@phdthesis{Fehler2010, author = {Fehler, Manuel}, title = {Kalibrierung Agenten-basierter Simulationen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-64762}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das Problem der Kalibrierung Agenten-basierter Simulationen (ABS) behandelt, also das Problem, die Parameterwerte eines Agenten-basierten Simulationsmodells so einzustellen, dass valides Simulationsverhalten erreicht wird. Das Kalibrierungsproblem f{\"u}r Simulationen an sich ist nicht neu und ist im Rahmen klassischer Simulationsparadigmen, wie z.B. der Makro-Simulation, fester Bestandteil der Forschung. Im Vergleich zu den dort betrachteten Kalibrierungsproblemen zeichnet sich das Kalibrierungsproblem f{\"u}r ABS jedoch durch eine Reihe zus{\"a}tzlicher Herausforderungen aus, welche die direkte Anwendung existierender Kalibrierungsverfahren in begrenzter Zeit erschweren, bzw. nicht mehr sinnvoll zulassen. Die L{\"o}sung dieser Probleme steht im Zentrum dieser Dissertation: Das Ziel besteht darin, den Nutzer bei der Kalibrierung von ABS auf der Basis von unzureichenden, potentiell fehlerhaften Daten und Wissen zu unterst{\"u}tzen. Dabei sollen drei Hauptprobleme gel{\"o}st werden: 1)Vereinfachung der Kalibrierung großer Agenten-Parametermengen auf der Mikro- Ebene in Agenten-basierten Simulationen durch Ausnutzung der spezifischen Struktur von ABS (n{\"a}mlich dem Aufbau aus einer Menge von Agentenmodellen). 2)Kalibrierung Agenten-basierter Simulationen, so dass auf allen relevanten Beobachtungsebenen valides Simulationsverhalten erzeugt wird (mindestens Mikro und Makro-Ebene). Als erschwerende Randbedingung muss die Kalibrierung unter der Voraussetzung einer Makro-Mikro-Wissensl{\"u}cke durchgef{\"u}hrt werden. 3)Kalibrierung Agenten-basierter Simulationen auf der Mikro-Ebene unter der Voraussetzung, dass zur Kalibrierung einzelner Agentenmodelle nicht ausreichend und potentiell verf{\"a}lschte Daten zur Verhaltensvalidierung zur Verf{\"u}gung stehen. Hierzu wird in dieser Arbeit das sogenannte Makro-Mikro-Verfahren zur Kalibrierung von Agenten-basierten Simulationen entwickelt. Das Verfahren besteht aus einem Basisverfahren, das im Verlauf der Arbeit um verschiedene Zusatzverfahren erweitert wird. Das Makro-Mikro-Verfahren und seine Erweiterungen sollen dazu dienen, die Modellkalibrierung trotz stark verrauschter Daten und eingeschr{\"a}nktem Wissen {\"u}ber die Wirkungszusammenh{\"a}nge im Originalsystem geeignet zu erm{\"o}glichen und dabei den Kalibrierungsprozess zu beschleunigen: 1) Makro-Mikro-Kalibrierungsverfahren: Das in dieser Arbeit entwickelte Makro- Mikro-Verfahren unterst{\"u}tzt den Nutzer durch eine kombinierte Kalibrierung auf der Mikro- und der Makro-Beobachtungsebene, die gegebenenfalls durch Zwischenebenen erweitert werden kann. Der Grundgedanke des Verfahrens besteht darin, das Kalibrierungsproblem in eines auf aggregierter Verhaltensebene und eines auf der Ebene des Mikro-Agentenverhaltens aufzuteilen. Auf der Makro-Ebene wird nach validen idealen aggregierten Verhaltensmodellen (IVM) der Agenten gesucht. Auf der Mikro-Ebene wird versucht die individuellen Modelle der Agenten auf Basis des erw{\"u}nschten Gesamtverhaltens und der ermittelten IVM so zu kalibrieren, das insgesamt Simulationsverhalten entsteht, das sowohl auf Mikro- als auch auf Makro-Ebene valide ist. 2) Erweiterung 1: Robuste Kalibrierung: Um den Umgang mit potentiell verrauschten Validierungskriterien (d.h. mit verrauschten Daten {\"u}ber ein Originalsystem, auf denen die Validierungskriterien der Simulation beruhen) und Modellteilen w{\"a}hrend der Kalibrierung von ABS zu erm{\"o}glichen, wird eine robuste Kalibrierungstechnik zur Anwendung im Makro-Mikro-Verfahren entwickelt. 3) Erweiterung 2: Kalibrierung mit Heterogenit{\"a}tssuche: Als zweite Erweiterung des Makro-Mikro-Verfahrens wird ein Verfahren entwickelt, das das Problem des unklaren Detaillierungsgrades von ABS auf der Ebene der Parameterwerte adressiert. Prinzipiell kann zwar jeder Agent unterschiedliche Parameterwerte verwenden, obwohl eine geringere Heterogenit{\"a}t zur Erzeugung validen Verhaltens ausreichend w{\"a}re. Die entwickelte Erweiterung versucht, w{\"a}hrend der Kalibrierung, eine geeignete Heterogenit{\"a}tsauspr{\"a}gung f{\"u}r die Parameterwerte der Agenten zu ermitteln. Unter einer Heterogenit{\"a}tsauspr{\"a}gung wird dabei eine Einteilung der simulierten Agenten in Gruppen mit jeweils gleichen Parameterwerten verstanden. Die Heterogenit{\"a}tssuche dient dazu, einen Kompromiss zu finden zwischen der Notwendigkeit, sehr große Parametersuchr{\"a}ume durchsuchen zu m{\"u}ssen und gleichzeitig den Suchraum so klein wie m{\"o}glich halten zu wollen.}, subject = {Computersimulation}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Sun2014, author = {Sun, Kaipeng}, title = {Six Degrees of Freedom Object Pose Estimation with Fusion Data from a Time-of-flight Camera and a Color Camera}, isbn = {978-3-923959-97-6}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-10508}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-105089}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Object six Degrees of Freedom (6DOF) pose estimation is a fundamental problem in many practical robotic applications, where the target or an obstacle with a simple or complex shape can move fast in cluttered environments. In this thesis, a 6DOF pose estimation algorithm is developed based on the fused data from a time-of-flight camera and a color camera. The algorithm is divided into two stages, an annealed particle filter based coarse pose estimation stage and a gradient decent based accurate pose optimization stage. In the first stage, each particle is evaluated with sparse representation. In this stage, the large inter-frame motion of the target can be well handled. In the second stage, the range data based conventional Iterative Closest Point is extended by incorporating the target appearance information and used for calculating the accurate pose by refining the coarse estimate from the first stage. For dealing with significant illumination variations during the tracking, spherical harmonic illumination modeling is investigated and integrated into both stages. The robustness and accuracy of the proposed algorithm are demonstrated through experiments on various objects in both indoor and outdoor environments. Moreover, real-time performance can be achieved with graphics processing unit acceleration.}, subject = {Mustererkennung}, language = {en} } @article{AndronicShirakashiPickeletal.2015, author = {Andronic, Joseph and Shirakashi, Ryo and Pickel, Simone U. and Westerling, Katherine M. and Klein, Teresa and Holm, Thorge and Sauer, Markus and Sukhorukov, Vladimir L.}, title = {Hypotonic Activation of the Myo-Inositol Transporter SLC5A3 in HEK293 Cells Probed by Cell Volumetry, Confocal and Super-Resolution Microscopy}, series = {PLoS One}, volume = {10}, journal = {PLoS One}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0119990}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-126408}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Swelling-activated pathways for myo-inositol, one of the most abundant organic osmolytes in mammalian cells, have not yet been identified. The present study explores the SLC5A3 protein as a possible transporter of myo-inositol in hyponically swollen HEK293 cells. To address this issue, we examined the relationship between the hypotonicity-induced changes in plasma membrane permeability to myo-inositol Pino [m/s] and expression/localization of SLC5A3. Pino values were determined by cell volumetry over a wide tonicity range (100-275 mOsm) in myo-inositol-substituted solutions. While being negligible under mild hypotonicity (200-275 mOsm), Pino grew rapidly at osmolalities below 200 mOsm to reach a maximum of ∼3 nm/s at 100-125 mOsm, as indicated by fast cell swelling due to myo-inositol influx. The increase in Pino resulted most likely from the hypotonicity-mediated incorporation of cytosolic SLC5A3 into the plasma membrane, as revealed by confocal fluorescence microscopy of cells expressing EGFP-tagged SLC5A3 and super-resolution imaging of immunostained SLC5A3 by direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM). dSTORM in hypotonic cells revealed a surface density of membrane-associated SLC5A3 proteins of 200-2000 localizations/μm2. Assuming SLC5A3 to be the major path for myo-inositol, a turnover rate of 80-800 myo-inositol molecules per second for a single transporter protein was estimated from combined volumetric and dSTORM data. Hypotonic stress also caused a significant upregulation of SLC5A3 gene expression as detected by semiquantitative RT-PCR and Western blot analysis. In summary, our data provide first evidence for swelling-mediated activation of SLC5A3 thus suggesting a functional role of this transporter in hypotonic volume regulation of mammalian cells.}, language = {en} } @article{WeissSchultz2015, author = {Weiß, Clemens Leonard and Schultz, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Identification of divergent WH2 motifs by HMM-HMM alignments}, series = {BMC Research Notes}, volume = {8}, journal = {BMC Research Notes}, number = {18}, doi = {10.1186/s13104-015-0981-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-126413}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Background The actin cytoskeleton is a hallmark of eukaryotic cells. Its regulation as well as its interaction with other proteins is carefully orchestrated by actin interaction domains. One of the key players is the WH2 motif, which enables binding to actin monomers and filaments and is involved in the regulation of actin nucleation. Contrasting conserved domains, the identification of this motif in protein sequences is challenging, as it is short and poorly conserved. Findings To identify divergent members, we combined Hidden-Markov-Model (HMM) to HMM alignments with orthology predictions. Thereby, we identified nearly 500 proteins containing so far not annotated WH2 motifs. This included shootin-1, an actin binding protein involved in neuron polarization. Among others, WH2 motifs of 'proximal to raf' (ptr)-orthologs, which are described in the literature, but not annotated in genome databases, were identified. Conclusion In summary, we increased the number of WH2 motif containing proteins substantially. This identification of candidate regions for actin interaction could steer their experimental characterization. Furthermore, the approach outlined here can easily be adapted to the identification of divergent members of further domain families.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kindermann2016, author = {Kindermann, Philipp}, title = {Angular Schematization in Graph Drawing}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-95826-020-7 (print)}, doi = {10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-021-4}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-112549}, school = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, pages = {184}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Graphs are a frequently used tool to model relationships among entities. A graph is a binary relation between objects, that is, it consists of a set of objects (vertices) and a set of pairs of objects (edges). Networks are common examples of modeling data as a graph. For example, relationships between persons in a social network, or network links between computers in a telecommunication network can be represented by a graph. The clearest way to illustrate the modeled data is to visualize the graphs. The field of Graph Drawing deals with the problem of finding algorithms to automatically generate graph visualizations. The task is to find a "good" drawing, which can be measured by different criteria such as number of crossings between edges or the used area. In this thesis, we study Angular Schematization in Graph Drawing. By this, we mean drawings with large angles (for example, between the edges at common vertices or at crossing points). The thesis consists of three parts. First, we deal with the placement of boxes. Boxes are axis-parallel rectangles that can, for example, contain text. They can be placed on a map to label important sites, or can be used to describe semantic relationships between words in a word network. In the second part of the thesis, we consider graph drawings visually guide the viewer. These drawings generally induce large angles between edges that meet at a vertex. Furthermore, the edges are drawn crossing-free and in a way that makes them easy to follow for the human eye. The third and final part is devoted to crossings with large angles. In drawings with crossings, it is important to have large angles between edges at their crossing point, preferably right angles.}, language = {en} } @techreport{KounevBrosigHuber2014, author = {Kounev, Samuel and Brosig, Fabian and Huber, Nikolaus}, title = {The Descartes Modeling Language}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-104887}, pages = {91}, year = {2014}, abstract = {This technical report introduces the Descartes Modeling Language (DML), a new architecture-level modeling language for modeling Quality-of-Service (QoS) and resource management related aspects of modern dynamic IT systems, infrastructures and services. DML is designed to serve as a basis for self-aware resource management during operation ensuring that system QoS requirements are continuously satisfied while infrastructure resources are utilized as efficiently as possible.}, subject = {Ressourcenmanagement}, language = {en} } @article{BeckerCaminitiFiorellaetal.2013, author = {Becker, Martin and Caminiti, Saverio and Fiorella, Donato and Francis, Louise and Gravino, Pietro and Haklay, Mordechai (Muki) and Hotho, Andreas and Loreto, Virrorio and Mueller, Juergen and Ricchiuti, Ferdinando and Servedio, Vito D. P. and Sirbu, Alina and Tria, Franesca}, title = {Awareness and Learning in Participatory Noise Sensing}, series = {PLOS ONE}, volume = {8}, journal = {PLOS ONE}, number = {12}, issn = {1932-6203}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0081638}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-127675}, pages = {e81638}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The development of ICT infrastructures has facilitated the emergence of new paradigms for looking at society and the environment over the last few years. Participatory environmental sensing, i.e. directly involving citizens in environmental monitoring, is one example, which is hoped to encourage learning and enhance awareness of environmental issues. In this paper, an analysis of the behaviour of individuals involved in noise sensing is presented. Citizens have been involved in noise measuring activities through the WideNoise smartphone application. This application has been designed to record both objective (noise samples) and subjective (opinions, feelings) data. The application has been open to be used freely by anyone and has been widely employed worldwide. In addition, several test cases have been organised in European countries. Based on the information submitted by users, an analysis of emerging awareness and learning is performed. The data show that changes in the way the environment is perceived after repeated usage of the application do appear. Specifically, users learn how to recognise different noise levels they are exposed to. Additionally, the subjective data collected indicate an increased user involvement in time and a categorisation effect between pleasant and less pleasant environments.}, language = {en} } @article{ZirkelCecilSchaeferetal.2012, author = {Zirkel, J. and Cecil, A. and Sch{\"a}fer, F. and Rahlfs, S. and Ouedraogo, A. and Xiao, K. and Sawadogo, S. and Coulibaly, B. and Becker, K. and Dandekar, T.}, title = {Analyzing Thiol-Dependent Redox Networks in the Presence of Methylene Blue and Other Antimalarial Agents with RT-PCR-Supported in silico Modeling}, series = {Bioinformatics and Biology Insights}, volume = {6}, journal = {Bioinformatics and Biology Insights}, doi = {10.4137/BBI.S10193}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123751}, pages = {287-302}, year = {2012}, abstract = {BACKGROUND: In the face of growing resistance in malaria parasites to drugs, pharmacological combination therapies are important. There is accumulating evidence that methylene blue (MB) is an effective drug against malaria. Here we explore the biological effects of both MB alone and in combination therapy using modeling and experimental data. RESULTS: We built a model of the central metabolic pathways in P. falciparum. Metabolic flux modes and their changes under MB were calculated by integrating experimental data (RT-PCR data on mRNAs for redox enzymes) as constraints and results from the YANA software package for metabolic pathway calculations. Several different lines of MB attack on Plasmodium redox defense were identified by analysis of the network effects. Next, chloroquine resistance based on pfmdr/and pfcrt transporters, as well as pyrimethamine/sulfadoxine resistance (by mutations in DHF/DHPS), were modeled in silico. Further modeling shows that MB has a favorable synergism on antimalarial network effects with these commonly used antimalarial drugs. CONCLUSIONS: Theoretical and experimental results support that methylene blue should, because of its resistance-breaking potential, be further tested as a key component in drug combination therapy efforts in holoendemic areas.}, language = {en} } @article{KruegerFriedrichFoersteretal.2012, author = {Krueger, Beate and Friedrich, Torben and F{\"o}rster, Frank and Bernhardt, J{\"o}rg and Gross, Roy and Dandekar, Thomas}, title = {Different evolutionary modifications as a guide to rewire two-component systems}, series = {Bioinformatics and Biology Insights}, volume = {6}, journal = {Bioinformatics and Biology Insights}, doi = {10.4137/BBI.S9356}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123647}, pages = {97-128}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Two-component systems (TCS) are short signalling pathways generally occurring in prokaryotes. They frequently regulate prokaryotic stimulus responses and thus are also of interest for engineering in biotechnology and synthetic biology. The aim of this study is to better understand and describe rewiring of TCS while investigating different evolutionary scenarios. Based on large-scale screens of TCS in different organisms, this study gives detailed data, concrete alignments, and structure analysis on three general modification scenarios, where TCS were rewired for new responses and functions: (i) exchanges in the sequence within single TCS domains, (ii) exchange of whole TCS domains; (iii) addition of new components modulating TCS function. As a result, the replacement of stimulus and promotor cassettes to rewire TCS is well defined exploiting the alignments given here. The diverged TCS examples are non-trivial and the design is challenging. Designed connector proteins may also be useful to modify TCS in selected cases.}, language = {en} } @article{MergetKoetschanHackletal.2012, author = {Merget, Benjamin and Koetschan, Christian and Hackl, Thomas and F{\"o}rster, Frank and Dandekar, Thomas and M{\"u}ller, Tobias and Schultz, J{\"o}rg and Wolf, Matthias}, title = {The ITS2 Database}, series = {Journal of Visual Expression}, volume = {61}, journal = {Journal of Visual Expression}, number = {e3806}, doi = {10.3791/3806}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-124600}, year = {2012}, abstract = {The internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) has been used as a phylogenetic marker for more than two decades. As ITS2 research mainly focused on the very variable ITS2 sequence, it confined this marker to low-level phylogenetics only. However, the combination of the ITS2 sequence and its highly conserved secondary structure improves the phylogenetic resolution1 and allows phylogenetic inference at multiple taxonomic ranks, including species delimitation. The ITS2 Database presents an exhaustive dataset of internal transcribed spacer 2 sequences from NCBI GenBank accurately reannotated. Following an annotation by profile Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), the secondary structure of each sequence is predicted. First, it is tested whether a minimum energy based fold (direct fold) results in a correct, four helix conformation. If this is not the case, the structure is predicted by homology modeling. In homology modeling, an already known secondary structure is transferred to another ITS2 sequence, whose secondary structure was not able to fold correctly in a direct fold. The ITS2 Database is not only a database for storage and retrieval of ITS2 sequence-structures. It also provides several tools to process your own ITS2 sequences, including annotation, structural prediction, motif detection and BLAST search on the combined sequence-structure information. Moreover, it integrates trimmed versions of 4SALE and ProfDistS for multiple sequence-structure alignment calculation and Neighbor Joining tree reconstruction. Together they form a coherent analysis pipeline from an initial set of sequences to a phylogeny based on sequence and secondary structure. In a nutshell, this workbench simplifies first phylogenetic analyses to only a few mouse-clicks, while additionally providing tools and data for comprehensive large-scale analyses.}, language = {en} }