@phdthesis{Winkler2015, author = {Winkler, Marco}, title = {On the Role of Triadic Substructures in Complex Networks}, publisher = {epubli GmbH}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-7375-5654-5}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-116022}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In the course of the growth of the Internet and due to increasing availability of data, over the last two decades, the field of network science has established itself as an own area of research. With quantitative scientists from computer science, mathematics, and physics working on datasets from biology, economics, sociology, political sciences, and many others, network science serves as a paradigm for interdisciplinary research. One of the major goals in network science is to unravel the relationship between topological graph structure and a network's function. As evidence suggests, systems from the same fields, i.e. with similar function, tend to exhibit similar structure. However, it is still vague whether a similar graph structure automatically implies likewise function. This dissertation aims at helping to bridge this gap, while particularly focusing on the role of triadic structures. After a general introduction to the main concepts of network science, existing work devoted to the relevance of triadic substructures is reviewed. A major challenge in modeling triadic structure is the fact that not all three-node subgraphs can be specified independently of each other, as pairs of nodes may participate in multiple of those triadic subgraphs. In order to overcome this obstacle, we suggest a novel class of generative network models based on so called Steiner triple systems. The latter are partitions of a graph's vertices into pair-disjoint triples (Steiner triples). Thus, the configurations on Steiner triples can be specified independently of each other without overdetermining the network's link structure. Subsequently, we investigate the most basic realization of this new class of models. We call it the triadic random graph model (TRGM). The TRGM is parametrized by a probability distribution over all possible triadic subgraph patterns. In order to generate a network instantiation of the model, for all Steiner triples in the system, a pattern is drawn from the distribution and adjusted randomly on the Steiner triple. We calculate the degree distribution of the TRGM analytically and find it to be similar to a Poissonian distribution. Furthermore, it is shown that TRGMs possess non-trivial triadic structure. We discover inevitable correlations in the abundance of certain triadic subgraph patterns which should be taken into account when attributing functional relevance to particular motifs - patterns which occur significantly more frequently than expected at random. Beyond, the strong impact of the probability distributions on the Steiner triples on the occurrence of triadic subgraphs over the whole network is demonstrated. This interdependence allows us to design ensembles of networks with predefined triadic substructure. Hence, TRGMs help to overcome the lack of generative models needed for assessing the relevance of triadic structure. We further investigate whether motifs occur homogeneously or heterogeneously distributed over a graph. Therefore, we study triadic subgraph structures in each node's neighborhood individually. In order to quantitatively measure structure from an individual node's perspective, we introduce an algorithm for node-specific pattern mining for both directed unsigned, and undirected signed networks. Analyzing real-world datasets, we find that there are networks in which motifs are distributed highly heterogeneously, bound to the proximity of only very few nodes. Moreover, we observe indication for the potential sensitivity of biological systems to a targeted removal of these critical vertices. In addition, we study whole graphs with respect to the homogeneity and homophily of their node-specific triadic structure. The former describes the similarity of subgraph distributions in the neighborhoods of individual vertices. The latter quantifies whether connected vertices are structurally more similar than non-connected ones. We discover these features to be characteristic for the networks' origins. Moreover, clustering the vertices of graphs regarding their triadic structure, we investigate structural groups in the neural network of C. elegans, the international airport-connection network, and the global network of diplomatic sentiments between countries. For the latter we find evidence for the instability of triangles considered socially unbalanced according to sociological theories. Finally, we utilize our TRGM to explore ensembles of networks with similar triadic substructure in terms of the evolution of dynamical processes acting on their nodes. Focusing on oscillators, coupled along the graphs' edges, we observe that certain triad motifs impose a clear signature on the systems' dynamics, even when embedded in a larger network structure.}, subject = {Netzwerk}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hartmann2015, author = {Hartmann, Matthias}, title = {Optimization and Design of Network Architectures for Future Internet Routing}, issn = {1432-8801}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-11416}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-114165}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {At the center of the Internet's protocol stack stands the Internet Protocol (IP) as a common denominator that enables all communication. To make routing efficient, resilient, and scalable, several aspects must be considered. Care must be taken that traffic is well balanced to make efficient use of the existing network resources, both in failure free operation and in failure scenarios. Finding the optimal routing in a network is an NP-complete problem. Therefore, routing optimization is usually performed using heuristics. This dissertation shows that a routing optimized with one objective function is often not good when looking at other objective functions. It can even be worse than unoptimized routing with respect to that objective function. After looking at failure-free routing and traffic distribution in different failure scenarios, the analysis is extended to include the loop-free alternate (LFA) IP fast reroute mechanism. Different application scenarios of LFAs are examined and a special focus is set on the fact that LFAs usually cannot protect all traffic in a network even against single link failures. Thus, the routing optimization for LFAs is targeted on both link utilization and failure coverage. Finally, the pre-congestion notification mechanism PCN for network admission control and overload protection is analyzed and optimized. Different design options for implementing the protocol are compared, before algorithms are developed for the calculation and optimization of protocol parameters and PCN-based routing. The second part of the thesis tackles a routing problem that can only be resolved on a global scale. The scalability of the Internet is at risk since a major and intensifying growth of the interdomain routing tables has been observed. Several protocols and architectures are analyzed that can be used to make interdomain routing more scalable. The most promising approach is the locator/identifier (Loc/ID) split architecture which separates routing from host identification. This way, changes in connectivity, mobility of end hosts, or traffic-engineering activities are hidden from the routing in the core of the Internet and the routing tables can be kept much smaller. All of the currently proposed Loc/ID split approaches have their downsides. In particular, the fact that most architectures use the ID for routing outside the Internet's core is a poor design, which inhibits many of the possible features of a new routing architecture. To better understand the problems and to provide a solution for a scalable routing design that implements a true Loc/ID split, the new GLI-Split protocol is developed in this thesis, which provides separation of global and local routing and uses an ID that is independent from any routing decisions. Besides GLI-Split, several other new routing architectures implementing Loc/ID split have been proposed for the Internet. Most of them assume that a mapping system is queried for EID-to-RLOC mappings by an intermediate node at the border of an edge network. When the mapping system is queried by an intermediate node, packets are already on their way towards their destination, and therefore, the mapping system must be fast, scalable, secure, resilient, and should be able to relay packets without locators to nodes that can forward them to the correct destination. The dissertation develops a classification for all proposed mapping system architectures and shows their similarities and differences. Finally, the fast two-level mapping system FIRMS is developed. It includes security and resilience features as well as a relay service for initial packets of a flow when intermediate nodes encounter a cache miss for the EID-to-RLOC mapping.}, subject = {Netzwerk}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jarschel2014, author = {Jarschel, Michael}, title = {An Assessment of Applications and Performance Analysis of Software Defined Networking}, issn = {1432-8801}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-10079}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-100795}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {With the introduction of OpenFlow by the Stanford University in 2008, a process began in the area of network research, which questions the predominant approach of fully distributed network control. OpenFlow is a communication protocol that allows the externalization of the network control plane from the network devices, such as a router, and to realize it as a logically-centralized entity in software. For this concept, the term "Software Defined Networking" (SDN) was coined during scientific discourse. For the network operators, this concept has several advantages. The two most important can be summarized under the points cost savings and flexibility. Firstly, it is possible through the uniform interface for network hardware ("Southbound API"), as implemented by OpenFlow, to combine devices and software from different manufacturers, which increases the innovation and price pressure on them. Secondly, the realization of the network control plane as a freely programmable software with open interfaces ("Northbound API") provides the opportunity to adapt it to the individual circumstances of the operator's network and to exchange information with the applications it serves. This allows the network to be more flexible and to react more quickly to changing circumstances as well as transport the traffic more effectively and tailored to the user's "Quality of Experience" (QoE). The approach of a separate network control layer for packet-based networks is not new and has already been proposed several times in the past. Therefore, the SDN approach has raised many questions about its feasibility in terms of efficiency and applicability. These questions are caused to some extent by the fact that there is no generally accepted definition of the SDN concept to date. It is therefore a part of this thesis to derive such a definition. In addition, several of the open issues are investigated. This Investigations follow the three aspects: Performance Evaluation of Software Defined Networking, applications on the SDN control layer, and the usability of SDN Northbound-API for creation application-awareness in network operation. Performance Evaluation of Software Defined Networking: The question of the efficiency of an SDN-based system was from the beginning one of the most important. In this thesis, experimental measurements of the performance of OpenFlow-enabled switch hardware and control software were conducted for the purpose of answering this question. The results of these measurements were used as input parameters for establishing an analytical model of the reactive SDN approach. Through the model it could be determined that the performance of the software control layer, often called "Controller", is crucial for the overall performance of the system, but that the approach is generally viable. Based on this finding a software for analyzing the performance of SDN controllers was developed. This software allows the emulation of the forwarding layer of an SDN network towards the control software and can thus determine its performance in different situations and configurations. The measurements with this software showed that there are quite significant differences in the behavior of different control software implementations. Among other things it has been shown that some show different characteristics for various switches, in particular in terms of message processing speed. Under certain circumstances this can lead to network failures. Applications on the SDN control layer: The core piece of software defined networking are the intelligent network applications that operate on the control layer. However, their development is still in its infancy and little is known about the technical possibilities and their limitations. Therefore, the relationship between an SDN-based and classical implementation of a network function is investigated in this thesis. This function is the monitoring of network links and the traffic they carry. A typical approach for this task has been built based on Wiretapping and specialized measurement hardware and compared with an implementation based on OpenFlow switches and a special SDN control application. The results of the comparison show that the SDN version can compete in terms of measurement accuracy for bandwidth and delay estimation with the traditional measurement set-up. However, a compromise has to be found for measurements below the millisecond range. Another question regarding the SDN control applications is whether and how well they can solve existing problems in networks. Two programs have been developed based on SDN in this thesis to solve two typical network issues. Firstly, the tool "IPOM", which enables considerably more flexibility in the study of effects of network structures for a researcher, who is confined to a fixed physical test network topology. The second software provides an interface between the Cloud Orchestration Software "OpenNebula" and an OpenFlow controller. The purpose of this software was to investigate experimentally whether a pre-notification of the network of an impending relocation of a virtual service in a data center is sufficient to ensure the continuous operation of that service. This was demonstrated on the example of a video service. Usability of the SDN Northbound API for creating application-awareness in network operation: Currently, the fact that the network and the applications that run on it are developed and operated separately leads to problems in network operation. SDN offers with the Northbound-API an open interface that enables the exchange between information of both worlds during operation. One aim of this thesis was to investigate whether this interface can be exploited so that the QoE experienced by the user can be maintained on high level. For this purpose, the QoE influence factors were determined on a challenging application by means of a subjective survey study. The application is cloud gaming, in which the calculation of video game environments takes place in the cloud and is transported via video over the network to the user. It was shown that apart from the most important factor influencing QoS, i.e., packet loss on the downlink, also the type of game type and its speed play a role. This demonstrates that in addition to QoS the application state is important and should be communicated to the network. Since an implementation of such a state conscious SDN for the example of Cloud Gaming was not possible due to its proprietary implementation, in this thesis the application "YouTube video streaming" was chosen as an alternative. For this application, status information is retrievable via the "Yomo" tool and can be used for network control. It was shown that an SDN-based implementation of an application-aware network has distinct advantages over traditional network management methods and the user quality can be obtained in spite of disturbances.}, subject = {Leistungsbewertung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hock2014, author = {Hock, David Rog{\´e}r}, title = {Analysis and Optimization of Resilient Routing in Core Communication Networks}, issn = {1432-8801}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-10168}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-101681}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {175}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Routing is one of the most important issues in any communication network. It defines on which path packets are transmitted from the source of a connection to the destination. It allows to control the distribution of flows between different locations in the network and thereby is a means to influence the load distribution or to reach certain constraints imposed by particular applications. As failures in communication networks appear regularly and cannot be completely avoided, routing is required to be resilient against such outages, i.e., routing still has to be able to forward packets on backup paths even if primary paths are not working any more. Throughout the years, various routing technologies have been introduced that are very different in their control structure, in their way of working, and in their ability to handle certain failure cases. Each of the different routing approaches opens up their own specific questions regarding configuration, optimization, and inclusion of resilience issues. This monograph investigates, with the example of three particular routing technologies, some concrete issues regarding the analysis and optimization of resilience. It thereby contributes to a better general, technology-independent understanding of these approaches and of their diverse potential for the use in future network architectures. The first considered routing type, is decentralized intra-domain routing based on administrative IP link costs and the shortest path principle. Typical examples are common today's intra-domain routing protocols OSPF and IS-IS. This type of routing includes automatic restoration abilities in case of failures what makes it in general very robust even in the case of severe network outages including several failed components. Furthermore, special IP-Fast Reroute mechanisms allow for a faster reaction on outages. For routing based on link costs, traffic engineering, e.g. the optimization of the maximum relative link load in the network, can be done indirectly by changing the administrative link costs to adequate values. The second considered routing type, MPLS-based routing, is based on the a priori configuration of primary and backup paths, so-called Label Switched Paths. The routing layout of MPLS paths offers more freedom compared to IP-based routing as it is not restricted by any shortest path constraints but any paths can be setup. However, this in general involves a higher configuration effort. Finally, in the third considered routing type, typically centralized routing using a Software Defined Networking (SDN) architecture, simple switches only forward packets according to routing decisions made by centralized controller units. SDN-based routing layouts offer the same freedom as for explicit paths configured using MPLS. In case of a failure, new rules can be setup by the controllers to continue the routing in the reduced topology. However, new resilience issues arise caused by the centralized architecture. If controllers are not reachable anymore, the forwarding rules in the single nodes cannot be adapted anymore. This might render a rerouting in case of connection problems in severe failure scenarios infeasible.}, subject = {Leistungsbewertung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Menth2004, author = {Menth, Michael}, title = {Efficient admission control and routing for resilient communication networks}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-846}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-9949}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {This work is subdivided into two main areas: resilient admission control and resilient routing. The work gives an overview of the state of the art of quality of service mechanisms in communication networks and proposes a categorization of admission control (AC) methods. These approaches are investigated regarding performance, more precisely, regarding the potential resource utilization by dimensioning the capacity for a network with a given topology, traffic matrix, and a required flow blocking probability. In case of a failure, the affected traffic is rerouted over backup paths which increases the traffic rate on the respective links. To guarantee the effectiveness of admission control also in failure scenarios, the increased traffic rate must be taken into account for capacity dimensioning and leads to resilient AC. Capacity dimensioning is not feasible for existing networks with already given link capacities. For the application of resilient NAC in this case, the size of distributed AC budgets must be adapted according to the traffic matrix in such a way that the maximum blocking probability for all flows is minimized and that the capacity of all links is not exceeded by the admissible traffic rate in any failure scenario. Several algorithms for the solution of that problem are presented and compared regarding their efficiency and fairness. A prototype for resilient AC was implemented in the laboratories of Siemens AG in Munich within the scope of the project KING. Resilience requires additional capacity on the backup paths for failure scenarios. The amount of this backup capacity depends on the routing and can be minimized by routing optimization. New protection switching mechanisms are presented that deviate the traffic quickly around outage locations. They are simple and can be implemented, e.g, by MPLS technology. The Self-Protecting Multi-Path (SPM) is a multi-path consisting of disjoint partial paths. The traffic is distributed over all faultless partial paths according to an optimized load balancing function both in the working case and in failure scenarios. Performance studies show that the network topology and the traffic matrix also influence the amount of required backup capacity significantly. The example of the COST-239 network illustrates that conventional shortest path routing may need 50\% more capacity than the optimized SPM if all single link and node failures are protected.}, subject = {Kommunikation}, language = {en} }