@phdthesis{Muthers2017, author = {Muthers, Johannes}, title = {Essays in Industrial Organization}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-141671}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The dissertation deals with the market and welfare effects of different business practices and the firm's incentives to use them: resale price maintenance, revenue sharing of a platform operator, membership fees to buyers using a platform and patent licensing. In the second chapter we investigate the incentives of two manufacturers with common retailers to use resale price maintenance (RPM). Retailers provide product specific services that increase demand and manufacturers use minimum RPM to compete for favorable services for their products. Minimum RPM increases consumer pricesby voiding retailer price competition and can create a prisoner's dilemma for manufacturers without increasing, and possibly even decreasing the overall service level. If manufacturer market power is asymmetric, minimum RPM tends to distort the allocation of sales services towards the high-priced products of the manufacturer with more market power. These results challenge the service argument as an efficiency defense for minimum RPM. The third chapter deals with trade platforms whose operators not only allow third party sellers to offer their products to consumers, but also offer products themselves. In this context, the platform operator faces a hold-up problem if he uses classical two-part tariffs only (which previous literature on two-sided markets has focused on) as potential competition between the platform operator and sellers reduces platform attractiveness. Since some sellers refuse to join the platform, some products that are not known to the platform operator will not be offered at all. We discuss the effects of different platform tariffs on this hold-up problem. We find that revenue-based fees lower the platform operator's incentives to compete with sellers, increasing platform attractiveness. Therefore, charging such proportional fees can be profitable, what may explain why several trade platforms indeed charge proportional fees. The fourth chapter investigates the optimal tariff system in a model in which buyers are heterogeneous. A platform model is presented in which transactions are modeled explicitly and buyers can differ in their expected valuations when they decide to join the platform. The main effect that the model identifies is that the participation decision sorts buyers according to their expected valuations. This affects the pricing of sellers. Furthermore diffing form the usual approach, in which buyers are ex-ante homogeneous, the platform does not internalize the full transaction surplus. Hence it does not implement the socially efficient price on the platform, also it has control of the price with the transaction fee. The fifth chapter investigates the effects of licensing on the market outcome after the patent has expired. In a setting with endogenous entry, a licensee has a head start over the competition which translated into a first mover advantage if strategies are strategic substitutes. As competitive strategies quantities and informative advertising are considered explicitly. We find that although licensing increases the joint profit of the patentee and licensee, this does not necessarily come from a reduction in consumer surplus or other firms profits. For the case of quantity competition we show that licensing is welfare improving. For the case of informative advertising, however, we show that licensing increases prices and is thus detrimental to consumer surplus.}, subject = {Wettbewerbsverhalten}, language = {en} } @techreport{TiegnaZante2021, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Tiegna, Janneke and Zant{\´e}, Nestor}, title = {Forschung {\"u}ber B{\"u}rgerwehren in Burkina Faso: Herausforderungen und Strategien des Feldzugangs}, issn = {2698-2684}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24057}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-240575}, pages = {37}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Dieses Working Paper veranschaulicht, wie sich die beiden Forscher*innen Janneke Tiegna und Nestor Zant{\´e} des Teilprojekts F „Lokale Selbstregelungen f{\"u}r die Herstellung von Sicherheit: B{\"u}rgerwehren in Burkina Faso", w{\"a}hrend ihres bisherigen Forschungsaufenthalts von September 2019 bis Februar 2020 Zugang in ihre Forschungsgemeinden im Westen und S{\"u}den Burkina Fasos verschafft haben. Zant{\´e} forschte zu der Selbstverteidigungsgruppe Koglw{\´e}ogo und Tiegna zu den Dozo-J{\"a}ger*innen. Dieses Working Paper erkl{\"a}rt zun{\"a}chst die Zielgruppe und die Forschungsgebiete und geht dabei kurz auf das Forschungsinteresse ein. Es folgen Erl{\"a}uterungen zur Vorbereitung auf den Feldaufenthalt. Ausf{\"u}hrlich werden die Herausforderungen der Forschung {\"u}ber diese sensible Thematik erl{\"a}utert sowie Abwehrreaktionen und Widerst{\"a}nde im Feld dargestellt. Anschließend erkl{\"a}ren Tiegna und Zant{\´e}, mit wel-chen Strategien sie diesen Herausforderungen begegnet sind.}, subject = {Burkina Faso}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{MokayRinke2021, author = {Mokay-Rinke, Shiloe Marie}, title = {The Integration of Female Refugees in Germany: Perspectives of Women and an Analysis of Federal and Selected State and City Integration Policies from 1998 to 2019}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24304}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-243047}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The following study, The Integration of Female Refugees in Germany: Perspectives of Women and an Analysis of Federal and Selected State and City Integration Policies from 1998-2019, is focused on the qualitative analysis of integration policy in Germany regarding female refugees. The states of North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria, and Saxony-Anhalt have been selected for this dissertation as well as the cities of Cologne, Wuerzburg, and Magdeburg. Through an analysis and comparison of integration policies and programs on the federal and selected state and city levels the question will be answered how recognized female refugees are taken into account with the development and formulation of integration policy in Germany. The analysis is then complemented through interviews with recognized female refugees in each of the states and cities. Through analyzing the results of the interviews the question will be answered how the women view their situation and integration. Through a comparison of the findings from the policy analysis and the interviews it will then be able to decipher if integration policies and programs are truly reaching their target group, if they are effective, or what hurdles they may be producing. The goal of the study is to provide initial findings on the overall integration of recognized female refugees in Germany in connection to integration policies in order to discover potential deficits or ineffective programs and policies which can then be further researched in order to produce concrete policy suggestions.}, subject = {Organisation}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Djakowski2024, author = {Djakowski, Paul}, title = {Schulische politische Bildung in Deutschland und Polen. Eine kompetenzbasierte komparative Analyse der Leitf{\"a}cher f{\"u}r politische Bildung anhand von Stundentafeln und Curricula allgemeinbildender staatlicher Schulformen der Primarstufe sowie der Sekundarstufen I und II im Schuljahr 2019/20}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-95826-230-0}, doi = {10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-231-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-326799}, school = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, pages = {XXI, 593}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Politische Bildung {\"u}bt nicht nur einen großen Einfluss auf die zuk{\"u}nftige Konstellation des politischen Systems aus, sondern beeinflusst ebenfalls das soziale Miteinander pr{\"a}gend. Damit werden entscheidende Weichen f{\"u}r die Entwicklung der Gesellschaft, der Nation und des Staates gestellt. Im Zuge dieses Prozesses durchl{\"a}uft jeder junge B{\"u}rger einen politischen Bildungsweg an Schulen. Die Vorgaben dar{\"u}ber, wie schulische politische Bildung auszusehen hat und welche Kompetenzen Sch{\"u}ler in diesem Zusammenhang erwerben sollen, geben die Kultus- bzw. Bildungsministerien in Curricula vor, verbindlich f{\"u}r alle Lehrer. Durch eine komparative Analyse der Curricula kann damit eindeutig die staatlich vorgegebene politische, gesellschaftliche und soziale Richtung festgestellt werden, die junge Menschen einschlagen sollen. Welche edukativen Ziele der politischen Bildung werden verfolgt? Was sollen Sch{\"u}ler lernen, um mit diesen Kompetenzen die Zukunft ihres Kollektivs zu gestalten? Wo liegen die Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zweier Staaten, in unserem Fall Deutschlands und Polens, im Hinblick auf die schulische politische Bildung? Beantwortet werden diese Fragestellungen durch das Anwenden zweier Methoden der qualitativen Sozialforschung, der komparativen Inhaltsanalyse, zum einen der strukturierenden zum anderen der induktiven. Davor erfolgt eine komparativ quantitative Untersuchung, die den Umfang der Unterrichtszeit in den Leitf{\"a}chern f{\"u}r politische Bildung in allen Bundesl{\"a}ndern und in Polen vergleicht, was einer empirischen Totalerhebung der komplex umfangreichen Daten entspricht. Die quantitativen Forschungsergebnisse zeigen deutliche Differenzen zwischen Deutschland und Polen, in einem der beiden Staaten wird signifikant mehr Zeit f{\"u}r politische Bildung im Leitfach dieser Disziplin investiert als im anderen. Anhand der qualitativen Daten ist zu erkennen, dass einerseits eine gemeinsame Grundbasis von Kompetenzen der politischen Bildung zwischen Deutschland und Polen besteht. Anderseits stechen in beiden L{\"a}ndern eindeutige Unterschiede hervor, deren Ursprung zum einen historische Erfahrungen der Nationen und Staaten abbildet, zum anderen aktuell gegens{\"a}tzliche politische Interessen untermauert.}, subject = {Politische Bildung}, language = {de} }