@article{DempfleHerpertzDahlmannTimmesfeldetal.2013, author = {Dempfle, Astrid and Herpertz-Dahlmann, Beate and Timmesfeld, Nina and Schwarte, Reinhild and Egberts, Karin M. and Pfeiffer, Ernst and Fleischhaker, Christian and Wewetzer, Christoph and B{\"u}hren, Katharina}, title = {Predictors of the resumption of menses in adolescent anorexia nervosa}, series = {BMC Psychiatry}, volume = {13}, journal = {BMC Psychiatry}, number = {308}, doi = {10.1186/1471-244X-13-308}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-122106}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Background: The resumption of menses is an important indicator of recovery in anorexia nervosa (AN). Patients with early-onset AN are at particularly great risk of suffering from the long-term physical and psychological consequences of persistent gonadal dysfunction. However, the clinical variables that predict the recovery of menstrual function during weight gain in AN remain poorly understood. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of several clinical parameters on the resumption of menses in first-onset adolescent AN in a large, well-characterized, homogenous sample that was followed-up for 12 months. Methods: A total of 172 female adolescent patients with first-onset AN according to DSM-IV criteria were recruited for inclusion in a randomized, multi-center, German clinical trial. Menstrual status and clinical variables (i.e., premorbid body mass index (BMI), age at onset, duration of illness, duration of hospital treatment, achievement of target weight at discharge, and BMI) were assessed at the time of admission to or discharge from hospital treatment and at a 12-month follow-up. Based on German reference data, we calculated the percentage of expected body weight (\%EBW), BMI percentile, and BMI standard deviation score (BMI-SDS) for all time points to investigate the relationship between different weight measurements and resumption of menses. Results: Forty-seven percent of the patients spontaneously began menstruating during the follow-up period. \%EBW at the 12-month follow-up was strongly correlated with the resumption of menses. The absence of menarche before admission, a higher premorbid BMI, discharge below target weight, and a longer duration of hospital treatment were the most relevant prognostic factors for continued amenorrhea. Conclusions: The recovery of menstrual function in adolescent patients with AN should be a major treatment goal to prevent severe long-term physical and psychological sequelae. Patients with premenarchal onset of AN are at particular risk for protracted amenorrhea despite weight rehabilitation. Reaching and maintaining a target weight between the 15th and 20th BMI percentile is favorable for the resumption of menses within 12 months. Whether patients with a higher premorbid BMI may benefit from a higher target weight needs to be investigated in further studies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eckert2024, author = {Eckert, Lisa Doreen}, title = {Multimodale Verfahren zum Eisenstoffwechsel bei ADHS - Vergleichende Bildgebung}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34829}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-348295}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivit{\"a}tsst{\"o}rung (ADHS) geh{\"o}rt weltweit zu den bedeutendsten psychiatrischen Erkrankungen des Kinder- und Jugendalters. Die Pathomechanismen sind aktuell noch nicht vollst{\"a}ndig gekl{\"a}rt, wobei es deutliche Hinweise auf hirnorganische Ver{\"a}nderungen gibt. Die transkranielle Sonographie stellt eine nicht-invasive Methode dar, strukturelle Unterschiede tiefer Hirnstrukturen zu untersuchen. Bereits in vorangegangenen Studien konnte mit der Methode eine Ver{\"a}nderung der Echogenit{\"a}t der Substantia nigra (SN) bei Kindern mit ADHS im Vergleich zu gesunden Kontrollprobanden nachgewiesen werden. In dieser Studie sollen nun die m{\"o}glichen physiologischen Hintergr{\"u}nde der erh{\"o}hten Echogenit{\"a}t der Substantia Nigra in Zusammenschau mit bildgebenden Verfahren betrachtet werden. Hierzu wurde in der vorliegenden multimodalen Studie bei 20 m{\"a}nnlichen Kindern mit ADHS im Alter zwischen 8 und 12 Jahren eine transkranielle Ultraschalluntersuchung (TCS) zur Bestimmung der echogenen Fl{\"a}che der Substantia Nigra sowie ein neuromelaninsensitives cMRT zur Bestimmung des neuromelaninassoziierten Volumens der SN, sowie des neuromelaninassoziierten Kontrastes SN/Cb durchgef{\"u}hrt. Als Kennwerte des peripheren Eisenhaushalts wurden die Konzentrationen von Eisen, Ferritin und Transferrin im Blut bestimmt. In die Auswertung gingen außerdem die St{\"a}rke der ADHS-Symptomatik (Strength and Difficulties Questionaire, SDQ; Fremdbeurteilungsbogen bei ADHS, FBB-ADHS), die kognitive Begabung ({\"u}ber CFT-20-R) und das Alter der Probanden ein. Psychiatrische Komorbidit{\"a}t wurde mit Hilfe der Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL) erhoben.}, subject = {Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Syndrom}, language = {de} } @article{EgbertsFeketeHaegeetal.2022, author = {Egberts, Karin and Fekete, Stefanie and H{\"a}ge, Alexander and Hiemke, Christoph and Scherf-Clavel, Maike and Taurines, Regina and Unterecker, Stefan and Gerlach, Manfred and Romanos, Marcel}, title = {Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring zur Optimierung der Psychopharmakotherapie von Kindern und Jugendlichen: Update und Leitfaden f{\"u}r die Praxis}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie}, volume = {50}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie}, number = {2}, issn = {1422-4917}, doi = {10.1024/1422-4917/a000845}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-262038}, pages = {133-152}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Trotz verbesserter Evidenzbasis bestehen in der kinder- und jugendpsychiatrischen Pharmakotherapie viele Unsicherheiten {\"u}ber die Wirkung und Vertr{\"a}glichkeit der h{\"a}ufig off-label oder in Kombinationstherapie verordneten Medikamente. Gerade auch vor dem Hintergrund der in vielen F{\"a}llen notwendigen mittel- bis langfristigen Einnahme sollen unerw{\"u}nschte Arzneimittelwirkungen in dieser Altersstufe m{\"o}glichst minimiert und eine auf die individuellen Charakteristika der Patientin oder des Patienten zugeschnittene, effektive Dosierung gefunden werden. Kinder und Jugendliche scheinen nicht nur besonders anf{\"a}llig f{\"u}r bestimmte unerw{\"u}nschte Arzneimittelwirkungen, sondern sind auch iatrogenen Risiken durch Dosierungs- oder Applikationsfehler ausgesetzt, die zu Unter- oder {\"U}berdosierungen f{\"u}hren k{\"o}nnen mit entsprechend negativen Auswirkungen auf den Therapieerfolg. Neben einer strengen Indikationsstellung sind daher eine pr{\"a}zise Dosisfindung sowie systematische {\"U}berwachung der Sicherheit der Psychopharmakotherapie unverzichtbar. In diesem Artikel wird Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring als hilfreiches klinisches Instrument vorgestellt und beschrieben, wie dessen richtige Anwendung sowohl die Wirksamkeit als auch die Sicherheit und Vertr{\"a}glichkeit einer Psychopharmakotherapie im Kindes- und Jugendalter zum unmittelbaren Nutzen f{\"u}r die Patientinnen und Patienten verbessern kann.}, language = {de} } @article{EmserJohnstonSteeleetal.2018, author = {Emser, Theresa S. and Johnston, Blair A. and Steele, J. Douglas and Kooij, Sandra and Thorell, Lisa and Christiansen, Hanna}, title = {Assessing ADHD symptoms in children and adults: evaluating the role of objective measures}, series = {Behavioral and Brain Functions}, volume = {14}, journal = {Behavioral and Brain Functions}, number = {11}, doi = {10.1186/s12993-018-0143-x}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-175717}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Background: Diagnostic guidelines recommend using a variety of methods to assess and diagnose ADHD. Applying subjective measures always incorporates risks such as informant biases or large differences between ratings obtained from diverse sources. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that ratings and tests seem to assess somewhat different constructs. The use of objective measures might thus yield valuable information for diagnosing ADHD. This study aims at evaluating the role of objective measures when trying to distinguish between individuals with ADHD and controls. Our sample consisted of children (n = 60) and adults (n = 76) diagnosed with ADHD and matched controls who completed self- and observer ratings as well as objective tasks. Diagnosis was primarily based on clinical interviews. A popular pattern recognition approach, support vector machines, was used to predict the diagnosis. Results: We observed relatively high accuracy of 79\% (adults) and 78\% (children) applying solely objective measures. Predicting an ADHD diagnosis using both subjective and objective measures exceeded the accuracy of objective measures for both adults (89.5\%) and children (86.7\%), with the subjective variables proving to be the most relevant. Conclusions: We argue that objective measures are more robust against rater bias and errors inherent in subjective measures and may be more replicable. Considering the high accuracy of objective measures only, we found in our study, we think that they should be incorporated in diagnostic procedures for assessing ADHD.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Euteneuer2006, author = {Euteneuer, Wolfram}, title = {Nierentransplantation an der Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg - eine retrospektive Datenanalyse von 1984 bis 2004}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-20759}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Am Klinikum der Julius-Maximilians-Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg werden seit Dezember 1984 Nierentransplantationen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die vorliegende Arbeit erfasst retrospektiv den Zeitraum zwischen 1984 und 2004 und versucht, ein Bild von der Entwicklung des Nierentransplantationsprogramms in W{\"u}rzburg und den erreichten Erfolgen zu vermitteln. Im Laufe dieser Zeit unterlag die Population der Organspender und der Organempf{\"a}nger einem stetigen Wandel, w{\"a}hrend sich die eingesetzten immunsuppressiven Schemata h{\"a}ufig ver{\"a}nderten. Viele neue Medikamente wurden im Laufe der Jahre eingef{\"u}hrt und Therapierichtlinien definiert, die zielgenauer das Immunsystem therapeutisch ausschalteten.}, language = {de} } @article{FarmerStrzelczykFinisguerraetal.2021, author = {Farmer, Adam D. and Strzelczyk, Adam and Finisguerra, Alessandra and Gourine, Alexander V. and Gharabaghi, Alireza and Hasan, Alkomiet and Burger, Andreas M. and Jaramillo, Andr{\´e}s M. and Mertens, Ann and Majid, Arshad and Verkuil, Bart and Badran, Bashar W. and Ventura-Bort, Carlos and Gaul, Charly and Beste, Christian and Warren, Christopher M. and Quintana, Daniel S. and H{\"a}mmerer, Dorothea and Freri, Elena and Frangos, Eleni and Tobaldini, Eleonora and Kaniusas, Eugenijus and Rosenow, Felix and Capone, Fioravante and Panetsos, Fivos and Ackland, Gareth L. and Kaithwas, Gaurav and O'Leary, Georgia H. and Genheimer, Hannah and Jacobs, Heidi I. L. and Van Diest, Ilse and Schoenen, Jean and Redgrave, Jessica and Fang, Jiliang and Deuchars, Jim and Sz{\´e}les, Jozsef C. and Thayer, Julian F. and More, Kaushik and Vonck, Kristl and Steenbergen, Laura and Vianna, Lauro C. and McTeague, Lisa M. and Ludwig, Mareike and Veldhuizen, Maria G. and De Couck, Marijke and Casazza, Marina and Keute, Marius and Bikson, Marom and Andreatta, Marta and D'Agostini, Martina and Weymar, Mathias and Betts, Matthew and Prigge, Matthias and Kaess, Michael and Roden, Michael and Thai, Michelle and Schuster, Nathaniel M. and Montano, Nicola and Hansen, Niels and Kroemer, Nils B. and Rong, Peijing and Fischer, Rico and Howland, Robert H. and Sclocco, Roberta and Sellaro, Roberta and Garcia, Ronald G. and Bauer, Sebastian and Gancheva, Sofiya and Stavrakis, Stavros and Kampusch, Stefan and Deuchars, Susan A. and Wehner, Sven and Laborde, Sylvain and Usichenko, Taras and Polak, Thomas and Zaehle, Tino and Borges, Uirassu and Teckentrup, Vanessa and Jandackova, Vera K. and Napadow, Vitaly and Koenig, Julian}, title = {International Consensus Based Review and Recommendations for Minimum Reporting Standards in Research on Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation (Version 2020)}, series = {Frontiers in Human Neuroscience}, volume = {14}, journal = {Frontiers in Human Neuroscience}, issn = {1662-5161}, doi = {10.3389/fnhum.2020.568051}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-234346}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Given its non-invasive nature, there is increasing interest in the use of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS) across basic, translational and clinical research. Contemporaneously, tVNS can be achieved by stimulating either the auricular branch or the cervical bundle of the vagus nerve, referred to as transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation(VNS) and transcutaneous cervical VNS, respectively. In order to advance the field in a systematic manner, studies using these technologies need to adequately report sufficient methodological detail to enable comparison of results between studies, replication of studies, as well as enhancing study participant safety. We systematically reviewed the existing tVNS literature to evaluate current reporting practices. Based on this review, and consensus among participating authors, we propose a set of minimal reporting items to guide future tVNS studies. The suggested items address specific technical aspects of the device and stimulation parameters. We also cover general recommendations including inclusion and exclusion criteria for participants, outcome parameters and the detailed reporting of side effects. Furthermore, we review strategies used to identify the optimal stimulation parameters for a given research setting and summarize ongoing developments in animal research with potential implications for the application of tVNS in humans. Finally, we discuss the potential of tVNS in future research as well as the associated challenges across several disciplines in research and clinical practice.}, language = {en} } @article{FauserWeselekHauptmannetal.2020, author = {Fauser, Mareike and Weselek, Grit and Hauptmann, Christine and Markert, Franz and Gerlach, Manfred and Hermann, Andreas and Storch, Alexander}, title = {Catecholaminergic Innervation of Periventricular Neurogenic Regions of the Developing Mouse Brain}, series = {Frontiers in Neuroanatomy}, volume = {14}, journal = {Frontiers in Neuroanatomy}, doi = {10.3389/fnana.2020.558435}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-212485}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The major catecholamines—dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine (NE)—are not only involved in synaptic communication but also act as important trophic factors and might ultimately be involved in mammalian brain development. The catecholaminergic innervation of neurogenic regions of the developing brain and its putative relationship to neurogenesis is thus of pivotal interest. We here determined DA and NE innervation around the ventricular/subventricular zone (VZ/SVZ) bordering the whole ventricular system of the developing mouse brain from embryonic day 14.5 (E14.5), E16.5, and E19.5 until postnatal day zero (P0) by histological evaluation and HPLC with electrochemical detection. We correlated these data with the proliferation capacity of the respective regions by quantification of MCM\(^{2+}\) cells. During development, VZ/SVZ catecholamine levels dramatically increased between E16.5 and P0 with DA levels increasing in forebrain VZ/SVZ bordering the lateral ventricles and NE levels raising in midbrain/hindbrain VZ/SVZ bordering the third ventricle, the aqueduct, and the fourth ventricle. Conversely, proliferating MCM\(^{2+}\) cell counts dropped between E16.5 and E19.5 with a special focus on all VZ/SVZs outside the lateral ventricles. We detected an inverse strong negative correlation of the proliferation capacity in the periventricular neurogenic regions (log-transformed MCM\(^{2+}\) cell counts) with their NE levels (r = -0.932; p < 0.001), but not their DA levels (r = 0.440; p = 0.051) suggesting putative inhibitory effects of NE on cell proliferation within the periventricular regions during mouse brain development. Our data provide the first framework for further demandable studies on the functional importance of catecholamines, particularly NE, in regulating neural stem/progenitor cell proliferation and differentiation during mammalian brain development.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fekete2018, author = {Fekete, Stefanie}, title = {Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring (TDM) von Kindern und Jugendlichen unter Behandlung mit Tiaprid : eine prospektive naturalistische Beobachtungsstudie}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-173085}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Tiaprid wird bei Kindern und Jugendlichen im deutschsprachigen Raum als Mittel der ersten Wahl zur Behandlung von Ticst{\"o}rungen off-label eingesetzt. Es gilt dabei die generelle Empfehlung, Therapeutischen Drug Monitoring (TDM) bei der Behandlung von Minderj{\"a}hrigen mit Neuro-/Psychopharmaka durchzuf{\"u}hren. Therapeutische Referenzbereiche f{\"u}r Tiaprid sind bisher jedoch nur f{\"u}r erwachsene Patienten mit Chorea Huntington definiert worden (1000 bis 2000 ng/ml) (Hiemke et al., 2011). An ausgew{\"a}hlten Zentren im Rahmen des Kompetenznetzwerks Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie (www.tdm-kjp.com) wurden von 2007 bis 2014 standardisiert TDM-Daten erfasst, um den Zusammenhang zwischen Dosis, Serumkonzentration, Wirksamkeit und UAW von Tiaprid zu untersuchen sowie Hinweise auf einen m{\"o}glichen alters- und diagnosespezifischen therapeutischen Referenzbereich zu generieren. Bei den 49 Patienten (mittleres Alter 12,5 Jahre; 84 \% m{\"a}nnlich) zeigte sich eine positive Korrelation (r= 0.76; p< .001) zwischen der Dosis (Mittelwert 354 mg) und der Serumkonzentration von Tiaprid (Mittelwert 1324 ng/ml) mit einer ausgepr{\"a}gten interindividuellen Variabilit{\"a}t, jedoch keine Beziehung zwischen Serumkonzentration und Wirkeffekt (83,3 \% profitierten) bzw. UAW in der Gesamtpopulation. Die Auswertung der Verlaufsmessungen von Patienten mit mehreren Messungen der Tiaprid-Serumkonzentration ergab beim dritten Messzeitpunkt eine negative Korrelation zwischen Wirkeffekt und Serumkonzentration (r= -.68; p= .032). Bei Patienten mit Serumkonzentrationen unter 2000 ng/ml wurde ein g{\"u}nstigerer klinischer Effekt dokumentiert als bei solchen mit Konzentrationen oberhalb dieses Wertes. Die ROC-Analyse ergab eine Sensitivit{\"a}t von 86 \%, ab einer Konzentration von 618 ng/ml zu respondieren (AUC= .524). Kein Patient litt an einer schweren UAW und nur wenige Patienten unter leichten oder mittelschweren UAW (n=13). Diese Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass der untere therapeutische Referenzbereich f{\"u}r jugendliche Patienten mit einer Tic-St{\"o}rung bei etwa 600 ng/ml liegt und die obere Grenze von 2000 ng/ml auch als Orientierungswert auf Kinder und Jugendliche gelten k{\"o}nnte. Bevor diesbez{\"u}glich g{\"u}ltige Empfehlungen f{\"u}r den klinischen Alltag formuliert werden, m{\"u}ssen Studien mit h{\"o}heren Fallzahlen und mehr kontrollierten Studiendesigns abgewartet werden. }, language = {de} } @article{FeketeEgbertsPreissleretal.2021, author = {Fekete, Stefanie and Egberts, K. and Preissler, T. and Wewetzer, C. and Mehler-Wex, C. and Romanos, M. and Gerlach, M.}, title = {Estimation of a preliminary therapeutic reference range for children and adolescents with tic disorders treated with tiapride}, series = {European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology}, volume = {77}, journal = {European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology}, number = {2}, doi = {10.1007/s00228-020-03000-0}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-279893}, pages = {163-170}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Purpose Tiapride is commonly used in Europe for the treatment of tics. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between dose and serum concentrations of tiapride and potential influential pharmacokinetic factors in children and adolescents. In addition, a preliminary therapeutic reference range for children and adolescents with tics treated with tiapride was calculated. Methods Children and adolescents treated with tiapride at three university hospitals and two departments of child and adolescents psychiatry in Germany and Austria were included in the study. Patient characteristics, doses, serum concentrations, and therapeutic outcome were assessed during clinical routine care using standardised measures. Results In the 49 paediatric patients (83.7\% male, mean age = 12.5 years), a positive correlation was found between tiapride dose (median 6.9 mg/kg, range 0.97-19.35) and serum concentration with marked inter-individual variability. The variation in dose explained 57\% of the inter-patient variability in tiapride serum concentrations; age, gender, and concomitant medication did not contribute to the variability. The symptoms improved in 83.3\% of the patients. 27.1\% of the patients had mild or moderate ADRs. No patient suffered from severe ADRs. Conclusions This study shows that tiapride treatment was effective and safe in most patients with tics. Compared with the therapeutic concentration range established for adults with Chorea Huntington, our data hinted at a lower lower limit (560 ng/ml) and similar upper limit (2000 ng/ml).}, language = {en} } @misc{FeketeEgbertsPreissleretal.2021, author = {Fekete, Stefanie and Egberts, K. and Preissler, T. and Wewetzer, C. and Mehler-Wex, C. and Romanos, M. and Gerlach, M.}, title = {Correction to: Estimation of a preliminary therapeutic reference range for children and adolescents with tic disorders treated with tiapride}, series = {European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology}, volume = {77}, journal = {European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology}, number = {8}, doi = {10.1007/s00228-021-03159-0}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-329467}, pages = {1257}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Correction to: European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (2021) 77:163-170 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00228-020-03000-0}, language = {en} } @article{FeketeKulpokTaurinesetal.2023, author = {Fekete, Stefanie and Kulpok, Christine and Taurines, Regina and Egberts, Karin and Geissler, Julia and Gerlach, Manfred and Malonga Makosi, Doroth{\´e}e and K{\"o}nig, Jochem and Urschitz, Michael S. and Toni, Irmgard and Neubert, Antje and Romanos, Marcel}, title = {Value of a web-based pediatric drug information system to prevent serious adverse drug reactions in child and adolescent psychiatry}, series = {Journal of Neural Transmission}, volume = {130}, journal = {Journal of Neural Transmission}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1007/s00702-022-02563-9}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-324817}, pages = {53-63}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Psychotropic drugs are frequently prescribed 'off-label' to children and adolescents and carry the risk of serious adverse drug reactions (sADR). We examined the frequency of sADRs of psychotropic drugs in pediatric inpatients and explored their potential preventability through following the recommendations of a web-based pediatric drug information system (PDIS). The potential socio-economic impacts of using this online system is also addressed. Routine clinical data from all inpatients treated in a child and adolescent psychiatry department between January 2017 and December 2018 were retrospectively examined for the occurrence of sADRs as defined by the European Medicines Agency. The preventability of the sADRs was assessed based on the information of the PDIS. Furthermore, the expected prolongation of the hospital stay due to sADRs was calculated as well as the associated treatment costs. The study was supported by the Innovation Fund of the Joint Federal Committee, grant number 01NVF16021. In total, 1036 patients were screened of whom 658 (63.5\%) received psychopharmacological treatment. In 53 (8.1\%) of these patients 54 sADRs were documented, of which 37 sADRs were identified as potentially preventable through PDIS. Mitigating sADR through PDIS would likely have prevented prolonged hospital stays and conferred considerable savings for health insurance companies. PDIS provides systematic and evidence-based information about pediatric psychopharmacotherapy and helps to prevent prescribing errors. Therefore, PDIS is a useful tool to increase drug therapy safety in child and adolescent psychiatry. Further prospective studies are needed to confirm the results.}, language = {en} } @article{FrankeConzelmannGruenblattetal.2019, author = {Franke, Maximilian and Conzelmann, Annette and Gr{\"u}nblatt, Edna and Werling, Anna M. and Spieles, Helen and Wewetzer, Christoph and Warnke, Andreas and Romanos, Marcel and Walitza, Susanne and Renner, Tobias J.}, title = {No Association of Variants of the NPY-System With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Children and Adolescents}, series = {Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience}, volume = {12}, journal = {Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience}, doi = {10.3389/fnmol.2019.00112}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-229051}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) causes severe distress and is therefore counted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as one of the 10 most impairing illnesses. There is evidence for a strong genetic underpinning especially in early onset OCD (eoOCD). Though several genes involved in neurotransmission have been reported as candidates, there is still a need to identify new pathways. In this study, we focussed on genetic variants of the Neuropeptide Y (NPY) system. NPY is one of the most abundant neuropeptides in the human brain with emerging evidence of capacity to modulate stress response, which is of high relevance in OCD. We focussed on tag-SNPs of NPY and its receptor gene NPY1R in a family-based approach. The sample comprised 86 patients (children and adolescents) with eoOCD with both their biological parents. However, this first study on genetic variants of the NPY-system could not confirm the association between the investigated SNPs and eoOCD. Based on the small sample size results have to be interpreted as preliminary and should be replicated in larger samples. However, also in an additional GWAS analysis in a large sample, we could not observe an associations between NPY and OCD. Overall, these preliminary results point to a minor role of NPY on the stress response of OCD.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Frey2022, author = {Frey, Lillien Mara}, title = {Furchtgeneralisierung und Attentional Bias bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit einer St{\"o}rung des Sozialverhaltens}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25974}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259746}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Bereits vorangegangene Studien haben zeigen k{\"o}nnen, dass eine verst{\"a}rke Generali- sierung von Furcht sowohl bei Erwachsenen, bei denen beispielsweise eine Angstst{\"o}rung oder eine PTSB diagnostiziert wurde, aber auch bei gesunden Kindern eine Rolle spielt. In unserer Studie untersuchten wir eine Gruppe Kinder und Jugendliche (n = 31, m = 25, w = 6; Alter = 13.35 ± 2.03), die eine St{\"o}rung des Sozialverhaltens aufwiesen, auf die Konditionierbarkeit von Furcht und eine m{\"o}gliche Furchtgeneralisierung. Diese Gruppe verglichen wir mit einer gesunden Kontrollgruppe (n = 29, m = 11, w = 18; Alter = 14.28 ± 2.43). Als Generalisierungsstimuli verwendeten wir ein Furchtgeneralisierungsparadigma mit zwei Frauengesichtern, die in vier Schritten aneinander angeglichen wurden. Zus{\"a}tzlich f{\"u}hrten wir mit beiden Probandengruppen ein Dot-Probe-Paradigma zur Objektivierung von Aufmerksamkeitsprozessen im Sinne eines Attentional Bias oder Attentional Avoidance mit emotionalen Gesichtern durch. Wir konnten eine erfolgreiche Furchtkonditionierung f{\"u}r beide Gruppen erreichen. Im Vergleich mit der gesunden Kontrollgruppe zeigte die externalisierende Probandengruppe eine verst{\"a}rke Furchtgeneralisierung. Hinsichtlich der subjektiven Valenz- und Kontingenzratings wurden die Unterschiede besonders deutlich. Eine verst{\"a}rkte Generalisierungsneigung bei erh{\"o}hter Trait-Angst konnten wir nicht finden. Die externalisierende Gruppe zeigte im Vergleich mit neutralen Gesichtern bei den emotionalen Gesichtern insgesamt einen Attentional Bias. Am deutlichsten war dabei eine verst{\"a}rkte Aufmerksamkeitslenkung hin zu gl{\"u}cklichen Gesichtern festzustellen. F{\"u}r die gesunde Kontrollgruppe konnten wir keine Besonderheiten bez{\"u}glich der Aufmerksamkeitsrichtung finden. Weiterf{\"u}hrende Studien sollten mit gr{\"o}ß- eren Probandengruppen und nach Geschlecht und Alter gepaarten Probanden durch- gef{\"u}hrt werden. Mit externalisierenden Probanden sollte ein Furchtgeneralisierungs- paradigma mit neutralen Stimuli (z.B. Ringe) gew{\"a}hlt werden, um eine subjektive Wertung emotionaler Gesichter bei den Ratings als St{\"o}rfaktor auszuschließen. F{\"u}r externalisierende Probanden sollte außerdem die Auspr{\"a}gung von CU-Traits erfasst und die Dauer der Testung verk{\"u}rzt oder auf zwei Termine aufgeteilt werden, um eine ausreichende Konzentrationsf{\"a}higkeit zu erm{\"o}glichen.}, subject = {Psychische St{\"o}rung}, language = {de} } @article{FoeckerTimmesfeldBuehlmeieretal.2021, author = {F{\"o}cker, Manuel and Timmesfeld, Nina and B{\"u}hlmeier, Judith and Zwanziger, Denise and F{\"u}hrer, Dagmar and Grasemann, Corinna and Ehrlich, Stefan and Egberts, Karin and Fleischhaker, Christian and Wewetzer, Christoph and Wessing, Ida and Seitz, Jochen and Herpertz-Dahlmann, Beate and Hebebrand, Johannes and Libuda, Lars}, title = {Vitamin D level trajectories of adolescent patients with anorexia nervosa at inpatient admission, during treatment, and at one year follow up: association with depressive symptoms}, series = {Nutrients}, volume = {13}, journal = {Nutrients}, number = {7}, issn = {2072-6643}, doi = {10.3390/nu13072356}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242662}, year = {2021}, abstract = {(1) Background: Evidence has accumulated that patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) are at higher risk for vitamin D deficiency than healthy controls. In epidemiologic studies, low 25(OH) vitamin D (25(OH)D) levels were associated with depression. This study analyzed the relationship between 25(OH)D serum levels in adolescent patients and AN and depressive symptoms over the course of treatment. (2) Methods: 25(OH)D levels and depressive symptoms were analyzed in 93 adolescent (in-)patients with AN from the Anorexia Nervosa Day patient versus Inpatient (ANDI) multicenter trial at clinic admission, discharge, and 1 year follow up. Mixed regression models were used to analyze the relationship between 25(OH)D levels and depressive symptoms assessed by the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II). (3) Results: Although mean 25(OH)D levels constantly remained in recommended ranges (≥50 nmol/L) during AN treatment, levels decreased from (in)patient admission to 1 year follow up. Levels of 25(OH)D were neither cross-sectionally, prospectively, nor longitudinally associated with the BDI-II score. (4) Conclusions: This study did not confirm that 25(OH)D levels are associated with depressive symptoms in patients with AN. However, increasing risks of vitamin D deficiency over the course of AN treatment indicate that clinicians should monitor 25(OH)D levels.}, language = {en} } @article{GeisslerJansBanaschewskietal.2018, author = {Geissler, Julia and Jans, Thomas and Banaschewski, Tobias and Becker, Katja and Renner, Tobias and Brandeis, Daniel and D{\"o}pfner, Manfred and Dose, Christina and Hautmann, Christopher and Holtmann, Martin and Jenkner, Carolin and Millenet, Sabina and Romanos, Marcel}, title = {Individualised short-term therapy for adolescents impaired by attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder despite previous routine care treatment (ESCAadol)-Study protocol of a randomised controlled trial within the consortium ESCAlife}, series = {Trials}, volume = {19}, journal = {Trials}, number = {254}, doi = {10.1186/s13063-018-2635-2}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-176061}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Background: Despite the high persistence rate of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) throughout the lifespan, there is a considerable gap in knowledge regarding effective treatment strategies for adolescents with ADHD. This group in particular often shows substantial psychosocial impairment, low compliance and insufficient response to psychopharmacological interventions. Effective and feasible treatments should further consider the developmental shift in ADHD symptoms, comorbidity and psychosocial adversity as well as family dysfunction. Thus, individualised interventions for adolescent ADHD should comprise a multimodal treatment strategy. The randomised controlled ESCAadol study addresses the needs of this patient group and compares the outcome of short-term cognitive behavioural therapy with parent-based telephone-assisted self-help. Methods/design: In step 1, 160 adolescents aged 12 to 17 years with a diagnosis of ADHD will undergo a treatment as usual (TAU) observation phase of 1 month. In step 2, those still severely affected are randomised to the intervention group with an Individualised Modular Treatment Programme (IMTP) or a telephone-assisted self-help programme for parents (TASH) as an active control condition. The IMTP was specifically designed for the needs of adolescent ADHD. It comprises 10 sessions of individual cognitive behavioural therapy with the adolescents and/or the parents, for which participants choose three out of 10 available focus modules (e.g. organisational skills and planning, emotion regulation, problem solving and stress management, dysfunctional family communication). TASH combines a bibliotherapeutic component with 10 counselling sessions for the parents via telephone. Primary outcome is the change in ADHD symptoms in a clinician-rated diagnostic interview. Outcomes are assessed at inclusion into the study, after the TAU phase, after the intervention phase and after a further 12-week follow-up period. The primary statistical analysis will be by intention-to-treat, using linear regression models. Additionally, we will analyse psychometric and biological predictors and moderators of treatment response. Discussion: ESCAadol compares two short-term non-pharmacological interventions as cost-efficient and feasible treatment options for adolescent ADHD, addressing the specific needs and obstacles to treatment success in this group. We aim to contribute to personalised medicine for adolescent ADHD intended to be implemented in routine clinical care.}, language = {en} } @article{GeisslerWernerDworschaketal.2021, author = {Geissler, Julia M. and Werner, Elisabeth and Dworschak, Wolfgang and Romanos, Marcel and Ratz, Christoph}, title = {German Law Reform Does Not Reduce the Prevalence of Coercive Measures in Residential Institutions for Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities}, series = {Frontiers in Psychiatry}, volume = {12}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychiatry}, issn = {1664-0640}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyt.2021.765830}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-249030}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background: Approximately 10\% of children, adolescents and young adults with an intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) in Bavaria live in residential institutions. 2015 saw media reports raising suspicions about excessive use of coercive measures (cM) in those institutions. Until a law reform at the end of 2017 made permission from family courts mandatory for cM, their use was governed by parental consent. The REDUGIA project conducted a representative survey comparing cM and their relation to challenging behaviour (cB) and employee stress in Bavaria pre and post reform. Methods: We sent questionnaires to 65 residential institutions for children, adolescents and young adults with IDD in 2017 (pre reform, T1) and 2019 (post reform, T2). To assess changes, we analysed data from all available questionnaire pairs (T1 and T2, N = 43). We calculated paired t-test and correlative analyses concerning the relationship between cB, cM, and employee stress. Results: The number of residents overall (T1: N = 1,661; T2: N = 1,673) and per institution (T1: m = 38.6 ± 32.0; T2: m = 38.9 ± 34.5, p = 0.920) remained stable. We did not see any changes in the Index cB (p = 0.508) or the proportion of residents per institution displaying various types of challenging behaviour (all ps>0.220). There was no change in the Index cM (p = 0.089) or any indicator of employee stress, all ps > 0.323. At follow-up, the Index cB correlated positively with the Index cM (r = 0.519 p < 0.001). Regarding employee stress, the Index cB correlated positively with the frequency of sick leave (r = 0.322, p = 0.037) and physical attacks on employees (r = 0.552, p < 0.001). The Index cM also correlated positively with the frequency of sick leave (r = 0.340, p = 0.028) and physical attacks on employees (r = 0.492, p = 0.001). Discussion: Coercive measures are not a general phenomenon, but are focused on specialised institutions. The law reform did not lead to changes in the number of children, adolescents and young adults with IDD affected by coercive measures in residential institutions in Bavaria. There were still large discrepancies between institutions in the prevalence of challenging behaviour and coercive measures. Coercive measures were associated with challenging behaviour and employee stress. Taken together, findings from REDUGIA emphasise the need to prevent challenging behaviour and thus coercive measures.}, language = {en} } @article{GeisslerWernerDworschaketal.2021, author = {Geissler, Julia and Werner, Elisabeth and Dworschak, Wolfgang and Romanos, Marcel and Ratz, Christoph}, title = {Freiheitsentziehende Maßnahmen in bayerischen Heimeinrichtungen f{\"u}r Kinder, Jugendliche und junge Vollj{\"a}hrige mit Intelligenzminderung}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie}, volume = {49}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie}, number = {4}, issn = {1422-4917}, doi = {10.1024/1422-4917/a000808}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-244859}, pages = {273-283}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Fragestellung: In Bayern leben etwa 10 \% aller jungen Menschen mit Intelligenzminderung in Heimeinrichtungen. 2016 wurde in Presseberichten der Vorwurf unzul{\"a}ssiger freiheitsentziehender Maßnahmen formuliert. Im Rahmen des Projekts REDUGIA wurde in bayerischen Heimeinrichtungen eine repr{\"a}sentative Erhebung zu freiheitsentziehenden Maßnahmen (FeM), herausforderndem Verhalten (hfV) und der Mitarbeiterbelastung (MaB) durchgef{\"u}hrt. Methodik: 65 Einrichtungen f{\"u}r junge Menschen mit Intelligenzminderung in Bayern wurde ein Fragebogen zu strukturellen Gegebenheiten sowie MaB, hfV und FeM zugesendet. Neben deskriptiven Auswertungen wurden korrelative Analysen bzw. Regressionsanalysen zum Zusammenhang zwischen hfV, FeM und MaB durchgef{\"u}hrt. Ergebnisse: Es wurden Daten zu 1839 Personen in 61 Einrichtungen erhoben. 84.3 \% der Einrichtungen berichteten geringe Raten an hfV und FeM, w{\"a}hrend 15.7 \% ein geh{\"a}uftes Vorkommen von hfV und FeM angaben. Auf n = 1809 Vollzeit{\"a}quivalente kam es innerhalb von 14 Tagen zu 639 k{\"o}rperlichen Angriffen durch Bewohner_innen. In 12 Monaten wurden problemverhaltensassoziiert 85 Krankmeldungen sowie 33 Versetzungsantr{\"a}ge/K{\"u}ndigungen berichtet. Es zeigte sich ein signifikant positiver Zusammenhang zwischen hfV und FeM (R² = .307, F = 21.719, p < .001). Die Mitarbeiterbelastung korrelierte positiv mit hfV (r = .507, p < .001). Schlussfolgerungen: Die Studienbefunde weisen darauf hin, dass hfV sowie FeM bei jungen Menschen mit Intelligenzminderung kein fl{\"a}chendeckendes Ph{\"a}nomen darstellen, sondern sich auf wenige spezialisierte Einrichtungen fokussieren. M{\"o}gliche Maßnahmen zur Pr{\"a}vention von Problemverhalten und Freiheitsentzug werden diskutiert.}, language = {de} } @article{GerberKoenigFendtetal.2019, author = {Gerber, Bertram and K{\"o}nig, Christian and Fendt, Markus and Andreatta, Marta and Romanos, Marcel and Pauli, Paul and Yarali, Ayse}, title = {Timing-dependent valence reversal: a principle of reinforcement processing and its possible implications}, series = {Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences}, volume = {26}, journal = {Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences}, doi = {10.1016/j.cobeha.2018.12.001}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-232933}, pages = {114-120}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Punishment feels bad, but relief upon its termination feels good. As a consequence of such timing-dependent valence reversal, memories of opposite valence can result from associating stimulus A with, for example, the occurrence of punishment (A-) versus punishment termination (-A): A- training results in aversive memory, but -A training in appetitive memory (corresponding effects exist for reward occurrence and termination). Whereas learning through the occurrence of punishment is well studied, much less is known about learning through its termination. Current research investigates how dopaminergic system function contributes to these processes in Drosophila, rats and humans. We argue that dopamine-related psychopathology may entail distortions in learning through punishment termination, and that this may contribute, for example, to non-suicidal self-injury or post-traumatic stress disorder.}, language = {en} } @article{GerlachMaetzlerBroichetal.2012, author = {Gerlach, Manfred and Maetzler, Walter and Broich, Karl and Hampel, Harald and Rems, Lucas and Reum, Torsten and Riederer, Peter and St{\"a}ffler, Albrecht and Streffer, Johannes and Berg, Daniela}, title = {Biomarker candidates of neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease for the evaluation of disease-modifying therapeutics}, series = {Journal of Neural Transmission}, volume = {119}, journal = {Journal of Neural Transmission}, number = {1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125375}, pages = {39-52}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Reliable biomarkers that can be used for early diagnosis and tracking disease progression are the cornerstone of the development of disease-modifying treatments for Parkinson's disease (PD). The German Society of Experimental and Clinical Neurotherapeutics (GESENT) has convened a Working Group to review the current status of proposed biomarkers of neurodegeneration according to the following criteria and to develop a consensus statement on biomarker candidates for evaluation of disease-modifying therapeutics in PD. The criteria proposed are that the biomarker should be linked to fundamental features of PD neuropathology and mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration in PD, should be correlated to disease progression assessed by clinical rating scales, should monitor the actual disease status, should be pre-clinically validated, and confirmed by at least two independent studies conducted by qualified investigators with the results published in peer-reviewed journals. To date, available data have not yet revealed one reliable biomarker to detect early neurodegeneration in PD and to detect and monitor effects of drug candidates on the disease process, but some promising biomarker candidates, such as antibodies against neuromelanin, pathological forms of α-synuclein, DJ-1, and patterns of gene expression, metabolomic and protein profiling exist. Almost all of the biomarker candidates were not investigated in relation to effects of treatment, validated in experimental models of PD and confirmed in independent studies.}, language = {en} } @article{GerlachMaetzlerBroichetal.2011, author = {Gerlach, Manfred and Maetzler, Walter and Broich, Karl and Hampel, Harald and Rems, Lucas and Reum, Torsten and Riederer, Peter and St{\"o}ffler, Albrecht and Streffer, Johannes and Berg, Daniela}, title = {Biomarker candidates of neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease for the evaluation of disease-modifying therapeutics}, series = {Journal of Neural Transmission}, volume = {119}, journal = {Journal of Neural Transmission}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1007/s00702-011-0682-x}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-133856}, pages = {39-52}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Reliable biomarkers that can be used for early diagnosis and tracking disease progression are the cornerstone of the development of disease-modifying treatments for Parkinson's disease (PD). The German Society of Experimental and Clinical Neurotherapeutics (GESENT) has convened a Working Group to review the current status of proposed biomarkers of neurodegeneration according to the following criteria and to develop a consensus statement on biomarker candidates for evaluation of disease-modifying therapeutics in PD. The criteria proposed are that the biomarker should be linked to fundamental features of PD neuropathology and mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration in PD, should be correlated to disease progression assessed by clinical rating scales, should monitor the actual disease status, should be pre-clinically validated, and confirmed by at least two independent studies conducted by qualified investigators with the results published in peer-reviewed journals. To date, available data have not yet revealed one reliable biomarker to detect early neurodegeneration in PD and to detect and monitor effects of drug candidates on the disease process, but some promising biomarker candidates, such as antibodies against neuromelanin, pathological forms of α-synuclein, DJ-1, and patterns of gene expression, metabolomic and protein profiling exist. Almost all of the biomarker candidates were not investigated in relation to effects of treatment, validated in experimental models of PD and confirmed in independent studies.}, language = {en} }