@phdthesis{Freudenthal2020, author = {Freudenthal, Jan Alexander}, title = {Quantitative genetics from genome assemblies to neural network aided omics-based prediction of complex traits}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19942}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-199429}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Quantitative genetics is the study of continuously distributed traits and their ge- netic components. Recent developments in DNA sequencing technologies and computational systems allow researchers to conduct large scale in silico studies. However, going from raw DNA reads to genomic prediction of quantitative traits with the help of neural networks is a long and error-prone process. In the course of this thesis, many steps involved in this process will be assessed in depth. Chap- ter 2 will feature a study that compares the landscape of chloroplast genome as- sembly tools. Chapter 3 will present a software to perform genome-wide associa- tion studies using modern tools, which allow GWAS-Flow to outperform current state of the art software packages. Chapter 4 will give an in depth introduc- tion to machine learning and the nature of quantitative traits and will combine those to genomic prediction with artificial neural networks and compares the re- sults to those of algorithms based on linear mixed models. Finally, in Chapter 5 the results from the previous chapters are summarized and used to elucidate the complex nature of studies concerning quantitative genetics.}, subject = {Genetics}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Strunz2020, author = {Strunz, Patrick-Pascal Holger}, title = {Interaktion von TRPC-Ionenkan{\"a}len mit dem Immunophilin FKBP52}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20429}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-204298}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Einleitung: TRPC-Kan{\"a}le spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der Pathologie der Herzinsuffizienz und kardialen Hypertrophie. Diese Effekte werden unter anderem {\"u}ber den Calcineurin-NFAT-Signalweg vermittelt. Ein wichtiger Interaktionspartner und Regulator von TRPC-Kan{\"a}len ist das Protein FKBP52. Mittels eines Yeast Two-Hybrid Systems wurde in einer kardialen cDNA library eine Interaktion zwischen einem C-terminalen Fragment von TRPC3 (AS 742-848), welches außerhalb der bekannten FKBP-Bindungsdom{\"a}ne (AS 703-714) liegt, und FKBP52 beobachtet. Da dies eine weitere Bindungsstelle in FKBP52 vermuten ließ, erzeugten wir ein Fragment von FKBP52, welches FKBP52s genannt wurde und dem die funktionell relevante PPIase I-Dom{\"a}ne mit der bekannten Bindungsstelle fehlt. Eine erste Co-IP zwischen diesem Fragment und TRPC3 war erfolgreich. Ziel: Die Bestimmung, ob die Anwesenheit des verk{\"u}rzten FKBP52 in vivo die Komplexbildung aus TRPC3 bzw. TRPC4 und dem Wildtyp-FKBP52 unterdr{\"u}ckt. Zus{\"a}tzlich, ob FKBP52s die Interaktion zwischen TRPC3 bzw. TRPC4 und Calcineurin in vivo unterbricht und damit die Aktivierung des Calcineurin-NFAT-Signalweges hemmt. Methoden: Co-Immunopr{\"a}zipitationen (Co-IP) wurden mit HEK-293-Zellen durchgef{\"u}hrt, die mit cDNA transfiziert wurden, welche Gene f{\"u}r TRPC3, TRPC4, Calcineurin A und FKBP52s enthielt. Zur Bestimmung der nukle{\"a}ren Translokation von NFATc1 mittels Fluoreszenzmikroskopie wurden HEK-293-Zellen mit TRPC3, TRPC4, GFP-NFATc1 ± FKBP52s transfiziert. Die statistische Analyse erfolgte mit einer One-Way ANOVA. Ergebnisse: In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass FKBP52 sowohl mit TRPC3 als auch mit TRPC4 interagiert. Ebenso wurde festgestellt, dass FKBP52 auch ohne seine katalytische PPIase I-Dom{\"a}ne Bindungen mit TRPC3 bzw. TRPC4 eingeht. Dieses FKBP52-Konstrukt nimmt ebenso an der Komplexbildung mit TRPC3 bzw. TRPC4 und Calcineurin teil. Des Weiteren ließ sich f{\"u}r TRPC3 zeigen, dass unter Stimulation mit Carbachol (GPCR-Agonist) bei Anwesenheit dieses gek{\"u}rzten FKBP52 eine signifikant geringere Aktivierung und Wanderung des Transkriptionsfaktors NFAT in den Nucleus erfolgte. Schlussfolgerung: FKBP52 spielt daher eine wichtige Rolle in dieser Signalkaskade, indem es entscheidend an der Aktivierung von Calcineurin und dessen Rekrutierung zum TRPC-Kanalkomplex beteiligt ist und damit auch an der Aktivierung des Calcineurin-NFAT-Signalweges.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{HornneeBunz2020, author = {Horn [n{\´e}e Bunz], Melanie}, title = {The impact of Drosophila melanogaster`s endogenous clock on fitness: Influence of day length, humidity and food composition}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21141}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-211415}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {We are living in a system that underlies permanent environmental changes due to the rotation of our planet. These changes are rhythmic with the most prominent one having a period of about 24 hours, but also shorter and longer rhythms characterize our environment. To cope with the ever-changing environmental conditions, it is thought to be beneficial if an organism can track and anticipate these changes. The so called endogenous clocks enable this and might provide a fitness advantage. To investigate and unravel the mechanism of endogenous clocks Chronobiologists have used different model organisms. In this thesis Drosophila melanogaster was used as model organism with its about 150 clock neurons representing the main endogenous clock of the fly in the central brain. The molecular mechanisms and the interlocked feedback loops with the main circadian key players like period, timeless, clock or cycle are under investigation since the 1970s and are characterized quite well so far. But the impact of a functional endogenous clock in combination with diverse factors and the resulting fitness advantages were analysed in only a few studies and remains for the most part unknown. Therefore the aim of this thesis was to unravel the impact of Drosophila melanogaster`s endogenous clock on the fitness of the fly. To achieve this goal different factors - like day length, humidity and food composition - were analyzed in wild type CS and three different period mutants, namely perL, perS and per01, that carry a point mutation altering or abolishing the free-running period of the fruit fly as well as a second arrhythmic strain, clkAR. In competition assay experiments wild type and clock mutant flies competed for up to 63 generations under a normal 24 hour rhythm with 12 hours light/day and 12 hours darkness/night (LD12:12) or T-cycles with 19 or 29 hours, according to the mutants free-running period, or constant light (LL) in case of the arrhythmic mutant as well as under natural-like outdoor conditions in two consecutive years. Overall the wild type CS strain was outcompeting the clock mutant strains independent of the environmental conditions. As the perL fly strain elongated their free-running period, the competition experiments were repeated with naturally cantonized new fly strains. With these experiments it could be shown that the genetic background of the fly strains - which are kept for decades in the lab, with backcrosses every few years - is very important and influences the fitness of flies. But also the day length impacts the fitness of the flies, enabling them to persist in higher percentage in a population under competition. Further factors that might influence the survival in a competing population were investigated, like e.g. mating preferences and locomotor activity of homo- and heterozygous females or sperm number of males transferred per mating. But these factors can still not explain the results in total and play no or only minor roles and show the complexity of the whole system with still unknown characteristics. Furthermore populations of flies were recorded to see if the flies exhibit a common locomotor activity pattern or not and indeed a population activity pattern could be recorded for the first time and social contact as a Zeitgeber could be verified for Drosophila melanogaster. In addition humidity and its impact on the flies´ fitness as well as a potential Zeitgeber was examined in this thesis. The flies experienced different relative humidities for eclosion and wing expansion and humidity cycle phase shifting experiments were performed to address these two different questions of fitness impact and potential Zeitgeber. The fruit fly usually ecloses in the morning hours when the relative humidity is quite high and the general assumption was that they do so to prevent desiccation. The results of this thesis were quite clear and demonstrate that the relative humidity has no great effect on the fitness of the flies according to successful eclosion or wing expansion and that temperature might be the more important factor. In the humidity cycle phase shifting experiments it could be revealed that relative humidity cannot act as a Zeitgeber for Drosophila melanogaster, but it influences and therefore masks the activity of flies by allowing or surpressing activity at specific relative humidity values. As final experiments the lifespan of wild type and clock mutant flies was investigated under different day length and with different food qualities to unravel the impact of these factors on the fitness and therefore survival of the flies on the long run. As expected the flies with nutrient-poor minimum medium died earlier than on the nutrient-rich maximum medium, but a small effect of day length could also be seen with flies living slightly longer when they experience environmental day length conditions resembling their free-running period. The experiments also showed a fitness advantage of the wild type fly strain against the clock mutant strains for long term, but not short term (about the first 2-3 weeks). As a conclusion it can be said that genetic variation is important to be able to adapt to changing environmental conditions and to optimize fitness and therefore survival. Having a functional endogenous clock with a free-running period of about 24 hours provides fitness advantages for the fruit fly, at least under competition. The whole system is very complex and many factors - known and unknown ones - play a role in this system by interacting on different levels, e.g. physiology, metabolism and/or behavior.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rauschenberger2021, author = {Rauschenberger, Vera}, title = {Stiff-person syndrome - Pathophysiological mechanisms of glycine receptor autoantibodies}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20958}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-209588}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The Stiff-person syndrome (SPS) is a rare autoimmune disease that is characterized by symptoms including stiffness in axial and limb muscles as well as painful spasms. Different variants of SPS are known ranging from moderate forms like the stiff-limb syndrome to the most severe form progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity and myoclonus (PERM). SPS is elicited by autoantibodies that target different pre- or postsynaptic proteins. The focus of the present work is on autoantibodies against the glycine receptor (GlyR). At start of the present thesis, as main characteristic of the GlyR autoantibody pathology, receptor cross-linking followed by enhanced receptor internalization and degradation via the lysosomal pathway was described. If binding of autoantibodies modulates GlyR function and therefore contributes to the GlyR autoantibody pathology has not yet been investigated. Moreover, not all patients respond well to plasmapheresis or other treatments used in the clinic. Relapses with even higher autoantibody titers regularly occur. In the present work, further insights into the disease pathology of GlyRα autoantibodies were achieved. We identified a common GlyRα1 autoantibody epitope located in the far N-terminus including amino acids A1-G34 which at least represent a part of the autoantibody epitope. This part of the receptor is easily accessible for autoantibodies due to its location at the outermost surface of the GlyRα1 extracellular domain. It was further investigated if the glycosylation status of the GlyR interferes with autoantibody binding. Using a GlyRα1 de-glycosylation mutant exhibited that patient autoantibodies are able to detect the de-glycosylated GlyRα1 variant as well. The direct modulation of the GlyR analyzed by electrophysiological recordings demonstrated functional alterations of the GlyR upon autoantibody binding. Whole cell patch clamp recordings revealed that autoantibodies decreased the glycine potency, shown by increased EC50 values. Furthermore, an influence on the desensitization behavior of the receptor was shown. The GlyR autoantibodies, however, had no impact on the binding affinity of glycine. These issues can be explained by the localization of the GlyR autoantibody epitope. The determined epitope has been exhibited to influence GlyR desensitization upon binding of allosteric modulators and differs from the orthosteric binding site for glycine, which is localized much deeper in the structure at the interface between two adjacent subunits. To neutralize GlyR autoantibodies, two different methods have been carried out. Transfected HEK293 cells expressing GlyRα1 and ELISA plates coated with the GlyRα1 extracellular domain were used to efficiently neutralize the autoantibodies. Finally, the successful passive transfer of GlyRα1 autoantibodies into zebrafish larvae and mice was shown. The autoantibodies detected their target in spinal cord and brain regions rich in GlyRs of zebrafish and mice. A passive transfer of human GlyRα autoantibodies to zebrafish larvae generated an impaired escape behavior in the animals compatible with the abnormal startle response in SPS or PERM patients.}, subject = {Glycinrezeptor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Beer2021, author = {Beer, Katharina Beate}, title = {Identification and characterization of TAT-5 interactors that regulate extracellular vesicle budding}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20672}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-206724}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Cells from bacteria to man release extracellular vesicles (EV) such as microvesicles (MV) that carry signaling molecules like morphogens and miRNAs to control intercellular communication during health and disease. MV release also sculpts membranes, e.g. repairing damaged membranes to avoid cell death. HIV viruses also bud from the plasma membrane in a similar fashion. In order to determine the in vivo functions of MVs and regulate their release, we need to understand the mechanisms of MV release by plasma membrane budding (ectocytosis). The conserved phospholipid flippase TAT-5 maintains the asymmetric localization of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) in the plasma membrane and was the only known inhibitor of ESCRT-mediated ectocytosis in C. elegans. Loss of TAT-5 lipid flipping activity increased the externalization of PE and accumulation of MVs. However, it was unclear how cells control TAT-5 activity to release the right amount of MVs at the right time, since no upstream regulators of TAT-5 were known. To identify conserved TAT-5 regulators we looked for new proteins that inhibit MV release. To do so, we first developed a degradation-based technique to specifically label MVs. We tagged a plasma membrane reporter with the endogenous ZF1 degradation tag (degron) and expressed it in C. elegans embryos. This reporter is protected from degradation inside MVs, but is degraded inside the cell. Thus, the fluorescence is selectively maintained inside MVs, creating the first MV-specific reporter. We identified four MV release inhibitors associated with retrograde recycling, including the class III PI3Kinase VPS-34, Beclin1 homolog BEC-1, DnaJ protein RME-8, and the uncharacterized Dopey homolog PAD-1. We found that VPS-34, BEC-1, RME-8, and redundant sorting nexins are required for the plasma membrane localization of TAT-5, which is important to maintain PE asymmetry and inhibit MV release. Although we confirmed that PAD-1 and the GEF-like protein MON-2 are required for endosomal recycling, they only traffic TAT-5 in the absence of sorting nexin-mediated recycling. Instead, PAD-1 is specifically required for the lipid flipping activity of TAT-5 that inhibits MV release. Thus, our work pinpoints TAT-5 and PE as key regulators of plasma membrane budding, further supporting the model that PE externalization drives ectocytosis. In addition, we uncovered redundant intracellular trafficking pathways, which affect organelle size and revealed new regulators of TAT-5 flippase activity. These newly identified ectocytosis inhibitors provide a toolkit to test the in vivo roles of MVs. In the long term, our work will help to identify the mechanisms that govern MV budding, furthering our understanding of the mechanisms that regulate disease-mediated EV release, membrane sculpting and viral budding.}, subject = {Caenorhabditis elegans}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weiss2020, author = {Weiß, Martin}, title = {The neural principles of behavior modification using socioemotional facial feedback cues in economic decision-making}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20865}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-208654}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The present dissertation aims to shed light on different mechanisms of socio-emotional feedback in social decision-making situations. The objective is to evaluate emotional facial expressions as feedback stimuli, i.e., responses of interaction partners to certain social decisions. In addition to human faces, artificial emojis are also examined due to their relevance for modern digital communication. Previous research on the influence of emotional feedback suggests that a person's behavior can be effectively reinforced by rewarding stimuli. In the context of this dissertation, the differences in the feedback processing of human photographs and emojis, but also the evaluation of socially expected versus socially unexpected feedback were examined in detail in four studies. In addition to behavioral data, we used the electroencephalogram (EEG) in all studies to investigate neural correlates of social decision-making and emotional feedback. As the central paradigm, all studies were based on a modified ultimatum game. The game is structured as follows: there is a so-called proposer who holds a specific amount of money (e.g., 10 cents) and offers the responder a certain amount (e.g., 3 cents). The responder then decides whether to accept or reject the offer. In the version of the ultimatum game presented here, different types of proposers are introduced. After the participants have accepted or rejected in the role of the responder, the different proposers react to the participant's decision with specific emotional facial expressions. Different feedback patterns are used for the individual experiments conducted in the course of this dissertation. In the first study, we investigated the influence of emotional feedback on decision-making in the modified version of the ultimatum game. We were able to show that a proposer who responds to the acceptance of an offer with a smiling face achieves more accepted offers overall than a control proposer who responds to both accepted and rejected offers with a neutral facial expression. Consequently, the smile served as a positive reinforcement. Similarly, a sad expression in response to a rejected offer also resulted in higher acceptance rates as compared to the control identity, which could be considered an expression of compassion for that proposer. On a neuronal level, we could show that there are differences between simply looking at negative emotional stimuli (i.e., sad and angry faces) and their appearance as feedback stimuli after rejected offers in the modified ultimatum game. The so-called feedback-related negativity was reduced (i.e., more positive) when negative emotions appeared as feedback from the proposers. We argued that these findings might show that the participants wanted to punish the proposers by rejecting an offer for its unfairness and therefore the negative feedback met their expectations. The altered processing of negative emotional facial expressions in the ultimatum game could therefore indicate that the punishment is interpreted as successful. This includes the expectation that the interaction partner will change his behavior in the future and eventually make fairer offers. In the second study we wanted to show that smiling and sad emojis as feedback stimuli in the modified ultimatum game can also lead to increased acceptance rates. Contrary to our assumptions, this effect could not be observed. At the neural level as well, the findings did not correspond to our assumptions and differed strongly from those of the first study. One finding, however, was that the neural P3 component showed how the use of emojis as feedback stimuli particularly characterizes certain types of proposers. This is supported by the fact that the P3 is increased for the proposer who rewards an acceptance with a smile as well as for the proposer who reacts to rejection with a sad emoji compared to the neutral control proposer. The third study examined the discrepancy between the findings of the first and second study. Accordingly, both humans and emojis representing the different proposers were presented in the ultimatum game. In addition, emojis were selected that showed a higher similarity to known emojis from common messenger services compared to the second study. We were able to replicate that the proposers in the ultimatum game, who reward an acceptance of the offer with a smile, led to an increased acceptance rate compared to the neutral control proposers. This difference is independent of whether the proposers are represented by emojis or human faces. With regard to the neural correlates, we were able to demonstrate that emojis and human faces differ strongly in their neural processing. Emojis showed stronger activation than human faces in the face-processing N170 component, the feedback-related negativity and the P3 component. We concluded that the results of the N170 and feedback-related negativity could indicate a signal for missing social information of emojis compared to faces. The increased P3 amplitude for emojis might imply that emojis appear unexpectedly as reward stimuli in a social decision task compared to human faces. The last study of this project dealt with socially unexpected feedback. In comparison to the first three studies, new proposer identities were implemented. In particular, the focus was on a proposer who reacted to the rejection of an offer unexpectedly with a smile and to the acceptance with a neutral facial expression. According to the results, participants approach this unexpected smile through increased rejection, although it is accompanied by financial loss. In addition, as reported in studies one and three, we were able to show that proposers who respond to the acceptance of an offer with a smiling face and thus meet the expectations of the participants have higher offer acceptance rates than the control proposer. At the neuronal level, especially the feedback from the socially unexpected proposer led to an increased P3 amplitude, which indicates that smiling after rejection is attributed a special subjective importance. The experiments provide new insights into the social influence through emotional feedback and the processing of relevant social cues. Due to the conceptual similarity of the studies, it was possible to differentiate between stable findings and potentially stimulus-dependent deviations, thus creating a well-founded contribution to the current research. Therefore, the novel paradigm presented here, and the knowledge gained from it could also play an important role in the future for clinical questions dealing with limited social competencies.}, subject = {Entscheidungsverhalten}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weiss2021, author = {Weiß, Esther}, title = {Host-pathogen interactions of natural killer cells and Aspergillus fumigatus: Relevance of immune cell cross-talk and fungal recognition receptors}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20607}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-206077}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The human pathogen Aspergillus (A.) fumigatus is a fungal mold that can cause severe infections in immunocompromised hosts. Pathogen recognition and immune cell cross-talk are essential for clearing fungal infections efficiently. Immune cell interactions in particular may enhance individual cell activation and cytotoxicity towards invading pathogens. This study analyzed the reciprocal cell activation of natural killer (NK) cells and monocyte-derived dendritic cells (moDCs) after stimulation with A. fumigatus cell wall fractions and whole-cell lysates. Furthermore, the impact of the on moDCs expressed fungal receptors Dectin-1 and TLR-2 on NK cell activation was analyzed. Stimulation of moDCs with ligands for Dectin-1 and TLR-2 and transfer of soluble factors on autologous NK cells showed that moDCs could induce NK cell activation solely by secreting factors. In summary, both cell types could induce reciprocal cell activation if the stimulated cell type recognized fungal morphologies and ligands. However, moDCs displayed a broader set of A. fumigatus receptors and, therefore, could induce NK cell activation when those were not activated by the stimulus directly. Consequently, new fungal receptors should be identified on NK cells. The NK cell characterization marker CD56 was reduced detected in flow cytometry after fungal co-culture. Notably, this decreased detection was not associated with NK cell apoptosis, protein degradation, internalization, or secretion of CD56 molecules. CD56 was shown to tightly attach to hyphal structures, followed by its concentration at the NK-A. fumigatus interaction site. Actin polymerization was necessary for CD56 relocalization, as pre-treatment of NK cells with actin-inhibitory reagents abolished CD56 binding to the fungus. Blocking of CD56 suppressed fungal mediated NK cell activation and secretion of the immune-recruiting chemokines MIP-1α, MIP-1β, and RANTES, concluding that CD56 is functionally involved in fungal recognition by NK cells. CD56 binding to fungal hyphae was inhibited in NK cells obtained from patients during immune-suppressing therapy after allogeneic stem cell transplantation (alloSCT). Additionally, reduced binding of CD56 correlated with decreased actin polymerization of reconstituting NK cells challenged with the fungus. The immune-suppressing therapy with corticosteroids negatively influenced the secretion of MIP-1α, MIP-1β, and RANTES in NK cells after fungal stimulation ex vivo. Similar results were obtained when NK cells from healthy donors were treated with corticosteroids prior to fungal co-culture. Thus, corticosteroids were identified to have detrimental effects on NK cell function during infection with A. fumigatus.}, subject = {Nat{\"u}rliche Killerzelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Thielen2021, author = {Thielen, Vanessa Elisabeth}, title = {Charakterisierung des Beitrags von \(Pattern-Recognition-Receptors\) bei der Einleitung einer proinflammatorischen Immunantwort gegen den Schimmelpilz \(Rhizopus\) \(arrhizus\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24940}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-249408}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {W{\"a}hrend der letzten Jahrzehnte ist eine steigende Inzidenz von Infektionen durch Pilze der Ordnung Mucorales zu beobachten. Rhizopus arrhizus ist der h{\"a}ufigste Erreger dieser lebensbedrohlichen Infektionen, die vor allem immunsupprimierte Patienten betreffen. Aufgrund der oft schwierigen Diagnosestellung und limitierter therapeutischer Optionen liegt derzeit die Letalit{\"a}t von Mucormykosen zwischen 50 bis 100 \%. Eine Voraussetzung f{\"u}r die Etablierung neuer Biomarker oder immuntherapeutischer Strategien ist ein verbessertes Verst{\"a}ndnis der immunpathologischen Prozesse bei der Abwehr von Mucorales. In dieser Arbeit wurden daher verschiedene Immunzellpopulationen durch ruhende und ausgekeimte Stadien von R. arrhizus stimuliert und anschließend deren proinflammatorische Immunantwort gemessen. Als Vergleich diente die proinflammatorische Immunantwort der untersuchten Immunzellen nach Stimulation mit Aspergillus fumigatus. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus war es Gegenstand dieser Arbeit, zu charakterisieren welche Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs) an der Erkennung von Mucorales durch verschiedene innate Immunzellen beteiligt sind. Zugleich wurde untersucht, ob unterschiedliche Morphotypen der Pilzspezies Auswirkungen auf die Stimulation der jeweiligen PRRs haben. Hierf{\"u}r wurden Koinkubations-Experimente mit neutrophilen Granulozyten sowie Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs), Monozyten und monocyte derived dendritic cells (moDCs) mit verschiedenen Morphotypen von R. arrhizus durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Rezeptoren TLR2, TLR4 und/oder Dectin-1 wurden dabei durch neutralisierende Antik{\"o}rper oder RNA-Interferenz blockiert. Ausgekeimte Stadien von A. fumigatus sowie R. arrhizus induzierten eine erh{\"o}hte ROS-Freisetzung in Neutrophilen, die durch isolierte oder kombinierte Blockade von TLR2, TLR4 und Dectin-1 abgeschw{\"a}cht wurde. Ebenso wurde die Phagozytoseaktivit{\"a}t neutrophiler Granulozyten gegen{\"u}ber R. arrhizus-Konidien durch Blockade von TLR4 und Dectin-1 deutlich reduziert. Im Gegensatz zu A. fumigatus induzierten sowohl ruhende Konidien als auch ausgekeimte Stadien (Keimschl{\"a}uche und Hyphen) von R. arrhizus eine robuste pro-inflammatorische Zytokinantwort durch moDCs. Nach Inhibition der Dectin-1 Expression durch RNA-Interferenz zeigte sich die Transkription und Sekretion von Interleukin-1β in Gegenwart aller drei untersuchten Morphotypen von R. arrhizus deutlich vermindert (Transkription um 46 bis 68 \% und Sekretion um 75 bis 79 \% vermindert). Diese Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass Dectin-1 ein wichtiger Mediator bei der Einleitung der innaten Immunantwort verschiedener Zelltypen gegen R. arrhizus ist. Diese Beobachtung sollte in weiteren Studien eingehender untersucht werden, z. B. um die Eignung von Dectin-1 als Rezeptor f{\"u}r zelltherapeutische Ans{\"a}tze wie T-Zell-Konstrukte mit chim{\"a}ren Antigen-Rezeptoren zu evaluieren.}, subject = {Pattern-Recognition-Receptors}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Habenstein2021, author = {Habenstein, Jens}, title = {Neuropeptides in the brain of \(Cataglyphis\) \(nodus\) ants and their role as potential modulators of behavior}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24961}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-249618}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {An adequate task allocation among colony members is of particular importance in large insect societies. Some species exhibit distinct polymorphic worker classes which are responsible for a specific range of tasks. However, much more often the behavior of the workers is related to the age of the individual. Ants of the genus Cataglyphis (Foerster 1850) undergo a marked age-related polyethism with three distinct behavioral stages. Newly emerged ants (callows) remain more or less motionless in the nest for the first day. The ants subsequently fulfill different tasks inside the darkness of the nest for up to four weeks (interior workers) before they finally leave the nest to collect food for the colony (foragers). This thesis focuses on the neuronal substrate underlying the temporal polyethism in Cataglyphis nodus ants by addressing following major objectives: (1) Investigating the structures and neuronal circuitries of the Cataglyphis brain to understand potential effects of neuromodulators in specific brain neuropils. (2) Identification and localization of neuropeptides in the Cataglyphis brain. (3) Examining the expression of suitable neuropeptide candidates during behavioral maturation of Cataglyphis workers. The brain provides the fundament for the control of the behavioral output of an insect. Although the importance of the central nervous system is known beyond doubt, the functional significance of large areas of the insect brain are not completely understood. In Cataglyphis ants, previous studies focused almost exclusively on major neuropils while large proportions of the central protocerebrum have been often disregarded due to the lack of clear boundaries. Therefore, I reconstructed a three-dimensional Cataglyphis brain employing confocal laser scanning microscopy. To visualize synapsin-rich neuropils and fiber tracts, a combination of fluorescently labeled antibodies, phalloidin (a cyclic peptide binding to filamentous actin) and anterograde tracers was used. Based on the unified nomenclature for insect brains, I defined traceable criteria for the demarcation of individual neuropils. The resulting three-dimensional brain atlas provides information about 33 distinct synapse-rich neuropils and 30 fiber tracts, including a comprehensive description of the olfactory and visual tracts in the Cataglyphis brain. This three-dimensional brain atlas further allows to assign present neuromodulators to individual brain neuropils. Neuropeptides represent the largest group of neuromodulators in the central nervous system of insects. They regulate important physiological and behavioral processes and have therefore recently been associated with the regulation of the temporal polyethism in social insects. To date, the knowledge of neuropeptides in Cataglyphis ants has been mainly derived from neuropeptidomic data of Camponotus floridanus ants and only a few neuropeptides have been characterized in Cataglyphis. Therefore, I performed a comprehensive transcriptome analysis in Cataglyphis nodus ants and identified peptides by using Q-Exactive Orbitrap mass spectrometry (MS) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) MS. This resulted in the characterization of 71 peptides encoded on 49 prepropeptide genes, including a novel neuropeptide-like gene (fliktin). In addition, high-resolution MALDI-TOF MS imaging (MALDI-MSI) was applied for the first time in an ant brain to localize peptides on thin brain cryosections. Employing MALDI-MSI, I was able to visualize the spatial distribution of 35 peptides encoded on 16 genes. To investigate the role of neuropeptides during behavioral maturation, I selected suitable neuropeptide candidates and analyzed their spatial distributions and expression levels following major behavioral transitions. Based on recent studies, I suggested the neuropeptides allatostatin-A (Ast-A), corazonin (Crz) and tachykinin (TK) as potential regulators of the temporal polyethism. The peptidergic neurons were visualized in the brain of C. nodus ants using immunohistochemistry. Independent of the behavioral stages, numerous Ast-A- and TK-immunoreactive (-ir) neurons innervate important high-order integration centers and sensory input regions with cell bodies dispersed all across the cell body rind. In contrast, only four corazonergic neurons per hemisphere were found in the Cataglyphis brain. Their somata are localized in the pars lateralis with axons projecting to the medial protocerebrum and the retrocerebral complex. Number and branching patterns of the Crz-ir neurons were similar across behavioral stages, however, the volume of the cell bodies was significantly larger in foragers than in the preceding behavioral stages. In addition, quantitative PCR analyses displayed increased Crz and Ast-A mRNA levels in foragers, suggesting a concomitant increase of the peptide levels. The task-specific expression of Crz and Ast-A along with the presence in important sensory input regions, high-order integration center, and the neurohormonal organs indicate a sustaining role of the neuropeptides during behavioral maturation of Cataglyphis workers. The present thesis contains a comprehensive reference work for the brain anatomy and the neuropeptidome of Cataglyphis ants. I further demonstrated that neuropeptides are suitable modulators for the temporal polyethism of Cataglyphis workers. The complete dataset provides a solid framework for future neuroethological studies in Cataglyphis ants as well as for comparative studies on insects. This may help to improve our understanding of the functionality of individual brain neuropils and the role of neuropeptides, particularly during behavioral maturation in social insects.}, subject = {Cataglyphis}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kalb2021, author = {Kalb, Jacqueline}, title = {The role of BRCA1 and DCP1A in the coordination of transcription and replication in neuroblastoma}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24871}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-248711}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The deregulation of the MYC oncoprotein family plays a major role in tumorigenesis and tumour maintenance of many human tumours. Because of their structure and nuclear localisation, they are defined as undruggable targets which makes it difficult to find direct therapeutic approaches. An alternative approach for targeting MYC-driven tumours is the identification and targeting of partner proteins which score as essential in a synthetic lethality screen. Neuroblastoma, an aggressive entity of MYCN-driven tumours coming along with a bad prognosis, are dependent on the tumour suppressor protein BRCA1 as synthetic lethal data showed. BRCA1 is recruited to promoter regions in a MYCN-dependent manner. The aim of this study was to characterise the role of BRCA1 in neuroblastoma with molecular biological methods. BRCA1 prevents the accumulation of RNA Polymerase II (RNAPII) at the promoter region. Its absence results in the formation of DNA/RNA-hybrids, so called R-loops, and DNA damage. To prevent the accumulation of RNAPII, the cell uses DCP1A, a decapping factor known for its cytoplasmatic and nuclear role in mRNA decay. It is the priming factor in the removal of the protective 5'CAP of mRNA, which leads to degradation by exonucleases. BRCA1 is necessary for the chromatin recruitment of DCP1A and its proximity to RNAPII. Cells showed upon acute activation of MYCN a higher dependency on DCP1A. Its activity prevents the deregulation of transcription and leads to proper coordination of transcription and replication. The deregulation of transcription in the absence of DCP1A results in replication fork stalling and leads to activation of the Ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3 related (ATR) kinase. The result is a disturbed cell proliferation to the point of increased apoptosis. The activation of the ATR kinase pathway in the situation where DCP1A is knocked down and MYCN is activated, makes those cells more vulnerable for the treatment with ATR inhibitors. In summary, the tumour suppressor protein BRCA1 and the decapping factor DCP1A, mainly known for its function in the cytoplasm, have a new nuclear role in a MYCN-dependent context. This study shows their essentiality in the coordination of transcription and replication which leads to an unrestrained growth of tumour cells if uncontrolled.}, subject = {Neuroblastom}, language = {en} }