@phdthesis{Stark2022, author = {Stark, Sebastian}, title = {Die Architektur des Kodex: Flexionsmorphologische Varianten in DaF-/DaM-Grammatiken und ihr Verh{\"a}ltnis zum grammatikographischen Textnetz}, edition = {1. Auflage}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-95826-188-4}, doi = {10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-189-1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-252978}, school = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, pages = {XXIII, 440}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Der Umstand, dass Grammatikschriften miteinander in mannigfaltigen Beziehungen stehen und durch die Auseinandersetzung mit vorangegangenen sprachbeschreibenden Werken wirkm{\"a}chtige Traditionslinien ausbilden, geh{\"o}rt seit Jahrhunderten zu den von Verfasserinnen und Verfassern solcher Texte gerne aufgegriffenen Gemeinpl{\"a}tzen. W{\"a}hrend Wechselbeziehungen auf theoretischer Ebene (etwa im Zuge der Frage nach der Evolution verschiedener Grammatikmodelle) regelm{\"a}ßig zum Gegenstand meta-grammatikographisch angelegter germanistischer Forschung werden, wurde das breite Feld der in den Texten herangezogenen Sprachbeispiele sowie des zugeh{\"o}rigen Bewertungsvokabulars bisher nur selten daf{\"u}r verwendet, die Tiefe der Verflechtungen zwischen einzelnen Grammatiktexten auszuloten und die materielle Gestalt entsprechender Traditionen zu eruieren. Noch seltener gerieten dabei Impulse aus dem Bereich des Deutschen als Fremdsprache in den Fokus. Die vorliegende Arbeit, deren Fundament ein umfangreiches Korpus einschl{\"a}giger deutsch- sowie englischsprachiger Grammatiktexte der deutschen Sprache bildet, hat vor diesem Hintergrund ein zweifaches Erkenntnisinteresse: Zum einen macht sie sich - im Sinne variationslinguistischer Grundlagenforschung - zur Aufgabe, den Umgang mit Varianten in der germanistischen Grammatikographie zwischen 1958 und 2015 mit den Mitteln computergest{\"u}tzter qualitativer Datenanalyse zu skizzieren. Zum anderen wird versucht, anhand dieser Wissensbest{\"a}nde intertextuelle Verweisstrukturen zu rekonstruieren, um so einen tieferen Einblick in die historische Genese dessen zu gewinnen, was als deutscher Grammatikkodex bezeichnet werden k{\"o}nnte. Dabei deutet sich nicht zuletzt an, dass einzelne englischsprachige Publikationen stark am grammatikographischen Diskurs partizipieren und das engmaschige Textnetz gerade zu Beginn des Untersuchungszeitraums von pr{\"a}gnanten Impulsen aus dem fremdsprachlichen Raum profitiert.}, subject = {Morphologie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Pfeiffer2007, author = {Pfeiffer, Ute}, title = {Untersuchungen zu den Anf{\"a}ngen der p{\"a}pstlichen Delegationsgerichtsbarkeit im 13. Jahrhundert. Edition und diplomatisch-kanonistische Auswertung zweier Vorl{\"a}ufersammlungen der Vulgataredaktion des Formularium audientie litterarum contradictarum}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-27753}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Papsturkunde}, language = {de} } @book{Alpermann2021, author = {Alpermann, Bj{\"o}rn}, title = {Xinjiang - China und die Uiguren}, edition = {1}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-95826-162-4}, doi = {10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-163-1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-244128}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, pages = {VI, 262}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die Situation in Chinas nordwestlicher Region Xinjiang hat in den letzten Jahren zunehmende internationale Aufmerksamkeit erfahren. Berichte {\"u}ber Masseninternierungen von Uiguren und anderen ethnischen Gruppen in Umerziehungslagern, Zwangsarbeit, Zwangssterilisation und weitere Menschenrechtsverletzungen beherrschen die Schlagzeilen und belasten die Beziehungen zwischen China und seinen Kritikern. Die chinesische Regierung rechtfertigt ihr Vorgehen hingegen als Kampf gegen Terrorismus, islamistischen Extremismus und ethnischen Separatismus. „Xinjiang - China und die Uiguren" pr{\"a}sentiert erstmalig in deutscher Sprache eine tiefergehende wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit diesem kontroversen Thema. Pr{\"a}gnant und anschaulich f{\"u}hrt der erste Teil des Buchs in die komplexe Geschichte der Region ein. Der zweite Teil stellt die Entwicklungen im 21. Jahrhundert dar. Hierbei zeigt sich ein facettenreiches Bild der sozio{\"o}konomischen Entwicklung, der ethnischen Identit{\"a}t sowie der Sprach- und Religionspolitik. Der dritte Teil hinterfragt die g{\"a}ngigen Deutungen des Xinjiang-Konflikts, analysiert Proteste und Terrorismus ebenso wie die staatlichen Repressionsmaßnahmen und die internationale Dimension der Auseinandersetzung. Quellennah, basierend auf den Ergebnissen der neuesten Forschung und in einem unaufgeregten Ton vermittelt „Xinjiang - China und die Uiguren" ein ausgewogenes Bild der aktuellen Konflikte.}, subject = {Sinkiang}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{CastilloCajas2020, author = {Castillo Cajas, Ruth}, title = {Evolution and diversity of cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of cuckoo wasps}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17341}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-173418}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) abound on the surface of arthropods. In spite of their simple structure (molecules of carbon and hydrogen atoms), they provide pivotal functions in insects: their hydrophobic properties confer the insects a means to regulate water balance and avoid desiccation, whereas their diversity has enhanced their use as signals and cues in a wide range of communication and recognition processes. Although the study of CHC in insects over the past two decades has provided great insight into the wide range of functions they play, there is still a gap in understanding how they diversify and evolve. In this thesis, I have used members of the family Chrysididae to explore patterns of diversification of CHC. Most of the species of cuckoo wasps in this study are specialized parasitoids or kleptoparasites of mainly solitary hymenopteran hosts. Other hosts of the family include butterflies or stick insects. Cuckoo wasps are a particular interesting model to study the evolution of cuticular hydrocarbons because of their chemical adaptations that allow them to remain unrecognized by their hosts. Chemical insignificance (the reduction of the total amount of CHC on the cuticle) and chemical mimicry (the de novo production of CHC profiles resembling those of their female host) have been described in some representatives of the family and unpublished evidence suggests chemical deception is widespread in Chrysididae (Chapter 2). Nonetheless, to trace the evolution of any trait of interest, a reliable phylogenetic reconstruction of the family is required. Therefore, the first study of this thesis constitutes the largest and to-date most reliable phylogenetic reconstruction of the family Chrysididae, which includes representatives of 186 species of cuckoo wasps. While the results of this phylogenetic reconstruction are consistent with previous ideas on the relationships of subfamilies and tribes, it shows the existence of several non-monophyletic genera (Chapter 3). CHC are involved in intraspecific recognition, often acting as contact sex pheromones. Nevertheless, it is not yet understood to what extent CHC profiles differ between the two sexes and whether some compound classes are more prevalent in one or the other sex. So far, no comparison of CHC profiles of males and females has been done for more than a dozen of related species. In Chapter 4, I describe and compare CHC profiles of females and males of 58 species of cuckoo wasps in order to evaluate whether and to what extent CHC profiles of these species differ between the sexes. I demonstrated that CHC profiles of cuckoo wasps are frequently (more than 90\% of the species analyzed) and strongly dimorphic (both sexes of a given species tend to produce very different CHC compounds). Methyl-branched compounds tend to be more prevalent in males (especially dimethyl-branched compounds) and unsaturated compounds prevail in females. Moreover, a sex-specific pattern in the distribution of the double bond position of alkenes was evident: internal double bond positions (> 11) occur predominantly in males, whereas alkenes with the doubl{\´e} bond at position 9 were more abundant and frequent in females (Chapter4). In Chapter5, I investigated how CHC profiles of cuckoo wasps differ across species. Are CHC profiles of cuckoo wasps species-specific, enabling their use as cues for species recognition? How do CHC profiles resemble phylogenetic relatedness? In Chapter 5, I try to answer these questions by comparing CHC profiles of 59 species of cuckoo wasps. CHC profiles of cuckoo wasps are shown to be species (and sex-) specific. I show that CHC profiles are useful as a complementary tool to help delimiting taxonomically difficult sibling species. Moreover, the evaluation of CHC profiles of five commonly occurring species within a genus, showed little or no geographical variation. However, CHC profiles of closely related species may differ strongly among each other, not being useful to track the evolutionary history of species (Chapter 5). Sexual selection is generally credited for generating striking sexual dimorphism by causing changes in male traits. Most often, sexual selection has a stronger effect on males, who compete for access to and may be selected by females, thus male traits may rapidly evolve. Nevertheless, in cuckoo wasps, it appears that it is the female sex the one evolving faster changes, with females of very closely related species showing extremely divergent profiles. One plausible reason for this disparity is that natural selection acting on female's CHC profiles may be stronger than sexual selection on males (Chapter 6). Since females of cuckoo wasps are most probably engaged in an evolutionary arms race with their female hosts, CHC profiles of female cuckoo wasps are likely rapidly evolving, thus explaining part of the strong observed sexual dimorphism of CHC (Chapter 6). In fact, Chapter 7 shows evidence of a possible ongoing evolutionary arms race between five cuckoo wasps of the genus Hedychrum and their hosts. Hedychrum species parasitize either Coleoptera-hunting or Hymenoptera-hunting digger wasps. Since the coleopteran prey of the former digger wasps is naturally better protected against fungus infestation, these wasps do not embalm their prey with alkene-enriched secretions as do the Hymenoptera-hunting digger wasps. Thus, Coleoptera-hunting digger wasps can apparently diversify their profiles to escape chemical mimicry. Interestingly, only female cuckoo wasps of these hosts have started producing the same compound classes and even the same CHC compounds as those of their hosts. Male cuckoo wasps, however retain an alkene-enriched CHC profile that reflects the molecular phylogeny of the genus (Chapter 7). Whereas, a larger number of parasite-host comparisons may be needed to further conclude that an arms race between cuckoo wasps and their hosts is capable of generating sexual dimorphism of cuckoo wasps, this thesis constitutes the first effort towards this, providing a starting point for further studies. Finally, I provide some methodological tools that may help in speeding up the sometimes cumbersome process of analyzing and identifying CHC profiles. One of the most time-demanding steps in the processing of CHC data is the alignment of CHC chromatograms. This process is often done manually, because alignment programs are mostly designed for metabolomics or are just recently being developed. I analyzed CHC profiles using a combined approach with two freely available programs. I used AMDIS (Automated Mass Spectral Deconvolution and Identification System, http://chemdata.nist.gov/mass-spc/amdis/) to deconvolute and automatically identify all CHC of interest present in a chromatogram. I then developed a series of R scripts to correct for potential, unavoidable errors while processing CHC chromatograms with AMDIS. Chapter 8 explains this procedure. In the next chapter, I developed a program that helps in the identification of one commonly occurring class of hydrocarbons. The limited number of linear alkanes (only one per carbon atom) and their characteristic diagnostic ion allows a rapid and unambigous identification of these substances. In opposition, unsaturated and methyl-branched compounds are more difficult to identify, as a result of the much larger diversity of existing compounds. To identify unsaturated compounds a derivatization is necessary to determine the position of the double bond. Methyl-branched alkanes, however can be identified from the original chromatogram if their diagnostic ions are known. Nonetheless, polymethyl-branched alkanes (e.g., compounds with two or more methyl groups along the chain) are often difficult to identify, because they may appear in mixes (e.g., 3,7 diMeC27 and 3,9 diMeC27), and tables containing the diagnostic ions are not easily available. Therefore, I developed a program that creates a table with all possiblemethyl-branched compounds containing up to 4 methyl groups, and that provides their diagnostic ions and a calculated retention index. This may allow a much faster identification of the methyl-branched compound a researcher is dealing with, without having to lose time in the tedious calculations by hand. The program is able to correctly identify, or at least, greatly reduce the number of possible options for the identification of an unknown methyl-branched compound. Thus, using this tool, most methyl-branched compounds can be readily identified (Chapter 9). This thesis ends with a general discussion (Chapter 10). Overall, this work provides a comprehensive overview of the diversity of cuticular hydrocarbons of cuckoo wasps. The analyses presented here shed light on the emergence and evolution of interspecific diversity and intraspecific sexual dimorphism of CHC profiles. In addition, two technical methods have been developed that could greatly facilitate the CHC analysis of insects.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kempf2000, author = {Kempf, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Klimageomorphologische Studien in Zentral-Namibia: Ein Beitrag zur Morpho-, Pedo- und {\"O}kogenese}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5325}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Es werden die Ergebnisse mehrj{\"a}hriger geomorphologische, pedologischer und {\"o}kologischer Feldaufnahmen in Namibia vorgestellt. Der Schwerpunkt der Betrachtung lag auf einem West-Ost-Transekt im zentralen Drittel des Landes zwischen dem s{\"u}dlichen Wendekreis und der Etosha-Region. Das Transekt beschreibt einen klima-geomorphologischen {\"U}bergang vom namibischen Schelf, {\"u}ber das Litoral, die Namib-Rumpffl{\"a}che, das Randstufenvorland mit dem Escarpment und das Hochland mit dem Windhoek-Okahandja-Becken bis zu den ausgedehnten Kontinentalbecken der Kalahari. Schelf, Randstufenvorland, Becken und Kalahari stellen dabei potentielle Akkumulationslandschaften, dar, Hochland und Namib-Fl{\"a}che die zugeh{\"o}rigen Abtragungslandschaften. Der geomorphologische Formenschatz der Akkumulations- und Abtragungslandschaften wurde ebenso analytisch beschrieben, wie die landschafts{\"o}kologische Grundausstattung, v. a. B{\"o}den und Vegetation. Die jeweils ablaufenden Prozesse und Prozesskombinationen wurden mit klimatischen Daten in einem {\"O}kosystemmodell verkn{\"u}pft. Mit Hilfe dieses Modells wurden geomorphologische Reliktformen verschiedener Zeitalter im landschaftlichen Zusammenhang {\"o}kogenetisch interpretiert und ein historischer Ablauf der Milieugeschichte seit dem Endterti{\"a}r rekonstruiert. Unterst{\"u}tzend wurden Proxydaten, v. a. pal{\"a}o{\"o}kologische und geoarch{\"a}ologische herangezogen.}, subject = {Zentralnamibia}, language = {de} }