@phdthesis{Betzold2022, author = {Betzold, Simon}, title = {Starke Licht-Materie-Wechselwirkung und Polaritonkondensation in hemisph{\"a}rischen Mikrokavit{\"a}ten mit eingebetteten organischen Halbleitern}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-26665}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-266654}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Kavit{\"a}ts-Exziton-Polaritonen (Polaritonen) sind hybride Quasiteilchen, die sich aufgrund starker Kopplung von Halbleiter-Exzitonen mit Kavit{\"a}tsphotonen ausbilden. Diese Quasiteilchen weisen eine Reihe interessanter Eigenschaften auf, was sie einerseits f{\"u}r die Grundlagenforschung, andererseits auch f{\"u}r die Entwicklung neuartiger Bauteile sehr vielversprechend macht. Bei Erreichen einer ausreichend großen Teilchendichte geht das System in den Exziton-Polariton-Kondensationszustand {\"u}ber, was zur Emission von laserartigem Licht f{\"u}hrt. Organische Halbleiter als aktives Emittermaterial zeigen in diesem Kontext großes Potential, da deren Exzitonen neben großen Oszillatorst{\"a}rken auch hohe Bindungsenergien aufweisen. Deshalb ist es m{\"o}glich, unter Verwendung organischer Halbleiter selbst bei Umgebungsbedingungen {\"a}ußerst stabile Polaritonen zu erzeugen. Eine wichtige Voraussetzung zur Umsetzung von integrierten opto-elektronischen Bauteilen basierend auf Polaritonen ist der kontrollierte r{\"a}umliche Einschluss sowie die Realisierung von frei konfigurierbaren Potentiallandschaften. Diese Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Entwicklung und der Untersuchung geeigneter Plattformen zur Erzeugung von Exziton-Polaritonen und Polaritonkondensaten in hemisph{\"a}rischen Mikrokavit{\"a}ten, in die organische Halbleiter eingebettet sind.}, subject = {Exziton-Polariton}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Scheffler2023, author = {Scheffler, Lukas}, title = {Molecular beam epitaxy of the half-Heusler antiferromagnet CuMnSb}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32283}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-322839}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This work presents a newly developed method for the epitaxial growth of the half-Heusler antiferromagnet CuMnSb. All necessary process steps, from buffer growth to the deposition of a protective layer, are presented in detail. Using structural, electrical, and magnetic characterization, the material parameters of the epitaxial CuMnSb layers are investigated. The successful growth of CuMnSb by molecular beam epitaxy is demonstrated on InAs (001), GaSb (001), and InP (001) substrates. While CuMnSb can be grown pseudomorphically on InAs and GaSb, the significant lattice mismatch for growth on InP leads to relaxation already at low film thicknesses. Due to the lower conductivity of GaSb compared to InAs, GaSb substrates are particularly suitable for the fabrication of CuMnSb layers for lateral electrical transport experiments. However, by growing a high-resistive ZnTe interlayer below the CuMnSb layer, lateral transport experiments on CuMnSb layers grown on InAs can also be realized. Protective layers of Ru and Al2O3 have proven to be suitable for protecting the CuMnSb layers from the environment. Structural characterization by high resolution X-ray diffraction (full width at half maximum of 7.7 ′′ of the rocking curve) and atomic force microscopy (root mean square surface roughness of 0.14 nm) reveals an outstanding crystal quality of the epitaxial CuMnSb layers. The half-Heusler crystal structure is confirmed by scanning transmission electron microscopy and the stoichiometric material composition by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry. In line with the high crystal quality, a new minimum value of the residual resistance of CuMnSb (𝜌0 = 35 μΩ ⋅ cm) could be measured utilizing basic electrical transport experiments. An elaborate study of epitaxial CuMnSb grown on GaSb reveals a dependence of the vertical lattice parameter on the Mn/Sb flux ratio. This characteristic enables the growth of tensile, unstrained, and compressive strained CuMnSb layers on a single substrate material. Additionally, it is shown that the N{\´e}el temperature has a maximum of 62 K at stoichiometric material composition and thus can be utilized as a selection tool for stoichiometric CuMnSb samples. Mn-related defects are believed to be the driving force for these observations. The magnetic characterization of the epitaxial CuMnSb films is performed by superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry. Magnetic behavior comparable to the bulk material is found, however, an additional complex magnetic phase appears in thin CuMnSb films and/or at low magnetic fields, which has not been previously reported for CuMnSb. This magnetic phase is believed to be localized at the CuMnSb surface and exhibits both superparamagnetic and spin-glass-like behavior. The exchange bias effect of CuMnSb is investigated in combination with different in- and out-of-plane ferromagnets. It is shown that the exchange bias effect can only be observed in combination with in-plane ferromagnets. Finally, the first attempts at the growth of fully epitaxial CuMnSb/NiMnSb heterostructures are presented. Both magnetic and structural studies by secondary-ion mass spectrometry indicate the interdiffusion of Cu and Ni atoms between the two half-Heusler layers, however, an exchange bias effect can be observed for the CuMnSb/NiMnSb heterostructures. Whether this exchange bias effect originates from exchange interaction between the CuMnSb and NiMnSb layers, or from ferromagnetic inclusions in the antiferromagnetic layer can not be conclusively identified.}, subject = {Molekularstrahlepitaxie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Harder2022, author = {Harder, Tristan H.}, title = {Topological Modes and Flatbands in Microcavity Exciton-Polariton Lattices}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25900}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259008}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The fascination of microcavity exciton-polaritons (polaritons) rests upon the combination of advanced technological control over both the III-V semiconductor material platform as well as the precise spectroscopic access to polaritonic states, which provide access to the investigation of open questions and complex phenomena due to the inherent nonlinearity and direct spectroscopic observables such as energy-resolved real and Fourier space information, pseudospin and coherence. The focus of this work was to advance the research area of polariton lattice simulators with a particular emphasis on their lasing properties. Following the brief introduction into the fundamental physics of polariton lattices in chapter 2, important aspects of the sample fabrication as well as the Fourier spectroscopy techniques used to investigate various features of these lattices were summarized in chapter 3. Here, the implementation of a spatial light modulator for advanced excitation schemes was presented. At the foundation of this work is the capability to confine polaritons into micropillars or microtraps resulting in discrete energy levels. By arranging these pillars or traps into various lattice geometries and ensuring coupling between neighbouring sites, polaritonic band structures were engineered. In chapter 4, the formation of a band structure was visualised in detail by investigating ribbons of honeycomb lattices. Here, the transition of the discrete energy levels of a single chain of microtraps to the fully developed band structure of a honeycomb lattice was observed. This study allows to design the size of individual domains in more complicated lattice geometries such that a description using band structures becomes feasible, as it revealed that a width of just six unit cells is sufficient to reproduce all characteristic features of the S band of a honeycomb lattice. In particular in the context of potential technological applications in the realms of lasing, the laser-like, coherent emission from polariton microcavities that can be achieved through the excitation of polariton condensates is intriguing. The condensation process is significantly altered in a lattice potential environment when compared to a planar microcavity. Therefore, an investigation of the polariton condensation process in a lattice with respect to the characteristics of the excitation laser, the exciton-photon detuning as well as the reduced trap distance that represents a key design parameter for polaritonic lattices was performed. Based on the demonstration of polariton condensation into multiple bands, the preferred condensation into a desired band was achieved by selecting the appropriate detuning. Additionally, a decreased condensation threshold in confined systems compared to a planar microcavity was revealed. In chapter 5, the influence of the peculiar feature of flatbands arising in certain lattice geometries, such as the Lieb and Kagome lattices, on polaritons and polariton condensates was investigated. Deviations from a lattice simulator described by a tight binding model that is solely based on nearest neighbour coupling cause a remaining dispersiveness of the flatbands along certain directions of the Brillouin zone. Therefore, the influence of the reduced trap distance on the dispersiveness of the flatbands was investigated and precise technological control over the flatbands was demonstrated. As next-nearest neighbour coupling is reduced drastically by increasing the distance between the corresponding traps, increasing the reduced trap distance enables to tune the S flatbands of both Lieb and Kagome lattices from dispersive bands to flatbands with a bandwidth on the order of the polariton linewidth. Additionally to technological control over the band structures, the controlled excitation of large condensates, single compact localized state (CLS) condensates as well as the resonant excitation of polaritons in a Lieb flatband were demonstrated. Furthermore, selective condensation into flatbands was realised. This combination of technological and spectroscopic control illustrates the capabilities of polariton lattice simulators and was used to study the coherence of flatband polariton condensates. Here, the ability to tune the dispersiveness from a dispersive band to an almost perfect flatband in combination with the selectivity of the excitation is particularly valuable. By exciting large flatband condensates, the increasing degree of localisation to a CLS with decreasing dispersiveness was demonstrated by measurements of first order spatial coherence. Furthermore, the first order temporal coherence of CLS condensates was increased from τ = 68 ps for a dispersive flatband, a value typically achieved in high-quality microcavity samples, to a remarkable τ = 459 ps in a flatband with a dispersiveness below the polarion linewidth. Corresponding to this drastic increase of the first order coherence time, a decrease of the second order temporal coherence function from g(2)(τ =0) = 1.062 to g(2)(0) = 1.035 was observed. Next to laser-like, coherent emission, polariton condensates can form vortex lattices. In this work, two distinct vortex lattices that can form in polariton condensates in Kagome flatbands were revealed. Furthermore, chiral, superfluid edge transport was realised by breaking the spatial symmetry through a localised excitation spot. This chirality was related to a change in the vortex orientation at the edge of the lattice and thus opens the path towards further investigations of symmetry breaking and chiral superfluid transport in Kagome lattices. Arguably the most influential concept in solid-state physics of the recent decades is the idea of topological order that has also provided a new degree of freedom to control the propagation of light. Therefore, in chapter 6, the interplay of topologically non-trivial band structures with polaritons, polariton condensates and lasing was emphasised. Firstly, a two-dimensional exciton-polariton topological insulator based on a honeycomb lattice was realised. Here, a topologically non-trivial band gap was opened at the Dirac points through a combination of TE-TM splitting of the photonic mode and Zeeman splitting of the excitonic mode. While the band gap is too small compared to the linewidth to be observed in the linear regime, the excitation of polariton condensates allowed to observe the characteristic, topologically protected, chiral edge modes that are robust against scattering at defects as well as lattice corners. This result represents a valuable step towards the investigation of non-linear and non-Hermitian topological physics, based on the inherent gain and loss of microcavities as well as the ability of polaritons to interact with each other. Apart from fundamental interest, the field of topological photonics is driven by the search of potential technological applications, where one direction is to advance the development of lasers. In this work, the starting point towards studying topological lasing was the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model, since it combines a simple and well-understood geometry with a large topological gap. The coherence properties of the topological edge defect of an SSH chain was studied in detail, revealing a promising degree of second order temporal coherence of g(2)(0) = 1.07 for a microlaser with a diameter of only d = 3.5 µm. In the context of topological lasing, the idea of using a propagating, topologically protected mode to ensure coherent coupling of laser arrays is particularly promising. Here, a topologically non-trivial interface mode between the two distinct domains of the crystalline topological insulator (CTI) was realised. After establishing selective lasing from this mode, the coherence properties were studied and coherence of a full, hexagonal interface comprised of 30 vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) was demonstrated. This result thus represents the first demonstration of a topological insulator VCSEL array, combining the compact size and convenient light collection of vertically emitting lasers with an in-plane topological protection. Finally, in chapter 7, an approach towards engineering the band structures of Lieb and honeycomb lattices by unbalancing the eigenenergies of the sites within each unit cell was presented. For Lieb lattices, this technique opens up a path towards controlling the coupling of a flatband to dispersive bands and could enable a detailed study of the influence of this coupling on the polariton flatband states. In an unbalanced honeycomb lattice, a quantum valley Hall boundary mode between two distinct, unbalanced honeycomb domains with permuted sites in the unit cells was demonstrated. This boundary mode could serve as the foundation for the realisation of a polariton quantum valley Hall effect with a truly topologically protected spin based on vortex charges. Modifying polariton lattices by unbalancing the eigenenergies of the sites that comprise a unit cell was thus identified as an additional, promising path for the future development of polariton lattice simulators.}, subject = {Exziton-Polariton}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Tcakaev2023, author = {Tcakaev, Abdul-Vakhab}, title = {Soft X-ray Spectroscopic Study of Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Magnetic Topological Insulators}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30378}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-303786}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {After the discovery of three-dimensional topological insulators (TIs), such as tetradymite chalcogenides Bi\$_2\$Se\$_3\$, Bi\$_2\$Te\$_3\$ and Sb\$_2\$Te\$_3\$ - a new class of quantum materials characterized by their unique surface electronic properties - the solid state community got focused on topological states that are driven by strong electronic correlations and magnetism. An important material class is the magnetic TI (MTI) exhibiting the quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) effect, i.e. a dissipationless quantized edge-state transport in the absence of external magnetic field, originating from the interplay between ferromagnetism and a topologically non-trivial band structure. The unprecedented opportunities offered by these new exotic materials open a new avenue for the development of low-dissipation electronics, spintronics, and quantum computation. However, the major concern with QAH effect is its extremely low onset temperature, limiting its practical application. To resolve this problem, a comprehensive understanding of the microscopic origin of the underlying ferromagnetism is necessary. V- and Cr-doped (Bi,Sb)\$_2\$Te\$_3\$ are the two prototypical systems that have been widely studied as realizations of the QAH state. Finding microscopic differences between the strongly correlated V and Cr impurities would help finding a relevant model of ferromagnetic coupling and eventually provide better control of the QAH effect in these systems. Therefore, this thesis first focuses on the V- and Cr-doped (Bi,Sb)\$_2\$Te\$_3\$ systems, to better understand these differences. Exploiting the unique capabilities of x-ray absorption spectroscopy and magnetic circular dichroism (XAS/XMCD), combined with advanced modeling based on multiplet ligand-field theory (MLFT), we provide a detailed microscopic insight into the local electronic and magnetic properties of these systems and determine microscopic parameters crucial for the comparison with theoretical models, which include the \$d\$-shell filling, spin and orbital magnetic moments. We find a strongly covalent ground state, dominated by the superposition of one and two Te-ligand-hole configurations, with a negligible contribution from a purely ionic 3+ configuration. Our findings indicate the importance of the Te \$5p\$ states for the ferromagnetism in (Bi, Sb)\$_2\$Te\$_3\$ and favor magnetic coupling mechanisms involving \$pd\$-exchange. Using state-of-the-art density functional theory (DFT) calculations in combination with XMCD and resonant photoelectron spectroscopy (resPES), we reveal the important role of the \$3d\$ impurity states in mediating magnetic exchange coupling. Our calculations illustrate that the kind and strength of the exchange coupling varies with the impurity \$3d\$-shell occupation. We find a weakening of ferromagnetic properties upon the increase of doping concentration, as well as with the substitution of Bi at the Sb site. Finally, we qualitatively describe the origin of the induced magnetic moments at the Te and Sb sites in the host lattice and discuss their role in mediating a robust ferromagnetism based on a \$pd\$-exchange interaction scenario. Our findings reveal important clues to designing higher \$T_{\text{C}}\$ MTIs. Rare-earth ions typically exhibit larger magnetic moments than transition-metal ions and thus promise the opening of a wider exchange gap in the Dirac surface states of TIs, which is favorable for the realization of the high-temperature QAH effect. Therefore, we have further focused on Eu-doped Bi\$_2\$Te\$_3\$ and scrutinized whether the conditions for formation of a substantial gap in this system are present by combining spectroscopic and bulk characterization methods with theoretical calculations. For all studied Eu doping concentrations, our atomic multiplet analysis of the \$M_{4,5}\$ x-ray absorption and magnetic circular dichroism spectra reveals a Eu\$^{2+}\$ valence, unlike most other rare earth elements, and confirms a large magnetic moment. At temperatures below 10 K, bulk magnetometry indicates the onset of antiferromagnetic ordering. This is in good agreement with DFT results, which predict AFM interactions between the Eu impurities due to the direct overlap of the impurity wave functions. Our results support the notion of antiferromagnetism coexisting with topological surface states in rare-earth doped Bi\$_2\$Te\$_3\$ and corroborate the potential of such doping to result in an antiferromagnetic TI with exotic quantum properties. The doping with impurities introduces disorder detrimental for the QAH effect, which may be avoided in stoichiometric, well-ordered magnetic compounds. In the last part of the thesis we have investigated the recently discovered intrinsic magnetic TI (IMTI) MnBi\$_6\$Te\$_{10}\$, where we have uncovered robust ferromagnetism with \$T_{\text{C}} \approx 12\$ K and connected its origin to the Mn/Bi intermixing. Our measurements reveal a magnetically intact surface with a large moment, and with FM properties similar to the bulk, which makes MnBi\$_6\$Te\$_{10}\$ a promising candidate for the QAH effect at elevated temperatures. Moreover, using an advanced ab initio MLFT approach we have determined the ground-state properties of Mn and revealed a predominant contribution of the \$d^5\$ configuration to the ground state, resulting in a \$d\$-shell electron occupation \$n_d = 5.31\$ and a large magnetic moment, in excellent agreement with our DFT calculations and the bulk magnetometry data. Our results together with first principle calculations based on the DFT-GGA\$+U\$, performed by our collaborators, suggest that carefully engineered intermixing plays a crucial role in achieving a robust long-range FM order and therefore could be the key for achieving enhanced QAH effect properties. We expect our findings to aid better understanding of MTIs, which is essential to help increasing the temperature of the QAH effect, thus facilitating the realization of low-power electronics in the future.}, subject = {Topologischer Isolator}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kissner2022, author = {Kißner, Katharina}, title = {Manipulation of electronic properties in strongly correlated Cerium-based surface alloys}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27306}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-273067}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Photoelectron spectroscopy proves as a versatile tool for investigating various aspects of the electronic structure in strongly correlated electron systems. Influencing the manifestation of strong correlation in Ce-based surface alloys is the main task of this work. It is shown, that the manifestation of the Kondo ground state is influenced by a multitude of parameters such as the choice of the metal binding partner in binary Ce compounds, the surface alloy layer thickness and accompanying variations in the lattice structure as well as the interfaces to substrate or vacuum. Gaining access to these parameters allows to directly influence essential state variables, such as the f level occupancy nf or the Kondo temperature TK. The center of this work are the intermetallic thin films of CePt5/Pt(111) and CeAgx/Ag(111). By utilizing different excitation energies, photoemission spectroscopy provides access to characteristic features of Kondo physics in the valence band, such as the Kondo resonance and its spin-orbit partner at the Fermi level, as well as the multiplet structure of the Ce 3d core levels. In this work both approaches are applied to CePt5/Pt(111) to determine nf and TK for a variety of surface alloy layer thicknesses. A temperature dependent study of the Ce 3d core levels allows to determine the systems TK for the different layer thicknesses. This leads to TK ≈200-270K in the thin layer thickness regime and TK >280K for larger layer thicknesses. These results are confirmed by fitting the Ce 3d multiplet based on the Gunnarsson-Sch{\"o}nhammer formalism for core level spectroscopy and additionally by valence band photoemission spectra of the respective Kondo resonances. The influence of varying layer thickness on the manifestation of strong correlation is subsequently studied for the surface alloy CeAgx/Ag(111). Furthermore, the heavy element Bi is added, to investigate the effects of strong spin-orbit coupling on the electronic structure of the surface alloy.}, subject = {Korrelation}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Matthaiakakis2021, author = {Matthaiakakis, Ioannis}, title = {Hydrodynamics in Solid State Systems and the AdS/CFT correspondence}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24439}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-244390}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {We employ the AdS/CFT correspondence and hydrodynamics to analyze the transport properties of \(2+1\) dimensional electron fluids. In this way, we use theoretical methods from both condensed matter and high-energy physics to derive tangible predictions that are directly verifiable in experiment. The first research topic we consider is strongly-coupled electron fluids. Motivated by early results by Gurzhi on the transport properties of weakly coupled fluids, we consider whether similar properties are manifest in strongly coupled fluids. More specifically, we focus on the hydrodynamic tail of the Gurzhi effect: A decrease in fluid resistance with increasing temperature due to the formation of a Poiseuille flow of electrons in the sample. We show that the hydrodynamic tail of the Gurzhi effect is also realized in strongly coupled and fully relativistic fluids, but with modified quantitative features. Namely, strongly-coupled fluids always exhibit a smaller resistance than weakly coupled ones and are, thus, far more efficient conductors. We also suggest that the coupling dependence of the resistance can be used to measure the coupling strength of the fluid. In view of these measurements, we provide analytical results for the resistance as a function of the shear viscosity over entropy density \(\eta/s\) of the fluid. \(\eta/s\) is itself a known function of the coupling strength in the weak and infinite coupling limits. In further analysis for strongly-coupled fluids, we propose a novel strongly coupled Dirac material based on a kagome lattice, Scandium-substituted Herbertsmithite (ScHb). The large coupling strength of this material, as well as its Dirac nature, provides us with theoretical and experimental access to non-perturbative relativistic and quantum critical physics. A highly suitable method for analyzing such a material's transport properties is the AdS/CFT correspondence. Concretely, using AdS/CFT we derive an estimate for ScHb's \(\eta/s\) and show that it takes a value much smaller than that observed in weakly coupled materials. In turn, the smallness of \(\eta/s\) implies that ScHb's Reynolds number, \(Re\), is large. In fact, \(Re\) is large enough for turbulence, the most prevalent feature of fluids in nature, to make its appearance for the first time in electronic fluids. Switching gears, we proceed to the second research topic considered in this thesis: Weakly coupled parity-breaking electron fluids. More precisely, we analyze the quantitative and qualitative changes to the classical Hall effect, for electrons propagating hydrodynamically in a lead. Apart from the Lorentz force, a parity-breaking fluid's motion is also impacted by the Hall-viscous force; the shear-stress force induced by the Hall-viscosity. We show that the interplay of these two forces leads to a hydrodynamic Hall voltage with non-linear dependence on the magnetic field. More importantly, the Lorentz and Hall-viscous forces become equal at a non-vanishing magnetic field, leading to a trivial hydrodynamic Hall voltage. Moreover, for small magnetic fields we provide analytic results for the dependence of the hydrodynamic Hall voltage on all experimentally-tuned parameters of our simulations, such as temperature and density. These dependences, along with the zero of the hydrodynamic Hall voltage, are distinct features of hydrodynamic transport and can be used to verify our predictions in experiments. Last but not least, we consider how a distinctly electronic property, spin, can be included into the hydrodynamic framework. In particular, we construct an effective action for non-dissipative spin hydrodynamics up to first order in a suitably defined derivative expansion. We also show that interesting spin-transport effects appear at second order in the derivative expansion. Namely, we show that the fluid's rotation polarizes its spin. This is the hydrodynamic manifestation of the Barnett effect and provides us with an example of hydrodynamic spintronics. To conclude this thesis, we discuss several possible extensions of our research, as well as proposals for research in related directions.}, subject = {Hydrodynamics}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bendias2018, author = {Bendias, Michel Kalle}, title = {Quantum Spin Hall Effect - A new generation of microstructures}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-168214}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The presented thesis summarizes the results from four and a half years of intense lithography development on (Cd,Hg)Te/HgTe/(Cd,Hg)Te quantum well structures. The effort was motivated by the unique properties of this topological insulator. Previous work from Molenkamp at al.\ has proven that the transport through such a 2D TI is carried by electrons with opposite spin, counter-propagating in 1D channels along the sample edge. However, up to this thesis, the length of quantized spin Hall channels has never been reported to exceed 4 µm. Therefore, the main focus was put on a reproducible and easy-to-handle fabrication process that reveals the intrinsic material parameters. Every single lithography step in macro as well as microscopic sample fabrication has been re-evaluated. In the Development, the process changes have been presented along SEM pictures, microgaphs and, whenever possible, measurement responses. We have proven the conventional ion milling etch method to damage the remaining mesa and result in drastically lower electron mobilities in samples of microscopic size. The novel KI:I2:HBr wet etch method for macro and microstructure mesa fabrication has been shown to leave the crystalline structure intact and result in unprecedented mobilities, as high as in macroscopic characterization Hall bars. Difficulties, such as an irregular etch start and slower etching of the conductive QW have been overcome by concentration, design and etch flow adaptations. In consideration of the diffusive regime, a frame around the EBL write field electrically decouples the structure mesa from the outside wafer. As the smallest structure, the frame is etched first and guarantees a non-different etching of the conductive layer during the redox reaction. A tube-pump method assures reproducible etch results with mesa heights below 300 nm. The PMMA etch mask is easy to strip and leaves a clean mesa with no redeposition. From the very first attempts, to the final etch process, the reader has been provided with the characteristics and design requirements necessary to enable the fabrication of nearly any mesa shape within an EBL write field of 200 µm. Magneto resistance measurement of feed-back samples have been presented along the development chronology of wet etch method and subsequent lithography steps. With increasing feature quality, more and more physics has been revealed enabling detailed evaluation of smallest disturbances. The following lithography improvements have been implemented. They represent a tool-box for high quality macro and microstructure fabrication on (CdHg)Te/HgTe of almost any kind. The optical positive resist ECI 3027 can be used as wet and as dry etch mask for structure sizes larger than 1 µm. It serves to etch mesa structures larger than the EBL write field. The double layer PMMA is used for ohmic contact fabrication within the EBL write field. Its thickness allows to first dry etch the (Cd,Hg)Te cap layer and then evaporate the AuGe contact, in situ and self-aligned. Because of an undercut, up to 300 nm can be metalized without any sidewalls after the lift-off. An edge channel mismatch within the contact leads can be avoided, if the ohmic contacts are designed to reach close to the sample and beneath the later gate electrode. The MIBK cleaning step prior to the gate application removes PMMA residuals and thereby improves gate and potential homogeneity. The novel low HfO2-ALD process enables insulator growth into optical and EBL lift-off masks of any resolvable shape. Directly metalized after the insulator growth, the self-aligned method results in thin and homogeneous gate electrode reproducibly withholding gate voltages to +-10 V. The optical negative resist ARN 4340 exhibits an undercut when developed. Usable as dry etch mask and lift-off resist, it enables an in-situ application of ohmic contacts first etching close to the QW, then metalizing AuGe. Up to 500 nm thickness, the undercut guarantees an a clean lift-off with no sidewalls. The undertaken efforts have led to micro Hall bar measurements with Hall plateaus and SdH-oszillations in up to now unseen levels of detail. The gap resistance of several micro Hall bars with a clear QSH signal have been presented in Quantum Spin Hall. The first to exhibit longitudinal resistances close to the expected h/2e2 since years, they reveal unprecedented details in features and characteristics. It has been shown that their protection against backscattering through time reversal symmetry is not as rigid as previously claimed. Values below and above 12.9 kΩ been explained, introducing backscattering within the Landauer-B{\"u}ttiker formalism of edge channel transport. Possible reasons have been discussed. Kondo, interaction and Rashba-backscattering arising from density inhomogeneities close to the edge are most plausible to explain features on and deviations from a quantized value. Interaction, tunneling and dephasing mechanisms as well as puddle size, density of states and Rashba Fields are gate voltage dependent. Therefore, features in the QSH signal are fingerprints of the characteristic potential landscape. Stable up to 11 K, two distinct but clear power laws have been found in the higher temperature dependence of the QSH in two samples. However, with ΔR = Tα, α = ¼ in one (QC0285) and α = 2 in the other (Q2745), none of the predicted dependencies could be confirmed. Whereas, the gap resistances of QC0285 remains QSH channel dominated up to 3.9 T and thereby confirmed the calculated lifting of the band inversion in magnetic field. The gate-dependent oscillating features in the QSH signal of Q2745 immediately increase in magnetic field. The distinct field dependencies allowed the assumption of two different dominant backscattering mechanisms. Resulting in undisturbed magneto transport and unprecedented QSH measurements The Novel Micro Hall Bar Process has proven to enable the fabrication of a new generation of microstructures.}, subject = {Quecksilbertellurid}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kagerer2024, author = {Kagerer, Philipp Thomas}, title = {Two-Dimensional Ferromagnetism and Topology at the Surface of MnBi\(_2\)Te\(_4\) - Bi\(_2\)Te\(_3\) Heterostructures - MBE Growth, Magnetism and Electronic Properties}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36012}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-360121}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In this thesis, a model system of a magnetic topological heterostructure is studied, namely a heterosystem consisting of a single ferromagnetic septuple-layer (SL) of \(MnBi_2Te_4\) on the surface of the three-dimensional topological insulator \(Bi_2Te_3\). Using MBE and developing a specialized experimental setup, the first part of this thesis deals with the growth of \(Bi_2Te_3\) and thin films of \(MnBi_2Te_4\) on \(BaF_2\)-substrates by the co-evaporation of its binary constituents. The structural analysis is conducted along several suitable probes such as X-ray diffraction (XRD, XRR), AFM and scanning tunnelling electron microscopy (STEM). It is furthermore found that the growth of a single septuple-layer of \(MnBi_2Te_4\) on the surface of \(Bi_2Te_3\) can be facilitated. By using X-ray absorption and circular magnetic dichroism (XAS, XMCD), the magnetic properties of \(MnBi_2Te_4\) are explored down to the monolayer limit. The layered nature of the vdW crystal and a strong uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy establish stable out-of plane magnetic order at the surface of \(MnBi_2Te_4\), which is stable even down to the 2D limit. Pushing the material system to there, i.e. a single SL \(MnBi_2Te_4\) further allows to study the phase transition of this 2D ferromagnet and extract its critical behaviour with \(T_c \, = \, 14.89~k\) and \(\beta \, = \, 0.484\). Utilizing bulk crystals of the ferromagnetic \(Fe_3GeTe_2\) as substrate allows to influence, enhance and bias the magnetism in the single SL of \(MnBi_2Te_4\). By growing heterostructures of the type \(MnBi_2Te_4\) -- n layer \(Bi_2Te_3\) -- \(Fe_3GeTe_2\)for n between 0 and 2, it is shown, that a considerable magnetic coupling can be introduced between the \(MnBi_2Te_4\) top-layer and the substrate. Finally the interplay between topology and magnetism in the ferromagnetic extension is studied directly by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The heterostructure is found to host a linearly dispersing TSS at the centre of the Brillouin zone. Using low temperature and high-resolution ARPES a large magnetic gap opening of \(\sim\) 35 meV is found at the Dirac point of the TSS. By following its temperature evolution, it is apparent that the scaling behaviour coincides with the magnetic order parameter of the modified surface.}, subject = {Molekularstrahlepitaxie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dusel2024, author = {Dusel, Marco}, title = {Exziton-Polariton-Kondensation in organischen Halbleiter-Mikrokavit{\"a}ten mit hemisph{\"a}rischen Potentiallandschaften}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-37055}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-370554}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Exziton-Polaritonen sind hybride Quasiteilchen, die entstehen durch die starke Kopplung zwischen Halbleiter-Exzitonen und Mikrokavit{\"a}tsphotonen in einem optischen Resonator. Aufgrund ihres bosonischen Charakters k{\"o}nnen die Polaritonen Kondensate ausbilden. In dieser Arbeit ist der emittierende organische Halbleiter das fluoreszierende Protein mCherry. Um einen r{\"a}umlichen Einschluss zu generieren wurden hemisph{\"a}rische Potentiale genutzt. Durch die Variation der Potentiallandschaft (Linse, Molek{\"u}l, Kette, Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-Kette und Honigwaben-Gitter) konnten Eigenschaften wie beispielsweise topologisch nicht-triviale Defekte experimentell bei Umgebungstemperatur demonstriert werden. Zusammengefasst besch{\"a}ftigt sich diese Arbeit mit der Exziton-Polartion Kondensation in unterschiedlichen Potentiallandschaften mit dem organischen Halbleiter mCherry.}, subject = {Exziton-Polariton}, language = {de} }