@phdthesis{Schwarz2022, author = {Schwarz, Gisela Maria}, title = {Regulation von c-MYC durch CIP2A im kolorektalen Karzinom}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27618}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-276181}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Das kolorektale Karzinom ist eines der h{\"a}ufigsten beim Menschen vorkommenden Karzinome [2]. Diesem liegen unterschiedliche Mutationen zugrunde, die in knapp 100\% der kolorektalen Karzinome zu einer {\"U}berexpression von MYC f{\"u}hren, welches als Transkriptionsfaktor maßgeblich den Zellzyklus, Proliferation und Vaskularisierung beeinflusst [10,16]. Damit stellt MYC ein potenzielles Therapieziel in der Behandlung des Kolorektalen Karzinoms dar. Zus{\"a}tzlich konnte in den letzten Jahren ein Onkoprotein namens CIP2A identifiziert werden, welches nach Depletion mit einem Verlust von MYC Protein einhergeht [69]. Zus{\"a}tzlich ist CIP2A ein unabh{\"a}ngiger prognostischer Faktor im Kolorektalen Karzinom [70]. Diese Arbeit konnte zeigen, dass CIP2A-depletierte Zellen einen deutlichen Wachstumsnachteil gegen{\"u}ber unbehandelten Zellen zeigen. Dieser Unterschied kann nicht durch eine gesteigerte Apoptose, sondern vielmehr durch einen verl{\"a}ngerten Zellzyklus erkl{\"a}rt werden. Weiterhin konnte eine neue Zelllinie mit DOX-induzierbarer shCIP2A hergestellt werden, die f{\"u}r weitere Experimente genutzt werden kann. Entgegen der Wirkweise im Zervixkarzinom [69], konnte im kolorektalen Karzinom kein Einfluss auf die Stabilit{\"a}t von MYC Protein durch CIP2A nachgewiesen werden. Auch konnte der Verlust von MYC nach CIP2A Knockdown nicht durch gleichzeitige Inhibierung des Abbaus, durch Okadas{\"a}ure, MG132 oder in den FBWX7-defizienten Zellen, verhindert werden. Stattdessen resultiert die Herunterregulation von CIP2A in einem leichten R{\"u}ckgang der MYC-mRNA Menge und einem deutlichen Verlust an MYC-Protein. In Zellen mit verschiedenen Konstrukten der MYC Transkripte kann dieser Verlust an MYC Protein auf eine translationelle Regulation in der 5'UTR zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden, was eine bisher nicht beschriebene Wirkweise von CIP2A darstellt. Da CIP2A in normalen Zellen praktisch nicht exprimiert ist [78], k{\"o}nnte dies ein m{\"o}gliches Ziel in der Tumortherapie darstellen. Dieses gilt es in weiteren Experimenten noch genauer zu untersuchen.}, subject = {Myc}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schaefer2012, author = {Sch{\"a}fer, Simon}, title = {Wirkung der Vaccinia-viral kodierten Proteine Relaxin 1 und Matrixmetalloproteinase 9 auf die extrazellul{\"a}re Matrix und die virale Ausbreitung im Tumorgewebe}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69592}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Die heute in der Krebstherapie vorherrschenden konventionellen Therapiemethoden weisen Defizite bez{\"u}glich ihrer Wirksamkeit auf und rufen oftmals gravierende Nebenwirkungen hervor. Eine Alternative f{\"u}r die Behandlung von Tumoren ist der Einsatz onkolytischer Viren. Um einen erfolgreichen klinischen Einsatz onkolytischer Viren zu erm{\"o}glichen, ist eine Verst{\"a}rkung von deren Wirksamkeit durch die Insertion therapeutischer Gene w{\"u}nschenswert. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte der Abbau von Proteinen der extrazellul{\"a}ren Matrix durch die Insertion des Relaxin- oder Matrixmetalloproteinase 9-Gens (MMP-9) in das Vaccinia-Virus Genom erreicht und dadurch die Virusausbreitung im Tumorgewebe erleichtert werden. Hierf{\"u}r wurden die rekombinanten Vaccinia-Viren GLV-1h169, codierend f{\"u}r das Hormon Relaxin und GLV-1h255, codierend f{\"u}r das Enzym MMP-9, eingesetzt. Es wurde analysiert, ob die Expression dieser Proteine zu einem Abbau von Matrixproteinen f{\"u}hrt, dies die Virusausbreitung erleichtert und die Lyse infizierter Tumorzellen gegen{\"u}ber dem parentalen Virus GLV-1h68 verst{\"a}rkt. GLV-1h169 wurde in DU145-, PC3- und C33A-Tumor-tragende M{\"a}use injiziert und die Wirkung des viral-codierten Relaxins auf die extrazellul{\"a}re Matrix und die virale Ausbreitung im Tumorgewebe analysiert. In Zellkultur-Experimenten wurde ermittelt, dass die Insertion des Relaxin-Gens in das GLV-1h169-Genom das Replikationsverhalten in DU145-Zellen gegen{\"u}ber dem des parentalen Virus GLV-1h68 nicht negativ beeinflusst. In DU145-, PC3- und C33A-Tumorschnitten konnte eine Expression von Relaxin in GLV-1h169-infizierten Bereichen nachgewiesen werden. Die Expression von Relaxin soll durch die Aktivierung des Relaxin-Signalweges zur Translation von MMP-9 f{\"u}hren. Das Enzym wird von infizierten Zellen sezerniert und spaltet Proteine der extrazellul{\"a}ren Matrix. Der Gehalt der MMP-9 Substrate Collagen IV und Laminin in GLV-1h169 behandelten DU145- und C33A-Tumoren wurde analysiert und mit jenem in GLV-1h68- und PBS- behandelten Tumoren verglichen. In Virus-behandelten DU145-Tumoren zeigte sich im Vergleich mit PBS-behandelten Tumoren ein signifikant verringerter Collagen IV- und Laminingehalt. Weiterhin war der Collagen IV-Gehalt in GLV-1h169 infizierten Tumoren signifikant niedriger als in GLV-1h68 infizierten. Dies f{\"u}hrte jedoch nicht zu einer Erh{\"o}hung des Virustiters und nicht zu einer verbesserten Virusausbreitung. GLV-1h68- und GLV-1h169-infizierte Tumore zeigten gegen{\"u}ber PBS-behandelten Tumoren eine starke Regression. Die GLV-1h169-vermittelte Relaxin-Expression f{\"u}hrte jedoch nicht zu einer weiteren Verst{\"a}rkung der Tumorregression. In Virus-behandelten C33A-Tumoren wurde eine signifikante Erh{\"o}hung des Collagen IV- und Laminingehalts gegen{\"u}ber PBS-behandelten Tumoren nachgewiesen. Dies k{\"o}nnte durch eine Virus-induzierte Inflammationsreaktion hervorgerufen werden, die eine Fibroblasten-vermittelte Collagenablagerung nach sich zieht. Das MMP-9 Expressionsle-vel war in Virus-behandelten Tumoren gegen{\"u}ber PBS-behandelten signifikant erh{\"o}ht, jedoch bewirkte die GLV-1h169-vermittelte Expression von Relaxin keine zus{\"a}tzliche MMP-9 Expression. In Tumorrandbereichen erfolgte eine Expression von Relaxin und MMP-9, im Tumorinneren jedoch nur eine Expression von Relaxin. Hingegen wurde eine Korrelation zwischen der MMP-9-Expression und der Pr{\"a}senz MHC II-positiver Zellen beobachtet. Diese Zellen migrieren von außen in das Tumorgewebe und exprimieren dort MMP-9. Bei der Analyse der Virustiter und -ausbreitung im Tumorgewebe zeigten sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen GLV-1h68- und GLV-1h169-injizierten Tieren. Die Injektion von beiden onkolytischen Viren in C33A-Tumor-tragende M{\"a}use f{\"u}hrte zu einer starken Tumorregression. Diese wurde jedoch nicht durch die GLV-1h169-vermittelte Relaxin-Expression beeinflusst. Da die Aktivierung des Relaxin-Signalweges zu einer Expression des vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF) f{\"u}hren kann, welcher die Angiogenese stimuliert, wurde die Blutgef{\"a}ßdichte in C33A-Tumoren ermittelt. Die Expression von Relaxin f{\"u}hrte nicht zu einer erh{\"o}hten Blutgef{\"a}ßdichte. Die Basalmembran von Blutgef{\"a}ßen enth{\"a}lt Collagen IV, deshalb wurde untersucht, ob die Relaxin-Expression eine erh{\"o}hte Permeabilit{\"a}t der Gef{\"a}ße bewirkt. In den Virus-behandelten Tumoren zeigte sich eine gegen{\"u}ber PBS-behandelten Tumoren signifikant erh{\"o}hte Gef{\"a}ß-Permeabilit{\"a}t, jedoch bewirkte die Expression von Relaxin keine weitere Erh{\"o}hung der Gef{\"a}ß-Permeabilit{\"a}t...}, subject = {Relaxin}, language = {de} } @article{SchaeferWeibelDonatetal.2012, author = {Sch{\"a}fer, Simon and Weibel, Stephanie and Donat, Ulrike and Zhang, Qian and Aguilar, Richard J. and Chen, Nanhai G. and Szalay, Aladar A.}, title = {Vaccinia virus-mediated intra-tumoral expression of matrix metalloproteinase 9 enhances oncolysis of PC-3 xenograft tumors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78220}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Background: Oncolytic viruses, including vaccinia virus (VACV), are a promising alternative to classical mono-cancer treatment methods such as surgery, chemo- or radiotherapy. However, combined therapeutic modalities may be more effective than mono-therapies. In this study, we enhanced the effectiveness of oncolytic virotherapy by matrix metalloproteinase (MMP-9)-mediated degradation of proteins of the tumoral extracellular matrix (ECM), leading to increased viral distribution within the tumors. Methods: For this study, the oncolytic vaccinia virus GLV-1h255, containing the mmp-9 gene, was constructed and used to treat PC-3 tumor-bearing mice, achieving an intra-tumoral over-expression of MMP-9. The intra-tumoral MMP-9 content was quantified by immunohistochemistry in tumor sections. Therapeutic efficacy of GLV-1h255 was evaluated by monitoring tumor growth kinetics and intra-tumoral virus titers. Microenvironmental changes mediated by the intra-tumoral MMP-9 over-expression were investigated by microscopic quantification of the collagen IV content, the blood vessel density (BVD) and the analysis of lymph node metastasis formation. Results: GLV-1h255-treatment of PC-3 tumors led to a significant over-expression of intra-tumoral MMP-9, accompanied by a marked decrease in collagen IV content in infected tumor areas, when compared to GLV-1h68-infected tumor areas. This led to considerably elevated virus titers in GLV-1h255 infected tumors, and to enhanced tumor regression. The analysis of the BVD, as well as the lumbar and renal lymph node volumes, revealed lower BVD and significantly smaller lymph nodes in both GLV-1h68- and GLV-1h255- injected mice compared to those injected with PBS, indicating that MMP-9 over-expression does not alter the metastasis-reducing effect of oncolytic VACV. Conclusions: Taken together, these results indicate that a GLV-1h255-mediated intra-tumoral over-expression of MMP-9 leads to a degradation of collagen IV, facilitating intra-tumoral viral dissemination, and resulting in accelerated tumor regression. We propose that approaches which enhance the oncolytic effect by increasing the intra-tumoral viral load, may be an effective way to improve therapeutic outcome.}, subject = {Biochemie}, language = {en} } @article{SchaeferWeibelDonatetal.2012, author = {Sch{\"a}fer, Simon and Weibel, Stephanie and Donat, Ulrike and Zhang, Quian and Aguilar, Richard J. and Chen, Nanhai G. and Szalay, Aladar A.}, title = {Vaccinia virus-mediated intra-tumoral expression of matrix metalloproteinase 9 enhances oncolysis of PC-3 xenograft tumors}, series = {BMC Cancer}, volume = {12}, journal = {BMC Cancer}, number = {366}, doi = {10.1186/1471-2407-12-366}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-140800}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Background Oncolytic viruses, including vaccinia virus (VACV), are a promising alternative to classical mono-cancer treatment methods such as surgery, chemo- or radiotherapy. However, combined therapeutic modalities may be more effective than mono-therapies. In this study, we enhanced the effectiveness of oncolytic virotherapy by matrix metalloproteinase (MMP-9)-mediated degradation of proteins of the tumoral extracellular matrix (ECM), leading to increased viral distribution within the tumors. Methods For this study, the oncolytic vaccinia virus GLV-1h255, containing the mmp-9 gene, was constructed and used to treat PC-3 tumor-bearing mice, achieving an intra-tumoral over-expression of MMP-9. The intra-tumoral MMP-9 content was quantified by immunohistochemistry in tumor sections. Therapeutic efficacy of GLV-1h255 was evaluated by monitoring tumor growth kinetics and intra-tumoral virus titers. Microenvironmental changes mediated by the intra-tumoral MMP-9 over-expression were investigated by microscopic quantification of the collagen IV content, the blood vessel density (BVD) and the analysis of lymph node metastasis formation. Results GLV-1h255-treatment of PC-3 tumors led to a significant over-expression of intra-tumoral MMP-9, accompanied by a marked decrease in collagen IV content in infected tumor areas, when compared to GLV-1h68-infected tumor areas. This led to considerably elevated virus titers in GLV-1h255 infected tumors, and to enhanced tumor regression. The analysis of the BVD, as well as the lumbar and renal lymph node volumes, revealed lower BVD and significantly smaller lymph nodes in both GLV-1h68- and GLV-1h255- injected mice compared to those injected with PBS, indicating that MMP-9 over-expression does not alter the metastasis-reducing effect of oncolytic VACV. Conclusions Taken together, these results indicate that a GLV-1h255-mediated intra-tumoral over-expression of MMP-9 leads to a degradation of collagen IV, facilitating intra-tumoral viral dissemination, and resulting in accelerated tumor regression. We propose that approaches which enhance the oncolytic effect by increasing the intra-tumoral viral load, may be an effective way to improve therapeutic outcome.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schaeffler2011, author = {Sch{\"a}ffler, Katrin M.}, title = {Regulation der eukaryotischen Translation durch RNA-bindende Faktoren: Strukturelle und funktionelle Charakterisierung des La-verwandten Proteins 4B (LARP4B)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69809}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {In Zellen liegen RNAs in Form von Ribonukleoprotein-Komplexen (RNP) vor, wobei das Zusammenwirken von RNA und Proteinen die Funktionen der einzelnen RNPs definiert. RNA-bindenden Proteinen kommt demnach eine zentrale Bedeutung beim Verst{\"a}ndnis des RNA-Metabolismus zu. Zu dieser Proteingruppe z{\"a}hlen auch die La-verwandten Proteine (engl. La-related proteins, LARPs), welche eine evolution{\"a}r konservierte Familie von Faktoren bilden und durch eine putative RNA-bindende Dom{\"a}ne, dem La Modul, charakterisiert sind. Bereits f{\"u}r zwei Vertreter dieser Proteinklasse (LARP3 und LARP7) konnte eine {\"u}ber das La Modul vermittelte spezifische Interaktion mit uridylreichen RNA-Sequenzen gezeigt werden. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, einen Vertreter der LARP-Familie, das sogenannte LARP4B, sowohl biochemisch als auch strukturell zu untersuchen und es somit einem zellul{\"a}ren Prozess zuzuordnen. Zellbiologische Studien zeigten zun{\"a}chst, dass LARP4B unter normalen Wachstumsbedingungen eine homogene zytoplasmatische Verteilung aufweist. Unter Stressbedingungen akkumuliert LARP4B hingegen in diskreten subzellul{\"a}ren Dom{\"a}nen, den sogenannten Stress Granules (SGs). Obwohl SGs bislang noch wenig funktionell untersucht sind, wird davon ausgegangen, dass sie der reversiblen Speicherung von mRNA-gebundenen Translationsfaktoren dienen. Durch affinit{\"a}tschromatographische Strategien ließen sich spezifische Interaktionspartner von LARP4B identifizieren. Als direkte Bindungspartner wurden das zytoplasmatische Poly (A) bindende Protein 1 (PABPC1) und der Rezeptor f{\"u}r aktivierte C Kinase 1 (RACK1) gefunden. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus zeigten Sedimentationsanalysen, dass LARP4B nahezu quantitativ mit Ribosomen und Polyribosomen assoziiert vorliegt. Diese Studie identifizierte daher LARP4B als ein Protein, das mit Schl{\"u}sselfaktoren der eukaryotischen Translation wechselwirkt. In {\"U}bereinstimmung mit diesen Befunden reduziert ein RNAi-induzierter Mangel des Proteins die Translationsrate drastisch, w{\"a}hrend die {\"U}berexpression von LARP4B in vivo zu einer Stimulation der Proteinbiosynthese f{\"u}hrt. Da dieser stimulatorische Einfluss bei einer Vielzahl unterschiedlicher mRNA-Spezies detektiert werden konnte, kann LARP4B als genereller, positiver Translationsfaktor angesehen werden. Interessanterweise wurden in Studien, die zeitgleich f{\"u}r das verwandte LARP1 durchgef{\"u}hrt wurden, vergleichbare zellul{\"a}re Interaktionen wie f{\"u}r LARP4B beschrieben. Um zu kl{\"a}ren, ob beide LARPs Orthologe darstellen und funktionelle Redundanz zeigen, wurde in der vorgelegten Arbeit ein Vergleich von LARP4B mit LARP1 durchgef{\"u}hrt. Unabh{\"a}ngige in vivo Studien und Sedimentationsanalysen zeigten deutlich, dass beide Proteine im mRNA-Metabolismus agieren, jedoch in diesem unterschiedliche Phasen der eukaryotischen Proteinbiosynthese beeinflussen.}, subject = {Translation }, language = {de} } @article{SendellPriceTulenkoPetterssonetal.2023, author = {Sendell-Price, Ashley T. and Tulenko, Frank J. and Pettersson, Mats and Kang, Du and Montandon, Margo and Winkler, Sylke and Kulb, Kathleen and Naylor, Gavin P. and Phillippy, Adam and Fedrigo, Olivier and Mountcastle, Jacquelyn and Balacco, Jennifer R. and Dutra, Amalia and Dale, Rebecca E. and Haase, Bettina and Jarvis, Erich D. and Myers, Gene and Burgess, Shawn M. and Currie, Peter D. and Andersson, Leif and Schartl, Manfred}, title = {Low mutation rate in epaulette sharks is consistent with a slow rate of evolution in sharks}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {14}, journal = {Nature Communications}, doi = {10.1038/s41467-023-42238-x}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-357827}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Sharks occupy diverse ecological niches and play critical roles in marine ecosystems, often acting as apex predators. They are considered a slow-evolving lineage and have been suggested to exhibit exceptionally low cancer rates. These two features could be explained by a low nuclear mutation rate. Here, we provide a direct estimate of the nuclear mutation rate in the epaulette shark (Hemiscyllium ocellatum). We generate a high-quality reference genome, and resequence the whole genomes of parents and nine offspring to detect de novo mutations. Using stringent criteria, we estimate a mutation rate of 7×10\(^{-10}\) per base pair, per generation. This represents one of the lowest directly estimated mutation rates for any vertebrate clade, indicating that this basal vertebrate group is indeed a slowly evolving lineage whose ability to restore genetic diversity following a sustained population bottleneck may be hampered by a low mutation rate.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Song2021, author = {Song, Boyuan}, title = {Structural and functional studies of \(Saccharomyces\) \(cerevisiae\) Ccr4-Not complex with Electron microscopy}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21652}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-216527}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The degradation of poly-adenosine tails of messenger RNAs (mRNAs) in the eukaryotic cells is a determining step in controlling the level of gene expression. The highly conserved Ccr4-Not complex was identified as the major deadenylation complex in all eukaryotic organisms. Plenty of biochemical studies have shown that this complex is also involved in many aspects of the mRNA metabolism, but we are still lacking the detailed structural information about its overall architecture and conformational states that could help to elucidate its multifunction and the way it is coordinated in the cells. Such information can also provide a basis to finding a possible way of intervention since the complex is also involved in some diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disorders in humans. Meanwhile, the single particle Cryo-EM method has been through a "resolution revolution" recently due to the use of the newly developed direct electron detectors and has since resolved the high-resolution structures of many macromolecular protein complexes in their near-native state. Therefore, it was employed as a suitable method for studying the Ccr4-Not complex here. In this work, the Falcon 3EC direct detector mounted on the 300kV Titan Krios G3i Cryo-EM was evaluated for its practical performance at obtaining high-quality Cryo-EM data from protein samples of different molecular sizes. This served as a proof of principle for this detector's capabilities and as a data collection guidance for studying the macromolecular complexes, such as the Ccr4-Not, when using an advanced high-performance microscope system. Next, the endogenous yeast Ccr4-Not complex was also purified via the immunoaffinity purification method and evaluated using negative staining EM to assess the conditions of the complex before proceeding to sample preparation for Cryo-EM. This has shown that the complex had an unexpected inherently dynamic property in vitro and extra optimisation procedures were needed to stabilise the complex during the purification and sample preparation. In addition, by using the label-free quantitative Mass spectrometry to examine the coimmunoprecipitated complex via different tagged subunits, it was deduced that two of the subunits (Not3/Not5) that shared some sequence similarity might compete for association with the scaffold subunit of the complex. An uncharacterised protein was also identified coimmunoprecipitating with the Caf130 subunit of the yeast complex. Cryo-EM data from the purified complex provided a low-resolution map that represents a surprisingly smaller partial complex as compared to 3D structures from previous studies, although gel electrophoresis and Mass spectrometry data have identified all of the nine subunits of the Ccr4-Not core complex in the sample. It was concluded that due to the presence of many predicted unstructured regions VI in the subunits and their dynamic composition in solution, the native complex could have been spontaneously denatured at the air/water interface during the sample preparation thus limiting the resolution of the Cryo-EM reconstruction. The purified complex was also examined for its deadenylase and ubiquitin ligase activity by in vitro assays. It was shown that the native complex has a different rate of activity and possibly also a different mode of action compared to the recombinant complexes from other species under similar reaction conditions. The Not4 E3 ligase was also shown to be active in the complex and was likely auto-ubiquitinated in the absence of a substrate. Both types of assays have also shown that the conformational flexibility does not seem to affect the enzymatic reactions when using a chemically crosslinked form of the complex for the assay, which implies that there can be other underlying mechanisms coordinating its structural and functional relationship. The findings from this work have therefore moved our understanding of the Ccr4-Not complex forward by looking at the different structural and functional behaviours of the endogenous complex, especially highlighting the obstacles in sample preparation for the native complex in high-resolution Cryo-EM. This would serve as foundation for future studies on the mechanism of this complex's catalytic functions and also for optimising the Cryo-EM sample to generate better data that could eventually resolve the structure to a high-resolution.}, subject = {CCR4}, language = {en} } @article{SpiveyDeGiorgiZhaoetal.2012, author = {Spivey, Tara L. and De Giorgi, Valeria and Zhao, Yingdong and Bedognetti, Davide and Pos, Zoltan and Liu, Qiuzhen and Tomei, Sara and Ascierto, Maria Libera and Uccellini, Lorenzo and Reinboth, Jennifer and Chouchane, Lotfi and Stroncek, David F. and Wang, Ena and Marincola, Francesco M.}, title = {The stable traits of melanoma genetics: an alternate approach to target discovery}, series = {BMC Genomics}, volume = {13}, journal = {BMC Genomics}, number = {156}, doi = {10.1186/1471-2164-13-156}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-131992}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Background: The weight that gene copy number plays in transcription remains controversial; although in specific cases gene expression correlates with copy number, the relationship cannot be inferred at the global level. We hypothesized that genes steadily expressed by 15 melanoma cell lines (CMs) and their parental tissues (TMs) should be critical for oncogenesis and their expression most frequently influenced by their respective copy number. Results: Functional interpretation of 3,030 transcripts concordantly expressed (Pearson's correlation coefficient p-value < 0.05) by CMs and TMs confirmed an enrichment of functions crucial to oncogenesis. Among them, 968 were expressed according to the transcriptional efficiency predicted by copy number analysis (Pearson's correlation coefficient p-value < 0.05). We named these genes, "genomic delegates" as they represent at the transcriptional level the genetic footprint of individual cancers. We then tested whether the genes could categorize 112 melanoma metastases. Two divergent phenotypes were observed: one with prevalent expression of cancer testis antigens, enhanced cyclin activity, WNT signaling, and a Th17 immune phenotype (Class A). This phenotype expressed, therefore, transcripts previously associated to more aggressive cancer. The second class (B) prevalently expressed genes associated with melanoma signaling including MITF, melanoma differentiation antigens, and displayed a Th1 immune phenotype associated with better prognosis and likelihood to respond to immunotherapy. An intermediate third class (C) was further identified. The three phenotypes were confirmed by unsupervised principal component analysis. Conclusions: This study suggests that clinically relevant phenotypes of melanoma can be retraced to stable oncogenic properties of cancer cells linked to their genetic back bone, and offers a roadmap for uncovering novel targets for tailored anti-cancer therapy.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Steidl2006, author = {Steidl, Christian}, title = {Funktionsanalyse des notch-Zielgens heyL und verwandter bHLH-Transkriptionsfaktoren in der Entwicklung der Maus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18557}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {In der Embryonalentwicklung von Insekten, Nematoden und Vertebraten reguliert der delta-notch-Signalweg vielf{\"a}ltige Zelldifferenzierungsvorg{\"a}nge wie die laterale Inhibierung, Zelllinien-Entscheidungen und die Bildung von Grenzen. In Vertebraten aktivieren die transmembranen Liganden delta-like 1, 3 oder 4, bzw. jagged 1 oder 2 einen notch-Rezeptor (notch1, 2, 3 oder 4). Dessen intrazellul{\"a}re Dom{\"a}ne bildet im Zellkern mit rbp-j\&\#61547; und weiteren Proteinen einen Aktivator-Komplex, der an den Promotor der notch-Zielgene bindet. Neben drei hes-Genen z{\"a}hlen dazu die Gene hey1, hey2 und heyL, die alle eng verwandt sind mit hairy und den Genen des Enhancer of Split-Komplexes (E(spl)) bei Drosophila melanogaster. Die hey-Gene sind in der Maus unter anderem w{\"a}hrend der Entwicklung von Niere, Arterien, Herz, Nervensystem, Thymus und Somiten spezifisch exprimiert. Um die Bedeutung des heyL-Gens f{\"u}r die Bildung dieser Organe zu untersuchen, wurden heyL-Knockoutm{\"a}use generiert, bei denen jedoch keine morphologischen Ver{\"a}nderungen oder Erkrankungen erkennbar waren. Die durch entsprechende Verpaarung erhaltenen heyL/1-Doppelknockoutm{\"a}use wiesen in der F9-R{\"u}ckkreuzungsgeneration einen Ventrikel-Septum-Defekt (VSD) auf und verstarben gr{\"o}ßtenteils ein bis zwei Tage nach der Geburt. {\"A}hnliche Krankheitssymptome zeigen die mit anderen Komponenten des delta-notch-Signalweges in Verbindung gebrachten Erbkrankheiten „Fallot´sche Tetralogie" (ToF) und das Alagille Syndrom (AGS). Vergleichbare VSDs treten auch bei hey2-Knockoutm{\"a}usen auf. Es stellte sich daher die Frage, welche Zielgene des hey2-Transkriptionsfaktors an der Herzbildung beteiligt sind. Literaturbekannte HEY2-Zielgen-Kandidaten sind beim Menschen Follistatin (FST), Keratin 2-7 (KRT2-7) und das epitheliale V-{\"a}hnliche Antigen (EVA1). Durch antisense RNA in situ Hybridisierung von wildtypischen und hey2-Knockoutmausschnitten konnten jedoch keine unterschiedlichen Expressionsmuster entdeckt werden. Eigene Microarray-Analysen mit RNA aus hey2-{\"u}berexprimierenden, humanen 293-Zelllinien identifizierten das Neurofilamentgen NEFL als HEY2-Zielgenkandidat. Bei der in situ Hybridisierung von wildtypischen und hey2-Knockoutm{\"a}usen mit einer Probe f{\"u}r das nefl-Gen konnten jedoch keine unterschiedlichen Expressionsmuster erkannt werden, so dass nefl in vivo vermutlich komplexer reguliert wird. Neben den Ventrikel-Septum-Defekten zeigen die heyL/1-Doppelknockoutm{\"a}use einen zweiten abnormalen Ph{\"a}notyp. Die embryonalen Thymi dieser Tiere sind kleiner als die der wildtypischen M{\"a}use. Die detaillierte Analyse der Thymozyten-Subpopulationen erbrachte, dass die niedrigere Zellzahl vor allem zu Lasten der doppelt positiven Thymozyten geht. Grund hierf{\"u}r k{\"o}nnte eine teilweise Blockierung der Entwicklung zwischen der zweiten und dritten Phase des zuvor durchlaufenen doppelt negativen Stadiums sein, denn die absolute Zahl der DN3-Thymozyten ist um {\"u}ber 90 Prozent verringert. Die Blockierung des delta-notch-Signalweges durch Zugabe eines \&\#61543;-Sekretase-Inhibitors f{\"u}hrte ebenfalls zu einer Verringerung der DN3-Zellen in der gleichen Gr{\"o}ßenordnung, jedoch im Gegensatz zu den heyL/hey1-Doppelknockout-Thymi gleichzeitig zur Verdreifachung der absoluten Zahl der DN2-Zellen. Diese Unterschiede unterstreichen die Bedeutung weiterer notch-Zielgene wie beispielsweise hes1. Ob die beobachteten Ver{\"a}nderungen in der Entwicklung der Thymozyten Folgen f{\"u}r die Immunabwehr haben, wurde im Rahmen von Immunisierungen mit Trinitrophenyl (TNP)-Ovalbumin untersucht. Hierbei zeigte sich eine Erh{\"o}hung der IgG2a und IgG2b Werte und eine Reduktion der IgG1 Produktion bei den heyL/hey1-Doppelknockoutm{\"a}usen, w{\"a}hrend die IgM-Werte zwischen den verschiedenen Mausgenotypen keine signifikanten Unterschiede aufwiesen. Die IgG-Ver{\"a}nderungen deuten darauf hin, dass die T-Zellen vermehrt in die TH1-Zelldifferenzierungsrichtung getrieben werden und die TH2-Cytokinproduktion verringert ist. Bei den hey-Knockoutm{\"a}usen waren aufgrund des Expressionsprofils der hey-Gene nicht nur Ver{\"a}nderungen in der Herzentwicklung und im Thymus erwartet worden, sondern auch in der Somitogenese. Dies gilt im Besonderen f{\"u}r die bereits zuvor generierten hey2-Knockoutm{\"a}use, denn hey2 ist im pr{\"a}somitischen Mesoderm zyklisch exprimiert. Im Gegensatz zu den Knockoutm{\"a}usen des verwandten und ebenfalls zyklisch exprimierten hes1-Gens, litten jedoch weder die heyL/hey1-Doppelknockoutm{\"a}use, noch die hey2-Knockoutm{\"a}use an Defekten in der Somitogenese. W{\"a}hrend die Bedeutung der Genexpression der hey-Gene in der Somitogenese weiterhin unklar sind, konnten Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber die Funktionen von heyL und hey1 in der Herzentwicklung und bei der Ausreifung der Thymozyten gewonnen werden. Die Identifizierung von hey-Zielgenen in diesen Entwicklungsprozessen kann das Verst{\"a}ndnis des delta-notch-Signalweges erweitern, die Ursachen von Erbkrankheiten aufkl{\"a}ren helfen und m{\"o}glicherweise Therapiestrategien aufzeigen.}, subject = {Gen notch}, language = {de} } @article{StepniakKaestnerPoggietal.2015, author = {Stepniak, Beata and K{\"a}stner, Anne and Poggi, Giulia and Mitjans, Marina and Begemann, Martin and Hartmann, Annette and Van der Auwera, Sandra and Sananbenesi, Farahnaz and Kr{\"u}ger-Burg, Dilja and Matuszko, Gabriela and Brosi, Cornelia and Homuth, Georg and V{\"o}lzke, Henry and Benseler, Fritz and Bagni, Claudia and Fischer, Utz and Dityatev, Alexander and Grabe, Hans-J{\"o}rgen and Rujescu, Dan and Fischer, Andre and Ehrenreich, Hannelore}, title = {Accumulated common variants in the broader fragile X gene family modulate autistic phenotypes}, series = {EMBO Molecular Medicine}, volume = {7}, journal = {EMBO Molecular Medicine}, number = {12}, doi = {10.15252/emmm.201505696}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-136893}, pages = {1565-1579}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is mostly caused by a CGG triplet expansion in the fragile X mental retardation 1 gene (FMR1). Up to 60\% of affected males fulfill criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), making FXS the most frequent monogenetic cause of syndromic ASD. It is unknown, however, whether normal variants (independent of mutations) in the fragile X gene family (FMR1, FXR1, FXR2) and in FMR2 modulate autistic features. Here, we report an accumulation model of 8 SNPs in these genes, associated with autistic traits in a discovery sample of male patients with schizophrenia (N = 692) and three independent replicate samples: patients with schizophrenia (N = 626), patients with other psychiatric diagnoses (N = 111) and a general population sample (N = 2005). For first mechanistic insight, we contrasted microRNA expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of selected extreme group subjects with high-versus low-risk constellation regarding the accumulation model. Thereby, the brain-expressed miR-181 species emerged as potential "umbrella regulator", with several seed matches across the fragile X gene family and FMR2. To conclude, normal variation in these genes contributes to the continuum of autistic phenotypes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sturm2011, author = {Sturm, Julia}, title = {Effekte von Hyper-IL-6 in der Vaccinia-Virus-vermittelten Krebstherapie}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-66831}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein onkolytisches Vaccinia-Virus unter Ausnutzung seiner Eigenschaft als Vektorsystem mit dem Designer-Zytokin Hyper-IL-6 ausgestattet (GLV 1h90). Bei Hyper IL 6 handelt es sich um ein Fusionsprotein bestehend aus humanem Interleukin-6 und der Liganden-Bindungsdom{\"a}ne des l{\"o}slichen Interleukin-6-Rezeptors, welche kovalent {\"u}ber einen flexiblen Linker miteinander verbunden sind. Dieses chim{\"a}re Designer-Zytokin erlaubt die Untersuchung von IL-6-Effekten, welche {\"u}ber das IL-6-Trans-Signaling vermittelt werden. Daraus ergibt sich einerseits eine betr{\"a}chtliche Erweiterung des Wirkspektrums und dar{\"u}ber hinaus weist Hyper-IL-6 sowohl in vitro als auch in vivo eine 100-1000fach verst{\"a}rkte biologische Aktivit{\"a}t auf. Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass Hyper-IL-6, neben seiner Tumor-inhibierenden Wirkung, eine Vielzahl weiterer Effekte zugeschrieben wird, wurde in dieser Arbeit durch die Kombination des Designer-Zytokins mit einem onkolytischen Vaccinia-Virus nicht nur additive Effekte auf die Tumorregression, sondern dar{\"u}ber hinaus auch m{\"o}gliche systemisch-vermittelte Hyper-IL-6-Effekte untersucht. Nach intraven{\"o}ser Injektion von GLV-1h90 in DU-145-Tumor-tragende M{\"a}use konnte neben der intratumoralen Replikation des Virus und der Expression des Markerproteins Ruc-GFP zus{\"a}tzlich die Expression des integrierten Designer-Zytokins Hyper-IL-6 im Tumor nachgewiesen werden. Von entscheidender Bedeutung war der zus{\"a}tzliche Nachweis des Designer-Zytokins in Serum-Proben von GLV-1h90-injizierten M{\"a}usen. Nach einer aktiven Hyper-IL-6-Sekretion von infizierten Tumorzellen, bildet der Transport in die Blutbahn die Voraussetzung f{\"u}r systemisch-vermittelte Hyper-IL-6-Effekte. In dieser Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob sich durch die {\"U}berexpression von Hyper-IL-6 im Tumor, zus{\"a}tzlich zu den onkolytischen Eigenschaften des Vaccinia-Virus, additive anti-Tumor-Effekte ergeben. Eine systemische Injektion von GLV 1h90 bzw. GLV 1h68 in DU-145-Tumor-tragende M{\"a}use f{\"u}hrte zu einer signifikanten Reduktion des Tumorvolumens im Vergleich zu PBS-injizierten M{\"a}usen. Neben Effekten, welche mit Entz{\"u}ndungsprozessen assoziiert sind, wie eine Rotf{\"a}rbung der Haut, eine signifikanten Vergr{\"o}ßerung der Leber sowie eine massive Stimulation der Akute-Phase-Antwort in der Leber, konnte in GLV-1h90-injizierten M{\"a}usen ein verbesserter Gesundheitszustand auf der Basis einer signifikanten Gewichtszunahme, verbunden mit einer beschleunigten Wundheilung Virus-induzierter Schwanzl{\"a}sionen, beobachtet werden. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus konnte f{\"u}r Hyper-IL-6 eine Stimulierung der Megakaryopoese im Knochenmark nachgewiesen werden, welche zu einer signifikanten Erh{\"o}hung der Thrombozyten-Zahl im Blutkreislauf von GLV-1h90-injizierten M{\"a}usen f{\"u}hrte. Es ist von entscheidender Bedeutung anzumerken, dass alle beobachteten systemischen Hyper-IL-6-Effekte eine zeitliche Limitierung aufwiesen, welche sich h{\"o}chstwahrscheinlich auf die Virus-bedingte Zerst{\"o}rung Hyper IL 6-produzierender Tumorzellen zur{\"u}ckf{\"u}hren l{\"a}sst. Dies impliziert zudem, dass eventuelle Komplikationen, welche durch die {\"U}berexpression des Designer-Zytokins hervorgerufen werden k{\"o}nnen, ebenfalls selbstlimitierend sind. Es konnte bereits mehrfach gezeigt werden, dass eine Kombinationstherapie aus onkolytischen Viren und Chemotherapie {\"u}ber synergistische Effekte zu einer signifikant verbesserten Tumorregression f{\"u}hrt. Allerdings kommt es in Folge einer Chemotherapie oft zu einer Vielzahl von gef{\"a}hrlichen Nebenwirkungen, da alle schnell proliferierenden Zellen des K{\"o}rpers betroffen sind. Thrombozytopenie ist eine der am h{\"a}ufigsten vorkommenden Nebenwirkung und beschreibt eine massive Reduktion der Thrombozyten-Zahl im Blut. Im Hinblick auf eine m{\"o}gliche klinische Anwendung von GLV 1h90 wurde deshalb untersucht, ob in einer Kombinationstherapie mit Mitomycin C, neben einer Verst{\"a}rkung der therapeutischen Effekte des Virus, basierend auf den beobachteten Hyper-IL-6-Effekten, zus{\"a}tzlich der Gesundheitszustand der behandelten M{\"a}use verbessert werden kann. Die Experimente belegen, dass eine Kombination onkolytischer Vaccinia-Virus-Konstrukte mit Mitomycin C zu einer signifikant verbesserten Tumorregression im Vergleich zu den jeweiligen Monotherapien f{\"u}hrt. Von bedeutender Relevanz war die Beobachtung, dass in einer Kombinationstherapie von Mitomycin C und GLV-1h90, im Gegensatz zu GLV-1h68, eine signifikante zeitliche Verk{\"u}rzung der auftretenden Thrombozytopenie erreicht wird. Zusammenfassend konnte in dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass eine systemische Injektion von GLV-1h90 zu einer funktionellen Expression des Designer-Zytokins Hyper-IL-6 f{\"u}hrte, welches in der Lage ist eine erfolgreiche Kombinationstherapie aus einem onkolytischen Vaccinia-Virus und dem Chemotherapeutikum Mitomycin C durch eine Reduktion der Nebenwirkungen zus{\"a}tzlich zu optimieren.}, subject = {Prostatakrebs}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Stuermer2004, author = {St{\"u}rmer, Andrea}, title = {Interaktionen und Lokalisationen der Replikationsproteine der Maus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-9563}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Die Initiation der DNA-Replikation in Eukaryonten ist ein hochkonservierter Prozess, der in drei Stufen unterteilt werden kann. Im ersten Schritt bindet der „origin recognition complex" (ORC) an Replikationsorigins innerhalb chromosomaler DNA, wodurch eine Assemblierung des pr{\"a}replikativen Komplexes an diesen Startpunkten ausgel{\"o}st wird. An den ORC lagern sich anschließend die Proteine CDC6 und RLF-B/CDT1 an, die beide schließlich f{\"u}r die Rekrutierung des heterohexameren MCM-Komplexes verantwortlich sind. Durch die Aktivit{\"a}t der Kinase CDC7/DBF4 wird der Origin f{\"u}r den Start der DNA-Replikation lizenziert, sobald die finale Anlagerung des Initiationsfaktors CDC45 den pr{\"a}replikativen Komplex vervollst{\"a}ndigt hat. Ein Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, das komplexe Netzwerk von Protein-Protein-Interaktionen zwischen den verschiedenen Initiationsfaktoren durch FRET-Studien aufzukl{\"a}ren. Es konnten Interaktionen zwischen MCM5 und MCM3, MCM5 und MCM7, ORC5 und MCM7, sowie CDT1 und MCM6 in vivo nachgewiesen werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit hatte weiterhin die Untersuchung der intrazellul{\"a}ren Lokalisation der sechs murinen MCM-Proteine in Fibroblasten-Zellen der Maus zum Ziel.Lokalisationsstudien der EGFP-gekoppelten MCM-Proteine zeigten, dass die Proteine EGFP-MCM4, MCM4-EGFP, MCM4-NLS-EGFP, EGFP-MCM5, MCM5-EGFP, MCM5-NLS-EGFP, und EGFP-MCM7 u.a. am Centrosom lokalisiert sind. Durch Immunfluoreszenz-F{\"a}rbung mit Antik{\"o}rpern gegen eine konservierte Dom{\"a}ne aller sechs MCM-Untereinheiten sowie mit spezifischen MCM3- und MCM6-Antik{\"o}rpern konnte eine centrosomale Lokalisation auch f{\"u}r die endogenen Proteine nachgewiesen werden. Zus{\"a}tzlich zu den Lokalisationsanalysen konnte {\"u}ber Immunpr{\"a}zipitationsstudien gezeigt werden, dass MCM3 und MCM6 mit dem centrosomalen Protein g-Tubulin pr{\"a}zipitierbar sind. Die Tatsache, dass alle Untereinheiten des MCM-Komplexes mit dem Centrosom assoziiert sind, deutet darauf hin, dass die MCM-Proteine am Centrosom als Multiproteinkomplex gebunden sind. Da MCM3 und MCM6 auch in allen Mitose-Stadien an das Centrosom gebunden sind, kann von einer funktionellen Aufgabe dieser Proteine w{\"a}hrend der Zellteilung ausgegangen werden. Im letzten Teil dieser Arbeit sollte die Funktion der MCM-Proteine am Centrosom durch „knock-down" des Proteins MCM3 mittels RNA-Interferenz-Studien untersucht werden. Ziel war, ein induzierbares MCM3-siRNA-exprimierendes System zu etablieren. Das gezielte An- und Abschalten der MCM3siRNA-Transkription sollte durch das TetOn-System erm{\"o}glicht werden. Bei diesem System wird durch Zugabe von Doxycyclin die Transkription aktiviert, bei Abwesenheit von Doxycyclin wird sie abgeschaltet. Auf dieser Basis wurde der Einfluss von Doxycyclin auf das Wachstumsverhalten der MCM3siRNA-exprimierenden Zelllinie untersucht. Im Vergleich zu NIH/3T3-Zellen und NIH/3T3-TetOn-Zellen konnte eine deutlich reduzierte Proliferation bei Behandlung der Zellen mit Doxycyclin beobachtet werden. Diese Ergebnisse deuten auf eine durch Produktion von MCM3siRNA verursachte St{\"o}rung des Zellwachstums hin. Zus{\"a}tzlich beeinflusst die durch Doxycyclin induzierte Synthese von MCM3siRNA die Zellzyklusverteilung. So befinden sich nach Doxycyclinbehandlung mehr Zellen in der G2/M-Phase als in unbehandelten, asynchronen NIH/3T3-Zellen. Die MCM3-Proteinmenge wurde nach 19 Tagen Doxycyclinbehandlung fast vollst{\"a}ndig durch die produzierte MCM3siRNA herunterreguliert. Um einen m{\"o}glichen Einfluss der MCM3siRNA auf andere MCM-Proteine zu untersuchen, wurde der Protein-Level von MCM6 analysiert. Dabei wurde eine vermehrte MCM6-Expression nachgewiesen. Diese Beobachtung deutet darauf hin, dass durch Bildung von MCM3siRNA der Expressions-Level von MCM6 beeinflusst wird. Auff{\"a}llig h{\"a}ufig lagen in MCM3-„knock-down"-Zellen mehrere Zellkerne vor. Neben Zellen mit zwei Zellkernen finden sich auch Zellen mit einer ungeraden Anzahl an Zellkernen. Demnach durchlaufen die Zellkerne in einer Zelle unterschiedliche Zellzyklusstadien. Die Ph{\"a}notypen, die nach Transkription der MCM3siRNA beobachtet wurden, sind komplex und zeigen Defekte in zahlreichen Mitose-Stadien. Das Auftreten multinukle{\"a}rer Zellen ist auf eine fehlende Cytokinese zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren. Die Mikrotubuli waren in den MCM3-„knock-down"-Zellen nur unzureichend organisiert, wobei sie kaum mit der Zellperipherie verankert waren. Diese Resultate weisen darauf hin, dass die MCM-Proteine neben ihrer essentiellen Rolle in der Ausbildung des pr{\"a}replikativen Komplexes eine zus{\"a}tzliche Funktion in der Mitose aus{\"u}ben.}, subject = {Replikation}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Syagaylo2002, author = {Syagaylo, Yana}, title = {Strukturelle und funktionelle Untersuchung der Promotorregionen der menschlichen PAX3-, PAX6- und PAX7-Gene: Bedeutung von Polymorphismen f{\"u}r schizophrene Erkrankungen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5459}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Kl{\"a}rung der ph{\"a}notypischen Konsequenzen struktureller Variationen in den regulatorischen Regionen einiger f{\"u}r psychische Erkrankungen potentiell relevanter Entwicklungsgene. Die Pax-Gene sind Mitglieder einer Familie der Transkriptionsfaktoren, die sowohl mehrere Schritte in der Embryogenese als auch Aufrechterhaltung des Differenzierungszustandes der Zellen einiger adulten Gewebe kontrollieren. Im Rahmen dieser Fragestellung wurden die Promotorregionen der menschlichen PAX3-, PAX6- und PAX7-Gene charakterisiert. Weiterhin wurden funktionelle Folgen der mit diesen Promotoren assoziierten Repeat-Polymorphismen auf die Expression dieser Gene untersucht. Schliesslich wurde die Relevanz f{\"u}r die psychischen Erkrankungen wie die Schizophrenie getestet.}, subject = {Schizophrenie}, language = {de} } @article{SzalayWeibelHofmannetal.2013, author = {Szalay, Aladar A and Weibel, Stephanie and Hofmann, Elisabeth and Basse-Luesebrink, Thomas Christian and Donat, Ulrike and Seubert, Carolin and Adelfinger, Marion and Gnamlin, Prisca and Kober, Christina and Frentzen, Alexa and Gentschev, Ivaylo and Jakob, Peter Michael}, title = {Treatment of malignant effusion by oncolytic virotherapy in an experimental subcutaneous xenograft model of lung cancer}, series = {Journal of Translational Medicine}, journal = {Journal of Translational Medicine}, doi = {doi:10.1186/1479-5876-11-106}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-96016}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Background Malignant pleural effusion (MPE) is associated with advanced stages of lung cancer and is mainly dependent on invasion of the pleura and expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) by cancer cells. As MPE indicates an incurable disease with limited palliative treatment options and poor outcome, there is an urgent need for new and efficient treatment options. Methods In this study, we used subcutaneously generated PC14PE6 lung adenocarcinoma xenografts in athymic mice that developed subcutaneous malignant effusions (ME) which mimic pleural effusions of the orthotopic model. Using this approach monitoring of therapeutic intervention was facilitated by direct observation of subcutaneous ME formation without the need of sacrificing mice or special imaging equipment as in case of MPE. Further, we tested oncolytic virotherapy using Vaccinia virus as a novel treatment modality against ME in this subcutaneous PC14PE6 xenograft model of advanced lung adenocarcinoma. Results We demonstrated significant therapeutic efficacy of Vaccinia virus treatment of both advanced lung adenocarcinoma and tumor-associated ME. We attribute the efficacy to the virus-mediated reduction of tumor cell-derived VEGF levels in tumors, decreased invasion of tumor cells into the peritumoral tissue, and to viral infection of the blood vessel-invading tumor cells. Moreover, we showed that the use of oncolytic Vaccinia virus encoding for a single-chain antibody (scAb) against VEGF (GLAF-1) significantly enhanced mono-therapy of oncolytic treatment. Conclusions Here, we demonstrate for the first time that oncolytic virotherapy using tumor-specific Vaccinia virus represents a novel and promising treatment modality for therapy of ME associated with advanced lung cancer.}, subject = {Lungenkrebs}, language = {en} } @article{TolayBuchberger2022, author = {Tolay, Nazife and Buchberger, Alexander}, title = {Role of the ubiquitin system in stress granule metabolism}, series = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, volume = {23}, journal = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, number = {7}, issn = {1422-0067}, doi = {10.3390/ijms23073624}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-284061}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Eukaryotic cells react to various stress conditions with the rapid formation of membrane-less organelles called stress granules (SGs). SGs form by multivalent interactions between RNAs and RNA-binding proteins and are believed to protect stalled translation initiation complexes from stress-induced degradation. SGs contain hundreds of different mRNAs and proteins, and their assembly and disassembly are tightly controlled by post-translational modifications. The ubiquitin system, which mediates the covalent modification of target proteins with the small protein ubiquitin ('ubiquitylation'), has been implicated in different aspects of SG metabolism, but specific functions in SG turnover have only recently emerged. Here, we summarize the evidence for the presence of ubiquitylated proteins at SGs, review the functions of different components of the ubiquitin system in SG formation and clearance, and discuss the link between perturbed SG clearance and the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders. We conclude that the ubiquitin system plays an important, medically relevant role in SG biology.}, language = {en} } @article{TolayBuchberger2021, author = {Tolay, Nazife and Buchberger, Alexander}, title = {Comparative profiling of stress granule clearance reveals differential contributions of the ubiquitin system}, series = {Life Science Alliance}, volume = {4}, journal = {Life Science Alliance}, number = {5}, doi = {10.26508/lsa.202000927}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259810}, pages = {e202000927}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Stress granules (SGs) are cytoplasmic condensates containing untranslated mRNP complexes. They are induced by various proteotoxic conditions such as heat, oxidative, and osmotic stress. SGs are believed to protect mRNPs from degradation and to enable cells to rapidly resume translation when stress conditions subside. SG dynamics are controlled by various posttranslationalmodifications, but the role of the ubiquitin system has remained controversial. Here, we present a comparative analysis addressing the involvement of the ubiquitin system in SG clearance. Using high-resolution immuno-fluorescence microscopy, we found that ubiquitin associated to varying extent with SGs induced by heat, arsenite, H2O2, sorbitol, or combined puromycin and Hsp70 inhibitor treatment. SG-associated ubiquitin species included K48- and K63-linked conjugates, whereas free ubiquitin was not significantly enriched. Inhibition of the ubiquitin activating enzyme, deubiquitylating enzymes, the 26S proteasome and p97/VCP impaired the clearance of arsenite- and heat-induced SGs, whereas SGs induced by other stress conditions were little affected. Our data underline the differential involvement of the ubiquitin system in SG clearance, a process important to prevent the formation of disease-linked aberrant SGs.}, language = {en} } @article{TomeiAdamsUccellinietal.2012, author = {Tomei, Sara and Adams, Sharon and Uccellini, Lorenzo and Bedognetti, Davide and De Giorgi, Valeria and Erdenebileg, Narnygerel and Libera Ascierto, Maria and Reinboth, Jennifer and Liu, Qiuzhen and Bevilacqua, Generoso and Wang, Ena and Mazzanti, Chiara and Marincola, Francesco M.}, title = {Association between HRAS rs12628 and rs112587690 polymorphisms with the risk of melanoma in the North American population}, series = {Medical Oncology}, volume = {29}, journal = {Medical Oncology}, number = {5}, doi = {dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12032-012-0255-3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-126834}, pages = {3456-3461}, year = {2012}, abstract = {HRAS belongs to the RAS genes superfamily. RAS genes are important players in several human tumors and the single-nucleotide polymorphism rs12628 has been shown to contribute to the risk of bladder, colon, gastrointestinal, oral, and thyroid carcinoma. We hypothesized that this SNP may affect the risk of cutaneous melanoma as well. HRAS gene contains a polymorphic region (rs112587690), a repeated hexanucleotide -GGGCCT- located in intron 1. Three alleles of this region, P1, P2, and P3, have been identified that contain two, three, and four repeats of the hexanucleotide, respectively. We investigated the clinical impact of these polymorphisms in a case-control study. A total of 141 melanoma patients and 118 healthy donors from the North America Caucasian population were screened for rs12628 and rs112587690 polymorphisms. Genotypes were assessed by capillary sequencing or fragment analysis, respectively, and rs12628 CC and rs112587690 P1P1 genotypes significantly associated with increased melanoma risk (OR = 3.83, p = 0.003; OR = 11.3, p = 0.033, respectively), while rs112587690 P1P3 frequency resulted significantly higher in the control group (OR = 0.5, p = 0.017). These results suggest that rs12628 C homozygosis may be considered a potential risk factor for melanoma development in the North American population possibly through the linkage to rs112587690.}, language = {en} } @article{TsonevaMinevFrentzenetal.2017, author = {Tsoneva, Desislava and Minev, Boris and Frentzen, Alexa and Zhang, Qian and Wege, Anja K. and Szalay, Aladar A.}, title = {Humanized Mice with Subcutaneous Human Solid Tumors for Immune Response Analysis of Vaccinia Virus-Mediated Oncolysis}, series = {Molecular Therapy Oncolytics}, volume = {5}, journal = {Molecular Therapy Oncolytics}, doi = {10.1016/j.omto.2017.03.001}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-170786}, pages = {41-61}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Oncolytic vaccinia virus (VACV) therapy is an alternative cancer treatment modality that mediates targeted tumor destruction through a tumor-selective replication and an induction of anti-tumor immunity. We developed a humanized tumor mouse model with subcutaneous human tumors to analyze the interactions of VACV with the developing tumors and human immune system. A successful systemic reconstitution with human immune cells including functional T cells as well as development of tumors infiltrated with human T and natural killer (NK) cells was observed. We also demonstrated successful in vivo colonization of such tumors with systemically administered VACVs. Further, a new recombinant GLV-1h376 VACV encoding for a secreted human CTLA4-blocking single-chain antibody (CTLA4 scAb) was tested. Surprisingly, although proving CTLA4 scAb's in vitro binding ability and functionality in cell culture, beside the significant increase of CD56\(^{bright}\) NK cell subset, GLV-1h376 was not able to increase cytotoxic T or overall NK cell levels at the tumor site. Importantly, the virus-encoded β-glucuronidase as a measure of viral titer and CTLA4 scAb amount was demonstrated. Therefore, studies in our "patient-like" humanized tumor mouse model allow the exploration of newly designed therapy strategies considering the complex relationships between the developing tumor, the oncolytic virus, and the human immune system.}, language = {en} } @article{TsonevaStritzkerBedenketal.2015, author = {Tsoneva, Desislava and Stritzker, Jochen and Bedenk, Kristina and Zhang, Qian and Cappello, Joseph and Fischer, Utz and Szalay, Aladar A.}, title = {Drug-encoded Biomarkers for Monitoring Biological Therapies}, series = {PLoS One}, volume = {10}, journal = {PLoS One}, number = {9}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0137573}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125265}, pages = {e0137573}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Blood tests are necessary, easy-to-perform and low-cost alternatives for monitoring of oncolytic virotherapy and other biological therapies in translational research. Here we assessed three candidate proteins with the potential to be used as biomarkers in biological fluids: two glucuronidases from E. coli (GusA) and Staphylococcus sp. RLH1 (GusPlus), and the luciferase from Gaussia princeps (GLuc). The three genes encoding these proteins were inserted individually into vaccinia virus GLV-1h68 genome under the control of an identical promoter. The three resulting recombinant viruses were used to infect tumor cells in cultures and human tumor xenografts in nude mice. In contrast to the actively secreted GLuc, the cytoplasmic glucuronidases GusA and GusPlus were released into the supernatants only as a result of virus-mediated oncolysis. GusPlus resulted in the most sensitive detection of enzyme activity under controlled assay conditions in samples containing as little as 1 pg/ml of GusPlus, followed by GusA (25 pg/ml) and GLuc (≥375 pg/ml). Unexpectedly, even though GusA had a lower specific activity compared to GusPlus, the substrate conversion in the serum of tumor-bearing mice injected with the GusA-encoding virus strains was substantially higher than that of GusPlus. This was attributed to a 3.2 fold and 16.2 fold longer half-life of GusA in the blood stream compared to GusPlus and GLuc respectively, thus a more sensitive monitor of virus replication than the other two enzymes. Due to the good correlation between enzymatic activity of expressed marker gene and virus titer, we conclude that the amount of the biomarker protein in the body fluid semiquantitatively represents the amount of virus in the infected tumors which was confirmed by low light imaging. We found GusA to be the most reliable biomarker for monitoring oncolytic virotherapy among the three tested markers.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Veepaschit2021, author = {Veepaschit, Jyotishman}, title = {Identification and structural analysis of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe SMN complex}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23836}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-238365}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The biogenesis of spliceosomal UsnRNPs is a highly elaborate cellular process that occurs both in the nucleus and the cytoplasm. A major part of the process is the assembly of the Sm-core particle, which consists of a ring shaped heptameric unit of seven Sm proteins (SmD1•D2•F•E•G•D3•B) wrapped around a single stranded RNA motif (termed Sm-site) of spliceosomal UsnRNAs. This process occurs mainly in the cytoplasm by the sequential action of two biogenesis factors united in PRMT5- and SMN-complexes, respectively. The PRMT5-complex composed of the three proteins PRMT5, WD45 and pICln is responsible for the symmetric dimethylation of designated arginine residues in the C-terminal tails of some Sm proteins. The action of the PRMT5- complex results in the formation of assembly incompetent Sm-protein intermediates sequestered by the assembly chaperone pICln (SmD1•D2•F•E•G•pICln and pICln•D3•B). Due to the action of pICln, the Sm proteins in these complexes fail to interact with UsnRNAs to form the mature Sm-core. This kinetic trap is relieved by the action of the SMN-complex, which removes the pICln subunit and facilitates the binding of the Sm-core intermediates to the UsnRNA, thus forming the mature Sm-core particle. The human SMN complex consists of 9 subunits termed SMN, Gemin2-8 and Unrip. So far, there are no available atomic structures of the whole SMN-complex, but structures of isolated domains and subunits of the complex have been reported by several laboratories in the past years. The lack of structural information about the entire SMN complex most likely lies in the biophysical properties of the SMN complex, which possesses an oligomeric SMN core, and many unstructured and flexible regions. These were the biggest roadblocks for its structural elucidation using traditional methods such as X-ray crystallography, NMR or CryoEM. To circumvent these obstacles and to obtain structural insight into the SMN-complex, the Schizosaccharomyces pombe SMN complex was used as a model system in this work. In a collaboration with the laboratory of Dr. Remy Bordonne (IGMM, CNRS, France), we could show that the SpSMN complex is minimalistic in its composition, consisting only of SpSMN, SpGemin2, SpGemin8, SpGemin7 and SpGemin6. Using biochemical experiments, an interaction map of the SpSMN complex was established which was found to be highly similar to the reported map of the human SMN complex. The results of this study clearly show that SpSMN is the oligomeric core of the complex and provides the binding sites for the rest of the subunits. Through biochemical and X-ray scattering experiments, the properties of the SpSMN subunit such as oligomerization viii and intrinsic disorder, were shown to determine the overall biophysical characteristics of the whole complex. The structural basis of SpSMN oligomerization is presented in atomic detail which establishes a dimeric SpSMN as the fundamental unit of higher order SpSMN oligomers. In addition to oligomerization, the YG-box domain of SpSMN serves as the binding site for SpGemin8. The unstructured region of SpSMN imparts an unusual large hydrodynamic size, intrinsic disorder, and flexibility to the whole complex. Interestingly, these biophysical properties are partially mitigated by the presence of SpGemin8•SpGemin7•SpGemin6 subunits. These results classify the SpSMN complex as a multidomain entity connected with flexible linkers and characterize the SpSMN subunit to be the central oligomeric structural organizer of the whole complex.}, subject = {Multiproteinkomplex}, language = {en} } @article{VeepaschitViswanathanBordonneetal.2021, author = {Veepaschit, Jyotishman and Viswanathan, Aravindan and Bordonne, Remy and Grimm, Clemens and Fischer, Utz}, title = {Identification and structural analysis of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe SMN complex}, series = {Nucleic Acids Research}, volume = {49}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Research}, number = {13}, doi = {10.1093/nar/gkab158}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259880}, pages = {7207-7223}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The macromolecular SMN complex facilitates the formation of Sm-class ribonucleoproteins involved in mRNA processing (UsnRNPs). While biochemical studies have revealed key activities of the SMN complex, its structural investigation is lagging behind. Here we report on the identification and structural determination of the SMN complex from the lower eukaryote Schizosaccharomyces pombe, consisting of SMN, Gemin2, 6, 7, 8 and Sm proteins. The core of the SMN complex is formed by several copies of SMN tethered through its C-terminal alpha-helices arranged with alternating polarity. This creates a central platform onto which Gemin8 binds and recruits Gemins 6 and 7. The N-terminal parts of the SMN molecules extrude via flexible linkers from the core and enable binding of Gemin2 and Sm proteins. Our data identify the SMN complex as a multivalent hub where Sm proteins are collected in its periphery to allow their joining with UsnRNA.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vyalkova2022, author = {Vyalkova, Anna}, title = {Efficacy of approved Smallpox Vaccines in Human and Canine Cancer Therapy: Adipose - tissue derived Stem Cells (ADSC) take up VACV and serve as a protective vehicle for virus delivery to tumors}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25345}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-253457}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Cancer is one of the major causes of mortality in developed countries. In 2020, there were more than 19.3 million new cases of tumor malignancies worldwide, with more than 10 million deaths. The high rates of cancer cases and mortality necessitate extensive research and the development of novel cancer treatments and antitumor agents. In most cases, conventional treatment strategies for tumor therapy are based on chemotherapeutic treatment, which is supplemented with radiotherapy and/or surgical resection of solid tumors [1]. The use of chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer has significant side effects, the most dangerous of which is toxicity [2] [3]. Modern methods of treating tumors focus on specific drug delivery to the tumor site, actively targeting the tumor cells, as well as the reduction of side effects. One of the most promising current approaches is based on oncolytic viruses. Antitumor properties of viruses were documented at the beginning of the 20th century when some cancer patients recovered after acute viral infections, particularly influenza [4]. Vaccinia virus (VACV) is a member of the Poxviridae family, has natural antitumor properties, and provides a good basis for generating efficient recombinant oncolytic strains. Furthermore, VACV has never been shown to integrate into the host genome [5]. VACV is likely one of the safest and well-studied viruses due to extensive research being done in molecular biology and pathophysiology to investigate its potential as a vaccine for smallpox eradication programs. It has been administered to over 200 million people worldwide. VACV antitumor therapeutic effectiveness has been established in xenograft models with a variety of tumor types for human and canine cancers. Furthermore, recombinant oncolytic VACVs expressing genes encoding light-emitting proteins are a big improvement in a treatment strategy that combines tumor-specific therapies and diagnostics. Oncolytic virus treatments are effective in xenograft cancer models in mice, however, the significant improvements found in mice do not always translate to human cancer patients. These therapies should be tested in dogs with spontaneous cancer not only to offer well translatable information regarding the possible efficiency of viral therapy for human cancers but also to improve the health of our household pets as well. Spontaneous canine tumors are starting to be regarded as an essential model of human cancers that can reproduce the tumor microenvironment and immune response of cancer patients [6]. Just as data obtained in dog experiments can improve cancer therapy for human patients, these findings can also be used to improve treatment protocols in canine patients. Hundreds of studies and dozens of reviews have been published regarding the antitumor effects of various recombinants of VACV, but information on the anticancer features of initial, genetically-unmodified "na{\"i}ve" VACV is still limited. In the first studies, we compared different wild-type, non-modified strains of VACV and tested their oncolytic properties on a panel of various cancer cells derived from different organs. In addition, we also tested a protection system based on the "Trojan horse" concept - using a combination of human Adipose tissue-derived Stem Cells (hADSC) and three different wild-type single plaque purified Vaccinia virus strains: W1, L1, and T1. We showed that all tested human cell lines (FaDu, MDA MB 231, HNT-13, HNT-35, and PC-3) are permissive to L0, W0, T0, L1, W1, and L1 infection. Furthermore, we tested the cytotoxicity of VACV in different cancer cell lines (A549, PC-3, MDA-MB 231, FaDu, HNT-13, HNT-25, and HNT-35). All strains lysed the cells, which was most visible at 96 hpi. We also showed that all tested strains could efficiently infect and multiply in hADSC at a high level. In our in vivo study, we tested the therapeutic efficacy of the wild-type Vaccinia viruses L1, W1, and T1 alone or in combination with hADSC. Wild-type VACV strains were tested for their oncolytic efficiency in human lung adenocarcinoma (A549) in a xenograft model. Treatment of A549 tumors with different doses of L1 and W1 as well as with a L1/ADSC or W1/ADSC combination led to significant tumor regression compared to the PBS control. Additionally, the treatment with L1 and W1 and the combination of L1/ADSC and W1/ADSC was well tolerated by the animals. In the case of the wild-type Tian Tan strain, results were not obtained due to the high cytotoxicity of this strain. Therefore, it should be attenuated for further studies. In the second part of the current study, we investigated the oncolytic effect of C1-opt1, W1 opt1, and L3-opt1 strains based on the wild-type Copenhagen, Wyeth, and Lister vaccines with additional expression of turboFP635. Replication and cytotoxicity assays demonstrated that all 3 viruses were able to infect, replicate in and kill canine tumor cell lines STSA-1 and CT1258 in a virus dose- and time- dependent fashion. Cytotoxicity and replication assays were also performed on cultured canine Adipose-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (cAdMSC). The results showed that the cells were lysed much slower than the tumor cells. It suggests that these cells can harbour the virus for a long-term period, allowing the virus to spread into the body and there is enough time to reach the primary tumor or metastases before the cell carrier is destroyed. The viral replication in cAdMSC in our study was lower than in canine cancer cells (STSA-1 and CT1258) at the same MOI. After being studied in cell culture, C1 opt1 and their combination with cAdMSC (C1-opt1/cAdMSC) were used in canine STSA 1 tumor bearing nude mice. We tested the oncolytic effect of the C1-opt1 virus alone and in combination with cAdMSC in the canine STSA-1 xenograft mouse model. Altogether, our findings have shown that both C1-opt1 and cAdMSC/C1-opt1 significantly reduced tumor size or eliminated the tumor. There was no significant difference between C1-opt1 alone and cAdMSC/C1-opt1. The virus particles were mostly found within the tumor after 24 dpi, some amount of virus particles were found in the lungs of mice injected with a combination of cAdMSC/C1-opt1 but not in the group injected with virus alone (cAdMSC might get stuck in the lungs and cause virus propagation there). Taken together, this study provided a proof-of-concept that hADSC/cAdMSC can be used as a carrier system for the "Trojan horse" concept. However, it should be confirmed in another experimental model system, such as canine patients. Moreover, these findings suggest that wild-type, non-modified strains of Vaccinia virus isolates can be considered promising candidates for oncolytic virotherapy, especially in combination with mesenchymal stem cells.}, subject = {ADSC}, language = {en} } @article{WaldholmWangBrodinetal.2011, author = {Waldholm, Johan and Wang, Zhi and Brodin, David and Tyagi, Anu and Yu, Simei and Theopold, Ulrich and {\"O}stlund Farrants, Ann Kristin and Visa, Neus}, title = {SWI/SNF regulates the alternative processing of a specific subset of pre-mRNAs in \(Drosophila\) \(melanogaster\)}, series = {BMC Molecular Biology}, volume = {12}, journal = {BMC Molecular Biology}, number = {46}, doi = {10.1186/1471-2199-12-46}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-142613}, pages = {1-12}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Background: The SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling factors have the ability to remodel nucleosomes and play essential roles in key developmental processes. SWI/SNF complexes contain one subunit with ATPase activity, which in Drosophila melanogaster is called Brahma (Brm). The regulatory activities of SWI/SNF have been attributed to its influence on chromatin structure and transcription regulation, but recent observations have revealed that the levels of Brm affect the relative abundances of transcripts that are formed by alternative splicing and/or polyadenylation of the same pre-mRNA. Results: We have investigated whether the function of Brm in pre-mRNA processing in Drosophila melanogaster is mediated by Brm alone or by the SWI/SNF complex. We have analyzed the effects of depleting individual SWI/SNF subunits on pre-mRNA processing throughout the genome, and we have identified a subset of transcripts that are affected by depletion of the SWI/SNF core subunits Brm, Snr1 or Mor. The fact that depletion of different subunits targets a subset of common transcripts suggests that the SWI/SNF complex is responsible for the effects observed on pre-mRNA processing when knocking down Brm. We have also depleted Brm in larvae and we have shown that the levels of SWI/SNF affect the pre-mRNA processing outcome in vivo. Conclusions: We have shown that SWI/SNF can modulate alternative pre-mRNA processing, not only in cultured cells but also in vivo. The effect is restricted to and specific for a subset of transcripts. Our results provide novel insights into the mechanisms by which SWI/SNF regulates transcript diversity and proteomic diversity in higher eukaryotes.}, language = {en} } @article{WangChenMinevetal.2012, author = {Wang, Huiqiang and Chen, Nanhai G. and Minev, Boris R. and Szalay, Aladar A.}, title = {Oncolytic vaccinia virus GLV-1h68 strain shows enhanced replication in human breast cancer stem-like cells in comparison to breast cancer cells}, series = {Journal of Translational Medicine}, volume = {10}, journal = {Journal of Translational Medicine}, number = {167}, doi = {10.1186/1479-5876-10-167}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-130019}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Background: Recent data suggest that cancer stem cells (CSCs) play an important role in cancer, as these cells possess enhanced tumor-forming capabilities and are responsible for relapses after apparently curative therapies have been undertaken. Hence, novel cancer therapies will be needed to test for both tumor regression and CSC targeting. The use of oncolytic vaccinia virus (VACV) represents an attractive anti-tumor approach and is currently under evaluation in clinical trials. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate whether VACV does kill CSCs that are resistant to irradiation and chemotherapy. Methods: Cancer stem-like cells were identified and separated from the human breast cancer cell line GI-101A by virtue of increased aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1) activity as assessed by the ALDEFLUOR assay and cancer stem cell-like features such as chemo-resistance, irradiation-resistance and tumor-initiating were confirmed in cell culture and in animal models. VACV treatments were applied to both ALDEFLUOR-positive cells in cell culture and in xenograft tumors derived from these cells. Moreover, we identified and isolated CD44\(^+\)CD24\(^+\)ESA\(^+\) cells from GI-101A upon an epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). These cells were similarly characterized both in cell culture and in animal models. Results: We demonstrated for the first time that the oncolytic VACV GLV-1h68 strain replicated more efficiently in cells with higher ALDH1 activity that possessed stem cell-like features than in cells with lower ALDH1 activity. GLV-1h68 selectively colonized and eventually eradicated xenograft tumors originating from cells with higher ALDH1 activity. Furthermore, GLV-1h68 also showed preferential replication in CD44\(^+\)CD24\(^+\)ESA\(^+\) cells derived from GI-101A upon an EMT induction as well as in xenograft tumors originating from these cells that were more tumorigenic than CD44\(^+\)CD24\(^-\)ESA\(^+\) cells. Conclusions: Taken together, our findings indicate that GLV-1h68 efficiently replicates and kills cancer stem-like cells. Thus, GLV-1h68 may become a promising agent for eradicating both primary and metastatic tumors, especially tumors harboring cancer stem-like cells that are resistant to chemo and/or radiotherapy and may be responsible for recurrence of tumors.}, language = {en} } @article{WangChenMinevetal.2013, author = {Wang, Huiqiang and Chen, Nanhai G. and Minev, Boris R. and Zimmermann, Martina and Aguilar, Richard J. and Zhang, Qian and Sturm, Julia B. and Fend, Falko and Yu, Yong A. and Cappello, Joseph and Lauer, Ulrich M. and Szalay, Aladar A.}, title = {Optical Detection and Virotherapy of Live Metastatic Tumor Cells in Body Fluids with Vaccinia Strains}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {8}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {9}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0071105}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-130059}, pages = {e71105}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Metastatic tumor cells in body fluids are important targets for treatment, and critical surrogate markers for evaluating cancer prognosis and therapeutic response. Here we report, for the first time, that live metastatic tumor cells in blood samples from mice bearing human tumor xenografts and in blood and cerebrospinal fluid samples from patients with cancer were successfully detected using a tumor cell-specific recombinant vaccinia virus (VACV). In contrast to the FDA-approved CellSearch system, VACV detects circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in a cancer biomarker-independent manner, thus, free of any bias related to the use of antibodies, and can be potentially a universal system for detection of live CTCs of any tumor type, not limited to CTCs of epithelial origin. Furthermore, we demonstrate for the first time that VACV was effective in preventing and reducing circulating tumor cells in mice bearing human tumor xenografts. Importantly, a single intra-peritoneal delivery of VACV resulted in a dramatic decline in the number of tumor cells in the ascitic fluid from a patient with gastric cancer. Taken together, these results suggest VACV to be a useful tool for quantitative detection of live tumor cells in liquid biopsies as well as a potentially effective treatment for reducing or eliminating live tumor cells in body fluids of patients with metastatic disease.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wanzek2016, author = {Wanzek, Katharina}, title = {The investigation of the function of repair proteins at G-quadruplex structures in \(Saccharomyces\) \(cerevisiae\) revealed that Mms1 promotes genome stability}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-142547}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {G-quadruplex structures are highly stable alternative DNA structures that can, when not properly regulated, impede replication fork progression and cause genome instability (Castillo Bosch et al, 2014; Crabbe et al, 2004; Koole et al, 2014; Kruisselbrink et al, 2008; London et al, 2008; Lopes et al, 2011; Paeschke et al, 2013; Paeschke et al, 2011; Piazza et al, 2015; Piazza et al, 2010; Piazza et al, 2012; Ribeyre et al, 2009; Sabouri et al, 2014; Sarkies et al, 2012; Sarkies et al, 2010; Schiavone et al, 2014; Wu \& Spies, 2016; Zimmer et al, 2016). The aim of this thesis was to identify novel G-quadruplex interacting proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and to unravel their regulatory function at these structures to maintain genome integrity. Mms1 and Rtt101 were identified as G-quadruplex binding proteins in vitro via a pull-down experiment with subsequent mass spectrometry analysis. Rtt101, Mms1 and Mms22, which are all components of an ubiquitin ligase (Rtt101Mms1/Mms22), are important for the progression of the replication fork following fork stalling (Luke et al, 2006; Vaisica et al, 2011; Zaidi et al, 2008). The in vivo binding of endogenously tagged Mms1 to its target regions was analyzed genome-wide using chromatin-immunoprecipitation followed by deep-sequencing. Interestingly, Mms1 bound independently of Mms22 and Rtt101 to G-rich regions that have the potential to form G-quadruplex structures. In vitro, formation of G-quadruplex structures could be shown for the G-rich regions Mms1 bound to. This binding was observed throughout the cell cycle. Furthermore, the deletion of MMS1 caused replication fork stalling as evidenced by increased association of DNA Polymerase 2 at Mms1 dependent sites. A gross chromosomal rearrangement assay revealed that deletion of MMS1 results in a significantly increased genome instability at G-quadruplex motifs compared to G-rich or non-G-rich regions. Additionally, binding of the helicase Pif1, which unwinds G4 structures in vitro (Paeschke et al, 2013; Ribeyre et al, 2009; Sanders, 2010; Wallgren et al, 2016), to Mms1 binding sites was reduced in mms1 cells. The data presented in this thesis, together with published data, suggests a novel mechanistic model in which Mms1 binds to G-quadruplex structures and enables Pif1 association. This allows for replication fork progression and genome integrity.}, subject = {Quadruplex-DNS}, language = {en} } @article{WeibelBasseLuesebrinkHessetal.2013, author = {Weibel, Stephanie and Basse-Luesebrink, Thomas Christian and Hess, Michael and Hofmann, Elisabeth and Seubert, Carolin and Langbein-Laugwitz, Johanna and Gentschev, Ivaylo and Sturm, Volker J{\"o}rg Friedrich and Ye, Yuxiang and Kampf, Thomas and Jakob, Peter Michael and Szalay, Aladar A.}, title = {Imaging of Intratumoral Inflammation during Oncolytic Virotherapy of Tumors by \(^{19}\)F-Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {8}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0056317}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-130311}, pages = {e56317}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Background Oncolytic virotherapy of tumors is an up-coming, promising therapeutic modality of cancer therapy. Unfortunately, non-invasive techniques to evaluate the inflammatory host response to treatment are rare. Here, we evaluate \(^{19}\)F magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which enables the non-invasive visualization of inflammatory processes in pathological conditions by the use of perfluorocarbon nanoemulsions (PFC) for monitoring of oncolytic virotherapy. Methodology/Principal Findings The Vaccinia virus strain GLV-1h68 was used as an oncolytic agent for the treatment of different tumor models. Systemic application of PFC emulsions followed by \(^1H\)/\(^{19}\)F MRI of mock-infected and GLV-1h68-infected tumor-bearing mice revealed a significant accumulation of the \(^{19}\)F signal in the tumor rim of virus-treated mice. Histological examination of tumors confirmed a similar spatial distribution of the \(^{19}\)F signal hot spots and \(CD68^+\)-macrophages. Thereby, the \(CD68^+\)-macrophages encapsulate the GFP-positive viral infection foci. In multiple tumor models, we specifically visualized early inflammatory cell recruitment in Vaccinia virus colonized tumors. Furthermore, we documented that the \(^{19}\)F signal correlated with the extent of viral spreading within tumors. Conclusions/Significance These results suggest \(^{19}\)F MRI as a non-invasive methodology to document the tumor-associated host immune response as well as the extent of intratumoral viral replication. Thus, \(^{19}\)F MRI represents a new platform to non-invasively investigate the role of the host immune response for therapeutic outcome of oncolytic virotherapy and individual patient response.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wollny2019, author = {Wollny, Claudia}, title = {Der p97-Kofaktor UBXD1 ist ein neuer Regulator des NF-kB-Signalweges}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-13243}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-132430}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Die essenzielle, Ubiquitin-selektive ATPase p97 reguliert eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Prozesse in Eukaryoten. Dazu z{\"a}hlen Proteinqualit{\"a}tskontrolle, DNA-Reparatur, Signaltransduktion, Zellzykluskontrolle, Autophagie sowie das endolysosomale System. Diese unterschiedlichen Funktionen von p97 werden durch die Bindung von Kofaktoren engmaschig gesteuert und kontrolliert. Die gr{\"o}ßte und am besten untersuchte Gruppe von p97-Kofaktoren sind die Proteine der UBX Familie. Diese zeichnen sich durch den Besitz einer UBX-Dom{\"a}ne aus, welche die Bindung an p97 vermittelt. Das in h{\"o}heren Eukaryoten konservierte Familienmitglied UBXD1 besitzt dar{\"u}ber hinaus mit einer PUB-Dom{\"a}ne und einem VIM-Motiv noch mindestens zwei weitere p97-Bindemodule. UBXD1 kann an Vesikel des endolysosomalen Degradationssytems lokalisieren, seine genauen zellul{\"a}ren Funktionen sind jedoch noch weitgehend unbekannt. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die funktionelle Charakterisierung von humanem UBXD1. Daf{\"u}r wurden Kandidaten eines zuvor durchgef{\"u}hrten Yeast-Two-Hybrid-Screens auf ihre Two Hybrid-Interaktion mit unterschiedlichen UBXD1-Varianten getestet. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurde durch Immunpr{\"a}zipitationsexperimente untersucht, ob die Kandidatenproteine auch in S{\"a}ugerzellen mit UBXD1 interagieren. Als vielversprechende neue Bindungspartner von UBXD1 wurden so die Ubiquitin-Ligase TRIAD3A und das Ubiquitin-editierende Protein A20 identifiziert. Desweiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Interaktion zwischen UBXD1 und A20 von einer funktionellen PUB Dom{\"a}ne und dem siebten Zinkfinger Motiv von A20 abh{\"a}ngig ist. Da sowohl TRIAD3A als auch A20 negative Regulatoren des NF B Signalweges sind, wurde daraufhin untersucht, ob auch UBXD1 eine Funktion in diesem Signalweg besitzt. Tats{\"a}chlich war in UBXD1-depletierten HeLa 57A-Zellen die NF B-abh{\"a}ngige Expression eines Reportgens nach Aktivierung des Signalweges durch TNF, IL-1, Doxorubicin und H2O2 stark reduziert. Dabei spricht die verringerte Aktivierung nach unterschiedlichen Stimuli f{\"u}r eine generelle Rolle von UBXD1 im NF B Signalweg. Durch quantitative Echtzeit-PCR konnte gezeigt werden, dass in HeLa- und HEK293T-Zellen nach UBXD1-Depletion auch die Expression endogener NF B Zielgene verringert ist. Da in UBXD1-depletierten Zellen nach Stimulation mit TNF oder IL-1 bereits die Kerntranslokation des NF B-Transkriptionsfaktor p65 reduziert ist, ist davon auszugehen, dass UBXD1 an einer fr{\"u}heren Phase der Aktivierung des Signalweges beteiligt ist. M{\"o}glicherweise ist dies darauf zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren, dass UBXD1 bekannte Funktionen von A20 reguliert und etwa die Bindung von A20 an Vesikel des endolysosomalen Systems oder an lineare Ubiquitinketten beeinflusst. Diese Arbeit beschreibt somit eine neue Funktion des p97-Kofaktors UBXD1 im NF B-Signalweg.}, subject = {Ubiquitin}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ye2022, author = {Ye, Mingyu}, title = {Immunotherapy with Vaccinia virus co-expressing tumor-associated antigens and mouse IL-2 cytokine in mice with mammary cancer}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25309}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-253095}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Interleukin 2 (IL-2) was the first cytokine applied for cancer treatment in human history. It has been approved as monotherapy for renal cell carcinoma and melanoma by the FDA and does mediate the regression of the tumors in patients. One of the possible mechanisms is that the administration of IL-2 led to T lymphocytes expansion, including CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. In addition, a recent study demonstrated that antigen-specific T cells could also be expanded through the induction of IL-2, which plays a crucial role in mediating tumor regression. However, despite the long-term and extensive use of IL-2 in the clinic, the ratio of patients who get a complete response was still low, and only about one-fifth of patients showed objective tumor regression. Therefore, the function of IL-2 in cancer treatment should continue to be optimized and investigated. A study by Franz O. Smith et al. has shown that the combination treatment of IL-2 and tumor-associated antigen vaccine has a strong trend to increased objective responses compared to patients with melanoma receiving IL-2 alone. Peptide vaccines are anti-cancer vaccines able to induce a powerful tumor antigenspecific immune response capable of eradicating the tumors. According to the type of antigens, peptide vaccines can be classified into two distinct categories: Tumor-associated antigens (TAA) vaccine and tumor-specific neoantigens (TSA) vaccine. Currently, Peptide vaccines are mainly investigated in phase I and phase II clinical trials of human cancer patients with various advanced cancers such as lung cancer, gastrointestinal tumors, and breast cancers. Vaccinia virus (VACV) is one of the safest viral vectors, which has been wildly used in cancer treatment and pathogen prevention. As an oncolytic vector, VACV can carry multiple large foreign genes, which enable the virus to introduce diagnostic and therapeutic agents without dramatically reducing the viral replication. Meanwhile, the recombinant vaccinia virus (rVACV) can be easily generated by homologous recombination. Here, we used the vaccinia virus as the therapeutic cancer vector, expressing mouse Interleukin 2 (IL-2) and tumor-associated antigens simultaneously to investigate the combined effect of anti-tumor immune response in the 4T1 mouse tumor model. As expected, the VACV driven mIL-2 expression remarkably increased both CD4+ and CD8+ populations in vivo, and the virus-expressed tumor-associated peptides successfully elicited theantigen-specific T cell response to inhibit the growth of tumors. Furthermore, the experiments with tumor-bearing animals showed that the mIL-2 plus tumor antigens expressing VACV vector gave a better anti-cancer response than the mIL-2 alone expressing vector. The combinations did significantly more inhibit tumor growth than mIL-2 treatment alone. Moreover, the results confirmed our previous unpublished data that the mIL-2 expression driven by synthetic early/late promoter in the Lister strain VACV could enhance the tumor regression in the 4T1 mouse model.}, language = {en} } @article{YinBrocherFischeretal.2011, author = {Yin, Jun and Brocher, Jan and Fischer, Utz and Winkler, Christoph}, title = {Mutant Prpf31 causes pre-mRNA splicing defects and rod photoreceptor cell degeneration in a zebrafish model for Retinitis pigmentosa}, series = {Molecular neurodegeneration}, volume = {6}, journal = {Molecular neurodegeneration}, number = {56}, doi = {10.1186/1750-1326-6-56}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-141090}, pages = {1-17}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Background: Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is an inherited eye disease characterized by the progressive degeneration of rod photoreceptor cells. Mutations in pre-mRNA splicing factors including PRPF31 have been identified as cause for RP, raising the question how mutations in general factors lead to tissue specific defects. Results: We have recently shown that the zebrafish serves as an excellent model allowing the recapitulation of key events of RP. Here we use this model to investigate two pathogenic mutations in PRPF31, SP117 and AD5, causing the autosomal dominant form of RP. We show that SP117 leads to an unstable protein that is mislocalized to the rod cytoplasm. Importantly, its overexpression does not result in photoreceptor degeneration suggesting haploinsufficiency as the underlying cause in human RP patients carrying SP117. In contrast, overexpression of AD5 results in embryonic lethality, which can be rescued by wild-type Prpf31. Transgenic retina-specific expression of AD5 reveals that stable AD5 protein is initially localized in the nucleus but later found in the cytoplasm concurrent with progressing rod outer segment degeneration and apoptosis. Importantly, we show for the first time in vivo that retinal transcripts are wrongly spliced in adult transgenic retinas expressing AD5 and exhibiting increased apoptosis in rod photoreceptors. Conclusion: Our data suggest that distinct mutations in Prpf31 can lead to photoreceptor degeneration through different mechanisms, by haploinsufficiency or dominant-negative effects. Analyzing the AD5 effects in our animal model in vivo, our data imply that aberrant splicing of distinct retinal transcripts contributes to the observed retina defects.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zellner2005, author = {Zellner, Elisabeth}, title = {Wechselwirkungen zwischen Replikationsproteinen und Origin-DNA w{\"a}hrend Proliferation und terminaler Differenzierung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-15263}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Ein Teil dieser Arbeit befasste sich mit der Fragestellung, ob beim {\"U}bergang von Proliferation zu Teilungsruhe und Differenzierung irreversible Ver{\"a}nderungen in der Zusammensetzung des pr{\"a}replikativen Komplexes auftreten. Ein daf{\"u}r geeignetes System ist die murine C2C12-Zell-Linie, die durch Kultivierung in Hungermedium zu Myotuben differenziert werden k{\"o}nnen. FACS-Analyse und BrdU-Einbau ergaben, dass in den Muskelzellen keine signifikante DNA-Synthese mehr stattfindet. Die Fluktuation von Replikationsproteinen wurde im Verlauf der terminalen Differenzierung untersucht. Gleiche Mengen an Kern- und Cytoplasma-Extrakten von proliferierenden, konfluenten und sich differenzierenden Zellen wurden durch SDS-PAGE aufgetrennt und im Immunblot mit Antik{\"o}rpern gegen Replikationsproteine untersucht ORC1, CDC6, MCM6 und Geminin konnten nach 132 h nicht mehr detektiert werden, w{\"a}hrend ORC2, ORC3, MCM3, CDT1 und CDC45 zwar noch vorhanden waren, jedoch in geringerer Menge als in proliferierenden Zellen. Weiterhin wurde die Menge an Replikationsproteinen in durch Serummangel transient aus dem Zellzyklus ausgetretenen G0-Phase-Zellen und Zellen, die durch Serum reaktiviert wurden, untersucht. Die Replikationsproteine waren in quieszenten C2C12- und 3T3-Zellen gleichermaßen wie in den terminal differenzierten Zellen in verringerter Menge vorhanden. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine Restimulierung von quieszenten, nicht aber terminal differenzierten Zellen, die erneute Expression von Replikationsproteinen zur Folge hat. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Chromatin-Immunpr{\"a}zipitations-Experimente (ChIP) mit proliferierenden und terminal differenzierten C2C12-Zellen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Eine preRC-Assemblierungsstelle befindet sich im OBR-Bereich der murinen rRNA-Gene von -2519 bis -2152 (Fragment B). In proliferierenden C2C12-Zellen konnte die Bindung von ORC1-5, CDC6, CDT1, MCM3, MCM6, CDC45 und HP1\&\#61537; an Fragment B nachgewiesen werden. W{\"a}hrend der terminalen Differenzierung werden ORC1, CDC6, CDT1 und CDC45 von der preRC-Bindungsstelle entfernt, ORC2-5, MCM3, MCM6 und HP1\&\#61537; bleiben an Fragment B gebunden. Die Bindung von preRC-Proteinen an Fragment B sollte durch Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assays (EMSAs) in vitro detailliert untersucht werden. Dazu mussten zun{\"a}chst preRC-Proteine nativ aus dem Kernextrakt proliferierender FM3A-Zellen durch Ionenaustausch- und Gelfiltrations-Chromatographie angereichert werden. Proteine in den Fraktionen B4 bis B12 bilden einen DNA-Protein-Komplex mit Fragment B. Die ATP-Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Bildung des DNA-Protein-Komplexes wurde nachgewiesen. Die Ausbildung des DNA-Protein-Komplexes erfolgt sequenzspezifisch an Fragment B. Durch Zugabe spezifischer Antik{\"o}rper gegen ORC3 und CDT1 zur Bindungsreaktion konnte die Ausbildung des DNA-Protein-Komplexes reduziert werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Bildung des DNA-Protein-Komplexes unabh{\"a}ngig von ATP-Hydrolyse erfolgt und dass Diadenosin-Tetraphosphat (Ap4A) die Bindung von preRC-Proteinen an die DNA nicht signifikant stimuliert. Zur Eingrenzung der preRC-Bindungsstelle wurden sowohl am 5´- als auch am 3´-Ende partiell deletierte B-Fragmente eingesetzt. Mit den um 100 bp verk{\"u}rzten Fragmenten kann der DNA-Protein-Komplex weiterhin gebildet werden. Deletionen von 200 bp entweder vom 5´- oder 3´-Ende verhindern hingegen die Ausbildung des DNA-Protein-Komplexes. Auf einem 119 bp langen Fragment (-2365 bis -2247), das zentral in Fragment B gelegen ist, kann sich der DNA-Protein-Komplex in einer ATP-stimulierten Weise wiederum ausbilden. Die Analyse dieses Bereiches zeigte, dass sich darin zwei auff{\"a}llige 9 bp-Sequenzen (CTCGGGAGA) befinden, die im Abstand von 63 bp wiederholt werden (-2343 bis -2335; -2280 bis -2272) und die durch die 200 bp-Deletionen ganz oder teilweise eliminiert wurden. Durch ortsgerichtete Mutagenese mittels PCR wurden innerhalb dieser 9 bp-Wiederholungen die Basen C zu A, T zu G und umgekehrt ausgetauscht. In vier sukzessiven Klonierungen wurden je 4 bp ersetzt (S1 bis S4), wobei die erhaltenen Konstrukte als Ausgangs-DNA f{\"u}r die nachfolgende Klonierung dienten. Die Substitutionen S1, S2 und S3 beeintr{\"a}chtigten die Ausbildung des DNA-Protein-Komplexes im Wesentlichen nicht. Wurden jedoch 8 bp in beiden 9 bp-Wiederholungen ersetzt (S4), war die Ausbildung des DNA-Protein-Komplexes nahezu vollst{\"a}ndig inhibiert. S4 hat außerdem eine leichte reduzierte elektrophoretische Mobilit{\"a}t der proteinfreien DNA-Fragmente zur Folge. Vermutlich stellen die 9 bp-Sequenzen jedoch keine Konsensus-Sequenz f{\"u}r die Bindung der preRC-Proteine per se dar, sondern haben vielmehr Effekte auf die Ausbildung spezifischer Sekund{\"a}r-Strukturen, die wiederum das Binden der preRC-Proteine an diese Region im OBR der murinen rRNA-Gene erlauben k{\"o}nnten.}, subject = {Replikation}, language = {de} }