@phdthesis{Pieger2017, author = {Pieger, Elisabeth}, title = {Metacognition and Disfluency - The Effects of Disfluency on Monitoring and Performance}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-155362}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {In this thesis, metacognition research is connected with fluency research. Thereby, the focus lies on how disfluency can be used to improve metacognitive monitoring (i.e., students` judgments during the learning process). Improving metacognitive monitoring is important in educational contexts in order to foster performance. Theories about metacognition and self-regulated learning suppose that monitoring affects control and performance. Accurate monitoring is necessary to initiate adequate control and better performance. However, previous research shows that students are often not able to accurately monitor their learning with meaningful text material. Inaccurate monitoring can result in inadequate control and low performance. One reason for inaccurate monitoring is that students use cues for their judgments that are not valid predictors of their performance. Because fluency might be such a cue, the first aim of this thesis is to investigate under which conditions fluency is used as a cue for judgments during the learning process. A fluent text is easy to process and, hence, it should be judged as easy to learn and as easy to remember. Inversely, a disfluent text is difficult to process, for example because of a disfluent font type (e.g., Mistral) or because of deleted letters (e.g., l_tt_rs). Hence, a disfluent text should be judged as difficult to learn and as difficult to remember. This assumption is confirmed when students learn with both fluent and disfluent material. When fluency is manipulated between persons, fluency seems to be less obvious as a cue for judgments. However, there are only a few studies that investigated the effects of fluency on judgments when fluency is manipulated between persons. Results from Experiment 1 (using deleted letters for disfluent text) and from Experiment 4 (using Mistral for disfluent text) in this thesis support the assumption that fluency is used as a cue for judgments in between-person designs. Thereby, however, the interplay with the type of judgment and the learning stage seems to matter. Another condition when fluency affects judgments was investigated in Experiment 2 and 3. The aim of these experiments was to investigate if disfluency leads to analytic monitoring and if analytic monitoring sustains for succeeding fluent material. If disfluency activates analytic monitoring that remains for succeeding fluent material, fluency should no longer be used as a cue for judgments. Results widely support this assumption for deleted letters (Experiment 2) as well as for the font type Mistral (Experiment 3). Thereby, again the interplay between the type of judgment and the learning stage matters. Besides the investigation of conditions when fluency is used as a cue for different types of judgments during the learning process, another aim of this thesis is to investigate if disfluency leads to accurate monitoring. Results from Experiment 3 and 4 support the assumption that Mistral can reduce overconfidence. This is the case when fluency is manipulated between persons or when students first learn with a fluent and then with a disfluent text. Dependent from the type of judgment and the learning stage, disfluency can lead even to underconfidence or to improved relative monitoring accuracy (Experiment 4). Improving monitoring accuracy is only useful when monitoring is implemented into better control and better performance. The effect of monitoring accuracy on control and performance was in the focus of Experiment 4. Results show that accurate monitoring does not result in improved control and performance. Thus, further research is required to develop interventions that do not only improve monitoring accuracy but that also help students to implement accurate monitoring into better control and performance. Summing up, the aim of this thesis is to investigate under which conditions fluency is used as a cue for judgments during the learning process, how disfluency can be used to improve monitoring accuracy, and if improved monitoring accuracy leads to improved performance. By connecting metacognition research and fluency research, further theories about metacognition and theories about fluency are specified. Results show that not only the type of fluency and the design, but also the type of judgment, the type of monitoring accuracy, and the learning stage should be taken into account. Understanding conditions that affect the interplay between metacognitive processes and performance as well as understanding the underlying mechanisms is necessary to enable systematic research and to apply findings into educational settings.}, subject = {Metakognition}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wannagat2018, author = {Wannagat, Wienke Charlotte}, title = {Cognitive Processes of Discourse Comprehension in Children and Adults - Comparisons between Written, Auditory, and Audiovisual Modes of Presentation -}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-162515}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In drei Studien wurde untersucht, wie sich unterschiedliche Darbietungsformate (schriftlich, auditiv, audiovisuell (auditiv + Bilder) auf das Verst{\"a}ndnis semantisch identischer Inhalte auswirken. Dabei interessierte insbesondere der Entwicklungsverlauf von der ersten Klasse bis zum Erwachsenenalter. Dass sich Bilder f{\"o}rderlich auf die Verst{\"a}ndnisleistung auswirken k{\"o}nnen, gilt als gut untersucht (z.B. Carney \& Levin, 2002). Anders als viele bisherige Studien erfassen wir Textverstehen mit impliziten Maßen, die differenziertere R{\"u}ckschl{\"u}sse auf die, g{\"a}ngigen Theorien zufolge, zugrundeliegenden Prozesse zulassen: Textverstehen geht mit der Konstruktion von drei Ebenen mentaler Repr{\"a}sentationen einher (vgl. Kintsch, 1998). Weiterhin bedeutet erfolgreiches Textverstehen, eine auf lokaler und globaler Ebene koh{\"a}rente mentale Repr{\"a}sentation zu konstruieren (z.B. Schnotz \& Dutke, 2004). Mit einem Satz-Rekognitionstest (vgl. Schmalhofer \& Glavanov, 1986) untersuchten wir, ob sich das Ged{\"a}chtnis f{\"u}r die Textoberfl{\"a}che, die Textbasis und das Situationsmodell bei 103 8- und 10-J{\"a}hrigen zwischen schriftlicher, auditiver und audiovisueller (Studie 1) und bei 106 7-, 9- und 11-J{\"a}hrigen zwischen auditiver und audiovisueller Darbietung narrativer Texte (Studie 2) unterscheidet. Weiterhin (Studie 3) untersuchten wir mit 155 9- und 11-J{\"a}hrigen, inwieweit sich die F{\"a}higkeit der Inferenzbildung zur Herstellung lokaler und globaler Koh{\"a}renz zwischen schriftlicher, auditiver und audiovisueller Darbietung unterscheidet. Als Indikator dienten die Reaktionszeiten auf W{\"o}rter, die mit einem {\"u}ber (global)- oder untergeordneten (lokal) Protagonistenziel assoziiert sind. Insgesamt zeigte sich, dass Sch{\"u}ler bis zu einem Alter von 11 Jahren nicht nur die Textoberfl{\"a}che besser erinnern, sondern auch besser in der Lage sind ein Situationsmodell zu konstruieren, wenn einem Text Bilder beigef{\"u}gt sind. Dies zeigte sich sowohl im Vergleich mit auditiver als auch mit schriftlicher Darbietung. Bei Erwachsenen zeigte sich kein Effekt der Darbietungsform. Sowohl 9- als auch 11-J{\"a}hrigen gelingt außerdem die Herstellung globaler Koh{\"a}renz bei audiovisueller Darbietung besser als bei auditiver. Die schriftliche Darbietung zeigte sich im Vergleich zur auditiven sowohl im Hinblick auf lokale als auch auf globale Koh{\"a}renz {\"u}berlegen.}, subject = {Textverstehen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Huestegge2019, author = {Huestegge, Sujata Maya}, title = {Cognitive mechanisms of voice processing}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18608}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-186086}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The present thesis addresses cognitive processing of voice information. Based on general theoretical concepts regarding mental processes it will differentiate between modular, abstract information processing approaches to cognition and interactive, embodied ideas of mental processing. These general concepts will then be transferred to the context of processing voice-related information in the context of parallel face-related processing streams. One central issue here is whether and to what extent cognitive voice processing can occur independently, that is, encapsulated from the simultaneous processing of visual person-related information (and vice versa). In Study 1 (Huestegge \& Raettig, in press), participants are presented with audio-visual stimuli displaying faces uttering digits. Audiovisual gender congruency was manipulated: There were male and female faces, each uttering digits with either a male or female voice (all stimuli were AV- synchronized). Participants were asked to categorize the gender of either the face or the voice by pressing one of two keys in each trial. A central result was that audio-visual gender congruency affected performance: Incongruent stimuli were categorized slower and more error-prone, suggesting a strong cross-modal interaction of the underlying visual and auditory processing routes. Additionally, the effect of incongruent visual information on auditory classification was stronger than the effect of incongruent auditory information on visual categorization, suggesting visual dominance over auditory processing in the context of gender classification. A gender congruency effect was also present under high cognitive load. Study 2 (Huestegge, Raettig, \& Huestegge, in press) utilized the same (gender-congruent and -incongruent) stimuli, but different tasks for the participants, namely categorizing the spoken digits (into odd/even or smaller/larger than 5). This should effectively direct attention away from gender information, which was no longer task-relevant. Nevertheless, congruency effects were still observed in this study. This suggests a relatively automatic processing of cross-modal gender information, which eventually affects basic speech-based information processing. Study 3 (Huestegge, subm.) focused on the ability of participants to match unfamiliar voices to (either static or dynamic) faces. One result was that participants were indeed able to match voices to faces. Moreover, there was no evidence for any performance increase when dynamic (vs. mere static) faces had to be matched to concurrent voices. The results support the idea that common person-related source information affects both vocal and facial features, and implicit corresponding knowledge appears to be used by participants to successfully complete face-voice matching. Taken together, the three studies (Huestegge, subm.; Huestegge \& Raettig, in press; Huestegge et al., in press) provided information to further develop current theories of voice processing (in the context of face processing). On a general level, the results of all three studies are not in line with an abstract, modular view of cognition, but rather lend further support to interactive, embodied accounts of mental processing.}, subject = {Stimme}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Tibken2020, author = {Tibken, Catharina Maria}, title = {Die Entwicklung phonologischer Bewusstheit im Vorschulalter - Institutionelle Einfl{\"u}sse und wechselseitige Zusammenh{\"a}nge mit phonologischen, fr{\"u}hen schriftsprachlichen und sprachlichen Kompetenzen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20805}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-208056}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Phonologische Bewusstheit stellt die Kompetenz dar, Sprache in kleinere Einheiten wie einzelne Silben und Phoneme untergliedern zu k{\"o}nnen. Sie ist damit eine wichtige Vorl{\"a}uferfertigkeit f{\"u}r den Schriftspracherwerb. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Entwicklung der phonologischen Bewusstheit w{\"a}hrend des letzten Kindergartenjahres. Zum einen werden die faktorielle Struktur und die Messinvarianz der phonologischen Bewusstheit im Verlauf des letzten Kindergartenjahres analysiert. Als zweiter Aspekt werden die wechselseitigen Zusammenh{\"a}nge der phonologischen Bewusstheit mit weiteren phonologischen, fr{\"u}hen schriftsprachlichen und sprachlichen Kompetenzen im Vorschulalter untersucht. Der dritte Aspekt bezieht sich auf die institutionelle F{\"o}rderung phonologischer Bewusstheit bei Vorschulkindern im Kindergarten. Hier werden die Effekte einer expliziten F{\"o}rderung durch das Trainingsprogramm „H{\"o}ren, lauschen, lernen" (K{\"u}spert \& Schneider, 2018) und einer impliziten F{\"o}rderung im Kindergartenalltag sowie inzidentelle Einfl{\"u}sse durch Erwartungseffekte untersucht. Zur Untersuchung der Fragestellungen wurde ein l{\"a}ngsschnittliches Design mit zwei Messzeitpunkten zu Beginn und Ende des letzten Kindergartenjahres verwendet. Die Stichprobe umfasste 390 Vorschulkinder. F{\"u}r die statistischen Analysen wurden im Wesentlichen Strukturgleichungsmodelle verwendet. Die Ergebnisse zur Struktur der phonologischen Bewusstheit zeigten Schwierigkeiten bei der l{\"a}ngsschnittlichen Abbildung des Konstrukts im Vorschulalter. Da die Tests zur Erfassung der phonologischen Bewusstheit im weiteren Sinne (auf Reim- und Silbenebene) Deckeneffekte aufwiesen und sich im Vorschulalter insbesondere die phonologische Bewusstheit im engeren Sinne (auf Phonemebene) entwickelt, wurde das latente Konstrukt der phonologischen Bewusstheit im Weiteren ausschließlich durch Messverfahren zur Erfassung der phonologischen Bewusstheit im engeren Sinne modelliert. Zudem ließ sich lediglich schwache Messinvarianz etablieren, sodass die Befunde auf einen qualitativen Wandel des Konstrukts w{\"a}hrend des letzten Kindergartenjahres hindeuten. Die Befunde zu Zusammenh{\"a}ngen der phonologischen Bewusstheit mit weiteren phonologischen, fr{\"u}hen schriftsprachlichen und sprachlichen Kompetenzen ergaben komplexe wechselseitige Effekte. Die phonologische Bewusstheit sagte dabei die Entwicklung fr{\"u}her schriftsprachlicher Kompetenzen vorher, w{\"a}hrend sich die Entwicklung der phonologischen Bewusstheit selbst auch durch grammatikalische Kompetenzen erkl{\"a}ren ließ. Bei den Analysen zur F{\"o}rderung der phonologischen Bewusstheit im Vorschulalter war insbesondere die explizite F{\"o}rderung durch „H{\"o}ren, lauschen, lernen" (K{\"u}spert \& Schneider, 2018) effektiv. F{\"u}r die Effektivit{\"a}t des Programms waren zudem die Implementationsbedingungen im Kindergarten relevant. Hier erwies sich vor allem eine vorherige Schulung der Erzieher(innen) als positiv sowie auch eine Abweichung vom Manual in organisatorischer Hinsicht, sodass das Training nicht t{\"a}glich, sondern mehrmals pro Woche in gr{\"o}ßeren Abschnitten stattfand. Auf die implizite F{\"o}rderung der phonologischen Bewusstheit konnte lediglich indirekt {\"u}ber das Wissen der Erzieher(innen) {\"u}ber Sprach- und fr{\"u}he Schriftsprachf{\"o}rderung geschlossen werden. Das Wissen der Erzieher(innen) {\"u}ber die F{\"o}rderung phonologischer Bewusstheit war dabei nicht von Bedeutung f{\"u}r die Kompetenzentwicklung der Kinder. Stattdessen wirkte sich das Wissen {\"u}ber sprachliche F{\"o}rdermaßnahmen, insbesondere bez{\"u}glich Maßnahmen bei Aussprachst{\"o}rungen, g{\"u}nstig auf die Entwicklung der phonologischen Bewusstheit aus. Neben Effekten einer expliziten und impliziten F{\"o}rderung der phonologischen Bewusstheit waren auch inzidentelle Effekte aufgrund der Urteile der Erzieher(innen) {\"u}ber die Kompetenzen der Kinder nachweisbar. Auch hier wirkten sich die Einsch{\"a}tzungen der sprachlichen Kompetenzen in den Bereichen Aussprache, Wortschatz und Grammatik auf die Entwicklung der phonologischen Bewusstheit aus, w{\"a}hrend die Einsch{\"a}tzung der phonologischen Bewusstheit selbst durch die Erzieher(innen) die weitere Entwicklung nicht vorhersagen konnte. Insgesamt sprechen die Befunde f{\"u}r komplexe Zusammenh{\"a}nge der phonologischen Bewusstheit mit weiteren phonologischen, fr{\"u}hen schriftsprachlichen und sprachlichen Kompetenzen, die auch bei der Konzeption von F{\"o}rdermaßnahmen ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden sollten.}, subject = {Phonologische Bewusstheit}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{HartliebgebFaust2021, author = {Hartlieb [geb. Faust], Verena}, title = {Die Bedeutung der phonologischen Bewusstheit f{\"u}r die Entwicklung mathematischer Kompetenzen bei Kindern mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund : Ergebnisse einer L{\"a}ngsschnittstudie vom Beginn des Vorschuljahres bis zum Ende der ersten Klasse}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24404}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-244047}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die Entwicklung mathematischer Kompetenzen beginnt bereits vor Schuleintritt und wird durch viele Faktoren beeinflusst. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird prim{\"a}r untersucht, ob die phonologische Bewusstheit als (meta-)sprachliche Kompetenz auch f{\"u}r die fr{\"u}he mathematische Kompetenzentwicklung bedeutsam ist und ob sich bei Kindern mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund vergleichbare Zusammenh{\"a}nge finden lassen. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt bildet die {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung von differenziellen Effekten von ausgew{\"a}hlten, mathematischen Vorschultrainings sowie eines Trainings der phonologischen Bewusstheit auf die mathematischen Kompetenzen unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung des Migrationshintergrundes. Die statistischen Analysen basieren auf einer Stichprobe von {\"u}ber 370 Kindern, die im Verlauf der L{\"a}ngsschnittstudie zu vier Messzeitpunkten, jeweils am Beginn und Ende des Vorschul- bzw. ersten Schuljahres, untersucht wurden. Durch Berechnung hierarchischer Regressionsanalysen ließ sich global kein zus{\"a}tzlicher Erkl{\"a}rungsbeitrag der phonologischen Bewusstheit neben den mathematischen Ausgangskompetenzen feststellen. Der Vergleich der beiden Migrationsgruppen ergab keine strukturellen Unterschiede. Die {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung von spezifischen Effekten durch mathematische Vorschulprogramme (Krajewski et al., 2007; Friedrich \& de Galg{\´o}czy, 2004; Preiß, 2004, 2005) und von unspezifischen Effekten durch ein Training der phonologischen Bewusstheit und der Buchstaben-Laut-Zuordnung (K{\"u}spert \& Schneider, 2008; Plume \& Schneider, 2004) auf die mathematischen Kompetenzen lieferte nur vereinzelt positive Effekte, die jedoch bei Ber{\"u}cksichtigung von individuellen und famili{\"a}ren Kontrollvariablen reduziert wurden. Die Generalisierbarkeit der Ergebnisse ist durch die komplexe Datenstruktur verbunden mit kleinen Stichprobengr{\"o}ßen in den jeweiligen Faktorenstufen limitiert. Insgesamt erm{\"o}glicht die vorliegende Arbeit eine differenzierte Betrachtung der mathematischen Kompetenzentwicklung bei Kindern mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund und liefert wichtige Implikationen f{\"u}r Forschung und Praxis.}, subject = {Mathematik}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Wertgen2022, author = {Wertgen, Andreas Gabriel}, title = {The Role of Source Credibility in the Validation of Text Information}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28861}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-288619}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Numerous experiments have shown that an evaluative and passive process, known as validation, accompanies activation and integration, which are fundamental processes of text comprehension. During the construction of a mental model, validation implicitly assesses the plausibility of incoming information by checking its consistency with world knowledge, prior beliefs, and contextual information (e.g., the broader discourse context). However, research on potential influences that shape validation processes has just started. One branch of research is investigating how world knowledge and contextual information contribute to integration and validation. World knowledge usually influences validation more strongly because information plausibility is the primary criterion for validation, but strong contextual information can yield influences as well. Contextual information that may be specifically relevant for routine validation is the credibility of a source providing text information. Source credibility bears a strong conceptual relationship to the validity of information. However, a dearth of research has investigated joint effects of plausibility and source credibility for routine validation. To fill this research gap, the aim of the present dissertation was to examine the role of source credibility in routine validation processes of text information. This dissertation argues that both source credibility and plausibility are considered in these processes. In particular, information plausibility is proposed as the primary criterion, but source credibility may modulate validation as an additional criterion. To this end, three studies with five self-paced reading experiments were conducted in which reading times served as an implicit indicator of validation and plausibility judgments as an explicit indicator, and the convergence or divergence between the two indicators was interpreted. The first study examined the interplay of plausibility and source credibility for the validation of world-knowledge consistent versus inconsistent text information embedded in short narratives. This highly plausible or highly implausible information was provided by a high- or low-expertise source. In Study 1, plausibility dominated validation as suggested by faster reading times and higher plausibility judgments for world-knowledge consistent information. Importantly, source credibility modulated the validation of highly implausible information but seemed to not matter for plausible information. High-credible sources increased the implausibility of highly implausible information to a greater extent compared with low-credible sources as indicated by longer reading times and lower plausibility judgments. These results diverged from recent findings from Foy et al. (2017). The second study investigated whether the modulating role of source credibility depends on the degree of implausibility of an information. Thus, Study 2 extended Study 1 by an intermediate, somewhat implausible level of plausibility (comparable to the implausible claims in Foy et al., 2017). Similar to Study 1, plausibility dominated validation as indicated by lower reading times and plausibility judgments with higher world-knowledge inconsistency. Again, source credibility had no effect on the routine validation of plausible information. However, high-credible sources mitigated the implausibility of somewhat implausible information as indicated by faster reading times and higher plausibility judgments but exacerbated the implausibility of highly implausible information as indicated by slower reading times and lower plausibility judgments. In short, Study 2 findings not only integrates the seemingly divergent results of Study 1 and Foy et al. (2017) but also provides strong support for the assumption that the degree of implausibility determines the modulating role of source credibility for validation. The third study examined the relationship of source credibility and plausibility in an ecologically valid social media setting with short Twitter messages varying in world-knowledge and text-belief consistency by trustworthy and untrustworthy sources. In sum, plausibility and to a lesser extent source credibility mattered for routine validation and explicit evaluation of text information as indicated by reading times and plausibility judgments. However, the pattern partly diverged from Study 1 and 2, possibly because the source information was more salient. In sum, the present dissertation yielded three insights. First, the findings further extends evidence for routine validation based on world-knowledge and prior beliefs. Second, the studies suggest that source credibility can modulate validation. Readers used source credibility cues for routine validation and the explicit evaluation of text information in all studies. Third, the impact of source credibility seems to depend on the degree of implausibility of information. The present findings have theoretical implications for theories of validation and text comprehension as well as practical implications for targeting threats associated with the prevalence of inaccurate information, for example, on the World Wide Web. Future research using eye-tracking methodology could further disentangle the routine and strategic underlying processes of the relationship between source credibility and plausibility.}, subject = {Textverstehen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{vonderMuehlen2018, author = {von der M{\"u}hlen, Sarah}, title = {Fostering Students' Epistemic Competences when Dealing with Scientific Literature}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-167343}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The abilities to comprehend and critically evaluate scientific texts and the various arguments stated in these texts are an important aspect of scientific literacy, but these competences are usually not formally taught to students. Previous research indicates that, although undergraduate students evaluate the claims and evidence they find in scientific documents to some extent, these evaluations usually fail to meet normative standards. In addition, students' use of source information for evaluation is often insufficient. The rise of the internet and the increased accessibility of information have yielded some additional challenges that highlight the importance of adequate training and instruction.The aim of the present work was to further examine introductory students' competences to systematically and heuristically evaluate scientific information, to identify relevant strategies that are involved in a successful evaluation, and to use this knowledge to design appropriate interventions for fostering epistemic competences in university students.To this end, a number of computer-based studies, including both quantitative and qualitative data as well as experimental designs, were developed. The first two studies were designed to specify educational needs and to reveal helpful processing strategies that are required in different tasks and situations. Two expert-novice comparisons were developed, whereby the performance of German students of psychology (novices) was compared to the performance of scientists from the domain of psychology (experts) in a number of different tasks, such as systematic plausibility evaluations of informal arguments (Study 1) or heuristic evaluations of the credibility of multiple scientific documents (Study 2). A think-aloud procedure was used to identify specific strategies that were applied in both groups during task completion, and that possibly mediated performance differences between students and scientists. In addition, relationships between different strategies and between strategy use and relevant conceptual knowledge was examined. Based on the results of the expert-novice comparisons, an intervention study, consisting of two training experiments, was constructed to foster some competences that proved to be particularly deficient in the comparisons (Study 3). Study 1 examined introductory students' abilities to accurately judge the plausibility of informal arguments according to normative standards, to recognise common argumentation fallacies, and to identify different structural components of arguments. The results from Study 1 indicate that many students, compared to scientists, lack relevant knowledge about the structure of arguments, and that normatively accurate evaluations of their plausibility seem to be challenging in this group. Often, common argumentation fallacies were not identified correctly. Importantly, these deficits were partly mediated by differences in strategy use: It was especially difficult for students to pay sufficient attention to the relationship between argument components when forming their judgements. Moreover, they frequently relied on their intuition or opinion as a criterion for evaluation, whereas scientists predominantly determined quality of arguments based on their internal consistency. In addition to students' evaluation of the plausibility of informal arguments, Study 2 examined introductory students' competences to evaluate the credibility of multiple scientific texts, and to use source characteristics for evaluation. The results show that students struggled not only to judge the plausibility of arguments correctly, but also to heuristically judge the credibility of science texts, and these deficits were fully mediated by their insufficient use of source information. In contrast, scientists were able to apply different strategies in a flexible manner. When the conditions for evaluation did not allow systematic processing (i.e. time limit), they primarily used source characteristics for their evaluations. However, when systematic evaluations were possible (i.e. no time limit), they used more sophisticated normative criteria for their evaluations, such as paying attention to the internal consistency of arguments (cf. Study 1). Results also showed that students, in contrast to experts, lacked relevant knowledge about different publication types, and this was related to their ability to correctly determine document credibility. The results from the expert-novice comparisons also suggest that the competences assessed in both tasks might develop as a result of a more fundamental form of scientific literacy and discipline expertise. Performances in all tasks were positively related. On the basis of these results, two training experiments were developed that aimed at fostering university students' competences to understand and evaluate informal arguments (Study 3). Experiment 1 describes an intervention approach in which students were familiarised with the formal structure of arguments based on Toulmin's (1958) argumentation model. The performance of the experimental group to identify the structural components of this model was compared to the performance of a control group in which speed reading skills were practiced, using a pre-post-follow-up design. Results show that the training was successful for improving the comprehension of more complex arguments and relational aspects between key components in the posttest, compared to the control group. Moreover, an interaction effect was found with study performance. High achieving students with above average grades profited the most from the training intervention. Experiment 2 showed that training in plausibility, normative criteria of argument evaluation, and argumentation fallacies improved students' abilities to evaluate the plausibility of arguments and, in addition, their competences to recognise structural components of arguments, compared to a speed-reading control group. These results have important implications for education and practice, which will be discussed in detail in this dissertation.}, subject = {Textverstehen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jaeger2018, author = {J{\"a}ger, Dana}, title = {Zur p{\"a}dagogischen Legitimation des W{\"u}rzburger Trainingsprogrammes H{\"o}ren, lauschen, lernen: Trainingseffekte und Trainereffekte}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-174051}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Programmans{\"a}tze und deren Einsatz in vorschulisch, schulisch und außerschulisch bildenden Kontexten erfreuen sich der zunehmenden Beliebtheit. Ein breites und nicht nachlassendes Interesse in Forschung und Praxis kommt insbesondere vorschulischen Trainingskonzepten zuteil, denen das Potenzial zugesprochen wird, sp{\"a}ter auftretenden Schwierigkeiten beim Erwerb der Schriftsprache wirksam vorzubeugen. Das W{\"u}rzburger Trainingsprogramm »H{\"o}ren, lauschen, lernen« stellt einen konzeptionell auf schriftspracherwerbstheoretischen Annahmen fundierten und mit mehreren evaluierenden Studien erprobten Trainingsansatz dar. Dieser bezweckt, Kindern den Erwerb des Lesens und Schreibens zu erleichtern. Dem Anspruch, sp{\"a}teren Lese-Rechtschreibschwierigkeiten effektiv vorzubeugen, unterliegt die vorschulische F{\"o}rderung bereichsspezifischer Kompetenzen des Schriftspracherwerbs, insbesondere der Kompetenz phonologische Bewusstheit. Die F{\"o}rderung wird optimal ausgesch{\"o}pft, sofern Empfehlungen einer qualitativen Implementierung umgesetzt werden, die als Manualtreue, Durchf{\"u}hrungsintensit{\"a}t, Programmdifferenzierung, Programmkomplexit{\"a}t, Implementierungsstrategien, Vermittlungsqualit{\"a}t und Teilnehmerreaktion spezifiziert sind. Zunehmend diskutiert sind in der Trainingsforschung, neben der theoretischen Fundierung und dem zu erbringenden Nachweis an empirischer Evidenz von Programmans{\"a}tzen, Kriterien der Praxistauglichkeit. Daher befasst sich die vorliegende Arbeit mit der Frage der Programmrobustheit gegen{\"u}ber Trainereffekten. Es nahmen 300 Kinder an dem W{\"u}rzburger Trainingsprogramm teil und wurden 64 Kindern gegen{\"u}bergestellt, die dem regul{\"a}ren Kindergartenprogramm folgten. Angeleitet durch das erzieherische Personal fand das 5-monatig andauernde Training innerhalb des Vorschuljahres statt. Die kindliche Entwicklung in den bereichsspezifischen Kompetenzen der phonologischen Bewusstheit und der Graphem-Phonem-Korrespondenz wurde vor und nach der Trainingsmaßnahme sowie zum Schul{\"u}bertritt und in den Kompetenzen des Rechtschreibens und Lesens zum Ende des ersten Schuljahres untersucht. Es ließen sich unmittelbar und langfristig Trainingseffekte des eingesetzten Programmes nachweisen; indessen blieb ein Transfererfolg aus. Der Exploration von Trainereffekten unterlag eine Eruierung der Praxistauglichkeit des Trainingsprogrammes anhand der erfolgten Implementierung durch das anleitende erzieherische Personal. Aus der urspr{\"u}nglich mit 300 Kindern aus 44 involvierten Kinderg{\"a}rten bestehenden Datenbasis wurden drei Subgruppen mit insgesamt 174 Kindern aus 17 Kinderg{\"a}rten identifiziert, bei denen deutliche Diskrepanzen zu unmittelbaren, langfristigen und transferierenden Effekten des Trainingsprogrammes auftraten. Exploriert wurden Unterschiede in der Durchf{\"u}hrung, um R{\"u}ckschl{\"u}sse auf qualitative Aspekte der Programmimplementierung zu ziehen. Die Befunde des Extremgruppenvergleichs deuteten an, dass weniger Aspekte der Manualtreue und Durchf{\"u}hrungsintensit{\"a}t ausschlaggebend f{\"u}r die Programmwirksamkeit waren; vielmehr schien f{\"u}r die Wirksamkeit des Trainingsprogrammes die Implementierung in der Art und Weise, wie die Trainingsinhalte den Kindern durch das erzieherische Personal vermittelt waren, entscheidend zu sein. Befunde zur eruierten Teilnehmerreaktion, die auf differenzielle F{\"o}rdereffekte verweisen, stellten die Trainingswirksamkeit insbesondere f{\"u}r Kinder heraus, bei denen prognostisch ein Risiko unterstellt war, sp{\"a}ter auftretende Schwierigkeiten mit der Schriftsprache zu entwickeln. Ferner zeichnete sich ab, dass neben der Qualit{\"a}t der Programmimplementierung scheinbar auch Unterschiede in der schulischen Instruktionsmethode des Lesens und Schreibens einen nivellierenden Einfluss auf den Transfererfolg des Programmes aus{\"u}bten. Theoretische und praktische Implikationen f{\"u}r den Einsatz des Trainingsprogrammes wurden diskutiert.}, subject = {Phonologische Bewusstheit}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Gralke2023, author = {Gralke, Verena Maria}, title = {The Impact of Media Literacy in Adolescence and Young Adulthood. - Correlative and Experimental Investigations on the Influence of Media Literacy on Cognitive and Political Variables, and on Knowledge Acquisition from Media -}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34601}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-346018}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This thesis consists of three studies investigating the influence media literacy has on political variables, cognitive variables, and learning. Adolescents from 13 years of age and young adults are included in the studies. This thesis is divided into three chapters. Study I and II are one comprehensive study, but will be presented separately for better readability. Chapter I provides the reader with background knowledge for the original studies presented in chapter II includes information about media use, different conceptualizations of media literacy and its development over the lifetime, as well as media literacy's impact on cognitive and political variables. Additionally, current literature on the comparison of the learning outcomes of different kinds of texts (written, auditory, and audiovisual) is presented, with a differentiation between text-based information and inferences. In chapter II, the original studies are placed in the current state of research and presented in detail. In chapter III, a critical discussion of the studies is conducted, and a general model of the influence media literacy has on the investigated cognitive and political factors is presented, followed by a conclusion of the research. The theoretical foundation of this thesis is three models of media literacy proposed by Groeben (2002, 2004), Hobbs (1997), and Potter (1998, 2016). These three models are similar in that they define media literacy as a multifactorial construct with skills that develop further in the course of life. Their ideas are integrated and developed further, leading to our own model of media literacy. It encompasses five scales: media sign literacy, distinction between reality and fiction, knowledge of media law, knowledge of media effects, and production skills. Thereupon, the assessment tool W{\"u}rzburg Media Literacy Test (WMK; W{\"u}rzburger Medienkompetenztest) is designed. There is evidence that media use and media literacy influence socio-political factors. Young adults name the internet as the main source of information on political topics (see Pasek et al., 2006), and knowledge demonstrably fosters political participation (Delli Carpini \& Keeter, 1996). However, the kind of participation activity regarded is important (Quintelier \& Vissers, 2008), as sometimes real-life participation is supplemented by online activities (Quan-Haase \& Wellman, 2002). Media literacy is the key to evaluating the quality of information from media. Whether or not a direct link between media literacy and political interest exists has, as far as I know, not yet been investigated. Several studies have shown that precursors and subcomponents of media literacy have the capacity to influence cognitive variables. For instance, children with higher media sign literacy possess better reading proficiency (Nieding et al., 2017) and are better at collecting information and drawing inferences from hypermedia and films (Diergarten et al., 2017) as compared to children with low literacy. These precursors and subcomponents are more efficient in processing medial sign systems, reducing cognitive load, and consequently, liberating cognitive capacity for other mental tasks (Sweller, 1988). Paino and Renzulli (2012) showed that highly computer-proficient adolescents exhibit better mathematics and reading abilities. Different types of media influence the learning process differently, and the learning process can be enhanced by combining these different types of media, if the material is prepared according to the research findings and Mayer's (2002) cognitive theory of multimedia learning. Similarly, a reduction in cognitive load takes place and more resources can be invested in the learning process itself (Mayer \& Moreno, 2003; Sweller, 1988). It is not easy to answer the question of whether one medium is superior for learning to another. Generally, adults learn best from written texts (e.g., Byrne \& Curtis, 2000), and audiovisual and auditory texts are comparable (e.g., Hayes et al., 1986); however, there is little research regarding the comparison of the latter two. Study I examined whether media literacy has a positive impact on interest in politics and the political self-concept. A sample of 101 13-to 20-year-olds was drawn. The control variables were intelligence, socio-economic status (SES), openness to experiences, perspective-taking, age, and sex. Additionally, an evaluation of the WMK was conducted, which indicated good construct validity and excellent overall reliability. Media literacy was positively associated with interest in politics, political self-concept, and perspective-taking but not with openness. In hierarchical regressions and path analysis, a direct influence of media literacy and openness on interest in politics could be found. Political self-concept was solely influenced by interest in politics. Although media literacy had no direct influence on political self-concept, it influenced its precursor interest in politics and was thus expected to have distal influence. The results of the first study confirm previous findings (e.g., Vecchione \& Caprara, 2009), where political self-concept is regarded as a precursor of political participation. In conclusion, the findings of study I suggested that by stimulating political interest, media literacy could, mediated through political self-concept, foster political participation. Study II (which was conducted on the same sample as study I) was concerned with the question of whether highly media-literate adolescent and young adult participants exhibit better academic skills (mathematics; reading) and academic achievement (grades) compared to less media-literate participants. Additionally, to obtain information about potential development during adolescence, a group of 50 13-year-olds was compared with a group of 51 19-year-olds in terms of their media literacy. The control variables were intelligence, SES, sex, and age. The results showed that a significant development of media literacy took place during adolescence (∆M = .17), agreeing with Potter's (1998, 2013) development theory of media literacy. Media literacy was significantly correlated with reading skills and school grades. Regarding adults, media literacy was also significantly correlated with mathematical skills; the association was greater than that with reading skills. However, no connection with mathematical skills was found for adolescents. To control for the influence of age and intelligence, which were both associated with media literacy, hierarchical regressions and path analyses were conducted. The results revealed that media literacy had a greater impact on grades and academic abilities than intelligence. These results are in line with those obtained by Paino and Renzulli (2012). Study III investigated whether media literacy helps young adults to better learn from three kinds of media, a written, an auditory, and an audio-visual text, and which medium achieves the best learning results. Three groups of 91 young adults were compared (written, auditory, and audio-visual text) in terms of their learning outcomes. These outcomes were conceptualized as directly stated information in the text (assessed by text-based questions) and inferential learning (inference questions). A computer-based short version of the WMK was applied to assess media literacy, which should be optimized in the future. The control variables were intelligence, verbal ability, media usage, prior knowledge, and SES. In hierarchical regression, media literacy turned out to be a significant predictor of text inferences, even when other relevant variables, such as intelligence, were controlled for. Inferences foster the building of the situation model, which is believed by many authors to be true comprehension of a text (Zwaan \& Radvansky, 1998). The outcomes of study III support Ohler's (1994) assumption that media literacy fosters the creation of a more elaborated situational model. Text-based questions were only influenced by prior knowledge. As assumed by Potter (1998, 2016), the media literacy of young adults in the Western world suffices to extract relevant facts from educational learning material. Both subjects were best in the written text condition for text-based and inference question results. Audiovisual and auditory texts showed no significant differences. The written text condition did not excel in the auditory text condition for inferences. The results accord with those obtained by, for instance, Byrne and Curtis (2000). Taken together, these studies show that media literacy can influence several cognitive and political variables. It stimulates political interest, reading comprehension, school grades, and mathematical abilities in young adults, as well as drawing inferences from different kinds of texts. Additionally, media literacy develops further during adolescence.}, subject = {Media Literacy}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Grundke2023, author = {Grundke, Andrea}, title = {Head and Heart: On the Acceptability of Sophisticated Robots Based on an Enhancement of the Mind Perception Dichotomy and the Uncanny Valley of Mind}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-33015}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-330152}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {With the continuous development of artificial intelligence, there is an effort to let the expressed mind of robots resemble more and more human-like minds. However, just as the human-like appearance of robots can lead to feelings of aversion to such robots, recent research has shown that the apparent mind expressed by machines can also be responsible for their negative evaluations. This work strives to explore facets of aversion evoked by machines with human-like mind (uncanny valley of mind) within three empirical projects from a psychological point of view in different contexts, including the resulting consequences. In Manuscript \#1, the perspective of previous work in the research area is reversed and thus shows that humans feel eeriness in response to robots that can read human minds, a capability unknown from human-human interaction. In Manuscript \#2, it is explored whether empathy for a robot being harmed by a human is a way to alleviate the uncanny valley of mind. A result of this work worth highlighting is that aversion in this study did not arise from the manipulation of the robot's mental capabilities but from its attributed incompetence and failure. The results of Manuscript \#3 highlight that status threat is revealed if humans perform worse than machines in a work-relevant task requiring human-like mental capabilities, while higher status threat is linked with a higher willingness to interact, due to the machine's perceived usefulness. In sum, if explanatory variables and concrete scenarios are considered, people will react fairly positively to machines with human-like mental capabilities. As long as the machine's usefulness is palpable to people, but machines are not fully autonomous, people seem willing to interact with them, accepting aversion in favor of the expected benefits.}, subject = {Humanoider Roboter}, language = {en} }