@phdthesis{Schneider2020, author = {Schneider, Felicitas Maria Hannelore}, title = {Vergleichende Evaluierung verschiedener Ans{\"a}tze des Memory Enhancement bei neurodegenerativen Prozessen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20756}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-207562}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Angesichts des dramatischen, weltweiten Anstiegs der Pr{\"a}valenz von Demenzerkrankungen und der aktuellen, unzureichenden Therapieans{\"a}tze ist die Bereitstellung neuer, wirkungsvoller Behandlungsoptionen von gr{\"o}ßter Bedeutung. Technologische, pharmakologische und verhaltensbasierte Verfahren des Memory Enhancement k{\"o}nnten zur L{\"o}sung dieses Problems beitragen: Hierzu z{\"a}hlt die Stammzelltransplantation, die in mehreren Tierstudien zu einer Verbesserung der Ged{\"a}chtnisfunktion f{\"u}hrte. Zudem wird seit L{\"a}ngerem an einer Impfung gegen die Alzheimer-Krankheit mittels β-Amyloid-Antik{\"o}rpern geforscht. Ein weiterer therapeutischer Ansatz f{\"u}r die Alzheimer-Krankheit besteht in der optogenetischen Stimulation spezifischer hippocampaler Engramm-Zellen, durch die bei einem Maus-Modell verloren gegangene Erinnerungen wiederhergestellt werden konnten. Unkonventionelle Pharmazeutika wie Erythropoetin f{\"u}hrten in Tierstudien und bei Patienten mit neuropsychiatrischen Erkrankungen zu einer Verbesserung der kognitiven F{\"a}higkeiten und des Ged{\"a}chtnisses. Eine Modifikation der Ern{\"a}hrung und der Einsatz von Pro- und Pr{\"a}biotika beeinflussen das Ged{\"a}chtnis {\"u}ber eine Manipulation der Darm-Hirn-Achse. Verhaltensbasierte Maßnahmen wie k{\"o}rperliche Aktivit{\"a}t und der Einsatz von Mnemotechniken stellen effektive Ans{\"a}tze des Memory Enhancement dar, welche bereits heute von gesunden Individuen implementiert werden k{\"o}nnen. F{\"u}r die Anwendung von Augmented Reality (AR) konnten kognitionsf{\"o}rdernde Wirkungen beim Lernen neuroanatomischer Themen und dem Zusammenbau von Objekten nachgewiesen werden. Besonders vielversprechend stellt sich die Entwicklung einer Ged{\"a}chtnisprothese dar, durch die vergessene Informationen bei Personen mit stattgehabtem Sch{\"a}del-Hirn-Trauma und apoplektischem Insult reaktiviert werden k{\"o}nnten. Memory Enhancement ist prinzipiell bereits heute bei gesunden und kranken Individuen anwendbar und verspricht wirksame zuk{\"u}nftige Pr{\"a}ventions- und Therapieoptionen. Ein realer Einsatz in der klinischen Praxis ist in naher Zukunft jedoch noch nicht zu erwarten.}, subject = {Neurodegeneration}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Friedrich2019, author = {Friedrich, Maximilian Uwe}, title = {Funktionelle Charakterisierung einer Tripletdeletion in SLC5A4 (SGLT3) als Kandidatengen f{\"u}r das Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/ Hyperaktivit{\"a}tssyndrom (ADHS)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18479}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-184791}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Natrium-Glukose Transporter (SGLT) geh{\"o}ren zur „solute carrier 5" (SLC5) Familie, die sich durch einen sekund{\"a}r aktiven, natriumabh{\"a}ngigen Transport von Zuckern und an-deren Molek{\"u}len nach intrazellul{\"a}r auszeichnen. Die durch das Gen SLC5A4 kodierte Isoform SGLT3 transportiert dagegen keinen Zucker, sondern verh{\"a}lt sich als Glukosesensor, der nach Bindung seiner Liganden eine Membrandepolarisation induziert. In genomweiten Exomsequenzierungsstudien (whole exome sequencing, WES) mehrerer erweiterter Stammb{\"a}ume mit hoher Pr{\"a}valenz des Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivit{\"a}tssyndroms (ADHS) wurde im Vorfeld eine ATG-Tripletdeletion in SLC5A4 identifiziert, die zum Verlust einer Aminos{\"a}ure (ΔM500) in SGLT3 f{\"u}hrt und zumindest partiell mit dem klinischen Ph{\"a}notyp kosegregiert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die zentralnerv{\"o}se Expression von SGLT3 auf RNA- Ebene mittels Reverse-Transkriptase PCR sowie real-time PCR aus humanen Gesamt-RNAs nachgewiesen. Dabei konnte eine ubiquit{\"a}re Expression im Gehirn mit relativ erh{\"o}hter Expression unter anderem in Striatum und Hypothalamus, deren Dysfunktion in der Pathogenese des ADHS impliziert wurde, gezeigt werden. Da Mutationen in homologen Dom{\"a}nen der eng strukturverwandten Isoformen SGLT1 und SGLT2 sowohl intestinale als auch renale Funktionen schwer beeintr{\"a}chtigen, wurden in dieser Arbeit funktionelle Charakteristika sowohl des wildtypischen als auch der ΔM500 und der benachbarten ΔI501 Deletionsvariante von SGLT3 mittels Zwei-Elektroden Spannungs- und Stromklemme in entsprechend cRNA-injizierten Xenopus laevis Oozyten untersucht. Der hochpotente SGLT3-spezifische Iminozuckeragonist 1-Desoxynojirimycin (DNJ) induzierte an SGLT3-exprimierenden Oozyten in sauren Bedingungen etwa dreifach gr{\"o}ßere Kationeneinstr{\"o}me als D-Glukose, was sowohl im Spannungsklemmen-, und anhand einer entsprechenden Membrandepolarisation im Stromklemmenmodus gezeigt wurde. Die mit der ΔM500 bzw. ΔI501 Variante injizierten Oozyten dagegen zeigten in den maximalen Aktivierungsbedingungen um 92\% bzw. 96\% (p<0,01) reduzierte Kationeneinstr{\"o}me, sodass diese als hochgradig sch{\"a}dliche „Loss of Function" Mutationen in SGLT3 charakterisiert wurden. Dieser Befund wurde mittels bioinformatischer in-silico Effektvorhersage validiert. Um Konsequenzen der Sequenzalteration auf den Membraneinbau der Transporter zu untersuchen, wurden die mit einem gelb fluoreszierenden Farbstoff (YFP) markierten Transporter in Oozytenmembranen mittels Laser-Scanning Mikroskop nachgewiesen und die jeweiligen Mengen der Konstrukte anhand der Fluoreszenzintensit{\"a}ten quantifiziert. Dabei zeigte sich eine um 53\% bzw. 42\% (p<0,01) reduzierte Menge der mutierten Konstrukte ΔM500 bzw. ΔI501 in der Membran, was zus{\"a}tzliche sch{\"a}dliche Effekte der Mutationen auf das sogenannte Membrantargeting der Transporter belegt. Zusammenfassend demonstrieren die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit, dass die ΔM500 Variante von SGLT3, welcher in ADHS-relevanten Hirnarealen exprimiert wird, dessen sub-stratinduzierte Natriumleitf{\"a}higkeit aufhebt und den Membraneinbau beeintr{\"a}chtigen k{\"o}nnte, was in Wechselwirkung mit anderen genetischen ADHS Risikovarianten das Risiko f{\"u}r ADHS in Mutationstr{\"a}gern beeinflussen kann.}, subject = {ADHS}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Pennington2018, author = {Pennington, Laura Sophie}, title = {The role of Cadherin-13 in serotonergic neurons during different murine developmental stages}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161331}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Abstract Background: Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) ranges among the most common neurodevelopmental disorders worldwide with a prevalence of 3-12\% in childhood and 1-5\% for adults. Over the last decade extensive genetic research has been conducted in order to determine its causative genetic factors. None of the so far identified susceptibility genes, however, could explain the estimated ADHD heritability of 76\%. In this thesis one of the most promising candidates -Cadherin 13 (Cdh13) - was examined in terms of its influence on the central serotonergic (5-HT) system. In addition to that, the Cdh13 protein distribution pattern was analysed over time. Methods: The developing serotonergic system was compared over three embryonic and postnatal stages (E13.5, E17.5 and P7) in different Cdh13 genotypes (WT, HZ and KO) using immunohistochemistry and various double staining protocols. Results: The raphe nuclei of the 5-HT system develop in spite of Cdh13 absence and show a comparable mature constellation. The cells in the KO, however, are slightly more scattered than in the WT. Furthermore the dynamics of their formation is altered, with a transient delay in migration at E13.5. In early developmental stages the total amount of serotonergic cells is reduced in KO and HZ, though their proportional distribution to the raphe nuclei stays constant. Strikingly, at P7 the absolute numbers are comparable again. Concerning the Cdh13 protein, it shows high concentrations on fibres running through hindbrain and midbrain areas at E13.5. This, however, changes over time, and it becomes more evenly spread until P7. Furthermore, its presence in serotonergic cells could be visualised using confocal microscopy. Since the described pattern is only in parts congruent to the localisation of serotonergic neurons, it is most likely that Cdh13 is present in other developing neurotransmitter systems, such as the dopaminergic one, as well. Conclusion: It could be proven that Cdh13 is expressed in serotonergic cells and that its knockout does affect the developing serotonergic system to some degree. Its absence, however, only slightly and transiently affects the measured parameters of serotonergic system development, indicating a possible compensation of CDH13 function by other molecules in the case of Cdh13 deficiency. In addition further indicators could be found for an influence of Cdh13 on outgrowth and path finding of neuronal processes.}, subject = {Cadherine}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ziegler2017, author = {Ziegler, Georg Christoph}, title = {Die SLC2A3-Genduplikation als Kandidatengenvariante der Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit/-Hyperaktivit{\"a}tsst{\"o}rung - molekularbiologische und neurale Korrelate}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-154185}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Diese Arbeit widmet sich der Untersuchung einer Kopienzahlvariante (CNV) im Erbgut, die zu einer genomischen Duplikation des SLC2A3-Gens f{\"u}hrt. Die Auswirkungen der SLC2A3- Duplikation wurden im Zellkulturmodell und durch bildgebende Verfahren untersucht. F{\"u}r die SLC2A3-Duplikation konnte eine populationsspezifische Assoziation mit ADHS gezeigt werden (Merker et al. 2017). SLC2A3 kodiert f{\"u}r den neuronalen Glukosetransporter GLUT3, der u.a. Prozesse der Neurotransmitterfreisetzung und Synaptogenese vermittelt und daher wichtig f{\"u}r die Hirnreifung ist. M{\"o}gliche Endpunkte f{\"u}r Endoph{\"a}notypen, die auf einem alterierten Glukosemetabolismus basieren, sind dysfunktionale Hungerregulationsmechanismen ebenso wie eine ver{\"a}nderte neurale Reaktivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber emotionalen Stimuli und Belohnungsreizen. In zwei peripheren Zellmodellen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die SLC2A3-Duplikation Gen-Dosis-abh{\"a}ngig zu einer Steigerung der basalen SLC2A3-mRNA Expression f{\"u}hrt. Ein Expressionsunterschied auf Proteinebene konnte jedoch nicht gefunden werden. Metabolischer Zellstress durch Aushungern der Zellkulturen und eine niedrige Glukosekonzentration im Zellkulturmedium f{\"u}hrten zu einer signifikanten Erh{\"o}hung des schon unter basalen Bedingungen vorhandenen SLC2A3-Expressionsunterschiedes zwischen Duplikations- und Kontrollzelllinien. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die SLC2A3-Duplikation bei verminderter zellul{\"a}rer Energiezufuhr zu einer {\"U}berkompensation der Glukoseaufnahme f{\"u}hrt. In einer fMRT-Untersuchung wurden erwachsene ADHS-Patienten mit SLC2A3- Duplikation mit ADHS-Patienten und gesunden Kontrollen mit jeweils 2 Genkopien hinsichtlich ereigniskorrelierter neuraler Aktivit{\"a}t als Antwort auf emotionale Stimuli und Essensreize verglichen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die SLC2A3-Duplikation zu einer ver{\"a}nderten Reaktivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber hochkalorischen Essensreizen f{\"u}hrt, was sich in einem durch maschinelles Lernen identifizierten multivariaten neuralen Antwortmuster und einer relativen Untersch{\"a}tzung des Kaloriengehaltes hochkalorischer Nahrung zeigt. Bei der univariaten Gesamthirn-Analyse der Bilddaten wurden keine signifikanten Gruppenunterschiede gefunden, was darauf hinweist, dass unter den gew{\"a}hlten Versuchsbedingungen keine fokal umschriebenen Gruppenunterschiede der Hirnaktivierung bestehen. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass die SLC2A3-Duplikation zu einer Erh{\"o}hung der SLC2A3- Genexpression mit bisher unbekannten Auswirkungen auf nachgeschaltete Stoffwechselwege und zu einem komplex ver{\"a}nderten neuralen Antwortmuster f{\"u}hrt, das durch einen linearen Zusammenhang nicht zu beschreiben ist. Weitere Untersuchungen auf Zellebene und eine Erweiterung der bildgebenden Verfahren k{\"o}nnten zu einer besseren Einordnung der SLC2A3- Duplikation bez{\"u}glich ihres Anteils an der endoph{\"a}notypischen Varianz der ADHS f{\"u}hren.}, subject = {Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Syndrom}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Nuth2017, author = {Nuth, Linda}, title = {Niederfrequente, Tiefe Hirnstimulation bei Parkinson-Patienten mit ON-Freezing. Identifikation von Respondern anhand kinematischer Gangparameter}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-150317}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Das ON-Freezing ist ein seltenes, aber generell extrem schwer zu therapierendes Ph{\"a}nomen. Es betrifft Parkinson-Patienten mit und ohne THS. Die derzeitige Literaturlage spiegelt wider, dass es unterschiedliche Strategien gibt, diesem Ph{\"a}nomen zu begegnen. Ein allgemeing{\"u}ltiges Therapiekonzept existiert dabei nicht. F{\"u}r einige Patienten mit STN-THS konnte durch eine Reduktion der Stimulationsfrequenz eine Besserung der Gangst{\"o}rung erzielt werden. Andere profitierten vom Einsatz sogenannter Interleaving-Protokolle mit gleichzeitiger Stimulation der Substantia nigra (Sn). Im Vergleich zu anderen Arbeiten, die keine vorhersagbaren Parameter gefunden oder sich auf Symptome, Auspr{\"a}gung der Subtypen und Erkrankungsdauer oder den Zeitpunkt der Erkrankung konzentriert haben, verfolgten wir die Absicht, die Effekte der LF-Stim des STN auf Parkinson-Patienten mit Gangst{\"o}rung und Freezing-Ph{\"a}nomen zu untersuchen und herauszufinden, ob man Gangparameter identifizieren kann, an Hand derer man das Ansprechen auf eine LF-Stim vorhersagen kann. Unter der Einschr{\"a}nkung, dass die Zahl der Probanden unserer Studie sehr gering ist, haben wir herausgefunden, dass diejenigen Patienten besser auf eine LF-Stim ansprechen, die unter der Standard-HF-Stim eine signifikant h{\"o}here Ganggeschwindigkeit und eine gr{\"o}ßere Schrittl{\"a}nge aufzeigen und nur ein intermittierendes Freezing haben. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus zeigte sich ein besseres Ansprechen der LF-Stim bei Parkinson-Patienten mit akinetisch-rigidem Parkinson-Ph{\"a}notyp. Unsere Ergebnisse best{\"a}tigen die Annahme, dass sich L-Dopa additiv zur Stimulationstherapie bei manchen Parkinson-Patienten zus{\"a}tzlich positiv auf die motorischen PD-Symptome auswirken kann. In Bezug auf die Verbesserung der Gangparameter zeigte sich in unseren Ergebnissen allerdings, dass L-Dopa eher eine untergeordnete Rolle spielt. Aufgrund der niedrigen Anzahl von Respondern in unserer Studie l{\"a}sst sich daher sicherlich noch keine allgemeing{\"u}ltige Regel ableiten. Es bedarf letztlich weiterer Studien mit gr{\"o}ßeren Untersuchungszahlen, um unsere Thesen zu st{\"u}tzen und abzusichern. In jedem Fall wird aber das ON-Freezing auch weiterhin eine therapeutische Herausforderung bleiben.}, subject = {Parkinson}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Aboagye2019, author = {Aboagye, Benjamin}, title = {Behavioral and physiologic consequences of inducible inactivation of the \(Tryptophan\) \(hydroxylase\) 2 gene in interaction with early-life adversity}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17358}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-173581}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Disruptions in brain serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) signaling pathways have been associated with etiology and pathogenesis of various neuropsychiatric disorders, but specific neural mechanisms of 5-HT function are yet to be fully elucidated. Tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (TPH2) is the rate-limiting enzyme for brain 5-HT synthesis. Therefore, in this study a tamoxifen (Tam)-inducible cre-mediated conditional gene (Tph2) knockout in adult mouse brain (Tph2icKO) has been established to decipher the specific role of brain 5-HT in the regulation of behavior in adulthood. Immunohistochemistry and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were used first to test the efficacy of Tam-inducible inactivation of Tph2 and consequential reduction of 5-HT in adult mouse brain. Tam treatment resulted in ≥90\% reduction in the number of 5-HT immuno-reactive cells in the anterior raphe nuclei. HPLC revealed a significant reduction in concentration of 5-HT and its metabolite 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA) in selected brain regions of Tph2icKO, indicating the effectiveness of the protocol used. Second, standard behavioral tests were used to assess whether reduced brain 5-HT concentrations could alter anxiety-, fear- and depressive-like behavior in mice. No altered anxiety- and depressive-like behaviors were observed in Tph2icKO compared to control mice (Tph2CON) in all indices measured, but Tph2icKO mice exhibited intense and sustained freezing during context-dependent fear memory retrieval. Tph2icKO mice also exhibited locomotor hyperactivity in the aversive environments, such as the open field, and consumed more food and fluid than Tph2CON mice. Lastly, the combined effect of maternal separation (MS) stress and adult brain 5-HT depletion on behavior was assessed in male and female mice. Here, MS stress, 5-HT depletion and their interaction elicited anxiety-like behavior in a sex-dependent manner. MS reduced exploratory behavior in both male and female mice. Reduced 5-HT enhanced anxiety in female, but not in male mice. Furthermore, expression of genes related to the 5-HT system and emotionality (Tph2, Htr1a, Htr2a, Maoa and Avpr1a) was assessed by performing a quantitative real-time PCR. In Tph2icKO mice there was a reduction in expression of Tph2 in the raphe nuclei of both male and female mice. Interaction between MS stress and 5-HT deficiency was detected showing increased Htr2a and Maoa expression in raphe and hippocampus respectively of female mice. In male mice, MS stress and 5-HT depletion interaction effects reduced Avpr1a expression in raphe, while the expression of Htr1a, Htr2a and Maoa was differentially altered by 5-HT depletion and MS in various brain regions.}, subject = {Anxiety}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bacmeister2018, author = {Bacmeister, Lucas}, title = {Effect of Cadherin-13 inactivation on different GABAergic interneuron populations of the mouse hippocampus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-172693}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Cadherin-13 (CDH13) is an atypical member of the cadherin superfamily, a group of membrane proteins mediating calcium-dependent cellular adhesion. Although CDH13 shows the classical extracellular cadherin structure, the typical transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains are absent. Instead, CDH13 is attached to the cell membrane via a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor. These findings and many studies from different fields suggest that CDH13 also plays a role as a cellular receptor. Interestingly, many genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have found CDH13 as a risk gene for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other neurodevelopmental disorders. In previous work from our research group, strong expression of Cdh13 mRNA in interneurons of the hippocampal stratum oriens (SO) was detected. Therefore, double-immunofluorescence studies were used to evaluate the degree of co-expression of CDH13 with seven markers of GABAergic interneuron subtypes. For this purpose, murine brains were double stained against CDH13 and the respective marker and the degree of colocalization in the SO of the hippocampus was assessed. Based on the result of this immunofluorescence study, quantitative differences in interneuron subtypes of the SO between Cdh13 knockout (ko), heterozygote (het) and wildtype (wt) mice were investigated in this dissertation using stereological methods. In addition, genotype- dependent differences in the expression of genes involved in GABAergic and glutamatergic neurotransmission were analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). Primers targeting different GABA receptor subunits, vesicular GABA and glutamate transporter, GABA synthesizing enzymes and their interaction partners were used for this purpose. The results of the stereological quantification of the interneuron subtypes show no significant differences in cell number, cell density or volume of the SO between Cdh13 ko, het and wt mice. On the other hand, qRT-PCR results indicate significant differences in the expression of tropomyosin-related kinase B gene (TrkB), which encodes the receptor of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a regulator of GABAergic neurons. This finding supports a role for CDH13 in the regulation of BDNF signaling in the hippocampus.}, subject = {Cadherine}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kiser2019, author = {Kiser, Dominik Pascal}, title = {Gene x Environment Interactions in Cdh13-deficient Mice: CDH13 as a Factor for Adaptation to the Environment}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17959}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-179591}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Neurodevelopmental disorders, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are disorders of mostly unknown etiopathogenesis, for which both genetic and environmental influences are expected to contribute to the phenotype observed in patients. Changes at all levels of brain function, from network connectivity between brain areas, over neuronal survival, synaptic connectivity and axonal growth, down to molecular changes and epigenetic modifications are suspected to play a key roles in these diseases, resulting in life-long behavioural changes. Genome-wide association as well as copy-number variation studies have linked cadherin-13 (CDH13) as a novel genetic risk factor to neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders. CDH13 is highly expressed during embryonic brain development, as well as in the adult brain, where it is present in regions including the hippocampus, striatum and thalamus (among others) and is upregulated in response to chronic stress exposure. It is however unclear how CDH13 interacts with environmentally relevant cues, including stressful triggers, in the formation of long-lasting behavioural and molecular changes. It is currently unknown how the environment influences CDH13 and which long term changes in behaviour and gene expression are caused by their interaction. This work therefore investigates the interaction between CDH13 deficiency and neonatal maternal separation (MS) in mice with the aim to elucidate the function of CDH13 and its role in the response to early-life stress (ELS). For this purpose, mixed litters of wild-type (Cdh13+/+), heterozygous (Cdh13+/-) and homozygous knockout (Cdh13-/-) mice were maternally separated from postnatal day 1 (PN1) to postnatal day 14 (PN14) for 3 hours each day (180MS; PN1-PN14). In a first series of experiments, these mice were subjected to a battery of behavioural tests starting at 8 weeks of age in order to assess motor activity, memory functions as well as measures of anxiety. Subsequently, expression of RNA in various brain regions was measured using quantitativ real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). A second cohort of mice was exposed to the same MS procedure, but was not behaviourally tested, to assess molecular changes in hippocampus using RNA sequencing. Behavioural analysis revealed that MS had an overall anxiolytic-like effect, with mice after MS spending more time in the open arms of the elevated-plus-maze (EPM) and the light compartment in the light-dark box (LDB). As a notable exception, Cdh13-/- mice did not show an increase of time spent in the light compartment after MS compared to Cdh13+/+ and Cdh13+/- MS mice. During the Barnes-maze learning task, mice of most groups showed a similar ability in learning the location of the escape hole, both in terms of primary latency and primary errors. Cdh13-/- control (CTRL) mice however committed more primary errors than Cdh13-/- MS mice. In the contextual fear conditioning (cFC) test, Cdh13-/- mice showed more freezing responses during the extinction recall, indicating a reduced extinction of fear memory. In the step-down test, an impulsivity task, Cdh13-/- mice had a tendency to wait longer before stepping down from the platform, indicative of more hesitant behaviour. In the same animals, qRT-PCR of several brain areas revealed changes in the GABAergic and glutamatergic systems, while also highlighting changes in the gatekeeper enzyme Glykogensynthase-Kinase 3 (Gsk3a), both in relation to Cdh13 deficiency and MS. Results from the RNA sequencing study and subsequent gene-set enrichment analysis revealed changes in adhesion and developmental genes due to Cdh13 deficiency, while also highlighting a strong link between CDH13 and endoplasmatic reticulum function. In addition, some results suggest that MS increased pro-survival pathways, while a gene x environment analysis showed alterations in apoptotic pathways and migration, as well as immune factors and membrane metabolism. An analysis of the overlap between gene and environment, as well as their interaction, highlighted an effect on cell adhesion factors, underscoring their importance for adaptation to the environment. Overall, the stress model resulted in increased stress resilience in Cdh13+/+ and Cdh13+/- mice, a change absent in Cdh13-/- mice, suggesting a role of CDH13 during programming and adaptation to early-life experiences, that can results in long-lasting consequences on brain functions and associated behaviours. These changes were also visible in the RNA sequencing, where key pathways for cell-cell adhesion, neuronal survival and cell-stress adaptation were altered. In conclusion, these findings further highlight the role of CDH13 during brain development, while also shedding light on its function in the adaptation and response during (early life) environmental challenges.}, subject = {Cadherine}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Post2014, author = {Post, Antonia}, title = {Snap25 heterozygous knockout mice as a potential model for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-122899}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {SNAP25 (Synaptosomal-Associated Protein of 25 kDa; part of the SNARE complex) is involved in the docking and fusion of synaptic vesicles in presynaptic neurons necessary for the regulation of neurotransmitter release, as well as in axonal growth and synaptic plasticity. In humans, different single nucleotide polymorphisms of SNAP25 have repeatedly been associated with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Thus, in this study heterozygous Snap25 knockout mice were investigated as a model of ADHD. Heterozygous (+/-) Snap25 knockout mice as well as their wild-type (+/+) littermates were reared under control conditions or underwent a Maternal Separation (MS) procedure. Starting at the age of 2 months, mice were tested for locomotor activity in a repeated long-term Open Field (OF) task, for attention deficits and impulsive behavior in the 5 Choice Serial Reaction Time Task (5CSRTT), for anxiety-like behavior in the Light-Dark Box (LDB) and for depression-like behavior in the Porsolt Forced Swim Test (FST). The brains of these mice were subsequently tested for the expression of several ADHD related genes in a quantitative Real-Time PCR (qRT-PCR) study. Another group of female mice (+/+; +/-) underwent a one hour OF test after oral administration of 45 mg/kg Methylphenidate (MPH) or placebo. To find an optimized dosage for this MPH challenge, a pilot study was performed. Wild-type C57BL/6 mice were tested in a long-term OF with several dosages of MPH both intraperitoneally (i.p.) and orally. The brains of these animals were afterwards investigated for neurotransmitter concentrations. In this pilot study the dosages of MPH that were similarly behaviorally effective without causing symptoms of overdosing were 7.5-15 mg/kg intraperitoneally and 30-60 mg/kg orally. However, even though it was possible to find intraperitoneal and oral doses that correlate behaviorally, the neurochemistry was mostly different. In the study on Snap25-deficient mice, unstressed controls showed a hyperactive phenotype in the second of two long-term OF sessions (60 min) spaced three weeks apart. Considering all groups, there was a significant interaction of stress and genotype in the second session, with animals subjected to MS being overall hyperactive with no genotype differences. In the training phase of the 5CSRTT only effects of stress were found, with MS animals finding and consuming fewer rewards. In the single test trial, several genotype effects became apparent, with tendencies for the number of correct nose pokes and the number of rewards eaten, and a significant effect for the number of rewards eaten directly after the correct response. In all of these variables +/- mice performed worse than their wild-type littermates. In the LDB +/- mice entered the lit compartment of the arena earlier than the controls, thus showing attenuated anxiety-like behavior. Regarding depressive-like behavior in the FST, male +/- mice spent significantly less time struggling than male +/+ mice. In the gene expression study, +/- mice had lower expression levels of Maoa and Comt, and higher expression levels of Nos1 than wild-types. Finally, the locomotor activity response to MPH was exaggerated in +/- mice as compared to controls. Heterozygous Snap25 knockout mice show some of the behavioral characteristics of ADHD, as for example a mild hyperactivity in a familiar environment, difficulties in the correct execution of a given task and even some behavior that can be interpreted as delay aversion. Additionally, expression levels of three ADHD related genes were changed in these animals. Although the exaggerated locomotor activity response to MPH is not to be expected of an ADHD model, the difference in the response between +/+ and +/- mice nonetheless implicates a potential dysfunction of the brain dopaminergic system.}, subject = {Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Syndrom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schraut2015, author = {Schraut, Karla-Gerlinde}, title = {Epigenetic programming by prenatal stress in female serotonin transporter deficient mice}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-120270}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Early life stress, including exposure to prenatal stress (PS), has been shown to affect the developing brain and induce severe effects on emotional health in later life, concomitant with an increased risk for psychopathology. However, some individuals are more vulnerable to early-life stress, while others adapt successfully, i.e. they are resilient and do not succumb to adversity. The molecular substrates promoting resilience in some individuals and vulnerability in other individuals are as yet poorly investigated. A polymorphism in the serotonin transporter gene (5­HTT/SLC6A4) has been suggested to play a modulatory role in mediating the effects of early-life adversity on psychopathology, thereby rendering carriers of the lower-expressing short (s)-allele more vulnerable to developmental adversity, while long (l)-allele carriers are relatively resilient. The molecular mechanisms underlying this gene x environment interaction (GxE) are not well understood, however, epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation and histone modifications have been discussed to contribute as they are at the interface of environment and the genome. Moreover, developmental epigenetic programming has also been postulated to underlie differential vulnerability/resilience independent of genetic variation. The present work comprises two projects investigating the effects of prenatal maternal restraint stress in 5-HTT deficient mice. In the first study, we examined to which extent previously observed changes in behavior and hippocampal gene expression of female 5-Htt+/- prenatally stressed (PS) offspring were associated with changes in DNA methylation patterns. Additionally, we investigated the expression of genes involved in myelination in hippocampus and amygdala of those animals using RT-qPCR. The genome-wide hippocampal DNA methylation screening was performed using methylated-DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP) on Affymetrix GeneChip® Mouse Promoter 1.0R arrays. In order to correlate individual gene-specific DNA methylation, mRNA expression and behavior, we used hippocampal DNA from the same mice as assessed before. 5-Htt genotype, PS and their interaction differentially affected the DNA methylation signature of numerous genes, a part of which were also differentially expressed. More specifically, we identified a differentially methylated region in the Myelin basic protein (Mbp) gene, which was associated with Mbp expression in a 5-Htt-, PS- and 5-Htt x PS-dependent manner. Subsequent fine-mapping linked the methylation status of two specific CpG sites in this region to Mbp expression and anxiety-related behavior. We furthermore found that not only the expression of Mbp but of large gene set associated with myelination was affected by a 5-Htt x PS interaction in a brain-region specific manner. In conclusion, hippocampal DNA methylation patterns and expression profiles of female PS 5-Htt+/- mice suggest that distinct molecular mechanisms, some of which are associated with changes in gene promoter methylation, and processes associated with myelination contribute to the behavioral effects of the 5-Htt genotype, PS exposure, and their interaction. In the second study, we aimed at investing the molecular substrates underlying resilience to PS. For this purpose, we exposed 5-Htt+/+ dams to the same restraint stress paradigm and investigated the effects of PS on depression- and anxiety-like behavior and corticosterone (CORT) secretion at baseline and after acute restraint stress in female 5-Htt+/+ and 5-Htt+/- offspring. We found that PS affected the offspring's social behavior in a negative manner. When specifically examining those PS animals, we grouped the PS offspring of each genotype into a social, resilient and an unsocial, vulnerable group. While anxiety-like behavior in the EPM was reduced in unsocial, but not social, PS 5-Htt+/+ animals when compared to controls, this pattern could not be found in animals of the other genotype, indicating that social anxiety and state anxiety in the EPM were independent of each other. We then assessed genome-wide hippocampal gene expression profiles using mRNA sequencing in order to identify pathways and gene ontology (GO) terms enriched due to 5-Htt genotype (G), PS exposure (E) and their interaction (GxE) as well as enriched in social, but not unsocial, PS offspring, and vice versa. Numerous genes were affected by 5-Htt genotype, PS and most of all a GxE-interaction. Enrichment analysis using enrichr identified that the genotype affected mitochondrial respiration, while GxE-interaction-affected processes associated primarily with myelination and chromatin remodeling. We furthermore found that 5-Htt+/- mice showed profound expression changes of numerous genes in a genomic region located 10 mio kb upstream of the 5 Htt locus on the same chromosome. When looking at social vs. unsocial mice, we found that a much higher number of genes was regulated in 5 Htt+/- animals than in 5-Htt+/+ animals, reflecting the impact of GxE-interaction. Double the number of genes was regulated in social PS vs. control mice when compared to unsocial PS vs. control in both genotypes, suggesting that the successful adaption to PS might have required more active processes from the social group than the reaction to PS from the unsocial group. This notion is supported by the up-regulation of mitochondrial respiration in social, but not in unsocial, PS 5-Htt+/- mice when compared to controls, as those animals might have been able to raise energy resources the unsocial group was not. Next to this, processes associated with myelination seemed to be down-regulated in social 5-Htt+/- mice, but not in unsocial animals, when compared to controls. Taken together, PS exposure affected sociability and anxiety-like behavior dependent on the 5-Htt genotype in female offspring. Processes associated with myelination and epigenetic mechanisms involved in chromatin remodeling seemed be affected in a GxE-dependent manner in the hippocampus of these offspring. Our transcriptome data furthermore suggest that mitochondrial respiration and, with this, energy metabolism might be altered in 5-Htt+/- offspring when compared to 5-Htt+/+ offspring. Moreover, myelination and mitochondrial respiration might contribute to resilience towards PS exposure in 5-Htt+/- offspring, possibly by affecting brain connectivity and energy capabilities.}, subject = {Stress}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{ForeroEcheverry2020, author = {Forero Echeverry, Andrea Marcela}, title = {Impact of Cadherin-13 deficiency on the brain serotonin system using mouse models and human iPSC-derived neurons}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21659}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-216592}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) is a neurotransmitter involved in early developmental processes such as cell proliferation, migration, and differentiation. Recent research in humans showed that the brain 5-HT system and CDH13 are interlinked in the genetics of neurodevelopmental disorders including attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder (Lesch et al., 2008; Neale et al., 2008; Neale, Medland, Ripke, Anney, et al., 2010; Neale, Medland, Ripke, Asherson, et al., 2010; Sanders et al., 2011; Sanders et al., 2015; Zhou et al., 2008). This study introduces Cadherin-13 (CDH13), a cell adhesion protein, as a contributor to the development and function of the 5-HT system. Our experiments show that the absence of CDH13 increases the density of 5-HT neurons in the developing dorsal raphe (DR) and increases the 5-HT innervation of the prefrontal cortex in mouse embryonic stages. CDH13 is also observed in radial glial cells, an important progenitor cell type linked to neuronal migration. A three-dimensional reconstruction carried out with super-resolution microscopy, identifies 5-HT neurons intertwined with radial glial cells, and CDH13 clusters at contact points between these cells. This indicates a potential contribution of CDH13 to the migration of DR 5-HT neurons. As CDH13 is strongly expressed in 5-HT neurons, we asked whether the selective deletion of CDH13 from these cells is sufficient to generate the alterations observed in the Cdh13 constitutive knockout mouse line. In 5-HT conditional Cdh13 knockout mice (Cdh13 cKO) an increase in DR 5-HT neurons in the embryonic and adult brains is observed, as well as 5-HT hyperinnervation of cortical regions. Therefore, illustrating that the lack of CDH13 from 5-HT neurons alone impacts DR formation and serotonergic innervation. Behavioral testing conducted on Cdh13 cKO mice showed delayed learning in visuospatial learning and memory processing, as well as, changes in sociability parameters. To find out how CDH13 localizes in human 5-HT neurons, CDH13 was visualized in neurons that derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC). Super-resolution microscopy confirmed CDH13 expression in a subgroup of induced human neurons positive for typical hallmarks of 5-HT neurons, such as expression of Tph2, the neuron-specific tryptophan hydroxylase, and synaptic structures. In summary, the work included in this thesis presents a detailed analysis of CDH13 expression and localization in the 5-HT system and shows that deletion of CDH13 from 5-HT neurons affects specific higher-order functions of the brain.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ku2022, author = {Ku, Hsing-Ping}, title = {Cadherin-13 Deficiency Impacts Murine Serotonergic Circuitries and Cognitive Functions}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25144}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-251446}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Cadherin-13 (CDH13) is a member of the cadherin superfamily that lacks the typical transmembrane domain for classical cadherins and is instead attached to the cell membrane with a GPI-anchor. Over the years, numerous genome-wide association (GWA) studies have identified CDH13 as a risk factor for neurodevelopmental disorders, including attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder. Further evidence using cultured cells and animal models has shown that CDH13 plays important roles in cell migration, neurite outgrowth and synaptic function of the central nervous system. Research in our laboratory demonstrated that the CDH13 deficiency resulted in increased cell density of serotonergic neurons of the dorsal raphe (DR) in developing and mature mouse brains as well as serotonergic hyperinnervation in the developing prefrontal cortex, one of the target areas of DR serotonergic neurons. In this study, the role of CDH13 was further explored using constitutive and serotonergic system-specific CDH13-deficient mouse models. Within the adult DR structure, the increased density of DR serotonergic neurons was found to be topographically restricted to the ventral and lateral-wing, but not dorsal, clusters of DR. Furthermore, serotonergic hyperinnervation was observed in the target region of DR serotonergic projection neurons in the lateral wings. Unexpectedly, these alterations were not observed in postnatal day 14 brains of CDH13-deficient mice. Additionally, behavioral assessments revealed cognitive deficits in terms of compromised learning and memory ability as well as impulsive-like behaviors in CDH13-deficient mice, indicating that the absence of CDH13 in the serotonergic system alone was sufficient to impact cognitive functions and behavioral competency. Lastly, in order to examine the organization of serotonergic circuitries systematically and to tackle limitations of conventional immunofluorescence, a pipeline of the whole-mount immunostaining in combination with the iDISCO+ based rapid tissue clearing techniques was established. This will facilitate future research of brain neurotransmitter systems at circuitry and/or whole-brain levels and provide an excellent alternative for visualizing detailed and comprehensive information about a biological system in its original space. In summary, this study provided new evidence of CDH13's contribution to proper brain development and cognitive function in mice, thereby offering insights into further advancement of therapeutic approaches for neurodevelopmental disorders.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jansch2021, author = {Jansch, Charline}, title = {Effects of SLC2A3 copy number variants on neurodevelopment and glucose metabolism in ADHD patient-specific neurons}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21620}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-216201}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Neuropsychiatric disorders, such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), represent a burden which deeply impair the patient's life. Neurobiological research has therefore increasingly focused on the examination of brain neurotransmitter systems, such as the serotonin (5-HT) system, since a dysfunction has been repeatedly implicated in the pathology of these diseases. However, investigation of functional human neurons in vitro has been restricted by technical limitations for a long time until the discovery of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) revolutionized the field of experimental disease models. Since the pathogenesis of neuropsychiatric disorders involves a complex genetic component, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) revealed numerous risk genes that are associated with an increased risk for ADHD. For instance, the novel ADHD candidate gene SLC2A3 which encodes the glucose transporter-3 (GLUT3), facilitates the transport of glucose across plasma membranes and is essential for the high energy demand of several cell types, such as stem cells and neurons. Specifically, copy number variants (CNVs) of SLC2A3 might therefore impact cerebral glucose metabolism as well as the assembly of synaptic proteins in human neurons which might contribute to the pathogenesis of ADHD. We hypothesized that an altered SLC2A3 gene dosage in human neurons can exert diverse protective or detrimental effects on neurodevelopmental processes as well as the coping of glucometabolic stress events, such as hypo- and hyperglycaemic conditions. The generation of specific iPSC lines from ADHD patients and healthy probands served as basis to efficiently differentiate stem cells into 5-HT specific neurons. Using this neuronal culture, we were able to examine effects of SLC2A3 CNVs on the basal expression of SCL2A3 and GLUT3 in human neurons. Furthermore, the focus was on potentially altered coping of the cells with glucose deprivation and the treatment with specific high- and low glycaemic media. High-resolution fluorescence imaging in combination with electrophysiological and molecular biological techniques showed that: 1) The generated human iPSCs are fully reprogrammed human stem cells showing typical characteristics of embryonic stem cell-like morphology, growth behaviour, the ability to differentiate into different cell types of the human body and the expression of pluripotency-specific markers. 2) The neuronal subtype derived from our stem cells display typical characteristics of 5-HT specific median and dorsal neurons and forms synapses reflected by the expression of pre- and postsynaptic proteins. 3) Even if SLC2A3 CNVs influence SLC2A3 and GLUT3 basal expression, no significant alterations in gene and protein expression caused by hyper- and hypoglycaemic conditions, nor in the assembly of proteins associated with synapse formation could be observed in human iPSC-derived neurons.}, subject = {Stammzelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Merker2014, author = {Merker, S{\"o}ren}, title = {Genome-wide screenings in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): investigation of novel candidate genes SLC2A3 and LPHN3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-100129}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a highly prevalent childhood-onset neurodevelopmental disorder that involves a substantial risk of persisting into adolescence and adulthood. A number of genome-wide screening studies in ADHD have been conducted in recent years, giving rise to the discovery of several variants at distinct chromosomal loci, thus emphasising the genetically complex and polygenic nature of this disorder. Accordingly, promising novel candidate genes have emerged, such as the gene encoding the glucose transporter isoform 3 (SLC2A3) and the gene encoding the latrophilin isoform 3 (LPHN3). In this thesis, both genes were investigated in form of two separated projects. The first focused on SLC2A3 polymorphisms associated with ADHD and their potential physiological impact. For this purpose, gene expression analyses in peripheral cell models were performed as well as functional EEG measurements in humans. The second project concerned the murine gene Lphn3 including the goal of developing a mouse line containing a genetically modified Lphn3 with conditional knockout potential. In this respect, a specific DNA vector was applied to target the Lphn3 gene locus in murine embryonic stem (ES) cells as a prerequisite for the generation of appropriate chimeric mice. The results of the first project showed that SLC2A3 duplication carriers displayed increased SLC2A3 mRNA expression in peripheral blood cells and significantly altered event-related potentials (ERPs) during tests of cognitive response control and working memory, possibly involving changes in prefrontal brain activity and memory processing. Interestingly, ADHD patients with the rs12842 T-allele, located within and tagging the SLC2A3 gene, also exhibited remarkable effects during these EEG measurements. However, such effects reflected a reversed pattern to the aforementioned SLC2A3 duplication carriers with ADHD, thus indicative of an opposed molecular mechanism. Besides, it emerged that the impact of the aforementioned SLC2A3 variants on different EEG parameters was generally much more pronounced in the group of ADHD patients than the healthy control group, implying a considerable interaction effect. Concerning the second project, preliminary results were gathered including the successful targeting of Lphn3 in murine ES cells as well as the production of highly chimeric, phenotypically unremarkable and mostly fertile mouse chimeras. While germline transmission of the modified Lphn3 allele has not yet occurred, there are still several newborn chimeric mice that will be tested in the near future. In conclusion, the findings suggest that SLC2A3 variants associated with ADHD are accompanied by transcriptional and functional changes in humans. Future research will help to elucidate the molecular network and neurobiological basis involved in these effects and apparently contributing to the complex clinical picture of ADHD. Moreover, given the increasing number of publications concerning latrophilins in recent years and the multitude of research opportunities provided by a conditional knockout of Lphn3 in mice, the establishment of a respective mouse line, which currently is in progress, constitutes a promising approach for the investigation of this gene and its role in ADHD.}, subject = {Genexpression}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kreutzfeldt2013, author = {Kreutzfeldt, Simon}, title = {Studien zur Expression von Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts 1 (MLC1/Mlc1) in humanen und murinen Geweben}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-90355}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Das humane MLC1 (auch als KIAA0027 oder WKL1 benannt) ist ein 377 AS umfassendes Protein, welches vornehmlich in neuralen Geweben exprimiert wird. Aufgrund von Strukturanalysen und Homologievergleichen wurde eine Funktion als Ionenkanal mit acht Transmembrandom{\"a}nen postuliert. Loss-of-function-Mutationen des MLC1-Gens lassen sich mit dem Auftreten der Megalenzephale Leukenzephalopathie mit subkortikalen Zysten korrelieren. Ferner konnte anhand einer Stammbaumanalyse gezeigt werden, dass die C1121A-Mutation in einer gr{\"o}ßeren Familie mit dem Auftreten der Periodischen Katatonie nach Leonhardt (PK) kosegregierte, wobei Folgeuntersuchungen zur Assoziation von MLC1-Mutationen und dem Auftreten der PK widerspr{\"u}chliche Ergebnisse erbrachten. Zur weiteren Aufkl{\"a}rung der biologischen Funktion von MLC1 war es das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit, in zwei experimentellen Ans{\"a}tzen n{\"a}here Kenntnisse zum transkriptionellen Expressionsmuster von MLC1 in vivo zu gewinnen, und anschließend durch Herstellung eines polyklonalen Antik{\"o}rpers gegen das humane MLC1 den Grundstein f{\"u}r weitergehende Untersuchungen zur funktionellen Bedeutung von MLC1 zu legen. Mittels In Situ-Hybridisierung humaner und muriner Gewebeschnitte aus Hippocampus und Cerebellum konnte gezeigt werden, dass die MLC1/Mlc1-Transkription in diesen Geweben vornehmlich in den Bergmann-Gliazellen der Purkinjezellschicht des Cerebellums sowie - in schw{\"a}cherem Umfang - in verstreut liegenden und in der subgranul{\"a}ren Zone des Gyrus dentatus geh{\"a}uften Astrozyten des murinen Hippocampus nachweisbar war. Im zweiten Schritt der Analyse wurden humane post-mortem cDNA-Proben aus verschiedenen Gehirnregionen und zus{\"a}tzlich einigen nicht-neuralen Geweben von zwei Menschen gewonnen, mittels quantitativer Real-time-PCR die Genexpression von MLC1 bestimmt und mithilfe des Expressionsniveaus von ausgew{\"a}hlten Housekeeping-Genen (GAPDH, L13a, β-Aktin, ARP und Cyclophilin) normalisiert. Es zeigte sich, dass in allen getesteten Hirnregionen eine deutliche MLC1-Expression festzustellen war, deren Maxima im Cerebellum und Frontalhirn und deren Minima im Putamen bzw. im nicht-neuralen Plexus chorioideus lagen. Zudem konnte eine nicht-neurale Expression auf sehr geringem Niveau f{\"u}r Lunge und Milz nachgewiesen werden. Zur Gewinnung eines polyklonalen Antik{\"o}rpers gegen humanes MLC1 wurden mittels computergest{\"u}tzter Verfahren ein 117 AS langes Vakzinierungsprotein entworfen, welches immunogene Abschnitte des N-Terminus (61 AS) und C-Terminus (54 AS) enthielt. Die kodierende Sequenz wurde unter Verwendung des Impact-CN®-Expressionssystems in einen pTYB-Vektor kloniert, in ER2566-Zellen exprimiert, das Protein affinit{\"a}tschromatographisch {\"u}ber Chitin-S{\"a}ulen isoliert und aufgereinigt und mittels Bradford-Assay und SDS-Gelelektrophorese nachgewiesen. Leider konnte trotz vielf{\"a}ltiger Variation der Versuchsparameter kein eindeutiger Nachweis einer ausreichenden Expression des MLC1-Proteins in den ER2566-Zellen erbracht werden, die f{\"u}r die anschließende Vakzinierung von Kaninchen zur Gewinnung des polyklonalen Antiserums erforderlich gewesen w{\"a}re. Die Gr{\"u}nde hierf{\"u}r sind unklar, denkbar sind beispielsweise eine suboptimale Codon-Frequenz, eine schlechte Proteinl{\"o}slichkeit, intrazellul{\"a}re mRNA-Degradation, proteolytische Abbauvorg{\"a}nge oder eine Hemmung der Proteinbiosynthese durch die biologische Funktion des Proteins. Zusammenfassend konnten die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erzielten Ergebnisse einen Beitrag zur Erweiterung des Wissens zur MLC1-Expression leisten. Dabei entsprachen die Befunde zur humanen MLC1-Expression weitgehend den diesbez{\"u}glichen Beobachtungen zur regionalen und zellul{\"a}ren Expressionsst{\"a}rkenverteilung aus dem Mausmodell, welche eine funktionelle Bedeutung von MLC1 im Rahmen von neuralen Schrankenstrukturen nahelegten (vgl. Schmitt et al. 2003). Mittels der zwischenzeitlich von anderen Arbeitsgruppen ({\"u}ber andere experimentelle Verfahren) erzeugten Antik{\"o}rper gegen MLC1 konnte gezeigt werden, dass funktionelles MLC1 vermutlich als zellmembranst{\"a}ndiges Dimer vorliegt und seine biologische Funktion u.a. durch Interaktion mit dem DGC (=Dystrophin-assoziierten Glykoprotein-Komplex) in den Caveolae aus{\"u}bt. Es bleibt eine Aufgabe f{\"u}r die Zukunft, die genauen molekularen Mechanismen dieser Prozesse und ihre m{\"o}gliche therapeutische Beeinflussbarkeit zur Behandlung der MLC zu erforschen. Auch die Frage der potenziellen extraneuralen MLC1-Expression, f{\"u}r die in dieser Arbeit Hinweise gefunden wurden, mag ein interessanter Ansatzpunkt f{\"u}r zuk{\"u}nftige Forschungsarbeiten sein.}, subject = {MLC1}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Keleş2022, author = {Kele{\c{s}}, Can-Florian}, title = {Funktionelle Untersuchung zur Duplikation des SLC2A3-Gens in Patienten mit Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivit{\"a}tsst{\"o}rung}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27161}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-271611}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Zusammenfassung 1) Fragestellung und zentrale Untersuchung Unter der Hypothese, dass die Transportrate des Glukosetransporters Typ 3 (GLUT3) abh{\"a}ngig von der Kopienanzahl (CNV) des f{\"u}r ihn kodierenden Gens SLC2A3 ist, wurden Zelllinien mit drei Kopien (Duplikation) mit Kontroll-Zelllinien mit nur zwei Kopien bez{\"u}glich ihrer Glukoseaufnahme miteinander verglichen (n=2; N=9). Hierzu wurde die zellul{\"a}re Glukoseaufnahme mittels radioaktiv markierter 2-Desoxyglukose in via Eppstein-Barr-Virus immortalisierten lymphoblastoiden Zelllinien (EBV-LCLs) gemessen. In den initialen Untersuchungen zeigt sich, dass das Protokoll an manchen Stellen zu viel Spielraum l{\"a}sst. Die Methode wird daraufhin standardisiert und bez{\"u}glich einiger Parameter angepasst: g-Zentrifugeneinstellung, Mischen/Aliquotieren, Zellanzahl, Replikatanzahl, Inkubationszeit/-intervalle und Durchf{\"u}hrungsdauer. 2) Wichtigste Ergebnisse Die funktionelle Untersuchung zur Duplikation des SLC2A3-Gens in Patienten mit Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivit{\"a}tsst{\"o}rung (ADHS) zeigt schließlich im dynamischen Aushungerungsversuch der EBV-LCLs {\"u}ber vier Tage (Vergleich t2 zu t1) statistisch f{\"u}r die Gruppen eine deutliche Differenz mit mittlerer Effektst{\"a}rke (Lineares Gemischtes Modell; p = 0,06; Cohens d = 0,37). Zum zweiten Messzeitpunkt (t2) zeigt sich statistisch zwischen den Gruppen eine sehr signifikante Differenz mit hoher Effektst{\"a}rke (Lineares Gemischtes Modell; p < 0,006; Cohens d = 0,55). Damit konnte in dieser Arbeit nachgewiesen werden, dass die SLC2A3-Duplikation neben dem Gendosiseffekt auf mRNA-Ebene auch hypermorph funktionelle Ver{\"a}nderungen auf zellul{\"a}rer Ebene nach sich zieht. Nachfolgende Untersuchungen sollten vor diesem Hintergrund m{\"o}gliche Kofaktoren investigieren und auf Alterationen in nachgeschalteten Signalwegen abzielen.}, subject = {Genemutation}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Riemens2023, author = {Riemens, Renzo J. M.}, title = {Neuroepigenomics in Alzheimer's disease: The single cell ADds}, isbn = {978-94-6423-524-1}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25457}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-254574}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die Forschung, die in dieser Arbeit zusammengestellt wird, kann in zwei Teile geteilt werden. Der erste Teil, bestehend aus vier Kapiteln, konzentriert sich auf die Rolle der epigenetischen Dysregulation in der {\"A}tiopathophysiologie der sporadischen Alzheimer-Krankheit (sAD). Neben Einblicken in die neuesten Entwicklungen in neuroepigenomischen Studien zu dieser Krankheit geht der erste Teil der Arbeit auch auf verbleibende Herausforderungen ein und gibt einen Ausblick auf m{\"o}gliche Entwicklungen auf diesem Gebiet. Der zweite Teil, der drei weitere Kapitel umfasst, konzentriert sich auf die Anwendung von auf induzierten pluripotenten Stammzellen (iPSC) basierenden Krankheitsmodellen f{\"u}r das Studium der AD, einschließlich, aber nicht beschr{\"a}nkt auf mechanistische Studien zur epigenetischen Dysregulation unter Verwendung dieser Plattform. Neben der Skizzierung der bisherigen Forschung mit iPSC-basierten Modellen f{\"u}r sAD gibt der zweite Teil der Arbeit auch Einblicke in die Gewinnung krankheitsrelevanter Nervenkulturen auf Basis der gezielten Differenzierung von iPSCs und beinhaltet dar{\"u}ber hinaus einen experimentellen Ansatz f{\"u}r den Aufbau eines solchen Modellsystems.}, subject = {Epigenetik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vitale2023, author = {Vitale, Maria Rosaria}, title = {Excitatory/inhibitory balance in iPSC-derived glutamatergic/GABAergic neuronal networks: differential Cadherin-13 genotype effects}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28789}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-287895}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {While the healthy brain works through balanced synaptic communication between glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons to coordinate excitation (E) and inhibition (I), disruption of E/I balance interferes with synaptic communication, information processing, and ultimately cognition. Multiple line of evidence indicates that E/I imbalance represents the pathophysiological basis of a wide spectrum of mental disorders. Genetic screening approaches have identified Cadherin-13 (CDH13). as a risk gene across neurodevelopmental and mental disorders. CDH13 regulates several cellular and synaptic processes in brain development and neuronal plasticity in adulthood. In addition to other functions, it is specifically localized at inhibitory synapses of parvalbumin- and somatostatin-expressing GABAergic neurons. In support of CDH13's function in moderating E/I balance, electrophysiological recordings of hippocampal slices in a CDH13-deficient mouse model revealed an increase in basal inhibitory but not excitatory synaptic transmission. Moreover, the search for genetic variants impacting functional expression of the CDH13 gene identified SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism)) rs2199430 in intron 1 to be associated with differential mRNA concentrations in human post-mortem brain across the three genotypes CDH13G/G, CDH13A/G and CDH13A/A . This work therefore aimed to further validate these findings in a complementary human model by using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). The application of human iPSCs in research has replaced the use of embryonic cells, resolving the ethical conflict of destructive usage of human embryos. Investigating CDH13's mode of action in inhibitory synapses was predicted to facilitate mechanistic insight into the effects of CDH13 gene variants on E/I network activity, which can then be targeted to reinstate balance. Genome-wide association studies have identified rare copy number variants (CNVs) resulting in a deletion (or duplication) of CDH13. To reduce genetic background variance, a set of isogenic iPSC lines with a gene dose-dependent deficiency of CDH13 (CDH13-/- and CDH13+/- ) was generated by using the Clustered Regulatory Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats/CRISPR-associated protein 9 (CRISPR/Cas9) system. These CRISPRed iPSCs carrying a single or two allele(s) with CDH13 inactivation facilitate investigation of CDH13 function in cellular processes, at inhibitory synapses and in neuronal network activity. In addition, iPSCs carrying allelic SNP rs2199430 variants were used to study the effects of common genetic variation of CDH13. These cell lines were differentiated into pure glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons and co-cultured to generate neuronal networks allowing its activity to be measured and correlated with electrophysiological signatures of differential CDH13 genotypes. The work towards assessment of neuronal network activity of the iPSC lines was subdivided into three major steps: first, generating rtTA/Ngn2 and rtTA/Ascl1-positive iPSCs via a lentivirus-mediated approach; second, differentiating pure glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons from the genetically transduced iPSCs and co-culturing of pure glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons in a pre-established ratio (65:35) by direct differentiation upon supplementation with doxycycline and forskolin on a microelectrode array (MEA) chip; and, finally, recording of neuronal network activity of iPSC lines after 49 days in vitro, followed by extraction and analyses of multiple MEA parameters. x Based on the MEA parameters, it was confirmed that complete CDH13 knockout as well as heterozygous deficiency influence E/I balance by increasing inhibition. It was further revealed that common SNP variation alters the signature of neuronal network activity. Specifically, CDH13 deficiency resulted in a significant reduction in network burst duration (NBD), reduced number of detected spikes within a network burst and reduction in network burst rate (NBR) compared to the control (CDH13G/G). CDH13A/G and CDH13A/A showed similarities with the CRISPRed CDH13-deficient networks by showing a significant reduction in the NBD and a reduced number of detected spikes within a network compared to CDH13G/G. Strikingly. there was a significant increase in the NBR of the CDH13A/G and CDH13A/A compared to CDH13G/G networks. CDH13A/G networks exhibited significant differences in both parameters. At the cellular level, this indicates that signalling pathways which determine the length and frequency of network bursts differ among allelic variants of SNP rs2199430, thus confirming functional relevance of this intronic SNP. In summary, CDH13-deficient isogenic iPSC lines were generated using CRISPR/Cas9, iPSCs were genetically transduced via a lentivirus approach, direct differentiation of glutamatergic/GABAergic neurons derived from transduced iPSCs were used to establish a scalable co-culture system, and network activity was recorded by MEA using pre-established parameters to extract and analyze activity information. The results indicate that iPSC-derived neuronal networks following CRISPR/Cas9-facilitated CDH13 inactivation, as well as networks with allelic SNP variants of CDH13, moderate E/I balance, thus advancing understanding of CDH13 function at inhibitory synapses and elucidating the effects of rare and common CDH13 gene variation.}, subject = {Induzierte pluripotente Stammzelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weidner2018, author = {Weidner, Magdalena Theodora}, title = {Brain serotonin throughout development - for better and for worse}, publisher = {Magdalena T. Weidner}, address = {Maastricht, the Netherlands}, isbn = {978-94-6233-940-8}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-163345}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The work presented in this thesis covers the effects of early-life adversity in the context of altered serotonin (5-HT; 5-hydroxytryptamine) system functioning in mice. The main body is focussing on a screening approach identifying molecular processes, potentially involved in distinct behavioural manifestations that emerge from or are concomitant with early adversity and, with regard to some behavioural manifestations, dependent on the functioning of the 5-HT system.}, subject = {Gehirn}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Langer2017, author = {Langer, Simon}, title = {Herz-Hirn Interaktion im Mausmodell: Herzinsuffizienz nach Myokardinfarkt f{\"u}hrt zu depressivem Verhalten bei M{\"a}usen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-154733}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Herzinsuffizienz, Depression und Angstst{\"o}rungen treten geh{\"a}uft gemeinsam auf und beeinflussen teilweise gegenseitig ihre Prognose. Die Zusammenh{\"a}nge zwischen diesen Erkrankungen sind bislang nicht aufgekl{\"a}rt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit f{\"u}hrte isch{\"a}mische Herzinsuffizienz im Mausmodell zu Depressions-{\"a}hnlichem Verhalten innerhalb von 8 Wochen nach Infarktinduktion. Weiter zeigte sich eine Minderung der Ged{\"a}chtnisleistung. Angst-assoziiertes Verhalten ließ sich nicht nachweisen. Immunhistochemisch konnten keine Ver{\"a}nderungen in spezifischen Hirnarealen nachgewiesen werden. Molekulare Methoden legen Ver{\"a}nderungen des Serotoninstoffwechsels als m{\"o}gliche Erkl{\"a}rung nahe. Nach operativer Ligatur eines Herzkrankgef{\"a}ßes wurden C57/Bl6N M{\"a}use {\"u}ber einen Zeitraum von 8 Wochen beobachtet. In dieser Zeit wurden neben Herzultraschalluntersuchungen eine Reihe von Verhaltenstest durchgef{\"u}hrt, um depressive und {\"a}ngstliche Verhaltensstrukturen sowie die kognitive Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit beurteilen zu k{\"o}nnen. Nach Ablauf des Beobachtungszeitraumes wurden das Herz und das Gehirn entnommen und weiteren histologischen und molekularen Untersuchungen zugef{\"u}hrt. Die histologische Aufarbeitung des Herzens nach Ende des Versuchszeitraumes best{\"a}tigte die Beobachtungen anderen Autoren, dass eine Infarktgr{\"o}ße von mehr als 30\% mit sehr hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit zur Entstehung einer Herzinsuffizienz f{\"u}hrt. Im der histologischen Aufarbeitung des Gehirns zeigen sich keine strukturellen Ver{\"a}nderungen bei herzkranken M{\"a}usen, die die beobachteten {\"A}nderungen im Verhalten begr{\"u}nden k{\"o}nnten. Insbesondere kann eine hypoxische Hirnsch{\"a}digung durch eine etwaige Minderperfusion empfindlicher Hirnareale ausgeschlossen werden. M{\"a}use, die nach Induktion eines Myokardinfarktes eine Herzinsuffizienz entwickeln, zeigen nach 8 Wochen Depressions-assoziiertes, adynamisches Verhalten sowie eine Verminderung der kognitiven Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit, nicht aber Anzeichen von Angstst{\"o}rungen. Diesen Verhaltens{\"a}nderungen kann kein strukturelles Korrelat im Gehirn zugewiesen werden. Dies ist ein Indiz daf{\"u}r, dass sich Ver{\"a}nderung auf molekularer Ebene vollziehen, welche sich dem Mikroskop entziehen. Die im Myokard beobachtete Regulation des Serotoninstoffwechsels ist ein m{\"o}glicher Erkl{\"a}rungsansatz hierf{\"u}r.}, subject = {Deutsches Zentrum f{\"u}r Herzinsuffizienz W{\"u}rzburg}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Reuter2020, author = {Reuter, Isabel}, title = {Development and function of monoaminergic systems in the brain of zebrafish}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20408}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-204089}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {This thesis explores the development of monoaminergic systems in the central nervous system (CNS) of zebrafish. The serotonergic cells of the hypothalamus pose the main focus of the present work. Most vertebrates except for mammals possess serotonin (5-HT) synthesising cells in more than one region of the CNS. In zebrafish such regions are, e.g. the hypothalamus, the raphe nuclei and the spinal cord. Serotonin functions as a neurotransmitter and neuromodulator in the CNS. Presumably due to its neuromodulatory tasks hypothalamic serotonergic cells are in contact with the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which expands the field of potential serotonergic targets tremendously. This highlights that serotonergic CSF-contacting (CSF-c) cells are vital for the execution of many functions and behaviours. Further, the hypothalamic serotonergic clusters constitute the largest population of serotonergic cells in the CNS of zebrafish. Together, these facts emphasise the need to understand the development and function of serotonergic CSF-c cells in the hypothalamus. Few studies have dealt with this subject, hence, information about the development of these cells is scarce. The zinc-finger transcription factor fezf2, and Fibroblast growth factor (Fgf)-signalling via the ETS-domain transcription factor etv5b are known to regulate serotonergic cell development in the hypothalamus (Bosco et al., 2013; Rink and Guo, 2004). However, the main Fgf ligand responsible for this mediation has not been determined prior to this work. The present thesis identifies Fgf3 as a crucial Fgf ligand. To achieve this result three independent strategies to impair Fgf3 activity have been applied to zebrafish embryos: the fgf3t24152 mutant, an fgf3 morpholino-based knock-down and the CRISPR/Cas9 technique. The investigations show that Fgf3 regulates the development of monoaminergic CSF-c cells in the hypothalamus. Additionally, Fgf3 impacts on cells expressing the peptide hormone arginine vasopressin (avp). Most interestingly, the requirement for Fgf3 by these cells follows a caudo-rostral gradient with a higher dependence on Fgf3 by caudal cells. This also seems to be the case for dopaminergic CSF-c cells in the hypothalamus (Koch et al., 2014). Moreover, etv5b a downstream target of Fgf-signalling is demonstrated to be under the control of Fgf3. With regard to serotonergic CSF-c cell development, it is shown that fgf3 is expressed several hours before tph1a and 5-HT (Bellipanni et al., 2002; Bosco et al., 2013). Together with the result that the hypothalamus is already smaller before mature serotonergic CSF-c cells appear, this argues for an early impact of Fgf3 on serotonergic specification. This hypothesis is supported by several findings in this study: the universal decrease of proliferating cells in the hypothalamus and simultaneous increase of cell death after fgf3 impairment. Complementary cell fate experiments confirm that proliferating serotonergic progenitors need Fgf3 to commit serotonergic specification. Further, these results corroborate findings of an earlier study stating that hypothalamic serotonergic progenitors require Fgf-signalling via etv5b to maintain the progenitor pool (Bosco et al., 2013). Additionally, the transcriptome of the hypothalamus has been analysed and 13 previously overlooked transcripts of Fgf ligands are expressed at developmental stages. The transcriptome analysis provides evidence for a self-compensatory mechanism of fgf3 since expression of fgf3 is upregulated as a consequence of its own impairment. Moreover, the Fgf-signalling pathway appears to be mildly affected by fgf3 manipulation. Together, Fgf-signalling and especially Fgf3 are established to be of critical importance during hypothalamic development with effects on serotonergic, dopaminergic CSF-c and avp expressing cells. Furthermore, this thesis provides two strategies to impair the tph1a gene. Both strategies will facilitate investigations regarding the function of hypothalamic serotonergic CSF-c cells. Finally, the presented findings in this study provide insights into the emergence of the posterior recess region of the hypothalamus, thereby, contributing to the understanding of the evolution of the vertebrate hypothalamus.}, subject = {Hypothalamus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Auth2021, author = {Auth, Charlotte Sophie}, title = {Die Auswirkungen von Tph2-Defizienz und negativen fr{\"u}hen Umwelterfahrungen auf Angstverhalten in weiblichen M{\"a}usen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23948}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-239488}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Angsterkrankungen geh{\"o}ren zu den am weitesten verbreiteten psychischen Erkrankungen und stellen eine betr{\"a}chtliche soziale und wirtschaftliche Herausforderung f{\"u}r unsere Gesellschaft dar. Aversive fr{\"u}he Erfahrungen sind ein bekannter Risikofaktor f{\"u}r die Entwicklung verschiedener psychischer Erkrankungen, insbesondere Angstst{\"o}rungen. W{\"a}hrend der fr{\"u}hen Entwicklung findet die Programmierung der Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennierenrinden- (HHN)-Achse, die die Aussch{\"u}ttung des Stresshormons Cortisol in Menschen bzw. Corticosteron in M{\"a}usen steuert, statt. Wenn Individuen in dieser kritischen Phase Stress ausgesetzt sind, wird die regelrechte Ausbildung der HHN-Achse gest{\"o}rt, was zu dysregulierten Verhaltensantworten auf Stressreize im sp{\"a}teren Leben f{\"u}hren kann. Das Serotonin (5-HT)-System als eines der ausgedehntesten Neurotransmittersysteme ist an der Vermittlung der Effekte von fr{\"u}her Stressexposition auf angst{\"a}hnliche Verhaltensweisen beteiligt. Das Ziel dieser Studie ist es, die Interaktion zwischen genetischer Pr{\"a}disposition und negativen Einfl{\"u}ssen in fr{\"u}hen Entwicklungsstadien auf die Ausbildung von Angstverhalten im Erwachsenenalter n{\"a}her zu beleuchten. In dieser Studie wurden Tryptophanhydroxylase 2 (Tph2)-defiziente weibliche M{\"a}use als Modell f{\"u}r ein lebenslanges konstitutives 5-HT Synthesedefizit im zentralen Nervensystem verwendet. Nachkommen dieser Mauslinie wurden im fr{\"u}hen Lebensalter Maternaler Separation (MS), d.h. einem m{\"u}tterlichen Trennungsparadigma, unterzogen und im Erwachsenenalter im „Open field" (OF) oder in der „Dark-light box" (DLB) getestet. Im Anschluss an die Verhaltensexperimente wurde die neuronale Aktivierung immunhistochemisch durch Darstellung des fr{\"u}hzeitig auftretenden Genprodukts c-Fos bestimmt. In der DLB zeigten homozygot Tph2-defiziente M{\"a}use eine verringerte motorische Aktivit{\"a}t im hellen Kompartiment, und dieser Effekt konnte durch MS normalisiert werden. Zus{\"a}tzlich verst{\"a}rkte MS bei diesem Genotyp das Auftreten von fluchtartigen Spr{\"u}ngen. Im OF hat MS fluchtartige Verhaltensweisen in homo- und heterozygoten Tph2-defizienten M{\"a}usen bef{\"o}rdert. Beide Verhaltenstests f{\"u}hrten zu spezifischen neuronalen Aktivierungsmustern, die mithilfe von c-Fos- Immunhistochemie ausgewertet wurden. Die Durchf{\"u}hrung des DLB-Tests f{\"u}hrte in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit vom Vorhandensein von Tph2 zur Aktivierung des paraventrikul{\"a}ren Kerns des Hypothalamus (PVN) und der basolateralen Amygdala (BL), wohingegen die Exposition gegen{\"u}ber dem OF-Test zu einer Aktivierung der lateralen Amygdala (La) in Tieren, die einem m{\"u}tterlichen Trennungsparadigma unterzogen wurden, sowie einer Aktivierung des ventrolateralen (VLPAG) und dorsolateralen (DLPAG) periaqu{\"a}duktalen H{\"o}hlengraus in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von Tph2 und MS f{\"u}hrte. Zusammenfassend weisen die Ergebnisse dieser Studie darauf hin, dass MS aktive Verhaltensantworten auf aversive Reize in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit vom Vorhandensein von 5-HT im Gehirn f{\"o}rdert. Diese Effekte k{\"o}nnten durch die spezifische Aktivierung von mit Angstverhalten in Zusammenhang stehenden Gehirnregionen w{\"a}hrend der Verhaltensexperimente vermittelt werden.}, subject = {Angst}, language = {de} }