@article{DrenckhahnWeber2020, author = {Drenckhahn, Detlev and Weber, Heinrich E.}, title = {Die Nordfriesische Brombeere, Rubus boreofrisicus Drenckhahn \& H. E. Weber, eine endemische Rubus-Art der Westk{\"u}ste von Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland}, series = {Forum geobotanicum}, volume = {9}, journal = {Forum geobotanicum}, issn = {1867-9315}, doi = {10.3264/FG.2020.0116}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-198194}, pages = {66-69}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Rubus boreofrisicus Drenckhahn \& H. E.Weber ist eine bisher unbeschriebene Rubus-Art der Untergattung Rubus, Serie Discolores. Die Endbl{\"a}ttchen der 5-z{\"a}hligen, handf{\"o}rmigen Sch{\"o}sslingsbl{\"a}tter sind breit eif{\"o}rmig bis ann{\"a}hernd rund, unterseits grau-weißlich, oberseits dunkelgr{\"u}n und schwach behaart. Die Sch{\"o}sslinge sind braunrot, kantig bis schwach gefurcht, etwas behaart mit geraden bis schwach gekr{\"u}mmten, 5-8 mm langen, braunroten Stacheln mit heller Spitzenh{\"a}lfte. Die Bl{\"u}tenstiele besitzen Stieldr{\"u}sen. Rubus boreofrisicus kommt h{\"a}ufig im Waldg{\"u}rtel und in der angrenzenden D{\"u}nenheide der nordfriesischen Insel Amrum vor und ist auch 50 km s{\"u}dlich von Amrum in St. Peter-Ording im Westen der Halbinsel Eiderstedt vertreten.}, subject = {Rubus}, language = {de} } @article{DrenckhahnBaumgartnerZonneveld2017, author = {Drenckhahn, Detlev and Baumgartner, Werner and Zonneveld, Ben}, title = {Different genome sizes of Western and Eastern Ficaria verna lineages shed light on steps of Ficaria evolution}, series = {Forum Geobotanicum}, volume = {7}, journal = {Forum Geobotanicum}, issn = {1867-9315}, doi = {10.3264/FG.2017.1122}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-155061}, pages = {27-33}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The genus Ficaria is now considered to comprize eight Eurasian species. The most widespread European species is the tetraploid F. verna Huds. The present study provides evidence for the existence of two main lineages of F. verna that differ considerably in their genomic size by about 3 pg. A Western F. verna lineage west of river Rhine displays a mean genome size (2C-value) of 34.2 pg and is almost precisely codistributed with the diploid F. ambigua Boreau (20 pg) north of the Mediterranean. The remaining part of Europe appears to be occupied by the Eastern F. verna lineage solely (mean genome size of 31.3 pg) which codistributes in South-Eastern Europe with the diploid F. calthifolia Rchb. (15 pg). There is little overlap at the boundary of Western and Eastern F. verna lineages with the occurrence of a separate intermediate group in the Netherlands (mean genomic size of 33.2 pg) that appears to result from hybridization of both lineages. On the basis of these observations and further considerations we propose development of F. ambigua and F. calthifolia south of the Alps with subsequent divergence to populate their current Western and Eastern European ranges, respectively. The Western F. verna lineage is proposed to originate from autotetraploidization of F. ambigua (precursor) with moderate genomic downsizing and the Eastern F. verna lineage from auto¬tetraploidization of F. calthifolia (precursor).}, subject = {Durchflusscytometrie}, language = {en} } @misc{DunkelDrenckhahnZonneveld2022, author = {Dunkel, Franz G. and Drenckhahn, Detlev and Zonneveld, Ben}, title = {Forum Geobotanicum 10 (2021/2022)}, volume = {10(2021/2022)}, editor = {Meierott, Lenz and Drenckhahn, Detlev and Dunkel, Franz G. and Ewald, J{\"o}rg and Fleischmann, Andreas}, issn = {1867-9315}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-298926}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Forum Geobotanicum is an electronic journal devoted to disseminate information concerning geographical distribution, ecology, morphology, taxonomy and conservation of vascular plants in the European Union with a main focus on middle Europe. It covers from molecular biology to environmental aspects. The focus is to publish original papers, reviews and announcements for the educated generalist as well as the specialist in this broad field. Forum Geobotanicum does not aim to supplant existing paper journals, but will be much more flexible in format, publication time and world-wide distribution than paper journals. Many important studies are being currently published in local journals and booklets and some of them are published privately. Hence, these studies will become aware to only a limited readership. Forum Geobotanicum will encourage authors of such papers to submit them as special issues of the journal. Moreover, the journal is planning to build up an E-mail-address section to support communication between geobotanists in Europe. The editors are optimistic that this electronic journal will develop to a widely used communication forum that will help to stimulate activities in the entire field of geobotany in middle Europe. To overcome problems of long term archivation and effective taxonomic publication of articles published electronically in Forum Geobotanicum, print versions of each volume of the journal and appropriate digital storage devices will be delivered freely to selected university libraries and state libraries in middle Europe.}, subject = {Geobotanik}, language = {de} } @misc{DrenckhahnEwaldHuebneretal.2004, author = {Drenckhahn, Detlev and Ewald, J{\"o}rg and H{\"u}bner, Stefanie and Wissemann, Volker}, title = {Forum Geobotanicum Vol. 1 (2004)}, volume = {1(2004)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-37927}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Forum geobotanicum ist eine elektronische Plattform, deren Zielsetzung darin besteht, neue Erkenntnisse der geobotanischen Forschung in der Europ{\"a}ischen Union mit Schwerpunkt Mitteleuropa umfassend zu verbreiten. Das Journal befasst sich mit allen Fragen von Verbreitung, {\"O}kologie, Morphologie und Taxonomie von Gef{\"a}ßpflanzen und soll das gesamte Spektrum der Geobotanik von molekularbiologischen Aspekten bis zu Umwelt- und Naturschutzfragen abdecken. Der Hauptfokus liegt auf der Publikation von Originaluntersuchungen und {\"U}bersichtsartikeln sowie Behandlung aktueller Fragen des Naturschutzes. Die Zielgruppen sind Personen mit Allgemeinkenntnissen in der Botanik und Floristik sowie Spezialisten auf den Gebieten der Geobotanik und Pflanzensystematik. Das Journal soll keine Zeitschrift in Druckform ersetzen, sondern eine Erg{\"a}nzung zu den traditionellen Publikationsorganen bilden. Der Vorteil der Zeitschrift liegt in ihrer Flexibilit{\"a}t und raschen Publikationszeit nach Begutachtung der eingereichten Manuskripte und den M{\"o}glichkeiten, in gr{\"o}ßerem Umfang Fotografien und andere Abbildungen zu ver{\"o}ffentlichen. Der Vorteil einer elektronischen Zeitschrift besteht weiterhin darin, dass die Ver{\"o}ffentlichungen weltweit jedermann sofort zug{\"a}nglich sind. Viele durchaus wichtige Untersuchungen aus dem Bereich der Geobotanik erscheinen in lokalen Publikationsorganen, wie Jahrb{\"u}chern und Heimatkalendern, oder auch im Eigenverlag. Da solche Ver{\"o}ffentlichungen bibliographisch kaum erfasst werden, k{\"o}nnen sie auch nicht in ad{\"a}quater Weise wahrgenommen werden. Forum geobotanicum soll erm{\"o}glichen, dass auch solche Publikationen in einer Literaturrubrik bekannt gemacht werden und ggf. nach Kl{\"a}rung von Copyright-Fragen als Supplemente der Zeitschrift ins Netz gestellt werden. Forum geobotanicum nutzt die Vorteile des Internets, indem es abrufbare Hilfen, wie ein Verzeichnis von Adressen, Pflanzenlisten etc. zur Verf{\"u}gung stellt. Insgesamt soll die Kommunikation zwischen Geobotanikern in Mitteleuropa erleichtert und eine Kommunikationsplattform etabliert werden, die die Aktivit{\"a}ten auf dem gesamten Wissenschaftsgebiet stimuliert. Das Journal ist uneigenn{\"u}tzig und f{\"u}r Autoren und Benutzer kostenfrei. F{\"u}r die Kostendeckung sind Sponsoren erw{\"u}nscht, denen eine begrenzte M{\"o}glichkeit zur Darstellung einger{\"a}umt werden kann. In der Anfangsphase wird das Journal von einem kleinen Herausgebergremiumbetrieben. Sollte sich Forum geobotanicum erfolgreich weiter entwickeln, ist an eine Erweiterung des Herausgebergremiums auf Experten aus allen Nationen des mitteleurop{\"a}ischen Raums gedacht. Um eine langfristige Verf{\"u}gbarkeit der Publikationen zu gew{\"a}hrleisten, wird jeder Jahrgang von Forum geobotanicum ausgedruckt, gebunden und mit CDs versehen an ausgew{\"a}hlte Universit{\"a}tsbibliotheken, Landes- und Staatsbibliotheken Deutschlands und wichtiger St{\"a}dte Mitteleuropas zur Archivierung und Ausleihe versandt.}, subject = {Geobotanik ; Pflanzengeographie}, language = {de} } @misc{GottschlichDrenckhahnDunkeletal.2006, author = {Gottschlich, G{\"u}nter and Drenckhahn, Detlev and Dunkel, Franz and Rostanski, Krzysztof and Meierott, Lenz and R{\"o}der, Daniela and Jeschke, Michael and Kiehl, Katrin}, title = {Forum Geobotanicum Vol. 2 (2005/2006)}, volume = {2(2005/2006)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-37933}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Forum geobotanicum ist eine elektronische Plattform, deren Zielsetzung darin besteht, neue Erkenntnisse der geobotanischen Forschung in der Europ{\"a}ischen Union mit Schwerpunkt Mitteleuropa umfassend zu verbreiten. Das Journal befasst sich mit allen Fragen von Verbreitung, {\"O}kologie, Morphologie und Taxonomie von Gef{\"a}ßpflanzen und soll das gesamte Spektrum der Geobotanik von molekularbiologischen Aspekten bis zu Umwelt- und Naturschutzfragen abdecken. Der Hauptfokus liegt auf der Publikation von Originaluntersuchungen und {\"U}bersichtsartikeln sowie Behandlung aktueller Fragen des Naturschutzes. Die Zielgruppen sind Personen mit Allgemeinkenntnissen in der Botanik und Floristik sowie Spezialisten auf den Gebieten der Geobotanik und Pflanzensystematik. Das Journal soll keine Zeitschrift in Druckform ersetzen, sondern eine Erg{\"a}nzung zu den traditionellen Publikationsorganen bilden. Der Vorteil der Zeitschrift liegt in ihrer Flexibilit{\"a}t und raschen Publikationszeit nach Begutachtung der eingereichten Manuskripte und den M{\"o}glichkeiten, in gr{\"o}ßerem Umfang Fotografien und andere Abbildungen zu ver{\"o}ffentlichen. Der Vorteil einer elektronischen Zeitschrift besteht weiterhin darin, dass die Ver{\"o}ffentlichungen weltweit jedermann sofort zug{\"a}nglich sind. Viele durchaus wichtige Untersuchungen aus dem Bereich der Geobotanik erscheinen in lokalen Publikationsorganen, wie Jahrb{\"u}chern und Heimatkalendern, oder auch im Eigenverlag. Da solche Ver{\"o}ffentlichungen bibliographisch kaum erfasst werden, k{\"o}nnen sie auch nicht in ad{\"a}quater Weise wahrgenommen werden. Forum geobotanicum soll erm{\"o}glichen, dass auch solche Publikationen in einer Literaturrubrik bekannt gemacht werden und ggf. nach Kl{\"a}rung von Copyright-Fragen als Supplemente der Zeitschrift ins Netz gestellt werden. Forum geobotanicum nutzt die Vorteile des Internets, indem es abrufbare Hilfen, wie ein Verzeichnis von Adressen, Pflanzenlisten etc. zur Verf{\"u}gung stellt. Insgesamt soll die Kommunikation zwischen Geobotanikern in Mitteleuropa erleichtert und eine Kommunikationsplattform etabliert werden, die die Aktivit{\"a}ten auf dem gesamten Wissenschaftsgebiet stimuliert. Das Journal ist uneigenn{\"u}tzig und f{\"u}r Autoren und Benutzer kostenfrei. F{\"u}r die Kostendeckung sind Sponsoren erw{\"u}nscht, denen eine begrenzte M{\"o}glichkeit zur Darstellung einger{\"a}umt werden kann. In der Anfangsphase wird das Journal von einem kleinen Herausgebergremiumbetrieben. Sollte sich Forum geobotanicum erfolgreich weiter entwickeln, ist an eine Erweiterung des Herausgebergremiums auf Experten aus allen Nationen des mitteleurop{\"a}ischen Raums gedacht. Um eine langfristige Verf{\"u}gbarkeit der Publikationen zu gew{\"a}hrleisten, wird jeder Jahrgang von Forum geobotanicum ausgedruckt, gebunden und mit CDs versehen an ausgew{\"a}hlte Universit{\"a}tsbibliotheken, Landes- und Staatsbibliotheken Deutschlands und wichtiger St{\"a}dte Mitteleuropas zur Archivierung und Ausleihe versandt.}, subject = {Geobotanik ; Pflanzengeographie}, language = {mul} } @misc{DrenckhahnBaumgartnerZonneveld2017, author = {Drenckhahn, Detlev and Baumgartner, Werner and Zonneveld, Ben}, title = {Forum Geobotanicum Vol. 7 (2016/2017)}, volume = {7(2016/2017)}, editor = {Meierott, Lenz and Drenckhahn, Detlev and Dunkel, Franz G. and Ewald, J{\"o}rg and Schuhwerk, Franz}, issn = {1867-9315}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-157381}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Forum Geobotanicum is an electronic journal devoted to disseminate information concerning geographical distribution, ecology, morphology, taxonomy and conservation of vascular plants in the European Union with a main focus on middle Europe. It covers from molecular biology to environmental aspects. The focus is to publish original papers, reviews and announcements for the educated generalist as well as the specialist in this broad field. Forum Geobotanicum does not aim to supplant existing paper journals, but will be much more flexible in format, publication time and world-wide distribution than paper journals. Many important studies are being currently published in local journals and booklets and some of them are published privately. Hence, these studies will become aware to only a limited readership. Forum Geobotanicum will encourage authors of such papers to submit them as special issues of the journal. Moreover, the journal is planning to build up an E-mail-address section to support communication between geobotanists in Europe. The editors are optimistic that this electronic journal will develop to a widely used communication forum that will help to stimulate activities in the entire field of geobotany in middle Europe. To overcome problems of long term archivation and effective taxonomic publication of articles published electronically in Forum Geobotanicum, print versions of each volume of the journal and appropriate digital storage devices will be delivered freely to selected university libraries and state libraries in middle Europe.}, language = {mul} } @misc{DrenckhahnDrenckhahnWeberetal.2019, author = {Drenckhahn, Detlev and Drenckhahn, Helga and Weber, Heinrich E. and Jansen, Werner and Weber, Heinrich E. and Zonnenveld, Ben J. M.}, title = {Forum Geobotanicum Vol. 8 (2018/2019)}, volume = {8(2018/2019)}, editor = {Meierott, Lenz and Drenckhahn, Detlev and Dunkel, Franz G. and Ewald, J{\"o}rg and Fleischmann, Andreas}, issn = {1867-9315}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-175292}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Forum Geobotanicum is an electronic journal devoted to disseminate information concerning geographical distribution, ecology, morphology, taxonomy and conservation of vascular plants in the European Union with a main focus on middle Europe. It covers from molecular biology to environmental aspects. The focus is to publish original papers, reviews and announcements for the educated generalist as well as the specialist in this broad field. Forum Geobotanicum does not aim to supplant existing paper journals, but will be much more flexible in format, publication time and world-wide distribution than paper journals. Many important studies are being currently published in local journals and booklets and some of them are published privately. Hence, these studies will become aware to only a limited readership. Forum Geobotanicum will encourage authors of such papers to submit them as special issues of the journal. Moreover, the journal is planning to build up an E-mail-address section to support communication between geobotanists in Europe. The editors are optimistic that this electronic journal will develop to a widely used communication forum that will help to stimulate activities in the entire field of geobotany in middle Europe. To overcome problems of long term archivation and effective taxonomic publication of articles published electronically in Forum Geobotanicum, print versions of each volume of the journal and appropriate digital storage devices will be delivered freely to selected university libraries and state libraries in middle Europe.}, subject = {Geobotanik}, language = {de} } @misc{GottschlichDunkelDrenckhahnetal.2020, author = {Gottschlich, G{\"u}nter and Dunkel, Franz G. and Drenckhahn, Detlev and Weber, Heinrich E. and Gallo, Lorenzo}, title = {Forum Geobotanicum Vol. 9 (2020)}, volume = {9(2020)}, editor = {Meierott, Lenz and Drenckhahn, Detlev and Dunkel, Franz G. and Ewald, J{\"o}rg and Fleischmann, Andreas}, issn = {1867-9315}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-298919}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Forum Geobotanicum is an electronic journal devoted to disseminate information concerning geographical distribution, ecology, morphology, taxonomy and conservation of vascular plants in the European Union with a main focus on middle Europe. It covers from molecular biology to environmental aspects. The focus is to publish original papers, reviews and announcements for the educated generalist as well as the specialist in this broad field. Forum Geobotanicum does not aim to supplant existing paper journals, but will be much more flexible in format, publication time and world-wide distribution than paper journals. Many important studies are being currently published in local journals and booklets and some of them are published privately. Hence, these studies will become aware to only a limited readership. Forum Geobotanicum will encourage authors of such papers to submit them as special issues of the journal. Moreover, the journal is planning to build up an E-mail-address section to support communication between geobotanists in Europe. The editors are optimistic that this electronic journal will develop to a widely used communication forum that will help to stimulate activities in the entire field of geobotany in middle Europe. To overcome problems of long term archivation and effective taxonomic publication of articles published electronically in Forum Geobotanicum, print versions of each volume of the journal and appropriate digital storage devices will be delivered freely to selected university libraries and state libraries in middle Europe.}, subject = {Geobotanik}, language = {de} } @article{GottschlichDrenckhahnMeierottetal.2023, author = {Gottschlich, G{\"u}nter and Drenckhahn, Detlev and Meierott, Lenz and Zonneveld, Ben}, title = {Hieracium maculatum subsp. pseudogougetianum, eine neue Unterart aus dem Mainfr{\"a}nkischen Muschelkalkgebiet}, series = {Forum Geobotanicum}, volume = {11}, journal = {Forum Geobotanicum}, issn = {1867-9315}, doi = {10.3264/FG.2023.0923}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-327601}, pages = {15-20}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In Lower Franconia/Northern Bavaria, a well-defined subspecies of the Hieracium maculatum group was detected. This subspecies is restricted to the slopes of the Main valley between W{\"u}rzburg and Hasloch with a hot spot (>90\% of total population) between the villages Th{\"u}ngersheim and Retzbach. Due to some similarities with H. glaucinum subsp. prasiophaeum (synonym: subsp. gougetianum) the subspecies is named H. maculatum subsp. pseudogougetianum. This subspecies grows preferentially on shell-bearing limestone gravels and begins flowering as early as mid-April. Head involucra are whitish hairy mixed with dark stalked glands. The basal leaf rosette consists of ovate to elliptic, toothed to serrate, dark spotted leaves, glabrous, glaucous above. Stems bear 1-3(4) stalked stem leaves and usually form long lateral flowering branches from the leaf axils. Like some other H. maculatum subspecies, H. maculatum subsp. pseudogougetianum is tetraploid with a mean genome weight (2C value) of 14.5 pg, distinguishing it from the H. glaucinum group, whose studied taxa are invariably triploid (mean 10.1 pg).}, subject = {Korbbl{\"u}tler}, language = {de} } @article{GottschlichDrenckhahn2005, author = {Gottschlich, G{\"u}nter and Drenckhahn, Detlev}, title = {Iconography of the Genus Hieracium in central Europe - Part 1: General Description and Morphotypes}, doi = {10.3264/FG.2005.0502}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-35363}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The genus Hieracium comprises more than one thousand sexual and apomictic species in Europe, with numerous intermediates and microspecies. Only a small fraction of the members of the genus Hieracium has been illustrated or photo-documented in the literature. Since many of these publications are difficult to obtain, only a few specialists are familiar with most of the species and subspecies described in the literature. In order to overcome this problem and encourage geobotanical research on the genus Hieracium, we decided to edit an iconography of central and southern European Hieracia in an electronical journal (Forum geobotanicum) with free international access through the internet. Part I of this endeavour contains descriptions and photographs of the morphological spectrum of the genus Hieracium. Here, we categorize the genus into 15 basic morphotypes. These types conform partly to the sections and subsections of the genus Hieracium, but are in some cases informal and may even include members of different sections. Classification of morphotypes is considered helpful to obtain a first rough picture of an unknown species that then can be traced to the species and subspecies level by using keys or, after completion of this iconography, simply by screening the relevant images. One particularly novel aspect of the present endeavour will be the regular inclusion of magnified images and scanning electron micrographs.}, subject = {Habichtskraut}, language = {en} }