@phdthesis{Weiss2011, author = {Weiß, Sabine}, title = {Function of the Spir actin nucleators in intracellular vesicle transport processes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-64589}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Spir proteins are the founding members of the novel class of WH2-actin nucleators. A C-terminal modified FYVE zinc finger motif is necessary to target Spir proteins towards intracellular membranes. The function and regulation of the Spir actin organizers at vesicular membranes is almost unknown. Live cell imaging analyses performed in this study show that Spir-2 is localized at tubular vesicles. Cytoplasmic Spir-2-associated vesicles branch and form protrusions, which can make contacts to the microtubule network, where the Spir-2 vesicles stretch and slide along the microtubule filaments. The analysis of living HeLa cells expressing eGFP-tagged Spir-2, Spir-2-ΔKIND and Spir-2-ΔKW (lacking the 4 WH2 domains and the KIND domain) showed Spir-2-associated tubular structures which differ in their length and motility. Throughout the course of that study it could be shown that the tail domain of the actin motor protein myosin Vb, as a force-generating molecule, is colocalizing and co-immunoprecipitating with Spir-2-ΔKW. By using the tail domain of myosin Vb as a dominant negative mutant for myosin Vb-dependent vesicle transport processes it could be shown that Spir-2-ΔKW/MyoVb-cc-tail- associated vesicles exhibit an increased elongation. Moreover, using the microtubule depolymerizing drug nocodazole it could be shown that the elongation and the motility of Spir-2-ΔKW-associated vesicles depends on an intact microtubule cytoskeleton. Motility and morphological dynamics of Spir-2-associated vesicles is therefore dependent on actin, actin motorproteins and microtubule filaments. These results propose a model in which myosin/F-actin forces mediate vesicle branching, allowing the vesicles to move to and in between the microtubule filaments and thereby providing a new degree of freedom in vesicular motility. To determine the exact subcellular localization of Spir-2, colocalization studies were performed. It could be shown that Spir-2 shows a partial colocalization to Rab11a-positive compartments. Furthermore, Spir-2 exhibits an almost identical localization to Arf1 and the Arf1 small G protein but not Rab11a could be immunoprecipitated with Spir-2-ΔKW. This suggests, that Arf1 recruits Spir-2 to Arf1/Rab11a-positive membranes. Another important function of the Spir-2 C-terminus is the membrane targeting by the FYVE domain. By performing a protein-lipid overlay assay, it has been shown that purified GST- and 6xHis-tagged Spir-2-ΔKW bind phosphatidic acid suggesting a mechanism in which Spir-2 is recruited to phosphatidic acid-enriched membranes. To further elucidate the mechanism in which Spir-2 membrane-targeting could be regulated, interaction studies of C-terminal parts of Spir-2 revealed that the Spir-2 proteins interact directly.}, subject = {Aktin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Drescher2011, author = {Drescher, Jochen}, title = {The Ecology and Population structure of the invasive Yelllow Crazy Ant Anoplolepis gracilipes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-57332}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The invasive Yellow Crazy Ant Anoplolepis gracilipes is a widespread tropical ant species which is particularly common in anthropogenically disturbed habitats in South-East Asia and the Indopacific region. Its native range is unknown, and there is little information concerning its social structure as a potential mechanism facilitating invasion as well as its ecology in one of the putative native ranges, South-East Asia. Using mitochondrial DNA sequences, I demonstrated that the majority of the current Indopacific colonies were likely introduced from South-East Asian populations, which in turn may have been introduced much earlier from a yet unidentified native range. By conducting behavioral, genetic and chemical analyses, I found that A. gracilipes supercolonies contain closely related individuals, thus resembling enlarged versions of monogynous, polydomous colonies of other ant species. Furthermore, mutually aggressive A. gracilipes supercolonies were highly differentiated both genetically and chemically, suggesting limited or even absent gene flow between supercolonies. Intranidal mating and colony-budding are most likely the predominant, if not the exclusive mode of reproduction and dispersal strategy of A. gracilipes. Consequently, a positive feedback between genetic, chemical and behavioral traits may further enhance supercolony differentiation though genetic drift and neutral evolution. This potential scenario led to the hypothesis that absent gene flow between different A. gracilipes supercolonies may drive them towards different evolutionary pathways, possibly including speciation. Thus, I examined one potential way by which gene flow between supercolonies of an ant species without nuptial flights may be maintained, i.e. the immigration of sexuals into foreign supercolonies. The results suggest that this option of maintaining gene flow between different supercolonies is likely impaired by severe aggression of workers towards allocolonial sexuals. Moreover, breeding experiments involving males and queens from different supercolonies suggest that A. gracilipes supercolonies may already be on the verge of reproductive isolation, which might lead to the diversification of A. gracilipes into different species. Regarding the ecological consequences of its potential introduction to NE-Borneo, I could show that A. gracilipes supercolonies may affect the local ant fauna. The ant community within supercolonies was less diverse and differed in species composition from areas outside supercolonies. My data suggest that the ecological dominance of A. gracilipes within local ant communities was facilitated by monopolization of food sources within its supercolony territory, achieved by a combination of rapid recruitment, numerical dominance and pronounced interspecific aggression. A. gracilipes' distribution is almost exclusively limited to anthropogenically altered habitat, such as residential and agricultural areas. The rate at which habitat conversion takes place in NE-Borneo will provide A. gracilipes with a rapidly increasing abundance of suitable habitats, thus potentially entailing significant population growth. An potentially increasing population size and ecological dominance, however, are not features that are limited to invasive alien species, but may also occur in native species that become 'pests' in an increasing abundance of anthropogenically altered habitat. Lastly, I detected several ant guests in supercolonies of A. gracilipes. I subsequently describe the relationship between one of them (the cricket Myrmecophilus pallidithorax) and its ant host. By conducting behavioral bioassays and analyses of cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profiles, I revealed that although M. pallidithorax is attacked and consumed by A. gracilipes whenever possible, it may evade aggression from its host by a combination of supreme agility and, possibly, chemical deception. This thesis adds to our general understanding of biological invasions by contributing species-specific data on a previously understudied invasive organism, the Yellow Crazy Ant Anoplolepis gracilipes. Introductions which may have occurred a long time ago may make it difficult to determine whether a given species is an introduced invader or a native pest species, as both may have pronounced ecological effects in native species communities. Furthermore, this thesis suggests that supercolonialism in invasive ants may not be an evolutionary dead end, but that it may possibly give rise to new species due to reproductive boundaries between supercolonies evoked by peculiar mating and dispersal strategies.}, subject = {Dem{\"o}kologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Goetz2010, author = {G{\"o}tz, Andreas}, title = {Replikation von enteroinvasiven Escherichia coli und Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium St{\"a}mmen in Epithelzellen unter besonderer Betrachtung des Kohlenstoffmetabolismus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-57292}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Schlagw{\"o}rter: Salmonella , Salmonella enterica , Salmonella typhimurium , Salmonellose , Escherichia coli , Shigella , Infektion , Bakterielle Infektion , Zellkultur , HeLa-Zelle , Apoptosis , Metabolismus , Stoffwechsel , Glucose , Glucosetransport , Glucosestoffwechsel , Katabolismus , Kohlenstoff , Kohlenstoffbedarf , Kohlenstoffhaushalt , Kohlenstoffstoffwechsel , Kohlenstoff-13 , Kohlenstoffisotop Salmonella Typhimurium und enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC) sind fakultativ intrazellul{\"a}re Bakterien aus der Familie der Enterobacteriaceae. W{\"a}hrend erstere sich nach der Internalisierung durch eukaryotische Zellen normalerweise in einem spezialisierten Phagosom, der Salmonella-enthaltenden Vakuole (SCV), vermehren, replizieren EIEC im Zytoplasma der Wirtszellen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde zun{\"a}chst durch Mikroinjektion die F{\"a}higkeit von S. Typhimurium 14028s untersucht, ebenfalls im Zytoplasma von Caco-2-Zellen replizieren zu k{\"o}nnen. Dabei wurde festgestellt, daß ein fr{\"u}her als S. Typhimurium 14028s WT bezeichneter Stamm eine Insertion eines Desoxythymidins an Position 76 des offenen Leserasters von rfbP tr{\"a}gt, einem Gen, dessen Protein an der LPS-Synthese beteiligt ist. Weiterhin synthetisierte dieser Stamm ein rauhes LPS. Aufgrund von Agglutination konnte der Rauh-Stamm nur mit geringem Erfolg mikroinjiziert werden. Hingegen lag 5 h nach der Mikroinjektion einer nicht invasiven Mutante von Salmonella mit vollst{\"a}ndigem LPS der Anteil an Caco-2-Zellen, die mehr als 32 Bakterien enthielten, bei etwa 30 \%. Der Anteil war 2-3 mal h{\"o}her als bei fr{\"u}heren Mikroinjektionen in HeLa-Zellen. Daher wurde das Verhalten von HeLa-Zellen nach einer Infektion durch S. Typhimurium ΔsifA - einer Mutante, die aus der SCV ins Zytoplasma entkommt - untersucht. Dabei wurde festgestellt, daß die sifA-Mutante 10 h nach der Infektion die Aktivit{\"a}t der Caspasen 9 und 3 in HeLa-Zellen, aber nicht in Caco-2-Zellen induziert. In weiteren Versuchen wurde die Bedeutung von Glukose, Glukose-6-phosphat und Mannose als Kohlenstoffquellen f{\"u}r die extra- und intrazellul{\"a}re Replikation zweier Isolate enteroinvasiver E. coli und eines S. Typhimurium Stammes analysiert. Zu diesem Zweck wurden zun{\"a}chst definierte Mutanten in den beiden wichtigsten Phosphoenolpyruvat-abh{\"a}ngigen Phosphotransferasesystemen (PTS) f{\"u}r die Aufnahme von Glukose und Mannose, ptsG und manXYZ, sowie im Antiporter f{\"u}r die Aufnahme von Glukose-6-phosphat, uhpT, konstruiert. Bei Wachstum im Minimalmedium mit Glukose als einziger C-Quelle waren die Generationszeiten aller ΔptsG- und ΔptsG, manXYZ-Mutanten im Vergleich zu den Wildst{\"a}mmen deutlich verl{\"a}ngert. Ebenso wuchsen ΔmanXYZ-Mutanten bzw. ΔuhpT-Mutanten deutlich langsamer auf Mannose bzw. Glukose-6-phosphat. Jedoch ergaben sich hierbei Stamm-spezifische Unterschiede. So erreichte EIEC 4608-58 ΔuhpT in der station{\"a}ren Phase eine {\"a}hnliche Zelldichte wie der Wildstamm in Gegenwart von Glukose-6-phosphat und eine ΔptsG, manXYZ-Mutante von S. Typhimurium 14028s konnte immer noch effizient mit Glukose wachsen. Infektionsversuche mit Caco-2-Zellen zeigten weiterhin, daß die Deletion von ptsG zu einer signifikanten Erh{\"o}hung der Adh{\"a}renz und Invasivit{\"a}t von EIEC 4608-58 f{\"u}hrt, w{\"a}hrend sich die intrazellul{\"a}ren Generationszeiten aller hier untersuchten Mutanten kaum ver{\"a}nderten. Selbst die ΔptsG, manXYZ, uhpT-Dreifachmutanten der drei hier verwendeten Enterobakterien und die ΔptsG, manXYZ, glk-Mutante von S. Typhimurium 14028s konnten immer noch in Caco-2-Zellen replizieren, wenn auch mit Stamm-spezifisch verringerten Geschwindigkeiten. 13C-Markierungsexperimente mit [U-13C6]-Glukose als Substrat ergaben jedoch, daß in der Tat alle hier untersuchten enterobakteriellen Wildst{\"a}mme Glukose w{\"a}hrend der Replikation in Caco-2-Zellen unter Zellkulturbedingungen verwerten. Glukose-6-phosphat, Glukonat oder Fetts{\"a}uren konnten dagegen als wichtigste Kohlenstoffquellen f{\"u}r das intrazellul{\"a}re Wachstum ausgeschlossen werden. EIEC 4608-58 metabolisierte Glukose jedoch weniger effizient als EIEC HN280 und schien zudem noch zus{\"a}tzlich C3-Substrate aus der Wirtszelle aufzunehmen. Das Markierungsmuster zeigte einen Stamm-spezifischen Kohlenstofffluß durch Glykolyse und/oder Entner-Doudoroff-Weg, Pentosephosphatzyklus, Citratzyklus und den anaplerotischen Reaktionen zwischen PEP und Oxalacetat. Mutanten mit Deletionen in ptsG und manXYZ konnten auf alternative C3-Substrate wechseln und glichen dies durch eine erh{\"o}hte Aufnahme von Aminos{\"a}uren aus den Wirtszellen aus.}, subject = {Escherichia coli}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Pillai2011, author = {Pillai, Deepu}, title = {Differential effects of Pigment epithelium derived factor and epidermal growth factor on Ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats - a magnetic resonance imaging study at 3 tesla}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-57341}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Stroke, after myocardial infarction and cancer is the third most common cause of death worldwide and 1/6th of all human beings will suffer at least one stroke in their lives. Furthermore, it is the leading cause for adult disability with approximately one third of patients who survive for the next 6 months are dependent on others. Because of its huge socioeconomic burden absorbing 6\% of all health care budgets and with the fact that life expectancy increases globally, one can assume that stroke is already, and will continue to be, the most challenging disease. Ischemic stroke accounts for approximately 80\% of all strokes and results from a thrombotic or embolic occlusion of a major cerebral artery (most often the middle cerebral artery, MCA) or its branches Following acute ischemic stroke, the most worrisome outcome is the rapidly increasing intra-cranial pressure due to the formation of space-occupying vasogenic oedema which can have lethal consequences. Permeability changes at the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) usually accompanies the oedematous development and their time course can provide invaluable insight into the nature of the insult, activation of compensatory mechanisms followed by long term repair. Rodent models of focal cerebral ischemia have been developed and optimized to mimic human stroke conditions and serve as indispensable tools in the field of stroke research. The presented work constituting of three separate but complete works by themselves are sequential, where, the first part was dedicated to the establishment of non-invasive small animal imaging strategies on a 3 tesla clinical magnetic resonance scanner. This facilitated the longitudinal monitoring of pathological outcomes following stroke where identical animals can serve as its own control. Tissue relaxometric estimations were carried out initially to derive the transverse (T2), longitudinal (T1) and the transverse relaxation time due to magnetic susceptibility effects (T2*) at the cortical and striatal regions of the rodent brain. Statistically significant differences in T2*-values could be found between the cortex and striatal regions of the rodent brain. The derived tissue relaxation values were considered to modify the existing imaging protocols to facilitate the study of the rodent model of ischemic stroke. The modified sequence protocols adequately characterized all the clinically relevant sequels following acute ischemic stroke, like, the altered perfusion and diffusion characteristics. Subsequent to this, serial magnetic resonance imaging was performed to investigate the temporal and spatial relationship between the biphasic nature of BBB opening and, in parallel, the oedema formation after I/R injury in rats. T2-relaxometry for oedema assessment was performed at 1 h after ischemia, immediately following reperfusion, and at 4, 24 and 48 hours post reperfusion. Post-contrast T1-weighted imaging was performed at the last three time points to assess BBB integrity. The biphasic course of BBB opening with significant reduction in BBB permeability at 24 hours after reperfusion was associated with a progressive expansion of leaky BBB volume, accompanied by a peak ipsilateral oedema formation. At 48 hours, the reduction in T2-value indicated oedema resorption accompanied by a second phase of BBB opening. In addition, at 4 hours after reperfusion, oedema formation could also be detected at the contralateral striatum which persisted to varying degrees throughout the study, indicative of widespread effects of I/R injury. The observations of this study may indicate a dynamic temporal shift in the mechanisms responsible for biphasic BBB permeability changes, with non-linear relations to oedema formation. Two growth factor peptides namely pigment epithelium derived factor (PEDF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) with widely different trophic properties were considered for their beneficial effects, if any, in the established rodent model of I/R injury and studied up to one week employing magnetic resonance imaging. Both the selected, trophic factors demonstrated significant neuroprotection as demonstrated by a reduction in infarct volume, even though PEDF was found to be the most potent one. PEDF also demonstrated significant attenuation of oedema formation in comparison to both the control and EGF groups, even though EGF could also demonstrate oedema suppression. In the present work, we noticed that interventions with macromolecule protein/peptides by itself could mediate remote oedema at distant sites even though the significance of such an observation is not clear at present. Susceptibility (T2*) weighted tissue relaxometric estimations were considered at the infarct region to detect any metabolic changes arising out of any neuroprotection and/or cellular proliferation / neurogenesis. PEDF group demonstrated a striking reduction of the T2*-values, which is indicative of an increased metabolic activity. Moreover, all the groups (Control, EGF and PEDF) demonstrated significantly elevated T2*-values at the contralateral striatum, which is indicative of widespread metabolic suppression usually associated with a variety of traumatic brain conditions. Moreover, as expected from the properties of PEDF, it demonstrated an extended BBB permeability suppression throughout the duration of the study. This study underlines the merits of considering non-invasive imaging strategies without which it was not possible to study the required parameters in a longitudinal fashion. All the observations are adequately supported by reasonably well defined mechanisms and needs to be further verified and confirmed by an immunohistochemical study. These results also need to be complemented by a functional study to evaluate the behavioural outcome of animals following these treatments. These studies are progressing at our laboratory and the results will be duly published afterwards.}, subject = {Schlaganfall}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Harth2010, author = {Harth, Stefan}, title = {Molecular Recognition in BMP Ligand-Receptor Interactions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-52797}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs) are secreted multifunctional signaling proteins that play an important role during development, maintenance and regeneration of tissues and organs in almost all vertebrates and invertebrates. BMPs transmit their signals by binding to two types of serine-/threonine-kinase receptors. BMPs bind first to their high affinity receptor, thereby recruiting their low affinity receptor into the complex. This receptor assembly starts a Smad (Small mothers against decapentaplegic) protein signaling cascade which regulates the transcription of responsive genes. Up to date, only seven type I and five type II receptors are known for more than 30 ligands. Therefore, many BMP ligands can recruit more than one receptor subtype. Vice versa, receptors can bind to several ligands, indicating a highly promiscuous ligand-receptor interaction. This raises the following questions: (i) How are BMPs able to induce ligand-specific signals, despite forming complexes with identical receptor composition and (ii) how are they able to recognize and bind various binding partners in a highly specific manner. From the ligand's point of view, heterodimeric BMPs are valuable tools for studying the interplay between different sets of receptors, thereby providing new insights into how the various BMP signals can be generated. This study describes the expression and purification of the heterodimers BMP-2/6 and -2/7 from E.coli cells. BIAcore interaction studies and various in vitro cell activity assays revealed that the generated heterodimers are biologically active. Furthermore, BMP-2/6 and -2/7 exhibit a higher biological activity in most of the cell assays compared to their homodimeric counterparts. In addition, the BMP type I receptor BMPR-IA is involved in heterodimeric BMP signaling. However, the usage of other type I receptor subtypes (e.g. ActR-I) building a heteromeric ligand-receptor type I complex as indicated in previous works could not be determined conclusively. Furthermore, BMP heterodimers seem to require only one type I receptor for signaling. From the receptors' point of view, the BMP type I receptor BMPR-IA is a prime example for its promiscuous binding to different BMP ligands. The extracellular binding interface of BMPR-IA is mainly unfolded in its unbound form, requiring a large induced fit to adopt the conformation when bound to its ligand BMP-2. In order to unravel whether the binding promiscuity of BMPR-IA is linked to structural plasticity of its binding interface, the interaction of BMPR-IA bound to an antibody Fab fragment was investigated. The Fab fragment was selected because of its ability to recognize the BMP-2 binding epitope on BMPR-IA, thus neutralizing the BMP-2 mediated receptor activation. This study describes the crystal structure of the complex of the extracellular domain of BMPR-IA bound to the antibody Fab fragment AbyD1556. The crystal structure revealed that the contact surface of BMPR-IA overlaps extensively with the contact surface of BMPR-IA for BMP-2 interaction. Although the contact epitopes of BMPR-IA to both binding partners coincide, the three-dimensional structures of BMPR-IA in both complexes differ significantly. In contrast to the structural differences, alanine-scanning mutagenesis of BMPR-IA showed that the functional determinants for binding to both the antibody and BMP-2 are almost identical. Comparing the structures of BMPR-IA bound to BMP-2 or to the Fab AbyD1556 with the structure of unbound BMPR-IA revealed that binding of BMPR-IA to its interaction partners follows a selection fit mechanism, possibly indicating that the ligand promiscuity of BMPR-IA is inherently encoded by structural adaptability.}, subject = {Knochen-Morphogenese-Proteine}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmitt2010, author = {Schmitt, Karin}, title = {Charakterisierung des BvgAS1,2-Regulons von Bordetella petrii}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-53603}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Die Gattung Bordetella, die phylogenetisch in die Gruppe der β-Proteobakterien eingeordnet und zur Familie der Alcaligenaceae gez{\"a}hlt wird, umfasst nach heutigem Wissenstand neun Gram-negative Arten. Die klassischen Bordetella-Arten B. pertussis, B. parapertussis und B. bronchiseptica werden im sogenannten B. bronchiseptica-Cluster zusammengefasst. Der strikt humanpathogene Erreger B. pertussis stellt als Verursacher des Keuchhustens das wohl bedeutendste Mitglied der Gattung dar. B. parapertussis ist der Verursacher von respiratorischen Erkrankungen in Menschen und Schafen, w{\"a}hrend B. bronchiseptica f{\"u}r Atemwegserkrankungen in verschiedenen S{\"a}ugetieren verantwortlich gemacht wird. Zudem kann B. bronchiseptica f{\"u}r einen l{\"a}ngeren Zeitraum in der Umwelt {\"u}berleben. Die in den letzte Jahren identifizierten „neuen" Bordetella-Arten, B. avium, B. hinzii, B. holmesii, B. trematum und B. ansorpii, wurden alle human- oder tierassoziiert isoliert und besitzen unterschiedliches pathogenes Potential, das zum Teil noch n{\"a}her untersucht werden muss. Eine Ausnahme stellt der aus einer anaeroben dechlorinierten Flusssediment-Anreicherungskultur isolierte Keim B. petrii dar. Dieser ist bis zum heutigen Zeitpunkt der einzige Umweltkeim der Gattung Bordetella (von Wintzingerode, Schattke et al. 2001). In evolution{\"a}rer Hinsicht ist B. petrii besonders interessant, da er sowohl f{\"u}r orthologe Gene einiger Virulenzfaktoren der pathogenen Bordetellen kodiert, als auch die typischen Eigenschaften eines Umweltkeims aufweist und somit als Bindeglied zu fungieren scheint. Ein solcher Virulenzfaktor ist das BvgAS-System, das in den pathogenen Bordetellen den Hauptregulator der Virulenzgenexpression darstellt, aber in B. petrii strukturell komplexer aufgebaut ist. Neben dem auf Aminos{\"a}ureebene hoch konservierten Response Regulator bvgA, finden sich in B. petrii Gene f{\"u}r zwei Histidinkinasen, bvgS1 und bvgS2, sowie eine unabh{\"a}ngige hpt-Dom{\"a}ne. Eine periplasmatische Sensordom{\"a}ne fehlt in beiden Kinasen, und nur in BvgS1 konnte eine PAS-Dom{\"a}ne identifiziert werden. In den letzten Jahren wurden zunehmend B. petrii-Isolate aus den verschiedensten Habitaten isoliert, wie z.B. das Schwammisolate R521 (Sfanos, Harmody et al. 2005) und das klinisches Isolat aus einem Patienten mit mandibul{\"a}rer Osteomyelitis (Fry, Duncan et al. 2005). Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde {\"u}ber einen PCR-Ansatz versucht, mit aus der Wildtypsequenz abgeleiteten Oligonukleotiden das BvgAS1,2-System der Isolate zu sequenzieren, aber nur im klinischen Isolat konnte ein orthologes Genfragment zum Response Regulator bvgA identifiziert werden. Ein Nachweis der Histidinkinasen sowie der hpt-Dom{\"a}ne schlug in allen untersuchten Isolaten fehl. Die vergleichenden Genomanalysen mittels DNA-Microarrays konnten aufgrund fehlender Hybridisierungen keine weiteren Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede auf DNA-Ebene zwischen den Isolaten und B. petrii DSM 12804 aufzeigen. B. petrii ist ein hoch variabler Umweltkeim, der sich an verschiedene Lebensbedingungen anpassen kann. Dies konnte auch durch die Isolation dreier ph{\"a}notypisch unterscheidbare Varianten w{\"a}hrend eines Langzeitwachstumsversuches gezeigt werden (Lechner 2008). Durch die Genomsequenzierung von B. petrii DSM 12804 konnten wenigsten sieben genomischen Inseln beschrieben werden (Gross, Guzman et al. 2008), die durch unterschiedliche Exzision f{\"u}r die Entstehung der Varianten und daraus resultierend f{\"u}r die Variabilit{\"a}t in B. petrii verantwortlich sind. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte die Gr{\"o}ße der einzelnen genomischen Inseln im Genom von B. petrii durch vergleichende Genomanalysen mittels DNA-Microarrays, mit Ausnahme von GI1, GI5 und GI6, im Vergleich zu den bioinformatischen Vorhersagen best{\"a}tigt werden. Diese Inseln zeigten in den Microarray-Analysen eine Vergr{\"o}ßerung bzw. Verkleinerung im Vergleich zu den zuvor beschrieben putativen Grenzen. Die große Instabilit{\"a}t des Genoms von B. petrii DSM 12804 konnte in dieser Arbeit auch durch Microarray-Analysen einzelner Klone aufgezeigt werden, die unterschiedliche Variationen im Bereich der genomischen Inseln aufwiesen. In den Analysen von B. petrii 12804 ΔbvgA bzw. ΔbvgAS konnten zus{\"a}tzlich zu den gezielten Manipulation im BvgAS1,2-Lokus weitere Deletionen im Bereich von bpet0196-0200, bpet4219-4235 und bpet4176 detektiert werden. Die Re-Integration dieser Genbereiche nach Klonierung einer BvgA-Komplementationsmutante deutet auf eine extrachromosomale plasmid-{\"a}hnliche Struktur dieser Bereiche hin. Dies konnte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit nicht abschließend best{\"a}tigt werden und bleibt weiter zu untersuchen. Im Verlauf der evolution{\"a}ren Entwicklung der Bordetellen wurde das BvgAS-System, das urspr{\"u}nglich f{\"u}r die Adaption an Umweltbedingungen mit verschiedenen Sauerstoff-konzentrationen und/oder Temperaturen zust{\"a}ndig war, mit der Regulation der Expression der Virulenzgene verkn{\"u}pft (von Wintzingerode, Gerlach et al. 2002). In den Transkriptomanalysen zur Untersuchung der Funktionalit{\"a}t des BvgAS1,2-Systems in B. petrii konnte aufgezeigt werden, dass die Temperatur ein wichtiger Signalgeber f{\"u}r die Expression des Flagellen- und Chemotaxisoperons ist. In B. bronchiseptica wird die Motilit{\"a}t, bei Temperaturen unter 25°C, negativ durch das BvgAS-System reguliert. Auch in B. petrii konnte in den Untersuchungen eine negative Regulation der Flagellen- und Chemotaxisgene durch das BvgAS1,2-System unter diesen Bedingungen detektiert werden. Ob aber in B. petrii die gleiche hierarchische Struktur zur Regulation der Motilit{\"a}t besteht wie in B. bronchiseptica, bleibt zu untersuchen. Im Verlauf der Untersuchungen konnte dem BvgAS-Zwei-Komponentensystem in B. petrii auch eine Funktion im Energiestoffwechsel einger{\"a}umt werden, um auf wechselnde Sauerstoffbedingungen reagieren zu k{\"o}nnen. Die Messung des Sauerstoffgehaltes der Umgebung und damit eine Regulation der aeroben bzw. anaeroben Atmung erfolgt in B. petrii wahrscheinlich ebenfalls {\"u}ber das BvgAS1,2-System. Die in der Histidinkinase BvgS1 vorhergesagte PAS-Dom{\"a}ne scheint laut den Analysen f{\"u}r diesen Vorgang von großer Bedeutung zu sein. Desweiteren scheint das System auch die Zusammensetzung der Cytochromoxidase zur optimalen Anpassung an aerobe, mikroaerophile und anaerobe Bedingungen zu regulieren.}, subject = {Bordetella}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Wegert2010, author = {Wegert, Jenny}, title = {WTX-Mutationsscreen und funktionelle Analyse des Retins{\"a}ure-Signalwegs in Wilms Tumoren}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-52822}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Der Wilms Tumor (WT), auch Nephroblastom genannt, ist einer der h{\"a}ufigsten b{\"o}sartigen Tumoren im Kindesalter. Er entsteht aus embryonalem undifferenziertem Nierengewebe und tritt meist als unilateraler und sporadischer Tumor auf. In 10-15\% der Wilms Tumoren finden sich WT1- und/oder CTNNB1-Mutationen. W{\"a}hrend diese schon l{\"a}nger als genetische Ursachen des Nephroblastoms bekannt sind, wurde erst k{\"u}rzlich WTX als drittes Gen beschrieben, welches eine Rolle in der Tumorentstehung spielt. F{\"u}r einen Großteil der WT ist die genetische Ursache jedoch unklar. Da die bisher publizierten WTX-Mutationsraten auf Untersuchungen kleiner Gruppen basieren und sich stark unterscheiden, sollten in dieser Arbeit WTX-, CTNNB1- und WT1-Mutationen in einem großen WT-Set bestimmt werden. Verluste genetischen Materials in der WTX-Region traten in 17\% der F{\"a}lle auf und waren zwischen den Geschlechtern gleich verteilt. Die Sequenzierung von WT-Proben zeigte, dass nur 2\% von WTX-Punktmutationen betroffen sind. In weiteren 11,5\% der Proben konnte keine WTX-Expression nachgewiesen werden. Die WTX-Ver{\"a}nderungen traten z. T. gemeinsam mit WT1- und/oder CTNNB1-Mutationen auf. Die unvollst{\"a}ndige WTX-Deletion in einigen WT legte die Vermutung nahe, dass innerhalb eines Tumors eine Heterogenit{\"a}t in Bezug auf den WTX-Status m{\"o}glich ist. Dieser Verdacht konnte durch die detaillierte Untersuchung verschiedener Regionen solcher Tumoren erh{\"a}rtet werden: Hierzu wurden histologisch unterschiedliche Bereiche auf den Anteil einer WTX-Mutation bzw. eines WTX-LOH hin untersucht. Obwohl alle Regionen des jeweiligen Tumors einen kompletten LOH auf Chromosom 11 aufwiesen, waren die WTX-Ver{\"a}nderungen unterschiedlich stark ausgepr{\"a}gt. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass WTX-Ver{\"a}nderungen keine notwendigen und fr{\"u}hen Ereignisse in der Tumorentstehung sind, sondern erst sp{\"a}ter auftreten und nur einen Teil der Tumorzellen betreffen k{\"o}nnen. Die Vermutung, dass WTX-Mutationen keinen direkten Einfluss auf die Tumorentwicklung und prognose haben, wird durch das Fehlen eines signifikanten Zusammenhangs zwischen WTX-Deletion bzw. WTX-Expression und den klinischen Eigenschaften der WT gest{\"u}tzt. Um die Rolle von Genen, die potentiell an der Entstehung und Entwicklung des Nephroblastoms beteiligt sind, zu untersuchen oder m{\"o}gliche neue Therapiestrategien zu {\"u}berpr{\"u}fen, sind in vitro-Modelle n{\"o}tig. Da ein solches f{\"u}r Wilms Tumoren nicht etabliert ist, wurden Prim{\"a}rkulturen aus verschiedenen WT-Proben angelegt. Kulturen aus Tumorgewebe von 12 Patienten mit unterschiedlichen genetischen Ver{\"a}nderungen konnten als echte Tumorzellen validiert werden. Zwei Zelltypen ließen sich morphologisch und immunhistochemisch unterscheiden: Zum einen runde, langsam wachsende Zellen mit Epithelcharakter und zum anderen fibroblasten{\"a}hnliche Zellen, welche weniger differenziert waren und h{\"a}ufig f{\"u}r viele Passagen kultiviert werden konnten. Somit wurde ein Set verschiedener WT-Prim{\"a}rkulturen etabliert, welches nun f{\"u}r in vitro-Experimente zur Untersuchung grundlegender Mechanismen der WT-Entstehung oder zum Test neuer Therapieans{\"a}tze eingesetzt werden kann. Fr{\"u}here Microarray-Analysen deuteten auf eine Deregulation des Retins{\"a}ure (RA)-Signalwegs in fortgeschrittenen Wilms Tumoren hin. Diese Ergebnisse sollten in einem großen unabh{\"a}ngigen Proben-Set mittels Realtime-RT-PCR validiert werden. Eine Deregulation des RA-Signalwegs und die {\"U}berexpression von NMYC wurden f{\"u}r Tumoren der Hochrisikogruppe im Vergleich zu Tumoren mit geringem/mittlerem Risiko nachgewiesen. So stellte sich die Frage, ob Patienten mit fortgeschrittenem WT von einem Retins{\"a}ure-Einsatz in der Therapie profitieren k{\"o}nnten. Um dies zu beantworten, wurde der Effekt von verschiedenen Retinoiden auf WT-Prim{\"a}rkulturen untersucht. Die WT-Zellen wurden mit all-trans RA (ATRA), 9cisRA, dem synthetischen Retinoid Fenretinid (4HPR) und Kombinationen von ATRA bzw. 4HPR und einem HDAC-Inhibitor (SAHA) behandelt. Gene, welche in Hochrisiko-WT differenziell reguliert waren, wurden untersucht und zeigten nach RA-Behandlung eine entgegengesetzte Expression. In sechs der sieben verwendeten Prim{\"a}rkulturen wurde eine RA-vermittelte Proliferationsreduktion nachgewiesen. F{\"u}r die Kombinationen von Retinoiden mit SAHA wurden keine synergistischen Effekte beobachtet. W{\"a}hrend Fenretinid in den meisten Kulturen Apoptose induzierte, verursachten ATRA und 9cisRA morphologische Ver{\"a}nderungen, welche auf Differenzierungsvorg{\"a}nge hindeuteten. Eine Microarray-Analyse ATRA-behandelter WT-Zellen zeigte die differenzielle Regulation vieler Gene, welche eine Rolle in der Bildung der extrazellul{\"a}ren Matrix oder bei Differenzierungsvorg{\"a}ngen von Knochen-, Knorpel-, Nerven- oder Muskelgewebe spielen. Diese Befunde bieten einen weiteren Hinweis darauf, dass Retinoide f{\"u}r den Einsatz in der Therapie des Nephroblastoms geeignet sein k{\"o}nnten.}, subject = {Nephroblastom}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hacker2010, author = {Hacker, Christian}, title = {Beteiligung des Major Vault Proteins an der Kernporenkomplexbildung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51279}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {In die Kernmembran von Eukaryoten sind Kernporenkomplexe eingelagert. Diese stellen die einzige Verbindung zwischen dem Nukleo- und Zytoplasma dar und vermitteln den gerichteten Transport von Proteinen und Ribonukleoproteinpartikeln {\"u}ber die Kernh{\"u}lle. Durch vorangehende Versuche unserer Arbeitsgruppe konnte gezeigt werden, dass es experimentell m{\"o}glich ist, die Bildung einer kontinuierlichen Doppelmembran von der Insertion der Kernporenkomplexe zu trennen (Ewald et al., 1997). Dabei spielen verschiedene im Extrakt enthaltene Membranfraktionen eine Rolle. Erst k{\"u}rzlich wurden in unserer Arbeitsgruppe zwei unterschiedliche Membranfraktionen aus Xenopus Extrakt isoliert, die aufgrund ihrer Dichte als 40\% und 30\% Membranfraktion benannt wurden. Massenspektrometrische Untersuchungen zeigten, dass sich in der 30\% Membranfraktion, welche f{\"u}r die Kernporenkomplexbildung verantwortlich zu sein scheint, das Major Vault Protein (MVP) befindet. MVP ist Hauptbestandteil der Vault-Komplexe, großer tonnenf{\"o}rmiger Ribonukleoproteinpartikel, denen bislang eine Vielzahl von zellul{\"a}ren Funktionen zugeordnet wurden, die meisten davon jedoch noch stark debattiert. Vaults k{\"o}nnten wom{\"o}glich eine Rolle als Transporter {\"u}ber die Kernporenkomplexe spielen und wurden schon mehrfach mit dem Aufbau einer multiplen Arzneimittelresistenz in Verbindung gebracht. Die Beteiligung von MVP bei der Bildung der Kernporenkomplexe ist eine neue zellul{\"a}re Funktion und sollte deshalb in dieser Arbeit n{\"a}her untersucht werden. In dieser Arbeit wurden zun{\"a}chst die 40\% und 30\% Membranfraktionen auf ihr unterschiedliches Verhalten bei der Bildung der Kernh{\"u}lle separat und in Kombination genauer untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die 40\% Membranfraktion an Chromatin bindet und eine kontinuierliche Doppelmembran aufbaut. Die 30\% Membranfraktion konnte alleine nicht an Chromatin binden, induzierte aber in der durch die 40\% Membranfraktion gebildeten Doppelmembran den Aufbau von Kernporenkomplexen. Durch Immunfluoreszenzaufnahmen und ultrastrukturelle Untersuchungen wurde belegt, dass das an der 30\% Membranfraktion assoziierte MVP f{\"u}r die Bildung von Kernporenkomplexen verantwortlich war. Ferner konnten wir zeigen, dass sowohl MVP als auch Vault-Partikel die de novo Insertion von Kernporenkomplexen in kontinuierliche Doppelmembranen induzieren konnten. Die molekularen Mechanismen der Kernporenkomplexbildung durch MVP wurden mit Hilfe von artifiziellen Lipidmembranen analysiert. Anhand von unilamellaren Liposomen und elektronenmikroskopischen Aufnahmen konnte gezeigt werden, dass MVP die Lipidstruktur beeinflussen und perforieren kann. Zudem l{\"o}ste MVP die Bildung von Poren in schwarzen Lipidmembranen aus und f{\"u}hrte zur Messung von Str{\"o}men durch Einzelkanalmessungen {\"u}ber die entstandenen Poren. Um die bei dem Prozess der Kernporenkomplexbildung beteiligten Bindungspartner von MVP zu identifizieren, wurden mehrere Protein-Protein-Bindungsstudien durchgef{\"u}hrt. Unter den ermittelten MVP-Bindungspartnern ließen sich keine Nukleoporine mit dem Sequenzmotiv FXFG identifizieren, es ist jedoch nicht auszuschließen, dass MVP bei der Bildung der Kernporenkomplexe mit anderen Nukleoporinen interagiert. Da eine fr{\"u}here Arbeit die Bedeutung von Mikrotubuli bei der Bildung der Kernporenkomplexe aufzeigte (Ewald et al., 2001), wurden in dieser Arbeit die Interaktionen der isolierten 40\% und 30\% Membranfraktionen und von MVP mit dem Mikrotubulinetzwerk n{\"a}her analysiert. Dabei zeigte sich, dass nur die 30\% Membranfraktion mit Mikrotubuli interagierte und eine Inhibition der Mikrotubulipolymerisation durch Colchizin den Einbau von Kernporenkomplexen verhinderte. Im Gegensatz dazu interagierten die 40\% Membranvesikel nicht mit Mikrotubuli und daher hat eine Colchizin-induzierte Inhibition der Mikrotubulipolymerisation keinen Effekt auf den Aufbau einer kontinuierlichen Doppelmembran. Durch immunfluoreszenzmikroskopische Untersuchungen konnte zudem gezeigt werden, dass die Lokalisation von MVP an der Kernh{\"u}lle ebenfalls Abh{\"a}ngig von Mikrotubuli ist. Um zu demonstrieren, dass die MVP-induzierte Kernporenkomplexbildung im zellfreien System abh{\"a}ngig vom Transport von MVP zur Kernh{\"u}lle ist, wurde die Zugabe von MVP zu porenlosen Kernen nach einer Colchizin-Behandlung analysiert. Hierbei konnte belegt werden, dass MVP Mikrotubuli auch ben{\"o}tigt, um die Bildung von Kernporenkomplexen in der Kernmembran zu initiieren. Da Mikrotubulifilamente im zellfreien System mit ihren Plus-Enden gegen die Chromatinoberfl{\"a}che gerichtet sind, sollten f{\"u}r den gerichteten Transport zum Chromatin Motorproteine der Kinesin-Familie eine Rolle spielen. Durch die Inhibition von Mklp2, einem mitotischen Kinesin, konnte der Aufbau der Kernporenkomplexe durch MVP in porenlosen Kernen blockiert werden.}, subject = {Ribonucleoproteine}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ulrich2012, author = {Ulrich, Tanja}, title = {Function of Lin9 in vivo and MAP3K4-p38 signaling regulates p53 mediated cell cycle arrest after defective mitosis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-73975}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Eine genaue Kontrolle des Verlaufs durch die Mitose ist entscheidend f{\"u}r die Gew{\"a}hrleistung genomischer Stabilit{\"a}t und f{\"u}r die Vermeidung von Aneuploidy. Der DREAM Komplex ist ein wichtiger Regulator der Expression von mitotischen Genen. Die Depletion der DREAM-Untereinheit Lin9, f{\"u}hrt zu einer verminderten Expression von G2/M Genen und beeintr{\"a}chtigt die Proliferation. In konditionellen knockout Mauszellen (MEFs) verursacht das Ausschalten von Lin9 Defekte in Mitose und Zytokinese und l{\"o}st vorzeitige Seneszenz aus, um eine weitere Zellproliferation zu verhindern. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass der seneszente Ph{\"a}notyp in Lin9 knockout MEFs unabh{\"a}ngig von den beiden Tumorsuppressor-Signalwegen p53-p21 und p16-pRB induziert wird. Untersuchungen mit dem konditionellen Lin9 knockout Mausmodell verdeutlichten die wichtige Funktion von Lin9 in der Regulierung der mitotischen Genexpression und der Proliferation in vivo. Das Fehlen von Lin9 f{\"u}hrte zu einer verringerten Proliferation in den Krypten des D{\"u}nndarms und verursachte eine Atrophie des Darmepithels und einen schnell eintretenden Tod der Tiere. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurden Signalwege untersucht, die nach fehlerhafter Zytokinese zu einem p53 vermittelten G1-Arrest f{\"u}hren. Hierf{\"u}r wurde ein chemischer Inhibitor der mitotischen Kinase Aurora B verwendet. Mit Hilfe eines Hochdurchsatz siRNA Screens wurde die MAP Kinase MAP3K4 als Aktivator des p53 Signalwegs identifiziert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass MAP3K4 die Stresskinase p38b aktiviert, um den p53 vermittelten Zellzyklusarrest in tetraploiden Zellen auszul{\"o}sen. Dabei wurde p38b nach Hemmung von Aurora B f{\"u}r die transkriptionelle Aktivierung des p53 Zielgens p21 ben{\"o}tigt. Im Gegenteil dazu erfolgte die Phosphorylierung, Stabilisierung und die Rekrutierung von p53 an den p21 Promoter unabh{\"a}ngig von p38. Die teilweise Hemmung von Aurora B zeigte, dass fehlerhafte Segregation von Chromosomen auch den MAP3K4-p38-p53 Signalweg aktiviert und l{\"a}sst darauf schließen, dass subtile Defekte in der Mitose ausreichen diesen Stress-Signalweg zu induzieren. Obwohl p38 f{\"u}r den G1 Zellzyklusarrest nach mitotischen Sch{\"a}den erforderlich war, f{\"u}hrte die gleichzeitige Inhibierung von p38 und Aurora B {\"u}ber einen l{\"a}ngeren Zeitraum zu einer verringerten Proliferation, vermutlich aufgrund verst{\"a}rkter Apoptose. Es ist anzunehmen, dass der MAP3K4-p38-p53 Signalweg generell nach Defekten in der Mitose oder Zytokinese aktiviert wird um Zellen in G1 zu arretieren und um chromosomale Instabilit{\"a}t zu vermeiden.}, subject = {Mitose}, language = {en} } @article{GrosHovestadtPoethke2008, author = {Gros, Andreas and Hovestadt, Thomas and Poethke, Hans Joachim}, title = {Evolution of sex-biased dispersal : the role of sex-specific dispersal costs, demographic stochasticity, and inbreeding}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48705}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Abstract: Inbreeding avoidance and asymmetric competition over resources have both been identified as factors favoring the evolution of sex-biased dispersal. It has also been recognized that sex-specific costs of dispersal would select for sex-biased dispersal, but there is little quantitative information on this aspect. In this paper we explore (i) the quantitative relationship between cost-asymmetry and a bias in dispersal, (ii) the influence of demographic stochasticity on this effect, and (iii) how inbreeding and cost-asymmetry interact in their effect on sex-specific dispersal. We adjust an existing analytical model to account for sex-specific costs of dispersal. Based on numerical calculations we predict a severe bias in dispersal already for small differences in dispersal costs. We corroborate these predictions in individual-based simulations, but show that demographic stochasticity generally leads to more balanced dispersal. In combination with inbreeding, cost asymmetries will usually determine which of the two sexes becomes the more dispersive.}, language = {en} } @article{BonteTravisDeClercqetal.2008, author = {Bonte, Dries and Travis, Justin M. J. and De Clercq, Nele and Zwertvaegher, Ingrid and Lens, Luc}, title = {Thermal conditions during juvenile development affect adult dispersal in a spider}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48691}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Abstract: Understanding the causes and consequences of dispersal is a prerequisite for the effective management of natural populations. Rather than treating dispersal as a fixed trait, it should be considered a plastic process that responds to both genetic and environmental conditions. Here, we consider how the ambient temperature experienced by juvenile Erigone atra, a spider inhabiting crop habitat, influences adult dispersal. This species exhibits 2 distinct forms of dispersal, ballooning (long distance) and rappelling (short distance). Using a half-sib design we raised individuals under 4 different temperature regimes and quantified the spiders' propensity to balloon and to rappel. Additionally, as an indicator of investment in settlement, we determined the size of the webs build by the spiders following dispersal. The optimal temperature regimes for reproduction and overall dispersal investment were 20 °C and 25 °C. Propensity to perform short-distance movements was lowest at 15 °C, whereas for long-distance dispersal it was lowest at 30 °C. Plasticity in dispersal was in the direction predicted on the basis of the risks associated with seasonal changes in habitat availability; long-distance ballooning occurred more frequently under cooler, spring-like conditions and short-distance rappelling under warmer, summer-like conditions. Based on these findings, we conclude that thermal conditions during development provide juvenile spiders with information about the environmental conditions they are likely to encounter as adults and that this information influences the spider's dispersal strategy. Climate change may result in suboptimal adult dispersal behavior, with potentially deleterious population level consequences.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Brandstaetter2010, author = {Brandstaetter, Andreas Simon}, title = {Neuronal correlates of nestmate recognition in the carpenter ant, Camponotus floridanus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-55963}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Cooperation is beneficial for social groups and is exemplified in its most sophisticated form in social insects. In particular, eusocial Hymenoptera, like ants and honey bees, exhibit a level of cooperation only rarely matched by other animals. To assure effective defense of group members, foes need to be recognized reliably. Ants use low-volatile, colony-specific profiles of cuticular hydrocarbons (colony odor) to discriminate colony members (nestmates) from foreign workers (non-nestmates). For colony recognition, it is assumed that multi-component colony odors are compared to a neuronal template, located in a so far unidentified part of the nervous system, where a mismatch results in aggression. Alternatively, a sensory filter in the periphery of the nervous system has been suggested to act as a template, causing specific anosmia to nestmate colony odor due to sensory adaptation and effectively blocking perception of nestmates. Colony odors are not stable, but change over time due to environmental influences. To adjust for this, the recognition system has to be constantly updated (template reformation). In this thesis, I provide evidence that template reformation can be induced artificially, by modifying the sensory experience of carpenter ants (Camponotus floridanus; Chapter 1). The results of the experiments showed that template reformation is a relatively slow process taking several hours and this contradicts the adaptation-based sensory filter hypothesis. This finding is supported by first in-vivo measurements describing the neuronal processes underlying template reformation (Chapter 5). Neurophysiological measurements were impeded at the beginning of this study by the lack of adequate technical means to present colony odors. In a behavioral assay, I showed that tactile interaction is not necessary for colony recognition, although colony odors are of very low volatility (Chapter 2). I developed a novel stimulation technique (dummy-delivered stimulation) and tested its suitability for neurophysiological experiments (Chapter 3). My experiments showed that dummy-delivered stimulation is especially advantageous for presentation of low-volatile odors. Colony odor concentration in headspace was further increased by moderately heating the dummies, and this allowed me to measure neuronal correlates of colony odors in the peripheral and the central nervous system using electroantennography and calcium imaging, respectively (Chapter 4). Nestmate and non-nestmate colony odor elicited strong neuronal responses in olfactory receptor neurons of the antenna and in the functional units of the first olfactory neuropile of the ant brain, the glomeruli of the antennal lobe (AL). My results show that ants are not anosmic to nestmate colony odor and this clearly invalidates the previously suggested sensory filter hypothesis. Advanced two-photon microscopy allowed me to investigate the neuronal representation of colony odors in different neuroanatomical compartments of the AL (Chapter 5). Although neuronal activity was distributed inhomogeneously, I did not find exclusive representation restricted to a single AL compartment. This result indicates that information about colony odors is processed in parallel, using the computational power of the whole AL network. In the AL, the patterns of glomerular activity (spatial activity patterns) were variable, even in response to repeated stimulation with the same colony odor (Chapter 4\&5). This finding is surprising, as earlier studies indicated that spatial activity patterns in the AL reflect how an odor is perceived by an animal (odor quality). Under natural conditions, multi-component odors constitute varying and fluctuating stimuli, and most probably animals are generally faced with the problem that these elicit variable neuronal responses. Two-photon microscopy revealed that variability was higher in response to nestmate than to non-nestmate colony odor (Chapter 5), possibly reflecting plasticity of the AL network, which allows template reformation. Due to their high variability, spatial activity patterns in response to different colony odors were not sufficiently distinct to allow attribution of odor qualities like 'friend' or 'foe'. This finding challenges our current notion of how odor quality of complex, multi-component odors is coded. Additional neuronal parameters, e.g. precise timing of neuronal activity, are most likely necessary to allow discrimination. The lower variability of activity patterns elicited by non-nestmate compared to nestmate colony odor might facilitate recognition of non-nestmates at the next level of the olfactory pathway. My research efforts made the colony recognition system accessible for direct neurophysiological investigations. My results show that ants can perceive their own nestmates. The neuronal representation of colony odors is distributed across AL compartments, indicating parallel processing. Surprisingly, the spatial activity patterns in response to colony are highly variable, raising the question how odor quality is coded in this system. The experimental advance presented in this thesis will be useful to gain further insights into how social insects discriminate friends and foes. Furthermore, my work will be beneficial for the research field of insect olfaction as colony recognition in social insects is an excellent model system to study the coding of odor quality and long-term memory mechanisms underlying recognition of complex, multi-component odors.}, subject = {Neuroethologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Heisig2010, author = {Heisig, Martin}, title = {Development of novel Listeria monocytogenes strains as therapeutic agents for targeted tumor therapy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48628}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Despite marked progress in development and improvement of cancer therapies the rate of cancer related death remained stable over the last years. Especially in treating metastases alternative approaches supporting current therapies are required. Bacterial and viral vectors have been advanced from crude tools into highly sophisticated therapeutic agents detecting and treating neoplastic leasions. They might be potent enough to fill in this therapeutic demand. In this thesis Listeria monocytogenes was investigated as carrier for targeted bacterial cancer therapy. One part of the study focussed on modification of a functional bacterial mRNA delivery system. Genomic integration of T7 RNA polymerase driving mRNA production allowed reduction to an one-plasmid-system and thereby partially relieved the growth retardation exerted by mRNA delivery. Importantly the integration allowed metabolic attenuation of the mRNA delivery mutant potentially enabling in vivo applications. Further expansion of the bacterial RNA delivery system for transfer of shRNAs was examined. Bacterial mutants producing high amounts of RNA containing shRNA sequences were constructed, however a functional proof of gene silencing on delivery in eukaryotic cell lines was not achieved. The second part of this thesis focussed on increasing tumor colonization by Listeria monocytogenes in vivo. Coating bacteria with antibodies against receptors overexpressed on distinct tumor cell lines enabled specific bacterial internalization into these cells in vitro. Optimization of the bacterial antibody coating process resulted in an up to 104-fold increase of intracellular bacteria. Combination of this antibody-mediated targeting with the delivery of prodrug-converting enzymes showed a cytotoxic effect in cell lines treated with the corresponding prodrug. Since incubation in murine serum completely abrogated antibodymediated bacterial internalization the antibodies were covalently linked to the bacteria for application in xenografted tumor mice. Bacteria coated and crosslinked in this manner showed enhanced tumor targeting in a murine tumor model demonstrating antibodymediated bacterial tumor targeting in vivo. Independent of antibody-mediated tumor targeting the intrinsic tumor colonization of different Listeria monocytogenes mutants was examined. Listeria monocytogenes \&\#916;aroA \&\#916;inlGHE colonized murine melanoma xenografts highly efficient, reaching up to 108 CFU per gram of tumor mass 7 days post infection. Taken together the presented data shows highly promising aspects for potential bacterial application in future tumor therapies. Combination of the delivery systems with antibodymediated- and intrinsic bacterial tumor targeting might open novel dimensions utilizing Listeria monocytogenes as therapeutic vector in targeted tumor therapy.}, subject = {Krebs }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Seubert2010, author = {Seubert, Carolin}, title = {Onkolytische Virotherapie : Virus-vermittelte Expression von MCP-1 oder ß-Galaktosidase in Vaccinia-Virus-kolonisierten Tumoren f{\"u}hrt zu einer erh{\"o}hten Tumorregression}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48083}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Ungeachtet der enormen Entwicklung in Krebsdiagnostik und -Therapie in den letzten Jahren, sind vollst{\"a}ndige Heilungsaussichten weiterhin gering und die aktuellen Behandlungsmethoden oftmals mit schwerwiegenden Nebeneffekten verbunden. Aufgrund dessen sind alternative Behandlungsmethoden unbedingt erforderlich und f{\"u}hrten zu einer zunehmenden Bedeutung des Vaccinia-Virus als onkolytisches Virus in der Krebstherapie. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden zwei m{\"o}gliche Therapieans{\"a}tze zur Verst{\"a}rkung der onkolytischen Effekte in humanen Tumormodellen untersucht. Die Kombination einer gene-directed enzyme prodrug Therapie (GDEPT) mit dem onkolytischen Vaccinia-Virus GLV 1h68 sollte zur Selektivit{\"a}tssteigerung eines ß-Galaktosidase-aktivierbaren, cytotoxisch-aktiven Drugs f{\"u}hren. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus diente das f{\"u}r MCP-1 codierende Vaccinia-Virus GLV-1h80, zielend auf eine Cytokin-vermittelten Immuntherapie, als Vektor zur spezifischen Beeinflussung des intratumoralen Chemokin-Netzwerks. Im Zuge der GDEPT wurde in dieser Arbeit ein, durch enzymatische Deglykosylierug aktivierbares Prodrug, basierend auf dem cytotoxischem Antibiotikum Duocarmycin SA verwendet. Durch eine Infektion mit GLV-1h68 und einer resultierenden Expression des aktivierenden Enzyms ß-Galaktosidase, sollte eine Umwandlung des Prodrugs in ein cytotoxisches Drug erfolgen. In vitro Infektionsstudien zeigten ein nahezu identisches Replikationsverhalten des Vaccinia-Virus GLV-1h68 und des als Kontrollvirus dienenden rVACV GLV-1h43 in humanen GI-101A-Brustkrebszellen. Die Expression der beiden Reporter-Gene Ruc-GFP sowie ß-Galaktosidase konnten auf Protein-Ebene und mittels RT-PCR nach Infektion mit GLV-1h68 nachgewiesen werden. GLV-1h43-Infektion von GI-101A-Zellen f{\"u}hrte zu GFP-Expression, jedoch nicht zur Expression des Enzyms ß Galaktosidase. Untersuchung der Enzym-Aktivit{\"a}t in Zelllysaten und Zellkultur-{\"U}berst{\"a}nden zeigten nach Infektion mit GLV 1h68 steigende Menge zellul{\"a}r assoziierter und freier ß-Galaktosidase. Des Weiteren wurde durch Koinkubation von GI-101A-Zellen mit Virus-freien, ß Galaktosidase-haltigen Zelllysaten bzw. -{\"u}berst{\"a}nden und Prodrug eine Aktivierung des Prodrugs durch das Virus codierte Enzym nachgewiesen. Diese Koinkubation f{\"u}hrte zur Abt{\"o}tung der Zellen. Nach Inkubation mit Proben mock- oder GLV 1h43-infizierter Zellen konnte keiner Ver{\"a}nderung der Proliferationsrate von GI-101A-Zellen gefunden werden. Kombinierte Behandlung von GI 101A-Zellen mit Viren des Stammes GLV 1h68 und Prodrug f{\"u}hrte zu starken Synergieeffekten bei der Abt{\"o}tung der Zellen und wies einen Bystander Effekt der Kombinationstherapie nach. Dieser konnte in 4 weiteren humanen und 2 Hunde-Brustkrebszellen best{\"a}tigt werden. Der erzielte Bystander-Effekt zeigt, dass es nach Virus-induzierter ß-Galaktosidase-Expression in GLV 1h68-infizierten Zellen zu einer enzymatischen Spaltung des Prodrugs in das cytotoxische seco-Analogon des Antibiotikums Duocarmycin SA kommt. Durch die Membrang{\"a}ngigkeit des Drugs konnte auch in angrenzenden uninfizierten Zellen eine Wirkung erzielt werden. Anhand von Expressionsanalysen an Apoptose-assoziierten Proteinen, wie PARP und Caspasen, wurde eine Wirkung des Prodrugs {\"u}ber den intrinsischen Apoptose-Signalweg nachgewiesen. In athymischen Nude-M{\"a}usen durchgef{\"u}hrte Replikationsanalysen und X-Gal-F{\"a}rbungen GLV 1h68 infizierter Tumore nach Prodrug-Behandlung zeigten, dass GLV-1h68 ungeachtet der simultanen Behandlung mit Prodrug im Tumorgewebe repliziert und es nicht zur Anreicherung lacZ-negativer Virusmutanten kommt. Es konnten, durch Prodrug-Behandlung und einer simultanen Expression aktiver ß Galaktosidase, starke synergistische Effekte und eine signifikante Steigerung der Tumorregression erzielt werden. Da die Kombinationstherapie zu keinerlei Unterschieden in Gewicht und Gesundheitszustand behandelter Versuchstiere f{\"u}hrte, konnte eine systemische Toxizit{\"a}t außerhalb des Tumorgewebes ausgeschlossen werden. Verschiedene Zelllinien weisen Unterschiede in ihrer Sensitivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber der onkolytischen Aktivit{\"a}t von Vaccinia-Virus GLV-1h68 auf. W{\"a}hrend einige Zelllinien trotz Virus-Behandlung unver{\"a}ndertes Proliferationsverhalten zeigen (non- oder poor-responder), f{\"u}hrt diese Behandlung in anderen Zelllinien zu einer vollst{\"a}ndigen Tumorregression (responder). In Anbetracht dieser Unterschiede wurden in dieser Arbeit die Effekte einer induzierten Expression des murinen Chemokins MCP-1 in GI-101A-Tumoren (responder) und HT29-CBG-Tumoren (poor-responder) untersucht. MCP-1 zeichnet sich durch seine chemotaktischen Eigenschaften gegen{\"u}ber mononukle{\"a}rer Zellen aus und f{\"u}hrt zu pleiotropen Tumor-Effekten. Replikationsstudien am Virus GLV-1h80 und des als Kontrollvirus dienenden rVACV GLV-1h68 zeigten, dass aus der Expression des Fremd-Gens mcp-1 sowohl in vitro als auch in vivo keinerlei negativen Effekte auf das Replikationsverhalten in humanen GI-101A- und HT29-CBG-Zellen resultieren. Durch Real-time Monitoring der GFP-Expression im Tumorgewebe lebender Tiere konnte zun{\"a}chst eine mit dem Infektionsverlauf zunehmende Signalst{\"a}rke beobachtet werden, welche dann 42 dpi an Intensit{\"a}t verlor. Toxizit{\"a}t und sch{\"a}dliche Nebeneffekte durch Infektion mit den beiden rVACV konnten anhand der viralen Titer in den Organen der Maus ausgeschlossen werden. Die Titer wiesen auf eine ausschließlich auf das Tumorgewebe begrenzte Replikation der Viren nach Injektion in Tumor-tragende Tiere hin. Die Expression des Chemokins MCP-1 wurde sowohl auf transkriptioneller als auch auf translationeller Ebene in GLV-1h80-inifzierten Zellen und im Tumorgewebe GLV 1h80-injizierter M{\"a}use nachgewiesen. Nach Infektion mit GLV-1h80 konnte eine mit dem Infektionsverlauf zunehmende MCP-1-Expression gezeigt werden. Dabei wurde zudem deutlich, dass nicht nur eine GLV-1h80-Infektion in vivo zu einer Zunahme der intratumoralen MCP-1-Expression f{\"u}hrte, sondern eine Vaccinia-Virus-Infektion allein einen Anstieg des Chemokins zu bewirken vermag. Eine Quantifizierung durch ELISA machte Konzentrationsunterschiede von MCP-1 zwischen den Tumormodellen GI-101A und HT29-CBG deutlich. Sowohl in vitro als auch in vivo f{\"u}hrte ein GLV-1h80-Infektion zu deutlich niedrigeren Konzentrationen im HT29-CBG-Kolon-Adenokarzinommodell. Ein Nachweis murinen MCP-1 in Blutseren Tumor-tragender Tiere zeigte eine f{\"u}r therapeutische Effekte erw{\"u}nschte systemische Freisetzung des intratumoral durch die Infektion mit GLV-1h80 gebildeten Chemokins MCP-1. Durch immunhistologische Untersuchungen GLV-1h80-infizierter Zellen und Tumoren konnte diese, mit dem Infektionsverlauf zunehmende MCP-1-Expression best{\"a}tigt werden. Die funktionelle Aktivit{\"a}t des rekombinanten Proteins wurde anhand TNF-\&\#945;-spezifischer ELISA-Analysen {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Dabei zeigte sich eine erh{\"o}hte Expression dieses proinflammatorischen Cytokins in GI-101A-Tumoren nach Infektion mit GLV-1h80. Dagegen konnte keine Steigerung der Expression im HT29-CBG-Tumorgewebe nachgewiesen werden. Ein Nachweis des durch proinflammatorische Immunzellen exprimierten Oberlfl{\"a}chenproteins CD14 zeigte ebenfalls einen Anstieg nach Infektion mit GLV-1h80. Auch diese ver{\"a}nderte Expression blieb im poor-Responder-Modell HT29-CBG aus. Die steigende intratumorale Expression der beiden Proteine in GI-101A-Tumoren nach GLV 1h80-Infektion l{\"a}sst auf eine Zunahme pro-inflammatorischer Immunzellen, basierend auf einer Virus-induzierten MCP-1-Expression schließen. Ein Monitoring der Tumorprogression nach Implantation von GI 101A-Zellen und Injektion der rVACV GLV-1h80 und GLV-1h68 bzw. einer PBS-Injektion f{\"u}hrte nach einer anf{\"a}nglichen Zunahme des Tumorwachstums schließlich bei beiden Viren zu einer Tumorregression. Jedoch konnte durch die GLV-1h80-vermittelte MCP-1-Expression eine Verst{\"a}rkung der onkolytischen Effekte erzielt werden, welche sich durch eine signifikante Abnahme des Tumorvolumens zeigte. Im HT29-CBG-Modell f{\"u}hrten die therapeutischen Effekte durch rVACV GLV-1h80 zwar zu keiner Regression des Tumors, jedoch zeigte sich auch in diesem humanen Tumormodell eine Verst{\"a}rkung der onkolytischen Effekte nach GLV-1h80-Infektion im Vergleich zu einer GLV 1h68-Behandlung. Durch die GLV-1h80-induzierte Expression des Chemokins MCP-1 konnte somit eine Hemmung des Tumorwachstums auch im poor-Responder-Modell HT29-CBG erzielt werden. Sowohl die Verwendung eines ß-Galaktosidase-aktivierbaren Prodrugs im Zuge einer GDEPT, als auch die Beeinflussung des intratumoralen Chemokin-Netzwerks durch Expression des Chemokins MCP-1 f{\"u}hrten in dieser Arbeit zu positiven Synergismus-Effekten in der onkolytischen Virustherapie. Durch k{\"u}nftige Konstruktion eines rVACV, welches sowohl die Expression des Chemokins MCP-1, als auch des prodrug-aktivierenden Enzyms ß-Galaktosidase im Tumorgewebe induziert, k{\"o}nnte in Kombination mit einer Prodrug-Behandlung eine zus{\"a}tzliche Verst{\"a}rkung der Effekte erzielt und m{\"o}glicherweise eine erfolgreiche Virustherapie in bisher schwach ansprechenden poor- bzw. non-Responder-Modellen erm{\"o}glicht werden.}, subject = {Vaccinia-Virus}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Geissinger2010, author = {Geissinger, Ulrike}, title = {Vaccinia Virus-mediated MR Imaging of Tumors in Mice: Overexpression of Iron-binding Proteins in Colonized Xenografts}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48099}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Vaccinia virus plays an important role in human medicine and molecular biology ever since the 18th century after E. Jenner discovered its value as a vaccination virus against smallpox. After the successful eradication of smallpox, vaccinia virus, apart from its use as a vaccine carrier, is today mainly used as a viral vector in molecular biology and increasingly in cancer therapy. The capability to specifically target and destroy cancer cells makes it a perfect agent for oncolytic virotherapy. Furthermore, the virus can easily be modified by inserting genes encoding therapeutic or diagnostic proteins to be expressed within the tumor. The emphasis in this study was the diagnosis of tumors using different vaccinia virus strains. Viruses with metal-accumulating capabilities for tumor detection via MRI technology were generated and tested for their usefulness in cell culture and in vivo. The virus strains GLV-1h131, GLV-1h132, and GLV-1h133 carry the gene encoding the two subunits of the iron storage protein ferritin under the control of three different promoters. GLV-1h110, GLV-1h111, and GLV-1h112 encode the bacterial iron storage protein bacterioferritin, whereas GLV-1h113 encodes the codon-optimized version of bacterioferritin for more efficient expression in human cells. GLV-1h22 contains the transferrin receptor gene, which plays an important role in iron uptake, and GLV-1h114 and GLV-1h115 contain the murine transferrin receptor gene. For possibly better iron uptake the virus strains GLV-1h154, GLV-1h155, GLV-1h156, and GLV-1h157 were generated, each with a version of a ferritin gene and a transferrin receptor gene. GLV-1h154 carries the genes that encode bacterioferritin and human transferrin receptor, GLV-1h155 the human ferritin H-chain gene and the human transferrin receptor gene. GLV-1h156 and GLV-1h157 infected cells both express the mouse transferrin receptor and bacterioferritin or human ferritin H-chain, respectively. The virus strains GLV-1h186 and GLV-1h187 were generated to contain a mutated form of the ferritin light chain, which was shown to result in iron overload and the wildtype light chain gene, respectively. The gene encoding the Divalent Metal Transporter 1, which is a major protein in the uptake of iron, was inserted in the virus strain GLV-1h102. The virus strain GLV-1h184 contains the magA gene of the magnetotactic bacterium Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum, which produces magnetic nanoparticles for orientation in the earth's magnetic field. Initially the infection and replication capability of all the virus strains were analyzed and compared to that of the parental virus strain GLV-1h68, revealing that all the viruses were able to infect cells of the human cancer cell lines A549 and GI-101A. All constructs exhibited a course of infection comparable to that of GLV-1h68. Next, to investigate the expression of the foreign proteins in GI-101A and A549 cells with protein analytical methods, SDS-gelelectrophoresis, Western blots and ELISAs were performed. The proteins, which were expressed under the control of the strong promoters, could be detected using these methods. To be able to successfully detect the protein expression of MagA and DMT1, which were expressed under the control of the weak promoter, the more sensitive method RT-PCR was used to at least confirm the transcription of the inserted genes. The determination of the iron content in infected GI-101A and A549 cells showed that infection with all used virus strains led to iron accumulation in comparison to uninfected cells, even infection with the parental virus strain GLV-1h68. The synthetic phytochelatin EC20 was also shown to enhance the accumulation of different heavy metals in bacterial cultures. In vivo experiments with A549 tumor-bearing athymic nude mice revealed that 24 days post infection virus particles were found mainly in the tumor. The virus-mediated expression of recombinant proteins in the tumors was detected successfully by Western blot. Iron accumulation in tumor lysates was investigated by using the ferrozine assay and led to the result that GLV-1h68-infected tumors had the highest iron content. Histological stainings confirmed the finding that iron accumulation was not a direct result of the insertion of genes encoding iron-accumulating proteins in the virus genome. Furthermore virus-injected tumorous mice were analyzed using MRI technology. Two different measurements were performed, the first scan being done with a seven Tesla small animal scanner seven days post infection whereas the second scan was performed using a three Tesla human scanner 21 days after virus injection. Tumors of mice injected with the virus strains GLV-1h113 and GLV-1h184 were shown to exhibit shortened T2 and T2* relaxation times, which indicates enhanced iron accumulation. In conclusion, the experiments in this study suggest that the bacterioferritin-encoding virus strain GLV-1h113 and the magA-encoding virus strain GLV-1h184 are promising candidates to be used for cancer imaging after further analyzation and optimization.}, subject = {Vaccinia-Virus}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{FialaFederleMaschwitzetal.1994, author = {Fiala, Brigitte and Federle, W. and Maschwitz, U. and Azarae, Idris}, title = {The first myrmecophytic 2-partner-system in the genus Macaranga: The association between Macaranga puncticulata and a Componotus (Colobopsis) in Malaysia}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-55144}, year = {1994}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Biologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{NoellieAhouRUETH2010, author = {Noellie Ahou RUETH, geb. YAO}, title = {Mapping Bushfire Distribution and Burn Severity in West Africa Using Remote Sensing Observations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-54244}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Fire has long been considered to be the main ecological factor explaining the origin and maintenance of West African savannas. It has a very high occurrence in these savannas due to high human pressure caused by strong demographic growth and, concomitantly, is used to transform natural savannas into farmland and is also used as a provider of energy. This study was carried out with the support of the BIOTA project funded by the German ministry for Research and Education. The objective of this study is to establish the spatial and temporal distribution of bushfires during a long observation period from 2000 to 2009 as well as to assess fire impact on vegetation through mapping of the burn severity; based on remote sensing and field data collections. Remote sensing was used for this study because of the advantages that it offers in collecting data for long time periods and on different scales. In this case, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite instrument at 1km resolution is used to assess active fires, and understand the seasonality of fire, its occurrence and its frequency within the vegetation types on a regional scale. Landsat ETM+ imagery at 30 m and field data collections were used to define the characteristics of burn severity related to the biomass loss on a local scale. At a regional scale, the occurrence of fires and rainfall per month correlated very well (R2 = 0.951, r = -0.878, P < 0.01), which shows that the lower the amount of rainfall, the higher the fire occurrence and vice versa. In the dry season, four fire seasons were determined on a regional scale, namely very early fires, which announce the beginning of the fires, early and late fires making up the peak of fire in December/January and very late fires showing the end of the fire season and the beginning of the rainy season. Considerable fire activity was shown to take place in the vegetation zones between the Forest and the Sahel areas. Within these zones, parts of the Sudano-Guinean and the Guinean zones showed a high pixel frequency, i.e. fires occurred in the same place in many years. This high pixel frequency was also found in most protected areas in these zones. As to the kinds of land cover affected by fire, the highest fire occurrence is observed within the Deciduous woodlands and Deciduous shrublands. Concerning the burn severity, which was observed at a local scale, field data correlated closely with the ΔNBR derived from Landsat scenes of Pendjari National Park (R2 = 0.76). The correlation coefficient according to Pearson is r = 0.84 and according to Spearman-Rho, the correlation coefficient is r = 0.86. Very low and low burn severity (with ΔNBR value from 0 to 0.40) affected the vegetation weakly (0-35 percent of biomass loss) whereas moderate and high burn severity greatly affected the vegetation, leading to up to 100 percent of biomass loss, with the ΔNBR value ranging from 0.41 to 0.99. It can be seen from these results that remotely sensed images offer a tool to determine the fire distribution over large regions in savannas and that the Normalised Burn Ratio index can be applied to West Africa savannas. The outcomes of this thesis will hopefully contribute to understanding and, eventually, improving fire regimes in West Africa and their response to climate change and changes in vegetation diversity.}, subject = {Westafrika}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Torlopp2010, author = {Torlopp, Angela}, title = {Die Rolle von FGF in der fr{\"u}hen Kardiogenese und Proepikardiogenese im H{\"u}hnerembryo}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-47695}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit sollte die Funktion von FGF-Signalen im Herzfeld und in der Entwicklung des Proepikards im H{\"u}hnerembryo untersucht werden. Fibroblasten-Wachstumsfaktoren (FGF) sind eine große Gruppe von Signalmolek{\"u}len und in eine Vielzahl von Entwicklungsprozessen involviert. Das Proepikard (PE), welches sich asymmetrisch auf dem rechten Sinushorn des Sinus venosus entwickelt, bildet die Grundlage des Koronargef{\"a}ßsystems des Herzens. FGF-Liganden (FGF2, FGF10, FGF12) werden insbesondere in den epithelialen Zellen des Proepikards exprimiert, sowie an der sinomyokardialen Basis dieser embryonalen Progenitorpopulation. Die FGF-Rezeptoren (FGFR1, FGFR2, FGFR4) weisen ein {\"a}hnliches Expressionsmuster auf und deren Inhibition, durch spezifische Antagonisten, war der Ausgangspunkt f{\"u}r die funktionelle Analyse der proepikardialen FGF-Signalaktivit{\"a}t. Die Inhibition von FGF-Signalen in vitro f{\"u}hrt zu einem verringerten Wachstum sowie einer erh{\"o}hten Apoptoserate in proepikardialen Explantaten, die unter serumfreien Bedingungen kultiviert wurden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sowohl der Ras/MAPK- als auch der PI3-Kinase-Signalweg, beides Bestandteile der FGF-Signaltransduktion, f{\"u}r das Wachstum und {\"U}berleben proepikardialer Zellen verantwortlich sind. Dagegen sind FGF-Signale nicht in die Etablierung proepikardialer Identit{\"a}t involviert, wie die Analyse der Expression etablierter proepikardialer Markergene wie TBX18, WT1 und TBX5 nach FGF-Inhibition zeigte. Dies konnte gleichfalls durch in vivo-Experimente gezeigt werden, in denen die rechtsseitige Inhibition von FGF zu einem retardierten Proepikardwachstum f{\"u}hrte. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass die asymmetrische Apoptose in der sich transient entwickelnden linksseitigen Proepikardanlage auf eine fr{\"u}he differentielle Expression von Apoptosegenen wie Caspase 2 zur{\"u}ckgeht. Diese asymmetrische Expression wird von FGF8 reguliert, wahrscheinlich als Teil eines fr{\"u}hen rechtsseitigen Signalweges, der Apoptose im rechten Sinushorn des kardialen Einflusstraktes verhindert. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde die Expression der Hyaluronansynthase 2 (HAS2) in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von FGF in der Herzfeldregion analysiert. Hyaluronansynthasen produzieren Hyalurons{\"a}ure, welches eine essentielle Komponente der extrazellul{\"a}ren Matrix ist. Es wurde in vivo gezeigt, dass die Expression von HAS2 im prim{\"a}ren Herzfeld in gleicher Weise von FGF reguliert wird wie die des kardialen Transkriptionsfaktors NKX2.5. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit verdeutlichen, dass FGF w{\"a}hrend der fr{\"u}hen Entwicklung des Herzens und der Entstehung des Proepikards diverse Funktionen besitzt.}, subject = {Huhn}, language = {de} } @article{Fiala1990, author = {Fiala, Brigitte}, title = {B{\"a}ume \& Ameisen : Partnerschaften im s{\"u}dostasiatischen Regenwald}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-54741}, year = {1990}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Baum}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{FialaMaschwitzTho1991, author = {Fiala, Brigitte and Maschwitz, Ulrich and Tho, Yow Pong}, title = {The association between Macaranga trees and ants in South-east Asia}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-54752}, year = {1991}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Macaranga}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schubert2010, author = {Schubert, Alice}, title = {Immunhistochemische und funktionelle Charakterisierung der Serin/Arginin-Proteinkinase SRPK79D mit Identifizierung von Interaktionspartnern in Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-53841}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Auf der Suche nach Mutanten mit einer vom Wildtyp abweichenden Verteilung des Aktive Zone-Proteins Bruchpilot wurde die Serin/Arginin-Proteinkinase SRPK79D identifiziert. Hier zeigte sich, dass die Mutation im Srpk79D-Gen zu einer Agglomeration von Bruchpilot in den larvalen segmentalen und intersegmentalen Nerven f{\"u}hrt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte die SRPK79D genauer charakterisiert werden. Nach Pr{\"a}adsorptionen und Affinit{\"a}tsreinigungen von in einer fr{\"u}heren Arbeit erzeugten Antiseren, gelang es die Lokalisation der {\"u}berexprimierten SRPK79D-GFP-Isoformen zu bestimmen. Dabei zeigte sich, dass keines der Antiseren die endogene Kinase im Western Blot oder immunhistocheimisch detektieren konnte. Dies legt den Schluss nahe, dass die Expression der SRPK79D in einer geringen Konzentration erfolgt. Es war jedoch m{\"o}glich die endogene SRPK79D-PC-Isoform mittels einer Immunpr{\"a}zipitation soweit anzureichern, dass sie im Western Blot nachweisbar war. F{\"u}r die SRPK79D-PB-Isoform gelang dies allerdings nicht. Anhand von larvalen Nerv-Muskel-Pr{\"a}paraten konnte gezeigt werden, dass die panneural {\"u}berexprimierte SRPK79D-PC-GFP-Isoform an die Aktiven Zone transportiert wird und dort mit Bruchpilot, sowie den Interaktionspartnern von Bruchpilot Liprin-α und Rab3 kolokalisiert. Außerdem liegt sie diffus im Zytoplasma von neuronalen Zellk{\"o}rpern vor. In adulten Gehirnen lokalisiert die transgen {\"u}berexprimierte SRPK79D-PC-GFP im Fanshaped body, Ringkomplex und in neuronalen Zellk{\"o}rpern. Die panneural {\"u}berexprimierte SRPK79D-PB-GFP-Isoform liegt im larvalen und adulten Gehirn lokal im Zytoplasma der Perikaryen akkumuliert vor und wird nicht an die Aktive Zone transportiert. Das PB-Antiserum erkennt im adulten Gehirn neuronale Zellk{\"o}rper und das Neuropil in der Calyxregion der Pilzk{\"o}rper. Immunhistochemische F{\"a}rbungen von larvalen Nerv-Muskel-Pr{\"a}paraten mit verschiedenen Antik{\"o}rpern gegen neuronale Proteine belegen, dass die Agglomerate in der Srpk79D-Mutante f{\"u}r Bruchpilot spezifisch sind. Es konnten bisher keine weiteren Komponenten der Agglomerate detektiert werden. Auch ein genereller axonaler Defekt konnte durch F{\"a}rbungen gegen CSP, Synaptotagmin und Experimenten mit dem Mitochondrienfarbstoff MitoTracker® FM Green ausgeschlossen werden. Die quantitative Auswertung der Pr{\"a}parate zeigte, dass die Morphologie der synaptischen Boutons und die Zahl der Aktiven Zonen durch die Mutation im Srpk79D-Gen nicht beeinflusst werden. Um gesicherte Kenntnis dar{\"u}ber zu erlangen, ob die Mutation im Srpk79D-Gen die beobachteten Ph{\"a}notypen verursacht, wurden Rettungsexperimente durchgef{\"u}hrt. Es konnte sowohl f{\"u}r das hypomorphe Srpk79DP1-Allel, als auch f{\"u}r die Nullmutante Srpk79DVN eine nahezu vollst{\"a}ndige Rettung des Agglomerat-Ph{\"a}notyps mit der panneural exprimierten SRPK79D-PF- oder der SRPK79D-PB-Isoform erreicht werden. Aus diesen Ergebnissen folgt, dass beide Isoformen der SRPK79D in der Lage sind den Bruchpilot-Agglomerat-Ph{\"a}notyp zu retten, die Rettung der Verhaltensdefizite jedoch alle Isoformgruppen ben{\"o}tigen. Um zu untersuchen, ob der Agglomerations-Ph{\"a}notyp der Srpk79D-Mutanten auf einer {\"U}berexpression des Bruchpilotgens oder auf Fehlspleißen seiner pr{\"a}-mRNA beruht, wurden Immunpr{\"a}zipitationen, semiquantitative RT-PCRs und Real Time-PCRs durchgef{\"u}hrt. Ausgehend von den Ergebnissen kann eine m{\"o}gliche {\"U}berexpression bzw. Spleißdefekte von Bruchpilot weitgehend ausgeschlossen werden. Die simultane {\"U}berexpression von SRPK79D und Bruchpilot konnte den Ph{\"a}notyp der Bruchpilot-{\"U}berexpression nicht retten. Anhand der stimulated emission depletion-Mikroskopie konnte gezeigt werden, dass die gebildeten Agglomerate das charakteristische Donut-f{\"o}rmige Muster der T-bars zeigen und wahrscheinlich als fusionierte Ketten von T-bars in den larvalen Nerven vorliegen. Beim in vivo Imaging Versuch konnte demonstriert werden, dass das verk{\"u}rzte Bruchpilot-D3-Strawberry in die Bruchpilot-Agglomerate der Srpk79D-Nullmutante eingebaut wird und dass gr{\"o}ßere Agglomerate unbewegt im Nerv verharren. Der anterograde und retrograde Transport kleinerer Agglomerate konnte verzeichnet werden. Bei CytoTrap-Yeast-two-hybrid-Experimenten konnten f{\"u}r die SRPK79D-PB Isoform vier potentielle Interaktionspartner identifiziert werden: das Hitzeschockprotein Hsp70Bbb, die mitochondriale NADH-Dehydrogenase mt:ND5, das large ribosomal RNA Gen in Mitochondrien und das am Spleißen beteiligte Protein 1.3CC/Caper. Die Sequenzierung zeigte, dass nur das letzte Exon von Caper im pMyr-Vektor vorliegt. Der f{\"u}r die PC-Isoform durchgef{\"u}hrte CytoTrap-Versuch ergab nur Temperatur-Revertanten. SR-Proteinkinasen phosphorylieren die RS-Dom{\"a}ne von SR-Proteinen und sind dadurch an der Regulation des konstitutiven und alternativen Spleißens beteiligt. Somit stellen die acht identifizierten SR-Proteine in Drosophila potentielle Interaktionspartner der SRPK79D dar. Die durch RNAi-vermittelte Reduktion von sieben SR-Proteinen f{\"u}hrte zu keiner Agglomeration von Bruchpilot. Jedoch f{\"u}hrte die RNAi-vermittelte Reduktion des SR-Proteins Spleißfaktor 2 (SF2) zu kleineren Bruchpilot-Agglomeraten in den axonalen Nerven. SF2 ist selbst kein Bestandteil der Agglomerate der Srpk79D-Nullmutante. Die {\"U}berexpression von SF2 f{\"u}hrt wahrscheinlich zu einem axonalen Transportdefekt, wie die F{\"a}rbung gegen das Cysteine string protein zeigte. Weiterhin f{\"u}hrt die {\"U}berexpression zu einer Akkumulation von SF2 in larvalen Axonen und im adulten Gehirn der Fliegen. SF2 ist nicht nur in Zellkernen s{\"a}mtlicher Zellen nachweisbar, sondern es konnte auch ein spezifisches Signal im subsynaptischen Retikulum der Postsynapse detektiert werden, wie die F{\"a}rbungen gegen Disc large best{\"a}tigten.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Woelke2010, author = {W{\"o}lke, Stefan}, title = {Funktionelle Analyse von bakteriellen W-xxx-E Rho GTPasen GEF Mimetika mittels Typ 3 Sekretionssystems von Yersinia enterocolitica}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-55010}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Die zellul{\"a}ren Rho GTPasen kontrollieren und regulieren zentrale elementare Zellvorg{\"a}nge wie Phagozytose, Migration und epitheliale Integrit{\"a}t. Aufgrund ihrer zentralen Stellung, interagiert eine Vielzahl von bakteriellen Cytotoxinen und Modulinen mit den Rho GTPasen und wirken so als Pathogenit{\"a}tsfaktoren. Die zur W-xxx-E Familie geh{\"o}renden Effektoren IpgB1 und IpgB2 von Shigella und Map von E. coli (Pathotypen EHEC und EPEC) werden {\"u}ber ein Typ 3 Sekretionssystem (T3SS) in Wirtszellen injiziert und wirken als Rac1, RhoA bzw. Cdc42 GEF Mimetikum. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Effektor Funktionen von IpgB1 IpgB2 und Map mit Hilfe des Yersinia (Ysc)-T3SS untersucht, was zur Etablierung der „Yersinia-Toolbox" f{\"u}hrte. Damit k{\"o}nnen heterologe Effektoren isoliert im physiologischen Kontext der Erreger-Zell-Interaktion zellbiologisch untersucht werden unter Vermeidung von simultaner Injektion redundanter oder unbekannter Effektoren. Zur Etablierung der Yersinia-Toolbox wurden zun{\"a}chst die Gene f{\"u}r die Rho GTPasen modulierenden Shigella Effektoren IpgB1 und IpgB2 sowie der E. coli (EHEC)-Effektor Map mit unterschiedlich langen Gensequenzen der N-terminalen Bereiche des Yersinia-Effektorproteins YopE fusioniert (Hybridproteine: YopEi-X:i = 18, 53 bzw. 138 Aminos{\"a}urereste, X = IpgB1, IpgB2 bzw. Map). In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass die Hybridproteine YopE53-X und YopE138-X (X=IpgB1, IpgB2, Map) in den Kultur{\"u}berstand sezerniert bzw. in Zielzellen injiziert wurden. In einem weiteren Schritt konnte die zellbiologische Aktivit{\"a}t der heterologen Proteine fluoreszenzmikroskopisch durch Aktinzytoskelettumlagerungen gezeigt werden. So wurden „Membrane Ruffles" (Rac1-Aktivierung) durch YopE138-IpgB1, Stressfasern (RhoA-Aktivierung) durch E138-IpgB2 und „Mikrospikes" (Cdc42-Aktivierung) durch YopE138-Map nachgewiesen. Invasionstudien zeigten, dass YopEi-IpgB1 (i = 53, 138) die Yersinia-Invasion induzierte, wohingegen YopEi-IpgB2 die Invasionsrate der St{\"a}mme WA (pT3SS, pEi-IpgB2) (i=53, 138) verglichen mit dem Stamm WA (pT3SS) reduziert war. Durch Kombination verschiedener Yersinia-Toolbox-St{\"a}mme konnte im Co-Infektionsmodell mit HeLa-Zellen gezeigt werden, dass (1) die YopE138-IpgB1 vermittelte Invasion durch YopE138-IpgB2 signifikant inhibiert werden kann, was auf eine antagonistische Wirkung zwischen IpgB1 und IpgB2 schließen l{\"a}sst, dass (2) YopT ebenfalls die IpgB1 vermittelte Invasionsrate reduziert (inhibitorische Wirkung auf Rac1), und dass (3) YopE als GAP f{\"u}r RhoG/Rac1 (bevorzugt RhoG) praktisch nicht die IpgB1-vermittelte Invasion hemmt. Durch Klonierung der YopE138-IpgB1 und YopE138-IpgB2 kodierenden Fusionsgene in zwei kompatible Plasmidvektoren konnten die Hybridproteine simultan transloziert werden und die Co-Infektionsergebnisse best{\"a}tigt werden. In der Literatur ist beschrieben, dass die Ysc-Translokationspore YopB/YopD Rho-abh{\"a}ngig Membranporen-bedingte Zellsch{\"a}digungen verursacht (LDH-Freisetzung, PI-Kernf{\"a}rbung). Mit der Yersinia-Toolbox konnte mit dem Stamm WA (pT3SS) Zytoplasmamembransch{\"a}digung / Zytotoxizit{\"a}t nachgewiesen werden, nicht aber mit den St{\"a}mmen WA (pE138-X) X = IpgB1, IpgB2 oder Map. Co-Infektionen jedoch zeigen, dass vermehrt LDH bei der Infektion mit WA (pT3SS) + WA (pT3SS, pE138-IpgB1) detektiert wurde, wohingegen dieser Effekt von YopE138-IpgB2 in einer Co-Infektion von WA (pT3SS) + WA (pT3SS, pE138-IpgB2) inhibiert wurde. Auch hier wurde der Antagonismus zwischen IpgB1 und IpgB2 erneut sichtbar. Diese Befunde widersprechen publizierten Daten, die eine RhoA-Aktivierung/Aktinpolymerisierung mit verst{\"a}rkter Porenbildung in einen Zusammenhang bringen. Rho GTPasen sind beteiligt an der Erhaltung der polarisierten Eipthelzellschichtintegrit{\"a}t {\"u}ber Adh{\"a}sionskomplexbildung. Mittels Infektion von polarisierten MDCK-Zellschichten mit verschiedenen Yersinia-St{\"a}mmen und Messung des transepithelialen elektrischen Widerstandes/Resistenz (TER) konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Ysc-T3SS vermittelte Injektion von YopE138-IpgB1 (Rac1-Aktivierung) oder YopE138-Map (Cdc42-Aktivierung) zur Abnahme der TER und damit Sch{\"a}digung der Zellschichtintegrit{\"a}t f{\"u}hrt, wogegen bei YopE138-IpgB2-Injektion der TER-Wert unver{\"a}ndert blieb. Um bakterielle Rho GTPasen-modulierende Effektorproteine detailliert untersuchen zu k{\"o}nnen und um die Rolle von Rho GTPasen im Mausinfektionsmodell mit Yersinia enterocolitica und Salmonellen zu bestimmen, wurden M{\"a}use mit deletierten Genen f{\"u}r RhoA, Rac1 bzw. Cdc42 in Makrophagen hergestellt.}, subject = {Actin}, language = {de} } @article{PoethkeHovestadt2002, author = {Poethke, Hans J. and Hovestadt, Thomas}, title = {Evolution of density-and patch-size-dependent dispersal rates}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-49659}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Based on a marginal value approach, we derive a nonlinear expression for evolutionarily stable (ES) dispersal rates in a metapopulation with global dispersal. For the general case of density-dependent population growth, our analysis shows that individual dispersal rates should decrease with patch capacity and-beyond a certain threshold-increase with population density. We performed a number of spatially explicit, individual-based simulation experiments to test these predictions and to explore further the relevance of variation in the rate of population increase, density dependence, environmental fluctuations and dispersal mortality on the evolution of dispersal rates. They confirm the predictions of our analytical approach. In addition, they show that dispersal rates in metapopulations mostly depend on dispersal mortality and inter-patch variation in population density. The latter is dominantly driven by environmental fluctuations and the rate of population increase. These conclusions are not altered by the introduction of neighbourhood dispersal. With patch capacities in the order of 100 individuals, kin competition seems to be of negligible importance for ES dispersal rates except when overall dispersal rates are low.}, subject = {Metapopulation}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Knapek2010, author = {Knapek, Stephan}, title = {Synapsin and Bruchpilot, two synaptic proteins underlying specific phases of olfactory aversive memory in Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-49726}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Memory is dynamic: shortly after acquisition it is susceptible to amnesic treatments, gets gradually consolidated, and becomes resistant to retrograde amnesia (McGaugh, 2000). Associative olfactory memory of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster also shows these features. After a single associative training where an odor is paired with electric shock (Quinn et al., 1974; Tully and Quinn, 1985), flies form an aversive odor memory that lasts for several hours, consisting of qualitatively different components. These components can be dissociated by mutations, their underlying neuronal circuitry and susceptibility to amnesic treatments (Dubnau and Tully, 1998; Isabel et al., 2004; Keene and Waddell, 2007; Masek and Heisenberg, 2008; Xia and Tully, 2007). A component that is susceptible to an amnesic treatment, i.e. anesthesia-sensitive memory (ASM), dominates early memory, but decays rapidly (Margulies et al., 2005; Quinn and Dudai, 1976). A consolidated anesthesia-resistant memory component (ARM) is built gradually within the following hours and lasts significantly longer (Margulies et al., 2005; Quinn and Dudai, 1976). I showed here that the establishment of ARM requires less intensity of shock reinforcement than ASM. ARM and ASM rely on different molecular and/or neuronal processes: ARM is selectively impaired in the radish mutant, whereas for example the amnesiac and rutabaga genes are specifically required for ASM (Dudai et al., 1988; Folkers et al., 1993; Isabel et al., 2004; Quinn and Dudai, 1976; Schwaerzel et al., 2007; Tully et al., 1994). The latter comprise the cAMP signaling pathway in the fly, with the PKA being its supposed major target (Levin et al., 1992). Here I showed that a synapsin null-mutant encoding the evolutionary conserved phosphoprotein Synapsin is selectively impaired in the labile ASM. Further experiments suggested Synapsin as a potential downstream effector of the cAMP/PKA cascade. Similar to my results, Synapsin plays a role for different learning tasks in vertebrates (Gitler et al., 2004; Silva et al., 1996). Also in Aplysia, PKA-dependent phosphorylation of Synapsin has been proposed to be involved in regulation of neurotransmitter release and short-term plasticity (Angers et al., 2002; Fiumara et al., 2004). Synapsin is associated with a reserve pool of vesicles at the presynapse and is required to maintain vesicle release specifically under sustained high frequency nerve stimulation (Akbergenova and Bykhovskaia, 2007; Li et al., 1995; Pieribone et al., 1995; Sun et al., 2006). In contrast, the requirement of Bruchpilot, which is homologous to the mammalian active zone proteins ELKS/CAST (Wagh et al., 2006), is most pronounced in immediate vesicle release (Kittel et al., 2006). Under repeated stimulation of a bruchpilot mutant motor neuron, immediate vesicle release is severely impaired whereas the following steady-state release is still possible (Kittel et al., 2006). In line with that, knockdown of the Bruchpilot protein causes impairment in clustering of Ca2+ channels to the active zones and a lack of electron-dense projections at presynaptic terminals (T-bars). Thus, less synaptic vesicles of the readily-releasable pool are accumulated to the release sites and their release probability is severely impaired (Kittel et al., 2006; Wagh et al., 2006). First, I showed that Bruchpilot is required for aversive olfactory memory and localized the requirement of Bruchpilot to the Kenyon cells of the mushroom body, the second-order olfactory interneurons in Drosophila. Furthermore, I demonstrated that Bruchpilot selectively functions for the consolidated anesthesia-resistant memory. Since Synapsin is specifically required for the labile anesthesia sensitive memory, different synaptic proteins can dissociate consolidated and labile components of olfactory memory and two different modes of neurotransmission (high- vs. low frequency dependent) might differentiate ASM and ARM.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ruchty2010, author = {Ruchty, Markus}, title = {Sensory basis of thermal orientation in leaf-cutting ants}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48906}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Leaf-cutting ants have a highly developed thermal sense which the insects use to regulate the own body temperature and also to optimize brood and fungus development. Apart from the already described temperature guided behaviors inside the nest it is unknown to what extent the ants may use their thermal sense outside the nest. As part of the present thesis, the question was addressed whether leaf-cutting ants (Atta vollenweideri) are able to learn the position of a warm object as landmark for orientation during foraging. Using absolute conditioning, it was shown that ten training trials are sufficient to elicit the association be-tween food reward and the temperature stimulus. In the test situation (without reward) a significantly higher amount of ants preferred the heated site compared to the unheated con-trol. Importantly, thermal radiation alone was sufficient to establish the learned association and served as orientation cue during the test situation (chapter IV). Based on the experi-mental design used in the previous chapter, the localization of thermosensitive neurons, which detect the underlying thermal stimuli, is restricted to the head or the antennae of the ants. The antennal sensillum coeloconicum is a potential candidate to detect the thermal stimuli during the orientation behavior. In chapter V the sensillum coeloconicum of Atta vollenweideri was investigated concerning its gross morphology, fine-structure and the phy-siology of the associated thermosensitive neuron. The sensillum is predominantly located on the apical antennal segment (antennal tip) where around 12 sensilla are clustered, and it has a peg-in-pit morphology with a double walled, multiporous peg. The sensory peg is deeply embedded in a cuticular pit, connected to the environment only by a tiny aperture. The sen-sillum houses three receptor neurons of which one is thermosensitive whereas the sensory modality of the other two neurons remains to be shown. Upon stimulation with a drop in temperature, the thermosensitve neuron responds with a phasic-tonic increase in neuronal activity (cold-sensitive neuron) and shows rapid adaptation to prolonged stimulation. In ad-dition, it is shown that thermal radiation is an effective stimulus for the thermosensitive neuron. This is the first evidence that sensilla coeloconica play an important role during the thermal orientation behavior described in chapter IV. During the test situation of the classic-al conditioning paradigm, the ants showed rapid antennal movements, indicating that they scan their environment in order to detect the heated object. Rapid antennal movements will result in rapid discontinuities of thermal radiation that re-quire thermosensitive neurons with outstanding sensitivity and high temporal resolution. In Chapter VI the question was addressed whether the thermosensitive neuron of the sensilla coeloconica fulfils these preconditions. Extracellular recordings revealed that the neuron is extremely sensitive to temperature transients and that, due to the response dynamics, an estimated stimulus frequency of up to 5 Hz can be resolved by the neuron. Already a tem-perature increase of only 0.005 °C leads to a pronounced response of the thermosensitive neuron. Through sensory adaptation, the sensitivity to temperature transients is maintained over a wide range of ambient temperatures. The discovered extreme sensitivity, the high temporal resolution and the pronounced adaptation abilities are further evidence support-ing the idea that sensilla coeloconica receive information of the thermal environment, which the ants may use for orientation. In order to understand how the ants use their thermal environment for orientation, it is ne-cessary to know where and how thermal information is processed in their central nervous system. In Chapter VII the question is addressed where in the brain the thermal information, specifically received by the thermosensitive neuron of sensilla coeloconica, is represented. By selectively staining single sensilla coeloconica, the axons of the receptor neurons could be tracked into the antennal lobe of Atta vollenweideri workers. Each of the three axons termi-nated in a single functional unit (glomerulus) of the antennal lobe. Two of the innervated glomeruli were adjacent to each other and are located lateral, while the third one was clear-ly separate and located medial in the antennal lobe. Using two-photon Ca2+ imaging of an-tennal lobe projection neurons, the general representation of thermal information in the antennal lobe was studied. In 11 investigated antennal lobes up to six different glomeruli responded to temperature stimulation in a single specimen. Both, warm- and cold-sensitive glomeruli could be identified. All thermosensitive glomeruli were located in the medial half of the antennal lobe. Based on the correlative evidence of the general representation of thermal information and the results from the single sensilla stainings, it is assumed that thermal information received by sensilla coeloconica is processed in the medial of the three target glomeruli. This part of the thesis shows the important role of the antennal lobe in temperature processing and links one specific thermosensitive neuron to its target region (a single glomerulus). In chapter V it was shown that the sensilla coeloconica are clustered at the antennal tip and have an extraordinary peg-in-pit morphology. In the last chapter of this thesis (Chapter VIII) the question is addressed whether the morphology of the sensilla coeloconica predicts the receptive field of the thermosensitive neuron during the detection of thermal radiation. The sensory pegs of all sensilla coeloconica in the apical cluster have a similar orientation, which was not constraint by the shape of the antennal tip where the cluster is located. This finding indicates that the sensilla coeloconica function as a single unit. Finally the hypothesis was tested whether a single sensillum could be direction sensitive to thermal radiation based on its eye-catching morphology. By stimulating the thermosensitive neuron from various angles around the sensillum this indeed could be shown. This is the last and most significant evi-dence that the sensilla coeloconica may be adapted to detect spatially distributed heated objects in the environment during the thermal landmark orientation of ants.}, subject = {Neurobiologie}, language = {en} } @article{BonteMaes2008, author = {Bonte, Dries and Maes, Dirk}, title = {Trampling affects the distribution of specialised coastal dune arthropods}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48274}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Abstract: From a conservation point of view, species- tolerances towards disturbance are often generalised and lack reference to spatial scales and underlying processes. In order to investigate how average typical species react to habitat fragmentation and disturbance, we adopted a multi-species approach to address occupancy patterns of five specialised dune arthropods (butterflies Hipparchia semele, Issoria lathonia; grasshopper Oedipoda caerulescens; spiders Alopecosa fabrilis, Xysticus sabulosus) in recently fragmented coastal dune habitats which are subjected to varying levels and modes of local disturbance, i.e. trampling by cattle or people. Occupancy patterns were assessed during two successive years in 133 grey dune fragments of the Flemish coastal dunes (Belgium, France). By treating species as a random factor in our models, emphasis was placed on generalisations rather than documenting species-specific patterns. Our study demonstrates that deteriorating effects of local disturbance on arthropod incidence cannot be interpreted independent of its landscape context, and appear to be more severe when patch area and connectivity decrease. When controlled for patch area and trampling intensity, the probability of species occupancy in poorly connected patches is higher under cattle trampling than under recreation. Incidences additionally decrease with increasing intensity of cattle trampling, but increases with trampling by tourists. This study provides evidence of mode- and landscape-dependent effects of local disturbance on species occupancy patterns. Most importantly, it demonstrates that trampling of sensitive dune fragments will lead to local and metapopulation extinction in landscapes where trampling occurs in a spatially autocorrelated way, but that the outcome (spatial patterns) varies in relation to disturbance mode, indicating that effects of disturbance cannot be generalised.}, language = {en} } @article{BonteClercqZwertvaegheretal.2009, author = {Bonte, Dries and Clercq, Nele De and Zwertvaegher, Ingrid and Lens, Luc}, title = {Repeatability of dispersal behaviour in a common dwarf spider: evidence for different mechanisms behind short- and long-distance dispersal}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48242}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Abstract: 1. The response of dispersal towards evolution largely depends on its heritability for which upper limits are determined by the trait's repeatability. 2. In the Linyphiid spider E. atra, we were able to separate long- and short-distance dispersal behaviours (respectively ballooning and rappelling) under laboratory conditions. By performing repeated behavioural trials for females, we show that average dispersal trait values decrease with increasing testing days. By comparing mated and unmated individuals during two periods (before and after mating for the mated group, and the same two periods for the unmated group), we show that mating has no effect on the mean displayed dispersal behaviour or its within-individual variation. Repeatabilities were high and consistent for ballooning motivation, but not for rappelling. 3. Ballooning motivation can be regarded as highly individual-specific behaviour, while general pre-dispersal and rappelling behaviours showed more individual variation. Such difference in repeatability between long-and short-distance dispersal suggests that short-and long-distance dispersal events are triggered by different ecological and evolutionary mechanisms.}, language = {en} } @article{GrosPoethkeHovestadt2009, author = {Gros, Andreas and Poethke, Hans Joachim and Hovestadt, Thomas}, title = {Sex-specific spatio-temporal variability in reproductive success promotes the evolution of sex-biased dispersal}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48711}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Abstract: Inbreeding depression, asymmetries in costs or benefits of dispersal, and the mating system have been identified as potential factors underlying the evolution of sex-biased dispersal. We use individual-based simulations to explore how the mating system and demographic stochasticity influence the evolution of sex-specific dispersal in a metapopulation with females competing over breeding sites, and males over mating opportunities. Comparison of simulation results for random mating with those for a harem system (locally, a single male sires all offspring) reveal that even extreme variance in local male reproductive success (extreme male competition) does not induce male-biased dispersal. The latter evolves if the between-parch variance in reproductive success is larger for males than females. This can emerge due to demographic stochasticity if the habitat patches are small. More generally, members of a group of individuals experiencing higher spatio-temporal variance in fitness expectations may evolve to disperse with greater probability than others.}, language = {en} } @article{KreftGoebel1974, author = {Kreft, J{\"u}rgen and Goebel, Werner}, title = {Complex Co1E1 DNA in Escherichia coli and Proteus mirabilis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-47044}, year = {1974}, abstract = {Incubation of the colicinogenic Escherichia coli strain JC 411 (ColE1) at elevated temperatures (47-49°) leads to the accumulation of catenated molecules and replicative intermediates of this plasmid. Mature supercoiled OolE1 DNA molecules synthesized under these conditions have an increased number of tertiary turns as shown by electron microscopy. The monomeric tightly supercoiled molecules possess a slightly slower sedimentation rate and a higher binding capacity for ethidium bromide than supercoiJed monomers synthesized at lower temperatures. Recombination deficient mutants of E. coli recA, recB and recC, which carry the ColE1 plasmid, form about the same amount of catenated molecules at the elevated temperature as a rec+ strain. In addition, we have observed by electron microscopy a small percentage (.--.5\% of the circular DNA molecules) of minicircular DNA molecules in all preparations of JC 411 (CoIE1). They are homogenous in size, with a molecular weight of 1.4 X 106 daltons. Addition of chloramphenicol to a culture of Proteus mirabilis (ColE1) leads to an increased amount of higher multiple circular oligomers and to a stimulated accumulation of catenated OolE1 DNA molecules of varying sizes. ColE1 DNA synthesis is more thermosensitive than chromosomal DNA replication in P. mirabili8. Plasmid replication stops completely at temperatures above 43°C.}, language = {en} } @article{Kreft1980, author = {Kreft, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Reovirus-specific messenger ribonucleoprotein particles from Hela cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-47028}, year = {1980}, abstract = {When reovirus-infected Hela cells are incubated at 43°C virus-specific messenger RNA is released ~rom the polysomes. It accumulates free in the cytoplasm as messenger ribonucleoprotem partIcles (mRNPs). The:e part~cles have a sedimentati~n rate of about 50S and a buoyant densIty m CsCI of 1.42 g/cm . ReovIrus mRNPs contam, beSIdes all three size classes of reovirus messenger RNA, the same spectrum of proteins found in the polysomal mRNPs from uninfected cells, plus t~o addi~ional pr?teins with molecular masses of 7000~ d and 110000 d, respectively. Electron mIcroscoPIc exammatlOn of the reovIrus mRNP fractIOn reveals specific Y-shaped structures wIth a total mean length ofO.5Ilm.}, language = {en} } @article{KreftBernhardGoebel1978, author = {Kreft, J{\"u}rgen and Bernhard, K. and Goebel, Werner}, title = {Recombinant plasmids capable to replication in B. subtilis and E. coli}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-47000}, year = {1978}, abstract = {The plasmid pBC16 (4.25 kbases), ongtnally isolated from Bacillus cereus, determines tetracycline resistance and can be transformed into competent cells of B. subtilis. A miniplasmid of pBCl6 (pBCI6-1), 2,7 kb) which has lost an EcoRI fragment of pBCI6 retains the replication functions and the tetracycline resistance. This plasmid which carries only one EcoRI site has been joined in vitro to pBS], a cryptic plasmid previously isolated from B. subtilis and shown to carry also a single EcoRI site (Bernhard et aI., 1978). The recombinant plasmid is unstable and dissociates into the plasmid pBSl61 (8.2 kb) and the smaller plasmid pBS162 (2. I kb). Plasmid pBS161 retains the tetracycline resistance. It possesses a single EcoRI site and 6 HindlII sites. The largest HindIII fragment of pBS161 carries the tetracycline resistance gene and the replication function. After circularization in vitro of this fragment a new plasmid, pBS161-l is generated, which can be used as a HindlII and EcoRI cloning vector in Bacillus suhtilis. Hybrid plasmids consisting of the E. coli plasmids pBR322, p WL 7 or pACl84 and different HindlII fragments of pBSI61 were constructed in vitro. Hybrids containing together with the E. coli plasmid the largest HindlII fragment of pBS161 can replicate in E. coli and B. sublilis. In E. coli only the replicon of the E. coli plasmid part is functioning whereas in B. suhtilis replication of the hybrid plasmid is under the control of the Bacillus replicon. The tetracycline resistance of the B. subtilis plasmid is expressed in E. coli, but several antibiotic resistances of the E. coli plasmids (ampicillin, kanamycin and chloramphenicol) are not expressed in B. suhtilis. The hybrid plasmids seem to be more unstable in B. subtilis than in E. coli.}, language = {en} } @article{KreftHughes1982, author = {Kreft, J{\"u}rgen and Hughes, Colin}, title = {Cloning vectors derived from plasmids and phage of Bacillus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-47014}, year = {1982}, abstract = {No abstract available}, language = {en} } @article{KreftFunkeSchlesingeretal.1989, author = {Kreft, J{\"u}rgen and Funke, D. and Schlesinger, R. and Lottspeich, F. and Goebel, Werner}, title = {Purification and characterization of cytolysins from Listeria monocytogenes serovar 4b and Listeria ivanovii}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-47036}, year = {1989}, abstract = {Several exoproteins from Listeria monocytogenes serovar 4b (NCTC 10527) and Listeria ivanovii (ATCC) 19119, SLCC 2379), respectively, have been purified to homogeneity by thiol-disulfide exchange chromatography and gel filtration. Both strains produce a haemolytic/cytolytic protein of Mr 58 kDa, which has all the properties of a SH-activated cytolysin, the prototype of which is streptolysin 0 (SLO), and this protein has therefore heen termed Iisteriolysin 0 (LLO). In addition a protein of Mr 24 kDa from culture supernatants of L. ivanovii co-purified withLLO. The N-terminal aminoacid sequences of both proteins from L. ivanovii have been determined. By mutagenesis with transposons of Gram-positive origin (Tn916 and TnI545), which have been introduced via conjugation into L. ivanovii, several phenotypic mutants (altered haemolysis on sheep blood agar or lecithinase-negative) were obtained. Results on the properties of these muntants will he presented.}, language = {en} } @article{KreftHaasGoebel1989, author = {Kreft, J{\"u}rgen and Haas, Albert and Goebel, Werner}, title = {Isolation and characterization of genes coding for proteins involved in the cytolysis by Listeria ivanovii}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-46991}, year = {1989}, abstract = {We established a library of chromosomal DNA of Listeria ivanovii in the pTZ19R plasmid system, using Escherichia coli DH5alpha as the host. One recombinant clone reacted strongly with a polyclonal antiserum raised against the listeriolysin 0 and a second exoprotein (24kDa) of L. ivanovii, which is most probably also involved in cytolytic processes. The recombinant E. coli clone may contain part of the listeriolysin 0 gene of L. ivanovii.}, language = {en} } @article{BlackenhornPerner1994, author = {Blackenhorn, Wolf U. and Perner, Dirk}, title = {Heritability and repeatability of behavioural attributes affecting foraging success and fitness in water striders}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-52496}, year = {1994}, abstract = {Heritabilities and repeatabilities are presented for various behavioural attributes affecting foraging performance and fitness in Aquarius (Gerris) remigis (Heteroptera: Gerridae) females. These behavioural attributes were patch choice, foraging success, capture accuracy, and measures of mobility, activity, skittishness and aggressiveness. Most heritabilities were not significantly different from zero, which may be related to the low sampIe size. Conclusions as to the potential of direct selection on behaviour in this species were consequently limited. In contrast, with a few exceptions (capture accuracy, foraging success), most repeatabilities were significant and at times high (range=O'22-O'79), indicating consistent, stereotypical individual behaviour. Tbe Iife history or reproductive state of the daughter generation individuals signifieantly affected the magnitude of the repeatabilities as weil as the mean values of many of the variables (notably mobility and aggressiveness), the latter in a manner consistent with field observations. This indicates that the state of the organism affects the general environmental variance, thus contributing to the discrepancies between the repeatabilities and the heritabilities obtained. It is suggested that common physiological proeesses (e.g. hormones) may underlie several of the behavioural attributes examined, resulting in possible pleiotropie effects and eonstraints on selection in a heterogeneous environment. It is further suggested that field studies of selection on behavioural attributes may be a more fruitful approach in this species, whose suitability for genetic analysis is limited.}, subject = {Teichl{\"a}ufer}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ondrusch2010, author = {Ondrusch, Nicolai}, title = {Der Thiol:Disulfid-Redox Metabolismus und der Blaulichtrezeptor Lmo0799 von Listeria monocytogenes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-52612}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Der Thiol-Redox-Metabolismus, der in allen lebenden Zellen zu finden ist, wirkt oxidativem Stress entgegen. Des Weiteren dient er auch der Aufrechterhaltung der intrazellul{\"a}ren Thiol:Disulfid-Balance, die wiederum f{\"u}r die Funktion vieler Proteine essentiell ist. Auch stellt er Reduktions{\"a}quivalente f{\"u}r die Produktion von Desoxyribonucleotiden f{\"u}r die DNA-Synthese bereit und hilft oxidierte Proteine zu reparieren. Der Thiol:Disulfid-Redox-Metabolismus (TDRM) unterscheidet sich von anderen metabolischen Netzwerken dadurch, dass keine Kohlenstoff- oder Stickstoffbindungen ver{\"a}ndert werden. In vielen F{\"a}llen beinhaltet er die reversible Oxidation zweier benachbarter Cysteinreste im entsprechenden Protein, was zur Ausbildung von Disulfidbr{\"u}cken f{\"u}hrt. Da ein totaler Ausfall der GSH-Synthese einen geringeren Effekt zu haben schien als ein teilweiser, wurden DNA-Microarray-Transkriptomanalysen der ΔgshF-Mutante durchgef{\"u}hrt. Es wurden rund 750 Gene als signifikant reguliert (p < 0,05, Fold-change <0,5 bzw. >2) identifiziert. Da die am st{\"a}rksten regulierten Gene von besonderem Interesse waren, wurden die Ausschlussgrenzen auf <0,2 bzw. >5 -fach reguliert heraufgesetzt. Diese Parameter trafen auf 92 Gene zu, davon 41 durch GSH-Mangel herauf-regulierte (d.h. die mRNA-Menge war in der Mutante h{\"o}her als im Wildtyp) und 51 herunter-regulierte. Auff{\"a}llig war, dass die Expression vieler Gene, welche durch den Stress-Sigmafaktor SigB reguliert werden, bei Fehlen von GSH ver{\"a}ndert war. Zu den am st{\"a}rksten (sechs- bis elffach) herauf-regulierten Genen z{\"a}hlen lmo0135-7, sie codieren f{\"u}r einen putativen Oligopeptidtransporter. Die Vermutung lag nahe, dass dieser evtl. GSH aus dem Medium in die Zellen transportieren k{\"o}nnte. Man kann also davon ausgehen, dass GSH von Listeria aktiv aus dem Medium aufgenommen wird und dass die Effekte, die im Versuch ohne zus{\"a}tzliches GSH auftreten, direkt auf das Fehlen von GSH zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren sind. Zusammengefasst zeigte sich, dass ein Ausfall der GSH-Synthese in Listeria keinen auff{\"a}lligen Ph{\"a}notyp zeigt. Es wurden jedoch sehr umfangreiche Ver{\"a}nderungen des Transkriptionsprofils beobachtet, offenbar konnten die Bakterien dadurch eine neue zellul{\"a}re Hom{\"o}ostase erreichen. Physiologische Mengen von GSH im Medium komplementierten den Ausfall der GSH-Synthese fast vollst{\"a}ndig. Im Laufe dieser Analysen fiel das Augenmerk auf ein Gen mit unbekannter Funktion, lmo0799, das in der ΔgshF-Mutante als deutlich heraufreguliert identifiziert worden war. Eine n{\"a}here in-silico-Analyse ergab deutliche Homologien des Lmo0799 Proteins zu einem Blaulicht-photorezeptor, YtvA, von Bacillus subtilis. Da ein Zusammenhang mit dem TDRM aufgrund der Microarray-Analysen mehr als wahrscheinlich schien, richtete sich das Augenmerk verst{\"a}rkt auf die Charakterisierung des putativen Blaulichtrezeptors Lmo0799. Es wurde eine In-Frame-Deletionsmutante in lmo0799 hergestellt, die mit Δlmo0799-Mutante bezeichnet wurde. Darin ist das urspr{\"u}nglich 253 Aminos{\"a}uren (AS) große Genprodukt von lmo0799 auf sieben AS verk{\"u}rzt, ohne den Promotor- oder Terminatorbereich bzw. umliegende Gene zu ver{\"a}ndern. Parallel wurde begonnen, Versuche zum Einfluss von Licht (blau, λ=455nm bzw. rot, λ=625nm) in vivo und in vitro auf L. monocytogenes durchzuf{\"u}hren. Versuche mittels qRT-PCR wurden durchgef{\"u}hrt um die genaue Wirkweise von Lmo0799 n{\"a}her aufzukl{\"a}ren. Dazu wurden Testgene aus verschiedenen Regulons ausgew{\"a}hlt und deren Transkription in Proben von Wildtyp und Δlmo0799-Mutante mit und ohne blauem bzw. rotem Licht sowie mit und ohne Salzstress gemessen. Dabei zeigte sich, dass vor allem die Transkription von Genen des SigB-Regulons, das f{\"u}r die allgemeine Stressantwort in Listerien zust{\"a}ndig ist, durch Licht moduliert wurde. Die Wirkung von Blaulicht hing in hohem Maße von der Anwesenheit von Lmo0799 ab, welches wahrscheinlich eine Komponente des „Stressosoms" von Listeria darstellt. Die Lichtregulation betraf auch die Internaline A und B, deren Transkription durch Belichtung stark erh{\"o}ht wurde. Infektionsversuche mit blau belichteten bzw. dunkel gehaltenen Wildtyp- bzw. Δlmo0799-Bakterien an humanen Caco-2 Enterozyten zeigten, dass wildtypische Listerien nach Bestrahlung mit blauem Licht ihre Invasionsrate verdoppelten, w{\"a}hrend die Δlmo0799-Listerien auf Niveau der Dunkelkontrolle blieben. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte erstmals gezeigt werden, dass L. monocytogenes (und wohl auch die anderen Listeria-Arten) in Lmo0799 einen funktionalen Blaulichtrezeptor besitzt, der eine wichtige Rolle in der Vermittlung von Stressreizen via SigB spielt und auch die Motilit{\"a}t und Virulenz moduliert. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass auch rotes Licht die Transkription zahlreicher durch Blaulicht regulierter Gene beeinflusst. Der molekulare Mechanismus konnte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit nicht mehr aufgekl{\"a}rt werden.}, subject = {Listeria monocytogenes}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Salzmann2010, author = {Salzmann, Steffen}, title = {Regulation der TNF-Rezeptor Signaltransduktion durch das Zytokin TWEAK}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-52525}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Das pleiotrope Zytokin TNF (tumor necrosis factor) kann an den TNF-Rezeptor 1 (TNFR1) und den TNF-Rezeptor 2 (TNFR2) binden und mit deren Hilfe seine biologischen Funktionen {\"u}ber verschiedene Signalwege, wie z.B. NFB- und MAPK-Aktivierung bzw. Apop¬toseinduktion, vermitteln. In fr{\"u}heren Arbeiten konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Aktivierung des TNFR2 zur proteasomalen Degradation des Adaterproteins TRAF2 f{\"u}hrt und dadurch die TNFR1-induzierte Apoptose verst{\"a}rkt wird. TWEAK (tumor necrosis like weak inducer of apoptosis), das ebenfalls der TNF-Ligandenfamilie angeh{\"o}rt und die Interaktion mit dessen Rezeptor Fn14 (fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14), der wie der TNFR2 zur Untergruppe der TRAF-bindenden Rezeptoren der TNF-Rezeptorfamilie geh{\"o}rt, zeigten in verschiedenen Arbeiten auch eine TRAF2-degradierende Wirkung. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte nun gezeigt werden, dass dies auch im Falle des TWEAK/Fn14-Systems mit einem verst{\"a}rkenden Effekt auf die TNFR1-vermittelte Apoptose einhergeht. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass TWEAK zus{\"a}tzlich auch die TNFR1-induzierte Nekrose verst{\"a}rkt, die den Zelltod durch andere Mechanismen als bei der Apoptose induziert. Von anderen Arbeiten unserer Gruppe war bekannt, dass l{\"o}sliches TWEAK (sTWEAK) und membranst{\"a}ndiges TWEAK (mTWEAK) bez{\"u}glich der TRAF2-Depletion wirkungs¬gleich sind. Da der apoptotische Fn14-TNFR1-„crosstalk" auf der Depletion von TRAF2-Komplexen beruht wurden auch keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen sTWEAK und mTWEAK in Bezug auf die Verst{\"a}rkung der TNFR1-induzierten Apoptose beobachtet. Interessanter¬weise zeigte sich in der vorliegenden Arbeit jedoch, dass sTWEAK den klassischen NFB-Signalweg gar nicht bzw. nur schwach aktiviert, wohingegen mTWEAK diesen stark induziert. Bei der Aktivierung des alternativen NFB-Signalweges hingegen ließen sich keine Unterschiede zwischen sTWEAK und mTWEAK erkennen. Die Aktivierung eines Signalweges wird also durch die Oligomerisierung des Liganden nicht moduliert, demgegen{\"u}ber aber erwies sich die Aktivierung eines anderen Signalweges als stark abh{\"a}ngig von der Liganden-Oligomerisierung. Vor dem Hintergrund, dass das Adapterprotein TRAF1 (TNF-receptor-associated factor 1) Heterotrimere mit TRAF2 bildet, wurde weiterhin untersucht, ob dieses Molek{\"u}l einen Einfluss auf die Aktivit{\"a}t der TWEAK-induzierten Signalwege hat. Tats{\"a}chlich zeigte sich in TRAF1-exprimie¬renden Zellen eine Verst{\"a}rkung der TWEAK-induzierten Aktivierung des klassischen NFB-Signalweges Zuk{\"u}nftige Studien m{\"u}ssen nun aufkl{\"a}ren, inwieweit die hier gefundenen Mecha-nismen das Zusammenspiel von TNF und TWEAK in vivo bestimmen.}, subject = {Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Saverschek2010, author = {Saverschek, Nicole}, title = {The influence of the symbiotic fungus on foraging decisions in leaf-cutting ants - Individual behavior and collective patterns}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-52087}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Foraging behavior is a particularly fascinating topic within the studies of social insects. Decisions made by individuals have effects not only on the individual level, but on the colony level as well. Social information available through foraging in a group modulates individual preferences and shapes the foraging pattern of a colony. Identifying parameters influencing foraging behavior in leaf-cutting ants is especially intriguing because they do not harvest for themselves, but for their symbiotic fungus which in turn influences their plant preferences after the incorporation of the substrate. To learn about the substrates' unsuitability for the fungus, ants need to be able to identify the incorporated substrate and associate it with detrimental effects on the fungus. Odor is an important plant characteristic known to be used as recognition key outside the nest in the context of foraging. Chapter 1 shows that foragers are able to recall information about the unsuitability of a substrate through odor alone and consequently reject the substrate, which leads to the conclusion that inside the nest, odor might be enough to indentify incorporated substrate. Identification of plant species is a key factor in the foraging success of leaf-cutting ants as they harvest a multitude of different plant species in a diverse environment and host plant availability and suitability changes throughout the year. Fixed plant preferences of individuals through innate tendencies are therefore only one factor influencing foraging decisions. On the individual as well as the colony level, foraging patterns are flexible and a result of an intricate interplay between the different members involved in the harvesting process: foragers, gardeners and the symbiotic fungus. In chapter 2 I identified several conditions necessary for na{\"i}ve foragers to learn about the unsuitability of substrate inside the nest. In order to exchange of information about the unsuitability of a substrate, the plant in question must be present in the fungus garden. Foragers can learn without own foraging experience and even without experiencing the effects of the substrate on the fungus, solely through the presence of experienced gardeners. The presence of experienced foragers alone on the other hand is not enough to lower the acceptance of substrate by na{\"i}ve foragers in the presence of na{\"i}ve gardeners, even if experienced foragers make up the majority of the workforce inside the nest. Experienced foragers are also able to reverse their previous negative experience and start accepting the substrate again. The individual behavior of foragers and gardeners with different experiential backgrounds in the presence of suitable or unsuitable substrate inside the fungus chamber was investigated in chapter 3 to shed some light on possible mechanisms involved in the flow of information about substrate suitability from the fungus to the ants. Gardeners as well as foragers are involved in the leaf processing and treatment of the applied leaf patches on the fungus. If the plant material is unsuitable, significantly more ants treat the plant patches, but foragers are less active overall. Contacts between workers initiated by either gardeners or foragers occur significantly more frequent and last longer if the substrate is unsuitable. Even though experienced gardeners increase na{\"i}ve foragers' contact rates and duration with other workers in the presence of suitable plant patches, na{\"i}ve foragers show no differences in the handling of the plant patches. This suggests that foragers gain information about plant suitability not only indirectly through the gardening workers, but might also be able to directly evaluate the effects of the substrate on the fungus themselves. Outside the nest, foragers influence each other the trail (chapter 4). Foraging in a group and the presence of social information is a decisive factor in the substrate choice of the individual and leads to a distinct and consentaneous colony response when encountering unfamiliar or unsuitable substrates. As leaf-cutting ants harvest different plant species simultaneously on several trails, foragers gain individual experiences concerning potential host plants. Preferences might vary among individuals of the same colony to the degree that foragers on the same trail perceive a certain substrate as either suitable or unsuitable. If the majority of foragers on the trail perceives one of the currently harvested substrates as unsuitable, na{\"i}ve foragers lower their acceptance within 4 hours. In the absence of a cue in the fungus, na{\"i}ve foragers harvesting by themselves still eventually (within 6 hours) reject the substrate as they encounter experienced gardeners during visits to the nest within foraging bouts. As foraging trails can be up to 100 m long and foragers spend a considerable amount of time away from the nest, learning indirectly from experienced foragers on the trail accelerates the distribution of information about substrate suitability. The level of rejection of a formerly unsuitable substrate after eight hours of foraging by na{\"i}ve foragers correlates with the average percentage of unladen experienced foragers active on the trail. This suggests that unladen experienced foragers might actively contact laden na{\"i}ve workers transmitting information about the unsuitability of the load they carry. Results from experiments were I observed individual laden foragers on their way back to the nest backed up this assumption as individuals were antennated and received bites into the leaf disk they carried. Individuals were contacted significantly more often by nestmates that perceived the carried leaf disk as unsuitable due to previous experience than by nestmates without this experience (chapter 6). Leaf-cutting ants constantly evaluate, learn and re-evaluate the suitability of harvested substrate and adjust their foraging activity accordingly. The importance of the different sources of information within the colony and their effect on the foraging pattern of the colony depend on the presence or absence of each of them as e.g. experienced foragers have a bigger influence on the plant preferences of na{\"i}ve foragers in the absence of a cue in the fungus garden.}, subject = {Blattschneiderameisen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vainshtein2010, author = {Vainshtein, Yevhen}, title = {Applying microarray-based techniques to study gene expression patterns: a bio-computational approach}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51967}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The regulation and maintenance of iron homeostasis is critical to human health. As a constituent of hemoglobin, iron is essential for oxygen transport and significant iron deficiency leads to anemia. Eukaryotic cells require iron for survival and proliferation. Iron is part of hemoproteins, iron-sulfur (Fe-S) proteins, and other proteins with functional groups that require iron as a cofactor. At the cellular level, iron uptake, utilization, storage, and export are regulated at different molecular levels (transcriptional, mRNA stability, translational, and posttranslational). Iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) 1 and 2 post-transcriptionally control mammalian iron homeostasis by binding to iron-responsive elements (IREs), conserved RNA stem-loop structures located in the 5'- or 3'- untranslated regions of genes involved in iron metabolism (e.g. FTH1, FTL, and TFRC). To identify novel IRE-containing mRNAs, we integrated biochemical, biocomputational, and microarray-based experimental approaches. Gene expression studies greatly contribute to our understanding of complex relationships in gene regulatory networks. However, the complexity of array design, production and manipulations are limiting factors, affecting data quality. The use of customized DNA microarrays improves overall data quality in many situations, however, only if for these specifically designed microarrays analysis tools are available. Methods In this project response to the iron treatment was examined under different conditions using bioinformatical methods. This would improve our understanding of an iron regulatory network. For these purposes we used microarray gene expression data. To identify novel IRE-containing mRNAs biochemical, biocomputational, and microarray-based experimental approaches were integrated. IRP/IRE messenger ribonucleoproteins were immunoselected and their mRNA composition was analysed using an IronChip microarray enriched for genes predicted computationally to contain IRE-like motifs. Analysis of IronChip microarray data requires specialized tool which can use all advantages of a customized microarray platform. Novel decision-tree based algorithm was implemented using Perl in IronChip Evaluation Package (ICEP). Results IRE-like motifs were identified from genomic nucleic acid databases by an algorithm combining primary nucleic acid sequence and RNA structural criteria. Depending on the choice of constraining criteria, such computational screens tend to generate a large number of false positives. To refine the search and reduce the number of false positive hits, additional constraints were introduced. The refined screen yielded 15 IRE-like motifs. A second approach made use of a reported list of 230 IRE-like sequences obtained from screening UTR databases. We selected 6 out of these 230 entries based on the ability of the lower IRE stem to form at least 6 out of 7 bp. Corresponding ESTs were spotted onto the human or mouse versions of the IronChip and the results were analysed using ICEP. Our data show that the immunoselection/microarray strategy is a feasible approach for screening bioinformatically predicted IRE genes and the detection of novel IRE-containing mRNAs. In addition, we identified a novel IRE-containing gene CDC14A (Sanchez M, et al. 2006). The IronChip Evaluation Package (ICEP) is a collection of Perl utilities and an easy to use data evaluation pipeline for the analysis of microarray data with a focus on data quality of custom-designed microarrays. The package has been developed for the statistical and bioinformatical analysis of the custom cDNA microarray IronChip, but can be easily adapted for other cDNA or oligonucleotide-based designed microarray platforms. ICEP uses decision tree-based algorithms to assign quality flags and performs robust analysis based on chip design properties regarding multiple repetitions, ratio cut-off, background and negative controls (Vainshtein Y, et al., 2010).}, subject = {Microarray}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Laisney2010, author = {Laisney, Juliette Agn{\`e}s Genevi{\`e}ve Claire}, title = {Characterisation and regulation of the Egfr/Egfr ligand system in fish models for melanoma}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51369}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Fish of the genus Xiphophorus belong to the oldest animal models in cancer research. The oncogene responsible for the generation of spontaneous aggressive melanoma encodes for a mutated epidermal growth factor receptor (Egfr) and is called xmrk for Xiphophorus melanoma receptor kinase. Xmrk constitutive activation mechanisms and subsequent signaling pathways have already been investigated and charaterized but it is still unknown if Egfr ligands may also play a role in Xmrk-driven melanoma formation. To investigate the potential role of Egfr ligands in Xmrk-driven melanoma, I firstly analyzed the evolution of teleost and tetrapod Egfr/Egfr ligand systems. I especially focused on the analysis on the medaka fish, a closely related species to Xiphophorus, for which the whole genome has been sequenced. I could identify all seven Egfr ligands in medaka and could show that the two teleost-specific Egfr copies of medaka display dissimilar expression patterns in adult tissues together with differential expression of Egfr ligand subsets, arguing for subfunctionalization of receptor functions in this fish. Our phylogenetic and synteny analyses supported the hypothesis that only one gene in the chordate ancestor gave rise to the diversity of Egfr ligands found in vertebrate genomes today. I also could show that the Egfr extracellular subdomains implicated in ligand binding are not evolutionary conserved between tetrapods and teleosts, making the use of heterologous ligands in experiments with fish cells debatable. Despite its well understood and straight-forward process, Xmrk-driven melanomagenesis in Xiphophorus is problematic to further investigate in vivo. Our laboratory recently established a new melanoma animal model by generating transgenic mitf::xmrk medaka fishes, a Xiphophorus closely related species offering many more advantages. These fishes express xmrk under the control of the pigment-cell specific Mitf promoter. During my PhD thesis, I participated in the molecular analysis of the stably transgenic medaka and could show that the Xmrk-induced signaling pathways are similar when comparing Xiphophorus with transgenic mitf::xmrk medaka. These data together with additional RNA expression, protein, and histology analyses showed that Xmrk expression under the control of a pigment cell-specific promoter is sufficient to induce melanoma in the transgenic medaka, which develop very stereotyped tumors, including uveal and extracutaneous melanoma, with early onset during larval stages. To further investigate the potential role of Egfr ligands in Xmrk-driven melanoma, I made use of two model systems. One of them was the above mentioned mitf::xmrk medaka, the other was an in-vitro cell culture system, where the EGF-inducible Xmrk chimera HERmrk is stably expressed in murine melanocytes. Here I could show that HERmrk activation strongly induced expression of amphiregulin (Areg) and heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (Hbegf) in melanocytes. This regulation was dependent on the MAPK and SRC signaling pathways. Moreover, upregulation of Adam10 and Adam17, the two major sheddases of Egfr ligands, was observed. I also could demonstrate the functionality of the growth factors by invitro analyses. Using the mitf::xmrk medaka model I could also show the upregulation of a subset of ligand genes, namely egf, areg, betacellulin (btc) and epigen (epgn) as well as upregulation of medaka egfrb in tumors from fish with metastatic melanoma. All these results converge to support an Xmrk-induced autocrine Egfr ligand loop. Interestingly, my in-vitro experiments with conditioned supernatant from medaka Egf- and Hbegf-producing cells revealed that not only Xiphophorus Egfrb, but also the pre-activated Xmrk could be further stimulated by the ligands. Altogether, I could show with in-vitro and in-vivo experiments that Xmrk is capable of inducing a functional autocrine Egfr ligand loop. These data confirm the importance of autocrine loops in receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)-dependent cancer development and show the possibility for a constitutively active RTK to strengthen its oncogenic signaling by ligand binding.}, subject = {Schwertk{\"a}rpfling}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vershenya2010, author = {Vershenya, Stanislav}, title = {Quantitative and qualitative analyses of in-paralogs}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51358}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {In our analysis I was interested in the gene duplications, with focus on in-paralogs. In-paralogs are gene duplicates which arose after species split. Here I analysed the in-paralogs quantitatively, as well as qualitatively. For quantitative analysis genomes of 21 species were taken. Most of them have vastly different lifestyles with maximum evolutionary distance between them 1100 million years. Species included mammals, fish, insects and worm, plus some other chordates. All the species were pairwised analysed by the Inparanoid software, and in-paralogs matrix were built representing number of in-paralogs in all vs. all manner. Based on the in-paralogs matrix I tried to reconstruct the evolutionary tree using in-paralog numbers as evolutionary distance. If all 21 species were used the resulting tree was very far from real one: a lot of species were misplaced. However if the number was reduced to 12, all of the species were placed correctly with only difference being wrong insect and fish clusters switched. Then to in-paralogs matrix the neighbour-net algorithm was applied. The resulting "net" tree showed the species with fast or slow duplications rates compared to the others. We could identify species with very high or very low duplications frequencies and it correlates with known occurrences of the whole genome duplications. As the next step I built the graphs for every single species showing the correlation between their in-paralogs number and evolutionary distance. As we have 21 species, graph for every species is built using 20 points. Coordinates of the points are set using the evolutionary distance to that particular species and in-paralogs number. In mammals with increasing the distance from speciation the in-paralogs number also increased, however not in linear fashion. In fish and insects the graph close to zero is just the same in mammals' case. However, after reaching the evolutionary distances more than 800 million years the number of inparalogs is beginning to decrease. We also made a simulation of gene duplications for all 21 species and all the splits according to the fossil and molecular clock data from literature. In our simulation duplication frequency was minimal closer to the past and maximum in the near-present time. Resulting curves had the same shape the experimental data ones. In case of fish and insect for simulation the duplication rate coefficient even had to be set negative in order to repeat experimental curve shape. To the duplication rate coefficient in our simulation contribute 2 criteria: gene duplications and gene losses. As gene duplication is stochastical process it should always be a constant. So the changing in the coefficient should be solely explained by the increasing gene loss of old genes. The processes are explained by the evolution model with high gene duplication and loss ratio. The drop in number of in-paralogs is probably due to the BLAST algorithm. It is observed in comparing highly divergent species and BLAST cannot find the orthologs so precisely anymore. In the second part of my work I concentrated more on the specific function of inparalogs. Because such analysis is time-consuming it could be done on the limited number species. Here I used three insects: Drosophila melanogaster (fruit y), Anopheles gambiae (mosquito) and Apis mellifera (honeybee). After Inparnoid analyses and I listed the cluster of orthologs. Functional analyses of all listed genes were done using GO annotations and also KEGG PATHWAY database. We found, that the gene duplication pattern is unique for each species and that this uniqueness is rejected through the differences in functional classes of duplicated genes. The preferences for some classes reject the evolutionary trends of the last 350 million years and allow assumptions on the role of those genes duplications in the lifestyle of species. Furthermore, the observed gene duplications allowed me to find connections between genomic changes and their phenotypic manifestations. For example I found duplications within carbohydrate metabolism rejecting feed pattern adaptation, within photo- and olfactory-receptors indicating sensing adaptation and within troponin indicating adaptations in the development. Despite these species specific differences, found high correlations between the independently duplicated genes between the species. This might hint for a "pool" of genes preferentially duplicated. Taken together, the observed duplication patterns reject the adaptational process and provide us another link to the field of genomic zoology.}, subject = {Duplikation}, language = {en} } @article{HeisswolfUlmannObermaieretal.2007, author = {Heisswolf, Annette and Ulmann, Sandra and Obermaier, Elisabeth and Mitesser, Oliver and Poethke, Hans J.}, title = {Host plant finding in the specialised leaf beetle Cassida canaliculata: an analysis of small-scale movement behaviour}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-49485}, year = {2007}, abstract = {1. Host plant finding in walking herbivorous beetles is still poorly understood. Analysis of small-scale movement patterns under semi-natural conditions can be a useful tool to detect behavioural responses towards host plant cues. 2. In this study, the small-scale movement behaviour of the monophagous leaf beetle Cassida canaliculata Laich. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) was studied in a semi-natural arena (r = 1 m). In three different settings, a host (Salvia pratensis L., Lamiales: Lamiaceae), a non-host (Rumex conglomeratus Murr., Caryophyllales: Polygonaceae), or no plant was presented in the centre of the arena. 3. The beetles showed no differences in the absolute movement variables, straightness and mean walking speed, between the three settings. However, the relative movement variables, mean distance to the centre and mean angular deviation from walking straight to the centre, were significantly smaller when a host plant was offered. Likewise, the angular deviation from walking straight to the centre tended to decline with decreasing distance from the centre. Finally, significantly more beetles were found on the host than on the non-host at the end of all the trials. 4. It is concluded that C. canaliculata is able to recognise its host plant from a distance. Whether olfactory or visual cues (or a combination of both) are used to find the host plant remains to be elucidated by further studies.}, subject = {K{\"a}fer}, language = {en} } @article{BonteLanckackerWiersmaetal.2008, author = {Bonte, Dries and Lanckacker, Kjell and Wiersma, Elisabeth and Lens, Luc}, title = {Web building flexibility of an orb-web spider in a heterogeneous agricultural landscape}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48262}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Abstract: Intensification of land-use in agricultural landscapes is responsible for a decline of biodiversity which provide important ecosystem services like pest-control. Changes in landscape composition may also induce behavioural changes of predators in response to variation in the biotic or abiotic environment. By controlling for environmentally confounding factors, we here demonstrate that the orb web spider Araneus diadematus alters its web building behaviour in response to changes in the composition of agricultural landscapes. Thereby, the species increases its foraging efficiency (i.e. investments in silk and web asymmetry) with an increase of agricultural land-use at intermediate spatial scales. This intensification is also related to a decrease in the abundance of larger prey. A negative effect of landscape properties at similar spatial scales on spider fitness was recorded when controlling for relative investments in capture thread length. This study consequently documents the web building flexibility in response to changes in landscape composition, possibly due to changes in prey availability.}, language = {en} } @article{LambeetsVandegehuchteMaelfaitetal.2009, author = {Lambeets, Kevin and Vandegehuchte, Martijn L. and Maelfait, Jean-Pierre and Bonte, Dries}, title = {Integrating environmental conditions and functional life-history traits for riparian arthropod conservation planning}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-50148}, year = {2009}, abstract = {River banks are naturally disturbed habitats, in which local flood events and the landscape structure are expected to govern riparian species assemblages. Not solely effects of flooding per se, but also related changes in vegetation structure will affect species' distribution. By elucidating the relationships between species' occurrence and multivariate habitat conditions on a restricted spatial scale, insight into conservation strategies to preserve riparian species is gained. Ordination and grouping methods revealed important environmental and functional trait constraints on species composition of predatory riparian arthropod assemblages. Mainly flooding disturbance appeared to affect spider and carabid beetle species composition. Habitat affinity and dispersal ability were retained as important traits explaining similarity between arthropod assemblages. River banks similar in species composition differed in absolute and functional group species richness. Furthermore, Poisson regressions demonstrated the importance of variation in discharge regime, sediment composition and vegetation structure for the preservation of rare riparian arthropods. Whereas hygrophilic species benefited from increased vegetation cover, xerothermophilic specialists were favoured by increased flooding disturbance. In contrast to flight-active riparian carabids occurring throughout the river system, especially cursorial spiders are expected to go extinct under increased anthropogenic alterations of discharge regimes. We show the importance of a dynamic and evidence-based approach of river management on a local scale to preserve vulnerable riparian arthropods. In general, river restoration should generate the required heterogeneity in environmental conditions (e.g. dynamic processes) at the river bank level, thereby increasing the sustainability of riverine landscapes. More-over, we argue that the understanding of functional responses towards environmental factors results in general and widely applicable guiding concepts for species conservation.}, subject = {Laufk{\"a}fer}, language = {de} } @article{LambeetsVandegehuchteMaelfaitetal.2008, author = {Lambeets, Kevin and Vandegehuchte, Martijn L. and Maelfait, Jean-Pierre and Bonte, Dries}, title = {Understanding the impact of flooding on trait-displacements and shifts in assemblage structure of predatory arthropods on river banks}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-49580}, year = {2008}, abstract = {1. Species assemblages of naturally disturbed habitats are governed by the prevailing disturbance regime. Consequently, stochastic flood events affect river banks and the inhabiting biota. Predatory arthropods occupy predominantly river banks in relation to specific habitat conditions. Therefore, species sorting and stochastic processes as induced by flooding are supposed to play important roles in structuring riparian arthropod assemblages in relation to their habitat preference and dispersal ability. 2. To ascertain whether assemblages of spiders and carabid beetles from disturbed river banks are structured by stochastic or sorting mechanisms, diversity patterns and assemblage-wide trait-displacements were assessed based on pitfall sampling data. We tested if flooding disturbance within a lowland river reach affects diversity patterns and trait distribution in both groups. 3. Whereas the number of riparian spider species decreased considerably with increased flooding, carabid beetle diversity benefited from intermediate degrees of flooding. Moreover, regression analyses revealed trait-displacements, reflecting sorting mechanisms particularly for spiders. Increased flooding disturbance was associated with assemblage-wide increases of niche breadth, shading and hygrophilic preference and ballooning propensity for spider (sub)families. Trait patterns were comparable for Bembidiini carabids, but were less univocal for Pterostichini species. Body size decreased for lycosid spiders and Bembidiini carabids with increased flooding, but increased in linyphiid spiders and Pterostichini carabids. 4. Our results indicate that mainly riparian species are disfavoured by either too high or too low degrees of disturbance, whereas eurytopic species benefit from increased flooding. Anthropogenic alterations of flooding disturbance constrain the distribution of common hygrophilous species and/or species with high dispersal ability, inducing shifts towards less specialized arthropod assemblages. River banks with divergent degrees of flooding impact should be maintained throughout dynamic lowland river reaches in order to preserve typical riparian arthropod assemblages.}, subject = {Flussufer}, language = {en} } @article{RandlkoferJordanMitesseretal.2009, author = {Randlkofer, Barbara and Jordan, Florian and Mitesser, Oliver and Meiners, Torsten and Obermaier, Elisabeth}, title = {Effect of vegetation density, height, and connectivity on the oviposition pattern of the leaf beetle Galeruca tanaceti}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-49665}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Vegetation structure can profoundly influence patterns of abundance, distribution, and reproduction of herbivorous insects and their susceptibility to natural enemies. The three main structural traits of herbaceous vegetation are density, height, and connectivity. This study determined the herbivore response to each of these three parameters by analysing oviposition patterns in the field and studying the underlying mechanisms in laboratory bioassays. The generalist leaf beetle, Galeruca tanaceti L. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), preferentially deposits its egg clutches on non-host plants such as grasses. Earlier studies revealed that oviposition within structurally complex vegetation reduces the risk of egg parasitism. Consequently, leaf beetle females should prefer patches with dense, tall, or connected vegetation for oviposition in order to increase their reproductive success. In the present study, we tested the following three hypotheses on the effect of stem density, height, and connectivity on oviposition: (1) Within habitats, the number of egg clutches in areas with high stem densities is disproportionately higher than in low-density areas. The number of egg clutches on (2) tall stems or (3) in vegetation with high connectivity is higher than expected for a random distribution. In the field, stem density and height were positively correlated with egg clutch presence. Moreover, a disproportionately high presence of egg clutches was determined in patches with high stem densities. Stem height had a positive influence on oviposition, also in a laboratory two-choice bioassay, whereas stem density and connectivity did not affect oviposition preferences in the laboratory. Therefore, stem height and, potentially, density, but not connectivity, seem to trigger oviposition site selection of the herbivore. This study made evident that certain, but not all traits of the vegetation structure can impose a strong influence on oviposition patterns of herbivorous insects. The results were finally compared with data on the movement patterns of the specialised egg parasitoid of the herbivore in comparable types of vegetation structure.}, subject = {Blattk{\"a}fer}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kay2018, author = {Kay, Janina}, title = {The circadian clock of the carpenter ant \(Camponotus\) \(floridanus\)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-158061}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Due to the earth´s rotation around itself and the sun, rhythmic daily and seasonal changes in illumination, temperature and many other environmental factors occur. Adaptation to these environmental rhythms presents a considerable advantage to survival. Thus, almost all living beings have developed a mechanism to time their behavior in accordance. This mechanism is the endogenous clock. If it fulfills the criteria of (1) entraining to zeitgebers (2) free-running behavior with a period of ~ 24 hours (3) temperature compensation, it is also referred to as "circadian clock". Well-timed behavior is crucial for eusocial insects, which divide their tasks among different behavioral castes and need to respond to changes in the environment quickly and in an orchestrated fashion. Circadian rhythms have thus been studied and observed in many eusocial species, from ants to bees. The underlying mechanism of this clock is a molecular feedback loop that generates rhythmic changes in gene expression and protein levels with a phase length of approximately 24 hours. The properties of this feedback loop are well characterized in many insects, from the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, to the honeybee Apis mellifera. Though the basic principles and components of this loop are seem similar at first glance, there are important differences between the Drosophila feedback loop and that of hymenopteran insects, whose loop resembles the mammalian clock loop. The protein PERIOD (PER) is thought to be a part of the negative limb of the hymenopteran clock, partnering with CRYPTOCHROME (CRY). The anatomical location of the clock-related neurons and the PDF-network (a putative in- and output mediator of the clock) is also well characterized in Drosophila, the eusocial honeybee as well as the nocturnal cockroach Leucophea maderae. The circadian behavior, anatomy of the clock and its molecular underpinnings were studied in the carpenter ant Camponotus floridanus, a eusocial insect Locomotor activity recordings in social isolation proved that the majority of ants could entrain to different LD cycles, free-ran in constant darkness and had a temperature-compensated clock with a period slightly shorter than 24 hours. Most individuals proved to be nocturnal, but different types of activity like diurnality, crepuscularity, rhythmic activity during both phases of the LD, or arrhythmicity were also observed. The LD cycle had a slight influence on the distribution of these activities among individuals, with more diurnal ants at shorter light phases. The PDF-network of C. floridanus was revealed with the anti-PDH antibody, and partly resembled that of other eusocial or nocturnal insects. A comparison of minor and major worker brains, only revealed slight differences in the number of somata and fibers crossing the posterior midline. All in all, most PDF-structures that are conserved in other insects where found, with numerous fibers in the optic lobes, a putative accessory medulla, somata located near the proximal medulla and many fibers in the protocerebrum. A putative connection between the mushroom bodies, the optic lobes and the antennal lobes was found, indicating an influence of the clock on olfactory learning. Lastly, the location and intensity of PER-positive cell bodies at different times of a 24 hour day was established with an antibody raised against Apis mellifera PER. Four distinct clusters, which resemble those found in A. mellifera, were detected. The clusters could be grouped in dorsal and lateral neurons, and the PER-levels cycled in all examined clusters with peaks around lights on and lowest levels after lights off. In summary, first data on circadian behavior and the anatomy and workings of the clock of C. floridanus was obtained. Firstly, it´s behavior fulfills all criteria for the presence of a circadian clock. Secondly, the PDF-network is very similar to those of other insects. Lastly, the location of the PER cell bodies seems conserved among hymenoptera. Cycling of PER levels within 24 hours confirms the suspicion of its role in the circadian feedback loop.}, subject = {Chronobiologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Keidel2011, author = {Keidel, Kristina}, title = {Charakterisierung des Hfq-Regulons in Bordetella pertussis und Bordetella bronchiseptica}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-66677}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Bordetellen sind Gram-negative Kokkobazillen, die phylogenetisch zu den β-Proteobakterien z{\"a}hlen und in der Familie der Alcaligenaceae eingeordnet sind. Der bedeutendste Vertreter der Gattung, die nach heutigem Kenntnisstand neun Arten umfasst, ist Bordetella pertussis, der Erreger des Keuchhustens. Der Keim ist obligat humanpathogen und besitzt zahlreiche Virulenzfaktoren, um die Epithelzellen des Respirationstraktes zu besiedeln und zu zerst{\"o}ren, wodurch es zu dem charakteristischen Krankheitsverlauf kommt. Neben B. pertussis werden noch B. bronchiseptica und B. parapertussis dem sogenannten B. bronchiseptica-Cluster zugeteilt. Alle Vertreter des B. bronchiseptica-Clusters sind in der Lage, bei verschiedenen Wirtsspezies respiratorische Erkrankungen mit unterschiedlichem Schweregrad auszul{\"o}sen. Dabei weist B. bronchiseptica ein breiteres Wirtsspektrum auf und kann Atemwegserkrankungen in einer Vielzahl von S{\"a}ugetieren ausl{\"o}sen, wohingegen B. parapertussis vornehmlich Schafe und Menschen infiziert und bei letzteren eine schw{\"a}chere Form des Keuchhustens bewirkt. Das Hfq-Protein wurde urspr{\"u}nglich als Wirtsfaktor identifiziert, welcher f{\"u}r die Replikation des RNA-Phagen Qβ in Escherichia coli ben{\"o}tigt wird (host factor for Qβ oder HF-1). Es ist in Struktur und Funktion homolog zu den Sm-Proteinen aus Eukaryoten, die am Splicing von mRNAs involviert sind. Die Beteiligung des Hfq-Proteins an regulatorischen Vorg{\"a}ngen, die durch kleine nicht-kodierende RNAs (sRNAs) vermittelt werden, wurde erstmals in einer Studie zum Mechanismus der rpoS-Regulation durch die kleine regulatorische RNA OxyS ersichtlich. Seitdem konnte f{\"u}r eine Vielzahl an sRNAs gezeigt werden, dass sie an Hfq gebunden vorliegen und die Hilfe des Proteins bei der post-transkriptionellen Kontrolle ihrer Ziel-mRNAs ben{\"o}tigen. In dieser Hinsicht {\"u}bernimmt Hfq die Rolle eines RNA-Chaperons, indem es trans-kodierte sRNAs stabilisiert und die Basenpaarung mit ihren Ziel-mRNAs f{\"o}rdert. Dabei beeinflusst die Bindung der sRNA-Regulatoren an ihre Ziel-mRNAs deren Translation, sowohl aktivierend als auch inhibierend. Bislang wurden Hfq-Homologe in der H{\"a}lfte aller sequenzierten Gram-positiven und Gram-negativen Bakterienarten gefunden. Eine BLAST-Analyse ergab, dass B. pertussis und B. bronchiseptica Homologe zum Hfq-Protein aufweisen und diese in der ver{\"o}ffentlichten Genomsequenz bereits als Hfq-Protein annotiert sind. Fokus dieser Arbeit war weitestgehend, die Funktion des Hfq-Proteins in B. pertussis und vergleichend in B. bronchiseptica zu charakterisieren. Mittels Primer Extension-Analyse konnte zun{\"a}chst der Startpunkt des hfq-Transkripts in B. pertussis und B. bronchiseptica unter logarithmischen Wachstumsbedingungen bestimmt werden. Dieser Startpunkt war zudem unter station{\"a}ren Wachstumsbedingungen und nach Hitzestress aktiv, was in Diskrepanz zur Beobachtung in E. coli steht. Ferner konnte festgestellt werden, dass die hfq-Transkription nach Induktion verschiedener Stressformen in beiden Organismen erh{\"o}ht war. Nach Generierung der jeweiligen Δhfq-Mutanten in beiden Organismen wurden diese charakterisiert. Die B. pertussis Δhfq-Mutante zeigte ein deutliches Wachstumsdefizit gegen{\"u}ber dem Wildtyp, im Gegensatz zu B. bronchiseptica Δhfq, die sich im Wachstum wie der Wildtyp verhielt. Beide Mutanten zeigten sich sensitiver gegen{\"u}ber H2O2-Stress als der Wildtyp, nicht jedoch gegen{\"u}ber weiteren oxidativen Stressbedingungen oder Membranstress induzierenden Substanzen. Die Δhfq-Mutante in B. pertussis war zudem in ihrer F{\"a}higkeit zur Biofilmbildung beeintr{\"a}chtigt, was jedoch nicht f{\"u}r B. bronchiseptica Δhfq galt. Da Hfq an sRNA-mRNA-Interaktionen, welche die Translation der mRNAs beeinflussen, beteiligt ist, sollte {\"u}ber 2D-Gelelektrophorese das Hfq-regulierte Proteom in B. pertussis und B. bronchiseptica bestimmt werden. Auff{\"a}llig war, dass viele periplasmatische Transport-bindeproteine von der Δhfq-Mutation betroffen waren. Es zeigten sich aber auch Stoffwechselenzyme und wichtige Housekeeping-Faktoren, wie z. B. der Elongationsfaktor EF-Tu und das Chaperon GroEL, in der Δhfq-Mutante dereguliert. Generell scheint das Hfq-regulierte Proteom in B. pertussis und B. bronchiseptica nur einen kleinen Teil des gesamten Proteoms auszumachen. Zudem ist das Hfq-regulierte Proteom variabel zwischen verschiedenen Wachstumsbedingungen, aber auch zwischen den beiden Organismen trotz der engen Verwandtschaft. Die Expression ausgew{\"a}hlter Virulenzfaktoren zeigte keinen Unterschied zwischen Δhfq-Mutante und B. pertussis-Wildtyp.}, subject = {Bordetella pertussis}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Mishra2011, author = {Mishra, Dushyant}, title = {The content of olfactory memory in larval Drosophila}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-66316}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {An animal depends heavily on its sense of smell and its ability to form olfactory associations as this is crucial for its survival. This thesis studies in two parts about such associative olfactory learning in larval Drosophila. The first part deals with different aspects of odour processing while the second part is concerned with aspects related to memory and learning. Chapter I.1 highlights how odour intensities could be integrated into the olfactory percept of larval Drosophila. I first describe the dose-effect curves of learnability across odour intensities for different odours and then choose odour intensities from these curves such that larvae are trained at intermediate odour intensity, but are tested for retention with either that trained intermediate odour intensity, or with respectively HIGHer or LOWer intensities. I observe a specificity of retention for the trained intensity for all the odours used. Further I compare these findings with the case of adult Drosophila and propose a circuit level model of how such intensity coding comes about. Such intensity specificity of learning adds to appreciate the richness in 'content' of olfactory memory traces, and to define the demands on computational models of olfaction and olfactory learning. Chapter I.2 provides a behaviour-based estimate of odour similarity using four different types of experiments to yield a combined, task-independent estimate of perceived difference between odour-pairs. Further comparison of these perceived differences to published measures of physico- chemical difference reveals a weak correlation. Notable exceptions to this correlation are 3-octanol and benzaldehyde. Chapter I.3 shows for two odours (3-octanol and 1-octene-3-ol) that perceptual differences between these odours can either be ignored after non-discriminative training (generalization), or accentuated by odour-specific reinforcement (discrimination). Anosmic Or83b1 mutants have lost these faculties, indicating that this adaptive adjustment is taking place downstream of Or83b expressing sensory neurons. Chapter II.1 of this thesis deals with food supplementation with dried roots of Rhodiola rosea. This dose-dependently improves odour- reward associative function in larval Drosophila. Supplementing fly food with commercially available tablets or extracts, however, does not have a 'cognitive enhancing' effect, potentially enabling us to differentiate between the effective substances in the root versus these preparations. Thus Drosophila as a genetically tractable study case should now allow accelerated analyses of the molecular mechanism(s) that underlie this 'cognitive enhancement' conveyed by Rhodiola rosea. Chapter II.2 describes the role of Synapsin, an evolutionarily conserved presynaptic phosphoprotein using a combined behavioural and genetic approach and asks where and how, this protein affects functions in associative plasticity of larval Drosophila. This study shows that a Synapsin-dependent memory trace can be pinpointed to the mushroom bodies, a 'cortical' brain region of the insects. On the molecular level, data in this study assign Synapsin as a behaviourally- relevant effector of the AC-cAMP-PKA cascade.}, subject = {Drosophila}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmitt2010, author = {Schmitt, Kathrin}, title = {Identification and Characterization of GAS2L3 as a Novel Mitotic Regulator in Human Cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-52704}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Precise control of mitotic progression is vital for the maintenance of genomic integrity. Since the loss of genomic integrity is known to promote tumorigenesis, the identification of knew G2/M regulatory genes attracts great attention. LINC, a human multiprotein complex, is a transcriptional activator of a set of G2/M specific genes. By depleting LIN9 in MEFs, a core subunit of LINC, Gas2l3 was identified as a novel LINC target gene. The so far uncharacterized Gas2l3 gene encodes for a member of the family of growth arrest specific 2 (GAS2) proteins, which share a highly conserved putative actin binding CH and a putative microtubule binding GAS2 domain. In the present study GAS2L3 was identified as a LINC target gene also in human cells. Gene expression analysis revealed that GAS2L3 transcription, in contrast to all other GAS2 family members, is highly regulated during the cell cycle with highest expression in G2/M. The GAS2L3 protein showed a specific localization pattern during the M phase: In metaphase, GAS2L3 localized to the mitotic spindle, relocated to the spindle midzone microtubules in late anaphase and concentrated at the midbody in telophase where it persisted until the end of cytokinesis. Overexpression of a set of different GAS2L3 deletion mutants demonstrated that the localization to the mitotic microtubule network is dependent on the C-terminus, whereas the midbody localization is dependent on full length GAS2L3 protein. Additionally, exclusive overexpression of the CH domain induced the formation of actin stress fibers, suggesting that the CH domain is an actin binding domain. In contrast, the GAS2 domain was neither needed nor sufficient for microtubule binding, indicating that there must be an additional so far unknown microtubule binding domain in the C-terminus. Interestingly, immunoblot analysis also identified the C-terminus as the domain responsible for GAS2L3 protein instability, partially dependent on proteasomal degradation. Consistent with its specific localization pattern, GAS2L3 depletion by RNAi demonstrated its responsibility for proper mitosis and cytokinesis. GAS2L3 depletion in HeLa cells resulted in the accumulation of multinucleated cells, an indicator for chromosome mis-segregation during mitosis. Also the amount of cells in cytokinesis was enriched, indicating failures in completing the last step of cytokinesis, the abscission. Strikingly, treatment with microtubule poisons that lead to the activation of the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) indicated that the SAC was weakened in GAS2L3 depleted cells. Although the exact molecular mechanism is still unknown, fist experiments support the hypothesis that GAS2L3 might be a regulator of the SAC master kinase BUBR1. In conclusion, this study provides first evidence for GAS2L3 as a novel regulator of mitosis and cytokinesis and it might therefore be an important guardian against tumorigenesis.}, subject = {Mensch}, language = {en} }