@phdthesis{Du2024, author = {Du, Keli}, title = {Zum Verst{\"a}ndnis des LDA Topic Modeling: eine Evaluation aus Sicht der Digital Humanities}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34826}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-348261}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Als quantitative Textanalysemethode ist das LDA Topic Modeling in den letzten Jahren in den Digital Humanities weit verbreitet worden, um zahlreiche unstrukturierte Textdaten zu untersuchen. Wenn man LDA Topic Modeling anwendet, muss man mit vielen Faktoren umgehen, die das Ergebnis der Modellierung beeinflussen k{\"o}nnen. In dieser Dissertation wurde das LDA Topic Modeling, genauer gesagt sechs entscheidende Faktoren, durch Experimente evaluiert, n{\"a}mlich die Anzahl der Topics, der Hyperparameter Alpha, die Hyperparameter-Optimierung, der Hyperparameter Beta, die Iteration des Gibbs-Samplings und das Chunk-Length. Der Einfluss der sechs Faktoren wurde anhand eines deutschen Zeitungskorpus und eines deutschen Romankorpus aus zwei Perspektiven, der Dokumentklassifikation und der Topic-Koh{\"a}renz, untersucht. Ziel ist es, die Frage zu beantworten, unter welchen Umst{\"a}nden das LDA Topic Modeling stabil ist und damit einen Einblick in die Sensitivit{\"a}t der Methode gegen{\"u}ber Parametereinstellungen zu geben.}, subject = {Digital Humanities}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Keicher2024, author = {Keicher, Franca}, title = {Muskul{\"a}re Einfl{\"u}sse der Rotatorenmanschette auf die Early Onset Arthrose der Schulter}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36055}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-360557}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Introduction: The etiology of early onset shoulder arthritis (EOA) remains unclear. Due to the influence of the muscles of the rotator cuff (RC) on glenohumeral kinematics, muscular causes are being discussed. The aim of the study was to identify corresponding factors on EOA based on volume measurements of the RC and examinations of the adjacent bony structures in MRI imaging, as well as the collection of patient-specific characteristics. Methods: In a case-control study, shoulders of 15 patients (14 men, 1 woman) with shoulder arthritis before the age of 60 and 13 control subjects (13 men) were examined. Anthropometric body measurements and clinical characteristics were collected. The volumes of the RC were calculated using manual tracing of the individual muscle cross- sections on MRI scans. In addition, the angles between the coracoid or scapular spine and scapular body were measured. The position of the scapula to the thorax was determined by recording the angle of the scapula to the plane of the table. The glenoid retroversion, morphological types, and humeral head subluxation were also collected. The analysis was conducted using descriptive and comparative statistical methods, as well as logistic and linear regression analyses. Results: The volumes of the RC did not differ significantly between the patients with EOA and the control subjects, either in absolute terms or in relative proportions. However, significantly higher values of thorax circumference and diameter, body weight, and BMI were found in the diseased individuals compared to the controls. Furthermore, these individuals were significantly more likely to have occupations that expended more than 1400 kcal per day. The risk of EOA increased with the steeper angle of the scapula to the thorax. Patients with B2-glenoid had significantly larger angles between the coracoid and scapular body as well as higher values of transverse thorax diameter, than those with B1-glenoid. Regardless of whether EOA was present or not, engaging in overhead sports was associated with a higher subluxation index. Conclusion: While the RC did not show any abnormalities in EOA patients, male gender, BMI, thoracic shape and scapular position, as well as certain occupations and sports, were associated with EOA. Further studies are needed to investigate these risk factors in EOA more precisely and develop possible treatment concepts. Peripheral shoulder muscles (such as teres major or pectoralis major) should also be included in the investigations.}, subject = {Arthrose}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Rehlinghaus2024, author = {Rehlinghaus, Christine}, title = {Retrospektive Evaluation der intraven{\"o}sen Dexamethason- bzw. Methylprednisolon-Pulstherapie bei ausgepr{\"a}gter Alopecia areata}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36071}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-360711}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Hintergrund: Bei der Entscheidung f{\"u}r eine intraven{\"o}se Kortikosteroid-Pulstherapie bei schweren Formen der AA ist die Abw{\"a}gung von Therapieaufwand, Nebenwirkungen und Risiken einerseits und der Erfolgsaussicht andererseits von zentraler Bedeutung. Ziel: Ziel dieser retrospektiven Analyse war es daher, die Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit der intraven{\"o}sen Kortikosteroid-Pulstherapie bei Patient:innen mit ausgepr{\"a}gter AA klinikintern als qualit{\"a}tssichernde Maßnahme zu untersuchen, prognostisch bedeutsame Faktoren f{\"u}r den Therapieeffekt zu ermitteln und hierdurch die beste Indikation herauszuarbeiten. Methode: 126 Patient:innen (13 Kinder und Jugendliche) erhielten Dexamethason 100 mg (122 Patienten) oder Methylprednisolon 20-30 mg/kg/KG (max. 1000 mg, 4 Patienten) an drei aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen f{\"u}r ein bis drei Zyklen. Ergebnisse: Patienten mit einer AA partialis bzw. diffusa zeigten im Hinblick auf ein vollst{\"a}ndiges oder kosmetisch akzeptables Wiederwachstum die besten Ansprechraten (44,3\%, n=43). Unter den Ophiasis-Patienten und den Patienten mit AA totalis/universalis sprach nur etwa ein Viertel auf die Therapie an (Ophiasis 23,8\%, n=5; AA totalis/universalis: 25\%, n=2). Schwerwiegende unerw{\"u}nschte Nebenwirkungen wurden nicht beobachtet. Schlussfolgerung: In der vorliegenden Untersuchung ließen sich eine l{\"a}ngere Bestandsdauer der Erkrankung und Erkrankungsepisode ({\"u}ber 6 Monate), ein schwerer Auspr{\"a}gungsgrad (Ophiasis, AA totalis/universalis) und krankheitstypische Nagelver{\"a}nderungen als wichtige ung{\"u}nstige prognostische Faktoren nachweisen. Dagegen wirkten sich die untersuchten Kriterien Alter, Geschlecht, atopisches Ekzem und andere Erkrankungen des atopischen Formenkreises, Schilddr{\"u}sen- und Autoimmunerkrankungen in der Eigenanamnese sowie AA in der Familienanamnese nicht negativ auf den Behandlungserfolg aus. Patienten mit AA partialis und einer Bestandsdauer der AA von maximal 6 Monaten haben die besten Erfolgsaussichten.}, subject = {Alopecia areata}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Fieber2024, author = {Fieber, Tabea}, title = {Retrospektive unizentrische Analyse des Komplikationsmanagements bei Anastomoseninsuffizienz nach linksseitiger Kolon- und Rektumresektion}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36073}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-360730}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Eine gef{\"u}rchtete Komplikation nach Resektionen am Kolon mit Wiederherstellung der Kontinuit{\"a}t ist das Auftreten einer Anastomoseninsuffizienz (AI). Der Prozess der Diagnosestellung und das therapeutische Vorgehen sind zentrumsspezifisch und sehr heterogen. Ziel dieser Promotionsarbeit war die deskriptive Darstellung der Pr{\"a}valenz, Diagnostik und Therapie von AI, um anhand dieser Daten ein bestimmtes zu favorisierendes Vorgehen zur AI-Behandlung herauszuarbeiten. Es wurde eine retrospektive unizentrische Analyse durchgef{\"u}hrt. Diese umfasste eine Kohorte von 744 Patienten, welche von 2009 bis 2013 am Universit{\"a}tsklinikum W{\"u}rzburg unter Kontinuit{\"a}tserhalt kolorektal reseziert wurden. Es erfolgte eine deskriptive und statistische Auswertung mittels uni- und multivariater Analysen in Bezug auf Demographie, Risikofaktoren f{\"u}r die Entwicklung einer AI und den Erfolg der einzelnen Therapiekonzepte. W{\"a}hrend der Nachbeobachtungsphase vom im Mittel 2,5 Jahren entwickelten 10,48\% der Patienten eine AI. 60\% der Insuffizienzen wurden w{\"a}hrend der ersten 7 postoperativen Tage detektiert. Als Risikofaktoren konnten indikationsunabh{\"a}ngig m{\"a}nnliches Geschlecht, offener Zugangsweg und pulmonale Erkrankungen herausgearbeitet werden. Indikationsspezifisch zeigte sich eine Zunahme des AI-Risikos bei Divertikulitis-Patienten mit pulmonalen Erkrankungen (OR 4,5) und Cortisoneinnahme (OR 5,4). Auff{\"a}llig wurden Patienten mit AI durch heterogene und teils unspezifische Symptome - am h{\"a}ufigsten durch Fieber (28,21\%) und auff{\"a}llige Laborwerte (48,72\%). Eine folgende CT-Diagnostik best{\"a}tigte die Diagnose in 76,32\% der F{\"a}lle und war in 24,48\% falsch negativ. Patienten mit schlechtem AZ bei Diagnose der AI zeigten eine signifikant h{\"o}here Mortalit{\"a}t. Ein protektives Stoma konnte eine AI nicht verhindern, aber ihre Symptome und die Schwere des Verlaufs abmildern. Gemessen an der {\"U}berlebensrate und der Revisionspflichtigkeit unterschieden sich die durchgef{\"u}hrten Maßnahmen beim Versuch der kontinuit{\"a}tserhaltenden Therapie nicht in Bezug auf den Erfolg der Therapie. Wie Insuffizienz- und Mortalit{\"a}tsrate nach AI zeigen, ist diese unizentrische Analyse international vergleichbar. Die Ableitung einer generellen Empfehlung zur therapeutischen Vorgehensweise bei AI ist nicht m{\"o}glich. Vielmehr sind alle dargestellten Maßnahmen zur Beherrschung der AI sinnvoll, w{\"a}hrend die Wahl der Vorgehensweise weiterhin eine Individualentscheidung bleibt.}, subject = {Darmanastomose}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Enzensberger2024, author = {Enzensberger, Eva}, title = {Stellenwert der Dobutamin-Stress-Echokardiographie bei der Unterscheidung einer hochgradigen von einer pseudo-hochgradigen Aortenklappenstenose und Bestimmung deren echokardiographischer Pr{\"a}diktoren}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36014}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-360146}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Ziel dieser Studie war es, zu eruieren, ob die DSE zur Unterscheidung einer TS- von einer PSAS beitragen kann. Ebenfalls untersuchten wir, ob es bestimmte echokardiographische Pr{\"a}diktoren f{\"u}r eine TS- und eine PSAS gibt und ob die LVEF bei Patienten mit einer LGAS eine entscheidende Rolle spielt. Methoden: Es wurde bei 130 Patienten mit einer asymptomatischen AS im Uniklinikum W{\"u}rzburg zwischen Januar 2011 und Dezember 2016 sowohl eine TTE als auch eine DSE durchgef{\"u}hrt. Mittels TTE wurden verschiedene echokardiographische Daten erhoben und falls die Patienten eine AVAi  0,6 cm2/m2 und eine PGmean < 40 mmHg aufwiesen, wurden sie in die Studie eingeschlossen. Sie wurden in zwei Gruppen aufgeteilt, je nachdem ob sie eine LGAS mit einer LVEF  50\% oder < 50\% aufwiesen. Bei allen Patienten wurde in der DSE die AVAproj berechnet und sie wurden daraufhin in zwei Untergruppen aufgeteilt, Patienten mit einer AVAproj  1 cm2 wurden der Gruppe mit einer hochgradigen LGAS (TS-LGAS) und Patienten mit einer AVAproj > 1cm2 der Gruppe mit einer pseudo-hochgradigen LGAS (PS-LGAS) zugeteilt. Alle Patientendaten wurden manuell ausgewertet. Das klinische Follow Up fand fr{\"u}hestens ein Jahr nach der DSE statt und bestand aus einem Telefoninterview oder einer klinischen Untersuchung. Ergebnisse: Die DSE ist zur Diagnose einer TS-LGAS bei Patienten mit einer erhaltenen LVEF von großem Nutzen. Die in der TTE gemessene AVA ist ein unabh{\"a}ngiger Pr{\"a}diktor f{\"u}r eine TS-LGAS bei Patienten mit erhaltener und reduzierter LVEF. Eine verringerte MAPSE und eine reduzierte TDI-s´ sprechen bei Patienten mit erhaltener LVEF f{\"u}r eine TS-LGAS. Bei Patienten mit reduzierter LVEF weisen ein erh{\"o}hter sPAP und eine verringerte AV Geschwindigkeits Ratio auf eine TS-LGAS hin. Bei Zweifeln k{\"o}nnen weitere bildgebende Verfahren zur Diagnosefindung hinzugezogen werden.}, subject = {Aortenstenose}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Buchta2024, author = {Buchta, Ulrike}, title = {H{\"o}rergebnisse und Vestibularisfunktion nach transtemporaler Resektion von intrameatalen Vestibularisschwannomen mit Evaluation der postoperativen, konservativen H{\"o}rger{\"a}teversorgung}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36024}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-360246}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Das Vestibularisschwannom ist ein Tumor, dessen Entstehung noch nicht vollst{\"a}ndig gekl{\"a}rt ist. Jeder kann von dieser seltenen Erkrankung betroffen sein. Darum ist es wichtig, die Ergebnisse der verschiedenen Therapieoptionen regelm{\"a}ßig aufzuarbeiten und die M{\"o}glichkeiten einer H{\"o}rrehabilitation mit konventionellen oder implantierbaren H{\"o}rsystemen sowie Ans{\"a}tze zur Schwindelrehabilitation oder einer m{\"o}glichen Pr{\"a}habilitation zu evaluieren. Mit der transtemporalen mikrochirurgischen Tumorexstirpation kann eine Heilung und bei einem großen Teil der Patienten auch ein H{\"o}rerhalt erzielt werden. Je j{\"u}nger die Patienten sind, aber vor allem auch je besser sie vor der Operation h{\"o}ren, desto h{\"o}her sind auch die Chancen auf einen H{\"o}rerhalt. Es zeigte sich jedoch auch, dass bei Patienten mit initial schlechterem H{\"o}ren, welche dann operiert wurden, dieses zum Teil wieder verbessert werden konnte. Daher sind Ans{\"a}tze, mehr Patienten eine transtemporale Tumorresektion anzubieten durchaus sinnvoll, auch um die Chancen auf eine H{\"o}rverbesserung zu erm{\"o}glichen. Des Weiteren sollte auch bei Patienten mit Schwindelbeschwerden eine Operation als Behandlungsoption erwogen werden. Die Pr{\"a}habilitation mit Gentamicin-Injektionen in das Mittelohr scheint eine neue M{\"o}glichkeit zu sein, das zentrale Nervensystem schon auf den Ausfall des Vestibularorgans vorzubereiten. Durch die ototoxische Wirkung des Gentamicins und den potenziellen H{\"o}rverlust, w{\"a}re jedoch eine Kombination dieser Pr{\"a}habilitation mit einem h{\"o}rerhaltenden Eingriff {\"u}ber den transtemporalen Zugang risikobehaftet. Eine zentrale Kompensation der Schwindelbeschwerden sollte nach dem Eingriff mit einer gezielten Schwindelrehabilitation unterst{\"u}tzt werden. W{\"a}hrend bei dieser vor allem physiotherapeutische {\"U}bungen angewandt werden, gibt es im Hinblick auf eine H{\"o}rrehabilitation schon verschiedene medizintechnische Optionen. Aktuell gibt es vor allem Studien zu den implantierbaren H{\"o}rhilfen und neue Daten zu den konservativen M{\"o}glichkeiten einer H{\"o}rrehabilitation sind eher die Ausnahme. Die Nutzung einer konservativen H{\"o}rhilfe sollte jedoch vor dem Entscheid zu einer operativen L{\"o}sung {\"u}ber implantierbare Systeme konsequent angewandt werden. Die in dieser Arbeit aufgezeigten positiven Momente bei der Versorgung von VS-Patienten pr{\"a}- und posttherapeutisch mit herk{\"o}mmlichen H{\"o}rger{\"a}ten sollten weiteren Eingang in die klinische Routine finden.}, subject = {Akustikustumor}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Glaser2024, author = {Glaser, Julia}, title = {Nachhaltiges Lernen an der Hochschule: Untersuchungen zu Randbedingungen und Transfereffekten von digitalen {\"U}bungstests auf das Behalten von Lehrinhalten}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35866}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-358665}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Learning accompanies us throughout our lives, from early childhood education through school, training and university to learning at work. However, much of what we learn is quickly forgotten. The use of practice tests is a learning strategy that contributes to the acquisition of sustainable knowledge, i.e. knowledge that is permanently available and can be retrieved when it is needed. This dissertation first presents findings from previous research on testing in real educational contexts and discusses theoretically why certain learner or situational characteristics might influence the effectiveness of the testing effect. Furthermore, a cycle of three experiments is presented, which were used to investigate whether the positive effect of practice tests on retention (testing effect) depends on personal or situational characteristics and also promotes the retention of lecture content that was not directly tested (transfer) in the context of regular psychology lectures in teacher training courses. In an additional chapter, feedback from students on the implementation of the study in the classroom context is examined in more detail. Finally, the results of the three studies are discussed and placed in relation to the theories presented. The central conclusion from the studies presented is that the testing effect appears to be a very effective learning strategy that can be used effectively in university teaching and leads to better learning outcomes regardless of learner characteristics. However, the practice tests should cover the entire range of relevant content, as transfer effects to non-tested content are not to be expected.}, subject = {Transfer}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eck2024, author = {Eck, Philipp}, title = {Symmetry Breaking and Spin-Orbit Interaction on the Triangular Lattice}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35918}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-359186}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Since the prediction of the quantum spin Hall effect in graphene by Kane and Mele, \(Z_2\) topology in hexagonal monolayers is indissociably linked to high-symmetric honeycomb lattices. This thesis breaks with this paradigm by focusing on topological phases in the fundamental two-dimensional hexagonal crystal, the triangular lattice. In contrast to Kane-Mele-type systems, electrons on the triangular lattice profit from a sizable, since local, spin-orbit coupling (SOC) and feature a non-trivial ground state only in the presence of inversion symmetry breaking. This tends to displace the valence charge form the atomic position. Therefore, all non-trivial phases are real-space obstructed. Inspired by the contemporary conception of topological classification of electronic systems, a comprehensive lattice and band symmetry analysis of insulating phases of a \(p\)-shell on the triangular lattice is presented. This reveals not only the mechanism at the origin of band topology, the competition of SOC and symmetry breaking, but sheds also light on the electric polarization arising from a displacement of the valence charge centers from the nuclei, i. e., real-space obstruction. In particular, the competition of SOC versus horizontal and vertical reflection symmetry breaking gives rise to four topologically distinct insulating phases: two kinds of quantum spin Hall insulators (QSHI), an atomic insulator and a real-space obstructed higher-order topological insulator. The theoretical analysis is complemented with state-of-the-art first principles calculations and experiments on trigonal monolayer adsorbate systems. This comprises the recently discovered triangular QSHI indenene, formed by In atoms, and focuses on its topological classification and real-space obstruction. The analysis reveals Kane-Mele-type valence bands which profit from the atomic SOC of the triangular lattice. The realization of a HOTI is proposed by reducing SOC by considering lighter adsorbates. Further the orbital Rashba effect is analyzed in AgTe, a consequence of mirror symmetry breaking, the formation of local angular momentum polarization and SOC. As an outlook beyond topology, the Fermi surface and electronic susceptibility of Group V adsorbates on silicon carbide are investigated. In summary, this thesis elucidates the interplay of symmetry breaking and SOC on the triangular lattice, which can promote non-trivial insulating phase.}, subject = {Topologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kuehnemundt2024, author = {K{\"u}hnemundt, Johanna}, title = {Defined microphysiologic 3D tumour models with aspects from the tumour microenvironment for the evaluation of cellular immunotherapies}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27667}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-276674}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Adoptive cellular immunotherapy with chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells is highly effective in haematological malignancies. This success, however, has not been achieved in solid tumours so far. In contrast to hematologic malignancies, solid tumours include a hostile tumour microenvironment (TME), that poses additional challenges for curative effects and consistent therapeutic outcome. These challenges manifest in physical and immunological barriers that dampen efficacy of the CAR T cells. Preclinical testing of novel cellular immunotherapies is performed mainly in 2D cell culture and animal experiments. While 2D cell culture is an easy technique for efficacy analysis, animal studies reveal information about toxicity in vivo. However, 2D cell culture cannot fully reflect the complexity observed in vivo, because cells are cultured without anchorage to a matrix and only short-term periods are feasible. Animal studies provide a more complex tissue environment, but xenografts often lack human stroma and tumour inoculation occurs mostly ectopically. This emphasises the need for standardisable and scalable tumour models with incorporated TME-aspects, which enable preclinical testing with enhanced predictive value for the clinical outcome of immunotherapies. Therefore, microphysiologic 3D tumour models based on the biological SISmuc (Small Intestinal mucosa and Submucosa) matrix with preserved basement membrane were engaged and improved in this work to serve as a modular and versatile tumour model for efficacy testing of CAR T cells. In order to reflect a variety of cancer entities, TME-aspects, long-term stability and to enhance the read-out options they were further adapted to achieve scalable and standardisable defined microphysiologic 3D tumour models. In this work, novel culture modalities (semi-static, sandwich-culture) were characterised and established that led to an increased and organised tissue generation and long-term stability. Application of the SISmuc matrix was extended to sarcoma and melanoma models and serial bioluminescence intensity (BLI)-based in vivo imaging analysis was established in the microphysiologic 3D tumour models, which represents a time-efficient read-out method for quality evaluation of the models and treatment efficacy analysis, that is independent of the cell phenotype. Isolation of cancer-associated-fibroblasts (CAFs) from lung (tumour) tissue was demonstrated and CAF-implementation further led to stromal-enriched microphysiologic 3D tumour models with in vivo-comparable tissue-like architecture. Presence of CAFs was confirmed by CAF-associated markers (FAP, α-SMA, MMP-2/-9) and cytokines correlated with CAF phenotype, angiogenesis, invasion and immunomodulation. Additionally, an endothelial cell barrier was implemented for static and dynamic culture in a novel bioreactor set-up, which is of particular interest for the analysis of immune cell diapedesis. Studies in microphysiologic 3D Ewing's sarcoma models indicated that sarcoma cells could be sensitised for GD2-targeting CAR T cells. After enhancing the scale of assessment of the microphysiologic 3D tumour models and improving them for CAR T cell testing, the tumour models were used to analyse their sensitivity towards differently designed receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor 1 (ROR1) CAR T cells and to study the effects of the incorporated TME-aspects on the CAR T cell treatment respectively. ROR1 has been described as a suitable target for several malignancies including triple negative breast cancer (TNBC), as well as lung cancer. Therefore, microphysiologic 3D TNBC and lung cancer models were established. Analysis of ROR1 CAR T cells that differed in costimulation, spacer length and targeting domain, revealed, that the microphysiologic 3D tumour models are highly sensitive and can distinguish optimal from sub-optimal CAR design. Here, higher affinity of the targeting domain induced stronger anti-tumour efficacy and anti-tumour function depended on spacer length, respectively. Long-term treatment for 14 days with ROR1 CAR T cells was demonstrated in dynamic microphysiologic 3D lung tumour models, which did not result in complete tumour cell removal, whereas direct injection of CAR T cells into TNBC and lung tumour models represented an alternative route of application in addition to administration via the medium flow, as it induced strong anti-tumour response. Influence of the incorporated TME-aspects on ROR1 CAR T cell therapy represented by CAF-incorporation and/or TGF-β supplementation was analysed. Presence of TGF-β revealed that the specific TGF-β receptor inhibitor SD-208 improves ROR1 CAR T cell function, because it effectively abrogated immunosuppressive effects of TGF-β in TNBC models. Implementation of CAFs should provide a physical and immunological barrier towards ROR1 CAR T cells, which, however, was not confirmed, as ROR1 CAR T cell function was retained in the presence of CAFs in stromal-enriched microphysiologic 3D lung tumour models. The absence of an effect of CAF enrichment on CAR T cell efficacy suggests a missing component for the development of an immunosuppressive TME, even though immunomodulatory cytokines were detected in co-culture models. Finally, improved gene-edited ROR1 CAR T cells lacking exhaustion-associated genes (PD-1, TGF-β-receptor or both) were challenged by the combination of CAF-enrichment and TGF-β in microphysiologic 3D TNBC models. Results indicated that the absence of PD-1 and TGF-β receptor leads to improved CAR T cells, that induce strong tumour cell lysis, and are protected against the hostile TME. Collectively, the microphysiologic 3D tumour models presented in this work reflect aspects of the hostile TME of solid tumours, engage BLI-based analysis and provide long-term tissue homeostasis. Therefore, they present a defined, scalable, reproducible, standardisable and exportable model for translational research with enhanced predictive value for efficacy testing and candidate selection of cellular immunotherapy, as exemplified by ROR1 CAR T cells.}, subject = {Immuntherapie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Prager2024, author = {Prager, Lisa}, title = {Spatiotemporale Entwicklung der Immunantwort nach Pneumovirus-Infektion}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17988}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-179885}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Das humane Respiratorische Synzytial-Virus (RSV) gilt als wichtiger Krankheitserreger f{\"u}r S{\"a}uglinge und Kleinkinder sowie f{\"u}r {\"a}ltere Personen und immunsupprimierte Patienten. Krankheitssymptome und teils schwerwiegende Verl{\"a}ufe werden dabei eher einer Immunpathogenese zugeschrieben als der Virusvermehrung selbst. Aus Ermangelung eines ad{\"a}quaten Tiermodells wird h{\"a}ufig das RSV-verwandte Pneumonievirus der Maus (PVM) als Ersatzmodell f{\"u}r schwere Pneumovirusinfektionen verwendet. In dieser Dissertation wurde zum einen die spatiotemporale Rekrutierung von zellul{\"a}ren Komponenten der angeborenen und adaptiven Immunantwort im Verh{\"a}ltnis zum Verlauf einer PVM-Infektion in immunkompetenten und immunsupprimierten Wirten untersucht. Zum anderen wurde die Pathogenese einer Pneumovirusinfektion anhand des PVM-Modells in Mauslinien mit definierten Immundefizienzen analysiert. Wie bereits in einer fr{\"u}heren Untersuchung ermittelt, korrelierte die Rekrutierung von CD8+ T-Lymphozyten mit der Viruseliminierung (Frey et al., 2008). B-Lymphozyten wurden aktiv in das Lungengewebe PVM infizierter C57BL/6-M{\"a}use rekrutiert, wobei sie perivaskul{\"a}re und peribronchiale Foki, die ebenfalls CD4+ T-Zellen enthielten, bildeten. Dies k{\"o}nnte auf die Bildung terti{\"a}rer lymphoider Gewebe hindeuten. Die Rekrutierung von Zellen der angeborenen Immunantwort (NK-Zellen, neutrophile Granulozyten) geschah parallel bzw. verz{\"o}gert zur Virusvermehrung und damit eher sp{\"a}t w{\"a}hrend der Infektion. Die Rekrutierung von eosinophilen Granulozyten erfolgte erst in der Eliminationsphase der PVM-Infektion zusammen mit CD4+-T-Zellen. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde ermittelt, dass Alveolarmakrophagen (AMΦ) in vivo mit PVM infiziert und dabei transient depletiert wurden. Die Depletion der AMΦ schien dabei nicht durch Lymphozytenpopulationen zu erfolgen. Die Charakterisierung der PVM-Infektion bei M{\"a}usen mit definierten Immundefizienzen ergab, dass B-Lymphozyten zur partiellen Viruskontrolle in T-Zell-defizienten M{\"a}usen beitragen und dadurch zur Protektion vor letalen Verl{\"a}ufen bei diesen M{\"a}usen f{\"u}hren. Die Letalit{\"a}t bei diesen M{\"a}usen, insbesondere in Abwesenheit von funktionellen B-Zellen, war mit Kontrollverlust {\"u}ber die Virusvermehrung assoziiert. B-Lymphozyten 2 wurden effizient in das infizierte Lungengewebe von T-Zell-defizienten M{\"a}usen rekrutiert. Das Serum T-Zell-defizienter M{\"a}use wies eine PVM-neutralisierende Aktivit{\"a}t auf, die mit dem Erscheinen PVM-spezifischer IgM-Antik{\"o}rper, T-Zell-unabh{\"a}ngig synthetisiert, korrelierte. IgG-Antik{\"o}rper waren jedoch zu diesen Zeitpunkten (14 d.p.i.) nicht nachweisbar. Dies wurde m{\"o}glicherweise durch unvollst{\"a}ndigen oder verz{\"o}gerten Reifungsprozess von B-Lymphozyten in T-Zell-defizienten M{\"a}usen reflektiert, da verschiedene Antik{\"o}rperklassen, wie IgM- und IgG-Antik{\"o}rper zeitgleich exprimiert wurden. Eine hohe Heterogenit{\"a}t bzgl. der klinischen Symptome und dem Ausgang der Infektion schien außerdem ein Kennzeichen von PVM-Infektionen unter bestimmten Immundefizienzen zu sein. Der adoptive B-Zell-Transfer in B6.Rag1-/--M{\"a}use ver{\"a}ndert die Krankheitsverl{\"a}ufe nach PVM-Infektion, da einige B-Zell-transplantierte M{\"a}use ohne klinische Symptome zu zeigen {\"u}berlebten und andere zwar Gewicht verloren und die Versuchsabbruchkriterien erreichten, aber die Heterogenit{\"a}t der Krankheitsverl{\"a}ufe reduziert war. Adoptiv transferierte B-Lymphozyten wurden außerdem in lymphatische Organe und in infiziertes Lungengewebe rekrutiert und waren in der Lage zu Plasmazellen zu reifen. Es gibt somit erste Indizien, dass B-Zellen zu einem Schutz bei einer akuten PVM-Infektion beitragen.}, subject = {RS-Virus}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Weh2024, author = {Weh, Manuel}, title = {Chiral Perylene Bisimide Cyclophanes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31529}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-315296}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {This work illustrates how the targeted tailoring of supramolecular cavities can not only accomplish high binding due to optimized stereoelectronic shape matches between host and guest but also how molecular engineering of the binding site by a refined substitution periphery of the cavity makes enantiospecific guest recognition and host mediated chirality transfer feasible. Moreover, an enzyme mimic, following the Pauling-Jencks model of enzyme catalysis was realized by the smart design of a PBI host composed of moderately twisted chromophores, which drives the substrate inversion according to the concepts of transition state stabilization and ground state destabilization. The results of this thesis contribute to a better understanding of structure-specific interactions in host-guest complexes as well as the corresponding thermodynamic and kinetic properties and represent an appealing blueprint for the design of new artificial complex structures of high stereoelectronic shape complementarity in order to achieve the goal of sophisticated supramolecular receptors and enzyme mimicry.}, language = {en} } @article{GroebnerWorstWeischenfeldtetal.2018, author = {Gr{\"o}bner, Susanne N. and Worst, Barbara C. and Weischenfeldt, Joachim and Buchhalter, Ivo and Kleinheinz, Kortine and Rudneva, Vasilisa A. and Johann, Pascal D. and Balasubramanian, Gnana Prakash and Segura-Wang, Maia and Brabetz, Sebastian and Bender, Sebastian and Hutter, Barbara and Sturm, Dominik and Pfaff, Elke and H{\"u}bschmann, Daniel and Zipprich, Gideon and Heinold, Michael and Eils, J{\"u}rgen and Lawerenz, Christian and Erkek, Serap and Lambo, Sander and Waszak, Sebastian and Blattmann, Claudia and Borkhardt, Arndt and Kuhlen, Michaela and Eggert, Angelika and Fulda, Simone and Gessler, Manfred and Wegert, Jenny and Kappler, Roland and Baumhoer, Daniel and Stefan, Burdach and Kirschner-Schwabe, Renate and Kontny, Udo and Kulozik, Andreas E. and Lohmann, Dietmar and Hettmer, Simone and Eckert, Cornelia and Bielack, Stefan and Nathrath, Michaela and Niemeyer, Charlotte and Richter, G{\"u}nther H. and Schulte, Johannes and Siebert, Reiner and Westermann, Frank and Molenaar, Jan J. and Vassal, Gilles and Witt, Hendrik and Burkhardt, Birgit and Kratz, Christian P. and Witt, Olaf and van Tilburg, Cornelis M. and Kramm, Christof M. and Fleischhack, Gudrun and Dirksen, Uta and Rutkowski, Stefan and Fr{\"u}hwald, Michael and Hoff, Katja von and Wolf, Stephan and Klingebeil, Thomas and Koscielniak, Ewa and Landgraf, Pablo and Koster, Jan and Resnick, Adam C. and Zhang, Jinghui and Liu, Yanling and Zhou, Xin and Waanders, Angela J. and Zwijnenburg, Danny A. and Raman, Pichai and Brors, Benedikt and Weber, Ursula D. and Northcott, Paul A. and Pajtler, Kristian W. and Kool, Marcel and Piro, Rosario M. and Korbel, Jan O. and Schlesner, Matthias and Eils, Roland and Jones, David T. W. and Lichter, Peter and Chavez, Lukas and Zapatka, Marc and Pfister, Stefan M.}, title = {The landscape of genomic alterations across childhood cancers}, series = {Nature}, volume = {555}, journal = {Nature}, organization = {ICGC PedBrain-Seq Project, ICGC MMML-Seq Project,}, doi = {10.1038/nature25480}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-229579}, pages = {321-327}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Pan-cancer analyses that examine commonalities and differences among various cancer types have emerged as a powerful way to obtain novel insights into cancer biology. Here we present a comprehensive analysis of genetic alterations in a pan-cancer cohort including 961 tumours from children, adolescents, and young adults, comprising 24 distinct molecular types of cancer. Using a standardized workflow, we identified marked differences in terms of mutation frequency and significantly mutated genes in comparison to previously analysed adult cancers. Genetic alterations in 149 putative cancer driver genes separate the tumours into two classes: small mutation and structural/copy-number variant (correlating with germline variants). Structural variants, hyperdiploidy, and chromothripsis are linked to TP53 mutation status and mutational signatures. Our data suggest that 7-8\% of the children in this cohort carry an unambiguous predisposing germline variant and that nearly 50\% of paediatric neoplasms harbour a potentially druggable event, which is highly relevant for the design of future clinical trials.}, language = {en} } @article{HarnošCanizalJuraseketal.2019, author = {Harnoš, Jakub and Ca{\~n}izal, Maria Consuelo Alonso and Jur{\´a}sek, Miroslav and Kumar, Jitender and Holler, Cornelia and Schambony, Alexandra and Han{\´a}kov{\´a}, Kateřina and Bernat{\´i}k, Ondřej and Zdr{\´a}hal, Zbyn{\^e}k and G{\"o}m{\"o}ryov{\´a}, Krist{\´i}na and Gybeľ, Tom{\´a}š and Radaszkiewicz, Tomasz Witold and Kravec, Marek and Trant{\´i}rek, Luk{\´a}š and Ryneš, Jan and Dave, Zankruti and Fern{\´a}ndez-Llamazares, Ana Iris and V{\´a}cha, Robert and Tripsianes, Konstantinos and Hoffmann, Carsten and Bryja, V{\´i}tězslav}, title = {Dishevelled-3 conformation dynamics analyzed by FRET-based biosensors reveals a key role of casein kinase 1}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {10}, journal = {Nature Communications}, doi = {10.1038/s41467-019-09651-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-227837}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Dishevelled (DVL) is the key component of the Wnt signaling pathway. Currently, DVL conformational dynamics under native conditions is unknown. To overcome this limitation, we develop the Fluorescein Arsenical Hairpin Binder- (FlAsH-) based FRET in vivo approach to study DVL conformation in living cells. Using this single-cell FRET approach, we demonstrate that (i) Wnt ligands induce open DVL conformation, (ii) DVL variants that are predominantly open, show more even subcellular localization and more efficient membrane recruitment by Frizzled (FZD) and (iii) Casein kinase 1 ɛ (CK1ɛ) has a key regulatory function in DVL conformational dynamics. In silico modeling and in vitro biophysical methods explain how CK1ɛ-specific phosphorylation events control DVL conformations via modulation of the PDZ domain and its interaction with DVL C-terminus. In summary, our study describes an experimental tool for DVL conformational sampling in living cells and elucidates the essential regulatory role of CK1ɛ in DVL conformational dynamics.}, language = {en} } @article{GottschalkRichterZiegleretal.2019, author = {Gottschalk, Michael G. and Richter, Jan and Ziegler, Christiane and Schiele, Miriam A. and Mann, Julia and Geiger, Maximilian J. and Schartner, Christoph and Homola, Gy{\"o}rgy A. and Alpers, Georg W. and B{\"u}chel, Christian and Fehm, Lydia and Fydrich, Thomas and Gerlach, Alexander L. and Gloster, Andrew T. and Helbig-Lang, Sylvia and Kalisch, Raffael and Kircher, Tilo and Lang, Thomas and Lonsdorf, Tina B. and Pan{\´e}-Farr{\´e}, Christiane A. and Str{\"o}hle, Andreas and Weber, Heike and Zwanzger, Peter and Arolt, Volker and Romanos, Marcel and Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich and Hamm, Alfons and Pauli, Paul and Reif, Andreas and Deckert, J{\"u}rgen and Neufang, Susanne and H{\"o}fler, Michael and Domschke, Katharina}, title = {Orexin in the anxiety spectrum: association of a HCRTR1 polymorphism with panic disorder/agoraphobia, CBT treatment response and fear-related intermediate phenotypes}, series = {Translational Psychiatry}, volume = {9}, journal = {Translational Psychiatry}, doi = {10.1038/s41398-019-0415-8}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-227479}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Preclinical studies point to a pivotal role of the orexin 1 (OX1) receptor in arousal and fear learning and therefore suggest the HCRTR1 gene as a prime candidate in panic disorder (PD) with/without agoraphobia (AG), PD/AG treatment response, and PD/AG-related intermediate phenotypes. Here, a multilevel approach was applied to test the non-synonymous HCRTR1 C/T Ile408Val gene variant (rs2271933) for association with PD/AG in two independent case-control samples (total n = 613 cases, 1839 healthy subjects), as an outcome predictor of a six-weeks exposure-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in PD/AG patients (n = 189), as well as with respect to agoraphobic cognitions (ACQ) (n = 483 patients, n = 2382 healthy subjects), fMRI alerting network activation in healthy subjects (n = 94), and a behavioral avoidance task in PD/AG pre- and post-CBT (n = 271). The HCRTR1 rs2271933 T allele was associated with PD/AG in both samples independently, and in their meta-analysis (p = 4.2 × 10-7), particularly in the female subsample (p = 9.8 × 10-9). T allele carriers displayed a significantly poorer CBT outcome (e.g., Hamilton anxiety rating scale: p = 7.5 × 10-4). The T allele count was linked to higher ACQ sores in PD/AG and healthy subjects, decreased inferior frontal gyrus and increased locus coeruleus activation in the alerting network. Finally, the T allele count was associated with increased pre-CBT exposure avoidance and autonomic arousal as well as decreased post-CBT improvement. In sum, the present results provide converging evidence for an involvement of HCRTR1 gene variation in the etiology of PD/AG and PD/AG-related traits as well as treatment response to CBT, supporting future therapeutic approaches targeting the orexin-related arousal system.}, language = {en} } @article{GiampaoloWojcikKleinHesslingetal.2019, author = {Giampaolo, Sabrina and W{\´o}jcik, Gabriela and Klein-Hessling, Stefan and Serfling, Edgar and Patra, Amiya K.}, title = {B cell development is critically dependent on NFATc1 activity}, series = {Cellular \& Molecular Immunology}, volume = {16}, journal = {Cellular \& Molecular Immunology}, doi = {10.1038/s41423-018-0052-9}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-233006}, pages = {508-520}, year = {2019}, abstract = {B cell development in bone marrow is a precisely regulated complex process. Through successive stages of differentiation, which are regulated by a multitude of signaling pathways and an array of lineage-specific transcription factors, the common lymphoid progenitors ultimately give rise to mature B cells. Similar to early thymocyte development in the thymus, early B cell development in bone marrow is critically dependent on IL-7 signaling. During this IL-7-dependent stage of differentiation, several transcription factors, such as E2A, EBF1, and Pax5, among others, play indispensable roles in B lineage specification and maintenance. Although recent studies have implicated several other transcription factors in B cell development, the role of NFATc1 in early B cell developmental stages is not known. Here, using multiple gene-manipulated mouse models and applying various experimental methods, we show that NFATc1 activity is vital for early B cell differentiation. Lack of NFATc1 activity in pro-B cells suppresses EBF1 expression, impairs immunoglobulin gene rearrangement, and thereby preBCR formation, resulting in defective B cell development. Overall, deficiency in NFATc1 activity arrested the pro-B cell transition to the pre-B cell stage, leading to severe B cell lymphopenia. Our findings suggest that, along with other transcription factors, NFATc1 is a critical component of the signaling mechanism that facilitates early B cell differentiation.}, language = {en} } @article{LetunicKhedkarBork2021, author = {Letunic, Ivica and Khedkar, Supriya and Bork, Peer}, title = {SMART: recent updates, new developments and status in 2020}, series = {Nucleic Acids Research}, volume = {49}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Research}, number = {D1}, doi = {10.1093/nar/gkaa937}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-363816}, pages = {D458-D460}, year = {2021}, abstract = {SMART (Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool) is a web resource (https://smart.embl.de) for the identification and annotation of protein domains and the analysis of protein domain architectures. SMART version 9 contains manually curatedmodels formore than 1300 protein domains, with a topical set of 68 new models added since our last update article (1). All the new models are for diverse recombinase families and subfamilies and as a set they provide a comprehensive overview of mobile element recombinases namely transposase, integrase, relaxase, resolvase, cas1 casposase and Xer like cellular recombinase. Further updates include the synchronization of the underlying protein databases with UniProt (2), Ensembl (3) and STRING (4), greatly increasing the total number of annotated domains and other protein features available in architecture analysis mode. Furthermore, SMART's vector-based protein display engine has been extended and updated to use the latest web technologies and the domain architecture analysis components have been optimized to handle the increased number of protein features available.}, language = {en} } @article{SchwabMeeuwsenEhlickeetal.2017, author = {Schwab, Andrea and Meeuwsen, Annick and Ehlicke, Franziska and Hansmann, Jan and Mulder, Lars and Smits, Anthal and Walles, Heike and Kock, Linda}, title = {Ex vivo culture platform for assessment of cartilage repair treatment strategies}, series = {ALTEX - Alternatives to animal experimentation}, volume = {34}, journal = {ALTEX - Alternatives to animal experimentation}, number = {2}, doi = {10.14573/altex.1607111}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-181665}, pages = {267-277}, year = {2017}, abstract = {There is a great need for valuable ex vivo models that allow for assessment of cartilage repair strategies to reduce the high number of animal experiments. In this paper we present three studies with our novel ex vivo osteochondral culture platform. It consists of two separated media compartments for cartilage and bone, which better represents the in vivo situation and enables supply of factors pecific to the different needs of bone and cartilage. We investigated whether separation of the cartilage and bone compartments and/or culture media results in the maintenance of viability, structural and functional properties of cartilage tissue. Next, we valuated for how long we can preserve cartilage matrix stability of osteochondral explants during long-term culture over 84 days. Finally, we determined the optimal defect size that does not show spontaneous self-healing in this culture system. It was demonstrated that separated compartments for cartilage and bone in combination with tissue-specific medium allow for long-term culture of osteochondral explants while maintaining cartilage viability, atrix tissue content, structure and mechanical properties for at least 56 days. Furthermore, we could create critical size cartilage defects of different sizes in the model. The osteochondral model represents a valuable preclinical ex vivo tool for studying clinically relevant cartilage therapies, such as cartilage biomaterials, for their regenerative potential, for evaluation of drug and cell therapies, or to study mechanisms of cartilage regeneration. It will undoubtedly reduce the number of animals needed for in vivotesting.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Broehl2024, author = {Br{\"o}hl, Kathleen}, title = {„Lanfranks ‚Chirurgia parva' in der Abschrift Konrad Schrecks von Aschaffenburg" als Quelle zur sp{\"a}tmittelalterlich-fr{\"u}hneuzeitlichen Traumatologie}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35922}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-359227}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, „Lanfranks ‚Chirurgia parva' in der Abschrift Konrad Schrecks von Aschaffenburg"1 anhand der von Ralf Vollmuth in seiner Habilitationsschrift „Traumatologie und Feldchirurgie an der Wende vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit" erarbeiteten Strukturvorgabe inhaltlich zu erschließen. Durch die Aufarbeitung verschiedener chirurgischer Fachb{\"u}cher und Manuale unter Verwendung einer gemeinsamen Strukturvorlage soll erm{\"o}glicht werden, medizinhistorische Quellen kritisch-kontrastiv zu vergleichen. Das bedeutet, dass die Quellen zuerst ediert und anschließend gegebenenfalls {\"u}bersetzt werden m{\"u}ssen. Im n{\"a}chsten Schritt werden die verwendeten Arzneimittel - pflanzlicher, tierischer, mineralischer Herkunft - identifiziert und bestimmt. Im Anschluss werden Monographien mit den bestimmenden Inhaltsstoffen und Eigenschaften erstellt. Anhand dieser Pflanzen- und Arzneistoffmonographien, die im Sinne einer Datenbank aufeinander aufbauen, sollte es dann m{\"o}glich sein, unter modernen pharmakologischen Gesichtspunkten die Wirksamkeit der verwendeten Arzneimittel zu erschließen. Eine ausreichende Zahl von Quellen, die nach einer gemeinsamen Strukturvorlage bearbeitet wurden, kann es schließlich erm{\"o}glichen, zu beurteilen, welche der beschriebenen Anwendungen repr{\"a}sentativ waren, welche Außenseiterstellung einnahmen oder nur theoretische Ans{\"a}tze bildeten, die praktisch keine Verwendung fanden.}, subject = {Lanfrancus, Mediolanensis}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{KellnergebFriedel2024, author = {Kellner [geb. Friedel], Theresa}, title = {Suizid durch Selbstverbrennung im Freien - Eine bildmorphologische Analyse der Intensit{\"a}t und Verteilung von Verbrennungen im Zusammenhang mit der K{\"o}rperposition w{\"a}hrend des Brandgeschehens}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35919}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-359193}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es, etwaige Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Distribution und Intensit{\"a}t von Brandverletzungen bei suizidaler Selbstverbrennung im Freien in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von der jeweiligen K{\"o}rperposition zum Auffindezeitpunkt anhand der Aktenlage herauszuarbeiten. Das Studienkollektiv umfasst 38 F{\"a}lle aus 9 deutschen rechtsmedizinischen Instituten, darunter 13 (34,2 \%) weibliche und 25 (65,8 \%) m{\"a}nnliche Suizidenten/-innen im Alter von 18 - 77 Jahren. Neben einer deskriptiven visuellen Analyse erfolgt die Auswertung der Verteilung der Verbrennungen mittels der Software BurnCase 3D, die es erm{\"o}glicht, eine Sortierung der einzelnen K{\"o}rperbereiche nach deren durchschnittlicher Verbrennungsintensit{\"a}t innerhalb verschiedener Cluster f{\"u}r die unterschiedlichen Auffindepositionen am Tatort (R{\"u}ckenlage, Bauchlage, Seitenlage, Aufrecht, Sitzend) vorzunehmen. Am ehesten auf das in aufrechter Haltung beginnende Brandgeschehen zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren ist eine cluster{\"u}bergreifend auftretende, intensive und nach kranial an Intensit{\"a}t abnehmende Verbrennung des Halses sowie der lateralen und perioralen Kopfbereiche. Geringe Verbrennungsfolgen weisen die distalen unteren Extremit{\"a}ten sowie die Auflagefl{\"a}chen des K{\"o}rpers auf dem Untergrund auf. Es zeigt sich eine Beeinflussung der lokalen Verbrennungstiefe durch ein hohes Fettgewebevorkommen. Ebenfalls cluster{\"u}bergreifend k{\"o}nnen verst{\"a}rkte Brandwirkungen an den Oberschenkelinnenseiten festgestellt werden. In R{\"u}cken- und Bauchlage liegt zudem eine h{\"o}here Verbrennungsintensit{\"a}t an den Flanken, den Arminnenseiten und im Unterbauchbereich vor. Bei in Seitenlage verbrannten K{\"o}rpern ergeben sich Hinweise darauf, dass die nach oben gerichtete K{\"o}rperseite vermehrt Verbrennungen aufweist. In aufrechter und sitzender Position konzentriert sich der Brandfokus {\"u}berwiegend auf Torso, Hals und Kopf. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde eine Betrachtung des Entstehungsmusters kutaner Hitzerisse durchgef{\"u}hrt. Hier ergaben sich {\"U}bereinstimmungen u.a. mit dem Verlauf der Hautfaltlinien nach Pinkus. Ein K{\"o}rperschema mit Abbildung der beobachteten Orientierungen der Risse wurde angefertigt. Die wichtigsten Limitationen ergeben sich aus einer geringen Fallzahl, einer fotografischen Dokumentation, die nicht alle K{\"o}rperbereiche in ausreichender Qualit{\"a}t und Detailliertheit abdeckt, sowie dem subjektiven Bias hinsichtlich der Bewertung der Verbrennungsintensit{\"a}ten.}, subject = {Selbstverbrennung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Landmesser2024, author = {Landmesser, Patricia Sophia}, title = {Seropr{\"a}valenz von SARS-CoV-2 Antik{\"o}rpern bei Medizinstudierenden im zweiten klinischen Semester von Juli 2020 bis Juni 2021}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35924}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-359246}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Im sechsten Semester des Medizinstudiums an der Julius-Maximilians-Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg findet das verpflichtende Praktikum „Impfkurs" statt. Im Rahmen dieses Kurses wurde vom Sommersemester 2020 bis zum Sommersemester 2021 ein standardisierter online Fragebogen erhoben, der unter anderem demographische Daten sowie Expositionsm{\"o}glichkeiten gegen{\"u}ber SARS-CoV-2 im privaten, beruflichen und universit{\"a}ren Umfeld erfragte. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde im gleichen Zeitraum der SARS-CoV-2 Serostatus der Medizinstudierenden erhoben und ausgewertet und dieser mit den Daten des Fragebogens zusammengef{\"u}hrt. Daf{\"u}r wurden Blutproben entnommen, welche im Labor des Instituts f{\"u}r Virologie der Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg mittels Western Blot auf IgG/IgM/IgA Antik{\"o}rper gegen SARS-CoV-2 untersucht wurden.}, subject = {SARS-CoV-2}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Adam2024, author = {Adam, Pia Sophie}, title = {Expression von PD-L1 und FGFR1-4 beim anaplastischen und gering differenzierten Schilddr{\"u}senkarzinom - Evaluation als pr{\"a}klinische diagnostische Marker}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35939}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-359391}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Background: Treatment options for poorly differentiated (PDTC) and anaplastic (ATC) thyroid carcinoma are unsatisfactory and prognosis is generally poor. Lenvatinib (LEN), a multi-tyrosine kinase inhibitor targeting fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFR) 1-4 is approved for advanced radioiodine refractory thyroid carcinoma, but response to single agent is poor in ATC. Recent reports of combining LEN with PD-1 inhibitor pembrolizumab (PEM) are promising. Materials and methods: Primary ATC (n=93) and PDTC (n=47) tissue samples diagnosed 1997-2019 at five German tertiary care centers were assessed for PD-L1 expression by immunohistochemistry using Tumor Proportion Score (TPS). FGFR 1-4 mRNA was quantified in 31 ATC and 14 PDTC with RNAscope in-situ hybridization. Normal thyroid tissue (NT) and papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) served as controls. Disease specific survival (DSS) was the primary outcome variable. Results: PD-L1 TPS≥50\% was observed in 42\% of ATC and 26\% of PDTC specimens. Mean PD-L1 expression was significantly higher in ATC (TPS 30\%) than in PDTC (5\%; p<0.01) and NT (0\%, p<0.001). 53\% of PDTC samples had PD-L1 expression ≤5\%. FGFR mRNA expression was generally low in all samples but combined FGFR1-4 expression was significantly higher in PDTC and ATC compared to NT (each p<0.001). No impact of PD-L1 and FGFR 1-4 expression was observed on DSS. Conclusion: High tumoral expression of PD-L1 in a large proportion of ATCs and a subgroup of PDTCs provides a rationale for immune checkpoint inhibition. FGFR expression is low thyroid tumor cells. The clinically observed synergism of PEM with LEN may be caused by immune modulation.}, subject = {Schilddr{\"u}senkrebs}, language = {de} } @article{BelicPageLazariotouetal.2019, author = {Belic, Stanislav and Page, Lukas and Lazariotou, Maria and Waaga-Gasser, Ana Maria and Dragan, Mariola and Springer, Jan and Loeffler, Juergen and Morton, Charles Oliver and Einsele, Hermann and Ullmann, Andrew J. and Wurster, Sebastian}, title = {Comparative Analysis of Inflammatory Cytokine Release and Alveolar Epithelial Barrier Invasion in a Transwell® Bilayer Model of Mucormycosis}, series = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, volume = {9}, journal = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, doi = {10.3389/fmicb.2018.03204}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-252477}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Understanding the mechanisms of early invasion and epithelial defense in opportunistic mold infections is crucial for the evaluation of diagnostic biomarkers and novel treatment strategies. Recent studies revealed unique characteristics of the immunopathology of mucormycoses. We therefore adapted an alveolar Transwell® A549/HPAEC bilayer model for the assessment of epithelial barrier integrity and cytokine response to Rhizopus arrhizus, Rhizomucor pusillus, and Cunninghamella bertholletiae. Hyphal penetration of the alveolar barrier was validated by 18S ribosomal DNA detection in the endothelial compartment. Addition of dendritic cells (moDCs) to the alveolar compartment led to reduced fungal invasion and strongly enhanced pro-inflammatory cytokine response, whereas epithelial CCL2 and CCL5 release was reduced. Despite their phenotypic heterogeneity, the studied Mucorales species elicited the release of similar cytokine patterns by epithelial and dendritic cells. There were significantly elevated lactate dehydrogenase concentrations in the alveolar compartment and epithelial barrier permeability for dextran blue of different molecular weights in Mucorales-infected samples compared to Aspergillus fumigatus infection. Addition of monocyte-derived dendritic cells further aggravated LDH release and epithelial barrier permeability, highlighting the influence of the inflammatory response in mucormycosis-associated tissue damage. An important focus of this study was the evaluation of the reproducibility of readout parameters in independent experimental runs. Our results revealed consistently low coefficients of variation for cytokine concentrations and transcriptional levels of cytokine genes and cell integrity markers. As additional means of model validation, we confirmed that our bilayer model captures key principles of Mucorales biology such as accelerated growth in a hyperglycemic or ketoacidotic environment or reduced epithelial barrier invasion upon epithelial growth factor receptor blockade by gefitinib. Our findings indicate that the Transwell® bilayer model provides a reliable and reproducible tool for assessing host response in mucormycosis.}, language = {en} } @article{BalasubramanianSkafHolzgrabeetal.2018, author = {Balasubramanian, Srikkanth and Skaf, Joseph and Holzgrabe, Ulrike and Bharti, Richa and F{\"o}rstner, Konrad U. and Ziebuhr, Wilma and Humeida, Ute H. and Abdelmohsen, Usama R. and Oelschlaeger, Tobias A.}, title = {A new bioactive compound from the marine sponge-derived Streptomyces sp. SBT348 inhibits staphylococcal growth and biofilm formation}, series = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, volume = {9}, journal = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, doi = {10.3389/fmicb.2018.01473}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-221408}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Staphylococcus epidermidis, the common inhabitant of human skin and mucosal surfaces has emerged as an important pathogen in patients carrying surgical implants and medical devices. Entering the body via surgical sites and colonizing the medical devices through formation of multi-layered biofilms leads to refractory and persistent device-related infections (DRIs). Staphylococci organized in biofilms are more tolerant to antibiotics and immune responses, and thus are difficult-to-treat. The consequent morbidity and mortality, and economic losses in health care systems has strongly necessitated the need for development of new anti-bacterial and anti-biofilm-based therapeutics. In this study, we describe the biological activity of a marine sponge-derived Streptomyces sp. SBT348 extract in restraining staphylococcal growth and biofilm formation on polystyrene, glass, medically relevant titan metal, and silicone surfaces. A bioassay-guided fractionation was performed to isolate the active compound (SKC3) from the crude SBT348 extract. Our results demonstrated that SKC3 effectively inhibits the growth (MIC: 31.25 \(\mu\)g/ml) and biofilm formation (sub-MIC range: 1.95-<31.25 \(\mu\)g/ml) of S. epidermidis RP62A in vitro. Chemical characterization of SKC3 by heat and enzyme treatments, and mass spectrometry (HRMS) revealed its heat-stable and non-proteinaceous nature, and high molecular weight (1258.3 Da). Cytotoxicity profiling of SKC3 in vitro on mouse fibroblast (NIH/3T3) and macrophage (J774.1) cell lines, and in vivo on the greater wax moth larvae Galleria mellonella revealed its non-toxic nature at the effective dose. Transcriptome analysis of SKC3 treated S. epidermidis RP62A has further unmasked its negative effect on central metabolism such as carbon flux as well as, amino acid, lipid, and energy metabolism. Taken together, these findings suggest a potential of SKC3 as a putative drug to prevent staphylococcal DRIs.}, language = {en} } @article{BaurOttoStegeretal.2018, author = {Baur, Johannes and Otto, Christoph and Steger, Ulrich and Klein-Hessling, Stefan and Muhammad, Khalid and Pusch, Tobias and Murti, Krisna and Wismer, Rhoda and Germer, Christoph-Thomas and Klein, Ingo and M{\"u}ller, Nora and Serfling, Edgar and Avots, Andris}, title = {The transcription factor NFaTc1 supports the rejection of heterotopic heart allografts}, series = {Frontiers in Immunology}, volume = {9}, journal = {Frontiers in Immunology}, doi = {10.3389/fimmu.2018.01338}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-221530}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The immune suppressants cyclosporin A (CsA) and tacrolimus (FK506) are used worldwide in transplantation medicine to suppress graft rejection. Both CsA and FK506 inhibit the phosphatase calcineurin (CN) whose activity controls the immune receptor-mediated activation of lymphocytes. Downstream targets of CN in lymphocytes are the nuclear factors of activated T cells (NFATs). We show here that the activity of NFATc1, the most prominent NFAT factor in activated lymphocytes supports the acute rejection of heterotopic heart allografts. While ablation of NFATc1 in T cells prevented graft rejection, ectopic expression of inducible NFATc1/αA isoform led to rejection of heart allografts in recipient mice. Acceptance of transplanted hearts in mice bearing NFATc1-deficient T cells was accompanied by a reduction in number and cytotoxicity of graft infiltrating cells. In CD8\(^+\) T cells, NFATc1 controls numerous intracellular signaling pathways that lead to the metabolic switch to aerobic glycolysis and the expression of numerous lymphokines, chemokines, and their receptors, including Cxcr3 that supports the rejection of allogeneic heart transplants. These findings favors NFATc1 as a molecular target for the development of new strategies to control the cytotoxicity of T cells upon organ transplantation.}, language = {en} } @article{JoosSaadatmandSchnabeletal.2018, author = {Joos, J. P. and Saadatmand, A. R. and Schnabel, C. and Viktorinov{\´a}, I. and Brand, T. and Kramer, M. and Nattel, S. and Dobrev, D. and Tomancak, P. and Backs, J. and Kleinbongard, P. and Heusch, G. and Lorenz, K. and Koch, E. and Weber, S. and El-Armouche, A.}, title = {Ectopic expression of S28A-mutated Histone H3 modulates longevity, stress resistance and cardiac function in Drosophila}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {8}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-018-21372-3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-323637}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Histone H3 serine 28 (H3S28) phosphorylation and de-repression of polycomb repressive complex (PRC)-mediated gene regulation is linked to stress conditions in mitotic and post-mitotic cells. To better understand the role of H3S28 phosphorylation in vivo, we studied a Drosophila strain with ectopic expression of constitutively-activated H3S28A, which prevents PRC2 binding at H3S28, thus mimicking H3S28 phosphorylation. H3S28A mutants showed prolonged life span and improved resistance against starvation and paraquat-induced oxidative stress. Morphological and functional analysis of heart tubes revealed smaller luminal areas and thicker walls accompanied by moderately improved cardiac function after acute stress induction. Whole-exome deep gene-sequencing from isolated heart tubes revealed phenotype-corresponding changes in longevity-promoting and myotropic genes. We also found changes in genes controlling mitochondrial biogenesis and respiration. Analysis of mitochondrial respiration from whole flies revealed improved efficacy of ATP production with reduced electron transport-chain activity. Finally, we analyzed posttranslational modification of H3S28 in an experimental heart failure model and observed increased H3S28 phosphorylation levels in HF hearts. Our data establish a critical role of H3S28 phosphorylation in vivo for life span, stress resistance, cardiac and mitochondrial function in Drosophila. These findings may pave the way for H3S28 phosphorylation as a putative target to treat stress-related disorders such as heart failure.}, language = {en} } @article{KnopSpilgiesRuflietal.2019, author = {Knop, Janin and Spilgies, Lisanne M. and Rufli, Stefanie and Reinhart, Ramona and Vasilikos, Lazaros and Yabal, Monica and Owsley, Erika and Jost, Philipp J. and Marsh, Rebecca A. and Wajant, Harald and Robinson, Mark D. and Kaufmann, Thomas and W. Wei-Lynn, Wong}, title = {TNFR2 induced priming of the inflammasome leads to a RIPK1-dependent cell death in the absence of XIAP}, series = {Cell Death \& Disease}, volume = {10}, journal = {Cell Death \& Disease}, doi = {10.1038/s41419-019-1938-x}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-325946}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The pediatric immune deficiency X-linked proliferative disease-2 (XLP-2) is a unique disease, with patients presenting with either hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) or intestinal bowel disease (IBD). Interestingly, XLP-2 patients display high levels of IL-18 in the serum even while in stable condition, presumably through spontaneous inflammasome activation. Recent data suggests that LPS stimulation can trigger inflammasome activation through a TNFR2/TNF/TNFR1 mediated loop in xiap-/- macrophages. Yet, the direct role TNFR2-specific activation plays in the absence of XIAP is unknown. We found TNFR2-specific activation leads to cell death in xiap-/- myeloid cells, particularly in the absence of the RING domain. RIPK1 kinase activity downstream of TNFR2 resulted in a TNF/TNFR1 cell death, independent of necroptosis. TNFR2-specific activation leads to a similar inflammatory NF-kB driven transcriptional profile as TNFR1 activation with the exception of upregulation of NLRP3 and caspase-11. Activation and upregulation of the canonical inflammasome upon loss of XIAP was mediated by RIPK1 kinase activity and ROS production. While both the inhibition of RIPK1 kinase activity and ROS production reduced cell death, as well as release of IL-1β, the release of IL-18 was not reduced to basal levels. This study supports targeting TNFR2 specifically to reduce IL-18 release in XLP-2 patients and to reduce priming of the inflammasome components.}, language = {en} } @article{KrausBrinkSiegel2019, author = {Kraus, Amelie J. and Brink, Benedikt G. and Siegel, T. Nicolai}, title = {Efficient and specific oligo-based depletion of rRNA}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {9}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-019-48692-2}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-224829}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In most organisms, ribosomal RNA (rRNA) contributes to >85\% of total RNA. Thus, to obtain useful information from RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) analyses at reasonable sequencing depth, typically, mature polyadenylated transcripts are enriched or rRNA molecules are depleted. Targeted depletion of rRNA is particularly useful when studying transcripts lacking a poly(A) tail, such as some non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), most bacterial RNAs and partially degraded or immature transcripts. While several commercially available kits allow effective rRNA depletion, their efficiency relies on a high degree of sequence homology between oligonucleotide probes and the target RNA. This restricts the use of such kits to a limited number of organisms with conserved rRNA sequences. In this study we describe the use of biotinylated oligos and streptavidin-coated paramagnetic beads for the efficient and specific depletion of trypanosomal rRNA. Our approach reduces the levels of the most abundant rRNA transcripts to less than 5\% with minimal off-target effects. By adjusting the sequence of the oligonucleotide probes, our approach can be used to deplete rRNAs or other abundant transcripts independent of species. Thus, our protocol provides a useful alternative for rRNA removal where enrichment of polyadenylated transcripts is not an option and commercial kits for rRNA are not available.}, language = {en} } @article{KotzRischArnoldetal.2019, author = {Kotz, Frederik and Risch, Patrick and Arnold, Karl and Sevim, Semih and Puigmart{\´i}-Luis, Josep and Quick, Alexander and Thiel, Michael and Hrynevich, Andrei and Dalton, Paul D. and Helmer, Dorothea and Rapp, Bastian E.}, title = {Fabrication of arbitrary three-dimensional suspended hollow microstructures in transparent fused silica glass}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {10}, journal = {Nature Communications}, doi = {10.1038/s41467-019-09497-z}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-224787}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Fused silica glass is the preferred material for applications which require long-term chemical and mechanical stability as well as excellent optical properties. The manufacturing of complex hollow microstructures within transparent fused silica glass is of particular interest for, among others, the miniaturization of chemical synthesis towards more versatile, configurable and environmentally friendly flow-through chemistry as well as high-quality optical waveguides or capillaries. However, microstructuring of such complex three-dimensional structures in glass has proven evasive due to its high thermal and chemical stability as well as mechanical hardness. Here we present an approach for the generation of hollow microstructures in fused silica glass with high precision and freedom of three-dimensional designs. The process combines the concept of sacrificial template replication with a room-temperature molding process for fused silica glass. The fabricated glass chips are versatile tools for, among other, the advance of miniaturization in chemical synthesis on chip.}, language = {en} } @article{KimAmoresKangetal.2019, author = {Kim, Bo-Mi and Amores, Angel and Kang, Seunghyun and Ahn, Do-Hwan and Kim, Jin-Hyoung and Kim, Il-Chan and Lee, Jun Hyuck and Lee, Sung Gu and Lee, Hyoungseok and Lee, Jungeun and Kim, Han-Woo and Desvignes, Thomas and Batzel, Peter and Sydes, Jason and Titus, Tom and Wilson, Catherine A. and Catchen, Julian M. and Warren, Wesley C. and Schartl, Manfred and Detrich, H. William III and Postlethwait, John H. and Park, Hyun}, title = {Antarctic blackfin icefish genome reveals adaptations to extreme environments}, series = {Nature Ecology \& Evolution}, volume = {3}, journal = {Nature Ecology \& Evolution}, doi = {10.1038/s41559-019-0812-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-325811}, pages = {469-478}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Icefishes (suborder Notothenioidei; family Channichthyidae) are the only vertebrates that lack functional haemoglobin genes and red blood cells. Here, we report a high-quality genome assembly and linkage map for the Antarctic blackfin icefish Chaenocephalus aceratus, highlighting evolved genomic features for its unique physiology. Phylogenomic analysis revealed that Antarctic fish of the teleost suborder Notothenioidei, including icefishes, diverged from the stickleback lineage about 77 million years ago and subsequently evolved cold-adapted phenotypes as the Southern Ocean cooled to sub-zero temperatures. Our results show that genes involved in protection from ice damage, including genes encoding antifreeze glycoprotein and zona pellucida proteins, are highly expanded in the icefish genome. Furthermore, genes that encode enzymes that help to control cellular redox state, including members of the sod3 and nqo1 gene families, are expanded, probably as evolutionary adaptations to the relatively high concentration of oxygen dissolved in cold Antarctic waters. In contrast, some crucial regulators of circadian homeostasis (cry and per genes) are absent from the icefish genome, suggesting compromised control of biological rhythms in the polar light environment. The availability of the icefish genome sequence will accelerate our understanding of adaptation to extreme Antarctic environments.}, language = {en} } @article{HoernesFaserlJuenetal.2018, author = {Hoernes, Thomas Philipp and Faserl, Klaus and Juen, Michael Andreas and Kremser, Johannes and Gasser, Catherina and Fuchs, Elisabeth and Shi, Xinying and Siewert, Aaron and Lindner, Herbert and Kreutz, Christoph and Micura, Ronald and Joseph, Simpson and H{\"o}bartner, Claudia and Westhof, Eric and H{\"u}ttenhofer, Alexander and Erlacher, Matthias David}, title = {Translation of non-standard codon nucleotides reveals minimal requirements for codon-anticodon interactions}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {9}, journal = {Nature Communications}, doi = {10.1038/s41467-018-07321-8}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-321067}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The precise interplay between the mRNA codon and the tRNA anticodon is crucial for ensuring efficient and accurate translation by the ribosome. The insertion of RNA nucleobase derivatives in the mRNA allowed us to modulate the stability of the codon-anticodon interaction in the decoding site of bacterial and eukaryotic ribosomes, allowing an in-depth analysis of codon recognition. We found the hydrogen bond between the N1 of purines and the N3 of pyrimidines to be sufficient for decoding of the first two codon nucleotides, whereas adequate stacking between the RNA bases is critical at the wobble position. Inosine, found in eukaryotic mRNAs, is an important example of destabilization of the codon-anticodon interaction. Whereas single inosines are efficiently translated, multiple inosines, e.g., in the serotonin receptor 5-HT2C mRNA, inhibit translation. Thus, our results indicate that despite the robustness of the decoding process, its tolerance toward the weakening of codon-anticodon interactions is limited.}, language = {en} } @article{HommersRichterYangetal.2018, author = {Hommers, L. G. and Richter, J. and Yang, Y. and Raab, A. and Baumann, C. and Lang, K. and Schiele, M. A. and Weber, H. and Wittmann, A. and Wolf, C. and Alpers, G. W. and Arolt, V. and Domschke, K. and Fehm, L. and Fydrich, T. and Gerlach, A. and Gloster, A. T. and Hamm, A. O. and Helbig-Lang, S. and Kircher, T. and Lang, T. and Pan{\´e}-Farr{\´e}, C. A. and Pauli, P. and Pfleiderer, B. and Reif, A. and Romanos, M. and Straube, B. and Str{\"o}hle, A. and Wittchen, H.-U. and Frantz, S. and Ertl, G. and Lohse, M. J. and Lueken, U. and Deckert, J.}, title = {A functional genetic variation of SLC6A2 repressor hsa-miR-579-3p upregulates sympathetic noradrenergic processes of fear and anxiety}, series = {Translational Psychiatry}, volume = {8}, journal = {Translational Psychiatry}, doi = {10.1038/s41398-018-0278-4}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-322497}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Increased sympathetic noradrenergic signaling is crucially involved in fear and anxiety as defensive states. MicroRNAs regulate dynamic gene expression during synaptic plasticity and genetic variation of microRNAs modulating noradrenaline transporter gene (SLC6A2) expression may thus lead to altered central and peripheral processing of fear and anxiety. In silico prediction of microRNA regulation of SLC6A2 was confirmed by luciferase reporter assays and identified hsa-miR-579-3p as a regulating microRNA. The minor (T)-allele of rs2910931 (MAFcases = 0.431, MAFcontrols = 0.368) upstream of MIR579 was associated with panic disorder in patients (pallelic = 0.004, ncases = 506, ncontrols = 506) and with higher trait anxiety in healthy individuals (pASI = 0.029, pACQ = 0.047, n = 3112). Compared to the major (A)-allele, increased promoter activity was observed in luciferase reporter assays in vitro suggesting more effective MIR579 expression and SLC6A2 repression in vivo (p = 0.041). Healthy individuals carrying at least one (T)-allele showed a brain activation pattern suggesting increased defensive responding and sympathetic noradrenergic activation in midbrain and limbic areas during the extinction of conditioned fear. Panic disorder patients carrying two (T)-alleles showed elevated heart rates in an anxiety-provoking behavioral avoidance test (F(2, 270) = 5.47, p = 0.005). Fine-tuning of noradrenaline homeostasis by a MIR579 genetic variation modulated central and peripheral sympathetic noradrenergic activation during fear processing and anxiety. This study opens new perspectives on the role of microRNAs in the etiopathogenesis of anxiety disorders, particularly their cardiovascular symptoms and comorbidities.}, language = {en} } @article{BurySoundararajanBhartietal.2018, author = {Bury, Susanne and Soundararajan, Manonmani and Bharti, Richa and von B{\"u}nau, Rudolf and F{\"o}rstner, Konrad U. and Oelschlaeger, Tobias A.}, title = {The probiotic escherichia coli strain Nissle 1917 combats lambdoid bacteriophages stx and lambda}, series = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, volume = {9}, journal = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, doi = {10.3389/fmicb.2018.00929}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-221960}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Shiga toxin (Stx) producing E. coli (STEC) such as Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) are the major cause of foodborne illness in humans. In vitro studies showed the probiotic Escherichia coil strain Nissle 1917 (EcN) to efficiently inhibit the production of Stx. Life threatening EHEC strains as for example the serotype 0104:H4, responsible for the great outbreak in 2011 in Germany, evolutionary developed from certain E. coll strains which got infected by stx2-encoding lambdoid phages turning the E. coil into lysogenic and subsequently Stx producing strains. Since antibiotics induce stx genes and Stx production, EHEC infected persons are not recommended to be treated with antibiotics. Therefore, EcN might be an alternative medication. However, because even commensal E. coli strains might be converted into Stx-producers after becoming host to a stx encoding prophage, we tested EcN for stx-phage genome integration. Our experiments revealed the resistance of EcN toward not only stx-phages but also against lambda-phages. This resistance was not based on the lack of or by mutated phage receptors. Rather it involved the expression of a phage repressor (pr) gene of a defective prophage in EcN which was able to partially protect E. coli K-12 strain MG1655 against stx and lambda phage infection. Furthermore, we observed EcN to inactivate phages and thereby to protect E. coli K-12 strains against infection by stx- as well as lambda-phages. Inactivation of lambda-phages was due to binding of lambda-phages to LamB of EcN whereas inactivation of stx-phages was caused by a thermostable protein of EcN. These properties together with its ability to inhibit Stx production make EcN a good candidate for the prevention of illness caused by EHEC and probably for the treatment of already infected people.}, language = {en} } @article{BreitingerBahnassawyJanzenetal.2018, author = {Breitinger, Ulrike and Bahnassawy, Lamiaa M. and Janzen, Dieter and R{\"o}mer, Vera and Becker, Cord-Michael and Villmann, Carmen and Breitinger, Hans-Georg}, title = {PKA and PKC modulators affect ion channel function and internalization of recombinant alpha1 and alpha1-beta glycine receptors}, series = {Frontiers in Molecular Neurosience}, volume = {11}, journal = {Frontiers in Molecular Neurosience}, doi = {10.3389/fnmol.2018.00154}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-220401}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Glycine receptors (GlyRs) are important mediators of fast inhibitory neurotransmission in the mammalian central nervous system. Their function is controlled by multiple cellular mechanisms, including intracellular regulatory processes. Modulation of GlyR function by protein kinases has been reported for many cell types, involving different techniques, and often yielding contradictory results. Here, we studied the effects of protein kinase C (PKC) and cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) on glycine induced currents in HEK293 cells expressing human homomeric \(\alpha\)1 and heteromeric \(\alpha\)1-\(\beta\) GlyRs using whole-cell patch clamp techniques as well as internalization assays. In whole-cell patch-clamp measurements, modulators were applied in the intracellular buffer at concentrations between 0.1 \(\mu\)M and 0.5 \(\mu\)M. EC50 of glycine increased upon application of the protein kinase activators Forskolin and phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) but decreased in the presence of the PKC inhibitor Staurosporine aglycon and the PKA inhibitor H-89. Desensitization of recombinant \(\alpha\)1 receptors was significantly increased in the presence of Forskolin. Staurosporine aglycon, on the other hand decreased desensitization of heteromeric \(\alpha\)1-\(\beta\) GlyRs. The time course of receptor activation was determined for homomeric \(\alpha\)1 receptors and revealed two simultaneous effects: cells showed a decrease of EC50 after 3-6 min of establishing whole-cell configuration. This effect was independent of protein kinase modulators. All modulators of PKA and PKC, however, produced an additional shift of EC50, which overlay and eventually exceeded the cells intrinsic variation of EC50. The effect of kinase activators was abolished if the corresponding inhibitors were co-applied, consistent with PKA and PKC directly mediating the modulation of GlyR function. Direct effects of PKA-and PKC-modulators on receptor expression on transfected HEK cells were monitored within 15 min of drug application, showing a significant increase of receptor internalization with PKA and PKC activators, while the corresponding inhibitors had no significant effect on receptor surface expression or internalization. Our results confirm the observation that phosphorylation via PKA and PKC has a direct effect on the GlyR ion channel complex and plays an important role in the fine-tuning of glycinergic signaling.}, language = {en} } @article{BohmannKurkaduMesnildeRochemontetal.2019, author = {Bohmann, Ferdinand O. and Kurka, Natalia and du Mesnil de Rochemont, Richard and Gruber, Katharina and Guenther, Joachim and Rostek, Peter and Rai, Heike and Zickler, Philipp and Ertl, Michael and Berlis, Ansgar and Poli, Sven and Mengel, Annerose and Ringleb, Peter and Nagel, Simon and Pfaff, Johannes and Wollenweber, Frank A. and Kellert, Lars and Herzberg, Moriz and Koehler, Luzie and Haeusler, Karl Georg and Alegiani, Anna and Schubert, Charlotte and Brekenfeld, Caspar and Doppler, Christopher E. J. and Onur, Oezguer A. and Kabbasch, Christoph and Manser, Tanja and Pfeilschifter, Waltraud}, title = {Simulation-based training of the rapid evaluation and management of acute stroke (STREAM) — a prospective single-arm multicenter trial}, series = {Frontiers in Neurology}, volume = {10}, journal = {Frontiers in Neurology}, issn = {1664-2295}, doi = {10.3389/fneur.2019.00969}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-369239}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Introduction: Acute stroke care delivered by interdisciplinary teams is time-sensitive. Simulation-based team training is a promising tool to improve team performance in medical operations. It has the potential to improve process times, team communication, patient safety, and staff satisfaction. We aim to assess whether a multi-level approach consisting of a stringent workflow revision based on peer-to-peer review and 2-3 one-day in situ simulation trainings can improve acute stroke care processing times in high volume neurocenters within a 6 months period. Methods and Analysis: The trial is being carried out in a pre-test-post-test design at 7 tertiary care university hospital neurocenters in Germany. The intervention is directed at the interdisciplinary multiprofessional stroke teams. Before and after the intervention, process times of all direct-to-center stroke patients receiving IV thrombolysis (IVT) and/or endovascular therapy (EVT) will be recorded. The primary outcome measure will be the "door-to-needle" time of all consecutive stroke patients directly admitted to the neurocenters who receive IVT. Secondary outcome measures will be intervention-related process times of the fraction of patients undergoing EVT and effects on team communication, perceived patient safety, and staff satisfaction via a staff questionnaire. Interventions: We are applying a multi-level intervention in cooperation with three "STREAM multipliers" from each center. First step is a central meeting of the multipliers at the sponsor's institution with the purposes of algorithm review in a peer-to-peer process that is recorded in a protocol and an introduction to the principles of simulation training and debriefing as well as crew resource management and team communication. Thereafter, the multipliers cooperate with the stroke team trainers from the sponsor's institution to plan and execute 2-3 one-day simulation courses in situ in the emergency department and CT room of the trial centers whereupon they receive teaching materials to perpetuate the trainings. Clinical Trial Registration: STREAM is a registered trial at https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03228251.}, language = {en} } @article{BolzoniEspostiMarcheseetal.2018, author = {Bolzoni, Francesco and Esposti, Roberto and Marchese, Silvia M. and Pozzi, Nicol{\´o} G. and Ramirez-Pasos, Uri E. and Isaias, Ioannis U. and Cavallari, Paolo}, title = {Disrupt of intra-limb APA pattern in parkinsonian patients performing index-finger flexion}, series = {Frontiers in Physiology}, volume = {9}, journal = {Frontiers in Physiology}, issn = {1664-042X}, doi = {10.3389/fphys.2018.01745}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-369245}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Voluntary movements induce postural perturbations which are counteracted by anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs). These actions are known to build up long fixation chains toward available support points (inter-limb APAs), so as to grant whole body equilibrium. Moreover, recent studies highlighted that APAs also build-up short fixation chains, within the same limb where a distal segment is moved (intra-limb APAs), aimed at stabilizing the proximal segments. The neural structures generating intra-limb APAs still need investigations; the present study aims to compare focal movement kinematics and intra-limb APA latencies and pattern between healthy subjects and parkinsonian patients, assuming the latter as a model of basal ganglia dysfunction. Intra-limb APAs that stabilize the arm when the index-finger is briskly flexed were recorded in 13 parkinsonian patients and in 10 age-matched healthy subjects. Index-finger movement was smaller in parkinsonian patients vs. healthy subjects (p = 0.01) and more delayed with respect to the onset of the prime mover flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS, p < 0.0001). In agreement with the literature, in all healthy subjects the FDS activation was preceded by an inhibitory intra-limb APA in biceps brachii (BB) and anterior deltoid (AD), and almost simultaneous to an excitatory intra-limb APA in triceps brachii (TB). In parkinsonian patients, no significant differences were found for TB and AD intra-limb APA timings, however only four patients showed an inhibitory intra-limb APA in BB, while other four did not show any BB intra-limb APAs and five actually developed a BB excitation. The frequency of occurrence of normal sign, lacking, and inverted BB APAs was different in healthy vs. parkinsonian participants (p = 0.0016). The observed alterations in index-finger kinematics and intra-limb APA pattern in parkinsonian patients suggest that basal ganglia, in addition to shaping the focal movement, may also contribute to intra-limb APA control.}, language = {en} } @article{HobbsJaskaniecMcCarthyetal.2018, author = {Hobbs, Christopher and Jaskaniec, Sonia and McCarthy, Eoin K. and Downing, Clive and Opelt, Konrad and G{\"u}th, Konrad and Shmeliov, Aleksey and Mourad, Maurice C. D. and Mandel, Karl and Nicolosi, Valeria}, title = {Structural transformation of layered double hydroxides: an in situ TEM analysis}, series = {npj 2D Materials and Applications}, volume = {2}, journal = {npj 2D Materials and Applications}, doi = {10.1038/s41699-018-0048-4}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-320752}, year = {2018}, abstract = {A comprehensive nanoscale understanding of layered double hydroxide (LDH) thermal evolution is critical for their current and future applications as catalysts, flame retardants and oxygen evolution performers. In this report, we applied in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to extensively characterise the thermal progressions of nickel-iron containing (Ni-Fe) LDH nanomaterials. The combinative approach of TEM and selected area electron diffraction (SAED) yielded both a morphological and crystallographic understanding of such processes. As the Ni-Fe LDH nanomaterials are heated in situ, an amorphization occurred at 250 °C, followed by a transition to a heterogeneous structure of NiO particles embedded throughout a NiFe2O4 matrix at 850 °C, confirmed by high-resolution TEM and scanning TEM. Further electron microscopy characterisation methodologies of energy-filtered TEM were utilised to directly observe these mechanistic behaviours in real time, showing an evolution and nucleation to an array of spherical NiO nanoparticles on the platelet surfaces. The versatility of this characterisation approach was verified by the analogous behaviours of Ni-Fe LDH materials heated ex situ as well as parallel in situ TEM and SAED comparisons to that of an akin magnesium-aluminium containing (Mg-Al) LDH structure. The in situ TEM work hereby discussed allows for a state-of-the-art understanding of the Ni-Fe material thermal evolution. This is an important first, which reveals pivotal information, especially when considering LDH applications as catalysts and flame retardants.}, language = {en} } @article{HerbstSoberatsLeowanawatetal.2018, author = {Herbst, Stefanie and Soberats, Bartolome and Leowanawat, Pawaret and Stolte, Matthias and Lehmann, Matthias and W{\"u}rthner, Frank}, title = {Self-assembly of multi-stranded perylene dye J-aggregates in columnar liquid-crystalline phases}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {9}, journal = {Nature Communications}, doi = {10.1038/s41467-018-05018-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-319914}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Many discoid dyes self-assemble into columnar liquid-crystalline (LC) phases with packing arrangements that are undesired for photonic applications due to H-type exciton coupling. Here, we report a series of crystalline and LC perylene bisimides (PBIs) self-assembling into single or multi-stranded (two, three, and four strands) aggregates with predominant J-type exciton coupling. These differences in the supramolecular packing and optical properties are achieved by molecular design variations of tetra-bay phenoxy-dendronized PBIs with two N-H groups at the imide positions. The self-assembly is driven by hydrogen bonding, slipped π-π stacking, nanosegregation, and steric requirements of the peripheral building blocks. We could determine the impact of the packing motifs on the spectroscopic properties and demonstrate different J- and H-type coupling contributions between the chromophores. Our findings on structure-property relationships and strong J-couplings in bulk LC materials open a new avenue in the molecular engineering of PBI J-aggregates with prospective applications in photonics.}, language = {en} } @article{IzquierdoKarolakPrabhakaranetal.2019, author = {Izquierdo, Manuel and Karolak, Michael and Prabhakaran, Dharmalingam and Boothroyd, Andrew T. and Scherz, Andreas O. and Lichtenstein, Alexander and Molodtsov, Serguei L.}, title = {Monitoring ultrafast metallization in LaCoO3 with femtosecond soft x-ray spectroscopy}, series = {Communications Physics}, volume = {2}, journal = {Communications Physics}, doi = {10.1038/s42005-019-0109-9}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-323265}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The study of ultrafast dynamics is a new tool to understand and control the properties of correlated oxides. By enhancing some properties and realizing new dynamically excited phrases, this tool has opened new routes for technological applications. LaCoO3 is one paradigmatic example where the strong electron, spin, and lattice coupling induced by electronic correlations results in a low-temperature spin transition and a high-temperature semiconductor-to-metal transition that is still not completely understood. Here, we monitor ultrafast metallization in LaCoO3 using time-resolved soft x-ray reflectivity experiments. While the process is entangled at the Co L3 edge, the time information of the different channels is decrypted at different resonant energies of the O K edge. Metallization is shown to occur via transient electronic, spin, and lattice separation. Our results agree with the thermodynamical model and demonstrate the potential of femtosecond soft x-ray experiments at the O K edge to understand correlated oxides.}, language = {en} } @article{HoltfrerichPfisterElGammaletal.2018, author = {Holtfrerich, Sarah K. C. and Pfister, Roland and El Gammal, Alexander T. and Bellon, Eugen and Diekhof, Esther K.}, title = {Endogenous testosterone and exogenous oxytocin influence the response to baby schema in the female brain}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {8}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-018-26020-4}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-322285}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Nurturing behavior may be critically influenced by the interplay of different hormones. The neuropeptide oxytocin is known to promote maternal behavior and its reduction has been associated with postpartum depression risk and child neglect. Contrariwise, the observed decrease in testosterone level during early parenthood may benefit caretaking behavior, whereas increased testosterone may reduce attention to infants. Here we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the interactive influence of testosterone and oxytocin on selective attention to and neural processing of the baby schema (BS). 57 nulliparous women performed a target detection task with human faces with varying degree of BS following double-blinded placebo-controlled oxytocin administration in a between-subjects design. Our results support the idea that oxytocin enhances attention to the BS. Oxytocin had a positive effect on activation of the inferior frontal junction during identification of infant targets with a high degree of BS that were presented among adult distractors. Further, activation of the putamen was positively correlated with selective attention to the BS, but only in women with high endogenous testosterone who received oxytocin. These findings provide initial evidence for the neural mechanism by which oxytocin may counteract the negative effects of testosterone in the modulation of nurturing behavior.}, language = {en} } @article{KesslerFroemblingGrossetal.2018, author = {Kessler, Almuth F. and Fr{\"o}mbling, Greta E. and Gross, Franziska and Hahn, Mirja and Dzokou, Wilfrid and Ernestus, Ralf-Ingo and L{\"o}hr, Mario and Hagemann, Carsten}, title = {Effects of tumor treating fields (TTFields) on glioblastoma cells are augmented by mitotic checkpoint inhibition}, series = {Cell Death Discovery}, volume = {4}, journal = {Cell Death Discovery}, doi = {10.1038/s41420-018-0079-9}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-325744}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Tumor treating fields (TTFields) are approved for glioblastoma (GBM) therapy. TTFields disrupt cell division by inhibiting spindle fiber formation. Spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) inhibition combined with antimitotic drugs synergistically decreases glioma cell growth in cell culture and mice. We hypothesized that SAC inhibition will increase TTFields efficacy. Human GBM cells (U-87 MG, GaMG) were treated with TTFields (200 kHz, 1.7 V/cm) and/or the SAC inhibitor MPS1-IN-3 (IN-3, 4 µM). Cells were counted after 24, 48, and 72 h of treatment and at 24 and 72 h after end of treatment (EOT). Flow cytometry, immunofluorescence microscopy, Annexin-V staining and TUNEL assay were used to detect alterations in cell cycle and apoptosis after 72 h of treatment. The TTFields/IN-3 combination decreased cell proliferation after 72 h compared to either treatment alone (-78.6\% vs. TTFields, P = 0.0337; -52.6\% vs. IN-3, P = 0.0205), and reduced the number of viable cells (62\% less than seeded). There was a significant cell cycle shift from G1 to G2/M phase (P < 0.0001). The apoptotic rate increased to 44\% (TTFields 14\%, P = 0.0002; IN-3 4\%, P < 0.0001). Cell growth recovered 24 h after EOT with TTFields and IN-3 alone, but the combination led to further decrease by 92\% at 72 h EOT if IN-3 treatment was continued (P = 0.0288). The combination of TTFields and SAC inhibition led to earlier and prolonged effects that significantly augmented the efficacy of TTFields and highlights a potential new targeted multimodal treatment for GBM.}, language = {en} } @article{KaestnerRichterUrbaniketal.2019, author = {K{\"a}stner, Niklas and Richter, S. Helene and Urbanik, Sarah and Kunert, Joachim and Waider, Jonas and Lesch, Klaus-Peter and Kaiser, Sylvia and Sachser, Norbert}, title = {Brain serotonin deficiency affects female aggression}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {9}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-018-37613-4}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-325386}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The neurotransmitter serotonin plays a key role in the control of aggressive behaviour. While so far most studies have investigated variation in serotonin levels, a recently created tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (Tph2) knockout mouse model allows studying effects of complete brain serotonin deficiency. First studies revealed increased aggressiveness in homozygous Tph2 knockout mice in the context of a resident-intruder paradigm. Focussing on females, this study aimed to elucidate effects of serotonin deficiency on aggressive and non-aggressive social behaviours not in a test situation but a natural setting. For this purpose, female Tph2 wildtype (n = 40) and homozygous knockout mice (n = 40) were housed with a same-sex conspecific of either the same or the other genotype in large terraria. The main findings were: knockout females displayed untypically high levels of aggressive behaviour even after several days of co-housing. Notably, in response to aggressive knockout partners, they showed increased levels of defensive behaviours. While most studies on aggression in rodents have focussed on males, this study suggests a significant involvement of serotonin also in the control of female aggression. Future research will show, whether the observed behavioural effects are directly caused by the lack of serotonin or by potential compensatory mechanisms.}, language = {en} } @article{HechtMeierZimmeretal.2018, author = {Hecht, Markus and Meier, Friedegund and Zimmer, Lisa and Polat, B{\"u}lent and Loquai, Carmen and Weishaupt, Carsten and Forschner, Andrea and Gutzmer, Ralf and Utikal, Jochen S. and Goldinger, Simone M. and Geier, Michael and Hassel, Jessica C. and Balermpas, Panagiotis and Kiecker, Felix and Rauschenberg, Ricarda and Dietrich, Ursula and Clemens, Patrick and Berking, Carola and Grabenbauer, Gerhard and Schadendorf, Dirk and Grabbe, Stephan and Schuler, Gerold and Fietkau, Rainer and Distel, Luitpold V. and Heinzerling, Lucie}, title = {Clinical outcome of concomitant vs interrupted BRAF inhibitor therapy during radiotherapy in melanoma patients}, series = {British Journal of Cancer}, volume = {118}, journal = {British Journal of Cancer}, doi = {10.1038/bjc.2017.489}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-227970}, pages = {785-792}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Background: Concomitant radiation with BRAF inhibitor (BRAFi) therapy may increase radiation-induced side effects but also potentially improve tumour control in melanoma patients. Methods: A total of 155 patients with BRAF-mutated melanoma from 17 European skin cancer centres were retrospectively analysed. Out of these, 87 patients received concomitant radiotherapy and BRAFi (59 vemurafenib, 28 dabrafenib), while in 68 patients BRAFi therapy was interrupted during radiation (51 vemurafenib, 17 dabrafenib). Overall survival was calculated from the first radiation (OSRT) and from start of BRAFi therapy (OSBRAFi). Results: The median duration of BRAFi treatment interruption prior to radiotherapy was 4 days and lasted for 17 days. Median OSRT and OSBRAFi in the entire cohort were 9.8 and 12.6 months in the interrupted group and 7.3 and 11.5 months in the concomitant group (P=0.075/P=0.217), respectively. Interrupted vemurafenib treatment with a median OSRT and OSBRAFi of 10.1 and 13.1 months, respectively, was superior to concomitant vemurafenib treatment with a median OSRT and OSBRAFi of 6.6 and 10.9 months (P=0.004/P=0.067). Interrupted dabrafenib treatment with a median OSRT and OSBRAFi of 7.7 and 9.8 months, respectively, did not differ from concomitant dabrafenib treatment with a median OSRT and OSBRAFi of 9.9 and 11.6 months (P=0.132/P=0.404). Median local control of the irradiated area did not differ in the interrupted and concomitant BRAFi treatment groups (P=0.619). Skin toxicity of grade ≥2 (CTCAE) was significantly increased in patients with concomitant vemurafenib compared to the group with treatment interruption (P=0.002). Conclusions: Interruption of vemurafenib treatment during radiation was associated with better survival and less toxicity compared to concomitant treatment. Due to lower number of patients, the relevance of treatment interruption in dabrafenib treated patients should be further investigated. The results of this analysis indicate that treatment with the BRAFi vemurafenib should be interrupted during radiotherapy. Prospective studies are desperately needed.}, language = {en} } @article{HolzingerSchneiderHoeflingetal.2019, author = {Holzinger, Steffen and Schneider, Christian and H{\"o}fling, Sven and Porte, Xavier and Reitzenstein, Stephan}, title = {Quantum-dot micropillar lasers subject to coherent time-delayed optical feedback from a short external cavity}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {9}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-018-36599-3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-322485}, year = {2019}, abstract = {We investigate the mode-switching dynamics of an electrically driven bimodal quantum-dot micropillar laser when subject to delayed coherent optical feedback from a short external cavity. We experimentally characterize how the external cavity length, being on the same order than the microlaser's coherence length, influences the spectral and dynamical properties of the micropillar laser. Moreover, we determine the relaxation oscillation frequency of the micropillar by superimposing optical pulse injection to a dc current. It is found that the optical pulse can be used to disturb the feedback-coupled laser within one roundtrip time in such a way that it reaches the same output power as if no feedback was present. Our results do not only expand the understanding of microlasers when subject to optical feedback from short external cavities, but pave the way towards tailoring the properties of this key nanophotonic system for studies in the quantum regime of self-feedback and its implementation to integrated photonic circuits.}, language = {en} } @article{KnoedlerKoerferKunzmannetal.2018, author = {Kn{\"o}dler, Maren and K{\"o}rfer, Justus and Kunzmann, Volker and Trojan, J{\"o}rg and Daum, Severin and Schenk, Michael and Kullmann, Frank and Schroll, Sebastian and Behringer, Dirk and Stahl, Michael and Al-Batran, Salah-Eddin and Hacker, Ulrich and Ibach, Stefan and Lindhofer, Horst and Lordick, Florian}, title = {Randomised phase II trial to investigate catumaxomab (anti-EpCAM × anti-CD3) for treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis in patients with gastric cancer}, series = {British Journal of Cancer}, volume = {119}, journal = {British Journal of Cancer}, doi = {10.1038/s41416-018-0150-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-325938}, pages = {296-302}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Background Peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) represents an unfavourable prognostic factor for patients with gastric cancer (GC). Intraperitoneal treatment with the bispecific and trifunctional antibody catumaxomab (EpCAM, CD3), in addition to systemic chemotherapy, could improve elimination of PC. Methods This prospective, randomised, phase II study investigated the efficacy of catumaxomab followed by chemotherapy (arm A, 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, oxaliplatin, docetaxel, FLOT) or FLOT alone (arm B) in patients with GC and PC. Primary endpoint was the rate of macroscopic complete remission (mCR) of PC at the time of second diagnostic laparoscopy/laparotomy prior to optional surgery. Results Median follow-up was 52 months. Out of 35 patients screened, 15 were allocated to arm A and 16 to arm B. mCR rate was 27\% in arm A and 19\% in arm B (p = 0.69). Severe side effects associated with catumaxomab were nausea, infection, abdominal pain, and elevated liver enzymes. Median progression-free (6.7 vs. 5.4 months, p = 0.71) and overall survival (13.2 vs. 13.0 months, p = 0.97) were not significantly different in both treatment arms. Conclusions Addition of catumaxomab to systemic chemotherapy was feasible and tolerable in advanced GC. Although the primary endpoint could not be demonstrated, results are promising for future investigations integrating intraperitoneal immunotherapy into a multimodal treatment strategy.}, language = {en} } @article{HeilSchreiberGoetzetal.2018, author = {Heil, Hannah S. and Schreiber, Benjamin and G{\"o}tz, Ralph and Emmerling, Monika and Dabauvalle, Marie-Christine and Krohne, Georg and H{\"o}fling, Sven and Kamp, Martin and Sauer, Markus and Heinze, Katrin G.}, title = {Sharpening emitter localization in front of a tuned mirror}, series = {Light: Science \& Applications}, volume = {7}, journal = {Light: Science \& Applications}, doi = {10.1038/s41377-018-0104-z}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-228080}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) aims for maximized precision and a high signal-to-noise ratio1. Both features can be provided by placing the emitter in front of a metal-dielectric nanocoating that acts as a tuned mirror2,3,4. Here, we demonstrate that a higher photon yield at a lower background on biocompatible metal-dielectric nanocoatings substantially improves SMLM performance and increases the localization precision by up to a factor of two. The resolution improvement relies solely on easy-to-fabricate nanocoatings on standard glass coverslips and is spectrally and spatially tunable by the layer design and wavelength, as experimentally demonstrated for dual-color SMLM in cells.}, language = {en} } @article{AltieriDiDatoMartinietal.2019, author = {Altieri, Barbara and Di Dato, Carla and Martini, Chiara and Sciammarella, Concetta and Di Sarno, Antonella and Colao, Annamaria and Faggiano, Antongiulio}, title = {Bone Metastases in Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: From Pathogenesis to Clinical Management}, series = {Cancers}, volume = {11}, journal = {Cancers}, doi = {10.3390/cancers11091332}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-221079}, pages = {1-20}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Bone represents a common site of metastases for several solid tumors. However, the ability of neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) to localize to bone has always been considered a rare and late event. Thanks to the improvement of therapeutic options, which results in longer survival, and of imaging techniques, particularly after the introduction of positron emission tomography (PET) with gallium peptides, the diagnosis of bone metastases (BMs) in NENs is increasing. The onset of BMs can be associated with severe skeletal complications that impair the patient's quality of life. Moreover, BMs negatively affect the prognosis of NEN patients, bringing out the lack of curative treatment options for advanced NENs. The current knowledge on BMs in gastro-entero-pancreatic (GEP) and bronchopulmonary (BP) NENs is still scant and is derived from a few retrospective studies and case reports. This review aims to perform a critical analysis of the evidence regarding the role of BMs in GEP- and BP-NENs, focusing on the molecular mechanisms underlining the development of BMs, as well as clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of BMs, in an attempt to provide suggestions that can be used in clinical practice.}, language = {en} } @article{ElHelouBiegnerBodeetal.2019, author = {El-Helou, Sabine M. and Biegner, Anika-Kerstin and Bode, Sebastian and Ehl, Stephan R. and Heeg, Maximilian and Maccari, Maria E. and Ritterbusch, Henrike and Speckmann, Carsten and Rusch, Stephan and Scheible, Raphael and Warnatz, Klaus and Atschekzei, Faranaz and Beider, Renata and Ernst, Diana and Gerschmann, Stev and Jablonka, Alexandra and Mielke, Gudrun and Schmidt, Reinhold E. and Sch{\"u}rmann, Gesine and Sogkas, Georgios and Baumann, Ulrich H. and Klemann, Christian and Viemann, Dorothee and Bernuth, Horst von and Kr{\"u}ger, Renate and Hanitsch, Leif G. and Scheibenbogen, Carmen M. and Wittke, Kirsten and Albert, Michael H. and Eichinger, Anna and Hauck, Fabian and Klein, Christoph and Rack-Hoch, Anita and Sollinger, Franz M. and Avila, Anne and Borte, Michael and Borte, Stephan and Fasshauer, Maria and Hauenherm, Anja and Kellner, Nils and M{\"u}ller, Anna H. and {\"U}lzen, Anett and Bader, Peter and Bakhtiar, Shahrzad and Lee, Jae-Yun and Heß, Ursula and Schubert, Ralf and W{\"o}lke, Sandra and Zielen, Stefan and Ghosh, Sujal and Laws, Hans-Juergen and Neubert, Jennifer and Oommen, Prasad T. and H{\"o}nig, Manfred and Schulz, Ansgar and Steinmann, Sandra and Klaus, Schwarz and D{\"u}ckers, Gregor and Lamers, Beate and Langemeyer, Vanessa and Niehues, Tim and Shai, Sonu and Graf, Dagmar and M{\"u}glich, Carmen and Schmalzing, Marc T. and Schwaneck, Eva C. and Tony, Hans-Peter and Dirks, Johannes and Haase, Gabriele and Liese, Johannes G. and Morbach, Henner and Foell, Dirk and Hellige, Antje and Wittkowski, Helmut and Masjosthusmann, Katja and Mohr, Michael and Geberzahn, Linda and Hedrich, Christian M. and M{\"u}ller, Christiane and R{\"o}sen-Wolff, Angela and Roesler, Joachim and Zimmermann, Antje and Behrends, Uta and Rieber, Nikolaus and Schauer, Uwe and Handgretinger, Rupert and Holzer, Ursula and Henes, J{\"o}rg and Kanz, Lothar and Boesecke, Christoph and Rockstroh, J{\"u}rgen K. and Schwarze-Zander, Carolynne and Wasmuth, Jan-Christian and Dilloo, Dagmar and H{\"u}lsmann, Brigitte and Sch{\"o}nberger, Stefan and Schreiber, Stefan and Zeuner, Rainald and Ankermann, Tobias and Bismarck, Philipp von and Huppertz, Hans-Iko and Kaiser-Labusch, Petra and Greil, Johann and Jakoby, Donate and Kulozik, Andreas E. and Metzler, Markus and Naumann-Bartsch, Nora and Sobik, Bettina and Graf, Norbert and Heine, Sabine and Kobbe, Robin and Lehmberg, Kai and M{\"u}ller, Ingo and Herrmann, Friedrich and Horneff, Gerd and Klein, Ariane and Peitz, Joachim and Schmidt, Nadine and Bielack, Stefan and Groß-Wieltsch, Ute and Classen, Carl F. and Klasen, Jessica and Deutz, Peter and Kamitz, Dirk and Lassy, Lisa and Tenbrock, Klaus and Wagner, Norbert and Bernbeck, Benedikt and Brummel, Bastian and Lara-Villacanas, Eusebia and M{\"u}nstermann, Esther and Schneider, Dominik T. and Tietsch, Nadine and Westkemper, Marco and Weiß, Michael and Kramm, Christof and K{\"u}hnle, Ingrid and Kullmann, Silke and Girschick, Hermann and Specker, Christof and Vinnemeier-Laubenthal, Elisabeth and Haenicke, Henriette and Schulz, Claudia and Schweigerer, Lothar and M{\"u}ller, Thomas G. and Stiefel, Martina and Belohradsky, Bernd H. and Soetedjo, Veronika and Kindle, Gerhard and Grimbacher, Bodo}, title = {The German national registry of primary immunodeficiencies (2012-2017)}, series = {Frontiers in Immunology}, volume = {10}, journal = {Frontiers in Immunology}, doi = {10.3389/fimmu.2019.01272}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-226629}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Introduction: The German PID-NET registry was founded in 2009, serving as the first national registry of patients with primary immunodeficiencies (PID) in Germany. It is part of the European Society for Immunodeficiencies (ESID) registry. The primary purpose of the registry is to gather data on the epidemiology, diagnostic delay, diagnosis, and treatment of PIDs. Methods: Clinical and laboratory data was collected from 2,453 patients from 36 German PID centres in an online registry. Data was analysed with the software Stata® and Excel. Results: The minimum prevalence of PID in Germany is 2.72 per 100,000 inhabitants. Among patients aged 1-25, there was a clear predominance of males. The median age of living patients ranged between 7 and 40 years, depending on the respective PID. Predominantly antibody disorders were the most prevalent group with 57\% of all 2,453 PID patients (including 728 CVID patients). A gene defect was identified in 36\% of patients. Familial cases were observed in 21\% of patients. The age of onset for presenting symptoms ranged from birth to late adulthood (range 0-88 years). Presenting symptoms comprised infections (74\%) and immune dysregulation (22\%). Ninety-three patients were diagnosed without prior clinical symptoms. Regarding the general and clinical diagnostic delay, no PID had undergone a slight decrease within the last decade. However, both, SCID and hyper IgE-syndrome showed a substantial improvement in shortening the time between onset of symptoms and genetic diagnosis. Regarding treatment, 49\% of all patients received immunoglobulin G (IgG) substitution (70\%-subcutaneous; 29\%-intravenous; 1\%-unknown). Three-hundred patients underwent at least one hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Five patients had gene therapy. Conclusion: The German PID-NET registry is a precious tool for physicians, researchers, the pharmaceutical industry, politicians, and ultimately the patients, for whom the outcomes will eventually lead to a more timely diagnosis and better treatment.}, language = {en} } @article{ButtRaman2018, author = {Butt, Elke and Raman, Dayanidhi}, title = {New frontiers for the cytoskeletal protein LASP1}, series = {Frontiers in Oncology}, volume = {8}, journal = {Frontiers in Oncology}, doi = {10.3389/fonc.2018.00391}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-221975}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In the recent two decades, LIM and SH3 protein 1 (LASP1) has been developed from a simple actin-binding structural protein to a tumor biomarker and subsequently to a complex, nuclear transcriptional regulator. Starting with a brief historical perspective, this review will mainly compare and contrast LASP1 and LASP2 from the angle of the newest data and importantly, examine their role in transcriptional regulation. We will summarize the current knowledge through pictorial models and tables including the roles of different microRNAs in the differential regulation of LASP1 levels and patient outcome rather than specify in detail all tumor entities. Finally, the novel functional roles of LASP1 in secretion of vesicles, expression of matrix metalloproteinases and transcriptional regulation as well as the activation of survival and proliferation pathways in different cancer types are described.}, language = {en} } @article{DopplerMeyerDovernetal.2019, author = {Doppler, Christopher E. J. and Meyer, Linda and Dovern, Anna and St{\"u}hmer-Beckh, Jaro and Weiss, Peter H. and Fink, Gereon R.}, title = {Differential impact of social and monetary reward on procedural learning and consolidation in aging and its structural correlates}, series = {Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience}, volume = {11}, journal = {Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience}, doi = {10.3389/fnagi.2019.00188}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-222394}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In young (n = 36, mean +/- SD: 24.8 +/- 4.5 years) and older (n = 34, mean +/- SD: 65.1 +/- 6.5 years) healthy participants, we employed a modified version of the Serial Reaction Time task to measure procedural learning (PL) and consolidation while providing monetary and social reward. Using voxel-based morphometry (VBM), we additionally determined the structural correlates of reward-related motor performance (RMP) and PL. Monetary reward had a beneficial effect on PL in the older subjects only. In contrast, social reward significantly enhanced PL in the older and consolidation in the young participants. VBM analyses revealed that motor performance related to monetary reward was associated with larger grey matter volume (GMV) of the left striatum in the young, and motor performance related to social reward with larger GMV of the medial orbitofrontal cortex in the older group. The differential effects of social reward in young (improved consolidation) and both social and monetary rewards in older (enhanced PL) healthy subjects point to the potential of rewards for interventions targeting aging-associated motor decline or stroke-induced motor deficits.}, language = {en} } @article{CookGeierSchmidetal.2019, author = {Cook, Nigel and Geier, Andreas and Schmid, Andreas and Hirschfeld, Gideon and Kautz, Achim and Schattenberg, J{\"o}rn M. and Balp, Maria-Magdalena}, title = {The patient perspectives on future therapeutic options in NASH and patient needs}, series = {Frontiers in Medicine}, volume = {6}, journal = {Frontiers in Medicine}, doi = {10.3389/fmed.2019.00061}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-223268}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Background: Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a chronic liver disease with severe complications and without approved therapies. Currently, there is limited data on the overall burden of the disease for patients or on patient needs and preferences. This study investigates patient preferences in relation to potential future therapies for NASH. In addition, the factors that are relevant to patients and their importance in relation to future treatment options are explored. Method: Telephone in-depth interviews (TDIs) preceded an online 30-min quantitative survey. The online survey included (1) multiple choice questions (MCQs) on NASH diagnosis and disease background. (2) An exercise to determine patients' satisfaction levels with information provided at diagnosis, and to explore symptomatology in detail. (3) Exercises to evaluate potential new products and product attributes, including a "drag and drop" ranking exercise, and an adaptive choice-based conjoint exercise (ACBC). (4) The EQ-5D-5L questionnaire and the Visual Analog Scale (VAS), which measures patients' health status. (5) Collection of socio-demographic data, and (6) Questions to measure patient satisfaction with the survey. Results: There were 166 patients included in this study from Canada [n = 36], Germany [n = 50], the UK [n = 30], and USA [n = 50]. Fifty seven percent of patients [n = 94] had had a liver biopsy for confirmation of NASH. Patients were often unable to link their symptoms to NASH or other conditions. ACBC results showed that efficacy, defined as "impact on liver status" was the single most important attribute of a potential future NASH therapy. Other attributes considered to have secondary importance included impact on weight, symptom control and the presence of side effects. The EQ-5D utility score was 0.81 and VAS = 67.2. Conclusion: "Impact on liver status" is the primary outcome sought. Patients demonstrate a general lack of understanding of their disease and appeared to be unfamiliar with longer-term consequences of NASH. It is necessary to improve patient understanding of NASH and its progressive nature, and there is a need for improving confirmatory diagnosis and monitoring.}, language = {en} } @article{DopplerBrockmannSedghietal.2018, author = {Doppler, Kathrin and Brockmann, Kathrin and Sedghi, Annahita and Wurster, Isabel and Volkmann, Jens and Oertel, Wolfgang H. and Sommer, Claudia}, title = {Dermal phospho-alpha-synuclein deposition in patients with Parkinson's disease and mutation of the glucocerebrosidase gene}, series = {Frontiers in Neurology}, volume = {9}, journal = {Frontiers in Neurology}, doi = {10.3389/fneur.2018.01094}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-222828}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Heterozygous mutations in the glucocerebrosidase gene (GBA1) represent the most common genetic risk factor for Parkinson's disease (PD) and are histopathologically associated with a widespread load of alpha-synuclein in the brain. Therefore, PD patients with GBA1 mutations are a cohort of high interest for clinical trials on disease-modifying therapies targeting alpha-synuclein. There is evidence that detection of phospho-alpha-synuclein (p-syn) in dermal nerve fibers might be a biomarker for the histopathological identification of PD patients even at premotor or very early stages of disease. It is so far unknown whether dermal p-syn deposition can also be found in PD patients with GBA1 mutations and may serve as a biomarker for PD in these patients. Skin biopsies of 10 PD patients with different GBA1 mutations (six N3705, three E326K, one L444P) were analyzed by double-immunofluorescence labeling with anti-p-syn and anti-protein gene product 9.5 (PGP9.5, axonal marker) to detect intraaxonal p-syn deposition. Four biopsy sites (distal, proximal leg, paravertebral Th10, and C7) per patient were studied. P-syn was found in six patients (three N370S, three E326K). P-syn deposition was mainly detected in autonomic nerve fibers, but also in somatosensory fibers and was not restricted to a certain GBA1 mutation. In summary, dermal p-syn in PD patients with GBA1 mutations seems to offer a similar distribution and frequency as observed in patients without a known mutation. Skin biopsy may be suitable to study p-syn deposition in these patients or even to identify premotor patients with GBA1 mutations.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Haerterich2024, author = {H{\"a}rterich, Marcel}, title = {Synthese und Reaktivit{\"a}t niedervalenter borhaltiger Verbindungen der Oxidationsstufe +1}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31760}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-317605}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Synthese und Reaktivitat niedervalenter borhaltiger Verbindungen der Oxidationsstufe +I, sowie der Darstellung eines neuen zweiz{\"a}hnigen Carbens. Von zentraler Bedeutung waren dabei Verbindungen aus der Substanzklasse der cAACs, die sowohl als stabilisierende Lewis-Basen der Diborene und Borylene zum Einsatz kamen, als auch das Grundger{\"u}st des neuen Carbens bilden. Zun{\"a}chst stand die Synthese eines neuen Diborens im Fokus, wobei Cyclohexylsubstituenten am Pyrrolidingerust des cAACs verwendet wurden. Die Reaktivit{\"a}tsstudien wurden anschließend am Diboren mit dem methylsubstituierten cAAC-Derivat durchgef{\"u}hrt. Dabei konnte neben der 1,2-Addition von Wasser die Insertion von Acetylen in die BB-Bindung, sowie die Spaltung durch die Reaktion mit diversen Aziden beobachtet werden. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus gelingt die vollst{\"a}ndige Separierung beider Boratome in zwei getrennte Molek{\"u}le bei der Umsetzung mit Kohlenstoffdioxid in einer Reaktionssequenz aus [2+2]-Cycloaddition und -reversion. Das dabei erhaltene Hydroborylen wurde im zweiten Teil der Arbeit hinsichtlich seiner Reaktivit{\"a}t untersucht. Gerade die Carbonylfunktionalit{\"a}t erlaubte hierbei den Zugang zu vielf{\"a}ltigen Reaktionsprodukten. Unter anderen kann der Carbonylsubstituent in ein Alkin oder ein Nitril {\"u}berf{\"u}hrt werden. Zudem kann die, aus der {\"U}bergangsmetall-Carbonylchemie bekannte, Fischer-Carben Synthese am Borylen reproduziert werden und stellt somit ein metallomimetisches Verhalten der Borylene zur Schau. Der letzte Teil befasst sich mit der Darstellung eines zweiz{\"a}hnigen Carbenliganden, wobei der Nachweis des freien Carbens indirekt mittels Abfangreaktionen gelang.}, subject = {Bor}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kemmer2024, author = {Kemmer, Luisa Diana}, title = {Darstellung von Inflammation in Atherosklerose mit dem CXCR4-gerichteten PET-Tracer \(^{68}\)Ga-Pentixafor im Vergleich zur \(^{18}\)F-FDG-PET/CT}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36001}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-360013}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen z{\"a}hlen zu den h{\"a}ufigsten Todesursachen weltweit. Ein ihr zugrundeliegender pathologischer Prozess ist die Atherosklerose. Die Ruptur eines atheroskelrotischen Plaques kann lebensbedrohlich sein. Derzeit existieren weder ein evaluierter Biomarker noch eine Bildgebungstechnik, die das Risiko einer solchen Plaqueruptur und eines nachfolgenden akuten kardiovaskul{\"a}ren Ereignisses vorhersagen k{\"o}nnen. Um die bildgebenden Verfahren zur Detektion der Atherosklerose zu optimieren, wurde in dieser Dissertationsarbeit untersucht, ob der PET/CT-Tracer 68Ga-Pentixafor im Vergleich zu 18F-FDG bessere Ergebnisse in der Diagnostik der Atherosklerose erzielen kann. Insgesamt wurden 144 onkologische Patienten in die Studie einbezogen, bei denen die 18F-FDG-PET/CT sowie 68Ga-Pentifaxor-PET/CT aus klinischen Gr{\"u}nden indiziert waren. Befunde, bei denen eine gegen{\"u}ber dem Hintergrund vermehrte Speicherung ohne physiologische Erkl{\"a}rung nachgewiesen werden konnte, wurden als positiv bewertet. Um Unterschiede zwischen den Patienten außer Acht lassen zu k{\"o}nnen, wurde die target-to-background-ratio (TBR) berechnet. Zur Beschreibung der Speicherintensit{\"a}t einer L{\"a}sion wurde der standardized uptake value (SUV) bestimmt. Nach Auswertung der Daten zeigte sich eine m{\"a}ßige Korrelation der Anzahl von 68Ga-Pentixafor-positiven L{\"a}sionen mit der Anzahl der 18F-FDG positiven L{\"a}sionen. Die CXCR4-gerichtete Bildgebung mit 68Ga-Pentixafor identifizierte mehr L{\"a}sionen als die 18F-FDG-PET/CT. Bez{\"u}glich ihres Verteilungsmusters wiesen die beiden Tracer eine geringe Korrelation auf. Die Aufnahmeintensit{\"a}t beider Tracer korrelierte umgekehrt mit dem Ausmaß der Verkalkung. Stark verkalkte Plaques zeigten die niedrigste Traceraufnahme f{\"u}r beide PET-Tracer. Weitere Studien zur Aufkl{\"a}rung der zugrunde liegenden biologischen Mechanismen und Quellen der CXCR4-Positivit{\"a}t sind in hohem Maße gerechtfertigt.}, subject = {Arteriosklerose}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Drobczyk2024, author = {Drobczyk, Martin}, title = {Ultra-Wideband Wireless Network for Enhanced Intra-Spacecraft Communication}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35956}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-359564}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Wireless communication networks already comprise an integral part of both the private and industrial sectors and are successfully replacing existing wired networks. They enable the development of novel applications and offer greater flexibility and efficiency. Although some efforts are already underway in the aerospace sector to deploy wireless communication networks on board spacecraft, none of these projects have yet succeeded in replacing the hard-wired state-of-the-art architecture for intra-spacecraft communication. The advantages are evident as the reduction of the wiring harness saves time, mass, and costs, and makes the whole integration process more flexible. It also allows for easier scaling when interconnecting different systems. This dissertation deals with the design and implementation of a wireless network architecture to enhance intra-spacecraft communications by breaking with the state-of-the-art standards that have existed in the space industry for decades. The potential and benefits of this novel wireless network architecture are evaluated, an innovative design using ultra-wideband technology is presented. It is combined with a Medium Access Control (MAC) layer tailored for low-latency and deterministic networks supporting even mission-critical applications. As demonstrated by the Wireless Compose experiment on the International Space Station (ISS), this technology is not limited to communications but also enables novel positioning applications. To adress the technological challenges, extensive studies have been carried out on electromagnetic compatibility, space radiation, and data robustness. The architecture was evaluated from various perspectives and successfully demonstrated in space. Overall, this research highlights how a wireless network can improve and potentially replace existing state-of-the-art communication systems on board spacecraft in future missions. And it will help to adapt and ultimately accelerate the implementation of wireless networks in space systems.}, subject = {Raumfahrttechnik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zillig2024, author = {Zillig, Anna-Lena Christina}, title = {Einfluss von Sicherheit auf die Schmerzverarbeitung}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35928}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-359282}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Im Rahmen des interdisziplin{\"a}ren Promotionsschwerpunkts Resilienzfaktoren der Schmerzverarbeitung des evangelischen Studienwerks in Zusammenarbeit mit der Julius-Maximilians-Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg und der Otto-Friedrich-Universit{\"a}t Bamberg untersuche ich in diesem Promotionsprojekt den Einfluss von Sicherheit auf die Schmerzverarbeitung. Es ist bekannt, dass die Schmerzverarbeitung durch Emotionen moduliert werden kann. Man geht davon aus, dass negative Emotionen den Schmerz in der Regel verst{\"a}rken, w{\"a}hrend positive Emotionen zu einer Schmerzreduktion f{\"u}hren. Fr{\"u}here Studien fanden heraus, dass die Erwartung eines aversiven Ereignisses zu Bedrohung und st{\"a}rkeren Schmerzen f{\"u}hrt. Es stellt sich die Frage, ob das Gegenteil von Bedrohung, n{\"a}mlich Sicherheit, zu einer Verringerung der Schmerzen f{\"u}hren kann. Um diese Hypothese zu untersuchen, habe ich drei Experimente an gesunden ProbandInnen durchgef{\"u}hrt.}, subject = {Sicherheit}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Gronemeyer2024, author = {Gronemeyer, Karen}, title = {Kardiovaskul{\"a}re und renale Komorbidit{\"a}ten in Zusammenhang mit chronischem Hypoparathyreoidismus}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36069}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-360693}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Der cHPT ist eine seltene Erkrankung, die durch zu niedriges Kalzium im Serum aufgrund einer zu geringen PTH-Sekretion {\"u}ber 6 Monate charakterisiert ist. Auch bei Patienten mit einem gut kontrollierten cHPT treten Komorbidit{\"a}ten und Langzeitkomplikationen auf, die jedoch bisher kaum in prospektiven Studien untersucht wurden. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es daher, im Rahmen einer systematischen und prospektiv erfassten Studie das Auftreten kardiovaskul{\"a}rer und renaler Komorbidit{\"a}ten bei Patienten mit cHPT zu untersuchen und m{\"o}gliche Pr{\"a}diktoren f{\"u}r diese zu ermitteln. Außerdem erfolgte ein Vergleich mit gematchten Kontrollgruppen der deutschen Normalbev{\"o}lkerung mithilfe der SHIP-TREND Studie. Patienten mit cHPT zeigten eine signifikant h{\"o}here QTc-Zeit, eine h{\"o}here Pr{\"a}valenz f{\"u}r QTc-Zeit-Verl{\"a}ngerung und signifikant h{\"o}here systolische und diastolische Blutdruckwerte trotz tendenziell, jedoch nicht signifikant, h{\"a}ufigerer Einnahme antihypertensiver Medikamente. In der Echokardiographie lagen eine geringere linksventrikul{\"a}re Masse, eine geringere Pr{\"a}valenz f{\"u}r linksventrikul{\"a}re Hypertrophie und signifikant h{\"a}ufiger Klappenstenosen vor. Eine renale Insuffizienz lag mit 21\% der Patienten mit cHPT signifikant h{\"a}ufiger als bei gesunden Kontrollpersonen vor. Die Pr{\"a}valenz renaler Kalzifikationen betrug 9,6\%. M{\"o}gliche Risikofaktoren f{\"u}r das Auftreten kardiovaskul{\"a}rer und renaler Komorbidit{\"a}ten bei cHPT sind weiterhin unklar. In dieser Studie zeigte sich eine m{\"o}gliche Assoziation zwischen den Elektrolytst{\"o}rungen wie Hyperphosphat{\"a}mie und Hypomagnesi{\"a}mie, der Hyperkalziurie und dem PTH-Mangel mit valvul{\"a}ren, vaskul{\"a}ren und renalen Kalzifikationen sowie den Blutdruckwerten und der Nierenfunktion. Demnach erscheint eine {\"U}berwachung der Serumelektrolyte sowie der Kalziumausscheidung im Urin notwendig und essenziell. Auch die Bedeutung der PTH-Ersatztherapie ist weiterhin im Hinblick auf die Pr{\"a}vention kardiovaskul{\"a}rer und renaler Erkrankungen unklar.}, subject = {Hypoparathyreoidismus}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hettwer2024, author = {Hettwer, Anette}, title = {Entwicklung und Charakterisierung einer l{\"o}slichen und funktionalen BMP-2-Variante}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32680}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-326800}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs) sind potente Differenzierungs- und Wachstumsfaktoren, die strukturell der Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGF-β) - Superfamilie zugeordnet werden. Sie spielen eine Schl{\"u}sselrolle in einer Vielzahl an zellul{\"a}ren Prozessen ab den fr{\"u}hen Stadien der Embryogenese. Dadurch sind BMPs nicht nur f{\"u}r die korrekte Festlegung der embryonalen K{\"o}rperachse verantwortlich, sondern regulieren als multifunktionale Mediatoren neben der Morphogenese auch Proliferation, Differenzierung und Apoptose unterschiedlicher Zelltypen. Bone Morphogenetic Proteins sind somit f{\"u}r die Aufrechthaltung der Hom{\"o}ostase im adulten K{\"o}rper mitverantwortlich. Ihre Funktionalit{\"a}t vermitteln die BMPs {\"u}ber eine Signalkaskade, indem sie als dimeres Protein spezifische transmembrane Serin/Threonin-Kinaserezeptoren von Typ I und Typ II in einem heteromeren Komplex assemblieren. Die intrazellul{\"a}re Signalweiterleitung verl{\"a}uft {\"u}ber verschiedene Signalkaskaden (Smad-Proteine oder MAPKs), wodurch final im Zellkern {\"A}nderungen auf der Ebene der Gentranskription ausgel{\"o}st werden. Laut der namensgebenden Eigenschaft fungieren einige Wachstumsfaktoren als aktive Induktoren der Knochenbiosynthese. Ihre Anwesenheit ist essentiell f{\"u}r die vielen zellul{\"a}ren Prozesse, die w{\"a}hrend einer Frakturheilung auftreten, wobei eine Knochenneubildung ebenso stark abh{\"a}ngig ist vom Zusammenspiel verschiedener Stimulatoren und Inhibitoren, die die BMPs in ihrer Aktivit{\"a}t regulieren. Bedingt durch ihr großes Potential fanden die erstmals durch Marshal Urist 1965 aus Knochenmaterial isolierten BMP-Proteine ihren Einsatz in der regenerativen Medizin. Kommerziell erh{\"a}ltlich und bereits seit vielen Jahren in der klinischen Anwendung befindet sich derzeit das rhBMP-2 und rhBMP-7. Diese beiden Wachstumsfaktoren werden u.a. verwendet, um die Heilungsprozesse von langwierigen Schienbeinfrakturen zu verbessern, aber auch bei degenerativen Wirbels{\"a}ulenerkrankungen und in der Kieferchirurgie. Jedoch f{\"u}hrt die schlechte L{\"o}slichkeit des BMPs aufgrund der ausgepr{\"a}gten Aggregationstendenz zu gravierenden Problemen, nicht nur w{\"a}hrend der biotechnologischen Herstellung, sondern auch bei der klinischen Anwendung. Der Schwerpunkt des Optimierungsbedarfs der BMP-2 Herstellung im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit lag daher auf der Etablierung eines prokaryotischen Expressionssystems f{\"u}r die l{\"o}sliche Produktion von BMP-2. Daf{\"u}r wurde zun{\"a}chst der Fokus auf die ung{\"u}nstigen L{\"o}slichkeitseigenschaften des Wachstumsfaktors gelegt. Um die hohe Aggregationsneigung des BMP-2 w{\"a}hrend der Produktion in Escherichia coli zu minimieren, wurden anhand einer Algorithmus-basierten Analyse BMP-2-Varianten entworfen, in denen Aminos{\"a}uren mit stark hydrophoben Eigenschaften gegen solche mit hydrophilem Charakter ausgetauscht wurden. Hierdurch konnten die zur Aggregation neigenden Bereiche des BMP-2 weitestgehend eliminiert werden. Es wurden f{\"u}r die bez{\"u}glich ihrer L{\"o}slichkeit optimierten Proteinvarianten unterschiedliche Expressionsstrategien etabliert, wodurch dimere BMP-2-Muteine in angepassten chromatographischen Profilen mit einem Aufreinigungsschritt und ohne jegliche Renaturierungsmaßnahmen gewonnen wurden. Allerdings verbleiben hierbei Restmengen an bakteriellen Kontaminationen, die vorwiegend aus endogenen ribosomalen E. coli-Proteinen stammen und nicht vollst{\"a}ndig entfernt werden konnten. W{\"a}hrend der umfassenden in vitro Charakterisierung der BMP-2-Varianten konnte durch massenspektroskopische Analysen die Gesamtmasse beider Zielproteine best{\"a}tigt werden, wobei sequenzspezifische Fragmente eine eindeutige Identifikation der eingebrachten Mutationen erm{\"o}glichten. CD-spektroskopische Analysen erweitert um Auswertealgorithmen konnten die wesentlichen Wt-BMP-2-typischen Sekund{\"a}rstrukturelemente identifizieren. Die neu generierten BMP-2-Varianten zeigen in der dynamischen Lichtstreuungsanalyse stark verminderte Aggregationstendenz im Vergleich zum Wildtyp-BMP-2. Dessen Aggregationsverhalten wurde durch die kombinierte Analytik seiner mikrofluidischen Diffusion und der dynamischen Lichtstreuung zum ersten Mal {\"u}ber den Konzentrationsbereich von 0.5 µM bis 100 mM genau charakterisiert. Erste zellbiologische Versuche verliefen ohne Erfolg, wodurch die biologische Aktivit{\"a}t der BMP-Varianten nicht abschließend gekl{\"a}rt werden konnte. Die simple Methode zur Expression und Aufreinigung der hydrophilisierte BMP-2-Muteine aus dieser Dissertation kann leicht in einen gr{\"o}ßeren Produktionsmaßstab {\"u}berf{\"u}hrt werden. BMP 2 kann dadurch schneller und kosteng{\"u}nstiger hergestellt werden. Final bleibt es jedoch erforderlich, die biologische Aktivit{\"a}t der neuen l{\"o}slichen BMP-2-Varianten vollst{\"a}ndig zu charakterisieren, um deren ganzes Funktionsspektrum zu entdecken. Der Fokus weiterer Forschung sollte zudem auf die verbleibende Oligomerisierungstendenz und die bestehende Kontamination mit Fremdproteinen gelegt werden, da diese beiden Faktoren letztendlich die Ausbeute an dimeren BMP-2 Varianten aus diesem System derzeit minimieren.}, subject = {Knochen-Morphogenese-Proteine}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Englmeier2024, author = {Englmeier, Jana}, title = {Consequences of climate change and land-use intensification for decomposer communities and decomposition processes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31399}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-313994}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The increase in intensively used areas and climate change are direct and indirect consequences of anthropogenic actions, caused by a growing population and increasing greenhouse gas emissions. The number of research studies, investigating the effects of land use and climate change on ecosystems, including flora, fauna, and ecosystem services, is steadily growing. This thesis contributes to this research area by investigating land-use and climate effects on decomposer communities (arthropods and microbes) and the ecosystem service 'decomposition of dead material'. Chapter II deals with consequences of intensified land use and climate change for the ecosystem service 'decomposition of dead organic material' (necromass). Considering the severe decline in insects, we experimentally excluded insects from half of the study objects. The decomposition of both dung and carrion was robust to land-use changes. Dung decomposition, moreover, was unaffected by temperature and the presence/ absence of insects. Along the altitudinal gradient, however, highest dung decomposition was observed at medium elevation between 600 and 700 m above sea level (although insignificant). As a consequence, we assume that at this elevation there is an ideal precipitation:temperature ratio for decomposing organisms, such as earthworms or collembolans. Carrion decomposition was accelerated by increasing elevation and by the presence of insects, indicating that increasing variability in climate and an ongoing decline in insects could modify decomposition processes and consequently natural nutrient cycles. Moreover, we show that different types of dead organic material respond differently to environmental factors and should be treated separately in future studies. In Chapter III, we investigated land-use and climate effects on dung-visiting beetles and their resource specialization. Here, all beetles that are preferentially found on dung, carrion or other rotten material were included. Both α- and γ-diversity were strongly reduced in agricultural and urban areas. High precipitation reduced dung-visiting beetle abundance, whereas γ-diversity was lowest in the warmest regions. Resource specialization decreased with increasing temperatures. The results give evidence that land use as well as climate can alter dung-visiting beetle diversity and resource specialization and may hence influence the natural balance of beetle communities and their contribution to the ecosystem service 'decomposition of dead material'. The following chapter, Chapter IV, contributes to the findings in Chapter II. Here, carrion decomposition is not only explained by land-use intensity and climate but also by diversity and community composition of two taxonomic groups found on carrion, beetles and bacteria. The results revealed a strong correlation between bacteria diversity and community composition with temperature. Carrion decomposition was to a great extent directed by bacterial community composition and precipitation. The role of beetles was neglectable in carrion decomposition. With this study, I show that microbes, despite their microscopic size, direct carrion decomposition and may not be neglected in future decomposition studies. In Chapter V a third necromass type is investigated, namely deadwood. The aim was to assess climate and land-use effects on deadwood-inhabiting fungi and bacteria. Main driver for microbial richness (measured as number of OTUs) was climate, including temperature and precipitation. Warmer climates promoted the diversity of bacteria, whereas fungi richness was unaffected by temperature. In turn, fungi richness was lower in urban landscapes compared to near-natural landscapes and bacteria richness was higher on meadows than on forest sites. Fungi were extremely specialized on their host tree, independent of land use and climate. Bacteria specialization, however, was strongly directed by land use and climate. These results underpin previous studies showing that fungi are highly specialized in contrast to bacteria and add new insights into the robustness of fungi specialization to climate and land use. I summarize that climate as well as intensive land use influence biodiversity. Temperature and precipitation, however, had positive and negative effects on decomposer diversity, while anthropogenic land use had mostly negative effects on the diversity of decomposers.}, subject = {Mikroorganismus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schwenkert2024, author = {Schwenkert, Marc}, title = {Zwei Burschenschafter als B{\"u}rgermeister im Dritten Reich. Theo Memmel in W{\"u}rzburg und Paul May in Halle im Vergleich.}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36096}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-360966}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In der Dissertation „Zwei Burschenschafter als B{\"u}rgermeister im Dritten Reich. Theo Memmel in W{\"u}rzburg und Paul May in Halle im Vergleich." steht die Untersuchung der Lebenswege der beiden Wahlbeamten Dr. Paul May und Theodor Memmel anhand ihrer Biographien im Fokus. May glitt dank seiner sich stetig erweiternden Fachkenntnisse sowie seiner Anpassungsf{\"a}higkeit durchweg in Leistungspositionen problemlos durch vier politische Systeme - vom Kaiserreich bis zur DDR. Seiner b{\"u}rgerlichen politischen Ausrichtung blieb er hierbei stets treu. Memmel hingegen machte bedingt durch seine an-dere und gravierendere Weltkriegserfahrung einen Prozess vom politisch des-interessierten Front- und Freikorpsk{\"a}mpfer {\"u}ber die Bayerische Volkspartei hin zum {\"u}berzeugten Nationalsozialisten. Nach dem Untergang des Dritten Reichs stand er vor dem Nichts, sowohl in beruflicher als auch in politischer Hinsicht. In seiner Studentenverbindung fand er jedoch einen Raum, in dem er sich engagieren und Anerkennung finden konnte. Da May und Memmel durch ihre gemeinsame studentische Korporation gleich sozialisiert wurden und sie sich auf unterschiedliche Weise wie ein ro-ter Faden durch ihr Leben zog, erfuhr diese ebenfalls eine Untersuchung. Hierbei ergab sich, dass die Wandlung von der toleranten Progressverbindung Adelphia zur pflichtschlagenden Burschenschaft in der Deutschen Burschen-schaft im Jahr 1933 keinen pl{\"o}tzlichen Bruch darstellte, sondern vielmehr die Folge einer langj{\"a}hrigen Entwicklung war, wobei der Erste Weltkrieg als be-sonders einschneidender Faktor zu bewerten ist. Am letztendlichen Art- und Dachverbandswechsel hatte auch Memmel einen entscheidenden Anteil. Dass nach der Umwandlung der waffenstudentischen Verbindungen in NS-Kameradschaften diese (auch Adelphia) w{\"a}hrend des Zweiten Weltkriegs teil-weise in W{\"u}rzburg im Verborgenen wiedererstehen konnten, hing auch mit der Patronage durch Memmel und sein imposantes Netzwerk zusammen. Den dritten Untersuchungskomplex dieser Arbeit bildet die kommunale Entwicklung von Groß- und Gauhauptst{\"a}dten im Dritten Reich, da sowohl W{\"u}rzburg als auch Halle eine solche verk{\"o}rperten. Ein Vergleich mit anderen St{\"a}dten unter denselben Voraussetzungen l{\"a}sst darauf schließen: Wer 1933/34 Oberb{\"u}rgermeister einer Groß- und Gauhauptstadt wurde, verdank-te dies nicht seiner Qualifikation. Die Nationalsozialisten, die dieses Amt er-hielten, bem{\"u}hten sich noch nicht einmal darum, es zu bekommen. Vielmehr stellten sie einen Kompromiss aus den jeweiligen lokalen Macht- und Interes-senskonstellationen dar. Eine Ausnahme hiervon bilden nur die wenigen St{\"a}dte, in denen bereits vor 1933 ein NSDAP-Angeh{\"o}riger als Stadtoberhaupt kandidiert hatte. Der Status der Gauhauptstadt f{\"u}hrte f{\"u}r die jeweiligen Oberb{\"u}rgermeister zu einem ganz besonderen Unterstellungsverh{\"a}ltnis, das sich als zweiseitiges Schwert entpuppte: Einerseits erhielt ihre Kommune spezielle F{\"o}rderung, andererseits standen sie unter einem hohem Erwar-tungsdruck, der sich vielerorts in einem schlechten Verh{\"a}ltnis von Oberb{\"u}r-germeister und Gauleiter manifestierte. Das Oberb{\"u}rgermeisteramt im Drit-ten Reich stellte aus beruflicher Sicht einen doppelten Bruch mit der Zeit vor 1933 dar: Zum einen konnte man ohne die bis dahin {\"u}blichen Qualifikationen zum Wahlbeamten einer Großstadt aufsteigen, andererseits bedeutete dies auch gleichzeitig das Karriereende.}, subject = {Geschichte}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Daum2024, author = {Daum, Stefanie}, title = {Nahrhafte Momente schaffen - Sinnbildgest{\"u}tzte Interviews (SigI) im Fallverstehen bei Lernbeeintr{\"a}chtigungen unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung entwicklungsp{\"a}dagogischer Aspekte im K{\"o}nnen, Wissen und Wollen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36035}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-360351}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In den letzten Jahren stieg die Anzahl an f{\"o}rderbed{\"u}rftigen Sch{\"u}lern sowie an Sch{\"u}lern mit einer Migrations- bzw. Fluchtgeschichte an der Berufsschule. Damit entsteht eine neue Sch{\"u}lerklientel, die von einer hohen Sch{\"u}lerheterogenit{\"a}t und Lernstanddifferenz gepr{\"a}gt ist. Vermehrt sind auch eine sprachliche Armut sowie Lernbeeintr{\"a}chtigungen zu beobachten. Die Arbeit mit Sinnbildern im diagnostischen Prozess bei Lernbeeintr{\"a}chtigungen ist ein kleiner Baustein auf dem Weg dorthin, dass Lernen und damit auch ein Sich-Weiterentwickeln gelingen kann. Dabei pr{\"a}sentiert sich das l{\"o}sungs- sowie entwicklungsorientierte Verfahren als eine in Beziehung zueinander stehenden Einheit aus Lernbeeintr{\"a}chtigung, potenzielle L{\"o}sung und nahrhaften Boden. Lernbeeintr{\"a}chtigung: Der Trias liegt die Annahme zugrunde, dass der Lernprozess des Sch{\"u}lers gestoppt ist. Wenngleich der Sch{\"u}ler sp{\"u}rt, dass da etwas ist, das ihm beim Lernen im Weg steht, so ist er jedoch nicht in der Lage das Gesp{\"u}rte zu verbalisieren. Nahrhafter Boden: Mit Hilfe eines von Sinnbildern gest{\"u}tzten Interviews soll es gelingen, die vagen Vermutungen der Sch{\"u}ler hinsichtlich ihrer Lernbeeintr{\"a}chtigung zu versprachlichen. Dabei spielt die von den Bildern ausgehende Resonanz eine entscheidende Rolle. Durch sie k{\"o}nnen dem Sch{\"u}ler eigene implizite Denk- und Handlungsmuster gedanklich zug{\"a}nglich gemacht und versprachlicht werden. Potenzielle L{\"o}sung: Die im Rahmen des Sinnbildgest{\"u}tzten Interviews in Erfahrung gebrachten Informationen erm{\"o}glichen im besten Fall eine Sicht darauf, was dem Sch{\"u}ler in seinem gestoppten Lernprozess im Weg steht. Dabei geht es nicht darum eine kausale Ursache zu finden, sondern eine prozessorientierte sowie l{\"o}sungsorientierte Sichtweise einzunehmen. Die Versprachlichung der vagen Vermutungen erm{\"o}glicht ein Arbeiten mit dem Wissen in der realen Welt. Im Falle von Gelingen, kann der Interviewf{\"u}hrende die durch das Sinnbildgest{\"u}tzte Interview in Erfahrung gebrachten Lernbeeintr{\"a}chtigungen innerhalb der drei Lerndimensionen im K{\"o}nnen, Wissen und Wollen (Ellinger/Hechler 2021) verorten, um eine individuelle -auf die Lernbeeintr{\"a}chtigung zugeschnittene- Lernhilfe zu generieren.}, subject = {Symbol}, language = {de} } @article{VuralDopplerMeinl2018, author = {Vural, Atay and Doppler, Kathrin and Meinl, Edgar}, title = {Autoantibodies Against the Node of Ranvier in Seropositive Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy: Diagnostic, Pathogenic, and Therapeutic Relevance}, series = {Frontiers in Immunology}, volume = {9}, journal = {Frontiers in Immunology}, doi = {10.3389/fimmu.2018.01029}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-233279}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Discovery of disease-associated autoantibodies has transformed the clinical management of a variety of neurological disorders. Detection of autoantibodies aids diagnosis and allows patient stratification resulting in treatment optimization. In the last years, a set of autoantibodies against proteins located at the node of Ranvier has been identified in patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). These antibodies target neurofascin, contactin1, or contactin-associated protein 1, and we propose to name CIDP patients with these antibodies collectively as seropositive. They have unique clinical characteristics that differ from seronegative CIDP. Moreover, there is compelling evidence that autoantibodies are relevant for the pathogenesis. In this article, we review the current knowledge on the characteristics of autoantibodies against the node of Ranvier proteins and their clinical relevance in CIDP. We start with a description of the structure of the node of Ranvier followed by a summary of assays used to identify seropositive patients; and then, we describe clinical features and characteristics linked to seropositivity. We review knowledge on the role of these autoantibodies for the pathogenesis with relevance for the emerging concept of nodopathy/paranodopathy and summarize the treatment implications.}, language = {en} } @article{TooKellerSickeletal.2018, author = {Too, Chin Chin and Keller, Alexander and Sickel, Wiebke and Lee, Sui Mae and Yule, Catherine M.}, title = {Microbial Community Structure in a Malaysian Tropical Peat Swamp Forest: The Influence of Tree Species and Depth}, series = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, volume = {9}, journal = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, doi = {10.3389/fmicb.2018.02859}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-229000}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Tropical peat swamp forests sequester globally significant stores of carbon in deep layers of waterlogged, anoxic, acidic and nutrient-depleted peat. The roles of microbes in supporting these forests through the formation of peat, carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling are virtually unknown. This study investigated physicochemical peat properties and microbial diversity between three dominant tree species: Shorea uliginosa (Dipterocarpaceae), Koompassia malaccensis (legumes associated with nitrogen-fixing bacteria), Eleiodoxa conferta (palm) and depths (surface, 45 and 90 cm) using microbial 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Water pH, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, total phenolic contents and C/N ratio differed significantly between depths, but not tree species. Depth also strongly influenced microbial diversity and composition, while both depth and tree species exhibited significant impact on the archaeal communities. Microbial diversity was highest at the surface, where fresh leaf litter accumulates, and nutrient supply is guaranteed. Nitrogen was the core parameter correlating to microbial communities, but the interactive effects from various environmental variables displayed significant correlation to relative abundance of major microbial groups. Proteobacteria was the dominant phylum and the most abundant genus, Rhodoplanes, might be involved in nitrogen fixation. The most abundant methanogens and methanotrophs affiliated, respectively, to families Methanomassiliicoccaceae and Methylocystaceae. Our results demonstrated diverse microbial communities and provide valuable insights on microbial ecology in these extreme ecosystems.}, language = {en} } @article{SiebertCiatoMurakamietal.2019, author = {Siebert, Claudia and Ciato, Denis and Murakami, Masanori and Frei-Stuber, Ludwig and Perez-Rivas, Luis Gustavo and Monteserin-Garcia, Jos{\´e} Luis and N{\"o}lting, Svenja and Maurer, Julian and Feuchtinger, Annette and Walch, Axel K. and Haak, Harm R. and Bertherat, J{\´e}r{\^o}me and Mannelli, Massimo and Fassnacht, Martin and Korpershoek, Esther and Reincke, Martin and Stalla, G{\"u}nter K. and Hantel, Constanze and Beuschlein, Felix}, title = {Heat Shock Protein 90 as a Prognostic Marker and Therapeutic Target for Adrenocortical Carcinoma}, series = {Frontiers in Endocrinology}, volume = {10}, journal = {Frontiers in Endocrinology}, doi = {10.3389/fendo.2019.00487}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-238029}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Background: Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is a rare tumor entity with restricted therapeutic opportunities. HSP90 (Heat Shock Protein 90) chaperone activity is fundamental for cell survival and contributes to different oncogenic signaling pathways. Indeed, agents targeting HSP90 function have shown therapeutic efficacy in several cancer types. We have examined the expression of HSP90 in different adrenal tumors and evaluated the use of HSP90 inhibitors in vitro as possible therapy for ACC. Methods: Immunohistochemical expression of HSP90 isoforms was investigated in different adrenocortical tumors and associated with clinical features. Additionally, a panel of N-terminal (17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (17-AAG), luminespib, and ganetespib) and C-terminal (novobiocin and silibinin) HSP90 inhibitors were tested on various ACC cell lines. Results: Within adrenocortical tumors, ACC samples exhibited the highest expression of HSP90β. Within a cohort of ACC patients, HSP90β expression levels were inversely correlated with recurrence-free and overall survival. In functional assays, among five different compounds tested luminespib and ganetespib induced a significant decrease in cell viability in single as well as in combined treatments with compounds of the clinically used EDP-M scheme (etoposide, doxorubicin, cisplatin, mitotane). Inhibition of cell viability correlated furthermore with a decrease in proliferation, in cell migration and an increase in apoptosis. Moreover, analysis of cancer pathways indicated a modulation of the ERK1/2—and AKT—pathways by luminespib and ganetespib treatment. Conclusions: Our findings emphasize HSP90 as a marker with prognostic impact and promising target with N-terminal HSP90 inhibitors as drugs with potential therapeutic efficacy toward ACC.}, language = {en} } @article{NguyenSaisingTribellietal.2019, author = {Nguyen, Minh-Thu and Saising, Jongkon and Tribelli, Paula Maria and Nega, Mulugeta and Diene, Seydina M. and Fran{\c{c}}ois, Patrice and Schrenzel, Jacques and Spr{\"o}er, Cathrin and Bunk, Boyke and Ebner, Patrick and Hertlein, Tobias and Kumari, Nimerta and H{\"a}rtner, Thomas and Wistuba, Dorothee and Voravuthikunchai, Supayang P. and M{\"a}der, Ulrike and Ohlsen, Knut and G{\"o}tz, Friedrich}, title = {Inactivation of farR Causes High Rhodomyrtone Resistance and Increased Pathogenicity in Staphylococcus aureus}, series = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, volume = {10}, journal = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, doi = {10.3389/fmicb.2019.01157}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-224117}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Rhodomyrtone (Rom) is an acylphloroglucinol antibiotic originally isolated from leaves of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa. Rom targets the bacterial membrane and is active against a wide range of Gram-positive bacteria but the exact mode of action remains obscure. Here we isolated and characterized a spontaneous Rom-resistant mutant from the model strain Staphylococcus aureus HG001 (RomR) to learn more about the resistance mechanism. We showed that Rom-resistance is based on a single point mutation in the coding region of farR [regulator of fatty acid (FA) resistance] that causes an amino acid change from Cys to Arg at position 116 in FarR, that affects FarR activity. Comparative transcriptome analysis revealed that mutated farR affects transcription of many genes in distinct pathways. FarR represses for example the expression of its own gene (farR), its flanking gene farE (effector of FA resistance), and other global regulators such as agr and sarA. All these genes were consequently upregulated in the RomR clone. Particularly the upregulation of agr and sarA leads to increased expression of virulence genes rendering the RomR clone more cytotoxic and more pathogenic in a mouse infection model. The Rom-resistance is largely due to the de-repression of farE. FarE is described as an efflux pump for linoleic and arachidonic acids. We observed an increased release of lipids in the RomR clone compared to its parental strain HG001. If farE is deleted in the RomR clone, or, if native farR is expressed in the RomR strain, the corresponding strains become hypersensitive to Rom. Overall, we show here that the high Rom-resistance is mediated by overexpression of farE in the RomR clone, that FarR is an important regulator, and that the point mutation in farR (RomR clone) makes the clone hyper-virulent.}, language = {en} } @article{JohnAbrantesPrustyetal.2019, author = {John, Cathy N. and Abrantes, Pedro M. D. S. and Prusty, Bhupesh K. and Ablashi, Dharam V. and Africa, Charlene W. J.}, title = {K21 Compound, a Potent Antifungal Agent: Implications for the Treatment of Fluconazole-Resistant HIV-Associated Candida Species}, series = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, volume = {10}, journal = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, doi = {10.3389/fmicb.2019.01021}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-323505}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Background/Objectives: With mucocutaneous candidiasis being highly prevalent in HIV patients, the emergence of fluconazole-resistant Candida species forms a major challenge in treating and eradicating these infections. The objective of this study was to establish the antifungal activity of K21, a membrane-rupturing antimicrobial compound derived from a silica quaternary ammonium compound (SiQAC) with tetraethoxysilane (TEOS). Methods: The study sample included 81 Candida species of which 9 were type strains and 72 were clinical isolates. Minimum inhibitory concentrations, synergy, fractional inhibitory concentration index (FICI), and time kill assays were determined by broth microdilution. Electron microscopy (EM) was used to determine the qualitative changes brought about after treatment with K21. Results: K21 inhibited the growth of all fluconazole-resistant and susceptible Candida strains with only 2 h of exposure required to effectively kill 99.9\% of the inoculum, and a definite synergistic effect was observed with a combination of K21 and fluconazole. EM demonstrated the presence of two forms of extracellular vesicles indicative of biofilm formation and cell lysis. Conclusion: The study established the efficacy of K21 as an antifungal agent and with fluconazole-resistant candidiasis on the increase, the development of K21 can provide a promising alternative to combat acquired drug resistance.}, language = {en} } @article{OPUS4-31268, title = {Search for new phenomena in events with same-charge leptons and b-jets in pp collisions at √\(s\) = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector}, series = {Journal of High Energy Physics}, volume = {12}, journal = {Journal of High Energy Physics}, number = {39}, organization = {The ATLAS Collaboration}, doi = {10.1007/JHEP12(2018)039}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-312681}, pages = {1-55}, year = {2018}, abstract = {A search for new phenomena in events with two same- charge leptons or three leptons and jets identi fi ed as originating from b - quarks in a data sample of 36.1 fb of pp collisions at ps = 13TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider is reported. No signi fi cant excess is found and limits are set on vector- like quark, fourtop- quark, and same- sign top- quark pair production. The observed ( expected) 95\% CL mass limits for a vector- like T - and B - quark singlet are mT > 0 : 98 ( 0 : 99) TeV and mB > 1 : 00 ( 1 : 01) TeV respectively. Limits on the production of the vector- like T5=3 - quark are also derived considering both pair and single production; in the former case the lower limit on the mass of the T5=3 - quark is ( expected to be) 1.19 ( 1.21) TeV. The Standard Model fourtop- quark production cross- section upper limit is ( expected to be) 69 ( 29) fb. Constraints are also set on exotic four- top- quark production models. Finally, limits are set on samesign top- quark pair production. The upper limit on uu ! tt production is ( expected to be) 89 ( 59) fb for a mediator mass of 1TeV, and a dark- matter interpretation is also derived, excluding a mediator of 3TeV with a dark- sector coupling of 1.0 and a coupling to ordinary matter above 0.31.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kagerer2024, author = {Kagerer, Philipp Thomas}, title = {Two-Dimensional Ferromagnetism and Topology at the Surface of MnBi\(_2\)Te\(_4\) - Bi\(_2\)Te\(_3\) Heterostructures - MBE Growth, Magnetism and Electronic Properties}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36012}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-360121}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In this thesis, a model system of a magnetic topological heterostructure is studied, namely a heterosystem consisting of a single ferromagnetic septuple-layer (SL) of \(MnBi_2Te_4\) on the surface of the three-dimensional topological insulator \(Bi_2Te_3\). Using MBE and developing a specialized experimental setup, the first part of this thesis deals with the growth of \(Bi_2Te_3\) and thin films of \(MnBi_2Te_4\) on \(BaF_2\)-substrates by the co-evaporation of its binary constituents. The structural analysis is conducted along several suitable probes such as X-ray diffraction (XRD, XRR), AFM and scanning tunnelling electron microscopy (STEM). It is furthermore found that the growth of a single septuple-layer of \(MnBi_2Te_4\) on the surface of \(Bi_2Te_3\) can be facilitated. By using X-ray absorption and circular magnetic dichroism (XAS, XMCD), the magnetic properties of \(MnBi_2Te_4\) are explored down to the monolayer limit. The layered nature of the vdW crystal and a strong uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy establish stable out-of plane magnetic order at the surface of \(MnBi_2Te_4\), which is stable even down to the 2D limit. Pushing the material system to there, i.e. a single SL \(MnBi_2Te_4\) further allows to study the phase transition of this 2D ferromagnet and extract its critical behaviour with \(T_c \, = \, 14.89~k\) and \(\beta \, = \, 0.484\). Utilizing bulk crystals of the ferromagnetic \(Fe_3GeTe_2\) as substrate allows to influence, enhance and bias the magnetism in the single SL of \(MnBi_2Te_4\). By growing heterostructures of the type \(MnBi_2Te_4\) -- n layer \(Bi_2Te_3\) -- \(Fe_3GeTe_2\)for n between 0 and 2, it is shown, that a considerable magnetic coupling can be introduced between the \(MnBi_2Te_4\) top-layer and the substrate. Finally the interplay between topology and magnetism in the ferromagnetic extension is studied directly by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The heterostructure is found to host a linearly dispersing TSS at the centre of the Brillouin zone. Using low temperature and high-resolution ARPES a large magnetic gap opening of \(\sim\) 35 meV is found at the Dirac point of the TSS. By following its temperature evolution, it is apparent that the scaling behaviour coincides with the magnetic order parameter of the modified surface.}, subject = {Molekularstrahlepitaxie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Koerner2024, author = {K{\"o}rner, Jacob}, title = {Theoretical and numerical analysis of Fokker-Planck optimal control problems by first- and second-order optimality conditions}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36299}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-362997}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In this thesis, a variety of Fokker--Planck (FP) optimal control problems are investigated. Main emphasis is put on a first-- and second--order analysis of different optimal control problems, characterizing optimal controls, establishing regularity results for optimal controls, and providing a numerical analysis for a Galerkin--based numerical scheme. The Fokker--Planck equation is a partial differential equation (PDE) of linear parabolic type deeply connected to the theory of stochastic processes and stochastic differential equations. In essence, it describes the evolution over time of the probability distribution of the state of an object or system of objects under the influence of both deterministic and stochastic forces. The FP equation is a cornerstone in understanding and modeling phenomena ranging from the diffusion and motion of molecules in a fluid to the fluctuations in financial markets. Two different types of optimal control problems are analyzed in this thesis. On the one hand, Fokker--Planck ensemble optimal control problems are considered that have a wide range of applications in controlling a system of multiple non--interacting objects. In this framework, the goal is to collectively drive each object into a desired state. On the other hand, tracking--type control problems are investigated, commonly used in parameter identification problems or stemming from the field of inverse problems. In this framework, the aim is to determine certain parameters or functions of the FP equation, such that the resulting probability distribution function takes a desired form, possibly observed by measurements. In both cases, we consider FP models where the control functions are part of the drift, arising only from the deterministic forces of the system. Therefore, the FP optimal control problem has a bilinear control structure. Box constraints on the controls may be present, and the focus is on time--space dependent controls for ensemble--type problems and on only time--dependent controls for tracking--type optimal control problems. In the first chapter of the thesis, a proof of the connection between the FP equation and stochastic differential equations is provided. Additionally, stochastic optimal control problems, aiming to minimize an expected cost value, are introduced, and the corresponding formulation within a deterministic FP control framework is established. For the analysis of this PDE--constrained optimal control problem, the existence, and regularity of solutions to the FP problem are investigated. New \$L^\infty\$--estimates for solutions are established for low space dimensions under mild assumptions on the drift. Furthermore, based on the theory of Bessel potential spaces, new smoothness properties are derived for solutions to the FP problem in the case of only time--dependent controls. Due to these properties, the control--to--state map, which associates the control functions with the corresponding solution of the FP problem, is well--defined, Fr{\´e}chet differentiable and compact for suitable Lebesgue spaces or Sobolev spaces. The existence of optimal controls is proven under various assumptions on the space of admissible controls and objective functionals. First--order optimality conditions are derived using the adjoint system. The resulting characterization of optimal controls is exploited to achieve higher regularity of optimal controls, as well as their state and co--state functions. Since the FP optimal control problem is non--convex due to its bilinear structure, a first--order analysis should be complemented by a second--order analysis. Therefore, a second--order analysis for the ensemble--type control problem in the case of \$H^1\$--controls in time and space is performed, and sufficient second--order conditions are provided. Analogous results are obtained for the tracking--type problem for only time--dependent controls. The developed theory on the control problem and the first-- and second--order optimality conditions is applied to perform a numerical analysis for a Galerkin discretization of the FP optimal control problem. The main focus is on tracking-type problems with only time--dependent controls. The idea of the presented Galerkin scheme is to first approximate the PDE--constrained optimization problem by a system of ODE--constrained optimization problems. Then, conditions on the problem are presented such that the convergence of optimal controls from one problem to the other can be guaranteed. For this purpose, a class of bilinear ODE--constrained optimal control problems arising from the Galerkin discretization of the FP problem is analyzed. First-- and second--order optimality conditions are established, and a numerical analysis is performed. A discretization with linear finite elements for the state and co--state problem is investigated, while the control functions are approximated by piecewise constant or piecewise quadratic continuous polynomials. The latter choice is motivated by the bilinear structure of the optimal control problem, allowing to overcome the discrepancies between a discretize--then--optimize and optimize--then--discretize approach. Moreover, second--order accuracy results are shown using the space of continuous, piecewise quadratic polynomials as the discrete space of controls. Lastly, the theoretical results and the second--order convergence rates are numerically verified.}, subject = {Parabolische Differentialgleichung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hofmann2024, author = {Hofmann, Kristina Simone}, title = {Untersuchung von mechanischen Eigenschaften, Bruchfestigkeit und Haftfestigkeit von Multilayer Zirkoniumdioxidkeramik zu dualh{\"a}rtenden Befestigungskompositen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-37030}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-370308}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Ziel der Arbeit war es, den Einfluss der Platzierung der Restauration im Rohling auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften und die Scherfestigkeit zu dualh{\"a}rtenden Befestigungskompositen zu untersuchen sowie Unterschiede in der Bruchfestigkeit zwischen zwei Multilayerkeramiken zu ermitteln. Material und Methodik: Es wurden 160 zylindrische Pr{\"u}fk{\"o}rper aus der Multilayerkeramik Katana Zirconia ML hergestellt, um mechanische Eigenschaften wie Dichte, Biegefestigkeit und H{\"a}rte zu bestimmen. Eine Gruppe wurde k{\"u}nstlich gealtert. Die Bruchfestigkeit von 32 Kronen (Katana Zirconia ML, Ceramill Zolid FX Multilayer) wurde vor und nach thermischer sowie mechanischer Belastung untersucht. Zur Bestimmung der Scherfestigkeit wurden 512 quadratische Pr{\"u}fk{\"o}rper hergestellt, die verschiedenen thermischen Belastungen ausgesetzt wurden. Die Scherfestigkeit wurde mit einer Universalpr{\"u}fmaschine bestimmt und die Brucharten (adh{\"a}siv, koh{\"a}siv, gemischt) wurden analysiert. Ergebnisse: Es gab keinen signifikanten Unterschied zwischen den Schichten oder der Alterung bei Dichte, Biegefestigkeit und H{\"a}rte. Katana Zirconia ML zeigte h{\"o}here Bruchfestigkeit als Ceramill Zolid FX Multilayer. Die Scherfestigkeit von Panavia V5 zu Katana Zirconia ML war nicht durch thermische Belastung beeinflusst, jedoch bei Ceramill Zolid FX Multilayer. Der Haftverbund von Visalys CemCore war durch thermische Belastung beeinflusst, w{\"a}hrend Panavia V5 zu beiden Keramiken h{\"o}here Werte aufwies. Katana Zirconia ML hatte h{\"o}here Scherfestigkeitswerte als Ceramill Zolid FX Multilayer. Schlussfolgerung: Multilayerkeramik stellt eine arbeitsverringernde Alternative f{\"u}r den Seitenzahnbereich dar, ohne mechanische und {\"a}sthetische Einbußen. Die Platzierung im Rohling hat keinen Einfluss auf die Eigenschaften, jedoch ist der Haftverbund vom Befestigungskomposit abh{\"a}ngig.}, subject = {Zirkoniumoxidkeramik}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Koch2024, author = {Koch, Hanna Ulrike}, title = {Funktionelle Untersuchung von IGF1R Mutationen im Multiplen Myelom}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-37040}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-370406}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Das Mutationsspektrum einzelner Gene beziehungsweise zusammengefasster Gengruppen innerhalb von Signalwegen bei Patienten mit Multiplem Myelom wurde in den letzten Jahren eingehend untersucht und charakterisiert. Die Herausforderung besteht nun in der Interpretation der erhobenen Daten, insbesondere der Bewertung einzelner durch Sequenzierung identifizierter Biomarker bez{\"u}glich deren prognostischer Aussagekraft und konkreter therapeutischer Relevanz. Als {\"u}bergeordnetes Ziel gilt die Ableitung von klinischen (Therapie-) Ans{\"a}tzen. Auf dem Weg zu einem individualisierten Therapieansatz ist entscheidend, dass wir unser Wissen {\"u}ber die funktionelle Relevanz einzelner Mutationen wie hier im IGF1R im Hinblick auf deren Einbettung in Signalnetzwerke und auf das Proliferationsverhalten der MM Zellen erweitern. Konkret wurde im Rahmen der vorliegende Doktorarbeit der Einfluss von zwei IGF1R Punktmutationen, n{\"a}mlich D1146N (Punktmutation des IGF1R der HMCL L-363) und N1129S (Punktmutation des IGF1R eines Patienten der DSMM XI Kohorte) auf die Proliferation und das nachgeschaltete Signalling in IGF1R-{\"U}berexpressionsmodellen der MM Zelllinien AMO-1 und U-266 untersucht. Zur stabilen Transfektion der HMCLs mit IGF1RWT und den zwei IGF1R Mutanten wurde ein Protokoll auf Grundlage des Sleeping Beauty (SB) Transposase Systems genutzt. In dieser und anderen assoziierten Arbeit konnte unter zu Hilfenahme von insgesamt vier verschiedenen gentechnisch ver{\"a}nderter HMCLs gezeigt werden, dass funktionelle Mutationen im IGF1R Effekte auf das Downstream Signalling zum Beispiel die Aktivierung von AKT und ERK, jedoch nicht auf die Zellproliferation haben. Im Vergleich der untersuchten HMCLs konnten jedoch keine verallgemeinerbaren Schl{\"u}sse gezogen werden, was die Heterogenit{\"a}t der Erkrankung und die Wichtigkeit der Einzelfallbetrachtung unterstreicht.}, subject = {Plasmozytom}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{deGraafgebButtler2024, author = {de Graaf [geb. Buttler], Simone Linda}, title = {From Small to Large Data: Leveraging Synthetic Data for Inventory Management}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36136}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-361364}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In a world of constant change, uncertainty has become a daily challenge for businesses. Rapidly shifting market conditions highlight the need for flexible responses to unforeseen events. Operations Management (OM) is crucial for optimizing business processes, including site planning, production control, and inventory management. Traditionally, companies have relied on theoretical models from microeconomics, game theory, optimization, and simulation. However, advancements in machine learning and mathematical optimization have led to a new research field: data-driven OM. Data-driven OM uses real data, especially time series data, to create more realistic models that better capture decision-making complexities. Despite the promise of this new research area, a significant challenge remains: the availability of extensive historical training data. Synthetic data, which mimics real data, has been used to address this issue in other machine learning applications. Therefore, this dissertation explores how synthetic data can be leveraged to improve decisions for data-driven inventory management, focusing on the single-period newsvendor problem, a classic stochastic optimization problem in inventory management. The first article, "A Meta Analysis of Data-Driven Newsvendor Approaches", presents a standardized evaluation framework for data-driven prescriptive approaches, tested through a numerical study. Findings suggest model performance is not robust, emphasizing the need for a standardized evaluation process. The second article, "Application of Generative Adversarial Networks in Inventory Management", examines using synthetic data generated by Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for the newsvendor problem. This study shows GANs can model complex demand relationships, offering a promising alternative to traditional methods. The third article, "Combining Synthetic Data and Transfer Learning for Deep Reinforcement Learning in Inventory Management", proposes a method using Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) with synthetic and real data through transfer learning. This approach trains a generative model to learn demand distributions, generates synthetic data, and fine-tunes a DRL agent on a smaller real dataset. This method outperforms traditional approaches in controlled and practical settings, though further research is needed to generalize these findings.}, subject = {Bestandsmanagement}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wagner2024, author = {Wagner, Alena}, title = {Herstellung und Qualit{\"a}tskontrolle einer vaskularisierten Tr{\"a}gerstruktur zur Blasenrekonstruktion}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-37028}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-370280}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die regenerative Medizin gewinnt heutzutage immer mehr an Bedeutung. Der klinische Ersatz der Harnblase nach Tumoren oder bei Fehlbildungen stellt bis heute einen komplexen Eingriff mit zahlreichen Langzeitkomplikationen dar. Trotz etlicher Behandlungsm{\"o}glichkeiten k{\"o}nnen die aktuellen therapeutischen Maßnahmen nicht als langfristige Heilung angesehen werden. Meine Arbeit ist Teil einer pr{\"a}klinischen Großtierstudie zur Entwicklung eines neuartigen Blasenersatzes auf der Basis eines vaskularisierten Tissue-Engineering-Konstruktes. Mit der Herstellung eines vaskularisierten Augmentats (UroVaSc) wird ein Arzneimittel f{\"u}r neuartige Therapien (ATMP) f{\"u}r die Anwendung am Menschen entwickelt. Unter Zuhilfenahme fortschrittlicher Verfahren aus dem Bereich des Tissue Engineerings wird ein Gewebe hergestellt, welches im Empf{\"a}nger die beiden kritischen Punkte der Vernarbung und insbesondere bei jungen Empf{\"a}ngern die Problematik eines nicht mitwachsenden Gewebes reduzieren oder verhindern soll. Als Ausgangsmaterialien dienen ein Abschnitt porcinen Jejunums und eine porcine Hautbiopsie. In der klinischen Anwendung wird die Hautbiopsie dem Empf{\"a}nger des Augmentats entnommen. Aus den beiden Ausgangsmaterialien werden als Zwischenprodukte dezellularisiertes Jejunum (BioVaSc) und aus der Hautbiopsie eine prim{\"a}re, mikrovaskul{\"a}re Endothelzellkultur (mvEC) hergestellt. Die mvEC besiedeln die Gef{\"a}ße der Tr{\"a}gerstruktur BioVaSc in einem Bioreaktorsystem und f{\"u}hren zum vaskularisierten Endprodukt, der UroVaSc. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Entwicklung eines dreidimensionalen, vaskularisierten Blasenaugmentats. Im Verlauf dieser Arbeit waren die Methoden der Isolation und Kultivierung der Zellen, die Rebesiedlung und Kultur des autologen Augmentats, als auch die Qualit{\"a}tskontrolle unter den Richtlinien der Guten Herstellungspraxis zu etablieren. F{\"u}r die Isolierung der mvEC wurde ein Protokoll erarbeitet, mit dem sich die Zellen, trotz intraindividueller Unterschiede der Spendertiere, in ausreichender Zellzahl und Reinheit darstellen ließen. Des Weiteren wurde die endotheliale Rebesiedlung der Tr{\"a}gerstruktur erfolgreich durchgef{\"u}hrt und dies mit Hilfe zellbiologischer und immunhistologischer Methoden belegt. In der Risikobeurteilung des Herstellungsprozesses wurde die {\"U}berwachung des Inkubators als wichtigen Schritt zur Erh{\"o}hung der Produktqualit{\"a}t identifiziert, der in weiterf{\"u}hrenden Arbeiten adressiert werden sollte. Auf Grundlage meiner Forschungsergebnisse und weiterer Forschungsarbeiten erfolgt derzeit die funktionale Testung des Endproduktes im Großtierversuch. Mit der erfolgreichen Herstellung eines vaskularisierten Blasenaugmentats wird betroffenen Patienten eine neuartige Therapieoption er{\"o}ffnet, welche die Aussicht auf eine Heilung schwerer Erkrankungen an der Blase erm{\"o}glicht.}, subject = {Augmentation}, language = {de} } @article{GilSepulcreLindnerSchindleretal.2021, author = {Gil-Sepulcre, Marcos and Lindner, Joachim O. and Schindler, Dorothee and Velasco, Luc{\´i}a and Moonshiram, Dooshaye and R{\"u}diger, Olaf and DeBeer, Serena and Stepanenko, Vladimir and Solano, Eduardo and W{\"u}rthner, Frank and Llobet, Antoni}, title = {Surface-promoted evolution of Ru-bda coordination oligomers boosts the efficiency of water oxidation molecular anodes}, series = {Journal of the American Chemical Society}, volume = {143}, journal = {Journal of the American Chemical Society}, number = {30}, doi = {10.1021/jacs.1c04738}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-351514}, pages = {11651-11661}, year = {2021}, abstract = {A new Ru oligomer of formula {[Ru-\(^{II}\)(bda-\(\kappa\)-N\(^2\)O\(^2\))(4,4'-bpy)]\(_{10}\)(4,4'-bpy)}, 10 (bda is [2,2'-bipyridine]-6,6'-dicarbox-ylate and 4,4'-bpy is 4,4'-bipyridine), was synthesized and thoroughly characterized with spectroscopic, X-ray, and electrochemical techniques. This oligomer exhibits strong affinity for graphitic materials through CH-\(\pi\) interactions and thus easily anchors on multiwalled carbon nanotubes (CNT), generating the molecular hybrid material 10@CNT. The latter acts as a water oxidation catalyst and converts to a new species, 10'(H\(_2\)O)\(_2\)@CNT, during the electrochemical oxygen evolution process involving solvation and ligand reorganization facilitated by the interactions of molecular Ru catalyst and the surface. This heterogeneous system has been shown to be a powerful and robust molecular hybrid anode for electrocatalytic water oxidation into molecular oxygen, achieving current densities in the range of 200 mA/cm\(^2\) at pH 7 under an applied potential of 1.45 V vs NHE. The remarkable long-term stability of this hybrid material during turnover is rationalized based on the supramolecular interaction of the catalyst with the graphitic surface.}, language = {en} } @article{GronwaldHoosHottenrott2019, author = {Gronwald, Thomas and Hoos, Olaf and Hottenrott, Kuno}, title = {Effects of Acute Normobaric Hypoxia on Non-linear Dynamics of Cardiac Autonomic Activity During Constant Workload Cycling Exercise}, series = {Frontiers in Physiology}, volume = {10}, journal = {Frontiers in Physiology}, doi = {10.3389/fphys.2019.00999}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-369199}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Aim: Measurements of Non-linear dynamics of heart rate variability (HRV) provide new possibilities to monitor cardiac autonomic activity during exercise under different environmental conditions. Using detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) technique to assess correlation properties of heart rate (HR) dynamics, the present study examines the influence of normobaric hypoxic conditions (HC) in comparison to normoxic conditions (NC) during a constant workload exercise. Materials and Methods: Nine well trained cyclists performed a continuous workload exercise on a cycle ergometer with an intensity corresponding to the individual anaerobic threshold until voluntary exhaustion under both NC and HC (15\% O2). The individual exercise duration was normalized to 10\% sections (10-100\%). During exercise HR and RR-intervals were continuously-recorded. Besides HRV time-domain measurements (meanRR, SDNN), fractal correlation properties using short-term scaling exponent alpha1 of DFA were calculated. Additionally, blood lactate (La), oxygen saturation of the blood (SpO2), and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded in regular time intervals. Results: We observed significant changes under NC and HC for all parameters from the beginning to the end of the exercise (10\% vs. 100\%) except for SpO2 and SDNN during NC: increases for HR, La, and RPE in both conditions; decreases for SpO2 and SDNN during HC, meanRR and DFA-alpha1 during both conditions. Under HC HR (40-70\%), La (10-90\%), and RPE (50-90\%) were significantly-higher, SpO2 (10-100\%), meanRR (40-70\%), and DFA-alpha1 (20-60\%) were significantly-lower than under NC. Conclusion: Under both conditions, prolonged exercise until voluntary exhaustion provokes a lower total variability combined with a reduction in the amplitude and correlation properties of RR fluctuations which may be attributed to increased organismic demands. Additionally, HC provoked higher demands and loss of correlation properties at an earlier stage during the exercise regime, implying an accelerated alteration of cardiac autonomic regulation.}, language = {en} } @article{FahmyGarciaFarrellWitteBoumaetal.2019, author = {Fahmy-Garcia, Shorouk and Farrell, Eric and Witte-Bouma, Janneke and Robbesom-van den Berge, Iris and Suarez, Melva and Mumcuoglu, Didem and Walles, Heike and Kluijtmans, Sebastiaan G. J. M. and van der Eerden, Bram C. J. and van Osch, Gerjo J. V. M. and van Leeuwen, Johannes P. T. M. and van Driel, Marjolein}, title = {Follistatin Effects in Migration, Vascularization, and Osteogenesis in vitro and Bone Repair in vivo}, series = {Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology}, volume = {7}, journal = {Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology}, doi = {10.3389/fbioe.2019.00038}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-227617}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The use of biomaterials and signaling molecules to induce bone formation is a promising approach in the field of bone tissue engineering. Follistatin (FST) is a glycoprotein able to bind irreversibly to activin A, a protein that has been reported to inhibit bone formation. We investigated the effect of FST in critical processes for bone repair, such as cell recruitment, osteogenesis and vascularization, and ultimately its use for bone tissue engineering. In vitro, FST promoted mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) and endothelial cell (EC) migration as well as essential steps in the formation and expansion of the vasculature such as EC tube-formation and sprouting. FST did not enhance osteogenic differentiation of MSCs, but increased committed osteoblast mineralization. In vivo, FST was loaded in an in situ gelling formulation made by alginate and recombinant collagen-based peptide microspheres and implanted in a rat calvarial defect model. Two FST variants (FST288 and FST315) with major differences in their affinity to cell-surface proteoglycans, which may influence their effect upon in vivo bone repair, were tested. In vitro, most of the loaded FST315 was released over 4 weeks, contrary to FST288, which was mostly retained in the biomaterial. However, none of the FST variants improved in vivo bone healing compared to control. These results demonstrate that FST enhances crucial processes needed for bone repair. Further studies need to investigate the optimal FST carrier for bone regeneration.}, language = {en} } @article{GalKilenczAlbertetal.2019, author = {G{\´a}l, Bernadett I. and Kilencz, T{\"u}nde and Albert, Anita and Demeter, Ildik{\´o} and Hegedűs, Kl{\´a}ra M{\´a}ria and Janka, Zolt{\´a}n and Csifcs{\´a}k, G{\´a}bor and {\´A}lmos, P{\´e}ter Z.}, title = {Mild Effect of Nalmefene on Alcoholic Cue-Induced Response Invigoration in Alcohol Use Disorder Without Accompanying Changes in Electrophysiological Signatures of Early Visual Processing and Executive Control}, series = {Frontiers in Pharmacology}, volume = {10}, journal = {Frontiers in Pharmacology}, doi = {10.3389/fphar.2019.01087}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-369182}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Nalmefene is approved for as-needed pharmacological treatment in alcohol use disorder (AUD) by the European Medicines Agency. While the cellular effects of nalmefene have been thoroughly investigated, data are very limited on how this agent influences neural signals associated with inhibitory control and the visual analysis of environmental cues. This double-blind crossover study assessed the behavioral and neural effects of acute nalmefene administration in patients diagnosed with AUD. In experiment 1, we validated our experimental paradigm (electroencephalography combined with a modified Go/NoGo task using images of alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks as prime stimuli) in 20 healthy adults to ensure that our protocol is suitable for assessing the behavioral and neural aspects of executive control. In experiment 2, we recruited 19 patients with AUD, and in a double-blind crossover design, we investigated the effects of nalmefene versus placebo on task performance (response accuracy, the sensitivity index, and reaction times), visual responses to appetitive cues (occipital P1, N1, and P2 components), and electrophysiological markers of conflict detection and response inhibition (frontal N2 and P3 waveforms). Under placebo, patients produced faster reaction times to alcohol-primed Go stimuli, an effect that was weak despite being statistically significant. However, the effect of alcoholic cues on the speed of response initiation disappeared after receiving nalmefene. We found no placebo versus nalmefene difference regarding our patients' ability to accurately inhibit responses to NoGo stimuli or for occipital and frontal event-related potentials. Our results suggest that nalmefene might be potent in reducing the vigor to act upon alcoholic cues in AUD patients, but this effect is most probably mediated via subcortical (rather than cortical) neural circuits.}, language = {en} } @article{FrankeConzelmannGruenblattetal.2019, author = {Franke, Maximilian and Conzelmann, Annette and Gr{\"u}nblatt, Edna and Werling, Anna M. and Spieles, Helen and Wewetzer, Christoph and Warnke, Andreas and Romanos, Marcel and Walitza, Susanne and Renner, Tobias J.}, title = {No Association of Variants of the NPY-System With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Children and Adolescents}, series = {Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience}, volume = {12}, journal = {Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience}, doi = {10.3389/fnmol.2019.00112}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-229051}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) causes severe distress and is therefore counted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as one of the 10 most impairing illnesses. There is evidence for a strong genetic underpinning especially in early onset OCD (eoOCD). Though several genes involved in neurotransmission have been reported as candidates, there is still a need to identify new pathways. In this study, we focussed on genetic variants of the Neuropeptide Y (NPY) system. NPY is one of the most abundant neuropeptides in the human brain with emerging evidence of capacity to modulate stress response, which is of high relevance in OCD. We focussed on tag-SNPs of NPY and its receptor gene NPY1R in a family-based approach. The sample comprised 86 patients (children and adolescents) with eoOCD with both their biological parents. However, this first study on genetic variants of the NPY-system could not confirm the association between the investigated SNPs and eoOCD. Based on the small sample size results have to be interpreted as preliminary and should be replicated in larger samples. However, also in an additional GWAS analysis in a large sample, we could not observe an associations between NPY and OCD. Overall, these preliminary results point to a minor role of NPY on the stress response of OCD.}, language = {en} } @article{GeranUeckerPruessetal.2019, author = {Geran, Rohat and Uecker, Florian C. and Pr{\"u}ss, Harald and Haeusler, Karl Georg and Paul, Friedemann and Ruprecht, Klemens and Harms, Lutz and Schmidt, Felix A.}, title = {Olfactory and Gustatory Dysfunction in Patients With Autoimmune Encephalitis}, series = {Frontiers in Neurology}, volume = {10}, journal = {Frontiers in Neurology}, doi = {10.3389/fneur.2019.00480}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-232921}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Objective: To test the hypothesis that olfactory (OF) and gustatory function (GF) is disturbed in patients with autoimmune encephalitides (AE). Methods: The orthonasal OF was tested in 32 patients with AE and 32 age- and sex-matched healthy controls (HC) with the standardized Threshold Discrimination Identification (TDI) score. This validated olfactory testing method yields individual scores for olfactory threshold (T), odor discrimination (D), and identification (I), along with a composite TDI score. The GF was determined by the Taste Strip Test (TST). Results: Overall, 24/32 (75\%) of patients with AE, but none of 32 HC (p < 0.001) had olfactory dysfunction in TDI testing. The results of the threshold, discrimination and identification subtests were significantly reduced in patients with AE compared to HC (all p < 0.001). Assessed by TST, 5/19 (26.3\%) of patients with AE, but none of 19 HC presented a significant limitation in GF (p < 0.001). The TDI score was correlated with the subjective estimation of the olfactory capacity on a visual analog scale (VAS; rs = 0.475, p = 0.008). Neither age, sex, modified Rankin Scale nor disease duration were associated with the composite TDI score. Conclusions: This is the first study investigating OF and GF in AE patients. According to unblinded assessment, patients with AE have a reduced olfactory and gustatory capacity compared to HC, suggesting that olfactory and gustatory dysfunction are hitherto unrecognized symptoms in AE. Further studies with larger number of AE patients would be of interest to verify our results.}, language = {en} } @article{JarickMokhtariSchelleretal.2018, author = {Jarick, Katja J. and Mokhtari, Zeinab and Scheller, Lukas and Hartweg, Julia and Thusek, Sina and Le, Duc-Dung and Ranecky, Maria and Shaikh, Haroon and Qureischi, Musga and Heinze, Katrin G. and Beilhack, Andreas}, title = {Photoconversion of Alloreactive T Cells in Murine Peyer's Patches During Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease: Tracking the Homing Route of Highly Proliferative Cells In Vivo}, series = {Frontiers in Immunology}, volume = {9}, journal = {Frontiers in Immunology}, doi = {10.3389/fimmu.2018.01468}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-323309}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The regulation of immune cell migration throughout the body is essential to warrant immunosurveillance and to maintain immune homeostasis. Marking and tracking of these cells has proven important to study mechanisms of immune cell trafficking and cell interaction in vivo. Photoconversion is a well-suited technique for intravital application because it enables contactless time- and location-specific marking of cells in the tissue without surgically manipulating the microenvironment of the cells in question. However, in dividing cells the converted fluorescent protein may decline quickly. Here, we provide a detailed description of the photoconversion technique and its applicability to tracking highly proliferating T cells from the priming site of T cell activation to peripheral target organs of effector function in a preclinical model. Dendra2+ T cells were photoconverted in the Peyer's patches during the initiation phase of acute graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) and tracked through the mesenteric lymph nodes and the peripheral blood to the small intestine with flow cytometry and intravital two-photon microscopy. Photoconverted alloreactive T cells preserved the full proliferative capacity, homing, and migration of alloreactive T cells in the intestinal lamina propria. We conclusively proved that photoconversion of highly proliferative alloreactive T cells in the Peyer's patches is an effective tool to study trafficking of alloreactive T cells under physiologic conditions and to GvHD target tissues. This technique can also be applied to the study of immune cell tracking under inflammatory and non-inflammatory conditions.}, language = {en} } @article{HammerHalderKleihetal.2018, author = {Hammer, Eva M. and Halder, Sebastian and Kleih, Sonja C. and K{\"u}bler, Andrea}, title = {Psychological Predictors of Visual and Auditory P300 Brain-Computer Interface Performance}, series = {Frontiers in Neuroscience}, volume = {12}, journal = {Frontiers in Neuroscience}, doi = {10.3389/fnins.2018.00307}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-369207}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) provide communication channels independent from muscular control. In the current study we used two versions of the P300-BCI: one based on visual the other on auditory stimulation. Up to now, data on the impact of psychological variables on P300-BCI control are scarce. Hence, our goal was to identify new predictors with a comprehensive psychological test-battery. A total of N = 40 healthy BCI novices took part in a visual and an auditory BCI session. Psychological variables were measured with an electronic test-battery including clinical, personality, and performance tests. The personality factor "emotional stability" was negatively correlated (Spearman's rho = -0.416; p < 0.01) and an output variable of the non-verbal learning test (NVLT), which can be interpreted as ability to learn, correlated positively (Spearman's rho = 0.412; p < 0.01) with visual P300-BCI performance. In a linear regression analysis both independent variables explained 24\% of the variance. "Emotional stability" was also negatively related to auditory P300-BCI performance (Spearman's rho = -0.377; p < 0.05), but failed significance in the regression analysis. Psychological parameters seem to play a moderate role in visual P300-BCI performance. "Emotional stability" was identified as a new predictor, indicating that BCI users who characterize themselves as calm and rational showed worse BCI performance. The positive relation of the ability to learn and BCI performance corroborates the notion that also for P300 based BCIs learning may constitute an important factor. Further studies are needed to consolidate or reject the presented predictors.}, language = {en} } @article{HersterBittnerCodreaetal.2019, author = {Herster, Franziska and Bittner, Zsofia and Codrea, Marius Cosmin and Archer, Nathan K. and Heister, Martin and L{\"o}ffler, Markus W. and Heumos, Simon and Wegner, Joanna and Businger, Ramona and Schindler, Michael and Stegner, David and Sch{\"a}kel, Knut and Grabbe, Stephan and Ghoreschi, Kamran and Miller, Lloyd S. and Weber, Alexander N. R.}, title = {Platelets Aggregate With Neutrophils and Promote Skin Pathology in Psoriasis}, series = {Frontiers in Immunology}, volume = {10}, journal = {Frontiers in Immunology}, doi = {10.3389/fimmu.2019.01867}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-320175}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Psoriasis is a frequent systemic inflammatory autoimmune disease characterized primarily by skin lesions with massive infiltration of leukocytes, but frequently also presents with cardiovascular comorbidities. Especially polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) abundantly infiltrate psoriatic skin but the cues that prompt PMNs to home to the skin are not well-defined. To identify PMN surface receptors that may explain PMN skin homing in psoriasis patients, we screened 332 surface antigens on primary human blood PMNs from healthy donors and psoriasis patients. We identified platelet surface antigens as a defining feature of psoriasis PMNs, due to a significantly increased aggregation of neutrophils and platelets in the blood of psoriasis patients. Similarly, in the imiquimod-induced experimental in vivo mouse model of psoriasis, disease induction promoted PMN-platelet aggregate formation. In psoriasis patients, disease incidence directly correlated with blood platelet counts and platelets were detected in direct contact with PMNs in psoriatic but not healthy skin. Importantly, depletion of circulating platelets in mice in vivo ameliorated disease severity significantly, indicating that both PMNs and platelets may be relevant for psoriasis pathology and disease severity.}, language = {en} } @article{GryszelSchlossarekWuerthneretal.2023, author = {Gryszel, Maciej and Schlossarek, Tim and W{\"u}rthner, Frank and Natali, Mirco and Głowacki, Eric Daniel}, title = {Water-soluble cationic perylene diimide dyes as stable photocatalysts for H\(_2\)O\(_2\) evolution}, series = {ChemPhotoChem}, volume = {7}, journal = {ChemPhotoChem}, number = {9}, issn = {2367-0932}, doi = {10.1002/cptc.202300070}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-370250}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Photocatalytic generation of hydrogen peroxide, H\(_2\)O\(_2\), has gained increasing attention in recent years, with applications ranging from solar energy conversion to biophysical research. While semiconducting solid-state materials are normally regarded as the workhorse for photogeneration of H\(_2\)O\(_2\), an intriguing alternative for on-demand H\(_2\)O\(_2\) is the use of photocatalytic organic dyes. Herein we report the use of water-soluble dyes based on perylene diimide molecules which behave as true molecular catalysts for the light-induced conversion of dissolved oxygen to hydrogen peroxide. In particular, we address how to obtain visible-light photocatalysts which are stable with respect to aggregation and photochemical degradation. We report on the factors affecting efficiency and stability, including variable electron donors, oxygen partial pressure, pH, and molecular catalyst structure. The result is a perylene diimide derivative with unprecedented peroxide evolution performance using a broad range of organic donor molecules and operating in a wide pH range.}, language = {en} } @article{KasaragodSchindelin2018, author = {Kasaragod, Vikram B. and Schindelin, Hermann}, title = {Structure-Function Relationships of Glycine and GABAA Receptors and Their Interplay With the Scaffolding Protein Gephyrin}, series = {Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience}, volume = {11}, journal = {Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience}, doi = {10.3389/fnmol.2018.00317}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-325607}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Glycine and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) are the major determinants of inhibition in the central nervous system (CNS). These neurotransmitters target glycine and GABAA receptors, respectively, which both belong to the Cys-loop superfamily of pentameric ligand-gated ion channels (pLGICs). Interactions of the neurotransmitters with the cognate receptors result in receptor opening and a subsequent influx of chloride ions, which, in turn, leads to hyperpolarization of the membrane potential, thus counteracting excitatory stimuli. The majority of glycine receptors and a significant fraction of GABAA receptors (GABAARs) are recruited and anchored to the post-synaptic membrane by the central scaffolding protein gephyrin. This ∼93 kDa moonlighting protein is structurally organized into an N-terminal G-domain (GephG) connected to a C-terminal E-domain (GephE) via a long unstructured linker. Both inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors interact via a short peptide motif located in the large cytoplasmic loop located in between transmembrane helices 3 and 4 (TM3-TM4) of the receptors with a universal receptor-binding epitope residing in GephE. Gephyrin engages in nearly identical interactions with the receptors at the N-terminal end of the peptide motif, and receptor-specific interaction toward the C-terminal region of the peptide. In addition to its receptor-anchoring function, gephyrin also interacts with a rather large collection of macromolecules including different cytoskeletal elements, thus acting as central scaffold at inhibitory post-synaptic specializations. Dysfunctions in receptor-mediated or gephyrin-mediated neurotransmission have been identified in various severe neurodevelopmental disorders. Although biochemical, cellular and electrophysiological studies have helped to understand the physiological and pharmacological roles of the receptors, recent high resolution structures of the receptors have strengthened our understanding of the receptors and their gating mechanisms. Besides that, multiple crystal structures of GephE in complex with receptor-derived peptides have shed light into receptor clustering by gephyrin at inhibitory post-synapses. This review will highlight recent biochemical and structural insights into gephyrin and the GlyRs as well as GABAA receptors, which provide a deeper understanding of the molecular machinery mediating inhibitory neurotransmission.}, language = {en} } @article{SchneiderWiewelhoveRaederetal.2019, author = {Schneider, Christoph and Wiewelhove, Thimo and Raeder, Christian and Flatt, Andrew A. and Hoos, Olaf and Hottenrott, Laura and Schumbera, Oliver and Kellmann, Michael and Meyer, Tim and Pfeiffer, Mark and Ferrauti, Alexander}, title = {Heart Rate Variability Monitoring During Strength and High-Intensity Interval Training Overload Microcycles}, series = {Frontiers in Physiology}, volume = {10}, journal = {Frontiers in Physiology}, doi = {10.3389/fphys.2019.00582}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-231515}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Objective: In two independent study arms, we determine the effects of strength training (ST) and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) overload on cardiac autonomic modulation by measuring heart rate (HR) and vagal heart rate variability (HRV). Methods: In the study, 37 well-trained athletes (ST: 7 female, 12 male; HIIT: 9 female, 9 male) were subjected to orthostatic tests (HR and HRV recordings) each day during a 4-day baseline period, a 6-day overload microcycle, and a 4-day recovery period. Discipline-specific performance was assessed before and 1 and 4 days after training. Results: Following ST overload, supine HR, and vagal HRV (Ln RMSSD) were clearly increased and decreased (small effects), respectively, and the standing recordings remained unchanged. In contrast, HIIT overload resulted in decreased HR and increased Ln RMSSD in the standing position (small effects), whereas supine recordings remained unaltered. During the recovery period, these responses were reversed (ST: small effects, HIIT: trivial to small effects). The correlations between changes in HR, vagal HRV measures, and performance were weak or inconsistent. At the group and individual levels, moderate to strong negative correlations were found between HR and Ln RMSSD when analyzing changes between testing days (ST: supine and standing position, HIIT: standing position) and individual time series, respectively. Use of rolling 2-4-day averages enabled more precise estimation of mean changes with smaller confidence intervals compared to single-day values of HR or Ln RMSSD. However, the use of averaged values displayed unclear effects for evaluating associations between HR, vagal HRV measures, and performance changes, and have the potential to be detrimental for classification of individual short-term responses. Conclusion: Measures of HR and Ln RMSSD during an orthostatic test could reveal different autonomic responses following ST or HIIT which may not be discovered by supine or standing measures alone. However, these autonomic changes were not consistently related to short-term changes in performance and the use of rolling averages may alter these relationships differently on group and individual level.}, language = {en} } @article{KervarrecSamimiGuyetantetal.2019, author = {Kervarrec, Thibault and Samimi, Mahtab and Guy{\´e}tant, Serge and Sarma, Bhavishya and Ch{\´e}ret, J{\´e}r{\´e}my and Blanchard, Emmanuelle and Berthon, Patricia and Schrama, David and Houben, Roland and Touz{\´e}, Antoine}, title = {Histogenesis of Merkel Cell Carcinoma: A Comprehensive Review}, series = {Frontiers in Oncology}, volume = {9}, journal = {Frontiers in Oncology}, doi = {10.3389/fonc.2019.00451}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-325733}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a primary neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin. This neoplasia features aggressive behavior, resulting in a 5-year overall survival rate of 40\%. In 2008, Feng et al. identified Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV) integration into the host genome as the main event leading to MCC oncogenesis. However, despite identification of this crucial viral oncogenic trigger, the nature of the cell in which MCC oncogenesis occurs is actually unknown. In fact, several hypotheses have been proposed. Despite the large similarity in phenotype features between MCC tumor cells and physiological Merkel cells (MCs), a specialized subpopulation of the epidermis acting as mechanoreceptor of the skin, several points argue against the hypothesis that MCC derives directly from MCs. Alternatively, MCPyV integration could occur in another cell type and induce acquisition of an MC-like phenotype. Accordingly, an epithelial as well as a fibroblastic or B-cell origin of MCC has been proposed mainly based on phenotype similarities shared by MCC and these potential ancestries. The aim of this present review is to provide a comprehensive review of the current knowledge of the histogenesis of MCC.}, language = {en} } @article{NagyvanGeffenStegneretal.2019, author = {Nagy, Magdolna and van Geffen, Johanna P. and Stegner, David and Adams, David J. and Braun, Attila and de Witt, Susanne M. and Elvers, Margitta and Geer, Mitchell J. and Kuijpers, Marijke J. E. and Kunzelmann, Karl and Mori, Jun and Oury, C{\´e}cile and Pircher, Joachim and Pleines, Irina and Poole, Alastair W. and Senis, Yotis A. and Verdoold, Remco and Weber, Christian and Nieswandt, Bernhard and Heemskerk, Johan W. M. and Baaten, Constance C. F. M. J.}, title = {Comparative Analysis of Microfluidics Thrombus Formation in Multiple Genetically Modified Mice: Link to Thrombosis and Hemostasis}, series = {Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine}, volume = {6}, journal = {Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine}, doi = {10.3389/fcvm.2019.00099}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-232194}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Genetically modified mice are indispensable for establishing the roles of platelets in arterial thrombosis and hemostasis. Microfluidics assays using anticoagulated whole blood are commonly used as integrative proxy tests for platelet function in mice. In the present study, we quantified the changes in collagen-dependent thrombus formation for 38 different strains of (genetically) modified mice, all measured with the same microfluidics chamber. The mice included were deficient in platelet receptors, protein kinases or phosphatases, small GTPases or other signaling or scaffold proteins. By standardized re-analysis of high-resolution microscopic images, detailed information was obtained on altered platelet adhesion, aggregation and/or activation. For a subset of 11 mouse strains, these platelet functions were further evaluated in rhodocytin- and laminin-dependent thrombus formation, thus allowing a comparison of glycoprotein VI (GPVI), C-type lectin-like receptor 2 (CLEC2) and integrin α6β1 pathways. High homogeneity was found between wild-type mice datasets concerning adhesion and aggregation parameters. Quantitative comparison for the 38 modified mouse strains resulted in a matrix visualizing the impact of the respective (genetic) deficiency on thrombus formation with detailed insight into the type and extent of altered thrombus signatures. Network analysis revealed strong clusters of genes involved in GPVI signaling and Ca2+ homeostasis. The majority of mice demonstrating an antithrombotic phenotype in vivo displayed with a larger or smaller reduction in multi-parameter analysis of collagen-dependent thrombus formation in vitro. Remarkably, in only approximately half of the mouse strains that displayed reduced arterial thrombosis in vivo, this was accompanied by impaired hemostasis. This was also reflected by comparing in vitro thrombus formation (by microfluidics) with alterations in in vivo bleeding time. In conclusion, the presently developed multi-parameter analysis of thrombus formation using microfluidics can be used to: (i) determine the severity of platelet abnormalities; (ii) distinguish between altered platelet adhesion, aggregation and activation; and (iii) elucidate both collagen and non-collagen dependent alterations of thrombus formation. This approach may thereby aid in the better understanding and better assessment of genetic variation that affect in vivo arterial thrombosis and hemostasis.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Glueck2024, author = {Gl{\"u}ck, Valentina}, title = {Habitual avoidance in trait anxiety and anxiety disorders}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36022}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-360227}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Maladaptive avoidance behaviors can contribute to the maintenance of fear, anxiety, and anxiety disorders. It has been proposed that, throughout anxiety disorder progression, extensively repeated avoidance may become a habit (i.e., habitual avoidance) instead of being controlled by internal threat-related goals (i.e., goal-directed avoidance). However, the process of the acquisition of habitual avoidance in anxiety disorders is not yet well understood. Accordingly, the current thesis aimed to investigate experimentally whether trait anxiety and anxiety disorders are associated with an increased shift from goal-directed to habitual avoidance. The aim of Study 1 was to develop an experimental operationalization of maladaptive habitual avoidance. To this end, we adapted a commonly used action control task, the outcome devaluation paradigm. In this task, habitual avoidance was operationalized as persistent responses after extensive training to avoid an unpleasant stimulus when the aversive outcome was devalued, i.e., when individuals knew the aversive outcome could not occur anymore. We included indicators for costly and low-cost habitual avoidance, whereby habitual avoidance was associated with a monetary cost, while low-cost habitual avoidance was not associated with monetary costs. In Experiment 1 of Study 1, a pronounced costly and non-costly outcome devaluation effect was observed. However, this result may have partly resulted from trial-and-error learning or a better-safe-than-sorry strategy since not instructions about the stimulus-response-outcome contingencies after the outcome devaluation procedure had been provided to the participants. In Experiment 2 of Study 1, instructions on these stimulus-response-outcome contingencies were included to prevent the potential confounders. As a result, we observed no indicators for costly habitual avoidance, but evidence for low-cost habitual avoidance, potentially because competing goal-directed responses could easily be implemented and inhibited costly habitual avoidance tendencies. In Study 2, the strength of habitual avoidance acquisition was compared between participants with and without anxiety disorders, using the experimental task of Experiment 1 in Study 1. The results indicated that costly and low-cost habitual avoidance was not more pronounced in participants with anxiety disorders than in the healthy control group. However, in an exploratory subgroup comparison, panic disorder predicted more substantial habitual avoidance acquisition than social anxiety disorder. In Study 3, we investigated whether trait anxiety as a risk factor for anxiety disorders is associated with a specific increased shift from goal-directed to habitual avoidance and approach. The task from the Experiment 1 of Study 1 was adapted to include parallel versions for operationalizing habitual avoidance and habitual approach responses. Using a within-subjects design, the individuals - pre-screened for high and low trait anxiety - took part in the approach and the avoidance outcome devaluation task version. The results suggested stronger non-costly habitual responses in more highly trait-anxious individuals independent of the task version, and suggested a tendency towards an impact of trait anxiety on costly habitual approach rather than on costly habitual avoidance. In summary, individuals with high trait anxiety or anxiety disorders did not develop habitual avoidance more readily than individuals with low trait anxiety or without anxiety disorders. Therefore, this thesis does not support the assumption that an increased tendency to acquire habitual avoidance contributes to persistent maladaptive avoidance in anxiety disorders. The thesis also contributes to the discourse on the validity of outcome devaluation studies in general by highlighting the impact of task features, such as the instructions after the outcome devaluation procedure or the task difficulty in the test phase, on the experimental results. Such validity issues may partly explain the heterogeneity of findings in research with the outcome devaluation paradigm. We suggest ways towards more valid operationalizations of habitual avoidance in future studies.}, subject = {Gewohnheit}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gabel2024, author = {Gabel, Martin Sebastian}, title = {Behavioural resistance to \(Varroa\) \(destructor\) in the Western honeybee \(Apis\) \(mellifera\) - Mechanisms leading to decreased mite reproduction}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36053}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-360536}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The Western Honeybee (Apis mellifera) is among the most versatile species in the world. Its adaptability is rooted in thousands of the differently specialized individuals acting jointly together. Thus, bees that are able to handle a certain task or condition well can back up other individuals less capable to do so on the colony level. Vice versa, the latter individuals might perform better in other situations. This evolutionary recipe for success ensures the survival of colonies despite challenging habitat conditions. In this context, the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor reflects the most pronounced biotic challenge to honeybees worldwide. Without proper treatment, infested colonies rapidly dwindle and ultimately die. Nevertheless, resistance behaviours against this parasite have evolved in some populations through natural selection, enabling colonies to survive untreated. In this, different behaviours appear to be adapted to the respective habitat conditions and may complement each other. Yet, the why and how of this behavioural response to the mite remains largely unknown. My thesis focuses on the biological background of Varroa-resistance traits in honeybees and presents important findings for the comprehension of this complex host-parasite interaction. Based on this, I draw implications for both, applied bee breeding and scientific investigations in the field of Varroa-resistance. Specifically, I focus on two traits commonly found in resistant and, to a lower degree, also mite-susceptible colonies: decreased mite reproduction and the uncapping and subsequent recapping of sealed brood cells. Examining failures in the reproductive success of mites as a primary mechanism of Varroa-resistance, I was able to link them to specific bee behaviours and external factors. Since mite reproduction and the brood rearing of bees are inevitably connected, I first investigated the effects of brood interruption on the reproductive success of mites. Brood interruption decreased the reproductive success of mites both immediately and in the long term. By examining the causes of reproductive failure, I could show that this was mainly due to an increased share of infertile mites. Furthermore, I proved that interruption in brood rearing significantly increased the expression of recapping behaviour. These findings consequently showed a dynamic modulation of mite reproduction and recapping, as well as a direct effect of brood interruption on both traits. To further elucidate the plasticity in the expression of both traits, I studied mite reproduction, recapping behaviour and infestation levels over the course of three years. The resulting extensive dataset unveiled a significant seasonal variation in mite reproduction and recapping. In addition, I show that recapping decreases the reproductive success of mites by increasing delayed developing female offspring and cells lacking male offspring. By establishing a novel picture-based brood investigation method, I could furthermore show that both the removal of brood cells and recapping activity specifically target brood ages in which mite offspring would be expected. Recapping, however, did not cause infertility of mites. Considering the findings of my first study, this points towards complementary mechanisms. This underlines the importance of increased recapping behaviour and decreased mite reproduction as resistance traits, while at the same time emphasising the challenges of reliable data acquisition. To pave the way for a practical application of these findings in breeding, we then investigated the heritability (i.e., the share of genotypic variation on the observed phenotypic variation) of the accounted traits. By elaborating comparable test protocols and compiling data from over 4,000 colonies, we could, for the first time, demonstrate that recapping of infested cells and decreased reproductive success of mites are heritable (and thus selectable) traits in managed honeybee populations. My thesis proves the importance of recapping and decreased mite reproduction as resistance traits and therefore valuable goals for breeding efforts. In this regard, I shed light on the underlying mechanisms of both traits, and present clear evidence for their interaction and heritability.}, subject = {Varroa destructor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dekant2024, author = {Dekant, Raphael H.}, title = {Species-differences in the \(in\) \(vitro\) biotransformation of trifluoroethene (HFO-1123)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31403}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-314035}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {1,1,2-trifluoroethene (HFO-1123) is intended for use as a refrigerant. Inhalation studies on HFO-1123 in rats suggested a low potential for toxicity, with no-observed-adverse-effect levels greater then 20,000 ppm. However, single inhalation exposure of Goettingen Minipigs and New Zealand White Rabbits resulted in mortality. It was assumed that conjugation of HFO-1123 with glutathione, via glutathione S-transferase, gives rise to S-(1,1,2-trifluoroethyl)-L-glutathione (1123-GSH), which is then transformed to the corresponding cysteine S-conjugate (S-(1,1,2-trifluoroethyl)-L-cysteine, 1123-CYS). Subsequent beta-lyase mediated cleavage of 1123-CYS may result in monofluoroacetic acid, a potent inhibitor of aconitase. Species-differences in 1123-GSH formation and 1123-CYS cleavage to MFA may explain species-differences in HFO-1123 toxicity. This study was designed to test the hypothesis, that GSH-dependent biotransformation and subsequent beta-lyase mediated formation of monofluoroacetic acid, a potent inhibitor of aconitase in the citric acid cycle, may play a key role in HFO-1123 toxicity and to evaluate if species-differences in the extent of MFA formation may account for the species-differences in HFO-1123 toxicity. The overall objective was to determine species-differences in HFO-1123 biotransformation in susceptible vs. less susceptible species and humans as a basis for human risk assessment. To this end, in vitro biotransformation of HFO-1123 and 1123-CYS was investigated in renal and hepatic subcellular fractions of mice, rats, humans, Goettingen Minipigs and NZW Rabbits. Furthermore, cytotoxicity and metabolism of 1123-CYS was assessed in cultured renal epithelial cells. Enzyme kinetic parameters for beta-lyase mediated cleavage of 1123-CYS in renal and hepatic cytosolic fractions were determined, and 19F-NMR was used to identify fluorine containing metabolites arising from 1123-CYS cleavage. Quantification of 1123-GSH formation in hepatic S9 fractions after incubation with HFO-1123 was performed by LC-MS/MS and hepatic metabolism of HFO-1123 was monitored by 19F-NMR. Rates of 1123-GSH formation were increased in rat, mouse and NZW Rabbit compared to human and Goettingen hepatic S9, indicating increased GSH dependent biotransformation in rats, mouse and NZW Rabbits. NZW Rabbit hepatic S9 exhibited increased 1123-GSH formation in the presence compared to the absence of acivicin, a specific gamma-GT inhibitor. This indicates increased gamma-GT mediated cleavage of 1123-GSH in NZW Rabbit hepatic S9 compared to the other species. 19F-NMR confirmed formation of 1123-GSH as the main metabolite of GSH mediated biotransformation of HFO-1123 in hepatic S9 fractions next to F-. Increased F- formation was detected in NZW Rabbit and Goettingen Minipig hepatic S9 in the presence of an NADPH regenerating system, indicating a higher rate of CYP-450 mediated metabolism in these species. Based on these findings, it is possible that CYP-450 mediated metabolism may contribute to HFO-1123 toxicity. In contrast to the increased formation of 1123-GSH in rat, mouse and NZW Rabbit hepatic S9 (compared to human and Goettingen Minipig), enzyme kinetic studies revealed a significantly higher beta-lyase activity towards 1123-CYS in renal cytosol of Goettingen Minipigs compared to cytosol from rats, mice, humans and NZW Rabbits. However, beta-lyase cleavage in renal NZW Rabbit cytosol was slightly increased compared to rat, mouse and human renal cytosols. 19F-NMR analysis confirmed increased time-dependent formation of MFA in renal Goettingen Minipig cytosol and NZW Rabbit (compared to human and rat cytosolic fractions). Three structurally not defined MFA-derivatives were detected exclusively in NZW Rabbit and Goettingen Minipig cytosols. Also, porcine kidney cells were more sensitive to cytotoxicity of 1123-CYS compared to rat and human kidney cells. Overall, increased beta-lyase mediate cleavage of 1123-CYS to MFA in Goettingen Minipig and NZW Rabbit kidney (compared to human and rat) may support the hypothesis that enzymatic cleavage by beta-lyases may account for the species-differences in HFO-1123 toxicity. However, the extent of GST mediated biotransformation in the liver as the initial step in HFO-1123 metabolism does not fully agree with this hypothesis, since 1123-GSH formation occurs at higher rates in rat, mouse and NZW Rabbit S9 as compared to the Goettingen Minipig. Based on the inconsistencies between the extent of GST and beta-lyase mediated biotransformation of HFO-1123 obtained by this study, a decisive statement about an increased biotransformation of HFO-1123 in susceptible species with a direct linkage to the species-specific toxicity cannot be drawn. Resulting from this, a clear and reliable conclusion regarding the risk for human health originating from HFO-1123 cannot be made. However, considering the death of Goettingen Minipigs and NZW Rabbits after inhalation exposure of HFO-1123 at concentrations great than 500 ppm and greater than 1250 ppm, respectively, this indicates a health concern for humans under peak exposure conditions. For a successful registration of HFO-1123 and its use as a refrigerant, further in vitro and in vivo investigations addressing uncertainties in the species-specific toxicity of HFO-1123 are urgently needed.}, subject = {Biotransformation}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zhang2024, author = {Zhang, Tengyu}, title = {Development of Modified polylysine based antibody conjugated nanoparticles with tumor-restricted, FcγR-independent stimulatory activity by targeting Fn14}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35865}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-358650}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In this study, we developed an innovative nanoparticle formulation to facilitate the delivery of antitumor antibodies to tumor sites. The study commenced with the utilization of 13 bispecific antibody fusion proteins, which targeted the Fn14 receptor, thereby validating the pivotal role of crosslinking in Fn14 receptor activation. Subsequently, gold nanoparticles were activated using COOH-PEG-SH in combination with EDC/NHS, and subsequently conjugated with two Fn14-targeting antibodies, PDL192 and 5B6. Following this, a pH-sensitive shell was generated on the outer layer of the antibody-coupled gold nanoparticles through the application of chemically modified polylysine. The resultant complexes, termed MPL-antibody-AuNP, demonstrated a release profile reminiscent of the tumor microenvironment (TME). Notably, these complexes released antibody-AuNPs only in slightly acidic conditions while remaining intact in neutral or basic environments. Functionality analysis further affirmed the pH-sensitive property of MPL-antibody-AuNPs, demonstrating that the antibodies only initiated potent Fn14 activation in slightly acidic environments. This formulation holds potential for applicability to antibodies or ligands targeting the 80 TNFRSF family, given that gold nanoparticles successfully served as platforms for antibody crosslinking, thereby transforming these antibodies into potent agonists. Moreover, the TME disintegration profile of MPL mitigates the potential cytotoxic effects of antibodies, thereby circumventing associated adverse side effects. This study not only showcases the potential of nanoparticle formulations in targeted therapy, but also provides a solid foundation for further investigations on their clinical application in the context of targeting category II TNFRSF receptors with antibodies or ligands.}, subject = {Immuntherapie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fischer2024, author = {Fischer, Jonas Maria}, title = {Ph{\"a}notyp und Funktion von Follikul{\"a}ren Helfer Zell-{\"a}hnlichen T-Zellen im entz{\"u}ndeten Gelenk von Patientinnen und Patienten mit Juveniler Idiopathischer Arthritis}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36302}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-363022}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Innerhalb der Juvenilen Idiopathischen Arthritis (JIA) bilden Patienten mit Antinukle{\"a}ren Antik{\"o}rpern (ANA) Subgruppen-{\"u}bergreifend eine klinisch homogene Erkrankungsgruppe. Ob diesen klinischen Gemeinsamkeiten jedoch auch eine einheitliche Pathogenese zugrunde liegt, ist bisher unbekannt. Sogenannte periphere T-Helferzellen (TPH) spielen im Kontext zahlreicher Autoimmunerkrankungen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Aktivierung autoreaktiver B-Zellen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war daher die ph{\"a}notypische und funktionelle Analyse von PD-1hiCXCR5-CD4+ TPH-Zellen, sowie deren Verteilung in der Synovialfl{\"u}ssigkeit von Patienten unterschiedlicher Subgruppen der JIA. Hierzu wurden Ph{\"a}notyp und Zytokinprofil von PD-1hiCD4+ T-Zellen durchflusszytometrisch analysiert. Der funktionelle Einfluss von PD-1hiCD4+ T-Zellen auf die B-Zell-Differenzierung wurde mittels in vitro Kokulturen FACS-sortierter TPH-Zellen der Synovialfl{\"u}ssigkeit untersucht. IL-21- und IL-17-produzierende T-Ged{\"a}chtniszellen der Synovialfl{\"u}ssigkeit zeigten eine negative Korrelation zueinander. Die IL-21-Produktion ging besonders von PD-1hiCXCR5-HLA-DR+CD4+ T-Zellen aus, welche besonders in den Gelenken ANA-positiver JIA-Patienten akkumulierten. Diese Population zeigte ph{\"a}notypische {\"A}hnlichkeit mit TPH-Zellen und leistete in vitro effiziente B-Zell-Hilfe zu Plasmazelldifferenzierung und Immunglobulinsekretion, induzierte jedoch zudem einen CD21lo/-CD11c+T-bet+ Ph{\"a}notyp in B-Zellen. Passend hierzu bestand auch ex vivo eine signifikante Korrelation zwischen TPH und CD21lo/-CD11c+T-bet+ doppelt-negativen B-Zellen (BDN). Es konnte also die Expansion einer spezifischen T-Zellpopulation mit ph{\"a}notypischen und funktionellen Charakteristika von TPH-Zellen beobachtet und deren funktioneller Zusammenhang mit CD21lo/-CD11c+T-bet+ BDN in der Synovialfl{\"u}ssigkeit von JIA-Patienten aufgezeigt werden. Dies k{\"o}nnte die Autoimmunantwort auf ubiquit{\"a}re Autoantigene innerhalb betroffener Gelenke ANA-positiver JIA-Patienten widerspiegeln.}, subject = {Rheumatologie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Geissendoerfer2024, author = {Geißend{\"o}rfer, Lisa}, title = {The Macroeconomic Dimensions of Credit: A Comprehensive Analysis of Finance, Inequality and Growth}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-37003}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-370037}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Besonders einflussreich f{\"u}r das moderne Verst{\"a}ndnis zur makro{\"o}konomischen Rolle von Banken und Kredit ist die monet{\"a}re Wachstumstheorie von Schumpeter. Ausgehend von dieser wird in dieser Dissertation die makro{\"o}konomische Rolle des Finanzsystems f{\"u}r die (1) Erzeugung von Wirtschaftswachstum, (2) Lenkung von {\"o}konomischen Ressourcen und (3) Verteilung von Wohlstand untersucht. In Kapitel 3 wird zun{\"a}chst empirisch gezeigt, dass 1.) ein positiver Zusammenhang zwischen dem Wachstum von Krediten und Wirtschaftswachstum besteht, auch f{\"u}r entwickelte L{\"a}nder, 2.) kein empirischer Zusammenhang von Haushaltssparen und Wirtschaftswachstum festgestellt werden kann, und 3.) auf l{\"a}nderspezifischer Ebene sowohl positive, als auch negative und insignifikante Effekte von Kredit auf Wirtschaftswachstum existieren. Damit zeigt sich eine breite empirische Evidenz f{\"u}r Schumpeters monet{\"a}re Hypothesen. Eine besonders interessante Anwendung von Schumpeters Wachstumstheorie zeigt sich in China. Die Ergebnisse der empirischen Analyse legen nahe, dass es generell einen positiven Zusammenhang zwischen Kredit- und Wirtschaftswachstum in China gibt, der aber nicht linear in Bezug auf Regionen, Zeitpunkte und Gr{\"o}ße des Finanzsystems ist. Weiterhin deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass die kreditfinanzierte Industriepolitik in China zu mehr Investitionen und BIP-Wachstum beigetragen haben k{\"o}nnte, wobei es jedoch Nichtlinearit{\"a}ten zwischen einzelnen Branchen und Unternehmenstypen gibt. Zuletzt wird in Kapitel 5 die Frage aufgeworfen, welche Rolle das Finanzsystem bei der Verteilung des Wohlstands spielt. W{\"a}hrend Kredite an Haushalte und Unternehmen, zusammen mit Indikatoren zum Arbeits- und Sparverhalten, sowie zur Altersstruktur der Bev{\"o}lkerung, die wichtigsten Determinanten von Verm{\"o}gensungleichheit sind, zeigen sich in der Beziehung von Krediten und Verm{\"o}gensungleichheit ebenfalls verschiedene Nichtlinearit{\"a}ten, u.a. im Bezug auf den Entwicklungsstand von Finanzsystemen und Wohneigentumsquoten.}, subject = {Kredit}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Chen2024, author = {Chen, Xinyu}, title = {How natural walking changes occipital alpha oscillations and concurrently modulates cognitive processes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35295}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-352958}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Humans actively interact with the world through a wide range of body movements. To understand human cognition in its natural state, we need to incorporate ecologically relevant body movement into our account. One fundamental body movement during daily life is natural walking. Despite its ubiquity, the impact of natural walking on brain activity and cognition has remained a realm underexplored. In electrophysiology, previous studies have shown a robust reduction of ongoing alpha power in the parieto-occipital cortex during body movements. However, what causes the reduction of ongoing alpha, namely whether this is due to body movement or prevalent sensory input changes, was unknown. To clarify this, study 1 was performed to test if the alpha reduction is dependent on visual input. I compared the resting state alpha power during natural walking and standing, in both light and darkness. The results showed that natural walking led to decreased alpha activity over the occipital cortex compared to standing, regardless of the lighting condition. This suggests that the movement-induced modulation of occipital alpha activity is not driven by visual input changes during walking. I argue that the observed alpha power reduction reflects a change in the state of the subject based on disinhibition induced by walking. Accordingly, natural walking might enhance visual processing and other cognitive processes that involve occipital cortical activity. I first tested this hypothesis in vision. Study 2 was performed to examine the possible effects of natural walking across visual processing stages by assessing various neural markers during different movement states. The findings revealed an amplified early visual response, while a later visual response remain unaffected. A follow-up study 3 replicated the walking-induced enhancement of the early visual evoked potential and showed that the enhancement was dependent on specific stimulus-related parameters (eccentricity, laterality, distractor presence). Importantly, the results provided evidence that the enhanced early visual responses are indeed linked to the modulation of ongoing occipital alpha power. Walking also modulated the stimulus-induced alpha power. Specifically, it showed that when the target appeared in the fovea area without a distractor, walking exhibited a significantly reduced modulation of alpha power, and showed the largest difference to standing condition. This effect of eccentricity indicates that during later visual processing stages, the visual input in the fovea area is less processed than in peripheral areas while walking. The two visual studies showed that walking leads to an enhancement in temporally early visual processes which can be predicted by the walking-induced change in ongoing alpha oscillation likely marking disinhibition. However, while walking affects neural markers of early sensory processes, it does not necessarily lead to a change in the behavioural outcome of a sensory task. The two visual studies suggested that the behavioural outcome seems to be mainly based on later processing stages. To test the effects of walking outside the visual domain, I turned to audition in study 4. I investigated the influence of walking in a particular path vs. simply stepping on auditory processing. Specifically, the study tested whether enhanced processing due to natural walking can be found in primary auditory brain activity and whether the processing preferences are dependent on the walking path. In addition, I tested whether the changed spatial processing that was reported in previous visual studies can be seen in the auditory domain. The results showed enhanced sensory processing due to walking in the auditory domain, which was again linked to the modulation of occipital alpha oscillation. The auditory processing was further dependent on the walking path. Additionally, enhanced peripheral sensory processing, as found in vision, was also present in audition. The findings outside vision supported the idea of natural walking affecting cognition in a rather general way. Therefore in my study 5, I examined the effect of natural walking on higher cognitive processing, namely divergent thinking, and its correlation with the modulation of ongoing alpha oscillation. I analyzed alpha oscillations and behavioural performance during restricted and unrestricted movement conditions while subjects completed a Guilford's alternate uses test. The results showed that natural walking, as well as missing body restriction, reduces the occipital alpha ongoing power independent of the task phase which goes along with higher test scores. The occipital alpha power reduction can therefore be an indicator of a changed state that allows improved higher cognitive processes. In summary, the research presented in this thesis highlights that natural walking can change different processes in the visual and auditory domain as well as higher cognitive processes. The effect can be attributed to the movement of natural walking itself rather than to changes in sensory input during walking. The results further indicate that the walking-induced modulation of ongoing occipital alpha oscillations drives the cognitive effects. We therefore suggest that walking changes the inhibitory state which can influence awareness and attention. Such a mechanism could facilitate an adaptive enhancement in cognitive processes and thereby optimize movement-related behaviour such as navigation.}, subject = {Walking}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hadi2024, author = {Hadi, Naji Said Aboud}, title = {In vitro Studies on the Genotoxicity of Selected Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-37037}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-370376}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Toxic contaminants in human food or medicinal products, such as substances like pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs), have been thought to contribute to cancer incidence. PAs are found in many plant species as secondary metabolites, and they may affect humans through contaminated food sources, herbal medicines, and dietary supplements. Hundreds of compounds belonging to PAs have been identified, differing in their chemical structures, either in their necine base moiety or esterification at their necic acid moiety. PAs undergo hepatic metabolism, and after this process, they can induce hepatotoxicity, genotoxicity, and carcinogenicity. However, the mechanism of inducing genotoxicity and carcinogenicity is still unclear and warrants further investigation. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the mechanism of genotoxicity induced by selected PAs with different chemical structures in in vitro systems. Primarily, human hepatoma HepG2 cells were utilized, and in co-culture, metabolically active HepG2 cells were combined with non-metabolically active human cervical HeLa H2B-GFP cells. First, the genotoxicity of the PAs europine, lycopsamine, retrorsine, riddelliine, seneciphylline, echimidine, and lasiocarpine was investigated in the cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN) assay. All seven selected PAs caused the formation of micronuclei in a dose-dependent manner, with the maximal increase of micronucleus formation ranging from 1.64 to 2.0 fold. The lowest concentrations at which significant induction of micronuclei was found were 3.2 µM for lasiocarpine and riddelliine, 32 µM for retrorsine and echimidine, and 100 µM for seneciphylline, europine, and lycopsamine. These results confirmed previously published potency rankings in the micronucleus assay. The same PAs, with the exception of seneciphylline, were also investigated in a crosslink-modified comet assay, and reduced tail formation after hydrogen peroxide treatment was found in all diester-type PAs. Meanwhile, an equimolar concentration of the monoesters europine and lycopsamine did not significantly reduce DNA migration. Thus, the crosslinking activity was related to the ester type. Next, the role of metabolic enzymes and membrane transporters in PA-induced genotoxicity was assessed. Ketoconazole (CYP 450-3A4 inhibitor) prevented lasiocarpine-induced micronucleus formation completely, while furafylline (CYP 450-1A2 inhibitor) reduced lasiocarpine-induced micronucleus formation, but did not abolish it completely. This implies that the CYP 450 enzymes play an important role in PA-induced genotoxicity. Carboxylesterase 2 enzyme (CES 2) is commonly known to be involved in the detoxification of xenobiotics. Loperamide (CES 2 inhibitor) yielded an increased formation of lasiocarpine-induced micronuclei, revealing a possible role of CES-mediated detoxification in the genotoxicity of lasiocarpine. Also, intracellular glutathione (GSH) plays an important role in the detoxification of xenobiotics or toxins in the cells. Cells which had been pretreated with L-buthionine sulfoximine (BSO) to reduce GSH content were significantly more sensitive for the induction of micronucleus formation by lasiocarpine revealing the importance of GSH in PA-induced genotoxicity. Quinidine (Q) and nelfinavir (NFR) are OCT1 and OATP1B1 influx transporter inhibitors, respectively, which reduced micronucleus induction by lasiocarpine (only quinidine significantly), but not completely, pointing to a relevance of OCT1 for PA uptake in HepG2 cells. Verapamil (V) and benzbromarone (Bz) are MDR1 and MRP2 efflux transporter inhibitors, respectively, and they caused a slightly increased micronucleus induction by lasiocarpine (significant only for benzbromarone) thus, revealing the role of efflux transporters in PA-induced genotoxicity. The mechanistic approach to PA-induced genotoxicity was further studied based on oxidative stress via the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in HepG2 cells. Overproduction of ROS can cross-link cellular macromolecules such as DNA, leading to genomic damage. An equimolar concentration of 10 µM of lasiocarpine (open-diester PA), riddelliine (cyclic-diester PA), and europine (monoester) significantly induced ROS production, with the highest ROS generation observed after lasiocarpine treatment, followed by riddelliine and then europine. No significant increase in ROS production was found with lycopsamine (10 µM; monoester PA), even at a higher concentration (320 µM). The generation of ROS by these PAs was further analyzed for confirmation by using 5 mM of the thiol radical scavenger antioxidant N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) combined with lasiocarpine, riddelliine, or europine. This analysis yielded a significant decrease in ROS after combining NAC with lasiocarpine, riddelliine, and europine. In addition, lasiocarpine, riddelliine, and europine induced a loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, pointing to mitochondria as the source of ROS generation. In vivo, hepatic sinusoidal epithelial cells (HSECs) are known to be damaged first by PAs after hepatic metabolization, but HSECs themselves do not express the required metabolic enzymes for activation of PAs. To mimic this situation, HepG2 cells were used to metabolically activate PA in a co-culture with HeLa H2B-GFP cells as non-metabolically active neighbours. Due to the green fluorescent GFP label the HeLa cells could be identified easily based in the co-culture. The PAs europine, riddelliine and lasiocarpine induced micronucleus formation in HepG2 cells, and in HeLa H2B-GFP cells co-cultured with HepG2 cells, but not in HeLa H2B-GFP cells cultured alone. Metabolic inhibition of CYP 450 enzymes with ketoconazole abrogated micronucleus formation induced by the same PAs tested in the co-culture. The efflux transporter inhibitors verapamil and benzbromarone reduced the micronucleus formation in the co-culture. Furthermore, mitotic disturbances as an additional genotoxic mechanism of action were observed in HepG2 cells and in HeLa H2B-GFP cells co-cultured with HepG2 cells, but not in HeLa H2B-GFP cells cultured alone. Overall, we were able to show that PAs were activated by HepG2 cells and the metabolites induced genomic damage in co-cultured non-metabolically active green HeLa cells. Finally, in HepG2 cells as well as the co-culture, combinations of PAs lasiocarpine and riddelliine favoured an additive effect rather than synergism. Thus, this study therefore provides support that the assumption of dose-addition can be applied in the characterization of the genotoxicity risk of PAs present in a mixture.}, subject = {Pyrrolizidinalkaloide}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schrauth2024, author = {Schrauth, Monika Maria}, title = {Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring (TDM) von Kindern und Jugendlichen unter Pharmakotherapie mit Escitalopram und Mirtazapin}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-37022}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-370222}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Diese retrospektive, naturalistische Studie besch{\"a}ftigte sich mit dem Therapeutischen Drug Monitoring von Kindern und Jugendlichen unter Psychopharmakotherapie mit Escitalopram und Mirtazapin. Die Datenauswertung erfolgte anhand von klinischen Routinedaten aus dem TDM-Service des Speziallabors f{\"u}r TDM des Zentrums f{\"u}r psychische Gesundheit des Universit{\"a}tsklinikums W{\"u}rzburg. In der Studie wurden die Zusammenh{\"a}nge zwischen Dosis, Serumkonzentration und positiver bzw. negativer klinischer Effekte, auch im Hinblick auf m{\"o}gliche Einflussfaktoren wie Geschlecht, Alter, BMI-Status, Komedikation und Raucherstatus, untersucht. Ein weiteres Ziel der Arbeit war, Hinweise f{\"u}r die Definition eines altersspezifischen therapeutischen Referenzbereiches (Diagnose{\"u}bergreifend und Depressions-spezifisch) f{\"u}r Kinder und Jugendliche beider Medikamente zu gewinnen. Hierf{\"u}r wurden f{\"u}r Escitalopram 41 Patienten im Alter zwischen elf und 18 Jahren und f{\"u}r Mirtazapin 23 Patienten im Alter von sechs bis 18 Jahren eingeschlossen und Daten zur Demographie, Serumkonzentrationsbestimmungen im Steady State, Schwere der Erkrankung (CGI-S), Therapieeffektivit{\"a}t (CGI-I) und Nebenwirkungen (UKU-Skala) ausgewertet. Escitalopram: Die mittlere Tagesdosis betrug 14,8 mg, wobei die Serumkonzentrationen mit einer mittleren Konzentration von 32,2 ng/ml (SD= 26,6 ng/ml) zwischen sechs und 109 ng/ml schwankten. Bei 63,4 \% der Patienten lag die ermittelte Serumkonzentration in dem f{\"u}r Erwachsene definierten therapeutischen Referenzbereich (15-80 ng/ml). Zwischen der Tagesdosis und der Serumkonzentration ergab sich eine auf dem 1 \%-Niveau signifikante positive lineare Beziehung (rs= 0,46; p= 0,003). 65,9 \% der Patienten respondierten seit Behandlungsbeginn. Zwischen der Serumkonzentration und dem therapeutischen Effekt (rs= 0,193; p= 0,282) und zwischen der Serumkonzentration und den Nebenwirkungen (r= 0,127; p= 0,467) konnte jeweils kein signifikanter Zusammenhang gefunden werden. Die Nebenwirkungsrate lag bei 25,7 \%, wobei am h{\"a}ufigsten Spannung und innere Unruhe dokumentiert wurde. Mit der Idee, die Definition f{\"u}r den vorl{\"a}ufigen therapeutischen Referenzbereich sowohl der Konsensus-Leitlinie der AGNP (Hiemke et al., 2018) als auch von Hiemke (2019) zu ber{\"u}cksichtigen, wird als vorl{\"a}ufiger therapeutischer Referenzbereich f{\"u}r Escitalopram f{\"u}r Kinder und Jugendliche mit Depression eine untere Grenze zwischen 10 ng/ml bis 15 ng/ml und eine obere Grenze von 50 ng/ml vorgeschlagen. Dieser Bereich liegt niedriger als der f{\"u}r erwachsene Patienten definierte Bereich f{\"u}r Escitalopram von 15 bis 80 ng/ml. Mirtazapin: Die mittlere Tagesdosis betrug 28,6 mg, wobei die Serumkonzentrationen mit einer mittleren Konzentration von 40,8 ng/ml (SD= 28,1 ng/ml) zwischen 13 und 130 ng/ml schwankten. F{\"u}r 52,2 \% der Patienten lag die Serumkonzentration in dem f{\"u}r Erwachsene definierten therapeutischen Referenzbereich (30-80 ng/ml). Zwischen der Tagesdosis und der Serumkonzentration ergab sich eine auf dem 1 \%-Niveau signifikante positive Korrelation (rs= 0,655; p= 0,001). Hinsichtlich des Therapieeffektes respondierten 52,2 \% der Patienten seit Behandlungsbeginn. Zwischen der Serumkonzentration und dem therapeutischen Effekt ergab sich ein auf dem 5 \%-Niveau signifikanter positiver Zusammenhang (rs= 0,534; p= 0,015). Zwischen der Serumkonzentration und den Nebenwirkungen konnte kein signifikanter Zusammenhang gefunden werden (r= 0,240; p= 0,282). Die Nebenwirkungsrate lag bei 30,4 \%, wobei Schl{\"a}frigkeit und Sedierung am h{\"a}ufigsten berichtet wurden. Als vorl{\"a}ufiger therapeutischer Referenzbereich f{\"u}r Mirtazapin f{\"u}r Kinder und Jugendliche mit Depression wird eine untere Grenze zwischen 15 ng/ml bis 20 ng/ml und eine obere Grenze von 50 ng/ml vorgeschlagen. Dieser Bereich liegt niedriger als der f{\"u}r erwachsene Patienten definierte Bereich f{\"u}r Mirtazapin von 30 bis 80 ng/ml. Die Limitationen der vorliegenden naturalistischen Studie beachtend, sollten die Ergebnisse mit Vorsicht interpretiert und anhand einer gr{\"o}ßeren Stichprobe unter kontrollierteren Bedingungen {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft werden.}, subject = {Arzneimittel{\"u}berwachung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Choi2024, author = {Choi, Jihyoung}, title = {Development of an Add-On Electrode for Non-Invasive Monitoring in Bioreactor Cultures and Medical Devices}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35823}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-358232}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a valuable technique analyzing electrochemical behavior of biological systems such as electrical characterization of cells and biomolecules, drug screening, and biomaterials in biomedical field. In EIS, an alternating current (AC) power signal is applied to the biological system, and the impedance of the system is measured over a range of frequencies. In vitro culture models of endothelial or epithelial barrier tissue can be achieved by culturing barrier tissue on scaffolds made with synthetic or biological materials that provide separate compartments (apical and basal sides), allowing for further studies on drug transport. EIS is a great candidate for non-invasive and real-time monitoring of the electrical properties that correlate with barrier integrity during the tissue modeling. Although commercially available transendothelial/transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) measurement devices are widely used, their use is particularly common in static transwell culture. EIS is considered more suitable than TEER measurement devices in bioreactor cultures that involve dynamic fluid flow to obtain accurate and reliable measurements. Furthermore, while TEER measurement devices can only assess resistance at a single frequency, EIS measurements can capture both resistance and capacitance properties of cells, providing additional information about the cellular barrier's characteristics across various frequencies. Incorporating EIS into a bioreactor system requires the careful optimization of electrode integration within the bioreactor setup and measurement parameters to ensure accurate EIS measurements. Since bioreactors vary in size and design depending on the purpose of the study, most studies have reported using an electrode system specifically designed for a particular bioreactor. The aim of this work was to produce multi-applicable electrodes and established methods for automated non-invasive and real-time monitoring using the EIS technique in bioreactor cultures. Key to the electrode material, titanium nitride (TiN) coating was fabricated on different substrates (materials and shape) using physical vapor deposition (PVD) and housed in a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) structure to allow the electrodes to function as independent units. Various electrode designs were evaluated for double-layer capacitance and morphology using EIS and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively. The TiN-coated tube electrode was identified as the optimal choice. Furthermore, EIS measurements were performed to examine the impact of influential parameters related to culture conditions on the TiN-coated electrode system. In order to demonstrate the versatility of the electrodes, these electrodes were then integrated into in different types of perfusion bioreactors for monitoring barrier cells. Blood-brain barrier (BBB) cells were cultured in the newly developed dynamic flow bioreactor, while human umblical vascular endothelial cells (HUVECs) and Caco-2 cells were cultured in the miniature hollow fiber bioreactor (HFBR). As a result, the TiN-coated tube electrode system enabled investigation of BBB barrier integrity in long-term bioreactor culture. While EIS measurement could not detect HUVECs electrical properties in miniature HFBR culture, there was the possibility of measuring the barrier integrity of Caco-2 cells, indicating potential usefulness for evaluating their barrier function. Following the bioreactor cultures, the application of the TiN-coated tube electrode was expanded to hemofiltration, based on the hypothesis that the EIS system may be used to monitor clotting or clogging phenomena in hemofiltration. The findings suggest that the EIS monitoring system can track changes in ion concentration of blood before and after hemofiltration in real-time, which may serve as an indicator of clogging of filter membranes. Overall, our research demonstrates the potential of TiN-coated tube electrodes for sensitive and versatile non-invasive monitoring in bioreactor cultures and medical devices.}, subject = {Monitoring}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kutschka2024, author = {Kutschka, Ilona}, title = {Activation of the integrated stress response induces remodeling of cardiac metabolism in Barth Syndrome}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35818}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-358186}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Barth Syndrome (BTHS) is an inherited X-chromosomal linked disorder, characterized by early development of cardiomyopathy, immune system defects, skeletal muscle myopathy and growth retardation. The disease displays a wide variety of symptoms including heart failure, exercise intolerance and fatigue due to the muscle weakness. The cause of the disease are mutations in the gene encoding for the mitochondrial transacylase Tafazzin (TAZ), which is important for remodeling of the phospholipid cardiolipin (CL). All mutations result in a pronounced decrease of the functional enzyme leading to an increase of monolysocardiolipin (MLCL), the precursor of mature CL, and a decrease in mature CL itself. CL is a hallmark phospholipid of mitochondrial membranes, highly enriched in the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM). It is not only important for the formation of the cristae structures, but also for the function of different protein complexes associated with the mitochondrial membrane. Reduced levels of mature CL cause remodeling of the respiratory chain supercomplexes, impaired respiration, defects in the Krebs cycle and a loss of mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU) protein. The defective Ca2+ handling causes impaired redox homeostasis and energy metabolism resulting in cellular arrhythmias and defective electrical conduction. In an uncompensated situation, blunting mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake provokes increased mitochondrial emission of H2O2 during workload transitions, related to oxidation of NADPH, which is required to regenerate anti-oxidative enzymes. However, in the hearts and cardiac myocytes of mice with a global knock-down of the Taz gene (Taz-KD), no increase in mitochondrial ROS was observed, suggesting that other metabolic pathways may have compensated for reduced Krebs cycle activation. The healthy heart produces most of its energy by consuming fatty acids. In this study, the fatty acid uptake into mitochondria and their further degradation was investigated, which showed a switch of the metabolism in general in the Taz-KD mouse model. In vivo studies revealed an increase of glucose uptake into the heart and decreased fatty acid uptake and oxidation. Disturbed energy conversion resulted in activation of retrograde signaling pathways, implicating overall changes in the cell metabolism. Upregulated integrated stress response (ISR) was confirmed by increased levels of the downstream target, i.e., the activating transcription factor 4 (ATF4). A Tafazzin knockout mouse embryonal fibroblast cell model (TazKO) was used to inhibit the ISR using siRNA transfection or pharmaceutical inhibition. This verified the central role of II the ISR in regulating the metabolism in BTHS. Moreover, an increased metabolic flux into glutathione biosynthesis was observed, which supports redox homeostasis. In vivo PET-CT scans depicted elevated activity of the xCT system in the BTHS mouse heart, which transports essential amino acids for the biosynthesis of glutathione precursors. Furthermore, the stress induced signaling pathway also affected the glutamate metabolism, which fuels into the Krebs cycle via -ketoglutarate and therefore supports energy converting pathways. In summary, this thesis provides novel insights into the energy metabolism and redox homeostasis in Barth syndrome cardiomyopathy and its regulation by the integrated stress response, which plays a central role in the metabolic alterations. The aim of the thesis was to improve the understanding of these metabolic changes and to identify novel targets, which can provide new possibilities for therapeutic intervention in Barth syndrome.}, subject = {Herzmuskelkrankheit}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wilhelmi2024, author = {Wilhelmi, Kai Alexander}, title = {Untersuchung von Ver{\"a}nderungen der myelinisierten Nervenfasern durch Entmarkung in Haut- und Nervenbiopsien von Patienten mit Polyneuropathie}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36004}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-360046}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit wurde durch das immunhistochemische Anf{\"a}rben von nodalen (Natriumkan{\"a}le, NF), paranodalen (Caspr, NF) und internodalen (MBP) Proteinen der in Fingerhautbiopsien vorhanden Nervenfasern untersucht, ob eine Ver{\"a}nderung der typischen Verteilungsmuster dieser Proteine, eine demyelinisierende Polyneuropathie anzeigen kann. Dazu wurden am Universit{\"a}tsklinikum W{\"u}rzburg prospektiv 93 Polyneuropathie-Patienten und 25 Kontrollpersonen rekrutiert. Bei allen Patienten wurden Hautstanzbiospien am Zeigefinger durchgef{\"u}hrt. Bei 35 Patienten mit schweren oder unklaren Verl{\"a}ufen, wurden konsiliarisch Nervus suralis Biopsien durchgef{\"u}hrt. Aus einem Abschnitt von 27 dieser Biopsien, konnten im Rahmen dieser Arbeit Zupfnervenpr{\"a}parate angefertigt und analog zu den Hautbiopsien ausgewertet werden. Aus der Routinediagnostik der Klinik flossen weiterhin die Ergebnisse der elektrophysiologischen Routinediagnostik und der Histologiebefund der Nervus suralis Biopsien in die Auswertung ein. Zusammenfassend kamen ver{\"a}nderte Natriumkanalbanden in Fingerhautbiopsien signifikant h{\"a}ufiger bei Patienten mit elektrophysiologisch als demyelinisierend befundeten Polyneuropathien, als bei Patienten mit elektrophysiologisch als axonal befundeten Polyneuropathien vor. Vielfach fanden sich ver{\"a}nderte Natriumkanalbanden inmitten para- und internodal unauff{\"a}lliger Schn{\"u}rringe und umgekehrt. Diese Beobachtung st{\"u}tzt die bereits in Vorarbeiten vorgeschlagene und in der aktuellen Leitlinie zur Diagnostik f{\"u}r Polyneuropathien aufgegriffene Entit{\"a}t der Paranodopathien (Uncini, Susuki, \& Yuki, 2013). M{\"o}glich w{\"a}re, dass eine ver{\"a}nderte Verteilung der Natriumkan{\"a}le die schnelle Leitf{\"a}higkeit beeintr{\"a}chtigen und somit trotz intakter Bemarkung, elektrophysiologisch das Bild einer demyelinisierenden Neuropathie vermittelt. Ein direkter Zusammenhang zwischen dem Auftreten von doppelten und verl{\"a}ngerten Natriumkanalbanden und einzelnen Messwerten (z.B. Amplituden und Latenzzeiten) fand sich nicht. Auch in den Zupfnervenpr{\"a}paraten der Nervus suralis Biopsien, konnten o.g. Verteilungsmuster untersucht werden. Deren Vorkommen zeigte sich als unabh{\"a}ngig vom elektrophysiologischen und histologischen Befund, von der {\"A}tiologie der PNP und von den gefundenen Ver{\"a}nderungen in den Hautbiopsien des betreffenden Patienten.}, subject = {Polyneuropathie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{StratmanngebHirster2024, author = {Stratmann [geb. Hirster], Tizia}, title = {Ver{\"a}nderung der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualit{\"a}t nach leberchirurgischen Operationen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35997}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-359977}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Es zeigte sich, dass die unmittelbare postoperative gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualit{\"a}t erwartungsgem{\"a}ß deutlich eingeschr{\"a}nkt, jedoch nach circa sechs Monaten wieder auf dem Ausgangsniveau der pr{\"a}operativen Ebene angekommen war. Sowohl die Symptomskalen als auch die Funktionsskalen zeigten statistisch signifikante Unterschiede der erhobenen Werte bez{\"u}glich des Vergleichs der pr{\"a}operativen zu den postoperativen Daten, dasselbe ließ sich {\"u}ber die Werte im Rahmen der Verlaufskontrolle nach circa sechs Monaten erheben. Eine kurzfristige Einbuße der Lebensqualit{\"a}t durch einen station{\"a}ren Krankenhausaufenthalt sowie einer operativen Versorgung erscheint logisch. F{\"u}r die zuk{\"u}nftige Entscheidung vor allem auch f{\"u}r Personen, welche aufgrund einer benignen Leberraumforderung eine operative Versorgung erhalten sollen, ist zu sagen, dass die globale gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualit{\"a}t postoperativ nach circa sechs Monaten gleich bzw. etwas gebessert ausfiel und somit eine Rechtfertigung der operativen Versorgung auch bei benignen Erkrankungen darstellen kann. Ein wesentlicher Aspekt der Arbeit ist, dass gezeigt werden konnte, dass auch bei komplexen Lebereingriffen eine schnelle Rekonvaleszenz - mindestens auf das Niveau vor dem Eingriff - innerhalb der ersten sechs Monate zu erwarten ist. Die systematische Erfassung der Lebensqualit{\"a}t hilft die postoperativen Einschr{\"a}nkungen und die Rekonvaleszenz zu normieren.}, subject = {Leberresektion}, language = {de} } @article{GerlichAndreicaKueffneretal.2020, author = {Gerlich, C. and Andreica, I. and K{\"u}ffner, R. and Krause, D. and Lakomek, H. J. and Reusch, A. and Braun, J.}, title = {Evaluation einer Basisschulung f{\"u}r Patienten mit rheumatoider Arthritis}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Rheumatologie}, volume = {79}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Rheumatologie}, doi = {10.1007/s00393-020-00769-4}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-280359}, pages = {737-748}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Hintergrund Ein neues Rahmenkonzept hat die flexible Ableitung und Nutzung von rheumatologischen Schulungsprogrammen f{\"u}r unterschiedliche Versorgungsbereiche erm{\"o}glicht. Auf dieser Grundlage wurde eine 5‑st{\"u}ndige Basisschulung f{\"u}r Patienten mit rheumatoider Arthritis (RA) entwickelt, es wurden rheumatologische Fach{\"a}rzte und Psychologen trainiert, und dann wurde die Wirksamkeit nach dem Wirkmodell der Patientenschulung evaluiert. Methoden Mit dem Studiendesign einer extern randomisierten Wartekontrollgruppenstudie mit 3 Messzeitpunkten wurde gepr{\"u}ft, wie sich die 5‑st{\"u}ndige Basisschulung auf das Erkrankungs- und Behandlungswissen sowie auf die Gesundheitskompetenz von RA-Patienten (n = 249) auswirkt. Weitere Fragen betrafen Einstellungsparameter, Kommunikationskompetenz, Erkrankungsauswirkungen und die Zufriedenheit mit der Schulung. Die Auswertungen erfolgten auf Intention-to-treat-Basis mit Kovarianzanalysen f{\"u}r die Hauptzielgr{\"o}ßen unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung des Ausgangswertes. Ergebnisse Die Analysen zeigen, dass die Basisschulung RA wirksam ist. Noch 3 Monate nach der Schulung verf{\"u}gten die Schulungsteilnehmer {\"u}ber mehr Wissen und Gesundheitskompetenz als die Wartekontrollgruppe mit kleinem bis mittelgroßem Effekt (d = 0,37 bzw. 0,38). In den Nebenzielgr{\"o}ßen zeigten sich mit Ausnahme der Krankheitskommunikation keine weiteren Schulungseffekte. Diskussion Die Basisschulung bietet eine gute Grundlage, auf der weitere Interventionen zur Verbesserung von Einstellungs- und Erkrankungsparametern aufbauen k{\"o}nnen. Sie eignet sich damit als zentraler Baustein f{\"u}r die rheumatologische Versorgung auf verschiedenen Ebenen.}, language = {de} }