@phdthesis{Lenhart2020, author = {Lenhart, Jan Niklas Peter}, title = {Learning Words from Stories: How Method of Story Delivery and Questioning Styles Influence Children's Vocabulary Learning}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18591}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-185919}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Sharing stories has become increasingly popular as a means to foster young children's vocabulary development and to target early vocabulary gaps between disadvantaged children and their better-equipped peers. Although, in general, the beneficial effects of story interventions have been demonstrated (Marulis \& Neuman, 2010, 2013), many factors possibly moderating those effects - including method of story delivery as well as questioning style - merit further examination (R. L. Walsh \& Hodge, 2018). The aim of the present doctoral thesis was to test predictions from different theories on methods of story delivery and questioning styles regarding their influence on children's vocabulary learning from listening to stories. Method of story delivery refers to the general way of how stories can be conveyed, with reading aloud and free-telling of stories (i.e., the narrator telling stories without reading from text) representing different approaches that are assumed to differ regarding narrator behavior and linguistic complexity. Questioning styles refer to different combinations of questions' cognitive demand level (low vs. high vs. scaffolding-like increasing from low to high) and/or placement (within the story vs. after the story) during story sessions. In the present doctoral thesis, the first two studies (Studies 1 and 2) compared reading aloud and free-telling of stories as different methods of story delivery. Study 1 consisted of two experiments utilizing a within-subjects design with 3- to 6-year-old preschool children (Nexperiment1 = 83; Nexperiment2 = 48) listening to stories once either presented read aloud or freely told. Study 2 extended the first study by examining effects on story comprehension and additionally including audiotape versions of both story-delivery methods as experimental conditions, which allowed separating narrator behavior and linguistic complexity. With the second study being conducted as a between-subjects design, 4- to 6-year-old preschool children (N = 60) heard each of the stories twice, but listened only to one type of story delivery. The results of Study 1 indicated that no differences between methods of story delivery regarding word learning and child engagement were observable when narrator behavior in terms of eye contact and gesticulation was similar. However in Study 2, when free-telling was operationalized in a more naturalistic way, marked by higher rates of eye contact and gesticulation, it resulted in better child engagement, greater vocabulary learning, and better story comprehension than reading aloud. In contrast, as indicated by both studies, differences in linguistic complexity had no short-term impact on learning and comprehension. The studies, however, could not isolate the influence of eye contact versus gesture usage and could not distinguish between different types of gestures. The second set of studies (Studies 3 and 4) contrasted the effects of different types of question demand level (low vs. high vs. scaffolding-like increasing from low to high) and placement (within the story vs. after the story) and examined potential interactions with children's cognitive skills. In one-to-one reading sessions (Study 3; N = 86) or small-group reading sessions (Study 4; N = 91) 4- to 6-year-old preschool children heard stories three times marked by different types of question demand level and placement or simply read-aloud without questions. The adult narrators encouraged the children to reflect on and answer questions (Study 1) and to give feedback on other children's comments (Study 2), but in both studies, to ensure fidelity of the experimental conditions, the adult narrators did not provide corrective feedback or elaborate on the children's answers. Results on measures of different facets of word learning indicated that asking questions resulted in better vocabulary learning than simply reading the stories aloud. However, in contrast to proposed hypotheses and across both studies, different types of question demand level and placement did not exert differential effects and they did not interact with children's general vocabulary knowledge or memory skills. Thus, both studies suggest that those two types of questions features have no impact on children's vocabulary learning, if questions are not followed up by narrator feedback and elaborations. However, whether different types of question placement and demand level produce differential learning gains through adult-child discussion following different questioning styles has still to be determined. Taken together, the four studies of the present doctoral thesis underline the central role that adults play for successful story sessions with young children not only for engaging children in the story but also for extending and for correcting their utterances. Although the presented studies extend existing knowledge about methods of story delivery and questioning styles during story sessions, further research needs to examine the impact of questioning styles on word learning through subsequent adult-child discussion and to gain a better understanding of the role of nonverbal narrator behavior during story delivery.}, subject = {Sprachf{\"o}rderung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{vonderMuehlen2018, author = {von der M{\"u}hlen, Sarah}, title = {Fostering Students' Epistemic Competences when Dealing with Scientific Literature}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-167343}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The abilities to comprehend and critically evaluate scientific texts and the various arguments stated in these texts are an important aspect of scientific literacy, but these competences are usually not formally taught to students. Previous research indicates that, although undergraduate students evaluate the claims and evidence they find in scientific documents to some extent, these evaluations usually fail to meet normative standards. In addition, students' use of source information for evaluation is often insufficient. The rise of the internet and the increased accessibility of information have yielded some additional challenges that highlight the importance of adequate training and instruction.The aim of the present work was to further examine introductory students' competences to systematically and heuristically evaluate scientific information, to identify relevant strategies that are involved in a successful evaluation, and to use this knowledge to design appropriate interventions for fostering epistemic competences in university students.To this end, a number of computer-based studies, including both quantitative and qualitative data as well as experimental designs, were developed. The first two studies were designed to specify educational needs and to reveal helpful processing strategies that are required in different tasks and situations. Two expert-novice comparisons were developed, whereby the performance of German students of psychology (novices) was compared to the performance of scientists from the domain of psychology (experts) in a number of different tasks, such as systematic plausibility evaluations of informal arguments (Study 1) or heuristic evaluations of the credibility of multiple scientific documents (Study 2). A think-aloud procedure was used to identify specific strategies that were applied in both groups during task completion, and that possibly mediated performance differences between students and scientists. In addition, relationships between different strategies and between strategy use and relevant conceptual knowledge was examined. Based on the results of the expert-novice comparisons, an intervention study, consisting of two training experiments, was constructed to foster some competences that proved to be particularly deficient in the comparisons (Study 3). Study 1 examined introductory students' abilities to accurately judge the plausibility of informal arguments according to normative standards, to recognise common argumentation fallacies, and to identify different structural components of arguments. The results from Study 1 indicate that many students, compared to scientists, lack relevant knowledge about the structure of arguments, and that normatively accurate evaluations of their plausibility seem to be challenging in this group. Often, common argumentation fallacies were not identified correctly. Importantly, these deficits were partly mediated by differences in strategy use: It was especially difficult for students to pay sufficient attention to the relationship between argument components when forming their judgements. Moreover, they frequently relied on their intuition or opinion as a criterion for evaluation, whereas scientists predominantly determined quality of arguments based on their internal consistency. In addition to students' evaluation of the plausibility of informal arguments, Study 2 examined introductory students' competences to evaluate the credibility of multiple scientific texts, and to use source characteristics for evaluation. The results show that students struggled not only to judge the plausibility of arguments correctly, but also to heuristically judge the credibility of science texts, and these deficits were fully mediated by their insufficient use of source information. In contrast, scientists were able to apply different strategies in a flexible manner. When the conditions for evaluation did not allow systematic processing (i.e. time limit), they primarily used source characteristics for their evaluations. However, when systematic evaluations were possible (i.e. no time limit), they used more sophisticated normative criteria for their evaluations, such as paying attention to the internal consistency of arguments (cf. Study 1). Results also showed that students, in contrast to experts, lacked relevant knowledge about different publication types, and this was related to their ability to correctly determine document credibility. The results from the expert-novice comparisons also suggest that the competences assessed in both tasks might develop as a result of a more fundamental form of scientific literacy and discipline expertise. Performances in all tasks were positively related. On the basis of these results, two training experiments were developed that aimed at fostering university students' competences to understand and evaluate informal arguments (Study 3). Experiment 1 describes an intervention approach in which students were familiarised with the formal structure of arguments based on Toulmin's (1958) argumentation model. The performance of the experimental group to identify the structural components of this model was compared to the performance of a control group in which speed reading skills were practiced, using a pre-post-follow-up design. Results show that the training was successful for improving the comprehension of more complex arguments and relational aspects between key components in the posttest, compared to the control group. Moreover, an interaction effect was found with study performance. High achieving students with above average grades profited the most from the training intervention. Experiment 2 showed that training in plausibility, normative criteria of argument evaluation, and argumentation fallacies improved students' abilities to evaluate the plausibility of arguments and, in addition, their competences to recognise structural components of arguments, compared to a speed-reading control group. These results have important implications for education and practice, which will be discussed in detail in this dissertation.}, subject = {Textverstehen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Karageorgos2022, author = {Karageorgos, Panagiotis}, title = {Investigating Reading Fluency in German Primary School Children: Interplay of Word Reading Accuracy, Speed, and Prosody}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29261}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-292612}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Reading skills are among the most important basic skills in society. However, not all readers are able to adequately understand texts or decode individual words. Findings from the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS; German: IGLU) show that about one fifth of fourth graders can only establish coherence at the local level, and in some cases they only have a rudimentary understanding of the text they read (Bremerich-Vos et al., 2017). In addition, these reading deficits persist and have a negative impact on academic and professional success (Jimerson, 1999). Therefore, identifying the causes of these deficits and creating opportunities for interventions at an early stage is an important research objective. The aim of this dissertation was to examine the relationship between the aspects of reading fluency and their influence on reading comprehension. Despite the increasing scientific interest in reading fluency in recent years, a research gap still exists in the relationship between word recognition accuracy and both speed and the relevance of prosodic patterns for reading comprehension. Study 1 investigated whether German fourth graders (N = 826) were required to reach a certain word-recognition accuracy threshold before their word-recognition speed improved. In addition, a sub-sample (n = 170) with a pre-/posttest design was examined to assess the extent that the existing word-recognition accuracy can influence the effects of a syllable-based reading intervention on word-recognition accuracy and word-recognition speed. Results showed that word-recognition speed improved after children achieved a word-recognition accuracy of 71\%. A positive intervention effect was also found on word-recognition accuracy for children who were below the 71\% threshold before the intervention, whereas the intervention effect on word-recognition speed was positive for all children. However, a positive effect on reading comprehension was only found for children who were above the 71\% threshold before the intervention. Study 2 investigated the relationship between word-recognition accuracy threshold and word-recognition speed shown in the first study in a longitudinal design with German students (N = 1,095). Word-recognition accuracy and speed were assessed from the end of Grade 1 to 4, whereas reading comprehension was assessed from the end of Grade 2 to 4. The results showed that the developmental trajectories of word recognition speed and reading comprehension were steeper in children who reached the word-recognition accuracy threshold by the end of the first grade than in children who later reached or had not reached this threshold. In Study 3, recurrence analysis (RQA) was used to extract prosodic patterns from reading recordings of struggling and skilled readers in the second (n = 67) and fourth grade (n = 69) and was used for the classification into struggling and skilled readers. In addition, the classification based on the prosodic patterns from the recurrence quantification analysis was compared with the classification of prosodic features from the manual transcription of the reading recordings. The results showed that second-grade struggling readers have lengthier pauses within or between words and take more time between pauses on average, whereas fourth-grade struggling readers spend more time between recurring stresses and have multiple diverse patterns in pitch and more recurring accents. Although the recurrence analysis had a good goodness of fit and provided additional information about the relationship of prosody with reading comprehension, the model using prosodic features from transcription had a better fit. In summary, the three studies in this dissertation provide four important insights into reading fluency in German. First, a threshold in word-recognition accuracy must be achieved before word-recognition speed improves. Second, the earlier this accuracy level is reached, the greater the gain in word-recognition speed and reading comprehension. Third, the intervention effects of a primary school reading intervention are influenced by the accuracy level. Fourth, although incorrect pauses within or between words play an important role in identifying and describing struggling readers in second grade, the importance of prosodic patterns increases in fourth grade.}, subject = {Worterkennung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{AdelAbdelrehimMohamedSoliman2019, author = {Adel Abdelrehim Mohamed Soliman, Hadya}, title = {Structural Equation Modeling of Factors Influencing EFL Reading comprehension: Comparative study between Egypt and Germany}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18695}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-186957}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In most foreign language learning contexts, there are only rare chance for contact with native speakers of the target language. In such a situation, reading plays an important role in language acquisition as well as in gaining cultural information about the target language and its speakers. Previous research indicated that reading in foreign language is a complex process, which is influenced by various linguistic, cognitive and affective factors. The aim of the present study was to test two structural models of the relationship between reading comprehension in native language (L1), English language (L2) reading motivation, metacognitive awareness of L2 reading strategies, and reading comprehension of English as a foreign language among the two samples. Furthermore, the current study aimed to examine the differences between Egyptian and German students in their perceived usage of reading strategies during reading English texts, as well as to explore the pattern of their motivation toward reading English texts. For this purpose, 401 students were recruited from Germany (n=200) and Egypt (n=201) to participate in the current study. In order to have information about metacognitive awareness of reading strategies, a self-report questionnaire (SORS) developed by Moktari and Sheory (2002) was used. While the L2 reading motivation variable, was measured by a reading motivation survey (L2RMQ) which was based on reviewed reading motivation research. In addition, two reading tests were administrated one to measure reading comprehension for native language (German/Arabic) and the other to measure English reading comprehension. To analyze the collected data, descriptive statistics and independent t-tests were performed. In addition, further analysis using structural equation modeling was applied to test the strength of relationships between the variables under study. The results from the current research revealed that L1 reading comprehension, whether in a German or Arabic language, had the strongest relationship with L2 reading comprehension. However, the relationship between L2 intrinsic reading motivation was not proven to be significant in either the German or Egyptian models. On the other hand, the relationship between L2 extrinsic reading motivation, metacognitive awareness of reading strategies, and L2 reading comprehension was only proven significant in the German sample. The discussion of these results along with their pedagogical implications for education and practice will be illustrated in the following study.}, subject = {Leseverstehen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Glaser2024, author = {Glaser, Julia}, title = {Nachhaltiges Lernen an der Hochschule: Untersuchungen zu Randbedingungen und Transfereffekten von digitalen {\"U}bungstests auf das Behalten von Lehrinhalten}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35866}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-358665}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Learning accompanies us throughout our lives, from early childhood education through school, training and university to learning at work. However, much of what we learn is quickly forgotten. The use of practice tests is a learning strategy that contributes to the acquisition of sustainable knowledge, i.e. knowledge that is permanently available and can be retrieved when it is needed. This dissertation first presents findings from previous research on testing in real educational contexts and discusses theoretically why certain learner or situational characteristics might influence the effectiveness of the testing effect. Furthermore, a cycle of three experiments is presented, which were used to investigate whether the positive effect of practice tests on retention (testing effect) depends on personal or situational characteristics and also promotes the retention of lecture content that was not directly tested (transfer) in the context of regular psychology lectures in teacher training courses. In an additional chapter, feedback from students on the implementation of the study in the classroom context is examined in more detail. Finally, the results of the three studies are discussed and placed in relation to the theories presented. The central conclusion from the studies presented is that the testing effect appears to be a very effective learning strategy that can be used effectively in university teaching and leads to better learning outcomes regardless of learner characteristics. However, the practice tests should cover the entire range of relevant content, as transfer effects to non-tested content are not to be expected.}, subject = {Transfer}, language = {en} }