@phdthesis{Awad2019, author = {Awad, Eman Da'as}, title = {Modulation of insulin-induced genotoxicity in vitro and genomic damage in gestational diabetes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16186}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161866}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Diabetes mellitus is a global health problem, where the risk of diabetes increases rapidly due to the lifestyle changes. Patients with type II diabetes have many complications with increased risk of morbidity and mortality. High levels of insulin may lead to DNA oxidation and damage. Several studies proposed that hyperinsulinemia may be an important risk factor for various types of cancer. To investigate insulin signaling pathway inducing oxidative stress and genomic damage, pharmaceutical and natural compounds which can interfere with the insulin pathway including PI3K inhibitors, resveratrol, lovastatin, and RAD-001 were selected due to their beneficial effects against metabolic disorder. Thus, the anti-genotoxic potential of these compounds regarding insulin-mediated oxidative stress were investigated in normal rat kidney cells in vitro. Our compounds showed protective effect against genotoxic damage and significantly decreased reactive oxygen specious after treatment of cells with insulin with different mechanisms of protection between the compounds. Thus, these compounds may be attractive candidates for future support of diabetes mellitus therapy. Next, we explored the link between gestational diabetes mellitus and genomic damage in cells derived from human blood. Moreover, we investigated the influence of estradiol, progesterone, adrenaline and triiodothyronine on insulin-induced genomic damage in vitro. First, we studied the effect of these hormones in human promyelocytic leukemia cells and next ex vivo with non-stimulated and stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells. In parallel, we also measured the basal genomic damage using three conditions (whole blood, non-stimulated and stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells) in a small patient study including non-pregnant controls with/without hormonal contraceptives, with a subgroup of obese women, pregnant women, and gestational diabetes affected women. A second-time point after delivery was also applied for analysis of the blood samples. Our results showed that GDM subjects and obese individuals exhibited higher basal DNA damage compared to lower weight nonpregnant or healthy pregnant women in stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells in both comet and micronucleus assays. On the other hand, the DNA damage in GDM women had decreased at two months after birth. Moreover, the applied hormones also showed an influence in vitro in the enhancement of the genomic damage in cells of the control and pregnant groups but this damage did not exceed the damage which existed in obese and gestational diabetes mellitus patients with high level of genomic damage. In conclusion, insulin can induce genomic damage in cultured cells, which can be modulated by pharmaceutical and naturals substances. This may be for future use in the protection of diabetic patients, who suffer from hyperinsulinemia during certain disease stages. A particular form of diabetes, GDM, was shown to lead to elevated DNA damage in affected women, which is reduced again after delivery. Cells of affected women do not show an enhanced, but rather a reduced sensitivity for further DNA damage induction by hormonal treatment in vitro. A potential reason may be an existence of a maximally inducible damage by hormonal influences.}, subject = {Gestationsdiabetes}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{MontaggebKukielka2018, author = {Montag [geb. Kukielka], Gracia Anna}, title = {Rolle des Differenzierungszustandes f{\"u}r die Empfindlichkeit von S{\"a}ugerzellen gegen{\"u}ber genotoxischen Agenzien}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-164670}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Einfl{\"u}sse verschiedener genotoxischer Substanzen auf S{\"a}ugertierzellen untersucht. Da ein Organismus der Ontogenese unterliegt und sich Zellen aus Stamm- und Vorl{\"a}uferzellen entwickelt, gilt es diese urspr{\"u}nglichen Zellen vor {\"a}ußeren Einfl{\"u}ssen zu sch{\"u}tzen. Da bisher kaum Untersuchungen von Zellen in verschiedenen Differenzierungsstadien durchgef{\"u}hrt wurden, wurden unter Verwendung vieler unterschiedlicher biologischer Endpunkte Effekte auf die Vitalit{\"a}t, Proliferation, Mitose und Apoptose dieser Zellen untersucht. Zudem erfolgte eine Interpretation der Ausbildung von Mikrokernen, Entstehung von DNS-Sch{\"a}den und der zugrundeliegenden Reparaturmechanismen. So konnte mit Hilfe der Untersuchungen der h{\"a}matopoetischen Stammzellen und der TK6-Zellen postuliert werden, dass h{\"a}matopoetische Stammzellen weitestgehend weniger empfindlich gegen{\"u}ber Zytostatika (Doxorubicin, Vinblastin, Methylmethansulfonat und Mitomycin C) sind als die lymphoblastoide Zelllinie TK6, welche in der Entwicklungshierarchie den Stammzellen folgt. Die Bef{\"u}rchtung, dass der Mikrokerntest in immortalisierten TK6-Zellen als Grundlage f{\"u}r Genotoxizit{\"a}tsuntersuchungen nicht gen{\"u}gen w{\"u}rden, konnte mit Hilfe der Versuchsergebnisse dieser Arbeit widerlegt werden. Die Ergebnisse belegen, dass der Mikrokerntest in TK6-Zellen relevant ist, da TK6-Zellen empfindlicher auf genotoxische Agentien im Vergleich zu h{\"a}matopoetischen Stammzellen reagieren. Bei der Untersuchung der Leuk{\"a}miezelllinie HL-60 wurden die Effekte klassischer (Vinblastin, Vincristin, Vinflunin und Vinorelbin) mit neu synthetisierten Vinca-Alkaloiden (4-Chlorochablastin, 4-Chlorochacristin, 16a, 17b und 18a) verglichen. Vinca-Alkaloide werden sehr h{\"a}ufig mit Nebenwirkungen, wie Neuropathien assoziiert, welche w{\"a}hrend einer Chemotherapie oftmals zu Therapieabbr{\"u}chen durch die Patienten f{\"u}hren. Aus diesem Grund war es erstrebenswert, neuartige Vinca-Alkaloide zu entwickeln, welche weniger Nebenwirkungen aber zugleich eine {\"a}hnliche Wirksamkeit aufweisen. Obwohl die Potenz der neuen Substanzen niedriger war als bei Vinblastin, Vincristin und Vinorelbin, zeigte ein Teil eine {\"a}hnliche Wirkung wie das Vinca-Alkaloid Vinflunin auf die Krebszelllinie HL-60 auf. Die Ergebnisse diese Arbeit k{\"o}nnen als erste Indikation in vitro genommen werden, dass sich diese Substanzen in der Krebstherapie als wirksam erweisen k{\"o}nnten und nach weiteren Ergebnissen in vivo als therapeutische Alternativen in Betracht gezogen werden. Auch bei der vergleichenden Untersuchung von exponentiell wachsenden mit differenzierten Zelllinien konnten Unterschiede detektiert werden. Die Zelllinie HT-22, welche selbst keine Krebszelllinie ist, zeigte nach Differenzierung zu nicht exponentiell wachsenden Zellen eine erh{\"o}hte Empfindlichkeit gegen{\"u}ber dem Alkylanz Methylmethansulfonat, was auf einer verminderten Basenexzisionsreparatur beruhen k{\"o}nnte. Auch die differenzierte Form der Adenokarzinom-Zelllinie CaCo2 zeigte eine gesteigerte Sensitivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber dem Topoisomerase II-Inhibitor Etoposid auf, wohingegen der unselektive Topoisomerase II-Hemmer Doxorubicin keinen Effekt aufwies. Um den Sachverhalt zu kl{\"a}ren ob die festgestellten Unterschiede auf das Enzym Topoisomerase II zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren oder zellartspezifisch waren, wurden weitere Analysen der Zelllinien HL-60 und deren differenzierten Zellart durchgef{\"u}hrt. Auch hier konnten signifikante Unterschiede bei der Einzelzellgelelektrophorese nach Behandlung mit Doxorubicin und Etoposid festgestellt werden. Neben den in dieser Arbeit nachgewiesenen Unterschieden bei der Reparatur zwischen den Zelltypen, k{\"o}nnten aber auch weitere Faktoren zu Varianzen f{\"u}hren und die Mutagenit{\"a}tsforschung beeinflussen. Folglich ist davon auszugehen, dass zuk{\"u}nftige Testungen bei der pharmakologischen Substanzentwicklung in verschiedenen Zellsystemen von N{\"o}ten sind, bevor neue Substanzen zugelassen werden. Alles in allem konnte die Komplexit{\"a}t der Ergebnisse zwischen Zellen der verschiedenen Differenzierungsstadien in dieser Arbeit aufgezeigt werden. Deswegen sollte auch bei weiteren Forschungsvorhaben insbesondere ein Augenmerk auf den Differenzierungszustand der zu untersuchenden Zellpopulation geworfen werden.}, subject = {S{\"a}ugetiere}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Reimann2021, author = {Reimann, Hauke}, title = {Schicksal von Mikrokernen bzw. mikrokernhaltigen Zellen und Bedeutung von Mikrokernen als Biomarker}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24010}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-240109}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Mikrokerne sind als wichtiger Biomarker in der Gentoxizit{\"a}tsforschung seit langer Zeit etabliert und ihre Bildung ist mechanistisch gut verstanden, wohingegen das Mikrokernschicksal und die genaue Funktion von Mikrokernen in der Kanzerogenese unzureichend erforscht sind. Um das Schicksal von Mikrokernen und mikrokernhaltigen Zellen {\"u}ber einen l{\"a}ngeren Zeitraum zu untersuchen, wurden HeLa-Zellen, die mit einem GFP-markierten Histon H2B transfiziert worden sind, mittels Lebendzellmikroskopie nach Behandlung mit verschiedenen gentoxischen Agenzien f{\"u}r 96 h untersucht. Parameter wie die Mitose- oder Zelltodrate wurden dabei ebenso wie das Schicksal der Mikrokerne dokumentiert. W{\"a}hrend Persistenz und Reinkorporation von Mikrokernen h{\"a}ufig beobachtet wurden, waren Degradation und Auswurf von Mikrokernen selten bis gar nicht zu sehen. Auch konnte ein Teil der mikrokernhaltigen Zellen {\"u}ber mehrere Zellteilungen persistieren und proliferieren, wodurch die in Mikrokernen manifestierte chromosomale Instabilit{\"a}t unver{\"a}ndert bleiben kann. Ein eindeutiger Substanzeinfluss auf das Mikrokernschicksal konnte nicht ausgemacht werden. Extrusion sollte weiterhin durch Behandlung mit Hydroxyurea oder Cytochalasin B in Kombination mit gentoxischer Behandlung induziert werden, es wurde jedoch kein Effekt auf die Extrusionsrate beobachtet. Degradation wurde mittels γH2AX-Antik{\"o}rperf{\"a}rbung und transduziertem dsRed-markierten Autophagiemarker LC3B in HeLa-H2B-GFP-Zellen untersucht. Trotz erh{\"o}hter DNA-Degradation in Mikrokernen wurde nur selten eine Ko-Lokalisierung mit LC3B beobachtet. Daf{\"u}r gab es in HeLa-H2B-GFP-Zellen, die zus{\"a}tzlich mit dsRed markierten Kernmembranmarker Lamin B1 transduziert worden sind, Anzeichen f{\"u}r eine eingeschr{\"a}nkte Mikrokernmembranintegrit{\"a}t. Weiterhin wurden Zytokinese-Block Mikrokerntests nach Behandlung mit Thebain mit und ohne metabolische Aktivierung sowie Celecoxib und Celecoxibderivaten durchgef{\"u}hrt. Hierbei wurde nach Thebainbehandlung nur ohne metabolische Aktivierung und bei Anwesenheit von Zytotoxizit{\"a}t mehr Mikrokerne gefunden, w{\"a}hrend nach Behandlung mit Celecoxib und Celecoxibderivaten kein Anstieg beobachtet wurde. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde der Einfluss durch neurodegenerative Ver{\"a}nderungen auf Mundschleimhautzellen in zwei großen Kohorten untersucht, wobei keine Effekte auf die H{\"a}ufigkeit von Mikrokernen oder mikrokernhaltigen Zellen zugeordnet werden konnten, w{\"a}hrend es teilweise bei Parametern, die auf Zytotoxizit{\"a}t hindeuten, zu Ver{\"a}nderungen kam. Es konnte insgesamt gezeigt werden, dass Mikrokerne und mikrokernhaltige Zellen zus{\"a}tzlich zu ihrer Funktion als Biomarker {\"u}ber wenigstens mehrere Zellteilungen bestehen bleiben k{\"o}nnen. Auf diese Weise k{\"o}nnen sie z. B. {\"u}ber Chromothripsis zu einer beschleunigten Kanzerogenese f{\"u}hren, was zu einer schlechten Prognose f{\"u}r Krebspatienten f{\"u}hren kann.}, subject = {Kleinkern}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bankoglu2016, author = {Bankoglu, Ezgi Eyl{\"u}l}, title = {Oxidative status and genomic damage in an obesity model}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-137566}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Several cohort studies showed that obesity increases the risk of chronic disease such as T2DM, hypertension and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and various types of cancer. Different factors were described that might be involving in these diseases in obesity. Some of these suggested factors were chronic infection, elevated free fatty acids, increased ROS formation, mitochondrial dysfunction and raised NAPDH oxidase activity. Obesity is a multifactorial disease and it is very hard to distinguish between all of these factors. In this study, we wanted to focus on the association between obesity, oxidative stress and genomic damage in kidney, liver and colon, which are the most relevant organs for cancer risk according to the cohort studies. Our findings indicated elevated oxidative stress in kidney, liver and colon together with elevated lipid, RNA and DNA oxidation in the whole body. Additionally, we were able to show increased DNA damage in kidney, liver and colon. Since obesity has become an epidemic all over the world, possible therapeutic applications such as life style changes (diet and sport), pharmacological supplements and various type of surgeries are increasing. As a second question, we focused on the effect of weight loss, which is supplied either by Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery or by caloric restriction designed in a way to provide the same extent of weight loss, on oxidative stress and genomic damage. Our results indicated that weight loss either by gastric bypass surgery or by caloric restriction led to reduced oxidative stress and genomic damage in kidney, liver and colon. We could not find any difference between the weight loss methods, except the DNA oxidation and repair marker urinary 8-oxodG, which was still elevated after RYGB, but not after caloric restriction. It is known that hyperinsulinemia and in the long term T2DM are among the biggest concerns in obese individuals. Since we know the mutagenic potential of elevated insulin levels from previous data in our working group, the correlation between the highly mutagenic DNA DBSs marker, γ-H2AX and the plasma insulin level was tested and the findings indicated a positive correlation. In order to demonstrate the association between insulin-related oxidative stress and genomic damage, we used in vitro and in vivo models with Pten deficiency. In this part of study, the work was focused on liver. Pten is a known negative regulator of the PI3K/Akt pathway, which is responsible for the elevated NADPH oxidase activity and mitochondrial dysfunction through elevated insulin levels. Pten inhibition or deficiency were used to sensitize the system to insulin. Non-transformed immortalized human hepatocytes were used to show the mutagenic potential of elevated insulin and these in vitro data revealed once more the link between insulin signaling, elevated oxidative stress and genomic damage. Since the metabolic function of the liver is not only due to the extent of the hepatic insulin response but is also affected by systemic interactions, a whole-body Pten haplodeficient mouse model with an additional Pten+/-/Akt2-/- group was utilized for in vivo investigation of insulin-mediated toxicity. Our findings in this model suggested that Pten deficiency alone can cause an increase in oxidative stress. HFD alone was sufficient to increase the expression of HO-1 and genomic damage significantly. Moreover, the combination (whole-body Pten haplodeficient mice fed with HFD) showed significantly elevated oxidative stress and genomic damage in mouse liver. However, Akt2 knockout could only reduce the oxidative stress and DNA damage in high fat diet fed mice significantly. All these findings demonstrated that obesity can induce oxidative stress and genomic damage. Elevated insulin levels are associated with obesity-mediated oxidative stress and genomic damage. However, the underlying mechanisms are surely multifaceted and complicated. For example, Pten as oncogene might also induce other mechanisms besides the elevation of the PI3K/Akt pathway activity. In conclusion, it is clear that oxidative stress and DNA damage are linked to obesity and that weight loss can reduce these two factors. Since DNA-damage is associated with an elevated cancer risk, it might be logical to use an antioxidant therapy in obese individuals to reduce the side effects and oxidative stress dependent mutagenicity and cancer risk in these individuals. However, much more research will be needed to support this idea experimentally.}, subject = {{\"U}bergewicht}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schott2021, author = {Schott, Lea Marie}, title = {In vitro Untersuchung zur Genotoxizit{\"a}t ausgew{\"a}hlter Pyrrolizidinalkaloide}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24171}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-241716}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Pyrrolizidinalkaloide (PA) sind sekund{\"a}re Pflanzenstoffe, welche {\"u}ber Nahrungsmittel in den menschlichen Organismus gelangen k{\"o}nnen. Zahlreiche Studien belegen, dass PA in der Leber verstoffwechselt und dabei in aktive genotoxische Metabolite umgewandelt werden. Diese verursachen vor allem in der Leber zellul{\"a}re Sch{\"a}den, was sich klinisch in Form einer hepatischen ven{\"o}sen okklusiven Leberkrankheit, aber auch in der Entstehung von Tumoren zeigt. Die vorliegende Arbeit testet das genotoxische Potential der drei PA Lasiocarpin, Senecionin und Seneciphyllin anhand der Leberzelllinie Huh6 mit Hilfe des Mikrokerntests. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wird die Wirkung von Lasiocarpin auf den intrazellul{\"a}ren Glutathion-Gehalt, die Superoxidproduktion und das mitochondriale Membranpotential analysiert. Zudem werden sowohl der eventuell negative Einfluss einer Glutathion Depletion, als auch die m{\"o}glicherweise sch{\"u}tzenden Effekte des pflanzlichen Antioxidans Delphinidin in Bezug auf die Genotoxizit{\"a}t von Lasiocarpin untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass alle drei ausgew{\"a}hlten PA einen signifikanten Anstieg der Mikrokernfrequenz bewirken.Unsere Messungen zeigten f{\"u}r Lasiocarpin eine dezente Reduktion des Glutathion Gehalts. Dagegen f{\"u}hrte eine Glutathion-Depletion in den Huh6 Zellen zu keiner Steigerung der Genotoxizit{\"a}t von Lasiocarpin. In Kombination mit dem Antioxidans Delphinidin zeigte sich f{\"u}r Lasiocarpin eine signifikante Reduktion der Mikrokernfrequenz. Abschließend ist anzumerken, dass in Zukunft vor allem die Wechselwirkung der PA untereinander und mit anderen (Pflanzen-)bestandteilen f{\"u}r eine verbesserte Risikoabsch{\"a}tzung der PA-Exposition untersucht werden sollte.}, subject = {Pyrrolizidinalkaloide}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Jaud2023, author = {Jaud, Tobias Armin}, title = {Application based personalized food choices and health sustainment: scientific background and investigation of biomarkers in human tissue specimens}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29864}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-298646}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Dietary fatty acids serve as objective biomarkers for the estimation of habitual diet mainly because biomarkers are free of memory bias or inaccuracies of food databases. The aim of the present work encompassed the implementation of a gas chromatographical method coupled with a mass spectrometrical and flame-ionization detector for analysis of fatty acid biomarkers in human biospecimens, their analytical determination and statistical evaluation in two different study populations and different biospecimens as well as the elaboration of adverse reactions to food ingredients with special focus on food allergies and food intolerances in the context of a possible implementation into an application for consumer health. The first aim was the identification of potential influence of fatty acid biomarkers on desaturase and elongase indexes (Δ9DI, Δ6DI, Δ5DI and ELOVLI5), which are factors in type 2 diabetes risk, in breast adipose tissue from healthy women. Influence of further variables on respective indexes was also investigated. 40 samples were investigated and potential variables were either collected by questionnaire or determined. Principle component analysis was applied for fatty acid biomarkers (PCdiet1, PCdiet2 and PCdiet3 representative for the dietary intake of vegetable oils/nuts, fish and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils), endogenous estrogens (PCE1) and oxysterols (PCOxy1). Multiple linear regression models were applied. Δ9DI and Δ6DI were influenced non-significantly and significantly negatively by PCdiet2 supporting a putative beneficial effect of vegetable oils and nuts on type 2 diabetes risk factors. ELOVLI5 and Δ5DI were influenced significantly and non-significantly positively by PCdiet1 supporting a putative beneficial effect of fish consumption on type 2 diabetes risk factors. On the other hand, PCdiet1 also significantly and non-significantly positively influenced Δ9DI and Δ6DI supporting a putative adverse effect of fish biomarkers on type 2 diabetes risk factors. The opposing influences of PCdiet1 suggesting an ambivalent role of dietary intake of fish on investigated indexes. Δ6DI was significantly positively influenced by PCdiet3 and number of pregnancies supporting a putative adverse effect of partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and pregnancies on type 2 diabetes risk factors. Lifestyle factors like smoking significantly and non-significantly influenced Δ9DI and Δ6DI putatively adversely. Δ5DI was influenced significantly positively by estrogen active drugs suggesting a putative beneficial effect on type 2 diabetes risk factors. It must be considered that a variation coefficient of up to 0.44 only explained 44\% of variance of the respective indexes, suggesting other influencing factors might play a role. The second aim was the implementation of a gas chromatographical method coupled with a mass spectrometrical and flame-ionization detector for analysis of fatty acid biomarkers in human biospecimens. The method was optimized for separation and detection of 40 fatty acids. Mean recovery for tridecanoic acid was x(tridecanoic acid) = 90.51\% and for nonadecanoic acid x(nonadecanoic acid) = 96.21\%. Thus, there was no significant loss of fatty acids with shorter and longer carbon chains over the extraction process to be expected. Limit of detections were calculated in adipose tissue samples and ranged from 0.007 to 0.077\% of the proportion of the respective fatty acid to total fatty acids. The third aim was the investigation if differentiation between breast glandular and adipose tissue had a relevant impact on the analysis of dietary fatty acid biomarkers or if contamination of breast glandular with breast adipose tissue and vice versa was neglectable for the analysis of dietary fatty acid biomarkers. No statistical significant differences were observed for all investigated fatty acid biomarkers (pentadecanoic-, heptadecanoic-, trans palmitoleic-, eicosapentaenoic-, docosahexaenoic-, linoleic and α-linolenic acid) between breast glandular and adipose tissue. Thus, differentiation between breast glandular and adipose tissue seems not to be necessary for the analysis of fatty acids serving as biomarkers for the intake of specific food groups. Potential influence of mixed breast tissue on fatty acid biomarkers analysis seems to be neglectable. The fourth aim was the determination of fatty acid biomarkers in adipose tissue in another study population from healthy participants. 27 adipose tissue samples were analyzed. Milk and ruminant fat biomarkers exhibited proportions of 0.47\% for pentadecanoic acid, 0.34\% for heptadecanoic acid and 0.25\% for trans palmitoleic acid. Fish fatty acid biomarkers revealed proportions of 0.034\% for eicosapentaenoic acid and 0.061\% for docosahexaenoic acid. The mean proportion of vegetable oils and nuts biomarkers were 9.58\% for linoleic acid and 0.48\% for α-linolenic acid in all adipose tissues. Principle component analysis was applied for the fatty acid biomarkers to provide objective markers of habitual diet for this study population. PCdiet1 was mainly characterized by pentadecanoic acid, heptadecanoic acid and trans palmitoleic acid and therefore served as a principle component for the dietary intake of milk and ruminant fat. PCdiet2 and PCdiet3 only exhibited pattern for ω3 and ω6 fatty acids but not for dietary intake of specific food groups and could therefore not used as objective marker. PCdiet1, 2 and 3 explained 82.76\% of variance. The last aim of this thesis was the elaboration of adverse reactions to food ingredients with special focus on food allergies and food intolerances in the context of a possible implementation into an application for consumer health. Scientific information on adverse reactions to food ingredients and trigger substances was provided in this thesis and possible implementation strategies were evaluated. For food allergens, which have regulatory requirements in the context of labelling, a strategy was elaborated, where it is necessary to provide information on the list of ingredients, the nexus 'contain' and the respective food allergen as well as information on the name of the product. For food intolerances, which do not have regulatory requirements, limits were shown in the context of the application. If the elaborated food intolerances shall be implemented into the application, a professional dietary concept has to be developed for every food intolerance because of the complexity of the implementation.}, subject = {Lebensmittelchemie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kodandaraman2021, author = {Kodandaraman, Geema}, title = {Influence of insulin-induced oxidative stress in genotoxicity and disease}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24200}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242005}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Hormones are essential components in the body and their imbalance leads to pathological consequences. T2DM, insulin resistance and obesity are the most commonly occurring lifestyle diseases in the past decade. Also, an increased cancer incidence has been strongly associated with obese and T2DM patients. Therefore, our aim was to study the influence of high insulin levels in accumulating DNA damage in in vitro models and patients, through the induction of oxidative stress. The primary goal of this study was to analyze the genotoxicity induced by the combined action of two endogenous hormones (insulin and adrenaline) with in vitro models, through the induction of micronuclei and to see if they cause an additive increase in genomic damage. This is important for multifactorial diseases having high levels of more than one hormone, such as metabolic syndrome and conditions with multiple pathologies (e.g., T2DM along with high stress levels). Furthermore, the combination of insulin and the pharmacological inhibition of the tumor suppressor gene: PTEN, was to be tested in in vitro models for their genotoxic effect and oxidative stress inducing potential. As the tumor suppressor gene: PTEN is downregulated in PTEN associated syndromes and when presented along with T2DM and insulin resistance, this may increase the potential to accumulate genomic damage. The consequences of insulin action were to be further elucidated by following GFP-expressing cells in live cell-imaging to observe the ability of insulin, to induce micronuclei and replicative stress. Finally, the detrimental potential of high insulin levels in obese patients with hyperinsulinemia and pre-diabetes was to be studied by analyzing markers of oxidative stress and genomic damage. In summary, the intention of this work was to understand the effects of high insulin levels in in vitro and in patients to understand its relevance for the development of genomic instability and thus an elevated cancer risk.}, subject = {Insulin}, language = {en} }