@phdthesis{Miesler2021, author = {Miesler, Tobias Hans-Herbert}, title = {Development of diagnostic systems targeting the human tongue as a 24/7 available detector}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21449}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-214490}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {To diagnose diseases correctly requires not only trained and skilled personnel, but also cost-intensive and complex equipment. Rapid tests can help with the initial evaluation, but result generation can also take up to several hours, depending on the test system. At this point, novel bioresponsive diagnostic systems are used, responding to the disease related shift of biological processes. They monitor changes in the biological environment and can react to them e.g. with the release of substances. This can be used in drug delivery formulations but can also help to diagnose diseases occurring in the oral cavity and inform patients of their state of health. The tongue is herein used as a 24/7 available detector. In section I of this work, the foundation for the development of these diagnostic systems was laid. A suitable flavoring agent was found, which is stable, can be coupled to the N-terminus of peptides and has a strongly conceivable taste. For the optimization of the protease-sensitive linker (PSL), an analytical system was established (PICS assay), which determines protease-specific cleavable amino acid sequences. In order to replace the PMMA particles previously required, an acetyl protecting group was introduced N-terminally as it protects peptides and proteins in the human body from degradation by human aminopeptidase. The new synthesized flavor was examined with a NIH cell line for cytotoxicity and with an electronic tongue setup for its bitterness. Section II deals with the structure of a system which detects severe inflammations in the oral cavity, e.g. PA. The established PICS assay was used to confirm the previously used PSL sequence in its application. Using solid phase peptide synthesis, 3 linkers were synthesized which respond to the elevated MMP concentrations present in inflammation. The resulting peptides were acetylated and coupled with HATU/DIPEA to the modified denatonium. Cutting experiments with MMPs over different concentration and time ranges confirmed the response of the diagnostic sensor to these enzymes. The obtained construct was examined for cell toxicity by WST assay. The masked bitterness of the sensors was confirmed by an electronic tongue setup. To address non-human proteases (and thereby infections), section III focuses on the establishment of detection system of a cysteine protease SpeB expressed by Streptococcus pyogenes. The in-house expression of SpeB using E. coli cells was established for this purpose. An analysis of the SpeB cleavage sites was performed using a PICS assay setup. Four constructs with different PSL were synthesized analogous to section II. Cleavage experiments with the expressed and purified SpeB showed a response of two constructs to the protease. In addition, a system was established to quantify the concentration of SpeB in human saliva using western blot technique with subsequent quantification. In section IV a compound was synthesized which can now be coupled to a flavor. The final coupled construct is able to detect present NA activity specifically from influenza A and B. The market for existing influenza diagnostics was explored to determine the need for such a system. A neuraminic acid was modified in positions 4 and 7 and protected in such a way that subsequent coupling via the hydroxy-group in position 2 was selectively possible. In summary, this results in a diagnostic platform that can be used anywhere, by anyone and at any time. This represents a new dimension in the rapid diagnosis of inflammations and bacterial or viral infections.}, subject = {Diagnostik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Leineweber2009, author = {Leineweber, Matthias}, title = {Lukas und die Witwen. Eine Botschaft an die Gemeinden in der hellenistisch-r{\"o}mischen Gesellschaft}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48037}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Die Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Frage der Witwen im lukanischen Doppelwerk auf dem Hintergrund der sozialgeschichtlichen Lage der Witwen in der hellenistisch-r{\"o}mischen Gesellschaft der Antike. Nach einem {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber den Forschungsstand wird die historische Lage der Witwen in der Antike untersucht. Anschließend analysiert der Verfasser die einzelnen Perikopen im Evangelium (Lk 2,36-38; 4,25f; 7,11-17; 18,1-8; 20,45-47; 21,1-4) und in der Apostelgeschichte (Apg 6,1-7; 9,36-43) zun{\"a}chst abschnittsweise und dann in einem narratologischen {\"U}berblick. Dabei wird jeweils die Botschaft des Lukas an seine Gemeinden auf den Hintergrund der gesellschaftlichen Situation herausgearbeitet. Abschließend wird die Gesamtbotschaft des Lukas in Bezug auf die Witwenfrage f{\"u}r seine Gemeinden in der hellenistisch-r{\"o}mischen Gesellschaft noch einmal zusammenfassend dargestellt. Der neutestamentliche Autor Lukas m{\"o}chte mit seiner h{\"a}ufigen Erw{\"a}hnung von Witwen auf das Bed{\"u}rfnis dieser sozialen Gruppe hinweisen, die oft einer prek{\"a}ren Lage ausgesetzt ist und f{\"u}r die es im hellenistisch-r{\"o}mischen Umfeld keine besondere Aufmerksamkeit gibt, besonders wenn es sich um arme Witwen handelt. Im Gegensatz dazu kennt die biblische Tradition eine besondere F{\"u}rsorge f{\"u}r die Witwen. Lukas m{\"o}chte seine Gemeinden f{\"u}r diese biblisch-j{\"u}dische Tradition sensibilisieren, besonders da im christlichen Umfeld festgestellt wurde (Apg 6,1-7), dass diese F{\"u}rsorge und Sensibilit{\"a}t nicht automatisch in christliche Gemeinden Einzug gehalten hat. In dieser Hinsicht macht er durch seine Perikopen die Christen seiner Gemeinden auf die Problematik und Chancen des Witwendaseins aufmerksam.}, subject = {Bibel}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Eulert2002, author = {Eulert, Stephan}, title = {Die Behandlung von Gelenkfortsatzfrakturen des Unterkiefers}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-2949}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung war, die klinisch funktionellen, radiologischen und axiographischen Ergebnisse bei Kiefergelenkfortsatzfrakturen zu evaluieren. Hierzu wurden 164 Patienten mit insgesamt 202 Gelenkfortsatzfrakturen des Unterkiefers untersucht. Hierbei wurden fr{\"u}h-funktionelle, konservativ immobilisierende und operative Frakturversorgungen mittels Miniplatte oder W{\"u}rzburger Zugschrauben-Platte ber{\"u}cksichtigt. Die klinische Befunderhebung diente der Einstufung von Malokklusionen und der Einsch{\"a}tzung von Dysfunktionen. Die radiologischen Untersuchungen erm{\"o}glichten die Beurteilung der Fragmentabkippung, des erlittenen Vertikalverlust sowie der Remodellierungs- und Resorptionsvorg{\"a}nge von Gelenkfortsatz und Gelenkpfanne. Die axiographische Darstellung der Gelenkbewegungen wurden auf Limitationen der Protrusions- und Mediotrusionsbahnen und die Ver{\"a}nderungen der horizontalen Kondylenbahnneigung hin analysiert. Nach konservativer Behandlung zeigten sich bis zu 64,0 \% Malokklusioneen nach 10 Jahren und l{\"a}nger. Nach operativer Versorgung konnte in bis zu 13,3 \% der F{\"a}lle Malokklusionen gefunden werden. Die Auswertung der klinischen Befunde ergab, dass 7,4 \% der konservativ versorgten, 17,5 \% nach Miniplattenosteosynthese und 19,0 \% nach W{\"u}rzburger Zugschrauben-Platte eine „restitutio ad integrum" erzielten. Der Anteil schwerer Dysfunktionen lag nach konservativer Versorgung bei 19,8 \%, nach Miniplattenosteosynthese bei 7,9 \% und nach W{\"u}rzburger Zugschrauben-Platte bei 6,9 \%. Die radiologische Beurteilung der Fragmentachsen, der sekund{\"a}ren Fragmentabkippungen und des posttraumatischen Verlustes an vertikaler Ramush{\"o}he ergab deutliche Vorteile nach operativer Behandlung. Umbauvorg{\"a}nge im Bereich von Fossa und Eminentia articularis traten 3-fach h{\"a}ufiger nach konservativer als nach operativer Behandlung auf. 5,2 \% mit W{\"u}rzburger Zugschrauben-Platte und 7,9 \% mit Miniplatten stabilisierte Frakturen wiesen Resorptionen im Gelenkfortsatzbereich auf. Nach fr{\"u}h-funktioneller Behandlung lag deren Anteil bei 36,0 \%, beziehungsweise bei 67,9 \% nach immobilisierender Behandlung. Die axiographischen Aufzeichnungen ergaben 18,9 \% limitationsfreier Protrusionsbahnen nach konservativer Versorgung gegen{\"u}ber 48,8 \% nach Reposition und Osteosynthese. Hochgradige Limitationen traten bei bis zu 34,0 \% der konservativ behandelten F{\"a}lle auf. Im operativ versorgten Kollektiv liessen sich bis zu 12,2 \% hochgradige Limitationen nachweisen. Die Evaluation der horizontalen Kondylenbahnneigung zeigte bei 28,3 \% der konservativ versorgten Gelenke Abflachungen {\"u}ber 20°, wohingegen 7,3 \% nach Miniplattenosteosynthese und 4,9 \% nach W{\"u}rzburger Zugschrauben-Platte derartige Abflachungen vorwiesen. Zusammenfassend k{\"o}nnen folgende Indikationen zur operativen Versorgung best{\"a}tigt werden. Tiefe Gelenkfortsatzfrakturen mit Dislokation {\"u}ber 30° (Typ II) oder Luxation des kleinen Fragmentes (Typ IV), hohe Gelenkfortsatzfrakturen mit Dislokation (Typ III) bei insuffizienter St{\"u}tzzone, zahnlosen Kiefern und doppelseitigen Gelenkfortsatzfrakturen, Luxationsfrakturen des Gelenkfortsatzes eventuell mit Interposition von Weichgewebe (Typ IV + V), dislozierte Kondylusfrakturen mit weiteren Unterkiefer- oder Mittelgesichtsfrakturen. Die im Studienkollektiv nachgewiesenen Regenerationsreserven bei Patienten j{\"u}nger als 12 Jahre belegen den Ausnahmecharakter der operativen Versorgung im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Trotz schlechterer Ausgangssituation besonders bei dislozierten und luxierten Gelenkfortsatzfrakturen k{\"o}nnen mittels operativer Versorgung bessere klinisch funktionelle, radiologische und axiographische Ergebnisse erzielt werden. Die W{\"u}rzburger Zugschrauben-Platte erm{\"o}glicht eine suffiziente Versorgung der Frakturen im Gelenkfortsatzbereich und vereint hierbei die Vorteile der Miniplatte mit denen der Zugschraube. Sie hat sich dadurch als wertvolle Erg{\"a}nzung bestehender Osteosyntheseverfahren besonders in der Stabilisierung hoher und luxierter Kollumfrakturen durchgesetzt.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Backhaus2016, author = {Backhaus, Philipp}, title = {Effects of Transgenic Expression of Botulinum Toxins in Drosophila}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-143279}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Clostridial neurotoxins (botulinum toxins and tetanus toxin) disrupt neurotransmitter release by cleaving neuronal SNARE proteins. We generated transgenic flies allowing for conditional expression of different botulinum toxins and evaluated their potential as tools for the analysis of synaptic and neuronal network function in Drosophila melanogaster by applying biochemical assays and behavioral analysis. On the biochemical level, cleavage assays in cultured Drosophila S2 cells were performed and the cleavage efficiency was assessed via western blot analysis. We found that each botulinum toxin cleaves its Drosophila SNARE substrate but with variable efficiency. To investigate the cleavage efficiency in vivo, we examined lethality, larval peristaltic movements and vision dependent motion behavior of adult Drosophila after tissue-specific conditional botulinum toxin expression. Our results show that botulinum toxin type B and botulinum toxin type C represent effective alternatives to established transgenic effectors, i.e. tetanus toxin, interfering with neuronal and non-neuronal cell function in Drosophila and constitute valuable tools for the analysis of synaptic and network function.}, subject = {Botulinustoxin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vyalkova2022, author = {Vyalkova, Anna}, title = {Efficacy of approved Smallpox Vaccines in Human and Canine Cancer Therapy: Adipose - tissue derived Stem Cells (ADSC) take up VACV and serve as a protective vehicle for virus delivery to tumors}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25345}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-253457}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Cancer is one of the major causes of mortality in developed countries. In 2020, there were more than 19.3 million new cases of tumor malignancies worldwide, with more than 10 million deaths. The high rates of cancer cases and mortality necessitate extensive research and the development of novel cancer treatments and antitumor agents. In most cases, conventional treatment strategies for tumor therapy are based on chemotherapeutic treatment, which is supplemented with radiotherapy and/or surgical resection of solid tumors [1]. The use of chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer has significant side effects, the most dangerous of which is toxicity [2] [3]. Modern methods of treating tumors focus on specific drug delivery to the tumor site, actively targeting the tumor cells, as well as the reduction of side effects. One of the most promising current approaches is based on oncolytic viruses. Antitumor properties of viruses were documented at the beginning of the 20th century when some cancer patients recovered after acute viral infections, particularly influenza [4]. Vaccinia virus (VACV) is a member of the Poxviridae family, has natural antitumor properties, and provides a good basis for generating efficient recombinant oncolytic strains. Furthermore, VACV has never been shown to integrate into the host genome [5]. VACV is likely one of the safest and well-studied viruses due to extensive research being done in molecular biology and pathophysiology to investigate its potential as a vaccine for smallpox eradication programs. It has been administered to over 200 million people worldwide. VACV antitumor therapeutic effectiveness has been established in xenograft models with a variety of tumor types for human and canine cancers. Furthermore, recombinant oncolytic VACVs expressing genes encoding light-emitting proteins are a big improvement in a treatment strategy that combines tumor-specific therapies and diagnostics. Oncolytic virus treatments are effective in xenograft cancer models in mice, however, the significant improvements found in mice do not always translate to human cancer patients. These therapies should be tested in dogs with spontaneous cancer not only to offer well translatable information regarding the possible efficiency of viral therapy for human cancers but also to improve the health of our household pets as well. Spontaneous canine tumors are starting to be regarded as an essential model of human cancers that can reproduce the tumor microenvironment and immune response of cancer patients [6]. Just as data obtained in dog experiments can improve cancer therapy for human patients, these findings can also be used to improve treatment protocols in canine patients. Hundreds of studies and dozens of reviews have been published regarding the antitumor effects of various recombinants of VACV, but information on the anticancer features of initial, genetically-unmodified "na{\"i}ve" VACV is still limited. In the first studies, we compared different wild-type, non-modified strains of VACV and tested their oncolytic properties on a panel of various cancer cells derived from different organs. In addition, we also tested a protection system based on the "Trojan horse" concept - using a combination of human Adipose tissue-derived Stem Cells (hADSC) and three different wild-type single plaque purified Vaccinia virus strains: W1, L1, and T1. We showed that all tested human cell lines (FaDu, MDA MB 231, HNT-13, HNT-35, and PC-3) are permissive to L0, W0, T0, L1, W1, and L1 infection. Furthermore, we tested the cytotoxicity of VACV in different cancer cell lines (A549, PC-3, MDA-MB 231, FaDu, HNT-13, HNT-25, and HNT-35). All strains lysed the cells, which was most visible at 96 hpi. We also showed that all tested strains could efficiently infect and multiply in hADSC at a high level. In our in vivo study, we tested the therapeutic efficacy of the wild-type Vaccinia viruses L1, W1, and T1 alone or in combination with hADSC. Wild-type VACV strains were tested for their oncolytic efficiency in human lung adenocarcinoma (A549) in a xenograft model. Treatment of A549 tumors with different doses of L1 and W1 as well as with a L1/ADSC or W1/ADSC combination led to significant tumor regression compared to the PBS control. Additionally, the treatment with L1 and W1 and the combination of L1/ADSC and W1/ADSC was well tolerated by the animals. In the case of the wild-type Tian Tan strain, results were not obtained due to the high cytotoxicity of this strain. Therefore, it should be attenuated for further studies. In the second part of the current study, we investigated the oncolytic effect of C1-opt1, W1 opt1, and L3-opt1 strains based on the wild-type Copenhagen, Wyeth, and Lister vaccines with additional expression of turboFP635. Replication and cytotoxicity assays demonstrated that all 3 viruses were able to infect, replicate in and kill canine tumor cell lines STSA-1 and CT1258 in a virus dose- and time- dependent fashion. Cytotoxicity and replication assays were also performed on cultured canine Adipose-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (cAdMSC). The results showed that the cells were lysed much slower than the tumor cells. It suggests that these cells can harbour the virus for a long-term period, allowing the virus to spread into the body and there is enough time to reach the primary tumor or metastases before the cell carrier is destroyed. The viral replication in cAdMSC in our study was lower than in canine cancer cells (STSA-1 and CT1258) at the same MOI. After being studied in cell culture, C1 opt1 and their combination with cAdMSC (C1-opt1/cAdMSC) were used in canine STSA 1 tumor bearing nude mice. We tested the oncolytic effect of the C1-opt1 virus alone and in combination with cAdMSC in the canine STSA-1 xenograft mouse model. Altogether, our findings have shown that both C1-opt1 and cAdMSC/C1-opt1 significantly reduced tumor size or eliminated the tumor. There was no significant difference between C1-opt1 alone and cAdMSC/C1-opt1. The virus particles were mostly found within the tumor after 24 dpi, some amount of virus particles were found in the lungs of mice injected with a combination of cAdMSC/C1-opt1 but not in the group injected with virus alone (cAdMSC might get stuck in the lungs and cause virus propagation there). Taken together, this study provided a proof-of-concept that hADSC/cAdMSC can be used as a carrier system for the "Trojan horse" concept. However, it should be confirmed in another experimental model system, such as canine patients. Moreover, these findings suggest that wild-type, non-modified strains of Vaccinia virus isolates can be considered promising candidates for oncolytic virotherapy, especially in combination with mesenchymal stem cells.}, subject = {ADSC}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hartel2013, author = {Hartel, Andreas J. W.}, title = {Die laterale Diffusion des variablen Oberfl{\"a}chenglykoproteins in Trypanosomen und in artifiziellen Membranen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-90997}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Die Diffusion von Membranproteinen spielt bei einer Vielzahl von zellbiologischen Prozessen eine zentrale Rolle. So hat die Beweglichkeit von Glykosyl-Phosphatidyl-Inositol-(GPI-) verankerten Proteinen zum Beispiel eine tragende Funktion bei der Alzheimer Krankheit, der Creutzfeldt-Jacob Krankheit und der Afrikanischen Schlafkrankheit. Der Erreger der Afrikanischen Schlafkrankheit, Trypanosoma brucei spec., pr{\"a}sentiert auf seiner Zelloberfl{\"a}che einen dichten Mantel aus identischen GPI-verankerten Proteinen. Diese sogenannten Variant Surface Glycoproteins (VSGs) stellen den zentralen Pathogenit{\"a}tsfaktor der Trypanosomen im Blutstrom des Wirtes dar und erm{\"o}glichen dem Parasiten die Antigene Variation. W{\"a}hrend der Antigenen Variation wird der VSGMantel durch einen immunologisch distinkten Mantel ersetzt. Hierf{\"u}r ist die Diffusion der VSG essentiell. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Diffusion des VSG in lebenden Trypanosomen und in artifiziellen Membranen systematisch untersucht. Auf diese Weise werden der Einfluss der lateralen Proteindichte, der N-Glykosylierung und der Proteingr{\"o}ße auf die Diffusion der GPI-verankerten Proteine charakterisiert. Die Mobilit{\"a}t des VSG auf lebenden Trypanosomen ist an der Grenze zu einem Diffusionsschwellenwert, dieser wird allerdings nicht {\"u}berschritten. Die Mobilit{\"a}t des VSG in der N{\"a}he des Diffusionsschwellenwertes wird durch die N-Glykosylierung der VSG erm{\"o}glicht. Außerdem kann gezeigt werden, dass die Gr{\"o}ße der Proteine einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf den Diffusionskoeffizienten der GPI-verankerten Proteine aus{\"u}bt. Zusammengefasst zeigen die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit deutlich, dass der VSG-Mantel der Trypanosomen ein, an seine Anforderungen, hoch-adaptiertes System darstellt. W{\"u}rde entweder die laterale Dichte, die N-Glykosylierung oder die Gr{\"o}ße der Proteine beeintr{\"a}chtigt werden, so w{\"a}re die Funktion der Antigenen Variation gest{\"o}rt und die Pathogenit{\"a}t des Parasiten gef{\"a}hrdet. Da die lokale Verteilung von GPI-verankerten Proteinen in biologischen Membranen ein wichtiges funktionelles Konzept darstellt, ist der Einfluss der untersuchten Faktoren nicht nur f{\"u}r den VSG-Mantel relevant, sondern kann auch f{\"u}r das generelle Verst{\"a}ndnis der Dynamik von Proteinen in zellul{\"a}ren Membranen dienen.}, subject = {Trypanosomen}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hofmann2023, author = {Hofmann, Julian}, title = {Synthesis of Sterubin, Flavonoid Hybrids, and Curcumin Bioisosteres and Characterization of their Neuroprotective Effects}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-26664}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-266641}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Alzheimer´s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease and the most common form of dementia with still no preventive or curative treatment. Besides several risk factors, age is one of the major risks for AD and with an aging society, there is an urgent need for disease modifying agents. The strategy to address only one target within the intertwined network of AD failed so far. Natural products especially the phytochemical flavonoids, which are poly-phenolic natural products, have shown great potential as disease modifying agents against neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer´s disease (AD) with activities even in vivo. Flavonoids are produced by many plants and the native Californian plant Eriodictyon californicum is particularly rich in flavonoids. One of the major flavonoids of E. californicum is sterubin, a very potent agent against oxidative stress and inflammation, two hallmarks and drivers of AD and neurodegeneration. Herein, racemic sterubin was synthesized and separated into its pure (R)- and (S)-enantiomer by chiral HPLC. The pure enantiomers showed comparable neuroprotection in vitro with no significant differences. The stereoisomers were configurationally stable in methanol, but fast racemization was observed in culture medium. Moreover, the activity of sterubin was investigated in vivo, in an AD mouse model. Sterubin showed a significant positive impact on short- and long-term memory at low dosages. A promising concept for the increase of activity of single flavonoids is hybridization with aromatic acids like cinnamic or ferulic acids. Hybridization of the natural products taxifolin and silibinin with cinnamic acid led to an overadditive effect of these compounds in phenotypic screening assays related to neurodegeneration and AD. Because there are more potent agents as taxifolin or silibinin, the hybrids were further developed, and different flavonoid cinnamic acid hybrids were synthesized. The connection between flavonoids and cinnamic acid was achieved by an amide instead of a labile ester to improve the stability towards hydrolysis to gain better "druggability" of the compounds. To investigate the oxidation state of the C-ring of the flavonoid part, the dehydro analogues of the respective hybrids were also synthesized. The compounds show neuroprotection against oxytosis, ferroptosis and ATP-depletion in the murine hippocampal cell line HT22. While no overall trend within the flavanones compared to the flavones could be assigned, the taxifolin and the quercetin derivative were the most active compounds in course of all assays. The quercetin derivate even shows greater activity than the taxifolin derivate in every assay. As desired no hydrolysis product was found in cellular uptake experiments after 4h, whereas different metabolites were found. The last part of this work focused on synthetic bioisoteres of the natural product curcumin. Due to the drawbacks of curcumin and flavonoids arising from poor pharmacokinetics, rapid metabolism and sometimes instability in aqueous medium, we have examined the biological activity of azobenzene compounds designed as bioisoteres of curcumin, carrying the pharmacophoric catechol group of flavonoids. These bioisosteres exceeded their parent compounds in counteracting intracellular oxidative stress, neuroinflammation and amyloid-beta aggregation. By incorporating an azobenzene moiety and the isosteric behaviour to the natural parent compounds, these compounds may act as molecular tools for further investigation towards the molecular mode of action of natural products.}, subject = {Organische Synthese}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schoeppler2012, author = {Sch{\"o}ppler, Friedrich Eugen}, title = {Photolumineszenzmikroskopie und-spektroskopie halbleitender Kohlenstoffnanor{\"o}hren}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-73329}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation wurden optische Eigenschaften von halbleitenden, einwandigen Kohlenstoffnanor{\"o}hren (SWNTs) der (6,5)-Chiralit{\"a}t untersucht. Dies gelang durch Ensemblemessungen aber vor allem durch den Aufbau eines Mikroskops zur Messung an einzelnen SWNTs. Dieses Einzel- SWNT-Mikroskop erm{\"o}glichte nebst „normaler" Bildgebung durch Sammlung und Abbildung der nahinfraroten Photolumineszenz (PL) der (6,5)-SWNTs auch die spektral- und zeitaufgel{\"o}ste Untersuchung der PL. Durch Verwendung von Dichtegradientenultrazentrifugation (DGU) zur chiralen Aufreinigung des SWNT-Rohmaterials konnten alle Messungen unter Minimierung des st{\"o}renden Einflusses von Aggregaten oder SWNTs anderer Chiralit{\"a}t durchgef{\"u}hrt werden. Untersucht und bestimmt wurde der Absorptionsquerschnitt und die Exzitonengr{\"o}ße, die PL-Eigenschaften aggregierter SWNTs und der Einfluß der Permittivit{\"a}t auf die PL einzelner SWNTs.}, subject = {Mikroskopie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Buettner2013, author = {B{\"u}ttner, Tobias}, title = {Totalsynthese mono- und dimerer Naphthylisochinolin-Alkaloide sowie Isolierung acetogeniner Sekund{\"a}rmetabolite aus Wurzelkulturen von Triphyophyllum peltatum}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-77371}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Die pal{\"a}otropischen Pflanzenfamilien der Ancistrocladaceae und Dioncophyllaceae sind die bisher einzig bekannten Produzenten von Naphthylisochinolin-Alkaloiden. Diese spezielle Klasse acetogeniner Sekund{\"a}rmetabolite weist durch die verschiedenen Kupplungspositionen der beiden namensgebenden Molek{\"u}lbausteine eine breite strukturelle Diversit{\"a}t auf und zeichnet sich durch vielf{\"a}ltige pharmakologische Wirksamkeiten, z.B. antiplasmodiale, antileishmaniale oder antitrypanosomale Aktivit{\"a}ten, aus. Zur Synthese dieser Naturstoffe wurde im Arbeitskreis Bringmann eigens eine Methodik entwickelt, das Lacton -Konzept. Diese Methode erlaubt durch eine Vorfixierung der beiden Molek{\"u}lh{\"a}lften durch eine Esterbr{\"u}cke, anschließender intramolekularer Kupplungsreaktion und der stereoselektiven {\"O}ffnung des erhaltenen Lactons den atropselektiven Aufbau der Naphthylisochinoline. Als Ziele dieser Arbeit ergaben sich somit die Synthese pharmakologisch und strukturell interessanter Naphthylisochinolin-Alkaloide mittels des Lacton-Konzepts sowie die Isolierung und Strukturaufkl{\"a}rung weiterer Sekund{\"a}rmetabolite aus Triphyophyllum peltatum (Dioncophyllaceae), welche anschließend auf ihre Bioaktivit{\"a}t hin untersucht werden sollten, um potenziell neue Leitstrukturen f{\"u}r neue Wirkstoffe zu finden.}, subject = {Naphthylisochinolinalkaloide}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{SanchezNaya2023, author = {S{\´a}nchez Naya, Roberto}, title = {Synthesis and Characterization of Dye-Containing Covalent Organic Frameworks}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28899}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-288996}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The present thesis adress the synthesis and characterization of novel COFs that contain dye molecules as integral components of the organic backbone. These chromophore-containing frameworks open new research lines in the field and call for the exploration of applications such as catalysis, sensing, or in optoelectronic devices. Initially, the fabrication of organic-inorganic composites by the growth of DPP TAPP COF around functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles is reported. By varying the ratio between inorganic nanoparticles and organic COFs, optoelectronic properties of the materials are adjusted. The document also reports the synthesis of a novel boron dipyrromethene-containing (BODIPY) COF. Synthesis, full characterization and the scope of potential applications with a focus on environmental remediation are discussed in detail. Last, a novel diketopyrrolopyrrole-containing (DPP) DPP-Py-COF based on the combination of DDP and pyrene building blocks is presented. The very low bandgap of these materials and initial investigations on the photosensitizing properties are discussed.}, subject = {Organische Chemie}, language = {en} }