@phdthesis{MeyerzuAltenschildesche2022, author = {Meyer zu Altenschildesche, Caren}, title = {Genetische Variationen bei Patienten mit idiopathischer Small fiber Neuropathie}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28274}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-282742}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Die Literatur beschreibt unter Patienten mit idiopathischer Small fiber Neuro-pathie (SFN) einen Anteil von etwa ein F{\"u}nftel bis Drittel mit Variationen unkla-rer pathogenetischer Relevanz in Schmerz-assoziierten Genen. Dies best{\"a}tig-te sich im Rahmen unserer klinischen Studie: {\"U}ber die Zeit von Mai 2015 bis Januar 2020 konnten bei 13 von 66 (21\%) eingeschlossenen Patienten mit klinischem Verdacht auf SFN genetische Variationen in Schmerz-assoziierten Genen detektiert werden. Solche Ver{\"a}nderungen k{\"o}nnen {\"u}ber Gain- oder Loss-of-Function-Mechanismen die Funktion codierter nozizeptiver Signalpro-teine modulieren und so potentiell zur SFN-Symptomatik f{\"u}hren. Im Rahmen der Studie erfolgte neben der genetischen Diagnostik eine umfangreiche Un-tersuchung der Teilnehmer. In der Diagnostik stachen die potentiell geneti-schen SFN-Patienten nicht heraus und auch klinisch fielen nur dezente Unter-schiede zu den {\"u}brigen Patienten auf: Wir zeigten, dass die Betroffenen h{\"a}ufi-ger von {\"a}ußeren Einflussfaktoren getriggerte Schmerzattacken erleiden und eine tendenziell weitl{\"a}ufigere Symptommanifestation aufwiesen. Dies {\"a}hnelt der Klinik anderer heredit{\"a}rer neuropathischer Schmerzsyndrome wie der pa-roxysmalen extremen Schmerzst{\"o}rung (PEPD) oder den famili{\"a}ren episodi-schen Schmerzsyndromen (FEPS). Die potentiell genetische Grundlage f{\"u}hrte bei unseren Patienten zu einer st{\"a}rkeren Limitation im t{\"a}glichen und berufli-chen Alltag und minderte die Lebensqualit{\"a}t der Betroffenen deutlich. M{\"o}gli-che Ursache hierf{\"u}r war auch die herausfordernde Therapie der Patienten mit Genvariationen: F{\"u}r den gleichen Behandlungserfolg mussten die Patienten mit potentiell genetischer SFN deutlich mehr Wirkstoffe einnehmen und {\"u}ber-haupt versuchen. Obwohl nur minimale klinische Hinweise eine potentiell ge-netische Genese andeuten, sollten diese fr{\"u}hzeitig durch eine strukturierte Anamnese erkannt werden. Die Sammlung von Daten zu betroffenen Familien kann die pathogenetische Relevanz der Variationen erh{\"a}rten. Auch wird im Feld der genetischen Schmerzforschung rasant an zielgerichteten Analgetika gearbeitet, die fehlregulierte Rezeptoren blockieren sollen. Damit k{\"o}nnte Be-troffenen k{\"u}nftig gezielt geholfen werden. Wir empfehlen auf Grundlage unse-rer Studie bei Vorliegen genannter hinweisender Charakteristika eine geneti-sche Testung und Beratung zus{\"a}tzlich zur weiteren {\"a}tiologischen Diagnostik. Das zu untersuchende Panel sollte m{\"o}glichst viele Schmerz-assoziierte Gene umfassen - vorrangig die Gene codierend f{\"u}r die spannungsabh{\"a}ngigen Nat-riumkan{\"a}le SCN9A, -10A und 11A und die TRP-Kanalproteine TRPA1, TRPV1 und -3.}, subject = {Neuropathie}, language = {de} } @article{QuartaVoglConstantinetal.2011, author = {Quarta, Serena and Vogl, Christian and Constantin, Cristina E. and {\"U}{\c{c}}eyler, Nurcan and Sommer, Claudia and Kress, Michaela}, title = {Genetic evidence for an essential role of neuronally expressed IL-6 signal transducer gp130 in the induction and maintenance of experimentally induced mechanical hypersensitivity \(in\) \(vivo\) and \(in\) \(vitro\)}, series = {Molecular Pain}, volume = {7,73}, journal = {Molecular Pain}, doi = {10.1186/1744-8069-7-73}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-140380}, pages = {1-9}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Tenderness and mechanical allodynia are key symptoms of malignant tumor, inflammation and neuropathy. The proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6) is causally involved in all three pathologies. IL-6 not only regulates innate immunity and inflammation but also causes nociceptor sensitization and hyperalgesia. In general and in most cell types including immune cells and sensory neurons, IL-6 binds soluble mu receptor subunits which heteromerizes with membrane bound IL-6 signal transducer gp130. In the present study, we used a conditional knock-out strategy to investigate the importance of signal transducer gp130 expressed in C nociceptors for the generation and maintenance of mechanical hypersensitivity. Nociceptors were sensitized to mechanical stimuli by experimental tumor and this nociceptor sensitization was preserved at later stages of the pathology in control mice. However, in mice with a conditional deletion of gp130 in Nav1.8 expressing nociceptors mechanical hypersensitivity by experimental tumor, nerve injury or inflammation recovery was not preserved in the maintenance phase and nociceptors exhibited normal mechanical thresholds comparable to untreated mice. Together, the results argue for IL-6 signal transducer gp130 as an essential prerequisite in nociceptors for long-term mechanical hypersensitivity associated with cancer, inflammation and nerve injury.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Klaus2021, author = {Klaus, Laura-Christin}, title = {Generierung und Charakterisierung eines neuen Mausmodells des Morbus Parkinson durch AAV1/2 vermittelte {\"U}berexpression von humanem mutiertem A53T-α-Synuclein in der Substantia nigra}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23921}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-239217}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Auch wenn die {\"A}tiopathogenese von Morbus Parkinson bis heute nicht vollst{\"a}ndig gekl{\"a}rt ist, scheint α-Synuclein (α-Syn) eine zentrale Rolle zu spielen. Die Entdeckung als genetische Ursache der Erkrankung, als Hauptbestandteil der Lewy-K{\"o}rper (LK) und seine Assoziation mit verschiedenen anderen potenziellen {\"a}tiologischen Faktoren verdeutlichen dies. Bei Ratten und Affen f{\"u}hrte eine AAV1/2-vermittelte {\"U}berexpression von A53T-α-Syn zu einer Degeneration dopaminerger Neurone in der Substantia nigra (SN), einem striatalen dopaminergen Defizit sowie Verhaltensauff{\"a}lligkeiten. In Anbetracht bestimmter Vorteile der Mausspezies, war es das Ziel dieser Dissertation - die im Rahmen eines kollaborativen Projektes mit dem Toronto Western Research Institut in Ontario, Kanada entstanden ist - dieses auf AAV1/2-A53T-α-Syn basierende Parkinson-Modell auf M{\"a}use zu {\"u}bertragen. Dazu wurde AAV1/2-A53T-α-Syn oder leerer AAV1/2-Vektor in einer Dosis von 1,5 µl mit einer Konzentration von 5,16 x 10^12 gp/ml stereotaktisch einseitig in die rechte SN von C57BL/6-wt-M{\"a}usen injiziert. {\"U}ber einen Zeitraum von 11 Wochen wurden verschiedene Verhaltensexperimente durchgef{\"u}hrt und die beiden Versuchstiergruppen miteinander verglichen. Post-mortem erfolgten verschiedene immunhistochemische Untersuchungen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die einseitige Injektion von AAV1/2-A53T-α-Syn in die SN bei M{\"a}usen eine weit verbreitete {\"U}berexpression von A53T-α-Syn in dopaminergen Neuronen der SN induzierte, die innerhalb von 10 Wochen zu signifikanten fr{\"u}hen und persistierenden motorischen Verhaltensauff{\"a}lligkeiten, nigrostriataler Degeneration und Entwicklung einer Lewy-{\"a}hnlichen Pathologie f{\"u}hrte. Durch die Generierung und Charakterisierung dieses neuen Parkinson-Mausmodells, das klinische und histopathologische Merkmale der menschlichen Erkrankung widerspiegelt, besteht nun die M{\"o}glichkeit es weiterzuentwickeln und z.B. auf transgene M{\"a}use zu {\"u}bertragen, um u.a. molekulare Mechanismen der Parkinson-Krankheit zu entschl{\"u}sseln und pr{\"a}klinische Tests von krankheitsmodifizierenden Therapien durchzuf{\"u}hren.}, subject = {Parkinson-Krankheit}, language = {de} } @article{LauUeceylerCairnsetal.2022, author = {Lau, Kolja and {\"U}{\c{c}}eyler, Nurcan and Cairns, Tereza and Lorenz, Lora and Sommer, Claudia and Schindeh{\"u}tte, Magnus and Amann, Kerstin and Wanner, Christoph and Nordbeck, Peter}, title = {Gene variants of unknown significance in Fabry disease: Clinical characteristics of c.376AG (p.Ser126Gly)}, series = {Molecular Genetics \& Genomic Medicine}, volume = {10}, journal = {Molecular Genetics \& Genomic Medicine}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1002/mgg3.1912}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-312817}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background Anderson-Fabry disease (FD) is an X-linked lysosomal storage disorder with varying organ involvement and symptoms, depending on the underlying mutation in the alpha-galactosidase A gene (HGNC: GLA). With genetic testing becoming more readily available, it is crucial to precisely evaluate pathogenicity of each genetic variant, in order to determine whether there is or might be not a need for FD-specific therapy in affected patients and relatives at the time point of presentation or in the future. Methods This case series investigates the clinical impact of the specific GLA gene variant c.376A>G (p.Ser126Gly) in five (one heterozygous and one homozygous female, three males) individuals from different families, who visited our center between 2009 and 2021. Comprehensive neurological, nephrological and cardiac examinations were performed in all cases. One patient received a follow-up examination after 12 years. Results Index events leading to suspicion of FD were mainly unspecific neurological symptoms. However, FD-specific biomarkers, imaging examinations (i.e., brain MRI, heart MRI), and tissue-specific diagnostics, including kidney and skin biopsies, did not reveal evidence for FD-specific symptoms or organ involvement but showed normal results in all cases. This includes findings from 12-year follow-up in one patient with renal biopsy. Conclusion These findings suggest that p.Ser126Gly represents a benign GLA gene variant which per se does not cause FD. Precise clinical evaluation in individuals diagnosed with genetic variations of unknown significance should be performed to distinguish common symptoms broadly prevalent in the general population from those secondary to FD.}, language = {en} } @article{PalmisanoBrandtVissanietal.2020, author = {Palmisano, Chiara and Brandt, Gregor and Vissani, Matteo and Pozzi, Nicol{\´o} G. and Canessa, Andrea and Brumberg, Joachim and Marotta, Giorgio and Volkmann, Jens and Mazzoni, Alberto and Pezzoli, Gianni and Frigo, Carlo A. and Isaias, Ioannis U.}, title = {Gait Initiation in Parkinson's Disease: Impact of Dopamine Depletion and Initial Stance Condition}, series = {Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology}, volume = {8}, journal = {Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology}, issn = {2296-4185}, doi = {10.3389/fbioe.2020.00137}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-200801}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Postural instability, in particular at gait initiation (GI), and resulting falls are a major determinant of poor quality of life in subjects with Parkinson's disease (PD). Still, the contribution of the basal ganglia and dopamine on the feedforward postural control associated with this motor task is poorly known. In addition, the influence of anthropometric measures (AM) and initial stance condition on GI has never been consistently assessed. The biomechanical resultants of anticipatory postural adjustments contributing to GI [imbalance (IMB), unloading (UNL), and stepping phase) were studied in 26 unmedicated subjects with idiopathic PD and in 27 healthy subjects. A subset of 13 patients was analyzed under standardized medication conditions and the striatal dopaminergic innervation was studied in 22 patients using FP-CIT and SPECT. People with PD showed a significant reduction in center of pressure (CoP) displacement and velocity during the IMB phase, reduced first step length and velocity, and decreased velocity and acceleration of the center of mass (CoM) at toe off of the stance foot. All these measurements correlated with the dopaminergic innervation of the putamen and substantially improved with levodopa. These results were not influenced by anthropometric parameters or by the initial stance condition. In contrast, most of the measurements of the UNL phase were influenced by the foot placement and did not correlate with putaminal dopaminergic innervation. Our results suggest a significant role of dopamine and the putamen particularly in the elaboration of the IMB phase of anticipatory postural adjustments and in the execution of the first step. The basal ganglia circuitry may contribute to defining the optimal referent body configuration for a proper initiation of gait and possibly gait adaptation to the environment.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Brandt2020, author = {Brandt, Gregor A.}, title = {Gait Initiation in Parkinson's Disease: The Interplay of Dopamine and Postural Control}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21463}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-214636}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Deterioration of gait and alterations of physiological gait initiation contribute significantly to the burden of disease in Parkinson's disease. This paper systematically investigates disease-specific alterations during the postural phases of gait initiation and demonstrates the influence of dopaminergic networks by assessing levodopa mediated improvements in motor performance and correlation of motor behavior with loss of striatal and cortical dopaminergic neurons. Particular attention is given to known confounders such as initial stance and anthropometrics.}, subject = {Parkinson-Krankheit}, language = {en} } @article{IsaiasDipaolaMichietal.2014, author = {Isaias, Ioannis Ugo and Dipaola, Mariangela and Michi, Marlies and Marzegan, Alberto and Volkmann, Jens and Rodocanachi Roidi, Mariana L. and Frigo, Carlo Albino and Cavallari, Paolo}, title = {Gait Initiation in Children with Rett Syndrome}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {9}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {4}, issn = {1932-6203}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0092736}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-119789}, pages = {e92736}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Rett syndrome is an X-linked neurodevelopmental condition mainly characterized by loss of spoken language and a regression of purposeful hand use, with the development of distinctive hand stereotypies, and gait abnormalities. Gait initiation is the transition from quiet stance to steady-state condition of walking. The associated motor program seems to be centrally mediated and includes preparatory adjustments prior to any apparent voluntary movement of the lower limbs. Anticipatory postural adjustments contribute to postural stability and to create the propulsive forces necessary to reach steady-state gait at a predefined velocity and may be indicative of the effectiveness of the feedforward control of gait. In this study, we examined anticipatory postural adjustments associated with gait initiation in eleven girls with Rett syndrome and ten healthy subjects. Muscle activity (tibialis anterior and soleus muscles), ground reaction forces and body kinematic were recorded. Children with Rett syndrome showed a distinctive impairment in temporal organization of all phases of the anticipatory postural adjustments. The lack of appropriate temporal scaling resulted in a diminished impulse to move forward, documented by an impairment in several parameters describing the efficiency of gait start: length and velocity of the first step, magnitude and orientation of centre of pressure-centre of mass vector at the instant of (swing-)toe off. These findings were related to an abnormal muscular activation pattern mainly characterized by a disruption of the synergistic activity of antagonistic pairs of postural muscles. This study showed that girls with Rett syndrome lack accurate tuning of feedforward control of gait.}, language = {en} } @article{PalmisanoBeccariaHaufeetal.2022, author = {Palmisano, Chiara and Beccaria, Laura and Haufe, Stefan and Volkmann, Jens and Pezzoli, Gianni and Isaias, Ioannis U.}, title = {Gait initiation impairment in patients with Parkinson's disease and freezing of gait}, series = {Bioengineering}, volume = {9}, journal = {Bioengineering}, number = {11}, issn = {2306-5354}, doi = {10.3390/bioengineering9110639}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-297579}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Freezing of gait (FOG) is a sudden episodic inability to produce effective stepping despite the intention to walk. It typically occurs during gait initiation (GI) or modulation and may lead to falls. We studied the anticipatory postural adjustments (imbalance, unloading, and stepping phase) at GI in 23 patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) and FOG (PDF), 20 patients with PD and no previous history of FOG (PDNF), and 23 healthy controls (HCs). Patients performed the task when off dopaminergic medications. The center of pressure (CoP) displacement and velocity during imbalance showed significant impairment in both PDNF and PDF, more prominent in the latter patients. Several measurements were specifically impaired in PDF patients, especially the CoP displacement along the anteroposterior axis during unloading. The pattern of segmental center of mass (SCoM) movements did not show differences between groups. The standing postural profile preceding GI did not correlate with outcome measurements. We have shown impaired motor programming at GI in Parkinsonian patients. The more prominent deterioration of unloading in PDF patients might suggest impaired processing and integration of somatosensory information subserving GI. The unaltered temporal movement sequencing of SCoM might indicate some compensatory cerebellar mechanisms triggering time-locked models of body mechanics in PD.}, language = {en} } @article{HaufeIsaiasPellegrinietal.2023, author = {Haufe, Stefan and Isaias, Ioannis U. and Pellegrini, Franziska and Palmisano, Chiara}, title = {Gait event prediction using surface electromyography in parkinsonian patients}, series = {Bioengineering}, volume = {10}, journal = {Bioengineering}, number = {2}, issn = {2306-5354}, doi = {10.3390/bioengineering10020212}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-304380}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Gait disturbances are common manifestations of Parkinson's disease (PD), with unmet therapeutic needs. Inertial measurement units (IMUs) are capable of monitoring gait, but they lack neurophysiological information that may be crucial for studying gait disturbances in these patients. Here, we present a machine learning approach to approximate IMU angular velocity profiles and subsequently gait events using electromyographic (EMG) channels during overground walking in patients with PD. We recorded six parkinsonian patients while they walked for at least three minutes. Patient-agnostic regression models were trained on temporally embedded EMG time series of different combinations of up to five leg muscles bilaterally (i.e., tibialis anterior, soleus, gastrocnemius medialis, gastrocnemius lateralis, and vastus lateralis). Gait events could be detected with high temporal precision (median displacement of <50 ms), low numbers of missed events (<2\%), and next to no false-positive event detections (<0.1\%). Swing and stance phases could thus be determined with high fidelity (median F1-score of ~0.9). Interestingly, the best performance was obtained using as few as two EMG probes placed on the left and right vastus lateralis. Our results demonstrate the practical utility of the proposed EMG-based system for gait event prediction, which allows the simultaneous acquisition of an electromyographic signal to be performed. This gait analysis approach has the potential to make additional measurement devices such as IMUs and force plates less essential, thereby reducing financial and preparation overheads and discomfort factors in gait studies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dang2011, author = {Dang, Su-Yin Judith}, title = {Funktionelle Bedeutung der Neuroplastizit{\"a}t bei Multipler Sklerose}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-73817}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Die Multiple Sklerose ist eine chronische neurologische Erkrankung, welche in der industrialisierten Welt einen der h{\"a}ufigsten Gr{\"u}nde f{\"u}r eine bleibende Behinderung bei jungen Erwachsenen darstellt. Obwohl die ZNS-Sch{\"a}digung, charakterisiert durch Demyelinisierung und axonale Sch{\"a}digung im Rahmen entz{\"u}ndlicher Vorg{\"a}nge, durch verschiedene Reparaturmechanismen reduziert wird, akkumuliert die L{\"a}sionslast im zentralen Nervensystem mit der Zeit. T2-gewichtete MRT-Studien zeigen, dass die dargestellten Pathologien nur m{\"a}ßig mit den motorischen Defiziten korrelieren. Diese Diskrepanz wird unter anderem auf Vorg{\"a}nge der Neuroplastizit{\"a}t zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt, als deren Basismechanismen Langzeitpotenzierung (LTP) und -depression (LTD) gelten. In verschiedenen fMRT-Studien haben sich Hinweise ergeben, dass diese adaptiven Ver{\"a}nderungen zur Reorganisation kortikaler Repr{\"a}sentationmuster f{\"u}hren k{\"o}nnen, so dass bei MS-Patienten eine ausgedehntere Aktivierung ipsilateraler sensomotorischer Areale bei motorischen Aufgaben zu beobachten ist. Die transkranielle Magnetstimulation (TMS) bietet die M{\"o}glichkeit, mittels virtueller L{\"a}sionstechniken eine direkte Aussage {\"u}ber die kausale Beziehung zwischen Struktur und Funktion zu liefern. Die funktionelle Rolle ipsilateraler Motorareale wurde an 26 MS-Patienten, in Relation zu ihrer motorischen Beeintr{\"a}chtigung und ZNS-Sch{\"a}digung, und an nach Alter, Geschlecht und H{\"a}ndigkeit zugeordneten Kontrollprobanden, untersucht. Die motorische Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit wurde durch verschiedene Tests zur Handfunktion erhoben. Die ZNS-Sch{\"a}digung wurde mittels MR-Spektroskopie als NAA/Cr Quotient sowie durch die CML erhoben. Die Aufgabe zur einfachen Reaktionszeit (SRT) bestand aus einer isometrischen Abduktionsbewegung des rechten Daumens gegen einen Kraftaufnehmer auf ein akustisches Go-Signal. Mit TMS-Einzelreizen wurde mit Hilfe einer Neuronavigation eine reversible virtuelle L{\"a}sion {\"u}ber bestimmten Gehirnarealen, kontralateraler M1, ipsilateraler M1 und ipsilateraler PMd, erzeugt. Es wurde eine Kontrollstimulation {\"u}ber MO durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die TMS-Einzelreize wurden 100ms nach dem Go-Signal appliziert. Als SRT wurde der Zeitraum zwischen dem Go-Signal und EMG-Beginn im APB definiert. Die signifikanten SRT-Verl{\"a}ngerungen bei TMS {\"u}ber dem ipsilateralen M1 und dem ipsilateralen PMd zeigen, dass diese Regionen eine Rolle bei der motorischen Funktion bei MS spielen. Die fehlenden Korrelationen zwischen motorischen Funktionstest und NAA/Cr-Verh{\"a}ltnis sowie die inverse Korrelation zur kortikomuskul{\"a}ren Latenz sind durch strukturell von der krankheitsbedingten Pathologie betroffenen kompensierenden Gehirnregionen erkl{\"a}rbar. Bei dem Theta Burst Experiments (TBS) wurde ein virtueller L{\"a}sionseffekt durch eine repetitive TMS-Intervention {\"u}ber dem ipsilateralen M1 induziert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen {\"a}hnliche Ver{\"a}nderungen der Exzitabilit{\"a}t bei MS-Patienten und gesunden Kontrollprobanden, was schließen l{\"a}sst, dass die LTD bei mild bis moderat betroffenen MS-Patienten weitestgehend unbeeintr{\"a}chtigt ist. MS-Patienten zeigen im Vergleich zu den Kontrollen eine {\"a}hnliche Minderung der Verhaltensleistung, Trefferquote in ein Kraftfenster, der MS-Patienten im Kontrollvergleich. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass ipsilaterale motorische Areale in der Lage sind den prim{\"a}r motorischen Kortex soweit zu kompensieren, jedoch die F{\"a}higkeit zur Kompensation in fortgeschrittenen Krankheitsstadien eingeschr{\"a}nkt ist. Abschließend kann man zusammenfassen, dass die funktionelle Rekrutierung von ipsilateralen Motorarealen eine adaptive Antwort auf chronische Gehirnsch{\"a}digung bei MS-Patienten sein kann, allerdings mit Einschr{\"a}nkung der Kapazit{\"a}t in fortgeschrittenen Krankheitsstadien. Nachdem die synaptische Plastizit{\"a}t weitestgehend intakt scheint, sollte man besonders Mechanismen der sp{\"a}ten Phase der Plastizit{\"a}t f{\"o}rdern, welche auf eine langfristige kortikale Plastizit{\"a}t abzielen. Weitere Studien in diesem Forschungszweig k{\"o}nnten einen Beitrag zur Entwicklung therapeutischer Konzepte der Neurorehabilitation bei Multipler Sklerose leisten.}, subject = {Neuronale Plastizit{\"a}t}, language = {de} } @article{HaarmannNehenDeissetal.2015, author = {Haarmann, Axel and Nehen, Mathias and Deiß, Annika and Buttmann, Mathias}, title = {Fumaric acid esters do not reduce inflammatory NF-\(\kappa\)B/p65 nuclear translocation, ICAM-1 expression and T-cell adhesiveness of human brain microvascular endothelial cells}, series = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, volume = {16}, journal = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, doi = {10.3390/ijms160819086}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148295}, pages = {19086-19095}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Dimethyl fumarate (DMF) is approved for disease-modifying treatment of patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Animal experiments suggested that part of its therapeutic effect is due to a reduction of T-cell infiltration of the central nervous system (CNS) by uncertain mechanisms. Here we evaluated whether DMF and its primary metabolite monomethyl fumarate (MMF) modulate pro-inflammatory intracellular signaling and T-cell adhesiveness of nonimmortalized single donor human brain microvascular endothelial cells at low passages. Neither DMF nor MMF at concentrations of 10 or 50 \(\mu\)M blocked the IL-1\(\beta\)-induced nuclear translocation of NF-\(\kappa\)B/p65, whereas the higher concentration of DMF inhibited the nuclear entry of p65 in human umbilical vein endothelium cultured in parallel. DMF and MMF also did not alter the IL-1\(\beta\)-stimulated activation of p38 MAPK in brain endothelium. Furthermore, neither DMF nor MMF reduced the basal or IL-1\(\beta\)-inducible expression of ICAM-1. In accordance, both fumaric acid esters did not reduce the adhesion of activated Jurkat T cells to brain endothelium under basal or inflammatory conditions. Therefore, brain endothelial cells probably do not directly mediate a potential blocking effect of fumaric acid esters on the inflammatory infiltration of the CNS by T cells.}, language = {en} } @article{SchurigHaeuslerGrittneretal.2019, author = {Schurig, Johannes and Haeusler, Karl Georg and Grittner, Ulrike and Nolte, Christian H. and Fiebach, Jochen B. and Audebert, Heinrich J. and Endres, Matthias and Rocco, Andrea}, title = {Frequency of Hemorrhage on Follow Up Imaging in Stroke Patients Treated With rt-PA Depending on Clinical Course}, series = {Frontiers in Neurology}, volume = {10}, journal = {Frontiers in Neurology}, doi = {10.3389/fneur.2019.00368}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-234947}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Background: According to current guidelines, stroke patients treated with rt-PA should undergo brain imaging to exclude intracerebral bleeding 24 h after thrombolysis, before the start of medical secondary prevention. However, the usefulness of routine follow-up imaging with regard to changes in therapeutic management in patients without neurological deterioration is unclear. We hypothesized that follow up brain imaging solely to exclude bleeding in patients who clinically improved after rt-PA application may not be necessary. Methods: Retrospective single-center analysis including stroke patients treated with rt-PA. Records were reviewed for hemorrhagic transformation one day after systemic thrombolysis and brain imaging-based changes in therapeutic management. Twenty-four hour after thrombolysis patients were divided into four groups: (1) increased NIHSS score; (2) unchanged NIHSS score; (3) improved NIHSS score and; (4) NIHSS score = 0. Results: Out of 188 patients (mean age 73 years, 100 female) receiving rt-PA, 32 (17\%) had imaging-proven hemorrhagic transformation including 11 (6\%) patients with parenchymal hemorrhage. Patients in group (1, 2) more often had hypertension (p = 0.015) and more often had parenchymal hemorrhage (9 vs. 4\%; p < 0.206) compared to group (3, 4) and imaging-based changes in therapeutic management were more frequent (19\% vs. 6\%; p = 0.007). Patients of group (3, 4) had no changes in therapeutic management in 94\% of the cases. Patients in group (4) had no hemorrhagic transformation in routine follow-up brain imaging. Conclusions: Frequency of hemorrhagic transformation in Routine follow-up brain imaging and consecutive changes in therapeutic management were different depending on clinical course measured by NHISS score.}, language = {en} } @article{MeyerzuHoersteCordesMausbergetal.2014, author = {Meyer zu H{\"o}rste, Gerd and Cordes, Steffen and Mausberg, Anne K. and Zozulya, Alla L. and Wessig, Carsten and Sparwasser, Tim and Mathys, Christian and Wiendl, Heinz and Hartung, Hans-Peter and Kieseier, Bernd C.}, title = {FoxP3+Regulatory T Cells Determine Disease Severity in Rodent Models of Inflammatory Neuropathies}, series = {PLOS ONE}, volume = {9}, journal = {PLOS ONE}, number = {10}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0108756}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-115239}, pages = {e108756}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Inflammatory neuropathies represent disabling human autoimmune disorders with considerable disease variability. Animal models provide insights into defined aspects of their disease pathogenesis. Forkhead box P3 (FoxP3)+ regulatory T lymphocytes (Treg) are anti-inflammatory cells that maintain immune tolerance and counteract tissue damage in a variety of immune-mediated disorders. Dysfunction or a reduced frequency of Tregs have been associated with different human autoimmune disorders. We here analyzed the functional relevance of Tregs in determining disease manifestation and severity in murine models of autoimmune neuropathies. We took advantage of the DEREG mouse system allowing depletion of Treg with high specificity as well as anti-CD25 directed antibodies to deplete Tregs in mice in actively induced experimental autoimmune neuritis (EAN). Furthermore antibody-depletion was performed in an adoptive transfer model of chronic neuritis. Early Treg depletion increased clinical EAN severity both in active and adoptive transfer chronic neuritis. This was accompanied by increased proliferation of myelin specific T cells and histological signs of peripheral nerve inflammation. Late stage Treg depletion after initial disease manifestation however did not exacerbate inflammatory neuropathy symptoms further. We conclude that Tregs determine disease severity in experimental autoimmune neuropathies during the initial priming phase, but have no major disease modifying function after disease manifestation. Potential future therapeutic approaches targeting Tregs should thus be performed early in inflammatory neuropathies.}, language = {en} } @article{SchuhmannBittnerMeuthetal.2015, author = {Schuhmann, Michael K. and Bittner, Stefan and Meuth, Sven G. and Kleinschnitz, Christoph and Fluri, Felix}, title = {Fingolimod (FTY720-P) does not stabilize the blood-brain barrier under inflammatory conditions in an in vitro model}, series = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, volume = {16}, journal = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, doi = {10.3390/ijms161226177}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-145047}, pages = {29454-29466}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Breakdown of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is an early hallmark of multiple sclerosis (MS), a progressive inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. Cell adhesion in the BBB is modulated by sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), a signaling protein, via S1P receptors (S1P\(_1\)). Fingolimod phosphate (FTY720-P) a functional S1P\(_1\) antagonist has been shown to improve the relapse rate in relapsing-remitting MS by preventing the egress of lymphocytes from lymph nodes. However, its role in modulating BBB permeabilityin particular, on the tight junction proteins occludin, claudin 5 and ZO-1has not been well elucidated to date. In the present study, FTY720-P did not change the transendothelial electrical resistance in a rat brain microvascular endothelial cell (RBMEC) culture exposed to inflammatory conditions and thus did not decrease endothelial barrier permeability. In contrast, occludin was reduced in RBMEC culture after adding FTY720-P. Additionally, FTY720-P did not alter the amount of endothelial matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 and MMP-2 in RBMEC cultures. Taken together, our observations support the assumption that S1P\(_1\) plays a dual role in vascular permeability, depending on its ligand. Thus, S1P\(_1\) provides a mechanistic basis for FTY720-P-associated disruption of endothelial barrierssuch as the blood-retinal barrierwhich might result in macular edema.}, language = {en} } @article{CanesiGiordanoLazzarietal.2016, author = {Canesi, Margherita and Giordano, Rosaria and Lazzari, Lorenza and Isalberti, Maurizio and Isaias, Ioannis Ugo and Benti, Riccardo and Rampini, Paolo and Marotta, Giorgio and Colombo, Aurora and Cereda, Emanuele and Dipaola, Mariangela and Montemurro, Tiziana and Vigano, Mariele and Budelli, Silvia and Montelatici, Elisa and Lavazza, Cristiana and Cortelezzi, Agostino and Pezzoli, Gianni}, title = {Finding a new therapeutic approach for no-option Parkinsonisms: mesenchymal stromal cells for progressive supranuclear palsy}, series = {Journal of Translational Medicine}, volume = {14}, journal = {Journal of Translational Medicine}, number = {127}, doi = {10.1186/s12967-016-0880-2}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-165725}, pages = {1-11}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Background: The trophic, anti-apoptotic and regenerative effects of bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) may reduce neuronal cell loss in neurodegenerative disorders. Methods: We used MSC as a novel candidate therapeutic tool in a pilot phase-I study for patients affected by progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), a rare, severe and no-option form of Parkinsonism. Five patients received the cells by infusion into the cerebral arteries. Effects were assessed using the best available motor function rating scales (UPDRS, Hoehn and Yahr, PSP rating scale), as well as neuropsychological assessments, gait analysis and brain imaging before and after cell administration. Results: One year after cell infusion, all treated patients were alive, except one, who died 9 months after the infusion for reasons not related to cell administration or to disease progression (accidental fall). In all treated patients motor function rating scales remained stable for at least six-months during the one-year follow-up. Conclusions: We have demonstrated for the first time that MSC administration is feasible in subjects with PSP. In these patients, in whom deterioration of motor function is invariably rapid, we recorded clinical stabilization for at least 6 months. These encouraging results pave the way to the next randomized, placebo-controlled phase-II study that will definitively provide information on the efficacy of this innovative approach.}, language = {en} } @article{BinderLangePozzietal.2023, author = {Binder, Tobias and Lange, Florian and Pozzi, Nicol{\`o} and Musacchio, Thomas and Daniels, Christine and Odorfer, Thorsten and Fricke, Patrick and Matthies, Cordula and Volkmann, Jens and Capetian, Philipp}, title = {Feasibility of local field potential-guided programming for deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease: a comparison with clinical and neuro-imaging guided approaches in a randomized, controlled pilot trial}, series = {Brain Stimulation}, volume = {16}, journal = {Brain Stimulation}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1016/j.brs.2023.08.017}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-350280}, pages = {1243-1251}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Highlights • Beta-Guided programming is an innovative approach that may streamline the programming process for PD patients with STN DBS. • While preliminary findings from our study suggest that Beta Titration may potentially mitigate STN overstimulation and enhance symptom control, • Our results demonstrate that beta-guided programming significantly reduces programming time, suggesting it could be efficiently integrated into routine clinical practice using a commercially available patient programmer. Background Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS) is an effective treatment for advanced Parkinson's disease (PD). Clinical outcomes after DBS can be limited by poor programming, which remains a clinically driven, lengthy and iterative process. Electrophysiological recordings in PD patients undergoing STN-DBS have shown an association between STN spectral power in the beta frequency band (beta power) and the severity of clinical symptoms. New commercially-available DBS devices now enable the recording of STN beta oscillations in chronically-implanted PD patients, thereby allowing investigation into the use of beta power as a biomarker for DBS programming. Objective To determine the potential advantages of beta-guided DBS programming over clinically and image-guided programming in terms of clinical efficacy and programming time. Methods We conducted a randomized, blinded, three-arm, crossover clinical trial in eight Parkinson's patients with STN-DBS who were evaluated three months after DBS surgery. We compared clinical efficacy and time required for each DBS programming paradigm, as well as DBS parameters and total energy delivered between the three strategies (beta-, clinically- and image-guided). Results All three programming methods showed similar clinical efficacy, but the time needed for programming was significantly shorter for beta- and image-guided programming compared to clinically-guided programming (p < 0.001). Conclusion Beta-guided programming may be a useful and more efficient approach to DBS programming in Parkinson's patients with STN-DBS. It takes significantly less time to program than traditional clinically-based programming, while providing similar symptom control. In addition, it is readily available within the clinical DBS programmer, making it a valuable tool for improving current clinical practice.}, language = {en} } @article{KraftFleischerWiedmannetal.2017, author = {Kraft, Peter and Fleischer, Anna and Wiedmann, Silke and R{\"u}cker, Viktoria and Mackenrodt, Daniel and Morbach, Caroline and Malzahn, Uwe and Kleinschnitz, Christoph and St{\"o}rk, Stefan and Heuschmann, Peter U.}, title = {Feasibility and diagnostic accuracy of point-of-care handheld echocardiography in acute ischemic stroke patients - a pilot study}, series = {BMC Neurology}, volume = {17}, journal = {BMC Neurology}, number = {159}, doi = {10.1186/s12883-017-0937-8}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-158081}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Background: Standard echocardiography (SE) is an essential part of the routine diagnostic work-up after ischemic stroke (IS) and also serves for research purposes. However, access to SE is often limited. We aimed to assess feasibility and accuracy of point-of-care (POC) echocardiography in a stroke unit (SU) setting. Methods: IS patients were recruited on the SU of the University Hospital W{\"u}rzburg, Germany. Two SU team members were trained in POC echocardiography for a three-month period to assess a set of predefined cardiac parameters including left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). Diagnostic agreement was assessed by comparing POC with SE executed by an expert sonographer, and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) or kappa (κ) with 95\% confidence intervals (95\% CI) were calculated. Results: In the 78 patients receiving both POC and SE agreement for cardiac parameters was good, with ICC varying from 0.82 (95\% CI 0.71-0.89) to 0.93 (95\% CI 0.87-0.96), and κ from 0.39 (-95\% CI 0.14-0.92) to 0.79 (95\% CI 0.67-0.91). Detection of systolic dysfunction with POC echocardiography compared to SE was very good, with an area under the curve of 0.99 (0.96-1.00). Interrater agreement for LVEF measured by POC echocardiography was good with κ 0.63 (95\% CI 0.40-0.85). Conclusions: POC echocardiography in a SU setting is feasible enabling reliable quantification of LVEF and preliminary assessment of selected cardiac parameters that might be used for research purposes. Its potential clinical utility in triaging stroke patients who should undergo or do not necessarily require SE needs to be investigated in larger prospective diagnostic studies.}, language = {en} } @article{GolombeckWessigMonoranuetal.2013, author = {Golombeck, Stefanie Kristin and Wessig, Carsten and Monoranu, Camelia-Maria and Sch{\"u}tz, Ansgar and Solymosi, Laszlo and Melzer, Nico and Kleinschnitz, Christoph}, title = {Fatal atypical reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome: a case report}, series = {Journal of Medical Case Reports}, volume = {7}, journal = {Journal of Medical Case Reports}, number = {14}, doi = {10.1186/1752-1947-7-14}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-135517}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Introduction: Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome - a reversible subacute global encephalopathy clinically presenting with headache, altered mental status, visual symptoms such as hemianopsia or cortical blindness, motor symptoms, and focal or generalized seizures - is characterized by a subcortical vasogenic edema symmetrically affecting posterior brain regions. Complete reversibility of both clinical signs and magnetic resonance imaging lesions is regarded as a defining feature of reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome. Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome is almost exclusively seen in the setting of a predisposing clinical condition, such as pre-eclampsia, systemic infections, sepsis and shock, certain autoimmune diseases, various malignancies and cytotoxic chemotherapy, transplantation and concomitant immunosuppression (especially with calcineurin inhibitors) as well as episodes of abrupt hypertension. We describe for the first time clinical, radiological and histological findings in a case of reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome with an irreversible and fatal outcome occurring in the absence of any of the known predisposing clinical conditions except for a hypertensive episode. Case presentation: A 58-year-old Caucasian woman presented with a two-week history of subacute and progressive occipital headache, blurred vision and imbalance of gait and with no evidence for raised arterial blood pressure during the two weeks previous to admission. Her past medical history was unremarkable except for controlled arterial hypertension. Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated cortical and subcortical lesions with combined vasogenic and cytotoxic edema atypical for both venous congestion and arterial infarction. Routine laboratory and cerebrospinal fluid parameters were normal. The diagnosis of reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome was established. Within hours after admission the patient showed a rapidly decreasing level of consciousness, extension and flexion synergisms, bilaterally extensor plantar responses and rapid cardiopulmonary decompensation requiring ventilatory and cardiocirculatory support. Follow-up cerebral imaging demonstrated widespread and confluent cytotoxic edematous lesions in different arterial territories, global cerebral swelling, and subsequent upper and lower brainstem herniation. Four days after admission, the patient was declared dead because of brain death. Conclusion: This case demonstrates that fulminant and fatal reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome may occur spontaneously, that is, in the absence of any of the known predisposing systemic conditions.}, language = {en} } @article{GolombeckWessigMonoranuetal.2013, author = {Golombeck, Stefanie Kristin and Wessig, Carsten and Monoranu, Camelia-Maria and Sch{\"u}tz, Ansgar and Solymosi, Laszlo and Melzer, Niko and Kleinschnitz, Christoph}, title = {Fatal atypical reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome: a case report}, series = {Journal of Medical Case Reports}, volume = {7}, journal = {Journal of Medical Case Reports}, number = {14}, doi = {10.1186/1752-1947-7-14}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-129456}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Introduction: Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome - a reversible subacute global encephalopathy clinically presenting with headache, altered mental status, visual symptoms such as hemianopsia or cortical blindness, motor symptoms, and focal or generalized seizures - is characterized by a subcortical vasogenic edema symmetrically affecting posterior brain regions. Complete reversibility of both clinical signs and magnetic resonance imaging lesions is regarded as a defining feature of reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome. Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome is almost exclusively seen in the setting of a predisposing clinical condition, such as pre-eclampsia, systemic infections, sepsis and shock, certain autoimmune diseases, various malignancies and cytotoxic chemotherapy, transplantation and concomitant immunosuppression (especially with calcineurin inhibitors) as well as episodes of abrupt hypertension. We describe for the first time clinical, radiological and histological findings in a case of reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome with an irreversible and fatal outcome occurring in the absence of any of the known predisposing clinical conditions except for a hypertensive episode. Case presentation: A 58-year-old Caucasian woman presented with a two-week history of subacute and progressive occipital headache, blurred vision and imbalance of gait and with no evidence for raised arterial blood pressure during the two weeks previous to admission. Her past medical history was unremarkable except for controlled arterial hypertension. Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated cortical and subcortical lesions with combined vasogenic and cytotoxic edema atypical for both venous congestion and arterial infarction. Routine laboratory and cerebrospinal fluid parameters were normal. The diagnosis of reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome was established. Within hours after admission the patient showed a rapidly decreasing level of consciousness, extension and flexion synergisms, bilaterally extensor plantar responses and rapid cardiopulmonary decompensation requiring ventilatory and cardiocirculatory support. Follow-up cerebral imaging demonstrated widespread and confluent cytotoxic edematous lesions in different arterial territories, global cerebral swelling, and subsequent upper and lower brainstem herniation. Four days after admission, the patient was declared dead because of brain death. Conclusion: This case demonstrates that fulminant and fatal reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome may occur spontaneously, that is, in the absence of any of the known predisposing systemic conditions.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nowak2013, author = {Nowak, Eva}, title = {Expression und Funktion von Integrin α-4 in humanen zerebralen Endothelzellen - Analysen unter Zuhilfenahme des therapeutisch eingesetzten Antik{\"o}rpers Natalizumab}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-99300}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Natalizumab ist ein humanisierter monoklonaler Antik{\"o}rper gegen das Oberfl{\"a}chenadh{\"a}sionsmolek{\"u}l Integrin α-4, der zur Therapie von schweren Verlaufsformen der Multiplen Sklerose (MS) zugelassen ist. Integrin α-4/β-1 wird durch Leukozyten exprimiert und steuert deren Extravasation {\"u}ber die Bindung an VCAM-1 (vascular cell adhesion molecule-1) auf Endothelzellen. Natalizumab wirkt {\"u}ber eine Blockade der Leukozytenadh{\"a}sion. In einigen Publikationen konnte dar{\"u}ber hinaus gezeigt werden, dass Integrin α-4 auch auf zerebralen Endothelzellen von M{\"a}usen und Ratten exprimiert wird. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Expression und Funktion von Integrin α-4 in kultivierten prim{\"a}ren humanen zerebralen Endothelzellen untersucht. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit an verschiedenen Einzelspenderpr{\"a}parationen durchgef{\"u}hrten FACS-Analysen zeigten, dass Integrin α-4 in unterschiedlicher Auspr{\"a}gung auf prim{\"a}ren zerebralen Endothelzellisolationen nachzuweisen war. Mit Hilfe immunzytochemischer F{\"a}rbungen konnte ein spezifisches Verteilungsmuster des Integrin α-4 in Form eines feinen, granul{\"a}ren Musters im Bereich des Zellleibes dokumentiert werden. In Adh{\"a}sionsversuchen zeigten Integrin α-4-exprimierende Endothelzellen nach Zugabe von Natalizumab in niedriger Konzentration eine verminderte F{\"a}higkeit zur Haftung an Fibronectin, einem Bindungspartner in der extrazellul{\"a}ren Matrix. In hohen Konzentrationen dominierte im eingesetzten experimentellen System ein unspezifischer Blockadeeffekt, der auch mit Kontrollantik{\"o}rpern zu beobachten war. In MS-L{\"a}sionen findet sich auch die l{\"o}sliche Form des VCAM-1 (sVCAM-1), die m{\"o}glicherweise mit endothelialem Integrin α-4 interagiert. Daher wurde mit Hilfe von Western-Blot-Untersuchungen die intrazellul{\"a}re Signaltransduktion unter Stimulation mit sVCAM-1 untersucht. Es zeigte sich wie in anderen Endothelarten vorbeschrieben eine Aktivierung des p38-MAP-Kinase-Signalweges. Zusammenfassend wurde demonstriert, dass prim{\"a}re humane zerebrale Endothelzellen Integrin α-4 exprimieren und dass dieses wahrscheinlich nicht nur f{\"u}r die mechanische Verankerung in der Extrazellul{\"a}rmatrix eine Bedeutung besitzt, sondern auch als Induktor intrazellul{\"a}rer Signaltransduktion fungiert, welche die Schrankeneigenschaften zerebraler Endothelzellen beeinflussen k{\"o}nnte.}, subject = {Integrin}, language = {de} }