@phdthesis{Asmus2016, author = {Asmus, Elisabeth}, title = {Mode of Action of Adjuvants for Foliar Application}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-138159}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Adjuvants are compounds added to an agrochemical spray formulation to improve or modify the action of an active ingredient (AI) or the physico-chemical characteristics of the spray liquid. Adjuvants can have more than only one distinct mode of action (MoA) during the foliar spray application process and they are generally known to be the best tools to improve agrochemical formulations. The main objective for this work was to elucidate the basic MoA of adjuvants by uncoupling different aspects of the spray application. Laboratory experiments, beginning from retention and spreading characteristics, followed by humectant effects concerning the spray deposit on the leaf surface and ultimately the cuticular penetration of an AI, were figured out to evaluate overall in vivo effects of adjuvants which were also obtained in a greenhouse spray test. For this comprehensive study, the surfactant classes of non-ionic sorbitan esters (Span), polysorbates (Tween) and oleyl alcohol polyglycol ether (Genapol O) were generally considered because of their common promoting potential in agrochemical formulations and their structural diversity. The reduction of interfacial tension is one of the most crucial physico-chemical properties of surfactants. The dynamic surface tension (DST) was monitored to characterise the surface tension lowering behaviour which is known to influence the droplet formation and retention characteristics. The DST is a function of time and the critical time frame of droplet impact might be at about 100 ms. None of the selected surfactants were found to lower the surface tension sufficiently during this short timeframe (chapter I). At ca. 100 ms, Tween 20 resulted in the lowest DST value. When surfactant monomers are fully saturated at the droplet-air-interface, an equilibrium surface tension (STeq) value can be determined which may be used to predict spreading or run-off effects. The majority of selected surfactants resulted in a narrow distribution of STeq values, ranging between 30 and 45 mN m- 1. Nevertheless, all surfactants were able to decrease the surface tension considerably compared to pure water (72 mN m- 1). The influence of different surfactants on the wetting process was evaluated by studying time-dependent static contact angles on different surfaces and the droplet spread area on Triticum aestivum leaves after water evaporation. The spreading potential was observed to be better for Spans than for Tweens. Especially Span 20 showed maximum spreading results. To transfer laboratory findings to spray application, related to field conditions, retention and leaf coverage was measured quantitatively on wheat leaves by using a variable track sprayer. Since the retention process involves short time dynamics, it is well-known that the spray retention on a plant surface is not correlated to STeq but to DST values. The relationship between DST at ca. 100 ms and results from the track sprayer showed increasing retention results with decreasing DST, whereas at DST values below ca. 60 mN m- 1 no further retention improvement could be observed. Under field conditions, water evaporates from the droplet within a few seconds to minutes after droplet deposition on the leaf surface. Since precipitation of the AI must essentially being avoided by holding the AI in solution, so-called humectants are used as tank-mix adjuvants. The ability of pure surfactants to absorb water from the surrounding atmosphere was investigated comprehensively by analysing water sorption isotherms (chapter II). These isotherms showed an exponential shape with a steep water sorption increase starting at 60\% to 70\% RH. Water sorption was low for Spans and much more distinct for the polyethoxylated surfactants (Tweens and Genapol O series). The relationship between the water sorption behaviour and the molecular structure of surfactants was considered as the so-called humectant activity. With an increasing ethylene oxide (EO) content, the humectant activity increased concerning the particular class of Genapol O. However, it could be shown that the moisture absorption across all classes of selected surfactants correlates rather better with their hydrophilic-lipophilic balance values with the EO content. All aboveground organs of plants are covered by the cuticular membrane which is therefore the first rate limiting barrier for AI uptake. In vitro penetration experiments through an astomatous model cuticle were performed to study the effects of adjuvants on the penetration of the lipophilic herbicide Pinoxaden (PXD) (chapter III). In order to understand the influence of different adjuvant MoA like humectancy, experiments were performed under three different humidity levels. No explicit relationship could be found between humidity levels and the PXD penetration which might be explained by the fact that humidity effects would rather affect hydrophilic AIs than lipophilic ones. Especially for Tween 20, it became obvious that a complex balance between multiple MoA like spreading, humectancy and plasticising effects have to be considered. Greenhouse trials, focussing the adjuvant impact on in vivo action of PXD, were evaluated on five different grass-weed species (chapter III). Since agrochemical spray application and its following action on living plants also includes translocation processes in planta and species dependent physiological effects, this investigation may help to simulate the situation on the field. Even though the absolute weed damage was different, depending both on plant species and also on PXD rates, adjuvant effects in greenhouse experiments displayed the same ranking as in cuticular penetration studies: Tween 20 > Tween 80 > Span 20 ≥ Span 80. Thus, the present work shows for the first time that findings obtained in laboratory experiments can be successfully transferred to spray application studies on living plants concerning adjuvant MoA. A comparative analysis, using radar charts, could demonstrate systematic derivations from structural similarities of adjuvants to their MoA (summarising discussion and outlook). Exemplarily, Tween 20 and Tween 80 cover a wide range of selected variables by having no outstanding MoA improving one distinct process during foliar application, compared to non-ethoxylated Span 20 and Span 80 which primarily revealed a surface active action. Most adjuvants used in this study represent polydisperse mixtures bearing a complex distribution of EO and aliphatic chains. From this study it seems alike that adjuvants having a wide EO distribution offer broader potential than adjuvants with a small EO distribution. It might be a speculation that due to this broad distribution of single molecules, all bearing their individual specific physico-chemical nature, a wide range of properties concerning their MoA is covered.}, subject = {Adjuvans}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schuster2016, author = {Schuster, Ann-Christin}, title = {Chemical and functional analyses of the plant cuticle as leaf transpiration barrier}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-133475}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Cuticles cover all above-ground primary plant organs and are lipoid in nature consisting of a cutin matrix with cuticular waxes embedded within or deposited on its surface. The foremost function of the plant cuticle is the limitation of transpirational water loss into the surrounding atmosphere. Transpiration of water vapour from plants differs between stomatal and cuticular transpiration. Stomatal closure minimises the stomatal water loss and the remaining, much lower water transpiration occurs through the plant cuticle. Temperature influence on the transpiration barrier properties of intact leaves is not yet known, despite the importance of the cuticular transpiration especially under drought and heat conditions. The present study focuses on the temperature-dependent minimum water permeability of whole leaves, in comparison to the temperature effect on the cuticular permeance of isolated, astomatous cuticles (Chapter I - III). The minimum water permeability was determined gravimetrically from leaf drying curves and represents the cuticular water permeability of intact, stomatous leaves under conditions of complete stomatal closure. The temperature effect on the transpiration barrier of the desert plant Rhazya stricta and the Mediterranean sclerophyll Nerium oleander exposed a continuous increase of minimum water permeabilities with an increase in temperature. In contrast to other published studies, no abrupt and steep increase of the water permeability at high temperatures was detected. This steep increase indicates structural changes of the barrier properties of isolated cuticular membranes with a drastic decrease of efficiency. A stabilising impact of the cell wall on the plant cuticle of intact leaves was proposed. This steadying effect was confirmed with different experimental approaches measuring the cuticular water permeability of Prunus laurocerasus intact leaves. Physiological analysis of water transport on isolated, astomatous leaf cuticles indicated a drastic decline of the barrier properties at elevated temperatures for Prunus laurocerasus but not for Nerium oleander. Cuticular components were quantitatively and qualitatively analysed by gas chromatography with a flame ionisation detector and a mass spectrometric detector, respectively. A high accumulation of pentacyclic triterpenoids as cuticular wax components in relation to the cutin monomer coverage was detected for Nerium oleander and for Rhazya stricta leaves, too. Accordingly, reinforcing of the cutin matrix by triterpenoids was proposed to improve the mechanical strength and to reduce the extensibility of plant cuticles. Thus, structural changes of the cuticular barrier properties were potentially suppressed at elevated temperatures. The function of the cuticular wax amount and/or wax composition and its relation with the cuticular water permeability remains to be elucidated. In the second part of this work the cuticular wax quantity and quality as well as its impact on the transpiration barrier properties was analysed in order to deduce a potential relation between chemistry and function of plant cuticles (Chapter IV - V). Chemical analyses of the cuticular wax components of a wide range of plant species, including one tropical (Vanilla planifolia), temperate (Juglans regia, Plantago lanceolata), Mediterranean (Nerium oleander, Olea europaea) and one desert (Rhazya stricta) plant species, were conducted. The cuticular wax compositions of nine characteristic plant species from xeric limestone sites naturally located in Franconia (Southern Germany) were determined for the first time. The corresponding minimum or cuticular water permeabilities of both stomatous and astomatous leaf surfaces were measured to detect a potential relationship between the cuticular wax amount, wax composition and the cuticular barrier properties. It was demonstrated that abundant cuticular wax amounts did not constitute more efficient transpiration barriers. However, 55\% of the cuticular barrier function can be attributed to the very-long-chain aliphatic wax coverages. These new findings provide evidence that the acyclic wax constituents play a pivotal role establishing efficient transpiration barriers. Additionally, these findings strengthen the hypothesis that cyclic components, such as pentacyclic triterpenoids, do not hinder the water diffusion through plant cuticles as effectively as acyclic constituents. For the first time a relationship between the cuticular wax composition and the transpiration barrier properties of a wide range of plant species proved insights into the potential relation between chemistry and function of plant cuticles.}, subject = {Kutikula}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Staiger2022, author = {Staiger, Simona}, title = {Chemical and physical nature of the barrier against active ingredient penetration into leaves: effects of adjuvants on the cuticular diffusion barrier}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19937}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-199375}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Agrochemicals like systemic active ingredients (AI) need to penetrate the outermost barrier of the plant, known as the plant cuticle, to reach its right target site. Therefore, adjuvants are added to provide precise and efficient biodelivery by i.a. modifying the cuticular barrier and increasing the AI diffusion. This modification process is depicted as plasticization of the cuticular wax which mainly consists of very long-chain aliphatic (VLCA) and cyclic compounds. Plasticization of cuticular waxes is pictured as an increase of amorphous domains and/or a decrease of crystalline fractions, but comprehensive, experimental proof is lacking to date. Hence, the objective of this thesis was to i) elucidate the permeation barrier of the plant cuticle to AIs in terms of the different wax fractions and ii) holistically investigate the modification of this barrier using selected oil and surface active adjuvants, an aliphatic leaf wax and an artificial model wax. Therefore, the oil adjuvant methyl oleate (MeO) and other oil derivatives like methyl linolenate (MeLin), methyl stearate (MeSt) and oleic acid (OA) were selected. Three monodisperse, non-ionic alcohol ethoxylates with increasing ethylene oxide monomer (EO) number (C10E2, C10E5, C10E8) were chosen as representatives of the group of surface active agents (surfactants). Both adjuvant classes are commonly used as formulation aids for agrochemicals which are known for its penetration enhancing effect. The aliphatic leaf wax of Schefflera elegantissima was selected, as well as a model wax comprising the four most abundant cuticular wax compounds of this species. Permeation, transpiration and penetration studies were conducted using enzymatically isolated cuticles of Prunus laurocerasus and Garcinia xanthochymus. Cuticular permeability to the three organic solutes theobromine, caffeine and azoxystrobin differing in lipophilicity was measured using a steady-state two-chamber system separated by the isolated leaf cuticles of the evergreen species P. laurocerasus and G. xanthochymus. Treating the isolated cuticles with methanol selectively removed the cyclic fraction, and membrane permeability to the organic compounds was not altered. In contrast, fully dewaxing the membranes using chloroform resulted in a statistically significant increase in permeance for all compounds and species, except caffeine with cuticles of G. xanthochymus due to a matrix-specific influence on the semi-hydrophilic compound. Crystalline regions may reduce the accessibility to the lipophilic pathway across the waxes and also block hydrophilic domains in the cuticle. Knowing that the aliphatic wax fraction builds the cuticular diffusion barrier, the influence of the adjuvants on the phase behaviour of an aliphatic cuticular wax as well as the influence on the cuticular penetration of AIs were investigated. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were selected to investigate the phase behaviour and thus possible plasticization of pure Schefflera elegantissima leaf wax, its artificial model wax comprising the four most abundant compounds (n-nonacosane, n-hentriacontane, 1-triacontanol and 1-dotriacontanol) and wax adjuvant mixtures. DSC thermograms showed a shift of the melting ranges to lower temperatures and decreased absolute values of the total enthalpy of transition (EOT) for all adjuvant leaf wax blends at 50 \% (w/w) adjuvant proportion. The highest decrease was found for C10E2 followed by MeO > OA and C10E8 > MeLin > MeSt. The aliphatic crystallinity determined by FTIR yielded declined values for the leaf and the artificial wax with 50 \% MeO. All other adjuvant leaf wax blends did not show a significant decrease of crystallinity. As it is assumed that the cuticular wax is formed by crystalline domains which consist of aliphatic hydrocarbon chains and an amorphous fraction comprising aliphatic chain ends and functional groups, the plasticizers are depicted as wax disruptors influencing amorphization and/or crystallization. The adjuvants can increase crystalline domains using the aliphatic tail whereas their more hydrophilic head is embedded in the amorphous wax fraction. DSC and FTIR showed similar trends using the leaf wax and the model wax in combination with the adjuvants. In general, cuticular transpiration increased after adding the pure adjuvants to the surface of isolated cuticles or leaf envelopes. As waxes build the cuticular permeation barrier not only to AIs but also to water, the adjuvant wax interaction might affect the cuticular barrier properties leading to increased transpiration. Direct evidence for increased AI penetration with the adjuvants was given using isolated cuticles of P. laurocerasus in combination with the non-steady-state setup simulation of foliar penetration (SOFP) and caffeine at relative humidity levels (RH) of 30, 50 and 80 \%. The increase in caffeine penetration was much more pronounced using C10E5 and C10E8 than MeO but always independent of RH. Only C10E2 exhibited an increased penetration enhancing effect positively related to RH. The role of the molecular structure of adjuvants in terms of humectant and plasticizer properties are discussed. Hence, the current work shows for the first time that the cuticular permeation barrier is associated with the VLCAs rather than the cyclic fraction and that adjuvants structurally influence this barrier resulting in penetration enhancing effects. Additionally, this work demonstrates that an artificial model wax is feasible to mimic the wax adjuvant interaction in conformity with a leaf wax, making it feasible for in-vitro experiments on a larger scale (e.g. screenings). This provides valuable knowledge about the cuticular barrier modification to enhance AI penetration which is a crucial factor concerning the optimization of AI formulations in agrochemistry.}, subject = {Adjuvans}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Seufert2021, author = {Seufert, Pascal}, title = {Chemical and physical structure of the barrier against water transpiration of leaves: Contribution of different wax compounds}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20896}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-208963}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The cuticle is constituted of the biopolymer cutin and intra- and epicuticular waxes. In some cases, it has epicuticular wax crystals, protruding from the epicuticular wax film. One of the most important tasks is protection against desiccation. Many investigations were conducted to find the transport limiting component of the cuticle. It is evidentially confirmed that the waxes form this barrier. These waxes are multifactorial blends made of very-long-chain aliphatic (VLCA) compounds and triterpenoids (TRP). The VLCAs were proposed to constitute the transpiration barrier to water. However, experimental confirmation was lacking so far. The present study focuses on the development of a method to selectively extract TRPs from the cuticle and the impact of the removal on the transpiration barrier. The plants deployed in this study exhibited several features. They had no epicuticular crystals on their surfaces, were astomatous, had a rather durable and possibly isolatable cuticle. A broad range of wax compositions was covered from plants with no TRP content and low wax load like Hedera helix and Zamioculcas zamiifolia to plants with high TRP content and high wax load like Nerium oleander. The selective extraction was conducted using a sequence of solvents. TRPs were extracted almost exhaustively from CMs with the first MeOH extract. Only a minor amount of shorter chained VLCAs was obtained. The remaining waxes, consisting mostly of VLCAs and some remnant TRPs, were removed with the following TCM extract. After the extractions, the water permeance of native cuticular membranes (CM), MeOH extracted (M) and dewaxed cuticular discs (MX) was investigated gravimetrically. Compared to the water permeance of CMs, Ms showed no or only a small increase in water conductance. MXs, however, always showed strongly increased values. The knowledge about the wax compounds constituting the transport-limiting properties is vital for different projects. For various issues, it would be favourable to have a standardized wax mixture as an initial point of research. It could be used to develop screening procedures to investigate the impact of adjuvants on cuticular waxes or the influence of wax constituents on the properties of cuticular waxes. This work concentrated on the development of an artificial wax mixture, which mimics the physical properties of a plant leaf wax sufficiently. As target wax, the leaf wax of Schefflera elegantissima was chosen. The wax of this plant species consisted almost exclusively of VLCAs, had a rather simple composition regarding compound classes and chain length distribution and CMs could be isolated. Artificial binary, ternary and quaternary waxes corresponding to the conditions within the plant wax were investigated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Phase diagrams were mapped out for a series of binary, ternary and quaternary wax mixtures. FTIR experiments were conducted using, ternary and a quaternary artificial wax blends. The blends were chosen to represent the conditions within the wax of the adaxial CM plant wax. The FTIR experiments exhibited an increasing resemblance of the artificial wax to the plant wax (adaxial CM wax) with an increasing number of compounds in the artificial wax. The same trend was found for DSC thermograms. Thermograms of ternary and quaternary blends exhibited more overlapping peaks and occurred in a temperature range more similar to the range of the whole leaf plant wax. The XRD spectrum at room temperature showed good conformity with the quaternary blend. The current work illustrates a method for selective extraction of TRPs from isolated CMs. It gives direct experimental proof of the association of the water permeance barrier with the VLCA rather than to the TRPs. Furthermore, the possibility to mimic cuticular waxes using commercially available wax compounds is investigated. The results show promising feasibility for its viability, enabling it to perform as a standardized initial point for further research (e.g. to examine the influence of different constituents on waxes), revealing valuable knowledge about the structure and the chemistry-function relationship of cuticular waxes.}, subject = {Kutikula}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{XavierdeSouza2024, author = {Xavier de Souza, Aline}, title = {Ecophysiological adaptations of the cuticular water permeability within the Solanaceae family}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22539}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-225395}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The cuticle, a complex lipidic layer synthesized by epidermal cells, covers and protects primary organs of all land plants. Its main function is to avoid plant desiccation by limiting non-stomatal water loss. The cuticular properties vary widely among plant species. So far, most of the cuticle-related studies have focused on a limited number of species, and studies addressing phylogenetically related plant species are rare. Moreover, comparative studies among organs from the same plant species are still scarce. Thus, this study focus on organ-specificities of the cuticle within and between plant species of the Solanaceae family. Twenty-seven plant species of ten genera, including cultivated and non- cultivated species, were investigated to identify potential cuticular similarities. Structural, chemical and functional traits of fully expanded leaves, inflated fruiting calyces, and ripe fruits were analyzed. The surface morphology was investigated by scanning electron microscopy. Leaves were mainly amphistomatic and covered by an epicuticular wax film. The diversity and distribution of trichomes varied among species. Only the leaves of S. grandiflora were glabrous. Plant species of the Leptostemonum subgenus had numerous prickles and non-glandular stellate trichomes. Fruits were stomata-free, except for S. muricatum, and a wax film covered their surface. Last, lenticel- like structures and remaining scars of broken trichomes were found on the surface of some Solanum fruits. Cuticular water permeability was used as indicators of the cuticular transpiration barrier efficiency. The water permeability differed among plant species, organs and fruit types with values ranging up to one hundred-fold. The minimum leaf conductance ranged from 0.35 × 10-5 m s-1 in S. grandiflora to 31.54 × 10-5 m s-1 in S. muricatum. Cuticular permeability of fruits ranged from 0.64 × 10-5 m s-1 in S. dulcamara (fleshy berry) to 34.98 × 10-5 m s-1 in N. tabacum (capsule). Generally, the cuticular water loss of dry fruits was about to 5-fold higher than that of fleshy fruits. Interestingly, comparisons between cultivated and non-cultivated species showed that wild species have the most efficient cuticular transpiration barrier in leaves and fruits. The average permeability of leaves and fruits of wild plant species was up to three-fold lower in comparison to the cultivated ones. Moreover, ripe fruits of P. ixocarpa and P. peruviana showed two-times lower cuticular transpiration when enclosed by the inflated fruiting calyx. The cuticular chemical composition was examined using gas chromatography. Very-long-chain aliphatic compounds primarily composed the cuticular waxes, being mostly dominated by n- alkanes (up to 80\% of the total wax load). Primary alkanols, alkanoic acids, alkyl esters and branched iso- and anteiso-alkanes were also frequently found. Although in minor amounts, sterols, pentacyclic triterpenoids, phenylmethyl esters, coumaric acid esters, and tocopherols were identified in the cuticular waxes. Cuticular wax coverages highly varied in solanaceous (62- fold variation). The cuticular wax load of fruits ranged from 0.55 μg cm-2 (Nicandra physalodes) to 33.99 μg cm-2 (S. pennellii), whereas the wax amount of leaves varied from 0.90 μg cm-2 (N. physalodes) to 28.42 μg cm-2 (S. burchellii). Finally, the wax load of inflated fruiting calyces ranged from 0.56 μg cm-2 in P. peruviana to 2.00 μg cm-2 in N. physalodes. For the first time, a comparative study on the efficiency of the cuticular transpiration barrier in different plant organs of closely related plant species was conducted. Altogether, the cuticular chemical variability found in solanaceous species highlight species-, and organ-specific wax biosynthesis. These chemical variabilities might relate to the waterproofing properties of the plant cuticle, thereby influencing leaf and fruit performances. Additionally, the high cuticular water permeabilities of cultivated plant species suggest a potential existence of a trade-off between fruit organoleptic properties and the efficiency of the cuticular transpiration barrier. Last, the high cuticular water loss of the solanaceous dry fruits might be a physiological adaptation favouring seed dispersion.}, subject = {Kutikula}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kunz2023, author = {Kunz, Marcel}, title = {Diffusion kinetics of organic compounds and water in plant cuticular model wax under the influence of diffusing barrier-modifying adjuvants}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27487}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-274874}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {To reach their target site, systemic pesticides must enter the plant from a spray droplet applied in the field. The uptake of an active ingredient (AI) takes place via the barrier-forming cuticular membrane, which is the outermost layer of the plant, separating it from the surrounding environment. Formulations are usually used which, in addition to the AI, also contain stabilizers and adjuvants. Adjuvants can either have surface-active properties or they act directly as barrier-modifying agents. The latter are grouped in the class of accelerating adjuvants, whereby individual variants may also have surface-active properties. The uptake of a pesticide from a spray droplet depends essentially on its permeability through the cuticular barrier. Permeability defines a combined parameter, which is the product of AI mobility and AI solubility within the cuticle. In recent decades, several tools have been developed that allowed the determination of individual parameters of organic compound penetration across the cuticular membrane. Nevertheless, earlier studies showed that mainly cuticular waxes are the barrier-determining component of the cuticular membrane and additionally, it was shown that mainly the very-long-chain aliphatic compounds (VLCAs) are responsible for establishing an effective barrier. However, the barrier-determining role of the individual VLCAs, being classified according to their respective functional groups, is still unknown. Therefore, the following objectives were pursued and achieved in this work: (1) A new ATR-FTIR-based approach was developed to measure the temperature-dependent real-time diffusion kinetics of organic models for active ingredients (AIs) in paraffin wax, exclusively consisting of very-long chain alkanes. (2) The developed ATR-FTIR approach was applied to determine the diffusion kinetics of self-accelerating adjuvants in cuticular model waxes of different VLCA composition. At the same time, wax-specific changes were recorded in the respective IR spectra, which provided information about the respective wax modification. (3) The ATR-FTIR method was used to characterize the diffusion kinetics, as well as to determine the wax-specific sorption capacities for an AI-modeling organic compound and water in cuticular model waxes after adjuvant treatment. Regarding the individual chemical compositions and structures, conclusions were drawn about the adjuvant-specific modes of action (MoA). In the first chapter, the ATR-FTIR based approach to determine organic compound diffusion kinetics in paraffin wax was successfully established. The diffusion kinetics of the AI modelling organic compounds heptyl parabene (HPB) and 4-cyanophenol (CNP) were recorded, comprising different lipophilicities and molecular volumes typical for AIs used in pesticide formulations. Derived diffusion coefficients ranged within 10-15 m2 s-1, thus being thoroughly higher than those obtained from previous experiments using an approach solely investigating desorption kinetics in reconstituted cuticular waxes. An ln-linear dependence between the diffusion coefficients and the applied diffusion temperature was demonstrated for the first time in cuticular model wax, from which activation energies were derived. The determined activation energies were 66.2 ± 7.4 kJ mol-1 and 56.4 ± 9.8 kJ mol-1, being in the expected range of already well-founded activation energies required for organic compound diffusion across cuticular membranes, which again confirmed the significant contribution of waxes to the cuticular barrier. Deviations from the assumed Fickian diffusion were attributed to co-occurring water diffusion and apparatus-specific properties. In the second and third chapter, mainly the diffusion kinetics of accelerating adjuvants in the cuticular model waxes candelilla wax and carnauba wax were investigated, and simultaneously recorded changes in the wax-specific portion of the IR spectrum were interpreted as indications of plasticization. For this purpose, the oil derivative methyl oleate, as well as the organophosphate ester TEHP and three non-ionic monodisperse alcohol ethoxylates (AEs) C12E2, C12E4 and C12E6 were selected. Strong dependence of diffusion on the respective principal components of the mainly aliphatic waxes was demonstrated. The diffusion kinetics of the investigated adjuvants were faster in the n-alkane dominated candelilla wax than in the alkyl ester dominated carnauba wax. Furthermore, the equilibrium absorptions, indicating equilibrium concentrations, were also higher in candelilla wax than in carnauba wax. It was concluded that alkyl ester dominated waxes feature higher resistance to diffusion of accelerating adjuvants than alkane dominated waxes with shorter average chain lengths due to their structural integrity. This was also found either concerning candelilla/policosanol (n-alcohol) or candelilla/rice bran wax (alkyl-esters) blends: with increasing alcohol concentration, the barrier function was decreased, whereas it was increased with increasing alkyl ester concentration. However, due to the high variability of the individual diffusion curves, only a trend could be assumed here, but significant differences were not shown. The variability itself was described in terms of fluctuating crystalline arrangements and partial phase separation of the respective wax mixtures, which had inevitable effects on the adjuvant diffusion. However, diffusion kinetics also strongly depended on the studied adjuvants. Significantly slower methyl oleate diffusion accompanied by a less pronounced reduction in orthorhombic crystallinity was found in carnauba wax than in candelilla wax, whereas TEHP diffusion was significantly less dependent on the respective wax structure and therefore induced considerable plasticization in both waxes. Of particular interest was the AE diffusion into both waxes. Differences in diffusion kinetics were also found here between candelilla blends and carnauba wax. However, these depended equally on the degree of ethoxylation of the respective AEs. The lipophilic C12E2 showed approximately Fickian diffusion kinetics in both waxes, accompanied by a drastic reduction in orthorhombic crystallinity, especially in candelilla wax, whereas the more hydrophilic C12E6 showed significantly retarded diffusion kinetics associated with a smaller effect on orthorhombic crystallinity. The individual diffusion kinetics of the investigated adjuvants sometimes showed drastic deviations from the Fickian diffusion model, indicating a self-accelerating effect. Hence, adjuvant diffusion kinetics were accompanied by a distinct initial lag phase, indicating a critical concentration in the wax necessary for effective penetration, leading to sigmoidal rather than to exponential diffusion kinetics. The last chapter dealt with the adjuvant-affected diffusion of the AI modelling CNP in candelilla and carnauba wax. Using ATR-FTIR, diffusion kinetics were recorded after adjuvant treatment, all of which were fully explicable based on the Fickian model, with high diffusion coefficients ranging from 10-14 to 10-13 m2 s-1. It is obvious that the diffusion coefficients presented in this work consistently demonstrated plasticization induced accelerated CNP mobilities. Furthermore, CNP equilibrium concentrations were derived, from which partition- and permeability coefficients could be determined. Significant differences between diffusion coefficients (mobility) and partition coefficients (solubility) were found on the one hand depending on the respective waxes, and on the other hand depending on treatment with respective adjuvants. Mobility was higher in candelilla wax than in carnauba wax only after methyl oleate treatment. Treatment with TEHP and AEs resulted in higher CNP mobility in the more polar alkyl ester dominated carnauba wax. The partition coefficients, on the other hand, were significantly lower after methyl oleate treatment in both candelilla and carnauba wax as followed by TEHP or AE treatment. Models were designed for the CNP penetration mode considering the respective adjuvants in both investigated waxes. Co-penetrating water, which is the main ingredient of spray formulations applied in the field, was likely the reason for the drastic differences in adjuvant efficacy. Especially the investigated AEs favored an enormous water uptake in both waxes with increasing ethoxylation level. Surprisingly, this effect was also found for the lipophilic TEHP in both waxes. This led to the assumption that the AI permeability is not exclusively determined by adjuvant induced plasticization, but also depends on a "secondary plasticization", induced by adjuvant-attracted co-penetrating water, consequently leading to swelling and drastic destabilization of the crystalline wax structure. The successful establishment of the presented ATR-FTIR method represents a milestone for the study of adjuvant and AI diffusion kinetics in cuticular waxes. In particular, the simultaneously detectable wax modification and, moreover, the determinable water uptake form a perfect basis to establish the ATR-FTIR system as a universal screening tool for wax-adjuvants-AI-water interaction in crop protection science.}, subject = {Pflanzen}, language = {en} }