@article{AbendrothNaurothRichteretal.2022, author = {Abendroth, Johanna and Nauroth, Peter and Richter, Tobias and Gollwitzer, Mario}, title = {Non-strategic detection of identity-threatening information: Epistemic validation and identity defense may share a common cognitive basis}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {17}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0261535}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301019}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Readers use prior knowledge to evaluate the validity of statements and detect false information without effort and strategic control. The present study expands this research by exploring whether people also non-strategically detect information that threatens their social identity. Participants (N = 77) completed a task in which they had to respond to a "True" or "False" probe after reading true, false, identity-threatening, or non-threatening sentences. Replicating previous studies, participants reacted more slowly to a positive probe ("True") after reading false (vs. true) sentences. Notably, participants also reacted more slowly to a positive probe after reading identity-threatening (vs. non-threatening) sentences. These results provide first evidence that identity-threatening information, just as false information, is detected at a very early stage of information processing and lends support to the notion of a routine, non-strategic identity-defense mechanism.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{AdelAbdelrehimMohamedSoliman2019, author = {Adel Abdelrehim Mohamed Soliman, Hadya}, title = {Structural Equation Modeling of Factors Influencing EFL Reading comprehension: Comparative study between Egypt and Germany}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18695}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-186957}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In most foreign language learning contexts, there are only rare chance for contact with native speakers of the target language. In such a situation, reading plays an important role in language acquisition as well as in gaining cultural information about the target language and its speakers. Previous research indicated that reading in foreign language is a complex process, which is influenced by various linguistic, cognitive and affective factors. The aim of the present study was to test two structural models of the relationship between reading comprehension in native language (L1), English language (L2) reading motivation, metacognitive awareness of L2 reading strategies, and reading comprehension of English as a foreign language among the two samples. Furthermore, the current study aimed to examine the differences between Egyptian and German students in their perceived usage of reading strategies during reading English texts, as well as to explore the pattern of their motivation toward reading English texts. For this purpose, 401 students were recruited from Germany (n=200) and Egypt (n=201) to participate in the current study. In order to have information about metacognitive awareness of reading strategies, a self-report questionnaire (SORS) developed by Moktari and Sheory (2002) was used. While the L2 reading motivation variable, was measured by a reading motivation survey (L2RMQ) which was based on reviewed reading motivation research. In addition, two reading tests were administrated one to measure reading comprehension for native language (German/Arabic) and the other to measure English reading comprehension. To analyze the collected data, descriptive statistics and independent t-tests were performed. In addition, further analysis using structural equation modeling was applied to test the strength of relationships between the variables under study. The results from the current research revealed that L1 reading comprehension, whether in a German or Arabic language, had the strongest relationship with L2 reading comprehension. However, the relationship between L2 intrinsic reading motivation was not proven to be significant in either the German or Egyptian models. On the other hand, the relationship between L2 extrinsic reading motivation, metacognitive awareness of reading strategies, and L2 reading comprehension was only proven significant in the German sample. The discussion of these results along with their pedagogical implications for education and practice will be illustrated in the following study.}, subject = {Leseverstehen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ahnert2005, author = {Ahnert, Jutta}, title = {Motorische Entwicklung vom Vorschul- bis ins fr{\"u}he Erwachsenenalter - Einflussfaktoren und Prognostizierbarkeit}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-16346}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Langfristige Prognosen sportmotorischer Leistungen sowie die Kenntnis relevanter Einflussfaktoren auf die motorische Entwicklung gewinnen angesichts des ver{\"a}nderten Bewegungsverhaltens und der Zunahme motorischer Defizite von Kindern und Jugendlichen immer st{\"a}rker an Bedeutung. Der bisherige Forschungsstand zur Stabilit{\"a}t und Vorhersage sportlicher Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit beschr{\"a}nkt sich bisher jedoch fast ausschließlich auf retrospektive Studien oder aber auf L{\"a}ngsschnittstudien, die nur einen begrenzten Lebensabschnitt erfassen. Im Vordergrund der vorliegenden multivariaten L{\"a}ngsschnittstudie steht die empirische Analyse potentieller personinterner und personexterner Einflussfaktoren auf die Entwicklung motorischer - insbesondere koordinativer - F{\"a}higkeiten vom Vorschul- bis ins fr{\"u}he Erwachsenenalter. Außerdem sollte versucht werden, die Auspr{\"a}gung sportlicher Aktivit{\"a}t und motorischer F{\"a}higkeiten im fr{\"u}hen Erwachsenenalter m{\"o}glichst gut durch potentielle Pr{\"a}diktoren aus der Kindheit vorherzusagen. Als theoretischer Rahmen wurde ausgehend von einem f{\"a}higkeitsorientierten Ansatz das transaktionale Handlungsmodell von Baur (1989, 1994) ausgew{\"a}hlt, das sowohl endogene als auch exogene Einflussfaktoren auf die motorische Entwicklung ber{\"u}cksichtigt. Die Daten zur motorischen, somatischen und psychischen Entwicklung wurden im Rahmen der M{\"u}nchner L{\"a}ngsschnittstudie zur Genese individueller Kompetenzen (LOGIK) an 152 M{\"a}dchen und Jungen im Alter von 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 und 23 Jahren erhoben. Es zeigen sich bereits im Vorschulalter substantielle Stabilit{\"a}tskoeffizienten zu den motorischen Leistungen im fr{\"u}hen Erwachsenenalter, die ab dem Grundschulalter auf mittelhohe Werte ansteigen. Als bedeutsame Einflussfaktoren auf die motorische Entwicklung erweisen sich neben der sportlichen Aktivit{\"a}t und dem BMI auch die nonverbale Intelligenz und das athletische Selbstkonzept. In Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von der Schullaufbahn, dem sozio{\"o}konomischen Status sowie der Sportvereinszugeh{\"o}rigkeit k{\"o}nnen Unterschiede im motorischen Entwicklungsverlauf nur zum Teil nachgewiesen werden. Einen nachhaltigen Einfluss auf die motorische Entwicklung bis ins fr{\"u}he Erwachsenenalter besitzt dagegen das fr{\"u}he sportive Anregungsniveau im Elternhaus. Mittels schrittweiser Regression k{\"o}nnen unter Einbezug motorischer, somatischer, kognitiver, pers{\"o}nlichkeitsbezogener und soziodemographischer Merkmale im Vorschulalter bereits bis zu 31\%, ab dem Grundschulalter bis zu 46\% der Varianz motorischer Leistungen mit 23 J. aufgekl{\"a}rt werden. F{\"u}r eine befriedigende Prognose sp{\"a}terer motorischer Leistungen sollten deshalb neben den motorischen Leistungskomponenten auch somatische, kognitive, pers{\"o}nlichkeitsbezogene und sozialisationsbedingte Einfl{\"u}sse ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden. Die relativ hohe Stabilit{\"a}t motorischer F{\"a}higkeiten ab dem Grundschulalter deutet darauf hin, dass bereits in der Kindheit die Grundlagen f{\"u}r die weitere motorische Entwicklung gelegt werden. Ein effizienter Ansatzpunkt zur Intervention scheint hier vor allem die F{\"o}rderung von sportlicher Aktivit{\"a}t und Sportinteresse im Elternhaus zu sein.}, subject = {Motorische Entwicklung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Akakpo2019, author = {Akakpo, Martin Gameli}, title = {The influence of learner characteristics on interactions to seek and share information in e-learning: A media psychology perspective}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18593}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-185934}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Research on the deployment and use of technology to assist learning has seen a significant rise over the last decades (Aparicio et al., 2017). The focus on course quality, technology, learning outcome and learner satisfaction in e-learning has led to insufficient attention by researchers to individual characteristics of learners (Cidral et al., 2017 ; Hsu et al., 2013). The current work aims to bridge this gap by investigating characteristics identified by previous works and backed by theory as influential individual differences in e-learning. These learner characteristics have been suggested as motivational factors (Edmunds et al., 2012) in decisions by learners to interact and exchange information (Luo et al., 2017). In this work e-learning is defined as interaction dependent information seeking and sharing enabled by technology. This is primarily approached from a media psychology perspective. The role of learner characteristics namely, beliefs about the source of knowledge (Schommer, 1990), learning styles (Felder \& Silverman, 1988), need for affect (Maio \& Esses, 2001), need for cognition (Cacioppo \& Petty, 1982) and power distance (Hofstede, 1980) on interactions to seek and share information in e-learning are investigated. These investigations were shaped by theory and empirical lessons as briefly mentioned in the next paragraphs. Theoretical support for investigations is derived from the technology acceptance model(TAM) by psychologist Davis (1989) and the hyper-personal model by communication scientist Walther (1996). The TAM was used to describe the influence of learner characteristics on decisions to use e-learning systems (Stantchev et al., 2014). The hyper-personal model described why computer-mediated communication thrives in e-learning (Kaye et al., 2016) and how learners interpret messages exchanged online (Hansen et al., 2015). This theoretical framework was followed by empirical reviews which justified the use of interaction and information seeking-sharing as key components of e-learning as well as the selection of learner characteristics. The reviews provided suggestions for the measurement of variables (K{\"u}hl et al., 2014) and the investigation design (Dascalau et al., 2015). Investigations were designed and implemented through surveys and quasi experiments which were used for three preliminary studies and two main studies. Samples were selected from Germany and Ghana with same variables tested in both countries. Hypotheses were tested with interaction and information seeking-sharing as dependent variables while beliefs about the source of knowledge, learning styles, need for affect, need for cognition and power distance were independent variables. Firstly, using analyses of variance, the influence of beliefs about the source of knowledge on interaction choices of learners was supported. Secondly, the role of need for cognition on interaction choices of learners was supported by results from a logistic regression. Thirdly, results from multiple linear regressions backed the influence of need for cognition and power distance on information seeking-sharing behaviour of learners. Fourthly, the relationship between need for affect and need for cognition was supported. The findings may have implications for media psychology research, theories used in this work, research on e-learning, measurement of learner characteristics and the design of e-learning platforms. The findings suggest that, the beliefs learners have about the source of knowledge, their need for cognition and their power distance can influence decisions to interact and seek or share information. The outlook from reviews and findings in this work predicts more research on learner characteristics and a corresponding intensity in the use of e-learning by individuals. It is suggested that future studies investigate the relationship between learner autonomy and power distance. Studies on inter-cultural similarities amongst e-learners in different populations are also suggested.}, subject = {e-learning}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Anderson2011, author = {Anderson, Christina}, title = {Idiosyncratic Facial Movement in Face Perception and Recognition}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-70355}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {It has been proposed that different features of a face provide a source of information for separate perceptual and cognitive processes. Properties of a face that remain rather stable over time, so called invariant facial features, yield information about a face's identity, and changeable aspects of faces transmit information underlying social communication such as emotional expressions and speech movements. While processing of these different face properties was initially claimed to be independent, a growing body of evidence suggests that these sources of information can interact when people recognize faces with whom they are familiar. This is the case because the way a face moves can contain patterns that are characteristic for that specific person, so called idiosyncratic movements. As a face becomes familiar these idiosyncratic movements are learned and hence also provide information serving face identification. While an abundance of experiments has addressed the independence of invariant and variable facial features in face recognition, little is known about the exact nature of the impact idiosyncratic facial movements have on face recognition. Gaining knowledge about the way facial motion contributes to face recognition is, however, important for a deeper understanding of the way the brain processes and recognizes faces. In the following dissertation three experiments are reported that investigate the impact familiarity of changeable facial features has on processes of face recognition. Temporal aspects of the processing of familiar idiosyncratic facial motion were addressed in the first experiment via EEG by investigating the influence familiar facial movement exerts on event-related potentials associated to face processing and face recognition. After being familiarized with a face and its idiosyncratic movement, participants viewed familiar or unfamiliar faces with familiar or unfamiliar facial movement while their brain potentials were recorded. Results showed that familiarity of facial motion influenced later event-related potentials linked to memory processes involved in face recognition. The second experiment used fMRI to investigate the brain areas involved in processing familiar facial movement. Participants' BOLD-signal was registered while they viewed familiar and unfamiliar faces with familiar or unfamiliar idiosyncratic movement. It was found that activity of brain regions, such as the fusiform gyrus, that underlie the processing of face identity, was modulated by familiar facial movement. Together these two experiments provide valuable information about the nature of the involvement of idiosyncratic facial movement in face recognition and have important implications for cognitive and neural models of face perception and recognition. The third experiment addressed the question whether idiosyncratic facial movement could increase individuation in perceiving faces from a different ethnic group and hence reduce impaired recognition of these other-race faces compared to own-race faces, a phenomenon named the own-race bias. European participants viewed European and African faces that were each animated with an idiosyncratic smile while their attention was either directed to the form or the motion of the face. Subsequently recognition memory for these faces was tested. Results showed that the own-race bias was equally present in both attention conditions indicating that idiosyncratic facial movement was not able to reduce or diminish the own-race bias. In combination the here presented experiments provide further insight into the involvement of idiosyncratic facial motion in face recognition. It is necessary to consider the dynamic component of faces when investigating face recognition because static facial images are not able to provide the full range of information that leads to recognition of a face. In order to reflect the full process of face recognition, cognitive and neural models of face perception and recognition need to integrate dynamic facial features as a source of information which contributes to the recognition of a face.}, subject = {Gesicht}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Andreatta2010, author = {Andreatta, Marta}, title = {Emotional reactions after event learning : a Rift between Implicit and Explicit Conditioned Valence in Humans Pain Relief Lerning}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-55715}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Organismen vermeiden Gefahren und streben nach Belohnungen, um zu {\"u}berleben. Klassische Konditionierung ist ein einfaches Model, das erkl{\"a}rt, wie Tiere und Menschen Ereignisse in Verbindung bringen. Dieses Lernen erm{\"o}glicht Lebewesen Gefahr oder Belohnung direkt vorherzusehen. Normalerweise besteht das Konditionierungsparadigma aus der Pr{\"a}sentation eines neutralen Stimulus zusammen mit einem biologisch bedeutsamen Event (der unkonditionierte Stimulus - US). Aufgrund dieser Assoziation erwirbt der neutrale Stimulus affektive Eigenschaften und wird dann konditionierter Stimulus (CS+) genannt. Wenn der CS+ mit Schmerz w{\"a}hrend der Trainingsphase assoziiert wird, leitet er eine defensive Reaktion, wie z.B. Vermeidung ein. Wenn der CS+ mit einer Belohnung assoziiert wird, leitet er eine appetitive Reaktion, wie z.B. Ann{\"a}herungsreaktionen ein. Interessanterweise haben Tierstudien gezeigt, dass ein konditionierter Stimulus vermieden wurde, wenn er einem aversiven US in der Trainingsphase vorausgegangen war (CS+US; Vorw{\"a}rtskonditionierung). Das deutet darauf hin, dass der CS+ aversive Eigenschaften erlangt hat. Jedoch f{\"u}hrte ein konditionierter Stimulus zu einer Ann{\"a}herung, wenn er in der Trainingsphase auf einen aversiven US folgt (US CS+; R{\"u}ckw{\"a}rtskonditionierung). Das deutet darauf hin, dass der CS+ appetitive Eigenschaften erlangt hat. Kann das Event Timing sowohl aversive als auch appetitive konditionierten Reaktionen auch bei Menschen ausl{\"o}sen, die zu Kognitionen bez{\"u}glich der Assoziationen f{\"a}hig sind? Um diese Fragestellung zu beantworten, wurden vier Studien durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Studien hatten den gleichen Ablauf, variiert wurde nur die Zeit zwischen CS+ und US (das Interstimulusintervall - ISI - ist als das Zeitintervall zwischen dem Onset des CS+ und dem Onset des US definiert). W{\"a}hrend der Akquisitionsphase (Konditionierung) wurden, zwei einfache geometrische Figuren als konditionierte Stimuli dargeboten. Eine geometrische Figur (der CS+) war immer mit einem leichten schmerzhaften elektrischen Reiz (der aversive US) assoziiert; die andere Figur (der CS-) war nie mit dem elektrischen Reiz assoziiert. In einem between-subjects Design wurde entweder eine Vorw{\"a}rtskonditionierung oder eine R{\"u}ckw{\"a}rtskonditionierung durchgef{\"u}hrt. W{\"a}hrend der Testsphase (Extinktion) wurden CS+ und CS- pr{\"a}sentiert sowie zus{\"a}tzlich eine neue neutrale geometrische Figur pr{\"a}sentiert, die als Kontrollstimulus fungierte; der US wurde in dieser Phase nie dargeboten. Vor und nach der Konditionierung wurden die Probanden sowohl bez{\"u}glich der Valenz (bzw. Unangenehmheit und Angenehmheit) als auch der Erregung (bzw. Ruhe und Aufregung) hinsichtlich der geometrischen Figuren befragt. In der ersten Studie wurde der Schreckreflex (Startle Reflex) als Maß f{\"u}r die implizite Valenz der Stimuli gemessen. Der Schreckreflex ist eine defensive Urreaktion, die aus einem Muskelzucken des Gesichts und des K{\"o}rpers besteht. Dieser Reflex ist durch pl{\"o}tzliche und intensive visuelle, taktile oder akustische Reize evoziert. Einerseits war die Amplitude des Startles bei der Anwesenheit des vorw{\"a}rts CS+ potenziert und das deutet daraufhin, dass der CS+ eine implizite negative Valenz nach der Vorw{\"a}rtskonditionierung erworben hat. Anderseits war die Amplitude des Startles bei der Anwesenheit des r{\"u}ckw{\"a}rts CS+ abgeschw{\"a}cht, was darauf hin deutet, dass der CS+ nach der R{\"u}ckw{\"a}rtskonditionierung eine implizite positive Valenz erworben hat. In der zweiten Studie wurde die oxygenierte Bloodsresponse (BOLD) mit funktioneller Magnetresonanztomographie (fMRI) erhoben, um neuronale Korrelate des Event-Timings zu erfassen. Eine st{\"a}rkere Aktivierung wurde in der Amygdala in Erwiderung auf den vorw{\"a}rts CS+ und im Striatum in Erwiderung auf den r{\"u}ckw{\"a}rts CS+ gefunden. Zum Einen entspricht dies einer Aktivierung des Defensive Motivational Systems, da die Amygdala eine wichtige Rolle beim Angstexpression und Angstakquisition hat. Deshalb wurde der vorw{\"a}rts CS+ als aversiv betrachtet. Zum Anderen entspricht dies einer Aktivierung des Appetitive Motivational System, da das Striatum eine wichtige Rolle bei Belohnung hat. Deshalb wurde der r{\"u}ckw{\"a}rts CS+ als appetitiv betrachtet. In der dritten Studie wurden Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse beim Event-Timing n{\"a}her beleuchtet, indem steady-state visuelle evozierte Potentiale (ssVEP) gemessen wurden. Sowohl der vorw{\"a}rts CS+ als auch der r{\"u}ckw{\"a}rts CS+ zog Aufmerksamkeit auf sich. Dennoch war die Amplitude der ssVEP großer w{\"a}hrend der letzen Sekunden des vorw{\"a}rts CS+, d.h. direkt vor dem aversiven US. Die Amplitude der ssVEP war aber gr{\"o}ßer w{\"a}hrend der ersten Sekunden des r{\"u}ckw{\"a}rts CS+, d.h. kurz nach dem aversiven US. Vermutlich wird die Aufmerksamkeit auf den hinsichtlich des aversiven US informativsten Teil des CS+. Alle Probanden der drei Studien haben den vorw{\"a}rts CS+ und den r{\"u}ckw{\"a}rts CS+ negativer und erregender als den Kontrollstimulus beurteilt. Daher werden die expliziten Ratings vom Event-Timing nicht beeinflusst. Bemerkenswert ist die Dissoziation zwischen den subjektiven Ratings und den physiologischen Reaktionen. Nach der Dual-Prozess Theorie werden die Verhaltensreaktionen des Menschen von zwei Systemen determiniert: einem impulsiv impliziten System, das auf assoziativen Prinzipien beruht, und einem reflektiv expliziten System, das auf der Kenntnis {\"u}ber Fakten und Werte basiert. Wichtig ist, dass die zwei Systeme auf synergetische oder antagonistische Weise agieren k{\"o}nnen. Folglich k{\"o}nnte es sein, dass das impulsive und das reflektive System nach der R{\"u}ckw{\"a}rtskonditionierung antagonistisch arbeiten. Zusammen deuten die vorliegenden Studien daraufhin, dass Event-Timing eine Bestrafung in eine Belohnung umwandeln kann, aber die Probanden erleben den Stimulus assoziiert mit einem aversiven Event als negativ. Diese Dissoziation k{\"o}nnte zum Verst{\"a}ndnis der psychiatrischen St{\"o}rungen wie z.B. Angstst{\"o}rungen oder Drogenabh{\"a}ngigkeit beitragen.}, subject = {Gef{\"u}hl}, language = {en} } @article{AndreattaPauli2015, author = {Andreatta, Marta and Pauli, Paul}, title = {Appetitive vs. aversive conditioning in humans}, series = {Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience}, volume = {9}, journal = {Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience}, number = {128}, doi = {10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00128}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148614}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In classical conditioning, an initially neutral stimulus (conditioned stimulus, CS) becomes associated with a biologically salient event (unconditioned stimulus, US), which might be pain (aversive conditioning) or food (appetitive conditioning). After a few associations, the CS is able to initiate either defensive or consummatory responses, respectively. Contrary to aversive conditioning, appetitive conditioning is rarely investigated in humans, although its importance for normal and pathological behaviors (e.g., obesity, addiction) is undeniable. The present study intents to translate animal findings on appetitive conditioning to humans using food as an US. Thirty-three participants were investigated between 8 and 10 am without breakfast in order to assure that they felt hungry. During two acquisition phases, one geometrical shape (avCS+) predicted an aversive US (painful electric shock), another shape (appCS+) predicted an appetitive US (chocolate or salty pretzel according to the participants' preference), and a third shape (CS) predicted neither US. In a extinction phase, these three shapes plus a novel shape (NEW) were presented again without US delivery. Valence and arousal ratings as well as startle and skin conductance (SCR) responses were collected as learning indices. We found successful aversive and appetitive conditioning. On the one hand, the avCS+ was rated as more negative and more arousing than the CS and induced startle potentiation and enhanced SCR. On the other hand, the appCS+ was rated more positive than the CS and induced startle attenuation and larger SCR. In summary, we successfully confirmed animal findings in (hungry) humans by demonstrating appetitive learning and normal aversive learning.}, language = {en} } @article{AndreattaPauli2019, author = {Andreatta, Marta and Pauli, Paul}, title = {Generalization of appetitive conditioned responses}, series = {Psychophysiology}, volume = {56}, journal = {Psychophysiology}, doi = {10.1111/psyp.13397}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-221132}, year = {2019}, abstract = {A stimulus (conditioned stimulus, CS) associated with an appetitive unconditioned stimulus (US) acquires positive properties and elicits appetitive conditioned responses (CR). Such associative learning has been examined extensively in animals with food as the US, and results are used to explain psychopathologies (e.g., substance-related disorders or obesity). Human studies on appetitive conditioning exist, too, but we still know little about generalization processes. Understanding these processes may explain why stimuli not associated with a drug, for instance, can elicit craving. Forty-seven hungry participants underwent an appetitive conditioning protocol during which one of two circles with different diameters (CS+) became associated with an appetitive US (chocolate or salty pretzel, according to participants' preference) but never the other circle (CS-). During generalization, US were delivered twice and the two CS were presented again plus four circles (generalization stimuli, GS) with gradually increasing diameters from CS- to CS+. We found successful appetitive conditioning as reflected in appetitive subjective ratings (positive valence, higher contingency) and physiological responses (startle attenuation and larger skin conductance responses) to CS+ versus CS-, and, importantly, both measures confirmed generalization as indicated by generalization gradients. Small changes in CS-US contingency during generalization may have weakened generalization processes on the physiological level. Considering that appetitive conditioned responses can be generalized to non-US-associated stimuli, a next important step would be to investigate risk factors that mediate overgeneralization.}, language = {en} } @article{AppelMarkerMara2019, author = {Appel, Markus and Marker, Caroline and Mara, Martina}, title = {Otakuism and the appeal of sex robots}, series = {Frontiers in Psychology}, volume = {10}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, number = {569}, issn = {1664-1078}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00569}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-195893}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Social robots are becoming increasingly prevalent in everyday life and sex robots are a sub-category of especially high public interest and controversy. Starting from the concept of the otaku, a term from Japanese youth culture that describes secluded persons with a high affinity for fictional manga characters, we examine individual differences behind sex robot appeal (anime and manga fandom, interest in Japanese culture, preference for indoor activities, shyness). In an online-experiment, 261 participants read one out of three randomly assigned descriptions of future technologies (sex robot, nursing robot, genetically modified organism) and reported on their overall evaluation, eeriness, and contact/purchase intentions. Higher anime and manga fandom was associated with higher appeal for all three future technologies. For our male subsample, sex robots and GMOs stood out as shyness yielded a particularly strong relationship to contact/purchase intentions for these new technologies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Arnold2007, author = {Arnold, Bettina}, title = {Modulation der Druckschmerzintensit{\"a}t durch emotionale Bildreize bei Fibromyalgie-, somatoformen Schmerz-, R{\"u}ckenschmerzpatienten und Gesunden}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23103}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Teil 1: Aus fr{\"u}heren Arbeiten geht hervor, dass Fibomyalgiepatienten {\"u}ber eine h{\"o}here Schmerzst{\"a}rke in bezug auf ihren klinischen Schmerz nach negativem emotionalen Priming verglichen mit positivem Priming berichten als Patienten mit muskuloskelettalem Schmerz. Um die affektive Modulation von Druckschmerz bei Fibromyalgiepatienten (n = 30) unter kontrollierten Bedingungen im Vergleich mit Gesunden und Schmerzerkrankungen gekl{\"a}rter Genese (d.h. organisch oder psychisch) beschreiben zu k{\"o}nnen, wurde Schmerz experimentell induziert. Neben 30 Gesunden (schmerzfreien Personen) dienten 30 R{\"u}ckenschmerzpatienten, bei denen eine organische Schmerzgenese vermutet wurde, und 30 somatoforme Schmerzpatienten als Vergleichsgruppen. F{\"u}r die letzte Gruppe, bei der eine psychische Schmerzgenese angenommen wurde, wurde die gleiche Schmerzmodulation wie f{\"u}r die Fibromyalgiepatienten vermutet. Als Primes dienten positive, neutrale, negative und schmerzbezogene Bilder des International Affective Picture Systems. Schmerz wurde {\"u}ber einen konstanten tonischen Druckreiz ausgel{\"o}st; als abh{\"a}ngige Variable wurde die empfundene Schmerzst{\"a}rke erfasst. {\"U}ber alle Versuchspersonen hinweg modulierte die Bildervalenz die Schmerzst{\"a}rke: nach schmerzbezogenen Bildern war die Schmerzst{\"a}rke h{\"o}her als nach negativen und nach negativen Bildern war sie h{\"o}her als nach neutralen. Die Schmerzst{\"a}rken nach neutralen im Vergleich zu positiven Bildern unterschieden sich jedoch nicht signifikant. Somatoforme Schmerzpatienten berichteten {\"u}ber h{\"o}here Schmerzst{\"a}rken als R{\"u}ckenschmerzpatienten und Gesunde. Die Fibromyalgiepatienten zeigten {\"a}hnlich hohe Schmerzst{\"a}rken wie die somatoforme Schmerzgruppe, doch unterschieden sie sich weder von den Gesunden noch von den R{\"u}ckenschmerzpatienten. Zwischen Priming und Gruppe gab es keine Interaktion: Die affektive Schmerzmodulation war bei den Fibromyalgie- und den somatoformen Schmerzpatienten nicht spezifisch ver{\"a}ndert, doch die somatoformen Schmerzpatienten zeigten eine erh{\"o}hte Druckschmerzsensibilit{\"a}t als Gesunde und R{\"u}ckenschmerzpatienten. Teil 2: Es wurde oft vermutet, dass sich Fibromyalgiepatienten hinsichtlich soziodemographischer Daten und psychologischer Merkmale von Schmerzpatienten unterscheiden, deren Schmerz organischer Genese ist wie bei Patienten mit (rheumatoider) Arthritis. Ob sie sich diesbez{\"u}glich von Patienten mit somatoformer Schmerzst{\"o}rung unterscheiden, wurde bis jetzt noch nicht gekl{\"a}rt. Um das psychologische Profil von Fibromyalgiepatienten zu spezifizieren, wurden 25 Fibromyalgie- mit 29 somatoformen Schmerz-, 27 R{\"u}ckenschmerzpatienten und 30 gesunden (schmerfreien) Kontrollpersonen (alle Versuchspersonen hatten am Teil 1 der Studie teil genommen) in bezug auf Unterschiede in soziodemographischen Merkmalen, klinischer Schmerzst{\"a}rke, schmerzbezogene Selbstinstruktionen, Partnerreaktionen, Stressbew{\"a}ltigungsstrategien und Selbstwirksamkeits- und externale Kontroll{\"u}berzeugungen verglichen. Alle drei Schmerzgruppen berichteten {\"u}ber eine st{\"a}rkere Depression, gr{\"o}ßere Trait-Angt und gr{\"o}ßere affektive Verstimmung als die Gesunden. Fibromyalgie- und somatoforme Schmerzpatienten zeigten außerdem eine niedrigere Lebenskontrolle, weniger Aktivit{\"a}ten außer Haus und vermehrt negative Stressbew{\"a}ltigungsstrategien als die Gesunden. Die Fibromalgiepatienten berichteten zudem {\"u}ber eine st{\"a}rkere Somatisierung und gr{\"o}ßere affektive und sensorische Schmerzst{\"a}rken als die R{\"u}ckenschmerzpatienten, aber unterschieden sich nicht von den somatoformen Schmerzpatienten. Des weiteren gaben die Fibromyalgiepatienten mehr Schmerzen an verschiedenen K{\"o}rperstellen an als die R{\"u}ckenschmerzpatienten. Ein unerwartetes Ergebnis war, dass die somatoformen Schmerzpatienten eine gr{\"o}ßere Auspr{\"a}gung im Merkmal Bestrafung (i. s. einer Partnerreaktion) als die Fibromyalgiepatienten (und die Gesunden) zeigten.}, subject = {Schmerz}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bahnik2016, author = {Bahn{\´i}k, Štěp{\´a}n}, title = {Processing fluency and judgment}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-144656}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {To simplify a judgment, people often base it on easily accessible information. One cue that is usually readily available is processing fluency - a metacognitive feeling of ease of cognitive processing. Consequently, processing fluency is used as a cue for many different types of judgment, such as judgment of truth, confidence, and novelty. The present work describes results of three studies investigating various aspects of processing fluency effects on judgment. Processing fluency has been sometimes equated with speed of a cognitive process. Therefore, response times have been used for evaluation of processing fluency. However, response times in experimental tasks often do not encompass only the time needed for a given process, but also the time needed for a decision based on the resulting information. The study described in Chapter II uses a novel experimental method that enables separation of reading and decision times. The results show that people make a decision about liking of pseudowords faster when the pseudowords are hard-to-pronounce (i.e., disfluent) than when they are moderate in pronounceability. This suggests that response times cannot be used as a proxy for processing fluency when they include the time needed to make a decision. One of the studies of judgmental effects of processing fluency showed that food additives with easier pronounceable names are judged to be less harmful than those with hard-to-pronounce names. While people encounter food additives that are safe more often, this environmental association may be in the opposite direction for some categories of objects. For example, people are more likely to see names of especially dangerous criminals in the news. Chapter III describes a study which initially tested whether the fluency-safety association may be in the opposite direction for some categories of objects as a consequence of this selective exposure to especially dangerous exemplars. The results did not show support for this hypothesis. Furthermore, subsequent studies suggest that the previously found association between fluency and safety is replicable with the original stimuli used in the previous research, but not with newly constructed stimuli. Chapter IV describes a study which applied a finding from the processing fluency literature to a positive psychology exercise in order to increase its effectiveness. Namely, the experiment manipulated the number of good things that participants listed daily for two weeks as part of the exercise. While listing more things was considered harder, the number of things listed each day had no effect on effectiveness of the exercise.}, subject = {Urteilen}, language = {en} } @article{BahnikStrack2016, author = {Bahn{\´i}k, Štěp{\´a}n and Strack, Fritz}, title = {Overlap of accessible information undermines the anchoring effect}, series = {Judgment and Decision Making}, volume = {11}, journal = {Judgment and Decision Making}, number = {1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-169287}, pages = {92-98}, year = {2016}, abstract = {According to the Selective Accessibility Model of anchoring, the comparison question in the standard anchoring paradigm activates information that is congruent with an anchor. As a consequence, this information will be more likely to become the basis for the absolute judgment which will therefore be assimilated toward the anchor. However, if the activated information overlaps with information that is elicited by the absolute judgment itself, the preceding comparative judgment should not exert an incremental effect and should fail to result in an anchoring effect. The present studies find this result when the comparative judgment refers to a general category and the absolute judgment refers to a subset of the general category that was activated by the anchor value. For example, participants comparing the average annual temperature in New York City to a high 102 °F judged the average winter, but not summer temperature to be higher than participants making no comparison. On the other hand, participants comparing the annual temperature to a low -4 °F judged the average summer, but not winter temperature to be lower than control participants. This pattern of results was shown also in another content domain. It is consistent with the Selective Accessibility Model but difficult to reconcile with other main explanations of the anchoring effect.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bakhtiari2015, author = {Bakhtiari, Giti}, title = {The Role of Fluency in Oral Approach and Avoidance}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-118666}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Names of, for instance, children or companies are often chosen very carefully. They should sound and feel good. Therefore, many companies try to choose artificially created names that can easily be pronounced in various languages. A wide range of psychological research has demonstrated that easy processing (high processing fluency) is intrinsically experienced as positive. Due to this positive feeling, easy processing can have profound influences on preferences for names. Topolinski, Maschmann, Pecher, and Winkielman (2014) have introduced a different mechanism that influences the perception of words. Across several experiments they found that words featuring consonantal inward wanderings (inward words) were preferred over words featuring consonantal outward wanderings (outward words). They argued that this was due to the fact that approach and avoidance motivations are activated by articulating inward and outward words, because the pronunciation resembles approach and avoidance behaviors of swallowing and spitting, respectively. They suggested this close link as an underlying mechanism for the so-called in-out effect, but did not test this assumption directly. In the current work, I tested an alternative fluency account of the in-out effect. Specifically, I hypothesized that processing fluency might play a critical role instead of motivational states of approach and avoidance being necessarily activated. In Chapter 1, I introduce the general topic of my dissertation, followed by a detailed introduction of the research area of approach and avoidance motivations in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3, I narrow the topic down to orally induced approach and avoidance motivations, which is the main topic of my dissertation. In Chapter 4, I introduce the research area of ecological influences on psychological processes. This chapter builds the base for the idea that human language might serve as a source of processing fluency in the in-out effect. In the following Chapter 5, I elaborate the research area of processing fluency, for which I examined whether it plays a role in the in-out effect. After an overview of my empirical work in Chapter 6, the empirical part starts with Study 1a and Study 1b (Chapter 7) that aimed to show that two languages (Eng. \& Ger.) in which the in-out effect has originally been found might feature a source of higher processing fluency for inward over outward words. The results showed that higher frequencies of inward dynamics compared to outward dynamics were found in both languages. This can lead to higher pronunciation fluency for inward compared to outward words which might in turn lay the ground for higher preferences found for inward over outward words. In Chapter 8, the assumption that inward compared to outward dynamics might be more efficient to process was tested directly in experiments that examined objective as well as subjective processing fluency of artificially constructed non-words featuring pure inward or outward dynamics. Studies 2a-4b found an objective as well as subjective processing advantage for inward over outward words. In Chapter 9, the causal role of objective and subjective pronunciation fluency in the in-out effect was examined. In Study 5 mediational analyses on item-level and across studies were conducted using objective and subjective fluency as possible mediating variables. In Study 6 mediation analyses were conducted with data on subject- and trial-level from a within-subject design. Overall, the data of the item-based, subject-based and trial-based mediation analyses provide rather mixed results. Therefore, an experimental manipulation of fluency was implemented in the last two studies. In Chapter 10, Study 7 and Study 8 demonstrate that manipulating fluency experimentally does indeed modulate the attitudinal impact of consonantal articulation direction. Articulation ease was induced by letting participants train inward or outward kinematics before the actual evaluation phase. Additionally, the simulation training was intensified in Study 8 in order to examine whether a stronger modulation of the in-out effect could be found. Training outward words led to an attenuation and, after more extensive training, even to a reversal of the in-out effect, whereas training inward words led to an enhancement of the in-out effect. This hints at my overall hypothesis that the explicit preferences of inward and outward words are, at least partially, driven by processing fluency. Almost all studies of my dissertation, except for one analysis of the item-based mediation study, speak in favor of the hypothesis that inward words compared to outward words are objectively and subjectively easier to articulate. This possibly contributes partially to a higher preference of inward over outward words. The results are discussed in Chapter 11 with respect to processing fluency and to the role of language as an ecological factor. Finally, future research ideas are elaborated.}, subject = {Sozialpsychologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Baumann2018, author = {Baumann, Christian}, title = {Psychologische und genetische Einflussfaktoren auf die Furchtkonditionierung und die Generalisierung konditionierter Furcht}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-153656}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Bei der Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung von Furcht und Angsterkrankungen stellt, neben der Furchtkonditionierung, die Generalisierung der konditionierten Furcht einen wesentlichen Mechanismus dar. Die der Generalisierung zugrunde liegenden psychologischen und biologischen Prozesse sind jedoch beim Menschen bisher nur wenig untersucht. Ziel dieser Arbeit war, anhand eines neu entwickelten experimentellen Paradigmas den Einfluss eines psychometrisch bestimmbaren angstspezifischen Faktors sowie der mit Furcht und Angst assoziierten Genotypen Stathmin1, COMT Val158Met und BDNF Val66Met auf die Furchtkonditionierung und Generalisierung konditionierter Furcht zu untersuchen und somit m{\"o}gliche Risikofaktoren f{\"u}r die Entstehung von Angsterkrankungen zu bestimmen. Hierf{\"u}r wurden N = 126 gesunde Versuchspersonen (n = 69 weiblich; mittleres Alter M = 23.05, SD = 3.82) f{\"u}r die genannten Polymorphismen genotypisiert und zu {\"a}ngstlichen und affektiven Symptomen befragt. In einer Akquisitionsphase wurden den Probanden zwei neutrale weibliche Gesichter pr{\"a}sentiert (CS), von denen eines mit einem Schrei sowie einem {\"a}ngstlichen Gesichtsausdruck (UCS) gepaart wurde. Der sich anschließende Generalisierungstest erfolgte anhand von vier Gesichtern, die in der {\"A}hnlichkeit zwischen den beiden CS schrittweise {\"u}bergingen. Die Furchtreaktion wurde {\"u}ber die Bewertung von Valenz, Arousal und Kontingenzerwartung sowie {\"u}ber die Hautleitf{\"a}higkeitsreaktion (SCR) erfasst. Die Analyse der Frageb{\"o}gen anhand einer Hauptachsenanalyse und anhand von Strukturgleichungsmodellen erbrachte eine zweifaktorielle L{\"o}sung, die die Konstrukte Depression und Angst abbildete. Nur der Faktor Angst war mit einer ver{\"a}nderten Furchtkonditionierung und Furchtgeneralisierung assoziiert: Hoch {\"A}ngstliche zeigten eine st{\"a}rkere konditionierte Furchtreaktion (Arousal) und wiesen eine st{\"a}rkere Generalisierung der Valenzeinsch{\"a}tzung und Kontingenzerwartung auf. F{\"u}r den Stathmin1 Genotyp ergaben sich geschlechtsspezifische Effekte. Bei den m{\"a}nnlichen Versuchspersonen zeigte sich in Folge der Akquisition ein st{\"a}rkerer Abfall der Valenz f{\"u}r den CS+ in der Gruppe der Stathmin1 T Alleltr{\"a}ger, die ebenfalls eine st{\"a}rkere Generalisierung der Furchtreaktion, abgebildet in allen verbalen Maßen, aufwiesen. Ein gegenteiliger Befund ergab sich f{\"u}r die Gruppe der Frauen, insofern eine mit dem Stathmin1 C Allel assoziierte h{\"o}here Generalisierung der Valenz, des Arousals und der Kontingenzerwartung festgestellt werden konnte. F{\"u}r den COMT Val158Met Genotyp ergaben sich keine Einfl{\"u}sse auf die Akquisition der konditionierten Furcht. F{\"u}r Tr{\"a}ger des COMT 158Val Allels zeigte sich jedoch eine st{\"a}rkere Generalisierung der Valenz und der Kontingenzerwartung. Auch f{\"u}r den BDNF Val66Met Genotyp konnte keine Ver{\"a}nderung der Furchtakquisition beobachtet werden. Es ergaben sich jedoch Hinweise auf eine erh{\"o}hte Generalisierung der Kontingenzerwartung in der Gruppe der BDNF 66Val Homozygoten. F{\"u}r keinen der beschriebenen Faktoren konnte ein Einfluss auf die Furchtkonditionierung oder deren Generalisierung anhand der SCR abgebildet werden. Unsere Ergebnisse weisen auf einen psychometrisch erfassbaren Faktor und genetische Einfl{\"u}sse hin, die {\"u}ber den Prozess einer st{\"a}rkeren Generalisierung der konditionierten Furcht das Risiko f{\"u}r die Entstehung von Angsterkrankungen erh{\"o}hen k{\"o}nnen. Jedoch sollten die Befunde in gr{\"o}ßeren Stichproben repliziert werden. Neben der fr{\"u}hzeitigen Identifikation von Risikofaktoren sollten in zuk{\"u}nftigen Studien dar{\"u}ber hinaus wirksame Maßnahmen zur Pr{\"a}vention und Intervention entwickelt werden, um diesem Risiko entgegen zu wirken.}, subject = {Konditionierung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Beinicke2017, author = {Beinicke, Andrea}, title = {Career Construction Across the Life Span: Career Choice and Career Development}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-117447}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {This dissertation contributes to deepen our understanding of constructs that play a key role in individuals' vocational career construction. In this regard, many previous studies have focused exclusively on a specific phase of an individual's career. Yet, modern societies require continuous investments in one's career to adapt to changing Environments throughout the life span. Consequently, this dissertation takes a broad approach to capture a wide spectrum of career construction processes. According to Super's (1990) developmental stage framework, individuals have to manage vocational developmental tasks corresponding to each of the developmental life stages in order to be career mature across the life span. As the two stages exploration and maintenance set the stage for individuals' future career pathways, they are especially important in individuals' vocational career construction. Therefore, both of them are addressed in this dissertation. By answering open research questions relevant to career choice in early career stages and to career development in later career stages, this dissertation contributes to the overarching goal of shedding more light on constructs relevant to individuals' vocational career construction processes across the life span. Beyond the results presented within each study's horizon, this dissertation aimed at offering practical guidance to career counselors, trainees, and training and development (T\&D) professionals. Career counselors and T\&D professionals are involved in guiding vocational career construction processes of individuals across the life span. Thus, on the one hand, this dissertation supports career counselors' work so that they can help deliberating individuals make optimal and effective career choices. On the other hand, this dissertation facilitates T\&D professionals' work so that they can effectively design and evaluate e-learning and classroom trainings in corporate educational settings. Identifying individuals' vocational interests combined with cognitive abilities through adequate test measures and maximizing success of learning and success of transfer through fostering evidence-based transfer support actions will help individuals adapt quickly to the changing nature of work environments in the 21st century and to continue to successfully construct careers across the life span.}, subject = {Karriere}, language = {en} } @article{BellingerWehrmannRohdeetal.2023, author = {Bellinger, Daniel and Wehrmann, Kristin and Rohde, Anna and Schuppert, Maria and St{\"o}rk, Stefan and Flohr-Jost, Michael and Gall, Dominik and Pauli, Paul and Deckert, J{\"u}rgen and Herrmann, Martin J. and Erhardt-Lehmann, Angelika}, title = {The application of virtual reality exposure versus relaxation training in music performance anxiety: a randomized controlled study}, series = {BMC Psychiatry}, volume = {23}, journal = {BMC Psychiatry}, doi = {10.1186/s12888-023-05040-z}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-357833}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Background Performance anxiety is the most frequently reported anxiety disorder among professional musicians. Typical symptoms are - on a physical level - the consequences of an increase in sympathetic tone with cardiac stress, such as acceleration of heartbeat, increase in blood pressure, increased respiratory rate and tremor up to nausea or flush reactions. These symptoms can cause emotional distress, a reduced musical and artistical performance up to an impaired functioning. While anxiety disorders are preferably treated using cognitive-behavioral therapy with exposure, this approach is rather difficult for treating music performance anxiety since the presence of a public or professional jury is required and not easily available. The use of virtual reality (VR) could therefore display an alternative. So far, no therapy studies on music performance anxiety applying virtual reality exposure therapy have investigated the therapy outcome including cardiovascular changes as outcome parameters. Methods This mono-center, prospective, randomized and controlled clinical trial has a pre-post design with a follow-up period of 6 months. 46 professional and semi-professional musicians will be recruited and allocated randomly to an VR exposure group or a control group receiving progressive muscle relaxation training. Both groups will be treated over 4 single sessions. Music performance anxiety will be diagnosed based on a clinical interview using ICD-10 and DSM-5 criteria for specific phobia or social anxiety. A behavioral assessment test is conducted three times (pre, post, follow-up) in VR through an audition in a concert hall. Primary outcomes are the changes in music performance anxiety measured by the German B{\"u}hnenangstfragebogen and the cardiovascular reactivity reflected by heart rate variability (HRV). Secondary outcomes are changes in blood pressure, stress parameters such as cortisol in the blood and saliva, neuropeptides, and DNA-methylation. Discussion The trial investigates the effect of VR exposure in musicians with performance anxiety compared to a relaxation technique on anxiety symptoms and corresponding cardiovascular parameters. We expect a reduction of anxiety but also a consecutive improvement of HRV with cardiovascular protective effects. Trial registration This study was registered on clinicaltrials.gov. (ClinicalTrials.gov Number: NCT05735860)}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Benhima2009, author = {Benhima, Ghadah}, title = {Die Konzeptionen der neurotischen, hysterischen und psychasthenischen Pers{\"o}nlichkeiten bei Pierre Janet}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51424}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {In dieser Dissertation werden die Begriffe Hysterie und Psychasthenie aus der Hinsicht Pierre Janet, franz{\"o}sischen Arztes des 19. Jahrhundert, anhand zahlreicher Fallbeispiele beschrieben.}, subject = {Hysterie}, language = {de} } @article{BerlijnHildebrandtGamer2022, author = {Berlijn, Adam M. and Hildebrandt, Lea K. and Gamer, Matthias}, title = {Idiosyncratic viewing patterns of social scenes reflect individual preferences}, series = {Journal of Vision}, volume = {22}, journal = {Journal of Vision}, number = {13}, doi = {10.1167/jov.22.13.10}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301029}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In general, humans preferentially look at conspecifics in naturalistic images. However, such group-based effects might conceal systematic individual differences concerning the preference for social information. Here, we investigated to what degree fixations on social features occur consistently within observers and whether this preference generalizes to other measures of social prioritization in the laboratory as well as the real world. Participants carried out a free viewing task, a relevance taps task that required them to actively select image regions that are crucial for understanding a given scene, and they were asked to freely take photographs outside the laboratory that were later classified regarding their social content. We observed stable individual differences in the fixation and active selection of human heads and faces that were correlated across tasks and partly predicted the social content of self-taken photographs. Such relationship was not observed for human bodies indicating that different social elements need to be dissociated. These findings suggest that idiosyncrasies in the visual exploration and interpretation of social features exist and predict real-world behavior. Future studies should further characterize these preferences and elucidate how they shape perception and interpretation of social contexts in healthy participants and patients with mental disorders that affect social functioning.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Berner2007, author = {Berner, Michael P.}, title = {Sensory and motor components of highly skilled action sequences}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23324}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {A series of experiments was conducted in order to investigate motor contributions to learning highly skilled action sequences in contrast to sensory contributions. Experiments 1-4 made use of a bimanual-bisequential variant of the serial reaction time task: Presentation of imperative stimuli was arranged such that participants' left-hand and right-hand responses followed different sequences independently of one another, thus establishing a compound sequence spanning both hands. At least partly independent learning of the two concurrently implemented hand-related sequences was demonstrated after extensive practice under condi-tions of both simultaneous (Experiments 1 \& 2) and alternating (Experiments 3 \& 4) stimulus presentation and responding. It persisted when there was only one imperative stimulus for presenting both hand-related sequences (Experiments 2-4) instead of two separate imperative stimuli (Experiments 1 \& 2), one for each sequence, even when the hand-related sequences were correlated and massive integrated learning of the compound sequence occurred (Ex-periment 4). As for the nature of the independently acquired sequence representations, trans-ferable sequence knowledge was acquired only when there was a separate imperative stimulus for each sequence (Experiments 1 \& 2) but not otherwise (Experiments 2-4). The most likely stimulus-based representations which allow for intermanual transfer can be regarded as sen-sory components of highly skilled action sequences, whereas motor components can be con-sidered as being reflected in effector-specific, non-transferable sequence knowledge. The same decomposition logic applies to transferable and non-transferable sequence knowledge observed under conditions of unimanual practice of a single sequence (Experiments 6 \& 7). The advantage of practicing a key press sequence with fingers of one hand as opposed to practicing it with fingers of both hands (Experiment 5) also implicates a motor component as the two assignments were equivalent in all other respects. Moreover, Experiments 6 and 7 showed that hand-specific sequence knowledge can develop after relatively little practice (as little as approximately 120 sequence repetitions). Presumably, this occurs especially in tasks with particularly pronounced requirements for coarticulation between consecutive finger movements. In sum, the present series of experiments provides compelling evidence for an effector-specific component of sequence learning. Albeit relatively small in size, it emerged consistently under various conditions. By contributing to the refinement of sequential action execution it can play a role in attaining high levels of performance.}, language = {en} } @article{BertiVosselGamer2017, author = {Berti, Stefan and Vossel, Gerhard and Gamer, Matthias}, title = {The orienting response in healthy aging: Novelty P3 indicates no general decline but reduced efficacy for fast stimulation rates}, series = {Frontiers in Psychology}, volume = {8}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01780}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-173651}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Automatic orienting to unexpected changes in the environment is a pre-requisite for adaptive behavior. One prominent mechanism of automatic attentional control is the Orienting Response (OR). Despite the fundamental significance of the OR in everyday life, only little is known about how the OR is affected by healthy aging. We tested this question in two age groups (19-38 and 55-72 years) and measured skin-conductance responses (SCRs) and event-related brain potentials (ERPs) to novels (i.e., short environmental sounds presented only once in the experiment; 10\% of the trials) compared to standard sounds (600 Hz sinusoidal tones with 200 ms duration; 90\% of the trials). Novel and standard stimuli were presented in four conditions differing in the inter-stimulus interval (ISI) with a mean ISI of either 10, 3, 1, or 0.5 s (blocked presentation). In both age groups, pronounced SCRs were elicited by novels in the 10 s ISI condition, suggesting the elicitation of stable ORs. These effects were accompanied by pronounced N1 and frontal P3 amplitudes in the ERP, suggesting that automatic novelty processing and orientation of attention are effective in both age groups. Furthermore, the SCR and ERP effects declined with decreasing ISI length. In addition, differences between the two groups were observable with the fastest presentation rates (i.e., 1 and 0.5 s ISI length). The most prominent difference was a shift of the peak of the frontal positivity from around 300 to 200 ms in the 19-38 years group while in the 55-72 years group the amplitude of the frontal P3 decreased linearly with decreasing ISI length. Taken together, this pattern of results does not suggest a general decline in processing efficacy with healthy aging. At least with very rare changes (here, the novels in the 10 s ISI condition) the OR is as effective in healthy older adults as in younger adults. With faster presentation rates, however, the efficacy of the OR decreases. This seems to result in a switch from novelty to deviant processing in younger adults, but less so in the group of older adults.}, language = {en} } @article{BetzSegerNieding2022, author = {Betz, Ann-Katrin and Seger, Benedikt T. and Nieding, Gerhild}, title = {How can carbon labels and climate-friendly default options on restaurant menus contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions associated with dining?}, series = {PLOS Climate}, volume = {1}, journal = {PLOS Climate}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pclm.0000028}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301039}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In this study, we aimed to understand how restaurants can contribute to climate change mitigation via menu design. We investigated two types of interventions: changing the configuration of menu entries with variable side dishes so that the most climate-friendly option is set as the default and indicating the greenhouse gas emission of each dish via carbon labels. In an online simulation experiment, 265 participants were shown the menus of nine different restaurants and had to choose exactly one dish per menu. In six menus, the main dishes were presented with different default options: the side dish was associated either with the highest or with the lowest greenhouse gas emissions. The other three menus consisted of unitary dishes for which the default rules did not apply. All menus were presented either with or without carbon labels for each dish option. The results indicated that more climate-friendly dish choices resulting in lower greenhouse gas emissions were made with the low-emission than the high-emission default condition, and when carbon labels were present rather than absent. The effects of both interventions interacted, which indicates that the interventions partly overlap with regard to cognitive predecessors of choice behavior, such as attentional focus and social norms. The results suggest that the design of restaurant menus has a considerable effect on the carbon footprint of dining.}, language = {en} } @article{BiereKranzMaturaetal.2020, author = {Biere, Silvia and Kranz, Thorsten M. and Matura, Silke and Petrova, Kristiyana and Streit, Fabian and Chiocchetti, Andreas G. and Grimm, Oliver and Brum, Murielle and Brunkhorst-Kanaan, Natalie and Oertel, Viola and Malyshau, Aliaksandr and Pfennig, Andrea and Bauer, Michael and Schulze, Thomas G. and Kittel-Schneider, Sarah and Reif, Andreas}, title = {Risk Stratification for Bipolar Disorder Using Polygenic Risk Scores Among Young High-Risk Adults}, series = {Frontiers in Psychiatry}, volume = {11}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychiatry}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyt.2020.552532}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-214976}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Objective: Identifying high-risk groups with an increased genetic liability for bipolar disorder (BD) will provide insights into the etiology of BD and contribute to early detection of BD. We used the BD polygenic risk score (PRS) derived from BD genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to explore how such genetic risk manifests in young, high-risk adults. We postulated that BD-PRS would be associated with risk factors for BD. Methods: A final sample of 185 young, high-risk German adults (aged 18-35 years) were grouped into three risk groups and compared to a healthy control group (n = 1,100). The risk groups comprised 117 cases with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 45 with major depressive disorder (MDD), and 23 help-seeking adults with early recognition symptoms [ER: positive family history for BD, (sub)threshold affective symptomatology and/or mood swings, sleeping disorder]. BD-PRS was computed for each participant. Logistic regression models (controlling for sex, age, and the first five ancestry principal components) were used to assess associations of BD-PRS and the high-risk phenotypes. Results: We observed an association between BD-PRS and combined risk group status (OR = 1.48, p < 0.001), ADHD diagnosis (OR = 1.32, p = 0.009), MDD diagnosis (OR = 1.96, p < 0.001), and ER group status (OR = 1.7, p = 0.025; not significant after correction for multiple testing) compared to healthy controls. Conclusions: In the present study, increased genetic risk for BD was a significant predictor for MDD and ADHD status, but not for ER. These findings support an underlying shared risk for both MDD and BD as well as ADHD and BD. Improving our understanding of the underlying genetic architecture of these phenotypes may aid in early identification and risk stratification.}, language = {en} } @article{BilalicKieselPohletal.2011, author = {Bilalic, Merim and Kiesel, Andrea and Pohl, Carsten and Erb, Michael and Grodd, Wolfgang}, title = {It Takes Two-Skilled Recognition of Objects Engages Lateral Areas in Both Hemispheres}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {6}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0016202}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-176935}, pages = {e16202}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Our object recognition abilities, a direct product of our experience with objects, are fine-tuned to perfection. Left temporal and lateral areas along the dorsal, action related stream, as well as left infero-temporal areas along the ventral, object related stream are engaged in object recognition. Here we show that expertise modulates the activity of dorsal areas in the recognition of man-made objects with clearly specified functions. Expert chess players were faster than chess novices in identifying chess objects and their functional relations. Experts' advantage was domain-specific as there were no differences between groups in a control task featuring geometrical shapes. The pattern of eye movements supported the notion that experts' extensive knowledge about domain objects and their functions enabled superior recognition even when experts were not directly fixating the objects of interest. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) related exclusively the areas along the dorsal stream to chess specific object recognition. Besides the commonly involved left temporal and parietal lateral brain areas, we found that only in experts homologous areas on the right hemisphere were also engaged in chess specific object recognition. Based on these results, we discuss whether skilled object recognition does not only involve a more efficient version of the processes found in non-skilled recognition, but also qualitatively different cognitive processes which engage additional brain areas}, language = {en} } @incollection{BjorklundMuirBroaddusSchneider1990, author = {Bjorklund, David F. and Muir-Broaddus, Jacqueline E. and Schneider, Wolfgang}, title = {The role of knowledge in the development of strategies}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-86538}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1990}, abstract = {No abstract available.}, subject = {Wissen}, language = {en} } @article{BjorklundSchneiderCasseletal.1994, author = {Bjorklund, David F. and Schneider, Wolfgang and Cassel, William S. and Ashley, Elizabeth}, title = {Training and Extension of a Memory Strategy: Evidence for Utilization Deficiencies in the Acquisition of an Organizational Strategy in High- and Low-IQ Children}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62234}, year = {1994}, abstract = {143 9- and 10-year-oId children were classified into high- and Jow-IQ groups and given 4 different sort/recall lists (baseline, training, near [immediate] extension, far [l-week] extension) to assess training and extension of an organizational memory strategy. All children received categorized items of moderate typicality for Phases 1, 3, and 4. For Phase 2, children were assigned to either a training or control group, with half of the children in each group receiving category typical items and the others category atypical items. Levels of recall, sorting, and clustering were greater in Phase 2 for high-IQ children, for the typical lists, and for trained children. Both the high- and low-IQ children trained with typical items continued to show high levels of recall on the near extension phase. No group of subjects maintained high levels of recall after 1 week, although levels of sorting and/or clustering on the extension trials remained high for all groups of subjects except the low-IQ control children. This latter pattern (elevated sorting/clustering with low levels of recall) is an indication of a utilization deficiency, a phase in strategy development when children use a strategy but gain little or no benefit n performance. The results provide evidence for IQ, training, and material effects in the demonstration of a utilization deficiency.}, subject = {Psychologie}, language = {en} } @article{BjorklundSchneiderHarnishfegeretal.1992, author = {Bjorklund, David F. and Schneider, Wolfgang and Harnishfeger, Katherine Kipp and Cassel, William S. and Bjorklund, Barbara R. and Bernholtz, Jean E.}, title = {The role of IQ, expertise, and motivation in the recall of familiar Information}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62204}, year = {1992}, abstract = {High- and low-IQ children in the first, third, and fifth grades performed two free-recall tasks: a sort-recall task with sets of categorically related pictures, and a class-recall task, with children recalling the current members of their school class. All children were deemed to be experts concerning the composition of their school class, but, unlike experts in other domains, had no special motivation associated with their expertise. Recall and clustering on both tasks were high. The high-IQ children performed better than low-IQ children only on the sort-recall task. IQ was significantly correlated with measures of performance on the sort-recall task but not on the class-recall task. The results reflect the fact that the memory benefits associated with being an expert (here, elimination of IQ effects) are related to the greater knowledge the expert possesses and not to factors of motivation.}, subject = {Psychologie}, language = {en} } @article{BlechertMeuleBuschetal.2014, author = {Blechert, Jens and Meule, Adrian and Busch, Niko A. and Ohla, Kathrin}, title = {Food-pics: an image database for experimental research on eating and appetite}, series = {Frontiers in Psychology}, volume = {5}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, issn = {1664-1078}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00617}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-115987}, pages = {617}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Our current environment is characterized by the omnipresence of food cues. The sight and smell of real foods, but also graphically depictions of appetizing foods, can guide our eating behavior, for example, by eliciting food craving and influencing food choice. The relevance of visual food cues on human information processing has been demonstrated by a growing body of studies employing food images across the disciplines of psychology, medicine, and neuroscience. However, currently used food image sets vary considerably across laboratories and image characteristics (contrast, brightness, etc.) and food composition (calories, macronutrients, etc.) are often unspecified. These factors might have contributed to some of the inconsistencies of this research. To remedy this, we developed food-pics, a picture database comprising 568 food images and 315 non-food images along with detailed meta-data. A total of N = 1988 individuals with large variance in age and weight from German speaking countries and North America provided normative ratings of valence, arousal, palatability, desire to eat, recognizability and visual complexity. Furthermore, data on macronutrients (g), energy density (kcal), and physical image characteristics (color composition, contrast, brightness, size, complexity) are provided. The food-pics image database is freely available under the creative commons license with the hope that the set will facilitate standardization and comparability across studies and advance experimental research on the determinants of eating behavior. Read F}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Blickle2024, author = {Blickle, Marc Manuel}, title = {Das Zusammenspiel von Herz und Gehirn: Interozeptive Genauigkeit, Herzratenvariabilit{\"a}t und funktionelle Konnektivit{\"a}t kortikaler Netzwerke bei depressiven Patientinnen und Patienten}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31676}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-316762}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Hintergrund: Depressionen z{\"a}hlen zu den h{\"a}ufigsten psychischen Erkrankungen. Depressive Symptome umfassen beeintr{\"a}chtigte kognitive Funktionen, vegetative Beschwerden und ein ver{\"a}ndertes emotionales Erleben. Die defizit{\"a}re Wahrnehmung interner k{\"o}rperlicher Signale wird sowohl mit der Pathogenese der Depression als auch mit Angstst{\"o}rungen in Verbindung gebracht. Interozeptive Genauigkeit (IAc) beschreibt dabei die F{\"a}higkeit, k{\"o}rperliche Empfindungen wie den eigenen Herzschlag akkurat wahrzunehmen und wird mit einer Herzwahrnehmungsaufgabe erfasst. In bildgebenden Verfahren wie der funktionellen Magnetresonanztomografie (fMRT) war eine niedrigere IAc mit einer verringerten Inselaktivit{\"a}t assoziiert. W{\"a}hrend der Ruhezustandsmessung des Gehirns (resting-state fMRT) kann in Abwesenheit einer Aufgabe die intrinsische Aktivit{\"a}t des Gehirns gemessen werden. Dies erm{\"o}glicht die Identifizierung von kortikalen Netzwerken. Depressive Patienten weisen eine ver{\"a}nderte funktionelle Konnektivit{\"a}t innerhalb und zwischen einzelnen Netzwerken wie dem Salience Network (SN), welchem die Insel zugerechnet wird, und dem Default Mode Network (DMN) auf. Bisherige Studien, in denen {\"u}berwiegend j{\"u}ngere depressive Patienten untersucht wurden, kamen jedoch hinsichtlich der IAc und den kortikalen Netzwerken zu inkonsistenten Ergebnissen. Insbesondere ist unklar, inwieweit sich die IAc nach einem Therapieansprechen ver{\"a}ndert, von der Herzratenvariabilit{\"a}t (HRV) moduliert wird und welche Auswirkungen dies auf die funktionelle Konnektivit{\"a}t kortikaler Netzwerke hat. Ziele: Eine ver{\"a}nderte IAc und HRV wie auch funktionelle Konnektivit{\"a}tsunterschiede im DMN und SN k{\"o}nnten Biomarker der Depression darstellen. Im Rahmen einer L{\"a}ngsschnittuntersuchung wurde getestet, ob {\"a}ltere depressive Patienten {\"u}ber eine verringerte IAc, eine geringere HRV und {\"u}ber eine ver{\"a}nderte funktionelle Konnektivit{\"a}t im SN sowie DMN verf{\"u}gen. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus sollte erforscht werden, in welchem Ausmaß sich Patienten, die auf die Behandlung ansprachen (Responder), von sogenannten Non-Respondern in Bezug auf die IAc, die HRV, das SN und das DMN unterschieden. Methoden: In Studie 1 (Baseline) wurden 30 gr{\"o}ßtenteils medizierte, schwer depressive Patienten (> 50 Jahre) und 30 gesunde Kontrollprobanden untersucht. Die IAc wurde in einer Herzwahrnehmungsaufgabe ermittelt und die HRV bestimmt. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde eine resting-state fMRT durchgef{\"u}hrt. Eine funktionelle Konnektivit{\"a}tsanalyse f{\"u}r Saatregionen im SN und DMN wurde mit einem saatbasierten Ansatz (seed-to-voxel) durchgef{\"u}hrt. F{\"u}r eine Subgruppenanalyse wurde die Patientengruppe in {\"a}ngstlich-depressive und nicht-{\"a}ngstlich depressive Patienten unterteilt. In Studie 2 (sechs Monate Follow-up) wurde die Studienkohorte nochmals untersucht. Es nahmen 21 Personen der Patientengruppe und 28 Probanden der Kontrollgruppe teil. Wiederum wurden die IAc und die HRV bestimmt. Außerdem fand eine resting-state fMRT-Messung statt. Die Patientengruppe wurde unterteilt in depressive Responder und Non-Responder. Ergebnisse: In Studie 1 zeigten depressive Patienten eine funktionelle Hypokonnektivit{\"a}t zwischen einzelnen Saatregionen der Insel (SN) und Teilen des superioren frontalen Gyrus, des supplement{\"a}rmotorischen Cortex, des lateralen okzipitalen Cortex sowie des Okzipitalpols. Zudem wiesen depressive Patienten zwischen der Saatregion im anterioren Teil des DMN und der Insel sowie dem Operculum eine erh{\"o}hte funktionelle Konnektivit{\"a}t auf. Die Gruppen unterschieden sich nicht in der IAc und der HRV. {\"A}ngstlich-depressive Patienten zeigten eine h{\"o}here funktionelle Konnektivit{\"a}t innerhalb der Insel als nicht-{\"a}ngstlich depressive Patienten, jedoch zeigten sich keine Unterschiede in der IAc und der HRV. In Studie 2 wiesen depressive Non-Responder im Vergleich zu Respondern eine Hyperkonnektivit{\"a}t zwischen dem posterioren DMN und dem Frontalpol sowie zwischen dem posterioren DMN und temporalen Arealen im SN auf. Keine funktionellen Konnektivit{\"a}tsunterschiede zeigten sich f{\"u}r die Saatregionen im SN. Depressive Responder, Non-Responder und die Kontrollprobanden unterschieden sich in ihrer IAc und HRV nicht. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Ergebnisse der Studien unterstreichen, dass bei depressiven Patienten, Respondern und Non-Respondern Unterschiede in der intrinsischen Gehirnaktivit{\"a}t funktioneller Netzwerke bestehen, jedoch nicht in der akkuraten Wahrnehmung des eigenen Herzschlages und der HRV. Therapeutische Interventionen, die auf eine Verbesserung der IAc abzielen, k{\"o}nnten insbesondere f{\"u}r Non-Responder dennoch eine zus{\"a}tzliche Behandlungsm{\"o}glichkeit darstellen. F{\"u}r eine personalisierte Medizin k{\"o}nnte die weitere Erforschung von kortikalen Netzwerken einen wesentlichen Beitrag leisten, um ein individuelles Therapieansprechen zu pr{\"a}dizieren.}, subject = {Depression}, language = {de} } @article{BoehmeRitterTefikowetal.2015, author = {Boehme, Stephanie and Ritter, Viktoria and Tefikow, Susan and Stangier, Ulrich and Strauss, Bernhard and Miltner, Wolfgang H. R. and Straube, Thomas}, title = {Neural correlates of emotional interference in social anxiety disorder}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {10}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {6}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0128608}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148534}, pages = {e0128608}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Disorder-relevant but task-unrelated stimuli impair cognitive performance in social anxiety disorder (SAD); however, time course and neural correlates of emotional interference are unknown. The present study investigated time course and neural basis of emotional interference in SAD using event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Patients with SAD and healthy controls performed an emotional stroop task which allowed examining interference effects on the current and the succeeding trial. Reaction time data showed an emotional interference effect in the current trial, but not the succeeding trial, specifically in SAD. FMRI data showed greater activation in the left amygdala, bilateral insula, medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and left opercular part of the inferior frontal gyrus during emotional interference of the current trial in SAD patients. Furthermore, we found a positive correlation between patients' interference scores and activation in the mPFC, dorsal ACC and left angular/supramarginal gyrus. Taken together, results indicate a network of brain regions comprising amygdala, insula, mPFC, ACC, and areas strongly involved in language processing during the processing of task-unrelated threat in SAD. However, specifically the activation in mPFC, dorsal ACC, and left angular/supramarginal gyrus is associated with the strength of the interference effect, suggesting a cognitive network model of attentional bias in SAD. This probably comprises exceeded allocation of attentional resources to disorder-related information of the presented stimuli and increased self-referential and semantic processing of threat words in SAD.}, language = {en} } @article{BollBartholomaeusPeteretal.2016, author = {Boll, Sabine and Bartholomaeus, Marie and Peter, Ulrike and Lupke, Ulrike and Gamer, Matthias}, title = {Attentional mechanisms of social perception are biased in social phobia}, series = {Journal of Anxiety Disorders}, volume = {40}, journal = {Journal of Anxiety Disorders}, doi = {10.1016/j.janxdis.2016.04.004}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-189046}, pages = {83-93}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Previous studies of social phobia have reported an increased vigilance to social threat cues but also an avoidance of socially relevant stimuli such as eye gaze. The primary aim of this study was to examine attentional mechanisms relevant for perceiving social cues by means of abnormalities in scanning of facial features in patients with social phobia. In two novel experimental paradigms, patients with social phobia and healthy controls matched on age, gender and education were compared regarding their gazing behavior towards facial cues. The first experiment was an emotion classification paradigm which allowed for differentiating reflexive attentional shifts from sustained attention towards diagnostically relevant facial features. In the second experiment, attentional orienting by gaze direction was assessed in a gaze-cueing paradigm in which non-predictive gaze cues shifted attention towards or away from subsequently presented targets. We found that patients as compared to controls reflexively oriented their attention more frequently towards the eyes of emotional faces in the emotion classification paradigm. This initial hypervigilance for the eye region was observed at very early attentional stages when faces were presented for 150 ms, and persisted when facial stimuli were shown for 3 s. Moreover, a delayed attentional orienting into the direction of eye gaze was observed in individuals with social phobia suggesting a differential time course of eye gaze processing in patients and controls. Our findings suggest that basic mechanisms of early attentional exploration of social cues are biased in social phobia and might contribute to the development and maintenance of the disorder.}, language = {en} } @article{BorkowskiSchneiderPressley1989, author = {Borkowski, John G. and Schneider, Wolfgang and Pressley, Michael}, title = {The challenges of teaching good information processing to learning disabled students}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62117}, year = {1989}, abstract = {A MODEL of good information processing is sketched, describing how metacognitive knowledge influences strategy selection and use. Three factors pose particular problems for learning disabled students as they attempt to acquire metacognitive knowledge and to use study strategies productively: neurological impairments; deficiencies in general world knowledge; and negative beliefs, attitudes, and styles that limit self-efficacy. Creating an educational atmosphere that explicitly builds conceptual (domain-specific) knowledge and teaches positive beliefs about learning potential is essential in promoting metacognitively-oriented instruction.}, subject = {Psychologie}, language = {en} } @article{BoschetScherbaumPittig2022, author = {Boschet, Juliane M. and Scherbaum, Stefan and Pittig, Andre}, title = {Costly avoidance of Pavlovian fear stimuli and the temporal dynamics of its decision process}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {12}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-022-09931-1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301041}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Conflicts between avoiding feared stimuli versus approaching them for competing rewards are essential for functional behavior and anxious psychopathology. Yet, little is known about the underlying decision process. We examined approach-avoidance decisions and their temporal dynamics when avoiding Pavlovian fear stimuli conflicted with gaining rewards. First, a formerly neutral stimulus (CS+) was repeatedly paired with an aversive stimulus (US) to establish Pavlovian fear. Another stimulus (CS-) was never paired with the US. A control group received neutral tones instead of aversive USs. Next, in each of 324 trials, participants chose between a CS-/low reward and a CS+/high reward option. For the latter, probability of CS+ presentation (Pavlovian fear information) and reward magnitude (reward information) varied. Computer mouse movements were tracked to capture the decision dynamics. Although no more USs occurred, pronounced and persistent costly avoidance of the Pavlovian fear CS+ was found. Time-continuous multiple regression of movement trajectories revealed a stronger and faster impact of Pavlovian fear compared to reward information during decision-making. The impact of fear information, but not reward information, modestly decreased across trials. These findings suggest a persistently stronger weighting of fear compared to reward information during approach-avoidance decisions, which may facilitate the development of pathological avoidance.}, language = {en} } @article{BossertLaessleMeilleretal.1991, author = {Bossert, Sabine and Laessle, Reinhold G. and Meiller, Caroline and Junker, Matthias and Ellgring, Johann Heinrich and Pirke, Karl-Martin}, title = {Visual palatability of food in patients with eating disorders and dieting women}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-42466}, year = {1991}, abstract = {The effects of 19 meals of different caloric content on slides on palatability and hypothetical duration of consumption were investigated in 7 patients with anorexia nervosa, 17 patients with bulimia nervosa at the beginning and after 8 weeks of hospital treatment. Nine healthy females served as controls. At the beginning of treatment, palatability of low caloric food was significantly higher and hypothetical duration of consumption of high caloric food was significantly longer in patients when compared to controls. After 8 weeks, in the patients palatability of low caloric food had decreased. Dislike for high caloric food remained stable in anorexics.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BossertMeilerLaessleetal.1989, author = {Bossert, Sabine and Meiler, Caroline and Laessle, Reinhold and Ellgring, Heiner and Pirke, Karl-Martin}, title = {Responses to visual perception of food in eating disorders}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-58762}, year = {1989}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Psychologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Botrel2018, author = {Botrel, Loic}, title = {Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) based on sensorimotor rhythms - Evaluating practical interventions to improve their performance and reduce BCI inefficiency}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-168110}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Brain computer interfaces based on sensorimotor rhythms modulation (SMR-BCIs) allow people to emit commands to an interface by imagining right hand, left hand or feet movements. The neurophysiological activation associated with those specific mental imageries can be measured by electroencephalography and detected by machine learning algorithms. Improvements for SMR-BCI accuracy in the last 30 years seem to have reached a limit. The currrent main issue with SMR-BCIs is that between 15\% to 30\% cannot use the BCI, called the "BCI inefficiency" issue. Alternatively to hardware and software improvements, investigating the individual characteristics of the BCI users has became an interesting approach to overcome BCI inefficiency. In this dissertation, I reviewed existing literature concerning the individual sources of variation in SMR-BCI accuracy and identified generic individual characteristics. In the empirical investigation, attention and motor dexterity predictors for SMR-BCI performance were implemented into a trainings that would manipulate those predictors and lead to higher SMR-BCI accuracy. Those predictors were identified by Hammer et al. (2012) as the ability to concentrate (associated with relaxation levels) and "mean error duration" in a two-hand visuo-motor coordination task (VMC). Prior to a SMR-BCI session, a total of n=154 participants in two locations took part of 23 min sessions of either Jacobson's Progressive Muscle Relaxation session (PMR), a VMC session, or a control group (CG). No effect of PMR or VMC manipulation was found, but the manipulation checks did not consistently confirm whether PMR had an effect of relaxation levels and VMC on "mean error duration". In this first study, correlations between relaxation levels or "mean error duration" and accuracy were found but not in both locations. A second study, involving n=39 participants intensified the training in four sessions on four consecutive days or either PMR, VMC or CG. The effect or manipulation was assessed for in terms of a causal relationship by using a PRE-POST study design. The manipulation checks of this second study validated the positive effect of training on both relaxation and "mean error duration". But the manipulation did not yield a specific effect on BCI accuracy. The predictors were not found again, displaying the instability of relaxation levels and "mean error duration" in being associated with BCI performance. An effect of time on BCI accuracy was found, and a correlation between State Mindfulness Scale and accuracy were reported. Results indicated that a short training of PMR or VMC were insufficient in increasing SMR-BCI accuracy. This study contrasted with studies succeeding in increasing SMR-BCI accuracy Tan et al. (2009, 2014), by the shortness of its training and the relaxation training that did not include mindfulness. It also contrasted by its manipulation checks and its comprehensive experimental approach that attempted to replicate existing predictors or correlates for SMR-BCI accuracy. The prediction of BCI accuracy by individual characteristics is receiving increased attention, but requires replication studies and a comprehensive approach, to contribute to the growing base of evidence of predictors for SMR-BCI accuracy. While short PMR and VMC trainings could not yield an effect on BCI performance, mindfulness meditation training might be beneficial for SMR-BCI accuracy. Moreover, it could be implemented for people in the locked-in-syndrome, allowing to reach the end-users that are the most in need for improvements in BCI performance.}, subject = {Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Braun2013, author = {Braun, Barbara}, title = {Versorgung pathologischer Gl{\"u}cksspieler: Differentielle Aspekte der Inanspruchnahme von Hilfsangeboten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-95703}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Ziele. Die Zielsetzung der vorliegenden Arbeit war eine Bewertung der Versorgungslage von Personen mit gl{\"u}cksspielbezogenen Problemen in Deutschland. Dabei wurden 1) der Zugang zum Versorgungssystem, n{\"a}mlich 1.1) Problembewusstsein bzgl. gl{\"u}cksspielbezogener Probleme und Erreichbarkeit von Gl{\"u}cksspielern {\"u}ber das Internet und 1.2) Faktoren der Inanspruchnahme von Hilfsangeboten untersucht sowie 1.3) eine Charakterisierung der Klientel in ambulanten Suchthilfeeinrichtungen und deren Zugang zum Hilfesystem vorgenommen. Zudem wurden in ambulanten Suchthilfeeinrichtungen 2) die erbrachten Leistungen f{\"u}r Personen mit gl{\"u}cksspielbezogenen Problemen und Einflussfaktoren auf die Versorgungsnutzung bzw. den Behandlungsverlauf sowie 3) das Behandlungsergebnis einer Analyse unterzogen. Methodik. Die Arbeit basiert auf drei Studien: einer Onlinestudie (OS), einer Versorgungsstudie (VS) und einer Bev{\"o}lkerungsstudie (BS). In der OS wurde eine Gelegenheitsstichprobe von Personen, die einen im Internet bereitgestellten Selbsttest zu pathologischem Gl{\"u}cksspielen (PG) vollst{\"a}ndig ausf{\"u}llten (n=277) und bei Erf{\"u}llen der Einschlusskriterien anschließend an einer vertiefenden Studie teilnahmen (n=52), hinsichtlich soziodemographischer Charakteristika, Spielverhalten und spielbezogener Motive, PG inklusive Folgen, Beratungserfahrungen sowie psychopathologischen Variablen untersucht. In den anderen Studien wurden weitestgehend dieselben Instrumente verwendet. Die VS war eine Verlaufsstudie (Messzeitpunkte: Behandlungsbeginn und -ende), bei der konsekutiv Klienten aus n=36 ambulanten Suchthilfeeinrichtungen in Bayern aufgenommen wurden, die sich zwischen April 2009 und August 2010 vorstellten (n=461). F{\"u}r die BS wurden Daten aus dem Epidemiologi-schen Suchtsurvey 2006 und 2009 herangezogen, einer Deutschland weiten repr{\"a}sentativen Querschnittbefragung 18- bis 64-J{\"a}hriger Erwachsener (2006: n=7.810; 2009: n=8.002). Ergebnisse. Zum Zugang zur Versorgung sind 1.1) {\"u}ber das Internet erreichbare Gl{\"u}cksspieler haupts{\"a}chlich junge, ledige M{\"a}nner, von denen ungef{\"a}hr die H{\"a}lfte die Diagnose PG erf{\"u}llen. Anhand der Spielmotive lassen sich drei Spielerklassen abbilden, die sich hinsichtlich ihres Schweregrads von PG unterschieden. Die Bereitschaft zur Teilnahme an einem Online-Pr{\"a}ventionsprogramm h{\"a}ngt haupts{\"a}chlich mit der Anzahl erf{\"u}llter DSM-IV-Kriterien f{\"u}r PG zusammen. Im Gegensatz zur VS sind die online erreichten Gl{\"u}cksspieler j{\"u}nger und zu einem h{\"o}heren Anteil subklinisch pathologische Gl{\"u}cksspieler (SPG, ein bis vier erf{\"u}llte DSM-IV-Kriterien f{\"u}r PG). 1.2) Hinsichtlich der Faktoren der Inanspruchnahme best{\"a}tigen sich systematische Unterschiede zwischen Gl{\"u}cksspielern in Behandlung und nicht in Behandlung. Ebenso zeigen sich Unterschiede zwischen SPGr und pathologischen Gl{\"u}cksspielern (PGr). Dabei ist die Anzahl erf{\"u}llter DSM-IV-Kriterien f{\"u}r PG der wichtigste Pr{\"a}diktor f{\"u}r einen positiven Behandlungsstatus. Auch soziodemographische Merkmale, insbesondere Alter und Staatsangeh{\"o}rigkeit, spielen eine Rolle. 1.3) Die Mehrheit der Klienten in ambulanten Suchthilfeeinrichtungen ist m{\"a}nnlich, durchschnittlich 37 Jahre alt, ledig und kinderlos und hat h{\"a}ufig eine ausl{\"a}ndische Staatsb{\"u}rgerschaft. Die am h{\"a}ufigsten gespielte und bevorzugte Spielform ist das Spielen an Geldspielautomaten. Viele der Klienten haben bereits im Vorfeld Hilfe in Anspruch genommen und Gr{\"u}nde f{\"u}r die Vorstellung in der Beratungsstelle waren in ungef{\"a}hr drei Viertel der F{\"a}llen finanzielle Probleme und bei ungef{\"a}hr der H{\"a}lfte Probleme in der Partnerschaft. In der ambulanten Suchthilfe sind 2) Pr{\"a}diktoren f{\"u}r eine l{\"a}ngere Kontaktdauer u.a. der Einbezug der Familie und Gruppengespr{\"a}che. Behandlungsabbr{\"u}che werden u.a. durch eine nicht-deutsche Staatsb{\"u}rgerschaft und h{\"o}here Spielfrequenz vorhergesagt. 3) Regul{\"a}re Beendigung und h{\"o}here Kontaktzahl sind u.a. Pr{\"a}diktoren f{\"u}r eine Verbesserung der Gl{\"u}cksspielsymptomatik. Schlussfolgerungen. Vor dem Hintergrund der Ergebnisse werden Implikationen f{\"u}r die Weiterentwicklung des Versorgungssystems zum einen im Sinne einer Erweiterung und Anpassung der Versorgungsstrukturen abgeleitet, wobei auf Information und Aufkl{\"a}rung, Fr{\"u}herkennung und Fr{\"u}hintervention mit einem Fokus auf Online-Angeboten sowie zielgruppen-spezifische Angebote unter anderem f{\"u}r Angeh{\"o}rige eingegangen wird. Auch die Wichtigkeit der Vernetzung verschiedener an der Beratung/Behandlung von PGr beteiligten Einrichtungen wird herausgestellt. Zum anderen beziehen sich die diskutierten m{\"o}glichen Weiterentwicklungen auf das Versorgungsangebot und Behandlungsmerkmale, was Therapieumfeld/-voraussetzungen, Therapieplanung sowie therapeutische Maßnahmen beinhaltet.}, subject = {Gl{\"u}cksspieler}, language = {de} } @article{BreilBoeckler2020, author = {Breil, Christina and B{\"o}ckler, Anne}, title = {The Lens Shapes the View: on Task Dependency in ToM Research}, series = {Current Behavioral Neuroscience Reports}, volume = {7}, journal = {Current Behavioral Neuroscience Reports}, doi = {10.1007/s40473-020-00205-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-232646}, pages = {41-50}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Purpose of Review This article provides an overview of current findings on Theory of Mind (ToM) in human children and adults and highlights the relationship between task specifications and their outcome in socio-cognitive research. Recent Findings ToM, the capacity to reason about and infer others' mental states, develops progressively throughout childhood—the exact time course is still a matter of debate. Neuroimaging studies indicate the involvement of a widespread neuronal network during mentalizing, suggesting that ToM is a multifaceted process. Accordingly, the tasks and trainings that currently exist to investigate and enhance ToM are heterogeneous, and the outcomes largely depend on the paradigm that was used. Summary We argue for the implementation of multiple-task batteries in the assessment of socio-cognitive abilities. Decisions for a particular paradigm need to be carefully considered and justified. We want to emphasize the importance of targeted research on the relationship between task specifications and outcomes.}, language = {en} } @article{BreilHuesteggeBoeckler2022, author = {Breil, Christina and Huestegge, Lynn and B{\"o}ckler, Anne}, title = {From eye to arrow: Attention capture by direct gaze requires more than just the eyes}, series = {Attention, Perception \& Psychophysics}, volume = {84}, journal = {Attention, Perception \& Psychophysics}, number = {1}, issn = {1943-393X}, doi = {10.3758/s13414-021-02382-2}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-273206}, pages = {64-75}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Human attention is strongly attracted by direct gaze and sudden onset motion. The sudden direct-gaze effect refers to the processing advantage for targets appearing on peripheral faces that suddenly establish eye contact. Here, we investigate the necessity of social information for attention capture by (sudden onset) ostensive cues. Six experiments involving 204 participants applied (1) naturalistic faces, (2) arrows, (3) schematic eyes, (4) naturalistic eyes, or schematic facial configurations (5) without or (6) with head turn to an attention-capture paradigm. Trials started with two stimuli oriented towards the observer and two stimuli pointing into the periphery. Simultaneous to target presentation, one direct stimulus changed to averted and one averted stimulus changed to direct, yielding a 2 × 2 factorial design with direction and motion cues being absent or present. We replicated the (sudden) direct-gaze effect for photographic faces, but found no corresponding effects in Experiments 2-6. Hence, a holistic and socially meaningful facial context seems vital for attention capture by direct gaze. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: The present study highlights the significance of context information for social attention. Our findings demonstrate that the direct-gaze effect, that is, the prioritization of direct gaze over averted gaze, critically relies on the presentation of a meaningful holistic and naturalistic facial context. This pattern of results is evidence in favor of early effects of surrounding social information on attention capture by direct gaze.}, language = {en} } @article{BreilKanskePittigetal.2021, author = {Breil, Christina and Kanske, Philipp and Pittig, Roxana and B{\"o}ckler, Anne}, title = {A revised instrument for the assessment of empathy and Theory of Mind in adolescents: Introducing the EmpaToM-Y}, series = {Behavior Research Methods}, volume = {53}, journal = {Behavior Research Methods}, doi = {10.3758/s13428-021-01589-3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-302877}, pages = {2487-2501}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Empathy and Theory of Mind (ToM) are two core components of social understanding. The EmpaToM is a validated social video task that allows for independent manipulation and assessment of the two capacities. First applications revealed that empathy and ToM are dissociable constructs on a neuronal as well as on a behavioral level. As the EmpaToM has been designed for the assessment of social understanding in adults, it has a high degree of complexity and comprises topics that are inadequate for minors. For this reason, we designed a new version of the EmpaToM that is especially suited to measure empathy and ToM in youths. In experiment 1, we successfully validated the EmpaToM-Y on the original EmpaToM in an adult sample (N = 61), revealing a similar pattern of results across tasks and strong correlations of all constructs. As intended, the performance measure for ToM and the control condition of the EmpaToM-Y showed reduced difficulty. In experiment 2, we tested the feasibility of the EmpaToM-Y in a group of teenagers (N = 36). Results indicate a reliable empathy induction and higher demands of ToM questions for adolescents. We provide a promising task for future research targeting inter-individual variability of socio-cognitive and socio-affective capacities as well as their precursors and outcomes in healthy minors and clinical populations.}, language = {en} } @article{BriegelAndritschky2021, author = {Briegel, Wolfgang and Andritschky, Christoph}, title = {Psychological adjustment of children and adolescents with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome and their mothers' stress and coping — a longitudinal study}, series = {International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health}, volume = {18}, journal = {International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health}, number = {5}, issn = {1660-4601}, doi = {10.3390/ijerph18052707}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-234101}, year = {2021}, abstract = {At present, there is a lack of longitudinal studies on the psychological adjustment of both children and adolescents with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) and their primary caregivers. To fill this gap, we performed a four-year follow-up study. Mothers filled out the Child Behavior Checklist 4-18, the Social Orientation of Parents with Handicapped Children questionnaire to assess maternal stress and coping strategies, and the Freiburger Personality Inventory-Revised — subscales strain and life satisfaction. Fifty-five subjects with 22q11.2DS (26 males and 29 females; age: M = 10.79 years, SD = 3.56 years) and their biological mothers (age: M = 40.84 years, SD = 4.68 years) were included in this study. Significantly higher levels of behavior problems than in the general population and an increase in these problems, especially internalizing ones, over time could be found. In contrast, maternal stress did not change significantly over time, but mothers demonstrated increased levels of strain and reduced life satisfaction at T2. Thus, careful monitoring as well as early and adequate interventions, if indicated, should be offered to families with a child with 22q11.2DS, not only for somatic complaints but also for problems with psychological adjustment.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Brill2019, author = {Brill, Michael}, title = {Spontaneous eye blinks as an alternative measure for spatial presence experiences}, edition = {1. Auflage}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-95826-094-8}, doi = {10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-095-5}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-167898}, school = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, pages = {xvi, 265}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Spatial presence, a state in which media users temporarily overlook the mediated nature of their media use experience, is frequently assessed by means of post-session self-report scales. However, such methods have methodical limitations, for example concerning measurement of dynamic fluctuations in presence during media use. Consequently, researchers have tested several approaches that try to infer subjective experiences of spatial presence from objectively measurable indicators. The present doctoral thesis examines aspects of temporal structure in spontaneous eye-blink behavior. Cognitive processes—and especially attention—are seen as essential antecedents of presence experiences. Because such cognitive processes influence timing of spontaneous eye-blinks, it is tested if the degree of stimulus-dependent structure in spontaneous eye-blink behavior is related to presence self-report scores. To address this research question, the thesis first establishes a theoretical framework, including theorizing and empirical findings on presence, on related media use phenomena, spontaneous eye-blink behavior, and subjective and objective approaches for presence assessment. Then, three experiments are presented that examine the relation between self-reported presence, and amount of stimulus-dependent structure in blinking behavior. Three different methods for quantification of stimulus-dependent structure are tested in different media environments, and are related to an established presence scale. Discussion of the experimental findings leads, on the one hand, to fundamental questions on the presence concept and on the understanding of stimulus-dependent structure in spontaneous eye-blink behavior. On the other hand, interpretation of the results emphasizes the necessity for methods with appropriate temporal resolution, that consider both media events and user behavior.}, subject = {Lidschlag}, language = {en} } @article{BrillSchwab2019, author = {Brill, Michael and Schwab, Frank}, title = {A mixed-methods approach using self-report, observational time series data, and content analysis for process analysis of a media reception phenomenon}, series = {Frontiers in Psychology}, volume = {10}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01666}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201380}, pages = {1666}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Due to the complexityof research objects, theoretical concepts, and stimuli in media research, researchers in psychology and communications presumably need sophisticated measures beyond self-report scales to answer research questions on media use processes. The present study evaluates stimulus-dependent structure in spontaneous eye-blink behavior as an objective, corroborative measure for the media use phenomenon of spatial presence. To this end, a mixed methods approach is used in an experimental setting to collect, combine, analyze, and interpret data from standardized participant self-report, observation of participant behavior, and content analysis of the media stimulus. T-pattern detection is used to analyze stimulus-dependent blinking behavior, and this structural data is then contrasted with self-report data. The combined results show that behavioral indicators yield the predicted results, while self-report data shows unpredicted results that are not predicted by the underlying theory. The use of a mixed methods approach offered insights that support further theory development and theory testing beyond a traditional, mono-method experimental approach.}, language = {en} } @incollection{BrownHeinzeKrueger1975, author = {Brown, C. C. and Heinze, B. and Kr{\"u}ger, Hans-Peter}, title = {Der exakte 2x2x2-Felder-Kontingenztest. (Brown-Heinze-Kr{\"u}ger-Tafeln)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-40933}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1975}, abstract = {No abstract available}, language = {de} } @incollection{BrownHeinzeKrueger1975, author = {Brown, C. C. and Heinze, B. and Kr{\"u}ger, Hans-Peter}, title = {Tafel des exakten 2x2x2-Felder-Kontingenztests}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-40952}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1975}, abstract = {No abstract available}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bruch2022, author = {Bruch, Doroth{\´e}e Eva-Maria}, title = {‚\(Social\) \(Buffering\)'. Die Rolle der Anwesenheit einer zweiten Person auf physiologische Angstreaktionen bei M{\"a}nnern}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28244}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-282443}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {‚Social Buffering' beschreibt den positiven Einfluss eines Artgenossen auf die Verarbeitung aversiver Reize. In Tierexperimenten zeigte sich, dass Tiere mit geringeren Anspannungsreaktionen reagieren, wenn ein weiteres Tier w{\"a}hrend der Pr{\"a}sentation von Angstreizen anwesend ist. Eine Untersuchung an einer weiblichen Stichprobe replizierte den Effekt am Menschen. Allerdings gibt es Hinweise auf m{\"o}gliche Geschlechtsunterschiede. Da vergleichbare Experimente bei M{\"a}nnern fehlen, will sich diese Studie der Frage n{\"a}hern, ob die reine Anwesenheit einer fremden m{\"a}nnlichen Person im Stande ist, autonome Angstreaktionen bei M{\"a}nnern abzumildern. Daf{\"u}r wurden 72 m{\"a}nnliche, psychisch gesunde Probanden auf zwei Gruppen aufgeteilt, welche eine identische Stimulation mit angstinduzierenden und neutralen T{\"o}nen erhielten. Die M{\"a}nner der Alleinbedingung wurden allein getestet (n allein = 36), die der Sozialbedingung zusammen mit einer fremden m{\"a}nnlichen Person (n sozial = 36). Bei allen Probanden wurden die Hautleitf{\"a}higkeitsreaktionen (skin conductance response; SCR) w{\"a}hrend der Antizipation und der Darbietung der T{\"o}ne erfasst. Außerdem wurden die Probanden nach ihrem Gef{\"u}hlszustand befragt (Rating). Als relevante Pers{\"o}nlichkeitsdimensionen wurden anhand von Frageb{\"o}gen die Angstsensitivit{\"a}t (ASI-3), die {\"A}ngstlichkeit als Trait (STAI trait), die {\"A}ngstlichkeit als State (STAI state) und der Eindruck des Probanden von der anwesenden m{\"a}nnlichen Person erhoben. Die Ergebnisse zeigten keine signifikanten Unterschiede in den SCRs und Ratings bez{\"u}glich des angstinduzierenden Tones. Dieses Ergebnis legt nahe, dass bei der m{\"a}nnlichen Stichprobe kein ‚Social Buffering'-Effekt vorlag. Weiterhin waren die autonomen Reaktionen auf die Angstreize h{\"o}her, je {\"a}hnlicher der Mann die fremde Person zu sich bewertete. Die m{\"o}glichen Ursachen des fehlenden ‚Social-Buffering'-Effekts werden unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung von Geschlechtsunterschieden im Umgang mit Angst und sozialer Unterst{\"u}tzung diskutiert.}, subject = {Geschlechtsunterschiede}, language = {de} } @unpublished{BrychHaendel2020, author = {Brych, Mareike and H{\"a}ndel, Barbara}, title = {Disentangling top-down and bottom-up influences on blinks in the visual and auditory domain}, series = {International Journal of Psychophysiology}, journal = {International Journal of Psychophysiology}, issn = {1872-7697}, doi = {10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2020.11.002}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-246590}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Sensory input as well as cognitive factors can drive the modulation of blinking. Our aim was to dissociate sensory driven bottom-up from cognitive top-down influences on blinking behavior and compare these influences between the auditory and the visual domain. Using an oddball paradigm, we found a significant pre-stimulus decrease in blink probability for visual input compared to auditory input. Sensory input further led to an early post-stimulus blink increase in both modalities if a task demanded attention to the input. Only visual input caused a pronounced early increase without a task. In case of a target or the omission of a stimulus (as compared to standard input), an additional late increase in blink rate was found in the auditory and visual domain. This suggests that blink modulation must be based on the interpretation of the input, but does not need any sensory input at all to occur. Our results show a complex modulation of blinking based on top-down factors such as prediction and attention in addition to sensory-based influences. The magnitude of the modulation is mainly influenced by general attentional demands, while the latency of this modulation allows to dissociate general from specific top-down influences that are independent of the sensory domain.}, language = {en} } @article{BrychHaendelRiechelmannetal.2021, author = {Brych, Mareike and H{\"a}ndel, Barbara F. and Riechelmann, Eva and Pieczykolan, Aleksandra and Huestegge, Lynn}, title = {Effects of vocal demands on pupil dilation}, series = {Psychophysiology}, volume = {58}, journal = {Psychophysiology}, number = {2}, doi = {10.1111/psyp.13729}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-224425}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Pupil dilation is known to be affected by a variety of factors, including physical (e.g., light) and cognitive sources of influence (e.g., mental load due to working memory demands, stimulus/response competition etc.). In the present experiment, we tested the extent to which vocal demands (speaking) can affect pupil dilation. Based on corresponding preliminary evidence found in a reanalysis of an existing data set from our lab, we setup a new experiment that systematically investigated vocal response-related effects compared to mere jaw/lip movement and button press responses. Conditions changed on a trial-by-trial basis while participants were instructed to keep fixating a central cross on a screen throughout. In line with our prediction (and previous observation), speaking caused the pupils to dilate strongest, followed by nonvocal movements and finally a baseline condition without any vocal or muscular demands. An additional analysis of blink rates showed no difference in blink frequency between vocal and baseline conditions, but different blink dynamics. Finally, simultaneously recorded electromyographic activity showed that muscle activity may contribute to some (but not all) aspects of the observed effects on pupil size. The results are discussed in the context of other recent research indicating effects of perceived (instead of executed) vocal action on pupil dynamics.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Brych2022, author = {Brych, Mareike Kimberly}, title = {How movements and cognition interact: An investigation of spontaneous blinks}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-26737}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-267376}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {During natural behavior, cognitive processes constantly coincide with body movements such as head or eye movements or blinks. However, during experimental investigations of cognitive processes, movements are often highly restricted which is rather unnatural. In order to improve our understanding of natural behavior, this thesis investigates the interaction between cognition and movements by focusing on spontaneous blinks, which naturally interact with other body movements. Spontaneous blinks are inevitably connected to vision as they shut out incoming visual information. Both sensory-based and cognitive factors, for example, stimulus occurrence and evaluation, were reported to influence blink behavior. Our first study investigated if such influences are comparable for visual and non-visual input. The chosen experimental design allowed dissociating sensory-driven and cognitive influences, which then could be compared between the visual and auditory domain. Our results show that blinks are more strongly modulated during passive observation of visual input compared to auditory input. This modulation is however enhanced for both input modalities by an increased attentional demand. In addition, the cognitively defined meaning of a stimulus changes blink latency independent of the sensory domain. Overall, our findings show that spontaneous blinks and cognitive processes are linked beyond vision. Moreover, the underlying cognitive processes that influence blinks are largely the same across different sensory input indicating that blinks are profoundly integrated into our system. When investigating natural behavior, it is important to consider that movements rarely occur in isolation, but are executed side by side. As these movements interact and have a link to cognitive processes, the complexity of our system increases. In order to take this complexity into account, the second part of the experimental research focused on movement interactions, more specifically on the interactions between blinks, pupil size and speaking. Our results reveal that speech-related motor activity increases blink rate and pupil size as well as modulates blink timing. This is in line with previous research that described a relation between different body and eye movements. Importantly, each bodily-induced change in eye movements affects visual information intake. Therefore, different movements can be tightly linked to perceptual processes through complex interactions. Altogether, the work of this thesis provides rich evidence that movements and cognitive processes are deeply intertwined. Therefore, movements should be seen as an integral part of our system. Taking the relevance of movements and their interactions into account during experimental investigations is necessary in order to reveal a more realistic and complete picture of human natural behavior.}, subject = {Kognition}, language = {en} } @article{BrychMuraliHaendel2021, author = {Brych, Mareike and Murali, Supriya and H{\"a}ndel, Barbara}, title = {The Role of Blinks, Microsaccades and their Retinal Consequences in Bistable Motion Perception}, series = {Frontiers in Psychology}, volume = {12}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, issn = {1664-1078}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2021.647256}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-235217}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Eye-related movements such as blinks and microsaccades are modulated during bistable perceptual tasks. However, if they play an active role during internal perceptual switches is not known. We conducted two experiments involving an ambiguous plaid stimulus, wherein participants were asked to continuously report their percept, which could consist of either unidirectional coherent or bidirectional component movement. Our main results show that blinks and microsaccades did not facilitate perceptual switches. On the contrary, a reduction in eye movements preceded the perceptual switch. Blanks, on the other hand, thought to mimic the retinal consequences of a blink, consistently led to a switch. Through the timing of the blank-introduced perceptual change, we were able to estimate the delay between the internal switch and the response. This delay further allowed us to evaluate that the reduction in blink probability co-occurred with the internal perceptual switch. Additionally, our results indicate that distinct internal processes underlie the switch to coherent vs. component percept. Blanks exclusively facilitated a switch to the coherent percept, and only the switch to coherent percept was followed by an increase in blink rate. In a second study, we largely replicated the findings and included a microsaccade analysis. Microsaccades only showed a weak relation with perceptual switches, but their direction was correlated with the perceived motion direction. Nevertheless, our data suggests an interaction between microsaccades and blinks by showing that microsaccades were differently modulated around blinks compared with blanks. This study shows that a reduction in eye movements precedes internal perceptual switches indicating that the rate of blinks can set the stage for a reinterpretation of sensory input. While a perceptual switch based on changed sensory input usually leads to an increase in blink rate, such an increase was only present after the perceptual switch to coherent motion but absent after the switch to component percept. This provides evidence of different underlying mechanism or internal consequence of the two perceptual switches and suggests that blinks can uncover differences in internal percept-related processes that are not evident from the percept itself.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bruetting2013, author = {Br{\"u}tting, Johanna}, title = {Psychotherapie spezifischer Phobien: Die Bedeutung der Angstaktivierung f{\"u}r Therapieprozess und Therapieerfolg}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-80578}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, inwiefern die Angstaktivierung Einfluss auf den Therapieprozess und den Therapieerfolg bei der Behandlung spezifischer Phobien hat. Obwohl expositionsbasierte Therapieverfahren nachweislich effektiv sind und vor allem bei der Behandlung spezifischer Phobien als die Methode der Wahl gelten, sind deren genauen Wirkmechanismen doch noch nicht v{\"o}llig gekl{\"a}rt. In zwei empirischen Studien wurde hier die von Foa und Kozak (1986, 1991) in der „Emotional Processing Theory" als notwendig postulierte Rolle der Angstaktivierung w{\"a}hrend der Exposition untersucht. In der ersten Studie wurde auf Grundlage tier- und humanexperimenteller Befunde untersucht, ob durch eine Reaktivierung der Angst und darauffolgende Exposition innerhalb eines bestimmten Zeitfensters (= Rekonsolidierungsfenster) die R{\"u}ckkehr der Angst verhindert werden kann. Ziel dieser Untersuchung war die {\"U}bertragung bisheriger Ergebnisse aus Konditionierungsstudien auf eine klinische Stichprobe. Die spinnenphobischen Untersuchungsteilnehmer (N = 36) wurden randomisiert entweder der Reaktivierungsgruppe (RG) oder einer Standardexpositionsgruppe (SEG) zugewiesen. Die RG bekam vor der Exposition in virtueller Realit{\"a}t (VRET) f{\"u}nf Sekunden lang einen Reaktivierungsstimulus - eine virtuelle Spinne - dargeboten, woraufhin zehn Minuten standardisierte Wartezeit folgte. In der SEG wurde die Angst vor der Exposition nicht reaktiviert. 24 Stunden nach der VRET wurde in einem Test die spontane R{\"u}ckkehr der Angst erfasst. Entgegen der Annahmen f{\"u}hrte die Reaktivierung vor der VRET nicht zu einer geringeren R{\"u}ckkehr der Angst in der Testsitzung 24 Stunden sp{\"a}ter. Die Angst kehrte in keiner der beiden Versuchsgruppen zur{\"u}ck, was sich bez{\"u}glich subjektiver Angstratings, f{\"u}r Verhaltensdaten und auch f{\"u}r physiologische Maße zeigte. Auch zeigte sich ein grunds{\"a}tzlich positiver Effekt der Behandlung, bei der im Anschluss noch eine Exposition in vivo stattfand. Ein Follow-Up nach sechs Monaten ergab eine weitere Reduktion der Spinnenangst. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass sich die experimentellen Befunde zu Rekonsolidierungsprozessen aus Konditionierungsstudien nicht einfach auf ein Therapiesetting und die Behandlung spezifischer Phobien {\"u}bertragen lassen. Die zweite Studie befasste sich mit der Frage, ob Koffein die initiale Angstaktivierung erh{\"o}hen kann und ob sich dies positiv auf den Therapieerfolg auswirkt. Die spinnenphobischen Studienteilnehmer (N = 35) wurden in einem doppelblinden Versuchsdesign entweder der Koffeingruppe (KOFG) oder der Placebogruppe (PG) zugeordnet. Die KOFG erhielt eine Stunde vor Beginn der VRET eine Koffeintablette mit 200 mg Koffein, die PG erhielt als {\"A}quivalent zur gleichen Zeit eine Placebotablette. Eine Analyse der Speichelproben der Probanden ergab, dass sich die Koffeinkonzentration durch die Koffeintablette signifikant erh{\"o}hte. Dies f{\"u}hrte jedoch nicht, wie erwartet, zu einer h{\"o}heren Angstaktivierung w{\"a}hrend der VRET, weshalb unter anderem diskutiert wird, ob evtl. die Koffeinkonzentration zu niedrig war, um anxiogen zu wirken. Dennoch profitierten die Teilnehmer beider Versuchsgruppen von unserem Behandlungsangebot. Die Spinnenangst reduzierte sich signifikant {\"u}ber vier Sitzungen hinweg. Diese Reduktion blieb stabil bis zum Follow-Up drei Monate nach Studienende. Zusammengefasst l{\"a}sst sich zur optimalen H{\"o}he der Angstaktivierung aufgrund der hier durchgef{\"u}hrten beiden Studien keine exakte Aussage machen, da sich die Versuchsgruppen in beiden Studien hinsichtlich der H{\"o}he der Angstaktivierung zu Beginn (und auch w{\"a}hrend) der Exposition nicht unterschieden. Es l{\"a}sst sich aber festhalten, dass die VRET und auch die in vivo Exposition in beiden Studien effektiv Angst ausl{\"o}sten und dass sich die Angst in beiden Gruppen signifikant bis zu den Follow-Ups (sechs bzw. drei Monate nach Studienende) signifikant reduzierte. Die Behandlung kann also als erfolgreich angesehen werden. M{\"o}gliche andere Wirkfaktoren der Expositionstherapie, wie z.B. die Rolle der wahrgenommenen Kontrolle werden neben der H{\"o}he der Angstaktivierung diskutiert.}, subject = {Psychotherapie}, language = {de} }