@phdthesis{MezaChincha2021, author = {Meza Chincha, Ana Lucia}, title = {Catalytic Water Oxidation with Functionalized Ruthenium Macrocycles}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20962}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-209620}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In light of the rapidly increasing global demand of energy and the negative effects of climate change, innovative solutions that allow an efficient transition to a carbon-neutral economy are urgently needed. In this context, artificial photosynthesis is emerging as a promising technology to enable the storage of the fluctuating energy of sunlight in chemical bonds of transportable "solar fuels". Thus, in recent years much efforts have been devoted to the development of robust water oxidation catalysts (WOCs) leading to the discovery of the highly reactive Ru(bda) (bda: 2,2'-bipyridine-6,6'-dicarboxylic acid) catalyst family. The aim of this thesis was the study of chemical and photocatalytic water oxidation with functionalized Ruthenium macrocycles to explore the impact of substituents on molecular properties and catalytic activities of trinuclear macrocyclic Ru(bda) catalysts. A further objective of this thesis comprises the elucidation of factors that influence the light-driven water oxidation process with this novel class of supramolecular WOCs.}, subject = {Rutheniumkomplexe}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schreck2018, author = {Schreck, Maximilian}, title = {Synthesis and Photophysics of Linear and Star-Shaped Oligomers of Squaraine Dyes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-174272}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In this thesis, the synthesis and photophysics of a great variety of squaraine dyes are presented. This variety is based on four parent squaraines containing either indolenine or quinoline heterocycles. By a suitable choice of the donor and acceptor unit, the optical properties can already be adapted to the properties desired on the stage of the monomer. To promote a further derivatisation of these dyes, diverse functional groups are attached to the monomers using transition metal-catalysed C-C coupling reactions. However, this has to be preceded by the synthesis of bromine-functionalised derivatives as a direct halogenation of squaraine dyes is not feasible. Therefore, the halogen function is already introduced in precursor molecules giving rise to a molecular building block system containing bromine-, boronic ester-, and alkyne-functionalised monomer units, which pave the way to a plethora of squaraine oligomers and polymers. The indolenine homopolymer pSQB-1 as well as the corresponding small molecular weight oligomers dSQB-1 and tSQB were synthesized applying Ni-mediated Yamamoto and Pd-catalysed Suzuki coupling methodologies, respectively. The motivation for this project relied on the fundamental investigations by V{\"o}lker et al. on pSQB-V. A progressive red-shift of the lowest energy absorption maximum from the dimer to the polymer was observed in CHCl3 compared to the monomer. With increasing number of monomer units, the exciton coupling decreases from the dimer to the polymer. In addition, the shape of the absorption band manifold shows a strong dependence on the solvent, which was also observed by V{\"o}lker et al. J-type aggregate behavior is found in chlorinated solvents such as CHCl3 and DCM, whereas H-type aggregates are formed in acetone. Temperature-dependent absorption studies in PhCN reveals a reversible equilibrium of diverse polymer conformers, which manifests itself in a gradual change from H-aggregate behavior to a mixture with a more pronounced J-aggregate behavior upon raising the temperature. It isassumed that both characteristic aggregate bands correlate in borderline cases with two polymer structures which can be assigned to a zig-zag and a helical structure. As no experimental evidence for these structures could hitherto be provided by NMR, TD-DFT computations on oligomers (22-mers) can reproduce very closely the characteristic features of the spectra for the two conformational isomers. The subsequent chapters are motivated by the goal to influence the optical properties through a control of the superstructure and thus of the intramolecular aggregate formation. On the one hand, bulky groups are implemented in the 3-position of the indolenine scaffold to provoke steric repulsion and thus favoring J-aggregate behavior at the expense of helical arrangements. The resulting homopolymer pDiPhSQB bearing two phenyl groups per indolenine exhibits J-type aggregate behavior with red-shifted absorption maxima in all considered solvents which is explained to be caused by the formation of elongated zig-zag structures. Furthermore, single-crystal X-ray analysis of monomer DiPhSQB-2-Br2 reveals a torsion of the indolenine moieties as a consequence of steric congestion. The twist of the molecular geometry and the resulting loss of planarity leads to a serious deterioration of the fluorescence properties, however a significant bathochromic shift of ca. 1 200 cm-1 of the lowest absorption band was observed compared to parent SQB, which is even larger than the shift for dSQB-1 (ca. 1 000 cm-1). On the other hand, a partial stiffening of the polymer backbone is attempted to create a bias for elongated polymer chains. In this respect, the synthetic approach is to replace every second biarylaxis with the rigid transoid benzodipyrrolenine unit. Despite a rather low average degree of polymerization < 10, exclusively red-shifted absorption maxima are observed in all solvents used. In order to complete the picture of intramolecular aggregates through the selective design of H-aggregates, a squaraine-squaraine copolymer was synthesised containing the classic cisoid indolenine as well as the cisoid quinoline building block. Taking advantage of the highly structure directing self-assembly character of the quinoline moiety, the copolymer pSQBC indeed showes a broad, blue-shifted main absorption band in comparison with the monomer unit dSQBC. The shape of the absorption band manifold solely exhibited a minor solvent and temperature dependence indicating a persistent H-aggregate behaviour. Hence, as a proof of concept, it is shown that the optical properties of the polymers (H- and J-aggregate) and the corresponding superstructure can be inherently controlled by an adequate design of monomer precursors. The last chapter of this work deals, in contrast to all other chapters, with intermolecular aggregates. It is shown that the two star-shaped hexasquarainyl benzenes hSQA-1 and hSQA-2 exhibit a strong propensity for self-organisation. Concentration- and temperature-dependent studies reveal a great driving force for self-assembly in acetone. While the larger hSQA-2 instantaneously forms stable aggregates, the aggregates of hSQA-1 shows a pronounced kinetic stability. Taking advantage of the kinetic persistency of these aggregates, the corresponding kinetic activation parameters for aggregation and deaggregation can be assessed. The absorption spectra of both hexasquarainyl benzenes in the aggregated state reveal some striking differences. While hSQA-1 features an intensive, very narrow and blue-shifted absorption band, two red-shifted bands are observed for hSQA-2, which are closely located at the monomer absorption. The very small bandwidth of hSQA-1 are interpreted to be caused by exchange narrowing and pointed towards highly ordered supramolecular aggregates. The concentration-dependent data of the two hexasquarainyl benzenes can be fitted to the dimer-model with excellent correlation coefficients, yielding binding constants in excess of 10^6 M-1, respectively. Such high binding constants are very surprising, considering the unfavourable bulky 3,3-dimethyl groups of the indolenine units which should rather prevent aggregation. Joint theoretical and NMR spectroscopic methods were applied to unravel the supramolecular aggregate structure of hSQA-1, which is shown to consist of two stacked hexasquarainyl benzenes resembling the picture of two stacked bowls.}, subject = {Squaraine}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{PeethambaranNairSyamala2021, author = {Peethambaran Nair Syamala, Pradeep}, title = {Bolaamphiphilic Rylene Bisimides: Thermodynamics of Self-assembly and Stimuli-responsive Properties in Water}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21342}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-213424}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The present thesis demonstrates how different thermodynamic aspects of self-assembly and stimuli-responsive properties in water can be encoded on the structure of π-amphiphiles, consisting of perylene or naphthalene bisimide cores. Initially, quantitative thermodynamic insights into the entropically-driven self-assembly was studied for a series of naphthalene bisimides with UV/Vis and ITC measurements, which demonstrated that their thermodynamic profile of aggregation is heavily influenced by the OEG side chains. Subsequently, a control over the bifurcated thermal response of entropically driven and commonly observed enthalpically driven self-assembly was achieved by the modulation of glycol chain orientation. Finally, Lower Critical Solution Temperature (LCST) phenomenon observed for these dyes was investigated as a precise control of this behavior is quintessential for self-assembly studies as well as to generate 'smart' materials. It could be shown that the onset of phase separation for these molecules can be encoded in their imide substituents, and they are primarily determined by the supramolecular packing, rather than the hydrophobicity of individual monomers.}, subject = {Supramolekulare Chemie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wehner2021, author = {Wehner, Marius}, title = {Supramolecular Polymorphism in Homo- and Heterochiral Supramolecular Polymerizations}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21151}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-211519}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The aim of the first part of this thesis was to investigate (R,R)-PBI as a model system for polymorphism at its origin by a supramolecular approach. The pathway complexity of (R,R)-PBI was fine-tuned by experimental parameters such as solvent, temperature and concentration to make several supramolecular polymorphs accessible. Mechanistic and quantum chemical studies on the kinetics and thermodynamics of the supramolecular polymerization of (R,R)-PBI were conducted to shed light on the initial stages of polymorphism. The second part of this work deals with mechanistic investigations on the supramolecular polymerization of the racemic mixture of (R,R)- and (S,S)-PBI with regard to homochiral and heterochiral aggregation leading to conglomerates and a racemic supramolecular polymer, respectively.}, subject = {Supramolekulare Chemie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weissenstein2019, author = {Weißenstein, Annike}, title = {Optische Chemosensoren aus Naphthalin- und Perylenbisimid-Farbstoffen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16199}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161990}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Die Liste der interessanten nachzuweisenden Analyte ist lang. Deswegen besteht ein großer Bedarf zur Entwicklung neuer fluoreszierender und kolorimetrischer Chemosensoren. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war daher die Synthese und Charakterisierung neuer optischer bzw. fluoreszierender und kolorimetrischer Chemosensoren mit dem Fokus auf die beiden Substanzklassen der Naphthalinbisimide und Perylenbisimide. Der erste Arbeitsschwerpunkt befasste sich mit wasserl{\"o}slichen Naphthalinbisimiden und ist in drei Unterkapitel aufgeteilt (Kapitel III - 1.1.-1.3., Abbildung 79). Im ersten Unterkapitel (Kapitel III - 1.1.) wurden die Synthesen und optischen Eigenschaften der am Kern Amino-substituierten NBIs 60a-h, mit Dicarbons{\"a}ureresten in Imid-Position und 61a-h, mit 2-Dimethylaminoethyl-Gruppen, in polaren L{\"o}sungsmitteln beschrieben. Die systematische Anbringung verschiedener Amino-Substituenten mit steigendem elektronenziehendem Charakter der Aminoreste diente der mechanistischen Aufkl{\"a}rung der optischen Eigenschaften. Eine vollst{\"a}ndige Untersuchung der optischen Eigenschaften erfolgte in w{\"a}ssriger Pufferl{\"o}sung bei pH 2.1 sowie in Methanol und Acetonitril. Der Einfluss der Imid-Substituenten auf die optischen Eigenschaften war wie zu erwarten gering. Die verschiedenen Kern-Substituenten verursachten hingegen eine hypsochrome Verschiebung der Absorptions- und Fluoreszenzmaxima mit steigendem elektronenziehendem Charakter der an der Aminogruppe angebrachten Reste. Ein unerwarteter Trend konnte im Fall der Fluoreszenzquantenausbeute beobachtet werden. In den protischen L{\"o}sungsmitteln Wasser und Methanol wurde eine lineare Abh{\"a}ngigkeit gegen{\"u}ber der Hammett-σmeta-Konstante ermittelt. Mit steigendem elektronenziehendem Charakter der Kern-Amino-Substituenten erfuhr die Quantenausbeute einen Anstieg auf bis zu 39\% in Wasser f{\"u}r NBI 60h, 61h und 45\% in Methanol f{\"u}r 60h. Die Tatsache, dass in Acetonitril keine solche Abh{\"a}ngigkeit gegen{\"u}ber der Hammett-Konstante beobachtet werden konnte legte eine intermolekulare Wasserstoffbr{\"u}cken-Bindung im angeregten Zustand als konkurrierenden Prozess zur Fluoreszenz nahe. Dieser Prozess tritt zwischen den L{\"o}sungsmittel-Molek{\"u}len und der Akzeptorgruppe (Carbonyl-Sauerstoff) der NBIs, welcher einen strahlungslosen Relaxationsprozess bzw. Fluoreszenzl{\"o}schung zur Folge hat, auf. Der Einfluss dieses Prozesses l{\"a}sst sich durch die St{\"a}rke des elektronenziehenden Amino-Substituentens steuern. Die NBIs 60a-h zeigten zudem in potentiometrischen Titrationen in Wasser eine pH-Unabh{\"a}ngigkeit der optischen Eigenschaften bez{\"u}glich des Imid-Substituentens. Dies macht die NBIs mit Dicarbons{\"a}ureresten f{\"u}r die Anwendung in biologischen Systemen im neutralen pH-Milieu oder als chemische Sensoren besonders geeignet. Aufgrund dieser interessanten Befunde wurde im zweiten Unterkapitel (Kapitel III - 1.2.) das dihalogenierte NBI 58 hinsichtlich der Sensoreigenschaften gegen{\"u}ber prim{\"a}ren, sekund{\"a}ren und terti{\"a}ren Amin- bzw. Diamindampf sowie zur Frischekontrolle von Fleisch untersucht. Die Absorptions- und Fluoreszenz-spektroskopische Untersuchung des D{\"u}nnschichtfilms von NBI 58 zeigte die erfolgreiche, selektive Detektion von prim{\"a}ren Aminen und Diaminen bzw. biogenen Aminen. Zum einen konnte mit bloßen Auge ein Farbumschlag von gelb nach rot und zum anderen {\"A}nderungen in den Absorptionsspektren wie die Entstehung einer neuen bathochrom verschobenen Bande im D{\"u}nnschichtfilm beobachtet werden. Die Erh{\"o}hung der Fluoreszenz wie auch die NMR-spektroskopische Untersuchung konnte hingegen ausschließlich in L{\"o}sung detektiert werden. Hiermit konnte die kovalente Wechselwirkung der Amin-Molek{\"u}le mit dem NBI 58 nachgewiesen werden. Trotz der erfolgreichen Detektion biogener Amind{\"a}mpfe erwies sich NBI 58 aufgrund der zu geringen Reaktivit{\"a}t als ungeeigneter chemischer Sensor zur Frischekontrolle von Fleisch. Das dritte und letzte Unterkapitel (Kapitel III - 1.3.) dieses Abschnittes bestand in der Synthese monochlor-monoamino-substituierter NBIs am Kern (65a,b und 66) und der Wechselwirkungen dieser Farbstoffe mit DNS/RNS. Die NBIs 65a,b und 66 wiesen in der Imidstellung 3-Trimethylammoniumpropyl auf, um die Wasserl{\"o}slichkeit zu gew{\"a}hrleisten und die elektrostatische Wechselwirkung mit dem negativ geladenen Phosphatr{\"u}ckgrad der DNS/RNS zu bewirken. Am Kern wurden die Aminos{\"a}uren (S)-2,3-Diaminopropions{\"a}ure (L-Dap) (65a) und (S)-2,6-Diaminohexans{\"a}ure (L-Lys) (65b) sowie 2-Trimethylammoniumethylamin (66) eingef{\"u}gt. Die Untersuchungen mit Hilfe von thermischen Denaturierungsstudien zeigten mit allen NBIs eine deutliche Schmelzpunkterh{\"o}hung der DNS/RNS (ΔTm-Werte zwischen 17 und 35 °C), was die Bildung von NBI/Polynukleotid-Komplexen nahelegte. Diese Komplex-Bildung konnte erneut aufgrund enormer Fluoreszenzl{\"o}schung in fluorimetrischen Titrationsstudien best{\"a}tigt werden. Hier wurden Bindungskonstanten zwischen logK = 5.9 und 7.2 M-1 ermittelt, wobei NBI 65a und poly(dG-dC)2 der st{\"a}rksten Bindungsaffinit{\"a}t und NBI 65a und poly(dA-dT)2 der schw{\"a}chste zugeordnet werden konnte. F{\"u}r NBI 66 wurde die zweith{\"o}chste Bindungsaffinit{\"a}t zu Polynukleotid ct-DNS (logK = 7.08 M-1) beobachtet, w{\"a}hrend dieser Farbstoff sowie 65a,b nur geringe Bindungskonstanten mit dem Polynukleotid polyA-polyU zeigten. Mit Hilfe der CD-spektroskopischen Messungen wurde der Bindungsmodus und die Unterschiede in den Bindungseigenschaften der Farbstoffe mit DNS/RNS ermittelt. Der Großteil aller NBI-Verbindungen interkalierte in einer parallelen Anordnung zwischen die Basenpaare der Polynukleotide. F{\"u}r NBI 65a und poly(dG-dC)2 ließ sich jedoch eine perpendikulare Anordnung zu den Basenpaaren beobachten. ITC-Titrationsstudien komplettierten letztendlich die Untersuchungen zwischen NBIs und Polynukleotiden. Neben Interkalation als Bindungsmodus konnte zus{\"a}tzlich aufgrund der relativ hohen Entropiewerte eine Wechselwirkung zwischen den Substituenten am Kern und den Phosphatgruppen in der kleinen Furche festgestellt werden. Zusammengefasst sind die sterischen Hinderungen der Amino-Substituenten und die Furcheneigenschaften von ds-DNS/RNS entscheidend. Der zweite Arbeitsschwerpunkt ist ebenfalls in drei Unterkapitel (Kapitel III - 2.1.-2.3.) aufgeteilt und befasste sich mit der Synthese und den Sensoreigenschaften kernfunktionalisierter Perylenbisimide (Abbildung 80). Im ersten Abschnitt (Kapitel III - 2.1) wurde die Synthese und die optischen Eigenschaften in L{\"o}sung der am Kern einfach und zweifach Kronenether-funktionalisierten PBIs 77a,b und 71a,b untersucht. In Imidstellung waren alle PBIs mit 2-Trimethylammoniumethyl-Resten funktionalisiert, um eine L{\"o}slichkeit in polaren L{\"o}sungsmitteln zu gew{\"a}hrleisten. Die Buchtpositionen wurden jeweils ein- bzw. zweifach mit den Kronenether-Einheiten 2-Hydroxymethyl-15-Krone-5 und 2-Hydroxymethyl-18-Krone-6 substituiert. Die anschließende Untersuchung der optischen Eigenschaften der PBIs zeigten bei einer Konzentration von 10-5 M in Acetonitril den monomeren Zustand und in Wasser die Ausbildung von H-Aggregaten. Die Fluoreszenzquantenausbeuten erfuhren in Acetonitril mit steigender Kronenether-Ringgr{\"o}ße eine Zunahme von 73\% auf 81\% f{\"u}r die PBIs 71a,b und eine vernachl{\"a}ssigbare geringe Zunahme von 49\% auf 51\% f{\"u}r die PBIs 77a,b. Die Abnahme der Quantenausbeute vom zweifach funktionalisierten zum einfach funktionalisierten PBI um ca. 30\% ließ sich durch die st{\"a}rker ausgepr{\"a}gten strahlungslosen Relaxationsprozesse dieses flexibleren Molek{\"u}ls im angeregten Zustand erkl{\"a}ren. Im zweiten Unterkapitel (Kapitel III - 2.2.) wurden die Selbstassemblierungseigenschaften der synthetisierten PBIs 71a,b und 77a,b in Gegenwart verschiedener Metallionen (Na+, K+, Rb+, Mg2+, Ca2+ und Ba2+) untersucht. Hier konnte eine Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von der Gr{\"o}ße des Kronenether-Rezeptors sowie von der Art der Metallionen gezeigt werden. Die Absorptions- und Fluoreszenz-spektroskopischen Studien der zweifach funktionalisierten PBIs 71a und 71b bei einer PBI-Konzentration von c = 10-5 M zeigten ausschließlich f{\"u}r das 15-Krone-5-Derivat 71a und Ba2+ eine erfolgreiche Ausbildung von PBI-Stapeln mit H-artiger exzitonischer Kopplung. Aufgrund dessen erfuhr das Absorptionsmaximum eine stetige Abnahme einhergehend mit einer hypsochromen Verschiebung und die Fluoreszenz eine vollst{\"a}ndige L{\"o}schung. Zudem konnte eine 1:1-St{\"o}chiometrie der PBI-Stapeln ermittelt werden. Die Anpassung der spektroskopischen {\"A}nderungen an die Hill-Gleichung best{\"a}tigte letztendlich die Bildung eines [2+2]-Sandwich- bzw. Dimer-Komplexes in einem positiv kooperativen Bindungsprozess, in dem mittels ITC eine enorme Stabilisierung der Ba2+-Komplexierung aufgrund der π-π-Wechselwirkung zwischen zwei PBI-Molek{\"u}len, beobachtet wurde. Die Durchf{\"u}hrung der Titrationsexperimente bei einer h{\"o}heren PBI-Konzentration (c = 10-4 M) zusammen mit DOSY-Experimenten versicherten auch in diesem Fall die Formation diskreter Dimerkomplexe. Das einfach funktionalisierte PBI 77a zeigte in der Anwesenheit von Ba2+ {\"a}hnliche optische {\"A}nderungen. Die nachfolgenden Untersuchungen bzw. Interpretationen best{\"a}tigten die Bildung eines [1+2]-Dimerkomplexes mit H-artiger exzitonischer Kopplung, welches aufgrund der flexibleren Komplexstruktur keine Stabilisierung der Ba2+-Komplexierung erfuhr. Neben der Metallionen-Komplexierung war PBI 71b auch in der Lage, in einer 1:2-St{\"o}chiometrie aromatische Aminos{\"a}uren und Dipeptide zu erkennen (Kapitel III - 2.3.), da hier sowohl die Ammoniumgruppen der Aminos{\"a}uren und Dipeptide mit den Kronenethereinheiten als auch die aromatischen Einheiten mit dem PBI-Kern wechselwirken k{\"o}nnen. Fluoreszenz-Titrationsexperimente zeigten, dass die Aminos{\"a}uren L-Tryptophan und L-Tyrosin, welche elektronenreiche aromatische Gruppen aufweisen, und Dipeptide, die diese Aminos{\"a}uren enthalten, die Fluoreszenz des PBIs stark l{\"o}schen. Die Bindungskonstanten der Wirt-Gast-Komplexierung in Acetonitril konnten aufgrund eines statischen L{\"o}schungsprozesses aus den Fluoreszenztitrationsdaten bestimmt werden. Hier wurde beobachtet, dass die Bindungsst{\"a}rke von der Gr{\"o}ße und der elektronischen Natur der aromatischen Einheiten sowie von dem Abstand zwischen der Ammoniumgruppe und der aromatischen Einheit in Aminos{\"a}uren und Dipeptiden abh{\"a}ngt. Die st{\"a}rkste Bindung konnte zwischen Ala-Trp und PBI 71b mit einem Wert von 3.1 x 105 M-1 beobachtet werden. NMR-Studien best{\"a}tigten ebenfalls die Wirt-Gast-Komplexierung, ließen jedoch offen, ob es zu der Bildung von zwei Diastereomeren aufgrund der eingeschr{\"a}nkten Umwandlung der Atrop-Enantiomere (P und M) des PBI 71b kommt oder zu der Bildung von vier Diastereomeren infolge des Chiralit{\"a}tszentrums im Kronenether. Zusammenfassend wurden in dieser Arbeit Naphthalinbisimde und Perylenbisimide hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung als optische Chemosensoren untersucht. Die NBI-Derivate agierten aufgrund ihrer interessanten optischen Eigenschaften als chemische Sensoren selektiv f{\"u}r prim{\"a}ren Amindampf und f{\"u}r die DNS/RNS-Wechselwirkung. Im Fall der PBI-Verbindungen wurden hervorragende fluorometrische Chemosensoren ermittelt, die Ba2+-Ionen und elektronenreiche aromatische Aminos{\"a}uren und Dipeptide in einer deutlichen Fluoreszenzl{\"o}schung detektieren k{\"o}nnen.}, subject = {Chemischer Sensor}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schulze2016, author = {Schulze, Marcus}, title = {Ruthenium Complexes as Water Oxidation Catalysts and Photosensitizers}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-142454}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Aspekte der photokatalytischen Wasseroxidationsreaktion behandelt. Der erste Themenschwerpunkt der Dissertation besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit einem supramolekularen Makrozyklus, der drei Rutheniummetallzentren enth{\"a}lt. Dieser neuartige Katalysator zeigt eine sehr hohe katalytische Aktivit{\"a}t und gew{\"a}hrt neue Einblicke in den Mechanismus der Wasseroxidationsreaktion. Des Weiteren wird auf die mit Licht interagierenden Komponenten der photokatalytischen Wasseroxidation eingegangen. Hierbei haben sich azabenz-anellierte Perylenderivate als vielseitige Farbstoffklasse herausgestellt. Die Kombination dieser Farbstoffe mit Metallkomplexen liefert metallorganische Verbindungen, die als Photosensibilisatoren eingesetzt werden k{\"o}nnen.}, subject = {Farbstoff}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wagner2019, author = {Wagner, Wolfgang}, title = {Supramolecular Block Copolymers by Seeded Living Supramolecular Polymerization of Perylene Bisimides}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19300}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-193004}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The research on supramolecular polymerization has undergone a rapid development in the last two decades, particularly since supramolecular polymers exhibit a broad variety of functionalities and applications in organic electronics, biological science or as functional materials (Chapter 2.1). Although former studies have focused on investigation of the thermodynamics of supramolecular polymerization (Chapter 2.2), the academic interest in the recent years shifted towards gaining insight into kinetically controlled self-assembly and pathway complexity to generate novel out-of-equilibrium architectures with interesting nanostructures and features (Chapter 2.3). Along this path, the concepts of seeded and living supramolecular polymerization were recently developed to enable the formation of supramolecular polymers with controlled length and low polydispersity under precise kinetic control (Chapter 2.4). Besides that, novel strategies were developed to achieve supramolecular copolymerization resulting in complex multicomponent nanostructures with different structural motives. The classification of these supramolecular copolymers on the basis of literature examples and an overview of previously reported principles to create such supramolecular architectures are provided in Chapter 2.5. The aim of the thesis was the non-covalent synthesis of highly desirable supramolecular block copolymers by the approach of living seeded supramolecular polymerization and to study the impact of the molecular shape of the monomeric building blocks on the supramolecular copolymerization. Based on the structure of the previously investigated PBI organogelator H-PBI a series of novel PBIs, bearing identical hydrogen-bonding amide side-groups in imide-position and various kind or number of substituents in bay-position, was synthesized and analyzed within this thesis. The new PBIs were successfully obtained in three steps starting from the respective bromo-substituted perylene-3,4:9,10-tetracarboxylic acid tetrabutylesters or from the N,N'-dicyclohexyl-1,7-dibromoperylene-3,4:9,10-tetracarboxylic acid bisimide. All target compounds were obtained in the final step by imidization reactions of the respective perylene tetracarboxylic acid bisanhydride precursors with N-(2-aminoethyl)-3,4,5-tris(dodecyloxy)-benzamide and were fully characterized by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy as well as high resolution mass spectrometry. The variation of bay-substituents strongly changes the optical properties of the monomeric PBIs which were investigated by UV/vis and fluorescence spectroscopy. The increase of the number of the methoxy-substituents provokes, for example, a red-shift of the absorption maxima concomitant with a decrease of extinction coefficients and leads to a drastic increase of the fluorescence quantum yields. Furthermore, the molecular geometry of the PBIs is also affected by variations of the bay-substituents. Thus, increasing the steric demand of the bay-substituents leads to an enlargement of the twist angles of the PBI cores as revealed by DFT calculations. Especially the 1,7-dimethoxy bay-substituted MeO-PBI proved to be very well-suited for the studies envisioned within this thesis. The self-assembly of this PBI derivative was analyzed in detail by UV/vis, fluorescence and FT-IR spectroscopy as well as atomic force microscopy (Chapter 3). These studies revealed that MeO-PBI forms in a solvent mixture of methylcyclohexane and toluene (2:1, v/v) kinetically trapped off-pathway H-aggregated nanoparticles upon fast cooling of a monomeric solution from 90 to 20 °C. However, upon slow cooling of the monomer solution fluorescent J-type nanofibers are formed by π π interactions and intermolecular hydrogen-bonding. The kinetically metastable off-pathway H-aggregates can be transformed into the thermodynamically more favored J-type aggregates by addition of seeds, which are produced by ultrasonication of the polymeric nanofibers. Interestingly, the living character of this seed-induced supramolecular polymerization process was proven by a newly designed multicycle polymerization experimental protocol. This living polymerization experiment clearly proves, that the polymerization can only occur at the "active" ends of the polymeric seed and that almost no recombination or chain termination processes are present. Hence, the approach of living supramolecular polymerization enables the formation of supramolecular polymers with controlled length and narrow polydispersity. In Chapter 4 the copolymerization of MeO-PBI with the structurally similar 1,7-dichloro (Cl-PBI) and 1,7-dimethylthio (MeS-PBI) bay-substituted PBIs is studied in detail. Both PBIs form analogous to MeO-PBI kinetically trapped off-pathway aggregates, which can be converted into the thermodynamically stable supramolecular polymers by seed-induced living supramolecular polymerization under precise kinetic control. However, the stability of the kinetically trapped aggregates of Cl-PBI and MeS-PBI is distinctly reduced compared to that of MeO-PBI, because the π-π-interactions of the kinetically metastable aggregates are hampered through the increased twisting of the PBI-cores of the former PBIs. UV/vis studies revealed that the two-component seeded copolymerization of the kinetically trapped state of MeO-PBI with seeds of Cl-PBI leads to the formation of unprecedented supramolecular block copolymers with A-B-A pattern by a living supramolecular polymerization process at the termini of the seeds. Remarkably, the resulting A-B-A block pattern of the obtained copolymers was clearly confirmed by atomic force microscopy studies as the respective blocks formed by the individual monomeric units could be distinguished by the pitches of the helical nanofibers. Moreover, detailed UV/vis and AFM studies have shown that by inverted two-component seed-induced polymerization, e.g., upon addition of seeds of MeO-PBI to the kinetically trapped aggregates of Cl-PBI, triblock supramolecular copolymers with B-A-B pattern can be generated. The switching of the block pattern could only be achieved because of the perfectly matching conditions for the copolymerization process and the tailored molecular geometry of the individual building blocks of both PBIs. These studies have demonstrated for the first time, that the block pattern of a supramolecular copolymer can be modulated by the experimental protocol through the approach of living supramolecular polymerization. Furthermore, by UV/vis analysis of the living copolymerization of MeO-PBI and MeS-PBI similar results were obtained showing also the formation of both A-B-A and B-A-B type supramolecular block copolymers. Although for these two PBIs the individual blocks could not be identified by AFM because the helical nanofibers of both PBIs exhibit identical helical pitches, these studies revealed for the first time that the approach of seeded living polymerization is not limited to a special pair of monomeric building blocks. In the last part of the thesis (Chapter 5) a systematic study on the two-component living copolymerization of PBIs with various sterical demanding bay-substituents is provided. Thus, a series of PBIs containing identical hydrogen-bonding amide groups in imide position but variable number (1-MeO-PBI, MeO-PBI, 1,6,7-MeO-PBI, 1,6,7,12-MeO-PBI) or size (EtO-PBI, iPrO-PBI) of alkoxy bay-substituents was investigated. The molecular geometry of the monomeric building blocks has a strong impact on the thermodynamically and even more pronounced on the kinetically controlled aggregation in solvent mixtures of MCH and Tol. While the mono- and dialkoxy-substituted PBIs form kinetically metastable species, the self-assembly of the tri- and tetramethoxy-substituted PBIs (1,6,7-MeO-PBI and 1,6,7,12-MeO-PBI) is completely thermodynamically controlled. The two 1,7-alkoxy substituted PBIs (EtO-PBI, iPrO-PBI) form very similar to MeO-PBI kinetically off-pathway H-aggregates and thermodynamically more favored J-type aggregates. However, the stability of the kinetically metastable state is drastically lower and the conversion into the thermodynamically favored state much faster than for MeO-PBI. In contrast, the monomethoxy-substituted PBI derivative (1-MeO-PBI) forms a kinetically trapped species by intramolecular hydrogen-bonding of the monomers, which can be transformed into the thermodynamically favored nanofibers by seeded polymerization. Importantly, the two-component seeded copolymerization of the kinetically trapped MeO PBI with seeds of other PBIs of the present series was studied by UV/vis and AFM revealing that the formation of supramolecular block copolymers is only possible for appropriate combinations of PBI building blocks. Thus, the seeded polymerization of the trapped state of the moderately core-twisted MeO-PBI with the, according to DFT-calculations, structurally similar PBIs (EtO-PBI and iPrO-PBI) leads to the formation of A-B-A block copolymers, like in the seeded copolymerization of MeO-PBItrapped with seeds of Cl-PBI and MeS-PBI already described in Chapter 4. However, by addition of seeds of the almost planar PBIs (H-PBI and 1-MeO-PBI) or seeds of the strongly core-twisted PBIs (1,6,7-MeO-PBI and 1,6,7,12-MeO-PBI) to the kinetically trapped state of MeO-PBI no block copolymers can be obtained. The mismatching geometry of these molecular building blocks strongly hampers both the intermolecular hydrogen-bonding and the π-π-interactions between the two different PBIs and consequently prevents the copolymerization process. Furthermore, the studies of the two-component seeded copolymerization of the kinetically trapped species of 1-MeO-PBI with seeds of the other PBIs also corroborated that a precise shape complementarity is crucial to generate supramolecular block copolymers. Thus, by addition of seeds of H-PBI to the kinetically trapped monomers of 1-MeO-PBI supramolecular block copolymers were generated. Both PBIs exhibit an almost planar PBI core according to DFT-calculations leading to strong non-covalent interactions between these PBIs. This perfectly matching geometry of both PBIs also enables the inverted seeded copolymerization of the kinetically trapped monomers of H-PBI with 1-MeO-PBIseed concomitant with a switching of the block pattern of the supramolecular copolymer from A-B-A to B-A-B type. In contrast, the seeding with the moderately twisted (MeO-PBI, EtO-PBI and iPrO-PBI) and the strongly twisted PBIs (1,6,7-MeO-PBI and 1,6,7,12 MeO-PBI) has no effect on the kinetically trapped state of 1-MeO-PBI, because the copolymerization of these PBIs is prevented by the mismatching geometry of the molecular building blocks. In conclusion, the supramolecular polymerization and two-component seeded copolymerization of a series of PBI monomers was investigated within this thesis. The studies revealed that the thermodynamically and kinetically controlled self-assembly can be strongly modified by subtle changes of the monomeric building blocks. Moreover, the results have shown that living supramolecular polymerization is an exceedingly powerful method to generate unprecedented supramolecular polymeric nanostructures with controlled block pattern and length distribution. The formation of supramolecular block copolymers can only be achieved under precise kinetic control of the polymerization process and is strongly governed by the shape complementarity already imparted in the individual components. Thus, these insightful studies might enable a more rational design of monomeric building blocks for the non-covalent synthesis of highly complex supramolecular architectures with interesting properties for possible future applications, e.g., as novel functional materials.}, subject = {Supramolekulare Chemie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kunz2018, author = {Kunz, Valentin}, title = {Supramolecular Approaches for Water Oxidation Catalysis with Ruthenium Complexes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-154820}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The catalytic splitting of water into its elements is an important reaction to establish hydrogen as a solar fuel. The bottle-neck of this process is considered to be the oxidative half reaction generating oxygen, and good catalysts are required to handle the complicated redox chemistry involved. As can be learned from nature, the incorporation of the catalytically active species into an appropriate matrix can help to improve the overall performance. Thus, the aim of the present thesis was to establish novel supramolecular approaches to improve water oxidation catalysis using the catalytically active {Ru(bda)} fragment as key motive (bda = 2,2'-bipyridine-6,6'-dicarboxylate). First, the synthesis of ruthenium catalysts gathering three {Ru(bda)} water oxidation subunits in a macrocyclic fashion is described. By using bridging bipyridine ligands of different lengths, metallosupramolecular macrocycles with distinct sizes have been obtained. Interestingly, an intermediate ring size has been proven to be optimal for the catalytic water oxidation. Detailed kinetic, spectroscopic, and theoretical studies helped to identify the reaction mechanism and to rationalize the different catalytic activities. Furthermore, solubilizing side chains have been introduced for the most active derivative to achieve full water solubility. Secondly, the {Ru(bda)} fragment was embedded into supramolecular aggregates to generate more stable catalytic systems compared to a homogeneous reference complex. Therefore, the catalyst fragment was equipped with axial perylene bisimide (PBI) ligands, which facilitate self-assembly. Moreover, the influence of the different accessible aggregate morphologies on the catalytic performance has been investigated.}, subject = {Ruthenium Komplexe}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Seifert2018, author = {Seifert, Sabine}, title = {New Electron-Deficient Polycyclic Aromatic Dicarboximides by Palladium-Catalyzed C-C Coupling and Core Halogenation-Cyanation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-156200}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The thesis describes the development of new synthetic strategies towards planar nanometer-sized and electron-deficient polycyclic aromatic dicarboximides, which are rather unexplored compared with the large variety of electron-rich polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and nanographenes. Thus, new polycyclic aromatic systems containing a different number of dicarboximide groups were designed since this class of compounds has revealed its significance in the past due to a range of desirable molecular properties and its high thermal and photochemical stability. The synthetic concept towards these systems includes different C-C coupling techniques that were combined within coupling cascade reactions. Therefore, this thesis provides new insights into the reactivity of aromatic substrates and elucidates mechanistic aspects of C-C coupling cascade reactions to facilitate the precise design of new and desirable materials based on polycyclic aromatic dicarboximides. Furthermore, structure-property relationships as well as the optical and electrochemical properties were investigated by UV/Vis absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy and cyclic or square wave voltammetry. Insights into the molecular structures in the solid state were obtained by single-crystal X-ray analysis. In subsequent studies, highly electron-deficient perylene bisimides and their reduced species have been investigated in detail. Thus, core-functionalized perylene bisimides were synthesized and UV/Vis absorption spectroscopy, spectroelectrochemistry and cyclic or square wave voltammetry were used to determine their optical properties and the stability of the individual reduced species.}, subject = {Kupplungsreaktion}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kirchner2019, author = {Kirchner, Eva}, title = {Discrete Supramolecular Stacks by Self-Assembly and Folding of Bis(merocyanine) Dyes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-15941}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159419}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The present thesis describes the development of a strategy to create discrete finite-sized supramolecular stacks of merocyanine dyes. Thus, bichromophoric stacks of two identical or different chromophores could be realized by folding of bis(merocyanine) dyes and their optical properties were discussed in terms of exciton theory. Quantum chemical calculations revealed strong exciton coupling between the chromophores within the homo- and hetero-π-stacks and the increase of the J-band of the hetero-dimers with increasing energy difference between the excited states of the chromophores could be attributed not only to the different magnitudes of transition dipole moments of the chromophores but also to the increased localization of the excitation in the respective exciton state. Furthermore, careful selection of the length of the spacer unit that defines the interplanar distance between the tethered chromophores directed the self-assembly of the respective bis(merocyanines) into dimers, trimers and tetramers comprising large, structurally precise π-stacks of four, six or eight merocyanine chromophores. It could be demonstrated that the structure of such large supramolecular architectures can be adequately elucidated by commonly accessible analysis tools, in particular NMR techniques in combination with UV/vis measurements and mass spectrometry. Supported by TDDFT calculations, the absorption spectra of the herein investigated aggregates could be explained and a relationship between the absorption properties and the number of stacking chromophores could be established based on exciton theory.}, subject = {Merocyanine}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bialas2017, author = {Bialas, David}, title = {Exciton Coupling in Homo- and Heterostacks of Merocyanine and Perylene Bisimide Dyes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-152418}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {In the present thesis it could be demonstrated that strong exciton coupling does not only occur between same type of chromophores but also between chromophores with different excited state energies. The coupling significantly influences the optical absorption properties of the heterostacks comprising merocyanine and perylene bisimide dyes, respectively, and is an indication for coherent energy transfer between the chromophores. In addition, bis(merocyanine)-C60 conjugates have been synthesized, which self-assemble in non-polar solvents resulting in well-defined supramolecular p/n-heterojunctions in solution. These model systems enabled femtosecond transient absorption studies on the photoinduced electron transfer process, which is a key step for the formation of charge carriers in organic solar cells.}, subject = {Exziton}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Liess2017, author = {Liess, Andreas}, title = {Structure-Property Relationships of Merocyanine Dyes in the Solid State: Charge Transport and Exciton Coupling}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-152900}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The present thesis demonstrates the importance of the solid state packing of dipolar merocyanine dyes with regard to charge transport and exciton coupling. Due to the charge transport theory for disordered materials, it is expected that high ground state dipole moments in amorphous thin films lead to low mobility values due to a broadening of the density of states. However, due to their inherent dipolarity, merocyanine dyes usually align in antiparallel dimers in an ordered fashion. The examination of twenty different molecules with ground state dipole moments up to 15.0 D shows that by a high dipolarity and well-defined sterics, the molecules pack in a highly regular two-dimensional brickwork-type structure, which is beneficial for hole transport. Utilization of these molecules for organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs) leads to hole mobility values up to 0.21 cm²/Vs. By fabrication of single crystal field-effect transistors (SCFETs) for the derivative showing the highest mobility values in OTFTs, even hole mobilities up to 2.34 cm²/Vs are achieved. Hence, merocyanine based transistors show hole mobility values comparable to those of conventional p-type organic semiconductors and therefore high ground state dipole moments are not necessarily disadvantageous regarding high mobility applications. By examination of a different series of ten merocyanine dyes with the same chromophore backbone but different donor substituents, it is demonstrated that the size of the donor has a significant influence on the optical properties of thin films. For small and rigid donor substituents, a hypsochromic shift of the absorption compared to the monomer absorption in solution is observed due to the card stack like packing of the molecules in the solid state. By utilization of sterical demanding or flexible donor substituents, a zig-zag type packing is observed, leading to a bathochromical shift of the absorption. These packing motifs and spectral shifts with an offset of 0.93 eV of the H- and J-bands comply with the archetype examples of H- and J-aggregates from Kasha's exciton theory.}, subject = {Exziton}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Goerl2015, author = {G{\"o}rl, Daniel}, title = {Hydrophobe Effekte bolaamphiphiler Rylenbisimide}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123172}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Die Selbstorganisation von amphiphilen Molek{\"u}len z{\"a}hlt zu den am intensivsten bearbeiteten Forschungsgebieten der Supramolekularen Chemie. Die faszinierenden supramolekularen Architekturen der Natur zeigen eindrucksvoll, wie neuartige Funktionen durch das Zusammenspiel wohl-definierter Molek{\"u}lensembles in einer w{\"a}ssrigen Umgebung entstehen. Es ist bekannt, dass der hydrophobe Effekt dabei eine entscheidende Rolle in der Selbstorganisation spielt und somit die Funktion eines Systems wesentlich bestimmt. Obwohl die Komplexit{\"a}t der bekannten Beispiele aus der Natur unerreicht ist, wurden in den letzten Jahren unz{\"a}hlige k{\"u}nstliche supramolekulare Architekturen basierend auf amphiphilen Molek{\"u}len erschaffen, mit vielf{\"a}ltigen Anwendungsm{\"o}glichkeiten an der Schnittstelle von Chemie, Biologie und Physik. Darunter er{\"o}ffnen insbesondere amphiphile π-konjugierte Systeme einen einfachen Zugang zu vielf{\"a}ltigen Strukturen, da im w{\"a}ssrigen Medium starke π-π-Wechselwirkungen als strukturbildendes Element ausgenutzt werden k{\"o}nnen. Vor allem wegen vielversprechender Anwendungsm{\"o}glichkeiten spiegelt sich die Selbstorganisation solcher Systeme in einem hohen Forschungsinteresse wider. Dennoch ist das Wirken des hydrophoben Effekts in der Selbstassemblierung amphiphiler π-konjugierter Molek{\"u}le weitgehend unverstanden. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasste sich daher mit der Frage, welche physikochemischen Grundprinzipien die Bildung von supramolekularen Polymeren basierend auf amphiphilen π-konjugierten Molek{\"u}len in Wasser steuern und wie der hydrophobe Effekt die Funktionalit{\"a}t solcher Strukturen beeinflusst. Bolaamphiphile Perylenbisimide (PBIs) und Naphthalinbisimide (NBIs) erwiesen sich dabei f{\"u}r das Molek{\"u}ldesign als besonders geeignet, weil sie vergleichsweise einfach dargestellt werden k{\"o}nnen, ihre hohe Symmetrie weniger komplexe Assoziationsprozesse begr{\"u}ndet und die Untersuchung ihrer Selbstassemblierung im w{\"a}ssrigen Medium weiterhin einen Vergleich erlaubt, wie sich der hydrophobe Effekt bez{\"u}glich unterschiedlich großen π-Systemen auswirkt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass OEG-basierte Rylenbisimide unter bestimmten strukturgeometrischen Voraussetzungen eine entropiegetriebene Aggregation aufweisen, wenn die Freisetzung von Wassermolek{\"u}len aus einer wohl-definierten Hydrath{\"u}lle ausreicht, um den Enthalpiegewinn aus den im w{\"a}ssrigen Medium verst{\"a}rkten Dispersionswechselwirkungen zwischen den π-Fl{\"a}chen zu {\"u}bertreffen. Im vorliegenden Fall wurde dies durch das Pinsel-Strukturmotiv der symmetrisch angebrachten Imidsubstituenten erreicht, f{\"u}r die sich damit einhergehend eine g{\"a}nzlich andere Temperaturabh{\"a}ngigkeit beobachten ließ und somit eine g{\"a}nzlich andere Funktionalit{\"a}t, als man sie aus organischen L{\"o}sungsmitteln kennt. Wasser als L{\"o}sungsmittel f{\"u}hrt also nicht nur zu einer signifikanten Bindungsverst{\"a}rkung, sondern {\"o}ffnet Zugang zu supramolekularen Systemen mit neuartigen Funktionen. Die entropiegetriebene Freisetzung von Wassermolek{\"u}len konnte daher im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ausgenutzt werden, um gleichzeitig die intrinsische Ordnung im π-Stapel von PBIs zu erh{\"o}hen, was anhand eines temperatursensorischen Hydrogels anschaulich demonstriert wurde. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus stellte sich heraus, dass Wasser ein geeignetes L{\"o}sungsmittel zur Darstellung supramolekularer Kompositmaterialien ist. Wie anhand sich instantan bildender Co-Aggregate gezeigt wurde, ist die entropiegetriebene Assemblierung der entscheidende Faktor zur Darstellung von komplexeren supramolekularen Strukturen, die {\"u}berdies einen Schritt hin zu den hochkomplexen multimolekularen Anordnungen der Natur darstellen.}, subject = {Selbstorganisation}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Rehm2015, author = {Rehm, Stefanie}, title = {Spermine-functionalized Perylene Bisimide Dyes: Synthesis and Self-assembly in Water}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123201}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The main objective of this thesis was the design and synthesis of perylene bisimide dyes with sufficient water-solubility for the construction of self-assembled architectures in aqueous solutions. Beside these tasks another goal of this project was the control over the self-assembly process in terms of aggregate size and helicity, respectively. Within this thesis an appropriate synthesis for spermine-functionalized perylene bisimide dyes was developed and conducted successfully. The characterization of these building blocks and their course of self-assembly were investigated by NMR, UV/Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy as well as by atomic force and transmission electron microscopy. For the better understanding of the experimental results theoretical calculations were performed.}, subject = {Perylenderivate}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fimmel2015, author = {Fimmel, Benjamin}, title = {Perylene Bisimide Foldamers: Synthesis and In-Depth Studies of the Ground- and Excited States Properties}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125173}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In this thesis the syntheses and detailed investigations on two foldable PBI systems were presented. The reversible, solvent-dependet folding/unfolding-behavior was used to study the ground and excited states properties of folda-dimer and folda-trimer by means of different spectroscopic methods as well as theoretical studies. The switching between charge transfer or excimer formation pathways of photoexcited molecules influenced by the spatial arrangement of chromophores within defined dye systems illustrates the impact of conformational preferences on functional properties.}, subject = {Perylenbisdicarboximide }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hecht2021, author = {Hecht, Markus}, title = {Liquid-Crystalline Perylene Bisimide and Diketopyrrolopyrrole Assemblies}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21698}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-216987}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The research presented in this thesis illustrates that self-assembly of organic molecules guided by intermolecular forces is a versatile bottom-up approach towards functional materials. Through the specific design of the monomers, supramolecular architectures with distinct spatial arrangement of the individual building blocks can be realized. Particularly intriguing materials can be achieved when applying the supramolecular approach to molecules forming liquid-crystalline phases as these arrange in ordered, yet mobile structures. Therefore, they exhibit anisotropic properties on a macroscopic level. It is pivotal to precisely control the interchromophoric arrangement as functions originate in the complex structures that are formed upon self-assembly. Consequently, the aim of this thesis was the synthesis and characterization of liquid-crystalline phases with defined supramolecular arrangements as well as the investigation of the structure-property relationship. For this purpose, perylene bisimide and diketopyrrolopyrrole chromophores were used as they constitute ideal building blocks towards functional supramolecular materials due to their thermal stability, lightfastness, as well as excellent optical and electronic features desirable for the application in, e.g., organic electronics.}, subject = {Selbstorganisation}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mahl2023, author = {Mahl, Magnus}, title = {Polycyclic Aromatic Dicarboximides as NIR Chromophores, Solid-State Emitters and Supramolecular Host Platforms}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23462}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-234623}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The present thesis introduce different synthetic strategies towards a variety of polycyclic aromatic dicarboximides (PADIs) with highly interesting and diverse properties. This included tetrachlorinated, tetraaryloxy- and tetraaryl-substituted dicarboximides, fused acceptor‒donor(‒acceptor) structures as well as sterically shielded rylene and nanographene dicarboximides. The properties and thus the disclosure of structure‒property relationships of the resulting dyes were investigated in detail among others with UV‒vis absorption spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry and single crystal X-ray analysis. For instance, some of the fused and substituted PADIs offer strong absorption of visible and near infrared (NIR) light, NIR emission and low-lying LUMO levels. On the contrary, intriguing optical features in the solid-state characterize the rylene dicarboximides with their bulky N-substituents, while the devised sterically enwrapped nanographene host offered remarkable complexation capabilities in solution.}, subject = {Organische Chemie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Shen2021, author = {Shen, Chia-An}, title = {Dicyanomethylene Squaraines: Aggregation and G-Quadruplex Complexation}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24359}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-243599}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Squaraine dyes have attracted more attention in the past decade due to their strong and narrow absorption and fluorescence along with the easily functionalized molecular structure. One successful approach of core functionalization is to replace one oxygen of the squaric carbonyl group with a dicyanomethylene group, which shifts the absorption and emission into the near infrared (NIR) region and at the same time leads to a rigid, planar structure with C2v symmetry. However, such squaraines tend to aggregate cofacially in solution due to dispersion forces and dipole-dipole interactions, usually leading to H-type exciton coupling with undesired blue-shifted spectrum and quenched fluorescence. Therefore, the goal of my research was the design of dicyanomethylene-substituted squaraine dyes that self-assemble into extended aggregates in solution with J-type coupling, in order to retain or even enhance their outstanding optical properties. Toward this goal, bis(squaraine) dyes were envisioned with two squaraine units covalently linked to trigger a slip-stacked packing motif within the aggregates to enable J-type coupling. In my first project, bis(squaraine) dye BisSQ1 was synthesized, in which two dicyanomethylene squaraine chromophores are covalently linked. Concentration and temperature-dependent UV/Vis/NIR spectroscopy experiments reveal that BisSQ1 undergoes cooperative self-assembly resulting in J-type aggregates in a solvent mixture of toluene/1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (TCE) (98:2, v/v). The J type exciton coupling is evident from the significantly red shifted absorption maximum at 886 nm and the fluorescence peak at 904 nm. In conclusion, this was a first example to direct squaraine dye aggregation in solution to the more desired slip-stacked packing leading to J-type exciton coupling by simply connecting two dyes in a head-to-tail bis chromophore structure. Connecting two squaraine dyes with an additional phenylene spacer (BisSQ2) leads to two different polymorphs with very distinct absorption spectra upon cooling down a solution of BisSQ2 in a solvent mixture of toluene/TCE (98:2, v/v) with different rates. Accordingly, rapid cooling resulted in rigid helical nanorods with an absorption spectrum showing a panchromatic feature, while slow cooling led to a sheet-like structure with a significant bathochromic shift in the absorption spectrum. It was discovered that the conventional molecular exciton model failed to explain the panchromatic absorption features of the nanorods for the given packing arrangement, therefore more profound theoretical investigations based on the Essential States Model (ESM) were applied to unveil the importance of intermolecular charge transfer (ICT) to adequately describe the panchromatic absorption spectrum. Moreover, the red-shift observed in the spectrum for the sheet-like structure can be assigned to the interplay of Coulomb coupling and ICT-mediated coupling. Furthermore, the same bis-chromophore strategy was adopted for constructing an NIR-II emitter with a bathochromically-shifted spectrum. In chloroform, BisSQ3 exhibits an absorption maximum at 961 nm with a significant bathochromic shift (1020 cm-1) compared to the reference mono-squaraine SQ, indicating intramolecular J-type coupling via head-to-tail arrangement of two squaraine dyes. Moreover, BisSQ3 shows a fluorescence peak at 971 nm with a decent quantum yield of 0.33\%. In less polar toluene, BisSQ3 self-assembles into nanofibers with additional intermolecular J-type coupling, causing a pronounced bathochromic shift with absorption maximum at 1095 nm and a fluorescence peak at 1116 nm. Thus, connecting two quinoline-based squaraines in a head-to-tail fashion leads to not only intra-, but also intermolecular J-type exciton coupling, which serves as a promising strategy to shift the absorption and emission of organic fluorophores into the NIR-II window while retaining decent quantum yields. In conclusion, my research illustrates based on squaraine dyes how a simple modification of the molecular structure can significantly affect the aggregation behavior and further alter the optical properties of dye aggregates. Elongated supramolecular structures based on dicyanomethylene substituted squaraine dyes were successfully established by covalently linking two squaraine units to form a bis-chromophore structure. Then, a simple but efficient general approach was established to direct squaraine dye aggregation in solution to the more desired slip-stacked packing leading to J-type exciton coupling by directly connecting two squaraine dyes in a head-to-tail fashion without spacer units. Moreover, the additional spacer between the squaraine dyes in BisSQ2 allowed different molecular conformations, which leads to two different morphologies depending on the cooling rates for a hot solution. Hence, this is a promising strategy to realize supramolecular polymorphism. In general, it is expected that the concept of constructing J-aggregates by the bis-chromophore approach can be extended to entirely different classes of dyes since J-aggregates possess a variety of features such as spectral shifts into the NIR window, fluorescence enhancement, and light harvesting, which are commonly observed and utilized for numerous fundamental studies and applications. Moreover, the insights on short-range charge transfer coupling for squaraine dyes is considered of relevance for all materials based on alternating donor-acceptor π-systems. The panchromatic spectral feature is in particular crucial for acceptor-donor-acceptor (ADA) dyes, which are currently considered as very promising materials for the development of bulk heterojunction solar cells.}, subject = {Squaraine}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Renner2021, author = {Renner, Rebecca}, title = {Aggregation, Chirality and Reduction of Nonplanar Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24700}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-247000}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Within this thesis the interactions between novel corannulene derivatives in solution as well as in the solid state by changing the imide residue of a literature known extended corannulene dicarboximide were investigated, in order to obtain a better understanding of the packing and possible charge transport in potential applications. Accordingly, the goal of the work was to synthesize and investigate an electron-poor corannulene bis(dicarboximide) based on previously published work but with higher solubility and less steric encumbrance in imide position to enable self-assembly in solution. To obtain further insights into the conformational stability, structure and chiroptical properties of heavily twisted PBIs another aim of this thesis was the design, synthesis, and optoelectronic investigation of various fourfold directly arylated PBIs by substitution in bay position with smaller hydrocarbons with different steric demand, i.e., benzene, naphthalene and pyrene, which should be separable by chiral high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). As of yet, no concise study concerning the optical and electronic properties of differently core-substituted PBIs in the neutral as well as the mono- and dianionic state in solution is available, which also elucidates the origin of the different optical transitions observed in the absorption and emission spectra. Thus, in this thesis, the investigation of five PBI derivatives with different frontier energetic levels to produce a reference work of reduced PBIs was tackled.}, subject = {Corannulene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Koch2016, author = {Koch, Federico Juan}, title = {Structure-Dependent Ultrafast Relaxation Dynamics in Multichromophoric Systems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-136306}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Time-resolved spectroscopy allows for analyzing light-induced energy conversion and chromophore-chromophore interactions in molecular systems, which is a prerequisite in the design of new materials and for improving the efficiency of opto-electronic devices. To elucidate photo-induced dynamics of complex molecular systems, transient absorption (TA) and coherent two-dimensional (2D) spectroscopy were employed and combined with additional experimental techniques, theoretical approaches, and simulation models in this work. A systematic series of merocyanines, synthetically varied in the number of chromophores and subsitution pattern, attached to a benzene unit was investigated in cooperation with the group of Prof. Dr. Frank W{\"u}rthner at the University of W{\"u}rzburg. The global analysis of several TA experiments, and additional coherent 2D spectroscopy experiments, provided the basis to elaborate a relaxation scheme which was applicable for all merocyanine systems under investigation. This relaxation scheme is based on a double minimum on the excited-state potential energy surface. One of these minima is assigned to an intramolecular charge-transfer state which is stabilized in the bis- and tris-chromophoric dyes by chromphore-chromophore interactions, resulting in an increase in excited-state lifetime. Electro-optical absorption and density functional theory (DFT) calculations revealed a preferential chromophore orientation which compensates most of the dipole moment of the individual chromophores. Based on this structural assignment the conformationdependent exciton energy splitting was calculated. The linear absorption spectra of the multi-chromophoric merocyanines could be described by a combination of monomeric and excitonic spectra. Subsequently, a structurally complex polymeric squaraine dye was studied in collaboration with the research groups of Prof. Dr. Christoph Lambert and Prof. Dr. Roland Mitric at the University of W{\"u}rzburg. This polymer consists of a superposition of zigzag and helix structures depending on the solvent. High-level DFT calculations confirmed the previous assignment that zigzag and helix structures can be treated as J- and H-aggregates, respectively. TA experiments revealed that in dependence on the solvent as well as the excitation energy, ultrafast energy transfer within the squaraine polymer proceeds from initially excited helix segments to zigzag segments or vice versa. Additionally, 2D spectroscopy confirmed the observed sub-picosecond dynamics. In contrast to other conjugated polymers such as MEH-PPV, which is investigated in the last chapter, ultrafast energy transfer in squaraine polymers is based on the matching of the density of states between donor and acceptor segments due to the small reorganization energy in cyanine-like chromophores. Finally, the photo-induced dynamics of the aggregated phase of the conjugated polymer MEH-PPV was investigated in cooperation with the group of Prof. Dr. Anna K{\"o}hler at the University of Bayreuth. Our collaborators had previously described the aggregation of MEH-PPV upon cooling by the formation of so-called HJ-aggregates based on exciton theory. By TA measurements and by making use of an affiliated band analysis distinct relaxation processes in the excited state and to the ground state were discriminated. By employing 2D spectroscopy the energy transfer between different conjugated segments within the aggregated polymer was resolved. The initial exciton relaxation within the aggregated phase indicates a low exciton mobility, in contrast to the subsequent energy transfer between different chromophores within several picoseconds. This work contributes by its systematic study of structure-dependent relaxation dynamics to the basic understanding of the structure-function relationship within complex molecular systems. The investigated molecular classes display a high potential to increase efficiencies of opto-electronic devices, e.g., organic solar cells, by the selective choice of the molecular morphology.}, subject = {Femtosekundenspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gershberg2016, author = {Gershberg, Jana}, title = {Self-assembled Perylene Bisimide Dimers and their Interaction with Double-stranded DNA}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-136725}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The self-assembly of molecules based on π-π-interactions and hydrogen bonding is of significant importance in nature. These processes enable the formation of complex supramolecular structures with diverse functions. For the transfer of the concepts from nature to artificial supramolecular structures, a basic understanding of those processes is needed. For this purpose, π-conjugated aromatic molecules with an easy synthetic access are suitable as their functionalities can be changed effortless. Perylene bisimide (PBIs) dyes are attractive candidates since they fulfill these requirements owing to their tendency to self-assemble in solution due to their large aromatic π-surfaces. Furthermore, the changes of the optical properties (for instance absorption, emission or circular dichroism) of PBI dyes, caused by their self-assembly, are easy to study experimentally. Structural variations of PBI dyes including additional non-covalent interactions, such as hydro-gen bonding, enable to direct their self-assembly process. Thus, the formation of interesting su-pramolecular structures of PBI dyes could be realized, although, often of undefined size. The aim of this thesis was to develop strategies to restrict the aggregate size of PBI dyes. Therefore, de-fined structural features of PBI molecules were combined and a variation of external influences such as solvent and concentration included. Furthermore, DNA was utilized as a template for the limitation of the aggregate size of PBI dyes. Chapters 1 and 2 provide general information and describe examples from literature which are necessary to understand the following experimental work. The first chapter is based on the inter-actions of various molecules with DNA. Therefore, DNA is considered as a supramolecular biom-acromolecule containing specific structural and functional features to interact with small mole-cules. Afterwards, the main interaction modes of small molecules with DNA such as electrostatic interaction, intercalation and groove binding with corresponding examples are discussed. Among all techniques applied to study the interaction of ligands with DNA, UV/Vis absorption, fluores-cence and circular dichroism spectroscopy were described in detail. At the end of this chapter, examples of already pre-associated systems showing interactions with DNA are presented. The second chapter is focused on the determination and mathematic evaluation of the self-assembly processes. The simplest models such as monomer-dimer and isodesmic model are de-scribed and supplemented by examples. Furthermore, the simplest modification of the isodesmic model, the K2-K model, is presented. Additionally, experimental problems, which may arise dur-ing the investigations of the self-assembly processes, are addressed. For the description of the entire self-assembly process, a sufficiently large concentration range and an appropriate measure-ment method that is sensitive in this concentration range is necessary. Furthermore, the full transi-tion from the monomeric to the aggregated species has to be spectroscopically ascertainable. This enables an accurate mathematic evaluation of the self-assembly process and provides meaningful binding constants. The self-assembly pathway can be controlled by the variation of solvent, con-centration or temperature. However, this pathway can also be directed by a rational design of the molecular structure of the considered system. For example, a specific interplay of π-π-interactions and hydrogen bonding may promote isodesmic as well as cooperative growth into large struc-tures. The main focus of this thesis is to develop strategies to control the aggregate size of PBI dyes (Chapter 3). For this purpose, a PBI scaffold was designed which contains hydrogen bonding amide functions at the imide positions derived from the amino acid L-alanine and solubilizing side groups in the periphery (Figure 81). The variations of the residues R/R' range from didodecylox-yphenyl, didodecylphenyl, dioligo(ethylene glycol)phenyl to branched and linear alkyl chains. The most extensive study of the aggregation behavior was performed for the PBI dye 5. Concen-tration-dependent 1H NMR and UV/Vis absorption measurements clearly revealed the formation of dimers in chloroform. Further investigations by means of 2D NMR, VPO and ITC confirmed the exclusive presence of dimer aggregates of PBI 5 in the investigated concentration range. Mo-lecular modelling studies, supported by NMR and FT-IR experiments, provided structural reasons for the absence of further growth into larger aggregates. The specific combination of π-π interac-tions and hydrogen bonds between the NH groups of the amide groups and the carbonyl oxygen atoms of the PBI core are decisive for the formation of the discrete dimer stack (see Figure 82). The investigations of the aggregation behavior of PBIs 6-9 were less extensive but consistent with the results obtained for PBI 5. However, the determined binding constants vary over a considera-ble range of 1.1 x 102 M-1 (PBI 8) to 1.4 x 104 M-1 (PBI 5). These differences could be attributed to structural variations of the dyes. The electron-rich phenyl substituent promoted the aggregation tendency of PBIs 5-7 compared with 8 and 9 that carry only alkyl side chains. Thus, the π-π in-teractions of bay-unsubstituted PBI cores in combination with hydrogen bonding of the amide functions control the formation of discrete dimers of these PBI dyes. The variation of conditions, such as solvent, change the aggregation behavior of PBI dyes. In the solvents toluene and/or methylcyclohexane, anti-cooperative growth into larger aggregates of PBI 5 was observed (Chapter 4). The important feature of this self-assembly process is the absence of isosbestic points over the whole concentration range in the UV/Vis absorption measurements. The preference for the dimeric species of PBI 5 remained in both solvents as well as in mixtures of them, but upon increasing the concentration these dimers self-assemble into larger aggregates. An important feature of the self-assembly process is the preferred formation of even-numbered aggregates compared to the odd-numbered ones (see Figure 83). Although, the conventional K2-K model provides plausible binding constants, it is not capable to describe the aggregation behavior adequately, since it considers a continuous size distribution. The gradual aggregation process over dimers, tetramers, hexamers, etc. was therefore analyzed with a newly developed K2-K model for anti-cooperative supramolecular polymerization. By the global analysis of the UV/Vis absorption spectra a very good agreement between the experimental and simulated spectra, which were based on the new K2-K model, was obtained. Furthermore, the calculated UV/Vis absorption spectra of a dimer and an aggregate highlighted the most important structural differences. The absorption spectrum of the dimer still has a pronounced vibronic structure which gets lost in the spectrum of the aggregate. In another part of this work, a series of water soluble PBI dyes were described which contain similar PBI scaffolds as PBIs 5-8 (Chapter 5). These PBI dyes self-assemble into similar dimer aggregates in water due to their positively charged side chains causing electrostatic repulsion be-tween the molecules (see Figure 84). Here, however, the self-assembly behavior has not been studied thoroughly in water due to the similarities of already reported PBI dyes. Instead, the focus here is on the characterization of the interactions of these dyes with DNA/RNA. The comprehensive studies using thermal denaturation experiments showed the high stability of these PBI/polynucleotide complexes. The spermine-functionalized PBI dyes having six positive charges showed strong interactions with DNA/RNA which was expressed in a signif-icant increase of the melting temperatures of DNA/RNA (ΔTm values between 7 and > 35 ° C). The dioxa analogues containing only two positive charges had lower enhancement of the melting temperature of DNA/RNA (ΔTm values between 3 and 30 ° C). A similar trend has been observed in the fluorimetric titrations. The spermine-functionalized PBI dyes showed high binding con-stants (log Ks = 9.2 - 9.8), independently of the used polynucleotides. In contrast, the dioxa ana-logues displayed smaller binding constants (log Ks = 6.5 - 7.9) without any correlation between binding affinity and binding strength of the PBI dyes and the applied polynucleotides. The CD-spectroscopic measurements revealed significant differences in the binding properties of the dyes with DNA/RNA. They were dependent on the steric hindrance of the amino acid residues at the imide position and their configuration on one side and the grooves properties of ds-DNA/RNA on the other side. The spectroscopic results confirmed the formation of excitonically coupled PBI dimers in the minor groove of ds-DNA and the major groove of ds-RNA. Depending on the se-quence, the grooves of the polynucleotides provide different amount of space for embedding molecules. The guanine amino groups protrude into the minor groove of the polynucleotide poly(dG-dC)2 increasing the steric hindrance, which is not the case for poly(dA-dT)2. Molecular modeling studies showed that the PBI dimers penetrate deeper into the groove of poly(dA-dT)2 due to the absence of the steric hindrance, in comparison to the groove of poly(dG-dC)2 (see Figure 85).}, subject = {Perylentetracarbons{\"a}urederivate}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rest2015, author = {Rest, Christina}, title = {Self-assembly of amphiphilic oligo(phenylene ethynylene)-based (bi)pyridine ligands and their Pt(II) and Pd(II) complexes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-133248}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The presented work in the field of supramolecular chemistry describes the synthesis and detailed investigation of (bi)pyridine-based oligo(phenylene ethynylene) (OPE) amphiphiles, decorated with terminal glycol chains. The metal-ligating property of these molecules could be exploited to coordinate to Pd(II) and Pt(II) metal ions, respectively, resulting in the creation of novel metallosupramolecular π-amphiphiles of square-planar geometry. The focus of the presented studies is on the self-assembly behaviour of the OPE ligands and their corresponding metal complexes in polar and aqueous environment. In this way, the underlying aggregation mechanism (isodesmic or cooperative) is revealed and the influence of various factors on the self-assembly process in supramolecular systems is elucidated. In this regard, the effect of the molecular design of the ligand, the coordination to a metal centre as well as the surrounding medium, the pH value and temperature is investigated.}, subject = {Supramolekulare Chemie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{ArjonaEsteban2015, author = {Arjona Esteban, Alhama}, title = {Merocyanine Dyes as Organic Semiconductors for Vacuum-processed Solar Cell and Transistor Devices}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-129096}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The present thesis comprises the synthesis of new functional merocyanine dyes, the study of their electro-optical properties as well as solid state packing and their application as p-type semiconductor materials in transistor and solar cell devices. The absorption properties of the obtained compounds could be modified by variation of the donor unit, the introduction of electron-withdrawing substituents in the acceptor unit or elongation of the polymethine chain. For a particular dye, the absorption band could be shifted by more than 160 nm by increasing the solvent polarity due to a conformational switch between a merocyanine-like and a cyanine-like structure. Single crystal analyses revealed that the studied dyes tend to pack either in an antiparallel fashion forming dimers with no overall dipole moment or in a staircase-like pattern where the dipole moments point to the same direction and are only balanced by another staircase oriented in the opposite direction (stair dimer). With respect to application as semiconductor materials, the latter packing arrangement resulted most favorable for charge carrier mobility. We concluded that this packing motif is preserved in the solar cell devices, where the selenium-containing dye afforded the highest performance of this series for an optimized planar-mixed heterojunction solar cell (6.2 \%).}, subject = {Merocyanine}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Spenst2017, author = {Spenst, Peter}, title = {Xylylene Bridged Perylene Bisimide Cyclophanes and Macrocycles}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-139015}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {This work is concerned with the syntheses and photophysical properties of para-xylylene bridged macrocycles nPBI with ring sizes from two to nine PBI units, as well as the complexation of polycyclic aromatic guest compounds. With a reduced but substantial fluorescence quantum yield of 21\% (in CHCl3) the free host 2PBI(4-tBu)4 can be used as a dual fluorescence probe. Upon encapsulation of rather electron-poor guests the fluorescence quenching interactions between the chromophores are prevented, leading to a significant fluorescence enhancement to > 90\% ("turn-on"). On the other hand, the addition of electron-rich guest molecules induces an electron transfer from the guest to the electron-poor PBI chromophores and thus quenches the fluorescence entirely ("turn-off"). The photophysical properties of the host-guest complexes were studied by transient absorption spectroscopy. These measurements revealed that the charge transfer between guest and 2PBI(4-tBu)4 occurs in the "normal region" of the Marcus-parabola with the fastest charge separation rate for perylene. In contrast, the charge recombination back to the PBI ground state lies far in the "inverted region" of the Marcus-parabola. Beside complexation of planar aromatic hydrocarbons into the cavity of the cyclophanes an encapsulation of fullerene into the cyclic trimer 3PBI(4-tBu)4 was observed. 3PBI(4-tBu)4 provides a tube-like structure in which the PBI subunits represent the walls of those tubes. The cavity has the optimal size for hosting fullerenes, with C70 fitting better than C60 and a binding constant that is higher by a factor of 10. TA spectroscopy in toluene that was performed on the C60@3PBI(4-tBu)4 complex revealed two energy transfer processes. The first one comes from the excited PBI to the fullerene, which subsequently populates the triplet state. From the fullerene triplet state a second energy transfer occurs back to the PBI to generate the PBI triplet state. In all cycles that were studied by TA spectroscopy, symmetry-breaking charge separation (SB-CS) was observed in dichloromethane. This process is fastest within the PBI cyclophane 2PBI(4-tBu)4 and slows down for larger cycles, suggesting that the charge separation takes place through space and not through bonds. The charges then recombine to the PBI triplet state via a radical pair intersystem crossing (RP-ISC) mechanism, which could be used to generate singlet oxygen in yields of ~20\%. By changing the solvent to toluene an intramolecular folding of the even-numbered larger cycles was observed that quenches the fluorescence and increases the 0-1 transition band in the absorption spectra. Force field calculations of 4PBI(4-tBu)4 suggested a folding into pairs of dimers, which explains the remarkable odd-even effect with respect to the number of connected PBI chromophores and the resulting alternation in the absorption and fluorescence properties. Thus, the even-numbered macrocycles can fold in a way that all chromophores are in a paired arrangement, while the odd-numbered cycles have open conformations (3PBI(4-tBu)4, 5PBI(4-tBu)4, 7PBI(4-tBu)4) or at least additional unpaired PBI unit (9PBI(4-tBu)4). With these experiments we could for the first time give insights in the interactions between cyclic PBI hosts and aromatic guest molecules. Associated with the encapsulation of guest molecules a variety of possible applications can be envisioned, like fluorescence sensing, chiral recognition and photodynamic therapy by singlet oxygen generation. Particularly, these macrocycles provide photophysical relaxation pathways of PBIs, like charge separation and recombination and triplet state formation that are hardly feasible in monomeric PBI dyes. Furthermore, diverse compound specific features were found, like the odd-even effect in the folding process or the transition of superficial nanostructures of the tetrameric cycle influenced by the AFM tip. The comprehensive properties of these macrocycles provide the basis for further oncoming studies and can serve as an inspiration for the synthesis of new macrocyclic compounds.}, subject = {Supramolekulare Chemie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schindler2022, author = {Schindler, Dorothee}, title = {Water Oxidation with Multinuclear Ruthenium Catalysts}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23309}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-233093}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In terms of the need of environmentally benign renewable and storable energy sources, splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen by using sunlight is a promising approach. Hereby, water oxidation catalysts (WOCs) are required to perform the water oxidation comprising the transfer of four electrons to provide the reducing equivalents for producing hydrogen. The class of Ru(bda) (bda = 2,2'-bipyridine-6,6'-dicarboxylate) catalysts has proven to be efficient for this reaction. In this thesis, ligand exchange processes in Ru(bda) complexes have been analyzed and the formation of multinuclear macrocyclic WOCs was studied. Based on the knowledge acquired by these studies, new multinuclear cyclic Ru(bda) complexes have been synthesized and their catalytic efficiencies in homogeneous water oxidation have been investigated. Going one step further for setting up functional devices, molecular WOCs have been immobilized on conducting or semiconducting supporting materials. Direct anchoring on carbon nanotubes generated a promising materials for further applications.}, subject = {Rutheniumkomplexe}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rausch2021, author = {Rausch, Rodger}, title = {Chemistry of Chromophore Bridged Biradicals - Synthesis and Properties}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22650}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-226501}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Within this PhD thesis, chromophore-bridged biradicals were synthesised and their properties characterised. Therefore, it was necessary to develop novel synthetic procedures and implement several experimental characterisation methods. In summary, within this thesis the scope of pigment chromophore phenoxyl radical decoration was further explored and expanded to IIn as well as DPP colourants. HOMA analysis highlighted the importance of aromaticity in order to understand the spin crossover from heteroaromatic quinoidal to aromatic open shell DPPs. Finally, PBI, IIn and DPP biradicals were advanced towards stable materials by introduction of nitronyl nitroxide radical centres.}, subject = {Biradikal}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{ZitzlerKunkel2014, author = {Zitzler-Kunkel, Andr{\´e}}, title = {Funktionale Merocyaninfarbstoffe: Synthese, molekulare und Selbstorganisationseigenschaften sowie ihre Anwendung in der organischen Photovoltaik}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-101536}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Analog zu den auf hochgeordneten Farbstoffarchitekturen in den biologischen Photosyntheseapparaten basierenden Energiekonversionssystemen sollte die exakte Einstellung zwischenmolekularer Wechselwirkungen auch in k{\"u}nstlichen Halbleitern eine entscheidende Rolle f{\"u}r die Weiterentwicklung organischer Elektronikmaterialien spielen. F{\"u}r eine derartige, pr{\"a}zise Steuerung der nanoskaligen Anordnung in organischen Materialien erscheinen Merocyaninfarbstoffe wegen ihrer hochgerichteten, dipolaren Aggregation {\"a}ußerst aussichtsreich. In diesem Zusammenhang war das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit die Ausnutzung funktionaler, stark selbstorganisierender Merocyanine, um eine gezielte Beeinflussung der Morphologie in der aktiven Schicht von BHJ-Solarzellen zu erreichen. Hierzu sollte zun{\"a}chst eine umfangreiche Serie komplexer Merocyanine synthetisiert und vollst{\"a}ndig charakterisiert werden. Im Folgenden wurde angestrebt, die optischen und elektrochemischen Eigenschaften der molekular gel{\"o}sten Farbstoffe zu bestimmen und f{\"u}r ausgew{\"a}hlte, geeignete Strukturen das Selbstorganisationsverhalten im Detail zu studieren. Zuletzt sollte durch eine sorgf{\"a}ltige Optimierung der Prozessierungsbedingungen ein Transfer der in L{\"o}sung gefundenen, supramolekularen Strukturen in den Blend l{\"o}sungsprozessierter BHJ-Solarzellen erreicht werden. Die organischen Elektronikbauteile wurden dabei im Arbeitskreis von Prof. Dr. Klaus Meerholz (Universit{\"a}t K{\"o}ln) gefertigt und charakterisiert. Zusammenfassend zeichnet die vorliegende Arbeit ein umfassendes Bild von der Synthese funktionaler Merocyanine, dem Studium ihrer molekularen und Selbstorganisationseigenschaften sowie ihrer Anwendung als p-Halbleitermaterialien in organischen Solarzellen. Der komplexe Molek{\"u}laufbau der dargestellten Farbstoffe f{\"u}hrte dabei zur Ausbildung verschiedener Farbstofforganisate, deren Struktur sowohl in L{\"o}sung als auch teilweise im Festk{\"o}rper aufgekl{\"a}rt werden konnte. Die erfolgreiche Implementierung von H-aggregierten Spezies der Verbindung 67b in die aktive Schicht organischer BHJ-Solarzellen resultierte in der Bildung effizienter Perkolationspfade f{\"u}r Exzitonen und freie Ladungstr{\"a}ger, wodurch diese Bauteile merklich h{\"o}here Stromdichten generieren konnten und gegen{\"u}ber Zellen ohne H-Spezies {\"u}ber 20 \% gesteigerte Effizienz aufwiesen. Diese Befunde verifizieren die postulierte Hypothese, dass eine gezielte Einstellung der zwischenmolekularen Wechselwirkungen bei organischen Halbleitern zu einer Optimierung der Funktionalit{\"a}t organischer Elektronikmaterialien beitragen kann.}, subject = {Merocyanine}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Voelker2014, author = {V{\"o}lker, Sebastian}, title = {Synthesis, Spectroscopic and Electrochemical Properties of Squaraine Polymers}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-101638}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In this work the synthesis, the spectroscopic and electrochemical investigation as well as some applications of a broad diversity of indolenine squaraine dyes were presented. This diversity was based on two parent squaraine dyes, one standard trans-configured compound (M1) and one in which one central oxygen atom was replaced by a dicyanomethylene moiety (M2), which increased the acceptor strength and induced a cis-configuration. The variety of synthesised dyes included functionalised squaraine monomers, donor- and acceptor-substituted monomeric model squaraines, donor- and acceptor-squaraine copolymers, pure squaraine homopolymers, a squaraine-squaraine copolymer, as well as some conjugated cyclic oligomers. In order to be able to synthesise all these different kinds of dyes, several bromine and boronic ester derivatives were synthesised, which enabled the use of the Suzuki cross coupling reaction, to generate model dyes and copolymers. In addition, the bromine derivatives were used to carry out the Yamamoto homocoupling reaction to the respective homopolymers and macrocycles. The absorption maximum of unsubstituted reference dye M1 was found at ~ 15500 cm-1, while that of M2 was red-shifted to ~ 14300 cm-1 due to the increased acceptor strength of the central unit. The extinction coefficients were in the order of ~ 300000 M-1 cm-1 and ~ 200000 M-1 cm-1, respectively. It was found that the implementation of functional groups (M3-M9), additional electron donors (M10-M19) or acceptors (M20-M22) at the periphery lead to bathochromic shifts of the absorption depending on the strength of either - and/or -donating properties of the substituents. For the bis- and triarylamine substituted dyes M10-M13 and the dibrominated dyes M5 and M7 the electronic structure of the mono- and diradical (di)cations was explored using the interplay of cyclic voltammetry, spectroelectrochemistry, and DFT calculations. It was demonstrated that the monoradical cations still show a cyanine-like character and are delocalised Robin-Day class III species due to the low redox potential of the squaraine bridge between the additional amine redox centres. To the best of my knowledge, this made M13+∙, with an N-N-distance of 26 bonds between the additional redox centres to the longest bis(triarylamine) radical cation that is completely delocalised. For the diradical dications, the situation was of larger complexity. The computed most stable energetic state of the dianisylamine-substituted dyes turned out to be a broken-symmetry state with almost equal contributions of an open-shell singlet and triplet state. In addition, it was shown that the HOMO-1→HOMO transition dominated the absorption spectra of the diradical dications where the trans-/cis-configuration of the squaraines had a direct impact due to symmetry reasons. Based on the donor-squaraine model compounds M10-M19, a series of donor-squaraine copolymers was synthesised (P7-P12) in order to further red shift and broaden the low energy absorption band. However, these effects were only of marginal extent. Both the optical and the electrochemical derived band gaps were barely lowered compared to the respective monomeric model dyes. This was assigned to an increased squaraine-squaraine distance and resulting lower exciton coupling between the squaraine chromophores due to the bridging units. In addition, according to semiempirical calculations the bridges were twisted out of the squaraine plane what reduced conjugational effects between the chromophores. To sum up, the idea to insert additional electron rich bridging units in order to create copolymers with broad and red-shifted absorption did not fully work out for the presented systems. The addition of strong electron accepting NDI units at the periphery resulted in M21, the most unique monomeric model squaraine in this work. The common picture of a sharp low energy squaraine absorption completely altered due to the addition of the NDIs and a rather broad and solvent dependent low energy absorption was found. Spectroelectrochemical experiments and semiempirical calculations showed that this band is a superposition of the common squaraine HOMO→LUMO transition and a partial squaraine→NDI charge transfer transition. The latter was lost upon oxidation of the squaraine and the absorption spectrum of the monocation of M21 was found to be nearly a 1:1 image of a pure squaraine monocation. Both the monomeric model M21 and the respective copolymer P13 showed low electrochemically obtained band gaps of 1.05-1.20 eV, which were the lowest of all squaraines in this work. For both dyes, transient absorption measurements in the fs-time regime revealed the ultrafast formation of a CS state via an intermediate CT state within a few ps. Besides, charge recombination to the ground state also occured within a few ps. In the polymer, there was barely any further energy or charge transfer within the excited state lifetime and therefore the CS state was confined on adjacent squaraine-NDI pairs and did not further travel along the polymer strand. The Ni-mediated Yamamoto homocoupling reaction was applied for the synthesis of the homopolymers (P1-P5). In contrast to the donor-squaraine copolymers, those polymers revealed strongly red-shifted and broad absorption in the red to NIR region in addition to a sharp fluorescence. These features could be explained to originate mainly from the exciton coupling of localised excited states and the presence of different superstructures in solution. For the polymers P1 and P2, an elongated J-type polymer chain caused the strong lowest energy absorption band whereas a zig-zag type arrangement of the single chromophores lead to transitions into both low and high energy excited states of the excitonic manifold. For the polymers P3 and P4, several polymer fractions of different size were investigated. Here, also an elongated chain with J-type character induced the lowest energy absorption band whereas a helical H-type arrangement caused transitions to higher energies of the excitonic manifold. The fractions to which these structures were formed depended on the chain length and the solvent. In thin film measurements, it was shown that the initially in solution formed superstructures were partly retained in the thin film but could be altered by annealing procedures. A control of the superstructures should enable the controlled tuning of the optical properties. Despite the strong interaction of the chromophores in the excited state, the redox potentials of the homopolymers barely differed to those of the respective reference dyes, indicating negligible electronic interaction in the ground state. In addition squaraine-squaraine copolymer P6, consisting of alternating parent dyes M1 and M2, was synthesised. Likewise to the homopolymers, a broad and red-shifted absorption was observed. This was explained by exciton coupling theory, which was extended to also suit alternating copolymers. In toluene, an extraordinary narrow and intense lowest energy absorption band was observed. This exchange narrowing might be a result of a highly ordered J-type structure of the polymer especially in this solvent because it was not found in others. The features of the polymer may be compared to typical J-aggregates formed from monomeric cyanine molecules for example and the polymer used as model for excitonic interactions in an alternating copolymer. Transient absorption measurements revealed a strong energy dependence of the decay traces of the copolymer, most strikingly at early decay times. This was assigned to the occurrence of multiple excitations of one polymer strand (due to the large extinction coefficients of the polymer) and resulting exciton-exciton annihilation. Due to the large exciton diffusion constants that were estimated, the static exciton-exciton annihilation was the rate limiting process of the decay, in contrast to other conjugated polymers, where in thin film measurements the decay was diffusion controlled. To sum up, for the polymers consisting of exclusively squaraine chromophores, it was shown that the exciton coupling of single chromophores with strong transition dipole moments was a fruitful way to tune the absorption spectra. As a side product of some of the polycondensation reactions, unprecedented cyclic conjugated oligomers such as the triarylamine-bridged dimer Dim1, the cyclic homotrimers Tri1-Tri3, and the tetramer Tet1 were obtained by recycling GPC in low yields. Especially the cyclic trimers showed unusual absorption and even more extraordinary fluorescence properties. They showed multiple fluorescence bands in the NIR that covered a range from ~ 8000-12500 cm-1 (800-1250 nm). First hints from theoretical calculations indicated that the trimer was not fully planar but comprised a mixture of both planar and bent single squaraine chromophores. However, final results of the calculations were still missing at the time of writing. In the last part of this work, the application of some monomeric and polymeric squaraines in binary and ternary bulk heterojunction solar cells was demonstrated. Also the utilisation as a dopant in a polymer matrix in an OLED device was shown. The homopolymers P1-P4 were tested in the binary BHJ solar cells revealing poor performances and especially very low short circuit currents. The utilisation of the polymers P3 and P4 that carried the dicyanomethylene group resulted in higher open circuit voltages due to the lower LUMO energy levels but still an overall poor performance. Neither for the different alkyl chains nor for the size of the polymers was a trend observed. In the ternary BHJ solar cells, small amounts of either monomer M14 or polymers P1A, P4-1 or P13 were added to a P3HT/PCBM system in order to generate an additional pathway for charge or energy transfer that should result in a better device performance. However, for none of the tested squaraines, improved solar cells could be built. In similarity to the binary solar cells, the short circuit currents were lower compared to a P3HT/PCBM reference device. These low short circuit currents indicated that the morphology of the squaraine dyes was the major limitation in those devices. It is possible that the dimethyl groups at the indolenine hindered a favoured alignment of the compounds that would allow decent charge transport. In the squaraine doped OLED the squaraine M6 worked rather well as an NIR emitter. Already at low dye loads the fluorescence of the host polymer SY-PPV was completely quenchend and emission from the squaraine was observed. For electroluminescence measurements, a lower dye load (0.5 wt.\%) compared to the photoluminescence measurements was sufficient, indicating that apart from FRET additional quenching mechanisms were at work in the electrically driven devices such as charge carrier dynamics.}, subject = {Squaraine}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Grzeszkiewicz2014, author = {Grzeszkiewicz, Charlotte}, title = {Synthese, Charakterisierung und Aggregationsstudien von amphiphilen Perylen- und Zinkchlorinfarbstoffen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-98777}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigte sich mit dem Ziel, amphiphile Oligoethylenglykol-funktionalisierte Perylenmonoimiddiester und Dicarbons{\"a}ure- bzw. Amino-funktionalisierte Perylenbisimide zu synthetisieren. Weiterhin wurden die optischen Eigenschaften in L{\"o}sung und das Aggregationsverhalten der Ester-, Dicarbons{\"a}ure- und der Amino-funktionalisierten Perylenfarbstoffe untersucht. (...) Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit widmete sich dem Ziel, die amphiphilen Oligoethylenglykol-funktionalisierten Zinkchlorine, 31-Hydroxy-Zinkchlorin (ZnChl-OH) und 31-Methoxy-Zinkchlorin (ZnChl-OCH3), herzustellen und desweiteren deren Aggregationsverhalten in w{\"a}ssriger L{\"o}sung vergleichend zu studieren, um den Einfluss der L{\"o}sungsmittel und des Substituenten in 31-Position auf die thermodynamischen und kinetischen Eigenschaften und auf die Aggregatstruktur zu bestimmen. (...)}, subject = {Amphiphile Verbindungen}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Voelckel2022, author = {Voelckel, Markus}, title = {Zeitaufgel{\"o}ste Spektroskopie von nanoskaligen Halbleitern und Pyrenderivaten}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27611}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-276119}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Um den jahrtausendealten Weg der Menschheit vom Papyrus {\"u}ber Buchdruck und siliziumbasierte Halbleiter in Richtung noch leistungsf{\"a}higerer Technologien zu gehen und weiterhin Heureka-Momente zu schaffen, bieten Kohlenstoffnanor{\"o}hren ein weites Forschungsfeld. Besonders die halbleitenden Charakteristika von SWNTs sowie die Manipulation dieser durch Dotierung bergen viele M{\"o}glichkeiten f{\"u}r zuk{\"u}nftige Anwendungen in moderner Elektrotechnologie. Der Weg zu einer industriellen Implementierung von SWNTs in neuartigen optoelektronischen Bauteilen ließe sich durch eine Ausweitung des Wissens bez{\"u}glich SWNTs und der dotierungsbasierten Anpassung ihrer Eigenschaften ebnen. Mit dieser Erkenntniserweiterung als Zielsetzung wurden im Rahmen dieser Dissertation halbleitende, einwandige (6,5)-Kohlenstoffnanor{\"o}hren als chiralit{\"a}tsreine, polymerstabilisierte Proben untersucht. Die ultrakurzzeitaufgel{\"o}ste Spektroskopie der SWNTs erfolgte an organischen Suspensionen wie auch D{\"u}nnschichtfilmen, die je mittels eines gewissen Quantums an Gold(III)-chlorid dotiert worden waren. So konnten die ablaufenden Dynamiken auf einer ps-Zeitskala untersucht werden. In Kapitel 4 konnte mittels transienter Absorptionsexperimente an redoxchemisch p-dotierter SWNT-Suspensionen zun{\"a}chst gezeigt werden, dass sich die bei optischer Anregung gebildeten Trionen nicht analog zu Exzitonen diffusiv entlang der Nanor{\"o}hre bewegen, sondern lokalisiert vorliegen. Die l{\"a}ngere trionischen Zerfallsdauer nach X\$_1\$- verglichen mit X\$_1^+\$-resonanter Anregung zeugt außerdem davon, dass das Trion aus dem Exziton gespeist wird. Der Einfluss der Dotierung auf die Zerfallsdynamiken von X\$_1\$ und X\$_1^+\$ wurde an SWNT-D{\"u}nnschichtfilmen untersucht. Das Photobleichsignal des Exzitons verschiebt hypsochrom und zerf{\"a}llt schneller mit zunehmender Ladungstr{\"a}gerdichte durch h{\"o}herer Gold(III)-chloridkonzentrationen. Dies resultiert aus dem verringerten Abstand zwischen den Ladungstr{\"a}gern, welche als nichtstrahlende L{\"o}schstellen fungieren. F{\"u}r das X\$_1^+\$-PB ist ein {\"a}hnliches Verhalten zu beobachten. Dabei wird dieses Signal mit weiter steigender Dotierung von einer der H-Bande zuzuordnenden Photoabsorption {\"u}berlagert. Diese l{\"a}sst sich in einer starken S{\"a}ttigung der Dotierung wie auch einer hohen Bandkantenverschiebung begr{\"u}nden. In Kapitel 5 wurde die Gr{\"o}ße der Exzitonen und Trionen in dotierten SWNT-D{\"u}nnschichtfilmen mittels des Phasenraumf{\"u}llmodells bestimmt. Dabei lag besonderes Augenmerk auf der Kompensation des PB/PA-{\"U}berlapps, dem schnellen Zerfall, einem Ausgleich von Differenzen zwischen Anrege- und Absorptionsspektrum sowie dem Anteil intrinsischer/dotierter Nanorohrsegmente, um korrigierte Gr{\"o}ßen \$\xi_\mathrm{k}\$ zu erhalten. F{\"u}r die Trionengr{\"o}ße wurde zus{\"a}tzlich der {\"U}berlapp der Absorptionsbanden einbezogen, um korrigierte Werte \$\xi_{\mathrm{T,k}}\$ zu bestimmen. \$\xi_\mathrm{k}\$ betr{\"a}gt in der intrinsischen Form 6\$\pm\$2\,nm und bleibt bis zu einer Ladungstr{\"a}gerdichte \$n_{\mathrm{LT}}<0.10\$\,nm\$^{-1}\$ etwa gleich, anschließend ist ein Absinken bis auf etwa 4\,nm bei \$n_{\mathrm{LT}}\approx0.20\$\,nm\$^{-1}\$ zu beobachten. F{\"u}r diesen Trend ist die {\"U}berlagerung von Exziton- und H-Bande verantwortlich, da so der Faktor zur Bestimmung des Anteils intrinsischer Nanorohrsegmente an der SWNT verf{\"a}lscht wird. Die Abweichung der intrinsischen Gr{\"o}ße von den in der Literatur berichteten 13\$\pm\$3\,nm ist m{\"o}glicherweise auf Unterschiede in der Probenpr{\"a}paration zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren. F{\"u}r die Trionengr{\"o}ße ergibt sich bei steigender Dotierung ein {\"a}hnliches Verhalten: Sie betr{\"a}gt f{\"u}r \$n_{\mathrm{LT}}<0.20\$\,nm\$^{-1}\$ 1.83\$\pm\$0.47\,nm, was in der Gr{\"o}ßenordnung in guter {\"U}bereinstimmung mit der Literatur ist. F{\"u}r h{\"o}here Dotierungen sinkt \$\xi_{\mathrm{T,k}}\$ bis auf 0.92\$\pm\$0.26nm ab. Dies erkl{\"a}rt sich dadurch, dass bei h{\"o}herer \$n_{\mathrm{LT}}\$ die H-Bande das Spektrum dominiert, sodass der Einfluss der Absorptionsbanden{\"u}berlagerung nicht mehr vollst{\"a}ndig durch den entsprechenden Korrekturfaktor kompensiert werden kann. Kapitel 6 besch{\"a}ftigte sich anstelle redoxchemischer Dotierung der nanoskaligen Halbleiter mit der (spektro-)elektrochemischen Untersuchung von Vorl{\"a}ufern molekularer Radikale. SWV-Messungen weisen dabei darauf hin, dass die Pyrene Pyr1-Pyr3 entsprechend der Anzahl ihrer Substituenten bei Reduktion Mono-, Bi- beziehungsweise Tetraradikale bilden. Die strukturelle {\"A}hnlichkeit der Molek{\"u}le {\"a}ußert sich in gleichen Reduktionspotentialen wie auch {\"a}hnlichen potentialabh{\"a}ngigen Absorptionsspektren. W{\"a}hrend nur marginale Unterschiede in den PL-Spektren der neutralen und reduzierten Spezies festgestellt werden konnte, lieferte das zeitkorrelierte Einzelphotonenz{\"a}hlen aufschlussreichere Ergebnisse: So wird die Fluoreszenzlebensdauer stark von der Polarit{\"a}t der Umgegbung beeinflusst - bereits die Zugabe des Leitsalzes f{\"u}hrt hier zu {\"A}nderungen. Die durchschnittliche Fluoreszenzlebensdauer \$\tau_{\mathrm{av}}\$ sinkt außerdem mit Reduktion und Radikalbildung; f{\"u}r h{\"o}here Emissionswellenl{\"a}ngen ist \$\tau_{\mathrm{av}}\$ außerdem h{\"o}her. Insgesamt verdeutlichten die Experimente die gute Abschirmung zwischen Pyrenkern und Naphthalimidsubstituenten der Molek{\"u}le sowie die Sensibilit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber dem Medium durch TICT, das Vorhandensein von Bi- und Tetraradikalen kann allerdings nicht vollst{\"a}ndig belegt werden, wof{\"u}r EPR-Messugen notwendig w{\"a}ren.}, subject = {Dotierung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bold2022, author = {Bold, Kevin}, title = {Macrocyclic Oligothiophene Bridged Perylene Bisimide Donor-Acceptor Dyads}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27192}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-271926}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {A series of donor-acceptor macrocyclic architectures comprising oligothiophene strands that connect the imide positions of a perylene bisimide have been synthesized via a platinum-mediated cross-coupling strategy. The target structures were characterized by steady-state UV/Vis absorption, fluorescence and transient absorption spectroscopy, as well as cyclic and differential pulse voltammetry. Crystal structure analysis of the macrocycles revealed insights into the bridge arrangements. The properties of the macrocyclic bridges were compared to linear oligothiophene reference compounds which itself exhibited an unusual electrochemical effect.}, subject = {Perylenbisdicarboximide}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Noll2023, author = {Noll, Niklas}, title = {Second Coordination Sphere Engineering in Macrocyclic Ruthenium Water Oxidation Catalysts}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30533}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-305332}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {About 2.4 billion years ago, nature has fundamentally revolutionized life on earth by inventing the multi-subunit protein complex photosystem II, the only molecular machine in nature that catalyzes the thermodynamically demanding photosynthetic splitting of water into oxygen and reducing equivalents. Nature chose a distorted Mn4CaO5 cluster as catalyst, better known as oxygen-evolving complex (OEC), thus recognizing the need for transition metals to achieve high-performance catalysts. The curiosity has always driven mankind to mimic nature's achievements, but the performance of natural enzymes such as the oxygen-evolving complex in photosystem II remain commonly unmatched. An important role in fine-tuning and regulating the activity of natural enzymes is attributed to the surrounding protein domain, which facilitates substrate preorganization within well-defined nanoenvironments. In light of growing energy demands and the depletion of fossil fuels, the unparalleled efficiency of natural photosynthesis inspires chemists to artificially mimic its natural counterpart to generate hydrogen as a 'solar fuel' through the light-driven splitting of water. As a result, significant efforts have been devoted in recent decades to develop molecular water oxidation catalysts based on earth-abundant transition metals and the discovery of the Ru(bda) (bda: 2,2' bipyridine-6,6'-dicarboxylate) catalyst family enabled activities comparable to the natural OEC. Similar to the natural archetypes, the design of homogeneous catalysts that interplay judiciously with the second coordination sphere of the outer ligand framework proved to be a promising concept for catalyst design. In this present thesis, novel supramolecular design approaches for enzyme like activation of substrate water molecules for the challenging oxidative water splitting reaction were established via tailor-made engineering of the secondary ligand environment of macrocyclic Ru(bda) catalysts.}, subject = {Katalyse}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mahlmeister2023, author = {Mahlmeister, Bernhard}, title = {Twisted Rylene Bisimides for Organic Solar Cells and Strong Chiroptical Response in the Near Infrared}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34610}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-346106}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The chirality of the interlocked bay-arylated perylene motif is investigated upon its material prospect and the enhancement of its chiroptical response to the NIR spectral region. A considerable molecular library of inherently chiral perylene bisimides (PBIs) was utilized as acceptors in organic solar cells to provide decent device performances and insights into the structure-property relationship of PBI materials within a polymer blend. For the first time in the family of core-twisted PBIs, the effects of enantiopurity on the device performance was thoroughly investigated. The extraordinary structural sensitivity of CD spectroscopy served as crucial analytical tool to bridge the highly challenging gap between molecular properties and device analytics by proving the excitonic chirality of a helical PBI dimer. The chirality of this perylene motif could be further enhanced on a molecular level by both the expansion and the enhanced twisting of the π-scaffold to achieve a desirable strong chiroptical NIR response introducing a new family of twisted QBI-based nanoribbons. These achievements could be substantially further developed by expanding this molecular concept to a supramolecular level. The geometrically demanding supramolecular arrangement necessary for the efficient excitonic coupling was carefully encoded into the molecular design. Accordingly, the QBIs could form the first J-type aggregate constituting a fourfold-stranded superhelix of a rylene bisimide with strong excitonic chirality. Therefore, this thesis has highlighted the mutual corroboration of experimental and theoretical data from the molecular to the supramolecular level. It has demonstrated that for rylene bisimide dyes, the excitonic contribution to the overall chiroptical response can be designed and rationalized. This can help to pave the way for new organic functional materials to be used for chiral sensing or chiral organic light-emitting devices.}, subject = {Molek{\"u}l}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{WagenhaeusergebVonhausen2024, author = {Wagenh{\"a}user [geb. Vonhausen], Yvonne}, title = {Thermodynamic Investigations on the Dimerization and Anti-Cooperative Self-Assembly of Dipolar Merocyanines}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35211}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-352111}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Dipolar merocyanines are very attractive supramolecular building blocks, as they combine interesting functional properties with strong, directional intermolecular interactions. The pyridine dioxocyano-pyridine (PYOP) chromophore (Chapter 2.2), used in this thesis, stands out because of its exceptionally high ground state dipole moment (g ~ 17 D), in combination with the option to retain good solubility also in unpolar solvents, by decoration with solubilizing groups. The reliable binding motif of anti-parallel -stacking due to dipole-dipole interactions has allowed the design of molecular building blocks that form assemblies of predictable geometry. The intense unstructured charge transfer UV/Vis absorption band (eg ~ 10.7 D) is a result of the dominant contribution of the zwitterionic resonance structure which brings the PYOP chromophore just beyond the cyanine limit in solvents of low polarity (c2 = 0.60, 1,4 dioxane). The high sensitivity of the S0 - S1 UV/Vis absorption band to the environment manifests itself in a pronounced negative solvatochromism and strong H-type exciton coupling within -stacked PYOP assemblies. In accordance with the classical molecular exciton theory, an increasing hypsochromic shift of the dominant absorption band of these H aggregates can be observed as the stack size increases up to about six chromophores, where it levels out at about max ~ 440 nm (CHCl3). This allows a uniquely simple estimation of the number of interacting chromophores within the self-assembled structure from a single UV/Vis absorption spectrum of an aggregate. The defined and well investigated PYOP dimer formation was employed in this thesis to probe the applicability and limitations of concentration-, temperature-, and solvent-dependent self-assembly studies (Chapter 3). Straightforward theoretical models to evaluate datasets of concentration-, temperature-, and solvent-dependent UV/Vis absorption by nonlinear regression analysis were derived for the case of dimer formation (Chapter 2.1). Although the dimer model is well known and widely applied in literature, this detailed derivation is helpful to understand assumptions and potential problems of the different approaches for the determination of thermodynamic parameters. This helps to decide on the most appropriate method to analyse a system of interest. In this regard it should be noted that covering a large portion of the self-assembly process with the experimental data is a prerequisite for the accuracy of the analysis. Additionally, many of the insights can also be transferred to other self-assembly systems like supramolecular polymerization or host-guest interactions. The concentration-dependent analysis is the most straightforward method to investigate self-assembly equilibria. No additional assumptions, besides mass balance and mass action law, are required. Since it includes the least number of parameters (only K, if M/D are known), it is the most, or even only, reliable method, to elucidate the self-assembly mechanism of an unknown system by model comparison. To cover a large concentration range, however, the compound must be soluble enough and generally sample amounts at least in the low mg scale must be available. The temperature-dependent analysis has the advantage that all thermodynamic parameters G0, H0 and S0 can be obtained from a single sample in one automated measurement. However, the accessible temperature-range is experimentally often quite limited and dependent on the solvent. For systems which do not show the transition from monomer to aggregate in a narrow temperature range, as given for, e.g., cooperative aggregation or processes with a high entropy contribution, often not the entire self-assembly process can be monitored. Furthermore, the assumptions of temperature-independent extinction coefficients of the individual species as well as temperature-independent H0 and S0 must be met. Monte Carlo simulations of data sets demonstrated that even minor changes in experimental data can significantly impact the optimized values for H0 and S0. This is due to the redundancy of these two parameters within the model framework and even small thermochromic effects can significantly influence the results. The G0 value, calculated from H0 and S0, is, however, still rather reliable. Solvent-dependent studies can often cover the entire self-assembly process from monomeric (agg = 0) to the fully aggregated state (agg = 1). However, for dyes with strong solvatochromic effects, such as the dipolar merocyanines investigated in this thesis, the results are affected. Also, the assumption of a linear relation of the binding energy G0 and the fraction of denaturating solvent f, which is based on linear free energy relationships between G0 and the solvent polarity, can lead to errors. Especially when specific solvent effects are involved. For the evaluation of experimental data by nonlinear regression, general data analysis software can be used, where user-defined fit models and known parameters can be implemented as desired. Alternatively, multiple specialized programs for analysing self-assembly data are available online. While the latter programs are usually more user-friendly, they have the disadvantage of being a "black box" where only pre-implemented models can be used without the option for the user to adapt models or parameters for a specific system. In Chapter 3 comprehensive UV/Vis absorption datasets are presented for the dimerization of merocyanine derivative 1 in 1,4-dioxane, which allowed for the first time a direct comparison of the results derived from concentration-, temperature-, and solvent-dependent self-assembly studies. The results for the binding constant K and corresponding G0 from the concentration- and temperature-dependent analysis were in very good agreement, also in comparison to the results from ITC. For the temperature-dependent analysis, though, multiple datasets of samples with different concentration had to be evaluated simultaneously to cover a meaningful part of the self-assembly process. Furthermore, a significant dependence of the optimized parameters H0 and S0 on the wavelength chosen for the analysis was observed. This can be rationalized by the small thermochromic shifts of both the monomer and the dimer UV/Vis absorption band. The results from the solvent-dependent evaluation showed the largest deviation, as expected for the highly solvatochromic merocyanine dye. However, even here by evaluation at 491 and 549 nm the deviation for G0 was only 2.5 kJ mol1 (9\%) with respect to the results from the concentration-dependent analysis (G0 = 29.1 kJ mol1). Thus, despite the strong solvatochromism of the dipolar chromophore, it can still be considered a reliable method for estimating the binding strength. Furthermore, multiple repetitions of the concentration-, temperature-, and solvent-dependent studies provided insight into the reproducibility of the results and possible sources of experimental errors. In all cases, the deviations of the results were small (G0 < 0.4 kJ mol1) and within the same range as the fit error from the nonlinear regression analysis. The insights from these studies were an important basis for the in-depth investigation of a more complex supramolecular system in Chapter 4, as a single method is often not enough to capture the full picture of a more complicated self-assembly process. To elucidate the anti-cooperative self-assembly of the chiral merocyanine 2, a combination of multiple techniques had to be applied. Solvent-dependent UV/Vis absorption studies in CH2Cl2/MCH mixtures showed the step-wise assembly of the merocyanine monomer (max(M) = 549 nm, CH2Cl2) to first a dimer (max(D) = 498 nm, CH2Cl2/MCH 15:85) by dipole-dipole interactions, and then a -stacked higher aggregate (max(H) = 477 nm, MCH), with pronounced H-type coupling. The thermodynamic evaluation of this data, however, suffered from the severe solvatochromism, especially of the monomeric species (max(M, CH2Cl2) = 549 nm, max(M, MCH) = 596 nm). Therefore, concentration-dependent studies were performed at three different temperatures (298, 323, 353 K) to elucidate the self-assembly mechanism and determine reliable thermodynamic parameters. The studies at elevated temperatures were hereby necessary, to obtain experimental data over a larger agg--range. Due to the pronounced difference in the thermodynamic driving force for dimerization and higher aggregate formation (KD/K5 = 6500) a concentration range exists in MCH where almost exclusively the dimer species of 2 is present, before further self-assembly by dispersion interactions occurs. Therefore, the data could be evaluated independently for the two self-assembly steps. The self-assembly of dimers into the higher aggregate could not be described by the isodesmic model but was fitted satisfactorily to a pentamer model. This rather small size of about ten -stacked PYOP chromophores was, furthermore, consistently indicated by AFM, VPO and DOSY NMR measurements. Based on 1D and 2D NMR data as well as the strong bisignate CD signal of the higher aggregate in combination with TD-DFT calculations, a P-helical stack is proposed as its structure. The small size can be rationalized by the anti-cooperative self-assembly mechanism and the sterical demand of the solubilizing trialkoxyphenyl and the chiral tetralin substituents. Additionally, the aliphatic shell formed by the solubilizing chains around the polar chromophore stack, can account for the exceptionally high solubility of 2 in MCH (> 15 mg mL1). These combined studies of the self-assembly process enabled the identification of suitable conditions for the investigation of fluorescence properties of the individual aggregate species. Aggregation-induced emission enhancement was observed for the almost non-emissive monomer (Fl(M) = 0.23\%), which can be rationalized by the increasing rigidification within the dimer (Fl(D) = 2.3\%) and the higher aggregate (Fl(H) = 4.5\%). The helical chirality of the PYOP decamer stack, furthermore, gave rise to a strong CPL signal with a large glum value of 0.011. The important conclusion of this thesis is that the temperature- and solvent-dependent analyses are valid alternatives to the classical concentration-dependent analysis to determine thermodynamic parameters of self-assembly equilibria. Although, for a specific supramolecular system, one approach might be favourable over the others for a variety of reasons. The experimental limitations often demand a combination of techniques to fully elucidate a self-assembly process and to gain insights in the aggregate structure. The anti-cooperative merocyanine self-assembly, which was described here for the first time for the PYOP merocyanine 2, is no exception. Besides the interest in the merocyanine assemblies from a structural and functional point of view, the insights gained from the presented studies can also be transferred to other self-assembly systems and be a guide to find the most appropriate analysis technique.}, subject = {Merocyanine}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Menekşe2023, author = {Menek{\c{s}}e, Kaan}, title = {Fabrication of Organic Solar Cells, Screening of Non-Fullerene Acceptors and the Investigation of their Intermolecular Interactions}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29112}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-291124}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In this thesis, intermolecular acceptor-acceptor interactions in organic solar cells based on new non-fullerene acceptors are addressed. For this purpose, first the reproducibility of organic electronic devices was tested on a new facility for their fabrication. This was followed by the screening for new acceptor materials. Based on this, three molecular systems were investigated with regard to their acceptor-acceptor interactions and their influence on solar cell efficiency.}, subject = {Organische Solarzelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{HechtgebWagener2019, author = {Hecht [geb. Wagener], Reinhard Johannes}, title = {Processing and Characterization of Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells Based on New Organic n-Type Semiconductors}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16138}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161385}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {This thesis established the fabrication of organic solar cells of DA dye donors and fullerene acceptors under ambient conditions in our laboratory, however, with reduced power conversion efficiencies compared to inert conditions. It was shown that moisture had the strongest impact on the stability and reproducibility of the solar cells. Therefore, utilization of robust materials, inverted device architectures and fast fabrication/characterization are recommended if processing takes place in air. Furthermore, the dyad concept was successfully explored in merocyanine dye-fullerene dyads and power conversion efficiencies of up to 1.14 \% and 1.59 \% were measured under ambient and inert conditions, respectively. It was determined that the major drawback in comparison to comparable BHJ devices was the inability of the dyad molecules to undergo phase separation. Finally, two series of small molecules were designed in order to obtain electron transport materials, using the acceptor-core-acceptor motive. By variation of the acceptor units especially the LUMO levels could be lowered effectively. Investigation of the compounds in organic thin film transistors helped to identify promising molecules with electron transport properties. Electron transport mobilities of up to 7.3 × 10-2 cm2 V-1 s-1 (ADA2b) and 1.39 × 10-2 cm2 V-1 s-1 (AπA1b) were measured in air for the ADA and AπA dyes, respectively. Investigation of selected molecules in organic solar cells proved that these molecules work as active layer components, even though power conversion efficiencies cannot compete with fullerene based devices yet. Thus, this thesis shows new possibilities that might help to develop and design small molecules as substitutes for fullerene acceptors.}, subject = {Heterosolarzelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kaufmann2019, author = {Kaufmann, Christina}, title = {Discrete Supramolecular Architectures of Bay-linked Perylene Bisimide Dimers by Self-Assembly and Folding}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17300}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-173005}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Supramolecular self-assembly of perylene bisimide (PBI) dyes via non-covalent forces gives rise to a high number of different PBI architectures with unique optical and functional properties. As these properties can be drastically influenced by only slightly structural changes of the formed supramolecular ensembles (Chapter 2.1) the controlled self-assembly of PBI dyes became a central point of current research to design innovative materials with a high potential for different applications as for example in the fields of organic electronics or photovoltaics. As PBI dyes show a strong tendency to form infinite aggregated structures (Chapter 2.2) the aim of this thesis was to precisely control their self-assembly to create small, structurally well-defined PBI assemblies in solution. Chapter 2.3 provides an overview on literature known strategies that were established to realize this aim. It could be demonstrated that especially backbone-directed intra- and intermolecular self-assembly of covalently linked Bis-PBI dyes evolved as one of the most used strategies to define the number of stacked PBI chromophores by using careful designed spacer units with regard to their length and flexibility. By using conventional spectroscopic methods like UV/Vis and fluorescence experiments in combination with NMR measurements an in-depth comparison of the molecular and optical properties in solution both in the non-stacked and aggregated state of the target compounds could be elucidated to reveal structure-property relationships of different PBI architectures. Thus, it could be demonstrated, that spacer units that pre-organize two PBI chromophores with an inter-planar distance of r < 7 {\AA} lead to an intramolecular folding, whereas linker moieties with a length between 7 to 11 {\AA} result in an intermolecular self-assembly of the respective Bis-PBIs dyes via dimerization to form well-defined quadruple PBI pi-stacks. Hence, if the used spacer units ensure an inter-planar distance r > 14 {\AA} larger oligomeric PBI pi-stacks are generated. In Chapter 4 a detailed analysis of the exciton coupling in a highly defined H-aggregate quadruple PBI pi-stack is presented. Therefore, bay-tethered PBI dye Bis-PBI 1 was investigated by concentration-dependent UV/Vis spectroscopy in THF and toluene as well as by 2D-DOSY-NMR spectroscopy, ESI mass spectrometry and AFM measurements confirming that Bis-PBI 1 self-assembles exclusively into dimers with four closely pi-stacked PBI chromophores. Furthermore, with the aid of broadband fluorescence upconversion spectroscopy (FLUPS) ensuring broadband detection range and ultrafast time resolution at once, ultrafast Frenkel exciton relaxation and excimer formation dynamics in the PBI quadruple pi-stack within 1 ps was successfully investigated in cooperation with the group of Dongho Kim. Thus, it was possible to gain for the first time insights into the exciton dynamics within a highly defined synthetic dye aggregate beyond dimers. By analysing the vibronic line shape in the early-time transient fluorescence spectra in detail, it could be demonstrated that the Frenkel exciton is entirely delocalized along the quadruple stack after photoexcitation and immediately loses its coherence followed by the formation of the excimer state. In Chapter 5 four well-defined Bis-PBI folda-dimers Bis-PBIs 2-4 were introduced, where linker units of different length (r < 7 {\AA}) and steric demand were used to gain distinct PBI dye assemblies in the folded state. Structural elucidation based on in-depth UV/Vis, CD and fluorescence experiments in combination with 1D and 2D NMR studies reveals a stacking of the two PBI chromophores upon folding, where geometry-optimized structures obtained from DFT calculations suggest only slightly different arrangements of the PBI units enforced by the distinct spacer moieties. With the resulting optical signatures of Bis-PBIs 2-4 ranging from conventional Hj-type to monomer like absorption features, the first experimental proof of a PBI-based "null-aggregate" could be presented, in which long- and short-range exciton coupling fully compensate each other. Hence, the insights of this chapter pinpoint the importance of charge-transfer mediated short-range exciton coupling that can significantly influence the properties of pi-stacked PBI chromophores In the last part of this thesis (Chapter 6), spacer-controlled self-assembly of four bay-linked Bis-PBI dyes Bis-PBIs 5-8 into well-defined supramolecular architectures was investigated, where the final aggregate structures are substantially defined by the nature of the used spacer units. By systematically extending the backbone length from 7 to 15 {\AA} defining the inter-planar distance between the tethered chromophores, different assemblies from defined quadruple PBI pi-stacks to larger oligomeric pi-stacks could be gained upon aggregation. In conclusion, the synthesis of nine covalently linked PBI dyes in combination with a detailed investigation of their spacer-mediated self-assembly behaviour in solution concerning structure-properties-relationships was presented within this thesis. The results confirm a strong exciton coupling in different types of Bis-PBI architectures e.g. folda-dimers or highly defined quadruple pi-stacks, which significantly influences their optical properties upon self-assembly.}, subject = {Supramolekulare Chemie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dhara2017, author = {Dhara, Ayan}, title = {Stimuli-Responsive Self-Assembly and Spatial Functionalization of Organic Cages Based on Tribenzotriquinacenes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-154762}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Within this thesis, synthetic strategies for self-assembled organic cage compounds have been developed that allow for both stimuli-responsive control over assembly/disassembly processes and spatial control over functionalization. To purposefully operate the reversible assembly of organic cages, boron-nitrogen dative bonds have been exploited for the formation of a well-defined, discrete bipyramidal organic assembly in solution. Thermodynamic association equilibria for cage formation have been investigated by Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC). Temperature-dependent NMR studies revealed a reversible cage opening upon heating and quantitative reassembly upon cooling. For the spatial functionalization of organic cages, two divergent molecular building units have been designed and synthesized, namely tribenzotriquinacene derivatives possessing a terminal alkyne moiety at the apical position and a meta-diboronic acid having a pyridyl group at the 2-position. Facile access to a variety of apically functionalized tribenzotriquinacenes has been illustrated by post-synthetic modifications at the terminal alkyne group by Sonogashira cross-coupling and azide-alkyne click reactions. Finally, these apically functionalized tribenzotriquinacene building blocks have been implemented into boronate ester-based organic cage compounds showing modular exohedral functionalities.}, subject = {Selbstorganisation}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{HerbstgebHoehne2019, author = {Herbst [geb. H{\"o}hne], Stefanie}, title = {Liquid Crystalline Perylene Bisimide Assemblies}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16485}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-164857}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Thus, the main focus of this thesis was to generate and investigate new one-dimensional LC PBI J-aggregates of an entirely new PBI organization with the transition dipole moments of the chromophores arranged parallel to the columnar axis and in slipped pi-pi stacking fashion to form highly fluorescent J-aggregates. Towards this goal, the tetra-bay substituted PBI 4c bearing free NH functional groups at the imide positions and four dendrons with branched ethylhexyl alkoxy chains at the meta-position of the phenoxy spacer (Figure 8.1a) was synthesized and compared to a literature known reference PBI 1. The mesogenic dendrons ensure LC character of the dye, which was confirmed by POM, DSC and extensive X-ray analysis. Furthermore, the sterically demanding bay-substituents prevent the cofacial assembly of the chromophores and force the dyes into a slipped pi-stacked order with the main transition dipole moments of the dyes oriented parallel to the columnar axis. X-ray analysis revealed that PBI 4c assembles into columnar triple-stranded helices consisting of side-to-side stacked molecules, which organize into a Colh phase (Figure 8.1b). FT-IR experiments of a thin film and aggregates in MCH solution confirmed the formation of H-bonds between the imide moieties. Temperature-dependent investigations furthermore proved a reversible formation of H-bonds and polarized FT-IR experiments finally gave evidence for the direction of the H-bonds along the shearing respective the columnar axis (Figure 8.1c). This was additionally verified by polarized UV-Vis absorption studies of aligned thin films. The changes in the UV-Vis absorption spectra of concentration- and temperature-dependent experiments in MCH are in agreement with the formation of J-aggregates and could be fitted to a nucleation-elongation growth mechanism. Remarkably, fluorescence spectroscopy studies revealed highly emissive aggregates in solution. These various spectroscopic techniques proved the utilization of directional noncovalent forces like hydrogen-bonding and pi-pi interactions in a cooperative manner forcing the PBI molecules in an unprecedented organization of a slipped pi-stacked arrangement with the orientation of the molecular axis and the respective transition dipole moments parallel to the columns of the LC phase. By the group of Dietrich the formation of exciton-polaritons in imprinted LC pillar microcavities as consequent use of the LC 4c was reported for the first time.In the second part of this thesis the hierarchical organization of LC PBIs into defined single-, double-, triple- and quadruple-stranded J-aggregates within crystalline and columnar LC phases, partially arranged in helical supramolecular structures in dependence of the molecular design was demonstrated. This was achieved via the preparation of a library of twelve molecules PBI 3-6(a-c) (Figure 8.2a) that was synthesized by varying the substitution position of the dendrons at the phenoxy-spacer from ortho to meta or para and by introducing an additional methyl group in ortho-position. Also the length and shape of the alkoxy chains was changed. Consequently, the impact of the sterical demand of the bay substituents concerning their phase properties, molecular arrangement and exciton coupling was investigated. POM, DSC and X-ray studies revealed the formation of only crystalline phase for the ortho-substituted PBIs 3a-c, whereas the other derivatives generated SC or LC phases. The main focus was the series with the n-C12-alkoxy chains. For the corresponding PBIs 4-6b columnar LC phases were confirmed. Retrostructural analysis by modelling and simulations gave indications for a single stranded organization for PBI 3b, a double-stranded helix for PBI 6b, a triple-stranded helical arrangement for PBI 5b and a quadruple-stranded helix for PBI 4b (Figure 8.2b-d). For all four derivatives the same molecular orientation within the columns as for PBI 4c was proven by polarized FT-IR and UV-Vis absorption studies in aligned thin films. The organization in helices of different number of strands in the Cr and LC phases of PBI 3b, 4b, 5b and 6b offered a unique possibility to elucidate the influence of particular packing arrangements on dye aggregate interactions with light. In particular, it can be investigated how exciton coupling of the dyes' transition dipole moments and fluorescence properties are affected. In this context, the spectroscopic properties were investigated in thin film, which revealed a strong bathochromic shift of the absorption maxima compared to the monomers in solution in dependence on the number of strands for PBIs 4-6b in contrast to PBI 3b (Figure 8.2e). The same tendency was observed for the respective aggregates in MCH solution. The spectral changes obtained during concentration- and temperature-dependent UV-Vis absorption studies verified the formation of J-aggregates in MCH solution and solid state. The respective aggregates are highly likely formed via a nucleation-elongation growth mechanism. Appliance of Kasha's exciton theory on the supramolecular aggregates revealed different contributions of H- and J-type coupling for the oligo-stranded helices. Under these considerations, it delivered an explanation for the absorption and fluorescence properties of the assemblies and declares the "best" J-aggregate for the double stranded arrangement of PBI 6b with purely negative couplings among neighbour molecules and a quantum yield above 74 \% of the aggregates in MCH solution. With this H-bonded PBI-based library approach of twelve derivatives it could be shown how molecular engineering of perylene bisimide dyes can be used to design defined, complex supramolecular assemblies with unprecedented packing patterns and concomitant intriguing spectroscopic properties. So far, the formation of defined liquid crystalline supramolecular structures of tetra-bay substituted PBIs by double H-bonding between free imide moieties and pi-pi interactions between the chromophores was demonstrated. The impact of the H-bonds on the molecular arrangement was investigated in the next part of this thesis. In this regard, PBIs 7 and 8 bearing a methyl or cyclohexyl group at the imide position (Figure 8.3a) were synthesized and compared to PBI 4c. The soft character of the solid state for PBIs 7 and 8 was confirmed by POM, DSC and X-ray analysis. The X-ray studies further revealed for both PBIs a change of the molecular assembly towards helical columnar structures of conventional pi-stacked chromophores (Figure 8.3b) when the directed H-bonds cannot contribute as noncovalent interactions to the assembly formation. Temperature-dependent UV-Vis absorption studies demonstrated the importance of H-bonding in MCH solution in the way that the formation of J-aggregates as for PBI 4c could not be observed for the imide substituted molecules. In the next step, the spectroscopic properties in thin film were investigated. For PBI 7 a J-type band and fluorescence spectra with an enlarged Stokes shift and increased fluorescence lifetime of 11.4 ns, compared to PBI 4c, was obtained, suggesting the generation of excimer type emission by considering the assumed conventional stacking of rotational displaced molecules from X-ray analysis. With polarized UV-Vis absorption experiments the orientation of the molecules perpendicular to the shearing direction and subsequently to the columnar axis was confirmed. These diverse investigations clearly demonstrated the imperative of H-bonds for stable, defined, LC J-aggregates with the transition dipole moments parallel to the columnar axis. With PBIs 7 and 8 it is impressively shown how small changes in the molecular structure influence the molecular arrangement dependent on the cooperation of non-covalent interactions like H-bonding and pi-pi stacking. In the last part of this thesis the generation of two-dimensional LC arrangements is presented. Since tetra-bay substituted PBIs lead always to twisted cores preventing lamellar arrangement, here 1,7-disubstitution and the simultaneous retention of the free imide positions was chosen to generate LC lamellar phases of PBIs 9a, 9b and 10 (Figure 8.4a). This molecular design was expected to form planar perylene cores that can strongly interact by pi-pi stacking and H-bonding. POM, DSC and X-ray investigations of the compounds suggest lamellar LC phases for PBIs 9a and 9b and a soft phase for PBI 10. In this regard, the goal of the formation of LC lamellar phase of PBIs could be attained. The change from dendrons with n-C12-alkoxy chains to large fork-like mesogens like in 9b clearly changed the phase properties. PBI 9b exhibits the lowest clearing point, high phase stability, least viscosity, easy shearability at room temperature and phase transitions between lamellar and Colh phases dependent on temperature. The formation of H-bonds parallel to the layers was demonstrated by polarized FT-IR experiments for all three PBIs. Concentration-dependent UV-Vis absorption studies revealed the formation of a J-type aggregate, which seems to exhibit an overall two-dimensional structure. With STM investigations the formation of lamellar structures from drop-casted 9a and 10 solutions in 1-phenyloctane on HOPG surface could be observed. Figure 8.4b illustrates a schematic possible arrangement of the molecules in the layers (here exemplarily demonstrated for PBI 9a), which has to be further confirmed by modelling and simulations. Unfortunately, fluorescence investigations of the thin films revealed non- or only slightly emissive LC states, which make them negligible for photonic applications. Nevertheless, the synthesized and analyzed compounds might be an inspiration for further investigations on the path to two-dimensional exciton transport for photonic devices.}, subject = {Fl{\"u}ssigkristall}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sapotta2021, author = {Sapotta, Meike}, title = {Perylene Bisimide Cyclophanes: Recognition of Alkaloids, Aggregation Behavior in Aqueous Environment and Guest-Mediated Chirality Transfer}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20002}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-200028}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Inspired by the fact that sufficient solubility in aqueous media can be achieved by functional substitution of perylene bisimides (PBIs) with polar groups, one of the essential aims of this thesis was the design and successful synthesis of the new water-soluble PBI cyclophanes [2PBI]-1m and [2PBI]-1p, which are appended with branched, hydrophilic oligoethylene glycol (OEG) chains. Subsequently, the focus was set on the elucidation of properties of PBI cyclophane hosts which are also of relevance for recognition processes in biological systems. The performance of the new amphiphilic PBI cyclophane [2PBI]-1p as synthetic receptors for various natural aromatic alkaloids in aqueous media was thoroughly investigated. Alkaloids represent a prominent class of ubiquitous nitrogen containing natural compounds with a great structural variety and diverse biological activity. As of yet, no chromophore host acting as a molecular probe for a range of alkaloids such as harmine or harmaline is known. In addition, the self-association behavior of cyclophane host [2PBI]-1m and its reference monomer in water was studied in order to gain insights into the thermodynamic driving forces affecting the self-assembly process of these two PBI systems in aqueous environment. Moreover, the chirality transfer upon guest binding previously observed for a PBI cyclophane was investigated further. The assignment of the underlying mechanism of guest recognition to either the induced fit or conformational selection model was of particular interest.}, subject = {Supramolekulare Chemie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weh2024, author = {Weh, Manuel}, title = {Chiral Perylene Bisimide Cyclophanes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31529}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-315296}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {This work illustrates how the targeted tailoring of supramolecular cavities can not only accomplish high binding due to optimized stereoelectronic shape matches between host and guest but also how molecular engineering of the binding site by a refined substitution periphery of the cavity makes enantiospecific guest recognition and host mediated chirality transfer feasible. Moreover, an enzyme mimic, following the Pauling-Jencks model of enzyme catalysis was realized by the smart design of a PBI host composed of moderately twisted chromophores, which drives the substrate inversion according to the concepts of transition state stabilization and ground state destabilization. The results of this thesis contribute to a better understanding of structure-specific interactions in host-guest complexes as well as the corresponding thermodynamic and kinetic properties and represent an appealing blueprint for the design of new artificial complex structures of high stereoelectronic shape complementarity in order to achieve the goal of sophisticated supramolecular receptors and enzyme mimicry.}, language = {en} }