@phdthesis{Brendtke2018, author = {Brendtke, Rico}, title = {Entwicklungsaspekte eines Medizinproduktes zur Pr{\"a}vention und {\"U}berwachung von Hydrierungszust{\"a}nden}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-157181}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Der demografische Wandel und das Populationswachstum stellen eine globale Herausforderung f{\"u}r die Gesundheitssysteme dar. Eine vielversprechende L{\"o}sungsstrategie liegt in der digitalen {\"U}berwachung, Pr{\"a}vention und Therapie akuter und chronischer Erkrankungen durch die Nutzung von innovativen Technologien aus dem Bereich der personalisierten Medizin. Die Digitalisierung in der {\"U}berwachung von Vitalparametern mittels Sensorik besitzt großes Potential f{\"u}r die l{\"a}ngere Gesunderhaltung der Patienten und somit die Entlastung der Gesundheitssyteme im Ganzen. Da Wassermangel f{\"u}r eine Vielfalt von Krankheiten einen Katalysator darstellt, ist die Hydratation ein wichtiger aber bislang nur invasiv zug{\"a}nglicher Vitalparameter. Zur Etablierung nicht invasiver Messungen des Wasserhaushaltes am Menschen wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit die Eignung der Mikrowellentechnologie untersucht. Dehydratation resultiert in der Ver{\"a}nderung des Osmolythaushaltes und beeinflusst biochemische Prozesse, was zur Entstehung von Morbidit{\"a}t f{\"u}hren kann. Im Rahmen der Arbeit werden Teilbereiche der Entwicklung eines Medizinproduktes abgebildet. Zu diesem Zweck wird die Machbarkeit der mikrowellenbasierten Analyse des Wasserhaushaltes in einer technischen Machbarkeitsstudie untersucht, um im zweiten Prozessschritt einen technischen Demonstrator in vitro und in vivo am Probanden erproben zu k{\"o}nnen. Hochfrequente elektromagnetische Wellen interagieren mit Molek{\"u}len, speziell Wasser. Enth{\"a}lt eine Probe freie Wassermolek{\"u}le, kann dies im reflektierten Signal detektiert werden. Zur {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung des Sensorsystems in vitro dienen humane 3D-Vollhautmodelle mit spezifischer Hydratation und Gewebedichte der Matrixkomponenten als standardisiertes Modell zur Untersuchung definierter Exsikkoseszenarien und des Einflusses verschiedener Modellkomplexit{\"a}ten. Die Eignungs{\"u}berpr{\"u}fung des Systems mit einem technischen Demonstrator des k{\"u}nftigen Medizinproduktes belegt die Anwendbarkeit des Messsystems zur Erfassung des relativen Wassergehaltes. Die Technologie zeichnet sich durch eine hohe Sensitivit{\"a}t bei der Destinktion von Proben mittels Frequenz- und Signalreflektionsdifferenzen aus. Neben den In-vitro-Testungen wird das entwickelte Sensorsystem aus regulatorischer Sicht zur klinischen Leistungs{\"u}berpr{\"u}fung vorbereitet und im Rahmen eines bewilligten Ethikvotums in vivo erprobt. Die Ergebnisse belegen die Machbarkeit der nichtinvasiven Erfassung des Wasserhaushaltes durch mikrowellenbasierte Messungen. Die Technologie birgt das Potential, in ein k{\"o}rpernahes Sensorsystem integriert zu werden, welches als Medizinprodukt zur pers{\"o}nlichen Gesundheits{\"u}berwachung zugelassen werden kann.}, subject = {Medizinprodukt}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Muehlemann2018, author = {M{\"u}hlemann, Markus}, title = {Intestinal stem cells and the Na\(^+\)-D-Glucose Transporter SGLT1: potential targets regarding future therapeutic strategies for diabetes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-169266}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The pancreas and the small intestine are pivotal organs acting in close synergism to regulate glucose metabolism. After absorption and processing of dietary glucose within the small intestine, insulin and glucagon are released from pancreatic islet cells to maintain blood glucose homeostasis. Malfunctions affecting either individual, organ-specific functions or the sophisticated interplay of both organs can result in massive complications and pathologic conditions. One of the most serious metabolic diseases of our society is diabetes mellitus (DM) that is hallmarked by a disturbance of blood glucose homeostasis. Type 1 (T1DM) and type 2 (T2DM) are the main forms of the disease and both are characterized by chronic hyperglycemia, a condition that evokes severe comorbidities in the long-term. In the past, several standard treatment options allowed a more or less adequate therapy for diabetic patients. Albeit there is much effort to develop new therapeutic interventions to treat diabetic patients in a more efficient way, no cure is available so far. In view of the urgent need for alternative treatment options, a more systemic look on whole organ systems, their biological relation and complex interplay is needed when developing new therapeutic strategies for DM. T1DM is hallmarked by an autoimmune-mediated destruction of the pancreatic β-cell mass resulting in a complete lack of insulin that is in most patients restored by applying a life-long recombinant insulin therapy. Therefore, novel regenerative medicine-based concepts focus on the derivation of bioartificial β-like cells from diverse stem cell sources in vitro that survive and sustain to secrete insulin after implantation in vivo. In this context, the first part of this thesis analyzed multipotent intestinal stem cells (ISCs) as alternative cell source to derive bioartificial, pancreatic β-like cells in vitro. From a translational perspective, intestinal stem cells pose a particularly attractive cell source since intestinal donor tissues could be obtained via minimal invasive endoscopy in an autologous way. Furthermore, intestinal and pancreatic cells both derive from the same developmental origin, the endodermal gut tube, favoring the differentiation process towards functional β-like cells. In this study, pancreas-specific differentiation of ISCs was induced by the ectopic expression of the pancreatic transcription factor 1 alpha (Ptf1a), a pioneer transcriptional regulator of pancreatic fate. Furthermore, pancreatic lineage-specific culture media were applied to support the differentiation process. In general, ISCs grow in vitro in a 3D Matrigel®-based environment. Therefore, a 2D culture platform for ISCs was established to allow delivery and ectopic expression of Ptf1a with high efficiency. Next, several molecular tools were applied and compared with each other to identify the most suitable technology for Ptf1a delivery and expression within ISCs as well as their survival under the new established 2D conditions. Success of differentiation was investigated by monitoring changes in cellular morphology and induction of pancreatic differentiation-specific gene expression profiles. In summary, the data of this project part suggest that Ptf1a harbors the potential to induce pancreatic differentiation of ISCs when applying an adequate differentiation media. However, gene expression analysis indicated rather an acinar lineage-determination than a pancreatic β-cell-like specification. Nevertheless, this study proved ISCs not only as interesting stem cell source for the generation of pancreatic cell types with a potential use in the treatment of T1DM but alsoPtf1a as pioneer factor for pancreatic differentiation of ISCs in general. Compared to T1DM, T2DM patients suffer from hyperglycemia due to insulin resistance. In T2DM management, the maintenance of blood glucose homeostasis has highest priority and can be achieved by drugs affecting the stabilization of blood glucose levels. Recent therapeutic concepts are aiming at the inhibition of the intestinal glucose transporter Na+-D-Glucose cotransporter 1 (SGLT1). Pharmacological inhibition of SGLT1 results in reduced postprandial blood glucose levels combined with a sustained and increased Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) secretion. So far, systemic side effects of this medication have not been addressed in detail. Of note, besides intestinal localization, SGLT1 is also expressed in various other tissues including the pancreas. In context of having a closer look also on the interplay of organs when developing new therapeutic approaches for DM, the second part of this thesis addressed the effects on pancreatic islet integrity after loss of SGLT1. The analyses comprised the investigation of pancreatic islet size, cytomorphology and function by the use of a global SGLT1 knockout (SGLT1-/-) mouse model. As SGLT1-/- mice develop the glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome when fed a standard laboratory chow, these animals derived a glucose-deficient, fat-enriched (GDFE) diet. Wildtype mice on either standard chow (WTSC) or GDFE (WTDC) allowed the discrimination between diet- and knockout-dependent effects. Notably, GDFE fed mice showed decreased expression and function of intestinal SGLT1, while pancreatic SGLT1 mRNA levels were unaffected. Further, the findings revealed increased isled sizes, reduced proliferation- and apoptosis rates as well as an increased α-cell and reduced β-cell proportion accompanied by a disturbed cytomorphology in islets when SGLT1 function is lost or impaired. In addition, pancreatic islets were dysfunctional in terms of insulin- and glucagon-secretion. Moreover, the release of intestinal GLP-1, an incretin hormone that stimulates insulin-secretion in the islet, was abnormal after glucose stimulatory conditions. In summary, these data show that intestinal SGLT1 expression and function is nutrient dependent. The data obtained from the islet studies revealed an additional and new role of SGLT1 for maintaining pancreatic islet integrity in the context of structural, cytomorphological and functional aspects. With special emphasis on SGLT1 inhibition in diabetic patients, the data of this project indicate an urgent need for analyzing systemic side effects in other relevant organs to prove pharmacological SGLT1 inhibition as beneficial and safe. Altogether, the findings of both project parts of this thesis demonstrate that focusing on the molecular and cellular relationship and interplay of the small intestine and the pancreas could be of high importance in context of developing new therapeutic strategies for future applications in DM patients.}, subject = {Stammzelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Confalonieri2018, author = {Confalonieri, Davide}, title = {Development and characterization of a bone marrow stem cell niche model}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-163128}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Kritische Knochendefekte stellen heutzutage ein ungel{\"o}stes Problem in der klinischen Praxis dar, da die verf{\"u}gbaren prothetischen Optionen oft die mechanische Anpassung an das Gewebe nicht gew{\"a}hrleisten oder zu wichtigen immunologischen und Implantat-bedingten Komplikationen f{\"u}hren. In diesem Kontext erm{\"o}glichen Tissue Engineering-Ans{\"a}tze neue Strategien, um in vitro Zell-Material Interaktionen zu untersuchen und so die Implantatmaterialien zu optimieren. In dieser Arbeit habe ich Zell-Material Interaktionen eines neuen Kollagen-basierten Scaffolds untersucht, das langfristig als Tr{\"a}gerstruktur f{\"u}r eine zellbasierte Therapie f{\"u}r kritische Knochendefekte entwickelt werden soll. Im Rahmen der Dissertation konnte ich belegen, dass die Kollagen-basierten makropor{\"o}se Mikrocarrier f{\"u}r die Zellvermehrung humaner mesenchymaler Stammzellen (MSC) und deren osteogene Differenzierung unter GMP Bedingungen verwendet werden k{\"o}nnen. Außerdem habe ich die die Kokultur von h{\"a}matopoietischen Stammzellen des Knochenmarks und multiplen Myelomzellen funktionell charakterisiert. Ich konnte erstmals Kulturbedingungen etablieren, die die Langzeitkultur ohne die Verwendung von Zytokinen erm{\"o}glicht. Mittels dieser Kokultur konnte ich ein Knochenmarknischen-Modell etablieren und die Untersuchung der Expression von zentralen Signalkaskaden der Hom{\"o}ostase dieser Nische untersuchen. Ich konnte die Expression von zwei verschiedenen Isoformen von Osteopontin nachweisen, die in Tiermodellen nicht gefunden werden. Diese Isoformen des Osteopontins habe ich kloniert und die rekombinanten Isoformen exprimiert und ihre Rollen in der Hom{\"o}ostase der Knochenmarknische untersucht. Critical size bone defects represent nowadays an unresolved problem in the clinical practice, where the available prosthetic options often lack adequate mechanical matching to the host tissue or lead to important immunological and implant-related complications. In this context, Tissue Engineering approaches promise more effective strategies to study cell-material interactions in vitro and consequently optimize implant materials. In this work, I investigated the cell-scaffold interactions of a new collagen-based scaffold for a putative cell-based therapy for critical size defects to be developed. In the context of this thesis, I could demonstrate that the collagen-based macroporous microcarriers could be employed for the expansion and osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) under GMP-compliant conditions. Moreover, I functionally characterized the co-culture of bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells and multiple myeloma cells. I was for the first time able to establish culture conditions allowing their long-term culture in absence of externally supplemented cytokines. Using this co-culture, I was able to establish a bone marrow niche model to investigate the expression of key signaling pathways involved in the niche´s homeostasis. I was able to demonstrate the expression of two different isoforms of Osteopontin, that could not previously be detected in animal models. Finally, I cloned these Osteopontin isoforms, expressed recombinant versions of the isoforms, and investigated their roles in the homeostasis of the bone marrow niche.}, subject = {bone marrow niche}, language = {en} }