@phdthesis{Scheiner2024, author = {Scheiner, Christin}, title = {Vulnerability in adolescence: prevalence, pandemic impact and prevention}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35164}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-351644}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {This compilation focuses on adolescent mental disorders and their prevention. It comprises three distinct studies, each contributing to a deeper understanding of this critical topic. This work addresses a critical gap in the understanding of, and approach to, adolescent mental health, and as a result reveals a critically important and urgently needed policy implication for action. The thematic structure of these studies begins with an examination of the epidemiology of child and adolescent mental disorders. Baseline data were collected from N = 877 adolescents with a mean age of 12.43 years (SD = 0.65). Mental health problems, such as depressive symptoms, non-suicidal self-injury, suicidal ideation, symptoms of eating disorders, and gender differences, are thoroughly examined. Results revealed a significant portion of our sample displaying mental health problems as early as the 6th and 7th grades, with girls generally being more affected than boys. The findings underscore the importance of early adolescence in the emergence of mental health problems and thereby emphasize the need for preventive measures. Moving beyond prevalence estimates, the compilation delves into the etiology of these disorders, exploring their potential correlation with a COVID-19 infection. Understanding the early signs and risk factors is crucial for timely support. While numerous studies have investigated potential risk and protective factors during the pandemic, our focus shifts to adolescents' coping when an infection with the virus was involved (N = 2,154, M = 12.31, SD = 0.67). We hypothesized that students infected or with close family members infected, would exhibit an increased psychopathology and a decreased functioning of protective factors such as self-efficacy or self-esteem. We found no connection between infection and the mental health status within our sample, but protective factors and mental well-being were positively associated. Thus, universal primary prevention appears to be the preferred approach for promoting mental health. Lastly, the compilation introduces LessStress, a noteworthy contribution to more evidence-based prevention programs. This universal approach is designed to reduce stress in schools, accompanied by a cluster-randomized trial to evaluate its effectiveness (estimated sample size N = 1,894). Existing studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of stress prevention, leading us to introduce a short and easy-to-implement prevention program. There is positive evidence for one-lesson interventions in schools for promoting well-being and health behaviors among adolescents. LessStress is designed based on a life skills approach that not only imparts psychoeducational content but also teaches skills relevant to everyday life and directly applicable. Throughout these studies, a common thread emerges: the pressing need to address mental disorders during childhood and adolescence. These formative years play a pivotal role in the development of mental health problems. These formative years play a crucial role in the development of mental health problems. They highlight the importance of epidemiological data collection and analysis based on the latest models to develop prevention interventions that are not only effective but also reach young people on a global level.}, subject = {Jugend}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schiffczyk2017, author = {Schiffczyk, Eva-Maria}, title = {„Katamnestische Untersuchung der Behandlungszufriedenheit kindlicher Patientinnen und Patienten mit Anorexia nervosa nach station{\"a}rem Klinikaufenthalt"}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-156165}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Summary The aims of the current "Catamnestic examination of treatment satisfaction of patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) in childhood after inpatient treatment" were to extend the low data on AN in childhood in general and treatment satisfaction of this patient group in particular, and to use the knowledge gained to optimize future treatment concepts for patients with AN in childhood. To the best of our knowledge this is the first study retrospectively describing the treatment satisfaction of a patient population consisting exclusively of patients with a former AN in childhood. The central questions of the study were to find out whether and how many patients retrospectively found the treatment to be "satisfactory / unsatisfactory" or "helpful / harmful" and which elements of inpatient therapy produced "satisfaction / dissatisfaction" or subjective "help / harm" through the therapy. Further important aims of the study were to find out whether there is a correlation between the "treatment satisfaction / help / treatment amount" and various patient- and therapy-related parameters. The recent catamnestic study shows that former patients with AN in childhood, as well as other groups of AN patients (children, adolescents, adults) in previous studies, appear to be critical about the medical treatment compared to patients with other mental illnesses, with only 55.8 \% of the total patients who were at least mediocrely satisfied showing rather moderate satisfaction rates in the context of closed questions. Most likely are also in patients with AN in childhood typical disease characteristics (e.g. ambivalence in recovery and treatment, fear of loss of control) and personality traits (e.g. rigidity) frequently observed in AN patients responsible for that. The majority of patients with AN in childhood (65.4 \%) considered the therapy to be helpful retrospectively, in accordance with retrospective evaluations of patients with AN (children, adolescents, adults) on treatment as predominantly helpful. As part of the therapy, socio-emotional therapy components such as one-to-one therapeutic sessions, contact with fellow patients and caregivers were of the utmost importance for the patients with AN in childhood. These treatment elements generated the most satisfaction and were considered by many to be the most helpful. The results are hypothesis-generating that childlike patients with AN seem to have a special care / support need in the context of social relationships during therapy. However, the central role of socio-emotional components in therapy has also been highlighted in many other treatment satisfaction studies with childlike / adolescent and adult AN patients, patients with eating disorders in general, child and adolescent psychiatric and general psychiatric patients and in scientific work about the help of therapy for AN patients of different age groups as well as for other patient groups. As part of the therapeutic relationship, the desire for close contact with the therapist (more one-to-one interviews) was expressed. In addition, some patients wanted a more personalized therapy. The therapeutic relationship also played a key role in comparative studies with childlike and adolescent AN patients and other groups of patients, with sufficient time and individualism in therapy being required by the patients. A certain degree of self-determination, a fixed caregiver, inclusion of the family in the therapy, group therapy, adequate feedback and sufficient follow-up care were also important for the patients in the context of treatment. Treatment elements aimed at overcoming eating disordered behavior and recovering from the disease were partly rated to be satisfactory and helpful, but partly unsatisfactory and unhelpful. The critical evaluation of restrictive therapy elements to overcome the symptoms of eating disorders and ambivalence of patients with regard to their willingness to recover, their motivation to change and the initiation and implementation of a treatment, which has been cited in some studies, is also expressed in a group of patients with AN in childhood. With regard to these essential therapeutic ingredients for the treatment of AN, it is probably the right dosage in the context of the therapy concept. A comprehensible correlation was found in the fact that the former childlike AN patients, who judged the treatment to be satisfactory, also perceived it as more helpful and vice versa. The assumption that socio-cultural comparison variables (age and BMI) correlate with treatment satisfaction could not be proven in the own study for the former childlike study collective. Due to very different previous study results, further research on the relationship between socio-demographic variables and patient satisfaction is necessary in order to be able to draw clearer conclusions in this regard. However, an assumed association between the perceived help of the therapy and patient- / therapy-related variables could be confirmed, as patients with higher discharge BMI found treatment to be more helpful retrospectively than those with lower values. From a retrospective patient's perspective, this confirms the currently valid therapeutic guideline for not discharging patients from inpatient treatment until they achieve a body weight appropriate for their age and height (DGPM 2011). In addition, the perceived help from treatment at the different university hospitals showed significant differences, presumably due to the different specialization of the facilities with regard to eating disorders, as previous study results suggest that the treatment in an eating disorder clinic is more helpful than in a non-specialized hospital. With regard to the assessment of the treatment amount, the present catamnestic study showed contradictory results in relation to the long-term (presence of an eating disorder at the time of the catamnestic examination) or short-term treatment result (BMI at discharge) of the former AN patients. On average, patients who rated the amount of treatment as too low reported a higher BMI at hospital discharge (better short-term treatment outcome) than those who judged the treatment amount to be too high. This means that patients with better treatment results in the short term would have wished to receive more treatment quantitatively in the retrospective, than those with worse results. However, in return, more frequently, patients who still had an eating disorder (worse long-term outcome) at the time of study wished to have more treatment quantitatively, than recovered subjects at the time of the study (better long-term outcome). On this basis, it can be hypothesized that the patient group with lower discharge BMI may have had less disease insight than the group with higher discharge BMI, thus less able to engage in therapy with less benefit from it as a result of a poorer treatment outcome. It can also be speculated that in the meantime patients with a still ongoing eating disorder at the time of catamnesis had sufficient insight into the disease and therefore would have wished for more treatment retrospectively. Another plausible result of the current study is that patients who rated the treatment as satisfactory / helpful would have wanted more treatment quantitatively and patients who rated the treatment as unsatisfactory / harmful also judging the treatment amount to be too high. In summary, it becomes clear from our own results that it is a particular challenge to provide a therapy for patients with AN that finds their acceptance and satisfaction (Gulliksen et al., 2012). Accordingly, it is important to refine existing therapies and provide treatments that are adapted to the needs of the patient population. This requires a systematic knowledge of what generates satisfaction and dissatisfaction in patients with AN (Gulliksen et al., 2012). To our knowledge, the present study is the first study on treatment satisfaction that examined exclusively patients with former AN in childhood as a patient collective. Therefore, the results could only be compared with study data from other groups of patients (general psychiatric, child and adolescent psychiatric, eating disorder, adult and adolescent or partly childlike AN patients). Further studies with patients with AN in childhood are useful and desirable to validate the results presented here and to draw practical conclusions for an individualized treatment that meets the needs of the young patients.}, subject = {Anorexia nervosa}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schneider2020, author = {Schneider, Caroline}, title = {Modulation der Extinktion einer konditionierten Furchtreaktion durch Stimulation des pr{\"a}frontalen Kortex mittels tDCS (transcranial direct current stimulation)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20875}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-208752}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Angstst{\"o}rungen geh{\"o}ren zu den h{\"a}ufigsten psychischen Erkrankungen in Deutschland, dabei k{\"o}nnten Hirnstimulationstechniken unterst{\"u}tzend zu bisherigen Therapieverfahren Anwendung finden. F{\"u}r die Entstehung und Behandlung von Angstst{\"o}rungen spielen die Prozesse der Konditionierung und Extinktion eine große Rolle, wobei im pr{\"a}frontalen Kortex eine erh{\"o}hte Aktivit{\"a}t gemessen werden kann. 51 gesunde Probanden nahmen an einem Furchtkonditionierungsexperiment mit zwei m{\"a}nnlichen Gesichtern als CS+ und CS- sowie einem Schrei als aversiven Stimulus teil. Es wurde untersucht, inwieweit die bilaterale transkranielle Gleichstromstimulation (tDCS) des dorsolateralen pr{\"a}frontalen Kortex die Extinktion moduliert. Die Stimulation erfolgte mittels tDCS links-kathodal {\"u}ber Position F3, rechts-anodal {\"u}ber Position F4 f{\"u}r 20 Minuten mit 2 mA und einer Elektrodengr{\"o}ße von 35 cm². Es wurden die Hautleitf{\"a}higkeit und der Startle-Reflex als physiologische Parameter der Furcht erfasst sowie Valenz und Arousal f{\"u}r die Stimuli durch subjektive Ratings erhoben. Bei den erfolgreich konditionierten Probanden (n = 28) kam es in der verum-tDCS-Gruppe w{\"a}hrend der fr{\"u}hen Extinktion zu einer signifikanten Zunahme der Hautleitf{\"a}higkeit auf CS-. M{\"o}glicherweise wurde durch die tDCS-Stimulation des dorsolateralen pr{\"a}frontalen Kortex eine Furchtgeneralisierung ausgel{\"o}st. Ein anderer Erkl{\"a}rungsansatz f{\"u}r die gefundenen Ergebnisse ist die Modulation von Aufmerksamkeitsprozessen durch die Stimulation. Weitere Forschung ist n{\"o}tig, bevor eine klinische tDCS-Anwendung bei Patienten mit Angstst{\"o}rungen m{\"o}glich ist.}, subject = {pr{\"a}frontale}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schwarz2016, author = {Schwarz, Ricarda}, title = {Methylphenidat-induzierte Genexpression in lymphoblastoiden Zellen von adulten ADHS Patienten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-138855}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Mit dieser Studie sollte untersucht werden, ob ein Genexpressionsunterschied zwi- schen heterogenen erwachsenen ADHS-Patienten und gesunden Kontrollen besteht und eine Behandlung mit Methylphenidat kurz- oder langfristige Genexpressionsunter- schiede hervorruft. Außerdem war von Interesse, ob ein sich ein m{\"o}glicher Behand- lungseffekt durch MPH zwischen ADHS- und Kontrollgruppe unterscheidet. Dazu wurde ein peripheres Zellmodell mit EBV-modifizierten Lymphoblasten von ADHS-Patienten und Kontrollen gew{\"a}hlt, deren RNA f{\"u}r die weiteren Versuche genutzt wurde. In Vor- versuchen sollte die Verwendung von MPH f{\"u}r die Versuchsmodellbedingungen opti- miert werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte anhand der Parameter Zellkonzentration und Zellgr{\"o}ße kein zelltoxischer Effekt von MPH in Konzentrationen bis 100 ng/µl ermittelt werden. Die Proben zeigten durchschnittlich sehr gute RNA-Konzentrationen (354 ng/µL), eine gute RNA-Qualit{\"a}t und nur leichte Verunreinigungen. Die hypothesenfreien Microarray-Untersuchung zeigte zum Zeitpunkt t4 und unter MPH-Behandlung 163 Gene an der Grenze zu statistischem Signifikanzniveau. Die aus den ersten 138 (p < 0,00139, korrigiert f{\"u}r multiples Testen p = 0,06) ausgew{\"a}hlten Genen ATXN1, GLUT3, GUCY1B3, HEY1, MAP3K8 und NAV2 zeigten in der anschließen- den qRT-PCR außer bei GUCY1B3 (zu allen Zeiten eine h{\"o}here Expression bei ADHS; p- Werte der aufsteigenden Zeitpunkte 0,002; 0,089; 0,027; 0,055 und 0,064) keine signi- fikanten Gruppenunterschiede zwischen ADHS-Probanden und Kontrollen. Allerdings konnten bei ATXN1, GLUT3, HEY1, MAP3K8 und NAV2 statistisch relevante Behandlungseffekte durch MPH beobachtet werden. Sie unterschieden sich in beiden Gruppen. Kurzzeiteffekte (innerhalb 1 bzw. 6h) traten ausschließlich bei der ADHS- Gruppe, Langzeiteffekte (2 Wochen) nur bei Kontrollen auf. Bei ADHS-Zellen wurde zum Zeitpunkt t1 die Expression von ATXN1 (p = 0,012) und NAV2 (p = 0,001) unter MPH erh{\"o}ht. Eine signifikant geringerer kurzfristiger Genexpressionsanstieg zeigte sich bei MAP3K8 (p = 0,005). Im dynamischen Verlauf zeigte sich eine signifikante Genexpressi- onssteigerung innerhalb von einer Woche (t3) bei ATXN1 (p= 0,057) und HEY1 (0,042). Bei Kontrollzellen f{\"u}hrte die MPH-Behandlung zu signifikanten Genexpressionsunter- schieden zum Zeitpunkt t4 bei GLUT3 ((p = 0,044) und MAP3K8 (p = 0,005) und im dy- namischen Verlauf zu h{\"o}heren Expressionsanstiegen innerhalb von zwei Wochen (t4) bei GLUT3 (p = 0,033) und MAP3K8 (p = 0,005). Zumindest in dem untersuchten Gen GUCY1B3 gibt es also Expressionsunterschiede zwischen ADHS- und Kontrollgruppe. Methylphenidat beeinflusst die Genexpression in peripheren Zellen, obwohl seine Hauptwirkung im zentralen Nervensystem erzielt wird. Ob es sich dabei um eine Wirkung oder Nebenwirkung handelt, bleibt offen. Es gibt sowohl lang- als auch kurzfristige Genexpressionsver{\"a}nderungen, wobei die kurzfristi- gen bei ADHS, die langfristigen in der Kontrollgruppe detektiert wurden. Damit unter- scheidet sich der Effekt von MPH auf die Genexpression peripherer Zellen zwischen ADHS und Kontrollgruppe. Die untersuchten Gene beeinflussen unterschiedliche Signalwege. Besonders hervor- zuheben sind das Dopaminsystem, der Notch- und NO-Signalweg. Da die Genprodukte jeweils nur ein Element l{\"a}ngerer Signalkaskaden darstellen und oft auch mit mehreren Wegen interagieren, ist es schwer, direkte und indirekte Wirkungen von MPH zu unter- scheiden. Es gibt allerdings Hinweise, dass die untersuchten Gene sowie deren Ver{\"a}n- derung durch MPH im pr{\"a}frontalen Kortex, dem limbischen System, Basalganglien und Kleinhirnarealen und dem aufsteigenden retikul{\"a}ren aktivierenden System (ARAS) eine wichtige Rollen spielen. Dies {\"a}ußert sich schon in der embryonalen Hirnentwicklung, neuronalen Differenzierung und Synapsenbildung und hat Einfluss auf Aufmerksamkeit, Ged{\"a}chtnis, Lernen, motorische Kontrolle und Emotionen. Diese Ergebnisse m{\"u}ssen nun in einer gr{\"o}ßeren Stichprobe validiert werden. Somit k{\"o}nnten einige Effekte, die hier als nominal bezeichnet wurden, in einer gr{\"o}ßeren Stichprobe signifikante Werte erreichen, w{\"a}hrend andere Unterschiede evtl. auch ver- schwinden k{\"o}nnten. Außerdem sollte ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden, dass nicht alle ADHS- Patienten auf eine Behandlung mit MPH ansprechen. Es ist also sinnvoll, eine Subgrup- penanalyse zwischen MPH-Resondern und Non-Respondern durchzuf{\"u}hren. In weiteren Untersuchungen ist es notwendig, Behandlungseffekte durch MPH in neu- ronalen Zelllinien zu untersuchen, da ADHS prim{\"a}r eine St{\"o}rung des zentralen Nerven- systems darstellt, welches auch therapeutisch von MPH angesteuert wird.}, subject = {ADHS}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schwarzmeier2023, author = {Schwarzmeier, Hanna}, title = {From fear extinction to exposure therapy: neural mechanisms and moderators of extinction}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22330}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-223304}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Emotional-associative learning processes such as fear conditioning and extinction are highly relevant to not only the development and maintenance of anxiety disorders (ADs), but also to their treatment. Extinction, as the laboratory analogue to behavioral exposure, is assumed a core process underlying the treatment of ADs. Although exposure-based treatments are highly effective for the average patient suffering from an AD, there remains a gap in treatment efficacy with over one third of patients failing to achieve clinically significant symptom relief. There is ergo a pressing need for intensified research regarding the underlying neural mechanisms of aberrant emotional-associative learning processes and the neurobiological moderators of treatment (non-)response in ADs. The current thesis focuses on different applications of the fundamental principles of fear conditioning and extinction by using two example cases of ADs from two different multicenter trials. First, we targeted alterations in fear acquisition, extinction, and its recall as a function of psychopathology in panic disorder (PD) patients compared to healthy subjects using fMRI. Second, exposure-based therapy and pre-treatment patient characteristics exerting a moderating influence on this essential learning process later on (i.e. treatment outcome) were examined using multimodal functional and structural neuroimaging in spider phobia. We observed aberrations in emotional-associative learning processes in PD patients compared to healthy subjects indicated by an accelerated fear acquisition and an attenuated extinction recall. Furthermore, pre-treatment differences related to defensive, regulatory, attentional, and perceptual processes may exert a moderating influence on treatment outcome to behavioral exposure in spider phobia. Although the current results need further replication, on an integrative meta level, results point to a hyperactive defensive network system and deficient emotion regulation processes (including extinction processes) and top-down control in ADs. This speaks in favor of transdiagnostic deficits in important functional domains in ADs. Deficits in transdiagnostic domains such as emotion regulation processes could be targeted by enhancing extinction learning or by means of promising tools like neurofeedback. The detection of pre-treatment clinical response moderators, for instance via machine learning frameworks, may help in supporting clinical decision making on individually tailored treatment approaches or, respectively, to avoid ineffective treatment and its related financial costs. In the long run, the identification of neurobiological markers which are capable of detecting non-responders a priori represents an ultimate goal.}, subject = {Extinktion}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Seeger2023, author = {Seeger, Fabian Reinhard}, title = {Moderators of exposure-based treatment outcome in anxiety disorders: an fMRI approach}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21435}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-214356}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Even though exposure-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) constitutes a first-line treatment for anxiety disorders, a substantial proportion of patients does not respond in a clinically significant manner. The identification of pre-treatment patient characteristics that are associated with treatment outcome might aid in improving response rates. Therefore, the present doctoral thesis aimed at investigating moderators of treatment outcome in anxiety disorders: first, we investigated the neural correlates of comorbidity among primary panic disorder/agoraphobia (PD/AG) and secondary social anxiety disorder (SAD) moderating treatment outcome towards exposure-based CBT. Second, pre-treatment functional resting-state connectivity signatures of treatment response in specific phobia were studied. Within the first study, we compared PD/AG patients with or without secondary SAD regarding their clinical and neurofunctional outcome towards a manualized CBT treatment focusing on PD/AG symptoms. Prior to treatment, PD/AG+SAD compared to PD/AG-SAD patients exhibited a specific neural signature within the temporal lobe, which was attenuated to the level of PD/AG-SAD patients afterwards. CBT was equally effective in both groups. Thus, comorbidity among those two anxiety disorders did not alter treatment outcome substantially. This might be due to the high overlap of shared pathophysiological features within both disorders. In the second study, we assessed pre-treatment functional resting-state connectivity within a sample of spider phobic patients that were treated with massed in virtuo exposure. We found responders already prior to treatment to be characterized by stronger inhibitory frontolimbic connectivity as well as heightened connectivity between the amygdala and regions related to the ventral visual stream. Furthermore, patients demonstrating high within-session extinction exhibited pronounced intrinsic prefrontal connectivity. Our results point to responders exhibiting a brain prepared for the mechanism of action of exposure. Taken together, results highlight the major impact of pre-treatment characteristics on treatment outcome. Both, PD/AG+SAD patients as well as responders within the SpiderVR study exhibited heightened activation or connectivity within the ventral visual pathway and the amygdala. Pronounced visual processing together with enhanced executive control and emotion regulation seem to constitute a fruitful soil for successful exposure. The results provide starting points for personalized treatment approaches in order to improve treatment success in the anxiety disorders. Future studies are needed to investigate the benefit of neuroscientifically informed CBT augmentation strategies such as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation.}, subject = {Angstst{\"o}rung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Slyschak2022, author = {Slyschak, Anna}, title = {Fear conditioning, its generalization and extinction in children and adolescents under consideration of trait anxiety and anxiety sensitivity}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-26780}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-267806}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The propounded thesis investigated fear learning including fear conditioning, its generalization as well as its extinction in 133 healthy children and adolescents aged 8 to 17 years. The main goal was to analyze these processes also in the course of childhood and adolescence due to far less research in this age span compared to adults. Of note, childhood is the typical period for the onset of anxiety disorders. To achieve this, an aversive discriminative fear conditioning, generalization and extinction paradigm, which based on the "screaming lady paradigm" from Lau et al. (2008) and was adapted by Schiele \& Reinhard et al. (2016), was applied. All probands traversed the pre-acquisition (4 x CS-, 4 x CS+, no US), the acquisition (12 x CS-, 12 x CS+, reinforcement rate: 83\%), the generalization (12 x CS-, 12 x GS4, 12 x GS3, 12 x GS2, 12 x GS1, 12 x CS+, reinforcement rate: 50\%) and the extinction (18 x CS-, 18 x CS+, no US). The generalization stimuli, i.e. GS1-GS4, were built out of CS- and CS+ in different mixtures on a percentage basis in steps of 20\% from CS- to CS+. Pictures of faces of two actresses with a neutral expression were used for the discriminative conditioning, whereby the CS+ was paired with a 95-dB loud female scream at the same time together with a fearful facial expression (US). CS- and GS1-GS4 were never followed by the US. Subjective ratings (arousal, valence and US expectancy) were collected and further the psychophysiological measure of the skin conductance response (SCR). The hypotheses were 1) that underage probands show a negative correlation between age and overgeneralization and 2) that anxiety is positively correlated with overgeneralization in the same sample. ANOVAs with repeated measures were conducted for all four dependent variables with phase (pre-acquisition phase, 1. + 2. acquisition phase, 1. + 2. generalization phase, 1. - 3. extinction phase) and stimulus type (CS-, CS+, GS1-GS4) as within-subject factors. For the analyses of the modulatory effects of age and anxiety in additional separate ANCOVAs were conducted including a) age, b) the STAIC score for trait anxiety and c) the CASI score for anxiety sensitivity as covariates. Sex was always included as covariate of no interest. On the one hand, findings indicated that the general extent of the reactions (arousal, valence and US expectancy ratings and the SCR) decreased with growing age, i.e. the older the probands the lower their reactions towards the stimuli regardless of the type of dependent variable. On the other hand, ratings of US expectancy, i.e. the likelihood that a stimulus is followed by a US (here: female scream coupled with a fearful facial expression), showed better discrimination skills the older the probands were, resulting in a smaller overgeneralization within older probands. It must be emphasized very clearly that no causality can be derived. Thus, it was only an association revealed between 15 age and generalization of conditioned fear, which is negative. Furthermore, no obvious impact of trait anxiety could be detected on the different processes of fear learning. Especially, no overgeneralization was expressed by the probands linked to higher trait anxiety. In contrast to trait anxiety, for anxiety sensitivity there was an association between its extent and the level of fear reactions. This could be described best with a kind of parallel shifts: the higher the anxiety sensitivity, the stronger the fear reactions. Likewise, for anxiety sensitivity no overgeneralization due to a stronger extent of anxiety sensitivity could be observed. Longitudinal follow-up examinations and, furthermore, neurobiological investigations are needed for replication purposes and purposes of gaining more supporting or opposing insights, but also for the profound exploration of the impact of hormonal changes during puberty and of the maturation processes of different brain structures. Finally, the question whether enhanced generalization of conditioned fear facilitates the development of anxiety disorders or vice versa remains unsolved yet.}, subject = {Furcht}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{vonDobschuetz2021, author = {von Dobsch{\"u}tz, Bernadette}, title = {Die Ver{\"a}nderung familienspezifischer Messgr{\"o}ßen unter therapeutischer Intervention bei der Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivit{\"a}tsst{\"o}rung}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24376}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-243766}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die psychosoziale Komponente spielt bei der ADHS v.a. in der Bew{\"a}ltigung von Erziehungsaufgaben eine erhebliche Rolle, da sowohl die Eltern als auch das Kind von der St{\"o}rung betroffen sein k{\"o}nnen. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war die Untersuchung von Beziehungen und Konfliktpotential in Familien, die von ADHS betroffen sind. Es wurde der Frage nachgegangen, ob eine st{\"o}rungsspezifische Therapie von M{\"u}ttern mit ADHS und deren Kind, das ebenfalls an ADHS litt, bessere familienspezifische Messwerte erreicht als eine {\"u}bliche Standardbehandlung. Die Behandlungsgruppe erhielt eine intensive Gruppenpsychotherapie und begleitende Pharmakotherapie mit Methylphenidat, die Kontrollgruppe wiederholte psychiatrische Beratungen, beide Gruppen erhielten zus{\"a}tzlich ein Mutter-Kind-Training. Die Stichprobe bestand aus 144 Mutter-Kind Paaren mit ADHS, die im Rahmen einer Mutter-Kind Treatment Studie rekrutiert wurden. Es zeigten sich Verbesserungen in den untersuchten familienbezogenen Outcomes (soziales Leben, negative Gef{\"u}hle gegen{\"u}ber der Erziehung), nicht aber in allen erfassten Bereichen. Diese Verbesserungen zeigten jedoch keine signifikanten Gruppenunterschiede im Hinblick auf die beiden Studienbehandlungen zur Therapie der ADHS der M{\"u}tter (Pharmakotherapie plus Verhaltenstherapie vs. alleinige unspezifische Beratung). Bei M{\"u}ttern, die ein Krankheitsverst{\"a}ndnis f{\"u}r die ADHS, sowie eine Behandlungsmotivation hatten, verbesserte das Mutter-Kind-Training die Outcomes der Kinder, auch wenn die Mutter nur eine unterst{\"u}tzende Beratung erhielt. Die multimodale Therapie der M{\"u}tter mit Gruppenpsychotherapie und MPH-Medikation war bez{\"u}glich der Symptomreduktion der M{\"u}tter effektiv. Jedoch beeinflusste die multimodale Therapie im Vergleich zur unterst{\"u}tzenden psychiatrischen Beratung das externalisierende Verhalten des Kindes nach dem Elterntraining nicht zus{\"a}tzlich. Deshalb scheint es vielversprechend, M{\"u}ttern mit ADHS, welche nicht die M{\"o}glichkeit einer Medikation oder spezifischen Psychotherapie haben, auch zuk{\"u}nftig Elterntraining anzubieten.}, subject = {Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Syndrom}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{vonSchoenfeld2022, author = {von Sch{\"o}nfeld, Cornelia}, title = {Universal prevention of nonsuicidal self-injury for children and adolescents - A systematic review -}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28702}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-287020}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In a synopsis of the current state of research regarding NSSI, there are two key findings of this thesis: Firstly, there is a severe scarcity of studies and currently no evidence base for effective universal prevention of NSSI in youth. Secondly, not only the number but also quality of those few studies found was considered too low to draw wide-ranging conclusions and no meta-analysis could be conducted. This conclusion based - among other factors listed in chapter six - on the application of the EPHPP quality assessment tool (Evans, Lasen et al. 2015), which revealed distinct deficiencies and a weak overall study quality for all seven studies. Even if the high prevalence of NSSI among adolescents and the importance of this field of research is increasingly emphasized in contemporary literature (Muehlenkamp, Walsh et al. 2010, Wasserman, Carli et al. 2010, Brunner, Kaess et al. 2014, Plener, Schumacher et al. 2015), the shortage of concrete programs addressing the issue is manifest. The potential to tackle NSSI via prevention is underlined in view of the fact that many recent studies prove the high potential of primary prevention regarding NSSI incidences (Evans, Hawton et al. 2005, Fortune, Sinclair et al. 2008). From the studies included for this review, it can be concluded that most interventions show positive effects in raising awareness, knowledge, understanding of risk factors and help-seeking attitudes among school staff or students, particularly when starting with low knowledge at baseline (Robinson, Gook et al. 2008). Yet, most studies focus on training of gatekeepers and only two programmes address students directly and primarily measure actual NSSI behaviour. This finding highlights the importance of more investigation into concrete NSSI measurement targeting mainly the group of youth. There is a severe lack of literature on primary prevention with suitable contexts and target groups, while reviews on secondary targeted prevention deliver much more potential in the quantity of research (Kothgassner, Robinson et al. 2020, Kothgassner, Goreis et al. 2021). Until that changes, secondary prevention approaches of NSSI should be relied upon first. Looking into the future, several considerations may help advance universal approaches to NSSI. Regarding study planning, it is crucial for future research to pursue a thorough background research, examine the feasibility of interventions, and evaluate the appropriateness of study samples chosen. Moreover, research groups are expected to ensure a close observation of participants in cases of adverse events, in order to offer support, but also detect potential deficiencies in the study organisation. Additionally - in accordance with other research in this field (Plener, Brunner et al. 2010) - findings of this review highlight the necessity to expand fundamental research on functions of NSSI and its (neurobiological) mechanism of formation in order to enhance the knowledge of correlations and improve effective preventive approaches. As psychoeducational methods have shown risks of iatrogenic effects (e.g. in patients with eating disorders) (Stice, 2007 \#10063), it might be worthwhile to focus on improving emotion regulation in order to strengthen protective factors and improve adolescents' management of their everyday lives rather than on merely mitigating possible risk factors. Regarding intervention costs, it appears indispensable to include more cost calculations in the study planning of future research. In contrast to therapeutic interventions of NSSI, which are usually conducted in an in-patient setting and entail high measurable expenses as compared to preventive interventions, preventive approaches may in case of success result in a reduction of clinical presentation (O'Connell, Boat et al. 2009). A promising outlook is entailed by study protocol presenting a skills-based universal prevention program of NSSI "DUDE", a cluster randomized controlled trial scheduled for 16 German schools with a total of 3.200 adolescents (Buerger, Emser et al. 2022). The program is tailored to decrease the incidence of NSSI and avert potential and associated long-term consequences like suicidality among adolescents. It is aimed to provide easy access for adolescents due to its implementation during lesson time at school and is declared cost-effective. Furthermore, DUDE is a promising approach to effective NSSI prevention, as it is intended to improve mental health through the pathway of emotion regulation. It remains to await the implementation of the protocol, which is currently delayed due to the SARS-CoV-19 pandemic. In sum, initial research is promising and suggests that the approach to tackle NSSI via prevention is meaningful. Yet, high-quality studies on the development and evaluation of universal NSSI prevention in adolescents are urgently needed.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wallem2021, author = {Wallem, Friederike}, title = {Psychometrische Analyse des Fragebogens zur Erfassung der Zufriedenheit mit der Aufkl{\"a}rung im Rahmen der kinder- und jugendpsychiatrischen Behandlung}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24710}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-247108}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, eine psychometrische Analyse des von W. Briegel entwickelten Fragebogens durchzuf{\"u}hren , der die Zufriedenheit mit dem Aufkl{\"a}rungsgespr{\"a}ch {\"u}ber eine medikament{\"o}se Therapie multiperspektivisch aus Sicht der Beteiligten erfassen soll. An einer Stichprobe von 63 g{\"u}ltigen F{\"a}llen erfolgte eine Evaluation des Fragebogens im Sinne einer Itemanalyse, sowie die {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung auf Validit{\"a}t und Reliabilit{\"a}t. Zudem wurde untersucht ob im Allgemeinen Zufriedenheit angegeben wurden und ob Einflussfaktoren auf das Antwortverhalten und die Zufriedenheit festgestellt werden konnten Insgesamt wurden die Fragen von allen Beteiligten im Sinne von Zufriedenheit beantwortet. Die Itemanalyse erbrachte hohe Schwierigkeitsindices, hohe Trennsch{\"a}rfewerte und geringe Varianzen. Des Weiteren zeigte der Fragebogen gute Werte f{\"u}r die Interne Konsistenz und f{\"u}r die Pr{\"u}fung auf Kriteriumsvalidit{\"a}t. Aufgrund der sich ergebenden Hinweise, dass die hohen Werte der Zufriedenheitsbefragung durch die Konstruktionsweise des Fragebogens zustande gekommen sein k{\"o}nnten, erscheint es sinnvoll, die Ratingskala des Fragebogens zu modifizieren. Dieser so ver{\"a}nderte Fragebogen sollte dann an einer heterogeneren Stichprobe erneut eingesetzt werden, um herauszufinden, ob die Ergebnisse in diesem Kontext dieselbe Tendenz zeigen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Weidner2019, author = {Weidner, Anne}, title = {Zusammenhang zwischen pathologischen Entz{\"u}ndungsparametern und der Serumkonzentration von Antipsychotika}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17849}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-178499}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In einer Studie wurde der Zusammenhang pathologischer Werte von C-Reaktivem Protein (295 F{\"a}lle)- - sowie Leukozyten-Anzahlen (292 F{\"a}lle) einerseits und dosiskorrigierter Serumkonzentration der Antipsychotika Haloperidol, Risperidon, Olanzapin, Quetiapin und Aripiprazol andererseits mittels therapeutischem Drug Monitoring bestimmter Serumkonzentrationen sowie pathologische CRP (295 F{\"a}lle)- und Leukozyten (292 F{\"a}lle)-Werte ausgewertet. Zielsetzung der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, den Einfluss von Entz{\"u}ndung, gemessen durch CRP-Wert und Leukozyten, auf die dosiskorrigierten Antipsychotika-Serumkonzentrationen zu untersuchen. In der Quetiapin-Stichprobe konnte ein signifikanter Zusammenhang von pathologischen CRP-Werten und der dosiskorrigierten Serumkonzentration berechnet werden. In der Olanzapin-Stichprobe ergab sich ein trendm{\"a}ßiger Zusammenhang von pathologischen CRP-Werten und der dosiskorrigierten Serumkonzentration. Dosiskorrigierte Serumkonzentrationen {\"u}ber der therapeutischen Obergrenze waren in der Quetiapin-Stichprobe mit pathologischen CRP-Werten assoziiert. In keiner Stichprobe konnte ein signifikanter Zusammenhang von Leukozyten-Anzahl und dosiskorrigierter Serumkonzentration aufgezeigt werden. Wir konnten damit erstmals einen signifikanten Zusammenhang von Entz{\"u}ndung und Serumkonzentration f{\"u}r Quetiapin (und partiell auch Olanzapin) zeigen. Klinische Konsequenz sollte - vor allem bei {\"a}lteren Patienten - eine Quetiapin (und auch Olanzapin-)-Dosisanpassung unter inflammatorischen Bedingungen sein, um das Risiko verst{\"a}rkter bzw. sogar toxischer Nebenwirkungen durch einen Anstieg der Serumkonzentration zu minimieren. Weitere Studien mit einer gr{\"o}ßeren Fallzahl f{\"u}r die anderen hier untersuchten und nicht signifikant assoziiert gefundenen Antipsychotika sind erforderlich, um das Risiko erh{\"o}hter Serumkonzentrationen unter inflammatorischen Bedingungen f{\"u}r diese ausschließen zu k{\"o}nnen. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus sind weitere Untersuchungen mit Ber{\"u}cksichtigung anderer auf CYP-Ebene interagierender Faktoren wie Komedikation, k{\"o}rperlichen Begleiterkrankungen, Raucherstatus oder Polymorphismen sinnvoll, um Risikogruppen noch genauer definieren zu k{\"o}nnen.}, subject = {Entz{\"u}ndungsparameter}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ziegler2017, author = {Ziegler, Georg Christoph}, title = {Die SLC2A3-Genduplikation als Kandidatengenvariante der Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit/-Hyperaktivit{\"a}tsst{\"o}rung - molekularbiologische und neurale Korrelate}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-154185}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Diese Arbeit widmet sich der Untersuchung einer Kopienzahlvariante (CNV) im Erbgut, die zu einer genomischen Duplikation des SLC2A3-Gens f{\"u}hrt. Die Auswirkungen der SLC2A3- Duplikation wurden im Zellkulturmodell und durch bildgebende Verfahren untersucht. F{\"u}r die SLC2A3-Duplikation konnte eine populationsspezifische Assoziation mit ADHS gezeigt werden (Merker et al. 2017). SLC2A3 kodiert f{\"u}r den neuronalen Glukosetransporter GLUT3, der u.a. Prozesse der Neurotransmitterfreisetzung und Synaptogenese vermittelt und daher wichtig f{\"u}r die Hirnreifung ist. M{\"o}gliche Endpunkte f{\"u}r Endoph{\"a}notypen, die auf einem alterierten Glukosemetabolismus basieren, sind dysfunktionale Hungerregulationsmechanismen ebenso wie eine ver{\"a}nderte neurale Reaktivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber emotionalen Stimuli und Belohnungsreizen. In zwei peripheren Zellmodellen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die SLC2A3-Duplikation Gen-Dosis-abh{\"a}ngig zu einer Steigerung der basalen SLC2A3-mRNA Expression f{\"u}hrt. Ein Expressionsunterschied auf Proteinebene konnte jedoch nicht gefunden werden. Metabolischer Zellstress durch Aushungern der Zellkulturen und eine niedrige Glukosekonzentration im Zellkulturmedium f{\"u}hrten zu einer signifikanten Erh{\"o}hung des schon unter basalen Bedingungen vorhandenen SLC2A3-Expressionsunterschiedes zwischen Duplikations- und Kontrollzelllinien. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die SLC2A3-Duplikation bei verminderter zellul{\"a}rer Energiezufuhr zu einer {\"U}berkompensation der Glukoseaufnahme f{\"u}hrt. In einer fMRT-Untersuchung wurden erwachsene ADHS-Patienten mit SLC2A3- Duplikation mit ADHS-Patienten und gesunden Kontrollen mit jeweils 2 Genkopien hinsichtlich ereigniskorrelierter neuraler Aktivit{\"a}t als Antwort auf emotionale Stimuli und Essensreize verglichen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die SLC2A3-Duplikation zu einer ver{\"a}nderten Reaktivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber hochkalorischen Essensreizen f{\"u}hrt, was sich in einem durch maschinelles Lernen identifizierten multivariaten neuralen Antwortmuster und einer relativen Untersch{\"a}tzung des Kaloriengehaltes hochkalorischer Nahrung zeigt. Bei der univariaten Gesamthirn-Analyse der Bilddaten wurden keine signifikanten Gruppenunterschiede gefunden, was darauf hinweist, dass unter den gew{\"a}hlten Versuchsbedingungen keine fokal umschriebenen Gruppenunterschiede der Hirnaktivierung bestehen. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass die SLC2A3-Duplikation zu einer Erh{\"o}hung der SLC2A3- Genexpression mit bisher unbekannten Auswirkungen auf nachgeschaltete Stoffwechselwege und zu einem komplex ver{\"a}nderten neuralen Antwortmuster f{\"u}hrt, das durch einen linearen Zusammenhang nicht zu beschreiben ist. Weitere Untersuchungen auf Zellebene und eine Erweiterung der bildgebenden Verfahren k{\"o}nnten zu einer besseren Einordnung der SLC2A3- Duplikation bez{\"u}glich ihres Anteils an der endoph{\"a}notypischen Varianz der ADHS f{\"u}hren.}, subject = {Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Syndrom}, language = {de} }