@phdthesis{Pieczykolan2016, author = {Pieczykolan, Aleksandra}, title = {Cross-Modal Action Control}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-142356}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Multitasking als allgegenw{\"a}rtiges Ph{\"a}nomen wird heutzutage in verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen diskutiert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird Multitasking aus der Perspektive der kognitiven Verhaltenswissenschaften beleuchtet mit dem Fokus auf der Rolle von Konfliktl{\"o}sungs- prozessen bei der Verarbeitung von Mehrfacht{\"a}tigkeiten. Insbesondere liegt der Fokus auf kognitiven Mechanismen der crossmodalen Handlungskontrolle, d.h. der Kontrolle von zwei Handlungen in verschiedenen Effektorsystemen. Mit dem Ziel, den bisherigen Umfang derjenigen Handlungsmodalit{\"a}ten zu erweitern, die {\"u}blicherweise in Studien eingesetzt wurden, wurden okulomotorische Reaktionen (d.h. Sakkaden), die bisher als Handlungsmodalit{\"a}t in der Forschung vernachl{\"a}ssigt wurden, in Kombination mit Reaktionen in anderen Efffektorsystemen untersucht (d.h. mit manuellen und vokalen Reaktionen). Weiterhin wurde beabsichtigt, Mechanismen von Crosstalk zu spezifizieren, welches ein Erkl{\"a}rungskonzept darstellt, das sich auf den Aufgabeninhalt bezieht. Crosstalk erscheint besonders relevant f{\"u}r crossmodale Handlungen, da sich Handlungsmodalit{\"a}ten vor allem bez{\"u}glich ihrer Reaktionsmerkmale unterscheiden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden vier Studien berichtet, die auf jeweils zwei oder drei Experimenten beruhen. In Studie A wurden crossmodale Doppelreaktionen auf einen einzelnen Stimulus untersucht mit der Fragestellung, wie sich das Zusammenspiel des Vorhandenseins von Reaktionsalternativen und der Kompatibilit{\"a}t zwischen Reaktionen (also dem Crosstalkpotential) auswirkt. In drei Experimenten zeigte sich, dass Crosstalk in mehrere Komponenten dissoziiert werden kann, n{\"a}mlich eine Komponente, die auf der aktuellen Konfliktst{\"a}rke (Online-Crosstalk) basiert, und eine ged{\"a}chtnisbasierte Komponente, die entweder durch Restaktivit{\"a}t vergangener Handlungsanforderungen bestimmt wird (retrospektiver Crosstalk), oder durch Vorbereitung auf zuk{\"u}nftige Handlungsanforderungen (prospektiver Crosstalk). Studie B lieferte Evidenz daf{\"u}r, dass okulomotorische Reaktionen sowohl struktureller als auch inhaltsbasierte Interferenz unterliegen. In drei Experimenten wurde das Paradigma zeitlich {\"u}berlappender Aufgaben verwendet, bei dem zwei Stimuli mit zeitlichem Versatz pr{\"a}sentiert wurden, auf die jeweils mit einer okulomotorischen und einer manuellen Handlung reagiert werden musste. Dabei wurden sowohl Hinweise auf einen seriellen als auch auf einen parallelen Verarbeitungsmodus gefunden. Weiterhin deuteten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass abh{\"a}ngig von der Aufgabenkompatibilit{\"a}t zwischen diesen Verarbeitungsmodi gewechselt wurde, d.h. zu eher paralleler Verarbeitung bei kompatiblen Aufgabenanforderungen und zu eher serieller Verarbeitung bei inkompatiblen Aufgabenanforderungen. In Studie C wurden Verarbeitungspriorit{\"a}ten zwischen Effektorsystemen untersucht. In zwei Experimenten zeigte sich, dass das zuvor berichtete Verarbeitungsdominanzmuster repliziert werden konnte, bei der okulomotorische Reaktionen vokale Reaktionen dominieren und diese wiederum manuelle Reaktionen dominieren. Die relative St{\"a}rke der Dominanz konnte allerdings bei vorhandenem Reaktionskonflikt angepasst werden. Die Verarbeitungspriorit{\"a}ten wurden hierbei zum Teil in Richtung derjenigen Reaktion verschoben, in der bereits ein Konflikt im Bezug auf die Kompatibilit{\"a}t zwischen Stimulus und Reaktion gel{\"o}st werden musste. Dieses Ergebnis zeigt, dass Verarbeitungspriorit{\"a}ten flexibel an die spezifischen Handlungsanforderungen angepasst werden k{\"o}nnen. Studie D besch{\"a}ftigte sich mit einem bisher weitgehend vernachl{\"a}ssigten Bereich innerhalb der Doppelaufgabenforschung, n{\"a}mlich der Kontrolle der zeitlichen Reaktionsreihenfolge. In einer drei Experimente umfassenden Untersuchung wurden mehrere Faktoren variiert, die sich in fr{\"u}heren Studien bereits als relevant f{\"u}r Mechanismen der Doppelaufgabeninterferenz gezeigt haben. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde gezeigt, dass die finale Reaktionsreihenfolge in einem Handlungsdurchgang das Ergebnis eines kontinuierlichen Anpassungsprozesses ist, welcher auf dem Zusammenspiel mehrerer top-down-Faktoren, z.B. der Antizipation von Reaktionsmerkmalen, und mehrerer bottom-up-Faktoren, wie z.B. der Stimulusreihenfolge oder der Aufgabenkompatibilit{\"a}t, basiert. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert somit einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Fortschritt des Verst{\"a}ndnisses der Verarbeitung komplexer Handlungsanforderungen aus der Perspektive crossmodaler Handlungen. Insbesondere wurden Spezifikationen f{\"u}r Mechanismen der Effektorpriorisierung und der Kontrolle der Reaktionsreihenfolge als auch eine neuartige Taxonomie von Crosstalk vorgestellt, welche als umfassende Rahmenvorstellung zur Erkl{\"a}rung von Interferenzmechanismen bei Kontrollprozessen von Mehrfachanforderungen dienlich sein kann.}, subject = {Kognition}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Will2017, author = {Will, Sebastian}, title = {Development of a presence model for driving simulators based on speed perception in a motorcycle riding simulator}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-149748}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Driving simulators are powerful research tools. Countless simulator studies have contributed to traffic safety over the last decades. Constant improvements in simulator technology call for a measureable scale to assess driving simulators with regard to their utility in human factors research. A promising psychological construct to do so is presence. It is commonly defined as the feeling of being located in a remote or virtual environment that seems to be real. Another aspect of presence describes the ability to act there successfully. The main aim of this thesis is to develop a presence model dedicated to the application in driving simulators. Established models have been combined and extended in order to gain a comprehensive model of presence that allows understanding its emergence and deriving recommendations on how to design or improve driving simulators. The five studies presented in this thesis investigate specific postulated model components and their interactions. All studies deal with motorcycling or a motorcycle riding simulator as exemplary field of application. The first study used a speed estimation task to investigate the contribution of different sensory cues to presence. While visualization plays a particularly important role, further improvements could be achieved by adding more consistent sensory stimuli to the virtual environment. Auditory, proprioceptive and vestibular cues have been subject to investigation. In the second study, the speed production method was applied. It confirmed the positive contribution of action to presence as predicted by psychocybernetic models. The third study dealt with the effect of training on presence. Hence, no positive effect was observed. The fourth study aimed at replicating previous findings on sensory fidelity and diversity in a more complex riding situation than only longitudinal vehicle control. The riders had to cross an unexpectedly appearing deep pit with the virtual motorcycle. The contribution of more consistent sensory stimulation on presence was successfully shown in this scenario, too. The final study was a real riding experiment that delivered reference values for the speed estimation capabilities of motorcycle riders. Besides higher variations in the simulator data, the general speed estimation performance was on a comparable level. Different measures, such as subjective ratings, behavioral responses, performance, and physiological reactions, have been applied as presence indicators. These studies' findings deliver evidence for the meaningful application of the proposed presence model in driving simulator settings. The results suggest that presence can be interpreted as a quality measure for perception in virtual environments. In line with psychocybernetic models, taking action, which is seen as controlling perception, enhances this quality even further. Describing the psychological construct of presence in a theoretical framework that takes the diversity of perception and action in driving simulator settings into account closes a gap in traffic psychological research.}, subject = {Fahrsimulator}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wandtner2018, author = {Wandtner, Bernhard}, title = {Non-driving related tasks in highly automated driving - Effects of task characteristics and drivers' self-regulation on take-over performance}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-173956}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The rise of automated driving will fundamentally change our mobility in the near future. This thesis specifically considers the stage of so called highly automated driving (Level 3, SAE International, 2014). At this level, a system carries out vehicle guidance in specific application areas, e.g. on highway roads. The driver can temporarily suspend from monitoring the driving task and might use the time by engaging in so called non-driving related tasks (NDR-tasks). However, the driver is still in charge to resume vehicle control when prompted by the system. This new role of the driver has to be critically examined from a human factors perspective. The main aim of this thesis was to systematically investigate the impact of different NDR-tasks on driver behavior and take-over performance. Wickens' (2008) architecture of multiple resource theory was chosen as theoretical framework, with the building blocks of multiplicity (task interference due to resource overlap), mental workload (task demands), and aspects of executive control or self-regulation. Specific adaptations and extensions of the theory were discussed to account for the context of NDR-task interactions in highly automated driving. Overall four driving simulator studies were carried out to investigate the role of these theoretical components. Study 1 showed that drivers focused NDR-task engagement on sections of highly automated compared to manual driving. In addition, drivers avoided task engagement prior to predictable take-over situations. These results indicate that self-regulatory behavior, as reported for manual driving, also takes place in the context of highly automated driving. Study 2 specifically addressed the impact of NDR-tasks' stimulus and response modalities on take-over performance. Results showed that particularly visual-manual tasks with high motoric load (including the need to get rid of a handheld object) had detrimental effects. However, drivers seemed to be aware of task specific distraction in take-over situations and strictly canceled visual-manual tasks compared to a low impairing auditory-vocal task. Study 3 revealed that also the mental demand of NDR-tasks should be considered for drivers' take-over performance. Finally, different human-machine-interfaces were developed and evaluated in Simulator Study 4. Concepts including an explicit pre-alert ("notification") clearly supported drivers' self-regulation and achieved high usability and acceptance ratings. Overall, this thesis indicates that the architecture of multiple resource theory provides a useful framework for research in this field. Practical implications arise regarding the potential legal regulation of NDR-tasks as well as the design of elaborated human-machine-interfaces.}, subject = {Autonomes Fahrzeug}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wiedemann2020, author = {Wiedemann, Katharina}, title = {Fr{\"u}hzeitige Informationen {\"u}ber Systemgrenzen beim hochautomatisierten Fahren}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21658}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-216581}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Fahrzeughersteller haben die Verf{\"u}gbarkeit sogenannter hochautomatisierter Fahrfunktionen (SAE Level 3; SAE, 2018) in ihren Modellen angek{\"u}ndigt. Hierdurch wird der Fahrer in der Lage sein, sich permanent von der Fahraufgabe abzuwenden und fahrfremden T{\"a}tigkeiten nachzugehen. Allerdings muss er immer noch als R{\"u}ckfallebene zur Verf{\"u}gung stehen, um im Fall von Systemgrenzen oder -fehlern (siehe Gold, Naujoks, Radlmayr, Bellem \& Jarosch, 2017), die Fahrzeugkontrolle zu {\"u}bernehmen. Das {\"U}bernahmeerfordernis wird dem Fahrer durch die Ausgabe einer {\"U}bernameaufforderung vermittelt. Die {\"U}bernahme der manuellen Fahrzeugf{\"u}hrung aus dem hochautomatisierten Fahren stellt aus psychologischer Sicht einen Aufgabenwechsel dar. Bei der Untersuchung von Aufgabenwechseln im Bereich der kognitiven und angewandten Psychologie zeigte sich vielfach, dass Aufgabenwechsel mit verl{\"a}ngerten Reaktionszeiten und erh{\"o}hten Fehlerraten assoziiert sind. F{\"u}r den Anwendungsfall des automatisierten Fahrens liegen ebenfalls eine Reihe empirischer Studien vor, die darauf hinweisen, dass der Wechsel zum manuellen Fahren mit einer Verschlechterung der Fahrleistung gegen{\"u}ber dem manuellen Fahren verbunden ist. Da Erkenntnisse vorliegen, dass eine Vorbereitung auf den Aufgabenwechsel die zu erwartenden Kosten verringern kann, ist das Ziel dieser Arbeit die Konzeption und empirische Evaluation einer Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle, die Nutzer hochautomatisierter Fahrzeuge durch fr{\"u}hzeitige Vorinformationen {\"u}ber Systemgrenzen auf die Kontroll{\"u}bernahme vorbereitet. Drei Experimente im Fahrsimulator mit Bewegungssystem betrachteten jeweils unterschiedliche Aspekte fr{\"u}hzeitiger Vorinformationen {\"u}ber bevorstehende {\"U}bernahmen. Das erste Experiment untersuchte, ob Fahrer {\"u}berhaupt von fr{\"u}hzeitigen Situationsank{\"u}ndigungen, beispielsweise im Sinne einer verbesserten {\"U}bernahmeleistung, profitieren. Das zweite Experiment befasste sich mit der Frage, wie solche Ank{\"u}ndigungen zeitlich und inhaltlich zu gestalten sind (d. h. wann sie pr{\"a}sentiert werden und welche Informationen sie enthalten sollten), und welchen Einfluss deren Gestaltung auf die Aufgabenbearbeitung (insbesondere deren Unterbrechung und sp{\"a}tere Wiederaufnahme) w{\"a}hrend der automatisierten Fahrt hat. Um herauszufinden, wie ein Anzeigekonzept zur l{\"a}ngerfristigen Planung von fahrfremden T{\"a}tigkeiten w{\"a}hrend des automatisierten Fahrens beitragen k{\"o}nnte, fand im dritten Experiment ein Vergleich von Situationsank{\"u}ndigungen, die vor dem Erreichen einer {\"U}bernahmesituation ausgegeben wurden, mit kontinuierlich pr{\"a}sentierten Informationen {\"u}ber die verbleibende Distanz zur n{\"a}chsten Systemgrenze statt. In allen Studien wurde neben den Auswirkungen fr{\"u}hzeitiger Vorinformationen auf die {\"U}bernahmeleistung und Bearbeitung von fahrfremden T{\"a}tigkeiten auch untersucht, welche Auswirkungen ein erweitertes {\"U}bernahmekonzept auf die Fahrerreaktion in Grenz- und Fehlerf{\"a}llen, in denen Vorinformationen entweder nicht oder fehlerhaft angezeigt wurden, hat. F{\"u}r die Gestaltung zuk{\"u}nftiger {\"U}bernahmekonzepte f{\"u}r hochautomatisierte Fahrzeuge kann basierend auf den Ergebnissen empfohlen werden, fr{\"u}hzeitige Anzeigen von Systemgrenzen zur Erm{\"o}glichung eines sicheren und komfortablen Wechsels zwischen dem manuellen und dem automatisierten Fahren in die Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle zu integrieren. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit liegt der empfohlene Zeitpunkt f{\"u}r diskrete Ank{\"u}ndigungen bei einer Reisegeschwindigkeit von 120 km/h bei etwa 1000 Meter (d. h. ca. 30 Sekunden) vor der Ausgabe der {\"U}bernahmeaufforderung. Zudem wird empfohlen zur Absch{\"a}tzung der verbleibenden Zeit im automatisierten Modus eine Anzeige der Entfernung zur n{\"a}chsten Systemgrenze in das Konzept zu integrieren, die dem Fahrer eine l{\"a}ngerfristige Aufgabenplanung erm{\"o}glicht. Neben der reinen Anzeige des {\"U}bernahmeerfordernisses sollten dem Fahrer auch Informationen {\"u}ber das erforderliche Fahrman{\"o}ver nach der Kontroll{\"u}bernahme {\"u}bermittelt werden.}, subject = {Autonomes Fahrzeug}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Liesner2022, author = {Liesner, Marvin Paul}, title = {I control it, but does it mean it is part of me? How the relationship between body movements and controlled object movements influences the sense of agency and the sense of ownership}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28703}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-287030}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The "active self" approach suggests that any object we manipulate voluntarily and foreseeably becomes part of our "self" in the sense that we feel control over this object (sense of agency) and experience it as belonging to our own body (sense of ownership). While there is considerable evidence that we can indeed experience both a sense of agency and a sense of ownership over a broad variety of objects when we control these through our actions, the approach has also been criticized for exaggerating the flexibility of the human self. In this thesis, I investigate the influence that the relationship between the body movements controlling an object and the movements of the object itself has on the process of integrating an object into the self. I demonstrate that fully controlling an object is not sufficient for it to be integrated into the self since both explicit and implicit measures of the sense of agency and the sense of ownership indicate less or no integration when body movements are transformed into inverted object movements. Furthermore, I show that such inversions lead to the downregulation of sensory signals either from the body or from the controlled object in order to deal with the conflicting multisensory information when performing such actions. I argue that this downregulation is the underlying factor behind the diminished or eliminated integration of inverted body and object movements and I discuss further pathways for possible future studies building up on these findings.}, subject = {Experimentelle Psychologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Muth2023, author = {Muth, Felicitas Vanessa}, title = {Step by step: Sense of agency for complex action-event sequences}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30756}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-307569}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {From simply ringing a bell to preparing a five-course menu, human behavior commonly causes changes in the environment. Such episodes where an agent acts, thereby causing changes in their environment constitute the sense of agency. In this thesis four series of experi-ments elucidate how the sense of agency is represented in complex action-event sequences, thereby bridging a gap between basic cognitive research and real-life practice. It builds upon extensive research on the sense of agency in unequivocal sequences consisting of single ac-tions and distinct, predominantly auditory, outcomes. Employing implicit as well as explicit measures, the scope is opened up to multi-step sequences. The experiments show that it is worthwhile devoting more research to complex action-event sequences. With a newly introduced auditory measure (Chapter II), common phenomena such as temporal binding and a decrease in agency ratings following distorted feedback were replicated in multi-step sequences. However, diverging results between traditional implicit and explicit measures call for further inspection. Multisensory integration appears to gain more weight when multiple actions have to be performed to attain a goal leading to more accurate representations of the own actions (Chapter III). Additionally, freedom of choice (Chapter III) as well as early spatial ambiguity altered the perceived timing of outcomes, while late spatial ambi-guity (Chapter IV) and the outcome's self-relevance did not (Chapter V). The data suggests that the cognitive system is capable of representing multi-step action-event sequences implicitly and explicitly. Actions and sensory events show a temporal attraction stemming from a bias in the perception of outcomes. Explicit knowledge about causing an event-sequence facilitates neither feelings of control nor taking authorship. The results corroborate current theorizing on the un-derpinnings of temporal binding and the divergence between traditional implicit and explicit measures of the sense of agency. Promising avenues for further research include structured analyses of how much inferred causality contributes to implicit and explicit measures of agency as well as finding alternative measures to capture conceptual as well as non-conceptual facets of the agency experience with one method.}, subject = {Psychologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Breil2023, author = {Breil, Christina}, title = {Look at me and I will feel you: eye contact and social understandig}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27802}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-278021}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {One of the features that defines humans as extraordinarily social beings is their striking susceptibility to the gaze of others. The research reported in this dissertation was undertaken to advance our understanding of the role of gaze cues in low-level attentional and higher-order cognitive processes. In particular, effects of gaze were examined with regard to three aspects of human cognition: (1) social attention, (2) social interaction and (3) social understanding. Chapter 1 consists of three manuscripts that investigate the boundary conditions of attention capture by direct gaze and how gaze direction is integrated with facial context information. Manuscript 1 and 2 suggest two necessary requirements for attention capture by direct gaze: a meaningful holistic facial context and sharp foveal vision, respectively. Manuscript 3 shows approach/avoidance-congruency effects between gaze direction and emotion expression on attention. Chapter 2 of this dissertation explores the role of gaze in more naturalistic social scenarios. Manuscript 4 demonstrates that gaze behavior during a conversation shapes our perception of another person. Manuscript 5 builds on these findings by showing that these perceptions define our willingness to act in a prosocial way towards our interaction partner. Finally, chapter 3 adopts a broader perspective on social cognition research with a special focus on methodological aspects. Manuscript 6 is a review highlighting the significance of methodological aspects in social cognition research and stressing the importance of sophisticated decisions on task and stimulus materials. Manuscript 7 introduces a new instrument for the assessment of social understanding in adolescents. Initial application in a young sample group indicates that an understanding of another person's mental states is a capacity that is still developing throughout adolescence. Both manuscripts of this final chapter include eye tracking data that suggest a relationship between gaze behavior and social understanding, a finding that further emphasizes the complex and multifaceted nature of social cognition. I conclude from the findings of this dissertation that research can benefit from adopting a broad view in terms of methodological as well as temporal aspects in order to capture human social cognition in its entirety.}, subject = {Blick}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sonnenberg2017, author = {Sonnenberg, Christoph}, title = {Analyzing Technology-Enhanced Learning Processes: What Can Process Mining Techniques Contribute to the Evaluation of Instructional Support?}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-152354}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The current dissertation addresses the analysis of technology-enhanced learning processes by using Process Mining techniques. For this purpose, students' coded think-aloud data served as the measurement of the learning process, in order to assess the potential of this analysis method for evaluating the impact of instructional support. The increasing use of digital media in higher education and further educational sectors enables new potentials. However, it also poses new challenges to students, especially regarding the self-regulation of their learning process. To help students with optimally making progress towards their learning goals, instructional support is provided during learning. Besides the use of questionnaires and tests for the assessment of learning, researchers make use increasingly of process data to evaluate the effects of provided support. The analysis of observed behavioral traces while learning (e.g., log files, eye movements, verbal reports) allows detailed insights into the student's activities as well as the impact of interventions on the learning process. However, new analytical challenges emerge, especially when going beyond the analysis of pure frequencies of observed events. For example, the question how to deal with temporal dynamics and sequences of learning activities arises. Against this background, the current dissertation concentrates on the application of Process Mining techniques for the detailed analysis of learning processes. In particular, the focus is on the additional value of this approach in comparison to a frequency-based analysis, and therefore on the potential of Process Mining for the evaluation of instructional support. An extensive laboratory study with 70 university students, which was conducted to investigate the impact of a support measure, served as the basis for pursuing the research agenda of this dissertation. Metacognitive prompts supported students in the experimental group (n = 35) during a 40-minute hypermedia learning session; whereas the control group (n = 35) received no support. Approximately three weeks later, all students participated in another learning session; however, this time all students learned without any help. The participants were instructed to verbalize their learning activities concurrently while learning. In the three analyses of this dissertation, the coded think aloud data were examined in detail by using frequency-based methods as well as Process Mining techniques. The first analysis addressed the comparison of the learning activities between the experimental and control groups during the first learning session. This study concentrated on the research questions whether metacognitive prompting increases the number of metacognitive learning activities, whether a higher number of these learning activities corresponds with learning outcome (mediation), and which differences regarding the sequential structure of learning activities can be revealed. The second analysis investigated the impact of the individual prompts as well as the conditions of their effectiveness on the micro level. In addition to Process Mining, we used a data mining approach to compare the findings of both analysis methods. More specifically, we classified the prompts by their effectiveness, and we examined the learning activities preceding and following the presentation of instructional support. Finally, the third analysis considered the long-term effects of metacognitive prompting on the learning process during another learning session without support. It was the key objective of this study to examine which fostered learning activities and process patterns remained stable during the second learning session. Overall, all three analyses indicated the additional value of Process Mining in comparison to a frequency-based analysis. Especially when conceptualizing the learning process as a dynamic sequence of multiple activities, Process Mining allows identifying regulatory loops and crucial routing points of the process. These findings might contribute to optimizing intervention strategies. However, before drawing conclusions for the design of instructional support based on the revealed process patterns, additional analyses need to investigate the generalizability of results. Moreover, the application of Process Mining remains challenging because guidelines for analytical decisions and parameter settings in technology-enhanced learning context are currently missing. Therefore, future studies need to examine further the potential of Process Mining as well as related analysis methods to provide researchers with concrete recommendations for use. Nevertheless, the application of Process Mining techniques can already contribute to advance the understanding of the impact of instructional support through the use of fine-grained process data.}, subject = {Selbstgesteuertes Lernen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{RiechelmannverhSteinbacher2021, author = {Riechelmann [verh. Steinbacher], Eva Katharina}, title = {Gaze interaction: Cognitive mechanisms of oculomotor action control}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21527}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-215279}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Humans use their eyes not only as visual input devices to perceive the environment, but also as an action tool in order to generate intended effects in their environment. For instance, glances are used to direct someone else's attention to a place of interest, indicating that gaze control is an important part of social communication. Previous research on gaze control in a social context mainly focused on the gaze recipient by asking how humans respond to perceived gaze (gaze cueing). So far, this perspective has hardly considered the actor's point of view by neglecting to investigate what mental processes are involved when actors decide to perform an eye movement to trigger a gaze response in another person. Furthermore, eye movements are also used to affect the non-social environment, for instance when unlocking the smartphone with the help of the eyes. This and other observations demonstrate the necessity to consider gaze control in contexts other than social communication whilst at the same time focusing on commonalities and differences inherent to the nature of a social (vs. non-social) action context. Thus, the present work explores the cognitive mechanisms that control such goal-oriented eye movements in both social and non-social contexts. The experiments presented throughout this work are built on pre-established paradigms from both the oculomotor research domain and from basic cognitive psychology. These paradigms are based on the principle of ideomotor action control, which provides an explanatory framework for understanding how goal-oriented, intentional actions come into being. The ideomotor idea suggests that humans acquire associations between their actions and the resulting effects, which can be accessed in a bi-directional manner: Actions can trigger anticipations of their effects, but the anticipated resulting effects can also trigger the associated actions. According to ideomotor theory, action generation involves the mental anticipation of the intended effect (i.e., the action goal) to activate the associated motor pattern. The present experiments involve situations where participants control the gaze of a virtual face via their eye movements. The triggered gaze responses of the virtual face are consistent to the participant's eye movements, representing visual action effects. Experimental situations are varied with respect to determinants of action-effect learning (e.g., contingency, contiguity, action mode during acquisition) in order to unravel the underlying dynamics of oculomotor control in these situations. In addition to faces, conditions involving changes in non-social objects were included to address the question of whether mechanisms underlying gaze control differ for social versus non-social context situations. The results of the present work can be summarized into three major findings. 1. My data suggest that humans indeed acquire bi-directional associations between their eye movements and the subsequently perceived gaze response of another person, which in turn affect oculomotor action control via the anticipation of the intended effects. The observed results show for the first time that eye movements in a gaze-interaction scenario are represented in terms of their gaze response in others. This observation is in line with the ideomotor theory of action control. 2. The present series of experiments confirms and extends pioneering results of Huestegge and Kreutzfeldt (2012) with respect to the significant influence of action effects in gaze control. I have shown that the results of Huestegge and Kreutzfeldt (2012) can be replicated across different contexts with different stimulus material given that the perceived action effects were sufficiently salient. 3. Furthermore, I could show that mechanisms of gaze control in a social gaze-interaction context do not appear to be qualitatively different from those in a non-social context. All in all, the results support recent theoretical claims emphasizing the role of anticipation-based action control in social interaction. Moreover, my results suggest that anticipation-based gaze control in a social context is based on the same general psychological mechanisms as ideomotor gaze control, and thus should be considered as an integral part rather than as a special form of ideomotor gaze control.}, subject = {Verhaltenskontrolle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Flechsenhar2019, author = {Flechsenhar, Aleya Felicia}, title = {The Ubiquity of Social Attention - a Detailed Investigation of the Underlying Mechanisms}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18452}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-184528}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {This dissertation highlights various aspects of basic social attention by choosing versatile approaches to disentangle the precise mechanisms underlying the preference to focus on other human beings. The progressive examination of different social processes contrasted with aspects of previously adopted principles of general attention. Recent research investigating eye movements during free exploration revealed a clear and robust social bias, especially for the faces of depicted human beings in a naturalistic scene. However, free viewing implies a combination of mechanisms, namely automatic attention (bottom-up), goal-driven allocation (top-down), or contextual cues and inquires consideration of overt (open exploration using the eyes) as well as covert orienting (peripheral attention without eye movement). Within the scope of this dissertation, all of these aspects have been disentangled in three studies to provide a thorough investigation of different influences on social attention mechanisms. In the first study (section 2.1), we implemented top-down manipulations targeting non-social features in a social scene to test competing resources. Interestingly, attention towards social aspects prevailed, even though this was detrimental to completing the requirements. Furthermore, the tendency of this bias was evident for overall fixation patterns, as well as fixations occurring directly after stimulus onset, suggesting sustained as well as early preferential processing of social features. Although the introduction of tasks generally changes gaze patterns, our results imply only subtle variance when stimuli are social. Concluding, this experiment indicates that attention towards social aspects remains preferential even in light of top-down demands. The second study (section 2.2) comprised of two separate experiments, one in which we investigated reflexive covert attention and another in which we tested reflexive as well as sustained overt attention for images in which a human being was unilaterally located on either the left or right half of the scene. The first experiment consisted of a modified dot-probe paradigm, in which peripheral probes were presented either congruently on the side of the social aspect, or incongruently on the non-social side. This was based on the assumption that social features would act similar to cues in traditional spatial cueing paradigms, thereby facilitating reaction times for probes presented on the social half as opposed to the non-social half. Indeed, results reflected such congruency effect. The second experiment investigated these reflexive mechanisms by monitoring eye movements and specifying the location of saccades and fixations for short as well as long presentation times. Again, we found the majority of initial saccades to be congruently directed to the social side of the stimulus. Furthermore, we replicated findings for sustained attention processes with highest fixation densities for the head region of the displayed human being. The third study (section 2.3), tackled the other mechanism proposed in the attention dichotomy, the bottom-up influence. Specifically, we reduced the available contextual information of a scene by using a gaze-contingent display, in which only the currently fixated regions would be visible to the viewer, while the remaining image would remain masked. Thereby, participants had to voluntarily change their gaze in order to explore the stimulus. First, results revealed a replication of a social bias in free-viewing displays. Second, the preference to select social features was also evident in gaze-contingent displays. Third, we find higher recurrent gaze patterns for social images compared to non-social ones for both viewing modalities. Taken together, these findings imply a top-down driven preference for social features largely independent of contextual information. Importantly, for all experiments, we took saliency predictions of different computational algorithms into consideration to ensure that the observed social bias was not a result of high physical saliency within these areas. For our second experiment, we even reduced the stimulus set to those images, which yielded lower mean and peak saliency for the side of the stimulus containing the social information, while considering algorithms based on low-level features, as well as pre-trained high-level features incorporated in deep learning algorithms. Our experiments offer new insights into single attentional mechanisms with regard to static social naturalistic scenes and enable a further understanding of basic social processing, contrasting from that of non-social attention. The replicability and consistency of our findings across experiments speaks for a robust effect, attributing social attention an exceptional role within the general attention construct, not only behaviorally, but potentially also on a neuronal level and further allowing implications for clinical populations with impaired social functioning.}, subject = {Aufmerksamkeit}, language = {en} }