@phdthesis{Fritsch2013, author = {Fritsch, Sebastian}, title = {Spatial and temporal patterns of crop yield and marginal land in the Aral Sea Basin: derivation by combining multi-scale and multi-temporal remote sensing data with alight use efficiency model}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-87939}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Irrigated agriculture in the Khorezm region in the arid inner Aral Sea Basin faces enormous challenges due to a legacy of cotton monoculture and non-sustainable water use. Regional crop growth monitoring and yield estimation continuously gain in importance, especially with regard to climate change and food security issues. Remote sensing is the ideal tool for regional-scale analysis, especially in regions where ground-truth data collection is difficult and data availability is scarce. New satellite systems promise higher spatial and temporal resolutions. So-called light use efficiency (LUE) models are based on the fraction of photosynthetic active radiation absorbed by vegetation (FPAR), a biophysical parameter that can be derived from satellite measurements. The general objective of this thesis was to use satellite data, in conjunction with an adapted LUE model, for inferring crop yield of cotton and rice at field (6.5 m) and regional (250 m) scale for multiple years (2003-2009), in order to assess crop yield variations in the study area. Intensive field measurements of FPAR were conducted in the Khorezm region during the growing season 2009. RapidEye imagery was acquired approximately bi-weekly during this time. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was calculated for all images. Linear regression between image-based NDVI and field-based FPAR was conducted. The analyses resulted in high correlations, and the resulting regression equations were used to generate time series of FPAR at the RapidEye level. RapidEye-based FPAR was subsequently aggregated to the MODIS scale and used to validate the existing MODIS FPAR product. This step was carried out to evaluate the applicability of MODIS FPAR for regional vegetation monitoring. The validation revealed that the MODIS product generally overestimates RapidEye FPAR by about 6 to 15 \%. Mixture of crop types was found to be a problem at the 1 km scale, but less severe at the 250 m scale. Consequently, high resolution FPAR was used to calibrate 8-day, 250 m MODIS NDVI data, this time by linear regression of RapidEye-based FPAR against MODIS-based NDVI. The established FPAR datasets, for both RapidEye and MODIS, were subsequently assimilated into a LUE model as the driving variable. This model operated at both satellite scales, and both required an estimation of further parameters like the photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) or the actual light use efficiency (LUEact). The latter is influenced by crop stress factors like temperature or water stress, which were taken account of in the model. Water stress was especially important, and calculated via the ratio of the actual (ETact) to the potential, crop-specific evapotranspiration (ETc). Results showed that water stress typically occurred between the beginning of May and mid-September and beginning of May and end of July for cotton and rice crops, respectively. The mean water stress showed only minor differences between years. Exceptions occurred in 2008 and 2009, where the mean water stress was higher and lower, respectively. In 2008, this was likely caused by generally reduced water availability in the whole region. Model estimations were evaluated using field-based harvest information (RapidEye) and statistical information at district level (MODIS). The results showed that the model at both the RapidEye and the MODIS scale can estimate regional crop yield with acceptable accuracy. The RMSE for the RapidEye scale amounted to 29.1 \% for cotton and 30.4 \% for rice, respectively. At the MODIS scale, depending on the year and evaluated at Oblast level, the RMSE ranged from 10.5 \% to 23.8 \% for cotton and from -0.4 \% to -19.4 \% for rice. Altogether, the RapidEye scale model slightly underestimated cotton (bias = 0.22) and rice yield (bias = 0.11). The MODIS-scale model, on the other hand, also underestimated official rice yield (bias from 0.01 to 0.87), but overestimated official cotton yield (bias from -0.28 to -0.6). Evaluation of the MODIS scale revealed that predictions were very accurate for some districts, but less for others. The produced crop yield maps indicated that crop yield generally decreases with distance to the river. The lowest yields can be found in the southern districts, close to the desert. From a temporal point of view, there were areas characterized by low crop yields over the span of the seven years investigated. The study at hand showed that light use efficiency-based modeling, based on remote sensing data, is a viable way for regional crop yield prediction. The found accuracies were good within the boundaries of related research. From a methodological viewpoint, the work carried out made several improvements to the existing LUE models reported in the literature, e.g. the calibration of FPAR for the study region using in situ and high resolution RapidEye imagery and the incorporation of crop-specific water stress in the calculation.}, subject = {Fernerkundung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Roedder2014, author = {R{\"o}dder, Tobias}, title = {Spatio-temporal assessment of dynamics in discontinuous mountain permafrost - Investigation of small-scale influences on the ground thermal regime and active layer processes during snow melt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-90629}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The discontinuous mountain permafrost zone is characterized by its heterogeneous distribution of frozen ground and a small-scale variability of the ground thermal regime. Large parts of these areas are covered by glacial till and sediments that were exposed after the recession of the glaciers since the 19th century. As response to changed climatic conditions permafrost-affected areas will lose their ability as sediment storage and on the contrary, they will act as source areas for unconsolidated debris. Along with modified precipitation patterns the degradation of the discontinuous mountain permafrost zone will (temporarily) increase its predisposition for mass movement processes and thus has to be monitored in a differentiated way. Therefore, the spatio-temporal dynamics of frozen ground are assessed in this study based on results obtained in three glacier forefields in the Engadin (Swiss Alps) and at the Zugspitze (German Alps). Sophisticated techniques are required to uncover structural differences in the subsurface. Thus, the applicability of advanced geophysical methods is tested for alpine environments and proved by the good 3D-delineation of a permafrost body and by the detection of detailed processes in the active layer during snow melt. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) approaches (quasi-3D, daily monitoring) reveal their capabilities to detect subsurface resistivity changes both, in space and time. Processes and changes in regard to liquid water content and ice content are observed to exist at short distances even though the active layer is not subject to a considerable thickening over the past 7 years. The stability of the active layer is verified by borehole temperature data. No synchronous trend is recognized in permafrost temperatures and together with multi-annual electrical resistivity data they indicate degradation and aggradation processes to occur at the same time. Different heat transfer mechanisms, especially during winter, are recognized by means of temperature sensors above, at, and beneath the surface. Based on surface and borehole temperature data the snow cover is assessed as the major controlling factor for the thermal regime on a local scale. Beyond that, the debris size of the substrate, which modifies the snow cover and regulates air exchange processes above the ground, plays a crucial role as an additional buffer layer. A fundamental control over the stability of local permafrost patches is attributed to the ice-rich transient layer at the base of the active layer. The refreezing of melt water in spring is illustrated with diurnal ERT monitoring data from glacier forefield Murt{\`e}l. Based on these ERT and borehole temperature data a conceptual model of active layer processes between autumn and spring is developed. The latent heat that is inherent in the transient layer protects the permafrost beneath from additional energy input from the surface as long as the refreezing of melt water in spring prevails and sufficient ice is build up each spring. Permafrost sites without a transient layer show considerably higher temperatures at their table and are more prone to degradation in the years and decades ahead. As main investigation area a glacier forefield beneath the summits of Piz Murt{\`e}l and Piz Corvatsch in the Swiss Engadin was chosen. It is located west of the well-known rock glacier Murt{\`e}l. Here, a permafrost body inside and adjacent to the lateral moraine was investigated and could be delineated very well. In the surrounding glacier forefield no further indications of permafrost occurrence could be made. Geophysical data and temperature values from the surface and from a permafrost borehole were compared with long-term data from proximate glacier forefield Muragl (Engadin). Results from both sites show a considerable stability of the active layer depth in summer while at the same time geophysical data demonstrate annual changes in the amount of liquid water content and ice content in the course of years. A third investigation area is located in the German Alps. The Zugspitzplatt is a high mountain valley with considerably more precipitation and thicker snow cover compared to both Swiss sites. In close proximity to the present glacier and at a large talus slope beneath the summit crest ground ice could be observed. The high subsurface resistivity values and comparable data from existing studies at the Zugspitze may indicate the presence of sedimentary ice in the subsurface of the karstified Zugspitzplatt. Based on these complementary data from geophysical and temperature measurements as well as geomorphological field mapping the development of permafrost in glacier forefields under climate change conditions is analyzed with cooperation partners from the SPCC project. Ground temperature simulations forced with long-term climatological data are modeled to assess future permafrost development in glacier forefield Murt{\`e}l. Results suggest that permafrost is stable as long as the ice-rich layer between the active layer and the permafrost table exists. After a tipping point is reached, the disintegration of frozen ground starts to proceed rapidly from the top.}, subject = {Engadin}, language = {en} } @misc{Knauer2011, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Knauer, Kim}, title = {Monitoring ecosystem health of Fynbos remnant vegetation in the City of Cape Town using remote sensing}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-92495}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Increasing urbanisation is one of the biggest pressures to vegetation in the City of Cape Town. The growth of the city dramatically reduced the area under indigenous Fynbos vegetation, which remains in isolated fragments. These are subject to a number of threats including atmospheric deposition, atypical fire cycles and invasion by exotic plant and animal species. Especially the Port Jackson willow (Acacia saligna) extensively suppresses the indigenous Fynbos vegetation with its rapid growth. The main objective of this study was to investigate indicators for a quick and early prediction of the health of the remaining Fynbos fragments in the City of Cape Town with help of remote sensing. First, the productivity of the vegetation in response to rainfall was determined. For this purpose, the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), derived from Terra MODIS data with a spatial resolution of 250m, and precipitation data of 19 rainfall stations for the period from 2000 till 2008 were used. Within the scope of a flexible regression between the EVI data and the precipitation data, different lags of the vegetation response to rainfall were analysed. Furthermore, residual trends (RESTREND) were calculated, which result from the difference between observed EVI and the one predicted by precipitation. Negative trends may suggest a degradation of the habitats. In addition, the so-called Rain-use Efficiency (RUE) was tested in this context. It is defined as the ratio between net primary production (NPP) - represented by the annual sum of EVI - and the annual rainfall sum. These indicators were analysed for their suitability to determine the health of the indigenous Fynbos vegetation. Furthermore, the degree of dispersal of invasive species especially the Acacia saligna was investigated. With the specific characteristics of the tested indicators and the spectral signature of Acacia saligna, i.e. its unique reflectance over the course of the year, the dispersal was estimated. Since the growth of invasive species dramatically reduces the biodiversity of the fragments, their presence is an important factor for the condition of ecosystem health. This work focused on 11 test sites with an average size of 200ha, distributed over the whole area of the City of Cape Town. Five of these fragments are under conservation and the others shall be protected in the near future, too, which makes them of special interest. In January 2010, fieldwork was undertaken in order to investigate the state and composition of the local vegetation. The results show promising indicators for the assessment of ecosystem health. The coefficients of determination of the EVI-rainfall regression for Fynbos are minor, because the reaction of this vegetation type to rainfall is considerably lower than the one of the invasive species. Thus, a good distinction between indigenous and alien vegetation is possible on the basis of this regression. On the other hand, the RESTREND method, for which the regression forms the basis, is only of limited use, since the significance of these trends is not given for Fynbos vegetation. Furthermore, the RUE has considerable potential for the assessment of ecosystem health in the study area. The Port Jackson willow has an explicitly higher EVI than the Fynbos vegetation and thus its RUE is more efficient for a similar amount of rainfall. However, it has to be used with caution, because local and temporal variability cannot be extinguished in the study area over the rather short MODIS time series. These results display that the interpretation of the indicators has to be conducted differently from the literature, because the element of invasive species was not considered in most of the previous papers. An increase in productivity is not necessarily equivalent with an improvement in health of the fragment, but can indicate a dispersal of Acacia saligna. This shows the general problem of the term 'degradation' which in most publications so far is only measured by productivity and other factors like invasive species are disregarded. On the basis of the EVI-rainfall regression and statistical measures of the EVI, the distribution of invasive species could be delineated. Generally, a strong invasion of the Port Jackson willow was discovered on the test sites. The results display that a reasoned and sustainable management of the fragments is essential in order to prevent the suppression of the indigenous Fynbos vegetation by Acacia saligna. For this purpose, remote sensing can give an indication which areas changed so that specific field surveys can be undertaken and subsequent management measures can be determined.}, subject = {remote sensing}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schwindt2013, author = {Schwindt, Daniel}, title = {Permafrost in ventilated talus slopes below the timberline - A multi-methodological study on the ground thermal regime and its impact on the temporal variability and spatial heterogeneity of permafrost at three sites in the Swiss Alps}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-90099}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {In the central Alps permafrost can be expected above 2300 m a.s.l., at altitudes where mean annual air temperatures are below -1 °C. Isolated permafrost occurrences can be detected in north-exposed talus slopes, far below the timberline, where mean annual air temperatures are positive. Driving factors are assumed to be a low income of solar radiation, a thick organic layer with high insulation capacities as well as the thermally induced chimney effect. Aim of this study is to achieve a deeper understanding of the factors determining the site-specific thermal regime, as well as the spatially limited and temporally highly variable permafrost occurrences in vegetated talus slopes. Three supercooled talus slopes in the Swiss Alps were chosen for investigation. Substantially different characteristics were a central criterion in the selection of study sites. Located in the Upper Engadin, climatic conditions, altitude as well as dimensions of the talus slopes are comparable for the study sites Val Bever and Val Susauna; major differences are rooted in the nature of talus substrate and in humus- and vegetation distribution. Characteristics of the Br{\"u}eltobel site, located in the Appenzeller Alps, diverge with regard to climatic conditions, altitude and dimensions of the talus slope; humus- and vegetation compositions are comparable to the Val Susauna site. Confirmation and characterisation of ground ice is accomplished by the application of electrical resistivity and seismic refraction tomography. The estimation of the spatial permafrost distribution is based on quasi-3D resistivity imaging. For the confirmation of permafrost and the analysis of its temporal variability electrical resistivity monitoring arrays were constructed and installed at all study sites, to allow year-round measurements. In addition to resistivity monitoring, the - up to now - first seismic refraction tomography winter monitoring was conducted at the Val Susauna to analyse the permafrost evolution during the winter half-year. Investigations of the ground thermal regime were based on the analysis of temperature logger data. Besides recording air- and ground surface temperatures, focus was set on the temperature evolution in vents and in the organic layer. To analyse the relationship between permafrost distribution on the one hand and humus- and vegetation distribution on the other hand, an extensive mapping of humus characteristics and vegetation composition was conducted at Val Susauna. The existence of permafrost could be proven at all study sites. Spatially, permafrost bodies show a narrow transition to neighbouring, unfrozen areas. As observed at Val Susauna, the permafrost distribution strongly correlates with areas with exceptionally thick organic layer, high percentages of mosses and lichens in the undergrowth and dwarf grown trees. The temporal variability of permafrost has proven to be exceptionally high, with the magnitude of seasonal variations distinctly exceeding intra-annual changes. Thereby, the winter season is characterised by a significant supercooling. During snowmelt a growth in volumetric ice content is induced by refreezing of percolating meltwater on the supercooled talus. The results confirmed the fundamental influence of the chimney effect on the existence and temporal variability of permafrost in talus slopes. Divergences in the effectiveness of the thermal regime were detected between the study sites. These are based on differences in the nature of talus material, humus characteristics and vegetation composition. During summer, the organic material is usually dry at the daytime, inducing a high insulation capability and a protection of the subsurface against high atmospheric temperatures. Bouldery talus slopes typically show an organic layer that is fragmented by large boulders, which induces a strongly reduced insulation capability and allows an efficient heat exchange by convective airflow and percolating precipitation water. In the winter half-year, the thermal conductivity of the organic layer increases massively under moist or frozen conditions, allowing an efficient, conductive cooling of the talus material. The convective cooling in bouldery talus slopes affects an earlier onset and a higher magnitude of supercooling than under consistent humus conditions. Here, conductive heat flow is dominant and the cooling in autumn is buffered by a prolonged zero curtain. The snow cover has proven to be incapable of prohibiting an efficient supercooling of the talus slope in winter, almost independent from thickness.}, subject = {Engadin}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KreuzerHenjesKunstSeideletal.1993, author = {Kreuzer, H. and Henjes-Kunst, F. and Seidel, E. and Sch{\"u}ssler, Ulrich and B{\"u}hn, B.}, title = {Ar-Ar spectra on minerals from KTB and related medium-pressure units}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-86731}, year = {1993}, abstract = {No abstract available.}, subject = {Kontinentales Tiefbohrprogramm}, language = {en} } @article{SchuesslerWilhelm1992, author = {Sch{\"u}ssler, Ulrich and Wilhelm, G.}, title = {Mikrosondenanalytische Untersuchungen eines Kupfer-Rollsiegels des fr{\"u}hen 3. Jahrtausends v. Ch. vom Tell Karrana-3 bei Mosul, Irak}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-86747}, year = {1992}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Mikrosonde}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KreuzerVejnarSchuessleretal.1988, author = {Kreuzer, Hans and Vejnar, Zdenek and Sch{\"u}ssler, Ulrich and Okrusch, Martin and Seidel, Eberhard}, title = {K-Ar dating of the last metamorphic events in different tectonic units of the western margin of the Bohemian Massif}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-87527}, year = {1988}, abstract = {K-Ar dating on hornblendes and micas from the Tepl{\"a}Domazlice zone revealed a pattern of dates which significantly deviates from the mid-Carboniferous to early Permian one that is found in the adjacent low-pressure metamorphic Moldanubian and Saxothuringian. Especially for the Mari{\"a}nske L{\"a}zne metabasic complex, confirming early Czech determinations, the dates resemble the early Devonian pattern determined for the M{\"u}nchberg Gneiss Massif and the Erbendorf-Vohenstrauß zone of northeastern Bavaria. This supports the idea that all three units are remnants of a huge complex which suffered a metamorphic overprint under medium-pressure conditions, probably in the early Devonian. Streng rejuvenation is found in the southern part of the Tepl{\"a}-Domailice zone by which micas and even two hornblendes were reset to mid-Carboniferous ages. According to the geological setting, part of the apparently preDevonian dates may be explained by inherited argon from earlier metamorphic and magmatic events, e.g. the high-pressure metamorphism documented in eclogitic relics. However, excess argon, caused by the mid-Carboniferous overprint cannot be excluded.}, subject = {Geochemie}, language = {en} } @article{vonGehlenMatthesOkruschetal.1990, author = {von Gehlen, K. and Matthes, S. and Okrusch, Martin and Richter, P. and R{\"o}hr, C. and Sch{\"u}ssler, Ulrich}, title = {Metapyroxenite in der KTB-Vorbohrung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-87539}, year = {1990}, abstract = {No abstract available.}, subject = {Kontinentales Tiefbohrprogramm der Bundesrepublik Deutschland}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{SchuesslerVejnarOkruschetal.1988, author = {Sch{\"u}ssler, Ulrich and Vejnar, Z. and Okrusch, M. and Rose, S. and Seidel, E.}, title = {Geochemistry of Metabasites and gabbroic rocks from the Tepla-Domazlice zone}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-87511}, year = {1988}, abstract = {Various amphibolites, metagabbros and eclogitic relics of the Mari{\"a}nske L{\"a}zne complex, and amphibolites from the Cern{\"a} Hora Massif exhibit an uniform geochemical character which compares weil with modern mid-ocean ridge basalts. Geochemically these metabasites are similar to the amphibolites of the Myto area and to schistose, partly striped amphibolites of the neighbouring Tirschenreuth-M{\"a}hring Zone and the Erbendorf-Vohenstrauss Zone (Bavaria). Greenschists and amphibolites from the Domazlice metamorphic complex show an alkaline-basaltic tendency conforming to modern within-plate basalts or basalts from anomalaus midocean ridge segments. In their chemical character, these metabasites compare weil with the flaseramphibolites of the Erbendorf-Vohenstrauss Zone. Fine-grained amphibolites in the Warzenrieth area and (gabbro-) amphibolites in the Bl{\"a}tterberg-Hoher Bogen area show normal MORB character. The metamorphosed gabbroic rocks in the southern part of the Neukirchen-Kdyne (meta-) igneous complex are subalkaline - tholeiitic and exhibit a magmatic differentiation trend. They differ from the neighbouring amphibolites by generally lower contents of incompatible elements.}, subject = {Geochemie}, language = {en} } @article{Sponholz1990, author = {Sponholz, Barbara}, title = {Silicate karst in eastern Niger - a geomorphological study}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-86846}, year = {1990}, abstract = {No abstract available.}, subject = {Niger }, language = {en} }