@phdthesis{Froschauer2003, author = {Froschauer, Alexander}, title = {Identifizierung und molekulare Analyse Xmrk-gekoppelter Gene in der geschlechtsbestimmenden Region des Genoms von Xiphophorus maculatus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-7005}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Fische der Gattung Xiphophorus stellen eines der am besten untersuchten Modellsysteme zur Untersuchung genetischer Geschlechtsbestimmung innerhalb dieser Klasse von mehr als 24.000 Arten dar. X. maculatus kann m{\"a}nnliche (XX/ XY) oder weibliche (WY/ YY) Heterogametie aufweisen. Zus{\"a}tzlich sind atypische Geschlechtsbestimmungssysteme beschrieben worden, die auf autosomale Modifikatoren zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt wurden. Obwohl k{\"u}rzlich das Mastergen der Geschlechtsbestimmung im Medaka (Oryzias latipes) als ein Mitglied der Dmrt-Genfamilie identifiziert wurde, konnte Dmrt1bY als Mastergen der Geschlechtsbestimmung von Xiphophorus und anderen Fischen ausgeschlossen werden. Xiphophorus wurde zum wissenschaftlichen Modellsystem, da bestimmte zwischenartliche Kreuzungshybride maligne Melanome entwickeln. Das daf{\"u}r verantwortliche Onkogen Xmrk und sein physiologisches Gegenst{\"u}ck egfrb liegen eng gekoppelt (< 0,6 cM) in der Geschlechtsbestimmungsregion von X. maculatus. Die Kopplungsgruppe umfasst noch weitere Loci wie den geschlechtsbestimmenden Locus SD, den Locus RY f{\"u}r r{\"o}tliche und gelb-br{\"a}unliche Farbmuster und den Locus Mdl, der außer schwarzen Pigmentflecken auch noch den Bildungsort und die Schwere der Melanome in Hybriden mit X. helleri steuert. Die enge Kopplung dieser Loci entspricht einem physikalischen Abstand von ca. 1 Megabase (Mb) und erm{\"o}glicht eine Strategie der positionellen Klonierung der von diesen Loci kodierten Gene. Die Analyse großer Cosmid- und BAC- (Bacterial Artificial Chromosome) Contigs, welche im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erstellt wurden und die mehr als 1 Mb sowohl des X- als auch des Y-Chromosoms des Platys X. maculatus abdecken, zeigte eine hohe Dichte von Retroelementen und anderen repetitiven Sequenzen, besonders im Bereich des dominanten Onkogens Xmrk und in einer durch das duplizierte Gen ps-criptY gekennzeichneten, Y-spezifischen Region. Außerdem konnte gezeigt werden, dass eines dieser Elemente (XIR) spezifisch auf dem Y-Chromosom akkumuliert, was m{\"o}glicherweise einen fr{\"u}hen Schritt der Differenzierung der Geschlechtschromosomen des Platys darstellt. Es konnten mehrere Duplikationsereignisse in diese Region nachgewiesen werden. Erstens wurde egfrb dupliziert, dessen Kopie zum Onkogen Xmrk wurde. Zweitens konnte die mehrfache Duplikation eines Melanocortin-Rezeptorgens mc4r nachgewiesen werden, von dem 9 Kopien auf dem X-Chromosom in einer Tandem-{\"a}hnlichen Struktur vorliegen und mindestens 9 Kopien auf dem Y-Chromosom. Mindestens 11 der insgesamt 19 Kopien besitzen nicht unterbrochene offene Leseraster, deren konzeptionelle Translationsprodukte die strukturellen Charakteristika funktionaler Rezeptoren zeigen. Drittens wurde das autosomale Gen cript dupliziert und liegt nun in jeweils einer Kopie (ps-cript1) direkt stromabw{\"a}rts von Xmrk auf beiden Geschlechtschromosomen und in einer zus{\"a}tzlichen Kopie auf dem Y-Chromosom (ps-criptY), wo es eine Region mit Syntenie zum menschlichen Chromosom 2p markiert. Andere potentielle Gene zeigen Homologien zu den menschlichen Genen CHRNA, CHRND und TMEFF und lassen auf eine syntenische Region zum menschlichen Chromosom 2q schließen. Diese Region ist involviert in autosomale Geschlechtsumkehr im Mensch, allerdings wurde noch kein daf{\"u}r verantwortliches Gen identifiziert. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgelegten Ergebnisse der Analyse von Sequenzen in der geschlechtsbestimmenden Region von X. maculatus bilden die Basis f{\"u}r ein tieferes Verst{\"a}ndnis der Mechanismen, die zur Plastizit{\"a}t der von der Xmrk-SD-Region vermittelten Eigenschaften f{\"u}hren. Auf dieser Grundlage sollten zuk{\"u}nftige Arbeiten zur Identifizierung des Mastergens der Geschlechtsbestimmung f{\"u}hren. Die Identifizierung dieses neuen Gens k{\"o}nnte außerdem zur Aufkl{\"a}rung anderer Geschlechtsbestimmungsmechanismen innerhalb der Fische beitragen, was besonders im Hinblick auf kommerziell genutzte Arten z.B. in der Aquakultur großen Nutzen bringen kann. Einige der analysierten Gene der Xmrk-Region zeigen geschlechtsspezifische Expressionsmuster, allerdings steht die funktionelle Analyse noch am Anfang. Ph{\"a}notypen, die mit Pigmentmusterbildung und dem Zeitpunkt der sexuellen Reifung in Zusammenhang stehen, k{\"o}nnten auf den in dieser Arbeit identifizierten Melanocortin-Rezeptoren (mc4r) beruhen. Ihre strukturellen Eigenschaften und Expressionsmuster weisen auf ihre m{\"o}gliche Rolle in einem oder mehreren dieser Vorg{\"a}nge hin. Verglichen mit den nicht duplizierten Melanocortin-Rezeptoren anderer Vertebraten k{\"o}nnte die ungew{\"o}hnlich hohe Anzahl an Kopien als Grundlage f{\"u}r evolution{\"a}re Ver{\"a}nderungen dieser Gene dienen. Obwohl ihre Funktionalit{\"a}t noch gezeigt werden muss, k{\"o}nnten diese Kopien typische evolution{\"a}re Ver{\"a}nderungen duplizierter Gene wie die {\"U}bernahme einer neuen Funktion durch das Codieren neuer Proteine nach Mutationen, die Reduktion ihrer Funktion durch die auf weniger Gewebe eingeschr{\"a}nkte Expression und den Verlust ihrer Funktion durch Mutationen, die das Leseraster unterbrechen, zeigen.}, subject = {Platy}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Froese2008, author = {Froese, Alexander}, title = {The Popeye domain containing gene 2 (Popdc2): Generation and functional characterization of a null mutant in mice and promoter analysis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-26473}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {In the present study a knockout mouse model of the Popeye domain containing gene 2 (Popdc2) was generated and functionally characterized. The Popdc2 null mutants were viable with an apparent normal life span. ß-galactosidase staining to visualize the expression of the Popdc2-LacZ transgene revealed the presence of the Popdc2 in heart, bladder, smooth and skeletal muscles. In the heart LacZ was found to be present in cardiac myocytes with elevated levels in the myocytes of the cardiac conduction system. Holter ECGs records of the heart function of the 8 months (but not in 3 and 6 months) old mutant and WT littermates revealed a pronounced sinus bradycardia in the mutant mice in response to three different stress regimens: isoproterenol infusion, mental stress and a physical exercise. Histological examination of the Popdc2 null mutants SAN revealed structural alterations as was detected by HCN4 staining. Moreover, volume measurements using 3-D reconstructions of serial sections stained with HCN4 antibody revealed a volume reduction of about 30\% in the mutant SAN. Taken together data presented in this study suggest that the Popdc2 KO mouse line may serve as an animal model of human sick sinus syndrome. In the second part of this thesis the Popdc2 gene promoter was analyzed. Three transcription factors binding sites were predicted in the promoter region and characterized.}, subject = {Herz}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Friedrich2000, author = {Friedrich, Uwe}, title = {Elektroporation von S{\"a}ugerzellen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1241}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Ziel der Arbeit war es, die wissenschaftlichen und technischen Voraussetzungen zu schaffen, um eine effiziente Elektroporation von großen aber auch kleinen Zellzahlen zu erreichen. Ein großer Teil der Arbeit diente der Entwicklung eines neuen Elektroporationsger{\"a}tes, des Multiporators. Die synergetischen Effekte dieser Technik tragen dazu bei, dass sehr hohe Ausbeuten bei der Elektrotransfektion von Zellen erzielt werden. Damit konnte zum ersten Mal der Gentransfer durch k{\"u}nstliche S{\"a}ugerzell-Chromosomen (MACs) nachgewiesen werden. Eine weitere Anwendung der Elektroporation liegt in der Transfektion von prim{\"a}ren Zellen. Dabei ist der entscheidende Punkt f{\"u}r eine hohe Transfektionseffizienz der Zellzyklus. Des Weiteren wurde in dieser Arbeit ein Konzept entwickelt, das als Basis f{\"u}r ein neues Elektroporationssystem benutzt werden kann.}, subject = {S{\"a}ugetiere}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Friedrich2009, author = {Friedrich, Torben}, title = {New statistical Methods of Genome-Scale Data Analysis in Life Science - Applications to enterobacterial Diagnostics, Meta-Analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana Gene Expression and functional Sequence Annotation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-39858}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Recent progresses and developments in molecular biology provide a wealth of new but insufficiently characterised data. This fund comprises amongst others biological data of genomic DNA, protein sequences, 3-dimensional protein structures as well as profiles of gene expression. In the present work, this information is used to develop new methods for the characterisation and classification of organisms and whole groups of organisms as well as to enhance the automated gain and transfer of information. The first two presented approaches (chapters 4 und 5) focus on the medically and scientifically important enterobacteria. Its impact in medicine and molecular biology is founded in versatile mechanisms of infection, their fundamental function as a commensal inhabitant of the intestinal tract and their use as model organisms as they are easy to cultivate. Despite many studies on single pathogroups with clinical distinguishable pathologies, the genotypic factors that contribute to their diversity are still partially unknown. The comprehensive genome comparison described in Chapter 4 was conducted with numerous enterobacterial strains, which cover nearly the whole range of clinically relevant diversity. The genome comparison constitutes the basis of a characterisation of the enterobacterial gene pool, of a reconstruction of evolutionary processes and of comprehensive analysis of specific protein families in enterobacterial subgroups. Correspondence analysis, which is applied for the first time in this context, yields qualitative statements to bacterial subgroups and the respective, exclusively present protein families. Specific protein families were identified for the three major subgroups of enterobacteria namely the genera Yersinia and Salmonella as well as to the group of Shigella and E. coli by applying statistical tests. In conclusion, the genome comparison-based methods provide new starting points to infer specific genotypic traits of bacterial groups from the transfer of functional annotation. Due to the high medical importance of enterobacterial isolates their classification according to pathogenicity has been in focus of many studies. The microarray technology offers a fast, reproducible and standardisable means of bacterial typing and has been proved in bacterial diagnostics, risk assessment and surveillance. The design of the diagnostic microarray of enterobacteria described in chapter 5 is based on the availability of numerous enterobacterial genome sequences. A novel probe selection strategy based on the highly efficient algorithm of string search, which considers both coding and non-coding regions of genomic DNA, enhances pathogroup detection. This principle reduces the risk of incorrect typing due to restrictions to virulence-associated capture probes. Additional capture probes extend the spectrum of applications of the microarray to simultaneous diagnostic or surveillance of antimicrobial resistance. Comprehensive test hybridisations largely confirm the reliability of the selected capture probes and its ability to robustly classify enterobacterial strains according to pathogenicity. Moreover, the tests constitute the basis of the training of a regression model for the classification of pathogroups and hybridised amounts of DNA. The regression model features a continuous learning capacity leading to an enhancement of the prediction accuracy in the process of its application. A fraction of the capture probes represents intergenic DNA and hence confirms the relevance of the underlying strategy. Interestingly, a large part of the capture probes represents poorly annotated genes suggesting the existence of yet unconsidered factors with importance to the formation of respective virulence phenotypes. Another major field of microarray applications is gene expression analysis. The size of gene expression databases rapidly increased in recent years. Although they provide a wealth of expression data, it remains challenging to integrate results from different studies. In chapter 6 the methodology of an unsupervised meta-analysis of genome-wide A. thaliana gene expression data sets is presented, which yields novel insights in function and regulation of genes. The application of kernel-based principal component analysis in combination with hierarchical clustering identified three major groups of contrasts each sharing overlapping expression profiles. Genes associated with two groups are known to play important roles in Indol-3 acetic acid (IAA) mediated plant growth and development as well as in pathogen defence. Yet uncharacterised serine-threonine kinases could be assigned to novel functions in pathogen defence by meta-analysis. In general, hidden interrelation between genes regulated under different conditions could be unravelled by the described approach. HMMs are applied to the functional characterisation of proteins or the detection of genes in genome sequences. Although HMMs are technically mature and widely applied in computational biology, I demonstrate the methodical optimisation with respect to the modelling accuracy on biological data with various distributions of sequence lengths. The subunits of these models, the states, are associated with a certain holding time being the link to length distributions of represented sequences. An adaptation of simple HMM topologies to bell-shaped length distributions described in chapter 7 was achieved by serial chain-linking of single states, while residing in the class of conventional HMMs. The impact of an optimisation of HMM topologies was underlined by performance evaluations with differently adjusted HMM topologies. In summary, a general methodology was introduced to improve the modelling behaviour of HMMs by topological optimisation with maximum likelihood and a fast and easily implementable moment estimator. Chapter 8 describes the application of HMMs to the prediction of interaction sites in protein domains. As previously demonstrated, these sites are not trivial to predict because of varying degree in conservation of their location and type within the domain family. The prediction of interaction sites in protein domains is achieved by a newly defined HMM topology, which incorporates both sequence and structure information. Posterior decoding is applied to the prediction of interaction sites providing additional information of the probability of an interaction for all sequence positions. The implementation of interaction profile HMMs (ipHMMs) is based on the well established profile HMMs and inherits its known efficiency and sensitivity. The large-scale prediction of interaction sites by ipHMMs explained protein dysfunctions caused by mutations that are associated to inheritable diseases like different types of cancer or muscular dystrophy. As already demonstrated by profile HMMs, the ipHMMs are suitable for large-scale applications. Overall, the HMM-based method enhances the prediction quality of interaction sites and improves the understanding of the molecular background of inheritable diseases. With respect to current and future requirements I provide large-scale solutions for the characterisation of biological data in this work. All described methods feature a highly portable character, which allows for the transfer to related topics or organisms, respectively. Special emphasis was put on the knowledge transfer facilitated by a steadily increasing wealth of biological information. The applied and developed statistical methods largely provide learning capacities and hence benefit from the gain of knowledge resulting in increased prediction accuracies and reliability.}, subject = {Genomik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fricke2022, author = {Fricke, Ute}, title = {Herbivory, predation and pest control in the context of climate and land use}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28732}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-287328}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Chapter 1 - General introduction Anthropogenic land-use and climate change are the major drivers of the global biodiversity loss. Yet, biodiversity is essential for human well-being, as we depend on the availability of potable water, sufficient food and further benefits obtained from nature. Each species makes a somewhat unique contribution to these ecosystem services. Furthermore, species tolerate environmental stressors, such as climate change, differently. Thus, biodiversity is both the "engine" and the "insurance" for human well-being in a changing climate. Here, I investigate the effects of temperature and land use on herbivory (Chapter 2), predation (Chapter 3) and pest control (Chapter 4), and at the same time identify features of habitats (e.g. plant richness, proximity to different habitat types) and landscapes (e.g. landscape diversity, proportion of oilseed rape area) as potential management targets in an adaptation strategy to climate change. Finally, I discuss the similarities and differences between factors influencing herbivory, predation and pest control, while placing the observations in the context of climate change as a multifaceted phenomenon, and highlighting starting points for sustainable insect pest management (Chapter 5). Chapter 2 - Plant richness, land use and temperature differently shape invertebrate leaf-chewing herbivory on major plant functional groups Invertebrate herbivores are temperature-sensitive. Rising temperatures increase their metabolic rates and thus their demand for carbon-rich relative to protein-rich resources, which can lead to changes in the diets of generalist herbivores. Here, we quantified leaf-area loss to chewing invertebrates among three plant functional groups (legumes, non-leguminous forbs and grasses), which largely differ in C:N (carbon:nitrogen) ratio. This reseach was conducted along spatial temperature and land-use gradients in open herbaceous vegetation adjacent to different habitat types (forest, grassland, arable field, settlement). Herbivory largely differed among plant functional groups and was higher on legumes than forbs and grasses, except in open areas in forests. There, herbivory was similar among plant functional groups and on legumes lower than in grasslands. Also the presence of many plant families lowered herbivory on legumes. This suggests that open areas in forests and diverse vegetation provide certain protection against leaf damage to some plant families (e.g. legumes). This could be used as part of a conservation strategy for protected species. Overall, the effects of the dominant habitat type in the vicinity and diverse vegetation outweighed those of temperature and large-scale land use (e.g. grassland proportion, landscape diversity) on herbivory of legumes, forbs and grasses at the present time. Chapter 3 - Landscape diversity and local temperature, but not climate, affect arthropod predation among habitat types Herbivorous insects underlie top-down regulation by arthropod predators. Thereby, predation rates depend on predator community composition and behaviour, which is shaped by temperature, plant richness and land use. How the interaction of these factors affects the regulatory performance of predators was unknown. Therefore, we assessed arthropod predation rates on artificial caterpillars along temperature, and land-use gradients. On plots with low local mean temperature (≤ 7°C) often not a single caterpillar was attacked, which may be due to the temperature-dependent inactivity of arthropods. However, multi-annual mean temperature, plant richness and the dominant habitat type in the vicinity did not substantially affect arthropod predation rates. Highest arthropod predation rates were observed in diverse landscapes (2-km scale) independently of the locally dominanting habitat type. As landscape diversity, but not multi-annual mean temperature, affected arthropod predation rates, the diversification of landscapes may also support top-down regulation of herbivores independent of moderate increases of multi-annual mean temperature in the near future. Chapter 4 - Pest control and yield of winter oilseed rape depend on spatiotemporal crop-cover dynamics and flowering onset: implications for global warming Winter oilseed rape is an important oilseed crop in Europe, yet its seed yield is diminished through pests such as the pollen beetle and stem weevils. Damage from pollen beetles depends on pest abundances, but also on the timing of infestation relative to crop development as the bud stage is particularly vulnerable. The development of both oilseed rape and pollen beetles is temperature-dependent, while temperature effects on pest abundances are yet unknown, which brings opportunities and dangers to oilseed rape cropping under increased temperatures. We obtained measures of winter oilseed rape (flowering time, seed yield) and two of its major pests (pollen beetle, stem weevils) for the first time along both land-use and temperature gradients. Infestation with stem weevils was not influenced by any temperature or land-use aspect considered, and natural pest regulation of pollen beetles in terms of parasitism rates of pollen beetle larvae was low (< 30\%), except on three out of 29 plots. Nonetheless, we could identify conditions favouring low pollen beetle abundances per plant and high seed yields. Low pollen beetle densities were favoured by a constant oilseed rape area relative to the preceding year (5-km scale), whereas a strong reduction in area (> 40\%) caused high pest densities (concentration effect). This occurred more frequently in warmer regions, due to drought around sowing, which contributed to increased pollen beetle numbers in those regions. Yet, in warmer regions, oilseed rape flowered early, which possibly led to partial escape from pollen beetle infestation in the most vulnerable bud stage. This is also suggested by higher seed yields of early flowering oilseed rape fields, but not per se at higher temperatures. Thus, early flowering (e.g. cultivar selection) and the interannual coordination of oilseed rape area offer opportunities for environmental-friendly pollen beetle management. Chapter 5 - General discussion Anthropogenic land-use and climate change are major threats to biodiversity, and consequently to ecosystem functions, although I could show that ecosystem functions such as herbivory and predation barely responded to temperature along a spatial gradient at present time. Yet, it is important to keep several points in mind: (i) The high rate of climate warming likely reduces the time that species will have to adapt to temperature in the future; (ii) Beyond mean temperatures, many aspects of climate will change; (iii) The compensation of biodiversity loss through functional redundancy in arthropod communities may be depleted at some point; (iv) Measures of ecosystem functions are limited by methodological filters, so that changes may be captured incompletely. Although much uncertainty of the effects of climate and land-use change on ecosystem functions remains, actions to halt biodiversity loss and to interfere with natural processes in an environmentally friendly way, e.g. reduction of herbivory on crops, are urgently needed. With this thesis, I contribute options to the environment-friendly regulation of herbivory, which are at least to some extent climate resilient, and at the same time make a contribution to halt biodiversity loss. Yet, more research and a transformation process is needed to make human action more sustainable. In terms of crop protection, this means that the most common method of treating pests with fast-acting pesticides is not necessarily the most sustainable. To realize sustainable strategies, collective efforts will be needed targeted at crop damage prevention through reducing pest populations and densities in the medium to long term. The sooner we transform human action from environmentally damaging to biodiversity promoting, the higher is our insurance asset that secures human well-being under a changing climate.}, subject = {{\"O}kologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Frentzen2007, author = {Frentzen, Alexa}, title = {Posttranskriptionale Regulation der Internalinexpression und alternative Internalin-unabh{\"a}ngige Aufnahme von Listeria monocytogenes in Animalzellen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-25631}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Listeria monocytogenes ist ein weit verbreitetes, Gram-positives humanpatho-genes Bakterium, welches in immunsupprimierten Personen das Krankheitsbild der Listeriose ausl{\"o}sen kann. Der Infektionszyklus der Listerien im Wirt ist im Hinblick auf die Pathogenese dieses Erregers intensiv untersucht worden. Die Regulation der verschiedenen beteiligten Virulenzfaktoren unterliegt in L. monocytogenes einer starken Kontrolle, die einerseits durch regulatorische Proteine aber auch durch Umweltfaktoren beeinflusst wird. Die Mechanismen, die auf transkriptionaler wie auch auf translationaler Ebene die Expression verschiedener listerieller Virulenzgene regulieren, wurden k{\"u}rzlich n{\"a}her charakterisiert. Es wurden f{\"u}r verschiedene listerielle Virulenzgene Riboswitch-mechanismen zur Expressionskontrolle in Listerien neu beschrieben. Durch Vorarbeiten wurde auch f{\"u}r das inlAB-Operon ein posttranskriptionaler Regu-lationsmechanismus postuliert. Dabei wurde der anaerobe Stoffwechsel der Listerien als m{\"o}glicher Ausl{\"o}ser f{\"u}r die beobachtete Translationssteigerung des inlA- und inlB-Gens diskutiert. Innerhalb der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte nun weitergehend untersucht werden, in welchem Bereich der Sequenz des inlAB-Operons sich regulatorische Strukturen zur posttranskriptionalen Regulation unter anaeroben Wachstumsbedingungen befinden. Dazu wurden verschiedene Mutanten mit unterschiedlichen Deletionen im inlAB-Operon konstruiert und die Transkription und Translation sowohl des inlA-, als auch des inlB-Gens betrachtet. Eine Deletion im aroA-Gen bewirkt das Wachstum der Bakterien bei anaerobem Stoffwechsel. Diese Deletion wurde in die konstruierten St{\"a}mme eingef{\"u}gt, um die Expression der Gene unter den verschiedenen Wachstumsbedingungen vergleichen zu k{\"o}nnen. Außerdem wurden verschiedene gus-Reportergen-Fusionsmutanten und Promotor-austauschmutanten konstruiert, um quantitativ aussagekr{\"a}ftigere Daten zu erheben. Die Charakterisierung der Mutanten ließ erkennen, dass keiner der deletierten Bereiche des inlAB-Operons von L. monocytogenes f{\"u}r die beobachtete Translationssteigerung im inlA-Gen bei anaerobem Stoffwechsel verantwortlich zu sein scheint. Das inlB-Gen war innerhalb der hier gezeigten Experimente nicht posttranskriptional reguliert, wie im Vorfeld postuliert. Nach plasmidkodierter Expression verschiedener Bereiche des inlAB-Operons konnte, verglichen mit genomischer Expression, keine Ver{\"a}nderung in der inlA-Expression beobachtet werden. Die m{\"o}gliche Beteiligung eines potentiellen Regulatorproteins konnte innerhalb dieser Arbeit daher nicht n{\"a}her eingegrenzt werden. Auch ein Einfluss der regulatorischen Faktoren Hfq und CcpA auf die Expression des InlA Proteins in der L. monocytogenes \&\#916;aroA-Mutante konnte nicht gefunden werden. Es zeigte sich interessanterweise außerdem, dass weitere Virulenzgene wie actA und hly unter den anaeroben Bedingungen ebenfalls eine Translations-steigerung zeigten. Somit stellt sich abschließend die Frage, ob es sich bei der beobachteten Translationssteigerung des inlA-Gens wirklich um einen durch bestimmte Strukturen in der inlAB-mRNA ausgel{\"o}sten Mechanismus handelt. L. monocytogenes ist als intrazellul{\"a}r replizierendes, Gram-positives Bakterium interessant f{\"u}r den Einsatz in immun- und tumortherapeutischen Anwendungen. Attenuierte L. monocytogenes-St{\"a}mme wurden dazu bereits erfolgreich im Mausmodell als Tr{\"a}gerbakterien f{\"u}r Impfstoffstrategien eingesetzt. Die gezielte Infektion von Geweben ist jedoch aufgrund des wenig ausgepr{\"a}gten Zelltropismus der Listerien im Wirt bisher ein Problem f{\"u}r einen Einsatz in bakterienbasierten Anwendungen, wie z.B. der Tumor- oder Gentherapie. Innerhalb dieser Arbeit wurden L. monocytogenes-St{\"a}mme konstruiert, bei denen chromosomal das f{\"u}r die Integrase codierende Gen gegen das Gen f{\"u}r das Staphylokokken Protein A (SPA) unter der Kontrolle listerieller Promotoren ausgetauscht wurde. Die erfolgreiche Oberfl{\"a}chenlokalisation von Protein A in der Zellwand von Listerien konnte im Western Blot oder in funktionellen Immunfluoreszenzf{\"a}rbungen in Mikroskop- und FACS-Analysen nachgewiesen werden. Diese St{\"a}mme sollen im Cell Targeting zur gezielten Infektion von Geweben eingesetzt werden. Dazu konnten die Bakterien {\"u}ber Herceptin®-HER2/neu-vermittelte Adh{\"a}sion an SK-BR-3-Zellen erfolgreich in diese aufgenommen werden und innerhalb dieser replizieren. Die neu konstruierten Listeria-St{\"a}mme zeigten im Mausmodell keine Ver{\"a}nderung in ihrer Virulenz verglichen mit nicht-SPA-exprimierenden St{\"a}mmen. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Antik{\"o}rper-Rezeptor-vermittlelte Aufnahme der Listerien in Zellen stellt einen neuen, bisher nicht beschriebenen Mechanismus dar, der in vielen therapeutischen Anwendungen zur Infektion spezifischer Gewebe durch Listerien genutzt werden kann.}, subject = {Listeria monocytogenes}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Fraune2014, author = {Fraune, Johanna}, title = {The evolutionary history of the mammalian synaptonemal complex}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-100043}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Der Synaptonemalkomplex (SC) ist eine hochkonservierte Proteinstruktur. Er weist eine dreiteili-ge, leiter{\"a}hnliche Organisation auf und ist f{\"u}r die stabile Paarung der homologen Chromosomen w{\"a}hrend der Prophase der ersten meiotischen Teilung verantwortlich, die auch als Synpase be-zeichnet wird. Fehler w{\"a}hrend der Synpase f{\"u}hren zu Aneuploidie oder Apoptose der sich entwi-ckelnden Keimzellen. Seit 1956 ist der SC Gegenstand intensiver Forschung. Seine Existenz wurde in zahlreichen Orga-nismen von der Hefe bis zum Menschen beschrieben. Seine Struktur aus zwei parallel verlaufen-den Lateralelementen (LE), die durch eine Vielzahl von sogenannten Transversalfilamenten (TF) verbunden werden und dem Zentralen Element (CE) in der Mitte des SC ist dabei offensichtlich {\"u}ber die Millionen von Jahren der Evolution erhalten geblieben. Einzelne Proteinkomponenten des SC wurden jedoch nur in wenigen Modelorganismen charakterisiert, darunter Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Arabidopsis thaliana, Drosophila melanogaster, Ceanorhabditis elegans und Mus mus-culus. Unerwarteter Weise gelang es bei dieser Charakterisierung nicht, eine evolution{\"a}re Ver-wandtschaft, d.h. eine Homologie zwischen den Proteinsequenzen der verschiedenen SCs nach-zuweisen. Diese Tatsache sprach gegen die grunds{\"a}tzliche Annahme, dass der SC in der Evolution nur einmal entstanden sei. Diese Arbeit hat sich nun der Aufgabe gewidmet, die Diskrepanz zwischen der hochkonservierten Struktur des SC und seiner augenscheinlich nicht-homologen Proteinzusammensetzung zu l{\"o}sen. Dabei beschr{\"a}nkt sie sich auf die Analyse des Tierreichs. Es ist die erste Studie zur Evolution des SC in Metazoa und demonstriert die Monophylie der S{\"a}uger SC Proteinkomponenten im Tierreich. Die Arbeit zeigt, dass mindestens vier von sieben SC Proteinen der Maus sp{\"a}testens im letzten gemeinsamen Vorfahren der Gewebetiere (Eumetazoa) enstanden sind und auch damals Teil ei-nes urspr{\"u}nglichen SC waren, wie er heute in dem Nesseltier Hydra zu finden ist. Dieser SC weist die typische Struktur auf und besitzt bereits alle notwendigen Komponenten, um die drei Dom{\"a}-nen - LE, TF und CE - zu assemblieren. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus ergaben die einzelnen Phylogenien der verschiedenen SC Proteine der Maus, dass der SC eine sehr dynamische Evolutionsgeschichte durchlaufen hat. Zus{\"a}tzliche Proteine wurden w{\"a}hrend der Entstehung der Bilateria und der Wir-beltiere in den SC integriert, w{\"a}hrend andere urspr{\"u}ngliche Komponenten m{\"o}glicherweise Gen-Duplikationen erfuhren bzw. besonders in der Linie der H{\"a}utungstiere verloren gingen oder sich stark ver{\"a}nderten. Es wird die These aufgestellt, dass die auf den ersten Blick nicht-homologen SC Proteine der Fruchtfliege und des Fadenwurms tats{\"a}chlich doch von den urspr{\"u}nglichen Prote-inenkomponenten abstammen, sich aber aufgrund der rasanten Evolution der Arthropoden und der Nematoden bis zu deren Unkenntlichkeit diversifizierten. Zus{\"a}tzlich stellt die Arbeit Hydra als alternatives wirbelloses Modellsystem f{\"u}r die Meiose- und SC-Forschung zu den {\"u}blichen Modellen D. melanogaster und C. elegans vor. Die k{\"u}rzlich gewon-nenen Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber den Hydra SC sowie der Einsatz der Standard-Methoden in diesem Orga-nismus werden in dem abschließenden Kapitel zusammengefasst und diskutiert.}, subject = {Synaptinemal-Komplex}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Franzke2023, author = {Franzke, Myriam}, title = {Keep on track : The use of visual cues for orientation in monarch butterflies}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28470}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-284709}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) performs one of the most astonishing behaviors in the animal kingdom: every fall millions of these butterflies leave their breeding grounds in North Amerika and migrate more than 4.000 km southwards until they reach their overwintering habitat in Central Mexico. To maintain their migratory direction over this enormous distance, the butterflies use a time-compensated sun compass. Beside this, skylight polarization, the Earth's magnetic field and specific mountain ranges seem to guide the butterflies as well the south. In contrast to this fascinating orientation ability, the behavior of the butterflies in their non-migratory state received less attention. Although they do not travel long distances, they still need to orient themselves to find food, mating partners or get away from competitors. The aim of the present doctoral thesis was to investigate use of visual cues for orientation in migrating as well as non-migrating monarch butterflies. For this, field experiments investigating the migration of the butterflies in Texas (USA) were combined with experiments testing the orientation performance of non-migratory butterflies in Germany. In the first project, I recorded the heading directions of tethered butterflies during their annual fall migration. In an outdoor flight simulator, the butterflies maintained a southwards direction as long as they had a view of the sun's position. Relocating the position of the sun by 180° using a mirror, revealed that the sun is the animals' main orientation reference. Furthermore, I demonstrated that when the sun is blocked and a green light stimulus (simulated sun) is introduced, the animals interpreted this stimulus as the 'real' sun. However, this cue was not sufficient to set the migratory direction when simulated as the only visual cue in indoor experiments. When I presented the butterflies a linear polarization pattern additionally to the simulated sun, the animals headed in the correct southerly direction showing that multiple skylight cues are required to guide the butterflies during their migration. In the second project, I, furthermore, demonstrated that non-migrating butterflies are able to maintain a constant direction with respect to a simulated sun. Interestingly, they ignored the spectral component of the stimulus and relied on the intensity instead. When a panoramic skyline was presented as the only orientation reference, the butterflies maintained their direction only for short time windows probably trying to stabilize their flight based on optic-flow information. Next, I investigated whether the butterflies combine celestial with local cues by simulating a sun stimulus together with a panoramic skyline. Under this conditions, the animals' directedness was increased demonstrating that they combine multiple visual cues for spatial orientation. Following up on the observation that a sun stimulus resulted in a different behavior than the panoramic skyline, I investigated in my third project which orientation strategies the butterflies use by presenting different simulated cues to them. While a bright stripe on a dark background elicited a strong attraction of the butterflies steering in the direction of the stimulus, the inverted version of the stimulus was used for flight stabilization. In contrast to this, the butterflies maintained arbitrary directions with a high directedness with respect to a simulated sun. In an ambiguous scenery with two identical stimuli (two bright stripes, two dark stripes, or two sun stimuli) set 180° apart, a constant flight course was only achieved when two sun stimuli were displayed suggesting an involvement of the animals' internal compass. In contrast, the butterflies used two dark stripes for flight stabilization and were alternatingly attracted by two bright stripes. This shows that monarch butterflies use stimulus-dependent orientation strategies and gives the first evidence for different neuronal pathways controlling the output behavior.}, subject = {Monarchfalter}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Franz2009, author = {Franz, Mirjam}, title = {Analyse der Hangover Funktion w{\"a}hrend der Entwicklung von Ethanol-induziertem Verhalten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-35591}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Die Entwicklung von Ethanoltoleranz ist ein Indikator f{\"u}r eine m{\"o}gliche Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von Alkohol. Der genaue molekulare Mechanismus der Ethanoltoleranzentwicklung ist jedoch nicht bekannt. Drosophila erm{\"o}glicht die molekulare und ph{\"a}notypische Untersuchung von verschiedenen Mutanten mit ver{\"a}nderter Toleranz und kann so zu einem besseren Verst{\"a}ndnis beitragen. Die hangAE10 Mutante entwickelt eine reduzierte Ethanoltoleranz, wobei dieser Ph{\"a}notyp auf Defekte in der zellul{\"a}ren Stressantwort zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren ist. F{\"u}r ein besseres Verst{\"a}ndnis, in welchen molekularen Mechanismen bzw. Signalwegen HANG wirkt, wurde die Funktion des Proteins auf zellul{\"a}rer Ebene analysiert und m{\"o}gliche Zielgene charakterisiert. Die auff{\"a}llige Proteinstruktur von HANG spricht f{\"u}r eine Interaktion mit Nukleins{\"a}uren. Immunhistochemische Analysen von ektopisch exprimiertem Hangover Protein ergaben, dass dieses nicht mit der DNA co-lokalisiert und auch nicht an polyt{\"a}nen Chromosomen nachgewiesen werden kann. Die ektopische Expression von HANG in Speicheldr{\"u}senzellen zeigte eine punktf{\"o}rmige Verteilung des Proteins innerhalb des Zellkerns. Dieses punktf{\"o}rmige Expressionsmuster wird h{\"a}ufig in RNA-bindenden Proteinen gefunden. Deshalb wurden Co-Lokalisationsstudien von HANG mit Markern f{\"u}r RNAmodifizierende Proteine durchgef{\"u}hrt. Dabei wurde keine Interaktion mit verschiedenen Markerproteinen des Spleißapparates gefunden. Mithilfe von in vitro Experimenten konnte aber die Bindung von RNA an bestimmten Hangover Proteinbereichen nachgewiesen werden Diese Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass HANG eine RNA-regulierende Funktion hat. In einem cDNA Microarray Experiment wurde das Gen dunce als m{\"o}gliches Zielgen von Hangover identifiziert. Das Gen dunce kodiert f{\"u}r eine Phosphodiesterase, welche spezifisch cAMP hydrolysiert. Zur Best{\"a}tigung der cDNA Microarray Experimente wurden die dnc Transkriptunterschiede in Wildtyp und hangAE10 Mutante mithilfe von semiquantitativer RT-PCR f{\"u}r jede der vier Gruppen untersucht. Dabei konnte eine Reduktion der dncRMRA-Transkriptgruppe in hangAE10 Mutanten nachgewiesen werden. Aufgrund dieser Ergebnisse wurde die dncRMRA -spezifische dnc\&\#916;143 Mutante hergestellt und auf Verhaltensebene analysiert. Die Experimente zeigten, dass sowohl dnc1, als auch die dnc\&\#916;143 Mutante eine reduzierte Ethanoltoleranz und Defekte in der zellul{\"a}ren Stressantwort aufweisen. F{\"u}r die Rettung der reduzierten Toleranz von hangAE10 und dnc\&\#916;143 in dncRMRA-spezifischen Neuronen wurde die dncRMRA Promotor- GAL4 Linie hergestellt. Die reduzierte Ethanoltoleranz der dnc\&\#916;143 Mutanten konnte {\"u}ber die Expression von UAS-dnc mit der dncRMRA-GAL4 Linie auf Wildtyp Level gerettet werden. Die reduzierte Toleranz der hangAE10 Mutante konnte mithilfe derselben GAL4 Linie verbessert werden. Dies beweist, dass in beiden Mutanten dieselben Zellen f{\"u}r die Entwicklung von Ethanoltoleranz ben{\"o}tigt werden und sie wahrscheinlich in der gleichen Signaltransduktionskaskade eine Funktion haben. Aufgrund der Anf{\"a}lligkeit der UAS/ GAL4 Systems gegen{\"u}ber Hitze war es außerdem nicht m{\"o}glich die Defekte der zellul{\"a}ren Stressantwort von dnc\&\#916;143 bzw. hangAE10 Fliegen zu retten. Die Rettung der reduzierten Ethanoltoleranz der dcn\&\#916;143 Mutante f{\"u}hrte außerdem zu der Vermutung, dass die cAMP Regulation eine wichtige Funktion bei der Ethanoltoleranzentwicklung hat. {\"U}ber die Expression von cAMP-regulierenden Proteinen in dncRMRA-spezifischen Neuronen wurde der Einfluss von cAMP bei Ethanol-induziertem Verhalten {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Bei der {\"U}berexpression von dunce und rutabaga konnte weder eine Ver{\"a}nderung f{\"u}r die Ethanolsensitivit{\"a}t, noch f{\"u}r die Toleranzentwicklung festgestellt werden. Eine Erkl{\"a}rung hierf{\"u}r w{\"a}re, dass Ver{\"a}nderungen in der cAMP Konzentration {\"u}ber R{\"u}ckkopplungsmechanismen zwischen Dunce und Rutabaga ausgeglichen werden k{\"o}nnen. F{\"u}r eine genauere Aussage m{\"u}sste jedoch die cAMP Konzentration in diesen Fliegen gemessen werden. Die {\"U}berexpression von pka- in dncRMRA spezifischen Zellen f{\"u}hrt zu einer erh{\"o}hten Ethanolresistenz. Das bedeutet, dass die Modulation der cAMP Konzentration durch dunce und rutabaga in dncRMRA spezifischen Zellen keinen Einfluss auf Ethanol-induziertes Verhalten hat, wohingegen die St{\"a}rke der cAMP vermittelten Signalverarbeitung {\"u}ber die cAMP-abh{\"a}ngige PKA zu Ver{\"a}nderungen im Verhalten f{\"u}hrt. F{\"u}r Mutanten des cAMP Signalweges ist außerdem bekannt, dass sie Defekte im olfaktorischen Lernen bzw. Ged{\"a}chtnis aufweisen. Deshalb wurden die dnc\&\#916;143, dnc1 und hangAE10 Mutanten in diesem Paradigma getestet. Sowohl dnc1, als auch dnc\&\#916;143 Fliegen zeigten einen reduzierten Performance Index f{\"u}r das zwei und 30 Minuten Ged{\"a}chtnis. Nach 180 Minuten verhielten sich die dnc\&\#916;143 Mutanten nicht mehr unterschiedlich zum Wildtyp, die dnc1 Mutante zeigte jedoch immer noch eine Reduktion des Performance Index im Vergleich zur Kontrolle. Demnach ist in dnc\&\#916;143 Mutanten nur das Kurzzeitged{\"a}chtnis betroffen, wohingegen hangAE10 Mutanten keine Reduktion des Performance Index f{\"u}r das olfaktorische Kurzzeitged{\"a}chtnis aufweisen. Die unterschiedlichen Ergebnisse der beiden Mutanten in der Ged{\"a}chtnisentwicklung deuten außerdem daraufhin, dass Lernen und Ged{\"a}chtnis in dnc\&\#916;143 und hangAE10 Mutanten von der Toleranzentwicklung unabh{\"a}ngig {\"u}ber unterschiedliche cAMP-abh{\"a}ngige Signaltransduktionskaskaden reguliert werden.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Franke2019, author = {Franke, Christian}, title = {Advancing Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy: Quantitative Analyses and Photometric Three-Dimensional Imaging}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-15635}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-156355}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Since its first experimental implementation in 2005, single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) emerged as a versatile and powerful imaging tool for biological structures with nanometer resolution. By now, SMLM has compiled an extensive track-record of novel insights in sub- and inter- cellular organization.\\ Moreover, since all SMLM techniques rely on the analysis of emission patterns from isolated fluorophores, they inherently allocate molecular information \$per\$ \$definitionem\$.\\ Consequently, SMLM transitioned from its origin as pure high-resolution imaging instrument towards quantitative microscopy, where the key information medium is no longer the highly resolved image itself, but the raw localization data set.\\ The work presented in this thesis is part of the ongoing effort to translate those \$per\$ \$se\$ molecular information gained by SMLM imaging to insights into the structural organization of the targeted protein or even beyond. Although largely consistent in their objectives, the general distinction between global or segmentation clustering approaches on one side and particle averaging or meta-analyses techniques on the other is usually made.\\ During the course of my thesis, I designed, implemented and employed numerous quantitative approaches with varying degrees of complexity and fields of application.\\ \\ In my first major project, I analyzed the localization distribution of the integral protein gp210 of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) with an iterative \textit{k}-means algorithm. Relating the distinct localization statistics of separated gp210 domains to isolated fluorescent signals led, among others, to the conclusion that the anchoring ring of the NPC consists of 8 homo-dimers of gp210.\\ This is of particular significance, both because it answered a decades long standing question about the nature of the gp210 ring and it showcased the possibility to gain structural information well beyond the resolution capabilities of SMLM by crafty quantification approaches.\\ \\ The second major project reported comprises an extensive study of the synaptonemal complex (SNC) and linked cohesin complexes. Here, I employed a multi-level meta-analysis of the localization sets of various SNC proteins to facilitate the compilation of a novel model of the molecular organization of the major SNC components with so far unmatched extend and detail with isotropic three-dimensional resolution.\\ In a second venture, the two murine cohesin components SMC3 and STAG3 connected to the SNC were analyzed. Applying an adapted algorithm, considering the disperse nature of cohesins, led to the realization that there is an apparent polarization of those cohesin complexes in the SNC, as well as a possible sub-structure of STAG3 beyond the resolution capabilities of SMLM.\\ \\ Other minor projects connected to localization quantification included the study of plasma membrane glycans regarding their overall localization distribution and particular homogeneity as well as the investigation of two flotillin proteins in the membrane of bacteria, forming clusters of distinct shapes and sizes.\\ \\ Finally, a novel approach to three-dimensional SMLM is presented, employing the precise quantification of single molecule emitter intensities. This method, named TRABI, relies on the principles of aperture photometry which were improved for SMLM.\\ With TRABI it was shown, that widely used Gaussian fitting based localization software underestimates photon counts significantly. This mismatch was utilized as a \$z\$-dependent parameter, enabling the conversion of 2D SMLM data to a virtual 3D space. Furthermore it was demonstrated, that TRABI can be combined beneficially with a multi-plane detection scheme, resulting in superior performance regarding axial localization precision and resolution.\\ Additionally, TRABI has been subsequently employed to photometrically characterize a novel dye for SMLM, revealing superior photo-physical properties at the single-molecule level.\\ Following the conclusion of this thesis, the TRABI method and its applications remains subject of diverse ongoing research.}, subject = {Einzelmolek{\"u}lmikroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Frank2015, author = {Frank, Nicolas Clemens}, title = {Lokale axonale Wirkungen der CNTF-STAT3 Signalkaskade in Motoneuronen der pmn Maus - einem Mausmodel f{\"u}r die Amyotrophe Lateralsklerose}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-121065}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {1. Zusammenfassung W{\"a}hrend der Embryogenese und nach Verletzungen von Nerven regulieren neurotrophe Faktoren Signalwege f{\"u}r Apoptose, Differenzierung, Wachstum und Regeneration von Neuronen. In vivo Experimente an neugeborenen Nagern haben gezeigt, dass der Verlust von Motoneuronen nach peripherer Nervenl{\"a}sion durch die Behandlung mit GDNF, BDNF, und CNTF reduziert werden kann In der pmn-Mausmutante, einem Modell f{\"u}r die Amyotrophe Lateralsklerose, f{\"u}hrt die Gabe von CNTF, nicht aber von GDNF zu einem verz{\"o}gerten Krankheitsbeginn und einem verlangsamten Fortschreiten der Motoneuronendegeneration. Ausl{\"o}ser der Motoneuronendegeneration in der pmn-Maus ist eine Mutation im Tubulin spezifischen Chaperon E (Tbce) Gen, das f{\"u}r eines von f{\"u}nf Tubulin spezifischen Chaperonen (TBCA-TBCE) kodiert und an der Bildung von -Tubulinheterodimeren beteiligt ist. Diese Arbeit sollte dazu beitragen, die CNTF-induzierten Signalwege zu entschl{\"u}sseln, die sich lindernd auf den progredienten Verlauf der Motoneuronendegeneration in der pmn-Maus auswirken. Prim{\"a}re pmn mutierte Motoneurone zeigen ein reduziertes Axonwachstum und eine erh{\"o}hte Anzahl axonaler Schwellungen mit einer anomalen H{\"a}ufung von Mitochondrien - ein fr{\"u}hes Erkennungsmerkmal bei ALS-Patienten. Die Applikation von CNTF nicht aber von BDNF oder GDNF, kann in vitro die beobachteten Wachstumsdefekte und das bidirektionale axonale Transportdefizit in pmn mutierten Motoneurone verhindern. Aus {\"a}lteren Untersuchungen war bekannt, dass CNTF {\"u}ber den dreiteiligen transmembranen Rezeptorkomplex, bestehend aus CNTFR, LIFR und gp130, Januskinasen aktiviert, die STAT3 an Tyrosin 705 phosphorylieren (pSTAT3Y705). Ich konnte beobachten, dass axonales fluoreszenzmarkiertes pSTAT3Y705 nach CNTF-Gabe nicht retrograd in den Nukleus transportiert wird. Stattdessen f{\"u}hrt die CNTF-induzierte Phosphorylierung von STAT3 an Tyrosin 705 zu einer transkriptionsunabh{\"a}ngigen lokalen Reaktion im Axon. Diese pSTAT3Y705 abh{\"a}ngige Reaktion ist notwendig und ausreichend, um das reduzierte Axonwachstum pmn mutierter Motoneurone zu beheben. Wie die Kombination einer CNTF Behandlung mit dem shRNA vermittelten knock-down von Stathmin in pmn mutierten Motoneuronen zeigt, zielt die CNTF-STAT3 Signalkaskade auf die Stabilisierung axonaler Mikrotubuli ab und wirkt sich positiv auf die anterograde und retrograde Mobilit{\"a}t von axonalen Mitochondrien aus. Interessanter Weise konnte ich außerdem feststellen, dass eine akute Gabe von CNTF das mitochondriale Membranpotential in Axonen prim{\"a}rer pmn mutierter und wildtypischer Motoneurone erh{\"o}ht und einen Anstieg von ATP ausl{\"o}st. Meine Beobachtungen legen nahe, dass CNTF unerwarteter Weise auch eine transiente Phosphorylierung an STAT3 Serin 727 (pSTAT3S727) ausl{\"o}st, die zur anschließenden Translokation von pSTAT3S727 in Mitochondrien f{\"u}hrt. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass STAT3 mehrere lokale Ziele im Axon besitzt, n{\"a}mlich axonale Mikrotubuli und Mitochondrien.}, subject = {Motoneuron}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Forstmeier2001, author = {Forstmeier, Wolfgang}, title = {Individual reproductive strategies in the dusky warbler (Phylloscopus fuscatus)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1232}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {This study investigates mechanisms and consequences of sexual selection in a polygynous population of dusky warblers Phylloscopus fuscatus, breeding near Magadan in the Russian Far East. In particular, the study focuses on individual variation in the reproductive behaviours of both females and males. The mating system of this population is characterised by facultative polygyny (17 per cent of the males mated with more than one female), and by an outstandingly high rate of extra-pair paternity (45 per cent of the offspring was not sired by the social partner of the female). The occurrence of polygyny is best explained by the 'polygyny-threshold model' (PTM). A novel finding of this study is that female mating decisions follow a conditional strategy. First-year females that have no prior breeding experience prefer monogamy over territory quality, while older females more often mate polygynously. I argue that the costs of receiving no male help may be higher for inexperienced females, while the benefits of having a free choice between territories may be higher for individuals that know which territories had the highest breeding success in previous years. Furthermore, I find support for the existence of two female mating strategies. The 'emancipated' female which is not dependent on male help, is free to choose the best territory and the best copulation partners. The 'help-dependent' female, in contrast, is bound to find a partner who is willing to assist her with brood care, thus she will have to accept territories and genetic fathers of lesser quality. The most unexpected finding on female mating behaviours is that this dichotomy between emancipated and help-dependent females is accompanied by morphological specialisation, which indicates that there is genetic variation underlying these female mating strategies. Male mating behaviours are characterised by competition for ownership of the best territories and by advertisement of male quality to females, as these are the factors which largely determine male reproductive success. Male success in obtaining copulations depended on the quality of their song, a fact that explains why males spend most of the daytime singing during the period when females are fertile. Individuals that were able to maintain a relatively high sound amplitude during rapid frequency modulations were consistently preferred by females as copulation partners. Studies of physiological limitations on sound production suggest that such subtle differences in male singing performance can provide an honest reflection of male quality. The present study is the first to indicate that females may judge the quality of a male's song by his performance in sound production. Quality of song was also related to winter survival, which suggests that females can enhance the viability of their offspring by seeking extra-pair fertilisations from good singers (good-genes hypothesis). In general, the present study demonstrates that a complete understanding of avian mating systems is not possible without a detailed analysis of alternative behavioural strategies and of how individuals adjust their reproductive tactics according to their individual needs and abilities.}, subject = {Laubs{\"a}nger}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fliesser2015, author = {Fließer, Mirjam}, title = {Hypoxia and hypoxia-inducible factor 1α modulate the immune response of human dendritic cells against Aspergillus fumigatus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-121392}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The mold Aspergillus fumigatus causes life-threatening infections in immunocompromised patients. Over the past decade new findings in research have improved our understanding of A. fumigatus-host interactions. One of them was the detection of localized areas of tissue hypoxia in the lungs of mice infected with A. fumigatus. The transcription factor hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF 1α) is known as the central regulator of cellular responses to hypoxia. Under normoxia, this constitutively expressed protein is degraded by oxygen-dependent mechanisms in most mammalian cell types. Interaction with pathogens can induce HIF 1α stabilization under normoxic conditions in innate immune cells. Bacterial infection models revealed that hypoxic microenvironments and signaling via HIF 1α modulate functions of host immune cells. Moreover, it was recently described that in murine phagocytes, HIF 1α expression is essential to overcome an A. fumigatus infection. However, the influence of hypoxia and the role of HIF 1α signaling for anti-A. fumigatus immunity is still poorly understood, especially regarding dendritic cells (DCs), which are important regulators of anti-fungal immunity. In this study, the functional relevance of hypoxia and HIF 1α signaling in the response of human DCs against A. fumigatus has been investigated. Hypoxia attenuated the pro-inflammatory response of DCs against A. fumigatus during the initial infection as shown by genome-wide microarray expression analyses and cytokine quantification. The up-regulation of maturation-associated molecules on DCs stimulated with A. fumigatus under hypoxia was reduced; however, these DCs possessed an enhanced capacity to stimulate T cells. This study thereby revealed divergent influence of hypoxia on anti-A. fumigatus DC functions that included both, inhibiting and enhancing effects. HIF-1α was stabilized in DCs following stimulation with A. fumigatus under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. This stabilization was partially dependent on Dectin-1, the major receptor for A. fumigatus on human DCs. Using siRNA-based HIF 1α silencing combined with gene expression microarrays, a modulatory effect of HIF-1α on the anti-fungal immune response of human DCs was identified. Specifically, the transcriptomes of HIF-1α silenced DCs indicated that HIF-1α enhanced DC metabolism and cytokine release in response to A. fumigatus under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. This was confirmed by further down-stream analyses that included quantification of glycolytic activity and cytokine profiling of DCs. By that, this study demonstrated functional relevance of HIF 1α expression in DCs responding to A. fumigatus. The data give novel insight into the cellular functions of HIF 1α in human DCs that include regulation of the anti-fungal immune response under normoxia and hypoxia. The comprehensive transcriptome datasets in combination with the down-stream protein analyses from this study will promote further investigations to further characterize the complex interplay between hypoxia, activation of Dectin-1 and HIF-1α signaling in host responses against A. fumigatus.}, subject = {Immunologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fleischmann2019, author = {Fleischmann, Pauline Nikola}, title = {Starting foraging life: Early calibration and daily use of the navigational system in \(Cataglyphis\) ants}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-15995}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159951}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Cataglyphis ants are famous for their navigational abilities. They live in hostile habitats where they forage as solitary scavengers covering distances of more than hundred thousand times their body lengths. To return to their nest with a prey item - mainly other dead insects that did not survive the heat - Cataglyphis ants constantly keep track of their directions and distances travelled. The navigational strategy is called path integration, and it enables an ant to return to the nest in a straight line using its home vector. Cataglyphis ants mainly rely on celestial compass cues, like the position of the sun or the UV polarization pattern, to determine directions, and they use an idiothetic step counter and optic flow to measure distances. In addition, they acquire information about visual, olfactory and tactile landmarks, and the wind direction to increase their chances of returning to the nest safe and sound. Cataglyphis' navigational performance becomes even more impressive if one considers their life style. Most time of their lives, the ants stay underground and perform tasks within the colony. When they start their foraging careers outside the nest, they have to calibrate their compass systems and acquire all information necessary for navigation during subsequent foraging. This navigational toolkit is not instantaneously available, but has to be filled with experience. For that reason, Cataglyphis ants perform a striking behavior for up to three days before actually foraging. These so-called learning walks are crucial for the success as foragers later on. In the present thesis, both the ontogeny and the fine-structure of learning walks has been investigated. Here I show with displacement experiments that Cataglyphis ants need enough space and enough time to perform learning walks. Spatially restricted novices, i. e. na{\"i}ve ants, could not find back to the nest when tested as foragers later on. Furthermore, ants have to perform several learning walks over 1-3 days to gain landmark information for successful homing as foragers. An increasing number of feeder visits also increases the importance of landmark information, whereas in the beginning ants fully rely on their path-integration vector. Learning walks are well-structured. High-speed video analysis revealed that Cataglyphis ants include species-specific rotational elements in their learning walks. Greek Cataglyphis ants (C. noda and C. aenescens) inhabiting a cluttered pine forest perform voltes, small walked circles, and pirouettes, tight turns about the body axis with frequent stopping phases. During the longest stopping phases, the ants gaze back to their nest entrance. The Tunisian Cataglyphis fortis ants inhabiting featureless saltpans only perform voltes without directed gazes. The function of voltes has not yet been revealed. In contrast, the fine structure of pirouettes suggests that the ants take snapshots of the panorama towards their homing direction to memorize the nest's surroundings. The most likely hypothesis was that Cataglyphis ants align the gaze directions using their path integrator, which gets directional input from celestial cues during foraging. To test this hypothesis, a manipulation experiment was performed changing the celestial cues above the nest entrance (no sun, no natural polarization pattern, no UV light). The accurately directed gazes to the nest entrance offer an easily quantifiable readout suitable to ask the ants where they expect their nest entrance. Unexpectedly, all novices performing learning walks under artificial sky conditions looked back to the nest entrance. This was especially surprising, because neuronal changes in the mushroom bodies and the central complex receiving visual input could only be induced with the natural sky when comparing test animals with interior workers. The behavioral findings indicated that Cataglyphis ants use another directional reference system to align their gaze directions during the longest stopping phases of learning walk pirouettes. One possibility was the earth's magnetic field. Indeed, already disarraying the geomagnetic field at the nest entrance with an electromagnetic flat coil indicated that the ants use magnetic information to align their looks back to the nest entrance. To investigate this finding further, ants were confronted with a controlled magnetic field using a Helmholtz coil. Elimination of the horizontal field component led to undirected gaze directions like the disarray did. Rotating the magnetic field about 90°, 180° or -90° shifted the ants' gaze directions in a predictable manner. Therefore, the earth's magnetic field is a necessary and sufficient reference system for aligning nest-centered gazes during learning-walk pirouettes. Whether it is additionally used for other navigational purposes, e. g. for calibrating the solar ephemeris, remains to be tested. Maybe the voltes performed by all Cataglyphis ant species investigated so far can help to answer this question..}, subject = {Cataglyphis}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fischer2015, author = {Fischer, Robin}, title = {Generating useful tools for future studies in the center of the circadian clock - defined knockout mutants for PERIOD and TIMELESS}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-119141}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {To unravel the role of single genes underlying certain biological processes, scientists often use amorphic or hypomorphic alleles. In the past, such mutants were often created by chance. Enormous approaches with many animals and massive screening effort for striking phenotypes were necessary to find a needle in the haystack. Therefore at the beginning chemical mutagens or radiation were used to induce mutations in the genome. Later P-element insertions and inaccurate jump-outs enabled the advantage of potential larger deletions or inversions. The mutations were characterized and subsequently kept in smaller populations in the laboratories. Thus additional mutations with unknown background effects could accumulate. The precision of the knockout through homologous recombination and the additional advantage of being able to generate many useful rescue constructs that can be easily reintegrated into the target locus made us trying an ends-out targeting procedure of the two core clock genes period and timeless in Drosophila melanogaster. Instead of the endogenous region, a small fragment of approximately 100 base pairs remains including an attP-site that can be used as integration site for in vitro created rescue constructs. After a successful ends-out targeting procedure, the locus will be restored with e.g. flies expressing the endogenous gene under the native promoter at the original locus coupled to a fluorescence tag or expressing luciferase. We also linked this project to other research interests of our work group, like the epigenetic related ADAR-editing project of the Timeless protein, a promising newly discovered feature of time point specific timeless mRNA modification after transcription with yet unexplored consequences. The editing position within the Timeless protein is likewise interesting and not only noticed for the first time. This will render new insights into the otherwise not-satisfying investigation and quest for functional important sequences of the Timeless protein, which anyway shows less homology to other yet characterized proteins. Last but not least, we bothered with the question of the role of Shaggy on the circadian clock. The impact of an overexpression or downregulation of Shaggy on the pace of the clock is obvious and often described. The influence of Shaggy on Period and Timeless was also shown, but for the latter it is still controversially discussed. Some are talking of a Cryptochrome stabilization effect and rhythmic animals in constant light due to Shaggy overexpression, others show a decrease of Cryptochrome levels under these conditions. Also the constant light rhythmicity of the flies, as it was published, could not be repeated so far. We were able to expose the conditions behind the Cryptochrome stabilization and discuss possibilities for the phenomenon of rhythmicity under constant light due to Shaggy overexpression.}, subject = {Biologische Uhr}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fischer2014, author = {Fischer, Peter}, title = {Untersuchungen zum Einfluss der Anzahl primordialer Keimzellen auf die Geschlechtsbestimmung von Medaka, Oryzias latipes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-106846}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Die primordialen Keimzellen (PGCs) sind die einzigen Zellen des Embryos, die die genetische Information von einer Generation an die n{\"a}chste weiter geben k{\"o}nnen. Es wurde gezeigt, dass in allen bislang untersuchten Knochenfischen die Anzahl der Urgeschlechtszellen w{\"a}hrend der Embryonalentwicklung der erste sichtbare Unterschied zwischen M{\"a}nnchen und Weibchen ist. Daraus ergibt sich die Frage, ob die Anzahl der primordialen Keimzellen das Geschlecht bestimmt, oder ob die somatischen Zellen je nach sexueller Identit{\"a}t die Urgeschlechtszellen zur Proliferation anregen. Um zu untersuchen, wie die Anzahl der Urgeschlechtszellen mit der Geschlechtsdetermination zusammenh{\"a}ngt, habe ich in dieser Arbeit die Anzahl der Urgeschlechtszellen manipuliert und deren Schicksal im Verlauf der Embryonalentwicklung verfolgt. Weiterhin untersuchte ich, in wieweit die Temperatur einen Einfluss auf die Geschlechtsbestimmung hat und ob sie Auswirkungen auf die Anzahl und die Wanderung der Urgeschlechtszellen hat beim Medaka hat. Durch meine Experimente, in denen ich die Fische w{\"a}hrend der Embryonalentwicklung bei verschiedenen Temperaturen hielt, konnte ich zeigen, dass beim Medaka der genetische Geschlechtsbestimmungsmechanismus durch erh{\"o}hte Temperatur {\"u}berschrieben werden kann. Die Temperaturerh{\"o}hung in der Embryonalentwicklung f{\"u}hrt zu einer Weibchen­-zu­-M{\"a}nnchen Geschlechtsumkehr. Dabei wird die Anzahl der primordialen Keimzellen im Vergleich zu den Kontrollen reduziert. Zudem wird durch die h{\"o}here Temperatur das autosomale dmrt1a viel fr{\"u}her angeschaltet, wa sauf einen alternativenSignalweg deutet, der die m{\"a}nnliche Geschlechtsentwicklung in XX geschlechtsumgewandelten Tieren steuert.}, subject = {Geschlechtsbestimmung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Fischer2010, author = {Fischer, Matthias}, title = {Der Einfluß der Ribosomale S6 Kinase 2 (RSK2) auf das Neuriten- und Synapsenwachstum in vivo und in Zellkultur}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48341}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit sollte die Funktion der Ribosomalen S6 Kinase 2 (RSK2) auf neuronaler Ebene untersucht werden. Dahingehend gab es, z.B. auf Grund der Ph{\"a}notypen von Fliegen und M{\"a}usen mit Mutationen im entsprechenden Gen oder von Patienten mit Coffin-Lowry-Syndrom (CLS) nur Vermutungen. Es bestand letztlich die Hoffnung, einen Beitrag zur Aufkl{\"a}rung der Pathophysiologie des CLS zu leisten. Es stellte sich auf Grund von Experimenten sowohl in vivo als auch in vitro in verschiedenen Modellsystemen in dieser Arbeit heraus, daß RSK2 einen negativen Einfluß auf das Neuriten- und Synapsenwachstum hat. In kultivierten Motoneuronen f{\"u}hrte der KO von RSK2 zu l{\"a}ngeren Axonen und die {\"U}berexpression eines konstitutiv aktiven RSK2-Konstrukts zu k{\"u}rzeren Axonen. In PC12-Zellen f{\"u}hrte die Expression von konstitutiv aktiven RSK2 Konstrukten zur Verk{\"u}rzung der Neuriten und die Expression eines Kinase-inaktiven RSK2 Konstrukts zu l{\"a}ngeren Neuriten. In vivo war die neuromuskul{\"a}re Synapse bei RSK2-KO M{\"a}usen vergr{\"o}ßert und hatte bei Drosophila rsk Mutanten mehr Boutons. Das RSK2-Protein ist in Motoneuronen der Maus und in {\"u}berexprimierter Form in den Boutons der neuromuskul{\"a}ren Synapse bei Drosophila nachweisbar. Damit wurde zum ersten Mal die Funktion von RSK2 auf neuronaler Ebene beschrieben. Bez{\"u}glich des Mechanismus, wie RSK2 das Nervenwachstum beeinflußt gab es deutliche Hinweise, die daf{\"u}r sprechen, daß RSK2 dies {\"u}ber eine in der Literatur schon h{\"a}ufiger beschriebene Hemmung der MAPK ERK1/2 erreicht. F{\"u}r diese Hypothese spricht die Tatsache, daß die ERK-Phosphorylierung in murinen Motoneuronen und im R{\"u}ckenmark embryonaler M{\"a}use der RSK2-Mutante erh{\"o}ht ist und der Axonwachstumsdefekt durch eine Hemmung von MEK/ERK behoben werden kann. Auch ist die ERK-Phosphorylierung an der murinen Muskel-Endplatte in der Mutante erh{\"o}ht. Zudem zeigen genetische Epistasis-Experimente in Drosophila, daß RSK die Bouton-Zahl {\"u}ber ERK/RL hemmt. RSK scheint also in Drosophila von der Funktion her der RSK2-Isoform in Wirbeltieren sehr {\"a}hnlich zu sein. Ein weiteres wichtiges Ergebnis ist die Beobachtung, daß RSK2 bei Motoneuronen keinen wesentlichen Einfluß auf das {\"U}berleben der Zellen in Gegenwart neurotropher Faktoren hat. M{\"o}glicherweise spielen hier redundante Funktionen der RSK Familienmitglieder eine Rolle. Ein bislang unerkl{\"a}rter Befund ist die reduzierte Frequenz spontaner Depolarisationen bzw. damit einhergehender Ca2+ Einstr{\"o}me bei RSK2-KO Motoneuronen in Zellkultur. Die H{\"a}ufigkeit und Dichte von Ca2+-Kan{\"a}len und aktive Zonen Proteinen war in Motoneuronen nicht von der Anwesenheit des RSK2-Proteins abh{\"a}ngig. Im Hippocampus konnte außerdem das RSK2-Protein pr{\"a}synaptisch in den Moosfaser-Boutons der CA3 Region nachgewiesen werden. Es befindet sich auch in den Pyramidenzellen, aber nicht in den Pyramidenzell-Dendriten in CA3. Bez{\"u}glich der Bedeutung dieser Befunde f{\"u}r die Aufkl{\"a}rung der Pathologie des CLS ist zu folgern, daß der neuro-psychologische Ph{\"a}notyp bei CLS Patienten wahrscheinlich nicht durch reduziertes {\"U}berleben von Neuronen, sondern eher durch disinhibiertes Axonwachstum oder Synapsenwachstum bedingt ist. Dies kann grob sowohl f{\"u}r die peripheren als auch die zentralen Defekte gelten, denn die Synapsen im ZNS und am Muskel sind in ihrer molekularen Ausstattung z.B. im Bereich der Vesikel, der aktiven Zonen oder der Transmitteraussch{\"u}ttung sehr {\"a}hnlich. Weiterhin k{\"o}nnte eine ver{\"a}nderte synaptische Plastizit{\"a}t u.a. an der Moosfaser-Pyramidenzell-Synapse in der CA3 Region des Hippocampus eine Rolle bei den kognitiven und mnestischen Einschr{\"a}nkungen der Patienten spielen. Die Entdeckung, daß aktiviertes ERK bei den beobachteten Effekten eine Rolle spielt kann f{\"u}r die Entwicklung von Therapiestrategien eine wertvolle Erkenntnis sein.}, subject = {Ribosom}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Fischer2002, author = {Fischer, Andreas}, title = {Biochemische Charakterisierung der basischen Helix-Loop-Helix-Transkriptionsfaktoren Hey1 und Hey2 sowie Untersuchung ihrer Rolle w{\"a}hrend der Herz- und Gef{\"a}ßentwicklung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-6086}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Die Entwicklung eines vielzelligen Organismus aus einer befruchteten Eizelle ist nur durch komplexe zellul{\"a}re Regulationsmechanismen m{\"o}glich. Dabei spielt der Notch-Signaltransduktionsweg eine zentrale Rolle w{\"a}hrend der Determination von Zellschicksalen und der Zelldifferenzierung. Die prim{\"a}ren Zielgene der Notch-Signalkaskaskade bei Vertebraten sind die Hes- sowie die k{\"u}rzlich identifizierten Hey-Gene. Die Hey-(hairy and E(spl) related with YRPW motif)-Gene kodieren drei hairy/E(spl)/Hes-verwandte basische Helix-Loop-Helix-Transkriptionsfaktoren, die durch eine Orange-Dom{\"a}ne und einen charakteristischen Carboxyterminus gekennzeichnet sind. W{\"a}hrend der Embryonalentwicklung werden die Hey-Gene dynamisch in zahlreichen Geweben exprimiert. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, neue Hey-Interaktionsproteine aus embryonalen Genbanken zu isolieren, die Bindung an weitere bHLH-Transkriptionsfaktoren zu {\"u}berpr{\"u}fen und ihre DNA-Bindung zu analysieren. Um die physiologische Hey2-Funktion zu ergr{\"u}nden, wurden Hey2-Knockoutm{\"a}use untersucht. In einem ersten Versuch wurde eine neue Screeningmethode erprobt, bei der Proteinexpressionsfilter mit markierten Hey1-Peptiden nach interagierenden Proteinen durchsucht wurden. Hierbei sind 53 Proteine isoliert worden, jedoch konnte nach eingehenderen Untersuchungen kein relevanter Bindungsspartner beschrieben werden. F{\"u}r weitere Analysen unter mehr physiologischen Bedingungen wurde das Yeast Two-Hybrid Verfahren f{\"u}r Hey1 und Hey2 etabliert. Das Screening von murinen embryonalen cDNA-Genbanken mit verschiedenen Hey1-Fragmenten f{\"u}hrte zur Isolation von mehreren hundert Klonen. Die interessantesten Kandidaten wurden weiteren biochemischen Tests unterzogen, wobei jedoch keine neuen Interaktionspartner verifiziert werden konnten. Mit gezielten direkten Yeast Two-Hybrid und GST-Pulldown Assays f{\"u}r vermutete Kandidaten konnte jedoch die Interaktion von Hey1 bzw. Hey2 mit den bHLH-Proteinen E2-2, E2-5, MyoD und c-hairy1 nachgewiesen werden. Außerdem wurde festgestellt, dass Hey1 und Hey2 Homodimere und Hey1/Hey2-Heterodimere bilden. Die st{\"a}rkste Interaktion wurde mit dem in der Somitogenese rhythmisch exprimierten c-hairy1-Protein beobachtet. Da Hey2 und c-hairy1 im pr{\"a}somitischen Mesoderm und in den Somiten coexprimiert werden und starke Heterodimere ausbilden, erscheint es wahrscheinlich, dass beide Proteine gemeinsam die Transkription nachgeschalteter Gene steuern. Diese Interaktionsstudien zeigten außerdem erstmals, dass die Orange-Dom{\"a}ne entscheidend an der Bildung der Dimere beteiligt ist, da durch sie die Dimerisierung in vivo deutlich verst{\"a}rkt wurde. Schließlich konnte gezeigt werden, dass Hey1 und Hey2, im Gegensatz zu den {\"u}brigen hairy-Proteinen, nicht mit dem Corepressor Groucho/TLE1 interagieren. Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assays ergaben, dass die Hey1- und Hey2-Proteine an eine E(spl)-spezifische E-Box DNA-Sequenz (CACGTG) binden. Auch die interagierenden bHLH-Proteine c-hairy1, E2-2 und E2-5 binden als Homodimere an diese DNA-Sequenz. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die Hey2-Genfunktion an Hey2-Knockoutm{\"a}usen untersucht. Etwa 80 \% der homozygoten M{\"a}use starben wenige Tage nach der Geburt. Sie zeigten eine massive Hypertrophie der Herzventrikel, die wahrscheinlich die Todesursache darstellt. Die lacZ-Expression der untersuchten Organe entsprach der Hey2-Expression im Wildtyp. Es fiel dabei auf, dass es postnatal zu einer Herunterregulation der Hey2-Transkription kommt. Mit Elektrokardiogrammen wurden keine Reizleitungsst{\"o}rungen bei neugeborenen Hey2-Knockoutm{\"a}usen festgestellt. Interessanterweise konnte mit Arteriographien ausgeschlossen werden, dass die Ventrikelhypertophie Folge einer Aortenstenose wie bei der gridlock (zf-Hey2)-Mutante im Zebrafisch ist. Vielmehr f{\"u}hrt eine homozygote Hey2-Deletion zu einer Kardiomyopathie in Kombination mit verschiedenene Herzfehlern. Untersuchungen der Hey1- und HeyL-Expression in Hey2-Knockoutembryonen mittels RNA in situ Hybridisierungen zeigten keine Ver{\"a}nderungen im Vergleich mit dem Wildtyp. Daraus kann gefolgert werden, dass Hey1 und HeyL zumindest dort, wo sie nicht mit Hey2 coexprimiert sind, die Hey2-Funktionen nicht kompensieren k{\"o}nnen. Weitere Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber die Funktionen der Hey-Gene werden sicherlich die Studien an den Doppelknockoutm{\"a}usen ergeben. Die bisherigen Ergebnisse zeigen eindeutig, dass die Hey-Gene essentiell f{\"u}r die murine Herzentwicklung sind. Weitere Untersuchungen m{\"u}ssen nun zeigen, welche Rolle diese Gene bei der Entstehung von kongenitalen Herzfehlern des Menschen spielen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Fink2008, author = {Fink, Kristin}, title = {Toxins in Renal Disease and Dialysis Therapy : Genotoxic Potential and Mechanisms}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-31082}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {In patients suffering from end-stage renal disease who are treated by hemodialysis genomic damage as well as cancer incidence is elevated. One possible cause for the increased genomic damage could be the accumulation of genotoxic substances in the blood of patients. Two possible sources for those toxins have to be considered. The first possibility is that substances from dialysers, the blood tubing system or even contaminated dialysis solutions may leach into the blood of the patients during dialysis. Secondly, the loss of renal filtration leads to an accumulation of substances which are normally excreted by the kidney. If those substances possess toxic potential, they are called uremic toxins. Several of these uremic toxins are potentially genotoxic. Within this thesis several exemplary uremic toxins have been tested for genotoxic effects (homocysteine, homocysteine-thiolactone,leptine, advanced glycated end-products). Additionally, it was analysed whether substances are leaching from dialysers or blood tubing and whether they cause effects in in vitrotoxicity testing. The focus of chemical analytisis was on bisphenol A (BPA), the main component of plastics used in dialysers and dialyser membranes.}, subject = {Bisphenol A}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{FetivaMora2023, author = {Fetiva Mora, Maria Camila}, title = {Changes in chromatin accessibility by oncogenic YAP and its relevance for regulation of cell cycle gene expression and cell migration}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30291}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-302910}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Various types of cancer involve aberrant cell cycle regulation. Among the pathways responsible for tumor growth, the YAP oncogene, a key downstream effector of the Hippo pathway, is responsible for oncogenic processes including cell proliferation, and metastasis by controlling the expression of cell cycle genes. In turn, the MMB multiprotein complex (which is formed when B-MYB binds to the MuvB core) is a master regulator of mitotic gene expression, which has also been associated with cancer. Previously, our laboratory identified a novel crosstalk between the MMB-complex and YAP. By binding to enhancers of MMB target genes and promoting B-MYB binding to promoters, YAP and MMB co-regulate a set of mitotic and cytokinetic target genes which promote cell proliferation. This doctoral thesis addresses the mechanisms of YAP and MMB mediated transcription, and it characterizes the role of YAP regulated enhancers in transcription of cell cycle genes. The results reported in this thesis indicate that expression of constitutively active, oncogenic YAP5SA leads to widespread changes in chromatin accessibility in untransformed human MCF10A cells. ATAC-seq identified that newly accessible and active regions include YAP-bound enhancers, while the MMB-bound promoters were found to be already accessible and remain open during YAP induction. By means of CRISPR-interference (CRISPRi) and chromatin immuniprecipitation (ChIP), we identified a role of YAP-bound enhancers in recruitment of CDK7 to MMB-regulated promoters and in RNA Pol II driven transcriptional initiation and elongation of G2/M genes. Moreover, by interfering with the YAP-B-MYB protein interaction, we can show that binding of YAP to B-MYB is also critical for the initiation of transcription at MMB-regulated genes. Unexpectedly, overexpression of YAP5SA also leads to less accessible chromatin regions or chromatin closing. Motif analysis revealed that the newly closed regions contain binding motifs for the p53 family of transcription factors. Interestingly, chromatin closing by YAP is linked to the reduced expression and loss of chromatin-binding of the p53 family member Np63. Furthermore, I demonstrate that downregulation of Np63 following expression of YAP is a key step in driving cellular migration. Together, the findings of this thesis provide insights into the role of YAP in the chromatin changes that contribute to the oncogenic activities of YAP. The overexpression of YAP5SA not only leads to the opening of chromatin at YAP-bound enhancers which together with the MMB complex stimulate the expression of G2/M genes, but also promotes the closing of chromatin at ∆Np63 -bound regions in order to lead to cell migration.}, subject = {Chromatin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{FernandezMora2005, author = {Fern{\´a}ndez-Mora, Eugenia}, title = {Analysis of the maturation of Rhodococcus equi-containing vacuoles in macrophages}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-14049}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Rhodococcus equi is a Gram-positive intracellular pathogen which can cause severe bronchopneumonia in foals. In recent years, the role of this bacterium as human pathogen has been noted, as R.equi infections in humans have increase in frequency. This increase is associated with the rise in immunosupressed individuals, specially AIDS patients, where infection leads to symptoms and pathology similar to those seen in foals with a high mortality rate. Due to its capability to survive and multiply in murine and equine macrophages, R.equi has been classified as a facultative intracellular bacterium. R.equi is found frequently in macrophages in alveolar infiltrate from infected animals. The pathogenicity of R.equi depends on its ability to exist and multiply inside macrophages and has been associated with the presence of virulence plasmids. It has been observed that, inside foal alveolar macrophages, R.equi-containing vacuoles (RCVs) do not mature into phagolysosomes. However, most of the intracellular events during R.equi infection have not been investigated in detail. The aim of this study was to elucidate the intracellular compartmentation of R.equi and the mechanism by which the bacteria avoid destruction in host macrophages. The importance of the virulence-associated plasmids of R.equi for the establishment of RCVs was also evaluated. Furthermore, the intracellular fate of viable and non-viable R.equi was compared in order to study whether viability of R.equi influeciantes the establishment of RCVs. In this study, the RCV was characterized by using a variety of endocytic markers to follow the path of the bacteria trhough murine macropages. Transmission electron microscopy-base analysis showed that R.equi was found equally frequently in phagosomes with loosely or thightly apposed membranes, and RCV often contains numerous membranous vesicles. Laser scanning microscopy of infected macrophages showed that the majority of phagosomes containing R.equi acquired transiently the early endosomal markers Rab5, Ptlns3P, and EEA-1, suggesting initially undisturbed phagosome maturation. Although the RCV acquired some late endosomal markers, such as Rab7, LAMP-1, and Lamp-2, they did not acquired vATPase, did not interact with pre-labeled lysosomes, and failed to acidify. These data clearly suggest that the RCV is a compartment which has left vacuoles that resemble multivesicular body compartments (MVB), which are transport intermediates between early and late endosomes and display internal vesicles very similar to the ones observed within RCVs. Analyisis of several R.equi strains containing either VapA- or VapB-expressing plasmids or neither demonstrated that the possession of the virulence-associated plasmids does not affect phagosome trafficking over a two hour period of infection. The finding that non-viable R.equi was still able to inhibit phagosome maturation (although not to the same extent as viable R.equi did) suggests that heat-insensitive factors, such as cell periphery lipids, may play a major role in inhibition of phagosome maturation, although heat-sensitive factors may also be involved.}, subject = {Rhodococcus equi}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fendert2000, author = {Fendert, Thomas}, title = {Charakterisierung der enzymatischen Abwehrreaktion in Schw{\"a}mmen der Gattung Aplysina und Isolierung von Bromotyrosinalkaloiden aus Aplysina insularis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1166}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Marine Schw{\"a}mme der Gattung Aplysina besitzen Bromotyrosinealkaloide als typische Sekund{\"a}rmetabolite. Diese Alkaloide werden in einer enzymatischen Abwehrreaktion zu biologisch aktiven Produkten abgebaut. In der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Isolierung von 14 Schwamminhaltstsoffen aus dem Schwamm Aplysina insularis beschrieben. 14-oxo-Aerophobin-2 konnte als neues Bromoisoxazolinalkaloid beschrieben werden. Anhand des Schwammes Aplysina cauliformis wurde die Charakterisierung der enzymatischen Abwehrreaktion in Schw{\"a}mmen der Gattung Aplysina vorgenommnen, die von zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Enzymen durchgef{\"u}hrt wird. Hierbei konnte erstmals eine Nitrilhydratase aus dem marinen Habitat beschrieben werden, die in der beschriebenen Abwehrreaktion als zweites Enzym beteiligt ist.}, subject = {Aplysina}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Fellenberg2003, author = {Fellenberg, Friederike}, title = {Charakterisierung von Tumorantigenen des kutanen T-Zell Lymphoms: Serologische Immunantwort und Expressionsanalyse}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-7561}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Immuntherapien auf der Basis gut charakterisierter, tumorspezifischer Antigene stellen ein vielversprechendes Konzept der Tumortherapie dar. Ein potentielles Antigen f{\"u}r immuntherapeutische Strategien sollte m{\"o}glichst tumorspezifisch exprimiert sein und es sollte einen Hinweis auf bereits erfolgte Immunantworten im Patienten geben, wie z.B. die Existenz spezifischer Antik{\"o}rper oder zytotoxischer T-Zellen (CTL). Eine membranst{\"a}ndige Lokalisation ist f{\"u}r die Verwendung von Tumorantigenen in Antik{\"o}rpertherapien notwendig. W{\"a}hrend f{\"u}r viele Neoplasien Tumorantigene bekannt sind, wurden f{\"u}r das kutane T-Zell Lymphom (CTCL) bislang nur sehr wenige tumorassoziierte Antigene identifiziert. Die Antigene se57-1, se70-2, cTAGE-1 und GBP-5ta wurden durch serologisches Durchsuchen einer Phagenbank aus Testis- bzw. Tumorgewebe (SEREX-Methode) identifiziert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Immunogenit{\"a}t dieser vier Tumorantigene in einem neu entwickelten ELISA mit CTCL-, Parapsoriasis-, Melanom- und Kontrollseren untersucht. se70-2 und cTAGE-1 Protein erkannten nur wenige Patientenseren. F{\"u}r GBP-5ta konnte dagegen eine signifikant h{\"o}here Reaktivit{\"a}t der CTCL-Seren im Vergleich zu den Kontrollseren ermittelt werden. Bei se57-1 waren die CTCL- und die Parapsoriasisseren hoch signifikant verschieden zu den Kontrollseren. Dieses putativ virusinduzierte Antigen sollte in zuk{\"u}nftigen Arbeiten auf seine m{\"o}gliche Funktion als Entz{\"u}ndungsmarker weiter untersucht werden. F{\"u}r das CTCL sollten weitere Kombinationen von Tumorantigenen auf ihren diagnostischen Wert in der Serologie getestet werden. Des Weiteren konnten in dieser Arbeit die CTCL assoziierten Antigene se2-2 und die GBP-5 Familie genauer charakterisiert werden: Die Expressionsanalyse von se2-2 Protein und mRNA in verschiedenen Normalgeweben zeigte ein differentielles Expressionsmuster. Im SEREX wurde se2-2 serologisch spezifisch nur von CTCL-Seren erkannt. M{\"o}glicherweise w{\"a}re se2-2 eine geeignete Zielstruktur f{\"u}r die serologische Diagnostik des CTCL. Aufgrund seiner fehlenden Tumorspezifit{\"a}t ist se2-2 f{\"u}r die Immuntherapie jedoch wenig geeignet. Die neu identifizierte GBP-5 Familie besteht aus mindestens drei Spleißvarianten (GBP-5ta, GBP-5a und GBP-5b), die zwei Proteine, GBP-5ta und GBP-5a/b, kodieren. GBP-5ta ist gegen{\"u}ber GBP-5a/b C-terminal um 97 AS verk{\"u}rzt. GBP-5ta mRNA wird differentiell exprimiert, w{\"a}hrend GBP-5ta Protein PBMC-spezifisch exprimiert wird. In CTCL-Tumorgewebe konnte GBP-5ta nachgewiesen werden, wogegen in Melanomzelllinien fast ausschließlich GBP-5a/b vorliegt. Gegen GBP-5ta konnte eine humorale Immunantwort bei CTCL-Patienten nachgewiesen werden: Im SEREX wurde GBP-5ta nur von CTCL-Patientenseren erkannt. Auch in der ELISA-Methode reagierten signifikant mehr Patientenseren als Kontrollseren mit GBP-5ta. Die h{\"o}here Immunogenit{\"a}t von GBP-5ta gegen{\"u}ber GBP-5a/b im SEREX unterstreicht die Bedeutung der verk{\"u}rzten Variante. Ob CTL gegen GBP-5ta pr{\"a}sentierende Zellen existieren, wird momentan untersucht. Die GBP-5 Spleißvarianten sind hoch homolog zur Familie der GTPasen, zu denen auch das Onkogen Ras geh{\"o}rt. Das verk{\"u}rzte Protein von GBP-5ta k{\"o}nnte durch den Verlust der C-terminalen Dom{\"a}ne seine eventuelle anti-proliferierende Funktion verlieren. Ein Knock-out Versuch von GBP-5 k{\"o}nnte die Bedeutung von GBP-5 in der Tumorzelle untersuchen. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus w{\"a}re es vielversprechend, die GTPase Aktivit{\"a}t der GBP-5 Varianten in einem GTP-Bindungs-Assay zu {\"u}berpr{\"u}fen. GBP-5ta k{\"o}nnte eine m{\"o}gliche Ursache des unkontrollierten Wachstums der Tumorzelle und somit eine vielversprechende potentielle Zielstruktur f{\"u}r therapeutische Ans{\"a}tze f{\"u}r das CTCL sein.}, subject = {Hautlymphom}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Feldmann2002, author = {Feldmann, Kristina}, title = {Signal transduction of transforming growth factor-Beta in cytotoxic T cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-4912}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Transforming-Growth-Factor-beta1 (TGF-b1) ist ein multifunktionelles Zytokin, welches insbesondere Zellwachstum und Zelldifferenzierung koordiniert. TGF-b ist vor allem daf{\"u}r bekannt, Zellen des Immunsystems zu beeinflussen. TGF-b steuert zum Beispiel die Differenzierung von T-Zellen und und deren Effektorfunktionen. Die Signaltransduktion von TGF-b wird vermittelt durch die Phosphorylierung von Rezeptor-assoziierten Smad-Proteinen (R-Smads). R-Smads werden vom Typ I Rezeptor aktiviert, der seinerseits vom hochaffinen Typ II Rezeptor phosphoryliert wird, sobald der Ligand bindet. Die phosphorylierten RSmads assoziieren darauf mit Co-Smads. Heterooligomere von R-Smads und Co-Smads wandern dann in den Zellkern, wo sie im Zusammenspiel mit Transkriptionsfaktoren wie CBP/p300 oder AP-1 die Transkription TGF-b-spezifischer Zielgene koordinieren. Neue Erkenntnisse lassen vermuten, daß die pleiotropen Effekte von TGF-b durch das Interagieren mit anderen Signalkaskaden entstehen, zum Beispiel mit dem MAP-Kinase-Weg oder der STAT-Kaskade. Wir beschreiben hier den Effekt von TGF-b auf die Effektorfunktionen unterschiedlich stimulierter prim{\"a}rer Maus-Milzzellen und aufgereinigten zytotoxischen CD8+ Maus-TZellen. Langzeitbehandlung mit TGF-b resultierte in der Unf{\"a}higkeit der Zellen, Smad2 ligandeninduziert zu phosphorylieren. Entweder wurde {\"u}berhaupt keine Phosphorylierung beobachtet, oder eine anhaltende Phosphorylierung von Smad2 unabh{\"a}ngig vom Vorhandensein des Liganden. Des weiteren stellten wir einen Zusammenhang zwischen anhaltender Smad2-Phosphorylierung und der Resistenz gegen{\"u}ber TGF-b induzierter Wachstumshemmung fest. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigen Zellen, die sensitiv sind gegen{\"u}ber TGF-b vermittelter Wachstumshemmung, keine Smad2-Phosphorylierung mehr. Bez{\"u}glich ihrer zytotoxische Aktivt{\"a}t waren allerdings beide Ph{\"a}notypen nicht mehr lytisch wirksam, unabh{\"a}ngig von der jeweiligen Smad2-Phosphorylierung. In dieser Arbeit zeigen wir auch die Notwendigkeit eines funktionalen MEK-1-Signalweges auf, der unabdingbar ist, damit TZellen keine Wachstumsinhibierung durch TGF-b mehr erfahren. Das Blockieren dieses Signalweges f{\"u}hrt dar{\"u}berhinaus bei diesen Zellen ebenfalls zu einem ver{\"a}nderten Smad2- Phosphorylierungsmuster. Bez{\"u}glich des JNK-Signalweges konnten wir feststellen, daß ein funktional aktiver JNK-Signalweg mit der Resistenz gegen{\"u}ber TGF-b vermittelter Wachstumsinhibierung einhergeht. Allerdings f{\"u}hrt die Zugabe von IFNg und/oder aCD28- Antik{\"o}rper nicht zu einer ver{\"a}nderten Sensitivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber TGF-b. Im Gegensatz zuprim{\"a}ren Zellen k{\"o}nnen die beschriebenen Zusammenh{\"a}nge in Zellkulturen vom humanen und murinen T Zellen nicht beobachtet werden, und sind somit spezifisch f{\"u}r primare TZellen. Wir beschreiben auch die Klonierung eines chim{\"a}ren dominant-negativen Typ II Rezeptors, der an eine Kinase gekoppelt ist, die bei Aktivierung Zelltod ausl{\"o}st. Damit soll es in Zukunft m{\"o}glich sein, T-Zellen gegen{\"u}ber TGF-b Resistenz zu verleihen. Die hier geschilderten Ergebnisse vertiefen die Kenntnisse {\"u}ber molekulare Mechanismen der Wirkung von TGF-b auf T-Zellen und k{\"o}nnen vielleicht dazu beitragen, negative Effekte von TGF-b, zum Beispiel in der Tumortherapie, gezielt abzuwenden.}, subject = {T-Lymphozyt}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fasemore2023, author = {Fasemore, Akinyemi Mandela}, title = {Genomic and internet based analysis of \(Coxiella\) \(burnetii\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29663}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-296639}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Coxiella burnetii, a Gram negative obligate intracellular bacterium, is the causative agent of Q fever. It has a world wide distribution and has been documented to be capable of causing infections in several domestic animals, livestock species, and human beings. Outbreaks of Q fever are still being observed in livestock across animal farms in Europe, and primary transmission to humans still oc- curs especially in animal handlers. Public health authorities in some countries like Germany are required by law to report human acute cases denoting the significance of the challenge posed by C. burnetii to public health. In this thesis, I have developed a platform alongside methods to address the challenges of genomic analyses of C. burnetii for typing purposes. Identification of C. burnetii isolates is an important task in the laboratory as well as in the clinics and genotyping is a reliable method to identify and characterize known and novel isolates. Therefore, I designed and implemented several methods to facilitate the genotyping analyses of C. burnetii genomes in silico via a web platform. As genotyping is a data intensive process, I also included additional features such as visualization methods and databases for interpretation and storage of obtained results. I also developed a method to profile the resistome of C. burnetii isolates using a machine learning approach. Data about antibiotic resistance in C. burnetii are scarce majorly due to its lifestyle and the difficulty of cultivation in laboratory media. Alternative methods that rely on homology identification of resistance genes are also inefficient in C. burnetii, hence, I opted for a novel approach that has been shown to be promising in other bacteria species. The applied method relied on an artificial neural network as well as amino acid composition of position specific scoring matrix profile for feature extraction. The resulting model achieved an accuracy of ≈ 0.96 on test data and the overall performance was significantly higher in comparison to existing models. Finally, I analyzed two new C. burnetii isolates obtained from an outbreak in Germany, I compared the genome to the RSA 493 reference isolate and found extensive deletions across the genome landscape. This work has provided a new digital infrastructure to analyze and character- ize C. burnetii genomes that was not in existence before and it has also made a significant contribution to the existing information about antibiotic resistance genes in C. burnetii.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Faist2017, author = {Faist, Hanna}, title = {Bedeutung und Charakterisierung der bakteriellen Flora in Vitis vinifera mit und ohne Wurzelhalsgallen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-154359}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Am Rebstock werden in der Natur von Agrobacterium vitis, dem Ausl{\"o}ser Wurzelhalsgallenerkrankung, charakteristische Wurzelhalsgallentumore induziert. Virulente Vertreter der Gattung der Agrobacteria schleusen bakterielle DNA in das pflanzliche Genom ein, wodurch die Pflanze Tumore produziert. Die Wurzelhalsgallenerkrankung wird seit einem Jahrhundert als ein Beispiel der Pflanzen-Pathogen-Interaktion untersucht. Die Rolle der bakteriellen Flora im Zusammenhang mit der Wurzelhalsgallenerkrankung beim Rebstock wurde bisher kaum betrachtet. Um dieser Frage nachzugehen, habe ich die endophytische mikrobielle Zusammensetzung von Rebst{\"o}cken mit und ohne Wurzelhalsgalle analysiert. Es werden Proben von drei Zeitpunkten einer Wachstumsperiode (Fr{\"u}hling, Sommer und Herbst) und von den Organen der Rebst{\"o}cke (Wurzeln, Pfropfstelle und einj{\"a}hrige Triebe) sowie dem Boden in einer Weinanlage bei Himmelstadt in Unterfranken genommen. Die Bakterienflora dieser Umweltproben wird mit kultivierungsabh{\"a}ngigen (Isolierung von Bakterien) und kultivierungsunabh{\"a}ngigen (Hochdurchsatzsequenzierungen) Methoden untersucht. Zudem werden i) die Virulenz der verschiedenen Agrobacterium-Isolate in Tumorassays bestimmt, ii) synthetische Bakteriengemeinschaften von in vitro kultivierten Weinpfl{\"a}nzchen mit Wurzelhalsgallen analysiert, iii) die Genome von einem virulenten und einem nicht-virulenten Agrobacteria-Isolat aus der Wurzelhalsgalle verglichen, iv) erste Interaktionsstudien auf festen N{\"a}hrmedien durchgef{\"u}hrt und v) virulente Agrobacteria mittels bildgebender Fluoreszenz-Lebenszeit-Mikroskopie (FLIM) in Wurzelhalsgallen lokalisiert. Die Rebst{\"o}cke dieser Studie haben eine organspezifische Bakterienflora, die innerhalb einer Wachstumsperiode variiert. Nur die Bakterienflora der Pfropfstelle (mit oder ohne Wurzelhalsgalle) aber nicht die des Bodens, der Wurzeln, und der einj{\"a}hrigen Triebe unterscheidet sich strukturell zwischen gesunden und erkrankten Rebst{\"o}cken. Mikroskopisch konnten virulente Agrobacteria punktuell in Interzellularen, sklerenchymatischen Geweben und assoziiert mit Leitgef{\"a}ßen nachgewiesen werden. Dadurch ist ausreichend Lebensraum vorhanden, der zus{\"a}tzlich von tumorspezifischen Bakterien besiedelt werden kann. Im Gegensatz zur gesunden Pfropfstelle ist in der Wurzelhalsgalle eine saisonal stabile Kernmikroflora, bestehend aus Vertreter von A. vitis, Pseudomonas, Enterobacteriaceae, Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Gammaproteobacteria und Burkholderiales, vorhanden. Diese Bakterien werden {\"u}berwiegend aus dem Boden rekrutiert und profitieren von der N{\"a}hrstoffsituation in der Wurzelhalsgalle. Wurzelhalsgallen enthalten Opine, die nur von der transformierten Pflanzenzelle produziert werden. Interessanterweise hat in dieser Arbeit ein Agrobacterium-Isolat Gene, die zum Opinkatabolismus beitragen und ein Pseudomonas-Isolat kann Opine als einzige Kohlenstoffquelle nutzen. Trotzdem sind beide Isolate weder virulent noch verdr{\"a}ngen sie die virulenten A. vitis, die ebenso Opine nutzen, aus der Wurzelhalsgalle. In synthetischen Bakteriengemeinschaften an in vitro kultivierten Weinpfl{\"a}nzchen konnte gezeigt werden, dass diese und weitere tumorspezifischen Bakterien, neben A. vitis, nicht essentiell zur Entstehung der Wurzelhalsgalle n{\"o}tig sind aber unterschiedliche Funktionen in der Wurzelhalsgalle {\"u}bernehmen. Ein Serratia-Isolat hemmt das Wachstum von A. vitis auf festen N{\"a}hrmedium, andere f{\"o}rdern oder hemmen das Wachstum der Wurzelhalsgalle. Nach Studien in der Literatur erh{\"o}hen weitere Bakterien die Resistenz des Rebstocks gegen{\"u}ber biotischem und abiotischem Stress. Zusammengefasst identifizierten und isolierte ich in dieser Studie unter 150 unterschiedlichen Bakterien in der Wurzelhalsgalle jene Bakterien, die neben A. vitis von der neuen {\"o}kologischen Nische profitieren und somit wahrscheinlich Opportunisten mit unterschiedlichen Funktionen sind. In Folge von multiplen Interaktionen in der Wurzelhalsgalle entsteht ein {\"o}kologisches Gleichgewicht zwischen den opportunistischen Bakterien, der Wurzelhalsgalle und dem Rebstock, das den Fortbestand des Rebstocks mit Wurzelhalsgalle erm{\"o}glicht.}, subject = {Wurzelhalsgalle}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{FadlElMola2003, author = {Fadl El Mola, Faisal Mohamed}, title = {Bioinformatic and molecular approaches for the analysis of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) transcriptome}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-6877}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {There is substantial interest in the identification of genes underlying susceptibility to complex human diseases because of the potential utility of such genes in disease prediction and therapy. The complex age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a prevalent cause of legal blindness in industrialized countries and predominantly affects the elderly population over 75 years of age. Although vision loss in AMD results from photoreceptor cell death in the central retina, the initial pathogenesis likely involves processes in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) (Liang and Godley, 2003). The goal of the current study was to identify and characterize genes specifically or abundantly expressed in the RPE in order to determine more comprehensively the transcriptome of the RPE. In addition, our aim was to assess the role of these genes in AMD pathogenesis. Towards this end, a bovine cDNA library enriched for RPE transcripts was constructed in-house using a PCR-based suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) technique (Diatchenko et al., 1996, 1999), which normalizes for sequence abundance and achieves high enrichment for differentially expressed genes. CAP3 (Huang and Madan, 1999) was used to assemble the high quality sequences of all the 2379 ESTs into clusters or singletons. 1.2\% of the 2379 RPE-ESTs contains vector sequences and was excluded from further analysis. 5\% of the RPE-ESTs showed homology to multipe chromosomes and were not included in further assembly process. The rest of the ESTs (2245) were assembled into 175 contigs and 509 singletons, which revealed approximately 684 unique genes in the dataset. Out of the 684, 343 bovine RPE transcripts did not align to their human orthologues. A large fraction of clones were shown to include a considerable 3´untranslated regions of the gene that are not conserved between bovine and human. It is the coding regions that can be conserved between bovine and human and not the 3' UTR (Sharma et al., 2002). Therefore, more sequencing from the cDNA library with reclustering of those 343 ESTs together with continuous blasting might reveal their human orthologoues. To handle the large volume of data that the RPE cDNA library project has generated a highly efficient and user-friendly RDBMS was designed. Using RDBMS data storage can be managed efficiently and flexibly. The RDBMS allows displaying the results in query-based form and report format with additional annotations, links and search functions. Out of the 341 known and predicted genes identified in this study, 2 were further analyzed. The RPE or/and retina specificity of these two clones were further confirmed by RT-PCR analysis in adult human tissues. Construction of a single nucleotide polymphism (SNP) map was initiated as a first step in future case/control association studies. SNP genotyping was carried out for one of these two clones (RPE01-D2, now known as RDH12). 12 SNPs were identified from direct sequencing of the 23.4-kb region, of which 5 are of high frequency. In a next step, comparison of allele frequencies between AMD patients and healthy controls is required. Completion of the expression analysis for other predicted genes identified during this study is in progress using real time RT-PCR and will provide additional candidate genes for further analyses. This study is expected to contribute to our understanding of the genetic basis of RPE function and to clarify the role of the RPE-expressed genes in the predisposition to AMD. It may also help reveal the mechanisms and pathways that are involved in the development of AMD or other retinal dystrophies.}, subject = {Senile Makuladegeneration}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fackler2014, author = {Fackler, Marc}, title = {Biochemical characterization of GAS2L3, a target gene of the DREAM complex}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-103394}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {GAS2L3 was identified recently as a target gene of the DREAM complex (Reichert et al., 2010; Wolter et al., 2012). It was shown that GAS2L3 is expressed in a cell cycle specific manner and that depletion of the protein leads to defects in cytokinesis and genomic instability (Wolter et al., 2012). Major aim of this thesis was, to further characterize the biochemical properties and physiological function of GAS2L3. By in vitro co-sedimentation and bundling assays, GAS2L3 was identified as a cytoskeleton associated protein which bundles, binds and crosslinks F-actin and MTs. GST pulldown assays and co-immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that GAS2L3 interacts in vitro and in vivo with the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC), a very important regulator of mitosis and cytokinesis, and that the interaction is mediated by the GAR domain of GAS2L3 and the C-terminal part of Borealin and the N-terminal part of Survivin. Kinase assays showed that GAS2L3 is not a substrate of the CPC but is strongly phosphorylated by CDK1 in vitro. Depletion of GAS2L3 by shRNA influenced protein stability and activity of the CPC. However pharmacological studies showed that the decreased CPC activity is not responsible for the observed cytokinesis defects upon GAS2L3 depletion. Immunofluorescence experiments revealed that GAS2L3 is localized to the constriction zone by the CPC in a GAR dependent manner and that the GAR domain is important for proper protein function. New interacting proteins of GAS2L3 were identified by stable isotope labelling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) in combination with tandem affinity purification and subsequent mass spectrometrical analysis. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments further confirmed the obtained mass spectrometrical data. To address the physiological function of GAS2L3 in vivo, a conditional and a non-conditional knockout mouse strain was established. The non-conditional mouse strain showed a highly increased mortality rate before weaning age probably due to heart failure. The physiological function of GAS2L3 in vivo as well as the exact reason for the observed heart phenotype is not known at the moment.}, subject = {Zellzyklus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Esterlechner2013, author = {Esterlechner, Jasmina}, title = {Role of the DREAM complex in mouse embryonic stem cells and identification of ZO-2 as a new LIN9 interacting protein}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-90440}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The DREAM complex plays an important role in regulation of gene expression during the cell cycle. It was previously shown that the DREAM subunits LIN9 and B-MYB are required for early embryonic development and for the maintenance of the inner cell mass in vitro. In this work the effect of LIN9 or B-MYB depletion on embryonic stem cells (ESC) was examined. It demonstrates that LIN9 and B-MYB knock down changes the cell cycle distribution of ESCs and results in an accumulation of cells in G2 and M and in an increase of polyploid cells. By using genome-wide expression studies it was revealed that the depletion of LIN9 leads to downregulation of mitotic genes and to upregulation of differentiation-specific genes. ChIP-on chip experiments determined that mitotic genes are direct targets of LIN9 while lineage specific markers are regulated indirectly. Importantly, depletion of LIN9 does not alter the expression of the pluripotency markers Sox2 and Oct4 and LIN9 depleted ESCs retain alkaline phosphatase activity. I conclude that LIN9 is essential for proliferation and genome stability of ESCs by activating genes with important functions in mitosis and cytokinesis. The exact molecular mechanisms behind this gene activation are still unclear as no DREAM subunit features a catalytically active domain. It is assumed that DREAM interacts with other proteins or co-factors for transcriptional activation. This study discovered potential binding proteins by combining in vivo isotope labeling of proteins with mass spectrometry (MS) and further analysed the identified interaction of the tight junction protein ZO-2 with DREAM which is cell cycle dependent and strongest in S-phase. ZO-2 depletion results in reduced cell proliferation and decreased G1 gene expression. As no G2/M genes, typical DREAM targets, are affected upon ZO-2 knock down, it is unlikely that ZO-2 binding is needed for a functional DREAM complex. However, this work demonstrates that with (MS)-based quantitative proteomics, DREAM interacting proteins can be identified which might help to elucidate the mechanisms underlying DREAM mediated gene activation.}, subject = {Zellzyklus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Esch2001, author = {Esch, Mandy}, title = {Novel Nucleic Acid Sensors for the Rapid Detection of Cryptosporidium Parvum}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-323}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Recent advances in the development of immunoassays and nucleic acid assays have improved the performance and increased the sensitivity of sensors that are based on biochemical recognition. The new approaches taken by researchers include detecting pathogens by detecting their nucleic acids, using new nontoxic reporter entities for generating signals, and downscaling and miniaturizing sensors to micromigration and microfluidic formats. This dissertation connects some of these successful approaches, thereby leading to the development of novel nucleic acid sensors for rapid and easy detection of pathogens. The author's goal was to develop diagnostic tools that enable investigators to detect pathogens rapidly and on site. While the sensors can be used to detect any pathogen, the author first customized them for detecting particularly Cryptosporidium parvum, a pathogen whose detection is important, yet presents many challenges. Chapter 2 of this thesis presents a novel test-strip for the detection of C. parvum. The test-strip is designed to detect nucleic acids rather than proteins or other epitopes. While test strips are commonly used for sensors based on immunological recognition, this format is very new in applications in which nucleic acids are detected. Further, to indicate the presence or absence of a specific target on the test strip, dye-entrapped, oligonucleotide-tagged liposomes are employed. Using liposomes as reporter particles has advantages over using other reporter labels, because the cavity that the phospholipidic membranes of the liposomes form can be filled with up to 106 dye molecules. By using heterobifunctional linkers liposomes can be tagged with oligonucleotides, thereby enabling their use in nucleic acid hybridization assays. The developed test-strip provides an internal control. The limit of detection is 2.7 fmol/mL with a sample volume of 30 mL. In chapter 3 the detection of nucleic acids by means of oligonucleotide-tagged liposomes is scaled down to a microfluidic assay format. Because the application of biosensors to microfluidic formats is very new in the field of analytical chemistry, the first part of this chapter is devoted to developing the design and the method to fabricate the microchip devices. The performance of the microchips is then optimized by investigating the interactions of nucleic acids and liposomes with the material the chips consist of and by passivating the surface of the chips with blocking reagents. The developed microfluidic chip enabled us to reduce the sample volume needed for one assay to 12.5 mL. The limit of detection of this assay was determined to be 0.4 fmol/mL. Chapters 4 and 5 expand on the development of the microfluidic assay. A prototype microfluidic array that is able to detect multiple analytes in a single sample simultaneously is developed. Using such an array will enable investigators to detect pathogens that occur in the same environment, for example, C. parvum and Giardia duodenalis by conducting a single test. The array's ability to perform multiple sample analysis is shown by detecting different concentrations of target nucleic acids. Further, the author developed a microfluidic chip in which interdigitated microelectrode arrays (IDAs) that consist of closely spaced microelectrodes are integrated. The IDAs facilitate electrochemical detection of cryptosporidial RNA. Electrochemical detection schemes offer benefits of technical simplicity, speed, and sensitivity. In this project liposomes are filled with electrochemically active molecules and are then utilized to generate electrochemical signals. Chapter 6 explores the feasibility of liposomes for enhancing signals derived from nucleic acid hybridization in surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy. SPR spectroscopy offers advantages because nucleic acid hybridization can be monitored in real time and under homogeneous conditions because no washing steps are required. SPR spectroscopy is very sensitive and it can be expected that, in the future, SPR will be integrated into microfluidic nucleic acid sensors.}, subject = {Cryptosporidium}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ernst1999, author = {Ernst, Roman}, title = {Visuelle Mustererkennung und Parameterextraktion bei Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1156}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1999}, abstract = {In operanten Konditionierungsexperimenten im Flugsimulator werden vier Parameter gefunden die Drosophila melanogaster aus visuellen Mustern extrahieren kann: Musterfl{\"a}che, vertikale Position des Musterschwerpunkts, Verteiltheit und Musterausrichtung in horizontaler und vertikaler Richtung. Es ist nicht auszuschliessen, dass die Fliege weitere Musterparameter extrahieren kann. Spontane Musterpr{\"a}ferenzen und konditionierte Pr{\"a}ferenzen zeigen unterschiedliche Zusammenh{\"a}nge mit den Musterparametern. Aus r{\"a}umlich getrennten Musterelementen zusammengesetzte Muster werden von der Fliege wie ein Gesamtmuster behandelt. Retinaler Transfer wird auch bei der Pr{\"a}sentation von Mustern an zwei verschiedenen vertikalen Trainingspositionen nicht beobachtet. Muster werden generalisiert, wenn die Schwerpunkte korrespondierender Muster zwischen Training und Test ungef{\"a}hr an der gleichen Position liegen aber keine retinale {\"U}berlappung von Trainings- und Testmustern besteht. Retinotopie des Musterged{\"a}chtnisses liegt in diesem Fall nicht auf der Ebene der Bildpunkte, jedoch m{\"o}glicherweise auf der Ebene des Parameters 'Musterschwerpunkt' vor. Fliegen k{\"o}nnen nicht trainiert werden bestimmte Musterpaare zu diskriminieren die sich nur durch die vertikale Position ihres Musterschwerpunktes unterscheiden. Dennoch bevorzugen sie beim Lerntest mit anderen Mustern mit korrespondierenden Schwerpunktspositionen die zuvor nicht bestrafte Schwerpunktsposition. F{\"u}r die Modellierung der Extraktion von Musterschwerpunkt und Musterfl{\"a}che wird ein einfaches k{\"u}nstliches neuronales Filter pr{\"a}sentiert, dessen Architektur auf einem Berechnungsalgorithmus f{\"u}r den gemeinsamen Schwerpunkt mehrerer Teilelemente beruht.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ernst2006, author = {Ernst, Raffael}, title = {Anuran communities on the cutting edge : Analysing patterns and processes in anthropogenically altered tropical forests - Studies from the Guiana Shield and West Africa}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18373}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Summary Timber harvesting is currently the most common commercial utilisation activity in tropical forests. Assessing the effects of logging on different aspects of biodiversity and general ecosystem properties is hence of prime importance if the few remaining areas of intact tropical forest are to be protected effectively and efficiently. Tropical amphibian communities are an appropriate model system for studies on the impacts of human-induced environmental changes on the dynamics of complex biological systems. This thesis elaborates on patterns of diversity changes in tropical forest amphibian communities facing habitat alterations associated with selective logging in two globally important eco-regions (C{\^o}te d'Ivoire, Upper Guinea, West Africa and Guyana, the Guiana Shield, northern South America). The thesis is organised along two main themes. After a general introduction, a section on general methodology and an introduction to the model systems studied, the first theme moves from general patterns to underlying processes. A second theme running through both chapters carries from undisturbed systems to disturbed systems. A final section integrates findings and addresses implications for conservation management of anthropogenically altered tropical forests. Several case studies at the species- population and community level are being presented and data on the direct and indirect impacts of anthropogenic habitat alteration on respective organizational levels are provided. A key statement that is stressed on throughout the studies is the fact that common measures of diversity, such as species richness and species-diversity only inadequately reflect processes of diversity change following anthropogenic disturbance. They also fail to describe actual impacts on the dynamics of complex biological systems. It is argued that commonly used measures produce an incoherent and insufficient picture of diversity patterns and the underlying processes that shape these patterns. Thus, an understanding of higher levels of diversity, such as \&\#946;-diversity and functional diversity (and hence compositional patterns) appears to be the key to effectively mitigating the impacts of human-induced disturbance on amphibian communities. It is shown that the predictability of amphibian community composition depends on the respective level of anthropogenic disturbance imposed on a particular habitat. Hence, human activities that lead to changes in the structure of a forest, such as logging, not only alter simple system descriptors, such as the number of species in a given community, but rather alter the dynamics of the entire system. In this context, functional diversity is shown to be an important aspect underlying the actual mechanism that leads to the observed change of predictability patterns. Functional differences between species, rather than number of species per se appear to be the decisive factor in sustaining desirable ecosystem states and thus in maintaining important ecosystem services. Because biological diversity appears to play a substantial role in ecosystem resilience required to safeguard essential ecosystem functions in the face of environmental change, the thesis calls for a critical revision of common diversity assessments approaches. The studies advocate the reconsideration of the uncritical use of widespread measures and descriptors of biodiversity on grounds of inconsistent patterns found throughout numerous studies, including those presented herein.}, subject = {Tropischer Regenwald}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Englmeier2024, author = {Englmeier, Jana}, title = {Consequences of climate change and land-use intensification for decomposer communities and decomposition processes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31399}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-313994}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The increase in intensively used areas and climate change are direct and indirect consequences of anthropogenic actions, caused by a growing population and increasing greenhouse gas emissions. The number of research studies, investigating the effects of land use and climate change on ecosystems, including flora, fauna, and ecosystem services, is steadily growing. This thesis contributes to this research area by investigating land-use and climate effects on decomposer communities (arthropods and microbes) and the ecosystem service 'decomposition of dead material'. Chapter II deals with consequences of intensified land use and climate change for the ecosystem service 'decomposition of dead organic material' (necromass). Considering the severe decline in insects, we experimentally excluded insects from half of the study objects. The decomposition of both dung and carrion was robust to land-use changes. Dung decomposition, moreover, was unaffected by temperature and the presence/ absence of insects. Along the altitudinal gradient, however, highest dung decomposition was observed at medium elevation between 600 and 700 m above sea level (although insignificant). As a consequence, we assume that at this elevation there is an ideal precipitation:temperature ratio for decomposing organisms, such as earthworms or collembolans. Carrion decomposition was accelerated by increasing elevation and by the presence of insects, indicating that increasing variability in climate and an ongoing decline in insects could modify decomposition processes and consequently natural nutrient cycles. Moreover, we show that different types of dead organic material respond differently to environmental factors and should be treated separately in future studies. In Chapter III, we investigated land-use and climate effects on dung-visiting beetles and their resource specialization. Here, all beetles that are preferentially found on dung, carrion or other rotten material were included. Both α- and γ-diversity were strongly reduced in agricultural and urban areas. High precipitation reduced dung-visiting beetle abundance, whereas γ-diversity was lowest in the warmest regions. Resource specialization decreased with increasing temperatures. The results give evidence that land use as well as climate can alter dung-visiting beetle diversity and resource specialization and may hence influence the natural balance of beetle communities and their contribution to the ecosystem service 'decomposition of dead material'. The following chapter, Chapter IV, contributes to the findings in Chapter II. Here, carrion decomposition is not only explained by land-use intensity and climate but also by diversity and community composition of two taxonomic groups found on carrion, beetles and bacteria. The results revealed a strong correlation between bacteria diversity and community composition with temperature. Carrion decomposition was to a great extent directed by bacterial community composition and precipitation. The role of beetles was neglectable in carrion decomposition. With this study, I show that microbes, despite their microscopic size, direct carrion decomposition and may not be neglected in future decomposition studies. In Chapter V a third necromass type is investigated, namely deadwood. The aim was to assess climate and land-use effects on deadwood-inhabiting fungi and bacteria. Main driver for microbial richness (measured as number of OTUs) was climate, including temperature and precipitation. Warmer climates promoted the diversity of bacteria, whereas fungi richness was unaffected by temperature. In turn, fungi richness was lower in urban landscapes compared to near-natural landscapes and bacteria richness was higher on meadows than on forest sites. Fungi were extremely specialized on their host tree, independent of land use and climate. Bacteria specialization, however, was strongly directed by land use and climate. These results underpin previous studies showing that fungi are highly specialized in contrast to bacteria and add new insights into the robustness of fungi specialization to climate and land use. I summarize that climate as well as intensive land use influence biodiversity. Temperature and precipitation, however, had positive and negative effects on decomposer diversity, while anthropogenic land use had mostly negative effects on the diversity of decomposers.}, subject = {Mikroorganismus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Englberger2012, author = {Englberger, Eva}, title = {Gene regulation in hearts of Hey-mutant mouse embryos and monitoring of sub-cellular Hey1 distribution}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-73395}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Hey-mutant mouse hearts at embryonic day E14.5 were shown to react to the knock out of Hey2 with several up-regualted genes. This up-regulation is due to the lack of Hey2 and cannot be explained by the structural changes in heart morphology as shown using control animals. Part of the gene regulation was further validated using in situ hybridization. Hey1 was located to the nucleus in immunofluorescence experiments. However, experiments on protein level showed also amount of Hey1 within the cytoplasm. The nuclear localization of Hey1 was unchanged during all cell cycle phases as well as when CaMKII was co-expressed or other cellular pathways were inhibited or stimulated. Hey1 does not seem to interact with the nuclear transport proteins importin-alpha and -beta, therefore it still needs to be elucidated how Hey1 is transported into the nucleus.}, subject = {Maus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Engelmann2008, author = {Engelmann, Julia Cath{\´e}rine}, title = {DNA microarrays: applications and novel approaches for analysis and interpretation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-29747}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird die Entwicklung eines phylogenetischen DNA Microarrays, die Analyse von mehreren Microarray-Genexpressionsdatens{\"a}tzen und neue Ans{\"a}tze f{\"u}r die Datenanalyse und Interpretation der Ergebnisse vorgestellt. Die Entwicklung und Analyse der Daten eines phylogenetischen DNA Microarrays wird in der ersten Publikation dargestellt. Ich konnte zeigen, dass die Spezies-Detektion mit phylogenetischen Microarrays durch die Datenanalyse mit einem linearen Regressionsansatz signifikant verbessert werden kann. Standard-Methoden haben bislang nur Signalintensit{\"a}ten betrachtet und eine Spezies als an- oder abwesend bezeichnet, wenn die Signalintensit{\"a}t ihres Messpunktes oberhalb eines willk{\"u}rlich gesetzten Schwellenwertes lag. Dieses Verfahren ist allerdings aufgrund von Kreuz-Hybridisierungen nicht auf sehr nah verwandte Spezies mit hoher Sequenzidentit{\"a}t anwendbar. Durch die Modellierung des Hybridisierungs und Kreuz-Hybridisierungsverhaltens mit einem linearen Regressionsmodell konnte ich zeigen, dass Spezies mit einer Sequenz{\"a}hnlichkeit von 97\% im Markergen immer noch unterschieden werden k{\"o}nnen. Ein weiterer Vorteil der Modellierung ist, dass auch Mischungen verschiedener Spezies zuverl{\"a}ssig vorhergesagt werden k{\"o}nnen. Theoretisch sind auch quantitative Vorhersagen mit diesem Modell m{\"o}glich. Um die großen Datenmengen, die in {\"o}ffentlichen Microarray-Datenbanken abgelegt sind besser nutzen zu k{\"o}nnen, bieten sich Meta-Analysen an. In der zweiten Publikation wird eine explorative Meta-Analyse auf Arabidopsis thaliana-Datens{\"a}tzen vorgestellt. Mit der Analyse verschiedener Datens{\"a}tze, die den Einfluss von Pflanzenhormonen, Pathogenen oder verschiedenen Mutationen auf die Genexpression untersucht haben, konnten die Datens{\"a}tze anhand ihrer Genexpressionsprofile in drei große Gruppen eingeordnet werden: Experimente mit Indol-3-Essigs{\"a}ure (IAA), mit Pathogenen und andere Experimente. Gene, die charakteristisch f{\"u}r die Gruppe der IAA-Datens{\"a}tze beziehungsweise f{\"u}r die Gruppe der Pathogen-Datens{\"a}tze sind, wurden n{\"a}her betrachtet. Diese Gene hatten Funktionen, die bereits mit Pathogenbefall bzw. dem Einfluss von IAA in Verbindung gebracht wurden. Außerdem wurden Hypothesen {\"u}ber die Funktionen von bislang nicht annotierten Genen aufgestellt. In dieser Arbeit werden auch Prim{\"a}ranalysen von einzelnen Arabidopsis thaliana Genexpressions-Datens{\"a}tzen vorgestellt. In der dritten Publikation wird ein Experiment beschrieben, das durchgef{\"u}hrt wurde um herauszufinden ob Mikrowellen-Strahlung einen Einfluss auf die Genexpression einer Zellkultur hat. Dazu wurden explorative Analysemethoden angewendet. Es wurden geringe aber signifikante Ver{\"a}nderungen in einer sehr kleinen Anzahl von Genen beobachtet, die experimentell best{\"a}tigt werden konnten. Die Funktionen der regulierten Gene und eine Meta-Analyse mit {\"o}ffentlich zug{\"a}nglichen Datens{\"a}tzen einer Datenbank deuten darauf hin, dass die pflanzliche Zellkultur die Strahlung als eine Art Energiequelle {\"a}hnlich dem Licht wahrnimmt. Des weiteren wird in der vierten Publikation die funktionelle Analyse eines Arabidopsis thaliana Genexpressionsdatensatzes beschrieben. Die Analyse der Genexpressions eines pflanzlichen Tumores zeigte, dass er seinen Stoffwechsel von aerob und auxotroph auf anaerob und heterotroph umstellt. Gene der Photosynthese werden im Tumorgewebe reprimiert, Gene des Aminos{\"a}ure- und Fettstoffwechsels, der Zellwand und Transportkan{\"a}le werden so reguliert, dass Wachstum und Entwicklung des Tumors gef{\"o}rdert werden. In der f{\"u}nften Publikation in dieser Arbeit wird GEPAT (Genome Expression Pathway Analysis Tool) beschrieben. Es besteht aus einer Internet- Anwendung und einer Datenbank, die das einfache Hochladen von Datens{\"a}tzen in die Datenbank und viele M{\"o}glichkeiten der Datenanalyse und die Integration anderer Datentypen erlaubt. In den folgenden zwei Publikationen (Publikation 6 und Publikation 7) wird GEPAT auf humane Microarray-Datens{\"a}tze angewendet um Genexpressionsdaten mit weiteren Datentypen zu verkn{\"u}pfen. Genexpressionsdaten und Daten aus vergleichender Genom-Hybridisierung (CGH) von prim{\"a}ren Tumoren von 71 Mantel-Zell-Lymphom (MCL) Patienten erm{\"o}glichte die Ermittlung eines Pr{\"a}diktors, der die Vorhersage der {\"U}berlebensdauer von Patienten gegen{\"u}ber herk{\"o}mmlichen Methoden verbessert. Die Analyse der CGH Daten zeigte, dass auch diese f{\"u}r die Vorhersage der {\"U}berlebensdauer geeignet sind. F{\"u}r den Datensatz von Patienten mit großzellig diffusem B-Zell-Lymphom DLBCL konnte aus den Genexpressionsdaten ebenfalls ein neuer Pr{\"a}diktor vorgeschlagen werden. Mit den zwischen lang und kurz {\"u}berlebenden Patienten differentiell exprimierten Genen der MCL Patienten und mit den Genen, die zwischen den beiden Untergruppen von DLBCL reguliert sind, wurden Interaktionsnetzwerke gebildet. Diese zeigen, dass bei beiden Krebstypen Gene des Zellzyklus und der Proliferation zwischen Patienten mit kurzer und langer {\"U}berlebensdauer unterschiedlich reguliert sind.}, subject = {Microarray}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Engelhardt2001, author = {Engelhardt, Stefan}, title = {Transgene Mausmodelle zur Charakterisierung der Funktion kardialer beta-adrenerger Rezeptoren}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-1181950}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Funktion kardialer beta-adrenerger Rezeptoren mit Hilfe einer Kombination aus transgenen Mausmodellen und physiologischen und molekularbiologischen Methoden untersucht. Durch gezielte {\"U}berexpression des humanen beta1-adrenergen Rezeptors im Herzen transgener M{\"a}use konnte gezeigt werden, daß die chronische Aktivierung dieses Rezeptors eine trophische Wirkung auf die Herzmuskelzellen hat. {\"U}ber einen Zeitraum von mehreren Monaten f{\"u}hrte dies zur Entwicklung einer Herzinsuffizienz. In der menschlichen Herzinsuffizienz kommt es zu einem {\"a}hnlichen Ph{\"a}nomen: Durch deutlich erh{\"o}hte Freisetzung von endogenen Katecholaminen kommt es zu einer chronischen Dauerstimulation kardialer beta1-adrenerger Rezeptoren. Daß diese sch{\"a}dlich ist belegen das hier beschriebene Mausmodell und zudem einige neuere klinische Studien, die zeigen daß eine pharmakologische Blockade beta-adrenerger Rezeptoren zu einer Verminderung der Herzinsuffizienzmortalit{\"a}t f{\"u}hrt. Dieses Mausmodell erlaubte es erstmals den beta1-adrenergen Rezeptor hinsichtlich seiner spontanen Rezeptoraktivit{\"a}t in einem physiologischen Modell zu untersuchen. Dabei zeigte sich, daß der humane beta1-adrenerge Rezeptor spontane Aktivit{\"a}t aufweist, jedoch in einem deutlich geringeren Ausmaß als der beta2-adrenerge Rezeptor. Dies k{\"o}nnte klinisch relevant sein, da klinisch verwendete beta-Rezeptor-Antagonisten die spontane Aktivit{\"a}t des beta1-adrenergen Rezeptors in unserem Modell unterschiedlich stark unterdr{\"u}ckten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde zudem untersucht, ob sich die beiden kardial exprimierten Beta-Rezeptor-Subtypen Beta1 und Beta2 hinsichtlich ihrer Signaltransduktion unterscheiden. Ausgehend von dem Befund, daß die chronische Aktivierung der beiden Subtypen in transgenen Mausmodellen zu deutlich unterschiedlichen Ph{\"a}notypen f{\"u}hrt, wurden verschiedene intrazellul{\"a}re Signalwege auf ihre Aktivierung hin {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Abweichend von publizierten, in vitro nach kurzzeitiger Rezeptorstimulation erhobenen Daten zeigte sich, daß die chronische Aktivierung der Rezeptorsubtypen zu einer unterschiedlichen Aktivierung der kardialen MAP-kinasen (ERK) f{\"u}hrt. Die beta1-spezifische Aktivierung dieser Kinasen k{\"o}nnte die beobachtete unterschiedliche Hypertrophieentwicklung in diesen beiden Mausmodellen erkl{\"a}ren. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt bei der Aufkl{\"a}rung des Mechanismus beta-adrenerg induzierter Hypertrophie bildete die Untersuchung der zellul{\"a}ren Calcium-hom{\"o}ostase. Als fr{\"u}heste funktionelle Ver{\"a}nderung in der Entwicklung einer beta-adrenerg induzierten Herzhypertrophie und -insuffizienz trat dabei eine St{\"o}rung des intrazellul{\"a}ren Calciumtransienten auf. Als m{\"o}glicher Mechanismus f{\"u}r die St{\"o}rung des Calciumhaushalts konnte eine zeitgleich auftretende ver{\"a}nderte Expression des Calcium-regulierenden Proteins Junctin beschrieben werden. Einen neuen therapeutischen Ansatz f{\"u}r die Therapie der Herzinsuffizienz k{\"o}nnten schließlich vielleicht die Untersuchungen zum kardialen Na/H-austauscher ergeben: Es konnte erstmals gezeigt werden, daß der kardiale Na/H-Austauscher maßgeblich an der beta-adrenerg induzierten Herzhypertrophie- und Fibrose-entstehung beteiligt ist und daß die pharmakologische Inhibition dieses Proteins sowohl Hypertrophie als auch die Fibrose wirksam unterdr{\"u}cken kann.}, subject = {Beta-Rezeptor}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{EngelhardtgebChristiansen2013, author = {Engelhardt [geb. Christiansen], Frauke}, title = {Synaptic Connectivity in the Mushroom Body Calyx of Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85058}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Learning and memory is considered to require synaptic plasticity at presynaptic specializations of neurons. Kenyon cells are the intrinsic neurons of the primary olfactory learning center in the brain of arthropods - the mushroom body neuropils. An olfactory mushroom body memory trace is supposed to be located at the presynapses of Kenyon cells. In the calyx, a sub-compartment of the mushroom bodies, Kenyon cell dendrites receive olfactory input provided via projection neurons. Their output synapses, however, were thought to reside exclusively along their axonal projections outside the calyx, in the mushroom body lobes. By means of high-resolution imaging and with novel transgenic tools, we showed that the calyx of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster also comprised Kenyon cell presynapses. At these presynapses, synaptic vesicles were present, which were capable of neurotransmitter release upon stimulation. In addition, the newly identified Kenyon cell presynapses shared similarities with most other presynapses: their active zones, the sites of vesicle fusion, contained the proteins Bruchpilot and Syd-1. These proteins are part of the cytomatrix at the active zone, a scaffold controlling synaptic vesicle endo- and exocytosis. Kenyon cell presynapses were present in γ- and α/β-type KCs but not in α/β-type Kenyon cells. The newly identified Kenyon cell derived presynapses in the calyx are candidate sites for an olfactory associative memory trace. We hypothesize that, as in mammals, recurrent neuronal activity might operate for memory retrieval in the fly olfactory system. Moreover, we present evidence for structural synaptic plasticity in the mushroom body calyx. This is the first demonstration of synaptic plasticity in the central nervous system of Drosophila melanogaster. The volume of the mushroom body calyx can change according to changes in the environment. Also size and numbers of microglomeruli - sub-structures of the calyx, at which projection neurons contact Kenyon cells - can change. We investigated the synapses within the microglomeruli in detail by using new transgenic tools for visualizing presynaptic active zones and postsynaptic densities. Here, we could show, by disruption of the projection neuron - Kenyon cell circuit, that synapses of microglomeruli were subject to activity-dependent synaptic plasticity. Projection neurons that could not generate action potentials compensated their functional limitation by increasing the number of active zones per microglomerulus. Moreover, they built more and enlarged microglomeruli. Our data provide clear evidence for an activity-induced, structural synaptic plasticity as well as for the activity-induced reorganization of the olfactory circuitry in the mushroom body calyx.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Endter2008, author = {Endter, J{\"o}rg-Michael}, title = {Mechanismen der Elektropermeabilisierung und Elektrofusion eukaryotischer Zellen und Protoplasten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-29647}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit konnten grundlegende Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber die Wirkung elektrischer Felder auf Membranen von eukaryotischen Zellen gewonnen werden. Dieses Wissen erm{\"o}glichte eine detaillierte Aufkl{\"a}rung der Mechanismen der Elektropermealisierung und der Elektrofusion. Maßgeblich hierf{\"u}r war die dielektrische Analyse von Pflanzen- bzw. Hefeprotoplasten durch umfassende Messungen auf Basis der Elektrorotationsmethode. Mithilfe dieser Methode wurden die elektrischen Eigenschaften wie die fl{\"a}chenspezifische Membrankapazit{\"a}t und die innere Leitf{\"a}higkeit von Pichia pastoris Protoplasten ermittelt. Die Kenntnis dieser Zelleigenschaften verhalf dazu, einerseits das Sammelfeld im Hinblick auf seine Feldst{\"a}rke und Frequenz einzustellen. Damit wurde ein optimaler Kontakt der Zellmembranen w{\"a}hrend der Fusion erm{\"o}glicht und st{\"o}rende Einfl{\"u}sse, wie beispielsweise die Multizellrotation, minimiert. Anderseits wurde der Durchbruchpuls bez{\"u}glich der Pulsl{\"a}nge und der Feldst{\"a}rke den Anforderungen f{\"u}r die Elektrofusion der relativ kleinen Protoplasten angepasst. In Folge dessen war es m{\"o}glich, ein Protokoll zur Herstellung von Riesenzellen aus Pichia pastoris Protoplasten zu erstellen. Diese Erkenntnisse sind besonders interessant, da der Einsatz von Riesenzellen die Erforschung der aktiven elektrischen Eigenschaften von Zellmembranen durch kombinierte Anwendung intrazellul{\"a}rer Mikroelektroden mit etablierten elektrophysiologischen Techniken erm{\"o}glicht. Als Beispiele seien hier „current-„ und „voltage-clamp", „patch clamp" sowie die Ladungspulsmethode genannt. Die erhebliche Vergr{\"o}ßerung der Membranoberfl{\"a}che bei Riesenzellen f{\"u}hrt zu einer Erh{\"o}hung der Gesamtzahl von Membranproteinen wie beispielsweise Transmembrankan{\"a}le. Daher kann erwartet werden, dass kanalvermittelte Signale deutlich st{\"a}rker ausfallen und ihre Untersuchungen erleichtert werden. Die komplexen Ergebnisse der Elektrorotation von vakuolisierten BY-2 Protoplasten konnten sehr genau mit Hilfe des Dreischalenmodells erkl{\"a}rt werden, welches die Struktur der pflanzlichen Zellen, insbesondere die zwei seriell geschalteten Kapazit{\"a}ten des Plasmalemmas und des Tonoplasten, ber{\"u}cksichtigt. Die Anwendung dieses Modells erlaubte eine getrennte Berechnung der Potentialprofile {\"u}ber das Plasmalemma (Up) und den Tonoplasten (Ut), welche durch einen kurzen Gleichstrompuls induziert wurden. Anhand dieser Potentialprofile war es m{\"o}glich, die Abh{\"a}ngigkeit des Ca2+-Einstromes in das Cytoplasma aus der Vakuole oder dem extrazellul{\"a}ren Raum vom applizierten elektrischen Feld und der externen Leitf{\"a}higkeit zu erkl{\"a}ren. Es konnte außerdem gezeigt werden, dass die Aufladung des Plasmalemmas und des Tonoplasten und daraus folgend der elektrischen Membrandurchbruch der jeweiligen Membran stark von der externen Leitf{\"a}higkeit abh{\"a}ngen. Die Tatsache, dass elektrische Pulssequenzen von niedriger Intensit{\"a}t einen erhebliche Anstieg der cytosolischen Ca2+-Konzentration bewirken k{\"o}nnen und sich durch Modulation ihrer Amplitude reizspezifische Ca2+-Signaturen simulieren lassen, er{\"o}ffnet eine schonende M{\"o}glichkeit zur Untersuchung von Ver{\"a}nderungen des cytosolischen Ca2+-Spiegels unabh{\"a}ngig von persistierenden exogenen Stimuli. Da Ca2+ in Pflanzen ein wichtiger „second messenger" ist, bieten sich elektrische Felder als neues wirksames Werkzeug zur Kontrolle zellinterne Signalwege f{\"u}r die Grundlagenforschung sowie f{\"u}r Anwendungen in der Biotechnologie, wie beispielsweise Elektrotransfektion und -fusion, an. Als wichtige Konsequenz kann aus den hier gewonnen Erkenntnissen gezogen werden, dass Behandlungen pflanzlicher Zellen mit elektrischen Feldern in niedrig leitende Medien durchgef{\"u}hrt werden, um eine minimale Freisetzung von Ca2+ und anderen Inhaltstoffen aus der Vakuole zu gew{\"a}hrleisten.}, subject = {Elektrofusion}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Endt2015, author = {Endt, Daniela}, title = {Fanconi An{\"a}mie : Entwicklung von h{\"a}matopoetischen Mosaiken sowie funktionelle Studien von FANCO (RAD51C) und FANCN (PALB2)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-127836}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Zur Wahrung der Genomstabilit{\"a}t entwickelten sich verschiedene Reparaturmechanismen, deren Defekte zu diversen Erkrankungen f{\"u}hren. Der 1927 erstmals beschriebenen Fanconi An{\"a}mie (FA) (Fanconi 1927) liegt eine fehlerhafte Reparatur der DNA-Doppelstrang-Quervernetzung zugrunde. Als Ursache wurden Defekte innerhalb des FA/BRCA-Weges lokalisiert, welche zur Chromosomeninstabilit{\"a}t f{\"u}hren. Das Krankheitsbild der autosomal rezessiven oder X-chromosomalen Erkrankung wird meist von kongenitalen Fehlbildungen, progressivem Knochenmarkversagen sowie bereits im jugendlichen Alter erh{\"o}hten Tumor-raten und An{\"a}mien gepr{\"a}gt. Bisher wurden Defekte in 19 verschiedenen Genen als urs{\"a}chlich f{\"u}r diese Erkrankung diskutiert. Anhand des betroffenen Gens k{\"o}nnen nur begrenzt R{\"u}ckschl{\"u}sse auf die Auspr{\"a}-gung des Ph{\"a}notyps geschlossen werden, vielmehr scheinen die Art der Mutation und deren Position im Gen mit der Schwere der Erkrankung zu korrelieren. Im Laufe der Zeit wurden immer mehr Patienten mit mild ausgepr{\"a}gtem Erkrankungsbild beobachtet. Eine m{\"o}gliche Erkl{\"a}rung hierf{\"u}r liefern milde Mutationen, eine weitere das Vorhandensein von Mosaiken blutbildender Zellen. Zu letzterem f{\"u}hrt die Reversion einer der beiden Mutationen. Diese Art der „nat{\"u}rlichen Gentherapie" wurde bei 10-30\% der FA-Patienten beobachtet. Um die Entwicklung von Reversionen besser zu verstehen, erfolgte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit die Untersuchung verschiedener Zelllinien von 5 Patienten im Alter von 11 (Pat. 5) bis 33 (Pat. 4) Jahren. Die FA-A-Patienten 1 und 2 wurden bereits von Gross et al. 2002 als Mosaikpatienten beschrieben. F{\"u}r die weiteren Patienten f{\"u}hrten unterschiedliche Aspekte, wie normale Blutwerte, MMC-tolerante lympho-blastoide Zelllinien und gDNA-Analysen des Blutes zum Mosaikverdacht. N{\"a}here Analysen best{\"a}tigten f{\"u}r die FA-D2-Patienten (Pat. 4, 5) ebenfalls das Vorliegen einer Reversion in den Blutzellen. Allen Patienten gemein war die Reversion in Form einer R{\"u}ckmutation (Pat. 1: c.971T>G, Pat. 2: c.856 C>T, Pat. 4: c.3467-2A>G, Pat. 5: c.3707G>A), welche meist in einem oder in der N{\"a}he eines Mutationsmotives vorlag. Zur Einsch{\"a}tzung des Mosaikstatus in den Patientenblutzellen wurden, neben der meist mehrj{\"a}hrigen Be-obachtung der Blutwerte (Thrombo-, Mono-, Granulo-, Lymphozyten, H{\"a}moglobin), gDNA-, Chromoso-menbruch- und Zellzyklusanalysen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Chromosomenbruchanalysen von Metaphasen der T-Lymphozyten der Patienten 4 und 5 zeigten nach MMC-Behandlung die mosaik-typische bimodale Vertei-lung der Chromosomenbruchraten. Die nur moderat erh{\"o}hten Bruchraten in Metaphasen des Patienten 1 sprachen f{\"u}r eine starke Reversion. Zur besseren Absch{\"a}tzung des Mosaikstatus wurden Zellzyklusanaly-sen an Mischungsreihen aus FA- und nicht FA- Blut durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Detektionsgrenze f{\"u}r FA-Mosaike lag bei einem Anteil von 30\% Zellen mit spontanem/MMC-induziertem G2-Phasen-Arrest. In Anlehnung an Mischungskurven wurden f{\"u}r die vier Patienten Reversionen von 0\% (Pat. 4) bis 90-95\% (Pat. 2) ange-nommen. Die gDNA-Analyse MACS-sortierter T-/B-Lympho-, Mono- und Granulozyten sowie von Fib-roblasten und lymphoblastoiden Zelllinien erm{\"o}glichte einen detaillierten Einblick in die Mosaikstatus auf molekularer Ebene. Wir fanden bei allen Patienten einen unterschiedlich stark ausgepr{\"a}gten Mosaikstatus ihrer Blutzellreihen. Tendenziell scheinen die Reversionsgrade mit der Zell-Lebensdauer korrelieren, hier-bei zeigen kurzlebige Zellen (Mono-, Granulo-, B-Lymphozyten) h{\"o}here Reversionsgrade als langlebige T-Lymphozyten. Das Auftreten von gleichen Reversionen in allen Zelllinien l{\"a}sst eine Reversion in einer gemeinsamen Vorl{\"a}uferzelle vermuten. Als Besonderheit fanden wir, unseren Erachtens erstmalig, eine komplette Reversion einer Knochenmark-Fibroblastenzelllinie (Pat. 1). H{\"a}ufig in Kultur stattfindende Re-versionen in lymphoblastoiden Zelllinien beobachteten wir f{\"u}r alle vier Patienten. Die Mosaikentstehung im Patientenblut konnte mit allen Methoden best{\"a}tigt werden. Jede Methode wies Vor- und Nachteile auf. Zur Absch{\"a}tzung der Mosaikstatus empfiehlt sich deshalb eine Kombination der Methoden. Ein weiteres Projekt besch{\"a}ftigte sich mit Interaktionen des FANCO (RAD51C) innerhalb der RAD51 Paraloge (RAD51B, -C, -D, XRCC2, XRCC3) und mit RAD51. Die Analysen erfolgten im Mammalian Two- und Three-Hybrid (M2H/M3H) System. Die Untersuchungen best{\"a}tigten die meisten der bisher detektierten Interaktionen, welche zur Ausbildung des RAD51C-XRCC3 Komplexes und des, aus den Subkomplexen RAD51B-RAD51C (BC) und RAD51D-XRCC2 (DX2) bestehenden, BCDX2-Komplex f{\"u}hren. Die M3H-Analysen weisen auf eine wichtige Rolle des RAD51B-Proteins bei der Auspr{\"a}gung dieses Komplexes hin. Es scheint die Ausbildung der RAD51C-RAD51D-Interaktion erst zu erm{\"o}glichen und zus{\"a}tzlich, anders als bisher beobachtet, auch mit XRCC2 zu interagieren. Diese Interaktion wiederum wird durch die Anwesenheit von RAD51D stark gef{\"o}rdert. Unsere M2H-/M3H-Beobachtungen weisen darauf hin, dass die Ausbildung der Subkomplexe f{\"u}r die Entstehung des BDCX2-Komplexes wichtig ist und dieser vermutlich als Ringstruktur vorliegt. Zus{\"a}tzlich fanden wir Hinweise auf m{\"o}gliche Wechselwir-kungen zwischen den BCDX2- und den XRCC3-Komplexproteinen. Aufgrund der Beteiligung der Protei-ne an der Doppelstrangl{\"a}sionsreparatur wurde die Auswirkung von MMC-induzierten DNA-Sch{\"a}den un-tersucht. Diese f{\"u}hrten innerhalb der Subkomplexe zu gegens{\"a}tzlichen {\"A}nderungen der Interaktionsinten-sit{\"a}t. W{\"a}hrend die Substanz im DX2-Komplex zum Sinken der Interaktionsst{\"a}rke f{\"u}hrte, erh{\"o}hte sich diese im BC-Komplex. Die in der Literatur beschriebene und charakterisierte RAD51C-FANCN-Interation war im M2H-Test nicht darstellbar. M{\"o}glicherweise w{\"u}rde diese jedoch durch die Anwesenheit eines drit-ten Proteins gef{\"o}rdert werden. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde ein RAD51C-Protein, welches die Patientenmutation R258H enthielt, {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Es zeigte nur in der M3H-Analyse, mit pMRAD51D und nativem RAD51B, nach Behandlung mit MMC eine reduzierte Interaktionsst{\"a}rke im Vergleich zum Wildtyp. Dies unter-streicht einmal mehr die als hypomorph beschriebene Mutation des Proteins. Das dritte Projekt, die angestrebte Strukturaufkl{\"a}rung des RAD51C-Proteins erwies sich als schwierig. Eine f{\"u}r eine Kristallisation ausreichende Proteinmenge konnte, weder im E. coli-System noch in Insektenzellen oder in Co-Expression mit seinem Interaktionspartner XRCC3, isoliert und aufgereinigt werden. Elektro-phoretische Mobility Shift Assays des CX3-Proteinkomplexes mit DNA-Strukturen (ssDNA, Open Fork, 3'-/ 5'-{\"U}berhang-Struktur), zeigten eine Bevorzugung des 3'-{\"U}berhang-DNA-Substrates. Diese Art der Analyse k{\"o}nnte in weiterf{\"u}hrenden Analysen zur Absch{\"a}tzung der Auswirkung von Patientenmutationen herangezogen werden. bb}, subject = {Fanconi An{\"a}mie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Endler2006, author = {Endler, Annett}, title = {Regulation of reproductive division of labor in the ant Camponotus floridanus : behavioral mechanisms and pheromonal effects}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18872}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {A hitherto unresolved problem is how workers are prevented from reproducing in large insect societies. The queen informs about her fertility and health which ensures sufficient indirect fitness benefits for workers. In the ant Camponotus floridanus, I found such a signal located on eggs of highly fertile queens. Groups of workers were regularly provided with different sets of brood. Only in groups with queen eggs workers refrain from reproducing. Thus, the eggs seem to inform the workers about queen presence. The signal on queen eggs is presumably the same that enables workers to distinguish between queen and worker-laid eggs, latter are destroyed by workers. Queen and worker-laid eggs differ in their surface hydrocarbons in a similar way as fertile queens differ from workers in the composition of their cuticular hydrocarbons. When I transferred hydrocarbons from the queen cuticle to worker eggs the eggs were no longer destroyed, indicating that they now carry the signal. These hydrocarbons thus represent a queen signal that regulates worker reproduction in this species. But the signal is not present in all fertile queens. Founding queens with low egg-laying rates differ in the composition of cuticular hydrocarbons from queens with high productivity. Similar differences in the composition of surface hydrocarbons were present on their eggs. The queen signal develops along with an increasing fertility and age of the queen, and this is perceived by the workers. Eggs from founding queens were destroyed like worker eggs. This result shows that founding queens lack the appropriate signal. In these little colony foundations chemical communication of queen status may not be necessary to prevent workers from reproducing, since workers may benefit more from investing in colony growth and increased productivity of large colonies rather than from producing male eggs in incipient colonies. If the queen is missing or the productivity of the queen decreases, workers start laying eggs. There is some evidence from correlative studies that, under queenless conditions, worker police each other because of differences in individual odors as a sign of social status. It can be expressed as either aggressive inhibition of ovarian activity, workers with developed ovaries are attacked by nest-mates, or destruction by worker-laid eggs. I found that in C. floridanus workers, in contrast to known studies, police only by egg eating since they are able to discriminate queen- and worker-laid eggs. Workers with developed ovaries will never attacked by nest-mates. This is further supported by qualitative and quantitative differences in the cuticular hydrocarbon profile of queens and workers, whereas profiles of workers with and without developed ovaries show a high similarity. I conclude that workers discriminate worker eggs on the basis of their hydrocarbon profile, but they are not able to recognize egg-laying nest-mates. Improving our knowledge of the proximate mechanisms of the reproductive division of labor in evolutionary derived species like C. floridanus will help to understand the evolution of extreme reproductive altruism involving sterility as a characteristic feature of advanced eusocial systems.}, subject = {Camponotus floridanus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Endlein2007, author = {Endlein, Thomas}, title = {Haftung und Fortbewegung: Kontrollmechanismen von Adh{\"a}sionskr{\"a}ften bei Ameisen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-28985}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Nat{\"u}rliche Haftsysteme {\"u}bertreffen technische Kleber in mehreren Aspekten: Sie haften auf nahezu allen Oberfl{\"a}chen, sind selbstreinigend und sind in ihrer Haftst{\"a}rke dynamisch kontrollierbar. F{\"u}r Tiere mit Haftorganen ist deren Kontrolle eine Grundvoraussetzung f{\"u}r effiziente Lokomotion. Wie k{\"o}nnen Tiere gut an Oberfl{\"a}chen haften und gleichzeitig schnell laufen? Wie werden Haftorgane kontrolliert, um auf rauen oder glatten Oberfl{\"a}chen senkrecht oder kopf{\"u}ber zu haften und wieder loszulassen? Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht am Beispiel vonWeberameisen (Oecophylla smaragdina), welche Kontrollmechanismen Insekten verwenden, um den Konflikt zwischen Haftung und Fortbewegung zu bew{\"a}ltigen. Weberameisen besitzen an ihren F{\"u}ßen zwischen den Krallen ein entfaltbares Haftorgan (Arolium), welches im Vergleich zu anderen Hymenopteren stark vergr{\"o}ßert ist. Ihre enormen Haftkr{\"a}fte (mehr als das 100-fache ihres K{\"o}rpergewichtes) werden haupts{\"a}chlich eingesetzt, um Bl{\"a}tter f{\"u}r ihren Nestbau in den Baumkronen zusammenzuziehen. Sie sind Meister der Haftung und gute L{\"a}ufer zugleich und eigneten sich daher sehr gut als Modellsystem. In der Arbeit wurde dieWechselwirkung von Haftung und Bewegung auf mehreren hierarchischen Ebenen untersucht, vom gesamten K{\"o}rper {\"u}ber die Beine bis zum Haftorgan selbst. Es zeigte sich, dass Kontrollmechanismen auf allen drei Ebenen vorliegen. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurde durch Manipulationen an der Krallenziehersehne die komplexe innere Mechanik des Pr{\"a}tarsus aufgekl{\"a}rt. Es zeigte sich, dass die Bewegungen von Tarsus, Krallen und Arolium in einer koordinierten Reihenfolge erfolgten. Durch Amputationen der Krallenspitzen an lebenden Ameisen konnte best{\"a}tigt werden, dass die Entfaltung des Aroliums durch das Verhaken der Krallen auf rauen Oberfl{\"a}chen mechanisch eingeschr{\"a}nkt wird. Der Einsatz des Aroliums war auch abh{\"a}ngig von der Oberfl{\"a}chenorientierung. Weberameisen setzten ihr Haftorgan beim aufrechten Laufen {\"u}berhaupt nicht ein, beim Kopf{\"u}berlaufen auf glatten Oberfl{\"a}chen wurde dagegen nur ein Bruchteil der maximal m{\"o}glichen Haftkontaktfl{\"a}che entfaltet. Die Versuche zeigten, dass Ameisen die Entfaltung des Aroliums entweder aktiv, d. h. durch Kontraktion des Krallenziehermuskels, oder passiv durch Zugbewegungen des Tarsus graduell variieren. Beide Mechanismen werden von den Ameisen verwendet, um die ansonsten klein gehaltene Haftkontaktfl{\"a}che bei Bedarf (z. B. bei Zusatzbeladungen) zu vergr{\"o}ßern. Die passive Entfaltung ist von der neuromuskul{\"a}ren Kontrolle entkoppelt und unterliegt somit nicht den Zeitverz{\"o}gerungen von Reflexreaktionen. Durch pl{\"o}tzliche laterale Verschiebung der Laufoberfl{\"a}che durch einen Stoß konnte eine schlagartige Ausfaltung der Arolien ausgel{\"o}st werden, die wesentlich schneller ablief als alle bekannten Reflexreaktionen. Dies kann als Sicherheitsmechanismus interpretiert werden, womit sich die Ameisen bei starken Ersch{\"u}tterungen der nat{\"u}rlichen Laufsubstrate (Bl{\"a}tter) durchWindst{\"o}ße oder Regentropfen festhalten k{\"o}nnen. Sowohl Kraftmessungen an der Krallenziehersehne, welche die Kontraktion des Krallenziehermuskels nachahmten als auch Reibungskraftmessungen zur passiven Entfaltung des Aroliums zeigten, dassWeberameisen im Vergleich zu einer bodenlebenden Ameise ihre Haftorgane leichter entfalten konnten. Dies erleichtert es ihnen, ihre Haftorgane {\"u}ber lange Zeit im entfalteten Zustand zu halten, wie es beispielsweise beim Nestbau erforderlich ist. Mit Hilfe von dreidimensionalen Kinematikstudien konnte gezeigt werden, dass Weberameisen durch {\"A}nderungen des Beinwinkels zur Oberfl{\"a}che das Sch{\"a}lverhalten der Haftorgane beeinflussen. Ein flacherer Winkel verhinderte das Absch{\"a}len der Haftorgane w{\"a}hrend der Standphase oder beim Tragen von Zusatzlasten; ein steilerer Tarsus hingegen erleichterte das Absch{\"a}len w{\"a}hrend der Abl{\"o}sephase. Dieses Verhalten wurde mit dem Modell eines Klebebandes verglichen. Allerdings ver{\"a}nderten sich die Haftkr{\"a}fte in einem bestimmten Winkelbereich deutlich st{\"a}rker, als die Sch{\"a}ltheorie es vorhersagen w{\"u}rde. Die starken Unterschiede in der Haftkraft an dieser Schwelle sind jedoch biologisch sinnvoll und werden wahrscheinlich von den Ameisen verwendet, um schnell zwischen Haften und L{\"o}sen zu wechseln. Messungen der Bodenreaktionskr{\"a}fte zeigten einen weiteren Abl{\"o}semechanismus: W{\"a}hrend der Abl{\"o}sephase wird durch distales Schieben des Beines das Haftorgan entlastet und so eine passive R{\"u}ckfaltung des Aroliums erlaubt. Beide Abl{\"o}semechanismen (Sch{\"a}len und Entlasten) wurden f{\"u}r einzelne Beinpaare im unterschiedlichen Ausmaß von den Ameisen verwendet. Eine Umorientierung zur Schwerkraftrichtung, z. B. beim Kopf{\"u}berlaufen, hatte auch Einfluss auf das Laufmuster und die Beinstellung relativ zum K{\"o}rperschwerpunkt. Die Ameisen passten beim Kopfx {\"u}berlaufen ihren Gang so an, dass sie mehrere Beine gleichzeitig in Bodenkontakt hielten und langsamere und k{\"u}rzere Schritte machten. Entstandene Drehmomente beim Tragen von Zusatzlasten wurden durch gezielte {\"A}nderungen der Beinpositionen ausgeglichen. Meine Arbeit zeigt, dass Insekten die Oberfl{\"a}chenhaftung auf verschiedenen hierarchischen Ebenen mit Hilfe verschiedener Anpassungen kontrollieren und dabei elegant neuromuskul{\"a}re Steuerungen mit rein passiven Mechanismen vereinigen. Die hier f{\"u}r Weberameisen exemplarisch untersuchten Effekte sind von allgemeiner Bedeutung f{\"u}r alle Tiere, die sich mit Hilfe von Haftorganen fortbewegen. Ein Verst{\"a}ndnis der Mechanismen, mit denen Insekten Haftung dynamisch kontrollieren, k{\"o}nnte wichtige Anregungen f{\"u}r die Entwicklung von kletterf{\"a}higen Laufrobotern liefern.}, subject = {Ameisen}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Eltz2001, author = {Eltz, Thomas}, title = {Ecology of stingless bees (Apidae, Meliponini) in lowland dipterocarp forests in Sabah, Malaysia, and an evaluation of logging impact on populations and communities}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1130}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {The present thesis reports on four years of field research on stingless bee ecology in Sabah, Malaysia. Hereby, it was the main focus to evaluate the effect of selective logging for timber extraction on communities of bees, and to elucidate causative relationships involved in regulating bee populations. Included were background studies on resource use (3.1, 3.2, 3.3) and nesting biology (3.4) as well as comparative studies on stingless bee diversity and abundance in logged and unlogged lowland rainforest sites (4.1, 4.2). Stingless bees proved to be generalist foragers that used a large range of plant species as pollen sources. Nevertheless, different species of bees had rather distinct pollen diets, a findind that was independent of fluctuations in flowering activity in the habitat. At one particular point in time colonies of one species (Trigona collina)collected mold spores (Rhizopus sp.) as a pollen surrogate. In order to obtain low-effort estimates of meliponine pollen sources a new method was developed: Trapping of bee garbage (with funnel traps) and the quantitative analysis of pollen in garbage samples. Pollen in bee garbage reflected pollen import with a certain time lag and could therefore be used for an assessment of long-term pollen foraging (see below). The majority of stingless bee nests (275 nests of 12 species) were found in cavities in trunks or under the bases of large, living canopy trees. Nest trees mostly belonged to commercial species and were of the correct size and (partly) timber quality to warrant harvesting. It was estimated that roughly one third of stingless bee nests in an given forest area would be killed during a selective logging operation. Besides causing direct mortality, logging may also indirectly affect bee populations by reducing the availability of potential nest sites (trees). However, in a comparison of primary and differentially logged forest sites (10 to 30 years after logging) no effect of the degree of disturbance on meliponine nest density was found. Instead, the variation in nest density (0 to 16.2 nest/ha) was best explained by differences in the available floral resources (assessed by analysis of pollen in bee garbage). Bee populations in forest edge situations were favored: there was a positive correlation between nest density and the proportion of external non-forest pollen (e.g. from crop plants, road edge vegetation, mangroves) in the bees' diet. The highest nest density was found in a site bordering the mangroves in Sandakan Bay. Here, the mangrove tree Rhizophora apiculata represented a extraordinary large fraction of the pollen volume. Presumably, external pollen sources effectively supplement bee diets at times when little flowering occurs inside the forest, thus increasing overall bee carrying-capacity. The idea of differential pollen limitation was strengthened by direct measurements of pollen import and foraging activity over a period of five months. Both were elevated in colonies in a site with high bee density. It is concluded that the abundance of stingless bees in forests in Sabah is chiefly dependent on the local availability of food resources. Hereby, bee populations strongly benefit from edge effects and increased habitat diversity. Although direct negative effects of selective logging are strongly indicated by a close association of bee nests with commercial trees, no clear effects were detected in regenerating forests ten to 30 years after logging.}, subject = {Sabah}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{ElMasri2005, author = {El-Masri, Harun}, title = {A genetic analysis of somitogenesis in the Medaka (Oryzias latipes)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-14515}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Somites are repeated epithelial segments that are generated in a rhythmic manner from the presomitic mesoderm (PSM) in the embryonic tailbud. Later, they differentiate into skeletal muscle, cartilage and dermis. Somitogenesis is regulated by a complex interplay of different pathways. Notch/Delta signaling is one of the pathways well characterized in zebrafish through mutants affected in its different components. Previous work in mouse, chicken and zebrafish has shown that also additional components are required during somitogenesis, most importantly through an FGF and Retinoic acid (RA) gradient, as well as Wnt signaling. However, no zebrafish mutants with defects in these pathways showing specific somite malformations are described. This was explained by functional redundancies among related genes that have resulted from a whole genome duplication which occurred in a teleost fish ancestor 350 million years ago. As distinct duplicates exist in different teleost species, a large scale mutagenesis screen in the medaka (Oryzias latipes) has been performed successfully in Kyoto, Japan. I analyzed nine of the isolated medaka mutants that show variable aspects of somitic phenotypes. This includes a complete or partial loss of somite boundaries (e.g. bms and sne), somites with irregular sizes and shapes (e.g. krz and fsl) or partially fused and enlarged somites (e.g. dpk). Although some of these medaka mutants share characteristics with previously described zebrafish somite mutants, most of the mutants represent unique phenotypes, not obtained in the zebrafish screens. In-situ hybridization analyses with marker genes implicated in the segmentation clock (e.g. her7), establishment of anterior-posterior (A-P) polarity (e.g. mesp) and differentiation of somites (e.g. myf5, lfng) revealed that the medaka mutants can be separated into two classes. Class I shows defects in tailbud formation and PSM prepatterning, and lateron somite boundary formation was impaired in these mutants. A unique member of this class with a novel phenotype is the doppelkorn (dpk) mutant that has single fused or enlarged somites. This phenotype has not been reported till now in zebrafish somite mutants. In-situ analyses on dpk showed that stabilization of the cyclically expressed somitogenesis clock genes must be affected in this mutant. This is accompanied by a disrupted regulation of A-P polarity genes like mesp. This suggests that dpk is a mutant deficient in the wave front, which is necessary for the down-regulation of oscillating genes in the anterior PSM. Furthermore, as the initiation of oscillation of all three cyclic her genes was unaffected in dpk embryos, I could exclude that this mutant in affected in the Notch/Delta pathway. Another mutant that belongs to this class is the samidare (sam) mutant. Morphologically, sam mutants are similar to zebrafish after eight (aei). In both cases, the first 7-9 somites are formed properly, but after this somite formation ceases. Different to the situation in aei, sam mutant embryos presented an additional defect in the mid-hindbrain boundary (MHB) region. Similar MHB defects were described in the zebrafish fgf8 mutant acerebellar (ace). In ace zebrafish mutant, somites were only slightly defective, although FGF signaling has been shown to be important for somite formation in chicken, mouse and zebrafish. This was explained by functional redundancy between fgf8 and fgf24 ligands in the tailbud of zebrafish. Thus, it is interesting to suggest that the sam mutant, based on the parallel defects in somites and MHB, is a potential member of the FGF signaling pathway muatnts. It was shown that FGF plays a crucial role during MHB formation in medaka. In addition, I showed that fgf8 acts non-redundantly during tailbud formation and somitogenesis in medaka. Furthermore, I showed that FGF signaling regulates somite size also in medaka and that fgfr1 is the only FGF receptor expressed in the tailbud and somites. In class II medaka somite mutants, PSM prepatterning appears normal, whereas A-P polarity, boundary formation, epithelialization or the later differentiation of somites appears to be affected. Such mutants have not been isolated so far in zebrafish, mice or chicken. Therefore, medaka class II somite mutants seem to be a novel group of mutants that opens new perspectives to analyze A-P polarity regulation, determination and boundary formation in the presence of a normally functioning clock in the PSM. Identifying the encoding genes for all analyzed medaka somite mutants will contribute to the understanding of the molecular interactions of different signaling pathways involved during somitogenesis, and is expected to result in the identification of new components.}, subject = {Japank{\"a}rpfling}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{ElHajj2011, author = {El Hajj, Nady}, title = {Epimutations in Germ-Cell and Embryo Development: Possible Consequences for Assisted Reproduction}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-65995}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) emerged in the late 1970's as a therapy for human infertility. Up till now more than 3 million babies have been conceived through ART, demonstrating the safety and efficiency of the technique. Published reports showed an increase in the rate of imprinting disorders (Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome, Angelman Syndrome, etc.) in babies born after ART. What are the effects imposed through ART and should researchers reassess its safety and implications on the future offspring? Throughout this thesis, I analyzed the methylation patterns of germ cells and embryos to determine whether in vitro maturation and in vitro fertilization have a negative impact on the epigenetic patterns. Furthermore, DNA methylation was compared between sperm of infertile and presumably fertile controls in order to understand whether epigenetic disturbances lead to infertility at the first place. The occurrence of methylation aberrations in germ cells of infertile patients could be transmitted to new-borns and then cause epigenetic disorders. In order to elucidate the imprinting status within single cells, I developed a new technique based on limiting dilution where bisulfite treated DNA is distributed across several wells before amplification. This allowed methylation measurement at the single allele level as well parent of origin detection. In a total of 141 sperm samples from couples undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) including 106 with male factor or combined infertility and 28 with female infertility, I detected a significant correlation between lower quality of semen parameters (sperm count, percentage of abnormal sperm, and percentage of motile sperm) and the rate of imprinting errors. ALU repeats displayed a higher methylation in sperm DNA of patients leading to a pregnancy and live birth, compared to patients in which pregnancy was not achieved or a spontaneous abortion occurred. A discriminant analysis based on ALU methylation allowed correct classification of >70\% of cases. Preliminary data from illumina methylation arrays where more than 27,000 CpGs were analyzed determined that only a single CpG site from the open reading frame C14orf93 was significantly different between the infertile and presumably fertile control group. However, further improvements on data normalization might permit detection of other differentially methylated regions. Comparison of embryos after natural conception, in vitro fertilized embryos from superovulated oocytes, and embryos achieved through fertilization of in vitro cultured oocytes revealed no dramatic effect on the imprinting patterns of Igf2r, H19, and Snrpn. Oocyte cryotop vitrification did not result in a dramatic increase of imprinting mutations in oocytes even though the rate of sporadic methylation errors in single Snrpn CpGs were higher within the in-vitrified group. Collectively, the results I will present within this thesis suggest an increase in the rate of imprinting errors within the germ cells of infertile patients, in addition to a decrease in genome wide methylation of ALU repetitive elements. I did not observe a detrimental effect on the methylation patterns of oocytes and the resulting embryos using in vitro maturation of oocytes and/or standard IVF with in vivo grown superovulated oocytes.}, subject = {Reproduktionsmedizin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eisenhuth2021, author = {Eisenhuth, Nicole Juliana}, title = {Novel and conserved roles of the histone methyltransferase DOT1B in trypanosomatid parasites}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21993}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-219936}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The family of trypanosomatid parasites, including the human pathogens Trypanosoma brucei and Leishmania, has evolved sophisticated strategies to survive in harmful host environments. While Leishmania generate a safe niche inside the host's macrophages, Trypanosoma brucei lives extracellularly in the mammalian bloodstream, where it is constantly exposed to the attack of the immune system. Trypanosoma brucei ensures its survival by periodically changing its protective surface coat in a process known as antigenic variation. The surface coat is composed of one species of 'variant surface glycoprotein' (VSG). Even though the genome possesses a large repertoire of different VSG isoforms, only one is ever expressed at a time from one out of the 15 specialized subtelomeric 'expression sites' (ES). Switching the coat can be accomplished either by a recombination-based exchange of the actively-expressed VSG with a silent VSG, or by a transcriptional switch to a previously silent ES. The conserved histone methyltransferase DOT1B methylates histone H3 on lysine 76 and is involved in ES regulation in T. brucei. DOT1B ensures accurate transcriptional silencing of the inactive ES VSGs and influences the kinetics of a transcriptional switch. The molecular machinery that enables DOT1B to execute these regulatory functions at the ES is still elusive, however. To learn more about DOT1B-mediated regulatory processes, I wanted to identify DOT1B-associated proteins. Using two complementary approaches, specifically affinity purification and proximity-dependent biotin identification (BioID), I identified several novel DOT1B-interacting candidates. To validate these data, I carried out reciprocal co-immunoprecipitations with the most promising candidates. An interaction of DOT1B with the Ribonuclease H2 protein complex, which has never been described before in any other organism, was confirmed. Trypanosomal Ribonuclease H2 maintains genome integrity by resolving RNA-DNA hybrids, structures that if not properly processed might initiate antigenic variation. I then investigated DOT1B's contribution to this novel route to antigenic variation. Remarkably, DOT1B depletion caused an increased RNA-DNA hybrid abundance, accumulation of DNA damage, and increased VSG switching. Deregulation of VSGs from throughout the silent repertoire was observed, indicating that recombination-based switching events occurred. Encouragingly, the pattern of deregulated VSGs was similar to that seen in Ribonuclease H2-depleted cells. Together these data support the hypothesis that both proteins act together in modulating RNA-DNA hybrids to contribute to the tightly-regulated process of antigenic variation. The transmission of trypanosomatid parasites to mammalian hosts is facilitated by insect vectors. Parasites need to adapt to the extremely different environments encountered during transmission. To ensure their survival, they differentiate into various specialized forms adapted to each tissue microenvironment. Besides antigenic variation, DOT1B additionally affects the developmental differentiation from the mammalian-infective to the insect stage of Trypanosoma brucei. However, substantially less is known about the influence of chromatin-associated proteins such as DOT1B on survival and adaptation strategies of related Leishmania parasites. To elucidate whether DOT1B's functions are conserved in Leishmania, phenotypes after gene deletion were analyzed. As in Trypanosoma brucei, generation of a gene deletion mutant demonstrated that DOT1B is not essential for the cell viability in vitro. DOT1B deletion was accompanied with a loss of histone H3 lysine 73 trimethylation (the lysine homologous to trypanosomal H3K76), indicating that Leishmania DOT1B is also solely responsible for catalyzing this post-translational modification. As in T. brucei, dimethylation could only be observed during mitosis/cytokinesis, while trimethylation was detectable throughout the cell cycle in wild-type cells. In contrast to the trypanosome DOT1B, LmxDOT1B was not essential for differentiation in vitro. However, preliminary data indicate that the enzyme is required for effective macrophage infection. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the identification of protein networks and the characterization of protein functions of orthologous proteins from related parasites are effective tools to improve our understanding of the parasite survival strategies. Such insights are a necessary step on the road to developing better treatments for the devastating diseases they cause.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eiring2021, author = {Eiring, Patrick}, title = {Super-resolution microscopy of plasma membrane receptors}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25004}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-250048}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Plasma membrane receptors are the most crucial and most commonly studied components of cells, since they not only ensure communication between the extracellular space and cells, but are also responsible for the regulation of cell cycle and cell division. The composition of the surface receptors, the so-called "Receptome", differs and is characteristic for certain cell types. Due to their significance, receptors have been important target structures for diagnostic and therapy in cancer medicine and often show aberrant expression patterns in various cancers compared to healthy cells. However, these aberrations can also be exploited and targeted by different medical approaches, as in the case of personalized immunotherapy. In addition, advances in modern fluorescence microscopy by so-called single molecule techniques allow for unprecedented sensitive visualization and quantification of molecules with an attainable spatial resolution of 10-20 nm, allowing for the detection of both stoichiometric and expression density differences. In this work, the single molecule sensitive method dSTORM was applied to quantify the receptor composition of various cell lines as well as in primary samples obtained from patients with hematologic malignancies. The focus of this work lies on artefact free quantification, stoichiometric analyses of oligomerization states and co localization analyses of membrane receptors. Basic requirements for the quantification of receptors are dyes with good photoswitching properties and labels that specifically mark the target structure without generating background through non-specific binding. To ensure this, antibodies with a predefined DOL (degree of labeling) were used, which are also standard in flow cytometry. First background reduction protocols were established on cell lines prior analyses in primary patient samples. Quantitative analyses showed clear expression differences between the cell lines and the patient cells, but also between individual patients. An important component of this work is the ability to detect the oligomerization states of receptors, which enables a more accurate quantification of membrane receptor densities compared to standard flow cytometry. It also provides information about the activation of a certain receptor, for example of FLT3, a tyrosine kinase, dimerizing upon activation. For this purpose, different well-known monomers and dimers were compared to distinguish the typical localization statistics of single bound antibodies from two or more antibodies that are in proximity. Further experiments as well as co localization analyses proved that antibodies can bind to closely adjacent epitopes despite their size. These analytical methods were subsequently applied for quantification and visualization of receptors in two clinically relevant examples. Firstly, various therapeutically relevant receptors such as CD38, BCMA and SLAMF7 for multiple myeloma, a malignant disease of plasma cells, were analyzed and quantified on patient cells. Furthermore, the influence of TP53 and KRAS mutations on receptor expression levels was investigated using the multiple myeloma cell lines OPM2 and AMO1, showing clear differences in certain receptor quantities. Secondly, FLT3 which is a therapeutic target receptor for acute myeloid leukemia, was quantified and stoichiometrically analyzed on both cell lines and patient cells. In addition, cells that have developed resistance against midostaurin were compared with cells that still respond to this type I tyrosine-kinase-inhibitor for their FLT3 receptor expression and oligomerization state.}, subject = {Fluoreszenzmikroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eidel2020, author = {Eidel, Matthias T. A. M.}, title = {Training Effects of a Tactile Brain-Computer Interface System During Prolonged Use by Healthy And Motor-Impaired People}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20851}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-208511}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Background - Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) enable their users to interact and communicate with the environment without requiring intact muscle control. To this end, brain activity is directly measured, digitized and interpreted by the computer. Thus, BCIs may be a valuable tool to assist severely or even completely paralysed patients. Many BCIs, however, rely on neurophysiological potentials evoked by visual stimulation, which can result in usability issues among patients with impaired vision or gaze control. Because of this, several non-visual BCI paradigms have been developed. Most notably, a recent study revealed promising results from a tactile BCI for wheelchair control. In this multi-session approach, healthy participants used the BCI to navigate a simulated wheelchair through a virtual apartment, which revealed not only that the BCI could be operated highly efficiently, but also that it could be trained over five sessions. The present thesis continues the research on this paradigm in order to - confirm its previously reported high performance levels and trainability - reveal the underlying factors responsible for observed performance increases - establish its feasibility among potential impaired end-users Methods - To approach these goals, three studies were conducted with both healthy participants and patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Brain activity during BCI operation was recorded via electroencephalography (EEG) and interpreted using a machine learning-based linear classifier. Wheelchair navigation was executed according to the classification results and visualized on a monitor. For offline statistical analysis, neurophysiological features were extracted from EEG data. Subjective data on usability were collected from all participants. Two specialized experiments were conducted to identify factors for training. Results and Discussion - Healthy participants: Results revealed positive effects of training on BCI performances and their underlying neurophysiological potentials. The paradigm was confirmed to be feasible and (for a non-visual BCI) highly efficient for most participants. However, some had to be excluded from analysis of the training effects because they could not achieve meaningful BCI control. Increased somatosensory sensitivity was identified as a possible mediator for training-related performance improvements. Participants with ALS: Out of seven patients with various stages of ALS, five could operate the BCI with accuracies significantly above chance level. Another ALS patient in a state of near-complete paralysis trained with the BCI for several months. Although no effects of training were observed, he was consistently able to operate the system above chance level. Subjective data regarding workload, satisfaction and other parameters were reported. Significance - The tactile BCI was evaluated on the example of wheelchair control. In the future, it could help impaired patients to regain some lost mobility and self-sufficiency. Further, it has the potential to be adapted to other purposes, including communication. Once visual BCIs and other assistive technologies fail for patients with (progressive) motor impairments, vision-independent paradigms such as the tactile BCI may be among the last remaining alternatives to interact with the environment. The present thesis has strongly confirmed the general feasibility of the tactile paradigm for healthy participants and provides first clues about the underlying factors of training. More importantly, the BCI was established among potential end-users with ALS, providing essential external validity.}, subject = {Myatrophische Lateralsklerose}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eck2016, author = {Eck, Saskia}, title = {The impact of thermogenetic depolarizations of specific clock neurons on Drosophila melanogaster's circadian clock}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-137118}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The rotation of the earth around its own axis determines periodically changing environmental conditions, like alterations in light and temperature. For the purpose of adapting all organisms' behavior, physiology and metabolism to recurring changes, endogenous clocks have evolved, which allow the organisms to anticipate environmental changes. In chronobiology, the scientific field dealing with the investigation of the underlying mechanisms of the endogenous clock, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster serves as a beneficial model organism. The fruit fly's circadian clock exhibits a rather simple anatomical organization, but nevertheless constitutes homologies to the mammalian system. Thus also in this PhD-thesis the fruit fly was used to decipher general features of the circadian clock's interneuronal communication. Drosophila melanogaster's circadian clock consists of about 150 clock neurons, which are located in the central nervous system of the fly. These clock neurons can be subdivided regarding to their anatomical position in the brain into the dorsal neurons (DN1s, DN2s, DN3s), as well as into the lateral neurons (LPNs, LNds, s-LNvs, l-LNvs). Functionally these clock neuron clusters can be classified as Morning- and Evening oscillators (M- and E- oscillators), driving different parts of the fly's locomotor activity in light-dark conditions (LD). The Morning-oscillators are represented by the s-LNvs and are known to be the main pacemakers, driving the pace of the clock in constant conditions (constant darkness; DD). The group of Evening-oscillators consists of the LNds, the DN1s and the 5th s-LNv and is important for the proper timing of the evening activity in LD. All of these clock neurons are not functionally independent, but form complex neuronal connections, which are highly plastic in their response to different environmental stimuli (Zeitgebers), like light or temperature. Even though a lot is known about the function and the importance of some clock neuron clusters, the exact interplay between the neurons is not fully known yet. To investigate the mechanisms, which are involved in communication processes among different clock neurons, we depolarized specific clock cells in a temporally and cell-type restricted manner using dTrpA1, a thermosensitive cation channel, which allows the depolarization of neurons by application of temperature pulses (TP) above 29°C to the intact and freely moving fly. Using different clock specific GAL4-driver lines and applying TPs at different time points within the circadian cycle in DD enabled us with the help of phase shift experiments to draw conclusions on the properties of the endogenous clock. The obtained phase shifts in locomotor behavior elicited by specific clock neuronal activation were plotted as phase response curves (PRCs). The depolarization of all clock neurons shifted the phase of activity the strongest, especially in the delay zone of the PRC. The exclusive depolarization of the M oscillators together with the l-LNvs (PDF+ neurons: s-LNvs \& l-LNvs) caused shifts in the delay and in the advance zone as well, however the advances were severely enhanced in their temporal occurrence ranging into the subjective day. We concluded that light might have inhibitory effects on the PDF+ cells in that particular part of the PRC, as typical light PRCs do not exhibit that kind of distinctive advances. By completely excluding light in the PRC-experiments of this PhD-thesis, this photic inhibitory input to the PDF+ neurons is missing, probably causing the broadened advance zone. These findings suggest the existence of an inhibitory light-input pathway to the PDF+ cells from the photoreceptive organs (Hofbauer-Buchner eyelet, photoreceptor cells of compound eyes, ocelli) or from other clock neurons, which might inhibit phase advances during the subjective day. To get an impression of the molecular state of the clock in the delay and advance zone, staining experiments against Period (PER), one of the most important core clock components, and against the neuropeptide Pigment Dispersing Factor (PDF) were performed. The cycling of PER levels mirrored the behavioral phase shifts in experimental flies, whereas the controls were widely unaffected. As just those neurons, which had been depolarized, exhibited immediate shifted PER oscillations, this effect has to be rapidly regulated in a cell-autonomous manner. However, the molecular link between clock neuron depolarization and shifts in the molecular clock's cycling is still missing. This issue was addressed by CREB (cAMP responsive element binding protein) quantification in the large ventrolateral neurons (l-LNvs), as these neurons responded unexpectedly and strongest to the artificial depolarization exhibiting a huge increase in PER levels. It had been previously suggested that CREB is involved in circadian rhythms by binding to regulatory sequences of the period gene (Belvin et al., 1999), thus activating its transcription. We were able to show, that CREB levels in the l-LNvs are under circadian regulation, as they exhibit higher CREB levels at the end of the subjective night relative to the end of the subjective day. That effect was further reinforced by artificial depolarization, independently of the time point of depolarization. Furthermore the data indicate that rises in CREB levels are coinciding with the time point of increases of PER levels in the l-LNvs, suggesting CREB being the molecular link between the neuronal electrical state and the molecular clock. Taking together, the results indicate that a temporal depolarization using dTrpA1 is able to significantly phase shift the clock on the behavioral and protein level. An artificial depolarization at the beginning of the subjective night caused phase delays, whereas a depolarization at the end of the subjective night resulted in advances. The activation of all clock neurons caused a PRC that roughly resembled a light-PRC. However, the depolarization of the PDF+ neurons led to a PRC exhibiting a shape that did not resemble that of a light-mediated PRC, indicating the complex processing ability of excitatory and inhibitory input by the circadian clock. Even though this experimental approach is highly artificial, just the exclusion of light-inputs enabled us to draw novel conclusions on the network communication and its light input pathways.}, subject = {Chronobiologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{EbertDuemig2000, author = {Ebert-D{\"u}mig, Regina}, title = {Expression und Regulation 1,25(OH) 2 -Vitamin D 3-responsiver Gene in monozyt{\"a}ren Zellen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1101}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Das Secosterid Vitamin D3 wird durch die Nahrung aufgenommen oder im Organismus synthetisiert, wobei eine Reaktion in der Haut durch einen photochemischen Prozess katalysiert wird.Durch zwei Hydroxylierungsschritte in Leber und Niere wird Vitamin D3 {\"u}ber 25(OH) Vitamin D3 zum aktiven 1,25(OH)2 Vitamin D3-Hormon. 1,25(OH)2 Vitamin D3 hat eine wichtige Funktion im Knochenstoffwechsel, es reguliert die Ca2+-Resorption im D{\"u}nndarm. Die 1,25(OH)2 Vitamin D3-Synthese in der Niere wird durch Parathormon (PTH) kontrolliert. Ist die Serum Ca2+-Konzentration niedrig, wird PTH ausgesch{\"u}ttet und die 1a-Hydroxylase, das 25(OH) Vitamin D3-aktivierende Enzym, stimuliert. Das Prinzip der (Seco)steroid-Aktivierung und -Inaktivierung in glandul{\"a}ren Organen, wie Leber und Niere mit anschließender Freisetzung der aktiven Hormone und Transport zu den jeweiligen Zielgeweben gilt heute nicht mehr uneingeschr{\"a}nkt. Auch Einzelzellen sind in der Lage Steroid-modifizierende Enzyme, die Hydroxylasen und Dehydrogenasen, zu exprimieren. Monozyt{\"a}re Zellen exprimieren das 1,25(OH)2 Vitamin D3-aktivierende und das -inaktivierende Enzym, die 1a-Hydroxylase und die 24-Hydroxylase. Sie sind somit in der Lage, 1,25(OH)2 Vitamin D3 zu sezernieren, welches parakrin auf Nachbarzellen wirken kann. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde die Expression und Regulation der 1a-Hydroxylase in peripheren Blutmonozyten (PBM) und monozyt{\"a}ren THP1-Zellen untersucht. Durch Supplementation der Zellen mit dem Substrat 25(OH) Vitamin D3 konnte die Produktion an aktivem 1,25(OH)2 Vitamin D3-Hormon in PBM signifikant gesteigert werden. In PBM konnte im Gegensatz zum systemischen Ca2+-Stoffwechsel nur ein geringer Einfluss auf die 1a-Hydroxylase-Aktivit{\"a}t beobachtet werden. Durch RT-PCR-Amplifikation konnte eine Expression des PTH Rezeptors Typ 1 (PTHR1) in PBM und Dendritischen Zellen nachgewiesen werden. Ein weiterer Ligand des PTHR1 ist PTH related Protein (PTHrP), ein Faktor der die Tumorhyperkalz{\"a}mie propagiert. Durch Markierungsexperimente mit fluoreszenz-markiertem PTHrP konnte gezeigt werden, dass PTHrP an die Zellmembran von PBM und Dendritischen Zellen bindet und in den Zellkern von Dendritischen Zellen transportiert wird. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die Expression 1,25(OH)2 Vitamin D3-responsive Gene in Monozyten/Makrophagen untersucht. Die Expression der 24-Hydroxylase wird innerhalb der Differenzierung von myeloischen THP1-Zellen zu Makrophagen- bzw. Osteoklasten-{\"a}hnlichen Zellen transient induziert. Als weiteres 1,25(OH)2 Vitamin D3-responsives Gen wurde die Expression von Osteopontin (OPN) untersucht. OPN ist ein vor allem in Knochen vorkommendes Matrixprotein, das wesentlich an der Zelladh{\"a}sion beteiligt ist. OPN wird in THP1-Zellen im Zuge der Differenzierung zunehmend exprimiert. Durch immunhistochemische Untersuchungen konnte OPN in Granulomen von Morbus Crohn- und Leberschnitten detektiert werden. Es spielt hier eine wesentliche Rolle bei der Granulomentstehung. Die Thioredoxin Reduktase 1 (TR1) ist ein Selenoenzym, welches maßgeblich an der Reduktion von Disulfidbindungen in Proteinen beteiligt ist. Es moduliert Protein/Protein- und Protein/DNA-Interaktionen wie die Bindung der Transkriptionsfaktoren AP1 und NFkB an DNA-responsive Elemente. Die Expression der TR1 wird in THP1-Zellen im Rahmen der Differenzierung induziert und ist in differenzierten Zellen maximal. Aktivit{\"a}tsmessungen deckten sich mit dieser Beobachtung. In peripheren Blutmonozyten steigt die TR-Aktivit{\"a}t alleine durch Adh{\"a}sion der Zellen an das Kulturgef{\"a}ß und nach Behandlung mit 1,25(OH)2 Vitamin D3. Die Untersuchungen der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigten eine Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der TR-Aktivit{\"a}t vom Differenzierungsgrad der Zellen und der Supplementation des Mediums mit dem Spurenelement Selen. Die Expression weiterer Selenoproteine in monozyt{\"a}ren Zellen wurde nachgewiesen. So konnten durch 75Selenit-Markierungsexperimente neun Selenoproteine in THP1-Zellen detektiert werden, von denen f{\"u}nf sezerniert werden. Ein weiteres, in monozyt{\"a}ren Zellen charakterisiertes Selenoprotein ist die zellul{\"a}re Glutathionperoxidase. Ihre Aktivit{\"a}t konnte in Selenit-supplementierten Zellen um das 70fache gesteigert werden. Die Kultivierung monozyt{\"a}rer Zellen unter Selenit-Supplementation beeinflusst die Funktion dieser Zellen wesentlich. So konnte beobachtet werden, dass die Anzahl an phagozytierenden, zu Makrophagen differenzierten THP1-Zellen nach Selenit-Supplementation abnahm, w{\"a}hrend die Phagozytoserate der einzelnen Zellen anstieg. Die erzielten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass monozyt{\"a}re Zellen mit Komponenten des 1,25(OH)2 Vitamin D3 Stoffwechsels ausgestattet sind und aktives 1,25(OH)2 Vitamin D3-Hormon produzieren, sezernieren und inaktivieren k{\"o}nnen. Die lokale Kontrolle der 1,25(OH)2 Vitamin D3 Stoffwechsels ausgestattet sind und aktives 1,25(OH)2 Vitamin D3-responsiver Gene, wie die Expression des Selenoproteins TR1, das einen direkten Einfluss auf den Redoxstatus und den Abbau reaktiver Sauerstoffverbindungen in diesen und Nachbarzellen aus{\"u}bt.}, subject = {Vitamin D3}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Duechs2011, author = {D{\"u}chs, Matthias}, title = {Effects of Toll-like receptor agonists on the pathogenesis of atopic asthma in mice}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-66369}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {In the last decades, both the incidence and the severity of asthma have steadily increased. Furthermore, available therapies only treat the symptoms but do not cure the disease. Immune modulation induced by TLR agonists may be a promising novel approach to effectively treat asthma as it targets the underlying immunopathology directly rather than one mediator alone. The aim of this thesis was to investigate if the immunostimulatory properties of Toll-like receptor (TLR) agonists can be utilized to develop novel therapeutic intervention strategies for the treatment of asthma using murine models of allergic inflammation. For this purpose five different TLR agonists were tested in preclinical mouse models of acute and chronic asthma, both in preventive and therapeutic settings. Firstly, TLR-2, 3, 4, 7/8 and 9 agonists were delivered intratracheally at different doses before pulmonary allergen exposure in the asthma model of acute inflammation. TLR9 agonist CpG-containing oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG) > TLR7 agonist Resiquimod (R848) > TLR3 agonists poly(I:C) strongly reduced allergen induced airway eosinophilia and IL-4 levels in a dose-dependent manner. All TLR agonists increased neutrophil numbers, TLR4 agonist lipopolysaccharide (LPS) > TLR2 agonist lipoteichonic acid (LTA) > poly(I:C) > CpG > R848 and, with the exception of R848, the amount of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the airways. Suppressive effects were not dependent upon IFN-γ and IL-10 or associated with increased numbers of regulatory T cells in the airways. All TLR agonists, except LTA, similarly reduced airway eosinophilia and IL-4 levels when applied therapeutically after allergen challenge. These results show that the TLR agonists have different suppressive effects on TH2 responses in the airways which further depend on the dose and the experimental setup in which they were tested. Interestingly, all agonists induced airway neutrophilia, albeit to different degrees, raising the question if TLR ligands are safe for human use when applied directly into the lung. Different TLR agonists are also being developed for human use as adjuvants combined with allergen in specific immunotherapy. Recent clinical data suggest that this may be achieved by induction of allergen-specific TH1 responses. For this reason, the ability of different TLR agonists to induce allergen-specific TH1 and suppress allergen-specific TH2 responses in a preclinical setting was investigated in this thesis. Different doses of the TLR agonists were applied together with allergen, then mice were exposed to allergen aerosol. CpG > LPS >LTA dose-dependently strongly suppressed the development of airway eosinophilia with poly(I:C) and R848 having no effect. The decrease in eosinophilic numbers was associated withincreased neutrophils present in the airways. IL-4 and IL-5 levels in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were also decreased when poly(I:C), LPS, and CpG were used. All TLR agonists increased allergen-specific IgG2a, and with the exception of poly(I:C), reduced allergen-specific IgE levels in the serum. Cutaneous anaphylaxis to allergen was completely prevented when LPS or CpG were given as adjuvant. The strongest TH1 responses were induced by CpG and poly(I:C), characterized by the presence of IFN-γ in the bronchoalveolar lavage and the highest allergen-specific IgG2a levels in the serum. This data supports approaches to use TLR9 or TLR4 agonists for human therapy as adjuvant in combination with allergen in novel specific immunotherapy formulations. In the last part of the thesis, it was investigated if TLR activation can also affect the pathology of severe chronic asthma. Therapeutic administration of R848 or CpG reduced features of inflammation and remodeling. Both agonists showed superior effects to dexamethasone, with CpG being more efficient than R848. This result again supports a TLR9-based therapy as a viable option for the treatment of severe chronic asthma which may present a potential alternative for anti-inflammatory therapy with steroids. Taken together, the results of this thesis support the use of TLR agonists to treat asthma. The most favorable efficacy/safety ratio is to be expected from TLR-based therapies combining TLR4 or TLR9 agonists with allergen in specific immunotherapy. In regard to TLR agonist monotherapy, R848 and CpG showed the most promising profiles, CpG particularly in a model of severe chronic asthma. However, since all TLR agonists used in this study also showed pro-inflammatory potential, the safety aspect of such an approach needs to be taken into account.}, subject = {Toll-like Rezeptor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dwertmann2012, author = {Dwertmann, Anne}, title = {Impact of the Tumor Suppressor Arf on Miz1 and Sumoylation of Myc and Miz1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-71876}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Upon oncogenic stress, the tumor suppressor Arf can induce irreversible cell cycle arrest or apoptosis, depending on the oncogenic insult. In this study, it could be shown that Arf interacts with Myc and the Myc-associated zinc-finger protein Miz1 to facilitate repression of genes involved in cell adhesion. Formation of a DNA-binding Arf/Myc/Miz1 complex disrupts interaction of Miz1 with its coactivator nucleophosmin and induces local heterochromatinisation, causing cells to lose attachment and undergo anoikis. The assembly of the complex relies on Myc, which might explain why high Myc levels trigger apoptosis and not cell cycle arrest in the Arf response. This mechanism could play an important role in eliminating cells harboring an oncogenic mutation. Arf furthermore induces sumoylation of Miz1 at a specific lysine by repressing the desumoylating enzyme Senp3. A sumoylation-deficient mutant of Miz1 however does not show phenotypic differences under the chosen experimental conditions. Myc can also be modified by Sumo by multisumoylation at many different lysines, which is unaffected by Arf. The exact mechanism and effect of this modification however stays unsolved.}, subject = {Apoptosis}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dusik2015, author = {Dusik, Verena}, title = {Immunhistochemische und funktionelle Charakterisierung der Mitogen-aktivierten Proteinkinase p38 in der inneren Uhr von Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-124636}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Circadianes und Stress-System sind zwei physiologische Systeme, die dem Organismus helfen sich an Ver{\"a}nderungen ihrer Umwelt anzupassen. W{\"a}hrend letzteres spontane und schnelle Antworten auf akute, unvorhersehbare Umweltreize liefert, sagt das circadiane System t{\"a}glich wiederkehrende Ereignisse vorher and bereitet den Organismus so vorzeitig auf diese nahende Umweltver{\"a}nderung vor. Dennoch, trotz dieser unterschiedlichen Reaktionsmechanismen agieren beide Systeme nicht komplett autonom. Studien der vergangen Jahre belegen vielmehr eine Interaktion beider Systeme. So postulieren sie zum einem Unterschiede in der Stressantwort in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von der Tageszeit zu der der Reiz auftritt und weisen zugleich auf eine Zunahme von gest{\"o}rten biologischen Tagesrhythmen, wie zum Beispiel Schlafst{\"o}rungen, in Folge von unkontrollierten oder exzessiven Stress hin. Ebenso liefern k{\"u}rzlich durchgef{\"u}hrte Studien an Vertebraten und Pilzen Hinweise, dass mit p38, eine Stress-aktivierte Kinase, an der Signalweiterleitung zur inneren Uhr beteiligt ist (Hayashi et al., 2003), sogar durch dieses endogene Zeitmesssystem reguliert wird (Vitalini et al., 2007; Lamb et al., 2011) und deuten damit erstmals eine m{\"o}gliche Verbindung zwischen Stress-induzierten und regul{\"a}ren rhythmischen Anpassungen des Organismus an Umweltver{\"a}nderungen an. Molekulare und zellul{\"a}re Mechanismen dieser Verkn{\"u}pfung sind bisher noch nicht bekannt. W{\"a}hrend die Rolle von p38 MAPK bei der Stress- und Immunantwort in Drosophila melanogaster gut charakterisiert ist, wurden Expression und Funktion von p38 in der inneren Uhr hingegen bislang nicht untersucht. Die hier vorliegende Arbeit hatte daher zum Ziel mittels immunhistochemischer, verhaltensphysiologischer und molekularer Methoden eine m{\"o}gliche Rolle der Stress-aktivierten Kinase im circadianen System der Fliege aufzudecken. Antik{\"o}rperf{\"a}rbungen sowie Studien mit Reporterlinien zeigen deutliche F{\"a}rbesignale in den s-LNv, l-LNv und DN1a und erbringen erstmals einen Nachweis f{\"u}r p38 Expression in den Uhrneuronen der Fliege. Ebenso scheint die Aktivit{\"a}t von p38 MAPK in den DN1a uhrgesteuert zu sein. So liegt p38 vermehrt in seiner aktiven Form in der Dunkelphase vor und zeigt, neben seiner circadian regulierten Aktivierung, zus{\"a}tzlich auch eine Inaktivierung durch Licht. 15-Minuten-Lichtpulse in der subjektiven Nacht f{\"u}hren zu einer signifikanten Reduktion von aktivierter, phosphorylierter p38 MAPK in den DN1a von Canton S Wildtypfliegen im Vergleich zu Fliegen ohne Lichtpuls-Behandlung. Aufzeichnungen der Lokomotoraktivit{\"a}t offenbaren zus{\"a}tzlich die Notwendigkeit von p38 MAPK f{\"u}r wildtypisches Timing der Abendaktivit{\"a}t sowie zum Erhalt von 24-Stunden-Verhaltensrhythmen unter konstanten Dauerdunkel-Bedindungen. So zeigen Fliegen mit reduzierten p38 Level in Uhrneuronen einen verz{\"o}gerten Beginn der Abendaktivit{\"a}t und stark verl{\"a}ngerte Freilaufperioden. In {\"U}bereinstimmung mit Effekten auf das Laufverhalten scheint dar{\"u}ber hinaus die Expression einer dominant-negativen Form von p38b in Drosophila's wichtigsten Uhrneuronen eine versp{\"a}tete nukle{\"a}re Translokation von Period zur Folge zu haben. Westernblots legen zus{\"a}tzlich einen Einfluss von p38 auf den Phosphorylierungsgrad von Period nahe und liefern damit einen m{\"o}gliche Erkl{\"a}rung f{\"u}r den versp{\"a}teten Kerneintritt des Uhrproteins. Abschließende St{\"u}tzung der Westernblotergebnisse bringen in vitro Kinasenassays und deuten auf p38 als eine potentielle „Uhrkinase" hin, welche auch in vivo Period an Serin 661 sowie weiteren potentiellen Phosphorylierungsstellen phosphorylieren k{\"o}nnte. Zusammengenommen deuten die Ergebnisse der hier vorliegenden Arbeit eindeutig auf eine bedeutende Rolle von p38, neben dessen Funkion im Stress-System, auch im circadianen System der Fliege hin und offenbaren damit die M{\"o}glichkeit, dass p38 als Schnittstelle zwischen beider Systeme fungiert.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Duraphe2010, author = {Duraphe, Prashant}, title = {Identification and characterization of AUM, a novel human tyrosine phosphatase}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-44256}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Protein Phosphatasen werden aufgrund der Aminos{\"a}uresequenzen ihrer aktiven Zentren in drei große Familien unterteilt. In einer neu entdeckten Familie von Phosphatasen ist das aktive Zentrum durch die Sequenz DXDX(T/V) charakterisiert. Diese Aspartat-abh{\"a}ngigen Phosphatasen geh{\"o}ren zu der Superfamilie der Hydrolasen vom Haloazid Dehalogenase(HAD)-Typ, einer evolution{\"a}r konservierten und ubiquit{\"a}r verbreiteten Enzymfamilie. Bislang konnten 58 menschliche HAD Enzyme durch Datenbankanalysen identifiziert werden. Ihre Funktionen sind jedoch nach wie vor nur rudiment{\"a}r verstanden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde zun{\"a}chst das Komplement aller menschlichen HAD Phosphatasen durch Datenbank-Recherchen erfasst. Zusammen mit phylogenetischen Analysen gelang es, eine zum damaligen Zeitpunkt unbekannte, putative Phosphatase zu identifizieren, die eine vergleichsweise hohe Sequenz-Homologie zu der Zytoskelettregulierenden HAD Phosphatase Chronophin aufweist. Dieses neuartige Enzym wurde kloniert und mit biochemischen und zellbiologischen Methoden charakterisiert. Auf der Basis dieser Befunde bezeichnen wir dieses neuartige Protein als AUM (actin remodeling, ubiquitously expressed, magnesium-dependent HAD phosphatase).Mittels Northern blot, real-time PCR und Western blot Analysen konnte gezeigt werden, dass AUM in allen untersuchten menschlichen und murinen Geweben exprimiert wird. Die h{\"o}chste Expression konnte in Hodengewebe nachgewiesen werden. Durch immunohistochemische Untersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass AUM spezifisch in reifenden Keimzellen mit einem Expressionsmaximum zum Zeitpunkt der Spermiogenese exprimiert wird. Um die Substratpr{\"a}ferenz von AUM zu charakterisieren, wurde zun{\"a}chst ein peptidbasierter in vitro Phosphatase-Substrat-Screen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Hierbei wurden 720 aus menschlichen Phosphoproteinen abgeleitete Phosphopeptide untersucht. Interessanterweise dephosphorylierte AUM ausschließlich Phosphotyrosin (pTyr)-enthaltende Peptide. Nur 17 pTyr-Peptide (~2\% aller untersuchten Peptide) fungierten als AUM-Substrate. Diese Daten legen eine hohe Substratspezifit{\"a}t von AUM nahe. Zu den putativen AUM Substraten geh{\"o}ren Proteine, die in die Dynamik der Zytoskelett-Reorganisation sowie in Tyrosin Kinasevermittelte Signalwege eingebunden sind. In {\"U}bereinstimmung mit den Ergebnissen dieses Phosphopeptid-Screens konnte mittels Phosphatase overlay assays sowie in Zellextrakten aus Pervanadat-behandelten HeLa Zellen demonstriert werden, dass AUM eine begrenzte Anzahl Tyrosin-phosphorylierter Proteinen dephosphorylieren kann.In zellul{\"a}ren Untersuchungen wurde die m{\"o}gliche Rolle von AUM im Rahmen der durch den epidermalen Wachstumsfaktor (EGF) ausgel{\"o}sten Tyrosin-Phosphorylierung in einer Spermatogonien Zelllinie (GC-1 spg-Zellen) analysiert. So konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die {\"U}berexpression von AUM zu einer moderaten Abnahme Tyrosin phosphorylierter Proteine nach EGF-Stimulation f{\"u}hrte. Im Gegensatz dazu l{\"o}ste jedoch die durch RNAInterferenz vermittelte Depletion von endogenem AUM einen robusten Anstieg Tyrosinphosphorylierter Proteine aus, zu denen auch der EGF-Rezeptor selbst z{\"a}hlt. Zus{\"a}tzlich zu dem EGF-Rezeptor wurde die Src-Kinase im Zuge des Phosphopeptid- Screens als m{\"o}gliches AUM Substrat identifiziert. Daher wurden in vitro Kinase/Phosphatase-Assays mit gereinigtem Src und AUM durchgef{\"u}hrt. Mit diesem Ansatz konnte erstmals gezeigt werden, dass AUM in der Lage ist, die Src-Kinase zu aktivieren, w{\"a}hrend Src AUM phosphoryliert und die AUM Phosphatase-Aktivit{\"a}t blockiert. Diese Ergebnisse deuten auf eine gekoppelte, wechselseitige Regulation von AUM und Src hin. Obwohl die Details dieser Regulation derzeit noch unklar sind, zeigen unsere initialen Ergebnisse, dass AUM die Src-Aktivit{\"a}t unabh{\"a}ngig von seiner Phosphatase Aktivit{\"a}t steigert, w{\"a}hrend Src die AUM Phosphatase-Aktivit{\"a}t Kinase-abh{\"a}ngig vermindert. Auf zellul{\"a}rer Ebene sind AUM-depletierte Zellen durch Ver{\"a}nderungen der Aktin- Zytoskelett-Dynamik und der Zelladh{\"a}sion charakterisiert. So weisen AUM-defiziente Zellen stabilisierte Aktin Streßfasern und vergr{\"o}ßerte fokale Adh{\"a}sionen auf. Weiterhin sind AUMdepletierte Zellen durch ein beschleunigtes spreading auf Fibronektin gekennzeichnet. Wir haben mit AUM ein bisher nicht beschriebenes Mitglied der Familie Aspartat-abh{\"a}ngiger Phosphatasen entdeckt. In dieser Arbeit ist es gelungen, AUM phylogenetisch, biochemisch und zellbiologisch zu charakterisieren. Unsere Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass AUM einen wichtigen, neuartigen Regulator der Src-vermittelten Zytoskelett-Dynamik im Rahmen der Zelladh{\"a}sion und Migration darstellt.}, subject = {Tyrosin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Duque2022, author = {Duque, Laura Maria Ribeiro}, title = {Effects of ozone on plants and plant-insect interactions}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27798}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-277983}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Anthropogenic activities are causing air pollution. Amongst air pollutants, tropospheric ozone is a major threat to human health and ecosystem functioning. In this dissertation, I present three studies that aimed at increasing our knowledge on how plant exposure to ozone affects its reproduction and its interactions with insect herbivores and pollinators. For this purpose, a new fumigation system was built and placed in a greenhouse. The annual plant Sinapis arvensis (wild mustard) was used as the model plant. Plants were exposed to either 0 ppb (control) or 120 ppb of ozone, for variable amounts of time and at different points of their life cycle. After fumigation, plants were exposed to herbivores or pollinators in the greenhouse, or to both groups of insects in the field. My research shows that ozone affected reproductive performance differently, depending on the timing of exposure: plants exposed at earlier ages had their reproductive fitness increased, while plants exposed later in their life cycle showed a tendency for reduced reproductive fitness. Plant phenology was a key factor influencing reproductive fitness: ozone accelerated flowering and increased the number of flowers produced by plants exposed at early ages, while plants exposed to ozone at later ages tended to have fewer flowers. On the other hand, the ozone-mediated changes in plant-insect interactions had little impact on plant reproductive success. The strongest effect of ozone on plant-pollinator interactions was the change in the number of flower visits received per plant, which was strongly linked to the number of open flowers. This means that, as a rule, exposure of plants to ozone early in the life cycle resulted in a higher number of pollinator visits, while exposure later in the life cycle resulted in fewer flower visits by potential pollinators. An exception was observed: the higher number of visits performed by large syrphid flies to young ozone-exposed plants than to the respective control plants went beyond the increase in the number of open flowers in those plants. Also, honeybees spent more time per flower in plants exposed to ozone than on control plants, while other pollinators spent similar amounts of time in control and ozone-exposed plants. This guild-dependent preference for ozone-exposed plants may be due to species-specific preferences related to changes in the quality and quantity of floral rewards. In the field, ozone-exposed plants showed only a tendency for increased colonization by sucking herbivores and slightly more damage by chewing herbivores than control plants. On the other hand, in the greenhouse experiment, Pieris brassicae butterflies preferred control plants over ozone-exposed plants as oviposition sites. Eggs laid on ozone-exposed plants took longer to hatch, but the chances of survival were higher. Caterpillars performed better in control plants than in ozone-exposed plants, particularly when the temperature was high. Most of the described effects were dependent on the duration and timing of the ozone exposure and the observed temperature, with the strongest effects being observed for longer exposures and higher temperatures. Furthermore, the timing of exposure altered the direction of the effects. The expected climate change provides ideal conditions for further increases in tropospheric ozone concentrations, therefore for stronger effects on plants and plant-insect interactions. Acceleration of flowering caused by plant exposure to ozone may put plant-pollinator interactions at risk by promoting desynchronization between plant and pollinator activities. Reduced performance of caterpillars feeding on ozone-exposed plants may weaken herbivore populations. On the other hand, the increased plant reproduction that results from exposing young plants to ozone may be a source of good news in the field of horticulture, when similar results would be achieved in high-value crops. However, plant response to ozone is highly species-specific. In fact, Sinapis arvensis is considered a weed and the advantage conferred by ozone exposure may increase its competitiveness, with negative consequences for crops or plant communities in general. Overall, plant exposure to ozone might constitute a threat for the balance of natural and agro-ecosystems.}, subject = {Plant}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Drescher2011, author = {Drescher, Jochen}, title = {The Ecology and Population structure of the invasive Yelllow Crazy Ant Anoplolepis gracilipes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-57332}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The invasive Yellow Crazy Ant Anoplolepis gracilipes is a widespread tropical ant species which is particularly common in anthropogenically disturbed habitats in South-East Asia and the Indopacific region. Its native range is unknown, and there is little information concerning its social structure as a potential mechanism facilitating invasion as well as its ecology in one of the putative native ranges, South-East Asia. Using mitochondrial DNA sequences, I demonstrated that the majority of the current Indopacific colonies were likely introduced from South-East Asian populations, which in turn may have been introduced much earlier from a yet unidentified native range. By conducting behavioral, genetic and chemical analyses, I found that A. gracilipes supercolonies contain closely related individuals, thus resembling enlarged versions of monogynous, polydomous colonies of other ant species. Furthermore, mutually aggressive A. gracilipes supercolonies were highly differentiated both genetically and chemically, suggesting limited or even absent gene flow between supercolonies. Intranidal mating and colony-budding are most likely the predominant, if not the exclusive mode of reproduction and dispersal strategy of A. gracilipes. Consequently, a positive feedback between genetic, chemical and behavioral traits may further enhance supercolony differentiation though genetic drift and neutral evolution. This potential scenario led to the hypothesis that absent gene flow between different A. gracilipes supercolonies may drive them towards different evolutionary pathways, possibly including speciation. Thus, I examined one potential way by which gene flow between supercolonies of an ant species without nuptial flights may be maintained, i.e. the immigration of sexuals into foreign supercolonies. The results suggest that this option of maintaining gene flow between different supercolonies is likely impaired by severe aggression of workers towards allocolonial sexuals. Moreover, breeding experiments involving males and queens from different supercolonies suggest that A. gracilipes supercolonies may already be on the verge of reproductive isolation, which might lead to the diversification of A. gracilipes into different species. Regarding the ecological consequences of its potential introduction to NE-Borneo, I could show that A. gracilipes supercolonies may affect the local ant fauna. The ant community within supercolonies was less diverse and differed in species composition from areas outside supercolonies. My data suggest that the ecological dominance of A. gracilipes within local ant communities was facilitated by monopolization of food sources within its supercolony territory, achieved by a combination of rapid recruitment, numerical dominance and pronounced interspecific aggression. A. gracilipes' distribution is almost exclusively limited to anthropogenically altered habitat, such as residential and agricultural areas. The rate at which habitat conversion takes place in NE-Borneo will provide A. gracilipes with a rapidly increasing abundance of suitable habitats, thus potentially entailing significant population growth. An potentially increasing population size and ecological dominance, however, are not features that are limited to invasive alien species, but may also occur in native species that become 'pests' in an increasing abundance of anthropogenically altered habitat. Lastly, I detected several ant guests in supercolonies of A. gracilipes. I subsequently describe the relationship between one of them (the cricket Myrmecophilus pallidithorax) and its ant host. By conducting behavioral bioassays and analyses of cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profiles, I revealed that although M. pallidithorax is attacked and consumed by A. gracilipes whenever possible, it may evade aggression from its host by a combination of supreme agility and, possibly, chemical deception. This thesis adds to our general understanding of biological invasions by contributing species-specific data on a previously understudied invasive organism, the Yellow Crazy Ant Anoplolepis gracilipes. Introductions which may have occurred a long time ago may make it difficult to determine whether a given species is an introduced invader or a native pest species, as both may have pronounced ecological effects in native species communities. Furthermore, this thesis suggests that supercolonialism in invasive ants may not be an evolutionary dead end, but that it may possibly give rise to new species due to reproductive boundaries between supercolonies evoked by peculiar mating and dispersal strategies.}, subject = {Dem{\"o}kologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Drechsler2008, author = {Drechsler, Patrick Hans}, title = {Mechanics of adhesion and friction in stick insects and tree frogs}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-26836}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Many arthropods and vertebrates can cling to surfaces using adhesive pads on their legs. These pads are either smooth and characterised by a specialised, soft cuticle or they are hairy, i.e. densely covered with flexible adhesive setae. Animals climbing with adhesive organs are able to control attachment and detachment dynamically while running. The detailed mechanisms of how tarsal pads generate adhesive and frictional forces and how forces are controlled during locomotion are still largely unclear. The aim of this study was to clarify the attachment mechanism of smooth adhesive pads as present in many insects and tree frogs. To understand the function of these fluid-based adhesive systems, I characterized their performance under standardized conditions. To this end, experiments were conducted by simultaneously measuring adhesion, friction, and contact area in single adhesive pads. The first result of this study showed that friction in stick insect attachment pads is anisotropic: Attachment pads regularly detached when slid away from the body. Further analyses of "immobilized" arolia revealed that this anisotropy is not caused by an increased shear stress in the proximal direction, but by the instability of the tarsus when pushed distally. In the second part of this study, I analysed the role of the pad secretion present in insects and tree frogs. In stick insects, shear stress was largely independent of normal force and increased with velocity, seemingly consistent with the viscosity effect of a continuous fluid film. However, measurements of the remaining force two minutes after a sliding movement showed that adhesive pads could sustain considerable static friction in insects and tree frogs. Repeated sliding movements and multiple consecutive pull-offs of stick insect single legs to deplete adhesive secretion showed that on a smooth surface, friction and adhesion strongly increased with decreasing amount of fluid in insects. In contrast, stick insect pull-off forces significantly decreased on a rough substrate. Thus, the secretion does not generally increase attachment but does so only on rough substrates, where it helps to maximize contact area. When slides with stick insect arolia were repeated at one position so that secretion could accumulate, sliding shear stress decreased but static friction remained clearly present. This suggests that static friction in stick insects, which is biologically important to prevent sliding, is based on non-Newtonian properties of the adhesive emulsion rather than on a direct contact between the cuticle and the substrate. \% Analogous measurements in toe pads of tree frogs showed that they are also able to generate static friction, even though their pads are wetted by mucus. In contrast to the mechanism proposed for insects, static friction in tree frogs apparently results from the very close contact of toe pads to the substrate and boundary lubrication. In the last section of this study, I investigated adhesive forces and the mode of detachment by performing pull-off measurements at different velocities and preloads. These experiments showed that preload has only an increasing effect on adhesion for faster pull-offs. This can be explained by the viscoelastic material properties of the stick insect arolium, which introduce a strong rate-dependence of detachment. During fast pull-offs, forces can spread over the complete area of contact, leading to forces scaling with area. In contrast, the pad material has sufficient time to withdraw elastically and peel during slow detachments. Under these conditions the adhesive force will concentrate on the circumference of the contact area, therefore scaling with a length, supporting models such as the peeling theory. The scaling of single-pad forces supported these conclusions, but large variation between pads of different stick insects did not allow statistically significant conclusions. In contrast, when detachment forces were quantified for whole insects using a centrifuge, forces scaled with pad contact area and not with length.}, subject = {Biomechanik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dornhaus2002, author = {Dornhaus, Anna}, title = {The role of communication in the foraging process of social bees}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-3468}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {In the various groups of social bees, different systems of communication about food sources occur. These communication systems are different solutions to a common problem of social insects: efficiently allocating the necessary number of workers first to the task of foraging and second to the most profitable food sources. The solution chosen by each species depends on the particular ecological circumstances as well as the evolutionary history of that species. For example, the outstanding difference between the bumble bee and the honey bee system is that honey bees can communicate the location of profitable food sources to nestmates, which bumble bees cannot. To identify possible selection pressures that could explain this difference, I have quantified the benefits of communicating location in honey bees. I show that these strongly depend on the habitat, and that communicating location might not benefit bees in temperate habitats. This could be due to the differing spatial distributions of resources in different habitats, in particular between temperate and tropical regions. These distributions may be the reason why the mostly temperate-living bumble bees have never evolved a communication system that allows them to transfer information on location of food sources, whereas most tropical social bees (all honey bees and many stingless bees) are able to recruit nestmates to specific points in their foraging range. Nevertheless, I show that in bumble bees the allocation of workers to foraging is also regulated by communication. Successful foragers distribute in the nest a pheromone which alerts other bees to the presence of food. This pheromone stems from a tergite gland, the function of which had not been identified previously. Usage of a pheromone in the nest to alert other individuals to forage has not been described in other social insects, and might constitute a new mode of communicating about food sources. The signal might be modulated depending on the quality of the food source. Bees in the nest sample the nectar that has been brought into the nest. Their decision whether to go out and forage depends not only on the pheromone signal, but also on the quality of the nectar they have sampled. In this way, foraging activity of a bumble bee colony is adjusted to foraging conditions, which means most bees are allocated to foraging only if high-quality food sources are available. In addition, foraging activity is adjusted to the amount of food already stored. In a colony with full honeypots, no new bees are allocated to foraging. These results help us understand how the allocation of workers to the task of food collection is regulated according to external and internal nest conditions in bumble bees.}, subject = {Hummel}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Donat2011, author = {Donat, Ulrike}, title = {Detektion und Therapie von Metastasen des humanen Prostatakarzinoms durch das onkolytische Vaccinia-Virus GLV-1h68}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-56421}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Zurzeit sterben j{\"a}hrlich ca. 11.000 M{\"a}nner in Deutschland am Prostatakarzinom. Damit stellt dies die zweith{\"a}ufigste Krebstodesursache von M{\"a}nnern dar. Da das Prostatakarzinom h{\"a}ufig asymptomatisch verl{\"a}uft, wird die Erkrankung oftmals erst so sp{\"a}t erkannt, dass zum Zeitpunkt der Diagnose bereits eine Metastasierung stattgefunden hat. Durch metastasierende Prostatakarzinomzellen werden Lymphknoten, Knochen und Lungen befallen. Es sind zwei unterschiedliche Verbreitungsarten von metastasierenden Tumorzellen beschrieben. Zum einen kann eine Migration {\"u}ber Lymphgef{\"a}ße erfolgen, ein Prozess der als lymphatische Metastasierung bezeichnet wird. Zum anderen k{\"o}nnen Tumorzellen {\"u}ber das Blutsystem im K{\"o}rper zirkulieren: die h{\"a}matogene Metastasierung. In dieser Arbeit wurde die lymphatische Metastasierung der humanen Prostatakarzinomzellline PC-3 im Detail analysiert und Teilaspekte der h{\"a}matogenen Verteilung untersucht. Ausgangspunkt der Untersuchungen bildete die Vergr{\"o}ßerung lumbaler und renaler Lymphknoten in PC-3-Tumor-tragenden M{\"a}usen 60 Tage nach der Implantation von PC-3-Zellen. Es wurde daraufhin der zeitliche Verlauf der Vergr{\"o}ßerung untersucht und festgestellt, dass sowohl das Volumen als auch die Anzahl vergr{\"o}ßerter Lymphknoten von Woche zu Woche nach Implantation der PC-3-Tumore zunehmen. Anschließend wurden alle vergr{\"o}ßerten Lymphknoten bez{\"u}glich des Vorhandenseins von metastasierenden humanen PC-3-Zellen in den M{\"a}usen untersucht. Dies geschah mit Hilfe einer RT-PCR unter Verwendung von Primern f{\"u}r humanes β-Aktin. Sechs Wochen nach Implantation konnten in 90 \% der vergr{\"o}ßerten Lymphknoten PC-3-Zellen nachgewiesen werden. Weiterhin wurde durch lentivirale Transduktion das Gen f{\"u}r das rot fluoreszierende Protein (RFP) in die PC-3-Zellen inseriert, wodurch eine Visualisierung dieser Zellen in der Maus erm{\"o}glicht wurde. Es konnten metastasierende PC-3-RFP-Zellen in lumbalen und renalen Lymphknoten PC-3-RFP-Tumor-tragender M{\"a}use nachgewiesen werden. Ebenso konnte mittels RFP gezeigt werden, dass die Lymphknotenmetastasierung in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von der Lokalisation des PC-3-RFP-Tumors erfolgt. Es kam zur Metastasierung jener Lymphknoten, in deren Einzugsgebiet sich der PC-3-Tumor befand. Es wurde eine PC-3-RFP-Zellmigration zwischen lumbalen und renalen Lymphknotenmetastasen nachgewiesen und bei immunhistologischen Untersuchungen stellte sich heraus, dass PC-3-RFP-Zellen tats{\"a}chlich in lymphatischen Bahnen zwischen lumbalen und renalen Lymphknotenmetastasen migrieren. Außerdem wurde gezeigt, dass es von Woche zu Woche nach Implantation von PC-3-Zellen zu einer Zunahme der Anzahl von Lymphgef{\"a}ßen in PC-3-Tumoren kommt. Die Zunahme der Lymphgef{\"a}ßdichte korrelierte hierbei positiv mit der Bildung von Lymphknotenmetastasen. Es konnten weiterhin neben Lymphknotenmetastasen h{\"a}matogene Mikrometastasen in den Lungen PC-3-RFP-Tumor-tragender M{\"a}use beobachtet werden. Da die Haupttodesursache von Prostatakarzinompatienten in der Bildung von Metastasen liegt, ist es von herausragender Bedeutung eine effektive Therapie gegen lymphatische und h{\"a}matogene Metastasen zu entwickeln. Aus diesem Grund erlangt die onkolytische Virustherapie große Bedeutung. Deshalb wurde als zweiter Aspekt in dieser Arbeit der Einfluss des onkolytischen Vaccinia-Virus GLV-1h68 auf den Prozess der PC-3-Zellmetastasierung untersucht. Dabei konnte zun{\"a}chst gezeigt werden, dass GLV-1h68 in der Lage ist, erfolgreich sowohl migrierende PC-3-Zellen als auch metastasierende PC-3-Zellen in Lymphknoten zu kolonisieren. In der Folge wurde deshalb ein m{\"o}glicher Metastasen-inhibierender Effekt von GLV-1h68 untersucht. Hierbei stellte sich heraus, dass GLV-1h68 drei Wochen nach intraven{\"o}ser Injektion eine signifikante Reduktion der Anzahl der f{\"u}r PC-3-Zellen positiven Lymphknoten bewirkt. Des Weiteren konnte ein inhibierender Effekt von GLV-1h68 auf die im Blut zirkulierenden PC-3-Zellen und auf h{\"a}matogene Metastasen in den Lungen beobachtet werden. Durch intraven{\"o}se Injektion von GLV-1h68 in PC-3-RFP-Tumor-tragenden M{\"a}usen konnte gezeigt werden, dass es zu einer pr{\"a}ferentiellen Virus-Kolonisierung der Lymphknotenmetastasen im Vergleich zu den Tumoren kommt. Auch nach intraperitonealer und intratumoraler Injektion von GLV-1h68 konnte eine pr{\"a}ferentielle Virus-Kolonisierung der Lymphknotenmetastasen gezeigt werden. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurden die Lymph- und Blutgef{\"a}ße von PC-3-Tumoren und Lymphknotenmetastasen analysiert. Hierbei wurde gezeigt, dass es sieben Tage nach intraven{\"o}ser Injektion von GLV-1h68 zu einer signifikanten Abnahme von beiden Gef{\"a}ßarten kam. Es wurde in dieser Arbeit somit gezeigt, dass GLV-1h68 in der Lage ist, sowohl lymphatische als auch h{\"a}matogene Metastasen der Prostatakarzinomzelllinie PC-3 erfolgreich zu eliminieren. Folglich d{\"u}rften onkolytische Vaccinia-Viren ein vielversprechendes Therapeutikum f{\"u}r die Behandlung des fortgeschrittenen Prostatakarzinoms darstellen.}, subject = {Prostatakrebs}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Dirks2019, author = {Dirks, Johannes}, title = {Charakterisierung der Wechselwirkung zwischen N-Myc und Aurora-A im MYCN-amplifizierten Neuroblastom}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18660}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-186600}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Im Neuroblastom ist die Amplifikation des MYCN-Gens, eines Mitglieds der MYC-Onkogenfamilie, mit einer ung{\"u}nstigen Prognose assoziiert. Der von dem Gen kodierte Transkriptionsfaktor N-Myc ist f{\"u}r die Proliferation der MYCN-amplifizierten Neuroblastomzelllinien notwendig und seine Depletion oder Destabilisierung f{\"u}hren zum Proliferationsarrest (Otto et al., 2009). Da N-Myc auf Proteinebene durch die Interaktion mit der mitotischen Kinase Aurora-A stabilisiert wird, bewirkt deren Depletion oder die Hemmung der Interaktion der beiden Proteine mittels spezieller Aurora- A-Inhibitoren (z.B. MLN8054 und MLN8237) ebenso eine Hemmung der Proliferation - in vitro und in vivo (Brockmann et al., 2013). Bisher ist jedoch unklar, {\"u}ber welchen Mechanismus Aurora-A die Stabilisierung von N-Myc erreicht, die Kinaseaktivit{\"a}t spielt hierbei jedoch keine Rolle (Otto et al., 2009). Eine M{\"o}glichkeit stellt die Rekrutierung von Usps dar, die das angeh{\"a}ngte Ubiquitinsignal so modifizieren, dass die Erkennung und der Abbau des Proteins durch das Proteasom verringert werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Wirkung von Usp7 und Usp11 auf die Stabilit{\"a}t von N-Myc untersucht. F{\"u}r beide konnte in Immunpr{\"a}zipitationen die Interaktion mit N-Myc gezeigt werden. Ebenso erh{\"o}hten beide Proteasen in {\"U}berexpressionsexperimenten die vorhandene Menge an NMyc. Die Depletion von Usp7 mittels shRNAs f{\"u}hrte in IMR-32 zu einem Arrest in der G1-Phase und zur Differenzierung der Zellen. Gleichzeitig wurden stark erniedrigte mRNA- und Proteinmengen von N-Myc und Aurora-A nachgewiesen. Es konnte jedoch nicht eindeutig gezeigt werden, ob die beobachteten zellul{\"a}ren Effekte durch eine vermehrte proteasomale Degradation von N-Myc begr{\"u}ndet sind oder ob dabei die ver{\"a}nderte Regulation weiterer Zielproteine von Usp7 eine Rolle spielt. Die Depletion von Usp11 mit shRNAs bewirkte eine Abnahme der N-Myc-Mengen auf posttranslationaler Ebene. Somit stellen beide Usps vielversprechende Angriffspunkte einer gezielten Therapie in MYCN-amplifizierten Neuroblastomen dar und sollten deshalb Gegenstand weiterf{\"u}hrender Untersuchungen sein. {\"U}ber welche Proteindom{\"a}ne in N-Myc die Interaktion mit Aurora-A stattfindet ist nicht bekannt. Eine m{\"o}gliche Pseudosubstratbindungssequenz in Myc-Box I (Idee Richard Bayliss, University of Leicester) wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit untersucht. Durch Mutation dieser Sequenz sollte die Bindung von Aurora-A unm{\"o}glich gemacht werden. Allerdings wurde die erwartete Abnahme der St{\"a}rke der Interaktion von Aurora-A und N-Myc durch die Mutation ebensowenig beobachtet wie eine verringerte Stabilit{\"a}t. Die Regulation der Phosphorylierung von N-Myc im Verlauf des Zellzyklus wurde durch die Mutation beeintr{\"a}chtigt. Wie diese Ver{\"a}nderung exakt zu begr{\"u}nden ist bedarf weiterer Experimente}, subject = {Neuroblastom}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Dippacher2011, author = {Dippacher, Sonja}, title = {Morphologische und molekularbiologische Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung der Serin-Threonin-Proteinkinase SRPK79D in Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-70937}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Die intakte Signal{\"u}bertragung im animalischen Nervensystem erfordert eine an richtiger Stelle ausgebildete funktionsf{\"a}hige Synapse zwischen zwei Nervenzellen bzw. zwischen Nerv und Muskel. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine Mutante von Drosophila melanogaster untersucht, bei der es zu Ver{\"a}nderungen der Verteilung eines wichtigen Organisationsproteins der synaptischen aktiven Zone kommt. Ein wichtiges Ergebnis der Untersuchungen ist die Beobachtung, dass es in der Mutante zu einer ektopen Ausbildung von Elementen aktiver Zonen in Axonen kommt. In den Arbeitsgruppen von E. Buchner und S. Sigrist ist bereits das Protein Bruchpilot (BRP) charakterisiert worden, das Bestandteil der pr{\"a}synaptischen Ribbons, bei Drosophila als T-bars bezeichnet, ist. Bei der Suche nach Interaktionspartnern von BRP, ist eine Serin-Arginin-Protein spezifische Kinase SRPK79D entdeckt worden, die offenbar an der Regulation des Aufbaus der Tbars beteiligt ist (Nieratschker et al., 2009). Es gibt vier verschiedene Isoformen der Kinase. Werden nur zwei Isoformen der Kinase (SRPK79D-RB und -RE) exprimiert bzw. das Gen der Kinase komplett ausgeschaltet, findet man Ansammlungen von BRP als immunreaktive Aggregate in der Immunfluoreszenz- F{\"a}rbung von larvalen Motoneuron-Axonen (Nieratschker, 2008). Es ist unser {\"u}bergeordnetes Ziel, die Funktion und den molekularen Signalweg der Kinase SRPK79D zu entschl{\"u}sseln. Ein Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, PB-Protein in Reinform f{\"u}r eine Affinit{\"a}tsreinigung eines PB-Antik{\"o}rpers zu gewinnen, um in nachfolgenden Untersuchungen die Lokalisation dieser Kinase-Isoform zu untersuchen. Die Proteinreinigung war erfolgreich, aber es gelang nicht, eine f{\"u}r eine Affinit{\"a}tsreinigung ausreichende Menge des Proteins zu isolieren. Ein weiterer Versuch, Lokalisationsuntersuchungen zur Expression der Kinase in Drosophila- Embryonen durchzuf{\"u}hren, war ebenfalls nicht erfolgreich. Obwohl die Herstellung einer f{\"u}r die SRPK79D mRNA spezifischen RNA Sonde f{\"u}r die in-Situ-Hybridisierung gelang, war die Sensitivit{\"a}t dieser Sonde nicht hoch genug, um die Lokalisation vornehmen zu k{\"o}nnen. Eindeutige und aufschlussreiche Ergebnisse dagegen ergab die Untersuchung der Ultrastruktur der BRP-Ansammlungen in den larvalen Motornerven. Als deren Korrelat fanden sich elektronenmikroskopisch charakteristische Ansammlungen elektronendichter intraaxonaler Strukturen, deren Form {\"A}hnlichkeiten zu T-bars aufwies und die von Vesikeln umgeben waren. Die elektronendichten Strukturen zeigten zahlreiche Formvariationen, die wie Ansammlungen von T-bars nebeneinander bzw. „miteinander verklebte" T-bars oder wie zerst{\"o}rte T-bars aussahen. In einer nachfolgenden Studie wurde durch eine immun-elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung gezeigt, dass diese Strukturen in der Tat BRP enthalten (Nieratschker et al., 2009). Ergebnis der Untersuchungen der vorliegenden Arbeit war der Nachweis, dass prinzipiell {\"a}hnliche Aggregate auch im Wildtyp gelegentlich gefunden werden, dass sie aber in Mutanten signifikant h{\"a}ufiger vorkommen und auch einen signifikant h{\"o}heren Durchmesser aufweisen. Doppelimmunreaktionen mit Antik{\"o}rpern, die den C- bzw. N-terminalen Bereich von BRP erkennen, belegten dar{\"u}ber hinaus, dass in den Aggregaten das vollst{\"a}ndige BRP-Protein vorliegt. Angeregt durch die Ultrastrukturbefunde von mit den elektronendichten Strukturen in den Aggregaten assoziierten Vesikeln wurde in weiteren Doppelimmunreaktionen untersucht, ob ein typisches Protein synaptischer Vesikel neuromuskul{\"a}rer Synapsen in Drosophila, der vesikul{\"a}re Glutamattransporter (DVGlut), in den BRP-Ansammlungen nachweisbar ist. W{\"a}hrend Kolokalisation von BRP und DVGlut in aktiven Zonen pr{\"a}synaptischer Boutons nachgewiesen werden konnte, war der Vesikelmarker in BRP-Aggregaten nicht kolokalisiert. Die Ergebnisse belegen, dass die Kinase SRPK79D f{\"u}r die Vermeidung einer ektopen Bildung von BRP-enthaltenden, elektronenmikroskopisch atypischen aktiven Zonen {\"a}hnelnden Strukturen in larvalen Motoneuronaxonen notwendig ist. Die in diesen Aggregaten regelm{\"a}ßig zu beobachtenden Vesikel {\"a}hneln morphologisch synaptischen Vesikeln, besitzen aber keine daf{\"u}r typischen Vesikelmarker.}, subject = {Bruchpilot}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Dinev2001, author = {Dinev, Dragomir}, title = {Analysis of the role of extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK5) in the differentiation of muscle cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-1180481}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {The MEK5/ ERK5 kinase module is a relatively new discovered mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling pathway with a poorly defined physiological function. Since ERK5 and its upstream activator MEK5 are abundant in skeletal muscle a function of the cascade during muscle differentiation was examined. ERK5 becomes activated upon induction of differentiation in mouse myoblasts. The selective activation of the pathway results in promoter activation of differentiation-specific genes, such as the cdk-inhibitor p21 gene, the myosin light chain (MLC1A) gene, or an E-box containing promoter element, where myogenic basic-helix-loop-helix proteins such as MyoD or myogenin bind. Moreover, myogenic differentiation is completely blocked, when ERK5 expression is inhibited by antisense RNA. The effect can be detected also on the expression level of myogenic determination and differentiation markers such as p21, MyoD and myogenin. Another new finding is that stable expression of ERK5 in C2C12 leads to differentiation like phenotype and to increased p21 expression levels under growth conditions. These results provide first evidence that the MEK5/ERK5 MAP kinase cascade is critical for early steps of muscle cell differentiation.}, subject = {Muskelzelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dindar2014, author = {Dindar, G{\"u}lcin}, title = {Molecular basis for product-specificity of DOT1 methyltransferases in Trypanosoma brucei}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-102524}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Post-translational histone modifications (PTMs) such as methylation of lysine residues influence chromatin structure and function. PTMs are involved in different cellular processes such as DNA replication, transcription and cell differentiation. Deregulations of PTM patterns are responsible for a variety of human diseases including acute leukemia. DOT1 enzymes are highly conserved histone methyltransferases that are responsible for methylation of lysine 79 on histone H3 (H3K79). Most eukaryotes contain one single DOT1 enzyme, whereas African trypanosomes have two homologues, DOT1A and DOT1B, which methylate H3K76 (H3K76 is homologous to H3K79 in other organisms). DOT1A is essential and mediates mono- and di-methylations, whereas DOT1B additionally catalyzes tri-methylation of H3K76. However, a mechanistic understanding how these different enzymatic activities are achieved is lacking. This thesis exploits the fact that trypanosomes possess two DOT1 enzymes with different catalytic properties to understand the molecular basis for the differential product-specificity of DOT1 enzymes. A trypanosomal nucleosome reconstitution system was established to analyze methyltransferase activity under defined in vitro conditions. Homology modeling allowed the identification of critical residues within and outside the catalytic center that modulate product-specificity. Exchange of these residues transferred the product-specificity from one enzyme to the other and revealed regulatory domains adjacent to the catalytic center. This work provides the first evidence that few specific residues in DOT1 enzymes are crucial to catalyze methyl-state-specific reactions. These results have also consequences for the functional understanding of homologous enzymes in other eukaryotes.}, subject = {Histon-Methyltransferase}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dietz2013, author = {Dietz, Lena}, title = {Die Rolle von NFATc1 und NFATc2 bei der Immunpathogenese von Experimenteller Autoimmuner Enzephalomyelitis (EAE), dem Tiermodell der Multiplen Sklerose}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-94569}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Multiple Sklerose (MS) ist eine Autoimmunkrankheit, welche durch Infiltration autoreaktiver Immunzellen in das Zentrale Nervensystem (ZNS) gekennzeichnet ist. Hierbei gelten insbesondere Th1- und Th17-Zellen als wichtige Mediatoren der ZNS-Entz{\"u}ndungsreaktion. Beide T-Helfer-Zellarten k{\"o}nnen durch regulatorische T-Zellen (Tregs) in ihrer Funktion supprimiert werden. NFAT(Nuclear Factors of Activated T cells)-Transkriptionsfaktoren werden nach TCR-Antigen-Stimulation induziert und regeln - als pleiotrope Transkriptionsfaktoren - viele funktionelle Prozesse in T-Zellen. Um die Rolle dieser Faktoren bei der Immunpathogenese von MS zu analysieren, wurden unterschiedliche NFAT-defiziente Mausst{\"a}mme auf den Krankheitsverlauf des Tiermodells Experimentelle Autoimmune Enzephalomyelitis (EAE) hin untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sowohl der einzelne Verlust von NFATc1 und NFATc2 in CD4+ T-Zellen als auch das Fehlen einer spezifischen C-terminalen Proteinmodifikation von NFATc1, die SUMOylierung, sich abmildernd auswirkten. Der verminderte klinische Ausgang der EAE beruhte allerdings je nach knock-out auf unterschiedlichen Mechanismen. Im Fall des T-Zell-spezifischen Verlustes von NFATc1 (Nfatc1fl/fl x Cd4cre+ M{\"a}use), erwies sich die EAE aufgrund einer stark eingeschr{\"a}nkten Aktivierung und Effektorzellentwicklung von CD4+ T-Zellen als vermindert. Dies konnte durch eine reduzierte Produktion an pathogenen Effektorzytokinen, wie IFNγ, IL-17A, GM-CSF sowie IL-22 und weniger an IL-17A+ IFNγ+ Doppelproduzenten im ZNS gezeigt werden. Der Verlust von NFATc2 resultierte in einer starken Th2-Antwort im ZNS von Nfatc2-/- EAE-M{\"a}usen einhergehend mit protektiven IL-4- und IL-10-Produzenten. Interessanterweise konnten auch mehr nicht-pathogene Th17-Zellen nachgewiesen werden. Nfatc1/CΔSUMO CD4+ T-Zellen sezernierten sowohl nach in vitro als auch nach in vivo Stimulation erh{\"o}hte Mengen von IL-2. In vitro Kulturen von Th1- und Th17-Zellen wiesen neben dieser erh{\"o}hten IL-2-Sekretion eine verminderte Produktion von IFNγ und IL-17A auf. In {\"U}bereinstimmung mit diesen in vitro Befunden zeigte sich auch in der EAE ein reduziertes Krankheitsbild mit weniger Th1- und Th17-Zellen, daf{\"u}r aber eine IL-2-gef{\"o}rderte Erh{\"o}hung der Treg-Population. Anhand der Erkenntnis, dass NFAT-Faktoren die (Auto)-Immunreaktion entscheidend beeinflussen, k{\"o}nnte die Inhibition einzelner NFAT-Faktoren ein neues Ziel f{\"u}r eine MS-Therapie darstellen.}, subject = {Immunologie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Dietemann2002, author = {Dietemann, Vincent}, title = {Differentiation in reproductive potential and chemical communication of reproductive status in workers and queens of the ant Myrmecia gulosa}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-2202}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Division of reproductive labour in societies represents a topic of interest in evolutionary biology at least since Darwin. The puzzle of how helpers can be selected for, in spite of their reduced fertility has found an explanation in the kin selection theory: workers can overcome the cost of helping and of forgiving direct reproduction by rearing sufficiently related individuals. However, in the Hymenoptera, little is known on the proximate mechanisms that regulate the division of labour in colonies. Our knowledge is based on several "primitive" ants from the subfamily Ponerinae and two highly eusocial Hymenoptera species. In the former, the dominance hierarchies allowing for the establishment of individuals as reproductives are well understood. In contrast, the pheromonal mechanisms that help maintain their reproductive status are not understood. Similarly in "higher" ants, pheromonal regulation mechanisms of worker reproduction by queens remain largely unknown. The aim of this study is to determine the modalities of production, distribution and action, as well as the identity of the queen pheromones affecting worker reproduction in the ant Myrmecia gulosa. This species belongs to the poorly studied subfamily Myrmeciinae, which is endemic to the Australian region. The subfamily represents, together with the Ponerinae, the most "primitive" ants: their morphology is close to that of the hypothetical ancestor of ants, and the specialisation of queens is weaker than that of "higher" ants. Simple regulation mechanisms were therefore expected to facilitate the investigation. The first step in this study was to characterise the morphological specialisation of queens and workers, and to determine the differences in reproductive potential associated with this specialisation. This study contributes to our understanding of the link between regulation of division of reproductive labour and social complexity. Furthermore, it will help shed light on the reproductive biology in the poorly known subfamily Myrmeciinae. Queens were recognised by workers on the basis of cuticular as well as gland extracts or products. What is the exact function of the multiple pheromones identified and how they interact remains to be determined. This could help understand why queen "signal" in a "primitive" ant with weakly specialised queens such as M. gulosa appears to be as complex as in highly eusocial species. Primer pheromones act on workers? physiology and have long-term effect. Whether workers of M. gulosa reproduce or not is determined by the detection of a queen pheromone of this type. Direct physical contact with the queen is necessary for workers to detect this pheromone. Thus, the colony size of M. gulosa is compatible with a simple system of pheromone perception by workers based on direct physical contact with the queen. When prevented from establishing physical contact with their queen, some workers start to reproduce and are policed by nestmates. The low volatility of the cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs), their repartition over the entire cuticle and the existence of queen and worker specific CHC profiles suggest that these chemicals constitute a queen pheromone. Importance of HC versus non-HC compounds was confirmed by bioassaying purified fraction of both classes of chemicals. This study demonstrates for the first time that purified HCs indeed are at the basis of the recognition of reproductive status. This supports the idea that they are also at the basis of the recognition of queens by their workers. As CHCs profiles of workers and queens become similar with acquisition of reproductive status, they represent honest fertility markers. These markers could be used as signals of the presence of reproductives in the colonies, and represent the basis of the regulation of division of reproductive labour.}, subject = {Myrmecia gulosa}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{DiegmanngebWeissbach2019, author = {Diegmann [geb. Weißbach], Susann}, title = {Identifizierung des Mutationsspektrums und Charakterisierung relevanter Mutationen im Multiplen Myelom}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-11480}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-114800}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Das Multiple Myelom (MM) ist eine maligne B-Zell-Erkrankung, welche von einer großen Heterogenit{\"a}t auf der biologischen und klinischen Ebene sowie in der Therapieantwort gepr{\"a}gt ist. Durch die biologische Interpretation von whole exome sequencing (WES)-Daten der Tumor- und Normalproben von f{\"u}nf MM-Patienten und sechs MM-Zelllinien (ZL) sowie dem Einbezug von publizierten next generation sequencing (NGS)-Daten von 38 MM-Patienten konnten in dieser Dissertation sowohl somatische tumorrelevante Mutationen identifiziert als auch ein MM-spezifisches Signaltransduktionsnetzwerk definiert werden. Interessanterweise wurde in fast 100 \% der MM-Patienten mindestens eine Mutation und in ~50 \% der MM-Patienten sogar mehr als eine Mutation innerhalb dieses Netzwerkes beobachtet, was auf eine inter- und intra-individuelle Signalweg-Redundanz hinweist, die f{\"u}r die individuelle Therapieentscheidung m{\"o}glicherweise von Bedeutung sein k{\"o}nnte. Außerdem konnte best{\"a}tigt werden, dass identische, positionsspezifische und genspezifische Mutationen im MM selten wiederholt auftreten. Als h{\"a}ufig mutierte Gene im MM konnten KRAS, NRAS, LRP1B, FAM46C, WHSC1, ALOX12B, DIS3 und PKHD1 identifiziert werden. Interessanterweise wurde die DIS3-Mutation in der MM-ZL OPM2 gemeinsam mit einer copy neutral loss of heterozygosity (CNLOH) im DIS3-Lokus detektiert, und in der MM-ZL AMO1 wurde eine noch nicht n{\"a}her charakterisierte KRAS-Mutation in Exon 4 in Verbindung mit einem copy number (CN)-Zugewinn und einer erh{\"o}hten KRAS-Genexpression gefunden. DIS3 ist ein enzymatisch aktiver Teil des humanen RNA-Exosom-Komplexes und KRAS ein zentrales Protein im RTK-Signalweg, wodurch genetische Aberrationen in diesen Genen m{\"o}glicherweise in der Entstehung oder Progression des MMs eine zentrale Rolle spielen. Daher wurde die gesamte coding sequence (CDS) der Gene DIS3 und KRAS an Tumorproben eines einheitlich behandelten Patientensets der DSMM-XI-Studie mit einem Amplikon-Tiefen-Sequenzierungsansatz untersucht. Das Patientenset bestand aus 81 MM-Patienten mit verf{\"u}gbaren zytogenetischen und klinischen Daten. Dies ergab Aufschluss {\"u}ber die Verteilung der Mutationen innerhalb der Gene und dem Vorkommen der Mutationen in Haupt- und Nebenklonen des Tumors. Des Weiteren wurde die Assoziation der Mutationen mit weiteren klassischen zytogenetischen Alterationen (z.B. Deletion von Chr 13q14, t(4;14)-Translokation) untersucht und der Einfluss der Mutationen in Haupt- und Nebenklonen auf den klinischen Verlauf und die Therapieantwort bestimmt. Besonders hervorzuheben war dabei die Entdeckung von sieben neuen Mutationen sowie drei zuvor unbeschriebenen hot spot-Mutationen an den Aminos{\"a}ure (AS)-Positionen p.D488, p.E665 und p.R780 in DIS3. Es wurde des Weiteren die Assoziation von DIS3-Mutationen mit einer Chr 13q14-Deletion und mit IGH-Translokationen best{\"a}tigt. Interessanterweise wurde ein niedrigeres medianes overall survival (OS) f{\"u}r MM-Patienten mit einer DIS3-Mutation sowie auch eine schlechtere Therapieantwort f{\"u}r MM-Patienten mit einer DIS3-Mutation im Nebenklon im Vergleich zum Hauptklon beobachtet. In KRAS konnten die bereits publizierten Mutationen best{\"a}tigt und keine Auswirkungen der KRAS-Mutationen in Haupt- oder Nebenklon auf den klinischen Verlauf oder die Therapieantwort erkannt werden. Erste siRNA vermittelte knockdown-Experimente von KRAS und {\"U}berexpressionsexperimente von KRAS-Wildtyp (WT) und der KRAS-Mutationen p.G12A, p.A146T und p.A146V mittels lentiviraler Transfektion zeigten eine Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Phosphorylierung von MEK1/2 und ERK1/2 von dem KRAS-Mutationsstatus. Zusammenfassend liefert die vorliegende Dissertation einen detaillierten Einblick in die molekularen Strukturen des MMs, vor allem im Hinblick auf die Rolle von DIS3 und KRAS bei der Tumorentwicklung und dem klinischen Verlauf.}, subject = {Plasmozytom}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Diegelmann2003, author = {Diegelmann, S{\"o}ren}, title = {Molekulare und ph{\"a}notypische Charakterisierung von Drosophila melanogaster Synapsin Mutanten und In-vivo Calcium Imaging}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-8513}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Durch genaue Kartierung der Defizienzen in den Mutanten konnten bislang unbekannte regulatorische Elemente des Synapsin Gens identifiziert werden. Mit dieser Information sollte es m{\"o}glich sein, einen Synapsin-„Rescue" Vektor zu konstruieren, der nach Transformation in die Nullmutante den wildtypischen Ph{\"a}notyp wiederherstellt. Beim Vergleich der im Rahmen des Berkeley Drosophila Genom Projekt ver{\"o}ffentlichten Sequenz des Synapsin Gens mit vor sieben Jahren publizierten Sequenzdaten fielen Diskrepanzen sowohl in der genomischen Sequenz als auch in der cDNA auf. Um zu kl{\"a}ren, ob es sich hier um Artefakte, Polymorphismen oder systematische Modifikationen handelt, wurde der entsprechende Bereich von neun an verschiedenen Orten gefangenen Wildtypen genomisch und auf der cDNA Ebene amplifiziert und sequenziert. In allen F{\"a}llen wurde die genomische Sequenz des Genomprojekts verifiziert, so dass von einem Sequenzierfehler in der fr{\"u}heren Sequenz auszugehen ist. Als Folge ergibt sich eine Exon-Intron Struktur, bei der die Spleiß-Konsensussequenz (GT-AG Regel) im Intron 4 des Synapsins gewahrt bleibt. Dagegen best{\"a}tigten die RT-PCR Sequenzen die fr{\"u}heren cDNA-Daten, so dass ein A zu G Austausch zwischen der genomischen Sequenz und der cDNA des Proteins aufgedeckt wird. Dieser Austausch f{\"u}hrt zu einer Ver{\"a}nderung der in allen bisher bekannten Synapsinen konservierten Zielsequenz der Proteinkinase CaMK I/ IV und PKA, was interessante Fragen zu seiner funktionellen Bedeutung aufwirft. Die Basensubstitution spricht f{\"u}r ein A-zu-I RNA-Editing auf der Ebene der Ribonukleins{\"a}ure. Dieser Vorgang wird durch das Enzym dADAR katalysiert und wurde bereits f{\"u}r verschiedene neuronale Proteine nachgewiesen. Die f{\"u}r die Reaktion ben{\"o}tigte doppelstr{\"a}ngige Sekund{\"a}rstruktur der RNA kann durch die Sequenz der pr{\"a}-mRNA des Synapsins gebildet werden. Die potentielle „Editing site Complementary Sequence" (ECS) konnte im Intron 4 in einem Abstand von ca. 90 Basen stromabw{\"a}rts der Editing-Stelle durch ein Computerprogramm ermittelt werden. Der A zu G Austausch wird in allen Laborwildtypen und allen neu etablierten St{\"a}mmen, sowie in verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien beobachtet. Lediglich in einem cDNA-Gemisch aus Eiern, Embryonen und 1. Larven findet man neben der editierten auch die nicht-editierte Sequenz. Um in sp{\"a}teren Experimenten die Funktion der Phosphorylierung und die Auswirkung der mRNA Editierung ermitteln zu k{\"o}nnen wurden in einem weiteren Versuch die beiden Erkennungsstellen der PKA in der cDNA durch Mutationen modifiziert, so dass Phosphorylierungstests an den Konstrukten durchgef{\"u}hrt werden k{\"o}nnen. Zur ph{\"a}notypischen Charakterisierung der Nullmutante wurde die Defizienz-Linie Syn97 durch extensive R{\"u}ckkreuzung in den genetischen Hintergrund des Wildtyps CantonS eingebracht, der als Standard-Kontrollstamm f{\"u}r Verhaltensexperimente und insbesondere Lernversuche dient. Die Linie Syn97CS wurde im Rahmen einer Kooperation von Mitarbeitern des Lehrstuhls in verschiedenen Verhaltenstests und Lernparadigmen auf ph{\"a}notypische Ver{\"a}nderungen {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Dabei fanden sich mehrere Verhaltensunterschiede zum Wildtyp, die vermutlich auf geringf{\"u}gigen Modifikationen in komplexen neuronalen Netzwerken beruhen. In operanten Lernparadigmen konnte ein Einfluss der Synapsin-Elimination auf den Lernerfolg detektiert werden. Dabei trat die Reduktion des Lernindex bereits im dritten Larvenstadien auf und setzte sich in der adulten Fliege fort. Der Einfluss des Fehlens des Synapsins auf Lernprozesse in Drosophila steht im Einklang mit Befunden aus Knock-out M{\"a}usen f{\"u}r SynI + II. Im reduzierten Courtship Index der Syn97CS M{\"a}nnchen offenbart sich ein konkreter Hinweis auf eine verringerte Darwin'sche Fitness der Synapsin-Nullmutante. Die Gesamtheit der in der Synapsin-Nullmutante entdeckten Ph{\"a}notypen k{\"o}nnte den hohen Konservierungsgrad des Proteins zwischen Vertebraten und Invertebraten erkl{\"a}ren. In einem weiteren Teil-Projekt konnten Mutationen in die cDNA des Calciumsensor Cameleon 2.0 Proteins eingebracht werden, um so die verbesserte Version Cam 2.1 zu erhalten. Daraufhin wurden mehrere transgene UAS-Cam 2.1 Linien hergestellt, die bei der Kreuzung mit verf{\"u}gbaren Gal4 Linien den Calciumsensor f{\"u}r eine Expression in definierten Neuronenpopulationen von Drosophila zug{\"a}nglich machen. In weiterf{\"u}hrenden Arbeiten konnte die Funktionalit{\"a}t des Fusionsproteins {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft werden und somit die ersten Schritte hin zur Anwendung der in-vivo Calcium Imaging Methode am Lehrstuhl durchgef{\"u}hrt werden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{DeğirmencineePoelloth2023, author = {Değirmenci [n{\´e}e P{\"o}lloth], Laura}, title = {Sugar perception and sugar receptor function in the honeybee (\(Apis\) \(mellifera\))}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32187}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-321873}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In the eusocial insect honeybee (Apis mellifera), many sterile worker bees live together with a reproductive queen in a colony. All tasks of the colony are performed by the workers, undergoing age-dependent division of labor. Beginning as hive bees, they take on tasks inside the hive such as cleaning or the producing of larval food, later developing into foragers. With that, the perception of sweetness plays a crucial role for all honeybees whether they are sitting on the honey stores in the hive or foraging for food. Their ability to sense sweetness is undoubtedly necessary to develop and evaluate food sources. Many of the behavioral decisions in honeybees are based on sugar perception, either on an individual level for ingestion, or for social behavior such as the impulse to collect or process nectar. In this context, honeybees show a complex spectrum of abilities to perceive sweetness on many levels. They are able to perceive at least seven types of sugars and decide to collect them for the colony. Further, they seem to distinguish between these sugars or at least show clear preferences when collecting them. Additionally, the perception of sugar is not rigid in honeybees. For instance, their responsiveness towards sugar changes during the transition from in-hive bees (e.g. nurses) to foraging and is linked to the division of labor. Other direct or immediate factors changing responsiveness to sugars are stress, starvation or underlying factors, such as genotype. Interestingly, the complexity in their sugar perception is in stark contrast to the fact that honeybees seem to have only three predicted sugar receptors. In this work, we were able to characterize the three known sugar receptors (AmGr1, AmGr2 and AmGr3) of the honeybee fully and comprehensively in oocytes (Manuscript II, Chapter 3 and Manuscript III, Chapter 4). We could show that AmGr1 is a broad sugar receptor reacting to sucrose, glucose, maltose, melezitose and trehalose (which is the honeybees' main blood sugar), but not fructose. AmGr2 acts as its co-receptor altering AmGr1's specificity, AmGr3 is a specific fructose receptor and we proved the heterodimerization of all receptors. With my studies, I was able to reproduce and compare the ligand specificity of the sugar receptors in vivo by generating receptor mutants with CRISPR/Cas9. With this thesis, I was able to define AmGr1 and AmGr3 as the honeybees' basis receptors already capable to detect all sugars of its known taste spectrum. In the expression analysis of my doctoral thesis (Manuscript I, Chapter 2) I demonstrated that both basis receptors are expressed in the antennae and the brain of nurse bees and foragers. This thesis assumes that AmGr3 (like the Drosophila homologue) functions as a sensor for fructose, which might be the satiety signal, while AmGr1 can sense trehalose as the main blood sugar in the brain. Both receptors show a reduced expression in the brain of foragers when compared with nurse bees. These results may reflect the higher concentrated diet of nurse bees in the hive. The higher number of receptors in the brain may allow nurse bees to perceive hunger earlier and to consume the food their sitting on. Forager bees have to be more persistent to hunger, when they are foraging, and food is not so accessible. The findings of reduced expression of the fructose receptor AmGr3 in the antennae of nurse bees are congruent with my other result that nurse bees are also less responsive to fructose at the antennae when compared to foragers (Manuscript I, Chapter 2). This is possible, since nurse bees sit more likely on ripe honey which contains not only higher levels of sugars but also monosaccharides (such as fructose), while foragers have to evaluate less-concentrated nectar. My investigations of the expression of AmGr1 in the antennae of honeybees found no differences between nurse bees and foragers, although foragers are more responsive to the respective sugar sucrose (Manuscript I, Chapter 2). Considering my finding that AmGr2 is the co-receptor of AmGr1, it can be assumed that AmGr1 and the mediated sucrose taste might not be directly controlled by its expression, but indirectly by its co-receptor. My thesis therefore clearly shows that sugar perception is associated with division of labor in honeybees and appears to be directly or indirectly regulated via expression. The comparison with a characterization study using other bee breeds and thus an alternative protein sequence of AmGr1 shows that co-expression of different AmGr1 versions with AmGr2 alters the sugar response differently. Therefore, this thesis provides first important indications that alternative splicing could also represent an important regulatory mechanism for sugar perception in honeybees. Further, I found out that the bitter compound quinine lowers the reward quality in learning experiments for honeybees (Manuscript IV, Chapter 5). So far, no bitter receptor has been found in the genome of honeybees and this thesis strongly assumes that bitter substances such as quinine inhibit sugar receptors in honeybees. With this finding, my work includes other molecules as possible regulatory mechanism in the honeybee sugar perception as well. We showed that the inhibitory effect is lower for fructose compared to sucrose. Considering that sugar signals might be processed as differently attractive in honeybees, this thesis concludes that the sugar receptor inhibition via quinine in honeybees might depend on the receptor (or its co-receptor), is concentration-dependent and based on the salience or attractiveness and concentration of the sugar present. With my thesis, I was able to expand the knowledge on honeybee's sugar perception and formulate a complex, comprehensive overview. Thereby, I demonstrated the multidimensional mechanism that regulates the sugar receptors and thus the sugar perception of honeybees. With this work, I defined AmGr1 and AmGr3 as the basis of sugar perception and enlarged these components to the co-receptor AmGr2 and the possible splice variants of AmGr1. I further demonstrated how those sugar receptor components function, interact and that they are clearly involved in the division of labor in honeybees. In summary, my thesis describes the mechanisms that enable honeybees to perceive sugar in a complex way, even though they inhere a limited number of sugar receptors. My data strongly suggest that honeybees overall might not only differentiate sugars and their diet by their general sweetness (as expected with only one main sugar receptor). The found sugar receptor mechanisms and their interplay further suggest that honeybees might be able to discriminate directly between monosaccharides and disaccharides or sugar molecules and with that their diet (honey and nectar).}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Devine2013, author = {Devine, Eric}, title = {Increased removal of protein bound uremic toxins through reversible modification of the ionic strength during hemodiafiltration}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-83583}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {A large number of metabolic waste products accumulate in the blood of patients with renal failure. Since these solutes have deleterious effects on the biological functions, they are called uremic toxins and have been classified in three groups: 1) small water soluble solutes (MW < 500 Da), 2) small solutes with known protein binding (MW < 500 Da), and 3) middle molecules (500 Da < MW < 60 kDa). Protein bound uremic toxins are poorly removed by conventional hemodialysis treatments because of their high protein binding and high distribution volume. The prototypical protein bound uremic toxins indoxyl sulfate (IS) and p-cresyl sulfate (pCS) are associated with the progression of chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular outcomes, and mortality of patients on maintenance hemodialysis. Furthermore, these two compounds are bound to albumin, the main plasma protein, via electrostatic and/or Van-der-Waals forces. The aim of the present thesis was to develop a dialysis strategy, based on the reversible modification of the ionic strength in the blood stream by increasing the sodium chloride (NaCl) concentration, in order to enhance the removal of protein bound substances, such as IS and pCS, with the ultimate goal to improve clinical patient outcomes. Enhancing the NaCl concentration ([NaCl]) in both human normal and uremic plasma was efficient to reduce the protein bound fraction of both IS and pCS by reducing their binding affinity to albumin. Increasing the ionic strength was feasible during modified pre-dilution hemodiafiltration (HDF) by increasing the [NaCl] in the substitution fluid. The NaCl excess was adequately removed within the hemodialyzer. This method was effective to increase the removal rate of both protein bound uremic toxins. Its ex vivo hemocompatibility, however, was limited by the osmotic shock induced by the high [NaCl] in the substituate. Therefore, modified pre-dilution HDF was further iterated by introducing a second serial cartridge, named the serial dialyzers (SDial) setup. This setting was validated for feasibility, hemocompatibility, and toxin removal efficiency. A better hemocompatibility at similar efficacy was obtained with the SDial setup compared with the modified pre-dilution HDF. Both methods were finally tested in an animal sheep model of dialysis to verify biocompatibility. Low hemolysis and no activation of both the complement and the coagulation systems were observed when increasing the [NaCl] in blood up to 0.45 and 0.60 M with the modified pre-dilution HDF and the SDial setup, respectively. In conclusion, the two dialysis methods developed to transitory enhance the ionic strength in blood demonstrated adequate biocompatibility and improved the removal of protein bound uremic toxins by decreasing their protein bound fraction. The concepts require follow-on clinical trials to assess their in vivo efficacy and their impact on long-term clinical outcomes.}, subject = {H{\"a}modiafiltration}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Deuchert2010, author = {Deuchert, Thomas}, title = {Entwicklung eines experimentellen Systems zur Untersuchung der subzellul{\"a}ren Lokalisierung der Alpha-Methylacyl-CoA-Racemase}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-46495}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Entwicklung eines experimentellen Systems zur Untersuchung der subzellul{\"a}renLokalisierung der Alpha-Methylacyl-CoA-Racemase (AMACR) (Methode der retroviralen Transfektion von transformierten, embryonalen Mausfibroblasten)}, subject = {Alpha-Methylacyl-CoA-Racemase}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Derrer2010, author = {Derrer, Bianca}, title = {Charakterisierung der Vitamin B6 Synthese und des Shikimatsyntheseweges im Malariaerreger Plasmodium ssp.}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51456}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Malaria ist eine schwerwiegende Krankheit, die j{\"a}hrlich {\"u}ber eine Million Menschen t{\"o}tet. Die zunehmende Resistenzbildung gegen{\"u}ber den verwendeten Medikamenten macht die Entwicklung neuer Antimalariamittel dringend notwendig. Daher sind die Vitamin B6 Synthese und der Shikimatweg von besonderem Interesse, da diese beiden Synthesewege nur im Parasiten und nicht im Menschen vorkommen. Unter der Voraussetzung, dass diese essentiell f{\"u}r den Parasiten sind, b{\"o}ten sie ideale Ansatzpunkte zur Entwicklung neuer Antimalariamittel. Voraus gegangene Studien haben gezeigt, dass Plasmodium falciparum in der Lage ist, PLP de novo mittels eines bifunktionalen Enzymkomplex, bestehend aus den Proteinen Pdx1 und Pdx2, zu synthetisieren. Pdx1 stellt dabei die eigentliche Synthase dar, w{\"a}hrend Pdx2 als Glutaminase-Partner das ben{\"o}tigte Ammoniumion f{\"u}r den heterocyclen Ring bereitstellt. Zus{\"a}tzlich dazu verf{\"u}gt der Parasit auch {\"u}ber einen salvage pathway um PLP zu „recyclen", in dem der Pyridoxalkinase PdxK eine Schl{\"u}sselfunktion zuf{\"a}llt. Knockout Studien der pdx1 im Mausmalariasystem P. berghei haben gezeigt, dass PbPdx1 f{\"u}r eine optimale Entwicklung der Blutstadien ben{\"o}tigt wird, nicht jedoch f{\"u}r deren {\"U}berleben. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit habe ich die Effekte eines pbpdxK(-) Knockouts in demselben System untersucht. Es konnte eine monoklonale Knockoutlinie generiert werden, was zeigte, dass PbPdxK nicht essentiell f{\"u}r das {\"U}berleben des Parasiten in den Blutstadien ist. Die Entwicklung w{\"a}hrend des Blutstadiums war von dem pbpdxK(-) Knockout nicht betroffen. Allerdings zeigte sich im Moskitostadium eine drastische Reduktion der Sporozoitenzahl sowohl in den Mitteld{\"a}rmen als auch in den Speicheldr{\"u}sen. Dieses Ergebnis legt nahe, dass PbPdxK essentiell f{\"u}r das {\"U}berleben der Sporozoiten ist. Daneben wurde versucht, die Gene pfpdx1, pfpdx2 sowie pfpdxK in P. falciparum 3D7 durch Verwendung der single cross over Strategie auszuschalten. Es konnte jedoch f{\"u}r keines der genannten Konstrukte eine Integration in die jeweiligen Genloci anhand von PCR-Analysen nachgewiesen werden. Ebenso scheiterte der Versuch, durch Rekombination eines komplement{\"a}ren Genabschnitts die Funktion des Gens zu rekonstituieren. Daher bleibt es unklar, ob pfpdx1, pfpdx2 und pfpdxK durch Knockout Strategien auszuschalten sind oder nur f{\"u}r Genmanipulationen nicht zug{\"a}nglich sind. Die Kultivierung von P. falciparum 3D7 Parasiten in Vitamin B6 depletiertem Medium hatte keinen Effekt auf deren Wachstum. Eine anschließende Analyse der Proteinextrakte zeigte eine erh{\"o}hte Expression der PfPdxK, w{\"a}hrend sich das Expressionslevel der PfPdx1 nicht ver{\"a}nderte. Es scheint, dass der Parasit in der Lage ist Vitamin B6 Mangel durch vermehrte Nutzung des salvage pathways vollst{\"a}ndig zu kompensieren. Fr{\"u}here Arbeiten zeigten, dass der C-Terminus der Pdx1 in die Aktivit{\"a}t des PLP Synthasekomplexes involviert ist. Aus diesem Grund wurden verschiedene C-terminale Deletionsmutanten der PfPdx1 konstruiert und dabei bis zu 30 Aminos{\"a}uren entfernt. Diese Analysen ergaben, dass der C-Terminus vier verschiedene Funktionen besitzt: das Assembly der Pdx1 Untereinheiten zum Dodekamer, die Bindung des Pentosesubstrats Ribose 5-Phosphat, die Bildung des Intermediats I320 und schließlich die PLP Synthese. Diese unterschiedlichen Funktionen wurden durch verschiedene Deletionsvarianten identifiziert. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus waren alle Deletionsvarianten in der Lage, die Glutaminase Pdx2 zu aktivieren, was zeigt, dass das Dodekamer nicht Vorraussetzung f{\"u}r die Glutaminaseaktivit{\"a}t ist. Aufgrund der geringen PLP Syntheseaktivit{\"a}t in vitro wurde vermutet, dass der PfPdx1/PfPdx2 Komplex durch einen zus{\"a}tzlichen Faktor aktiviert wird. Daher wurde versucht, mittels Yeast 2-Hybrid, basierend auf einer PCR-amplifizierten P. falciparum 3D7 cDNA-Bibliothek als bait und PfPdx1 als prey, einen Interaktionspartner zu identifizieren. Mehrere Klone wurden gewonnen, die alle einen Bereich des Mal13P1.540, einem putativen Hsp70 Proteins, enthielten. Jedoch scheiterten alle Versuche, die Protein-Protein-Interaktion mit rekombinant exprimierten Protein zu best{\"a}tigen. Ebenso war es nicht m{\"o}glich, das vollst{\"a}ndige Mal13P1.540 rekombinant zu exprimieren sowie dessen Lokalisation in vivo zu bestimmen. Daher bleibt die Interaktion von PfPdx1 und Mal13P1.540 ungekl{\"a}rt. Neben der Vitamin B6 Biosynthese konnten auch einige Gene des Shikimatweges in Plasmodium identifiziert werden. In P. berghei konnten der C-terminale Teil der 3-Dehydroquinatsynthase (2) sowie die Shikimatkinase (5) und die 5-Enoylpyruvylshikimat 3-Phosphatsynthase (6) in einem open reading frame (ORF) identifiziert werden, der dieselbe genetische Organisation aufweisen wie der Arom-Komplex der Hefen. Mit Hilfe eines Komplementationsassay wurde die Funktionalit{\"a}t dieses ORFs {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Dazu wurden S. cerevisiae BY4741Δaro1, ein Hefestamm ohne funktionalen Arom-Komplex, mit dem Pb2_6_5_ABC Fragment transformiert. Die so transformierten Hefen waren nicht in der Lage, auf Mangelplatten ohne aromatische Aminos{\"a}uren zu wachsen, was zeigte, dass das Pb2_6_5_ABC Konstrukt den BY4741Δaro1 Ph{\"a}notyp nicht komplementieren konnte. Der Versuch, mit Hilfe des Baculovirussytems rekombiant exprimiertes Protein zu erhalten, verlief erfolglos. Ebenso war es nicht m{\"o}glich, Teile des Proteins f{\"u}r Immunisierungen zu exprimieren. Daher bleibt die Funktionalit{\"a}t des Pb2_6_5_ABC Konstruktes ungekl{\"a}rt.}, subject = {Plasmodium falciparum}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Denker2006, author = {Denker, Katrin}, title = {Isolation and characterization of channel-forming proteins in the outer membrane of E. coli and Borrelia species}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-16955}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {In this study pore forming proteins of the gram-negative bacteria B. burgdorferi, B. duttonii and E.coli were investigated. Therefore the study is subdivided into three parts. In the first part outer membrane preparation of three relapsing fever Borrelia were investigated. In the second part the putative TolC homologue BB0124 of B. burgdorferi, the Lyme borreliosis agent, was studied. In the last part the influence of point mutants within the greasy slide of the maltose specific porin (LamB) of E. coli were shown. In the first part of this study outer membrane preparations of three Borrelia relapsing fever strains have been studied for pore-forming activity in the black lipid bilayer assay. Histograms of conductance fluctuations were obtained from single-channel experiments with outer membrane preparations of B. hermsii, B. recurentis and B. duttonii. All strains had a different conductance fluctuation pattern with a broad range of single-channel conductance values varying from 0.5 nS - 11 nS. Common for all three strains was a high pore-forming activity at around 0.5 nS. Furthermore the proteins of the outer membrane of B. duttonii were separated by chromatographic methods. Some eluate fractions contained a channel-forming protein, which was forming stable channels with a single-channel conductance of 80 pS in 1 M KCl. Characterization of this channel showed that it is slightly anionic selective and voltage independent. The small single-channel conductance suggests that it is a specific pore. However, a substrate specificity could not be determined. In the second part, for the B. burgdorferi HB19 and p66 knock out strain HB19/K02, their outer membrane preparations were characterized in the black lipid bilayer assay. Comparing the histograms of single-channel conductions fluctuations of both strains showed no single-channel activity at 11.5 nS for the p66 knock out strain. This verifies earlier studies that P66 is a pore-forming protein in B. burgdorferi. Furthermore, one fraction obtained by anion exchange chromatography of the p66 knock out outer membrane protein preparation showed a uniform channel-forming activity with a single channel conductance of 300 pS. The electrophysically characterization of the 300 pS channel showed that it is not ionselective or voltage dependent. By mass spectrometry using peptide mass finger prints, BB0142 could be identified as the sole channel forming candidate in the active fraction. A BLAST search and a conserved domain search showed that BB0142 is a putative TolC homologue in B. burgdorferi. Furthermore the location of the bb0142 gene within the chromosome is in an operon encoding a multidrug efflux pump. In this study the expression of an outer membrane component of a putative drug efflux system of B. burgdorferi was shown for the first time. In the third part functional studies of the maltooligosaccharide-specific LamB channel were performed. The 3D-structure of LamB suggests that a number of aromatic residues (Y6, Y41, W74, F229, W358 and W420) within the channel lumen is involved in carbohydrate and ion transport. All aromatic residues were replaced by alanine (A) scanning mutagenesis. Furthermore, LamB mutants were created in which one, two, three, four and five aromatic residues were replaced to study their effects on ion and maltopentaose transport through LamB. The purified mutant proteins were reconstituted into lipid bilayer membranes and the single-channel conductance was studied. The results suggest that all aromatic residues provide some steric hindrance for ion transport through LamB. Highest impact is provided by Y6 and Y41, which are localized opposite to Y118, which forms the central constriction of the LamB channel. Stability constants for binding of maltopentaose to the mutant channels were measured using titration experiments with the carbohydrate. The mutation of one or several aromatic amino acids led to a substantial decrease of the stability constant of binding. The highest effect was observed when all aromatic amino acids were replaced by alanine because no binding of maltopentaose could be detected in this case. However, binding was again possible when Y118 was replaced by tryptophane (W). The carbohydrate-induced block of the channel function could also be used for the study of current noise through the different mutant LamB-channels. The analysis of the power density spectra of some of the mutants allowed the evaluation of the on- and off-rate constants (k1 and k-1) of carbohydrate binding to the binding-site inside the channels. The results suggest that both on- and off-rate constants were affected by the mutations. For most mutants k1 decreased and k-1 increased.}, subject = {Escherichia coli}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Delfgaauw2003, author = {Delfgaauw, Jacqueline}, title = {Melanomspezifische Genexpression und Signaltransduktion bei Xiphophorus: Die Rolle des Transkriptionsfaktors Mitf}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5217}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Die Kenntnis der Transkriptionsregulationsmechanismen stellt eine wichtige biochemische Grundlage f{\"u}r das Verst{\"a}ndnis der molekularen Ereignisse, die der Krebsentstehung zugrunde liegen, dar. Eine Schl{\"u}sselrolle in der transkriptionellen Kontrolle der Genexpression spielen hierbei die Transkriptionsfaktoren. Diese sind nukle{\"a}re Proteine, die mit spezifischen DNA-Elementen interagieren und so die Transkription eines in cis-Position lokalisierten Zielgens regulieren. Da der "microphthalmia associated" Transkriptionsfaktor Mitf-M spezifisch in Melanozyten und Melanomzellen exprimiert wird, scheint er eine wichtige Rolle in der melanomspezifischen transkriptionellen Aktivierung zu spielen und war deshalb im Rahmen dieser Arbeit n{\"a}her untersucht worden. Das Xiphophorus Melanomsystem, ein genetisch gut charakterisiertes Modell, wurde herangezogen, um unter zu Hilfenahme des Tyrosinasegens des mit Xiphophorus nahe verwandten Medaka (Oryzias latipes) die Transkriptionsregulation im Melanom n{\"a}her zu untersuchen. Zuerst wurde gezeigt, dass der Medaka Tyrosinasepromotor spezifisch in einer Melanomzellinie von Xiphophorus (PSM Zellen) aktiviert wird. Eine 3,2 kb lange Sequenz, die 5´ zum Transkriptionsstart liegt, reicht dabei aus, eine extrem hohe, melanomspezifische Promotoraktivit{\"a}t zu erreichen. Dabei sind die Regionen, die sogenannte E-Boxen (CANNTG) enthalten, von besonderer Wichtigkeit f{\"u}r die Promotoraktivit{\"a}t in der Melanomzellinie, w{\"a}hrend sie in embryonalen Xiphophoruszellen (A2, als Kontrollzellen eingesetzt) keinen Einfluß auf die Expression haben. An diese E-Box-Sequenzen binden sogenannte b-HLH-Leuzinzipper Transkriptionsfaktoren. Es konnte auf indirektem Wege bewiesen werden, dass es das Protein Mitf sein muß, das an die E-Boxen im Tyrosinasegenpromotor bindet und somit die transkriptionelle Aktivierung aus{\"u}bt. In EMSA Studien wurde gezeigt, dass die E-Boxen ein Kernprotein aus PSM-Zellen binden, und das dieses spezifisch an diese 6 bp lange Sequenz bindet, da Mutationen der zentralen Oligonukleotid-Sequenz die Bindung zerst{\"o}rten. Ein weiterer indirekter Beweis f{\"u}r die Bindung von Mitf an diese E-Boxen konnte durch Co-Transfektionsexperimente erbracht werden. Auch in S{\"a}ugerfibroblastenzellen konnte ektopisch eingebrachtes Mitf-M die Medaka Tyrosinasegenpromotorkonstrukte durch Bindung an E-Boxen aktivieren und das Luciferasegen zur Expression bringen. Das heißt also, dass Mitf-M ausreicht um sogar in nicht-Melanomzellen den Tyrosinasegenpromotor zu transaktivieren. Aufgrund dieser verschiedenen Experimente konnte gefolgert werden, dass diese Mitf-Bindungsstellen essentiell f{\"u}r eine hohe melanom- oder pigmentzellspezifische Promotoraktivit{\"a}t sind. Die Bindungsstelle A, die nahe der Basalpromotorregion im Medaka Tyrosinasegen liegt (-126/-131), scheint hierbei besonders wichtig f{\"u}r die Promotoraktivit{\"a}t und vor allem auch f{\"u}r die Vermittlung der Zelltypspezifit{\"a}t zu sein. Promotorkonstrukte mit den drei E-Boxen A (-126/-131), B (-2651/-2656) und C (-2866/-2871) zeigten eine gegen{\"u}ber dem Konstrukt nur mit der A-Bindungsstelle h{\"o}here Aktivit{\"a}t. Es scheint sich ein additiver Effekt der Mitf-Bindungsstellen auszuwirken. Es konnte allerdings auch gezeigt werden, dass die E-Boxen nicht alleine verantwortlich f{\"u}r die Melanom- bzw. Pigmentzellspezifit{\"a}t sind. Neben den Mitf-Bindungsstellen gibt es noch weitere Elemente im Tyrosinasegenpromotor, die an der Bestimmmung der Spezifit{\"a}t beteiligt sind, und die zwar durch Deletionsreihen im Promotor eingegrenzt, dennoch noch nicht eindeutig bestimmt werden konnten. Die Wichtigkeit des Transkriptionsfaktors Mitf bzw. seiner Funktionen spiegelt sich auch in seiner starken Konservierung im Laufe der Evolution wider. Vergleichende Studien zeigten dass der Transkriptionsfaktor mit seinen verschiedenen Isoformen in S{\"a}ugern wie in Vertebraten gut konserviert wurde. N{\"a}here Analysen konnten das Vorhandensein zweier separater Gene f{\"u}r Mitf-M und Mitf-B bei Teleostiern nachweisen, w{\"a}hrend bei S{\"a}ugetieren und V{\"o}geln nur ein einziges Gen f{\"u}r die unterschiedlichen Mitf Proteine kodiert. F{\"u}r das Verst{\"a}ndnis der molekularen Prozesse bei der Melanombildung von Xiphophorus war es wichtig die Rolle von Mitf in der Signaltransduktion zu analysieren. Es war m{\"o}glich einen direkten Zusammenhang zwischen der in PSM Zellen exprimierten Rezeptortyrosinkinase Xmrk, dem Genprodukt des Tumor-induzierenden Onkogens von Xiphophorus, und dem Transkriptionsfaktor Mitf nachzuweisen und seine Regulation {\"u}ber Signaltransduktionswege n{\"a}her zu kl{\"a}ren. Die Regulation von Mitf {\"u}ber den MAPkinase-Weg, konnte durch Inhibitorexperimente nachgewiesen werden. Aufgrund der zahlreichen Aktivit{\"a}ten von Mitf innerhalb der Melanozyten, und seiner Aktivierungsfunktion f{\"u}r verschiedene Zielgene, ist dieser Transkriptionsfaktor von großer Bedeutung f{\"u}r sowohl Differentierung/Pigmentierung wie auch Proliferation/{\"U}berleben der Tumorzellen.}, subject = {Schwertk{\"a}rpfling}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Dejure2018, author = {Dejure, Francesca Romana}, title = {Investigation of the role of MYC as a stress responsive protein}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-158587}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The transcription factor MYC is deregulated in over 70\% of all human tumors and, in its oncogenic form, plays a major role in the cancer metabolic reprogramming, promoting the uptake of nutrients in order to sustain the biosynthetic needs of cancer cells. The research presented in this work aimed to understand if MYC itself is regulated by nutrient availability, focusing on the two major fuels of cancer cells: glucose and glutamine. Initial observations showed that endogenous MYC protein levels strongly depend on the availability of glutamine, but not of glucose. Subsequent analysis highlighted that the mechanism which accounts for the glutamine-mediated regulation of MYC is dependent on the 3´-untranslated region (3´-UTR) of MYC. Enhanced glutamine utilization by tumors has been shown to be directly linked to MYC oncogenic activity and MYC-dependent apoptosis has been observed under glutamine starvation. Such effect has been described in experimental systems which are mainly based on the use of MYC transgenes that do not contain the 3´-UTR. It was observed in the present study that cells are able to survive under glutamine starvation, which leads to cell cycle arrest and not apoptosis, as previously reported. However, enforced expression of a MYC transgene, which lacks the 3´-UTR, strongly increases the percentage of apoptotic cells upon starvation. Evaluation of glutamine-derived metabolites allowed to identify adenosine nucleotides as the specific stimulus responsible for the glutamine-mediated regulation of MYC, in a 3´-UTR-dependent way. Finally, glutamine-dependent MYC-mediated effects on RNA Polymerase II (RNAPII) function were evaluated, since MYC is involved in different steps of global transcriptional regulation. A global loss of RNAPII recruitment at the transcriptional start site results upon glutamine withdrawal. Such effect is overcome by enforced MYC expression under the same condition. This study shows that the 3´UTR of MYC acts as metabolic sensor and that MYC globally regulates the RNAPII function according to the availability of glutamine. The observations presented in this work underline the importance of considering stress-induced mechanisms impinging on the 3´UTR of MYC.}, subject = {Myc}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dehmer2024, author = {Dehmer, Markus}, title = {A novel USP11-TCEAL1-mediated mechanism protects transcriptional elongation by RNA Polymerase II}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36054}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-360544}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Deregulated expression of MYC oncoproteins is a driving event in many human cancers. Therefore, understanding and targeting MYC protein-driven mechanisms in tumor biology remain a major challenge. Oncogenic transcription in MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma leads to the formation of the MYCN-BRCA1-USP11 complex that terminates transcription by evicting stalling RNAPII from chromatin. This reduces cellular stress and allows reinitiation of new rounds of transcription. Basically, tumors with amplified MYC genes have a high demand on well orchestration of transcriptional processes-dependent and independent from MYC proteins functions in gene regulation. To date, the cooperation between promoter-proximal termination and transcriptional elongation in cancer cells remains still incomplete in its understanding. In this study the putative role of the dubiquitinase Ubiquitin Specific Protease 11 (USP11) in transcription regulation was further investigated. First, several USP11 interaction partners involved in transcriptional regulation in neuroblastoma cancer cells were identified. In particular, the transcription elongation factor A like 1 (TCEAL1) protein, which assists USP11 to engage protein-protein interactions in a MYCN-dependent manner, was characterized. The data clearly show that TCEAL1 acts as a pro-transcriptional factor for RNA polymerase II (RNAPII)-medi- ated transcription. In detail, TCEAL1 controls the transcription factor S-II (TFIIS), a factor that assists RNAPII to escape from paused sites. The findings claim that TCEAL1 outcompetes the transcription elongation factor TFIIS in a non-catalytic manner on chromatin of highly expressed genes. This is reasoned by the need regulating TFIIS function in transcription. TCEAL1 equili- brates excessive backtracking and premature termination of transcription caused by TFIIS. Collectively, the work shed light on the stoichiometric control of TFIIS demand in transcriptional regulation via the USP11-TCEAL1-USP7 complex. This complex protects RNAPII from TFIIS-mediated termination helping to regulate productive transcription of highly active genes in neuroblastoma.}, subject = {Transkription}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Das2018, author = {Das, Sudip}, title = {Genome-wide identification of virulence-associated genes in Staphylococcus aureus using Transposon insertion-site deep sequencing}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-143362}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Staphylococcus aureus asymptomatically colonises one third of the healthy human population, finding its niche in the nose and on skin. Apart from being a commensal, it is also an important opportunistic human pathogen capable of destructing tissue, invading host cells and killing them from within. This eventually contributes to severe hospital- and community-acquired infections. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), resistant to commonly used antibiotics are protected when residing within the host cell. This doctoral thesis is focused on the investigation of staphylococcal factors governing intracellular virulence and subsequent host cell death. To initiate an unbiased approach to conduct this study, complex S. aureus mutant pools were generated using transposon insertional mutagenesis. Genome-wide infection screens were performed using these S. aureus transposon mutant pools in vitro and in vivo, followed by analysis using Transposon insertion site deep sequencing (Tn-seq) technology. Amongst several other factors, this study identified a novel regulatory system in S. aureus that controls pathogen-induced host cytotoxicity and intra-host survival. The primary components of this system are an AraC-family transcription regulator called Repressor of surface proteins (Rsp) and a virulence associated non-coding RNA, SSR42. Mutants within rsp exhibit enhanced intra-host survival in human epithelial cells and delayed host cytotoxicity. Global gene-expression profiling by RNA-seq demonstrated that Rsp controls the expression of SSR42, several cytotoxins and other bacterial factors directed against the host immune system. Rsp enhances S. aureus toxin response when triggered by hydrogen peroxide, an antimicrobial substance employed by neutrophils to destroy pathogens. Absence of rsp reduces S. aureus-induced neutrophil damage and early lethality during mouse pneumonia, but still permits blood stream infection. Intriguingly, S. aureus lacking rsp exhibited enhanced survival in human macrophages, which hints towards a Trojan horse-like phenomenon and could facilitate dissemination within the host. Hence, Rsp emerged as a global regulator of bacterial virulence, which has an impact on disease progression with prolonged intra-cellular survival, delayed-lethality but allows disseminated manifestation of disease. Moreover, this study exemplifies the use of genome-wide approaches as useful resources for identifying bacterial factors and deduction of its pathogenesis.}, subject = {Staphylococcus aureus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Danner2017, author = {Danner, Nadja}, title = {Honey bee foraging in agricultural landscapes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-139322}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {1. Today honey bee colonies face a wide range of challenges in modern agricultural landscapes which entails the need for a comprehensive investigation of honey bees in a landscape context and the assessment of environmental risks. Within this dissertation the pollen foraging of honey bee colonies is studied in different agricultural landscapes to gain insight into the use of pollen resources and the influence of landscape structure across the season. General suggestions for landscape management to support honey bees and other pollinators are derived. 2. Decoding of waggle dances and a subsequent spatial foraging analysis are used as methods in Chapters 4 and 5 to study honey bee colonies in agricultural landscapes. The recently developed metabarcoding of mixed pollen samples was applied for the first time in honey bee foraging ecology and allowed for a detailed analysis of pollen, that was trapped from honey bees in front hive entrances (Chapter 6). 3. Pollen identification through molecular sequencing and DNA barcoding has been proposed as an alternative approach to light microscopy, which still is a tedious and error-prone task. In this study we assessed mixed pollen probes through next-generation sequencing and developed a bioinformatic workflow to analyse these high-throughput data with a newly created reference database. To evaluate the feasibility, we compared results from classical identification based on light microscopy from the same samples with our sequencing results. Abundance estimations from sequencing data were significantly correlated with counted abundances through light microscopy. Next-generation sequencing thus presents a useful and efficient workflow to identify pollen at the genus and species level without requiring specialized palynological expert knowledge. 4. During maize flowering, four observation hives were placed in and rotated between 11 landscapes covering a gradient in maize acreage. A higher foraging frequency on maize fields compared to other landuse types showed that maize is an intensively used pollen resource for honey bee colonies. Mean foraging distances were significantly shorter for maize pollen than for other pollen origins, indicating that effort is put into collecting a diverse pollen diet. The percentage of maize pollen foragers did not increase with maize acreage in the landscape and was not reduced by grassland area as an alternative pollen resource. Our findings allow estimating the distance-related exposure risk of honey bee colonies to pollen from surrounding maize fields treated with systemic insecticides. 5. It is unknown how an increasing area of mass-flowering crops like oilseed rape (OSR) or a decrease of semi-natural habitats (SNH) change the temporal and spatial availability of pollen resources for honey bee colonies, and thus foraging distances and frequency in different habitat types. Sixteen observation hives were placed in and rotated between 16 agricultural landscapes with independent gradients of OSR and SNH area within 2 km to analyze foraging distances and frequencies. SNH and OSR reduced foraging distance at different spatial scales and depending on season, with possible benefits for the performance of honey bee colonies. Frequency of pollen foragers per habitat type was equally high for SNH, grassland and OSR fields, but lower for other crops and forest. In landscapes with a small proportion of SNH a significantly higher density of pollen foragers on SNH was observed, indicating the limitation of pollen resources in simple agricultural landscapes and the importance of SNH. 6. Quantity and diversity of collected pollen can influence the growth and health of honey bee colonies, but little is known about the influence of landscape structure on pollen diet. In a field experiment we rotated 16 honey bee colonies across 16 agricultural landscapes (see also Chapter 5), used traps to get samples of collected pollen and observed the intra-colonial dance communication to gain information about foraging distances. Neither the amount of collected pollen nor pollen diversity were related to landscape diversity. The revealed increase of foraging distances with decreasing landscape diversity suggests that honey bees compensate for a lower landscape diversity by increasing their pollen foraging range in order to maintain pollen amount and diversity. 7. Our results show the importance of diverse pollen resources for honey bee colonies in agricultural landscapes. Beside the risk of exposure to pesticides honey bees face the risk of nutritional deficiency with implications for their health. By modifying landscape composition and therefore availability of resources we are able to contribute to the wellbeing of honey bees. Agri-environmental schemes aiming to support pollinators should focus on possible spatial and temporal gaps in pollen availability and diversity in agricultural landscapes.}, subject = {Apis mellifera}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Daniels1999, author = {Daniels, Justin John Douglas}, title = {Interaction of Salmonella typhimurium and Listeria monocytogenes with the murine host}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1073}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1999}, abstract = {Food borne pathogens that cause systemic disease must cross the intestinal barrier. Many of these pathogens, eg Salmonella typhimurium and Shigella flexneri, use M cells, found only within the follicle associated epithelium (FAE) that overlies Peyer's patches and other lymphoid follicles, to enter the host. This study is primarily an investigation into the interaction of S. typhimurium and Listeria monocytogenes with the intestinal epithelium, representing the early stage of an infection.}, subject = {Maus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{daCruzGueerisoli2021, author = {da Cruz G{\"u}erisoli, Irene Maria}, title = {Investigating the murine meiotic telomere complex TERB1-TERB2-MAJIN: spatial organization and evolutionary history}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21056}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-210562}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Einess der faszinierenden Merkmale der meiotischen Prophase I sind die hochkonservierten kr{\"a}ftigen Bewegungen homologer Chromosomen. Diese Bewegungen sind entscheidend f{\"u}r den Erfolg von Schl{\"u}sselereignissen wie die Ausrichtung, Paarung und Rekombination der homologen Chromosomen. Mehrere bisher untersuchte Organismen, darunter S{\"a}ugetiere, W{\"u}rmer, Hefen und Pflanzen, erreichen diese Bewegungen, indem sie die Chromosomenenden an spezialisierten Stellen in der Kernh{\"u}lle verankern. Diese Verankerung erfordert Telomer-Adapterproteine, die bisher in der Spalthefe und der Maus identifiziert wurden. Die meiosespezifischen Telomer-Adapterproteine der Maus, TERB1, TERB2 und MAJIN, sind an der Verankerung des ubiquit{\"a}ren Telomer-Shelterin-protein an den LINC-Komplex beteiligt, mit einem analogen Mechanismus, wie er die Spalthefe beschrieben wird. Obgleich die meiose-spezifischen TelomerAdapterproteine eine wesentliche Rolle spielen, ist der genaue Mechanismus der Verankerung der Telomere an die Kernh{\"u}lle sowie ihre evolution{\"a}re Geschichte bisher noch wenig verstanden. Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist daher die Untersuchung der Organisation des meiosespezifischen TelomerAdapterkomplexes TERB1-TERB2-MAJIN der Maus und dessen Evolutionsgeschichte. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die Organisation des TERB1-TERB2-MAJIN Komplexes mittels hochaufl{\"o}sender Mikroskopie (SIM), an Mausspermatozyten untersucht, sowie die Lokalisation in Bezug auf TRF1 des Telomer-ShelterinKomplexes und die telomerische DNA analysiert. In den Stadien Zygot{\"a}n und Pachyt{\"a}n zeigten die Fluoreszenzsignale eine starke {\"U}berlappung der Verteilung der meiotischen Telomer-Komplex-Proteine, wobei die Organisation von TERB2 an den Chromosomenenden heterogener war als die von TERB1 und MAJIN. Außerdem konnte die TRF1-Lokalisation an den Enden der Lateralelemente (LEs) mit einer griffartigen Anordnung um die TERB1- und MAJIN-Signale im Zygot{\"a}n- und Pachyt{\"a}n-Stadium gezeigt werden. Interessanterweise erwies sich die telomerische DNA als lateral verteilt und teilweise {\"u}berlappend mit der zentralen Verteilung der meiotischen Telomer-Komplex-Proteine an den Enden der LEs. Die Kombination dieser Ergebnisse erlaubte die Beschreibung eines alternativen Modells der Verankerung der Telomer an die Kernh{\"u}lle w{\"a}hrend der meiotischen Prophase I. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit analysiert die Evolutionsgeschichte der Mausproteine von TERB1, TERB2 und MAJIN. Die fehlende {\"U}bereinstimmung zwischen den Meiose-spezifische Telomer-Adapteproteinen der Maus und der Spalthefe hat die Frage nach dem evolutionsbedingten Ursprung dieses spezifischen Komplexes aufgeworfen. Um vermeintliche Orthologen der Mausproteinevon TERB1, TERB2 und MAJIN {\"u}ber Metazoen hinweg zu identifizieren, wurden computergest{\"u}tzte Verfahren und phylogenetische Analysen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurden Expressionsstudien implementiert, um ihre potenzielle Funktion w{\"a}hrend der Meiose zu testen. Die Analysen haben ergeben, dass der Meiose-spezifische Telomer-Komplex der Maus sehr alt ist, da er bereits in den Eumetazoen entstand, was auf einen einzigen Ursprung hindeutet. Das Fehlen jeglicher Homologen des meiosespezifischen Telomerkomplexes in Nematoden und die einigen wenigen in Arthropoden nachgewiesenen Kandidaten, deuten darauf hin, dass die Telomer-Adapterproteine in diesen Abstammungslinien verloren/ersetzt oder stark diversifiziert worden sind. Bemerkenswerterweise zeigten Proteindom{\"a}nen von TERB1, TERB2 und MAJIN, die an der Bildung des Komplexes sowie an der Interaktion mit dem Telomer-Shelterin-Protein und den LINC-Komplexen beteiligt sind, eine hohe Sequenz{\"a}hnlichkeit {\"u}ber alle Kladen hinweg. Abschließend lieferte die Genexpression im Nesseltier Hydra vulgaris den Beweis, dass der TERB1-TERB2-MAJIN-Komplex selektiv in der Keimbahn exprimiert wird, was auf die Konservierung meiotischer Funktionen {\"u}ber die gesamte Metazoen-Evolution hinweg hindeutet. Zusammenfassend bietet diese Arbeit bedeutende neue Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich des Meiose-spezifischen Telomer-Adapterkomplex, seines Mechanismus zur Verankerung der Telomer an die Kernh{\"u}lle und die Entschl{\"u}sselung seines Ursprungs in den Metazoen.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Czakai2015, author = {Czakai, Kristin Bernadette}, title = {Interaktionen des humanpathogenen Pilzes Aspergillus fumigatus mit dem angeborenen Immunsystem und Thrombozyten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-117496}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Pilze sind in unserer Umwelt allgegenw{\"a}rtig und besiedeln im Fall von Candida albicans (C. albicans) sogar bei {\"u}ber 50\% der Menschen die Schleimh{\"a}ute, w{\"a}hrend Sporen von Aspergillus fumigatus (A. fumigatus) t{\"a}glich {\"u}ber die Atmung in die Lunge des Menschen gelangen. Dennoch sind Erkrankungen, die durch diese zwei Pilze ausgel{\"o}st werden, bei gesunden Menschen selten. Ist jedoch das Immunsystem beeintr{\"a}chtigt, k{\"o}nnen diese Pilze zu systemischen und damit lebensbedrohlichen Erkrankungen wie der invasiven Aspergillose und der systemischen Candidiasis f{\"u}hren. F{\"u}r eine Verbesserung der Behandlung solcher Infektionen ist das genaue Verst{\"a}ndnis der Immunabwehrmechanismen entscheidend. Da A. fumigatus {\"u}ber die Lunge in den K{\"o}rper gelangt, wurden in dieser Arbeit die h{\"a}ufigsten Immunzellen der Lunge, die Makrophagen, und deren Immunantwort auf A. fumigatus untersucht. Parallel hierzu wurden dendritische Zellen (DCs) verwendet, die als Br{\"u}cke zwischen dem angeborenen und adaptiven Immunsystem wirken. Ein besonderes Augenmerk wurde hierbei auf A. fumigatus induzierte Genexpressions{\"a}nderungen und deren Regulationsmechanismen gelegt. Dabei wurden kurze, regulatorische RNAs, die sogenannten miRNAs, untersucht, die eine wichtige Rolle in der post-transkriptionalen Genregulation spielen. Bislang ist nur wenig {\"u}ber die miRNA-abh{\"a}ngigen Genregulationen in DCs, die auf eine Infektion mit A. fumigatus oder C. albicans reagieren, bekannt. Um alle durch A. fumigatus und C. albicans regulierten miRNAs zu identifizieren, wurden DCs mit A. fumigatus und C. albicans ko-kultiviert und anschließend eine Komplettsequenzierung der kurzen RNAs durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Pilz-spezifische Induktion der miRNA-Regulation wurde zudem mit der miRNA-Regulation durch den bakteriellen Zellwandbestandteil Lipopolysaccharid verglichen. Durch die Stimulation mit Keimschl{\"a}uchen von A. fumigatus wurden die miRNAs miR-132-3p/5p, miR-155-5p, miR129-2-3p, miR-129-5p, miR-212-3p/5p und miR-9-5p in DCs induziert. Diese wurden ebenfalls durch C. albicans induziert, zudem noch die miRNAs miR-147a und miR-147b. Spezifisch f{\"u}r A. fumigatus war die Regulation der miR-129-2-3p. Neben dem miRNA-Profiling wurde auch das mRNA-Transkriptom {\"u}ber Microarrays analysiert und dadurch 18 potentielle Zielgene der Pilz-induzierten miRNAs identifiziert. Neben den Elementen der Translationsregulation wurden auch die Transkriptionsfaktoren untersucht. Als einziger unter den 60 regulierten Transkriptionsfaktoren zeigte KLF4 eine ver{\"a}nderte Expressionsrichtung in DCs, die mit Pilzen oder LPS behandelt waren. W{\"a}hrend die Stimulation mit LPS die Expression von KLF4 induzierte, wurde es durch die Pilze A. fumigatus und C. albicans reprimiert. In einer Untersuchung der unterschiedlichen A. fumigatus-Rezeptoren, wurde deren Einfluss auf die KLF4-Regulation gezeigt. W{\"a}hrend TLR4-Liganden KLF4 induzierten, f{\"u}hrten Liganden, die an die Rezeptoren TLR2/TLR1 und Dectin-1 binden, zu einer Reduktion von KLF4. Nach einem erfolgreich etablierten KLF4-knock-down mittels RNA-Interferenz wurden KLF4-Zielgene untersucht. W{\"a}hrend kein bzw. nur ein geringer Effekt auf die Genexpression von CCL2, RANTES, CXCL10 und TNF beobachtet wurde, sorgte der KLF4 knock-down f{\"u}r eine hoch signifikante Reduktion der IL6-Genexpression in LPS-stimulierten DCs. Um die KLF4-Regulation weiter zu untersuchen, wurde zudem eine weitere Zellpopulation des angeborenen Immunsystems, die Makrophagen, verwendet. Auch hier wurde die Immunantwort gegen A. fumigatus analysiert. Zudem wurde die Rolle der Thrombozyten als Immunmediatoren betrachtet. Zuerst wurde ein Zytokinprofil des pl{\"a}ttchenreichen Plasmas (PRP), das mit A. fumigatus stimuliert wurde, erstellt. In diesem konnte nur RANTES in hoher Konzentration nachgewiesen werden. Daraufhin wurde der Einfluss von PRP auf die Reifung von DCs, die Phagozytosef{\"a}higkeit von Makrophagen und DCs sowie der Einfluss von DCs und Makrophagen auf die metabolische Aktivit{\"a}t von A. fumigatus in An- und Abwesenheit von pl{\"a}ttchenreichem Plasma untersucht. Es konnte eine gering verst{\"a}rkte Reifung der DCs durch PRP gezeigt werden. Isolierte Thrombozyten konnten die Phagozytose von DCs steigern, w{\"a}hrend Makrophagen durch PRP verst{\"a}rkt Konidien phagozytierten. In einem genomweiten Transkriptomprofiling wurde die Immunantwort von DCs und Makrophagen verglichen. Zudem wurde untersucht, wie PRP die Immunantwort dieser Immunzellen beeinflusst. Es wurden 2 bzw. 24 Gene identifiziert, die signifikant in A. fumigatus-stimulierten DCs und Makrophagen reguliert waren. Hierbei wurde gezeigt, dass KLF4 durch die Zugabe von PRP herabreguliert wurde. Das zuvor beschriebene Zielgen IL6 wurde durch PRP in A. fumigatus-stimulierten DCs gegen{\"u}ber stimulierten DCs ohne PRP deutlich reduziert, wodurch sich eine immunmodulatorische F{\"a}higkeit des PRP zeigte. Die Induktion von IL-6, weiteren Zytokinen und der Reifemarker durch A. fumigatus in DCs wurden zudem in einem Booleschen Modell simuliert. Dieses Modell soll in Zukunft Vorhersagen {\"u}ber experimentelle Ergebnisse und dadurch eine optimale Versuchsvorbereitung erm{\"o}glichen.}, subject = {Aspergillus fumigatus}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Cseh1999, author = {Cseh, Richard}, title = {Adsorption of phloretin to lipid layers}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1069}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1999}, abstract = {The mode of action of phloretin and its analogs on the permeability of natural membranes for neutral and charged molecules, such as urea, glucose and chloride has been characterized 25 years ago. In contrast to signal molecules with primary effects on transport systems of natural membranes, phloretin also affects model membranes, i.e., artificial membranes, which do not contain proteins. Since the dipole potential reducing effect of phloretin on mono- and bilayers has been found, it became clear that its primary effect must be a biophysical one: phloretin adsorbs to lipid layers and changes biophysical parameters of these layers. The aim of this work was the characterization of the interaction between the surface-active molecule phloretin and artificial lipid layers. We were able to describe structural and functional parameters of the model systems mono- and bilayer as functions of one or few variables. One of these parameters, the dipole potential, measured as a function of the aqueous phloretin concentration, allowed a critical examination of the Langmuir adsorption model that has been postulated for the interaction between phloretin and lipid layers. Surface pressure versus area per lipid molecule isotherms and surface (dipole) potential change versus area per lipid molecule isotherms, measured at lipid monolayers, allowed a structural description of the phloretin-lipid interaction: phloretin integrates into monolayers dependent on the surface pressure and the phase state of the lipid. Calorimetric measurements confirmed the integration of phloretin into membranes because of the strong decrease of the phase transition temperature, but they also showed that the cooperativity of phase transition is hardly affected, even at very high amounts of phloretin in the membrane. Obviously the interaction between phloretin and lipids is restricted to the head groups, an integration into the hydrocarbon layer is unlikely. 2H NMR measurements with spherical unilamellar vesicles of headgroup-deuterated lipid showed changed quadrupolar splittings indicating the interaction between phloretin and headgroups of the lipids.}, subject = {Phloretin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{CruzGarcia2021, author = {Cruz Garcia, Yiliam}, title = {Interactome of the β2b subunit of L-type voltage-gated calcium channels in cardiomyocytes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20857}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-208579}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {L-type voltage-gated calcium channels (LTCC) are heteromultimeric membrane proteins that allow Ca2+ entry into the cell upon plasma membrane depolarization. The β subunit of voltage-dependent calcium channels (Cavβ) binds to the α-interaction domain in the pore-forming α1 subunit and regulates the trafficking and biophysical properties of these channels. Of the four Cavβ isoforms, Cavβ2 is predominantly expressed in cardiomyocytes. This subunit associates with diverse proteins besides LTCC, but the molecular composition of the Cavβ2 nanoenvironments in cardiomyocytes is yet unresolved. Here, we used a protein-labeling technique in living cells based on an engineered ascorbate peroxidase 2 (APEX2). In this strategy, Cavβ2b was fused to APEX2 and expressed in adult rat cardiomyocytes using an adenovirus system. Nearby proteins covalently labeled with biotin-phenol were purified using streptavidin-coated beads and identified by mass spectrometry (MS). Analysis of the in situ APEX2-based biotin labeling by MS revealed 61 proteins located in the nanoenvironments of Cavβ2b, with a high specificity and consistency in all the replicates. These proteins are involved in diverse cellular functions such as cellular trafficking, sarcomere organization and excitation-contraction coupling. Among these proteins, we demonstrated an interaction between the ryanodine receptor 2 (RyR2) and Cavβ2b, probably coupling LTCC and the RyR2 into a supramolecular complex at the dyads. This interaction is mediated by the Src homology 3 (SH3) domain of Cavβ2b and is necessary for an effective pacing frequency-dependent increase in Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release in cardiomyocytes.}, subject = {Calciumkanal}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Cruz2006, author = {Cruz, Alexandre Bettencourt da}, title = {Molecular and functional characterization of the swiss-cheese and olk mutants in Drosophila melanogaster : two approaches to killing neurons}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-17734}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {In this thesis two genes involved in causing neurodegenerative phenotypes in Drosophila are described. olk (omb-like), a futsch allele, is a micotubule associated protein (MAP) which is homologous to MAP1B and sws (swiss cheese) a serine esterase of yet unknown function within the nervous system. The lack of either one of these genes causes progressive neurodegeneration in two different ways. The sws mutant is characterized by general degeneration of the adult nervous system, glial hyperwrapping and neuronal apoptosis. Deletion of NTE (neuropathy target esterase), the SWS homolog in vertebrates, has been shown to cause a similar pattern of progressive neural degeneration in mice. NTE reacts with organophosphates causing axonal degeneration in humans. Inhibition of vertebrate NTE is insufficient to induce paralyzing axonal degeneration, a reaction called "aging reaction" is necessary for the disease to set in. It is hypothesized that a second "non-esterase" function of NTE is responsible for this phenomenon. The biological function of SWS within the nervous system is still unknown. To characterize the function of this protein several transgenic fly lines expressing different mutated forms of SWS were established. The controlled expression of altered SWS protein with the GAL4/UAS system allowed the analysis of isolated parts of the protein that were altered in the respective constructs. The characterization of a possible non-esterase function was of particular interest in these experiments. One previously described aberrant SWS construct lacking the first 80 amino acids (SWS\&\#916;1-80) showed a deleterious, dominant effect when overexpressed and was used as a model for organophosphate (OP) intoxication. This construct retains part of its detrimental effect even without catalytically active serine esterase function. This strongly suggests that there is another characteristic to SWS that is not defined solely by its serine esterase activity. Experiments analyzing the lipid contents of sws mutant, wildtype (wt) and SWS overexpressing flies gave valuable insights into a possible biological function of SWS. Phosphatidylcholine, a major component of cell membranes, accumulates in sws mutants whereas it is depleted in SWS overexpressing flies. This suggests that SWS is involved in phosphatidylcholine regulation. The produced \&\#945;-SWS antibody made it possible to study the intracellular localization of SWS. Images of double stainings with ER (endoplasmic reticulum) markers show that SWS is in great part localized to the ER. This is consistent with findings of SWS/ NTE localization in yeast and mouse cells. The olk mutant also shows progressive neurodegeneration but it is more localized to the olfactory system and mushroom bodies. Regarding specific cell types it seemed that specifically the projection neurons (PNs) are affected. A behavioral phenotype consisting of poor olfactory memory compared to wt is also observed even before histologically visible neurodegeneration sets in. Considering that the projection neurons connect the antennal lobes to the mushroom bodies, widely regarded as the "learning center", this impairment was expected. Three mutants where identified (olk1-3) by complementation analysis with the previously known futschN94 allele and sequencing of the coding sequence of olk1 revealed a nonsense mutation early in the protein. Consistent with the predicted function of Futsch as a microtubule associated protein (MAP), abnormalities are most likely due to a defective microtubule network and defects in axonal transport. In histological sections a modified cytoskeletal network is observed and western blots confirm a difference in the amount of tubulin present in the olk1 mutant versus the wt. The elaboration of neuronal axons and dendrites is dependent on a functional cytoskeleton. Observation of transport processes in primary neural cultures derived from olk1 mutant flies also showed a reduction of mitochondrial transport. Interaction with the fragile X mental retardation gene (dfmr1) was observed with the olk mutant. A dfmr1/ olk1 double mutant shows an ameliorated phenotype compared to the olk1 single mutant. tau, another MAP gene, was also shown to be able to partially rescue the olk1 mutant.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Costea2016, author = {Costea, Paul Igor}, title = {Stratification and variation of the human gut microbiota}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-139649}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The microbial communities that live inside the human gastrointestinal tract -the human gut microbiome- are important for host health and wellbeing. Characterizing this new "organ", made up of as many cells as the human body itself, has recently become possible through technological advances. Metagenomics, the high-throughput sequencing of DNA directly from microbial communities, enables us to take genomic snapshots of thousands of microbes living together in this complex ecosystem, without the need for isolating and growing them. Quantifying the composition of the human gut microbiome allows us to investigate its properties and connect it to host physiology and disease. The wealth of such connections was unexpected and is probably still underestimated. Due to the fact that most of our dietary as well as medicinal intake affects the microbiome and that the microbiome itself interacts with our immune system through a multitude of pathways, many mechanisms have been proposed to explain the observed correlations, though most have yet to be understood in depth. An obvious prerequisite to characterizing the microbiome and its interactions with the host is the accurate quantification of its composition, i.e. determining which microbes are present and in what numbers they occur. Historically, standard practices have existed for sample handling, DNA extraction and data analysis for many years. However, these were generally developed for single microbe cultures and it is not always feasible to implement them in large scale metagenomic studies. Partly because of this and partly because of the excitement that new technology brings about, the first metagenomic studies each took the liberty to define their own approach and protocols. From early meta-analysis of these studies it became clear that the differences in sample handling, as well as differences in computational approaches, made comparisons across studies very difficult. This restricts our ability to cross-validate findings of individual studies and to pool samples from larger cohorts. To address the pressing need for standardization, we undertook an extensive comparison of 21 different DNA extraction methods as well as a series of other sample manipulations that affect quantification. We developed a number of criteria for determining the measurement quality in the absence of a mock community and used these to propose best practices for sampling, DNA extraction and library preparation. If these were to be accepted as standards in the field, it would greatly improve comparability across studies, which would dramatically increase the power of our inferences and our ability to draw general conclusions about the microbiome. Most metagenomics studies involve comparisons between microbial communities, for example between fecal samples from cases and controls. A multitude of approaches have been proposed to calculate community dissimilarities (beta diversity) and they are often combined with various preprocessing techniques. Direct metagenomics quantification usually counts sequencing reads mapped to specific taxonomic units, which can be species, genera, etc. Due to technology-inherent differences in sampling depth, normalizing counts is necessary, for instance by dividing each count by the sum of all counts in a sample (i.e. total sum scaling), or by subsampling. To derive a single value for community (dis-)similarity, multiple distance measures have been proposed. Although it is theoretically difficult to benchmark these approaches, we developed a biologically motivated framework in which distance measures can be evaluated. This highlights the importance of data transformations and their impact on the measured distances. Building on our experience with accurate abundance estimation and data preprocessing techniques, we can now try and understand some of the basic properties of microbial communities. In 2011, it was proposed that the space of genus level variation of the human gut microbial community is structured into three basic types, termed enterotypes. These were described in a multi-country cohort, so as to be independent of geography, age and other host properties. Operationally defined through a clustering approach, they are "densely populated areas in a multidimensional space of community composition"(source) and were proposed as a general stratifier for the human population. Later studies that applied this concept to other datasets raised concerns about the optimum number of clusters and robustness of the clustering approach. This heralded a long standing debate about the existence of structure and the best ways to determine and capture it. Here, we reconsider the concept of enterotypes, in the context of the vastly increased amounts of available data. We propose a refined framework in which the different types should be thought of as weak attractors in compositional space and we try to implement an approach to determining which attractor a sample is closest to. To this end, we train a classifier on a reference dataset to assign membership to new samples. This way, enterotypes assignment is no longer dataset dependent and effects due to biased sampling are minimized. Using a model in which we assume the existence of three enterotypes characterized by the same driver genera, as originally postulated, we show the relevance of this stratification and propose it to be used in a clinical setting as a potential marker for disease development. Moreover, we believe that these attractors underline different rules of community assembly and we recommend they be accounted for when analyzing gut microbiome samples. While enterotypes describe structure in the community at genus level, metagenomic sequencing can in principle achieve single-nucleotide resolution, allowing us to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and other genomic variants in the gut microbiome. Analysis methodology for this level of resolution has only recently been developed and little exploration has been done to date. Assessing SNPs in a large, multinational cohort, we discovered that the landscape of genomic variation seems highly structured even beyond species resolution, indicating that clearly distinguishable subspecies are prevalent among gut microbes. In several cases, these subspecies exhibit geo-stratification, with some subspecies only found in the Chinese population. Generally however, they present only minor dispersion limitations and are seen across most of our study populations. Within one individual, one subspecies is commonly found to dominate and only rarely are several subspecies observed to co-occur in the same ecosystem. Analysis of longitudinal data indicates that the dominant subspecies remains stable over periods of more than three years. When interrogating their functional properties we find many differences, with specific ones appearing relevant to the host. For example, we identify a subspecies of E. rectale that is lacking the flagellum operon and find its presence to be significantly associated with lower body mass index and lower insulin resistance of their hosts; it also correlates with higher microbial community diversity. These associations could not be seen at the species level (where multiple subspecies are convoluted), which illustrates the importance of this increased resolution for a more comprehensive understanding of microbial interactions within the microbiome and with the host. Taken together, our results provide a rigorous basis for performing comparative metagenomics of the human gut, encompassing recommendations for both experimental sample processing and computational analysis. We furthermore refine the concept of community stratification into enterotypes, develop a reference-based approach for enterotype assignment and provide compelling evidence for their relevance. Lastly, by harnessing the full resolution of metagenomics, we discover a highly structured genomic variation landscape below the microbial species level and identify common subspecies of the human gut microbiome. By developing these high-precision metagenomics analysis tools, we thus hope to contribute to a greatly improved understanding of the properties and dynamics of the human gut microbiome.}, subject = {Mensch}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Cook2012, author = {Cook, Vanessa Janine}, title = {Protection of healthy tissues from infection with systemically administered vaccinia virus strains}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69654}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Oncolytic virotherapy using recombinant vaccinia virus strains is a promising approach for the treatment of cancer. To further improve the safety of oncolytic vaccinia viruses, the cellular microRNA machinery can be applied as the host's own security mechanism to avoid unwanted viral replication in healthy tissues. MicroRNAs are a class of small single-stranded RNAs which due to their ability to mediate post-transcriptional gene-silencing, play a crucial role in almost every regulatory process in cellular metabolism. Different cancers display unique microRNA expression patterns, showing significant up- or downregulation of endogenously expressed microRNAs. Furthermore, the behavior of cancer cells can be altered by either adding microRNAs known to inhibit cancer cell spread and proliferation or suppressing cancer promoting microRNAs (oncomirs) making microRNAs promising targets for cancer gene therapy. The cell's own RNAi machinery can also be utilized to control viral replication due to the virus dependence on the host cell replication machinery, a process controlled by microRNAs. GLV-1h68 is a replication-competent recombinant oncolytic vaccinia virus constructed and generated by Genelux Corp., San Diego, CA, USA which carries insertions of three reporter gene cassettes for detection and attenuation purposes and is currently being evaluated for cancer treatment in clinical trials. Though there are hardly any side effects found in GLV-1h68 mediated oncolytic therapy an increased tropism for replication exclusively in cancer cells is desirable. Therefore it was investigated whether or not further cancer cell specificity of a recombinant vaccinia virus strain could be obtained without compromising its oncolytic activity using microRNA interference. Let-7a is a well characterized microRNA known to be expressed in high levels in healthy tissues and strongly downregulated in most cancers. To control vaccinia virus replication rates, four copies of the mature human microRNA let-7a target sequence were cloned behind the stop codon in the 3'end of the vaccinia virus D4R gene, using a GLV-1h68 derivative, GLV-1h190, as parental strain yielding the new recombinant virus strain GLV-1h250. The D4R gene belongs to the group of early transcribed vaccinia genes and encodes an essential enzyme, uracil DNA glycosylase, which catalyzes the removal of uracil residues from double-stranded DNA. A defect in D4R prevents vaccinia virus from entering into the intermediate and late phase of replication, leading to an aborted virus replication. After expression of the microRNA target sequence from the vaccinia virus genome, the endogenously expressed microRNA-let-7a should recognize its target structure within the viral mRNA transcript, thereby binding and degrading the viral mRNA which should lead to a strong inhibition of the virus replication in healthy cells. GLV-1h250 replication rates in cancerous A549 lung adenocarcinoma cells, which show a strong down-regulation of microRNA let-7a, was comparable to the replication rates of its parental strain GLV-1h190 and the control strain GLV-1h68. In contrast, GLV-1h250 displayed a 10-fold decrease in viral replication in non-cancerous ERC cells when compared to GLV-1h190 and GLV-1h68. In A549 tumor bearing nude mice GLV-1h250 replicated exclusively in the tumorous tissue and resulted in efficient tumor regression without adverse effects leading to the conclusion that GLV-1h250 replicates preferentially in cancerous cells and tissues, which display low endogenous let-7a expression levels.}, subject = {Vaccinia-Virus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Cook2012, author = {Cook, Mandy}, title = {The neurodegenerative Drosophila melanogaster AMPK mutant loechrig}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72027}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {In dieser Doktorarbeit wird die Drosophila Mutante loechrig (loe), die progressive Degeneration des Nervensystems aufweist, weiter beschrieben. In der loe Mutante fehlt eine neuronale Isoform der γ- Untereinheit der Proteinkinase AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase). Die heterotrimere AMPK (auch als SNF4Aγ bekannt) kontrolliert das Energieniveau der Zelle, was st{\"a}ndiges Beobachten des ATP/AMP- Verh{\"a}ltnis erfordert. AMPK wird durch niedrige Energiekonzentrationen und Beeintr{\"a}chtigungen im Metabolismus, wie zum Beispiel Sauerstoffmangel, aktiviert und reguliert mehrere wichtige Signaltransduktionswege, die den Zellmetabolismus kontrollieren. Jedoch ist die Rolle von AMPK im neuronalen {\"U}berleben noch unklar. Eines der Proteine, dass von AMPK reguliert wird, ist HMGR (hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA- reductase), ein Schl{\"u}sselenzym in der Cholesterin- und Isoprenoidsynthese. Es wurde gezeigt, dass wenn die Konzentration von HMGR manipuliert wird, auch der Schweregrad des neurodegenerativen Ph{\"a}notyps in loe beeinflusst wird. Obwohl die regulatorische Rolle von AMPK auf HMGR in Drosophila konserviert ist, k{\"o}nnen Insekten Cholesterin nicht de novo synthetisieren. Dennoch ist der Syntheseweg von Isoprenoiden zwischen Vertebraten und Insekten evolution{\"a}r konserviert. Isoprenylierung von Proteinen, wie zum Beispiel von kleinen G-Proteinen, stellt den Proteinen einen hydophobischen Anker bereit, mit denen sie sich an die Zellmembran binden k{\"o}nnen, was in anschließender Aktivierung resultieren kann. In dieser Doktorarbeit wird gezeigt, dass die loe Mutation die Prenylierung von Rho1 und den LIM-Kinasesignalweg beeinflusst, was eine wichtige Rolle im Umsatz von Aktin und axonalem Auswachsen spielt. Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass die Mutation in LOE, Hyperaktivit{\"a}t des Isoprenoidsynthesewegs verursacht, was zur erh{\"o}hten Farnesylierung von Rho1 und einer dementsprechend h{\"o}heren Konzentration von Phospho- Cofilin f{\"u}hrt. Eine Mutation in Rho1 verbessert den neurodegenerativen Ph{\"a}notyp und die Lebenserwartung von loe. Der Anstieg vom inaktiven Cofilin in loe f{\"u}hrt zu einer Zunahme von filament{\"o}sen Aktin. Aktin ist am Auswachen von Neuronen beteiligt und Experimente in denen loe Neurone analysiert wurden, gaben wertvolle Einblicke in eine m{\"o}gliche Rolle die AMPK, und dementsprechend Aktin, im Neuronenwachstum spielt. Des Weiteren wurde demonstriert, dass Neurone, die von der loe Mutante stamen, einen verlangsamten axonalen Transport aufweisen, was darauf hinweist dass Ver{\"a}nderungen, die durch den Einfluss von loe auf den Rho1 Signalweg im Zytoskelettnetzwerk hervorgerufen wurden, zur St{\"o}rung des axonalen Transports und anschließenden neuronalen Tod f{\"u}hren. Es zeigte außerdem, dass Aktin nicht nur am neuronalen Auswachsen beteiligt ist, sondern auch wichtig f{\"u}r die Aufrechterhaltung von Neuronen ist. Das bedeutet, dass {\"A}nderungen der Aktindynamik zur progressiven Degeneration von Neuronen f{\"u}hren kann. Zusammenfassend unterstreichen diese Ergebnisse die wichtige Bedeutung von AMPK in den Funktionen und im {\"U}berleben von Neuronen und er{\"o}ffnen einen neuartigen funktionellen Mechanismus in dem {\"A}nderungen in AMPK neuronale Degeneration hervorrufen kann.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{ContarAdolfi2017, author = {Contar Adolfi, Mateus}, title = {Sex determination and meiosis in medaka: The role of retinoic acid}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-136335}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Sex determination (SD) is a complex and diverse developmental process that leads to the decision whether the bipotential gonad anlage will become a testis or an ovary. This mechanism is regulated by gene cascades, networks and/or chromosomal systems, and can be influenced by fluctuations of extrinsic factors like temperature, exposure to hormones and pollution. Within vertebrates, the group of fish show the widest variety of sex determination mechanism. This whole diversity of processes and mechanisms converges to the formation of two different gametes, the eggs and the sperm, the first bigger and static, and the second smaller and motile. Meiosis is crucial for the formation of both types of gametes, and the timing of meiosis entry is one of the first recognizable differences between male and female in vertebrates. The germ cells go into meiosis first in female than in male, and in mammals, this event has been shown to be regulated by retinoic acid (RA). This small polar molecule induces in the germ cells the expression of the pre-meiotic marker Stra8 (stimulated by retinoic acid gene 8), which is necessary for meiosis initiation. Interestingly, genome analyzes have shown that the majority of fish (including medaka) lack the stra8 gene, adding a question mark to the role of RA in meiosis induction in this group. Since a role of RA in entry of meiosis and sexual development of fish is still far from being understood, I investigated in medaka (Oryzias latipes) a possible signaling function of RA during the SD period in embryos and in reproductively active gonads of adults. I generated a transgenic medaka line that reports responsiveness to RA in vivo. With this tool, I compared RA responsiveness with the expression of the main gene involved in the synthesis of RA. My results show that there is a de-correlation between the action of RA with its source. In adults, expression of the RA metabolizing enzymes show sexually dimorphic RA levels, with aldh1a2 levels being higher in testis, and cyp26a1 stronger in female gonad. In ovary, the responsiveness is restricted to the early meiotic oocytes. In testis, RA is acting directly in the pre-meiotic cells, but also in Sertoli and Leydig cells. Treatment experiments on testis organ culture showed that RA pathway activation leads to a decrease in meiosis markers expression levels. During the development, RA responsiveness in the germ cells was observed in both sexes much earlier than the first female meiosis entry. Treatments with RA-synthesis inhibitor show a decrease in meiosis markers expression levels only after the sex differentiation period in female. Expression analyzes of embryos treated with exogenous RA showed induction of dmrt1a at the gonad levels and an increase of amh levels. Both genes are not only involved in male formation, but also in the regulation of germ cell proliferation and differentiation. RA is important in meiosis induction and gametogenesis in adult medaka. However, there is no evidence for a similar role of RA in initiating the first meiosis in female germ cells at the SD stage. Moreover, contrary to common expectation, RA seems to induce sex related genes that are involved indirectly in meiosis inhibition. In this thesis, I showed for the first time that RA can be involved in both induction and inhibition of meiosis entry, depending on the sex and the developmental stage in a stra8-independent model organism.}, subject = {Japank{\"a}rpfling}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Classen2014, author = {Claßen, Alice}, title = {Diversity, traits and ecosystem services of pollinators along climate and land use gradients on Mount Kilimanjaro}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-101292}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Since more than two centuries naturalists are fascinated by the profound changes in biodiversity observed along climatic gradients. Although the theories explaining changes in the diversity and the shape of organisms along climatic gradients belong to the foundations of modern ecology, our picture on the spatial patterns and drivers of biodiversity is far from being complete. Ambiguities in theory and data are common and past work has been strongly concentrated on plants and vertebrates. In the last two decades, interest in the fundamental processes structuring diversity along climatic gradients gained new impetus as they are expected to improve our understanding about how ecosystems will respond to global environmental changes. Global temperatures are rising faster than ever before; natural habitats are transformed into agricultural land and existing land use systems get more and more intensified to meet the demands of growing human populations. The fundamental shifts in the abiotic and biotic environment are proclaimed to affect ecosystems all over the world; however, precise predictions about how ecosystems respond to global changes are still lacking. We investigated diversity, traits and ecosystem services of wild bees along climate and land use gradients on Mount Kilimanjaro (Tanzania, East Africa). Wild bees play a major role in ecosystems, as they contribute to the reproduction and performance of wild and crop plants. Their responsiveness to environmental changes is therefore of high ecological and economic importance. Temperature and energy resources have often been suggested to be the main determinants of global and local species richness, but the mechanisms behind remain poorly understood. In the study described in chapter II we analyzed species richness patterns of wild bees along climate and land use gradients on Mount Kilimanjaro and disentangled the factors explaining most of the changes in bee richness. We found that floral resources had a weak but significant effect on pollinator abundance, which in turn was positively related to species richness. However, temperature was the strongest predictor of species richness, affecting species richness both directly and indirectly by positively influencing bee abundances. We observed higher levels of bee-flower-interactions at higher temperatures, independently of flower and bee abundances. This suggests that temperature restricts species richness by constraining the exploitation of resources by ectotherms. Current land use did not negatively affect species richness. We conclude that the richness of bees is explained by both temperature and resource availability, whereas temperature plays the dominant role as it limits the access of ectotherms to floral resources and may accelerate ecological and evolutionary processes that drive the maintenance and origination of diversity. Not only species numbers, but also morphological traits like body size are expected to be shaped by both physiological and energetic constraints along elevational gradients. Paradoxically, Bergmann´s rule predicts increases of body sizes in cooler climates resulting from physiological constraints, while species-energy theory suggests declines in the mean body size of species caused by increased extinction probabilities for large-bodied species in low-energy habitats. In chapter III we confronted this ambiguity with field data by studying community-wide body size variation of wild bees on Mt. Kilimanjaro. We found that along a 3680 m elevational gradient bee individuals became on average larger within species, while large species were increasingly absent from high-elevational communities. This demonstrates, on the one hand, how well-established, but apparently contrasting ecological theories can be merged through the parallel consideration of different levels of biological organization. On the other hand it signals that the extinction risk in the course of environmental change is not equally distributed among species within a community. Land use intensification is known to threaten biodiversity, but the consequences for ecosystem services are still a matter of debate. In chapter IV, we experimentally tested the single and combined contributions of pest predators and pollinators to coffee production along a land use intensification gradient on Mount Kilimanjaro. We found that pest predation increased fruit set by on average 9\%, while pollination increased fruit weight of coffee by on average 7.4\%. Land use had no significant effect on both ecosystem services. However, we found that in coffee plantations with most intensified land use, pollination services were virtually exclusively provided by the honey bee (Apis mellifera). The reliance on a single pollinator species is risky, as possible declines of that species may directly lower pollination services, resulting in yield losses. In contrast, pollination services in structurally complex homegardens were found to be provided by a diverse pollinator community, increasing the stability of pollination services in a long term. We showed that on Mount Kilimanjaro pollinator communities changed along elevational gradients in terms of species richness (chapter II) and trait composition (chapter III). Temperature and the temperature-mediated accessibility of resources were identified as important predictors of these patterns, which contributes to our fundamental understanding about the factors that shape ectothermic insect communities along climatic gradients. The strong temperature-dependence of pollinators suggests that temperature shifts in the course of global change are likely to affect pollinator communities. Pollinators might either profit from rising temperatures, or shift to higher elevations, which could result in related biotic attrition in the lowland with consequences for the provision of ecosystem services in cropping systems. Up to now, land use intensification had no significant impact on the diversity of pollinator communities and their ecosystem services. Pollinators might profit from the strong landscape heterogeneity in the region and from the amount of flower resources in the understory of cropping systems. However,progressing homogenization of the landscape and the pronounced application of pesticides could result in reduced diversity and dominance of single species, as we already found in sun coffee plantations. Such shifts in community compositions could threaten the stability of ecosystem services within cropping and natural systems in a long term.}, subject = {Kilimandscharo}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Classen2021, author = {Claßen, Alexandra}, title = {The ERK-cascade in the pathophysiology of cardiac hypertrophy}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22966}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-229664}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {ERK1/2 are known key players in the pathophysiology of heart failure, but the members of the ERK cascade, in particular Raf1, can also protect the heart from cell death and ischemic injury. An additional autophosphorylation (ERK1 at Thr208, ERK2 at Thr188) empowers ERK1/2 translocation to the nucleus and phosphorylation of nuclear targets which take part in the development of cardiac hypertrophy. Thereby, targeting this additional phosphorylation is a promising pharmacological approach. In this thesis, an in silico model of ERK cascade in the cardiomyocyte is introduced. The model is a semi-quantitive model and its behavior was tested with different softwares (SQUAD and CellNetAnalyzer). Different phosphorylation states of ERK1/2 as well as different stimuli can be reproduced. The different types of stimuli include hypertrophic as well as non-hypertrophic stimuli. With the introduced in-silico model time courses and synergistic as well as antagonistic receptor stimuli combinations can be predicted. The simulated time courses were experimentally validated. SQUAD was mainly used to make predictions about time courses and thresholds, whereas CNA was used to analyze steady states and feedback loops. Furthermore, new targets of ERK1/2 which partially contribute, also in the formation of cardiac hypertrophy, were identified and the most promising of them were illuminated. Important further targets are Caspase 8, GAB2, Mxi-2, SMAD2, FHL2 and SPIN90. Cardiomyocyte gene expression data sets were analyzed to verify involved components and to find further significantly altered genes after induced hypertrophy with TAC (transverse aortic constriction). Changes in the ultrastructure of the cardiomyocyte are the final result of induced hypertrophy.}, subject = {Herzhypertrophie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Claes2003, author = {Claes, Ellen}, title = {Einfluss funktionsloser Photorezeptoren auf die Anatomie der Retina - Eine licht- und elektronenmikroskopische Studie anhand der CNGA3-/-Rho-/- Maus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-8181}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Netzhauterkrankungen, wie Retinitis pigmentosa, sind in der Bev{\"o}lkerung weit verbreitet (1,5 Millionen weltweit). Gew{\"o}hnlich berichten die Betroffenen {\"u}ber Nachtblindheit und periphere Gesichtsfeldausf{\"a}lle. H{\"a}ufig f{\"u}hrt diese Erkrankung, die durch eine fortschreitende Degeneration von Photorezeptoren verursacht wird, zur vollst{\"a}ndigen Erblindung. Bisher beschrieb man den pathologischen Prozess vor allem an rd-M{\"a}usen. Allerdings setzt bei diesen die Degeneration sehr fr{\"u}h ein. Somit ist die {\"U}bertragbarkeit auf den Menschen erschwert, da abgesehen von wenigen Ausnahmen, der Verlust von Photorezeptoren hier erst im zweiten Lebensabschnitt beginnt. Deshalb war es interessant, im Rahmen dieser Arbeit anhand der CNGA3-/-Rho-/- Maus ein Modell zu untersuchen, das {\"a}hnlich dem menschlichen System, zun{\"a}chst eine intakte Morphologie zeigt. Dadurch war es m{\"o}glich eine genaue zeitliche Abfolge der Degeneration zu dokumentieren. Dies kann medizinisch zur Entwicklung eines Therapieansatzes genutzt werden, der bereits zu Beginn der Degeneration greift, und damit den fortlaufenden Prozess zum Stillstand bringen kann. Die CNGA3-/-Rho-/- Maus repr{\"a}sentiert ein System funktionsloser Photorezeptoren, bei dem der zyklische Nukleotid-Kanal (CNGA3) der Zapfenaußensegmente und das Rhodopsin (Rho) der St{\"a}bchenaußensegmente ausgeschaltet wurde. Best{\"a}tigt wurde dies durch ein Elektroretinogramm mit einer negativen Photoantwort bez{\"u}glich Zapfen und St{\"a}bchen. Die Degeneration f{\"u}hrt zu einem vollst{\"a}ndigen Verlust aller Photorezeptoren nach drei Monaten (Pm3). Zum Zeitpunkt Pw4 konnte, vergleichbar dem Wildtyp, eine intakte {\"a}ußere Retina nachgewiesen werden, bei der lediglich die {\"a}ußeren St{\"a}bchensegmente fehlen. Die synaptischen Kontakte zwischen den Terminalien der Photorezeptoren, der Horizontalzellen und Bipolarzelldendriten waren normal entwickelt und St{\"a}bchenendigungen als auch Zapfenendf{\"u}ßchen bildeten funktionelle Triaden aus. Bei den St{\"a}bchenendigungen konnte mit zunehmender Degeneration (Pw5, Pw6) eine Akkumulation synaptischer B{\"a}nder und postsynaptischer Elemente beobachtet werden. Im Zeitraum Pw4-7 zeigten sowohl die Zapfen, als auch die Horizontalzellen und St{\"a}bchen-Bipolarzellen, eine bemerkenswerte strukturelle Plastizit{\"a}t. Obwohl durch die Photorezeptoren kein Lichtsignal vermittelt wurde, konnten pr{\"a}synaptische Marker (bassoon) und postsynaptische Glutamatrezeptoren (GluR1, mGluR6) an den Photorezeptorterminalien nachgewiesen werden. Dies l{\"a}sst die Vermutung zu, dass eine Transmitterfreisetzung theoretisch m{\"o}glich w{\"a}re. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus konnte im Zeitraum von 12 Monaten keine nennenswerte Auswirkung auf die IPL beobachtet werden: Amakrin- und Zapfen-Bipolarzellen waren normal stratifiziert und die Expression der Transmitter-Rezeptoren zeigte ein charakteristisches Verteilungsmuster. Außerdem war die Ultrastruktur von konventionellen und Bandsynapsen der des Wildtyps vergleichbar. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus bildeten sowohl Amakrinzellen, als auch Bipolar- und Ganglienzellen, Forts{\"a}tze in die INL hinein. Allgemein zeigt die immunhistochemisch und ultrastrukturell untersuchte CNGA3-/-Rho-/- Maus, dass weder funktionell aktive Photorezeptoren noch Licht eine stimulierende Wirkung auf die Ausbildung synaptischer Strukturen und die Expression verschiedener Rezeptoren haben.}, subject = {Netzhaut}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Cicova2016, author = {Cicova, Zdenka}, title = {Characterization of a novel putative factor involved in host adaptation in Trypanosoma brucei}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-142462}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Trypanosomes are masters of adaptation to different host environments during their complex life cycle. Large-scale proteomic approaches provide information on changes at the cellular level in a systematic way. However, a detailed work on single components is necessary to understand the adaptation mechanisms on a molecular level. Here we have performed a detailed characterization of a bloodstream form (BSF) stage-specific putative flagellar host adaptation factor (Tb927.11.2400) identified previously in a SILAC-based comparative proteome study. Tb927.11.2400 shares 38\% amino acid identity with TbFlabarin (Tb927.11.2410), a procyclic form (PCF) stage specific flagellar BAR domain protein. We named Tb927.11.2400 TbFlabarin like (TbFlabarinL) and demonstrate that it is a result of a gene duplication event, which occurred in African trypanosomes. TbFlabarinL is not essential for growth of the parasites under cell culture conditions and it is dispensable for developmental differentiation from BSF to the PCF in vitro. We generated a TbFlabarinL-specific antibody and showed that it localizes in the flagellum. The co-immunoprecipitation experiment together with a biochemical cell fractionation indicated a dual association of TbFlabarinL with the flagellar membrane and the components of the paraflagellar rod.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Christensen2003, author = {Christensen, Morten Overby}, title = {Dynamics of human DNA Topoisomerases I and II}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-4927}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {The first goal of this study was to develop cell lines with a stable expression of bio-fluorescent topo II and topo I. This was successfully achieved using a bicistronic vector system. Control experiments showed that proteins of expected size were expressed, and that GFP-tagged topos I, IIa, and IIb were active in the cells and fully integrated in the endogenous pools of the enzymes. These cell-lines provided a novel tool for investigating the cell biology of human DNA topoisomerases. Our most important finding was, that both types of mammalian topoisomerases are entirely mobile proteins that are in continuous and rapid flux between all compartments of the nucleus and between the cytososl and the chromosomes of mitotic cells. This was particularly surprising with regard to topo II, which is considered to be a structural component of the nuclear matrix and the chromosome scaffold. We must conclude that if this was the case, then these architectural structures appear to be much more dynamic than believed until now. In this context it should also be mentioned, that the alignment of topo II with the central axes of the chromosome arms, which has until now been considered a hall-mark of the enzyme's association with the chromosomal scaffold, is not seen in vivo and can be demonstrated to be to some extent an artefact of immunohistochemistry. Furthermore, we show that the two isoforms of topo II (a and b) have a different localisation during mitotic cell division, supporting the general concept that topo II functions at mitosis are exclusively assigned to the a-form, whereas at interphase the two isoenzymes work in concert. Despite unrestricted mobility within the entire nuclear space, topoisomerases I and II impose as mostly nucleolar proteins. We show that this is due to the fact that in the nucleoli they are moving slower than in the nucleoplasm. The decreased nucleolar mobility cannot be due to DNA-interactions, because compounds that fix topoisomerases to the DNA deplete them from the nucleoli. Interestingly, the subnucleolar distribution of topoisomerases I and II was complementary. The type II enzyme filled the entire nucleolar space, but excluded the fibrial centers, whereas topo I accumulated at the fibrial centers, an allocation directed by the enzyme's N-terminus. During mitosis, it also mediates association with the nucleolar organising regions of the acrocentric chromosomes. Thus, topo I stays associated with the rDNA during the entire cell-cycle and consistently colocalizes there with RNA-polymerase I. Finally, we show that certain cancer drugs believed to act by stabilising covalent catalytic DNA-intermediates of topoisomerases, do indeed immobilize the enzymes in living cells. Interestingly, these drugs do not target topoisomerases in the nucleoli but only in the nucleoplasm.}, subject = {Mensch}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Chen2012, author = {Chen, Yi-chun}, title = {Experimental access to the content of an olfactory memory trace in larval Drosophila}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-83705}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Animals need to evaluate their experiences in order to cope with new situations they encounter. This requires the ability of learning and memory. Drosophila melanogaster lends itself as an animal model for such research because elaborate genetic techniques are available. Drosphila larva even saves cellular redundancy in parts of its nervous system. My Thesis has two parts dealing with associative olfactory learning in larval Drosophila. Firstly, I tackle the question of odour processing in respect to odour quality and intensity. Secondly, by focusing on the evolutionarily conserved presynaptic protein Synapsin, olfactory learning on the cellular and molecular level is investigated. Part I.1. provides a behaviour-based estimate of odour similarity in larval Drosophila by using four recognition-type experiments to result in a combined, task-independent estimate of perceived difference between odour-pairs. A further comparison of these combined perceived differences to published calculations of physico-chemical difference reveals a weak correlation between perceptual and physico-chemical similarity. Part I.2. focuses on how odour intensity is interpreted in the process of olfactory learning in larval Drosophila. First, the dose-effect curves of learnability across odour intensities are described in order to choose odour intensities such that larvae are trained at intermediate odour intensity, but tested for retention either with that trained intermediate odour intensity, or with respectively HIGHer or LOWer intensities. A specificity of retention for the trained intensity is observed for all the odours used. Such intensity specificity of learning adds to appreciate the richness in 'content' of olfactory memory traces, and to define the demands on computational models of associative olfactory memory trace formation. In part II.1. of the thesis, the cellular site and molecular mode of Synapsin function is investigated- an evolutionarily conserved, presynaptic vesicular phosphoprotein. On the cellular level, the study shows a Synapsin-dependent memory trace in the mushroom bodies, a third-order "cortical" brain region of the insects; on the molecular level, Synapsin engages as a downstream element of the AC-cAMP-PKA signalling cascade.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Chen2018, author = {Chen, Jiangtian}, title = {Functions of allatostatin A (AstA) and myoinhibitory peptides (MIPs) in the regulation of food intake and sleep in Drosophila}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-156838}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Neuropeptides and peptide hormones carrying neural or physiological information are intercellular signalling substances. They control most if not all biological processes in vertebrates and invertebrates by acting on specific receptors on the target cell. In mammals, many different neuropeptides and peptide hormones are involved in the regulation of feeding and sleep. In \textit{Drosophila}, allatostatin A (AstA) and myoinhibitory peptides (MIPs) are brain-gut peptides. The AstA receptors are homologues of the mammalian galanin receptors and the amino acid sequences of MIPs are similar to a part of galanin, which has an orexigenic effect and is implicated in the control of sleep behaviour in mammals. I am interested in dissecting pleiotropic functions of AstA and MIPs in the regulation of food intake and sleep in \textit{Drosophila}. \par In the first part of the dissertation the roles of brain-gut peptide allatostatin A are analysed. Due to the genetic and molecular tools available, the fruit fly \textit{Drosophila melanogaster} is chosen to investigate functions of AstA. The aims in this part are to identify pleiotropic functions of AstA and assign specific effects to the activity of certain subsets of AstA expressing cells in \textit{Drosophila} adults. A new and restricted \textit{AstA\textsuperscript{34}-Gal4} line was generated. The confocal imaging result showed that AstA neurons are located in the posterior lateral protocerebrum (PLP), the gnathal ganglia (GNG), the medullae, and thoracic-abdominal ganglion (TAG). AstA producing DLAa neurons in the TAG innervate hindgut and the poterior part of midgut. In addition, AstA are detected in the enteroendocrine cells (EECs).\par Thermogenetic activation and neurogenetic silencing tools with the aid of the \textit{UAS/Gal4} system were employed to manipulate the activity of all or individual subsets of AstA cells and investigate the effects on food intake, locomotor activity and sleep. Our experimental results showed that thermogenetic activation of two pairs of PLP neurons and/or AstA expressing EECs reduced food intake, which can be traced to AstA signalling by using \textit{AstA} mutants. In the locomotor activity, thermogenetic activation of two pairs of PLP neurons and/or AstA expressing EECs resulted in strongly inhibited locomotor activity and promoted sleep without sexual difference, which was most apparent during the morning and evening activity peaks. The experimental and control flies were not impaired in climbing ability. In contrast, conditional silencing of the PLP neurons and/or AstA expressing EECs reduced sleep specifically in the siesta. The arousal experiment was employed to test for the sleep intensity. Thermogenetically activated flies walked significantly slower and a shorter distance than controls for all arousal stimulus intensities. Furthermore, PDF receptor was detected in the PLP neurons and the PLP neurons reacted with an intracellular increase of cAMP upon PDF, only when PDF receptor was present. Constitutive activation of AstA cells by tethered PDF increased sleep and thermogenetic activation of the PDF producing sLNvs promoted sleep specifically in the morning and evening. \par The study shows that the PLP neurons and/or EECs vis AstA signalling subserve an anorexigenic and sleep-regulating function in \textit{Drosophila}. The PLP neurons arborise in the posterior superior protocerebrum, where the sleep relevant dopaminergic neurons are located, and EECs extend themselves to reach the gut lumen. Thus, the PLP neurons are well positioned to regulate sleep and EECs potentially modulate feeding and possibly locomotor activity and sleep during sending the nutritional information from the gut to the brain. The results of imaging, activation of the PDF signalling pathway by tethered PDF and thermoactivation of PDF expressing sLNvs suggest that the PLP neurons are modulated by PDF from sLNv clock neurons and AstA in PLP neurons is the downstream target of the central clock to modulate locomotor activity and sleep. AstA receptors are homologues of galanin receptors and both of them are involved in the regulation of feeding and sleep, which appears to be conserved in evolutionary aspect.\par In the second part of the dissertation, I analysed the role of myoinhibitory peptides. MIPs are brain-gut peptides in insects and polychaeta. Also in \textit{Drosophila}, MIPs are expressed in the CNS and EECs in the gut. Previous studies have demonstrated the functions of MIPs in the regulation of food intake, gut motility and ecdysis in moths and crickets. Yet, the functions of MIPs in the fruit fly are little known. To dissect effects of MIPs regarding feeding, locomotor activity and sleep in \textit{Drosophila melanogater}, I manipulated the activity of MIP\textsuperscript{W{\"U}} cells by using newly generated \textit{Mip\textsuperscript{W{\"U}}-Gal4} lines. Thermogenetical activation or genetical silencing of MIP\textsuperscript{W{\"U}} celles did not affect feeding behaviour and resulted in changes in the sleep status. \par My results are in contradiction to a recent research of Min Soohong and colleagues who demonstrated a role of MIPs in the regulation of food intake and body weight in \textit{Drosophila}. They showed that constitutive silencing of MIP\textsuperscript{KR} cells increased food intake and body weight, whereas thermogenetic activation of MIP\textsuperscript{KR} cells decreased food intake and body weight by using \textit{Mip\textsuperscript{KR}-Gal4} driver. Then I repeated the experiments with the \textit{Mip\textsuperscript{KR}-Gal4} driver, but could not reproduce the results. Interestingly, I just observed the opposite phenotype. When MIP\textsuperscript{KR} cells were silenced by expressing UAS-tetanus toxin (\textit{UAS-TNT}), the \textit{Mip\textsuperscript{KR}\$>\$TNT} flies showed reduced food intake. The thermogenetic activation of MIP\textsuperscript{KR} cells did not affect food intake. Furthermore, I observed that the thermogenetic activation of MIP\textsuperscript{KR} cells strongly reduced the sleep duration.\par In the third part of the dissertation, I adapted and improved a method for metabolic labelling for \textit{Drosophila} peptides to quantify the relative amount of peptides and the released peptides by mass spectrometry under different physiological and behavioural conditions. qRT-PCR is a practical technique to measure the transcription and the corresponding mRNA level of a given peptide. However, this is not the only way to measure the translation and production of peptides. Although the amount of peptides can be quantified by mass spectrometry, it is not possible to distinguish between peptides stored in vesicles and released peptides in CNS extracts. I construct an approach to assess the released peptides, which can be calculated by comparing the relative amount of peptides between two timepoints in combination with the mRNA levels which can be used as semiquantitative proxy reflecting the production of peptides during this period. \par After optimizing the protocol for metabolic labelling, I carried out a quantitative analysis of peptides before and after eclosion as a test. I was able to show that the EH- and SIFa-related peptides were strongly reduced after eclosion. This is in line with the known function and release of EH during eclosion. Since this test was positive, I next used the metabolic labelling in \textit{Drosophila} adult, which were either fed \textit{ad libitum} or starved for 24 hrs, and analysed the effects on the amount of AstA and MIPs. In the mRNA level, my results showed that in the brain \textit{AstA} mRNA level in the 24 hrs starved flies was increased compared to in the \textit{ad libitum} fed flies, whereas in the gut the \textit{AstA} mRNA level was decreased. Starvation induced the reduction of \textit{Mip} mRNA level in the brain and gut. Unfortunately, due to technical problems I was unable to analyse the metabolic labelled peptides during the course of this thesis.\par}, subject = {AstA}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Chan2002, author = {Chan, Gordon}, title = {The Role of Vav-1, Vav-2 and Lsc in NK T cell development and NK cell cytotoxicity}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-3645}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {The hematopoietic-specific Rho-family GTP exchange factor (GEF) Vav-1 is a regulator of lymphocyte antigen receptor signaling and mediates normal maturation and activation of B and T cells. Recent findings suggest that Vav-1 also forms part of signaling pathways required for natural and antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) of human NK cells. In this study, I show that Vav-1 is also expressed in murine NK cells. Vav-1-/- mice had normal numbers of splenic NK cells, and these displayed a similar expression profile of NK cell receptors as cells from wild type mice. Unexpectedly, IL-2-activated Vav-1-/- NK cells retained normal ADCC. Fc-receptor mediated activation of ERK, JNK, and p38 was also normal. In contrast, Vav-1-/- NK cells exhibited reduced natural cytotoxicity against EL4, C4.4.25, RMA and RMA/S. Together, these results demonstrate that Vav-1 is dispensable for mainstream NK cell development, but is required for NK cell natural cytotoxicity. Vav-2, a protein homologous to Vav-1 has also been implicated in NK cell functions. However, NK cells from Vav-2-/- mice have normal cytotoxic activities and NK cells that lack both Vav-1 and Vav-2 exhibit similar defect as Vav-1-/- cells. Thus Vav-2 has no apparent function in the development and the activation of NK cells. Although NK cell development is normal in Vav-1-/- mice, their numbers of NKT cells were dramatically diminished. Furthermore, NKT cells from Vav-1 mutant mice failed to produce IL-4 and IFNg following in vivo CD3 stimulation. A similar loss of NKT cells was observed in Vav-1-/-Vav-2-/- mice, but not in Vav-2-/- mice, suggesting that only Vav-1, and not Vav-2, is an essential regulator of NKT cell development and NK cell cytotoxicity. Similar to Vav-1, Lsc is a Rho GEF that is expressed specifically in the hematopoietic system. It contains a regulator of G-protein signaling (RGS) domain which negatively regulates the Ga12 and Ga13 subunits of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). This study shows that NK and NKT cell development are normal in Lsc-/- mice. However, NK cells from mutant mice display enhanced cytotoxic responses towards a panel of tumor cells. These data implicate for the first time a RGS-containing Rho GEF in cytotoxic responses and suggest that Lsc down-modulate NK cell activation.}, subject = {Maus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Chaidir2002, author = {Chaidir,}, title = {Insektizide Rocaglamid-Derivate und Verwandte Verbindungen aus Aglaia-Arten (Meliaceae)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-647}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Auf der Suche nach neuen biologisch aktiven Naturstoffe aus der Gattung Aglaia(Meliaceae) wurde die insektizide Wirkung von Methanol-Extrakten verschiedener Aglaia-Arten gegen{\"u}ber frisch geschl{\"u}pften Raupen des Schadinsektes Spodoptera littoralis (Noctuidae) untersucht. Die getesteten Proben stammen aus Vietnam und S{\"u}dchina. Aus den in diesem Bioscreening aufgefallenen Extrakten wurden mit Hilfe von durch Biotests begleiteter Fraktionierung sowie parallel durchgef{\"u}hrten chemisch-physikalischen Analysen insgesamt 29 Naturstoffe isoliert und charakterisiert. Darunter befinden sich sechs bisher nicht beschriebene Benzofurane (Rocaglamide), zwei Benzopyrane (je ein Aglain und ein Aglaforbesin), zwei Benzoxepine (Forbagline) sowie ein Zimts{\"a}ure-Putrescin-Bisamid. Die Strukturaufkl{\"a}rung erfolgte vor allem durch NMR-Spektroskopie (darunter 2D-Experimente wie H-H-COSY, HMQC, HMBC und ROESY) sowie durch Massenspektrometrie. Die Untersuchungen zur Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehung ergaben f{\"u}r die Rocaglamide V, Z und AA eine starke insektizide Aktivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber Raupen von S. littoralis mit LC50- und EC50-Werten von 2.0 bis 6.6 ppm bzw. 0.1 bis 1.0 ppm, w{\"a}hrend die Rocaglamide X und Y {\"u}berraschenderweise keine Aktivit{\"a}t zeigten. Letztere stellen bisher die ersten Beispiele f{\"u}r biologisch inaktive Rocaglamid-Derivate {\"u}berhaupt dar. Dieser Befund weist darauf hin, daß f{\"u}r die insektizide Aktivit{\"a}t dieser Verbindungs-Klasse der Hydroxyl-Substituent am C-8b neben dem Benzofuran-Grundk{\"o}rper eine entscheidende Rolle spielt, da eine Alkoxylierung an C-8b zum vollst{\"a}ndigen Verlust der Aktivit{\"a}t f{\"u}hrt. In einem Screening mit drei verschiedenen basalen Medien, die mit unterschiedlichen Phytohormonen und organischen Zus{\"a}tzen versetzt worden waren, erwies sich das RW-(Risser und White) Medium mit 1 mg/l 2.4-D, 0.2 mg/l BAP, 0.1 g/l Ascorbins{\"a}ure und 0.5 g/l Caseinhydrolysat als geeignetstes Kulturmedium zur Kalusbildung bei Aglaia-Arten. Die Vorversuche zeigten dar{\"u}ber hinaus deutlich, daß Kalluskulturen von Aglaia elliptica in der Lage sind, relevante Inhaltsstoffe wie das Zimts{\"a}ure-Pyrrolidin-Bisamid- Derivat zu bilden.}, subject = {Aglaia}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Chaianunporn2012, author = {Chaianunporn, Thotsapol}, title = {Evolution of dispersal and specialization in systems of interacting species}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-76779}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {A metacommunity approach will be a useful framework to assess and predict changes in biodiversity in spatially structured landscapes and changing environments. However, the relationship between two core elements of metacommunity dynamics, dispersal and species interaction are not well understood. Most theoretical studies on dispersal evolution assume that target species are in isolation and do not interact with other species although the species interactions and community structure should have strong interdependence with dispersal. On the one hand, a species interaction can change the cost and benefit structure of dispersing in relation to non-dispersing individuals. On the other hand, with dispersal, an individual can follow respectively avoid species partners. Moreover, it is also important to explore the interdependence between dispersal and species interaction with spatial and temporal heterogeneity of environment because it would allow us to gain more understanding about responses of community to disturbances such as habitat destruction or global climate change, and this aspect is up to now not well-studied. In this thesis, I focus on the interactive and evolutionary feedback effects between dispersal and various types of interspecific interactions in different environmental settings. More specifically, I contrast dispersal evolution in scenarios with different types of interactions (chapter 2), explore the concurrent evolution of dispersal and habitat niche width (specialization) in spatial heterogeneous landscape (chapter 3) and consider (potential) multidimensional evolutionary responses under climate change (chapter 4). Moreover, I investigate consequences of different dispersal probability and group tolerance on group formation respectively group composition and the coexistence of 'marker types' (chapter 5). For all studies, I utilize individual-based models of single or multiple species within spatially explicit (grid-based) landscapes. In chapter 5, I also use an analytical model in addition to an individual-based model to predict phenomenon in group recognition and group formation. ...}, subject = {Tiergesellschaft}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Cecil2012, author = {Cecil, Alexander [geb. Schmid]}, title = {Metabolische Netzwerkanalysen f{\"u}r den Weg von xenobiotischen zu vertr{\"a}glichen antibiotischen Substanzen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-71866}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Durch das Auftreten neuer St{\"a}mme resistenter Krankheitserreger ist die Suche nach neuartigen Wirkstoffen gegen diese, sich st{\"a}ndig weiter ausbreitende Bedrohung, dringend notwendig. Der interdisziplin{\"a}re Sonderforschungsbereich 630 der Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg stellt sich dieser Aufgabe, indem hier neuartige Xenobiotika synthetisiert und auf ihre Wirksamkeit getestet werden. Die hier vorgelegte Dissertation f{\"u}gt sich hierbei nahtlos in die verschiedenen Fachbereiche des SFB630 ein: Sie stellt eine Schnittstelle zwischen Synthese und Analyse der Effekte der im Rahmen des SFB630 synthetisierten Isochinolinalkaloid-Derivaten. Mit den hier angewandten bioinformatischen Methoden wurden zun{\"a}chst die wichtigsten Stoffwechselwege von S. epidermidis R62A, S. aureus USA300 und menschlicher Zellen in sogenannten metabolischen Netzwerkmodellen nachgestellt. Basierend auf diesen Modellen konnten Enzymaktivit{\"a}ten f{\"u}r verschiedene Szenarien an zugesetzten Xenobiotika berechnet werden. Die hierf{\"u}r ben{\"o}tigten Daten wurden direkt aus Genexpressionsanalysen gewonnen. Die Validierung dieser Methode erfolgte durch Metabolommessungen. Hierf{\"u}r wurde S. aureus USA300 mit verschiedenen Konzentrationen von IQ-143 behandelt und gem{\"a}ß dem in dieser Dissertation vorgelegten Ernteprotokoll aufgearbeitet. Die Ergebnisse hieraus lassen darauf schließen, dass IQ-143 starke Effekte auf den Komplex 1 der Atmungskette aus{\"u}bt - diese Resultate decken sich mit denen der metabolischen Netzwerkanalyse. F{\"u}r den Wirkstoff IQ-238 ergaben sich trotz der strukturellen {\"A}hnlichkeiten zu IQ-143 deutlich verschiedene Wirkeffekte: Dieser Stoff verursacht einen direkten Abfall der Enzymaktivit{\"a}ten in der Glykolyse. Dadurch konnte eine unspezifische Toxizit{\"a}t dieser Stoffe basierend auf ihrer chemischen Struktur ausgeschlossen werden. Weiterhin konnten die bereits f{\"u}r IQ-143 und IQ-238 auf Bakterien angewandten Methoden erfolgreich zur Modellierung der Effekte von Methylenblau auf verschiedene resistente St{\"a}mme von P. falciparum 3D7 angewandt werden. Dadurch konnte gezeigt werden, dass Methylenblau in einer Kombination mit anderen Pr{\"a}paraten gegen diesen Parasiten zum einen die Wirkung des Prim{\"a}rpr{\"a}parates verst{\"a}rkt, zum anderen aber auch in gewissem Maße vorhandene Resistenzen gegen das Prim{\"a}rpr{\"a}parat zu verringern vermag. Somit konnte durch die vorgelegte Arbeit eine Pipeline zur Identifizierung der metabolischen Effekte verschiedener Wirkstoffe auf unterschiedliche Krankheitserreger erstellt werden. Diese Pipeline kann jederzeit auf andere Organismen ausgeweitet werden und stellt somit einen wichtigen Ansatz um Netzwerkeffekte verschiedener, potentieller Medikamente aufzukl{\"a}ren.}, subject = {Stoffwechsel}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{CastilloCajas2020, author = {Castillo Cajas, Ruth}, title = {Evolution and diversity of cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of cuckoo wasps}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17341}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-173418}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) abound on the surface of arthropods. In spite of their simple structure (molecules of carbon and hydrogen atoms), they provide pivotal functions in insects: their hydrophobic properties confer the insects a means to regulate water balance and avoid desiccation, whereas their diversity has enhanced their use as signals and cues in a wide range of communication and recognition processes. Although the study of CHC in insects over the past two decades has provided great insight into the wide range of functions they play, there is still a gap in understanding how they diversify and evolve. In this thesis, I have used members of the family Chrysididae to explore patterns of diversification of CHC. Most of the species of cuckoo wasps in this study are specialized parasitoids or kleptoparasites of mainly solitary hymenopteran hosts. Other hosts of the family include butterflies or stick insects. Cuckoo wasps are a particular interesting model to study the evolution of cuticular hydrocarbons because of their chemical adaptations that allow them to remain unrecognized by their hosts. Chemical insignificance (the reduction of the total amount of CHC on the cuticle) and chemical mimicry (the de novo production of CHC profiles resembling those of their female host) have been described in some representatives of the family and unpublished evidence suggests chemical deception is widespread in Chrysididae (Chapter 2). Nonetheless, to trace the evolution of any trait of interest, a reliable phylogenetic reconstruction of the family is required. Therefore, the first study of this thesis constitutes the largest and to-date most reliable phylogenetic reconstruction of the family Chrysididae, which includes representatives of 186 species of cuckoo wasps. While the results of this phylogenetic reconstruction are consistent with previous ideas on the relationships of subfamilies and tribes, it shows the existence of several non-monophyletic genera (Chapter 3). CHC are involved in intraspecific recognition, often acting as contact sex pheromones. Nevertheless, it is not yet understood to what extent CHC profiles differ between the two sexes and whether some compound classes are more prevalent in one or the other sex. So far, no comparison of CHC profiles of males and females has been done for more than a dozen of related species. In Chapter 4, I describe and compare CHC profiles of females and males of 58 species of cuckoo wasps in order to evaluate whether and to what extent CHC profiles of these species differ between the sexes. I demonstrated that CHC profiles of cuckoo wasps are frequently (more than 90\% of the species analyzed) and strongly dimorphic (both sexes of a given species tend to produce very different CHC compounds). Methyl-branched compounds tend to be more prevalent in males (especially dimethyl-branched compounds) and unsaturated compounds prevail in females. Moreover, a sex-specific pattern in the distribution of the double bond position of alkenes was evident: internal double bond positions (> 11) occur predominantly in males, whereas alkenes with the doubl{\´e} bond at position 9 were more abundant and frequent in females (Chapter4). In Chapter5, I investigated how CHC profiles of cuckoo wasps differ across species. Are CHC profiles of cuckoo wasps species-specific, enabling their use as cues for species recognition? How do CHC profiles resemble phylogenetic relatedness? In Chapter 5, I try to answer these questions by comparing CHC profiles of 59 species of cuckoo wasps. CHC profiles of cuckoo wasps are shown to be species (and sex-) specific. I show that CHC profiles are useful as a complementary tool to help delimiting taxonomically difficult sibling species. Moreover, the evaluation of CHC profiles of five commonly occurring species within a genus, showed little or no geographical variation. However, CHC profiles of closely related species may differ strongly among each other, not being useful to track the evolutionary history of species (Chapter 5). Sexual selection is generally credited for generating striking sexual dimorphism by causing changes in male traits. Most often, sexual selection has a stronger effect on males, who compete for access to and may be selected by females, thus male traits may rapidly evolve. Nevertheless, in cuckoo wasps, it appears that it is the female sex the one evolving faster changes, with females of very closely related species showing extremely divergent profiles. One plausible reason for this disparity is that natural selection acting on female's CHC profiles may be stronger than sexual selection on males (Chapter 6). Since females of cuckoo wasps are most probably engaged in an evolutionary arms race with their female hosts, CHC profiles of female cuckoo wasps are likely rapidly evolving, thus explaining part of the strong observed sexual dimorphism of CHC (Chapter 6). In fact, Chapter 7 shows evidence of a possible ongoing evolutionary arms race between five cuckoo wasps of the genus Hedychrum and their hosts. Hedychrum species parasitize either Coleoptera-hunting or Hymenoptera-hunting digger wasps. Since the coleopteran prey of the former digger wasps is naturally better protected against fungus infestation, these wasps do not embalm their prey with alkene-enriched secretions as do the Hymenoptera-hunting digger wasps. Thus, Coleoptera-hunting digger wasps can apparently diversify their profiles to escape chemical mimicry. Interestingly, only female cuckoo wasps of these hosts have started producing the same compound classes and even the same CHC compounds as those of their hosts. Male cuckoo wasps, however retain an alkene-enriched CHC profile that reflects the molecular phylogeny of the genus (Chapter 7). Whereas, a larger number of parasite-host comparisons may be needed to further conclude that an arms race between cuckoo wasps and their hosts is capable of generating sexual dimorphism of cuckoo wasps, this thesis constitutes the first effort towards this, providing a starting point for further studies. Finally, I provide some methodological tools that may help in speeding up the sometimes cumbersome process of analyzing and identifying CHC profiles. One of the most time-demanding steps in the processing of CHC data is the alignment of CHC chromatograms. This process is often done manually, because alignment programs are mostly designed for metabolomics or are just recently being developed. I analyzed CHC profiles using a combined approach with two freely available programs. I used AMDIS (Automated Mass Spectral Deconvolution and Identification System, http://chemdata.nist.gov/mass-spc/amdis/) to deconvolute and automatically identify all CHC of interest present in a chromatogram. I then developed a series of R scripts to correct for potential, unavoidable errors while processing CHC chromatograms with AMDIS. Chapter 8 explains this procedure. In the next chapter, I developed a program that helps in the identification of one commonly occurring class of hydrocarbons. The limited number of linear alkanes (only one per carbon atom) and their characteristic diagnostic ion allows a rapid and unambigous identification of these substances. In opposition, unsaturated and methyl-branched compounds are more difficult to identify, as a result of the much larger diversity of existing compounds. To identify unsaturated compounds a derivatization is necessary to determine the position of the double bond. Methyl-branched alkanes, however can be identified from the original chromatogram if their diagnostic ions are known. Nonetheless, polymethyl-branched alkanes (e.g., compounds with two or more methyl groups along the chain) are often difficult to identify, because they may appear in mixes (e.g., 3,7 diMeC27 and 3,9 diMeC27), and tables containing the diagnostic ions are not easily available. Therefore, I developed a program that creates a table with all possiblemethyl-branched compounds containing up to 4 methyl groups, and that provides their diagnostic ions and a calculated retention index. This may allow a much faster identification of the methyl-branched compound a researcher is dealing with, without having to lose time in the tedious calculations by hand. The program is able to correctly identify, or at least, greatly reduce the number of possible options for the identification of an unknown methyl-branched compound. Thus, using this tool, most methyl-branched compounds can be readily identified (Chapter 9). This thesis ends with a general discussion (Chapter 10). Overall, this work provides a comprehensive overview of the diversity of cuticular hydrocarbons of cuckoo wasps. The analyses presented here shed light on the emergence and evolution of interspecific diversity and intraspecific sexual dimorphism of CHC profiles. In addition, two technical methods have been developed that could greatly facilitate the CHC analysis of insects.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Carstensen2018, author = {Carstensen, Anne Carola}, title = {Identification of novel N-MYC interacting proteins reveals N-MYC interaction with TFIIIC}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-143658}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {N-MYC is a member of the human MYC proto-oncogene family, which comprises three transcription factors (C-, N- and L-MYC) that function in multiple biological processes. Deregulated expression of MYC proteins is linked to tumour initiation, maintenance and progression. For example, a large fraction of neuroblastoma displays high N-MYC levels due to an amplification of the N-MYC encoding gene. MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma depend on high N-MYC protein levels, which are maintained by Aurora-A kinase. Aurora-A interaction with N-MYC interferes with degradation of N-MYC via the E3 ubiquitin ligase SCFFBXW7. However, the underlying mechanism of Aurora-A-mediated stabilisation of N-MYC remains to be elucidated. To identify novel N-MYC interacting proteins, which could be involved in N-MYC stabilisation by Aurora-A, a proteomic analysis of purified N-MYC protein complexes was conducted. Since two alanine mutations in MBI of N-MYC, T58A and S62A (N-MYC mut), disable Aurora-A-mediated stabilisation of N-MYC, N-MYC protein complexes from cells expressing either N-MYC wt or mut were analysed. Proteomic analysis revealed that N-MYC interacts with two deubiquitinating enzymes, USP7 and USP11, which catalyse the removal of ubiquitin chains from target proteins, preventing recognition by the proteasome and subsequent degradation. Although N-MYC interaction with USP7 and USP11 was confirmed in subsequent immunoprecipitation experiments, neither USP7, nor USP11 was shown to be involved in the regulation of N-MYC stability. Besides USP7/11, proteomic analyses identified numerous additional N-MYC interacting proteins that were not described to interact with MYC transcription factors previously. Interestingly, many of the identified N-MYC interaction partners displayed a preference for the interaction with N-MYC wt, suggesting a MBI-dependent interaction. Among these were several proteins, which are involved in three-dimensional organisation of chromatin domains and transcriptional elongation by POL II. Not only the interaction of N-MYC with proteins functioning in elongation, such as the DSIF component SPT5 and the PAF1C components CDC73 and CTR9, was validated in immunoprecipitation experiments, but also with the POL III transcription factor TFIIIC and topoisomerases TOP2A/B. ChIP-sequencing analysis of N-MYC and TFIIIC subunit 5 (TFIIIC5) revealed a large number of joint binding sites in POL II promoters and intergenic regions, which are characterised by the presence of a specific motif that is highly similar to the CTCF motif. Additionally, N-MYC was shown to interact with the ring-shaped cohesin complex that is known to bind to CTCF motifs and to assist the insulator protein CTCF. Importantly, individual ChIP experiments demonstrated that N-MYC, TFIIIC5 and cohesin subunit RAD21 occupy joint binding sites comprising a CTCF motif. Collectively, the results indicate that N-MYC functions in two biological processes that have not been linked to MYC biology previously. Furthermore, the identification of joint binding sites of N-MYC, TFIIIC and cohesin and the confirmation of their interaction with each other suggests a novel function of MYC transcription factors in three-dimensional organisation of chromatin.}, subject = {Biologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{CardosoeCastro2012, author = {Cardoso e Castro, In{\^e}s Sofia}, title = {Epigenetic switch induced by MYC in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-76713}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) is the most frequent human lung cancer and a major cause of death due to its high rate of metastasis1. These facts emphasize the urgent need for the investigation of new targets for anti-metastatic therapy. Up to now a number of genes and gene products have been identified that positively or negatively affect the probability of established human tumor cell lines to metastasize2. Previously, together with the group of Professor Ulf Rapp, we have described the first conditional mouse model for metastasis of NSCLC and identified a gene, c-MYC, that is able to orchestrate all steps of this process. We could identify potential markers for detection of metastasis and highlighted GATA4, which is exclusively expressed during lung development, as a target for future therapeutic intervention2. However, the mechanism underlying this metastatic conversion remained to be identified, and was therefore the focus of the present work. Here, GATA4 is identified as a MYC target in the development of metastasis and epigenetic alterations at the GATA4 promoter level are shown after MYC expression in NSCLC in vivo and in vitro. Such alterations include site-specific demethylation that accompanies the displacement of the MYC-associated zinc finger protein (MAZ) from the GATA4 promoter, which leads to GATA4 expression. Histone modification analysis of the GATA4 promoter revealed a switch from repressive histone marks to active histone marks after MYC binding, which corresponds to active GATA4 expression. This work identifies a novel epigenetic mechanism by which MYC activates GATA4 leading to metastasis in NSCLC, suggesting novel potential targets for the development of anti-metastatic therapy.}, subject = {Nicht-kleinzelliges Bronchialkarzinom}, language = {en} }