@phdthesis{Waltmann2024, author = {Waltmann, Maria}, title = {Neurocognitive mechanisms of loss of control in Binge Eating Disorder}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36430}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-364300}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is a common, early-onset mental health condition characterised by uncontrollable episodes of overeating followed by negative emotions such as guilt and shame. An improved understanding of the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying BED is central to the development of more targeted and effective treatments. This thesis comprises a systematic review and three empirical studies contributing to this endeavour. BED can be thought of as a disorder of cognitive-behavioural control. Indeed, self-report evidence points towards enhanced impulsivity and compulsivity in BED. However, retrospective self-reports do not capture the mechanisms underlying impulsive and compulsive lapses of control in the moment. The systematic review therefore focussed on the experimental literature on impulsivity and compulsivity in BED. The evidence was very mixed, although there was some indication of altered goal-directed control and behavioural flexibility in BED. We highlight poor reliability of experimental paradigms and the failure to properly account for weight status as potential reasons for inconsistencies between studies. Moreover, we propose that impulsivity and/or compulsivity may be selectively enhanced in negative mood states in BED and may therefore not be consistently detected in lab-based studies. In the empirical studies, we explored the role of behavioural flexibility in BED using experimental and neuroimaging methods in concert with computational modelling. In the first empirical study, we assessed the reliability of a common measure of behavioural flexibility, the Probabilistic Reversal Learning Task (PRLT). We demonstrate that the behavioural and computational metrics of the PRLT have sufficient reliability to justify past and future applications if calculated using hierarchical modelling. This substantially improves reliability by reducing error variance. The results support the use of the PRLT in the second and third empirical studies on development and BED. Because a majority of patients develop BED as adolescents or young adults, we speculated that it may emerge as a consequence of disrupted or deficient maturation of behavioural flexibility. Little is known about typical development in this domain. We therefore investigated normative development of reversal learning from adolescence to adulthood in the second empirical study. Typically- developing adolescents exhibited less adaptive and more erratic and explorative behaviour than adults. This behaviour was accounted for by reduced sensitivity to positive feedback in a reinforcement learning model, and partially mediated by reduced activation reflecting uncertainty in the medial prefrontal cortex, a region known to mature substantially during adolescence. In the third empirical study, we investigated reversal learning in BED, paying special attention to potential biases associated with learning from wins vs learning from losses. We speculated that negative urgency could make it more difficult for BED patients to learn and make decisions under pressure to avoid losses. To dissociate between effects of excess weight and BED, we collected data from obese individuals with and without BED as well as normal-weight controls. As hypothesised, there were subtle neurocognitive differences between obese participants with and without BED with regard to learning to obtain rewards and to avoid losses. Obese individuals showed relatively impaired learning to obtain rewards, while BED patients showed relatively impaired learning to avoid losses. This was reflected in differential learning signals in the brain and associated with BED symptom severity. In sum, this thesis shows that the evidence on impulsivity and compulsivity in BED is inconsistent and offers potential explanations for this inconsistency. It highlights the need for reliability in interindividual difference research and indicates ways to improve it. Further, it charts the typical development of reversal learning from adolescence to adulthood and underscores the relevance of exploration in the context of learning and decision-making in adolescence. Finally, it demonstrates qualitative differences between BED and obesity, hinting at a pivotal role of aversive states in loss of control in BED.}, subject = {Binge-eating Disorder}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{vonEitzen2024, author = {von Eitzen, Ingo Martin}, title = {Faktoren zur Akzeptanz von Virtual Reality Anwendungen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34632}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-346326}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Immersive Technologien, wie Augmented und Virtual Reality, k{\"o}nnen bestehende Gesch{\"a}ftsmodelle entweder verbessern oder gef{\"a}hrden. Jedoch kann sich das f{\"o}rderliche Potential nur entfalten, wenn die Anwender:innen die Technologien akzeptieren und letztendlich auch nutzen. In dieser Arbeit wird beschrieben, was Akzeptanz ist und welche Einflussgr{\"o}ßen (Faktoren) f{\"u}r die Akzeptanz von Virtual Reality besonders relevant sind. Anschließend ist, basierend auf der diskutierten Fachliteratur, ein neuartiges, holistisches Akzeptanzmodell f{\"u}r Virtual Reality entworfen und mit drei Studien {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft worden. In der ersten Studie wurden 129 Personen gebeten entweder in Augmented oder Virtual Reality ein Schulungsszenario oder ein Mini-Spiel auszuprobieren (2x2-Design). In beiden Anwendungen sollten Flaschen von einem virtuellen Fließband entfernt werden. Im Fokus der Untersuchung stand die Immersion, die N{\"u}tzlichkeit, das empfundene Vergn{\"u}gen (Hedonismus) und die Zufriedenheit. Die Ergebnisse ergaben zum einen, dass sich die Immersion zwischen Augmented und Virtual Reality unterscheidet, und zum anderen, dass das empfundene Vergn{\"u}gen und die N{\"u}tzlichkeit signifikante Pr{\"a}diktoren f{\"u}r die Zufriedenheit darstellen. An der zweiten Studie nahmen 62 Personen teil. Sie wurden gebeten das Schulungsszenario erneut zu absolvieren, wobei dieses mit auditiven Inhalten und animierten Figuren angereicht wurde, sowie {\"u}ber eine etwas bessere Grafikqualit{\"a}t verf{\"u}gte. Die Daten wurden mit den Virtual Reality Szenarien aus der ersten Studie verglichen, um den Einfluss der Pr{\"a}senz auf den Hedonismus zu untersuchen. Obwohl kein relevanter Unterschied zwischen den Gruppen festgestellt wurde, konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass Pr{\"a}senz Hedonismus signifikant vorhersagt. An der dritten Studie beteiligten sich insgesamt 35 Personen. Untersuchungsgegenstand der Studie war die virtuelle Darstellung der eigenen Person in der virtuellen Realit{\"a}t (Verk{\"o}rperung) und dessen Einfluss auf den Hedonismus. Die Versuchspersonen wurden gebeten das Schulungsszenario erneut zu durch-laufen, wobei sie diesmal das Eingabeger{\"a}t (Controller) der Visieranzeige (head-mounted display) zur Steuerung benutzen. In der ersten Studie erfolgte die Bedienung {\"u}ber eine Gestensteuerung. Die Analyse dieser Manipulation offenbarte keinerlei Auswirkungen auf die Verk{\"o}rperung. Allerdings stellte die Verk{\"o}rperung einen signifikanten Pr{\"a}diktor f{\"u}r den Hedonismus dar. Im Anschluss an die Studien ist das Modell mit den Daten aus den Virtual Reality Gruppen der ersten Studie beurteilt worden, wobei es sich weitgehend best{\"a}tigt hat. Abschließend werden die Befunde in Bezug auf die Fachliteratur eingeordnet, m{\"o}gliche Ursachen f{\"u}r die Ergebnisse diskutiert und weitere Forschungsbedarfe aufgezeigt.}, subject = {Akzeptanz}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Vietz2022, author = {Vietz, Melanie Sabrina}, title = {Pr{\"a}vention von Angsterkrankungen: Etablierung und Validierung des Kognitiven Angstsensitivit{\"a}tstrainings (KAST) - Deutsche Version}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22312}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-223122}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Angsterkrankungen stellen mit einer 12-Monats-Pr{\"a}valenz von 14\% die h{\"a}ufigsten psychischen Erkrankungen in der westlichen Gesellschaft dar. Angesichts der hohen querschnittlichen wie sequentiellen Komorbidit{\"a}t von Angsterkrankungen, der ausgepr{\"a}gten individuellen Einschr{\"a}nkungen sowie der hohen {\"o}konomischen Belastung f{\"u}r das Gesundheitssystem ist neben therapeutischen Behandlungsans{\"a}tzen die Entwicklung von kurzzeitigen, kosteng{\"u}nstigen und leicht zug{\"a}nglichen Pr{\"a}ventionsmaßnahmen von großer Bedeutung und steht zunehmend im Fokus des gesundheitspolitischen Interesses, um die Inzidenz von Angsterkrankungen zu reduzieren. Voraussetzung f{\"u}r die Entwicklung von gezielten und damit den effektivsten Pr{\"a}ventionsmaßnahmen sind valide Risikofaktoren, die die Entstehung von Angsterkrankungen beg{\"u}nstigen. Ein Konstrukt, das in der Literatur als subklinisches Symptom in Form einer kognitiven Vulnerabilit{\"a}t f{\"u}r Angsterkrankungen und damit als Risikofaktor angesehen wird, ist die sogenannte Angstsensitivit{\"a}t (AS). AS umfasst die individuelle Tendenz, angstbezogene k{\"o}rperliche Symptome generell als bedrohlich einzustufen und mit aversiven Konsequenzen zu assoziieren. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war daher die Etablierung und Validierung eines Pr{\"a}ventionsprogramms zur Reduktion der AS an einer nicht-klinischen Stichprobe von 100 Probanden (18-30 Jahre) mit einer erh{\"o}hten AS (Anxiety Sensitivity Index [ASI-3] ≥17) sowie die Rekrutierung von 100 alters- und geschlechtsangeglichenen Probanden mit niedriger Angstsensitivit{\"a}t (ASI-3 <17). In einem randomisiert-kontrollierten Studiendesign durchliefen die Probanden mit hoher AS entweder das {\"u}ber f{\"u}nf Wochen angelegte „Kognitive Angstsensitivit{\"a}tstraining" (KAST) als erste deutschsprachige {\"U}bersetzung des Computer-basierten „Cognitive Anxiety Sensitivity Treatment" (CAST) von Schmidt et al. (2014) oder wurden der Wartelisten-Kontrollgruppe zugeteilt. Das KAST Training bestand aus einer einmaligen Vermittlung kognitiv-behavioraler Psychoedukation zum Thema Stress und Anspannung sowie deren Auswirkungen auf den K{\"o}rper und der Anleitung von zwei interozeptiven Expositions{\"u}bungen (‚Strohhalm-Atmung' und ‚Hyperventilation'), die {\"u}ber den anschließenden Zeitraum von f{\"u}nf Wochen in Form von Hausaufgaben wiederholt wurden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Teilnehmer des KAST-Programms nach Beendigung des Trainings (T1) eine signifikant niedrigere AS-Auspr{\"a}gung im Vergleich zur Wartelisten-Kontrollgruppe aufwiesen und diese Reduktion auch {\"u}ber den Katamnese-Zeitraum von sechs Monaten (T2) stabil blieb. Erg{\"a}nzend wurde auch die Targetierbarkeit weiterer intermedi{\"a}rer Risikomarker wie der Trennungsangst (TA), des Index der kardialen Sensitivit{\"a}t sowie der Herzratenvariabilit{\"a}t (HRV) untersucht, die jedoch nicht durch das KAST-Training direkt ver{\"a}ndert werden konnten. Im Vergleich der Subgruppen von Probanden mit hoher AS und gleichzeitig hoher TA (Adult Separation Anxiety Questionnaire [ASA-27] ≥22) und Probanden mit hoher AS, aber niedriger TA (ASA-27 <22) zeigte sich, dass die AS-TA-Hochrisikogruppe ebenfalls gut von der KAST-Intervention profitieren und eine signifikante Reduktion der AS erzielen konnte, indem sie sich bei T1 dem Niveau der Gruppe mit niedriger TA anglich. Zudem korrelierte die prozentuale Ver{\"a}nderung der Einstiegswerte der inneren Anspannung w{\"a}hrend der Strohhalm-Atmungs{\"u}bung positiv mit der prozentualen Ver{\"a}nderung der dimensionalen TA bei T1. Zusammenfassend weisen die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit erstmalig auf die Wirksamkeit der deutschsprachigen {\"U}bersetzung des CAST-Programms (Schmidt et al., 2014), eines Computer-basierten, und damit leicht zu implementierenden sowie kosteng{\"u}nstigen Programms, in Bezug auf die Reduktion der AS sowie indirekt der TA hin und k{\"o}nnen damit zur indizierten und demnach besonders effektiven Pr{\"a}vention von Angsterkrankungen in Hochrisikogruppen beitragen.}, subject = {Angstst{\"o}rung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Stegmann2021, author = {Stegmann, Yannik}, title = {Electrocortical mechanisms of sustained attention during the acquisition and interaction of conditioned fear and anxiety}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23770}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-237700}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Adapting defensive behavior to the characteristics of a threatening situation is a fundamental function of the brain. Particularly, threat imminence plays a major role for the organization of defensive responses. Acute threat prompts phasic physiological responses, which are usually associated with an intense feeling of fear. In contrast, diffuse and potentially threatening situations elicit a sustained state of anxious apprehension. Detection of the threatening stimulus defines the key event in this framework, initiating the transition from potential to acute threat. Consequently, attention to threat is crucial for supporting defensive behavior. The functions of attention are finely tuned to the characteristics of a threatening situation. Potential threat is associated with hypervigilance, in order to facilitate threat detection. Once a threatening stimulus has been identified, attention is selectively focused on the source of danger. Even though the concepts of selective attention and hypervigilance to threat are well established, evidence for their neural correlates remain scarce. Therefore, a major goal of this thesis is to elucidate the neural correlates of selective attention to acute threat and hypervigilance during potential threat. A second aim of this thesis is to provide a mechanistic account for the interaction of fear and anxiety. While contemporary models view fear and anxiety as mutually exclusive, recent findings for the neural networks of fear and anxiety suggest potential interactions. In four studies, aversive cue conditioning was used to induce acute threat, while context conditioning served as a laboratory model of potential threat. To quantify neural correlates of selective attention and hypervigilance, steady-state visual evoked potentials (ssVEPs) were measured as an index of visuocortical responding. Study 1 compared visuocortical responses to acute and potential threat for high versus low trait-anxious individuals. All individuals demonstrated enhanced electrocortical responses to the central cue in the acute threat condition, suggesting evidence for the neural correlate of selective attention. However, only low anxious individuals revealed facilitated processing of the contexts in the potential threat condition, reflecting a neural correlate of hypervigilance. High anxious individuals did not discriminate among contexts. These findings contribute to the notion of aberrational processing of potential threat for high anxious individuals. Study 2 and 3 realized orthogonal combinations of cue and context conditioning to investigate potential interactions of fear and anxiety. In contrast to Study 1 and 2, Study 3 used verbal instructions to induce potentially threatening contexts. Besides ssVEPs, threat ratings and skin conductance responses (SCRs) were recorded as efferent indices of defensive responding. None of these studies found further evidence for the neural correlates of hypervigilance and selective attention. However, results for ratings and SCRs revealed additive effects of fear and anxiety, suggesting that fear and anxiety are not mutually exclusive, but interact linearly to organize and facilitate defensive behavior. Study 4 tested ssVEPs to more ecologically valid forms of context conditioning, using flickering video stimuli of virtual offices to establish context representations. Contrary to expectations, results revealed decreased visuocortical responses during sustained presentations of anxiety compared to neutral contexts. A disruption of ssVEP signals eventually suggests interferences by continuously changing video streams which are enhanced as a function of motivational relevance. In summary, this thesis provided evidence for the neural correlates of attention only for isolated forms of fear and anxiety, but not for their interaction. In contrast, an additive interaction model of fear and anxiety for measures of defensive responding offers a new perspective on the topography of defensive behavior.}, subject = {Furcht}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Slyschak2022, author = {Slyschak, Anna}, title = {Fear conditioning, its generalization and extinction in children and adolescents under consideration of trait anxiety and anxiety sensitivity}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-26780}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-267806}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The propounded thesis investigated fear learning including fear conditioning, its generalization as well as its extinction in 133 healthy children and adolescents aged 8 to 17 years. The main goal was to analyze these processes also in the course of childhood and adolescence due to far less research in this age span compared to adults. Of note, childhood is the typical period for the onset of anxiety disorders. To achieve this, an aversive discriminative fear conditioning, generalization and extinction paradigm, which based on the "screaming lady paradigm" from Lau et al. (2008) and was adapted by Schiele \& Reinhard et al. (2016), was applied. All probands traversed the pre-acquisition (4 x CS-, 4 x CS+, no US), the acquisition (12 x CS-, 12 x CS+, reinforcement rate: 83\%), the generalization (12 x CS-, 12 x GS4, 12 x GS3, 12 x GS2, 12 x GS1, 12 x CS+, reinforcement rate: 50\%) and the extinction (18 x CS-, 18 x CS+, no US). The generalization stimuli, i.e. GS1-GS4, were built out of CS- and CS+ in different mixtures on a percentage basis in steps of 20\% from CS- to CS+. Pictures of faces of two actresses with a neutral expression were used for the discriminative conditioning, whereby the CS+ was paired with a 95-dB loud female scream at the same time together with a fearful facial expression (US). CS- and GS1-GS4 were never followed by the US. Subjective ratings (arousal, valence and US expectancy) were collected and further the psychophysiological measure of the skin conductance response (SCR). The hypotheses were 1) that underage probands show a negative correlation between age and overgeneralization and 2) that anxiety is positively correlated with overgeneralization in the same sample. ANOVAs with repeated measures were conducted for all four dependent variables with phase (pre-acquisition phase, 1. + 2. acquisition phase, 1. + 2. generalization phase, 1. - 3. extinction phase) and stimulus type (CS-, CS+, GS1-GS4) as within-subject factors. For the analyses of the modulatory effects of age and anxiety in additional separate ANCOVAs were conducted including a) age, b) the STAIC score for trait anxiety and c) the CASI score for anxiety sensitivity as covariates. Sex was always included as covariate of no interest. On the one hand, findings indicated that the general extent of the reactions (arousal, valence and US expectancy ratings and the SCR) decreased with growing age, i.e. the older the probands the lower their reactions towards the stimuli regardless of the type of dependent variable. On the other hand, ratings of US expectancy, i.e. the likelihood that a stimulus is followed by a US (here: female scream coupled with a fearful facial expression), showed better discrimination skills the older the probands were, resulting in a smaller overgeneralization within older probands. It must be emphasized very clearly that no causality can be derived. Thus, it was only an association revealed between 15 age and generalization of conditioned fear, which is negative. Furthermore, no obvious impact of trait anxiety could be detected on the different processes of fear learning. Especially, no overgeneralization was expressed by the probands linked to higher trait anxiety. In contrast to trait anxiety, for anxiety sensitivity there was an association between its extent and the level of fear reactions. This could be described best with a kind of parallel shifts: the higher the anxiety sensitivity, the stronger the fear reactions. Likewise, for anxiety sensitivity no overgeneralization due to a stronger extent of anxiety sensitivity could be observed. Longitudinal follow-up examinations and, furthermore, neurobiological investigations are needed for replication purposes and purposes of gaining more supporting or opposing insights, but also for the profound exploration of the impact of hormonal changes during puberty and of the maturation processes of different brain structures. Finally, the question whether enhanced generalization of conditioned fear facilitates the development of anxiety disorders or vice versa remains unsolved yet.}, subject = {Furcht}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Simons2020, author = {Simons, Bibiane Stephanie Elisabeth}, title = {Modulation von emotionaler Anspannung mittels transkranieller Gleichstromstimulation (tDCS) des rechten inferioren pr{\"a}frontalen Kortex}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19928}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-199289}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Emotionale Kontrolle ist f{\"u}r unsere Zusammenleben unerl{\"a}sslich. Zum neuronalen Netzwerk der Emotionsverarbeitung und Emotionskontrolle geh{\"o}rt auch der rechte inferiore pr{\"a}frontale Kortex, wobei seine Funktion h{\"a}ufig mit der einer Bremse verglichen wird. Die Antizipationsangst, die bei manchen Angstst{\"o}rungen eine Rolle spielt und das daraus resultierende Vermeidungsverhalten, bieten einen relevanten Zusammenhang, den man in der Therapie von Angsterkrankungen beeinflussen k{\"o}nnte. Hierbei bieten nichtinvasive Hirnstimulationsverfahren einen m{\"o}glichen Ansatzpunkt und der rechte IFG ein m{\"o}gliches Ziel. In dieser Studie stimulierten wir den rechten inferioren frontalen Gyrus (rIFG) mittels anodaler transkranieller Gleichstromstimulation (tDCS) um zu pr{\"u}fen, ob dadurch die emotionale Anspannung moduliert werden kann. Zu diesem Zwecke wurde der rIFG bei gesunden Probanden (N = 80), aufgeteilt in eine tDCS Gruppe und eine Sham Gruppe, {\"u}ber einen Zeitraum von 20 Minuten mit einer Stromst{\"a}rke von 2 mA und einer Elektrodengr{\"o}ße von 35 cm² elektrisch stimuliert. W{\"a}hrenddessen wurde die Hautleitf{\"a}higkeiten (SCL) als psychophysiologischer Parameter in Antizipation eines akustischen neutralen bzw. aversiven Reizes gemessen. Die Art des akustischen Reizes war dabei f{\"u}r die Probanden durch einen visuellen Hinweisstimulus vorhersehbar, jedoch war der Zeitpunkt der Pr{\"a}sentation des akustischen Reizes nicht vorhersehbar. Dadurch konnte emotionale Anspannung in Antizipation des aversiven Stimulus induziert werden, was wir durch ein insgesamt h{\"o}heres SCL w{\"a}hrend der aversiven Bedingung nachweisen konnten. Wir konnten einen signifikanten Effekt der tDCS des rIFG auf die psychophysiologischen Parameter der Antizipationsangst nachweisen. Der Effekt beruhte dabei auf einem geringeren Anstieg des Hautleitf{\"a}higkeitslevels der tDCS Gruppe von neutraler zu aversiver Bedingung im Vergleich zu Sham Gruppe. Wir k{\"o}nnen daher best{\"a}tigen, dass es m{\"o}glich ist die physiologische Reaktion bei emotionaler Anspannung durch tDCS des rIFG zu regulieren. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus k{\"o}nnen wir dadurch die angenommene Rolle des rIFG in der Emotionsregulation best{\"a}tigen. Dieser scheint daher ein vielversprechender Stimulationsort f{\"u}r tDCS zur Verst{\"a}rkung der emotionalen Kontrolle zu sein. Auf Basis unserer Ergebnisse, k{\"o}nnte in zuk{\"u}nftigen Studien tDCS des rIFG in Kombination mit Verhaltenstherapie bei Angsterkrankungen oder zur Modulation von Vermeidungsverhalten eingesetzt werden. Durch unseren Versuch konnte damit ein grundlegender Beitrag f{\"u}r zuk{\"u}nftige Therapiestudien im Zusammenhang mit tDCS geleistet werden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Siminski2023, author = {Siminski, Niklas}, title = {Temporal predictability of threat: Evaluation of differential involvement of amygdala and BNST, and relevance for therapy response prediction in spider phobia}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24664}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-246643}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Predictability of threat is one of the key modulators of neural activity in fear and anxiety-related threat processes and there is a considerable number of studies focusing on the exact contribution of centromedial amygdala and Bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BNST) in animals as well as in humans. In this research field, some studies already investigated the differential involvement of both areas during temporally predictable and unpredictable threat processes in humans. However, these studies showed several limitations e.g. small sample size, no predictable threat conditions, no separation of anticipation and confrontation processes, which should be addressed in future studies. Furthermore, evidence for group-based inter-individual differences of amygdala and BNST activity during predictable and unpredictable threat processes have not been studied extensively. Several studies suggest a relevant role of the amygdala and BNST activity in phobic processes in patients with specific phobia, but no study so far has investigated the exact contribution of centromedial amygdala (CM) and BNST during temporally predictable and unpredictable threat processes in specific phobia. This thesis consisted of three studies and aimed to evaluate the exact contribution of CM and BNST during temporally predictable and unpredictable threat anticipation and confrontation with the use of an optimized functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) paradigm, which aimed to solve methodological limitations of recent studies. Study 1 used a large sample of healthy participants who were grouped based on NPSR1 genotype, and study 2 and study 3 used a sample of patients with spider phobia. In sum, the results of all three studies indicated, that BNST is more relevant for anticipation processes as compared to the CM. Contrary, during the confrontation phase the CM displays a greater relevance for threat confrontation processes. In recent years, various studies have investigated the extent to which treatment success can be predicted in patients with anxiety disorders based on pre-treatment fMRI activity. Therefore, this was investigated for the first time in study 3 in patients with spider phobia during temporally predictable and unpredictable threat processes. Results indicated that independent of temporal predictability lower anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) activity during threat anticipation and engaged BNST during threat confrontation might be benefitting factors for successful therapy response in spider phobia.}, subject = {Amygdala}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Seeger2023, author = {Seeger, Fabian Reinhard}, title = {Moderators of exposure-based treatment outcome in anxiety disorders: an fMRI approach}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21435}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-214356}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Even though exposure-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) constitutes a first-line treatment for anxiety disorders, a substantial proportion of patients does not respond in a clinically significant manner. The identification of pre-treatment patient characteristics that are associated with treatment outcome might aid in improving response rates. Therefore, the present doctoral thesis aimed at investigating moderators of treatment outcome in anxiety disorders: first, we investigated the neural correlates of comorbidity among primary panic disorder/agoraphobia (PD/AG) and secondary social anxiety disorder (SAD) moderating treatment outcome towards exposure-based CBT. Second, pre-treatment functional resting-state connectivity signatures of treatment response in specific phobia were studied. Within the first study, we compared PD/AG patients with or without secondary SAD regarding their clinical and neurofunctional outcome towards a manualized CBT treatment focusing on PD/AG symptoms. Prior to treatment, PD/AG+SAD compared to PD/AG-SAD patients exhibited a specific neural signature within the temporal lobe, which was attenuated to the level of PD/AG-SAD patients afterwards. CBT was equally effective in both groups. Thus, comorbidity among those two anxiety disorders did not alter treatment outcome substantially. This might be due to the high overlap of shared pathophysiological features within both disorders. In the second study, we assessed pre-treatment functional resting-state connectivity within a sample of spider phobic patients that were treated with massed in virtuo exposure. We found responders already prior to treatment to be characterized by stronger inhibitory frontolimbic connectivity as well as heightened connectivity between the amygdala and regions related to the ventral visual stream. Furthermore, patients demonstrating high within-session extinction exhibited pronounced intrinsic prefrontal connectivity. Our results point to responders exhibiting a brain prepared for the mechanism of action of exposure. Taken together, results highlight the major impact of pre-treatment characteristics on treatment outcome. Both, PD/AG+SAD patients as well as responders within the SpiderVR study exhibited heightened activation or connectivity within the ventral visual pathway and the amygdala. Pronounced visual processing together with enhanced executive control and emotion regulation seem to constitute a fruitful soil for successful exposure. The results provide starting points for personalized treatment approaches in order to improve treatment success in the anxiety disorders. Future studies are needed to investigate the benefit of neuroscientifically informed CBT augmentation strategies such as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation.}, subject = {Angstst{\"o}rung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schwarzmeier2023, author = {Schwarzmeier, Hanna}, title = {From fear extinction to exposure therapy: neural mechanisms and moderators of extinction}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22330}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-223304}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Emotional-associative learning processes such as fear conditioning and extinction are highly relevant to not only the development and maintenance of anxiety disorders (ADs), but also to their treatment. Extinction, as the laboratory analogue to behavioral exposure, is assumed a core process underlying the treatment of ADs. Although exposure-based treatments are highly effective for the average patient suffering from an AD, there remains a gap in treatment efficacy with over one third of patients failing to achieve clinically significant symptom relief. There is ergo a pressing need for intensified research regarding the underlying neural mechanisms of aberrant emotional-associative learning processes and the neurobiological moderators of treatment (non-)response in ADs. The current thesis focuses on different applications of the fundamental principles of fear conditioning and extinction by using two example cases of ADs from two different multicenter trials. First, we targeted alterations in fear acquisition, extinction, and its recall as a function of psychopathology in panic disorder (PD) patients compared to healthy subjects using fMRI. Second, exposure-based therapy and pre-treatment patient characteristics exerting a moderating influence on this essential learning process later on (i.e. treatment outcome) were examined using multimodal functional and structural neuroimaging in spider phobia. We observed aberrations in emotional-associative learning processes in PD patients compared to healthy subjects indicated by an accelerated fear acquisition and an attenuated extinction recall. Furthermore, pre-treatment differences related to defensive, regulatory, attentional, and perceptual processes may exert a moderating influence on treatment outcome to behavioral exposure in spider phobia. Although the current results need further replication, on an integrative meta level, results point to a hyperactive defensive network system and deficient emotion regulation processes (including extinction processes) and top-down control in ADs. This speaks in favor of transdiagnostic deficits in important functional domains in ADs. Deficits in transdiagnostic domains such as emotion regulation processes could be targeted by enhancing extinction learning or by means of promising tools like neurofeedback. The detection of pre-treatment clinical response moderators, for instance via machine learning frameworks, may help in supporting clinical decision making on individually tailored treatment approaches or, respectively, to avoid ineffective treatment and its related financial costs. In the long run, the identification of neurobiological markers which are capable of detecting non-responders a priori represents an ultimate goal.}, subject = {Extinktion}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Roesler2020, author = {R{\"o}sler, Lara}, title = {Behavioral and Neural Mechanisms of Social Attention}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21609}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-216092}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Humans in our environment are of special importance to us. Even if our minds are fixated on tasks unrelated to their presence, our attention will likely be drawn towards other people's appearances and their actions. While we might remain unaware of this attentional bias at times, various studies have demonstrated the preferred visual scanning of other humans by recording eye movements in laboratory settings. The present thesis aims to investigate the circumstances under and the mechanisms by which this so-called social attention operates. The first study demonstrates that social features in complex naturalistic scenes are prioritized in an automatic fashion. After 200 milliseconds of stimulus presentation, which is too brief for top-down processing to intervene, participants targeted image areas depicting humans significantly more often than would be expected from a chance distribution of saccades. Additionally, saccades towards these areas occurred earlier in time than saccades towards non-social image regions. In the second study, we show that human features receive most fixations even when bottom-up information is restricted; that is, even when only the fixated region was visible and the remaining parts of the image masked, participants still fixated on social image regions longer than on regions without social cues. The third study compares the influence of real and artificial faces on gaze patterns during the observation of dynamic naturalistic videos. Here we find that artificial faces, belonging to humanlike statues or machines, significantly predicted gaze allocation but to a lesser extent than real faces. In the fourth study, we employed functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the neural correlates of reflexive social attention. Analyses of the evoked blood-oxygenation level dependent responses pointed to an involvement of striate and extrastriate visual cortices in the encoding of social feature space. Collectively, these studies help to elucidate under which circumstances social features are prioritized in a laboratory setting and how this prioritization might be achieved on a neuronal level. The final experimental chapter addresses the question whether these laboratory findings can be generalized to the real world. In this study, participants were introduced to a waiting room scenario in which they interacted with a confederate. Eye movement analyses revealed that gaze behavior heavily depended on the social context and were influenced by whether an interaction is currently desired. We further did not find any evidence for altered gaze behavior in socially anxious participants. Alleged gaze avoidance or hypervigilance in social anxiety might thus represent a laboratory phenomenon that occurs only under very specific real-life conditions. Altogether the experiments described in the present thesis thus refine our understanding of social attention and simultaneously challenge the inferences we can draw from laboratory research.}, subject = {Aufmerksamkeit}, language = {en} }