@phdthesis{Zanucco2011, author = {Zanucco, Emanuele}, title = {Role of oncogenic and wild type B-RAF in mouse lung tumor models}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69603}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Von Wachstumsfaktoren regulierte Signalkaskaden sind Schl{\"u}sselelemente in der Gewebeentwicklung und Geweberegeneration. Eine Deregulation dieser Kaskaden f{\"u}hrt zu Entwicklungsst{\"o}rungen und neoplastischen Krankheiten. F{\"u}r viele humane Krebsformen sind aktivierende Mutationen der Kinasen der RAF Familie verantwortlich. Das erste Projekt dieser Doktorarbeit fokussiert auf der Rolle des B-RAF V600E, welches als eine der am h{\"a}ufigsten vorkommenden Mutantionen in humanen Krebszellen identifiziert worden ist. Um die onkogene Funktion des B-RAF V600E zu untersuchen, haben wir transgene Mauslinien hergestellt, welche das aktivierte Onkogen spezifisch in alveolaren Lungenepithelzellen des Typ II exprimieren. Konstitutive Expression des B-RAF V600E f{\"u}hrte zu einer abnormen alveolaren Epithelzellbildung und zu Emphysem-{\"a}hnlichen L{\"a}sionen. Diese L{\"a}sionen wiesen Zeichen einer Gewebsumstrukturierung auf, oft in Assoziation mit chronischer Inflammation und geringer Inzidenz von Lungentumoren. Die Infiltration der entz{\"u}ndlichen Zellen erfolgte erst nach der Entstehung von Emphysem-{\"a}hnlichen L{\"a}sionen und k{\"o}nnte zur sp{\"a}teren Tumorbildung beigetragen haben. Diese Ergebnisse unterst{\"u}tzen ein Modell, in welchem der kontinuierliche regenerative Prozess eine tumorf{\"o}rdernde Umgebung schafft. Dabei induziert die Aktivit{\"a}t des onkogenen B-RAF eine alveolare St{\"o}rung, welche urs{\"a}chlich verantwortlich ist f{\"u}r den kontinuierlichen regenerativen Prozess. Das zweite Projekt fokussiert auf die Rolle von endogenem (wildtypischen) B-RAF in einem durch onkogenes C-RAF induzierten Maus Lungentumormodell. F{\"u}r unsere Untersuchungen haben wir eine Mauslinie geschaffen, in welcher B-RAF in den C-RAF Lungentumoren konditionell eliminiert werden kann. Eine konditionelle Eliminierung des B-RAF hat die Entstehung von Lungentumoren nicht blockiert, aber zu reduziertem Tumorwachstum gef{\"u}hrt. Dieses reduzierte Tumorwachstum konnte auf eine reduzierte Zellproliferation zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden. Außerdem konnten wir durch die B-RAF Elimination eine Reduktion der Intensit{\"a}t der mitogenen Signalkaskade beobachten. Insgesamt deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass das onkogene Potential von C-RAF in vivo unabh{\"a}ngig von B-RAF ist und eine Kooperation von B-RAF und C-RAF jedoch f{\"u}r die vollst{\"a}ndige Aktivierung der mitogenen Signalkaskade wichtig ist.}, subject = {Lungenkrebs}, language = {en} } @article{CeteciCeteciZanuccoetal.2012, author = {Ceteci, Fatih and Ceteci, Semra and Zanucco, Emanuele and Thakur, Chitra and Becker, Matthias and El-Nikhely, Nefertiti and Fink, Ludger and Seeger, Werner and Savai, Rajkumar and Rapp, Ulf R.}, title = {E-Cadherin Controls Bronchiolar Progenitor Cells and Onset of Preneoplastic Lesions in Mice}, series = {Neoplasia}, volume = {14}, journal = {Neoplasia}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1593/neo.121088}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-135407}, pages = {1164-1177}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Although progenitor cells of the conducting airway have been spatially localized and some insights have been gained regarding their molecular phenotype, relatively little is known about the mechanisms regulating their maintenance, activation, and differentiation. This study investigates the potential roles of E-cadherin in mouse Clara cells, as these cells were shown to represent the progenitor/stem cells of the conducting airways and have been implicated as the cell of origin of human non-small cell lung cancer. Postnatal inactivation of E-cadherin affected Clara cell differentiation and compromised airway regeneration under injury conditions. In steady-state adult lung, overexpression of the dominant negative E-cadherin led to an expansion of the bronchiolar stem cells and decreased differentiation concomitant with canonical Wnt signaling activation. Expansion of the bronchiolar stem cell pool was associated with an incessant proliferation of neuroepithelial body-associated Clara cells that ultimately gave rise to bronchiolar hyperplasia. Despite progressive hyperplasia, only a minority of the mice developed pulmonary solid tumors, suggesting that the loss of E-cadherin function leads to tumor formation when additional mutations are sustained. The present study reveals that E-cadherin plays a critical role in the regulation of proliferation and homeostasis of the epithelial cells lining the conducting airways.}, language = {en} } @article{ZanuccoGoetzPotapenkoetal.2011, author = {Zanucco, Emanuele and G{\"o}tz, Rudolf and Potapenko, Tamara and Carraretto, Irene and Ceteci, Semra and Ceteci, Fatih and Seeger, Werner and Savai, Rajkumar and Rapp, Ulf R.}, title = {Expression of B-RAF V600E in Type II Pneumocytes Causes Abnormalities in Alveolar Formation, Airspace Enlargement and Tumor Formation in Mice}, series = {PLOS ONE}, volume = {6}, journal = {PLOS ONE}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0029093}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-137061}, pages = {e29093}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Growth factor induced signaling cascades are key regulatory elements in tissue development, maintenance and regeneration. Perturbations of these cascades have severe consequences, leading to developmental disorders and neoplastic diseases. As a major function in signal transduction, activating mutations in RAF family kinases are the cause of human tumorigenesis, where B-RAF V600E has been identified as the prevalent mutant. In order to address the oncogenic function of B-RAF V600E, we have generated transgenic mice expressing the activated oncogene specifically in lung alveolar epithelial type II cells. Constitutive expression of B-RAF V600E caused abnormalities in alveolar epithelium formation that led to airspace enlargements. These lung lesions showed signs of tissue remodeling and were often associated with chronic inflammation and low incidence of lung tumors. The inflammatory cell infiltration did not precede the formation of the lung lesions but was rather accompanied with late tumor development. These data support a model where the continuous regenerative process initiated by oncogenic B-RAF-driven alveolar disruption provides a tumor-promoting environment associated with chronic inflammation.}, language = {en} } @article{CeteciXuCetecietal.2011, author = {Ceteci, Fatih and Xu, Jiajia and Ceteci, Semra and Zanucco, Emanuele and Thakur, Chitra and Rapp, Ulf R.}, title = {Conditional Expression of Oncogenic C-RAF in Mouse Pulmonary Epithelial Cells Reveals Differential Tumorigenesis and Induction of Autophagy Leading to Tumor Regression}, series = {Neoplasia}, volume = {13}, journal = {Neoplasia}, number = {11}, doi = {10.1593/neo.11652}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-134347}, pages = {1005-1018}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Here we describe a novel conditional mouse lung tumor model for investigation of the pathogenesis of human lung cancer. On the basis of the frequent involvement of the Ras-RAF-MEK-ERK signaling pathway in human non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC), we have explored the target cell availability, reversibility, and cell type specificity of transformation by oncogenic C-RAF. Targeting expression to alveolar type II cells or to Clara cells, the two likely precursors of human NSCLC, revealed differential tumorigenicity between these cells. Whereas expression of oncogenic C-RAF in alveolar type II cells readily induced multifocal macroscopic lung tumors independent of the developmental state, few tumors with type II pneumocytes features and incomplete penetrance were found when targeted to Clara cells. Induced tumors did not progress and were strictly dependent on the initiating oncogene. Deinduction of mice resulted in tumor regression due to autophagy rather than apoptosis. Induction of autophagic cell death in regressing lung tumors suggests the use of autophagy enhancers as a treatment choice for patients with NSCLC.}, language = {en} }