@phdthesis{Baumhoer2021, author = {Baumhoer, Celia Am{\´e}lie}, title = {Glacier Front Dynamics of Antarctica - Analysing Changes in Glacier and Ice Shelf Front Position based on SAR Time Series}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24581}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-245814}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The Antarctic Ice Sheet stores ~91\% of the global ice volume which is equivalent to a sea-level rise of 58.3 meters. Recent disintegration events of ice shelves and retreating glaciers along the Antarctic Peninsula and West Antarctica indicate the current vulnerable state of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Glacier tongues and ice shelves create a safety band around Antarctica with buttressing effects on ice discharge. Current decreases in glacier and ice shelf extent reduce the effective buttressing forces and increase ice discharge of grounded ice. The consequence is a higher contribution to sea-level rise from the Antarctic Ice Sheet. So far, it is unresolved which proportion of Antarctic glacier retreat can be attributed to climate change and which part to the natural cycle of growth and decay in the lifetime of a glacier. The quantitative assessment of the magnitude, spatial extent, distribution, and dynamics of circum-Antarctic glacier and ice shelf retreat is of utmost importance to monitor Antarctica's weakening safety band. In remote areas like Antarctica, earth observation provides optimal properties for large-scale mapping and monitoring of glaciers and ice shelves. Nowadays, the variety of available satellite sensors, technical advancements regarding spatial resolution and revisit times, as well as open satellite data archives create an ideal basis for monitoring calving front change. A systematic review conducted within this thesis revealed major gaps in the availability of glacier and ice shelf front position measurements despite the improved satellite data availability. The previously limited availability of satellite imagery and the time-consuming manual delineation of calving fronts did neither allow a circum-Antarctic assessment of glacier retreat nor the assessment of intra-annual changes in glacier front position. To advance the understanding of Antarctic glacier front change, this thesis presents a novel automated approach for calving front extraction and explores drivers of glacier retreat. A comprehensive review of existing methods for glacier front extraction ascertained the lack of a fully automatic approach for large-scale monitoring of Antarctic calving fronts using radar imagery. Similar backscatter characteristics of different ice types, seasonally changing backscatter values, multi-year sea ice, and m{\´e}lange made it challenging to implement an automated approach with traditional image processing techniques. Therefore, the present abundance of satellite data is best exploited by integrating recent developments in big data and artificial intelligence (AI) research to derive circum-Antarctic calving front dynamics. In the context of this thesis, the novel AI-based framework "AntarcticLINES" (Antarctic Glacier and Ice Shelf Front Time Series) was created which provides a fully automated processing chain for calving front extraction from Sentinel-1 imagery. Open access Sentinel-1 radar imagery is an ideal data source for monitoring current and future changes in the Antarctic coastline with revisit times of less than six days and all-weather imaging capabilities. The developed processing chain includes the pre-processing of dual-polarized Sentinel-1 imagery for machine learning applications. 38 Sentinel-1 scenes were used to train the deep learning architecture U-Net for image segmentation. The trained weights of the neural network can be used to segment Sentinel-1 scenes into land ice and ocean. Additional post-processing ensures even more accurate results by including morphological filtering before extracting the final coastline. A comprehensive accuracy assessment has proven the correct extraction of the coastline. On average, the automatically extracted coastline deviates by 2-3 pixels (93 m) from a manual delineation. This accuracy is in range with deviations between manually delineated coastlines from different experts. For the first time, the fully automated framework AntarcticLINES enabled the extraction of intra-annual glacier front fluctuations to assess seasonal variations in calving front change. Thereby, for example, an increased calving frequency of Pine Island Glacier and a beginning disintegration of Glenzer Glacier were revealed. Besides, the extraction of the entire Antarctic coastline for 2018 highlighted the large-scale applicability of the developed approach. Accurate results for entire Antarctica were derived except for the Western Antarctic Peninsula where training imagery was not sufficient and should be included in future studies. Furthermore, this dissertation presents an unprecedented record of circum-Antarctic calving front change over the last two decades. The newly extracted coastline for 2018 was compared to previous coastline products from 2009 and 1997. This revealed that the Antarctic Ice Sheet shrank 29,618±1193 km2 in extent between 1997-2008 and gained an area of 7,108±1029 km2 between 2009-2018. Glacier retreat concentrated along the Antarctic Peninsula and West Antarctica. The only East Antarctic coastal sector primarily experiencing calving front retreat was Wilkes Land in 2009-2018. Finally, potential drivers of circum-Antarctic glacier retreat were identified by combining data on glacier front change with changes in climate variables. It was found that strengthening westerlies, snowmelt, rising sea surface temperatures, and decreasing sea ice cover forced glacier retreat over the last two decades. Relative changes in mean air temperature could not be identified as a driver for glacier retreat and further investigations on extreme events in air temperature are necessary to assess the effect of atmospheric forcing on frontal retreat. The strengthening of all identified drivers was closely connected to positive phases of the Southern Annular Mode (SAM). With increasing greenhouse gases and ozone depletion, positive phases of SAM will occur more often and force glacier retreat even further in the future. Within this thesis, a comprehensive review on existing Antarctic glacier and ice shelf front studies was conducted revealing major gaps in Antarctic calving front records. Therefore, a fully automated processing chain for glacier and ice shelf front extraction was implemented to track circum-Antarctic calving front fluctuations on an intra-annual basis. The large-scale applicability was certified by presenting two decades of circum-Antarctic calving front change. In combination with climate variables, drivers of recent glacier retreat were identified. In the future, the presented framework AntarcticLINES will greatly contribute to the constant monitoring of the Antarctic coastline under the pressure of a changing climate.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Roedder2014, author = {R{\"o}dder, Tobias}, title = {Spatio-temporal assessment of dynamics in discontinuous mountain permafrost - Investigation of small-scale influences on the ground thermal regime and active layer processes during snow melt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-90629}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The discontinuous mountain permafrost zone is characterized by its heterogeneous distribution of frozen ground and a small-scale variability of the ground thermal regime. Large parts of these areas are covered by glacial till and sediments that were exposed after the recession of the glaciers since the 19th century. As response to changed climatic conditions permafrost-affected areas will lose their ability as sediment storage and on the contrary, they will act as source areas for unconsolidated debris. Along with modified precipitation patterns the degradation of the discontinuous mountain permafrost zone will (temporarily) increase its predisposition for mass movement processes and thus has to be monitored in a differentiated way. Therefore, the spatio-temporal dynamics of frozen ground are assessed in this study based on results obtained in three glacier forefields in the Engadin (Swiss Alps) and at the Zugspitze (German Alps). Sophisticated techniques are required to uncover structural differences in the subsurface. Thus, the applicability of advanced geophysical methods is tested for alpine environments and proved by the good 3D-delineation of a permafrost body and by the detection of detailed processes in the active layer during snow melt. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) approaches (quasi-3D, daily monitoring) reveal their capabilities to detect subsurface resistivity changes both, in space and time. Processes and changes in regard to liquid water content and ice content are observed to exist at short distances even though the active layer is not subject to a considerable thickening over the past 7 years. The stability of the active layer is verified by borehole temperature data. No synchronous trend is recognized in permafrost temperatures and together with multi-annual electrical resistivity data they indicate degradation and aggradation processes to occur at the same time. Different heat transfer mechanisms, especially during winter, are recognized by means of temperature sensors above, at, and beneath the surface. Based on surface and borehole temperature data the snow cover is assessed as the major controlling factor for the thermal regime on a local scale. Beyond that, the debris size of the substrate, which modifies the snow cover and regulates air exchange processes above the ground, plays a crucial role as an additional buffer layer. A fundamental control over the stability of local permafrost patches is attributed to the ice-rich transient layer at the base of the active layer. The refreezing of melt water in spring is illustrated with diurnal ERT monitoring data from glacier forefield Murt{\`e}l. Based on these ERT and borehole temperature data a conceptual model of active layer processes between autumn and spring is developed. The latent heat that is inherent in the transient layer protects the permafrost beneath from additional energy input from the surface as long as the refreezing of melt water in spring prevails and sufficient ice is build up each spring. Permafrost sites without a transient layer show considerably higher temperatures at their table and are more prone to degradation in the years and decades ahead. As main investigation area a glacier forefield beneath the summits of Piz Murt{\`e}l and Piz Corvatsch in the Swiss Engadin was chosen. It is located west of the well-known rock glacier Murt{\`e}l. Here, a permafrost body inside and adjacent to the lateral moraine was investigated and could be delineated very well. In the surrounding glacier forefield no further indications of permafrost occurrence could be made. Geophysical data and temperature values from the surface and from a permafrost borehole were compared with long-term data from proximate glacier forefield Muragl (Engadin). Results from both sites show a considerable stability of the active layer depth in summer while at the same time geophysical data demonstrate annual changes in the amount of liquid water content and ice content in the course of years. A third investigation area is located in the German Alps. The Zugspitzplatt is a high mountain valley with considerably more precipitation and thicker snow cover compared to both Swiss sites. In close proximity to the present glacier and at a large talus slope beneath the summit crest ground ice could be observed. The high subsurface resistivity values and comparable data from existing studies at the Zugspitze may indicate the presence of sedimentary ice in the subsurface of the karstified Zugspitzplatt. Based on these complementary data from geophysical and temperature measurements as well as geomorphological field mapping the development of permafrost in glacier forefields under climate change conditions is analyzed with cooperation partners from the SPCC project. Ground temperature simulations forced with long-term climatological data are modeled to assess future permafrost development in glacier forefield Murt{\`e}l. Results suggest that permafrost is stable as long as the ice-rich layer between the active layer and the permafrost table exists. After a tipping point is reached, the disintegration of frozen ground starts to proceed rapidly from the top.}, subject = {Engadin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schwindt2013, author = {Schwindt, Daniel}, title = {Permafrost in ventilated talus slopes below the timberline - A multi-methodological study on the ground thermal regime and its impact on the temporal variability and spatial heterogeneity of permafrost at three sites in the Swiss Alps}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-90099}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {In the central Alps permafrost can be expected above 2300 m a.s.l., at altitudes where mean annual air temperatures are below -1 °C. Isolated permafrost occurrences can be detected in north-exposed talus slopes, far below the timberline, where mean annual air temperatures are positive. Driving factors are assumed to be a low income of solar radiation, a thick organic layer with high insulation capacities as well as the thermally induced chimney effect. Aim of this study is to achieve a deeper understanding of the factors determining the site-specific thermal regime, as well as the spatially limited and temporally highly variable permafrost occurrences in vegetated talus slopes. Three supercooled talus slopes in the Swiss Alps were chosen for investigation. Substantially different characteristics were a central criterion in the selection of study sites. Located in the Upper Engadin, climatic conditions, altitude as well as dimensions of the talus slopes are comparable for the study sites Val Bever and Val Susauna; major differences are rooted in the nature of talus substrate and in humus- and vegetation distribution. Characteristics of the Br{\"u}eltobel site, located in the Appenzeller Alps, diverge with regard to climatic conditions, altitude and dimensions of the talus slope; humus- and vegetation compositions are comparable to the Val Susauna site. Confirmation and characterisation of ground ice is accomplished by the application of electrical resistivity and seismic refraction tomography. The estimation of the spatial permafrost distribution is based on quasi-3D resistivity imaging. For the confirmation of permafrost and the analysis of its temporal variability electrical resistivity monitoring arrays were constructed and installed at all study sites, to allow year-round measurements. In addition to resistivity monitoring, the - up to now - first seismic refraction tomography winter monitoring was conducted at the Val Susauna to analyse the permafrost evolution during the winter half-year. Investigations of the ground thermal regime were based on the analysis of temperature logger data. Besides recording air- and ground surface temperatures, focus was set on the temperature evolution in vents and in the organic layer. To analyse the relationship between permafrost distribution on the one hand and humus- and vegetation distribution on the other hand, an extensive mapping of humus characteristics and vegetation composition was conducted at Val Susauna. The existence of permafrost could be proven at all study sites. Spatially, permafrost bodies show a narrow transition to neighbouring, unfrozen areas. As observed at Val Susauna, the permafrost distribution strongly correlates with areas with exceptionally thick organic layer, high percentages of mosses and lichens in the undergrowth and dwarf grown trees. The temporal variability of permafrost has proven to be exceptionally high, with the magnitude of seasonal variations distinctly exceeding intra-annual changes. Thereby, the winter season is characterised by a significant supercooling. During snowmelt a growth in volumetric ice content is induced by refreezing of percolating meltwater on the supercooled talus. The results confirmed the fundamental influence of the chimney effect on the existence and temporal variability of permafrost in talus slopes. Divergences in the effectiveness of the thermal regime were detected between the study sites. These are based on differences in the nature of talus material, humus characteristics and vegetation composition. During summer, the organic material is usually dry at the daytime, inducing a high insulation capability and a protection of the subsurface against high atmospheric temperatures. Bouldery talus slopes typically show an organic layer that is fragmented by large boulders, which induces a strongly reduced insulation capability and allows an efficient heat exchange by convective airflow and percolating precipitation water. In the winter half-year, the thermal conductivity of the organic layer increases massively under moist or frozen conditions, allowing an efficient, conductive cooling of the talus material. The convective cooling in bouldery talus slopes affects an earlier onset and a higher magnitude of supercooling than under consistent humus conditions. Here, conductive heat flow is dominant and the cooling in autumn is buffered by a prolonged zero curtain. The snow cover has proven to be incapable of prohibiting an efficient supercooling of the talus slope in winter, almost independent from thickness.}, subject = {Engadin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Philipp2023, author = {Philipp, Marius Balthasar}, title = {Quantifying the Effects of Permafrost Degradation in Arctic Coastal Environments via Satellite Earth Observation}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34563}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-345634}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Permafrost degradation is observed all over the world as a consequence of climate change and the associated Arctic amplification, which has severe implications for the environment. Landslides, increased rates of surface deformation, rising likelihood of infrastructure damage, amplified coastal erosion rates, and the potential turnover of permafrost from a carbon sink to a carbon source are thereby exemplary implications linked to the thawing of frozen ground material. In this context, satellite earth observation is a potent tool for the identification and continuous monitoring of relevant processes and features on a cheap, long-term, spatially explicit, and operational basis as well as up to a circumpolar scale. A total of 325 articles published in 30 different international journals during the past two decades were investigated on the basis of studied environmental foci, remote sensing platforms, sensor combinations, applied spatio-temporal resolutions, and study locations in an extensive review on past achievements, current trends, as well as future potentials and challenges of satellite earth observation for permafrost related analyses. The development of analysed environmental subjects, utilized sensors and platforms, and the number of annually published articles over time are addressed in detail. Studies linked to atmospheric features and processes, such as the release of greenhouse gas emissions, appear to be strongly under-represented. Investigations on the spatial distribution of study locations revealed distinct study clusters across the Arctic. At the same time, large sections of the continuous permafrost domain are only poorly covered and remain to be investigated in detail. A general trend towards increasing attention in satellite earth observation of permafrost and related processes and features was observed. The overall amount of published articles hereby more than doubled since the year 2015. New sources of satellite data, such as the Sentinel satellites and the Methane Remote Sensing LiDAR Mission (Merlin), as well as novel methodological approaches, such as data fusion and deep learning, will thereby likely improve our understanding of the thermal state and distribution of permafrost, and the effects of its degradation. Furthermore, cloud-based big data processing platforms (e.g. Google Earth Engine (GEE)) will further enable sophisticated and long-term analyses on increasingly larger scales and at high spatial resolutions. In this thesis, a specific focus was put on Arctic permafrost coasts, which feature increasing vulnerability to environmental parameters, such as the thawing of frozen ground, and are therefore associated with amplified erosion rates. In particular, a novel monitoring framework for quantifying Arctic coastal erosion rates within the permafrost domain at high spatial resolution and on a circum-Arctic scale is presented within this thesis. Challenging illumination conditions and frequent cloud cover restrict the applicability of optical satellite imagery in Arctic regions. In order to overcome these limitations, Synthetic Aperture RADAR (SAR) data derived from Sentinel-1 (S1), which is largely independent from sun illumination and weather conditions, was utilized. Annual SAR composites covering the months June-September were combined with a Deep Learning (DL) framework and a Change Vector Analysis (CVA) approach to generate both a high-quality and circum-Arctic coastline product as well as a coastal change product that highlights areas of erosion and build-up. Annual composites in the form of standard deviation (sd) and median backscatter were computed and used as inputs for both the DL framework and the CVA coastal change quantification. The final DL-based coastline product covered a total of 161,600 km of Arctic coastline and featured a median accuracy of ±6.3 m to the manually digitized reference data. Annual coastal change quantification between 2017-2021 indicated erosion rates of up to 67 m per year for some areas based on 400 m coastal segments. In total, 12.24\% of the investigated coastline featured an average erosion rate of 3.8 m per year, which corresponds to 17.83 km2 of annually eroded land area. Multiple quality layers associated to both products, the generated DL-coastline and the coastal change rates, are provided on a pixel basis to further assess the accuracy and applicability of the proposed data, methods, and products. Lastly, the extracted circum-Arctic erosion rates were utilized as a basis in an experimental framework for estimating the amount of permafrost and carbon loss as a result of eroding permafrost coastlines. Information on permafrost fraction, Active Layer Thickness (ALT), soil carbon content, and surface elevation were thereby combined with the aforementioned erosion rates. While the proposed experimental framework provides a valuable outline for quantifying the volume loss of frozen ground and carbon release, extensive validation of the utilized environmental products and resulting volume loss numbers based on 200 m segments are necessary. Furthermore, data of higher spatial resolution and information of carbon content for deeper soil depths are required for more accurate estimates.}, subject = {Dauerfrostboden}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Emmert2020, author = {Emmert, Adrian Alexander}, title = {The Internal Structure of Periglacial Landforms - Assessments of Subsurface Variations in Permafrost-related and Frost-related Phenomena by Multi-dimensional Geophysical Investigations}, edition = {1. Auflage}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-95826-138-9}, doi = {10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-139-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-202437}, school = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, pages = {xix, 167}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The internal structure of periglacial landforms contains valuable information on past and present environmental conditions. To benefit from this archive, however, an enhanced understanding of subsurface variations is crucial. This enables to assess the influence of the internal structure on prevailing process regimes and to evaluate the sensitivity of different landform units to environmental changes. This thesis investigates structural variations in the subsurface of (i) rock glaciers,(ii) solifluction lobes, (iii) palsas/ lithalsas and (iv) patterned ground, which occur between the different landform types, but also between landform units of the same type. Investigated variables comprise (i) the spatial distribution of permafrost, (ii) ground ice content, (iii) the origin of ground ice, (iv) thickness of the active layer and (v) frost table topography. Multi-dimensional investigations by the geophysical methods Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) and Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) were performed in six study areas (a-f): four of them are located in high-alpine environments in Switzerland and two of them are located in the subarctic highlands of Iceland. Additionally, surface and subsurface temperature values were continuously recorded at selected study sites. At one study site, pF-values, representing the matric potential (or water potential), were recorded. From a methodological view, this thesis focuses on the application of quasi-3-D ERI, an approach in which many two-dimensional data sets are combined to create one three-dimensional data set. This permits e.g., a three-dimensional delimitation of subsurface structures and a spatial investigation of the distribution of ground ice. Besides the analysis of field data, this thesis incudes a comparison between inversion models produced with different software products, based on two synthetic data sets. The detection of resistivity structures and reflection patterns provides valuable insights into the internal structure of the investigated landform units: At the high-alpine study site at (a) Piz Nair, a highly variable ice content indicates a complex development of the investigated rock glacier assembly. The local formation of ground ice is attributed to an embedding of surface patches of snow or ice into the subsurface by rockfall. Results of geoelectric monitoring surveys on selected rock glaciers show the influence of seasonal alterations in the internal structure on subsurface meltwater flow. At the study site at (b) Piz {\"U}ertsch, results indicate the occurrences of isolated ground ice patches in a significantly larger rock glacier. Detected characteristics of the internal structure enable to reconstruct the development of the rock glacier, in which a temporary override of an adjacent glacier tongue on the rock glacier is considered crucial for the current distribution of ground ice. However, results of this thesis clearly show the absence of buried glacier ice in the subsurface of the rock glacier. Results from a rock glacier near the (c) Las Trais Fluors mountain ridge affirm the existence of a water-permeable frozen layer, which was assumed in previous studies. Furthermore, results show that the rock glacier contains large amounts of rockfall deposits. A joint interpretation of ERI and GPR results from the investigated scree slope at the mountain (d) Blauberg (Furka Pass) reveals characteristic structures in the subsurface, which enable a differentiation between solifluction lobes and pebbly rock glaciers. At the subarctic study site (e) Orravatnsr{\´u}stir, results show that the internal structure of palsas can be used to deduce their current development stage and to assess past and future developments. Presented results affirm a long history of palsa development at the study site, as assumed in previous studies, but indicate recently changing environmental conditions. The investigated occurrences of patterned ground in the proglacial area of the glacier (f) Hofsj{\"o}kull are currently not influenced by the detected occurrence of permafrost, according to the presented results. Therefore, a temporary formation of pattered ground is assumed, which is linked to the retreat of the glacier. This thesis shows discrepancies between the internal structure of some of the investigated landform units and the recent environmental conditions. This indicates a delayed adaption and a low sensitivity of the landform units to environmental changes. Findings indicate that the future development of permafrost will be strongly affected by variations in snowfall. Furthermore, the detection of isolated occurrences of ground ice at several study sites contradicts the widely assumed effectivity of balancing heat fluxes to create homogenous subsurface conditions in relatively fine-grained subsurface materials.}, subject = {Permafrost}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dirscherl2022, author = {Dirscherl, Mariel Christina}, title = {Remote Sensing of Supraglacial Lake Dynamics in Antarctica - Exploiting Methods from Artificial Intelligence for Derivation of Antarctic Supraglacial Lake Extents in Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27950}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-279505}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {With accelerating global climate change, the Antarctic Ice Sheet is exposed to increasing ice dynamic change. During 1992 and 2017, Antarctica contributed ~7.6 mm to global sea-level-rise mainly due to ocean thermal forcing along West Antarctica and atmospheric warming along the Antarctic Peninsula (API). Together, these processes caused the progressive retreat of glaciers and ice shelves and weakened their efficient buttressing force causing widespread ice flow accelerations. Holding ~91\% of the global ice mass and 57.3 m of sea-level-equivalent, the Antarctic Ice Sheet is by far the largest potential contributor to future sea-level-rise. Despite the improved understanding of Antarctic ice dynamics, the future of Antarctica remains difficult to predict with its contribution to global sea-level-rise representing the largest uncertainty in current projections. Given that recent studies point towards atmospheric warming and melt intensification to become a dominant driver for future Antarctic ice mass loss, the monitoring of supraglacial lakes and their impacts on ice dynamics is of utmost importance. In this regard, recent progress in Earth Observation provides an abundance of high-resolution optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite data at unprecedented spatial and temporal coverage and greatly supports the monitoring of the Antarctic continent where ground-based mapping efforts are difficult to perform. As an automated mapping technique for supraglacial lake extent delineation in optical and SAR satellite imagery as well as a pan-Antarctic inventory of Antarctic supraglacial lakes at high spatial and temporal resolution is entirely missing, this thesis aims to advance the understanding of Antarctic surface hydrology through exploitation of spaceborne remote sensing. In particular, a detailed literature review on spaceborne remote sensing of Antarctic supraglacial lakes identified several research gaps including the lack of (1) an automated mapping technique for optical or SAR satellite data that is transferable in space and time, (2) high-resolution supraglacial lake extent mappings at intra-annual and inter-annual temporal resolution and (3) large-scale mapping efforts across the entire Antarctic continent. In addition, past method developments were found to be restricted to purely visual, manual or semi-automated mapping techniques hindering their application to multi-temporal satellite imagery at large-scale. In this context, the development of automated mapping techniques was mainly limited by sensor-specific characteristics including the similar appearance of supraglacial lakes and other ice sheet surface features in optical or SAR data, the varying temporal signature of supraglacial lakes throughout the year as well as effects such as speckle noise and wind roughening in SAR data or cloud coverage in optical data. To overcome these limitations, this thesis exploits methods from artificial intelligence and big data processing for development of an automated processing chain for supraglacial lake extent delineation in Sentinel-1 SAR and optical Sentinel-2 satellite imagery. The combination of both sensor types enabled to capture both surface and subsurface lakes as well as to acquire data during cloud cover or wind roughening of lakes. For Sentinel-1, a deep convolutional neural network based on residual U-Net was trained on the basis of 21,200 labeled Sentinel-1 SAR image patches covering 13 Antarctic regions. Similarly, optical Sentinel-2 data were collected over 14 Antarctic regions and used for training of a Random Forest classifier. Optical and SAR classification products were combined through decision-level fusion at bi-weekly temporal scale and unprecedented 10 m spatial resolution. Finally, the method was implemented as part of DLR's High-Performance Computing infrastructure allowing for an automated processing of large amounts of data including all required pre- and postprocessing steps. The results of an accuracy assessment over independent test scenes highlighted the functionality of the classifiers returning accuracies of 93\% and 95\% for supraglacial lakes in Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite imagery, respectively. Exploiting the full archive of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2, the developed framework for the first time enabled the monitoring of seasonal characteristics of Antarctic supraglacial lakes over six major ice shelves in 2015-2021. In particular, the results for API ice shelves revealed low lake coverage during 2015-2018 and particularly high lake coverage during the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 melting seasons. On the contrary, East Antarctic ice shelves were characterized by high lake coverage during 2016-2019 and extremely low lake coverage during the 2020-2021 melting season. Over all six investigated ice shelves, the development of drainage systems was revealed highlighting an increased risk for ice shelf instability. Through statistical correlation analysis with climate data at varying time lags as well as annual data on Southern Hemisphere atmospheric modes, environmental drivers for meltwater ponding were revealed. In addition, the influence of the local glaciological setting was investigated through computation of annual recurrence times of lakes. Over both ice sheet regions, the complex interplay between local, regional and large-scale environmental drivers was found to control supraglacial lake formation despite local to regional discrepancies, as revealed through pixel-based correlation analysis. Local control factors included the ice surface topography, the ice shelf geometry, the presence of low-albedo features as well as a reduced firn air content and were found to exert strong control on lake distribution. On the other hand, regional controls on lake evolution were revealed to be the amount of incoming solar radiation, air temperature and wind occurrence. While foehn winds were found to dictate lake evolution over the API, katabatic winds influenced lake ponding in East Antarctica. Furthermore, the regional near-surface climate was shown to be driven by large-scale atmospheric modes and teleconnections with the tropics. Overall, the results highlight that similar driving factors control supraglacial lake formation on the API and EAIS pointing towards their transferability to other Antarctic regions.}, subject = {Optische Fernerkundung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Koehler2024, author = {K{\"o}hler, Jonas}, title = {Predicting Future Snow Line Elevation Dynamics in the Alps - The Potential of Long Earth Observation Time Series}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-37139}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-371392}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The seasonal snow cover in the European Alps plays a crucial role in the region's climate, ecology, and economy. It affects the local climate through its high albedo, protects permafrost, provides habitats, and acts as a water reservoir that feeds European rivers. However, these functions are threatened by climate change. Analyzing snow cover dynamics is essential to predict future developments and assess related ecological and economic impacts. This study explores the potential of long Earth Observation (EO) time series for modeling and predicting the snow line elevation (SLE) in the Alps. Based on approximately 15,000 Landsat satellite images, SLE time series were generated for the years 1985 to 2022. Various univariate forecasting models were evaluated, with the best results achieved by Random Forests, Telescope, and Seasonal ARIMA. A newly developed approach combines the best models into a robust ensemble, achieving an average Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) of 0.8 in catchments with strong seasonal signals. Forecasts for 2030 indicate significant upward shifts in the SLE, particularly in the Western and Southern Alps. Given the variability in results, a multivariate modeling approach using climate variables is recommended to improve prediction accuracy. This study lays the groundwork for future models that could potentially project SLE dynamics through the end of the 21st century under various climate scenarios, which is highly relevant for climate policy in the Alpine region.}, subject = {Fernerkundung}, language = {en} }