@phdthesis{Schwarzmeier2023, author = {Schwarzmeier, Hanna}, title = {From fear extinction to exposure therapy: neural mechanisms and moderators of extinction}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22330}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-223304}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Emotional-associative learning processes such as fear conditioning and extinction are highly relevant to not only the development and maintenance of anxiety disorders (ADs), but also to their treatment. Extinction, as the laboratory analogue to behavioral exposure, is assumed a core process underlying the treatment of ADs. Although exposure-based treatments are highly effective for the average patient suffering from an AD, there remains a gap in treatment efficacy with over one third of patients failing to achieve clinically significant symptom relief. There is ergo a pressing need for intensified research regarding the underlying neural mechanisms of aberrant emotional-associative learning processes and the neurobiological moderators of treatment (non-)response in ADs. The current thesis focuses on different applications of the fundamental principles of fear conditioning and extinction by using two example cases of ADs from two different multicenter trials. First, we targeted alterations in fear acquisition, extinction, and its recall as a function of psychopathology in panic disorder (PD) patients compared to healthy subjects using fMRI. Second, exposure-based therapy and pre-treatment patient characteristics exerting a moderating influence on this essential learning process later on (i.e. treatment outcome) were examined using multimodal functional and structural neuroimaging in spider phobia. We observed aberrations in emotional-associative learning processes in PD patients compared to healthy subjects indicated by an accelerated fear acquisition and an attenuated extinction recall. Furthermore, pre-treatment differences related to defensive, regulatory, attentional, and perceptual processes may exert a moderating influence on treatment outcome to behavioral exposure in spider phobia. Although the current results need further replication, on an integrative meta level, results point to a hyperactive defensive network system and deficient emotion regulation processes (including extinction processes) and top-down control in ADs. This speaks in favor of transdiagnostic deficits in important functional domains in ADs. Deficits in transdiagnostic domains such as emotion regulation processes could be targeted by enhancing extinction learning or by means of promising tools like neurofeedback. The detection of pre-treatment clinical response moderators, for instance via machine learning frameworks, may help in supporting clinical decision making on individually tailored treatment approaches or, respectively, to avoid ineffective treatment and its related financial costs. In the long run, the identification of neurobiological markers which are capable of detecting non-responders a priori represents an ultimate goal.}, subject = {Extinktion}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lueffe2023, author = {L{\"u}ffe, Teresa Magdalena}, title = {Behavioral and pharmacological validation of genetic zebrafish models for ADHD}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25716}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-257168}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder described in psychiatry today. ADHD arises during early childhood and is characterized by an age-inappropriate level of inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, and partially emotional dysregulation. Besides, substantial psychiatric comorbidity further broadens the symptomatic spectrum. Despite advances in ADHD research by genetic- and imaging studies, the etiopathogenesis of ADHD remains largely unclear. Twin studies suggest a heritability of 70-80 \% that, based on genome-wide investigations, is assumed to be polygenic and a mixed composite of small and large, common and rare genetic variants. In recent years the number of genetic risk candidates is continuously increased. However, for most, a biological link to neuropathology and symptomatology of the patient is still missing. Uncovering this link is vital for a better understanding of the disorder, the identification of new treatment targets, and therefore the development of a more targeted and possibly personalized therapy. The present thesis addresses the issue for the ADHD risk candidates GRM8, FOXP2, and GAD1. By establishing loss of function zebrafish models, using CRISPR/Cas9 derived mutagenesis and antisense oligonucleotides, and studying them for morphological, functional, and behavioral alterations, it provides novel insights into the candidate's contribution to neuropathology and ADHD associated phenotypes. Using locomotor activity as behavioral read-out, the present work identified a genetic and functional implication of Grm8a, Grm8b, Foxp2, and Gad1b in ADHD associated hyperactivity. Further, it provides substantial evidence that the function of Grm8a, Grm8b, Foxp2, and Gad1b in activity regulation involves GABAergic signaling. Preliminary indications suggest that the three candidates interfere with GABAergic signaling in the ventral forebrain/striatum. However, according to present and previous data, via different biological mechanisms such as GABA synthesis, transmitter release regulation, synapse formation and/or transcriptional regulation of synaptic components. Intriguingly, this work further demonstrates that the activity regulating circuit, affected upon Foxp2 and Gad1b loss of function, is involved in the therapeutic effect mechanism of methylphenidate. Altogether, the present thesis identified altered GABAergic signaling in activity regulating circuits in, presumably, the ventral forebrain as neuropathological underpinning of ADHD associated hyperactivity. Further, it demonstrates altered GABAergic signaling as mechanistic link between the genetic disruption of Grm8a, Grm8b, Foxp2, and Gad1b and ADHD symptomatology like hyperactivity. Thus, this thesis highlights GABAergic signaling in activity regulating circuits and, in this context, Grm8a, Grm8b, Foxp2, and Gad1b as exciting targets for future investigations on ADHD etiopathogenesis and the development of novel therapeutic interventions for ADHD related hyperactivity. Additionally, thigmotaxis measurements suggest Grm8a, Grm8b, and Gad1b as interesting candidates for prospective studies on comorbid anxiety in ADHD. Furthermore, expression analysis in foxp2 mutants demonstrates Foxp2 as regulator of ADHD associated gene sets and neurodevelopmental disorder (NDD) overarching genetic and functional networks with possible implications for ADHD polygenicity and comorbidity. Finally, with the characterization of gene expression patterns and the generation and validation of genetic zebrafish models for Grm8a, Grm8b, Foxp2, and Gad1b, the present thesis laid the groundwork for future research efforts, for instance, the identification of the functional circuit(s) and biological mechanism(s) by which Grm8a, Grm8b, Foxp2, and Gad1b loss of function interfere with GABAergic signaling and ultimately induce hyperactivity.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Akhrif2023, author = {Akhrif, Atae}, title = {The BOLD Signal is more than a Brain Activation Index}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32287}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-322879}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In the recent years, translational studies comparing imaging data of animals and humans have gained increasing scientific interests with crucial findings stemming from both, human and animal work. In order to harmonize statistical analyses of data from different species and to optimize the transfer of knowledge between them, shared data acquisition protocols and combined statistical approaches have to be identified. Following this idea, methods of data analysis, which have until now mainly been used to model neural responses of electrophysiological recordings from rodent data, were applied on human hemodynamic responses (i.e. Blood-Oxygen-Level- Dependent BOLD signal) as measured via functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). At the example of two attention and impulsivity networks, timing dynamics and amplitude of the fMRI signal were determined (study 1). Study 2 described the same parameters frequency-specifically, and in study 3, the complexity of neural processing was quantified in terms of fractality. Determined parameters were compared with regard to the subjects' task performance / impulsivity to validate findings with regard to reports of the current scientific debate. In a general discussion, overlapping as well as additional information of methodological approaches were discussed with regard to its potential for biomarkers in the context of neuropsychiatric disorders.}, subject = {funktionelle Kernspintomographie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Daub2023, author = {Daub, Jonas}, title = {Der Einfluss von Alter und {\"A}ngstlichkeit auf die Furchtgeneralisierung und die Aufmerksamkeitslenkung bei gesunden Kindern und Jugendlichen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30010}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-300100}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Mittels einer klinischen Studie wurden die Furchtgeneralisierung und Aufmerksamkeitslenkung von 44 gesunden Kindern und Jugendlichen im Alter von 9-17 Jahren untersucht. Eine {\"U}bergeneralisierung konditionierter Furcht sowie ver{\"a}nderte Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse werden in zahlreichen Arbeiten mit der Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung von Angsterkrankungen in Verbindung gebracht. Der Hauptteil der Forschung beschr{\"a}nkte sich bislang auf die Untersuchung von erwachsenen Probanden. Da Angsterkrankungen jedoch h{\"a}ufig bereits im Kindes- und Jugendalter entstehen und sich in der Erforschung psychiatrischer Erkrankungen zunehmend eine dimensionale Betrachtungsweise durchsetzt, bestand das Ziel der Studie darin, etwaige Alterseffekte und den Einfluss der {\"A}ngstlichkeit auf die genannten Ph{\"a}nomene bei gesunden Probanden zu untersuchen. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurde ein potentiell pr{\"a}ventiver Ansatz erforscht. Im Ergebnis zeigten sich in den Gruppenvergleichen keine relevanten Differenzen. Interessanterweise deutete sich in der Gruppe der {\"a}lteren Probanden entgegen der Erwartung eine verst{\"a}rkte Furchtgeneralisierung an, die wom{\"o}glich mit einer ver{\"a}nderten Beziehung zu Furcht und Risiko in der Adoleszenz zusammenh{\"a}ngt. Aus den Befunden ergibt sich die Notwendigkeit weiterer, prospektiver Arbeiten, um unser Verst{\"a}ndnis der {\"A}tiologie von Angsterkrankungen zu verbessern. Weiterhin ist noch offen, inwiefern es sich bei der {\"U}bergeneralisierung und einer ver{\"a}nderten Aufmerksamkeitslenkung um Risikofaktoren f{\"u}r die Entwicklung von Angsterkrankungen oder vielmehr um Epiph{\"a}nomene handelt, die erst mit Ausbruch der Erkrankung auftreten. Der Einsatz von Methoden der virtuellen Realit{\"a}t erscheint besonders geeignet, diese Prozesse zuk{\"u}nftig noch besser zu erforschen.}, subject = {Angst}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Mueller2023, author = {M{\"u}ller, Annika Wiebke}, title = {Funktionalit{\"a}t eines \(Stathmin\)-Promotor-Polymorphismus}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31812}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-318120}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Bereits in vorausgegangenen Studien konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass das Stathmin-Gen eine entscheidende Rolle im Hinblick auf erlernte und angeborene Angstreaktionen spielt. So konnte Frau Dr. Julia Katharina Heupel in ihrer Arbeit aus dem Jahr 2013 eine Assoziation eines (TAA)n-Polymorphismus, welcher sich ca. 2 kb upstream des ersten Exons des Stathmin-Gens und ca. 4 kb upstream des Translationsstarts befindet, mit Cluster-C-Pers{\"o}nlichkeitsst{\"o}rungen belegen. Sie vermutete, dass eine Hochregulation der Expression des Stathmin-Gens ein Risikofaktor f{\"u}r die Entstehung von Cluster C Pers{\"o}nlichkeitsst{\"o}rungen darstellen k{\"o}nnte. Da sich der beschriebene Polymorphismus in der Promotor-Region des Stathmin-Gens befindet, ist eine allelspezifische Auswirkung auf die Genexpression vorstellbar. Um diese Vermutung zu st{\"u}tzen, wurde in dieser Arbeit die Auswirkung zweier Allele des STR-Polymorphismus im Bereich der Promotorregion des Stathmin-Gens im Hinblick auf die Promotoraktivit{\"a}t untersucht. Hierzu wurde die zu untersuchende Sequenz zun{\"a}chst mittels Polymerase-Ketten-Reaktion vervielf{\"a}ltigt und anschließend in einen pGL4.23.Vektor kloniert. Im Anschluss daran erfolgte die Untersuchung der Promotoraktivit{\"a}t mittels eines Luciferase-Assays in der humanen Neuroblastomzelllinie SH-SY5Y. Nach statischer Auswertung der Messreihen zeigte sich eine signifikant h{\"o}here Luciferase-Aktivit{\"a}t des STR-Polymorphismus (TAA)12 im Vergleich zu dem STR-Polymorphismus (TAA)13. Hierdurch kann von einer h{\"o}heren Promotoraktivit{\"a}t bei dem Genotyp (TAA)12 gegen{\"u}ber dem Genotyp (TAA)13 ausgegangen werden. Zusammenfassend unterst{\"u}tzen die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit die These, dass es sich bei dem Stathmin-Gen um ein Suszeptibilit{\"a}tsgen f{\"u}r die Entstehung von Cluster C Pers{\"o}nlichkeitsst{\"o}rungen handeln k{\"o}nnte.}, subject = {Pers{\"o}nlichkeitsst{\"o}rung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Mittermeier2023, author = {Mittermeier, Anna Barbara}, title = {Furchtgeneralisierung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit internalisierenden St{\"o}rungen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28265}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-282658}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In vorgegangenen Studien wurde bei erwachsenen Patienten mit Angstst{\"o}rungen eine verst{\"a}rkte Furchtgeneralisierung, eine eingeschr{\"a}nkte F{\"a}higkeit zur Reizdiskrimination sowie eine ver{\"a}nderte Aufmerksamkeitsverteilung nachgewiesen. In einer gesunden Studienpopulation konnte bei Kindern eine st{\"a}rkere Furchtgeneralisierung nachgewiesen werden als bei Erwachsenen. Ihre Generalisierungsgradienten gleichen denen von Erwachsenen mit Angstst{\"o}rung. M{\"o}glicherweise haben gest{\"o}rte Lernprozesse in der Kindheit somit langfristige Effekte auf die Entwicklung von Angstst{\"o}rungen. Obwohl die Vorg{\"a}nge des Furchtlernens im Kindesalter entscheidend f{\"u}r das Verst{\"a}ndnis von Angstst{\"o}rungen sind, gibt es kaum Studien in dieser Altersgruppe. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die Zusammenh{\"a}nge von Furchtgeneralisierung und Aufmerksamkeitsprozessen in einer klinischen Population mit internalisierender St{\"o}rung im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Hierzu durchliefen Kinder und Jugendliche mit internalisierender St{\"o}rung (n= 49) sowie gesunde Kontrollen (n=48) im Alter von 9 bis 17 Jahre ein Furcht-generalisierungsparadigma mit Diskriminationstraining sowie einen modifizierten Dotprobe mit integriertem Eyetracking. Die {\"A}ngstlichkeit wurde mittels verschiedener Angstfrageb{\"o}gen gemessen. Im Generalisierungsparadigma wurden zwei weibliche Gesichter mit neutralem Gesichtsausdruck als Stimuli verwendet, die entweder mit (CS+) oder ohne (CS-) einem 95dB lauten Schrei sowie einem angsterf{\"u}llten Gesichtsausdruck gezeigt wurden. Zur Messung der Furchtreaktion wurden subjektive Ratings f{\"u}r Arousal, Valenz und Kontingenz erfasst, zudem wurde die Hautleitf{\"a}higkeit gemessen. Zur Auswertung des Dotprobes wurden die Reaktionszeiten und die Initialsakkade erfasst. Die statistische Analyse des Furchtgeneralisierungsparadigmas sowie des Dotprobe-Paradigmas wurde mittels Multivarianzanalysen mit Messwiederholung durchgef{\"u}hrt, gefolgt von t-Tests zur weiterf{\"u}hrenden Analyse. Desweiteren wurden die Aufmerksamkeitsreaktionen von nicht-{\"a}ngstlichen und {\"a}ngstlichen Teilnehmern in Kategorien eingeteilt und mittels Chi-Quadrat Analysen verglichen. Zur Analyse des Zusammenhangs zwischen Furchtgeneralisierung und Aufmerksamkeitsprozessen erfolgte eine Regressionsanalyse mit einem GS Mittelwert als abh{\"a}ngiger Variable und der {\"A}ngstlichkeit und den Aufmerk-samkeitsprozessen als Pr{\"a}diktoren. Die Ergebnisse best{\"a}tigten eine solide Furchtkonditionierung anhand des „Screaming Lady"-Paradigmas in einer klinischen Population, dies war erkennbar an h{\"o}heren Ratings f{\"u}r den aversiven Stimulus im Vergleich zum sicheren Stimulus in beiden Gruppen. Grunds{\"a}tzlich h{\"o}here Furchtratings sowie h{\"o}here Ratings der Generalisierungsstimuli im Vergleich zum sicheren Stimulus wiesen auf eine st{\"a}rkere Generalisierung in der Untergruppe mit h{\"o}herem Angst-Trait innerhalb der internalisierenden Probandengruppe hin. Die Analyse der Dotprobe Daten ergab schnellere Reaktionszeiten sowie h{\"a}ufigere Initialsakkaden gegen{\"u}ber furchteinfl{\"o}ßenden Stimuli bei Patienten mit internalisierender St{\"o}rung. Des Weiteren zeigten sehr {\"a}ngstliche Probanden h{\"a}ufiger einen Attentional bias im Chi Quadrat Test als nicht-{\"a}ngstliche Probanden. Dies wies daraufhin, dass sowohl bei Patienten mit internalisierender St{\"o}rung als auch bei sehr {\"a}ngstlichen Probanden ein Attentional bias gegen{\"u}ber furchtrelevanten Stimuli vorliegt. Vor allem bei Kindern mit internalisierender St{\"o}rung sagten die {\"A}ngstlichkeit und ver{\"a}nderte Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse die Auspr{\"a}gung der Furchtgeneralisierung voraus. Somit kann ein Zusammenhang von ver{\"a}nderten Aufmerksamkeitsprozessen und Furchtgeneralisierung vermutet werden.}, subject = {Kinderpsychiatrie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Seeger2023, author = {Seeger, Fabian Reinhard}, title = {Moderators of exposure-based treatment outcome in anxiety disorders: an fMRI approach}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21435}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-214356}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Even though exposure-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) constitutes a first-line treatment for anxiety disorders, a substantial proportion of patients does not respond in a clinically significant manner. The identification of pre-treatment patient characteristics that are associated with treatment outcome might aid in improving response rates. Therefore, the present doctoral thesis aimed at investigating moderators of treatment outcome in anxiety disorders: first, we investigated the neural correlates of comorbidity among primary panic disorder/agoraphobia (PD/AG) and secondary social anxiety disorder (SAD) moderating treatment outcome towards exposure-based CBT. Second, pre-treatment functional resting-state connectivity signatures of treatment response in specific phobia were studied. Within the first study, we compared PD/AG patients with or without secondary SAD regarding their clinical and neurofunctional outcome towards a manualized CBT treatment focusing on PD/AG symptoms. Prior to treatment, PD/AG+SAD compared to PD/AG-SAD patients exhibited a specific neural signature within the temporal lobe, which was attenuated to the level of PD/AG-SAD patients afterwards. CBT was equally effective in both groups. Thus, comorbidity among those two anxiety disorders did not alter treatment outcome substantially. This might be due to the high overlap of shared pathophysiological features within both disorders. In the second study, we assessed pre-treatment functional resting-state connectivity within a sample of spider phobic patients that were treated with massed in virtuo exposure. We found responders already prior to treatment to be characterized by stronger inhibitory frontolimbic connectivity as well as heightened connectivity between the amygdala and regions related to the ventral visual stream. Furthermore, patients demonstrating high within-session extinction exhibited pronounced intrinsic prefrontal connectivity. Our results point to responders exhibiting a brain prepared for the mechanism of action of exposure. Taken together, results highlight the major impact of pre-treatment characteristics on treatment outcome. Both, PD/AG+SAD patients as well as responders within the SpiderVR study exhibited heightened activation or connectivity within the ventral visual pathway and the amygdala. Pronounced visual processing together with enhanced executive control and emotion regulation seem to constitute a fruitful soil for successful exposure. The results provide starting points for personalized treatment approaches in order to improve treatment success in the anxiety disorders. Future studies are needed to investigate the benefit of neuroscientifically informed CBT augmentation strategies such as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation.}, subject = {Angstst{\"o}rung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Breil2023, author = {Breil, Christina}, title = {Look at me and I will feel you: eye contact and social understandig}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27802}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-278021}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {One of the features that defines humans as extraordinarily social beings is their striking susceptibility to the gaze of others. The research reported in this dissertation was undertaken to advance our understanding of the role of gaze cues in low-level attentional and higher-order cognitive processes. In particular, effects of gaze were examined with regard to three aspects of human cognition: (1) social attention, (2) social interaction and (3) social understanding. Chapter 1 consists of three manuscripts that investigate the boundary conditions of attention capture by direct gaze and how gaze direction is integrated with facial context information. Manuscript 1 and 2 suggest two necessary requirements for attention capture by direct gaze: a meaningful holistic facial context and sharp foveal vision, respectively. Manuscript 3 shows approach/avoidance-congruency effects between gaze direction and emotion expression on attention. Chapter 2 of this dissertation explores the role of gaze in more naturalistic social scenarios. Manuscript 4 demonstrates that gaze behavior during a conversation shapes our perception of another person. Manuscript 5 builds on these findings by showing that these perceptions define our willingness to act in a prosocial way towards our interaction partner. Finally, chapter 3 adopts a broader perspective on social cognition research with a special focus on methodological aspects. Manuscript 6 is a review highlighting the significance of methodological aspects in social cognition research and stressing the importance of sophisticated decisions on task and stimulus materials. Manuscript 7 introduces a new instrument for the assessment of social understanding in adolescents. Initial application in a young sample group indicates that an understanding of another person's mental states is a capacity that is still developing throughout adolescence. Both manuscripts of this final chapter include eye tracking data that suggest a relationship between gaze behavior and social understanding, a finding that further emphasizes the complex and multifaceted nature of social cognition. I conclude from the findings of this dissertation that research can benefit from adopting a broad view in terms of methodological as well as temporal aspects in order to capture human social cognition in its entirety.}, subject = {Blick}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Peters2023, author = {Peters, Katharina}, title = {Biological Substrates of Waiting Impulsivity in Children and Adolescents with and without ADHD}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24636}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-246368}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Focus of the present work were the questions whether and how the concept of waiting impulsivity (WI), defined as the ability to regulate a response in anticipation of reward and measured by the 4-choice serial reaction time task (4-CSRTT), may contribute to our understanding of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and its neurobiological underpinnings. To address this topic, two studies were conducted: in a first study, the relationship be-tween 4-CSRTT behavioral measures, neural correlates and ADHD symptom domains, i.e. inattention (IA) and hyperactivity/impulsivity (H/I) was explored in a pooled sample of 90 children and adolescents with (n=44) and without (n=46) ADHD diagnosis. As ex-pected, IA was associated with dorsolateral prefrontal brain regions linked with executive functions and attentional control, which was evident on the structural and the functional level. Higher levels of both IA and H/I covaried with decreased activity in the right ven-trolateral prefrontal cortex (PFC), a central structure for response inhibition. Moderation analyses revealed that H/I-related decreased activation in this region did not map linearly on difficulties on the behavioral level: brain activation was a significant predictor of task accuracy only, when H/I symptoms were low/absent but not for clinically relevant ADHD symptoms. Further, H/I was implicated in dysfunctional top-down control of reward eval-uation. Both symptom domains correlated positively with hippocampus (HC) activity in anticipation of reward. In addition, for high H/I symptoms, greater activation in the HC was found to correlate with higher motivation on the behavioral level, indicating that rein-forcement-learning and/or contingency awareness may contribute to altered reward pro-cessing in ADHD patients. In a second study, the possible serotonergic modulation of WI and the ADHD-WI relation-ship was addressed in a sub-sample comprising 86 children and adolescents of study I. The effects of a functional variant in the gene coding for the rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of brain serotonin on behavior and structure or function of the WI-network was investigated. Moderation analyses revealed that on the behavioral level, a negative corre-lation between accuracy and IA was found only in GG-homozygotes, whereas no signifi-cant relationship emerged for carriers of the T-allele. This is in line with previous reports of differential effects of serotonergic modulation on attentional performance depending on the presence of ADHD symptoms. A trend-wise interaction effect of genotype and IA for regional volume of the right middle frontal gyrus was interpreted as a hint towards an involvement of the PFC in this relationship, although a more complex mechanism includ-ing developmental effects can be assumed. In addition, interaction effects of genotype and IA were found for brain activation in the amygdala (AMY) und HC during perfor-mance of the 4-CSRTT, while another interaction was found for H/I symptoms and geno-type for right AMY volume. These findings indicate a serotonergic modulation of coding of the emotional value of reward during performance of the 4-CSRTT that varies de-pending on the extent of psychopathology-associated traits. Taken together, it was shown that the 4-CSRTT taps distinct domains of impulsivity with relevance to ADHD symptomatology: (proactive) response inhibition difficulties in relation with anticipation of reward. Furthermore, the two symptom domains, IA and H/I, contrib-ute differently to WI, which emphasizes the need to distinguish both in the research of ADHD. The results of study II emphasized the relevance of serotonergic transmission especially for attentional control and emotional processing. Although the present findings need replication and further refinement in more homogenous age groups, the use of the 4-CSRTT with a dimensional approach is a very promising strategy, which will hopefully extend our understanding of impulsivity-related mental disorders in the future.}, subject = {Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Syndrom}, language = {en} }