@phdthesis{Pinkert2008, author = {Pinkert, Stefan}, title = {The human proteome is shaped by evolution and interactions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-35566}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Das menschliche Genom ist seit 2001 komplett sequenziert. Ein Großteil der Proteine wurde mittlerweile beschrieben und t{\"a}glich werden bioinformatische Vorhersagen praktisch best{\"a}tigt. Als weiteres Großprojekt wurde k{\"u}rzlich die Sequenzierung des Genoms von 1000 Menschen gestartet. Trotzdem ist immer noch wenig {\"u}ber die Evolution des gesamten menschlichen Proteoms bekannt. Proteindom{\"a}nen und ihre Kombinationen sind teilweise sehr detailliert erforscht, aber es wurden noch nicht alle Dom{\"a}nenarchitekturen des Menschen in ihrer Gesamtheit miteinander verglichen. Der verwendete große hochqualitative Datensatz von Protein-Protein-Interaktionen und Komplexen stammt aus dem Jahr 2006 und erm{\"o}glicht es erstmals das menschliche Proteom mit einer vorher nicht m{\"o}glichen Genauigkeit analysieren zu k{\"o}nnen. Hochentwickelte Cluster Algorithmen und die Verf{\"u}gbarkeit von großer Rechenkapazit{\"a}t bef{\"a}higen uns neue Information {\"u}ber Proteinnetzwerke ohne weitere Laborarbeit zu gewinnen. Die vorliegende Arbeit analysiert das menschliche Proteom auf drei verschiedenen Ebenen. Zuerst wurde der Ursprung von Proteinen basierend auf ihrer Dom{\"a}nenarchitektur analysiert, danach wurden Protein-Protein-Interaktionen untersucht und schließlich erfolgte Einteilung der Proteine nach ihren vorhandenen und fehlenden Interaktionen. Die meisten bekannten Proteine enthalten mindestens eine Dom{\"a}ne und die Proteinfunktion ergibt sich aus der Summe der Funktionen der einzelnen enthaltenen Dom{\"a}nen. Proteine, die auf der gleichen Dom{\"a}nenarchitektur basieren, das heißt die die gleichen Dom{\"a}nen in derselben Reihenfolge besitzen, sind homolog und daher aus einem gemeinsamen urspr{\"u}nglichen Protein entstanden. Die Dom{\"a}nenarchitekturen der urspr{\"u}nglichen Proteine wurden f{\"u}r 750000 Proteine aus 1313 Spezies bestimmt. Die Gruppierung von Spezies und ihrer Proteine ergibt sich aus taxonomischen Daten von NCBI-Taxonomy, welche mit zus{\"a}tzlichen Informationen basierend auf molekularen Markern erg{\"a}nzt wurden. Der resultierende Datensatz, bestehend aus 5817 Dom{\"a}nen und 32868 Dom{\"a}nenarchitekturen, war die Grundlage f{\"u}r die Bestimmung des Ursprungs der Proteine aufgrund ihrer Dom{\"a}nenarchitekturen. Es wurde festgestellt, dass nur ein kleiner Teil der neu evolvierten Dom{\"a}nenarchitekturen eines Taxons gleichzeitig auch im selben Taxon neu entstandene Proteindom{\"a}nen enth{\"a}lt. Ein weiteres Ergebnis war, dass Dom{\"a}nenarchitekturen im Verlauf der Evolution l{\"a}nger und komplexer werden, und dass so verschiedene Organismen wie der Fadenwurm, die Fruchtfliege und der Mensch die gleiche Menge an unterschiedlichen Proteinen haben, aber deutliche Unterschiede in der Anzahl ihrer Dom{\"a}nenarchitekturen aufweisen. Der zweite Teil besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Frage wie neu entstandene Proteine Bindungen mit dem schon bestehenden Proteinnetzwerk eingehen. In fr{\"u}heren Arbeiten wurde gezeigt, dass das Protein-Interaktions-Netzwerk ein skalenfreies Netz ist. Skalenfreie Netze, wie zum Beispiel das Internet, bestehen aus wenigen Knoten mit vielen Interaktionen, genannt Hubs, und andererseits aus vielen Knoten mit wenigen Interaktionen. Man vermutet, dass zwei Mechanismen zur Entstehung solcher Netzwerke f{\"u}hren. Erstens m{\"u}ssen neue Proteine um auch Teil des Proteinnetzwerkes zu werden mit Proteinen interagieren, die bereits Teil des Netzwerkes sind. Zweitens interagieren die neuen Proteine, gem{\"a}ß der Theorie der bevorzugten Bindung, mit h{\"o}herer Wahrscheinlichkeit mit solchen Proteinen im Netzwerk, die schon an zahlreichen weiteren Protein-Interaktionen beteiligt sind. Die Human Protein Reference Database stellt ein auf Informationen aus in-vivo Experimenten beruhendes Proteinnetzwerk f{\"u}r menschliche Proteine zur Verf{\"u}gung. Basierend auf den in Kapitel I gewonnenen Informationen wurden die Proteine mit dem Ursprungstaxon ihrer Dom{\"a}nenarchitekturen versehen. Dadurch wurde gezeigt, dass ein Protein h{\"a}ufiger mit Proteinen, die im selben Taxon entstanden sind, interagiert, als mit Proteinen, die in anderen Taxa neu aufgetreten sind. Es stellte sich heraus, dass diese Interaktionsraten f{\"u}r alle Taxa deutlich h{\"o}her waren, als durch das Zufallsmodel vorhergesagt wurden. Alle Taxa enthalten den gleichen Anteil an Proteinen mit vielen Interaktionen. Diese zwei Ergebnisse sprechen dagegen, dass die bevorzugte Bindung der alleinige Mechanismus ist, der zum heutigen Aufbau des menschlichen Proteininteraktion-Netzwerks beigetragen hat. Im dritten Teil wurden Proteine basierend auf dem Vorhandensein und der Abwesenheit von Interaktionen in Gruppen eingeteilt. Proteinnetzwerke k{\"o}nnen in kleine hoch vernetzte Teile zerlegt werden, die eine spezifische Funktion aus{\"u}ben. Diese Gruppen k{\"o}nnen mit hoher statistischer Signifikanz berechnet werden, haben meistens jedoch keine biologische Relevanz. Mit einem neuen Algorithmus, welcher zus{\"a}tzlich zu Interaktionen auch Nicht-Interaktionen ber{\"u}cksichtigt, wurde ein Datensatz bestehend aus 8,756 Proteinen und 32,331 Interaktionen neu unterteilt. Eine Einteilung in elf Gruppen zeigte hohe auf Gene Ontology basierte Werte und die Gruppen konnten signifikant einzelnen Zellteilen zugeordnet werden. Eine Gruppe besteht aus Proteinen, welche wenige Interaktionen miteinander aber viele Interaktionen zu zwei benachbarten Gruppen besitzen. Diese Gruppe enth{\"a}lt eine signifikant erh{\"o}hte Anzahl an Transportproteinen und die zwei benachbarten Gruppen haben eine erh{\"o}hte Anzahl an einerseits extrazellul{\"a}ren und andererseits im Zytoplasma und an der Membran lokalisierten Proteinen. Der Algorithmus hat damit unter Beweis gestellt das die Ergebnisse nicht bloß statistisch sondern auch biologisch relevant sind. Wenn wir auch noch weit vom Verst{\"a}ndnis des Ursprungs der Spezies entfernt sind, so hat diese Arbeit doch einen Beitrag zum besseren Verst{\"a}ndnis der Evolution auf dem Level der Proteine geleistet. Im Speziellen wurden neue Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber die Beziehung von Proteindom{\"a}nen und Dom{\"a}nenarchitekturen, sowie ihre Pr{\"a}ferenzen f{\"u}r Interaktionspartner im Interaktionsnetzwerk gewonnen.}, subject = {Evolution}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pietsch2005, author = {Pietsch, Christof}, title = {The genetics of species differences within the genus Nasonia ASHMEAD 1904 (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-14348}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The genetics of species differences is an outstanding question in evolutionary biology. How do species evolve to become phenotypically distinct and how is the genetic architecture organized that underlie species differences? Phenotypic diverged traits are supposed to be frequently involved in prezygotic isolation, i.e. they prevent the formation of hybrids, whereas postzygotic isolation occurs when hybrids experience a fitness reduction. The parasitic wasp genus Nasonia represents an appropriate model system to investigate the genetics of species differences as well as the genetics of postzygotic isolation. The genus consists of three species N. vitripennis, N. longicornis and N. giraulti that differ particularly in male traits that are assumed to posses an adaptive significance: courtship behaviour and wing size differences. The courtship behaviour consists of cyclically repeated series of head nods that are separated by pauses. The stereotypic performance allowed to split up the display into distinct courtship components. Males of N. vitripennis bear vestigial forewings and are incapable of flight, whereas N. longicornis wear intermediate sized wings and N. giraulti is fully capable of flying. Nasonia species can produce interspecific hybrids after removing Wolbachia bacteria induced hybrid incompatibilities with antibiotics. Postzygotic isolation occurs to different extent and is asymmetric among reciprocal crosses, e.g. inviability is stronger in the N. vitripennis (\&\#9792;) x N. longicornis (\&\#9794;) cross than in the N. longicornis (\&\#9792;) x N. vitripennis (\&\#9794;) cross. The formation of hybrids allow to study the genetic of species differences in QTL (quantitative trait locus) analyses as well as the genetics of postzygotic isolation causing hybrid inviability. The aim of the study was to investigate the genetic architecture of differences in courtship behaviour and wing size between N. vitripennis and N. longicornis and to assess the genetics of postzygotic isolation to gain clues about the evolutionary processes underlying trait divergence and establishment of reproductive isolation between taxa. In a QTL analysis based on 94 F2-hybrid individuals of an LV cross only few QTL for wing size differences have been found with relatively large effects, although a large proportion of the phenotypic variance remained unexplained. The QTL on courtship behaviour analysis based on 94-F2 hybrid males revealed a complex genetic architecture of courtship behaviour with QTL of large phenotypic effects that explained more than 40 \% of the phenotypic variance in one case. Additionally, an epistatic analysis (non-additive interlocus interaction) of courtship QTL revealed frequent genetic interchromsomal relations leading in some instances to hybrid specific effects, e.g. reversion of phenotypic effects or the transgression of phenotypes. A QTL analysis based on a threefold sample size revealed, however, an overestimation of QTL effects in the analysis based on smaller sample size pointing towards a genetic architecture of many loci with small effects governing the phenotypic differences in courtship behaviour. Furthermore, the the study comprised the analysis of postzygotic isolation in the reciprocal crosses N. vitripennis (\&\#9792;) x N. longicornis (\&\#9794;) versus N. longicornis (\&\#9792;) x N. vitripennis (\&\#9794;) located several loci distributed over different chromosomes that are involved in hybrid incompatibility. The mapping of hybrid incompatibility regions reproduced for the first time the observed asymmetries in the strength of postzygotic isolation in reciprocal crosses of between the more distant related taxa within the genus Nasonia. Stronger postzygotic incompatibilities in the VL cross are supposed to result from the superposition of nuclear-nuclear incompatibilities with nuclear-cytoplasmic incompatibilities, whereas the coincidences of these to types of incompatibilities were found to be much weaker in the reciprocal LV cross.}, subject = {Pteromalidae}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Grob2022, author = {Grob, Robin}, title = {The Function of Learning Walks of \({Cataglyphis Ants}\): Behavioral and Neuronal Analyses}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29017}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-290173}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Humans and animals alike use the sun, the moon, and the stars to guide their ways. However, the position of celestial cues changes depending on daytime, season, and place on earth. To use these celestial cues for reliable navigation, the rotation of the sky has to be compensated. While humans invented complicated mechanisms like the Antikythera mechanism to keep track of celestial movements, animals can only rely on their brains. The desert ant Cataglyphis is a prime example of an animal using celestial cues for navigation. Using the sun and the related skylight polarization pattern as a compass, and a step integrator for distance measurements, it can determine a vector always pointing homewards. This mechanism is called path integration. Since the sun's position and, therefore, also the polarization pattern changes throughout the day, Cataglyphis have to correct this movement. If they did not compensate for time, the ants' compass would direct them in different directions in the morning and the evening. Thus, the ants have to learn the solar ephemeris before their far-reaching foraging trips. To do so, Cataglyphis ants perform a well-structured learning-walk behavior during the transition phase from indoor worker to outdoor forager. While walking in small loops around the nest entrance, the ants repeatedly stop their forward movements to perform turns. These can be small walked circles (voltes) or tight turns about the ants' body axes (pirouettes). During pirouettes, the ants gaze back to their nest entrance during stopping phases. These look backs provide a behavioral read-out for the state of the path integrator. The ants "tell" the observer where they think their nest is, by looking back to it. Pirouettes are only performed by Cataglyphis ants inhabiting an environment with a prominent visual panorama. This indicates, that pirouettes are performed to learn the visual panorama. Voltes, on the other hand, might be used for calibrating the celestial compass of the ants. In my doctoral thesis, I employed a wide range of state-of-the-art techniques from different disciplines in biology to gain a deeper understanding of how navigational information is acquired, memorized, used, and calibrated during the transition phase from interior worker to outdoor forager. I could show, that celestial orientation cues that provide the main compass during foraging, do not guide the ants during the look-backbehavior of initial learning walks. Instead Cataglyphis nodus relies on the earth's magnetic field as a compass during this early learning phase. While not guiding the ants during their first walks outside of the nest, excluding the ants from perceiving the natural polarization pattern of the skylight has significant consequences on learning-related plasticity in the ants' brain. Only if the ants are able to perform their learning-walk behavior under a skylight polarization pattern that changes throughout the day, plastic neuronal changes in high-order integration centers are induced. Especially the mushroom bogy collar, a center for learning and memory, and the central complex, a center for orientation and motor control, showed an increase in volume after learning walks. This underlines the importance of learning walks for calibrating the celestial compass. The magnetic compass might provide the necessary stable reference system for the ants to calibrate their celestial compass and learn the position of landmark information. In the ant brain, visual information from the polarization-sensitive ocelli converge in tight apposition with neuronal afferents of the mechanosensitive Johnston's organ in the ant's antennae. This makes the ants' antennae an interesting candidate for studying the sensory bases of compass calibration in Cataglyphis ants. The brain of the desert navigators is well adapted to successfully accomplish their navigational needs. Females (gynes and workers) have voluminous mushroom bodies, and the synaptic complexity to store large amount of view-based navigational information, which they acquire during initial learning walks. The male Cataglyphis brain is better suited for innate behaviors that support finding a mate. The results of my thesis show that the well adapted brain of C. nodus ants undergoes massive structural changes during leaning walks, dependent on a changing celestial polarization pattern. This underlies the essential role of learning walks in the calibration of orientation systems in desert ants.}, subject = {Cataglyphis}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fraune2014, author = {Fraune, Johanna}, title = {The evolutionary history of the mammalian synaptonemal complex}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-100043}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Der Synaptonemalkomplex (SC) ist eine hochkonservierte Proteinstruktur. Er weist eine dreiteili-ge, leiter{\"a}hnliche Organisation auf und ist f{\"u}r die stabile Paarung der homologen Chromosomen w{\"a}hrend der Prophase der ersten meiotischen Teilung verantwortlich, die auch als Synpase be-zeichnet wird. Fehler w{\"a}hrend der Synpase f{\"u}hren zu Aneuploidie oder Apoptose der sich entwi-ckelnden Keimzellen. Seit 1956 ist der SC Gegenstand intensiver Forschung. Seine Existenz wurde in zahlreichen Orga-nismen von der Hefe bis zum Menschen beschrieben. Seine Struktur aus zwei parallel verlaufen-den Lateralelementen (LE), die durch eine Vielzahl von sogenannten Transversalfilamenten (TF) verbunden werden und dem Zentralen Element (CE) in der Mitte des SC ist dabei offensichtlich {\"u}ber die Millionen von Jahren der Evolution erhalten geblieben. Einzelne Proteinkomponenten des SC wurden jedoch nur in wenigen Modelorganismen charakterisiert, darunter Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Arabidopsis thaliana, Drosophila melanogaster, Ceanorhabditis elegans und Mus mus-culus. Unerwarteter Weise gelang es bei dieser Charakterisierung nicht, eine evolution{\"a}re Ver-wandtschaft, d.h. eine Homologie zwischen den Proteinsequenzen der verschiedenen SCs nach-zuweisen. Diese Tatsache sprach gegen die grunds{\"a}tzliche Annahme, dass der SC in der Evolution nur einmal entstanden sei. Diese Arbeit hat sich nun der Aufgabe gewidmet, die Diskrepanz zwischen der hochkonservierten Struktur des SC und seiner augenscheinlich nicht-homologen Proteinzusammensetzung zu l{\"o}sen. Dabei beschr{\"a}nkt sie sich auf die Analyse des Tierreichs. Es ist die erste Studie zur Evolution des SC in Metazoa und demonstriert die Monophylie der S{\"a}uger SC Proteinkomponenten im Tierreich. Die Arbeit zeigt, dass mindestens vier von sieben SC Proteinen der Maus sp{\"a}testens im letzten gemeinsamen Vorfahren der Gewebetiere (Eumetazoa) enstanden sind und auch damals Teil ei-nes urspr{\"u}nglichen SC waren, wie er heute in dem Nesseltier Hydra zu finden ist. Dieser SC weist die typische Struktur auf und besitzt bereits alle notwendigen Komponenten, um die drei Dom{\"a}-nen - LE, TF und CE - zu assemblieren. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus ergaben die einzelnen Phylogenien der verschiedenen SC Proteine der Maus, dass der SC eine sehr dynamische Evolutionsgeschichte durchlaufen hat. Zus{\"a}tzliche Proteine wurden w{\"a}hrend der Entstehung der Bilateria und der Wir-beltiere in den SC integriert, w{\"a}hrend andere urspr{\"u}ngliche Komponenten m{\"o}glicherweise Gen-Duplikationen erfuhren bzw. besonders in der Linie der H{\"a}utungstiere verloren gingen oder sich stark ver{\"a}nderten. Es wird die These aufgestellt, dass die auf den ersten Blick nicht-homologen SC Proteine der Fruchtfliege und des Fadenwurms tats{\"a}chlich doch von den urspr{\"u}nglichen Prote-inenkomponenten abstammen, sich aber aufgrund der rasanten Evolution der Arthropoden und der Nematoden bis zu deren Unkenntlichkeit diversifizierten. Zus{\"a}tzlich stellt die Arbeit Hydra als alternatives wirbelloses Modellsystem f{\"u}r die Meiose- und SC-Forschung zu den {\"u}blichen Modellen D. melanogaster und C. elegans vor. Die k{\"u}rzlich gewon-nenen Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber den Hydra SC sowie der Einsatz der Standard-Methoden in diesem Orga-nismus werden in dem abschließenden Kapitel zusammengefasst und diskutiert.}, subject = {Synaptinemal-Komplex}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mitesser2006, author = {Mitesser, Oliver}, title = {The evolution of insect life history strategies in a social context}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-22576}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {This thesis extends the classical theoretical work of Macevicz and Oster (1976, expanded by Oster and Wilson, 1978) on adaptive life history strategies in social insects. It focuses on the evolution of dynamic behavioural patterns (reproduction and activity) as a consequence of optimal allocation of energy and time resources. Mathematical modelling is based on detailed empirical observations in the model species Lasioglossum malachurum (Halictidae; Hymenoptera). The main topics are field observations, optimisation models for eusocial life histories, temporal variation in life history decisions, and annual colony cycles of eusocial insects.}, subject = {Schmalbienen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Classen2021, author = {Claßen, Alexandra}, title = {The ERK-cascade in the pathophysiology of cardiac hypertrophy}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22966}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-229664}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {ERK1/2 are known key players in the pathophysiology of heart failure, but the members of the ERK cascade, in particular Raf1, can also protect the heart from cell death and ischemic injury. An additional autophosphorylation (ERK1 at Thr208, ERK2 at Thr188) empowers ERK1/2 translocation to the nucleus and phosphorylation of nuclear targets which take part in the development of cardiac hypertrophy. Thereby, targeting this additional phosphorylation is a promising pharmacological approach. In this thesis, an in silico model of ERK cascade in the cardiomyocyte is introduced. The model is a semi-quantitive model and its behavior was tested with different softwares (SQUAD and CellNetAnalyzer). Different phosphorylation states of ERK1/2 as well as different stimuli can be reproduced. The different types of stimuli include hypertrophic as well as non-hypertrophic stimuli. With the introduced in-silico model time courses and synergistic as well as antagonistic receptor stimuli combinations can be predicted. The simulated time courses were experimentally validated. SQUAD was mainly used to make predictions about time courses and thresholds, whereas CNA was used to analyze steady states and feedback loops. Furthermore, new targets of ERK1/2 which partially contribute, also in the formation of cardiac hypertrophy, were identified and the most promising of them were illuminated. Important further targets are Caspase 8, GAB2, Mxi-2, SMAD2, FHL2 and SPIN90. Cardiomyocyte gene expression data sets were analyzed to verify involved components and to find further significantly altered genes after induced hypertrophy with TAC (transverse aortic constriction). Changes in the ultrastructure of the cardiomyocyte are the final result of induced hypertrophy.}, subject = {Herzhypertrophie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{BergmannBorges2023, author = {Bergmann Borges, Alyssa}, title = {The endo-lysosomal system of \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\): insights from a protist cell model}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32924}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-329248}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Most of the studies in cell biology primarily focus on models from the opisthokont group of eukaryotes. However, opisthokonts do not encompass the full diversity of eukaryotes. Thus, it is necessary to broaden the research focus to other organisms to gain a comprehensive understanding of basic cellular processes shared across the tree of life. In this sense, Trypanosoma brucei, a unicellular eukaryote, emerges as a viable alternative. The collaborative efforts in genome sequencing and protein tagging over the past two decades have significantly expanded our knowledge on this organism and have provided valuable tools to facilitate a more detailed analysis of this parasite. Nevertheless, numerous questions still remain. The survival of T. brucei within the mammalian host is intricately linked to the endo-lysosomal system, which plays a critical role in surface glycoprotein recycling, antibody clearance, and plasma membrane homeostasis. However, the dynamics of the duplication of the endo-lysosomal system during T. brucei proliferation and its potential relationship with plasma membrane growth remain poorly understood. Thus, as the primary objective, this thesis explores the endo-lysosomal system of T. brucei in the context of the cell cycle, providing insights on cell surface growth, endosome duplication, and clathrin recruitment. In addition, the study revisits ferritin endocytosis to provide quantitative data on the involvement of TbRab proteins (TbRab5A, TbRab7, and TbRab11) and the different endosomal subpopulations (early, late, and recycling endosomes, respectively) in the transport of this fluid-phase marker. Notably, while these subpopulations function as distinct compartments, different TbRabs can be found within the same region or structure, suggesting a potential physical connection between the endosomal subpopulations. The potential physical connection of endosomes is further explored within the context of the cell cycle and, finally, the duplication and morphological plasticity of the lysosome are also investigated. Overall, these findings provide insights into the dynamics of plasma membrane growth and the coordinated duplication of the endo-lysosomal system during T. brucei proliferation. The early duplication of endosomes suggests their potential involvement in plasma membrane growth, while the late duplication of the lysosome indicates a reduced role in this process. The recruitment of clathrin and TbRab GTPases to the site of endosome formation supports the assumption that the newly formed endosomal system is active during cell division and, consequently, indicates its potential role in plasma membrane homeostasis. Furthermore, considering the vast diversity within the Trypanosoma genus, which includes ~500 described species, the macroevolution of the group was investigated using the combined information of the 18S rRNA gene sequence and structure. The sequence-structure analysis of T. brucei and other 42 trypanosome species was conducted in the context of the diversity of Trypanosomatida, the order in which trypanosomes are placed. An additional analysis focused on Trypanosoma highlighted key aspects of the group's macroevolution. To explore these aspects further, additional trypanosome species were included, and the changes in the Trypanosoma tree topology were analyzed. The sequence-structure phylogeny confirmed the independent evolutionary history of the human pathogens T. brucei and Trypanosoma cruzi, while also providing insights into the evolution of the Aquatic clade, paraphyly of groups, and species classification into subgenera.}, subject = {Endocytose}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vogel2022, author = {Vogel, Cassandra Ezra}, title = {The effects of land-use and agroecological practices on biodiversity and ecosystem services in tropical smallholder farms}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29066}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-290661}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Biodiversity is in rapid decline worldwide. These declines are more pronounced in areas that are currently biodiversity rich, but economically poor - essentially describing many tropical regions in the Global South where landscapes are dominated by smallholder agriculture. Agriculture is an important driver of biodiversity decline, through habitat destruction and unsustainable practices. Ironically, agriculture itself is dependent on a range of ecosystem services, such as pollination and pest control, provided by biodiversity. Biodiversity on fields and the delivery of ecosystem services to crops is often closely tied to the composition of the surrounding landscape - complex landscapes with a higher proportion of (semi-)natural habitats tend to support a high abundances and biodiversity of pollinators and natural enemies that are beneficial to crop production. However, past landscape scale studies have focused primarily on industrialized agricultural landscapes in the Global North, and context dependent differences between regions and agricultural systems are understudied. Smallholder agriculture supports 2 billion people worldwide and contributes to over half the world's food supply. Yet smallholders, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, are underrepresented in research investigating the consequences of landscape change and agricultural practices. Where research in smallholder agriculture is conducted, the focus is often on commodity crops, such as cacao, and less on crops that are directly consumed by smallholder households, though the loss of services to these crops could potentially impact the most vulnerable farmers the hardest. Agroecology - a holistic and nature-based approach to agriculture, provides an alternative to unsustainable input-intensive agriculture. Agroecology has been found to benefit smallholders through improved agronomical and food-security outcomes. Co-benefits of agroecological practices with biodiversity and ecosystem services are assumed, but not often empirically tested. In addition, the local and landscape effects on biodiversity and ecosystem services are more commonly studied in isolation, but their potentially interactive effects are so far little explored. Our study region in northern Malawi exemplifies many challenges experienced by smallholder farmers throughout sub-Saharan Africa and more generally in the Global South. Malawi is located in a global biodiversity hotspot, but biodiversity is threatened by rapid habitat loss and a push for input-intensive agriculture by government and other stakeholders. In contrast, agroecology has been effectively promoted and implemented in the study region. We investigated how land-use differences and the agroecological practices affects biodiversity and ecosystem services of multiple taxa in a maize-bean intercropping system (Chapter 2), and pollination of pumpkin (Chapter 3) and pigeon pea (Chapter 4). Additionally, the effects of local and landscape scale shrub- to farmland habitat conversion was investigated on butterfly communities, as well as the potential for agroecology to mitigate these effects (Chapter 5).}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Heidrich2021, author = {Heidrich, Lea}, title = {The effect of environmental heterogeneity on communities}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22178}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-221781}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {How diversity of life is generated, maintained, and distributed across space and time is the central question of community ecology. Communities are shaped by three assembly processes: (I) dispersal, (II) environ-mental, and (III) interaction filtering. Heterogeneity in environmental conditions can alter these filtering processes, as it increases the available niche space, spatially partitions the resources, but also reduces the effective area available for individual species. Ultimately, heterogeneity thus shapes diversity. However, it is still unclear under which conditions heterogeneity has positive effects on diversity and under which condi-tions it has negative or no effects at all. In my thesis, I investigate how environmental heterogeneity affects the assembly and diversity of diverse species groups and whether these effects are mediated by species traits. In Chapter II, I first examine how much functional traits might inform about environmental filtering pro-cesses. Specifically, I examine to which extent body size and colour lightness, both of which are thought to reflect the species thermal preference, shape the distribution and abundance of two moth families along elevation. The results show, that assemblages of noctuid moths are more strongly driven by abiotic filters (elevation) and thus form distinct patterns in colour lightness and body size, while geometrid moths are driven by biotic filters (habitat availability), and show no decline in body size nor colour lightness along elevation. Thus, one and the same functional trait can have quite different effects on community assembly even between closely related taxonomic groups. In Chapter III, I elucidate how traits shift the relative importance of dispersal and environmental filtering in determining beta diversity between forests. Environmental filtering via forest heterogeneity had on aver-age higher independent effects than dispersal filtering within and among regions, suggesting that forest heterogeneity determines species turnover even at country-wide extents. However, the relative importance of dispersal filtering increased with decreasing dispersal ability of the species group. From the aspects of forest heterogeneity covered, variations in herb or tree species composition had overall stronger influence on the turnover of species than forest physiognomy. Again, this ratio was influenced by species traits, namely trophic position, and body size, which highlights the importance of ecological properties of a taxo-nomic group in community assembly. In Chapter IV, I assess whether such ecological properties ultimately determine the level of heterogeneity which maximizes species richness. Here, I considered several facets of heterogeneity in forests. Though the single facets of heterogeneity affected diverse species groups both in positive and negative ways, we could not identify any generalizable mechanism based on dispersal nor the trophic position of the species group which would dissolve these complex relationships. In Chapter V, I examine the effect of environmental heterogeneity of the diversity of traits itself to evalu-ate, whether the effects of environmental heterogeneity on species richness are truly based on increases in the number of niches. The results revealed that positive effects of heterogeneity on species richness are not necessarily based on an increased number of niches alone, but proposedly also on a spatially partition of resources or sheltering effects. While ecological diversity increased overall, there were also negative trends which indicate filtering effects via heterogeneity. In Chapter VI, I present novel methods in measuring plot-wise heterogeneity of forests across continental scales via Satellites. The study compares the performance of Sentinel-1 and LiDar-derived measurements in depicting forest structures and heterogeneity and to their predictive power in modelling diversity. Senti-nel-1 could match the performance of Lidar and shows high potential to assess free yet detailed infor-mation about forest structures in temporal resolutions for modelling the diversity of species. Overall, my thesis supports the notion that heterogeneity in environmental conditions is an important driv-er of beta-diversity, species richness, and ecological diversity. However, I could not identify any general-izable mechanism which direction and form this effect will have.}, subject = {Heterogenit{\"a}t}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Drescher2011, author = {Drescher, Jochen}, title = {The Ecology and Population structure of the invasive Yelllow Crazy Ant Anoplolepis gracilipes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-57332}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The invasive Yellow Crazy Ant Anoplolepis gracilipes is a widespread tropical ant species which is particularly common in anthropogenically disturbed habitats in South-East Asia and the Indopacific region. Its native range is unknown, and there is little information concerning its social structure as a potential mechanism facilitating invasion as well as its ecology in one of the putative native ranges, South-East Asia. Using mitochondrial DNA sequences, I demonstrated that the majority of the current Indopacific colonies were likely introduced from South-East Asian populations, which in turn may have been introduced much earlier from a yet unidentified native range. By conducting behavioral, genetic and chemical analyses, I found that A. gracilipes supercolonies contain closely related individuals, thus resembling enlarged versions of monogynous, polydomous colonies of other ant species. Furthermore, mutually aggressive A. gracilipes supercolonies were highly differentiated both genetically and chemically, suggesting limited or even absent gene flow between supercolonies. Intranidal mating and colony-budding are most likely the predominant, if not the exclusive mode of reproduction and dispersal strategy of A. gracilipes. Consequently, a positive feedback between genetic, chemical and behavioral traits may further enhance supercolony differentiation though genetic drift and neutral evolution. This potential scenario led to the hypothesis that absent gene flow between different A. gracilipes supercolonies may drive them towards different evolutionary pathways, possibly including speciation. Thus, I examined one potential way by which gene flow between supercolonies of an ant species without nuptial flights may be maintained, i.e. the immigration of sexuals into foreign supercolonies. The results suggest that this option of maintaining gene flow between different supercolonies is likely impaired by severe aggression of workers towards allocolonial sexuals. Moreover, breeding experiments involving males and queens from different supercolonies suggest that A. gracilipes supercolonies may already be on the verge of reproductive isolation, which might lead to the diversification of A. gracilipes into different species. Regarding the ecological consequences of its potential introduction to NE-Borneo, I could show that A. gracilipes supercolonies may affect the local ant fauna. The ant community within supercolonies was less diverse and differed in species composition from areas outside supercolonies. My data suggest that the ecological dominance of A. gracilipes within local ant communities was facilitated by monopolization of food sources within its supercolony territory, achieved by a combination of rapid recruitment, numerical dominance and pronounced interspecific aggression. A. gracilipes' distribution is almost exclusively limited to anthropogenically altered habitat, such as residential and agricultural areas. The rate at which habitat conversion takes place in NE-Borneo will provide A. gracilipes with a rapidly increasing abundance of suitable habitats, thus potentially entailing significant population growth. An potentially increasing population size and ecological dominance, however, are not features that are limited to invasive alien species, but may also occur in native species that become 'pests' in an increasing abundance of anthropogenically altered habitat. Lastly, I detected several ant guests in supercolonies of A. gracilipes. I subsequently describe the relationship between one of them (the cricket Myrmecophilus pallidithorax) and its ant host. By conducting behavioral bioassays and analyses of cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profiles, I revealed that although M. pallidithorax is attacked and consumed by A. gracilipes whenever possible, it may evade aggression from its host by a combination of supreme agility and, possibly, chemical deception. This thesis adds to our general understanding of biological invasions by contributing species-specific data on a previously understudied invasive organism, the Yellow Crazy Ant Anoplolepis gracilipes. Introductions which may have occurred a long time ago may make it difficult to determine whether a given species is an introduced invader or a native pest species, as both may have pronounced ecological effects in native species communities. Furthermore, this thesis suggests that supercolonialism in invasive ants may not be an evolutionary dead end, but that it may possibly give rise to new species due to reproductive boundaries between supercolonies evoked by peculiar mating and dispersal strategies.}, subject = {Dem{\"o}kologie}, language = {en} }