@misc{Geiger2000, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Geiger, Markus}, title = {The Geology of the southern Warmbad Basin Margin - Tephrostratigraphy, Age, Fossil Record and Sedimentary Environment of Carboniferous-Permian Glacigenic Deposits of the Dwyka Group, Zwartbas, southern Namibia}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-46251}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2000}, abstract = {At Zwartbas, about 10 km west of Vioolsdrif, southern Namibia, the Dwyka succession is composed of tillites and distal fossiliferous dropstone-bearing glacio-marine shales. The completely exposed Dwyka succession is interbedded with thin bentonites, altered distal pyroclastic deposits, which were derived from the magmatic arc at the southern rim of Gondwana. Dropstone-bearing and dropstonefree sequences intercalate with four diamictites, of which the two lowest were certainly recognised as tillites. Four events of deglaciation were proven at Zwartbas and thus consist with correlative deposits in southern Africa. Numerous fossilised fishes, trace fossils, and plant fragments appear frequently within the lower half of the Dwyka succession whereas trace fossils were principally found in the complete succession. Although the environmental determination is quite problematic, the fossil assemblage rather implies proximal, shallow water conditions with temporary restricted oxygenation. The hinterland was covered with considerable vegetation, which points to a moderate climate. Water salinity determinations based on shale geochemistry rectify contrary palaeontological results and point to rather brackish or non-marine conditions in comparison to present-day salinites. Geochemical analyses of the bentonites relate the pyroclastic deposits with acid to intermediate source magmas, as they are known from the magmatic arc in present-day Patagonia. Tectono-magmatic comparisons furthermore emphasise a syn-collision or volcanic-arc situation of the magma source. However, significant cyclicity in the production of the pyroclastic deposits was not observed. Radiometric age determinations of two tuff beds clearly date the onset of glacial activity into the Late Carboniferous.}, subject = {Namibia}, language = {en} } @misc{Geiger1999, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Geiger, Markus}, title = {An Explanation of the Geological Map 1:10000 of the Namibian borderland along the Orange River at Zwartbas - Warmbad District - Karas Region - Namibia}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-46269}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1999}, abstract = {The locality of Zwartbas is situated at the border of Namibia and South Africa about 15 km west of Noordoewer. The mapped area is confined by the Tandjieskoppe Mountains in the north and the Orange River in the south. Outcropping rocks are predominantly sediments of the Nama Group and of the Karoo Supergroup. During the compilation of this paper doubts arose about the correct classification of the Nama rocks as it is found in literature. Since no certain clues were found to revise the classification of the Nama rocks, the original classification remains still valid. Thus the Kuibis and Schwarzrand Subgroup constitute the Nama succession and date it to Vendian age. A glacial unconformity represents a hiatus for about 260 Ma. This is covered by sediments of the Karoo Supergroup. Late Carboniferous and early Permian glacial deposits of diamictitic shale of the Dwyka and shales of the Ecca Group overlie the unconformity. The shales of the Dwyka Group contain fossiliferous units and volcanic ash-layers. A sill of the Jurassic Tandjiesberg Dolerite Complex (also Karoo Supergroup) intruded rocks at the Dwyka-Ecca-boundary. Finally fluvial and aeolian deposits and calcretes of the Cretaceous to Tertiary Kalahari Group and recent depositionary events cover the older rocks occasionally.}, subject = {Namibia}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Braetz2000, author = {Br{\"a}tz, Helene}, title = {Radiometrische Altersdatierungen und geochemische Untersuchungen von Orthogneisen, Graniten und Granitporphyren aus dem Ruhlaer Kristallin, Mitteldeutsche Kristallinzone}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-2320}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Das Ruhlaer Kristallin (RK) ist Teil der NE-streichenden, variszisch angelegten Mitteldeutschen Kristallinzone. Das RK liegt am Nordwestrand des Th{\"u}ringer Wald Horstes und wird von der NW-streichenden, variszisch bis rezent aktiven Fr{\"a}nkischen Linie durchschnitten. Die vier strukturell-metamorphen Einheiten (Truse Formation, Ruhla Formation, Brotterode Formation und Zentrales Kristallin) werden von Graniten, Dioriten und subvulkanischen G{\"a}ngen intrudiert. Zirkondatierungen ergaben, daß das RK vom Silur bis zum Perm von mindestens f{\"u}nf magmatischen Ereignissen betroffen war. Das {\"a}lteste magmatische Ereignis um 425 Ma zeigen Zirkone zweier Orthogneise aus der Ruhlaer Formation. Geochemisch {\"a}hneln diese Orthogneise Granitoiden, die im Bereich vulkanischer Inselb{\"o}gen (VAG) intrudieren. Dagegen zeigen die Orthogneise aus dem Zentralen Kristallin ein zweites, deutlich j{\"u}ngeres magmatisches Ereignis um 405 Ma an. Die sp{\"a}tsilurischen Orthogneise sind I-Typ Granitoide mit {\"A}hnlichkeiten zu VAG, der fr{\"u}hdevonische Orthogneis ist ein A-types Gestein mit Intraplatten-Granit (WPG) Signatur. Nahezu alle Orthogneise haben Zirkone mit deutlich h{\"o}heren, proterozoischen Alterswerten, die Orthogneis-Protolithe haben demnach bei der Platznahme {\"a}lteres Krustenmaterial assimiliert und/oder wurden daraus erschmolzen. Das dritte magmatische Ereignis wird mit der kompressiven Phase der Variszischen Gebirgsbildung in Verbindung gebracht und ist durch die Intrusion des Th{\"u}ringer Hauptgranits um 350 Ma angezeigt. Es handelt sich um einen I-Typ Granit {\"a}hnlich denen die an kontinentalen Inselb{\"o}gen intrudieren. W{\"a}hrend der extensionalen Phase der Gebirgsbildung kam es im sp{\"a}ten Karbon/ fr{\"u}hen Perm (um 295 Ma) zur Intrusion von zahlreichen Magmatiten. Geochemisch handelt es sich bei den Granitoiden des vierten magmatischen Ereignisses um post-kollisionale A-Typ Granite. Diese werden von G{\"a}ngen rhyolithischer Zusammensetzung durchschnitten. Die G{\"a}nge k{\"o}nnen dem Sp{\"a}tkarbon/Rotliegend Vulkanismus im Th{\"u}ringer Wald zugeordnet werden und repr{\"a}sentieren das f{\"u}nfte magmatische Ereignis (um 280 Ma) im RK. Die NNE-SSW-streichenden G{\"a}nge sind dabei {\"a}lter als die NW-SE-streichenden G{\"a}nge. Eine geochemisch bearbeitete Probe besitzt alkaligranitische Zusammensetzung und zeigt {\"A}hnlichkeit mit WPG.}, subject = {Ruhlaer Kristallin}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{DjoukaFonkwe2005, author = {Djouka-Fonkw{\´e}, Merline Laure}, title = {Association of S-type and I-type granitoids in the Neoproterozoic Cameroon orogenic belt, Bafoussam area, West Cameroon : geology, geochemistry and petrogenesis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-14526}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The Bafoussam area in west Cameroon is located within the Cameroon Neoproterozoic orogenic belt (north of the Congo craton) which is part of the Central African Fold Belt (CAFB).The evolution of the CAFB is related to the collision between the convergent West African craton, the S{\~a}o Francisco - Congo cratons and the Sahara Metacraton. The outcrop area stretches over a surface of ~1000 km2 and dominantly consists of granitoids which intruded wall-rocks of gneiss and migmatite during the Pan-African orogeny. The Bafoussam granitoid emplacement was influenced by the N 30 °E strike-slip shear zone in the prolongation of the Cameroon Volcanic Line, but also by the N 70 °E Central Cameroon Shear Zone. In the field, these two shear directions are expressed in the schistosity and foliation trajectories, fault orientation and the alignment of the volcanic cones as well. In the Bafoussam area, four types of granitoids can be distinguished, including: (i) the biotite granitoid, (ii) the deformed biotite granitoid, (iii) the mega feldspar granitoid, and (iv) the two-mica granitoid. These granitoids occur as elongated plutons hosting irregular mafic enclaves (amphibole-bearing, biotite-rich, and metagabbroic types) and are frequently cut by late pegmatites, aplite dykes and quartz veins. Petrographically, they range in composition from syenogranite (major), alkali-feldspar granite, granodiorite, monzogranite, quartz-syenite, quartzmonzonite to quartz-monzodiorite. Potassium feldspar, quartz, plagioclase and biotite are the principal phases, in cases accompanied by amphibole and accessory minerals such as apatite,zircon, monazite, titanite, allanite, ilmenite and magnetite. Sericite, epidote and chlorite are secondary minerals. In addition, the two-mica granitoid contains primary muscovite and sometimes igneous garnet. In the granitoids, potassium feldspar is orthoclase (microcline and orthoclase: Or81-97Ab19-3), and plagioclase is mainly oligoclase with some albite and andesine (An3-35Ab96-64).Biotite is Fe-rich (meroxene and lepidomelane, with some siderophyllite), having high Fe2+/(Fe2+ + Mg) ratios of 0.40-0.80. It is a re-equilibrated primary biotite and suggests calc-alkaline and peraluminous nature of the host granitoids. Amphibole is edenitic and magnesian hastingsitic hornblende, with high Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) ratios of 0.50-0.62. The evolution of the hornblende was dominated by the edenitic, tschermakitic, pargasitic and hastingsitic substitution types. Primary muscovite is iron-rich [Fe2+/(Fe2+ + Mg) = 0.52-0.82] and has experienced celadonite and paragonite substitutions. Igneous garnet is almandine-spessartine (XFe = 0.99 and XMn = 0.46-0.56). The euhedral grain shapes of garnet crystals and the absence of inclusions coupled with the high Mn and Fe2+contents (2.609-3.317 a.p.f.u and 2.646-3.277 a.p.f.u,respectively) and low Mg contents (0.012-0.038 a.p.f.u) clearly point to its plutonic origin. The Mn-depletion crystallization model is suggested for the origin of the analyzed garnet, i.e. initial crystallization of garnet inducing early decrease of Mn in the original melt. Aluminum-in-hornblende and phengite barometric estimates show that the granitoids crystallized at 4.2 ± 1.1 to 6.6 ± 1.0 kbar, corresponding to emplacement depths of 15-24 km.Zircon and apatite saturation temperature calibrations and hornblende-plagioclase thermometry yielded emplacement temperatures between 772 ± 41 and 808 ± 34 °C. Except the two-mica granitoid, the titanite-magnetite-quartz assemblage gives oxygen fugacities ranging from 10-17 to 10-13, suggesting that the granitoids were produced by an oxidized magma. Since the twomica granitoid lacks magnetite, it was originated from a magma under reducing conditions, below the quartz-fayalite-magnetite buffer. Fluid inclusions in quartz from hydrothermal veins are secondary in nature and are found in trails along healed microcracks or in clusters. Two types of fluid inclusion have been recognized, mixed aqueous-non-aqueous volatile fluid inclusions subdivided into aqueous-rich mixed and non-aqueous volatile-rich mixed fluid inclusions, and pure aqueous fluid inclusions.The non-aqueous volatile-rich mixed fluid inclusions are one-, two-, or three-phase inclusions, whereas the aqueous-rich mixed fluid inclusions are exclusively three-phase inclusions. Both have similar low to moderate salinities (1 to 10 equiv. wt. \%). The total homogenization temperatures of the aqueous-rich mixed fluid inclusions are slightly lower than those of the nonaqueous volatile-rich mixed fluid inclusions, ranging from 150 to 250 °C and 170 to 300 °C,respectively. They contain nearly pure CO2, or CO2 with addition of 4.1-13.5 mole \% CH4 as volatile constituents. Pure aqueous fluid inclusions are two-phase with lower total homogenization temperatures (130-150 °C) and salinities ranging from 3 to 8 equiv. wt. \%. They display mixing salt system characteristics, having NaCl as the dominant salt and considerable amounts of other divalent cations. Aqueous-rich mixed fluid inclusions and pure aqueous fluid inclusions exhibit a low geothermal gradient value of 18 °C/km, whereas the non-aqueous volatiles-rich mixed fluid inclusions have a high density which correspond to high geothermal gradient of 68 °C/km. The studied granitoids are intermediate to felsic in compositions (56.9-74.6 wt. \% SiO2)and have high contents of alkalis K2O (1.73-7.32 wt. \%) and Na2O (1.25-5.13 wt. \%) but low abundances in MnO (0.01-0.20 wt. \%), MgO (0.10-3.97 wt. \%), CaO (0.37-4.85 wt. \%), P2O5(up to 0.90 wt. \%). They display variable contents in TiO2 (0.07-0.91 wt. \%), Fe2O3* (total Fe = 0.96-7.79 wt. \%) and Al2O3 (12.0-17.6 wt. \%) contents. The granitoids show a wide range of high-field-strength elements (HFSE) and large ion lithophile elements (LILE) contents, with felsic granitoids being enriched in HFSE and the intermediate granitoids displaying in contrast high LILE concentrations. They exhibit chemical characteristics of non-alkaline to mid-alkaline, alkali-calcic, calc-alkaline, K-rich to shoshonitic, ferriferous affinities. Chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns are characterized by a strong enrichment in light compared to heavy REEs [(La/Sm)N = 3.23-9.65 and (Ga/Lu)N = 1.45-5.54, respectively], with small to significant negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.28-1.08). Ocean ridge granites (ORG)normalized multi-elements spidergrams display typical collision-related granites pattern, with characteristic negative anomalies of Ba, Nb and Y, and positive anomalies in Rb, Th and Sm. The granitoids under study are genetically I-type granitoids (biotite granitoid, deformed biotite granitoid and mega feldspar granitoid) and one S-type granitoid (two-mica granitoid). The I-type granitoids are metaluminous (ASI: 0.70-1.00) or moderately peraluminous if highly fractionated (ASI: 1.01-1.06). The geochemistry and petrological features of these I-type granitoids argue for close genetic relationships and it is suggest that they originated from a single parent magma. The observed variability in mineralogy and major and trace element compositions in these granitoids are then the reflection of the fractional crystallization that evolved separation of plagioclase, biotite, K-feldspar and accessory minerals at the level of emplacement. The two mica S-type granitoid is exclusively peraluminous (ASI: 1.07-1.25) and classified as a peraluminous leucocratic granitoid or leucogranite. It is marked in its CIPW normative composition by the permanent presence of corundum, ranging between 0.12 and 3.03. The Bafoussam granitoids were emplaced in a syn- to post-collisional tectonic environment. The observed deformational features and the concentrations in Y, less than 40 ppm, confirm that they are related to an orogenesis. Whole-rock Rb-Sr isochrons defines an igneous crystallization ages of 540 ± 27 Ma for the biotite granitoid and 587 ± 41 Ma for the mega feldspar granitoid. These ages fit with the range of Pan-African granitoid ages (650-530 Ma) in West Cameroon and correspond to the Pan-African D2 deformation event in the Neoproterozoic Cameroon orogenic belt. The two-mica granitoid yields an older Rb-Sr isochron age of 663 ± 62 Ma which is considered to be probably a mixing age. The Nd-Sr isotopic compositions indicate that the I-type granitoids have been produced by partial melting of a tonalite-granodiorite source in the lower crust. This is supported by their initial 87Sr/86Sr(600 Ma) ratios (0.705-0.709) and by their WNd(600 Ma) values (0.2 to -6.3, mainly < 0). The two-mica granitoid was generated by partial melting of a greywacke-dominated source involving biotite-limited, biotite dehydration melting. Chemical data of the two-mica granitoid that support this hypothesis are low CaO/Na2O (0.11-0.38) and Sr/Ba (0.20-0.30), the high Rb/Sr (2.26-7.00), the high initial 87Sr/86Sr(600 Ma) ratios ranging from 0.708 to 0.720, the large range in Al2O3/TiO2 (47-204) and the negative WNd(600 Ma) values (-9.9 to -14.0). Moreover,the higher initial 87Sr/86Sr(600 Ma) ratios of the two-mica granitoid are consistent with an upper crust origin. The depleted mantle Nd model ages (TDM) of 1.3-2.3 Ga indicate that the studied granitoids originated by partial melting of Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic crust, with limited mantle-derived magma contribution. The high initial 87Sr/86Sr(600 Ma) ratios of these granitoids coupled with the wide negative WNd(600 Ma) values strongly suggest a very long residence time in the crust of their protoliths before the melting event. The petrologic signatures of the Bafoussam granitoids are similar to those described in other Pan-African belts of western Gondwanaland such as the neighbouring provinces of Nigeria and the Central African Republic, as well as in the Borborema Province of northeastern Brazil. This supports the previous hypothesis that the Central African fold Belt including Cameroon, Nigeria and the Central African Republic provinces has a continuation in Brazil.}, subject = {Kamerun }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bangert2000, author = {Bangert, Berthold}, title = {Tephrostratigraphy, petrography, geochemistry, age and fossil record of the Ganigobis Shale Member and associated glaciomarine deposits of the Dwyka Group, Late Carboniferous, southern Africa}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-2233}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Thin, pyroclastic marker beds are preserved in argillaceous units of the Dwyka Group in southern Nambia and South Africa which are the earliest witnesses of volcanism in Karoo-equivalent strata of southern Africa. The aim of this study is to present the field appearance of these marker beds, to characterise their mineralogy, geochemistry and heavy mineral contents and to present new radiometric age data from their juvenile zircons. Carboniferous-Permian Karoo deposits in the Aranos Basin of southern Namibia include the glacially dominated, Carboniferous Dwyka Group and the shelf sediments of the overlying Permian Ecca Group. The Dwyka Group can be subdivided into four upward-fining deglaciation sequences, each capped by relatively fine-grained glaciolacustrine or glaciomarine deposits. The uppermost part of the second deglaciation sequence comprises a thick fossiliferous mudstone unit, referred to as the "Ganigobis Shale Member". An abundance of marine macro- and ichnofossils as well as extrabasinally derived ashfall tuff beds characterise the more than 40 m thick mudstones and provide the basis for an integrated high-resolution biostratigraphic and tephrostratigraphic framework. The Ganigobis Shale Member contains remains of paleoniscoid fishes, bivalves, gastropods, scyphozoa, crinoid stalks, sponges and sponge spicules, radiolaria, coprolites and permineralised wood. These mostly marine body and trace fossils record the extent of the first of a series of marine incursions into the disintegrating Gondwanan interior as early as the Carboniferous. Within the Ganigobis Shale Member 21 bentonitic tuff beds displaying a thickness of 0.1 and 2.0 cm were determined which in part can be traced laterally over tens of kilometres indicating an ashfall derivation. Further bentonitic tuff beds of the Dwyka Group were detected in cut banks of the Orange River near Zwartbas in the Karasburg Basin (southern Namibia). The 65 tuff beds vary between 0.1 and 4.0 cm in thickness. Due to a similar fossil content and age of the background deposits, the tuff beds are thought to have originated from the same source area as those from the Aranos Basin. Thin-sections reveal the derivation of the tuff beds as distal fallout ashes produced by explosive volcanic eruptions. The matrix consists of a micro- to cryptocrystalline clay mineral-quartz mixture. Rare fragments of splinter quartz, completely recrystallized ash-sized particles of former volcanic glass and few apatite and zircon grains are the only juvenile components. The tuff beds contain as non-opaque, juvenile heavy minerals mostly zircon, apatite, monazite and sphene but also biotite, garnet, hornblende and tourmaline. Geochemical analyses point to an original, intermediate to acid composition of the tuff samples. LREE enrichment and Eu-anomalies show that the parent magma of the tuff beds was a highly evolved calc-alkaline magma. Tectonomagmatic discrimination diagrams point to a volcanic arc setting. Bedding characteristics and the lack of any Carboniferous-Permian volcanic successions onshore Namibia makes an aeolian transport of the ash particles over larger distances likely. Siliceous ashes could thus have been transported by prevailing south-westerly winds from arc-related vents in South America to southern Africa. A second, more local source area could have been located in an intracontinental rift zone along the western margin of southern Africa which is indicated by north-south directed ice-flow directions in the Late Carboniferous. SHRIMP-based age determinations of juvenile magmatic zircons separated from the tuff beds allow a new time calibration of Dwyka Group deglaciation sequences II - IV and the Dwyka/Ecca boundary. Zircons of the Ganigobis Shale Member yield SHRIMP-ages of 302-300 Ma. This dates the uppermost part of the second deglaciation sequence in southern Namibia to the Late Carboniferous (Gzelian) and provides a minimum age for the onset of Karoo-equivalent marine deposition. The age of the uppermost argillaceous part of the third deglaciation sequence (297 Ma) was determined from zircons of a tuffaceous bed sampled in a roadcut in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. The deposits correlate with the Hardap Shale Member in the Aranos Basin of southern Namibia which are part of much more widespread Eurydesma transgression. The age of the Dwyka/Ecca boundary was determined by SHRIMP-measurements of juvenile zircons from two tuff beds of the basal Prince Albert Formation sampled in the Western Cape Province (South Africa). The zircons revealed ages of 289 - 288 Ma which date the Dwyka/Ecca boundary at about 290 Ma. According to these ages, deglaciation sequences II-IV lasted for 5 Ma on average.}, subject = {S{\"u}dafrika}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KreuzerVejnarSchuessleretal.1988, author = {Kreuzer, Hans and Vejnar, Zdenek and Sch{\"u}ssler, Ulrich and Okrusch, Martin and Seidel, Eberhard}, title = {K-Ar dating of the last metamorphic events in different tectonic units of the western margin of the Bohemian Massif}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-87527}, year = {1988}, abstract = {K-Ar dating on hornblendes and micas from the Tepl{\"a}Domazlice zone revealed a pattern of dates which significantly deviates from the mid-Carboniferous to early Permian one that is found in the adjacent low-pressure metamorphic Moldanubian and Saxothuringian. Especially for the Mari{\"a}nske L{\"a}zne metabasic complex, confirming early Czech determinations, the dates resemble the early Devonian pattern determined for the M{\"u}nchberg Gneiss Massif and the Erbendorf-Vohenstrauß zone of northeastern Bavaria. This supports the idea that all three units are remnants of a huge complex which suffered a metamorphic overprint under medium-pressure conditions, probably in the early Devonian. Streng rejuvenation is found in the southern part of the Tepl{\"a}-Domailice zone by which micas and even two hornblendes were reset to mid-Carboniferous ages. According to the geological setting, part of the apparently preDevonian dates may be explained by inherited argon from earlier metamorphic and magmatic events, e.g. the high-pressure metamorphism documented in eclogitic relics. However, excess argon, caused by the mid-Carboniferous overprint cannot be excluded.}, subject = {Geochemie}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SchuesslerVejnarOkruschetal.1988, author = {Sch{\"u}ssler, Ulrich and Vejnar, Z. and Okrusch, M. and Rose, S. and Seidel, E.}, title = {Geochemistry of Metabasites and gabbroic rocks from the Tepla-Domazlice zone}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-87511}, year = {1988}, abstract = {Various amphibolites, metagabbros and eclogitic relics of the Mari{\"a}nske L{\"a}zne complex, and amphibolites from the Cern{\"a} Hora Massif exhibit an uniform geochemical character which compares weil with modern mid-ocean ridge basalts. Geochemically these metabasites are similar to the amphibolites of the Myto area and to schistose, partly striped amphibolites of the neighbouring Tirschenreuth-M{\"a}hring Zone and the Erbendorf-Vohenstrauss Zone (Bavaria). Greenschists and amphibolites from the Domazlice metamorphic complex show an alkaline-basaltic tendency conforming to modern within-plate basalts or basalts from anomalaus midocean ridge segments. In their chemical character, these metabasites compare weil with the flaseramphibolites of the Erbendorf-Vohenstrauss Zone. Fine-grained amphibolites in the Warzenrieth area and (gabbro-) amphibolites in the Bl{\"a}tterberg-Hoher Bogen area show normal MORB character. The metamorphosed gabbroic rocks in the southern part of the Neukirchen-Kdyne (meta-) igneous complex are subalkaline - tholeiitic and exhibit a magmatic differentiation trend. They differ from the neighbouring amphibolites by generally lower contents of incompatible elements.}, subject = {Geochemie}, language = {en} }