@phdthesis{Klawitter2006, author = {Klawitter, Ruth}, title = {Theoriegeleitete praxisorientierte Lehrerausbildung im Fach Geographie. Eine wissenschaftliche Untersuchung am Standort Studienhaus Geographie im Schullandheim Bauersberg in der Rh{\"o}n}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-20075}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Diese Studie entwickelt und testet ein Ausbildungskonzept f{\"u}r die Lehrerausbildung im Fach Geographie am Beispiel der Bildungseinrichtung Studienhaus Geographie des Schullandheims Bauersberg bei Bischofsheim a.d. Rh{\"o}n. Die theoretischen {\"U}berlegungen beinhalten einen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die bestehenden p{\"a}dagogischen Zielsetzungen, die administrativen Grundlagen, die aufgezeigten Defizite der universit{\"a}ren Lehrerausbildung wie die daraus resultierenden Reformans{\"a}tze und Forderungen an eine qualifizierte Lehrerausbildung. F{\"u}r das fallbeispielhaft entwickelte Konzept einer Lehrerausbildung im Fach Geographie stellen die professionstheoretischen Ans{\"a}tze zu einer kompetenzorientierte Lehrerausbildung die Basis dar, auf der die p{\"a}dagogischen Zielsetzungen einer auf Professionalit{\"a}t ausgerichteten Lehrerausbildung formuliert werden. Schwerpunktm{\"a}ßig basiert das Ausbildungskonzept auf dem bildungstheoretischen Dreieck zur Neustrukturierung der Lehrerbildung von BAYER/CARLE/WILDT, welches die Vernetzungsm{\"o}glichkeiten der die Lehrerausbildung kennzeichnenden Bezugssysteme Wissenschaft (im Sinne von Theorie), Praxis (im Sinne von Berufsfeldbezug) und Person (im Sinne von Professionalit{\"a}t) beschreibt. Grundlage des Ausbildungskonzeptes stellen ebenfalls die administrativen Vorgaben der bayerischen Lehrerausbildung dar. Eine wesentliche Rolle f{\"u}r die Konzeption dieser Form der Ausbildung am Standort Studienhaus Geographie spielen neben den strukturellen Voraussetzungen dieser Einrichtung die ge{\"a}ußerten Defizite der universit{\"a}ren Lehrerausbildung, die jeweils in der Aussage einer zu wenig an der Praxis orientierten Ausbildung gipfeln. Untersuchungen zur Qualit{\"a}t der universit{\"a}ren Geographielehrerausbildung geben Hinweise zu einer intensiveren Vermittlung von Methodenkompetenz bez{\"u}glich des Unterrichtsprinzips Handlungsorientierung und des Einsatz von geographischen Arbeitstechniken wie Experimente, Exkursionen/Arbeiten im Gel{\"a}nde etc.. Unterst{\"u}tzt werden die sich daraus ableitenden Optimierungsvorschl{\"a}ge durch die Realisierung verschiedener Reformans{\"a}tze im Fach Geographie wie f{\"a}cher{\"u}bergreifendes, projektorientiertes, in der Zusammenarbeit mit der Schulpraxis stattfindendes Arbeiten an außerschulischen Lernorten und durch die von den jeweiligen Fachvertretern formulierten Richtlinien zur Optimierung der Lehrerausbildung. Das Ausbildungskonzept basiert auf interdisziplin{\"a}r angelegten Lehrveranstaltungen, die in Kooperation der Geographiedidaktik mit der Physischen Geographie, der Humangeographie, der Geologie, der Mineralogie und der Schulpraxis und zur Erarbeitung unterrichtsrelevanter geographischer Ausbildungsinhalte stattfinden. Kennzeichnend ist die Veranstaltungsstruktur Blockveranstaltung, welche handlungs- und projektorientierte, auf Teamarbeit ausgerichtete Arbeitsformen f{\"o}rdert und die gemeinsame Erarbeitung von Ausbildungsinhalten aus fachdidaktischer und fachwissenschaftlicher Perspektive in der Theorie mit anschließender Anwendung bei Gel{\"a}ndearbeiten. Eine Umsetzung der theoretischen Kenntnisse in fachad{\"a}quates, didaktisch-methodisches Unterrichtsmaterial/-vorhaben wie deren Erprobung mit Sch{\"u}lern schließt sich an. Den Abschluss dieser Ausbildungsform bildet eine gemeinsame Evaluation und Reflexion der gesetzten fachdidaktischen, fachwissenschaftlichen und hochschuldidaktischen Zielsetzungen bez{\"u}glich der Ausbildungsinhalte und -methode. In der qualitativen Studie wurde die Eignung des Standortes Studienhaus Geographie f{\"u}r Lehrveranstaltungen, die gem{\"a}ß dem Konzept der theoriegeleiteten praxisorientierten Lehrerausbildung stattfinden, evaluiert. Lehrende der Geographie/Geologie/Mineralogie, Studierende und Lehrkr{\"a}fte wurden in Leitfadeninterviews befragt. In der quantitativen Studie evaluierten alle teilgenommenen Studierende mittels eines Fragebogens dieses Ausbildungskonzept. Sowohl aus der Perspektive der Lehrenden der Fachwissenschaft als auch aus derjenigen der Geographiedidaktik und der Studierenden stellt diese Einrichtung aufgrund ihrer Lage und r{\"a}umlichen wie materiellen Ausstattung einen geeigneten Ausbildungsort f{\"u}r eine universit{\"a}re Lehrerausbildung, die nach p{\"a}dagogischen, fach- und hochschuldidaktischen Kriterien organisiert ist, dar.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kirschke2008, author = {Kirschke, Stefanie}, title = {Bilanzierung des Methanaustauschs zwischen Biosph{\"a}re und Atmosph{\"a}re in Periglazialr{\"a}umen mit Hilfe von Fernerkundung und Modellen am Beispiel des Lena Deltas}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-29024}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Verbleibende Unsicherheiten im Kohlenstoffhaushalt in {\"O}kosystemen der hohen n{\"o}rdlichen Breiten k{\"o}nnen teilweise auf die Schwierigkeiten bei der Erfassung der r{\"a}umlich und zeitlich hoch variablen Methanemissionsraten von Permafrostb{\"o}den zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden. Methan ist ein global abundantes atmosph{\"a}risches Spurengas, welches signifikant zur Erw{\"a}rmung der Atmosph{\"a}re beitr{\"a}gt. Aufgrund der hohen Sensibilit{\"a}t des arktischen Bodenkohlenstoffreservoirs sowie der großen von Permafrost unterlagerten Landfl{\"a}chen sind arktische Gebiete am kritischsten von einem globalen Klimawandel betroffen. Diese Dissertation adressiert den Bedarf an Modellierungsans{\"a}tzen f{\"u}r die Bestimmung der Quellst{\"a}rke nordsibirischer permafrostbeeinflusster {\"O}kosysteme der nassen polygonalen Tundra mit Hinblick auf die Methanemissionen auf regionalem Maßstab. Die Arbeit pr{\"a}sentiert eine methodische Struktur in welcher zwei prozessbasierte Modelle herangezogen werden, um die komplexen Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Kompartimenten Pedosph{\"a}re, Biosph{\"a}re und Atmosph{\"a}re, welche zu Methanemissionen aus Permafrostb{\"o}den f{\"u}hren, zu erfassen. Es wird ein Upscaling der Gesamtmethanfl{\"u}sse auf ein gr{\"o}ßeres, von Permafrost unterlagertes Untersuchungsgebiet auf Basis eines prozessbasierten Modells durchgef{\"u}hrt. Das prozessbasierte Vegetationsmodell Biosphere Energy Hydrology Transfer Model (BETHY/DLR) wird f{\"u}r die Berechnung der Nettoprim{\"a}rproduktion (NPP) arktischer Tundravegetation herangezogen. Die NPP ist ein Maß f{\"u}r die Substratverf{\"u}gbarkeit der Methanproduktion und daher ein wichtiger Eingangsparameter f{\"u}r das zweite Modell: Das prozessbasierte Methanemissionsmodell wird anschließend verwendet, um die Methanfl{\"u}sse einer gegebenen Bodens{\"a}ule explizit zu berechnen. Dabei werden die Prozesse der Methanogenese, Methanotrophie sowie drei verschiedene Transportmechanismen - molekulare Diffusion, Gasblasenbildung und pflanzengebundener Transport durch vaskul{\"a}re Pflanzen - ber{\"u}cksichtigt. Das Methanemissionsmodell ist f{\"u}r Permafrostbedingungen modifiziert, indem das t{\"a}gliche Auftauen des Permafrostbodens in der kurzen arktischen Vegetationsperiode ber{\"u}cksichtigt wird. Der Modellantrieb besteht aus meteorologischen Datens{\"a}tzen des European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Die Eingangsdatens{\"a}tze werden mit Hilfe von in situ Messdaten validiert. Zus{\"a}tzliche Eingangsdaten f{\"u}r beide Modelle werden aus Fernerkundungsdaten abgeleitet, welche mit Feldspektralmessungen validiert werden. Eine modifizierte Landklassifikation auf der Basis von Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) Daten wird f{\"u}r die Ableitung von Informationen zu Feuchtgebietsverteilung und Vegetationsbedeckung herangezogen. Zeitserien der Auftautiefe werden zur Beschreibung des Auftauens bzw. R{\"u}ckfrierens des Bodens verwendet. Diese Faktoren sind die Haupteinflussgr{\"o}ßen f{\"u}r die Modellierung von Methanemissionen aus permafrostbeeinflussten Tundra{\"o}kosystemen. Die vorgestellten Modellergebnisse werden mittels Eddy-Kovarianz-Messungen der Methanfl{\"u}sse validiert, welche w{\"a}hrend der Vegetationsperioden der Jahre 2003-2006 im s{\"u}dlichen Teil des Lena Deltas (72°N, 126°E) vom Alfred Wegener Institut f{\"u}r Polar- und Meeresforschung (AWI) durchgef{\"u}hrt wurden. Das Untersuchungsgebiet Lena Delta liegt an der Laptewsee in Nordostsibirien und ist durch {\"O}kosysteme der arktischen nassen polygonalen Tundra sowie kalten kontinuierlichen Permafrost charakterisiert. Zeitlich integrierte Werte der modellierten Methanfl{\"u}sse sowie der in situ Messungen zeigen gute {\"U}bereinstimmungen und weisen auf eine leichte Modelluntersch{\"a}tzung von etwa 10\%.}, subject = {Methanemission}, language = {de} } @article{KhareLatifiRossietal.2019, author = {Khare, Siddhartha and Latifi, Hooman and Rossi, Sergio and Ghosh, Sanjay Kumar}, title = {Fractional cover mapping of invasive plant species by combining very high-resolution stereo and multi-sensor multispectral imageries}, series = {Forests}, volume = {10}, journal = {Forests}, number = {7}, issn = {1999-4907}, doi = {10.3390/f10070540}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-197250}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Invasive plant species are major threats to biodiversity. They can be identified and monitored by means of high spatial resolution remote sensing imagery. This study aimed to test the potential of multiple very high-resolution (VHR) optical multispectral and stereo imageries (VHRSI) at spatial resolutions of 1.5 and 5 m to quantify the presence of the invasive lantana (Lantana camara L.) and predict its distribution at large spatial scale using medium-resolution fractional cover analysis. We created initial training data for fractional cover analysis by classifying smaller extent VHR data (SPOT-6 and RapidEye) along with three dimensional (3D) VHRSI derived digital surface model (DSM) datasets. We modelled the statistical relationship between fractional cover and spectral reflectance for a VHR subset of the study area located in the Himalayan region of India, and finally predicted the fractional cover of lantana based on the spectral reflectance of Landsat-8 imagery of a larger spatial extent. We classified SPOT-6 and RapidEye data and used the outputs as training data to create continuous field layers of Landsat-8 imagery. The area outside the overlapping region was predicted by fractional cover analysis due to the larger extent of Landsat-8 imagery compared with VHR datasets. Results showed clear discrimination of understory lantana from upperstory vegetation with 87.38\% (for SPOT-6), and 85.27\% (for RapidEye) overall accuracy due to the presence of additional VHRSI derived DSM information. Independent validation for lantana fractional cover estimated root-mean-square errors (RMSE) of 11.8\% (for RapidEye) and 7.22\% (for SPOT-6), and R\(^2\) values of 0.85 and 0.92 for RapidEye (5 m) and SPOT-6 (1.5 m), respectively. Results suggested an increase in predictive accuracy of lantana within forest areas along with increase in the spatial resolution for the same Landsat-8 imagery. The variance explained at 1.5 m spatial resolution to predict lantana was 64.37\%, whereas it decreased by up to 37.96\% in the case of 5 m spatial resolution data. This study revealed the high potential of combining small extent VHR and VHRSI- derived 3D optical data with larger extent, freely available satellite data for identification and mapping of invasive species in mountainous forests and remote regions.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kempf2000, author = {Kempf, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Klimageomorphologische Studien in Zentral-Namibia: Ein Beitrag zur Morpho-, Pedo- und {\"O}kogenese}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5325}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Es werden die Ergebnisse mehrj{\"a}hriger geomorphologische, pedologischer und {\"o}kologischer Feldaufnahmen in Namibia vorgestellt. Der Schwerpunkt der Betrachtung lag auf einem West-Ost-Transekt im zentralen Drittel des Landes zwischen dem s{\"u}dlichen Wendekreis und der Etosha-Region. Das Transekt beschreibt einen klima-geomorphologischen {\"U}bergang vom namibischen Schelf, {\"u}ber das Litoral, die Namib-Rumpffl{\"a}che, das Randstufenvorland mit dem Escarpment und das Hochland mit dem Windhoek-Okahandja-Becken bis zu den ausgedehnten Kontinentalbecken der Kalahari. Schelf, Randstufenvorland, Becken und Kalahari stellen dabei potentielle Akkumulationslandschaften, dar, Hochland und Namib-Fl{\"a}che die zugeh{\"o}rigen Abtragungslandschaften. Der geomorphologische Formenschatz der Akkumulations- und Abtragungslandschaften wurde ebenso analytisch beschrieben, wie die landschafts{\"o}kologische Grundausstattung, v. a. B{\"o}den und Vegetation. Die jeweils ablaufenden Prozesse und Prozesskombinationen wurden mit klimatischen Daten in einem {\"O}kosystemmodell verkn{\"u}pft. Mit Hilfe dieses Modells wurden geomorphologische Reliktformen verschiedener Zeitalter im landschaftlichen Zusammenhang {\"o}kogenetisch interpretiert und ein historischer Ablauf der Milieugeschichte seit dem Endterti{\"a}r rekonstruiert. Unterst{\"u}tzend wurden Proxydaten, v. a. pal{\"a}o{\"o}kologische und geoarch{\"a}ologische herangezogen.}, subject = {Zentralnamibia}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kawohl2022, author = {Kawohl, Alexander}, title = {The Petrology and Geochemistry of Igneous Dykes above the Temagami Anomaly (Ontario, Canada) and their Relationship to the 1.85 Ga Sudbury Impact}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27961}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-279617}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The area northeast of Sudbury, Ontario, is known for one of the largest unexplained geophysical anomalies on the Canadian Shield, the 1,200 km2 Temagami Anomaly. The geological cause of this regional magnetic, conductive and gravity feature has previously been modelled to be a mafic-ultramafic body at relatively great depth (2-15 km) of unknown age and origin, which may or may not be related to the meteorite impact-generated Sudbury Igneous Complex in its immediate vicinity. However, with a profound lack of outcrops and drill holes, the geological cause of the anomaly remains elusive, a genetic link to the 1.85 Ga Sudbury impact event purely speculative. In search for any potential surface expression of the deep-seated cause of the Temagami Anomaly, this study provides a first, yet comprehensive petrological and geochemical assessment of exotic igneous dykes recently discovered in outcrops above, and drill cores into, the Temagami Anomaly. Based on cross-cutting field relations, petrographic studies, lithogeochemistry, whole-rock Nd-Sr-Pb isotope systematics, and U-Pb geochronology, it was possible to identify, and distinguish between, at least six different groups of igneous dykes: (i) Calc-alkaline quartz diorite dykes related to the 1.85 Ga Sudbury Igneous Complex (locally termed Offset Dykes); (ii) tholeiitic quartz diabase of the regional 2.22 Ga Nipissing Suite/Senneterre Dyke Swarm; (iii) calc-alkaline quartz diabase of the regional 2.17 Ga Biscotasing Dyke Swarm; (iv) alkaline ultrabasic dykes correlated with the 1.88-1.86 Ga Circum-Superior Large Igneous Province (LIP); and (v) aplitic dykes as well as (vi) a hornblende syenite, the latter two of more ambiguous age and stratigraphic position. The findings presented in this study - the discovery of three new Offset Dykes in particular - offer some unexpected insights into the geology and economic potential of one of the least explored areas of the world-class Sudbury Mining Camp as well as into the nature and distribution of both allochthonous and autochthonous impactites within one of the oldest and largest impact structures known on Earth. Not only do the geometric patterns of dyke (and breccia) distribution reaffirm previous notions of the existence of discrete ring structures in the sense of a ~200-km multi-ring basin, but they provide critical constraints as to the pre-erosional thickness and extent of the impact melt sheet, thus helping to identity new areas for Ni-Cu-PGE exploration. Furthermore, this study provides important insights into the pre-impact stratigraphy and the magmatic evolution of the region in general, which reveals to be much more complex, compositionally divers, and protracted than initially assumed. Of note is the discovery of rocks related to the 2.17 Ga Biscotasing and the 1.88-1.86 Ga Circum-Superior magmatic events, as these were not previously known to occur on the southeast margin of the Superior Craton. Shortly predating the Sudbury impact and being contemporaneous with ore-forming events at Thompson (Manitoba) and Raglan (Cape Smith), these magmatic rocks could provide the missing link between unusual mafic, pre-enriched, crustal target rocks, and the unique metal endowment of the Sudbury Impact Structure. The actual geological cause of the Temagami Anomaly remains open to debate and requires the downward extension of existing bore holes as well as more detailed geophysical investigations. The hypothesis of a genetic relationship between Sudbury impact event and Temagami Anomaly is neither borne out by any evidence nor particularly realistic, even in case of an oblique impact, and should thus be abandoned. It is instead proposed, based on circumstantial evidence, that the anomaly might be explained by an ultramafic complex of the 1.88-1.86 Ga Circum-Superior LIP.}, subject = {Impaktstruktur}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Karama2021, author = {Karama, Alphonse}, title = {East African Seasonal Rainfall prediction using multiple linear regression and regression with ARIMA errors models}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25183}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-251831}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The detrimental impacts of climate variability on water, agriculture, and food resources in East Africa underscore the importance of reliable seasonal climate prediction. To overcome this difficulty RARIMAE method were evolved. Applications RARIMAE in the literature shows that amalgamating different methods can be an efficient and effective way to improve the forecasts of time series under consideration. With these motivations, attempt have been made to develop a multiple linear regression model (MLR) and a RARIMAE models for forecasting seasonal rainfall in east Africa under the following objectives: 1. To develop MLR model for seasonal rainfall prediction in East Africa. 2. To develop a RARIMAE model for seasonal rainfall prediction in East Africa. 3. Comparison of model's efficiency under consideration In order to achieve the above objectives, the monthly precipitation data covering the period from 1949 to 2000 was obtained from Climate Research Unit (CRU). Next to that, the first differenced climate indices were used as predictors. In the first part of this study, the analyses of the rainfall fluctuation in whole Central- East Africa region which span over a longitude of 15 degrees East to 55 degrees East and a latitude of 15 degrees South to 15 degrees North was done by the help of maps. For models' comparison, the R-squared values for the MLR model are subtracted from the R-squared values of RARIMAE model. The results show positive values which indicates that R-squared is improved by RARIMAE model. On the other side, the root mean square errors (RMSE) values of the RARIMAE model are subtracted from the RMSE values of the MLR model and the results show negative value which indicates that RMSE is reduced by RARIMAE model for training and testing datasets. For the second part of this study, the area which is considered covers a longitude of 31.5 degrees East to 41 degrees East and a latitude of 3.5 degrees South to 0.5 degrees South. This region covers Central-East of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), north of Burundi, south of Uganda, Rwanda, north of Tanzania and south of Kenya. Considering a model constructed based on the average rainfall time series in this region, the long rainfall season counts the nine months lead of the first principal component of Indian sea level pressure (SLP_PC19) and the nine months lead of Dipole Mode Index (DMI_LR9) as selected predictors for both statistical and predictive model. On the other side, the short rainfall season counts the three months lead of the first principal component of Indian sea surface temperature (SST_PC13) and the three months lead of Southern Oscillation Index (SOI_SR3) as predictors for predictive model. For short rainfall season statistical model SAOD current time series (SAOD_SR0) was added on the two predictors in predictive model. By applying a MLR model it is shown that the forecast can explain 27.4\% of the total variation and has a RMSE of 74.2mm/season for long rainfall season while for the RARIMAE the forecast explains 53.6\% of the total variation and has a RMSE of 59.4mm/season. By applying a MLR model it is shown that the forecast can explain 22.8\% of the total variation and has a RMSE of 106.1 mm/season for short rainfall season predictive model while for the RARIMAE the forecast explains 55.1\% of the total variation and has a RMSE of 81.1 mm/season. From such comparison, a significant rise in R-squared, a decrease of RMSE values were observed in RARIMAE models for both short rainfall and long rainfall season averaged time series. In terms of reliability, RARIMAE outperformed its MLR counterparts with better efficiency and accuracy. Therefore, whenever the data suffer from autocorrelation, we can go for MLR with ARIMA error, the ARIMA error part is more to correct the autocorrelation thereby improving the variance and productiveness of the model.}, subject = {Regression}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{KanmegneTamga2024, author = {Kanmegne Tamga, Dan Emmanuel}, title = {Modelling Carbon Sequestration of Agroforestry Systems in West Africa using Remote Sensing}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36926}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-369269}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The production of commodities such as cocoa, rubber, oil palm and cashew, is the main driver of deforestation in West Africa (WA). The practiced production systems correspond to a land managment approach referred to as agroforestry systems (AFS), which consist of managing trees and crops on the same unit of land.Because of the ubiquity of trees, AFS reported as viable solution for climate mitigation; the carbon sequestrated by the trees could be estimated with remote sensing (RS) data and methods and reported as emission reduction efforts. However, the diversity in AFS in relation to their composition, structure and spatial distribution makes it challenging for an accurate monitoring of carbon stocks using RS. Therefore, the aim of this research is to propose a RS-based approach for the estimation of carbon sequestration in AFS across the climatic regions of WA. The main objectives were to (i) provide an accurate classification map of AFS by modelling the spatial distribution of the classification error; (ii) estimate the carbon stock of AFS in the main climatic regions of WA using RS data; (iii) evaluate the dynamic of carbon stocks within AFS across WA. Three regions of interest (ROI) were defined in Cote d'Ivoire and Burkina Faso, one in each climatic region of WA namely the Guineo-Congolian, Guinean and Sudanian, and three field campaigns were carried out for data collection. The collected data consisted of reference points for image classification, biometric tree measurements (diameter, height, species) for biomass estimation. A total of 261 samples were collected in 12 AFS across WA. For the RS data, yearly composite images from Sentinel-1 and -2 (S1 and S2), ALOS-PALSAR and GEDI data were used. A supervised classification using random forest (RF) was implemented and the classification error was assessed using the Shannon entropy generated from the class probabilities. For carbon estimation, different RS data, machine learning algorithms and carbon reference sources were compared for the prediction of the aboveground biomass in AFS. The assessment of the carbon dynamic was carried between 2017 and 2021. An average carbon map was genrated and use as reference for the comparison of annual carbon estimations, using the standard deviation as threshold. As far as the results are concerned, the classification accuracy was higher than 0.9 in all the ROIs, and AFS were mainly represented by rubber (38.9\%), cocoa (36.4\%), palm (10.8\%) in the ROI-1, mango (15.2\%) and cashew (13.4\%) in ROI-2, shea tree (55.7\%) and African locust bean (28.1\%) in ROI-3. However, evidence of misclassification was found in cocoa, mango, and shea butter. The assessment of the classification error suggested that the error level was higher in the ROI-3 and ROI-1. The error generated from the entropy was able to reduced the level of misclassification by 63\% with 11\% of loss of information. Moreover, the approach was able to accuretely detect encroachement in protected areas. On carbon estimation, the highest prediction accuracy (R²>0.8) was obtained for a RF model using the combination of S1 and S2 and AGB derived from field measurements. Predictions from GEDI could only be used as reference in the ROI-1 but resulted in a prediction error was higher in cashew, mango, rubber and cocoa plantations, and the carbon stock level was higher in African locust bean (43.9 t/ha), shea butter (15 t/ha), cashew (13.8 t/ha), mango (12.8 t/ha), cocoa (7.51 t/ha) and rubber (7.33 t/ha). The analysis showed that carbon stock is determined mainly by the diameter (R²=0.45) and height (R²=0.13) of trees. It was found that crop plantations had the lowest biodiversity level, and no significant relationship was found between the considered biodiversity indices and carbon stock levels. The assessment of the spatial distribution of carbon sources and sinks showed that cashew plantations are carbon emitters due to firewood collection, while cocoa plantations showed the highest potential for carbon sequestration. The study revealed that Sentinel data could be used to support a RS-based approach for modelling carbon sequestration in AFS. Entropy could be used to map crop plantations and to monitor encroachment in protected areas. Moreover, field measurements with appropriate allometric models could ensure an accurate estimation of carbon stocks in AFS. Even though AFS in the Sudanian region had the highest carbon stocks level, there is a high potential to increase the carbon level in cocoa plantations by integrating and/or maintaining forest trees.}, subject = {Sequestrierung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kackstaetter2003, author = {Kackstaetter, Uwe R.}, title = {Contaminant diffusion and sorption of an artificial leachate in selected geologic barriers of Frankonia, Bavaria, Germany}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-16151}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {The geologic barrier represents the final contact between a landfill and the environment. Ideally suited are clays and mudstones because of sufficient vertical and lateral extent, low hydraulic conductivities and high sorptive characteristics. Since hydraulic conductivity is no longer the single criteria to determine transport and retardation of contaminants in geologic landfill barrier materials, diffusive and sorptive characteristics of 4 different clay and mudstone lithologies in Northern Bavaria, were investigated. Cored samples from various depths were included in this study and subjected to evaluations of geochemistry, mineralogy, physical parameters, sorption and diffusion. A transient double reservoir with decreasing source concentration was designed and constructed using clear polycarbonate cylinders for undisturbed clay plugs of 2 to 4cm thickness. Samples were also fitted with internal electrical conductivity probes to determine the migration of the diffusive front. A multi chemical species synthetic landfill leachate was contrived to simulate and evaluate natural pollutant conditions. A computational method for determining mineralogy from geochemical data was also developed. It was found that sorptive processes are mostly controlled by the quality and type of fine grained phyllosilicates and the individual chemical species involved exhibited linear, Freundlich, as well as Langmuir sorption properties. Effective diffusion and sorption coefficients were also determined using POLLUTEv6 (GAEA, 1997) software and receptor reservoir concentrations for K, Na, Ca, Cu, NH4, Cl, NO3, SO4, and concentration totals at predetermined time intervals. Anion exclusion proved to be a major factor in the diffusion process and was used to explain many observed anomalies. Furthermore, diffusion coefficients were found not to be static with a multi chemical species leachate, but actually varied during the course of the experiment. Strong indications point toward the major role of pore space quality, shape, and form as control of diffusive properties of a geologic barrier. A correlation of CECNa of the samples with De may point to a possible deduction of diffusive properties for multi species leachates without extensive and time consuming laboratory tests}, language = {en} } @article{KacicThonfeldGessneretal.2023, author = {Kacic, Patrick and Thonfeld, Frank and Gessner, Ursula and Kuenzer, Claudia}, title = {Forest structure characterization in Germany: novel products and analysis based on GEDI, Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {15}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {8}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs15081969}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-313727}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Monitoring forest conditions is an essential task in the context of global climate change to preserve biodiversity, protect carbon sinks and foster future forest resilience. Severe impacts of heatwaves and droughts triggering cascading effects such as insect infestation are challenging the semi-natural forests in Germany. As a consequence of repeated drought years since 2018, large-scale canopy cover loss has occurred calling for an improved disturbance monitoring and assessment of forest structure conditions. The present study demonstrates the potential of complementary remote sensing sensors to generate wall-to-wall products of forest structure for Germany. The combination of high spatial and temporal resolution imagery from Sentinel-1 (Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR) and Sentinel-2 (multispectral) with novel samples on forest structure from the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI, LiDAR, Light detection and ranging) enables the analysis of forest structure dynamics. Modeling the three-dimensional structure of forests from GEDI samples in machine learning models reveals the recent changes in German forests due to disturbances (e.g., canopy cover degradation, salvage logging). This first consistent data set on forest structure for Germany from 2017 to 2022 provides information of forest canopy height, forest canopy cover and forest biomass and allows estimating recent forest conditions at 10 m spatial resolution. The wall-to-wall maps of the forest structure support a better understanding of post-disturbance forest structure and forest resilience.}, language = {en} } @article{KacicKuenzer2022, author = {Kacic, Patrick and Kuenzer, Claudia}, title = {Forest biodiversity monitoring based on remotely sensed spectral diversity — a review}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {14}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {21}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs14215363}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-290535}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Forests are essential for global environmental well-being because of their rich provision of ecosystem services and regulating factors. Global forests are under increasing pressure from climate change, resource extraction, and anthropologically-driven disturbances. The results are dramatic losses of habitats accompanied with the reduction of species diversity. There is the urgent need for forest biodiversity monitoring comprising analysis on α, β, and γ scale to identify hotspots of biodiversity. Remote sensing enables large-scale monitoring at multiple spatial and temporal resolutions. Concepts of remotely sensed spectral diversity have been identified as promising methodologies for the consistent and multi-temporal analysis of forest biodiversity. This review provides a first time focus on the three spectral diversity concepts "vegetation indices", "spectral information content", and "spectral species" for forest biodiversity monitoring based on airborne and spaceborne remote sensing. In addition, the reviewed articles are analyzed regarding the spatiotemporal distribution, remote sensing sensors, temporal scales and thematic foci. We identify multispectral sensors as primary data source which underlines the focus on optical diversity as a proxy for forest biodiversity. Moreover, there is a general conceptual focus on the analysis of spectral information content. In recent years, the spectral species concept has raised attention and has been applied to Sentinel-2 and MODIS data for the analysis from local spectral species to global spectral communities. Novel remote sensing processing capacities and the provision of complementary remote sensing data sets offer great potentials for large-scale biodiversity monitoring in the future.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jung2006, author = {Jung, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {GIS-gest{\"u}tzte Rekonstruktion der neogenen Reliefentwicklung tektonisch beeinflusster Mittelgebirgslandschaften am Beispiel des Spessarts (NW-Bayern, SE-Hessen)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-20961}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Klimatische wie auch strukturelle Einfl{\"u}sse haben in einem sich wandelnden Wirkungsgef{\"u}ge an der Reliefentwicklung des Spessarts mitgewirkt. Seit dem ausgehenden Jura wurde die mesozoische Gesteinsauflage zun{\"a}chst unter tropoiden Bedingungen von undifferenzierten Verwitterungs- und Abtragungsprozessen sukzessive aufgearbeitet. Eine zunehmend differenzierte Formung und Inwertsetzung des strukturellen Inventars ist mindestens seit dem Untermioz{\"a}n feststellbar. Klimatische Ver{\"a}nderungen, unterst{\"u}tzt von tektonischen Aktivit{\"a}ten haben sich fr{\"u}her als in anderen Mittelgebirgsregionen auf die Reliefgestaltung ausgewirkt. Rheinische Elemente tektonischer Deformationen setzen sich bereits im Oligoz{\"a}n durch, wie Untersuchungen der Tonlagerst{\"a}tte Klingenberg belegen. Die untermioz{\"a}ne Reliefdifferenzierung wird anhand der Sedimente und Vulkanite des Schl{\"u}chterner Beckens deutlich. Sedimente der Hanau-Seligenst{\"a}dter Senke liefern Hinweise {\"u}ber die Ausr{\"a}umung der Sandsteinschichten im Vorderen Spessart und die Entwicklung der Sandsteinstufe. Durch restriktive Fl{\"a}chenbildung im Stufenvorland wurde die Sandsteinstufe lagekonstant herauspr{\"a}pariert. Der im Bereich des Stufenhanges und der Auslieger-Inselberge verbreitete Sandstein-Saprolit belegt den morphogenetischen Zusammenhang mit der tropoiden Verwitterungsdynamik. Die jungterti{\"a}re und pleistoz{\"a}ne Formung hat zu einer Akzentuierung, die holoz{\"a}nen Prozesse zu einer lokalen Nivellierung des Reliefs beigetragen. Mit Hilfe des Geographischen Informationssystems (GIS) wurden morphogenetisch relevante Parameter, z.B. das Formeninventar, terti{\"a}re Verwitterungsbildungen oder die Tektonik erfasst und thematisch {\"u}berlagert. Eine morphologische Landschaftsdifferenzierung des Spessarts wurde anhand Geomorphologischer Raumeinheiten erarbeitet.}, subject = {Spessart}, language = {de} } @article{IbebuchiPaeth2021, author = {Ibebuchi, Chibuike Chiedozie and Paeth, Heiko}, title = {The Imprint of the Southern Annular Mode on Black Carbon AOD in the Western Cape Province}, series = {Atmosphere}, volume = {12}, journal = {Atmosphere}, number = {10}, issn = {2073-4433}, doi = {10.3390/atmos12101287}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-248387}, year = {2021}, abstract = {This study examines the relationship between variations of the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) and black carbon (BC) at 550 nm aerosol optical depth (AOD) in the Western Cape province (WC). Variations of the positive (negative) phase of the SAM are found to be related to regional circulation types (CTs) in southern Africa, associated with suppressed (enhanced) westerly wind over the WC through the southward (northward) migration of Southern Hemisphere mid-latitude cyclones. The CTs related to positive (negative) SAM anomalies induce stable (unstable) atmospheric conditions over the southwestern regions of the WC, especially during the austral winter and autumn seasons. Through the control of CTs, positive (negative) SAM phases tend to contribute to the build-up (dispersion and dilution) of BC in the study region because they imply dry (wet) conditions which favor the build-up (washing out) of pollutant particles in the atmosphere. Indeed, recent years with an above-average frequency of CTs related to positive (negative) SAM anomalies are associated with a high (low) BC AOD over southwesternmost Africa.}, language = {en} } @article{Ibebuchi2023, author = {Ibebuchi, Chibuike Chiedozie}, title = {On the representation of atmospheric circulation modes in regional climate models over Western Europe}, series = {International Journal of Climatology}, volume = {43}, journal = {International Journal of Climatology}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1002/joc.7807}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-312424}, pages = {668 -- 682}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Atmospheric circulation is a key driver of climate variability, and the representation of atmospheric circulation modes in regional climate models (RCMs) can enhance the credibility of regional climate projections. This study examines the representation of large-scale atmospheric circulation modes in Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project phase 5 RCMs once driven by ERA-Interim, and by two general circulation models (GCMs). The study region is Western Europe and the circulation modes are classified using the Promax rotated T-mode principal component analysis. The results indicate that the RCMs can replicate the classified atmospheric modes as obtained from ERA5 reanalysis, though with biases dependent on the data providing the lateral boundary condition and the choice of RCM. When the boundary condition is provided by ERA-Interim that is more consistent with observations, the simulated map types and the associating time series match well with their counterparts from ERA5. Further, on average, the multi-model ensemble mean of the analysed RCMs, driven by ERA-Interim, indicated a slight improvement in the representation of the modes obtained from ERA5. Conversely, when the RCMs are driven by the GCMs that are models without assimilation of observational data, the representation of the atmospheric modes, as obtained from ERA5, is relatively less accurate compared to when the RCMs are driven by ERA-Interim. This suggests that the biases stem from the GCMs. On average, the representation of the modes was not improved in the multi-model ensemble mean of the five analysed RCMs driven by either of the GCMs. However, when the best-performed RCMs were selected on average the ensemble mean indicated a slight improvement. Moreover, the presence of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) in the simulated modes depends also on the lateral boundary conditions. The relationship between the modes and the NAO was replicated only when the RCMs were driven by reanalysis. The results indicate that the forcing model is the main factor in reproducing the atmospheric circulation.}, language = {en} } @article{Ibebuchi2021, author = {Ibebuchi, Chibuike Chiedozie}, title = {Revisiting the 1992 severe drought episode in South Africa: the role of El Ni{\~n}o in the anomalies of atmospheric circulation types in Africa south of the equator}, series = {Theoretical and Applied Climatology}, volume = {146}, journal = {Theoretical and Applied Climatology}, number = {1-2}, issn = {1434-4483}, doi = {10.1007/s00704-021-03741-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-268569}, pages = {723-740}, year = {2021}, abstract = {During strong El Ni{\~n}o events, below-average rainfall is expected in large parts of southern Africa. The 1992 El Ni{\~n}o season was associated with one of the worst drought episodes in large parts of South Africa. Using reanalysis data set from NCEP-NCAR, this study examined circulation types (CTs) in Africa south of the equator that are statistically related to the El Ni{\~n}o signal in the southwest Indian Ocean and the implication of this relationship during the 1992 drought episode in South Africa. A statistically significant correlation was found between the above-average Nino 3.4 index and a CT that features widespread cyclonic activity in the tropical southwest Indian Ocean, coupled with a weaker state of the south Indian Ocean high-pressure. During the analysis period, it was found that the El Ni{\~n}o signal enhanced the amplitude of the aforementioned CT. The impacts of the El Ni{\~n}o signal on CTs in southern Africa, which could have contributed to the 1992 severe drought episode in South Africa, were reflected in (i) robust decrease in the frequency of occurrence of the austral summer climatology pattern of atmospheric circulation that favors southeasterly moisture fluxes, advected by the South Indian Ocean high-pressure; (ii) modulation of easterly moisture fluxes, advected by the South Atlantic Ocean high-pressure, ridging south of South Africa; (iii) and enhancement of the amplitude of CTs that both enhances subsidence over South Africa, and associated with the dominance of westerlies across the Agulhas current. Under the ssp585 scenario, the analyzed climate models suggested that the impact of radiative heating on the CT significantly related to El Ni{\~n}o might result in an anomalous increase in surface pressure at the eastern parts of South Africa.}, language = {en} } @article{Ibebuchi2021, author = {Ibebuchi, Chibuike Chiedozie}, title = {Circulation pattern controls of wet days and dry days in Free State, South Africa}, series = {Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics}, volume = {133}, journal = {Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics}, number = {5}, issn = {1436-5065}, doi = {10.1007/s00703-021-00822-0}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-268552}, pages = {1469-1480}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Atmospheric circulation is a vital process in the transport of heat, moisture, and pollutants around the globe. The variability of rainfall depends to some extent on the atmospheric circulation. This paper investigates synoptic situations in southern Africa that can be associated with wet days and dry days in Free State, South Africa, in addition to the underlying dynamics. Principal component analysis was applied to the T-mode matrix (variable is time series and observation is grid points at which the field was observed) of daily mean sea level pressure field from 1979 to 2018 in classifying the circulation patterns in southern Africa. 18 circulation types (CTs) were classified in the study region. From the linkage of the CTs to the observed rainfall data, from 11 stations in Free State, it was found that dominant austral winter and late austral autumn CTs have a higher probability of being associated with dry days in Free State. Dominant austral summer and late austral spring CTs were found to have a higher probability of being associated with wet days in Free State. Cyclonic/anti-cyclonic activity over the southwest Indian Ocean, explained to a good extent, the inter-seasonal variability of rainfall in Free State. The synoptic state associated with a stronger anti-cyclonic circulation at the western branch of the South Indian Ocean high-pressure, during austral summer, leading to enhanced low-level moisture transport by southeast winds was found to have the highest probability of being associated with above-average rainfall in most regions in Free State. On the other hand, the synoptic state associated with enhanced transport of cold dry air, by the extratropical westerlies, was found to have the highest probability of being associated with (winter) dryness in Free State.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hoeppner2009, author = {H{\"o}ppner, Kathrin}, title = {Beobachtung des Hydroxyl (OH*)-Airglow: Untersuchung von Klimasignalen und atmosph{\"a}rischen Wellen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-33588}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Die obere Mesosph{\"a}re ist die Atmosph{\"a}renschicht, die von etwa 80-100 km H{\"o}he reicht. Aufgrund der geringen Luftdichte - sie ist f{\"u}nf bis sechs Gr{\"o}ßenordnungen geringer als an der Erdoberfl{\"a}che - und der effektiven Abstrahlung von W{\"a}rme in den Weltraum („Strahlungsk{\"u}hlung") wird generell angenommen, dass Klimasignale in diesem H{\"o}henbereich sehr viel ausgepr{\"a}gter sein sollten als in den unteren Atmosph{\"a}renschichten. Es wird daher erwartet, dass Beobachtungen in dieser Region der Atmosph{\"a}re eine fr{\"u}hzeitige Erkennung von Klimatrends mit guter statistischer Signifikanz erlauben sollten. Daten, die von diesen Messungen bereitgestellt werden, sind wichtig f{\"u}r die Weiterentwicklung und Verbesserung numerischer Klimamodelle, die die mittlere Atmosph{\"a}re abdecken. Dieser H{\"o}henbereich der Atmosph{\"a}re ist messtechnisch jedoch nur schwer zug{\"a}nglich. Die Dichte der Messnetze ist keinesfalls vergleichbar mit denen f{\"u}r die Beobachtung etwa der Stratosph{\"a}re oder der Troposph{\"a}re; Routinemessungen gibt es kaum. Direkte Messungen werden mit raketengest{\"u}tzten Instrumenten, indirekte Messungen {\"u}ber satellitengest{\"u}tzte und bodengebundene Techniken, wie z.B. Lidar, Radar und Spektroskopie, vorgenommen. Die vorliegende Arbeit basiert auf Daten des „GRound-based Infrared P-branch Spectrometer (GRIPS)", das Infrarot-Emissionen aus der sogenannten OH*-Airglow-Schicht misst, aus denen die Temperatur in ~87 km H{\"o}he abgeleitet werden kann. Neben anthropogenen Einfl{\"u}ssen auf das Klima gibt es nat{\"u}rliche Effekte, die Temperaturschwankungen in der oberen Mesosph{\"a}re verursachen k{\"o}nnen. F{\"u}r die Interpretation experimenteller Daten ist das Verst{\"a}ndnis dieser nat{\"u}rlichen Quellen der Variabilit{\"a}t wichtig. Daher wird mithilfe einer 25-j{\"a}hrigen Zeitreihe der {\"u}ber Wuppertal (51,3°N, 7,2°O) gemessenen OH*-Temperaturen die potentielle Wechselwirkung der Dynamik der oberen Mesosph{\"a}re mit der Sonnenaktivit{\"a}t untersucht. Eine Korrelation der Aktivit{\"a}t planetarer Wellen mit dem solaren Magnetfeld (22-j{\"a}hriger solarer Hale-Zyklus) konnte festgestellt werden. Als m{\"o}glicher physikalischer Mechanismus wird vorgeschlagen, dass der Ringstrom im Erdinnern und damit das interne Magnetfeld der Erde durch das solare Magnetfeld moduliert wird, was wiederum zu Modulationen des totalen Magnetfeldes im Erdinnern {\"u}ber die Kopplung elektromagnetischer Drehmomente zwischen dem Erdkern und dem Erdmantel f{\"u}hrt. Als Folge sollte die Rotationsperiode der Erde - und damit die Aktivit{\"a}t planetarer Wellen - durch die solare Magnetfeldst{\"a}rke moduliert sein. Der Aktivit{\"a}t planetarer Wellen ist zudem eine quasi-zweij{\"a}hrige Schwingung {\"u}berlagert. Zumeist ist die Wellenaktivit{\"a}t verst{\"a}rkt, wenn sich die Windrichtung des mittleren zonalen Windes der {\"a}quatorialen Quasi-Biennalen Oszillation (QBO) von einem Westwind zu einem Ostwind umkehrt. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus konnte festgestellt werden, dass die unregelm{\"a}ßige Verteilung der Sonnenflecken auf der Sonnenscheibe aufgrund der Rotation der Sonne zu Fluktuationen der OH*-Temperatur f{\"u}hrt. H{\"a}ufig beobachtet werden ausgepr{\"a}gte spektrale Komponenten in den OH*-Temperaturfluktuationen im Periodenbereich von 27 bis 31 Tagen. Diese Signaturen werden vorl{\"a}ufig auf die differentielle Rotation der Sonne zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt. Dynamische Prozesse wie z.B. atmosph{\"a}rische Schwerewellen sind von großer Bedeutung f{\"u}r den Energiehaushalt der oberen Mesosph{\"a}re / unteren Thermosph{\"a}re (MLT-Region). Daher m{\"u}ssen sie in Klimamodellen ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden, was derzeit jedoch nur durch einfache Parametrisierungen bewerkstelligt werden kann. Um eine m{\"o}glichst realistische Modellierung der großr{\"a}umigen Zirkulationssysteme zu erm{\"o}glichen, ist die Kenntnis der Strukturfunktionen der Schwerewellen sowie ihre Quell- und Senkenst{\"a}rken in Raum und Zeit erforderlich. Messungen von Schwerewellen sind daher unabdingbar. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden im Rahmen von Fallstudien Temperatursignaturen untersucht, wie sie von Schwerewellen erzeugt werden. Verwendet werden hierf{\"u}r zeitlich hoch aufgel{\"o}ste OH*-Temperaturzeitreihen aufgenommen am Hohenpeißenberg (47,8°N, 11,0°O) und an der Zugspitze (47,5°N, 11,0°O). Durch den Alpenkamm induzierte Schwerewellen k{\"o}nnen identifiziert und Schwerewellenparameter wie beispielsweise die Ausbreitungsrichtung oder die Phasengeschwindigkeit quantifiziert werden. Messungen, aufgenommen von Bord des deutschen Forschungsschiffes „Polarstern" im Golf von Biskaya (um 48°N, 6°O), werden mit satellitenbasierten Beobachtungen kombiniert. Es wird gezeigt, dass Schwerewellen, die von einem atlantischen Zyklon erzeugt werden, die Temperatur in der Mesopausenregion beeinflussen k{\"o}nnen. Das GRIPS-System ist ferner prinzipiell zur schnellen Erkennung von Naturgefahren wie z.B. Tsunamis, Erdbeben oder Vulkanaktivit{\"a}t geeignet, da solche Ereignisse Infraschall erzeugen, der wiederum erkennbare Temperaturfluktuationen in der OH*-Airglow-Schicht verursacht. Am Beispiel des Sumatra-Tsunamis von 2004 wird diese M{\"o}glichkeit quantitativ diskutiert.}, subject = {Mesopause}, language = {de} } @article{HoehnFrimmelPrince2021, author = {H{\"o}hn, Stefan and Frimmel, Hartwig E. and Prince, Westley}, title = {Syn-metamorphic sulfidation of the Gamsberg zinc deposit, South Africa}, series = {Mineralogy and Petrology}, volume = {115}, journal = {Mineralogy and Petrology}, number = {6}, issn = {1438-1168}, doi = {10.1007/s00710-021-00764-w}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-268574}, pages = {709-728}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The Mesoproterozoic Aggeneys-Gamsberg ore district, South Africa, is one of the world´s largest sulfidic base metal concentrations and well-known as a prime example of Broken Hill-type base metal deposits, traditionally interpreted as metamorphosed SEDEX deposits. Within this district, the Gamsberg deposit stands out for its huge size and strongly Zn-dominated ore ( >14 Mt contained Zn). New electron microprobe analyses and element abundance maps of sulfides and silicates point to fluid-driven sulfidation during retrograde metamorphism. Differences in the chemistry of sulfide inclusions within zoned garnet grains reflect different degrees of interaction of sulfides with high metal/sulfur-ratio with a sulfur-rich metamorphic fluid. Independent evidence of sulfidation during retrograde metamorphism comes from graphic-textured sulfide aggregates that previously have been interpreted as quenched sulfidic melts, replacement of pyrrhotite by pyrite along micro-fractures, and sulfides in phyllic alteration zones. Limited availability of fluid under retrograde conditions caused locally different degrees of segregation of Fe-rich sphalerite into Zn-rich sphalerite and pyrite, and thus considerable heterogeneity in sphalerite chemistry. The invoked sulfur-rich metamorphic fluids would have been able to sulfidize base metal-rich zones in the whole deposit and thus camouflage a potential pre-metamorphic oxidation. These findings support the recently established hypothesis of a pre-Klondikean weathering-induced oxidation event and challenge the traditional explanation of Broken Hill-type deposits as merely metamorphosed SEDEX deposits. Instead, we suggest that the massive sulfide deposits experienced a complex history, starting with initial SEDEX-type mineralization, followed by near-surface oxidation with spatial metal separation, and then sulfidation of this oxidized ore during medium- to high-grade metamorphism.}, language = {en} } @article{HoehnFrimmelDebailleetal.2021, author = {H{\"o}hn, Stefan and Frimmel, Hartwig E. and Debaille, Vinciane and Price, Westley}, title = {Pre-Klondikean oxidation prepared the ground for Broken Hill-type mineralization in South Africa}, series = {Terra Nova}, volume = {33}, journal = {Terra Nova}, number = {2}, doi = {10.1111/ter.12502}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218545}, pages = {168 -- 173}, year = {2021}, abstract = {New Cu isotope data obtained on chalcopyrite from the Black Mountain and the Broken Hill deposits in the medium- to high-grade metamorphic Aggeneys-Gamsberg ore district (South Africa) require a revision of our understanding of the genesis of metamorphic Broken Hill-type massive sulphide deposits. Chalcopyrite from both deposits revealed unusually wide ranges in δ\(^{65}\)Cu (-2.41 to 2.84 per mille NIST 976 standard) in combination with distinctly positive mean values (0.27 and 0.94 per mille, respectively). This is interpreted to reflect derivation from various silicate and oxide precursor minerals in which Cu occurred in higher oxidation states. Together with the observation of a typical supergene base metal distribution within the deposits and their spatial association with an unconformity only meters above the ore horizon, our new data are best explained by supergene oxidation of originally possibly SEDEX deposits prior to metamorphic sulphide formation, between the Okiepian (1,210-1,180 Ma) and Klondikean (1,040-1,020 Ma) orogenic events.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hoehn2017, author = {H{\"o}hn, Stefan}, title = {Geologischer Rahmen und Genese der Kupferberger Cu-Zn-Lagerst{\"a}tte}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-155759}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Bei der Cu-Zn-Lagerst{\"a}tte bei Kupferberg, 10 km nord{\"o}stlich von Kulmbach, handelt es sich um Bayerns gr{\"o}ßten, historischen Buntmetallabbau. Der etwa 4 km lange Zug einzelner, stratiformer Erzlinsen befindet sich im Nordwesten in der parautochthonen Randschiefer Formation und im S{\"u}dosten in der Prasinit-Phyllit Formation, die ein Teil der allochthonen M{\"u}nchberger Gneismasse ist. Bisherige Versuche, die Genese der Lagerst{\"a}tte zu erkl{\"a}ren, scheiterten daran, den versatzlosen {\"U}bertritt einer stratiformen Lagerst{\"a}tte {\"u}ber eine regional bedeutende St{\"o}rungszone zu erkl{\"a}ren. U-Pb Zirkondatierungen an mafischen und felsischen Vulkaniten im Umfeld der Lagerst{\"a}tte best{\"a}tigten das Bild eines kambrisch-ordovizischen Extensionsvulkanismus. Das Fehlen von N-MORB-{\"a}hnlichen geochemischen Signaturen in den untersuchten Proben der gesamten s{\"u}dwestlichen, saxothuringischen Vogtland Synklinale deutet auf eine gescheiterte Riftbildung am Nordrand Gondwanas hin und setzt somit den geotektonischen Rahmen f{\"u}r die Ablagerung der Wirtsformation(en). Die Cu-Zn-Vererzung selbst liegt hier im Wesentlichen als Vergesellschaftung von Pyrit, Chalkopyrit, Sphalerit, Quarz und Kalzit in kohlenstoffreichem Tonschiefer vor. Die verschiedenen Untersuchungen an den beiden Erzlinsen zeigten, dass in der „St. Veits" Erzlinse eine syngenetische Pyrit-Anreicherung mit charakteristisch niedrigen Co/Ni-Verh{\"a}ltnissen ({\o} = 3,7) vorliegt. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus konnte dort noch mindestens eine hydrothermale Pyrit-Generation (Co/Ni-Verh{\"a}ltnis ca. 35) nachgewiesen werden, die nur dort auftritt, wo auch Chalkopyrit angereichert ist und deutlich h{\"o}here Co/Ni-Verh{\"a}ltnisse aufweist ({\o} = 35). Die Ermittlung der Cu-Isotopenverh{\"a}ltnisse des Chalkopyrits zeigte ein δ65Cu-Spektrum von -0,26 bis 0,36 per mille, was stark f{\"u}r eine hydrothermale Anreicherung unter hohen (>250 °C) Temperaturbedingungen spricht. W{\"a}hrend sich die Erzlinsen in der Randschiefer und Prasinit-Phyllit Formation hinsichtlich ihrer Sulfid-Mineralogie so {\"a}hnlich sind, dass sie bisher immer als eine Lagerst{\"a}tte angesprochen wurden, erbrachte ein statistischer Vergleich der beiden δ34S-Datens{\"a}tze, dass es sich hier nur mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von ca. 2 \% um Stichproben der gleichen Grundgesamtheit handelt. Entsprechend liegen innerhalb der Kupferberger Lagerst{\"a}tte zwei unterschiedliche Schichten, reich an syngenetischem Pyrit, vor. Die Tatsache, dass das δ34S-Spektrum potentieller Schwefelquellen f{\"u}r die hydrothermale Chalkopyrit-Mineralisation theoretisch sehr groß, de facto aber mit dem δ34S-Spektrum der syngenetischen Sulfidanreicherung fast identisch ist (δ34S = 3,2 ± 0,6 per mille bzw. δ34S = 3,1 ± 0,9 per mille), spricht f{\"u}r eine schichtinterne Sulfidmobilisierung. Aus den hier erbrachten Ergebnissen wird ein genetisches Modell f{\"u}r die Kupferberger Lagerst{\"a}tte geschlussfolgert, in dem jeweils eine der zahlreichen sediment{\"a}ren, Pyrit-reichen Schichten aus der Randschiefer und der Prasinit-Phyllit Formation bei der {\"U}berschiebung der M{\"u}nchberger Gneismasse tektonisch in Kontakt gebracht wurden. Im Zuge eben dieser Raumnahme der allochthonen Masse wurden Teile der Randschiefer Formation unter Gr{\"u}nschiefer-fazielle Bedingungen gebracht. Dabei kam es sowohl zur Freisetzung von Buntmetallen, die vorher zum Großteil in Pyrit gebunden waren, als auch zur Entw{\"a}sserung der umliegenden Tonschiefer. Durch die {\"u}berlagernden, impermeablen metamorphen Decken wurde das entstandene metallreiche Fluid an der {\"U}berschiebungsbahn kanalisiert. Durch den Druckabfall in der Spr{\"o}de-Duktil-{\"U}bergangszone kam es zum Sieden des aufsteigenden Fluids, was zur Ausf{\"a}llung der Sulfide f{\"u}hrte. Die Bildung bedeutender Erzlinsen erfolgte vor allem dort, wo das {\"u}bers{\"a}ttigte Fluid auf Pyrit-reiche Schwarzschiefer bzw. Phyllite traf. Da die Abbauw{\"u}rdigkeit dieser Erzlinsen im Wesentlichen auf die epigenetische {\"U}berpr{\"a}gung im Zuge der Decken{\"u}berschiebung zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren ist, handelt es sich bei der Kupferberger Cu-Zn-Vererzung um eines der seltenen Beispiele f{\"u}r eine tats{\"a}chliche metamorphogene bzw. syntektonische Buntmetalllagerst{\"a}tte.}, subject = {Lagerst{\"a}tte}, language = {de} } @article{HuthGessnerKleinetal.2020, author = {Huth, Juliane and Gessner, Ursula and Klein, Igor and Yesou, Herv{\´e} and Lai, Xijun and Oppelt, Natascha and Kuenzer, Claudia}, title = {Analyzing water dynamics based on Sentinel-1 time series — a study for Dongting Lake wetlands in China}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {12}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {11}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs12111761}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-205977}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In China, freshwater is an increasingly scarce resource and wetlands are under great pressure. This study focuses on China's second largest freshwater lake in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River — the Dongting Lake — and its surrounding wetlands, which are declared a protected Ramsar site. The Dongting Lake area is also a research region of focus within the Sino-European Dragon Programme, aiming for the international collaboration of Earth Observation researchers. ESA's Copernicus Programme enables comprehensive monitoring with area-wide coverage, which is especially advantageous for large wetlands that are difficult to access during floods. The first year completely covered by Sentinel-1 SAR satellite data was 2016, which is used here to focus on Dongting Lake's wetland dynamics. The well-established, threshold-based approach and the high spatio-temporal resolution of Sentinel-1 imagery enabled the generation of monthly surface water maps and the analysis of the inundation frequency at a 10 m resolution. The maximum extent of the Dongting Lake derived from Sentinel-1 occurred in July 2016, at 2465 km\(^2\), indicating an extreme flood year. The minimum size of the lake was detected in October, at 1331 km\(^2\). Time series analysis reveals detailed inundation patterns and small-scale structures within the lake that were not known from previous studies. Sentinel-1 also proves to be capable of mapping the wetland management practices for Dongting Lake polders and dykes. For validation, the lake extent and inundation duration derived from the Sentinel-1 data were compared with excerpts from the Global WaterPack (frequently derived by the German Aerospace Center, DLR), high-resolution optical data, and in situ water level data, which showed very good agreement for the period studied. The mean monthly extent of the lake in 2016 from Sentinel-1 was 1798 km\(^2\), which is consistent with the Global WaterPack, deviating by only 4\%. In summary, the presented analysis of the complete annual time series of the Sentinel-1 data provides information on the monthly behavior of water expansion, which is of interest and relevance to local authorities involved in water resource management tasks in the region, as well as to wetland conservationists concerned with the Ramsar site wetlands of Dongting Lake and to local researchers.}, language = {en} } @article{HolzwarthThonfeldAbdullahietal.2020, author = {Holzwarth, Stefanie and Thonfeld, Frank and Abdullahi, Sahra and Asam, Sarah and Da Ponte Canova, Emmanuel and Gessner, Ursula and Huth, Juliane and Kraus, Tanja and Leutner, Benjamin and Kuenzer, Claudia}, title = {Earth Observation based monitoring of forests in Germany: a review}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {12}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {21}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs12213570}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-216334}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Forests in Germany cover around 11.4 million hectares and, thus, a share of 32\% of Germany's surface area. Therefore, forests shape the character of the country's cultural landscape. Germany's forests fulfil a variety of functions for nature and society, and also play an important role in the context of climate levelling. Climate change, manifested via rising temperatures and current weather extremes, has a negative impact on the health and development of forests. Within the last five years, severe storms, extreme drought, and heat waves, and the subsequent mass reproduction of bark beetles have all seriously affected Germany's forests. Facing the current dramatic extent of forest damage and the emerging long-term consequences, the effort to preserve forests in Germany, along with their diversity and productivity, is an indispensable task for the government. Several German ministries have and plan to initiate measures supporting forest health. Quantitative data is one means for sound decision-making to ensure the monitoring of the forest and to improve the monitoring of forest damage. In addition to existing forest monitoring systems, such as the federal forest inventory, the national crown condition survey, and the national forest soil inventory, systematic surveys of forest condition and vulnerability at the national scale can be expanded with the help of a satellite-based earth observation. In this review, we analysed and categorized all research studies published in the last 20 years that focus on the remote sensing of forests in Germany. For this study, 166 citation indexed research publications have been thoroughly analysed with respect to publication frequency, location of studies undertaken, spatial and temporal scale, coverage of the studies, satellite sensors employed, thematic foci of the studies, and overall outcomes, allowing us to identify major research and geoinformation product gaps.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hipondoka2005, author = {Hipondoka, Martin H.T.}, title = {The development and evolution of Etosha Pan, Namibia}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-14351}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {This study explores and examines the geomorphology of a large endorheic basin, approximately twice the size of Luxemburg, situated in the Etosha National Park, Namibia. The main focus is directed on how and when this depression, known as Etosha Pan, came into being. Geomorphological investigation was complemented and guided primarily by the application and interpretation of satellite-derived information. Etosha Pan has attracted scientific investigations for nearly a century. Unfortunately, their efforts resulted into two diverging and mutually exclusive views with respect to its development. The first and oldest view dates back to the 1920s. It hypothesized Etosha Pan as a desiccated palaeolake which was abandoned following the river capture of its major fluvial system, the Kunene River. The river capture was assumed to have taken place in the Pliocene/Early Pleistocene. In spite of the absence of fluvial input that the Kunene contributed, the original lake was thought to have persisted until some 35 ka ago, long after the Kunene severed its ties with the basin. The current size of the basin and its playa status was interpreted to have resulted from deteriorating climatic conditions. The opposing view emerged in the 1980s and gained prominence in the 1990s. This view assumed that there were an innumerable number of small pans on the then surface of what later to become Etosha Pan. Since the turn of the Pliocene to Early Pleistocene, these individual pans started to experience a combined effect of fluvial erosion during the rainy season and wind deflation during the dry period. The climatic regime during that entire period was postulated to be semi-arid as today. This climatic status was used to rule out any existence of a perennial lake within the boundary of Etosha since the Quaternary. Ultimately, these denudational processes, taking place in a seasonal rhythm, caused the individual pans to deepen and widen laterally into each other and formed a super-pan that we call Etosha today. Thus the Kunene River had no role to play in the development of the Etosha Pan according to this model. However, proponents of this model acknowledged that the Kunene once fed into the Owambo Basin and assigned the end of the Tertiary to the terminal phase of that inflow. Findings of this study included field evidence endorsing the postulation that the Kunene River had once flowed into the Owambo Basin. Its infilled valley, bounding with the contemporary valley of the Kunene near Calueque, was identified and points towards the Etosha Pan. It is deliberated that a large lake, called Lake Kunene, existed in the basin during the time. Following the deflection of the Kunene River to the coast under the influence of river incision and neo-tectonic during the Late Pliocene, new dynamics were introduced over the Owambo Basin surface. After the basin was deprived of its major water and sediment budget that the Kunene River contributed, it was left with only smaller rivers, most notably the Cuvelai System, as the only remaining supplier. This resulted in the Cuvelai System concentrating and limiting its collective load deposition to a lobe of Lake Kunene basin floor. The accident of that lobe is unclear, but it is likely that it constituted the deepest part of the basin at the time or it was influenced by neo-tectonic that helped divert the Kunene River or both. Against the backdrop of fluvial action that was initiating the new lake, most parts of the rest of the basin, then denied of lacustrine activity, were intermittently riddled with a veneer of sediment, especially during phases of intensified aeolian activity. In the mean time, the area that was regularly receiving fluvial input started to shape up as a distinct lake with the depositions of sediments around the water-body, primarily via littoral action, serving as embankment. Gradually, a shoreline is formed and assisted in fixing and delineating the spatial extent of the new and much smaller lake, called Lake Etosha. That Lake Etosha is the predecessor of the modern day Etosha Pan. Indicators for a perennial lake found in this study at Etosha include fossil fragments of Clariidae species comparable to modern species measuring some 90 cm, and those of sitatunga dated to approximately 5 ka. None of these creatures exist today at Etosha because of their ecological requirements, which among others, include permanent water. The sitatunga, in addition, is known as the only truly amphibious antelope in the world. Since its inception, the new lake underwent a number of geomorphological modifications. A prominent character amongst these modifications is the orientation of the lake, which has its long-axis oriented in the ENE-WSW direction. It resulted from wave action affected by the prevailing dominant northeasterly wind, which is believed to have been in force since the Middle Pleistocene. Lake Etosha has also witnessed phases of waning and waxing under the influence of the prevailing climatic regime. Over the last 150 ka, the available data intercepted about seven phases of high lake levels. These data are generally in agreement with regional palaeoclimatic data, particularly when compared with those obtained from neighbouring Makgadikgadi Pans in Botswana. The last recorded episode of the wet phase at Etosha was some 2,400 years before the present.}, subject = {Etoschapfanne}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hertig2004, author = {Hertig, Elke}, title = {Niederschlags- und Temperaturabsch{\"a}tzungen f{\"u}r den Mittelmeerraum unter anthropogen verst{\"a}rktem Treibhauseffekt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-8740}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Unter Einbezug von modellsimulierten großskaligen Geopotential-, Feuchte- und Meeresoberfl{\"a}chentemperaturfeldern f{\"u}r Szenarien eines anthropogen verst{\"a}rkten Treibhauseffekts wird der Niederschlag bzw. die Temperatur im Mittelmeerraum f{\"u}r das 21. Jahrhundert mit der Methode des statistischen Downscalings abgesch{\"a}tzt. Die als Gitterfelder mit 0.5° r{\"a}umlicher Aufl{\"o}sung vorliegenden Niederschlags- und Temperaturdaten des CRU-(Climatic Research Unit in Norwich) Datensatzes werden jeweils mittels s-modaler Hauptkomponentenanalyse in Regionen unterteilt. Die resultierenden Zeitreihen der regionalen Variationszentren offenbaren dabei unterschiedliche Niederschlags- und Temperaturverh{\"a}ltnisse in den verschiedenen mediterranen Teilregionen im Untersuchungszeitraum 1948-1998. Als großskalige Einflussgr{\"o}ßen dienen Reanalysedaten des NCEP/NCAR (National Centers for Environmental Prediction/ National Center for Atmospheric Research) der geopotentiellen H{\"o}hen der 1000hPa-und 500hPa-Niveaus und der spezifischen Feuchte im 1000hPa-Niveau. Als ozeanische Einflussgr{\"o}ßen werden Meeresoberfl{\"a}chentemperaturdaten des Nordatlantiks und des Mittelmeers verwendet. Zur Dimensionsreduktion und zur Beseitigung linearer Abh{\"a}ngigkeiten gehen die verschiedenen Pr{\"a}diktorfelder ebenfalls, jeweils getrennt, in s-modale Hauptkomponentenanalysen ein. Anschließend wird der Verlauf des Niederschlags bzw. der Temperatur der regionalen Variationszentren in den Monaten Oktober bis Mai 1948-1998 mit der großr{\"a}umigen atmosph{\"a}rischen und ozeanischen Variabilit{\"a}t im gleichen Zeitraum verkn{\"u}pft. Dies geschieht in mehreren Kalibrierungsabschnitten unter Verwendung von Kanonischen Korrelationsanalysen und multiplen Regressionsanalysen. Die erstellten statistischen Zusammenh{\"a}nge werden dann in von der Kalibrierung unabh{\"a}ngigen Verifikationszeitr{\"a}umen {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Die erzielten Modellg{\"u}ten in den Verifikationsperioden werden herangezogen, um die besten statistischen Modelle f{\"u}r die Zukunftsabsch{\"a}tzungen auszuw{\"a}hlen. Dabei zeigt sich, dass f{\"u}r den mediterranen Niederschlag die besten Modellg{\"u}ten im Allgemeinen mit der Pr{\"a}diktorenkombination 1000hPa-/500hPa-Geopotential und spezifische Feuchte erzielt werden k{\"o}nnen. Die Temperatur im Mittelmeerraum l{\"a}sst hingegen den st{\"a}rksten Zusammenhang mit Werten der 1000hPa-/500hPa-geopotentiellen H{\"o}hen erkennen. Durch Einsetzen von modellsimulierten Werten der Pr{\"a}diktoren in die Regressions-bzw. Kanonischen Korrelationsgleichungen wird schließlich die Reaktion der regionalen Klimavariablen Niederschlag bzw. Temperatur auf Ver{\"a}nderungen der großskaligen Zirkulations-, Feuchte- und Meeresoberfl{\"a}chentemperaturanomalien unter Bedingungen eines anthropogen verst{\"a}rkten Treibhauseffektes abgesch{\"a}tzt. Je nach verwendeter Methode und einbezogener Pr{\"a}diktorenkombination zeigen sich teils erhebliche Unterschiede in den Absch{\"a}tzungsergebnissen. So wird zum Beispiel bei den bedingten Absch{\"a}tzungen f{\"u}r das 21. Jahrhundert der zuk{\"u}nftige Niederschlagsverlauf zum Teil erheblich abgewandelt, wenn modellsimulierte Feuchtewerte zus{\"a}tzlich zu den Geopotentialinformationen einbezogen werden. F{\"u}r die bedingten Absch{\"a}tzungen des regionalen Klimas im Mittelmeerraum im 21. Jahrhundert werden Pr{\"a}diktoren-Modellergebnisse zweier verschiedener IPCC- (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Emissionsszenarien herangezogen. Zum einen werden modellsimulierte Werte nach IS92a- Szenario herangezogen, zum anderen solche nach j{\"u}ngstem SRESB2-Szenario. Aus beiden verwendeten Szenarienrechnungen gehen im Allgemeinen gleichf{\"o}rmige Tendenzen bei der Entwicklung der Niederschlagssummen im Mittelmeerraum unter anthropogener Verst{\"a}rkung des Treibhauseffektes im 21. Jahrhundert hervor. Unter Verwendung von Pr{\"a}diktorenwerten des Hamburger Klimamodells ECHAM4 nach SRESB2-Szenario (großskalige Einflussgr{\"o}ßen: 1000hPa-/500hPa-geopotentielle H{\"o}hen und 1000hPa-spezifische Feuchte) ergibt sich f{\"u}r den westlichen und n{\"o}rdlichen Mittelmeerraum bei einer anthropogenen Verst{\"a}rkung des Treibhauseffektes eine Verk{\"u}rzung mit gleichzeitiger Intensit{\"a}tszunahme der "feuchten" Jahreszeit. Dies {\"a}ußert sich darin, dass im Winter in diesen Regionen Niederschlagszunahmen im Zeitraum 2071-2100 im Vergleich zu 1990-2019 abgesch{\"a}tzt werden, w{\"a}hrend im Herbst und Fr{\"u}hjahr Niederschlagsr{\"u}ckg{\"a}nge {\"u}berwiegen. In den {\"o}stlichen und s{\"u}dlichen Teilen des Mittelmeerraumes zeigen sich hingegen f{\"u}r die Monate Oktober bis Mai fast ausschließlich negative Niederschlagstendenzen unter Bedingungen eines anthropogen verst{\"a}rkten Treibhauseffektes. F{\"u}r die Temperatur wird unter Verwendung von Modellwerten der großskaligen Einflussgr{\"o}ßen 1000hPa-/500hPa-geopotentielle H{\"o}hen unter SRESB2-Szenariobedingungen ein Temperaturanstieg im gesamten Mittelmeerraum f{\"u}r alle untersuchten Monate (Oktober bis Mai) im Zeitraum 2071 bis 2100 im Vergleich zum Abschnitt 1990-2019 abgesch{\"a}tzt. Die Erh{\"o}hung ist im Herbst und zu Beginn des Fr{\"u}hjahrs insgesamt am st{\"a}rksten ausgepr{\"a}gt.}, subject = {Mittelmeerraum}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Heldens2010, author = {Heldens, Wieke}, title = {Use of airborne hyperspectral data and height information to support urban micro climate characterisation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48935}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The urban micro climate has been increasingly recognised as an important aspect for urban planning. Therefore, urban planners need reliable information on the micro climatic characteristics of the urban environment. A suitable spatial scale and large spatial coverage are important requirements for such information. This thesis presents a conceptual framework for the use of airborne hyperspectral data to support urban micro climate characterisation, taking into account the information needs of urban planning. The potential of hyperspectral remote sensing in characterising the micro climate is demonstrated and evaluated by applying HyMap airborne hyperspectral and height data to a case study of the German city of Munich. The developed conceptual framework consists of three parts. The first is concerned with the capabilities of airborne hyperspectral remote sensing to map physical urban characteristics. The high spatial resolution of the sensor allows to separate the relatively small urban objects. The high spectral resolution enables the identification of the large range of surface materials that are used in an urban area at up to sub-pixel level. The surface materials are representative for the urban objects of which the urban landscape is composed. These spatial urban characteristics strongly influence the urban micro climate. The second part of the conceptual framework provides an approach to use the hyperspectral surface information for the characterisation of the urban micro climate. This can be achieved by integrating the remote sensing material map into a micro climate model. Also spatial indicators were found to provide useful information on the micro climate for urban planners. They are commonly used in urban planning to describe building blocks and are related to several micro climatic parameters such as temperature and humidity. The third part of the conceptual framework addresses the combination and presentation of the derived indicators and simulation results under consideration of the planning requirements. Building blocks and urban structural types were found to be an adequate means to group and present the derived information for micro climate related questions to urban planners. The conceptual framework was successfully applied to a case study in Munich. Airborne hyperspectral HyMap data has been used to derive a material map at sub-pixel level by multiple endmember linear spectral unmixing. This technique was developed by the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) for applications in Dresden and Potsdam. A priori information on building locations was used to support the separation between spectrally similar materials used both on building roofs and non-built surfaces. In addition, surface albedo and leaf area index are derived from the HyMap data. The sub-pixel material map supported by object height data is then used to derive spatial indicators, such as imperviousness or building density. To provide a more detailed micro climate characterisation at building block level, the surface materials, albedo, leaf area index (LAI) and object height are used as input for simulations with the micro climate model ENVI-met. Concluding, this thesis demonstrated the potential of hyperspectral remote sensing to support urban micro climate characterisation. A detailed mapping of surface materials at sub-pixel level could be performed. This provides valuable, detailed information on a large range of spatial characteristics relevant to the assessment of the urban micro climate. The developed conceptual framework has been proven to be applicable to the case study, providing a means to characterise the urban micro climate. The remote sensing products and subsequent micro climatic information are presented at a suitable spatial scale and in understandable maps and graphics. The use of well-known spatial indicators and the framework of urban structural types can simplify the communication with urban planners on the findings on the micro climate. Further research is needed primarily on the sensitivity of the micro climate model towards the remote sensing based input parameters and on the general relation between climate parameters and spatial indicators by comparison with other cities.}, subject = {Mikroklima}, language = {en} } @article{HeinemannSiegmannThonfeldetal.2020, author = {Heinemann, Sascha and Siegmann, Bastian and Thonfeld, Frank and Muro, Javier and Jedmowski, Christoph and Kemna, Andreas and Kraska, Thorsten and Muller, Onno and Schultz, Johannes and Udelhoven, Thomas and Wilke, Norman and Rascher, Uwe}, title = {Land surface temperature retrieval for agricultural areas using a novel UAV platform equipped with a thermal infrared and multispectral sensor}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {12}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {7}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs12071075}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-203557}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Land surface temperature (LST) is a fundamental parameter within the system of the Earth's surface and atmosphere, which can be used to describe the inherent physical processes of energy and water exchange. The need for LST has been increasingly recognised in agriculture, as it affects the growth phases of crops and crop yields. However, challenges in overcoming the large discrepancies between the retrieved LST and ground truth data still exist. Precise LST measurement depends mainly on accurately deriving the surface emissivity, which is very dynamic due to changing states of land cover and plant development. In this study, we present an LST retrieval algorithm for the combined use of multispectral optical and thermal UAV images, which has been optimised for operational applications in agriculture to map the heterogeneous and diverse agricultural crop systems of a research campus in Germany (April 2018). We constrain the emissivity using certain NDVI thresholds to distinguish different land surface types. The algorithm includes atmospheric corrections and environmental thermal emissions to minimise the uncertainties. In the analysis, we emphasise that the omission of crucial meteorological parameters and inaccurately determined emissivities can lead to a considerably underestimated LST; however, if the emissivity is underestimated, the LST can be overestimated. The retrieved LST is validated by reference temperatures from nearby ponds and weather stations. The validation of the thermal measurements indicates a mean absolute error of about 0.5 K. The novelty of the dual sensor system is that it simultaneously captures highly spatially resolved optical and thermal images, in order to construct the precise LST ortho-mosaics required to monitor plant diseases and drought stress and validate airborne and satellite data.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hein2022, author = {Hein, Niklas}, title = {Gesellschaftliche Implikationen nachhaltiger Nischenakteure - auf dem Weg in eine Postwachstumsgesellschaft?}, edition = {1. Auflage}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-95826-178-5}, issn = {0510-9833}, doi = {10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-179-2}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-250737}, school = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, pages = {VIII, 222}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Die imperiale Lebensweise westlicher Industrienationen, die sich durch ein permanentes Streben nach Wirtschaftswachstum ausdr{\"u}ckt, bringt den Planeten an die Grenzen seiner Tragf{\"a}higkeit. In den letzten Jahren wurden jedoch - best{\"a}rkt durch die Weltwirtschaftskrise 2007/08 - Alternativen zum Modell des permanenten Wachstums immer popul{\"a}rer, die sich anstatt auf {\"o}konomischen Wohlstand vermehrt auf soziale und {\"o}kologische Belange des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenlebens fokussierten. Unter dem Begriff der Postwachstumsbewegung sammelten sich Ans{\"a}tze, Ideen und Akteure, die gemeinsam f{\"u}r eine Zukunft fernab jeglicher Wachstumszw{\"a}nge und innerhalb der planetaren Grenzen k{\"a}mpfen. Vor dem Hintergrund der zunehmenden sozialen und {\"o}kologischen Herausforderungen wurden nun erstmals sozial-{\"o}kologische Nischenakteure aus drei unterschiedlichen Bereichen der Postwachstumsbewegung gemeinsam in einem Forschungsvorhaben - unter besonderer Ber{\"u}cksichtigung gesellschaftlicher, organisatorischer und territorialer Einbettungsprozesse - untersucht. Eingebettet ist diese Untersuchung in den theoretisch-konzeptionellen Ansatz der sozial-{\"o}kologischen Transformation, deren inkrementeller Wandel mithilfe der Multi-Level-Perspektive beschrieben werden kann. Die Kombination dieses spezifischen theoretisch-konzeptionellen Ansatzes und der empirischen Erhebung ist das Alleinstellungsmerkmal der vorliegenden Untersuchung. Es zeigte sich, dass alle untersuchten Nischenakteure eine deutlich progressive Unternehmungsphilosophie vertreten, die h{\"a}ufig in einer Unternehmungsorganisation mit flachen Hierarchien und konsensbasierten Entscheidungsfindungen m{\"u}ndet. Besonders gesellschaftliche Einbettungsprozesse bedingen den Erfolg oder Misserfolg der Nischenentwicklung. Organisatorische Einbettung kommt derweil vor allem im Aufbau weitreichender Netzwerkstrukturen zum Tragen, die die Innovationsf{\"a}higkeit und Stabilit{\"a}t der Nische unterst{\"u}tzen. Eine starke territoriale Einbettung steigert den lokal-regionalen Einfluss der Nischeninnovationen und generiert R{\"u}ckhalt in der Bev{\"o}lkerung.}, subject = {Transformation}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hassouneh2003, author = {Hassouneh, Mohammed H.}, title = {Interpretation of Potential Fields by Modern Data Processing and 3-dimensional gravity Modeling of the Dead Sea Pull-Apart Basin / Jordan Rift Valley (JRV)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-4834}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {This work presents the analysis, 3D modeling and interpretation of gravity and aeromagnetic data of Jordan and Middle East. The potential field data delineate the location of the major faults, basins, swells, anticlines, synclines and domes in Jordan. The surface geology of Jordan and the immediate area east of the Rift is dominated by two large basins, the Al-Jafr basin in the south and the Al-Azraq-Wadi as Sirhan basin to the northeast. These two basins strike southeast-northwest and are separated by an anticlinal axis, the Kilwah-Bayir swell. The Karak Wadi El Fayha fault system occurs along the western flank of the swell. The Swaqa fault occurs on the southwest hinge of Al-Azraq basin and the Fuluq fault occurs on its northeast hinge. In the south west of Jordan, Wadi Utm-Quwaira and Disi-Mudawara fault zones are shown clearly in the aeromagnetic and gravity maps. The previous major faults are well correlated with the structural map of Jordan published by Bender (1968). 3D modeling of gravity data in the Dead Sea basin (DSB) was used together with existing geological and geophysical information to give a complete structural picture of the basin. The 3D models of the DSB show that the internal structure of the Dead Sea basin (DSB) is controlled by longitudinal faults and the basin is developed as a full graben bounded by sub-vertical faults along its long sides. In the northern planes of the 3D model, the accumulation of Quaternary (salt and marl) and Mesozoic (pre-rift) sediments are thinner than in the central and southern planes of the model. In the northern planes, the thickness of the Quaternary sediments is about 4 km, 5 km in the southern planes and it exceeds 8 km in the central planes of the DSR. The thickness of the pre-rift sediments reaches 10-12 km in the northern and southern planes and exceeds 15 km in the central planes of the DSR. The planes of the 3D models show that the depth to the crystalline basement under the eastern shoulders of the DSR is shallower than those beneath the western shoulders. It is about 3-5 km beneath the eastern shoulders and 7-9 km under the western shoulder of the DSR. The gravity anomaly maps of residual and first derivative gravity delineate the subsurface basins of widely varying size, shape, and depth along the Rift Valley. The basins are created by the combination of the lateral motion along a right-tending step over and normal faulting along the opposite sides. Al Bakura basin occupies the upper Jordanian River valley and extends into the southern Tiberias Lake. Bet Shean basin to the south of Al Bakura basin plunges asymmetrically toward the east. The Damia basin, comprising the central Jordan Valley and Jericho areas to the north of the Dead Sea is shallow basin (~600-800m deep). The Lisan basin is the deepest basin in the Rift. The 3D gravity models indicate a maximum of ~12 km of basin fill. Three basins are found in Wadi Araba area, Gharandal, Timna (Qa'-Taba) and Aqaba (Elat) basin. The three basins become successively wider and deeper to the south. The three regional gravity long E-W profiles (225 km) from the Mediterranean Sea crossing the Rift Valley to the east to the Saudi Arabia borders, show the positive correlation between topography and free air anomaly and strong negative Bouguer anomaly under the central part of the Dead Sea Basin (DSB) and normal regional Bouguer anomaly outside of the DSB in the transform valley. Depth to the top of the bedrock in the under ground of Jordan was calculated from potential field data. The basement crops out in the south west of Jordan and becomes deeper to northwards and eastwards to be about ~ 8 km below ground surface in the Risha area.}, subject = {Jordantal}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Harzer2003, author = {Harzer, Edgar}, title = {Grundwasserneubildungsdynamik im Buntsandstein des Spessarts - Ermittlung {\"u}ber die Durchstr{\"o}mung der unges{\"a}ttigten Zone}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-10079}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Mit Hilfe eines eindimensionalen Str{\"o}mungsmodells f{\"u}r die unges{\"a}ttigte Zone wird die Grundwasserneubildung in einem Poren-Kluftgrundwasserleiter berechnet. Als Untersuchungsgebiet wurde das Einzugsgebiet der Hafenlohr im Buntsandsteinspessart gew{\"a}hlt. Grundlage der Berechnungen sind Kenntnisse {\"u}ber die Wassergehalts-Saugspannungsbeziehungen und {\"u}ber die hydraulischen Durchl{\"a}ssigkeiten von Kluft- und Porenraum. Der Modellraum wird als Zwei-Porosit{\"a}ts-Medium interpretiert wobei Poren- und Kluftraum {\"u}ber Austauschterme miteinander verkn{\"u}pft sind. Mit dem gew{\"a}hlten Modell ist es m{\"o}glich neben der Grundwasserneubildung auch Oberfl{\"a}chenabfluss, Evapotranspiration und an Schichtgrenzen auftretende Zwischenabfl{\"u}sse zu berechnen. Der {\"U}bergang vom Bodenhorizont zum Festgestein hat den gr{\"o}ßten steuernden Einfluss auf die Grundwasserneubildung. Die Neubildungsh{\"o}he betr{\"a}gt durchschnittlich etwa 66 bzw. 100 mm, je nachdem, ob die Zwischenabfl{\"u}sse im Festgestein ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden. Die Schwankung der Grundwasserneubildung ist auch in Jahren mit extremen Niederschlagsh{\"o}hen gering. Eine Simulation des Abflussverhaltens der Hafenlohr mit den berechneten Daten stimmt gut mit gemessenen Werten {\"u}berein.}, subject = {Spessart}, language = {de} } @article{Hardaker2022, author = {Hardaker, Sina}, title = {More Than Infrastructure Providers - Digital Platforms' Role and Power in Retail Digitalisation in Germany}, series = {Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie}, volume = {113}, journal = {Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1111/tesg.12511}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-287297}, pages = {310 -- 328}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Digital platforms, such as Amazon, represent the major beneficiaries of the Covid-19 crisis. This study examines the role of digital platforms and their engagement in digitalisation initiatives targeting (small) brick-and-mortar retailers in Germany, thereby contributing to a better understanding of how digital platforms augment, substitute or reorganise physical retail spaces. This study applies a mixed-method approach based on qualitative interviews, participant observation as well as media analysis. First, the study illustrates the controversial role of digital platforms by positioning themselves as supporting partners of the (offline) retailers, while simultaneously shifting power towards the platforms themselves. Second, digital platforms have established themselves not only as infrastructure providers but also as actors within these infrastructures, framing digital as well as physical retail spaces, inter alia due to their role as publicly legitimised retail advisers. Third, while institutions want to help retailers to survive, they simultaneously enhance retailers' dependency on digital platforms.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hansch2003, author = {Hansch, Ralf}, title = {Optimierung des PbO-Haushaltes in undotierten und SKN-substituierten PZT-Fasern: Gef{\"u}ge und Eigenschaften}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-6651}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war eine Optimierung des Mikrogef{\"u}ges und der funktionalen Eigenschaften von undotierten und substituierten Bleizirkonat-Bleititanat-Fasern (PZT), die {\"u}ber die Sol-Gel-Route hergestellt worden waren. Die Kontrolle der Gef{\"u}geausbildung und der damit zusammenh{\"a}ngenden funktionalen Eigenschaften in den Fasern erfolgte {\"u}ber drei Wege: (1) {\"u}ber eine Optimierung des PbO-Gehaltes im Spinnsol, (2) {\"u}ber eine Anpassung der bei der Sinterung eingesetzten PbO-haltigen Puffersysteme sowie (3) {\"u}ber Variationen der Sinterzeit. Durch eine geeignete Kombination all dieser Pr{\"a}parationsparameter gelang es, phasenreine PZT-Fasern mit einem vollst{\"a}ndig verdichteten Mikrogef{\"u}ge und guten di- und ferroelektrischen Eigenschaften herzustellen. Sinterexperimente an undotierten PZT-Fasern zeigten, daß eine Grobjustage des PbO-Haushaltes durch einen PbO-{\"U}berschuß im Spinnsol f{\"u}r ein vollst{\"a}ndig verdichtetes Mikrogef{\"u}ge notwendig ist. Erg{\"a}nzend dazu ist die Feinjustage des PbO-Haushaltes durch ein geeignetes Puffersystem w{\"a}hrend der Sinterung ein effektives Werkzeug zur gezielten Einstellung des Mikrogef{\"u}ges. Mit Hilfe dieser Sinteroptimierung konnte beispielsweise die Sinterzeit f{\"u}r dichtgesinterte Fasern von 5 h auf 15 min erniedrigt werden. Dies f{\"u}hrt zu einem kosteng{\"u}nstigeren und damit wirtschaftlicheren Herstellungsprozeß. R{\"o}ntgenographische Phasenanalysen mittels XRD zeigten, daß alle PbO-{\"U}berschuß-Fasern nach der Sinterung aus phasenreinem Bleizirkonat-Bleititanat mit einem Zr/Ti-Verh{\"a}ltnis im Bereich der morphotropen Phasengrenze bestanden. In PbO-{\"U}berschuß-Fasern konnte jedoch mittels TEM-EDX-Untersuchungen eine amorphe Sekund{\"a}rphase mit stellenweise kristallinen PbO-Einschl{\"u}ssen im Bereich von Korntripelpunkten nachgewiesen werden. Das Auftreten dieser Sekund{\"a}rphase und die sehr schnelle Verdichtung unterst{\"u}tzen den im System Bleizirkonat-Bleititanat ohnehin naheliegenden Schluß, daß die Verdichtung der PbO-{\"U}berschuß-Fasern vorwiegend {\"u}ber einen Fl{\"u}ssigphasensintermechanismus erfolgt. Dagegen resultiert die Verdichtung in PbO-Defizit-Fasern durch einen Festphasensintermechanismus. Die mechanischen Eigenschaften der PZT-Fasern konnten durch eine Vereinzelung der Fasern aus dem Faserb{\"u}ndel vor der thermischen Prozeßf{\"u}hrung sowie durch eine Beschlichtung deutlich verbessert werden. So konnte an optimierten Fasern Zugfestigkeiten im Bereich von 125 MPa gemessen werden. Die dielektrischen Eigenschaften von undotierten PZT-Fasern sind mit denen von Mixed-Oxide-Keramiken vergleichbar. Nicht verdichtete PZT-Fasern mit Korngr{\"o}ßen von ca. 1 µm zeigten relative Dielektrizit{\"a}tskonstanten um 600, wohingegen dichtgesinterte Fasern mit Korngr{\"o}ßen von bis zu 4 µm relative Dielektrizit{\"a}tskonstanten von ca. 1000 bis 1200 aufwiesen. Die Großsignaleigenschaften waren relativ unabh{\"a}ngig vom Fasergef{\"u}ge, typische Werte lagen f{\"u}r die Koerzitivfeldst{\"a}rken bei 2,1 V/µm und f{\"u}r die maximale Polarisation bei 36 µC/cm2; die remanente Polarisation lag bei 22 µC/cm2. Die Großsignaldehnungen betrugen ca. 0,1 \% bei Feldst{\"a}rken von 6 kV/mm. Zyklierungsexperimente an undotierten PZT-Fasern zeigten, daß bis ca. 10000 Zyklen eine Art „Entalterung" auftritt, die mit der von undotierten PZT-Bulkmaterialien vergleichbar ist. Die Erm{\"u}dung der PZT-Fasern ab 100000 Zyklen, kann hingegen eindeutig auf einen Interface-Effekt an der Grenzfl{\"a}che zwischen Elektrode und Komposit zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden. In einem weiteren Schritt wurden die an den undotierten PZT-Fasern gewonnenen Erkenntnisse auf PZT/SKN-Fasern {\"u}bertragen, bei denen eine partielle Substitution durch Strontium, Kalium und Niob vorgenommen wurde. Hier konnte gezeigt werden, daß die zus{\"a}tzlich eingebrachten Substitutionselemente als Kornwachstumsinhibitoren wirken. Eine vollst{\"a}ndige Verdichtung des Gef{\"u}ges kann bei diesen Fasern im Gegensatz zu den undotierten PZT-Fasern nicht durch einen PbO-{\"U}berschuß, sondern nur durch eine Erh{\"o}hung der Sintertemperatur erreicht werden. Bei Temperaturen von 950 °C reicht dann allerdings bereits ein geringer PbO-{\"U}berschuß von 4 Mol-\% f{\"u}r eine vollst{\"a}ndige Verdichtung der Faser aus. In Analogie zu den undotierten PZT-Fasern wird auch hier die Gef{\"u}geverdichtung von einem Fl{\"u}ssigphasensintermechanismus dominiert. Erste Untersuchungen der Großsignaleigenschaften der PZT/SKN-Fasern sind charakteristisch f{\"u}r ein weichferroelektrisches Verhalten. In den Kleinsignaleigenschaften zeigen die substituierten PZT/SKN-Fasern eine deutliche Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von der Korngr{\"o}ße: Mit einer Zunahme der Korngr{\"o}ße um 50\% auf 4?5 µm konnte ein Anstieg der Dielektrizit{\"a}tskonstante von 600 auf 1000 korreliert werden. Messungen des Dickenkopplungsfaktors ergab Werte um 40\%; sie sind somit vergleichbar mit denen, die an Bulk-Keramiken festgestellt wurden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hannaa2010, author = {Hannaa, Wagih}, title = {Taxonomy and palaeoecology of the Cenomanian-Turonian macro-invertebrate from eastern Sinai, Egypt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-54405}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The present study concerened with taxonomy and palaeoecology of the Cenomanian-Turonian macrobenthic fauna which includes bivalves, gastropods, echinoids, and coral. In addtion, cephalopods are also taken in consideration. 144 taxa are identified and systematically described. Palaeoecological and taphonomic anylsis of the statistically sampled macrobenthos are also discussed. The biostratigraphic sequences along the Cenomanian-Turonian rocks were carried out on the basis of ammonites and other macrobenthic fauna such as corals and bivalves. In order to reconstruct benthic association, 41 statistically sampled were subjected to cluster ananlysis by using Past Programm (Hammer et al., 2001). 10 association and three assemblages were described in order to reconstruct the different depositional enviroments.}, subject = {Pal{\"a}ontologie}, language = {en} } @incollection{HammannHeunischSchuessler1989, author = {Hammann, W. and Heunisch, C. and Sch{\"u}ssler, Ulrich}, title = {Organische Mikrofossilien (Chlorophyta, Acritarcha, Sporae diversae, Scolecodonten) aus den Schichten des Streichengrundes, Unterdevon, im Raum Guttenberg-Kupferberg des Frankenwaldes.}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-39152}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1989}, abstract = {Aus einer SE von Guttenberg im Frankenwald auftretenden Abfolge von bisher zur ordovizischen Randschieferserie gez{\"a}hlten grauen Schiefern und Tuffiten, den "Streichengrund-Schichten", wird eine reiche Assoziation organischer Mikrofossilien mit einem unterdevonisehen (Unter-Ems) Ablagerungsalter und mit aufgearbeitetem Unterordovizium (Ober-Arenig) beschrieben. Diese umfaßt 11 Arten der Chlorophyten, 44 Arten der Acritarchen - davon neu Uncillisphaera spinifurcillata 11. sp., sowie 42 Taxa der Sporae dispersae und Scolecodonten. Die somit als tektonische Schuppe innerhalb der ordovizischen Randschieferserie liegenden Streichengrund-Schichten stellen eine im Frankenwald bisher unbekannte Fazieseinheit des Unterdevon dar, die mit ihren vulkanischen Anteilen bayerische, mit ihren klastischen Anteilen th{\"u}ringische Z{\"u}ge besitzt. Lithologische Vergleiche mit den in streichender Verl{\"a}ngerung nach S hin auftretenden dunklen Schiefern der stratiformen Lagerst{\"a}tte von Kupferberg legen ein Unterdevon-Alter auch f{\"u}r diese Einheit nahe.}, subject = {Frankenwald}, language = {de} } @article{HaggMayrMannigetal.2018, author = {Hagg, Wilfried and Mayr, Elisabeth and Mannig, Birgit and Reyers, Mark and Schubert, David and Pinto, Joaquim G. and Peters, Juliane and Pieczonka, Tino and Juen, Martin and Bolch, Tobias and Paeth, Heiko and Mayer, Christoph}, title = {Future climate change and its impact on runoff generation from the debris-covered Inylchek glaciers, Central Tian Shan, Kyrgyzstan}, series = {Water}, volume = {10}, journal = {Water}, number = {11}, issn = {2073-4441}, doi = {10.3390/w10111513}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-197592}, pages = {1513}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The heavily debris-covered Inylchek glaciers in the central Tian Shan are the largest glacier system in the Tarim catchment. It is assumed that almost 50\% of the discharge of Tarim River are provided by glaciers. For this reason, climatic changes, and thus changes in glacier mass balance and glacier discharge are of high impact for the whole region. In this study, a conceptual hydrological model able to incorporate discharge from debris-covered glacier areas is presented. To simulate glacier melt and subsequent runoff in the past (1970/1971-1999/2000) and future (2070/2071-2099/2100), meteorological input data were generated based on ECHAM5/MPI-OM1 global climate model projections. The hydrological model HBV-LMU was calibrated by an automatic calibration algorithm using runoff and snow cover information as objective functions. Manual fine-tuning was performed to avoid unrealistic results for glacier mass balance. The simulations show that annual runoff sums will increase significantly under future climate conditions. A sensitivity analysis revealed that total runoff does not decrease until the glacier area is reduced by 43\%. Ice melt is the major runoff source in the recent past, and its contribution will even increase in the coming decades. Seasonal changes reveal a trend towards enhanced melt in spring, but a change from a glacial-nival to a nival-pluvial runoff regime will not be reached until the end of this century.}, language = {en} } @incollection{HagedornSponholz1990, author = {Hagedorn, Horst and Sponholz, Barbara}, title = {Silikatkarst in Nord- und Ostniger - Einbindung der Verkarstung in die terti{\"a}re und quart{\"a}re Landschaftsgeschichte}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-56597}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1990}, abstract = {Im Nordosten der Republik Niger sind Karstformen in Sandsteinen, Silcretes, Eisenkrusten und im Kristallin weit verbreitet. Aufgrund geomorphologischer Untersuchungen und mikromorphologischer Analysen l{\"a}ßt sich eine echte Verkarstung im Sinne l{\"o}sungsbedingter Reliefformung nachweisen. Untersuchungen an D{\"u}nnschliffen und rasterelektronenmikroskopische Analysen von Quarzkomoberfl{\"a}chen zeigen extrem starke Kornkorrosion in den {\"a}ußeren Probenbereichen (Wandungen von Karstformen) und allgemein starke Spuren von Kiesels{\"a}uremobilisierung. Die Ausf{\"a}llung von Kiesels{\"a}ure auf den Quarzk{\"o}rnern kann bis zur Neukristallisation von Quarz reichen (Djado, Stufe von Bilma) oder nur als amorpher {\"U}berzug ausgebildet sein (Massive von Tennit und Koutous). Die Gesamtheit der Befunde deutet auf eine Hauptphase der Verkarstung im fr{\"u}hen Terti{\"a}r hin, die von weiteren L{\"o}sungsphasen im j{\"u}ngeren Terti{\"a}r und wahrscheinlich auch im Quart{\"a}r gefolgt wird. Die jeweils {\"u}ber weite R{\"a}ume {\"a}hnlichen Befunde lassen eine Abh{\"a}ngigkeit des Verkarstungsgeschehens von den pal{\"a}oklimatischen Bedingungen vermuten; vor allem durch die Ausbildung eines unterirdischen Entw{\"a}ssernngs- und Hohlraumsystems sind enge Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Karstformenschatz und der Entwicklung der {\"u}brigen Reliefelemente gegeben.}, subject = {Geographie}, language = {de} } @article{HaHuthBachoferetal.2022, author = {Ha, Tuyen V. and Huth, Juliane and Bachofer, Felix and Kuenzer, Claudia}, title = {A review of Earth observation-based drought studies in Southeast Asia}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {14}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {15}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs14153763}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-286258}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Drought is a recurring natural climatic hazard event over terrestrial land; it poses devastating threats to human health, the economy, and the environment. Given the increasing climate crisis, it is likely that extreme drought phenomena will become more frequent, and their impacts will probably be more devastating. Drought observations from space, therefore, play a key role in dissimilating timely and accurate information to support early warning drought management and mitigation planning, particularly in sparse in-situ data regions. In this paper, we reviewed drought-related studies based on Earth observation (EO) products in Southeast Asia between 2000 and 2021. The results of this review indicated that drought publications in the region are on the increase, with a majority (70\%) of the studies being undertaken in Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. These countries also accounted for nearly 97\% of the economic losses due to drought extremes. Vegetation indices from multispectral optical remote sensing sensors remained a primary source of data for drought monitoring in the region. Many studies (~21\%) did not provide accuracy assessment on drought mapping products, while precipitation was the main data source for validation. We observed a positive association between spatial extent and spatial resolution, suggesting that nearly 81\% of the articles focused on the local and national scales. Although there was an increase in drought research interest in the region, challenges remain regarding large-area and long time-series drought measurements, the combined drought approach, machine learning-based drought prediction, and the integration of multi-sensor remote sensing products (e.g., Landsat and Sentinel-2). Satellite EO data could be a substantial part of the future efforts that are necessary for mitigating drought-related challenges, ensuring food security, establishing a more sustainable economy, and the preservation of the natural environment in the region.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gruner2000, author = {Gruner, Birgit}, title = {Metamorphoseentwicklung im Kaokog{\"u}rtel, NW-Namibia}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-2486}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Der Kaokog{\"u}rtel in NW-Namibia geh{\"o}rt zu den panafrikanischen Orogensystemen Westgondwanas. Er besteht aus pr{\"a}panafrikanischen Grundgebirgseinheiten und panafrikanischen vulkano-sediment{\"a}ren Deckgebirgseinheiten, die einer gr{\"u}nschiefer- bis granulitfaziellen Metamorphose unterlagen. F{\"u}r Metapelite lassen sich Metamorphosezonen mit aufsteigender Metamorphose von Ost nach West aushalten: Granat-Zone, Staurolith-Zone, Disthen-Zone, ky-sill-mu-Zone, sill-mu-Zone, sill-ksp-Zone, g-cd-sill-ksp-Zone. Mit Hilfe geothermobarometrischer und moderner phasenpetrologischer Methoden (z.B. P-T- Pseudoschnitte) wurden die P-T-Bedingungen ermittelt, die die Metapelite w{\"a}hrend ihrer tektono-metamorphen Entwicklung durchlaufen haben. Es zeigt sich eine MT-HT/MP Barrow-type Metamorphoseentwicklung im {\"o}stlichen und zentralen Kaokog{\"u}rtel sowie eine HT/LP Buchan-type Entwicklung im westlichen Kaokog{\"u}rtel. Die geodynamische Relevanz dieser Entwicklungen wird diskutiert.}, subject = {Kaoko-G{\"u}rtel}, language = {de} } @article{GlaserSponholz1993, author = {Glaser, R{\"u}diger and Sponholz, Barbara}, title = {Erste Untersuchungen von Hangrutschungen an der Frankenh{\"o}he}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-53615}, year = {1993}, abstract = {Der vorliegende Beitrag faßt den derzeitigen Stand der Untersuchungen von Hangrutschungen im Bereich der Frankenh{\"o}he, die im Rahmen des EPOCH-Programmes durchgef{\"u}hrt wurden, zusammen. Nach einer Inventarisierung der regionalen Rutschungsereignisse wird die Rutschung bei Obergailnau in einer geomorphologischen Detailkartierung vorgestellt. F{\"u}r die Ausl{\"o}sung der Rutschung kommen mehrere Faktoren in Betracht: neben einer erh{\"o}hten Rutschungsanf{\"a}lligkeit aufgrund der geologisch-tektonischen Verh{\"a}ltnisse muß v.a. auch eine Einflußnahme durch die Landnutzung mit ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden. Dazu z{\"a}hlen Steinbrucharbeiten in unmittelbarer N{\"a}he der Rutschung, aber auch Wasserbaumaßnahmen am Schloßberg. In diesem potentielllabilisierten Gebiet kam es nach {\"u}berdurchschnittlichen Niederschl{\"a}gen Anfang 1958 zu einer {\"U}berschreitung der Belastungsgrenze des Hanges, die sich in einer großfl{\"a}chigen Rutschung {\"a}ußerte. Die weiteren Untersuchungen sollen zeigen, ob sich die f{\"u}r Obergailnau herausgestellten Faktorenkomplexe im regionalen Rahmen verifizieren lassen.}, subject = {Geographie}, language = {de} } @article{GhazaryanRienowOldenburgetal.2021, author = {Ghazaryan, Gohar and Rienow, Andreas and Oldenburg, Carsten and Thonfeld, Frank and Trampnau, Birte and Sticksel, Sarah and J{\"u}rgens, Carsten}, title = {Monitoring of urban sprawl and densification processes in Western Germany in the light of SDG indicator 11.3.1 based on an automated retrospective classification approach}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {13}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {9}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs13091694}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-236671}, year = {2021}, abstract = {By 2050, two-third of the world's population will live in cities. In this study, we develop a framework for analyzing urban growth-related imperviousness in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) from the 1980s to date using Landsat data. For the baseline 2017-time step, official geodata was extracted to generate labelled data for ten classes, including three classes representing low, middle, and high level of imperviousness. We used the output of the 2017 classification and information based on radiometric bi-temporal change detection for retrospective classification. Besides spectral bands, we calculated several indices and various temporal composites, which were used as an input for Random Forest classification. The results provide information on three imperviousness classes with accuracies exceeding 75\%. According to our results, the imperviousness areas grew continuously from 1985 to 2017, with a high imperviousness area growth of more than 167,000 ha, comprising around 30\% increase. The information on the expansion of urban areas was integrated with population dynamics data to estimate the progress towards SDG 11. With the intensity analysis and the integration of population data, the spatial heterogeneity of urban expansion and population growth was analysed, showing that the urban expansion rates considerably excelled population growth rates in some regions in NRW. The study highlights the applicability of earth observation data for accurately quantifying spatio-temporal urban dynamics for sustainable urbanization and targeted planning.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gessner2010, author = {Geßner, Ursula}, title = {R{\"a}umliche und zeitliche Muster der Vegetationsstruktur in Savannen des s{\"u}dlichen Afrika}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-55128}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Die Ver{\"a}nderung der terrestrischen {\"O}kosysteme, ist ein grundlegendes Element des Globalen Wandels. In diesem Kontext unterliegt auch eines der gr{\"o}ßten Biome der Erde, die tropische und subtropische Savanne, immer st{\"a}rkeren Ver{\"a}nderungen. Dieses Biom in sozio{\"o}konomischer und {\"o}kologischer Hinsicht von besonderer Bedeutung. F{\"u}r einen rasch wachsenden Teil der Weltbev{\"o}lkerung bildet es die Grundlage f{\"u}r das Betreiben von Weidewirtschaft, Ackerbau und Tourismus. In nationalen und internationalen Forschungsprogrammen zum Globalen Wandel hat die Analyse von Landnutzungs- und Landbedeckungs{\"a}nderungen in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen. Die Landbedeckungsdynamik von Savannen{\"o}kosystemen ist jedoch noch nicht hinreichend verstanden, so dass diese {\"O}kosysteme in globalen Studien nur ansatzweise ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden k{\"o}nnen. Besondere Herausforderungen bei der Erfassung der Landbedeckung und ihrer Dynamik liegen im Falle der Savannen in der heterogenen r{\"a}umlichen Verteilung der Wuchsformen, in den graduellen {\"U}berg{\"a}ngen zwischen Landbedeckungsklassen und in der hohen inner- und interannuellen Variabilit{\"a}t der Vegetationsdecke. Vor diesem Hintergrund besch{\"a}ftigt sich diese Dissertation mit der fernerkundungsbasierten Erfassung und Interpretation der Vegetationsstruktur und der Vegetationsdynamik von Savannen am Beispiel ausgew{\"a}hlter afrikanischer Untersuchungsregionen. Die Vegetationsstruktur wird in dieser Dissertation in Form von Bedeckungsgraden holziger Vegetation, krautiger Vegetation und vegetationsloser Fl{\"a}che erfasst. Es kommt ein mehrskaliges Verfahren zum Einsatz, in dem h{\"o}chstaufgel{\"o}ste IKONOS- und QuickBird-Daten, Landsat-Daten und annuelle MODIS-Zeitreihen ausgewertet werden. Der Ansatz basiert auf der Methodik der Ensemble-Regeressionb{\"a}ume und stellt eine Erweiterung und Optimierung der Herangehensweise des MODIS-Standardproduktes Vegetation Continuous Fields (VCF) nach Hansen et al. (2002) dar. Beim Vergleich mit unabh{\"a}ngigen Validierungsdaten der n{\"a}chst h{\"o}heren Aufl{\"o}sungsebene zeigt sich das Potenzial der vorgestellten Methodik. Die r{\"a}umliche {\"U}bertragbarkeit der Regressionsb{\"a}ume wird am Beispiel von zwei Vegetationstypen innerhalb der Zentralnamibischen Savanne dargestellt. In diesem Zusammenhang zeigt sich der hohe Stellenwert einer optimalen Auswahl an Trainingsdaten mit einer repr{\"a}sentativen Abdeckung der Wertespanne aller existierenden Bedeckungsgrade. Die erarbeiteten Resultate unterstreichen, die optimale Eignung der Subpixel-Bedeckungsgrade, gerade zur Beschreibung von Savannenlandschaften. In der Kombination von herk{\"o}mmlichen, diskreten Landbedeckungs- oder Vegetationskarten mit Informationen zu Bedeckungsgraden wird ein besonderer Mehrwert f{\"u}r weiterf{\"u}hrende Analysen gesehen. Die Dynamik der Savannenvegetation wird in dieser Arbeit sowohl auf biannueller als auch auf mehrj{\"a}hriger Skala charakterisiert. Bei der biannuellen Analyse werden die Ver{\"a}nderungen der holzigen Vegetationsbedeckung zwischen den Jahren 2003/04 und 2006/07 erfasst. Hierf{\"u}r findet eine zeitliche {\"U}bertragung des zuvor vorgestellten Verfahrens zur Ableitung von Bedeckungsanteilen statt. Im Rahmen der biannuellen Untersuchungen k{\"o}nnen Ver{\"a}nderungsfl{\"a}chen identifiziert werden, ohne Einschr{\"a}nkung auf {\"U}berg{\"a}nge zwischen fest definierten Klassengrenzen. In Erg{\"a}nzung der biannuellen Analysen werden aus MODIS-EVI- und Niederschlagszeitreihen Maßzahlen abgeleitet, die den Zusammenhang zwischen Niederschlag und Vegetationsentwicklung, die Variabilit{\"a}t und die Trends der Vegetation {\"u}ber einen Zeitraum von acht Jahren beschreiben. Hierbei kommen beispielsweise Korrelationsanalysen zwischen Vegetationsindex- und Niederschlagszeitreihen zum Einsatz. Zudem werden Trendanalysen der Vegetationsindex-Zeitreihen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Trends werden einerseits allein aus den Zeitreihen der Vegetationsindizes ermittelt, andererseits wird bei der Berechnung von Restrends (Residual Trends) der Einfluss des Niederschlags ber{\"u}cksichtigt. Neben den Korrelations- und Trendanalysen werden unterschiedliche Variabilit{\"a}tsmaße der Vegetationsindex-Zeitreihen genutzt, um die mehrj{\"a}hrige Vegetationsdynamik zu beschreiben. Durch die Kombination von Fernerkundungsdaten unterschiedlicher r{\"a}umlicher und zeitlicher Aufl{\"o}sungen wird in dieser Dissertation die heterogene Vegetationsstruktur und die komplexe Vegetationsdynamik ausgew{\"a}hlter afrikanischer Savannen{\"o}kosysteme beschreiben.}, subject = {Savanne}, language = {de} } @article{GeyerPaisWotte2020, author = {Geyer, Gerd and Pais, Miguel Caldeira and Wotte, Thomas}, title = {Unexpectedly curved spines in a Cambrian trilobite: considerations on the spinosity in Kingaspidoides spinirecurvatus sp. nov. from the Anti-Atlas, Morocco, and related Cambrian ellipsocephaloids}, series = {PalZ}, volume = {94}, journal = {PalZ}, issn = {0031-0220}, doi = {10.1007/s12542-020-00514-x}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-231873}, pages = {645-660}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The new ellipsocephaloid trilobite species Kingaspidoides spinirecurvatus has a spectacular morphology because of a unique set of two long and anteriorly recurved spines on the occipital ring and the axial ring of thoracic segment 8. Together with the long genal spines this whimsical dorsally directed spine arrangement is thought to act as a non-standard protective device against predators. This is illustrated by the body posture during different stages of enrolment, contrasting with the more sophisticated spinosities seen in later trilobites, which are discussed in brief. Kingaspidoides spinirecurvatus from the lower-middle Cambrian boundary interval of the eastern Anti-Atlas in Morocco has been known for about two decades, with specimens handled as precious objects on the fossil market. Similar, but far less spectacular, spine arrangements on the thoracic axial rings are known from other ellipsocephaloid trilobites from the Anti-Atlas of Morocco and the Franconian Forest region of Germany. This suggests that an experimental phase of spine development took place within the Kingaspi-doides clade during the early-middle Cambrian boundary interval.}, language = {en} } @article{GeyerLanding2021, author = {Geyer, Gerd and Landing, Ed}, title = {The Souss lagerstatte of the Anti-Atlas, Morocco: discovery of the first Cambrian fossil lagerstatte from Africa}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {11}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-021-82546-0}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259236}, pages = {3107}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Episodic low oxygenated conditions on the sea-floor are likely responsible for exceptional preservation of animal remains in the upper Amouslek Formation (lower Cambrian, Stage 3) on the northern slope of the western Anti-Atlas, Morocco. This stratigraphic interval has yielded trilobite, brachiopod, and hyolith fossils with preserved soft parts, including some of the oldest known trilobite guts. The "Souss fossil lagerstatte" (newly proposed designation) represents the first Cambrian fossil lagerstatte in Cambrian strata known from Africa and is one of the oldest trilobite-bearing fossil lagerstatten on Earth. Inter-regional correlation of the Souss fossil lagerstatte in West Gondwana suggests its development during an interval of high eustatic levels recorded by dark shales that occur in informal upper Cambrian Series 2 in Siberia, South China, and East Gondwana.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gerend2012, author = {Gerend, Jennifer}, title = {U.S. and German Approaches to Regulating Retail Development: Urban Planning Tools and Local Policies}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-70257}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {This dissertation examines retail development regulation in the U.S. and in Germany, comparing the various urban planning tools and policies in use by municipal governments. These similarities and differences are explored through research into three case study cities in each country, with special attention paid to how these governments regulate large-scale or "big box" retail.}, subject = {Einzelhandel}, language = {en} } @misc{Geiger2000, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Geiger, Markus}, title = {The Geology of the southern Warmbad Basin Margin - Tephrostratigraphy, Age, Fossil Record and Sedimentary Environment of Carboniferous-Permian Glacigenic Deposits of the Dwyka Group, Zwartbas, southern Namibia}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-46251}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2000}, abstract = {At Zwartbas, about 10 km west of Vioolsdrif, southern Namibia, the Dwyka succession is composed of tillites and distal fossiliferous dropstone-bearing glacio-marine shales. The completely exposed Dwyka succession is interbedded with thin bentonites, altered distal pyroclastic deposits, which were derived from the magmatic arc at the southern rim of Gondwana. Dropstone-bearing and dropstonefree sequences intercalate with four diamictites, of which the two lowest were certainly recognised as tillites. Four events of deglaciation were proven at Zwartbas and thus consist with correlative deposits in southern Africa. Numerous fossilised fishes, trace fossils, and plant fragments appear frequently within the lower half of the Dwyka succession whereas trace fossils were principally found in the complete succession. Although the environmental determination is quite problematic, the fossil assemblage rather implies proximal, shallow water conditions with temporary restricted oxygenation. The hinterland was covered with considerable vegetation, which points to a moderate climate. Water salinity determinations based on shale geochemistry rectify contrary palaeontological results and point to rather brackish or non-marine conditions in comparison to present-day salinites. Geochemical analyses of the bentonites relate the pyroclastic deposits with acid to intermediate source magmas, as they are known from the magmatic arc in present-day Patagonia. Tectono-magmatic comparisons furthermore emphasise a syn-collision or volcanic-arc situation of the magma source. However, significant cyclicity in the production of the pyroclastic deposits was not observed. Radiometric age determinations of two tuff beds clearly date the onset of glacial activity into the Late Carboniferous.}, subject = {Namibia}, language = {en} } @misc{Geiger1999, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Geiger, Markus}, title = {An Explanation of the Geological Map 1:10000 of the Namibian borderland along the Orange River at Zwartbas - Warmbad District - Karas Region - Namibia}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-46269}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1999}, abstract = {The locality of Zwartbas is situated at the border of Namibia and South Africa about 15 km west of Noordoewer. The mapped area is confined by the Tandjieskoppe Mountains in the north and the Orange River in the south. Outcropping rocks are predominantly sediments of the Nama Group and of the Karoo Supergroup. During the compilation of this paper doubts arose about the correct classification of the Nama rocks as it is found in literature. Since no certain clues were found to revise the classification of the Nama rocks, the original classification remains still valid. Thus the Kuibis and Schwarzrand Subgroup constitute the Nama succession and date it to Vendian age. A glacial unconformity represents a hiatus for about 260 Ma. This is covered by sediments of the Karoo Supergroup. Late Carboniferous and early Permian glacial deposits of diamictitic shale of the Dwyka and shales of the Ecca Group overlie the unconformity. The shales of the Dwyka Group contain fossiliferous units and volcanic ash-layers. A sill of the Jurassic Tandjiesberg Dolerite Complex (also Karoo Supergroup) intruded rocks at the Dwyka-Ecca-boundary. Finally fluvial and aeolian deposits and calcretes of the Cretaceous to Tertiary Kalahari Group and recent depositionary events cover the older rocks occasionally.}, subject = {Namibia}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gehring2001, author = {Gehring, Iris}, title = {Volcanostratigraphy using geophysical methods on La Fossa di Vulcano (S-Italy)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-1181941}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {For many active volcanoes all over the world a civil protection program, normally combined with hazard maps, exists. Optimising of hazard maps and the associated hazard assessment implies a detailed knowledge of the volcanostratigraphy, because the deposits provoke information on the potential behaviour during a new activity cycle. Pyroclastic deposits, however, may vary widely in thickness and distribution over very short lateral distances. High resolution characterisation of single strata often cannot be archived, if solely sedimentological and geochemical methods are used. Gamma-ray measurements taken in the field combined with grain-size depended magnetic susceptibility measurements made in the laboratory are used in this work to optimise the resolution of volcanostratigraphic investigations. The island of Vulcano is part of the Aeolian Archipelago sited of the northern coast of Sicily. La Fossa cone is the active centre of Vulcano, where fumarolic and seismic activity can be observed. The cone was built up during the last 6,000 years, whereby the last eruption period is dated to historic times (1888-1890). For the tuff cone La Fossa the most likely volcanic hazards are the emplacement of pyroclastic deposits as well as gas hazards (especially SOx and CO2), due to this the detailed knowledge of the stratigraphy is mandatory. Most of the population resides in Vulcano Porto and the nearby sited peninsula of Vulcanello, which are highly endangered locations for a future eruption scenario. Measurements, made in standard outcrops, allow a characterisation of the successions Punte Nere, Tufi Varicolori, Palizzi, Commenda, and Cratere Attuale. A discrimination of all successions by solely one of the methods is rarely possible. In some cases, however, the combination of the methods leads to clear results. It can also be noticed that the exposition as well as the sedimentation type (wet-surge or dry-surge deposits) affect the measurements. In general it can be assumed that the higher the magma is evolved the higher the g -ray values and the lower the susceptibility values. Measurements from the Wingertsberg (Laacher See deposits, Eifel, W-Germany) show clearly that a higher degree of magma evolution correlates with lower susceptibility and higher gamma-ray values. Variations of the values can be observed not only by the change of the degree of magmatic evolution but also by the inhomogeneous deposition conditions. Particularly the gamma-ray measurements show lower values for the wet-surge deposits than for the dry-surge deposits, even though the erupted material has the same geochemical composition. This can be explained especially by reactions inside of the moist eruption cloud and short-time after deposition, when easily soluble elements like K, U, and Th can be leached by these aggressive fluids. Even extended exposition and high water content can provoke depletion of various elements within the complete or parts of the outcrop, too. If the deposits are affected by a fumarolic activity especially the susceptibility values show significant variations, whereas in general extreme low values are observed. Contamination of deposits also can occur, if they are overlain by weathered deposits of higher concentration of K, U, and Th. Weathering and mobilisation within the upper deposits can generate an element enrichment within the lower deposits. In general the element ratios of the barried underlying deposits are less affected than the exposed ones. After gauging the values of the well defined succession for standard outcrops undefined outcrops were measured. These outcrops are not clearly classified by sedimentological and geochemical methods, thus a correlation with the combined geophysical methods is useful. In general the combination of the methods allows a correlation, although in some cases more than one interpretation is possible. But in connection with time marker horizons as well as sedimentological features an interpretation is feasible. These situations show that a classification solely based on geophysical methods is possible for many cases but, if the volcanic system is more complex, a combination with sedimentological and geochemical methods may be needed. The investigations on Vulcano, documented in this work, recommend a re-interpretation of the dispersial of some successions of La Fossa cone, especially the presumption that Tufi Varicolori only exist inside of the Caldera of La Fossa. As a consequence the eruption and energy model especially for Tufi Varicolori have to be reviewed.}, subject = {Vulcano}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fritsch2013, author = {Fritsch, Sebastian}, title = {Spatial and temporal patterns of crop yield and marginal land in the Aral Sea Basin: derivation by combining multi-scale and multi-temporal remote sensing data with alight use efficiency model}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-87939}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Irrigated agriculture in the Khorezm region in the arid inner Aral Sea Basin faces enormous challenges due to a legacy of cotton monoculture and non-sustainable water use. Regional crop growth monitoring and yield estimation continuously gain in importance, especially with regard to climate change and food security issues. Remote sensing is the ideal tool for regional-scale analysis, especially in regions where ground-truth data collection is difficult and data availability is scarce. New satellite systems promise higher spatial and temporal resolutions. So-called light use efficiency (LUE) models are based on the fraction of photosynthetic active radiation absorbed by vegetation (FPAR), a biophysical parameter that can be derived from satellite measurements. The general objective of this thesis was to use satellite data, in conjunction with an adapted LUE model, for inferring crop yield of cotton and rice at field (6.5 m) and regional (250 m) scale for multiple years (2003-2009), in order to assess crop yield variations in the study area. Intensive field measurements of FPAR were conducted in the Khorezm region during the growing season 2009. RapidEye imagery was acquired approximately bi-weekly during this time. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was calculated for all images. Linear regression between image-based NDVI and field-based FPAR was conducted. The analyses resulted in high correlations, and the resulting regression equations were used to generate time series of FPAR at the RapidEye level. RapidEye-based FPAR was subsequently aggregated to the MODIS scale and used to validate the existing MODIS FPAR product. This step was carried out to evaluate the applicability of MODIS FPAR for regional vegetation monitoring. The validation revealed that the MODIS product generally overestimates RapidEye FPAR by about 6 to 15 \%. Mixture of crop types was found to be a problem at the 1 km scale, but less severe at the 250 m scale. Consequently, high resolution FPAR was used to calibrate 8-day, 250 m MODIS NDVI data, this time by linear regression of RapidEye-based FPAR against MODIS-based NDVI. The established FPAR datasets, for both RapidEye and MODIS, were subsequently assimilated into a LUE model as the driving variable. This model operated at both satellite scales, and both required an estimation of further parameters like the photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) or the actual light use efficiency (LUEact). The latter is influenced by crop stress factors like temperature or water stress, which were taken account of in the model. Water stress was especially important, and calculated via the ratio of the actual (ETact) to the potential, crop-specific evapotranspiration (ETc). Results showed that water stress typically occurred between the beginning of May and mid-September and beginning of May and end of July for cotton and rice crops, respectively. The mean water stress showed only minor differences between years. Exceptions occurred in 2008 and 2009, where the mean water stress was higher and lower, respectively. In 2008, this was likely caused by generally reduced water availability in the whole region. Model estimations were evaluated using field-based harvest information (RapidEye) and statistical information at district level (MODIS). The results showed that the model at both the RapidEye and the MODIS scale can estimate regional crop yield with acceptable accuracy. The RMSE for the RapidEye scale amounted to 29.1 \% for cotton and 30.4 \% for rice, respectively. At the MODIS scale, depending on the year and evaluated at Oblast level, the RMSE ranged from 10.5 \% to 23.8 \% for cotton and from -0.4 \% to -19.4 \% for rice. Altogether, the RapidEye scale model slightly underestimated cotton (bias = 0.22) and rice yield (bias = 0.11). The MODIS-scale model, on the other hand, also underestimated official rice yield (bias from 0.01 to 0.87), but overestimated official cotton yield (bias from -0.28 to -0.6). Evaluation of the MODIS scale revealed that predictions were very accurate for some districts, but less for others. The produced crop yield maps indicated that crop yield generally decreases with distance to the river. The lowest yields can be found in the southern districts, close to the desert. From a temporal point of view, there were areas characterized by low crop yields over the span of the seven years investigated. The study at hand showed that light use efficiency-based modeling, based on remote sensing data, is a viable way for regional crop yield prediction. The found accuracies were good within the boundaries of related research. From a methodological viewpoint, the work carried out made several improvements to the existing LUE models reported in the literature, e.g. the calibration of FPAR for the study region using in situ and high resolution RapidEye imagery and the incorporation of crop-specific water stress in the calculation.}, subject = {Fernerkundung}, language = {en} } @article{ForkuorUllmannGriesbeck2020, author = {Forkuor, Gerald and Ullmann, Tobias and Griesbeck, Mario}, title = {Mapping and monitoring small-scale mining activities in Ghana using Sentinel-1 time series (2015-2019)}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {12}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {6}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs12060911}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-203204}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Illegal small-scale mining (galamsey) in South-Western Ghana has grown tremendously in the last decade and caused significant environmental degradation. Excessive cloud cover in the area has limited the use of optical remote sensing data to map and monitor the extent of these activities. This study investigated the use of annual time-series Sentinel-1 data to map and monitor illegal mining activities along major rivers in South-Western Ghana between 2015 and 2019. A change detection approach, based on three time-series features — minimum, mean, maximum — was used to compute a backscatter threshold value suitable to identify/detect mining-induced land cover changes in the study area. Compared to the mean and maximum, the minimum time-series feature (in both VH and VV polarization) was found to be more sensitive to changes in backscattering within the period of investigation. Our approach permitted the detection of new illegal mining areas on an annual basis. A backscatter threshold value of +1.65 dB was found suitable for detecting illegal mining activities in the study area. Application of this threshold revealed illegal mining area extents of 102 km\(^2\), 60 km\(^2\) and 33 km\(^2\) for periods 2015/2016-2016/2017, 2016/2017-2017/2018 and 2017/2018-2018/2019, respectively. The observed decreasing trend in new illegal mining areas suggests that efforts at stopping illegal mining yielded positive results in the period investigated. Despite the advantages of Synthetic Aperture Radar data in monitoring phenomena in cloud-prone areas, our analysis revealed that about 25\% of the Sentinel-1 data, mostly acquired in March and October (beginning and end of rainy season respectively), were unusable due to atmospheric effects from high intensity rainfall events. Further investigation in other geographies and climatic regions is needed to ascertain the susceptibility of Sentinel-1 data to atmospheric conditions.}, language = {en} } @article{FleuchausBlumWildeetal.2021, author = {Fleuchaus, Paul and Blum, Philipp and Wilde, Martina and Terhorst, Birgit and Butscher, Christoph}, title = {Retrospective evaluation of landslide susceptibility maps and review of validation practice}, series = {Environmental Earth Sciences}, volume = {80}, journal = {Environmental Earth Sciences}, issn = {1866-6280}, doi = {10.1007/s12665-021-09770-9}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-308911}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Despite the widespread application of landslide susceptibility analyses, there is hardly any information about whether or not the occurrence of recent landslide events was correctly predicted by the relevant susceptibility maps. Hence, the objective of this study is to evaluate four landslide susceptibility maps retrospectively in a landslide-prone area of the Swabian Alb (Germany). The predictive performance of each susceptibility map is evaluated based on a landslide event triggered by heavy rainfalls in the year 2013. The retrospective evaluation revealed significant variations in the predictive accuracy of the analyzed studies. Both completely erroneous as well as very precise predictions were observed. These differences are less attributed to the applied statistical method and more to the quality and comprehensiveness of the used input data. Furthermore, a literature review of 50 peer-reviewed articles showed that most landslide susceptibility analyses achieve very high validation scores. 73\% of the analyzed studies achieved an area under curve (AUC) value of at least 80\%. These high validation scores, however, do not reflect the high uncertainty in statistical susceptibility analysis. Thus, the quality assessment of landslide susceptibility maps should not only comprise an index-based, quantitative validation, but also an additional qualitative plausibility check considering local geomorphological characteristics and local landslide mechanisms. Finally, the proposed retrospective evaluation approach cannot only help to assess the quality of susceptibility maps and demonstrate the reliability of such statistical methods, but also identify issues that will enable the susceptibility maps to be improved in the future.}, language = {en} } @article{FekriLatifiAmanietal.2021, author = {Fekri, Erfan and Latifi, Hooman and Amani, Meisam and Zobeidinezhad, Abdolkarim}, title = {A training sample migration method for wetland mapping and monitoring using Sentinel data in Google Earth Engine}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {13}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {20}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs13204169}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-248542}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Wetlands are one of the most important ecosystems due to their critical services to both humans and the environment. Therefore, wetland mapping and monitoring are essential for their conservation. In this regard, remote sensing offers efficient solutions due to the availability of cost-efficient archived images over different spatial scales. However, a lack of sufficient consistent training samples at different times is a significant limitation of multi-temporal wetland monitoring. In this study, a new training sample migration method was developed to identify unchanged training samples to be used in wetland classification and change analyses over the International Shadegan Wetland (ISW) areas of southwestern Iran. To this end, we first produced the wetland map of a reference year (2020), for which we had training samples, by combining Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images and the Random Forest (RF) classifier in Google Earth Engine (GEE). The Overall Accuracy (OA) and Kappa coefficient (KC) of this reference map were 97.93\% and 0.97, respectively. Then, an automatic change detection method was developed to migrate unchanged training samples from the reference year to the target years of 2018, 2019, and 2021. Within the proposed method, three indices of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), and the mean Standard Deviation (SD) of the spectral bands, along with two similarity measures of the Euclidean Distance (ED) and Spectral Angle Distance (SAD), were computed for each pair of reference-target years. The optimum threshold for unchanged samples was also derived using a histogram thresholding approach, which led to selecting the samples that were most likely unchanged based on the highest OA and KC for classifying the test dataset. The proposed migration sample method resulted in high OAs of 95.89\%, 96.83\%, and 97.06\% and KCs of 0.95, 0.96, and 0.96 for the target years of 2018, 2019, and 2021, respectively. Finally, the migrated samples were used to generate the wetland map for the target years. Overall, our proposed method showed high potential for wetland mapping and monitoring when no training samples existed for a target year.}, language = {en} } @misc{Fekete2004, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Fekete, Alexander}, title = {Massenbewegungen im Elbursgebirge, Iran - im Spannungsfeld zwischen nat{\"u}rlicher Stabilit{\"a}t und anthropogener Beeinflussung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13576}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Massenbewegungen (in englischer Literatur landslides, in franz{\"o}sischer Literatur glissements de terre) sind das Symptom von Hanginstabilit{\"a}ten in einem Naturraum. Die Wahl des {\"U}berbegriffs Massenbewegungen und die Untergliederung der einzelnen Stadien des Prozessablaufs wurden im Rahmen eines pragmatischen Ansatzes dieser Arbeit neu festgelegt. Im Untersuchungsgebiet im Elbursgebirge im Norden des Iran stellen Massenbewegungen ein Ph{\"a}nomen dar, welches die Kulturlandschaft bedroht, aber auch durch sie selbst bedingt ist. In dieser Arbeit wurden Abh{\"a}ngigkeitsbeziehungen zwischen menschlichem Eingriff und nat{\"u}rlichem Stabilit{\"a}tspotential untersucht. In einem heuristischen Ansatz wurden Faktoren analysiert, welche Massenbewegungen bedingen oder ausl{\"o}sen. Faktoren wie geologischer Untergrund, Bodenauflage, Hangneigung, Exposition, Hydrologie, Vegetationsbedeckung oder Straßenbau wirken in unterschiedlicher Weise auf die Verursachung von Massenbewegungen ein. Die Analyse der Tragweite und Relevanz dieser Faktoren erfolgte mittels einer Faktoren{\"u}berlagerung in einem Geographischen Informationssystem (GIS). Das GIS bildete die Schnittstelle f{\"u}r Fernerkundungsdaten, Kartenmaterial, Gel{\"a}ndeaufnahme und das digitale Gel{\"a}ndemodell (DEM, bzw. DTM). Neben Photos, Beschreibungen, GPS-Punkten und Bodenproben aus der Gel{\"a}ndeaufnahme im Iran wurden CORONA- und LANDSAT-ETM+ - Satellitendaten sowie Klimaaufzeichnungen, Topographische und Geologische Karten auf ihre Aussagekraft hin analysiert. Durch Verschneidung der Datenebenen konnten Gef{\"a}hrdungszonen hinsichtlich Massenbewegungen ausgewiesen werden. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit den vorhandenen Befunden {\"u}ber aufgetretene Massenbewegungen {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Die {\"U}bereinstimmung der Gef{\"a}hrdungszonen mit der Verteilung vorgefundener Massenbewegungsformen best{\"a}tigte die Richtigkeit des methodischen Vorgehens. Bei der Auswahl und Bearbeitung von Daten und Methodik lagen die Schwerpunkte im Anwendungsbezug und in der Qualit{\"a}tssicherung. Zur Erstellung des digitalen H{\"o}henmodells wurde ein eigener Ansatz zur Extraktion von H{\"o}henlinien aus Topographischen Karten verfolgt. Das Ergebnis der Arbeit ist ein kosteng{\"u}nstiger, pragmatischer und {\"u}bertragbarer Ansatz zur Bewertung des Gef{\"a}hrdungspotentials von Massenbewegungen.}, subject = {Elbursgebirge}, language = {de} }