@inproceedings{OPUS4-31720, title = {Abstracts of the Wuertual Reality XR Meeting 2023}, editor = {Neumann, Isabel and Gado, Sabrina and K{\"a}thner, Ivo and Hildebrandt, Lea and Andreatta, Marta}, edition = {korrigierte Auflage}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31720}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-317203}, pages = {76}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The Wuertual Reality XR Meeting 2023 was initiated to bring together researchers from many fields who use VR/AR/XR. There was a focus on applied XR and social VR. In this conference band, you can find the abstracts of the two keynotes, the 34 posters and poster pitches, the 29 talks and the four workshops.}, subject = {Virtuelle Realit{\"a}t}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{OPUS4-31528, title = {Abstracts of the Wuertual Reality XR Meeting 2023}, editor = {Neumann, Isabel and Gado, Sabrina and K{\"a}thner, Ivo and Hildebrandt, Lea and Andreatta, Marta}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31528}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-315285}, pages = {76}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The Wuertual Reality XR Meeting 2023 was initiated to bring together researchers from many fields who use VR/AR/XR. There was a focus on applied XR and social VR. In this conference band, you can find the abstracts of the two keynotes, the 34 posters and poster pitches, the 29 talks and the four workshops.}, subject = {Virtuelle Realit{\"a}t}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{JannidisRegerWeimeretal.2015, author = {Jannidis, Fotis and Reger, Isabella and Weimer, Lukas and Krug, Markus and Puppe, Frank}, title = {Automatische Erkennung von Figuren in deutschsprachigen Romanen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-143332}, pages = {7}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Eine wichtige Grundlage f{\"u}r die quantitative Analyse von Erz{\"a}hltexten, etwa eine Netzwerkanalyse der Figurenkonstellation, ist die automatische Erkennung von Referenzen auf Figuren in Erz{\"a}hltexten, ein Sonderfall des generischen NLP-Problems der Named Entity Recognition. Bestehende, auf Zeitungstexten trainierte Modelle sind f{\"u}r literarische Texte nur eingeschr{\"a}nkt brauchbar, da die Einbeziehung von Appellativen in die Named Entity-Definition und deren h{\"a}ufige Verwendung in Romantexten zu einem schlechten Ergebnis f{\"u}hrt. Dieses Paper stellt eine anhand eines manuell annotierten Korpus auf deutschsprachige Romane des 19. Jahrhunderts angepasste NER-Komponente vor.}, subject = {Digital Humanities}, language = {de} } @article{SteiningerAbelZiegleretal.2023, author = {Steininger, Michael and Abel, Daniel and Ziegler, Katrin and Krause, Anna and Paeth, Heiko and Hotho, Andreas}, title = {ConvMOS: climate model output statistics with deep learning}, series = {Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery}, volume = {37}, journal = {Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery}, number = {1}, issn = {1384-5810}, doi = {10.1007/s10618-022-00877-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-324213}, pages = {136-166}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Climate models are the tool of choice for scientists researching climate change. Like all models they suffer from errors, particularly systematic and location-specific representation errors. One way to reduce these errors is model output statistics (MOS) where the model output is fitted to observational data with machine learning. In this work, we assess the use of convolutional Deep Learning climate MOS approaches and present the ConvMOS architecture which is specifically designed based on the observation that there are systematic and location-specific errors in the precipitation estimates of climate models. We apply ConvMOS models to the simulated precipitation of the regional climate model REMO, showing that a combination of per-location model parameters for reducing location-specific errors and global model parameters for reducing systematic errors is indeed beneficial for MOS performance. We find that ConvMOS models can reduce errors considerably and perform significantly better than three commonly used MOS approaches and plain ResNet and U-Net models in most cases. Our results show that non-linear MOS models underestimate the number of extreme precipitation events, which we alleviate by training models specialized towards extreme precipitation events with the imbalanced regression method DenseLoss. While we consider climate MOS, we argue that aspects of ConvMOS may also be beneficial in other domains with geospatial data, such as air pollution modeling or weather forecasts.}, subject = {Klima}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sauer2023, author = {Sauer, Christian}, title = {Development, Simulation and Evaluation of Mobile Wireless Networks in Industrial Applications}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29923}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-299238}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Manyindustrialautomationsolutionsusewirelesscommunicationandrelyontheavail- ability and quality of the wireless channel. At the same time the wireless medium is highly congested and guaranteeing the availability of wireless channels is becoming increasingly difficult. In this work we show, that ad-hoc networking solutions can be used to provide new communication channels and improve the performance of mobile automation systems. These ad-hoc networking solutions describe different communi- cation strategies, but avoid relying on network infrastructure by utilizing the Peer-to- Peer (P2P) channel between communicating entities. This work is a step towards the effective implementation of low-range communication technologies(e.g. VisibleLightCommunication(VLC), radarcommunication, mmWave communication) to the industrial application. Implementing infrastructure networks with these technologies is unrealistic, since the low communication range would neces- sitate a high number of Access Points (APs) to yield full coverage. However, ad-hoc networks do not require any network infrastructure. In this work different ad-hoc net- working solutions for the industrial use case are presented and tools and models for their examination are proposed. The main use case investigated in this work are Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) for industrial applications. These mobile devices drive throughout the factory trans- porting crates, goods or tools or assisting workers. In most implementations they must exchange data with a Central Control Unit (CCU) and between one another. Predicting if a certain communication technology is suitable for an application is very challenging since the applications and the resulting requirements are very heterogeneous. The proposed models and simulation tools enable the simulation of the complex inter- action of mobile robotic clients and a wireless communication network. The goal is to predict the characteristics of a networked AGV fleet. Theproposedtoolswereusedtoimplement, testandexaminedifferentad-hocnetwork- ing solutions for industrial applications using AGVs. These communication solutions handle time-critical and delay-tolerant communication. Additionally a control method for the AGVs is proposed, which optimizes the communication and in turn increases the transport performance of the AGV fleet. Therefore, this work provides not only tools for the further research of industrial ad-hoc system, but also first implementations of ad-hoc systems which address many of the most pressing issues in industrial applica- tions.}, subject = {Industrie}, language = {en} } @article{OberdoerferSchraudtLatoschik2022, author = {Oberd{\"o}rfer, Sebastian and Schraudt, David and Latoschik, Marc Erich}, title = {Embodied gambling — investigating the influence of level of embodiment, avatar appearance, and virtual environment design on an online VR slot machine}, series = {Frontiers in Virtual Reality}, volume = {3}, journal = {Frontiers in Virtual Reality}, issn = {2673-4192}, doi = {10.3389/frvir.2022.828553}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-284662}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Slot machines are one of the most played games by players suffering from gambling disorder. New technologies like immersive Virtual Reality (VR) offer more possibilities to exploit erroneous beliefs in the context of gambling. Recent research indicates a higher risk potential when playing a slot machine in VR than on desktop. To continue this investigation, we evaluate the effects of providing different degrees of embodiment, i.e., minimal and full embodiment. The avatars used for the full embodiment further differ in their appearance, i.e., they elicit a high or a low socio-economic status. The virtual environment (VE) design can cause a potential influence on the overall gambling behavior. Thus, we also embed the slot machine in two different VEs that differ in their emotional design: a colorful underwater playground environment and a virtual counterpart of our lab. These design considerations resulted in four different versions of the same VR slot machine: 1) full embodiment with high socio-economic status, 2) full embodiment with low socio-economic status, 3) minimal embodiment playground VE, and 4) minimal embodiment laboratory VE. Both full embodiment versions also used the playground VE. We determine the risk potential by logging gambling frequency as well as stake size, and measuring harm-inducing factors, i.e., dissociation, urge to gamble, dark flow, and illusion of control, using questionnaires. Following a between groups experimental design, 82 participants played for 20 game rounds one of the four versions. We recruited our sample from the students enrolled at the University of W{\"u}rzburg. Our safety protocol ensured that only participants without any recent gambling activity took part in the experiment. In this comparative user study, we found no effect of the embodiment nor VE design on neither the gambling frequency, stake sizes, nor risk potential. However, our results provide further support for the hypothesis of the higher visual angle on gambling stimuli and hence the increased emotional response being the true cause for the higher risk potential.}, language = {en} } @misc{Reger2016, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Reger, Isabella}, title = {Figurennetzwerke als {\"A}hnlichkeitsmaß}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-149106}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit l{\"a}sst sich dem Bereich der quantitativen Literaturanalyse zuordnen und verfolgt das Ziel, mittels computergest{\"u}tzter Verfahren zu untersuchen, inwieweit sich Romane hinsichtlich ihrer Figurenkonstellation {\"a}hneln. Dazu wird die Figurenkonstellation, als wichtiges strukturgebendes Ordnungsprinzip eines Romans, als soziales Netzwerk der Figuren operationalisiert. Solche Netzwerke k{\"o}nnen unter Anwendung von Verfahren des Natural Language Processing automatisch aus dem Text erstellt werden. Als Datengrundlage dient ein Korpus von deutschsprachigen Romanen aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, das mit automatischen Verfahren zur Figurenerkennung und Koreferenzaufl{\"o}sung prozessiert und manuell nachkorrigiert wurde, um eine m{\"o}glichst saubere Datenbasis zu schaffen. Ausgehend von der intensiven vergleichenden Betrachtung der Figurenkonstellationen von Fontanes "Effi Briest" und Flauberts "Madame Bovary" wurde in einer manuell erstellten Distanzmatrix die menschliche Intuition solcher {\"A}hnlichkeit zwischen allen Romanen des Korpus festgehalten, basierend auf der Lekt{\"u}re von Zusammenfassungen der Romane. Diese Daten werden als Evaluationsgrundlage genutzt. Mit Hilfe von Methoden der sozialen Netzwerkanalyse k{\"o}nnen strukturelle Eigenschaften dieser Netzwerke als Features erhoben werden. Diese wurden anschließend zur Berechnung der Kosinusdistanz zwischen den Romanen verwendet. Obwohl die automatisch erstellten Netzwerke die Figurenkonstellationen der Romane im Allgemeinen gut widerspiegeln und die Netzwerkfeatures sinnvoll interpretierbar sind, war die Korrelation mit der Evaluationsgrundlage niedrig. Dies legt die Vermutung nahe, dass neben der Struktur der Figurenkonstellation auch wiederkehrende Themen und Motive die Erstellung der Evaluationsgrundlage unterbewusst beeinflusst haben. Daher wurde Topic Modeling angewendet, um wichtige zwischenmenschliche Motive zu modellieren, die f{\"u}r die Figurenkonstellation von Bedeutung sein k{\"o}nnen. Die Netzwerkfeatures und die Topic-Verteilung wurden in Kombination zur Distanzberechnung herangezogen. Außerdem wurde versucht, jeder Kante des Figurennetzwerks ein Topic zuzuordnen, das diese Kante inhaltlich beschreibt. Hier zeigte sich, dass einerseits Topics, die sehr spezifisch f{\"u}r bestimmte Texte sind, und andererseits Topics, die {\"u}ber alle Texte hinweg stark vertreten sind, das Ergebnis bestimmen, sodass wiederum keine, bzw. nur eine sehr schwache Korrelation mit der Evaluationsgrundlage gefunden werden konnte. Der Umstand, dass keine Verbindung zwischen den berechneten Distanzen und der Evaluationsgrundlage gefunden werden konnte, obwohl die einzelnen Features sinnvoll interpretierbar sind, l{\"a}sst Zweifel an der Evaluationsmatrix aufkommen. Diese scheint st{\"a}rker als zu Beginn angenommen unterbewusst von thematischen und motivischen {\"A}hnlichkeiten zwischen den Romanen beeinflusst zu sein. Auch die Qualit{\"a}t der jeweiligen Zusammenfassung hat hier einen nicht unwesentlichen Einfluss. Daher w{\"a}re eine weniger subjektiv gepr{\"a}gte M{\"o}glichkeit der Auswertung von N{\"o}ten, beispielsweise durch die parallele Einsch{\"a}tzung mehrerer Annotatoren. Auch die weitere Verbesserung von NLP-Verfahren f{\"u}r literarische Texte in deutscher Sprache ist ein Desideratum f{\"u}r ankn{\"u}pfende Forschungsans{\"a}tze.}, subject = {Digital Humanities}, language = {de} } @article{Puppe2022, author = {Puppe, Frank}, title = {Gesellschaftliche Perspektiven einer fachspezifischen KI f{\"u}r automatisierte Entscheidungen}, series = {Informatik Spektrum}, volume = {45}, journal = {Informatik Spektrum}, number = {2}, issn = {0170-6012}, doi = {10.1007/s00287-022-01443-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-324197}, pages = {88-95}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Die k{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz (KI) entwickelt sich rasant und hat bereits eindrucksvolle Erfolge zu verzeichnen, darunter {\"u}bermenschliche Kompetenz in den meisten Spielen und vielen Quizshows, intelligente Suchmaschinen, individualisierte Werbung, Spracherkennung, -ausgabe und -{\"u}bersetzung auf sehr hohem Niveau und hervorragende Leistungen bei der Bildverarbeitung, u. a. in der Medizin, der optischen Zeichenerkennung, beim autonomen Fahren, aber auch beim Erkennen von Menschen auf Bildern und Videos oder bei Deep Fakes f{\"u}r Fotos und Videos. Es ist zu erwarten, dass die KI auch in der Entscheidungsfindung Menschen {\"u}bertreffen wird; ein alter Traum der Expertensysteme, der durch Lernverfahren, Big Data und Zugang zu dem gesammelten Wissen im Web in greifbare N{\"a}he r{\"u}ckt. Gegenstand dieses Beitrags sind aber weniger die technischen Entwicklungen, sondern m{\"o}gliche gesellschaftliche Auswirkungen einer spezialisierten, kompetenten KI f{\"u}r verschiedene Bereiche der autonomen, d. h. nicht nur unterst{\"u}tzenden Entscheidungsfindung: als Fußballschiedsrichter, in der Medizin, f{\"u}r richterliche Entscheidungen und sehr spekulativ auch im politischen Bereich. Dabei werden Vor- und Nachteile dieser Szenarien aus gesellschaftlicher Sicht diskutiert.}, subject = {K{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KlemkeSanusiRose2021, author = {Klemke, Roland and Sanusi, Khaleel Asyraaf Mat and Rose, Melina}, title = {Immersive Game Technologies for Innovative Education - A Method for Experimental Interdisciplinary Technology Transfer}, series = {Proceedings of the 1st Games Technology Summit}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st Games Technology Summit}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-245843}, pages = {1-8}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Immersive, sensor-enabled technologies such as augmented and virtual reality expand the way human beings interact with computers significantly. While these technologies are widely explored in entertainment games, they also offer possibilities for educational use. However,their uptake in education is so far very limited. Within the ImTech4Ed project, we aim at systematically exploring the power of interdisciplinary, international hackathons as a novel method to create immersive educational game prototypes and as a means to transfer these innovative technical prototypes into educational use. To achieve this, we bring together game design and development, where immersive and interactive solutions are designed and developed; computer science, where the technological foundations for immersive technologies and for scalable architectures for these are created; and teacher education, where future teachers are educated. This article reports on the concept and design of these hackathons.}, language = {en} } @article{WienrichCarolusRothIsigkeitetal.2022, author = {Wienrich, Carolin and Carolus, Astrid and Roth-Isigkeit, David and Hotho, Andreas}, title = {Inhibitors and enablers to explainable AI success: a systematic examination of explanation complexity and individual characteristics}, series = {Multimodal Technologies and Interaction}, volume = {6}, journal = {Multimodal Technologies and Interaction}, number = {12}, issn = {2414-4088}, doi = {10.3390/mti6120106}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-297288}, year = {2022}, abstract = {With the increasing adaptability and complexity of advisory artificial intelligence (AI)-based agents, the topics of explainable AI and human-centered AI are moving close together. Variations in the explanation itself have been widely studied, with some contradictory results. These could be due to users' individual differences, which have rarely been systematically studied regarding their inhibiting or enabling effect on the fulfillment of explanation objectives (such as trust, understanding, or workload). This paper aims to shed light on the significance of human dimensions (gender, age, trust disposition, need for cognition, affinity for technology, self-efficacy, attitudes, and mind attribution) as well as their interplay with different explanation modes (no, simple, or complex explanation). Participants played the game Deal or No Deal while interacting with an AI-based agent. The agent gave advice to the participants on whether they should accept or reject the deals offered to them. As expected, giving an explanation had a positive influence on the explanation objectives. However, the users' individual characteristics particularly reinforced the fulfillment of the objectives. The strongest predictor of objective fulfillment was the degree of attribution of human characteristics. The more human characteristics were attributed, the more trust was placed in the agent, advice was more likely to be accepted and understood, and important needs were satisfied during the interaction. Thus, the current work contributes to a better understanding of the design of explanations of an AI-based agent system that takes into account individual characteristics and meets the demand for both explainable and human-centered agent systems.}, language = {en} }