@phdthesis{Mitterer2013, author = {Mitterer, Brigitte}, title = {Raumbezogene Lebensstile und Konsummuster - eine Ann{\"a}herung an die Dorfbewohner des 21. Jahrhunderts. Untersucht an zwei Gemeinden im Einzugsgebiet von Großst{\"a}dten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-98117}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {„Raus aus dem Grau, aus der hektischen Enge der Stadt. Sehnsucht nach der gr{\"u}nen Alternative" (Linnenbrink 2013). Der Slogan des Internetportals „Landleben", das gegenseitigen Informationsaustausch, Hilfe bei der Suche nach einer Immobilie sowie Ratschl{\"a}ge zur Gartenpflege f{\"u}r derzeitige und zuk{\"u}nftige Landbewohner bietet, bringt eine aktuelle Tendenz zum Ausdruck: Die Sehnsucht nach dem Landleben bzw. die Wiederentdeckung des Ruralen. Das Leben auf dem Lande ist wieder „In", nachdem es jahrzehntelang kaum eine Alternative zum urbanen Leben darstellte (Hoppe 2010. 7ff.; Franzen et al. 2008. 1). Im Zuge des sozialen und kulturellen Wandels, einer Beschleunigung der Lebensverh{\"a}ltnisse und einer zunehmenden Orientierungslosigkeit sehnen sich viele Menschen nach Ruhe, N{\"a}he zur Natur und einer engen Gemeinschaft (Richter 2004. 118ff.; Grothues 2006. 21). H{\"a}ufig besteht die verkl{\"a}rte Vorstellung einer l{\"a}ndliche Idylle, welche wenig mit dem tats{\"a}chlichen Leben auf dem Lande gemein hat (Valentine 2001. 256). Das Landleben kann nicht mehr nur durch Landwirtschaft, Tradition, Solidarit{\"a}t und Natur beschrieben werden. Der Zuzug von Stadtbewohnern f{\"u}hrte zu einer Herausbildung unterschiedlichster Lebensstile. Eine l{\"a}ndliche Lebensweise ist nicht mehr nur durch strukturelle Bedingungen vorgegeben, sondern die freie Entscheidung der Menschen. Die Kommunikation des Landlebens und der Landbewohner durch neue Medien, wie in dem genannten Beispiel ein Internetportal, zeigt, dass die moderne Welt in Form von neuen Kommunikationstechniken in die D{\"o}rfer eingezogen ist (Schneider 2004. 9; Richter 2004. 118ff.; Reinecke 1983. 115f.; Hauptmeyer, Henkel 2005. 43). Der l{\"a}ndliche Raum hat sich in vielerlei Hinsicht der Stadt angen{\"a}hert. Er ist moderner geworden. Stadt und Land stellen keinen extremen Gegensatz mehr dar (GROTHUES 2006. 13; SCHMIDT-THOM{\´E} 2005. 14f.). Nichtsdestotrotz bestehen nach wie vor Unterschiede: Menschen, die urbanes Leben suchen, werden dies in einem l{\"a}ndlichen Dorf kaum finden. Bars, Diskotheken, Museen, Kinos oder Edelboutiquen sind in ruralen Regionen eher selten anzutreffen. Die Verkehrsinfrastruktur, vor allem die Ausstattung mit {\"o}ffentlichem Personennahverkehr, ist oftmals defizit{\"a}r. F{\"u}r t{\"a}gliche Erledigungen sind mitunter weite Wege zur{\"u}ckzulegen. Das Einkaufen z.B. kann zu einer regelrechten Tortur werden, wenn der Tante-Emma-Laden um die Ecke geschlossen wurde und sogar f{\"u}r die Deckung des Grundbedarfs die n{\"a}chste Stadt aufgesucht werden muss (Grothues 2006. 25; Reinecke 1983. 116f.). W{\"a}hrend das Dorfleben von vielen Personen, wie den Nutzern des Internetportals, als positiv und erstrebenswert angesehen wird, bedeutet es f{\"u}r andere, z.B. Großstadtliebhaber, Einschr{\"a}nkungen und ist negativ konnotiert (Hauptmeyer, Henkel 2005. 44; Menzl 2007 340f.). L{\"a}ndliche R{\"a}ume und ihre Bewohner haben viele Gesichter. Aus diesen {\"U}berlegungen ergibt sich die forschungsleitende Fragestellung der Arbeit: Wie k{\"o}nnen die Dorfbewohner des 21. Jahrhunderts vor dem Hintergrund postmoderner Ver{\"a}nderungen charakterisiert werden? Konkretisiert man diese Frage, ergeben sich folgende Teilfragestellungen: - Wie werden die Einschr{\"a}nkungen und M{\"o}glichkeiten l{\"a}ndlicher R{\"a}ume von den Bewohnern wahrgenommen? - Welche Muster der Lebensf{\"u}hrung (Lebensstile) herrschen in l{\"a}ndlichen R{\"a}umen vor? - Welche Bedeutung hat der (l{\"a}ndliche) Raum f{\"u}r die Menschen in der Postmoderne? - Welche Konsummuster bestehen vor dem Hintergrund der wachsenden Bedeutung des Konsums sowie der eingeschr{\"a}nkten Konsumm{\"o}glichkeiten in l{\"a}ndlichen R{\"a}umen? Das Ziel der Arbeit ist eine Ann{\"a}herung an die Dorfbewohner, ihrer Raumwahrnehmung und -bewertung. Zudem sollen l{\"a}ndliche Lebensstile und Konsummuster untersucht werden. Zun{\"a}chst werden die Wechselbeziehungen der Dorfbewohner zum Raum herausgearbeitet, um zu analysieren, welche Rolle dieser in der Postmoderne spielt. Zudem werden die Beziehungen zum Wohnort beschrieben. Ein weiteres zentrales Thema bilden l{\"a}ndliche Konsummuster, da die mangelnde Einzelhandelsausstattung ein Hauptproblem l{\"a}ndlicher R{\"a}ume darstellt und die Kenntnis der Konsumgewohnheiten die Voraussetzung f{\"u}r eine angemessene Reaktion darstellt. Schließlich werden l{\"a}ndliche Lebensstile gebildet, wobei Raumbeziehungen und Konsummuster im Zentrum stehen. Die Fragestellung wird durch einen Mix quantitativer und qualitativer Methoden beantwortet. Eine standardisierte schriftliche Haushaltsbefragung liefert die Basis f{\"u}r eine erste Ann{\"a}herung an die Raumbeziehungen und Konsummuster der Dorfbewohner und dient als Grundlage f{\"u}r die Lebensstilbildung. Zur weiterf{\"u}hrenden Interpretation der Raumbeziehungen werden qualitative Leitfadeninterviews mit Bewohnern l{\"a}ndlicher Gemeinden durchgef{\"u}hrt. Eine standardisierte Einzelhandelskartierung dient als Grundlage f{\"u}r die Bewertung des {\"o}rtlichen Handels. Die Untersuchungsgemeinden Großaitingen und Scheuring befinden sich im l{\"a}ndlichen Raum im Umfeld der St{\"a}dte M{\"u}nchen und Augsburg.}, subject = {L{\"a}ndlicher Raum}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Dietz2013, author = {Dietz, Andreas}, title = {Central Asian Snow Cover Characteristics between 1986 and 2012 derived from Time Series of Medium Resolution Remote Sensing Data}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-101221}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The eminent importance of snow cover for climatic, hydrologic, anthropogenic, and economic reasons has been widely discussed in scientific literature. Up to 50\% of the Northern Hemisphere is covered by snow at least temporarily, turning snow to the most prevalent land cover types at all. Depending on regular precipitation and temperatures below freezing point it is obvious that a changing climate effects snow cover characteristics fundamentally. Such changes can have severe impacts on local, national, and even global scale. The region of Central Asia is not an exception from this general rule, but are the consequences accompanying past, present, and possible future changes in snow cover parameters of particular importance. Being characterized by continental climate with hot and dry summers most precipitation accumulates during winter and spring months in the form of snow. The population in this 4,000,000 km² vast area is strongly depending on irrigation to facilitate agriculture. Additionally, electricity is often generated by hydroelectric power stations. A large proportion of the employed water originates from snow melt during spring months, implying that changes in snow cover characteristics will automatically affect both the total amount of obtainable water and the time when this water becomes available. The presented thesis explores the question how the spatial extent of snow covered surface has evolved since the year 1986. This investigation is based on the processing of medium resolution remote sensing data originating from daily MODIS and AVHRR sensors, thus forming a unique approach of snow cover analysis in terms of temporal and spatial resolution. Not only duration but also onset and melt of snow coverage are tracked over time, analyzing for systematic changes within this 26 years lasting time span. AVHRR data are processed from raw Level 1B orbit data to Level 3 thematic snow cover products. Both, AVHRR and MODIS snow maps undergo a further post-processing, producing daily full-area mosaics while completely eliminating inherent cloud cover. Snow cover parameters are derived based on these daily and cloud-free time series, allowing for a detailed analysis of current status and changes. The results confirm the predictions made by coarse resolution predictions from climate models: Central Asian snow cover is changing, posing new challenges for the ecosystem and future water supply. The changes, however, are not aimed at only one direction. Regions with decreasing snow cover exist as well as those where the duration of snow cover increases. A shift towards earlier snow cover start and melt can be observed, posing a serious challenge to water management authorities due to a changed runoff regime.}, subject = {Zentralasien}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Roedder2014, author = {R{\"o}dder, Tobias}, title = {Spatio-temporal assessment of dynamics in discontinuous mountain permafrost - Investigation of small-scale influences on the ground thermal regime and active layer processes during snow melt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-90629}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The discontinuous mountain permafrost zone is characterized by its heterogeneous distribution of frozen ground and a small-scale variability of the ground thermal regime. Large parts of these areas are covered by glacial till and sediments that were exposed after the recession of the glaciers since the 19th century. As response to changed climatic conditions permafrost-affected areas will lose their ability as sediment storage and on the contrary, they will act as source areas for unconsolidated debris. Along with modified precipitation patterns the degradation of the discontinuous mountain permafrost zone will (temporarily) increase its predisposition for mass movement processes and thus has to be monitored in a differentiated way. Therefore, the spatio-temporal dynamics of frozen ground are assessed in this study based on results obtained in three glacier forefields in the Engadin (Swiss Alps) and at the Zugspitze (German Alps). Sophisticated techniques are required to uncover structural differences in the subsurface. Thus, the applicability of advanced geophysical methods is tested for alpine environments and proved by the good 3D-delineation of a permafrost body and by the detection of detailed processes in the active layer during snow melt. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) approaches (quasi-3D, daily monitoring) reveal their capabilities to detect subsurface resistivity changes both, in space and time. Processes and changes in regard to liquid water content and ice content are observed to exist at short distances even though the active layer is not subject to a considerable thickening over the past 7 years. The stability of the active layer is verified by borehole temperature data. No synchronous trend is recognized in permafrost temperatures and together with multi-annual electrical resistivity data they indicate degradation and aggradation processes to occur at the same time. Different heat transfer mechanisms, especially during winter, are recognized by means of temperature sensors above, at, and beneath the surface. Based on surface and borehole temperature data the snow cover is assessed as the major controlling factor for the thermal regime on a local scale. Beyond that, the debris size of the substrate, which modifies the snow cover and regulates air exchange processes above the ground, plays a crucial role as an additional buffer layer. A fundamental control over the stability of local permafrost patches is attributed to the ice-rich transient layer at the base of the active layer. The refreezing of melt water in spring is illustrated with diurnal ERT monitoring data from glacier forefield Murt{\`e}l. Based on these ERT and borehole temperature data a conceptual model of active layer processes between autumn and spring is developed. The latent heat that is inherent in the transient layer protects the permafrost beneath from additional energy input from the surface as long as the refreezing of melt water in spring prevails and sufficient ice is build up each spring. Permafrost sites without a transient layer show considerably higher temperatures at their table and are more prone to degradation in the years and decades ahead. As main investigation area a glacier forefield beneath the summits of Piz Murt{\`e}l and Piz Corvatsch in the Swiss Engadin was chosen. It is located west of the well-known rock glacier Murt{\`e}l. Here, a permafrost body inside and adjacent to the lateral moraine was investigated and could be delineated very well. In the surrounding glacier forefield no further indications of permafrost occurrence could be made. Geophysical data and temperature values from the surface and from a permafrost borehole were compared with long-term data from proximate glacier forefield Muragl (Engadin). Results from both sites show a considerable stability of the active layer depth in summer while at the same time geophysical data demonstrate annual changes in the amount of liquid water content and ice content in the course of years. A third investigation area is located in the German Alps. The Zugspitzplatt is a high mountain valley with considerably more precipitation and thicker snow cover compared to both Swiss sites. In close proximity to the present glacier and at a large talus slope beneath the summit crest ground ice could be observed. The high subsurface resistivity values and comparable data from existing studies at the Zugspitze may indicate the presence of sedimentary ice in the subsurface of the karstified Zugspitzplatt. Based on these complementary data from geophysical and temperature measurements as well as geomorphological field mapping the development of permafrost in glacier forefields under climate change conditions is analyzed with cooperation partners from the SPCC project. Ground temperature simulations forced with long-term climatological data are modeled to assess future permafrost development in glacier forefield Murt{\`e}l. Results suggest that permafrost is stable as long as the ice-rich layer between the active layer and the permafrost table exists. After a tipping point is reached, the disintegration of frozen ground starts to proceed rapidly from the top.}, subject = {Engadin}, language = {en} }