@phdthesis{Kurz2020, author = {Kurz, Andreas}, title = {Correlative live and fixed cell superresolution microscopy}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19945}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-199455}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Over the last decade life sciences have made an enormous leap forward. The development of complex analytical instruments, in particular in fluorescence microscopy, has played a decisive role in this. Scientist can now rely on a wide range of imaging techniques that offer different advantages in terms of optical resolution, recording speed or living cell compatibility. With the help of these modern microscopy techniques, multi-protein complexes can be resolved, membrane receptors can be counted, cellular pathways analysed or the internalisation of receptors can be tracked. However, there is currently no universal technique for comprehensive experiment execution that includes dynamic process capture and super resolution imaging on the same target object. In this work, I built a microscope that combines two complementary imaging techniques and enables correlative experiments in living and fixed cells. With an image scanning based laser spot confocal microscope, fast dynamics in several colors with low photodamage of the cells can be recorded. This novel system also has an improved resolution of 170 nm and was thoroughly characterized in this work. The complementary technique is based on single molecule localization microscopy, which can achieve a structural resolution down to 20-30 nm. Furthermore I implemented a microfluidic pump that allows direct interaction with the sample placed on the microscope. Numerous processes such as living cell staining, living cell fixation, immunostaining and buffer exchange can be observed and performed directly on the same cell. Thus, dynamic processes of a cell can be frozen and the structures of interest can be stained and analysed with high-resolution microscopy. Furthermore, I have equipped the detection path of the single molecule technique with an adaptive optical element. With the help of a deformable mirror, imaging functions can be shaped and information on the 3D position of the individual molecules can be extracted.}, subject = {Einzelmolek{\"u}lmikroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hagmann2020, author = {Hagmann, Hanns Antony}, title = {The impact of the CRISPR/Cas system on the interaction of Neisseria meningitidis with human host cells}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19949}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-199490}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Neisseria meningitidis, a commensal β-proteobacterium residing exclusively in the human nasopharynx, is a leading cause of sepsis and epidemic meningitis worldwide. While comparative genome analysis was able to define hyperinvasive lineages that are responsible for most of the cases of invasive meningococcal disease (IMD), the genetic basis of their virulence remains unclear. Recent studies demonstrate that the type II C CRISPR/Cas system of meningococci is associated with carriage and less invasive lineages. CRISPR/Cas, an adaptive defence system against foreign DNA, was shown to be involved in gene regulation in Francisella novicida. This study shows that knockout strains of N. meningitidis lacking the Cas9 protein are impaired in the adhesion to human nasopharyngeal cells in a strain-dependant manner, which constitutes a central step in the pathogenesis of IMD. Consequently, this study indicates that the meningococcal CRISPR/Cas system fulfils functions beyond the defence of foreign DNA and is involved in the regulation of meningococcal virulence.}, subject = {CRISPR/Cas-Methode}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kupper2016, author = {Kupper, Maria}, title = {The immune transcriptome and proteome of the ant Camponotus floridanus and vertical transmission of its bacterial endosymbiont Blochmannia floridanus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-142534}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The evolutionary success of insects is believed to be at least partially facilitated by symbioses between insects and prokaryotes. Bacterial endosymbionts confer various fitness advantages to their hosts, for example by providing nutrients lacking from the insects' diet thereby enabling the inhabitation of new ecological niches. The Florida carpenter ant Camponotus floridanus harbours endosymbiotic bacteria of the genus Blochmannia. These primary endosymbionts mainly reside in the cytoplasm of bacteriocytes, specialised cells interspersed into the midgut tissue, but they were also found in oocytes which allows their vertical transmission. The social lifestyle of C. floridanus may facilitate the rapid spread of infections amongst genetically closely related animals living in huge colonies. Therefore, the ants require an immune system to efficiently combat infections while maintaining a "chronic" infection with their endosymbionts. In order to investigate the immune repertoire of the ants, the Illumina sequencing method was used. The previously published genome sequence of C. floridanus was functionally re-annotated and 0.53\% of C. floridanus proteins were assigned to the gene ontology (GO) term subcategory "immune system process". Based on homology analyses, genes encoding 510 proteins with possible immune function were identified. These genes are involved in microbial recognition and immune signalling pathways but also in cellular defence mechanisms, such as phagocytosis and melanisation. The components of the major signalling pathways appear to be highly conserved and the analysis revealed an overall broad immune repertoire of the ants though the number of identified genes encoding pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) and antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) is comparatively low. Besides three genes coding for homologs of thioester-containing proteins (TEPs), which have been shown to act as opsonins promoting phagocytosis in other insects, six genes encoding the AMPs defesin-1 and defensin-2, hymenoptaecin, two tachystatin-like peptides and one crustin-like peptide are present in the ant genome. Although the low number of known AMPs in comparison to 13 AMPs in the honey bee Apis mellifera and 46 AMPs in the wasp Nasonia vitripennis may indicate a less potent immune system, measures summarised as external or social immunity may enhance the immune repertoire of C. floridanus, as it was discussed for other social insects. Also, the hymenoptaecin multipeptide precursor protein may be processed to yield seven possibly bioactive peptides. In this work, two hymenoptaecin derived peptides were heterologously expressed and purified. The preliminary antimicrobial activity assays indicate varying bacteriostatic effects of different hymenoptaecin derived peptides against Escherichia coli D31 and Staphylococcus aureus which suggests a functional amplification of the immune response further increasing the antimicrobial potency of the ants. Furthermore, 257 genes were differentially expressed upon immune challenge of C. floridanus and most of the immune genes showing differential expression are involved in recognition of microbes or encode immune effectors rather than signalling components. Additionally, genes coding for proteins involved in storage and metabolism were downregulated upon immune challenge suggesting a trade-off between two energy-intensive processes in order to enhance effectiveness of the immune response. The analysis of gene expression via qRT-PCR was used for validation of the transcriptome data and revealed stage-specific immune gene regulation. Though the same tendencies of regulation were observed in larvae and adults, expression of several immune-related genes was generally more strongly induced in larvae. Immune gene expression levels depending on the developmental stage of C. floridanus are in agreement with observations in other insects and might suggest that animals from different stages revert to individual combinations of external and internal immunity upon infection. The haemolymph proteome of immune-challenged ants further established the immune-relevance of several proteins involved in classical immune signalling pathways, e.g. PRRs, extracellularly active proteases of the Toll signalling pathway and effector molecules such as AMPs, lysozymes and TEPs. Additionally, non-canonical proteins with putative immune function were enriched in immune-challenged haemolymph, e.g. Vitellogenins, NPC2-like proteins and Hemocytin. As known from previous studies, septic wounding also leads to the upregulation of genes involved in stress responses. In the haemolymph, proteins implicated in protein stabilisation and in the protection against oxidative stress and insecticides were enriched upon immune challenge. In order to identify additional putative immune effectors, haemolymph peptide samples from immune-challenged larvae and adults were analysed. The analysis in this work focussed on the identification of putative peptides produced via the secretory pathway as previously described for neuropeptides of C. floridanus. 567 regulated peptides derived from 39 proteins were identified in the larval haemolymph, whereas 342 regulated peptides derived from 13 proteins were found in the adult haemolymph. Most of the peptides are derived from hymenoptaecin or from putative uncharacterised proteins. One haemolymph peptide of immune-challenged larvae comprises the complete amino acid sequence of a predicted peptide derived from a Vitellogenin. Though the identified peptide lacks similarities to any known immune-related peptide, it is a suitable candidate for further functional analysis. To establish a stable infection with the endosymbionts, the bacteria have to be transmitted to the next generation of the ants. The vertical transmission of B. floridanus is guaranteed by bacterial infestation of oocytes. This work presents the first comprehensive and detailed description of the localisation of the bacterial endosymbionts in C. floridanus ovaries during oogenesis. Whereas the most apical part of the germarium, which contains the germ-line stem cells, is not infected by the bacteria, small somatic cells in the outer layers of each ovariole were found to be infected in the lower germarium. Only with the beginning of cystocyte differentiation, endosymbionts are exclusively transported from follicle cells into the growing oocytes, while nurse cells were never infected with B. floridanus. This infestation of the oocytes by bacteria very likely involves exocytosis-endocytosis processes between follicle cells and the oocytes. A previous study suggested a down-modulation of the immune response in the midgut tissue which may promote endosymbiont tolerance. Therefore, the expression of several potentially relevant immune genes was analysed in the ovarial tissue by qRT-PCR. The relatively low expression of genes involved in Toll and IMD signalling, and the high expression of genes encoding negative immune regulators, such as PGRP-LB, PGRP-SC2, and tollip, strongly suggest that a down-modulation of the immune response may also facilitate endosymbiont tolerance in the ovaries and thereby contribute to their vertical transmission. Overall, the present thesis improves the knowledge about the immune repertoire of C. floridanus and provides new candidates for further functional analyses. Moreover, the involvement of the host immune system in maintaining a "chronic" infection with symbiotic bacteria was confirmed and extended to the ovaries.}, subject = {Camponotus floridanus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gupta2018, author = {Gupta, Shishir Kumar}, title = {Re-annotation of Camponotus floridanus Genome and Characterization of Innate Immunity Transcriptome Responses to Bacterial Infections}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-140168}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The sequencing of several ant genomes within the last six years open new research avenues for understanding not only the genetic basis of social species but also the complex systems such as immune responses in general. Similar to other social insects, ants live in cooperative colonies, often in high densities and with genetically identical or closely related individuals. The contact behaviours and crowd living conditions allow the disease to spread rapidly through colonies. Nevertheless, ants can efficiently combat infections by using diverse and effective immune mechanisms. However, the components of the immune system of carpenter ant Camponotus floridanus and also the factors in bacteria that facilitate infection are not well understood. To form a better view of the immune repository and study the C. floridanus immune responses against the bacteria, experimental data from Illumina sequencing and mass-spectrometry (MS) data of haemolymph in normal and infectious conditions were analysed and integrated with the several bioinformatics approaches. Briefly, the tasks were accomplished in three levels. First, the C. floridanus genome was re-annotated for the improvement of the existing annotation using the computational methods and transcriptomics data. Using the homology based methods, the extensive survey of literature, and mRNA expression profiles, the immune repository of C. floridanus were established. Second, large-scale protein-protein interactions (PPIs) and signalling network of C. floridanus were reconstructed and analysed and further the infection induced functional modules in the networks were detected by mapping of the expression data over the networks. In addition, the interactions of the immune components with the bacteria were identified by reconstructing inter-species PPIs networks and the interactions were validated by literature. Third, the stage-specific MS data of larvae and worker ants were analysed and the differences in the immune response were reported. Concisely, all the three omics levels resulted to multiple findings, for instance, re-annotation and transcriptome profiling resulted in the overall improvement of structural and functional annotation and detection of alternative splicing events, network analysis revealed the differentially expressed topologically important proteins and the active functional modules, MS data analysis revealed the stage specific differences in C. floridanus immune responses against bacterial pathogens. Taken together, starting from re-annotation of C. floridanus genome, this thesis provides a transcriptome and proteome level characterization of ant C. floridanus, particularly focusing on the immune system responses to pathogenic bacteria from a biological and a bioinformatics point of view. This work can serve as a model for the integration of omics data focusing on the immuno-transcriptome of insects.}, subject = {Camponotus floridanus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lodes2021, author = {Lodes, Nina Theresa}, title = {Tissue Engineering f{\"u}r seltene Erkrankungen mit St{\"o}rungen des mukozili{\"a}ren Transports}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20017}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-200178}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Bei der zystischen Fibrose (CF) sowie der prim{\"a}ren Ziliendyskinesie (PCD) handelt es sich um zwei seltene Erkrankungen, die unter anderem den mukozili{\"a}ren Transport beeintr{\"a}chtigen. CF geh{\"o}rt hierbei zu den am h{\"a}ufigsten vorkommenden angeborenen Stoffwechselerkrankungen, wobei Betroffene unter einem Defekt des Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductor Regulator (CFTR)-Gens leiden, der durch die Produktion von hochviskosem Sekret in muzinproduzierenden Organen, wie dem gastrointestinalen Trakt und der Lunge, gekennzeichnet ist. Patienten, die an PCD leiden, weisen Defekte in, zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt, ca. 38 bekannten und PCD-assoziierten Genen auf, die in strukturellen Defekten des zili{\"a}ren Apparats und somit in dysfunktionalen Kinozilien resultieren. Da aktuell weder f{\"u}r die CF noch f{\"u}r die PCD eine Heilung m{\"o}glich ist, steht bei der Therapie vor allem die Linderung der Symptome im Fokus. Grundlegendes Ziel ist der langfristige Erhalt der Lungenfunktion sowie die Pr{\"a}vention bakterieller Infekte. Als bisherige Modellsysteme zur Erforschung m{\"o}glicher Therapeutika gelten Tiermodelle, die den humanen Ph{\"a}notyp aufgrund von Speziesdiversit{\"a}t nicht vollst{\"a}ndig abbilden k{\"o}nnen. Als vielversprechende Testsysteme f{\"u}r die zystische Fibrose gelten humane intestinale Organoidkulturen. Nachdem allerdings vorwiegend respiratorische Symptome f{\"u}r die Mortalit{\"a}t der Patienten verantwortlich sind, stellen CF-Atemwegsmodelle bessere Testsysteme f{\"u}r zuk{\"u}nftige Therapeutika dar. Atmungsorganoidkulturen wurden verwendet, um die CFTR-Funktionalit{\"a}t zu untersuchen, repr{\"a}sentieren aber nicht vollst{\"a}ndig die in vivo Situation. Deshalb werden zur Entwicklung neuer Therapiestrategien patientenspezifische 3D in vitro Testsysteme der humanen Atemwege ben{\"o}tigt, die insbesondere im Hinblick auf personalisierte Medizin ihren Einsatz finden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine f{\"u}r den Lehrstuhl neue Methode zur Zellgewinnung aus nasalen Schleimhautabstrichen etabliert, die eine standardisierte Versorgung mit humanem Prim{\"a}rmaterial garantiert. Zur Generierung einer krankheitsspezifischen Zelllinie, wie beispielsweise einer PCD-Zelllinie mit Hilfe des CRISPR/Cas9-Systems, ist eine Atemwegszelllinie erforderlich, die die in vivo Situation vollst{\"a}ndig repr{\"a}sentiert. So wurden vier verschiedene respiratorische Epithelzelllinien (HBEC3-KT, Calu-3, VA10 und Cl-huAEC) auf ihren mukozili{\"a}ren Ph{\"a}notyp hin untersucht, wobei lediglich die Zelllinie HBEC3-KT in zilientragende Zellen differenzierte. Diese zeigten jedoch nur auf ca. 5 \% der Modelloberfl{\"a}che Kinozilien, wodurch die humane respiratorische Mukosa nicht komplett abgebildet werden konnte und die HBEC3-KT-Zelllinie keine geeignete Zelllinie zur Generierung einer PCD-Zelllinie darstellte. Mit Hilfe des Tissue Engineering war es m{\"o}glich, 3D in vitro Testsysteme basierend auf zwei unterschiedlichen Matrices, der biologischen SIS (small intestinal submucosa) und der synthetischen Polyethylenterephthalat (PET)-Membran, aufzubauen. Es wurden 3D Atemwegstestsysteme mit humanen prim{\"a}ren nasalen und tracheobronchialen Epithelzellen generiert. Erg{\"a}nzend zu histologischen Untersuchungen und zur Charakterisierung spezifischer Marker des respiratorischen Systems mittels Immunfluoreszenz, wurde die Ultrastruktur der Modelle, mit speziellem Fokus auf zili{\"a}re Strukturen, analysiert. Um R{\"u}ckschl{\"u}sse auf die zili{\"a}re Funktionalit{\"a}t ziehen zu k{\"o}nnen und somit eine hohe in vivo Korrelation zu best{\"a}tigen, wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit am Lehrstuhl f{\"u}r Tissue Engineering und Regenerative Medizin die Methode der Hochgeschwindigkeitsvideomikroskopie etabliert, welche die Analyse der Zilienschlagfrequenz sowie des mukozili{\"a}ren Transports erm{\"o}glicht. Ebenfalls wurde der Einfluss von isotoner Kochsalzl{\"o}sung und des � 2-adrenergen Agonisten Salbutamol, das vor allem als Bronchodilatator bei Asthmapatienten eingesetzt wird, auf die Zilienschlagfrequenz analysiert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass beide Substanzen den Zilienschlag im Atemwegsmodell erh{\"o}hen. Zur Generierung der Testsysteme der beiden seltenen Erkrankungen CF und PCD wurden Epithelzellen der betroffenen Patienten zun{\"a}chst mittels nicht-invasiver Raman-Spektroskopie auf einen potentiellen Biomarker untersucht, welcher Einsatz in der Diagnostik der beiden Krankheiten finden k{\"o}nnte. Es konnte jedoch weder f{\"u}r die CF noch f{\"u}r die PCD ein Biomarker aufgedeckt werden. Jedoch zeigten PCD-Zellen eine geringe Auftrennung gegen{\"u}ber nicht-PCD Zellen. Anschließend wurden 3D-Atemwegstestsysteme basierend auf Patientenzellen aufgebaut. Der Ph{\"a}notyp der CF-Modelle wurde mittels immunhistologischer F{\"a}rbung und der Analyse des gest{\"o}rten mukozili{\"a}ren Transports verifiziert. Strukturelle zili{\"a}re Defekte konnten durch die ultrastrukturelle Analyse von Zilienquerschnitten in drei donorspezifischen PCD-Modellen identifiziert werden. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus konnte die zili{\"a}re Funktionalit{\"a}t mit Hilfe der Hochgeschwindigkeitsvideomikroskopie nicht nachgewiesen werden. Zusammenfassend ist es in dieser Arbeit gelungen, eine neue Methode zur vollst{\"a}ndigen Charakterisierung von 3D-Atemwegstestsystemen zu etablieren, die die Analyse der Zilienschlagfrequenz sowie des mukozili{\"a}ren Transports erm{\"o}glicht. Es konnte erstmalig gezeigt werden, dass mit Hilfe des Tissue Engineering ein personalisiertes Krankheitsmodell f{\"u}r die PCD auf Segmenten eines dezellularisierten porzinen Jejunums generiert werden kann, das zuk{\"u}nftig ein Testsystem f{\"u}r potentielle Therapeutika darstellen kann.}, subject = {In-vitro-Kultur}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Aydinli2021, author = {Aydinli, Muharrem}, title = {Software unterst{\"u}tzte Analyse von regulatorischen Elementen in Promotoren mittels AIModules}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24802}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-248025}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die Regulation der Genexpression steht am Anfang vieler zellbiologischer Prozesse wie beispielsweise dem Zellwachstum oder der Differenzierung. Gene werden an Promotoren transkribiert, wobei ein Promotor selbst aus vielen logischen Einheiten aufgebaut ist, den Transkriptionsfaktorbindestellen (TFBSs). Diese k{\"o}nnen sehr nah beieinander liegen, aber auch weit entfernt voneinander sein. Sie werden spezifisch von Transkriptionsfaktoren (TFs) gebunden, die die Transkritptionsrate z.B. verst{\"a}rken (Enhancer) oder schw{\"a}chen (Silencer) k{\"o}nnen. Zwei oder mehr dieser TFBSs mit bestimmtem Abstand werden als "Module" zusammengefasst, die {\"u}ber Spezies hinweg konserviert sein k{\"o}nnen. Typischerweise findet man Module in Zellen mit einem Zellkern. Spezies mit gemeinsamen Modulen k{\"o}nnen ein Hinweis auf die gemeinsame phylogenetische Abstammung darstellen, aber auch gemeinsame Funktionsmechanismen von TFs {\"u}ber Gene hinweg aufdecken. Heutzutage sind verschiedene Anwendungen verf{\"u}gbar, mit denen nach TFBSs in DNA gesucht werden kann. Zum Zeitpunkt des Verfassens dieser Arbeit sind aber nur zwei kommerzielle Produkte bekannt, die nicht nur TFBSs, sondern auch Module erkennen. Deshalb stellen wir hier die freie und quelloffene L{\"o}sung "AIModules" vor, die diese L{\"u}cke f{\"u}llt und einen Webservice zur Verf{\"u}gung stellt, der es erlaubt nach TFBSs sowie nach Modulen auf DNA- und auf RNA-Abschnitten zu suchen. F{\"u}r die Motivesuche werden entweder Matrizen aus der Jaspar Datenbank oder Matrizen vom Anwender verwendet. Dar{\"u}berhinaus zeigen wir, dass unser Tool f{\"u}r die TF Suche nur Sekunden ben{\"o}tigt, wohingegen conTraV3 mindestens eine Stunde f{\"u}r dieselbe Analyse braucht. Zus{\"a}tzlich kann der Anwender bei unserem Tool den Grad der Konserviertheit f{\"u}r TFs mit angeben und wir zeigen, dass wir mit unserer L{\"o}sung, die die Jaspar Datenbank heranzieht, mehr Module finden, als ein kommerziell verf{\"u}gbares Produkt. Weiterhin kann mit unserer L{\"o}sung auch auf RNA-Sequenzen nach regulatorischen Motiven gesucht werden, wenn der Anwender die daf{\"u}r n{\"o}tigen Matrizen liefert. Wir zeigen dies am Beispiel von Polyadenylierungsstellen. Zusammenfassend stellen wir ein Werkzeug vor, das erstens frei und quelloffen ist und zweitens entweder auf Servern ver{\"o}ffentlicht werden kann oder On-Site auf einem Notebook l{\"a}uft. Unser Tool erlaubt es Promotoren zu analysieren und nach konservierten Modulen sowie TFBSs in Genfamilien sowie nach regulatorischen Elementen in mRNA wie z.B. Polyadenylierungsstellen oder andere regulatorische Elemente wie beispielsweise Enhancern oder Silencern in genomischer DNA zu suchen.}, subject = {Genregulation}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Endres2024, author = {Endres, Leo Maximilian}, title = {Development of multicellular \(in\) \(vitro\) models of the meningeal blood-CSF barrier to study \(Neisseria\) \(meningitidis\) infection}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34621}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-346216}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Neisseria meningitidis (the meningococcus) is one of the major causes of bacterial meningitis, a life-threatening inflammation of the meninges. Traversal of the meningeal blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier (mBCSFB), which is composed of highly specialized brain endothelial cells (BECs), and subsequent interaction with leptomeningeal cells (LMCs) are critical for disease progression. Due to the human-exclusive tropism of N. meningitidis, research on this complex host-pathogen interaction is mostly limited to in vitro studies. Previous studies have primarily used peripheral or immortalized BECs alone, which do not retain relevant barrier phenotypes in culture. To study meningococcal interaction with the mBCSFB in a physiologically more accurate context, BEC-LMC co-culture models were developed in this project using BEC-like cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iBECs) or hCMEC/D3 cells in combination with LMCs derived from tumor biopsies. Distinct BEC and LMC layers as well as characteristic expression of cellular markers were observed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and immunofluorescence staining. Clear junctional expression of brain endothelial tight and adherens junction proteins was detected in the iBEC layer. LMC co-culture increased iBEC barrier tightness and stability over a period of seven days, as determined by sodium fluorescein (NaF) permeability and transendothelial electrical resistance (TEER). Infection experiments demonstrated comparable meningococcal adhesion and invasion of the BEC layer in all models tested, consistent with previously published data. While only few bacteria crossed the iBEC-LMC barrier initially, transmigration rates increased substantially over 24 hours, despite constant high TEER. After 24 hours of infection, deterioration of the barrier properties was observed including loss of TEER and altered expression of tight and adherens junction components. Reduced mRNA levels of ZO-1, claudin-5, and VE-cadherin were detected in BECs from all models. qPCR and siRNA knockdown data suggested that transcriptional downregulation of these genes was potentially but not solely mediated by Snail1. Immunofluorescence staining showed reduced junctional coverage of occludin, indicating N. meningitidis-induced post-transcriptional modulation of this protein, as previous studies have suggested. Together, these results suggest a potential combination of transcellular and paracellular meningococcal traversal of the mBCSFB, with the more accessible paracellular route becoming available upon barrier disruption after prolonged N. meningitidis infection. Finally, N. meningitidis induced cellular expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines such as IL-8 in all mBCSFB models. Overall, the work described in this thesis highlights the usefulness of advanced in vitro models of the mBCSFB that mimic native physiology and exhibit relevant barrier properties to study infection with meningeal pathogens such as N. meningitidis.}, subject = {Bakterielle Hirnhautentz{\"u}ndung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Imdahl2023, author = {Imdahl, Fabian Dominik}, title = {Development of novel experimental approaches to decipher host-pathogen interaction at the single-cell level}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28943}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-289435}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Abstract: COVID-19 has impressively shown how quickly an emerging pathogen can have a massive impact on our entire lives and show how infectious diseases spread regardless of national borders and economic stability. We find ourselves in a post-antibiotic era and have rested too long on the laurels of past research, so today more and more people are dying from infections with multi-resistant germs. Infections are highly plastic and heterogeneous processes that are strongly dependent on the individual, whether on the host or pathogen side. Improving our understanding of the pathogenicity of microorganisms and finding potential targets for a completely new class of drugs is a declared goal of current basic research. To tackle this challenge, single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) is our most accurate tool. In this thesis we implemented different state of the art scRNA-seq technologies to better understand infectious diseases. Furthermore, we developed a new method which is capable to resolve the transcriptome of a single bacterium. Applying a poly(A)-independent scRNA-seq protocol to three different, infection relevant growth conditions we can report the faithful detection of growth-dependent gene expression patterns in individual Salmonella Typhimurium and Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria. The data analysis shows that this method not only allows the differentiation of various culture conditions but can also capture transcripts across different RNA species. Furthermore, using state of the art imaging and single-cell RNA sequencing technologies, we comprehensively characterized a human intestinal tissue model which in further course of the project was used as a Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium infection model. While most infection studies are conducted in mice, lacking a human intestinal physiology, the in vitro human tissue model allows us to directly infer in vivo pathogenesis. Combining immunofluorescent imaging, deep single-cell RNA sequencing and HCR-FISH, applied in time course experiments, allows an unseen resolution for studying heterogeneity and the dynamics of Salmonella infection which reveals details of pathogenicity contrary to the general scientific opinion.}, subject = {Salmonella}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zhu2020, author = {Zhu, Mo}, title = {Germination and differentiation of \(Blumeria\) \(graminis\) ascospores and effects of UV-C and white light irradiation on \(B.\) \(graminis\) conidial prepenetration}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16647}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-166470}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Blumeria graminis, the obligate biotrophic grass powdery mildew, is a highly pathogenic fungus capable of inflicting foliar diseases and of causing severe yield losses. There is asexual and sexual propagation in the life cycle of B. graminis. In the epidemiological processes of this pathogen, both types of spores - asexual conidia and sexual ascospores - are crucial. Conidia of B. graminis are demonstrated to perceive cuticular very-long-chain aldehydes as molecular signal substances notably promoting germination and differentiation of the infection structure (the appressorium) - the prepenetration processes - in a concentration- and chain-length-dependent manner. Conidial germination and appressorium formation are known to be dramatically impeded by the presence of free water on the host surface. However, sexually formed ascospores are reported to easily germinate immersed in water. There are abundant assays on conidial prepenetration processes. However, with respect to the stimulating effects of very-long-chain aldehydes and to the influence of the presence of free water, ascosporic prepenetration processes are still obscure. In order to study the effects of very-long-chain aldehydes on the ascosporic prepenetration processes of wheat powdery mildew fungus B. graminis f. sp. tritici, Formvar®-based in vitro systems were applied to exclude the secondary host effects (such as host resistance) and to reproducibly provide homogeneous hydrophobic substratum surfaces. By the presence of even-numbered very-long-chain aldehydes (C22 - C30), the appressorium formation of the ascospores was notably triggered in a chain-length dependent manner. N-octacosanal (C28) was the most inducing aldehyde tested. Unlike conidia, ascospores could easily differentiate immersed in water and showed a more variable differentiation pattern even with a single germ tube differentiating an appressorium. To evaluate the alternative management against barley powdery mildew fungus Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei, the suppressing effects of UV-C irradiation on the developmental processes of conidia on artificial surfaces (in vitro) and on host leaf surfaces (in vivo) were assayed. In vitro and in vivo, a single dose of 100 J m-2 UV-C was adequate to decrease conidial germination to < 20 \% and to reduce appressorium formation to values < 5 \%. UV-C irradiation negatively affected colony pustule size and vegetative propagation. Under photoperiodic conditions of 2h light/16h dark, 6h dark/12h light or 6h dark/18h light, UV-C-treated conidia showed photoreactivation (photo-recovery). White light-mediated photoreactivation was most effective immediately after UV-C irradiation, suggesting that a prolonged phase of darkness after UV-C application increased the efficacy of management against B. graminis. UV-C irradiation increased transcript levels of three putative photolyase genes in B. graminis, indicating those were probably involved in photoreactivation processes. However, mere white light or blue light (wavelength peak, 475 nm) could not induce the up-regulation of these genes. To determine whether visible light directly impacted the prepenetration and penetration processes of this powdery mildew pathogen, conidia of Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei and Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici were inoculated onto artificial surfaces and on host leaf surfaces. Samples were analyzed after incubation periods under light conditions (white light intensity and spectral quality). Increasing white light intensities directly impaired conidial prepenetration processes in vitro but not in vivo. Applying an agar layer under the wax membrane compensated for conidial water loss as a consequence of high white light irradiation. Light stimulated in vitro and in vivo the appressorium elongation of B. graminis in a wavelength-dependent manner. Red light was more effective to trigger the elongation of appressorium than blue light or green light assayed. Taken together, the findings of this study demonstrate that 1) a host surface recognition principle based on cuticular very-long-chain aldehydes is a common feature of B. graminis f. sp. tritici ascospores and conidia; 2) the transcriptional changes of three putative photolyase genes in B. graminis are mediated in a UV-C-dependent manner; 3) light directly affected the (pre)penetration processes of B. graminis.}, subject = {Blumeria graminis}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Breitenbach2019, author = {Breitenbach, Tim}, title = {A mathematical optimal control based approach to pharmacological modulation with regulatory networks and external stimuli}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17436}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-174368}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In this work models for molecular networks consisting of ordinary differential equations are extended by terms that include the interaction of the corresponding molecular network with the environment that the molecular network is embedded in. These terms model the effects of the external stimuli on the molecular network. The usability of this extension is demonstrated with a model of a circadian clock that is extended with certain terms and reproduces data from several experiments at the same time. Once the model including external stimuli is set up, a framework is developed in order to calculate external stimuli that have a predefined desired effect on the molecular network. For this purpose the task of finding appropriate external stimuli is formulated as a mathematical optimal control problem for which in order to solve it a lot of mathematical methods are available. Several methods are discussed and worked out in order to calculate a solution for the corresponding optimal control problem. The application of the framework to find pharmacological intervention points or effective drug combinations is pointed out and discussed. Furthermore the framework is related to existing network analysis tools and their combination for network analysis in order to find dedicated external stimuli is discussed. The total framework is verified with biological examples by comparing the calculated results with data from literature. For this purpose platelet aggregation is investigated based on a corresponding gene regulatory network and associated receptors are detected. Furthermore a transition from one to another type of T-helper cell is analyzed in a tumor setting where missing agents are calculated to induce the corresponding switch in vitro. Next a gene regulatory network of a myocardiocyte is investigated where it is shown how the presented framework can be used to compare different treatment strategies with respect to their beneficial effects and side effects quantitatively. Moreover a constitutively activated signaling pathway, which thus causes maleficent effects, is modeled and intervention points with corresponding treatment strategies are determined that steer the gene regulatory network from a pathological expression pattern to physiological one again.}, subject = {Bioinformatik}, language = {en} }