@phdthesis{Murali2023, author = {Murali, Supriya}, title = {Understanding the function of spontaneous blinks by investigating internally and externally directed processes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28747}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-287473}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Humans spontaneously blink several times a minute. These blinks are strongly modulated during various cognitive task. However, the precise function of blinking and the reason for their modulation has not been fully understood. In the present work, I investigated the function of spontaneous blinks through various perceptual and cognitive tasks. Previous research has revealed that blinks rates decrease during some tasks but increase during others. When trying to understand these seemingly contradictory results, I observed that blink reduction occurs when one engages with an external input. For instance, a decrease has been observed due to the onset of a stimulus, sensory input processing and attention towards sensory input. However, for activities that do not involve such an engagement, e.g. imagination, daydreaming or creativity, the blink rate has been shown to increase. To follow up on the proposed hypothesis, I distinguished tasks that involve the processing of an external stimulus and tasks that involve disengagement. In the first part of the project, I explored blinking during stimulus engagement. If the probability of blinking is low when engaging with the stimulus, then one should find a reduction in blinks specifically during the time period of processing but not during sensory input per se. To this end, in study 1, I tested the influence of task-relevant information duration on blink timing and additionally manipulated the overall sensory input using a visual and an auditory temporal simultaneity judgement task. The results showed that blinks were suppressed longer for longer periods of relevant information or in other words, blinks occurred at the end of relevant information processing for both the visual and the auditory modality. Since relevance is mediated through top-down processes, I argue that the reduction in blinks is a top-down driven suppression. In studies 2 and 3, I again investigated stimulus processing, but in this case, processing was triggered internally and not based on specific changes in the external input. To this end, I used bistable stimuli, in which the actual physical stimulus remains constant but their perception switches between different interpretations. Studies on the involvement of attention in such bistable perceptual changes indicate that the sensory input is reprocessed before the perceptual switch. The results revealed a reduction in eye blink rates before the report of perceptual switches. Importantly, I was able to decipher that the decrease was not caused by the perceptual switch or the behavioral response but likely started before the internal switch. Additionally, periods between a blink and a switch were longer than interblink intervals, indicating that blinks were followed by a period of stable percept. To conclude, the first part of the project revealed that there is a top-down driven blink suppression during the processing of an external stimulus. In the second part of the project, I extended the idea of blinks marking the disengagement from external processing and tested if blinking is associated with better performance during internally directed processes. Specifically, I investigated divergent thinking, an aspect of creativity, and the link between performance and blink rates as well as the effect of motor restriction. While I could show that motor restriction was the main factor influencing divergent thinking, the relationship between eye blink rates and creative output also depended on restriction. Results showed that higher blink rates were associated with better performance during free movement, but only between subjects. In other words, subjects who had overall higher blink rates scored better in the task, but when they were allowed to sit or walk freely. Within a single subject, trial with higher blink rates were not associated with better performance. Therefore, possibly, people who are able to disengage easily, as indicated by an overall high blink rate, perform better in divergent thinking tasks. However, the link between blink rate and internal tasks is not clear at this point. Indeed, a more complex measurement of blink behavior might be necessary to understand the relationship. In the final part of the project, I aimed to further understand the function of blinks through their neural correlates. I extracted the blink-related neural activity in the primary visual cortex (V1) of existing recordings of three rhesus monkeys during different sensory processing states. I analyzed spike related multi-unit responses, frequency dependent power changes, local field potentials and laminar distribution of activity while the animal watched a movie compared to when it was shown a blank screen. The results showed a difference in blink-related neural activity dependent on the processing state. This difference suggests a state dependent function of blinks. Taken altogether, the work presented in this thesis suggests that eye blinks have an important function during cognitive and perceptual processes. Blinks seem to facilitate a disengagement from the external world and are therefore suppressed during intended processing of external stimuli.}, subject = {Lidschlag}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmalz2023, author = {Schmalz, Fabian Dominik}, title = {Processing of behaviorally relevant stimuli at different levels in the bee brain}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28882}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-288824}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The behavior of honeybees and bumblebees relies on a constant sensory integration of abiotic or biotic stimuli. As eusocial insects, a sophisticated intraspecific communication as well as the processing of multisensory cues during foraging is of utter importance. To tackle the arising challenges, both honeybees and bumblebees have evolved a sophisticated olfactory and visual processing system. In both organisms, olfactory reception starts at the antennae, where olfactory sensilla cover the antennal surface in a sex-specific manner. These sensilla house olfactory receptor neurons (ORN) that express olfactory receptors. ORNs send their axons via four tracts to the antennal lobe (AL), the prime olfactory processing center in the bee brain. Here, ORNs specifically innervate spheroidal structures, so-called glomeruli, in which they form synapses with local interneurons and projection neurons (PN). PNs subsequently project the olfactory information via two distinct tracts, the medial and the lateral antennal-lobe tract, to the mushroom body (MB), the main center of sensory integration and memory formation. In the honeybee calyx, the sensory input region of the MB, PNs synapse on Kenyon cells (KC), the principal neuron type of the MB. Olfactory PNs mainly innervate the lip and basal ring layer of the calyx. In addition, the basal ring receives input from visual PNs, making it the first site of integration of visual and olfactory information. Visual PNs, carrying sensory information from the optic lobes, send their terminals not only to the to the basal ring compartment but also to the collar of the calyx. Receiving olfactory or visual input, KCs send their axons along the MB peduncle and terminate in the main output regions of the MB, the medial and the vertical lobe (VL) in a layer-specific manner. In the MB lobes, KCs synapse onto mushroom body output neurons (MBON). In so far barely understood processes, multimodal information is integrated by the MBONs and then relayed further into the protocerebral lobes, the contralateral brain hemisphere, or the central brain among others. This dissertation comprises a dichotomous structure that (i) aims to gain more insight into the olfactory processing in bumblebees and (ii) sets out to broaden our understanding of visual processing in honeybee MBONs. The first manuscript examines the olfactory processing of Bombus terrestris and specifically investigates sex-specific differences. We used behavioral (absolute conditioning) and electrophysiological approaches to elaborate the processing of ecologically relevant odors (components of plant odors and pheromones) at three distinct levels, in the periphery, in the AL and during olfactory conditioning. We found both sexes to form robust memories after absolute conditioning and to generalize towards the carbon chain length of the presented odors. On the contrary, electroantennographic (EAG) activity showed distinct stimulus and sex-specific activity, e.g. reduced activity towards citronellol in drones. Interestingly, extracellular multi-unit recordings in the AL confirmed stimulus and sex-specific differences in olfactory processing, but did not reflect the differences previously found in the EAG. Here, farnesol and 2,3-dihydrofarnesol, components of sex-specific pheromones, show a distinct representation, especially in workers, corroborating the results of a previous study. This explicitly different representation suggests that the peripheral stimulus representation is an imperfect indication for neuronal representation in high-order neuropils and ecological importance of a specific odor. The second manuscript investigates MBONs in honeybees to gain more insights into visual processing in the VL. Honeybee MBONs can be categorized into visually responsive, olfactory responsive and multimodal. To clarify which visual features are represented at this high-order integration center, we used extracellular multi-unit recordings in combination with visual and olfactory stimulation. We show for the first time that information about brightness and wavelength is preserved in the VL. Furthermore, we defined three specific classes of visual MBONs that distinctly encode the intensity, identity or simply the onset of a stimulus. The identity-subgroup exhibits a specific tuning towards UV light. These results support the view of the MB as the center of multimodal integration that categorizes sensory input and subsequently channels this information into specific MBON populations. Finally, I discuss differences between the peripheral representations of stimuli and their distinct processing in high-order neuropils. The unique activity of farnesol in manuscript 1 or the representation of UV light in manuscript 2 suggest that the peripheral representation of a stimulus is insufficient as a sole indicator for its neural activity in subsequent neuropils or its putative behavioral importance. In addition, I discuss the influence of hard-wired concepts or plasticity induced changes in the sensory pathways on the processing of such key stimuli in the peripheral reception as well as in high-order centers like the AL or the MB. The MB as the center of multisensory integration has been broadly examined for its olfactory processing capabilities and receives increasing interest about its visual coding properties. To further unravel its role of sensory integration and to include neglected modalities, future studies need to combine additional approaches and gain more insights on the multimodal aspects in both the input and output region.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fuchs2023, author = {Fuchs, Manuela}, title = {Global discovery and functional characterization of Hfq-associated sRNA-target networks in \(C.\) \(difficile\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34598}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-345982}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In this work, dRNA-seq (differential RNA sequencing) and RNAtag-seq were applied to first define the global transcriptome architecture of C. difficile, followed by Hfq RIP-seq (RNA immunoprecipitation followed by RNA-seq) and RIL-seq (RNA interaction by ligation and sequencing) to characterize the Hfq-mediated sRNA interactome on a transcriptome-wide scale. These approaches resulted in the annotation of > 60 novel sRNAs. Notably, it not only revealed 50 Hfq-bound sRNAs, but also > 1000 mRNA-sRNA interactions, confirming Hfq as a global RNA matchmaker in C. difficile. Similar to its function in Gram-negative species, deletion of Hfq resulted in decreased sRNA half-lives, providing evidence that Hfq affects sRNA stability in C. difficile. Finally, several sRNAs and their function in various infection relevant conditions were characterized. The sRNA nc085 directly interacts with the two-component response regulator eutV, resulting in regulation of ethanolamine utilization, an abundant intestinal carbon and nitrogen source known to impact C. difficile pathogenicity. Meanwhile, SpoY and SpoX regulate translation of the master regulator of sporulation spo0A in vivo, thereby affecting sporulation initiation. Furthermore, SpoY and SpoX deletion significantly impacts C. difficile gut colonization and spore burden in a mouse model of C. difficile infection.}, subject = {Clostridium difficile}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Majumder2023, author = {Majumder, Snigdha}, title = {Selective inhibition of NFAT in mouse and human T cells by CRISPR/Cas9 to ameliorate acute Graft-versus-Host Disease while preserving Graft-versus-Leukemia effect}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29325}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-293256}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HCT) is a curative therapy for the treatment of malignant and non-malignant bone marrow diseases. The major complication of this treatment is a highly inflammatory reaction known as Graft-versus-Host Disease (GvHD). Cyclosporin A (CsA) and tacrolimus are used to treat GvHD which limits inflammation but also interferes with the anticipated Graft-versus-Leukemia (GvL) effect. These drugs repress conventional T cells (Tcon) along with regulatory T cells (Treg), which are important for both limiting GvHD and supporting GvL. Both of these drugs inhibit calcineurin (CN), which dephosphorylates and activates the nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT) family of transcription factors. Here, we make use of our Cd4cre.Cas9+ mice and developed a highly efficient non-viral CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing method by gRNA-only nucleofection. Utilizing this technique, we demonstrated that unstimulated mouse T cells upon NFATc1 or NFATc2 ablation ameliorated GvHD in a major mismatch mouse model. However, in vitro pre-stimulated mouse T cells could not achieve long-term protection from GvHD upon NFAT single-deficiency. This highlights the necessity of gene editing and transferring unstimulated human T cells during allo-HCT. Indeed, we established a highly efficient ribonucleoprotein (RNP)-mediated CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing for NFATC1 and/or NFATC2 in pre-stimulated as well as unstimulated primary human T cells. In contrast to mouse T cells, not NFATC1 but NFATC2 deficiency in human T cells predominantly affected proinflammatory cytokine production. However, either NFAT single-knockout kept cytotoxicity of human CD3+ T cells untouched against tumor cells in vitro. Furthermore, mouse and human Treg were unaffected upon the loss of a single NFAT member. Lastly, NFATC1 or NFATC2-deficient anti-CD19 CAR T cells, generated with our non-viral 'one-step nucleofection' method validated our observations in mouse and human T cells. Proinflammatory cytokine production was majorly dependent on NFATC2 expression, whereas, in vitro cytotoxicity against CD19+ tumor cells was undisturbed in the absence of either of the NFAT members. Our findings emphasize that NFAT single-deficiency in donor T cells is superior to CN-inhibitors as therapy during allo-HCT to prevent GvHD while preserving GvL in patients.}, subject = {CRISPR/Cas-Methode}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Haebich2023, author = {H{\"a}bich, Hannes Jan}, title = {Die kardialen Auswirkungen einer SPRED2-Defizienz im Mausmodell}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34628}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-346286}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {SPRED 2 wirkt inhibitorisch auf den Ras/ERK-MAPK-Signalweg. Im Knockout Mausmodell zeigen sich einige schwerwiegende ph{\"a}notypische Eigenschaften, unter anderem zeigen sich ein genereller Minderwuchs, ver{\"a}nderte hormonelle Regelkreise, neurologische Auff{\"a}lligkeiten, eine deutlich verringerte Lebenserwartung, sowie kardiale Ver{\"a}nderungen. Besonders schwerwiegende SPRED 2 KO typische Auspr{\"a}gungen im Herzen sind hierbei eine myokardiale Fibrosierung, eine myokardiale Hypertrophie und Herzrhythmusst{\"o}rungen. In dieser Arbeit wurden insbesondere kardiale Ver{\"a}nderungen auf Zell- und Proteinebene untersucht. Zur Proteinanalyse der Kardiomyozyten wurden Western Blots und eine Schnittbildgebung angefertigt. F{\"u}r eine funktionelle Untersuchung wurden isolierte vitale Kardiomyozyten mittels Fluoreszenzfarbstoffen untersucht und unter elektrischer Stimulation beobachtet. Desweiteren wurden isolierte Mitochondrien auf ihren Stoffwechsel und eventuelle Defekte hin analysiert. Hierbei konnte gezeigt werden, dass junge SPRED2 KO M{\"a}use keine wesentlichen h{\"a}modynamischen Einschr{\"a}nkungen aufweisen und eine gute Kompensationsf{\"a}higkeit gegen{\"u}ber einer Nachlaststeigerung aufweisen. Auch gezeigt werden konnte, dass Ver{\"a}nderungen im Rahmen der Zellkontraktion beim Kalziumhaushalt und Membranpotential existieren und im Zusammenhang mit einer verminderten Expression von SERCA und CaV1.2 stehen. Bei der Untersuchung von Mitochondrien konnten keine wesentlichen Defizite der mitochondrialen Funktion der SPRED 2 KO M{\"a}use gefunden werden. In diesem Zusammenhang ist die bekannte St{\"o}rung der Autophagie am ehesten Ursache f{\"u}r eine gesteigerte Fibrosierung, sowie der gesteigerten Apoptose der Kardiomyozyten. In Folge dessen k{\"o}nnten die oben beschriebenen Ver{\"a}nderungen des Kalziumhaushaltes der Kardiomyozyten stehen und letztendlich {\"u}ber maligne Herzrhythmusst{\"o}rungen zum vorzeitigen Versterben f{\"u}hren.}, subject = {Spred-Proteine}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Reuter2023, author = {Reuter, Christian Steffen}, title = {Development of a tissue-engineered primary human skin infection model to study the pathogenesis of tsetse fly-transmitted African trypanosomes in mammalian skin}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25114}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-251147}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Many arthropods such as mosquitoes, ticks, bugs, and flies are vectors for the transmission of pathogenic parasites, bacteria, and viruses. Among these, the unicellular parasite Trypanosoma brucei (T. brucei) causes human and animal African trypanosomiases and is transmitted to the vertebrate host by the tsetse fly. In the fly, the parasite goes through a complex developmental cycle in the alimentary tract and salivary glands ending with the cellular differentiation into the metacyclic life cycle stage. An infection in the mammalian host begins when the fly takes a bloodmeal, thereby depositing the metacyclic form into the dermal skin layer. Within the dermis, the cell cycle-arrested metacyclic forms are activated, re-enter the cell cycle, and differentiate into proliferative trypanosomes, prior to dissemination throughout the host. Although T. brucei has been studied for decades, very little is known about the early events in the skin prior to systemic dissemination. The precise timing and the mechanisms controlling differentiation of the parasite in the skin continue to be elusive, as does the characterization of the proliferative skin-residing trypanosomes. Understanding the first steps of an infection is crucial for developing novel strategies to prevent disease establishment and its progression. A major shortcoming in the study of human African trypanosomiasis is the lack of suitable infection models that authentically mimic disease progression. In addition, the production of infectious metacyclic parasites requires tsetse flies, which are challenging to keep. Thus, although animal models - typically murine - have produced many insights into the pathogenicity of trypanosomes in the mammalian host, they were usually infected by needle injection into the peritoneal cavity or tail vein, bypassing the skin as the first entry point. Furthermore, animal models are not always predictive for the infection outcome in human patients. In addition, the relatively small number of metacyclic parasites deposited by the tsetse flies makes them difficult to trace, isolate, and study in animal hosts. The focus of this thesis was to develop and validate a reconstructed human skin equivalent as an infection model to study the development of naturally-transmitted metacyclic parasites of T. brucei in mammalian skin. The first part of this work describes the development and characterization of a primary human skin equivalent with improved mechanical properties. To achieve this, a computer-assisted compression system was designed and established. This system allowed the improvement of the mechanical stability of twelve collagen-based dermal equivalents in parallel through plastic compression, as evaluated by rheology. The improved dermal equivalents provided the basis for the generation of the skin equivalents and reduced their contraction and weight loss during tissue formation, achieving a high degree of standardization and reproducibility. The skin equivalents were characterized using immunohistochemical and histological techniques and recapitulated key anatomical, cellular, and functional aspects of native human skin. Furthermore, their cellular heterogeneity was examined using single-cell RNA sequencing - an approach which led to the identification of a remarkable repertoire of extracellular matrix-associated genes expressed by different cell subpopulations in the artificial skin. In addition, experimental conditions were established to allow tsetse flies to naturally infect the skin equivalents with trypanosomes. In the second part of the project, the development of the trypanosomes in the artificial skin was investigated in detail. This included the establishment of methods to successfully isolate skin-dwelling trypanosomes to determine their protein synthesis rate, cell cycle and metabolic status, morphology, and transcriptome. Microscopy techniques to study trypanosome motility and migration in the skin were also optimized. Upon deposition in the artificial skin by feeding tsetse, the metacyclic parasites were rapidly activated and established a proliferative population within one day. This process was accompanied by: (I) reactivation of protein synthesis; (II) re-entry into the cell cycle; (III) change in morphology; (IV) increased motility. Furthermore, these observations were linked to potentially underlying developmental mechanisms by applying single-cell parasite RNA sequencing at five different timepoints post-infection. After the initial proliferative phase, the tsetse-transmitted trypanosomes appeared to enter a reversible quiescence program in the skin. These quiescent skin-residing trypanosomes were characterized by very slow replication, a strongly reduced metabolism, and a transcriptome markedly different from that of the deposited metacyclic forms and the early proliferative trypanosomes. By mimicking the migration from the skin to the bloodstream, the quiescent phenotype could be reversed and the parasites returned to an active proliferating state. Given that previous work has identified the skin as an anatomical reservoir for T. brucei during disease, it is reasonable to assume that the quiescence program is an authentic facet of the parasite's behavior in an infected host. In summary, this work demonstrates that primary human skin equivalents offer a new and promising way to study vector-borne parasites under close-to-natural conditions as an alternative to animal experimentation. By choosing the natural transmission route - the bite of an infected tsetse fly - the early events of trypanosome infection have been detailed with unprecedented resolution. In addition, the evidence here for a quiescent, skin-residing trypanosome population may explain the persistence of T. brucei in the skin of aparasitemic and asymptomatic individuals. This could play an important role in maintaining an infection over long time periods.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kleineisel2024, author = {Kleineisel, Jonas}, title = {Variational networks in magnetic resonance imaging - Application to spiral cardiac MRI and investigations on image quality}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34737}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-347370}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Acceleration is a central aim of clinical and technical research in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) today, with the potential to increase robustness, accessibility and patient comfort, reduce cost, and enable entirely new kinds of examinations. A key component in this endeavor is image reconstruction, as most modern approaches build on advanced signal and image processing. Here, deep learning (DL)-based methods have recently shown considerable potential, with numerous publications demonstrating benefits for MRI reconstruction. However, these methods often come at the cost of an increased risk for subtle yet critical errors. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to advance DL-based MRI reconstruction, while ensuring high quality and fidelity with measured data. A network architecture specifically suited for this purpose is the variational network (VN). To investigate the benefits these can bring to non-Cartesian cardiac imaging, the first part presents an application of VNs, which were specifically adapted to the reconstruction of accelerated spiral acquisitions. The proposed method is compared to a segmented exam, a U-Net and a compressed sensing (CS) model using qualitative and quantitative measures. While the U-Net performed poorly, the VN as well as the CS reconstruction showed good output quality. In functional cardiac imaging, the proposed real-time method with VN reconstruction substantially accelerates examinations over the gold-standard, from over 10 to just 1 minute. Clinical parameters agreed on average. Generally in MRI reconstruction, the assessment of image quality is complex, in particular for modern non-linear methods. Therefore, advanced techniques for precise evaluation of quality were subsequently demonstrated. With two distinct methods, resolution and amplification or suppression of noise are quantified locally in each pixel of a reconstruction. Using these, local maps of resolution and noise in parallel imaging (GRAPPA), CS, U-Net and VN reconstructions were determined for MR images of the brain. In the tested images, GRAPPA delivers uniform and ideal resolution, but amplifies noise noticeably. The other methods adapt their behavior to image structure, where different levels of local blurring were observed at edges compared to homogeneous areas, and noise was suppressed except at edges. Overall, VNs were found to combine a number of advantageous properties, including a good trade-off between resolution and noise, fast reconstruction times, and high overall image quality and fidelity of the produced output. Therefore, this network architecture seems highly promising for MRI reconstruction.}, subject = {Kernspintomografie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Berberich2024, author = {Berberich, Oliver}, title = {Lateral Cartilage Tissue Integration - Evaluation of Bonding Strength and Tissue Integration \(in\) \(vitro\) Utilizing Biomaterials and Adhesives}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34602}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-346028}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Articular cartilage defects represent one of the most challenging clinical problem for orthopedic surgeons and cartilage damage after trauma can result in debilitating joint pain, functional impairment and in the long-term development of osteoarthritis. The lateral cartilage-cartilage integration is crucial for the long-term success and to prevent further tissue degeneration. Tissue adhesives and sealants are becoming increasingly more popular and can be a beneficial approach in fostering tissue integration, particularly in tissues like cartilage where alternative techniques, such as suturing, would instead introduce further damage. However, adhesive materials still require optimization regarding the maximization of adhesion strength on the one hand and long-term tissue integration on the other hand. In vitro models can be a valuable support in the investigation of potential candidates and their functional mechanisms. For the conducted experiments within this work, an in vitro disc/ring model obtained from porcine articular cartilage tissue was established. In addition to qualitative evaluation of regeneration, this model facilitates the implementation of biomechanical tests to quantify cartilage integration strength. Construct harvesting for histology and other evaluation methods could be standardized and is ethically less questionable compared to in vivo testing. The opportunity of cell culture technique application for the in vitro model allowed a better understanding of cartilage integration processes. Tissue bonding requires chemical or physical interaction of the adhesive material and the substrate. Adhesive hydrogels can bind to the defect interface and simultaneously fill the gap of irregularly shaped defect voids. Fibrin gels are derived from the physiological blood-clot formation and are clinically applied for wound closure. Within this work, comparisons of different fibrin glue formulations with the commercial BioGlue® were assessed, which highlighted the need for good biocompatibility when applied on cartilage tissue in order to achieve satisfying long-term integration. Fibrin gel formulations can be adapted with regard to their long-term stability and when applied on cartilage disc/ring constructs improved integrative repair is observable. The kinetic of repairing processes was investigated in fibrin-treated cartilage composites as part of this work. After three days in vitro cultivation, deposited extracellular matrix (ECM) was obvious at the glued interface that increased further over time. Interfacial cell invasion from the surrounding native cartilage was detected from day ten of tissue culture. The ECM formation relies on molecular factors, e.g., as was shown representatively for ascorbic acid, and contributes to increasing integration strengths over time. The experiments performed with fibrin revealed that the treatment with a biocompatible adhesive that allows cartilage neosynthesis favors lateral cartilage integration in the long term. However, fibrin has limited immediate bonding strength, which is disadvantageous for use on articular cartilage that is subject to high mechanical stress. The continuing aim of this thesis was to further develop adhesive mechanisms and new adhesive hydrogels that retain the positive properties of fibrin but have an increased immediate bonding strength. Two different photochemical approaches with the advantage of on-demand bonding were tested. Such treatment potentially eases the application for the professional user. First, an UV light induced crosslinking mechanism was transferred to fibrin glue to provide additional bonding strength. For this, the cartilage surface was functionalized with highly reactive light-sensitive diazirine groups, which allowed additional covalent bonds to the fibrin matrix and thus increased the adhesive strength. However, the disadvantages of this approach were the multi-step bonding reactions, the need for enzymatic pretreatment of the cartilage, expensive reagents, potential UV-light damage, and potential toxicity hazards. Due to the mentioned disadvantages, no further experiments, including long-term culture, were carried out. A second photosensitive approach focused on blue light induced crosslinking of fibrinogen (RuFib) via a photoinitiator molecule instead of using thrombin as a crosslinking mediator like in normal fibrin glue. The used ruthenium complex allowed inter- and intramolecular dityrosine binding of fibrinogen molecules. The advantage of this method is a one-step curing of fibrinogen via visible light that further achieved higher adhesive strengths than fibrin. In contrast to diazirine functionalization of cartilage, the ruthenium complex is of less toxicological concern. However, after in vitro cultivation of the disc/ring constructs, there was a decrease in integration strength. Compared to fibrin, a reduced cartilage synthesis was observed at the defect. It is also disadvantageous that a direct adjustment of the adhesive can only be made via protein concentration, since fibrinogen is a natural protein that has a fixed number of tyrosine binding sites without chemical modification. An additional cartilage adhesive was developed that is based on a mussel-inspired adhesive mechanism in which reactivity to a variety of substrates is enabled via free DOPA amino acids. DOPA-based adhesion is known to function in moist environments, a major advantage for application on water-rich cartilage tissue surrounded by synovial liquid. Reactive DOPA groups were synthetically attached to a polymer, here POx, to allow easy chemical modifiability, e.g. insertion of hydrolyzable ester motifs for tunable degradation. The possibility of preparing an adhesive hybrid hydrogel of POx in combination with fibrinogen led to good cell compatibility as was similarly observed with fibrin, but with increased immediate adhesive strength. Degradation could be adjusted by the amount of ester linkages on the POx and a direct influence of degradation rates on the development of integration in the in vitro model could be shown. Hydrogels are well suited to fill defect gaps and immediate integration can be achieved via adhesive properties. The results obtained show that for the success of long-term integration, a good ability of the adhesive to take up synthesized ECM components and cells to enable regeneration is required. The degradation kinetics of the adhesive must match the remodeling process to avoid intermediate loss of integration power and to allow long-term firm adhesion to the native tissue. Hydrogels are not only important as adhesives for smaller lesions, but also for filling large defect volumes and populating them with cells to produce tissue engineered cartilage. Many different hydrogel types suitable for cartilage synthesis are reported in the literature. A long-term stable fibrin formulation was tested in this work not only as an adhesive but also as a bulk hydrogel construct. Agarose is also a material widely used in cartilage tissue engineering that has shown good cartilage neosynthesis and was included in integration assessment. In addition, a synthetic hyaluronic acid-based hydrogel (HA SH/P(AGE/G)) was used. The disc/ring construct was adapted for such experiments and the inner lumen of the cartilage ring was filled with the respective hydrogel. In contrast to agarose, fibrin and HA-SH/P(AGE/G) gels have a crosslink mechanism that led to immediate bonding upon contact with cartilage during curing. The enhanced cartilage neosynthesis in agarose compared to the other hydrogel types resulted in improved integration during in vitro culture. This shows that for the long-term success of a treatment, remodeling of the hydrogel into functional cartilage tissue is a very high priority. In order to successfully treat larger cartilage defects with hydrogels, new materials with these properties in combination with chemical modifiability and a direct adhesion mechanism are one of the most promising approaches.}, subject = {Knorpel}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Masota2023, author = {Masota, Nelson Enos}, title = {The Search for Novel Effective Agents Against Multidrug-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30263}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-302632}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This thesis aimed at searching for new effective agents against Multidrug-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae. This is necessitated by the urgent need for new and innovative antibacterial agents addressing the critical priority pathogens prescribed by the World Health Organization (WHO). Among the available means for antibiotics discovery and development, nature has long remained a proven, innovative, and highly reliable gateway to successful antibacterial agents. Nevertheless, numerous challenges surrounding this valuable source of antibiotics among other drugs are limiting the complete realization of its potential. These include the availability of good quality data on the highly potential natural sources, limitations in methods to prepare and screen crude extracts, bottlenecks in reproducing biological potentials observed in natural sources, as well as hurdles in isolation, purification, and characterization of natural compounds with diverse structural complexities. Through an extensive review of the literature, it was possible to prepare libraries of plant species and phytochemicals with reported high potentials against Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumnoniae. The libraries were profiled to highlight the existing patterns and relationships between the reported antibacterial activities and studied plants' families and parts, the type of the extracting solvent, as well as phytochemicals' classes, drug-likeness and selected parameters for enhanced accumulation within the Gram-negative bacteria. In addition, motivations, objectives, the role of traditional practices and other crucial experimental aspects in the screening of plant extracts for antibacterial activities were identified and discussed. Based on the implemented strict inclusion criteria, the created libraries grant speedy access to well-evaluated plant species and phytochemicals with potential antibacterial activities. This way, further studies in yet unexplored directions can be pursued from the indicated or related species and compounds. Moreover, the availability of compound libraries focusing on related bacterial species serves a great role in the ongoing efforts to develop the rules of antibiotics penetrability and accumulation, particularly among Gram-negative bacteria. Here, in addition to hunting for potential scaffolds from such libraries, detailed evaluations of large pool compounds with related antibacterial potential can grant a better understanding of structural features crucial for their penetration and accumulation. Based on the scarcity of compounds with broad structural diversity and activity against Gram-negative bacteria, the creation and updating of such libraries remain a laborious but important undertaking. A Pressurized Microwave Assisted Extraction (PMAE) method over a short duration and low-temperature conditions was developed and compared to the conventional cold maceration over a prolonged duration. This method aimed at addressing the key challenges associated with conventional extraction methods which require long extraction durations, and use more energy and solvents, in addition to larger quantities of plant materials. Furthermore, the method was intended to replace the common use of high temperatures in most of the current MAE applications. Interestingly, the yields of 16 of 18 plant samples under PMAE over 30 minutes were found to be within 91-139\% of those obtained from the 24h extraction by maceration. Additionally, different levels of selectivity were observed upon an analytical comparison of the extracts obtained from the two methods. Although each method indicated selective extraction of higher quantities or additional types of certain phytochemicals, a slightly larger number of additional compounds were observed under maceration. The use of this method allows efficient extraction of a large number of samples while sparing heat-sensitive compounds and minimizing chances for cross-reactions between phytochemicals. Moreover, findings from another investigation highlighted the low likelihood of reproducing antibacterial activities previously reported among various plant species, identified the key drivers of poor reproducibility, and proposed possible measures to mitigate the challenge. The majority of extracts showed no activities up to the highest tested concentration of 1024 µg/mL. In the case of identical plant species, some activities were observed only in 15\% of the extracts, in which the Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MICs) were 4 - 16-fold higher than those in previous reports. Evaluation of related plant species indicated better outcomes, whereby about 18\% of the extracts showed activities in a range of 128-512 μg/mL, some of the activities being superior to those previously reported in related species. Furthermore, solubilizing plant crude extracts during the preparation of test solutions for Antibacterial Susceptibility Testing (AST) assays was outlined as a key challenge. In trying to address this challenge, some studies have used bacteria-toxic solvents or generally unacceptable concentrations of common solubilizing agents. Both approaches are liable to give false positive results. In line with this challenge, this study has underscored the suitability of acetone in the solubilization of crude plant extracts. Using acetone, better solubility profiles of crude plant extracts were observed compared to dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) at up to 10 \%v/v. Based on lacking toxicity against many bacteria species at up to 25 \%v/v, its use in the solubilization of poorly water-soluble extracts, particularly those from less polar solvents is advocated. In a subsequent study, four galloylglucoses were isolated from the leaves of Paeonia officinalis L., whereby the isolation of three of them from this source was reported for the first time. The isolation and characterization of these compounds were driven by the crucial need to continually fill the pre-clinical antibiotics pipeline using all available means. Application of the bioautography-guided isolation and a matrix of extractive, chromatographic, spectroscopic, and spectrometric techniques enabled the isolation of the compounds at high purity levels and the ascertainment of their chemical structures. Further, the compounds exhibited the Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MIC) in a range of 2-256 µg/mL against Multidrug-Resistant (MDR) strains of E. coli and K. pneumonia exhibiting diverse MDR phenotypes. In that, the antibacterial activities of three of the isolated compounds were reported for the first time. The observed in vitro activities of the compounds resonated with their in vivo potentials as determined using the Galleria mellonella larvae model. Additionally, the susceptibility of the MDR bacteria to the galloylglucoses was noted to vary depending on the nature of the resistance enzymes expressed by the MDR bacteria. In that, the bacteria expressing enzymes with higher content of aromatic amino acids and zero or positive net charges were generally more susceptible. Following these findings, a plausible hypothesis for the observed patterns was put forward. The generally challenging pharmacokinetic properties of galloylglucoses limit their further development into therapeutic agents. However, the compounds can replace or reduce the use of antibiotics in livestock keeping as well as in the treatment of septic wounds and topical or oral cavity infections, among other potential uses. Using nature-inspired approaches, a series of glucovanillin derivatives were prepared following feasible synthetic pathways which in most cases ensured good yields and high purity levels. Some of the prepared compounds showed MIC values in a range of 128 - 512 μg/mL against susceptible and MDR strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae, Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus faecium (VRE). These findings emphasize the previously reported essence of small molecular size, the presence of protonatable amino groups and halogen atoms, as well as an amphiphilic character, as crucial features for potential antibacterial agents. Due to the experienced limited success in the search for new antibacterial agents using purely synthetic means, pursuing semi-synthetic approaches as employed in this study are highly encouraged. This way, it is possible to explore broader chemical spaces around natural scaffolds while addressing their inherent limitations such as solubility, toxicity, and poor pharmacokinetic profiles.}, subject = {Enterobacteriaceae}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Shaikh2024, author = {Shaikh, Muhammad Haroon}, title = {Nicht-h{\"a}matopoetische lymphoide Stromazellen aktivieren alloreaktive CD4\(^+\) T-Zellen in der Initiierung der akuten Graft-versus-Host Disease}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25201}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-252015}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In der Initiationsphase der akuten Graft-versus-Host Erkrankung (GvHD) werden CD4+ T-Zellen in den lymphatischen Organen durch h{\"a}matopoietische Antigen-pr{\"a}sentierende Zellen aktiviert. Im Gegensatz dazu, werden in der Effektorphase CD4+ T-Zellen von nicht-h{\"a}matopoetischen Zellen im D{\"u}nndarm aktiviert. Wir stellten die Hypothese auf, dass alloreaktive CD4+ T-Zellen nach allogener h{\"a}matopoetischer Zelltransplantation, welche in der Initiationsphase der aGvHD vorwiegend in die sekund{\"a}ren lymphatischen Organe migrieren, dort durch nicht-h{\"a}matopoetische Lymphknoten-Stromazellen {\"u}ber die Erkennung von MHC-Klasse II aktiviert werden. Um diese Hypothese zu testen, setzten wir ein von allogenen CD4+ T-Zellen-abh{\"a}ngiges MHC Major Mismatch aGvHD Mausmodell ein, um diese Zusammenh{\"a}nge n{\"a}her zu erforschen. Mittels Biolumineszenz-Bildgebung und dreidimensionale Lichtblattmikroskopie und Durchflusszytometrie-Analysen von fr{\"u}heren Zeitpunkten nach einer alloHCT bzw. im Anfangsstadium der aGvHD konnten wir zeigen, dass allogene T-Zellen exklusiv in die Milz, Lymphknoten und die Peyerschen Plaques migrieren und nicht in die intestinale Lamina propria. Indem wir transgene Mauslinien verwendeten, die keine oder eine nur partielle komplette h{\"a}matopoietische Antigenpr{\"a}sentation aufwiesen, konnten wir eine sehr fr{\"u}h auf die alloHCT folgende allogene CD4+ T-Zellaktivierung in den lymphoiden Organen von MHCIIΔCD11c and MHCIIΔ Knochenmark-Chim{\"a}ren nachweisen. Aufgrund des, bei den MHCIIΔ Knochenmarks-Chim{\"a}ren auftretenden Versagens der negativen Thymusselektion und die daraus resultierende autoreaktive Immunreaktionen nach einer syngenen HCST stellte sich heraus, dass dies ein ungeeignetes Modell f{\"u}r die Untersuchung der Pr{\"a}sentation nicht-h{\"a}matopoetischer Antigene bei GvHD ist. Um diese Herausforderung zu bew{\"a}ltigen, generierten wir MHCIIΔVav1 M{\"a}use bei denen die MHC-Klasse-II-Expression auf allen h{\"a}matopoetischen Zellen fehlt. MHCIIΔVav1 M{\"a}use entwickelten eine aGvHD, wobei die Lymphknoten-Stromazellen dieser Tiere allogene CD4+ T-Zellen in gemischten Lymphozytenreaktionen aktivieren konnten. Ebenso konnten mesenteriale Lymphknoten von CD11c.DTR-M{\"a}usen, die zuvor in eine MHCIIΔ Maus transplantiert wurden, CD4+ T-Zellen in vivo aktivieren, wodurch die Lymphknoten-Stromazellen eindeutig als nicht-h{\"a}matopoetische Antigen-pr{\"a}sentierende Zellen der lymphoiden Organe nachgewiesen werden konnten. {\"U}ber das Cre/loxP-System konnten wir Knockout-M{\"a}use mit fehlender MHCII-Expression in Subpopulationen von Lymphknoten-Stromazellen generieren und verwendeten dann Einzelzell-RNA-Sequenzierung. Hier w{\"a}hlten wir Ccl19 und VE-Cadherin aus, um unsere Analyse spezifisch auf die fibroblastischen retikul{\"a}ren Zellen bzw. Endothelzellen der Lymphknoten zu konzentrieren. Bei MHCIIΔCcl19 M{\"a}usen war die Aktivierung alloreaktiver CD4+ T-Zellen in der Initiationsphase der aGvHD m{\"a}ßig reduziert, w{\"a}hrend das Fehlen von MHCII auf den fibroblastischen retikul{\"a}ren Zellen zu einer Hyperaktivierung allogener CD4+ T-Zellen f{\"u}hrte, was wiederum eine schlechtere {\"U}berlebensrate der M{\"a}use zur Folge hatte. Dieser Ph{\"a}notyp wurde durch regulatorische T-Zellen moduliert, die in der Lage waren, H2-Ab1fl M{\"a}use von den Folgen von GvHD zu retten, jedoch nicht die MHCIIΔCcl19. Ein Knock-out von MHCII auf Endothelzellen von MHCIIΔVE-Cadherin M{\"a}usen, f{\"u}hrte in der Initiationsphase der GvHD nur zu einer m{\"a}ßig reduzierten Aktivierung von CD4+ T-Zellen. Umgekehrt zeigten MHCIIΔVE-Cadherin M{\"a}use im Langzeit{\"u}berleben jedoch einen protektiven Ph{\"a}notyp verglichen mit wurfgeschwister H2-Ab1fl M{\"a}usen. Um die Bedeutung der MHCII-Antigenpr{\"a}sentation der Endothelzellen zu untersuchen, generierten wir außerdem MHCIIΔVE-CadherinΔVav1 M{\"a}use, bei welchen eine Antigenpr{\"a}sentation, weder im endothelialen noch im h{\"a}matopoetischen Kompartiment m{\"o}glich war. Lymphknoten-Stromazellen von MHCIIΔVE-CadherinΔVav1 M{\"a}usen waren nicht in der Lage, alloreaktive CD4+ T-Zellen in einer gemischten Lymphozytenreaktion zu aktivieren. Insgesamt konnten wir zum ersten Mal beweisen, dass die MHC-Klassse II auf den Lymphknoten-Stromazellen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Modulation allogener CD4+ T-Zellen in der Initiations- und schließlich in der Effektorphase der Graft-versus-Host-Disease spielt.}, subject = {Transplantat-Wirt-Reaktion}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fusi2023, author = {Fusi, Lorenza}, title = {Crosstalk between the MEK5/ERK5 and PKB/FoxO pathways: underlying mechanism and its relevance for vasoprotection and tumorigenesis}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29676}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-296769}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Forkhead box O transcription factors are a family of proteins involved in cellular processes downstream of the Insulin-PI3K-PKB pathway. In response to extra- or intracellular stresses, for example starvation or oxidative stress, FoxOs are required to direct cell cycle progression and apoptosis. In endothelial cells, they induce apoptosis, and their deregulation is linked to diseases involving the insulin pathway, such as diabetes. FoxOs also exhibit a complex role in tumour transformation: here their main function is to suppress tumorigenesis. In both physiological and cancer contexts, FoxO activation leads to the transcription of some general targets, such as p27kip1 or IGFBP1. The FoxOs can also induce tissue-specific genes, as ANGPT2 and BIM in the endothelium. In endothelial cells, another pathway with a pivotal function is the MEK5/ERK5 MAPK signalling way. Its activation promotes cell survival and proliferation in stressful conditions, e.g., when blood vessels are exposed to the shear forces exerted by the blood stream. Furthermore, recent data described ERK5 as a kinase directing tumour resistance upon therapy-induced stress. Comparing their reported roles in various tumours and in the endothelium, FoxO proteins and the MEK5/ERK5 MAPK cascade appear to exert opposite functions. First non-published data confirmed the hypothesis that FoxO factors are subject to a negative modulation by the MEK5/ERK5 pathway. Hence, one goal of this PhD project was to further characterise this crosstalk at molecular level. The major mechanism of FoxO regulation is the balance among several post translational modifications, such as phosphorylation, acetylation, and ubiquitination. Most importantly, the PKB dependent phosphorylation of FoxOs negatively controls their activity, and it is critical for their subcellular localization. Therefore, the regulation of FoxO localization as mechanism of ERK5 dependent suppression was studied, but the results presented in this thesis argue against this hypothesis. However, additional experiments are required to explore the impact of ERK5 activity on FoxO post-translational modifications. FoxO activity can also be modulated by the interaction with other proteins, which in turn could explain general- and tissue-specific gene expression. Thus, another objective of this work was to investigate FoxO3-interactome in endothelial cells and the impact of MEK5/ERK5 activation on it. As published in (Fusi et al. 2022) and presented here, this analysis unveiled TRRAP as new FoxO bound protein in several cell types. Moreover, the interaction did not rely on the capacity of the FoxOs to bind their consensus DNA sequences at the promoter of target genes. Functional data demonstrated that TRRAP is required for FoxO-dependent gene transcription in endothelial and osteosarcoma cells. In addition, TRRAP expression in the endothelium is important for FoxO induced apoptosis. In summary, the interaction between FoxO factors and TRRAP revealed a new regulatory mechanism of FoxO-dependent gene transcription. It remains to be analysed whether the MEK5/ERK5 cascade may exert its suppressive effect on FoxO activity by interfering with their binding to TRRAP and whether such a mechanism may be relevant for tumorigenesis.}, subject = {Endothel}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Meiser2023, author = {Meiser, Elisabeth}, title = {Single-molecule dynamics at a bottleneck: a systematic study of the narrow escape problem in a disc}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31965}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-319650}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Diffusion facilitates numerous reactions within the biological context of a cell. It is remarkable how the cost-efficient random process of Brownian motion promotes fast reactions. From the narrow escape theory, it is possible to determine the mean first passage time of such processes based on their reaction space and diffusion coefficient. The narrow escape theory of Brownian particles is characterized by a confining domain with reflective boundaries and a small reaction site. In this thesis, the mean first passage time was systematically tested in a disc as a function of the escape opening size in vitro and in silico. For the in vitro experiments, a model system of patterned supported-lipid bilayers (SLB) was established. Such a model is prepared by a combined colloid metalization approach, where a gold scaffold on glass facilitates assembly of SLB patches of distinct sizes through vesicle fusion. The model setup was evaluated and found to match all necessary requirements to test the nar- row escape problem in vitro. In particular, the reflectivity of the boundaries, the unhindered, free diffusion of the tracer lipids, and the distinct area were assessed. Observed results of the mean first passage time agreed with the theory of the narrow escape problem. There was excellent agreement in both absolute values and across a range of small escape opening sizes. Additionally, I developed a straightforward method, a correction factor, to calculate the mean first passage time from incomplete experimental traces. By re-scaling the mean first passage time to the fraction of particles that escaped, I was able to overcome the lifetime limitations of fluorescent probes. Previously inaccessible measurements of the mean first passage time relying on fluorescent probes will be made possible through this approach. The in vitro experiments were complemented with various in silico experiments. The latter were based on random walk simulations in discs, mimicking the in vitro situation with its uncertainties. The lifetime of single particles was either set sufficiently long to allow all particles to escape, or was adjusted to meet the lifetime limitations observed in the in vitro experiments. A comparison of the mean first passage time from lifetime-unlimited particles to the corrected, lifetime-limited particles did support the use of the correction factor. In agreement with the narrow escape theory, it was experimentally found that the mean first passage time is independent of the start point of the particle within the domain. This is when the particle adheres to a minimum distance to the escape site. In general, the presented random walk simulations do accurately represent the in vitro experiments in this study. The required hardware for the establishment of an astigmatism-based 3D system was installed in the existing microscope. The first attempts to analyze the obtained 3D imaging data gave insight into the potential of the method to investigate molecule dynamics in living trypanosome cells. The full functionality will be realized with the ongoing improvement of image analysis outside of this thesis.}, subject = {Freies Molek{\"u}l}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ganskih2023, author = {Ganskih, Sabina}, title = {Dissecting the functional interplay between SARS-CoV-2 viral RNAs and the host proteome}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34648}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-346486}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The recent pandemic has reminded the public that basic research in virology is pivotal for human health. Understanding the mechanisms of successful viral replication and the role of host factors can help to combat viral infections and prevent future pandemics. Our lab has published the first SARS-CoV-2 RNA-protein interaction atlas, laying the foundation to investigate the interplay between viral RNA and host RNA binding proteins (RBP). Based on this, my project created the largest collection of binding profiles of host and viral RBPs on SARS-CoV-2 RNA to date. This revealed the host protein SND1 as the first human RBP that specifically binds negative sense viral RNA at the 5´ end, a region associated with viral transcription initiation. The binding profile shares similarities with the viral RBP nsp9, which binds the 5´ ends of positive and negative sense SARS-CoV-2 RNA. Depletion of SND1 shows reduced levels of viral RNA revealing it as a proviral host factor. To decode the underlying molecular mechanism, I characterized the protein-protein interactions of SND1 in SARS-CoV-2 infected and uninfected cells. Infection remodels the protein interactors of SND1 from general RNA biology to membrane association and viral RNA synthesis. Upon infection, SND1 specifically interacts with nsp9, the RBP that shares the same binding region on the negative strand of SARS-CoV-2 RNA. Recent work demonstrates that nsp9 is NMPylated in vitro suggesting a functional role of nsp9 in priming of viral RNA synthesis. I was able to show that nsp9 is covalently linked to the 5´ ends of SARS-CoV-2 RNA during infection of human cells. Analysing the covalent bond of nsp9 with the viral RNA on nucleotide level shows close proximity to the initiation sites of viral RNA synthesis, suggesting that nsp9 acts as a protein-primer of SARS-CoV-2 RNA synthesis. SND1 modulates the distribution of nsp9 on the viral RNA, since depletion of SND1 results in imbalanced occupancy of nsp9 at the 5´ends of viral RNA. This study is the first to provide evidence for the priming mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 in authentic viral replication and further reveals how this mechanism is modulated by the host RBP SND1. Detailed knowledge about priming of viral RNA synthesis can help to find targeted antivirals that could be used to fight coronaviral infections.}, subject = {SARS-CoV-2}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{SchukraftgebScheffler2024, author = {Schukraft [geb. Scheffler], Nina}, title = {Integrated defensive states and their neuronal correlates in the Periaqueductal Gray}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34745}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-347458}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In the face of threat, animals react with a defensive reaction to avoid or reduce harm. This defensive reaction encompasses apart from behavioral changes also physiological, analgetic, and endocrine adaptations. Nonetheless, most animal studies on fear and anxiety are based on behavioral observations only, disregarding other aspects of the defensive reaction, or integrating their inter-related dynamics only insufficiently. The first part of this thesis aimed in characterizing patterned associations of behavioral and physiological responses, termed integrated defensive states. Analyzing cardiac and behavioral responses in mice undergoing multiple fear and anxiety paradigms revealed a complex and dynamic interaction of those readouts on both, short and long timescales. Microstates, stereotypical combinations of i.e. freezing and decelerating heart rates, are short-lasting and were, in turn, shown to be influenced by slow acting macrostate changes. One of those higher order macrostates, called `rigidity`, was defined as a latent process that constrains the range of momentary displayed heart rate values. Furthermore, integrated defensive states were found to be highly dependent on the cue and the context the animals are confronted with. Importantly, same behavioral observations, i.e. freezing, were associated with distinct cardiac responses, highlighting the importance of multivariate analysis of integrated defensive states. Defensive states are orchestrated by the brain, which has evolved evolutionary conserved survival circuits. A central brain area of these circuits is the periaqueductal gray (PAG) in the midbrain. It plays a pivotal role in mediating defensive states, as it receives signals about external and internal information from multiple brain regions and sends information to both, higher order brain areas as well as to the brainstem ultimately causing the execution of threat responses. In the second part of this thesis, different neuronal circuit elements in the PAG were optically manipulated in order to gain mechanistic insight into the defense network in the brain underlying the previously delineated cardio-behavioral defensive states. Optical activation of glutamatergic PAG neurons evoked heterogeneous, light-intensity dependent responses. However, a further molecular restriction of the glutamatergic neuronal population targeting only Chx10+ neurons, led to a cardio-behavioral state that resembled spontaneous freezing-bradycardia bouts. In summary, this thesis presents a multivariate description of defensive states, which includes the complex interaction of cardiac and behavioral responses on different timescales and, furthermore, functionally dissects different excitatory and inhibitory PAG circuit elements mediating these defensive states.}, subject = {Perianova, Irina}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Janz2024, author = {Janz, Anna}, title = {Human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) in inherited cardiomyopathies: Generation and characterization of an iPSC-derived cardiomyocyte model system of dilated cardiomyopathy with ataxia (DCMA)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24096}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-240966}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The emergence of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and the rise of the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated protein 9 (CRISPR/Cas9) gene editing technology innovated the research platform for scientists based on living human pluripotent cells. The revolutionary combination of both Nobel Prize-honored techniques enables direct disease modeling especially for research focused on genetic diseases. To allow the study on mutation-associated pathomechanisms, we established robust human in vitro systems of three inherited cardiomyopathies: arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (ACM), dilated cardiomyopathy with juvenile cataract (DCMJC) and dilated cardiomyopathy with ataxia (DCMA). Sendai virus vectors encoding OCT3/4, SOX2, KLF4, and c-MYC were used to reprogram human healthy control or mutation-bearing dermal fibroblasts from patients to an embryonic state thereby allowing the robust and efficient generation of in total five transgene-free iPSC lines. The nucleofection-mediated CRISPR/Cas9 plasmid delivery in healthy control iPSCs enabled precise and efficient genome editing by mutating the respective disease genes to create isogenic mutant control iPSCs. Here, a PKP2 knock-out and a DSG2 knock-out iPSC line were established to serve as a model of ACM. Moreover, a DNAJC19 C-terminal truncated variant (DNAJC19tv) was established to mimic a splice acceptor site mutation in DNAJC19 of two patients with the potential of recapitulating DCMA-associated phenotypes. In total eight self-generated iPSC lines were assessed matching internationally defined quality control criteria. The cells retained their ability to differentiate into cells of all three germ layers in vitro and maintained a stable karyotype. All iPSC lines exhibited a typical stem cell-like morphology as well as expression of characteristic pluripotency markers with high population purities, thus validating the further usage of all iPSC lines in in vitro systems of ACM, DCMA and DCMJC. Furthermore, cardiac-specific disease mechanisms underlying DCMA were investigated using in vitro generated iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes (iPSC-CMs). DCMA is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by life threatening early onset cardiomyopathy associated with a metabolic syndrome. Causal mutations were identified in the DNAJC19 gene encoding an inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) protein with a presumed function in mitochondrial biogenesis and cardiolipin (CL) remodeling. In total, two DCMA patient-derived iPSC lines (DCMAP1, DCMAP2) of siblings with discordant cardiac phenotypes, a third isogenic mutant control iPSC line (DNAJC19tv) as well as two control lines (NC6M and NC47F) were directed towards the cardiovascular lineage upon response to extracellular specification cues. The monolayer cardiac differentiation approach was successfully adapted for all five iPSC lines and optimized towards ventricular subtype identity, higher population purities and enhanced maturity states to fulfill all DCMA-specific requirements prior to phenotypic investigations. To provide a solid basis for the study of DCMA, the combination of lactate-based metabolic enrichment, magnetic-activated cell sorting, mattress-based cultivation and prolonged cultivation time was performed in an approach-dependent manner. The application of the designated strategies was sufficient to ensure adult-like characteristics, which included at least 60-day-old iPSC-CMs. Therefore, the novel human DCMA platform was established to enable the study of the pathogenesis underlying DCMA with respect to structural, morphological and functional changes. The disease-associated protein, DNAJC19, is constituent of the TIM23 import machinery and can directly interact with PHB2, a component of the membrane bound hetero-oligomeric prohibitin ring complexes that are crucial for phospholipid and protein clustering in the IMM. DNAJC19 mutations were predicted to cause a loss of the DnaJ interaction domain, which was confirmed by loss of full-length DNAJC19 protein in all mutant cell lines. The subcellular investigation of DNAJC19 demonstrated a nuclear restriction in mutant iPSC-CMs. The loss of DNAJC19 co-localization with mitochondrial structures was accompanied by enhanced fragmentation, an overall reduction of mitochondrial mass and smaller cardiomyocytes. Ultrastructural analysis yielded decreased mitochondria sizes and abnormal cristae providing a link to defects in mitochondrial biogenesis and CL remodeling. Preliminary data on CL profiles revealed longer acyl chains and a more unsaturated acyl chain composition highlighting abnormities in the phospholipid maturation in DCMA. However, the assessment of mitochondrial function in iPSCs and dermal fibroblasts revealed an overall higher oxygen consumption that was even more enhanced in iPSC-CMs when comparing all three mutants to healthy controls. Excess oxygen consumption rates indicated a higher electron transport chain (ETC) activity to meet cellular ATP demands that probably result from proton leakage or the decoupling of the ETC complexes provoked by abnormal CL embedding in the IMM. Moreover, in particular iPSC-CMs presented increased extracellular acidification rates that indicated a shift towards the utilization of other substrates than fatty acids, such as glucose, pyruvate or glutamine. The examination of metabolic features via double radioactive tracer uptakes (18F-FDG, 125I-BMIPP) displayed significantly decreased fatty acid uptake in all mutants that was accompanied by increased glucose uptake in one patient cell line only, underlining a highly dynamic preference of substrates between mutant iPSC-CMs. To connect molecular changes directly to physiological processes, insights on calcium kinetics, contractility and arrhythmic potential were assessed and unraveled significantly increased beating frequencies, elevated diastolic calcium concentrations and a shared trend towards reduced cell shortenings in all mutant cell lines basally and upon isoproterenol stimulation. Extended speed of recovery was seen in all mutant iPSC-CMs but most striking in one patient-derived iPSC-CM model, that additionally showed significantly prolonged relaxation times. The investigations of calcium transient shapes pointed towards enhanced arrhythmic features in mutant cells comprised by both the occurrence of DADs/EADs and fibrillation-like events with discordant preferences. Taken together, new insights into a novel in vitro model system of DCMA were gained to study a genetically determined cardiomyopathy in a patient-specific manner upon incorporation of an isogenic mutant control. Based on our results, we suggest that loss of full-length DNAJC19 impedes PHB2-complex stabilization within the IMM, thus hindering PHB-rings from building IMM-specific phospholipid clusters. These clusters are essential to enable normal CL remodeling during cristae morphogenesis. Disturbed cristae and mitochondrial fragmentation were observed and refer to an essential role of DNAJC19 in mitochondrial morphogenesis and biogenesis. Alterations in mitochondrial morphology are generally linked to reduced ATP yields and aberrant reactive oxygen species production thereby having fundamental downstream effects on the cardiomyocytes` functionality. DCMA-associated cellular dysfunctions were in particular manifested in excess oxygen consumption, altered substrate utilization and abnormal calcium kinetics. The summarized data highlight the usage of human iPSC-derived CMs as a powerful tool to recapitulate DCMA-associated phenotypes that offers an unique potential to identify therapeutic strategies in order to reverse the pathological process and to pave the way towards clinical applications for a personalized therapy of DCMA in the future.}, subject = {Induzierte pluripotente Stammzelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Widmaier2023, author = {Widmaier, Louis}, title = {Die Regulation des Chemokinrezeptors CXCR4 durch Chemotherapeutika in Myelomzelllinien}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34568}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-345682}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Untersucht wurde der Einfluss mehrerer Chemotherapeutika auf den Chemokinrezeptor CXCR4 in Myelomzelllinien auf Ebene des Promotors, der mRNA und der Rezeptorverteilung, wobei drei Substanzen (Etoposid, Bortezomib und Dexamethason) als potenzielle Suppressoren des Promotors ausgemacht werden konnten. Abh{\"a}ngig vom Myelom-Zelltyp und der Dosierung k{\"o}nnen so evtl. R{\"u}ckschl{\"u}sse auf die beobachtete Suppression von CXCR4 bei erkrankten Patienten mit hoher CXCR4-Aktivit{\"a}t (hier: Malignes Myelom) durch die begleitende Chemotherapie gezogen werden, welche eine Diagnostik und Therapie bei diesen Patienten erschwert. Hintergrund: Hintergrund f{\"u}r diese Arbeit waren Beobachtungen in klinischen Fallstudien von Lapa et al. am Universit{\"a}tsklinikum W{\"u}rzburg, die sich auf CXCR4 bezogen, welches u.a. bei Patienten mit Multiplem Myelom {\"u}berexprimiert wird und dadurch bereits als Target f{\"u}r Diagnostik und Therapie in der Klinik Anwendung findet. Dabei konnte bei PET-CT Untersuchungen in der Nuklearmedizin beobachtet werden, dass es durch die begleitende Chemotherapie der Patienten zu einer Suppression des markierten CXCR4-Signals kam, so dass es nicht mehr zur Verlaufsbeobachtung und vor allem nicht mehr zur Radiotherapie und Therapiekontrolle verwendet werden konnte. Um den Einfluss und m{\"o}gliche Interaktionen der Chemotherapeutika auf CXCR4 zu untersuchen, war es Ziel dieser Arbeit, ein vergleichbares Szenario in-vitro nachzustellen und Einfl{\"u}sse messbar zu machen, um so m{\"o}gliche Ans{\"a}tze und Verbesserungsvorschl{\"a}ge f{\"u}r die klinische Anwendung zu liefern. Methoden/Ergebnisse: Hierf{\"u}r wurden im ersten Teil INA-6 (Myelomzellen) und Mesenchymale Stammzellen (MSC) kultiviert, in Ko-Kultur gebracht und nach einer bestimmten Zeit wieder getrennt, um anschließend den gegenseitigen Einfluss in Bezug auf CXCR4 zu messen. Zudem wurde der Einfluss von Dexamethason untersucht. Es zeigte sich eine enge Bindung zwischen INA-6 und MSC sowie eine hohe CXCR4-Aktivit{\"a}t bei INA-6, jedoch konnte keine Induktion der CXCR4-Aktivit{\"a}t in MSC durch INA-6-Kontakt oder Dexamethason quantifiziert werden. Die Immunzytologie erwies sich aufgrund einer schweren Anf{\"a}rbbarkeit von CXCR4 - auch mit verschiedensten Antik{\"o}rpern und sogar Liganden-gekoppeltem Farbstoff- als kaum auswertbar, wobei eine Darstellung von CXCR4 generell aber gelang. Der CXCR4-Promotor wurde mittels Software genauer analysiert, wobei einige relevante Bindestellen, u.a. f{\"u}r Glukokortikoide und NFkB gefunden wurden. Die Herstellung eines CXCR4- pGl4.14-Promotor-Konstrukts war erfolgreich, ebenso dessen Einschleusung in Myelomzellen. Auch gelang die Herstellung stabiler transfizierter INA-6, sodass mit diesen anschließend konstantere Ergebnisse erzielt werden konnten. Im gr{\"o}ßten Teil der Arbeit wurden geeignete Chemotherapeutika-Konzentrationen ermittelt und in Viabilit{\"a}ts- und Apoptose-Versuchen {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Die Stimulationsversuche mit diesen zeigten variable Effekte abh{\"a}ngig vom Zelltyp (INA-6, MM1S), jedoch konnten Bortezomib, Etoposid und Dexamethason konzentrationsabh{\"a}ngig als starke Suppressoren der CXCR4-Aktivit{\"a}t ausgemacht werden, was sich v.a. auf Ebene der Promotoraktivit{\"a}t - gemessen mittels Luciferase - zeigte. Interpretation: In-vitro konnten somit drei potenzielle Suppressoren der CXCR4-Aktivit{\"a}t ausgemacht werden: Etoposid, Bortezomib und Dexamethason. Zumindest beim INA-6-Zelltyp fiel dieser Effekt deutlich aus, wobei in der Klinik der entsprechende Zelltyp sowie die Dosierung der Medikamente ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden m{\"u}ssen. Hinzu kommen weitere Einflussfaktoren des menschlichen K{\"o}rpers, die nicht ber{\"u}cksichtig werden konnten. Die genauen Mechanismen der Suppression k{\"o}nnten sich aus den Bindestellen des Promotors erkl{\"a}ren, die von uns analysiert wurden, aber auf die in weiteren Arbeiten noch n{\"a}her eingegangen werden muss.}, subject = {Bortezomib}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Cellini2024, author = {Cellini, Antonella}, title = {Die Rolle der Na\(^+\)/K\(^+\)-ATPase in der Herzinsuffizienz}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29789}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-297894}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die Na+ /K+ -ATPase (NKA) ist maßgeblich an der Regulation der kardialen Na+ -Hom{\"o}ostase beteilligt. Im Myokard werden haupts{\"a}chlich zwei Isoformen exprimiert: die α1 (NKA-α1) und die α2-Isoform (NKA-α2). Diese beiden Isoformen unterscheiden sich sowohl in ihrer Lokalisation als auch in ihrer zellul{\"a}ren Funktion. So ist die NKA-α1 recht homogen entlang des Sarkolemms zu finden und ist verantwortlich f{\"u}r die Regulation der globalen intrazellul{\"a}ren Na+ -Konzentration ([Na+ ]i). Die NKA-α2 hingegen konzentriert sich haupts{\"a}chlich in den T-Tubuli und beeinflusst {\"u}ber Ver{\"a}nderung der lokalen [Na+ ]i die Ca2+ -Transienten und die Kontraktilit{\"a}t. Im Rahmen einer Herzinsuffizienz wurde eine verminderte Expression und Aktivit{\"a}t der NKA beobachtet. Gleichzeitig werden Inhibitoren der NKA, sogenannte Digitalisglykoside, in fortgeschrittenen Herzinsuffizienz-Stadien eingesetzt. Die Studienlage {\"u}ber den Einsatz dieser Therapeutika ist recht uneinheitlich und reicht von einer verringerten Hospitalisierung bis hin zu einer erh{\"o}hten Mortalit{\"a}t. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es die Folgen einer NKA-α2 Aktivierung w{\"a}hrend einer Herzinsuffizienz mit Hilfe eines murinen {\"U}berexpressionsmodells zu analysieren. 11-Wochen alte M{\"a}use mit einer kardialen NKA-α2 {\"U}berexpression (NKA-α2) und Wildtyp (WT) Versuchstiere wurden einem 8-w{\"o}chigen Myokardinfarkt (MI) unterzogen. NKA-α2 Versuchstiere waren vor einem pathologischem Remodeling und einer kardialen Dysfunktion gesch{\"u}tzt. NKA-α2 Kardiomyozyten zeigten eine erh{\"o}hte Na+ /Ca2+ -Austauscher (NCX) Aktivit{\"a}t, die zu niedrigeren diastolischen und systolischen Ca2+ -Spiegeln f{\"u}hrte und einer Ca2+ -Desensitisierung der Myofibrillen entgegenwirkte. WT Versuchstiere zeigten nach chronischem MI eine sarkoplasmatische Ca2+ -Akkumulation, die in NKA-α2 Kardiomyozyten ausblieb. Gleichzeitig konnte in der NKA-α2 MI Kohorte im Vergleich zu den WT MI Versuchstieren eine erh{\"o}hte Expression von β1-adrenergen Rezeptoren (β1AR) beobachtet werden, die eine verbesserte Ansprechbarkeit gegen{\"u}ber β-adrenergen Stimuli bewirkte. Zudem konnte in unbehandelten Versuchstieren eine Interaktion zwischen NKA-α2 und dem β1AR nachgewiesen werden, welche in der WT Kohorte gr{\"o}ßer ausfiel als in der NKA-α2 Versuchsgruppe. Gleichzeitig zeigten unbehandelte NKA-α2 Kardiomyozyten eine erh{\"o}hte Sensitivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber β-adrenerger Stimulation auf, welche nicht mit einer erh{\"o}hten Arrhythmie-Neigung oder vermehrten Bildung reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies einherging. Diese Untersuchungen zeigen, dass eine NKA-α2 {\"U}berexpression vor pathologischem Remodeling und einer kardialen Funktionbeeintr{\"a}chtigung sch{\"u}tzt, indem eine systolische, diastolische und sarkoplasmatische Ca2+ -Akkumulation verhindert wird. Gleichzeitig wird die β1AR Expression stabilisert, wodurch es zu einer verminderten neurohumoralen Aktivierung und einer Durchbrechung des Circulus vitiosus kommen k{\"o}nnte. Insgesamt scheint eine Aktivierung der NKA-α2 durchaus ein vielversprechendes Target in der Herzinsuffizienz Therapie darzustellen. Therapie darzustellen.}, subject = {Herzinsuffizienz}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Massih2024, author = {Massih, Bita}, title = {Human stem cell-based models to analyze the pathophysiology of motor neuron diseases}, publisher = {Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34637}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-346374}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Motor neuron diseases (MNDs) encompass a variety of clinically and genetically heterogeneous disorders, which lead to the degeneration of motor neurons (MNs) and impaired motor functions. MNs coordinate and control movement by transmitting their signal to a target muscle cell. The synaptic endings of the MN axon and the contact site of the muscle cell thereby form the presynaptic and postsynaptic structures of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ). In MNDs, synaptic dysfunction and synapse elimination precede MN loss suggesting that the NMJ is an early target in the pathophysiological cascade leading to MN death. In this study, we established new experimental strategies to analyze human MNDs by patient derived induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and investigated pathophysiological mechanisms in two different MNDs. To study human MNDs, specialized cell culture systems that enable the connection of MNs to their target muscle cells are required to allow the formation of NMJs. In the first part of this study, we established and validated a human neuromuscular co-culture system consisting of iPSC derived MNs and 3D skeletal muscle tissue derived from myoblasts. We generated 3D muscle tissue by culturing primary myoblasts in a defined extracellular matrix in self-microfabricated silicone dishes that support the 3D tissue formation. Subsequently, iPSCs from healthy donors and iPSCs from patients with the progressive MND Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) were differentiated into MNs and used for 3D neuromuscular co-cultures. Using a combination of immunohistochemistry, calcium imaging, and pharmacological stimulations, we characterized and confirmed the functionality of the 3D muscle tissue and the 3D neuromuscular co-cultures. Finally, we applied this system as an in vitro model to study the pathophysiology of ALS and found a decrease in neuromuscular coupling, muscle contraction, and axonal outgrowth in co-cultures with MNs harboring ALS-linked superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) mutation. In summary, this co-culture system presents a human model for MNDs that can recapitulate aspects of ALS pathophysiology. In the second part of this study, we identified an impaired unconventional protein secretion (UPS) of Sod1 as pathological mechanisms in Pleckstrin homology domain-containing family G member 5 (Plekhg5)-associated MND. Sod1 is a leaderless cytosolic protein which is secreted in an autophagy-dependent manner. We found that Plekhg5 depletion in primary MNs and NSC34 cells leads to an impaired secretion of wildtype Sod1, indicating that Plekhg5 drives the UPS of Sod1 in vitro. By interfering with different steps during the biogenesis of autophagosomes, we could show that Plekhg5-regulated Sod1 secretion is determined by autophagy. To analyze our findings in a clinically more relevant model we utilized human iPSC MNs from healthy donors and ALS patients with SOD1 mutations. We observed reduced SOD1 secretion in ALS MNs which coincides with reduced protein expression of PLEKHG5 compared to healthy and isogenic control MNs. To confirm this correlation, we depleted PLEKHG5 in control MNs and found reduced extracellular SOD1 levels, implying that SOD1 secretion depends on PLEKHG5. In summary, we found that Plekh5 regulates the UPS of Sod1 in mouse and human MNs and that Sod1 secretion occurs in an autophagy dependent manner. Our data shows an unreported mechanistic link between two MND-associated proteins.}, subject = {Tissue Engineering}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zimniak2024, author = {Zimniak, Melissa Maria}, title = {Der Serotonin-Wiederaufnahmehemmer Fluoxetin inhibiert die SARS-CoV-2-Replikation}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34719}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-347190}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die COVID-19 Pandemie ist die bisher verheerendste Pandemie des 21. Jahrhunderts. Durch die Einf{\"u}hrung neuer mRNA-basierter Impfstoffe sowie der hohen Rate nat{\"u}rlicher Infektionen konnte die weltweite SARS-CoV-2-Immunit{\"a}t gesteigert werden. Trotz aller Erfolge zur Eind{\"a}mmung der Pandemie kann eine Infektion auch heute noch zu schweren Verl{\"a}ufen und Tod f{\"u}hren. Eine ad{\"a}quate COVID-19-Therapie ist folglich auf potente Virostatika angewiesen. Eine durch Umgehung zeitaufw{\"a}ndiger klinischer Studien schnell verf{\"u}gbare Alternative zu neu entwickelten Arzneimitteln ist die Anwendung etablierter Medikamente. Wir isolierten und charakterisierten ein von einem Patienten stammendes SARS-CoV-2-Virus. Dieses Virusisolat wurde bisher in elf Publikationen verwendet. Mittels quantitativer Echtzeit-Polymerasekettenreaktion untersuchten wir eine Substanzbibliothek mit mehr als 300 neuen und bereits zugelassenen Wirkstoffen auf ihre Wirksamkeit gegen SARS-CoV-2. Dabei konnten wir zeigen, dass der selektive Serotonin-Wiederaufnahmehemmer Fluoxetin die SARS-CoV-2-Replikation ab einer Dosis von 0,8 μg/ml signifikant inhibiert, einer bei der Behandlung von Depressionen h{\"a}ufig angewandten Dosierung. Der EC50-Wert lag bei 387 ng/ml. Die Behandlung mit Fluoxetin resultierte in einer reduzierten Zahl an Virusprotein-produzierenden Zellen, was darauf hindeutet, dass es die virale Reinfektion und/oder Proteinexpression inhibiert. Fluoxetin ist ein racemisches Gemisch, wobei das (S)-Enantiomer der potentere Serotonin-Wiederaufnahmehemmer ist. Wir konnten zeigen, dass beide Enantiomere einen vergleichbaren antiviralen Effekt gegen SARS-CoV-2 aufweisen, wodurch das (R)-Enantiomer bei virologischer Indikation gegebenenfalls pr{\"a}feriert werden sollte. Fluoxetin hat keinen Einfluss auf die Replikation des Tollwut-Virus und des Humanen Respiratorischen Synzytial-Virus, was auf eine Virusspezifit{\"a}t hindeutet. Weitere aus der Bibliothek stammende signifikante Inhibitoren der SARS-CoV-2-Replikation sind die am Institut f{\"u}r Organische Chemie W{\"u}rzburg entwickelten Substanzen AKS 232 und AKS 128. Neben der medikament{\"o}sen Therapie ist die akkurate Bestimmung neutralisierender Antik{\"o}rper gegen SARS-CoV-2 zur Quantifizierung des bestehenden (Re-) Infektionsschutzes sowie zur Planung zuk{\"u}nftiger Impfstrategien von großer Bedeutung. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelten wir unter Verwendung der quantitativen Echtzeit-Polymerasekettenreaktion erfolgreich ein zuverl{\"a}ssiges Testverfahren zur Detektion neutralisierender anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antik{\"o}rper.}, subject = {Fluoxetin}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Koch2024, author = {Koch, Thorsten Manfred}, title = {Wirt - Pathogen Interaktion bei Hornhautinfektionen durch \(Fusarium\) spp.}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34777}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-347774}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Fusarium (F.)-Infektionen des Auges zeigen oft einen schwerwiegenden Verlauf und sind am h{\"a}ufigsten mit Spezies des Fusarium solani species complex assoziiert. Dabei sind das Tragen von weichen Kontaktlinsen sowie Traumata die wichtigsten pr{\"a}disponierenden Faktoren. Vorangegangene Untersuchungen des Nationalen Referenzzentrums f{\"u}r invasive Pilzinfektionen hatten ergeben, dass Infektionen durch F. petroliphilum mit der Nutzung von Kontaktlinsen, Infektionen durch F. falciforme jedoch {\"u}berwiegend traumaassoziiert uns vor allem aus tropischen und subtropischen L{\"a}ndern bekannt sind. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es daher zu untersuchen, ob F. falcifomre und F. petroliphilum physiologische Merkmale aufweisen, die f{\"u}r die Unterschiede in den Risikofaktoren f{\"u}r Keratitiden durch die beiden Arten verantwortlich sein k{\"o}nnten.}, subject = {Fusarium}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hassler2023, author = {Haßler, Markus Sebastian}, title = {NFATc3 in der akuten GvHD}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32368}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-323681}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Bei Leuk{\"a}mien, Lymphomen und dem Multiplen Myelom stellt die allogene h{\"a}matopoetische Stammzelltransplantation (allo-HCT) oft die letzte kurative Therapieoption dar. Spender-T-Zellen (v.a. CD8+-T-Zellen), die im Transplantat enthalten sind, erkennen nach Chemo-/Strahlentherapie verbliebene Reste des entarteten Empf{\"a}ngergewebes, eradizieren dieses und verhindern somit ein Tumorrezidiv (Graft-versus-Leuk{\"a}mie Reaktion/GvL). H{\"a}ufig attackieren Spender-T-Zellen (v.a. CD4+-Th1-Zellen) aber auch nicht-malignes Gewebe (z.B. Haut, Leber und Darm), was bis zum Tod des Patienten f{\"u}hren kann (Graft-versus-Host Disease/GvHD). Calcineurin-Inhibitoren wie Cyclosporin A (CsA) und Tacrolimus, die oft schon prophylaktisch verabreicht werden, verhindern {\"u}ber eine unselektive Inhibition aller Mitglieder der NFAT-Transkriptionsfaktorfamilie (Nuclear factor of activated T-cells) die Aktivierung der Spender-T-Zellen. Es folgt eine klinische Besserung der GvHD-Symptomatik, w{\"a}hrend jedoch der GvL-Effekt ebenfalls supprimiert wird. Bisherige Untersuchungen unserer Arbeitsgruppe am Mausmodell hatten gezeigt, dass die selektive Inhibition eines NFAT-Familienmitgliedes (NFATc1 oder NFATc2) in den Donor-T-Zellen zu einer signifikanten Besserung der aGvHD bei jedoch erhaltener GvL f{\"u}hrt. Es wurde nun der Einfluss des dritten, in Lymphozyten exprimierten NFAT-Mitglieds NFATc3 im Kontext der aGvHD untersucht. Zur Basisanalyse der neu kreierten Nfatc3fl/fl.Cd4cre- und Nfatc1fl/fl.Nfatc3fl/fl.Cd4cre-Mauslinien erfolgten durchflusszytometrische und Western-Blot-Analysen. Anschließend wurden In-vivo-Untersuchungen unter Verwendung eines etablierten major-mismatch-aGvHD-Modells (H-2b→H-2d) durchgef{\"u}hrt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass durch eine NFATc3- (+/- NFATc1-) Defizienz direkt ex vivo die CD4+/CD8+-Ratio durch Abnahme der CD4+- hin zu den CD8+-T-Zellen verschoben wird. Auch zeigte sich in den entsprechenden Genotypen eine Abnahme der naiven- und daf{\"u}r vice versa eine Zunahme der Effektor-T-Zellen. In den wiederholt durchgef{\"u}hrten aGvHD-Versuchen zeigte sich in vivo als Korrelat der (ebenfalls erneut nachgewiesenen) Abnahme des CD4+/CD8+-Quotienten in den Zielorganen eine geringere Expansion der NFAT-defizienten als der wildtypischen T-Zellen. Leider spiegelte sich dies nicht in dem clinical score zur Quantifizierung der aGvHD-Symptomatik wider. Auch das K{\"o}rpergewicht der Versuchsgruppe nahm rapide ab. Urs{\"a}chlich hierf{\"u}r ist - als Korrelat zur direkt ex vivo nachgewiesenen Aktivierungsneigung - ein vermehrter Th1-Shift der NFATc3 (+/-NFATc1-) defizienten T-Zellen. Eine Inhibierung von NFATc3 - im Gegensatz zu NFATc1 und NFATc2 - ist demzufolge kein sinnvoller Ansatzpunkt f{\"u}r eine m{\"o}gliche, zielgerichtetere aGvHD-Therapie. Der positive Effekt der reduzierten Proliferationsneigung der NFATc3-defizienten Lymphozyten wird durch deren vermehrte Aktivierungsneigung mit erh{\"o}hter Sekretion von pro-inflammatorischen Zytokinen zunichte gemacht.}, subject = {Transplantat-Wirt-Reaktion}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Reil2023, author = {Reil, Lucy Honor}, title = {The role of WASH complex subunit Strumpellin in platelet function}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24207}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242077}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Strumpellin is a member of the highly conserved pentameric WASH complex, which stimulates the Arp2/3 complex on endosomes and induces the formation of a branched actin network. The WASH complex is involved in the formation and stabilisation of endosomal retrieval subdomains and transport carriers, into which selected proteins are packaged and subsequently transported to their respective cellular destination, e.g. the plasma membrane. Up until now, the role of Strumpellin in platelet function and endosomal trafficking has not been researched. In order to examine its role, a conditional knockout mouse line was generated, which specifically lacked Strumpellin in megakaryocytes and platelets. Conditional knockout of Strumpellin resulted in only a mild platelet phenotype. Loss of Strumpellin led to a decreased abundance of the αIIbβ3 integrin in platelets, including a reduced αIIbβ3 surface expression by approximately 20\% and an impaired αIIbβ3 activation after platelet activation. The reduced surface expression of αIIbβ3 was also detected in megakaryocytes. The expression of other platelet surface glycoproteins was not affected. Platelet count, size and morphology remained unaltered. The reduction of αIIbβ3 expression in platelets resulted in a reduced fibrinogen binding capacity after platelet activation. However, fibrinogen uptake under resting conditions, although slightly delayed, as well as overall fibrinogen content in Strumpellin-deficient platelets were comparable to controls. Most notably, reduced αIIbβ3 expression did not lead to any platelet spreading and aggregation defects in vitro. Furthermore, reduced WASH1 protein levels were detected in the absence of Strumpellin. In conclusion, loss of Strumpellin does not impair platelet function, at least not in vitro. However, the data demonstrates that Strumpellin plays a role in selectively regulating αIIbβ3 surface expression. As a member of the WASH complex, Strumpellin may regulate αIIbβ3 recycling back to the platelet surface. Furthermore, residual WASH complex subunits may still assemble and partially function in the absence of Strumpellin, which could explain the only 20\% decrease in αIIbβ3 surface expression. Nonetheless, the exact mechanism still remains unclear.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Klingler2023, author = {Klingler, Philipp}, title = {Exploration of proteasome interactions with human platelet function}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32108}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-321089}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Platelets are anucleated cell fragments derived from megakaryocytes. They play a fundamental role in hemostasis, but there is rising evidence that they are also involved in immunological processes. Despite absence of a nucleus, human platelets are capable of de novo protein synthesis and contain a fully functional proteasome system, which is, in nucleated cells, involved in processes like cell cycle progression or apoptosis by its ability of protein degradation. The physiological significance of the proteasome system in human platelets is not yet fully understood and subject of ongoing research. Therefore, this study was conducted with the intention to outline the role of the proteasome system for functional characteristics of human platelets. For experimentation, citrated whole blood from healthy donors was obtained and preincubated with proteasome inhibitors. In addition to the commonly used bortezomib, the potent and selective proteasome inhibitor carfilzomib was selected as a second inhibitor to rule out agent-specific effects and to confirm that observed changes are related to proteasome inhibition. Irreversibly induced platelet activation and aggregation were not affected by proteasome blockade with bortezomib up to 24 hours. Conversely, proteasome inhibition led to enhanced threshold aggregation and agglutination up to 25 \%, accompanied by partial alleviation of induced VASP phosphorylation of approximately 10-15 \%. Expression of different receptors were almost unaffected. Instead, a significant increase of PP2A activity was observable in platelets after proteasome blockade, accompanied by facilitated platelet adhesion to coated surfaces in static experiments or flow chamber experiments. Carfilzomib, used for the first time in functional experimentation with human platelets in vitro, led to a dose-dependent decrease of proteasome activity with accumulation of poly ubiquitylated proteins. Like bortezomib, carfilzomib treatment resulted in enhanced threshold aggregation with attenuated VASP phosphorylation. As the main conclusion of this thesis, proteasome inhibition enhances the responsiveness of human platelets, provided by an alleviation of platelet inhibitory pathways and by an additional increase of PP2A activity, resulting in facilitated platelet adhesion under static and flow conditions. The proteasome system appears to be involved in the promotion of inhibitory counterregulation in platelets. The potential of proteasome inhibitors for triggering thromboembolic adverse events in patients must be clarified in further studies, in addition to their possible use for targeting platelet function to improve the hemostatic reactivity of platelets.}, subject = {Thrombozyt}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Xiao2023, author = {Xiao, Yin}, title = {Lack of NFATc1 SUMOylation prevents autoimmunity and alloreactivity}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32105}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-321054}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {SUMOylation, as a post-translational modification, plays a crucial role in several biological processes. Small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) proteins can be reversibly linked to the lysine residues located within specific motifs on numerous target proteins, leading to the change of stability, localization, activity of target proteins, mostly by promoting or interfering with the interaction with other molecules. Consequently, it can regulate gene transcription, migration, cell cycle progression, cellular responses to stress, and tumorigenesis. NFATc1 belongs to the Nuclear Factor of Activated T-cells (NFAT) transcription factor family, which is dephosphorylated and translocates to the nucleus upon cell stimulation, which provokes Ca2+ signalling. NFAT plays a crucial role in the development and function of the immune system. NFATc1 has three SUMOylation sites at the position of aa 349, 702, and 914. In our previous study, we demonstrated that point mutations performed on the SUMOylation sites on all three or only at the lysine residues K702 and K914 lead to enhanced expression of IL-2 in vitro. To evaluate the function of SUMOylation of NFATc1 on T cell-mediated immunity in vivo, we not only generated a transgenic mouse strain (NFATc1/ΔS+ mouse) by point mutations from Lysine to Arginine on the two SUMOylation sites within exon 10 of Nfatc1 to prevent their SUMOylation, but in combination created another mouse strain (NFATc1/ΔBC+ mouse) that is completely Nfatc1 exon 10-ablated by using the LoxP/Cre system. In NFATc1/ΔS+ T cells, we observed enhanced IL-2 production and less IL-17A and IFN-γ expression. In line with exon 10 bearing the relevant SUMO sites, NFATc1/ΔBC+ CD4+ T cells behaved similarly as NFATc1/ΔS+ ones. The mechanism is that elevated IL-2 secretion can counteract the expression of IL-17A and IFN-γ via STAT5 and Blimp-1 induction. Afterwards, Blimp-1 suppressed IL-2 itself as well as Bcl2A1. Next, we performed two disease models with our NFATc1/ΔS+ mice. In a major mismatch model for acute graft-versus-host disease, we found that the mice transplanted with NFATc1/ΔS+ CD3+ T cells developed less severe disease, and T cells proliferated less due to increased Tregs. Moreover, when transferring 2D2.NFATc1/ΔS+ Th1 plus Th17 cells to Rag1-/- mice to induce experimental autoimmune encephalitis, we also observed ameliorated disease compared to animals with transferred WT T cells as well as increased Tregs. Taking all data together, the deficiency in SUMOylation of NFATc1 leads to an elevated IL-2 secretion in T cells and subsequent activation of STAT5, which competes with STAT3 to inhibit IL-17A production and promotes Treg expansion, as well as to an enforcement of Blimp-1 expression, which suppresses IFN-γ and IL-2 expression. Consequently and despite a short phase of enhanced IL-2 secretion, the deficiency of SUMOylation on NFATc1 can protect from autoreactive and alloreactive diseases. Moreover, to further understand the function of SUMOylation of NFATc1 in humans, we started by establishing an in vitro 3D culture system for tonsil organoids, which was successful in the presence of feeder cells, along with IL-4 and IL-7 cytokines. To confirm that our 3D tonsil organoids can respond to real antigens, we used CMV peptides and peptides of spike proteins from Covid-19 as real antigens, and co-cultured with tonsil organoids, which indeed can generate memory cells and plasmablasts. In the end, we also compared 3D to 2D cultures. Although the total numbers of all B cell subsets were much less in 3D culture than that in 2D culture, still, it indicates that this in-vitro culture system has its limitation, while being usable to produce the similar results as 2D did. Therefore, this 3D culture system can be used as a platform to investigate NFATc1/ΔS+ or NFATc1/ΔBC+ TFH and TFR cells in the dynamic of human GC responses.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Khayenko2023, author = {Khayenko, Vladimir}, title = {Functional peptide-based probes for the visualization of inhibitory synapses}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32043}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-320438}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Short functional peptidic probes can maximize the potential of high-end microscopy techniques and multiplex imaging assays and provide new insights into normal and aberrant molecular, cellular and tissue function. Particularly, the visualization of inhibitory synapses requires protocol tailoring for different sample types and imaging techniques and relies either on genetic manipulation or on antibodies that underperform in tissue immunofluorescence. Starting from an endogenous activity-related ligand of gephyrin, a universal marker of the inhibitory post-synapse, I developed a short peptidic multivalent binder with exceptional affinity and selectivity to gephyrin. By tailoring fluorophores to the binder, I have obtained Sylite, a probe for the visualization of inhibitory synapses, with an outstanding signal-to-background ratio, that bests the "gold standard" gephyrin antibodies both in selectivity and in tissue immunofluorescence. In tissue Sylite benefits from simplified handling, provides robust synaptic labeling in record-short time and, unlike antibodies, is not affected by staining artefacts. In super-resolution microscopy Sylite precisely localizes the post-synapse and enables accurate pre- to post-synapse measurements. Combined with complimentary tracing techniques Sylite reveals inhibitory connectivity and profiles inhibitory inputs and synapse sizes of excitatory and inhibitory neurons in the periaqueductal gray brain region. Lastly, upon probe optimization for live cell application and with the help of novel thiol-reactive cell penetrating peptide I have visualized inhibitory synapses in living neurons. Taken together, my work provided a versatile probe for conventional and super-resolution microscopy and a workflow for the development and application of similar compact functional synthetic probes.}, subject = {Fluoreszenzsonde}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Huber2023, author = {Huber, Hannes}, title = {Biochemical and functional characterization of DHX30, an RNA helicase linked to neurodevelopmental disorder}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28050}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-280505}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {RNA helicases are key players in the regulation of gene expression. They act by remodeling local RNA secondary structures as well as RNA-protein interactions to enable the dynamic association of RNA binding proteins to their targets. The putative RNA helicase DHX30 is a member of the family of DEAH-box helicases with a putative role in the ATP-dependent unwinding of RNA secondary structures. Mutations in the DHX30 gene causes the autosomal dominant neuronal disease "Neurodevelopmental Disorder with severe Motor Impairment and Absent Language" (NEDMIAL;OMIM\#617804). In this thesis, a strategy was established that enabled the large-scale purification of enzymatically active DHX30. Through enzymatic studies performed in vitro, DHX30 was shown to act as an ATP-dependent 3' → 5' RNA helicase that catalyzes the unwinding of RNA:RNA and RNA:DNA substrates. Using recombinant DHX30, it could be shown that disease-causing missense mutations in the conserved helicase core caused the disruption of its ATPase and helicase activity. The protein interactome of DHX30 however, was unchanged indicating that the pathogenic missense-mutations do not cause misfolding of DHX30, but rather specifically affect its catalytic activity. DHX30 localizes predominantly in the cytoplasm where it forms a complex with ribosomes and polysomes. Using a cross-linking mass spectrometry approach, a direct interaction of the N-terminal double strand RNA binding domain of DHX30 with sites next to the ribosome's mRNA entry channel and the subunit interface was uncovered. RNA sequencing of DHX30 knockout cells revealed a strong de-regulation of mRNAs involved in neurogenesis and nervous system development, which is in line with the NEDMIAL disease phenotype. The knockdown of DHX30 results in a decreased 80S peak in polysome gradients, indicating that DHX30 has an effect on the translation machinery. Sequencing of the pool of active translating mRNAs revealed that upon DHX30 knockout mainly 5'TOP mRNAs are downregulated. These mRNAs are coding for proteins of the translational machinery and translation initiation factors. This study identified DHX30 as a factor of the translation machinery that selectively impacts the expression of a subset of proteins and provides insight on the etiology of NEDMIAL.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gensler2023, author = {Gensler, Marius E.}, title = {Simultaneous printing of tissue and customized bioreactor}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28019}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-280190}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Additive manufacturing processes such as 3D printing are booming in the industry due to their high degree of freedom in terms of geometric shapes and available materials. Focusing on patient-specific medicine, 3D printing has also proven useful in the Life Sciences, where it exploits the shape fidelity for individualized tissues in the field of bioprinting. In parallel, the current systems of bioreactor technology have adapted to the new manufacturing technology as well and 3D-printed bioreactors are increasingly being developed. For the first time, this work combines the manufacturing of the tissue and a tailored bioreactor, significantly streamlining the overall process and optimally merging the two processes. This way the production of the tissues can be individualized by customizing the reactor to the tissue and the patient-specific wound geometry. For this reason, a common basis and guideline for the cross-device and cross-material use of 3D printers was created initially. Their applicability was demonstrated by the iterative development of a perfusable bioreactor system, made from polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and a lignin-based filament, into which a biological tissue of flexible shape can be bioprinted. Cost-effective bioink-replacements and in silico computational fluid dynamics simulations were used for material sustainability and shape development. Also, nutrient distribution and shear stress could be predicted in this way pre-experimentally. As a proof of functionality and adaptability of the reactor, tissues made from a nanocellulose-based Cellink® Bioink, as well as an alginate-based ink mixed with Me-PMeOx100-b-PnPrOzi100-EIP (POx) (Alginate-POx bioink) were successfully cultured dynamically in the bioreactor together with C2C12 cell line. Tissue maturation was further demonstrated using hMSC which were successfully induced to adipocyte differentiation. For further standardization, a mobile electrical device for automated media exchange was developed, improving handling in the laboratory and thus reduces the probability of contamination.}, subject = {3 D bioprinting}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{WalterverhRaab2023, author = {Walter [verh. Raab], Bettina Nicoletta}, title = {Systolische und diastolische myokardiale Deformation: Referenzwerte und Einfluss kardiovaskul{\"a}rer Risikofaktoren - Ergebnisse der populationsbasierten STAAB Kohortenstudie}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32157}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-321575}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Kontraktion und Relaxation sind die beiden entscheidenden energieverbrauchenden Prozesse der Herzarbeit, die sich unter anderem mit modernen echokardiographischen Techniken, wie dem Strain Imaging, quantifizieren lassen. An 1818 Probanden (52\% weibliche Probanden, mittleres Alter 54 ±12 Jahre) der populationsbasierten W{\"u}rzburger STAAB Kohortenstudie leiteten wir unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung von Alter und Geschlecht der Probanden Referenzwerte f{\"u}r globale und segmentale systolische und diastolische Deformationsparameter mittels 2D Speckle Echo-Tracking ab. Wir fanden, dass sich die myokardiale Suszeptibilit{\"a}t f{\"u}r klassische kardiovaskul{\"a}re Risikofaktoren bei M{\"a}nnern und Frauen unterscheidet. Insgesamt war die Auswertbarkeit gut (67\% des globalen Strain, 82\% der systolischen und fr{\"u}hdiastolischen Strain Rate und 83\% der diastolischen Strain Rate). Arterieller Hypertonus und Dyslipid{\"a}mie wirkten sich insbesondere auf das weibliche Myokard ung{\"u}nstig aus, wohingegen der Risikofaktor Adipositas bei beiden Geschlechtern negativ mit systolischer und fr{\"u}hdiastolischer Deformation assoziiert war. Weder Diabetes mellitus noch Rauchen schienen die myokardiale Deformation zu beeinflussen. Die fr{\"u}hdiastolische Relaxation wurde durch Hypertonus negativ bei Frauen beeinflusst, obwohl die Pr{\"a}valenz in der m{\"a}nnlichen Gruppe h{\"o}her war. Die systolische Strain Rate war zudem signifikant von arteriellem Hypertonus, Dyslipid{\"a}mie und Adipositas bei Frauen beeinflusst. Diese Ergebnisse implizieren eine geschlechtsabh{\"a}ngige Sensitivit{\"a}t des Myokards auf individuelle Risikofaktoren. Die Vulnerabilit{\"a}t des weiblichen Myokards auf hypertone Blutdruckwerte mit konsekutiver Alteration der aktiven fr{\"u}hdiastolischen Relaxation stellt somit eine m{\"o}gliche Erkl{\"a}rung f{\"u}r den gr{\"o}ßeren Anteil an Frauen mit HFpEF (heart failure with preserved ejection fraction) in der Allgemeinbev{\"o}lkerung dar. Ein negativer Einfluss durch Nikotinkonsum war in unserem Ansatz hingegen nicht nachweisbar, in dem nicht das Ausmaß des Nikotinkonsums, sondern nur die Assoziation der bin{\"a}ren Variable „Raucherstatus" mit Strain-Parameternuntersucht wurde. Dahingehend ist eine dosisabh{\"a}ngige myokardiale Sch{\"a}digung nicht auszuschließen. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde erstmalig der individuelle Effekt jedes Hauptrisikofaktors auf systolische und diastolische Strain-Parameter in einer populationsbasierten und nach Geschlecht und Alter stratifizierten Kohorte untersucht. Auf Basis der Studienergebnisse ist jetzt eine objektive Absch{\"a}tzung von Effektgr{\"o}ßen und der Power f{\"u}r k{\"u}nftige Studienplanung m{\"o}glich und es lassen sich Studien zur Einordnung der myokardialen Deformation in bestimmten Patientengruppen objektivierbar vergleichen. Unsere Ergebnisse unterstreichen zudem die Notwendigkeit von Studien bez{\"u}glich Prim{\"a}rpr{\"a}vention asymptomatischer kardiovaskul{\"a}rer Risikopatienten mittels nichtinvasiver Methoden. Eine wichtige Rolle kommt dabei auch der Standardisierung von Softwaresystemen zu, die die Anwendung im klinischen Alltag und die globale Anwendung von Referenzwerten bzw. deren pathologischer Abweichung vereinfachen wird.}, subject = {Transthorakale Echokardiographie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{GotthardtgebSchubert2023, author = {Gotthardt [geb. Schubert], Sonja}, title = {Einfluss von Oncostatin M auf die Pathogenese der Nicht-alkoholischen Fettlebererkrankung}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28131}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-281312}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die Nicht-alkoholische Fettlebererkrankung (NAFLD) ist eine der h{\"a}ufigsten chronischen Lebererkrankungen der westlichen Welt. Die Pathogenese der Erkrankung ist noch nicht vollst{\"a}ndig erforscht und wirksame medikament{\"o}se Therapien sind bisher nicht zugelassen. Wachsende Evidenz zeigt, dass das Interleukin-6-Typ-Zytokin Oncostatin M (OSM) eine wichtige Rolle in der Pathogenese der NAFLD spielt. Die japanische Arbeitsgruppe um Komori et al. zeigte an OSM-Rezeptor-β-defizienten (Osmr-KO-) M{\"a}usen sowie durch OSM-Behandlung von genetisch und ern{\"a}hrungsbedingt adip{\"o}sen M{\"a}usen, dass OSM vor einer hepatischen Steatose und metabolischer Komorbidit{\"a}t sch{\"u}tzen kann. Andere Publikationen suggerieren, dass OSM an NAFLD-Entwicklung und -Progression beteiligt ist, indem es die Expression von Genen der β-Oxidation und Very-Low-Density-Lipoprotein (VLDL-) Sekretion reprimiert und die Expression profibrogenetischer Gene f{\"o}rdert. Low-Density-Lipoprotein-Rezeptor-defiziente- (Ldlr-KO-) M{\"a}use sind seit Langem als Atherosklerose-Modell etabliert und wurden zuletzt auch als physiologisches Modell f{\"u}r NAFLD identifiziert. Um die Rolle von OSM in der NAFLD-Pathogenese zu beleuchten, wurden Osmr-KO-M{\"a}use auf Wildtyp- (WT-) und Ldlr-KO-Hintergrund untersucht, die {\"u}ber 12 Wochen eine fett- und cholesterinreiche Western Diet erhielten und anschließend f{\"u}r die Organentnahme geopfert wurden. Im Vorfeld dieser Arbeit wurden K{\"o}rpergewicht, Blutglukose, Serum-Cholesterin und Lebergewicht der Tiere gemessen. Hierbei zeigte sich ein erh{\"o}htes K{\"o}rpergewicht, unver{\"a}nderte Blutglukose, erh{\"o}htes Serum-Cholesterin sowie ein erh{\"o}htes Lebergewicht in Osmr-KO- gegen{\"u}ber WT-M{\"a}usen. Andersherum waren K{\"o}rpergewicht, Blutglukose, Serum-Cholesterin und Lebergewicht in Ldlr-Osmr-KO- gegen{\"u}ber Ldlr-KO-M{\"a}usen vermindert. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit erfolgte die histologische Untersuchung des Lebergewebes, die Messung von Serum-Triglyzeriden und Fetts{\"a}uren sowie die Untersuchung der hepatischen Genexpression. An kultivierten Zellen der humanen Hepatom-Zelllinie HepG2 wurde eine m{\"o}gliche Regulation der CYP7A1-Genexpression durch OSM untersucht. CYP7A1 ist als Schrittmacherenzym der Gallens{\"a}uresynthese an der hepatischen Cholesterin-Clearance beteiligt. Osmr-KO-M{\"a}use zeigten gegen{\"u}ber WT-M{\"a}usen histologisch eine verst{\"a}rkte hepatische Steatose. Bei der Untersuchung der mRNA-Expression von Genen mit Beteiligung an der hepatischen Lipidhom{\"o}ostase zeigte sich eine Minderexpression von Ldlr in Osmr-KO-M{\"a}usen. Weiterhin zeigte sich eine etwas geringere Expression von Cyp7a1 in Osmr-KO-M{\"a}usen. Die Expression aller anderen untersuchten Gene, die an Fetts{\"a}uresynthese, Cholesterintransport und -metabolismus beteiligt sind, lieferten keine Erkl{\"a}rung f{\"u}r eine erh{\"o}hte hepatische Lipidakkumulation in Osmr-KO-M{\"a}usen. Ldlr-Osmr-KO-M{\"a}use hatten gegen{\"u}ber Ldlr-KO-M{\"a}usen eine geringer ausgepr{\"a}gte hepatische Steatose. Die mRNA-Expression von Genen der Fetts{\"a}uresynthese, der Cholesterinbiosynthese und des Cholesterintransports waren in Ldlr-Osmr-KO- gegen{\"u}ber Ldlr-KO-M{\"a}usen nicht wesentlich ver{\"a}ndert. Allerdings fiel eine deutliche Hochregulation von Cyp7a1 in Ldlr-Osmr-KO-M{\"a}usen auf. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus war Osm in Ldlr-KO-M{\"a}usen gegen{\"u}ber WT-M{\"a}usen st{\"a}rker exprimiert. Um eine Regulation von CYP7A1 durch OSM nachzuweisen, wurde die Genexpression in HepG2-Zellen nach Stimulation mit OSM untersucht. Hierbei zeigte sich, dass OSM die mRNA-Expression von CYP7A1 supprimierte. Dieser Effekt war durch die Zugabe von Inhibitoren der Januskinasen (JAK), Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase/ERK-Kinase (MEK) und Extracellular-signal Regulated Kinase ½ (ERK1/2) reversibel. Die CYP7A1-Suppression durch OSM ging mit einer verminderten Expression des Transkriptionsfaktor-Gens HNF4A einher. Osmr-KO-M{\"a}use zeigten gegen{\"u}ber WT-M{\"a}usen nach 12 Wochen Western Diet verst{\"a}rkte Adipositas, Dyslipid{\"a}mie sowie eine hepatische Steatose. Die Analyse der hepatischen mRNA-Expression legt nahe, dass die Minderexpression von Ldlr in Osmr-KO-M{\"a}usen im Vergleich zu WT-M{\"a}usen zur Verst{\"a}rkung der Dyslipid{\"a}mie und hepatischen Steatose beigetragen hat. Weiterhin kann die geringere Expression von Cyp7a1 in Osmr-KO-M{\"a}usen durch daraus resultierende Akkumulation von Cholesterin zur erh{\"o}hten hepatischen Lipidakkumulation in diesen M{\"a}usen beigetragen haben. Ldlr-KO-M{\"a}use zeigten nach 12 Wochen Western Diet ebenfalls eine hepatische Steatose. Diese war in Ldlr-Osmr-KO-M{\"a}usen gegen{\"u}ber Ldlr-KO-M{\"a}usen geringer ausgepr{\"a}gt. Die erh{\"o}hte Expression von Cyp7a1 in Ldlr-Osmr-KO-M{\"a}usen kann die Verbesserung von hepatischer Lipidakkumulation und Dyslipid{\"a}mie durch erh{\"o}hte Cholesterinmetabolisierung zu Gallens{\"a}uren erkl{\"a}ren. {\"U}bereinstimmend mit der Cyp7a1-Regulation in LDLR-defizienten M{\"a}usen zeigte sich in vitro, dass OSM die Expression von CYP7A1 in HepG2-Zellen vermindert und sich so negativ auf die hepatische Lipidhom{\"o}ostase auswirken kann. Insgesamt implizieren diese Ergebnisse eine divergierende Rolle von OSM bei der Entwicklung einer hepatischen Steatose abh{\"a}ngig vom genetischen Hintergrund. OSM scheint bei WT-M{\"a}usen f{\"u}r die Erhaltung der metabolischen Gesundheit wichtig zu sein. Bei Ldlr-KO-M{\"a}usen hingegen scheint OSM die Entwicklung von Adipositas, Dyslipid{\"a}mie und hepatischer Steatose zu f{\"o}rdern. Die differenzielle Rolle in WT- und Ldlr-KO-M{\"a}usen k{\"o}nnte durch unterschiedliche Osm-Expressionsspiegel zustande kommen: W{\"a}hrend basale OSMRβ-Signaltransduktion durch geringe OSM-Spiegel in WT-M{\"a}usen f{\"u}r die Lipidhom{\"o}ostase essenziell zu sein scheint, k{\"o}nnte erh{\"o}hte oder prolongierte OSMRβ-Signaltransduktion durch h{\"o}here OSM-Spiegel in Ldlr-KO-M{\"a}usen das Fortschreiten der hepatischen Steatose f{\"o}rdern. Dies stellt OSM als m{\"o}gliches NAFLD-Therapeutikum in Frage. Um die Hypothese zu {\"u}berpr{\"u}fen, dass OSM abh{\"a}ngig von der H{\"o}he und Kinetik der Spiegel g{\"u}nstige oder ung{\"u}nstige Effekte auf die NAFLD-Entwicklung hat, sollte in zuk{\"u}nftigen Experimenten der Einfluss kurz- und langfristiger Behandlung von WT-M{\"a}usen mit OSM unterschiedlicher Konzentrationen auf die Entwicklung einer hepatischen Steatose untersucht werden.}, subject = {Fettleber}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Mittermeier2023, author = {Mittermeier, Anna Barbara}, title = {Furchtgeneralisierung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit internalisierenden St{\"o}rungen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28265}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-282658}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In vorgegangenen Studien wurde bei erwachsenen Patienten mit Angstst{\"o}rungen eine verst{\"a}rkte Furchtgeneralisierung, eine eingeschr{\"a}nkte F{\"a}higkeit zur Reizdiskrimination sowie eine ver{\"a}nderte Aufmerksamkeitsverteilung nachgewiesen. In einer gesunden Studienpopulation konnte bei Kindern eine st{\"a}rkere Furchtgeneralisierung nachgewiesen werden als bei Erwachsenen. Ihre Generalisierungsgradienten gleichen denen von Erwachsenen mit Angstst{\"o}rung. M{\"o}glicherweise haben gest{\"o}rte Lernprozesse in der Kindheit somit langfristige Effekte auf die Entwicklung von Angstst{\"o}rungen. Obwohl die Vorg{\"a}nge des Furchtlernens im Kindesalter entscheidend f{\"u}r das Verst{\"a}ndnis von Angstst{\"o}rungen sind, gibt es kaum Studien in dieser Altersgruppe. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die Zusammenh{\"a}nge von Furchtgeneralisierung und Aufmerksamkeitsprozessen in einer klinischen Population mit internalisierender St{\"o}rung im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Hierzu durchliefen Kinder und Jugendliche mit internalisierender St{\"o}rung (n= 49) sowie gesunde Kontrollen (n=48) im Alter von 9 bis 17 Jahre ein Furcht-generalisierungsparadigma mit Diskriminationstraining sowie einen modifizierten Dotprobe mit integriertem Eyetracking. Die {\"A}ngstlichkeit wurde mittels verschiedener Angstfrageb{\"o}gen gemessen. Im Generalisierungsparadigma wurden zwei weibliche Gesichter mit neutralem Gesichtsausdruck als Stimuli verwendet, die entweder mit (CS+) oder ohne (CS-) einem 95dB lauten Schrei sowie einem angsterf{\"u}llten Gesichtsausdruck gezeigt wurden. Zur Messung der Furchtreaktion wurden subjektive Ratings f{\"u}r Arousal, Valenz und Kontingenz erfasst, zudem wurde die Hautleitf{\"a}higkeit gemessen. Zur Auswertung des Dotprobes wurden die Reaktionszeiten und die Initialsakkade erfasst. Die statistische Analyse des Furchtgeneralisierungsparadigmas sowie des Dotprobe-Paradigmas wurde mittels Multivarianzanalysen mit Messwiederholung durchgef{\"u}hrt, gefolgt von t-Tests zur weiterf{\"u}hrenden Analyse. Desweiteren wurden die Aufmerksamkeitsreaktionen von nicht-{\"a}ngstlichen und {\"a}ngstlichen Teilnehmern in Kategorien eingeteilt und mittels Chi-Quadrat Analysen verglichen. Zur Analyse des Zusammenhangs zwischen Furchtgeneralisierung und Aufmerksamkeitsprozessen erfolgte eine Regressionsanalyse mit einem GS Mittelwert als abh{\"a}ngiger Variable und der {\"A}ngstlichkeit und den Aufmerk-samkeitsprozessen als Pr{\"a}diktoren. Die Ergebnisse best{\"a}tigten eine solide Furchtkonditionierung anhand des „Screaming Lady"-Paradigmas in einer klinischen Population, dies war erkennbar an h{\"o}heren Ratings f{\"u}r den aversiven Stimulus im Vergleich zum sicheren Stimulus in beiden Gruppen. Grunds{\"a}tzlich h{\"o}here Furchtratings sowie h{\"o}here Ratings der Generalisierungsstimuli im Vergleich zum sicheren Stimulus wiesen auf eine st{\"a}rkere Generalisierung in der Untergruppe mit h{\"o}herem Angst-Trait innerhalb der internalisierenden Probandengruppe hin. Die Analyse der Dotprobe Daten ergab schnellere Reaktionszeiten sowie h{\"a}ufigere Initialsakkaden gegen{\"u}ber furchteinfl{\"o}ßenden Stimuli bei Patienten mit internalisierender St{\"o}rung. Des Weiteren zeigten sehr {\"a}ngstliche Probanden h{\"a}ufiger einen Attentional bias im Chi Quadrat Test als nicht-{\"a}ngstliche Probanden. Dies wies daraufhin, dass sowohl bei Patienten mit internalisierender St{\"o}rung als auch bei sehr {\"a}ngstlichen Probanden ein Attentional bias gegen{\"u}ber furchtrelevanten Stimuli vorliegt. Vor allem bei Kindern mit internalisierender St{\"o}rung sagten die {\"A}ngstlichkeit und ver{\"a}nderte Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse die Auspr{\"a}gung der Furchtgeneralisierung voraus. Somit kann ein Zusammenhang von ver{\"a}nderten Aufmerksamkeitsprozessen und Furchtgeneralisierung vermutet werden.}, subject = {Kinderpsychiatrie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{DeğirmencineePoelloth2023, author = {Değirmenci [n{\´e}e P{\"o}lloth], Laura}, title = {Sugar perception and sugar receptor function in the honeybee (\(Apis\) \(mellifera\))}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32187}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-321873}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In the eusocial insect honeybee (Apis mellifera), many sterile worker bees live together with a reproductive queen in a colony. All tasks of the colony are performed by the workers, undergoing age-dependent division of labor. Beginning as hive bees, they take on tasks inside the hive such as cleaning or the producing of larval food, later developing into foragers. With that, the perception of sweetness plays a crucial role for all honeybees whether they are sitting on the honey stores in the hive or foraging for food. Their ability to sense sweetness is undoubtedly necessary to develop and evaluate food sources. Many of the behavioral decisions in honeybees are based on sugar perception, either on an individual level for ingestion, or for social behavior such as the impulse to collect or process nectar. In this context, honeybees show a complex spectrum of abilities to perceive sweetness on many levels. They are able to perceive at least seven types of sugars and decide to collect them for the colony. Further, they seem to distinguish between these sugars or at least show clear preferences when collecting them. Additionally, the perception of sugar is not rigid in honeybees. For instance, their responsiveness towards sugar changes during the transition from in-hive bees (e.g. nurses) to foraging and is linked to the division of labor. Other direct or immediate factors changing responsiveness to sugars are stress, starvation or underlying factors, such as genotype. Interestingly, the complexity in their sugar perception is in stark contrast to the fact that honeybees seem to have only three predicted sugar receptors. In this work, we were able to characterize the three known sugar receptors (AmGr1, AmGr2 and AmGr3) of the honeybee fully and comprehensively in oocytes (Manuscript II, Chapter 3 and Manuscript III, Chapter 4). We could show that AmGr1 is a broad sugar receptor reacting to sucrose, glucose, maltose, melezitose and trehalose (which is the honeybees' main blood sugar), but not fructose. AmGr2 acts as its co-receptor altering AmGr1's specificity, AmGr3 is a specific fructose receptor and we proved the heterodimerization of all receptors. With my studies, I was able to reproduce and compare the ligand specificity of the sugar receptors in vivo by generating receptor mutants with CRISPR/Cas9. With this thesis, I was able to define AmGr1 and AmGr3 as the honeybees' basis receptors already capable to detect all sugars of its known taste spectrum. In the expression analysis of my doctoral thesis (Manuscript I, Chapter 2) I demonstrated that both basis receptors are expressed in the antennae and the brain of nurse bees and foragers. This thesis assumes that AmGr3 (like the Drosophila homologue) functions as a sensor for fructose, which might be the satiety signal, while AmGr1 can sense trehalose as the main blood sugar in the brain. Both receptors show a reduced expression in the brain of foragers when compared with nurse bees. These results may reflect the higher concentrated diet of nurse bees in the hive. The higher number of receptors in the brain may allow nurse bees to perceive hunger earlier and to consume the food their sitting on. Forager bees have to be more persistent to hunger, when they are foraging, and food is not so accessible. The findings of reduced expression of the fructose receptor AmGr3 in the antennae of nurse bees are congruent with my other result that nurse bees are also less responsive to fructose at the antennae when compared to foragers (Manuscript I, Chapter 2). This is possible, since nurse bees sit more likely on ripe honey which contains not only higher levels of sugars but also monosaccharides (such as fructose), while foragers have to evaluate less-concentrated nectar. My investigations of the expression of AmGr1 in the antennae of honeybees found no differences between nurse bees and foragers, although foragers are more responsive to the respective sugar sucrose (Manuscript I, Chapter 2). Considering my finding that AmGr2 is the co-receptor of AmGr1, it can be assumed that AmGr1 and the mediated sucrose taste might not be directly controlled by its expression, but indirectly by its co-receptor. My thesis therefore clearly shows that sugar perception is associated with division of labor in honeybees and appears to be directly or indirectly regulated via expression. The comparison with a characterization study using other bee breeds and thus an alternative protein sequence of AmGr1 shows that co-expression of different AmGr1 versions with AmGr2 alters the sugar response differently. Therefore, this thesis provides first important indications that alternative splicing could also represent an important regulatory mechanism for sugar perception in honeybees. Further, I found out that the bitter compound quinine lowers the reward quality in learning experiments for honeybees (Manuscript IV, Chapter 5). So far, no bitter receptor has been found in the genome of honeybees and this thesis strongly assumes that bitter substances such as quinine inhibit sugar receptors in honeybees. With this finding, my work includes other molecules as possible regulatory mechanism in the honeybee sugar perception as well. We showed that the inhibitory effect is lower for fructose compared to sucrose. Considering that sugar signals might be processed as differently attractive in honeybees, this thesis concludes that the sugar receptor inhibition via quinine in honeybees might depend on the receptor (or its co-receptor), is concentration-dependent and based on the salience or attractiveness and concentration of the sugar present. With my thesis, I was able to expand the knowledge on honeybee's sugar perception and formulate a complex, comprehensive overview. Thereby, I demonstrated the multidimensional mechanism that regulates the sugar receptors and thus the sugar perception of honeybees. With this work, I defined AmGr1 and AmGr3 as the basis of sugar perception and enlarged these components to the co-receptor AmGr2 and the possible splice variants of AmGr1. I further demonstrated how those sugar receptor components function, interact and that they are clearly involved in the division of labor in honeybees. In summary, my thesis describes the mechanisms that enable honeybees to perceive sugar in a complex way, even though they inhere a limited number of sugar receptors. My data strongly suggest that honeybees overall might not only differentiate sugars and their diet by their general sweetness (as expected with only one main sugar receptor). The found sugar receptor mechanisms and their interplay further suggest that honeybees might be able to discriminate directly between monosaccharides and disaccharides or sugar molecules and with that their diet (honey and nectar).}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kaes2023, author = {K{\"a}s, Johannes}, title = {Pr{\"a}valenz von chronischer Niereninsuffizienz und Awareness von chronischer Niereninsuffizienz bei Patienten mit koronarer Herzerkrankung - zeitliche Trends in W{\"u}rzburg}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32340}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-323407}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die chronische Niereninsuffizienz (CKD) gilt als wichtiger prognostischer Faktor bei Patienten mit koronarer Herzerkrankung (KHK). Das Bewusstsein (Awareness) f{\"u}r das Vorliegen einer CKD bei {\"A}rzten wie bei Patienten kann bei der Therapie von KHK-Patienten eine entscheidende Rolle spielen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Beschreibung der zeitlichen Trends der CKD-Pr{\"a}valenz sowie der Awareness bei KHK-Patienten und {\"A}rzten im Rahmen der EUROASPIRE (EA) V Studie im Studienzentrum W{\"u}rzburg. EA V ist eine multizentrische Querschnittsstudie der European Society of Cardiology (ESC) zur Untersuchung der Qualit{\"a}t der Sekund{\"a}rpr{\"a}vention bei KHK-Patienten, die 6-24 Monate vor dem Studienbesuch station{\"a}r behandelt wurden. Nierenfunktion und Nierenerkrankung wurden mit der glomerul{\"a}ren Filtrationsrate (eGFR) und der Urin Albumin-Kreatinin-Ratio abgesch{\"a}tzt und klassifiziert. Die CKD Awareness der Patienten wurde anhand standardisierter Fragen erhoben. Die CKD Awareness der {\"A}rzte wurde {\"u}ber die ICD-10 Codierung in der Patientenakte sowie die Dokumentation im Entlassungsbrief erfasst. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit der W{\"u}rzburger EUROASPIRE IV (2012/13) Substudie verglichen. In EA V wurden 219 KHK-Patienten (Median 70 Jahre, 81\% M{\"a}nner) in W{\"u}rzburg eingeschlossen. Bei Studienbesuch betrug die Pr{\"a}valenz der CKD 32\%, davon waren sich 30\% der Patienten der CKD bewusst. Bei 26\% der 73 Patienten mit w{\"a}hrend des Index-Krankenhausaufenthaltes apparenter Nierenfunktionseinschr{\"a}nkung wurde diese auch im Entlassungsbrief dokumentiert und bei 80\% korrekt in der Patientenakte codiert. Im Vergleich zu EA IV zeigte sich die eingeschr{\"a}nkte Nierenfunktion w{\"a}hrend des Krankenhausaufenthaltes (p=0,013) und w{\"a}hrend des Studienbesuchs (p=0,056) h{\"a}ufiger. Bez{\"u}glich der CKD Awareness bei {\"A}rzten und Patienten gab es keine signifikanten Unterschiede bezogen auf die gesamten Kohorten. Im Fr{\"u}hstadium G3a zeigte sich eine statistisch signifikant geringere CKD Awareness der Patienten in EA V verglichen mit EA IV. Die CKD ist eine h{\"a}ufige Komorbidit{\"a}t bei KHK-Patienten. Die CKD Awareness ist bei Patienten, aber auch {\"A}rzten niedrig. Aus dieser Konstellation ergeben sich Handlungsauftr{\"a}ge f{\"u}r eine gezielte Aufkl{\"a}rung von Patienten und nachhaltig wirksame Fortbildung der behandelnden {\"A}rzte.}, subject = {Chronische Niereninsuffizienz}, language = {de} } @article{VargasWagnerShaikhetal.2022, author = {Vargas, Juan Gamboa and Wagner, Jennifer and Shaikh, Haroon and Lang, Isabell and Medler, Juliane and Anany, Mohamed and Steinfatt, Tim and Mosca, Josefina Pe{\~n}a and Haack, Stephanie and Dahlhoff, Julia and B{\"u}ttner-Herold, Maike and Graf, Carolin and Viera, Estibaliz Arellano and Einsele, Hermann and Wajant, Harald and Beilhack, Andreas}, title = {A TNFR2-Specific TNF fusion protein with improved in vivo activity}, series = {Frontiers in Immunology}, volume = {13}, journal = {Frontiers in Immunology}, issn = {1664-3224}, doi = {10.3389/fimmu.2022.888274}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-277436}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-2 (TNFR2) has attracted considerable interest as a target for immunotherapy. Indeed, using oligomeric fusion proteins of single chain-encoded TNFR2-specific TNF mutants (scTNF80), expansion of regulatory T cells and therapeutic activity could be demonstrated in various autoinflammatory diseases, including graft-versus-host disease (GvHD), experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) and collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). With the aim to improve the in vivo availability of TNFR2-specific TNF fusion proteins, we used here the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn)-interacting IgG1 molecule as an oligomerizing building block and generated a new TNFR2 agonist with improved serum retention and superior in vivo activity. Methods Single-chain encoded murine TNF80 trimers (sc(mu)TNF80) were fused to the C-terminus of an in mice irrelevant IgG1 molecule carrying the N297A mutation which avoids/minimizes interaction with Fcγ-receptors (FcγRs). The fusion protein obtained (irrIgG1(N297A)-sc(mu)TNF80), termed NewSTAR2 (New selective TNF-based agonist of TNF receptor 2), was analyzed with respect to activity, productivity, serum retention and in vitro and in vivo activity. STAR2 (TNC-sc(mu)TNF80 or selective TNF-based agonist of TNF receptor 2), a well-established highly active nonameric TNFR2-specific variant, served as benchmark. NewSTAR2 was assessed in various in vitro and in vivo systems. Results STAR2 (TNC-sc(mu)TNF80) and NewSTAR2 (irrIgG1(N297A)-sc(mu)TNF80) revealed comparable in vitro activity. The novel domain architecture of NewSTAR2 significantly improved serum retention compared to STAR2, which correlated with efficient binding to FcRn. A single injection of NewSTAR2 enhanced regulatory T cell (Treg) suppressive activity and increased Treg numbers by > 300\% in vivo 5 days after treatment. Treg numbers remained as high as 200\% for about 10 days. Furthermore, a single in vivo treatment with NewSTAR2 upregulated the adenosine-regulating ectoenzyme CD39 and other activation markers on Tregs. TNFR2-stimulated Tregs proved to be more suppressive than unstimulated Tregs, reducing conventional T cell (Tcon) proliferation and expression of activation markers in vitro. Finally, singular preemptive NewSTAR2 administration five days before allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT) protected mice from acute GvHD. Conclusions NewSTAR2 represents a next generation ligand-based TNFR2 agonist, which is efficiently produced, exhibits improved pharmacokinetic properties and high serum retention with superior in vivo activity exerting powerful protective effects against acute GvHD.}, language = {en} } @article{DeaneBrunkCurranetal.2020, author = {Deane, Katrina E. and Brunk, Michael G. K. and Curran, Andrew W. and Zempeltzi, Marina M. and Ma, Jing and Lin, Xiao and Abela, Francesca and Aksit, S{\"u}meyra and Deliano, Matthias and Ohl, Frank W. and Happel, Max F. K.}, title = {Ketamine anaesthesia induces gain enhancement via recurrent excitation in granular input layers of the auditory cortex}, series = {The Journal of Physiology}, volume = {598}, journal = {The Journal of Physiology}, number = {13}, doi = {10.1113/JP279705}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-216123}, pages = {2741 -- 2755}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Ketamine is commonly used as an anaesthetic agent and has more recently gained attention as an antidepressant. It has been linked to increased stimulus-locked excitability, inhibition of interneurons and modulation of intrinsic neuronal oscillations. However, the functional network mechanisms are still elusive. A better understanding of these anaesthetic network effects may improve upon previous interpretations of seminal studies conducted under anaesthesia and have widespread relevance for neuroscience with awake and anaesthetized subjects as well as in medicine. Here, we investigated the effects of anaesthetic doses of ketamine (15 mg kg\(^{-1}\) h\(^{-1}\)i.p.) on the network activity after pure-tone stimulation within the auditory cortex of male Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). We used laminar current source density (CSD) analysis and subsequent layer-specific continuous wavelet analysis to investigate spatiotemporal response dynamics on cortical columnar processing in awake and ketamine-anaesthetized animals. We found thalamocortical input processing within granular layers III/IV to be significantly increased under ketamine. This layer-dependent gain enhancement under ketamine was not due to changes in cross-trial phase coherence but was rather attributed to a broadband increase in magnitude reflecting an increase in recurrent excitation. A time-frequency analysis was indicative of a prolonged period of stimulus-induced excitation possibly due to a reduced coupling of excitation and inhibition in granular input circuits - in line with the common hypothesis of cortical disinhibition via suppression of GABAergic interneurons.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bender2009, author = {Bender, Markus}, title = {Studies on platelet cytoskeletal dynamics and receptor regulation in genetically modified mice}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48390}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Blutpl{\"a}ttchen werden von Megakaryozyten im Knochenmark in einem Prozess produziert, an dem Aktin beteiligt ist. Aktin-Depolymerisierungsfaktor (ADF) und Cofilin sind Aktin-bindende Proteine, die als entscheidende Regulatoren im Aktinumsatz agieren, indem sie das Schneiden und Depolymerisieren von Filamenten unterst{\"u}tzen. Die Bedeutung von ADF/Cofilin und des Aktinumsatzes in der Bildung von Blutpl{\"a}ttchen ist gegenw{\"a}rtig nicht bekannt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden M{\"a}use untersucht, die eine konstitutive ADF-Defizienz und/oder die eine konditionale n-Cofilin Defizienz (Cre/loxP) aufweisen. Um Cofilin nur in Megakaryozyten und Blutpl{\"a}ttchen auszuschalten, wurden Cofilinfl/fl M{\"a}use mit PF4-Cre M{\"a}usen verpaart. ADF- oder n-Cofilin-defiziente M{\"a}use hatten keinen oder nur einen geringen Ph{\"a}notyp in Blutpl{\"a}ttchen. Eine Defizienz von ADF und n-Cofilin f{\"u}hrte hingegen zu einem beinahe kompletten Verlust der Blutpl{\"a}ttchen, was mit Defekten in der Bildung von Pl{\"a}ttchenzonen in Knochenmark-Megakaryozyten einherging. Weitere Untersuchungen an in vitro und ex vivo kultivierten Megakaryozyten zeigten eine Reduzierung der Bildung von Propl{\"a}ttchen und das Fehlen der typischen Verdickungen der Propl{\"a}ttchen. Diese Daten zeigen redundante aber essentielle Funktionen von ADF und n-Cofilin im terminalen Schritt der Pl{\"a}ttchenbildung in vitro und in vivo, und belegen erstmals eine wichtige Rolle des Aktinumsatzes in diesem Prozess. Im zweiten Teil dieser Dissertation wurden die Mechanismen untersucht, die f{\"u}r die zellul{\"a}re Regulierung des Hauptkollagenrezeptors auf Blutpl{\"a}ttchen, Glykoprotein VI (GPVI), verantwortlich sind. Nach einer Gef{\"a}ßwandverletzung wird subendotheliales Kollagen freigelegt, wodurch GPVI die Aktivierung von Blutpl{\"a}ttchen vermittelt, und damit zur Blutstillung (H{\"a}mostase), aber auch zum Verschluss eines verletzten Gef{\"a}ßes beitragen kann, was letztendlich zu einem Myokardinfarkt oder einem Schlaganfall f{\"u}hren kann. Deshalb ist GPVI ein attraktives Zielprotein f{\"u}r eine anti-thrombotische Therapie, insbesondere weil fr{\"u}here Studien gezeigt haben, dass anti-GPVI Antik{\"o}rper eine irreversible Herunterregulierung des Rezeptors auf zirkulierenden Blutpl{\"a}ttchen mittels Internalisierung und Abspaltung induzieren. Es wird vermutet, dass Metalloproteinasen der ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain) - Familie das Abspalten vermitteln, jedoch fehlt in vivo der Beweis daf{\"u}r. Um die Mechanismen des Abspaltungsprozesses des GPVI Rezeptors in vivo besser verstehen zu k{\"o}nnen, wurden zwei Mauslinien, GPVI- und konditionale ADAM10-defiziente M{\"a}use, generiert und zus{\"a}tzlich sogenannte „low TACE (TNFalpha converting enzyme)" M{\"a}use analysiert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass GPVI in vitro von ADAM10 oder TACE in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Signalwege, die zum Abspalten des Rezeptors f{\"u}hren, geschnitten werden kann. Dar{\"u}berhinaus wurde GPVI in vivo nach Antik{\"o}rperverabreichung in ADAM10-defizienten M{\"a}usen und „low TACE" M{\"a}usen herunterreguliert, was vermuten l{\"a}sst, dass entweder beide Metalloproteinasen an diesem Prozess beteiligt sind oder noch eine zus{\"a}tzliche Metalloproteinase f{\"u}r die GPVI Regulation in vivo verantwortlich ist.}, subject = {Zellskelett}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{JanakiRaman2023, author = {Janaki Raman, Sudha Rani}, title = {Analysis of the molecular mechanisms underlying the role of SREBP1 in Glioblastoma tumour development and progression}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28024}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-280245}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Glioblastoma (GB) is the most aggressive malignant adult brain tumour with a median survival rate of only 15 months. GB tumours are characterized by necrotic and hypoxic core, which leads to nutrient deficient areas contributing to invasive, diffuseinfiltrative and angiogenic nature of these tumours. Cells exposed to nutrient deficient conditions and are known to reprogram their metabolism to produce or procure macro molecules from their environment. This makes cancer cells uniquely dependent on transcriptional regulators and a window of opportunity to target them. Sterol regulatory element binding protein 1 (SREBP1) is a transcriptional regulator of de-novo fatty acid synthesis in cells. The aim of this thesis was to investigate if SREBP1 was involved in restructuring the transcriptional regulation of genes involved in fatty acid biosynthesis upon low serum condition, in mediating interaction with other cell types in the tumour bulk such as endothelial cells, in regulating cancer stem like cells and finally to study its upstream regulation in GB. Global transcriptional analysis on GB cells exposed to low serum conditions revealed that SREBP1 regulated several fatty acid biosynthesis and phospholipid metabolic processes. PLA2G3 was identified as a novel target of SREBP1 in GB that was uniquely regulated in low serum condition. Analysis of total fatty acid and lipid species revealed that loss of SREBP1 in low serum condition changes the proportion of saturated, MUFAs and PUFAs. These changes were not specific to loss of PLA2G3 but as a result of downregulation of many genes regulated by SREBP1 in the fatty acid biosynthetic pathway. Next, treatment of HUVEC's (endothelial cells) with condition medium from SREBP1-silenced U87 cells inhibited sprouting and tube formation capacity compared to the control condition, emphasizing the role of SREBP1 in angiogenesis and release of signalling mediators. Further, SREBP1 was shown to be important for proliferation of patient derived stem like cells and becomes indispensable for forming neurospheres in long term cultures, indicating its role in maintaining stemness. Also, inhibition of SREBP function by blocking the esterification of cholesterol using inhibitors targeting SOAT1 showed impairment in the viability of GB cells exposed to serum-depleted condition. Overall, SREBP1 plays an important role in maintaining tumour growth in nutrient deficient conditions and help in interaction with tumour microenvironment contributing to the aggressiveness of this tumour and poses itself as an attractive and unique target for GB treatment}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hofmann2023, author = {Hofmann, Julian}, title = {Synthesis of Sterubin, Flavonoid Hybrids, and Curcumin Bioisosteres and Characterization of their Neuroprotective Effects}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-26664}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-266641}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Alzheimer´s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease and the most common form of dementia with still no preventive or curative treatment. Besides several risk factors, age is one of the major risks for AD and with an aging society, there is an urgent need for disease modifying agents. The strategy to address only one target within the intertwined network of AD failed so far. Natural products especially the phytochemical flavonoids, which are poly-phenolic natural products, have shown great potential as disease modifying agents against neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer´s disease (AD) with activities even in vivo. Flavonoids are produced by many plants and the native Californian plant Eriodictyon californicum is particularly rich in flavonoids. One of the major flavonoids of E. californicum is sterubin, a very potent agent against oxidative stress and inflammation, two hallmarks and drivers of AD and neurodegeneration. Herein, racemic sterubin was synthesized and separated into its pure (R)- and (S)-enantiomer by chiral HPLC. The pure enantiomers showed comparable neuroprotection in vitro with no significant differences. The stereoisomers were configurationally stable in methanol, but fast racemization was observed in culture medium. Moreover, the activity of sterubin was investigated in vivo, in an AD mouse model. Sterubin showed a significant positive impact on short- and long-term memory at low dosages. A promising concept for the increase of activity of single flavonoids is hybridization with aromatic acids like cinnamic or ferulic acids. Hybridization of the natural products taxifolin and silibinin with cinnamic acid led to an overadditive effect of these compounds in phenotypic screening assays related to neurodegeneration and AD. Because there are more potent agents as taxifolin or silibinin, the hybrids were further developed, and different flavonoid cinnamic acid hybrids were synthesized. The connection between flavonoids and cinnamic acid was achieved by an amide instead of a labile ester to improve the stability towards hydrolysis to gain better "druggability" of the compounds. To investigate the oxidation state of the C-ring of the flavonoid part, the dehydro analogues of the respective hybrids were also synthesized. The compounds show neuroprotection against oxytosis, ferroptosis and ATP-depletion in the murine hippocampal cell line HT22. While no overall trend within the flavanones compared to the flavones could be assigned, the taxifolin and the quercetin derivative were the most active compounds in course of all assays. The quercetin derivate even shows greater activity than the taxifolin derivate in every assay. As desired no hydrolysis product was found in cellular uptake experiments after 4h, whereas different metabolites were found. The last part of this work focused on synthetic bioisoteres of the natural product curcumin. Due to the drawbacks of curcumin and flavonoids arising from poor pharmacokinetics, rapid metabolism and sometimes instability in aqueous medium, we have examined the biological activity of azobenzene compounds designed as bioisoteres of curcumin, carrying the pharmacophoric catechol group of flavonoids. These bioisosteres exceeded their parent compounds in counteracting intracellular oxidative stress, neuroinflammation and amyloid-beta aggregation. By incorporating an azobenzene moiety and the isosteric behaviour to the natural parent compounds, these compounds may act as molecular tools for further investigation towards the molecular mode of action of natural products.}, subject = {Organische Synthese}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{EttlingergebHaberstumpf2023, author = {Ettlinger [geb. Haberstumpf], Sophia}, title = {Pathological cognitive decline in the elderly participants of the Vogel Study}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-26558}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-265582}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Due to the global aging society and the enormous global incidence and prevalence rates that will result in the coming years, Alzheimer's Dementia (AD) represents a growing challenge for the health care system. The pathogenesis, which is unclear in parts, the chronic progression of AD, which often lasts for years, as well as insufficient diagnostic and therapeutic options complicate an adequate psychotherapeutic and medical approach to the disease. To date, AD is also considered an incurable disease. Therefore, it is essential to gain deeper insights into the early detection or even prevention of AD. Consideration of prodromal syndromes such as Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) can provide significant evidence about high-risk groups for AD progression and differentiate cognitively "normal" aging individuals from those with pathological cognitive decline. Thus, for example, functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) imaging helps identify early neurodegenerative processes. In contrast, potential risk factors and predictors of later-onset clinical symptoms of MCI and AD can most often be revealed and quantified via the use of neuropsychiatric test batteries. The present thesis consists of four studies and aimed to assess and describe the pathological cognitive decline in a sample of elderly study participants (age: ≥ 70 years; N = 604 at baseline) of the longitudinal, observational, and prospective "Vogel Study" from W{\"u}rzburg, Germany, who were primarily healthy at baseline, over two measurement time points approximately 3 years apart, to differentiate between healthy and diseased study participants and to define predictors of MCI/AD and longitudinal study dropout. Studies 1 and 2 differentiated healthy study participants from MCI patients based on the baseline hemodynamic response of the parietal cortex recorded by fNIRS during the processing of a paradigm (here: Angle Discrimination Task [ADT]) for visual-spatial processing performance. Neuronal hypoactivity was found in the MCI patients, with both healthy study participants and MCI patients showing higher superior and right hemispheric activation. MCI patients had more difficulty resolving the paradigm. Thus, no evidence of possible compensatory mechanisms was uncovered in the MCI patients. Study 3 first defined the four latent factors declarative memory, working memory, attention, and visual-spatial processing based on structural equation model (SEM) calculations of the sample using adequate measurement (in-)variant confirmatory factor models from the baseline assessment to the first of a total of two follow-up assessments after approximately 3 years. This allowed a dimensional assessment of pathological cognitive decline versus classificatory-categorical assignment (healthy/diseased) of the sample. In addition, the superiority of the latent factor approach over a composite approach was demonstrated. Next, using a mixed-model approach, predictive analyses were calculated for the prediction of latent factors at first follow-up by baseline risk factors. The sex of study participants proved to be the best predictor of cognitive change in all the cognitive domains, with females performing better than men in the memory domains. Specifically, for declarative memory, older age predicted lower performance regardless of sex. Additional predictive evidence emerged for low serum levels of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) on lower attention performance and higher depression symptoms on lower visual-spatial processing performance. Study 4 further reported baseline predictors of study dropout at first follow-up. Cognitive performance, as defined in Study 3 using the four latent cognitive factors, was a predictor of study dropout for cognitive decline in the domains of declarative memory, attention, and visual-spatial processing. Conspicuous dementia screening on the Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE) also predicted dropout. Overall, both the use of fNIRS imaging to detect visual-spatial processing performance in the parietal cortex during applying ADT and the dimensional perspective of the neuropsychiatric test battery in the context of prediction and dropout analyses were found to be suitable for early detection research of MCI and AD. Finally, the results will be interpreted in the overall context and implications, limitations, and perspectives will be discussed.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{BakariSoale2024, author = {Bakari Soale, Majeed}, title = {Regulation of the Variant Surface Glycoprotein (VSG) Expression and Characterisation of the Nucleolar DExD/H box Protein Hel66 in \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25809}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-258090}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) of African trypanosomes plays an essential role in protecting the parasites from host immune factors. These trypanosomes undergo antigenic variation resulting in the expression of a single VSG isoform out of a repertoire of around 2000 genes. The molecular mechanism central to the expression and regulation of the VSG is however not fully understood. Gene expression in trypanosomes is unusual due to the absence of typical RNA polymerase II promoters and the polycistronic transcription of genes. The regulation of gene expression is therefore mainly post-transcriptional. Regulatory sequences, mostly present in the 3´ UTRs, often serve as key elements in the modulation of the levels of individual mRNAs. In T. brucei VSG genes, a 100 \% conserved 16mer motif within the 3´ UTR has been shown to modulate the stability of VSG transcripts and hence their expression. As a stability-associated sequence element, the absence of nucleotide substitutions in the motif is however unusual. It was therefore hypothesised that the motif is involved in other essential roles/processes besides stability of the VSG transcripts. In this study, it was demonstrated that the 100 \% conservation of the 16mer motif is not essential for cell viability or for the maintenance of functional VSG protein levels. It was further shown that the intact motif in the active VSG 3´ UTR is neither required to promote VSG silencing during switching nor is it needed during differentiation from bloodstream forms to procyclic forms. Crosstalk between the VSG and procyclin genes during differentiation to the insect vector stage is also unaffected in cells with a mutated 16mer motif. Ectopic overexpression of a second VSG however requires the intact motif to trigger silencing and exchange of the active VSG, suggesting a role for the motif in transcriptional VSG switching. The 16mer motif therefore plays a dual role in VSG in situ switching and stability of VSG transcripts. The additional role of the 16mer in the essential process of antigenic variation appears to be the driving force for the 100 \% conservation of this RNA motif. A screen aimed at identifying candidate RNA-binding proteins interacting with the 16mer motif, led to the identification of a DExD/H box protein, Hel66. Although the protein did not appear to have a direct link to the 16mer regulation of VSG expression, the DExD/H family of proteins are important players in the process of ribosome biogenesis. This process is relatively understudied in trypanosomes and so this candidate was singled out for detailed characterisation, given that the 16mer story had reached a natural end point. Ribosome biogenesis is a major cellular process in eukaryotes involving ribosomal RNA, ribosomal proteins and several non-ribosomal trans-acting protein factors. The DExD/H box proteins are the most important trans-acting protein factors involved in the biosynthesis of ribosomes. Several DExD/H box proteins have been directly implicated in this process in yeast. In trypanosomes, very few of this family of proteins have been characterised and therefore little is known about the specific roles they play in RNA metabolism. Here, it was shown that Hel66 is involved in rRNA processing during ribosome biogenesis. Hel66 localises to the nucleolus and depleting the protein led to a severe growth defect. Loss of the protein also resulted in a reduced rate of global translation and accumulation of rRNA processing intermediates of both the small and large ribosomal subunits. Hel66 is therefore an essential nucleolar DExD/H protein involved in rRNA processing during ribosome biogenesis. As very few protein factors involved in the processing of rRNAs have been described in trypanosomes, this finding represents an important platform for future investigation of this topic.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hock2024, author = {Hock, Michael}, title = {Methods for Homogenization of Spatio-Temporal B\(_0\) Magnetic Field Variations in Cardiac MRI at Ultra-High Field Strength}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34821}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-348213}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide and, so far, echocardiography, nuclear cardiology, and catheterization are the gold standard techniques used for its detection. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) can replace the invasive imaging modalities and provide a "one-stop shop" characterization of the cardiovascular system by measuring myocardial tissue structure, function and perfusion of the heart, as well as anatomy of and flow in the coronary arteries. In contrast to standard clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners, which are often operated at a field strength of 1.5 or 3 Tesla (T), a higher resolution and subsequent cardiac parameter quantification could potentially be achieved at ultra-high field, i.e., 7 T and above. Unique insights into the pathophysiology of the heart are expected from ultra-high field MRI, which offers enhanced image quality in combination with novel contrast mechanisms, but suffers from spatio-temporal B0 magnetic field variations. Due to the resulting spatial misregistration and intra-voxel dephasing, these B0-field inhomogeneities generate a variety of undesired image artifacts, e.g., artificial image deformation. The resulting macroscopic field gradients lead to signal loss, because the effective transverse relaxation time T2* is shortened. This affects the accuracy of T2* measurements, which are essential for myocardial tissue characterization. When steady state free precession-based pulse sequences are employed for image acquisition, certain off-resonance frequencies cause signal voids. These banding artifacts complicate the proper marking of the myocardium and, subsequently, systematic errors in cardiac function measurements are inevitable. Clinical MR scanners are equipped with basic shim systems to correct for occurring B0-field inhomogeneities and resulting image artifacts, however, these are not sufficient for the advanced measurement techniques employed for ultra-high field MRI of the heart. Therefore, this work focused on the development of advanced B0 shimming strategies for CMR imaging applications to correct the spatio-temporal B0 field variations present in the human heart at 7 T. A novel cardiac phase-specific shimming (CPSS) technique was set up, which featured a triggered B0 map acquisition, anatomy-matched selection of the shim-region-of-interest (SROI), and calibration-based B0 field modeling. The influence of technical limitations on the overall spherical harmonics (SH) shim was analyzed. Moreover, benefits as well as pitfalls of dynamic shimming were debated in this study. An advanced B0 shimming strategy was set up and applied in vivo, which was the first implementation of a heart-specific shimming approach in human UHF MRI at the time. The spatial B0-field patterns which were measured in the heart throughout this study contained localized spots of strong inhomogeneities. They fluctuated over the cardiac cycle in both size and strength, and were ideally addressed using anatomy-matched SROIs. Creating a correcting magnetic field with one shim coil, however, generated eddy currents in the surrounding conducting structures and a resulting additional, unintended magnetic field. Taking these shim-to-shim interactions into account via calibration, it was demonstrated for the first time that the non-standard 3rd-order SH terms enhanced B0-field homogeneity in the human heart. However, they were attended by challenges for the shim system hardware employed in the presented work, which was indicated by the currents required to generate the optimal 3rd-order SH terms exceeding the dynamic range of the corresponding shim coils. To facilitate dynamic shimming updated over the cardiac cycle for cine imaging, the benefit of adjusting the oscillating CPSS currents was found to be vital. The first in vivo application of the novel advanced B0 shimming strategy mostly matched the simulations. The presented technical developments are a basic requirement to quantitative and functional CMR imaging of the human heart at 7 T. They pave the way for numerous clinical studies about cardiac diseases, and continuative research on dedicated cardiac B0 shimming, e.g., adapted passive shimming and multi-coil technologies.}, subject = {Kernspintomografie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{MaierverhHartmann2024, author = {Maier [verh. Hartmann], Carina Ramona}, title = {Regulation of the Mevalonate Pathway by the Deubiquitinase USP28 in Squamous Cancer}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34874}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-348740}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The reprogramming of metabolic pathways is a hallmark of cancer: Tumour cells are dependent on the supply with metabolites and building blocks to fulfil their increased need as highly proliferating cells. Especially de novo synthesis pathways are upregulated when the cells of the growing tumours are not able to satisfy the required metabolic levels by uptake from the environment. De novo synthesis pathways are often under the control of master transcription factors which regulate the gene expression of enzymes involved in the synthesis process. The master regulators for de novo fatty acid synthesis and cholesterogenesis are sterol regulatory element-binding proteins (SREBPs). While SREBP1 preferably controls the expression of enzymes involved in fatty acid synthesis, SREBP2 regulates the transcription of the enzymes of the mevalonate pathway and downstream processes namely cholesterol, isoprenoids and building blocks for ubiquinone synthesis. SREBP activity is tightly regulated at different levels: The post-translational modification by ubiquitination decreases the stability of active SREBPs. The attachment of K48-linked ubiquitin chains marks the transcription factors for the proteasomal degradation. In tumour cells, high levels of active SREBPs are essential for the upregulation of the respective metabolic pathways. The increased stability and activity of SREBPs were investigated in this thesis. SREBPs are ubiquitinated by the E3 ligase Fbw7 which leads to the subsequential proteolysis of the transcription factors. The work conducted in this thesis identified the counteracting deubiquitination enzyme USP28 which removes the ubiquitin chains from SREBPs and prevents their proteasomal degradation. It further revealed that the stabilization of SREBP2 by USP28 plays an important role in the context of squamous cancers. Increased USP28 levels are associated with a poor survival in patients with squamous tumour subtypes. It was shown that reduced USP28 levels in cell lines and in vivo result in a decrease of SREBP2 activity and downregulation of the mevalonate pathway. This manipulation led to reduced proliferation and tumour growth. A direct comparison of adenocarcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas in lung cancer patients revealed an upregulation of USP28 as well as SREBP2 and its target genes. Targeting the USP28-SREBP2 regulatory axis in squamous cell lines by inhibitors also reduced cell viability and proliferation. In conclusion, this study reports evidence for the importance of the mevalonate pathway regulated by the USP28-SREBP2 axis in tumour initiation and progression of squamous cancer. The combinatorial inhibitor treatment of USP28 and HMGCR, the rate limiting enzyme of the mevalonate pathway, by statins opens the possibility for a targeted therapeutic treatment of squamous cancer patients.}, subject = {Ubiquitin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Englert2024, author = {Englert, Nils}, title = {Die Rolle der NO-sensitiven Guanylyl-Cyclase in der Lungenfibrose der Maus}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34805}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-348054}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die idiopathische Lungenfibrose (IPF) stellt eine chronische Krankheit mit einer schlechten Prognose dar. Die Erkrankung zeichnet sich durch ein dysfunktionales Alveolarepithel, die Formation von α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA)-positiven Myofibroblasten, eine starke Kollagendeposition sowie eine fehlgeleitete Inflammation aus. In der Vermittlung dieser pro-fibrotischen Effekte spielt das Zytokin transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) eine Schl{\"u}sselrolle. Aufgrund des t{\"o}dlichen Verlaufs der IPF und der limitierten Therapieoptionen ist die Entdeckung neuer Behandlungsans{\"a}tze erforderlich. Der NO/cGMP-Signalweg ist in der Modulation grundlegender physiologischer Vorg{\"a}nge wie der Blutdruckregulation und der Peristaltik involviert. Hierbei spielt die NO-sensitive Guanylyl-Cyclase (NO-GC) als NO-Rezeptor eine fundamentale Rolle. In der Lunge wird die NO-GC in glatten Muskelzellen und Perizyten exprimiert. W{\"a}hrend das Enzym in glatten Muskelzellen die Relaxation der glatten Muskulatur vermittelt, reguliert die NO-GC in Perizyten die Angiogenese, die Kapillardurchl{\"a}ssigkeit und den Blutfluss. Neben den physiologischen Aufgaben wurden anti-fibrotische sowie anti-inflammatorische Effekte der NO-GC in Herz, Leber, Niere und Haut beschrieben. Daher wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit die NO-GC auf eine anti-fibrotische und anti-inflammatorische Bedeutung in der Lungenfibrose der Maus {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Hierzu wurden Wildtyp- (WT) und globale NO-GC-Knockout-M{\"a}use (GCKO) untersucht. Die Fibrose wurde durch einmalige, orotracheale Bleomycin-Gabe induziert und zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten (Tag 7 und 21) untersucht. Unbehandelte (Tag 0) Tiere dienten als Kontrolle. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die NO-GC auf eine anti-fibrotische Wirkung untersucht. Mittels Immunfluoreszenz wurde das Verhalten der α-SMA-positiven Myofibroblasten in den platelet-derived growth factor receptor β (PDGFRβ)-positiven fibrotischen Regionen untersucht. Der Kollagengehalt wurde mithilfe eines Hydroxyprolin-Kollagenassays ermittelt. Die untersuchten Fibrose-Kriterien waren in beiden Genotypen an Tag 21 st{\"a}rker ausgepr{\"a}gt als an Tag 7. An Tag 21 konnten im GCKO mehr α-SMA-positive Myofibroblasten, ausgepr{\"a}gtere PDGFRβ-positive fibrotische Areale und ein h{\"o}herer Kollagengehalt als im WT festgestellt werden. Zudem zeigten die GCKO-Tiere ein schlechteres {\"U}berleben als WT-M{\"a}use. Diese Ergebnisse wiesen auf eine {\"u}berschießende fibrotische Antwort im GCKO und somit auf eine anti-fibrotische Wirkung der NO-GC in der Bleomycin-induzierten Lungenfibrose hin. Dass an Tag 21 die Fibrose im GCKO st{\"a}rker ausfiel als im WT, konnte mit dem signifikant h{\"o}heren TGF-β-Gehalt in der bronchoalveol{\"a}ren Lavagefl{\"u}ssigkeit (BALF) im GCKO erkl{\"a}rt werden. Das Fehlen der NO-GC im GCKO k{\"o}nnte zu einem Wegfall der Inhibierung der TGF-β-vermittelten, pro-fibrotischen Effekte durch die NO-GC f{\"u}hren. Weitere Studien sind erforderlich, um die Hypothese zu belegen und zugrundeliegende Mechanismen aufzukl{\"a}ren. Die de novo Entstehung von Myofibroblasten, die maßgeblich an der Kollagensynthese beteiligt sind, stellt ein entscheidendes Fibrose-Merkmal dar. Umso bedeutender ist die Identifikation zweier Myofibroblasten-Subtypen, die sich in Lokalisation, NO-GC-Expression und Herkunft unterscheiden: (1) interstitielle, NO-GC-positive Myofibroblasten, die von Perizyten abstammen und Kollagen Typ I produzieren, und (2) intra-alveol{\"a}re, NO-GC-negative Myofibroblasten, deren Ursprung noch nicht abschließend gekl{\"a}rt ist. Die Anwesenheit beider Myofibroblasten-Typen konnte zu beiden untersuchten Zeitpunkten nach Bleomycin-Gabe best{\"a}tigt werden. Die NO-GC-Expression der Alveolarwand-st{\"a}ndigen Myofibroblasten, deren Abstammung von NO-GC-positiven Perizyten sowie deren dauerhafte Pr{\"a}senz sprechen f{\"u}r eine relevante Rolle der NO-GC in der murinen Lungenfibrose. In weiteren Untersuchungen m{\"u}ssen die exakten Funktionen und spezifische Marker der Myofibroblasten-Subtypen identifiziert werden. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die NO-GC auf anti-inflammatorische Effekte in der Bleomycin-induzierten Lungenfibrose untersucht. Mittels HE-F{\"a}rbung und Immunfluoreszenz wurden lymphozyt{\"a}re Infiltrate an Tag 21 im GCKO festgestellt, was auf einen modulatorischen Einfluss der NO-GC auf das Immunsystem hindeutete. An Tag 21 wurden in der BALF von GCKO-Tieren signifikant mehr Gesamtimmunzellen, Lymphozyten und neutrophile Granulozyten als im WT gez{\"a}hlt, was auf eine starke Einwanderung von Immunzellen und somit auf eine ausgepr{\"a}gte Entz{\"u}ndung in GCKO-Lungen hinwies. Folglich k{\"o}nnte die NO-GC eine anti-inflammatorische Rolle {\"u}ber die Regulation der Immigration von Immunzellen in der Bleomycin-induzierten Lungenfibrose spielen. In der Literatur werden pro- und anti-fibrotische Effekte der Immunzellen in der murinen Lungenfibrose diskutiert. Durch Korrelationsanalysen wurde ein positiver Zusammenhang zwischen der Gesamtimmunzellzahl und der TGF-β-Konzentration an Tag 21 festgestellt. In verschiedenen Studien wurde ein pro-fibrotischer Einfluss der Immunzellen {\"u}ber die Aktivierung/Sekretion von TGF-β beschrieben. Die Abwesenheit der NO-GC im GCKO k{\"o}nnte also {\"u}ber die verst{\"a}rkte Immigration von Immunzellen in einem erh{\"o}hten TGF-β-Gehalt resultieren und so zu einer {\"u}berschießenden fibrotischen Reaktion an Tag 21 f{\"u}hren. Auf welche Weise die NO-GC die Einwanderung der Immunzellen in der Bleomycin-induzierten Lungenfibrose beeinflusst, muss in weiteren Studien untersucht werden. Zusammenfassend deuten die Daten dieser Arbeit auf eine anti-inflammatorische und anti-fibrotische Rolle der NO-GC in der Lungenfibrose der Maus hin.}, subject = {Lunge}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Andelovic2024, author = {Andelovic, Kristina}, title = {Characterization of arterial hemodynamics using mouse models of atherosclerosis and tissue-engineered artery models}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30360}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-303601}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Within this thesis, three main approaches for the assessment and investigation of altered hemodynamics like wall shear stress, oscillatory shear index and the arterial pulse wave velocity in atherosclerosis development and progression were conducted: 1. The establishment of a fast method for the simultaneous assessment of 3D WSS and PWV in the complete murine aortic arch via high-resolution 4D-flow MRI 2. The utilization of serial in vivo measurements in atherosclerotic mouse models using high-resolution 4D-flow MRI, which were divided into studies describing altered hemodynamics in late and early atherosclerosis 3. The development of tissue-engineered artery models for the controllable application and variation of hemodynamic and biologic parameters, divided in native artery models and biofabricated artery models, aiming for the investigation of the relationship between atherogenesis and hemodynamics Chapter 2 describes the establishment of a method for the simultaneous measurement of 3D WSS and PWV in the murine aortic arch at, using ultra high-field MRI at 17.6T [16], based on the previously published method for fast, self-navigated wall shear stress measurements in the murine aortic arch using radial 4D-phase contrast MRI at 17.6 T [4]. This work is based on the collective work of Dr. Patrick Winter, who developed the method and the author of this thesis, Kristina Andelovic, who performed the experiments and statistical analyses. As the method described in this chapter is basis for the following in vivo studies and undividable into the sub-parts of the contributors without losing important information, this chapter was not split into the single parts to provide fundamental information about the measurement and analysis methods and therefore better understandability for the following studies. The main challenge in this chapter was to overcome the issue of the need for a high spatial resolution to determine the velocity gradients at the vascular wall for the WSS quantification and a high temporal resolution for the assessment of the PWV without prolonging the acquisition time due to the need for two separate measurements. Moreover, for a full coverage of the hemodynamics in the murine aortic arch, a 3D measurement is needed, which was achieved by utilization of retrospective navigation and radial trajectories, enabling a highly flexible reconstruction framework to either reconstruct images at lower spatial resolution and higher frame rates for the acquisition of the PWV or higher spatial resolution and lower frame rates for the acquisition of the 3D WSS in a reasonable measurement time of only 35 minutes. This enabled the in vivo assessment of all relevant hemodynamic parameters related to atherosclerosis development and progression in one experimental session. This method was validated in healthy wild type and atherosclerotic Apoe-/- mice, indicating no differences in robustness between pathological and healthy mice. The heterogeneous distribution of plaque development and arterial stiffening in atherosclerosis [10, 12], however, points out the importance of local PWV measurements. Therefore, future studies should focus on the 3D acquisition of the local PWV in the murine aortic arch based on the presented method, in order to enable spatially resolved correlations of local arterial stiffness with other hemodynamic parameters and plaque composition. In Chapter 3, the previously established methods were used for the investigation of changing aortic hemodynamics during ageing and atherosclerosis in healthy wild type and atherosclerotic Apoe-/- mice using the previously established methods [4, 16] based on high-resolution 4D-flow MRI. In this work, serial measurements of healthy and atherosclerotic mice were conducted to track all changes in hemodynamics in the complete aortic arch over time. Moreover, spatially resolved 2D projection maps of WSS and OSI of the complete aortic arch were generated. This important feature allowed for the pixel-wise statistical analysis of inter- and intragroup hemodynamic changes over time and most importantly - at a glance. The study revealed converse differences of local hemodynamic profiles in healthy WT and atherosclerotic Apoe-/- mice, with decreasing longWSS and increasing OSI, while showing constant PWV in healthy mice and increasing longWSS and decreasing OSI, while showing increased PWV in diseased mice. Moreover, spatially resolved correlations between WSS, PWV, plaque and vessel wall characteristics were enabled, giving detailed insights into coherences between hemodynamics and plaque composition. Here, the circWSS was identified as a potential marker of plaque size and composition in advanced atherosclerosis. Moreover, correlations with PWV values identified the maximum radStrain could serve as a potential marker for vascular elasticity. This study demonstrated the feasibility and utility of high-resolution 4D flow MRI to spatially resolve, visualize and analyze statistical differences in all relevant hemodynamic parameters over time and between healthy and diseased mice, which could significantly improve our understanding of plaque progression towards vulnerability. In future studies the relation of vascular elasticity and radial strain should be further investigated and validated with local PWV measurements and CFD. Moreover, the 2D histological datasets were not reflecting the 3D properties and regional characteristics of the atherosclerotic plaques. Therefore, future studies will include 3D plaque volume and composition analysis like morphological measurements with MRI or light-sheet microscopy to further improve the analysis of the relationship between hemodynamics and atherosclerosis. Chapter 4 aimed at the description and investigation of hemodynamics in early stages of atherosclerosis. Moreover, this study included measurements of hemodynamics at baseline levels in healthy WT and atherosclerotic mouse models. Due to the lack of hemodynamic-related studies in Ldlr-/- mice, which are the most used mouse models in atherosclerosis research together with the Apoe-/- mouse model, this model was included in this study to describe changing hemodynamics in the aortic arch at baseline levels and during early atherosclerosis development and progression for the first time. In this study, distinct differences in aortic geometries of these mouse models at baseline levels were described for the first time, which result in significantly different flow- and WSS profiles in the Ldlr-/- mouse model. Further basal characterization of different parameters revealed only characteristic differences in lipid profiles, proving that the geometry is highly influencing the local WSS in these models. Most interestingly, calculation of the atherogenic index of plasma revealed a significantly higher risk in Ldlr-/- mice with ongoing atherosclerosis development, but significantly greater plaque areas in the aortic arch of Apoe-/- mice. Due to the given basal WSS and OSI profile in these two mouse models - two parameters highly influencing plaque development and progression - there is evidence that the regional plaque development differs between these mouse models during very early atherogenesis. Therefore, future studies should focus on the spatiotemporal evaluation of plaque development and composition in the three defined aortic regions using morphological measurements with MRI or 3D histological analyses like LSFM. Moreover, this study offers an excellent basis for future studies incorporating CFD simulations, analyzing the different measured parameter combinations (e.g., aortic geometry of the Ldlr-/- mouse with the lipid profile of the Apoe-/- mouse), simulating the resulting plaque development and composition. This could help to understand the complex interplay between altered hemodynamics, serum lipids and atherosclerosis and significantly improve our basic understanding of key factors initiating atherosclerosis development. Chapter 5 describes the establishment of a tissue-engineered artery model, which is based on native, decellularized porcine carotid artery scaffolds, cultured in a MRI-suitable bioreactor-system [23] for the investigation of hemodynamic-related atherosclerosis development in a controllable manner, using the previously established methods for WSS and PWV assessment [4, 16]. This in vitro artery model aimed for the reduction of animal experiments, while simultaneously offering a simplified, but completely controllable physical and biological environment. For this, a very fast and gentle decellularization protocol was established in a first step, which resulted in porcine carotid artery scaffolds showing complete acellularity while maintaining the extracellular matrix composition, overall ultrastructure and mechanical strength of native arteries. Moreover, a good cellular adhesion and proliferation was achieved, which was evaluated with isolated human blood outgrowth endothelial cells. Most importantly, an MRI-suitable artery chamber was designed for the simultaneous cultivation and assessment of high-resolution 4D hemodynamics in the described artery models. Using high-resolution 4D-flow MRI, the bioreactor system was proven to be suitable to quantify the volume flow, the two components of the WSS and the radStrain as well as the PWV in artery models, with obtained values being comparable to values found in literature for in vivo measurements. Moreover, the identification of first atherosclerotic processes like intimal thickening is achievable by three-dimensional assessment of the vessel wall morphology in the in vitro models. However, one limitation is the lack of a medial smooth muscle cell layer due to the dense ECM. Here, the utilization of the laser-cutting technology for the generation of holes and / or pits on a microscale, eventually enabling seeding of the media with SMCs showed promising results in a first try and should be further investigated in future studies. Therefore, the proposed artery model possesses all relevant components for the extension to an atherosclerosis model which may pave the way towards a significant improvement of our understanding of the key mechanisms in atherogenesis. Chapter 6 describes the development of an easy-to-prepare, low cost and fully customizable artery model based on biomaterials. Here, thermoresponsive sacrificial scaffolds, processed with the technique of MEW were used for the creation of variable, biomimetic shapes to mimic the geometric properties of the aortic arch, consisting of both, bifurcations and curvatures. After embedding the sacrificial scaffold into a gelatin-hydrogel containing SMCs, it was crosslinked with bacterial transglutaminase before dissolution and flushing of the sacrificial scaffold. The hereby generated channel was subsequently seeded with ECs, resulting in an easy-to-prepare, fast and low-cost artery model. In contrast to the native artery model, this model is therefore more variable in size and shape and offers the possibility to include smooth muscle cells from the beginning. Moreover, a custom-built and highly adaptable perfusion chamber was designed specifically for the scaffold structure, which enabled a one-step creation and simultaneously offering the possibility for dynamic cultivation of the artery models, making it an excellent basis for the development of in vitro disease test systems for e.g., flow-related atherosclerosis research. Due to time constraints, the extension to an atherosclerosis model could not be achieved within the scope of this thesis. Therefore, future studies will focus on the development and validation of an in vitro atherosclerosis model based on the proposed bi- and three-layered artery models. In conclusion, this thesis paved the way for a fast acquisition and detailed analyses of changing hemodynamics during atherosclerosis development and progression, including spatially resolved analyses of all relevant hemodynamic parameters over time and in between different groups. Moreover, to reduce animal experiments, while gaining control over various parameters influencing atherosclerosis development, promising artery models were established, which have the potential to serve as a new platform for basic atherosclerosis research.}, subject = {H{\"a}modynamik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{He2024, author = {He, Feng}, title = {Drug Discovery based on Oxidative Stress and HDAC6 for Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25349}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-253497}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Most antioxidants reported so far only achieved limited success in AD clinical trials. Growing evidences suggest that merely targeting oxidative stress will not be sufficient to fight AD. While multi-target directed ligands could synergistically modulate different steps in the neurodegenerative process, offering a promising potential for treatment of this complex disease. Fifteen target compounds have been designed by merging melatonin and ferulic acid into the cap group of a tertiary amide HDAC6 inhibitor. Compound 10b was screened as the best hybrid molecule exhibit potent HDAC6 inhibition and potent antioxidant capacity. Compound 10b also alleviated LPS-induced microglia inflammation and led to a switch from neurotoxic M1 to the neuroprotective M2 microglial phenotype. Moreover, compound 10b show pronounced attenuation of spatial working memory and long-term memory damage in an in vivo AD mouse model. Compound 10b can be a potentially effective drug candidate for treatment of AD and its druggability worth to be further studied. We have designed ten novel neuroprotectants by hybridizing with several common antioxidants, including ferulic acid, melatonin, lipoic acid, and trolox. The trolox hybrid compound exhibited the most potent neuroprotective effects in multiple neuroprotection assays. Besides, we identified the synergistic effects between trolox and vitamin K derivative, and our trolox hybrid compound showed comparable neuroprotection with the mixture of trolox and vitamin K derivative. We have designed and synthesized 24 quinone derivatives based on five kinds of different quinones including ubiquinone, 2,3,5-trimethyl-1,4-benzoquinone, memoquin, thymoquinone, and anthraquinone. Trimethylbenzoquinone and thymoquinone derivatives showed more potent neuroprotection than other quinones in oxytosis assay. Therefore, trimethylbenzoquinone and thymoquinone derivatives can be used as lead compounds for further mechanism study and drug discovery for treatment of neurodegenerative disease. We designed a series of photoswitchable HDAC inhibitors, which could be effective molecular tools due to the high spatial and temporal resolution. In total 23 target compounds were synthesized and photophysicochemically characterized. Azoquinoline-based compounds possess more thermally stable cis-isomers in buffer solution, which were further tested in enzyme-based HDAC inhibition assay. However, none of those tested compounds show significant differences in activities between trans-isomers and corresponding cis-isomers.}, subject = {Alzheimerkrankheit}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{XavierdeSouza2024, author = {Xavier de Souza, Aline}, title = {Ecophysiological adaptations of the cuticular water permeability within the Solanaceae family}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22539}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-225395}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The cuticle, a complex lipidic layer synthesized by epidermal cells, covers and protects primary organs of all land plants. Its main function is to avoid plant desiccation by limiting non-stomatal water loss. The cuticular properties vary widely among plant species. So far, most of the cuticle-related studies have focused on a limited number of species, and studies addressing phylogenetically related plant species are rare. Moreover, comparative studies among organs from the same plant species are still scarce. Thus, this study focus on organ-specificities of the cuticle within and between plant species of the Solanaceae family. Twenty-seven plant species of ten genera, including cultivated and non- cultivated species, were investigated to identify potential cuticular similarities. Structural, chemical and functional traits of fully expanded leaves, inflated fruiting calyces, and ripe fruits were analyzed. The surface morphology was investigated by scanning electron microscopy. Leaves were mainly amphistomatic and covered by an epicuticular wax film. The diversity and distribution of trichomes varied among species. Only the leaves of S. grandiflora were glabrous. Plant species of the Leptostemonum subgenus had numerous prickles and non-glandular stellate trichomes. Fruits were stomata-free, except for S. muricatum, and a wax film covered their surface. Last, lenticel- like structures and remaining scars of broken trichomes were found on the surface of some Solanum fruits. Cuticular water permeability was used as indicators of the cuticular transpiration barrier efficiency. The water permeability differed among plant species, organs and fruit types with values ranging up to one hundred-fold. The minimum leaf conductance ranged from 0.35 × 10-5 m s-1 in S. grandiflora to 31.54 × 10-5 m s-1 in S. muricatum. Cuticular permeability of fruits ranged from 0.64 × 10-5 m s-1 in S. dulcamara (fleshy berry) to 34.98 × 10-5 m s-1 in N. tabacum (capsule). Generally, the cuticular water loss of dry fruits was about to 5-fold higher than that of fleshy fruits. Interestingly, comparisons between cultivated and non-cultivated species showed that wild species have the most efficient cuticular transpiration barrier in leaves and fruits. The average permeability of leaves and fruits of wild plant species was up to three-fold lower in comparison to the cultivated ones. Moreover, ripe fruits of P. ixocarpa and P. peruviana showed two-times lower cuticular transpiration when enclosed by the inflated fruiting calyx. The cuticular chemical composition was examined using gas chromatography. Very-long-chain aliphatic compounds primarily composed the cuticular waxes, being mostly dominated by n- alkanes (up to 80\% of the total wax load). Primary alkanols, alkanoic acids, alkyl esters and branched iso- and anteiso-alkanes were also frequently found. Although in minor amounts, sterols, pentacyclic triterpenoids, phenylmethyl esters, coumaric acid esters, and tocopherols were identified in the cuticular waxes. Cuticular wax coverages highly varied in solanaceous (62- fold variation). The cuticular wax load of fruits ranged from 0.55 μg cm-2 (Nicandra physalodes) to 33.99 μg cm-2 (S. pennellii), whereas the wax amount of leaves varied from 0.90 μg cm-2 (N. physalodes) to 28.42 μg cm-2 (S. burchellii). Finally, the wax load of inflated fruiting calyces ranged from 0.56 μg cm-2 in P. peruviana to 2.00 μg cm-2 in N. physalodes. For the first time, a comparative study on the efficiency of the cuticular transpiration barrier in different plant organs of closely related plant species was conducted. Altogether, the cuticular chemical variability found in solanaceous species highlight species-, and organ-specific wax biosynthesis. These chemical variabilities might relate to the waterproofing properties of the plant cuticle, thereby influencing leaf and fruit performances. Additionally, the high cuticular water permeabilities of cultivated plant species suggest a potential existence of a trade-off between fruit organoleptic properties and the efficiency of the cuticular transpiration barrier. Last, the high cuticular water loss of the solanaceous dry fruits might be a physiological adaptation favouring seed dispersion.}, subject = {Kutikula}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nadernezhad2024, author = {Nadernezhad, Ali}, title = {Engineering approaches in biofabrication of vascularized structures}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34589}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-345892}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Biofabrication technologies must address numerous parameters and conditions to reconstruct tissue complexity in vitro. A critical challenge is vascularization, especially for large constructs exceeding diffusion limits. This requires the creation of artificial vascular structures, a task demanding the convergence and integration of multiple engineering approaches. This doctoral dissertation aims to achieve two primary objectives: firstly, to implement and refine engineering methods for creating artificial microvascular structures using Melt Electrowriting (MEW)-assisted sacrificial templating, and secondly, to deepen the understanding of the critical factors influencing the printability of bioink formulations in 3D extrusion bioprinting. In the first part of this dissertation, two innovative sacrificial templating techniques using MEW are explored. Utilizing a carbohydrate glass as a fugitive material, a pioneering advancement in the processing of sugars with MEW with a resolution under 100 microns was made. Furthermore, by introducing the "print-and-fuse" strategy as a groundbreaking method, biomimetic branching microchannels embedded in hydrogel matrices were fabricated, which can then be endothelialized to mirror in vivo vascular conditions. The second part of the dissertation explores extrusion bioprinting. By introducing a simple binary bioink formulation, the correlation between physical properties and printability was showcased. In the next step, employing state-of-the-art machine-learning approaches revealed a deeper understanding of the correlations between bioink properties and printability in an extended library of hydrogel formulations. This dissertation offers in-depth insights into two key biofabrication technologies. Future work could merge these into hybrid methods for the fabrication of vascularized constructs, combining MEW's precision with fine-tuned bioink properties in automated extrusion bioprinting.}, subject = {3D-Druck}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weber2024, author = {Weber, Justus C.}, title = {Development and preclinical assessment of ROR2-specific CAR-T cells for the treatment of clear cell renal cell carcinoma and multiple myeloma}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31039}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-310399}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Adoptive immunotherapy using chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-modified T cells is an effective treatment for hematological malignancies that are refractory to conventional chemotherapy. To address a wider variety of cancer entities, there is a need to identify and characterize additional target antigens for CAR-T cell therapy. The two members of the receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor family, ROR1 and ROR2, have been found to be overexpressed on cancer cells and to correlate with aggressive cancer phenotypes. Recently, ROR1-specific CAR-T cells have entered testing in phase I clinical trials, encouraging us to assess the suitability of ROR2 as a novel target for CAR-T cell therapy. To study the therapeutic potential of targeting ROR2 in solid and hematological malignancies, we selected two representative cancer entities with high unmet medical need: renal cell carcinoma and multiple myeloma. Our data show that ROR2 is commonly expressed on primary samples and cell lines of clear cell renal cell carcinoma and multiple myeloma. To study the efficacy of ROR2-specific CAR T cell therapy, we designed two CAR constructs with 10-fold binding affinity differences for the same epitope of ROR2. We found both cell products to exhibit antigen-specific anti-tumor reactivity in vitro, including tumor cell lysis, secretion of the effector cytokines interleukin-2 (IL-2) and interferon-gamma (IFNγ), and T cell proliferation. In vivo studies revealed ROR2 specific CAR-T cells to confer durable responses, significant survival benefits and long-term persistence of CAR-expressing T cells. Overall, there was a trend towards more potent anti-tumor efficacy upon treatment with T cells that expressed the CAR with higher affinity for ROR2, both in vitro and in vivo. We performed a preclinical safety and toxicology assessment comprising analyses of ROR2 expression in healthy human and murine tissues, cross-reactivity, and adoptive T cell transfer in immunodeficient mice. We found ROR2 expression to be conserved in mice, and low-level expression was detectable in the male and female reproductive system as well as parts of the gastrointestinal tract. CAR-T cells targeting human ROR2 were found to elicit similarly potent reactivity upon recognition of murine ROR2. In vivo analyses showed transient tissue-specific enrichment and activation of ROR2-specific CAR-T cells in organs with high blood circulation, such as lung, liver, or spleen, without evidence for clinical toxicity or tissue damage as determined by histological analyses. Furthermore, we humanized the CAR binding domain of ROR2-specific CAR-T cells to mitigate the risk of adverse immune reactions and concomitant CAR-T cell rejection. Functional analyses confirmed that humanized CARs retained their specificity and functionality against ROR2-positive tumor cells in vitro. In summary, we show that ROR2 is a prevalent target in RCC and MM, which can be addressed effectively with ROR2-specific CAR-T cells in preclinical models. Our preliminary toxicity studies suggest a favorable safety profile for ROR2-specific CAR-T cells. These findings support the potential to develop ROR2-specific CAR-T cells clinically to obtain cell products with broad utility.}, subject = {CAR-T-Zell-Therapie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Albrecht2024, author = {Albrecht, Christina}, title = {Kardiorestriktiver Knockout desmosomaler Proteine f{\"u}hrt zu einer Beeintr{\"a}chtigung der elektromechanischen Kopplung ohne mitochondriale Dysfunktion bei arrhythmogener Kardiomyopathie}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34847}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-348472}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Arrhythmogene Kardiomyopathie (ACM) ist eine genetische Herzerkrankung, die durch Herzinsuffizienz, ventrikul{\"a}re Arrhythmien und pl{\"o}tzlichen Herztod gekennzeichnet ist. Mutationen in desmosomalen Proteinen der Zelladh{\"a}sion, wie Plakophilin 2 (PKP2) und Plakoglobin (PG), sind die h{\"a}ufigste Ursache der famili{\"a}ren ACM. Wie gest{\"o}rte Zelladh{\"a}sion zum ACM-Ph{\"a}notyp f{\"u}hrt, ist jedoch nur teilweise gekl{\"a}rt. Potentielle Mechanismen sind eine gest{\"o}rte Kalzium-(Ca2+)-Hom{\"o}ostase, mitochondrialer oxidativer Stress und metabolische St{\"o}rungen. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, die mitochondriale Energetik und die Ca2+ -Hom{\"o}ostase in kardio-restriktiven PKP2-Knockout-M{\"a}usen (KO) im Alter von 4, 8 und 12 Wochen sowie in PG-Knockout- M{\"a}usen im Alter von 6 Wochen zu untersuchen. Vier Wochen alte PKP2-KO-M{\"a}use zeigten fr{\"u}he Anzeichen von ACM, w{\"a}hrend alle anderen Altersgruppen typische Kennzeichen von ACM rekapitulierten. Kontraktilit{\"a}t, die damit verbundenen Ca2+ - Transienten, der Redoxstatus und das mitochondriale Membranpotenzial (ΔΨm) isolierter Kardiomyozyten wurden mit einem IonOptix-System bei elektrischer und β- adrenerger Stimulation untersucht. Alle desmosomalen KO-Kardiomyozyten zeigten eine verringerte diastolische Sarkomerl{\"a}nge, was auf eine diastolische Dysfunktion hinwies. In allen PKP2 KO Kardiomyozyten lag außerdem ein erh{\"o}hter intrazellul{\"a}rer Ca2+ -Spiegel vor, w{\"a}hrend in den PG KO-Kardiomyozyten das intrazellul{\"a}rer Ca2+ unver{\"a}ndert war. PKP2 KO- und PG KO-Kardiomyozyten wiesen keine Ca2+ - Sensibilisierung der Myofilamente auf. Zur weiteren Bewertung der mitochondrialen Funktion wurde eine hochaufl{\"o}sende Respirometrie in isolierten Herzmitochondrien bei gleichzeitiger {\"U}berwachung von ΔΨm in PKP2 KO und PG KO M{\"a}usen durchgef{\"u}hrt, welche in allen Versuchs- und Kontrollgruppen vergleichbar war. Im Verlauf der Versuche blieb der Redoxstatus stabil und es konnte kein Exzess reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) festgestellt werden. Daraus konnte gefolgert werden, dass weder PKP2 KO noch PG KO-M{\"a}use eine beeintr{\"a}chtigte mitochondriale Atmung aufwiesen. Diese Studie zeigt, dass isolierte PKP2 KO- oder PG KO-Kardiomyozyten EC-Kopplungsdefekte ohne mitochondriale Dysfunktion aufwiesen. Eine mitochondriale Dysfunktion konnte als treibender Faktor f{\"u}r die Progression des ACM- Ph{\"a}notyps in den vorgestellten Mausmodellen ausgeschlossen werden. Weitere Studien sind erforderlich, um die mitochondriale Funktion im Zusammenhang mit ACM zu entschl{\"u}sseln.}, subject = {Herzmuskelkrankheit}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ibrahim2024, author = {Ibrahim, Eslam Samir Ragab}, title = {Unraveling the function of the old yellow enzyme OfrA in \(Staphylococcus\) \(aureus\) stress response}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28960}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-289600}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Biological systems are in dynamic interaction. Many responses reside in the core concepts of biological systems interplay (competition and cooperation). In infection situation, the competition between a bacterial system and a host is shaped by many stressors at spatial and temporal determinants. Reactive chemical species are universal stressors against all biological systems since they potentially damage the basic requirements of these systems (nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids). Either produced endogenously or exogenously, reactive chemical species affect the survival of pathogens including the gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). Therefore, bacteria developed strategies to overcome the toxicity of reactive species. S. aureus is a widely found opportunistic pathogen. In its niche, S. aureus is in permanent contact with surrounding microbes and host factors. Deciphering the deterministic factors in these interactions could facilitate pinpointing novel bacterial targets. Identifying the aforementioned targets is crucial to develop new strategies not only to kill the pathogenic organisms but also to enhance the normal flora to minimize the pathogenicity and virulence of potential pathogens. Moreover, targeting S. aureus stress response can be used to overcome bacterial resistance against host-derived factors. In this study, I identify a novel S. aureus stress response factor against reactive electrophilic, oxygen, and hypochlorite species to better understand its resilience as a pathogen. Although bacterial stress response is an active research field, gene function is a current bottleneck in characterizing the understudied bacterial strategies to mediate stress conditions. I aimed at understanding the function of a novel protein family integrated in many defense systems of several biological systems. In bacteria, fungi, and plants, old yellow enzymes (OYEs) are widely found. Since the first isolation of the yellow flavoprotein, OYEs are used as biocatalysts for decades to reduce activated C=C bonds in α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds. The promiscuity of the enzymatic catalysis is advantageous for industrial applications. However, the physiological function of OYEs, especially in bacteria, is still puzzling. Moreover, the relevance of the OYEs in infection conditions remained enigmatic.   Here, I show that there are two groups of OYEs (OYE flavin oxidoreductase, OfrA and OfrB) that are encoded in staphylococci and some firmicutes. OfrA (SAUSA300_0859) is more conserved than OfrB (SAUSA300_0322) in staphylococci and is a part of the staphylococcal core genome. A reporter system was established to report for ofrA in S. aureus background. The results showed that ofrA is induced under electrophilic, oxidative, and hypochlorite stress. OfrA protects S. aureus against quinone, methylglyoxal, hydrogen peroxide, and hypochlorite stress. Additionally, the results provide evidence that OfrA supports thiol-dependent redox homeostasis. At the host-pathogen interface, OfrA promotes S. aureus fitness in murine macrophage cell line. In whole human blood, OfrA is involved in S. aureus survival indicating a potential clinical relevance to bacteraemia. In addition, ofrA mutation affects the production of the virulence factor staphyloxanthin via the upper mevalonate pathway. In summary, decoding OfrA function and its proposed mechanism of action in S. aureus shed the light on a conserved stress response within multiple organisms.}, subject = {Staphylococcus aureus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Allgaier2024, author = {Allgaier, Johannes}, title = {Machine Learning Explainability on Multi-Modal Data using Ecological Momentary Assessments in the Medical Domain}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35118}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-351189}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Introduction. Mobile health (mHealth) integrates mobile devices into healthcare, enabling remote monitoring, data collection, and personalized interventions. Machine Learning (ML), a subfield of Artificial Intelligence (AI), can use mHealth data to confirm or extend domain knowledge by finding associations within the data, i.e., with the goal of improving healthcare decisions. In this work, two data collection techniques were used for mHealth data fed into ML systems: Mobile Crowdsensing (MCS), which is a collaborative data gathering approach, and Ecological Momentary Assessments (EMA), which capture real-time individual experiences within the individual's common environments using questionnaires and sensors. We collected EMA and MCS data on tinnitus and COVID-19. About 15 \% of the world's population suffers from tinnitus. Materials \& Methods. This thesis investigates the challenges of ML systems when using MCS and EMA data. It asks: How can ML confirm or broad domain knowledge? Domain knowledge refers to expertise and understanding in a specific field, gained through experience and education. Are ML systems always superior to simple heuristics and if yes, how can one reach explainable AI (XAI) in the presence of mHealth data? An XAI method enables a human to understand why a model makes certain predictions. Finally, which guidelines can be beneficial for the use of ML within the mHealth domain? In tinnitus research, ML discerns gender, temperature, and season-related variations among patients. In the realm of COVID-19, we collaboratively designed a COVID-19 check app for public education, incorporating EMA data to offer informative feedback on COVID-19-related matters. This thesis uses seven EMA datasets with more than 250,000 assessments. Our analyses revealed a set of challenges: App user over-representation, time gaps, identity ambiguity, and operating system specific rounding errors, among others. Our systematic review of 450 medical studies assessed prior utilization of XAI methods. Results. ML models predict gender and tinnitus perception, validating gender-linked tinnitus disparities. Using season and temperature to predict tinnitus shows the association of these variables with tinnitus. Multiple assessments of one app user can constitute a group. Neglecting these groups in data sets leads to model overfitting. In select instances, heuristics outperform ML models, highlighting the need for domain expert consultation to unveil hidden groups or find simple heuristics. Conclusion. This thesis suggests guidelines for mHealth related data analyses and improves estimates for ML performance. Close communication with medical domain experts to identify latent user subsets and incremental benefits of ML is essential.}, subject = {Maschinelles Lernen}, language = {en} }