@phdthesis{Gotthard2023, author = {Gotthard, Hannes}, title = {Targeting Colorectal Cancer Stem Cells with Hemibodies}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30309}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-303090}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The cancer stem cell hypothesis is a cancer development model which elicited great interest in the last decades stating that cancer heterogeneity arises from a stem cell through asymmetrical division. The Cancer Stem Cell subset is described as the only population to be tumorigenic and having the potential to renew. Conventional therapy often fails to eradicate CSC resulting in tumor relapse. Consequently, it is of great inter-est to eliminate this subset of cells to provide the best patient outcome. In the last years several approaches to target CSC were developed, one of them being immunotherapeu-tic targeting with antibodies. Since markers associated with CSC are also expressed on normal stem cells or healthy adjacent tissue in colorectal cancer, dual targeting strate-gies are preferred over targeting only a single antigen. Subsequently, the idea of dual targeting two CSC markers in parallel by a newly developed split T cell-engaging anti-body format termed as Hemibodies emerged. In a preliminary single cell RNA sequenc-ing analysis of colorectal cancer cells CD133, CD24, CD166 and CEA were identified as suitable targets for the combinatorial targeting strategy. Therefore, this study focused on trispecific and trivalent Hemibodies comprising a split binding moiety against CD3 and a binding moiety against either CD133, CD24, CD166 or CEA to overcome the occurrence of resistance and to efficiently eradicate all tumor cells including the CSC compartment. The study showed that the Hemibody combinations CD133xCD24, CD133xCD166 and CD133xCEA are able to eliminate double positive CHO cells with high efficacy while having a high specificity indicated by no killing of single antigen positive cells. A thera-peutic window ranging between one to two log levels could be achieved for all combina-tions mentioned above. The combinations CD133xCD24 and CD133xCD166 further-more proved its efficacy and specificity on established colorectal cancer cell lines. Be-sides the evaluation of specificity and efficacy the already introduced 1st generation of Hemibodies could be improved into a 2nd generation Hemibody format with increased half-life, stability and production yield. In future experiments the applicability of above-mentioned Hemibodies will be proven on patient-derived micro tumors to also include variables like tumor microenvironment and infiltration.}, subject = {Monoklonaler bispezifischer Antik{\"o}rper}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Meiser2023, author = {Meiser, Elisabeth}, title = {Single-molecule dynamics at a bottleneck: a systematic study of the narrow escape problem in a disc}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31965}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-319650}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Diffusion facilitates numerous reactions within the biological context of a cell. It is remarkable how the cost-efficient random process of Brownian motion promotes fast reactions. From the narrow escape theory, it is possible to determine the mean first passage time of such processes based on their reaction space and diffusion coefficient. The narrow escape theory of Brownian particles is characterized by a confining domain with reflective boundaries and a small reaction site. In this thesis, the mean first passage time was systematically tested in a disc as a function of the escape opening size in vitro and in silico. For the in vitro experiments, a model system of patterned supported-lipid bilayers (SLB) was established. Such a model is prepared by a combined colloid metalization approach, where a gold scaffold on glass facilitates assembly of SLB patches of distinct sizes through vesicle fusion. The model setup was evaluated and found to match all necessary requirements to test the nar- row escape problem in vitro. In particular, the reflectivity of the boundaries, the unhindered, free diffusion of the tracer lipids, and the distinct area were assessed. Observed results of the mean first passage time agreed with the theory of the narrow escape problem. There was excellent agreement in both absolute values and across a range of small escape opening sizes. Additionally, I developed a straightforward method, a correction factor, to calculate the mean first passage time from incomplete experimental traces. By re-scaling the mean first passage time to the fraction of particles that escaped, I was able to overcome the lifetime limitations of fluorescent probes. Previously inaccessible measurements of the mean first passage time relying on fluorescent probes will be made possible through this approach. The in vitro experiments were complemented with various in silico experiments. The latter were based on random walk simulations in discs, mimicking the in vitro situation with its uncertainties. The lifetime of single particles was either set sufficiently long to allow all particles to escape, or was adjusted to meet the lifetime limitations observed in the in vitro experiments. A comparison of the mean first passage time from lifetime-unlimited particles to the corrected, lifetime-limited particles did support the use of the correction factor. In agreement with the narrow escape theory, it was experimentally found that the mean first passage time is independent of the start point of the particle within the domain. This is when the particle adheres to a minimum distance to the escape site. In general, the presented random walk simulations do accurately represent the in vitro experiments in this study. The required hardware for the establishment of an astigmatism-based 3D system was installed in the existing microscope. The first attempts to analyze the obtained 3D imaging data gave insight into the potential of the method to investigate molecule dynamics in living trypanosome cells. The full functionality will be realized with the ongoing improvement of image analysis outside of this thesis.}, subject = {Freies Molek{\"u}l}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lippert2023, author = {Lippert, Juliane}, title = {Die molekulargenetische Charakterisierung von Nebennierenrindenkarzinomen als Schritt in Richtung personalisierter Medizin}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24717}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-247172}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Nebennierenrindenkarzinome (NNR-Ca; engl. adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC)) z{\"a}hlen zu den sehr seltenen Tumorentit{\"a}ten. Die Prognose f{\"u}r die Patient*innen ist insgesamt eher schlecht, kann aber, im Einzelnen betrachtet, sehr heterogen sein. Eine zuverl{\"a}ssige Prognose anhand klinischer und histopathologischer Marker - wie dem Tumorstadium bei Diagnose, dem Resektionsstatus und dem Proliferationsindex Ki-67 -, die routinem{\"a}ßig erhoben werden, ist nicht f{\"u}r alle Erkrankten m{\"o}glich. Außerdem wird deren Behandlung dadurch erschwert, dass Therapeutika fehlen, von denen ein Großteil der Patient*innen profitiert. Umfassende Multi-Omics-Studien aus den letzten Jahren halfen nicht nur das Wissen {\"u}ber Pathomechanismen in NNR-Cas zu erweitern, es konnte auch gezeigt werden, dass sich Patient*innen anhand molekularer Marker in Subgruppen mit jeweils unterschiedlicher Prognose einteilen lassen. Mit molekulargenetischen Untersuchungen wurden außerdem potentielle neue Therapieziele gefunden. Diese Erkenntnisse finden bisher jedoch keine oder kaum Anwendung, da die Analysen den zeitlichen und finanziellen Rahmen, der f{\"u}r den routinem{\"a}ßigen Einsatz im Klinikalltag zu erf{\"u}llen w{\"a}re, deutlich {\"u}berschreiten. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, eine Strategie zur verbesserten Patientenversorgung der NNR-CaPatient*innen zu etablieren. Daf{\"u}r sollte gekl{\"a}rt werden, ob ausgew{\"a}hlte molekulare prognostische Marker mit Methoden, die theoretisch einfach in den Klinikalltag zu implementieren w{\"a}ren, gefunden werden k{\"o}nnen. Außerdem sollte nach pr{\"a}diktiven Markern gesucht werden, die helfen, NNR-Ca-Patient*innen zielgerichtet zu therapieren. Statt exom- oder genomweite Analysen durchzuf{\"u}hren wurden gezielt krebs- beziehungsweise NNR-Ca-assoziierte Gene mittels NGS (Next-Generation Sequencing) oder SangerSequenzierung (zusammen 161 Gene) und Pyrosequenzierung (4 Gene) auf somatische Ver{\"a}nderungen hin untersucht. Die Analysen wurden an DNA (Desoxyribonukleins{\"a}ure) durchgef{\"u}hrt, die aus FFPE (mit Formalin fixiert und in Paraffin eingebettet)-Gewebe isoliert worden war, welches standardm{\"a}ßig nach Tumoroperationen in Pathologien f{\"u}r Untersuchungen zur Verf{\"u}gung steht. Durch Analyse der Sequenzierergebnisse von insgesamt 157 Patient*innen aus einem retrospektiven (107 Patient*innen) und einem prospektiven Studienteil (50 Patient*innen) konnten in NNR-Cas bereits beschriebene Ver{\"a}nderungen von Genen und Signalwegen sowie Methylierungsunterschiede gefunden werden. Anhand der Sequenzierdaten der retrospektiven Studie wurden molekulare prognostische Marker (Anzahl an proteinver{\"a}ndernden Varianten pro Tumorprobe, Ver{\"a}nderungen im P53/Rb- und/oder dem Wnt/ß-Catenin-Signalweg und dem Methylierungsstatus von CpG-Inseln von vier 2 Tumorsuppressorgenen (GSTP1, PAX5, PAX6 und PYCARD)) definiert und f{\"u}r jeden einzelnen Marker ein signifikanter Zusammenhang zur L{\"a}nge des progressionsfreien {\"U}berlebens (PFS) der Patient*innen gefunden. Durch die Kombination der molekularen Marker mit den klinischen und histopathologischen Markern war es zudem m{\"o}glich, einen COMBI-Score zu bilden, der, verglichen mit den klinischen und histopathologischen Markern, eine spezifischere und sensitivere Aussage dar{\"u}ber erlaubt, ob Patient*innen innerhalb von 2 Jahren ein Fortschreiten der Tumorerkrankung erfahren. Mit Hilfe der Sequenzierdaten wurden in beiden Kohorten außerdem Ver{\"a}nderungen gefunden, die als pr{\"a}diktive Marker zum Einsatz von zielgerichteten Therapien vewendet werden k{\"o}nnten. Als vielversprechendstes Therapieziel wurde - bei 46 Tumoren in der retrospektiven und 7 Tumoren in der prospektiven Studie - CDK4 identifiziert. CDK4/CDK6-Inhibitoren sind f{\"u}r die Behandlung von fortgeschrittenem und metastasiertem Brustkrebs von der Lebensmittel- {\"u}berwachungs- und Arzneimittelbeh{\"o}rde (FDA; engl. Food and Drug Administration) zugelassene Therapeutika und bei anderen soliden Tumoren Gegenstand von Studien. Im Rahmen der Arbeit konnten außerdem von 12 Patient*innen jeweils zwei Tumoren molekulargenetisch untersucht und die Ergebnisse verglichen werden. Die Analyse zeigte, dass der Methylierungsstatus - im Vergleich zu Ver{\"a}nderungen in der DNA-Sequenz - der stabilere prognostische Marker ist. Mit dieser Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass molekulare prognostische und pr{\"a}diktive Marker f{\"u}r den Einsatz zielgerichteter Therapien mit Methoden identifiziert werden k{\"o}nnen, die sich im klinischen Alltag bei der Behandlung von NNR-Ca-Patient*innen implementieren lassen. Um einen allgemein anerkannten Leitfaden zu etablieren, fehlen allerdings noch die Ergebnisse weiterer - vor allem prospektiver - Studien zur Validierung der hier pr{\"a}sentierten Ergebnisse. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse sind jedoch als wichtiger Schritt in Richtung personalisierter Medizin bei Nebennierenrindenkarzinomen anzusehen.}, subject = {Nebennierentumor}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{DeğirmencineePoelloth2023, author = {Değirmenci [n{\´e}e P{\"o}lloth], Laura}, title = {Sugar perception and sugar receptor function in the honeybee (\(Apis\) \(mellifera\))}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32187}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-321873}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In the eusocial insect honeybee (Apis mellifera), many sterile worker bees live together with a reproductive queen in a colony. All tasks of the colony are performed by the workers, undergoing age-dependent division of labor. Beginning as hive bees, they take on tasks inside the hive such as cleaning or the producing of larval food, later developing into foragers. With that, the perception of sweetness plays a crucial role for all honeybees whether they are sitting on the honey stores in the hive or foraging for food. Their ability to sense sweetness is undoubtedly necessary to develop and evaluate food sources. Many of the behavioral decisions in honeybees are based on sugar perception, either on an individual level for ingestion, or for social behavior such as the impulse to collect or process nectar. In this context, honeybees show a complex spectrum of abilities to perceive sweetness on many levels. They are able to perceive at least seven types of sugars and decide to collect them for the colony. Further, they seem to distinguish between these sugars or at least show clear preferences when collecting them. Additionally, the perception of sugar is not rigid in honeybees. For instance, their responsiveness towards sugar changes during the transition from in-hive bees (e.g. nurses) to foraging and is linked to the division of labor. Other direct or immediate factors changing responsiveness to sugars are stress, starvation or underlying factors, such as genotype. Interestingly, the complexity in their sugar perception is in stark contrast to the fact that honeybees seem to have only three predicted sugar receptors. In this work, we were able to characterize the three known sugar receptors (AmGr1, AmGr2 and AmGr3) of the honeybee fully and comprehensively in oocytes (Manuscript II, Chapter 3 and Manuscript III, Chapter 4). We could show that AmGr1 is a broad sugar receptor reacting to sucrose, glucose, maltose, melezitose and trehalose (which is the honeybees' main blood sugar), but not fructose. AmGr2 acts as its co-receptor altering AmGr1's specificity, AmGr3 is a specific fructose receptor and we proved the heterodimerization of all receptors. With my studies, I was able to reproduce and compare the ligand specificity of the sugar receptors in vivo by generating receptor mutants with CRISPR/Cas9. With this thesis, I was able to define AmGr1 and AmGr3 as the honeybees' basis receptors already capable to detect all sugars of its known taste spectrum. In the expression analysis of my doctoral thesis (Manuscript I, Chapter 2) I demonstrated that both basis receptors are expressed in the antennae and the brain of nurse bees and foragers. This thesis assumes that AmGr3 (like the Drosophila homologue) functions as a sensor for fructose, which might be the satiety signal, while AmGr1 can sense trehalose as the main blood sugar in the brain. Both receptors show a reduced expression in the brain of foragers when compared with nurse bees. These results may reflect the higher concentrated diet of nurse bees in the hive. The higher number of receptors in the brain may allow nurse bees to perceive hunger earlier and to consume the food their sitting on. Forager bees have to be more persistent to hunger, when they are foraging, and food is not so accessible. The findings of reduced expression of the fructose receptor AmGr3 in the antennae of nurse bees are congruent with my other result that nurse bees are also less responsive to fructose at the antennae when compared to foragers (Manuscript I, Chapter 2). This is possible, since nurse bees sit more likely on ripe honey which contains not only higher levels of sugars but also monosaccharides (such as fructose), while foragers have to evaluate less-concentrated nectar. My investigations of the expression of AmGr1 in the antennae of honeybees found no differences between nurse bees and foragers, although foragers are more responsive to the respective sugar sucrose (Manuscript I, Chapter 2). Considering my finding that AmGr2 is the co-receptor of AmGr1, it can be assumed that AmGr1 and the mediated sucrose taste might not be directly controlled by its expression, but indirectly by its co-receptor. My thesis therefore clearly shows that sugar perception is associated with division of labor in honeybees and appears to be directly or indirectly regulated via expression. The comparison with a characterization study using other bee breeds and thus an alternative protein sequence of AmGr1 shows that co-expression of different AmGr1 versions with AmGr2 alters the sugar response differently. Therefore, this thesis provides first important indications that alternative splicing could also represent an important regulatory mechanism for sugar perception in honeybees. Further, I found out that the bitter compound quinine lowers the reward quality in learning experiments for honeybees (Manuscript IV, Chapter 5). So far, no bitter receptor has been found in the genome of honeybees and this thesis strongly assumes that bitter substances such as quinine inhibit sugar receptors in honeybees. With this finding, my work includes other molecules as possible regulatory mechanism in the honeybee sugar perception as well. We showed that the inhibitory effect is lower for fructose compared to sucrose. Considering that sugar signals might be processed as differently attractive in honeybees, this thesis concludes that the sugar receptor inhibition via quinine in honeybees might depend on the receptor (or its co-receptor), is concentration-dependent and based on the salience or attractiveness and concentration of the sugar present. With my thesis, I was able to expand the knowledge on honeybee's sugar perception and formulate a complex, comprehensive overview. Thereby, I demonstrated the multidimensional mechanism that regulates the sugar receptors and thus the sugar perception of honeybees. With this work, I defined AmGr1 and AmGr3 as the basis of sugar perception and enlarged these components to the co-receptor AmGr2 and the possible splice variants of AmGr1. I further demonstrated how those sugar receptor components function, interact and that they are clearly involved in the division of labor in honeybees. In summary, my thesis describes the mechanisms that enable honeybees to perceive sugar in a complex way, even though they inhere a limited number of sugar receptors. My data strongly suggest that honeybees overall might not only differentiate sugars and their diet by their general sweetness (as expected with only one main sugar receptor). The found sugar receptor mechanisms and their interplay further suggest that honeybees might be able to discriminate directly between monosaccharides and disaccharides or sugar molecules and with that their diet (honey and nectar).}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vansynghel2023, author = {Vansynghel, Justine}, title = {Pollination and pest control along gradients of shade cover and forest distance in Peruvian cacao agroforestry landscapes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28157}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-281574}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Chapter I - Introduction Global trade of beans of the cacao tree (Theobroma cacao), of which chocolate is produced, contributes to the livelihoods of millions of smallholder farmers. The understorey tree is native to South America but is nowadays cultivated in many tropical regions. In Peru, a South American country with a particularly high cacao diversity, it is common to find the tree cultivated alongside non-crop trees that provide shade, in so-called agroforestry systems. Because of the small scale and low management intensity of such systems, agroforestry is one of the most wildlife-friendly land-use types, harbouring the potential for species conservation. Studying wildlife-friendly land-use is of special importance for species conservation in biodiversity-rich tropical regions such as Peru, where agricultural expansion and intensification are threatening biodiversity. Moreover, there is a growing body of evidence that shows co-occurrence of high biodiversity levels and high yield in wildlife-friendly cacao farming. Yet studies are restricted to non-native cacao countries, and since patterns might be different among continents, it is important to improve knowledge on wildlife-friendly agroforestry in native countries. Because studies of wildlife-friendly cultivation processes are still largely lacking for South America, we set out to study multiple aspects of cacao productivity in agroforests in Peru, part of cacao´s region of origin. The natural pollination process of cacao, which is critically understudied, was investigated by trapping flower visitors and studying pollen deposition from macrophotographs (Chapter II). Next, we excluded birds, bats, ants and flying insects and squirrels from cacao trees in a full-factorial field experiment and quantified these animals´ contribution to cacao fruit set, fruit loss and yield (Chapter III). Lastly, we aimed to assess whether fruit quantity and quality of native cacao increases through manually supplementing pollen (Chapter II and IV), and whether microclimatic conditions and the genetic background of the studied varieties limit fruit set (Chapter IV). Chapter II - Cacao flower visitation: Low pollen deposition, low fruit set and dominance of herbivores Given the importance of cacao pollination for the global chocolate production, it is remarkable that fruit set limitations are still understudied. Knowledge on flower visitation and the effect of landscape context and local management are lacking, especially in the crop's region of origin. Moreover, the role of pollen deposition in limiting fruit set as well as the benefits of hand pollination in native cacao are unknown. In this chapter, we aimed to close the current knowledge gaps on cacao pollination biology and sampled flower visitors in 20 Peruvian agroforests with native cacao, along gradients of shade cover and forest distance. We also assessed pollen quantities and compared fruit set between manually and naturally pollinated flowers. We found that herbivores were the most abundant flower visitors in both northern and southern Peru, but we could not conclude which insects are effective cacao pollinators. Fruit set was remarkably low (2\%) but improved to 7\% due to pollen supplementation. Other factors such as a lack of effective pollinators, genetic pollen incompatibility or resource unavailability could be causing fruit set limitations. We conclude that revealing those causes and the effective pollinators of cacao will be key to improve pollination services in cacao. Chapter III - Quantifying services and disservices provided by insects and vertebrates in cacao agroforestry landscapes Pollination and pest control, two ecosystem services that support cacao yield, are provided by insects and vertebrates. However, animals also generate disservices, and their combined contribution is still unclear. Therefore, we excluded flying insects, ants, birds and bats, and as a side effect also squirrels from cacao trees and we assessed fruit set, fruit loss and final yield. Local management and landscape context can influence animal occurrence in cacao agroforestry landscapes; therefore, shade cover and forest distance were included in the analyses. Flying insects benefitted cacao fruit set, with largest gains in agroforests with intermediate shade cover. Birds and bats were also associated with improved fruit set rates and with a 114\% increase in yield, potentially due to pest control services provided by these animals. The role of ants was complicated: these insects had a positive effect on yield, but only close to forest. We also evidenced disservices generated by ants and squirrels, causing 7\% and 10\% of harvest loss, respectively. Even though the benefits provided by animals outweighed the disservices, trade-offs between services and disservices still should be integrated in cacao agroforestry management. Chapter IV - Cross-pollination improves fruit set and yield quality of Peruvian native cacao Because yields of the cacao tree are restricted by pollination, hand pollination has been proposed to improve yield quantity and potentially, also quality. However, low self- and cross-compatibility of native cacao, and abiotic conditions could cancel out hand pollination benefits. Yet, the impact of genetic constraints and abiotic conditions on fruit set have not been assessed in native cacao so far. To increase our understanding of the factors that limit fruit set in native cacao, we compared manual self- and cross-pollination with five native genotypes selected for their sensorial quality and simultaneously tested for effects of soil water content, temperature, and relative air humidity. We also compared quality traits between manually and naturally pollinated fruits. Success rates of self-pollination were low (0.5\%), but increased three- to eightfold due to cross-pollination, depending on the genotype of the pollen donor. Fruit set was also affected by the interaction between relative air humidity and temperature, and we found heavier and more premium seeds in fruits resulting from manual than natural pollination. Together, these findings show that reproductive traits of native cacao are constrained by genetic compatibility and abiotic conditions. We argue that because of the high costs of hand pollination, natural cross-pollination with native pollen donors should be promoted so that quality improvements can result in optimal economic gains for smallholder farmers. Chapter V - Discussion In this thesis, we demonstrated that the presence of flying insects, ants and vertebrates, local and landscape management practices, and pollen supplementation interactively affected cacao yield, at different stages of the development from flower to fruit. First, we showed that fruit set improved by intermediate shade levels and flower visitation by flying insects. Because the effective cacao pollinators remain unknown, we recommend shade cover management to safeguard fruit set rates. The importance of integrating trade-offs in wildlife-friendly management was highlighted by lower harvest losses due to ants and squirrels than the yield benefits provided by birds and bats. The maintenance of forest in the landscape might further promote occurrence of beneficial animals, because in proximity to forest, ants were positively associated with cacao yields. Therefore, an integrated wildlife-friendly farming approach in which shade cover is managed and forest is maintained or restored to optimize ecosystem service provision, while minimizing fruit loss, might benefit yields of native cacao. Finally, manual cross-pollination with native genotypes could be recommended, due to improved yield quantity and quality. However, large costs associated with hand pollination might cancel out these benefits. Instead, we argue that in an integrated management, natural cross-pollination should be promoted by employing compatible genotypes in order to improve yield quantity and quality of native cacao.}, subject = {Kakao}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{KayaZeeb2023, author = {Kaya-Zeeb, Sinan David}, title = {Octopaminergic Signaling in the Honeybee Flight Muscles : A Requirement for Thermogenesis}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31408}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-314089}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {For all animals the cold represents a dreadful danger. In the event of severe heat loss, animals fall into a chill coma. If this state persists, it is inevitably followed by death. In poikilotherms (e.g. insects), the optimal temperature range is narrow compared to homeotherms (e.g. mammals), resulting in a critical core temperature being reached more quickly. As a consequence, poikilotherms either had to develop survival strategies, migrate or die. Unlike the majority of insects, the Western honeybee (Apis mellifera) is able to organize itself into a superorganism. In this process, worker bees warm and cool the colony by coordinated use of their flight muscles. This enables precise control of the core temperature in the hive, analogous to the core body temperature in homeothermic animals. However, to survive the harsh temperatures in the northern hemisphere, the thermogenic mechanism of honeybees must be in constant readiness. This mechanism is called shivering thermogenesis, in which honeybees generate heat using their flight muscles. My thesis presents the molecular and neurochemical background underlying shivering thermogenesis in worker honeybees. In this context, I investigated biogenic amine signaling. I found that the depletion of vesicular monoamines impairs thermogenesis, resulting in a decrease in thoracic temperature. Subsequent investigations involving various biogenic amines showed that octopamine can reverse this effect. This clearly indicates the involvement of the octopaminergic system. Proceeding from these results, the next step was to elucidate the honeybee thoracic octopaminergic system. This required a multidisciplinary approach to ultimately provide profound insights into the function and action of octopamine at the flight muscles. This led to the identification of octopaminergic flight muscle controlling neurons, which presumably transport octopamine to the flight muscle release sites. These neurons most likely innervate octopamine β receptors and their activation may stimulate intracellular glycolytic pathways, which ensure sufficient energy supply to the muscles. Next, I examined the response of the thoracic octopaminergic system to cold stress conditions. I found that the thoracic octopaminergic system tends towards an equilibrium, even though the initial stress response leads to fluctuations of octopamine signaling. My results indicate the importance of the neuro-muscular octopaminergic system and thus the need for its robustness. Moreover, cold sensitivity was observed for the expression of one transcript of the octopamine receptor gene AmOARβ2. Furthermore, I found that honeybees without colony context show a physiological disruption within the octopaminergic system. This disruption has profound effects on the honeybees protection against the cold. I could show how important the neuro-muscular octopaminergic system is for thermogenesis in honeybees. In this context, the previously unknown neurochemical modulation of the honeybee thorax has now been revealed. I also provide a broad basis to conduct further experiments regarding honeybee thermogenesis and muscle physiology.}, subject = {Octopamin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Geis2023, author = {Geis, Maria}, title = {Identifizierung von Zielmolek{\"u}len und Herstellung zweigeteilter trivalenter T-Zell-aktivierender Antik{\"o}rperderivate zur immuntherapeutischen Behandlung von Multiplen Myelom}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18690}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-186906}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {T-Zell-aktivierende Formate, wie BiTE (bispecific T-cell engagers) Antik{\"o}rper und CAR T Zellen haben in den vergangen Jahren die Therapiem{\"o}glichkeiten f{\"u}r Tumorpatienten erweitert. Diese Therapeutika verkn{\"u}pfen T-Zellen mit malignen Zellen {\"u}ber je ein spezifisches Oberfl{\"a}chenmolek{\"u}l und initiieren, {\"u}ber eine T-Zell-vermittelte Immunantwort, die Lyse der Tumorzelle. Tumorspezifische Antigene sind jedoch selten. H{\"a}ufig werden Proteine adressiert, die neben den Tumorzellen auch auf gesunden Zellen exprimiert werden. Die Folgen sind toxische Effekte abseits der Tumorzellen auf Antigen-positiven gesunden Zellen (on target/off tumor), welche nicht nur die Dosis des Therapeutikums und dessen Effektivit{\"a}t limitieren, sondern zu geringen bis letalen Begleiterscheinungen f{\"u}hren k{\"o}nnen. Der Bedarf an effektiven Therapieformen mit geringen Nebenwirkungen ist folglich immer noch sehr hoch. Diese L{\"u}cke soll durch ein neues Antik{\"o}rperformat, sogenannten Hemibodies, geschlossen werden. Hemibodies sind eine neue Klasse von T-Zell-aktivierenden Antik{\"o}rpern, die sich gegen eine Antigenkombination und nicht einzelne Antigene auf Tumorzellen richten. Sie bestehen aus zwei komplement{\"a}ren Molek{\"u}len mit je einer Antigen-bindenden Sequenz, die entweder mit der leichten (VL) oder der schweren (VH) Kette eines T-Zell-aktivierenden anti CD3 Antik{\"o}rpers fusioniert ist. Nur wenn beide Hemibody-Fragmente gleichzeitig in unmittelbarer N{\"a}he an ihr jeweiliges Antigenepitop auf der Tumorzelle binden, komplementieren die beiden Antik{\"o}rperkonstrukte {\"u}ber das geteilte anti-CD3 und bilden einen trivalenten T Zell aktivierenden Komplex aus. Diese funktionale Einheit rekrutiert T-Zellen zur Tumorzelle und induzierte die T-Zell-vermittelte Lyse der malignen Zelle. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden geeignete Antigenkombinationen identifiziert und die erste effektive und spezifische Hemibody-basierte Immuntherapie gegen das Multiple Myelom (MM), ohne Nebenwirkungen auf Antigen-einfach-positiven gesunden Zellen, entwickelt. Basierend auf einer umfangreichen Analyse von Kandidaten-Antigenen wurden Kombinationen aus bekannten MM Zielmolek{\"u}len, wie BCMA, CD38, CD138, CD229 und SLAMF7, und f{\"u}r das MM unbekannte Oberfl{\"a}chenmolek{\"u}len, wie CHRM5 und LAX1, untersucht. Gegen die vielversprechendsten Antigene wurden Hemibodies entwickelt und produziert. Im Zusammenhang mit Analysen zur Produzierbarkeit sowie biochemischen und funktionalen Charakterisierungen, konnte aus 75 initialen Hemibody-Kombinationen drei Kombinationen mit geeigneten Eigenschaften identifiziert werden. Die Bindung von zwei Hemibody-Partnern auf der Oberfl{\"a}che der MM Zelle f{\"u}hrte zur Ausbildung eines trivalenten T-Zell-rekrutierenden Komplexes. Dieser initiierte nachfolgend {\"u}ber eine T-Zell-vermittelte Immunantwort die spezifische Lyse der malignen Zellen, ohne die Viabilit{\"a}t von Antigen-einfach-positiven gesunden K{\"o}rper- oder Effektor-Zellen zu beeinflussen. Zus{\"a}tzlich f{\"u}hrte eine Hemibody-Therapie in vivo in einem NOD SCID MM-Mausmodel innerhalb von 7 Tagen zur kompletten Remission der MM Zellen. Diese Daten zeigten Hemibodies als ein neues, sehr vielversprechendes Antik{\"o}rperformat f{\"u}r eine effektive und tumorspezifische Immuntherapie mit potentiell geringen Nebenwirkungen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schwarz2023, author = {Schwarz, Jessica Denise}, title = {Genome-wide reporter screens identify transcriptional regulators of ribosome biogenesis}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27901}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-279010}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Cellular growth and proliferation are among the most important processes for cells and organisms. One of the major determinants of these processes is the amount of proteins and consequently also the amount of ribosomes. Their synthesis involves several hundred proteins and four different ribosomal RNA species, is highly coordinated and very energy-demanding. However, the molecular mechanims of transcriptional regulation of the protein-coding genes involved, is only poorly understood in mammals. In this thesis, unbiased genome-wide knockout reporter screens were performed, aiming to identify previously unknown transcriptional regulators of ribosome biogenesis factors (RiBis), which are important for the assembly and maturation of ribosomes, and ribosomal proteins (RPs), which are ribosomal components themself. With that approach and follow-up (validation) experiments, ALDOA and RBM8A among others, could be identified as regulators of ribosome biogenesis. Depletion of the glycolytic enzyme ALDOA led to a downregulation of RiBi- and RPpromoter driven reporters on protein and transcript level, as well as to a downregulation of ribosome biogenesis gene transcripts and of mRNAs of other genes important for proliferation. Reducing the amount of the exon junction complex protein RBM8A, led to a more prominent downregulation of one of the fluorescent reporters, but this regulation was independent of the promoter driving the expression of the reporter. However, acute protein depletion experiments in combination with nascent RNA sequencing (4sU-Seq) revealed, that mainly cytosolic ribosomal proteins (CRPs) were downregulated upon acute RBM8A withdrawal. ChIP experiments showed RBM8A binding to promoters of RP genes, but also to other chromatin regions. Total POL II or elongating and initiating POL II levels were not altered upon acute RBM8A depletion. These data provide a starting point for further research on the mechanisms of transcriptional regulation of RP and RiBi genes in mammals.}, subject = {Ribosom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schilcher2023, author = {Schilcher, Felix}, title = {Regulation of the nurse-forager transition in honeybees (\(Apis\) \(mellifera\))}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28935}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-289352}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Honeybees are among the few animals that rely on eusociality to survive. While the task of queen and drones is only reproduction, all other tasks are accomplished by sterile female worker bees. Different tasks are mostly divided by worker bees of different ages (temporal polyethism). Young honeybees perform tasks inside the hive like cleaning and nursing. Older honeybees work at the periphery of the nest and fulfill tasks like guarding the hive entrance. The oldest honeybees eventually leave the hive to forage for resources until they die. However, uncontrollable circumstances might force the colony to adapt or perish. For example, the introduced Varroa destructor mite or the deformed wing virus might erase a lot of in-hive bees. On the other hand, environmental events might kill a lot of foragers, leaving the colony with no new food intake. Therefore, adaptability of task allocation must be a priority for a honeybee colony. In my dissertation, I employed a wide range of behavioral, molecular biological and analytical techniques to unravel the underlying molecular and physiological mechanisms of the honeybee division of labor, especially in conjunction with honeybee malnourishment. The genes AmOARα1, AmTAR1, Amfor and vitellogenin have long been implied to be important for the transition from in-hive tasks to foraging. I have studied in detail expression of all of these genes during the transition from nursing to foraging to understand how their expression patterns change during this important phase of life. My focus lay on gene expression in the honeybee brain and fat body. I found an increase in the AmOARα1 and the Amforα mRNA expression with the transition from in-hive tasks to foraging and a decrease in expression of the other genes in both tissues. Interestingly, I found the opposite pattern of the AmOARα1 and AmTAR1 mRNA expression in the honeybee fat body during orientation flights. Furthermore, I closely observed juvenile hormone titers and triglyceride levels during this crucial time. Juvenile hormone titers increased with the transition from in-hive tasks to foraging and triglyceride levels decreased. Furthermore, in-hive bees and foragers also differ on a behavioral and physiological level. For example, foragers are more responsive towards light and sucrose. I proposed that modulation via biogenic amines, especially via octopamine and tyramine, can increase or decrease the responsiveness of honeybees. For that purpose, in-hive bees and foragers were injected with both biogenic amines and the receptor response was quantified 1 using electroretinography. In addition, I studied the behavioral response of the bees to light using a phototaxis assay. Injecting octopamine increased the receptor response and tyramine decreased it. Also, both groups of honeybees showed an increased phototactic response when injected with octopamine and a decreased response when injected with tyramine, independent of locomotion. Additionally, nutrition has long been implied to be a driver for division of labor. Undernourished honeybees are known to speed up their transition to foragers, possibly to cope with the missing resources. Furthermore, larval undernourishment has also been implied to speed up the transition from in-hive bees to foragers, due to increasing levels of juvenile hormone titers in adult honeybees after larval starvation. Therefore, I reared honeybees in-vitro to compare the hatched adult bees of starved and overfed larvae to bees reared under the standard in-vitro rearing diet. However, first I had to investigate whether the in-vitro rearing method affects adult honeybees. I showed effects of in-vitro rearing on behavior, with in-vitro reared honeybees foraging earlier and for a shorter time than hive reared honeybees. Yet, nursing behavior was unaffected. Afterwards, I investigated the effects of different larval diets on adult honeybee workers. I found no effects of malnourishment on behavioral or physiological factors besides a difference in weight. Honeybee weight increased with increasing amounts of larval food, but the effect seemed to vanish after a week. These results show the complexity and adaptability of the honeybee division of labor. They show the importance of the biogenic amines octopamine and tyramine and of the corresponding receptors AmOARα1 and AmTAR1 in modulating the transition from inhive bees to foragers. Furthermore, they show that in-vitro rearing has no effects on nursing behavior, but that it speeds up the transition from nursing to foraging, showing strong similarities to effects of larval pollen undernourishment. However, larval malnourishment showed almost no effects on honeybee task allocation or physiology. It seems that larval malnourishment can be easily compensated during the early lifetime of adult honeybees.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kohl2023, author = {Kohl, Patrick Laurenz}, title = {The buzz beyond the beehive: population demography, parasite burden and limiting factors of wild-living honeybee colonies in Germany}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-33032}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-330327}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The western honeybee (Apis mellifera) is widely known as the honey producer and pollinator managed by beekeepers but neglected as a wild bee species. Central European honeybee populations have been anthropogenically disturbed since about 1850 through introgression and moderate artificial selection but have never been truly domesticated due to a lack of mating control. While their decline in the wild was historically attributed to the scarcity of nesting cavities, a contemporary view considers the invasion of the parasitic mite Varroa destructor in the 1970s as the major driver. However, there are no longitudinal population data available that could substantiate either claim. Based on the insight that introduced European honeybees form viable wild populations in eastern North America and reports on the occurrence of wild-living colonies from various European countries, we systematically studied the ecology of wild-living honeybees in Germany. First, we investigated whether wild-living honeybees colonising German forests form a self-sustaining population. Second, we asked how the parasite burden of wild-living colonies relates to that of managed colonies. And third, we explored whether the winter mortality of wild-living colonies is associated with parasite burden, nest depredation, or the lack of resources on the landscape scale. Between 2017 and 2021, we monitored listed trees with black woodpecker cavities for honeybees in the managed forests of three study regions (Swabian Alb, counties Coburg and Lichtenfels, county Weilheim-Schongau). Continuity of occupation was determined using microsatellite genetic markers. Wild-living colonies predictably colonised forests in summer, when about 10\% of all cavities were occupied. The annual colony survival rate and colony lifespan (based on N=112 colonies) were 10.6\% and 0.6 years, with 90\% of colonies surviving summer (July-September), 16\% surviving winter (September-April), and 72\% surviving spring (April-July). The average maximum and minimum colony densities were 0.23 (July) and 0.02 (April) colonies per km^2. During the (re-)colonisation of forests in spring, swarms preferred cavities that had already been occupied by other honeybee colonies. We estimate the net reproductive rate of the population to be R0= 0.318, meaning that it is currently not self-sustaining but maintained by the annual immigration of swarms from managed hives. The wild-living colonies are feral in a behavioural sense. We compared the occurrence of 18 microparasites among feral colonies (N=64) and managed colonies (N=74) using qPCR. Samples were collected in four regions (the three regions mentioned above and the city of Munich) in July 2020; they consisted of 20 workers per colony captured at flight entrances. We distinguished five colony types representing differences in colony age and management histories. Besides strong regional variation, feral colonies consistently hosted fewer microparasite taxa (median: 5, range 1-8) than managed colonies (median: 6, range 4-9) and had different parasite communities. Microparasites that were notably less prevalent among feral colonies were Trypanosomatidae, Chronic bee paralysis virus, and Deformed wing viruses A and B. In the comparison of five colony types, parasite burden was lowest in newly founded feral colonies, intermediate in overwintered feral colonies and managed nucleus colonies, and highest in overwintered managed colonies and hived swarms. This suggests that the natural mode of colony reproduction by swarming, which creates pauses in brood production, and well-dispersed nests, which reduce horizontal transmission, explain the reduced parasite burden in feral compared to managed colonies. To explore the roles of three potential drivers of feral colony winter mortality, we combined colony observations gathered during the monitoring study with data on colony-level parasite burden, observations and experiments on nest depredation, and landscape analyses. There was no evidence for an effect of summertime parasite burden on subsequent winter mortality: colonies that died (N=57) did not have a higher parasite burden than colonies that survived (N=10). Camera traps (N=15) installed on cavity trees revealed that honeybee nests are visited by a range of vertebrate species throughout the winter at rates of up to 10 visits per week. Four woodpecker species, great tits, and pine martens acted as true nest depredators. The winter survival rate of colonies whose nest entrances were protected by screens of wire mesh (N=32) was 50\% higher than that of colonies with unmanipulated entrances (N=40). Analyses of land cover maps revealed that the landscapes surrounding surviving colonies (N=19) contained on average 6.4 percentage points more resource-rich cropland than landscapes surrounding dying colonies (N=94). We estimate that tens of thousands of swarms escape from apiaries each year to occupy black woodpecker cavities and other hollow spaces in Germany and that feral colonies make up about 5\% of the regional honeybee populations. They are unlikely to contribute disproportionately to the spread of bee diseases. Instead, by spatially complementing managed colonies, they contribute to the pollination of wild plants in forests. Honeybees occupying tree cavities likely have various effects on forest communities by acting as nest site competitors or prey, and by accumulating biomass in tree holes. Nest depredation (a consequence of a lack of well-protected nest sites) and food resource limitation seem to be more important than parasites in hampering feral colony survival. The outstanding question is how environmental and intrinsic factors interact in preventing population establishment. Nest boxes with movable frames could be used to better study the environmental drivers of feral colonies' mortality. Pairs of wild (self-sustaining) and managed populations known to exist outside Europe could provide answers to whether modern apiculture creates honeybee populations maladapted to life in the wild. In Europe, large continuous forests might represent evolutionary refuges for wild honeybees.}, subject = {Biene }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{BergmannBorges2023, author = {Bergmann Borges, Alyssa}, title = {The endo-lysosomal system of \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\): insights from a protist cell model}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32924}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-329248}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Most of the studies in cell biology primarily focus on models from the opisthokont group of eukaryotes. However, opisthokonts do not encompass the full diversity of eukaryotes. Thus, it is necessary to broaden the research focus to other organisms to gain a comprehensive understanding of basic cellular processes shared across the tree of life. In this sense, Trypanosoma brucei, a unicellular eukaryote, emerges as a viable alternative. The collaborative efforts in genome sequencing and protein tagging over the past two decades have significantly expanded our knowledge on this organism and have provided valuable tools to facilitate a more detailed analysis of this parasite. Nevertheless, numerous questions still remain. The survival of T. brucei within the mammalian host is intricately linked to the endo-lysosomal system, which plays a critical role in surface glycoprotein recycling, antibody clearance, and plasma membrane homeostasis. However, the dynamics of the duplication of the endo-lysosomal system during T. brucei proliferation and its potential relationship with plasma membrane growth remain poorly understood. Thus, as the primary objective, this thesis explores the endo-lysosomal system of T. brucei in the context of the cell cycle, providing insights on cell surface growth, endosome duplication, and clathrin recruitment. In addition, the study revisits ferritin endocytosis to provide quantitative data on the involvement of TbRab proteins (TbRab5A, TbRab7, and TbRab11) and the different endosomal subpopulations (early, late, and recycling endosomes, respectively) in the transport of this fluid-phase marker. Notably, while these subpopulations function as distinct compartments, different TbRabs can be found within the same region or structure, suggesting a potential physical connection between the endosomal subpopulations. The potential physical connection of endosomes is further explored within the context of the cell cycle and, finally, the duplication and morphological plasticity of the lysosome are also investigated. Overall, these findings provide insights into the dynamics of plasma membrane growth and the coordinated duplication of the endo-lysosomal system during T. brucei proliferation. The early duplication of endosomes suggests their potential involvement in plasma membrane growth, while the late duplication of the lysosome indicates a reduced role in this process. The recruitment of clathrin and TbRab GTPases to the site of endosome formation supports the assumption that the newly formed endosomal system is active during cell division and, consequently, indicates its potential role in plasma membrane homeostasis. Furthermore, considering the vast diversity within the Trypanosoma genus, which includes ~500 described species, the macroevolution of the group was investigated using the combined information of the 18S rRNA gene sequence and structure. The sequence-structure analysis of T. brucei and other 42 trypanosome species was conducted in the context of the diversity of Trypanosomatida, the order in which trypanosomes are placed. An additional analysis focused on Trypanosoma highlighted key aspects of the group's macroevolution. To explore these aspects further, additional trypanosome species were included, and the changes in the Trypanosoma tree topology were analyzed. The sequence-structure phylogeny confirmed the independent evolutionary history of the human pathogens T. brucei and Trypanosoma cruzi, while also providing insights into the evolution of the Aquatic clade, paraphyly of groups, and species classification into subgenera.}, subject = {Endocytose}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Muench2023, author = {M{\"u}nch, Luca}, title = {Die Rolle transposabler Elemente in der Genese des malignen Melanom im Fischmodell Xiphophorus}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28922}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-289228}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Der Name der transposablen Elemente beruht auf ihrer F{\"a}higkeit, ihre genomische Position ver{\"a}ndern zu k{\"o}nnen. Durch Chromosomenaberrationen, Insertionen oder Deletionen k{\"o}nnen ihre genomischen Transpositionen genetische Instabilit{\"a}t verursachen. Inwieweit sie dar{\"u}ber hinaus regulatorischen Einfluss auf Zellfunktionen besitzen, ist Gegenstand aktueller Forschung ebenso wie die daraus resultierende Frage nach der Gesamtheit ihrer biologischen Signifikanz. Die Weiterf{\"u}hrung experimenteller Forschung ist unabdingbar, um weiterhin offenen Fragen nachzugehen. Das Xiphophorus-Melanom-Modell stellt hierbei eines der {\"a}ltesten Tiermodelle zur Erforschung des malignen Melanoms dar. Durch den klar definierten genetischen Hintergrund eignet es sich hervorragend zur Erforschung des b{\"o}sartigen schwarzen Hautkrebses, welcher nach wie vor die t{\"o}dlichste aller bekannten Hautkrebsformen darstellt. Die hier vorliegende Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Rolle transposabler Elemente in der malignen Melanomgenese von Xiphophorus.}, subject = {Transposon}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Solvie2023, author = {Solvie, Daniel Alexander}, title = {Molecular Mechanisms of MYC as Stress Resilience Factor}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30539}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-305398}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. The underlying tumorigenesis is driven by the accumulation of alterations in the genome, eventually disabling tumor suppressors and activating proto-oncogenes. The MYC family of proto-oncogenes shows a strong deregulation in the majority of tumor entities. However, the exact mechanisms that contribute to MYC-driven oncogenesis remain largely unknown. Over the past decades, the influence of the MYC protein on transcription became increasingly apparent and was thoroughly investigated. Additionally, in recent years several publications provided evidence for so far unreported functions of MYC that are independent of a mere regulation of target genes. These findings suggest an additional role of MYC in the maintenance of genomic stability and this role is strengthened by key findings presented in this thesis. In the first part, I present data revealing a pathway that allows MYC to couple transcription elongation and DNA double-strand break repair, preventing genomic instability of MYC-driven tumor cells. This pathway is driven by a rapid transfer of the PAF1 complex from MYC onto RNAPII, a process that is mediated by HUWE1. The transfer controls MYC-dependent transcription elongation and, simultaneously, the remodeling of chromatin structure by ubiquitylation of histone H2B. These regions of open chromatin favor not only elongation but also DNA double-strand break repair. In the second part, I analyze the ability of MYC proteins to form multimeric structures in response to perturbation of transcription and replication. The process of multimerization is also referred to as phase transition. The observed multimeric structures are located proximal to stalled replication forks and recruit factors of the DNA-damage response and transcription termination machinery. Further, I identified the HUWE1-dependent ubiquitylation of MYC as an essential step in this phase transition. Cells lacking the ability to form multimers display genomic instability and ultimately undergo apoptosis in response to replication stress. Both mechanisms present MYC as a stress resilience factor under conditions that are characterized by a high level of transcriptional and replicational stress. This increased resilience ensures oncogenic proliferation. Therefore, targeting MYC's ability to limit genomic instability by uncoupling transcription elongation and DNA repair or disrupting its ability to multimerize presents a therapeutic window in MYC-dependent tumors.}, subject = {MYC}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sauerwein2023, author = {Sauerwein, Till}, title = {Implementation and application of bioinformatical software for the analysis of dual RNA sequencing data of host and pathogen during infection}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30307}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-303075}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Since the advent of high-throughput sequencing technologies in the mid-2010s, RNA se- quencing (RNA-seq) has been established as the method of choice for studying gene expression. In comparison to microarray-based methods, which have mainly been used to study gene expression before the rise of RNA-seq, RNA-seq is able to profile the entire transcriptome of an organism without the need to predefine genes of interest. Today, a wide variety of RNA-seq methods and protocols exist, including dual RNA sequenc- ing (dual RNA-seq) and multi RNA sequencing (multi RNA-seq). Dual RNA-seq and multi RNA-seq simultaneously investigate the transcriptomes of two or more species, re- spectively. Therefore, the total RNA of all interacting species is sequenced together and only separated in silico. Compared to conventional RNA-seq, which can only investi- gate one species at a time, dual RNA-seq and multi RNA-seq analyses can connect the transcriptome changes of the species being investigated and thus give a clearer picture of the interspecies interactions. Dual RNA-seq and multi RNA-seq have been applied to a variety of host-pathogen, mutualistic and commensal interaction systems. We applied dual RNA-seq to a host-pathogen system of human mast cells and Staphylo- coccus aureus (S. aureus). S. aureus, a commensal gram-positive bacterium, can become an opportunistic pathogen and infect skin lesions of atopic dermatitis (AD) patients. Among the first immune cells S. aureus encounters are mast cells, which have previously been shown to be able to kill the bacteria by discharging antimicrobial products and re- leasing extracellular traps made of protein and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). However, S. aureus is known to evade the host's immune response by internalizing within mast cells. Our dual RNA-seq analysis of different infection settings revealed that mast cells and S. aureus need physical contact to influence each other's gene expression. We could show that S. aureus cells internalizing within mast cells undergo profound transcriptome changes to adjust their metabolism to survive in the intracellular niche. On the host side, we found out that infected mast cells elicit a type-I interferon (IFN-I) response in an autocrine manner and in a paracrine manner to non-infected bystander-cells. Our study provides the first evidence that mast cells are capable to produce IFN-I upon infection with a bacterial pathogen.}, subject = {Biologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schardt2023, author = {Schardt, Simon}, title = {Agent-based modeling of cell differentiation in mouse ICM organoids}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30194}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301940}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Mammalian embryonic development is subject to complex biological relationships that need to be understood. However, before the whole structure of development can be put together, the individual building blocks must first be understood in more detail. One of these building blocks is the second cell fate decision and describes the differentiation of cells of the inner cell mass of the embryo into epiblast and primitive endoderm cells. These cells then spatially segregate and form the subsequent bases for the embryo and yolk sac, respectively. In organoids of the inner cell mass, these two types of progenitor cells are also observed to form, and to some extent to spatially separate. This work has been devoted to these phenomena over the past three years. Plenty of studies already provide some insights into the basic mechanics of this cell differentiation, such that the first signs of epiblast and primitive endoderm differentiation, are the expression levels of transcription factors NANOG and GATA6. Here, cells with low expression of GATA6 and high expression of NANOG adopt the epiblast fate. If the expressions are reversed, a primitive endoderm cell is formed. Regarding the spatial segregation of the two cell types, it is not yet clear what mechanism leads to this. A common hypothesis suggests the differential adhesion of cell as the cause for the spatial rearrangement of cells. In this thesis however, the possibility of a global cell-cell communication is investigated. The approach chosen to study these phenomena follows the motto "mathematics is biology's next microscope". Mathematical modeling is used to transform the central gene regulatory network at the heart of this work into a system of equations that allows us to describe the temporal evolution of NANOG and GATA6 under the influence of an external signal. Special attention is paid to the derivation of new models using methods of statistical mechanics, as well as the comparison with existing models. After a detailed stability analysis the advantages of the derived model become clear by the fact that an exact relationship of the model parameters and the formation of heterogeneous mixtures of two cell types was found. Thus, the model can be easily controlled and the proportions of the resulting cell types can be estimated in advance. This mathematical model is also combined with a mechanism for global cell-cell communication, as well as a model for the growth of an organoid. It is shown that the global cell-cell communication is able to unify the formation of checkerboard patterns as well as engulfing patterns based on differently propagating signals. In addition, the influence of cell division and thus organoid growth on pattern formation is studied in detail. It is shown that this is able to contribute to the formation of clusters and, as a consequence, to breathe some randomness into otherwise perfectly sorted patterns.}, subject = {Mathematische Modellierung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{FetivaMora2023, author = {Fetiva Mora, Maria Camila}, title = {Changes in chromatin accessibility by oncogenic YAP and its relevance for regulation of cell cycle gene expression and cell migration}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30291}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-302910}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Various types of cancer involve aberrant cell cycle regulation. Among the pathways responsible for tumor growth, the YAP oncogene, a key downstream effector of the Hippo pathway, is responsible for oncogenic processes including cell proliferation, and metastasis by controlling the expression of cell cycle genes. In turn, the MMB multiprotein complex (which is formed when B-MYB binds to the MuvB core) is a master regulator of mitotic gene expression, which has also been associated with cancer. Previously, our laboratory identified a novel crosstalk between the MMB-complex and YAP. By binding to enhancers of MMB target genes and promoting B-MYB binding to promoters, YAP and MMB co-regulate a set of mitotic and cytokinetic target genes which promote cell proliferation. This doctoral thesis addresses the mechanisms of YAP and MMB mediated transcription, and it characterizes the role of YAP regulated enhancers in transcription of cell cycle genes. The results reported in this thesis indicate that expression of constitutively active, oncogenic YAP5SA leads to widespread changes in chromatin accessibility in untransformed human MCF10A cells. ATAC-seq identified that newly accessible and active regions include YAP-bound enhancers, while the MMB-bound promoters were found to be already accessible and remain open during YAP induction. By means of CRISPR-interference (CRISPRi) and chromatin immuniprecipitation (ChIP), we identified a role of YAP-bound enhancers in recruitment of CDK7 to MMB-regulated promoters and in RNA Pol II driven transcriptional initiation and elongation of G2/M genes. Moreover, by interfering with the YAP-B-MYB protein interaction, we can show that binding of YAP to B-MYB is also critical for the initiation of transcription at MMB-regulated genes. Unexpectedly, overexpression of YAP5SA also leads to less accessible chromatin regions or chromatin closing. Motif analysis revealed that the newly closed regions contain binding motifs for the p53 family of transcription factors. Interestingly, chromatin closing by YAP is linked to the reduced expression and loss of chromatin-binding of the p53 family member Np63. Furthermore, I demonstrate that downregulation of Np63 following expression of YAP is a key step in driving cellular migration. Together, the findings of this thesis provide insights into the role of YAP in the chromatin changes that contribute to the oncogenic activities of YAP. The overexpression of YAP5SA not only leads to the opening of chromatin at YAP-bound enhancers which together with the MMB complex stimulate the expression of G2/M genes, but also promotes the closing of chromatin at ∆Np63 -bound regions in order to lead to cell migration.}, subject = {Chromatin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fasemore2023, author = {Fasemore, Akinyemi Mandela}, title = {Genomic and internet based analysis of \(Coxiella\) \(burnetii\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29663}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-296639}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Coxiella burnetii, a Gram negative obligate intracellular bacterium, is the causative agent of Q fever. It has a world wide distribution and has been documented to be capable of causing infections in several domestic animals, livestock species, and human beings. Outbreaks of Q fever are still being observed in livestock across animal farms in Europe, and primary transmission to humans still oc- curs especially in animal handlers. Public health authorities in some countries like Germany are required by law to report human acute cases denoting the significance of the challenge posed by C. burnetii to public health. In this thesis, I have developed a platform alongside methods to address the challenges of genomic analyses of C. burnetii for typing purposes. Identification of C. burnetii isolates is an important task in the laboratory as well as in the clinics and genotyping is a reliable method to identify and characterize known and novel isolates. Therefore, I designed and implemented several methods to facilitate the genotyping analyses of C. burnetii genomes in silico via a web platform. As genotyping is a data intensive process, I also included additional features such as visualization methods and databases for interpretation and storage of obtained results. I also developed a method to profile the resistome of C. burnetii isolates using a machine learning approach. Data about antibiotic resistance in C. burnetii are scarce majorly due to its lifestyle and the difficulty of cultivation in laboratory media. Alternative methods that rely on homology identification of resistance genes are also inefficient in C. burnetii, hence, I opted for a novel approach that has been shown to be promising in other bacteria species. The applied method relied on an artificial neural network as well as amino acid composition of position specific scoring matrix profile for feature extraction. The resulting model achieved an accuracy of ≈ 0.96 on test data and the overall performance was significantly higher in comparison to existing models. Finally, I analyzed two new C. burnetii isolates obtained from an outbreak in Germany, I compared the genome to the RSA 493 reference isolate and found extensive deletions across the genome landscape. This work has provided a new digital infrastructure to analyze and character- ize C. burnetii genomes that was not in existence before and it has also made a significant contribution to the existing information about antibiotic resistance genes in C. burnetii.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rutschmann2023, author = {Rutschmann, Benjamin}, title = {Occurrence and population density of wild-living honey bees in Europe and the impact of different habitat types on their foraging and overwintering success}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28673}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-286732}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The original habitat of native European honey bees (\(Apis\) \(mellifera\)) is forest, but currently there is a lack of data about the occurrence of wild honey bee populations in Europe. Prior to being kept by humans in hives, honey bees nested as wild species in hollow trees in temperate forests. However, in the 20th century, intensification of silviculture and agriculture with accompanying losses of nesting sites and depletion of food resources caused population declines in Europe. When the varroa mite (Varroa destructor), an invasive ectoparasite from Asia, was introduced in the late 1970s, wild honey bees were thought to be eradicated in Europe. Nevertheless, sporadic, mostly anecdotal, reports from ornithologists or forest ecologists indicated that honey bee colonies still occupy European forest areas. In my thesis I hypothesize that near-natural deciduous forests may provide sufficient large networks of nesting sites representing refugia for wild-living honey bees. Using two special search techniques, i.e. the tracking of flight routes of honey bee foragers (the "beelining" method) and the inspection of known cavity trees, I collected for the first time data on the occurrence and density of wild-living honey bees in forest areas in Germany (CHAPTER 3). I found wild-living honey bee colonies in the Hainich national park at low densities in two succeeding years. In another forest region, I checked known habitat trees containing black woodpecker cavities for occupation by wild-living honey bee colonies. It turned out that honey bees regularly use these cavities and occur in similar densities in both studied forest regions, independent of the applied detection method. Extrapolating these densities to all German forest areas, I estimate several thousand wild-living colonies in Germany that potentially interact in different ways with the forest environment. I conclude that honey bees regularly colonize forest areas in Germany and that networks of mapped woodpecker cavities offer unique possibilities to study the ecology of wild-living honey bees over several years. While their population status is ambiguous and the density of colonies low, the fact that honey bees can still be found in forests poses questions about food supply in forest environments. Consequently, I investigated the suitability of woodlands as a honey bee foraging habitat (CHAPTER 4). As their native habitat, forests are assumed to provide important pollen and nectar sources for honey bee colonies. However, resource supply might be spatially and temporally restricted and landscape-scale studies in European forest regions are lacking. Therefore, I set up twelve honey bee colonies in observation hives at locations with varying degree of forest cover. Capitalizing on the unique communication behaviour, the waggle dance, I examined the foraging distances and habitat preferences of honey bees over almost an entire foraging season. Moreover, by connecting this decoded dance information with colony weight recordings, I could draw conclusions about the contribution of the different habitat types to honey yield. Foraging distances generally increased with the amount of forest in the surrounding landscape. Yet, forest cover did not have an effect on colony weight. Compared to expectations based on the proportions of different habitats in the surroundings, colonies foraged more frequently in cropland and grasslands than in deciduous and coniferous forests, especially in late summer when pollen foraging in the forest is most difficult. In contrast, colonies used forests for nectar/honeydew foraging in early summer during times of colony weight gain emphasizing forests as a temporarily significant source of carbohydrates. Importantly, my study shows that the ecological and economic value of managed forest as habitat for honey bees and other wild pollinators can be significantly increased by the continuous provision of floral resources, especially for pollen foraging. The density of these wild-living honey bee colonies and their survival is driven by several factors that vary locally, making it crucial to compare results in different regions. Therefore, I investigated a wild-living honey bee population in Galicia in north-western Spain, where colonies were observed to reside in hollow electric poles (CHAPTER 5). The observed colony density only in these poles was almost twice as high as in German forest areas, suggesting generally more suitable resource conditions for the bees in Galicia. Based on morphometric analyses of their wing venation patterns, I assigned the colonies to the native evolutionary lineage (M-lineage) where the particularly threatened subspecies \(Apis\) \(mellifera\) \(iberiensis\) also belongs to. Averaged over two consecutive years, almost half of the colonies survived winter (23 out of 52). Interestingly, semi-natural areas both increased abundance and subsequent colony survival. Colonies surrounded by more semi-natural habitat (and therefore less intensive cropland) had an elevated overwintering probability, indicating that colonies need a certain amount of semi-natural habitat in the landscape to survive. Due to their ease of access these power poles in Galicia are, ideally suited to assess the population demography of wild-living Galician honey bee colonies through a long-term monitoring. In a nutshell, my thesis indicates that honey bees in Europe always existed in the wild. I performed the first survey of wild-living bee density yet done in Germany and Spain. My thesis identifies the landscape as a major factor that compromises winter survival and reports the first data on overwintering rates of wild-living honey bees in Europe. Besides, I established methods to efficiently detect wild-living honey bees in different habitat. While colonies can be found all over Europe, their survival and viability depend on unpolluted, flower rich habitats. The protection of near-natural habitat and of nesting sites is of paramount importance for the conservation of wild-living honey bees in Europe.  }, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Franzke2023, author = {Franzke, Myriam}, title = {Keep on track : The use of visual cues for orientation in monarch butterflies}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28470}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-284709}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) performs one of the most astonishing behaviors in the animal kingdom: every fall millions of these butterflies leave their breeding grounds in North Amerika and migrate more than 4.000 km southwards until they reach their overwintering habitat in Central Mexico. To maintain their migratory direction over this enormous distance, the butterflies use a time-compensated sun compass. Beside this, skylight polarization, the Earth's magnetic field and specific mountain ranges seem to guide the butterflies as well the south. In contrast to this fascinating orientation ability, the behavior of the butterflies in their non-migratory state received less attention. Although they do not travel long distances, they still need to orient themselves to find food, mating partners or get away from competitors. The aim of the present doctoral thesis was to investigate use of visual cues for orientation in migrating as well as non-migrating monarch butterflies. For this, field experiments investigating the migration of the butterflies in Texas (USA) were combined with experiments testing the orientation performance of non-migratory butterflies in Germany. In the first project, I recorded the heading directions of tethered butterflies during their annual fall migration. In an outdoor flight simulator, the butterflies maintained a southwards direction as long as they had a view of the sun's position. Relocating the position of the sun by 180° using a mirror, revealed that the sun is the animals' main orientation reference. Furthermore, I demonstrated that when the sun is blocked and a green light stimulus (simulated sun) is introduced, the animals interpreted this stimulus as the 'real' sun. However, this cue was not sufficient to set the migratory direction when simulated as the only visual cue in indoor experiments. When I presented the butterflies a linear polarization pattern additionally to the simulated sun, the animals headed in the correct southerly direction showing that multiple skylight cues are required to guide the butterflies during their migration. In the second project, I, furthermore, demonstrated that non-migrating butterflies are able to maintain a constant direction with respect to a simulated sun. Interestingly, they ignored the spectral component of the stimulus and relied on the intensity instead. When a panoramic skyline was presented as the only orientation reference, the butterflies maintained their direction only for short time windows probably trying to stabilize their flight based on optic-flow information. Next, I investigated whether the butterflies combine celestial with local cues by simulating a sun stimulus together with a panoramic skyline. Under this conditions, the animals' directedness was increased demonstrating that they combine multiple visual cues for spatial orientation. Following up on the observation that a sun stimulus resulted in a different behavior than the panoramic skyline, I investigated in my third project which orientation strategies the butterflies use by presenting different simulated cues to them. While a bright stripe on a dark background elicited a strong attraction of the butterflies steering in the direction of the stimulus, the inverted version of the stimulus was used for flight stabilization. In contrast to this, the butterflies maintained arbitrary directions with a high directedness with respect to a simulated sun. In an ambiguous scenery with two identical stimuli (two bright stripes, two dark stripes, or two sun stimuli) set 180° apart, a constant flight course was only achieved when two sun stimuli were displayed suggesting an involvement of the animals' internal compass. In contrast, the butterflies used two dark stripes for flight stabilization and were alternatingly attracted by two bright stripes. This shows that monarch butterflies use stimulus-dependent orientation strategies and gives the first evidence for different neuronal pathways controlling the output behavior.}, subject = {Monarchfalter}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reinhard2023, author = {Reinhard, Sebastian}, title = {Improving Super-Resolution Microscopy Data Reconstruction and Evaluation by Developing Advanced Processing Algorithms and Artifcial Neuronal Networks}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31695}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-316959}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The fusion of methods from several disciplines is a crucial component of scientific development. Artificial Neural Networks, based on the principle of biological neuronal networks, demonstrate how nature provides the best templates for technological advancement. These innovations can then be employed to solve the remaining mysteries of biology, including, in particular, processes that take place on microscopic scales and can only be studied with sophisticated techniques. For instance, direct Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy combines tools from chemistry, physics, and computer science to visualize biological processes at the molecular level. One of the key components is the computer-aided reconstruction of super-resolved images. Improving the corresponding algorithms increases the quality of the generated data, providing further insights into our biology. It is important, however, to ensure that the heavily processed images are still a reflection of reality and do not originate in random artefacts. Expansion microscopy is expanding the sample by embedding it in a swellable hydrogel. The method can be combined with other super-resolution techniques to gain additional resolution. We tested this approach on microtubules, a well-known filamentous reference structure, to evaluate the performance of different protocols and labelling techniques. We developed LineProfiler an objective tool for data collection. Instead of collecting perpendicular profiles in small areas, the software gathers line profiles from filamentous structures of the entire image. This improves data quantity, quality and prevents a biased choice of the evaluated regions. On the basis of the collected data, we deployed theoretical models of the expected intensity distribution across the filaments. This led to the conclusion that post-expansion labelling significantly reduces the labelling error and thus, improves the data quality. The software was further used to determine the expansion factor and arrangement of synaptonemal complex data. Automated Simple Elastix uses state-of-the-art image alignment to compare pre- and post-expansion images. It corrects linear distortions occurring under isotropic expansion, calculates a structural expansion factor and highlights structural mismatches in a distortion map. We used the software to evaluate expanded fungi and NK cells. We found that the expansion factor differs for the two structures and is lower than the overall expansion of the hydrogel. Assessing the fluorescence lifetime of emitters used for direct Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy can reveal additional information about the molecular environment or distinguish dyes emitting with a similar wavelength. The corresponding measurements require a confocal scanning of the sample in combination with the fluorescent switching of the underlying emitters. This leads to non-linear, interrupted Point Spread Functions. The software ReCSAI targets this problem by combining the classical algorithm of compressed sensing with modern methods of artificial intelligence. We evaluated several different approaches to combine these components and found, that unrolling compressed sensing into the network architecture yields the best performance in terms of reconstruction speed and accuracy. In addition to a deep insight into the functioning and learning of artificial intelligence in combination with classical algorithms, we were able to reconstruct the described non-linearities with significantly improved resolution, in comparison to other state-of-the-art architectures.}, subject = {Mikroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{BakariSoale2024, author = {Bakari Soale, Majeed}, title = {Regulation of the Variant Surface Glycoprotein (VSG) Expression and Characterisation of the Nucleolar DExD/H box Protein Hel66 in \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25809}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-258090}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) of African trypanosomes plays an essential role in protecting the parasites from host immune factors. These trypanosomes undergo antigenic variation resulting in the expression of a single VSG isoform out of a repertoire of around 2000 genes. The molecular mechanism central to the expression and regulation of the VSG is however not fully understood. Gene expression in trypanosomes is unusual due to the absence of typical RNA polymerase II promoters and the polycistronic transcription of genes. The regulation of gene expression is therefore mainly post-transcriptional. Regulatory sequences, mostly present in the 3´ UTRs, often serve as key elements in the modulation of the levels of individual mRNAs. In T. brucei VSG genes, a 100 \% conserved 16mer motif within the 3´ UTR has been shown to modulate the stability of VSG transcripts and hence their expression. As a stability-associated sequence element, the absence of nucleotide substitutions in the motif is however unusual. It was therefore hypothesised that the motif is involved in other essential roles/processes besides stability of the VSG transcripts. In this study, it was demonstrated that the 100 \% conservation of the 16mer motif is not essential for cell viability or for the maintenance of functional VSG protein levels. It was further shown that the intact motif in the active VSG 3´ UTR is neither required to promote VSG silencing during switching nor is it needed during differentiation from bloodstream forms to procyclic forms. Crosstalk between the VSG and procyclin genes during differentiation to the insect vector stage is also unaffected in cells with a mutated 16mer motif. Ectopic overexpression of a second VSG however requires the intact motif to trigger silencing and exchange of the active VSG, suggesting a role for the motif in transcriptional VSG switching. The 16mer motif therefore plays a dual role in VSG in situ switching and stability of VSG transcripts. The additional role of the 16mer in the essential process of antigenic variation appears to be the driving force for the 100 \% conservation of this RNA motif. A screen aimed at identifying candidate RNA-binding proteins interacting with the 16mer motif, led to the identification of a DExD/H box protein, Hel66. Although the protein did not appear to have a direct link to the 16mer regulation of VSG expression, the DExD/H family of proteins are important players in the process of ribosome biogenesis. This process is relatively understudied in trypanosomes and so this candidate was singled out for detailed characterisation, given that the 16mer story had reached a natural end point. Ribosome biogenesis is a major cellular process in eukaryotes involving ribosomal RNA, ribosomal proteins and several non-ribosomal trans-acting protein factors. The DExD/H box proteins are the most important trans-acting protein factors involved in the biosynthesis of ribosomes. Several DExD/H box proteins have been directly implicated in this process in yeast. In trypanosomes, very few of this family of proteins have been characterised and therefore little is known about the specific roles they play in RNA metabolism. Here, it was shown that Hel66 is involved in rRNA processing during ribosome biogenesis. Hel66 localises to the nucleolus and depleting the protein led to a severe growth defect. Loss of the protein also resulted in a reduced rate of global translation and accumulation of rRNA processing intermediates of both the small and large ribosomal subunits. Hel66 is therefore an essential nucleolar DExD/H protein involved in rRNA processing during ribosome biogenesis. As very few protein factors involved in the processing of rRNAs have been described in trypanosomes, this finding represents an important platform for future investigation of this topic.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{MaierverhHartmann2024, author = {Maier [verh. Hartmann], Carina Ramona}, title = {Regulation of the Mevalonate Pathway by the Deubiquitinase USP28 in Squamous Cancer}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34874}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-348740}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The reprogramming of metabolic pathways is a hallmark of cancer: Tumour cells are dependent on the supply with metabolites and building blocks to fulfil their increased need as highly proliferating cells. Especially de novo synthesis pathways are upregulated when the cells of the growing tumours are not able to satisfy the required metabolic levels by uptake from the environment. De novo synthesis pathways are often under the control of master transcription factors which regulate the gene expression of enzymes involved in the synthesis process. The master regulators for de novo fatty acid synthesis and cholesterogenesis are sterol regulatory element-binding proteins (SREBPs). While SREBP1 preferably controls the expression of enzymes involved in fatty acid synthesis, SREBP2 regulates the transcription of the enzymes of the mevalonate pathway and downstream processes namely cholesterol, isoprenoids and building blocks for ubiquinone synthesis. SREBP activity is tightly regulated at different levels: The post-translational modification by ubiquitination decreases the stability of active SREBPs. The attachment of K48-linked ubiquitin chains marks the transcription factors for the proteasomal degradation. In tumour cells, high levels of active SREBPs are essential for the upregulation of the respective metabolic pathways. The increased stability and activity of SREBPs were investigated in this thesis. SREBPs are ubiquitinated by the E3 ligase Fbw7 which leads to the subsequential proteolysis of the transcription factors. The work conducted in this thesis identified the counteracting deubiquitination enzyme USP28 which removes the ubiquitin chains from SREBPs and prevents their proteasomal degradation. It further revealed that the stabilization of SREBP2 by USP28 plays an important role in the context of squamous cancers. Increased USP28 levels are associated with a poor survival in patients with squamous tumour subtypes. It was shown that reduced USP28 levels in cell lines and in vivo result in a decrease of SREBP2 activity and downregulation of the mevalonate pathway. This manipulation led to reduced proliferation and tumour growth. A direct comparison of adenocarcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas in lung cancer patients revealed an upregulation of USP28 as well as SREBP2 and its target genes. Targeting the USP28-SREBP2 regulatory axis in squamous cell lines by inhibitors also reduced cell viability and proliferation. In conclusion, this study reports evidence for the importance of the mevalonate pathway regulated by the USP28-SREBP2 axis in tumour initiation and progression of squamous cancer. The combinatorial inhibitor treatment of USP28 and HMGCR, the rate limiting enzyme of the mevalonate pathway, by statins opens the possibility for a targeted therapeutic treatment of squamous cancer patients.}, subject = {Ubiquitin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pitsch2024, author = {Pitsch, Maximilian Jonathan}, title = {Zyklisches Adenosinmonophosphat (cAMP) als {\"A}quivalent akkumulierter neuronaler Evidenz}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35129}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-351292}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die vier Crz-Neurone des ventralen Nervensystems von Drosophila melanogaster sammeln Evidenz, wann im Rahmen eines Paarungsakts zirka 6 Minuten vergangen sind. Diese Entscheidung ist f{\"u}r die m{\"a}nnliche Fliege von Bedeutung, da das M{\"a}nnchen vor Ablauf dieser ~6 Minuten, welche den Zeitpunkt der Ejakulation darstellen, eher das eigene Leben opfern w{\"u}rde, als dass es die Paarung beenden w{\"u}rde. Nach Ablauf der ~6 Minuten f{\"a}llt die Motivation des M{\"a}nnchens dagegen dramatisch ab. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde zun{\"a}chst mittels optogenetischer neuronaler Inhibitionsprotokolle sowie Verhaltensanalysen das Ph{\"a}nomen der Evidenz-akkumulation in den Crz-Neuronen genauer charakterisiert. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die akkumulierte Evidenz auch w{\"a}hrend einer elektrischen Inhibition der Crz-Neurone persistierte. Dieses Ergebnis warf die Hypothese auf, dass das {\"A}quivalent der akkumulierten Evidenz in den Crz-Neuronen biochemischer Natur sein k{\"o}nnte. Es wurde daraufhin ein Hochdurchsatzscreening-Verfahren entwickelt, mittels dessen 1388 genetische Manipulationen der Crz-Neurone durchgef{\"u}hrt und auf eine {\"A}nderung der Evidenzakkumulation getestet wurden. Nur ~30 genetische Manipulationen zeigten eine ver{\"a}nderte Evidenzakkumulation, wobei die meisten dieser Manipulationen den cAMP-Signalweg betrafen. Mittels der optogenetischen Photoadenylatzyklase bPAC, einer Reihe weiterer genetischer Manipulationen des cAMP-Signalwegs sowie der ex vivo Kalzium-Bildgebung und Fluoreszenzlebensdauer-Mikroskopie konnte best{\"a}tigt werden, dass cAMP das {\"A}quivalent der in den Crz-Neuronen spannungsabh{\"a}ngig akkumulierten Evidenz darstellt, wobei die Kombination dieser Methoden nahelegte, dass der Schwellenwert der Evidenzakkumulation durch die cAMP-Bindungsaffinit{\"a}t der regulatorischen PKA-Untereinheiten festgelegt sein k{\"o}nnte. Mittels genetischer Mosaikexperimente sowie bildgebenden Verfahren konnte dar{\"u}ber hinaus gezeigt werden, dass innerhalb des Crz-Netzwerks eine positive R{\"u}ckkopplungsschleife aus rekurrenter Aktivit{\"a}t sowie der cAMP-Akkumulation besteht, welche, sobald die cAMP-Spiegel den Schwellenwert erreichen, zu einem netzwerkweit synchronisierten massiven Kalziumeinstrom f{\"u}hrt, was die Abgabe des Crz-Signals an nachgeschaltete Netzwerke triggert. Dieses Ph{\"a}nomen k{\"o}nnte ein Analogon des Aktionspotenzials auf Netzwerkebene sowie auf Intervallzeitskalen darstellen und wurde als „Eruption" bezeichnet. Genetische, optogenetische sowie Bildgebungsexperimente konnten zeigen, dass die CaMKII derartige Eruptionen durch Niedrighalten der cAMP-Spiegel unterdr{\"u}ckt, was den Zeitmessmechanismus des ersten beschriebenen Intervallzeitmessers CaMKII offenlegt.}, subject = {Evidenz}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Nirchal2024, author = {Nirchal, Naveen Kumar}, title = {Mechanistische Regulierung des gastro{\"o}sophagealen {\"U}bergangs und die Rolle der Retins{\"a}ure bei der Entwicklung des Barrett-{\"O}sophagus}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31155}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-311556}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Der gastro{\"o}sophageale {\"U}bergang (GEJ), der die Region abgrenzt, in der der distale {\"O}sophagus auf die proximale Magenregion trifft, ist bekannt f{\"u}r die Entwicklung pathologischer Zust{\"a}nde, wie Metaplasie und Adenokarzinom des {\"O}sophagus (EAC). Es ist wichtig, die Mechanismen der Entwicklungsstadien zu verstehen, die zu EAC f{\"u}hren, da die Inzidenzrate von EAC in den letzten 4 Jahrzehnten um das 7-fache gestiegen ist und die Gesamt{\"u}berlebensrate von 5 Jahren 18,4 \% betr{\"a}gt. In den meisten F{\"a}llenwird die Diagnose im fortgeschrittenen Stadium ohne vorherige Symptome erstellt. Der Hauptvorl{\"a}ufer f{\"u}r die Entwicklung von EAC ist eine pr{\"a}maligne Vorstufe namens Barrett-{\"O}sophagus (BE). BE ist der metaplastische Zustand, bei dem das mehrschichtige Plattenepithel des nativen {\"O}sophagus durch ein spezialisiertes einschichtiges S{\"a}ulenepithel ersetzt wird, das die molekularen Eigenschaften des Magen- sowie des Darmepithels aufweist. Zu den wichtigsten Risikofaktoren f{\"u}r die Entwicklung von BE geh{\"o}ren die chronische gastro{\"o}sophageale Refluxkrankheit (GERD), eine ver{\"a}nderte Mikrobiota und ver{\"a}nderte Retins{\"a}ure-Signalwege (RA). Es ist unklar, welche Zelle der Ursprung f{\"u}r BE ist, da es keine eindeutigen Beweisen f{\"u}r den Prozess der BE-Initiation gibt. In dieser Arbeit habe ich untersucht, wie die GEJ-Hom{\"o}ostase in gesundem Gewebe durch stammzellregulatorische Morphogene aufrechterhalten wird, welche Rolle der Vitamin-A (RA-Signal{\"u}bertragung) spieltund wie ihre Ver{\"a}nderung zur BE-Entwicklung beitr{\"a}gt. Im ersten Teil meiner Dissertation habe ich anhand von Einzelmolek{\"u}l-RNA in situ-Hybridisierung und Immunhistochemie eindeutig das Vorhandensein von zwei Arten von Epithelzellen nachweisen k{\"o}nnen, dem Plattenepithel in der Speiser{\"o}hre und dem S{\"a}ulenepithel imMagenbereich des GEJ. Mittels Abstammungsanalysen im Mausmodell konnte ich zeigen, dass die Epithelzellen des {\"O}sophagus und des Magens von zwei verschiedenen epithelialen Stammzelllinien imGEJ abstammen. Die Grenze zwischen Plattenepithel und S{\"a}ulenepithelzellen im SCJ des GEJ wirddurch gegens{\"a}tzliche Wnt-Mikroumgebungen streng reguliert. Plattenepithelstammzellen des {\"O}sophagus werden durch das Wnt-hemmende Mikroumgebungssignal aufrechterhalten, w{\"a}hrend Magens{\"a}ulenepithelzellen durch das Wnt-aktivierende Signal aus dem Stromakompartiment erhalten werden. Ich habe die in vivo Erhaltung der Epithelstammzellen des GEJ mit Hilfe eines in vitro Epithel-3D-Organoidkulturmodells rekonstruiert. Das Wachstum und die Vermehrung von Magens{\"a}ulenepithel-Organoiden h{\"a}ngen von Wnt-Wachstumsfaktoren ab, w{\"a}hrend das Wachstum von Plattenepithel-Organoiden von Wnt-defizienten Kulturbedingungen abh{\"a}ngt. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus zeigte die Einzelzell-RNA-Sequenzanalyse (scRNA-seq) der aus Organoiden gewonnenenEpithelzellen, dass der nicht-kanonische Wnt/ planar cell polarity (PCP) Signalweg an der Regulierung der Plattenepithelzellen beteiligt ist. Im Gegensatz dazu werden s{\"a}ulenf{\"o}rmige Magenepithelzellen durch den kanonischen Wnt/beta-Catenin- und den nicht-kanonischen Wnt/Ca2+-Weg reguliert. Meine Daten zeigen, dass die SCJ-Epithelzellen, die am GEJ verschmelzen, durch entgegengesetzte stromale Wnt-Faktoren und unterschiedliche Wnt-Weg-Signalee in den Epithelzellen reguliert werden. Im zweiten Teil der Dissertation untersuchte ich die Rolle der bioaktiven Vitamin A Verbindung RA auf {\"O}sophagus- und Magenepithelstammzellen. Die In-vitro-Behandlung von epithelialen Organoiden der Speiser{\"o}hre und des Magens mitRA oder seinem pharmakologischen Inhibitors BMS 493 zeigte, dass jeder Zelltyp unterschiedlich reguliert wurde. Ich beobachtete, dass eine verst{\"a}rkte RA die Differenzierung von Stammzellen und den Verlust der Schichtung f{\"o}rderte, w{\"a}hrend die RA-Hemmung zu einer verst{\"a}rkten Stammzellbildung und Regeneration im mehrschichtigen Epithel der Speiser{\"o}hre f{\"u}hrte. Im Gegensatz zur Speiser{\"o}hre ist der RA-Signalweg in Magen-Organoiden aktiv, und die Hemmung von RA hat ein reduziertes Wachstum von Magen-Organoiden. Globale transkriptomische Daten und scRNA-seq-Daten zeigten, dass derRA-Signalweg einen Ruheph{\"a}notyp in den {\"O}sophaguszellen induziert. Dagegen f{\"u}hrt das Fehlen von RA in Magenepithelzellen zur Expression von Genen, die mit BE assoziiert sind. Daher isteine r{\"a}umlich definierte Regulation der Wnt- und Retins{\"a}ure-Signalgebung amGEJ entscheidend f{\"u}r eine gesunde Hom{\"o}ostase, und ihre St{\"o}rung f{\"u}hrt zur Entwicklung von Krankheiten.}, subject = {Retinoes{\"a}ure}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Koenig2024, author = {K{\"o}nig, Sebastian Thomas}, title = {Temperature-driven assembly processes of Orthoptera communities: Lessons on diversity, species traits, feeding interactions, and associated faecal microorganisms from elevational gradients in Southern Germany (Berchtesgaden Alps)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35460}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-354608}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Chapter I: Introduction Temperature is a major driver of biodiversity and abundance patterns on our planet, which becomes particularly relevant facing the entanglement of an imminent biodiversity and climate crisis. Climate shapes the composition of species assemblages either directly via abiotic filtering mechanisms or indirectly through alterations in biotic interactions. Insects - integral elements of Earth's ecosystems - are affected by climatic variation such as warming, yet responses vary among species. While species' traits, antagonistic biotic interactions, and even species' microbial mutualists may determine temperature-dependent assembly processes, the lion's share of these complex relationships remains poorly understood due to methodological constraints. Mountains, recognized as hotspots of diversity and threatened by rapidly changing climatic conditions, can serve as natural experimental settings to study the response of insect assemblages and their trophic interactions to temperature variation, instrumentalizing the high regional heterogeneity of micro- and macroclimate. With this thesis, we aim to enhance our mechanistic understanding of temperature-driven assembly processes within insect communities, exemplified by Orthoptera, that are significant herbivores in temperate mountain grassland ecosystems. Therefore, we combined field surveys of Orthoptera assemblages on grassland sites with molecular tools for foodweb reconstruction, primarily leveraging the elevational gradients offered by the complex topography within the Berchtesgaden Alpine region (Bavaria, Germany) as surrogate for temperature variation (space-for-time substitution approach). In this framework, we studied the effects of temperature variation on (1) species richness, abundance, community composition, and interspecific as well as intraspecific trait patterns, (2) ecological feeding specialisation, and (3) previously neglected links to microbial associates found in the faeces. Chapter II: Temperature-driven assembly processes Climate varies at multiple scales. Since microclimate is often overlooked, we assessed effects of local temperature deviations on species and trait compositions of insect communities along macroclimatic temperature gradients in Chapter II. Therefore, we employed joint species distribution modelling to explore how traits drive variation in the climatic niches of Orthoptera species at grassland sites characterized by contrasting micro- and macroclimatic conditions. Our findings revealed two key insights: (1) additive effects of micro- and macroclimate on the diversity, but (2) interactive effects on the abundance of several species, resulting in turnover and indicating that species possess narrower climatic niches than their elevational distributions might imply. This chapter suggests positive effects of warming on Orthoptera, but also highlights that the interplay of macro- and microclimate plays a pivotal role in structuring insect communities. Thus, it underscores the importance of considering both elements when predicting the responses of species to climate change. Additionally, this chapter revealed inter- and intraspecific effects of traits on the niches and distribution of species. Chapter III: Dietary specialisation along climatic gradients A crucial trait linked to the position of climatic niches is dietary specialisation. According to the 'altitudinal niche-breadth hypothesis', species of high-elevation habitats should be less specialized compared to their low-elevation counterparts. However, empirical evidence on shifts in specialization is scarce for generalist insect herbivores and existing studies often fail to control for the phylogeny and abundance of interaction partners. In Chapter III, we used a combination of field observations and amplicon sequencing to reconstruct dietary relationships between Orthoptera and plants along an extensive temperature gradient. We did not find close but flexible links between individual grasshopper and plant taxa in space. While interaction network specialisation increased with temperature, the corrected dietary specialisation pattern peaked at intermediate elevations on assemblage level. These nuanced findings demonstrate that (1) resource availability, (2) phylogenetic relationships, and (3) climate can affect empirical foodwebs intra- and interspecifically and, hence, the dietary specialisation of herbivorous insects. In this context, we discuss that the underlying mechanisms involved in shaping the specialisation of herbivore assemblages may switch along temperature clines. Chapter IV: Links between faecal microbe communities, feeding habits, and climate Since gut microbes affect the fitness and digestion of insects, studying their diversity could provide novel insights into specialisation patterns. However, their association with insect hosts that differ in feeding habits and specialisation has never been investigated along elevational climatic gradients. In Chapter IV, we utilized the dietary information gathered in Chapter III to characterize links between insects with distinct feeding behaviour and the microbial communities present in their faeces, using amplicon sequencing. Both, feeding and climate affected the bacterial communities. However, the large overlap of microbes at site level suggests that common bacteria are acquired from the shared feeding environment, such as the plants consumed by the insects. These findings emphasize the influence of a broader environmental context on the composition of insect gut microbial communities. Chapter V: Discussion \& Conclusions Cumulatively, the sections of this dissertation provide support for the hypothesis that climatic conditions play a role in shaping plant-herbivore systems. The detected variation of taxonomic and functional compositions contributes to our understanding of assembly processes and resulting diversity patterns within Orthoptera communities, shedding light on the mechanisms that structure their trophic interactions in diverse climates. The combined results presented suggest that a warmer climate could foster an increase of Orthoptera species richness in Central European semi-natural grasslands, also because the weak links observed between insect herbivores and plants are unlikely to limit decoupled range shifts. However, the restructuring of Orthoptera communities in response to warmer temperatures depends on species' traits such as moisture preferences or phenology. Notably, we were able to demonstrate a crucial role of microclimate for many species, partly unravelling narrower climatic niches than their elevational ranges suggest. We found evidence that not only Orthoptera community composition, specialisation, and traits varied along elevational gradients, but even microbial communities in the faeces of Orthoptera changed, which is a novel finding. This complex restructuring and reassembly of communities, coupled with the nonlinear specialisation of trophic interactions and a high diversity of associated bacteria, emphasize our currently incomplete comprehension of how ecosystems will develop under future climatic conditions, demanding caution in making simplified predictions for biodiversity change under climate warming. Since these predictions may benefit from including biotic interactions and both, micro- and macroclimate based on our findings, conservation authorities and practitioners must not neglect improving microclimatic conditions to ensure local survival of a diverse set of threatened and demanding species. In this context, mountains can play a pivotal role for biodiversity conservation since these offer heterogeneous microclimatic conditions in proximity that can be utilized by species with distinct niches.}, subject = {Heuschrecken}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weisert2024, author = {Weisert, Nadine}, title = {Characterization of telomere-associated proteins in \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35273}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-352732}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The unicellular pathogen Trypanosoma brucei is the causative agent of African trypanosomiasis, an endemic disease prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa. Trypanosoma brucei alternates between a mammalian host and the tsetse fly vector. The extracellular parasite survives in the mammalian bloodstream by periodically exchanging their ˈvariant surface glycoproteinˈ (VSG) coat to evade the host immune response. This antigenic variation is achieved through monoallelic expression of one VSG variant from subtelomeric ˈbloodstream form expression sitesˈ (BES) at a given timepoint. During the differentiation from the bloodstream form (BSF) to the procyclic form (PCF) in the tsetse fly midgut, the stage specific surface protein is transcriptionally silenced and replaced by procyclins. Due to their subtelomeric localization on the chromosomes, VSG transcription and silencing is partly regulated by homologues of the mammalian telomere complex such as TbTRF, TbTIF2 and TbRAP1 as well as by ˈtelomere-associated proteinsˈ (TelAPs) like TelAP1. To gain more insights into transcription regulation of VSG genes, the identification and characterization of other TelAPs is critical and has not yet been achieved. In a previous study, two biochemical approaches were used to identify other novel TelAPs. By using ˈco-immunoprecipitationˈ (co-IP) to enrich possible interaction partners of TbTRF and by affinity chromatography using telomeric repeat oligonucleotides, a listing of TelAP candidates has been conducted. With this approach TelAP1 was identified as a novel component of the telomere complex, involved in the kinetics of transcriptional BES silencing during BSF to PCF differentiation. To gain further insights into the telomere complex composition, other previously enriched proteins were characterized through a screening process using RNA interference to deplete potential candidates. VSG expression profile changes and overall proteomic changes after depletion were analyzed by mass spectrometry. With this method, one can gain insights into the functions of the proteins and their involvement in VSG expression site regulation. To validate the interaction of proteins enriched by co-IP with TbTRF and TelAP1 and to identify novel interaction proteins, I performed reciprocal affinity purifications of the four most promising candidates (TelAP2, TelAP3, PPL2 and PolIE) and additionally confirmed colocalization of two candidates with TbTRF via immunofluorescence (TelAP2, TelAP3). TelAP3 colocalizes with TbTRF and potentially interacts with TbTRF, TbTIF2, TelAP1 and TelAP2, as well as with two translesion polymerases PPL2 and PolIE in BSF. PPL2 and PolIE seem to be in close contact to each other at the telomeric ends and fulfill different roles as only PolIE is involved in VSG regulation while PPL2 is not. TelAP2 was previously characterized to be associated with telomeres by partially colocalizing with TbTRF and cells show a VSG derepression phenotype when the protein was depleted. Here I show that TelAP2 interacts with the telomere-binding proteins TbTRF and TbTIF2 as well as with the telomere-associated protein TelAP1 in BSF and that TelAP2 depletion results in a loss of TelAP1 colocalization with TbTRF in BSF. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that characterizing potential TelAPs is effective in gaining insights into the telomeric complex's composition and its role in VSG regulation in Trypanosoma brucei. Understanding these interactions could potentially lead to new therapeutic targets for combatting African trypanosomiasis.}, subject = {Telomer }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Englmeier2024, author = {Englmeier, Jana}, title = {Consequences of climate change and land-use intensification for decomposer communities and decomposition processes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31399}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-313994}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The increase in intensively used areas and climate change are direct and indirect consequences of anthropogenic actions, caused by a growing population and increasing greenhouse gas emissions. The number of research studies, investigating the effects of land use and climate change on ecosystems, including flora, fauna, and ecosystem services, is steadily growing. This thesis contributes to this research area by investigating land-use and climate effects on decomposer communities (arthropods and microbes) and the ecosystem service 'decomposition of dead material'. Chapter II deals with consequences of intensified land use and climate change for the ecosystem service 'decomposition of dead organic material' (necromass). Considering the severe decline in insects, we experimentally excluded insects from half of the study objects. The decomposition of both dung and carrion was robust to land-use changes. Dung decomposition, moreover, was unaffected by temperature and the presence/ absence of insects. Along the altitudinal gradient, however, highest dung decomposition was observed at medium elevation between 600 and 700 m above sea level (although insignificant). As a consequence, we assume that at this elevation there is an ideal precipitation:temperature ratio for decomposing organisms, such as earthworms or collembolans. Carrion decomposition was accelerated by increasing elevation and by the presence of insects, indicating that increasing variability in climate and an ongoing decline in insects could modify decomposition processes and consequently natural nutrient cycles. Moreover, we show that different types of dead organic material respond differently to environmental factors and should be treated separately in future studies. In Chapter III, we investigated land-use and climate effects on dung-visiting beetles and their resource specialization. Here, all beetles that are preferentially found on dung, carrion or other rotten material were included. Both α- and γ-diversity were strongly reduced in agricultural and urban areas. High precipitation reduced dung-visiting beetle abundance, whereas γ-diversity was lowest in the warmest regions. Resource specialization decreased with increasing temperatures. The results give evidence that land use as well as climate can alter dung-visiting beetle diversity and resource specialization and may hence influence the natural balance of beetle communities and their contribution to the ecosystem service 'decomposition of dead material'. The following chapter, Chapter IV, contributes to the findings in Chapter II. Here, carrion decomposition is not only explained by land-use intensity and climate but also by diversity and community composition of two taxonomic groups found on carrion, beetles and bacteria. The results revealed a strong correlation between bacteria diversity and community composition with temperature. Carrion decomposition was to a great extent directed by bacterial community composition and precipitation. The role of beetles was neglectable in carrion decomposition. With this study, I show that microbes, despite their microscopic size, direct carrion decomposition and may not be neglected in future decomposition studies. In Chapter V a third necromass type is investigated, namely deadwood. The aim was to assess climate and land-use effects on deadwood-inhabiting fungi and bacteria. Main driver for microbial richness (measured as number of OTUs) was climate, including temperature and precipitation. Warmer climates promoted the diversity of bacteria, whereas fungi richness was unaffected by temperature. In turn, fungi richness was lower in urban landscapes compared to near-natural landscapes and bacteria richness was higher on meadows than on forest sites. Fungi were extremely specialized on their host tree, independent of land use and climate. Bacteria specialization, however, was strongly directed by land use and climate. These results underpin previous studies showing that fungi are highly specialized in contrast to bacteria and add new insights into the robustness of fungi specialization to climate and land use. I summarize that climate as well as intensive land use influence biodiversity. Temperature and precipitation, however, had positive and negative effects on decomposer diversity, while anthropogenic land use had mostly negative effects on the diversity of decomposers.}, subject = {Mikroorganismus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gabel2024, author = {Gabel, Martin Sebastian}, title = {Behavioural resistance to \(Varroa\) \(destructor\) in the Western honeybee \(Apis\) \(mellifera\) - Mechanisms leading to decreased mite reproduction}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36053}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-360536}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The Western Honeybee (Apis mellifera) is among the most versatile species in the world. Its adaptability is rooted in thousands of the differently specialized individuals acting jointly together. Thus, bees that are able to handle a certain task or condition well can back up other individuals less capable to do so on the colony level. Vice versa, the latter individuals might perform better in other situations. This evolutionary recipe for success ensures the survival of colonies despite challenging habitat conditions. In this context, the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor reflects the most pronounced biotic challenge to honeybees worldwide. Without proper treatment, infested colonies rapidly dwindle and ultimately die. Nevertheless, resistance behaviours against this parasite have evolved in some populations through natural selection, enabling colonies to survive untreated. In this, different behaviours appear to be adapted to the respective habitat conditions and may complement each other. Yet, the why and how of this behavioural response to the mite remains largely unknown. My thesis focuses on the biological background of Varroa-resistance traits in honeybees and presents important findings for the comprehension of this complex host-parasite interaction. Based on this, I draw implications for both, applied bee breeding and scientific investigations in the field of Varroa-resistance. Specifically, I focus on two traits commonly found in resistant and, to a lower degree, also mite-susceptible colonies: decreased mite reproduction and the uncapping and subsequent recapping of sealed brood cells. Examining failures in the reproductive success of mites as a primary mechanism of Varroa-resistance, I was able to link them to specific bee behaviours and external factors. Since mite reproduction and the brood rearing of bees are inevitably connected, I first investigated the effects of brood interruption on the reproductive success of mites. Brood interruption decreased the reproductive success of mites both immediately and in the long term. By examining the causes of reproductive failure, I could show that this was mainly due to an increased share of infertile mites. Furthermore, I proved that interruption in brood rearing significantly increased the expression of recapping behaviour. These findings consequently showed a dynamic modulation of mite reproduction and recapping, as well as a direct effect of brood interruption on both traits. To further elucidate the plasticity in the expression of both traits, I studied mite reproduction, recapping behaviour and infestation levels over the course of three years. The resulting extensive dataset unveiled a significant seasonal variation in mite reproduction and recapping. In addition, I show that recapping decreases the reproductive success of mites by increasing delayed developing female offspring and cells lacking male offspring. By establishing a novel picture-based brood investigation method, I could furthermore show that both the removal of brood cells and recapping activity specifically target brood ages in which mite offspring would be expected. Recapping, however, did not cause infertility of mites. Considering the findings of my first study, this points towards complementary mechanisms. This underlines the importance of increased recapping behaviour and decreased mite reproduction as resistance traits, while at the same time emphasising the challenges of reliable data acquisition. To pave the way for a practical application of these findings in breeding, we then investigated the heritability (i.e., the share of genotypic variation on the observed phenotypic variation) of the accounted traits. By elaborating comparable test protocols and compiling data from over 4,000 colonies, we could, for the first time, demonstrate that recapping of infested cells and decreased reproductive success of mites are heritable (and thus selectable) traits in managed honeybee populations. My thesis proves the importance of recapping and decreased mite reproduction as resistance traits and therefore valuable goals for breeding efforts. In this regard, I shed light on the underlying mechanisms of both traits, and present clear evidence for their interaction and heritability.}, subject = {Varroa destructor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hahn2024, author = {Hahn, Sarah}, title = {Investigating non-canonical, 5' UTR-dependent translation of MYC and its impact on colorectal cancer development}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36420}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-364202}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most common tumour disease in Germany, with the sequential accumulation of certain mutations playing a decisive role in the transition from adenoma to carcinoma. In particular, deregulation of the Wnt signalling pathway and the associated deregulated expression of the MYC oncoprotein play a crucial role. Targeting MYC thus represents an important therapeutic approach in the treatment of tumours. Since direct inhibition of MYC is challenging, various approaches have been pursued to date to target MYC indirectly. The MYC 5' UTR contains an internal ribosomal entry site (IRES), which has a particular role in the initiation of MYC translation, especially in multiple myeloma. As basis for this work, it was hypothesised on the basis of previous data that translation of MYC potentially occurs via its IRES in CRC as well. Based on this, two IRES inhibitors were tested for their potential to regulate MYC expression in CRC cells. In addition, alternative, 5' UTR-dependent translation of MYC and interacting factors were investigated. EIF3D was identified as a MYC 5' UTR binding protein which has the potential to regulate MYC expression in CRC. The results of this work suggest that there is a link between eIF3D and MYC expression/translation, rendering eIF3D a potential therapeutic target for MYC-driven CRCs.}, subject = {Myc}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hartmann2024, author = {Hartmann, Oliver}, title = {Development of somatic modified mouse models of Non-Small cell lung cancer}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36340}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-363401}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In 2020, cancer was the leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths. Lung cancer was the most common cancer, with 2.21 million cases per year in both sexes. This non-homogeneous disease is further subdivided into small cell lung cancer (SCLC, 15\%) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC, 85\%). By 2023, the American Cancer Society estimates that NSCLC will account for 13\% of all new cancer cases and 21\% of all estimated cancer deaths. In recent years, the treatment of patients with NSCLC has improved with the development of new therapeutic interventions and the advent of targeted and personalised therapies. However, these advances have only marginally improved the five-year survival rate, which remains alarmingly low for patients with NSCLC. This observation highlights the importance of having more appropriate experimental and preclinical models to recapitulate, identify and test novel susceptibilities in NSCLC. In recent years, the Trp53fl/fl KRaslsl-G12D/wt mouse model developed by Tuveson, Jacks and Berns has been the main in vivo model used to study NSCLC. This model mimics ADC and SCC to a certain extent. However, it is limited in its ability to reflect the genetic complexity of NSCLC. In this work, we use CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing with targeted mutagenesis and gene deletions to recapitulate the conditional model. By comparing the Trp53fl/fl KRaslsl- G12D/wt with the CRISPR-mediated Trp53mut KRasG12D, we demonstrated that both showed no differences in histopathological features, morphology, and marker expression. Furthermore, next-generation sequencing revealed a very high similarity in their transcriptional profile. Adeno-associated virus-mediated tumour induction and the modular design of the viral vector allow us to introduce additional mutations in a timely manner. CRISPR-mediated mutation of commonly mutated tumour suppressors in NSCLC reliably recapitulated the phenotypes described in patients in the animal model. Lastly, the dual viral approach could induce the formation of lung tumours not only in constitutive Cas9 expressing animals, but also in wildtype animals. Thus, the implementation of CRISPR genome editing can rapidly advance the repertoire of in vivo models for NSCLC research. Furthermore, it can reduce the necessity of extensive breeding.}, subject = {CRISPR/Cas-Methode}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Aroko2024, author = {Aroko, Erick Onyango}, title = {Trans-regulation of \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\) variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) mRNA and structural analysis of a \(Trypanosoma\) \(vivax\) VSG using X-ray crystallography}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24177}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-241773}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {African trypanosomes are unicellular parasites that cause nagana and sleeping sickness in livestock and man, respectively. The major pathogens for the animal disease include Trypanosoma vivax, T. congolense, and T. brucei brucei, whereas T. b. gambiense and T. b. rhodesiense are responsible for human infections. Given that the bloodstream form (BSF) of African trypanosomes is exclusively extracellular, its cell surface forms a critical boundary with the host environment. The cell surface of the BSF African trypanosomes is covered by a dense coat of immunogenic variant surface glycoproteins (VSGs). This surface protein acts as an impenetrable shield that protects the cells from host immune factors and is also involved in antibody clearance and antigenic variation, which collectively ensure that the parasite stays ahead of the host immune system. Gene expression in T. brucei is markedly different from other eukaryotes: most genes are transcribed as long polycistronic units, processed by trans-splicing a 39-nucleotide mini exon at the 5′ and polyadenylation at the 3′ ends of individual genes to generate the mature mRNA. Therefore, gene expression in T. brucei is regulated post-transcriptionally, mainly by the action of RNA binding proteins (RBPs) and conserved elements in the 3′ untranslated regions (UTR) of transcripts. The expression of VSGs is highly regulated, and only a single VSG gene is expressed at a time from one of the ~15 subtelomeric domains termed bloodstream expression sites (BES). When cells are engineered to simultaneously express two VSGs, the total VSG mRNA do not exceed the wild type amounts. This suggests that a robust VSG mRNA balancing mechanism exists in T. brucei. The present study uses inducible and constitutive expression of ectopic VSG genes to show that the endogenous VSG mRNA is regulated only if the second VSG is properly targeted to the ER. Additionally, the endogenous VSG mRNA response is triggered when high amounts of the GFP reporter with a VSG 3′UTR is targeted to the ER. Further evidence that non-VSG ER import signals can efficiently target VSGs to the ER is presented. This study suggests that a robust trans-regulation of the VSG mRNA is elicited at the ER through a feedback loop to keep the VSG transcripts in check and avoid overshooting the secretory pathway capacity. Further, it was shown that induction of expression of the T. vivax VSG ILDat1.2 in T. brucei causes a dual cell cycle arrest, with concomitant upregulation of the protein associated with differentiation (PAD1) expression. It could be shown that T. vivax VSG ILDat1.2 can only be sufficiently expressed in T. brucei after replacing its native GPI signal peptide with that of a T. brucei VSG. Taken together, these data indicate that inefficient VSG GPI anchoring and expression of low levels of the VSG protein can trigger differentiation from slender BSF to stumpy forms. However, a second T. vivax VSG, ILDat2.1, is not expressed in T. brucei even after similar modifications to its GPI signals. An X-ray crystallography approach was utilized to solve the N-terminal domain (NTD) structure of VSG ILDat1.2. This is first structure of a non-T. brucei VSG, and the first of a surface protein of T. vivax to be solved. VSG ILDat1.2 NTD maintains the three-helical bundle scaffold conserved in T. brucei surface proteins. However, it is likely that there are variations in the architecture of the membrane proximal region of the ILDat1.2 NTD and its CTD from T. brucei VSGs. The tractable T. brucei system is presented as a model that can be used to study surface proteins of related trypanosome species, thus creating avenues for further characterization of trypanosome surface coats.}, subject = {Trypanosoma vivax}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Heimberger2024, author = {Heimberger, Kevin}, title = {Regulation pathways of c-MYC under glutamine-starving conditions in colon carcinoma cells}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36331}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-363316}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Colon carcinomas (CRC) are statistically among the most fatal cancer types and hence one of the top reasons for premature mortality in the developed world. CRC cells are characterized by high proliferation rates caused by deregulation of gene transcription of proto-oncogenes and general chromosomal instability. On macroscopic level, CRC cells show a strongly altered nutrient and energy metabolism. This work presents research to understand general links between the metabolism and transcription alteration. Mainly focussing on glutamine dependency, shown in colon carcinoma cells and expression pathways of the pro-proliferation protein c-MYC. Previous studies showed that a depletion of glutamine in the cultivation medium of colon carcinoma cell lines caused a proliferation arrest and a strong decrease of overall c-MYC levels. Re-addition of glutamine quickly replenished c-MYC levels through an unknown mechanism. Several proteins altering this regulation mechanism were identified and proposed as possible starting point for further in detail studies to unveil the precise biochemical pathway controlling c-MYC translation repression and reactivation in a rapid manner. On a transcriptional level the formation of RNA:DNA hybrids, so called R-loops, was observed under glutamine depleted conditions. The introduction and overexpression of RNaseH1, a R-loop degrading enzyme, in combination with an ectopically expressed c-MYC variant, independent of cellular regulation mechanisms by deleting the regulatory 3'-UTR of the c-MYC gene, lead to a high rate of apoptotic cells in culture. Expression of a functionally inactive variant of RNaseH1 abolished this effect. This indicates a regulatory function of R-loops formed during glutamine starvation in the presence of c-MYC protein in a cell. Degradation of R-loops and high c-MYC levels in this stress condition had no imminent effect on the cell cycle progression is CRC cells but disturbed the nucleotide metabolism. Nucleotide triphosphates were strongly reduced in comparison to starving cells without R-loop degradation and proliferating cells. This study proposes a model of a terminal cycle of transcription termination, unregulated initiation and elongation of transcription leading to a depletion of energy resources of cells. This could finally lead to high apoptosis of the cells. Sequencing experiments to determine a coinciding of termination sites and R-loop formation sides failed so far but show a starting point for further studies in this essential survival mechanism involving R-loop formation and c-MYC downregulation.}, subject = {Myc}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schwebs2024, author = {Schwebs, Marie}, title = {Structure and dynamics of the plasma membrane: a single-molecule study in \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27569}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-275699}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The unicellular, flagellated parasite Trypanosoma brucei is the causative agent of human African sleeping sickness and nagana in livestock. In the last decades, it has become an established eukaryotic model organism in the field of biology, as well as in the interdisciplinary field of biophysics. For instance, the dense variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) coat offers the possibility to study the dynamics of GPI-anchored proteins in the plasma membrane of living cells. The fluidity of the VSG coat is not only an interesting object of study for its own sake, but is critically important for the survival of the parasite in the mammalian host. In order to maintain the integrity of the coat, the entire VSG coat is recycled within a few minutes. This is surprisingly fast for a purely diffusive process with the flagellar pocket (FP) as the sole site for endo- and exocytosis. Previous studies characterising VSG dynamics using FRAP reported diffusion coefficients that were not sufficient to to enable fast turnover based on passive VSG randomisation on the trypanosome surface. In this thesis, live-cell single-molecule fluorescence microscopy (SMFM) was employed to elucidate whether VSG diffusion coefficients were priorly underestimated or whether directed forces could be involved to bias VSGs towards the entrance of the FP. Embedding the highly motile trypanosomes in thermo-stable hydrogels facilitated the investigation of VSG dynamics on living trypanosomes at the mammalian host's temperature of 37°C. To allow for a spatial correlation of the VSG dynamics to the FP entrance, a cell line was employed harbouring a fluorescently labelled structure as a reference. Sequential two-colour SMFM was then established to allow for recording and registration of the dynamic and static single-molecule information. In order to characterise VSG dynamics, an algorithm to obtain reliable information from short trajectories was adapted (shortTrAn). It allowed for the quantification of the local dynamics in two distinct scenarios: diffusion and directed motion. The adaptation of the algorithm to the VSG data sets required the introduction of an additional projection filter. The algorithm was further extended to take into account the localisation errors inherent to single-particle tracking. The results of the quantification of diffusion and directed motion were presented in maps of the trypanosome surface, including an outline generated from a super-resolved static structure as a reference. Information on diffusion was displayed in one map, an ellipse plot. The colour code represented the local diffusion coefficient, while the shape of the ellipses provided an indication of the diffusion behaviour (aniso- or isotropic diffusion). The eccentricity of the ellipses was used to quantify deviations from isotropic diffusion. Information on directed motion was shown in three maps: A velocity map, representing the amplitude of the local velocities in a colour code. A quiver plot, illustrating the orientation of directed motion, and a third map which indicated the relative standard error of the local velocities colour-coded. Finally, a guideline based on random walk simulations was used to identify which of the two motion scenarios dominated locally. Application of the guideline to the VSG dynamics analysed by shortTrAn yielded supermaps that showed the locally dominant motion mode colour-coded. I found that VSG dynamics are dominated by diffusion, but several times faster than previously determined. The diffusion behaviour was additionally characterised by spatial heterogeneity. Moreover, isolated regions exhibiting the characteristics of round and elongated traps were observed on the cell surface. Additionally, VSG dynamics were studied with respect to the entrance of the FP. VSG dynamics in this region displayed similar characteristics compared to the remainder of the cell surface and forces biasing VSGs into the FP were not found. Furthermore, I investigated a potential interference of the attachment of the cytoskeleton to the plasma membrane with the dynamics of VSGs which are anchored to the outer leaflet of the membrane. Preliminary experiments were conducted on osmotically swollen trypanosomes and trypanosomes depleted for a microtubule-associated protein anchoring the subpellicular microtubule cytoskeleton to the plasma membrane. The measurements revealed a trend that detachment of the cytoskeleton could be associated with a reduction in the VSG diffusion coefficient and a loss of elongated traps. The latter could be an indication that these isolated regions were caused by underlying structures associated with the cytoskeleton. The measurements on cells with an intact cytoskeleton were complemented by random walk simulations of VSG dynamics with the newly determined diffusion coefficient on long time scales not accessible in experiments. Simulations showed that passive VSG randomisation is fast enough to allow for a turnover of the full VSG coat within a few minutes. According to an estimate based on the known rate of endocytosis and the newly determined VSG diffusion coefficient, the majority of exocytosed VSGs could escape from the FP to the cell surface without being immediately re-endocytosed.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Amini2024, author = {Amini, Emad}, title = {How central and peripheral clocks and the neuroendocrine system interact to time eclosion behavior in \(Drosophila\) \(melanogaster\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36130}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-361309}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {To grow larger, insects must shed their old rigid exoskeleton and replace it with a new one. This process is called molting and the motor behavior that sheds the old cuticle is called ecdysis. Holometabolic insects have pupal stages in between their larval and adult forms, during which they perform metamorphosis. The pupal stage ends with eclosion, i.e., the emergence of the adult from the pupal shell. Insects typically eclose at a specific time during the day, likely when abiotic conditions are at their optimum. A newly eclosed insect is fragile and needs time to harden its exoskeleton. Hence, eclosion is regulated by sophisticated developmental and circadian timing mechanisms. In Drosophila melanogaster, eclosion is limited to a daily time window in the morning, regarded as the "eclosion gate". In a population of laboratory flies entrained by light/dark cycles, most of the flies eclose around lights on. This rhythmic eclosion pattern is controlled by the circadian clock and persists even under constant conditions. Developmental timing is under the control of complex hormonal signaling, including the steroid ecdysone, insulin-like peptides, and prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH). The interactions of the central circadian clock in the brain and a peripheral clock in the prothoracic gland (PG) that produces ecdysone are important for the circadian timing of eclosion. These two clocks are connected by a bilateral pair of peptidergic PTTH neurons (PTTHn) that project to the PG. Before each molt, the ecdysone level rises and then falls shortly before ecdysis. The falling ecdysone level must fall below a certain threshold value for the eclosion gate to open. The activity of PTTHn is inhibited by short neuropeptide F (sNPF) from the small ventrolateral neurons (sLNvs) and inhibition is thought to lead to a decrease in ecdysone production. The general aim of this thesis is to further the understanding of how the circadian clock and neuroendocrinal pathways are coordinated to drive eclosion rhythmicity and to identify when these endocrinal signaling pathways are active. In Chapter I, a series of conditional PTTHn silencing-based behavioral assays, combined with neuronal activity imaging techniques such as non-invasive ARG-Luc show that PTTH signaling is active and required shortly before eclosion and may serve to phase-adjust the activity of the PG at the end of pupal development. Trans-synaptic anatomical stainings identified the sLNvs, dorsal neurons 1 (DN1), dorsal neurons 2 (DN2), and lateral posterior neurons (LPNs) clock neurons as directly upstream of the PTTHn. Eclosion motor behavior is initiated by Ecdysis triggering hormone (ETH) which activates a pair of ventromedial (Vm) neurons to release eclosion hormone (EH) which positively feeds back to the source of ETH, the endocrine Inka cells. In Chapter II trans-synaptic tracing showed that most clock neurons provide input to the Vm and non-canonical EH neurons. Hence, clock can potentially influence the ETH/EH feedback loop. The activity profile of the Inka cells and Vm neurons before eclosion is described. Vm and Inka cells are active around seven hours before eclosion. Interestingly, all EH neurons appear to be exclusively peptidergic. In Chapter III, using chemoconnectomics, PTTHns were found to express receptors for sNPF, allatostatin A (AstA), allatostatin C (AstC), and myosuppressin (Ms), while EH neurons expressed only Ms and AstA receptors. Eclosion assays of flies with impaired AstA, AstC, or Ms signaling do not show arrhythmicity under constant conditions. However, optogenetic activation of the AstA neurons strongly suppresses eclosion. Chapter IV focuses on peripheral ventral' Tracheal dendrite (v'Td) and class IV dendritic arborization (C4da) neurons. The C4da neurons mediate larval light avoidance through endocrine PTTH signaling. The v'Td neurons mainly receive O2/CO2 input from the trachea and are upstream of Vm neurons but are not required for eclosion rhythmicity. Conditional ablation of the C4da neurons or torso (receptor of PTTH) knock-out in the C4da neurons impaired eclosion rhythmicity. Six to seven hours before eclosion, PTTHn, C4da, and Vm neurons are active based on ARG-Luc imaging. Thus, C4da neurons may indirectly connect the PTTHn to the Vm neurons. In summary, this thesis advances our knowledge of the temporal activity and role of PTTH signaling during pupal development and rhythmic eclosion. It further provides a comprehensive characterization of the synaptic and peptidergic inputs from clock neurons to PTTHn and EH neurons. AstA, AstC, and Ms are identified as potential modulators of eclosion circuits and suggest an indirect effect of PTTH signaling on EH signaling via the peripheral sensory C4da neurons.}, subject = {Neuroendokrines System}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dehmer2024, author = {Dehmer, Markus}, title = {A novel USP11-TCEAL1-mediated mechanism protects transcriptional elongation by RNA Polymerase II}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36054}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-360544}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Deregulated expression of MYC oncoproteins is a driving event in many human cancers. Therefore, understanding and targeting MYC protein-driven mechanisms in tumor biology remain a major challenge. Oncogenic transcription in MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma leads to the formation of the MYCN-BRCA1-USP11 complex that terminates transcription by evicting stalling RNAPII from chromatin. This reduces cellular stress and allows reinitiation of new rounds of transcription. Basically, tumors with amplified MYC genes have a high demand on well orchestration of transcriptional processes-dependent and independent from MYC proteins functions in gene regulation. To date, the cooperation between promoter-proximal termination and transcriptional elongation in cancer cells remains still incomplete in its understanding. In this study the putative role of the dubiquitinase Ubiquitin Specific Protease 11 (USP11) in transcription regulation was further investigated. First, several USP11 interaction partners involved in transcriptional regulation in neuroblastoma cancer cells were identified. In particular, the transcription elongation factor A like 1 (TCEAL1) protein, which assists USP11 to engage protein-protein interactions in a MYCN-dependent manner, was characterized. The data clearly show that TCEAL1 acts as a pro-transcriptional factor for RNA polymerase II (RNAPII)-medi- ated transcription. In detail, TCEAL1 controls the transcription factor S-II (TFIIS), a factor that assists RNAPII to escape from paused sites. The findings claim that TCEAL1 outcompetes the transcription elongation factor TFIIS in a non-catalytic manner on chromatin of highly expressed genes. This is reasoned by the need regulating TFIIS function in transcription. TCEAL1 equili- brates excessive backtracking and premature termination of transcription caused by TFIIS. Collectively, the work shed light on the stoichiometric control of TFIIS demand in transcriptional regulation via the USP11-TCEAL1-USP7 complex. This complex protects RNAPII from TFIIS-mediated termination helping to regulate productive transcription of highly active genes in neuroblastoma.}, subject = {Transkription}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Adhikari2024, author = {Adhikari, Bikash}, title = {Targeted degradation of Myc-interacting oncoproteins}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31732}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-317326}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The hallmark oncoprotein Myc is a major driver of tumorigenesis in various human cancer entities. However, Myc's structural features make it challenging to develop small molecules against it. A promising strategy to indirectly inhibit the function of Myc is by targeting its interactors. Many Myc-interacting proteins have reported scaffolding functions which are difficult to target using conventional occupancy- driven inhibitors. Thus, in this thesis, the proteolysis targeting chimera (PROTAC) approach was used to target two oncoproteins interacting with Myc which promote the oncogenicity of Myc, Aurora-A and WDR5. PROTACs are bifunctional small molecules that bind to the target protein with one ligand and recruit a cellular E3- ligase with the other ligand to induce target degradation via the ubiquitin- proteasome system. So far, the most widely used E3-ligases for PROTAC development are Cereblon (CRBN) and von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor (VHL). Furthermore, there are cases of incompatibility between some E3-ligases and proteins to bring about degradation. Hence there is a need to explore new E3- ligases and a demand for a tool to predict degradative E3-ligases for the target protein in the PROTAC field. In the first part, a highly specific mitotic kinase Aurora-A degrader, JB170, was developed. This compound utilized Aurora-A inhibitor alisertib as the target ligand and thalidomide as the E3-ligase CRBN harness. The specificity of JB170 and the ternary complex formation was supported by the interactions between Aurora-A and CRBN. The PROTAC-mediated degradation of Aurora-A induced a distinct S- phase defect rather than mitotic arrest, shown by its catalytic inhibition. The finding demonstrates that Aurora-A has a non-catalytic role in the S-phase. Furthermore, the degradation of Aurora-A led to apoptosis in various cancer cell lines. In the second part, two different series of WDR5 PROTACs based on two protein- protein inhibitors of WDR5 were evaluated. The most efficient degraders from both series recruited VHL as a E3-ligase and showed partial degradation of WDR5. In addition, the degradation efficiency of the PROTACs was significantly affected by the linker nature and length, highlighting the importance of linker length and composition in PROTAC design. The degraders showed modest proliferation defects at best in cancer cell lines. However, overexpression of VHL increased the degradation efficiency and the antiproliferative effect of the PROTACs. In the last part, a rapamycin-based assay was developed to predict the degradative E3-ligase for a target. The assay was validated using the WDR5/VHL and Aurora- A/CRBN pairs. The result that WDR5 is degraded by VHL but not CRBN and Aurora-A is degraded by CRBN, matches observations made with PROTACs. This technique will be used in the future to find effective tissue-specific and essential E3-ligases for targeted degradation of oncoproteins using PROTACs. Collectively, the work presented here provides a strategy to improve PROTAC development and a starting point for developing Aurora-A and WDR5 PROTACs for cancer therapy.}, subject = {Degradation}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gaballa2024, author = {Gaballa, Abdallah Hatem Hassan Hosny Ahmed}, title = {PAF1c drives MYC-mediated immune evasion in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36045}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-360459}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The expression of the MYC proto-oncogene is elevated in a large proportion of patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Previous findings in PDAC have shown that this increased MYC expression mediates immune evasion and promotes S-phase progression. How these functions are mediated and whether a downstream factor of MYC mediates these functions has remained elusive. Recent studies identifying the MYC interactome revealed a complex network of interaction partners, highlighting the need to identify the oncogenic pathway of MYC in an unbiased manner. In this work, we have shown that MYC ensures genomic stability during S-phase and prevents transcription-replication conflicts. Depletion of MYC and inhibition of ATR kinase showed a synergistic effect to induce DNA damage. A targeted siRNA screen targeting downstream factors of MYC revealed that PAF1c is required for DNA repair and S-phase progression. Recruitment of PAF1c to RNAPII was shown to be MYC dependent. PAF1c was shown to be largely dispensable for cell proliferation and regulation of MYC target genes. Depletion of CTR9, a subunit of PAF1c, caused strong tumor regression in a pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma model, with long-term survival in a subset of mice. This effect was not due to induction of DNA damage, but to restoration of tumor immune surveillance. Depletion of PAF1c resulted in the release of RNAPII with transcription elongation factors, including SPT6, from the bodies of long genes, promoting full-length transcription of short genes. This resulted in the downregulation of long DNA repair genes and the concomitant upregulation of short genes, including MHC class I genes. These data demonstrate that a balance between long and short gene transcription is essential for tumor progression and that interference with PAF1c levels shifts this balance toward a tumor-suppressive transcriptional program. It also directly links MYC-mediated S-phase progression to immune evasion. Unlike MYC, PAF1c has a stable, known folded structure; therefore, the development of a small molecule targeting PAF1c may disrupt the immune evasive function of MYC while sparing its physiological functions in cellular growth.}, subject = {Myc}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{KuklovskyformerFinke2024, author = {Kuklovsky [former Finke], Valerie}, title = {Are some bees smarter than others? An examination of consistent individual differences in the cognitive abilities of honey bees}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32301}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-323012}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Cognition refers to the ability to of animals to acquire, process, store and use vital information from the environment. Cognitive processes are necessary to predict the future and reduce the uncertainty of the ever-changing environment. Classically, research on animal cognition focuses on decisive cognitive tests to determine the capacity of a species by the testing the ability of a few individuals. This approach views variability between these tested key individuals as unwanted noise and is thus often neglected. However, inter-individual variability provides important insights to behavioral plasticity, cognitive specialization and brain modularity. Honey bees Apis mellifera are a robust and traditional model for the study of learning, memory and cognition due to their impressive capabilities and rich behavioral repertoire. In this thesis I have applied a novel view on the learning abilities of honey bees by looking explicitly at individual differences in a variety of learning tasks. Are some individual bees consistently smarter than some of her sisters? If so, will a smart individual always perform good independent of the time, the context and the cognitive requirements or do bees show distinct isolated 'cognitive modules'? My thesis presents the first comprehensive investigation of consistent individual differences in the cognitive abilities of honey bees. To speak of an individual as behaving consistently, a crucial step is to test the individual multiple times to examine the repeatability of a behavior. I show that free-flying bees remain consistent in a visual discrimination task for three consecutive days. Successively, I explored individual consistency in cognitive proficiency across tasks involving different sensory modalities, contexts and cognitive requirements. I found that free-flying bees show a cognitive specialization between visual and olfactory learning but remained consistent across a simple discrimination task and a complex concept learning task. I wished to further explore individual consistency with respect to tasks of different cognitive complexity, a question that has never been tackled before in an insect. I thus performed a series of four experiments using either visual or olfactory stimuli and a different training context (free-flying and restrained) and tested bees in a discrimination task, reversal learning and negative patterning. Intriguingly, across all these experiments I evidenced the same results: The bees' performances were consistent across the discrimination task and reversal learning and negative patterning respectively. No association was evidenced between reversal learning and negative patterning. After establishing the existence of consistent individual differences in the cognitive proficiency of honey bees I wished to determine factors which could underlie these differences. Since genetic components are known to underlie inter-individual variability in learning abilities, I studied the effects of genetics on consistency in cognitive proficiency by contrasting bees originating from either from a hive with a single patriline (low genetic diversity) or with multiple patrilines (high genetic diversity). These two groups of bees showed differences in the patterns of individually correlated performances, indicating a genetic component accounts for consistent cognitive individuality. Another major factor underlying variability in learning performances is the individual responsiveness to sucrose solution and to visual stimuli, as evidenced by many studies on restrained bees showing a positive correlation between responsiveness to task relevant stimuli and learning performances. I thus tested whether these relationships between sucrose/visual responsiveness and learning performances are applicable for free-flying bees. Free-flying bees were again subjected to reversal learning and negative patterning and subsequently tested in the laboratory for their responsiveness to sucrose and to light. There was no evidence of a positive relationship between sucrose/visual responsiveness and neither performances of free-flying bees in an elemental discrimination, reversal learning and negative patterning. These findings indicate that relationships established between responsiveness to task relevant stimuli and learning proficiency established in the laboratory with restrained bees might not hold true for a completely different behavioral context i.e. for free-flying bees in their natural environment. These results show that the honey bee is an excellent insect model to study consistency in cognitive proficiency and to identify the underlying factors. I mainly discuss the results with respect to the question of brain modularity in insects and the adaptive significance of individuality in cognitive abilities for honey bee colonies. I also provide a proposition of research questions which tie in this theme of consistent cognitive proficiency and could provide fruitful areas for future research.}, subject = {Lernen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Korte2024, author = {Korte, Pamela}, title = {Die funktionelle Bedeutung des Lipidstoffwechsels f{\"u}r die Stomata{\"o}ffnung bei Hitzestress in \(Arabidopsis\) \(thaliana\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-37046}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-370461}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Pflanzen sind verschiedenen Umweltbedingungen ausgesetzt, die zu suboptimalen Wachstumsbedingungen f{\"u}hren k{\"o}nnen. Dies gilt f{\"u}r eine Vielzahl von biotischen und abiotischen Faktoren. In der hier vorgelegten Arbeit wird der Effekt von erh{\"o}hten Temperaturen und Hitze genauer analysiert. Hitze ist einer der wichtigsten abiotischen Stressfaktoren, der das Pflanzenwachstum und die Reproduktion beeinflusst. Viele wichtige Kulturpflanzen zeigen immense Ertragseinbußen, die durch Hitze hervorgerufen werden. Durch den fortschreitenden Klimawandel werden jedoch Hitzeperioden immer h{\"a}ufiger und somit die Folgen f{\"u}r die Nahrungsproduktion immer gravierender. Zur Z{\"u}chtung von Pflanzen die hitzetolerant sind und weniger hohe Ertragseinbußen unter diesem Stress aufweisen, ist es essenziell die grundlegenden molekularen Mechanismen der Hitzetoleranz zu verstehen. Es m{\"u}ssen die verschiedenen physiologischen und biochemischen Prozesse identifiziert werden, die es Pflanzen erm{\"o}glichen, sich anzupassen. Es ist bekannt, dass die Anpassungsmechanismen von Pflanzen komplex sind und sowohl Ver{\"a}nderungen auf zellul{\"a}rer wie auch auf organismischer Ebene beinhalten. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, weitere Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen, wie diese Anpassung vonstattengeht und welche molekularen Prozesse an ihr beteiligt sind. Ein Hauptaugenmerk lag dabei auf dem Einfluss des Lipidmetabolismus und den daran beteiligten Enzymen. Es konnte bereits gezeigt werden, dass die Akkumulation von Triacylglycerolen bei hohen Temperaturen die basale Thermotoleranz bei Arabidopsis thaliana erh{\"o}ht. Wie jedoch der genaue Mechanismus dieser durch Triacylglycerole vermittelten Thermotoleranz funktioniert, war bis dato nicht bekannt. Ich konnte zeigen, dass die angesammelten Triacylglycerole genutzt werden k{\"o}nnen, um die Stomata w{\"a}hrend des Hitzestress zu {\"o}ffnen. Dies f{\"u}hrt zu einer erh{\"o}hten Transpiration und somit einer K{\"u}hlung der Bl{\"a}tter. Der Abbau von Triacylglycerolen und St{\"a}rke am Morgen ist notwendig, um die Stomata zu {\"o}ffnen. Zus{\"a}tzlich dient der Abbau der Aufrechterhaltung des Citratzyklus und somit der Energieversorgung. In weiteren Experimenten konnte ich durch F{\"u}tterung mit stabil markierter Laurins{\"a}ure zeigen, dass die Triacylglycerole auch dem Aufbau neuer Aminos{\"a}uren unter Stressbedingungen dienen. Die hier vorgestellten Arbeiten bieten die Grundlage, um den Mechanismus der Thermotoleranz besser zu verstehen. Das Verst{\"a}ndnis der in dieser Arbeit beschriebenen molekularen Signalwege und Enzyme kann langfristig dazu beitragen hitzeresistentere Nutzpflanzen zu z{\"u}chten.}, subject = {Hitzestress}, language = {de} }