@phdthesis{Fries2012, author = {Fries, Petra}, title = {Fabrication and Characterisation of Single-Molecule Transistors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-74689}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {A primary focus of the semiconductor industry is the miniaturisation of active devices. This work shows an experimental approach to fabricate small three-terminal devices suitable for the characterisation of single molecules. The nanoelectrodes are fabricated by high resolution electron-beam lithography and electromigration. First measurements on buckyball and pentaphenylene molecules are presented.}, subject = {Molekularelektronik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Muench2012, author = {M{\"u}nch, Steffen}, title = {Photolumineszenz-Spektroskopie an niederdimensionalen Halbleiterstrukturen auf III-V-Basis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-74104}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit optischen Untersuchungen an niederdimensionalen III/V-Halbleiterstrukturen. Dabei werden zun{\"a}chst im ersten Teil selbst-organisiert gewachsene Nanodr{\"a}hte aus InP und GaN bez{\"u}glich ihrer Oberfl{\"a}chen- und Kristallqualit{\"a}t charakterisiert. Dies ist besonders im Hinblick auf zuk{\"u}nftige opto- und nanoelektronische Bauteile von Interesse. Der zweite, grundlagenorientierte Teil der Arbeit ist im Bereich der Quantenoptik angesiedelt und widmet sich magneto-optischen Studien zur Licht-Materie Wechselwirkung in Quantenpunkt-Mikroresonator-Systemen im Regime der starken Kopplung. Oberfl{\"a}chen-Untersuchungen an Halbleiter-Nanodr{\"a}hten Bei diesem Teilaspekt der vorliegenden Arbeit stehen Untersuchungen von Halbleiter-Nanodr{\"a}hten mittels zeitintegrierter und zeitaufgel{\"o}ster Photolumineszenz (PL)-Spektroskopie im Vordergrund. Diese eindimensionalen Nanostrukturen bieten eine vielversprechende Perspektive f{\"u}r die weitere Miniaturisierung in der Mikroelektronik. Da konventionelle Strukturierungsverfahren wie die optische Lithographie zunehmend an physikalische und technologische Grenzen stoßen, sind selbstorganisierte Wachstumsprozesse hierbei von besonderem Interesse. Bei Nanodr{\"a}hten besteht dar{\"u}ber hinaus konkret noch die M{\"o}glichkeit, {\"u}ber ein gezieltes axiales und radiales Wachstum von Heterostrukturen bereits bei der Herstellung komplexere Funktionalit{\"a}ten einzubauen. Auf Grund ihres großen Oberfl{\"a}che-zu-Volumen Verh{\"a}ltnisses sind die elektronischen und optischen Eigenschaften der Nanodr{\"a}hte extrem oberfl{\"a}chensensitiv, was vor allem im Hinblick auf zuk{\"u}nftige Anwendungen im Bereich der Mikro- oder Optoelektronik sowie der Sensorik von essentieller Bedeutung ist. Zur n{\"a}heren Untersuchung der Oberfl{\"a}cheneigenschaften von Nanodr{\"a}hten eignet sich die optische Spektroskopie besonders, da sie als nicht-invasive Messmethode ohne aufw{\"a}ndige Probenpr{\"a}paration schnell n{\"u}tzliche Informationen liefert, die zum Beispiel in der Optimierung des Herstellungsprozesses eingesetzt werden k{\"o}nnen. Quantenoptik an Halbleiter-Mikrokavit{\"a}ten Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit widmet sich der Licht-Materie-Wechselwirkung in Quantenpunkt-Mikroresonator-Systemen. Dabei ist das Regime der starken Kopplung zwischen Emitter und Resonator, auch im Hinblick auf m{\"o}gliche zuk{\"u}nftige Anwendungen in der Quanteninformationsverarbeitung, von besonderem Interesse. Diese Mikroresonator-T{\"u}rmchen, die auf planaren AlAs/GaAs-Mikroresonatoren mit InGaAs Quantenpunkten in der aktiven Schicht basieren, wurden mittels zeitintegrierter und zeitaufgel{\"o}ster Mikro-PL-Spektroskopie in einem {\"a}ußeren magnetischen Feld in Faraday-Konfiguration untersucht. Grundlegende Untersuchungen von Quantenpunkten im Magnetfeld Zun{\"a}chst wurden InxGa(1-x)As-Quantenpunkte mit unterschiedlichem In-Gehalt (x=30\%, 45\% und 60\%) magneto-optisch untersucht. Aufgrund der gr{\"o}ßeren Abmessungen weisen die Quantenpunkte mit 30\% In-Anteil auch hohe Oszillatorst{\"a}rken auf, was sie besonders f{\"u}r Experimente zur starken Kopplung auszeichnet. Unter dem Einfluss des Magnetfeldes zeigte sich ein direkter Zusammenhang zwischen der lateralen Ausdehnung der Quantenpunkte und ihrer diamagnetischen Verschiebung. Starke Kopplung im magnetischen Feld Neben der M{\"o}glichkeit, das Resonanzverhalten {\"u}ber das externe Magnetfeld zu kontrollieren, zeigte sich eine Korrelation zwischen der Kopplungsst{\"a}rke und dem magnetischen Feld, was auf eine Verringerung der Oszillatorst{\"a}rke im Magnetfeld zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden konnte. Diese steht wiederum im Zusammenhang mit einer Einschn{\"u}rung der Wellenfunktion des Exzitons durch das angelegte Feld. Dieser direkte Einfluss des Magnetfeldes auf die Oszillatorst{\"a}rke erlaubt eine in situ Variation der Kopplungsst{\"a}rke. Photon-Photon-Wechselwirkung bei der starken Kopplung im Magnetfeld Nach der Demonstration der starken Kopplung zwischen entarteten Exziton- und Resonatormoden im Magnetfeld, wurden im weiteren Verlauf Spin-bezogene Kopplungseffekte im Regime der starken Kopplung untersucht. Es ergaben sich im Magnetfeld unter Variation der Temperatur zwei Bereiche der Wechselwirkung zwischen den einzelnen Komponenten von Resonator- und Exzitonenmode. Von besonderem Interesse ist dabei eine beobachtete indirekte Wechselwirkung zwischen den beiden photonischen Moden im Moment der Resonanz, die durch die exzitonische Mode vermittelt wird. Diese sogenannte Spin-vermittelte Photon-Photon-Kopplung stellt ein Bindeglied zwischen eigentlich unabh{\"a}ngigen photonischen Moden {\"u}ber den Spinzustand eines Exzitons dar.}, subject = {Drei-F{\"u}nf-Halbleiter}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Rydzek2012, author = {Rydzek, Matthias}, title = {Infrarot-optische, elektrische und strukturelle Charakteristika spektralselektiver Funktionsschichten auf der Basis dotierter Metalloxide}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-71504}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Optisch transparente und elektrisch leitf{\"a}hige Funktionsschichten auf der Basis dotierter Metalloxid-Halbleiter spielen eine bedeutende Rolle als w{\"a}rmestrahlungsreflektierende Schichten in der modernen Architektur. {\"U}ber die im Material vorhandenen freien Ladungstr{\"a}ger wird eine kollektive Anregung im infraroten Spektralbereich erm{\"o}glicht, die zu einem Anstieg der Reflektivit{\"a}t der Metalloxidschicht f{\"u}hrt. Dies geht einher mit einer Reduktion der W{\"a}rmeabstrahlung der Funktionsschicht. Die Motivation der vorliegenden Dissertation lag in der Herstellung, sowie in einer umfassenden Analyse der infrarot-optischen, elektrischen und strukturellen Charakteristika von nasschemisch abgeschiedenen Funktionsschichten auf Basis von Zinn-dotiertem Indiumoxid und Aluminium-dotiertem Zinkoxid. Die Pr{\"a}misse war hierbei, dass die Funktionsschichten einen m{\"o}glichst hohen Reflexionsgrad, respektive einen geringen thermischen Emissionsgrad im infraroten Spektralbereich aufweisen. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wurden deshalb vorrangig die Einfl{\"u}sse der Sol-Parameter und der Art der Probenpr{\"a}paration auf die infrarot-optischen Schichteigenschaften hin untersucht. Hierbei hat sich gezeigt, dass es verschiedene M{\"o}glichkeiten gibt, die Eigenschaften der Funktionsschichten im infraroten Spektralbereich zu beeinflussen. Dies kann einerseits bereits bei der Herstellung der Beschichtungsl{\"o}sungen {\"u}ber eine Variation von Parametern wie dem Grad der Dotierung bzw. der Konzentration des Sols erfolgen. Andererseits lassen sich gew{\"u}nschte infrarot-optische Schichteigenschaften direkt {\"u}ber eine Anpassung der Kristallisationstemperaturen unter Zuhilfenahme geeigneter oxidierender und reduzierender Prozessgase einstellen. Im Verlauf der Optimierung der Probenpr{\"a}paration konnte zudem gezeigt werden, dass eine Variation der Anzahl der Funktionsschichten und die damit verbundene Ver{\"a}nderung der Schichtdicke maßgebliche Einfl{\"u}sse auf die infrarot-optischen Eigenschaften hat. Die umfassende optische Charakterisierung der optimierten Proben vom UV {\"u}ber den sichtbaren Spektralbereich bis hin zum IR ergab, dass der Gesamtemissionsgrad eines Glassubstrats durch die Aufbringung eines Mehrschichtsystems deutlich gesenkt werden kann, wobei sich die visuelle Transparenz nur geringf{\"u}gig {\"a}ndert. Im Falle des verwendeten Indium-Zinn-Oxids gen{\"u}gt eine vierfache Beschichtung mit einer Dicke von rund 450 nm, um den Emissionsgrad von unbeschichtetem Glas (0.89) auf unter 0.20 zu senken, wobei die visuelle Transparenz mit 0.85 nur um rund 6 \% abnimmt. Bei Aluminium-Zink-Oxid ergibt sich ein Optimum mit einer rund 1 µm dicken Beschichtung, bestehend aus 11 Einzelschichten, die den Emissionsgrad der Oberfl{\"a}che auf unter 0.40 senkt. Die optische Transparenz liegt hierbei mit 0.88 nur geringf{\"u}gig unter dem unbeschichteten Glas mit einem Wert von 0.91. Neben der ausf{\"u}hrlichen Charakterisierung der Einfl{\"u}sse auf die IR-optischen Schichteigenschaften lag der Fokus der Arbeit auf der Analyse der strukturellen und elektrischen Eigenschaften der optimierten Proben. Mittels REM- und AFM-Aufnahmen konnten Einblicke in die Schichtstruktur und Oberfl{\"a}chenbeschaffenheit der erzeugten Funktionsschichten gewonnen werden. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass bedingt durch dicht beieinanderliegende Kristallite eine geringe Porosit{\"a}t innerhalb der Funktionsschicht entsteht, wodurch eine relativ hohe elektrische Leitf{\"a}higkeit gew{\"a}hrleistet ist. Dabei resultiert eine homogene Oberfl{\"a}chenstruktur mit einer geringen Oberfl{\"a}chenrauheit. Die Homogenit{\"a}t der Funktionsschichten, speziell im Hinblick auf eine gleichm{\"a}ßige Verteilung der maßgeblichen Atome, wurde mit Hilfe von SNMS- Messungen und einem EDX-Element-Mapping verifiziert. Mit Hilfe der Analyse des spezifischen Widerstands der optimierten Funktionsschichten konnte ein Zusammenhang zwischen den infrarot-optischen und elektrischen Schichteigenschaften {\"u}ber die Hagen-Rubens Relation erarbeitet werden. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurden an den besten, infrarot-optisch optimierten Proben charakteristische Parameter wie die Bandl{\"u}ckenenergie, die Ladungstr{\"a}gerdichte und die Ladungstr{\"a}gerbeweglichkeit ermittelt. {\"U}ber die Ladungstr{\"a}gerdichte war es zudem m{\"o}glich, die spektrale Lage der Plasmawellenl{\"a}nge zu bestimmen. Basierend auf den ermittelten Werten der optimierten Metalloxidschichten im Bereich der elektronischen Charakterisierung konnte eine Korrelation der infrarot-optischen und elektrischen Schichteigenschaften anhand charakteristischer Punkte im Spektrum der Funktionsschichten erarbeitet werden. Abschließend wurde der Verlauf des spektralen Reflexionsgrads theoretisch modelliert und {\"u}ber eine Parametervariation an den tats{\"a}chlich gemessenen Reflexionsgrad der infrarot-optisch optimierten Proben angefittet. Hierbei zeigte sich eine gute {\"U}bereinstimmung der in den physikalischen Grundlagen der vorliegenden Arbeit getroffenen Annahmen mit den experimentell ermittelten Werten.}, subject = {Metalloxide}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Blumenstein2012, author = {Blumenstein, Christian}, title = {One-Dimensional Electron Liquid at a Surface: Gold Nanowires on Ge(001)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72801}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Selbstorganisierte Nanodr{\"a}hte auf Halbleiteroberfl{\"a}chen erm{\"o}glichen die Untersuchung von Elektronen in niedrigen Dimensionen. Interessanterweise werden die elektronischen Eigenschaften des Systems von dessen Dimensionalit{\"a}t bestimmt, und das noch {\"u}ber das Quasiteilchenbild hinaus. Das quasi-eindimensionale (1D) Regime zeichnet sich durch eine schwache laterale Kopplung zwischen den Ketten aus und erm{\"o}glicht die Ausbildung einer Peierls Instabilit{\"a}t. Durch eine Nesting Bedingung in der Fermi Fl{\"a}che kommt es zu einer Bandr{\"u}ckfaltung und damit zu einem isolierenden Grundzustand. Dies wird begleitet von einer neuen {\"U}berstruktur im Realraum, die mit dem Nestingvektor korrespondiert. In fr{\"u}heren Nanodrahtsystemen wurde ein solcher Effekt gezeigt. Dazu geh ̈oren Indium Ketten auf Si(111) und die Gold rekonstruierten Substrate Si(553) und Si(557). Die Theorie sagt jedoch einen weiteren Zustand voraus, der nur im perfekten 1D Grenzfall existiert und der bei geringster Kopplung mit h{\"o}heren Dimensionen zerst{\"o}rt wird. Dieser Zustand wird Tomonaga-Luttinger Fl{\"u}ssigkeit (TLL) genannt und f{\"u}hrt zu einem Zusammenbruch des Quasiteilchenbildes der Fermi-Fl{\"u}ssigkeit. Hier sind nur noch kollektive Anregungen der Elektronen erlaubt, da die starke laterale Einschr{\"a}nkung zu einer erh{\"o}hten Kopplung zwischen den Teilchen f{\"u}hrt. Dadurch treten interessante Effekte wie Spin-Ladungs-Trennung auf, bei dem sich die Ladung und der Spin eines Elektrons entkoppeln und getrennt voneinander durch den Nanodraht bewegen k{\"o}nnen. Bis heute wurde solch ein seltener Zustand noch nicht an einer Oberfl{\"a}che beobachtet. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuer Ansatz zur Herstellung von besser definierten 1D Ketten gew{\"a}hlt. Dazu wird die Au-rekonstruierte Ge(001) Nanodraht-Oberfl{\"a}che untersucht. F{\"u}r die Pr{\"a}paration des Substrates wird ein neues Rezept entwickelt, welches eine langreichweitig geordnete Oberfl{\"a}che erzeugt. Um das Wachstum der Nanodr{\"a}hte zu optimieren wird das Wachstums-Phasendiagramm ausgiebig untersucht. Außerdem werden die strukturellen Bausteine der Ketten sehr genau beschrieben. Es ist bemerkenswert, dass ein struktureller Phasen{\"u}bergang der Ketten oberhalb von Raumtemperatur gefunden wird. Aufgrund von spektroskopischen Untersuchungen kann eine Peierls Instabilit{\"a}t als Ursache ausgeschlossen werden. Es handelt sich um einen 3D-Ising-Typ {\"U}bergang an dem das Substrat ebenfalls beteiligt ist. Die Untersuchungen zur elektronischen Struktur der Ketten zeigen zwei deutliche Erkennungsmerkmale einer TLL: Ein potenzgesetzartiger Verlauf der Zustandsdichte und universales Skalenverhalten. Daher wird zum ersten Mal eine TLL an einer Oberfl{\"a}che nachgewiesen, was nun gezielt lokale Untersuchungen und Manipulationen erm{\"o}glicht. Dazu geh{\"o}ren (i) Dotierung mit Alkalimetallen, (ii) die Untersuchung von Kettenenden und (iii) die einstellbare Kopplung zwischen den Ketten durch zus{\"a}tzliche Goldatome. Damit wird ein wichtiger Beitrag zu theoretischen Vorhersagen und Modellen geliefert und somit das Verst{\"a}ndnis korrelierter Elektronen vorangetrieben.}, subject = {Nanodraht}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Buettner2012, author = {B{\"u}ttner, Bastian}, title = {Micromagnetic Sensors and Dirac Fermions in HgTe Heterostructures}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72556}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Within the scope of this thesis two main topics have been investigated: the examination of micromagnetic sensors and transport of massive and massless Dirac fermions in HgTe quantum wells. For the investigation of localized, inhomogeneous magnetic fields, the fabrication and characterization of two different non-invasive and ultra sensitive sensors has been established at the chair "Experimentelle Physik" of the University of W{\"u}rzburg. The first sensor is based on the young technique named micro-Hall magnetometry. The necessary semiconductor devices (Hall cross structures) were fabricated by high-resolution electron beam lithography based on two different two dimensional electron gases (2DEGs), namely InAs/(Al,Ga)Sb- and HgTe/(Hg,Cd)Te- heterostructures. The characteristics have been examined in two different ways. Measurements in homogeneous magnetic fields served for characterization of the sensors, whereas the investigation of artificially produced sub-µm magnets substantiates the suitability of the devices for the study of novel nanoscale magnetic materials (e.g. nanowires). Systematic experiments with various magnets are in accordance with the theory of single-domain particles and anisotropic behavior due to shapes with high aspect ratio. The highest sensitivity for strongly localized fields was obtained at T = 4.2 K for a (200x200) nm^2 Hall cross - made from shallow, high mobility HgTe 2DEG. Although the field resolution was merely δB ≈ 100 µT, the nanoscale sensor size yields an outstanding flux resolution of δΦ = 2 10^(-3) Φ0, where Φ0 = h/2e is the flux quantum. Translating this result in terms of magnetic moment, the sensitivity allows for the detection of magnetization changes of a particle centered on top of the sensor as low as δM ≈ 10^2 µB, with the magnetic moment of a single electron µB, the Bohr magneton. The further examination of a permalloy nanomagnet with a cross-section of (100x20) nm^2 confirms the expected resolution ability, extracted from the noise of the sensor. The observed high signal-to-noise ratio validates the detection limit of this sensor in terms of geometry. This would be reached for a magnet (same material) with quadratic cross-section for an edge length of 3.3 nm. Moreover, the feasibility of this sensor for operation in a wide temperature range (T = mK... > 200 K) and high magnetic fields has been confirmed. The second micromagnetic sensor is the micro-SQUID (micro-Superconducting-QUantum-Interference-Device) based on niobium. The typical sensor area of the devices built in this work was (1.0x1.0) µm^2, with constrictions of about 20 nm. The characterization of this device demonstrates an amazing field sensitivity (regarding its size) of δB < 1 µT. Even though the sensor was 25 times larger than the best micro-Hall sensor, it provided an excellent flux resolution in the order of δΦ ≈ 5 10^(-4) Φ0 and a similar magnetic moment resolution of δM ≈ 10^2 µB. Furthermore, the introduction of an ellipsoidal permalloy magnet (axes: 200 nm and 400 nm, thickness 30 nm) substantiates the suitability for the detection of minuscule, localized magnetic fields. The second part of the thesis deals with the peculiar transport properties of HgTe quantum wells. These rely on the linear contribution to the band structure inherent to the heterostructure. Therefore the system can be described by an effective Dirac Hamiltonian, whose Dirac mass is tunable by the variation of the quantum well thickness. By fabrication and characterization of a systematical series of substrates, a system with vanishing Dirac mass (zero energy gap) has been confirmed. This heterostructure therefore resembles graphene (a monolayer of graphite), with the difference of exhibiting only one valley in the energy dispersion of the Brillouin zone. Thus parasitical intervalley scattering cannot occur. The existence of this system has been proven by the agreement of theoretical predictions, based on widely accepted band structure calculations with the experiment (Landau level dispersion, conductivity). Furthermore, another particularity of the band structure - the transition from linear to parabolic character - has been illustrated by the widths of the plateaus in the quantum Hall effect. Finally, the transport of "massive" Dirac fermions (with finite Dirac mass) is investigated. In particular the describing Dirac Hamiltonian induces weak localization effects depending on the Dirac mass. This mechanism has not been observed to date, and survives in higher temperatures compared to typical localization mechanisms.}, subject = {Magnetischer Sensor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Tuchscherer2012, author = {Tuchscherer, Philip}, title = {A Route to Optical Spectroscopy on the Nanoscale}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72228}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Time-resolved optical spectroscopy has become an important tool to investigate the dynamics of quantum mechanical processes in matter. In typical applications, a first "pump" pulse excites the system under investigation from the thermal equilibrium to an excited state, and a second variable time-delayed "probe" pulse then maps the dynamics of the excited system. Although advanced nonlinear techniques have been developed to investigate, e.g., coherent quantum effects, all of these techniques are limited in their spatial resolution. The laser focus diameter has a lower bound given by Abbe's diffraction limit, which is roughly half the optical excitation wavelength—corresponding to about 400nm in the presented experiments. In the time-resolved experiments that have been suggested so far, averaging over the sample volume within this focus cannot be avoided. In this thesis, two approaches were developed to overcome the diffraction limit in optical spectroscopy and to enable the investigation of coherent processes on the nanoscale. In the first approach, analytic solutions were found to calculate optimal polarizationshaped laser pulses that provide optical near-field pump-probe pulse sequences in the vicinity of a nanostructure. These near-field pulse sequences were designed to allow excitation of a quantum system at one specific position at a certain time and probing at a different position at a later time. In the second approach, the concept of coherent two-dimensional (2D) spectroscopy, which has had great impact on the investigation of coherent quantum effects in recent years, was combined with photoemission electron microscopy, which yields a spatial resolution well below the optical diffraction limit. Using the analytic solutions, optical near fields were investigated in terms of spectroscopic applications. Near fields that are excited with polarization-shaped femtosecond laser pulses in the vicinity of appropriate nanostructures feature two properties that are especially interesting in the view of spectroscopic applications: On the one hand, control of the spatial distribution of the optical fields is achieved on the order of nanometers. On the other hand, the temporal evolution of these fields can be adjusted on the order of femtoseconds. In this thesis, solutions were found to calculate the optimal polarizationshaped laser pulses that control the near field in a general manner. The main idea to achieve this deterministic control was to disentangle the spatial and temporal near-field control. First, the spatial distribution of the optical near field was controlled by assigning the correct state of polarization for each frequency within the polarization-shaped laser pulse independently. The remaining total phase—not employed for spatial control—was then used for temporal near-field compression, which, in experimental applications, would lead to an enhancement of the nonlinear signal at the respective location. In contrast to the use of optical near fields, where pump-probe sequences themselves are localized below the diffraction limit and the detection does not have to provide the spatial resolution, a different approach was suggested in this thesis to gain spectroscopic information on the nanoscale. The new method was termed "Coherent two-dimensional (2D) nanoscopy" and transfers the concept of "conventional" coherent 2D spectroscopy to photoemission electron microscopy. The pulse sequences used for the investigation of quantum systems in this method are still limited by diffraction. However, the new key concept is to detect locally generated photoelectrons instead of optical signals. This yields a spatial resolution that is well below the optical diffraction limit. In "conventional" 2D spectroscopy a triple-pulse sequence initiates a four wave mixing process that creates a coherence. In a quantum mechanical process, this coherence is converted into a population by emission of an electric field, which is measured in the experiment. Contrarily, in the developed 2D nanoscopy, four-wave mixing is initiated by a quadruple-pulse sequence, which leaves the quantum system in an electronic population. This electronic population carries coherent information about the investigated quantum system and can be mapped with a spatial resolution down to a few nanometers given by the spatial resolution of the photoemission electron microscope. Hence, 2D nanoscopy can be considered a generalization of time-resolved photoemission experiments. In the future, it may be of similar beneficial value for the field of photoemission research as "conventional" 2D spectroscopy has proven to be for optical spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. In a first experimental implementation of coherent 2D nanoscopy coherent processes on a corrugated silver surface were measured and unexpected long coherence lifetimes could be determined.}, subject = {Ultrakurzzeitspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @unpublished{Reiss2012, author = {Reiss, Harald}, title = {Time scales and existence of time holes in non-transparent media}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-73554}, year = {2012}, abstract = {The analysis presented in this paper applies to experimental situations where observers or objects to be studied, all at stationary positions, are located in environments the optical thickness of which is strongly different. Non-transparent media comprise thin metallic films, packed or fluidised beds, superconductors, the Earth's crust, and even dark clouds and other cosmological objects. The analysis applies mapping functions that correlate physical events, e, in non-transparent media, with their images, f(e), tentatively located on standard physical time scale. The analysis demonstrates, however, that physical time, in its rigorous sense, does not exist under non-transparency conditions. A proof of this conclusion is attempted in three steps: i) the theorem "there is no time without space and events" is accepted, (ii) images f[e(s,t)] do not constitute a dense, uncountably infinite set, and (iii) sets of images that are not uncountably infinite do not create physical time but only time-like sequences. As a consequence, mapping f[e(s,t)] in non-transparent space does not create physical analogues to the mathematical structure of the ordered, dense half-set R+ of real numbers, and reverse mapping, f-1f[e(s,t)], the mathematical inverse problem, would not allow unique identification and reconstruction of original events from their images. In these cases, causality as well as invariance of physical processes under time reversal, might be violated. An interesting problem is whether temporal cloaking (a time hole) in a transparent medium, as very recently reported in the literature, can be explained by the present analysis. Existence of time holes could perhaps be possible, not in transparent but in non-transparent media, as follows from the sequence of images, f[e(s,t)], that is not uncountably infinite, in contrast to R+. Impacts are expected for understanding physical diffusion-like, radiative transfer processes and stability models to protect superconductors against quenchs. There might be impacts also in relativity, quantum mechanics, nuclear decay, or in systems close to their phase transitions. The analysis is not restricted to objects of laboratory dimensions.}, subject = {Zeitrichtung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mingebach2012, author = {Mingebach, Markus Harald}, title = {Photocurrent in Organic Solar Cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-73569}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {A quite new approach to low-cost mass production of flexible solar cells are organic photovoltaics. Even though the device efficiencies increased rapidly during the last years, further imporvements are essential for a successful market launch. One important factor influencing the device efficiency is the photocurrent of a solar cell, which is defined as the difference between the current under illumination and in the dark. In case of organic bulk heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells it is — in contrast to inorganic devices — dependent on the applied bias voltage. The voltage dependence results in a reduced fill factor and thus an even more pronounced influence of the photocurrent on the device efficiency. It is therefore crucial to understand the underlying processes determining the photocurrent in order to be able to further improve the solar cell performance. In a first step the photocurrent of P3HT:PC61BM devices was investigated by a pulsed measurement technique in order to prevent disturbing influences due to device heating under continous illumination. The resulting photocurrent was hyperbolic tangent like and featured a point symmetry, whose origin and meaning were discussed. In addition, the photocurrent was described by a combined model of Braun-Onsager and Sokel-Hughes theory for field dependent polaron pair dissociation and charge extraction, respectively. After this macroscopic view on the photocurrent, the focus of this work moves to the more basic processes determining the photocurrent: charge photogeneration and recombination. In a comparative study the field-dependence of these was investigated by time-delayed collection field (TDCF) measurements for two well-known reference systems, namely P3HT:PC61BM and MDMO-PPV:PC61BM. It was possible to identify two different dominating scenarios for the generation of free charge carriers. The first one — via a thermalized charge transfer state (CTS) — is clearly influenced by geminate recombination and therefore less efficient. In the second scenario, the free charge carriers are either generated directly or via an excited, "hot" CTS. In addition, clear differences in the nongeminate recombination dynamics of both material systems were found. Similar studies were also be presented with two modern low bandgap polymers which only differ by the bridging atom in the cyclopentadithiophene (PCPDTBT:PC71BM vs. Si-PCPDTBT:PC71BM). Such small changes in the chemical structure were already sufficient to affect the charge photogeneration as well as the morphology of the blend. These findings were set into relation to current-voltage characteristics in order to discuss the origin of the clear differences in the solar cell performance of both materials. Another crucial parameter limiting the solar cell efficiency is the builtin potential of a device. Within the range of semiconducting pn-junctions, Mott-Schottky analysis is an established method to determine the built-in potential. As it was originally derived for abrupt pn-junctions, its validity for organic BHJ solar cells — a bipolar, effective medium — was discussed. Experimental findings as well as the contradictions to Mott-Schottky theory indicated, that a direct transfer of this method to organic photovoltaics is not appropriate. Finally, the results obtained in the framework of the MOPS-project (Massengedruckte Organische Papier-Solarzellen) will be presented, in which the first completely roll-to-roll printed paper solar cells were realized.}, subject = {Organische Solarzelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mueller2012, author = {M{\"u}ller, Andreas}, title = {Towards functional oxide heterostructures}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72478}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Oxide heterostructures attract a lot of attention as they display a vast range of physical phenomena like conductivity, magnetism, or even superconductivity. In most cases, these effects are caused by electron correlations and are therefore interesting for studying fundamental physics, but also in view of future applications. This thesis deals with the growth and characterization of several prototypical oxide heterostructures. Fe3O4 is highly ranked as a possible spin electrode in the field of spintronics. A suitable semiconductor for spin injection in combination with Fe3O4 is ZnO due to its oxide character and a sufficiently long spin coherence length. Fe3O4 has been grown successfully on ZnO using pulsed laser deposition and molecular beam epitaxy by choosing the oxygen partial pressure adequately. Here, a pressure variation during growth reduces an FeO-like interface layer. Fe3O4 films grow in an island-like growth mode and are structurally nearly fully relaxed, exhibiting the same lattice constants as the bulk materials. Despite the presence of a slight oxygen off-stoichiometry, indications of the Verwey transition hint at high-quality film properties. The overall magnetization of the films is reduced compared to bulk Fe3O4 and a slow magnetization behavior is observed, most probably due to defects like anti-phase boundaries originating from the initial island growth. LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures exhibit a conducting interface above a critical film thickness, which is most likely explained by an electronic reconstruction. In the corresponding model, the potential built-up owing to the polar LaAlO3 overlayer is compensated by a charge transfer from the film surface to the interface. The properties of these heterostructures strongly depend on the growth parameters. It is shown for the first time, that it is mainly the total pressure which determines the macroscopic sample properties, while it is the oxygen partial pressure which controls the amount of charge carriers near the interface. Oxygen-vacancy-mediated conductivity is found for too low oxygen pressures. A too high total pressure, however, destroys interface conductivity, most probably due to a change of the growth kinetics. Post-oxidation leads to a metastable state removing the arbitrariness in controlling the electronic interface properties by the oxygen pressure during growth. LaVO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures exhibit similar behavior compared to LaAlO3/SrTiO3 when it comes to a thickness-dependent metal-insulator transition. But in contrast to LaAlO3, LaVO3 is a Mott insulator exhibiting strong electron correlations. Films have been grown by pulsed laser deposition. Layer-by-layer growth and a phase-pure pervoskite lattice structure is observed, indicating good structural quality of the film and the interface. An electron-rich layer is found near the interface on the LaVO3 side for conducting LaVO3/SrTiO3. This could be explained by an electronic reconstruction within the film. The electrostatic doping results in a band-filling-controlled metal-insulator transition without suffering from chemical impurities, which is unavoidable in conventional doping experiments.}, subject = {Oxide}, language = {en} } @unpublished{Reiss2012, author = {Reiss, Harald}, title = {Physical time and existence of time holes in non-transparent media}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-67268}, year = {2012}, abstract = {The analysis presented in this paper applies to experimental situations where observers or objects to be studied (both stationary, with respect to each other) are located in environments the optical thickness of which is strongly different. By their large optical thickness, non-transparent media are clearly distinguished from their transparent counterparts. Non-transparent media comprise thin metallic films, packed or fluidised beds, the Earth's crust, and even dark clouds and other cosmological objects. As a representative example, a non-transparent slab is subjected to transient disturbances, and a rigorous analysis is presented whether physical time reasonably could be constructed under such condition. The analysis incorporates mapping functions that correlate physical events, e, in non-transparent media, with their images, f(e), tentatively located on a standard physical time scale. The analysis demonstrates, however, that physical time, in its rigorous sense, does not exist under non-transparency conditions. A proof of this conclusion is attempted in three steps: i) the theorem "there is no time without space and events" is accepted, (ii) images f[e(s,t)] do not constitute a dense, uncountably infinite set, and (iii) sets of images that are not uncountably infinite do not create physical time but only time-like sequences. As a consequence, mapping f[e(s,t)] in non-transparent space does not create physical analogues to the mathematical structure of the ordered, dense half-set R+ of real numbers, and reverse mapping, f-1f[e(s,t)] would not allow unique identification and reconstruction of original events from their images. In these cases, causality and determinism, as well as invariance of physical processes under time reversal, might be violated. Existence of time holes could be possible, as follows from the sequence of images, f[e(s,t)], that is not uncountably infinite, in contrast to R+. Practical impacts are expected for understanding physical diffusion-like, radiative transfer processes, stability models to protect superconductors against quenchs or for description of their transient local pair density and critical currents. Impacts would be expected also in mathematical formulations (differential equations) of classical physics, in relativity and perhaps in quantum mechanics, all as far as transient processes in non-transparent space would be concerned. An interesting problem is whether temporal cloaking (a time hole) in a transparent medium, as very recently reported in the literature, can be explained by the present analysis. The analysis is not restricted to objects of laboratory dimensions: Because of obviously existing radiation transfer analogues, it is tempting to discuss consequences also for much larger structures in particular if an origin of time is postulated.}, subject = {Strahlungstransport}, language = {en} }