@phdthesis{Pries2010, author = {Pries, Jan Rastin}, title = {Performance Optimization of Wireless Infrastructure and Mesh Networks}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-3723}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-46097}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Future broadband wireless networks should be able to support not only best effort traffic but also real-time traffic with strict Quality of Service (QoS) constraints. In addition, their available resources are scare and limit the number of users. To facilitate QoS guarantees and increase the maximum number of concurrent users, wireless networks require careful planning and optimization. In this monograph, we studied three aspects of performance optimization in wireless networks: resource optimization in WLAN infrastructure networks, quality of experience control in wireless mesh networks, and planning and optimization of wireless mesh networks. An adaptive resource management system is required to effectively utilize the limited resources on the air interface and to guarantee QoS for real-time applications. Thereby, both WLAN infrastructure and WLAN mesh networks have to be considered. An a-priori setting of the access parameters is not meaningful due to the contention-based medium access and the high dynamics of the system. Thus, a management system is required which dynamically adjusts the channel access parameters based on the network load. While this is sufficient for wireless infrastructure networks, interferences on neighboring paths and self-interferences have to be considered for wireless mesh networks. In addition, a careful channel allocation and route assignment is needed. Due to the large parameter space, standard optimization techniques fail for optimizing large wireless mesh networks. In this monograph, we reveal that biology-inspired optimization techniques, namely genetic algorithms, are well-suitable for the planning and optimization of wireless mesh networks. Although genetic algorithms generally do not always find the optimal solution, we show that with a good parameter set for the genetic algorithm, the overall throughput of the wireless mesh network can be significantly improved while still sharing the resources fairly among the users.}, subject = {IEEE 802.11}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hartmann2015, author = {Hartmann, Matthias}, title = {Optimization and Design of Network Architectures for Future Internet Routing}, issn = {1432-8801}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-11416}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-114165}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {At the center of the Internet's protocol stack stands the Internet Protocol (IP) as a common denominator that enables all communication. To make routing efficient, resilient, and scalable, several aspects must be considered. Care must be taken that traffic is well balanced to make efficient use of the existing network resources, both in failure free operation and in failure scenarios. Finding the optimal routing in a network is an NP-complete problem. Therefore, routing optimization is usually performed using heuristics. This dissertation shows that a routing optimized with one objective function is often not good when looking at other objective functions. It can even be worse than unoptimized routing with respect to that objective function. After looking at failure-free routing and traffic distribution in different failure scenarios, the analysis is extended to include the loop-free alternate (LFA) IP fast reroute mechanism. Different application scenarios of LFAs are examined and a special focus is set on the fact that LFAs usually cannot protect all traffic in a network even against single link failures. Thus, the routing optimization for LFAs is targeted on both link utilization and failure coverage. Finally, the pre-congestion notification mechanism PCN for network admission control and overload protection is analyzed and optimized. Different design options for implementing the protocol are compared, before algorithms are developed for the calculation and optimization of protocol parameters and PCN-based routing. The second part of the thesis tackles a routing problem that can only be resolved on a global scale. The scalability of the Internet is at risk since a major and intensifying growth of the interdomain routing tables has been observed. Several protocols and architectures are analyzed that can be used to make interdomain routing more scalable. The most promising approach is the locator/identifier (Loc/ID) split architecture which separates routing from host identification. This way, changes in connectivity, mobility of end hosts, or traffic-engineering activities are hidden from the routing in the core of the Internet and the routing tables can be kept much smaller. All of the currently proposed Loc/ID split approaches have their downsides. In particular, the fact that most architectures use the ID for routing outside the Internet's core is a poor design, which inhibits many of the possible features of a new routing architecture. To better understand the problems and to provide a solution for a scalable routing design that implements a true Loc/ID split, the new GLI-Split protocol is developed in this thesis, which provides separation of global and local routing and uses an ID that is independent from any routing decisions. Besides GLI-Split, several other new routing architectures implementing Loc/ID split have been proposed for the Internet. Most of them assume that a mapping system is queried for EID-to-RLOC mappings by an intermediate node at the border of an edge network. When the mapping system is queried by an intermediate node, packets are already on their way towards their destination, and therefore, the mapping system must be fast, scalable, secure, resilient, and should be able to relay packets without locators to nodes that can forward them to the correct destination. The dissertation develops a classification for all proposed mapping system architectures and shows their similarities and differences. Finally, the fast two-level mapping system FIRMS is developed. It includes security and resilience features as well as a relay service for initial packets of a flow when intermediate nodes encounter a cache miss for the EID-to-RLOC mapping.}, subject = {Netzwerk}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Staehle2011, author = {Staehle, Barbara}, title = {Modeling and Optimization Methods for Wireless Sensor and Mesh Networks}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-4967}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-64884}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Im Internet der Zukunft werden Menschen nicht nur mit Menschen, sondern auch mit „Dingen", und sogar „Dinge" mit „Dingen" kommunizieren. Zus{\"a}tzlich wird das Bed{\"u}rfnis steigen, immer und {\"u}berall Zugang zum Internet zu haben. Folglich gewinnen drahtlose Sensornetze (WSNs) und drahtlose Mesh-Netze (WMNs) an Bedeutung, da sie Daten {\"u}ber die Umwelt ins Internet liefern, beziehungsweise einfache Internet-Zugangsm{\"o}glichkeiten schaffen. In den vier Teilen dieser Arbeit werden unterschiedliche Modellierungs- und Optimierungsmethoden f{\"u}r WSNs und WMNs vorgestellt. Der Energieverbrauch ist die wichtigste Metrik, wenn es darum geht die Kommunikation in einem WSN zu optimieren. Da sich in der Literatur sehr viele unterschiedliche Energiemodelle finden, untersucht der erste Teil der Arbeit welchen Einfluss unterschiedliche Energiemodelle auf die Optimierung von WSNs haben. Aufbauend auf diesen {\"U}berlegungen besch{\"a}ftigt sich der zweite Teil der Arbeit mit drei Problemen, die {\"u}berwunden werden m{\"u}ssen um eine standardisierte energieeffiziente Kommunikations-L{\"o}sung f{\"u}r WSNs basierend auf IEEE 802.15.4 und ZigBee zu realisieren. F{\"u}r WMNs sind beide Probleme von geringem Interesse, die Leistung des Netzes jedoch umso mehr. Der dritte Teil der Arbeit f{\"u}hrt daher Algorithmen f{\"u}r die Berechnung des Max-Min fairen (MMF) Netzwerk-Durchsatzes in WMNs mit mehreren Linkraten und Internet-Gateways ein. Der letzte Teil der Arbeit untersucht die Auswirkungen des LRA-Konzeptes. Dessen grundlegende Idee ist die folgende. Falls f{\"u}r einen Link eine niedrigere Datenrate als theoretisch m{\"o}glich verwendet wird, sinkt zwar der Link-Durchsatz, jedoch ist unter Umst{\"a}nden eine gr{\"o}ßere Anzahl von gleichzeitigen {\"U}bertragungen m{\"o}glich und der Gesamt-Durchsatz des Netzes kann sich erh{\"o}hen. Mithilfe einer analytischen LRA Formulierung und einer systematischen Studie kann gezeigt werden, dass eine netzwerkweite Zuordnung robusterer Datenraten als n{\"o}tig zu einer Erh{\"o}hung des MMF Netzwerk-Durchsatzes f{\"u}hrt. Desweitern kann gezeigt werden, dass sich LRA positiv auf die Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit eines IEEE 802.11 WMNs auswirkt und f{\"u}r die Optimierung des Netzes genutzt werden kann.}, subject = {Drahtloses Sensorsystem}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hock2014, author = {Hock, David Rog{\´e}r}, title = {Analysis and Optimization of Resilient Routing in Core Communication Networks}, issn = {1432-8801}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-10168}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-101681}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {175}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Routing is one of the most important issues in any communication network. It defines on which path packets are transmitted from the source of a connection to the destination. It allows to control the distribution of flows between different locations in the network and thereby is a means to influence the load distribution or to reach certain constraints imposed by particular applications. As failures in communication networks appear regularly and cannot be completely avoided, routing is required to be resilient against such outages, i.e., routing still has to be able to forward packets on backup paths even if primary paths are not working any more. Throughout the years, various routing technologies have been introduced that are very different in their control structure, in their way of working, and in their ability to handle certain failure cases. Each of the different routing approaches opens up their own specific questions regarding configuration, optimization, and inclusion of resilience issues. This monograph investigates, with the example of three particular routing technologies, some concrete issues regarding the analysis and optimization of resilience. It thereby contributes to a better general, technology-independent understanding of these approaches and of their diverse potential for the use in future network architectures. The first considered routing type, is decentralized intra-domain routing based on administrative IP link costs and the shortest path principle. Typical examples are common today's intra-domain routing protocols OSPF and IS-IS. This type of routing includes automatic restoration abilities in case of failures what makes it in general very robust even in the case of severe network outages including several failed components. Furthermore, special IP-Fast Reroute mechanisms allow for a faster reaction on outages. For routing based on link costs, traffic engineering, e.g. the optimization of the maximum relative link load in the network, can be done indirectly by changing the administrative link costs to adequate values. The second considered routing type, MPLS-based routing, is based on the a priori configuration of primary and backup paths, so-called Label Switched Paths. The routing layout of MPLS paths offers more freedom compared to IP-based routing as it is not restricted by any shortest path constraints but any paths can be setup. However, this in general involves a higher configuration effort. Finally, in the third considered routing type, typically centralized routing using a Software Defined Networking (SDN) architecture, simple switches only forward packets according to routing decisions made by centralized controller units. SDN-based routing layouts offer the same freedom as for explicit paths configured using MPLS. In case of a failure, new rules can be setup by the controllers to continue the routing in the reduced topology. However, new resilience issues arise caused by the centralized architecture. If controllers are not reachable anymore, the forwarding rules in the single nodes cannot be adapted anymore. This might render a rerouting in case of connection problems in severe failure scenarios infeasible.}, subject = {Leistungsbewertung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Peng2019, author = {Peng, Dongliang}, title = {An Optimization-Based Approach for Continuous Map Generalization}, edition = {1. Auflage}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-95826-104-4}, doi = {10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-105-1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-174427}, school = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, pages = {xv, 132}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Maps are the main tool to represent geographical information. Geographical information is usually scale-dependent, so users need to have access to maps at different scales. In our digital age, the access is realized by zooming. As discrete changes during the zooming tend to distract users, smooth changes are preferred. This is why some digital maps are trying to make the zooming as continuous as they can. The process of producing maps at different scales with smooth changes is called continuous map generalization. In order to produce maps of high quality, cartographers often take into account additional requirements. These requirements are transferred to models in map generalization. Optimization for map generalization is important not only because it finds optimal solutions in the sense of the models, but also because it helps us to evaluate the quality of the models. Optimization, however, becomes more delicate when we deal with continuous map generalization. In this area, there are requirements not only for a specific map but also for relations between maps at difference scales. This thesis is about continuous map generalization based on optimization. First, we show the background of our research topics. Second, we find optimal sequences for aggregating land-cover areas. We compare the A\$^{\!\star}\$\xspace algorithm and integer linear programming in completing this task. Third, we continuously generalize county boundaries to provincial boundaries based on compatible triangulations. We morph between the two sets of boundaries, using dynamic programming to compute the correspondence. Fourth, we continuously generalize buildings to built-up areas by aggregating and growing. In this work, we group buildings with the help of a minimum spanning tree. Fifth, we define vertex trajectories that allow us to morph between polylines. We require that both the angles and the edge lengths change linearly over time. As it is impossible to fulfill all of these requirements simultaneously, we mediate between them using least-squares adjustment. Sixth, we discuss the performance of some commonly used data structures for a specific spatial problem. Seventh, we conclude this thesis and present open problems.}, subject = {Generalisierung }, language = {en} }