@phdthesis{BakariSoale2024, author = {Bakari Soale, Majeed}, title = {Regulation of the Variant Surface Glycoprotein (VSG) Expression and Characterisation of the Nucleolar DExD/H box Protein Hel66 in \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25809}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-258090}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) of African trypanosomes plays an essential role in protecting the parasites from host immune factors. These trypanosomes undergo antigenic variation resulting in the expression of a single VSG isoform out of a repertoire of around 2000 genes. The molecular mechanism central to the expression and regulation of the VSG is however not fully understood. Gene expression in trypanosomes is unusual due to the absence of typical RNA polymerase II promoters and the polycistronic transcription of genes. The regulation of gene expression is therefore mainly post-transcriptional. Regulatory sequences, mostly present in the 3´ UTRs, often serve as key elements in the modulation of the levels of individual mRNAs. In T. brucei VSG genes, a 100 \% conserved 16mer motif within the 3´ UTR has been shown to modulate the stability of VSG transcripts and hence their expression. As a stability-associated sequence element, the absence of nucleotide substitutions in the motif is however unusual. It was therefore hypothesised that the motif is involved in other essential roles/processes besides stability of the VSG transcripts. In this study, it was demonstrated that the 100 \% conservation of the 16mer motif is not essential for cell viability or for the maintenance of functional VSG protein levels. It was further shown that the intact motif in the active VSG 3´ UTR is neither required to promote VSG silencing during switching nor is it needed during differentiation from bloodstream forms to procyclic forms. Crosstalk between the VSG and procyclin genes during differentiation to the insect vector stage is also unaffected in cells with a mutated 16mer motif. Ectopic overexpression of a second VSG however requires the intact motif to trigger silencing and exchange of the active VSG, suggesting a role for the motif in transcriptional VSG switching. The 16mer motif therefore plays a dual role in VSG in situ switching and stability of VSG transcripts. The additional role of the 16mer in the essential process of antigenic variation appears to be the driving force for the 100 \% conservation of this RNA motif. A screen aimed at identifying candidate RNA-binding proteins interacting with the 16mer motif, led to the identification of a DExD/H box protein, Hel66. Although the protein did not appear to have a direct link to the 16mer regulation of VSG expression, the DExD/H family of proteins are important players in the process of ribosome biogenesis. This process is relatively understudied in trypanosomes and so this candidate was singled out for detailed characterisation, given that the 16mer story had reached a natural end point. Ribosome biogenesis is a major cellular process in eukaryotes involving ribosomal RNA, ribosomal proteins and several non-ribosomal trans-acting protein factors. The DExD/H box proteins are the most important trans-acting protein factors involved in the biosynthesis of ribosomes. Several DExD/H box proteins have been directly implicated in this process in yeast. In trypanosomes, very few of this family of proteins have been characterised and therefore little is known about the specific roles they play in RNA metabolism. Here, it was shown that Hel66 is involved in rRNA processing during ribosome biogenesis. Hel66 localises to the nucleolus and depleting the protein led to a severe growth defect. Loss of the protein also resulted in a reduced rate of global translation and accumulation of rRNA processing intermediates of both the small and large ribosomal subunits. Hel66 is therefore an essential nucleolar DExD/H protein involved in rRNA processing during ribosome biogenesis. As very few protein factors involved in the processing of rRNAs have been described in trypanosomes, this finding represents an important platform for future investigation of this topic.}, subject = {Trypanosoma brucei}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schilcher2023, author = {Schilcher, Felix}, title = {Regulation of the nurse-forager transition in honeybees (\(Apis\) \(mellifera\))}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28935}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-289352}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Honeybees are among the few animals that rely on eusociality to survive. While the task of queen and drones is only reproduction, all other tasks are accomplished by sterile female worker bees. Different tasks are mostly divided by worker bees of different ages (temporal polyethism). Young honeybees perform tasks inside the hive like cleaning and nursing. Older honeybees work at the periphery of the nest and fulfill tasks like guarding the hive entrance. The oldest honeybees eventually leave the hive to forage for resources until they die. However, uncontrollable circumstances might force the colony to adapt or perish. For example, the introduced Varroa destructor mite or the deformed wing virus might erase a lot of in-hive bees. On the other hand, environmental events might kill a lot of foragers, leaving the colony with no new food intake. Therefore, adaptability of task allocation must be a priority for a honeybee colony. In my dissertation, I employed a wide range of behavioral, molecular biological and analytical techniques to unravel the underlying molecular and physiological mechanisms of the honeybee division of labor, especially in conjunction with honeybee malnourishment. The genes AmOARα1, AmTAR1, Amfor and vitellogenin have long been implied to be important for the transition from in-hive tasks to foraging. I have studied in detail expression of all of these genes during the transition from nursing to foraging to understand how their expression patterns change during this important phase of life. My focus lay on gene expression in the honeybee brain and fat body. I found an increase in the AmOARα1 and the Amforα mRNA expression with the transition from in-hive tasks to foraging and a decrease in expression of the other genes in both tissues. Interestingly, I found the opposite pattern of the AmOARα1 and AmTAR1 mRNA expression in the honeybee fat body during orientation flights. Furthermore, I closely observed juvenile hormone titers and triglyceride levels during this crucial time. Juvenile hormone titers increased with the transition from in-hive tasks to foraging and triglyceride levels decreased. Furthermore, in-hive bees and foragers also differ on a behavioral and physiological level. For example, foragers are more responsive towards light and sucrose. I proposed that modulation via biogenic amines, especially via octopamine and tyramine, can increase or decrease the responsiveness of honeybees. For that purpose, in-hive bees and foragers were injected with both biogenic amines and the receptor response was quantified 1 using electroretinography. In addition, I studied the behavioral response of the bees to light using a phototaxis assay. Injecting octopamine increased the receptor response and tyramine decreased it. Also, both groups of honeybees showed an increased phototactic response when injected with octopamine and a decreased response when injected with tyramine, independent of locomotion. Additionally, nutrition has long been implied to be a driver for division of labor. Undernourished honeybees are known to speed up their transition to foragers, possibly to cope with the missing resources. Furthermore, larval undernourishment has also been implied to speed up the transition from in-hive bees to foragers, due to increasing levels of juvenile hormone titers in adult honeybees after larval starvation. Therefore, I reared honeybees in-vitro to compare the hatched adult bees of starved and overfed larvae to bees reared under the standard in-vitro rearing diet. However, first I had to investigate whether the in-vitro rearing method affects adult honeybees. I showed effects of in-vitro rearing on behavior, with in-vitro reared honeybees foraging earlier and for a shorter time than hive reared honeybees. Yet, nursing behavior was unaffected. Afterwards, I investigated the effects of different larval diets on adult honeybee workers. I found no effects of malnourishment on behavioral or physiological factors besides a difference in weight. Honeybee weight increased with increasing amounts of larval food, but the effect seemed to vanish after a week. These results show the complexity and adaptability of the honeybee division of labor. They show the importance of the biogenic amines octopamine and tyramine and of the corresponding receptors AmOARα1 and AmTAR1 in modulating the transition from inhive bees to foragers. Furthermore, they show that in-vitro rearing has no effects on nursing behavior, but that it speeds up the transition from nursing to foraging, showing strong similarities to effects of larval pollen undernourishment. However, larval malnourishment showed almost no effects on honeybee task allocation or physiology. It seems that larval malnourishment can be easily compensated during the early lifetime of adult honeybees.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Glaab2020, author = {Glaab, Sabine}, title = {Green classroom at the wildlife park: Aspects of environmental, instructional and conceptual education of primary school children concerning the European wildcat.}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16949}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-169496}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {To foster sustainable environmentally friendly behavior in children it is important to provide an effective form of environmental education. In this context we studied three important factors: Attitude towards nature, environmental knowledge and advanced expert knowledge. Concerning attitude towards nature our first question was: "Is it possible to affect primary school children's environmental values during a one-day visit at a wildlife park?" As a control, the program was also conducted in schools, leading to two different learning settings- wildlife park and school. Regarding environmental knowledge, in our second question we wanted to know, if our modified teaching approach "guided learning at workstations" (G) combining instructional and constructivist elements would lead to good cognitive learning results of primary school children. Additionally, we compared it to a stronger teacher-centered (T) as well as to a stronger student-centered (S) approach. The third question we asked was "Is it possible to convey fascinating expert knowledge on a more advanced subject to primary school children using conceptual change theory?" After gathering primary school children's preconceptions, we defined different groups due to the heterogeneity of their pre-existing conceptions and the change in conceptions. Based on this research we designed a program along with an instrument to measure the impact of the conceptual change teaching method. After years of building a strong cooperation between the section Didactics of Biology at the Julius-Maximilians University W{\"u}rzburg, the nearby schools and the wildlife park "Wild-Park Klaushof" near Bad Kissingen in northern Bavaria it was time to evaluate the environmental education programs prepared and applied by undergraduate university students. As a model species we chose the European wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris) which represents endangered wildlife in Europe and the need for human interaction for the sake of preserving a species by restoring or recreating the habitat conditions needed while maintaining current infrastructure. Drawing from our own as well as teachers' and university students' experiences, we built, implemented and evaluated a hands-on program following several workstations between the wildcat enclosure and the wildlife park's green classroom. The content of our intervention was presented as a problem-oriented lesson, where children were confronted with the need for human interaction in order to preserve the European wildcat. Not only on a theoretical basis, but very specific to their hometowns they were told where and when nature conservation groups met or where to donate money. 692 Bavarian third grade primary school children in 35 classes participated in the one-day intervention that took place between the months of april, 2014 and november, 2015 in the wildlife park or in their respective classrooms. The ages varied between 8 and 11 years with the mean age being 8.88 ± 0.56 years old. 48.6 \% of them were boys, 51.4 \% were girls. (1) To measure primary school children's environmental attitudes a questionnaire on two major environmental values- preservation and utilization of nature- was administered in a pre, post- and retention test design. It was possible to affect primary school children's environmental preservation values during our one-day program. This result could be found not only at the wildlife park but unexpectedly also in school, where we educated classes for control purposes. We also found this impact consistent in all used teaching approaches and were surprised to see the preservation values change in a way we did not expect from higher tendency towards preservation of nature to a lower one. We presume that children of this age group reflected on the contents of our intervention. This had an influence on their own values towards preservation which led to a more realistic marking behavior in the questionnaire. We therefore conclude that it is possible to affect primary school children's environmental values with a one-day program on environmental content. (2) We were interested in conveying environmental knowledge about the European wildcat; its morphology, ecology and behavior. We designed and applied a knowledge questionnaire also in a pre-, post- and retention test design, to find out, whether different forms of instruction made a difference in learning success of primary school children. We used two approaches with a teacher in the role of a didactic leader- our modified guided approach (G) as well as a stronger teacher-centered one (T) with a higher focus on instruction. The third approach was presented as a strong student-centered learning at workstations (S) without a didactic leader we also called "free learning at workstations". Overall, all children's knowledge scores changed significantly from pre- to post-test and from pre- to retention test, indicating learning success. Differences could only be found between the posttest values of both approaches with a didactic leader (G, T) in comparison to the strong student-centered (S) form. It appears that these primary school children gained knowledge at the out of school learning setting regardless of the used teaching approach. On the subject of short-term differences, we discuss, that the difference in learning success might have been consistent from post to retention test if a consolidation phase had been added in the days following the program as should be common practice after a visit to an out-of- school learning setting but was not part of our intervention. When comparing both approaches with a didactic leader (G, T), we prefer our modified guided learning at workstations (G) since constructivist phases can be implemented without losses concerning learning success. Moreover, the (at least temporary) presence of a teacher in the role of a didactic leader ensures maintained discipline and counteracts off-task behavior. To make sure, different emotional states did not factor in our program, we measured children's situational emotions directly after the morning intervention using a short scale that evaluated interest, wellbeing and boredom. We found, that these emotions remained consistent over both learning settings as well as different forms of instruction. While interest and wellbeing remained constantly high, boredom values remained low. We take this as a sign of high quality designing and conducting the intervention. (3) In the afternoon of the one-day intervention, children were given the opportunity to investigate the wildcat further, this time using the conceptual change theory in combination with a more complex and fascinating content: cats' vision in dusk and dawn. Children were confronted with their preconceptions which had been sampled prior to the study and turned into three distinctive topics reflected in a special questionnaire. In a pre-, post and retention test design we included the most common alternative conceptions, the scientifically correct conceptions as well as other preconceptions. We gathered a high heterogeneity of preconceptions and defined three groups based on conceptual change literature: "Conceptual change", "Synthetic Models" and "Conceptual Growth". In addition to these we identified two more groups after our data analysis: "Knowledge" and "Non-addressed Concepts". We found that instruction according to the conceptual change theory did not work with primary school children in our intervention. The conceptual change from the addressed alternative conceptions as well as from other preconceptions towards the scientifically correct conceptions was successfully achieved only on occasion. In our case and depending on the topic only one third to one fourth of the children actually held the addressed conception while the rest was not targeted by the instruction. Moreover, we conclude children holding other conceptions were rather confused than educated by the confrontation. We assume that children of this age group may be overchallenged by the conceptual change method.}, subject = {Biologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sagwe2022, author = {Sagwe, Rose Nyakemiso}, title = {Pollinator diversity, pollination deficits, and pollination efficiency in avocado (\(Persea\) \(americana\)) production across different landscapes in Murang'a county, Kenya}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-26920}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-269202}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) is a major horticultural crop that relies on insect mediated pollination. In avocado production, a knowledge gap exists as to the importance of insect pollination, especially in East African smallholder farms. Although it is evident that pollination improves the yield of avocado fruits, it is still unclear if pollination has benefits on fruit quality and the nutritional profile, particularly oils. Prior studies have shown that honey bees increase avocado's fruit set and yield. However, an avocado flower is being visited by various insect species. Therefore, determining pollination efficiency will allow a comparison of the relative importance of the different insect species to optimize crop pollination for increased fruit set and crop yield and pollinator conservation. This study was conducted in a leading smallholder avocado production region in Kenya, first I assessed the dependence of avocado fruit set on insect pollination and whether current smallholder production systems suffer from a deficit in pollination services. Furthermore, I assessed if supplementation with colonies of the Western honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) to farms mitigated potential pollination deficits. The results revealed a very high reliance of avocado on insect pollinators, with a significantly lower fruit set observed for self- and wind-pollinated (17.4\%) or self-pollinated flowers (6.4\%) in comparison with insect-pollinated flowers (89.5\%). I found a significant pollination deficit across farms, with hand-pollinated flowers on average producing 20.7\% more fruits than non-treated open flowers prior to fruit abortion. This pollination deficit could be compensated by the supplementation of farms with A. mellifera colonies. These findings suggest that pollination is limiting fruit set in avocado and that A. mellifera supplementation on farms is a potential option to increase fruit yield. Secondly, I investigated the contribution of insect pollination to fruit and seed weight, oil, protein, carbohydrate, and phytochemicals contents (flavonoids and phenolics), and whether supplementation with pollinators (honey bee) could improve these fruit parameters was assessed. This was through pollinator-manipulative pollination treatments: hand, open, pollinator exclusion experiments. The results showed that avocado fruit weight was significantly higher in open and hand-pollinated than pollinator exclusion treatments, indicating that flower visitors/pollinators contribute to avocado yields and enhance marketability. Furthermore, insect pollination resulted in heavier seeds and higher oil contents, indicating that insect pollination is beneficial for the fruit's high seed yield and quantity of oil. Honey bee supplementation also enhanced the avocado fruit weight by 18\% more than in control farms and slightly increased the avocado oil content (3.6\%). Contrarily, insect pollination did not influence other assayed fruit quality parameters (protein, carbohydrates, and phytochemicals). These results indicate that insect pollinators are essential for optimizing avocado yields, nutritional quality (oils), and thus marketability, underscoring the value of beehive supplementation to achieve high-quality avocado fruits and improved food security. Thirdly, pollinator efficiency based on pollen deposition after single visits by different pollinator species in avocado flowers was tested, and their frequency was recorded. The estimated pollination efficiency was highest in honey bees (Apis mellifera), followed by the hoverfly species (Phytomia incisa). These two species had the highest pollen deposition and more pollen grains on their bodies. In addition, honey bees were the most frequent avocado flower visitors, followed by flies. The findings from this study highlight the higher pollination efficiency of honey bees and Phytomia incisa. Hence, management practices supporting these species will promote increased avocado fruit yield. Additionally, these results imply that managed honey bees can be maintained to improve avocado pollination, particularly in areas lacking sufficient wild pollinators.}, language = {en} } @article{FlorenLinsenmairMueller2022, author = {Floren, Andreas and Linsenmair, Karl Eduard and M{\"u}ller, Tobias}, title = {Diversity and functional relevance of canopy arthropods in Central Europe}, series = {Diversity}, volume = {14}, journal = {Diversity}, number = {8}, issn = {1424-2818}, doi = {10.3390/d14080660}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-285924}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Although much is known about the ecology and functional importance of canopy arthropods in temperate forests, few studies have tried to assess the overall diversity and investigate the composition and dynamics of tree-specific communities. This has impeded a deeper understanding of the functioning of forests, and of how to maintain system services. Here, we present the first comprehensive data of whole arthropod communities, collected by insecticidal knockdown (fogging) from 1159 trees in 18 study areas in Central Europe during the last 25 years. The data includes 3,253,591 arthropods from 32 taxa (order, suborder, family) collected on 24 tree species from 18 genera. Fogging collects free-living, ectophytic arthropods in approximately the same number as they occur in the trees. To our knowledge, these are the most comprehensive data available today on the taxonomic composition of arboreal fauna. Assigning all arthropods to their feeding guild provided a proxy of their functional importance. The data showed that the canopy communities were regularly structured, with a clear dominance hierarchy comprised of eight 'major taxa' that represented 87\% of all arthropods. Despite significant differences in the proportions of taxa on deciduous and coniferous trees, the composition of the guilds was very similar. The individual tree genera, on the other hand, showed significant differences in guild composition, especially when different study areas and years were compared, whereas tree-specific traits, such as tree height, girth in breast height or leaf cover, explained little of the overall variance. On the ordinal level, guild composition also differed significantly between managed and primary forests, with a simultaneous low within-group variability, indicating that management is a key factor determining the distribution of biodiversity and guild composition.}, language = {en} } @article{LoosKraussLyonsetal.2021, author = {Loos, Jacqueline and Krauss, Jochen and Lyons, Ashley and F{\"o}st, Stephanie and Ohlendorf, Constanze and Racky, Severin and R{\"o}der, Marina and Hudel, Lennart and Herfert, Volker and Tscharntke, Teja}, title = {Local and landscape responses of biodiversity in calcareous grasslands}, series = {Biodiversity and Conservation}, volume = {30}, journal = {Biodiversity and Conservation}, number = {8-9}, issn = {0960-3115}, doi = {10.1007/s10531-021-02201-y}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-308595}, pages = {2415-2432}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Across Europe, calcareous grasslands become increasingly fragmented and their quality deteriorates through abandonment and land use intensification, both affecting biodiversity. Here, we investigated local and landscape effects on diversity patterns of several taxonomic groups in a landscape of highly fragmented calcareous grassland remnants. We surveyed 31 grassland fragments near G{\"o}ttingen, Germany, in spring and summer 2017 for vascular plants, butterflies and birds, with sampling effort adapted to fragment area. Through regression modelling, we tested relationships between species richness and fragment size (from 314 to 51,395 m\(^2\)), successional stage, habitat connectivity and the per cent cover of arable land in the landscape at several radii. We detected 283 plant species, 53 butterfly species and 70 bird species. Of these, 59 plant species, 19 butterfly species and 9 bird species were grassland specialists. Larger fragments supported twice the species richness of plants than small ones, and hosted more species of butterflies, but not of birds. Larger grassland fragments contained more grassland specialist plants, but not butterfly or bird specialists. Increasing amounts of arable land in the landscape from 20 to 90\% was related to the loss of a third of species of plants, and less so, of butterflies, but not of birds. Per cent cover of arable land negatively correlated to richness of grassland specialist plants and butterflies, but positively to grassland specialist birds. We found no effect by successional stages and habitat connectivity. Our multi-taxa approach highlights the need for conservation management at the local scale, complemented by measures at the landscape scale.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Koenig2024, author = {K{\"o}nig, Sebastian Thomas}, title = {Temperature-driven assembly processes of Orthoptera communities: Lessons on diversity, species traits, feeding interactions, and associated faecal microorganisms from elevational gradients in Southern Germany (Berchtesgaden Alps)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35460}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-354608}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Chapter I: Introduction Temperature is a major driver of biodiversity and abundance patterns on our planet, which becomes particularly relevant facing the entanglement of an imminent biodiversity and climate crisis. Climate shapes the composition of species assemblages either directly via abiotic filtering mechanisms or indirectly through alterations in biotic interactions. Insects - integral elements of Earth's ecosystems - are affected by climatic variation such as warming, yet responses vary among species. While species' traits, antagonistic biotic interactions, and even species' microbial mutualists may determine temperature-dependent assembly processes, the lion's share of these complex relationships remains poorly understood due to methodological constraints. Mountains, recognized as hotspots of diversity and threatened by rapidly changing climatic conditions, can serve as natural experimental settings to study the response of insect assemblages and their trophic interactions to temperature variation, instrumentalizing the high regional heterogeneity of micro- and macroclimate. With this thesis, we aim to enhance our mechanistic understanding of temperature-driven assembly processes within insect communities, exemplified by Orthoptera, that are significant herbivores in temperate mountain grassland ecosystems. Therefore, we combined field surveys of Orthoptera assemblages on grassland sites with molecular tools for foodweb reconstruction, primarily leveraging the elevational gradients offered by the complex topography within the Berchtesgaden Alpine region (Bavaria, Germany) as surrogate for temperature variation (space-for-time substitution approach). In this framework, we studied the effects of temperature variation on (1) species richness, abundance, community composition, and interspecific as well as intraspecific trait patterns, (2) ecological feeding specialisation, and (3) previously neglected links to microbial associates found in the faeces. Chapter II: Temperature-driven assembly processes Climate varies at multiple scales. Since microclimate is often overlooked, we assessed effects of local temperature deviations on species and trait compositions of insect communities along macroclimatic temperature gradients in Chapter II. Therefore, we employed joint species distribution modelling to explore how traits drive variation in the climatic niches of Orthoptera species at grassland sites characterized by contrasting micro- and macroclimatic conditions. Our findings revealed two key insights: (1) additive effects of micro- and macroclimate on the diversity, but (2) interactive effects on the abundance of several species, resulting in turnover and indicating that species possess narrower climatic niches than their elevational distributions might imply. This chapter suggests positive effects of warming on Orthoptera, but also highlights that the interplay of macro- and microclimate plays a pivotal role in structuring insect communities. Thus, it underscores the importance of considering both elements when predicting the responses of species to climate change. Additionally, this chapter revealed inter- and intraspecific effects of traits on the niches and distribution of species. Chapter III: Dietary specialisation along climatic gradients A crucial trait linked to the position of climatic niches is dietary specialisation. According to the 'altitudinal niche-breadth hypothesis', species of high-elevation habitats should be less specialized compared to their low-elevation counterparts. However, empirical evidence on shifts in specialization is scarce for generalist insect herbivores and existing studies often fail to control for the phylogeny and abundance of interaction partners. In Chapter III, we used a combination of field observations and amplicon sequencing to reconstruct dietary relationships between Orthoptera and plants along an extensive temperature gradient. We did not find close but flexible links between individual grasshopper and plant taxa in space. While interaction network specialisation increased with temperature, the corrected dietary specialisation pattern peaked at intermediate elevations on assemblage level. These nuanced findings demonstrate that (1) resource availability, (2) phylogenetic relationships, and (3) climate can affect empirical foodwebs intra- and interspecifically and, hence, the dietary specialisation of herbivorous insects. In this context, we discuss that the underlying mechanisms involved in shaping the specialisation of herbivore assemblages may switch along temperature clines. Chapter IV: Links between faecal microbe communities, feeding habits, and climate Since gut microbes affect the fitness and digestion of insects, studying their diversity could provide novel insights into specialisation patterns. However, their association with insect hosts that differ in feeding habits and specialisation has never been investigated along elevational climatic gradients. In Chapter IV, we utilized the dietary information gathered in Chapter III to characterize links between insects with distinct feeding behaviour and the microbial communities present in their faeces, using amplicon sequencing. Both, feeding and climate affected the bacterial communities. However, the large overlap of microbes at site level suggests that common bacteria are acquired from the shared feeding environment, such as the plants consumed by the insects. These findings emphasize the influence of a broader environmental context on the composition of insect gut microbial communities. Chapter V: Discussion \& Conclusions Cumulatively, the sections of this dissertation provide support for the hypothesis that climatic conditions play a role in shaping plant-herbivore systems. The detected variation of taxonomic and functional compositions contributes to our understanding of assembly processes and resulting diversity patterns within Orthoptera communities, shedding light on the mechanisms that structure their trophic interactions in diverse climates. The combined results presented suggest that a warmer climate could foster an increase of Orthoptera species richness in Central European semi-natural grasslands, also because the weak links observed between insect herbivores and plants are unlikely to limit decoupled range shifts. However, the restructuring of Orthoptera communities in response to warmer temperatures depends on species' traits such as moisture preferences or phenology. Notably, we were able to demonstrate a crucial role of microclimate for many species, partly unravelling narrower climatic niches than their elevational ranges suggest. We found evidence that not only Orthoptera community composition, specialisation, and traits varied along elevational gradients, but even microbial communities in the faeces of Orthoptera changed, which is a novel finding. This complex restructuring and reassembly of communities, coupled with the nonlinear specialisation of trophic interactions and a high diversity of associated bacteria, emphasize our currently incomplete comprehension of how ecosystems will develop under future climatic conditions, demanding caution in making simplified predictions for biodiversity change under climate warming. Since these predictions may benefit from including biotic interactions and both, micro- and macroclimate based on our findings, conservation authorities and practitioners must not neglect improving microclimatic conditions to ensure local survival of a diverse set of threatened and demanding species. In this context, mountains can play a pivotal role for biodiversity conservation since these offer heterogeneous microclimatic conditions in proximity that can be utilized by species with distinct niches.}, subject = {Heuschrecken}, language = {en} } @article{PolidoriBallesterosWurdacketal.2020, author = {Polidori, Carlo and Ballesteros, Yolanda and Wurdack, Mareike and As{\´i}s, Josep Daniel and Tormos, Jos{\´e} and Ba{\~n}os-Pic{\´o}n, Laura and Schmitt, Thomas}, title = {Low host specialization in the cuckoo wasp, Parnopes grandior, weakens chemical mimicry but does not lead to local adaption}, series = {Insects}, volume = {11}, journal = {Insects}, number = {2}, issn = {2075-4450}, doi = {10.3390/insects11020136}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-200651}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Insect brood parasites have evolved a variety of strategies to avoid being detected by their hosts. Few previous studies on cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae), which are natural enemies of solitary wasps and bees, have shown that chemical mimicry, i.e., the biosynthesis of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) that match the host profile, evolved in several species. However, mimicry was not detected in all investigated host-parasite pairs. The effect of host range as a second factor that may play a role in evolution of mimicry has been neglected, since all previous studies were carried out on host specialists and at nesting sites where only one host species occurred. Here we studied the cuckoo wasp Parnopes grandior, which attacks many digger wasp species of the genus Bembix (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae). Given its weak host specialization, P. grandior may either locally adapt by increasing mimicry precision to only one of the sympatric hosts or it may evolve chemical insignificance by reducing the CHC profile complexity and/or CHCs amounts. At a study site harbouring three host species, we found evidence for a weak but appreciable chemical deception strategy in P. grandior. Indeed, the CHC profile of P. grandior was more similar to all sympatric Bembix species than to a non-host wasp species belonging to the same tribe as Bembix. Furthermore, P. grandior CHC profile was equally distant to all the hosts' CHC profiles, thus not pointing towards local adaptation of the CHC profile to one of the hosts' profile. We conducted behavioural assays suggesting that such weak mimicry is sufficient to reduce host aggression, even in absence of an insignificance strategy, which was not detected. Hence, we finally concluded that host range may indeed play a role in shaping the level of chemical mimicry in cuckoo wasps.}, language = {en} } @article{RablAlonsoRodriguezBrehmetal.2020, author = {Rabl, Dominik and Alonso-Rodr{\´i}guez, Aura M. and Brehm, Gunnar and Fiedler, Konrad}, title = {Trait variation in moths mirrors small-scaled ecological gradients in a tropical forest landscape}, series = {Insects}, volume = {11}, journal = {Insects}, number = {9}, issn = {2075-4450}, doi = {10.3390/insects11090612}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-213016}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Along environmental gradients, communities are expected to be filtered from the regional species pool by physical constraints, resource availability, and biotic interactions. This should be reflected in species trait composition. Using data on species-rich moth assemblages sampled by light traps in a lowland rainforest landscape in Costa Rica, we show that moths in two unrelated clades (Erebidae-Arctiinae; Geometridae) are much smaller-sized in oil palm plantations than in nearby old-growth forest, with intermediate values at disturbed forest sites. In old-growth forest, Arctiinae predominantly show aposematic coloration as a means of anti-predator defense, whereas this trait is much reduced in the prevalence in plantations. Similarly, participation in M{\"u}llerian mimicry rings with Hymenoptera and Lycidae beetles, respectively, is rare in plantations. Across three topographic types of old-growth forests, community-weighted means of moth traits showed little variation, but in creek forest, both types of mimicry were surprisingly rare. Our results emphasize that despite their mobility, moth assemblages are strongly shaped by local environmental conditions through the interplay of bottom-up and top-down processes. Assemblages in oil palm plantations are highly degraded not only in their biodiversity, but also in terms of trait expression.}, language = {en} } @article{ScheinerStraussThammetal.2020, author = {Scheiner, Ricarda and Strauß, Sina and Thamm, Markus and Farr{\´e}-Armengol, Gerard and Junker, Robert R.}, title = {The bacterium Pantoea ananatis modifies behavioral responses to sugar solutions in honeybees}, series = {Insects}, volume = {11}, journal = {Insects}, number = {10}, issn = {2075-4450}, doi = {10.3390/insects11100692}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-216247}, year = {2020}, abstract = {1. Honeybees, which are among the most important pollinators globally, do not only collect pollen and nectar during foraging but may also disperse diverse microbes. Some of these can be deleterious to agricultural crops and forest trees, such as the bacterium Pantoea ananatis, an emerging pathogen in some systems. P. ananatis infections can lead to leaf blotches, die-back, bulb rot, and fruit rot. 2. We isolated P. ananatis bacteria from flowers with the aim of determining whether honeybees can sense these bacteria and if the bacteria affect behavioral responses of the bees to sugar solutions. 3. Honeybees decreased their responsiveness to different sugar solutions when these contained high concentrations of P. ananatis but were not deterred by solutions from which bacteria had been removed. This suggests that their reduced responsiveness was due to the taste of bacteria and not to the depletion of sugar in the solution or bacteria metabolites. Intriguingly, the bees appeared not to taste ecologically relevant low concentrations of bacteria. 4. Synthesis and applications. Our data suggest that honeybees may introduce P.ananatis bacteria into nectar in field-realistic densities during foraging trips and may thus affect nectar quality and plant fitness.}, language = {en} }