@phdthesis{Schneider2020, author = {Schneider, Felicitas Maria Hannelore}, title = {Vergleichende Evaluierung verschiedener Ans{\"a}tze des Memory Enhancement bei neurodegenerativen Prozessen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20756}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-207562}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Angesichts des dramatischen, weltweiten Anstiegs der Pr{\"a}valenz von Demenzerkrankungen und der aktuellen, unzureichenden Therapieans{\"a}tze ist die Bereitstellung neuer, wirkungsvoller Behandlungsoptionen von gr{\"o}ßter Bedeutung. Technologische, pharmakologische und verhaltensbasierte Verfahren des Memory Enhancement k{\"o}nnten zur L{\"o}sung dieses Problems beitragen: Hierzu z{\"a}hlt die Stammzelltransplantation, die in mehreren Tierstudien zu einer Verbesserung der Ged{\"a}chtnisfunktion f{\"u}hrte. Zudem wird seit L{\"a}ngerem an einer Impfung gegen die Alzheimer-Krankheit mittels β-Amyloid-Antik{\"o}rpern geforscht. Ein weiterer therapeutischer Ansatz f{\"u}r die Alzheimer-Krankheit besteht in der optogenetischen Stimulation spezifischer hippocampaler Engramm-Zellen, durch die bei einem Maus-Modell verloren gegangene Erinnerungen wiederhergestellt werden konnten. Unkonventionelle Pharmazeutika wie Erythropoetin f{\"u}hrten in Tierstudien und bei Patienten mit neuropsychiatrischen Erkrankungen zu einer Verbesserung der kognitiven F{\"a}higkeiten und des Ged{\"a}chtnisses. Eine Modifikation der Ern{\"a}hrung und der Einsatz von Pro- und Pr{\"a}biotika beeinflussen das Ged{\"a}chtnis {\"u}ber eine Manipulation der Darm-Hirn-Achse. Verhaltensbasierte Maßnahmen wie k{\"o}rperliche Aktivit{\"a}t und der Einsatz von Mnemotechniken stellen effektive Ans{\"a}tze des Memory Enhancement dar, welche bereits heute von gesunden Individuen implementiert werden k{\"o}nnen. F{\"u}r die Anwendung von Augmented Reality (AR) konnten kognitionsf{\"o}rdernde Wirkungen beim Lernen neuroanatomischer Themen und dem Zusammenbau von Objekten nachgewiesen werden. Besonders vielversprechend stellt sich die Entwicklung einer Ged{\"a}chtnisprothese dar, durch die vergessene Informationen bei Personen mit stattgehabtem Sch{\"a}del-Hirn-Trauma und apoplektischem Insult reaktiviert werden k{\"o}nnten. Memory Enhancement ist prinzipiell bereits heute bei gesunden und kranken Individuen anwendbar und verspricht wirksame zuk{\"u}nftige Pr{\"a}ventions- und Therapieoptionen. Ein realer Einsatz in der klinischen Praxis ist in naher Zukunft jedoch noch nicht zu erwarten.}, subject = {Neurodegeneration}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{OlivaresBaerwald2020, author = {Olivares-Baerwald, Silvana}, title = {Die Rolle von Calcineurin im Nukleus von Kardiomyozyten und ein innovativer Inhibitor als neuer therapeutischer Ansatz bei kardialer Hypertrophie}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20808}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-208080}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die Calcineurin/NFAT-Signalkaskade spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entwicklung einer kardialen Hypertrophie. Im Zytoplasma von Kardiomyozyten wird die Phosphatase Calcineurin nach Stimulierung der Zellen, z. B. durch Dehnungsreize, Angiotensin II (Ang II) oder Endothelin I (ET-1), und einen daraus folgenden intrazellul{\"a}ren Ca2+-Strom aktiviert. Dies f{\"u}hrt zur Dephosphorylierung von NFAT und zu dessen nukle{\"a}rer Translokation. In fr{\"u}heren Arbeiten von Ritter et al. wurden sowohl eine nukle{\"a}re Lokalisationssequenz (NLS) als auch eine nukle{\"a}re Exportsequenz (NES) innerhalb von Calcineurin identifiziert, die den Transport von Calcineurin zwischen dem Zytoplasma und dem Nukleus erm{\"o}glichen. Basierend auf diesen Ergebnissen wurde das Import Blocking Peptid (IBP) entwickelt. Dieses Peptid entspricht der NLS von Calcineurin und blockiert die Calcineurin-Bindungsstellen des Shuttleproteins (Karyopherins) Importin β1. So wird die Translokation von Calcineurin in den Nukleus unterbunden und die Signalkaskade zur Aktivierung von Hypertrophie-Genen in Kardiomyozyten unterbrochen. Dabei blieb die Phosphatase-Aktivit{\"a}t von Calcineurin unbeeinflusst. Eines der Ziele dieser Arbeit war, IBP weiter zu optimieren und den „proof of principle" auch in vivo zu f{\"u}hren. Hierf{\"u}r wurden u. a. ein geeignetes L{\"o}sungsmittel bestimmt (biokompatibel und an die Peptidcharakteristika angepasst), die Peptidstruktur modifiziert (Erh{\"o}hung der Spezifit{\"a}t/Wirksamkeit) und die erforderliche Dosis weiter eingegrenzt (Belastungs- und Kostenreduktion). Unter Verwendung einer TAMRA-markierten Wirkstoffvariante konnten der Weg des Peptids in M{\"a}usen nachverfolgt und die Ausscheidung quantifiziert werden. Aufbauend auf den Ergebnissen von Burkard et al., die die Entstehung einer konstitutiv-aktiven und nukle{\"a}ren Calcineurin-Isoform nach proteolytischer Spaltung durch Calpain nachwiesen, wurde die Rolle von Calcineurin im Zellkern genauer untersucht. Außerdem sollte die Frage beantwortet werden, wie ({\"u}ber Calcineurin?) die Herzmuskelzelle zwischen Calciumschwankungen im Zuge der Exzitations-Kontraktions-Kopplung (ECC) und vergleichsweise schwachen Calciumsignalen zur Transkriptionsteuerung unterscheidet. Mit Hilfe von nukle{\"a}ren Calcineurin-Mutanten, die einen Defekt in der Ca2+-Bindung aufwiesen, konnte die Bedeutung von Calcineurin als Calciumsensor f{\"u}r die NFAT-abh{\"a}ngige Transkription nachgewiesen werden. Im Mausmodell waren unter Hypertrophie-Bedingungen die Ca2+-Transienten in der nukle{\"a}ren Mikrodom{\"a}ne signifikant st{\"a}rker als im Zytosol, wodurch die Hypothese, dass die Aktivierung der Calcineurin/NFAT-Signalkaskade unabh{\"a}ngig von zytosolischem Ca2+ erfolgt, gest{\"u}tzt wird. Messungen von nukle{\"a}ren und zytosolischen Ca2+-Transienten in IP3-Sponge-M{\"a}usen zeigten im Vergleich zu Wildtyp-M{\"a}usen keine Erh{\"o}hung des Ca2+-Spiegels w{\"a}hrend der Diastole, was auf eine Rolle von Inositoltrisphosphat (IP3) in der Signalkaskade deutet. Außerdem zeigten isolierte Zellkerne ventrikul{\"a}rer adulter Kardiomyozyten eine erh{\"o}hte Expression des IP3-Rezeptors 2 (IP3R2) nach Ang II-Stimulierung. Diese gesteigerte Expression war abh{\"a}ngig von der Calcineurin/NFAT-Kaskade und bestand sogar 3 Wochen nach Entfernung des Ang II-Stimulus fort. Zusammenfassend l{\"a}sst sich sagen, dass nukle{\"a}res Calcineurin als ein Ca2+-Sensor agiert, dass die lokale Ca2+-Freisetzung im Kern {\"u}ber IP3-Rezeptoren detektiert wird und dass dies im Zusammenspiel mit NFAT die Transkription von Hypertrophiegenen initiiert.}, subject = {kardiale Hypertrophie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Klepsch2020, author = {Klepsch, Maximilian Andreas}, title = {Small RNA-binding complexes in Chlamydia trachomatis identified by Next-Generation Sequencing techniques}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19974}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-199741}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Chlamydia infect millions worldwide and cause infertility and blinding trachoma. Chlamydia trachomatis (C. trachomatis) is an obligate intracellular gram-negative pathogen with a significantly reduced genome. This bacterium shares a unique biphasic lifecycle in which it alternates between the infectious, metabolically inert elementary bodies (EB) and the non-infections, metabolically active replicative reticular bodies (RB). One of the challenges of working with Chlamydia is its difficult genetic accessibility. In the present work, the high-throughput method TagRNA-seq was used to differentially label transcriptional start sites (TSS) and processing sites (PSS) to gain new insights into the transcriptional landscape of C. trachomatis in a coverage that has never been achieved before. Altogether, 679 TSSs and 1067 PSSs were detected indicating its high transcriptional activity and the need for transcriptional regulation. Furthermore, the analysis of the data revealed potentially new non-coding ribonucleic acids (ncRNA) and a map of transcriptional processing events. Using the upstream sequences, the previously identified σ66 binding motif was detected. In addition, Grad-seq for C. trachomatis was established to obtain a global interactome of the RNAs and proteins of this intracellular organism. The Grad-Seq data suggest that many of the newly annotated RNAs from the TagRNA-seq approach are present in complexes. Although Chlamydia lack the known RNA-binding proteins (RBPs), e.g. Hfq and ProQ, observations in this work reveal the presence of a previously unknown RBP. Interestingly, in the gradient analysis it was found that the σ66 factor forms a complex with the RNA polymerase (RNAP). On the other hand, the σ28 factor is unbound. This is in line with results from previous studies showing that most of the genes are under control of σ66. The ncRNA IhtA is known to function via direct base pairing to its target RNA of HctB, and by doing so is influencing the chromatin condensation in Chlamydia. This study confirmed that lhtA is in no complex. On the other hand, the ncRNA ctrR0332 was found to interact with the SNF2 protein ctl0077, a putative helicase. Both molecules co-sedimented in the gradient and were intact after an aptamer-based RNA pull-down. The SWI2/SNF2 class of proteins are nucleosome remodeling complexes. The prokaryotic RapA from E. coli functions as transcription regulator by stimulating the RNAP recycling. This view might imply that the small ncRNA (sRNA) ctrR0332 is part of the global regulation network in C. trachomatis controlling the transition between EBs and RBs via interaction with the SNF2 protein ctl0077. The present work is the first study describing a global interactome of RNAs and proteins in C. trachomatis providing the basis for future interaction studies in the field of this pathogen.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kurz2020, author = {Kurz, Andreas}, title = {Correlative live and fixed cell superresolution microscopy}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19945}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-199455}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Over the last decade life sciences have made an enormous leap forward. The development of complex analytical instruments, in particular in fluorescence microscopy, has played a decisive role in this. Scientist can now rely on a wide range of imaging techniques that offer different advantages in terms of optical resolution, recording speed or living cell compatibility. With the help of these modern microscopy techniques, multi-protein complexes can be resolved, membrane receptors can be counted, cellular pathways analysed or the internalisation of receptors can be tracked. However, there is currently no universal technique for comprehensive experiment execution that includes dynamic process capture and super resolution imaging on the same target object. In this work, I built a microscope that combines two complementary imaging techniques and enables correlative experiments in living and fixed cells. With an image scanning based laser spot confocal microscope, fast dynamics in several colors with low photodamage of the cells can be recorded. This novel system also has an improved resolution of 170 nm and was thoroughly characterized in this work. The complementary technique is based on single molecule localization microscopy, which can achieve a structural resolution down to 20-30 nm. Furthermore I implemented a microfluidic pump that allows direct interaction with the sample placed on the microscope. Numerous processes such as living cell staining, living cell fixation, immunostaining and buffer exchange can be observed and performed directly on the same cell. Thus, dynamic processes of a cell can be frozen and the structures of interest can be stained and analysed with high-resolution microscopy. Furthermore, I have equipped the detection path of the single molecule technique with an adaptive optical element. With the help of a deformable mirror, imaging functions can be shaped and information on the 3D position of the individual molecules can be extracted.}, subject = {Einzelmolek{\"u}lmikroskopie}, language = {en} } @article{BlaettnerDasPaprotkaetal.2016, author = {Bl{\"a}ttner, Sebastian and Das, Sudip and Paprotka, Kerstin and Eilers, Ursula and Krischke, Markus and Kretschmer, Dorothee and Remmele, Christian W. and Dittrich, Marcus and M{\"u}ller, Tobias and Schuelein-Voelk, Christina and Hertlein, Tobias and Mueller, Martin J. and Huettel, Bruno and Reinhardt, Richard and Ohlsen, Knut and Rudel, Thomas and Fraunholz, Martin J.}, title = {Staphylococcus aureus Exploits a Non-ribosomal Cyclic Dipeptide to Modulate Survival within Epithelial Cells and Phagocytes}, series = {PLoS Pathogens}, volume = {12}, journal = {PLoS Pathogens}, number = {9}, doi = {10.1371/journal.ppat.1005857}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-180380}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Community-acquired (CA) Staphylococcus aureus cause various diseases even in healthy individuals. Enhanced virulence of CA-strains is partly attributed to increased production of toxins such as phenol-soluble modulins (PSM). The pathogen is internalized efficiently by mammalian host cells and intracellular S. aureus has recently been shown to contribute to disease. Upon internalization, cytotoxic S. aureus strains can disrupt phagosomal membranes and kill host cells in a PSM-dependent manner. However, PSM are not sufficient for these processes. Here we screened for factors required for intracellular S. aureus virulence. We infected escape reporter host cells with strains from an established transposon mutant library and detected phagosomal escape rates using automated microscopy. We thereby, among other factors, identified a non-ribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) to be required for efficient phagosomal escape and intracellular survival of S. aureus as well as induction of host cell death. By genetic complementation as well as supplementation with the synthetic NRPS product, the cyclic dipeptide phevalin, wild-type phenotypes were restored. We further demonstrate that the NRPS is contributing to virulence in a mouse pneumonia model. Together, our data illustrate a hitherto unrecognized function of the S. aureus NRPS and its dipeptide product during S. aureus infection.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vollmuth2021, author = {Vollmuth, Nadine}, title = {Role of the proto-oncogene c-Myc in the development of Chlamydia trachomatis}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20365}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-203655}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Chlamydia trachomatis, an obligate intracellular human pathogen, is the world's leading cause of infection related blindness and the most common, bacterial sexually transmitted disease. In order to establish an optimal replicative niche, the pathogen extensively interferes with the physiology of the host cell. Chlamydia switches in its complex developmental cycle between the infectious non-replicative elementary bodies (EBs) and the non-infectious replicative reticulate bodies (RBs). The transformation to RBs, shortly after entering a host cell, is a crucial process in infection to start chlamydial replication. Currently it is unknown how the transition from EBs to RBs is initiated. In this thesis, we could show that, in an axenic media approach, L glutamine uptake by the pathogen is crucial to initiate the EB to RB transition. L-glutamine is converted to amino acids which are used by the bacteria to synthesize peptidoglycan. Peptidoglycan inturn is believed to function in separating dividing Chlamydia. The glutamine metabolism is reprogrammed in infected cells in a c-Myc-dependent manner, in order to accomplish the increased requirement for L-glutamine. Upon a chlamydial infection, the proto-oncogene c-Myc gets upregulated to promote host cell glutaminolysis via glutaminase GLS1 and the L-glutamine transporter SLC1A5/ASCT2. Interference with this metabolic reprogramming leads to limited growth of C. trachomatis. Besides the active infection, Chlamydia can persist over a long period of time within the host cell whereby chronic and recurrent infections establish. C. trachomatis acquire a persistent state during an immune attack in response to elevated interferon-γ (IFN-γ) levels. It has been shown that IFN-γ activates the catabolic depletion of L-tryptophan via indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), resulting in the formation of non-infectious atypical chlamydial forms. In this thesis, we could show that IFN-γ depletes the key metabolic regulator c-Myc, which has been demonstrated to be a prerequisite for chlamydial development and growth, in a STAT1-dependent manner. Moreover, metabolic analyses revealed that the pathogen de routs the host cell TCA cycle to enrich pyrimidine biosynthesis. Supplementing pyrimidines or a-ketoglutarate helps the bacteria to partially overcome the persistent state. Together, the results indicate a central role of c-Myc induced host glutamine metabolism reprogramming and L-glutamine for the development of C. trachomatis, which may provide a basis for anti-infectious strategies. Furthermore, they challenge the longstanding hypothesis of L-tryptophan shortage as the sole reason for IFN-γ induced persistence and suggest a pivotal role of c-Myc in the control of the C. trachomatis dormancy.}, language = {en} } @article{FigueiredoKraussSteffanDewenteretal.2019, author = {Figueiredo, Ludmilla and Krauss, Jochen and Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf and Cabral, Juliano Sarmento}, title = {Understanding extinction debts: spatio-temporal scales, mechanisms and a roadmap for future research}, series = {Ecography}, volume = {42}, journal = {Ecography}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1111/ecog.04740}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-204859}, pages = {1973-1990}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Extinction debt refers to delayed species extinctions expected as a consequence of ecosystem perturbation. Quantifying such extinctions and investigating long-term consequences of perturbations has proven challenging, because perturbations are not isolated and occur across various spatial and temporal scales, from local habitat losses to global warming. Additionally, the relative importance of eco-evolutionary processes varies across scales, because levels of ecological organization, i.e. individuals, (meta)populations and (meta)communities, respond hierarchically to perturbations. To summarize our current knowledge of the scales and mechanisms influencing extinction debts, we reviewed recent empirical, theoretical and methodological studies addressing either the spatio-temporal scales of extinction debts or the eco-evolutionary mechanisms delaying extinctions. Extinction debts were detected across a range of ecosystems and taxonomic groups, with estimates ranging from 9 to 90\% of current species richness. The duration over which debts have been sustained varies from 5 to 570 yr, and projections of the total period required to settle a debt can extend to 1000 yr. Reported causes of delayed extinctions are 1) life-history traits that prolong individual survival, and 2) population and metapopulation dynamics that maintain populations under deteriorated conditions. Other potential factors that may extend survival time such as microevolutionary dynamics, or delayed extinctions of interaction partners, have rarely been analyzed. Therefore, we propose a roadmap for future research with three key avenues: 1) the microevolutionary dynamics of extinction processes, 2) the disjunctive loss of interacting species and 3) the impact of multiple regimes of perturbation on the payment of debts. For their ability to integrate processes occurring at different levels of ecological organization, we highlight mechanistic simulation models as tools to address these knowledge gaps and to deepen our understanding of extinction dynamics.}, language = {en} } @article{StiebKelberWehneretal.2011, author = {Stieb, Sara Mae and Kelber, Christina and Wehner, R{\"u}diger and R{\"o}ssler, Wolfgang}, title = {Antennal-Lobe Organization in Desert Ants of the Genus Cataglyphis}, series = {Brain, Behavior and Evolution}, volume = {77}, journal = {Brain, Behavior and Evolution}, number = {3}, issn = {0006-8977}, doi = {10.1159/000326211}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-196815}, pages = {136-146}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Desert ants of the genus Cataglyphis possess remarkable visual navigation capabilities. Although Cataglyphis species lack a trail pheromone system, Cataglyphis fortis employs olfactory cues for detecting nest and food sites. To investigate potential adaptations in primary olfactory centers of the brain of C. fortis, we analyzed olfactory glomeruli (odor processing units) in their antennal lobes and compared them to glomeruli in different Cataglyphis species. Using confocal imaging and 3D reconstruction, we analyzed the number, size and spatial arrangement of olfactory glomeruli in C. fortis, C.albicans, C.bicolor, C.rubra, and C.noda. Workers of all Cataglyphis species have smaller numbers of glomeruli (198-249) compared to those previously found in olfactory-guided ants. Analyses in 2 species of Formica - a genus closely related to Cataglyphis - revealed substantially higher numbers of olfactory glomeruli (c. 370), which is likely to reflect the importance of olfaction in these wood ant species. Comparisons between Cataglyphis species revealed 2 special features in C. fortis. First, with c. 198 C. fortis has the lowest number of glomeruli compared to all other species. Second, a conspicuously enlarged glomerulus is located close to the antennal nerve entrance. Males of C. fortis possess a significantly smaller number of glomeruli (c. 150) compared to female workers and queens. A prominent male-specific macroglomerulus likely to be involved in sex pheromone communication occupies a position different from that of the enlarged glomerulus in females. The behavioral significance of the enlarged glomerulus in female workers remains elusive. The fact that C. fortis inhabits microhabitats (salt pans) that are avoided by all other Cataglyphis species suggests that extreme ecological conditions may not only have resulted in adaptations of visual capabilities, but also in specializations of the olfactory system.}, language = {en} } @article{GrebinykPrylutskaBuchelnikovetal.2019, author = {Grebinyk, Anna and Prylutska, Svitlana and Buchelnikov, Anatoliy and Tverdokhleb, Nina and Grebinyk, Sergii and Evstigneev, Maxim and Matyshevska, Olga and Cherepanov, Vsevolod and Prylutskyy, Yuriy and Yashchuk, Valeriy and Naumovets, Anton and Ritter, Uwe and Dandekar, Thomas and Frohme, Marcus}, title = {C60 fullerene as an effective nanoplatform of alkaloid Berberine delivery into leukemic cells}, series = {Pharmaceutics}, volume = {11}, journal = {Pharmaceutics}, number = {11}, issn = {1999-4923}, doi = {10.3390/pharmaceutics11110586}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-193216}, pages = {586}, year = {2019}, abstract = {A herbal alkaloid Berberine (Ber), used for centuries in Ayurvedic, Chinese, Middle-Eastern, and native American folk medicines, is nowadays proved to function as a safe anticancer agent. Yet, its poor water solubility, stability, and bioavailability hinder clinical application. In this study, we have explored a nanosized carbon nanoparticle—C60 fullerene (C60)—for optimized Ber delivery into leukemic cells. Water dispersions of noncovalent C60-Ber nanocomplexes in the 1:2, 1:1, and 2:1 molar ratios were prepared. UV-Vis spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering (DLS), and atomic force microscopy (AFM) evidenced a complexation of the Ber cation with the negatively charged C60 molecule. The computer simulation showed that π-stacking dominates in Ber and C\(_{60}\) binding in an aqueous solution. Complexation with C\(_{60}\) was found to promote Ber intracellular uptake. By increasing C\(_{60}\) concentration, the C\(_{60}\)-Ber nanocomplexes exhibited higher antiproliferative potential towards CCRF-CEM cells, in accordance with the following order: free Ber < 1:2 < 1:1 < 2:1 (the most toxic). The activation of caspase 3/7 and accumulation in the sub-G1 phase of CCRF-CEM cells treated with C\(_{60}\)-Ber nanocomplexes evidenced apoptosis induction. Thus, this study indicates that the fast and easy noncovalent complexation of alkaloid Ber with C\(_{60}\) improved its in vitro efficiency against cancer cells.}, language = {en} } @article{AurastGradlPernesetal.2016, author = {Aurast, Anna and Gradl, Tobias and Pernes, Stefan and Pielstr{\"o}m, Steffen}, title = {Big Data und Smart Data in den Geisteswissenschaften}, series = {Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis}, volume = {40}, journal = {Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis}, number = {2}, issn = {1865-7648}, doi = {10.1515/bfp-2016-0033}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-195237}, pages = {200-206}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Kein Abstract verf{\"u}gbar.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Sauer2019, author = {Sauer, Mark}, title = {Die microRNA-26 Familie kontrolliert {\"u}ber den REST-Komplex ein f{\"u}r die Neurogenese essentielles regulatorisches RNA Netzwerk}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18400}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-184008}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In einem sich entwickelnden multizellul{\"a}ren Organismus ist die r{\"a}umlich-zeitliche Regulation der Genexpression von entscheidender Bedeutung f{\"u}r die Bildung, Identit{\"a}t und Funktion von Zellen. Der REST (repressor element silencing transcription factor) Komplex spielt bei der neuronalen Differenzierung und bei der Aufrechterhaltung des neuronalen Status eine essentielle Rolle, indem er in nicht neuronalen Zellen und neuralen Vorl{\"a}ufern die Expression neuronaler Gene unterdr{\"u}ckt, in deren Promotorregion eine RE1 (repressor element 1) Erkennungssequenz vorhanden ist. W{\"a}hrend der neuronalen Differenzierung wird der REST-Komplex schrittweise inaktiviert, was zur Einleitung eines neuronalen Genexpression-Programms f{\"u}hrt. Es wird daher angenommen, dass die Inhibierung des REST-Komplexes ein essentieller Vorgang der Neurogenese ist. Wichtige Bestandteile f{\"u}r die transkriptionell repressive Funktion des REST-Komplexes sind kleine Phosphatasen (CTDSP = C-terminal domain small phosphatases), welche die Polymerase-II-Aktivit{\"a}t an Zielgenen inhibieren. Im Zebrafisch wurde gezeigt, dass ctdsp2 durch die miR-26b negativ reguliert wird. Alle miR-26 Familienmitglieder sind in Vertebraten evolution{\"a}r konserviert und in Introns von Ctdsp Genen kodiert. Sie sind in der Lage, die Expression ihres eigenen Wirtsgens mittels einer autoregulatorischen R{\"u}ckkopplungsschleife zu regulieren. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation wurde als Modellsystem f{\"u}r die Neurogenese ein neurales Differenzierungssystem, welches auf murinen, embryonalen Stammzellen (ESCs) aufbaut, eingesetzt. Zur funktionellen Analyse der miR-26 Familie wurden mit Hilfe der CRISPR/Cas9-Methode verschiedene miR-26 Knockout (KO) ESC-Linien hergestellt. Hierbei wurden die Sequenzen der einzelnen Familienmitglieder und der gesamten miR-26 Familie im Genom von Wildtyp (Wt) ESCs deletiert. Diese miR-26-defizienten ESCLinien behielten ihre Pluripotenz und zeigten keinen Ph{\"a}notyp hinsichtlich Proliferation, Morphologie und Identit{\"a}t der Zellen w{\"a}hrend der Differenzierung bis zum neuralen Vorl{\"a}uferzellstadium (NPCs, engl.: neural progenitor cells). Jedoch f{\"u}hrte die Deletion sowohl der gesamten miR-26 Familie als auch einzelner Mitglieder bei der terminalen Differenzierung zu einem spezifischen Entwicklungsstillstand im NPC Stadium und infolgedessen zu einer starken Reduktion der Anzahl von Neuronen und Astroglia. Die Transkriptom-Analyse der differenzierten miR-26-KO ESCs mittels RNA-Seq zeigte, dass die Expression von Genen die mit der Neurogenese und der neuronalen Differenzierung, aber auch der Gliogenese assoziert sind, herunterreguliert war. Die Abwesenheit der miR-26 Familie f{\"u}hrte außerdem zu einer selektiven Reduzierung bestimmter miRNAs (REST-miRs), die einerseits die Expression von REST-Komplex Komponenten unterdr{\"u}cken k{\"o}nnen, und andererseits selbst unter dessen transkriptioneller Kontrolle stehen. Zu diesem REST-miR Netzwerk geh{\"o}ren einige miRNAs (miR-9, miR-124, miR-132 und miR-218), die wichtige Funktionen bei verschiedenen Prozessen der neuronalen Entwicklung haben. Weiterhin f{\"u}hrte der miR-26-KO zu einer Derepression der Proteinlevel von REST und CTDSP2 w{\"a}hrend der terminalen Differenzierung. Funktionelle Analysen mit miRNA mimics zeigten, dass erh{\"o}hte miR-26 Level zu einer Hochregulation von REST-miRs f{\"u}hren. Weitere Experimente, die darauf zielten, die Hierarchie des REST-miR Netwerks aufzukl{\"a}ren zeigten, dass die miR-26 Familie stromaufw{\"a}rts die REST-miR Expression reguliert. Zusammengefasst weisen die in dieser Arbeit gezeigten Daten darauf hin, dass die miR-26 Familie als Initiator der schrittweisen Inaktivierung des REST-Komplexes eine zentrale Rolle bei der Differenzierung von neuralen Vorl{\"a}uferzellen zu postmitotischen Neuronen spielt.}, language = {de} } @unpublished{Dandekar2019, author = {Dandekar, Thomas}, title = {Biological heuristics applied to cosmology suggests a condensation nucleus as start of our universe and inflation cosmology replaced by a period of rapid Weiss domain-like crystal growth}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-183945}, pages = {24}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Cosmology often uses intricate formulas and mathematics to derive new theories and concepts. We do something different in this paper: We look at biological processes and derive from these heuristics so that the revised cosmology agrees with astronomical observations but does also agree with standard biological observations. We show that we then have to replace any type of singularity at the start of the universe by a condensation nucleus and that the very early period of the universe usually assumed to be inflation has to be replaced by a period of rapid crystal growth as in Weiss magnetization domains. Impressively, these minor modifications agree well with astronomical observations including removing the strong inflation perturbations which were never observed in the recent BICEP2 experiments. Furthermore, looking at biological principles suggests that such a new theory with a condensation nucleus at start and a first rapid phase of magnetization-like growth of the ordered, physical laws obeying lattice we live in is in fact the only convincing theory of the early phases of our universe that also is compatible with current observations. We show in detail in the following that such a process of crystal creation, breaking of new crystal seeds and ultimate evaporation of the present crystal readily leads over several generations to an evolution and selection of better, more stable and more self-organizing crystals. Moreover, this explains the "fine-tuning" question why our universe is fine-tuned to favor life: Our Universe is so self-organizing to have enough offspring and the detailed physics involved is at the same time highly favorable for all self-organizing processes including life. This biological theory contrasts with current standard inflation cosmologies. The latter do not perform well in explaining any phenomena of sophisticated structure creation or self-organization. As proteins can only thermodynamically fold by increasing the entropy in the solution around them we suggest for cosmology a condensation nucleus for a universe can form only in a "chaotic ocean" of string-soup or quantum foam if the entropy outside of the nucleus rapidly increases. We derive an interaction potential for 1 to n-dimensional strings or quantum-foams and show that they allow only 1D, 2D, 4D or octonion interactions. The latter is the richest structure and agrees to the E8 symmetry fundamental to particle physics and also compatible with the ten dimensional string theory E8 which is part of the M-theory. Interestingly, any other interactions of other dimensionality can be ruled out using Hurwitz compositional theorem. Crystallization explains also extremely well why we have only one macroscopic reality and where the worldlines of alternative trajectories exist: They are in other planes of the crystal and for energy reasons they crystallize mostly at the same time, yielding a beautiful and stable crystal. This explains decoherence and allows to determine the size of Planck´s quantum h (very small as separation of crystal layers by energy is extremely strong). Ultimate dissolution of real crystals suggests an explanation for dark energy agreeing with estimates for the "big rip". The halo distribution of dark matter favoring galaxy formation is readily explained by a crystal seed starting with unit cells made of normal and dark matter. That we have only matter and not antimatter can be explained as there may be right handed mattercrystals and left-handed antimatter crystals. Similarly, real crystals are never perfect and we argue that exactly such irregularities allow formation of galaxies, clusters and superclusters. Finally, heuristics from genetics suggest to look for a systems perspective to derive correct vacuum and Higgs Boson energies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eidel2020, author = {Eidel, Matthias T. A. M.}, title = {Training Effects of a Tactile Brain-Computer Interface System During Prolonged Use by Healthy And Motor-Impaired People}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20851}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-208511}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Background - Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) enable their users to interact and communicate with the environment without requiring intact muscle control. To this end, brain activity is directly measured, digitized and interpreted by the computer. Thus, BCIs may be a valuable tool to assist severely or even completely paralysed patients. Many BCIs, however, rely on neurophysiological potentials evoked by visual stimulation, which can result in usability issues among patients with impaired vision or gaze control. Because of this, several non-visual BCI paradigms have been developed. Most notably, a recent study revealed promising results from a tactile BCI for wheelchair control. In this multi-session approach, healthy participants used the BCI to navigate a simulated wheelchair through a virtual apartment, which revealed not only that the BCI could be operated highly efficiently, but also that it could be trained over five sessions. The present thesis continues the research on this paradigm in order to - confirm its previously reported high performance levels and trainability - reveal the underlying factors responsible for observed performance increases - establish its feasibility among potential impaired end-users Methods - To approach these goals, three studies were conducted with both healthy participants and patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Brain activity during BCI operation was recorded via electroencephalography (EEG) and interpreted using a machine learning-based linear classifier. Wheelchair navigation was executed according to the classification results and visualized on a monitor. For offline statistical analysis, neurophysiological features were extracted from EEG data. Subjective data on usability were collected from all participants. Two specialized experiments were conducted to identify factors for training. Results and Discussion - Healthy participants: Results revealed positive effects of training on BCI performances and their underlying neurophysiological potentials. The paradigm was confirmed to be feasible and (for a non-visual BCI) highly efficient for most participants. However, some had to be excluded from analysis of the training effects because they could not achieve meaningful BCI control. Increased somatosensory sensitivity was identified as a possible mediator for training-related performance improvements. Participants with ALS: Out of seven patients with various stages of ALS, five could operate the BCI with accuracies significantly above chance level. Another ALS patient in a state of near-complete paralysis trained with the BCI for several months. Although no effects of training were observed, he was consistently able to operate the system above chance level. Subjective data regarding workload, satisfaction and other parameters were reported. Significance - The tactile BCI was evaluated on the example of wheelchair control. In the future, it could help impaired patients to regain some lost mobility and self-sufficiency. Further, it has the potential to be adapted to other purposes, including communication. Once visual BCIs and other assistive technologies fail for patients with (progressive) motor impairments, vision-independent paradigms such as the tactile BCI may be among the last remaining alternatives to interact with the environment. The present thesis has strongly confirmed the general feasibility of the tactile paradigm for healthy participants and provides first clues about the underlying factors of training. More importantly, the BCI was established among potential end-users with ALS, providing essential external validity.}, subject = {Myatrophische Lateralsklerose}, language = {en} } @article{BeerSchenkHelfrichFoersteretal.2019, author = {Beer, Katharina and Schenk, Mariela and Helfrich-F{\"o}rster, Charlotte and Holzschuh, Andrea}, title = {The circadian clock uses different environmental time cues to synchronize emergence and locomotion of the solitary bee Osmia bicornis}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {9}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-019-54111-3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-202721}, pages = {17748}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Life on earth adapted to the daily reoccurring changes in environment by evolving an endogenous circadian clock. Although the circadian clock has a crucial impact on survival and behavior of solitary bees, many aspects of solitary bee clock mechanisms remain unknown. Our study is the first to show that the circadian clock governs emergence in Osmia bicornis, a bee species which overwinters as adult inside its cocoon. Therefore, its eclosion from the pupal case is separated by an interjacent diapause from its emergence in spring. We show that this bee species synchronizes its emergence to the morning. The daily rhythms of emergence are triggered by temperature cycles but not by light cycles. In contrast to this, the bee's daily rhythms in locomotion are synchronized by light cycles. Thus, we show that the circadian clock of O. bicornis is set by either temperature or light, depending on what activity is timed. Light is a valuable cue for setting the circadian clock when bees have left the nest. However, for pre-emerged bees, temperature is the most important cue, which may represent an evolutionary adaptation of the circadian system to the cavity-nesting life style of O. bicornis.}, language = {en} } @article{MaierhoferFlunkertOshimaetal.2019, author = {Maierhofer, Anna and Flunkert, Julia and Oshima, Junko and Martin, George M. and Poot, Martin and Nanda, Indrajit and Dittrich, Marcus and M{\"u}ller, Tobias and Haaf, Thomas}, title = {Epigenetic signatures of Werner syndrome occur early in life and are distinct from normal epigenetic aging processes}, series = {Aging Cell}, volume = {18}, journal = {Aging Cell}, doi = {10.1111/acel.12995}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-202733}, pages = {e12995}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Werner Syndrome (WS) is an adult-onset segmental progeroid syndrome. Bisulfite pyrosequencing of repetitive DNA families revealed comparable blood DNA methylation levels between classical (18 WRN-mutant) or atypical WS (3 LMNA-mutant and 3 POLD1-mutant) patients and age- and sex-matched controls. WS was not associated with either age-related accelerated global losses of ALU, LINE1, and α-satellite DNA methylations or gains of rDNA methylation. Single CpG methylation was analyzed with Infinium MethylationEPIC arrays. In a correspondence analysis, atypical WS samples clustered together with the controls and were clearly separated from classical WS, consistent with distinct epigenetic pathologies. In classical WS, we identified 659 differentially methylated regions (DMRs) comprising 3,656 CpG sites and 613 RefSeq genes. The top DMR was located in the HOXA4 promoter. Additional DMR genes included LMNA, POLD1, and 132 genes which have been reported to be differentially expressed in WRN-mutant/depleted cells. DMRs were enriched in genes with molecular functions linked to transcription factor activity and sequence-specific DNA binding to promoters transcribed by RNA polymerase II. We propose that transcriptional misregulation of downstream genes by the absence of WRN protein contributes to the variable premature aging phenotypes of WS. There were no CpG sites showing significant differences in DNA methylation changes with age between WS patients and controls. Genes with both WS- and age-related methylation changes exhibited a constant offset of methylation between WRN-mutant patients and controls across the entire analyzed age range. WS-specific epigenetic signatures occur early in life and do not simply reflect an acceleration of normal epigenetic aging processes.}, language = {en} } @article{ElHajjDittrichBoecketal.2016, author = {El Hajj, Nady and Dittrich, Marcus and B{\"o}ck, Julia and Kraus, Theo F. J. and Nanda, Indrajit and M{\"u}ller, Tobias and Seidmann, Larissa and Tralau, Tim and Galetzka, Danuta and Schneider, Eberhard and Haaf, Thomas}, title = {Epigenetic dysregulation in the developing Down syndrome cortex}, series = {Epigenetics}, volume = {11}, journal = {Epigenetics}, number = {8}, doi = {10.1080/15592294.2016.1192736}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-191239}, pages = {563-578}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Using Illumina 450K arrays, 1.85\% of all analyzed CpG sites were significantly hypermethylated and 0.31\% hypomethylated in fetal Down syndrome (DS) cortex throughout the genome. The methylation changes on chromosome 21 appeared to be balanced between hypo- and hyper-methylation, whereas, consistent with prior reports, all other chromosomes showed 3-11times more hyper- than hypo-methylated sites. Reduced NRSF/REST expression due to upregulation of DYRK1A (on chromosome 21q22.13) and methylation of REST binding sites during early developmental stages may contribute to this genome-wide excess of hypermethylated sites. Upregulation of DNMT3L (on chromosome 21q22.4) could lead to de novo methylation in neuroprogenitors, which then persists in the fetal DS brain where DNMT3A and DNMT3B become downregulated. The vast majority of differentially methylated promoters and genes was hypermethylated in DS and located outside chromosome 21, including the protocadherin gamma (PCDHG) cluster on chromosome 5q31, which is crucial for neural circuit formation in the developing brain. Bisulfite pyrosequencing and targeted RNA sequencing showed that several genes of PCDHG subfamilies A and B are hypermethylated and transcriptionally downregulated in fetal DS cortex. Decreased PCDHG expression is expected to reduce dendrite arborization and growth in cortical neurons. Since constitutive hypermethylation of PCDHG and other genes affects multiple tissues, including blood, it may provide useful biomarkers for DS brain development and pharmacologic targets for therapeutic interventions.}, language = {en} } @article{DotterweichSchlegelmilchKelleretal.2016, author = {Dotterweich, Julia and Schlegelmilch, Katrin and Keller, Alexander and Geyer, Beate and Schneider, Doris and Zeck, Sabine and Tower, Robert J. J. and Ebert, Regina and Jakob, Franz and Sch{\"u}tze, Norbert}, title = {Contact of myeloma cells induces a characteristic transcriptome signature in skeletal precursor cells-implications for myeloma bone disease}, series = {Bone}, volume = {93}, journal = {Bone}, doi = {10.1016/j.bone.2016.08.006}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-186688}, pages = {155-166}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Physical interaction of skeletal precursors with multiple myeloma cells has been shown to suppress their osteogenic potential while favoring their tumor-promoting features. Although several transcriptome analyses of myeloma patient-derived mesenchymal stem cells have displayed differences compared to their healthy counterparts, these analyses insufficiently reflect the signatures mediated by tumor cell contact, vary due to different methodologies, and lack results in lineage-committed precursors. To determine tumor cell contact-mediated changes on skeletal precursors, we performed transcriptome analyses of mesenchymal stem cells and osteogenic precursor cells cultured in contact with the myeloma cell line INA-6. Comparative analyses confirmed dysregulation of genes which code for known disease-relevant factors and additionally revealed upregulation of genes that are associated with plasma cell homing, adhesion, osteoclastogenesis, and angiogenesis. Osteoclast-derived coupling factors, a dysregulated adipogenic potential, and an imbalance in favor of anti-anabolic factors may play a role in the hampered osteoblast differentiation potential of mesenchymal stem cells. Angiopoietin-Like 4 (ANGPTL4) was selected from a list of differentially expressed genes as a myeloma cell contact-dependent target in skeletal precursor cells which warranted further functional analyses. Adhesion assays with full-length ANGPTL4-coated plates revealed a potential role of this protein in INA6 cell attachment. This study expands knowledge of the myeloma cell contact-induced signature in the stromal compartment of myelomatous bones and thus offers potential targets that may allow detection and treatment of myeloma bone disease at an early stage.}, language = {en} } @article{ScharawIskarOrietal.2016, author = {Scharaw, Sandra and Iskar, Murat and Ori, Alessandro and Boncompain, Gaelle and Laketa, Vibor and Poser, Ina and Lundberg, Emma and Perez, Franck and Beck, Martin and Bork, Peer and Pepperkok, Rainer}, title = {The endosomal transcriptional regulator RNF11 integrates degradation and transport of EGFR}, series = {Journal of Cell Biology}, volume = {215}, journal = {Journal of Cell Biology}, number = {4}, doi = {10.1083/jcb.201601090}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-186731}, pages = {543-558}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Stimulation of cells with epidermal growth factor (EGF) induces internalization and partial degradation of the EGF receptor (EGFR) by the endo-lysosomal pathway. For continuous cell functioning, EGFR plasma membrane levels are maintained by transporting newly synthesized EGFRs to the cell surface. The regulation of this process is largely unknown. In this study, we find that EGF stimulation specifically increases the transport efficiency of newly synthesized EGFRs from the endoplasmic reticulum to the plasma membrane. This coincides with an up-regulation of the inner coat protein complex II (COP II) components SEC23B, SEC24B, and SEC24D, which we show to be specifically required for EGFR transport. Up-regulation of these COP II components requires the transcriptional regulator RNF11, which localizes to early endosomes and appears additionally in the cell nucleus upon continuous EGF stimulation. Collectively, our work identifies a new regulatory mechanism that integrates the degradation and transport of EGFR in order to maintain its physiological levels at the plasma membrane.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Seitz2020, author = {Seitz, Nicola}, title = {Bee demise and bee rise: From honey bee colony losses to finding measures for advancing entire bee communities}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18418}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-184180}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {My dissertation comprises three studies: (1) an assessment of honey bee colony losses in the USA between 2014 and 2015, (2) an exploration of the potential of reclaimed sand mines as bee habitat, and (3) an evaluation of native and non-native pollinator friendly plants in regard to their attraction to bees. While the first study focuses on honey bees, the latter two studies primarily take wild bees or entire bee communities in focus. The study on honey bee colony losses was conducted within the framework of the Bee Informed Partnership (BIP, beeinformed.org) and aligns with the annual colony loss surveys which have been conducted in the USA since the winter of 2006/2007. It was the fourth year for which summer and annual losses were calculated in addition to winter losses. Among participants, backyard beekeepers were the largest group (n = 5690), although sideline (n = 169) and commercial (n = 78) beekeepers managed the majority (91.7 \%) of the 414 267 surveyed colonies. Overall, 15.1 \% of the estimated 2.74 million managed colonies in the USA were included in the study. Total honey bee colony losses (based on the entirety of included colonies) were higher in summer (25.3 \%) than in winter (22.3 \%) and amounted to 40.6 \% for the entire 2014/2015 beekeeping year. Average colony losses per beekeeper or operation were higher in winter (43.7 \%) than in summer (14.7 \%) and amounted to 49 \% for the entire 2014/2015 beekeeping year. Due to the dominance of backyard beekeepers among participants, average losses per operation (or unweighted loss) stronger reflected this smaller type of beekeeper. Backyard beekeepers mainly named colony management issues (e.g., starvation, weak colony in the fall) as causes for mortality, while sideline and commercial beekeepers stronger emphasized parasites or factors outside their control (e.g., varroa, nosema, queen failure). The second study took place at reclaimed sand mines. Sand mines represent anthropogenically impacted habitats found worldwide, which bear potential for bee conservation. Although floral resources can be limited at these habitats, vegetation free patches of open sandy soils and embankments may offer good nesting possibilities for sand restricted and other bees. We compared bee communities as found in three reclaimed sand mines and at adjacent roadside meadows in Maryland, USA, over two years. Both sand mines and roadsides hosted diverse bee communities with 111 and 88 bee species, respectively. Bee abundances as well as richness and Shannon diversity of bee species were higher in sand mines than at roadsides and negatively correlated with the percentage of vegetational ground cover. Species composition also differed significantly between habitats. Sand mines hosted a higher proportion of ground nesters, more uncommon and more 'sand loving' bees similar to natural sandy areas of Maryland. Despite the destruction of the original pre-mining habitat, sand mines thus appear to represent a unique habitat for wild bees, particularly when natural vegetation and open sand spots are encouraged. Considering habitat loss, the lack of natural disturbance regimes, and ongoing declines of wild bees, sand mines could add promising opportunities for bee conservation which has hitherto mainly focused on agricultural and urban habitats. The third study was an experimental field study on pollinator friendly plants. Bees rely on the pollen and nectar of plants as their food source. Therefore, pollinator friendly plantings are often used for habitat enhancements in bee conservation. Non-native pollinator friendly plants may aid in bee conservation efforts, but have not been tested and compared with native pollinator friendly plants in a common garden experiment. In this study, we seeded mixes of 20 native and 20 non-native pollinator friendly plants in two separate plots at three sites in Maryland, USA. For two years, we recorded flower visitors to the plants throughout the blooming period and additionally sampled bees with pan traps. A total of 3744 bees (120 species) were sampled in the study. Of these, 1708 bees (72 species) were hand netted directly from flowers for comparisons between native and non-native plants. Depending on the season, bee abundance and species richness was either similar or lower (early season and for richness also late season) at native plots compared to non-native plots. Additionally, the overall bee community composition differed significantly between native and non-native plots. Furthermore, native plants were associated with more specialized plant-bee visitation networks compared to non-native plants. In general, visitation networks were more specialized in the early season than the later seasons. Four species (Bombus impatiens, Halictus poeyi/ligatus, Lasioglossum pilosum, and Xylocopa virginica) out of the five most abundant bee species (also including Apis mellifera) foraged more specialized on native than non-native plants. Our study showed that non-native plants were well accepted by a diverse bee community and had a similar to higher attraction for bees compared to native plants. However, we also demonstrated alterations in foraging behavior, bee community assemblage, and visitation networks. As long as used with caution, non-native plants can be a useful addition to native pollinator friendly plantings. This study gives a first example of a direct comparison between native and non-native pollinator friendly plants.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @article{KaluzaWallaceKelleretal.2017, author = {Kaluza, Benjamin F. and Wallace, Helen and Keller, Alexander and Heard, Tim A. and Jeffers, Bradley and Drescher, Nora and Bl{\"u}thgen, Nico and Leonhardt, Sara D.}, title = {Generalist social bees maximize diversity intake in plant species-rich and resource-abundant environments}, series = {Ecosphere}, volume = {8}, journal = {Ecosphere}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1002/ecs2.1758}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-171155}, pages = {e01758}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Numerous studies revealed a positive relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, suggesting that biodiverse environments may not only enhance ecosystem processes, but also benefit individual ecosystem members by, for example, providing a higher diversity of resources. Whether and how the number of available resources affects resource collection and subsequently consumers (e.g., through impacting functions associated with resources) have, however, been little investigated, although a better understanding of this relationship may help explain why the abundance and richness of many animal species typically decline with decreasing plant (resource) diversity. Using a social bee species as model (Tetragonula carbonaria), we investigated how plant species richness—recorded for study sites located in different habitats—and associated resource abundance affected the diversity and functionality (here defined as nutritional content and antimicrobial activity) of resources (i.e., pollen, nectar, and resin) collected by a generalist herbivorous consumer. The diversity of both pollen and resin collected strongly increased with increasing plant/tree species richness, while resource abundance was only positively correlated with resin diversity. These findings suggest that bees maximize resource diversity intake in (resource) diverse habitats. Collecting more diverse resources did, however, not increase their functionality, which appeared to be primarily driven by the surrounding (plant) source community in our study. In generalist herbivores, maximizing resource diversity intake may therefore primarily secure collection of sufficient amounts of resources across the entire foraging season, but it also ensures that the allocated resources meet all functional needs. Decreasing available resource diversity may thus impact consumers primarily by reduced resource abundance, but also by reduced resource functionality, particularly when resources of high functionality (e.g., from specific plant species) become scarce.}, language = {en} }