@phdthesis{Hohaus2006, author = {Hohaus, Andreas}, title = {Intranasale versus intraperitoneale Applikation eines IL-4/IL-13-Antagonisten am murinen Asthmamodell}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-21533}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Asthma bronchiale ist eine chronische, entz{\"u}ndliche Erkrankung der Atemwege, charakterisiert durch bronchiale Hyperreaktivit{\"a}t und variable Atemwegs-obstruktion. Die Interleukine 4 und 13 sind entscheidend an den pathophysiologischen Vor-g{\"a}ngen beim allergischen Asthma bronchiale beteiligt. IL-4 gilt als spezifisches Zytokin f{\"u}r die Differenzierung von nativen T-Helferzellen zu TH2-Zellen. Gemeinsam mit IL-13 f{\"u}hrt es zum Immunglobulinklassenswitch der B-Zellen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, in einem etablierten Mausmodell f{\"u}r allergisches Asthma verschiedene Applikationsformen des IL-4/IL-13-Antagonisten QY in ihrer Wirkung w{\"a}hrend der allergischen Sensibilisierung zu vergleichen. Dazu wurden Balb/c-M{\"a}use {\"u}ber einen Zeitraum von 6 Wochen w{\"o}chentlich mit 50µg OVA sensibilisiert. In zwei Therapiegruppen wurden zu jeder Sensibilisierung jeweils 10µg QY intranasal bzw. intraperitoneal verabreicht. W{\"o}chentlich wurde das Serum der Versuchstiere auf allergenspezifische Antik{\"o}rper untersucht. Nach sechs Wochen wurde eine bronchoalveol{\"a}re Lavage durchgef{\"u}hrt, um den Zytokingehalt und die allergeninduzierte Eosinophilie zu bestimmen. Sowohl die intranasale als auch die intraperitoneale Gabe von QY resultierte in einer signifikanten Abnahme allergenspezifischer IgE-Antik{\"o}rper im Serum der Versuchstiere. Ebenso konnten die Zahl der inflammativen eosinophilen Granu-lozyten und der IL-5-Spiegel in der BAL signifikant gesenkt werden. Zusammenfassend wurde gezeigt, dass die prophylaktische Behandlung mit dem IL-4/IL-13-Antagonisten QY zuverl{\"a}ssig eine allergische Sensibilisierung der Versuchstiere verhindert. Die intranasale und intraperitoneale Applikation unterscheiden sich hierbei praktisch nicht in ihrer Wirksamkeit.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Toksoy2008, author = {Toksoy, Atiye}, title = {Die Expression von Chemokinen bei entz{\"u}ndlichen Reaktionen der Haut}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-34692}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {F{\"u}r das Verst{\"a}ndnis der Pathogenese entz{\"u}ndlicher Hauterkrankungen ist die Zusammensetzung des zellul{\"a}ren Entz{\"u}ndungsinfiltrates und die Verteilung der Entz{\"u}ndungszellen von wesentlicher Bedeutung. In Anbetracht der chemotaktischen Funktion der Chemokine liegt die Annahme nahe, dass das zellul{\"a}re Infiltrationsmuster in entz{\"u}ndlichen Hauterkrankungen das Expressionsmuster von Chemokinen und umgekehrt widerspiegelt. Die Infiltrationsroute der Leukozyten in die Haut erfolgt immer vom Lumen dermaler Gef{\"a}ße in das dermale Milieu und ggf. weiter in das epidermale Kompartiment (sog. Epidermotropismus). Die Migration inflammatorischer Zellen {\"u}ber die Grenzen unterschiedlicher Hautkompartimente hinweg ist einzigartig und pr{\"a}sentiert ein ideales Modell, um die chemotaktischen Cytokin- bzw. Chemokinfunktionen zu evaluieren. Anhand verschiedener ausgew{\"a}hlter Hautdermatosen (Wundheilung, Psoriasis, Alopecia areata) wurden die unterschiedlichen Expressionsmuster einer Auswahl von Chemokinen untersucht. Dabei nehmen Chemokine, die von Endothelzellen exprimiert bzw. sezerniert werden, eine zentrale Rolle ein, da sie eine „Pf{\"o}rtnerfunktion" ausf{\"u}hren. Diese Funktion ist entscheidend bei der Rekrutierung und Akkumulation der f{\"u}r das Erkrankungsbild und bei reparativen Vorg{\"a}ngen der Wundheilung spezifischen Leukozytensubpopulation ins dermale bzw. epidermale Gewebe}, subject = {Schuppenflechte}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Dotterweich2005, author = {Dotterweich, Barbara}, title = {Untersuchungen zur Pathogenit{\"a}t von Antik{\"o}rpern bei der Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-20707}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Erstellung eines Tiermodells f{\"u}r die EBA mittels passiven Transfers von Kaninchenantik{\"o}rpern gegen Typ VII Kollagen in M{\"a}use. Immunologische Untersuchungen der EBA im Modell.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{BrookmanAmissah2007, author = {Brookman-Amissah, Sabine}, title = {Untersuchung der Interaktionskinetik naiver humaner T-Zellen und dendritischer Zellen in dreidimensionaler Kollagenmatrix und Erfassung der T-Zell-Aktivierung und -Proliferation unter Oxidative Mitogenese-Bedingungen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-27742}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Hintergrund:Die Aktivierung naiver T-Zellen ist Folge eines Kontaktes zu Antigen pr{\"a}sentierenden Zellen (APC), die auf ihrer Oberfl{\"a}che Antigene im MHC-Peptid-Komplex pr{\"a}sentieren. Bisherige Daten zur Kontaktdauer und -dynamik sowie zur nachfolgenden Aktivierung und Proliferation naiver T-Zellen beruhen meist auf Ergebnissen von Experimenten, die in Fl{\"u}ssigkulturmodellen gemacht wurden. Aus diesen resultierte die Beschreibung des sog. statischen Interaktionskonzeptes. Die T-Zell-Aktivierung wird {\"u}berwiegend als Folge eines einzelnen lang dauernden und statischen Kontaktes zwischen T-Zelle und APC beschrieben (single encounter model), der zu einer kontinuierlichen Stimulation des T-Zell-Rezeptors {\"u}ber mehrere Stunden f{\"u}hrt. Dem gegen{\"u}ber steht das Konzept dynamischer Interaktionen, in dem T-Zell-Aktivierung und -Proliferation als Folge dynamischer, kurz dauernder und sequentieller Kontakte zu einer oder zu verschiedenen DC beschrieben werden (serielles Kontaktmodell). Methode: Da Fl{\"u}ssigkeitskulturen jedoch nicht ann{\"a}hernd das dreidimensionale Netzwerk lymphatischer Organe widerspiegeln, in dem der Kontakt zwischen T-Zellen und APC in vivo stattfindet, sollten in der vorliegenden Arbeit naive T-Zellen und dendritische Zellen (DC) in einer dreidimensionalen (3D) Umgebung kokultiviert und auf Interaktionsdynamik und Mitoseaktivit{\"a}t untersucht werden. Im Verlauf der oxidativen Mitogenese mit autologen DC in einer 3D Kollagenmatrix {\"u}ber 56 Stunden wurden humane naive T-Zellen auf Dauer und Dynamik der Zell-Zell-Interaktionen videomikroskopisch sowie die nachfolgende Aktivierung und Proliferation mittels Durchflusszytometrie untersucht. Ergebnisse: Sowohl w{\"a}hrend der Oxidativen Mitogenese als auch in nicht stimulierten Kontrollkulturen wurden bei naiven T-Zellen fast ausschließlich kurz dauernde, wenige Minuten anhaltende Kontakte zwischen T-Zellen und DC beobachtet. Die mediane Dauer der Kontakte der Kontroll-T-Zellen zu DC war dagegen w{\"a}hrend aller Beobachtungsintervalle k{\"u}rzer als die der naiven T-Zellen unter Oxidative Mitogenese-Bedingungen. Es ergaben sich in der Gesamtpopulation der naiven T-Zellen in allen Beobachtungszeitr{\"a}umen signifikante Unterschiede bez{\"u}glich der medianen Interaktionszeiten unter Oxidative Mitogenese-Bedingungen und Kontrollbedingungen Die mediane Interaktionszeit unter Oxidative Mitogenese-Bedingungen lag in allen Beobachtungszeitr{\"a}umen bei {\"u}ber f{\"u}nf bis zehn Minuten, unter Kontrollbedingungen jeweils zwischen drei und sechs Minuten (p jeweils < 0,001). Lediglich in der Gruppe der anfangs DC adh{\"a}renten T-Zellen nach 24 - 32 Stunden konnten keine signifikanten Unterschiede bez{\"u}glich der Dauer der Kontakte festgestellt werden (p = 0,461). Sowohl die Oxidative Mitogenese - wie auch die Kontrollkulturen zeigten nahezu ausschließlich dynamische und serielle Kontakte zu DC, multizellul{\"a}re Aggregate und statische Kontakte traten dagegen nur sehr selten auf. Infolge der Oxidativen Mitogenese, nicht jedoch in Kontrollkulturen, traten 40 \%der T-Zellen in den Zellzyklus und durchliefen bis zu sechs Mitosen innerhalb von 96 h. Ausblick: Die Oxidative Mitogenese ist ein suffizientes Modell der vollst{\"a}ndigen Aktivierung humaner peripherer naiver T-Lymphozyten in Kokultivierung mit DC. Passend zu in vivo Befunden sowie in vitro Daten muriner TCR-transgener T-Zellen erfolgt die Aktivierung und nachfolgende Proliferation {\"u}berwiegend durch dynamische und kurzlebige Interaktionen. Die vorliegende Arbeit best{\"a}tigt das serielle Kontaktmodell f{\"u}r die Aktivierung naiver humaner T-Zellen.}, subject = {dendritische Zellen}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Wienrich2006, author = {Wienrich, Bernd Gregor}, title = {Expression von LEEP-CAM (Lymphocyte Endothelial EPithelial-Cell Adhesion Molecule) in Haut und Hoden - funktionelle Implikationen f{\"u}r die Immunevasion epithelialer Hauttumoren und Entz{\"u}ndungen immunprivilegierter Gewebe}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-27872}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Der Schutz vor der Einwanderung von Immunzellen ist einerseits unter physiologischen Bedingungen wichtig f{\"u}r die Integrit{\"a}t immunprivilegierter Organe, andererseits aber auch (mit)entscheidend f{\"u}r die Pathogenese maligner Tumoren. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde LEEP-CAM (Lymphocyte Endothelial EPithelial-Cell Adhesion Molecule) untersucht, ein Adh{\"a}sionsmolek{\"u}l, welches in der Epidermis und den dermalen Blutgef{\"a}ßen in normaler Haut konstitutiv exprimiert wird. Durch immunhistochemische Untersuchungen wurde im ersten Teil der Arbeit gezeigt, dass LEEP-CAM in Basalzellkarzinomen, Plattenepithelkarzinomen und Keratoakanthomen der Haut deutlich vermindert oder gar nicht exprimiert wird. Die verminderte Expression war mit fehlender Infiltration von T-Lymphozyten in das Tumorgewebe assoziiert, was insbesondere durch zwei hinsichtlich ihrer LEEP-CAM-Expression unterschiedenen Populationen von Keratoakanthomen nahe gelegt wurde. Die Hypothese, dass LEEP-CAM in die epidermale Rekrutierung aktivierter T-Zellen involviert ist, wurde durch funktionelle Stamper-Woodruff-Experimente (Adh{\"a}sion aktivierter T-Lymphozyten an Gewebe-Gefrierschnitte) mit Basalzellkarzinomen und psoriatischer Haut gest{\"u}tzt. Durch metabolische Markierung mit 35(S)-Methionin und anschließende Radioimmunpr{\"a}zipitation sowie durch durchflusszytometrische Untersuchungen an kultivierten Zellen wurde gezeigt, dass LEEPCAM in transformierten Keratinozyten im Vergleich zu normalen Keratinozyten deutlich vermindert synthetisiert und exprimiert wird. In zwei komplement{\"a}ren murinen Karzinogenese-Modellen wurde die Assoziation der verminderten LEEP-CAM-Expression mit Entdifferenzierung und invasivem Wachstum der Tumorzellen untermauert. Insgesamt kann experimentelle Evidenz f{\"u}r die Hypothese, dass die Herabregulation der LEEP-CAM-Expression ein (Teil)-Mechanismus ist, durch welchen sich invasiv wachsende Tumoren den Angriffen des Immunsystems entziehen k{\"o}nnen, pr{\"a}sentiert werden. Im Weiteren wurde die Expression und Funktion von LEEPCAM im Keimepithel des Hodens (als ein Beispiel f{\"u}r ein immunprivilegiertes Gewebe) untersucht. Durch immunhistochemische Untersuchungen wurde die konstitutive Expression von LEEP-CAM in den Sertoli-Zellen des Keimepithels nachgewiesen. Mittels Immun-Elektronenmikroskopie wurde dann die Lokalisation an desmosomalen Strukturen sowie entlang der Zellmembran gezeigt. Im Hinblick auf die Funktion von LEEP-CAM wurde in modifizierten Stamper-Woodruff-Experimenten erstmals gezeigt, dass aktivierte T-Lymphozyten an das Keimepithel des Hodens binden k{\"o}nnen und dass diese Adh{\"a}sion durch LEEP-CAM-gerichtete Antik{\"o}rper inhibiert werden kann. Damit ist LEEP-CAM das erste Molek{\"u}l, f{\"u}r welches direkte experimentelle Evidenz eine m{\"o}gliche Rolle bei der testikul{\"a}ren Lymphozyten-Rekrutierung belegt. Dies k{\"o}nnte Relevanz f{\"u}r die Pathogenese von Orchitiden, den h{\"a}ufigsten Ursachen m{\"a}nnlicher Infertilit{\"a}t, haben.}, subject = {Zell-Adhesionsmolek{\"u}l}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hahn2003, author = {Hahn, Christian}, title = {Die Rolle von IL-4 und IL-13 in Maus-Modellen f{\"u}r allergische Erkrankungen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-8493}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {IL-4 und IL-13 sind wichtige Faktoren bei der Entwicklung allergischer Erkrankungen. In dieser Arbeit wird die Rolle von IL-4 und IL-13 in einem Maus-Modell f{\"u}r allergisches Asthma w{\"a}hrend der allergischen Sensibilisierung und in einer etablierten asthmatischen Erkrankung untersucht. Weiterhin wird die Rolle von IL-4 und IL-13 in fr{\"u}hen Stadien der atopischen Dermatitis in einem Maus-Modell betrachtet. In einem Maus-Modell f{\"u}r allergisches Asthma mit anhaltender IgE-Synthese und einer persistierenden allergischen Atemwegspathologie konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Inhibition des IL-4/IL-13 Systems w{\"a}hrend der allergischen Sensibilisierung zu einer dosisabh{\"a}ngigen Reduktion der allergen-spezifischen IgE-Titer, zur Inhibition der Atemwegseosinophilie, zur Reduktion der IL-5-Spiegel in der BAL und zu einer gesenkten Anzahl von IL-4 sezernierenden CD4+ T-Zellen. Weiterhin konnte durch die Inhibition des IL-4/IL-13 Systems die Becherzellmetaplasie signifikant gesenkt werden. Die Inhibition des IL-4/IL-13 Systems nach der Entwicklung der allergischen Atemwegspathologie f{\"u}hrte hingegen nicht zu einer signifikanten Reduktion der gemessenen Allergie-Parameter. Daraus l{\"a}sst sich schließen, dass IL-4 und IL-13 nur eine untergeordnete Rolle in einer etablierten Allergie spielt. Diese Ergebnisse sind insbesondere wichtig, wenn man {\"u}ber das Verwendungspotential eines IL-4/IL-13-Inhibitors in der Allergie-Therapie bei asthmatischen Patienten spekuliert. Weiterhin konnte in dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass die NC/Nga-Maus ein Modell f{\"u}r die humane atopische Dermatitis darstellt. NC/Nga M{\"a}use, die unter konventionellen Bedingungen gehalten wurden, entwickeln makroskopische und histologische Hautpathologien, die der humanen atopischen Dermatitis sehr {\"a}hneln. Weiterhin entwickeln unter konventionellen Bedingungen gehaltenen NC/Nga M{\"a}use hohe IgE-Titer im Serum, die mit einer erh{\"o}hten Produktion an Th2-Zytokinen verbunden war. Die Inhibition des IL-4/IL-13-Systems f{\"u}hrte in diesem Modell jedoch nicht zu einer Reduktion von Symptomen und Pathologien der humanen atopischen Dermatitis. Deswegen kann man spekulieren, dass die Inhibition des IL-4/IL-13-Systems zu einem zu sp{\"a}ten Zeitpunkt erfolgte. Des Weiteren kann eine nicht-standardisierte Sensibilisierung bei M{\"a}usen, die in einer konventionellen Tierhaltung gehalten werden, zu einem sehr unterschiedlichen Ausbruch der Dermatitis f{\"u}hren. Deshalb werden weitere Tierversuche mit einer h{\"o}heren Anzahl von Tieren, die zwischen den W{\"u}rfen randomisiert werden, n{\"o}tig sein, um die Rolle von IL-4 und IL-13 in der atopischen Dermatitis zu kl{\"a}ren.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Wolf2002, author = {Wolf, Katarina}, title = {Migration of tumor cells and leukocytes in extracellular matrix : proteolytic and nonproteolytic strategies for overcoming tissue barriers}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5670}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {The extracellular matrix within connective tissues represents a structural scaffold as well as a barrier for motile cells, such as invading tumor cells or passenger leukocytes. It remains unclear how different cell types utilize matrix-degrading enzymes for proteolytic migration strategies and, on the other hand, non-proteolytic strategies to overcome 3D fibrillar matrix networks. To monitor cell migration, a 3D collagen model in vitro or the mouse dermis in vivo were used, in combination with time-lapse video-, confocal- or intravital multiphoton-microscopy, and computer-assisted cell tracking. Expression of proteases, including several MMPs, ADAMs, serine proteases and cathepsins, was shown by flow cytometry, Western blot, zymography, and RT-PCR. Protease activity by migrating HT-1080 fibrosarcoma cells resulting in collagenolysis in situ and generation of tube-like matrix defects was detected by three newly developed techniques:(i) quantitative FITC-release from FITC-labelled collagen, (ii) structural alteration of the pyhsical matrix structure (macroscopically and microscopically), and (iii) the visualization of focal in situ cleavage of individual collagen fibers. The results show that highly invasive ollagenolytic cells utilized a spindle-shaped "mesenchymal" migration strategy, which involved beta1 integrindependent interaction with fibers, coclustering of beta1 integrins and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) at fiber bundling sites, and the proteolytic generation of a tube-like matrix-defect by MMPs and additional proteases. In contrast to tumor cells, activated T cells migrated through the collagen fiber network by flexible "amoeboid" crawling including a roundish, elliptoid shape and morphological adaptation along collagen fibers, which was independent of collagenase function and fiber degradation. Abrogation of collagenolysis in tumor cells was achieved by a cocktail of broad-spectrum protease inhibitors at non-toxic conditions blocking collagenolysis by up to 95\%. While in T cells protease inhibition induced neither morphodynamic changes nor reduced migration rates, in tumor cells a time-dependent conversion was obtained from proteolytic mesenchymal to non-proteolytic amoeboid migration in collagen lattices in vitro as well as the mouse dermis in vivo monitored by intravital microscopy. Tumor cells vigorously squeezed through matrix gaps and formed constriction rings in regions of narrow space, while the matrix structure remained intact. MMPs were excluded from fiber binding sites and beta1 integrin distribution was non-clustered linear. Besides for fibrosarcoma cells, this mesenchymal-toameboid transition (MAT) was confirmed for epithelial MDA-MB-231 breast carcinoma cells. In conclusion, cells of different origin exhibit significant diversity as well as plasticity of protease function in migration. In tumor cells, MAT could respresent a functionally important cellular and molecular escape pathway in tumor invasion and migration.}, subject = {Zellmigration}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Alb2012, author = {Alb, Miriam}, title = {Tumorstroma-Immuntherapie und spontane Immunsuppression im Grm1-transgenen Melanom-Modell}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78890}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {5.1 Immuntherapie mit vom Tumorstroma abgeleiteten Peptiden Tumore bestehen nicht nur aus Tumorzellen, sondern auch aus der sie umgebenden extrazellul{\"a}ren Matrix (EZM), und Stromazellen wie Fibroblasten (cancer-associated fibroblast; CAF) und Endothelzellen (tumor endothelial cell; TEC). Diese Stromazellen haben durch die Aussch{\"u}ttung von Zytokinen, proteolytischen Enzymen, Wachstums- und Angiogenesefaktoren einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Tumorprogression. Sie unterscheiden sich von den Stromazellen der normalen Gewebe durch die Expression von sogenannten Tumorstroma-assoziierten Antigenen (TSAA). Damit sollten Therapien, die auf TSAA abzielen, universell einsetzbar und weniger anf{\"a}llig gegen{\"u}ber Resistenzentwicklungen (immune escape Mechanismen) sein, da Stromazellen im Gegensatz zu neoplastischen Zellen genetisch relativ stabil sind. F{\"u}r eine Immuntherapie mit vom Tumorstroma abgeleiteten Peptiden w{\"a}hlten wir die TSAA Endoglin und Fap, welche w{\"a}hrend der Wundheilung und im Tumorstroma induziert werden. Dabei sollte {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft werden, ob prophylaktische Vakzinierungen in C57Bl/6j M{\"a}usen Peptid-reaktive T-Zellen induzieren k{\"o}nnen, und das Wachstum von transplantieren Grm1-transgenen Tumoren reduziert werden kann. In der Tat konnten wir sowohl bei Endoglin- als auch bei Fap Peptid vakzinierten Tieren in vivo Peptid-reaktive Lymphozyten im Blut und zu einem geringeren Anteil auch in der Milz nachweisen, welche Peptid-gepulste syngene Milzzellen lysieren konnten. Allerdings konnte in beiden F{\"a}llen keine Reduktion des Tumorwachstums gegen{\"u}ber der Kontrollgruppe beobachtet werden. Bei der Fap-Peptid-vakzinierten Gruppe war das Tumorwachstum gegen{\"u}ber der Kontrollgruppe sogar gesteigert. Dies k{\"o}nnte darauf hindeuten, dass die Induktion Fap-Peptid-reaktiver T-Zellen tumorpromovierend wirkt. M{\"o}glicherweise k{\"o}nnte aber durch eine Modifikation des Vakzinierungsprotokolls bzw. durch eine Kombination mit anderen Immuntherapeutika ein verbessertes Ansprechen auf eine Endoglin bzw. Fap basierte Immuntherapie erzielt werden. 5.2 Immunsuppressive Mechanismen im Grm1-transgenen Melanom-Modell Grm1-transgene M{\"a}use entwickeln spontan kutane Melanome. Dieses Modell erlaubte es uns in der vorliegenden Arbeit spontane Immunantworten im Laufe der Melanomentstehung zu untersuchen. Hierf{\"u}r analysierten wir sowohl ex vivo als auch in vitro aus Milz und Lymphknoten gewonnene Lymphozyten von M{\"a}usen, welche keine Tumorl{\"a}sionen bzw. eine niedrige oder hohe Tumorlast aufwiesen. Dabei konnten wir ex vivo einen Anstieg der Frequenz aktivierter CD4+ und CD8+ Lymphozyten mit zunehmender Tumorlast zeigen. Bei tumortragenden Tieren exprimierten jedoch haupts{\"a}chlich CD4+ T-Zellen Aktivierungsmarker nach in vitro Stimulation. Interessanterweise waren diese Zellen tumortragender Tiere auch funktionell beeintr{\"a}chtigt, was sich in einer verminderten Proliferationskapazit{\"a}t nach in vitro Stimulation zeigte. Weitere Analysen ergaben, dass die erh{\"o}hte Frequenz regulatorischer T Zellen bei tumortragenden Tieren ein fr{\"u}hes Ereignis im Laufe der Tumorentstehung ist. Gleichzeitig konnte auch ein starker Anstieg der immunsupprimierenden Zytokine Tgf-β1 und Il-10 sowohl in den Lymphknoten als auch im Tumorgewebe beobachtet werden. Dabei war die Tgf-β1-Expression sowohl im Tumor als auch im tumor-drainierenden Lymphknoten erh{\"o}ht, w{\"a}hrend Il-10 im Tumor nur moderat exprimiert wurde, was eine komplexere Regulation der Il-10-Expression nahe legt. Dies bedeutet, dass in Grm1-transgenen M{\"a}usen {\"a}hnlich wie auch bei Melanompatienten zellul{\"a}re und zytokinabh{\"a}ngige Mechanismen zur Tumorentstehung beitragen und dieses Modell daher geeignet ist, um pr{\"a}klinisch immunmodulierende Therapieans{\"a}tze zu testen.}, subject = {Stroma}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Willmes2013, author = {Willmes, Christoph}, title = {Therapie kutaner Tumoren : Identifizierung molekularer Biomarker der ex vivo Chemosensitivit{\"a}t des malignen Melanoms und Evaluierung der Wirkungsweise von Interferonen und Artemisininen auf das Merkelzellkarzinom}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-83470}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {F{\"u}r Patienten mit malignem Melanom im Stadium der Fernmetastasierung gibt es bis heute lediglich Therapieoptionen mit sehr eingeschr{\"a}nkten Erfolgsaussichten. Diese Tatsache best{\"a}tigt die Notwendigkeit von Biomarkern zur Vorhersage des Erfolgs verschiedener Therapien. Der ATP-basierende ex vivo Chemosensitivit{\"a}tsassay hat sich als erfolgreiche Methode zur individuellen Vorhersage eines Chemotherapieerfolgs herausgestellt. Tats{\"a}chlich zeigte der Assay ein heterogenes Sensitivit{\"a}tsprofil gegen verschiedene Chemotherapeutika und ließ in getesteten Patienten ein ex vivo wirksames Chemotherapieregime identifizieren, das anschließend auch klinische Therapieerfolge bei Verwendung der Therapie mit dem besten individuellen Chemosensitivit{\"a}tsindex(BICSI) zeigte. Um diesen sehr aufwendigen Assay zuk{\"u}nftig zu umgehen, sollten in der vorliegenden Arbeit pr{\"a}diktive molekulare Biomarker der Chemosensitivit{\"a}t identifiziert werden. Hierf{\"u}r wurden im Voraus durch einen Microarray die Kandidaten Secernin 1 (SCRN1), Lysyl oxidaselike 1 (LOXL1), Thymosin beta 4 X-linked (TMSB4X), Vesicle-associated membrane protein 5 (VAMP5) und Serine protease inhibitor B1 (SERPINB1) als differentiell exprimierte Gene in chemosensitivem gegen{\"u}ber chemoresistentem Gewebe identifiziert. Die relative Expression dieser Kandidatengene wurde daraufhin in bis zu 128 verschiedenen Melanomgeweben mit dem Chemosensitivit{\"a}tsindex verschiedener Chemotherapeutika korreliert. Hierbei konnte eine signifikante Korrelation zwischen SerpinB1 mit der Chemosensitivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber der Therapiekombination mit Paclitaxel und Cisplatin auf Gen- aber nicht auf Proteinebene identifiziert werden. Weiterhin konnte eine differentielle Expression ebenfalls in chemosensitiven und -resistenten Melanomzelllinien nachgewiesen werden, die allerdings im Vergleich mit dem analysierten Gewebe in gegens{\"a}tzlicher Richtung verlief. Zusammenfassend l{\"a}sst sich sagen, dass SerpinB1 ein vielversprechender Marker f{\"u}r die Chemosensitivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber Paclitaxel und Cisplatin ist, dessen funktionelle Bedeutung aber unklar bleibt. Das Merkelzellkarzinom (MCC) ist ein seltener und hoch aggressiver Tumor der mit dem Merkelzellpolyomavirus (MCV) in Zusammenhang steht. Da MCC Zelllinien zur Aufrechterhaltung ihrer Viabilit{\"a}t die MCV T-Antigene ben{\"o}tigen, k{\"o}nnte der Einsatz von Interferonen (IFN) ein m{\"o}glicher therapeutischer Ansatz zur Behandlung dieser Krebserkrankung sein. In der vorliegenden Arbeit haben wir daher die Effekte von IFNs auf MCC Zelllinien, mit besonderer Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der MCV+ Linien, untersucht. IFNs vom Typ I (hier Multiferon, ein Mix verschiedener IFN α Subtypen, und IFN β) wirkten stark inhibierend auf die zellul{\"a}re Viabilit{\"a}t. Die Zellzyklusanalyse zeigte eine Erh{\"o}hung des sub-G Anteils der Zellen nach Behandlung mit IFN, was auf Apoptose als ausschlagebenden Grund schließen ließ. Diese Effekte waren f{\"u}r die Behandlung mit IFN β weniger stark ausgepr{\"a}gt. Der inhibitorische Effekt von Typ I IFNs auf MCV+ MCC Zelllinien war assoziiert mit einer verringerten Expression des viralen großen T-Antigens (LTA) und einer Erh{\"o}hung in der Expression von promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML), das daf{\"u}r bekannt ist, die Funktion des LTA st{\"o}rend zu beeinflussen. Zus{\"a}tzlich f{\"u}hrte die intratumorale Anwendung von Multiferon in vivo zu einer Regression im Wachstum von MCV+, aber nicht MCV- MCC Xenotransplantaten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen das Typ I IFNs einen starken antitumoralen Effekt haben, der zum Teil durch die Regulierung des LTA herbeigef{\"u}hrt wird. Neben diesen direkten Effekten der IFNs auf die Zellproliferation induzieren diese auch die Expression von MHC Klasse I Molek{\"u}len in MCC Zelllinien. Die Durchflusszytometrie zeigte eine Induktion der MHC Klasse I Expression in drei MHC I negativen MCC Zelllinien und eine Erh{\"o}hung der Expression, die vor der Behandlung eine geringe Menge an MHC I aufwiesen. Diese Effekte konnten auch in den in vivo Xenotransplantaten beobachtet werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Behandlung mit IFN sowohl direkte als auch indirekte Effekte auf das MCC hat und eine breite Anwendung in Patienten mit MCV+ und MCV- Tumoren finden kann. Neben IFNs sind auch Artemisinin und seine Derivate bekannt f{\"u}r ihre antitumoralen und antiviralen Eigenschaften. Daher haben wir den Effekt des Artemisininderivats Artesunate auf MCV+ und MCV- MCC Zelllinien getestet. Tats{\"a}chlich konnten wir auch hier einen antiproliferativen Effekt des Stoffes nachweisen, der st{\"a}rker auf MCV+ als auf MCV- Zelllinien wirkte und bei ersteren wiederum mit einer reduzierten LTA Expression einherging. Im Vergleich dazu blieben Fibroblasten von der Behandlung unbeeinflusst. Das verringerte Tumorwachstum konnte ebenfalls f{\"u}r in vivo Xenotransplantationsmodelle gezeigt werden. Auf Grundlage dieser Erkenntnis sollte eine genauere Untersuchung dieses alten Naturheilstoffes f{\"u}r die Behandlung von MCC Patienten in Betracht gezogen werden.}, subject = {Interferon}, language = {de} } @article{AndersTrautmann2013, author = {Anders, Diana and Trautmann, Axel}, title = {Allergic anaphylaxis due to subcutaneously injected heparin}, series = {Allergy, Asthma \& Clinical Immunology}, journal = {Allergy, Asthma \& Clinical Immunology}, doi = {10.1186/1710-1492-9-1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-96214}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Heparins are one of the most used class of anticoagulants in daily clinical practice. Despite their widespread application immune-mediated hypersensitivity reactions to heparins are rare. Among these, the delayed-type reactions to s.c. injected heparins are well-known usually presenting as circumscribed eczematous plaques at the injection sites. In contrast, potentially life-threatening systemic immediate-type anaphylactic reactions to heparins are extremely rare. Recently, some cases of non-allergic anaphylaxis could be attributed to undesirable heparin contaminants. A 43-year-old patient developed severe anaphylaxis symptoms within 5-10 minutes after s.c. injection of enoxaparin. Titrated skin prick testing with wheal and flare responses up to an enoxaparin dilution of 1:10.000 indicated a probable allergic mechanism of the enoxaparin-induced anaphylaxis. The basophil activation test as an additional in-vitro test method was negative. Furthermore, skin prick testing showed rather broad cross-reactivity among different heparin preparations tested. In the presented case, history, symptoms, and results of skin testing strongly suggested an IgE-mediated allergic hypersensitivity against different heparins. Therefore, as safe alternative anticoagulants the patient could receive beneath coumarins the hirudins or direct thrombin inhibitors. Because these compounds have a completely different molecular structure compared with the heparin-polysaccharides.}, language = {en} } @article{SchmittEguWalteretal.2021, author = {Schmitt, T. and Egu, D.T. and Walter, E. and Sigmund, A.M. and Eichkorn, R. and Yazdi, A. and Schmidt, E. and S{\´a}rdy, M. and Eming, R. and Goebeler, M. and Waschke, J.}, title = {Ca\(^{2+}\) signalling is critical for autoantibody-induced blistering of human epidermis in pemphigus}, series = {British Journal of Dermatology}, volume = {185}, journal = {British Journal of Dermatology}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1111/bjd.20091}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-262810}, pages = {595 -- 604}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background Pemphigus is a severe bullous autoimmune skin disease. Pemphigus foliaceus (PF) is characterized by antidesmoglein (Dsg) 1 IgG causing epidermal blistering; mucosal pemphigus vulgaris (mPV) by anti-Dsg3 IgG inducing erosions in the mucosa; and mucocutaneous pemphigus vulgaris (PV) by affecting both, with autoantibodies targeting Dsg1 and Dsg3. Objectives To characterize the Ca\(^{2+}\) flux pathway and delineate its importance in pemphigus pathogenesis and clinical phenotypes caused by different antibody profiles. Methods Immunoprecipitation, Ca\(^{2+}\) flux analysis, Western blotting, immunofluorescence staining, dissociation assays and a human skin ex vivo model were used. Results PV IgG and PF IgG, but neither Dsg3-specific monoclonal antibody (AK23) nor mPV IgG, caused Ca\(^{2+}\) influx in primary human keratinocytes. Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase α interacts with Dsg1 but not with Dsg3. Its downstream target - phospholipase-C-γ1 (PLC) - was activated by PV IgG and PF IgG but not AK23 or mPV IgG. PLC releases inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) causing IP3 receptor (IP3R) activation and Ca2+ flux from the endoplasmic reticulum into the cytosol, which stimulates Ca2+ release-activated channels (CRAC)-mediated Ca\(^{2+}\) influx. Inhibitors against PLC, IP3R and CRAC effectively blocked PV IgG and PF IgG-induced Ca\(^{2+}\) influx; ameliorated alterations of Dsg1 and Dsg3 localization, and reorganization of keratin and actin filaments; and inhibited loss of cell adhesion in vitro. Finally, inhibiting PLC or IP3R was protective against PV IgG-induced blister formation and redistribution of Dsg1 and Dsg3 in human skin ex vivo. Conclusions Ca2+-mediated signalling is important for epidermal blistering and dependent on the autoantibody profile, which indicates different roles for signalling complexes organized by Dsg1 and Dsg3. Interfering with PLC and Ca\(^{2+}\) signalling may be a promising approach to treat epidermal manifestations of pemphigus.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wons2009, author = {Wons, Annette Marie}, title = {Retrospektive Analyse von 108 Patienten mit leukozytoklastischer Vaskulitis aus den Jahren 2001-2007: Diagnose, Prognose und Therapie}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-42270}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Diese Arbeit umfasst eine retrospektive Analyse von 108 Patienten mit leukozytoklastischer Vaskulitis (LcV), welche an der Universit{\"a}tshautklinik W{\"u}rzburg in den Jahren 2001-2007 behandelt wurden. Zun{\"a}chst wurde eine Auswertung aller Patienten unter demographischen, labordiagnostischen wie auch therapeutischen Gesichtspunkten durchgef{\"u}hrt. Zus{\"a}tzlich erfolgte eine Analyse von Patienten mit schwerem Krankheitsverlauf in f{\"u}nf Patientengruppen (h{\"a}morrhagisch-nekrotisierende Vaskulitis (n=42), Vaskulitis oberhalb der G{\"u}rtellinie (n=62), Nierenbeteiligung (n=36), Rezidiv (n=19), pr{\"a}station{\"a}rer Krankheitsverlauf {\"u}ber drei Wochen (n=39)). Ziel dieser Arbeit war, Risikofaktoren f{\"u}r einen schwerwiegenden oder chronischen Verlauf der Erkrankung aufzuzeigen. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde ein weiterer Schwerpunkt auf die Analyse m{\"o}glicher Ausl{\"o}ser einer LcV gelegt. Die Auswertung zeigte am h{\"a}ufigsten Infekte (68,3\%) als Ursache einer LcV. Eher selten schienen maligne Erkrankungen (6,7\%), Kollagenosen (5,8\%) oder Medikamente (6,7\%) an der Entwicklung der LcV beteiligt zu sein. In 12,5\% der F{\"a}lle konnte trotz intensiver Focus-Suche und ausgedehnter Labordiagnostik keine Ursache f{\"u}r die Entstehung einer LcV gefunden werden. Die Ergebnisse widerlegen Angaben {\"a}lterer Studien, die Medikamente als prim{\"a}ren Ausl{\"o}ser einer LcV postulieren. Bei 21,74\% der Patienten mit Rezidiv konnte keine Ursache f{\"u}r die LcV gefunden werden, im Vergleich zu 9,26\% der Patienten ohne Rezidiv (p=0,075). So konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine intensive Infektfocussuche und deren anschließende Sanierung das Auftreten von Rezidiven der LcV reduziert. Risikofaktoren f{\"u}r einen schwerwiegenden oder chronischen Verlauf einer LcV werden in der Literatur bisher kontrovers diskutiert. In der vorliegenden Studie konnten folgende Korrelationen aufgezeigt werden: Patienten mit nekrotisierender Vaskulitis litten hoch signifikant (p=0,0001) und Patienten mit Nierenbeteiligung signifikant (p=0,016) h{\"a}ufiger an Diabetes mellitus. Zudem war bei Patienten mit systemischer Beteiligung der LcV (p=0,005) und schwerwiegendem Hautbefall (p=0,008) signifikant h{\"a}ufiger IgA im Serum erh{\"o}ht. Als Risikofaktoren f{\"u}r einen schwerwiegenden Krankheitsverlauf wie f{\"u}r eine systemische Beteiligung der LcV konnten somit folgende Parameter erhoben werden: Diabetes mellitus (RR=1:1,95 (1,17-3,25)) und IgA-Erh{\"o}hung im Serum (RR=1:2,11 (1,28-3,48)). Bei Patienten mit chronischem Krankheitsverlauf waren signifikant h{\"a}ufiger B-Symptome (RR=1: 3,19 (1,27-3,19)), der Nachweis von Kryoglobulinen (RR=1: 4,12 (1,65-10,24)), eine Komplement-Erh{\"o}hung von C3/C4 (RR=1:4,88 (2,36-10,05)), ein pr{\"a}station{\"a}rer Verlauf von {\"u}ber 3 Wochen (RR=1:6,64 (2,37-18,60)) sowie eine Urtikaria-Vaskulitis (RR=1:3,33 (1,44-7,68)) zu beobachten. Die in dieser Arbeit ermittelten Risikofaktoren f{\"u}r einen schwerwiegenden oder chronisch-rezidivierenden Verlauf einer LcV k{\"o}nnten in Zukunft dazu beitragen, fr{\"u}her einen bestimmten Krankheitsverlauf absch{\"a}tzen zu k{\"o}nnen und entsprechende Therapieoptionen einzuleiten.}, subject = {Leukozytoklastische Vaskulitis}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Roth2023, author = {Roth, Nadine}, title = {Hyperhidrose bei Acne inversa}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30577}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-305779}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Trotz der urspr{\"u}nglichen Bezeichnung der Acne inversa als "hidrosad{\´e}nite phlegmoneuse", die eine inflammatorische Fehlfunktion der apokrinen Schweißdr{\"u}sen impliziert, geriet die Rolle der Schweißdr{\"u}sen hinsichtlich der Pathogenese der AI in Vergessenheit. Ziel dieser Studie war die Evaluierung der Rolle der Schweißdr{\"u}sen im Hinblick auf die f{\"u}r die AI charakteristischen proinflammatorischen Mediatoren. Zu diesem Zweck wurden gravimetrische Schweißmessungen, Multiplex-Zytokin-Assays von Schweißproben, sowie immunfluoreszenzoptische Zytokin-/Chemokin-Untersuchungen von l{\"a}sionaler AI-Haut durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die gravimetrische Untersuchung von 17 AI-Patienten zeigte, dass AI nicht mit Hyperhidrose assoziiert ist. Allerdings scheinen sich AI-Patienten durch ihr Schwitzen im Vergleich zu einer gesunden Kontrollgruppe subjektiv st{\"a}rker beeintr{\"a}chtigt zu f{\"u}hlen. Unsere Daten zeigen eine komplexe proinflammatorische Signatur im AI-Schweiß, die durch eine signifikant erh{\"o}hte Konzentration von Monozyten-Chemoattraktant-Protein-1 (MCP-1), Interleukin-8 (CXCL8) und Interferon-γ gekennzeichnet ist. Passend dazu konnten wir eine erh{\"o}hte Expression dieser Mediatoren in apokrinen Schweißdr{\"u}sen l{\"a}sionaler AI-Haut nachweisen. Diese Ergebnisse werfen ein neues Licht auf die proinflammatorische Kapazit{\"a}t apokriner Schweißdr{\"u}sen bei AI, was zu einem {\"U}berdenken der Rolle der Schweißdr{\"u}sen im Hinblick auf die Pathogenese der AI f{\"u}hren kann.}, subject = {Hidradenitis suppurativa}, language = {de} } @article{StoevesandtTrautmann2022, author = {Stoevesandt, Johanna and Trautmann, Axel}, title = {Risk factors in bee and Vespula venom allergy: state of the art}, series = {Allergo Journal International}, volume = {31}, journal = {Allergo Journal International}, number = {1}, issn = {2197-0378}, doi = {10.1007/s40629-021-00187-1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-270498}, pages = {1-10}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background Correct recognition of risk factors enables individualized management and treatment of venom allergic patients. Methods Systematic research and review of current literature regarding the risk of (1) severe sting-induced anaphylaxis, (2) anaphylactic adverse event during venom immunotherapy (VIT), and (3) treatment failure. Results and discussion (1) Mastocytosis is the most important risk factor for severe sting-induced anaphylaxis. Hereditary α‑tryptasemia was recently identified as a genetic predictor of severe reactions. Older age is clearly associated with an increased risk; the respective impact of defined cardiovascular comorbidities has yet to be determined. Recent data do not support an aggravation of venom-induced anaphylaxis by intake of β‑blockers or angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. A higher risk in men can be attributed to more intensive exposure to stinging insects. (2) Anaphylactic side effects of VIT are most common during the buildup phase, particularly in the course of (ultra-)rush protocols involving a high number of injections and high cumulative daily doses. They are significantly more frequent during honeybee compared to Vespula VIT. Data supporting a negative effect of mastocytosis on the tolerability of VIT are scarce. Older age and cardiovascular medication are not associated with a higher incidence of VIT-induced anaphylaxis. (3) Relapsing anaphylactic reactions to both field and challenge stings are significantly more common during and after honeybee compared to Vespula VIT. Reports of severe field-sting reactions in mastocytosis patients suggest an increased risk of treatment failure which may be overcome by higher maintenance doses and longer duration of VIT.}, language = {en} } @article{WobserSiedelKneitzetal.2013, author = {Wobser, Marion and Siedel, Claudia and Kneitz, Hermann and Br{\"o}cker, Eva-Bettina and Goebeler, Mathias and Houben, Roland and Geissinger, Eva}, title = {Microvessel Density and Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and its Receptors in Different Subtypes of Primary Cutaneous B-cell Lymphoma}, series = {Acta Dermato-Venereologica}, volume = {93}, journal = {Acta Dermato-Venereologica}, number = {6}, doi = {10.2340/00015555-1589}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-128608}, pages = {656-662}, year = {2013}, abstract = {A proangiogenic micromilieu is associated with a worse prognosis in systemic lymphoma. Hence, targeting the tumour microenvironment and its vasculature has evolved as a promising novel treatment strategy. The role of tumour neoangiogenesis in cutaneous B-cell lymphoma, however, has not yet been elucidated. Therefore, we examined the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its receptors VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2, as well as microvessel density by immunohistochemistry in paraffin-embedded specimens of different subtypes of primary cutaneous B-cell lymphomas, systemic diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, and cutaneous B-cell pseudolymphoma. Primary cutaneous large B-cell lymphoma (PCLBCL) were characterized by significantly higher intratumoral expression levels of VEGF and its receptors in comparison with the indolent lymphoma subtypes. Moreover, PCLBCL exhibited significantly higher intratumoral microvessel counts. Our study provides evidence that the most aggressive subtype of cutaneous B-cell lymphoma, PCLBCL, is characterized by a proangiogenic micromilieu.}, language = {en} } @article{PoppeBroeckerTrautmann2013, author = {Poppe, Lidia M. and Br{\"o}cker, Eva-Bettina and Trautmann, Axel}, title = {The One-nail Brown Band: Macro- and Micro-morphology}, series = {Acta Dermato-Venereologica}, volume = {93}, journal = {Acta Dermato-Venereologica}, number = {4}, doi = {10.2340/00015555-1505}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-128566}, pages = {479-480}, year = {2013}, abstract = {No abstract available.}, language = {en} } @article{LoddeForschnerHasseletal.2021, author = {Lodde, Georg and Forschner, Andrea and Hassel, Jessica and Wulfken, Lena M. and Meier, Friedegund and Mohr, Peter and K{\"a}hler, Katharina and Schilling, Bastian and Loquai, Carmen and Berking, Carola and H{\"u}ning, Svea and Schatton, Kerstin and Gebhardt, Christoffer and Eckardt, Julia and Gutzmer, Ralf and Reinhardt, Lydia and Glutsch, Valerie and Nikfarjam, Ulrike and Erdmann, Michael and Stang, Andreas and Kowall, Bernd and Roesch, Alexander and Ugurel, Selma and Zimmer, Lisa and Schadendorf, Dirk and Livingstone, Elisabeth}, title = {Factors influencing the adjuvant therapy decision: results of a real-world multicenter data analysis of 904 melanoma patients}, series = {Cancers}, volume = {13}, journal = {Cancers}, number = {10}, issn = {2072-6694}, doi = {10.3390/cancers13102319}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-239583}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Adjuvant treatment of melanoma patients with immune-checkpoint inhibition (ICI) and targeted therapy (TT) significantly improved recurrence-free survival. This study investigates the real-world situation of 904 patients from 13 German skin cancer centers with an indication for adjuvant treatment since the approval of adjuvant ICI and TT. From adjusted log-binomial regression models, we estimated relative risks for associations between various influence factors and treatment decisions (adjuvant therapy yes/no, TT vs. ICI in BRAF mutant patients). Of these patients, 76.9\% (95\% CI 74-80) opted for a systemic adjuvant treatment. The probability of starting an adjuvant treatment was 26\% lower in patients >65 years (RR 0.74, 95\% CI 68-80). The most common reasons against adjuvant treatment given by patients were age (29.4\%, 95\% CI 24-38), and fear of adverse events (21.1\%, 95\% CI 16-28) and impaired quality of life (11.9\%, 95\% CI 7-16). Of all BRAF-mutated patients who opted for adjuvant treatment, 52.9\% (95\% CI 47-59) decided for ICI. Treatment decision for TT or ICI was barely associated with age, gender and tumor stage, but with comorbidities and affiliated center. Shortly after their approval, adjuvant treatments have been well accepted by physicians and patients. Age plays a decisive role in the decision for adjuvant treatment, while pre-existing autoimmune disease and regional differences influence the choice between TT or ICI.}, language = {en} } @article{SarmaWillmesAngereretal.2020, author = {Sarma, Bhavishya and Willmes, Christoph and Angerer, Laura and Adam, Christian and Becker, J{\"u}rgen C. and Kervarrec, Thibault and Schrama, David and Houben, Roland}, title = {Artesunate affects T antigen expression and survival of virus-positive Merkel cell carcinoma}, series = {Cancers}, volume = {12}, journal = {Cancers}, number = {4}, issn = {2072-6694}, doi = {10.3390/cancers12040919}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-203851}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare and highly aggressive skin cancer with frequent viral etiology. Indeed, in about 80\% of cases, there is an association with Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV); the expression of viral T antigens is crucial for growth of virus-positive tumor cells. Since artesunate — a drug used to treat malaria — has been reported to possess additional anti-tumor as well as anti-viral activity, we sought to evaluate pre-clinically the effect of artesunate on MCC. We found that artesunate repressed growth and survival of MCPyV-positive MCC cells in vitro. This effect was accompanied by reduced large T antigen (LT) expression. Notably, however, it was even more efficient than shRNA-mediated downregulation of LT expression. Interestingly, in one MCC cell line (WaGa), T antigen knockdown rendered cells less sensitive to artesunate, while for two other MCC cell lines, we could not substantiate such a relation. Mechanistically, artesunate predominantly induces ferroptosis in MCPyV-positive MCC cells since known ferroptosis-inhibitors like DFO, BAF-A1, Fer-1 and β-mercaptoethanol reduced artesunate-induced death. Finally, application of artesunate in xenotransplanted mice demonstrated that growth of established MCC tumors can be significantly suppressed in vivo. In conclusion, our results revealed a highly anti-proliferative effect of the approved and generally well-tolerated anti-malaria compound artesunate on MCPyV-positive MCC cells, suggesting its potential usage for MCC therapy.}, language = {en} } @article{KolbMaeurerGoebelerMaeurer2015, author = {Kolb-M{\"a}urer, Annette and Goebeler, Matthias and M{\"a}urer, Mathias}, title = {Cutaneous adverse events associated with interferon-\(\beta\) treatment of multiple sclerosis}, series = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, volume = {16}, journal = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, doi = {10.3390/ijms160714951}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148451}, pages = {14951-14960}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Interferons are widely used platform therapies as disease-modifying treatment of patients with multiple sclerosis. Although interferons are usually safe and well tolerated, they frequently cause dermatological side effects. Here, we present a multiple sclerosis (MS) patient treated with interferon-\(\beta\) who developed new-onset psoriasis. Both her MS as well as her psoriasis finally responded to treatment with fumarates. This case illustrates that interferons not only cause local but also systemic adverse events of the skin. These systemic side effects might indicate that the Th17/IL-17 axis plays a prominent role in the immunopathogenesis of this individual case and that the autoimmune process might be deteriorated by further administration of interferons. In conclusion, we think that neurologists should be aware of systemic cutaneous side effects and have a closer look on interferon-associated skin lesions. Detection of psoriasiform lesions might indicate that interferons are probably not beneficial in the individual situation. We suggest that skin lesions may serve as biomarkers to allocate MS patients to adequate disease-modifying drugs.}, language = {en} } @article{GlatzelPatzkoMatlachetal.2021, author = {Glatzel, Caroline Maria and Patzk{\´o}, {\´A}gnes and Matlach, Juliane and Grehn, Franz}, title = {Ergebnisse der filtrierenden Trabekulotomie (FTO) im Vergleich zur konventionellen Trabekulektomie (TE) - eine gematchte Fall-Kontroll-Studie}, series = {Der Ophthalmologe}, volume = {118}, journal = {Der Ophthalmologe}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1007/s00347-021-01365-w}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-266542}, pages = {461-469}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Ziel Ziel dieser Studie war es, die 2‑Jahres-Ergebnisse der filtrierenden Trabekulotomie (FTO) im Vergleich zur konventionellen Trabekulektomie (TE) bei prim{\"a}rem Offenwinkelglaukom, Pseudoexfoliationsglaukom und Pigmentglaukom zu untersuchen. Patienten und Methoden Es wurden 30 konsekutive Patienten nach FTO und 87 Patienten nach TE nach intraokularem Druck (IOD) und Alter im Verh{\"a}ltnis 1:3 gematcht. Prim{\"a}rer Endpunkt war das Erreichen des Zieldrucks nach 2 Jahren. Als vollst{\"a}ndiger Erfolg wurde ein IOD ohne Medikamente von ≤ 18 mm Hg bei gleichzeitiger IOD-Reduktion um ≥ 30 \% definiert, als qualifizierter Erfolg, wenn hierf{\"u}r zus{\"a}tzlich Medikamente erforderlich waren. Sekund{\"a}re Endpunkte waren mittlere Drucksenkung, resultierende Sehsch{\"a}rfe, Komplikationen und nachfolgende Operationen. Die Operationstechnik der filtrierenden Trabekulotomie ist als Video zu diesem Beitrag abrufbar. Ergebnisse Zwei-Jahres-Daten konnten von 27 Patienten aus der FTO-Gruppe und 68 Patienten aus der TE-Gruppe erhoben werden. Die Patienten beider Gruppen wurden vor Beginn der Studie bez{\"u}glich Alter und IOD gematcht, waren aber auch bez{\"u}glich Sehsch{\"a}rfe, Geschlecht und Medikation nicht unterschiedlich. Der Median des pr{\"a}operativen IOD unter Therapie betrug in beiden Gruppen 23,0 mm Hg. Nach den oben genannten Kriterien wurde ein qualifizierter 2‑Jahres-Erfolg bei 70,4 \% der FTO-Gruppe und bei 77,6 \% der TE-Gruppe erzielt (p = 0,60), ein vollst{\"a}ndiger 2‑Jahres-Erfolg bei 33,3 \% der FTO-Gruppe und bei 56,7 \% der TE-Gruppe (p = 0,07). Beide Operationsmethoden senkten den Augeninnendruck nach 24 Monaten signifikant (p < 0,001), und zwar auf 12,8 mm Hg in der FTO-Gruppe und 11,0 mm Hg in der TE-Gruppe. Die Sehsch{\"a}rfe war postoperativ bei beiden Gruppen etwas verringert, unterschied sich jedoch nicht signifikant zwischen beiden Gruppen. Komplikations- und Reoperationsrate waren gering und unterschieden sich nicht zwischen den Gruppen. Schlussfolgerung FTO und TE sind nach 2 Jahren weitgehend gleichwertig bez{\"u}glich Zieldruck, IOD-Senkung, Sehsch{\"a}rfe und Komplikationen.}, language = {de} } @article{SchummerSchilling2022, author = {Schummer, Patrick and Schilling, Bastian}, title = {How representative are data from global trials on programmed death-1 blockade in melanoma?}, series = {The British Journal of Dermatology}, volume = {187}, journal = {The British Journal of Dermatology}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1111/bjd.21621}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-318406}, pages = {283 -- 284}, year = {2022}, language = {en} } @article{MartinMauerMalzahnetal.2022, author = {Martin, Eva and Mauer, Isabell and Malzahn, Uwe and Heuschmann, Peter Ulrich and Goebeler, Matthias and Benoit, Sandrine}, title = {Comorbid diseases among bullous pemphigoid patients in Germany: new insights from a case-control study}, series = {Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft}, volume = {20}, journal = {Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft}, number = {6}, doi = {10.1111/ddg.14738}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-318395}, pages = {798 -- 805}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background and objectives Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is associated with neuropsychiatric disorders. Other comorbid diseases are discussed controversially. We evaluated the prevalence of comorbidity in BP patients in a representative area of Germany. Patients and methods Medical files of all BP patients treated at the Department of Dermatology, University Hospital W{\"u}rzburg, Germany, between June 2002 and May 2013 were retrospectively reviewed. Bullous pemphigoid was diagnosed based on established criteria. For each patient, two controls were individually matched. Records were evaluated for age, sex, laboratory values, concomitant medication and comorbidity. Conditional logistic regression, multivariable regression analysis and complex regression models were performed to compare results. Results 300 BP patients were identified and compared to 583 controls. Bullous pemphigoid was associated with neuropsychiatric disorders as well as laboratory abnormalities including leukocytosis and eosinophilia. Importantly, a highly significant association of BP with anemia (OR 2.127; 95 \% CI 1.532-2.953) and renal impairment (OR 2.218; 95 \% CI 1.643-2.993) was identified. No association was found with malignancy and arterial hypertension. Conclusions Our data revealed an increased frequency of anemia and renal impairment in BP patients. In accordance with previous studies the strong association for neuropsychiatric disorders was confirmed (p < 0.0005).}, language = {en} } @article{JessenKressBaluapurietal.2020, author = {Jessen, Christina and Kreß, Julia K. C. and Baluapuri, Apoorva and Hufnagel, Anita and Schmitz, Werner and Kneitz, Susanne and Roth, Sabine and Marquardt, Andr{\´e} and Appenzeller, Silke and Ade, Casten P. and Glutsch, Valerie and Wobser, Marion and Friedmann-Angeli, Jos{\´e} Pedro and Mosteo, Laura and Goding, Colin R. and Schilling, Bastian and Geissinger, Eva and Wolf, Elmar and Meierjohann, Svenja}, title = {The transcription factor NRF2 enhances melanoma malignancy by blocking differentiation and inducing COX2 expression}, series = {Oncogene}, volume = {39}, journal = {Oncogene}, issn = {0950-9232}, doi = {10.1038/s41388-020-01477-8}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-235064}, pages = {6841-6855}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The transcription factor NRF2 is the major mediator of oxidative stress responses and is closely connected to therapy resistance in tumors harboring activating mutations in the NRF2 pathway. In melanoma, such mutations are rare, and it is unclear to what extent melanomas rely on NRF2. Here we show that NRF2 suppresses the activity of the melanocyte lineage marker MITF in melanoma, thereby reducing the expression of pigmentation markers. Intriguingly, we furthermore identified NRF2 as key regulator of immune-modulating genes, linking oxidative stress with the induction of cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2) in an ATF4-dependent manner. COX2 is critical for the secretion of prostaglandin E2 and was strongly induced by H\(_2\)O\(_2\) or TNFα only in presence of NRF2. Induction of MITF and depletion of COX2 and PGE2 were also observed in NRF2-deleted melanoma cells in vivo. Furthermore, genes corresponding to the innate immune response such as RSAD2 and IFIH1 were strongly elevated in absence of NRF2 and coincided with immune evasion parameters in human melanoma datasets. Even in vitro, NRF2 activation or prostaglandin E2 supplementation blunted the induction of the innate immune response in melanoma cells. Transcriptome analyses from lung adenocarcinomas indicate that the observed link between NRF2 and the innate immune response is not restricted to melanoma.}, language = {en} } @article{KneitzRoseGlutschetal.2022, author = {Kneitz, Hermann and Rose, Christian and Glutsch, Valerie and Goebeler, Matthias}, title = {Recurrence of a cellular blue nevus with satellitosis — a diagnostic pitfall with clinical consequences}, series = {Dermatopathology}, volume = {9}, journal = {Dermatopathology}, number = {4}, issn = {2296-3529}, doi = {10.3390/dermatopathology9040042}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-297436}, pages = {361 -- 367}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Blue nevus is a benign melanocytic lesion, typically asymptomatic and of unknown etiology. Several histologic and clinical variants have been distinguished, the most frequent being common blue nevus, cellular blue nevus, and combined blue nevus. Although melanocytic nevi with a satellite lesion are usually suggestive of locally advanced malignant melanoma, very few cases of blue nevi with satellite lesions have been reported. The diagnosis of common or cellular blue nevi is generally straightforward; however, the presence of structures such as irregular edges or satellitosis are highly suggestive for malignancy, and differential diagnoses such as locally advanced malignant melanoma and malignant blue nevus should be considered. Recurrent blue nevi can display atypical features not seen in the primary lesion, such as pleomorphism and mitotic activity. They usually tend to follow a benign course; however, in some cases, recurrence may indicate malignant transformation. We here report the unique case of a 64-year-old woman with a recurrent cellular blue nevus accompanied by satellite lesions. Such a biological behavior resulting in a clinical presentation as a melanoma-like lesion is a rarity in blue nevus and has not been described before.}, language = {en} } @article{HoubenAlimovaSarmaetal.2023, author = {Houben, Roland and Alimova, Pamela and Sarma, Bhavishya and Hesbacher, Sonja and Schulte, Carolin and Sarosi, Eva-Maria and Adam, Christian and Kervarrec, Thibault and Schrama, David}, title = {4-[(5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-3-yl)amino]-2H-phenyl-1-phthalazinone inhibits MCPyV T antigen expression in Merkel cell carcinoma independent of Aurora kinase A}, series = {Cancers}, volume = {15}, journal = {Cancers}, number = {9}, issn = {2072-6694}, doi = {10.3390/cancers15092542}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-313547}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is frequently caused by the Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV), and MCPyV-positive tumor cells depend on expression of the virus-encoded T antigens (TA). Here, we identify 4-[(5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-3-yl)amino]-2H-phenyl-1-phthalazinone (PHT) — a reported inhibitor of Aurora kinase A — as a compound inhibiting growth of MCC cells by repressing noncoding control region (NCCR)-controlled TA transcription. Surprisingly, we find that TA repression is not caused by inhibition of Aurora kinase A. However, we demonstrate that β-catenin — a transcription factor repressed by active glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) — is activated by PHT, suggesting that PHT bears a hitherto unreported inhibitory activity against GSK3, a kinase known to function in promoting TA transcription. Indeed, applying an in vitro kinase assay, we demonstrate that PHT directly targets GSK3. Finally, we demonstrate that PHT exhibits in vivo antitumor activity in an MCC xenograft mouse model, suggesting a potential use in future therapeutic settings for MCC.}, language = {en} } @article{RakHammKerstanetal.2022, author = {Rak, Katrin and Hamm, Henning and Kerstan, Andreas and Kolb-M{\"a}urer, Annette and Goebeler, Matthias}, title = {Severe and prolonged liver damage in pityriasis rubra pilaris treated with acitretin: a case report}, series = {SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine}, volume = {4}, journal = {SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1007/s42399-022-01309-8}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-323982}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Acitretin is a systemic retinoid that is used in dermatology for treatment of various inflammatory and especially hyperkeratotic diseases. Elevation of liver enzymes may occur occasionally but normally resolves spontaneously, at the latest after termination of acitretin. However, it can very rarely develop into a life-threatening adverse event including drug-induced liver injury (DILI). A 45-year-old man with classical pityriasis rubra pilaris, a frequently severe, inflammatory skin disease, was started on acitretin. After a seemingly harmless elevation of transaminases, a few weeks after initiation of acitretin, the patient experienced a dramatic course of liver injury with hepatic jaundice though acitretin was stopped immediately. Eventually, laboratory values recovered upon high-dose oral prednisolone therapy. Prescribing physicians should keep in mind that acitretin might induce severe liver injury. Even after termination of acitretin laboratory values should be monitored for a while in order to recognize symptomless but harmful drug-induced liver injury in time.}, language = {en} } @article{WobserSchummerAppenzelleretal.2022, author = {Wobser, Marion and Schummer, Patrick and Appenzeller, Silke and Kneitz, Hermann and Roth, Sabine and Goebeler, Matthias and Geissinger, Eva and Rosenwald, Andreas and Maurus, Katja}, title = {Panel sequencing of primary cutaneous B-cell lymphoma}, series = {Cancers}, volume = {14}, journal = {Cancers}, number = {21}, issn = {2072-6694}, doi = {10.3390/cancers14215274}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-290330}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background: Primary cutaneous follicular B-cell lymphoma (PCFBCL) represents an indolent subtype of Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, being clinically characterized by slowly growing tumors of the skin and common cutaneous relapses, while only exhibiting a low propensity for systemic dissemination or fatal outcome. Up to now, only few studies have investigated underlying molecular alterations of PCFBCL with respect to somatic mutations. Objectives: Our aim was to gain deeper insight into the pathogenesis of PCFBCL and to delineate discriminatory molecular features of this lymphoma subtype. Methods: We performed hybridization-based panel sequencing of 40 lymphoma-associated genes of 10 cases of well-characterized PCFBCL. In addition, we included two further ambiguous cases of atypical B-cell-rich lymphoid infiltrate/B-cell lymphoma of the skin for which definite subtype attribution had not been possible by routine investigations. Results: In 10 out of 12 analyzed cases, we identified genetic alterations within 15 of the selected 40 target genes. The most frequently detected alterations in PCFBCL affected the TNFRSF14, CREBBP, STAT6 and TP53 genes. Our analysis unrevealed novel mutations of the BCL2 gene in PCFBCL. All patients exhibited an indolent clinical course. Both the included arbitrary cases of atypical B-cell-rich cutaneous infiltrates showed somatic mutations within the FAS gene. As these mutations have previously been designated as subtype-specific recurrent alterations in primary cutaneous marginal zone lymphoma (PCMZL), we finally favored the diagnosis of PCMZL in these two cases based on these molecular findings. Conclusions: To conclude, our molecular data support that PCFBCL shows distinct somatic mutations which may aid to differentiate PCFBCL from pseudo-lymphoma as well as from other indolent and aggressive cutaneous B-cell lymphomas. While the detected genetic alterations of PCFBCL did not turn out to harbor any prognostic value in our cohort, our molecular data may add adjunctive discriminatory features for diagnostic purposes on a molecular level.}, language = {en} } @article{HaistStegeLangetal.2022, author = {Haist, Maximilian and Stege, Henner and Lang, Berenice Mareen and Tsochataridou, Aikaterini and Salzmann, Martin and Mohr, Peter and Schadendorf, Dirk and Ugurel, Selma and Placke, Jan-Malte and Weichenthal, Michael and Gutzmer, Ralf and Leiter, Ulrike and Kaatz, Martin and Haferkamp, Sebastian and Berking, Carola and Heppt, Markus and Tschechne, Barbara and Schummer, Patrick and Gebhardt, Christoffer and Grabbe, Stephan and Loquai, Carmen}, title = {Response to first-line treatment with immune-checkpoint inhibitors in patients with advanced cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma: a multicenter, retrospective analysis from the German ADOReg registry}, series = {Cancers}, volume = {14}, journal = {Cancers}, number = {22}, issn = {2072-6694}, doi = {10.3390/cancers14225543}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-297506}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is a common malignancy of the skin and has an overall favorable outcome, except for patients with an advanced stage of the disease. The efficacy of checkpoint inhibitors (CPI) for advanced cSCC has been demonstrated in recent clinical studies, but data from real-world cohorts and trial-ineligible cSCC patients are limited. We retrospectively investigated patients with advanced cSCC who have been treated with CPI in a first-line setting at eight German skin cancer centers registered within the multicenter registry ADOReg. Clinical outcome parameters including response, progression-free (PFS) and overall survival (OS), time-to-next-treatment (TTNT), and toxicity were analyzed and have been stratified by the individual immune status. Among 39 evaluable patients, the tumor response rate (rwTRR) was 48.6\%, the median PFS was 29.0 months, and the median OS was not reached. In addition, 9 patients showed an impaired immune status due to immunosuppressive medication or hematological diseases. Our data demonstrated that CPI also evoked tumor responses among immunocompromised patients (rwTRR: 48.1 vs. 50.0\%), although these responses less often resulted in durable remissions. In line with this, the median PFS (11 vs. 40 months, p = 0.059), TTNT (12 months vs. NR, p = 0.016), and OS (29 months vs. NR, p < 0.001) were significantly shorter for this patient cohort. CPI therapy was well tolerated in both subcohorts with 15\% discontinuing therapy due to toxicity. Our real-world data show that first-line CPI therapy produced strong and durable responses among patients with advanced cSCC. Immunocompromised patients were less likely to achieve long-term benefit from anti-PD1 treatment, despite similar tumor response rates.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fusi2023, author = {Fusi, Lorenza}, title = {Crosstalk between the MEK5/ERK5 and PKB/FoxO pathways: underlying mechanism and its relevance for vasoprotection and tumorigenesis}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29676}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-296769}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Forkhead box O transcription factors are a family of proteins involved in cellular processes downstream of the Insulin-PI3K-PKB pathway. In response to extra- or intracellular stresses, for example starvation or oxidative stress, FoxOs are required to direct cell cycle progression and apoptosis. In endothelial cells, they induce apoptosis, and their deregulation is linked to diseases involving the insulin pathway, such as diabetes. FoxOs also exhibit a complex role in tumour transformation: here their main function is to suppress tumorigenesis. In both physiological and cancer contexts, FoxO activation leads to the transcription of some general targets, such as p27kip1 or IGFBP1. The FoxOs can also induce tissue-specific genes, as ANGPT2 and BIM in the endothelium. In endothelial cells, another pathway with a pivotal function is the MEK5/ERK5 MAPK signalling way. Its activation promotes cell survival and proliferation in stressful conditions, e.g., when blood vessels are exposed to the shear forces exerted by the blood stream. Furthermore, recent data described ERK5 as a kinase directing tumour resistance upon therapy-induced stress. Comparing their reported roles in various tumours and in the endothelium, FoxO proteins and the MEK5/ERK5 MAPK cascade appear to exert opposite functions. First non-published data confirmed the hypothesis that FoxO factors are subject to a negative modulation by the MEK5/ERK5 pathway. Hence, one goal of this PhD project was to further characterise this crosstalk at molecular level. The major mechanism of FoxO regulation is the balance among several post translational modifications, such as phosphorylation, acetylation, and ubiquitination. Most importantly, the PKB dependent phosphorylation of FoxOs negatively controls their activity, and it is critical for their subcellular localization. Therefore, the regulation of FoxO localization as mechanism of ERK5 dependent suppression was studied, but the results presented in this thesis argue against this hypothesis. However, additional experiments are required to explore the impact of ERK5 activity on FoxO post-translational modifications. FoxO activity can also be modulated by the interaction with other proteins, which in turn could explain general- and tissue-specific gene expression. Thus, another objective of this work was to investigate FoxO3-interactome in endothelial cells and the impact of MEK5/ERK5 activation on it. As published in (Fusi et al. 2022) and presented here, this analysis unveiled TRRAP as new FoxO bound protein in several cell types. Moreover, the interaction did not rely on the capacity of the FoxOs to bind their consensus DNA sequences at the promoter of target genes. Functional data demonstrated that TRRAP is required for FoxO-dependent gene transcription in endothelial and osteosarcoma cells. In addition, TRRAP expression in the endothelium is important for FoxO induced apoptosis. In summary, the interaction between FoxO factors and TRRAP revealed a new regulatory mechanism of FoxO-dependent gene transcription. It remains to be analysed whether the MEK5/ERK5 cascade may exert its suppressive effect on FoxO activity by interfering with their binding to TRRAP and whether such a mechanism may be relevant for tumorigenesis.}, subject = {Endothel}, language = {en} } @article{SchoenBerkingBiedermannetal.2020, author = {Sch{\"o}n, Michael P. and Berking, Carola and Biedermann, Tilo and Buhl, Timo and Erpenbeck, Luise and Eyerich, Kilian and Eyerich, Stefanie and Ghoreschi, Kamran and Goebeler, Matthias and Ludwig, Ralf J. and Sch{\"a}kel, Knut and Schilling, Bastian and Schlapbach, Christoph and Stary, Georg and von Stebut, Esther and Steinbrink, Kerstin}, title = {COVID-19 and immunological regulations - from basic and translational aspects to clinical implications}, series = {JDDG: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft}, volume = {18}, journal = {JDDG: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft}, number = {8}, doi = {10.1111/ddg.14169}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218205}, pages = {795 -- 807}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 has far-reaching direct and indirect medical consequences. These include both the course and treatment of diseases. It is becoming increasingly clear that infections with SARS-CoV-2 can cause considerable immunological alterations, which particularly also affect pathogenetically and/or therapeutically relevant factors. Against this background we summarize here the current state of knowledge on the interaction of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 with mediators of the acute phase of inflammation (TNF, IL-1, IL-6), type 1 and type 17 immune responses (IL-12, IL-23, IL-17, IL-36), type 2 immune reactions (IL-4, IL-13, IL-5, IL-31, IgE), B-cell immunity, checkpoint regulators (PD-1, PD-L1, CTLA4), and orally druggable signaling pathways (JAK, PDE4, calcineurin). In addition, we discuss in this context non-specific immune modulation by glucocorticosteroids, methotrexate, antimalarial drugs, azathioprine, dapsone, mycophenolate mofetil and fumaric acid esters, as well as neutrophil granulocyte-mediated innate immune mechanisms. From these recent findings we derive possible implications for the therapeutic modulation of said immunological mechanisms in connection with SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19. Although, of course, the greatest care should be taken with patients with immunologically mediated diseases or immunomodulating therapies, it appears that many treatments can also be carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic; some even appear to alleviate COVID-19.}, language = {en} } @article{BaurMatheGesierichetal.2017, author = {Baur, Johannes and Mathe, Katrin and Gesierich, Anja and Weyandt, Gerhard and Wiegering, Armin and Germer, Christoph-Thomas and Gasser, Martin and Pelz, J{\"o}rg O. W.}, title = {Morbidity and oncologic outcome after saphenous vein-sparing inguinal lymphadenectomy in melanoma patients}, series = {World Journal of Surgical Oncology}, volume = {15}, journal = {World Journal of Surgical Oncology}, number = {99}, doi = {10.1186/s12957-017-1164-x}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-157687}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Background: Inguinal lymph node dissection (LND) is a surgical procedure with a high morbidity rate. Variations in surgical procedure, such as sparing of the saphenous vein, have been proposed to reduce surgical morbidity. While sparing of the saphenous vein has shown promising results in earlier studies, data for this procedure in melanoma patients are rare. In this retrospective study, we report 10-year findings on the effects of saphenous vein-sparing LND on surgical morbidity and oncologic outcomes in melanoma patients. Methods: A retrospective analysis of melanoma patients receiving inguinal LND in our facility between 2003 and 2013 was performed. Patients were divided into two groups: the saphenous vein resection group and the vein sparing group. Surgical morbidity, including wound infection, lymphatic fistula, severe bleeding, neurological complications, and chronic lymphedema, as well as regional recurrence-free survival were investigated. Results: A total of 106 patients were included in this study; of these, the saphenous vein was spared in 41 patients (38.7\%). The rate of lymphatic fistula was 51.6 vs. 48.8\%, wound infection occurred in 31.3 vs. 24.4\%, and patients suffered from chronic lymphedema in 30.0 vs. 26.5\% in V. saphena magna resection vs. sparing group. Differences observed, however, were not significant. No difference in regional recurrence-free survival between the two study groups was detected. Conclusions: The results of our retrospective analysis could not confirm the promising results reported in earlier studies. Thus, sparing of the saphenous vein appears to be optional.}, language = {en} } @article{WendlingerWohlfarthKreftetal.2022, author = {Wendlinger, Simone and Wohlfarth, Jonas and Kreft, Sophia and Siedel, Claudia and Kilian, Teresa and Dischinger, Ulrich and Heppt, Markus V. and Wistuba-Hamprecht, Kilian and Meier, Friedegund and Goebeler, Matthias and Schadendorf, Dirk and Gesierich, Anja and Kosnopfel, Corinna and Schilling, Bastian}, title = {Blood eosinophils are associated with efficacy of targeted therapy in patients with advanced melanoma}, series = {Cancers}, volume = {14}, journal = {Cancers}, number = {9}, issn = {2072-6694}, doi = {10.3390/cancers14092294}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-275137}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background: Eosinophils appear to contribute to the efficacy of immunotherapy and their frequency was suggested as a predictive biomarker. Whether this observation could be transferred to patients treated with targeted therapy remains unknown. Methods: Blood and serum samples of healthy controls and 216 patients with advanced melanoma were prospectively and retrospectively collected. Freshly isolated eosinophils were phenotypically characterized by flow cytometry and co-cultured in vitro with melanoma cells to assess cytotoxicity. Soluble serum markers and peripheral blood counts were used for correlative studies. Results: Eosinophil-mediated cytotoxicity towards melanoma cells, as well as phenotypic characteristics, were similar when comparing healthy donors and patients. However, high relative pre-treatment eosinophil counts were significantly associated with response to MAPKi (p = 0.013). Eosinophil-mediated cytotoxicity towards melanoma cells is dose-dependent and requires proximity of eosinophils and their target in vitro. Treatment with targeted therapy in the presence of eosinophils results in an additive tumoricidal effect. Additionally, melanoma cells affected eosinophil phenotype upon co-culture. Conclusion: High pre-treatment eosinophil counts in advanced melanoma patients were associated with a significantly improved response to MAPKi. Functionally, eosinophils show potent cytotoxicity towards melanoma cells, which can be reinforced by MAPKi. Further studies are needed to unravel the molecular mechanisms of our observations.}, language = {en} } @article{KollgaardUgurelBeckerIdornetal.2015, author = {K{\o}llgaard, Tania and Ugurel-Becker, Selma and Idorn, Manja and Andersen, Mads Hald and Becker, J{\"u}rgen C. and Straten, Per thor}, title = {Pre-Vaccination Frequencies of Th17 Cells Correlate with Vaccine-Induced T-Cell Responses to Survivin-Derived Peptide Epitopes}, series = {PLoS One}, volume = {10}, journal = {PLoS One}, number = {7}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0131934}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-151509}, pages = {e0131934}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Various subsets of immune regulatory cells are suggested to influence the outcome of therapeutic antigen-specific anti-tumor vaccinations. We performed an exploratory analysis of a possible correlation of pre-vaccination Th17 cells, MDSCs, and Tregs with both vaccination-induced T-cell responses as well as clinical outcome in metastatic melanoma patients vaccinated with survivin-derived peptides. Notably, we observed dysfunctional Th1 and cytotoxic T cells, i.e. down-regulation of the CD3\(\zeta\)chain (p=0.001) and an impaired IFN\(\gamma\)-production (p=0.001) in patients compared to healthy donors, suggesting an altered activity of immune regulatory cells. Moreover, the frequencies of Th17 cells (p=0.03) and Tregs (p=0.02) were elevated as compared to healthy donors. IL-17-secreting CD4\(^{+}\) T cells displayed an impact on the immunological and clinical effects of vaccination: Patients characterized by high frequencies of Th17 cells at pre-vaccination were more likely to develop survivin-specific T-cell reactivity post-vaccination (p=0.03). Furthermore, the frequency of Th17 (p=0.09) and Th17/IFN\(\gamma\)\(^{+}\) (p=0.19) cells associated with patient survival after vaccination. In summary, our explorative, hypothesis-generating study demonstrated that immune regulatory cells, in particular Th17 cells, play a relevant role for generation of the vaccine-induced anti-tumor immunity in cancer patients, hence warranting further investigation to test for validity as predictive biomarkers.}, language = {en} } @article{BuhlBeissertGaffaletal.2020, author = {Buhl, Timo and Beissert, Stefan and Gaffal, Evelyn and Goebeler, Matthias and Hertl, Michael and Mauch, Cornelia and Reich, Kristian and Schmidt, Enno and Sch{\"o}n, Michael P. and Sticherling, Michael and Sunderk{\"o}tter, Cord and Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia and Werfel, Thomas and Wilsman-Theis, Dagmar and Worm, Margitta}, title = {COVID-19 and implications for dermatological and allergological diseases}, series = {JDDG: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft}, volume = {18}, journal = {JDDG: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft}, number = {8}, doi = {10.1111/ddg.14195}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-217860}, pages = {815 -- 824}, year = {2020}, abstract = {COVID-19, caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, has become pandemic. A further level of complexity opens up as soon as we look at diseases whose pathogenesis and therapy involve different immunological signaling pathways, which are potentially affected by COVID-19. Medical treatments must often be reassessed and questioned in connection with this infection. This article summarizes the current knowledge of COVID-19 in the light of major dermatological and allergological diseases. It identifies medical areas lacking sufficient data and draws conclusions for the management of our patients during the pandemic. We focus on common chronic inflammatory skin diseases with complex immunological pathogenesis: psoriasis, eczema including atopic dermatitis, type I allergies, autoimmune blistering and inflammatory connective tissue diseases, vasculitis, and skin cancers. Since several other inflammatory skin diseases display related or comparable immunological reactions, clustering of the various inflammatory dermatoses into different disease patterns may help with therapeutic decisions. Thus, following these patterns of skin inflammation, our review may supply treatment recommendations and thoughtful considerations for disease management even beyond the most frequent diseases discussed here.}, language = {en} } @article{GlutschAmaralGarbeetal.2020, author = {Glutsch, Valerie and Amaral, Teresa and Garbe, Claus and Thoms, Kai-Martin and Mohr, Peter and Hauschild, Axel and Schilling, Bastian}, title = {Indirect Comparison of Combined BRAF and MEK Inhibition in Melanoma Patients with Elevated Baseline Lactate Dehydrogenase}, series = {Acta Dermato-Venereologica}, volume = {100}, journal = {Acta Dermato-Venereologica}, doi = {10.2340/00015555-3526}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-230190}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The approval of BRAF and MEK inhibitors has signifi-cantly improved treatment outcomes for patients with BRAF-mutated metastatic melanoma. The 3 first-line targeted therapy trials have provided similar results, and thus the identification of predictive biomarkers may generate a more precise basis for clinical deci-sion-making. Elevated baseline lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) has already been determined as a strong prog-nostic factor. Therefore, this indirect analysis compa-red subgroups with elevated baseline LDH across the pivotal targeted therapy trials co-BRIM, COMBI-v and COLUMBUS part 1. The Bucher method was used to compare progression-free survival, objective response rate and overall survival indirectly. The results show a non-significant risk reduction for progression in the subgroup with elevated baseline LDH receiving vemu-rafenib plus cobimetinib compared with dabrafenib plus trametinib and encorafenib plus binimetinib. Al-though an indirect comparison, these data might pro-vide some guidance for treatment recommendations in melanoma patients with elevated LDH.}, language = {en} } @article{BenoitScheurlenGoebeleretal.2018, author = {Benoit, Sandrine and Scheurlen, Michael and Goebeler, Matthias and Stoevesandt, Johanna}, title = {Structured diagnostic approach and risk assessment in mucous membrane pemphigoid with oesophageal involvement}, series = {Acta Dermato-Venereologica}, volume = {98}, journal = {Acta Dermato-Venereologica}, doi = {10.2340/00015555-2938}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-176191}, pages = {660-666}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Oesophageal involvement in mucous membrane pemphigoid is considered rare, but it may be underdiagnosed. To assess the incidence of oesophageal involvement in a group of patients with newly diagnosed mucous membrane pemphigoid we retrospectively analysed the medical records of 30 consecutive patients with mucous membrane pemphigoid diagnosed between 2006 and 2016 at the Department of Dermatology, University Hospital W{\"u}rzburg. Twenty-one patients (70\%) reported symptoms indicative of oesophageal mucous membrane pemphigoid. Twelve patients (40\%) underwent oesophagogastroduodenoscopy, and oesophageal pathology compatible with mucous membrane pemphigoid was endoscopically found in 9 cases (30\%). In all patients indirect and direct immunofluorescence were performed. Patients with and without oesophageal involvement did not differ with regard to the results of indirect immunofluorescence on salt-split human skin and monkey oesophagus. Study results demonstrate the necessity of a standardized diagnostic work-up, including adequate tissue samples for direct immunofluorescence, to prevent underdiagnosis of oesophageal mucous membrane pemphigoid.}, language = {en} } @article{HalfmannCastioniWetzeletal.2024, author = {Halfmann, Marie and Castioni, Noah and Wetzel, Lea and Koopmann, Anne and K{\"o}nig, Sarah and Schmieder, Astrid}, title = {Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of medical students and young physicians in Germany: Gender-specific results of an online survey}, series = {Heliyon}, volume = {10}, journal = {Heliyon}, number = {1}, issn = {2405-8440}, doi = {10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e23727}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-350502}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Background Healthcare workers and medical students faced new challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Processes within many hospitals were completely disrupted. In addition, the face to face teaching of medical students was drastically reduced. Those at risk of developing mental health problems appear to be younger health care workers and women. Objective To investigate potential COVID-19 pandemic-related gender differences in psychological distress among medical students and physicians in their first years of practice. Design and setting An anonymous survey was carried out online between December 1, 2021, and March 31, 2022, at the Mannheim Medical Faculty and the W{\"u}rzburg Medical Faculty, Germany, after obtaining informed consent. Primary outcome measures were changes in anxiety and depression symptoms using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), and changes in participants' current quality of life using the WHO Quality of Life BREF. Results The results show wave-like courses for perceived anxiety and burden overlapping with the course of the COVID-19 incidence. In comparison to men, women showed a significant higher increase in HADS (p = 0.005) and a reduced life quality (p = 0.007) after COVID-19. Both sexes showed different frequencies of the factors influencing quality of life, with the presence of a previous mental illness and mean anxiety having a significant higher negative impact in women. Conclusion Future and young female physicians reported a disproportionate higher burden during COVID-19 compared to their male colleges. These observations suggest an increased need for support and prevention efforts especially in this vulnerable population.}, language = {en} } @article{Houben2023, author = {Houben, Roland}, title = {Reduced frequency of migraine attacks following coronavirus disease 2019: a case report}, series = {Journal of Medical Case Reports}, volume = {17}, journal = {Journal of Medical Case Reports}, doi = {10.1186/s13256-023-03795-3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-357327}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Background Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 is a virus affecting different organs and causing a wide variety and severity of symptoms. Headache as well as loss of smell and taste are the most frequently reported neurological manifestations of coronavirus disease 2019 induced by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Here we report on a patient with chronic migraine and medication overuse headache, who experienced remarkable mitigation of migraine following coronavirus disease 2019. Case presentation For many years prior to the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection, a 57-year-old Caucasian male suffered from very frequent migraine attacks and for control of headaches he had been taking triptans almost daily. In the 16-month period before the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019, triptan was taken 98\% of the days with only a 21-day prednisolone-supported triptan holiday, which, however, had no longer-lasting consequences on migraine frequency. Upon severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection, the patient developed only mild symptoms including fever, fatigue, and headache. Directly following recovery from coronavirus disease 2019, the patient surprisingly experienced a period with largely reduced frequency and severity of migraine attacks. Indeed, during 80 days following coronavirus disease 2019, migraine as well as triptan usage were restricted to only 25\% of the days, no longer fulfilling criteria of a chronic migraine and medication overuse headache. Conclusion Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection might be capable of triggering mitigation of migraine.}, language = {en} } @article{HuttelmaierBenoitGoebeler2023, author = {Huttelmaier, Johanna and Benoit, Sandra and Goebeler, Matthias}, title = {Comorbidity in bullous pemphigoid: up-date and clinical implications}, series = {Frontiers in Immunology}, volume = {14}, journal = {Frontiers in Immunology}, doi = {10.3389/fimmu.2023.1196999}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-321671}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Bullous pemphigoid is the most common autoimmune blistering disease in industrialized countries and particularly affects the elderly. In this patient population, comorbid diseases are frequent and may complicate management and treatment of bullous pemphigoid. A better understanding why distinct diseases are more frequent in bullous pemphigoid patients may lead to new pathophysiological insights and - as a consequence - result in better patient care. The association of bullous pemphigoid with neurological and psychiatric diseases is well known and confirmed by several case-control studies. Association with further diseases such as malignancy and metabolic diseases are still discussed controversially. In recent years new relationships between bullous pemphigoid and autoimmune as well as inflammatory skin diseases have been reported. This review provides a systematic overview on studies addressing comorbidity in bullous pemphigoid patients. Increasing the awareness of both, common and rare comorbid diseases, may enable clinicians to optimize patient support and individualized treatment of bullous pemphigoid.}, language = {en} } @article{GoebelerBataCsoergőSimoneetal.2022, author = {Goebeler, M. and Bata-Cs{\"o}rgő, Z. and Simone, C. de and Didona, B. and Remenyik, E. and Reznichenko, N. and Stoevesandt, J. and Ward, E. S. and Parys, W. and Haard, H. de and Dupuy, P. and Verheesen, P. and Schmidt, E. and Joly, P.}, title = {Treatment of pemphigus vulgaris and foliaceus with efgartigimod, a neonatal Fc receptor inhibitor: a phase II multicentre, open-label feasibility trial}, series = {British Journal of Dermatology}, volume = {186}, journal = {British Journal of Dermatology}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1111/bjd.20782}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-258328}, pages = {429-439}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background Pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus are potentially life-threatening autoimmune disorders triggered by IgG autoantibodies against mucosal and epidermal desmogleins. There is an unmet need for fast-acting drugs that enable patients to achieve early sustained remission with reduced corticosteroid reliance. Objectives To investigate efgartigimod, an engineered Fc fragment that inhibits the activity of the neonatal Fc receptor, thereby reducing serum IgG levels, for treating pemphigus. Methods Thirty-four patients with mild-to-moderate pemphigus vulgaris or foliaceus were enrolled in an open-label phase II adaptive trial. In sequential cohorts, efgartigimod was dosed at 10 or 25 mg kg\(^{-1}\) intravenously with various dosing frequencies, as monotherapy or as add-on therapy to low-dose oral prednisone. Safety endpoints comprised the primary outcome. The study is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (identifier NCT03334058). Results Adverse events were mostly mild and were reported by 16 of 19 (84\%) patients receiving efgartigimod 10 mg kg\(^{-1}\) and 13 of 15 (87\%) patients receiving 25 mg kg-1, with similar adverse event profiles between dose groups. A major decrease in serum total IgG and anti-desmoglein autoantibodies was observed and correlated with improved Pemphigus Disease Area Index scores. Efgartigimod, as monotherapy or combined with prednisone, demonstrated early disease control in 28 of 31 (90\%) patients after a median of 17 days. Optimized, prolonged treatment with efgartigimod in combination with a median dose of prednisone 0·26 mg \(^{-1}\) per day (range 0·06-0·48) led to complete clinical remission in 14 of 22 (64\%) patients within 2-41 weeks. Conclusions Efgartigimod was well tolerated and exhibited an early effect on disease activity and outcome parameters, providing support for further evaluation as a therapy for pemphigus.}, language = {en} } @article{PaudelFusiSchmidt2021, author = {Paudel, Rupesh and Fusi, Lorenza and Schmidt, Marc}, title = {The MEK5/ERK5 pathway in health and disease}, series = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, volume = {22}, journal = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, number = {14}, issn = {1422-0067}, doi = {10.3390/ijms22147594}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-261638}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The MEK5/ERK5 mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) cascade is a unique signaling module activated by both mitogens and stress stimuli, including cytokines, fluid shear stress, high osmolarity, and oxidative stress. Physiologically, it is mainly known as a mechanoreceptive pathway in the endothelium, where it transduces the various vasoprotective effects of laminar blood flow. However, it also maintains integrity in other tissues exposed to mechanical stress, including bone, cartilage, and muscle, where it exerts a key function as a survival and differentiation pathway. Beyond its diverse physiological roles, the MEK5/ERK5 pathway has also been implicated in various diseases, including cancer, where it has recently emerged as a major escape route, sustaining tumor cell survival and proliferation under drug stress. In addition, MEK5/ERK5 dysfunction may foster cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis. Here, we highlight the importance of the MEK5/ERK5 pathway in health and disease, focusing on its role as a protective cascade in mechanical stress-exposed healthy tissues and its function as a therapy resistance pathway in cancers. We discuss the perspective of targeting this cascade for cancer treatment and weigh its chances and potential risks when considering its emerging role as a protective stress response pathway.}, language = {en} } @article{FringsSchoeffskiGoebeleretal.2021, author = {Frings, Verena Gerlinde and Sch{\"o}ffski, Oliver and Goebeler, Matthias and Presser, Dagmar}, title = {Economic analysis of the costs associated with Hidradenitis suppurativa at a German University Hospital}, series = {PLoS One}, volume = {16}, journal = {PLoS One}, number = {8}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0255560}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-261668}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background and objectives Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) significantly affects the patient`s quality of life and leads to multiple medical consultations. Aim of this study was to assess the utilization of medical care of HS patients. Patients and methods All patients presenting in 2017 for an outpatient, day patient and / or inpatient treatment with leading claim type HS at the Department of Dermatology, University Hospital W{\"u}rzburg, were included. Primary outcome was the economic burden of HS patients, measured by resource utilization in €. Results The largest share of the direct medical costs for HS were the inpatient costs with a leading surgical diagnosis-related group (DRG). Antiseptics were the predominant topical prescription. While doxycycline was the most frequently prescribed systemic therapy, adalimumab was the main cost driver. The difference between in-patient (€ 110.25) and outpatient (€ 26.34) direct non-medical costs was statistically significant (p < 0.001). With regards to indirect medical costs, a statistically significantly higher loss of gross value added (inpatient mean € 1,827.00; outpatient mean € 203.00) and loss of production (inpatient mean € 1,026.00; outpatient mean € 228.00) could be noted (p < 0.001), respectively. Conclusions The present study on disease-specific costs of HS confirms that the hospital care of patients with this disease is cost-intensive. However, the primary goal of physicians is not and should not be to save costs regarding their patients`treatment, but rather the premise to utilize the existing resources as efficient as possible. Reducing the use of costly therapeutics and inpatient stays therefore requires more effective therapy options with an improved cost-benefit profile.}, language = {en} } @article{GlutschWobserSchillingetal.2022, author = {Glutsch, Valerie and Wobser, Marion and Schilling, Bastian and Gesierich, Anja and Goebeler, Matthias and Kneitz, Hermann}, title = {PRAME expression as helpful immunohistochemical marker in rhabdoid melanoma}, series = {Dermatopathology}, volume = {9}, journal = {Dermatopathology}, number = {2}, issn = {2296-3529}, doi = {10.3390/dermatopathology9020019}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-284115}, pages = {148 -- 157}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background: Rhabdoid melanoma is a rare variant of malignant melanoma with characteristic cytomorphologic features. Due to the potential loss of conventional melanocytic markers, histopathologic diagnosis is often challenging. We hypothesize that immunostaining for PReferentially expressed Antigen in MElanoma (PRAME) might have the potential to uncover the melanocytic origin of these dedifferentiated tumors. Methods: Four cases of rhabdoid primary melanomas were assessed by immunohistochemistry for expression of PRAME and conventional melanocytic markers. Immunohistochemical expression patterns were analyzed in the rhabdoid primaries and, if available, associated metastases. Results: All four cases of rhabdoid primary melanomas showed a strong nuclear positivity for PRAME, while the expression of conventional melanocytic markers S100, MART-1, SOX-10 and HMB-45 was variable between the analyzed cases. Conclusions: In summary, we report four cases of rhabdoid primary melanoma with high to intermediate expression of PRAME despite the partial and variable loss of other melanocytic markers. Hence, PRAME might facilitate the recognition of this highly aggressive entity to avoid misdiagnosis due to histopathologic pitfalls.}, language = {en} } @article{IsbernerGesierichBalakirouchenaneetal.2022, author = {Isberner, Nora and Gesierich, Anja and Balakirouchenane, David and Schilling, Bastian and Aghai-Trommeschlaeger, Fatemeh and Zimmermann, Sebastian and Kurlbaum, Max and Puszkiel, Alicja and Blanchet, Benoit and Klinker, Hartwig and Scherf-Clavel, Oliver}, title = {Monitoring of dabrafenib and trametinib in serum and self-sampled capillary blood in patients with BRAFV600-mutant melanoma}, series = {Cancers}, volume = {14}, journal = {Cancers}, number = {19}, issn = {2072-6694}, doi = {10.3390/cancers14194566}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-288109}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Simple Summary In melanoma patients treated with dabrafenib and trametinib, dose reductions and treatment discontinuations related to adverse events (AE) occur frequently. However, the associations between patient characteristics, AE, and exposure are unclear. Our prospective study analyzed serum (hydroxy-)dabrafenib and trametinib exposure and investigated its association with toxicity and patient characteristics. Additionally, the feasibility of at-home sampling of capillary blood was assessed, and a model to convert capillary blood concentrations to serum concentrations was developed. (Hydroxy-)dabrafenib or trametinib exposure was not associated with age, sex, body mass index, or AE. Co-medication with P-glycoprotein inducers was associated with lower trough concentrations of trametinib but not (hydroxy-)dabrafenib. The applicability of the self-sampling of capillary blood was demonstrated. Our conversion model was adequate for estimating serum exposure from micro-samples. The monitoring of dabrafenib and trametinib may be useful for dose modification and can be optimized by at-home sampling and our new conversion model. Abstract Patients treated with dabrafenib and trametinib for BRAF\(^{V600}\)-mutant melanoma often experience dose reductions and treatment discontinuations. Current knowledge about the associations between patient characteristics, adverse events (AE), and exposure is inconclusive. Our study included 27 patients (including 18 patients for micro-sampling). Dabrafenib and trametinib exposure was prospectively analyzed, and the relevant patient characteristics and AE were reported. Their association with the observed concentrations and Bayesian estimates of the pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters of (hydroxy-)dabrafenib and trametinib were investigated. Further, the feasibility of at-home sampling of capillary blood was assessed. A population pharmacokinetic (popPK) model-informed conversion model was developed to derive serum PK parameters from self-sampled capillary blood. Results showed that (hydroxy-)dabrafenib or trametinib exposure was not associated with age, sex, body mass index, or toxicity. Co-medication with P-glycoprotein inducers was associated with significantly lower trough concentrations of trametinib (p = 0.027) but not (hydroxy-)dabrafenib. Self-sampling of capillary blood was feasible for use in routine care. Our conversion model was adequate for estimating serum PK parameters from micro-samples. Findings do not support a general recommendation for monitoring dabrafenib and trametinib but suggest that monitoring can facilitate making decisions about dosage adjustments. To this end, micro-sampling and the newly developed conversion model may be useful for estimating precise PK parameters.}, language = {en} } @article{WobserGoebeler2023, author = {Wobser, Marion and Goebeler, Matthias}, title = {Special Issue "Cutaneous Lymphomas"}, series = {Cancers}, volume = {15}, journal = {Cancers}, number = {5}, issn = {2072-6694}, doi = {10.3390/cancers15051481}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-304180}, year = {2023}, abstract = {No abstract available}, language = {en} } @article{HoubenCelikdemirKervarrecetal.2023, author = {Houben, Roland and Celikdemir, B{\"u}ke and Kervarrec, Thibault and Schrama, David}, title = {Merkel cell polyomavirus: infection, genome, transcripts and its role in development of Merkel cell carcinoma}, series = {Cancers}, volume = {15}, journal = {Cancers}, number = {2}, issn = {2072-6694}, doi = {10.3390/cancers15020444}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-305021}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The best characterized polyomavirus family member, i.e., simian virus 40 (SV40), can cause different tumors in hamsters and can transform murine and human cells in vitro. Hence, the SV40 contamination of millions of polio vaccine doses administered from 1955-1963 raised fears that this may cause increased tumor incidence in the vaccinated population. This is, however, not the case. Indeed, up to now, the only polyomavirus family member known to be the most important cause of a specific human tumor entity is Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV) in Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC). MCC is a highly deadly form of skin cancer for which the cellular origin is still uncertain, and which appears as two clinically very similar but molecularly highly different variants. While approximately 80\% of cases are found to be associated with MCPyV the remaining MCCs carry a high mutational load. Here, we present an overview of the multitude of molecular functions described for the MCPyV encoded oncoproteins and non-coding RNAs, present the available MCC mouse models and discuss the increasing evidence that both, virus-negative and -positive MCC constitute epithelial tumors.}, language = {en} } @article{MarquardtHartrampfKollmannsbergeretal.2023, author = {Marquardt, Andr{\´e} and Hartrampf, Philipp and Kollmannsberger, Philip and Solimando, Antonio G. and Meierjohann, Svenja and K{\"u}bler, Hubert and Bargou, Ralf and Schilling, Bastian and Serfling, Sebastian E. and Buck, Andreas and Werner, Rudolf A. and Lapa, Constantin and Krebs, Markus}, title = {Predicting microenvironment in CXCR4- and FAP-positive solid tumors — a pan-cancer machine learning workflow for theranostic target structures}, series = {Cancers}, volume = {15}, journal = {Cancers}, number = {2}, issn = {2072-6694}, doi = {10.3390/cancers15020392}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-305036}, year = {2023}, abstract = {(1) Background: C-X-C Motif Chemokine Receptor 4 (CXCR4) and Fibroblast Activation Protein Alpha (FAP) are promising theranostic targets. However, it is unclear whether CXCR4 and FAP positivity mark distinct microenvironments, especially in solid tumors. (2) Methods: Using Random Forest (RF) analysis, we searched for entity-independent mRNA and microRNA signatures related to CXCR4 and FAP overexpression in our pan-cancer cohort from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database — representing n = 9242 specimens from 29 tumor entities. CXCR4- and FAP-positive samples were assessed via StringDB cluster analysis, EnrichR, Metascape, and Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA). Findings were validated via correlation analyses in n = 1541 tumor samples. TIMER2.0 analyzed the association of CXCR4 / FAP expression and infiltration levels of immune-related cells. (3) Results: We identified entity-independent CXCR4 and FAP gene signatures representative for the majority of solid cancers. While CXCR4 positivity marked an immune-related microenvironment, FAP overexpression highlighted an angiogenesis-associated niche. TIMER2.0 analysis confirmed characteristic infiltration levels of CD8+ cells for CXCR4-positive tumors and endothelial cells for FAP-positive tumors. (4) Conclusions: CXCR4- and FAP-directed PET imaging could provide a non-invasive decision aid for entity-agnostic treatment of microenvironment in solid malignancies. Moreover, this machine learning workflow can easily be transferred towards other theranostic targets.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Demeter2024, author = {Demeter, Eran}, title = {Retrospektive Untersuchung zur H{\"a}ufigkeit von unerw{\"u}nschten immunvermittelten Ereignissen unter Immuntherapie mit Nivolumab oder Pembrolizumab bei {\"a}lteren und j{\"u}ngeren Patient*innen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35258}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-352586}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {ICIs sind inzwischen integrales Therapiemittel vieler Tumoren, selbst in nicht metastasierten Stadien. Das Management von dabei eventuell entstehenden Nebenwirkungen bleibt wichtiger Bestandteil der Therapie vor allem im fortgeschrittenen Alter. Retrospektive Untersuchungen wie unsere tragen dazu bei, das in vielen klinischen Studien unterrepr{\"a}sentierte Patientenkollektiv {\"a}lterer Patienten in den klinischen Alltag sowie in Therapieentscheidungen und -planungen zu integrieren. Der prim{\"a}re Studienendpunkt unserer Arbeit unterst{\"u}tzt wichtige Erkenntnisse anderer Studien, dass irAEs insgesamt unter {\"a}lteren Patienten nicht h{\"a}ufiger auftreten. Zwischen allen drei Altersklassen von ~55, ~70 und ~80 Jahren zeigten sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede im Auftreten von irAEs aller Grade, wobei irAEs Grad III/IV etwas h{\"a}ufiger bei ~80-J{\"a}hrigen auftraten. In unserem Fall stellten wir fest, dass auftretende irAEs im Alter h{\"a}ufiger behandelt wurden, und dass die Immuntherapie h{\"a}ufiger pausiert oder abgebrochen wurde. Zudem war der Anteil an Therapieabbr{\"u}chen unter den {\"a}lteren Patienten wegen bestimmter Ereignisse wie TRAEs und dem Einsatz von Glukokortikoiden h{\"o}her als bei j{\"u}ngeren Patienten. Die Ergebnisse unserer Studie deuten außerdem darauf hin, dass selbst unter Polypharmazie und Multimorbidit{\"a}t irAEs nicht h{\"a}ufiger bei {\"A}lteren auftraten. Ebenso k{\"o}nnen wir die interessante Beobachtung verzeichnen, dass Patienten mit >5 Medikamenten und gleichzeitig >5 Erkrankungen signifikant mehr irAEs Grad III/IV aufwiesen oder mehr Patienten Glukokortikoide verabreicht bekommen haben. Auch der Anteil an Interventionsbedarf oder Therapieabbruch war hier in allen Altersklassen h{\"o}her. Es stellt sich die Frage, inwiefern hohes Alter, Komorbidit{\"a}t und Polypharmazie Risikofaktoren f{\"u}r Interventionsbedarf oder Therapieabbruch in der Immuntherapie sind, und ob ihnen eher besondere Gewichtung als Risikofaktor zukommt als dem Alter selbst.}, subject = {Immuntherapie}, language = {de} } @article{HaakeHaackSchaeferetal.2023, author = {Haake, Markus and Haack, Beatrice and Sch{\"a}fer, Tina and Harter, Patrick N. and Mattavelli, Greta and Eiring, Patrick and Vashist, Neha and Wedekink, Florian and Genssler, Sabrina and Fischer, Birgitt and Dahlhoff, Julia and Mokhtari, Fatemeh and Kuzkina, Anastasia and Welters, Marij J. P. and Benz, Tamara M. and Sorger, Lena and Thiemann, Vincent and Almanzar, Giovanni and Selle, Martina and Thein, Klara and Sp{\"a}th, Jacob and Gonzalez, Maria Cecilia and Reitinger, Carmen and Ipsen-Escobedo, Andrea and Wistuba-Hamprecht, Kilian and Eichler, Kristin and Filipski, Katharina and Zeiner, Pia S. and Beschorner, Rudi and Goedemans, Renske and Gogolla, Falk Hagen and Hackl, Hubert and Rooswinkel, Rogier W. and Thiem, Alexander and Romer Roche, Paula and Joshi, Hemant and P{\"u}hringer, Dirk and W{\"o}ckel, Achim and Diessner, Joachim E. and R{\"u}diger, Manfred and Leo, Eugen and Cheng, Phil F. and Levesque, Mitchell P. and Goebeler, Matthias and Sauer, Markus and Nimmerjahn, Falk and Schuberth-Wagner, Christine and Felten, Stefanie von and Mittelbronn, Michel and Mehling, Matthias and Beilhack, Andreas and van der Burg, Sjoerd H. and Riedel, Angela and Weide, Benjamin and Dummer, Reinhard and Wischhusen, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Tumor-derived GDF-15 blocks LFA-1 dependent T cell recruitment and suppresses responses to anti-PD-1 treatment}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {14}, journal = {Nature Communications}, doi = {10.1038/s41467-023-39817-3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-357333}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Immune checkpoint blockade therapy is beneficial and even curative for some cancer patients. However, the majority don't respond to immune therapy. Across different tumor types, pre-existing T cell infiltrates predict response to checkpoint-based immunotherapy. Based on in vitro pharmacological studies, mouse models and analyses of human melanoma patients, we show that the cytokine GDF-15 impairs LFA-1/β2-integrin-mediated adhesion of T cells to activated endothelial cells, which is a pre-requisite of T cell extravasation. In melanoma patients, GDF-15 serum levels strongly correlate with failure of PD-1-based immune checkpoint blockade therapy. Neutralization of GDF-15 improves both T cell trafficking and therapy efficiency in murine tumor models. Thus GDF-15, beside its known role in cancer-related anorexia and cachexia, emerges as a regulator of T cell extravasation into the tumor microenvironment, which provides an even stronger rationale for therapeutic anti-GDF-15 antibody development.}, language = {en} } @article{WobserWeberGlunzetal.2019, author = {Wobser, Marion and Weber, Alexandra and Glunz, Amelie and Tauch, Saskia and Seitz, Kristina and Butelmann, Tobias and Hesbacher, Sonja and Goebeler, Matthias and Bartz, Ren{\´e} and Kohlhof, Hella and Schrama, David and Houben, Roland}, title = {Elucidating the mechanism of action of domatinostat (4SC-202) in cutaneous T cell lymphoma cells}, series = {Journal of Hematology \& Oncology}, volume = {12}, journal = {Journal of Hematology \& Oncology}, doi = {10.1186/s13045-019-0719-4}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-200703}, pages = {30}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Background Targeting epigenetic modifiers is effective in cutaneous T cell lymphoma (CTCL). However, there is a need for further improvement of this therapeutic approach. Here, we compared the mode of action of romidepsin (FK228), an established class I histone deacetylase inhibitor, and domatinostat (4SC-202), a novel inhibitor of class I HDACs, which has been reported to also target the lysine-specific histone demethylase 1A (LSD1). Methods We performed MTS assays and flow cytometric analyses of propidium iodide or annexin V-stained cells to assess drug impact on cellular proliferation, cell cycle distribution, and survival. Histone acetylation and methylation as well as caspase activation was analyzed by immunoblot. Gene expression analysis was performed using NanosString technology. Knockdown and knockout of LSD1 was achieved with shRNA and CRISPR/Cas9, respectively, while the CRISPR/Cas9 synergistic activation mediator system was used to induce expression of endogenous HDACs and LSD1. Furthermore, time-lapse fluorescence microscopy and an in vitro tubulin polymerization assay were applied. Results While FK228 as well as 4SC-202 potently induced cell death in six different CTCL cell lines, only in the case of 4SC-202 death was preceded by an accumulation of cells in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle. Surprisingly, apoptosis and accumulation of cells with double DNA content occurred already at 4SC-202 concentrations hardly affecting histone acetylation and methylation, and provoking significantly less changes in gene expression compared to biologically equivalent doses of FK228. Indeed, we provide evidence that the 4SC-202-induced G2/M arrest in CTCL cells is independent of de novo transcription. Furthermore, neither enforced expression of HDAC1 nor knockdown or knockout of LSD1 affected the 4SC-202-induced effects. Since time-lapse microscopy revealed that 4SC-202 could affect mitotic spindle formation, we performed an in vitro tubulin polymerization assay revealing that 4SC-202 can directly inhibit microtubule formation. Conclusions We demonstrate that 4SC-202, a drug currently tested in clinical trials, effectively inhibits growth of CTCL cells. The anti-cancer cell activity of 4SC-202 is however not limited to LSD1-inhibition, modulation of histone modifications, and consecutive alteration of gene expression. Indeed, the compound is also a potent microtubule-destabilizing agent.}, language = {en} } @article{FringsRothRosenwaldetal.2021, author = {Frings, Verena G. and Roth, Sabine and Rosenwald, Andreas and Goebeler, Matthias and Geissinger, Eva and Wobser, Marion}, title = {EBER in situ hybridization in subcutaneous aluminum granulomas/lymphoid hyperplasia: A diagnostic clue to differentiate injection-associated lymphoid hyperplasia from other forms of pseudolymphomas and cutaneous lymphomas}, series = {Journal of Cutaneous Pathology}, volume = {48}, journal = {Journal of Cutaneous Pathology}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1111/cup.13972}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-258405}, pages = {625-631}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background Subcutaneous vaccination or desensitization may induce persistent nodules at the injection sites. Without the knowledge of prior injection, histopathological work-up may be challenging. Objective Aim of this study was to contribute to the histopathological work-up of unclear subcutaneous nodules, especially their differentiation from cutaneous lymphoma. Methods We retrospectively reviewed clinical data and histopathological slides of four patients with subcutaneous nodules, which were suspected to suffer from cutaneous T- or B-cell lymphoma. Sections of these cases and 12 negative controls were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and a standardized immunohistochemical panel of B- and T-cell markers including EBER in situ hybridization as well as electron microscopy. Results In all cases, large histiocytes with granular cytoplasm compatible with intracellular aluminum hydroxide were present. EBER in situ hybridization revealed positive staining of these granular histiocytes while staining was absent in negative controls. Limitations Post hoc completion of medical history revealed that vaccination or specific immunotherapy had been applied before at the biopsy site in only three out of four patients; one patient was lost to follow-up. Conclusion EBER in situ hybridization is an adjunctive tool to differentiate aluminum-induced granuloma/lymphoid hyperplasia from other forms of pseudolymphoma and cutaneous B- or T-cell lymphomas.}, language = {en} } @article{GlutschSchummerKneitzetal.2022, author = {Glutsch, Valerie and Schummer, Patrick and Kneitz, Hermann and Gesierich, Anja and Goebeler, Matthias and Klein, Detlef and Posch, Christian and Gebhardt, Christoffer and Haferkamp, Sebastian and Zimmer, Lisa and Becker, J{\"u}rgen C and Leiter, Ulrike and Weichenthal, Michael and Schadendorf, Dirk and Ugurel, Selma and Schilling, Bastian}, title = {Ipilimumab plus nivolumab in avelumab-refractory Merkel cell carcinoma: a multicenter study of the prospective skin cancer registry ADOREG}, series = {Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer}, volume = {10}, journal = {Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer}, number = {11}, issn = {2051-1426}, doi = {10.1136/jitc-2022-005930}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-304613}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Merkel cell carcinoma is a rare, highly aggressive skin cancer with neuroendocrine differentiation. Immune checkpoint inhibition has significantly improved treatment outcomes in metastatic disease with response rates to programmed cell death protein 1/programmed cell death 1 ligand 1 (PD-1/PD-L1) inhibition of up to 62\%. However, primary and secondary resistance to PD-1/PD-L1 inhibition remains a so far unsolved clinical challenge since effective and safe treatment options for these patients are lacking.Fourteen patients with advanced (non-resectable stage III or stage IV, Union international contre le cancer 2017) Merkel cell carcinoma with primary resistance to the PD-L1 inhibitor avelumab receiving subsequent therapy (second or later line) with ipilimumab plus nivolumab (IPI/NIVO) were identified in the prospective multicenter skin cancer registry ADOREG. Five of these 14 patients were reported previously and were included in this analysis with additional follow-up. Overall response rate, progression-free survival (PFS), overall survival (OS) and adverse events were analyzed.All 14 patients received avelumab as first-line treatment. Thereof, 12 patients had shown primary resistance with progressive disease in the first tumor assessment, while two patients had initially experienced a short-lived stabilization (stable disease). Six patients had at least one systemic treatment in between avelumab and IPI/NIVO. In total, 7 patients responded to IPI/NIVO (overall response rate 50\%), and response was ongoing in 4 responders at last follow-up. After a median follow-up of 18.85 months, median PFS was 5.07 months (95\% CI 2.43—not available (NA)), and median OS was not reached. PFS rates at 12 months and 24 months were 42.9\% and 26.8 \%, respectively. The OS rate at 36 months was 64.3\%. Only 3 (21\%) patients did not receive all 4 cycles of IPI/NIVO due to immune-related adverse events.In this multicenter evaluation, we observed high response rates, a durable benefit and promising OS rates after treatment with later-line combined IPI/NIVO. In conclusion, our patient cohort supports our prior findings with an encouraging activity of second-line or later-line IPI/NIVO in patients with anti-PD-L1-refractory Merkel cell carcinoma.}, language = {en} } @article{BumillerBiniHochKohlerAugustoetal.2022, author = {Bumiller-Bini Hoch, Val{\´e}ria and Kohler, Ana Fl{\´a}via and Augusto, Danillo G. and Lobo-Alves, Sara Cristina and Malheiros, Danielle and Cipolla, Gabriel Adelman and Winter Boldt, Angelica Beate and Braun-Prado, Karin and Wittig, Michael and Franke, Andre and Pf{\"o}hler, Claudia and Worm, Margitta and van Beek, Nina and Goebeler, Matthias and S{\´a}rdy, Mikl{\´o}s and Ibrahim, Saleh and Busch, Hauke and Schmidt, Enno and Hundt, Jennifer Elisabeth and Araujo-Souza, Patr{\´i}cia Savio de and Petzl-Erler, Maria Luiza}, title = {Genetic associations and differential mRNA expression levels of host genes suggest a viral trigger for endemic pemphigus foliaceus}, series = {Viruses}, volume = {14}, journal = {Viruses}, number = {5}, issn = {1999-4915}, doi = {10.3390/v14050879}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-270572}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The long search for the environmental trigger of the endemic pemphigus foliaceus (EPF, fogo selvagem) has not yet resulted in any tangible findings. Here, we searched for genetic associations and the differential expression of host genes involved in early viral infections and innate antiviral defense. Genetic variants could alter the structure, expression sites, or levels of the gene products, impacting their functions. By analyzing 3063 variants of 166 candidate genes in 227 EPF patients and 194 controls, we found 12 variants within 11 genes associated with differential susceptibility (p < 0.005) to EPF. The products of genes TRIM5, TPCN2, EIF4E, EIF4E3, NUP37, NUP50, NUP88, TPR, USP15, IRF8, and JAK1 are involved in different mechanisms of viral control, for example, the regulation of viral entry into the host cell or recognition of viral nucleic acids and proteins. Only two of nine variants were also associated in an independent German cohort of sporadic PF (75 patients, 150 controls), aligning with our hypothesis that antiviral host genes play a major role in EPF due to a specific virus-human interaction in the endemic region. Moreover, CCL5, P4HB, and APOBEC3G mRNA levels were increased (p < 0.001) in CD4+ T lymphocytes of EPF patients. Because there is limited or no evidence that these genes are involved in autoimmunity, their crucial role in antiviral responses and the associations that we observed support the hypothesis of a viral trigger for EPF, presumably a still unnoticed flavivirus. This work opens new frontiers in searching for the trigger of EPF, with the potential to advance translational research that aims for disease prevention and treatment.}, language = {en} } @article{SchummerSchillingGesierich2020, author = {Schummer, Patrick and Schilling, Bastian and Gesierich, Anja}, title = {Long‑Term Outcomes in BRAF‑Mutated Melanoma Treated with Combined Targeted Therapy or Immune Checkpoint Blockade: Are We Approaching a True Cure?}, series = {American Journal of Clinical Dermatology}, volume = {21}, journal = {American Journal of Clinical Dermatology}, issn = {1175-0561}, doi = {10.1007/s40257-020-00509-z}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-234818}, pages = {493-504}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Approximately 50\% of all melanomas harbor an activating BRAF mutation. In patients suffering from an advanced melanoma with such a somatic alteration, combined targeted therapy with a BRAF and MEK inhibitor can be applied to significantly increase the survival probability. Nevertheless, resistance mechanisms, as well as negative predictive biomarkers (elevated lactate dehydrogenase levels, high number of metastatic organ disease sites, brain metastasis), remain a major problem in treating melanoma patients. Recently, a landmark overall survival (OS) rate of 34\% after 5 years of combined targeted therapy in treatment-na{\"i}ve patients was reported. On the other hand, patients harboring a BRAF mutation and receiving first-line immune checkpoint blockade with ipilimumab plus nivolumab showed a 5-year OS rate of 60\%. As indicated by these data, long-term survival can be reached in melanoma patients but it remains unclear if this is equivalent to reaching a true cure for metastatic melanoma. In this review, we summarize the recent results for combined targeted therapy and immunotherapy in advanced melanoma harboring an activating BRAF mutation and discuss the impact of baseline characteristics on long-term outcome.}, language = {en} } @article{ReichelGrothausOtt2020, author = {Reichel, Alexandra and Grothaus, Julia and Ott, Hagen}, title = {Pityriasis lichenoides acuta (PLEVA) pemphigoides: A rare bullous variant of PLEVA}, series = {Pediatric Dermatology}, volume = {37}, journal = {Pediatric Dermatology}, number = {4}, doi = {10.1111/pde.14181}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218194}, pages = {710 -- 712}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Although the clinical presentations of patients with pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta (PLEVA) may vary, bullae are not usually part of the clinical spectrum. To date, only two other cases of a bullous variant of PLEVA with evidence of autoantibodies against hemidesmosomal antigens have been reported. The term PLEVA pemphigoides was suggested for this unique clinical, pathological and serological combination of both PLEVA and bullous pemphigoid.}, language = {en} } @article{Broecker2021, author = {Br{\"o}cker, E. B.}, title = {Pioneers in Dermatology and Venereology: an interview with Professor Eva-Bettina Br{\"o}cker}, series = {Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology}, volume = {35}, journal = {Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology}, number = {6}, doi = {10.1111/jdv.17292}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259460}, pages = {1248-1250}, year = {2021}, abstract = {No abstract available.}, language = {en} } @article{MohmeSchmalzingMuelleretal.2020, author = {Mohme, Sophia and Schmalzing, Marc and M{\"u}ller, Cornelia S.L. and Vogt, Thomas and Goebeler, Matthias and Stoevesandt, Johanna}, title = {Immunizations in immunocompromised patients: a guide for dermatologists}, series = {JDDG: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft}, volume = {18}, journal = {JDDG: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft}, number = {7}, doi = {10.1111/ddg.14156}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-217982}, pages = {699 -- 723}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The increasingly frequent use of immunomodulatory agents in dermatology requires the observance of specific recommendations for immunization. These recommendations are developed and regularly updated by the German Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO), an independent advisory group at the Robert Koch Institute. Dermatological patients on immunosuppressive treatment should ideally receive all vaccinations included in the standard immunization schedule. Additionally, it is recommended that they also undergo vaccination against the seasonal flu, pneumococci, and herpes zoster (inactivated herpes zoster subunit vaccine for patients ≥ 50 years). Additional immunizations against Haemophilus influenzae type B, hepatitis B and meningococci may be indicated depending on individual comorbidities and exposure risk. Limitations of use, specific contraindications and intervals to be observed between vaccination and immunosuppression depend on the immunosuppressive agent used and its dosing. Only under certain conditions may live-attenuated vaccines be administered in patients on immunosuppressive therapy. Given its strong suppressive effect on the humoral immune response, no vaccines - except for flu shots - should be given within six months after rituximab therapy. This CME article presents current recommendations on immunization in immunocompromised individuals, with a special focus on dermatological patients. Its goal is to enable readers to provide competent counseling and to initiate necessary immunizations in this vulnerable patient group.}, language = {en} } @article{TrautmannBrockowStoevesandt2020, author = {Trautmann, Axel and Brockow, Knut and Stoevesandt, Johanna}, title = {Metamizole-induced reactions as a paradigm of drug hypersensitivity: Non-allergic reactions, anaphylaxis, and delayed-type allergy}, series = {Clinical \& Experimental Allergy}, volume = {50}, journal = {Clinical \& Experimental Allergy}, number = {9}, doi = {10.1111/cea.13689}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-217997}, pages = {1103 -- 1106}, year = {2020}, language = {en} } @article{ReichelRoedingStoevesandtetal.2020, author = {Reichel, Alexandra and R{\"o}ding, Kristina and Stoevesandt, Johanna and Trautmann, Axel}, title = {De-labelling antibiotic allergy through five key questions}, series = {Clinical \& Experimental Allergy}, volume = {50}, journal = {Clinical \& Experimental Allergy}, number = {4}, doi = {10.1111/cea.13576}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-215508}, pages = {532 -- 535}, year = {2020}, language = {en} } @article{SchrueferBrockowStoevesandtetal.2020, author = {Schr{\"u}fer, Philipp and Brockow, Knut and Stoevesandt, Johanna and Trautmann, Axel}, title = {Predominant patterns of beta-lactam hypersensitivity in a single German Allergy Center: exanthem induced by aminopenicillins, anaphylaxis by cephalosporins}, series = {Allergy, Asthma \& Clinical Immunology}, volume = {16}, journal = {Allergy, Asthma \& Clinical Immunology}, doi = {10.1186/s13223-020-00488-0}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-231306}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Background Penicillins and other beta-lactam antibiotics are the most common elicitors of allergic drug reaction. However, data on the pattern of clinical reaction types elicited by specific beta-lactams are scarce and inconsistent. We aimed to determine patterns of beta-latam allergy, i.e. the association of a clinical reaction type with a specific beta-lactam antibiotic. Methods We retrospectively evaluated data from 800 consecutive patients with suspected beta-lactam hypersensitivity over a period of 11 years in a single German Allergy Center. Results beta-lactam hypersensitivity was definitely excluded in 595 patients, immediate-type (presumably IgE-mediated) hypersensitivity was diagnosed in 70 and delayed-type hypersensitivity in 135 cases. Most (59 out of 70, 84.3\%) immediate-type anaphylactic reactions were induced by a limited number of cephalosporins. Delayed reactions were regularly caused by an aminopenicillin (127 out of 135, 94.1\%) and usually manifested as a measles-like exanthem (117 out of 135, 86.7\%). Intradermal testing proved to be the most useful method for diagnosing beta-lactam allergy, but prick testing was already positive in 24 out of 70 patients with immediate-type hypersensitivity (34.3\%). Patch testing in addition to intradermal testing did not provide additional information for the diagnosis of delayed-type hypersensitivity. Almost all beta-lactam allergic patients tolerated at least one, usually several alternative substances out of the beta-lactam group. Conclusions We identified two patterns of beta-lactam hypersensitivity: aminopenicillin-induced exanthem and anaphylaxis triggered by certain cephalosporins. Intradermal skin testing was the most useful method to detect both IgE-mediated and delayed-type beta-lactam hypersensitivity.}, language = {en} } @article{BenoitGoebeler2015, author = {Benoit, Sandrine and Goebeler, Matthias}, title = {Mepacrine in recalcitrant cutaneous lupus erythematosus: old-fashioned or still useful?}, series = {Acta Dermato-Venereologica}, volume = {95}, journal = {Acta Dermato-Venereologica}, doi = {10.2340/00015555-2031}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-149181}, pages = {596-599}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Treatment of recalcitrant cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) is challenging. In situations where conventional treatment approaches fail mepacrine - an antimalarial/antiinfiammatory drug that has fallen into oblivion in the last decades might still be a promising option. We retrospectively analysed medical records of 10 patients with refractory CLE that were treated with mepacrine (100-200 mg/day) as mono- or combination therapy for various time intervals between 2001 and 2013 at the University Hospital Wurzburg. Mepacrine was generally well tolerated. Side effects were mild and usually resolved after reduction or cessation. Over 50\% of the patients experienced amelioration of their symptoms despite a previously recalcitrant clinical course. Altogether, our data demonstrate that mepacrine still remains a useful and effective therapeutic option for otherwise treatment-resistant CLE.}, language = {en} } @article{StoevesandtKeitaGoebeler2022, author = {Stoevesandt, Johanna and Keita, Dyamilatou Ulrike and Goebeler, Matthias}, title = {Disease-related burden and long-term outcome in orofacial granulomatosis: observations from a large single-centre cohort}, series = {Clinical and Experimental Dermatology}, volume = {47}, journal = {Clinical and Experimental Dermatology}, number = {6}, doi = {10.1111/ced.15124}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-318412}, pages = {1169 -- 1173}, year = {2022}, abstract = {There is a lack of standardized treatment recommendations for orofacial granulomatosis, a chronic inflammatory condition aetiologically related to Crohn disease. To assess clinical baseline parameters and treatment strategies, we retrospectively analysed 61 consecutive cases from our institutional database. Disease-related functional/psychological impairment and long-term outcomes were descriptively evaluated using a standardized self-reporting questionnaire. The median age of patients was 45 (7-77) years. Oral steroids were given in 41.0\% of cases, but only produced short-term disease control, while response to steroid-sparing agents was inconsistent. Only a minority of patients reported relevant disease-related functional impairment in eating (21.7\%) or speaking (4.3\%), but the majority perceived psychological distress due to the cosmetic aspects of the disease (69.6\%), comments from others (65.2\%) and/or general anxiety/insecurity (73.9\%). Regardless of the initial treatment, long-term outcomes after 71 months (range 7-304 months) were beneficial, with most patients being in complete remission (52.2\%) or reporting only mild residual swelling (43.5\%).}, language = {en} } @article{LivingstoneZarembaHornetal.2020, author = {Livingstone, E. and Zaremba, A. and Horn, S. and Ugurel, S. and Casalini, B. and Schlaak, M. and Hassel, J.C. and Herbst, R. and Utikal, J.S. and Weide, B. and Gutzmer, R. and Meier, F. and Koelsche, C. and Hadaschik, E. and Sucker, A. and Reis, H. and Merkelbach-Bruse, S. and Siewert, M. and Sahm, F. and von Deimling, A. and Cosgarea, I. and Zimmer, L. and Schadendorf, D. and Schilling, B. and Griewank, K.G.}, title = {GNAQ and GNA11 mutant nonuveal melanoma: a subtype distinct from both cutaneous and uveal melanoma}, series = {British Journal of Dermatology}, volume = {183}, journal = {British Journal of Dermatology}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1111/bjd.18947}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-215434}, pages = {928 -- 939}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Background GNAQ and GNA11 mutant nonuveal melanoma represent a poorly characterized rare subgroup of melanoma with a gene mutation profile similar to uveal melanoma. Objectives To characterize these tumours in terms of clinical behaviour and genetic characteristics. Methods Patients with nonuveal GNAQ/11 mutated melanoma were identified from the prospective multicentre tumour tissue registry ADOREG, Tissue Registry in Melanoma (TRIM) and additional cooperating skin cancer centres. Extensive data on patient, tumour and treatment characteristics were collected retrospectively. Targeted sequencing was used to determine tumour mutational burden. Immunohistochemistry staining was performed for programmed death-ligand 1 and BRCA1-associated protein (BAP)1. Existing whole-exome cutaneous and uveal melanoma data were analysed for mutation type and burden. Results We identified 18 patients with metastatic GNAQ/11 mutant nonuveal melanoma. Tumours had a lower tumour mutational burden and fewer ultraviolet signature mutations than cutaneous melanomas. In addition to GNAQ and GNA11 mutations (nine each), six splicing factor 3b subunit 1 (SF3B1), three eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A X-linked (EIF1AX) and four BAP1 mutations were detected. In contrast to uveal melanoma, GNAQ/11 mutant nonuveal melanomas frequently metastasized lymphatically and concurrent EIF1AX, SF3B1 and BAP1 mutations showed no apparent association with patient prognosis. Objective response to immunotherapy was poor with only one partial response observed in 10 treated patients (10\%). Conclusions Our findings suggest that GNAQ/11 mutant nonuveal melanomas are a subtype of melanoma that is both clinically and genetically distinct from cutaneous and uveal melanoma. As they respond poorly to available treatment regimens, novel effective therapeutic approaches for affected patients are urgently needed. What is already known about this topic? The rare occurrence of GNAQ/11 mutations in nonuveal melanoma has been documented. GNAQ/11 mutant nonuveal melanomas also harbour genetic alterations in EIF1AX, SF3B1 and BAP1 that are of prognostic relevance in uveal melanoma. What does this study add? GNAQ/11 mutant nonuveal melanomas show metastatic spread reminiscent of cutaneous melanoma, but not uveal melanoma. GNAQ/11 mutant nonuveal melanomas have a low tumour mutational burden that is higher than uveal melanoma, but lower than cutaneous melanoma. What is the translational message? Primary GNAQ/11 mutant nonuveal melanomas are a subtype of melanoma that is clinically and genetically distinct from both cutaneous and uveal melanoma. As metastatic GNAQ/11 mutant nonuveal melanomas respond poorly to available systemic therapies, including immune checkpoint inhibition, novel therapeutic approaches for these tumours are urgently needed.}, language = {en} } @article{HammWilsmannTheisTsianakasetal.2021, author = {Hamm, H. and Wilsmann-Theis, D. and Tsianakas, A. and Gambichler, T. and Taipale, K. and Lauterbach, J. and Freudensprung, U. and Makepeace, C.}, title = {Efficacy and safety of fumaric acid esters in young patients aged 10-17 years with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis: a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial}, series = {British Journal of Dermatology}, volume = {185}, journal = {British Journal of Dermatology}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1111/bjd.19747}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-258318}, pages = {62-73}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background Apart from biologics, no systemic drugs are approved in Europe for children with moderate-to-severe psoriasis. Retrospective observational studies have shown promising results for fumaric acid esters (FAE) in this setting. Objectives To show superiority of FAE over placebo in terms of treatment response after 20 weeks in children and adolescents aged 10-17 years. Methods In a multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase IIIb study, patients aged 10-17 years with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis requiring systemic therapy were randomized 2 : 1 to receive FAE (n = 91) or placebo (n = 43) over 20 weeks, followed by an open-label FAE treatment phase. The coprimary endpoints were ≥ 75\% improvement in Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI 75) and Physician's Global Assessment (PGA) score of 0 or 1 (clear or almost clear) at week 20. The study was registered with EudraCT number 2012-000035-82. Results At week 20, 55\% [95\% confidence interval (CI) 0·44-0·65] of FAE-treated patients achieved a PASI 75 response vs. 19\% (95\% CI 0·08-0·33) in the placebo group (absolute difference 36\%, 95\% CI 0·20-0·53; P < 0·001). In total, 42\% (95\% CI 0·32-0·53) in the FAE group vs. 7\% (95\% CI 0·01-0·19) in the placebo group achieved a PGA score of 0 or 1 at week 20 (absolute difference 35\%, 95\% CI 0·21-0·49; P < 0·001). During the double-blind period, drug-related adverse events occurred more frequently in patients receiving FAE compared with placebo (76\% vs. 47\%). Gastrointestinal disorders were the most common adverse events. Conclusions FAE administered over a period of 20 weeks demonstrated a better response than placebo; the difference was statistically significant and clinically meaningful. Application up to 40 weeks was generally well tolerated. However, further studies are required.}, language = {en} } @article{StrobelSickenbergerSchoenetal.2022, author = {Strobel, Katharina and Sickenberger, Christina and Schoen, Christoph and Kneitz, Hermann and Kolb-M{\"a}urer, Annette and Goebeler, Matthias}, title = {Diagnosis and therapy of Mycobacterium marinum: a single-center 21-year retrospective analysis}, series = {Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft}, volume = {20}, journal = {Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft}, number = {9}, doi = {10.1111/ddg.14847}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-318428}, pages = {1211 -- 1218}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background and Objectives In Europe, infections with Mycobacterium (M.) marinum are rare. We conducted a retrospective single-center study to assess the clinical spectrum of M. marinum infection and its diagnosis, treatment and outcome under real-world conditions. Patients and Methods Eighteen patients presenting with M. marinum infections between 1998 and 2018 were identified in the data warehouse of the University Hospital W{\"u}rzburg and considered for detailed analysis. Results Twelve patients reported aquatic exposure. In 16/18 cases the upper extremities were affected. No invasive infections were detected. Mean time to diagnosis was 15 weeks. Histology revealed granulomatous inflammation in 14 patients while mycobacterial cultures were positive for M. marinum in 16 cases. Most patients received antibiotic monotherapy (14/18) while combination therapy was administered in four cases. Treatment (with a median duration of 10 weeks) was successful in 13 patients. Five patients were lost to follow-up. Conclusions Our retrospective analysis of M. marinum infections at a German tertiary referral center revealed a considerable diagnostic delay and the relevance of microbiological culture, PCR and histology for diagnosis. Monotherapy with clarithromycin (rather than doxycycline) appeared as a reasonable treatment option while immunosuppressed or -compromised patients and those with extended disease received combination therapy.}, language = {en} } @article{FringsGoebelerSchillingetal.2021, author = {Frings, Verena Gerlinde and Goebeler, Matthias and Schilling, Bastian and Kneitz, Hermann}, title = {Aberrant cytoplasmic connexin43 expression as a helpful marker in vascular neoplasms}, series = {Journal of Cutaneous Pathology}, volume = {48}, journal = {Journal of Cutaneous Pathology}, number = {11}, doi = {10.1111/cup.14066}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-258412}, pages = {1335-1341}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background Gap junctions consisting of connexins (Cx) are fundamental in controlling cell proliferation, differentiation, and cell death. Cx43 is the most broadly expressed Cx in humans and is attributed an important role in skin tumor development. Its role in cutaneous vascular neoplasms is yet unknown. Methods Fifteen cases each of cutaneous angiosarcoma (cAS), Kaposi sarcoma (KS), and cherry hemangioma (CH) were assessed by immunohistochemistry for expression of Cx43. Expression pattern, intensity, and percentage of positively stained cells were analyzed. Solid basal cell carcinomas served as positive and healthy skin as negative controls. Results Most cases of cAS presented with a strong Cx43 staining of almost all tumor cells, whereas endothelia of KS showed medium expression and CH showed mostly weak expression. In comparison with KS or cAS, the staining intensity of CH was significantly lower (P ≤ 0.001). All tissue sections of both cAS and KS were characterized by a mostly diffuse, cytoplasmic staining pattern of the vascular endothelia. None of those showed nuclear staining. Conclusion The high-to-intermediate expression of Cx43 observed in all cases of cAS and KS suggests that this Cx may play a role in the development of malignant vascular neoplasms and serve as a helpful diagnostic marker.}, language = {en} } @article{ThomannSchneiderCyranetal.2021, author = {Thomann, Anna Sophie and Schneider, Theresa and Cyran, Laura and Eckert, Ina Nathalie and Kerstan, Andreas and Lutz, Manfred B.}, title = {Conversion of Anergic T Cells Into Foxp3\(^-\) IL-10\(^+\) Regulatory T Cells by a Second Antigen Stimulus In Vivo}, series = {Frontiers in Immunology}, volume = {12}, journal = {Frontiers in Immunology}, issn = {1664-3224}, doi = {10.3389/fimmu.2021.704578}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-241429}, year = {2021}, abstract = {T cell anergy is a common mechanism of T cell tolerance. However, although anergic T cells are retained for longer time periods in their hosts, they remain functionally passive. Here, we describe the induction of anergic CD4\(^+\) T cells in vivo by intravenous application of high doses of antigen and their subsequent conversion into suppressive Foxp3\(^-\) IL-10\(^+\) Tr1 cells but not Foxp3\(^+\) Tregs. We describe the kinetics of up-regulation of several memory-, anergy- and suppression-related markers such as CD44, CD73, FR4, CD25, CD28, PD-1, Egr-2, Foxp3 and CTLA-4 in this process. The conversion into suppressive Tr1 cells correlates with the transient intracellular CTLA-4 expression and required the restimulation of anergic cells in a short-term time window. Restimulation after longer time periods, when CTLA-4 is down-regulated again retains the anergic state but does not lead to the induction of suppressor function. Our data require further functional investigations but at this stage may suggest a role for anergic T cells as a circulating pool of passive cells that may be re-activated into Tr1 cells upon short-term restimulation with high and systemic doses of antigen. It is tentative to speculate that such a scenario may represent cases of allergen responses in non-allergic individuals.}, language = {en} } @article{KolbMaeurerSunderkoetterKukowskietal.2019, author = {Kolb-M{\"a}urer, Annette and Sunderk{\"o}tter, Cord and Kukowski, Borries and Meuth, Sven G.}, title = {An update on Peginterferon beta-1a Management in Multiple Sclerosis: results from an interdisciplinary Board of German and Austrian Neurologists and dermatologists}, series = {BMC Neurology}, volume = {19}, journal = {BMC Neurology}, doi = {10.1186/s12883-019-1354-y}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-224646}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Background: Interferon (IFN) beta drugs have been approved for the treatment of relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (RMS) for more than 20years and are considered to offer a favourable benefit-risk profile. In July 2014, subcutaneous (SC) peginterferon beta-1a 125g dosed every 2weeks, a pegylated form of interferon beta-1a, was approved by the EMA for the treatment of adult patients with RRMS and in August 2014 by the FDA for RMS. Peginterferon beta-1a shows a prolonged half-life and increased systemic drug exposure resulting in a reduced dosing frequency compared to other available interferon-based products in MS. In the Phase 3 ADVANCE trial peginterferon beta-1a demonstrated significant positive effects on clinical and MRI outcome measures versus placebo after one year. Furthermore, in the ATTAIN extension study, sustained efficacy with long-term treatment for nearly 6years was shown. Main text In July 2016, an interdisciplinary panel of German and Austrian experts convened to discuss the management of side effects associated with peginterferon beta-1a and other interferon beta-based treatments in MS in daily practice. The panel was composed of experts from university hospitals and private clinics comprised of neurologists, dermatologists, and an MS nurse. In this paper we report recommendations regarding best practices for adverse event management, focussing on peginterferon beta-1a. Injection site reactions (ISRs) and influenza-like illness are the most common adverse effects of interferon beta therapies and can present a burden for MS patients leading to non-adherence and discontinuation of therapy. Peginterferon beta-1a shows improved pharmacological properties. In clinical trials, the adverse event (AE) profile of peginterferon beta-1a was similar to other interferon beta formulations. The most common AEs were mild to moderate ISRs, influenza-like illness, pyrexia, and headache. Current information on the underlying cause of skin reactions associated with SC interferon treatment, and the management strategies for these AEs are limited. In pivotal trials, ISRs were mainly characterized and classified by neurologists, while dermatologists were only rarely consulted. Conclusions This report addresses expert recommendations on the management of most relevant adverse effects related to peginterferon beta-1a and other interferon betas, based on literature and interdisciplinary experience.}, language = {en} } @article{WobserRothAppenzelleretal.2021, author = {Wobser, Marion and Roth, Sabine and Appenzeller, Silke and Houben, Roland and Schrama, David and Goebeler, Matthias and Geissinger, Eva and Rosenwald, Andreas and Maurus, Katja}, title = {Targeted deep sequencing of mycosis fungoides reveals intracellular signaling pathways associated with aggressiveness and large cell transformation}, series = {Cancers}, volume = {13}, journal = {Cancers}, number = {21}, issn = {2072-6694}, doi = {10.3390/cancers13215512}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-250094}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Introduction: Large-cell transformation (LCT) of mycosis fungoides (MF) has been associated with a higher risk of relapse and progression and, consequently, restricted prognosis. Its molecular pathogenesis has not been elucidated yet. Materials and Methods: In order to address molecular mechanisms of LCT, we performed hybrid capture panel-based sequencing of skin biopsies from 10 patients suffering from MF with LCT versus 17 patients without LCT including follow-up biopsies during clinical course, respectively (51 samples in total). The analyzed patients were attributed to three different groups based on the presence of LCT and clinical behavior. Results: While indolent MF cases without LCT did not show pathogenic driver mutations, a high rate of oncogenic alterations was detected in patients with LCT and aggressive clinical courses. Various genes of different oncogenic signaling pathways, including the MAPK and JAK-STAT signaling pathways, as well as epigenetic modifiers were affected. A high inter-individual and distinctive intra-individual mutation diversity was observed. Oncogenic RAS mutations were exclusively detected in patients with LCT. Conclusion: Our data demonstrate that LCT transition of MF is associated with increased frequency of somatic mutations in cancer-associated genes. In particular, the activation of RAS signaling — together with epigenetic dysregulation — may crucially contribute to the molecular pathogenesis of the LCT phenotype, thus conveying its adverse clinical behavior.}, language = {en} } @article{StoevesandtHospKerstanetal.2017, author = {Stoevesandt, Johanna and Hosp, Christine and Kerstan, Andreas and Trautmann, Axel}, title = {Safety of 100 µg venom immunotherapy rush protocols in children compared to adults}, series = {Allergy, Asthma \& Clinical Immunology}, volume = {13}, journal = {Allergy, Asthma \& Clinical Immunology}, number = {32}, doi = {10.1186/s13223-017-0204-y}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-157830}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Background: There is a paucity of studies examining the safety of venom immunotherapy (VIT) in children. We aimed to assess the incidence of anaphylactic side effects during rush VIT in a cohort of pediatric patients and adult controls. Methods: 72 consecutive cycles of VIT-buildup in 71 children/adolescents aged 7-17 years were retrospectively evaluated and compared to an adult control group (n = 981) with regard to baseline parameters (sex, causative venom, severity of index sting reaction, results of allergy testing, comorbidities) and the incidence of anaphylactic adverse reactions. Results: Compared to adults, severe index sting-induced anaphylaxis was significantly less common in children (P = .001). Children were more likely to suffer from bee venom allergy (P < .001) and showed higher levels of bee venom-specific IgE (P = .013), but lower serum tryptase concentrations (P = .014). The overall rate of VIT-induced anaphylactic reactions was higher in children than in adults (6.9\% vs 2.5\%, P = .046 by univariate analysis). In the final binary logistic regression model, however, only bee VIT (P = .039; odds ratio 2.25; confidence interval 1.04-4.87) and 5-day compared to 3-day buildup protocols (P = .011; odds ratio 2.64; confidence interval 1.25-5.57) were associated with an increased risk of treatment-induced anaphylaxis. All pediatric patients finally reached and tolerated the target maintenance dose of 100 µg. Conclusions: The higher anaphylactic reaction rate observed in pediatric patients may be attributed to a greater prevalence of bee venom allergy. VIT-induced anaphylaxis in children is usually mild and does not affect further updosing and maintenance of VIT.}, language = {en} } @article{GlutschGraenWeberetal.2019, author = {Glutsch, Valerie and Gr{\"a}n, Franziska and Weber, Judith and Gesierich, Anja and Goebeler, Matthias and Schilling, Bastian}, title = {Response to combined ipilimumab and nivolumab after development of a nephrotic syndrome related to PD-1 monotherapy}, series = {Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer}, volume = {7}, journal = {Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer}, doi = {10.1186/s40425-019-0655-4}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201214}, pages = {181}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Background High response rates of metastatic melanoma have been reported upon immune checkpoint inhibition by PD-1 blockade alone or in combination with CTLA-4 inhibitors. However, the majority of patients with a primary resistance to anti-PD-1 monotherapy is also refractory to a subsequent combined checkpoint inhibition. In BRAF wildtype patients with a primary resistance to PD-1 inhibitors, therapeutic options are therefore limited and immune-related adverse events (irAE) have to be taken into consideration when discussing a subsequent immunotherapy. Case presentation We report the case of a 68-year-old male patient with metastatic melanoma who experienced an acute renal failure with nephrotic syndrome due to a minimal change disease developing after a single dose of the anti-PD-1 antibody pembrolizumab. A kidney biopsy revealed a podocytopathy without signs of interstitial nephritis. Renal function recovered to almost normal creatinine and total urine protein levels upon treatment with oral steroids and diuretics. Unfortunately, a disease progression (PD, RECIST 1.1) was observed in a CT scan after resolution of the irAE. In a grand round, re-exposure to a PD-1-containing regime was recommended. Consensually, a combined immunotherapy with ipilimumab and nivolumab was initiated. Nephrotoxicity was tolerable during combined immunotherapy and a CT scan of chest and abdomen showed a deep partial remission (RECIST 1.1) after three doses of ipilimumab (3 mg/kg) and nivolumab (1 mg/kg). Conclusion This case illustrates that a fulminant response to combined checkpoint inhibition is possible after progression after anti-PD-1 monotherapy and a severe irAE.}, language = {en} } @article{HoeslFroehlichPoschetal.2021, author = {Hoesl, Christine and Fr{\"o}hlich, Thomas and Posch, Christian and Kneitz, Hermann and Goebeler, Matthias and Schneider, Marlon R. and Dahlhoff, Maik}, title = {The transmembrane protein LRIG1 triggers melanocytic tumor development following chemically induced skin carcinogenesis}, series = {Molecular Oncology}, volume = {15}, journal = {Molecular Oncology}, number = {8}, doi = {10.1002/1878-0261.12945}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-238925}, pages = {2140 -- 2155}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The incidence of melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancer has increased tremendously in recent years. Although novel treatment options have significantly improved patient outcomes, the prognosis for most patients with an advanced disease remains dismal. It is, thus, imperative to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in skin carcinogenesis in order to develop new targeted treatment strategies. Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK) like the ERBB receptor family, including EGFR/ERBB1, ERBB2/NEU, ERBB3, and ERBB4, are important regulators of skin homeostasis and their dysregulation often results in cancer, which makes them attractive therapeutic targets. Members of the leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains protein family (LRIG1-3) are ERBB regulators and thus potential therapeutic targets to manipulate ERBB receptors. Here, we analyzed the function of LRIG1 during chemically induced skin carcinogenesis in transgenic mice expressing LRIG1 in the skin under the control of the keratin 5 promoter (LRIG1-TG mice). We observed a significant induction of melanocytic tumor formation in LRIG1-TG mice and no difference in papilloma incidence between LRIG1-TG and control mice. Our findings also revealed that LRIG1 affects ERBB signaling via decreased phosphorylation of EGFR and increased activation of the oncoprotein ERBB2 during skin carcinogenesis. The epidermal proliferation rate was significantly decreased during epidermal tumorigenesis under LRIG1 overexpression, and the apoptosis marker cleaved caspase 3 was significantly activated in the epidermis of transgenic LRIG1 mice. Additionally, we detected LRIG1 expression in human cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma samples. Therefore, we depleted LRIG1 in human melanoma cells (A375) by CRISPR/Cas9 technology and found that this caused EGFR and ERBB3 downregulation in A375 LRIG1 knockout cells 6 h following stimulation with EGF. In conclusion, our study demonstrated that LRIG1-TG mice develop melanocytic skin tumors during chemical skin carcinogenesis and a deletion of LRIG1 in human melanoma cells reduces EGFR and ERBB3 expression after EGF stimulation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jonas2023, author = {Jonas, Wenzel Till}, title = {Komparative Analyse des Einflusses zielgerichteter Therapeutika auf den immunologischen Ph{\"a}notyp im BRAF-V600-mutierten Melanom}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32323}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-323239}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die Einf{\"u}hrung von zielgerichteter Therapie und Immuntherapie hat die Behandlungsm{\"o}glichkeiten des Melanoms revolutioniert. Jedoch profitieren viele Patienten nicht langfristig von diesen Therapien. Derzeit werden klinische Studien durchgef{\"u}hrt, die zielgerichtete Therapie und Immuntherapie miteinander kombinieren. In dieser Arbeit wurden in vitro Untersuchungen an den drei BRAF-V600E-mutieren Melanomzelllinien UACC 257, Malme 3M und Sk-Mel 5 unter kombinierter MAPK-Inhibitortherapie durchgef{\"u}hrt. Es wurden die aus der klinischen Routine bekannten Kombinationen aus BRAF- und MEK-Inhibitor - Vemurafenib und Cobimetinib, Dabrafenib und Trametinib sowie Encorafenib und Binimetinib - verwendet. Es wurde untersucht, ob obige zielgerichtete Therapeutika einen Effekt auf immunologische Marker im Melanom haben und ob sich eine der Kombinationen in ihrer Wirkung signifikant von den {\"u}brigen unterscheidet. Mittels MTS-Assay und Zellzyklusanalysen konnte eine konzentrationsabh{\"a}ngige Wirkung der Inhibitoren gezeigt und in ihrer Wirkung vergleichbare Inhibitorkonzentrationen eingestellt werden. Unter kombinierter MAPK-Inhibitortherapie zeigte sich ein begrenzter Effekt auf die theoretische Immunogenit{\"a}t des Melanoms. So konnte eine erh{\"o}hte MHC-I-Expression (+14 \%) und eine verminderte PD-L1-Expression (-24 \%) gezeigt werden. Die gew{\"a}hlten Dosen an Inhibitoren induzierten keinen ER-Stress. Ebenso konnte keine Ekto-Calreticulin-Expression auf lebenden Zellen nachgewiesen werden. Zwischen den drei Inhibitorkombinationen zeigten sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede. Die in dieser Arbeit gezeigten begrenzten immunologischen Effekte unter kombinierter MAPK-Inhibitortherapie legen nahe, dass eine Kombination mit Immuntherapie in Teilen synergistisch wirken k{\"o}nnte. Hier sind die Ergebnisse weiterer Studien abzuwarten, die zielgerichtete und Immuntherapie miteinander kombinieren, um ein tiefgreifenderes Verst{\"a}ndnis bzgl. etwaiger Synergien zu generieren. Da zwischen den Inhibitorkombinationen keine signifikanten Unterschiede hinsichtlich ihrer Wirkung auf die Immunogenit{\"a}t des Melanoms gefunden wurden, ist anzunehmen, dass sie sich grunds{\"a}tzlich alle gleichermaßen f{\"u}r eine Kombination mit einer Immuntherapie eignen. Die gezeigte MHC-I-Erh{\"o}hung trat bereits bei geringen Inhibitorkonzentrationen auf. M{\"o}glicherweise gen{\"u}gt bei einer Kombination mit Immuntherapie bereits eine niedrige Dosis der zielgerichteten Therapie, um die Immuntherapie zu boostern. Um die Frage nach einer m{\"o}glichen Kombinationstherapie fortw{\"a}hrend zu analysieren, sollten zus{\"a}tzliche Aspekte der Immunogenit{\"a}t unter kombinierter MAPK-Inhibitortherapie untersucht und die Inhibitortitration zum Vergleich der zielgerichteten Therapeutika weiter pr{\"a}zisiert werden.}, subject = {Melanom}, language = {de} } @article{KirstenOhmGehrdauetal.2022, author = {Kirsten, Natalia and Ohm, Frenz and Gehrdau, Kathrin and Girbig, Gefion and Stephan, Brigitte and Ben-Anaya, Nesrine and Pinter, Andreas and Bechara, Falk G. and Presser, Dagmar and Zouboulis, Christos C. and Augustin, Matthias}, title = {Switching from adalimumab originator to biosimilar in patients with hidradenitis suppurativa results in losses of response — data from the German HS registry HSBest}, series = {Life}, volume = {12}, journal = {Life}, number = {10}, issn = {2075-1729}, doi = {10.3390/life12101518}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-288213}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Since 2021, adalimumab biosimilar ABP 501 can be used alternatively to adalimumab originator (ADAO) in the treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa (HS). Effectiveness and safety data remain scarce. We investigated the impact of switching from ADAO to ABP 501 on disease severity and the occurrence of adverse events (AEs) in patients with HS. We analyzed clinical data on patients enrolled in the German HSBest registry. Evaluation outcomes were assessed at three time points (baseline of originator (t0), prior to switching to biosimilar (t1) and 12 to 14 weeks after switching (t2)) and included patient-reported AEs and disease severity using the International Hidradenitis Suppurativa Severity Score System (IHS4) score. In total, 94 patients were switched from ADAO to ABP 501. Overall, 33.3\% (n = 31/94) of the patients developed AEs and/or loss of response (LoR) within 12 to 14 weeks after switching. Of these, 61.3\% (n = 19/31) experienced LoR but no AEs, 22.6\% (n = 7/31) LoR combined with AEs and 16.1\% (n = 5/31) AEs only. Our study showed that switching HS patients from ADAO to ABP 501 does significantly affect treatment effectiveness. Switching patients who are on remission maintenance therapy should be viewed critically.}, language = {en} } @article{BanickaMartensPanzeretal.2022, author = {Banicka, Veronika and Martens, Marie Christine and Panzer, R{\"u}diger and Schrama, David and Emmert, Steffen and Boeckmann, Lars and Thiem, Alexander}, title = {Homozygous CRISPR/Cas9 knockout generated a novel functionally active exon 1 skipping XPA variant in melanoma cells}, series = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, volume = {23}, journal = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, number = {19}, issn = {1422-0067}, doi = {10.3390/ijms231911649}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-290427}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Defects in DNA repair pathways have been associated with an improved response to immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI). In particular, patients with the nucleotide excision repair (NER) defect disease Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) responded impressively well to ICI treatment. Recently, in melanoma patients, pretherapeutic XP gene expression was predictive for anti-programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) ICI response. The underlying mechanisms of this finding are still to be revealed. Therefore, we used CRISPR/Cas9 to disrupt XPA in A375 melanoma cells. The resulting subclonal cell lines were investigated by Sanger sequencing. Based on their genetic sequence, candidates from XPA exon 1 and 2 were selected and further analyzed by immunoblotting, immunofluorescence, HCR and MTT assays. In XPA exon 1, we established a homozygous (c.19delG; p.A7Lfs*8) and a compound heterozygous (c.19delG/c.19_20insG; p.A7Lfs*8/p.A7Gfs*55) cell line. In XPA exon 2, we generated a compound heterozygous mutated cell line (c.206_208delTTG/c.208_209delGA; p.I69_D70delinsN/p.D70Hfs*31). The better performance of the homozygous than the heterozygous mutated exon 1 cells in DNA damage repair (HCR) and post-UV-C cell survival (MTT), was associated with the expression of a novel XPA protein variant. The results of our study serve as the fundamental basis for the investigation of the immunological consequences of XPA disruption in melanoma.}, language = {en} } @article{RauschenbergerSchmittAzeemetal.2019, author = {Rauschenberger, Tabea and Schmitt, Viola and Azeem, Muhammad and Klein-Hessling, Stefan and Murti, Krisna and Gr{\"a}n, Franziska and Goebeler, Matthias and Kerstan, Andreas and Klein, Matthias and Bopp, Tobias and Serfling, Edgar and Muhammad, Khalid}, title = {T cells control chemokine secretion by keratinocytes}, series = {Frontiers in Immunology}, volume = {10}, journal = {Frontiers in Immunology}, number = {1917}, issn = {1664-3224}, doi = {10.3389/fimmu.2019.01917}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-195695}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The massive infiltration of lymphocytes into the skin is a hallmark of numerous human skin disorders. By co-culturing murine keratinocytes with splenic T cells we demonstrate here that T cells affect and control the synthesis and secretion of chemokines by keratinocytes. While pre-activated CD8\(^+\)T cells induce the synthesis of CXCL9 and CXCL10 in keratinocytes and keep in check the synthesis of CXCL1, CXCL5, and CCL20, keratinocytes dampen the synthesis of CCL3 and CCL4 in pre-activated CD8\(^+\)T cells. One key molecule is IFN-γ that is synthesized by CD8\(^+\)T cells under the control of NFATc1 and NFATc2. CD8\(^+\)T cells deficient for both NFAT factors are unable to induce CXCL9 and CXCL10 expression. In addition, CD8\(^+\)T cells induced numerous type I IFN-inducible "defense genes" in keratinocytes encoding the PD1 and CD40 ligands, TNF-α and caspase-1. The enhanced expression of type I IFN-inducible genes resembles the gene expression pattern at the dermal/epidermal interface in lichen planus, an inflammatory T lymphocyte-driven skin disease, in which we detected the expression of CXCL10 in keratinocytes in close vicinity to the infiltration front of T cells. These data reflect the multifaceted interplay of lymphocytes with keratinocytes at the molecular level.}, language = {en} } @article{KosnopfelSinnbergSaueretal.2020, author = {Kosnopfel, Corinna and Sinnberg, Tobias and Sauer, Birgit and Niessner, Heike and Muenchow, Alina and Fehrenbacher, Birgit and Schaller, Martin and Mertens, Peter R. and Garbe, Claus and Thakur, Basant Kumar and Schittek, Birgit}, title = {Tumour progression stage-dependent secretion of YB-1 stimulates melanoma cell migration and invasion}, series = {Cancers}, volume = {12}, journal = {Cancers}, number = {8}, issn = {2072-6694}, doi = {10.3390/cancers12082328}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-211206}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Secreted factors play an important role in intercellular communication. Therefore, they are not only indispensable for the regulation of various physiological processes but can also decisively advance the development and progression of tumours. In the context of inflammatory disease, Y-box binding protein 1 (YB-1) is actively secreted and the extracellular protein promotes cell proliferation and migration. In malignant melanoma, intracellular YB-1 expression increases during melanoma progression and represents an unfavourable prognostic marker. Here, we show active secretion of YB-1 from melanoma cells as opposed to benign cells of the skin. Intriguingly, YB-1 secretion correlates with the stage of melanoma progression and depends on a calcium- and ATP-dependent non-classical secretory pathway leading to the occurrence of YB-1 in the extracellular space as a free protein. Along with an elevated YB-1 secretion of melanoma cells in the metastatic growth phase, extracellular YB-1 exerts a stimulating effect on melanoma cell migration, invasion, and tumourigenicity. Collectively, these data suggest that secreted YB-1 plays a functional role in melanoma cell biology, stimulating metastasis, and may serve as a novel biomarker in malignant melanoma that reflects tumour aggressiveness.}, language = {en} } @article{CyranSerflingKirschneretal.2022, author = {Cyran, Laura and Serfling, Julia and Kirschner, Luisa and Raifer, Hartmann and Lohoff, Michael and Hermanns, Heike M. and Kerstan, Andreas and Bodem, Jochen and Lutz, Manfred B.}, title = {Flt3L, LIF, and IL-10 combination promotes the selective in vitro development of ESAM\(^{low}\) cDC2B from murine bone marrow}, series = {European Journal of Immunology}, volume = {52}, journal = {European Journal of Immunology}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1002/eji.202149663}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-312448}, pages = {1946 -- 1960}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The development of two conventional dendritic cells (DC) subsets (cDC1 and cDC2) and the plasmacytoid DC (pDC) in vivo and in cultures of bone marrow (BM) cells is mediated by the growth factor Flt3L. However, little is known about the factors that direct the development of the individual DC subsets. Here, we describe the selective in vitro generation of murine ESAM\(^{low}\) CD103\(^{-}\) XCR1\(^{-}\) CD172a\(^{+}\) CD11b\(^{+}\) cDC2 from BM by treatment with a combination of Flt3L, LIF, and IL-10 (collectively named as FL10). FL10 promotes common dendritic cell progenitors (CDP) proliferation in the cultures, similar to Flt3L and CDP sorted and cultured in FL10 generate exclusively cDC2. These cDC2 express the transcription factors Irf4, Klf4, and Notch2, and their growth is reduced using BM from Irf4\(^{-/-}\) mice, but the expression of Batf3 and Tcf4 is low. Functionally they respond to TLR3, TLR4, and TLR9 signals by upregulation of the surface maturation markers MHC II, CD80, CD86, and CD40, while they poorly secrete proinflammatory cytokines. Peptide presentation to TCR transgenic OT-II cells induced proliferation and IFN-γ production that was similar to GM-CSF-generated BM-DC and higher than Flt3L-generated DC. Together, our data support that FL10 culture of BM cells selectively promotes CDP-derived ESAM\(^{low}\) cDC2 (cDC2B) development and survival in vitro.}, language = {en} } @article{KrebsBehrmannKalogirouetal.2019, author = {Krebs, Markus and Behrmann, Christoph and Kalogirou, Charis and Sokolakis, Ioannis and Kneitz, Susanne and Kruithof-de Julio, Marianna and Zoni, Eugenio and Rech, Anne and Schilling, Bastian and K{\"u}bler, Hubert and Spahn, Martin and Kneitz, Burkhard}, title = {miR-221 Augments TRAIL-mediated apoptosis in prostate cancer cells by inducing endogenous TRAIL expression and targeting the functional repressors SOCS3 and PIK3R1}, series = {BioMed Research International}, volume = {2019}, journal = {BioMed Research International}, doi = {10.1155/2019/6392748}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-202480}, pages = {6392748}, year = {2019}, abstract = {miR-221 is regarded as an oncogene in many malignancies, and miR-221-mediated resistance towards TRAIL was one of the first oncogenic roles shown for this small noncoding RNA. In contrast, miR-221 is downregulated in prostate cancer (PCa), thereby implying a tumour suppressive function. By using proliferation and apoptosis assays, we show a novel feature of miR-221 in PCa cells: instead of inducing TRAIL resistance, miR-221 sensitized cells towards TRAIL-induced proliferation inhibition and apoptosis induction. Partially responsible for this effect was the interferon-mediated gene signature, which among other things contained an endogenous overexpression of the TRAIL encoding gene TNFSF10. This TRAIL-friendly environment was provoked by downregulation of the established miR-221 target gene SOCS3. Moreover, we introduced PIK3R1 as a target gene of miR-221 in PCa cells. Proliferation assays showed that siRNA-mediated downregulation of SOCS3 and PIK3R1 mimicked the effect of miR-221 on TRAIL sensitivity. Finally, Western blotting experiments confirmed lower amounts of phospho-Akt after siRNA-mediated downregulation of PIK3R1 in PC3 cells. Our results further support the tumour suppressing role of miR-221 in PCa, since it sensitises PCa cells towards TRAIL by regulating the expression of the oncogenes SOCS3 and PIK3R1. Given the TRAIL-inhibiting effect of miR-221 in various cancer entities, our results suggest that the influence of miR-221 on TRAIL-mediated apoptosis is highly context- and entity-dependent.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmid2018, author = {Schmid, Corinna}, title = {p53-Inaktivierung im Melanom - ein therapeutischer Ansatzpunkt?}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-157853}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Die Therapiem{\"o}glichkeiten f{\"u}r Patienten im Melanom Stadium IV sind nach wie vor begrenzt und die Erkrankung nur selten heilbar. Eine m{\"o}gliche Ziel¬struktur in der Melanom¬therapie der Zukunft k{\"o}nnte das im Melanom h{\"a}ufig genetisch wild¬typisch vorliegende p53 sein. F{\"u}r vorliegende Arbeit wurden humane Melanomzelllinien, welche stabil mit einem p53-Reportergenkonstrukt transduziert waren, hinsichtlich ihrer p53-Expression, -Akti-vit{\"a}t und -Akti¬vierbarkeit untersucht. Alle verwendeten Melanom¬zell¬¬¬linien exprimierten p53 un¬ab¬h{\"a}ngig vom p53-Mutations¬status. Drei der sieben untersuchten p53-wild¬typischen Melanomzelllinien zeigten keine oder nur sehr niedrige p53-Reporter¬gen¬aktivit{\"a}t. Die anderen vier p53-wildtypischen Zelllinien dagegen waren durch hohe, mittels p53-Knockdown unterdr{\"u}ckbare Reportergen¬expression gekennzeichnet. Die Proliferation dieser Zellen in Gegenwart von aktivem p53 belegt, dass Melanomzellen eine hohe Toleranz gegen{\"u}ber diesem Tumor¬suppressor besitzen k{\"o}nnen. Eine weitere Steige¬rung der p53-Expression und -Aktivit{\"a}t durch die Hemmung von MDM2 (mouse double minute 2) mit der Substanz Nutlin-3a f{\"u}hrte in den Zellen mit messbarer p53-Aktivit{\"a}t jedoch zu einem G1-Zell¬zyklusarrest. Dies belegt die prinzipielle Eignung von p53 als m{\"o}gliche thera¬peutische Zielstruktur. Aufgrund ihrer schlechten Biover¬f{\"u}g¬barkeit und hohen Toxizit{\"a}t gelten MDM2-Inhibitoren bisher aber als ungeeignet f{\"u}r den klinischen Einsatz. Die Reduktion hoher therapeutischer Nebenwirkungen k{\"o}nnte durch eine Melanom-spezifische Reaktivierung von p53 gelingen. Eine m{\"o}gliche negativ-modulierende Wirkung des Mela¬¬nom¬¬markers TRP2 (tyrosinase-related-protein 2) auf p53 wurde im Jahr 2010 von Sendoel et al. nach Unter¬suchungen am Fadenwurm C. elegans vorgeschlagen. TRP2 wird beim metastasierten Melanom in mehr als 80 \% der F{\"a}lle exprimiert und w{\"a}re, handelte es sich beim Melanom um einen weit verbreiteten Regulationsmechanismus, ein interessantes Zielprotein, um die Aktivit{\"a}t von p53 zu steigern. Die dargestellten Ergeb¬nisse zeigen, dass TRP2 zwar in vier von f{\"u}nf Melanomzelllinien exprimiert wurde, die Unterdr{\"u}ckung der TRP2-Expression jedoch weder spezifischen Einfluss auf die p53-Expression noch auf die p53-Reportergenaktivit{\"a}t zeigte. Auch das ver{\"a}nderte Wachs¬tums¬¬¬verhalten der Zellen nach Unterdr{\"u}ckung von TRP2 mittels drei unterschiedlicher shRNAs konnte im Rescue-Experiment, bei dem TRP nach seinem Knockdown ektop exprimiert wurde, keinem spezifischen Effekt von TRP2 auf die p53-Expression oder p53-Reporteraktivit{\"a}t zugeordnet werden. Auch in der TRP2-negativen Zelllinie f{\"u}hrte die ektope TRP2-Expression nicht zu einer verminderten p53-Expression oder -Aktivit{\"a}t. F{\"u}r das im Gegensatz zu MDM2 deutlich melanomspezifischere TRP2 konnte demensprechend kein sicherer regulatorischer Zusammenhang mit p53 dargestellt werden. Weitere Untersuchungen m{\"u}ssen zeigen, welche Bedeutung wildtypischem p53 im Melanom zukommt und ob sich weitere m{\"o}gliche p53-Regulatoren als therapeutische Angriffspunkte eignen.}, subject = {Melanom}, language = {de} } @article{AlrefaiMuhammadRudolfetal.2016, author = {Alrefai, Hani and Muhammad, Khalid and Rudolf, Ronald and Pham, Duong Anh Thuy and Klein-Hessling, Stefan and Patra, Amiya K. and Avots, Andris and Bukur, Valesca and Sahin,, Ugur and Tenzer, Stefan and Goebeler, Matthias and Kerstan, Andreas and Serfling, Edgar}, title = {NFATc1 supports imiquimod-induced skin inflammation by suppressing IL-10 synthesis in B cells}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {7}, journal = {Nature Communications}, doi = {10.1038/ncomms11724}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-173053}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Epicutaneous application of Aldara cream containing the TLR7 agonist imiquimod (IMQ) to mice induces skin inflammation that exhibits many aspects of psoriasis, an inflammatory human skin disease. Here we show that mice depleted of B cells or bearing interleukin (IL)-10-deficient B cells show a fulminant inflammation upon IMQ exposure, whereas ablation of NFATc1 in B cells results in a suppression of Aldara-induced inflammation. In vitro, IMQ induces the proliferation and IL-10 expression by B cells that is blocked by BCR signals inducing NFATc1. By binding to HDAC1, a transcriptional repressor, and to an intronic site of the Il10 gene, NFATc1 suppresses IL-10 expression that dampens the production of tumour necrosis factor-α and IL-17 by T cells. These data indicate a close link between NFATc1 and IL-10 expression in B cells and suggest NFATc1 and, in particular, its inducible short isoform, NFATc1/αA, as a potential target to treat human psoriasis.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kervarrec2020, author = {Kervarrec, Thibault}, title = {Histogenesis of Merkel cell carcinoma}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19975}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-199750}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare and aggressive skin cancer. In approximately 80\% of cases, genomic integration of the Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV) is observed and overexpression of the two MCPyV T antigens (TAgs) is regarded as the main oncogenic determinant of MCPyV-positive MCC cases. However, the nature of the cells from which MCC arises is unknown. Therefore, the goal of the present work was to determine the cell of origin of MCC. First, we characterized MCC patients' tumors and demonstrated a high similarity of MCPyV- negative MCC with extracutaneous neuroendocrine carcinoma while MCPyV-positive MCC differs from these two groups with respect to morphology, immunohistochemical profile, genetics, origin and behavior. Based on the analysis of a trichoblastoma/MCC combined tumor, we demonstrated that a MCPyV-positive MCC can arise following MCPyV integration in an epithelial cell. In addition, the high similarity between trichoblastoma cells and Merkel cell (MC) progenitors of the hair follicle suggests that these hair follicle cells may represent a general start point for the development of MCPyV-positive MCC. A contribution of the viral TAgs to the development of the characteristic Merkel cell-like MCC phenotype is suggested by experiments demonstrating induction of Merkel cell markers upon TAg expression in human primary keratinocytes or hair follicle cells. As potential mechanisms mediating these phenotypic changes, we identified the capability of MCPyV LT to repress degradation of master regulator of MC development, i.e. the transcription factor ATOH1. To conclude, our work suggests that MCPyV integration in epithelial cells of the hair follicle may represent an important path for MCC development.}, subject = {Merkel-Zellkarzinom}, language = {en} } @article{BallinHotzBourratetal.2019, author = {Ballin, Nadja and Hotz, Alrun and Bourrat, Emmanuelle and K{\"u}sel, Julia and Oji, Vinzenz and Bouadjar, Bakar and Brognoli, Davide and Hickman, Geoffroy and Heinz, Lisa and Vabres, Pierre and Marrakchi, Slaheddine and Leclerc-Mercier, St{\´e}phanie and Irvine, Alan and Tadini, Gianluca and Hamm, Henning and Has, Cristina and Blume-Peytavi, Ulrike and Mitter, Diana and Reitenbach, Marina and Hausser, Ingrid and Zimmer, Andreas D. and Alter, Svenja and Fischer, Judith}, title = {Genetical, clinical, and functional analysis of a large international cohort of patients with autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis due to mutations in NIPAL4}, series = {Human Mutation}, volume = {40}, journal = {Human Mutation}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1002/humu.23883}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-212747}, pages = {2318-2333}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis (ARCI) belongs to a heterogeneous group of disorders of keratinization. To date, 10 genes have been identified to be causative for ARCI. NIPAL4 (Nipa-Like Domain-Containing 4) is the second most commonly mutated gene in ARCI. In this study, we present a large cohort of 101 families affected with ARCI carrying mutations in NIPAL4. We identified 16 novel mutations and increase the total number of pathogenic mutations in NIPAL4 to 34. Ultrastructural analysis of biopsies from six patients showed morphological abnormalities consistent with an ARCI EM type III. One patient with a homozygous splice site mutation, which leads to a loss of NIPAL4 mRNA, showed additional ultrastructural aberrations together with a more severe clinical phenotype. Our study gives insights into the frequency of mutations, a potential hot spot for mutations, and genotype-phenotype correlations.}, language = {en} } @article{ThiemHesbacherKneitzetal.2019, author = {Thiem, Alexander and Hesbacher, Sonja and Kneitz, Hermann and di Primio, Teresa and Heppt, Markus V. and Hermanns, Heike M. and Goebeler, Matthias and Meierjohann, Svenja and Houben, Roland and Schrama, David}, title = {IFN-gamma-induced PD-L1 expression in melanoma depends on p53 expression}, series = {Journal of Experimental \& Clinical Cancer Research}, volume = {38}, journal = {Journal of Experimental \& Clinical Cancer Research}, doi = {10.1186/s13046-019-1403-9}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201016}, pages = {397}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Background Immune checkpoint inhibition and in particular anti-PD-1 immunotherapy have revolutionized the treatment of advanced melanoma. In this regard, higher tumoral PD-L1 protein (gene name: CD274) expression is associated with better clinical response and increased survival to anti-PD-1 therapy. Moreover, there is increasing evidence that tumor suppressor proteins are involved in immune regulation and are capable of modulating the expression of immune checkpoint proteins. Here, we determined the role of p53 protein (gene name: TP53) in the regulation of PD-L1 expression in melanoma. Methods We analyzed publicly available mRNA and protein expression data from the cancer genome/proteome atlas and performed immunohistochemistry on tumors with known TP53 status. Constitutive and IFN-ɣ-induced PD-L1 expression upon p53 knockdown in wildtype, TP53-mutated or JAK2-overexpressing melanoma cells or in cells, in which p53 was rendered transcriptionally inactive by CRISPR/Cas9, was determined by immunoblot or flow cytometry. Similarly, PD-L1 expression was investigated after overexpression of a transcriptionally-impaired p53 (L22Q, W23S) in TP53-wt or a TP53-knockout melanoma cell line. Immunoblot was applied to analyze the IFN-ɣ signaling pathway. Results For TP53-mutated tumors, an increased CD274 mRNA expression and a higher frequency of PD-L1 positivity was observed. Interestingly, positive correlations of IFNG mRNA and PD-L1 protein in both TP53-wt and -mutated samples and of p53 and PD-L1 protein suggest a non-transcriptional mode of action of p53. Indeed, cell line experiments revealed a diminished IFN-ɣ-induced PD-L1 expression upon p53 knockdown in both wildtype and TP53-mutated melanoma cells, which was not the case when p53 wildtype protein was rendered transcriptionally inactive or by ectopic expression of p53\(^{L22Q,W23S}\), a transcriptionally-impaired variant, in TP53-wt cells. Accordingly, expression of p53\(^{L22Q,W23S}\) in a TP53-knockout melanoma cell line boosted IFN-ɣ-induced PD-L1 expression. The impaired PD-L1-inducibility after p53 knockdown was associated with a reduced JAK2 expression in the cells and was almost abrogated by JAK2 overexpression. Conclusions While having only a small impact on basal PD-L1 expression, both wildtype and mutated p53 play an important positive role for IFN-ɣ-induced PD-L1 expression in melanoma cells by supporting JAK2 expression. Future studies should address, whether p53 expression levels might influence response to anti-PD-1 immunotherapy.}, language = {en} } @article{OroujiPeitschOroujietal.2020, author = {Orouji, Elias and Peitsch, Wiebke K. and Orouji, Azadeh and Houben, Roland and Utikal, Jochen}, title = {Oncogenic role of an epigenetic reader of m\(^6\)A RNA modification: YTHDF1 in Merkel cell carcinoma}, series = {Cancers}, volume = {12}, journal = {Cancers}, number = {1}, issn = {2072-6694}, doi = {10.3390/cancers12010202}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-200815}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Merkel cell carcinoma is a deadly skin cancer, which in the majority of cases is caused by the Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV). The viral small T antigen is regarded as the dominant oncoprotein expressed in the tumor cells. We used genomic screening of copy number aberrations along with transcriptomic analysis to investigate regions with amplification that harbor differentially expressed genes. We identified YTHDF1, a protein that is a reader of N\(^6\)-methyladenosine (m\(^6\)A) RNA modifications, to have high copy gains and to be highly expressed in Merkel cell carcinoma. Importantly, we identified the presence of m\(^6\)A on small T antigen mRNA suggesting a relation between YTHDF1 amplification and MCPyV gene expression. Interestingly, knockdown of YTHDF1 in Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) cell lines negatively affected the translation initiation factor eIF3 and reduced proliferation and clonogenic capacity in vitro. Furthermore, analysis of survival data revealed worse overall survival in YTHDF1\(^{high}\) MCC patients compared to YTHDF1\(^{low}\) patients. Our findings indicate a novel oncogenic role of YTHDF1 through m\(^6\)A machinery in the tumorigenesis of MCC.}, language = {en} } @article{FanZebischHornyetal.2020, author = {Fan, Kaiji and Zebisch, Armin and Horny, Kai and Schrama, David and Becker, J{\"u}rgen C.}, title = {Highly expressed miR-375 is not an intracellular oncogene in Merkel cell polyomavirus-associated Merkel cell carcinoma}, series = {Cancers}, volume = {12}, journal = {Cancers}, number = {3}, issn = {2072-6694}, doi = {10.3390/cancers12030529}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-200678}, year = {2020}, abstract = {miR-375 is a highly abundant miRNA in Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC). In other cancers, it acts as either a tumor suppressor or oncogene. While free-circulating miR-375 serves as a surrogate marker for tumor burden in patients with advanced MCC, its function within MCC cells has not been established. Nearly complete miR-375 knockdown in MCC cell lines was achieved using antagomiRs via nucleofection. The cell viability, growth characteristics, and morphology were not altered by this knockdown. miR-375 target genes and related signaling pathways were determined using Encyclopedia of RNA Interactomes (ENCORI) revealing Hippo signaling and epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT)-related genes likely to be regulated. Therefore, their expression was analyzed by multiplexed qRT-PCR after miR-375 knockdown, demonstrating only a limited change in expression. In summary, highly effective miR-375 knockdown in classical MCC cell lines did not significantly change the cell viability, morphology, or oncogenic signaling pathways. These observations render miR-375 an unlikely intracellular oncogene in MCC cells, thus suggesting that likely functions of miR-375 for the intercellular communication of MCC should be addressed.}, language = {en} } @article{RitterFanPaulsonetal.2016, author = {Ritter, Cathrin and Fan, Kaiji and Paulson, Kelly G. and Nghiem, Paul and Schrama, David and Becker, J{\"u}rgen C.}, title = {Reversal of epigenetic silencing of MHC class I chain-related protein A and B improves immune recognition of Merkel cell carcinoma}, series = {Scientific Reports}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, number = {21678}, edition = {6}, doi = {10.1038/srep21678}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-167992}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a virally associated cancer characterized by its aggressive behavior and strong immunogenicity. Both viral infection and malignant transformation induce expression of MHC class I chain-related protein (MIC) A and B, which signal stress to cells of the immune system via Natural Killer group 2D (NKG2D) resulting in elimination of target cells. However, despite transformation and the continued presence of virally-encoded proteins, MICs are only expressed in a minority of MCC tumors in situ and are completely absent on MCC cell lines in vitro. This lack of MIC expression was due to epigenetic silencing via MIC promoter hypo-acetylation; indeed, MIC expression was re-induced by pharmacological inhibition of histone deacetylases (HDACs) both in vitro and in vivo. This re-induction of MICs rendered MCC cells more sensitive to immune-mediated lysis. Thus, epigenetic silencing of MICs is an important immune escape mechanism of MCCs.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Geiseler2019, author = {Geiseler, Marina}, title = {Klinische, histopathologische und immunph{\"a}notypische Charakterisierung der CD4+ klein-/mittelgroßzelligen kutanen T-Zell-Lymphoproliferation}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18411}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-184112}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Innerhalb der Gruppe der kutanen T-Zell-Lymphome ist die CD4+ klein-/mittelgroßzellige T-Zell-Lymphoproliferation (SMTCL) eine seltene und bisher als provisorisch erfasste Entit{\"a}t. Um genauere Kenntnisse zu Klinik und Verlauf, Histologie und Immunph{\"a}notyp zu gewinnen, untersuchten wir in dieser Fallserie an 95 F{\"a}llen entsprechende Charakteristika. Dabei konnten alle der bisher provisorisch definierten Eigenschaften der SMTCL best{\"a}tigt werden. Lediglich die 5-Jahre-{\"U}berlebensrate zeigte sich mit 100\% weitaus h{\"o}her als die in der WHO-/EORTC-Klassifikation angegebenen 60-80\%. Diese Best{\"a}tigung der provisorisch definierten Eigenschaften an einem gr{\"o}ßeren Kollektiv kann dazu beitragen, dass die SMTCL in die n{\"a}chste Version der WHO-Klassifikation - durch ausreichende Daten gest{\"u}tzt - als definitive Entit{\"a}t aufgenommen werden kann. Insgesamt konnten in dieser Studie einige Faktoren, die mit einem weniger indolenten Krankheitsverlauf assoziiert sind, identifiziert werden. So zeigten klinisch ein initial bestehender generalisierter Hautbefall sowie eine extrafaziale Lokalisation der L{\"a}sion einen weniger indolenten Verlauf an. Auch Patienten, bei denen ein Verlust von CD2, CD3 oder CD5 bei den Tumorzellen festgestellt wurde, wiesen einen f{\"u}r die CD4+ SMTCL ungew{\"o}hnlichen und weniger indolenten Krankheitsverlauf mit h{\"a}ufigeren Rezidiven und seltenerem Erreichen einer kompletten Remission auf. Histopathologisch schien eine oberfl{\"a}chlichere Infiltrattiefe des Pr{\"a}parates sowie das Vorhandensein eines fokalen Epidermotropismus einen negativen prognostischen Wert zu besitzen. Bez{\"u}glich des Gesamt{\"u}berlebens hatten allerdings auch Patienten mit einem der identifizierten negativen prognostischen Faktoren eine exzellente Prognose. Bei Vorliegen eines dieser negativen Faktoren sollte jedoch eine engmaschigere klinische {\"U}berwachung erfolgen.}, subject = {Hautlymphom}, language = {de} } @article{FusiPaudelMederetal.2022, author = {Fusi, Lorenza and Paudel, Rupesh and Meder, Katharina and Schlosser, Andreas and Schrama, David and Goebeler, Matthias and Schmidt, Marc}, title = {Interaction of transcription factor FoxO3 with histone acetyltransferase complex subunit TRRAP modulates gene expression and apoptosis}, series = {Journal of Biological Chemistry}, volume = {298}, journal = {Journal of Biological Chemistry}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1016/j.jbc.2022.101714}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-299820}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Forkhead box O (FoxO) transcription factors are conserved proteins involved in the regulation of life span and age-related diseases, such as diabetes and cancer. Stress stimuli or growth factor deprivation promotes nuclear localization and activation of FoxO proteins, which—depending on the cellular context—can lead to cell cycle arrest or apoptosis. In endothelial cells (ECs), they further regulate angiogenesis and may promote inflammation and vessel destabilization implicating a role of FoxOs in vascular diseases. In several cancers, FoxOs exert a tumor-suppressive function by regulating proliferation and survival. We and others have previously shown that FoxOs can regulate these processes via two different mechanisms: by direct binding to forkhead-responsive elements at the promoter of target genes or by a poorly understood alternative process that does not require direct DNA binding and regulates key targets in primary human ECs. Here, we performed an interaction study in ECs to identify new nuclear FoxO3 interaction partners that might contribute to FoxO-dependent gene regulation. Mass spectrometry analysis of FoxO3-interacting proteins revealed transformation/transcription domain-associated protein (TRRAP), a member of multiple histone acetyltransferase complexes, as a novel binding partner of FoxO family proteins. We demonstrate that TRRAP is required to support FoxO3 transactivation and FoxO3-dependent G1 arrest and apoptosis in ECs via transcriptional activation of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27\(^{kip1}\) and the proapoptotic B-cell lymphoma 2 family member, BIM. Moreover, FoxO-TRRAP interaction could explain FoxO-induced alternative gene regulation via TRRAP-dependent recruitment to target promoters lacking forkhead-responsive element sequences.}, language = {en} } @article{SchrueferStoevesandtTrautmann2022, author = {Schr{\"u}fer, Philipp and Stoevesandt, Johanna and Trautmann, Axel}, title = {Outcome of a de-labelling algorithm compared with results of penicillin (β-lactam) allergy testing}, series = {Allergy, Asthma \& Clinical Immunology}, volume = {18}, journal = {Allergy, Asthma \& Clinical Immunology}, issn = {1710-1484}, doi = {10.1186/s13223-022-00659-1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-299840}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background Penicillin allergy labels frequently impede guideline-directed treatment with a penicillin or other β-lactam antibiotics. Despite presumed allergy, targeted questioning may indicate a low probability of sensitization and permit reasonably safe administration of the antibiotic in question. In this study, we evaluated a standardized algorithm aiming to differentiate non-allergic patients from those with true allergic β-lactam hypersensitivity. Methods We retrospectively applied a de-labelling algorithm in 800 consecutive patients with suspected β-lactam hypersensitivity. All had undergone complete allergy work-up permitting to definitely exclude or diagnose β-lactam allergy between 2009 and 2019. Results In 595 (74.4\%) out of 800 cases evaluated, β-lactam allergy could be excluded by negative challenge testing. IgE-mediated anaphylaxis was diagnosed in 70 (8.7\%) patients, delayed-type hypersensitivity in 135 (16.9\%). In 62 (88.6\%) anaphylaxis cases, the algorithm correctly advised to use an alternative antibiotic. Accuracy was higher in patients with moderate to severe anaphylaxis (97.7\%) compared to those with a history of mild reactions (73.1\%). The algorithm correctly identified 122 (90.4\%) patients with proven delayed-type hypersensitivity. It permitted de-labelling in 330 (55.5\%) out of 595 patients with diagnostic exclusion of penicillin hypersensitivity, but failed to identify the remaining 265 (44.5\%) as low-risk cases. Conclusions The algorithm detected 89.8\% of cases with penicillin (β-lactam) allergy, sensitivity was optimal for moderate to severe anaphylaxis. Study data justify the implementation of a standardized de-labelling algorithm under close supervision in order to permit guideline-directed treatment and reduce the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics as part of an antibiotic stewardship program.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wendlinger2023, author = {Wendlinger, Simone Alice}, title = {Function of Peripheral Blood Eosinophils in Melanoma}, publisher = {Cancers (Basel)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30119}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301194}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Despite accounting for only a small proportion of all skin cancers, malignant melanoma displays a serious health risk with increasing incidence and high mortality rate. Fortunately, advances in the treatment of malignant melanoma now prolong survival and enhance response and treatment efficacy. Established biomarkers help evaluate disease progression and facilitate choosing appropriate and individual treatment options. However, the need for easily accessible and reliable biomarkers is rising to predict patient-specific clinical outcome. Eosinophil infiltration into the tumor and high peripheral eosinophil counts prior and during treatment have been associated with better response in patients for various cancer entities, including melanoma. An analysis of a heterogeneous study cohort reported high serum ECP levels in non-responders. Hence, eosinophil frequency and serum ECP as a soluble eosinophil-secreted mediator were suggested as prognostic biomarkers in melanoma. We examined whether melanoma patients treated with first-line targeted therapy could also benefit from the effects of eosinophils. In total, 243 blood and serum samples from patients with advanced melanoma were prospectively and retrospectively collected before and after drug initiation. To link eosinophil function to improved clinical outcome, soluble serum markers and peripheral blood counts were used for correlative studies using a homogeneous study cohort. In addition, functional and phenotypical characterizations provided insights into the expression profile and activity of freshly isolated eosinophils, including comparisons between patients and healthy donors. Our data showed a significant correlation between high pre-treatment blood eosinophil counts and improved response to targeted therapy and by trend to combinatorial immunotherapy in patients with metastatic melanoma. In accordance with previous studies our results links eosinophil blood counts to better response in melanoma patients. High pre-treatment ECP serum concentration correlated with response to immunotherapy but not to targeted therapy. Eosinophils from healthy donors and patients showed functional and phenotypical similarities. Functional assays revealed a strong cytotoxic potential of blood eosinophils towards melanoma cells in vitro, inducing apoptosis and necrosis. In addition, in vitro cytotoxicity was an active process of peripheral eosinophils and melanoma cells with bidirectional features and required close cell-cell interaction. The extent of cytotoxicity was dose-dependent and showed susceptibility to changes in physical factors like adherence. Importantly, we provide evidence of an additive tumoricidal function of eosinophils and combinatorial targeted therapy in vitro. In summary, we give valuable insights into the complex and treatment-dependent role of eosinophils in melanoma. As a result, our data support the suggestion of eosinophils and their secreted mediators as potential prognostic biomarkers. It will take additional studies to examine the molecular mechanisms that underlie our findings.}, subject = {Melanom}, language = {en} } @article{MaurusKosnopfelKneitzetal.2022, author = {Maurus, K. and Kosnopfel, C. and Kneitz, H. and Appenzeller, S. and Schrama, D. and Glutsch, V. and Roth, S. and Gerhard-Hartmann, E. and Rosenfeldt, M. and M{\"o}hrmann, L. and Fr{\"o}hlich, M. and H{\"u}bschmann, D. and Stenzinger, A. and Glimm, H. and Fr{\"o}hling, S. and Goebeler, M. and Rosenwald, A. and Kutzner, H. and Schilling, B.}, title = {Cutaneous epithelioid haemangiomas show somatic mutations in the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway}, series = {British Journal of Dermatology}, volume = {186}, journal = {British Journal of Dermatology}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1111/bjd.20869}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-258333}, pages = {553-563}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background Epithelioid haemangioma (EH) arising from the skin is a benign vascular tumour with marked inflammatory cell infiltration, which exhibits a high tendency to persist and frequently recurs after resection. So far, the underlying pathogenesis is largely elusive. Objectives To identify genetic alterations by next-generation sequencing and/or droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR) in cutaneous EH. Methods DNA and RNA from an EH lesion of an index patient were subjected to whole-genome and RNA sequencing. Multiplex PCR-based panel sequencing of genomic DNA isolated from archival formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue of 18 patients with cutaneous EH was performed. ddPCR was used to confirm mutations. Results We identified somatic mutations in genes of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway (MAP2K1 and KRAS) in cutaneous EH biopsies. By ddPCR we could confirm the recurrent presence of activating, low-frequency mutations affecting MAP2K1. In total, nine out of 18 patients analysed showed activating MAPK pathway mutations, which were mutually exclusive. Comparative analysis of tissue areas enriched for lymphatic infiltrate or aberrant endothelial cells, respectively, revealed an association of these mutations with the presence of endothelial cells. Conclusions Taken together, our data suggest that EH shows somatic mutations in genes of the MAPK pathway which might contribute to the formation of this benign tumour.}, language = {en} } @article{EsnaultSchramaHoubenetal.2022, author = {Esnault, Clara and Schrama, David and Houben, Roland and Guy{\´e}tant, Serge and Desgranges, Audrey and Martin, Camille and Berthon, Patricia and Viaud-Massuard, Marie-Claude and Touz{\´e}, Antoine and Kervarrec, Thibault and Samimi, Mahtab}, title = {Antibody-drug conjugates as an emerging therapy in oncodermatology}, series = {Cancers}, volume = {14}, journal = {Cancers}, number = {3}, issn = {2072-6694}, doi = {10.3390/cancers14030778}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-262192}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are an emerging class of therapeutics, with twelve FDA- and EMA-approved drugs for hematological and solid cancers. Such drugs consist in a monoclonal antibody linked to a cytotoxic agent, allowing a specific cytotoxicity to tumor cells. In recent years, tremendous progress has been observed in therapeutic approaches for advanced skin cancer patients. In this regard, targeted therapies (e.g., kinase inhibitors) or immune checkpoint-blocking antibodies outperformed conventional chemotherapy, with proven benefit to survival. Nevertheless, primary and acquired resistances as well as adverse events remain limitations of these therapies. Therefore, ADCs appear as an emerging therapeutic option in oncodermatology. After providing an overview of ADC design and development, the goal of this article is to review the potential ADC indications in the field of oncodermatology.}, language = {en} } @article{GrimmHufnagelWobseretal.2018, author = {Grimm, Johannes and Hufnagel, Anita and Wobser, Marion and Borst, Andreas and Haferkamp, Sebastian and Houben, Roland and Meierjohann, Svenja}, title = {BRAF inhibition causes resilience of melanoma cell lines by inducing the secretion of FGF1}, series = {Oncogenesis}, volume = {7}, journal = {Oncogenesis}, number = {71}, doi = {10.1038/s41389-018-0082-2}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-177261}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Approximately half of all melanoma patients harbour activating mutations in the serine/threonine kinase BRAF. This is the basis for one of the main treatment strategies for this tumor type, the targeted therapy with BRAF and MEK inhibitors. While the initial responsiveness to these drugs is high, resistance develops after several months, frequently at sites of the previously responding tumor. This indicates that tumor response is incomplete and that a certain tumor fraction survives even in drug-sensitive patients, e.g., in a therapy-induced senescence-like state. Here, we show in several melanoma cell lines that BRAF inhibition induces a secretome with stimulating effect on fibroblasts and naive melanoma cells. Several senescence-associated factors were found to be transcribed and secreted in response to BRAF or MEK inhibition, among them members of the fibroblast growth factor family. We identified the growth factor FGF1 as mediator of resilience towards BRAF inhibition, which limits the pro-apoptotic effects of the drug and activates fibroblasts to secrete HGF. FGF1 regulation was mediated by the PI3K pathway and by FRA1, a direct target gene of the MAPK pathway. When FGFR inhibitors were applied in parallel to BRAF inhibitors, resilience was broken, thus providing a rationale for combined therapeutical application.}, language = {en} } @article{WallstabeBussemerGroeberBeckeretal.2020, author = {Wallstabe, Julia and Bussemer, Lydia and Groeber-Becker, Florian and Freund, Lukas and Alb, Mirian and Dragan, Mariola and Waaga-Gasser, Ana Maria and Jakubietz, Rafael and Kneitz, Hermann and Rosenwald, Andreas and Rebhan, Silke and Walles, Heike and Mielke, Stephan}, title = {Inflammation-Induced Tissue Damage Mimicking GvHD in Human Skin Models as Test Platform for Immunotherapeutics}, series = {ALTEX}, volume = {37}, journal = {ALTEX}, number = {3}, doi = {10.14573/altex.1907181}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-229974}, pages = {429-440}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Due to the rapidly increasing development and use of cellular products, there is a rising demand for non-animal-based test platforms to predict, study and treat undesired immunity. Here, we generated human organotypic skin models from human biopsies by isolating and expanding keratinocytes, fibroblasts and microvascular endothelial cells and seeding these components on a collagen matrix or a biological vascularized scaffold matrix in a bioreactor. We then were able to induce inflammation-mediated tissue damage by adding pre-stimulated, mismatched allogeneic lymphocytes and/or inflammatory cytokine-containing supernatants histomorphologically mimicking severe graft versus host disease (GvHD) of the skin. This could be prevented by the addition of immunosuppressants to the models. Consequently, these models harbor a promising potential to serve as a test platform for the prediction, prevention and treatment of GvHD. They also allow functional studies of immune effectors and suppressors including but not limited to allodepleted lymphocytes, gamma-delta T cells, regulatory T cells and mesenchymal stromal cells, which would otherwise be limited to animal models. Thus, the current test platform, developed with the limitation that no professional antigen presenting cells are in place, could greatly reduce animal testing for investigation of novel immune therapies.}, language = {en} } @article{HeitmannFringsGeieretal.2021, author = {Heitmann, Johanna and Frings, Verena G. and Geier, Andreas and Goebeler, Matthias and Kerstan, Andreas}, title = {Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and psoriasis - is there a shared proinflammatory network?}, series = {Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft}, volume = {19}, journal = {Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft}, number = {4}, doi = {10.1111/ddg.14425}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-258424}, pages = {517-528}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Psoriasis is an immune-mediated systemic inflammatory disease that is not limited to the skin but may be associated with arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome including diabetes and obesity and, as identified more recently, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) that occurs in approximately 50 \% of all patients with psoriasis. NAFLD is characterized by accumulation of fat in hepatocytes in the absence of excessive alcohol consumption. Over the last two decades, NAFLD has developed to the most common chronic liver disease with an estimated prevalence of 25 \% in the Western population. NAFLD ranges from non-inflammatory or bland hepatic steatosis to inflammation of hepatic tissue (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, NASH) and consecutive liver fibrosis. It is controversial whether the underlying systemic inflammation of psoriasis is contributing to development of NAFLD or if comorbid diseases such as obesity enhance NAFLD development. Recent findings indicate that cytokine-mediated inflammation through TNFα, interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-17 might be the common link between psoriasis and NAFLD. Considering the shared inflammatory pathways, IL-17 pharmacological blockade, which is already well-established for psoriasis, may be a promising strategy to treat both psoriasis and NAFLD. Therefore, early detection of NAFLD and a better understanding of its pathophysiology in the context of the systemic inflammation in psoriasis is important with regard to individualized treatment approaches.}, language = {en} } @article{IckrathStoevesandtSchulmeyeretal.2021, author = {Ickrath, Franziska and Stoevesandt, Johanna and Schulmeyer, Lena and Glatzel, Caroline and Goebeler, Matthias and Kerstan, Andreas}, title = {Metastatic Crohn's disease: an underestimated entity}, series = {Journal of the German Society of Dermatology}, volume = {19}, journal = {Journal of the German Society of Dermatology}, number = {7}, doi = {10.1111/ddg.14447}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-258435}, pages = {973-982}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Cutaneous metastatic Crohn's disease (MCD) is a rare but challenging dermatologic manifestation of Crohn's disease. It is histologically defined as the presence of non-caseating granulomas at skin sites separated from and non-contiguous to the gastrointestinal tract. Cutaneous metastatic Crohn's disease should be distinguished from the much more frequent contiguous cutaneous manifestations of Crohn's disease that present at perianal or, less common, peristomal sites with direct extension from the intestine to the adjacent skin. Versatile clinical presentation and the fact that occurrence can predate the initial diagnosis of Crohn's disease may lead to misdiagnosis, delayed treatment and underreporting. As case numbers are small and randomized controlled studies on management are lacking, the therapeutic approach remains challenging and is often unsatisfactory. We here performed a systematic literature search identifying 264 published pediatric and adult cases of MCD and additionally report three of our own cases. Our review summarizes clinical characteristics, putative etiopathology, histologic findings, differential diagnoses and treatment options for MCD.}, language = {en} } @article{StepulaKoenigWangetal.2020, author = {Stepula, Elzbieta and K{\"o}nig, Matthias and Wang, Xin-Ping and Levermann, Janina and Schimming, Tobias and Kasimir-Bauer, Sabine and Schilling, Bastian and Schl{\"u}cker, Sebastian}, title = {Localization of PD-L1 on single cancer cells by iSERS microscopy with Au/Au core/satellite nanoparticles}, series = {Journal of Biophotonics}, volume = {13}, journal = {Journal of Biophotonics}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1002/jbio.201960034}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-212655}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Programmed cell death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) is an important predictive biomarker. The detection of PD-L1 can be crucial for patients with advanced cancer where the use of immunotherapy is considered. Here, we demonstrate the use of immuno-SERS microscopy (iSERS) for localizing PD-L1 on single cancer SkBr-3 cells. A central advantage of iSERS is that the disturbing autofluorescence from cells and tissues can be efficiently minimized by red to near-infrared laser excitation. In this study we employed Au/Au core/satellite nanoparticles as SERS nanotags because of their remarkable signal brightness and colloidal stability upon red laser excitation. False-color iSERS images of the positive and negative controls clearly reveal the specific localization of PD-L1 with SERS nanotag-labeled antibodies.}, language = {en} } @article{WeberGlutschGeissingeretal.2020, author = {Weber, J. and Glutsch, V. and Geissinger, E. and Haug, L. and Lock, J.F. and Schneider, F. and Kneitz, H. and Goebeler, M. and Schilling, B. and Gesierich, A.}, title = {Neoadjuvant immunotherapy with combined ipilimumab and nivolumab in patients with melanoma with primary or in transit disease}, series = {British Journal of Dermatology}, volume = {183}, journal = {British Journal of Dermatology}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1111/bjd.18739}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-213520}, pages = {559-563}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The introduction of new therapeutic agents has revolutionized the treatment of metastatic melanoma. The approval of adjuvant anti-programmed death-1 monotherapy with nivolumab or pembrolizumab, and dabrafenib plus trametinib has recently set a new landmark in the treatment of stage III melanoma. Now, clinical trials have shown that immune checkpoint blockade can be performed in a neoadjuvant setting, an approach established as a standard therapeutic approach for other tumour entities such as breast cancer. Recent studies suggest that a pathological response achieved by neoadjuvant immunotherapy is associated with long-term tumour control and that short neoadjuvant application of checkpoint inhibitors may be superior to adjuvant therapy. Most recently, neoadjuvant ipilimumab plus nivolumab in stage III melanoma was reported. With two courses of dose-optimized ipilimumab (1 mg kg-1) combined with nivolumab (3 mg kg-1), pathological responses were observed in 77\% of patients, while only 20\% of patients experienced grade 3 or 4 adverse events. However, the neoadjuvant trials employing combined immune checkpoint blockade conducted so far have excluded patients with in transit metastases, a common finding in stage III melanoma. Here we report four patients with in transit metastases or an advanced primary tumour who have been treated with neoadjuvant ipilimumab plus nivolumab according to the OpACIN-neo trial scheme (arm B). All patients achieved radiological disease control and a pathological response. None of the patients has relapsed so far.}, language = {en} } @article{KochPetzoldWesselyetal.2022, author = {Koch, Elias A. T. and Petzold, Anne and Wessely, Anja and Dippel, Edgar and Gesierich, Anja and Gutzmer, Ralf and Hassel, Jessica C. and Haferkamp, Sebastian and K{\"a}hler, Katharina C. and Knorr, Harald and Kreuzberg, Nicole and Leiter, Ulrike and Loquai, Carmen and Meier, Friedegund and Meissner, Markus and Mohr, Peter and Pf{\"o}hler, Claudia and Rahimi, Farnaz and Schadendorf, Dirk and Schell, Beatrice and Schlaak, Max and Terheyden, Patrick and Thoms, Kai-Martin and Schuler-Thurner, Beatrice and Ugurel, Selma and Ulrich, Jens and Utikal, Jochen and Weichenthal, Michael and Ziller, Fabian and Berking, Carola and Heppt, Markus V.}, title = {Immune checkpoint blockade for metastatic uveal melanoma: re-induction following resistance or toxicity}, series = {Cancers}, volume = {14}, journal = {Cancers}, number = {3}, issn = {2072-6694}, doi = {10.3390/cancers14030518}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-254814}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Re-induction with immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) needs to be considered in many patients with uveal melanoma (UM) due to limited systemic treatment options. Here, we provide hitherto the first analysis of ICB re-induction in UM. A total of 177 patients with metastatic UM treated with ICB were included from German skin cancer centers and the German national skin cancer registry (ADOReg). To investigate the impact of ICB re-induction, two cohorts were compared: patients who received at least one ICB re-induction (cohort A, n = 52) versus those who received only one treatment line of ICB (cohort B, n = 125). In cohort A, a transient benefit of overall survival (OS) was observed at 6 and 12 months after the treatment start of ICB. There was no significant difference in OS between both groups (p = 0.1) with a median OS of 16.2 months (cohort A, 95\% CI: 11.1-23.8) versus 9.4 months (cohort B, 95\% CI: 6.1-14.9). Patients receiving re-induction of ICB (cohort A) had similar response rates compared to those receiving ICB once. Re-induction of ICB may yield a clinical benefit for a small subgroup of patients even after resistance or development of toxicities.}, language = {en} }