zeigt, dass interessanterweise diese Hauptbindemotive erst bei der Ligand-Rezeptor-Interaktion entstehen, sodass ein „induced fit" vorliegt und die Molek{\"u}le entsprechend „aufeinander falten". (2) Die Bindungsspezifit{\"a}t wird durch periphere Schleifen in den Typ I Rezeptoren bestimmt. Wie Untersuchungen von Punktmutationen in BMPR-IA zeigen, die einer krebsartigen Darmerkrankung (Juvenile Polyposis) zugrunde liegen, f{\"u}hrt erst die „richtige" Kombination aus Flexibilit{\"a}t in den Schleifen und Rigidit{\"a}t des Rezeptorgrundger{\"u}sts zu signalaktiven Typ I Rezeptoren mit einer potentiell den Liganden komplement{\"a}ren Oberfl{\"a}che. Die mangelnde sterische Komplementarit{\"a}t von Ligand- und Rezeptoroberfl{\"a}chen f{\"u}hrt zu der niedrigeren Bindungsaffinit{\"a}t von GDF-5 zu BMPR-IA im Vergleich zu BMPR-IB. Interessanterweise zeigen die hier vorgestellten, hochaufgel{\"o}sten Strukturdaten, dass die Orientierungen/Positionen der Typ I Rezeptoren BMPR-IA und BMPR-IB in den Bindeepitopen der Liganden BMP-2 und GDF-5 variieren. Unter der Voraussetzung, dass die extrazellul{\"a}re Dom{\"a}ne, das Transmembransegment und die intrazellul{\"a}re Dom{\"a}ne der Typ I Rezeptoren ein starres Element bilden, sollte sich die unterschiedliche Orientierung der extrazellul{\"a}ren Dom{\"a}nen der Typ I Rezeptoren in der Anordnung der Kinasedom{\"a}nen widerspiegeln und sich auf die Signaltransduktion auswirken. M{\"o}glicherweise ist eine bestimmte Anordnung der Kinasedom{\"a}nen der Typ I und Typ II Rezeptoren f{\"u}r eine effiziente Phosphorylierung bzw. Signaltransduktion erforderlich. Der Vergleich mehrerer Ligand-Typ I Rezeptor-Komplexe zeigt, dass die unterschiedliche Orientierung dieser Rezeptoren m{\"o}glicherweise vom Liganden abh{\"a}ngt. Angesichts der Bindungspromiskuit{\"a}t unter BMP-Liganden und -Rezeptoren k{\"o}nnten so spezifische Signale {\"u}bermittelt und spezifische biologische Funktionen reguliert werden. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Erkenntnisse tragen wesentlich zur strukturellen Charakterisierung der Ligand-Rezeptor-Erkennung in der BMP-Familie bei. Die Frage, warum trotz strukturell hoch homologer Liganden und Rezeptoren und weitgehend konservierten Bindeepitopen eine teils promiske und teils spezifische Interaktion m{\"o}glich ist, kann nun f{\"u}r die Liganden BMP-2 und GDF-5 sowie den beiden Typ I Rezeptoren BMPR-IA und BMPR-IB beantwortet werden.}, subject = {Cytokine}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Muellner2004, author = {M{\"u}llner, Antje}, title = {Breeding ecology and related life-history traits of the hoatzin, Opisthocomus hoazin, in a primary rainforest habitat}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13239}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) is an enigmatic bird that lives in the riparian lowlands of northern South America. Among its peculiar attributes are 1) microbial foregut fermentation, unique in birds, to convert plant cellulose in the foliage which it consumes into simple sugars, 2) an ongoing debate about the puzzling taxonomic position, although a relationship to the Cuculiformes appears likely, 3) adaptive wing claws in the young which are used for climbing, and 4) co-operative breeding behaviour. Despite the information available on digestive mode and taxonomy little has been published on its breeding biology and behaviour and until now almost all knowledge was based on a study in the savannah of Venezuela. This is the first detailed study of the hoatzin's nesting ecology in a rainforest habitat. From 1995-1998 and in 2000 I monitored a hoatzin population which consisted of approximately 700 individuals in an Amazonian rainforest in Ecuador situated in the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve (between 0°02' N, 76°0' W, 0°03' S, and 76°14' W). The area is composed of various black water lagoons and small rivers, flooded forests and terra firme forest. Primarily, I examined group composition and breeding pattern and success related to traits such as clutch and egg size, offspring sex ratio and the number of parents involved in a common breeding attempt. Apart from standardised observations and monitoring I took blood samples from chicks, which were later used for molecular sexing and for DNA fingerprints. Food plants were collected and determined and a rough habitat mapping was conducted. Since the impacts of boat tourism in the area became apparent I investigated the interactions of adult and young hoatzins with tourists and measured the plasma concentration of the hormone corticosterone in chicks as an indicator of stress. Each chapter has its own introduction to the specific topic and can be read independently. The main findings of this study are: The reproduction of the hoatzin was timed strictly following the bimodal rainy pattern in the area. There was only one breeding attempt per year. Only 18\% of breeding attempts ended successfully with at least one fledgling. Incubation started with the first egg laid and led to hatching asynchrony. In most cases only the A-chick survived and there is evidence for a brood reduction strategy. I observed egg size variation patterns both within the clutches and between the clutches. Approximately 80\% of breeding attempts were carried out with auxiliaries. Units with alloparentals had a higher breeding success than single pairs. The results indicate a trade-off between helping and group size. DNA band-sharing comparisons revealed the existence of joint-nests, where several females laid their eggs in one single nest. The clutches of these joint-nests suffered severe egg loss during all stages of incubation. Breeding success did not differ between single- and joint-nests. The primary offspring sex ratio was biased towards daughters. There was no differential mortality between the sexes until fledging. Individual breeding units employed an adaptive production of offspring of each sex according to their current group size. Rainforest tourism negatively influenced the survival and growth of young, not yet fledged hoatzins. In addition tourist-exposed young showed a stronger hormonal stress response than their conspecifics from undisturbed sites. In contrast, breeding adults appear to have habituated to tourist boats and exposure to observers.}, subject = {Hoatzins}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stegmann2000, author = {Stegmann, Ulrich E.}, title = {Brutpflege, Lebensgeschichte und Taxonomie s{\"u}dostasiatischer Membraciden (Insecta: Homoptera)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-2365}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Diese Arbeit untersucht die systematische Verbreitung der Brutpflege bei s{\"u}dostasiatischen Buckelzirpen (Homoptera: Membracidae) sowie verhaltens{\"o}kologische Aspekte dieses Verhaltens bei Pyrgauchenia tristaniopsis. Erg{\"a}nzend dazu wurden Aspekte der Taxonomie, Lebensgeschichte, Reproduktionsbiologie und Morphometrie dieser Art untersucht, deren Kenntnis f{\"u}r die Interpretation des Brutpflegeverhaltens erforderlich waren. Die Ergebnisse (1) widersprechen der starken Version der Semelparitie-Hypothese (ein Fortpflanzungsereignis pro Fortpflanzungsperiode als Voraussetzung f{\"u}r Brutpflege bei Insekten), und sie zeigen, dass (2) Brutpflege bei altweltlichen Centrotinae - entgegen fr{\"u}herer Vermutungen - keine Ausnahme ist. Außerdem konnten erstmals einige grundlegende Aspekte der Biologie eines s{\"u}dostasiatischen Vertreters der Familie Membracidae gekl{\"a}rt werden. Aufsammlungen in der bodennahen Vegetation wurden in 16 Untersuchungsgebieten in West-Malaysia und Sabah (Borneo) von 1996-1998 durchgef{\"u}hrt. Weibliche Brutf{\"u}rsorge in Form von Gelegebewachung wurde bei 11 Arten aus folgenden Gattungen gefunden: Pyrgauchenia, Pyrgonota, Hybandoides, Gigantorhabdus (Hypsaucheniini), Centrochares (Centrocharesini), Ebhul (Ebhuloidesini). Larven dieser Arten lebten in Aggregationen zusammen. Drei Arten werden neu beschrieben (Pyrgauchenia biuni, P. pendleburyi, P. tristaniopsis). Zwei nominelle Arten (P. angulata Funkhouser und P. brunnea Funkhouser) sind Junior-Synonyme von P. colorata Distant. Die Arbeiten zu Pyrgauchenia tristaniopsis fanden im unteren Montanregenwald des Kinabalu Nationalparks (Borneo) statt. Diese Art wurde nur dort gefunden (zwischen 1350 m und 1650 m {\"u}. NN), und sie war polyphag (alle Entwicklungsstadien auf 11 Pflanzenarten aus 8 Familien). Es gab f{\"u}nf Larvenstadien, deren Entwicklungszeit zusammen 63-83 Tage betrug (Embryonalentwicklung: 22 Tage). Larven lebten aggregierend und wurden von Ameisen besucht (insgesamt 4 Morphospecies). Es gab Hinweise, dass frisch geh{\"a}utete Imagines noch etwa 10 Tage in der Aggregation verblieben. Sp{\"a}testens 5 bzw. 10 Tage nach der Imaginalh{\"a}utung waren Weibchen bzw. M{\"a}nnchen zu einer Erstkopulation bereit. Bei der Paarung kletterte das M{\"a}nnchen nach der Kontaktaufnahme auf das Weibchen und blieb dort im Median 138 Sekunden sitzen (Pr{\"a}kopula), worauf eine im Median 116-min{\"u}tige Kopulation folgen konnte. W{\"a}hrend der Pr{\"a}kopula sandte das M{\"a}nnchen Vibrationssignale aus. Die Art war promiskuitiv, und manche Weibchen paarten sich w{\"a}hrend der Gelegebewachung. Das Geschlechterverh{\"a}ltnis war zum Zeitpunkt der Imaginalh{\"a}utung ausgeglichen. Die Eimortalit{\"a}t aufgrund einer Kohortenanalyse betrug 35 Prozent. Pr{\"a}datoren der Larven und Imagines waren besonders Springspinnen (Salticidae). Die Eier wurden von Brachygrammatella sp. (Trichogrammatidae) parasitiert. Eier wurden als Gelege ins Gewebe von Wirtspflanzenzweigen gelegt (Unterseite). Die Anzahl Eier pro Gelege (etwa 57) nahm mit der Bewachungsdauer des Weibchens zu. Bevorzugungen von Gelegepositionen ober- oder unterhalb bereits vorhandener Gelege waren nicht festzustellen. Im Median wurden 3-4 (1998er, 1997er Zensus) Gelege zusammen auf einem Zweig gefunden. Bei einem Wiederfangversuch legte mindestens die H{\"a}lfte aller Weibchen w{\"a}hrend ihres Lebens mindestens zwei Gelege. Zwischen Verlassen des ersten Geleges (auf dem ein Weibchen gefunden wurde) und der Oviposition ihres Folgegeleges vergingen im Median 5 Tage. Folgegelege wurden meist auf derselben Wirtspflanze wie das erste Gelege abgelegt. Der Fettk{\"o}rper vergr{\"o}ßerte sich wieder nach der Oviposition, aber noch w{\"a}hrend der Bewachung des aktuellen Geleges. Weibchen saßen 26-28 Tage lang (nach Beginn der Oviposition) auf ihrem Gelege, d.h. bis zum 5.-8. Tag nach Schlupfbeginn der Larven (die Larven schl{\"u}pften sukzessiv, erst 9 Tage nach Schlupfbeginn waren die meisten LI geschl{\"u}pft). Weibchen kehrten nach experimenteller Vertreibung vom Gelege auf dieses zur{\"u}ck. In Wahlversuchen wurde aber das eigene Gelege gegen{\"u}ber einem fremden nicht pr{\"a}feriert. Weibchen wichen bei St{\"o}rungen stets zur Seite aus und begannen ihre Suche immer mit Seitw{\"a}rtsbewegungen. Experimentell herbeigef{\"u}hrter Kontakt mit dem Eiparasitoid Brachygrammatella sp. gen{\"u}gte, um die Beinabwehr bewachender Weibchen zu erh{\"o}hen. Die H{\"a}ufigkeit von Beinbewegungen war nicht nur vom Vorhandensein eines Geleges, sondern auch von der Tageszeit abh{\"a}ngig. Gelegebewachung f{\"o}rderte das {\"U}berleben der Eier: Die Eimortalit{\"a}t stieg mit experimenteller Verk{\"u}rzung der weiblichen Bewachungsdauer an (unabh{\"a}ngig von der Gelegegr{\"o}ße). Gelegebewachung verz{\"o}gerte die Ablage von Folgegelegen, wie durch experimentelles Verk{\"u}rzen der Bewachungsdauer aktuell bewachter Gelege gezeigt wurde. Abgebrochene pronotale Dorsaldornen minderten nicht die Paarungswahrscheinlichkeit: Die H{\"a}ufigkeit kopulierender M{\"a}nnchen und Weibchen mit abgebrochenem Dorn wich nicht von ihrer jeweiligen H{\"a}ufigkeit in der Population ab. Bei 52 Prozent aller Gelege bewachenden Weibchen war der Dorsaldorn abgebrochen. Weibchen waren l{\"a}nger und schwerer als M{\"a}nnchen, und einige pronotale Merkmale (z.B. der Caudaldorn) waren ebenfalls bei den Weibchen l{\"a}nger. Dorsaldorn und Distallobus waren dagegen bei M{\"a}nnchen l{\"a}nger, und zwar bei gleicher K{\"o}rpergr{\"o}ße. Geschwister {\"a}hnelten sich besonders hinsichtlich Gewicht sowie K{\"o}rper- und Dorsaldornl{\"a}nge, was durch große Heritabilit{\"a}t, gleiche Umweltbedingungen und Inzucht erkl{\"a}rt werden k{\"o}nnte.}, subject = {S{\"u}dostasien}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Halboth2018, author = {Halboth, Florian}, title = {Building behavior and nest climate control in leaf-cutting ants: How environmental cues affect the building responses of workers of \(Atta\) \(vollenweideri\)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161701}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The present work investigates the influence of environmental stimuli on the building behavior of workers of the leaf-cutting ant Atta vollenweideri. It focuses on cues related to the airflow-driven ventilation of their giant underground nests, i.e., air movements and their direction, carbon dioxide concentrations and humidity levels of the nest air. First, it is shown that workers are able to use airflow and its direction as learned orientation cue by performing learning experiments with individual foragers using a classical conditioning paradigm. This ability is expected to allow workers to also navigate inside the nest tunnels using the prevailing airflow directions for orientation, for example during tasks related to nest construction and climate control. Furthermore, the influence of carbon dioxide on the digging behavior of workers is investigated. While elevated CO2 levels hardly affect the digging rate of the ants, workers prefer to excavate at locations with lower concentrations and avoid higher CO2 levels when given a choice. Under natural conditions, shifting their digging activity to soil layers containing lower carbon dioxide levels might help colonies to excavate new or to broaden existing nest openings, if the CO2 concentration in the underground rises. It is also shown that workers preferably transport excavated soil along tunnels containing high CO2 concentrations, when carbon dioxide levels in the underground are elevated as well. In addition, workers prefer to carry soil pellets along outflow tunnels instead of inflow tunnels, at least for high humidity levels of the air. The material transported along tunnels providing outflow of CO2-rich air might be used by workers for the construction of ventilation turrets on top of the nest mound, which is expected to promote the wind-induced ventilation and the removal of carbon dioxide from the underground. The climatic conditions inside the nest tunnels also influence the structural features of the turrets constructed by workers on top the nest. While airflow and humidity have no effect on turret structure, outflow of CO2-rich air from the nest causes workers to construct turrets with additional openings and increased aperture, potentially enhancing the airflow-driven gas exchanges within the nest. Finally, the effect of airflow and ventilation turrets on the gas exchanges in Atta vollenweideri nests is tested experimentally on a physical model of a small nest consisting of a single chamber and two nest tunnels. The carbon dioxide clearance rate from the underground was measured depending on both the presence of airflow in the nest and the structural features of the built turrets. Carbon dioxide is removed faster from the physical nest model when air moves through the nest, confirming the contribution of wind-induced flow inside the nest tunnels to the ventilation of Atta vollenweideri nests. In addition, turrets placed on top of one of the tunnel openings of the nest further enhance the CO2 clearance rate and the effect is positively correlated with turret aperture. Taken together, climatic variables like airflow, carbon dioxide and humidity levels strongly affect the building responses of Atta vollenweideri leaf-cutting ants. Workers use these environmental stimuli as orientation cue in the nest during tasks related to excavation, soil transport and turret construction. Although the effects of these building responses on the microclimatic conditions inside the nest remain elusive so far, the described behaviors are expected to allow ant colonies to restore and maintain a proper nest climate in the underground.}, subject = {Verhalten}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{BollazziSosa2008, author = {Bollazzi Sosa, Leonardo Martin}, title = {Building behaviour and the control of nest climate in Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-27610}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {This work was aimed at experimentally studying whether climatic variables act as environmental cues for workers' building behaviour in leaf-cutting ants of the genus Acromyrmex, and to what extent building responses account for the maintenance of nest climate in a proper range for the inhabiting colony. Specifically, this work presents independent analysis in different Acromyrmex species with disparate ecology and nesting habits, aimed at understanding to what extent: i) temperature and humidity act as cues for workers' building behaviour, ii) inter- and intraspecific differences in the nesting habits observed in South American Acromyrmex are based on distinct building behaviours and on the variation in regional climate across continent, iii) differences in nest architecture account for the maintenance of nest climate in a proper range for colony members and, iv) climatic variables trigger building responses aimed at controlling short-term changes in nest climate. It is first experimentally shown that soil temperature acts as a cue for workers' digging behaviour. Acromyrmex lundi workers were observed to respond to both soil temperature as well as its changes, and to decide accordingly where to start or whether to stop digging. The soil temperature range preferred by workers to dig, between 20°C and maximally 30.6°C, matches the range at which colony growth is expected to be maximized. Temperature-sensitive digging might therefore lead to the establishment of the fungus chambers in soil layers with a proper range of temperatures for colony growth. Based on that, it was hypothesized that nest depth in Acromyrmex largely depends on the depth at which this temperature range is located across the soil profile, i.e., the higher the temperature in the superficial soil layers, the deeper the nest location, since soil temperature decreases with increasing depth. A bibliographic survey on nesting habits of 21 South American Acromyrmex species confirmed that the warmer the soil temperature at 50 cm depth throughout the South American continent, the higher the number of species presenting subterranean nests, compared with those inhabiting superficial nests. Temperature-sensitive digging in Acromyrmex would therefore explain the geographical distribution of nesting habits observed for this genus in the South American continent, i.e., subterranean in the northern tropical regions, and superficial in the southern temperate ones. In addition, results showed that Acromyrmex colonies from temperate regions indeed achieve thermoregulatory benefits through the determination of nest depth based on thermoregulatory needs. In sympatrically-occurring colonies of the grass-cutting ant A. heyeri, temperature inside superficial thatched nests was higher, and more suitable for colony growth, than that inside subterranean nests. This temperature surplus was even higher in spring, at the time of production of sexual brood, than in winter or summer. It was demonstrated that such temperature surplus was brought about by the low thermal diffusivity of the nest thatch, which prevents diurnal nest overheating by the incoming solar radiation, and avoids losses of the accumulated daily heat into the cold air during night, thus leading to high average nest temperatures. Although highly advantageous for colonies in terms of nest temperature, the determination of nest depth based on thermoregulatory needs may differentially affect nest ventilation and humidity depending on how nest exposition influences the exchange of nest air with the outside air. For instance, colonies with a superficial nesting habit might benefit from improved nest ventilation, but be at risk of desiccation due to their exposition and the consequent humidity losses into the dry outside air. Results demonstrated that in two Acromyrmex species, short-term regulatory building responses triggered and spatially organized by climatic variables occur, and may counteract undesired changes in internal nest humidity. Workers of the thatching grass-cutting ant A. heyeri, for instance, closed a number of nest-thatch openings as a response to desiccation of the outside air, even at a nest temperature that otherwise triggered the response of opening them so as to reduce nest temperature. In the leaf-cutting ant A. ambiguus, the direction of the airflow inside nest tunnels was shown to act as a cue for spatially guiding the building behaviour of plugging nest entrances. However, workers only responded if the humidity content of the circulating air was low, trading therefore nest ventilation for humidity maintenance.}, subject = {Verhaltens{\"o}kologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kibler2002, author = {Kibler, Eike Mathias U.}, title = {Casein-Kinase-2-Beta und neuronale Entwicklungsprozesse}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-4202}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Die Pilzk{\"o}rper von Drosophila melanogaster stellen eine f{\"u}r die Lebensf{\"a}higkeit dieses Organismus entbehrliche Gehirnstruktur dar. Die Entwicklungsprozesse, die der Bildung dieser zentralnerv{\"o}sen Struktur zugrunde liegen, sind gut erforscht. Die neuronalen Stammzellen, die f{\"u}r die Bildung dieser Gehirnstruktur verantwortlich sind, sind identifiziert und experimentell gut zug{\"a}nglich. Daher bietet sich die Drosophila-Pilzk{\"o}rperentwicklung als neurogenetisches Modellsystem an, grundlegende Mechanismen der Gehirnentwicklung durch die Untersuchung von Pilzk{\"o}rperstrukturmutanten zu erforschen. In dieser Arbeit wurde mushroom bodies undersized P1 (mbuP1) als eine durch Transposon- Insertion in den Casein-Kinase-2ß-Genlokus verursachte, hypomorphe Mutation identifiziert, die zu einer starken Verringerung der Anzahl der die Pilzk{\"o}rper bildenden intrinsischen Neurone f{\"u}hrt. Eine Reversion des mbuP1-Pilzk{\"o}rperph{\"a}notyps konnte unter anderem durch die Expression von Casein-Kinase-2ß-(CK2ß)-Transgenen im mbuP1-Hintergrund erzielt werden. Durch Rekombination wurde ein fertiler mbuP1-Stamm etabliert, der nun die Untersuchung der zellul{\"a}ren mbuP1-Defekte erm{\"o}glicht. Eine partielle, letale Deletion der CK2ß-Transkriptionseinheit wurde erzeugt. Die Letalit{\"a}t dieser Deletion konnte sowohl durch ein genomisches CK2ß-Transgen als auch durch die ubiquit{\"a}re Expression einer CK2ß-cDNA gerettet, und hierdurch die essentielle Funktion der CK2ß-Transkriptionseinheit in Drosophila belegt werden. Durch die ubiquit{\"a}re Expression von in vitro-mutagenisierten CK2ß-cDNAs im CK2ß-Letalhintergrund wurde gezeigt, daß die Phosphorylierung der regulatorischen CK2ß-Untereinheit durch die katalytisch aktive CK2\&\#945;-Untereinheit kein lebensnotwendiger Prozess ist. Gleichartige Experimente wurden zur Untersuchung der funktionellen Bedeutung eines CK2ß-Zinkfingermotivs und eines CK2ß-Destruction-Box-Motivs durchgef{\"u}hrt. Diese legen nahe, daß das Zinkfingermotiv im Gegensatz zum Destruction-Box-Motiv f{\"u}r die in vivo-Funktion der CK2ß-Untereinheit essentiell ist. Expression der in vitro-mutagenisierten CK2ß-cDNAs im mbuP1-Hintergrund werden die funktionelle Bedeutung der ausgetauschten Aminos{\"a}uren f{\"u}r die Pilzk{\"o}rperentwicklung zeigen. Eine letale genetische Interaktion von mbuP1 mit einer Mutation des Drosophila-MAP-Kinase-Gens rolled (rlSem) und eine lebensf{\"a}hige Interaktion von mbuP1 mit einer Mutation des Drosophila-S6-Kinase-p90rsk-Gens ignorant (ignP1), bei der Fl{\"u}gel- und Augenent-wicklungsdefekte zu beobachten sind, wurden gefunden. Es wurde zudem gezeigt, daß rlSem als Suppressor des Pilzk{\"o}rperph{\"a}notyps eines schw{\"a}cheren mbu-Allels wirkt. Hierdurch konnte eine Beteiligung der Casein-Kinase-2 an MAP-Kinase-Signal{\"u}bertragungswegen wahrscheinlich gemacht werden.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Herrmann2014, author = {Herrmann, Alexander Michael}, title = {CD8+ Lymphozyten mediierter Angriff auf Neuronen des ZNS: Relevanz von Granzym B und Perforin f{\"u}r akute elektrophysiologische Ver{\"a}nderungen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-109124}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Zytotoxische CD8+ T-Lymphozyten spielen in vielen inflammatorischen, aber auch prim{\"a}r neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen eine wichtige Rolle. Daher besitzt die Fragestellung inwiefern CD8+ ZTL Neurone direkt sch{\"a}digen und ggf. welche mechanistischen Aspekte dieser Sch{\"a}digung zugrunde liegen, eine hohe Relevanz. Um diese Fragestellung eingehender zu beleuchten, wurde mit dem OT-I-System gearbeitet. Dieses gut vorcharakterisierte CD8+ T-Zell-Modell besitzt den Vorteil, dass diese transgenen Zellen nur eine Peptidsequenz des Ovalbumin (OVA) Protein als spezifisches Antigen erkennen. Zun{\"a}chst wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit Co-Kultivierungs-Experimente durchgef{\"u}hrt. Hierzu wurden akut isolierte murine Hippokampus-Neurone unter verschiedenen Bedingungen mit OT-I Lymphozyten co-kultiviert. Hierbei konnte gezeigt werden, dass unter Antigenpr{\"a}sentation der Neurone signifikant mehr Neurone in die Apoptose/Nekrose gef{\"u}hrt werden, als unter Kontroll-Bedingungen, in denen entweder kein Antigen oder ein Antigen, das nicht von OT-I Lymphozyten erkannt wird, pr{\"a}sentiert wird. Nachdem die Antigen-abh{\"a}ngigen zytotoxischen Effekte auf Neurone gezeigt werden konnten, wurde mithilfe elektrophysiologischer Techniken die mechanistischen und funktionellen Konsequenzen des direkten neuronalen/OT-I-vermittelten Zellkontakts untersucht. Bei diesem experimentellen Ansatz wurde durch elektrisches Auslenken eines Neurons nach Kontakt mit einem OT-I Lymphozyt die passiven elektrischen Parameter der Neuronenmembran gemessen. In diesen Messungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass nach unmittelbarem Kontakt eines Neurons mit einem OT-I Lymphozyt der neuronale Membranwiderstand reduziert wird bzw. die Leitf{\"a}higkeit der Zellmembran erh{\"o}ht wird. Diese {\"A}nderung der neuronalen Membran-Leitf{\"a}higkeit findet in einem Zeitraum von 10 min nach dem Zell-Zell-Kontakt statt. Auch hier konnte gezeigt werden, dass dieser Einfluss von OT-I Lymphozyten auf Neurone strikt Antigen-abh{\"a}ngig ist. Zur Untersuchung des Mechanismus der OT-I T-Lymphozyten auf Neurone wurde das Augenmerk auf verschiedene T-Zell-induzierte Apoptosewegegelegt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass durch Blockieren der Fas/FasL-Interaktion mittels eines Antik{\"o}rpers kein Unterschied, weder in der neuronalen Apoptoserate nach Co-Kultivierung, noch eine {\"A}nderung der passiven neuronalen Membran-Leitf{\"a}higkeit auftritt. Weiterhin wurde die Rolle der von T-Zellen sezernierten Granula Perforin und Granzym B untersucht. Um den Einfluss dieser Granula aufzukl{\"a}ren, wurden OT-I Lymphozyten verwendet, die entweder defizient f{\"u}r Perforin oder Granzym B waren. In diesem experimentellen Ansatz wurde gezeigt, dass ausschließlich Perforin f{\"u}r die Erniedrigung des passiven neuronalen Membran-Widerstandes verantwortlich ist. Diese Erh{\"o}hung der neuronalen Membranleitf{\"a}higkeit f{\"u}hrte aber nicht direkt zum neuronalen Zelltod. Vielmehr wurde durch die einhergehende Depolarisation des Neurons die elektrische Aktivit{\"a}t der Zelle vermindert, sodass es zu einem sogenannten „electrical silencing" kommt. Dieser Umstand konnte auch in der Betrachtung der spontanen Netzwerkaktivit{\"a}t von Neuronenkulturen gezeigt werden. Hierf{\"u}r wurden hoch dichte Neuronenkulturen auf MEA-Chips kultiviert. Mit Hilfe dieser MEA konnten die Summenfeldpotentiale der Neuronenkulturen detektiert werden. Hierbei wurde beobachtet, dass nach Beladung der Neuronen mit dem spezifischen OT-I-Antigen und OT-I Zellen eine Verringerung der spontanen Netzwerkaktivit{\"a}t einhergeht. Auch in diesem Effekt konnte eine Antigen-Spezifit{\"a}t nachgewiesen werden. Da der Prozess der zellul{\"a}ren Apoptose mit einem Anstieg der intrazellul{\"a}ren Ca2+-Konzentration einhergeht, und Perforin als Ca2+-durchl{\"a}ssiger unselektiver Porenbildner fungiert, wurden zur {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung der Hypothese calcium imaging-Experimente durchgef{\"u}hrt. Analog zu den elektrophysiologischen Messungen wurde gezeigt, dass nach direktem Zell-Zell-Kontakt zwischen Neuron und OT-I Lymphozyt eine Erh{\"o}hung der intrazellul{\"a}ren Ca2+-Konzentration zu messen ist. Dass diese {\"A}nderung des neuronalen Ca2+-Einstroms durch Perforin-abh{\"a}ngige Membranporen hervorgerufen wird, konnte durch die Verwendung von Perforin-defizienten OT-I Lymphozyten bewiesen werden. Unter Verwendung von Perforin-defizienten OT-I Lymphozyten wurde keine {\"A}nderung der neuronalen Ca2+-Konzentration ermittelt. Weiterhin wurde in diesem experimentellen Ansatz gezeigt, dass auch der OT-I-vermittelte neuronale Ca2+-Anstieg strikt Antigen-abh{\"a}ngig ist.Zusammengefasst konnte in dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass MHC-I/Antigen-vermittelte CD8+ Lymphozyten-Interaktion mit einem Neuron zu „electrical silencing" des Neurons f{\"u}hrt. Dieser Prozess ist klar Perforin-abh{\"a}ngig, f{\"u}hrt jedoch nicht zum unmittelbaren Zelltod des Neurons.}, subject = {Antigen CD8}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Scholl2015, author = {Scholl, Christina}, title = {Cellular and molecular mechanisms contributing to behavioral transitions and learning in the honeybee}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-115527}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The honeybee Apis mellifera is a social insect well known for its complex behavior and the ability to learn tasks associated with central place foraging, such as visual navigation or to learn and remember odor-reward associations. Although its brain is smaller than 1mm² with only 8.2 x 105 neurons compared to ~ 20 x 109 in humans, bees still show amazing social, cognitive and learning skills. They express an age - related division of labor with nurse bees staying inside the hive and performing tasks like caring for the brood or cleaning, and foragers who collect food and water outside the hive. This challenges foragers with new responsibilities like sophisticated navigation skills to find and remember food sources, drastic changes in the sensory environment and to communicate new information to other bees. Associated with this plasticity of the behavior, the brain and especially the mushroom bodies (MBs) - sensory integration and association centers involved in learning and memory formation - undergo massive structural and functional neuronal alterations. Related to this background my thesis on one hand focuses on neuronal plasticity and underlying molecular mechanisms in the MBs that accompany the nurse - forager transition. In the first part I investigated an endogenous and an internal factor that may contribute to the nurse - forager phenotype plasticity and the correlating changes in neuronal network in the MBs: sensory exposure (light) and juvenile hormone (JH). Young bees were precociously exposed to light and subsequently synaptic complexes (microglomeruli, MG) in the MBs or respectively hemolymph juvenile hormone (JH) levels were quantified. The results show that light input indeed triggered a significant decrease in MG density, and mass spectrometry JH detection revealed an increase in JH titer. Interestingly light stimulation in young bees (presumably nurse bees) triggered changes in MG density and JH levels comparable to natural foragers. This indicates that both sensory stimuli as well as the endocrine system may play a part in preparing bees for the behavioral transition to foraging. Considering a connection between the JH levels and synaptic remodeling I used gene knockdown to disturb JH pathways and artificially increase the JH level. Even though the knockdown was successful, the results show that MG densities remained unchanged, showing no direct effect of JH on synaptic restructuring. To find a potential mediator of structural synaptic plasticity I focused on the calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) in the second part of my thesis. CaMKII is a protein known to be involved in neuronal and behavioral plasticity and also plays an important part in structural plasticity reorganizing synapses. Therefore it is an interesting candidate for molecular mechanisms underlying MG reorganization in the MBs in the honeybee. Corresponding to the high abundance of CaMKII in the learning center in vertebrates (hippocampus), CaMKII was shown to be enriched in the MBs of the honeybee. Here I first investigated the function of CaMKII in learning and memory formation as from vertebrate work CaMKII is known to be associated with the strengthening of synaptic connections inducing long term potentiation and memory formation. The experimental approach included manipulating CaMKII function using 2 different inhibitors and a specific siRNA to create a CaMKII knockdown phenotype. Afterwards bees were subjected to classical olfactory conditioning which is known to induce stable long-term memory. All bees showed normal learning curves and an intact memory acquisition, short-term and mid-term memory (1 hour retention). However, in all cases long-term memory formation was significantly disrupted (24 and 72 hour retention). These results suggests the necessity of functional CaMKII in the MBs for the induction of both early and late phases of long-term memory in honeybees. The neuronal and molecular bases underlying long-term memory and the resulting plasticity in behavior is key to understanding higher brain function and phenotype plasticity. In this context CaMKII may be an important mediator inducing structural synaptic and neuronal changes in the MB synaptic network.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reinboth2012, author = {Reinboth, Jennifer}, title = {Cellular Factors Contributing to Host Cell Permissiveness in Support of Oncolytic Vaccinia Virus Replication}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85392}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {In initial experiments, the well characterized VACV strain GLV-1h68 and three wild-type LIVP isolates were utilized to analyze gene expression in a pair of autologous human melanoma cell lines (888-MEL and 1936 MEL) after infection. Microarray analyses, followed by sequential statistical approaches, characterized human genes whose transcription is affected specifically by VACV infection. In accordance with the literature, those genes were involved in broad cellular functions, such as cell death, protein synthesis and folding, as well as DNA replication, recombination, and repair. In parallel to host gene expression, viral gene expression was evaluated with help of customized VACV array platforms to get better insight over the interplay between VACV and its host. Our main focus was to compare host and viral early events, since virus genome replication occurs early after infection. We observed that viral transcripts segregated in a characteristic time-specific pattern, consistent with the three temporal expression classes of VACV genes, including a group of genes which could be classified as early-stage genes. In this work, comparison of VACV early replication and respective early gene transcription led to the identification of seven viral genes whose expression correlated strictly with replication. We considered the early expression of those seven genes to be representative for VACV replication and we therefore referred to them as viral replication indicators (VRIs). To explore the relationship between host cell transcription and viral replication, we correlated viral (VRI) and human early gene expression. Correlation analysis revealed a subset of 114 human transcripts whose early expression tightly correlated with early VRI expression and thus early viral replication. These 114 human molecules represented an involvement in broad cellular functions. We found at least six out of 114 correlates to be involved in protein ubiquitination or proteasomal function. Another molecule of interest was the serine-threonine protein kinase WNK lysine-deficient protein kinase 1 (WNK1). We discovered that WNK1 features differences on several molecular biological levels associated with permissiveness to VACV infection. In addition to that, a set of human genes was identified with possible predictive value for viral replication in an independent dataset. A further objective of this work was to explore baseline molecular biological variances associated with permissiveness which could help identifying cellular components that contribute to the formation of a permissive phenotype. Therefore, in a subsequent approach, we screened a set of 15 melanoma cell lines (15-MEL) regarding their permissiveness to GLV-1h68, evaluated by GFP expression levels, and classified the top four and lowest four cell lines into high and low permissive group, respectively. Baseline gene transcriptional data, comparing low and highly permissive group, suggest that differences between the two groups are at least in part due to variances in global cellular functions, such as cell cycle, cell growth and proliferation, as well as cell death and survival. We also observed differences in the ubiquitination pathway, which is consistent with our previous results and underlines the importance of this pathway in VACV replication and permissiveness. Moreover, baseline microRNA (miRNA) expression between low and highly permissive group was considered to provide valuable information regarding virus-host co-existence. In our data set, we identified six miRNAs that featured varying baseline expression between low and highly permissive group. Finally, copy number variations (CNVs) between low and highly permissive group were evaluated. In this study, when investigating differences in the chromosomal aberration patterns between low and highly permissive group, we observed frequent segmental amplifications within the low permissive group, whereas the same regions were mostly unchanged in the high group. Taken together, our results highlight a probable correlation between viral replication, early gene expression, and the respective host response and thus a possible involvement of human host factors in viral early replication. Furthermore, we revealed the importance of cellular baseline composition for permissiveness to VACV infection on different molecular biological levels, including mRNA expression, miRNA expression, as well as copy number variations. The characterization of human target genes that influence viral replication could help answering the question of host cell response to oncolytic virotherapy and provide important information for the development of novel recombinant vaccinia viruses with improved features to enhance replication rate and hence trigger therapeutic outcome.}, subject = {Vaccinia-Virus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Blume2009, author = {Blume, Constanze}, title = {Cellular functions of VASP phosphorylations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48321}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Members of the enabled/vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (Ena/VASP) family are important regulators of the actin cytoskeleton dynamics. VASP functions as well as its interactions with other proteins are regulated by phosphorylation at three sites - serine157 (S157), serine239 (S239), and threonine278 (T278) in humans. cAMP- and cGMP- dependent protein kinases phosphorylate S157 and S239, respectively. In contrast, the kinase responsible for T278 was as yet unknown and identified in the first part of this thesis. In a screen for T278 phosphorylating kinases using a phospho-specific antibody against phosphorylated T278 AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) was identified in endothelial cells. Mutants of AMPK with altered kinase-activity modulate T278-phosphorylation levels in cells. AMPK-driven T278-phosphorylation impaired stress fiber formation and changed cell morphology in living cells. AMPK is a fundamental sensor of cellular and whole body energy homeostasis. Zucker Diabetic Fatty (ZDF) rats, which are an animal model for type II diabetes mellitus, were used to analyze the impact of phosphorylated T278 in vivo. AMPK-activity and T278-phosphorylation were substantially reduced in arterial vessel walls of ZDF rats in comparison to control animals. These findings demonstrate that VASP is a new AMPK substrate, that VASP phosphorylation mediates the effects of metabolic regulation on actin cytoskeleton rearrangements, and that this signaling system becomes down-regulated in diabetic vessel disorders in rats. In the second part of this thesis, a functional analysis of differential VASP phosphorylations was performed. To systematically address VASP phosphorylation patterns, a set of VASP phosphomimetic mutants was cloned. These mutants enable the mimicking of defined phosphorylation patterns and the specific analysis of single kinase-mediated phosphorylations. VASP localization to the cell periphery was increased by S157- phosphorylation and modulated by phosphorylation at S239 and T278. Latter phosphorylations synergistically reduced actin polymerization. In contrast, S157- phosphorylation had no effect on actin-dynamics. Taken together, the results of the second part show that phosphorylation of VASP serves as a fine regulator of localization and actin polymerization activity. In summary, this study revealed the functions of VASP phosphorylations and established novel links between signaling pathways and actin cytoskeleton rearrangement.}, subject = {Vasodilatator-stimuliertes Phosphoprotein}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Boehme2009, author = {B{\"o}hme, Linda}, title = {Cellular response to double-stranded RNA in Chlamydia trachomatis-infected human host cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-46474}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Chlamydien sind Gram-negative, obligat-intrazellul{\"a}re Bakterien, die f{\"u}r ein weites Spektrum an relevanten Krankheiten verantwortlich sind. Auf Grund ihres zweiphasigen Entwicklungszyklusses sind Chlamydien von einer intakten Wirtszelle abh{\"a}ngig, um sich erfolgreich vermehren und im Organismus ausbreiten zu k{\"o}nnen. Daher haben Chlamydien anspruchsvolle Strategien entwickelt, um das Immunsystem des Wirtes auszuschalten oder den programmierten Zelltod ihrer Wirtszelle zu verhindern. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob eine Infektion mit C. trachomatis einen Einfluss auf die zellul{\"a}re Antwort auf dsRNA nehmen kann. Die Synthese von dsRNA ist ein charakteristisches Merkmal der Replikation von Viren, welche sowohl die Apoptose induzieren als auch das Immunsystem aktivieren kann. Um eine chlamydiale und virale Co-Infektion zu simulieren, wurden Chlamydien-infizierte Epithelzellen mit der synthetischen dsRNA Polyinosin-Polycytidins{\"a}ure (polyI:C) transfiziert. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob Chlamydien die durch dsRNA eingeleitete Apoptose verhindern k{\"o}nnen. Eine signifikante Reduktion der dsRNA-induzierten Apoptose konnte in infizierten Zellen beobachtet werden. Es zeigte sich, dass die Prozessierung der Initiator-Caspase-8 in infizierten Zellen unterblieb. Dies war von der fr{\"u}hen bakteriellen Proteinsynthese abh{\"a}ngig und f{\"u}r die dsRNA-vermittelte Apoptose spezifisch, da der durch TNFalpha bewirkte Zelltod nicht auf der Ebene der Caspase-8 verhindert werden konnte. Die Aktivierung von zellul{\"a}ren Faktoren, die bei der Apoptoseinduzierung eine wichtige Rolle spielen, beispielsweise PKR und RNase L, war in infizierten Zellen jedoch unver{\"a}ndert. Stattdessen konnte durch RNA Interferenz-vermittelte Depletion gezeigt werden, dass der zellul{\"a}re Caspase-8-Inhibitor cFlip eine entscheidende Rolle bei der chlamydialen Blockierung der dsRNA-vermittelten Apoptose spielt. Mittels Co-Immunopr{\"a}zipitation konnte ein erster Hinweis darauf gefunden werden, dass C. trachomatis eine Anreicherung von cFlip im dsRNA-induzierten Komplex von Caspase-8 und FADD bewirkt. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob Chlamydien die Immunantwort auf virale Infektionen beeinflussen, welche vor allem die Expression von Interferonen und Interleukinen beinhaltet. Es stellte sich heraus, dass die Aktivierung des Interferon regulatory factor 3 (IRF-3) und des zur Familie von NF-kappaB Trankriptionsfaktoren geh{\"o}renden p65, zwei zentralen Regulatoren der Immunantwort auf dsRNA, in infizierten Epithelzellen ver{\"a}ndert war. Die Degradation von IkappaB-alpha, des Inhibitors von NF-kappaB, war in infizierten Zellen beschleunigt, begleitet von einer Ver{\"a}nderung der Translokation des Transkriptionsfaktors in den Zellkern. Im Gegensatz dazu wurde die nukle{\"a}re Translokation von IRF-3 durch die Infektion signifikant verhindert. Die hier vorgestellten Daten zeigen erstmals, dass eine Infektion mit C. trachomatis die zellul{\"a}re Antwort auf dsRNA signifikant ver{\"a}ndern kann und implizieren einen Einfluss von chlamydialen Infektionen auf den Ausgang von viralen Superinfektionen.}, subject = {Chlamydia trachomatis}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Solger2021, author = {Solger, Franziska}, title = {Central role of sphingolipids on the intracellular survival of \(Neisseria\) \(gonorrhoeae\) in epithelial cells}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24753}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-247534}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Neisseria gonorrhoeae are Gram-negative bacteria with diplococcal shape. As an obligate human pathogen, it is the causative agent of gonorrhoea, a sexually transmitted disease. Gonococci colonize a variety of mucosal tissues, mainly the urogenital tract in men and women. Occasionally N. gonorrhoeae invades the bloodstream, leading to disseminated gonococcal infection. These bacteria possess a repertoire of virulence factors, which expression patterns can be adapted to the environmental conditions of the host. Through the accumulation of antibiotic resistances and in absence of vaccines, some neisserial strains have the potential to spread globally and represent a major public health threat. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the exact molecular mechanisms underlying the successful infection and progression of gonococci within their host. This deeper understanding of neisserial infection and survival mechanisms is needed for the development of new therapeutic agents. In this work, the role of host-cell sphingolipids on the intracellular survival of N. gonorrhoeae was investigated. It was shown that different classes of sphingolipids strongly interact with invasive gonococci in epithelial cells. Therefore, novel and highly specific clickable sphingolipid analogues were applied to study these interactions with this pathogen. The formation of intra- and extracellular sphingosine vesicles, which were able to target gonococci, was observed. This direct interaction led to the uptake and incorporation of sphingosine into the neisserial membrane. Together with in vitro results, sphingosine was identified as a potential bactericidal reagent as part of the host cell defence. By using different classes of sphingolipids and their clickable analogues, essential structural features, which seem to trigger the bacterial uptake, were detected. Furthermore, effects of key enzymes of the sphingolipid signalling pathway were tested in a neutrophil infection model. In conclusion, the combination of click chemistry and infection biology made it possible to shed some light on the dynamic interplay between cellular sphingosine and N. gonorrhoeae. Thereby, a possible "catch-and-kill" mechanism could have been observed.}, subject = {Neisseria gonorrhoeae}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{FetivaMora2023, author = {Fetiva Mora, Maria Camila}, title = {Changes in chromatin accessibility by oncogenic YAP and its relevance for regulation of cell cycle gene expression and cell migration}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30291}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-302910}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Various types of cancer involve aberrant cell cycle regulation. Among the pathways responsible for tumor growth, the YAP oncogene, a key downstream effector of the Hippo pathway, is responsible for oncogenic processes including cell proliferation, and metastasis by controlling the expression of cell cycle genes. In turn, the MMB multiprotein complex (which is formed when B-MYB binds to the MuvB core) is a master regulator of mitotic gene expression, which has also been associated with cancer. Previously, our laboratory identified a novel crosstalk between the MMB-complex and YAP. By binding to enhancers of MMB target genes and promoting B-MYB binding to promoters, YAP and MMB co-regulate a set of mitotic and cytokinetic target genes which promote cell proliferation. This doctoral thesis addresses the mechanisms of YAP and MMB mediated transcription, and it characterizes the role of YAP regulated enhancers in transcription of cell cycle genes. The results reported in this thesis indicate that expression of constitutively active, oncogenic YAP5SA leads to widespread changes in chromatin accessibility in untransformed human MCF10A cells. ATAC-seq identified that newly accessible and active regions include YAP-bound enhancers, while the MMB-bound promoters were found to be already accessible and remain open during YAP induction. By means of CRISPR-interference (CRISPRi) and chromatin immuniprecipitation (ChIP), we identified a role of YAP-bound enhancers in recruitment of CDK7 to MMB-regulated promoters and in RNA Pol II driven transcriptional initiation and elongation of G2/M genes. Moreover, by interfering with the YAP-B-MYB protein interaction, we can show that binding of YAP to B-MYB is also critical for the initiation of transcription at MMB-regulated genes. Unexpectedly, overexpression of YAP5SA also leads to less accessible chromatin regions or chromatin closing. Motif analysis revealed that the newly closed regions contain binding motifs for the p53 family of transcription factors. Interestingly, chromatin closing by YAP is linked to the reduced expression and loss of chromatin-binding of the p53 family member Np63. Furthermore, I demonstrate that downregulation of Np63 following expression of YAP is a key step in driving cellular migration. Together, the findings of this thesis provide insights into the role of YAP in the chromatin changes that contribute to the oncogenic activities of YAP. The overexpression of YAP5SA not only leads to the opening of chromatin at YAP-bound enhancers which together with the MMB complex stimulate the expression of G2/M genes, but also promotes the closing of chromatin at ∆Np63 -bound regions in order to lead to cell migration.}, subject = {Chromatin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kronhardt2012, author = {Kronhardt, Angelika}, title = {Channel Formation, Binding and Translocation Properties of Anthrax, CDT and Related Toxins of the AB7 type}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-71559}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {The ability to produce toxins is spread among a huge variety of bacterial strains. A very prominent class of bacterial protein toxins is the family of binary AB toxins sharing a common mode of intoxication. A pore forming component B binds and translocates an enzymatic component A into the cytosol of target cells exhibiting a fatal mode of action. These components are supposed to be not toxic themselves but both required for cell toxicity. Anthrax toxin produced by the Gram-positive bacteria Bacillus anthracis is the best studied binary toxin especially since its use as a biological weapon in the context of the attacks of 9/11 in 2001. In contrast to other binary toxins, Anthrax toxin possesses two different enzymatic components, edema factor (EF), a calcium- and calmodulin-dependent adenylat-cyclase and lethal factor (LF), a zinc-dependent metalloprotease. Protective antigen (PA) is the pore-forming component responsible for binding and translocation. Clostridium botulinum possesses in addition to the well known botulinum toxin (Botox) a variety of other toxins, such as the binary C2 toxin. C2 toxin is composed of the binding and translocation moiety C2II and the enzymatic moiety C2I acting as an actin-ADP-ribosyltransferase. In this study, the mode of translocation and the binding kinetics to the enzymatic component were studied in a biophysical experimental setup. In chapter 2, the binding of the N-terminal fractions EFN and LFN to the PA channel are analyzed in artificial bilayer membranes revealing lower binding affinity compared to full-length EF and LF. Other biophysical properties like voltage-dependency and ionic-strength dependency are not influenced. The results suggest that additional forces are involved in the binding process, than those concerning the N-terminus exclusively, as it was supposed previously. As the treatment of an Anthrax infection with antibiotics is often medicated very late due to the lack of early symptoms, tools to prevent intoxication are required. 4-aminoquinolones like chloroquine are known to block the PA channel, thereby inhibiting intoxication but they also lead to severe side-effects. In chapter 3 new promising agents are described that bind to PA in artificial bilayer systems, elucidating common motives and features which are necessary for binding to PA in general. The possible interaction of Anthrax and C2 toxin is investigated by measuring the binding of one enzymatic component to the respective other toxin's pore (chapter 4). Interestingly, in vitro experiments using the black lipid bilayer assay show that PA is able to bind to C2I resulting in half saturation constants in the nanomolar range. Furthermore, in vivo this combination of toxin components exhibits cell toxicity in human cell lines. This is first-time evidence that a heterologous toxin combination is functional in in vitro and in vivo systems. In contrast, C2II is able to bind to EF as well as to LF in vitro, whereas in in vivo studies almost no toxic effect is detected. In the case of PA, an N-terminal His6-tag attached to the enzymatic subunit increased the binding affinity (chapter 5). A His6-tag attached to not related proteins also led to high binding affinities, providing the possibility to establish PA as a general cargo protein. In chapter 6 a set of different molecules and proteins is summarized, which are either related or not related to binary toxins, PA is able to bind. In first line, the presence of positive charges is found to be responsible for binding to PA which is in accordance to the fact that PA is highly cation selective. Furthermore, we present evidence that different cationic electrolytes serve as a binding partner to the PA channel. In the last decade another toxin has aroused public attention as it was found to be responsible for a rising number of nosocomial infections: Clostridium difficile CDT toxin. The mode of action of the enzymatic subunit CDTa is similar to C2I of C2 toxin, acting as an ADP-ribosylating toxin. The channel forming and binding properties of CDT toxin are studied in artificial bilayer membranes (chapter 7). We found that two different types of channels are formed by the B component CDTb. The first channel is similar to that of iota toxin's Ib of Clostridium perfringens with comparable single channel conductance, selectivity and binding properties to the enzymatic subunit CDTa. The formation of this type of channel is cholesterol-dependent, whereas in the absence of cholesterol another kind of channel is observed. This channel has a single channel conductance which is rather high compared to all other binary toxin channels known so far, it is anion selective and does not show any binding affinity to the enzymatic component CDTa. The results reveal completely new insights in channel formation properties and the flexibility of a pore-forming component. Additionally, these findings suggest further possibilities of toxicity of the pore forming component itself which is not known for any other binary toxin yet. Therefore, the pathogenic role of this feature has to be studied in detail.}, subject = {Bacillus anthracis}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Huenten2005, author = {H{\"u}nten, Peter}, title = {Channel-forming proteins in the cell wall of amino acid-producing Corynebacteria}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13890}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Corynebacterium glutamicum is together with C. callunae and C. efficiens a member of the diverse group of mycolic-acid containing actinomycetes, the mycolata. These bacteria are potent producer of glutamate, lysine and other amino acids on industrial scale. The cell walls of most actinomycetes contain besides an arabinogalactan-peptidoglycan complex large amounts of mycolic acids. This three-layer envelope is called MAP (mycolyl-arabinogalactan-peptidoglycan) complex and it represents a second permeability barrier beside the cytoplasmic membrane similar to the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. In analogy to the situation in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, channels are present in the mycolic acid layer of the mycobacterial cell wall for the passage of hydrophilic solutes. Molecular studies have provided far-reaching findings on the amino acid flux and its balance in C. glutamicum in general, but the L-glutamate export still remains unknown. The properties of the outer layers, typical of mycolata, seem to be of major importance in this process, and diffusion seems to play a key role for this part of the cell wall. The major aim of this thesis was to identify and study novel channel-forming proteins of the amino acid producers C. glutamicum, C. callunae and C. efficiens. Cell wall extracts of the organisms were investigated and a novel pore-forming protein, named PorH, that is homologue in all three organisms, was detected and characterized. PorHC.glut was isolated from C. glutamicum cells cultivated in minimal medium. The protein was identified in lipid bilayer experiments and purified to homogeneity by fast-protein liquid chromatography across a HiTrap-Q column. The purified protein forms cation-selective channels with a diameter of about 2.2 nm and an average single-channel conductance of about 2.5 nS in 1 M KCl in the lipid bilayer assay. Organic solvent extracts were used to study the permeability properties of the cell wall of C. callunae and C.efficiens. The cell extracts contained channel-forming activity, the corresponding proteins were purified to homogeneity by fast-protein liquid chromatography across a HiTrap-Q column and named PorHC.call and PorHC.eff. Channels formed by PorHC.call are cation-selective with a diameter of about 2.2 nm and an average single-channel conductance of 3 nS, whereas PorHC.eff forms slightly anion selective channels with an average single-channel conductance of 2.3 nS in 1 M KCl in the lipid bilayer assay. The PorH proteins were partially sequenced and the corresponding genes, which were designated as porH, were identified in the published genome sequence of C. glutamicum and C. efficiens. The chromosome of C. callunae is not sequenced, but PorHC.call shows a high homology to PorHC.eff and PorHC.glut. The proteins have no N-terminal extension, only the inducer methionine, which suggests that secretion of the proteins could be very similar to that of PorAC.glut of C. glutamicum. PorHC.glut is coded in the bacterial chromosome by a gene that is localized in the vincinity of the porAC.glut gene, within a putative operon formed by 13 genes that are encoded by the minus strand. Both porins are cotranscribed and coexist in the cell wall, which was demonstrated in RT-PCR and immunological detection experiments. The arrangement of porHC.glut and porAC.glut on the chromosome is similar to that of porBC.glut and porCC.glut and it was found that PorAC.glut, PorHC.glut, PorBC.glut and PorCC.glut coexist in the cell wall of C. glutamicum. The molecular mass of about 6 kDa of the PorH channel forming proteins is rather small and suggests that the cell wall channels are formed by oligomers. A possibly hexameric form was demonstrated for PorHC.glut in Western blot analysis with anti- PorHC.glut antibodies. Secondary structure predictions for PorHC.glut, PorHC.call and PorHC.eff predict that a stretch of about 42 amino acids of PorHC.glut and 28 amino acids of PorHC.call and PorHC.eff forms amphipathic \&\#61537;-helices with a total length of 6.3 nm and 4.2 nm respectively. This should be sufficient to cross the mycolic acid layer. Another objective of this work was to establish an heterologous expression system for corynebacterial channel-forming proteins, to investigate the channel-forming properties of the up to now only hypothetical porins PorA, PorB, PorC from C. efficiens and PorC from C. glutamicum. We could demonstrate with recombinant expression experiments in E. coli that porBC.eff and porCC.eff encode for channel-forming proteins. They are, like PorBC.glut, anion-selective with a similar single-channel conductance of 1 nS in 1 M KCl.}, subject = {Corynebacterium callunae}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Laisney2010, author = {Laisney, Juliette Agn{\`e}s Genevi{\`e}ve Claire}, title = {Characterisation and regulation of the Egfr/Egfr ligand system in fish models for melanoma}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51369}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Fish of the genus Xiphophorus belong to the oldest animal models in cancer research. The oncogene responsible for the generation of spontaneous aggressive melanoma encodes for a mutated epidermal growth factor receptor (Egfr) and is called xmrk for Xiphophorus melanoma receptor kinase. Xmrk constitutive activation mechanisms and subsequent signaling pathways have already been investigated and charaterized but it is still unknown if Egfr ligands may also play a role in Xmrk-driven melanoma formation. To investigate the potential role of Egfr ligands in Xmrk-driven melanoma, I firstly analyzed the evolution of teleost and tetrapod Egfr/Egfr ligand systems. I especially focused on the analysis on the medaka fish, a closely related species to Xiphophorus, for which the whole genome has been sequenced. I could identify all seven Egfr ligands in medaka and could show that the two teleost-specific Egfr copies of medaka display dissimilar expression patterns in adult tissues together with differential expression of Egfr ligand subsets, arguing for subfunctionalization of receptor functions in this fish. Our phylogenetic and synteny analyses supported the hypothesis that only one gene in the chordate ancestor gave rise to the diversity of Egfr ligands found in vertebrate genomes today. I also could show that the Egfr extracellular subdomains implicated in ligand binding are not evolutionary conserved between tetrapods and teleosts, making the use of heterologous ligands in experiments with fish cells debatable. Despite its well understood and straight-forward process, Xmrk-driven melanomagenesis in Xiphophorus is problematic to further investigate in vivo. Our laboratory recently established a new melanoma animal model by generating transgenic mitf::xmrk medaka fishes, a Xiphophorus closely related species offering many more advantages. These fishes express xmrk under the control of the pigment-cell specific Mitf promoter. During my PhD thesis, I participated in the molecular analysis of the stably transgenic medaka and could show that the Xmrk-induced signaling pathways are similar when comparing Xiphophorus with transgenic mitf::xmrk medaka. These data together with additional RNA expression, protein, and histology analyses showed that Xmrk expression under the control of a pigment cell-specific promoter is sufficient to induce melanoma in the transgenic medaka, which develop very stereotyped tumors, including uveal and extracutaneous melanoma, with early onset during larval stages. To further investigate the potential role of Egfr ligands in Xmrk-driven melanoma, I made use of two model systems. One of them was the above mentioned mitf::xmrk medaka, the other was an in-vitro cell culture system, where the EGF-inducible Xmrk chimera HERmrk is stably expressed in murine melanocytes. Here I could show that HERmrk activation strongly induced expression of amphiregulin (Areg) and heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (Hbegf) in melanocytes. This regulation was dependent on the MAPK and SRC signaling pathways. Moreover, upregulation of Adam10 and Adam17, the two major sheddases of Egfr ligands, was observed. I also could demonstrate the functionality of the growth factors by invitro analyses. Using the mitf::xmrk medaka model I could also show the upregulation of a subset of ligand genes, namely egf, areg, betacellulin (btc) and epigen (epgn) as well as upregulation of medaka egfrb in tumors from fish with metastatic melanoma. All these results converge to support an Xmrk-induced autocrine Egfr ligand loop. Interestingly, my in-vitro experiments with conditioned supernatant from medaka Egf- and Hbegf-producing cells revealed that not only Xiphophorus Egfrb, but also the pre-activated Xmrk could be further stimulated by the ligands. Altogether, I could show with in-vitro and in-vivo experiments that Xmrk is capable of inducing a functional autocrine Egfr ligand loop. These data confirm the importance of autocrine loops in receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)-dependent cancer development and show the possibility for a constitutively active RTK to strengthen its oncogenic signaling by ligand binding.}, subject = {Schwertk{\"a}rpfling}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schneider2011, author = {Schneider, Matthias}, title = {Characterisation of Metalloprotease-mediated EGFR Signal Transactivation after GPCR Stimulation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-65105}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {In the context of metalloprotease-mediated transactivation of the epidermal growth factor receptor, different monoclonal antibodies against ADAM17 / TACE were characterized for their ability to block the sheddase. Activity of some of them was observed at doses between 2µg/mL and 10µg/mL. Kinetic analyses showed their activity starting at around 30 minutes. In cellular assays performed with the antibodies, especially upon treatment of cells with sphingosine-1-phosphate a reduction in proliferation was observed with some candidates. Moreover this study provides potential new roles for ß-Arrestins. Their involvement in the triple membrane-passing signal pathway of EGFR transactivation was shown. Furthermore, in overexpressing cellular model systems, an interaction between ADAM17 and ß-Arrestin1 could be observed. Detailed analysis discovered that phosphorylation of ß-Arrestin1 is crucial for this interaction. Additionally, the novel mechanism of UV-induced EGFR transactivation was extended to squamous cell carcinoma. The mechanism happens in a dose dependent manner and requires a metalloprotease to shed the proligand Amphiregulin. The involvement of both ADAM9 and ADAM17, being the metalloproteases responsible for this cleavage, was shown for SCC9 cells.}, subject = {Epidermaler Wachstumsfaktor-Rezeptor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hart2004, author = {Hart, Stefan}, title = {Characterisation of the molecular mechanisms of EGFR signal transactivation in human cancer}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-10067}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {In a variety of established tumour cell lines, but also in primary mammary epithelial cells metalloprotease-dependent transactivation of the EGFR, and EGFR characteristic downstream signalling events were observed in response to stimulation with physiological concentrations of GPCR agonists such as the mitogens LPA and S1P as well as therapeutically relevant concentrations of cannabinoids. Moreover, this study reveals ADAM17 and HB-EGF as the main effectors of this mechanism in most of the cancer cell lines investigated. However, depending on the cellular context and GPCR agonist, various different members of the ADAM family are selectively recruited for specific ectodomain shedding of proAR and/or proHB-EGF and subsequent EGFR activation. Furthermore, biological responses induced by LPA or S1P such as migration in breast cancer and HNSCC cells, depend on ADAM17 and proHB-EGF/proAR function, respectively, suggesting that highly abundant GPCR ligands may play a role in tumour development and progression. Moreover, EGFR signal transactivation could be identified as the mechanistic link between cannabinoid receptors and the activation of mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPK) ERK1/2 as well as pro-survival Akt/PKB signalling. Depending on the cellular context, cannabinoid-induced signal cross-communication was mediated by shedding of proAmphiregulin and/or proHB-EGF by ADAM17. Most importantly, our data show that concentrations of THC comparable to those detected in the serum of patients after THC administration accelerate proliferation of cancer cells instead of apoptosis and thereby may contribute to cancer progression in patients.}, subject = {Epidermaler Wachstumsfaktor-Rezeptor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gloeckner2001, author = {Gl{\"o}ckner, Herma}, title = {Characterization of a new miniaturized hollow-fiber bioreactor for cultivation of cell lines and primary cells to improve cytostatic drug testing in vitro}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-1181317}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Monolayer or suspension cell cultures are of only limited value as experimental models for human cancer. Therefore, more sophisticated, three-dimensional culture systems like spheroid cultures or histocultures are used, which more closely mimic the tumor in individual patients compared to monolayer or suspension cultures. As tissue culture or tissue engineering requires more sophisticated culture, specialized in vitro techniques may also improve experimental tumor models. In the present work, a new miniaturized hollow-fiber bioreactor system for mammalian cell culture in small volumes (up to 3 ml) is characterized with regard to transport characteristics and growth of leukemic cell lines (chapter 2). Cell and medium compartment are separated by dialysis membranes and oxygenation is accomplished using oxygenation membranes. Due to a transparent housing, cells can be observed by microscopy during culture. The leukemic cell lines CCRF-CEM, HL-60 and REH were cultivated up to densities of 3.5 x 107/ml without medium change or manipulation of the cells. Growth and viability of the cells in the bioreactor were the same or better, and the viable cell count was always higher compared to culture in Transwell{\^a} plates. As shown using CCRF-CEM cells, growth in the bioreactor was strongly influenced and could be controlled by the medium flow rate. As a consequence, consumption of glucose and generation of lactate varied with the flow rate. Influx of low molecular weight substances in the cell compartment could be regulated by variation of the concentration in the medium compartment. Thus, time dependent concentration profiles (e.g. pharmacokinetic profiles of drugs) can be realized as illustrated using glucose as a model compound. Depending on the molecular size cut-off of the membranes used, added growth factors like GM-CSF and IL-3 as well as factors secreted from the cells are retained in the cell compartment for up to one week. Second, a method for monitoring cell proliferation the hollow-fiber bioreactor by use of the Alamar BlueTM dye was developed (chapter 3). Alamar BlueTM is a non-fluorescent compound which yields a fluorescent product after reduction e.g. by living cells. In contrast to the MTT-assay, the Alamar BlueTM-assay does not lead to cell death. However, when not removed from the cells, the Alamar BlueTM dye shows a reversible, time- and concentration-dependent growth inhibition as observed for leukemic cell lines. When applied in the medium compartment of a hollow-fiber bioreactor system, the dye is delivered to the cells across the hollow-fiber membrane, reduced by the cells and released from the cell into the medium compartment back again. Thus, fluorescence intensity can be measured in medium samples reflecting growth of the cells in the cell compartment. This procedure offers several advantages. First, exposure of the cells to the dye can be reduced compared to conventional culture in plates. Second, handling steps are minimized since no sample of the cells needs to be taken for readout. Moreover, for the exchange of medium, a centrifugation step can be avoided and the cells can be cultivated further. Third, the method allows to discriminate between cell densities of 105, 106 and 107 of proliferating HL-60 cells cultivated in the cell compartment of the bioreactor. Measurement of fluorescence in the medium compartment is more sensitive compared to glucose or lactate measurement for cell counts below 106 cells/ml, in particular. In conclusion, the Alamar BlueTM-assay combined with the hollow-fiber bioreactor offers distinct advantages for the non-invasive monitoring of cell viability and proliferation in a closed system. In chapter 4 the use of the hollow-fiber bioreactor as a tool for toxicity testing was investigated, as current models for toxicity as well as efficacy testing of drugs in vitro allow only limited conclusions with regard to the in vivo situation. Examples of the drawbacks of current test systems are the lack of realistic in vitro tumor models and difficulties to model drug pharmacokinetics. The bioreactor proved to be pyrogen free and is steam-sterilizable. Leukemic cell lines like HL-60 and primary cells such as PHA-stimulated lymphocytes can be grown up to high densities of 1-3 x 107 and analyzed during growth in the bioreactor by light-microscopy. The cytostatic drug Ara-C shows a dose-dependent growth inhibition of HL-60 cells and a dose-response curve similar to controls in culture plates. The bioreactor system is highly flexible since several systems can be run in parallel, soluble drugs can be delivered continuously via a perfusion membrane and gaseous compounds via an oxygenation membrane which also allows to control pO2 and pH (via pCO2) during culture in the cell compartment. The modular concept of the bioreactor system allows realization of a variety of different design properties, which may lead to an improved in vitro system for toxicity testing by more closely resembling the in vivo situation. Whereas several distinct advantages of the new system have been demonstrated, more work has to be done to promote in vitro systems in toxicity testing and drug development further and to reduce the need for animal tests.}, subject = {Hohlfaserreaktor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Cicova2016, author = {Cicova, Zdenka}, title = {Characterization of a novel putative factor involved in host adaptation in Trypanosoma brucei}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-142462}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Trypanosomes are masters of adaptation to different host environments during their complex life cycle. Large-scale proteomic approaches provide information on changes at the cellular level in a systematic way. However, a detailed work on single components is necessary to understand the adaptation mechanisms on a molecular level. Here we have performed a detailed characterization of a bloodstream form (BSF) stage-specific putative flagellar host adaptation factor (Tb927.11.2400) identified previously in a SILAC-based comparative proteome study. Tb927.11.2400 shares 38\% amino acid identity with TbFlabarin (Tb927.11.2410), a procyclic form (PCF) stage specific flagellar BAR domain protein. We named Tb927.11.2400 TbFlabarin like (TbFlabarinL) and demonstrate that it is a result of a gene duplication event, which occurred in African trypanosomes. TbFlabarinL is not essential for growth of the parasites under cell culture conditions and it is dispensable for developmental differentiation from BSF to the PCF in vitro. We generated a TbFlabarinL-specific antibody and showed that it localizes in the flagellum. The co-immunoprecipitation experiment together with a biochemical cell fractionation indicated a dual association of TbFlabarinL with the flagellar membrane and the components of the paraflagellar rod.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Putz2002, author = {Putz, Gabriele}, title = {Characterization of memories and ignorant (S6KII) mutants in operant conditioning in the heat-box}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-4195}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Learning and memory processes of operant conditioning in the heat-box were analysed. Age, sex, and larval desity were not critical parameters influencing memory, while low or high activity levels of flies were negatively correlated with their performance. In a search for conditioning parameters leading to high retention scores, intermittent training was shown to give better results than continuous training. As the memory test is the immediate continuation of the conditioning phase just omitting reinforcement, we obtain a memory which consists of two components: a spatial preference for one side of the chamber and a stay-where-you-are effect in which the side preference is contaminated by the persistence of heat avoidance. Intermittent training strengthens the latter. In the next part, memory retention was investigated. Flies were trained in one chamber and tested in a second one after a brief reminder training. With this direct transfer, memory scores reflect an associative learning process in the first chamber. To investigate memory retention after extended time periods, indirect transfer experiments were performed. The fly was transferred to a different environment between training and test phases. With this procedure an after-effect of the training was still observed two hours later. Surprisingly, exposure to the chamber without conditioning also lead to a memory effect in the indirect transfer experiment. This exposure effect revealed a dispositional change that facilitates operant learning during the reminder training. The various memory effects are independent of the mushroom bodies. The transfer experiments and yoked controls proved that the heat-box records an associative memory. Even two hours after the operant conditioning procedure, the fly remembers that its position in the chamber controls temperature. The cAMP signaling cascade is involved in heat-box learning. Thus, amnesiac, rutabaga, and dunce mutants have an impaired learning / memory. Searching for, yet unknown, genes and signaling cascades involved in operant conditioning, a Drosophila melanogaster mutant screen with 1221 viable X-chromosome P-element lines was performed. 29 lines with consistently reduced heat avoidance/ learning or memory scores were isolated. Among those, three lines have the p[lacW] located in the amnesiac ORF, confirming that with the chosen candidate criteria the heat-box is a useful tool to screen for learning and /or memory mutants. The mutant line ignP1 (8522), which is defective in the gene encoding p90 ribosomal S6 kinase (S6KII), was investigated. The P-insertion of line ignP1 is the first Drosophila mutation in the ignorant (S6KII) gene. It has the transposon inserted in the first exon. Mutant males are characterized by low training performance, while females perform well in the standard experiment. Several deletion mutants of the ignorant gene have been generated. In precise jumpouts the phenotype was reverted. Imprecise jumpouts with a partial loss of the coding region were defective in operant conditioning. Surprisingly, null mutants showed wild-type behavior. This might indicate an indirect effect of the mutated ignorant gene on learning processes. In classical odor avoidance conditioning, ignorant null mutants showed a defect in the 3-min, 30-min, and 3-hr memory, while the precise jumpout of the transposon resulted in a reversion of the behavioral phenotype. Deviating results from operant and classical conditioning indicate different roles for S6KII in the two types of learning.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bargul2018, author = {Bargul, Joel Ltilitan}, title = {Characterization of motility and erythrocyte adherence as virulence factors in African trypanosomes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-115053}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Pathogens causing African animal trypanosomiasis (AAT), the major livestock disease in sub-Saharan Africa, belong to the salivarian group of the African trypanosomes, which are transmitted by the bite of the tsetse fly (Glossina spec.). T. vivax, T. congolense and T. brucei brucei are major pathogens of cattle in particular, causing nagana, with dramatic socio-economic consequences for the affected regions. The parasites additionally have a huge reservoir of other livestock and wild animal hosts. T. brucei, the species which also includes the subspecies pathogenic to humans causing sleeping sickness, has been extensively studied as the cultivatable model trypanosome. But less is known about the other salivarian species, which are not routinely held in culture, if at all possible. A hallmark of trypanosomal lifestyle is the protozoan flagellates incessant motility, which enables them to populate an enormous range of habitats in very diverse hosts. We were now able to characterize, for the first time with high spatiotemporal resolution microscopy, the swimming behaviour and mechanism of the most relevant salivarian species isolated directly from blood. We show the influence of viscosity on the motility of bloodstream form (BSF) cells and simulate their movement between erythrocytes, giving a clear picture of how all analyzed species move under varying environmental conditions. We show that although the basic mechanism of flagellar motility applies to all analyzed species, there are clear morphological differences that produce different reactions to the physical environment. We could define specific conditions for highly increased swimming persistence and speed for compared to the behaviour in standard culture. These results have important implications for the parasites survival strategies in the host, e.g. regarding the capacity for antibody clearance. Although we show all species to effectively remove antibodies from the cell surface, T. congolense differed markedly in its motility behaviour, which gives rise to interesting questions about this species behaviour in the bloodstream. Most of the T. congolense parasites (and to a lesser extent T. vivax) adhere to sheep erythrocytes. Further in vitro studies showed that T. congolense and T. vivax adhered to rabbit, goat, pig and cattle erythrocytes- but binding behaviour was absent in murine blood. Notably, both T. brucei and T. evansi lacked adherence to all studied host erythrocytes. Generally, attachment to blood cells caused reduction of swimming velocities. Judging from its cell architecture, as well as the motility studies in higher media viscosity and in micropillar arrays, T. congolense is not adapted to swim at high speeds in the mammalian bloodstream. Low swimming speeds could allow these purely intravascular parasites to remain bound to the host erythrocytes.}, subject = {Motili{\"a}t}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kober2015, author = {Kober, Christina}, title = {Characterization of Murine GL261 Glioma Models for Oncolytic Vaccinia Virus Therapy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-118556}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is one of the most frequent and malignant forms of brain cancer in adults. The prognosis is poor with a median survival time of 12-15 months. There is a broad range of alternative treatment options studied in preclinical and clinical trials for GBM. One alternative treatment option is oncolytic virotherapy, defined as the use of replication-competent viruses that selectively infect and destroy cancer cells while leaving, non-transformed cells unharmed. Vaccinia virus (VACV) is one favorable candidate. Although oncolytic viruses can kill tumor cells grown in vitro with high efficiency, they often exhibit reduced replication capacity in vivo suggesting that physiological aspects of the tumor microenvironment decrease the virus' therapeutic potential. The percentage and composition of immune cells varies between cancer types and patients and is investigated as a biomarker in several studies. Making oncolytic virotherapy successful for GBM, it is necessary to understand the individual tumor biology, the interaction with the microenvironment and immune system. It was demonstrated that the attenuated VACV wild-type (wt) isolate LIVP 1.1.1 replicate and lyse the murine GL261 glioma cell line in vitro. In the following, the replication efficacy was characterized in a comparative approach in vivo. Immunocompetent C57BL/6 (wt) mice and immunodeficient mouse strains of different genetic background C57BL/6 athymic and Balb/c athymic mice were used. In addition, subcutaneous and intracranial locations were compared. The results revealed viral replication exclusively in Balb/c athymic mice with subcutaneous tumors but in none of the other models. In the following, the tumor microenvironment of the subcutaneous tumor models at the time of infection was performed. The study showed that implantation of the same tumor cells in different mouse strains resulted in a different tumor microenvironment with a distinct composition of immune cells. Highest differences were detected between immunodeficient and immunocompetent mice. The study showed major differences in the expression of MHCII with strongest expression in C57BL/6 wt and weakest in Balb/c athymic tumors. In the following, the influence of the phenotypic change associated with the upregulation of MHCII on GL261 tumor cells on viral replication was analyzed. Comparison of C57BL/6 wt and C57BL/6 IFN-γ knockout mice revealed endogenous IFN-γ levels to upregulate MHCII on GL261 tumor cells and to reduce viral replication in C57BL/6 wt mice. Analysis of single cell suspensions of tumor homogenates of C57BL/6 and Balb/c athymic mice showed that the IFN-γ-mediated anti-tumor effect was a reversible effect. Furthermore, reasons for inhibition of virus replication in orthotopic glioma models were elucidated. By immunohistochemical analysis it was shown that intratumoral amounts of Iba1+ microglia and GFAP+ astrocytes in Gl261 gliomas was independent from intratumoral VACV injection. Based on these findings virus infection in glioma, microglia and astrocytes was compared and analyzed in cell culture. In contrast to the GL261 glioma cells, replication was barely detectable in BV-2 microglia and IMA2.1 astrocytic cells. Co-culture experiments revealed that microglia compete for virus uptake in cell culture. It was further shown that BV-2 cells showed apoptotic characteristics after VACV infection while GL261 cells showed signs of necrotic cell death. Additionally, in BV-2 cells with M1-phenotype a further reduction of viral replication and inhibition of cell lysis was detected. Infection of IMA 2.1 cells was independent of the M1/M2-phenotype. Application of BV-2 microglia with M1-phenotype onto organotypic slice cultures with implanted GL261 tumors resulted in reduced infection of BV-2 cells with LIVP 1.1.1, whereas GL261 cells were significantly infected. Taken together, the analyzed GL261 tumors were imprinted by the immunologic and genetic background in which they grow. The experimental approach applied in this thesis can be used as suitable model which reflects the principles of personalized medicine In an additional project, based on gene expression data and bioinformatic analyses, the biological role and function of the anti-apoptotic factor AVEN was analyzed with regard to oncolytic VACV therapy. Besides a comparison of the replication efficacy of GLV-1h68 and VACV-mediated cell killing of four human tumor cell lines, it was shown that AVEN was expressed in all analyzed cells. Further, shown for HT-29 and 1936-MEL, the knockdown of AVEN by siRNA in cell culture resulted in an increase of apoptotic characteristics and a decrease of VACV infection. These findings provide essential insights for future virus development.}, subject = {Krebs }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Keppler2020, author = {Keppler, Sarah}, title = {Characterization of Novel Mutations in Receptor-Tyrosine Kinases in Multiple Myeloma}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-15572}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-155720}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Multiple myeloma (MM) is a disease of terminally differentiated B-cells which accumulate in the bone marrow leading to bone lesions, hematopoietic insufficiency and hypercalcemia. Genetically, MM is characterized by a great heterogeneity. A recent next-generation sequencing approach resulted in the identification of a signaling network with an accumulation of mutations in receptor-tyrosine kinases (RTKs), adhesion molecules and downstream effectors. A deep-sequencing amplicon approach of the coding DNA sequence of the six RTKs EPHA2, EGFR, ERBB3, IGF1R, NTRK1 and NTRK2 was conducted in a patient cohort (75 MM samples and 68 corresponding normal samples) of the "Deutsche Studiengruppe Multiples Myelom (DSMM)" to further elucidate the role of RTKs in MM. As an initial approach the detected mutations were correlated with cytogenetic abnormalities and clinical data in the course of this thesis. RTK mutations were present in 13\% of MM patients of the DSMM XI trial and accumulated in the ligand-binding and tyrosine-kinase domain. The newly identified mutations were associated with an adverse patient survival, but not with any cytogenetic abnormality common in MM. Especially rare patient-specific SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphism) had a negative impact on patient survival. For a more comprehensive understanding of the role of rare RTK SNPs in MM, a second amplicon sequencing approach was performed in a patient cohort of the DSMM XII trial that included 75 tumor and 184 normal samples. This approach identified a total of 23 different mutations in the six RTKs EPHA2, EGFR, ERBB3, IGF1R, NTRK1 and NTRK2 affecting 24 patients. These mutations could furthermore be divided into 20 rare SNPs and 3 SNVs (single nucleotide variant). In contrast to the first study, the rare SNPs were significantly associated with the adverse prognostic factor del17p. IGF1R was among the most commonly mutated RTKs in the first amplicon sequencing approach and is known to play an important role in diverse cellular processes such as cell proliferation and survival. To study the role of IGF1R mutations in the hard-to-transfect MM cells, stable IGF1R-knockdown MM cell lines were established. One of the knockdown cell lines (L363-C/C9) as well as a IGF1R-WT MM cell line (AMO1) were subsequently used for the stable overexpression of WT IGF1R and mutant IGF1R (N1129S, D1146N). Overall, an impact on the MAPK and PI3K/AKT signaling pathways was observed upon the IGF1R knockdown as well as upon WT and mutant IGF1R overexpression. The resulting signaling pattern, however, differed between different MM cell lines used in this thesis as well as in a parallel performed master thesis which further demonstrates the great heterogeneity described in MM. Taken together, the conducted sequencing and functional studies illustrate the importance of RTKs and especially of IGF1R and its mutants in the pathogenesis of MM. Moreover, the results support the potential role of IGF1R as a therapeutic target for a subset of MM patients with mutated IGF1R and/or IGF1R overexpression.}, subject = {Plasmozytom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nuwal2010, author = {Nuwal, Tulip}, title = {Characterization of Synapsin, Tubulin-Binding Chaperone E-like, And Their Putative Interactions With Synapse Associated Protein Of 47 kDa In Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51683}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {In this thesis we have used Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism to investigate proteins and their putative interacting partners that are directly or indirectly involved in the release of neurotransmitters at the synapse. We have used molecular techniques to investigate conserved synaptic proteins, synapsin and synapse associated protein of 47 kD (SAP47), and a putative interaction partner of SAP47, tubulin binding chaperone E-like (TBCEL). SAP47 and synapsins are highly conserved synaptic vesicle associated proteins in Drosophila melanogaster. To further investigate the role and function of Sap47 and Syn genes, we had earlier generated the null mutants by P-element mutagenesis (Funk et al., 2004; Godenschwege et al., 2004). Western blots and ELISA of brain homogenates from Sap47156 null mutants showed the presence of up-regulated phospho-synapsin in comparison to wild-type (CS) and the presence of up-regulated phospho-synapsin was partially abolished when a pan-neuronal rescue of SAP47 was performed by the Gal4- UAS technique. Thus, the results suggest a qualitative and quantitative modulation of synapsin by SAP47. At the transcript level, we did not observe any difference in content of Syn transcript in Sap47156 and wild-type CS flies. The question of a direct molecular interaction between SAP47 and synapsin was investigated by co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) experiments and we did not find any stable interactions under the several IP conditions we tested. The possibility of Sap47 as a modifier of Syn at the genetic level was investigated by generating and testing homozygous double null mutants of Sap47 and Syn. The Syn97, Sap47156 double mutants are viable but have a reduced life span and decreased locomotion when compared to CS. In 2D-PAGE analysis of synapsins we identified trains of spots corresponding to synapsins, suggesting that synapsin has several isoforms and each one of them is posttranslationally modified. In an analysis by Blue native-SDS-PAGE (BN-SDS-2D- PAGE) and Western blot we observed synapsin and SAP47 signals to be present at 700-900 kDa and 200-250 kDa, respectively, suggesting that they are part of large but different complexes. We also report the possibility of Drosophila synapsin forming homo- and heteromultimers, which has also been reported for synapsins of vertebrates. In parallel to the above experiments, phosphorylation of synapsins in Drosophila was studied by IP techniques followed by 1D-SDS gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry (in collaboration with S. Heo and G. Lubec). We identified and verified 5 unique phosphorylation sites in Drosophila synapsin from our MS analysis. Apart from phosphorylation modifications we identified several other PTMs which have not been verified. The significance of these phosphorylations and other identified PTMs needs to be investigated further and their implications for synapsin function and Drosophila behavior has to be elucidated by further experiments. In a collaborative project with S. Kneitz and N. Nuwal, we investigated the effects of Sap156 and Syn97 mutations by performing a whole Drosophila transcriptome microarray analysis of the individual null mutants and the double mutants (V2 and V3). We obtained several candidates which were significantly altered in the mutants. These genes need to be investigated further to elucidate their interactions with Sap47 and Syn. In another project, we investigated the role and function of Drosophila tubulin- binding chaperone E-like (Tbcel, CG12214). The TBCEL protein has high homology to vertebrate TBCE-like (or E-like) which has high sequence similarity to tubulin-binding chaperone E (TBCE) (hence the name TBCE-Like). We generated an anti-TBCEL polyclonal antiserum (in collaboration with G. Krohne). According to flybase, the Tbcel gene has only one exon and codes for two different transcripts by alternative transcription start sites. The longer transcript RB is present only in males whereas the shorter transcript RA is present only in females. In order to study the gene function we performed P- element jump-out mutagenesis to generate deletion mutants. We used the NP4786 (NP) stock which has a P(GawB) insertion in the 5' UTR of the Tbcel gene. NP4786 flies are homozygous lethal due to a second-site lethality as the flies are viable over a deficiency (Df) chromosome (a deletion of genomic region spanning the Tbcel gene and other upstream and downstream genes). We performed the P-element mutagenesis twice. In the first trial we obtained only revertants and the second experiment is still in progress. In the second attempt, jump-out was performed over the deficiency chromosome to prevent homologous chromosome mediated double stranded DNA repair. During the second mutagenesis an insertion stock G18151 became available. These flies had a P-element insertion in the open reading frame (ORF) of the Tbcel gene but was homozygous viable. Western blots of fresh tissue homogenates of NP/Df and G18151 flies probed with anti-TBCEL antiserum showed no TBCEL signal, suggesting that these flies are Tbcel null mutants. We used these flies for further immunohistochemical analyses and found that TBCEL is specifically expressed in the cytoplasm of cyst cells of the testes and is associated with the tubulin of spermatid tails in wild-type CS, whereas in NP/Df and G18151 flies the TBCEL staining in the cyst cells was absent and there was a disruption of actin investment cones. We also found enrichment of TBCEL staining around the actin investment cone. These results are also supported by the observation that the enhancer trap expression of the NP4786 line is localised to the cyst cells, similar to TBCEL expression. Also, male fertility of NP/Df and G18151 flies was tested and they were found to be sterile with few escapers. Thus, these results suggest that TBCEL is involved in Drosophila spermatogenesis with a possible role in the spermatid elongation and individualisation process.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reis2017, author = {Reis, Helena}, title = {Characterization of telomere protein complexes in Trypanosoma brucei}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-151323}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {African trypanosomiasis is a disease endemic to sub-Saharan Africa. It affects humans as well as wild and domestic animals. The human form of the disease is known as sleeping sickness and the animal form as nagana, which are usually fatal if left untreated. The cause of African trypanosomiasis is the unicellular parasite Trypanosoma brucei. During its life cycle, Trypanosoma brucei shuttles between a mammalian host and the tsetse fly vector. In the mammalian host the parasite multiplies as bloodstream form (BSF) extracellularly in the bloodstream or the lymphatic system. Survival of BSF parasites relies on immune evasion by antigenic variation of surface proteins because its extracellular lifestyle leads to direct exposure to immune responses. At any given time each BSF cell expresses a single type of variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) on its surface from a large repertoire. The active VSG is transcribed from one of 15 specialized subtelomeric domains, termed bloodstream expression sites (BESs). The remaining 14 BESs are silenced. This monoallelic expression and periodic switching of the expressed VSG enables to escape the immune response and to establish a persistent infection in the mammalian host. During developmental differentiation from BSF to the insect vector-resident procyclic form (PCF), the active BES is transcriptionally silenced to stop VSG transcription. Thus, all 15 BESs are inactive in the PCF cells as surface protein expression is developmentally regulated. Previous reports have shown that the telomere complex components TbTRF, TbRAP1 and TbTIF2 are involved in VSG transcriptional regulation. However, the precise nature of their contribution remains unclear. In addition, no information is available about the role of telomeres in the initiation and regulation of developmental BES silencing. To gain insights into the regulatory mechanisms of telomeres on VSG transcription and developmental repression it is therefore essential to identify the complete composition of the trypanosome telomere complex. To this end, we used two complementary biochemical approaches and quantitative label-free interactomics to determine the composition of telomere protein complexes in T. brucei. Firstly, using a telomeric pull-down assay we found 17 potential telomere-binding proteins including the known telomere-binding proteins TbTRF and TbTIF2. Secondly, by performing a co-immunoprecipitation experiment to elucidate TbTRF interactions we co-purified five proteins. All of these five proteins were also enriched with telomeric DNA in the pull-down assay. To validate these data, I characterized one of the proteins found in both experiments (TelBP1). In BSF cells, TelBP1 co-localizes with TbTRF and interacts with already described telomere-binding proteins such as TbTRF, TbTIF2 and TbRAP1 indicating that TelBP1 is a novel component of the telomere complex in trypanosomes. Interestingly, protein interaction studies in PCF cells suggested a different telomere complex composition compared to BSF cells. In contrast to known members of the telomere complex, TelBP1 is dispensable for cell viability indicating that its function might be uncoupled from the known telomere-binding proteins. Overexpression of TelBP1 had also no effect on cell viability, but led to the discovery of two additional shorter isoforms of TelBP1. However, their source and function remained elusive. Although TelBP1 is not essential for cell viability, western blot analysis revealed a 4-fold upregulation of TelBP1 in the BSF stage compared to the PCF stage supporting the concept of a dynamic telomere complex composition. We observed that TelBP1 influences the kinetics of transcriptional BES silencing during developmental transition from BSF to PCF. Deletion of TelBP1 caused faster BES silencing compared to wild-type parasites. Taken together, TelBP1 function illustrates that developmental BES silencing is a fine-tuned process, which involves stage-specific changes in telomere complex formation.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weisert2024, author = {Weisert, Nadine}, title = {Characterization of telomere-associated proteins in \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35273}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-352732}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The unicellular pathogen Trypanosoma brucei is the causative agent of African trypanosomiasis, an endemic disease prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa. Trypanosoma brucei alternates between a mammalian host and the tsetse fly vector. The extracellular parasite survives in the mammalian bloodstream by periodically exchanging their ˈvariant surface glycoproteinˈ (VSG) coat to evade the host immune response. This antigenic variation is achieved through monoallelic expression of one VSG variant from subtelomeric ˈbloodstream form expression sitesˈ (BES) at a given timepoint. During the differentiation from the bloodstream form (BSF) to the procyclic form (PCF) in the tsetse fly midgut, the stage specific surface protein is transcriptionally silenced and replaced by procyclins. Due to their subtelomeric localization on the chromosomes, VSG transcription and silencing is partly regulated by homologues of the mammalian telomere complex such as TbTRF, TbTIF2 and TbRAP1 as well as by ˈtelomere-associated proteinsˈ (TelAPs) like TelAP1. To gain more insights into transcription regulation of VSG genes, the identification and characterization of other TelAPs is critical and has not yet been achieved. In a previous study, two biochemical approaches were used to identify other novel TelAPs. By using ˈco-immunoprecipitationˈ (co-IP) to enrich possible interaction partners of TbTRF and by affinity chromatography using telomeric repeat oligonucleotides, a listing of TelAP candidates has been conducted. With this approach TelAP1 was identified as a novel component of the telomere complex, involved in the kinetics of transcriptional BES silencing during BSF to PCF differentiation. To gain further insights into the telomere complex composition, other previously enriched proteins were characterized through a screening process using RNA interference to deplete potential candidates. VSG expression profile changes and overall proteomic changes after depletion were analyzed by mass spectrometry. With this method, one can gain insights into the functions of the proteins and their involvement in VSG expression site regulation. To validate the interaction of proteins enriched by co-IP with TbTRF and TelAP1 and to identify novel interaction proteins, I performed reciprocal affinity purifications of the four most promising candidates (TelAP2, TelAP3, PPL2 and PolIE) and additionally confirmed colocalization of two candidates with TbTRF via immunofluorescence (TelAP2, TelAP3). TelAP3 colocalizes with TbTRF and potentially interacts with TbTRF, TbTIF2, TelAP1 and TelAP2, as well as with two translesion polymerases PPL2 and PolIE in BSF. PPL2 and PolIE seem to be in close contact to each other at the telomeric ends and fulfill different roles as only PolIE is involved in VSG regulation while PPL2 is not. TelAP2 was previously characterized to be associated with telomeres by partially colocalizing with TbTRF and cells show a VSG derepression phenotype when the protein was depleted. Here I show that TelAP2 interacts with the telomere-binding proteins TbTRF and TbTIF2 as well as with the telomere-associated protein TelAP1 in BSF and that TelAP2 depletion results in a loss of TelAP1 colocalization with TbTRF in BSF. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that characterizing potential TelAPs is effective in gaining insights into the telomeric complex's composition and its role in VSG regulation in Trypanosoma brucei. Understanding these interactions could potentially lead to new therapeutic targets for combatting African trypanosomiasis.}, subject = {Telomer }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{JimenezPearson2005, author = {Jim{\´e}nez-Pearson, Mar{\´i}a-Antonieta}, title = {Characterization of the mechanisms of two-component signal transduction involved in motility and chemotaxis of Helicobacter pylori}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-15698}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Flagellen-basierte Motilit{\"a}t und Chemotaxis stellen essentielle Pathogenit{\"a}tsfaktoren dar, die f{\"u}r die erfolgreiche Kolonisierung der Magenschleimhaut durch H. pylori notwendig sind. Die Mechanismen der Regulation der Flagellensynthese und das Chemotaxis-System von H. pylori weisen trotz einiger {\"A}hnlichkeiten fundamentale Unterschiede zu den Systemen anderer Bakterien auf. In H. pylori ist die Flagellensynthese durch eine komplex regulierte Kaskade kontrolliert, die Regulatorkomponenten wie das Zweikomponentensystem HP244/FlgR, die Sigma Faktoren 54 und 28 und den Sigma Faktor28-Antagonisten FlgM enth{\"a}lt. Das Signal, welches {\"u}ber die Histidinkinase des Zweikomponentensystems HP244/FlgR die Expression der Sigma Faktor54-abh{\"a}ngigen Klasse 2 Flagellengene reguliert, ist bisher noch nicht bekannt. Allerdings konnte mit HP137 ein Protein identifiziert werden, das im „yeast two-hybrid" System sowohl mit der korrespondierenden Kinase HP244 des Flagellenregulators FlgR, als auch mit der Flagellenkomponente FlgE´ interagiert (Rain et al., 2001). In dieser Arbeit wurde eine m{\"o}gliche Rolle von HP137 in einem R{\"u}ckkopplungsmechanismus untersucht, welcher die Aktivit{\"a}t der Histidinkinase in der Flagellenregulation kontrollieren k{\"o}nnte. Obwohl die Deletion des ORF hp137 zu einer unbeweglichen Mutante f{\"u}hrte, legen die erfolglosen Komplementations Experimente, sowie die Beobachtung, dass HP137 in vitro keinen bedeutenden Effekt auf die Aktivit{\"a}t der Histidinkinase HP244 hat nahe, dass HP137 weder in H. pylori noch im nahe verwandten C. jejuni direkt an der Flagellenregulation beteiligt ist. Das Chemotaxis-System von H. pylori unterscheidet sich vom gutuntersuchten Chemotaxis-System der Enterobakterien in einigen Aspekten. Zus{\"a}tzlich zu dem CheY Response Regulator Protein (CheY1) besitzt H. pylori eine weitere CheY-artige Receiver-Dom{\"a}ne (CheY2) welche C-terminal an die Histidinkinase CheA fusioniert ist. Zus{\"a}tzlich finden sich im Genom von H. pylori Gene, die f{\"u}r drei CheV Proteine kodieren die aus einer N-terminalen Dom{\"a}ne {\"a}hnlich CheW und einer C-terminalen Receiver Dom{\"a}ne bestehen, w{\"a}hrend man keine Orthologen zu den Genen cheB, cheR, and cheZ findet. Um einen Einblick in den Mechanismus zu erhalten, welcher die chemotaktische Reaktion von H. pylori kontrolliert, wurden Phosphotransferreaktionen zwischen den gereinigten Signalmodulen des Zweikomponentensystems in vitro untersucht. Durch in vitro-Phosphorylierungsexperimente wurde eine ATP-abh{\"a}ngige Autophosphorylierung der bifunktionellen Histidinkinase CheAY2 und von CheA´, welches ein verk{\"u}rztes Derivat von ChAY2 ohne Receiver-Dom{\"a}ne darstellt, nachgewiesen. CheA´ zeigt eine f{\"u}r an der Chemotaxis beteiligte Histidinkinasen typische Phosphorylierungskinetik mit einer ausgepr{\"a}gten exponentiellen Phase, w{\"a}hrend die Phosphorylierungskinetik von CheAY2 nur eine kurze exponentielle Phase aufweist, gefolgt von einer Phase in der die Hydrolyse von CheAY2~P {\"u}berwiegt. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die Anwesenheit einer der CheY2 Dom{\"a}ne die Stabilit{\"a}t der phosphorylierten P1 Dom{\"a}ne im CheA Teil des bifunktionellen Proteins beeinflusst. Außerdem wurde gezeigt, dass sowohl CheY1 als auch CheY2 durch CheAY2 phosphoryliert werden und dass die drei CheV Proteine die Histidinkinase CheA´~P dephosphorylieren, wenn auch mit einer im Vergleich zu CheY1 und CheY2 geringeren Affinit{\"a}t. Außerdem ist CheA´ in der Lage seine Phosphatgruppen auf CheY1 aus C. jejuni und CheY aus E. coli zu {\"u}bertragen. Retrophosphorylierungsexperimente weisen darauf hin, dass CheY1~P die Phosphatgruppe zur{\"u}ck auf die Histidinkinase CheAY2 {\"u}bertragen kann und dass die CheY2-Dom{\"a}ne in dem bifunktionellen Protein CheAY2 als „Phosphat Sink" agiert der den Phosphorylierungszustand und damit die Aktivit{\"a}t des frei diffundierbaren Proteins CheY1 reguliert, das vermutlich es mit dem Flagellenmotor interagiert. Es konnte weiterhin gezeigt werden, dass die unabh{\"a}ngige Funktion der beiden Dom{\"a}nen CheA´ und CheY2 f{\"u}r eine normale chemotaktische Signalgebung in vivo nicht ausreicht. In dieser Arbeit wurden also Hinweise auf eine komplexe Kaskade Phosphat{\"u}bertragungsreaktionen im chemotaktischen System von H. pylori gefunden, welches {\"A}hnlichkeiten zu dem Syteme-Chemotaxis von S. meliloti aufweist an denen multiple CheY Proteine beteiligt sind. Die Rolle der CheV Proteine bleibt im Moment unklar, jedoch k{\"o}nnte es sein, dass sie an einer weiteren Feinregulierung der Phosphatgruppen{\"u}bertragungsreaktionen in diesem komplexen chemotaktischen System beteiligt sind}, subject = {Helicobacter pylori}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kirchmaier2010, author = {Kirchmaier, Bettina Carmen}, title = {Characterization of the Popeye domain containing gene family in zebrafish}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-49413}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The Popeye domain containing (Popdc) gene family of membrane proteins is predominantly expressed in striated and smooth muscle tissues and has been shown to act as novel cAMP-binding proteins. In mice, loss of Popdc1 and Popdc2, respectively, affects sinus node function in the postnatal heart in an age and stress-dependent manner. In this thesis, I examined gene expression pattern and function of the Popdc gene family during zebrafish development with an emphasis on popdc2. Expression of the zebrafish popdc2 was exclusively present in cardiac and skeletal muscle during cardiac development, whereas popdc3 was expressed in striated muscle tissue and in distinct regions of the brain. In order to study the function of these genes, an antisense morpholino-based knockdown approach was used. Knockdown of popdc2 resulted in aberrant development of facial and tail musculature. In the heart, popdc2 morphants displayed irregular ventricular contractions with 2:1 and 3:1 ventricular pauses. Recordings of calcium transients using a transgenic indicator line Tg(cmlc2:gCaMP)s878 and selective plane illumination microscopy (SPIM) revealed the presence of an atrioventricular (AV) block in popdc2 morphants as well as a complete heart block. Interestingly, preliminary data revealed that popdc3 morphants developed a similar phenotype. In order to find a morphological correlate for the observed AV conduction defect, I studied the structure of the AV canal in popdc2 morphants using confocal analysis of hearts of the transgenic line Tg(cmlc2:eGFP-ras)s883, which outlines individual cardiac myocytes with the help of membrane-localized GFP. However, no evidence for morphological alterations was obtained. To ensure that the observed arrhythmia phenotype in the popdc2 morphant was based on a myocardial defect and not caused by defective valve development, live imaging was performed revealing properly formed valves. Thus, in agreement with the data obtained in knockout mice, popdc2 and popdc3 genes in zebrafish are involved in the regulation of cardiac electrical activity. However, both genes are not required for cardiac pacemaking, but they play essential roles in AV conduction. In order to elucidate the biological importance of cAMP-binding, wild type Popdc1 as well as mutants with a significant reduction in binding affinity for cAMP in vitro were overexpressed in zebrafish embryos. Expression of wild type Popdc1 led to a cardiac insufficiency phenotype characterized by pericardial edema and venous blood retention. Strikingly, the ability of the Popdc1 mutants to induce a cardiac phenotype correlated with the binding affinity for cAMP. These data suggest that cAMP-binding represents an important biological property of the Popdc protein family.}, subject = {Zebrab{\"a}rbling}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Romanov2019, author = {Romanov, Natalie}, title = {Characterizing Variation of Protein Complexes and Functional Modules on a Temporal Scale and across Individuals}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16813}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-168139}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {A fundamental question in current biology concerns the translational mechanisms leading from genetic variability to phenotypes. Technologies have evolved to the extent that they can efficiently and economically determine an individual's genomic composition, while at the same time big data on clinical profiles and diagnostics have substantially accumulated. Genome-wide association studies linking genomic loci to certain traits, however, remain limited in their capacity to explain the cellular mechanisms that underlie the given association. For most associations, gene expression has been blamed; yet given that transcript and protein abundance oftentimes do not correlate, that finding does not necessarily decrypt the underlying mechanism. Thus, the integration of further information is crucial to establish a model that could prove more accurate in predicting genotypic effects on the human organism. In this work we describe the so-called proteotype as a feature of the cell that could provide a substantial link between genotype and phenotype. Rather than looking at the proteome as a set of independent molecules, we demonstrate a consistent modular architecture of the proteome that is driven by molecular cooperativity. Functional modules, especially protein complexes, can be further interrogated for differences between individuals and tackled as imprints of genetic and environmental variability. We also show that subtle stoichiometric changes of protein modules could have broader effects on the cellular system, such as the transport of specific molecular cargos. The presented work also delineates to what extent temporal events and processes influence the stoichiometry of protein complexes and functional modules. The re-wiring of the glycolytic pathway for example is illustrated as a potential cause for an increased Warburg effect during the ageing of the human bone marrow. On top of analyzing protein abundances we also interrogate proteome dynamics in terms of stability and solubility transitions during the short temporal progression of the cell cycle. One of our main observations in the thesis encompass the delineation of protein complexes into respective sub-complexes according to distinct stability patterns during the cell cycle. This has never been demonstrated before, and is functionally relevant for our understanding of the dis- and assembly of large protein modules. The insights presented in this work imply that the proteome is more than the sum of its parts, and primarily driven by variability in entire protein ensembles and their cooperative nature. Analyzing protein complexes and functional modules as molecular reflections of genetic and environmental variations could indeed prove to be a stepping stone in closing the gap between genotype and phenotype and customizing clinical treatments in the future.}, subject = {Proteotype}, language = {en} }