@phdthesis{Leitz2006, author = {Leitz, Michael R.}, title = {Vergleichende Pharmakologie der Subtypen von menschlichen Beta- adrenergen Rezeptoren - Charakterisierung von stabil in CHO-Zellen transfizierten Rezeptoren}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18655}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Seit langem werden auf das \&\#946;-adrenerge System wirkende Pharmaka, v.a. \&\#946;1-Antagonisten und \&\#946;2-Agonisten, therapeutisch eingesetzt, allerdings sind die pharmakologischen Eigenschaften dieser Stoffe an den drei bekannten \&\#946;-adrenergen Subtypen teilweise nur unzureichend untersucht. Ein Ziel dieser Arbeit war es daher, vergleichbare pharmakologische Daten f{\"u}r Agonisten (Adrenalin, Noradrenalin, Isoprenalin, Fenoterol, Salbutamol, Salmeterol, Terbutalin, Formoterol, Broxaterol) und Neutrale und Inverse Antagonisten (Propranolol, Alprenolol, Atenolol, Metoprolol, Bisoprolol, Carvedilol, Pindolol, BRL 37344, CGP 20712, SR 59230A, CGP 12177, ICI 118551) an allen drei Subtypen von \&\#61538;\&\#61485;adrenergen Rezeptoren in einem zellbiologisch identischen Hintergrund zu gewinnen. Dazu stellten wir stabil transfizierte CHO-Zelllinien her, die die einzelnen humanen \&\#946;-adrenergen Subtypen in vergleichbarer Menge exprimierten. Nach der pharmakologischen Charakterisierung der einzelnen Rezeptorsubtypen erfolgte die Affinit{\"a}tsmessung von klinisch h{\"a}ufig eingesetzten wie auch experimentell verwendeten Substanzen mit dem unselektiven \&\#946;-adrenergen Antagonisten 125I-CYP als Radioligand. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus untersuchten wir die \&\#946;-adrenerg vermittelte Stimulation der Adenylylcyclase in isolierten Membranen dieser Zelllinien. Alle untersuchten Substanzen zeigten charakteristische Bindungs- und funktionale Eigenschaften. Wir konnten nachweisen, dass einige \&\#946;2- bzw. \&\#946;3-Agonisten an den anderen Subtypen inversen Agonismus zeigen. Zus{\"a}tzlich konnten \&\#946;1-Antagonisten mit agonistischer Aktivit{\"a}t an \&\#946;2- und \&\#946;3-AR gefunden werden. Die gewonnenen Daten k{\"o}nnen somit helfen, klinisch beobachtete Effekte, wie z.B. die unerw{\"u}nschten Wirkungen der entsprechenden Medikamente, besser zu verstehen. Insbesondere die Ergebnisse am \&\#946;3-AR sind als Referenz und Ausgangspunkt weiterer Studien an diesem noch relativ wenig untersuchten Rezeptor wertvoll.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Leyh2015, author = {Leyh, Annekathrin}, title = {In vitro Untersuchungen zur Genotoxizit{\"a}t von Insulin}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-131986}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Insulin ist ein essentielles Hormon im menschlichen K{\"o}rper, welches f{\"u}r die Senkung der Blutglukosekonzentration, die Bildung von Energiespeichern und das Zellwachstum verantwortlich ist. Eine mit der Fehlregulation der Insulinproduktion einhergehenden Krankheit ist der Diabetes mellitus. F{\"u}r diese Arbeit spielt der Typ 2 dieser Erkrankung eine wichtige Rolle. Es entwickelt sich bei Patienten mit diesem Typ des Diabetes mellitus langsam eine Insulinresistenz, die zun{\"a}chst durch eine kompensatorische {\"U}berproduktion von Insulin charakterisiert ist. Dieser Zustand der Hyperinsulin{\"a}mie kann Jahre bis Jahrzehnte andauern, ehe es zu einem Versagen der ß-Zellen des Pankreas und somit zu einer Hypoinsulin{\"a}mie kommt. In dieser Arbeit war es Ziel herauszufinden, ob diese lange Zeit herrschende Hyperinsulin{\"a}mie einen Einfluss auf die menschliche DNA hat. Die Genotoxizit{\"a}t von hohen Insulinkonzentrationen wurde in Hep-G2 Zellen, HT29 Zellen, sowie prim{\"a}ren humanen peripheren Lymphozyten mithilfe des Comet Assays und des Mikrokerntests nachgewiesen. Oxidativer Stress bzw. dessen Reduzierung durch Antioxidantien und Inhibitoren wurde in HT29 Zellen mithilfe der DHE-F{\"a}rbung detektiert. Diese Arbeit belegt dass sich Insulin sch{\"a}digend auf das menschliche Genom in vitro auswirken kann. Eine besondere Relevanz haben die durchgef{\"u}hrten Experimente mit prim{\"a}ren menschlichen Lymphozyten. Denn bei ihnen handelt es sich um Zellen, die im Gegensatz zu der auch genutzten humanen Leberkarzinomzelllinie Hep-G2 und der humanen Kolonkarzinomzelllinie HT29 nicht transformiert sind. Eine weitere wesentliche Erkenntnis dieser Arbeit ist, dass schon pathophysiologisch vorliegende Insulinkonzentrationen in der Lage sind Genomsch{\"a}digungen in vitro zu induzieren. HT29 Zellen zeigten bei Kurzzeitbehandlung mit nur 1nM Insulin eine signifikante Erh{\"o}hung der DNA-Sch{\"a}digung. Bei Langzeitexposition von 6 Tagen konnten schon 0,5nM signifikante DNA-Sch{\"a}den hervorrufen. Diese durch Insulin hervorgerufenen Sch{\"a}den k{\"o}nnten, falls sie so auch in vivo entstehen, bei Versagen von Reparaturmechanismen zur Entstehung von Mutationen und sich daraus entwickelnden Karzinomen beitragen. Aus diesem Grund war ein weiteres Ziel dieser Arbeit herauszufinden, ob bestimmte Antioxidantien oder Inhibitoren in der Lage sind die Insulin-induzierten Genomsch{\"a}digungen zu verringern. Hierf{\"u}r wurde Tempol, Apocynin, Plumbagin, VAS2870, Rotenone, PPP, HNMPA-(AM)3 und Wortmannin genutzt. Tats{\"a}chlich sind diese Substanzen in der Lage die durch Insulin hervorgerufene Sch{\"a}digung zu reduzieren. Die positiven Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit k{\"o}nnten einen ersten Hinweis auf eine m{\"o}gliche pharmakologische Intervention bei Hyperinsulin{\"a}mie mit dem Ziel der Senkung des erh{\"o}hten Krebsrisikos geben. Eine wichtige Erkenntnis aus den Ergebnissen meiner Arbeit ist, dass die Reduzierung des oxidativen Stresses eine Reduzierung der Genomsch{\"a}digung bewirkt. Die genutzten Substanzen Apocynin, Tempol, VAS2870 und Rotenone bewirkten in HT29 Zellen eine signifikante Reduzierung des durch Insulin ausgel{\"o}sten oxidativen Stresses. Um aber genauere Aussagen {\"u}ber M{\"o}glichkeiten der Therapie bei Hyperinsulin{\"a}mie zu treffen, sollten Folgestudien auch in vivo folgen, welche die in dieser Arbeit beschriebenen Effekte best{\"a}tigen.}, subject = {Insulin}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Link2019, author = {Link, Samuel}, title = {Aldosteron-vermittelte oxidative Nierensch{\"a}digung - Einfluss der antioxidativen Abwehr}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18603}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-186037}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Patienten mit erh{\"o}hten Aldosteronspiegeln zeigen eine gesteigerte Inzidenz f{\"u}r Malignome, insbesondere von Nierenzellkarzinomen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Aldosteron-vermittelte oxidative Nierensch{\"a}digung n{\"a}her zu analysieren sowie die auf Zellebene gezeigte Beeinflussung der antioxidativen Schutzmechanismen im lebenden Organismus nachzuweisen und m{\"o}gliche therapeutische Ansatzpunkte zu identifizieren. Dazu wurde ein Interventions-versuch {\"u}ber 28 Tage durchgef{\"u}hrt. Neben einer Aldosterongabe wurden folgende Interventionen verwendet: Spironolacton zur Blockade des Mineralkortikoid-Rezeptors (MR), Apocynin als Hemmstoff der NADPH-Oxidasen (Nox), L-NAME zur Blockade der NO-Synthasen (NOS), PDTC, einen Hemmstoff des Transkriptionsfaktors NF-kB sowie Sulforaphan, ein nat{\"u}rlicher Nrf2-Induktor. Eine weitere Gruppe erhielt Sulforaphan ohne additive Aldosterongabe. Die Nierensch{\"a}den wurden mittels histopathologischer Sch{\"a}digungsscores und der Anzahl an DNA-Doppelstrangbr{\"u}che analysiert. Die Beeinflussung der antioxidativen Abwehr wurde durch die Aktivierung des Transkriptionsfaktors Nrf2 und durch die Quantifizierung antioxidativer Enzyme bestimmt. Im Nierengewebe f{\"u}hrte Aldosteron zu einer Zunahme von oxidativem Stress. Histologisch zeigte sich ein Anstieg von glomerul{\"a}ren Sch{\"a}den. Auch kam es zu einer deutlichen Zunahme von Doppelstrangbr{\"u}chen der DNA. Des Weiteren konnten wir zeigen, dass Aldosteron auch in vivo zu einer Zunahme der Nrf2-Aktivit{\"a}t f{\"u}hrte, wobei sich dies auf Proteinebene nicht in einer (dauerhaften) Synthesesteigerung von antioxidativen Enzymen wiederspiegelte und keinen ausreichenden Schutz des Nierengewebes bot. F{\"u}r die Interventionsgruppen konnte keine signifikante Auswirkung auf das Vorliegen von oxidativem Stress gezeigt werden. Dies k{\"o}nnte an der Versuchsdauer bzw. an der gew{\"a}hlten Nachweismethode gelegen haben. Nichtsdestotrotz zeigte die Blockade der Nox durch Apocynin bzw. der NOS durch L-NAME eine effektive Reduktion der histologischen und genomischen Sch{\"a}den. Die L-NAME-Gruppe wies dabei die h{\"o}chsten Blutdruckwerte auf, diese waren auch zur Aldosterongruppe signifikant gesteigert. Die beobachteten Effekte waren folglich nicht durch den in der Aldosterongruppe erfolgten Blutdruckanstieg, sondern vielmehr durch den Anstieg von oxidativem Stress zu erkl{\"a}ren. Ebenfalls blieb die Nrf2-Aktivit{\"a}t bei der Gabe von Apocynin und L-NAME weitgehend auf Kontrollniveau, was daf{\"u}rspricht, dass der in der Aldosterongruppe messbare Nrf2-Anstieg am ehesten als Reaktion auf chronisch erh{\"o}hten oxidativen Stress erfolgte, welcher durch die Interventionen ausblieb. Die Blockade von NF-κB mittels PDTC f{\"u}hrte zu vergleichbaren Effekten wie Apocynin und L-NAME. Das deutet darauf hin, dass Aldosteron {\"u}ber die Aktivierung von NF-κB die vermehrte Synthese von pro-oxidativen Enzymen wie Nox und NOS anregt. Die Gabe von Spironolacton hatte den st{\"a}rksten protektiven Effekt, sowohl auf histologische Ver{\"a}nderungen als auch auf das Entstehen von DNA-Doppelstrangbr{\"u}chen, wobei die Nrf2-Aktivit{\"a}t in dieser Gruppe ebenfalls auf Kontrollniveau blieb. Die Aldosteroneffekte wurden folglich {\"u}ber den MR vermittelt. Eine additive Nrf2-Induktion mittels Sulforaphan konnte auch keinen (dauerhaften) Effekt auf die Synthese antioxidativer Enzyme zeigen. Dennoch zeigte diese Gruppe einen {\"a}hnlich effektiven Schutz vor den oxidativen Nierensch{\"a}den wie die Gabe von Spironolacton. Vieles spricht daf{\"u}r, dass die Wirkung von Sulforaphan dabei {\"u}ber seine Wirkung als direktes Antioxidans bzw. Radikalf{\"a}nger und nicht {\"u}ber den Nrf2-Weg zu erkl{\"a}ren ist. Aldosteron f{\"u}hrt in der Niere {\"u}ber oxidativen Stress zu glomerul{\"a}rer Fibrose und DNA-Sch{\"a}den. Das k{\"o}nnte eine Erkl{\"a}rung f{\"u}r die gesteigerte Inzidenz von Nierenzellkarzinomen in Patienten mit erh{\"o}hten Aldosteronspiegeln darstellen. Unsere Ergebnisse sprechen daf{\"u}r, dass Aldosteron {\"u}ber eine Signalkaskade {\"u}ber den MR zu einer Aktivierung von Nox und NOS f{\"u}hrt. Der Aktivierung des Transkriptionsfaktors NF-κB scheint dabei durch die Synthese pro-oxidativer Enzyme eine Art Verst{\"a}rker-Effekt zuzukommen. Als Reaktion auf den durch Aldosteron gesteigerten oxidativen Stress kommt es zu einer Aktivierung des antioxidativen Transkriptionsfaktors Nrf2, jedoch ohne dass dies zu einem ausreichenden Schutz des Nierengewebes f{\"u}hrt. M{\"o}gliche therapeutische Ansatzpunkte f{\"u}r einen Schutz vor den durch Aldosteron vermittelten oxidativen Nierensch{\"a}den scheinen eher innerhalb der Aldosteronsignalkaskade, insbesondere in der Blockade des MR, als in der antioxidativen Abwehr zu liegen.}, subject = {Aldosteron}, language = {de} } @article{LohseBockMaiellaroetal.2017, author = {Lohse, Christian and Bock, Andreas and Maiellaro, Isabella and Hannawacker, Annette and Schad, Lothar R. and Lohse, Martin J. and Bauer, Wolfgang R.}, title = {Experimental and mathematical analysis of cAMP nanodomains}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {12}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {4}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0174856}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-170972}, pages = {e0174856}, year = {2017}, abstract = {In their role as second messengers, cyclic nucleotides such as cAMP have a variety of intracellular effects. These complex tasks demand a highly organized orchestration of spatially and temporally confined cAMP action which should be best achieved by compartmentalization of the latter. A great body of evidence suggests that cAMP compartments may be established and maintained by cAMP degrading enzymes, e.g. phosphodiesterases (PDEs). However, the molecular and biophysical details of how PDEs can orchestrate cAMP gradients are entirely unclear. In this paper, using fusion proteins of cAMP FRET-sensors and PDEs in living cells, we provide direct experimental evidence that the cAMP concentration in the vicinity of an individual PDE molecule is below the detection limit of our FRET sensors (<100nM). This cAMP gradient persists in crude cytosol preparations. We developed mathematical models based on diffusion-reaction equations which describe the creation of nanocompartments around a single PDE molecule and more complex spatial PDE arrangements. The analytically solvable equations derived here explicitly determine how the capability of a single PDE, or PDE complexes, to create a nanocompartment depend on the cAMP degradation rate, the diffusive mobility of cAMP, and geometrical and topological parameters. We apply these generic models to our experimental data and determine the diffusive mobility and degradation rate of cAMP. The results obtained for these parameters differ by far from data in literature for free soluble cAMP interacting with PDE. Hence, restricted cAMP diffusion in the vincinity of PDE is necessary to create cAMP nanocompartments in cells.}, language = {en} } @article{LohseBoeserKlotzetal.1987, author = {Lohse, M. J. and B{\"o}ser, S. and Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Schwabe, U.}, title = {Affinities of barbiturates for the GABA-receptor complex and A\(_1\) adenosine receptors: A possible explanation of their excitatory effects}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60250}, year = {1987}, abstract = {The effects of barbiturates on the GABA·receptor complex and the A\(_1\) adenosine receptor were studied. At the GABA-receptor complex the barbiturates inhibited the binding of [\(^{35}\)S]t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate [\(^{35}\)S]TBPT) and enhanced the binding of [\(^3\)H]diazepam. Kinetic and saturation experiments showed that both effects were allosteric. Whereas all barbiturates caused complete inhibition of [\(^{35}\)S]TBPT binding, they showed varying degrees of maximal enhancement of [\(^3\)H]diazepam binding; (±)methohexital was idenafied as the most efficacious compound for this enhancement. At the A\(_1\) adenosine receptor all barbiturates inhibited the binding of [\(^3\)H]N\(^6\)-phenylisopropyladenosine (\(^3\)H]PIA) in a competitive manner. The comparison of the effects on [\(^3\)H]diazepam and [\(^3\)H]PIA binding showed that excitatory barbiturates interact preferentially with the A\(_1\) adenosine receptor, and sedative/anaesthetic barbiturates with the GABA-receptor complex. It is speculated that the interaction with these two receptors might be the basis of the excitatory versus sedative/ anaesthetic properties of barbiturates.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{LohseElgerLindenbornFotinosetal.1988, author = {Lohse, M. J. and Elger, B. and Lindenborn-Fotinos, J. and Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Schwabe, U.}, title = {Separation of solubilized A\(_2\) adenosine receptors of human platelets from non-receptor [\(^3\)H]NECA binding sites by gel filtration}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60309}, year = {1988}, abstract = {Human platelet membranes were solubilized with the zwitterionic detergent CHAPS (3-[3-(cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]- 1-propanesulfonate) and the solubilized extract subjected to gel ftltration. Binding of the adenosine receptor agonist [\(^3\)H]NECA (5'-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine) was measured to the eluted fractions. Two [\(^3\)H]NECA binding peaks were eluted, the first of them with the void volume. This first peak represented between 10\% and 25\% of the [\(^3\)H]NECA binding activity eluted from the column. It bound [\(^3\)H]NECA in a reversible, saturable and GTPdependent manner with an affinity of 46 nmol/1 and a binding capacity of 510 fmol/mg protein. Various adenosine receptor ligands competed for the binding of [\(^3\)H]NECA to the frrst peak with a pharmacological proftle characteristic for the A\(_2\) adenosine receptor as determined from adenylate cyclase experiments. In contrast, most adenosine receptor ligands did not compete for [\(^3\)H]NECA binding to the second, major peak. These results suggest that a solubilized A\(_2\) receptor-Gs protein complex of human platelets can be separated from other [\(^3\)H]NECA binding sites by gel filtration. This allows reliable radioligand binding studies of the A2 adenosine receptor of human plate1ets.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @incollection{LohseKlotzSchwabeetal.1988, author = {Lohse, M. J. and Klotz, K.-N. and Schwabe, U. and Christalli, G. and Vittori, S. and Grifantini, M.}, title = {Pharmacology and Biochemistry of Adenosine Receptors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-86251}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1988}, abstract = {Adenosine modulates a variety of physiological functions via membrane-bound receptors. These receptors couple via G proteins to adenylate cyclase and K+channels. The A1 subtype mediates an inhibition of adenylate cyclase and an opening of K+-channels, and the A2 subtype a Stimulation of adenylate cyclase. Both subtypes have been characterized by radioligand binding. This has facilitated the development of agonists and antagonists with more than 1000-fold A1 selectivity. A1-selective photoaffinity labels have been used for the biochemical characterization of A1 receptors and the study of their coupling to adenylate cyclase. Such selective ligands allow the analysis of the involvement of adenosine receptors in physiological functions. Selective interference with adenosine receptors provides new pharmacological tools and eventually new therapeutic approaches to a number of pathophysiological states.}, subject = {Adenosinrezeptor}, language = {en} } @article{LohseKlotzUkenaetal.1984, author = {Lohse, M. J. and Klotz, K.-N. and Ukena, D. and Schwabe, U.}, title = {Characterization of \([^3H]\)Phenobarbital Binding to Rat Brain Membranes}, series = {Neuroscience Letters}, volume = {52}, journal = {Neuroscience Letters}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-127894}, pages = {97-101}, year = {1984}, abstract = {The binding of \([^3H]\)phenobarbital to rat brain membranes was studied in order to determine its characteristics and specificity. The binding reaction was rapid and occurred at sites of low affinity. \((K_d = 700 μM)\) and very high density \((B_{max} = 2.7 nmoll/mg protein)\). It was unaffected by temperature changes from O°C to 95°C and was maximal at pH 5. Detergents in low concentrations markedly decreased the binding, apparently without solubilizing the binding sites. It is concluded that the binding of \([^3H]\) phenobarbital is a rather non-specific interaction with the plasma membrane.}, language = {en} } @article{LohseKlotzDiekmannetal.1988, author = {Lohse, M. J. and Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Diekmann, E. and Friedrich, K. and Schwabe, U.}, title = {2',3'-Dideoxy-N\(^6\)-cyclohexyladenosine: an adenosine derivative with antagonist properties at adenosine receptors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60282}, year = {1988}, abstract = {Tbe 2',3'-dideoxy analogue of the potent A\(_1\) receptor agonist, N\(^6\)-cyclohexyladenosine (CHA), was synthesized as a potential antagonist for the A\(_1\) adenosine receptor. In sturlies on adenylate cyclase 2',3'-dideoxy-N\(^6\)-cyclohexyladenosine (ddCHA) did not show agonist properties at A\(_1\) or at A\(_2\) receptors. However, it antagonized the inhibition by R-PIA of adenylate cyclase activity of fat cell membranes via A\(_1\) receptors with a K\(_i\) value of 13 \(\mu\)M. ddCHA competed for the binding of the selective A1 receptor antagonist, [\(^3\) HJ8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxantbine ([\(^3\)H]DPCPX), to rat brain membranes with a K\(_i\) value of 4.8 \(\mu\)M; GTP did not affect the competition curve. In contrast to the marked stereoselectivity of the A\(_1\) receptor for the cx- and the natural ß-anomer of adenosine, the cx-anomer of ddCHA showed a comparable affinity for the A\(_1\) receptor (K\(_i\) value 13.9 \8\mu\)M). These data indicate that the 2'- and 3'-hydroxy groups of adenosine and its derivatives are required foragonist activity at and high affinity binding to A\(_1\) adenosine receptors and for the distinction between the cx- and ß-forms.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{LohseKlotzJakobsetal.1985, author = {Lohse, M. J. and Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Jakobs, K. H. and Schwabe, U.}, title = {Barbiturates are selective antagonists at A\(_1\) adenosine receptors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60187}, year = {1985}, abstract = {Barbiturates in pharmacologically relevant . concentrations inhibit binding of (R)-\(N^6\)-phenylisopropyl[\(^3\)H]adenosine ([\(^3\)H]PIA) to solubilized A\(_1\) adenosine receptors in a concentration-dependent, stereospecific, and competitive manner. K\(_i\) values are similar to those obtained for membrane-bound receptors and are 31 \(\mu\)M for ( ± )-5-(1 ,3-dimethyl)-5-ethylbarbituric acid [( ± )DMBB] and 89 \(\mu\)M for ( ± )-pentobarbital. Kinetic experiments demoostrate that barbiturates compete directly for the binding site of the receptor. The inhibition of rat striatal adenylate cyclase by unlabelled (R)-\(N^6\)-phenylisopropyladenosine [(R)-PIA] is antagonized by barbiturates in the same concentrations that inhibit radioligand binding. The Stimulation of adenylate cyclase via A\(_2\) adenosine receptors in membranes from NIE 115 neuroblastoma cells is antagonized only by 10-30 times higher concentrations of barbiturates. lt is concluded that barbiturates are selective antagonists at the A1 receptor subtype. In analogy to the excitatory effects of methylxanthines it is suggested that A\(_1\) adenosine receptor antagonism may convey excitatory properties to barbiturates. Key Words: Adenosine receptors-Barbiturates - Adenylate cyclase-Receptor solubilization-[3H]PIA binding-N1E 115 cells. Lohse M. J. et al. Barbiturates are selective antagonists at A1 adenosine receptors.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{LohseKlotzLindenbornFotinosetal.1987, author = {Lohse, M. J. and Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Lindenborn Fotinos, J. and Reddington, M. and Schwabe, U. and Olsson, R. A.}, title = {8-Cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine (DPCPX) - a selective high affinity antagonist radioligand for A\(_1\) adenosine receptors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60246}, year = {1987}, abstract = {The properties of 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine (DPCPX) as an antagonist ligand for A\(_1\) adenosirre receptors were examined and conipared with other radioligands for this receptor. DPCPX competitively antagonized both the inhibition of adenylate cyclase activity via A\(_1\) adenosirre receptors and the stimulationvia A\(_2\) adenosirre receptors. The K\(_i\)-values of this antagonism were 0.45 nM at the A\(_1\) receptor of rat fat cells, and 330 nM at the A\(_2\) receptor of human platelets, giving a more than 700-fold A\(_1\)-selectivity. A similar A\(_1\)-selectivity was determined in radioligand binding studies. Even at high concentrations, DPCPX did not significantly inhibit the soluble cAMPphosphodiesterase activity of human platelets. [\(^3\)H]DPCPX (105 Ci/mmol) bound in a saturable manner with high affinity to A\(_1\) receptors in membranes of bovine brain and heart, and rat brain and fat cells (K\(_D\) -values 50-190 pM). Its nonspecific binding was about 1\% of total at K\(_D\) , except in bovine myocardial membranes (about 10\%). Binding studies with bovine myocardial membranes allowed the analysis of both the high and low agonist affinity states of this receptor in a tissue with low receptor density. The binding properties of [\(^3\)H]DPCPX appear superior to those of other agonist and antagonist radioligands for the A\(_1\) receptor.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{LohseKlotzSchwabeetal.1988, author = {Lohse, M. J. and Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Schwabe, U. and Cristalli, G. and Vittori, S. and Grifantini, M.}, title = {2-Chloro-N\(^6\)-cyclopentyladenosine: a highly selective agonist at A\(_1\) adenosine receptors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60279}, year = {1988}, abstract = {2-Chloro-N\(^6\)-cyclopentyladenosine (CCPA) was synthesized as a potential high affinity ligand for At adenosine receptors. Binding of [\(^3\)H]PIA to A1 receptors of rat brain membranes was inhibited by CCP A with a Ki-value of 0.4 nM, compared to a Ki-value of 0.8 nM for the parent compound N\(^6\)-cyclopentyladenosine (CPA). Binding of [\(^3\)H]NECA to A\(_2\) receptors of rat striatal membranes was inhibited with a Ki-value of 3900 nM, demonstrating an almost 10,000-fold A\(_1\)-selectivity of CCPA. CCP A inhibited the activity of rat fat cell membrane adenylate cyclase, a model for the A\(_1\) receptor, with an IC\(_{50}\)-value of 33 nM, and it stimulated the adenylate cyclase activity of human platelet membranes with an EC\(_{50}\)-value of 3500 nM. The more than 100-fold A\(_1\)-selectivity compares favourably with a 38-fold selectivity of CPA. Thus, CCPA is an agonist at A\(_1\) adenosine receptors with a 4-fold higher selectivity and 2-fold higher affinity than CPA, and a considerably higher selectivity than the standard At receptor agonist R-N\(^6\) -phenylisopropyladenosine (R-PIA). CCP A represents the agonist with the highest selectivity for A\(_1\) receptors reported so far.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{LohseMaurerKlotzetal.1989, author = {Lohse, M. J. and Maurer, K. and Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Schwabe, U.}, title = {Synergistic effects of calcium-mobilizing agents and adenosine on histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60346}, year = {1989}, abstract = {1 Adenosine and its metabolically stable analogue N.etbyl-carboxamidoadenosine (NECA) enhance histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells when tbese are stimulated by calciummobilizing agents. NECA and adenosine shift the concentration-response curve of tbe calcium ionophore A23187 to lower concentrations. 2 The potencies of NECA or adenosinein enhancing A23187-induced histamine release are dependent on the Ievel of stimulated release in tbe absence of adenosine analogues. At high Ievels of release their potencies are up to 20 times higher than at low Ievels. Consequently, averaged concentration-response curves of adenosine and NECA for enhancing bistamine release are shallow. 3 The adenosine transport blocker S-(p-nitrobenzyl)-6-thioinosine (NBTI) has no effect by itself at low Ievels of stimulated histamine release, but abolishes the enhancing effect of adenosine. At high Ievels of release, however, NBTI alone enhances the release of histamine. 4 lt is concluded that adenosine and calcium reciprocally enhance the sensitivity of the secretory processes to the effects of the other agent. The Ievels of intracellular adenosine obtained by trapping adenosine inside stimulated mast cells are sufficient to enhance histamine release substantially, suggesting that this effect may play a physiological and pathophysiological role.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @incollection{LohseKlotzMaureretal.1990, author = {Lohse, Martin J. and Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Maurer, K. and Ott, I. and Schwabe, Ulrich}, title = {Effects of adenosine on mast cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-86101}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1990}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Adenosin}, language = {en} } @article{LohseKlotzSalzeretal.1988, author = {Lohse, Martin J. and Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Salzer, Manfred J. and Schwabe, Ulrich}, title = {Adenosine regulates the \(Ca^{2+} \) sensitivity of mast cell mediator release : (histamine secretion/inositol phosphates/calcium)}, series = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America}, volume = {85}, journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-127883}, pages = {8875-8879}, year = {1988}, abstract = {Mast cells release histamine and other mediators of allergy in response to stimulation of their IgE receptors. This release is generally thought to be mediated by an elevation of cytosolic \(Ca^{2+}\). Recent evidence suggests that there might be factors that modulate the coupling between \(Ca^{2+}\) levels and mediator release. The present report identifies adenosine as one such modulator. Adenosine and several of its metabolically stable analogues were shown to enhance histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells in response to stimuli such as concanavalin A. Metabolizing endogenous adenosine with adenosine deaminase dampened the response to stimuli, whereas trapping endogenous adenosine inside mast cells with nucleoside-transport inhibitors markedly enhanced stimulated histamine release. The metabolically stable adenosine analogue 5' -(N-ethylcarboxamido)adenosine (NECA) did not affect the initial steps in the sequence from IgE-receptor activation to mediator release, which are generation of inositol trisphosphate and increase of cytosolic \(Ca^{2+}\). However, NECA did enhance the release induced in ATP-permeabilized cells by exogenous \(Ca^{2+}\), but it had no effect on the release induced by phorbol esters. These data suggest that adenosine sensitizes mediator release by a mechanism regulating stimulus-secretion coupling at a step distal to receptor activation and second-messenger generation.}, language = {en} } @article{LohseKlotzSchwabe1991, author = {Lohse, Martin J. and Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Schwabe, Ulrich}, title = {Mechanism of A2 adenosine receptor activation. I. Blockade of A2 adenosine receptors by photoaffinity labeling}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-86073}, year = {1991}, abstract = {It has previously been shown that covalent incorporation of the photoreactive adenosine derivative (R)-2-azido-N6-p-hydroxyphenytisopropyladenosine [(R)-AHPIA] into the A, adenosine receptor of intact fat cells leads to a persistent activation of this receptor, resulting in a reduction of celular cAMP Ieveis [Mol. Pharmacol. 30:403-409 (1986)]. In contrast, covalent incorporation of (R)-AHPIA into human platelet membranes, which contain only stimulatory A2 adenosine receptors, reduces adenytate cyclase Stimulation via these receptors. This effect of (R)-AHPIA is specific for the A2 receptor and can be prevented by the adenosine receptor antagonist theophylline. Binding studies in-dicate that up to 90\% of A2 receptors can be blocked by photoincorporation of (R)-AHPIA. However, the remaining 10-20\% of A2 receptors are sufficient to mediate an adenylate cyclase Stimulation of up to SOOk of the control value. Similarly, the activation via these 10-20\% of receptors occurs with a halflife that is only 2 times Ionger than that in control membranes. This indicates the presence of a receptor reserve, with respect to both the extent and the rate of adenytate cyclase Stimulation. These observations require a modification of the models of receptor-adenytate cyclase coupling, which is described in the accompanying paper [Mol. Pharmacol. 39:524-530 (1991)].}, subject = {Adenosinrezeptor}, language = {en} } @incollection{LohseKlotzSchwabe1985, author = {Lohse, Martin J. and Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Schwabe, Ulrich}, title = {Effects of barbiturates on A1 adenosine receptors of rat brain}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-70100}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1985}, abstract = {Barbiturates inhibit binding of radioligands to A 1(Ri) adenosine receptors of rat brain membranes. This inhibition is dose-dependent and stereospecific and occurs in the range of pharmacologically active concentrations. The displacement of radiolabelled A1antagonists by barbiturates is not modified by GTP, indicating that barbiturates might act as antagonists at this receptor. This action of barbiturates does not seem to be related to the binding of barbiturates to plasma membranes, as the latter process has different characteristics. Barbiturates also inhibit the binding of radioligands to solubilized A1receptors, and saturation and kinetic experiments suggest that this is due to a competitive antagonism. These results indicate that barbiturates interact with the recognition site of the A1adenosine receptor.}, subject = {Barbiturat}, language = {en} } @incollection{LohseKlotzSchwabe1987, author = {Lohse, Martin J. and Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Schwabe, Ulrich}, title = {Functional characterization of A1 adenoosine receptors by photoaffinity labelling}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-86097}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1987}, abstract = {The ligand-binding subunit ofthe A1 adenosine receptor has been identified in membranes with the photoaffinity Iabel R-2-azido-N6-p-hydroxyphenylisopropyladenosine (R-AHPIA). Covalent labelling ofthe A1 receptor can also be achieved in intact cells. The dissociation of the radioiodinated label (1251-AHPIA) from isolated rat fat cells was incomplete after UV irradiation, leaving about 20°/o of irreversible specific binding. Such covalent labelling of the receptor led to a concentration-dependent reduction of cellular cyclic AMP levels. This persistent effect of covalent labeHing occurred with an IC50 value of 9 nM, as compared to an IC50 value of 0.9 nM for the direct reduction of cyclic AMP Ievels by the ligand. The difference in the IC5o values can be explained by assuming spare receptors. This hypothesis was verified in binding studies using [ 3HJPIA as a radioligand. R-AHPIA inhibited binding of [3H)PIA to intact fat cells with a K1 value of about 20 nM, which is about 20 tim es high er than the corresponding IC50 value of cyclic AMP reduction. These data show that the A1 receptor is activated according to the occupancy theory. The high sensitivity of the activation in intact ceJis is due to a large number of spare receptors.}, subject = {Adenosinrezeptor}, language = {en} } @article{LohseKlotzSchwabe1986, author = {Lohse, Martin J. and Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Schwabe, Ulrich}, title = {Effectes of temperature and membrane phase transitions on ligand binding to a2-receptors of human platelets}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-86023}, year = {1986}, abstract = {The binding of agonists and antagonists to a2-adrenergic receptors of human platelets was studied. The receptors showed homogeneaus affinities for antagonists but two affinity states for the agonist (-)-epinephrine, which were modulated by guanine nucleotides. Van't Hoffplots of antagonist binding had a break point at about 18° and considerable diversity between 18° and 0°. Agonist binding to both affinity states showed a similar break point; agonist binding to the high affinity state was characterized by a large entropy component compared to the low affinity state. This entropy component was reduced at higher concentrations of sodium, indicating that it may be due to Iiberation of sodium ions. Measurements of the fluorescence of 1-anilin-8-naphthalenesulfonate showed thermotropic phase transitions of theplatelet membranes at about 17°. The transition temperature was decreased to about 12° by addition of 1 0 mM octanoic acid. Octanoic acidalso shifted the break points of the van't Hoffplot of antagonist and low affinity agonist binding from 18° to 12°. High affinity agonist binding, however, remained unchanged. It is concluded that agonist-specific thennodynamic characteristics of ligand binding to a2-receptors of human platelets can only be investigated by regarding differences between high and low affinity agonist binding. These differences include an entropy increase upon Iigand binding, which is in part due to enhanced liberation of sodium ions, and a loss of sensitivity to fluidity changes in the outer layer of the plasma membrane.}, subject = {Molekularpharmakologie}, language = {en} } @article{LohseKlotzSchwabe1986, author = {Lohse, Martin J. and Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Schwabe, Ulrich}, title = {Agonist photoaffinity labeling of A1 adenosine receptors: Persistent activation reveals spare receptors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-87966}, year = {1986}, abstract = {No abstract available.}, subject = {Pharmazie}, language = {en} } @article{LorenzRosner2022, author = {Lorenz, Kristina and Rosner, Marsha Rich}, title = {Harnessing RKIP to combat heart disease and cancer}, series = {Cancers}, volume = {14}, journal = {Cancers}, number = {4}, issn = {2072-6694}, doi = {10.3390/cancers14040867}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-262185}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Cancer and heart disease are leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. These diseases have common risk factors, common molecular signaling pathways that are central to their pathogenesis, and even some disease phenotypes that are interdependent. Thus, a detailed understanding of common regulators is critical for the development of new and synergistic therapeutic strategies. The Raf kinase inhibitory protein (RKIP) is a regulator of the cellular kinome that functions to maintain cellular robustness and prevent the progression of diseases including heart disease and cancer. Two of the key signaling pathways controlled by RKIP are the β-adrenergic receptor (βAR) signaling to protein kinase A (PKA), particularly in the heart, and the MAP kinase cascade Raf/MEK/ERK1/2 that regulates multiple diseases. The goal of this review is to discuss how we can leverage RKIP to suppress cancer without incurring deleterious effects on the heart. Specifically, we discuss: (1) How RKIP functions to either suppress or activate βAR (PKA) and ERK1/2 signaling; (2) How we can prevent cancer-promoting kinase signaling while at the same time avoiding cardiotoxicity.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lotz2023, author = {Lotz, Arietta Lucia}, title = {Eine in-vitro-Untersuchung des Einflusses von Angiotensin II und Sulforaphan auf die Modulation des oxidativen Stresses anhand der NFκB- und Nrf 2-Aktivit{\"a}t in LLC-PK1 Zellen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31057}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-310573}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Ausgangspunkt der Arbeit ist die klinische Beobachtung, dass Patienten mit arteriellem Hypertonus vermehrt Nierenerkrankungen entwickeln. Dabei zeigten sich in der Subgruppenanalyse vor allem erh{\"o}hte Inzidenzen der Niereninsuffizienz und der Nierenzellkarzinome. Als m{\"o}glicher Pathomechanismus steht das Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosteron-System (RAAS-System) im Vordergrund. Dabei wird postuliert, dass erh{\"o}hte Angiotensin II-Spiegel zu einem Missverh{\"a}ltnis zwischen den Oxidations- und Reduktionspartnern in der Zelle f{\"u}hren, wodurch sich das oxidative Potential der Zelle {\"a}ndert, und es vermehrt zur Bildung von Radikalen (ROS) kommt, die meist ungepaarte Elektronen in der Valenzschale oder instabile Verbindungen enthalten, wodurch sie besonders reaktionsfreudig mit Proteinen, Lipiden, Kohlenhydraten und auch der DNA interagieren. In der Folge kommt es zu DNA-Ver{\"a}nderungen in Form von Doppel- oder Einzelstrangbr{\"u}chen, DNA-Protein-Crosslinks, Basenmodifikationen und Basenverlusten, wodurch sich ein hohes mutagenes Potential ergibt. Dieser Ansatz zur Pathophysiologie best{\"a}tigte sich auch an den hier verwendeten porkinen Nierenzellmodell. Dabei zeigte sich nicht nur eine Ver{\"a}nderung der genomischen Stabilit{\"a}t nach Exposition gegen{\"u}ber erh{\"o}hten Angiotensin II-Spiegeln, sondern auch eine Ver{\"a}nderung der DNA in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von der Expositionsdauer der Zellen. Als n{\"a}chster Schritt konnte die Modulation der Transkriptionsfaktoren Nrf 2 und NF-κB durch die Behandlung mit Angiotensin II und Sulforaphan nachgewiesen werden. Bei der Behandlung mit Sulforaphan ließ sich eine Nrf 2-Induktion nachweisen mit vermehrter Expression von antioxidativen und detoxifizierender Enzyme. Weiterhin zeigte sich im Rahmen der Behandlung erniedrigte NF-κB-Level. Bei der Modulation durch Angiotensin II stellte sich zun{\"a}chst ein signifikant erniedrigtes Level an Nrf 2 in den Zellen dar, das im Verlauf von 24 Stunden anstieg und konsekutiv ließ sich eine maximale Proteinexpression zwischen 24 und 48 Stunden messen. Weiterhin wiesen die Zellen, die mit Angiotensin II behandelt wurden, erh{\"o}hte NF-κB Mengen/Zelle auf. Zudem zeigte sich der Einfluss erh{\"o}hter Glucosekonzentrationen auf eine progrediente genomischen Instabilit{\"a}t, die Ver{\"a}nderung der Transkriptionsfaktoren mit erh{\"o}hter Nrf 2-Induktion und mit Deregulation des Transkriptionsfaktors NF-κB wurde durch die Behandlung mit Sulforaphan nachgewiesen. Aufgrund dieser Rolle in der Tumorgenese sind mittlerweile einige Bestandteile des NF-κB- und des Nrf 2-Signalweges und auch Nrf 2-Aktivatoren wie Sulforaphan wichtige Zielstrukturen f{\"u}r die Entwicklung neuer Medikamente und Therapieoptionen. Besonders zeigt sich hierbei die Wichtigkeit bei Diabetes induzierten kardiovaskul{\"a}ren Folgesch{\"a}den mit fr{\"u}hzeitiger medikament{\"o}ser Behandlung.}, subject = {Oxidativer Stress}, language = {de} } @article{Lutz1991, author = {Lutz, Werner K.}, title = {Dose-response relationship for chemical carcinogenesis by genotoxic agents}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60766}, year = {1991}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{Lutz1990, author = {Lutz, Werner K.}, title = {Dose-response relationship and low dose extrapolation in chemical carcinogenesis [commentary]}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60789}, year = {1990}, abstract = {Data supporting various dose-respome relationships in chemical carcinogenesis are summarized. General principles are derived to explain the relationships between exposure dose, JI>NA adduct Ievel, induction of genetic changes, and tumor incidence. Some mechanistic aspects of epigenetic carcinogens (stimulation of ceU division and maldlfl'erentlation) are analyzed in a similar way. In a bomogeneous pnpulation, non-linearities are frequent. They are due to pbenomena of induction or saturation of enzymatic activities and to the multi-step nature of carcinog~: if a carcinogen acce1erates more than one step, the SUperposition of the dose- response curves for the indJvidual steps can result in an exponential relationship. A fourth power of the dose was the maximum seen in animals (fonnaldehyde). At the lowest dose Ievels, a proportionality between dose and tumor induction is postulated independent of the mechanism of action if the carcinogen aceeierotes the endogenous proass responsible for spootaneous tumor formation. Low-dose thresholds are expected only for situations where the carcinogen acts in a way that has no endogenous counterpart. Epidemiologfcal studies in humans show linear dose- response curves in all but two investigations. The difference from the strongly nonlinear slopes ·seen in animal studies could be due to the heterogeneity of the human population: if the individual sensitivity to a carcinogen is governed by a large number of genetic and Iife-style factors, the non-linea.rities will tend to cancel each other out and the dose- response curve becomes 'quasi-linear'.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{Lutz1990, author = {Lutz, Werner K.}, title = {Endogenous genotoxic agents and processes as a basis of spontaneous carcinogenesis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60816}, year = {1990}, abstract = {A list ofendogenaus DNA·damaging agents and processes is given. Endogenaus e/ectrophiles are found with the cosubstrates of physiological transfer reactions (S-adenosylrnethionine for methylation, A TP for phosphorylation, NAD\(^+\) for ADP-ribosylation, acetyl CoA for acetylation). Aldehyde groups (glyceraldehyde- 3-phosphate, formaldehyde, open forms of reducing sugars, degradation products of peroxidation) or alkylating degradation products derived from endogenaus nitrose compounds represent additional possibilities. Radical-forming reactions include leakage of the superoxide anion radical from terminal cytochromes and redox cycles, hydroxyl radical formation by the Fenton reaction from endogenaus hydrogen peroxide, and the formation of lipid peroxides. Genetic instability by spontaneaus deaminations and depurinations as well as replicative instability by tautomer errors andin the presence of mutagenic metal ions represent a third important dass of endogenaus genotoxic processes. The postulated endogenaus genotoxicity could form the mechanistic basis for what is called 'spontaneous' tumor incidence and explain the possibility of an increased tumor incidence after treatment of animals with non-genotoxic compounds exhibiting tumor-promoting activity only. Individual differences are expected to be seen also with endogenaus DNA damage. The presence of endogenaus DNA darnage implies that exogenaus DNAcarcinogen adducts give rise to an incremental darnage which is expected to be proportional to the carcinogen dose at lowest Ievels. An increased tumor risk due to exposure to exogenaus genotoxic carcinogens could therefore be assessed in terms of the background DNA damage~ for instance in multiples of the mean Ievel or of the interindividual variability in a population.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{Lutz1979, author = {Lutz, Werner K.}, title = {In vivo covalent binding of organic chemicals to DNA as a quantitative indicator in the process of chemical carcinogenesis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-61122}, year = {1979}, abstract = {The covalent binding of chemical carcinogens to DNA of mammalian organs is expressed per unit dose, and a 'Covalent-Binding Index', CBI, is defined. CBI for various carcinogens span over 6 orders of magnitude. A similar range is observed for the carcinogenic potency in long-term bioassays on carcinogenicity. For the assessment of a risk from exposure to a carcinogen, the total DN A darnage can be estimated if the actual dose is also accounted for. A detailed description is given for planning and performing a DNA-binding assay. A complete literature survey on DNA binding in vivo (83 compounds) is given with a calculation of CBI, where possible, 153 compounds are listed where a covalent binding to any biological macromolecule has been shown in vivo or in vitro. Recent, so far unpublished findings with aflatoxin Mh macromolecule- bound aflatoxin Bh ·diethylstilbestrol, and 1,2-epithiobutyronitrile are included. A comparison of CBI for rat-liver DNA with hepatocarcinogenic potency reveals a surprisingly good quantitative correlation. Refinements for a DN A-binding assay are proposed. Possibilities and Iimitations in the use of D NA binding in chemical carcinogenesis are discussed extensively.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{Lutz1986, author = {Lutz, Werner K.}, title = {Investigation of the potential for binding of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) to rat liver DNA in vivo}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60957}, year = {1986}, abstract = {It was the aim of this investigation to determine whether or not covalent binding of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) to rat liver DNA could be a mechanism of action contributing to the observed induction of liver tumors after lifetime feeding of rodents with high doses of DEHP. DEHP radiolabeled in different positionswas administered orally to female F344 rats with or without pretreatment for 4 weeks with 1\% unlabeled DEHP in the diet. Livu DNA was isolated after 16 hr and analyzed for radioattivity. Administration of [\(^{14}\)C]carboxylate unabeled DEHP resulted in no measurable DNA radioactivity. With DEHP [\(^{14}\)C]· and [\(^{3}\)H]. labeled in the alcohol moiety as well as with 2-ethyl[1-\(^{14}\)C]hexanol, radioactivity was clearly measurable in the DNA. HPLC analysis of enzyme-degraded DNA relvealed that the normal nucleosides had incorporated radiolabel whereas no radioactivity was detectable in those fractions where the carcinogen-modified nucleoside adducts are expected. A quantitative evaluation of the negative data in terms of a Iimit of detection for a covalent binding Index (CBJ) indicates that covalent interaction with DNA is highly unlikely to be the mode of tumorigenic action of DEHP in rodents.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{Lutz1986, author = {Lutz, Werner K.}, title = {Quantitative evaluation of DNA binding data for risk estimation and for classification of direct and indirect carcinogens}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60967}, year = {1986}, abstract = {Investigation of covalent DNA binding in vivo provided evidence for whether a test substance can be activated to metabolites able to reach and react with DNA in an intact organism. Fora comparison of DNA binding potencies of various compounds tested under different conditions, a normalization of the DNA lesion with respect to the dose is useful. A covalent binding index, CBI = (\(\mu\)mol chemical bound per mol DNA nucleotide )/(mmol chemical administered per kg body weight) can be determined for each compound. Whether covalent DNA binding results in tumor formation is dependent upon additional factors specific to the cell type. Thus far, all compounds which bind covalently to liver DNA in vivo have also proven tobe carcinogenic in a long-term study, although the liver was not necessarily the target organ for tumor growth. With appropriate techniques, DNA binding can be determined in a dose range which may be many orders of magnitude below the dose Ievels required for significant tumor induction in a long-term bioassay. Rat liver DNA bindingwas proportional to the dose of aflatoxin B1 afteroral administration of a dose between 100 \(\mu\)g/kg and 1 ng/kg. The lowest dose was in the range of generat human daily exposures. Demonstration of a lack of liver DNA binding (CBI<0.1) in vivo for a carcinogenic, nonmutagenic compound is a strong indication for an indirect mechanism of carcinogenic action. Carcinogens of this class do not directly produce a change in gene structure or function but disturb a critical biochemical control mechanism, such as protection from oxygen radicals, control of cell division, etc. Ultimately, genetic changes are produced indirectly or accumulate from endogenaus genotoxic agents. The question of why compounds which act via indirect mechanisms are more likely to exhibitanonlinear rangein the dose-response curve as opposed to the directly genotoxic agents or processes is discussed.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{Lutz1986, author = {Lutz, Werner K.}, title = {Endogenous formaldehyde does not produce detectable DNA-protein crosslinks in rat liver}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60972}, year = {1986}, abstract = {Formaldehydeis an electrophilic molecule able to crosslink DNA and protein. It has been found to induce tumors in the nasal epithelium in rodents. The safety margin between the maximum tolerated FA concentration in the work place and the concentration found to be tumorigenic in animal studies is very small. Because FA is produced endogenously as a result of a variety of oxidative demethylations, the assessment of the tumor risk from exogenaus FA exposure has tobe related quantitatively to the level of DNA-protein crosslinks induced by endogenaus FA generation. It is reported here that the high level of endogenaus FA formed in the liver after a large dose of methanol or of aminopyrine did not lead to any observable increase in DNA-protein crosslinks. Using positive and negative control data from in vitro incubations of liver homogenate with FA or methanol it is estimated that the endogenous level of DNA damage in the liver must be more than three orders of magnitude below the damage observed at tumorigenic concentrations for the rat nose. The fact that FA is formed endogenously cannot, therefore, be used to claim that exogenous FA merely leads to a negligible increase in DNA damage.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{Lutz1990, author = {Lutz, Werner K.}, title = {Dosis-Wirkungs-Beziehungen in der chemischen Kanzerogenese}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-80046}, year = {1990}, abstract = {Ich habe versucht darzulegen, daß mechanistische {\"U}berlegungen zur Extrapolation der Dosis-WirkungsBeziehung herangezogen werden k{\"o}nnen. Ein nichtlinearer Verlauf ist nicht nur bei den epigenetischen Kanzerogenen wahrscheinlich, sondern auch bei den DNA-bindenden. Echte Schwellen sind aber nur in solchen F{\"a}llen zu erwarten, wo kein endogenes Korrelat besteht. Immerhin k{\"o}nnen auch steile Nichtlinearit{\"a}ten zu einer drastischen Risikoreduktion f{\"u}hren, so daß die Anstrengungen dahin gehen sollten, die Steigung und den Bereich des {\"u}berproportionalen Abfalls experimentell zu zeigen. In einer heterogenen Population kann die 0 0- sis-Wirkungs-Kurve zus{\"a}tzliche "Wellen" bekommen und wird dadurch grunds{\"a}tzlich flacher. Im Extremfall ergibt sich eine lineare Dosis-Wirkungs-Beziehung unabh{\"a}ngig vom Wirkmechanismus des Kanzerogens. Diese Proportionalit{\"a}t zwischen tiefster Dosis und Effekt wird bei genotoxischen Kanzerogenen aus mechanistischen Gr{\"u}nden schon f{\"u}r eine homogene Population postuliert, doch kann dies in einer heterogenen Population auch bei epigenetischen Kanzerogenen in Frage kommen.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{Lutz1987, author = {Lutz, Werner K.}, title = {Quantitative evaluation of DNA-binding data in vivo for low-dose extrapolations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-80079}, year = {1987}, abstract = {no abstract available}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Lutz1984, author = {Lutz, Werner K.}, title = {Structural characteristics of compounds that can be activated to chemically reactive metabolites: use for a prediction of a carcinogenic potential}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-80105}, year = {1984}, abstract = {Many mutagens and carcinogens act via covalent interaction of metabolic intermediates with DNA in the target cell. This report groups those structural elements which are often found to form the basis for a metabolism to such chemically reactive metabolites. ~mpounds which are chemically reactive per se and which do not require metabolic activation form group 1. Group 2 compri~es of olefins and aromatic hydrocarbons where the oxidation via an epoxide can be responsible for the generation of reactive species. Aromatic amines, hydrazines, and nitrosamirres form group 3 requiring an oxidation of a nitrogen atom or of a carbon atom in alpha position to a nitrosated amine. Group 4 compounds are halogenated hydrocarbons which can either give rise to radicals or can form an ·olefin (group 2) upon dehydrohalogenation. Group 5 compounds depend upon some preceding enzymatic activity either not available in the target cell or acting on positions in the molecule which are not directly involved in the subsequent formation of electrophilic atoms. Examples for each group are taken from the "List of Chemieals and Irrdustrial Processes Associated with Cancer in Humans" as compiled by the International Agency for the Research on Cancer, and it is shown that 91\% of the organic carcinogens would have been detected on the basis of structural elements characteristic for group 1-5. As opposed to this very high sensitivity, the specificity ( the true negative fraction) of using this approach as a short-term test for carcinogenicity is shown to be bad because detoxification pathways have so far not been taken into account. These competing processes are so complex, however, that either only very extensive knowledge about pharmacokinetics, stability, and reactivity will be required or that in vivo systems have to be used to predict, on a quantitative basis, the darnage expected on the DNA. DNA-binding experiments in vivo are presented with benzene and toluene to demonstrate one possible way for an experimental assessment and it is shown that the detoxification reaction at the methyl group available only in toluene gives rise to a reduction by at least a factor of forty for the binding to rat liver DNA. This quantitative approach available with DNA-binding tests in vivo, also allows evaluation as to whether reactive metabolites and their DNA binding are always the most important single activities contributing to the overall carcinogenicity of a chemical. With the example of the livertumor inducing hexachlorocyclohexane isomers it is shown that situations will be found where reactive metabolites are formed and DNA binding in vivo is measurable but where this activity cannot be the decisive mode of carcinogenic action. It is concluded that the lack of structural elements known to become potentially reactive does not guarantee the lack of a carcinogenic potential.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @incollection{Lutz1991, author = {Lutz, Werner K.}, title = {Dose-response relationships in chemical carcinogenesis: from DNA adducts to tumor incidence}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-71625}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1991}, abstract = {Mechanistic possibilitles responsible for nonlinear shapes of the dose-response relationship in chemical carcinogenesis are discussed. (i) Induction and saturation of enzymatic activation and detoxification processes and of DNA repair affect the relationship between dose and steady-state DNA adduct Ievel; (ii) The fixation of DNA adducts in the form of mutations is accelerated by stimulation of the cell division, for Jnstance due to regenerative hyperplasia at cytotoxic dose Ievels; (iii) The rate of tumor formation results from a superposition of the rates of the individual steps. It can become exponential with dose if more than one step is accelerated by the DNA damage exerted by the genotoxic carcinogen. The strongly sigmoidal shapes often observed for dose-tumor incidence relationships in animal bioassays supports this analysis. A power of four for the dose in the su~linear part of the curve is the maximum observed (formaldehyde). In contrast to animal experiments, epidemiological data ln humans rarely show a slgnificant deviation from linearity. The discrepancy might be explained by the fact that a I arge nu mber of genes contribute to the overall sensitivity of an individual and to the respective heterogeneity within the human population. Mechanistic nonlinearities are flattened out in the presence of genetic and life-style factors which affect the sensitivity for the development of cancer. For a risk assessment, linear extrapolation from the high-dose lncidence to the spontaneaus rate can therefore be approprlate in a heterogeneous population even if the mechanism of action would result in a nonlinear shape of the dose-response curve in a homogeneaus population.}, language = {en} } @article{LutzBraendleZbinden1978, author = {Lutz, Werner K. and Br{\"a}ndle, E. and Zbinden, G.}, title = {Effect of gum Arabic on aminopyrine demethylation in rats}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-61146}, year = {1978}, abstract = {Stimulation of aminopyrine demethylation induced in rats by oral or i.p. administration of phenobarbital was partially inhibited in animals receiving daily treatments of 2 x 200 mg/kg gum Arabic p.o.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{LutzBuesserSagelsdorff1984, author = {Lutz, Werner K. and B{\"u}sser, M. T. and Sagelsdorff, P.}, title = {Potency of carcinogens derived from covalent DNA binding and stimulation of DNA synthesis in rat liver}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-61026}, year = {1984}, abstract = {~n order to investigate the role of the stimu~ation of ceU division for the initiation (and possi:bly promotion) of live·r tumors by chemical carcinogens, the incorporation of radiolabeUed thymidine into liver DNA was dete:rmined in male rats. Single doses of various level!s of af.latoxin 81, benzidine and carbon tetrachloride (aU known to be genotoxic via DNA binding} did not affect cell division, whereas several hepatoca:rcinogens known not to bind to DNA (alphaHCH, dofibrate, and 2,3;7,8-t!etrachlorodiibenzo~p~dioxin) gave rise to a dosedependent stimulation of Ii ver DNA synthesis within 24 h. An equation combining the infl.uences of mitotic stimu:lation, expressed as dose required to double the contro~ Ievei of DNA synthesis, and DNA binding potency, exp:ressed as t.he Covalent Binding Index, correliated weil with the cardnogenk potency for both dasses of hepatocardnogens.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @incollection{LutzCantoreggiVelic1993, author = {Lutz, Werner K. and Cantoreggi, S. and Velic, I.}, title = {DNA binding and stimulation of cell division in the carcinogenicity of styrene 7,8-oxide}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-71597}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1993}, abstract = {[7-3H)Styrene 7,8-oxide was administered by oral gavage to male CD rats at a dose of 1.3 mg/kg. After 4 h, the forestomach was excised, DNA was isolated, purified to constant specific radioactivity and degraded nzymatically to the 3 '-nucleotides. Highperformance liquid chromatography fractions with the normal nucleotides contained most of the radiolabel, but a minute level of adduct label was also detccted. Using the units of the covalent binding index (micromoles adduct per mole DNA nucleotide)/(millimole chemical administered per kilogram body weight), a DNA binding potency of 1.0 was derived. A comparison of the covalent binding indices and carcinogenic potencies of other genotoxic forestarnach carcinogens showed that the tumorigenic activity of styrene oxide is unlikely to be purely genotoxic. Therefore, styrene oxide was compared with 3-tbutylhydroxyanisole (BHA) with respect to stimulation of cell proliferation in the forestomach. Male Fischer 344 rats were treated for four weeks at three dose levels of styrene oxide (0, 137, 275 and 550 mg/kg, three times per week by oral gavage) and BHA (0, 0.5, 1 and 2\% in the diet); the highest doses had been reported to result in 84\% and 22\% carcinomas in the forestomach, respectively. Cell proliferation was assessed by incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine into DNA and immunohistochemical analysis. An increase in the lablling indexwas found in a11 treated animals. In the prefundic region of the forestomach, the labeHing index increased significantly, from 42\% (controls) to 54\% with styrene oxide and from 41 to 55\% with BHA. Rats treated with BHA also had severe hyperplastic lesions in the prefundic region, i.e., at the location of BHA-induced forestomach carcinomas. The number of cells per millimetre of section length was increased up to 19 fold. Hyperplastic lesions were not seen with styrene oxide, despite the higher tumour incidence reported with this compound. We conclude that the carcinogenicity of styrene oxide to the forestomach most probably involves a mechanism in which marginal genotoxicity is combined with promotion by increased cell proliferation.}, subject = {Styrol}, language = {en} } @article{LutzDeuberCaviezeletal.1988, author = {Lutz, Werner K. and Deuber, R. and Caviezel, M. and Sagelsdorff, P. and Friederich, U. and Schlatter, C.}, title = {Trenbolone growth promotant: covalent DNA binding in rat liver and in Salmonella typhimurium, and mutagenicity in the Ames test}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60897}, year = {1988}, abstract = {DNA binding in vivo: (6,7-\(^3\)H]ß-trenbolone (ß-TBOH) was administered p.o. and i.p. to rats. After 8 or 16 h, DNA was isolated from the livers and purified to constant specific radioactivity. Enzymatic digestion to deoxyribonucleotides and separation by HPLC revealed about 90\% ofthe DNA radioactivity eluting in the form of possible TBOH-nucleotide adducts. The extent of this genotoxicity, expressed in units of the Covalent Binding Index, CBI = (~mol TBOH bound per mol nucleotide)/(mmol TBOH administered per kg body weight) spanned from 8 t~ 17, i. e. was in the range found with weak genotoxic carcmogens. Ames test: low doses of ß-TBOH increased the number of revertants in Salmonella strain TAl 00 reproducibly and m a dose-dependent manner. The mutagenic potency was 0.2 revertants per nmol after preincubation of the bacteria (20 min at 37° C) with doses between 30 and 60 \(\mu\)g per plate (47 and 94 \(\mu\)g/ml preincubation mixture). Above this dose, the number of revertants decreased to control values, accompanied by a reduction in survival. The addition of rat liver S9 inhibited the mutagenicity. DNA binding in vitro: calf thymus DNA was incubated with tritiated ß-TBOH with and without rat liver S9 Highest DNA radioactivities were determined in the absence of the "activation" system. Addition of inactive S9 (without cofactors) reduced the DNA binding by a factor of up to 20. Intermediate results were found with active S9. DNA binding in Salmonella: ß-TBOH was irreversibly bound to DNA isolated from S. typhimurium TA100 after incubation of bacteria with [\(^3\)H]ß-TBOH. Conclusions: Covalent DNA binding appears to be the mechanism of an activation-independent ("direct") mutagenicity of TBOH which is not easily detected because of the bactericidal activity. The genotoxicity risk arising from exposure of humans to trenbolone residues in meat was estimated using the in vivo data and compared to that from the exposure to unavoidable genotoxins aflatoxin B1 and dimethylnitrosamine. It ts concluded that trenbolone residues represent only a low genotoxic risk.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{LutzFruehSimon1971, author = {Lutz, Werner K. and Fr{\"u}h, P. U. and Simon, W.}, title = {Microcalorimetric determination of ΔH0, ΔG0 and ΔS0 for the interaction of the carrier antibiotics nigericin and monensin with sodium and potassium ions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-61218}, year = {1971}, abstract = {The thermodynainic parameters ΔH0, ΔG0 and ΔS0 - and thereby the equilibrium constants - for the complexation of the carrier antibiotics nigericin and monensin with sodium and potassium ions in methanol at 25°C have been determined by microcalorimetry. Tbc results are discussed in terms of the nature of the interaction between ligands and cations.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{LutzJaggiLuethyetal.1980, author = {Lutz, Werner K. and Jaggi, W. and L{\"u}thy, J. and Sagelsdorff, P. and Schlatter, C.}, title = {In vivo covalent binding of aflatoxin B\(_1\) and aflatoxin M\(_1\) to liver DNA of rat, mouse and pig}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-61097}, year = {1980}, abstract = {[\(^{14}\)C] Aflatoxin B\(_1\) (AFB\(_1\)) was isolated from cultures of Aspergillus parasiticus grown on [1-\(^{114}\)C] sodium acetate. Covalent binding of AFB1 to liver DNA of rat and mouse was determined 6-8 h afteroral administration. The effectiveness of covalent binding, expressedas DNA binding per dose in the units of a 'Covalent Binding Index' (CBI), (\(\mu\)mol aflatoxin/mol DNA nucleotides)/(mmol aflatoxin/kg animal), was found to be 10 400 for rats and 240 for mice. These CBI partly explain the different susceptibility of the two species for the incidence of hepatic tumors. The corresponding values for pig liver DN A, 24 and 48 h after oral administration, were found to be as high as 19 100 and 13 300. DNA-binding has not so far been reported for this species although it could represent an appropriate animal model for studies where a human-like gastrointestinal tract physiology is desirable. Aflatoxin M \(_1\) ( AFM\(_1\)) is a metabolite found in the milk of cows that have been fed AFB\(_1\)-contaminated diet. [\(^{14}\)C] AFM\(_1\) was also found to be produced by cultures of A. parasiticus giving a yield of about 0.3\% of the total aflatoxins. A test for covalent binding to rat liver DN A revealed a CBI of 2100 shoWing that AFM\(_1\) must also be regarded as a strong hepatocarcinogen. It is concluded that AFB\(_1\) contaminations should be avoided in dairy feed.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{LutzJaggiSchlatter1982, author = {Lutz, Werner K. and Jaggi, W. and Schlatter, C.}, title = {Covalent binding of diethylstilbestrol to DNA in rat and hamster liver and kidney [Short Communication]}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-61066}, year = {1982}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{LutzMaier1988, author = {Lutz, Werner K. and Maier, P.}, title = {Genotoxic and epigenetic chemical carcinogenesis: one process, different mechanisms}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60884}, year = {1988}, abstract = {Chemieals that induce cancer in an intact organism are called carcinogens. This term does not differentiale between their various modes of action. In this review, Werner Lutz and Peter Maier make a mechanistic distinction between carcinogens that alter the genetic information and carcinogens that interfere with epigenetic processes. They considercardnogenesis tobe an ongoing, part1y unavoidable process which is based on a succession of mutations, most likely in stem cells, leading to autonomaus cellular growth regulation. Chemical carcinogens either induce such changes through mutations (genotoxic carcinogens) or they aceeierate the accumulation of critica1 spontaneaus mut11tions (epigenetic carcinogens). Examples are given for both classes of carcinogens, and for the processes that act at genoto:tic/nuclear 11nd epigenetic/mitotic Ievels.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{LutzPoetzschSchlatteretal.1991, author = {Lutz, Werner K. and Poetzsch, J. and Schlatter, J. and Schlatter, C.}, title = {The real role of risk assessment in cancer risk management}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60730}, year = {1991}, abstract = {Rtgulatory aclio11s Iaken to reduu tht risk of harmfultffects of exposure to chemieals ofltn arenot commensurDtt with the toxicologicDf risk SJsstS\&ment. A numbtr of factors relating to psychology, sociology, economics Dntl politics rather than science and medicine afftct tht final decision. Wemer Lutz and colleagues illustratt the situation using tht feuktmia-indudng chtmiCJJI benzene as an examplt.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{LutzSchlatter1977, author = {Lutz, Werner K. and Schlatter, C.}, title = {Saccharin does not bind to DNA of liver or bladder in the rat [Short Communication]}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-61194}, year = {1977}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{LutzSchlatter1977, author = {Lutz, Werner K. and Schlatter, C.}, title = {Mechanism of the carcinogenic action of benzene: irreversible binding to rat liver DNA}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-61208}, year = {1977}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{LutzSchlatter1978, author = {Lutz, Werner K. and Schlatter, C.}, title = {A closed inhalation system for pharmacokinetic and metabolism studies of volatile compounds with small laboratory animals}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-80145}, year = {1978}, abstract = {In the inhalation system described an animal can be kept in the same atmosphere of a 2-liter desiccator for up to 24 h. The expired carbon dioxide is adsorbed with soda lime and the resulting reduced pressure is balanced by a supply of oxygen also used for the inflow of the chemical to be investigated. Urine and faeces can be collected ~eparately and the system allows a periodical control of the concentration of the chemical by sampling the air with needle and syringe.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{LutzSchlatter1978, author = {Lutz, Werner K. and Schlatter, C.}, title = {Extrapolation of carcinogenicity data to low doses with a dose-response study of the binding of benzo(a)pyrene to rat liver DNA}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-80157}, year = {1978}, abstract = {The binding of tritiated benzo(a)pyrene (BP) to liver DNA of 25 adult male rats (SIV 50) has been determined 50 h after a single intraperitoneal injection of doses between 40 ug/kg and 4; mg/kg. The dose-response relations~ ip is linear up to i mg/kg, shows a sigmoid step towards 2 mg/kg and a shallow linear. slope above that value. TlJe 0 bserved bin ding ranges from 1.7 to 180 nmoles BP per mole DNA phosphate. The non-linearity between 1 and 2 mg/kg could be explained 0):1 the basis of an induction of metabolizing enzymes. A pure1y mathematical extrapolation of therumour incidence from a carcinogenic dose (1 x 40mg/kg for a 20\% hepatoma incidence in newborn mice) to human exposure levels (aboilt 0.1 ug/kg per day) would never have followed a step like the on~ found in our experiments. Our dose-effect study therefore shows how carcinogenitity data could be extrapolated in a biologically founded way to low doses.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{LutzSchlatter1979, author = {Lutz, Werner K. and Schlatter, C.}, title = {In vivo covalent binding of chemicals to DNA as a short-term test for carcinogenicity}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-80127}, year = {1979}, abstract = {The determination of a covalent binding of radioactive chemieals to DNA in intact mammalian organisms is proposedas a short-term test for carcinogenicity. The effectiveness of covalent binding to rat liver DNA correlates well with the hepatocarcinogenicity known from long-term bioassays. The binding indices range over more than five orders of rriagnitude between the strongest hepatocarcinogen aflatoxin B 1 and the limit of detection of a binding with 100 f-LCi 14C-labelled chemical. The order of magnitude of binding is therefore a surprisingly good quantitative measure for carcinogenicity. The pattern of DNA binding sites is important especially for small alkylating agents where the determination of total binding might indicate a higher carcinogenic potency than is actually observed.}, subject = {DNA}, language = {de} } @article{LutzSchlatter1992, author = {Lutz, Werner K. and Schlatter, J.}, title = {Chemical carcinogens and overnutrition in diet-related cancer [commentary]}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60712}, year = {1992}, abstract = {The intake of known dietary carclnogens was compiled and the cancer risk was estlmated on the basis of carcinogenic potencies in animals as derived from the Carcinogenic Potency Database by Gold and co-workers. The total cancer risk was compared with the number of cancer cases attributed by epidemiologists to dietary factors (one-third of all cancer cases, i.e. -80 000 per one million Jives). Except for alcohol, the known dietary carcinogens could not account for more than a few bundred cancer cases. Tbis was seen both with tbe DNA-reactive carcinogens (beterocyclic aromatic amines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, N-nitroso compounds, estragole, aflatoxin B., ethyl carbamate, to name the most important factors) as wen as with those carclnogens wbich have not been shown to react with DNA (e.g. caffelc acid and the carcinogeruc metals arsenic and cadmium). Residues and contaminants turned out to be negligible. Among the various pmsibilities to explain the discrepancy we investigated the roJe of ovemutritlon. Dietary restriction in animals is weil known for its strong reducing effect on spontaneous tumor formation. These data can be used to derive a carcinogenic potency for excess macronutrients: tbe tumor incidence seen with the restrlcted animals is taken as a control value and the increased tumor incidence in the animals fed ad libitum is attributed to the additional feed iotake. For excess standard diet in rats, a carcinogenic potency TD50 of 16 glkg/day was deduced from a recent study. Ovemutrition in Switzerland, estimated to be 5.5 kcallkg/day, was converted to excess food (1.9 g/kg/day) and tbe cancer incidence was calculated. The result, 60 000 cancer cases per one million Jives, is provocatively close to the number of cases not explained by the known dietary chemical carcinogens. Mechanistic studies will be required to test our hypothesis and investigate the role of different types of macronutrients in ovemutrition.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{LutzSchlatter1993, author = {Lutz, Werner K. and Schlatter, Josef}, title = {The relative importance of mutagens and carcinogens in the diet.}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-86311}, year = {1993}, abstract = {Known mutagens and carcinogens in the dict were compiled and the risk of cancer was estimated on the basis of average exposure Ievels in Switzerland and carcinogenic potencies from rodent bioassays. The analysis showed that, except for a1cohol, the sum of all known dietary carcinogens could only explain a few percent of the cancer deaths attributed by epidemiologists to dietary factors. The discrepancy was explained by a "carcinogenicity" of excess macronutrients. This hypothesis was based on an evaluation of dietary restriction experiments in rats and mice, where a dramatic reducing effect on spontaneaus tumour formation was seen. From these experiments, a "carcinogenic potency" was deduced for food in excess (TD50 approximately 16 g/kg per day). Ovemutrition in Switzerland was converted into excess food intake and the cancer risk estimated on the basis ofthe TD50 value. The resulting risk of60,000 cases per one million lives wou1d aJlow to explain by overnutrition almost all "diet-related" cancer deaths in humans.}, subject = {Medizin}, language = {en} } @article{LutzViviantSchlatter1978, author = {Lutz, Werner K. and Viviant, A. and Schlatter, C.}, title = {Nonlinear dose-response relationship for the binding of the carcinogen benzo(a)pyrene to rat liver DNA in vivo}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-61179}, year = {1978}, abstract = {Wlth radioactive compound of high specific activity, the binding of carcinogene to DNA can be measured wlth doses that are ineffective ln long-term studies. The binding of tritiated benzo(a )pyrene to liver DNA of adult male rats has been determined 50 hr after a singie l.p. injection of doses between 40 1'9/kg and 4 mg/kg. The doseresponse relationship is linear up to 1 mg/kg, shows a step towards 2 mg/kg, and gives a shallow linear slope above that value. The observed binding ranges from 1.7 to 180 nmoles benzo(a)pyrene per mole DNA phosphate. The nonlinearity could be due to an induction of metabolizing enzymes. The microsomal aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity increases significantly 24 hr after a single dose of 4 mg/kg and 48 hr after doses of 2 and 4 mg/kg, but no induction Ia found with 1 mg/kg. The binding from an equimolar dose is 35 times lower than the one found on mouse skin DNA and 300 times lower than that of N,Ndlmethylnitrosamine in rat liver. A good correlatlon exiats to the respective tumor formation in long-term studles.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{LutzWinklerDunitz1971, author = {Lutz, Werner K. and Winkler, F. K. and Dunitz, J. D.}, title = {Crystal structure of the antibiotic monensin similarities and differences betweeen free acid and metal complex}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-61228}, year = {1971}, abstract = {The structure of monensin, C36H620 11 , has been deterrnined by X-ray analysis of its crystalline monohydrate (orthorhombic, a = 15.15, b = 23.61, c = 10.65 A, Z = 4, space group P212121). Phases were assigned by direct methods, malring use of the 'tangent formula'. Although the conformation of the free acid resembles that of the silver salt in being cyclic, there are differences in the hydrogen bonding pattern. These featurcs are discussed in relation to the cornplexation of metal ions by m.onensin.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{LutzWipfSimon1970, author = {Lutz, Werner K. and Wipf, H. K. and Simon, W.}, title = {Alkalikationen-Spezifit{\"a}t und Tr{\"a}ger-Eigenschaftender Antibiotica Nigerfein und Monensin}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-61233}, year = {1970}, abstract = {It is shown by means of IR. spectroscopic methodsthat nigericin and monensin bave a cyclic conformation similar to that of their silver salts. Camplex fonnation constants with sodium and potassium ions follow the selectivity order determined by EMF. measurements on liquid membranes: nigericin: K\(^+\) >Rb\(^+\)> Na\(^+\)> Cs\(^+\) >Li\(^+\); monensin: Na\(^+\)> K\(^+\) >Li\(^+\)> Rb\(^+\)> Cs\(^+\). Transport experiments show that nigericin and monensin facilitate the diffusion of potassium ions across model membranes, although in electrolytic transport experiments the permeability is not affected.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {de} } @article{MaiellaroLohseKitteetal.2016, author = {Maiellaro, Isabella and Lohse, Martin J. and Kitte, Robert J. and Calebiro, Davide}, title = {cAMP Signals in Drosophila Motor Neurons Are Confined to Single Synaptic Boutons}, series = {Cell Reports}, volume = {17}, journal = {Cell Reports}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1016/j.celrep.2016.09.090}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-162324}, pages = {1238-1246}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The second messenger cyclic AMP (cAMP) plays an important role in synaptic plasticity. Although there is evidence for local control of synaptic transmission and plasticity, it is less clear whether a similar spatial confinement of cAMP signaling exists. Here, we suggest a possible biophysical basis for the site-specific regulation of synaptic plasticity by cAMP, a highly diffusible small molecule that transforms the physiology of synapses in a local and specific manner. By exploiting the octopaminergic system of Drosophila, which mediates structural synaptic plasticity via a cAMP-dependent pathway, we demonstrate the existence of local cAMP signaling compartments of micrometer dimensions within single motor neurons. In addition, we provide evidence that heterogeneous octopamine receptor localization, coupled with local differences in phosphodiesterase activity, underlies the observed differences in cAMP signaling in the axon, cell body, and boutons.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Maimari2020, author = {Maimari, Theopisti}, title = {The influence of N-terminal peptides of G-protein coupled receptor kinase (GRK) 2, 3 and 5 on β-adrenergic signaling}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19932}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-199322}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {G protein coupled receptor kinases (GRK) phosphorylate and thereby desensitize G protein coupled receptors (GPCR) including β-adrenergic receptors (βAR), which are critical regulators of cardiac function. We identified the Raf kinase inhibitor protein (RKIP) as an endogenous inhibitor of GRK2 that leads to increased cardiac contractility via βAR activation. RKIP binds to the N-terminus (aa1-185) of GRK2, which is important for the GRK2/receptor interaction. Thereby it interferes with the GRK2/receptor interaction without interference with cytosolic GRK2 target activation. In this project, the RKIP/GRK interface was investigated to develop strategies that simulate the effects of RKIP on βAR. RKIP binding to different isoforms of GRK expressed in the heart was analyzed by protein interaction assays using full-length and N-termini of GRK2, GRK3 and GRK5: 1-53, 54-185 and 1-185. Co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IPs) and pull-down assays revealed that RKIP binds to the peptides of GRK2 and GRK3 but not to the ones of GRK5, which suggests the existence of several binding sites of RKIP within the N-termini of GRK2 and GRK3. To analyze whether the peptides of GRK2 and GRK3 are able to simulate the RKIP mediated interference of the GRK2/receptor interaction, we analyzed the β2-AR phosphorylation in the absence and presence of the peptides. Interestingly, N-termini (aa1-185) of GRK2 and GRK3 reduced β2AR phosphorylation to a comparable extent as RKIP. In line with reduced receptor phosphorylation, the peptides also reduced isoproterenol-stimulated receptor internalization as shown by [3H] CGP-12177 radioligand binding assay and fluorescence microscopy compared to control cells. Subsequently, these peptides increased downstream signaling of β2AR, i.e. the phosphorylation of the PKA substrate phosducin. In an attempt to elucidate the mechanism behind the observed effects, Co-IPs were performed in order to investigate whether the peptides bind directly to the β2-AR and block its phosphorylation by GRK2. Indeed, GRK2 1-185 and GRK3 1-185 could bind the receptor, suggesting that this way GRK2 is prevented from inhibiting the receptor. To investigate the physiological effect of GRK2 1-185, GRK3 1-185 and GRK5 1-185, their effect on neonatal mouse cardiomyocyte contractility and hypertrophy was analyzed. After long-term isoproterenol stimulation, in the presence of GRK2 1 185 and GRK3 1-185 the cross-sectional area of the cardiomyocytes showed no significant increase in comparison to the unstimulated control cells. In addition, upon isoproterenol stimulation, GRK2 1-185 and GRK3 1-185 increased the beat rate in cardiomyocytes, mimicking RKIP while the base impedance, an indicator of viability, remained stable. The N-termini (1-185) of GRK2 and GRK3 simulated RKIP's function and had a significant influence on β2AR phosphorylation, on its downstream signaling and internalization, could bind β2-AR, increased beat rate and did not significantly induce hypertrophy, suggesting that they may serve as a model for the generation of new and more specific targeting strategies for GRK mediated receptor regulation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Makiol2014, author = {Makiol, Christian}, title = {Die Rolle der durch NADPH-Oxidasen produzierten reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) in der Pathophysiologie von Hypertonie und Alterung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-109901}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Reaktive Sauerstoffradikale spielen eine große Rolle bei der Entstehung von Karzinomen, im Alterungsprozess und bei kardiovaskul{\"a}ren Erkrankungen (Valko et al., 2007). Solche Sauerstoffradikale k{\"o}nnen unter anderem durch die NADPH-Oxidase gebildet werden (Finkel and Holbrook, 2000). Ziel der Arbeit war es, die Rolle von ROS im Alterungsprozess und bei Bluthochdruck aufzuzeigen. Daf{\"u}r wurden zwei Tiermodelle, eines mit einer geringen ROS-Konzentration und eines mit einer hohen ROS-Konzentration, verwendet. Zum einen handelt es sich um ein p47-Knockout-Mausmodell f{\"u}r die geringere ROS-Konzentration, im Vergleich zu alten und jungen Wildtyp-Tieren. F{\"u}r die Rolle von ROS bei der Alterung wurden junge mit alten Wildtyp-Tieren verglichen. Um die Rolle der NOX2 in den ROS-Spiegeln der Organe zu ermitteln wurden gleichaltrige Wildtyp- mit p47-Knockout-Tieren verglichen. Zum anderen nutzten wir ein ren2-Tiermodell f{\"u}r die hohe ROS-Konzentration. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein Bluthochdruckmodell, in dem der Blutdruck mit Medikamenten normalisiert werden kann. Die Tiere wurden daher mit Ramipril (ACE-Inhibitor), Apocynin (NADPH-Oxidase-Inhibitor) und Tempol (Radikalf{\"a}nger) behandelt. Als Maß f{\"u}r die ROS-Konzentration wurden die Superoxidionenspiegel mithilfe einer Dihydroethidium-F{\"a}rbung ermittelt. Die DNA-Doppelstrangbr{\"u}che wurden mit einer γH2AX-Antik{\"o}rper-F{\"a}rbung nachgewiesen und die Expression von Sirtuin1 und Hsp70, welche als Anti-Aging Proteine bekannt sind, mittels Western Blot bestimmt.}, subject = {Reaktive Sauerstoffspezies}, language = {de} } @article{MallyJarzina2022, author = {Mally, Angela and Jarzina, Sebastian}, title = {Mapping adverse outcome pathways for kidney injury as a basis for the development of mechanism-based animal-sparing approaches to assessment of nephrotoxicity}, series = {Frontiers in Toxicology}, volume = {4}, journal = {Frontiers in Toxicology}, issn = {2673-3080}, doi = {10.3389/ftox.2022.863643}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-284405}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In line with recent OECD activities on the use of AOPs in developing Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment (IATAs), it is expected that systematic mapping of AOPs leading to systemic toxicity may provide a mechanistic framework for the development and implementation of mechanism-based in vitro endpoints. These may form part of an integrated testing strategy to reduce the need for repeated dose toxicity studies. Focusing on kidney and in particular the proximal tubule epithelium as a key target site of chemical-induced injury, the overall aim of this work is to contribute to building a network of AOPs leading to nephrotoxicity. Current mechanistic understanding of kidney injury initiated by 1) inhibition of mitochondrial DNA polymerase γ (mtDNA Polγ), 2) receptor mediated endocytosis and lysosomal overload, and 3) covalent protein binding, which all present fairly well established, common mechanisms by which certain chemicals or drugs may cause nephrotoxicity, is presented and systematically captured in a formal description of AOPs in line with the OECD AOP development programme and in accordance with the harmonized terminology provided by the Collaborative Adverse Outcome Pathway Wiki. The relative level of confidence in the established AOPs is assessed based on evolved Bradford-Hill weight of evidence considerations of biological plausibility, essentiality and empirical support (temporal and dose-response concordance).}, language = {en} } @article{MambrettiKistnerMayeretal.2016, author = {Mambretti, Egle M. and Kistner, Katrin and Mayer, Stefanie and Massotte, Dominique and Kieffer, Brigitte L. and Hoffmann, Carsten and Reeh, Peter W. and Brack, Alexander and Asan, Esther and Rittner, Heike L.}, title = {Functional and structural characterization of axonal opioid receptors as targets for analgesia}, series = {Molecular Pain}, journal = {Molecular Pain}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1177/1744806916628734}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-145917}, pages = {1-17}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Background Opioids are the gold standard for the treatment of acute pain despite serious side effects in the central and enteric nervous system. µ-opioid receptors (MOPs) are expressed and functional at the terminals of sensory axons, when activated by exogenous or endogenous ligands. However, the presence and function of MOP along nociceptive axons remains controversial particularly in na{\"i}ve animals. Here, we characterized axonal MOPs by immunofluorescence, ultrastructural, and functional analyses. Furthermore, we evaluated hypertonic saline as a possible enhancer of opioid receptor function. Results Comparative immunolabeling showed that, among several tested antibodies, which all provided specific MOP detection in the rat central nervous system (CNS), only one monoclonal MOP-antibody yielded specificity and reproducibility for MOP detection in the rat peripheral nervous system including the sciatic nerve. Double immunolabeling documented that MOP immunoreactivity was confined to calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) positive fibers and fiber bundles. Almost identical labeling and double labeling patterns were found using mcherry-immunolabeling on sciatic nerves of mice producing a MOP-mcherry fusion protein (MOP-mcherry knock-in mice). Preembedding immunogold electron microscopy on MOP-mcherry knock-in sciatic nerves indicated presence of MOP in cytoplasm and at membranes of unmyelinated axons. Application of [D-Ala\(^2\), N-MePhe\(^4\), Gly-ol]-enkephalin (DAMGO) or fentanyl dose-dependently inhibited depolarization-induced CGRP release from rat sciatic nerve axons ex vivo, which was blocked by naloxone. When the lipophilic opioid fentanyl was applied perisciatically in na{\"i}ve Wistar rats, mechanical nociceptive thresholds increased. Subthreshold doses of fentanyl or the hydrophilic opioid DAMGO were only effective if injected together with hypertonic saline. In vitro, using β-arrestin-2/MOP double-transfected human embryonic kidney cells, DAMGO as well as fentanyl lead to a recruitment of β-arrestin-2 to the membrane followed by a β-arrestin-2 reappearance in the cytosol and MOP internalization. Pretreatment with hypertonic saline prevented MOP internalization. Conclusion MOPs are present and functional in the axonal membrane from na{\"i}ve animals. Hypertonic saline acutely decreases ligand-induced internalization of MOP and thereby might improve MOP function. Further studies should explore potential clinical applications of opioids together with enhancers for regional analgesia.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mandel2014, author = {Mandel, Philipp}, title = {Entstehung von oxidativen Stressmarkern in DNA und RNA nach der Behandlung mit den Hormonen Angiotensin II und Aldosteron in vitro und in vivo : Vergleich von drei Analysemethoden zum Nachweis von 8-Oxo-2'-desoxyguanosin in LLC-PK1-Zellen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-111190}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The detection of oxidative stress markers has gained increasing importancy in the early investigation of diseases like diabetes, cancer or hypertension. 8 oxo 2' deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) is the main marker, which is used for the intracellular detection of oxidative stress levels. However, the oxidative stress markers 8 oxoguanine (8-oxoGua), a product of the DNA base excision repair and 8 oxoguanosine (8-oxoGuo), a marker for oxidative damaged RNA have received less attention up to now. The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) plays an important role in the regulation processes of the blood pressure system. During hypertension angiotensin II (Ang II) and aldosterone (Aldo) are released in high concentrations over a longer period leading to non-physiological effects of the RAAS hormones. Subsequently, an increase of the intracellular oxidative stress level in kidney cells can be measured. The aim of this thesis is the in vitro and in vivo detection of the oxidative damage in DNA and RNA by measuring oxidative stress markers, especially 8-oxodG which is triggered by Ang II and Aldo. In vitro experiments were carried out in LLC-PK1, a cell line originated from porcine kidney cells. It could been shown that Ang II and Aldo led to a dose-dependent increase of DNA damage in the cells. A time-dependent increase was detected for the first 30 minutes of the treatment. For the rest of the experimental set up (4 h) the level of detected DNA damage remained constant. The FPG comet assay and the immunocytochemical staining showed a significant increase of 8-oxodG in the cells, whereas the HPLC-MS/MS measurement only detected a small increase of 8-oxodG in the DNA. The FPG enzyme, which recognises also other oxidized purines besides 8-oxodG, which led to an overestimation of 8-oxodG in the comet assay. Also, the 8 oxodG antibody, which was used in the immunocytochemical analysis, detected higher amounts of 8-oxodG most likely due to its side reactions with other oxidized DNA structures. One of the main advantages of the last mentioned methods is the direct measurement in damaged cells, whereas the HPLC-MS/MS requires an isolation of the DNA. During this isolation process the oxidative stress markers can be oxidized and the detection can become imprecise. The main purpose of the in vivo experiments was the detection of the oxidative stress marker 8-oxoGua, 8-oxodG and 8-oxoGuo in the urine of test animals. The treatment of C57BL/6 mice and Sprague Dawley (SD) rats with the RAAS hormones led to an increase of the blood pressure, higher DNA damage due to oxidative stress as well as an increased excretion rate of oxidative stress markers. The inhibition of the angiotensin II type 1- or mineralocorticoid receptor and a mutation of the AT1a gene could show, that the DNA damage is independent from the hypertension. In addition, it was shown that the NOX4 is not alone responsible for the oxidative stress. Other NADPH oxidases must contribute to the induction of oxidative stress inside the cell. Moreover, the activation of the Nrf2 pathway has an influence on the effect of Aldo in SD rats. The excretion rate of the oxidative stress markers in the 20 h urine of the treated animals showed how the equilibrium between the DNA repair and the oxidative stress level was changing over time. The measurement of 8-oxoGuo became more and more popular, because up to the fact that 80 \% of the DNA is translated into RNA. Overall, the detection of 8-oxodG and 8-oxoGuo is feasible for monitoring the disease or the healing process, because the measurement is non-invasive. The detection of 8-oxodG and 8-oxoGuo in nucleic acids is a first step into the field of basic research methods, because it reveals a snapshot of the nucleic acid damage in the cell at a specific time point. Usually, there will be an overestimation of the oxidative stress marker resulting from the analytical method. Although, it is possible to detect an underestimation of oxidative stress markers in tissue samples if not all cell types are damaged equally. Therefore, a primary goal should be the detection of a stable oxidation product of guanine to insure a reliable detection strategy and for a better understanding of the equilibrium of DNA oxidation and repair.}, subject = {Oxidativer Stress}, language = {de} } @article{MarinovichLutz1985, author = {Marinovich, M. and Lutz, Werner K.}, title = {Covalent binding of aflatoxin B\(_1\) to liver DNA in rats pretreated with ethanol}, series = {Experientia}, volume = {41}, journal = {Experientia}, number = {10}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-55237}, pages = {1338 -- 1340}, year = {1985}, abstract = {Male Fischer F-344 rats were given ethanol in the drinking water and/or by single oral administration. Following this, the animals received p.o. 100 ng/kg of the hepatocarcinogen eHJaflatoxin BI (AFBI)' 24 h later, the level of DNA-bound AFBI was determined in the liver and was found not to be affected by any type of ethanol pretreatment. A cocarcinogenic effect of ethanol in the liver is therefore unlikely to be due to an effect on the metabolic activation and inactivation processes governing the formation of DNA-binding AFBI metabolites.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{MaurerHuppBischoffetal.2017, author = {Maurer, Jana and Hupp, Sabrina and Bischoff, Carolin and Foertsch, Christina and Mitchell, Timothy J. and Chakraborty, Trinad and Iliev, Asparouh I.}, title = {Distinct neurotoxicity profile of listeriolysin O from \(Listeria\) \(monocytogenes\)}, series = {Toxins}, volume = {9}, journal = {Toxins}, number = {1}, doi = {10.3390/toxins9010034}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-172130}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Cholesterol-dependent cytolysins (CDCs) are protein toxins that originate from Gram-positive bacteria and contribute substantially to their pathogenicity. CDCs bind membrane cholesterol and build prepores and lytic pores. Some effects of the toxins are observed in non-lytic concentrations. Two pathogens, \(Streptococcus\) \(pneumoniae\) and \(Listeria\) \(monocytogenes\), cause fatal bacterial meningitis, and both produce toxins of the CDC family—pneumolysin and listeriolysin O, respectively. It has been demonstrated that pneumolysin produces dendritic varicosities (dendrite swellings) and dendritic spine collapse in the mouse neocortex, followed by synaptic loss and astrocyte cell shape remodeling without elevated cell death. We utilized primary glial cultures and acute mouse brain slices to examine the neuropathological effects of listeriolysin O and to compare it to pneumolysin with identical hemolytic activity. In cultures, listeriolysin O permeabilized cells slower than pneumolysin did but still initiated non-lytic astrocytic cell shape changes, just as pneumolysin did. In an acute brain slice culture system, listeriolysin O produced dendritic varicosities in an NMDA-dependent manner but failed to cause dendritic spine collapse and cortical astrocyte reorganization. Thus, listeriolysin O demonstrated slower cell permeabilization and milder glial cell remodeling ability than did pneumolysin and lacked dendritic spine collapse capacity but exhibited equivalent dendritic pathology.}, language = {en} } @article{MaurerHartmannArgyriouetal.2022, author = {Maurer, Wiebke and Hartmann, Nico and Argyriou, Loukas and Sossalla, Samuel and Streckfuss-B{\"o}meke, Katrin}, title = {Generation of homozygous Na\(_{v}\)1.8 knock-out iPSC lines by CRISPR Cas9 genome editing to investigate a potential new antiarrhythmic strategy}, series = {Stem Cell Research}, volume = {60}, journal = {Stem Cell Research}, doi = {10.1016/j.scr.2022.102677}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-300936}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The sodium channel Na\(_{v}\)1.8, encoded by SCN10A, is reported to contribute to arrhythmogenesis by inducing the late I\(_{Na}\) and thereby enhanced persistent Na\(^{+}\) current. However, its exact electrophysiological role in cardiomyocytes remains unclear. Here, we generated induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) with a homozygous SCN10A knock-out from a healthy iPSC line by CRISPR Cas9 genome editing. The edited iPSCs maintained full pluripotency, genomic integrity, and spontaneous in vitro differentiation capacity. The iPSCs are able to differentiate into iPSC-cardiomyocytes, hence making it possible to investigate the role of Na\(_{v}\)1.8 in the heart.}, language = {en} } @article{MeierGrossKlotzetal.1989, author = {Meier, Friedegund and Gross, Eva and Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Ruzicka, Thomas}, title = {Leukotriene B4 receptors on neutrophils in patients with psoriasis and atopic exzema}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-86265}, year = {1989}, abstract = {Polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMNL) infiltration is an important characteristic in psoriatic lesions. Elevated concentrations of the chemoattractant eicosanoid leukotriene B4 (L TB4) are present in psoriatic skin. Its chemotactic activity is mediated via high affinity receptors on PMNL. The goal of our work was to ascertain whether PMNL infiltration in psoriasis can be accounted for by functional abnormalities of the circulating PMNL due to alterations in the LTB4 receptor density or affinity (or both). No significant difference was found between patients with psoriasis, healthy controls and patients with another inflammatory dermatosis (atopic eczema) with regard to the binding parameters of LTB4 receptors on PMNL. Our findings suggest that PMNL accumulation in psoriatic skin may be the result of an excess of cutaneous hemoattractant rather than the increased readiness of psoriatic PMNL to migrate towards L TB4 due to altered LTB4 receptor density or affinity.}, subject = {Dermatologie}, language = {en} } @article{MeierShephardLutz1990, author = {Meier, I. and Shephard, S. E. and Lutz, Werner K.}, title = {Nitrosation of aspartic acid, aspartame, and glycine ethylester. Alkylation of 4-(p-nitrobenzyl)pyridine (NBP) in vitro and binding to DNA in the rat}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60804}, year = {1990}, abstract = {In a colorimetric assay using 4-( p-nitrobenzyl)pyridine (NBP) as a nucleophilic scavenger of alkylating agents, the nitrosation and alkylation reactions were investigated for a number of amino acids and derivatives. The alkylating activity increased with the square of the nitrite concentration. The nitrosation rate constants for aspartic acid, aspartame, and glycine ethylester ( = precursors C) were 0.08, 1.4 and ~ 0.2, respectively, expressed in terms of the pH-dependent \(k_2\) rate constant of the equation dNOCjdt = \(k_2\) • (C]· [nitrite]\(^2\) • The rates correlated inversely with the basicity of the amino group. The stability of the alkylating activity was astonishingly high, both in acid and at neutral pH. Half-lives of 500, 200, and 30 min were determined for aspartic acid (pH 3.5), aspartame (pH 2.5), and glycine ethylester (pH 2.5). Values of 60, 15, and 2 min; respectively, were found at pH 7. It is concluded that rearrangement of the primary N-nitroso product to the ultimate alkylating agent could be rate-limiting. The potential of nitrosated a-amino acids to bind to DN A in vivo was investigated by oral gavage of radiolabelled glycine ethylester to rats, followed irnmediately by sodium nitrite. DNA was isolated from stomach and liver and analysed for radioactivity and modified nucleotides. No indication of DNA adduct formation was obtained. Based on an estimation of the dose fraction converted from glycine ethylester to the nitroso product under the given experimental conditions, the maximum possible DNA-binding potency of nitroso glycine ethylester is about one order of magnitude below the methylating potency of N-nitrosomethylurea in rat stomach. The apparent discrepancy to the in vitro data could be due to efficient detoxification processes in mammalian cells.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{MeierBratschiLutzSchlatter1983, author = {Meier-Bratschi, A. and Lutz, Werner K. and Schlatter, C.}, title = {Methylation of liver DNA of rat and mouse by N-nitrosodimethylamine formed in vivo from dimethylamine and nitrite}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-61052}, year = {1983}, abstract = {The extent of formation of N-nitrosodimethylaminc {NDMA) in the stomachs of rats and mice after sirnultancous oral administration of [\(^{14}\)C]dimethylamine and potassium nitrite was determined by measuring the methylation of liver DNA. With doses of around 1 mg dimethylamine hydrochloride/ kg body weight and 50 mg potassium nitrite/kg body weight. 0,8 \% of the amine was nitrosated on average. The individual fluctuations ranged from 0.2 to 1.30\% in the rat and from 0.2 to 1.9\% in the mouse. Simultaneous administration of 50 mg sodium ascorbate (vitamin Cl/kg body weight inhibited the nitrosation by ahout 80\% while 50 mg \(\alpha\)-tocopherol acetate [Vitamin E)/kg body weight reduced the nitrosation by about a half. Assuming similar kinctics and conditions of nitrosation in rats and man. a comparison of the formation of NDMA in vivo from dietary dimethylamine and nitrite with the estimated human uptake of preformed N DMA revealed that in vitro formation in the stomach of man is probably negligible.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Melichar2002, author = {Melichar, Volker O.}, title = {Einfluß der Atherosklerose auf den NO:cGMP Signalweg am Modell des cholesteringef{\"u}tterten Kaninchen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-3833}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Atherosklerose ist Volkskrankheit und Todesursache Nummer Eins in den sogenannten entwickelten L{\"a}ndern. Ursachen f{\"u}r die meisten Folgeerkrankungen sind Minderperfusion und Gef{\"a}ßverschluß, verursacht durch Ablagerungen und Verdickung der Gef{\"a}ßwand und durch einen pathologisch erh{\"o}hten Gef{\"a}ßtonus. Mehrere zellul{\"a}re Signalwege, die im Gesunden eine Vasodilatation hervorrufen k{\"o}nnen, sind in atherosklerotischen Gef{\"a}ßen gest{\"o}rt, so auch der NO:cGMP-Signalweg. Der Einfluß der Atherosklerose auf den NO-abh{\"a}ngigen Teil des Signalwegs, also NO-Produktion und -Abbau, sowie Diffusion von NO zu den glatten Muskelzellen, ist seit l{\"a}ngerem bekannt. In dieser Studie zeigen wir, daß im fortgeschrittenen Stadium der Erkrankung auch der NO-unabh{\"a}ngige Teil des Signalwegs in erheblichen Maße gest{\"o}rt ist. Die Expression und Aktivit{\"a}t der Enzyme l{\"o}sliche Guanylatzyklase (sGC) und cGMP-abh{\"a}ngige Proteinkinase-I ist vor allem in der neugebildeten Neointima reduziert. P-VASP, ein Indikator der Aktivit{\"a}t des gesamten NO:cGMP-Signalwegs, ist in eindrucksvoller Weise reduziert. Die Enzyme des NO-unabh{\"a}ngigen Teils des NO:cGMP-Signalwegs werden in zunehmenden Maße pharmakologisch beeinflußbar. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie stellen somit eine wichtige Grundlage f{\"u}r neue Therapieans{\"a}tze der Atherosklerose dar.}, language = {de} } @article{MeralProvasiPradaGraciaetal.2018, author = {Meral, Derya and Provasi, Davide and Prada-Gracia, Diego and M{\"o}ller, Jan and Marino, Kristen and Lohse, Martin J. and Filizola, Marta}, title = {Molecular details of dimerization kinetics reveal negligible populations of transient µ-opioid receptor homodimers at physiological concentrations}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {8}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-018-26070-8}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-223995}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Various experimental and computational techniques have been employed over the past decade to provide structural and thermodynamic insights into G Protein-Coupled Receptor (GPCR) dimerization. Here, we use multiple microsecond-long, coarse-grained, biased and unbiased molecular dynamics simulations (a total of ~4 milliseconds) combined with multi-ensemble Markov state models to elucidate the kinetics of homodimerization of a prototypic GPCR, the µ-opioid receptor (MOR), embedded in a 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC)/cholesterol lipid bilayer. Analysis of these computations identifies kinetically distinct macrostates comprising several different short-lived dimeric configurations of either inactive or activated MOR. Calculated kinetic rates and fractions of dimers at different MOR concentrations suggest a negligible population of MOR homodimers at physiological concentrations, which is supported by acceptor photobleaching fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) experiments. This study provides a rigorous, quantitative explanation for some conflicting experimental data on GPCR oligomerization.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Merkl2013, author = {Merkl, Martin}, title = {Immunologische Effekte der Therapie mit rezeptor-homologen Peptiden im Rattenmodell der antik{\"o}rper-induzierten dilatativen Immunkardiomyopathie}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85161}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Unsere Arbeitsgruppe verfolgt im Rattenmodell der Antik{\"o}rper-induzierten DiCM einen Antik{\"o}rper-spezifischen Therapieansatz durch die Gabe eines synthetischen β1-ECII homologen zyklischen „F{\"a}nger"-Peptids. Die Applikation dieses Peptids f{\"u}hrte zu einer deutlichen Verbesserung wichtiger Herzparameter wie z.B. des Durchmessers des linken Ventrikels (LV) sowie der LV-Verk{\"u}rzungsfraktion und des kardialen Indexes. Des Weiteren kam es unter der Peptid-Therapie zu einer signifikanten Reduktion des anti-β1-ECII Antik{\"o}rpertiters trotz kontinuierlich durchgef{\"u}hrter Immunisierungen mit dem die Erkrankung induzierenden Antigen. Es lag daher nahe, dass durch die Peptid-Therapie auch eine Art immunologischer Toleranz induziert wird, der eine Depletion bzw. funktionelle Beeintr{\"a}chtigung von Zellen des Immunsystems, die an der Produktion von anti-β1-ECII Antik{\"o}rpern beteiligt sind, zugrunde liegen k{\"o}nnte. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Doktorarbeit war es daher Aufgabe, die verschiedenen Zellkomponenten der humoralen und zellul{\"a}ren Immunantwort zu untersuchen, um den immunologischen Effekt der Peptid-Applikation besser zu verstehen. So scheinen in unserem Modell die β1-ECII-spezifischen CD4+T-Zellen durch die Peptid-Therapie nicht beeinflusst zu werden; ebenso konnten unsere Experimente keinen Zyklopeptideffekt auf die langlebigen Plasmazellen nachweisen. Die erzielten Ergebnisse sprechen jedoch daf{\"u}r, dass die R{\"u}ckbildung des DiCM Ph{\"a}notyps und der Abfall des anti-β1-ECII Antik{\"o}rpertiters trotz kontinuierlicher Immunisierung zum einen auf der direkten Neutralisierung der anti-β1-ECII Antik{\"o}rper durch die Ring-Peptide (Scavenger-Effekt)und zum anderen auf einer Depletion bzw. funktionellen Beeintr{\"a}chtigung der β1-ECII-spezifischen Memory B-Zellen beruhen k{\"o}nnte. Der f{\"u}r die Reduktion der Memory B-Zellen letztlich verantwortliche molekulare Mechanismus muss jedoch noch in weiteren Experimenten untersucht werden. Die im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit erzielten Ergebnisse tragen aber wesentlich zum besseren Verst{\"a}ndnis der Wirkungsweise dieses neuartigen Therapiekonzepts zur Behandlung der immuninduzierten Kardiomyopathie bei.}, subject = {Peptidtherapie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Merkle2007, author = {Merkle, Sabine}, title = {Kardiale Caspase-1 ist ein proapoptotischer Induktor f{\"u}r Herzinsuffizienz}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-25938}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Herzmuskelschw{\"a}che (Herzinsuffizienz) ist in industralisierten L{\"a}ndern neben malignen Erkrankungen noch immer die zweith{\"a}ufigste Todesursache. Das Zusammenspiel der zu einer Herzmuskelschw{\"a}che f{\"u}hrenden, molekularen Signalwege und die zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen sind trotz intensiver Forschung bisher noch weitgehend unverstanden. Ein detailierteres Verst{\"a}ndnis der Entstehung einer Herzinsuffizienz k{\"o}nnte somit entscheidend zur Entwicklung innovativer Therapiestrategien beitragen. Mit Hilfe eines cDNA Expressions Arrays wurde die differentielle Genexpression in einem murinen Herzinsuffizienzmodell untersucht. Die Cysteinprotease Caspase-1 ist eines der in diesem Array identifizierten Kandidatengene. Die verst{\"a}rkte Expression der Caspase-1 konnte zun{\"a}chst sowohl f{\"u}r die murine als auch die humane Herzinsuffizienz verifiziert werden. Caspasen werden klassischerweise, ihrer Funktion entsprechend, in proinflammatorische und proapoptotische Caspasen unterteilt. In der Literatur ist Caspase-1 als ein {\"u}ber die Generierung von aktivem IL-1? und IL-18 wirkender, proinflammatorischer Mediator beschrieben. IL-? und IL-18 sind proinflammatorische Zytokine und als solche zentrale Mediatoren bei entz{\"u}ndlichen Prozessen. W{\"a}hrend die Funktion der proapoptotischen Caspasen bei Herzmuskelschw{\"a}che weitgehend bekannt ist, ist unklar, welche Bedeutung der verst{\"a}rkten kardialen Expression der Caspase-1 bei der Entstehung und Progression der Herzmuskelschw{\"a}che zukommt. Zur funktionellen Analyse der verst{\"a}rkten Expression der Caspase-1 in vivo wurde die Caspase-1 in einem transgenen Mausmodell kardial {\"u}berexprimiert. Herzen mit verst{\"a}rkter Expression der Caspase-1 entwickelten ab dem vierten Lebensmonat morphologische und funktionelle Ver{\"a}nderungen, die charakteristisch f{\"u}r eine angehende Herzinsuffizienz sind. Dennoch war, trotz progressiver Kardiomyozytenhypertrophie und Myokardfibrose, zu keinem Zeitpunkt des untersuchten Zeitraumes (ein bis vierzehn Monate alt) eine Zunahme des Ventrikelgewichtes evident. Die funktionelle Analyse der Herzfunktion von neun Monate alten Caspase-1-transgenen M{\"a}usen zeigte eine signifikante Einschr{\"a}nkung der Linksherzkontraktilit{\"a}t. Diese Herzinsuffizienz war schließlich auch makroskopisch an einer starken Linksherzdilatation als auch an einer Reduktion der linksventrikul{\"a}ren Wandst{\"a}rke erkennbar. Ist die Induktion einer Herzinsuffizienz durch Caspase-1 als proinflammatorischer Mediator im Herzen zu erkl{\"a}ren? In einer Reihe von Versuchen konnten keine Hinweise auf eine Induktion inflammatorischer Prozesse durch kardiale Caspase-1 festgestellt werden. Weder eine verst{\"a}rkte Bildung der proinflammatorischen Zytokine IL-1? und IL-18, noch eine vermehrte Infiltration von Entz{\"u}ndungszellen oder eine verst{\"a}rkte Proteinexpression weiterer Zytokine waren detektierbar. Ferner waren der oxidative Stresstatus und der nekrotische Gewebeuntergang im linksventrikul{\"a}ren Myokard Caspase-1-transgener M{\"a}use unver{\"a}ndert. Doch besonders im Herzmuskelgewebe junger Caspase-1-transgener M{\"a}use zeigte sich eine deutliche, mit fortschreitendem Alter bestehende Zunahme des apoptotischen Zelltods von Herzmuskelzellen. Diese direkte, proapoptotische Wirkung der kardialen Caspase-1 konnte ebenfalls in isolierten Kardiomyozyten von Caspase-1-transgenen M{\"a}usen ex vivo und in vitro, nach adenoviraler Infektion von neonatalen Rattenkardiomyozyten (NRCM) mit Caspase-1, demonstriert werden. Durch Infektion von NRCM mit dem Caspase-1-exprimierenden Adenovirus (Adv-Casp-1) konnte eine selektive Aktivierung des intrinsischen apoptotischen Signaltransduktionsweges durch Caspase-1 nachgewiesen werden. Ist die endogen exprimierte Caspase-1 ein westenlicher Regulator kardialer Apoptose? In dem Kardiomyozytenapoptose-induzierenden Sch{\"a}digungsmodell der Isch{\"a}mie/Reperfusion waren die Caspase-1-defizienten M{\"a}use durch eine Reduktion der Kardiomyozytenapoptose um nahezu 75\% gegen{\"u}ber der Kontrollgruppe deutlich beg{\"u}nstigt. Des Weiteren zeigte die Ausschaltung der endogenen Caspase-1 in dem Herzinsuffizienzmodell des operativen Herzinfarkts eine deutliche Verminderung der reaktiven Kardiomyozytenhypertrophie und eine geringere Einschr{\"a}nkung der Herzkontraktilit{\"a}t. Diese Verbesserung des kardialen Ph{\"a}notyps spiegelte sich ferner in einer reduzierten Sterblichkeit gegen{\"u}ber der Kontrollgruppe wieder. Eine Inhibition der Caspase-1 stellt somit ein interessantes therapeutisches Target zur Pr{\"a}vention der Entwicklung einer Herzinsuffizienz dar.}, subject = {Herzinsuffizienz}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Messerer2017, author = {Messerer, Regina}, title = {Synthesis of Dualsteric Ligands for Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptors and Cholinesterase Inhibitors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-149007}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The study is dealing with the synthesis and pharmacological investigation of newly designed dualsteric ligands of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors belonging to the superfamily of G protein-coupled receptors. Such bipharmacophoric ligands combine the advantages of the orthosteric binding site (high-affinity) and of the topographically distinct allosteric binding site (subtype-selectivity) resulting in compounds with reduced side effects. This opens the way to a new therapeutic approach in the treatment of e.g. chronic pain, drug withdrawal, Parkinson`s and Alzheimer`s disease. Furthermore, the newly synthesized dualsteric compounds were pharmacologically investigated in order to get a better understanding of the activation and signaling processes in muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, especially with regard to partial agonism. The development of the "dynamic ligand binding" concept offers new perspectives for ligand binding and signaling at G protein-coupled receptors. GPCRs are no longer considered as simple on/off switches. Dualsteric ligands can bind in a dualsteric pose, reflecting an active receptor state as well as in a purely allosteric binding pose, characterized by an inactive receptor state resulting in partial agonism. The degree of partial agonism depends on the ratio of active versus inactive receptor populations. On this basis, orthosteric/orthosteric hybrid ligands consisting of the antagonist atropine and scopolamine, respectively, as well as of the agonist iperoxo and isoxazole, respectively, linked via different alkyl chain length were synthesized in order to investigate partial agonism (Figure 1). Figure 1: Structures of the synthesized iperoxo/isoxazole-atropine/scopolamine-hybrids. Furthermore, different sets of quaternary and tertiary homodimers consisting either of two iperoxo or two acetylcholine units were synthesized in order to study their extent on partial agonism (Figure 2). The two agonists were connected by varying alkyl chain length. Binding studies on CHO-hM2 cells of the quaternary compounds revealed that dimerization of the agonist results in a loss of potency. The iperoxo-dimers reached higher maximum effects on the Gi- as well as on the Gs pathway in comparison to the acetylcholine-dimers. Besides the choice of the orthosteric building block (potency of the agonist), the alkyl chain length is also crucial for the degree of partial agonism. Figure 2: Structures of the synthesized quat./tert. iperoxo/acetylcholine-homodimers. Quinolone-based hybrids connected to the superagonist iperoxo and to the endogenous ligand acetylcholine, respectively, linked through an alkyl chain of different length were synthesized in order to develop further partial agonists (Figure 3). FRET studies confirmed M1 subtype-selectivity as well as linker dependent receptor response. The greatest positive FRET signal was observed with quinolone-C6-iper resulting from a positive cooperativity between the two separated moieties, alloster and orthoster. However, the corresponding hybrids with a longer linker led to an inverse FRET signal indicating a different binding mode, e.g. purely allosteric, in contrast to the shorter linked hybrids. Furthermore, the flexible alkyl spacer was replaced by a rigidified linker resulting in the hybrid quinolone-rigid-iperoxo (Figure 3). FRET studies on the M1 receptor showed reduced FRET kinetics, resulting from interactions between the bulky linker and the aromatic lid, located between the orthosteric and allosteric binding site. A bitopic binding mode of the rigidified hybrid is presumed. For further clarity, mutational studies are necessary. Figure 3: M1-selective hybrid compounds. Another aim of this work was the design and synthesis of new hybrid compounds, acting as agonists at the M1 and M2 receptor and as inhibitors for AChE and BChE in the context of M. Alzheimer. Several sets of hybrid compounds consisting of different pharmacophoric units (catalytic active site: phthalimide, naphthalimide, tacrine; peripheric anionic site: iperoxo, isoxazole) linked through a polymethylene chain of varying length were synthesized. Tac-C10-iper (Figure 4), consisting of tacrine and the superagonist iperoxo linked by a C10 polymethylene spacer, was found to have excellent anticholinesterase activity for both AChE (pIC50 = 9.81) and BChE (pIC50 = 8.75). Docking experiments provided a structural model to rationalize the inhibitory power towards AChE. Additionally, the tacrine related hybrids showed affinity to the M1 and M2 receptor. Such compounds, addressing more than one molecular target are favorable for multifactorial diseases such as Alzheimer. Figure 4: Structure of the most active compound regarding anticholinesterase activity. In summary, the choice of the pharmacophoric units, their connecting point as well as the nature, length, and flexibility of the linker play an important role for the activity of designed bivalent ligands. A shorter linker length cannot bridge both binding sites simultaneously in contrast to longer linker chains. On the other hand, too long linker chains can result in unwanted steric interactions. Further investigations with respect to structural variations of hybrid compounds, with or without quaternary ammonium groups, are necessary in the light of drug development.}, subject = {Cholinesteraseinhibitor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{MontaggebKukielka2018, author = {Montag [geb. Kukielka], Gracia Anna}, title = {Rolle des Differenzierungszustandes f{\"u}r die Empfindlichkeit von S{\"a}ugerzellen gegen{\"u}ber genotoxischen Agenzien}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-164670}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Einfl{\"u}sse verschiedener genotoxischer Substanzen auf S{\"a}ugertierzellen untersucht. Da ein Organismus der Ontogenese unterliegt und sich Zellen aus Stamm- und Vorl{\"a}uferzellen entwickelt, gilt es diese urspr{\"u}nglichen Zellen vor {\"a}ußeren Einfl{\"u}ssen zu sch{\"u}tzen. Da bisher kaum Untersuchungen von Zellen in verschiedenen Differenzierungsstadien durchgef{\"u}hrt wurden, wurden unter Verwendung vieler unterschiedlicher biologischer Endpunkte Effekte auf die Vitalit{\"a}t, Proliferation, Mitose und Apoptose dieser Zellen untersucht. Zudem erfolgte eine Interpretation der Ausbildung von Mikrokernen, Entstehung von DNS-Sch{\"a}den und der zugrundeliegenden Reparaturmechanismen. So konnte mit Hilfe der Untersuchungen der h{\"a}matopoetischen Stammzellen und der TK6-Zellen postuliert werden, dass h{\"a}matopoetische Stammzellen weitestgehend weniger empfindlich gegen{\"u}ber Zytostatika (Doxorubicin, Vinblastin, Methylmethansulfonat und Mitomycin C) sind als die lymphoblastoide Zelllinie TK6, welche in der Entwicklungshierarchie den Stammzellen folgt. Die Bef{\"u}rchtung, dass der Mikrokerntest in immortalisierten TK6-Zellen als Grundlage f{\"u}r Genotoxizit{\"a}tsuntersuchungen nicht gen{\"u}gen w{\"u}rden, konnte mit Hilfe der Versuchsergebnisse dieser Arbeit widerlegt werden. Die Ergebnisse belegen, dass der Mikrokerntest in TK6-Zellen relevant ist, da TK6-Zellen empfindlicher auf genotoxische Agentien im Vergleich zu h{\"a}matopoetischen Stammzellen reagieren. Bei der Untersuchung der Leuk{\"a}miezelllinie HL-60 wurden die Effekte klassischer (Vinblastin, Vincristin, Vinflunin und Vinorelbin) mit neu synthetisierten Vinca-Alkaloiden (4-Chlorochablastin, 4-Chlorochacristin, 16a, 17b und 18a) verglichen. Vinca-Alkaloide werden sehr h{\"a}ufig mit Nebenwirkungen, wie Neuropathien assoziiert, welche w{\"a}hrend einer Chemotherapie oftmals zu Therapieabbr{\"u}chen durch die Patienten f{\"u}hren. Aus diesem Grund war es erstrebenswert, neuartige Vinca-Alkaloide zu entwickeln, welche weniger Nebenwirkungen aber zugleich eine {\"a}hnliche Wirksamkeit aufweisen. Obwohl die Potenz der neuen Substanzen niedriger war als bei Vinblastin, Vincristin und Vinorelbin, zeigte ein Teil eine {\"a}hnliche Wirkung wie das Vinca-Alkaloid Vinflunin auf die Krebszelllinie HL-60 auf. Die Ergebnisse diese Arbeit k{\"o}nnen als erste Indikation in vitro genommen werden, dass sich diese Substanzen in der Krebstherapie als wirksam erweisen k{\"o}nnten und nach weiteren Ergebnissen in vivo als therapeutische Alternativen in Betracht gezogen werden. Auch bei der vergleichenden Untersuchung von exponentiell wachsenden mit differenzierten Zelllinien konnten Unterschiede detektiert werden. Die Zelllinie HT-22, welche selbst keine Krebszelllinie ist, zeigte nach Differenzierung zu nicht exponentiell wachsenden Zellen eine erh{\"o}hte Empfindlichkeit gegen{\"u}ber dem Alkylanz Methylmethansulfonat, was auf einer verminderten Basenexzisionsreparatur beruhen k{\"o}nnte. Auch die differenzierte Form der Adenokarzinom-Zelllinie CaCo2 zeigte eine gesteigerte Sensitivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber dem Topoisomerase II-Inhibitor Etoposid auf, wohingegen der unselektive Topoisomerase II-Hemmer Doxorubicin keinen Effekt aufwies. Um den Sachverhalt zu kl{\"a}ren ob die festgestellten Unterschiede auf das Enzym Topoisomerase II zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren oder zellartspezifisch waren, wurden weitere Analysen der Zelllinien HL-60 und deren differenzierten Zellart durchgef{\"u}hrt. Auch hier konnten signifikante Unterschiede bei der Einzelzellgelelektrophorese nach Behandlung mit Doxorubicin und Etoposid festgestellt werden. Neben den in dieser Arbeit nachgewiesenen Unterschieden bei der Reparatur zwischen den Zelltypen, k{\"o}nnten aber auch weitere Faktoren zu Varianzen f{\"u}hren und die Mutagenit{\"a}tsforschung beeinflussen. Folglich ist davon auszugehen, dass zuk{\"u}nftige Testungen bei der pharmakologischen Substanzentwicklung in verschiedenen Zellsystemen von N{\"o}ten sind, bevor neue Substanzen zugelassen werden. Alles in allem konnte die Komplexit{\"a}t der Ergebnisse zwischen Zellen der verschiedenen Differenzierungsstadien in dieser Arbeit aufgezeigt werden. Deswegen sollte auch bei weiteren Forschungsvorhaben insbesondere ein Augenmerk auf den Differenzierungszustand der zu untersuchenden Zellpopulation geworfen werden.}, subject = {S{\"a}ugetiere}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Moro2011, author = {Moro, Sabrina}, title = {Identification of target proteins of furan reactive metabolites in rat liver}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-57617}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Furan was recently found to be present in a variety of food items that undergo heat treatment. It is known to act as a potent hepatotoxin and liver carcinogen in rodents. In a 2-year bioassay, chronic furan administration to rats was shown to cause hepatocellular adenomas and carcinomas and very high incidences of cholangiocarcinomas even at the lowest furan dose tested (2.0 mg/kg bw). However, the mechanisms of furan-induced tumor formation are poorly understood. Furan is metabolized by cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes, predominantly CYP2E1, to its major metabolite cis-2-butene-1,4-dial (BDA). BDA is thought to be the key mediator of furan toxicity and carcinogenicity and was shown to react with cellular nucleophiles such as nucleosides and amino acid residues in vitro. It is well known that covalent protein binding may lead to cytotoxicity, but the cellular mechanisms involved remain to be elucidated. Since covalent binding of reactive intermediates to a target protein may result in loss of protein function and subsequent damage to the cell, the aim of this study was to identify furan target proteins to establish their role in the pathogenesis of furan-associated liver toxicity and carcinogenicity. In order to identify target proteins of furan reactive metabolites, male F344/N rats were administered [3,4-14C]-furan. Liquid scintillation counting of protein extracts revealed a dose-dependent increase of radioactivity covalently bound to liver proteins. After separation of the liver protein extracts by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and subsequent detection of radioactive spots by fluorography, target proteins of reactive furan intermediates were identified by mass spectrometry and database search via Mascot. A total of 61 putative target proteins were consistently found to be adducted in 3 furan-treated rats. The identified proteins represent - among others - enzymes, transport proteins, structural proteins and chaperones. Pathway mapping tools revealed that target proteins are predominantly located in the cytosol and mitochondria and participate in glucose metabolism, mitochondrial β-oxidation of fatty acids, and amino acid degradation. These findings together with the fact that ATP synthase β subunit was also identified as a putative target protein strongly suggest that binding of furan reactive metabolites to proteins may result in mitochondrial injury, impaired cellular energy production, and altered redox state, which may contribute to cell death. Moreover, several proteins involved in the regulation of redox homeostasis represent putative furan target proteins. Loss of function of these proteins by covalent binding of furan reactive metabolites may impair cellular defense mechanisms against oxidative stress, which may also result in cell death. Besides the potential malfunction of whole pathways due to loss of functions of several participating proteins, loss of function of individual proteins which are involved in various cellular processes such as transport processes across the mitochondrial membranes, cell signaling, DNA methylation, blood coagulation, and bile acid transport may also contribute to furan-induced cytotoxicity and carcinogenicity. Covalent binding of reactive metabolites to cellular proteins may result in accumulation of high amounts of unfolded or damaged proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In response to this ER stress, the cell can activate the unfolded protein response (UPR) to repair or degrade damaged proteins. To address whether binding of furan reactive metabolites to cellular proteins triggers activation of the UPR, semiquantitative PCR and TaqMan® real-time PCR were performed. In the case of UPR activation, semiquantitative PCR should show enhanced splicing of X-box binding protein-1 (XBP1) mRNA (transcription factor and key regulator of the UPR) and TaqMan® real-time PCR should determine an increased expression of UPR target genes. However, our data showed no evidence for activation of the UPR in the livers of rats treated either with a single hepatotoxic dose or with a known carcinogenic dose for 4 weeks. This suggests either that furan administration does not induce ER stress through accumulation of damaged proteins or that activation of the UPR is disrupted. Consistent with the latter, glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78), identified as a target protein in our study, represents an important mediator involved in activation of the UPR whose inhibition was shown to impair induction of the UPR. Thus, adduct formation and inactivation of GRP78 by furan metabolites may disturb activation of the UPR. In addition to impaired activation of UPR, protein repair and degradation functions may be altered, because several proteins involved in these processes also represent target proteins of furan and thus may show impaired functionality. Taken together...}, subject = {Furan}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mueller2014, author = {M{\"u}ller, Markus}, title = {Effekte kardioprotektiver Zyklopeptide auf Funktion und Morphometrie des Herzens im Rattenmodell der dilatativen Immunkardiomyopathie}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-101935}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Kardiomyopathien sind Erkrankungen des Herzmuskels, die mit einer kardialen Funktionsst{\"o}rung einhergehen. Formen, die ohne erkennbare Ursache zu einer progredienten Dilatation und Reduktion der Kontraktilit{\"a}t des linken Ventrikels f{\"u}hren, werden als idiopathische dilatative Kardiomyopathie (DCM) bezeichnet. Sie ist der Hauptgrund f{\"u}r schwere Herzinsuffizienz und die damit assoziierten Einschr{\"a}nkungen der Lebensqualit{\"a}t bei jungen Erwachsenen. Neben der beeintr{\"a}chtigten kardialen Funktion weisen diese Patienten oftmals auch Ver{\"a}nderungen im Bereich der humoralen und zellul{\"a}ren Immunit{\"a}t auf. Ein Teil der Patienten entwickelt Autoantik{\"o}rper, die sich gegen den kardialen β1-adrenergen Rezeptor richten und ihn {\"a}hnlich wie der nat{\"u}rliche Ligand Adrenalin aktivieren. Hieraus resultiert eine chronische {\"U}berstimulation des Rezeptors, die {\"u}ber eine initiale Hypertrophie dann zu einer eingeschr{\"a}nkten Pumpfunktion f{\"u}hrt. Nachdem sich die Therapie der Antik{\"o}rper-vermittelten Immunkardiomyopathie bisher auf die Behandlung der Herzinsuffizienz und die Kontrolle der Herz-insuffizienzsymptome beschr{\"a}nkt, k{\"o}nnten β1-ECII-homologe Peptide als Antik{\"o}rper-F{\"a}nger bei Antik{\"o}rper-positiven Patienten nun einen kausalen Therapieansatz darstellen. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden ein aus 25 Aminos{\"a}uren bestehendes zyklisches Peptid, eine aus 18 Aminos{\"a}uren bestehende Zyklopeptid-Mutante und ihre jeweiligen linearen {\"A}quivalente im Rattenmodell auf Antik{\"o}rper-neutralisierende Effekte und potentielle therapeutische Wirksamkeit getestet. Das Rattenmodell ist hierf{\"u}r besonders geeignet, da die Aminos{\"a}uresequenz der funktionell wichtigen zweiten extrazellul{\"a}ren Dom{\"a}ne des β1-adrenergen Rezeptors (β1-ECII) bei Mensch und Ratte absolut identisch ist. Auf immunologischer Ebene konnte der Titer der krankheitsinduzierenden β1-ECII-Antik{\"o}rper bereits nach der ersten Applikation zyklischer Peptide relevant gesenkt werden und nahm im weiteren Verlauf der Behandlung kontinuierlich ab. Nach Zyklopeptidgabe kam es am Herzen zu einer Reduktion des linksventrikul{\"a}ren Durchmessers und zu einer fast vollst{\"a}ndigen Normalisierung der anatomischen Proportionen. Auf die Morphologie der Myozyten selbst und auch den Kollagengehalt des Gewebes hatte die Zyklopeptidtherapie keinen wesentlichen Einfluss. Die funktionellen Eigenschaften des Herzens ließen sich durch die Neutralisation stimulatorischer β1-ECII-Antik{\"o}rper mittels intraven{\"o}ser Zyklopeptidapplikation deutlich verbessern: Die Verk{\"u}rzungsfraktion des linken Ventrikels und der Herzindex als Parameter f{\"u}r die kardiale Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit konnten durch die Behandlung wieder weitgehend normalisiert werden. Diese im Tiermodell erzielten Ergebnisse lassen einen therapeutischen Effekt der Zyklopeptide vermuten. Der Ansatz einer spezifisch gegen Antik{\"o}rper gerichteten Therapie zur Behandlung von Patienten mit β1-Antik{\"o}rper-positiver Herzinsuffizienz erscheint daher vielversprechend.}, subject = {Dilatative Kardiomyopathie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Mueller2012, author = {M{\"u}ller, Stephanie}, title = {Identification of early molecular changes associated with Fumonisin B1-induced carcinogenesis in vivo and in vitro}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-71336}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Fumonisin B1 (FB1) is a mycotoxin produced by various Fusarium species and constitutes a major contaminant of maize worldwide. A 2-year carcinogenicity study of the National Toxicology Program (NTP) in Fischer N344 rats showed that male rats were most susceptible to FB1-induced tumor formation in the kidney. Histopathologically, a rare and highly malignant tumor type originating from the proximal tubules of rat kidney with increased potential for invasion and metastasis was identified. However, mechanisms underlying the FB1-induced carcinogenesis in kidneys of male rats are still not clear. Previous studies have shown that FB1-mediated disruption of sphingolipid metabolism via inhibition of ceramide synthase is a primary key event in FB1 toxicity. The disruption of sphingolipid metabolism may cause time- and dose-related changes in the relative balance of various bioactive intermediates. Furthermore, the ability of FB1 to induce renal cell death and subsequent compensatory cell proliferation is well known, but it does not completely explain the invasive growth characteristics and exceptionally high metastatic potential of FB1-induced tumors. Considering the complexity of sphingolipid metabolism and the fact that various sphingolipids (e.g. ceramide, sphingoid bases and their respective 1-phosphates) act on opposing signaling pathways, it is hypothesized that the balance between individual sphingolipids and thus the overall cellular response to FB1 may shift with time and by continuing FB1 exposure, resulting in the disruption of specific cell signaling pathways, which may promote tumor formation in kidney. To identify early FB1-induced gene expression patterns in the kidney, which may be associated with sphingolipid-mediated signaling pathways in cancer, a short-term i.p. study on FB1 in male Sprague Dawley rats was performed and changes in gene expression were analyzed using a qRT-PCR array that comprises 84 relevant genes of 6 pathways pivotally involved in the formation of cancer. Furthermore, apoptosis and cell proliferation as well as changes in specific sphingolipids were investigated in FB1-treated kidneys. As shown by classical histopathology (H\&E) and (immuno)-histochemical staining (TUNEL and BrdU), FB1 caused a time- and dose-dependent increase in tubular apoptosis in the cortex and OSOM of the kidney, which was compensated by the induction of proliferation in the affected areas. HPLC-MS/MS analysis of bioactive sphingolipids demonstrated that FB1 induced a marked elevation of the pro-apoptotic sphingoid bases sphinganine and sphingosine, which paralleled the time- and dose-dependent increase in renal tubular apoptosis. With prolonged exposure to FB1, increased metabolic conversion of the accumulated sphinganine to the sphinganine-1-phosphate, a second messenger with anti-apoptotic and proliferative properties, was observed in kidney. This finding was compliant with the increased regenerative cell proliferation in the cortex and OSOM. In addition to effects on sphingoid bases and their 1-phosphate metabolites, this study, for the first time, demonstrated reduced levels of specific ceramides in rat kidney after FB1 exposure. In particular, C16-ceramide, which is a widespread constituent of membrane-bound complex sphingolipids involved in cell adhesion, was time- and dose-dependently decreased after treatment with FB1. Besides its role as component of the cell membrane, C16-ceramide functions as a signaling molecule for the initiation of apoptosis in response to various stress stimuli. Under conditions of chronic FB1 exposure, a significant reduction in pro-apoptotic C16-ceramide together with markedly increased levels of anti-apoptotic and proliferation-promoting sphingoid base 1-phosphates may thus favor resistance to stress-induced apoptosis and facilitate the survival of abnormal cells with potential to initiate tumor formation. Our study also revealed that early exposure to FB1 resulted in increased expression of a plethora of genes involved in tumor initiation as well as tumor progression. While single FB1 exposure was demonstrated to predominately induce gene expression of proto-oncogenic transcription factors (e.g. Fos, Jun, Myc) and apoptotis-related genes (e.g. members of the tumor-necrosis factor family), repeated exposure resulted in marked upregulation of genes mediating cell survival and cell proliferation (e.g. Bcl-XL, Bcl-2, Nfκb1 and Egfr). Moreover, continued exposure to FB1 initiated increased expression of genes critically involved in tumor migration, adhesion, invasion and metastasis. A close correlation was established between gene expression changes in response to FB1 and known signaling pathways mediated by extracellular or intracellular action of sphingoid base 1-phosphates - bioactive lipids that were markedly increased after FB1 treatment. In particular, genes encoding components of the plasminogen activator system were abundantly upregulated. These mediate invasion and metastasis in response to So1P, and may hence particularly promote the formation of highly aggressive and invasive tumors in kidney as observed after chronic exposure to FB1. Thus, it is conceivable that upregulation of a majority of genes in response to FB1 may be a direct or indirect consequence of increased So1P signaling. Another aim of this study was to identify differences in the organ-specific susceptibility for tumor formation by comparing FB1-mediated effects on apoptosis, cell proliferation, sphingolipids, and selected cancer-related genes in kidney and liver. Collectively, the present results revealed that kidney and liver showed marked differences in several endpoints of FB1 toxicity, which seemed to be primarily associated with their different susceptibility to FB1-mediated alterations in sphingolipid metabolism. The strong correlation between histopathological lesions and alterations in sphingolipid metabolism as well as sphingoid base 1-phosphate accumulation and concomitant S1P receptor expression suggested that tumor formation and progression to highly malignant carcinomas seems to be rather favored in kidney compared to liver. However, genes mostly deregulated by FB1 treatment in kidney (PAI-1, Thbs1 and Itga2) were also found to be induced in liver. To verify FB1-induced gene expression in kidney, normal rat tubular epithelial (NRK-52E) cells were analyzed for FB1-induced expression changes of the same cancer-related genes as in vivo. The results of qRT-PCR analysis revealed that gene expression changes in NRK-52E cells after FB1 treatment strongly correlated with those found in rat kidney and paralleled the marked alterations in sphingolipid metabolism. Furthermore, a good correlation between FB1-induced expression changes of cancer-related genes obtained in vivo and in vitro and those known to be mediated by bioactive sphingoid base 1-phosphates in cancer was established. Moreover, experiments modeling the invasive behavior of NRK-52E cells showed that FB1 may enhance cell invasion, which also correlated with both the increase in invasion- and metastasis-associated genes and bioactive sphingoid base 1-phophates. Importantly, NRK-52E cells basally expressed the S1P receptors S1P2 and S1P3, which are known to be involved in tumor migration and invasion. Since these receptors were also identified as most abundant S1PRs in kidneys of male Sprague Dawley rats, they may present important mediators of gene expression and invasion in response to FB1 in vivo. In summary, FB1-mediated disruption of sphingolipid metabolism and subsequent time- and dose-related increase in intermediates, such as bioactive sphingoid base 1-phosphates, correlate with early changes in genes and signaling pathways that may mediate loss of growth control, replication, evasion of apoptosis, cell motility and invasion, and thus favor renal tumor formation in response to FB1. However, to clarify whether the obtained gene expression changes in cancer-related genes in kidney are specific to the biological action of sphingoid base 1-phosphates and their respective receptors, further mechanistic studies are necessary.}, subject = {Nephrotoxizit{\"a}t}, language = {en} } @article{NaseemOthmanFathyetal.2020, author = {Naseem, Muhammad and Othman, Eman M. and Fathy, Moustafa and Iqbal, Jibran and Howari, Fares M. and AlRemeithi, Fatima A. and Kodandaraman, Geema and Stopper, Helga and Bencurova, Elena and Vlachakis, Dimitrios and Dandekar, Thomas}, title = {Integrated structural and functional analysis of the protective effects of kinetin against oxidative stress in mammalian cellular systems}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {10}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-020-70253-1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-231317}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Metabolism and signaling of cytokinins was first established in plants, followed by cytokinin discoveries in all kingdoms of life. However, understanding of their role in mammalian cells is still scarce. Kinetin is a cytokinin that mitigates the effects of oxidative stress in mammalian cells. The effective concentrations of exogenously applied kinetin in invoking various cellular responses are not well standardized. Likewise, the metabolism of kinetin and its cellular targets within the mammalian cells are still not well studied. Applying vitality tests as well as comet assays under normal and hyper-oxidative states, our analysis suggests that kinetin concentrations of 500 nM and above cause cytotoxicity as well as genotoxicity in various cell types. However, concentrations below 100 nM do not cause any toxicity, rather in this range kinetin counteracts oxidative burst and cytotoxicity. We focus here on these effects. To get insights into the cellular targets of kinetin mediating these pro-survival functions and protective effects we applied structural and computational approaches on two previously testified targets for these effects. Our analysis deciphers vital residues in adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) and adenosine receptor (A2A-R) that facilitate the binding of kinetin to these two important human cellular proteins. We finally discuss how the therapeutic potential of kinetin against oxidative stress helps in various pathophysiological conditions.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nedvetsky2003, author = {Nedvetsky, Pavel I.}, title = {Regulation of the nitric oxide receptor, soluble guanylyl cyclase}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-7046}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) is the best established receptor for nitric oxide (NO) and regulates a great number of important physiological functions. Surprisingly, despite the wellappreciated roles of this enzyme in regulation of vascular tone, smooth muscle cell proliferation, platelet aggregation, renal sodium secretion, synaptic plasticity, and other functions, extremely little is known about the regulation of sGC activity and protein levels. To date, the only well-proven physiologically relevant sGC regulator is NO. In the present study, some additional possibilities for sGC regulation were shown. Firstly, we evaluated the ability of different NO donors to stimulate sGC. Significant differences in the sGC stimulation by SNP and DEA/NO were found. DEA/NO stimulated sGC much stronger than did SNP. Interestingly, no correlation between the sGC protein and maximal activity distribution was found in rat brain regions tested, suggesting the existence of some additional regulatory mechanisms for sGC. The failure of SNP to stimulate sGC maximally might be one of the reasons why the lack of correlation between the distribution of sGC activity and proteins in brain was not detected earlier. Prolonged exposure of endothelial cells to NO donors produced desensitization of the cGMP response. This desensitization cannot be explained by increased PDE activity, since PDE inhibitors were not able to prevent the NO donor-induced decrease of the maximal cGMP response in endothelial cells. The failure of SH-reducing agents to improve the cGMP response after its desensitization by NO suggests that a SH-independent mechanism mediates NO effects. Demonstration that the potency of the recently described activator of oxidized (heme-free) sGC, BAY58-2667, to stimulate sGC increases after prolonged exposure of the cells to an NO donor, DETA/NO, suggests that oxidation of heme may be a reason for NOinduced desensitization of sGC and decrease in sGC protein level. Indeed, the well-known heme-oxidizing agent ODQ produces a dramatic decrease in sGC protein levels in endothelial cells and BAY58-2667 prevents this effect. Although the mechanism of sGC activation and stabilization by BAY58-2667 is unknown, this substance is an interesting candidate to modulate sGC under conditions where sGC heme iron is oxidized. Very little is known about regulation of sGC by intracellular localization or translocation between different intracellular compartments. In the present study, an increase in sGC sensitivity to NO under membrane association was demonstrated. Treatment of isolated lung with VEGF markedly increased sGC in membrane fractions of endothelial cells. Failure of VEGF to stimulate sGC membrane association in cultured endothelial cells allows us to propose a complex mechanism of regulation of sGC membrane association and/or a transient character of sGC membrane attachment. A very likely mechanism for the attachment of sGC to membranes is via sGCinteracting proteins. These proteins may participate also in other aspects of sGC regulation. The role of the recently described sGC interaction partner, Hsp90, was investigated. Shortterm treatment of endothelial cells with an Hsp90 inhibitor does not affect NO donor or calcium ionophore-stimulated cGMP accumulation in the cells. However, inhibition of Hsp90 results in a rapid and dramatic decrease in sGC protein levels in endothelial cells. These effects were unrelated to changes in sGC transcription, since inhibition of transcription had much slower effect on sGC protein levels. In contrast, inhibitors of proteasomes abolished the reduction in sGC protein levels produced by an Hsp90 inhibitor, suggesting involvement of proteolytic degradation of sGC proteins during inhibition of Hsp90. All these data together suggest that Hsp90 is required to maintain mature sGC proteins. In conclusion, in the present study it was demonstrated that multiple mechanisms are involved in the regulation of sGC activity and its sensitivity to NO. Oxidation of sGC heme by NO seems to be one of the mechanisms for negative regulation of sGC in the presence of high or prolonged stimulation with NO. Another possible means of regulating sGC sensitivity to NO is via the intracellular translocation of the enzyme. It has been also demonstrated here that attachment of sGC to the membrane fraction results in an apparent increase in the enzyme sensitivity to NO. Additionally, Hsp90 was required to maintain sGC protein in endothelial and other cell types. However, we could not find any acute affect of Hsp90 on sGC activity, as reported recently. All these findings demonstrate that the regulation of sGC activity and protein level is a much more complex process than had been assumed earlier.}, subject = {Guanylatcyclase}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nemec2023, author = {Nemec, Katarina}, title = {Modulation of parathyroid hormone 1 receptor (PTH1R) signaling by receptor activity-modifying proteins (RAMPs)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28858}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-288588}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The receptor activity-modifying proteins (RAMPs) are ubiquitously expressed membrane proteins that interact with several G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), the largest and pharmacologically most important family of cell surface receptors. RAMPs can regulate GPCR function in terms of ligand-binding, G-protein coupling, downstream signaling, trafficking, and recycling. The integrity of their interactions translates to many physiological functions or pathological conditions. Regardless of numerous reports on its essential importance for cell biology and pivotal role in (patho-)physiology, the molecular mechanism of how RAMPs modulate GPCR activation remained largely elusive. This work presents new insights that add to the common understanding of the allosteric regulation of receptor activation and will help interpret how accessory proteins - RAMPs - modulate activation dynamics and how this affects the fundamental aspects of cellular signaling. Using a prototypical class B GPCR, the parathyroid hormone 1 receptor (PTH1R) in the form of advanced genetically encoded optical biosensors, I examined RAMP's impact on the PTH1R activation and signaling in intact cells. A panel of single-cell FRET and confocal microscopy experiments as well canonical and non-canonical functional assays were performed to get a holistic picture of the signaling initiation and transduction of that clinically and therapeutically relevant GPCR. Finally, structural modeling was performed to add molecular mechanistic details to that novel art of modulation. I describe here that RAMP2 acts as a specific allosteric modulator of PTH1R, shifting PTH1R to a unique pre-activated state that permits faster activation in a ligand-specific manner. Moreover, RAMP2 modulates PTH1R downstream signaling in an agonist-dependent manner, most notably increasing the PTH-mediated Gi3 signaling sensitivity and kinetics of cAMP accumulation. Additionally, RAMP2 increases PTH- and PTHrP-triggered β-arrestin2 recruitment to PTH1R and modulates cytosolic ERK1/2 phosphorylation. Structural homology modeling shows that structural motifs governing GPCR-RAMP interaction originate in allosteric hotspots and rationalize functional modulation. Moreover, to interpret the broader role of RAMP's modulation in GPCRs pharmacology, different fluorescent tools to investigate RAMP's spatial organization were developed, and novel conformational biosensors for class B GPCRs were engineered. Lastly, a high throughput assay is proposed and prototyped to expand the repertoire of RAMPs or other membrane protein interactors. These data uncover the critical role of RAMPs in GPCR activation and signaling and set up a novel platform for studying GPCR modulation. Furthermore, these insights may provide a new venue for precise modulation of GPCR function and advanced drug design.}, subject = {G-Protein gekoppelter Rezeptor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nerlich2004, author = {Nerlich, Kai}, title = {Untersuchung des genetischen Schadens in peripheren Lymphozyten von Dialysepatienten mittels Mikrokerntest und Comet-Assay}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-9726}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich im Gegensatz zu bisherigen Studien ({\"u}berwiegend im Rahmen von Querschnittsstudien) v.a. prospektiv mit der Untersuchung der Auswirkung verschiedener Faktoren (1. Pr{\"a}dialysephase, 2. Wechsel von der H{\"a}modialyse zu HDF-Behandlung, 3. Einfluß einer Angiotensin IIAntagonistentherapie sowie (durch einmalige Erhebung) „Langzeit"-HDF-Behandlung)auf den relativen genetischen Schaden, ermittelt durch den Comet-Assay und den Mikrokern-Test in peripheren Lymphozyten bei Dialysepatienten bzw. Pr{\"a}dialysepatienten.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Nickel2008, author = {Nickel, Florian}, title = {UCP2 und DIPP2alpha als differentiell exprimierte Kandidatengene in einem murinen Modell der Herzinsuffizienz}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-34502}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Die Herzinsuffizienz ist eine der f{\"u}hrenden Todesursachen weltweit. Eine auf die neurohumorale Aktivierung zugeschnittene Therapie mit ACE-Hemmern bzw. Angiotensin-Rezeptorantagonisten, Betablockern, Aldosteronantagonisten und Diuretika verbessert zwar die Symptomatik und Prognose. Letztere ist bei Diagnosestellung jedoch immer noch schlechter als die vieler maligner Erkrankungen einzusch{\"a}tzen. Ziel ist daher die Entwicklung von Medikamenten, die den Krankheitsverlauf des Syndroms Herzinsuffizienz aufhalten bzw. umkehren. Ein Ansatz ist dabei die Analyse sogenannter Kandidatengene, die im kranken Herzen differentiell exprimiert werden und potentiell medikament{\"o}s beeinflussbar sind. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden zwei solcher Kandidatengene charakterisiert. M{\"a}use mit kardialer {\"U}berexpression b1-adrenerger Rezeptoren entwickeln eine Herzinsuffizienz mit kardialer Hypertrophie und Fibrose. In Gen Arrays mit 21000 Maus-ESTs zeigten sich unter anderem die Gene des Uncoupling Protein 2 (UCP2) und der Diphosphoinositol-Polyphosphat-Phosphohydrolase 2 alpha (DIPP2a) aktiviert. Diese Befunde wurden zun{\"a}chst mittels RNase Protection Assay und RT-PCR best{\"a}tigt. Auch andere murine Herzinsuffizienzmodelle wurden untersucht. So ließ sich ebenfalls im druckinduzierten Herzinsuffizienzmodell nach artifizieller Aortenstenose sowie im b2-AR {\"u}berexprimierenden Herzen eine erh{\"o}hte Konzentration von UCP2- und DIPP2a-mRNA messen. Um zu pr{\"u}fen, ob diese differentielle mRNA-Expression delet{\"a}re oder protektive Effekte vermittelt, wurden jeweils transgene Mauslinien mit herzspezifischer {\"U}berexpression von UCP2 und DIPP2a generiert. Die Linie UCP2-TG1 mit hoher {\"U}berexpression sowie ein Gr{\"u}nder-Tier der UCP2-transgenen M{\"a}use entwickelten eine Herzinsuffizienz mit vergr{\"o}ßertem Herzen, linksventrikul{\"a}rem Pumpversagen, interstitieller Fibrose und typischen Ver{\"a}nderungen der molekularen Marker ANF und SERCA. Zudem fanden sich dilatierte Vorh{\"o}fe sowie eine bradykarde Herzrhythmusst{\"o}rung. UCP2 ist ein Entkoppler der oxidativen Phosphorylierung im Mitochondrium. Im energieintensiven Stoffwechsel des Myokards k{\"o}nnte eine durch UCP2 reduzierte ATP-Synthese zu den genannten Ver{\"a}nderungen f{\"u}hren. F{\"u}r UCP2 wurden auch protektive Eigenschaften durch das Abfangen freier Radikale beschrieben. Die Linie UCP2-TG3 mit niedrigerem {\"U}berexpressionsniveau und ohne kardialen Ph{\"a}notyp wurde deshalb einem Aortic banding unterzogen, wo sich in der {\"U}berlebenskurve kein protektiver oder delet{\"a}rer Effekt einer moderat vermehrten Entkopplung im Vergleich zum Wildtyp zeigte. In drei unabh{\"a}ngigen Linien transgener M{\"a}use mit herzspezifischer {\"U}berexpression von DIPP2a ließ sich morphometrisch eine kardiale Hypertrophie nachweisen. Die Linie DIPP2a-TG9 mit dem h{\"o}chsten {\"U}berexpressionsniveau zeigte zudem eine kardiale Fibrose sowie unter Dobutamin eine verminderte kardiale Kontraktilit{\"a}tsreserve im Vergleich zum Wildtypen. DIPP-Proteine hydrolysieren Inositolphosphate und Nukleosiddiphosphate und greifen so in zentrale Stoffwechselvorg{\"a}nge ein, die im einzelnen noch nicht gekl{\"a}rt sind. Es konnte hier im Mausmodell gezeigt werden, dass UCP2 und DIPP2a zwei f{\"u}r die Entwicklung einer Herzinsuffizienz relevante Zielproteine darstellen. Geplant ist die weitere Aufkl{\"a}rung der beteiligten Mechanismen, um diese letztlich auch therapeutisch beeinflussen zu k{\"o}nnen.}, subject = {UCP2-Protein}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Nikolaev2005, author = {Nikolaev, Viacheslav}, title = {Development and application of fluorescent cAMP und cGMP biosensors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-15673}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The cyclic nucleotides cAMP and cGMP are two ubiquitous important second messengers, which regulate diverse physiological responses from vision and memory to blood pressure and thrombus formation. They act in cells via cAMP- and cGMP-dependent protein kinases (PKA and GK), cyclic nucleotide-gated channels and Epac. Although the concept of cyclic nucleotide signalling is well developed based on classical biochemical studies, these techniques have not allowed to analyze cAMP and cGMP in live cells with high temporal and spatial resolution. In the present study fluorescence resonance energy transfer was used to develop a technique for visualization of cAMP and cGMP in live cells and in vitro by means of fluorescent biosensors. Ligand-induced conformational change in a single nucleotide-binding domain flanked with green fluorescent protein mutants was used for dynamic, highly sensitive measurements of cAMP and cGMP. Such biosensors retained binding properties and chemical specificity of unmodified domains, allowing to image cyclic nucleotides in a physiologically relevant range of concentrations. To develop cAMP-sensors, binding domains of PKA, Epac and cAMP-gated HCN-channel were used. cGMP-sensors were based on single domains of GK and phosphodiesterases (PDEs). Sensors based on Epac were used to analyze spatio-temporal dynamics of cAMP in neurons and macrophages, demonstrating that cAMP-gradients travel with a high speed (~ 40 \&\#956;m/s) throughout the entire cytosol. To understand the mechanisms of cAMP-compartmentation, kinetics properties of phosphodi-esterase (PDE2) were, next, analyzed in aldosterone producing cells. PDE2 is able to rapidly hydrolyze extensive amounts of cAMP, so that the speed of cAMP-hydrolysis is much faster than that of its synthesis, which might serve as a basis of compartmentation. cAMP-sensors were also used to develop a clinically relevant diagnostic method for reliable detection of \&\#946;1-adrenergic receptor autoantibodies in cardiac myopathy patients, which has allowed to significantly increase the sensitivity of previously developed diagnostic approaches. Conformational change in a single binding domain of GK and PDE was, next, used to create novel fluorescent biosensors for cGMP. These sensors demonstrated high spatio-temporal resolution and were applied to analyze rapid dynamics of cGMP production by soluble and particulate guanylyl cyclases as well as to image cGMP in mesangial cells. In summary, highly sensitive biosensors for cAMP and cGMP based on single cyclic nucleotide-binding domains have been developed and used in various biological and clinically relevant applications.}, subject = {Cyclo-AMP}, language = {en} } @article{NolteLorenzenLehretal.1992, author = {Nolte, D. and Lorenzen, A. and Lehr, H.-A. and Zimmer, F.-J. and Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Messmer, K.}, title = {Reduction of postischemic leukocyte-endothelium interaction by adenosine via A\(_2\) receptor}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60424}, year = {1992}, abstract = {The adhesion of leukocytes to the endothelium of postcapillary venules hallmarks a key event in ischemia-reperfusion injury. Adenosine has been shown to protect from postischemic reperfusion injury, presumably through inhibition of postischemic leukocyte-endothelial interaction. This study was performed to investigate in vivo by which receptors the effect of adenosine on postischemic leukocyte-endothelium interaction is mediated. The hamster dorsal skinfold model and fluorescence microscopy were used for intravital investigation of red cell velocity, vessel diameter, and leukocyte-endothelium interaction in postcapillary venules of a thin striated skin muscle. leukocytes were stained in vivo with acridine orange (0.5 mg kg\(^{-1}\) min\(^{-1}\) i.v. ). Parameters were assessed prior to induction of 4 h ischemia to the muscle tissue and 0.5 h, 2 h, and 24 h after reperfusion. ·Adenosine, the adenosine A1-selective agonist 2-chloro-N\(^6\) -cyclopentyladenosine (CCPA), the Arselective agonist CGS 21,680, the non-selective adenosine receptor antagonist xanthine amine congener {XAC), and the adenosine uptake blocker S-(p-nitrobenzyl)-6-thioinosine (NBTI) were infused viajugular vein starting 15 min priortorelease of ischemia until 0.5 h after reperfusion. Adenosine and CGS 21,680 significantly reduced postischemic leukocyte-endothelium interaction 0.5 h after reperfusion (p< 0.01), while no inhibitory effect was observed with CCPA. Coadministration of XAC blocked the inhibitory effects of adenosine. Infusion of NBTI alone effectively decreased postischemic leukocyte-endothelium interaction. These findings indicate that adenosine reduces postischemic leukocyte-endothelium interaction via A\(_2\) receptor and suggest a protective role of endogenous adenosine during ischemia-reperfusion.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{NwoghaAbtewRaveendranetal.2023, author = {Nwogha, Jeremiah S. and Abtew, Wosene G. and Raveendran, Muthurajan and Oselebe, Happiness O. and Obidiegwu, Jude E. and Chilaka, Cynthia A. and Amirtham, Damodarasamy D.}, title = {Role of non-structural sugar metabolism in regulating tuber dormancy in white yam (Dioscorea rotundata)}, series = {Agriculture}, volume = {13}, journal = {Agriculture}, number = {2}, issn = {2077-0472}, doi = {10.3390/agriculture13020343}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-304486}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Changes in sugar composition occur continuously in plant tissues at different developmental stages. Tuber dormancy induction, stability, and breaking are very critical developmental transitions in yam crop production. Prolonged tuber dormancy after physiological maturity has constituted a great challenge in yam genetic improvement and productivity. In the present study, biochemical profiling of non-structural sugar in yam tubers during dormancy was performed to determine the role of non-structural sugar in yam tuber dormancy regulation. Two genotypes of the white yam species, one local genotype (Obiaoturugo) and one improved genotype (TDr1100873), were used for this study. Tubers were sampled at 42, 56, 87, 101, 115, and 143 days after physiological maturity (DAPM). Obiaoturugo exhibited a short dormant phenotype and sprouted at 101-DAPM, whereas TDr1100873 exhibited a long dormant phenotype and sprouted at 143-DAPM. Significant metabolic changes were observed in non-structural sugar parameters, dry matter, and moisture content in Obiaoturugo from 56-DAPM, whereas in TDr1100873, significant metabolic changes were observed from 101-DAPM. It was observed that the onset of these metabolic changes occurred at a point when the tubers of both genotypes exhibited a dry matter content of 60\%, indicating that a dry matter content of 60\% might be a critical threshold for white yam tuber sprouting. Non-reducing sugars increased by 9-10-fold during sprouting in both genotypes, which indicates their key role in tuber dormancy regulation in white yam. This result implicates that some key sugar metabolites can be targeted for dormancy manipulation of the yam crop.}, language = {en} } @article{ObidiegwuLyonsChilaka2020, author = {Obidiegwu, Jude E. and Lyons, Jessica B. and Chilaka, Cynthia A.}, title = {The Dioscorea genus (yam) — an appraisal of nutritional and therapeutic potentials}, series = {Foods}, volume = {9}, journal = {Foods}, number = {9}, issn = {2304-8158}, doi = {10.3390/foods9091304}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-213102}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The quest for a food secure and safe world has led to continuous effort toward improvements of global food and health systems. While the developed countries seem to have these systems stabilized, some parts of the world still face enormous challenges. Yam (Dioscorea species) is an orphan crop, widely distributed globally; and has contributed enormously to food security especially in sub-Saharan Africa because of its role in providing nutritional benefits and income. Additionally, yam has non-nutritional components called bioactive compounds, which offer numerous health benefits ranging from prevention to treatment of degenerative diseases. Pharmaceutical application of diosgenin and dioscorin, among other compounds isolated from yam, has shown more prospects recently. Despite the benefits embedded in yam, reports on the nutritional and therapeutic potentials of yam have been fragmented and the diversity within the genus has led to much confusion. An overview of the nutritional and health importance of yam will harness the crop to meet its potential towards combating hunger and malnutrition, while improving global health. This review makes a conscious attempt to provide an overview regarding the nutritional, bioactive compositions and therapeutic potentials of yam diversity. Insights on how to increase its utilization for a greater impact are elucidated.}, language = {en} } @article{OhgakiLudekeMeieretal.1991, author = {Ohgaki, H. and Ludeke, B. I. and Meier, I. and Kleihues, P. and Lutz, Werner K. and Schlatter, C.}, title = {DNA methylation in the digestive tract of F344 rats during chronic exposure to N-methyl-N-nitrosourea}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60759}, year = {1991}, abstract = {The formation of \(O^6\)-methyldeoxyguanosine (\(O^6\)-MedGuo) was determined by an immuno-slot-blot assay in DNA of various tissues of F344 rats exposed to N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) in the drinking waterat 400 ppm for 2 weeks. Although the pyloric region of the glandular stomach is a target organ under these experimental conditions, the extent of DNA methylation was highest in the forestomach (185 \(\mu\)mol \(O^6\)-MedGuojmol guanine). Fundus (91 J.!moljmol guanine) and pylorus (105 J.!moljmol guanine) of the glandular stomach, oesophagus (124 \(\mu\)mol/mol guanine) and duodenum (109 )lmoljmol guanine) showed lower Ievels of \(O^6\) - MedGuo but differed little between each other. Thus, no correlation was observed between target organ specificity and the extent of DNA methylation. This is in contrast to the gastric carcinogen, N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), which preferentially alkylates DNA of the pylorus, the main site of induction of gastric carcinomas by this chemical. In contrast to MNU, the nonenzymic decomposition of MNNG is accelerated by thiol compounds (reduced glutathione, L-cysteine), which are present at much higher concentrations in the glandular stomach than in the forestomach and oesophagus. During chronic exposure to MNNG (80 ppm), mucosal cells immunoreactive to 0 6-MedGuo are limited to the luminal surface [Kobori et al. (1988) Carcinogenesis 9:2271-2274]. Although MNU (400 ppm) produced similar Ievels of \(O^6\)-MedGuo in the pylorus, no cells containing methylpurines were detectable by immunohistochemistry, suggesting a more uniform methylation of mucosal cells by MNU than by MNNG. After a single oral dose of MNU (90 mg/kg) cells containing methylpurines were unequivocally identified using antibodies to \(O^6\)-MedGuo and the imidazole-ring-opened product of 7-methyldeoxyguanosine. In the gastric fundus, their distribution was similar to those methylated by exposure to MNNG, whereas the pyloric region contained immunoreactive cells also in the deeper mucosallayers. After a 2-week MNU treatment, the rate of cell proliferation, as determined by bromodeoxyuridine immunoreactivity, was only slightly enhanced in the oesophagus andin the fundus, but markedly in the forestomach and the pyloric region of the glandular stomach. lt is concluded that the overall extent of DNA methylation, the distribution of alkylated cells within the mucosa and the proliferative response all contribute to the organ-specific carcinogenicity of MNU.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{OthmanNaseemAwadetal.2016, author = {Othman, Eman M. and Naseem, Muhammed and Awad, Eman and Dandekar, Thomas and Stopper, Helga}, title = {The Plant Hormone Cytokinin Confers Protection against Oxidative Stress in Mammalian Cells}, series = {PLoS One}, volume = {11}, journal = {PLoS One}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0168386}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-147983}, pages = {e0168386}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Modulating key dynamics of plant growth and development, the effects of the plant hormone cytokinin on animal cells gained much attention recently. Most previous studies on cytokinin effects on mammalian cells have been conducted with elevated cytokinin concentration (in the μM range). However, to examine physiologically relevant dose effects of cytokinins on animal cells, we systematically analyzed the impact of kinetin in cultured cells at low and high concentrations (1nM-10μM) and examined cytotoxic and genotoxic conditions. We furthermore measured the intrinsic antioxidant activity of kinetin in a cell-free system using the Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power assay and in cells using the dihydroethidium staining method. Monitoring viability, we looked at kinetin effects in mammalian cells such as HL60 cells, HaCaT human keratinocyte cells, NRK rat epithelial kidney cells and human peripheral lymphocytes. Kinetin manifests no antioxidant activity in the cell free system and high doses of kinetin (500 nM and higher) reduce cell viability and mediate DNA damage in vitro. In contrast, low doses (concentrations up to 100 nM) of kinetin confer protection in cells against oxidative stress. Moreover, our results show that pretreatment of the cells with kinetin significantly reduces 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide mediated reactive oxygen species production. Also, pretreatment with kinetin retains cellular GSH levels when they are also treated with the GSH-depleting agent patulin. Our results explicitly show that low kinetin doses reduce apoptosis and protect cells from oxidative stress mediated cell death. Future studies on the interaction between cytokinins and human cellular pathway targets will be intriguing.}, language = {en} } @article{OttLohseKlotzetal.1982, author = {Ott, Ilka and Lohse, Martin J. and Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Vogt-Moykopf, Ingolf and Schwabe, Ulrich}, title = {Effects of Adenosine on Histamine Release from Human Lung Fragments}, series = {International Archives of Allergy and Immunology}, volume = {98}, journal = {International Archives of Allergy and Immunology}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-127877}, pages = {50-56}, year = {1982}, abstract = {The actions of adenosine on histamine release of human lung fragments were investigated. Histamine release was stimulated either with the calcium ionophore A 23187 orwith concanavalin A. Adenosine and its analogue 5'-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine alone had no significant effect on basal release or on the release elicited by A 23187 or concanavalin A. However, in the presence of the adenosine receptor antagonist 8-[4-[[[[(2-aminoethyl)amino]-carbonyl] methyloxy]-phenyl]-1,3-dipropylaxanthine (XAC), which itself did not affect the release, adenosine increased the stimulated histamine release. On the other hand, in the presence of the nucleoside transport inhibitor S-(p-nitrobenzyl)-6-thioninosine (NBTI), adenosine caused a reduction in stimulated histamine release. NBTI itself caused a stimulation of release. Thus, a stimulatory effect of adenosine was seen in the presence ofXAC, whereas an inhibitory effect was unmasked by NBTI. From these data it is concluded that adenosine exerts two opposing effects on histamine release in the human lung which neutralize each other: it inhibits release via a si te antagonized by XAC, which presumably represents an A2 adenosine receptor, and it stimulates release via a mechanism that is blocked by NBTI, suggesting that adenosine needs to reach the interior of cells to exert this effect. The slight stimulatory effect of NBTI alone demonstrates that trapping intracellularly formed adenosine inside mast cells leads to sufficient concentrations of adenosine to stimulate histamine release. These findings suggest an important bimodal role of adenosine in regulating histamine release in the human lung.}, language = {en} } @article{PaisdziorDimitriouSchoepeetal.2020, author = {Paisdzior, Sarah and Dimitriou, Ioanna Maria and Sch{\"o}pe, Paul Curtis and Annibale, Paolo and Scheerer, Patrick and Krude, Heiko and Lohse, Martin J. and Biebermann, Heike and K{\"u}hnen, Peter}, title = {Differential signaling profiles of MC4R mutations with three different ligands}, series = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, volume = {21}, journal = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, number = {4}, issn = {1422-0067}, doi = {10.3390/ijms21041224}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-285108}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) is a key player in hypothalamic weight regulation and energy expenditure as part of the leptin-melanocortin pathway. Mutations in this G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) are the most common cause for monogenetic obesity, which appears to be mediated by changes in the anorectic action of MC4R via G\(_S\)-dependent cyclic adenosine-monophosphate (cAMP) signaling as well as other signaling pathways. To study potential bias in the effects of MC4R mutations between the different signaling pathways, we investigated three major MC4R mutations: a G\(_S\) loss-of-function (S127L) and a G\(_S\) gain-of-function mutant (H158R), as well as the most common European single nucleotide polymorphism (V103I). We tested signaling of all four major G protein families plus extracellular regulated kinase (ERK) phosphorylation and β-arrestin2 recruitment, using the two endogenous agonists, α- and β-melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH), along with a synthetic peptide agonist (NDP-α-MSH). The S127L mutation led to a full loss-of-function in all investigated pathways, whereas V103I and H158R were clearly biased towards the G\(_{q/11}\) pathway when challenged with the endogenous ligands. These results show that MC4R mutations can cause vastly different changes in the various MC4R signaling pathways and highlight the importance of a comprehensive characterization of receptor mutations.}, language = {en} } @misc{ParodiLutzColaccietal.1989, author = {Parodi, S. and Lutz, Werner K. and Colacci, A. and Mazzullo, M. and Taningher, M. and Grilli, S.}, title = {Results of animal studies suggest a nonlinear dose-response relationship for benzene effects}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60843}, year = {1989}, abstract = {Considering the very large industrial usage of benzene, studies in risk assessment aimed at the evaluation of carcinogenic risk at low Ievels of exposure are important. Animal data can offer indications about what could happen in humans and provide more diverse information than epidemiological data with respect to doseresponse consideration. We have considered experiments investigating metabolism, short·term genotoxicity tests, DNA adduct formation, and carcinogenicity long-term tests. According to the different experiments, a Saturation of benzene metabolism and benzene effects in terms of genotoxicity seems evident above 30 to 100 ppm. Below 30 to 60 ppm the initiating effect ofbenzene seems tobe linear fora large intervaJ ofdosages, at least judging from DNA adduct formation. Potentiallack of a promoting effect of benzene (below 10 ppm) could generate a sublinear response at nontox.ic levels of ex.posure. This possibility was suggested by epidemiological data in humans and is not confirmed or excluded by our observations with animals.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{PerpinaViciano2020, author = {Perpi{\~n}{\´a} Viciano, Cristina}, title = {Study of the activation mechanisms of the CXC chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4) and the atypical chemokine receptor 3 (ACKR3)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19237}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-192371}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The CXC chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4) and the atypical chemokine receptor 3 (ACKR3) are seven transmembrane receptors that are involved in numerous pathologies, including several types of cancers. Both receptors bind the same chemokine, CXCL12, leading to significantly different outcomes. While CXCR4 activation generally leads to canonical GPCR signaling, involving Gi proteins and β-arrestins, ACKR3, which is predominantly found in intracellular vesicles, has been shown to signal via β-arrestin-dependent signaling pathways. Understanding the dynamics and kinetics of their activation in response to their ligands is of importance to understand how signaling proceeds via these two receptors. In this thesis, different F{\"o}rster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based approaches have been combined to individually investigate the early events of their signaling cascades. In order to investigate receptor activation, intramolecular FRET sensors for CXCR4 and ACKR3 were developed by using the pair of fluorophores cyan fluorescence protein and fluorescence arsenical hairpin binder. The sensors, which exhibited similar functional properties to their wild-type counterparts, allowed to monitor their ligand-induced conformational changes and represent the first RET-based receptor sensors in the field of chemokine receptors. Additional FRET-based settings were also established to investigate the coupling of receptors with G proteins, rearrangements within dimers, as well as G protein activation. On one hand, CXCR4 showed a complex activation mechanism in response to CXCL12 that involved rearrangements in the transmembrane domain of the receptor followed by rearrangements between the receptor and the G protein as well as rearrangements between CXCR4 protomers, suggesting a role of homodimers in the activation course of this receptor. This was followed by a prolonged activation of Gi proteins, but not Gq activation, via the axis CXCL12/CXCR4. In contrast, the structural rearrangements at each step of the signaling cascade in response to macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) were dynamically and kinetically different and no Gi protein activation via this axis was detected. These findings suggest distinct mechanisms of action of CXCL12 and MIF on CXCR4 and provide evidence for a new type of sequential signaling events of a GPCR. Importantly, evidence in this work revealed that CXCR4 exhibits some degree of constitutive activity, a potentially important feature for drug development. On the other hand, by cotransfecting the ACKR3 sensor with K44A dynamin, it was possible to increase its presence in the plasma membrane and measure the ligand-induced activation of this receptor. Different kinetics of ACKR3 activation were observed in response to CXCL12 and three other agonists by means of using the receptor sensor developed in this thesis, showing that it is a valuable tool to study the activation of this atypical receptor and pharmacologically characterize ligands. No CXCL12-induced G protein activation via ACKR3 was observed even when the receptor was re-localized to the plasma membrane by means of using the mutant dynamin. Altogether, this thesis work provides the temporal resolution of signaling patterns of two chemokine receptors for the first time as well as valuable tools that can be applied to characterize their activation in response to pharmacologically relevant ligands.}, subject = {G protein-coupled receptors}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Philipp2002, author = {Philipp, Melanie}, title = {Die Rolle von alpha2-adrenergen Rezeptoren w{\"a}hrend der Embryonalentwicklung der Maus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5186}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Alpha2-Rezeptoren, die weiter in alpha2A, alpha2B und alpha2C unterteilt werden, geh{\"o}ren zur Gruppe der adrenergen Rezeptoren innerhalb der Klasse der G-Protein-gekoppelten Rezeptoren. Sie sind maßgeblich an der Regulation vieler physiologischer Prozesse beteiligt. Vieles, was heute {\"u}ber alpha2-Rezeptoren bekannt ist, wurde mithilfe von alpha2-defizienten M{\"a}usen, sogenannten „Knock-Out"-M{\"a}usen (KO) herausgefunden, von denen bislang drei Einzel-KOs und der Doppel-KO der Subtypen A und C existieren. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden durch Kreuzung der vorhandenen KO-Linien Mauslinien generiert, die defizient f{\"u}r alpha2A und alpha2B, f{\"u}r alpha2B und alpha2C oder alle drei alpha2-Rezeptoren sind. W{\"a}hrend alpha2AB-KO-M{\"a}use ungef{\"a}hr entsprechend der Mendelschen Verteilung geboren wurden, zeigte sich, dass alpha2BC-KO-M{\"a}use teilweise und alpha2ABC-KO-M{\"a}use sogar komplett embryonal letal waren. Die morphologischen Unter-suchungen legten den Zeitpunkt der embryonalen Letalit{\"a}t der alpha2ABC-KO-M{\"a}use auf den Tag E10,5 der Embryonalentwicklung fest und konnten zeigen, dass diese Letalit{\"a}t in einem Vaskularisierungsdefekt innerhalb der extraembryonalen Organe Plazenta und Dottersack begr{\"u}ndet lag. Diese Organe stellen die Versorgung des Embryos mit N{\"a}hrstoffen und Sauerstoff sicher und sorgen somit f{\"u}r dessen Entwicklung. Durch RT-PCR-Experimente konnte die mRNS f{\"u}r alle drei alpha2-Rezeptorsubtypen an Tag E10,5 sowohl im Embryo als auch in Plazenta und Dottersack nachgewiesen werden. Autoradiographische Experimente und Radioligandenbindungsstudien an Plazenten machten deutlich, dass der Großteil an alpha2-Rezeptoren im embryonalen Teil der Plazenta exprimiert wird, n{\"a}mlich in den Riesenzellen und in der sich daran anschließenden Spongiotrophoblastschicht, und dass hierbei alpha2-Rezeptoren vom B-Subtyp vorherrschen. In den genannten Zellen konnte mittels Immunhistochemie eine alpha2-Rezeptor-vermittelte Phosphorylierung der MAP-Kinasen ERK1/2 gezeigt werden, die auch in kultivierten WT-Dotters{\"a}cken beobachtet werden konnte. Unter basalen Bedingungen zeigte sich, dass die ERK1/2-Phosphorylierung in Gewebe von alpha2ABC-KO-Embryonen drastisch vermindert war, w{\"a}hrend andere Signalwege, die von alpha2-Rezeptoren angestoßen werden k{\"o}nnen, nicht beeintr{\"a}chtigt waren. Versuche in einem Zellkulturmodell und mit kultivierten WT-Dotters{\"a}cken ergaben eine physiologisch relevante Wechselwirkung zwischen dem alpha2B-Rezeptor und dem PDGFbeta-Rezeptor, einer Rezeptortyrosinkinase, als deren Mechanismus sich in Co-Kultur-Experimenten mit alpha2B-Rezeptor-transfizierten Zellen und alpha2ABC-defizienten Dotters{\"a}cken die Transaktivierung von Rezeptortyrosinkinasen herausstellte. In dieser Arbeit konnte demonstriert werden, dass a2-Rezeptoren bei der Maus {\"u}ber eine Transaktivierung von ERK1/2 die Vaskularisierung der Plazenta und des Dottersacks bedingen und damit eine normale Embryonalentwicklung sicherstellen.}, subject = {Maus}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Pollinger2012, author = {Pollinger, Thomas}, title = {Spatiotemporale Organisation der Interaktion von Gq Protein-Untereinheiten und der Phospholipase Cβ3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-71884}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Die G-Protein vermittelte Aktivierung der Phospholipase Cβ (PLCβ) stellt einen prim{\"a}ren Mechanismus dar, um eine Vielzahl von physiologischen Ereignissen zu regulieren, z.B. die Kontraktion glatter Muskelzellen, Sekretion oder die Modulation der synaptischen Transmission. Sowohl Gαq- als auch Gβγ-Untereinheiten sind daf{\"u}r bekannt mit PLCβ Enzymen zu interagieren und diese zu aktivieren. {\"U}ber die Dynamik dieser Interaktion und den relative Beitrag der G-Protein Untereinheiten ist jedoch nur wenig bekannt. Unter Verwendung Fluoreszenz Resonanz Energie Transfer (FRET)- basierter Methoden in lebenden Zellen, wurde die Kinetik der Rezeptor-induzierten Interaktion zwischen Gβγ und Gαq Untereinheiten, die Interaktion von sowohl der Gαq als auch der Gβγ-Untereinheit mit der PLCβ3 und die Interaktion des regulator of G-Protein signaling 2 (RGS2) mit Gαq-Untereinheiten untersucht. Um die Untersuchung der Protein-Protein-Interaktion auf die Zellmembran zu beschr{\"a}nken, wurde die Total-Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) Mikroskopie angewandt. Zeitlich hoch aufl{\"o}sendes, ratiometrisches FRET-Imaging offenbarte eine deutlich schnellere Dissoziation von Gαq und PLCβ3 nach Entzug purinerger Agonisten verglichen mit der Deaktivierung von Gq Proteinen in der Abwesenheit der PLCβ3. Dieser offensichtliche Unterschied in der Kinetik kann durch die GTPase-aktivierende Eigenschaft der PLCβ3 in lebenden Zellen erkl{\"a}rt werden. Weiterhin zeigte es sich, dass PLCβ3 die Gq Protein Kinetik in einem {\"a}hnlich Ausmaß beeinflusst wie RGS2, welches in vitro deutlich effizienter darin ist, die intrinsische GTPase Aktivit{\"a}t der Gαq-Untereinheit zu beschleunigen. Als Antwort auf die Rezeptorstimulation wurde sowohl eine Interaktion von Gαq-Untereinheiten als auch von Gq-abstammende Gβγ-Untereinheiten mit der PLCβ3 beobachtet. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus zeigte sich auch eine Agonist-abh{\"a}ngige Interaktion von Gαq und RGS2. In Abwesenheit einer Rezeptorstimulation konnte kein spezifisches FRET-Signal zwischen Gq Proteinen und der PLCβ3 oder RGS2 detektiert werden. Zusammengefasst erm{\"o}glichte das ratiometrische FRET-Imaging in der TIRF Mikroskopie neue Einsichten in die Dynamik und Interaktionsmuster des Gq-Signalwegs.}, subject = {TIRF}, language = {de} } @article{ProppingLorenzMicheletal.2016, author = {Propping, Stefan and Lorenz, Kristina and Michel, Martin C. and Wirth, Manfred P. and Ravens, Ursula}, title = {beta-Adrenoceptor-mediated Relaxation of Urinary Bladder Muscle in beta 2-Adrenoceptor Knockout Mice}, series = {Frontiers in Pharmacology}, volume = {7}, journal = {Frontiers in Pharmacology}, number = {118}, doi = {10.3389/fphar.2016.00118}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-165245}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Background and Objective: In order to characterize the β-adrenoceptor (AR) subtypes involved in agonist-stimulated relaxation of murine urinary bladder we studied the effects of (-)-isoprenaline and CL 316,243 on tonic contraction and spontaneous contractions in detrusor strips of wild-type (WT) and β2-AR knockout (β2-AR KO) mice. Materials and Methods: Urinary bladders were isolated from male WT and β2-AR KO mice. β-AR subtype expression was determined with quantitative real-time PCR. Intact muscle strips pre-contracted with KCl (40 mM) were exposed to cumulatively increasing concentrations of (-)-isoprenaline or β3-AR agonist CL 316,243 in the presence and absence of the subtype-selective β-AR blockers CGP 20712A (β1-ARs), ICI 118,551 (β2-ARs), and L748,337 (β3-ARs). Results: Quantitative real-time PCR confirmed lack of β2-AR expression in bladder tissue from β2-AR KO mice. In isolated detrusor strips, pre-contraction with KCl increased basal tone and enhanced spontaneous activity significantly more in β2-AR KO than in WT. (-)-Isoprenaline relaxed tonic tension and attenuated spontaneous activity with similar potency, but the concentrations required were two orders of magnitude higher in β2-AR KO than WT. The concentration-response curves (CRCs) for relaxation were not affected by CGP 20712A (300 nM), but were shifted to the right by ICI 118,551 (50 nM) and L748,337 (10 μM). The -logEC50 values for (-)-isoprenaline in WT and β2-AR KO tissue were 7.98 and 6.00, respectively, suggesting a large receptor reserve of β2-AR. (-)-CL 316,243 relaxed detrusor and attenuated spontaneous contractions from WT and β2-AR KO mice with a potency corresponding to the drug's affinity for β3-AR. L743,337 shifted the CRCs to the right. Conclusion: Our findings in β2-AR KO mice suggest that there is a large receptor reserve for β2-AR in WT mice so that this β-AR subtype will mediate relaxation of tone and attenuation of spontaneous activity under physiological conditions. Nevertheless, upon removal of this reserve, β3-AR can also mediate murine detrusor relaxation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Queisser2010, author = {Queisser, Nina}, title = {Oxidative and nitrosative stress induced by the mineralocorticoid aldosterone - Mechanism of induction and role of signal transduction pathways and transcription factors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-53566}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Several epidemiological studies found that hypertensive patients have an increased risk to develop kidney cancer. Hyperaldosteronism frequently results in arterial hypertension and contributes to the development and progression of kidney injury, with reactive oxygen species (ROS) playing an important role. ROS are thought to be associated with many pathological conditions such as cancer and other disorders, like cardiovascular complications , which often go along with hypertension. The aim of the present work was to investigate whether the effects of elevated aldosterone concentrations might be involved in the increased cancer incidence of hypertensive individuals. First, the potential capacity of aldosterone to induce oxidative stress and DNA damage was investigated in vitro and in vivo. In LLC-PK1 porcine kidney cells and MDCK canine kidney cells the significant formation of ROS, and especially of superoxide (O2˙ˉ) was assessed. With two genotoxicity tests, the comet assay and the micronucleus frequency test, the DNA damaging potential of aldosterone was quantified. In both genotoxicity tests a dose-dependent increase in aldosterone-induced structural DNA damage was observed. Oxidative stress and DNA damage were prevented by antioxidants, suggesting ROS as a major cause of DNA damage. Furthermore, the oxidatively modified DNA lesion 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2´-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG), was found to be significantly elevated. In kidneys of rats with desoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)/salt-induced hypertension, which is a model of severe mineralocorticoid-dependent hypertension, elevated levels of ROS and superoxide were found, compared to kidneys of sham rats. Also DNA strand breaks, measured with the comet assay and double strand breaks, visualized with antibodies against the double strand break-marker gamma-H2AX were significantly elevated in kidneys of DOCA/salt-treated rats. In addition, significantly increased amounts of 8-oxodG were detected. Proliferation of kidney cells was found to be increased, which theoretically enables the DNA damage to manifest itself as mutations, since the cells divide. Second, the effects of aldosterone on the activation of transcription factors and signaling pathways were investigated. A significant activation of the potentially protective transcription factor Nrf2 was observed in LLC-PK1 cells. This activation was triggered by an increase of ROS or reactive nitrogen species (RNS). In response to oxidative stress, glutathione synthesis and detoxifying enzymes, such as the subunits of the glutathione-cysteine-ligase or heme oxygenase 1 were rapidly induced after 4 h. Nevertheless, after 24 h a decrease of glutathione levels was observed. Since ROS levels were still high after 24 h, but Nrf2 activation decreased, this adaptive survival response seems to be transient and quickly saturated and overwhelmed by ROS/RNS. Furthermore, Nrf2 activation was not sufficient to protect cells against oxidative DNA damage, because the amounts of double strand breaks and 8-oxodG lesions steadily rose up to 48 h of aldosterone treatment. The second transcription factor that was time- and dose-dependently activated by aldosterone in LLC-PK1 and MDCK cells was NF-kappaB. Furthermore, a significant cytosolic and nuclear activation of ERK was detected. Aldosterone induced the phosphorylation of the transcription factors CREB, STAT1 and STAT3 through ERK. Third, the underlying mechanisms of oxidant production, DNA damage and activation of transcription factors and signaling pathways were studied. Aldosterone exclusively acted via the MR, which was proven by the MR antagonists eplerenone, spironolactone and BR-4628, whereas the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) antagonist mifepristone did not show any effect. Furthermore, aldosterone needed cytosolic calcium to exert its negative effects. Calcium from intracellular stores and the influx of calcium across the plasma membrane was involved in aldosterone signaling. The calcium signal activated on the one hand, the prooxidant enzyme complex NAD(P)H oxidase through PKC, which subsequently caused the generation of O2˙ˉ. On the other hand, nitric oxide synthase (NOS) was activated, which in turn produced NO. NO and O2˙ˉ can react to the highly reactive species ONOO- that can damage the DNA more severely than the less reactive O2˙ˉ. In the short term, the activation of transcription factors and signaling pathways could be a protective response against aldosterone-induced oxidative stress and DNA damage. However, a long-term NF-B and ERK/CREB/STAT activation by persistently high aldosterone levels could unfold the prosurvival activity of NF-kappaB and ERK/CREB/STAT in aldosterone-exposed cells. DNA damage caused by increased ROS might become persistent and could be inherited to daughter cells, probably initiating carcinogenesis. If these events also occur in patients with hyperaldosteronism, these results suggest that aldosterone could be involved in the increased cancer incidence of hypertensive individuals.}, subject = {Aldosteron}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Raab2018, author = {Raab, Annette}, title = {The role of Rgs2 in animal models of affective disorders}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-152550}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Anxiety and depressive disorders result from a complex interplay of genetic and environmental factors and are common mutual comorbidities. On the level of cellular signaling, regulator of G protein signaling 2 (Rgs2) has been implicated in human and rodent anxiety as well as rodent depression. Rgs2 negatively regulates G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling by acting as a GTPase accelerating protein towards the Gα subunit. The present study investigates, whether mice with a homozygous Rgs2 deletion (Rgs2-/-) show behavioral alterations as well as an increased susceptibility to stressful life events related to human anxiety and depressive disorders and tries to elucidate molecular underlying's of these changes. To this end, Rgs2-/- mice were characterized in an aversive-associative learning paradigm to evaluate learned fear as a model for the etiology of human anxiety disorders. Spatial learning and reward motivated spatial learning were evaluated to control for learning in non-aversive paradigms. Rgs2 deletion enhanced learning in all three paradigms, rendering increased learning upon deletion of Rgs2 not specific for aversive learning. These data support reports indicating increased long-term potentiation in Rgs2-/- mice and may predict treatment response to conditioning based behavior therapy in patients with polymorphisms associated with reduced RGS2 expression. Previous reports of increased innate anxiety were corroborated in three tests based on the approach-avoidance conflict. Interestingly, Rgs2-/- mice showed novelty-induced hypo-locomotion suggesting neophobia, which may translate to the clinical picture of agoraphobia in humans and reduced RGS2 expression in humans was associated with a higher incidence of panic disorder with agoraphobia. Depression-like behavior was more distinctive in female Rgs2-/- mice. Stress resilience, tested in an acute and a chronic stress paradigm, was also more distinctive in female Rgs2-/- mice, suggesting Rgs2 to contribute to sex specific effects of anxiety disorders and depression. Rgs2 deletion was associated with GPCR expression changes of the adrenergic, serotonergic, dopaminergic and neuropeptide Y systems in the brain and heart as well as reduced monoaminergic neurotransmitter levels. Furthermore, the expression of two stress-related microRNAs was increased upon Rgs2 deletion. The aversive-associative learning paradigm induced a dynamic Rgs2 expression change. The observed molecular changes may contribute to the anxious and depressed phenotype as well as promote altered stress reactivity, while reflecting an alter basal stress level and a disrupted sympathetic tone. Dynamic Rgs2 expression may mediate changes in GPCR signaling duration during memory formation. Taken together, Rgs2 deletion promotes increased anxiety-like and depression-like behavior, altered stress reactivity as well as increased cognitive function.}, subject = {Angst}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rached2009, author = {Rached, Eva Katharina}, title = {Neue Ans{\"a}tze zur Entwicklung von Alternativmethoden zur Pr{\"u}fung auf chronische Nierentoxizit{\"a}t}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-47812}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Die Niere ist eines der wichtigsten Zielorgane f{\"u}r Toxizit{\"a}t, allerdings stellt die fr{\"u}hzeitige Erkennung einer Nierensch{\"a}digung und/oder kanzerogenen Wirkung infolge einer wiederholten Exposition gegen{\"u}ber toxischen Verbindungen ein großes Problem dar, da traditionelle Marker f{\"u}r Nierenfunktionsst{\"o}rungen wenig empfindlich sind. Daher ist es notwendig, verbesserte Testmethoden (Alternativmethoden) zur Pr{\"u}fung auf chronische Nierentoxizit{\"a}t zu entwickeln. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es daher, m{\"o}gliche Alternativmethoden zur Pr{\"u}fung auf Nephrotoxizit{\"a}t nach wiederholter Exposition zu untersuchen. Zum einen wurden dazu in einem in vivo-Modell f{\"u}r chronische Nierentoxizit{\"a}t neue Biomarker f{\"u}r Stress und Gewebesch{\"a}digung untersucht, deren erh{\"o}hte Genexpression in mehreren Modellen f{\"u}r akute Sch{\"a}digung des Nierengewebes gezeigt wurde, einschließlich kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1), Lipocalin-2 (LCN2), Clusterin (CLU), Osteopontin (OPN), tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1), Vimentin (VIM) und H{\"a}moxygenase-1 (HO-1). Diese Marker wurden nachfolgend auch in einem zellkulturbasierten in vitro-Modell untersucht. Ein weiterer Teil der Arbeit befasste sich mit Ver{\"a}nderungen der Zellteilung als m{\"o}glicher Marker f{\"u}r die Fr{\"u}herkennung kanzerogener Effekte. Das in vivo-Modell bestand in einer Studie in m{\"a}nnlichen F344/N-Ratten, die 14, 28 oder 90 Tage oral mit 0, 21, 70 oder 210 µg/kg K{\"o}rpergewicht (KG) Ochratoxin A (OTA) behandelt wurden. OTA ist ein Mykotoxin, das in Ratten bei wiederholter Gabe eine Nierensch{\"a}digung und Nierenkrebs verursacht. Die Analyse der mRNA-Expression der neuen Biomarker in Nierengewebe zeigte bei Tieren, die mit 70 oder 210 µg/kg KG behandelt wurden, eine fr{\"u}hzeitige, zeit- und dosisabh{\"a}ngige Induktion von KIM-1, LCN2, TIMP-1, OPN und CLU, die mit histopathologischen Ver{\"a}nderungen in Form von Zelldegeneration und Regeneration einherging und das Fortschreiten der Sch{\"a}digung gut widerspiegelte. Auch die mRNA-Expression von HO 1 und VIM wurde durch OTA moduliert, allerdings war eine Erh{\"o}hung nicht zu allen Zeitpunkten zu messen bzw. trat nicht so fr{\"u}h auf wie bei den anderen Markern. Effekte auf traditionelle Marker f{\"u}r Nephrotoxizit{\"a}t (Serum-Kreatinin, N-Acetyl-\&\#946;-D-glucosaminidase und \&\#947;-Glutamyltransferase im Urin) wurden im Vergleich zu den neuen Markern zu einem sp{\"a}teren Zeitpunkt und zumeist nur in der Hochdosisgruppe festgestellt. Zus{\"a}tzlich zu den Effekten auf die Genexpression konnte in den Zielzellen von OTA im proximalen Tubulusepithel eine erh{\"o}hte Proteinexpression von KIM-1, CLU, OPN und VIM gezeigt werden; nur f{\"u}r KIM-1 wurde allerdings auch im Urin eine erh{\"o}hte Konzentration nachgewiesen, die mit den Effekten auf die mRNA- und Proteinkonzentration im Gewebe korrelierte. Damit stellt KIM-1 in dieser Studie hinsichtlich Empfindlichkeit und Messbarkeit den empfindlichsten Biomarker f{\"u}r Nephrotoxizit{\"a}t dar. Die Untersuchung der Zellteilung nach wiederholter Gabe von OTA zeigte einen dramatischen, zeit- und dosisabh{\"a}ngigen Anstieg der Proliferation von proximalen Tubulusepithelzellen in Nieren von Tieren, die mit 70 oder 210 µg/kg KG behandelt wurden. Dagegen wurden nach wiederholter Exposition gegen{\"u}ber 21 µg/kg KG {\"u}ber 90 Tage keine OTA-abh{\"a}ngigen Effekte auf die renale Zellproliferation festgestellt. Somit korrelieren die Ver{\"a}nderungen der Zellteilung in der Niere in der 90-Tages-Studie sehr gut mit dem Ergebnis der 2-Jahres-Kanzerogenit{\"a}tsstudie mit OTA, in der Nierentumoren nur nach Behandlung mit 70 oder 210 µg/kg KG auftraten. Ausgehend von den verschiedenen Endpunkten f{\"u}r Toxizit{\"a}t, die in der Studie untersucht wurden, liegt der no-observed-adverse-effect-level (NOAEL) bei 21 µg/kg KG OTA. Dies entspricht dem NOAEL der 2-Jahres-Kanzerogenit{\"a}tsstudie. In einem weiteren Teil der Arbeit wurden die neuen in vivo-Biomarker f{\"u}r Nephrotoxizit{\"a}t in NRK 52E-Zellen als in vitro-Modell ausgetestet. Allerdings konnte eine erh{\"o}hte mRNA-Expression von KIM-1, einem sensitiven Marker in vivo, nach 24 oder 48 Stunden Behandlung mit verschiedenen nephrotoxischen Modellverbindungen (OTA, Kaliumbromat (KBrO3), Cisplatin oder Cadmiumchlorid (CdCl2)) in den Zellen nicht nachgewiesen werden. Die mRNA-Expression anderer Marker (VIM, CLU, TIMP-1, LCN2, OPN) war dagegen in unbehandelten Zellen bereits so hoch, dass die Behandlung mit Nephrotoxinen zu keiner weiteren Induktion f{\"u}hrte. Allein die Gen- und Proteinexpression von HO-1 wurde durch CdCl2, KBrO3 und OTA induziert und k{\"o}nnte daher einen potentiellen Marker f{\"u}r screening-Studien in vitro darstellen. Insgesamt war der Nachweis zytotoxischer Wirkungen jedoch der empfindlichste Endpunkt in der Zellkultur. Die Ergebnisse st{\"u}tzen somit die Verwendung der neuen in vivo-Biomarker als gewebespezifische Marker f{\"u}r Nephrotoxizit{\"a}t in vitro nicht.}, subject = {Niere}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ramge2023, author = {Ramge, Vanessa Magali}, title = {Untersuchung der Genotoxizit{\"a}t von Pyrrolizidinalkaloiden \(in\) \(vitro\) am Beispiel von Riddelliin und Lasiocarpin}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31979}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-319793}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {PA sind nat{\"u}rliche Pflanzeninhaltsstoffe, die wegen ihres genotoxischen Potentials bekannt sind. Nach Applikation mikromolarer Konzentrationen k{\"o}nnen bei in vitro Untersuchungen von Leberzellen chromosomale Sch{\"a}den detektiert werden. PA stehen im Verdacht nach Aufnahme bei Menschen hepatotoxische und kanzerogene Wirkungen nach sich zu ziehen. In dieser Studie wurden Lasiocarpin und Riddelliin an der humanen Leberkarzinomzelllinie Huh6 auf Genotoxizit{\"a}t getestet. Die ausgew{\"a}hlten Methoden waren der MK-Test, der alkalische und der FPG Comet Assay und die γ-H2AX-F{\"a}rbung. In den Vorversuchen mit BaP und CPA wurde gezeigt, dass die Zellen durch Prodrugs genotoxisch gesch{\"a}digt werden. Zusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass Riddelliin und Lasiocarpin im MK-Test eine dosisabh{\"a}ngige, genotoxische Wirkung auf die Huh6 Zellen haben. Der Einfluss von Lasiocarpin war im MK-Test im Vergleich zum Einfluss von Riddelliin bei geringerer Konzentration detektierbar. Nach einer simultanen Behandlung der Huh6 Zellen mit verschiedenen PA kann konkludiert werden, dass keine signifikante Erh{\"o}hung an DNA-Sch{\"a}den im Vergleich zu Behandlungen mit den Einzelsubstanzen festgestellt werden konnte, was m{\"o}glicherweise auf eine Ersch{\"o}pfung der metabolischen Kapazit{\"a}t der Zellen zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren ist. Insgesamt ist es den Ergebnissen zufolge wahrscheinlich, dass die Entstehung von Crosslinks durch Lasiocarpin und Riddelliin eher eine Rolle in der Genotoxizit{\"a}tsinduktion auf Huh6 Zellen spielen als oxidativer Stress. Doppelstrangbr{\"u}che konnten nicht als sicherer Induktor von Genotoxizit{\"a}t identifiziert werden. Die Besonderheiten der Stoffwechselwege einzelner PA und die Spezifizierung einzelner, f{\"u}r die Metabolisierung relevanter Enzyme sollte in Zukunft Gegenstand der Forschung sein, um die kumulativen Wirkungen von PA besser nachzuvollziehen und die f{\"u}r den Menschen entstehenden Risiken durch die Aufnahme von PA konkretisieren zu k{\"o}nnen.}, subject = {Pyrrolizidinalkaloide}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ramm2012, author = {Ramm, Susanne}, title = {Mechanismen idiosynkratischer Lebertoxizit{\"a}t - Einfluss von Arzneistoff-unabh{\"a}ngigen Stressfaktoren auf die Bildung reaktiver Metaboliten und zellul{\"a}ren Stress}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-74342}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Idiosynkratische Lebersch{\"a}digung durch Arzneimittel (z.B. Diclofenac) stellt trotz ihres seltenen Auftretens eine erhebliche Komplikation in der Arzneimittelentwicklung und -therapie dar. Die zu idiosynkratischen Reaktionen f{\"u}hrenden, komplexen chemischen und biologischen Abl{\"a}ufe sind noch weitgehend unklar. Inzwischen wird jedoch vermutet, dass die Toxizit{\"a}t eines Arzneimittels durch Arzneistoff-unabh{\"a}ngige Risikofaktoren, wie Krankheiten, Entz{\"u}ndungsreaktionen, Co-Medikation oder Alkohol, erh{\"o}ht werden kann. M{\"o}gliche Mechanismen k{\"o}nnten hierbei eine vermehrte Bildung reaktiver Metaboliten bzw. eine ver{\"a}nderte zellul{\"a}re Stress- und Immunantwort sein. Um tiefere Einblicke in die Bedeutung m{\"o}glicher Arzneistoff-unabh{\"a}ngiger Risikofaktoren zu erhalten, wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit der Einfluss drei verschiedener Stressfaktoren auf die Toxizit{\"a}t von Diclofenac (Dcl) untersucht. Bei diesen Stressfaktoren handelte es sich um Lipopolysaccharid (LPS) und Poly I:C (PIC) zur Simulation einer bakteriellen bzw. viralen Entz{\"u}ndung sowie um Buthionin-Sulfoximin (BSO) zur Depletion zellul{\"a}ren Glutathions. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde getestet, ob eine durch Stressfaktoren ausgel{\"o}ste Erh{\"o}hung der Toxizit{\"a}t von Dcl in Ratten mit Ver{\"a}nderungen in der Biotransformation bzw. mit einer Hochregulation co-stimulatorischer Faktoren (z.B. Zytokine oder Alarmsignale) einhergeht. Die Kombination einer einw{\"o}chigen therapeutisch dosierten Dcl-Behandlung mit einer einmaligen LPS-Dosis erzeugte in den Tieren eine ausgepr{\"a}gte Hepatotoxizit{\"a}t, die mit erh{\"o}hten Aktivit{\"a}ten der Aminotransferasen im Serum einherging. Diese adversen Effekte konnten jedoch nicht durch LPS oder Dcl alleine, bzw. in Kombination mit PIC oder BSO erzeugt werden. Es besteht die Annahme, dass die Bioaktivierung von Diclofenac zu 5-OH-Dcl oder Dcl-Acylglucuronid (AG) sowie die folgende Bildung kovalenter Proteinaddukte zur Entwicklung von Lebertoxizit{\"a}t beitr{\"a}gt. Mittels LC-MS/MS-Messungen konnten wir jedoch nachweisen, dass die Gabe von LPS + Dcl keine erh{\"o}hte Bildung reaktiver Metaboliten oder Dcl-AG-abh{\"a}ngiger Proteinaddukte ausl{\"o}st. Im Einklang damit wurden Enzyme, die f{\"u}r die Bio-aktivierung von Dcl zu reaktiven Metaboliten verantwortlich sind (z.B. Cyp2C11, Cyp2C7 und UGT2B1), sowie die MRP-Effluxtransporter der Leber durch die Co-Behandlung mit LPS in ihrer Genexpression gehemmt. Zus{\"a}tzliche qRT-PCR-Analysen Nrf2-abh{\"a}ngiger Gene, als Sensor f{\"u}r elektrophilen oder oxidativen Stress, zeigten keine Hochregulation zytoprotektiver Faktoren und unterst{\"u}tzen die Schlussfolgerung, dass Arzneistoff-unabh{\"a}ngige Stress-faktoren keine erh{\"o}hte Bildung toxischer Dcl-Metaboliten ausl{\"o}sen. Schließlich ergaben unsere Analysen, dass eine Aktivierung co-stimulatorischer NFκB- und MAPK-Signalwege mit Hochregulation co-stimulatorischer Faktoren (z.B. IL-1β, TNF-α, CINC-1, iNOS) und Akkumulation neutrophiler Granulozyten in der Leber sowohl durch Behandlung mit LPS + Dcl als auch mit PIC + Dcl induziert wurde. Nur die Kombination von LPS und Diclofenac bewirkte jedoch dar{\"u}ber hinaus eine massive Freisetzung pro-inflammatorischer Zytokine, Chemokine sowie toxizit{\"a}tsf{\"o}rdernder Alarmsignale (z.B. IL-1β, TNF-α, CINC-1, HMGB1, LTB4) ins Plasma. Zus{\"a}tzlich waren sch{\"u}tzende negative Feed-back-Mechanismen, wie die Hitzeschockreaktion, in den mit LPS und Dcl behandelten Tieren gehemmt. Zusammenfassend zeigen unsere Ergebnisse, dass eine metabolische Aktivierung von Dcl bzw. eine Akkumulation reaktiver Dcl-Metaboliten an der Entwicklung idiosynkratischer Lebersch{\"a}digung nicht ausschlaggebend beteiligt ist. Im Gegensatz zu PIC oder BSO f{\"u}hrte in den verabreichten Dosen nur die Gabe von LPS als Stressfaktor zu einer Aktivierung co-stimulatorischer Signalwege sowie zu einer Hemmung protektiver Systeme, wodurch die lebersch{\"a}digende Wirkung von Dcl potenziert wurde.}, subject = {Leber}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Rauchschwalbe2002, author = {Rauchschwalbe, Sonja}, title = {Korrelation des Polymorphismus der Uridindiphosphat-Glukuronyltransferase Isoform 1A1 mit der Glukuronidierung von Bilirubin und Paracetamol und der klinischen Diagnose des Gilbert Syndroms}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-4644}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {In einer Population von 304 M{\"a}nnern und Frauen konnte die Frequenz der TA-Duplikation im Promotor der Uridin-Diphosphat-Glukuronyltransferase Isoform 1A1 bestimmt werden. Sie betr{\"a}gt 0,39 in der Gruppe der M{\"a}nner und 0,30 in der Gruppe der Frauen, in der Gesamtgruppe kommt das Allel mit einer relativen H{\"a}ufigkeit von 0,35 vor. Es wurde gezeigt, daß die H{\"o}he der Bilirubinspiegel und die Diagnose "Gilbert Syndrom" nach definierten klinisch-chemischen Kriterien gut mit dem Genotyp korreliert. Dabei lagen die mittleren Bilirubinwerte der Frauen deutlich unter denen der M{\"a}nner. Die Festlegung neuer Referenzbereiche f{\"u}r Bilirubin von <18µmol/l f{\"u}r M{\"a}nner und <15µmol/l f{\"u}r Frauen wurde daraus abgeleitet. Ein Unterschied in der Glukuronidierungskapazit{\"a}t von Paracetamol zwischen Probanden mit homozygot wildtypischer, homozygot mutierter und heterozygoter Allelkombination konnte nicht nachgewiesen werden. Deshalb scheint die UGT1A1 nicht das f{\"u}r Para-cet-amol verantwortliche Isoenzym zu sein. Die Bestimmung des Genotyps des UGT1A1 Promotors kann zur Vorhersage zuk{\"u}nf-tiger oder Erkl{\"a}rung vorliegender erh{\"o}hter Bilirubinspiegel herangezogen werden. Dies kann in der Klinik zur routinem{\"a}ßigen Diagnostik des Gilbert Syndroms eingesetzt werden. F{\"u}r die klinische Forschung bietet die Genotypisierung der UGT1A1 eine M{\"o}glichkeit, zwischen dem genetischen Polymorphismus oder einer Reaktion auf die Pr{\"u}fmedikation als m{\"o}glichen Ursachen eine Erh{\"o}hung der Bilirubinwerte eines Probanden zu unterscheiden. Zur Ph{\"a}no-typisierung dieses Stoffwechselweges ist Paracetamol nicht geeignet. Personen mit Gilbert Syndrom unterliegen bei der Einnahme von Paracetamol vermutlich keinem erh{\"o}hten Risiko toxischer Nebenwirkungen.}, language = {de} } @article{RebsStreckfussBoemeke2023, author = {Rebs, Sabine and Streckfuss-B{\"o}meke, Katrin}, title = {How can we use stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes to understand the involvement of energetic metabolism in alterations of cardiac function?}, series = {Frontiers in Molecular Medicine}, volume = {3}, journal = {Frontiers in Molecular Medicine}, doi = {10.3389/fmmed.2023.1222986}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-327344}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Mutations in the mitochondrial-DNA or mitochondria related nuclear-encoded-DNA lead to various multisystemic disorders collectively termed mitochondrial diseases. One in three cases of mitochondrial disease affects the heart muscle, which is called mitochondrial cardiomyopathy (MCM) and is associated with hypertrophic, dilated, and noncompact cardiomyopathy. The heart is an organ with high energy demand, and mitochondria occupy 30\%-40\% of its cardiomyocyte-cell volume. Mitochondrial dysfunction leads to energy depletion and has detrimental effects on cardiac performance. However, disease development and progression in the context of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA mutations, remains incompletely understood. The system of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived cardiomyocytes (CM) is an excellent platform to study MCM since the unique genetic identity to their donors enables a robust recapitulation of the predicted phenotypes in a dish on a patient-specific level. Here, we focus on recent insights into MCM studied by patient-specific iPSC-CM and further discuss research gaps and advances in metabolic maturation of iPSC-CM, which is crucial for the study of mitochondrial dysfunction and to develop novel therapeutic strategies.}, language = {en} } @article{ReddingtonKlotzLohseetal.1989, author = {Reddington, M. and Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Lohse, M. J. and Hietel, B.}, title = {Radiation inactivation analysis of the A\(_1\) adenosine receptor: decrease in radiation inactivation size in the presence of guanine nucleotide}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60318}, year = {1989}, abstract = {Radiation inactivation analysis of the binding of the A1 adenosine receptor antagonist, 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine to rat brain membranes yielded a radiation inactivation size of 58 kDa. In the presence of GTPyS this was reduced to 33 kDa, in good agreement with the size of the ligand-binding subunit detected after photoaffinity labelling. The data indicate that the structural association of A\(_1\) adenosine receptors with G-protein components is altered in situ in the presence of guanine nucleotides.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reimann2021, author = {Reimann, Hauke}, title = {Schicksal von Mikrokernen bzw. mikrokernhaltigen Zellen und Bedeutung von Mikrokernen als Biomarker}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24010}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-240109}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Mikrokerne sind als wichtiger Biomarker in der Gentoxizit{\"a}tsforschung seit langer Zeit etabliert und ihre Bildung ist mechanistisch gut verstanden, wohingegen das Mikrokernschicksal und die genaue Funktion von Mikrokernen in der Kanzerogenese unzureichend erforscht sind. Um das Schicksal von Mikrokernen und mikrokernhaltigen Zellen {\"u}ber einen l{\"a}ngeren Zeitraum zu untersuchen, wurden HeLa-Zellen, die mit einem GFP-markierten Histon H2B transfiziert worden sind, mittels Lebendzellmikroskopie nach Behandlung mit verschiedenen gentoxischen Agenzien f{\"u}r 96 h untersucht. Parameter wie die Mitose- oder Zelltodrate wurden dabei ebenso wie das Schicksal der Mikrokerne dokumentiert. W{\"a}hrend Persistenz und Reinkorporation von Mikrokernen h{\"a}ufig beobachtet wurden, waren Degradation und Auswurf von Mikrokernen selten bis gar nicht zu sehen. Auch konnte ein Teil der mikrokernhaltigen Zellen {\"u}ber mehrere Zellteilungen persistieren und proliferieren, wodurch die in Mikrokernen manifestierte chromosomale Instabilit{\"a}t unver{\"a}ndert bleiben kann. Ein eindeutiger Substanzeinfluss auf das Mikrokernschicksal konnte nicht ausgemacht werden. Extrusion sollte weiterhin durch Behandlung mit Hydroxyurea oder Cytochalasin B in Kombination mit gentoxischer Behandlung induziert werden, es wurde jedoch kein Effekt auf die Extrusionsrate beobachtet. Degradation wurde mittels γH2AX-Antik{\"o}rperf{\"a}rbung und transduziertem dsRed-markierten Autophagiemarker LC3B in HeLa-H2B-GFP-Zellen untersucht. Trotz erh{\"o}hter DNA-Degradation in Mikrokernen wurde nur selten eine Ko-Lokalisierung mit LC3B beobachtet. Daf{\"u}r gab es in HeLa-H2B-GFP-Zellen, die zus{\"a}tzlich mit dsRed markierten Kernmembranmarker Lamin B1 transduziert worden sind, Anzeichen f{\"u}r eine eingeschr{\"a}nkte Mikrokernmembranintegrit{\"a}t. Weiterhin wurden Zytokinese-Block Mikrokerntests nach Behandlung mit Thebain mit und ohne metabolische Aktivierung sowie Celecoxib und Celecoxibderivaten durchgef{\"u}hrt. Hierbei wurde nach Thebainbehandlung nur ohne metabolische Aktivierung und bei Anwesenheit von Zytotoxizit{\"a}t mehr Mikrokerne gefunden, w{\"a}hrend nach Behandlung mit Celecoxib und Celecoxibderivaten kein Anstieg beobachtet wurde. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde der Einfluss durch neurodegenerative Ver{\"a}nderungen auf Mundschleimhautzellen in zwei großen Kohorten untersucht, wobei keine Effekte auf die H{\"a}ufigkeit von Mikrokernen oder mikrokernhaltigen Zellen zugeordnet werden konnten, w{\"a}hrend es teilweise bei Parametern, die auf Zytotoxizit{\"a}t hindeuten, zu Ver{\"a}nderungen kam. Es konnte insgesamt gezeigt werden, dass Mikrokerne und mikrokernhaltige Zellen zus{\"a}tzlich zu ihrer Funktion als Biomarker {\"u}ber wenigstens mehrere Zellteilungen bestehen bleiben k{\"o}nnen. Auf diese Weise k{\"o}nnen sie z. B. {\"u}ber Chromothripsis zu einer beschleunigten Kanzerogenese f{\"u}hren, was zu einer schlechten Prognose f{\"u}r Krebspatienten f{\"u}hren kann.}, subject = {Kleinkern}, language = {de} }